Division 24 September Newsletter

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September Newsletter Division 24

In this newsletter you'll find: Lieutenant Governor's Greeting - pg. 2 Governor's Bulletin - pg. 3 Past Events - pg. 4 Upcoming Events - pg. 6 Division Updates - pg. 7 District Updates - pg. 8 Paperwork Tracker - pg. 12 Contact Information - pg. 13 Social Media - pg. 14



Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Hey Key Clubbers!! School is officially back in session. Good luck to everyone during the new school year, and especially to all of the seniors! This newsletter is jam packed with information about the new school year so be sure to read through it all! ERFs are due at the end of this month! As soon as your club completes your elections you should immediately fill out your clubs ERF. Completing club elections should be one of your clubs top priorities at the moment. More information on how to properly hold elections can be found later on in the newsletter. Another important part of the back to school season is paying membership dues. Early bird dues are due on December 1st, and the extended deadline is January 1st. More information on dues can be found later on in the newsletter. Returning to school and Key Club is very exciting! I hope everyone has a great school year and enjoys the rest of the newsletter!

Yours in Service, Anna Scott Division 24 Lieutenant Governor



Past Events - Service Spotlight Norwood-Norfolk High School (Division 24) The Norwood-Norfolk Key Club along with the National Honor Society spent a few hours the day before school covering the side walks with positive messages. They wanted to make sure that the students felt welcome on their first day. The messages and drawings were enjoyed by all! It took probably two hours for all the sidewalks to be covered. On the first day the faculty and staff were all outside to welcome the students as well. Written by: Molly Gardner, President of Norwood-Norfolk Key Club

Madrid-Waddington High School (Division 24) Members of the Madrid- Waddington Key Club helped to scoop ice cream Labor Day weekend at the St. Lawrence Power & Equipment Museum’s Annual Old Fashioned Harvest Day. The museum is located on Route 345 in the town of Madrid, NY. Members that volunteered at this event are Reileigh Flanagan, Erica Bates, Katrina Sheffield (Key Club President) and Landon Sharlow (Key Club Treasurer). Written by: Katrina Sheffield, President of Madrid-Waddington Key Club



Past Events - Service Spotlights Ticonderoga High School (Division 14) Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with young people to put an end to the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water. Waterborne diseases are responsible for more easily preventable young deaths a year than HIV, Malaria, and all world violence combined. Small children typically do not have strong enough immune systems to fight diseases like cholera, dysentery, or schistosomiasis.By achieving universal access to clean water and sanitation & hygiene, we could reduce the global disease burden by 10%. Clean water also plays an incredibly critical role in effectively treating and managing HIV/AIDS in rural communities. Women and children are also able to get jobs or go to school when they do not have to walk miles every single day to collect clean water. In just ten years, Thirst Project has raised over $10 Million and funded projects to provide over 400,000 people with safe, clean water! Which is why I believe Thirst Project is such a great organization, and I am thrilled it is this year’s Governor’s Project.When I saw the fundraising page that was set up for Division 14 I was so excited! I shared the link with my family members. Although the fundraiser has not reached our goal, I am hoping our division can get some more donations before the end of September. So far we have raised $138, which may not seem like much, but will provide 5 people with clean water for life! Written by: Hannah Porter, Member Ticonderoga Key Club



Upcoming Events Service Project Ideas Host a car wash Clean up a local park or beach Help tutor younger students after school Math Resources Project - this is an ongoing district project, go here for more information. Volunteer at a local hospital Host a walk-a-thon Host a game, trivia, or movie night Volunteer for a crisis hotline Visit with elderly neighbors or visit a nursing home Volunteer at an animal shelter

Youth Opportunities Fund The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is a grant that is available for Key Clubs in good standing that ranges anywhere from $250 -$2,000. The money is used to help a service project and to take action in your community. Applications are now open and they close on October 15th. And this year there are not one, but two YOF cycles. The next cycle will go from February 1st-March 1st. This is a great opportunity and I encourage all clubs to consider applying. Visit this website for more information and to help you with your application: https://www.keyclub.org/youth-opportunities-fund/ Add a little bit of body textLo



Division Updates Division Goals Division Service Hour Goal: 1,000 hours We have reached: 314 hours

Division Fundraising Goal: $2,500 We have reached: $600


Weekly Updates


If you aren't already signed up for my weekly updates please sign up today! You will receive updates on division, district, and international news. To guarantee that all clubs are informed I am requiring that all club officers sign up, but any member regardless of their position can sign up too. Send the form, found here, to any interested members. The form will be open all year so members are able to fill it out at any time.You



District Updates Back to School September means back to school, and for many back to Key Club! For most, this year is a transition from virtual back to in person. When planning your events and meetings always remember the safety of all of your members and the rules set in place by your school. It's very exciting that clubs are returning to in person events, but make sure it's safe before you begin planning events.

Dues Dues season is here!! Dues are $13 per member. $6 go to the New York District and $7 go to Key Club International. On top of the $13, clubs can also charge an additional $7 for clubs fees, but no member can pay more than $20. The date for Early Bird dues is December 1st, and the date for all other dues is January 1st. For more information on dues and a link to log into the Membership Update Center check out this website: Dues Information

Elections Key Club is a student led organization, so having elected officers is a crucial part of keeping Key Club running smoothly. Elections should take place as soon as possible and the ERF should be filled out after they’re completed. For information on how to to properly hold elections check out this website: Election Information. It contains many helpful resources on the election procedure, the jobs of officers, and what to do after elections are complete.



District Updates District Goals District Service Hour Goal: 100,000 hours

District Fundraising Goal: $150,000

We have reached: 53,562 hours, which is 54% of our goal

We have reached: $28,897.22 which is 19.3% of our goal

Treasurer of the Month Know a Treasurer who goes above and beyond? Nominate them for treasurer of the month!! Any Key Clubber in good standing is able to nominate a treasurer. The winner will receive a shout out on the NYDKC social media page. To nominate someone, fill out this link: Treasurer of the Month Submission Form

Empire Key The first issue of the Empire Key has been published!! Our District Editor, Jerry Chen, did an amazing job and you should all check it out!! Here is the link: The Empire Key Be sure to keep an eye out for the second issue of the Empire Key which will be released later in the month. Although it's too late to submit an article for the second issue, you can begin submitting articles for the third issue. Here is the link: Empire Key Submission Form As always is you submit an article you will be considered for the Editor's Choice Award. Find more inforamtion here.



District Updates District Project - Alex's Lemonade Stand The votes have been counted and this years district project is Alex's Lemonade Stand!! This organization is dedicated to fighting childhood cancer by providing grants to institutions that conduct cancer research. Alex's Lemonade Stand also helps families cover the costs of medical and travel bills, For more information you can visit their website at https://www.alexslemonade.org/

Governor's Project - The Thirst Project This years Governor's Project, chosen by our Governor Chloe Baker, is the Thirst Project!! The Thirst Project is the largest youthled organization fighting the world water crisis. They help bring clean drinking water to countries where it is largely unavailable by building freshwater wells in. For more information you can visit their website at https://www.thirstproject.org/



District Updates International Partners - Nickelodeon Nickelodeon strives is to encourage kids to be active and healthy, and to educate them on how to protect the environment. They accomplish this through their Worldwide Day of Play and their Get Dirty campaign. Both of these teach kids how to sty healthy and help others while still having fun. For more information you can visit their website at: https://www.nickhelps.com/

District Endorsed Project - Kiwanis Lyme Disease Foundation The Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation works to help children with Lyme disease. Unfortunately many insurance companies don't cover Lyme disease treatment, so this foundation helps families pay for their child's medical treatment. They also work to spread awareness on how to prevent Lyme disease. For more information you can visit their website at https://www.kiwanisny.org/lyme/



Paperwork Tracker

Paperwork Reminders August MRF: Due September 10th September MRF: Due October 10th ERF: Due September 30th



Contact Information Division 24 LTG: Anna Scott (division24@nydkc.org) Circle K LTG: Trent Meyer (trent.meyer@nycirclek.org) Kiwanis LTG: Patti Dean (pdean@nncsk12.org) KCR: Patti Dean (pdean@nncsk12.org) Governor: Chloe Baker (governor@nydkc.org) Secretary: Jack Lehman (secretary@nydkc.org) Treasuer: Siddhaarta Venkatesh (treasurer@nydkc.org) External EA: Aaron Yu (aaronyu.ea@nydkc.org) Internal EA: Gabriella Slootsky (gabriellaslootsky.ea@nydkc.org) Bulletin Editor: Jerry Chen (editor@nydkc.org) Webmaster: Anna Belenko (webmaster@nydkc.org) District Administrator: John Goldstein (nydkca@frontier.com) Assistant Administrator: Michael Berthel (mjberthel@gmail.com) Assistant Administrator: Jason Steiner (ianjs@aol.com)



Social Media Division; @nydkc24 District: @nydkc Sistrict: @pacifahmaork International: @keyclubint

District: @nykeyclub International: @keyclub

District: @nydkc International: @keyclubintnl



Social Media District: nydkc International: Key Club International

Websites Disrtict: nydkc.org International: keyclub.org


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