Made By 22-23 LTG Kyle Earle
LTG Greeting
Happy new year to everyone! With the new year here awards and LTC are just around the corner, so make sure you and your club are preparing for the big event. Along with big events, division 24’s will be holding its 3rd divisional on January 28th 11AM at Madrid-Waddington! I hope to see many of you there, during the divisional we will have our 23-24 LTG elections, an awesome service project, an informal meeting, and FOOD!
Hello January
Division 24’s
Divisional January 28th • 11AM Madrid-Waddington Make Valentines Gifts Listen To An Informative Meeting Elect Our New LTG Eat food Chat With Key Clubbers From All Over Division 24!
International Endorsed Projects Squads Abroad Key Club International is partnered with Squads to mobilize abroad for ositive social change. Comprised of faculty-led student groups, Squads make meaningful changes on a global scale. They have initiatives to improve global health, economic, and educational outcomes in under-resources communities.
Service Spotlight D24
Members from our Norwood Norfolk Key Club volunteered to help the Village of Norwood and our local diner celebrate Christmas by handing out cookies and hot chocolate to all of the event goers, while others were in the parade dressed up as Disney characters and taking pictures with children. It's an honor to help our community with this exciting annual event. We participate in this event every year. The event may have been short, but it was filled with laughter and happiness, as well as a strong Christmas spirit.
Service Spotlight D24 Cont.
Service Spotlight D10
Key Clubbers recently had the chance to visit an elders center and engage with the residents there in a number of ways. They participated in activities such as singing Christmas carols and dancing, all of which were greatly appreciated by the elderly individuals at the center. In addition to these activities, the Key Clubbers were happy to assist with tasks around the center, including setting the table for meals and helping with cleaning.
Service Spotlight D10 Cont. Through their kind and compassionate nature, the Key Clubbers were able to make a positive impact on the lives of the residents at the center. They were truly grateful for the opportunity to give back to their community and make a difference in the lives of others. The visit to the elders center was an exceptionally rewarding and meaningful experience for the Key Clubbers, and they were glad to have had the chance to spend time with the residents and contribute to their well-being.
International Updates
New York District Key Club
Leadership Training Conference When: March 31st - April 2nd Where: Crowne Plaza - Desmond Hotel, Albany New York Theme: New York District Diamond Jubilee: 75 Years of Service Why: Gain valuable skills to apply personally and professionally from engaging workshops, listening to an inspirating Keynote speaker, Samantha Ramirez-Herrera, perform service along sideKey Clubbers from across the state, celebrate a year of service, receive awards, and so much more!
Member (Quad) -$350 Chaperone (Double) - $395 Chaperone (Single) - $595
District Project - Pencils of Promise
Pencils of Promise ensures that every child has access to quality education by building classroom to give students safe and healthy places to learn. They provides teachers with training and innovative resources, and it provides children with access to clean water, private bathrooms, and good hygiene practice! Governor’s Project - Soles4Souls
Soles4Souls turns unwanted shoes and clothing into opportunities by keeping them from going to waste and putting them to good use - proving relief, creating jobs, and empowering people to break the cycle of poverty!
Paperwork Tracker
MRF - Due the 10th of the following month FRF - Due about a week after fundraiser ERF - Last September 30th, 2022
Executive Board
Gabriella Slootsky
Laura Fan
District Governor governor@nydkc.org
Janice Cao
District Treasurer treasurer@nydkc.org
District Secretary scretary@nydkc.org
Sophia Segal
District External Executive Assistant sophiasegal.ea@nydkc.org
Cindy Zou
District Editor editor@nydkc.org
Ava Stamatakis
International Trustee ava.stamatakis@keyclub.org
Jena Kim
District Internal Executive Assistant jenakim.ea@nydkc.org
David Chen
District Webmaster webmaster@nydkc.org
Division 24 LTG: Kyle Earle (division24@nydkc.org) KCR: Patti Dean (pdean@nncsk.org) Circle K LTG: Alanna Vassar (alanna.vassar@nycirclek.org) Governor: Gabriella Slootsky (governor@nydkc.org) Secretary: Laura Fan (nydkcsecretary@gmail.com) Treasurer: Janice Cao (nydkctreasurer@gmail.com) External EA: Sophia Segal (sophiasegalegal.ea@nydkc.org) Internal EA: Jena Kim (jenakim.ea@nydkc.org) Bulletin Editor: Cindy Zou (editor@nydkc.org) Webmaster: David Chen (webmaster@nydkc.org) District Administrator: John Goldstein (nydkca@frontier.com) Assistant Administrator: Michael Berthel (mjberthel@gmail.com) Assistant Administrator: Jason Steiner (ianjs@aol.com)
Social Media
Division: nydkc24 District: nydkc International: keyclubint Sistrict: newcaribama
District: nydkc International: keyclubintnl
District: nykeyclub International: keyclub
social Media District: Key Club International: Key Club International District: nydkc.org International: keyclub.org
If your club ever wants to be featured in next months newsletter contact me!