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UtahStatesman The

Utah State University

Today is Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2007 Breaking News


Logan, Utah

Veterans honored at USU

C.C. Sabathia of the Cleveland Indians was voted the AL Cy Young Award winner.

Campus News Effects of war can be seen in the weavings of the people. Page 3 Soldiers of the ROTC fire a 14-gun salute to American soldiers who have died in war. Veterans’ Day was observed Monday at USU with a wreath-laying ceremony put on by USU Air Force Detachment 860. USU Athletic Director Randy Spetman urged those in attendence to not forget fallen soldiers. DEBRA HAWKINS photos

By ALISON BAUGH senior writer

Features Explore a day in the life of a monk. Page 5

top: Randy Spetman, a U.S. Army colonel and USU athletics director, speaks at the ceremony. Center: Dode Reese, oldest known living USU ROTC graduate, attended the service. Bottom: Students form ranks to honor U.S. veterans.

Sports USU pulls off huge upset in a sweep of ranked Hawaii on the road. Page 13

Opinion “I hope we can all remember how valuable freedom is. Our freedom has been bought with a price. It is up to all of us to be vigilant and ensure our freedom is not lost due to our negligence.” Page 9

Almanac Today in History: In 1969, President Richard Nixon becomes the first president to attend the launch of a manned space flight as Apollo 12 is sent into space. Apollo 12 was the second manned mission to step foot on the moon.

Weather High: 51° Low: 23° Skies: Partly cloudy.

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Celebrating what Lt. Col. Michael Swift called a day to honor Americans for their love of country and willingness to serve, a small crowd gathered outside the Spectrum at the Veterans Memorial Monday morning. “Veterans Day is largely intended to thank living veterans for their service,” Swift said while opening the ceremony. The ceremony was put on by the USU Air Force Detachment 860, Army ROTC Jim Bridger Detachment and USU Post 12 of the American Legion. During the ceremony, the USU Air Force ROTC Honor Guard performed the laying of the wreath ceremony and raised a flag. Cadet

Owsowitz played the taps, and Ronda Thompson sang the national anthem. Randy Spetman, USU athletic director, a colonel in the Army and featured speaker, urged the audience, “Let us not forget.” Among the events Spetman wanted them to remember were the Civil War, World War I, the enemy attacking Pearl Harbor and those people who will forever rest in the Arizona at the ocean’s floor, Normandy, the Battle of the Bulge, raising the flag at Iwo Jima, Vietnam – the longest and least welcomed war at home, Desert Storm, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. “My faith grew strong as I saw this nation pull together like never before to protect our way of life,” Spetman said of 9/11. Those who are serving today share the same constitutional ideals as those of our Founding Fathers,

Spetman said. The veterans carry freedom with them and have proven themselves to be full of character, compassion and a drive to overcome setbacks and battles, Spetman said. “Let us not forget why we battle for our freedoms,” Spetman said. “Let us not forget, but let us celebrate with all our hearts and thank God for all we have.” Those veterans in attendance and families who have members currently serving were honored for the sacrifices they have made or are making today. At 99 years old, Dode Reese is the oldest known living USU ROTC veteran and was in attendance, as he said he has been for many of the

- See VETERANS, page 3

Regional campus reps. will soon be connected Representatives at satellite campuses to link to ASUSU meetings in Senate Chambers By ALISON BAUGH senior writer

Regional campuses will soon be able to interact with ASUSU Senate meetings thanks to a technology update. New equipment is being brought into the Senate Chamber, located on the third floor of the Taggart Student Center. This room is mainly used for ASUSU meetings, but is also used by other organizations, said Tiffany Evans, ASUSU director. The update “This will help will them a lot. They serve will get informathe tion directly from needs Executive Council of student instead of by word leaders of mouth.” and the stuJason Kowallis, Regional dents of USU Campus representative in particular, Evans said. “I think this is an exciting opportunity, not only for student government but also for the room in particular,” Evans said.


The update will bring in equipment such as a projector, a wireless keyboard and microphones that will allow ASUSU members to communicate directly with regional campuses, said Jason Burrows, ASUSU administrative assistant. The equipment will be able to be located in a central place with these updates rather than having to bring equipment in and have wires connecting everything, Burrows said. It will be similar to the set up in Champ Hall, said Jason Kowallis, Regional Campus appointed representative. Those at regional campus sites will be able to participate in the meetings as students would when taking a class via satellite. “This will help them a lot. They will get information directly from Executive Council instead of by word of mouth,” Kowallis said. Currently, the Tooele site has four student representatives, Brigham City has two, and Salt Lake, Roosevelt and Blanding each have one. This interaction between the campuses is something Kowallis said he feels will help with USU President Stan Albrecht’s goal of having one unified campus. The direct and immediate connection will allow feedback from regional campuses and allows ASUSU to help serve them better, Kowallis said. “When we’ve received that feedback, really positive things have happened,” Evans said, noting the organization of the student government in the Uintah Basin as an example. The funding for this update is mainly coming from funding secured by Vice Provost for Regional Campuses and Distance Education Ronda Menlove. ASUSU is contributing $5,000 to the project, which will require a total between $20,000 and $21,000, Burrows said. The Graduate

- See SENATE, page 3

Senior Ashley Johnson was sworn in Tuesday night as the new executive vice president of ASUSU. Jacob Roskelley, who was elected to the position last spring, has accepted an internship in D.C. Johnson said she wants USU to be better-known nationally. TYLER LARSON photo

New ASUSU exec. VP sworn in for spring By ALISON BAUGH senior writer

Ashley Johnson was sworn in as the new executive vice president for ASUSU last night. Former executive vice president Jacob Roskelley, will be doing an internship next semester in Washington, D.C., and had to resign his position. Roskelley said he was in his third semester of service with ASUSU, having served as public relations director last year. “For Jake’s time in office, he has been fantastic. No one could have any complaints about him or his service,” said ASUSU President Peter McChesney. A step in fulfilling a dream is what McChesney calls Roskelley’s internship, and he said if any member of ASUSU would have been given a similar opportunity, they would take it. Roskelley has weighed his options and made the right decision, McChesney said. “I will miss being involved and serving the students and being able to hear their concerns and working towards solutions,” Roskelley said. After serving for three years on the Government Relations Council,

- See JOHNSON, page 3

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