Division 24 December Newsletter

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December Newsletter Division 24

In this newsletter you'll find: Lieutenant Governor's Greeting - pg. 2 Governor's Bulletin - pg. 3 Past Events - pg. 4 Upcoming Events - pg. 9 Division Updates - pg. 11 District Updates - pg. 13 Paperwork Tracker - pg. 16 Contact Information - pg. 17 Social Media - pg. 18



Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hey Key Clubbers!! Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is enjoying the snow as much as I am. Winter has always been my favorite season so I’m super happy that the colder weather and snow are finally here! It's always important to volunteer, but it's especially important during the holidays. The holiday season is supposed to be a happy time, but for some people it ends up being the opposite. Later on in the newsletter I have included a list of projects you can do to help brighten someone’s holiday season! This month we will be holding our Winter Divisional on December 18th @3pm!!. It will be held virtually and with Divisions 23 and 25!! It’s going to be a really great time full of lots of new information. The link to register can be found later on in the newsletter. I hope many of you are able to make it!! Don’t forget to turn in your dues, they’re due on January 1st! I hope you enjoy the rest of the newsletter!!

Yours in Service, Anna Scott Division 24 Lieutenant Governor



Past Events - Service Spotlight Carthage High School (Division 24) On November 15, Carthage Senior High School’s Key Club worked hard on their monthly popcorn label and wrapping activity. Every month the Key Club convenes to color pictures and add inspirational words to microwavable popcorn for children at the Golisano’s Children Hospital in Syracuse, New York. This tradition has been in effect for seven years, and it all started because of a previous patient admitted at the hospital, Brody Staab. Brody is currently in recovery, but during his journey with cancer, his mother was very vocal about what was happening in their lives. One day, she posted a story on Facebook about a few kids she witnessed scavenging for popcorn. One day she noticed two kids looking for popcorn in a snack drawer in the hospital, but it turns out there was none, so she gave them some of hers. When Mrs. Huff saw this post, she got the brilliant idea to send popcorn to the hospital in order to prevent this from happening in the future. With this project in mind, she managed to make it a long-lasting routine to delight young children suffering from illnesses placing them in the hospital. Key Club is constantly requesting donations of microwavable popcorn in order to assist this cause, so all of the popcorn sent to the hospital are donations from the community. If you would like to aid this program, please bring in popcorn to Mrs. Huff’s room, and think about joining Key Club! Written by: Alyssa Allen, Member of Carthage Key Club



Past Events - Service Spotlight Carthage High School (Division 24)



Past Events - Service Spotlights South Jefferson High School (Division 24) In November, the South Jefferson Key Club worked on three major community service projects. In the Month of November we: Made Birthday Cards for Residents of local retirement homes, Collected Cake Kits for those in need, and raised money for the Children's Miracle Network. In this I’ll focus on the Cake Kits and Birthday Cards for Retirement Home residents!

These projects all aid important causes that improve our community! The past few years so much has changed, and now what used to be things we took for granted are more valued than others. Few have had it worse than senior citizens who live in retirement homes, so we have been working to do everything we can to bring joy to them. We’ve been making birthday cards for all of the residents at these homes, and while it seems simple now they cannot have visitors due to Covid Restrictions; while also having little mail from the outside. By even doing something as simple as making birthday cards for them we are bringing them a joy they may not have had otherwise. Anything we can do to bring joy to their lives is well worth the effort!

Most people when they think of birthdays generally also think of birthday cake. Unfortunately, not everyone has this luxury and we have aimed towards solving that issue. By collecting Cake Kits made up of materials needed for a cake we made them more accessible to families in need. We were able to make 65 Cake Kits for families who needed a birthday cake. By doing this we hope to have made the kids ' special day as best as possible!

Through these projects we feel we have helped make our community a better place, and have brought joy to people's lives! Written by: Kyle Creighton, Vice President for South Jeff Key Club



Past Events - Service Spotlights South Jefferson High School (Division 24)



Past Events - Service Spotlights Long Beach High School (Division 7) We spent the month of November promoting our school Thanksgiving Drive. Between Key Club members, IB students, PTA members and faculty, we were able to collect enough food to provide meals to 25 needy families in our building. We were also able to stock our school pantry for students who may need food in the future. Thanks to a generous donation of several turkeys from a faculty member, all needy families were given a complete Thanksgiving meal to prepare. We were also able to collect almost $500 in gift cards, which were distributed to families who do not have kitchens to prepare donated food. Key Club members gave generously, organized well and worked hard. Written by: Arlys Digena, Advisor for Long Beach Key Club



Upcoming Events Winter Divisional

Our next divisional will be held virtually on December 8th. It will also be held with Divisions 23 and 25!! I hope to see many of you there!! Use this link to register: https://forms.gle/H26CsHm2qZR3DGs18



Upcoming Events Leadership Training Conference LTC is being held on March 25th-27th @ Crowne Plaza Albany (formally the Desmond Hotel)!! The theme this year is "Key Club County Fair: A Celebration of Service." Start talking to your members about it to see if anyone is interested, and if our club would like to fundraise to cover your costs to begin planning that as well! More information will be sent out as we get closer to the date. Also check out the awards booklet to begin applying for awards!!

Dues There's still time to pay your dues! Dues are $13 per member. $6 go to the New York District and $7 go to Key Club International. On top of the $13, clubs can also charge an additional $7 for clubs fees, but no member can pay more than $20. The deadline for Early Bird deadline has passed, but the deadline for all other dues is January 1st. For more information on dues and a link to log into the Membership Update Center check out this website: Dues Information



Division Updates Division Goals Division Service Hour Goal: 1,000 hours We have reached: 679 hours

Division Fundraising Goal: $2,500 We have reached: $2,177


Weekly Updates


If you aren't already signed up for my weekly updates please sign up today! You will receive updates on division, district, and international news. To guarantee that all clubs are informed I am requiring that all club officers sign up, but any member regardless of their position can sign up too. Send the form, found here, to any interested members. The form will be open all year so members are able to fill it out at any time.You



Division Updates Holiday Community Service Ideas 1. Coat drive 2. Toy drive 3. Sing carols in a nursing home 4. Shovel snow for your neighbors 5. Write letters to deployed soldiers 6. Fill shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child 7. Volunteer with the Salvation Army's Red Kettle Campaign 8. Wrap presents and raise money for a nonprofit charity 9. Give holiday cards or gifts to people in your community to show your appreciation 10. Give gifts to elderly in your community who may not have family yo give them gifts

LTG Successor LTG elections for Division 24 will be held sometime in the beginning of February. That means I'm starting the search to fin who will be my successor!!u Please spread the word to anyone who is interested. If you are interested or have any questions please email me at division24@nydkc.org



District Updates District Goals District Service Hour Goal: 100,000 hours

District Fundraising Goal: $150,000

We have reached: 88,265 hours, which is 88% of our goal

We have reached: $120,617.42 which is 80.4% of our goal

Treasurer of the Month Know a Treasurer who goes above and beyond? Nominate them for treasurer of the month!! Any Key Clubber in good standing is able to nominate a treasurer. The winner will receive a shout out on the NYDKC social media page. To nominate someone, fill out this link: Treasurer of the Month Submission Form

Empire Key The second issue of the Empire Key has been published!! As always our District Editor, Jerry Chen, did a great job. Be sure to check out it out and check out the childhood photos of the District Board! Here is the link: The Empire Key Be sure to keep an eye out for the third issue of the Empire Key which will be released soon. The Editor's Choice Award will now only be open to articles published in division newsletters. If you would like to be featured in my newsletter and have an opportunity to win, email me a service spotlight so I can include it!



District Updates District Project - Alex's Lemonade Stand The votes have been counted and this years district project is Alex's Lemonade Stand!! This organization is dedicated to fighting childhood cancer by providing grants to institutions that conduct cancer research. Alex's Lemonade Stand also helps families cover the costs of medical and travel bills, For more information you can visit their website at https://www.alexslemonade.org/

Governor's Project - The Thirst Project This years Governor's Project, chosen by our Governor Chloe Baker, is the Thirst Project!! The Thirst Project is the largest youthled organization fighting the world water crisis. They help bring clean drinking water to countries where it is largely unavailable by building freshwater wells in. For more information you can visit their website at https://www.thirstproject.org/



District Updates International Partners - Squads Abroad Squads Abroad works with volunteers to travel across the world and provide positive social change. It is led by faculty, but their volunteers are made up of students. For more information you can visit their website: https://squads.org/

District Endorsed Project - Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease The Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation works to help children with Lyme disease. Unfortunately many insurance companies don't cover Lyme disease treatment, so this foundation helps families pay for their child's medical treatment. They also work to spread awareness on how to prevent Lyme disease. For more information you can visit their website at https://www.kiwanis-ny.org/lyme/



Paperwork Tracker

Paperwork Reminders November MRF: due December 10th December MRF: due January 10th ERF: was due September 30th Dues: due January 1st



Contact Information Division 24 LTG: Anna Scott (division24@nydkc.org) Circle K LTG: Trent Meyer (trent.meyer@nycirclek.org) Kiwanis LTG: Patti Dean (pdean@nncsk12.org) KCR: Patti Dean (pdean@nncsk12.org) Governor: Chloe Baker (governor@nydkc.org) Secretary: Jack Lehman (secretary@nydkc.org) Treasuer: Siddhaarta Venkatesh (treasurer@nydkc.org) External EA: Aaron Yu (aaronyu.ea@nydkc.org) Internal EA: Gabriella Slootsky (gabriellaslootsky.ea@nydkc.org) Bulletin Editor: Jerry Chen (editor@nydkc.org) Webmaster: Anna Belenko (webmaster@nydkc.org) District Administrator: John Goldstein (nydkca@frontier.com) Assistant Administrator: Michael Berthel (mjberthel@gmail.com) Assistant Administrator: Jason Steiner (ianjs@aol.com)



Social Media Division; @nydkc24 District: @nydkc Sistrict: @pacifahmaork International: @keyclubint

District: @nykeyclub International: @keyclub

District: @nydkc International: @keyclubintnl



Social Media District: nydkc International: Key Club International

Websites Disrtict: nydkc.org International: keyclub.org


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