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(813) 854-4946 nuYou
• September 2009
Just South of Tampa Bay Downs Race Track Road, Oldsmar
Staff Publisher
Letter From The
PUBLISHER - Paul Allen
Hello everybody and welcome to the third edition of nuYou Magazine. I want to thank all the people who commented on my ar ticle that discussed fashion designer Alan Flusser and his great shirts! I truly do enjoy wearing his creations. I brought a few copies to area Stein Mart Stores (where you can purchase the Flusser men’s line) and the clerks and managers were excited. I never realized how popular Mr. Flusser was and I hope I get the chance to meet him on his next trip to Florida! Here we are in September and I am amazed how fast 2009 has dropped off the calendar! Footballs will start filling the air, kids are back in school and hopefully the weather starts to cool off a bit. The month starts with Labor Day and I wonder if the old saying that “you can’t wear white after Labor Day” is still practiced? I say if it looks good .... wear it! Autumn officially starts on September 22 so get ready to say bye-bye to summer! Make sure you check out our website .... yes, it is finally up and running! We have big internet plans, so keep checking out the site for new information and posts. We want to make the nuYou Magazine site very interactive and hopefully it will live up to our expectations! Hopefully you’ve noticed that we added four more pages to this month’s edition. This is due to our new advertisers .... Attorneys Maney/Gordon, Gulf Mini Mart, Happy Heart, Westchase Medical Supply and Dr. Lisa Marsh. We have also added a few new artciles and thanks to all of you we will keep on growing bigger and bigger every month! We are always looking for new advertisers and salespeople. If you are looking for the perfect part-time job that is fun and exciting, give us a call. I would like to welcome Dino Vegas and Mia Wright to our sales team! NuYou Magazine deals with numerous topics and we truly have something for everybody. If you would like to have nuYou delivered to your place of business, please let us know and we can make it happen!
Paul Allen
Board of Advisers - Sr. Columnist: Dr. Bart Rademaker Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
COLUMNISTS: Paul Allen • Tracy Allen Jay Burnett - Fashion Editor Jeffery “Jack Gordon - Legal Eagle Jan Segers Rysdon M.A., C. Ht. Jeri A. Graham R.T.(R ) M • Dr. Mary Riggin Anna Sweetnam, Ph. D. • Debi Cianci Caryl Dennis • Art Koch Deeno • Kathy Ran Sales Manager: Tom Peak 813-477-3150 MARKETING / SALES: Nancy Verzi - 727-403-0003 Debi Cianci - 727-919-1743 Andrew Serra - 352-302-3077 Dino Vegas - 727-916-2677 Mia Wright - 813-398-6758 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHY: Jack Watson DESIGN: Tracy Allen • Erica Thomas DISTRIBUTION: Al Swetay CVS Distribution by Distributech
nuYou Magazine TM
850 Dunbar Avenue • Oldsmar, FL 34677 (813) 814-1505 - office (813) 814-1256 - fax © 2009 NuYou Magazine is published monthly by PAC Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. There should be no reproduction of content without publisher’s expressed written consent. Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors in ads beyond the cost of space occupied by the error; any slandering of an individual, business or group as we mean no malice or individual criticism at any time; any promises, claims, coupons or lack of fulfillment from advertisers who are solely responsible for content in their ads; any incorrect information found in any editorial content. Publisher is also to be held harmless from: failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond their control; all suits, claims or loss of expenses; this includes, but is not limited to, suits for libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement and/or unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph or company name or logo. Publisher does not promote excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Any information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your health-care professional regarding matters relating to personal health. Publisher does not necessarily endorse the views and opinions expressed in articles and advertisements.
• September 2009
Magazine 6
HEALTH & FITNESS Staying Fit & Taking Care of Your Body
7 8 10
IT’S BACK TO SCHOOL TIME - By Paul Allen WHAT IS SWINE FLU - By Paul Allen The Art and Science of a Compounding Pharmacy - By Westchase Physical Therapy & Medical Supply NUYOU LEGAL EAGLE -By Jeffrey “Jack” Gordon HEALTHY TIPS
11 12
BEAUTY Hair, Skin and Cosmetics
14 15
LOVE IS IN THE HAIR - By Debi Cianci HEALTH & BEAUTY TIPS - By Bart Rademaker M.D. FASHION Clothing & Accessories - From Head To Toe!
19 20 21 22
23 25
FOOD & NUTRITION You Are What You Eat!
26 28 29 30
I’M HUNGRY - By Art Koch FEATURED RECIPE - By Tracy Allen how bad is sugar - By Paul Allen WEIGHT LOSS SECRETS REVEALED Pt. II - By Dr. Mary Riggin
September 2009 6
HARMONY Wellness of Mind & Spirit
32 33 31 36 37 38
TIME OUT! - By Bart Rademaker M.D. MILLENIUM CHILDREN& THE SHIFT - By Caryl Dennis WHAT’S HOT ABOUT HOT YOGA - By Kathy Ran LOOK INTO MY EYES - By Jan Segers Rysdon. M.A. C.Ht. Trust - By Anna Sweetnam Ph.D. HOROSCOPES
• September 2009
The Fall season brings many changes as temperatures cool off, leaves start falling off trees and youngsters from the ages of five to twenty-five head off to school! Kindergarten to college, education is the most important thing in every young person’s life. This is where personalities are formed, peer pressure is created, where the brain starts to really function and think, where expectations are started and where relationships are formed. Is your child, teenager or young adult ready for school and are you ready to send them to school? Let’s start with the youngsters first .... Pre-school, kindergarten and elementary school is where your child starts to form his/her likes and dislikes. This is also where they start to form their personalities. Will they be outgoing or shy? Will they enjoy other children’s company? Will they share things or be a bully? Will they want to learn or shut out their teachers? The answers to these questions need to be known by a parent. You help form your child’s early personality and a good parent makes time in their busy lives to find these answers and work with their children. Here are a few things you can do to help your youngsters .... the first thing is make sure your kids get enough sleep. The recommended sleep time for babies and toddlers is 15 hours per day and grade school kids are supposed to get 9-13 hours of sleep per night. This can vary from child-to-child but it’s important to keep the hours as regular as possible. If that means you have to miss a part of “American Idol” on television in order to get your kids to bed, so be it .... that’s what a DVR is for! The next thing is to make sure you get up early enough to provide your children a good breakfast. This is the most important meal of the day and can set the tone for both you and your kids. A bowl of cereal, glass of OJ and a piece of fruit is much better than a twinkee, donut or fast food Egg
• Health / Fitness
on the cover
• September 2009
McMuffin! Another good tip is to pick out clothes the evening before so everything is ready the next morning. Pack your kid’s backpack before he/she goes to bed, this will give you extra time in the morning. Be a part of your kids lives when they are young and it will pay you and your children back ten fold! Next, let’s look at middle school and high school kids. By this time, your child has started forming his/ her personal opinions. Now don’t get me wrong, you are still the number one factor in your kids lives, but this is where they seem to “know it all” and you’re just a dumb parent! Take the time to be a part of your children’s lives .... know where they are at all times, set curfews, ask questions, talk about their friends, know who their BFF is, set rules that are fair to both them and you, get involved if they play sports or an instrument and most of all, care about what they have to say! You might not agree with them all the time, but try! These are the years that kids start thinking about smoking, doing drugs, drinking, playing hookie and yes (here it comes) .... sex! A child’s personal life greatly effects his/hers education and learning. You can either be there as a friend and mentor or be there as the ugly, screaming “parentenemy” ... it’s your choice! Last, but not least, let’s look at your young adult going away to college. Wow, talk about a daunting task! It’s hard for a child to leave the security of home and it’s even harder for a parent to let go of those family strings. Here is a statistic you need to know .... between 20% and 25% of all college freshmen drop out of school before their sophomore year and 50% of all freshmen never graduate. Your child needs to be prepared and you can help in many ways. Talk about what you expect and let them know they are accountable for their actions. Make sure you know about your kid’s individual classes and problems. Bad grades are the number one reason why kids fail in college. Make sure they know that you
are still a major part of their lives, even though they are not living under your roof 365 days a year. College is where your children really learn how to handle money, balance checking accounts and live with fixed expenses. Mommy and Daddy will not be there to buy dinner and the refrigerator is only filled with food if they go out buy it! This is quite a shock to many college kids and we recommend a credit card with a monthly limit. After a few days of eating cereal and peanut butter, your child will understand that it is better to have food money than going to four concerts a week! This will teach money management and hopefully, budgeting skills that are needed throughout life. Don’t kid yourself, drugs and alcohol are a very big part of all college campuses. No matter how your child behaved in high school, your supervision will not be there when your child’s away at school and peer pressure is immense. Hopefully, you have discussed the subjects of drugs and alcohol with your child. Between 1999 and 2005, 157 college-aged people died from alcohol poisoning and 83% of these victims were under the age of 21. These stats do not include the thousands of traffic accidents, auto fatalities, homicides, injuries or sexual assaults that can also be linked to alcohol or drug use. One last stat says that 75% of all college deaths occur to freshmen students. Make sure you talk things over with your children before they go away. Yes, the Fall is a very interesting time of the year .... especially if you are a parent! by Paul Allen
• Health / Fitness
WHAT eXaCtly IS THE sWiNe Flu? With kids going a public health emergency back to school and interacting of international concern with other children, I am after the H1N1 virus was concerned about the swine confirmed in Mexico, Canada flu. Every newscast I watch and the United States. The and every newspaper I read government is currently has an article about this testing swine flu vaccine sickness. People are dying in shots and they are expected every part of the country and to be ready in the fall. The there are numerous cases National Institute of Health reported right in Florida! Why is testing different doses on is it named the “swine flu” .... healthy adults and will start where did it come from .... testing babies and children what makes it different from later this month. The studies the good, old, ordinary flu were held at eight medical bug .... and can it be stopped? centers around the country These are the questions I including: Atlanta, Baltimore, want answered, so I did a little Cincinnati, Houston, Iowa research: City, Nashville, St.Louis and The “flu” is a virus Seattle. that is transmitted from Normal flu-like human-to-human via symptoms include fever, coughing or sneezing. People cough, sore throat, body “...It is important to wash can also become infected aches, headaches, chills and your hands often with soap fatigue. The 2009 H1N1 flu has by touching something with the flu virus on it and then and hot water for at least 20 also included an increased touching their mouth or of diarrhea and seconds, especially after you percentage nose. The term “swine flu” is vomiting. At press time there cough or sneeze....” used to describe any strain have been 353 national of the influenza family of deaths associated with the viruses that are found in pigs. H1N1 virus, 32 in Florida and 3 Transmission of the virus from pigs to humans is in Hillsborough County. It is important to wash your not common and does not always lead to human hands often with soap and hot water for at least influenza. The meat of an infected pig poses no risk 20 seconds, especially after you cough or sneeze. If of infection when properly cooked. The virus is not that can’t happen, use alcohol-based and/or antispread by food. bacterial hand cleaner. Avoid touching your eyes, The swine flu is technically named the nose and mouth and try to stay away from sick “H1N1 Virus” and is called the “swine flu” because people. Lastly, disinfect surfaces within your home initial testing showed many of the genes in the and work place to kill germs. virus were similar to influenza viruses normally The swine flu is nothing to mess with and occurring in North American swine, however if you start coming down with flu-like symptoms, new research has shown that the 2009 outbreak don’t hesitate to call your doctor and take the contains a strain not previously reported in pigs. necessary precautions! In April 2009, Margaret Chan (the World Health Organization’s Director-General) declared by Paul Allen
• September 2009
HOW SOME DOCTORS MIGHT VIEW THE NEW ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE Allergists voted to scratch it but Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves .... Gastroenterologists had a gut feeling about it but Neurologists thought the Government had a lot of nerve .... Obstetricians felt everybody was laboring under a misconception and Ophthalmologists thought the plan was short-sided .... Pathologists yelled “Over my dead body”, while the Pediatricians shouted, “Oh, just grow up” .... Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was mad and Radiologists said they saw right through the plan .... Surgeons wanted to wash their hands and cut through all the red tape but Plastic Surgeons wanted to put a new face on the matter .... Anesthesiologists thought the idea was a gas and Cardiologists didn’t have the heart to say no .... Podiatrists thought it was a step forward but Urologists were pissed off at the whole idea .... In the end the Proctologists won out, leaving the entire decision up to the “a-holes” in Washington! This light hearted look at the Economy was found online and is for entertainment purposes only
• September 2009
• Health / Fitness
THE aRt aND sCieNCe OF A CoMPoUndIng PHARMACY Compounded medications are often prescribed by doctors for patients who need different medication strengths, alternative dosage forms and flavors, reformulation of medication to avoid allergic reactions, and products that are not commercially available. Our satisfaction comes from helping patients through consultation as well as communicating with their physician to find alternative pharmaceutical solutions. At Westchase Compounding Pharmacy, we take pride in personalizing your medications for the health and wellness of you and your family. What is Compounding? Compounding combines an ageless art with the latest medical knowledge and state-of-the-art technology, allowing specially trained professionals to prepare customized medications to meet each patient’s specific needs. Compounding is fundamental to the profession of pharmacy and was a standard means of providing prescription medications before drugs began to be produced in mass quantities by pharmaceutical manufacturers. The demand for professional compounding has increased as healthcare professionals and patients realize that the limited number of strengths and dosage forms that are commercially available do not
meet the needs of many patients, and that these patients often have a better response to a customized dosage form that is “just what the doctor ordered”. our compounding professionals can prepare: • Bio—Identical Customized Hormone Replacement Therapy. • Veterinary compounded formulations. • Topical / Transdermal alternatives for pain management. • Unique dosage forms containing the best dose of medication for each individual. • Medications in dosage forms that are not commercially available, such as transdermal. • Gels, troches, “chewies”, and lollipops. • Medications free of problem-causing excipients such as dyes, sugar, lactose, or alcohol. • Combinations of various compatible medications into a single dosage form for easier administration and improved compliance. • Medications that are not commercially available.
• September 2009
• Health / Fitness
nuYou legal eagle by: Jeffrey “Jack” gordon Even in this time of economic hardship, health and fitness remains a booming business in Florida. Decades ago, the Florida legislature recognized the growing number of fitness facilities and gyms in the state, and deemed the matter of substantial enough government interest to regulate the business of health clubs. Florida Statute 501.012 provides: The legislature finds and declares that the health studio industry has a significant impact upon the economy and well-being of the people of the state and that the provisions of statute sections 501.012-501.019 regulating health studio contracts are necessary for the public welfare. Florida certainly wants to encourage health club operators to take adequate precautions to protect their members. Nevertheless, almost every fitness center requires members to sign membership agreements which frequently include clauses disclaiming liability for negligence. Q: “Are you telling me, Jack, that if I’m working out, and I get injured because a weight machine breaks, I’m responsible and the gym isn’t?” A: If a court finds the liability waiver to be enforceable, that’s exactly what I’m telling you. Q: “Are you telling me, Jack, that there’s nothing I can do in those circumstances?” A: No. You can always challenge the validity of the waiver and try to persuade the court that the provision should not be enforced. Again, our legislature has determined that health clubs are a matter of public concern. Because health club exercise involves consumer reliance upon the expertise of the health club in adjusting and maintaining the exercise equipment, waivers executed by participants should not be upheld because they encourage health club operators to “cut corners” on safety. Q: “Jack, I didn’t even read that lengthy membership agreement. All that waiver language is in fine print on a membership form contract that everybody has to sign. It was either take it or leave it. Sign these forms or you can’t workout.” A: Exactly. You didn’t truly have any meaningful opportunity to negotiate the terms, and the health club maintained a significantly
• September 2009
superior position to you during the transaction. Accordingly, a court will be required to interpret the language in the light most favorable to you, the member. This type of membership agreement is known in law as a “Contract of Adhesion” meaning “a standardized contract, which imposed and drafted by the party of superior bargaining strength relegates to the subscribing party only the opportunity to adhere to the contract or reject it”. Florida courts have long held that all ambiguities in contracts of adhesion should be construed in the light most favorable to the nondrafting party. Liability waivers and exculpatory clauses are not favored and will normally be enforced only if clear and unequivocal. In 2008, the Fifth District Court of Appeal considered a case where the central Florida YMCA required a member to sign an exculpatory clause before using gym equipment. The membership contract included language that the YMCA will use “reasonable precautions” but, in the same document, all claims for negligence are waived. See the difference? In one instance, the “reasonable precaution” sentence suggests that YMCA will, indeed, use reasonable precautions -- then they’ll be off the hook. But, the clause then says all claims are waived, presumably even if reasonable precautions are not used. Any suggestion of the slightest ambiguity or multiple interpretation is going to unwind an exculpatory clause. Q: “I have a sixteen year old son who wants to work out with me this summer to gain strength for football. What happens if he gets injured at the gym because the equipment malfunctions?” A: It will probably be even harder for the gym to avoid responsibility. The Florida Supreme Court has ruled that a parent can’t execute an injury liability waiver for a minor child when the liability release involves participation in a commercial, as opposed to community or nonprofit, activity. According to the court, if pre-injury waivers were allowed for commercial establishments, the incentive to take reasonable precautions to defend the safety of minor children would be eliminated. This case is narrow in scope and limited to commercial waivers only. This case does not impact the enforceability of waiver/release agreements for minors in non commercial settings such as private leagues or municipal recreation departments.
Jeffrey “Jack” gordon is an AV-rated, Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer who concentrates in the fields of Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice. He can be reached by e-mail at:
• Health / Fitness
HealtHy TIPS! • If you are overweight here is a statistic that you can think about .... obese Americans spend approximately 42% ($1,429) per year more on health care than Americans who are not overweight. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention says that being overweight creates numerous health problems including high cholesterol, diabetes and heart problems, thus more trips to the doctor and more required medicines. • The artificial dye chemically similar to the one used in blue M&M candies may hold promise in treating spinal cord injuries. Brilliant Blue G, was injected into the veins of rats within 15 minutes of receiving a paralyzing injury. The rats receiving the BBG actually regained their ability to walk. The BBG blocked the adenosine triphosphates that flood into an area around a spinal cord injury that kill cells and create harmful effects. The University of Rochester Medical Center in New York are planning additional tests. • Do you know the six symptoms common in men having a heart attack? If not, here they are: 1) pressure in the chest, 2) pain that radiates into the arm, neck, jaw or stomach, 3) shortness of breath, 4) nausea, 5) light-headedness and 6) a cold sweat. If you start feeling three or more of these symptoms you need to seek medical attention.
• Did you know that you shouldn’t brush your teeth right after you drink a soda or other acidic beverage? The acid in the drink, combined with the abrasive action of brushing, can erode your tooth enamel. In order to protect your pearly-whites, sip water and rinse out your mouth before you brush. That will help activate acid-neutralizing saliva and protect your teeth. • If you’ve ever had a kidney stone you know how much they hurt. You can take steps to avoid the nasty masses that grow inside you and the number one thing to do is drink as much water as possible. Kidney stones are made of salts and minerals in urine that stick together. Extra fluids help keep urine clear and makes it harder to cling together. Another risk factor is excess weight. If you can drop a few pounds, you can help stop kidney stones from forming. One last thing is to avoid grapefruit juice. Studies show that it (but not other citrus juices) increase risk. • I decided to take an aerobics class .... I bent, twisted, gyrated and jumped up and down for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotard on, the class was over!
• Osteoporosis ....You see this word everywhere but do you know exactly what it is? Osteoporosis is a disease that causes your bones to grow thinner. Bone is a living tissue and it just happens to be harder than other living tissues inside your body. Bones are kept strong by your body replacing old bone with new bone. Osteoporosis causes the body to remove more bone than it replaces, thus bones get weaker and crack or break. There are exams you can take to test your bones and medicines that can also help. The disease is quite common, especially in older women. NuYou Magazine suggests that if you are over the age of 50, check with your doctor and get checked for osteoporosis.
• September 2009
• Beauty
by debi Cianci
Thank goodness the summer months are over with! Your hair and skin always suffer in the hotter months. Now is the time we start thinking about what we want for “Holiday Hair”. I’m not saying wear Christmas ball earrings or put silver tInsel in your hair, but if you want to grow your hair into a different style (like an up-dated “bob” with an edgy look) you need to start growing it out now.
• If you have a “Frizzy” problem you can use your everyday hair conditioner. Apply an anmount about the size of a pea on the ends of your dry hair. Or, use a dryer sheet (the same as you use with your laundry) and rub it through your hair.
Also as a rule, you go a little darker in the Winter and lighter in Summer. All of us living in Florida have this “brassy” look in our hair so we need to clarify and reconstruct with protein based deep conditioners. The brassy color will need to be professionally done through permanent or semipermanent hair color (if you are interested, I am offering a discounted price for the month of September).
• If you are in need of hair color and your roots (or grey hair) are showing always style your hair useing a “zig zag” part so it helps hide the problem area.
I suggest to anyone if you see a color or haircut in a magazine that you like, cut it out and show it to your hair stylist. Communication is everything in life and in a hair salon! What you see as brown or blonde, we stylists look at those colors in numbers and that is how we formulate and create your personal look. I like to do “one of a kind” hair color to match my customers’ skin tint. Eyes have the perfect hue to help determine a fantastic color and an individual’s face shape determines the hair cut. Now I want to give you some quick tips regarding hair, skin and nails: • Use an exfoliate on your skin daily and if you don’t have any, you can use your normal cleanser with a dab of added sea salt.
If you can see your scalp (because of thinning hair) use dark eye shadow that matches your hair color on your scalp so it looks like more hair .… this is a great camouflage!
Mountain Green Free & Clear Dryer Sheets found at $4.19
• Never cut your cuticles …. always push them back with cuticle oil. Don’t use metal, use a wooden cuticle stick. Well, that’s about it for this month. Hopefully the change in the weather can also mean a change in your hair style or color!
No Lift Nails Cuticle Oil found at $6.29
Debi Cianci is a licensed Hair Stylist with 25 plus years experience. She is a color specialist and currently works at California Beauty Studios in Clearwater, Florida. To learn more about Debi’s qualifications and abilties or for a free consultation about a new style or color call 727-224-4979
• September 2009
Health & Beauty Tips
by Dr. Bart Rademaker
There are many ways that you can make your body look and feel better. Here at Rejuva Med Spa, we have ten easy beauty secrets that I would like to share with you this month. Some are just common sense, some you can do at home and others we assist you with here at Rejuva ....
1) Exfoliate: This helps to remove old skin and makes room for new, smoother, softer, vibrant skin. There are numerous products you can use to do a great job! 2) Botox: While this may not be for everybody, botox is safe and used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Botox can relax and erase the signs of worry and get rid of wrinkles.
5) Dermal Fillers: Plump it up to lift that tired look with natural fillers. 6) IPL: Use Intense Pulse Light (IPL) to reverse the red
and brown spots created by years of sun damage. You can also look into a chemical peel, LED light therapy or a DNA cryostem cell treatment.
7) People: The beauty and joys of life revolves around the people you share time with. Do what you can to share your life experiences and look at the positive things that people have to offer. 8) BMI: This is your body mass index .... the leaner you are, the longer you live.
positive outlook on everything. A good attitude can effect the way you walk, talk and think!
9) Nutrition & Hydration: You really are what you eat! Do your best to eat clean, fresh and whole foods and wash it down with plenty of water. Try to stay away from excessive caffeine and carbonated drinks.
10) Exercise: Last but not least, a daily exercise routine is
3) Attitude: Nothing lightens your facial expression than a
Accent: Tighten and reshape the signs of cellulite and sagging skin on your body. This can be done with topical smoothing gels, endermologie body treatments, lipo dissolve injections or lipo-stock body wraps.
• September 2009
a must as it strengthens your mind, body and soul. It also keeps you young and lets your body work at its best.
• September 2009
• Beauty nuYou
• September 2009
• Fashion
WHat’s yOuR siGN? BY DEENO Hello darlings .... when do children start looking at fashion? I have a friend who has a 4-year old granddaughter who loves to shop for clothing. When he buys her a new outfit, she can’t wait to put it on, model and show off for everybody! She seems to be a normal female child, but I know that she is already a fashion diva! Colors and styles are very important to her and she loves getting new clothes! Her 10-year old sister is super fashion conscious and knows exactly what she wants from tops, to shorts to shoes. She has definite likes and dislikes and knows name brands, styles and the right color combinations to wear! On the other hand, his 6-year old grandson just wants to put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and go play. It really doesn’t matter if they match or not. Don’t get me wrong, he likes getting new clothes, but if he had a choice between a new shirt and a new dinosaur ..... t-rex wins in a landslide! I did a little research and it’s amazing how fashions are super hot .... cool off .... go away .... become garage sale throwaways .... and then (out of nowhere) once again become the hottest, newest fashion and found in every store! This is what has happened in today’s clothing world. The number one thing in young adult clothing is .... are you ready for this? .... the 40year old peace sign! Yes, that funny little symbol that was first used in the 1960’s by hippies and Viet-Nam War protestors is back and strong as ever! The peace sign is accompanied by bright colors in crazy patterns and yes, tie-dyed shirts have also made a huge comeback. I have seen peace symbols on shirts, pants, backpacks, shoes, socks and underwear! There are peace sign earrings, necklaces and head bands .... that little circle with the three pronged fork inside is everywhere! Now, don’t get me wrong .... I love the peace sign and I am happy the youth of today have the opportunity to see and wear the symbol. My hope is that they understand what it means and maybe, just maybe we can stop that damn Middle East war and we can all see what that crazy little sign symbolizes .... peace! Hugs and kisses until next month ......
• September 2009
• Fashion
NOT YOUR NORMAL FasHiON sHOW! A fashion show is a fashion show is a fashion show .... right? Well, not exactly .... especially if you are talking about “Wearable Art 5” that took place in Dunedin, FL on Saturday evening August 15. This is one of the most different, unique and fascinating art and fashion
shows you will ever see! The concept was dreamed up by Kaya Parwanicka who wanted to do more than just have models walk the runway in traditional silks, linens and cotton blends. You see, the “Wearable Art” shows features metal, discarded organic materials, balloons and miscellaneous recycled items .... all turned into clothing. The designers are from numerous worldwide locations including: Poland (Ivanka Ska), Jamaica (Sheree Lorraine), Bangladesh (Sana Hassan), Austria (Ungala), Brazil (Rogerio Martins) and right here in Florida (Frank Strunk III, Kina Kouture, Cindy Linville and Mark Byrne). The Wearable Art Show gives the artists a chance to completely express themselves in many ways and this year was no different. The show featured Runway DJ Jason Decant, Runway Emcee Natasha Richards, Staging was done by Production Source, Inc. and each designer had their own fantastic models. Vibrant colors, off-the-wall designs and even dresses made out of balloons, make the Wearable Art Show one of the most interesting fashions shows of the year! NuYou had a great time at the event and can’t wait for #6 next year! by Paul Allen
• September 2009
• September 2009
on the cover
• Fashion
A ROyal FASHION LINE! Over my career as a journalist I have interviewed numerous celebrities including Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretsky, OJ Simpson, Willie Mays and Hulk Hogan to name a few. After a while, you learn to be relaxed, confident and prepared. After a few interviews, you realize that being nervous is just part of your job and to be successful you must overcome those “pre-interview jitters”. You concentrate on the interview and (hopefully) the nerves eventually go away. However, I never interviewed a real “Prince” before last month when I had the opportunity to sit down with Prince Mario Max Schaumburg-Lippe of Austria. The Prince is not only “Royalty” but an actual clothing designer! He debuted his North American Collection here in St.Petersburg, Florida on Thursday evening July 30, 2009 and nuYou Magazine was there to cover the event! NuYou was the first interview the Prince did that evening and my nerves were hitting on all cylinders! We were escorted into a hotel, then into a hallway and finally into the interview room. The Prince had an entourage of approximately 15 people and when I had an opportunity to speak, my first words were, “I’m glad to meet you your Highness, but my first question is what do I call you?” At that, he smiled and said “You can call me Prince Max or just Max”. From that time on, the tension was gone and Max was a super nice, friendly, very articulate, outgoing guy. After talking for about 20 minutes, we had the opportunity to meet a few of Max’s beautiful models and get a quick preview of his fashions. His look is very laid back, relaxing and nothing stuffy at all. Printed t-shirts, hoodies, boxer shorts and lady-cut tops made up a very nice mix that should be a hit, especially here in Florida. The fashion show itself featured about 15 models and even the Prince himself walked the runway! Thanks must go out to Ms. Ivanka Ska from “The House of Ska Fashions” in St.Petersburg for making the show happen. She met the Prince in New York City a few years ago and their budding friendship led to the St.Petersburg North American debut. If you would like to see my interview with Prince Max and portions of the fashion show itself, please check out the video that is posted on our website. I would like to sincerely thank Ivanka, her staff and the Prince for the wonderful hospitality they gave the nuYou staff! We had a fantastic evening and are looking forward to future shows! by Paul Allen
• September 2009
• Fashion
TAMPA BAY FasHiON WeeK 2009 By Jay Burnett Tampa, here we go again! Tampa Bay Fashion Week 2008 was the first annual Fashion Week event hosted in Tampa, Florida. As we embark on the second annual Fashion Week in Tampa, we can only imagine what the designers and coordinators of the event will do to top a very exciting and successful 2008 show. I am Jay Burnett, a local hair designer with New Identities Hair Studio in Riverview, FL and one of the behind-the-scenes designers that bring magic and edgy flair to the runway. I am also excited to bring NuYou Magazine on board this year! It is such a benefit and honor to be a part of Fashion Week that will take place on September 23-26 at the Sheraton Riverwalk Hotel in Tampa. For those of you not familiar with event, here’s a quick breakdown FASHIon WEEK IS PRoUd To BEnEFIT THE FoLLoWIng oRgAnIZATIonS: Best Buddies Tampa - Best Buddies Tampa is an organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of intellectually disabled persons by providing opportunities for one-to-one friendships and integrated employment. Founded in 1989 by Anthony Kennedy Shriver, Best Buddies is a vibrant, international organization that has grown from one original chapter to more than 1,300 middle schools, high schools, and college campuses across the globe. All 50 U.S. states engage participants in programs of Best Buddies. The goal of Best Buddies is to continue expanding nationwide at the local community level, while more broadly engaging the global community through their programs. YWCA Tampa Bay – Eliminating Racism, Empowering Women -The YWCA is the oldest and largest multicultural women’s organization in the world. Across the globe, they have more than 25 million members in 122 countries, including 2 million members in 300 local associations in the United States. More important than the numbers are their missions to eliminate racism and empower women. They provide safe places for women and girls, build strong women leaders, and advocate for
• September 2009
women’s rights and civil rights in Congress. Fashion Week 2009 Behind the Scenes Peek Hours before the lights are up, the music starts hopping and the beautiful models begin their luxurious journey down the catwalk, the teams of “magicians” go to work. The hair and make-up teams are the heartbeat of the runway; limp tresses are brought to life and faces become the artists’ canvas. These magicians usually start with simple looks and build up to more creative and outlandish designs. A few hours of creativity later the back room is hustling and bustling as the clock ticks. Gorgeous models are ready for their first trip down the runway. A potential buyer could be warded off if the model’s look doesn’t fit the outfit, and in a flash, the model has vanished from the stage. In a maximum period of six minutes, the disappearing model will make an outfit, hair and make-up change. A huddle of the behind-thescenes magicians appears and abracadabra! The model re-emerges with a new outfit, a gorgeous but different hairstyle, and stunning new make-up. Shhh…don’t tell the secret! Please join the very talented group of stylists, DJ’s, hair and make-up teams, and designers in promoting another very successful Tampa Bay Fashion Week. You can find further information by visiting their website at www. See you on the catwalk!
• Fashion
DesiGNeR SPOTLIGHT By Jay Burnett, Fashion Editor
NuYou Magazine will spotlight a local fashion designer each month to keep you informed of the absolutely marvelous fashion talent right next door!
Jacka designs, Tampa Bay Jacka Designs, a fashion forward company located in Tampa Bay, Florida, is where fashion comes first! Jacka Designs will stay with you in mind and spirit long after the day or evening has ended. When Jacka begins a design, she takes it up a notch by adding her own edgy, sophisticated, Latin flair. Jacqueline Saldana, the brain behind the name, is a third generation seamstress. Her passion comes from deep within her and the women in her family. Jacka’s grandmother, mother, and aunt all worked in a garment factory for many years. To earn extra money, they created one-of-a-kind outfits for special occasions of friends and neighbors. These women showed Jacka how to use a sewing machine, and once told her that “the details of the design are what make a garment stand out; fabric and colors are part of the design detail, which is appreciated most by designers and clients.” Jacka keeps that thought in mind while she takes the knowledge and skills of her grandmother, mother, and aunt to a whole new level in her designs. She says that her passion for fashion has been and always will be the three women of generations gone by. Jacka was born and raised in one of the largest fashion capitals of the world - New York City! Jacka relocated with her family to Tampa in 1993. Salsa dancing was a passion of hers, but she struggled to find an outfit that had enough of her Puerto Rican flair to go dancing in. So Jacka broke out the old sewing machine and made an outfit for herself. Much to her surprise, several other
dancers approached her with a strong interest in the outfit she was wearing. Up until that point, Jacka had only designed outfits for herself. With all the comments and inquiries she received on her salsa outfit, Jacka was flooded with ideas. The creative juices began to flow and the sewing needles began to hum! Jacka now designs for both men and women, including dance wear, business suits, men’s wear, and ball gowns. Jacka created Jacka Designs through days and nights of hard work and dedication. She always enjoys the pleasure and transformations one experiences when they get into one of her garments. Jacka Designs has your garment for any occasion - from simple and casual to red carpet gowns that you would be proud to strut your stuff in! The website has a number of her unique designs, but Jacka specializes in customizing outfits your way. This past spring, Jacka’s designed my daughter’s senior prom gown (pictured here in chocolate silk), and I was able to witness her unbelievable talent! She combined four different dress designs and her edgy flair to give my daughter a one-of-a-kind gown for that one-of-akind evening of her life. Thank you Jacka for touching my life and joining the fashionistas of Tampa Bay, Florida and creating beautiful garments and memories for one of the fastest growing fashion markets in the United States. If you would like to contact Jacka Designs and become the proud owner of one of Jacka’s amazing designs, please contact her at www.jackadesigns. net (website), jacka@ (e-mail), or 813-4958157 (phone). Again, thank you Jacka, and we look forward to seeing what comes “HAUTE off the Needle” next!
• September 2009
• Food & Nutrition
By Art Koch
In this day and age of wanting I could see a rich red color and by the time to eat healthier, feel better, and they were done I could not wait to give my look better, there are plenty of food buffalo burgers a taste. After the first bite, alternatives to help the process. There the taste was slightly different, but sweeter are the sugar frees, fat frees, diet this, and richer and it didn’t take long for me to and diet that on shelves and in freezer polish off the 4 oz buffalo burger without compartments in every super market, cheese, onions, ketchup, etc. I wanted the specialty food store and on line! The full taste and I got it. My next venture was choices are many, but unless we read to pick up a small steak and give that a try. labels real close (something I never I had the same result, absolutely nutritious, did until a year or so ago) we just tasty and an inner feeling that I was doing assume because it says fat or sugar something very healthy for myself. One free that it is. Fact is, in most cases thing you will find is that you can eat less they are not all what they claim to be. and get more from buffalo. For example if Oh, they are less in sodium, sugars, cholesterol, etc. but not quite you like a 6 oz. steak, a 4 oz. buffalo steak will fill you just as much to the numbers we would expect. Always read the labels and never because of its fatless, richer and sweeter taste. assume. So what is that makes buffalo or bison meat so nutritious, That all being said, just recently, thanks to a show segment so healthy and so tasty? Take a look at this chart and you can see for on the Food Network, I ventured out to try something very new, to yourself the many benefits you can get from a health standpoint by me, because of what I had seen adding buffalo meat to your red NUTRITIONAL COMPARISON per 100 gram serving and heard on this TV segment. I meat input. must say that I was immediately As you can see from that taken by this particular product chart, there are far less calories Fat Cal. Chol. Iron Vit. B-12 and while it may be a tad more with buffalo and almost no fat expensive, it is well worth the content at all, which means when 143 82 3.42 2.86 Buffalo 2.42 extra cost, especially if you want you put that burger or steak on the to eat and stay healthy. What am grill there is no loss or shrinkage. 10.15 219 86 2.99 2.65 Beef I talking about? Buffalo meat! I That 4 oz burger will be a full four know some of you reading this when it is done. In addition, all of Pork 9.66 212 86 1.1 0.75 have already gone the buffalo the other nutrients that are good route, and I know some see that for our bodies are available by and go “yuk”, but trust me, try having buffalo instead of the usual 190 89 1.21 0.33 Chicken 7.41 it once and it won’t be the last beef that we have all become so time. I started slowly with just a conditioned and used to. Salmon 10.97 216 87 0.55 5.80 couple of buffalo burgers that I So if you are looking bought and put on the grill. I did for a very healthy, rich tasting not add any kind of seasoning so I could get the entire taste of this alternative that is good for you and your system give buffalo a try. new treat. I was also told if I was cooking it on a grill, to cook at a Like me, once you do, it will be something that you will add to your lower temp because of the lack of marbling or fat in buffalo. So I set food intake and know that you are healthier for it. Enjoy! the grill at 325 degrees and put the two burgers on. As they grilled
• September 2009
• September 2009
• Food & Nutrition
FeatuRe ReCipe
By tracy allen
sCallOps OVeR WilD RiCe Serves 3-4 Cook time: 25 min INGREDIENTS: 1-lb Bay or Sea Scallops 6-oz (1 pk.) Wild Rice 1/4-cup Margarine (melted)
1/4-cup 1-tsp 1 pinch
Fresh lemon juice Garlic & Herb Seasoning Salt (to taste)
This particular recipe was given to me by nuYou’s own, Nancy Verzi. So thanks Nancy! I found this recipe to be easy to follow and I highly recommend it. As far as nutritional value: overall it’s low in fat, the rice gives you some fiber, the scallops give you protein, but they also are a bit high in Cholesterol. So dieters beware. If your cholesterol is in check, then you will love this.
qUICK TIP! Use the smaller, Bay Scallop for a faster cook time. Just be sure to stir them quite often to keep them from sticking to the pan.
dIRECTIonS: First step is to start the rice. You’ll want to follow the package directions and allow it to cook while you prepare the scallops. My choice of white & wild rice called for a 20-25 minute cook time. So I started this immediately. Mix the lemon juice, melted butter, the garlic & herb seasoning and the salt together in a large skillet. Bring liquid to a boil then add your scallops. If using sea
scallops you want to allow more cooking time to cook all the way through. The smaller bay scallops will cook in approximately 6-8 minutes while the sea scallops to 6-8 minutes each side. Once the scallops are done, place a bed of wild rice on a plate, stack the scallops on top of the rice and viola!
Check back next month for another healthy alternative to the everyday dinner. If you would like to submit a recipe for consideration send it with complete instructions to - The idea behind this monthly column is to provide a healthy alternative and to make sure it’s easy for an every day cook, like myself. So, keep in mind your dish will be prepared by me before we print it to ensure it’s practicality. 28
• September 2009
Sugar, the sweetest thing on earth .... you know that old saying, “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down”, but how bad is that spoonful of sugar for your body? Health experts have long commented on the fact that sugar can make you fat, but now doctors are saying the sweet stuff can damage your liver, contribute to heart attacks and even create wrinkles on your face! Just how harmful is sugar and what can we do about it? The fact is simple .... sugar is everywhere! From 1991 to 2008, the average American has increased their sugar/calorie intake from 220 calories a day to a whopping 350 per day. Most of that comes from beverage consumption such as soft drinks, energy drinks, sport drinks and juices. This number started rapidly climbing when beverage manufacturers started using high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in place of cane sugar. HFCS is created in laboratories and not only is it a bit sweeter, it’s less expensive than cane sugars. Many people think they are doing their body good when they gulp down a Gatorade or Hi-C drink in place of a soda, but if they take the time to read the label, they would see those alternative drinks aren’t as great as they sound. Looking at the labels show high sugar levels and HFCS as an ingredient in both. HFCS is also found in packaged foods and today accounts for half of all daily sugar consumption. You expect to find sugar in cookies, cakes and candy bars but did you know that it is also found in barbecue sauce, fruit-flavored yogurt, cereal bars, diced peaches, apple sauce and hundreds of other pre-package items? Here is a statistic that comes from Teresa Fung, an Associate Professor of Nutrition at Simmons College in Boston ... she states that drinking even one 12-ounce can of regular soda a day, boosts your risk of a heart attack by 24 percent! If you drink two or more cans per day, your risk increases to 35 percent. That is mind boggling
• September 2009
• Food & Nutrition
HOW BAD IS suGaR? and a very scary fact considering how many cans of Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Mt. Dew and Dr. Pepper are consumed every day by millions of people. We all know that sugar is bad for your heart, can make you fat and is associated with diabetes, but did you know it also can cause wrinkles in your face? Excess fructose attaches to collagen and other skin proteins and modifies the way they grow. They weaken proteins and cause sags and wrinkles. A healthy collagen is like a rubber band. Sugars tie that rubber band in knots and take away the elasticity a normal rubber band would have. As we get older, the body slows down the collagen producing process and when combined with “overthe-years” sun damage, your skin can only take so much. The adding of excess sugars certainly don’t help and can actually help create wrinkles. Ok ... so what can we do and how do we consumer less sugar? First of all, if you’re thirsty drink good, old fashioned water! Cut out sodas and other HFCS sweetened drinks. If you are going to use an artificial sweetener, we recommend “Splenda” made with sucralose. It is 600 times sweeter than sugar so you don’t need as much, it has a clean taste with no after-taste, it can be used in baking and it has passed over 100 studies that confirm it is harmless and causes no type of cancer like many other sweeteners such as Sweet N’ Low (made with saccharin) and Equal (made with aspartame) have been accused of. Now, we’re not saying that the others are bad or absolutely cause cancer, but Splenda is our personal choice. There is no way to completely remove all sugar from your diet and you really shouldn’t do that. But, you should be aware that too much is bad for your body and there are many advantages to cutting down on the sweet stuff! by Paul Allen
• Food & Nutrition
Weight Loss Secret Revealed! The HormoneWeight Loss Connection Revealed – Part II – The Food… In last month’s issue, I talked about how my health improved using Oriental Medicine. What I didn’t reveal was the fact that I actually gained weight at first. During my initial course of treatment, the weight gain stopped, but soon it started to go back up again. This is because my behavior wasn’t in alignment with what my body required. In other words, I still ate bad food at times, and boy, do I love food! All kinds; sweets, starches, breads, Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Polish, you name it, I’ll eat it. This ended up getting me into a lot of trouble. I started to get fat! I felt great, but my clothes were getting tighter and tighter. I would even pray over my meal hoping God would make the bacon cheeseburger with fries and a shake as healthy as vegetables. I figured if Jesus can turn water into wine, why not just make my meal miraculously healthy? Well, it was obvious that wasn’t working for me since my clothes didn’t fit anymore. During this time, I hired Dr. Kim Williams Baptista, LAc, who was a weight loss specialist. She had the same advanced certifications I did, but with a specialty in handling the food issue; this was where I needed help. So, I listened to her teach about the foods and followed the program. Since I was already being treated on a regular basis, changing my food intake resulted in very quick results. Making the appropriate lifestyle change was the biggest hurdle in achieving my goals. I had lost and gained so much over the decades, I was used to failure in the area. In the past I would stick to a “diet” but at the same time wish I could just have one bite or a taste. Ironically, I would council my diabetes
patients’ about the dangers of eating that one bite, and how they were risking losing their eyesight or their limbs due to complications directly related to their diabetes and diet. At that time, I was grateful I didn’t have a disease to manage so I could eat what I wanted. Boy was I about to get a change in direction. One of the biggest revelations that hit me between the eyes was understanding the definition of the word “food.” Now you are probably saying, “ I know what food means, I learned that in grammar school.” Yes, we did, but the advertising industry has done a great job at tantalizing our taste buds and muting the definition. We’ve forgotten the purpose of food. According to the dictionary, the word “food” means to nourish and augment function in the body. When you look at most things that are commonly referred to as “food” it doesn’t measure up to the definition. Augment function means to improve function. Any “food” with any type of chemical, artificial anything, or any type of processed item in the ingredients that harms the body or decreases function does not, by definition, qualify as food. So, what do we call it? Well, I found it easier to call it poison. Plain and simple. There is nothing that is neutral, what you put in your mouth is either going nourish your body, or put a toxic strain on your body. When you start looking at labels, it can be difficult to find things that actually nourish your body without some type of adverse effect. The next time you are in the grocery store, look at some of the meal replacement and diet drinks that are popular. They are typically loaded with sugar and chemicals, which would put a strain on your pancreas, the gland that’s involved with sugar metabolism, and the liver, which acts like a filter to help keep your body clean. What helped me apply this whole concept of “eating to create health” was visualizing what happens inside our body when we eat. Our body uses what we eat to build and
By dr. Mary Riggin
nourish new cells. The cells that make up our various organs and structures are constantly dying and our body builds new ones. The more we eat to help build strong healthy cells, the easier it is for our body to heal, and subsequently, lose weight. If we put things in our body that don’t qualify as “food” by definition, our body will build the new cells from the junk we are feeding it. When I started eating foods that created health in my body and triggered fat-burning hormones, the weight melted off. The first step was to eliminate all the known toxins and eat as much organic as possible. This included all artificial sweeteners, any type of food that had anything I couldn’t pronounce or included the words artificial, MSG, starch, or processed. My preference, but not always practical, is to stick to foods that don’t require nutrition labels. Now that I modified my behavior and understood what the word “food” meant, the next step was to enhance fat-burning by choosing the correct foods. This took a lot of attention, but resulted in a menu that included very delicious meals. One key element was to cut out the refined sugars. Another element was to keep fat in my diet. Amazing. I lost fat by eating the right types of fat – and it’s delicious! An integral part of handling my sweet tooth was drinking a cleansing drink made up of 2 oz of pure, unsweetened cranberry juice, 1 tsp of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar, and 1 tsp of lemon all mixed with 6 oz of water. This elixir will help keep your liver, kidneys and urinary bladder healthy. The long lasting results achieved from this program are directly due to the unique treatment using our advanced acupressure, along with behavior modification regarding food. We truly are what we eat, and we shouldn’t wait to create health until we are ill, we need to be pro-active and eat to create health now!
Dr. Mary Riggin is a licensed acupuncturist (FL) doctor of acupuncture (RI) and clinic director of Healing Touch Oriental Medicine in Clearwater. She has been in practice since 1996, served as President of FSOMA and was appointed to the FL State Board of Acupuncture by Gov. Chiles and Gov. Bush. She is a free-lance health writer, conducts natural health classes as a volunteer, produced and hosted the 7-time award winning cable TV program “Health Options” and currently produces and co-hosts Burn Fat Talk every Wed at 9:06PM on WTAN 1340AM. She can be reached at or (727) 669-6000. 30
• September 2009
• Harmony
tiMe Out! By Bart Rademaker, M.d.
3 time outs a day - will reduce your risk of getting cancer and a heart attack. When was your last time out? 20 years ago maybe 30? Why do children deserve to quiet their excited and frenzied minds and we don’t. A child’s ability to redirect their attention from things that they do not like is quite evident by the fact that they can ignore their parents. So why should we be less needy than them for a time out? There is no one to remind or force us to do so. My own kids are great. When they are around me they will sometimes just disappear to their rooms when they become aware of their inqueititude of their minds as they know I will be sending them away. So we must also send ourselves away for that time out. Time to rid ourselves of the mental noise. The emotional storm that we sometimes create and the confusion of choice. We are more intelligent and instinctive than we give ourselves credit for. Our subconscious mind often knows the direction our lives must go. By quieting the mind, answers come forth. The practice of meditation may seem foreign to us but zoning out in front of the tv is already a form of meditation. The stresses of the day have maxed out our capacity to deal with anything else. Staring at the tv and not thinking, quiets the mind. You might be troubled with a certain problem and suddenly get hit by a brainwave or have a sudden insight. All this really is, is the subconscious speaking loudly enough for us to hear. So why not treat ourselves to a real time out? Time out from all the noise that litter our lives with baggage we do not need. Quieting the mind regularly brings a higher mastery of happiness into our lives. Every time I fail to start the day with a meditation, I see a scowling face in the mirror hurrying up to meet the
trials of the day. When I meditate I am smiling and savor each lasting moment of joyous experiences. Meditation unfortunately carries with it a stigma that it is too difficult, there is no one to teach it and really it is reserved for the Tibetan monks. The truth of the matter is that we are already experts at it and do it on a regular basis. We just need to relax and focus on doing it effectively. For starters, a quiet and comfortable and safe environment is necessary where no interruptions will happen. The easiest reason for the beginner to lose focus is the fear of an interruption or uncomfortable feeling of being discovered. Practice makes perfect. Find a comfortable position, typically with crossed legs and open palms on the knees. Just sitting in a chair or even lying down without falling asleep will do. The focused mind will clear the noise and clutter of our busy lives. You may want to count backwards from 50 and breathe deeply throughout. When you reach zero, keep your mind quiet with only thoughts or feelings of serenity, tranquility, and peace. As you breathe deeply, use your stomach muscles, empty your mind of negative thoughts, distracting ideas and replace them with positive ones. You may want to ask yourself a question: who am I and what do I want. Don’t expect an answer - it will come to you later. Meditation is truly an art and deserves our attention. To master it there are many dedicated books on meditation. Many techniques can also be found in books about yoga. There are classes available too. The concept of the ‘time out’ is in essence a form of meditation and it will do you a world of good to do this in the morning before life begins and several times during the day. Praise yourself for doing the approximate right thing. Meditation is a process and can be learned with practice. It is not a pursuit of perfection. Meditation will help tremendously and bring greater peace, harmony and certainly clarity to your lifes. To have clear vision. Go meditate.
• September 2009
By Caryl Dennis
They have been dubbed “Indigo Children”, “Children of the Blue Ray”, “Starseeds”, “Star Children”, “Crystal Children”, “Rainbow Children”: in 1996, in one of the first books written on the subject, I called them “Millennium Children”. Whatever label you choose, these kids appear to be signaling “The Shift” – the next stage of human development or evolution. In the midst of all the great challenges human civilization currently faces, children are being born with remarkable intuitive, intellectual and physical abilities – clairvoyance, telekinesis, clairaudience, clairsentience, genius level IQ’s, highly acute senses (smell, taste, touch, hearing, sight), and even very unusual physical strength. They demonstrate at an early age vivid memories of past lives; they recall life in the womb, as well as being “in spirit” before conception. They often report interaction with “extraterrestrials” and other extraordinary dreamtime (and daytime) activities, including “imaginary friends.” They have the ability to see beyond the visible light spectrum, which enables them to perceive auras, devas, fairies and ghosts. Often the product of a difficult pregnancy (in some cases their mothers were purportedly unable to get pregnant), they may have physical deformities (clubfoot, scoliosis) or neurological
• September 2009
• Harmony
MILLEnnIUM CHILdREn & THE SHIFT problems. Sometimes they are twins, or products of the Vanishing Twin Phenomenon (or Syndrome), in which two or more fetuses are detected during pregnancy, but only one child is born. In The Millenium Children, I explore some of the threats to these children: The danger of toxic reactions to vaccines (especially DPT) and other drugs; the possibility of their high-strung temperaments and hypersensitivity leading teachers to regard them as “problems”, resulting in diagnoses of Attention Deficit Disorder, hyperactivity, and/or learning disabilities. But the biggest danger, to the children and to humanity’s future, is their parents reacting negatively – with fear or anger – to their children’s ability to see auras or to predict the future, thus causing the kids to shut down those abilities, as has happened all too often in the past. During my research over the last seventeen years, I have heard – very often from grandparents, teachers, or counselors – many accounts of these special kids’ parents struggles to deal with behavior they didn’t understand. The primary reason I wrote The Millennium Children is my conviction that anyone who is in any way connected to one of these special children must have as much information as possible to help these kids realize their full potential. In too many sectors of our society, such things as psychic ability are still feared and discouraged in children. We cannot allow that to happen with this generation; our survival may very well be at stake. Whatever the nature of the “shift” through which humanity is now passing – whether we are simply taking the next evolutionary step in consciousness, preparing to “ascend”, connect with “E. T.”, or some other possibility – it seems certain that we are at a crucial point in our sojourn upon this planet. Can we afford to ignore the possibility that the advanced abilities of the Millennium Children will be necessary, even crucial, in dealing successfully with the great challenges we all face? Caryl Dennis has been a Professional Psychic for over 19 years and is the author of 8 books and research projects, including The Millennium Children: Tales of the Shift. Website: 727-441-2270,
• Harmony
What’s Hot About HoT YogA? By Kathy Ran It is so hot outside! Yet so many flock to studios across Tampa Bay to practice yoga in a room that can reach 105 degrees! Practicing Yoga in this environment may seem crazy, but once you’ve tried this incredible healing yoga, you too can discover the power that Hot Yoga can deliver. Hot Yoga was developed by Bikram Choudry many years ago. Bikram developed the yoga after blowing out both his knees in a weight lifting competition and was told he would never walk again and needed many extensive operations. works equally well for beginning and advanced He then turned to yoga and worked closely students.” with his favorite GURU and developed a healing, “The United States has five percent of the strengthening, moving meditation that heals your world’s population. These five percent has more back body from the inside out and creates a wonderful problems than the rest of the world combined. Every elongation of the spine– leading to a greater feeling day doctors write half a million prescriptions for of wellness. mental disease, but none of these people are mentally These twenty-six poses go through sick. The physical body is destroyed, so they cannot the whole body relieving stress, balancing and use their brain and mind. The strengthening the glands, spine is ruined and the nervous organs, circulation, digestion, Kathy Ran is a Certified Teacher and has been system doesn’t work anymore.” nervous system, rejuvenating teaching a variety of ages for the last 15 years. Hot Yoga is a great way tissue, reversing the aging Her experience ranges from 4 year olds to to begin your yoga practice. You process, reshaping muscles, preteens and includes children with disabilities. can make quicker gains in hot tendons, weight, and building She holds a B.S. degree in Education with a minor in Psychology. Kathy also holds a Certificate in yoga due to the temperature will-power, self-control, and Nutritional Counseling and enjoys working with of the room. Flexibility is at its patience. people looking for lifestyle changes. Currently, greatest and you can ease into Bikram Says, “Western Kathy continues her education and has become the pose gaining your highest people do not have the time to is a certified Sports/Yoga instructor. She has potential and allowing yourself learn and perfect hundreds of recently opened her own studio with her sister in Westchase and continues to develop her own to push to your edge. Yoga can poses, so I designed a routine yoga practice for others to share. “I truly love be for everyone, all you have to of twenty-six postures that yoga and feel tremendous joy when I practice… do is give it a try, you will love improves the whole body. The It is this joy that has lead me on my path to share the results. key to life is balance; if you are this gift with others”. All you have to do is Begin As always, begin where you balanced, stress can’t touch you. Where You Are…. are…. My routine develops balance, strength, and flexibility, and
• September 2009
• September 2009
• Harmony
Look into My Eyes… Look Directly into My Eyes! By Jan Segers Rysdon. M.A. C.Ht.
Jan Segers Rysdon. C.Ht. is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Energy Practitioner, Educator, Coach, Speaker with Over 20 yrs. experience teaching self-hypnosis & visualization techniques
Imagine this scene: A dark and sinister-looking male stares intently at his victim as he waves his finger back and forth from his eye to the eye of a beautiful female and says, “Look into my eyes…. Look directly into my eyes. You are now under my power and will do as I say….” Film and television have capitalized on the use of hypnosis in this mesmerizing negativestereotypical way for decades, mostly to create a malevolent plot or subplot where the hypnotist attempts to seduce the unwary female or causes the unsuspecting subject to do his bidding. From Dracula seducing a woman to a hypnotist on The Mentalist hypnotizing a man to believe he carried a sack of potatoes instead of a human, we have seen the evil hypnotist. In addition, hypnosis has also created humor with stage shows as well as film and television with Tony Robbins hypnotizing Shallow Hal to see a woman’s inner beauty and British TV comedy Little Britain’s Kenny Craig hypnotizing his girlfriend to avoid paying for her champagne dinner. You can see why people have the mistaken idea that hypnosis can be a terrifyingly or supernaturally powerful way to control others. Society and the media have created a “woo woo” stigma that hypnotists and hypnotherapists today are on a mission to change through education and research. Here is the real truth: People cannot be hypnotized to do anything against their will or innate sense of what is right for them at that time. Yes, stage hypnotists assist compliant subjects to do funny and interesting things. However, professional hypnotists and hypnotherapists who attended reliable institutions, who maintain ethical practices, and who use hypnosis for therapeutic intervention successfully assist their clients to transform their lives and reach their goals. The mesmerizing eye gaze technique of the past is rarely used; instead, we use relaxation techniques and cues. Hypnosis, used in hospitals, clinics, and offices of hypnotherapists for decades, is approved by the American Medical Association. Skilled practitioners teach their clients selfhypnosis, deep breathing techniques, and visualization techniques as well as use the relaxed state of focused attention during trance to provide positive post-hypnotic suggestions
tailored for each client. During hypnosis, the client does not sleep and always maintains control. The physical body relaxes while the unconscious mind becomes alert, focused, and receptive to suggestions. Acting as a facilitator or coach, the skilled hypnotherapist assists the client based on the skills, resources, and goals the client has previously revealed. At the end of trance, some clients say they were aware of everything. Others say they heard some of the information and drifted part of the time, while others say they heard nothing. Each comment reveals an excellent result because the conscious mind stayed busy listening while the unconscious mind worked on the issue at hand and eliminated barriers to success. The onus of responsibility lies with the clients who must want to make the change, carry out assignments, and believe that they can change. Most people find hypnosis to be a pleasant, enjoyable, and successful experience that causes positive change leading to selfempowerment. Interestingly, many of my clients open their eyes at the end of trance and say, “Wow! That was incredible.” Current ongoing medical research shows us how the use of hypnosis as a complementary intervention successfully aids adults, teens, and children when practiced by certified practitioners. According to Chip Brown in “The Experiments of Dr. Oz,” studies of patients undergoing surgery who were taught self-hypnosis by the team of Dr. Mehmet Oz, cardiothoracic surgeon and frequent Oprah Winfrey guest, revealed the patients were significantly less tense as well as less depressed, less fatigued, and required less medication. They felt empowered and left the hospital sooner than those who did not receive the training. Yes! Hypnosis works! Hypnotherapy can help clients transform their lives to alleviate stress; relieve pain; prepare for medical, dental, or surgical procedures; create comfortable childbirth; cope with loss and medical diagnoses; become smoke-free; manage weight; mend or end relationships; defuse anger; balance emotions; create real change; be happy and healthy; and so much more. Are YOU ready to transform your life NOW? Call a certified hypnotherapist for a free consultation.
• September 2009
By Anna Sweetnam Ph.D.
What a wonderful world we live in. Opportunities are around every corner, even in these troubling economic times. In every nook and cranny of our lives there are activities and events for the mind, the body and the Spirit. If we are open and aware, we are blessed with an abundance of unique circumstances to enhance our every day life. These unique opportunities can be helped along and manifested through our positive thoughts, energy and affirmations. Before long we trust in those special occasions and opportunities that arrive before us. We trust ourselves and those whom are trustworthy around us. There are less and less obstacles in the way as we move ahead making better choices which manifest to better outcomes. “When I’m trusting and being myself as fully as possible, everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously.” -Anonymous
• Harmony
Some would call you lucky, but we know luck isn’t what it’s all about; luck plays such a minor roll in the bigger picture. As individuals we have a very important and active roll in creating our life. In losing track of the goal, the dream the hope-- we lose the luck? Or did we lose the positive thoughts, energy and affirmations that propel us forward and toward our potential and purpose? If this is the truth and we lose the positive thoughts, energy, and affirmations what are we withholding? Why do we refrain and withdraw from the positive spirals in our life to the negative tornado like spirals? By the mere act of withdrawing, there is a “knowing” that we are “holding out”. All it took was a brief second to shift our thought and be aloof. What a great way to get even! “I won’t let you have what you want or need to have.” We keep the information to ourselves and don’t share. This could be with a parent relationship, business relationship, or personal relationship? Or, maybe it’s not a relationship outside of you but the relationship you have with yourself. You know those hard to look at phrases such as: “I don’t deserve to have or to ask for what I want.” “I don’t deserve to be happy.” “I don’t trust others, I don’t trust myself.” Once tired and overwhelmed with these negative outcomes, the pendulum eventually swings back towards positive thoughts, energy and manifestations. Then, we are again in a place of trusting positive outcomes. There’s a feeling of accountability and personal responsibility. We give ourselves the permission to live authentically, you know-- carpe diem! Those who visit The Conscious Connection realize there is room for change; they are ready to change their lives. Their mind can no longer fool their hearts. The mere act of withholding, standing back in defiance is the clue. Life is ours to create or to not create, the dreams, hopes and aspirations we have. Results are fulfilled life styles, balance and happiness. This is a choice. How do you choose to live? Anna Sweetnam Ph.D. – Dr. Anna is the creator of The Conscious Connection, a Holistic Wellness Center in Ozona, FL. With a Masters Degree in Education and a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Philosophy, Dr Anna is uniquely qualified to address personal growth and conscious awareness for the 21st century. The mission of The Conscious Connection is to provide a safe environment where individuals can explore a little deeper (take the next step) and transform to a lifestyle that balances Spirit, mind and body for ultimate health and wellness. The facility is comprised of several freestanding buildings, quaint cottages and a cozy little cafe’ with several alternative practitioners dedicated to the Holistic Wellness of their clients.
• September 2009
• Harmony
Horoscopes vIRgo - Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Stretch, Stretch, Stretch. Stretch body and your mind. Stretch your emotional capacities. After all, everything from your mind to your body to your soul is connected. Loosening up your muscles will help your decision making. Lightening up emotionally will help you lighten up physically (and vice versa). Your good humor has everything to do with the good care you’ve been taking of yourself.
CAPRICoRn dec. 22-Jan. 19 Concentrate, but not so hard that you neglect your fitness! You need to maintain your health. But you also need to clear away some of the confusion that’s been mucking up your senses. Be calm and clear, physically and mentally, in order to function your best. Cultivate a new hobby, art and culture are good for your health, too, you know. As is philosophy and just plain old talking.
TAURUS - Apr. 20-May 20 Don’t let a disagreement come between you and your workout. Don’t give in! Hold your ground! Mid month you’ve got time for everything and if you are considering taking a business or financial risk, think it over during a long jog on the beach. Physical movement can make a big difference in clarifying your ideas. Exercise your mind along with your body at the end of the month. Put on your favorite workout shirt, romance is looking for you -- at the gym!
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Sometimes it’s a struggle to make it to the gym. You might really have to wrestle with your lazybones in order to not skip it. But make an effort to work out, even if you don’t feel like it. Mid month your intellect will take over. That’s great, as long as it’s smart enough to keep tending to your physical well-being. As the month ends, you’re ready to look below the surface.
gEMInI - May 21-June 21 Have a great idea about how to make your daily workout a little more? What’s keeping you from it? Nothing! So go ahead -- make that change. There’s no need to fall into that same-old trap when it comes to your health. Do you feel like an aspect of your workout has outlasted its usefulness? Switch it up, rechallenge yourself. Experimentation is the spice of life. You’ll need that boost to your workout at the end of the month.
SCoRPIo - oct. 24-nov. 21 ‘Down to earth’ is your mantra. Skip the fancy dinner and head to the organic store for groceries. Skip the night on the town and hunker down for an early morning run on the beach. Touch your toes before you try to touch the stars -- it’s a lot more fulfilling, promise. You could come up with lots of interesting ideas as long as you tend to your mental, emotional and physical well-being.
PISCES - Feb.19-Mar. 20 Your health simply must come first every day of the month. Tempted to skip your workout? Tempted to gorge on fried fatty foods? To indulge in a bad habit as a means of stress relief? That will only up your stress levels, guaranteed. Be good to your body and your body will be good to you. Change one thing you’re unhappy with in your life. Analyze the situation as deeply as you can. You’ll come up with a healthy solution.
CAnCER - June 22-July 22 Somebody tries to schedule you right out of a workout, push back. Say, ‘no way,’ politely but forcefully. Insist. You need to address a simmering relationship issue. You don’t want to give it time to come to a boil. A tricky choice awaits you mid month. Which do you compromise? Your social life or your professional one? Keep your priorities straight as you rearrange things to satisfy your life’s requirements.
SAgITTARIUS nov. 22-dec. 21 There’s nothing quite as good as working up a good sweat, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll work one up early this month. You’ll be pretty busy, what with all the socially-beneficial work you’re doing nowadays. Don’t forget to nurture yourself, too. After all, what good does it do to run yourself down? You won’t be able to help others that way! As long as you like it, the intensity is great!
ARIES - Mar. 21 – Apr. 19 You are full of energy, so why not take advantage of that to get a head start on some of your fitness plans? Later this month, your feelings regarding working out is a little bit more blasé. That doesn’t mean you should skip out on your new workout! Why not ask a buddy to make a few health resolutions with you? At the end of the month you’ll be able to really get into your workout.
LEo - July 23-Aug. 22 Your month starts off really healthfully. Everything seems to be going absolutely, positively swimmingly. You glow with the healthy glow that only regular exercise and a little bit of summertime sunshine can bring. Mid-month seems pretty romantic. Has someone super noticed that special glow you’re sporting? Learn something new, your mind requires it Save money by eating in (it’s healthier, you know!)
LIBRA - Sept. 23-oct. 23 Looking for a source of strength? Well, look no further than yourself. Yep, you are your own best energizer. Just hit the pool, gym, yoga studio or track and, before you know it, you’ll be pumped with endorphins and feeling about a million times better than you were earlier. Keep this lesson in mind all month long: When you feel low, workout. Be generous in everything you do, particularly when it comes to what you do for you!
• September 2009