Surveying+Spatial Issue 107 March 2022

Page 43



Richard Hemi This is a very opportune moment for Survey and Spatial NZ to be considering the role of education and professional development, as it comes at the same time as the Reciprocating Surveyors’ Boards of Australia and New Zealand (CRSBANZ) begins a review of the national standard of competency for licensed/ registered surveyors in New Zealand and in the states of Australia.


n Issues and Opportunities

are acquired in the workplace from

paper has been produced by

professional and technical practice

the council:

and can be assessed against defined


standards. Experience is also acquired

9a4b-36af69fb1916.pdf which pro-

in professional practice over time as

vides a background to the intended

a candidate gets involved in different

review process and objectives. This

forms of work and more complex and

paper is worth a read for members

varied survey situations.

interested in this topic, with feedback expected by mid-March. The review, and its proposed

We often say a university student may have knowledge of a surveying method and will have undertaken

development of a national standard

a method once or twice during

of competency across these juris-

the course of a degree, but will

dictions will push the Australasian

not carry it out in an extended or

survey industry to consider some very

repeated manner that allows it to be

important questions as we move

considered a competent skill. There

forward, such as the broad range

is nothing like pegging a subdivision,

of work and modes of practice that

or setting out a construction site for

we engage in, changing needs and

weeks or months on end to ensure a

trends in surveying, risks to the indus-

graduate can undertake a skilled task

try, expected graduate competencies

with confidence.

and postgraduate training needs. A

In New Zealand we expect an

broader question that continues to be

undergraduate degree in surveying

posed, but which will hopefully be

to satisfy a broad range of surveying

informed by the review, is workforce

and land development knowledge

recruitment and supply chain.

requirements. Measurement science,

Some readers may be surprised to

error analysis, land development

know that New Zealand and the eight

engineering principles, cadastral law

states or territories of Australia have

to name but a few. With the School of

had a system of mutual recognition

Surveying approaching its 60th year

of professional qualifications in

in 2023 (conference in Dunedin 2023

surveying since the late 19th century.

reminder), the knowledge outcomes

The review document states: “This

for graduates are well understood.

commitment was established at the

There have always been gradual

initial conference of Reciprocating

modifications over time, and the

Surveying Boards in 1892 and

school is currently in another round

subsequently embodied in the survey

of curriculum review – a full academic

legislation of all jurisdictions to

review of papers and progression

ensure cadastral surveying qualifica-

through the Bachelor of Surveying, as

tion requirements in each jurisdiction

well as its other BSc degrees – Land

to remain broadly compatible.”

Planning and Development, Survey

The review document breaks down

Measurement and GIS. The CRSBANZ

the assessment of competencies

review is therefore very timely for

of a candidate hoping to become

the school and we are excited by the

licensed or registered into three main

prospect of a modernised curriculum.

elements: knowledge, skills and

We also look forward to working


closely with the CRSBANZ on its review

Knowledge is attained academically at a tertiary institution in the form of a degree in surveying. Skills

project. As most degree graduates will recall, summer employment and


Issue 107 March 2022 41

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