Division 24 March Newsletter

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March Newsletter Division 24

In this newsletter you'll find: Lieutenant Governor's Greeting - pg. 2 Governor's Bulletin - pg. 3 Past Events - pg. 4 Upcoming Events - pg. 7 Division Updates - pg. 8 District Updates - pg. 9 Paperwork Tracker - pg. 13 Contact Information - pg. 14 Social Media - pg. 16



Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hey Key Clubbers!! I can’t believe this is my last newsletter! It doesn’t seem possible that this service year is already over. I am beyond grateful that I got to have this experience, and I thank you all for allowing me to be your Lieutenant Governor and for giving me such an amazing year. I truly got the best division!! As sad as I am that the year is ending I am equally, if not more, excited for Kyle to take over this position! I know she’ll do amazing and our division will continue being fantastic!! LTC is only two weeks away!!! I’m super excited to see everyone, and I hope you all had the opportunity to register. This is going to be an amazing weekend and a perfect way to end, as Governor Chloe always says, the best year yet!! As a reminder, please make sure you have all of your paperwork turned in, even if it’s passed due. The paperwork tracker is attached at the end of the newsletter so you can see what your club has turned in. We want to end the service year strong! I hope you all enjoy my final newsletter!

Yours in Service, Anna Scott Division 24 Lieutenant Governor



Past Events - Service Spotlight Iroquois High School (Division 25) If you have ever met any Ukrainian-American, you know that all we talk about is how we are Ukrainian. We are all proud of our culture, and we want the entire world to know of our heritage. Recently people have spoken to me and asked how I’ve been feeling, but this question isn’t something so easily answered. I feel anger, sadness, confusion, and most of all, helplessness. Being Ukrainian and living in America or in another country while this war goes on makes us feel useless. We can’t go there to help so what can we do? All we can do right now is fight in our own ways. Protests, fundraisers, donations are all we have right now, and Key Club has accepted me and stood by me while I asked them for help with something that meant so much to me. Key Club and I have been working on starting multiple different fundraisers, currently we are trying to get the school involved. We're giving students a chance to throw a pie in a teacher's face if their name gets chosen from a jar.

Continued on the next page



Past Events - Service Spotlights Iroquois High School (Division 25) One ticket costs one dollar, one dollar that goes to help Ukraine. We are working on designing buttons to be sold at school. To show that we support each other and want to help in any way we can. We have so many ideas but whatever we do and whatever money we raise goes to Ukraine entirely. We decided that when we finish without fundraisers we will split the proceeds, half will go to a charity called RazomforUkraine which helps with many different issues such as humanitarian aid and accumulating medical supplies for wounded civilians and wounded soldiers. The other half will go to work together to buy medical supplies and packaging them to send through an organization called Meest. I can't even express how thankful I am to have Key Club by my side in this while we are all struggling. - Olha Muzychko, member of Iroquois Key Club



Past Events - Service Spotlight Norwood-Norfolk High School (Division 24) The Norwood-Norfolk Key Club will be volunteering this weekend for our Drama Club. The Key Club has run the concession for them for over 12 years, this gives them a chance to take care of putting on a great musical. This year's musical is Shrek the Musical. The Key Club is selling Shrek ears, stickers, flowers, water, candy, popcorn and everyone's favorite COTTON CANDY!!!!! They love seeing Mrs. Dean covered in Blue Raspberry floss! A lot of our Key Clubbers are either in the show or doing behind the stage duties. Shrek needs many hands. When told we didn't have enough workers to do cotton candy, a member went out to solicit more help. All the proceeds go to the Drama dept. They said they would never have another group run the concession and that it is a well oiled machine. Written by: Patti Dean, Advisor of Norwood-Norfolk Key Club



Upcoming Events Leadership Training Conference

LTC is almost here!! It will be held on March 25th-27th @ Crowne Plaza Albany (formally the Desmond Hotel)!! The theme this year is "Key Club County Fair: A Celebration of Service." This is an amazing experience and I recommend that all clubs attend! Use this link to find more information, including the schedule for the weekend. Hope to see you there!!



Division Updates Division Goals Division Service Hour Goal: 1,000 hours We have reached: 1,684 hours

Division Fundraising Goal: $2,500 We have reached: $2,237

168% 100%

Weekly Updates


If you aren't already signed up for my weekly updates please sign up today! You will receive updates on division, district, and international news. To guarantee that all clubs are informed I am requiring that all club officers sign up, but any member regardless of their position can sign up too. Send the form, found here, to any interested members. The form will be open all year so members are able to fill it out at any time.You



Division/District Updates March Divisional The final divisional of the service year will be held on March 19th @ 5:30pm! It will be held virtually over Zoom, and will be cohosted by me and our LTG elect Kyle Earle. I hope to see you all there as we finish up our service year!! Here is the link to register: Registration Link

Hydrate for 28 Help raise money for the Thirst Project by participating in their Hydrate for 28 challenge! Raise money by drinking 64 ounces of water everyday for 28 days. Create a fundraising page and have other support you. For everyday that you complete the challenge, have them donate money to the Thirst Project. Check out this link for more information!



District Updates District Goals District Service Hour Goal: 100,000 hours

District Fundraising Goal: $150,000

We have reached: 155,823 hours hours, which is 156% of our goal

We have reached: $169,697.97 which is 113% of our goal

Treasurer of the Month Know a Treasurer who goes above and beyond? Nominate them for treasurer of the month!! Any Key Clubber in good standing is able to nominate a treasurer. The winner will receive a shout out on the NYDKC social media page. To nominate someone, fill out this link: Treasurer of the Month Submission Form

Empire Key The third issue of the Empire Key has been published!! As always our District Editor, Jerry Chen, did a great job. Be sure to check out it out and check out the childhood photos of the District Board! Here is the link: The Empire Key Be sure to keep an eye out for the fourth issue of the Empire Key which will be released soon. The Editor's Choice Award will now only be open to articles published in division newsletters. If you would like to be featured in my newsletter and have an opportunity to win, email me a service spotlight so I can include it!



District Updates District Project - Alex's Lemonade Stand The votes have been counted and this years district project is Alex's Lemonade Stand!! This organization is dedicated to fighting childhood cancer by providing grants to institutions that conduct cancer research. Alex's Lemonade Stand also helps families cover the costs of medical and travel bills, For more information you can visit their website at https://www.alexslemonade.org/

Governor's Project - The Thirst Project This years Governor's Project, chosen by our Governor Chloe Baker, is the Thirst Project!! The Thirst Project is the largest youthled organization fighting the world water crisis. They help bring clean drinking water to countries where it is largely unavailable by building freshwater wells in. For more information you can visit their website at https://www.thirstproject.org/



District Updates International Partners - Project Happiness Project Happiness aims to address the issue of bullying by encouraging kids to find happiness in their own lives and in their communities. They also provide a variety of resources for those struggling with mental health. For more information you can visit their website: https://projecthappiness.org/

District Endorsed Project - Kiwanis Lyme Disease Foundation The Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation works to help children with Lyme disease. Unfortunately many insurance companies don't cover Lyme disease treatment, so this foundation helps families pay for their child's medical treatment. They also work to spread awareness on how to prevent Lyme disease. For more information you can visit their website at https://www.kiwanis-ny.org/lyme/



Paperwork Tracker

Paperwork Reminders February MRF: due March 10th March MRF: due April 10th ERF: was due September 30th Dues: were due January 1st



Contact Information Division 24 LTG: Anna Scott (division24@nydkc.org) Circle K LTG: Trent Meyer (trent.meyer@nycirclek.org) Kiwanis LTG: Patti Dean (pdean@nncsk12.org) KCR: Patti Dean (pdean@nncsk12.org) Governor: Chloe Baker (governor@nydkc.org) Secretary: Jack Lehman (secretary@nydkc.org) Treasuer: Siddhaarta Venkatesh (treasurer@nydkc.org) External EA: Aaron Yu (aaronyu.ea@nydkc.org) Internal EA: Gabriella Slootsky (gabriellaslootsky.ea@nydkc.org) Bulletin Editor: Jerry Chen (editor@nydkc.org) Webmaster: Anna Belenko (webmaster@nydkc.org) District Administrator: John Goldstein (nydkca@frontier.com) Assistant Administrator: Michael Berthel (mjberthel@gmail.com) Assistant Administrator: Jason Steiner (ianjs@aol.com)



Social Media Division; @nydkc24 District: @nydkc Sistrict: @pacifahmaork International: @keyclubint

District: @nykeyclub International: @keyclub

District: @nydkc International: @keyclubintnl



Social Media District: nydkc International: Key Club International

Websites Disrtict: nydkc.org International: keyclub.org


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