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Utah State University

Today is Monday, Oct. 15, 2007 Breaking News The Aggie soccer squad fell 2-1 to Boise State after a last-second goal gets waved off by referee.

Campus News

Reduce, Reuse and Rock Concert held to raise awareness for recycling. Page 3



Logan, Utah

Aggie families spend weekend on campus By LINDSAY ANDERSON staff writer

Aggies and their families gathered last weekend to participate in USU’s first annual Parent and Family Weekend, sponsored by the new Office of Retention and First-Year Experience. “This program is based on a lot of experience, mainly, that parents want to be involved,” said Aaron Andersen, associate director of Retention and FirstYear Experience, who headed this year’s Parent and Family Weekend. “One of the things that we really saw a real need for was a comprehensive set of resources for parents. In this generation, parents want to be involved, and students want their parents involved,” he said. “We are aggressively saying, ‘Parents come, we have things to teach you.’” Andersen said this would help students and parents enjoy campus, something critical to their future success. “One thing that we thought would be really beneficial, which a lot of campuses do as a tradition, is some kind of parent and family weekend,” Andersen said. “It has two purposes: one, it’s a lot of fun. We want parents and students to enjoy their time together. Two, there are some pedagogical purpose behind it, which are that we know that the first few weeks of a students’ college career are really critical in so many ways. Students in a lot of ways set the tone for their entire college experience during this time. They are mak-

ing decisions about what kind of student they are going to be, what they are going to study and how they are going to feel about the school.” “If students know that mom and dad are coming up to spend a weekend somewhat in the near future, they are more likely to become a little more involved in learning the campus,” Andersen said. “So when mom and dad come up with brothers and sisters, they can say, ‘Well this is my home now, and I’m ready to show it off.’” Rochelle Enderton, mother of USU student Melanie Enderton, was one of several parents who came to the event. “I think this program is fantastic,” Rochelle Enderton said. “I think it’s very useful. I hope it’s permanent.” Parent and Family Weekend lasted from Friday to Sunday and included 20 various activities, such as the Richmond Haunted Mansion, a brunch and a walking tour of historic downtown Logan. “What we have tried to do is make it very variable,” Andersen said. “We have said, ‘Here are a whole bunch of things going on this weekend. Pick and choose which you would like.’ We have left it up to the parents and families to decide together with their students what they want to do.” The Parent and Family Weekend Brunch was the opportunity to “get everyone together at least once and give everyone a welcome,” Andersen said. More than 300 people came to

- See WEEKEND, page 3

USU professor Evelyn Funda is writing a book about her parents in communist Czechoslovakia. Page 5

Sports The USU hockey team plays to a draw against Long Beach State. Page 9

Two in hospital after standoff

a Logan City Police Officer examines the crime scene Sunday after a 90minute standoff between Merlin DeMars and police. DeMars attacked his sister and upon police arrival, threatened them with a hatchet and a knife. DEBRA HAWKINS photo

A 34-year-old Logan man was in a 90-minute standoff with police Sunday afternoon after he assaulted his sister, sending her to Logan Regional Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Merlin DeMars attacked his sister, Debbie DeMars, 35, in their house at 233 S. 300 East, in the Island. When police arrived at the scene, Merlin DeMars threatened officers with a hatchet and a knife, said Logan Police Officer Eric Collins. Police shot Merlin DeMars with bean bags and Tasered him twice before he retreated into the house. Collins said police tried to open negotiations with Merlin DeMars, but he refused to cooperate. After an hour and a half, the SWAT team forced their way into the house and arrested him.

USU researcher running for Providence city council

By ARIE KIRK news editor

Opinion “We cannot incarcerate our way to a ‘drug-free society.’” Page 12

Almanac Today in History: In 1989, all-star hockey player Wayne Gretzky breaks Gordie Howe’s NHL 1,850 career scoring record during a game against the Edmonton Oilers, his former team. He finished his career with 2,857 career points.

Weather High: 66° Low: 33° Skies: Patchy fog in the morning, partly cloudy the rest of the day.

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Merlin DeMars was sent to the hospital as well. He will be charged with assault of his sister and aggravated assault on the officers. Debbie DeMars was bleeding when she was taken to the hospital, but her injuries were not serious enough to be considered life-threatening. Collins said Merlin DeMars is known to have been suicidal lately and has had problems with drug and alcohol abuse. “We have had issues with him before, mostly drug and alcohol related,” Collins said. “Nothing like this.” Relatives of the DeMarses were on the scene Sunday afternoon. Merlin and Debbie DeMars’ sister, Linda DeMars, 39, said she was just glad things turned out OK. “Things are much better now,” she said. “We’re grateful for how things turned out.” –elizabeth.lawyer@aggiemail.usu.edu

By LIZ LAWYER assistant news editor

three children clap along with the Spirit Squad as they perform for students and their families during Aggie Family Day on the Quad. CAMERON PETERSON photo

It has been a dirty campaign in Providence, and after being compared to Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Shiekh Mohammed and having her past falsified by critics, city council candidate Linda Goetze said she is ready for people to focus on issues that really matter. Goetze, a senior research scientist and economist at USU for the Center for Persons with Disabilities, said she wishes everyone would concentrate on the problems currently facing the residents of Providence and not create trouble for them and the city council candidates. “I don’t want any more personal

attacks,” she said. “I want to stick to the issues of traffic, water and what the community is going to look like. I don’t want personal criticism, and I don’t want to waste time. I try to keep lighthearted, but sometimes it hurts.” Even with the campaign slogan “She Listens,” Goetze hopes people can ignore the talk generated by her critics and those of other city council candidates. As she has been canvassing the neighborhoods of Providence, Goetze said it seems some voters have been able to put the criticism aside and seriously talk about issues including the city’s growth, water, public safety and traffic.

- See GOETZE, page 4

Center plants tulips to raise awareness By AMANDA MEARS staff writer

Students and community members gathered Saturday to plant pink tulips in front of the new Logan Regional Cancer Center located at 600 E. 1400 North, as part of Plant A Pink Tulip Day. “While the pink tulip bulbs are planted in the fall, they will bloom in the spring, representing part of a cycle that can teach patience, endurance and renewal,” said Patricia Stevens, director of the USU Women’s Center. Plant A Pink Tulip Day began nine years ago to honor those whose lives have been touched by breast cancer, Stevens said. The idea began when former Women’s Center Director Janet Osborne heard the story of a woman diagnosed with breast cancer whose last wish was to be remembered through planting pink tulips, Stevens said. By planting the tulips, Stevens said they hope to remember victims and raise awareness of breast cancer. “It’s neat to drive through the area and see all the tulips,” said Logan resident Nancy Sassano, who has been a part of Plant A

- See TULIPS, page 13

People planted pink tulips Saturday at what will soon be the Logan Regional Cancer Center. The Women’s Center sponsored the event to raise awareness of breast cancer. NOELLE BERLAGE photo

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