Arabianz Oct Nov 2012

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New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders’ Society (Inc)






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Council Contacts & Portfolio Holders


Meeting held: 1 October 2012





21 ENDURANCE CLUB CONTACTS 22 COMING EVENTS CALENDAR FRONT COVER: Naibara Silver Moon & Ian Gray 2012 NZ National Endurance Championshps - 1st 80km CEI 1* Senior Photo credit: Ariana Ranui BACK COVER: Laanvin & Jodi Scholtz 2012 NZ National Endurance Championshps - 1st 120km CEI 2* Junior Photo credit: David Marshall Arabianz is the official publication of the New Zealand Arabian Horse Breeders’ Society. It is an electronic magazine published monthly.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the contributors and not necessarily those held by the NZAHBS. While every care is taken, the Society accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage of material or photographs submitted for publication. For advertising enquiries, prices & specifications contact: Fiona McLachlan (see contact list for details)

ARABIANZ October/November 2012

Copyright: All articles, pictures and information appearing in Arabianz are subject to copyright. Reproduction of any part of Arabianz is not allowed without prior permission of the NZAHBS.



NZAHBS BRIAN ROSS YOUNG ACHIEVER AWARD 2008: Jessica Magill 2009: Natasha Strydom 2010: Ariana Ranui 2011: Georgia Smith 2012: Not awarded

NZ BREEDER AWARD 2009: Euralea Arabians - Lee Cox 2010: Euralea Arabians - Lee Cox 2011: Rhodium Arabians - Fanus Cous 2012: Masada Park Arabians - Barbara Poulter

WAHO AWARD 2005: Willowvale Picasso 2006: Ngapa Joussif 2007: Bushland Gai Sharee 2008: AA Parade 2009: Cyden Sun 2010: Karamea Evita 2011: HFA Breznir 2012: Karamea Bay Shadow

Bred by: Bred by: Bred by: Bred by: Bred by: Bred by: Bred by: Bred by:

DN & GM Evans AA Edward DG Rowe RM Gubb M Tylden AB Steward DB Marshall AB Steward

Owned by: Owned by: Owned by: Owned by: Owned by: Owned by: Owned by: Owned by:

Noel & Gaynor Evans Linda Cottle Lynda Guy Morrocco Arabians Mary Tylden Alison Steward Paula Humphries Sandra Haywood

NZAHBS LIFE MEMBERS Since the New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders’ Society was introduced in 1970, there have been a number of Honorary Life Memberships given for “special services”. The NZAHBS Life Members are as follows: Mr RM Gubb, Mrs SW Spratt, Mr K Cholmondeley-Smith, late Mr AA Ayliffe, late Mr J Wyatt (Australia), late AA Alec Edward, late Mr H Kroef, late Mr B Ross and late Mrs BA Morrissey. The NZAHBS has two patrons: HRH The Princess Alia al Hussein of Jordan and PT Upton Esq, Stropshire, UK



Rhodium Arabian Stud

Kelaray Stud

Morrocco Arabians



PRESIDENT: Kevin Cholmondeley-Smith PO Box 168 Clevedon 2248

Kelaray Stud - Web listings......... 4

Phone: 09 292 8783 Mobile: 021 839 010 Email:

Morrocco Arabians - Web listings. 4 NZAHBS Merchandise ............... IFC

Portfolios: Publicity, RAS Liaison

Rhodium Arabians - Web listings 4.

VICE PRESIDENT Alison Steward 444 Waikare Road, RD 3 Kawakawa 0283

Wairau Covers - Directory........... 6


Phone: 09 404 1418 Email:

Portfolios: Derivative Register, Registrations Phone: 07 872 7730 Mobile: 0274 839 845 Email:

Portfolios: Endurance, Website Fanus Crous 281 Kohekohe Road, RD 3 Waiuku 2683

Phone: 09 235 7854 Mobile: 021 275 2635 Email:

Phone: 06 327 7927 Email:

Portfolios: Rules Demelza Hoogeveen 487 Trevors Road, Carew RD 5, Ashburton

Phone: 03 303 6575 Mobile: 021 310 375 Email:

Portfolios: Arabianz, Publicity Mark Milmine 5 Wilkin Street, Tinwald Ashburton

Phone: 03 308 9249 Email:

Portfolios: Awards, Show Gradings Allan Skinner 77 Gearon Road, RD 1 Waiuku 2681

NZAHBS MEMBER RATES: (all adverts Full Colour)

Portfolios: Youth Mel Gubb 74 Somersal Lane, RD 2 Marton 4788


Mobile: 09 235 3273 Email:

Inside Front Cover Full Page Stud Advertorial

$75 $50 $50

(only available to advertisers)

Classified Ad (up to 25 words) Website Listing (4 issues) Directory (4 issues) Advert Design

$10 $20 $40 $20


NON-MEMBER RATES: (all adverts Full Colour)

Inside Front Cover Full Page Stud Advertorial

$150 $100 $100

(only available to advertisers)

Portfolios: Treasurer NATIONAL SECRETARY: Fiona McLachlan PO Box 80, Cust 7444 North Canterbury

Phone: 03 312 5998 Fax: 03 312 5996 Email:

Office Hours:

Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 9.30am - 2.30pm


Classified Ad (up to 25 words) Website Listing (4 issues) Directory (4 issues) Advert Design

$20 $40 $80 $40


DECEMBER DEADLINE: 28 November 2012

ARABIANZ October/November 2012

Melanie Barker PO Box 144 Otorohanga 2564


PRESIDENT’S REPORT Sadly I must begin this report by paying tribute to Canterbury Show are both set for good dates and a personal friend and a great ambassador for the great Judges with the Auckland Club opting for a breed Lesley Dowey who was tragically killed in three judge panel VALE – RNZ AMETHYST (IIU AU)and a very up market venue at a motor accident in October. Lesley judged many which to showcase our breed. Good work and a pat times in New Zealand and conducted one of our on the back to everyone working on these events. early schools for prospective judges. The Arabian Your work is appreciated. Horse community is poorer for her passing. Our office is set to be closed for a week from 6 As I write our office is completely up to date as Fiona November to 13 November while Fiona attends to has processed all the registrations that have been her personal life however you are welcome to call received. Obviously we still expect a trickle of late up any Councillor if you require advice or a problem applications but the downward trend in registrations solved during this period. seems to have levelled out which is good news. The date of the next Council meeting will be We have been talking regularly to our Australian published in the December Arabianz. friends and have found that what happens here or there is similar and that we battle with almost Good luck for the season ahead. identical problems albeit on a different scale. However the marked difference is in the growth of Kevin Cholmondeley-Smith Partbred breeding that the Australian Society reports President the Registrar there agreeing with my belief that Purebred ownership more often than not comes via being a Partbred owner first. I propose to reprint Patron HRH Alia’s Fate dealtour a cruel blow to FanusPrincess and Ria Crous of Rhodium Arabians, when just days after taking out Reservein Champion Filly next at the issue 2009 NZAHBS National Show and being paraded at Rhodium’s Open Day address to WAHO full in the however Isola,Princess a freak paddock accident claimed the life of this budding young super star. suffice to sayatthat Alia echoes what many are saying inBythat while we seem to universally Asfour +WG x Simeon Sashua, Amethyst had a stunning future. She was undoubtedly a shining star accept the way our horses thehorse breed at the stud and as look both ain show andring breeding matron, her future going forward would have been outsiders don’t always like what they see and feel immense. Who knows what future accolades she would have added to her collection. turned off and intimidated. This in turn inhibits growth to Fanus and Ria and everyone at Rhodium on their very sad and untimely loss of this in the marketSincere place.sympathy Real food for thought! stunning young filly.

At our last meeting Council hosted representatives from the Auckland Club. A frank and full discussion Horseskins on many matters made the get together worthwhile NZ Distributor for Smooth-Ez and gave Council some good ideas for the future. This illustrates that Council is not an island and we are open to your feedback, constructive ideas and proposals. I have received a number of calls about the Roll of Merit. Council have decided to continue with Suppliers of Quality Lycra/Spandex Hoods,an Sheets, Tail Bags & Accessories the Roll of Merit for both Pure and Partbreds, The most complete source for announcement on the requirements which are discriminating show horse clothing Multithe Supreme Champion,back and now under saddle. way it was at virtually turning wheel to the For a brochure Al - Maree Arabians Debby Reid M: 027 674 6111 the beginning will be434ready ph: 03 8330 Mobafter 0276 878the 906 next Council W: meeting. I hope to be in attendance at shows in both Islands over the summer and look forward to hearing constructive comment from those of you who want to chat. The National Show preparations are looking great, a European Judge, a facility that seems to have met with general approval and a date to suit most of you. The Auckland Spectacular and the 6


New Members - 1 October 2012 Ellenna Caudwell



Derivative Register & Fees Mel Gubb is working with our IT contractor to put in place the codes required to allow 12.5% Derivatives to be registered with the Society. We have in the region of 120 possible code combinations to work with. Registration Certificates for Derivatives from 12.5% to 25% will not be issued until the computer programme is up and running. All registrations received in the interim will be checked and a temporary letter issued advising that the registration is pending so the owner can still enter their horse in this season’s shows.

Mel Gubb has been in contact with the Incorporated Societies Office to check the validity of Joint/ Family/Partnership memberships. The Incorporated Societies Act 1908 dictates that a member must be an individual or an Incorporated Society to be a member of the NZAHBS. Previous Councils have allowed a number of Joint/Family/Partnerships to have been formed which will need to be corrected to individual membership(s). The National Secretary will be writing to those concerned with the options available to them.

Horses/ponies put forward for 12.5% Derivative Registration must be traceable back to a Purebred Arabian registered with a recognised Society with no unbroken lines to finish at a minimum of 12.5% Arabian blood. The onus is on the person submitting the registration to provide a pedigree to prove this. Derivative Registration fees have been revised by Council and take effect immediately: Gelding (any age) Filly/Mare (any age) Colt/Stallion (any age)

$ 75.00 $ 75.00 $200.00

Endurance Endurance New Zealand have set their 2013 Forum dates - they are: South Island 13/14 April and North Island 11/12 May. Full Membership Fees 2013 Due to the continued pressure on the Society’s finances Council has increased the Full Membership Fee due 1 January 2013 to $200.00 including GST. Members will be given the opportunity to pay their subscription monthly over the year. Details for this option will be sent with the December mailout.

A late fee of $300.00 will be applicable to any breeder submitting late registrations for horses over the age of 2 years. Such applications will need to be approved by Council before being accepted and must adhere to whatever rules were in place at the time the foal was born, the breeder must have been a member at the time the foal was born, and a member at the time of application.

ARABIANZ October/November 2012

Purebred Registrations - late fees


AGM REPORT by Kim Cawte of Candy Lodge

Well, we have had a busy time during the last couple of weeks and it was great to be involved with the New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders Society helping to organise the 2012 Stud Tour. With all the meetings I have recently attended through my work, I decided not to attend the AGM, which was held at the Armitage in Tauranga. On Saturday 5th May, Bruce and I got out all the cleaning gear and scrubbed the four (and a bit – Melika’ s foal which is now just over half term) horses in preparation for the day. I was under strict supervision not to over-clip bridle paths, so the end result was rather pleasing. A quick spray of show gloss and a night in the stables was in order. On Sunday morning it was time to get the sausage rolls, cakes, etc ready for morning tea as well as organise the horses and Candy’s rider – Claudia. Bruce was taking everything in his stride even managing to be chief cake slicer, horse handler and transport manager and it was great to have my friend Miriam help with the hoof polish and being roped in at the last minute to lead the horses. Colleen brought her Purebred mare Atchina Shaquila (AU) along with harness and Lee WynneJones brought her Purebred mare Karamea Leilahna for an inhand display. Friends – Hayley and Andy with their daughters Ruby and Lila rode their ponies from up the road to Candy Lodge – Ava and Shetland pony Scruffy, for a bit of additional entertainment. Cars started arriving before 9am and it was great to see people from as far as Christchurch to

Claudia riding Candy Selika


Whangarei attending, as well as the odd local. A good turnout, but unfortunately I was unable to meet most, having to speak in front of everyone, committing to memory a spiel about all the horses, riders and handlers present and feeling jolly nervous! Managed to even include Nico (the dog) and explain his limp from his recent operation. Colleen soon had people going for rides in her gig, which provided a different show of Arabian versatility and she has since been requested to another event from this showing. Candy Selika didn’t disappoint after only having a few lessons prior in dressage and being only 3 years old. I was hesitant in showing the matriarch, 27 year old Candy Zara, but am so proud of her and after the good summer and quantities of grass – with her shiny coat she didn’t look too bad. Candy Shalimar went back in time to his inhand days with Miriam in his solid, Quarab way and Marhaba Melika – looking very “in foal”, flaunted herself, mainly looking for her paddock mate Zara. Lee’s friend Alison took Karamea Leilahna into the paddock for display with some of her ribbons and she fitted in perfectly with the other Candy Lodge horses, which are all chestnut with a white blaze/snip! After morning tea, I then proceeded to lead everyone in their cars up to Anne Marie Garcia’s Byzance Stud to see her horses which included Arabians, National Show Horses and American Saddlebreds. A quick return home to tidy up before heading to lunch at Kiwi 360 then onto Gerzanne Arabians for a musical display with their lovely Arabian horses.

Colleen driving Atchina Shaquila (AU)

Karamea Leilahna

Jenni Ogden ©

Below: Byzance Gitana d’Oro (Cherox Nukhbah (AU) x Rebels Eldorado)

ARABIANZ October/November 2012

Above: Byzance Stud’s imported Stallion Savionne ERA (AU)


ROLL OF MERIT RECIPIENTS 2012 Endurance (3000km) Arahi Ahmaj Aurora Australis (AU) Craig Royston Melba Karamea Bay Shadow Silands Mia Bella Tahira Saracen

Purebred Derivative Derivative Purebred Derivative Purebred

2477 AA439 PB2870 2474 PB2840 2654

Melanie Barker Andrea Smith Andrea Smith Sandra Haywood Barbara & Kylie Avery Keith McLeod

Halter (Stallion 100 points, Gelding 80 points, Mare 60 points) Aloha Touch of Class (AU) Derivative PB2751 Burren-dah Marietta (AU) Derivative AA550 Willowvale Dhahran Purebred 3420

Kelly Mason Leesa Anderson Donna Evans

Progeny (Stallion 500 points, Mare 150 points) Eastwinds Axiom (AU) Purebred

Donna Evans


NZAHBS Brian Ross Young Achiever Award No applications received New Zealand Breeder Award Barbara Poulter - Masada Park Arabians WAHO Trophy Karamea Bay Shadow owned by Sandra Haywood

ARABIANZ CONTENT REQUIRED for upcoming issues Members are invited to submit articles, photographs & items that may be of interest to the wider Arabian membership. Please email your submissions by the last Wednesday of every month to the National Secretary: The December issue will feature photographs of new season’s foals - please include the name of the sire and dam with the details about the foal.

December 2012 issue: Deadline for advertising submissions - Wednesday 28 November 2012 Deadline for “From the Mailbag” submissions - Wednesday 28 November 2012 Deadline for receipt of foal photographs - Wednesday 28 November 2012 10


NOMINATIONS/APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON 31 DECEMBER 2012 for Annual Awards to be presented at the 2013 AGM

Distinguished Service Award Life Membership NZAHBS Brian Ross Young Achiever Award The applicant must: Not have attained their 18th birthday by closure date (31st December). Have achieved recognisable success with their NZAHBS registered Purebred or Derivative Arabian horse within New Zealand. The horse must compete under its NZAHBS registered name. Applicants may also have been selected to represent New Zealand offshore eg Endurance. Fully complete the application form (available to download off NZAHBS website) and attach a written summary of the applicant’s involvement and achievements with the Arabian breed.

WAHO Award Written nominations only must be supported by a short summary qualifying the nomination. The horse must be registered with the NZAHBS. The horse must be a Purebred The horse must be bred & domiciled in New Zealand. The horse must be alive at the time of nomination. Nominees should be Arabian horses that have, in some way, been an excellent “ambassador” for the breed, or in the case of older horses, achieved the same through immediate progeny.

Nominations/applications to be submitted to the National Secretary by 31 December 2012

ARABIANZ October/November 2012

Nominations should be for all disciplines and are not limited to halter horses only.


NZ National Endurance Championships 2012 160km event “Lap of Honour” Mauku Mystique & Sian Reid (13), Glenmore Tariq & Andrea Smith (10), Jacob & Mark Tylee (9), Freckles & Jenny Champion (12) - Photograph by David Marshall ©



ARABIANZ October/November 2012

2012 North Island Endurance Championships 21 & 22 January 2012 Hosted by the Ruahine Club at Duddings Lake

CEI 3* 160km

1st Lace and Fineness Lisa Davenport 2nd AA Mystic Charm Rosemary Revell 3rd Wolfgang Amadeus Phillips Graham 4th Jacob Mark Tylee 5th Twynham El Desiree Alison Higgins 6th Blue Thunder Shimar Emma Amstrong

CEIJY 3* 160km 1st

Aurora Australis

CEI 2* 120km 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Karamea Krusader Supre Topaz Mizraim Silver Gym Sayfwood Rolling Stone Four Winds Lucelle AC Tigger

CEIJY 2* 120km 1st

Tararua Mistalight

CEI 1* 100km 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Mauku Mistique Merimindi Finale Golden Shelter Ta Ariq Samurai And I KD Kazada Orica

CEIJY 1* 100km

1st Alshar Blue Chief 2nd Sayfwood Oshaarma

Georgia Smith Braden Cameron Alexandra Rogers Sandy McCuan Sean Trafford Allan Haigh Kerry Armstrong Emma Mason Sian Reid Frank Aldridge Shelley Churchill Cherry Brown Lynda Kessell Tessa Deuss Aaron Wakeling Patricia Ireland

CEN Junior 100km

1st CR Sonatina Brigitte Smith 2nd Craig Royston Maragold Michael MacPherson

CEI 1* 80km 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Aspen Hills Sir Ulrich Sherwood Volos Roselea Copper Prince Waiata Krystal Aspen Hills Balalaika AA Fhantom

CEIJY 1* 80km 1st 14

Glenmore Vixen

Mark Tylee Helen Graham Sandra Haywood Andrea Mason Hilary Webb Susan Reid Georgia Smith

2012 South Island Endurance Championships

4 & 5 February 2012 Hosted by the Canterbury Club at Hawarden CEI 3* 160km 1st 2nd

Northwinds Bradley McGregor Glendaar Fire Maid

Debby Worsfold Sarah Hamer

CEI 2* 120km

1st Silands Rhaffety Robyn Hill 2nd Stonelea Sparkling Rose Heidi Bulfin 3rd Tkiwa Susan Latta 4th Stone River Reflections Jenny Worsfold 5th Stonleigh Storm Vanessa Tiffen 6th Glendaar Amira Fire Wendy Dower

CEIJY 2* 120km

1st Diam’id Ingrid Ambrosiussen

CEI 1* 100km

1st Northwinds Apollo Hamish Malcolm 2nd Joie De Vivre of Kishon Steve Gray 3rd Chandalla Chiffon Robyn Marshall 4th Sherwood Ayshah Helen Bray 5th Masada Park Maya Jane Radny 6th Gipzy Vanessa Tiffen

CEIJY 1* 100km 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Larapinta Sky Avaasha Shardan Rakada Karamea Messala

CEN Junior 100km 1st


Vanessa Bragan Charlottte Wadsworth Brooke Brown-Cordell Ariana Ranui Jorja James

CEI 1* 80km

ARABIANZ October/November 2012

1st Naibara Silver Moon Ian Gray 2nd Forrest Abdalmajeed Al-Harty 3rd Laanvin David Marshall 4th CA Morocco Debby Worsfold 5th Twynham El Zephyr Alison Higgins 6th Kishon Sonatina Monica Smith


2012 National Endurance Championships 6-8 April 2012 Hosted by the Canterbury Club at Culverden CEI 3* 160km

1st Mauku Mystique Sian Reid 2nd Glenmore Tariq Andrea Smith 3rd Jacob Mark Tylee 4th Freckles Jenny Champion 5th BB Boy Named Sue Hayden Watson 6th Twynham El Desiree Alison Higgins

CEI 2* 120km 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Sherwood Volos Orica Sherwood Ayshah Barack Obama Stoneleigh Storm Sierra Storm

CEI 1* 100km 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Merimindi Finale AA Oscar Playdough Nina Stone River Reflections Glenmore Vixen

CEI 1* 80km

1st Naibara Silver Moon 2nd GSD Espaarence

CEIJY 2* 120km 1st


CEIJY 1* 100km

1st Larapinta Sky 2nd Jabbawokie

Helen Graham Tessa Deuss Helen Bray Caroline Barber Vanessa TIffen Victoria Kessler Frank Aldridge Susan Reid Robyn Kendrik Carla Barakat Debby Worsfold Murray Smith Ian Gray Donna Carter Jodi Scholtz Vanessa Bragan Elise Blundell

Background Image: Ian Gray & Naibara Silver Moon - NZ National Endurance Championships 1st CEI 1* 80km - Photograph by Ariana Ranui Š


NZ National Endurance Championships 2012 - the Holly Farm Team Forrest & Abdulmajeed Al-Harthy, Laanvin & Jodi Scholtz (16), Ahmed Alanazi & Dahman Al Badi (54) - Photograph by David Marshall ©

ARABIANZ October/November 2012

NZ National Endurance Championships 2012 - Laanvin & Jodi Scholtz being vetted & out on the trail - Photographs by David Marshall ©


2012 WAHO AWARD WINNER by Sandra Haywood

Karamea Bay Shadow was bred by Alison Steward of Karamea Arabians. Shadow is by the late El Kheir Galal who is the sire of many very successful halter & performance horses and his dam is Karamea Mira. Shadow started his show career in 1995 with breeder Alison and was later shown successfully through to March 2000 with owner Robyn Barker. Shadow excelled in the show ring and took out many major placings in several A Class Shows and also many wins and placings at local A & P Shows. The biggest highlight of Shadow’s show career was winning the title of Reserve National Champion Inhand Gelding at the NZ National Arabian Championships in 1999.

2002 - Taupo World Masters Series Ride 1st 120k** Junior & Best Conditioned 2003 - North Island Championships 1st 100k** Junior & Best Conditioned 2003 - NZ National Championships 1st 100k** Junior & Best Conditioned 2003 - North Island Championships 3rd 100k** Open 2004 - Horse of the Year Public Display Q 65k Open

Listed below some of Shadow’s Major Show results:

2005 - North Island Champs 10th 100k** Open

1995 - Arabian Spectacular 1st Classic Action & Champion Gelding

2005 - NZ National Championships 4th 100k** Open

1996 - Northern All Arabian Show Champion Gelding, 3rd in Top 5 of overall show 1998 - North Island Arabian Championships Champion Purebred Gelding 1999 - North Island Arabian Championships Champion Purebred Gelding 1999 - NZ National Arabian Championships Reserve National Champion In hand Gelding 2000 - NZ National Arabian Championships Reserve National Champion Costume & 1st Novice Ridden Purebred We purchased Shadow in June of 2000 knowing he would make the perfect family horse. It didn’t take long for Shadow to progress through the Endurance novice system to gain open status. Shadow excelled quickly and was the winner of many 40-80 kilometre rides in his first couple of seasons and continued this trait throughout his entire career whilst also excelling in FEI events up to 3 Star Level. Shadow is a lovely natured horse with a laid back attitude, he does not waste any energy or get over excited. He also has a naturally low heart rate and his average lag time is between 2-3 minutes, this was a huge advantage especially in the longer distance rides where good lag times are essential for faster completion times and of course gaining leads on fellow competitors. Shadow was successful in both the Junior and Open divisions taking out major placings in both, including 3 Championship Titles. 18

Listed below are Shadows major endurance results (Championship’s/FEI-CEI Star Events etc):

2005 - Taupo Labour Weekend Ride Q 120k Open 2006 - North Island Champs 9th 160k*** Open 2006 - Ruahine Premier Points 3rd 100k Open 2007 - Wellington Premier Points 3rd 100k Open 2007 - NZ National Championships 1st 100k** Open 2008 - NZ National Champs 9th 160k*** Open 2009 - North Island Championships 4th 120k** Open 2010 - North Island Champs 3rd= 80k CEN Open 2011 - NZ National Champs 3rd 60K CEN Open Shadow was twice the recipient of the beautiful “Registered Purebred Arabian Competing under its NZAHBS Registered Name” Sash - first in 2003 and again in 2004 in the 100k** Junior & Open events. Shadow is now retired. At 20 years young he is sound and well. He competed right up until the end of last season. His total lifetime endurance kilometres are 6000, there are only a handful of horses that have completed this distance and those that have are on the Endurance Distance Roll of Merit for life. This is a huge achievement showing that Shadow is the perfect ambassador for the Arabian breed - versatile at excelling in both show ring and endurance, and proving a worthy recipient of the WAHO Award.


ARABIANZ October/November 2012

ARABIAN CLUB CONTACTS  

 Leesa Anderson Ph: 09 420 4066 Email: Facebook: Auckland Arabian Horse Club

 Sheridene Swift Ph: 09 235 8112 Email: 

 

 Tracey Rhodes Ph: 03 349 7316 Email:

 Allan Dixon Ph: 09 432 2039 

   Janelle Linn Ph: 09 409 8823 

 

 Jan Wilson Ph: 03 489 6595 Email:

 Sarah Walters Email: Facebook: Otago Arabian Horse Club

 

 Nikki Klemra Ph: 06 756 6644 Email: Facebook: TA HC

 Jenny Klemra Ph: 06 756 6644 Email: 

 

 Matthew Adams Ph: 09 235 9812 Email:

 Cindy Dawson Ph: 07 888 1753 

Background Image: Kazmere Stud’s Kazmere Can Do - 2012 NZ National Champion Senior Derivative Led Male & Ridden Derivative over 148cm



 

  Jan Bambury Ph: 09 815 7970 Email:

  Kevin James Ph: 03 439 5949 Email:

 Wendy Farnell Ph: 09 235 7457 Email:

 Rebecca Kenney Ph: 03 347 7132 Email: Web:

 Pip Mutch Ph: 06 762 5553 Email:

 Paula Humphries Ph: 03 685 6003 Email:

 Maureen Munro Ph: 06 328 4838 Email:

 Heidi Bulfin Ph: 03 570 5197 Email: Web:

 Aimee Robinson Ph: 07 895 4844 Email:

 Alison Higgins Ph: 03 521 1884 Email:

 Marion Tylee Ph: 07 895 4641 Email:

 Lisa Simpson Ph: 03 202 5383 Email:

 Jenny Chandler Ph: 07 825 2621 Email:

 Katy Anscombe Ph: 03 614 8052 Email:

 Raewyn West Ph: 07 895 6287 Email:

 Trevor Copland Ph: 03 208 0493 Email:

 Peter Greig Ph: 07 876 7408 Email:

Background Image: Glenmore Tariq & Andrea Smith - 1st 2011 & 2nd 2012 - National Endurance Championships CEI 3* 160km

Linda Cottle ©

COMING EVENTS CALENDAR  

 

 

  22nd



26 -28

Waikato A&P Show


Equidays, Mystery Creek



3 -4

 14th-16th th

Manawatu A&P Show





10 -11 10 -11 rd



Clevedon A&P Show

Canterbury A&P Show Courtenay A&P Show



Southern Canterbury A&P Show



Nelson A&P Show

24 -25

Waihi A&P Show

Northern/Rangiora A&P Show

24 -25

Stratford A&P Show  Taranaki H&P Breeders Show 1st-2nd









7 -9

Whangarei A&P Show

8 -9

NI All Breeds Show, Hamilton


Paeroa A&P Show






19 -20 25 -26 th

4 -5


15 -17 rd rd


23 -24


SI Premier Show, Christchurch


Tokomairiro A&P Show

 19th

Winton A&P Show

NI Endurance Champs FEI 1* 2* 3*


26 -28

Otago-Taieri A&P Show (Royal)

National Arabian Champs, Hawera



National Arabian Champs, Hawera

25 -26

 1st

Franklin A&P Show

SI Arabian Champs (Canterbury AHC)


Canterbury H&P Breeders Show



Putaruru A&P Show

Dunedin Equestrian Extravaganza



Helensville A&P Show


Motueka A&P Show



NI Premier Horse Show



7 -9 8

Endurance Canterbury FEI 1* 2*


1 -2

NI Arabian Champs (Auckland AHC)

8 -9


 19th-20th

Earlybird Show, Mosgiel (Otago AHC)


Nelson H&P Breeders Show



SI Endurance Champs FEI 1* 2* 3*



North Otago A&P Show

16 -17

22 -23 2 -3

 Endurance Waikato FEI 1* 2* 2nd Southland A&P Show


Kumeu A&P Show




Oxford A&P Show


National Endurance Champs, Taupo


Horse of the Year Show



Easter Show, Auckland



28 -1

National Endurance Champs, Taupo



 TBC


Endurance AGM, Christchurch

 20th-21st

Endurance AGM, Christchurch

12-17 28 -1



20 -21

Background Image: Ausden Centurion (AU) & Anne Naylor - achieved 5 National Titles at the 2012 National Arabian Championships (A Studholme)

A Gift from the Desert: The Arabian Horse

The new classic film about the Arabian horse. Every breeder, owner, and rider should have it! Filmed on location in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Great Britain, Kentucky, and California with the Saudi Equestrian riders, the Oman Royal Calvary, National Jumping Champions, National Dressage Champions, National Western Champions, and National Working Cowhorse Champions. A soaring panorama of the horse that began in Arabia and went on to create empires and champions today in every category. This film was written and directed by award-winning filmmaker Jo Franklin. Named “One of the Top 100 Film Producers in the U.S.” by Millimeter Magazine, Ms. Franklin is a rider and breeder of Arabian horses.

“This is a truly exciting history from the early to the modern evolution of t Arabian horse. Learn about the breed that has made more of an impact o modern breeds than any other.” ~ ARABIAN HORSE ASSOCIATION

“This film is the most informative, entertaining and fast paced documenta on horses that I have ever seen.”

~ KRISTIN HARDIN, Hall of Fame Trainer, National Champion Trainer, Jumpe

“A wonderful film! A fascinating and entertaining story whether you are a horse expert or novice.”

~ KAREN HOUSE, Pulitzer Prize Winner, former Publisher Wall Street Journa

“Brilliant! Galloping out of remotest antiquity, prancing majestically at mankind’s most fabled royal courts, in an awe-inspiring destiny siring all lineages of racing’s thoroughbreds as well as the mounts for Napolean’s lancers and Gustavus Adolphus’ “Polish-Arabs”, the “Gift from the Desert the gorgeously enchanting star of this wondrous film.

“At this moment when tragic images bombard us nightly from the Middle East, one of our world’s most expert film-makers has launched a star into our sadly darkened sky. Gift from the Desert chronicles an all too rare interaction with the Arab world whereby 19/20th century U.S. breeders helped to “save” this splendid breed. For joy as well as useful wisdom come and view this beautiful film !” ~ DR. CARNEY GAVIN, Historian

Order your DVD at:


In the December issue:

New Season Foal Photos HRH Princess Alia’s address to the WAHO Conference

New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders’ Society (Inc.) PO Box 80, Cust 7444 North Canterbury New Zealand

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