Division 24 June Newsletter

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June Newsletter Division 24

In this newsletter you'll find: Lieutenant Governor's Greeting - pg. 2 Governor's Bulletin - pg. 3 Past Events - pg. 4 Upcoming Events - pg. 9 District Updates - pg. 10 Paperwork Tracker - pg. 13 Contact Information pg. 14 Social Media - pg. 15



Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hey Key Clubbers, The school year is almost done, but that doesn’t mean Key Club is as well!! Don’t stop helping others just because the school year is over, continue on through the summer. Begin brainstorming with your club different projects you can do throughout the summer. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas I’m always here to help!! A great way to keep your members engaged over the summer is to have them attend the Summer Leadership Conference. You can find more information my newsletter, and on the Key Club International website. I love seeing that many clubs are returning to in person service events. I hope this trend is able to continue, but remember the pandemic isn’t over yet so make sure your service projects are safe!! Don’t forget your paperwork throughout the summer!! Continue to fill out your MRF every month, the May MRF is due June 10th. Also remember to fill out the FRF after you have a fundraiser where the money does not go directly to your club. Turning paperwork in on time is what keeps Key Club running smoothly! I hope everyone enjoys their last few days of school!! And congratulations to all the Class of 2021 seniors!! Yours in Service, Anna Scott Division 24 Lieutenant Governor



Past Events - Service Spotlight Norwood-Norfolk High School (Division 24)

On May 22nd, the Norwood Kiwanis hosted a highway cleanup from 9-11 am. Three members from the Norwood-Norfolk Key Club, Jaden Waite, Logan Bradley, and Dominic Fiacco, along with our advisor Mrs. Dean helped out Kiwanis members clean up our streets. They walked a 2-mile stretch, collecting about 8 bags of trash. These members have always been up to the challenge and I am glad to have them in the club. With COVID-19 regulations still affecting us, our club, as I’m sure several others, have had trouble trying to find events that follow these regulations and we are glad we are able to still help the community, no matter how small the impact. Along with Kiwanis, our Key Club has also hosted several highway cleanups and plan to continue these in the future. Highway cleanups have always been something our club relies on in the spring and summer, and always has motivated members to help out. Written by: Molly Gardner, President of Norwood-Norfolk Key Club



Past Events - Service Spotlight Potsdam High School (Division 24) On May 22, the Potsdam High School Key Club participated in a highway cleanup in conjunction with the Potsdam chapter of Kiwanis. We cleaned up a stretch of State Highway 56, just north of Potsdam. Dressed in high visibility vests and hard hats and equipped with grabbers, we embarked on our morning-long expedition. Along the way we found everything from domestic beer cans to imported beer cans, with a few scraps of metal and paper in between. The find of the day was a handful of foam insulation chunks. It was eye-opening to realize just how much trash people toss out of their cars onto the side of the road. Driving by, you don’t really notice the fast food wrappers and discarded plastic bits. However, once you start looking for things to pick up, it’s impossible not to notice everything else. While picking up every piece of trash on the side of the road can be tedious and timeconsuming, it’s an incredibly important step in cleaning up the community and making a positive impact on the surrounding area. Written by: Sylvi Teich, President of Potsdam Key Club



Past Events - Service Spotlights Brighton High School (Division 23)

During the month of June, the Brighton Key Club organized a rock painting project to spread positive messages around their school’s campus. For two weeks, the students in the club collected rocks around the Rochester area and spent two meetings painting the rocks outside in the school’s Alumni Courtyard. At the end of these two weeks, the students painted about 60 rocks to place around the school! The students were finally able to spread the rocks out all over the school during their lunch period where Brighton High School students can walk around seeing messages like “You Got This!”, “You Rock,” “love yourself,” and “be happy” throughout the school’s campus and later pick them up and put them in a new spot for another person to see. It was satisfying to participate in the process of collecting and painting these rocks and see the final product when you walk outside after a long day at school. Written by: Qariza Rafa-Vidya, Webmaster of Brighton Key Club



Past Events LTC Recap Virtual LTC occurred last month, it was an amazing weekend and I hope everyone who could attend enjoyed it!! It was a very informative weekend full of amazing speakers and workshops. Both NorwoodNorfolk and Ogdensburg won a bunch of awards, a list of those awards can be found below. I can't wait until LTC next year when we will be in person!! I hope you can join us on March 25th-27th.

Award Winners Distinguished Key Clubber Award - Molly Gardner (Norwood-Norfolk) Distinguished Club President Award - Sloane Ryan (Ogdensburg) Distinguished Club Secretary Award - Cadence Payne (Ogdensburg) Kiwanis Family Relations Award - Ogdensburg (1st Place) Bronze Division for the Single Service Award - Norwood-Norfolk (2nd Place) Bronze Division for the Single Service Award - Ogdensburg (1st Place) Major Emphasis Award - Ogdensburg (1st Place) Distinguished Club Award - Ogdensburg Distinguished Club Award (Diamond Level) - Norwood-Norfolk Completed Paperwork Award - Norwood-Norfolk Early Bird Dues Recognition - Norwood-Norfolk



Past Events Spring Divisional Recap The first divisional of the service year occurred on May 21st. Thank you to everyone who attended!! During the meeting we set District 24 service hour and fundraising goals. Our service hour goal is 1,000 hours, and our fundraising goal is $2,500. Please continue to work hard so we can reach these goals!! If you would like to look at the slideshow please click on the link to the right. If you would like to see the minutes from the divisional please click the link below. Spring Divisional Minutes

Sping Divisional Slideshow

President Council Meeting Recap After the divisional the first President Council Meeting of the year was held. I was able to meet with the presidents of Norwood-Norfolk, Potsdam, and Ogdensburg. Each president was able to give me an update an what their club was up to. It seems like each club is transitioning back into in person which makes me incredibly excited. Keep up the good work!!



Upcoming Events Summer Leadership Conference Virtual Summer Leadership Conference is being held from July 8th-10th. This will give you the opportunity to learn about service, listen to speakers, attend workshops, and meet other Key Clubbers!! The cost is $25 and registration closes at midnight on June 25th. You're not going to want to miss this!!

Thirst Project Legacy Summit The Thirst Project Legacy Summit is a free virtual event taking place this summer!! It takes place from July 15th-16th, from 1pm-6pm, It will include guest speakers, workshops, musical guests and more!!! Registration closes July 8th.

Virtual Service Idea Looking for a virtual service idea to work on over the summer? Have your club help create math problems for students in elementary school. With this project you will be able to choose a topic you would like to write about and then create a sheet with 8 problems related to that topic. For every sheet you create it counts as one service hour. For more information on how to submit it, email me at division24@nydkc.org. Add a little bit of body textLo



District Updates Empire Key Our District Bulletin Editor, Jerry Chen, is currently working on his first Empire Key!! You still have one more day to submit an article. Articles are due at midnight on June 10th. You can submit an article using this form: Empire Key Submission Form If you submit an article you will also be considered for the Editor's Choice Award. More information can be found here: Editor's Choice Award Don't have an article to submit, but still want to contribute? Submit a quote instead using this link: Quote Submission Form

Treasurer of the Month Know a Treasurer who goes above and beyond? Nominate them for treasurer of the month!! Any Key Clubber in good standing is able to nominate a treasurer. The winner will receive a shout out on the NYDKC social media page. To nominate someone, fill out this link: Treasurer of the Month Submission Form

District Goals District Service Hour Goal: 100,000 hours

District Fundraising Goal: $150,000

We have reached: 16,000 hours, which is 16% of our goal

We have reached: $7,800, which is 5.3% of our goal



District Updates District Project - Alex's Lemonade Stand The votes have been counted and this years district project is Alex's Lemonade Stand!! This organization is dedicated to fighting childhood cancer by providing grants to institutions that conduct cancer research. Alex's Lemonade Stand also helps families cover the costs of medical and travel bills, For more information you can visit their website at https://www.alexslemonade.org/

Governor's Project - The Thirst Project This years Governor's Project, chosen by our Governor Chloe Baker, is the Thirst Project!! The Thirst Project is the largest youthled organization fighting the world water crisis. They help bring clean drinking water to countries where it is largely unavailable by building freshwater wells in. For more information you can visit their website at https://www.thirstproject.org/



District Updates International Partners - March of Dimes For 80 years, March of Dimes has helped fight for the health and safety of all mothers and babies. They want to give all babies the best possible start in life. They do this by working to prevent premature births and infant morality. For more information you can visit their website at https://www.marchofdimes.org/

District Endorsed Project - Kiwanis Lyme Disease Foundation The Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation works to help children with Lyme disease. Unfortunately many insurance companies don't cover Lyme disease treatment, so this foundation helps families pay for their child's medical treatment. They also work to spread awareness on how to prevent Lyme disease. For more information you can visit their website at https://www.kiwanis-ny.org/lyme/



Paperwork Tracker

Paperwork Reminders May MRF: Due June 10th June MRF: Due July 10th ERF: Due September 30th



Contact Information Division 24 LTG: Anna Scott (division24@nydkc.org) Circle K LTG: Trent Meyer (trent.meyer@nycirclek.org) Kiwanis LTG: Patti Dean (pdean@nncsk12.org) KCR: Patti Dean (pdean@nncsk12.org) Governor: Chloe Baker (governor@nydkc.org) Secretary: Jack Lehman (secretary@nydkc.org) Treasuer: Siddhaarta Venkatesh (treasurer@nydkc.org) External EA: Aaron Yu (aaronyu.ea@nydkc.org) Internal EA: Gabriella Slootsky (gabriellaslootsky.ea@nydkc.org) Bulletin Editor: Jerry Chen (editor@nydkc.org) Webmaster: Anna Belenko (webmaster@nydkc.org) District Administrator: John Goldstein (nydkca@frontier.com) Assistant Administrator: Michael Berthel (mjberthel@gmail.com) Assistant Administrator: Jason Steiner (ianjs@aol.com)



Social Media Division; @nydkc24 District: @nydkc Sistrict: @spacifny International: @keyclubint

District: @nykeyclub International: @keyclub

District: @nydkc International: @keyclubintnl



Social Media District: nydkc International: Key Club International

Websites Disrtict: nydkc.org International: keyclub.org


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