Yakitori is a famous street food in Japan
ince Yakitori first appeared in the Edo period, the word Yakitori was seen on the menu dedicated to the lord of Kokoro (now the city of Nagano), but it was probably the roasted wild bird meat.
They are usually quite small and dark, serving a variety of fine wines and food. Currently in Japan, “yakitori” can also mean all kinds of skewers in general. Besides Yakitori, Japanese people often say Kushiyaki refers to these skewers.
The term “described in a book from 1643 is grilled skewered poultry meat with soy sauce and sake. Yakitori was influenced by European merchants when they introduced the technology of chicken farming industry. Japan, turning chicken into a premium ingredient, and also the main ingredient for yakitori.
Yakitori flavoring can be made from salt (shio) or yakitori sauce (tare). With these two flavors, each part of the chicken will turn into dishes. Tare is made from soy sauce, Mirin, sake, and sugar.
During the Meiji Restoration, the meat-eating culture was introduced to Japan (Japanese eat fish) and Yakitori was also commonly used.
The recipe has a balance between salinity and sweetness. Can add ginger, othere the sauce to suit the taste, just sprinkle salt before baking. This is a dish that can be enjoyed with simply salt, eaten by dipping the chicke sauce.
However, the chicken served in restaurants is expensive, so ordinary people cannot afford it. So they used bones, tendons emitted from restaurants like this and skewered on a grill, from which Yakitori began to be Yakitori are sold at street stalls during the festival, because they are skewered into sticks so no need chopsticks can also walk and eat. Yakitori since birth, it has been a popular low-cost delicacy of ordinary.
During the 1960s, yakitori bars in Japan became very popular. They are usually quite small and dark, serving a variety of fine wines and food. Currently in Japan, “yakitori” can also mean all kinds of skewers in general. Besides Yakitori, Japanese people often say Kushiyaki refers to these skewers oy sauce, Mirin, sake, and sugar. The recipe has ween salinity and sweetness Japanese people often say Kushiyaki