UtahStatesman The
Utah State University
Today is Monday, Oct. 8, 2007 Breaking News Faced with elimination, the New York Yankees rally to win and force Game 4.
Logan, Utah
Research from the perspective of a ghost writer
By ALISON BAUGH senior writer
Campus News
The Gallery Walk displays art at multiple locations in Logan.
Page 3
Features The Citrus and Sage offers fresh blends of coffee, art and music for all. Page 5
Upon arriving in Syracuse, N.Y., John Bul Dau had never seen the use of electricity and thought from the plane that either everyone had their cooking pots out or there had been a volcanic eruption and the city was covered in lava. This is just one experience Mike Sweeney, of USU’s journalism and communication department, shared with prominent Salt Lake City businessmen at the Little America Hotel during Sunrise Session, Friday morning. Sweeney, who worked with Dau to create the book “God Grew Tired of Us” from Dau’s memories of life as one of the Lost Boys of Sudan, shared how his work still involves research. Sunrise Session is held four times a year and focuses on research at USU, while allowing the community to learn more about current topics. The meetings are sponsored by Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah. “This is a bit of a different focus,” USU President Stan Albrecht said while introducing Sweeney. While most people involved in research take years to become experts in their fields, journalists aim to become “instant experts” on the topic they are covering, Sweeney said. Interviewing is their primary tool for collecting, he added. Sweeney’s experiences with Dau were no different. After being commissioned by National Geographic to compile Dau’s memoirs, Sweeney said he read a shelf full of books on Sudan, the Dinka people and the Lost Boys. He also watched the movie “God Grew Tired of Us,” a 2006 Sundance Film Festival honor winner. After conducting a pre-interview with Dau, Sweeney flew to Syracuse to spend 10 days with Dau and learn about his past. Rather than head (J)ournalists aim to straight become “instant into the experts” on the interviewing, topic they are cov- Sweeney ering. Interviewing said he is their primary wanted make tool for collecting. to a connection with Mike Sweeney, Dau, and as they Journalism professor such, attended church together. While the two were from completely different cultures, Sweeney said the two hit it off by finding similarities such as having agricultural ties and attending the Presbyterian church. This is when the journey began, Sweeney
Sports The USU football team records another loss, falling 52-37 to Hawaii. Page 10
- See RESEARCH, page 4
Opinion “Knowledge is power and this type of power is not meant for the lucky few, it’s meant for all people.” Page 14
Almanac Today in History: In 1871, the Great Chicago Fire begins at the O’Leary barn, supposedly after a cow kicked over a lantern. The fire raged for two days, killing between 200 and 300 people and destroying some 17,450 buildings.
Weather High: 61° Low: 28° Skies: Sunny and mostly clear.
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Hector mendiola helps Sharon Perez, 9, the daughter of one of his students. Mendiola teaches English as a second language to Latino students at Logan High School. The program also helps members of the community who want training in computer literacy or to earn their GED. Mendiola said the program facilitates an immersion in English. NOELLE BERLAGE photo
USU extension helps Latinos earn diplomas Program offers classes in English and computer skills at Logan High School
By ALISON BAUGH senior writer
The first 23 students have graduated from a program supported by USU Extension to help Latinos finish General Education Developments and gain computer skills. The program is a combined effort of USU Extension, Logan High School, USU Community Credit Union, Monterrey Technological Institute in Mexico and the Mexican Consolate, said Hector Mendiola, who works for Extension and heads the program. When the Logan community began to be overwhelmed by Latinos in the English Second Language programs at local schools, Extension decided to help, said Chuck Gay, associate vice president of university Extension. “We really targeted our area of interest in working with public schools,” Gay said. Mendiola was a physician in Mexico before coming to the United States 14 years ago and since arriving in Logan has worked with both Logan’s native and Latino communities. He was well-established, Gay said, and Extension employees knew they wanted to hire him to help with the program. In 2001, the Agriculture Systems Technology and Education began teaching English in a computerassisted classroom to anyone who wanted to learn English. Retired Navy officer and nuclear engineer Fred Berthorng of Providence wanted to help the program. He designed 99 bilingual lessons to help the students learn 33 of the most-used verbs in the past, present and future tenses, Mendiola said.
A year later, Logan High School was in need of help with its ESL program and with increasing its Latino graduation numbers. Mendiola said he began working with the school using programs from the Extension services, and in the past two years, Logan High has seen about 90 percent of its Latinos graduate. “We facilitate an immersion in English,” Mendiola said of the program. High school students are able to come in during the day and after school. After school, they may be accompanied by their parents or other adults who are trying to gain the skills they need to survive in a technological world. Extension provided Logan High with about 20 computers, which the students use for interactive programs that teach English, Mendiola said. “In half a second, you have everything to make students feel confident,” Mendiola said. “Every time a student comes in, they will learn.” Then extension sent Mendiola to a conference in Mexico with the Monterrey Technological Institute. Monterrey Tech is a worldwide leader in distance education, Gay said. After Mendiola made connections with the institution, Extension moved its services to Logan High to better accommodate the students and provide the programs offered by the institution. Gay said Monterrey Tech agreed to waive the fee for the classes to allow the program to do a trial run for six months. “We tried it and it worked,” Gay said. Funding was needed to provide the service after the trial period, and that’s where USU Community
- See EXTENSION, page 3
Gallery Walk offers local art, food and music
Festival of Lights Diwali, the Hindu new year, was celebrated Friday. The Indian festival, also known as the festival of lights, honors the Hindu goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune. The celebration at USU included dancing and dinner. Left, Srisurya Sidharthan, 10, performs at the festival. Below, those who attended the festival line up to enjoy traditional Indian foods. Many students wore traditional dress, as well. NOELLE BERLAGE photos
By AMANDA MEARS staff writer
Local musicians and artists gathered to showcase their work along Main Street and down Federal Avenue at the Logan Gallery Walk, Friday. Several local businesses featured exhibits ranging from oil paintings to hand-spun potpourri from local emerging artists. The list of businesses included Citrus and Sage, Global Village Gifts, Cafe Ibis, The Italian Place, S.E. Needham Jewelers, the AMC Gallery, Winborg Masterpieces and AVA Gallery. “It’s nice for the students and for the community,” said George Bradshaw, one artist whose work was featured in the AMC Gallery. Bradshaw said he is featuring a series of Halloween paintings especially for the Gallery Walk since it fell near Halloween this year. The AMC Gallery also displayed work
- See ART, page 3