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Known Limitations
These limitations are valid for FW version 2.0.20 (SNS210), 1.2.16 (WDR and SNS410) and 6.5.3 (MC lamps):
• Occasionally, project backup can fail. If it continues to fail after a retry, please use the “Report a Problem” feature (see page 79) to send the app data logs to the MasterConnect Team for analysis. • When Circadian Rhythm is enabled AND infinite prolong time is selected, unexpected light behavior may occur: lights may not dim down to background light level. • Wireless drivers and SNS410 CANNOT be added in the same group as SNS210. • After ZigBee/BLE OTA coming from FW1.0.5 and Mini WDR FW 1.1.12 recommissioning is needed. • Mixing TW and not-TW is not supported. • A mix of firmware versions may cause unpredicted behavior. Only 1.1.11 and 1.1.16 can be mixed; 1.2.14, 1.2.15, 1.2.16 as well. • Group/zone size beyond 25 wireless drivers and SNS410 MC, coupled to a ZGP sensor or switch is not proven to be reliable (ZGP sensors same as ZGP switches). • After removing MC lamps from a project - either by removing them from a group, deleting the whole group or by resetting them via
Safe Mode - it occasionally happens that light behavior of these MC lamps is not correct after recommissioning. In that case the MC lamps need to be decommissioned and recommissioned once more. • In case of an open Zigbee network close to SNS210 MC products, the out-of-the-box sensor behavior may stop working, and the lights remain in their latest state. See, feature “Out-of-the-box sensor behavior” in the Troubleshoot Tips table from page 77 on.
In Annex 3 (page 83) you can find a complete overview of the known limitations including the earlier versions of the Firmware.
• Always use the latest app version.