NZIPP PRO Report October 2014

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Holly Spring - MNZIPP Portrait Creative Photographer of the Year 2014



Executive Updates 05

Presidents Report


Wedding Directors Report


Honours Council Report


Cover Image: © Holly Spring - MNZIPP Portrait Creative Category - Gold Portrait Creative Photographer of the Year 2014

MISSION STATEMENT To champion, embrace and communicate excellence and professionalism in photography.

CONTACT NZ Institute of Professional Photography (NZIPP) PO Box 76176 Christchurch 8548 New Zealand W: E: M: +64 27 522 5570 We welcome your feedback and thoughts. If you have something to say, send it through to:

PRO REPORT is a publication of the NZIPP © NZIPP 2014. All rights reserved.


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


llford Diary


NZIPP on Facebook


Q Dates for 2014


New Members


Qualified Members


Accredited Members


Iris Award Books


New Member Benefit


WWII War Veterans Project Update

Infocus 2014 16

Speaker Update - Dan O’Day


Speaker Update - Michael Kenna


Speaker Update - Rachel Callander


Speaker Update - Sara Orme


Speaker Update - Peter Eastway


Speaker Update - Amy Scott



Contents Regional Updates 22

Waikato/BOP Region


Otago/Southland Region

Member Profile 26

Holly Spring - MNZIPP

What’s In My Bag...? 32

Emily Adamson - ANZIPP

Blast From The Past 33

Bill Brandt

Photo Competitions 34

Sony World Photography Awards


Canon Eyecon

Industry News 35 Heartfelt 36

A Bit More Soul


CPS Health Check Roadshow

Corporate Members 37

Thanks to our Corporate Members

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP




PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Presidents Report

Executive Updates

Welcome to summer and all the opportunities the season brings . Over the next six months is when most of us have our most intense activity and I hope you all have the number of bookings you need and want . I am sure there are many that do and equally I am sure there are many that would like more As the new President I want to make my time meaningful , to be of value to each and every member . I unashamedly have always approached what we do from a business angle . I love taking and making images too , but what’s the point if I don’t have a client , if I don’t have the right pricing and if I don’t have a service that maximizes my chances of the best returns . Now “I have a dream” as it were . That at the end of my tenure the collective total output of this wonderful group of people is at least double what it is now . In actual fact I believe that it could be much more . Your national board is highly focussed and motivated with the idea of reaching each and everyone of you . To find out what help you need , to find it and deliver it . Help us help you and You will never again have to ask what do I get for my membership . Hears the rub though . Most people are easily distracted ( as I am ), look often at the negatives , the obstacles ( as I do ) and just don’t get done what needs to be done at the rate it needs to be done ( as I am often guilty of ) . Most of us are one person teams or couples in a business . Now if you are highly motivated and successful, that’s awesome because we are going to need you ! But if you are in a situation, that you know you can and need to do better, then I have come up with an idea that is simple and if you buy into it I know will make a difference to your businesses and your lives . ACCOUNTABILITY !!! The problem with becoming an adult is there is no teacher , lecturer or parent there to kick our butt anymore , or perhaps more appropriately monitor and remind us to stay focussed and keep on track . A light bulb moment came to me that we should be using each other to do this . Now we don’t even need to know each others actual numbers , only you know that . But what we can do is check with each other on our progress towards growth . I use the word growth , which is a good one ,because as I was excitedly introducing the concept to all your regional chairs I got told off for using the word income all the time . Now I know for some reason many people don’t like talking about money and profit and all that , so I listened and accepted that growth encompasses both the creative and the fiscal . But I think you know where I‘m coming from :) So let’s be each others source of accountability , and keep it real simple . To me we need to stay on top of simple K.P.I.’s so that our thinking is concentrated and our efforts focussed and our results measurable . As long as I have been in business the first thing that needs to happen is the phone has to ring with a potential client on the other end . KPI 1 CONTACTS Next you need the skills , product and service to convert that person to sitting in front of your camera KPI 2 - SHOOTS

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Executive Updates

Presidents Report Continued...


After doing all this to the best of our ability we need to get a result KPI 3 – SALES / REVENUE . Next and last KPI-4 CREATIVE GROWTH . Now being creatives , most of us don’t like numbers , but we have to start to . Believe me I didn’t .But now I do . Why ? Because since we started using XERO and get up to date reports , I have discovered a joy in seeing results from efforts . I no longer need some boring professional talking s..t I never listened to . SO HOW DO WE HELP EACH OTHER ? Because each region is different in size the subgroups may have different numbers but in each there will be people allocated the responsibility of making a simple phone call to another member asking the result of these simple KPI’s for that month, or week if you are seriously keen on doing well . If it’s weekly ( which I think is better ) then you just can’t stuff around . Now none of these questions will be numbers because that’s private to most , but actual % ’s . In other words if you only have one sitting in a week and you get two the next week your gain is 100% . The person ringing notes the % gain and at the end of the month the collective % gain is collated and your region gets a feel of it’s growth . The question of creative growth is what you have done that week or month to be a better artist i.e. A seminar , subscription to a mag or whatever . The collective gain is the fun part , but the system is all about you . If there is no growth the most important question will be asked , WHY ? There will be no judgement but when you let that person know what it is holding you back it will be noted and joined with all the other answers . THIS IS HOW WE FIND OUT EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TO HELP YOU GROW . WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO The idea is to proactively act to grow . What I want you personally to do is to begin by identifying what is your bottom line . How much do you need to make to cover your overheads FOR THAT WEEK . Someone ( accountability person ) will be ringing you to record your growth which is exciting BUT YOU NEED TO BE ACCOUNTABLE TO YOURSELF FIRST . We are visual so let’s keep it that way . Please go and buy a wall calendar that displays 52 weeks for the year .Please also go and buy four felt tips or pencils that are blue , red , green and yellow . At the end of the week you are going to colour in that week a different colour depending on your results . Any colour is good , it means you are in profit , but strive for gold so if you fall short of that you are still in the awesome !! If you have not met your overheads it stays blank . If you have met your O.H.’s and are in profit colour it blue . ( good ) If your income doubles your O.H.’s colour it red ( great ) and if your income is three times your O.H.’s colour it green . ( awesome ) Anything above 3x is GOLD !! ( fanbloodytastic )


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Executive Updates

TRUST ME PLEASE . I have used this technique when I went to New York to help turn a struggling situation around and it took just under a month to turn a $34,000.00 per week loss from 13 stores into profit . It is just a great visual staring you in the face telling only you where you are at . We found it to be a great motivator and in the end when I visited each store they were buzzed to show me the colour . If the colour is not to your liking , why ? Don’t beat yourself up , just do something about it . So to cap it off : GROWTH = PHONE GOING = MARKETING SESSION NUMBERS = CONVERTING SALES = SHOOTING and SELLING SKILLS CREATIVE = CONSTANT LEARNING to BEING the BEST YOU CAN BE . PROFIT and GROWTH are serious matters but let’s keep it fun . At the end of the year bring all your calendars to your last regional meeting . Get a group photo and capture the mosaic it will be . Rejoice in the collective result and know you have been a part of that . However get the most joy from knowing you are contributing to you and your families knowing you are making an honest attempt , that you are stepping up to the plate . Finally remind yourself that you have joined an organisation that wants to help you be great . If you don’t buy in , or be proactive by going to meetings and seminars and our national convention then don’t whine or moan about what is being done for you . Let’s all be accountable and meet the future with gusto . I personally cannot just talk the talk anymore . Knowing this time was coming I have pulled my finger out in my own business and have doubled my studio turnover for the last ten weeks ! It’s serious money . We are flying , and I’m excited and that’s just how I want you to feel too .


Russell Hamlet NZIPP President (on behalf of the Board)

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP



Executive Updates

Wedding Directors Report

Why is the first step always so darn difficult ...... I’ve been staring at the screen for about 20 mins now, unable to type, I should have just invited you all over for a party, I’m much more comfortable with face to face introductions! So I’m your new wedding director, Tracy Stamatakos ( strange combo? ..... white bread married a Greek / Canadian ) & I reside in Tauranga now with my foodie loving family, it’s been 10 years & we love this vibrant wee city after fighting the crowds & traffic of downtown Toronto. I’ve always been an adventure seeker and this new role will be no different. Truth be told I have turned the role down a few times because I was scared, but it was time to face the fear & dive head first into the rabbit hole, it turned out alright for Alice ……. I’m going to be working with a fabulous team of people, my fellow Board Members, Honours Council, Regional Chairs & Committees ....... Actually its really just one big team. Even if you are not active in any of the above by joining this institute you have committed to being a caretaker of this wonderful industry we call photography! start getting involved …… So what can I bring to the Table ? I’m a recovering weddingaholic ( 2014 was my last full season ........ “heard that before!” they say ...... ) You know it’s an addiction right? 20+ years of shooting /printing in New Zealand /North America & being a survivor of silver lined lungs, spot colouring, cross processing, & had bets on out shooting vintage ( but I lost to bunting, teacups & striped straws ....didn’t see that coming ). Even though I talk a lot, I also listen & I care about what you think & your ideas, I want to help action these ideas if others agree. I’ve just come out of the regional chair position for Waikato Bay of Plenty so I understand what’s working & what’s not at the ground level. But most of all I’m passionate, without passion for what you are doing, it is not possible to ideally perform your job. Russell’s Accountability network plan is an exciting addition to the NZIPP growth plan & it’s just the thing that I personally need right now to keep me focused in my next phase of creativity & business. Now if you have read this far & deciphered the babble of an introduction, I congratulate you! Promise I’ll have something more intelligent in the coming reports, & I look forward to “Growing” with you!


Tracy Stamatakos NZIPP Wedding Director


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Honours Council Report

Executive Updates

Each year the NZIPP (Honours Council) run the annual Iris Print Awards. This event, in it’s various forms, has been going for well over 30 years. During that time some aspects have changed and new things introduced, all aimed at improvement and providing opportunities, largely for NZIPP members. The most significant outcome for fully qualified members is in achieving Honours Distinctions. These are the Institute’s accolades that acknowledge ongoing photographic excellence, via the Iris Awards system. They have always and still do provide goals for members to strive for and form a big part of what the awards are all about. This is hugely obvious on Awards night when members get up on the stage to receive their hard earned distinction, in the form of a ribbon and gong. The pride on their faces and the joy for these people, from those in the audience, cannot be expressed in words. This really demonstrates the value that is placed on the NZIPP Honours Distinctions, and those who have earned distinctions have the right to use the letters after their name. Each time an NZIPP member receives a Bronze, Silver or Gold, at the Iris Awards, they earn merit points towards an Honours Distinction. A Bronze is worth 1 point, Silver 2 points and the cherished Gold 3 points. These points accumulate towards the NZIPP Honours Distinction levels. In order for a member to achieve a distinction they need to have been entering and earned at least ten points within the previous four-year period, the points achieved at each level accumulating towards those required for the next level. The following is an overview of what each of these distinctions represents: Associate of the NZIPP (ANZIPP) – to receive an Associate a member is required to achieve a minimum of 10 points. These must have been earned within the last four-year period. Master of Photography of the NZIPP (M.Photog. or MNZIPP) – after achieving the Associate level, through earning a minimum of 20 points, which must also include 2 Silver or Silver Distinction awards, a member is awarded their Master of Photography. The 10 points earned to gain the Associate level contribute towards the Master level. Fellow of the NZIPP (FNZIPP) – after achieving the Master level, through earning a minimum of 30 points, which must also include 4 Silver or Silver Distinction and 1 Gold or Gold Distinction awards, a member is awarded their Fellow. The 20 points required to gain the Associate then Master levels contribute towards the Fellow level. Grand Master of the NZIPP (GMNZIPP) – this is the highest level within the NZIPP Honours Distinctions and takes many years to achieve. To be awarded the title of Grand Master, a member must earn a minimum of 80 points. These points must include 14 Silver or Silver Distinctions plus 6 Gold or Gold Distinctions. The points earned from all the previous levels accumulate towards gaining the Grand Master level. While not always able to achieve the required awards needed for the next level, a member can achieve a “Bar” to any of the levels. This is done through earning the same number of merit points and awards required for the level they are currently on.

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Executive Updates

Honours Council Report Continued...


While the awards for this year are over, and we awarded many new Associates, Masters and Fellows (though no Grand Masters), the goal posts are there for you to aim for. Time is now on your side to start preparing for the 2015 Iris Awards. We encourage all members to get involved and participate in what is an exciting and rewarding challenge in working towards their Honours Distinctions. This is one way of meeting the requirements of photographic standards in maintaining Accreditation as a qualified member of the NZIPP. It is also something you can achieve and be immensely proud of and use within the marketing of your business.

Kind Regards

Kaye Davis - GMNZIPP, MAIPP, MCGD Chair of the NZIPP Honours Council) On behalf of the Honours Council, including: Ollie Dale, Blair Quax, Tony Stewart & Esther Bunning.


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Ilford Diary

Ilford Diary October 2014

November 2014

Kindly sponsored by


Q Workshop - Location: TBC, Dunedin. Time: TBC. Contact Rochelle Dillon rdphotography@ or Nicola Wilhelmsen for more details.


Q Workshop - Location: TBC, Winton. Time: TBC. Contact Rochelle Dillon rdphotography@ or Nicola Wilhelmsen for more details.


Q Submission - Closing Date

Don’t forget, if you are travelling around New Zealand, as an NZIPP member you can go to any NZIPP Regional Meeting. If you are in the area, take the opportunity to participate in a regional meeting outside your own region. CLICK ON A DIARY ENTRY FOR MORE INFORMATION.






6-10 2015

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP




NZIPP News Find NZIPP on Facebook - check out the links below.... NZIPP - National • NZIPP - Auckland/Northland Region • NZIPP - Waikato/BOP Region • NZIPP - Central Districts • NZIPP - Wellington Region • NZIPP - Canterbury/Westland Region • NZIPP - Otago/Southland Region

Q Submission Dates 2014/2015 For those who aren’t qualified yet it’s time to start planning for your Q submissions. Once successful your member profile will appear in the Find a Photographer function on the NZIPP website, and you’ll be able to work towards NZIPP Accreditation. Q submission dates for 2014/2015 are... •

November 4th, 2014

February 3rd, 2015

June 2nd, 2015

October 6th, 2015

For more info see the Q Programme under Quick Links on the NZIPP website.


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP

New Members mbers.....

me Welcome to our new land rate - Auckland/North PQ Blackwell – Corpo rthland ional – Auckland/No Kimber Brown – Provis d/Northland – Provisional – Aucklan Bernadette Fastnedge land al – Auckland/North Peter Morris – Provision rthland visional – Auckland/No Rosemary Morris – Pro rthland ional – Auckland/No Angela Scott – Provis rporate land/Northland – Co White Studios – Auck d – Auckland/Northlan Lei Zhao – Provisional ry/Westland – Provisional- Canterbu Susannah Blatchford ing – Waikato/BOP Shaz Brikmanis – Emerg to/BOP – Corporate - Waika Carter Photographics visional – Wellington Marcus Adams – Pro n Qualified – Wellingto Jo Frances-Moore – - Wellington Lesley Wild – Emerging gh al – Nelson/Marlborou Manu Hume – Provision nd – Canterbury/Westla Joanna Wu – Student d ing – Otago/Southlan Katriona Hill – Emerg

ers Qualified Membwly . qualified members.... r ne Congratulations to ou - Central Districts Kevin Bone – Portrait - Otago/Southland Dan Childs – Portrait d rtrait - Otago/Southlan Janyne Fletcher – Po uthland – Portrait - Otago/So Christina McGregor llington Kara Tait – Portrait - We gh ing - Nelson/Marlborou Steve Hussey – Wedd

bers Accredited Mem ers..... wly Accredited memb r ne Congratulations to ou rbury/Westland Neil Williams - Cante o/Southland Rochelle Dillon - Otag ago/Southland Megan Graham - Ot




Epson/NZIPP Iris Professional Photography Awards 2012

Iris Award books are produced annually by the NZIPP from the award winning entries submitted every year. The books showcase all the major award winners, as well as all the Gold, Silver, and Bronze winning images from each year. The books have been published in conjunction with BLURB and ISSUU and are available in three different formats: •

hardcopy/print - available via Blurb’s print on demand service. The book is a 20 X 25cm landscape format, with a hardcover & dust jacket, printed on Premium Lustre finish paper. Each book can be purchased via Blurb’s print on demand service. Prices vary depending on the book size.

eBook on iPad - available via Blurb’s ebook service for downloading to an iPad. eBook’s can be purchased for $24.99 USD via Blurb’s eBook download service.

online book/magazine - a low resolution version is available to view online for free via Issuu’s digital publishing platform .

Jackie Ranken - NZ Photographer of the Year 2012

Principal Sponsor

Epson/NZIPP Iris Professional Photography Awards 2009

Paul Gummer - NZ Photographer of the Year 2009

Go to the NZIPP website (, and click on the Iris Awards tab followed by Iris Awards Books) for more information and download links for each of the three options.

Principal Sponsor

New Member Benefit Being a member of the NZIPP brings all kinds of benefits like this one…. 5-10% discount on Epson Products - Papers and Inks Members need to email Paul Missen ( Aarque Group branch sales manager) to receive the members discounts – Cash/ Credit Card basis only. Please provide your NZIPP membership number. This is a 24 hr delivery service from Wellington once the order has been processed. Terry Wreford Hann - Commercial Director

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP




NZIPP News WWII War Veterans Project Update Perhaps the most important news is that NZ Post has donated up to 3000 prepaid envelopes. This means that the massive send out of over 1600 presentation prints to veterans around the country can proceed.

NZIPP Veterans Project Workspace Link

Veterans and families will be able to order more copies of their portrait from the Queensberry “workspace” website. A link to this will be placed on the NZIPP website and a letter outlining this and thanking our sponsors will go out with the presentation prints. As most of you will know the collection was gifted to the RNZRSA at a special presentation to chief executive David Moger at our awards diner on the 4th August. This took the form of a beautiful proof book printed by Queensberry. There are still many WW2 veterans that haven’t been photographed and we are still getting requests from them or their families to be added to the collection.

NZIPP Veterans Project Dropbox For any further information on the WWII Veterans Project please contact Terry Wreford Hann E:

We now have a list of members who are happy to continue making the portraits and when we get requests and have willing photographers there is no reason for the project to cease. If you get such a request please contact your regional chair. If you are happy do take the portrait please ensure the files end up with the correct file naming protocol and mail to Stephen Goodenough. If you are unsure of these details please contact me. The next phase is to look at ways that the collection can be used. The RNZRSA are very keen to work with the NZIPP in researching and developing ideas. To this end we are setting up a committee to work this. If you are interested in being a part of a committee to guide the project, please contact me for more details.


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP



Please note that any use of the regimental portraits (as part of the project that has be gifted to the NZRSA) must be approved by the NZIPP board. This is to protect the integrity of the collection for wider future use. CONDITIONS FOR USE OF REGIMENTAL WW2 VETERAN PORTRAITS ON SOCIAL MEDIA…. The NZIPP Board may approve use of Regimental Portraits on social media under the following conditions: •

Images and intended copy must first be submitted via drop box (see details below) for approval by the Board, and an email sent to (info@

The image files will be replaced with the official post produced version, these images will be supplied back to you from the database.

The following text must precede their usage: The images featured have been photographed by first-name_last-name, as part of a nationwide project initiated by the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography (NZIPP) to make portraits of the remaining New Zealand World War Two veterans. The resulting collection, of over 1600 images, has been gifted by the NZIPP to New Zealand through the Royal NZ Returned and Services Association. #NZIPP, #RNZRSA #VETERAN-PORTRAIT

We would like to acknowledge and thank our sponsors Queensberry, CR Kennedy and New Zealand post for their kind contributions to this project. Link to the video shown at the awards dinner Terry Wreford Hann NZIPP Commercial Director.

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP



Infocus Speaker Update

Infocus Speaker Update - Dan O’Day by Tracy Stamatakos

Anybody that can wear a onesie for 5 days & nights in Australia’s 30+ degree heat while shooting creative medium format imagery has my attention. (we all like a bit of crazy ) Dan O’Day’s relaxed yet polished presentation had a wonderful balance of inspiration & business. Raised in an artistic family & with his roots in painting, the transition 7 years ago to switch his passion for photography into a career has been a clever one. Telling his documentary wedding stories has enabled him to also continue his fine art work which has been displayed in exhibitions around Australia & as far as London. Generous with his information and thought processes, he reminded us of •

The power of community

The subtleties of separation & standing out

Not accepting No for answer ( at least the first time )

The creative workout : creativity is a muscle


Personal Projects are key for Dan’s continued success & we were lucky enough to sneak a peak into Ginger & Pearl’s world captured O’Day Style. This wonderful Aging couple’s story, & honest love for their home, garden & each other captured heart’s. The Final output was a Stunning Award Winning Book printed by Momento Australia. Check out the link to view for yourself Also check out other Projects such as - My24HourProject Dan’s closing words …… “In such a saturated market, all we have are the ingredients inside of us that make us up, these ingredients need to be identified and marketed. We can all wear nice outfits, all have use the same photoshop actions, all have the same blogs templates with awesome SEO but at the end of the day, no one else can be me or you. Deliver that, be yourself, craft your vision and you are doing the absolute best thing you can do, not only for yourself but also for your business”


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Infocus Speaker Update

Infocus Speaker Update - Michael Kenna - Working in the Arts by Kaye Davis

Keynote speaker, legendary landscape photographer Michael Kenna, truly has a unique way of seeing the world and he brings his visions to us through approaching the landscape with a sense of exploration, curiosity, emotional response, spirituality, calmness, respect, discipline, simplicity and patience; a collaboration with the land. In addition, for Kenna, there is a love that comes through the unexpectedness of working with (medium format) film and long exposures, where it may take months before he processes, edits and prints his images, this, a stage of the process that really excites him. As a man that lives in the moment, Kenna’s key interest lies in creating images that reflect the memories, residue, or metaphorical footprints of aspects we leave behind and the latent atmosphere of a place. Believing there is something “else” that exists other than the physical object, Kenna is constantly looking for the “invisible in the visible”, the power of suggestion, photographs that ask questions and are enigmas. To this end the intention with his photographs is to provide viewers a place in which they can wander, use their imagination; a place where they can add their own story or experience to an image. Kenna not only presented us with some of his amazing imagery, but also anecdotes of his journey as a photographer, from commercial work to fine art landscapes. We were given a real insight into Michael Kenna the man, and a little more knowledge of how he approaches his photography. The influences, inspiration and thought processes he uses in creating images of unsurpassed beauty and tranquillity. Whether a landscape photographer, wedding photographer, portrait or commercial photographer, everyone was able to take away something from Kenna’s presentation. Importantly, there is the need to know yourself, find your passion and be true to yourself in order to find your own place in photography that will take you on your own unique photographic journey. Photography is a journey, and one would hope a journey that never ends. In the words of Michael Kenna, as photographers, “it is our task to find what touches us personally and translate that into an image.” For more inspiration from Michael Kenna, go to: http://www.michaelkenna. net

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Infocus Speaker Update


Infocus Speaker Update - Rachel Callander by Katherine Williams

As I wiped back yet another tear I looked over to see a fellow delegates notes on Rachel Callander. In the absence of lines of scrawled notes there was simply four words, surrounded by a big love heart. “Too awesome for words” No matter what “dot” you are I’d say as a generalization photographers do tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves, and we were beyond moved with the beautiful words from an incredible person at Infocus 2014. The Super Power Project has been one that has brought so much happiness to parents of super power babies across the NZ, all of our eyes have been opened by having their stories told in such a magical way. A powerful reminder was served to us of the strength of telling stories through photography. I cannot truly sum up a talk as powerful as Rachel’s, one so full of beauty. As it is only Rachel with her own words that can tell this. In my years of coming to Infocus I’ve never seen a room full of tears and a roaring standing ovation. And it was, quite simply too awesome for words. With love from one penguin to another xx


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Infocus Speaker Update

Infocus Speaker Update - Sara Orme by Katherine Williams

Sara Orme has traversed across several genres during her 20 year photography career, and her talk took us through her journey. She started sharing with images from her “This is Not the Red Carpet” documentary inspired by Susan Sontag’s “On Photography” Featuring girls on the beach of Cannes being mesmerized by the cameras of crowds of swarming male photographers. Sara focuses her attention to the inhibition of the girls and the photographers somewhat lecherous attention of the girls. Her path then takes her to fashion, modeling portfolios, hair competitions, magazines and advertising. This time was all about finding her voice. Describing herself as an intuitive and organic photographer typically opting for minimalist lighting. She shot for Tourism New Zealand and other big companies but once becoming a mum the competitive world of fashion and advertising needed to go on hold and Sara started shooting weddings and portraits to fit in better with life. After her children’s early years Sara has been full circle and arrived back in fashion, advertising, portrait and documentary photography. Working with emerging stylists and designers Sara landed her dream fashion campaign called “Freedom” for Lonely Hearts, a Kiwi road trip with two models. Sara has now been tagged as a master of natural light capturing emotive, raw and spirited images. In the new wave of anti tech photography Sara’s style gets noticed. She still shoots with large format and believes the process is integral to the look she achieves with her work, and the intensity you get from the sitter. Sara stated she never cancels a shoot, if the weather doesn’t go as hoped she will just roll with it, as subjects get dizzy with joy when they run and dance in the elements. Sara’s talk was full of amazing tips here’s some of my favourites; •

Embrace change to stay current

Shed some skin…reinvent yourself

Avoid at all costs trying to shoot stuff you “think” people might like.

Focus on your business plan, many great photographers have failed with the absence of one.

Don’t over think your next goal and shoot from your heart.

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Infocus Speaker Update


Infocus Speaker Update - Peter Eastway - Business Planning / The Finances of Landscape Photography by Kaye Davis

Peter Eastway is a very recognised name in photography circles. His previous career, as an accountant, standing him in good stead to ensure he is successful in a profession (photography) that he loves. And, successful he is! Perhaps better known for his fine art landscape photography, Peter is also a portrait, commercial and editorial photographer as well as the publisher of Better Photography magazine publisher. His passion however is for the landscape and recreating his vision and interpretation of that. Peter constantly targeting ways to incorporate this love into the work he does and spin-off aspects of his business. Peter provided us with two opportunities to tap into his knowledge this year, firstly at Infocus itself, and again in his Masterclass. Peter not only produces amazingly beautiful images, he is also an open book, and willingly imparts the knowledge gained throughout his working life to help others (newer and established in the industry) to be successful in their own right. He did this again this year, providing the audience with valuable insight and tools they were able to take away and apply to their own business. Peter’s standing on photography leaves us with an understanding that largely, photography isn’t necessarily going to make us rich, it’s more about following your passion and creating a lifestyle from it. With a philosophy for ongoing education and self-development, Peter’s presentation left us with ideas around how we can make the most of this lifestyle and the importance of implementing strategies (planning) that will see us being successful (if not rich), in whatever form that takes. For more inspiration from Peter Eastway, go to: http://www.petereastway. com


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP

OCTOBER Infocus Speaker 2014 Update

Infocus Speaker Update - Amy Scott - Communication by Tracy Stamatakos

“You can’t get anymore grass roots than effective communication ..... It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do” heard it before? Certainly not as colourful as this. With a background in Law, Amy has now changed direction & is one of New Zealand’s most sought after professional speakers when it comes to communication, planning & motivation. Once Amy stepped onto the stage I knew this experience was going to challenge us. The amazing interactive style of delivery had me captivated& who doesn’t enjoy a good belly laugh. In a nut shell we were given tools ( by way of coloured dots ) to help us identify different communication style’s, & to learn about some of our own natural strengths. By understanding how our own style effects the feeling & thinking others, we can rethink our delivery and adjust to suit the needs of our client or colleague ( family / friends ). I’m very much a purple dot ..... I could identify this myself, but to have whole tables of people ( who know me well ) turn and smirk with raised eyebrows, I’d say that’s confirmed. “In the end though we are all capable of being rainbows, one colour is extremely limiting” It’s interesting that before Infocus Amy wasn’t at the top of my list for must see speakers, but can I tell you I was able to implement immediately what she taught, & it will be a skill that I will use daily in a business & personal capacity. Such an amazing energetic person.

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Regional Updates


Regional Updates Upcoming Meeting… Waikato/BOP Regional Seminar Double Shot of Inspiration with Guest Speakers Richard Wood & Bernie Griffiths Venue: Pig& Whistle, Rotorua Date: November 11th, 2014 Time: 1 - 5pm Members: $75 Non-members: $125 Double Shot of Inspiration Another outstanding seminar is on its way! It is a must to put in your diary. Not one , but two sensational speakers are combining to bring inspiration Richard Wood, winner of the NZIPP Photographer of the Year 2014, has the creative genius to inspire you. Bernie Griffiths is coming from Australia bringing a huge reputation for inspiring photographers to be successful in their business. After a operating a highly successful portrait/wedding business, Bernie has taken that experience to teach other photographers the secrets of marketing and sales. Richard has been winning Golds with regularity, but also has a photography business that looks outside the square. This will be an afternoon seminar that could take you to another level, whether you have been in business some time or are fairly new and need direction.

Waikato/BOP Regional Meeting Venue: Pig& Whistle, Rotorua Date: November 11th, 2014 Time: 7pm Dinner & Drinks 5:30 - 7pm at own expense


Waikato/BOP Region The Waikato/BOP regional meeting was held in Hamilton on Sept 9th inside the R-Block Social Space at Wintec, which was a great space made available to us by Wintec’s Mark Purdom. We plan on continuing to use this space for all our Hamilton meetings - keeping in with the tradition of letting Wintec students attend at no charge. We started off our meeting in a different order this time around to accommodate the students being able to get back to their studies. First up was a 10-minute multi-media slideshow, which I put together (including the 75 regional awards from our members ranging from bronze to gold with distinction), joined with a clip from the 2014 Iris Awards. Our new NZIPP Documentary Photographer of the Year & guest speaker, Bob Tulloch, gave us insight into what was involved photographing the Battle of Gate Pa & Te Ranga 150th Commemorations with the freedom to roam & depict as he saw it. Bob also showed us some of his favourite photography work from the past 40 years - covering a vast range of photography in areas of portraiture, weddings, commercial & landscapes. Thanks for the talk Bob & thanks for keeping the title in the Waikato/BOP region, as this is the third time we have won the category in a row. After such a great talk it was onto our monthly image judging & Kim Howells & Jake Thomas took out the highest honours of the night, which were kindly judged by NZIPP Grand Masters Mike Langford & Kaye Davis. I talked about my trip to Christchurch earlier in the month after attending the NZIPP Policy & Planning Meeting. I brought up Russell Hamlet’s idea of introducing an accountability network within the regions & how a framework will soon be in place to get regions off the ground. I also mentioned Terry Wreford Hann talking about getting funding to send out prints to veterans for the Veteran Portrait Project, and the fact that the Queensberry Workspace website of the images should be live soon. Finally, I discussed how the new CPD/Accreditation programme is about to change to a more streamlined system for CPD points, but the “Q System” will stay the same. Our next meeting is Tuesday 11th November at the Pig and Whistle in Rotorua starting at 1pm. We have another great WORKSHOP coming up in November with ROCKSTAR photographer Richard Wood and Australian photographer Bernie Griffiths. See more details to the left:...but wait there is more! One lucky person will win a $200 voucher from Queensberry. That’s all from me, see most of you in Tauranga on Thursday!! Mark McKeown - BSc., FNZIPP Waikato/BOP - Regional Chairperson

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Regional Updates

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Regional Updates


Regional Updates Upcoming Meetings…

Otago/Southland Region

Fortnightly Dunedin coffee meetings are still going ahead regularly please contact Alan: for details.

We have lots to report from our region this month. We are currently holding a group exhibition of some of our Iris Award winning prints in Queenstown. Members from our region were asked to contribute some of their award winning images to the exhibition. We held an Opening Night on the 19th and it was a fantastic night with a great turn out for the Otago/Southland NZIPP Award winning celebration at the Front Room Gallery in Queenstown. Classic club sandwiches and cakes from local baker Cup & Cake where washed down with Gin Slings and bubbles while everyone mingled and shared their admiration of the surrounding prints. Guests were welcomed by Exhibition organiser Jackie Gay (Still Vision). Mike Langford spoke about the Iris judging process and then he handed over to Emily Adamson who congratulated everyone on entering and achieving such great results, and talked about the growth you get through the process of entering. The evening finished with our award winning members coming forward to receive a heartfelt applause. Comments from guests included their enjoyment in seeing award level prints and how good it was to see golds alongside silvers/bronzes, and to visually take in the difference. Guests also commented on the strength of our photographers in the area, and how lucky the region was to have this. It was great giving the prints more life by having a celebration exhibition, and it was well received by the public. We would love to encourage other regions to celebrate their Iris Awards in a similar style. We’ve since had discussions to turn this into an annual event and move it around to different locations each year. Prints are on display until the 26th. This month as Jackie Ranken has regrettably resigned as chairperson of the Otago/Southland region. Thank you so much for your work with our region Jackie! Emily Adamson is stepping back into the role of Chairperson and is currently putting some plans together for our regional committee. On Sunday 21st September we were excited to host Kylie Lyon in Gore for her workshop: ‘Finding your business mojo’

Otago/Southland Iris Exhibition Opening


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Regional Updates

The workshop was held in the Thomas Green Public House, which is an amazing venue, and was well attended by members from all over our region. Kylie stressed the importance of having a mission statement for your business and for you to make sure you know the ways to achieve it. Other takeaways included: the importance of honesty in business, how to form lasting ‘Win Win’ relationships with clients, third party marketing, systems folders and shifting the focus from What’s in it for me, to What can I do for you. It was refreshing to have someone as energetic as Kylie to help us all breath more life to our business practices, I’m sure everyone found something they need to work on. We are having a casual get together in Dunedin this Wednesday (24th) at Alan Dove’s studio (Level 2, 140 George St). Where guest speaker Liz Cadogan will be sharing some images from her recent trip to Cuba. All are welcome to come along it starts at 7pm. We have two Q workshops being held by Katherine Williams and Tracy Stamatakos in October to look forward to. One will be held in Winton on the 8th October and one in Dunedin on the 7th October. Details to be confirmed, please contact Rochelle Dillon or Nicola Wilhelmsen for more details. For the first time, we have an active regional committee and have had the first of our monthly meetings via Google+ to help organize up coming events, encourage communication and involvement in our region. Since we have such a huge area to cover this is a great way for us all to keep in touch and get ideas flowing. Our region is constantly growing and its great to see new members popping up all the time. Dunedin coffee catch ups are now fortnightly on Wednesdays at 3pm at The Strictly Coffee Company, Bath st. Get in touch with Alan Dove at alan@ if you would like to pop along.

Nicola Wilhelmsen Otago/Southland - Regional Secretary

Kylie Lyons presenting to Otago/Southland Region PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Member Profile - Holly Spirng


Member Profile Holly Spring - MNZIPP Interviewed by Katherine Williams Following your recent success at NZIPP Epson Iris Awards and taking the title of Portrait Creative Photographer of the Year you have taken the world by storm with a media frenzy. What does this success mean to you? To be recognized on a global stage is quite surreal. In a way I feel quite accomplished in the sense that creatively pushing boundaries has become a little bit more acceptable. The global social impact of my images has been a vehicle for change around the issues of self belief and acceptance of disability which has been quite emotional for me. I could never have imagined it would go so far. It was through your daughter Violet that you first started taking photographs, what was it that first got you into digital art? Years ago I used to paint landscapes and seascapes. I have always had basic photo editing software from the mid nineties, and used early versions of Photoshop to see if painting that way would work. As each progression of Photoshop came out, I learned new things, and taught myself how to make fonts, digital elements, backgrounds, logos, album covers then eventually digital scrapbooking kits. What are the biggest life lessons Violet has taught you, and how has she influenced your work? She has taught me to see the world through her eyes, through a child’s eyes back to a time when we weren’t held back by anything, back to a time when dreaming big seemed achievable. Despite the daily challenges we face, Violet has this tenacity and beautiful spirit about her. She takes everything in her stride. Because of this, I have taken risks creatively and professionally too. I see that courage in her, and she gives me the confidence to really pursue my dreams. Tell us about the first photograph where you thought you had created something special. It was in July 2013, only last year when I went out in the driveway at home with Violet and photographed her with just fun in mind. We said, ‘I love you’ lots and she blew me a kiss. That kiss was just magic to me. I saw in her eyes so much love in that moment and it changed my perspective of what I was capturing and how I was going about it. That is where ‘Whimsical Art with Heart’ really started for me, even though I hadn’t called it that yet. At which point did you realise photography was more than just a hobby for you? I play in a rock band, and quite often I would shoot other bands we were playing with on the night of the gig. I figured if I shoot each band once for free, and if they liked my work enough, they would pay me to shoot them in the future.


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Member Profile - Holly Spirng



Silver Distinction

Images Š Holly Spring

Silver Distinction

Silver Distinction

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Member Profile - Holly Spirng


Member Profile Continued... “My Iris awarded images have pulled some people out of very dark places and that’s pretty powerful stuff.”

I did a few rockband portrait shoots and I really enjoyed shooting in low light with no tricks up my sleeve (so to speak). I really pushed myself to learn every manual aspect of shooting and soon I was getting paid very well to photograph International acts at large venues. How has the support of friends, family and the photographic community helped your work to grow to where it is today? I love my family and friends but they have not always been willing guineapigs. At times I felt taken advantage of, as I didn’t understand how to value myself therefore how could I expect anyone else to value me? Through the NZIPP I have learned those values and can look back with gratitude to family and friends for being brave enough to even let me near them with a camera. Through the photographic community I have felt such a great sense of camaraderie and support. The friendships I have made will be with me for life, and the knowledge that is shared around has not only made me a better photographer but I am seeing how that collective knowledge is lifting everyone’s game. There are so many inspiring photographers in the NZIPP. :) Talk us through your thought process when creating an image. Inspiration for a shoot typically comes from three places. Firstly, interaction with your client/subject. With my daughter, it’s easy to bring in whimsical ideas based on books she has been reading, or things she is excited about. Second is inspiration derived from nature. I will shoot landscapes to keep in a stock portfolio that I can drop in subjects later on. Personal work is usually shot on holiday around the country, so those landscapes have a special meaning to us and really tie into the narrative of the compositions. Lastly, wardrobe plays a key role in being able to see a concept. At times I have seen an outfit and automatically thought... “I am going to do a shoot with that!” and the mind starts churning over with ideas and stories. :) How long do you typically take to create each of your digital art images? After the shoot(s) are completed I will edit for only four hours at the most in a stretch, but I might come back to the composition a few days a week over several weeks, so anywhere between 4 and 24 hours of solid editing. Over a hundred articles and blogs have featured your story and photography across the world, with daily enquiries still continuing. The intense media interest must be overwhelming…. Tell us a little more about that. When the original article posted to Bored Panda (a social sharing website), the focus was on the imagery. Within 24 hours, Bored Panda had changed the title from ‘Mother takes inspired pictures of her beautiful daughter’ to ‘Mother takes inspired pictures of her one armed daughter’ with the intention of making the images into a ‘human interest’ piece. Once they had shared that post, the article went viral and it was unrelenting. Bored Panda were quick to apologize about the one armed comment, and changed it to one handed, but the damage was done. All the media inquires came in thick and fast focusing on my daughter’s disability and the why surrounding the creation of the images.


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Member Profile - Holly Spirng

Silver Distinction Silver

Silver Distinction

Images Š Holly Spring


Silver PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Member Profile - Holly Spirng

JULY 2014

Member Profile Continued... “At one point my Facebook page alone had a reach of 4.5 million.”

A photographer friend in the States Jake Olson told me... “Ride that wave because it won’t last!” so I did exactly that, and fielded every media inquiry, replying to every email and message I could. The sheer amount of phone calls in the middle of the night from foreign countries, and hundreds of messages filtering through email and facebook took a physical toll on the entire household. It took ten days for New Zealand to catch up to the rest of the world, and by that time, we were all hit with a Gastro bug so I took a couple of media blackout days to recover. Our story aired on Campbell Live right in the middle of the media blackout, so on a national level, there was no wave of publicity. We still have our little protective bubble here in New Zealand where our story is well and truly yesterday’s news. Overseas however, publicity is still going strong, having been featured on Television shows like ‘Good Morning America’, The Today Show, CNN, as well as web based sites like Scott Kelby, Petapixel, F-Stoppers, plus countless magazine and newspaper articles across the globe. The result as I have mentioned before, is the imagery becoming more than just whimsical portraits. They have become a vehicle for change, awareness and acceptance of the differences we all have. My Iris awarded images have pulled some people out of very dark places and that’s pretty powerful stuff. How was the initial media contact made? Bored Panda is a site where you can publish articles about anyone and anything. A well known portrait photographer in the States, Lisa Holloway posted the article about my work, and once the likes and shares increased, The Daily Mail Australia were the first to call. They interviewed me on the phone and posted to their parent site ‘The Daily Mail UK’. Bored Panda’s website reset a few times but I think I had 1.5 million likes on the original article. Many media organizations posted their content directly from both the Daily Mail and Bored Panda websites, so it’s hard to gauge the actual reach as I am still hearing about articles posted from over two weeks ago. At one point my face book page alone had a reach of 4.5 million. Do you have media free days? I have the last couple of weeks as I battled a bad flu which turned into Pneumonia. I wrote a press release and have forwarded on most of the media inquiries to it, asking that they use the web sized images available online. So not completely media free days, but they are more manageable now. From the outside looking in it certainly you were born to be a photographer, tell us a little about your creative roots. I have always had a creative mind. From the age of seven I was playing piano by ear ‘note for note’ perfect without ever having had a piano lesson. We didn’t even have a piano, so I would sneak off to the neighbour’s house and play.


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


“To unlock your creativity, you have to be able to pay yourself in time.”

Member Profile - Holly Spirng

One day my neighbours called my parents and said ‘come over... you have to listen to this’. I was playing an 80’s TV show theme Hill Street Blues just like it was on the telly. The next day, my parents went and bought me an old piano and I was able to nourish that creativity. This extended onto other art forms as well. I loved to paint, draw, write, perform, sing... anything creative. I suppose that’s just how my mind works. :) What do you love the most about what you do? Oh gosh... Can I say I love it all? I love creating a concept and seeing it come together. I love trying new things in camera and in post production so to me photography is limitless. There is an equal amount of enjoyment from shooting with my daughter as there is shooting a landscape, or developing the narrative. What advice would you give to photographers looking to unlock their creativity? I have come from the opposite side of photography where I have done a lot of personal work. To unlock your creativity, you have to be able to pay yourself in time. Time to shoot just for you that is not necessarily part of your business model. Separating that mindset will definitely help. Many things can trigger inspiration. Colour, mood, the elements, nature, books, places, friends, family, dreams, art, music etc. All the pieces are there and it’s all about how you interpret them. Any hints on what we can look forward to seeing coming from Holly Spring Photography in the near future? Due to overseas and some local demand, I am working on making my Fine Art prints available for purchase. Many people are wanting to travel to New Zealand for a shoot with me, or are asking me to travel to their cities around the world, so right now my main focus is building up that residual income so I can take ‘Whimsical Art with Heart’ to the world. First and foremost I have to get my girl into her first year of school. Work/Life balance is really important so I will shoot locally focusing on family and individual portraits while she settles in. I have planned out my Iris concepts for next year, which is really exciting... but I’ll be keeping a tight lid on those until August next year! ;)

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


What’s In My Bag...?


What’s In My Bag...? Emily Adamson - Otago/Southland Hi everyone, I’m Emily and I most love to shoot weddings and portraits and am based in Queenstown. I was asked to show you what is in my camera bag and I managed to narrow it down to this lot! I seem to have an ever increasing collection of of gear but these are the main cameras I use. I have always been a Canon shooter since I went digital and my go-to combo is my Mark3 with the 35mm Sigma, closely followed by the 50mm and 85mm Canon. I often shoot the whole wedding with just these but also always try and shoot some film. I frequently use all the other cameras and lens in this pic (and more) on jobs as well as a few other toy cameras to experiment. I find people relax even more when they think you are just playing around with some old film camera and I love the unpredictable results. I have a bit more lighting gear but I don’t often use it. When shooting I use the bag pictured from Ona, or a shootsac but and it all lives quite happily together in a Think Tank Airport Takeoff and a big black ugly backpack depending on how I am travelling.


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Blast From The Past

Blast From The Past Looking back to see the way forward ……….. We’re mixing up PRO Report + adding to our professional development by way of book / film & biography, lets start with a favourite of mine. If you are not familiar with his images ….. “you have homework! “ - Tracy Stamatakos

Bill Brandt: Shadow and Light Bill Brandt was the preeminent British photographer of the twentieth century, a founding father of photography’s modernist tradition whose half-centurylong career defies neat categorization. This publication presents the photographer’s entire oeuvre, with special emphasis on his investigation of English life in the 1930s and his innovative late nudes. The Museum of Modern Art has been exhibiting and collecting Brandt’s photographs since the late 1940s, and has recently more than doubled its collection of vintage prints of his work, which forms the core of this selection. An essay by Sarah Hermanson Meister, Curator in the Department of Photography at MoMA, sets the artist’s life and work in the context of twentieth-century photographic history. With rich duotone illustrations that highlight the special characteristics of Brandt’s prints, this volume is an invaluable resource to students and scholars alike. Lee Ann Daffner, the Museum’s Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Conservator of Photographs, contributes an illustrated glossary of Brandt’s retouching techniques, enhancing the appreciation of Brandt’s printing processes. The book also includes a generously illustrated appendix of Brandt’s published photo-stories during the Second World War. Bill Brandt (1904-1983) moved to London from Germany in 1934 and quickly began his investigation of British society, resulting in what would become his signature publications: The English at Home (1936) and A Night in London (1938). He continued to photograph in London throughout World War II, contributing regularly to Picture Post and Harper’s Bazaar. His postwar career expanded to include portraits and landscapes, and the celebrated series of nudes that remain his crowning achievement. His other major books include Camera in London (1948), Literary Britain (1951) and Perspective of Nudes (1961). Brandt died in London in 1983.

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP



Photo Competitions

Photo Competitions 2015 Sony World Photography Awards - Call for Entries Open to photographers of all ages and skill levels, the Awards have welcomed over 700,000 entries from more than 230 countries since their launch in 2007. Join us as we seek to identify and champion the best photography of 2014. Entries Close: 08/01/2015 Click here for more information:

Canon Eyecon Photography & Film Competition 2014 Canon EYEcon is a competition created especially for New Zealand’s emerging photographers and filmmakers. It’s the ultimate opportunity to showcase your talent, gain valuable experience and pitch yourself against the best in your field. There are some truly incredible prizes to be won too, including a range of ‘money can’t buy experience days’ with some of New Zealand’s most prominent photographers. Register by: 24/10/2014 Click here for more information.


PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Industry News

Industry News Call for volunteer photographers: Heartfelt Heartfelt is a volunteer organisation of professional photographers from all over Australia and New Zealand dedicated to giving the gift of photographic memories to families that have experienced stillbirths, premature births, or have children with serious and terminal illnesses. Heartfelt is dedicated to providing this gift to families in a caring, compassionate manner. All services are provided free of charge. Heartfelt launched it’s service into New Zealand in April this year and as such we have a need to bring many more New Zealand photographers on board. The work of the Heartfelt is unique, demanding, challenging, confronting and profoundly rewarding. We are looking for very special members of the professional photography industry who would like to donate their time, skill and heart for the benefit of families facing the unimaginable. Applications are welcome from both photographers and retouchers. The photographers we are looking for need to demonstrate an ability to work with families and children and to produce quality portraiture. They are skilled in controlled lighting and have a deep sensitivity in their personal manner and their work. We will ask for examples of work in this area in order to assess your suitability to join Heartfelt and your application will not be able to proceed without suitable examples of the standard we are seeking. For further information on what is involved please go to: and click on the “Join Us” tab, or contact Steve Lovegrove at:

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP


Industry News


HEALTH CHECK ROADHSOW With summer on the way, it’s the perfect time to get your camera’s sensor cleaned. Pop into one of our CPS Health Check locations, grab a coffee and have a chat with the Canon team - all while you receive a complimentary sensor clean for your 5D or 1D series camera*. Plus the Canon CPS kit will be there for you to test out all the latest Canon gear in a studio environment. A model will be on site from 12:00pm to 2:00pm.

* Two sensor cleans per person ^ Terms and conditions apply.






9 OCTOBER 2014 11:00AM – 4:00PM

17 OCTOBER 2014 11:00AM – 4:00PM

22 OCTOBER 2014 11:00AM – 4:00PM

FlashDog Studios 10 Oxford Terrace, Mt Cook, Wellington

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP

Lightworkx Photography Unit 14/75 Peterborough St Christchurch

Kingsize Studios 27 Sackville St, Grey Lynn, Auckland



Corporate Members

Corporate Members A special thank you to our Corporate Members for their continuing support:

PRO REPORT Member Magazine of the NZIPP



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