top spot Safety/performance/quality
The “not so good” WHILE TOP SPOT IS ALL ABOUT ENCOURAGING and recognising individual and team excellence, we also believe it is just as important to highlight the “not so good” in order to increase awareness and encourage people to check their own operations to assist with minimising their exposure to these hazards. So, this issue we bring you a few photographs highlighting some of these.
behind the scenes supporting them in what they do!!
Ka mau te wehi! Awesome individuals, awesome teams and awesome people
Sponsors – they don’t have to do this but they choose to! Awesome companies, awesome people and awesome support! They back you and your workmates to succeed as professionals, so why wouldn’t you support them?
“Not so good”
Loader operator's seat stuffed and held upright using a ratchet and strap.
Another leveller with cable tie in place. 48 NZ LOGGER | November 2022
Another machine with cable tie in place.
Mech leveller with a cable tie on the safety lock out door switch. This makes the system live all the time and unsafe.
Lock pin point on a mechanised head broken and unusable.