NuYou Magazine March 2010

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Publisher Staff

Letter From The

PUBLISHER - Paul Allen

Welcome to the month of March! This is a great month to live in the Tampa Bay area. The weather starts to get warmer, the flowers start to bloom, spring training baseball is here and St.Patrick’s Day happens on 3/17. I love going to a baseball game, sitting in the stands, chomping on a hot dog and watching the “boys of summer” get ready for another season. Our area features numerous big league teams including: The Toronto Blue Jays who play in Dunedin, The Philadelphia Phillies who call Clearwater home, The Detroit Tigers who play in Lakeland and the world champion New York Yankees who play in Tampa. There are also a handful of teams within an hour or two drive. If you haven’t taken a day off to watch a game in the past few years, do yourself a favor and enjoy one of the reason’s we call Tampa Bay paradise! How cool is it that we have Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio on our cover ????? She is such an interesting, friendly and intelligent lady that sometimes I wonder how she went into politics for a living! Ok, ok I know that wasn’t a nice thing to say .... but she is a fantastic person and I just can’t make that statement about many politicians. I honestly feel that she has been a great Mayor and the City of Tampa will be hard pressed to find an equal when she steps down. I am a huge Pam Iorio fan and I am proud to have her grace our cover! I want to let people know that Mr. Greg Snow is no longer affiliated with NuYou Magazine. I also want to wish everybody a very happy St. Patrick’s Day and even if you’re not Irish, make sure you wear something green on March 17th. If you don’t, you are opening yourself up for a “pinch” or two by somebody who has green in their wardrobe. Have a great day (and a great month), but please party responsibly!

Paul Allen

Board of Advisers - Sr. Columnist: Dr. Bart Rademaker Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and Medical Director of Rejuva Center for Plastic Surgery and Med Spa

COLUMNISTS: Paul Allen • Tracy Allen Jay Burnett - Fashion Editor Jeffery “Jack” Gordon - Legal Eagle Deeno • Chef Alfie • Ro Martinez Debi Cianci • Jessica Hope • Erika Dawn • Ashleigh Gass • Christopher Clarke

MARKETING / SALES: Nancy Verzi - 727-403-0003 Debi Cianci - 727-919-1743 Dino Vegas - 727-916-2677

STAFF PHOTOGRAPHY: Jack Watson Paul Allen

DESIGN: Tracy Allen • Rori Miller • Erica Thomas

DISTRIBUTION: Al Swetay CVS Distribution by Distributech

nuYou Magazine TM

850 Dunbar Avenue • Oldsmar, FL 34677 (813) 814-1505 - office (813) 814-1256 - fax © 2010 NuYou Magazine is published monthly by PAC Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. There should be no reproduction of content without publisher’s expressed written consent. Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors in ads beyond the cost of space occupied by the error; any slandering of an individual, business or group as we mean no malice or individual criticism at any time; any promises, claims, coupons or lack of fulfillment from advertisers who are solely responsible for content in their ads; any incorrect information found in any editorial content. Publisher is also to be held harmless from: failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond their control; all suits, claims or loss of expenses; this includes, but is not limited to, suits for libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement and/or unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph or company name or logo. Publisher does not promote excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Any information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your health-care professional regarding matters relating to personal health. Publisher does not necessarily endorse the views and opinions expressed in articles and advertisements.


March 2010


Magazine 6

6 HEALTH & FITNESS Staying Fit & Taking Care of Your Body

7 The Luck of Your Health by Dr. Bart Rademaker 9 Contour Your Body by Dr. Bart Rademaker 10 Injury Prevention 101 by Ashleigh Gass 12 Mayor Pam Iorio Cover Story by Paul Allen 14 Healthy Tips! 15

16 18 19 20

FASHION Clothing & Accessories - From Head To Toe!

22 24

How to Dress for Spring Weddings by Jay Burnett

How to Easily Get Ready for Spring Fashion at an Affordable Price by Jay Burnett


March “Spring” Fashions by Deeno


FOOD & NUTRITION You Are What You Eat! Ask Chef Alfie Feature Recipe by Tracy Allen Restaurant Guide

27 28 30


HARMONY Wellness of Mind & Spirit

34 36 37 38

Easy Meditation by Jessica Hope



BEAUTY Hair, Skin and Cosmetics Love is in the Hair by Debi Cianci The Legal Eagle by Jeffrey “Jack” Gordon Massage Therapy by Christopher Clarke How to be Beautiful by Dr. Bart Rademaker


March 2010




Ask Erika Ro Martinez - Modeling at Any Age Horoscopes

• March 2010

THE LUCK oF YoUR HEALTH Just how the popular term: “luck of the Irish” can be used in two different ways – so can the luck of your health be told. Truth is, early in American history – a very large number of Irish were lucky in finding gold and silver and so happily – the Irish were lucky. So is our health if we dedicate the right intention and activities to maintain it properly. Nothing is more obvious to any of us, but certainly far from our usual practice. We all have too many bad habits from eating too much food, to foods ladened with bad fats, lack of physical activity, insufficient sleep, too much stress and environmental toxins. Generally speaking – it all seems too overwhelming and difficult for us to tackle or even not seemingly important enough at your stage of life. Well just imagine the people around who are sick in the hospital, who are undergoing surgery or simply the elderly that can not function on their own. Now imagine that is yourself and that you can not afford the medical services simply because you can not afford it anymore – what then? Over 50% of individual bankruptcies are a result of a health crisis. You can avoid this future negative health history simply by leading a healthier lifestyle.

Bart Rademaker, Md. Board certified Plastic Surgeon Medical Director of Rejuva Center for Plastic Surgery and Med Spa Nu You Magazine will continue to provide smart distinctions that you can apply in your life and make a difference for your future and your future generations. We owe it to our children to do the right thing. Don’t let the negative connotation of luck of the Irish be part of you luck of health. Take action, be healthy, discover more vitality in life and smaller medical bills.

Live Life at 100%, Don’t Suffer From: • Headaches • Back Pain

• Depression • Fatigue

Dr. Michael Sosa • Dr. Raul Serrano 10981 Countryway Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33626



($170 VALUE)

ONE OFFER PER NEW PATIENT Our no risk policy. The patient or other person responsible for payment has the right to cancel payment for any service,exam or treatment which is performed as a result of, within 72 hours of responding to special offer.


• March 2010


March 2010

• Health / Fitness

ConToUR YoUR BodY Did you ever really want to know all the different secrets that could shape your body? Here are some of them that you might want to consider before baring it all or most of it for the summer: First you need to identify your problem areas and usually there are three types: loose skin, cellulite and too much fat, and Here are some of your effective solutions: Loose skin Accent Radiofrequency Cellulite Smooth Shapes Too much fat Accent Lipodissolve Liposuction: traditional, ultrasonic (including Vaser), laser (including SmartLipo) Accent technology – a device that tightens skin, stimulates collagen and reduces fat volume. The more formal description is Accent volumetric radiofrequency thermotherapy and is perhaps the most effect technology to tighten skin in all areas of the body. We have seen great results in the face and legs and it is a great way to hold off any type of surgery. The key to this technology is that it uses two different hand pieces – bipolar and unipolar making it the most effective on the market to handle superficial and deep tightening Smooth Shapes – the cellulite solution. Cellulite is a problem in over 80% of postpubertal women (men are not affected) and there has been no clear treatment modality until now. Smooth Shapes Photomology combines a dynamic laser and light energy with contoured rollers and vacuum suction to specifically target problem cellulite. Treatment results: tighter, smoother looking skin.


• March 2010

Bart Rademaker, Md. Board certified Plastic Surgeon Medical Director of Rejuva Center for Plastic Surgery and Med Spa Lipodissolve – fat reduction in problem areas by simple injections of a product that naturally occurs in your body. Once injected, the fat cells are attacked in the area of injection, the fat molecules are released and the body simply gets rid of them. This procedure is usually combined with massage, endermologie or even the accent radiofrequency to obtain superior results. Surgery is the final choice but beware of what you choose. The above procedures are all non surgical and have really minimal or no risk when done correctly. Surgery always enhances the risk of an unfavorable outcome. You can minimize this risk by 1) the right procedure for the problem and 2) only board certified plastic surgeons should perform your surgery. Body contouring is a cosmetic procedure requiring great skill and experience and only surgeons certified by the American Board Of Plastic Surgeons are properly qualified to perform this surgery on you. Unfortunately most doctors using the vaser, liposelection or smart lipo are not plastic surgeons. Often they are family practitioners, internists, general surgeons, gynecologists, and even pediatricians or emergency room doctors. Why pay the same amount of money or even more at times to someone who is actually going to practice on you? Whatsmore, the best use for the vaser and the smart lipo systems are very limited and often not appropriate for your needs – but you’ll get the surgery any how! I am often shocked when I hear stories from people: who spend more money than they have done with a real plastic surgeon, chanced their life in an office setting without proper medical safety for surgery and got a result that they were very unhappy with. Solution – only go to a real plastic surgeon in a surgery center!! All the above mentioned procedures are available at Rejuva Center for Plastic Surgery and Med Spa. We encourage you to do your homework and know who your doctor is. There are many very experienced plastic surgeons in the Tampa Bay area and Nu You Magazine is committed to help you with the right information.

• Health / Fitness

Injury Prevention 101 Ashleigh Gass, BSc, CSCS, MES Ever wonder why the first month of your training goes smoothly, but then you find many of your old injuries returning? Or, you begin your season with perfection only to find yourself stiff, sore, and tired within 3 months? Contrary to popular belief, injuries and fatigue should not be a normal part of training in the gym or on the field. However, there are many reasons why they are: 1. Training is inappropriate to the level of the athlete. This basically means that you end up ‘in over your head’. If you are a beginner to the gym and using programs designed for someone with 5 years of experience, you’ll usually end up hurting yourself. 2. Too much, too soon. Ever been on a team where you show up on day one of training and get your ass run into the ground? Seems innocent enough, until the next day, when you wake up to a nice pair of pulled hamstrings, and extreme muscle tightness everywhere else. Most people don’t know how to remedy this, so, they head back out to the field for more trash training and within the week are on the physical therapy table! 3. no warm up, no stretching, no control. I bet you can count on one finger the number of people in the gym you’ve seen warm up, stretch, and perform strength drills before working out. Yet you’ve

seen hundreds head straight to the bench press or leg press, ripping out heavy reps right away.

4. no nutrition. Most people consume the standard American diet of coffee, cereal, toast, muffins, sandwiches, snack bars and energy drinks the majority of the time. If you record everything you eat for 3 days you may be surprised at what you actually put in your mouth. The connection between what you eat and how your body recovers from training is substantial - it will make or break you in the end. So just what do you do to protect yourself from getting sidelined? Here are 7 key tips for you, that if you follow, will help you tremendously. Tip #1: Incorporate regular flexibility training into your weekly schedule. Flexibility training means purposeful, focused stretching sessions. Most people stretch for 3 minutes here and there, which is better than nothing. However, if you want to say goodbye to achy joints and muscles, you will want to dedicate more time

to flexibility. For example, if you lift weights 4 days/week, aim to stretch 4 days/week as well. Think you don’t have 10 minutes, 4 days/week to do this? You do. It’s called “mid-day break stretch” rather than water cooler gossip with your co-workers. It’s also called “stretch while watching TV at night” rather than sitting on your laurels. Tip #2: dress in layers to warm up - even if you live in Florida! If you are going to the gym to train upper body, wear a t-shirt, and a long sleeved shirt or sweat shirt, and keep the layers on until you have a light sweat going. Same for lower body - if it’s leg day, wear sweats or track pants over your shorts and strip only once you have a light sweat going. Why? Warm joints and muscles function far better than cold ones! Same goes for sport - keep the layers on until you have a light sweat going, then strip down. Speed athletes, wear compression shorts to keep hamstrings and quads warm. Tip #3: Perform rotator cuff/shoulder blade exercises prior to upper body lifting or throwing. If you are serious about keeping your shoulders pain free, don’t skip this step. Warming up your rotator cuff/ shoulder blade muscles not only prevents injuries, but will also allow you to get better results from all upper body lifting. If you are an overhead



• March 2010


• March 2010

they ‘shouldn’t’ eat, but not much of an idea as to what they should eat, when they should eat it, and how much. An athlete training on a junk diet guarantees a sick, injured athlete. Common side effects of training while eating poorly include fatigue, irritability, mistakes on the field, frequent injuries, poor stamina, lack of gain in skill, strength, etc, and general malaise. When simple nutrition ‘habits’ are learned and applied, the changes are evident in less than a week. If you consistently exercise, but consistently fall short of your physique goals, I guarantee at least 80% of it is due to non-ideal nutrition habits. For example, are you consuming vegetables with each meal? What do you drink right after you are done in the gym? Do you consume healthy fats with each meal? Tip #6: Warm up prior to AnY lower body training By warm up, I mean a light aerobic warm up till the point where you have a light sweat going. Thus, prior to workouts where you squat, deadlift, lunge, etc, jog or walk on the treadmill, ride a bike, etc - for about 5-10mins. The goal is to increase your body temperature, so that your muscles are warm prior to some stretching, and training. This will also help your joints warm up, which makes squatting and deadlifting much easier! And yes, as per tip #2, when you are warming up in preparation for lower body training, wear sweatpants over top of tights or shorts (or both!). Tip #7: STRETCH tight muscles prior to AnY training Stretching before training is a controversial topic, so you just have to try it in order to feel

the difference it makes. Most people are tight through their chest muscles, quad muscles, hip flexors, calves and butt. It’s a wise idea to stretch these muscles before training in the gym or on the field. Ideally, this is the sequence you follow in order to prepare your body for training: a. Aerobic warm up to increase body temperature b. Stretch the muscles you know are tight (if you are new to stretching, 5 minutes may be a great start. If you are a stretching veteran, a longer time period may be more appropriate). c. Light weight strength drills to prepare the body parts that are being trained d. Gradual movement into the full session, which includes light to moderate load of the lifts to be performed. These tips will be very useful for you when you implement them.

• Health / Fitness

athlete (volleyball, tennis, baseball, etc) these exercises will improve your control, power, and speed. Tip #4: Recovery is when you improve - learn to apply it! There is shorter-term recovery, and longer term recovery. Short-term recovery refers to recovery between training sessions (ex. Monday/ Tuesday training followed by a rest day or less intense training day on Wednesday) and longterm recovery refers to taking time off between training stages. An example of this would be taking one week off from all formal training every 12 weeks (12 weeks being a common length of one training stage). Many athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike never take time off. It’s extremely rare to find an athlete that takes a week (or even half a week) off of training to give their body a break. A lot of people are scared to stay out of the gym for any length of time, thinking they will lose all of the gains they’ve made. In most cases, just the exact is opposite. If you’ve been training for 12+ weeks without much rest, take a week off, do others things (like hang out with friends, stretch, get a massage!) and you will be surprised at how great you feel getting back to it. You will be stronger, faster, and mentally more stimulated to train. Another simple method you can use within a training week is to take one full day of rest, typically on Sunday. Tip #5: What you eat is what you get - learn the habits of great nutrition! When I begin helping clients and athletes with nutrition, most of them do not know what makes up a proper plan. They have an idea of what


• Health / Fitness


Pam Iorio

When we had the opportunity to sit down with the 57th Mayor of Tampa, Pam Iorio, I was excited and a bit nervous. In my opinion, Ms. Iorio has been one of the best (if not the best) Mayor this city has ever had. She followed a very popular Mayor in Dick Greco and won over the community with her aggressive ideas and positive spin on our area. Under her leadership, Tampa crime rates have been drastically reduced, downtown Tampa has been renovated, a new Tampa Museum of Art and the new Curtis Hixon Park opened and her Riverwalk project is moving ahead at full steam! She is wholeheartedly behind the high-speed rail project and she has obtained millions of dollars in government stimulus money to construct roadways and other Tampa Bay improvement projects. She has accomplished a lot for our area, overcoming very difficult economic times. Ms. Iorio is serving her second four-year term and has a little over one year left in office. She is always talking about improving the area and she truly loves Tampa Bay. “My goal has always been to make Tampa a better place,” she said. “I always try to find the positive in any situation. I don’t hang out with negative people and I always look to the future,” Pam added. Pam Iorio moved to Temple Terrace as an infant and attended school there. She earned a Master’s Degree in History from USF and at the age of 26, she became the youngest person ever elected to the Hillsborough County Commission (1985-1992). She served two terms with the HCC and then was elected to the office of Supervisor of Elections for Hillsborough County (1993-2003). In 2003 she was elected Mayor of Tampa and re-elected in March 2007. Pam has been married



• March 2010

• Health / Fitness

to Mark Woodard (who is the Assistant County Administrator for Pinellas County) for 22 years and has two children Caitlin (who attends USF and plans to be a school teacher) and Graham (who is a sophomore at Florida State). “I am most proud of being a mom than being Mayor. The happiest day of life is when my kids were born! I’m a nautical nut and my family loves the water. We also eat healthy and I’m eating better today than ever before .... fresh fruit, veggies, nuts, cheese, sweet potatoes, chicken and fish. These are all, part of our usual diet. I try not to eat processed foods and I’m always looking for high protein items. You have to be careful what you put into your body. We love to play golf, walk and bicycle,” she added. Pam’s day usually starts around 6:00 am and goes into the evening hours. “There are numerous events that I attend and a 40-hour work week would be like a vacation! I don’t work on Sunday as we go to church and have dinner with the family. That’s also the day I get to do my domestic stuff ”, she said. Pam also finds time to teach a “Mass Transit” class at USF. When I asked Pam about her future after next year, she said, “I really have no plans to run for any other office at this time.” Will she teach? .... will she retire? .... will she change her mind and think about running for the Senate or another State office? Time will tell and I am sure that whatever decision she makes it will be the right one. Pam Iorio is a honest, caring, fantastic lady, a true family person and the City of Tampa will deeply miss her. I would like to personally thank Ms. Iorio for being so hospitable and taking the time for this interview, She was incredibly busy but never made me feel rushed, made me feel quite comfortable and actually told her next appointment that she would get to them after we were done. Thank you Pam and good luck in your future endeavors! by Paul Allen Most pictures are from Pam’s own FaceBook Page, some are courtesy of


• March 2010


• Health / Fitness

HEALTHY TIPS! A study done at Penn State University showed that people are 450 calories less hungry after eating chicken noodle soup than getting the exact same ingredients from chicken casserole with water on the side. The mix of liquid and solid in the soup seems to trick the brain into feeling extra full! A breakfast consisting of eggs instead of a bagel means that you will eat 400 fewer calories later in the day. This information came from a Louisiana State University study. The fact was also proved by French scientists who says that nutrient-packed eggs are more filling than meat. If you want to get food odors out of your microwave, put half a lemon or a few drops of lemon juice into a bowl of water and cook on high for three minutes. Not only will your microwave smell better, the steam will also lossen food stains and make cleaning easier! Do you hate cleaning your oven? Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the bottom of your oven, spray it with some water and let it sit overnight. Thanks to the proteindissolving action found in baking soda, you will be able to gently wipe down the inside of your oven and every stain and burned-on bit of food will come right off. I know this tip sounds too easy but .... when you are purchasing medications like ibuprofen, cold pills, cough syrup and antacids don’t be afraid to buy store brands. They are made out of the same ingrediants and cost much less. Of course, always check the labels and compare!

When it comes to exercise, most Americans just can’t find the time. But did you know that going full speed on an exercise bike for just two minutes a day will improve your body’s ability to burn blood sugar for fuel by a whopping 23% ... that’s enough to reduce your risk of diabetes by 58%! Like any of you smokers need to hear this .... smoking lowers levels of “good “ high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and increases levels of “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL). That means that if you smoke, odds are you will have high cholestrol levels in your body. Mix that in with the cancer risks and it makes one wonder why people smoke at all? Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don’t freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Cast le Hospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn’t bad, but you don’t know what is in the paper. It’s just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.



• March 2010

• Beauty


by debi Cianci

Looking for a new style? Do you always like hair styles that do not like your hair? There are always problems and situations that need to be discussed before you jump into a new hair style …. Curly hair or straight hair …. Short cut or long cut …. color, tint and/ or hi-lights … that’s a lot of decisions! Plus your face shape comes into play …. Round, oval, square or long …. Yes, deciding a new style is important and confusing! When choosing a new style you should also take into account your overall body shape. If you are a traditional pear-shape don’t go for an elfin style: that will draw attention to the lower half of your body, making your hips look even wider. Petite women should avoid masses of very curly hair as this makes the head appear larger and out of proportion with the body. There are also numerous “specific problems” to look at. Do you have a large, prominent nose? If so, you need to incorporate softness into your style. Do you have a pointed chin? If you do, make sure to style hair within the width of your jaw-line. Have a low forehead? Choose a style with a whispy fringe, rather than one with a full fringe. If you have a high forehead, disguise it with a fringe. If

you have a receding chin, select a style that comes just below chin level, with waves and curls. For an uneven hair line, a fringe should conceal this problem. Don’t be afraid to point out what you don’t like and like about your face as your comfort zone is important to your new look. Make sure to talk to your hair dresser and make sure the both of you are on the same page before starting your new style. Styling should be simple for you and you should know just how much and what type products you will need to apply to your hair. Your hair color and hi-lites around your face should accent your eyes & chin. Remember if you get a new style your color may need adjustment. If you wear glasses, try to choose frames and a hairstyle that complements each other. Large glasses could spoil a neat feathery hair cut and very fine frames could be overpowered by a voluminous style. Remember to take your glasses to the salon when having your hair restyled, so that your stylist can take their shape into consideration when deciding on the overall effect. Good luck on your new style and as always you can give me a call for a free consultation at 727-224-4979. Have a great month of March and a Happy St. Patty’s Day!

Debi Cianci is a licensed Hair Stylist with 25 plus years experience. She is a color specialist and currently works at California Beauty Studios in Clearwater, Florida. To learn more about Debi’s qualifications and abilties or for a free consultation about a new style or color call 727-224-4979 16­


• March 2010


• March 2010


• Beauty

nuYou Legal Eagle by: Jeffrey “Jack” Gordon LIPSTICK LAWSUIT Think of anti-trust lawsuits, and

settlement required stores including like

you think of big financial institutions and

Macy’s, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus can

Wall Street brokerage houses. But anti-

collect $175 million in free products.

trust can happen in both the corporate Long lines formed around

board room, and at the make-up counter.

Jeffrey “Jack” Gordon is a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer practicing in the areas of Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death. He is rated “AV Preeminent” by Martindale-Hubbell. He can be reached by e-mail at:

dozens of department stores involved A ten year class action legal

in the lawsuit starting in early 2009. The

business as usual.”

battle ended last year with an award I’ve

defendants have always denied any

never obtained in my twenty years of

wrongdoing, but finally agreed to the

trying cases—free cosmetics. The anti-

settlement in 2004. However, objections

cosmetic companies never admitted to

trust case which was filed in California

from San Francisco attorney William

doing anything wrong,” said Abbott. “They

more than a decade ago finally came to a

Abbott delayed the payout nearly five

did not agree to stop doing anything they

close in 2009 with consumers collecting


were accused of doing. The settlement

millions of dollars worth of free cosmetics from big name department stores.

specifically provides that the department Abbot contended the settlement was a publicity stunt. “It’s just

Plaintiff ’s class consisted of

“Department stores and

stores and cosmetic companies will continue their current business practices.”

a huge giveaway; $175 million of free

consumers who had purchased items

cosmetics. And it’s not going to help the

from a long list of department store

consumers who bought these products

is coordinating bonus gift promotions so

brands between May of 1994 and July of

on a regular basis. The busy professional

different stores each get a turn, and don’t

2003. While claimants did not need to

woman is not going to stand in a long

have to compete by offering additional

demonstrate evidence of a receipt or

line,” said Abbott. He contended that the

discounts. He said the manufacturers

proof of purchase, claimants had to have

settlement was merely an advertising plot

put pressure on stores to sell products at

been registered before 2009 to be eligible

by the companies that provided millions

a manufacturers suggested retail price

for benefits.

of dollars in benefit for the companies and

and guaranteed if products didn’t move

millions in fees for the lawyers.

off shelves, they’d buy back items thus

Essentially, the complaint alleged that the “price of beauty” was set

One of those practices

preventing the need to slash prices to sell. Case records demonstrate that

too high. The lawsuit accused department

the class action attorneys fees computed

stores and manufacturers of conspiring

to nearly 25 million dollars. People willing

very thin line between shrewd business

to never offer discounts on high end

to stand in line each received $25 in

practices (which are legal), and anti-trust

perfumes and cosmetics. Brands include

products. Abbott said that free product

violations (which are illegal). Apparently,

Chanel, Calvin Klein, Vera Wang, MAC,

was insubstantial. “Ultimately,” he said,

that line is as thin as eyeliner and mascara

Aveda, Lancome, and many more. The

“consumers lost out because it’s still


It is, and has always been, a



• March 2010


What is the difference between relaxation massage and therapeutic massage? Carolyn in Clearwater Great question, and allow me to first state a disclaimer as not to offend any LMT’s reading this,...all types of massage and bodywork have some “therapeutic” value. Strictly for classification purposes, I will define “relaxation” massage as any style of massage and bodywork which has the soul intention of creating a general state of relaxation and well being for the mind and the body. One of the most common forms of relaxation massage taught in the United States is Swedish massage. If you’ve ever been to a spa in the states and received a full body massage it was more than likely Swedish. The French names given to the techniques that characterize Swedish massage are effleurage (stroking), petrissage ( kneading), friction (rubbing), and tapotement (percusion or tapping). Tapotement is the one that looks like someone is repeatedly getting Karate chopped. Vibration is also included in the techniques used in Swedish massage. Again, only for classification, “therapeutic” massage is an umbrella-term that covers all styles of massage designed to alleviate pain and dysfunction, to release adhesions and contratcures in soft tissue, and to regain balance in the musculo-skeletal anatomy. In other words..., get the knotts out. Deep Tissue,


• March 2010

Neuromuscular, Medical and Orthopedic massage, and sometimes Sports massage will fall into this category. There are also many different styles of stretching that usually accompany these massage techniques in order to maximize the benefit. Therapeutic massage is extremely effective when done the right. Aside from the difference in outcomes, I feel it is also important to mention that when receiving a therapeutic massage, the therapist may only have time focus on certain areas that they feel may contribute to the primary complaint. With a relaxation massage, it is common practice to include as much of the body as possible, in order to effectively increase systemic (bodywide) relaxation and give the body a sense of wholeness. Christopher Clarke is a Licensed Massage Therapist and owner of Therapeutic Elements Center For Massage Therapy in Palm Harbor. Do you have a question for Christopher Clarke LMT, NMT? Submit your questions by email to and visit us at


• Beauty

HoW To BE BEAUTIFUL I wandered lonely as a Cloud

act, your thoughts and finally how your body actually feels. We

That floats on high o’er Vales and Hills, When all at once I saw a crowd

never think of all those aspects but each one will impact the rest. Focusing on all of these will help.

A host of dancing Daffodils;

Along the Lake, beneath the trees, Ten thousand dancing in the breeze.

The easy ones we mostly focus on are on the outside

and what others can do for you. The youthful look: tight skin, well contoured and fit body, no fat, no wrinkles but think also skin discoloration and texture. The

The flower of March comes from the Narcissus plant,

easiest and the overall foundation we should always work on

also known as the daffodil! And as you read this first part of

is the skin: texture and color. This can be treated with creams,

William Wordsworth poem and written at the peak of his power

facials, cosmetic procedures and even supplements and good

and popularity in 1807, it speaks of a happy time and should

exercise. Best to get professional advice from a stylist, image

beauty not be that?

consultant, aesthetician or even a plastic surgeon and establish

a smart plan.

Interestingly, Narcissus originates from Greek

mythology where Narcissus was so obsessed with his own

reflection, it consumed him– and we see that too today! Just

restylane, skin tightening and lightening then adds to the

think of all the women who undergo excessive plastic surgery

foundation of the skin with amazing results and little out of

and other procedures to enhance their beauty.

pocket. Discover what is trendy, what is sexy and alluring for

So what about beauty:

your look and age!

Its not only in the eye of the beholder – it’s a feeling

Make up, permanent make up, hair styles, botox and

Clothing and your style: the final element to your

inside of us. Truthfully, when you are in a great mood –

outward beauty. Fashions change, seasons defer and your age

everything thing seems so much better, even those things that

defines. Paid expert advice by established consultants is your

would otherwise annoy you, and when you think you are ugly,


then so is everything else, right?

consideration. Body contouring and enhancements will

So beauty inside and beauty outside are intimately connected and affect each other.

Surgery is the last option only after much careful

definitely change your look and with results achieved, can

I tell all my patients – let’s work on both

deliver much happiness to you.

aspects and give yourself permission to

be somewhat vain (but not too much like

options for the beauty

Narcissus), but first define what is beauty

inside with many of

for you:

Seek out all

the lifestyle changes It’s your body, your looks,

we promote in Nu You

the cosmetics you apply, the

Magazine, always giving

clothes you wear,

you more resources and

how you smell,

solutions to

how you

choose from.

Bart Rademaker, Md. Board certified Plastic Surgeon Medical Director of Rejuva Center for Plastic Surgery and Med Spa



• March 2010

• Fashion


When the wedding invitation says March, April or May, you could be in for snow, rain or a hot sun. So just how is a wedding guest to dress? Skip the somber colors and heavy fabrics of winter, opting instead to step out in crisp colors and lightweight fabrics.

and go for a solid shirt and slightly darker tie. Step 4 Understand that blacktie or formal attire means a tuxedo or dark suit and tie for men. Women might pair a full-length satin skirt with a beaded shawl or a pashmina wrap with an empire-waist gown.

small mocha shawl $32.50 Things You’ll need to concider: -Women’s Dress Shoes -Mens’ Dress Pants -Long Skirts -Empire Dresses -Dresses -Pashmina Wraps -Umbrellas -Women’s Suits -Women’s Raincoat -Men’s Dress Shirts

Dresses available at Above: Turquoise Halter Neckline Women’s Day Gown $250 Left: Chaffon, Hand beaded at V-neck and straps $224 Below: Stylish Wrapped Spring Gown $300

Step 1 Consider the time and location of the wedding. Day weddings tend to be less formal than those held after dark, and country club and estate receptions usually call for dressier attire than ones held in a home or community hall. Step 2 Remember that dresses for women and suits for men are standard wedding attire. Women might select a cocktail dress for an evening function or a knee-length sheath dress for a day function, whereas men can get away with a sport coat and slacks for a more casual affair. Step 3 Skip the standard work outfit. Women might opt for a satin shawl instead of a button-down blouse when wearing a suit, whereas men should skip the white or pinstripe shirts


Step 5 Match slingback pumps with a suit or sassy mules with a daytime dress, ladies. Step 6 Feel free to wear black or white, which are both acceptable colors for springtime nuptials. Women should wear a contrasting shell with a black suit or an embroidered pastel cardigan with a white dress. Step 7 Skip the satin shoes and light colors if rain is in the forecast, opting instead for darker-toned pumps. Step 8 Keep in mind that whatever the weather forcast, an umbrella and raincoat are essential. The spring air can carry a chill, particularly at night, and spring showers are always a possibility.


• March 2010


• March 2010


• Fashion

HoW To EASILY GET REAdY FoR SPRInG FASHIon AT An AFFoRdABLE PRICE It is Springtime so What Are You Going To do About It? Spring is just around the corner. Actually some days I feel as though Spring is here then the next day it is freezing. I have the kind of style that I would say is pretty classic. I love neutral tones, but I’m also a big believer in using appropriate colors and accessories in order to make an outfit complete. The truth is I consider myself a good dresser and I know how to dress professionally and casually. This article is written because chances are that you have a lot of this year’s hottest trends in your closet already and if you do not then basics will do. difficulty: Easy Instructions Things You’ll need: -Spring and Summer Clothes Pulled out -Burn the issues of fashion magazines -Browse department stores known for Good Quality and Fashion Sense -Stay who you are! Step 1 Classics never go out of style! THE BASICS: These are necessities and no woman should go without them. They are quite simple pieces of color- black, brown, and tan. Now I am quite pale so I do not really have a white collection but I do like having gray essentials. So what is a basic? A basic is simply a solid colored piece of clothing such as a blouse, trousers, jacket, and skirt past knee length. These to you may sound boring but mixing and matching is easier when you have basic colors to start with as a base. Yes, you may have short, hot, skirts and tight shirts but the truth is that classy can be sexy as well. I suggest you have one of each of these in different colors. It’s even better if they come in suits so you have the jacket, skirt, and pants that all are the same color. Step 2 Be careful of colors and complexion. You don’t want to look washed out! RULES: Depending on your skin tone, some colors do not look good on everyone. If you have a reddish complexion, please stay away from colors like red or pink that will only accentuate your ruddy complexion. If you are unsure of a color, bring an honest friend. Now the store personnel can usually be extremely helpful but I suggest you find someone who is wearing clothes you like. Just like the make-up counter ladies with too much make-up who do your make-up and you look like a clown! Step 3 Now this would be worn with a brown skirt, white blouse, and small but tasteful accessories. MUSTS: This year, just like last year the big word is COLOR. All designers are splashing different colors on shirts, polka dots, stripes, pleats, unique materials, and especially the shoes. My friend who works in the fashion industry has informed me that shoes will be this Spring’s real look. The shoes should not be tacky, too high, but colorful. DO NOT OVERDO IT! If you use bright colors, please use it once and maybe on a pair of earrings. If not bright, use texture to bring your outfit together. The shoes in this picture are from Cole Haan and are leatherbasket-weave design and even have Nike Air-Technology. At $198, from Lord and Taylor’s, the comfort and quality of good shoes are worth a price. Now you probably can find these cheaper elsewhere but I am just making a point that comfort comes at a price. Step 4 Watch out for slits! Be careful of those when wearing clothes to work! SKIRTS And SHIRTS: Blouses need to be form fitting without any popping of buttons. Please buy the proper size. You should never see your stomach if you lift your arms nor should your blouse be so big you look like Spongebob Squarepants. All kinds of skirt are in! Pencils and flowing skirts are hot and were hot last year so hopefully you did not give them away! If you did, head to a thrift shop. I do a mixture of shopping and thrift stores usually have items that you never would guess. For example, last year I gave the Salvation Army a bunch of designer clothes because I found that the skirts were a little short now that I have hit 30 and have a daughter. I’m sure there are some happy shoppers out there!



• March 2010

BY DEENO Hello darlings are you ready to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb? Not only does that statement work for the weather we have during the month of March, but it also works for clothing. The early part of the month usually features cold temperatures, wind and even snow storms in some parts of the country. But, at the end of the month Old Navy Dress things start warming up and spring is in the $30.00 air! With these drastic changes, your wardrobe finds itself in turmoil! March is when you start your spring cleaning ... move those heavy sweaters and scarfs to the back of your closet and bring out the lighter fabrics and brighter colors! As the season’s change, so does your clothing ... are you ready? March is a great time to start shopping as many stores will bring out their spring fashions. They will also have last year’s clothes on sale so be ready to find some great bargains during the month. The year 2010 will be a strange year fashion-wise for the normal person. With the economic crunch that is hitting our country, people just don’t have the money to run out and buy what the “experts” say you should be wearing. That said, wear what you are comfortable in and be yourself! You can take that same little back dress you have worn a hundred times and make it look completely new just by adding a different scarf and a new pair of shoes! If you can’t afford to purchase new clothing, mix and match from your own closet. Inexpensive accessories are always available and they can completely change the look of an outfit. You men out there can do the same thing. It’s amazing what combinations some men are wearing today. I actually watched a sporting event last week and I saw three commentators wearing striped ties with striped shirts ... urrrggghhh! In my opinion they didn’t match and looked terrible, but they were nuYou

• March 2010

• Fashion

MARCH “SPRING” FASHIonS good enough for these gentlemen to be on national television! Once again, in today’s world you can wear almost anything you want and get away with it! Don’t forget to wear something green on St. Patrick’s Day March 17th ... and underwear should not count! St. Patrick’s Day is a fun holiday where you can wear crazy combinations and get a little wild .... as long as it’s green! Go for it and have fun! Kisses and hugs until next month .............

American Eagle Floral Spring Dress $29.95


• Fashion 26­


• March 2010


NuYou is proud to introduce you to Chef Alfie who has been a chef in the Tampa Bay area for numerous years. His monthly column will be interesting, informative and full of cooking ideas, shopping tips, food tid-bits and other culinary advice.

Cooking For Beginners Hello NuYou Readers!! This months issue will help those who love to eat great food, but have a problem creating meals that taste good. I have been very fortunate and blessed with the ability to create and make outstanding meals for my guests and my family throughout my career. It has taken many years of hard work and practice, but mostly I have learned with the help and guidance of World class Chefs. So, do not get discouraged if you try to make meals and they do not turn out the way you anticipated, or just taste terrible. It takes a lot of time, practice, patience and guidance. You as a novice must supply the first three: time, practice and patience, I will supply the guidance. Depending on the meal, you will have to know where to start, how to start and what you expect at the end. Most of all, start very simple. Do not try to create a recipe that was written by a chef, for a chef. It will not work and you will become extremely frustrated and quit!! Most of those recipes will give you the ingredients, but they do not tell what to do when the food does not turn out like the picture. There are many speed bumps along the way in any recipe Here is one of the questions that I was e-mailed last month: “Chef Alfie, how do I thicken a sauce.” The two basic ways to thicken a sauce is with a slurry, which is corn starch


• March 2010

and water or with a roux, which is butter and flour. Depending on the type of sauce and what foods you will be serving with the sauce, will dictate how to thicken. I called this person, and I walked them through the procedure and their response was, “That wasn’t so hard”!!! We took some chicken stock (canned chicken soup), tomatoes, Shiitake mushrooms and green onions added some Dry Sherry, let it reduce for a few minutes, thickened with a “slurry” and served the sauce over sautéed chicken breast with brown rice and kale, Awesome!!! Another e-mail asked “How do I make a quick hot bacon bleu cheese dressing?” I also called this person and I told them to cut up some bacon in small pieces and sauté until crisp. In a bowl they combined some store bought bleu cheese dressing, a little Italian dressing and then they added the cooked crispy bacon, still warm. Mixed together and returned to the sauté pan to get hot. “WOW”!! These are two examples of keeping it simple! If you would like some guidance on how to start simple and make some good meals for your family, e-mail me at: Include your phone number and I will walk you through your questions and get you on the correct path to simple tasty meals.

Creating Cooking Chefin’ Resourcefully, Chef Alfie


• Food & Nutrition



Just by switching a few ingredients By Tracy Allen

I love taking recipes and switching out ingredients to rework it in a healthy way. I actually found this recipe in a supermarket check out book geared to making your St. Patty’s Day meal great. This dish is based on a cabbage roll that usually is filled with ground beef and or pork, white rice and bacon wrapped in a

cabbage leaf. I liked the theory of layering it lasagna style. The one thing you need to watch is the tomato sauce for it’s sodium and sugar. However, for the most part this is a healthy alternative to a traditional Irish Style casserole. Go into it with an open mind, think of it as a veggie lasagna and I think you will like the results.

CABBAGE ROLL CASSAROLE Serves: 12 Prep Time: 20 min oven Time: 1 hour InGREdIEnTS 2 lbs ground turkey 1 large onion chopped 2 cans tomato sauce (red. sodium) 1 can diced tomatoes(red. sodium) 2 cups cooked whole brown rice 1 pouch bacon pieces 1 large head of cabbage 1 cup shredded low fat mozzarella cheese 1 tsp dried dried thyme 1/2 tsp dill weed 1/2 tsp rubbed sage 1/4 tsp Salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper


Cook the rice while the turkey is browning then clean and chop the cabbage into 2 to 3 inch pieces. Remember the larger the piece of cabbage the longer it will take to cook.


In large skillet cook the turkey, onion and garlic over medium heat until meat is cooked through out. While cooking the turkey, prepare your rice following the package instructions and prep your cabbage. Once meat is cooked, stir in one can of tomato sauce, one can of diced tomatoes and seasonings. Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for about 5 minutes. Stir in rice and bacon, heating through out, remove from heat and set aside. Layer 1/3 of the chopped cabbage leaves in the bottom of a greased 13 x 9


note: The switches made in this recipe make for a lower in fat and cholesterol meal. Ground beef was replaced with ground turkey (essentially fat free) and white rice was replaced with whole grain brown rice making it higher in fiber. We all know that fiber counterbalances carbs. A diet rich in fiber will aid in weight loss and a healthier digestive system. nuYou

• March 2010

• Food & Nutrition x 2 casserole dish. Top with half of the meat sauce mixture. Repeat the layers and top with the last 1/3 of cabbage. Pour remaining can of tomato sauce over the top of the casserole. Cover and bake for 50 minutes or until cabbage is tender to your liking. Uncover, sprinkle cheese over top and return to oven for approx. 10 minutes or until cheese is golden brown. Remove from oven and let stand for 5 minutes before serving.


Here’s a quick and easy idea to have some fun with the kids - Enjoy! What You need: Paper Marker Black pot Scissors Chocolate gold coins Green construction paper Instructions: Hide a pot filled with gold chocolate coins either inside or out, depending on the weather. Cut out several four leaf clovers from green construction paper. Cut one clover larger than the others. Write clues leading up to the other clues and eventually the pot on the smaller clovers. On the large clover, write the first clue and place it under your child’s breakfast dish.

Check back next month for another healthy alternative to the everyday dinner. If you would like to submit a recipe for consideration send it with complete instructions to - The idea behind this monthly column is to provide a healthy alternative and to make sure it’s easy for an every day cook, like myself. So, keep in mind your dish will be prepared by me before we print it to ensure its practicality. nuYou

• March 2010


nuYou RESTAURAnT GUIdE NuYou, in conjunction with Tampa Bay’s Best, is proud to list the top restaurants in the Tampa Bay area. We have separated restaurants into food types and our information key will let you know individual information. We welcome all additions and comments.

AMERICAN CUISINE Bascom’s Chop House 3665 Ulmerton Rd, Clearwater 727-573-3363 Excellent food and service at reasonable prices. Bascom’s signature steak weighs 14 ounces and their entrees from the sea are delicious. The Belgian Triple Chocolate Torte dessert is wonderful.

$$, RS, ALL

Belleair Grill & Wine Bar

1575 South Ft.Harrison Ave, Clearwater 727-449-2988 The Belleair features creative cuisine and fabulous desserts. You are greeted with a complimentary stuffed mushroom and a delicious chocolate-dipped strawberry is served with your check. Tableside cooking and a fine wine selection. $$$, RS, ALL

Bern’s Steakhouse

1208 S. Howard Ave, Tampa 813-251-2421 One of the top restaurants in the State of Florida. Award winning menu features aged steaks, fresh garden vegetables and a dessert room that is second to none!

$$$, RS, ALL

Bon Appetit

150 Marina Plaza, Dunedin 727-733-2151 Dunedin’s landmark restaurant provides elegant dining and the finest gourmet cuisine. A spectacular intercoastal view, outside dining area and banquet facilities available.

$$-$$$, RS, ALL

Cafe at the Safety Harbor Resort & Spa

105 N. Bayshore Dr, Safety Harbor 727-726-1161 Healthy spa cuisine focuses on fresh and grilled seafood, chicken and vegetables with a few beef dishes for good measure. A light, airy atmosphere for casual dining.

$$, ALL

Capital Grille

2223 N. Westshore Blvd, Tampa, 813-830-9433 Located at International Plaza and features Zagat Survey lauded dry-aged steaks, handcarved chops and fresh seafood. Their wine cellar holds nearly 3,000 bottles and their dessert menu is extravagant!

$$$, RS, ALL

Charley’s Steakhouse

4444 West Cypress St, Tampa, 813-353-9706 Famous for ages steaks and market fresh fish along with a fantastic wine list. Private dining available for parties up to sixty.

$$$, ALL

Council oak Steakhouse


ALL RS $ $$ $$$

NuYou Top Choice American Express Discover Master Card VISA


1-4 at North Orient Rd, Tampa 813-627-7628 Located in the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. Enjoy Filet Mignon, lobster ravioli, crab cakes or one of the ever-changing Mediterranean influenced offerings. Diner is served from 5pm-10pm nightly.

$$-$$$, RS, ALL

Green Quizine

1484 Alt. 19 North, Palm Harbor 727-773-0419 Healthy, tasty, toxin-free, organic, all natural lunches and dinners. Try the organic pizza!

$-$$, ALL

Heilman’s Beachcomber

1-4 at North Orient Rd, Tampa, 813-627-7628 Located in the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. Enjoy the finest cuisine in the area from USDA Prime dry-aged beef to fresh Alaskan King Crab in an impeccably decorated three tier dining room complete with show kitchen.

$$$, RS, ALL

E&E Stakeout Grill

100 N. Indian Rocks Rd, Belleair Bluffs 727-585-6399 Some of the best tasting black Angus beef in Tampa Bay is found at E&E’s. Also featuring fresh seafood and house specialty tequila ribs.

$$, RS, ALL


4009 Tampa Rd, Oldsmar 813-814-7778 Fresh seafood, table side guacomole, stone oven flat breads and fire-grilled steaks that fit most budgets. Flamestone also features a huge 1,000 bottle wine cellar and exceptional service.

$-$$, ALL

Fleming’s Steakhouse

4322 Boy Scout Road, Tampa 813-874-9463 Their a la carte menu items are sure to awaken your taste buds, allowing you to choose from great steaks, white meat or seafood. Over 100 wines by the glass available.

447 Mandalay Ave, Clearwater 727-442-4144 Offering the best in fine dining on Clearwater Beach. Seasonal menu items and excellent wine list. Banquet facilities available.

$$, RS, ALL

J. Alexanders

913 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 813-354-9006 Excellent food with a wonder atmosphere. J Alexanders has a huge menu with many delicious choices.

$-$$, ALL

Jackson’s Bistro Bar

601 S. Harbour Island Blvd, Tampa 813-277-0112 A breathtaking waterfront setting and multiple, tantalizing, main course selections makes Jackson’s one of the top restaurants in downtown Tampa. Nightly specials, indoor/ outdoor dining and fabulous Sunday brunch.

$-$$, RS, ALL

Malios Steakhouse

400 N. Ashley Dr, Tampa 813-223-7746 A four star restaurant that has been in Tampa for over 30 years. Great romantic atmosphere and some of the best food the area has to offer. Priced right and delicious.

All Major Cards Reservations Suggested Inexpensive (entrees $10 & under) Moderate (entrees up to $25) Expensive (entrees over $25)

Maritana Grill / don CeSar Beach Resort 3400 Gulf Blvd, St.Petersburg Beach 727-360-1881 Floribbean cuisines creatively prepared. Entrees include pan-roasted scallops with lump crab and citrus butter, eggplant, chardonnay poached grouper and veal. Chef prepares meal at tableside.

$$$, RS, ALL

Mimi’s Cafe

11702 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 813-265-4460 Lively New Orleans inspired cafe that offers a wide selection of traditional foods with a fun twist. Breakfast, lunch and dinner available. Make sure to try their famous pot pie and/or meatloaf.

$-$$, AX, d, v.


4342 West Boy Scout Rd, Tampa 813-873-7697 Sophisticated food in a relaxed atmosphere with a Hawaiian flair. Great seafood, sauces and desserts.

$$$, RS, ALL

Rusty Pelican

2425 Rocky Point Dr, Tampa 813-281-1943 Just off the Courtney Campbell Causeway this unique restaurant features fresh fish, fabulous steaks and great ribs. Off the beaten path with a great view of Tampa Bay.

$$, RS, ALL

Ruth Chris Steakhouse

1700 N. Westshore Blvd, Tampa 813-282-1118 Possibly one of the best chain restaurants in America, Ruth Chris features exceptional steaks that arrive on heated plates and melt in your mouth. Wonderful side sides and a comfortable environment.

$$$, RS, ALL

$$, RS, ALL

$$$, RS, ALL



March 2010

717 South

Bd’s Mongolian Grill

717 South Howard Ave, Tampa 813-250-1661 Located in the SoHo district, 717 South is an upscale, casual restaurant that also offers 80 wines by the glass. The menu features Pacific Rim and Italian dishes.

3140 B Tampa Rd, Palm Harbor 727-785-0300 You pick your ingrediants and the “Master Grillers” do the rest! Choices include: steak, shrimp, scallops, vegetables and dozens of spices. Fun dining and great food!

Shephard’s Waterfront Restaurant

Crazy Buffet

$$$, ALL

601 S. Gulfview Blvd, Clearwater Beach 727-441-6875 Fun atmosphere with a great view of the Gulf of Mexico. Enjoy steaks and seafood on the covered deck or inside. Buffets served nightly. Live entertainment on the waterside patio.

$$, RS, ALL

Side Bern’s

2208 W. Morrison Ave, Tampa 813-258-2233 Not your father’s Bern’s Steakhouse .... this spinoff features a big menu with multiple selections featuring pork, prawns, ribs and more along with a great wine list.

$$$, RS, ALL


2675 Ulmerton Rd, St.Petersburg 727-571-2222 Located in The Venue in the Feather Sound area, this award winning restaurant features steaks, fresh local seafood, pork chops and other contemporary dishes. Viaggio has an extensive wine list and fantastic desserts.

$$-$$$, RS, ALL

The vine

17667 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 813-964-VINE The Vine specializes in fresh seafood and naturally raised beef, pork and lamb. The decor is straight from the Napa Valley featuring statues and wine barrels. Be sure to check out their huge wine assortment.

$-$$, ALL

ASIAN (3 Tampa Bay area locations) 3600 - 66th St North, St.Petersburg 727-343-5200 26508 US Hwy 19 North, Clearwater 727-799-0202 13755 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 813-960-5050 Arigato features an unique dining experience where your meal is hibachi-grilled at your table. The steak and shrimp dinner is wonderful and the ambience is wonderful.

$$, RS, ALL


4125 Fourth St North, St.Petersburg 727-821-3773 Pepin has been serving the Tampa Bay area for more than 30 years with excellent house salads, paella valencia, tapas and fresh seafood. Try an espresso or cappuccino after $-$$, ALL dinner along with a caramel flan or chocolate torte.

$$-$$$, RS, ALL

2702 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 813-998-9228 Huge selection at a good price. Crazy Buffet offers a wide variety of food and sushi with a nice atmosphere.

• March 2010

Tio Pepe

2930 Gulf-To-Bay Blvd, Clearwater 727-799-3082 Since 1976, Tio Pepe, a icon for Spanish and $-$$, ALL Latin American cuisine in the Bay area. An In-house butcher cuts the best beef the fresh Kiku Japanese Fine dining seafood comes from local waters. Desserts and breads are baked in their own bakery. 483 Mandalay Ave, Clearwater Beach 727-461-2633 This exotic and traditional restaurant features dishes like like sansei, seasoned squid salad, gyoza, cucumber and seaweed salad, crab and octopus. Excellent sushi bar also available.

$$, RS, ALL

Kobe Japanese Steakhouse


2900 Baypoint Dr, Tampa 813-207-6800 Armani’s features a classic Italian menus and a fabulous water and sunset view. The spectacular antipasto bar, homemade pastas and decadent desserts make this one of the top restaurants in the Bay area.

$-$$, ALL 813-909-9694

CUBAN / SPANISH 11009 North 56th St, Temple Terrace 813-985-2392 Wonderful Spanish and Mediterranean cooking featuring shrimp scampi and red snapper papillote. Nice menu big selections.

From bruschetta to pasta fagioli to lasagna to veal to linguine to steaks .... Benedetto’s has it all. Reasonably price fine Italian cuisine. Catering and take out also available.

$-$$, RS, ALL


1702 East Seventh Ave, Tampa 813-248-0099 Located in historic Ybor City and features a $$, RS, ALL well rounded Italian menu. Open for lunch and dinner and available for private parties.

$$$, RS, ALL

Columbia Restaurant

2117 East 7th Ave, Tampa 813-248-4961 The jewel of Ybor City was founded in 1905 and features Spanish cuisine including paella, chicken and seafood. Wonderful, unique decor and impeccable service.

$$-$$, RS, ALL

include cannelloni, linguine and various veal dishes. Private booking available.

$$$, RS, ALL

Greek Town Grille

1230 Cleveland St, Clearwater 727-447-7800 Authentic Greek favorites that feature big servings at affordable prices. Fresh local seafood and other contemporary dishes. Greek Town has an extensive wine selection and delicious desserts.

$-$$, ALL


3980 Tampa Road, Oldsmar 813-749-7550 Excellent fresh, Mediterranean cuisine, eat in a nice, relaxing atmosphere. Live DJ Wednesday thru Saturday.

$ - $$, ALL

$$, RS, ALL

(2 Tampa Bay area locations) 14401 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 813-908-8909 28775 US Hwy 19 N., Clearwater 727-791-1888 Bring your own group or make new friends $$$, RS, ALL at your table. Hibachi style cooking while you watch! Steak, chicken, shrimp, rice, noodles and Bellini Restaurant 487 Main St, Dunedin vegetables. An enjoyable dining experience. $$, RS, ALL 727-733-5449 Bellini features 100% authentic Italian food. Along with Italian dishes you can also enjoy P.F. Chang’s China Bistro a delicious surf ‘n turf or a blackened filet 19 Westshore Blvd, Tampa mignon. Private parties available. 813-289-8400 $$, RS, ALL Chicken lettuce wraps and Mongolian beef highlight a traditional and modern Southeast Benedetto’s Italiano Asian/Chinese menu with a great atmosphere. Ristorante This national chain restaurant does it right! 21529 Village Lakes Shpg Cntr, Land O’ Lakes

Cafe don Jose


Pepin Restaurant


232 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 813-875-6660 Since 1985, Donatello’s has been one of the top Italian restaurants in Tampa Bay. Specialities

Maggiano’s Little Italy

203 Westshore Plaza Dr, Tampa 813-288-0066 Authentic southern Italian dishes are served with huge portions ... nobody leaves hungry! Family-style menu has a choice of two appetizers, two salads, two pastas, two meat/ fish entrees and two desserts.

$-$$, ALL

Mazzaro Italian Market

2909 - 22nd Avenue N., St.Petersburg 727-321-2400 Handmade pasta, beef, pork, chicken, duck and local seafoods. Mazzaro’s boasts the largest Italian wine selection in Florida. Breads baked daily on the premises, 30 varieties of Italian cookies and a coffee bar.

$-$$, ALL Spaghetti Warehouse 1911 - 13th Street, Ybor Square, Tampa 813-248-1720 A chain restaurant that fits perfectly into the Ybor City decor. Pastas, seafood and a unique atmosphere makes the Spaghetti Warehouse a nice dining choice.

$-$$, RS, ALL


Bonefish Grill

(multiple Tampa Bay area locations) 3665 S. Henderson Blvd., Tampa 813-876-3535 1640 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Tampa 813-970-8202 1015 Providence R, Brandon 813-571-5553 13262 Dale Mabry Hwy. North, Tampa 813-969-1619 4919 McMullen Booth Rd, Clearwater 727-726-1315 This local chain restaurant features white tablecloths, elegant granite, local artwork and a fantastic menu with sea bass, mahi-mahi, grouper and trout. Not in the mood for fish? You can also order steaks, chops and chicken.

$$, RS, ALL



NuYou Top Choice American Express Discover Master Card VISA

Catch Twenty-Three

10103 Montague St, Tampa 813-920-0045 Located in West Park Village, Catch TwentyThree features fresh seafood, delicious steaks, chicken, salads and more. Excellent appetizers and a wonderful dessert selection.

$$, RS, AX, MC, v

ALL RS $ $$ $$$

All Major Cards Reservations Suggested Inexpensive (entrees $10 & under) Moderate (entrees up to $25) Expensive (entrees over $25)

Lobster Pot

17814 Gulf Blvd., Redington Shores 727-391-8592 Fresh Florida grouper prepared seven different ways. Delicious conch chowder, caviar and prime sirloin steaks. Extensive wine list also available.

$$$, RS, ALL

Mystic Fish Seafood Grille & Bar

City Fish

4022 Tampa Rd, Oldsmar 813-814-5800 Featuring delectable, fresh oak-grilled seafood featuring Chilean sea bass and certified aged Angus beef. Make sure you save room for the fantastic bananas foster that is prepared tableside.

$$-$$$, ALL

3252 Tampa Rd, Palm Harbor 727-771-1800 Mystic Fish specializes in the preparation of fresh Maine lobster, served escargot style with garlic-spinach. In addition to a huge fresh seafood selection, you can also order Angus beef or lamb and choose from an extensive wine list.

$$, RS, ALL

Guppy’s on The Beach

1701 Gulf Blvd., Indian Rocks Beach 727-593-2032 Excellent seafood with a excellent view of the sunset. Inside and outside dining available featuring the freshest seafood in Tampa Bay.

$$, RS, ALL

Island Way Grill

20 Island Way, Clearwater Beach 727-461-6617 A Pan-Asian menu specializes in fresh seafood. Other favorites include Vietnamese king crab rolls, spicy pepper tuna and macadamia nut-crusted mahi-mahi along with steaks, pork and lamb.

$$$, RS, ALL


6200 Courtney Campbell Cswy, Tampa 813-207-6715 Fabulous contemporary seafood served with a picture-window view of Tampa Bay. Open kitchen that specializes in fresh fish, tropical garnishes and great salads.

$$$, RS, ALL

Saltrock Grill

19325 Gulf Blvd., Indian Rocks Beach 727-593-7625 Saltrock offers fantastic fresh seafood or your choice of beef, chicken and pastas. Beautiful large dining room overlooks the intercoastal waterway with outdoor seating also available. Boat docking is also available.

$$-$$$, RS, ALL


Oldsmar’s Newest Hotspot! Contemporary Mediterranean Cuisine


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March 2010

EASY MEdITATIon down and become deeper and notice that you are not really thinking. Thoughts or questions will want to creep in, just ignore them – let them go, you are giving your busy mind a break. There are so many things to think or worry about, just ignore all of that for just a short period of time. Compare it to catching your breath when you have been running. If you don’t stop to breathe, you might just pass out! In life this compares to having an emotional crisis or explosion. If you find you are stressed, anxious, confused or angry, give yourself the time out to regroup your mind and body. To enhance your meditation repeat simple words or phrases that are meaningful to you or are important at that time. Some very useful examples can include: Love, Compassion, no judgment, let go, I am relaxed, I am free, stress free, I am health, wisdom, intelligence, creativity.

Jessica Hope Reiki Master Event and Retreat Planner Vibrational Awakenings The practice of meditation extends over centuries and in many different religions. The benefits of meditation have long been established through scientific research and includes: better health, higher creativity and better personal relationships. But like many disciplines, it requires time and practice.

By simply taking a few moments to consciously detaching yourself from all the busyness in your life and allowing your mind to connect with your body by noticing how your body feels, your breathing and then keeping your thoughts to on or two words – then you can begin to experience the benefits of meditation. Do it for a few moments, several minutes or even and hour! It will enhance your health - (your body gets to breath), it will allow for more creativity ( your mind gets rid of the clutter and confusion) and your relationships improve ( because you give yourself the time) This easy meditation is just your starting point for deeper and more beneficial meditation. We recommend that google meditation and discover how you can continue to enhance these experiences.

Unfortunately in our busy world with the need for quick results, we simply don’t take the time or feel that meditation is too complicated and we will not be good at it. Truth is – it can be easy and here is how: Stop what you are doing, close your eyes and stop all the thinking patterns – for just a moment. Give yourself a short time out by resting your body in whatever comfortable position you are in, whether it is sitting in a chair, leaning against a wall, laying in bed or even the traditional cross legged pose. During this very brief period of time, simply do a conscious relaxation of your mind. Notice your breathing simply slowing 34­


March 2010

• Harmony

ASK dear Erika: I am a male, 26 years old and single. My best friend since high school and I share an apartment and we get along great. We both have jobs (I work for the county and he works as a fast food manager) and we equally pay our bills. Our apartment is the perfect bachelor pad as we have two bedrooms, separate bathrooms, a large kitchen and living room area. My problem is this .... the past two months I have found myself wanting to spend more “quality” time with a new girl I met. My roommate seems to be happy for me, but he still wants to get crazy, party all night, close down the bars and stay up till 5am. Last Saturday evening (it was really Sunday morning at 3am) I asked him to tone things down so my girl could get some sleep and he exploded! We screamed at each other for the first time in years. The next day he apologized, but I know things are different. What are my options? Confused in Clearwater dear Confused: Your problem is the same problem that every friendship has at one time or another. It doesn’t matter how old you are or if you are male or female ... when a boyfriend or girlfriend comes into the picture you need to decide what is more important to your life. 99% of the time, you will choose the girlfriend over a male buddy. If you and this new girl stay together for any length of time, you will have to make the decision to either move out of the apartment or have your buddy pack up and go. The “Three’s Company” approach may work on television programs and adult movies, but it doesn’t do very well in real life. Your buddy will be jealous of your girlfriend because she took you away from him and the good times you had together. He will also be upset because he doesn’t have a girlfriend of his own. You need to sit down with him and discuss the situation. Maybe you can work it out, but it won’t be easy!

dear Erika: I go to a gym three days a week and I am in pretty good shape. I have a great sex life and have never had a problem finding girlfriends. However, I always find myself concentrating on the girls in the gym instead of my workout. I know that these woman are mostly married and

have no interest in me, but I can’t help myself. I keep trying to tell myself to stop, but it isn’t working. I love working out, but I’m about to quit. Any suggestions? Tom in dunedin dear Tom: Come on man ... grow up! Either go up to a few of the ladies and ask them to work out with you, or join an all-male gym. You act like the gym is a nightclub or bar where ladies are there to party and get “picked up”. While this may occasionally happen, most people go to the gym to work out. You are the reason there are so many all female gyms across the country. There’s a time to party and a time to work .... stop staring at the girls and get a grip.

dear Erika: My boyfriend and I have quite a few arguments, but we always seem to make up. The worst part is sometimes we’ll go three days without talking to each other. After 24 hours, I sometimes forget why we are fighting, but the “silent treatment” seems to go on until I say something first. I know I’m not always right, but I also know I’m not always wrong. How can I get him to talk about our problems and how can I change the fact that I always have to “give-in” first? Sarah in Plant City dear Sarah: The silent treatment is the worst way to deal with a conflict in a relationship. When this is done, both parties walk away mad and nothing really gets settled or accomplished. Sometimes it’s just better to scream things out and come to a conclusion on who’s right and who’s wrong. The Power of Silence usually never gets the response one desires and anger builds up. My suggestion is the next time this happens, tell your boyfriend “I know we are both angry, so let’s take a break, think about what we want to say to each other and talk about things in one hour.” If you can , get in your car and get a soda, take a short walk or at least go into another room. This will let both sides settle down and maybe then you can settle your differences. This way nobody “gives-in first” and you might actually help your relationship in the long run.



• March 2010

• Harmony

Ro MARTInEZ - ModELInG AT AnY AGE This book is the equivalent to an entire course on modeling, sure to give an edge to anyone ready to enter a career in the exciting, glamorous, lucrative field of modeling.

GoalsMy goal is to help people reach their dream of modeling and acting without spending a fortune, while avoiding scams. I want to share my years of experience with others so they can overcome obstacles and make it easier for them to succeed. There are many challenges for someone entering this industry such as finding a legitimate photographer and talent agent. Knowing the height requirements as well as training needed and finding out where you fit in, are additional challenges that can leave a newcomer overwhelmed. My business, Modeling-Beginning to Booking, offers career guidance to show the variety of work available to models and actors. Assistance is given during photo shoots with posing, hair and makeup, photo selection and the ultimate goal is finding agency representation. I work with 10 SAG (Screen Actors Guild) agents and my students stay in the program until they are represented by an agent. Recently Published Modeling BookI wrote Modeling At Any Age not only as a comprehensive instructional guide that can be followed by anyone with a strong desire but to motivate by sharing my experience as well as showing photos of a variety of models of all ages, body types, and ethnic groups. My suggestions are followed up by motivation, preparation, and determination provided by other industry experts. They give their advice and words of wisdom in a question and answer format, covering chapters 1 through 14. The experts interviewed range from 10 years to 70 years of age. Models share their struggles and how they overcame them. They offer suggestions that will help others entering the industry. Clients, photographers, and others discuss what they expect from models at auditions and bookings. They list some of the mistakes they have seen models make.


• March 2010

About RoAlthough you may not recognize her name, the odds are you’ve seen Ro Martinez – literally dozens of times. She’s been a model and actress for over twenty years and has appeared in ads or commercials for Walt Disney and Busch Gardens to AT&T and Bank of America. The chances are you know her face well. Ro has worked in New York’s Fashion District and on TV, film and has been featured on magazine covers. She’s appeared in catalogues, magazines, newspapers, brochures, posters, on the Internet, and even on billboards. A highly successful model, Ro was a regular on-air and fit model on HSN (Home Shopping Network) and is frequently booked for bridal shows, hair shows, and fashion shows. She’s regularly worked with celebrity designers including Patti LaBelle, Anthony Mark Hankins, Terry Lewis, Carol Woir and Carolyn Strauss. Ro’s wealth of experience allows her to help others reach their dream of becoming a model. She holds workshops, focusing on people of all ages, sizes, and ethnic groups, to guide them toward successfully entering the exciting and glamorous field of modeling. For more information about Ro’s modeling workshops, photo shoots or career guidance program please visit:


• Harmony

Horoscopes PISCES - Feb.19-Mar. 20 The Pisces sign is naturally drawn to arts like music and dance. This opens up lots of fun fitness possibilities. Why not take salsa lessons with your partner or hip hop dance classes with a group of your friends? Nothing compares to an evening of dancing—it’s fun and burns tons of calories! Even if it does take you a while to pick up the steps.

CAnCER June 22-July 22 Setting up a workout room at home, with a jump rope, treadmill and dumbbells, is a great way to blend fitness and family. And it allows you to exercise whenever you get the urge. As a Water sign, you’re a natural in the water, so try snorkeling, water-skiing. At the very least, soak in the hot tub as often as possible.

SCoRPIo oct. 24-nov. 21 Cut yourself some slack. Find satisfaction in knowing you are working to achieve your fitness goals and getting healthier—even if you never lose those last five pounds. Be true to yourself. If you know that your fitness plan isn’t as good as it should be, do something proactive instead of beating yourself up.

ARIES - Mar. 21 – Apr. 19 You tend to get bored easily, so mix up your fitness routine every few weeks to keep it fresh. Trying new activities will keep you interested, so when Pilates gets tiresome, switch to one-on-one at the local basketball court or start swimming. You’ll keep your muscles guessing and see serious results!

LEo - July 23-Aug. 22 You pride yourself on being an individual and prefer to exercise solo instead of part of a classand keeping a regular fitness schedule may be stressful to you. Ease up on yourself, work towards meeting your own personal goals, instead of feeling like you have to go along with the crowd.

SAGITTARIUS nov. 22-dec. 21 You want to experience things, not sit on the sidelines and watch someone else have all the fun. Organized exercise class makes you feel fenced in, try an activity you can do on your own. Walking is ideal. Count your steps with a pedometer giving a sense of accomplishment.

TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 The physical, sensual side of life is very important to the Taurus. You love to feel connected with your body and enjoy the perks in life, including good food and good wine. Be careful not to enjoy them too much, or you might spend more time in the gym than you’d like. After a hard workout, reward yourself.

vIRGo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Take a big goal and break it down into easy steps. Instead of losing 30 pounds, try losing one or two pounds a week. Have an organized fitness plan. You’re more likely to stick to plans made in advance, so spend Sunday evenings with your calendar and plot out your fitness routine for the week.

CAPRICoRn dec. 22-Jan. 19 Get instructions before trying new pieces of equipment or exercises. Since you hate to have boundaries, you are naturally drawn to the extreme side of life. The natural high you get after a good run will satisfy your adventurous side until you can take part in another extreme activity.

GEMInI - May 21-June 21 The next time you’re mind is You have a hard time shutting off your thoughts and relaxing. The next time you’re mind is racing, slow down with a yoga class. If you’re not seeing the fitness results you’d like, satisfy your analytical side by keeping a fitness journal to assess your exercise habits. Log your workouts on a calendar to literally see how much exercise you’re getting.

LIBRA Sept. 23-oct. 23 Try to be more patient the next time you’re waiting for a treadmill. Life is too short to get stressed out at the gym! You know the importance of combining strength training with cardio work, but don’t forget to shake things up a bit by trying new activities. A judo or boxing class might be just enough to kick-start your fitness to the next level.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 You have an open mind when it comes to new ideas. This means you’re often the first one in your circle of friends to try a new fitness activity. You adopt the latest trends and equipment into your program, even when others are reluctant to change. You have a strong social conscience, so why not combine your fitness goals with charity work?



• March 2010


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