Division 24 February Newsletter

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February Newsletter Division 24

In this newsletter you'll find: Lieutenant Governor's Greeting - pg. 2 Governor's Bulletin - pg. 3 Past Events - pg. 4 Upcoming Events - pg. 7 Division Updates - pg. 9 District Updates - pg. 11 Paperwork Tracker - pg. 15 Contact Information - pg. 16 Social Media - pg. 17



Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hey Key Clubbers!! I can’t believe there’s only two months left in the service year, this year has really flown by!! On January 30th we held our elections for the Division 24 Lieutenant Governor for the next service year. We had two amazing candidates and our winner was Kyle Earle from Carthage!! She will take over my position on April 1st and I know she’ll do an amazing job! LTC is a little over a month away and registration is now open!! I hope many of you plan on attending as this truly is an amazing experience. I also hope that many of you decide to apply for awards. Our division has done a lot this service year and I want you all to receive the recognition you deserve for your hard work!! More information on LTC can be found later on in the newsletter, I hope to see many of you there!! I hope you enjoy the rest of the newsletter!!

Yours in Service, Anna Scott Division 24 Lieutenant Governor



Past Events - Service Spotlight Norwood-Norfolk High School (Division 24) The Norwood-Norfolk Key Club made Valentines Day cards for senior citizens. They actually heard about this from their other Norwood Kiwanis sponsored Madrid-Waddington Key Club. We thought it would be great to do a dual project from afar. The local Youth Bureau was holding the event to get as many cards to senior citizens as they could. The NNCS Key Clubbers did them during a meeting, on their own, and even did them while they were doing their basketball concessions. At one of the basketball games the members had put cards out on the tables and invited others to make cards as well. It was fun players from the opposing team even came to make a card. The Madrid-Waddington Key Club made cards at their meetings. The Youth Bureau was so happy to receive the cards from both of the Key Clubbers. Written by: Patti Dean, Norwood-Norfolk Advisor



Past Events - Service Spotlight Madrid-Waddington High School (Division 24)

Students from the Madrid-Waddington Key Club made Valentine's Day cards for senior citizens. This project was a dual project with NorwoodNorfolk!



Past Events - Service Spotlights Harley High School (Division 23) The Harley School Key Club partnered with the American Red Cross to hold a blood drive on January 28, 2022. Key Club advertised the drive using posters, social media posts, and school-wide announcements. Key Club also helped to organize the logistics of the drive. During the drive, club members volunteered in a variety of ways. Some members helped guide donors through the school to the location of the drive, while others took temperatures and checked in donors. Key clubbers also handed out snacks to donors after they had finished giving blood. Donors came from both inside and outside the Harley community, with many faculty, staff, and students giving blood. Overall, the blood drive was a huge success. The Red Cross collected a total of 31 units of blood, surpassing its goal. The drive was especially important this year due to the national blood shortage, and the club is proud to have assisted the Red Cross during this crisis. Key Club intends to hold another blood drive on April 12, 2022. Written by: Frances Dickinson, member of Harley Key Club



Upcoming Events Winter Divisional The Winter Divisional was held on January 30th! Thank you to everyone who attended and I hope you all enjoyed it! I have attached a copy of the presentation if you would like to review the information, or if you were unable to attend and would like to see what you missed. Presentation Link

Dues The regular deadline for dues has passed, but it is extremely important that your club pays your dues. If you don't pay dues your club will become inactive. Dues are $13 per member. $6 go to the New York District and $7 go to Key Club International. On top of the $13, clubs can also charge an additional $7 for clubs fees, but no member can pay more than $20. For more information on dues and a link to log into the Membership Update Center check out this website: Dues Information



Upcoming Events Leadership Training Conference

LTC is coming up and registration is open!! It will be held on March 25th-27th @ Crowne Plaza Albany (formally the Desmond Hotel)!! The theme this year is "Key Club County Fair: A Celebration of Service." This is an amazing experience and I recommend that all clubs attend! Use this link to find more information, including registration. Don't forget to check out the awards booklet and apply for awards!!



Division Updates Division 24 LTG Elect - Kyle Earle During our winter divisional on January 30th we our Lieutenant Governor elections. The new LTG Elect is Kyle Earle from Carthage High School!! She will take over my position on April 1st. I know that she'll do an amazing job and help our division stay successful! Congratulations Kyle!!

"My name is Kyle Earle, I’m a sophomore at Carthage High School and I’m so excited to be your next Lieutenant Governor!"



Division Updates Division Goals Division Service Hour Goal: 1,000 hours We have reached: 1,534 hours

Division Fundraising Goal: $2,500 We have reached: $2,237

153% 100%

Weekly Updates


If you aren't already signed up for my weekly updates please sign up today! You will receive updates on division, district, and international news. To guarantee that all clubs are informed I am requiring that all club officers sign up, but any member regardless of their position can sign up too. Send the form, found here, to any interested members. The form will be open all year so members are able to fill it out at any time.You



District Updates Dues The regular deadline for dues has passed, but it is extremely important that your club pays your dues. If you don't pay dues your club will become inactive. Dues are $13 per member. $6 go to the New York District and $7 go to Key Club International. On top of the $13, clubs can also charge an additional $7 for clubs fees, but no member can pay more than $20. For more information on dues and a link to log into the Membership Update Center check out this website: Dues Information

Hydrate for 28 Help raise money for the Thirst Project by participating in their Hydrate for 28 challenge! Raise money by drinking 64 ounces of water everyday for 28 days. Create a fundraising page and have other support you. For everyday that you complete the challenge, have them donate money to the Thirst Project. Check out this link for more information!



District Updates District Goals District Service Hour Goal: 100,000 hours

District Fundraising Goal: $150,000

We have reached: 146,927.66 hours hours, which is 147% of our goal

We have reached: $162,111.67 which is 108% of our goal

Treasurer of the Month Know a Treasurer who goes above and beyond? Nominate them for treasurer of the month!! Any Key Clubber in good standing is able to nominate a treasurer. The winner will receive a shout out on the NYDKC social media page. To nominate someone, fill out this link: Treasurer of the Month Submission Form

Empire Key The third issue of the Empire Key has been published!! As always our District Editor, Jerry Chen, did a great job. Be sure to check out it out and check out the childhood photos of the District Board! Here is the link: The Empire Key Be sure to keep an eye out for the fourth issue of the Empire Key which will be released soon. The Editor's Choice Award will now only be open to articles published in division newsletters. If you would like to be featured in my newsletter and have an opportunity to win, email me a service spotlight so I can include it!



District Updates District Project - Alex's Lemonade Stand The votes have been counted and this years district project is Alex's Lemonade Stand!! This organization is dedicated to fighting childhood cancer by providing grants to institutions that conduct cancer research. Alex's Lemonade Stand also helps families cover the costs of medical and travel bills, For more information you can visit their website at https://www.alexslemonade.org/

Governor's Project - The Thirst Project This years Governor's Project, chosen by our Governor Chloe Baker, is the Thirst Project!! The Thirst Project is the largest youthled organization fighting the world water crisis. They help bring clean drinking water to countries where it is largely unavailable by building freshwater wells in. For more information you can visit their website at https://www.thirstproject.org/



District Updates International Partners - March of Dimes For 80 years, March of Dimes has helped fight for the health and safety of all mothers and babies. They want to give all babies the best possible start in life. They do this by working to prevent premature births and infant morality. For more information you can visit their website at https://www.marchofdimes.org/

District Endorsed Project - Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center helps provide care and comfort to children with extreme, trauma related injuries. They also reach out to parents and educational programs to help prevent injuries in kids. For more information you can visit their website at https://www.kiwanispediatrictraumace nter.org/



Paperwork Tracker

Paperwork Reminders January MRF: due February 10th February MRF: due March 10th ERF: was due September 30th Dues: were due January 1st



Contact Information Division 24 LTG: Anna Scott (division24@nydkc.org) Circle K LTG: Trent Meyer (trent.meyer@nycirclek.org) Kiwanis LTG: Patti Dean (pdean@nncsk12.org) KCR: Patti Dean (pdean@nncsk12.org) Governor: Chloe Baker (governor@nydkc.org) Secretary: Jack Lehman (secretary@nydkc.org) Treasuer: Siddhaarta Venkatesh (treasurer@nydkc.org) External EA: Aaron Yu (aaronyu.ea@nydkc.org) Internal EA: Gabriella Slootsky (gabriellaslootsky.ea@nydkc.org) Bulletin Editor: Jerry Chen (editor@nydkc.org) Webmaster: Anna Belenko (webmaster@nydkc.org) District Administrator: John Goldstein (nydkca@frontier.com) Assistant Administrator: Michael Berthel (mjberthel@gmail.com) Assistant Administrator: Jason Steiner (ianjs@aol.com)



Social Media Division; @nydkc24 District: @nydkc Sistrict: @pacifahmaork International: @keyclubint

District: @nykeyclub International: @keyclub

District: @nydkc International: @keyclubintnl



Social Media District: nydkc International: Key Club International

Websites Disrtict: nydkc.org International: keyclub.org


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