NZ Mountain Safety Council Annual Report | 2022-23

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A big thank you to our Council Member organisations: Accident Compensation Corporation Boys’ Brigade NZ Christian Camping Department of Conservation Education Outdoors NZ Girl Guiding NZ Girls’ Brigade NZ Heliski Operators Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa MetService New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment NZ Alpine Club NZ Deerstalkers Association NZ Defence Force NZ Land Search and Rescue Inc. NZ Mountain Guides Association NZ Mountain Radio Service NZ Outdoor Instructors Association NZ Police NZ Snowsports Council/SAANZ Recreation Aotearoa Scouts NZ The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award Tourism Industry Aotearoa William Pike Challenge Award

New Zealand Mountain Safety Council Level 1 Harbour City Centre, 29 Brandon Street | Wellington 6011 | All images copyright NZ Mountain Safety Council 2023 Cover Photo: Debbie Knuvers, Routeburn Track.





25 9



Updated Tongariro Alpine Crossing Video


Old Ghost Road Video


Paparoa Track Video


3D Track Videos


'Mia & Leo Go Wild' - Children's Book


Exploring Mental Shortcuts in the Outdoors


We continued to improve the product


Maximising reach through promotion





Multi-Language Sheets


Roar 2023


Retail Expansion Scheme


Duck 2022


Google Search Strategy and Results


Expert Reports for Coronial Investigations







Firearms Safety Training


Mountaineering Research Outcomes




MSC Website


Social Media


YouTube and Vimeo


NZ Avalanche Advisory (NZAA)


NZAA External Quality Review


Media Impact




CELEBRATING ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL YEAR Welcome to our Annual Report We are excited to present the incredible work accomplished alongside our council members and partners in this first year of our new strategic plan. Behind this new plan was an unanimous and vocal endorsement from our council members and partners, recognising the positive impact of our strategic focus thus far. We believe this report demonstrates the continued growth and impact of the work we do. Insights remain at the core of our work, and this platform continues to stay relevant to the sector. Throughout the past year, we have continued to explore post-Covid19 participation changes, understanding how Kiwis and international visitors explore the outdoors. MSC engaged with the mountaineering community to ensure the results of our Mountaineering Research ‘Above and Beyond’ will have a positive impact on recreational alpine safety and attitude towards avalanche safety. In response to insights indicating rapid growth in backcountry mountain biking participation and corresponding safety incidents, MSC expanded the trackspecific mountain biking video series. Like the highly successful Tramping Video Series, these focus on planning, preparation, and decision-making points of each specific track. These have had a measurable impact enhancing the safety-related knowledge of people exploring Aotearoa’s most challenging trails. We continue to strengthen our media presence, ensuring greater visibility of our tools and resources across national mainstream outlets. Through insights-driven articles, we tell positive stories to support the public in making informed decisions while in the outdoors. This year, creative storytelling has played a significant role in the awareness and understanding of heuristics, also known as ‘mental shortcuts’, and their impact on safety incidents.


Plan My Walk again takes a prominent place in this report, reflecting the overwhelmingly positive feedback we continue to receive from users and the outdoor sector. MSC was again a double finalist at this year’s TVNZ-NZ Marketing Awards - the fourth year in a row. This industry recognition serves as a strong endorsement of MSC’s effective messaging approach connecting Kiwis and international visitors to Plan My Walk and all the other MSC tools and resources. These pages truly reflect the passion and talent of our staff, board, and the support of our partners and funders who share our mission. Together, we will continue to achieve even more. Now, we invite you to our reflection on 2022-23 and all that we have accomplished together.







INTRODUCTION We are excited to present to you our 2022-23 Annual Report which showcases the depth and breadth of our successful evidence-based prevention work. It has been another highly successful year for the NZ Mountain Safety Council (MSC), effectively building on the success of previous years as we continue to deliver a range of targeted and broad-spectrum safety initiatives. As we take you through the highlights of the year, we are confident you will see numerous examples of how our evidence-based approach is delivering key outcomes for land-based outdoor recreation participants across Aotearoa. We would like to extend a huge thank you to all our council members, partners and funders for their continued support.

Photo: Liz Carlson, Paparoa Track, Westland Tai Poutini National Park.


IMPACTS AND INSIGHTS There are many methods we use to measure the impact of our prevention work. When we deliver safety campaigns, such as for hunting and the Roar season, release new resources and products such as educational videos and Plan My Walk, or provide safety messages to the public such as the NZ Avalanche Advisory or via social media and earned media, we typically have specific methods we use to monitor and assess the positive impact we are making. You will see many examples of this throughout our report. However, we also step back from specifics, and look at the big picture. Is our work making a positive difference on a macro scale? We have the evidence to prove this.


Impacts and insights

7 5




MSC hunter-targeted safety prevention starts

3 3 Our focus on reducing firearms-related incidents3through duck hunting season 2 2 has paid off significantly. 1


2 11 2009 - 2010


4 10

7 2004



2015 - 2016











2009 - 2010




2011 - 2012

0 0 0






0 2020



2 6






2 2019 - 2020

2021 - 2022

0 0 0

Avg. per year 20155.3 fatalities 2017 2019


1 10 2


2017 - 2018





4 2015 - 2016



24.18% 24.08%


2013 - 2014

Avg. 5.4 fatalities per year 2021

Every year through March and April, hunters head to the hills in search 7 of roaring stags. Our insights clearly show an increase in hunting participation through this period, and conversely an increase in hunting 3 incidents.3 However, many hunters are active all year round and unlike the large 2 seasonal participation shifts we see with 7 the likes of tramping, hunting participation does remain reasonably 0 constant0throughout 0 the0year.0 0 0 0




1999 the 5-year 2001 period 2003 2005 to 2011/12, 2007 2009 Through from 2007/8 an 4 average of 4.8 hunters died every year, with a total of 24 3 3 3 fatalities.


1 Hunting fatalities 2009 - 2010

Trend line 2011 - 2012

2013 - 2014

2015 - 2016


2017 - 2018


5 4

Over the past 7 years, MSC has significantly enhanced its 4 prevention efforts. hunter safety messaging and proactive 3 3 As well as promoting hunter safety messages throughout the year, we also run an annual hunter safety campaign leading up 1 to and during the1Roar. In recent years, partners from across the hunting 0 sector have played in this 0 0 0 a0key0role 0 prevention messaging. 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 Together with ourper hunting partners we have Avg. 1.2 fatalities year sector Avg. 0.8 fatalities per year successfully led the reduction in hunting fatalities. 2 2 to 2022/23) is now one The 5-year average (2018/19 1 fatality per year. This is a sharp decrease from the 2007/8 to 2011/12 0 5-year average. 0 We can also see an improvement when comparing to the most recent 10-year average, which 2019 2021 is 2.2 fatalities per -year. - 2020 2022






MSC hunter-targeted safety prevention starts










2021 - 2022


1 2014



13 10

3 3





14 2

2019 - 2020




23 2007 - 2008

MSC duck hunter-targeted safety prevention starts

6 11

2017 - 2018

7 2


2 0


- 2022




2013 - 2014





5 16

- 2020

Avg. 1 fatalities per year


11 12

2011 - 2012



5 15


- 2018


Trend line (Shooting incidents)


- 2016 25.29%

Other firearms incidents 24.18% 24.08% Trend line (Other firearms incidents)

Shooting incidents



Since 2017, MSC has proactively delivered a seasonal 0 duck hunters, 0 and the firearms safety campaign targeting 28.56% 2015 2017 incidents2019 2021 reduction in firearms has been evident.

In 2015, six firearms incidents involving someone shooting themselves, or another duck hunter, were recorded. The 2007 year there 2009 2011 2013 shot, following were 3 duck hunters accidentially - 2008 - 2010 - 2012 - 2014 and 23 total firearms incidents requiring ACC injury claims. Avg. 4.8 fatalities per year

2007 - 2008


2009 - 2010

2011 - 2012

2013 - 2014


Avg. 4.8 fatalities per year







2015 - 2016


2017 - 2018


and insights 1 Impacts 1 1 1 23




2019 - 2020

2021 - 2022

Avg. 1 fatalities per year

2 1



24.18% 24.08%


The last avalanche fatalities (not 10including the 2023 season) were in 2018. The 2004 to 2008 (5-year period) was the last 7 time 6 we had a run this positive. 6

In addition, we put in a huge amount of work to share 7general outdoors avalanche prevention messages to the 6 5 5 population through our own channels, our partners and the5 4 media. In the past 5 years, this has included a concerted 2 effort to target alpine trampers, hunters and mountaineers, in addition to the traditional skiing and snowboarding users.


The 5-year avg. is now .8 avalanche fatalities per year,4down from a 10-year average of 1.2. 2 2

While New Zealand has always had a relatively low fatality 2015 compared 2017 2019 the success 2021here is count to other countries, - 2016 - 2018 - 2020 - 2022 that we are managing to maintain that, despite increased snow participation, anecdotally there is strong evidence Avg. 5.3participation. fatalities per year Avg. 5.4 fatalities per year that backcountry recreation has increased substantially in 2007 2009 2011 2013 While- 2008 there is no official record of backcountry winter - 2010 - 2012 - 2014and


Avalanche fatalities Trend line





3 3 1





0 2003

0 0 2005

0 0 2007


0 0 0 2009


0 2013



Avg. 1.2 fatalities per year


0 0 0



Avg. 0.8 fatalities per year

TRAMPING: FATALITIES 7 VS PARTICIPATION Tramping, encompassing anything from short walks, day hikes, 5 and overnight or multi-day trips, continues to be the 5 most popular 4 land-based activity within 4 4 outdoor recreation MSC’s prevention mandate. 3 3

Despite this increase in participation, we have not seen an 5 increase in fatalities. In fact as you can see by both the trend MSC hunter-targeted line and 5- and 10-year averages, tramping fatalities remain safety prevention starts stable at an average of about five and a half people per year. 3

As this graph shows, prior to Covid19, approximately a quarter of the New Zealand adult population took part in at least one ‘tramp’ each year. Post-Covid19, this popularity has climbed to a little over 28.5% of NZ adults, or about 1.1 2007 2009 2011 2013 million people based on the New Zealand - 2008 - 2010 - 2012 adult population - 2014 at that time. Avg. 4.8 fatalities per year

This situation is a fantastic result. We can2 see the impact2of our prevention work is paying off. 1 1

unting 10



popularity, despite this we’ve managed to lead multiple 25.29% successful seasons.

The NZ Avalanche Advisory (NZAA) continues to be a highly-effective tool in maintaining a low avalanche fatality presence in Aotearoa.


Number of tramping fatalities






7 3




2019 - 2020

2021 - 2022




28.56% MSC duck hunter-targeted safety

6prevention starts 25.29% 5 5 5 5 24.18% 24.08%4 17 16 10 15 10 2 2 2 14 13 13 13 13 7 7 12 6 611 6 11 11 5 2013 10 2009 2011 2015 5 20175 2019 20215 4- 2012 4 - 2010 - 2014 - 20168 - 2018 - 2020 - 2022 7 7 2 2 6 6 2 5 5 7 4 4 5 3 2 2 2 7 2007 2009 1 2011 2013 2015 1 2017 20212 1 1 12019 2 1 - 2008 - 2010 - 2012 - 2014 - 2016 - 2018 - 2020 0- 2022 0 2004


28.56% 2017 - 2018

Avg. 1 fatalities per year

24.08% Trend line (% Participation NZ adults)

% participation (NZ adults)


2015 - 25.29% 2016





Avg. 5.3 fatalities per year

4 3 3 Impacts and insights




Avg. 5.4 fatalities per year


Across the seven primary land-based outdoor recreation activities within MSC’s mandate, we can also see a reduction in fatalities. Combining tramping, all forms of hunting, backcountry mountain biking, trail running, mountaineering, all backcountry snowsports & rockclimbing, the 5-year fatality rate is now sitting at an average of 10.6 people per year. This is a decrease compared with the 10-year rate, at 12.7 fatalities per year.

As you can see in the graph, the trendline also shows this decrease. This further illustrates that MSC’s work is having a positive impact on saving lives.

Combined fatalities per financial year Combined fatalities Trend line



18 14


15 13




13 8





2007 - 2008

2009 - 2010

2011 - 2012

2013 - 2014

2015 - 2016

2017 - 2018

Avg. 12.7 fatalities per year

Impacts and insights

2019 - 2020

2021 - 2022

Avg. 10.6 fatalities per year



35,850 YouTube views

4,910 Vimeo views

Updated Tongariro Alpine Crossing Video The updated video was a proposed solution in the Tongariro Alpine Crossing Issue Specific Advisory Group (ISAG) report completed in 2019. The new video was launched in December 2022 in time for an anticipated influx of both domestic and international hikers over the summer. The video was promoted across all our channels, through proactive earned media and embedded in relevant partners’ websites and social channels.

Strengthening success through partner support As this was an updated version, we had already worked with many industry partners and tourism operators to promote the original video, meaning gaining support for this version was straightforward. • Local and national tourism websites have it placed on,, MustDoNewZealand.,, and Regional LoveTaupo Regional Tourism Organisation websites.


Resources that improve safety

• Tourism NZ included the video and link in its twice-monthly ‘Product and Industry Update’ email to its Global Trade team for further promotion in November 2022.

Achieving media exposure: 3

• MetService included it in a Weekend Weather newsletter in November 2022. • Department of Conservation (DOC) have it place on the track page and is played in various visitor centres. The video was made in partnership with Ngāti Hikairo ki Tongariro, DOC, NZ Police, LandSAR, Tourism NZ and members of the local tourism industry.

Maximising reach through promotion Across our social channels we shared links to media stories, short promotional videos, and video cutdowns highlighting key safety points from the full video. All promotional videos were edited in-house and shared across Facebook, Instagram and TikTok with a total reach of over 133,000. We saw strong engagement with these posts, with many people sharing their own experiences, safety tips and concerns in the comments. • Facebook: Downhill Walking Technique Video 27.5k reach • Facebook: TAC Promo Video - 21.3k reach • Facebook Media Story: 5 Top Tips - 16.1k reach • Instagram: TAC Promo Video - 16.4k reach The video can be found on the Tongariro Alpine Crossing track page in Plan My Walk and is housed on our YouTube channel. • Plan My Walk vimeo views: 4,910 views, with total hours watched 223 hours and 47mins. • YouTube: 35,850 views, with total hours watched 2414. Metrics are from November 30, 2022 to June 30, 2023.

Scan to watch the video.

Resources that improve safety


20,642 YouTube views

524 Vimeo views

Old Ghost Road Video In response to both the rapid growth in participation and accumulation of safety incidents on the iconic Old Ghost Road, we created our first mountain biking trail-specific safety video. The new ride-through safety video was produced in collaboration with the trail’s creator and managers, the Mokihinui-Lyell Backcountry Trust, and the Department of Conservation (DOC). The Old Ghost Road explores one of the most remote and dynamic environments in the country and has become an icon for backcountry mountain biking in Aotearoa. The popular West Coast trail draws in an average of 6500 riders and 5000 trampers each year.

Scan to watch the video.

Using a similar approach to the hugely successful tramping safety videos, this mountain bike version guides visitors through the trail and is packed with safety advice. It highlights what mountain bikers can expect, from the varied tracks conditions to the notorious West Coast weather, covering important tips including how to pack a balanced bike, a suggested packing list, the common risks and hazards, key decision-making points and pit stops.

The video can be found on the Old Ghost Road track page in Plan My Walk and is housed on our YouTube channel. It is also embedded on, a critical placement as all riders book huts via the website.

Strengthening success through partner support The trust had been involved throughout the process of creating the video and have been hugely supportive of the project. Tourism NZ included the video and link in its twice-monthly ‘Product and Industry Update’ email to its Global Trade team for further promotion in November. The video can also be found on the Old Ghost Road DOC track page.

Maximising reach through promotion New video guide sheds light on the iconic Old Ghost Road Words: CREDIT?

Photography: CREDIT?

Its vision of ‘safer places, safer activities, safer people’

is supported by years of in-depth insights. This means NZ Mountain Safety Council (MSC) knows where, how and why

people get into trouble, and how to prevent these incidents.




he organisation has been encouraging safe participation in all land-based outdoor recreation for almost 60 years. That’s anything from hiking to backcountry skiing and climbing, to mountain biking and trail running. These insights clearly show that preventable incidents are occurring across Aotearoa. By analysing these insights, MSC realised that the best way to encourage outdoor enthusiasts to change their behaviour was to make planning and preparation as easy and robust as possible. This preparation is a vital part of a fun and safe adventure, whether it’s a short walk in a regional park, a multi-day tramp in the Southern Alps, or a backcountry mountain bike ride. This saw the shift in messaging tactics from highlighting what not to do before an excursion, to positive messaging on how to plan correctly. Over recent years, MSC has created a suite of videos

covering safety tips and how-to style content. Its latest, and first mountain biking video, is a new ride-through safety guide on the Old Ghost Road trail, and has been added to the suite of Tramping Safety video series. From the Milford Track to Canterbury’s Mt Somers Track, up to the Coromandel’s Kauaeranga Kauri Trail Pinnacles Walk, the series covers the country’s most popular tracks, where data revealed preventable safety incidents which could be reduced by a target video. These videos highlight each track’s common risks and hazards, outlines key decision-making points, and offers guidance on walking times, essential clothing and gear items, important weather factors and other track-specific advice. In 2021, the research behind this ongoing series won the ‘Insights Communication’ award at the 2021 Research

On our social channels, we shared ‘behind-thescenes’ style videos to create a buzz in the lead up to our official launch. Once the video had launched, we shared shorter promo videos and media stories highlighting key safety tips. Our social promotional content had a total reach of over 100,000 people and generated strong engagement.


Resources that improve safety

Social media highlights: • Facebook - OGR Promo Video - 33k reach • Facebook - Media Story: Top Tips - 15.9K reach • Facebook - Media Story: OGR Breakdown 19.8k reach • Instagram - OGR Promo Video - 19k reach We also partnered with biking magazines Spoke and NZ Mountain Biker to reach recreational mountain biking audiences through these two well-respected and trusted sources. Along with sharing stories in the magazines, we also collaborated on social media giveaways to boost engagement. • Plan My Walk vimeo views: 524 views, with total hours watched 46hours, 22mins.

Paparoa Track Video As backcountry mountain biking continues to grow in popularity, new tracks across the country are popping up to meet the demand. Since the development of the West Coast’s Paparoa Track in 2019, we identified an opportunity to add a second mountain biking video to the series. The Paparoa Track video will mirror the Old Ghost Road video in style and production quality. Focussing on planning and prevention, the video will highlight important information about how to prepare for the track, and important considerations to make at key decision-points when out on their ride or walk.

• YouTube views: 20,642 views, with total hours watched 1560 Metrics are from November 10, 2022 to June 30, 2023.

Nelson Airport advertising During November to January, the video was played across four screens within the domestic airport. A total of 252,267 passengers arrived and departed from the airport over the three-month period. The video was played a total of 81k times and gained an estimated 507,501 impressions.

Filming took place in April 2023, with a team of five riders hitting the track. The weather forecast was perfect, allowing us to show the various weather conditions riders are likely to face along the challenging track. The video is in the post-production stages and will be launched in time for summer 2023/24.

Achieving media exposure: 3 Three proactive media stories were achieved in November highlighting the launch of the video and the track’s best pit stops.

Resources that improve safety


6,400 Total views for the six videos

3,014 Views of Abel Tasman Coast Track

3D Track Videos Since the success of the Tramping Video Series (TVS), we have identified the value in visual track-specific content that supports users’ planning and preparation. While the TVS showcased New Zealand’s highestincident tracks, we knew we needed to create more resources, but in a cost-effective way.

Abel Tasman Coast Track is the most popular with 3014 views.

While the tracks in this new series don’t have the same recorded volume of safety incidents compared to those in our Tramping Video Series, they are popular and have a number of safety elements. Using 3D satellite imagery and animated graphics we developed a fly-over style video that visually highlights the critical sections of each walk, key decision-making points, accommodation, areas of known hazards and guidance on walking times. We will have a suite of 10 videos, with the following already complete and in Plan My Walk: Te Whara Track, Mt Holdsworth Jumbo Circuit, Abel Tasman Coast Track, Queen Charlotte Track, Greenstone and Caples tracks, Tongariro Northern Circuit and Roys Peak Track. The Cossey-Massey Loop Walk, Lake Waikaremoana Track and Pouakai Circuit tracks will be ready for the summer promotion.


Resources that improve safety

Cossey-Massey Loop Walk (released after 30 June 2023)

Lake Waikaremoana Track (released after June 30) Pouakai Circuit Tracks (released after June 30)

The seven videos have been viewed 6400 times, for a total watch time of nearly 123 hours, between December 2022 and June 2023.

Resources that improve safety


'Mia & Leo Go Wild' - Children's Book We know thousands of families love to get outdoors every year, and when you're adventuring with children it adds a whole new safety dimension. This creative and fun approach in the form of a children’s book is a new way to reach anyone that encourages children to get outdoors and experience nature, safely. Families, parents and caregivers with young children all make up a key group within our broad target audience. Ensuring we have resources and information specifically for this audience is essential. Through our investment we have enabled the creation of a children’s book in collaboration with the esteemed publishers Potton & Burton, written by award-winning children’s author Gillian Candler and illustrator Gavin Mouldey.

The promotional campaign will begin in October via our own channels and media, with the support of Potton & Burton publicists. The book will be on sale and in stores from October 2023 in time for Christmas purchases

The new children’s book, “Mia & Leo Go Wild”, follows a young family planning their first family outdoor adventure. The storyline is adventurous while bringing to life Plan My Walk, weaving in safety elements and the important planning stages. At the end of the book, there are a handful of activities that children from the age of four can complete.


Resources that improve safety

Learn more here.

Resources that improve safety


56,250 Total reach for heuristics series

12k Reach for each individual heuristic story

Exploring Mental Shortcuts in the Outdoors The discussion of mental shortcuts, also known as ‘heuristic traps’, have become an important focus for us over the past few years. They play a critical role in our lives every day, providing mental shortcuts that help our brains make decisions faster and more efficiently. Most of the time this is a good thing, but in harsh and unforgiving environments like Aotearoa’s outdoors, decisions made with the presence of these mental shortcuts can lead to a dangerous trap. Mental shortcuts are not a widely known or an understood topic, especially in relation to the outdoors. Typically, hard skills like navigation and river crossing techniques receive more attention. Identifying mental shortcuts requires a deeper understanding to how our brains work and how we make decisions. We have been working this important topic into many aspects of our communication, such as media articles, coroner’s reports, social media content and, on a limited scale, in some public presentations. We consider this a very important topic for those who recreate in the outdoors, therefore if we can educate even just a small number of the outdoor community on the most common mental shortcuts, how they arise on typical outdoor trips and how to avoid them, they can make it home safely.

Wilderness magazine The first published content on this topic was in the Wilderness magazine. It is an important publication due to its experienced readership who we consider to be some of our best advocates of safety in the outdoors. We wrote a six-part series for the magazine published from November 2022 to April 2023.

MSC website ‘Mental Shortcuts’ now has its own page on our website with descriptions and links to coroner’s reports we have supported that highlight each mental shortcut in the real world. We continue to add and improve this page as a resource for media and visitors to our site.

Maximising reach through promotion We then repurposed the stories into carousels to share on social channels. Our first story defining them, and ‘The Familiarity Trap’ had a massive reach of 16,300 accounts on Instagram. We received several comments on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook asking for more of this style content, showing a clear appetite from our audience. Two further stories were published as carousels, each reaching over 12k accounts on Instagram. So far, the series has had a total reach on MSC socials of 56,250 with a few stories left to go.

Social media highlights • Instagram carousel 1 - heuristics/familiarity: 16.3k reach, 22.3k impressions • Instagram carousel 2 – conformity: 12.1k impressions • Instagram carousel 3 – commitment: 14.7k impressions • Story 1 on Facebook - 6.6k reach

Scan to read the series


Resources that improve safety

Social Media

Achieving media exposure

Resources that improve safety


Multi-Language Sheets To acknowledge the post-Covid19 wave of visitors to the country, a revamp project of the original 2017 Hiking Info Sheet was completed. This included utilising the updated NZ Land Safety Code incorporating Plan My Walk and refreshing the key safety information and design. Working with Tourism NZ to identify key foreign language visitor markets, we produced translated versions: Korean, Japanese, Spanish and German. After a review process with both Department of Conservation (DOC) and Tourism NZ, a handful of visitor centres now have made physical copies available for the customers. They are available on the internal DOC Visitor Centre intranet under visitor safety resources for staff.


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New Zealand’s Outdoors

Multi-day Hikes

Pack the essentials How to prepare for your walk THIS INFO SHEET COVERS:

Follow the NZ Land Safety Code

Mobile phone +

• How long will it take? • Do you know which way to go? • Are there any difficult sections? • Will you need to cross a river? • Is it suitable for the whole group?

Waterproof jacket

• Some outdoor equipment stores will hire clothing and equipment if you don’t have your own

• Have a back-up plan and be prepared to change your route due to weather or your progress etc.

• Use to see the essential gear list for yourkeep trip. NZ’s outdoors beautiful Help

• Take all rubbish home with you and only use By Mountain Safety Council designated toilet facilities.

Download the free • Respect all wildlife by giving animals space and not Plan My Walk app feeding them.

Telling a trusted person your trip details and taking a distress beacon can save your life.

Eat, drink and rest, stick with your group and make decisions together.

If someone in the group got hurt or lost on your trip, The best way to enjoy your experience in the how would you get help? outdoors and make it home safely is to look out for one another. • Share your plans with someone you trust before you go. One option is the app • Many tracks in NZ don’t have mobile phone reception, consider taking a distress beacon. Find out more on the other side of this flyer • Sign every DOC Intentions Book in huts you pass.

• Always stop and wait at every track junction and bridge to ensure you’re still all together

• Leave nature undisturbed and never take items away with you. • Reduce the chance of fire by following fire safety rules. • You do not require a permit to walk on public tracks. Respect any land owner signage and be considerate of other track users.

Consider carrying a distress beacon

Take regular breaks








왗 

Five Languages

Base layer

Thermal top ( polypropylene/

Mid-layer insulation

Down jacket


Walking shorts/ pants

Thermal leggings ( polypropylene/

Waterproof pants


Be alert in the outdoors

Staying in huts

Reduce the risk of getting lost or encountering hazards even on a short walk, stay safe by:

New Zealand huts don’t have restaurants or staff available (unless you’re on a guided trip and staying at private lodges).

• Following the orange track markers and staying on track. Pay attention to any on-track signs with advice. • Being observant of where you are on the track and how much further until your destination. Consider how much daylight is left in the day and turn back when needed. • Never attempt to cross a river that is flooded, take care when deciding if it is safe to cross. Use bridges where possible. Find out more at

• There are a wide range of sizes and facilities from two bed shelters to 40+ beds. These require you to bring your own cooker, food, gas and sleeping bags. • Toilets and water are provided, check signage about what water treatment is required. • Many huts do not require booking and first come, first served. Check if your chosen hut needs to be booked on

• If someone is struggling, have a break and consider changing plans • Never split up your group, stay together.

Prepare for all weather

Never rely on your mobile phone

What happens in an emergency situation?

Mobile phone coverage (including internet coverage) is very poor in most outdoor areas across NZ and even some small towns in remote areas.

An emergency could include getting lost or an injury where you cannot retreat or carry on.

• Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return. Ensure they know what to do if they don’t hear from you, so make sure you tell them when you are back! • Always carry your phone on you, turn your phone on Flight Mode to save battery while walking.

Choose the right trip for you

Use bridges where possible

• You may get cell service on ridgelines/above the bushline. Consider checking your signal on breaks in these parts of your track if needed.

• Stay where you are and apply first aid if required. Then focus on getting shelter, warmth and have food and water. • Meanwhile your emergency contact should be aware that you are overdue from your walk. They should try to contact you and others on the trip, then try to contact 111 emergency services. The trip details you provided prior should help emergency services find to you. • If you have an emergency distress beacon, follow the instructions on the device before entering the outdoors and only use in an emergency. This will send a signal to your exact location to emergency services.

First time going on an overnight trip? Continue your research and talk to others before you go. Follow track markers

Get the information you need to prepare



Take care in New Zealand’s outdoors

Follow the Tiaki Promise and Leave No Trace guidelines:

Take care of yourself and each other

Walking poles (suggested for additional support)

Map and compass/GPS

CARE FOR NZ Tiaki Promise


FREE RESOURCES NZ Mountain Safety Council

Resources that improve safety

hy Track,

de clima

el viaje


Scan to read and download the sheets



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nal de




First aid kit + medication

• Take all the items on the flipside of this flyer

Share your plans and take ways to get help

Sleeping bag + mat



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Warm hat + gloves Sun protection

• Be prepared for hot and warm weather as well as cold and wet weather on every trip


Cooking equipment

Headtorch + batteries

• Check the weather forecast


Survival Kit

Food and water

Pack warm clothes and extra food

It’s important to choose a trip that suits you and everyone in your group.

Toilet paper + rubbish bag

Sturdy footwear + socks

Layer your clothing to keep warmth in and keep rain Prepare for bad an unexpected In New Zealand, weather can change fast. Check or snow out. On weather the right and are some suggestednight clothout.items to wear/carry on your hike. A waterproof the forecast and change your plans if needed. ing jacket is a must-have for all walks. Talk to DOC Visitor Weather can make or break a trip. It’s one of the Any trip, even it is shortretailers or easy,for needs preparation. Centre staff or ifoutdoor help. most important things to consider when going into Packing the right things makes trips safer and more the outdoors. enjoyable.


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Distress beacon (you can rent or buy these)

Understand the weather



Caring for yourself and the environment

Choose the right trip for you Learn about the route and make sure you have the skills for it.




Tent or emergency shelter

What to expect on your walk



Sige gan de N el Códi ueva go de 2. Zela nda segurid 3. ad


‫׻׾׀‬ 榫䙫‫׊‬ die 찿 vorber • ¿Ne tive Route. 졯몿 Verifi el clima tomaeitet 쨤쪐 aufgef esein,  Ihres VorankRoute • Manch 샟 㚺催‫ך‬ 슲졯銶槆؅뫛햃ힻ퍅 밄햌 풏 핳 핳햠 aufgru os difícSeien ührt si eswas auf der que pued nece ‫ع٭‬؅ ◀⤓‫י׋ ס‬ٜ 휌풏 e iles? r? JM 팣삏 뫛 nd ˝ 샣핓 • ¿Es cesit 혐헼 퀓헼 omme aráder el pron e cam clima ist 먑��� 퀓햃킰샃 sario Rückse vermie GeschEläfte UZ $PVOD Witteru Sie cruz 맻햠 ns 핓뺛 핳 adec 삏몫 iteóstic Teilen 폋 zu ändern 찿읷 ֹն ˝ 핯헿 璡‫מ‬䑴 ؅鶟‫״‬ . UBJO 4BGF biar ng oder Outdo • In der ten bei Es unafürpued uado . ar un río? 얗싗 ‫ ׺‬폧 캫 Empaq e or-Aus 읷 뺓햠 o y cam ˝ ‫סל‬鷹 Vertra Sie Ihrer #Z .PVO ն 읿ퟎ쇔픿썇 ֻ‫׊ױ‬ App alBedarf ⺎耆 para 쁯ퟃ 퐃쫯 켗샻 Kleidu las ngser deterüstun 폋켗 픿맻 salir de ֵ‫־׾‬ Liste der PlanM ٞ‫غ٭‬ todo bie los Prep ˝ 퐲핯 혋폋 mit unduensperson abrigad ue rop rmin g [ 퍬 al aire cosa 푳 ‫־‬ն yWalk. und 핷밫 ˝ ꦘ䢥‫ ע‬켬뫰 ֵֿ‫׾‬ s Ausrüs el grup Ihre Vorha ante inform ‫ؗر‬٤ 풤 ML O Einer Vertra Wande erforde 삏퍷 ‫־‬ն findenmás 핓 ‫׾‬䑒釐  ines árese para rlichen nzlibre impotungpara BMLؓ‫و‬ٛ 扛乢‫ך‬ ieren a y coma Z8B 켳풏 o? ؅ wie Sie Hilfe rung. • Con ‫׾ַי‬ pera 삏캫 Ausrüs . Sie eine rtant .Z 8Sie sich, ben 䃷؅峚뺛팣뺓햀샃샟 un pase 뫛킰 uensp O. 핳 mitzut ֽ◍ַ besch ‫ ַ⺸מ‬ da al el mal 1MBO es a 뺛팣 ˝ 햀샃샟 ‫⛮⪒و‬ • Esté sulte el tung für ida extr affen könne 앷��� Achte ˝ 1MB 픿 ‫י׊א‬eilen und erson Ihre tiem aire cons o. 휌 kann 켳풏 Cual ‫ء‬ٜ‫٭‬ prep pronóstic Ihre 骰‫כ‬յ Wand ein 팿샃 풏쾇˝ 캧 libre po y idera 좤왘 n und dien Sie auf sich a así com errout 핳 arad 舅⮆舅 ‫ ׾׌‬DJM unter Umstä Notsignal . 췋쟇 샟 una o r prep quier viaje andere e selbst 뫛옟 mitzun nden 읷 noch Denke $PVO cada o para o para el meteoroló 뺛팣 ힿ araci n 㛻⮉‫מ‬ ehmen n e los viaje BGFUZ 퐃쫯 ón. , aunq Essen, 씶 퍷샃 յ婊 Ihr Leben retten 팣뺓 , • Teng paseo el clima clima calur gico wie Sie Sie bitte BJO 4 vor der 뫛쌫 뫛뺛 솿왘 s sean Empacarue sea corto wie vom ˝ 핷밫 PVOU 풏 ┉稇‫מ‬ . Hilfe 车Ⳃ‫׊‬ frío y Grupp trinken und Wande Mountaina un ‫ׄⲂ׊‬ Ihrer #Z . 쉋 퀓햃 Kosten (Sicherheit las cam 휌셠 캼샻찿 rasten más e. húm oso y cálid 켳 Safetyplan Grupp besorgen könne rung darübe ⻠‫י״‬ ؅⪦僗⟊ srat für • Lleve biar lose alle EntschBleiben Sie Com segu cosas o fácil, Sie immer edo 쟃옣 Gebirge)Councilde e verletz ⚔䞐‫׵‬ 몸 App Plan ٬왗싗 ˝ 캫 폋솿 ‫ס‬銶槆 o, la ruta corre n, nece vorgeben resp ros y en r nach, 퍃픿 읷쪻 par t wird 嫎؅澬 eidung zusam y in der ֹն• Teilen ‫ ׺‬퍬 My ctas sita ‫ס‬僃oder falls ein Mitglie 뺛팣 ‫ךو‬յ굁괏 plac de estetodos los debi aldo y herun ta 픻샻ֵ‫גם‬ Sie einer BML ַ‫׊ױ‬ Der beste Con en gemei menllev unde treffen hace ente ‫״ג׾‬ ‫ء‬ٜ‫ ٭‬稇‫מ‬车 왗샟풯 몸왗 ‫׾׿‬亠 sich verirrt. do al terlad Walk esté d bevor䅯㱝‫׌‬ ؅䐂‫׼‬ • Algu volan artículos 몿 쌫앷 form sus Vertrau ros. obtene nsam. Z 8 tarle que plan en prep յ䷫ꦘ clima Weg, Sie ‫׌ך‬ն 줯웇 Sie nach ensper aufbrec de 了‫┉׵‬ te 캫 a una PlanMy ֹ‫כ׆‬hen. ؅⚥ֻ O . que Hause o su arado ˝ sudie ‫ײ‬յ扛◄‫מ‬ Natur 심폋 L O[ r ayu as de es aire nas tiend Walk.n cam 鿥‫⺬׽‬ ‫ם‬銶槆 figur zu komm Eine son Ihre Pläne prog 1MB para ‫חמכ‬ ؅哧‫ • ׊‬Nehme pued 캼 켳풏 libre genieß z inatazupers an en da ‫ס‬鎋碷 ona ䷫ֹ‫׆‬ reso 폋탛몸 ‫⛮ס‬꽦 ֽ◍ַ‫מ‬妳؅ mit, Z8BM• Warten en, tiene e salva ofrec as de equi ⪒⿦ֿOption ist die 1MBO. ist, y lleva en deund ‫؞‬٤‫ء‬ , etc. Wande n Sie ein䏨‫ה‬յ ‫⽜ס‬؅ el reve ꄇ㛙‫ ך‬嫎‫עכ‬յ 훻찿 Sie Notsig App confi sicher ‫ؕـמ‬ an jeder rle laaufeina rwege • Use los suyo en alqu pos para Si algu die andere յֵ‫ גם‬핓퍃헿 ‫יזױ‬ rso una zu anza Mobilfu ‫☔׾׀‬ in Neuse nal mit, da ⟊㰆‫י׊‬ ャ‫ס‬亠 Wegga vida r nder iler de s 䑒‫׍‬塛 Plan • Wenn pase baliz achten los n, umien ؕ‫ث‬ nkemp activ ⟓갔‫ ך‬䧏‫ֿכ׆ַׂיז‬ viele 핷 ‫׽ג‬鳿 ֹն Cui . eland belung del ‫׺‬ ⪦僗‫׾׌‬ MyW des ┕‫עך‬ esen sicherz . a ‫׊‬ deta ropa fang ermög 㚺催 jemand‫ُذت؜‬ 槆und idad Flyers 뫷 keinen de o, ¿cóm grup 䡘؅‫׊‬ cial para alk.n ‫׷‬噛‫ • ס‬Bitte eine Pause 鏀‫ױ׊‬ ‫ ׾׌‬Mühe y equi es al 舅⮆‫ס‬銶 finden ◀㲊؅ ⟓⺘؅ 逷⤓⿁ ugehen ╈‫מ‬䓯 ‫־ ׌ױ״‬ o se, dass Brücke auf auxilio lles y dede de uste lichen. 햋탛 풏 z para ‫ • ؠشؘز‬ein hat, Sie ‫׌ױ‬ն o obte tragen ⹦‫׽‬յ ˝ ⮆㹎憠ַ‫כ׆׾‬؅澬 • Gehen pos ‫؞‬٤‫ء‬ lastimnieman mitzuh Auf der su pase 졯켗 Com los dem d und überde Com Sie sich weitere wichtig ‫׽ֿם‬ ⚔䞐؅ des յ ⹨⟓‫׾׌‬꞊ 㛾妳◀㕔 ver la si no ֿ‫ׄⲂמֹ ؕـ‬؅姲 alten, a o d fehlt ndría Sie niemal Rückse parta 䬈‫יז‬ mismo ��� 켳풏 o. 鹟‫ ש‬ite ‫ מت٭ؤ‬Sie zusammconf legense pierd 㕙⺬‫ע‬DOCֹն (Naturs in jeder‫׺‬Hütte nken Sie ayud ‫ס‬鐍‫ ־‬틫켳 lista y tom a, beba s getren sus plan ás 탘픿 槆؅湳 O[ chutzb‫ֹ ׊ױ‬ն in e Informa‫ت٭ؤ‬ յ‫׻סל‬ de equi ٜ‫و٭‬ Ihre Pläne. 뺯잧 ‫י׎׼‬ a? Sie en. íe ante tionen ‫׾׌‬閛⼔ 왗 ˝ 鐍‫┘ֿ־‬鐧‫ס‬鋀‫׺׊ױ׊‬ en deci y desc Plan nte Wege. e en das몿 undes) ‫׼ג׊‬ BML ‫ء׊׵‬ 뫛 s es 车Ⳃ‫׊‬ Z8BML Gästeb MyW 볓 ⮆‫ס‬銶 de po 밫 • Muc el ퟌ픷 훷삏 㯸‫׽גזםמ‬ conBleiben ein. Z8 ‫כ‬؅吾 La mejo sion anse, ��� 혐픻 յ1MBO. uch alk.n irse. Una ☔‫מ‬舅 PlanM algu ‫׆׾׌‬ 뫰픛 O. յ┉稇‫מ‬ 몇 ���몣 es junto quéd 삏 ‫׾׀ך‬ 켨 뫛몫 ‫י׊כ‬ r man rece hos send z 헻햠 al aire yWal Por 1MB‫׍׎׿‬ 몇쟙 opci ien en 뫛뭧홫 ese 퍃헿 왗읷 el Mount ‫⟓מ‬갔 s. 헼혃 ힻ쟋‫ח┉ס‬ն 뺓폋 좤왘 con Des ón es quie ֿ㷐‫ ־‬뫷 ˝ 婊‫♧י׊‬ꝴⰟ una pción de eros en 뫛 픻켗 cuid libre y era de disfr ˝ ⭳氦⯥‫׊‬ su grup 줷픿 cargue ain Safety Counc 햠찿 baliz ‫ֹ׺‬ն鹟䥃罈‫׌ױ׽‬ la aplicn 뫰픛 켳풏 llega ándo Nue teléf 픿 䅮꧅鎇 퐃쫯 al otro 밫혋 쨤쪐 ‫ס‬꧅嫧 鋀‫ױ׊‬ gratuit 핇탘 뫷쎣펯ힻ a ֵֿٛ ֽ‫ױ׀‬ va ono o se unos r a casa utar de 핷밫 밫 ació 핓몸‫עت‬䯥 • Firm il 얔쭿 횆픻 ⺘‫ס‬䧏⹆؅吾 ladode auxilio. móv Zelanda O[‫ַכ‬ nFür • Siem 몿픿 훻찿 a Plan la apli 핷ֹؓ‫و‬���뫛 핳 a otro de mansu expe ‫٭ؤء‬ il; cons no 훷핓 맻햠 밫읷 einen (Dep e todos de este Obtenga ն 싛 յ鸿ꦘ⟓ 좣 캫 퀓샣픿 폧 ؕ‫؞‬٤ 폋켗 햃삏 s. My Wacación era seguriencia idere tienen Wanderweg Warnhinw 탛 y puenpre los librovolan ‫ ַ׈ד‬ 퍇잷 ַ‫ךס‬ UJPOT 뫛 eise deté 왗 퍷푳䢥ֿ㛡 que artamento ˝ /;‫ـס‬ más entscheide für Wanderer Wetterber ngas ‫ׇ‬鈋ׂ밫퓿 켳풏 먃퀓 *OUFO 홫뺗 심캫 te para lk ra es 쨖밫 풏��� pase n todo infor llevar s de te ichte 졯 쇇팿 遊ꪫ؅ ힻ퍅‫ס‬ր%0$ 밫 픿��� erhalten y espe de Con 잧뫛 샟 . mac inten Ausrüstun s junto überprüfen aseg Ihre 샃샟 켛��� 샟잧 삏샟 ‫ַם‬㕙 鎋碷‫ע‬ • Si ‫׺ י׬׌‬ 펯ힻ g Ihren 읷퍇 킰샃 urars nach re en serva ciones ‫ ֹ׺׊ױ‬ión 멾햀 ‫ֹ׺׊‬ն s 㷑‫ך‬յ 뫛밫 ֹն 폋삏탘 픿핾 algu Plan sichern 뫷쎣 cada e de 혐쫯 퀓햃 Bedürfniss ‫׊ױ׊‬ ción ‫׾‬㸓㵸 켳풏 ‫ت‬؅鹟‫צ‬del 졃��� 뺓밳 und einer desc ien tiene 풏 몸풫 cruc ‫מ‬糓⺲ zusammen enque 캫 뭧 ‫ ) ٭ؤגז‬en las DOC ˝ 鵟鷨‫׌‬⫈㯸 ˝ 핷  폋켗 ���멫 핯켳 toda persone 삏 픿뫛옟 • Nun anso y cons dificultad stellen Vertrauens 舅⮆‫⺬מ‬ caba 짳잧 좀픿 vía están 풏 폋샟 픿뱇풏 #PPLց 샟잧 mitteilen 풻ힼ 싟펯 ñas ca sepa 풏 폋몇 idere es, 켳 볓 켳 맻 몿쪻몸 regelmä Machen Sie ힻ핳 맻졯컘 맻캫휌 퀓햃 n cam tómense ren el 뫰픛 솿횆픻 켛��� 뫛샟 ßige Pausen ˝ 뿿뭫 졯 픿 biar grup 픿 샻 뭫맻 풻픿쨖픿 ힻ쟋 o, perm de planun 풏 탛핯 ‫ ֹ׺‬퍇쟙픻 캫 몿 풤삏멾 펯ힻ 휌뿿 ֻ‫׊ױ‬ es 퀓 anez Plan 뫷캫 핷 몇졯솿 뫷쎣 㛾⠮‫ ⤓מ‬햋탛폋몇 can 샻헿 삏 MyW ힻ핳 [ 퍬픿캧 ֵ‫׾׹׼‬ junto 펯쎶 ˝ 핷 삏 샻 핓 alk. 헿폋 ML O Bereiten s. nz 폋켗 헿샣 Sie Z8B ���쨗 밫읷 sich ˝ jedes O. 캫왗 탛 픻핯 Wetter auf OT 1MB 햀샃샟 픻심 vor 홫뺗 뺯풤 OUJP Elija ‫ֹ׺‬ 핓쟉 즻왗 쨤쪐 켳 *OUF ‫׊ױ׽‬ un 햋 Recib 얗싗 햃픷 0$ sende ⚔䞐؅‫כ‬ Tome 싛 % ro alertas a 㲊僿氳‫מ‬ ˝ 쁯ퟃ 숛퀓 싗잸샃샟 풏 Wählen desca paseo de el Verifique 숗좣 켳풏 쫯켳 Sie die 혗 뮇뫛 pronó nsos s meteo 찿 geeigne für Sie am regula stico Perso 폋 샻 멾픿 폋켗퍇팿 쟄폋찿��� te Wander besten rológ nalice res 쪻 풏 ico su lista tour aus 퐟쉋 슲졯 뺛팣 equip de Guar 킟엫 맻삏 켗좀켳 y comp de o 먌햌 ˝ ힻ뺓 L 폋 su planarta #PP



퍇 핳ힻ 폋몇 삏뫮 햋탛 켳풏 폋쟙 켛��� 밫엄 탛핓 삏 뫛햋 켛��� 팿쫯 픿 퍇 캫 폋샻 헼 ���킟 켳풏 폋몇 좣쉋 핳 핷 샟 풏 쭿뫷 숓뺓 폧엧 휌풏샃 쟃뺓 풏 멾핯 픻펷 탛맻 탗맿 뫛몿 뺓풏 읷퍇 ˝ 쾇풏 핯햃 몸왗 뭧맿 ˝ 핯쇔 뾍픻 맻풏 솿맻 뺓풏 킟핳 퍷 ˝ 뺗핯 ��� 멯뼃 헼 폋몇 ˝ 먐픿 헿��� ˝ 핷


Essential equipment to bring


Wand Mit mehr ertour in Neus als ‫יַח‬ gibt es Wand950 Hütten eeland gehö 嶖⤓‫מ‬ ٤‫סء‬ rt zu im Hinte ‫ ؞ؕـ‬Vorbereitun ermöglichk rland und den großa beac rtigsten 擻hten g sowie dem eiten für alle Ansp circa 14.70 Erlebnisse muss, Verständn 䑒釐‫ם‬䧏‫ה‬ 0 km an schaff rüche 嫰䙫憠 en‫כ‬ Wand n Ihres Leben Sie unver is dafür, was . Mit gut ٤‫סء‬ ‫׆׾׌‬ s. ‫؞ؕـ‬ gessliche man beimdurchdach erwegen, ‫׵‬鿥䜡 ter Planu 梪㗞‫מ‬ Erinnerung WandUn viaje ern in de ng und 舅⮆舅骰‫כ‬ en. vida Neussend . Con eelan eris d Fün


For a multi-day trip into the outdoors, you need to pack the following:

Five essential steps for staying safe in the outdoors

‫٭‬٬‫ع‬ٚ‫ؠش‬ ‫ؔن٭ك‬ ㎥յ

‫׌ױ׿‬ն 㕔ֿ⻠‫ױ‬ ♓┖‫ס‬䗯 儖傴‫ עמ‬Eine

Heaphy Track, Kahurangi National Park

A multi-day hiking trip in New Zealand is one of life’s most incredible experiences. With over 950 backcountry huts and approximately 14,700 kms of tracks, there’s hiking options for everyone. With some specific planning and preparation, and awareness of what’s important to know when hiking in New Zealand, you’ll make memories that’ll last a lifetime.


孨Ⳃ ‫ס‬ꄇ㛙 ‫٭‬ٚ٤‫غ‬ ‫ة٭ٖؼ‬

퐟  탨탗 읯 퀓��� 픿 쌫 퍃헿 PEF 픜캼 UZ $  얗싗 4BGF 쁯ퟃ -BOE ‫־׾‬ն ‫ׂס‬ ‫ַי׊‬ ꝴ‫לע‬ /;폋켗퍃헿 ‫־‬䤧䭂 ˝ 䢥釐侇 ‫ַ​ַף‬








Track, Kahurang ‫חכץ‬ i National DIESES ַ⛮꽦‫ס‬N‫⹕מ‬ Park INFOBLA L ⪮⛮氳 ‫׵‬碛俔‫׊׼‬ ‫ך‬僃 TT UMF ‫׌ױ‬ն 폋켗 ‫╈ס‬ 샃샟┕յ⺬銶硜 ☔榟 ASST: ‫ע‬յ ♓ 폧밫 Wie Sie 䥃罈ֵֿ‫؞ؕـס׽‬٤‫ء‬ 먔킰 ‫؞‬٤‫ ء‬㸓㵸 뫷㷑ֿ 혋 ‫סت‬鹟 sich auf ‫ ؕـס‬ٛ‫ס٭‬ vorbe 샟핇 ‫٭ؤء‬썇뫛옟‫٭ة‬ٚ٤‫ךغ‬ Ihre Wand ٤‫ךغ‬ reiten hay յ‫٭ٖؼ‬ ‫٭ة‬ٚ ‫؜ؠشف‬٤‫؞ؕـ׾״ ع‬٤ mo erung können  f wich opc más ‫ךכ׆‬ ‫ֹ׺׊ך ٭ٖؼ‬ն 픿몿 y con iones de 950 en Nue Was Sie an tige Schr ֿ哧‫׊‬ 줷 notwendig de cam cabaña va Zela ◄ꯁ‫מ‬䏼ֹ 캫 mitne ‫׽ֵֿت ׾םכ‬յ鐍‫׵‬ itte, um crea ciencia ‫ֹ׺׊‬ն 퀓훻찿 ndahmen ַյ嫰䙫 inatas s de er Ausrü rá recu de lo 밫 es unasollte 혋 die freie cam ‫٭ؤש‬ ⤓؅车 먗맻 ‫ךכ׆‬ stung Was ힻ��� 캫 n erdo que es para todo po 훷핓 Siey auf 핯 ‫׾םמ‬ 몸 s que Natu ַ⭳ imp aproderde las exp ‫ם‬銶槆‫כ‬嶖 휌폋 s. 샟 ‫ס‬䓙 orta r 퐰콓 ximWand 햋폫 dura Con gefahrlo ‫כ‬ Wie Sie erie 캫 ‫׾׌‬ ada erung ‫ע‬յ┉榟 샃 ���  rán todante una 헿뫷 ‫׆ס‬ Wähle sab sich s zu gen plan mente ncia erwartet 핯 퍷 n Sie؅榫䙫 핓퍃‫ם‬‫ח‬ ‫׷‬괏乢 am besten ifica la vida er al hacund die die für 䑒釐 픿켛캧 14 700s más incr ießen 퓿 퍇팿 샃샟 햋탛 ꡔ㳷浓 ción elt er send Umw geeign Sie Wand . schütkm de eíbles Inform ‫מ״ג׌‬ y prep 쉋읷 ���탗 쨏얈 ertour ete 풯몸 zen ieren 鷨‫ׇ‬ eris Cin 좣 aus 밳 ⪒‫מ‬ Sie Stellen mo en aración senderosde la 뽻앷 심 co pa ‫ֹ׺‬ն Sie sicher,sich im Vorfel 뫛핯 싗탗 ‫ך‬㱦 ֻ‫׊ױ‬ ‫׾‬ Nue esp 맻햠 캫왗 쟇孨Ⳃ Mach sos 媽‫ ⤓מ‬d über 䤧䭂‫׌‬ ‫׵‬յ dass va Zela ecíficas,, Entsch en Sie ꄇ㛙 Sie ihr 㛙‫ס‬㳓 die Route. ‫׻‬ 폋켗 삏심 훻찿 펰픿 esenci 敯媲؅ der Witter eiden sich mit gewac ‫׵ך‬յ癨ⶡ‫ך‬ ‫◀׷‬㲊 nda ‫ך‬յ 쨊 ��� Sie sich die 㛾妳‫ס‬ für Ihre ung vertrau hsen 샧 , ‫כ׆׾‬ 䖾㛾⠮ für In Neuse ales 픻핳컘 eine湾侇ꝴ ganze ‫ֻכג‬ N폋 왗몿 ힻ좶 Wande榫䙫‫ ׌‬sind. t Grupp ‫׌ך‬ն 蕔擻؅ para umsch eland kann • Wie ‫׵ךت٭ؤ‬յ rtour, 폧쭿핓 햅 e geeign 忁‫ַ׊‬ 핯���L 헼픷 lagen. lange ‫׌ױ‬ն ‫׌‬ն鸵⮉‫ם‬ 폋 㚺催‫׊‬ ‫ל‬؆‫ם‬ maPacke 퐲뫷 㛾⠮‫ס‬ et ist. 컘 dauert • Wissen Überp das Wette ؅鹟‫ש‬ 䑒釐‫ך‬ ׂ und änder ◀㲊؅ 켳풏 㚺⴫ֿ캼 ٤‫עغ‬ ntenne die ֿ‫׀ך‬ 힋밫삏퍸  픿뭧��� 켗 ַ亸车 ‫ت٭ؤ‬ 嶖⤓‫ע‬Sie, welche n Sie ggf. rüfen Sie r schne ‫ׇ‬䧏⹆ Sie warme und ausrei Elijlla ���밫䑒釐‫מ‬䑴‫י׋‬ 쌫씶 einsch 찿캼 ‫ך‬哧‫ ׊‬n Tour? 싗폋 ⺬‫גז‬ den Wette ‫٭ة‬ٚ 폋켗 쟄뫷 핯��� rse seg Das Wetter Ihre 픿鏀‫׊‬յ lagen Kleidu Weg Sie‫ס׵‬؅‫י׬׌‬ el viaj ힻ뺷 chend 舅⮆‫מ‬ ‫ ٭ٖؼ‬탘엄 • ‫׽‬㱦⪒ ퟃ얗  Stellen ng 얗싗 퐟쉋 Apre Planung. para rberic 㕔؅澬 kann einen Proviauro 줷픿 ‫ ־‬Sind schwie müssen? 鋗鬼‫ס‬ mache 쨟픿 Sie sich ‫؞تג‬ 榫⿁䈘 uste ht e ade nda nt ein 샃샟 폧 쁯 㛾妳◀ n 쁯ퟃ 퐟ힻ rige遊ꪫ‫מ‬ ungep 폋켗 훻찿Ⳃ‫ • ⭳מ‬Müssen 儖傴‫ס‬ Ausflu 釤⺬‫ז‬ auf schlec ꄇ㛙孨 Streck sobr ֹն cuado ein entschoder verhinhabilidad d al air lante Nächt ؓ‫ؓغعؗ‬ ˝ g e la յ ‫׌ױ‬ն 쨏읳 en darunt ‫מ׿א‬ ‫ ׺׊ױ‬몇쨑 einen ն ‫׌ױ‬ն htes Wette 삏 ‫׌‬ն • Ist die Sie 뼓삏 숓펯햃킰멻��� eidend dern. Dases angen 㕙⺬‫ע‬ 㰢‫צ‬յ 䄅⺓‫ ׊‬퐧 ‫ךחכ‬ ehm e lib freien ���퍅 e im Freien ‫ ַ׈ד‬Fluss überqu Wande Jede Wande para ruta er ‫יַח‬ ֿ‫ ַם‬er?‫׊‬؅车‫ַיז‬ EsFaktor 샃샟‫ץסכ‬ 퀓햃 y aseg 샣몿 r und 釐‫ם‬Natur. Grupp rroute impo bei Wetterella. 퐃밫 ‫؞ؕـ‬٤‫ء‬؅풏 re 훻찿 캧픿 ist 釐‫׆ם‬ ‫מت٭‬ ‫ס׵ס‬ 퀓 eren? ein. natürlic rtour, 鞚‫⭳׊‬ 亸‫מ‬䑒 힋밳 e für ist, ‫כ׆‬ úres յ geeign y a todo rtanteAktivitäten ֹն 풏 die ganze 僃‫׵‬ꄆ ‫ך‬ 䣆䧏‫ה‬ auch ˝ h • Überp e de bedarf der 풏 榫‫י׊‬ ؅鹟‫ ש‬퍀���퐻 㛾妳‫ע‬ et? 鷹⪮‫ס‬ ‫׺׊ױ‬ ‫עמ‬յ삏 몇 ֹն ힻ ‫؞ؕـ‬٤‫ؤء‬ 휌풏 켳풏 eingep 켳 ‫ت٭ؤ‬ tene Vorbe wenn s los elegir un in der 켳 ׄ‫׾‬꤀ 훻찿 퍃헿 ‫ׄחמ‬ ‫׺‬ ‫ך‬յ辉걉‫ ׷‬O[ؓ‫و‬ٛ؅⮵ַն • Seien rüfen Sie auf ���밫 ‫׵‬㵚䑴 ⺬‫גז‬ r lashaben reitung sie kurzCom 싛 쫯샟 鏀‫׊ױ׊‬ ٜ؅骰 샻찿 oder einfach ٬ꦞ㛾‫מ‬ • ¿Cuá macht ackt jeden miembros viaje que Sie ‫׈‬؆‫מ‬  맻 ‫ֹ׺‬ն Z8BML ׂ‫׈ד‬ ‫׊ױ‬ 읷퍀 좣쉋 싛큸 픿㕔؅澬 샃샟 prenda , ist die . Wenn Sie mehr Spaß. En Fall den ‫ׂם‬յ㳷‫׈‬ auch auf bei jeder ‫סو‬氵 ؅丝ֻ솿펯 ˝ 1MBO. ٛ‫عت‬؅‫ׇ‬鈋 de su 媲 se adap 뺛팣 핯ퟢ ˝ 㛾妳◀ 햃킰 켳풏 Tournto ‫ ךׄד‬픿 ‫ء‬ٜ‫٭‬ 밫퓿 Nue Wandertour das Richtig tiem Wetter kaltes • ¿Sab ‫מ‬嶖⤓ 팿풾 鶟䩖敯 • auf grup el 삏줷 Planen • 뺯 倉‫׈־‬ 캫 삏멾픻캫 va berich po 舅⮆‫׌ך ׷‬ն 逷⤓⿁ warme 퀓 쪻몸 und nasses e Packen rápid te a ٤‫ء‬夵 풫舅⮆‫ס‬ e sichere clim toma ⤓؅丝 倄‫׈‬٬ t o. usteSie bitte 퐻햃 ‫؞ؕـ‬ ame Zelanda, ¿Hay quéWetter r und 몇쪻 ն a 픻몸 cam s, heißes ���밫 햀샃˝ 샟 յ㛾⠮‫׷‬ bereit, Sie eine•alterna ֹյ 픿 ֹ‫מ‬嶖 rá? oder 몇ힻ ֿ㛻⮉ d plan des Flyers nte. alles ino tram 킟엸‫־ַ׼‬ ‫ ׻׾׀‬폋뺓




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Kahur angi


Idea 1

Idea 2

Did you know?

So, what you up to?

1. The average walking speed of a person is 12 minutes per KM. This would be more with a pack and elevation gain!

choose the right track

2. Wearing several clothing layers works to keep you warm by trapping warm body heat in. Avoid cotton!

pack the right stuff



tell others how it went!

By Mountain Safety Council

By Mountain Safety Council

Retail Expansion Scheme

Idea 1

Idea 2

So, what So, what Working with retail partners has long been a key focusDid you know? you up to? you up to? Front Back for us and we wanted to enhance this. The new retail expansion scheme has been a work in progress this business year, identifying key retailers and creating a scheme that can be adjusted to support each of them Working concepts of the Macpac clothing swing tags. depending on their size, scale and type of operation. 1. The average walking speed of a person is 12 minutes per KM. This would be more with a pack and elevation gain!

choose the right track

2. Wearing several clothing layers works to keep you warm by trapping warm body heat in. Avoid cotton!

pack the right stuff



tell others how it went!

The first wave of new retailers have signed up, and we are actively working through engaging more.


Macpac and the NZ Mountain Safety Council want you to make it home safe.

By Mountain Safety Council

By Mountain Safety Council

The scheme allows retailers to choose a minimum of four initiatives to get on board with: sharing blogs and MSC website links, social media and email marketing, online staff training opportunities, and instore posters and stickers – all free and all promoting MSC safety information, tools and resources for the customer.

So, what

you up to? These modules were made for retailers in the Back year, and since then have been 2020-21 financial implemented as part of Kathmandu and Bivouac’s staff learning management systems. FIND A TRACK


Macpac and the NZ Mountain Safety Council want you to make it home safe.

Plan My Walk swing tags on Macpac clothing

At Kathmandu, 146 employees have completed at least one course. This includes 110 Australian and 28 New Zealand retail employees, and eight office support employees. While at Bivouac, there is a 38% engagement in the learning modules nationwide.

146 Kathmandu employees completed one eLearning course

We renewed our contract for Macpac clothing swing tags and customer refund cards this year, both promote Plan My Walk (PMW). The swings tags are on approx. 170,000 items of clothing across Aotearoa and Australia, while the refund cards are sent out with online orders across Aotearoa. Both initiatives account for 1913 news users from the past year, with an engagement rate of 51%. In addition, we know both of these placements increase brand awareness – while we cannot track this it is indicated by the high numbers of direct traffic to the website.



Support Outdoor Safety in NZ in partnership with us what is it all about? The NZ Mountain Safety Council (MSC) works hard to improve the safety of people recreating in Aotearoa’s outdoors. We achieve this through our highly effective prevention strategy, which is based on three main pillars: developing insights, delivering effective messaging and collaborative partnerships. We invite you to be part of our outdoor retailer collaboration. Our aim is to bring together outdoor retailers from across Aotearoa to help facilitate a thriving, safe, outdoor community.

What we will do for you…

We are so lucky in NZ to have a great collection of outdoor retailers. We believe this network provides an important opportunity to reach and • Regardless of the options you pick, we will provide all the engage outdoor users with critical safety messages. Your customers can continue to shop with you, have an enjoyable experience outdoors, resources and collateral you need, for free, and we will restock and make it home safely to do it all over again. A safe outdoor community is good business. them as required.

Examples of flyers for online or physical sales

We want to make it easy for you to help keep your customers safe by providing opportunities and initiatives work foryour yourretailer specificlogo, and a link to your website, on • We that will include situation and allow you to easily and effectively connect your customers with the safety information, toolsa and resources they need and want. specific webpage we will create for this initiative.

What we’d like you to do… We have listed a selection of opportunities below. In order for this collaboration to work at scale we have tried to be clear and concise and have focused on initiatives that we can deliver across multiple outdoor retailers. In time, with your support, we may be able to expand this list, or add bespoke ideas you might have. We ask you to pick a minimum of four of the seven initiatives listed below.

In-store training modules

Digital Blogs or Stories

Our eLearning staff training modules continue to benefit retailer staff by supporting their knowledge in outdoor safety.

Electronic Direct Email (EDM)s

Share a minimum of three MSC stories per year via your digital channels. This could be via your social media or email database/ newsletter. You could pick any three stories from our website, where we are regularly adding more every month.

Include a MSC banner or content placement in a minimum of three of your EDMs per year. We would provide you with a range of content you could use, or we could work with you to create something specific to your EDM audience/s.

Social media Post a minimum of three separate content pieces on your social media channel/s per year. We would provide you with a range of content you could use, or we could work with you to create something specific to your audience/s.

• We will include your retail name and link to your website from our public EDM. We will do this a minimum of twice per year, alongside new MSC stories or content to keep the authentic nature. This EDM is sent to 75,000+ subscribers (and growing) including users of Plan My Walk. Include at least one link on your website to all ourregistered


website, and one more link to either or • We will acknowledge you in our Annual Report with your retailer (two links total). Along with thoselogo. links we can help you to craft a suitable statement, or advise how this can be included in some applicable • We will post on our social media (Facebook and Instagram) once outdoor safety content. These links are great for your Google search per year about our partnership with you. We will develop this rankings, as well as ours. content in collaboration with you.

Some of our blog/stories we share on our channels

Poster or flyers • Provide free advice and guidance to you on any outdoor safety Display a minimum of two A3 posters in each store, and/or, position a related topics stand of flyers at point of sale in each store. For retailers who sell online, • Provided we have sufficient interest, we would like to run a oneplease add a flyer to each of your online sales. We will provide you with day retail staff conference. Our intention is to cover the cost for the flyers for free, and restock you as needed. We will include your two of your staff to attend, all expenses paid. This will depend on retailer name/logo on the posters and flyers. your level of interest and the practicalities of involving retail staff. Sticker of partnership We will discuss this with you. At this conference we will cover a range of topics designed to upskill your staff in outdoor safety, Place a sticker on your shop entrance door, or at point of sale, indicating and helping customers to plan, prepare and successfully enjoy your involvement in this collaboration. We will provide these free for our amazing outdoors. you.

Example of custom social media initiatives in the form of a competition

Staff training and education opportunities Hopefully the We have a selection of online learning modules thatbenefits can be usedof forthis collaboration are clear, butbasic if you need further internal staff training. These cover essential outdoor skills. Share convincing, here’s these with your staff and encourage them to complete them. If you some more… achieve 80% staff completion (per store) we will shout that store a free Pizza lunch! • Building of trust as a brand who cares about your customers, participants who make it home safe go into the outdoors again and again • Free promotion through MSC Channels such as our 75,000+ EDM subscribers, Plan My Walk users and social media reach

Example of online learning

Turn page over for what we will do for you...

• Improvement of SEO website performance by being backlinked to a trusted channel • Ongoing support for relevant and seasonal safety-related resources for your online and physical stores • Being part of something really important for the outdoor community

Our channels

Resources that improve safety

40,700+ Facebook 16,000+ Instagram 75,000+ EDM subscribers


640% increase in new users between 2022 and 2023

1100% increase in engaged sessions between 2022 and 2023

Google Search Strategy and Results We’ve continued our strategic focus to enhance our websites to achieve the best results through organic and paid traffic from search engines. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) SEO is critically important as it drives organic user traffic and helps us to reach more people who are looking for relevant content on the internet, in a very cost-effective way. Strong SEO requires a balance of good website technical health and content that’s been written to enhance website crawlers (and thus more effectively showing our content in top search results). Website technical health has been a big focus of ours in the past year, and we’ve invested in SEO audits for both and In both cases we’ve completed technical website development, this has included improving website speeds, adding schemas, disavowing toxic backlinks, ensuring site meta descriptions are well setup, appropriately formatted headings, images have alt text, eliminating 504-page errors and more. Each of these elements contribute to a healthy website that search engines, such as Google, will prioritise over others when showing users search results. Equally important is the content on our websites. In addition to the technical improvements we’ve made, we’ve also been working to ensure our content is well written and enhanced for SEO. This includes using keywords within content that matches to user search behaviours and this is one of the main reasons you will see our content about tramping now including the internationally-used word ‘hiking’. This is to ensure users who search for hiking, both in New Zealand and overseas, see our content. We will continue this SEO focus into the future.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) To maximise the benefits of search engines, relying on organic search results is not enough. To successfully connect internet users to our content, we have been investing in paid search engine marketing using Google AdWords.


As a registered charity we are an eligible recipient of a Google Not-for-Profit Grant and we have successfully used both our own paid Google AdWords campaigns, and the free Google AdWords Grant to generate strong AdWords campaign results. To achieve this, we have operated a layer of ‘always-on’ brand-related campaigns for and In addition, during specific campaign periods we also run paid Google AdWords which allows us to target broader keywords and compete with other interested parties for the top search results. As an example, we do this for during our winter and spring campaign period and during the Roar and Duck hunting seasons. Across the year and especially during our paid campaigns, we see the combination of strong SEO and SEM working very effectively together.

Our strategic focus is paying off Between September 2022 and February 2023, we saw our hard work paying off. Over this period organic search traffic skyrocketed, growing from approximately 3,400 visitors per month (September 2022) to approximately 9,300 (February 2023) — a 170% increase. Having keywords in the top 10 search results is essential as most users don’t go beyond the first page of a Google search, if your website isn’t on that first page, you’re not going to get any traffic. On 1 October 2022, Google ranked 18 keywords in the top three, 365 in the top 10 and we had zero search engine results page (SERP) features. By mid-April 2023, that had skyrocketed to 51 keywords in the top three, 1,116 in the top 10 and 58 SERP features.

Resources that improve safety

Organic Search Keyword traffic 2022

When comparing the website’s performance between January and April (2023 versus 2022), organic SEO increased over 640% in generating new users and over 1100% in engaged sessions.


1,295 1,114

1,068 971

653 508

452 350



Top 3

0 4 – 10

11 – 20

21 – 50

51 – 100


SERP Features

red hills route billy goat basin jumbo circuit Avalanche Observations plan my walk app Snowpack Observations Total Observations October 2022 campsite comans track mount somers walk plan my walk 256 tangoio falls scenic kaniwhaniwha mt somers track 220 mt holdsworth 217 reserve tracks campsite jumbo circuit map my walk nz 179 tararua southern mt somers walk 142 140 crossing

18 keywords in the top 3


94 85

lake marian day 38 28 walk

112 108 75

hollyford track weather

is 2018 queen charlotte tangoio falls 2019 2020 scenic drive open reserve tracks queen charlotte drive road closure

lake marian weather

lake clearwater weather

okitu scenic reserve

my walk plan my walk blue spur bushwalk te pua a tane circuit waiharuru hut urchin and umukarikari tracks

otepatotu scenic reserve upper copland valley track mt somers walk rees dart track kapakapanui track lake okataina walks

plan my trip nz mangatoa track peak hill track mueller hut route


map my walk christchurch

otari wilton bush map

colonial knob 2022 walkway

waikanae river trail


mount somers walk mount taranaki summit track April 2023 mangatepopo hut

51 mt keywords mckerrow inmtthe somerstop3 track hopkins valley

cookson kauri walk lake daniell track bushline hut meteo routeburn track pinchgut track mt grey walk

mt holdsworth huts waikaremoana track map ellangowan scenic reserve kashmir road mangatoa track waiorongomai valley tramping tracks jans hut

omanawanui track

tararua southern crossing

whakanui track

map my walk nz

comans track

lake mangamahoe track

harper pass

harihari coastal walkway

Resources that improve safety


Expert Reports for Coronial Investigations Producing expert reports to assist coronial investigations into land-based outdoor recreation fatalities continues to be an important work stream. These reports offer coroners an expert perspective on a fatality including the circumstances of the incident, causation factors, a summary of our key findings and recommendations for prevention. Coroners have heavy caseloads and due to the large volume and diversity of scenarios, it’s not possible for them to be an expert in everything. Our reports ensure the coroners have all the outdoor-safety related facts presented impartially and enable them to make recommendations that can have real-world positive impact. In almost all cases, coroners adopt the findings and recommendations we provide.

Our Written Communications Advisor works closely with the Ministry of Justice media team when a coroner’s final findings are released to the media and public. We send a national media release out highlighting endorsed MSC recommendations, and as a result we are typically included in the media articles.

Two full reports completed Two supplementary reports provided One report underway


Resources that improve safety

Media articles: 26 reactive

Resources that improve safety


Photo: @wandering.weekender



Plan My Walk

We continued to make improvements Since launching in May 2021, we have continued to improve and develop on what Plan My Walk (PMW) offers users, based on their feedback. Updating the features and functions sends a strong message to users that we’re committed to improving the product and listening to how they are incorporating Plan My Walk into their planning and preparation. The impact research we conducted last year gave us the boost in confidence that the product is having an overwhelmingly positive impact, and these improvements have contributed to improved safety in the outdoors.

• A significant overhaul of the page navigation which enables users to navigate around the site more effectively.

This year we completed two major rounds of development, firstly in November 2022 and then again in March 2023. These updates included:

We added hundreds of new tracks

• A new My Reviews section for registered users which allows them to effectively manage the track, hut and campsite reviews they leave. As this user generated data is an essential aspect of the community, and significantly helps others plan and prepare, we wanted to ensure users had an effective way to manage their reviews.

Working with many local councils and partners we added new tracks from across Aotearoa.

• An improved map experience. This included enabling all other tracks, hut and campsites to be visible on the map when searching, allowing users to easily find nearby walks, huts and campsites.

• Improved key track information, such as indicating if the track is shared use, and estimated walking times.

193 Herenga ā Nuku tracks added

84 Christchurch City Council tracks added

22 Invercargill City Council tracks added

• Improved help and support section, ensuring users can get the support they need.

Improved map experience.

My Reviews.

Plan My Walk


Photo: Sarah Blair

Our Plan My Walk promotional strategy was recognised once again at a national level in the 2023 TVNZ-NZ Marketing Awards for: • Excellence in Marketing Communication Strategy • Excellence in Non-for-Profit Marketing Strategy We look forward to the awards evening in September. The PMW promotion strategy won the Excellence in Marketing Communication Strategy award in 2022.


Plan My Walk

Maximising reach through promotion Developing the 2022-23 Plan My Walk (PMW) campaign strategy required a mindset pivot as PMW was no longer ‘brand new’. We developed the new campaign based on lessons learnt from last year’s award-winning campaign. As we were into the second year, we had the added challenge to re-engage previous users while simultaneously attempting to reach new ones. In-house promotional tactics At a high level, our strategy has not changed and still consists of four key tactics: our own channels, earned media, our partners and paid promotion. However, how we delivered this strategy through specific tactics, channels, and to defined target users was refined and adapted. To effectively deliver our strategy we utilised our own inhouse expertise, and collaborated with digital marketing agency, Hemisphere. We were never going to reach everyone in the first campaign due to a combination of budget and time constraints compared to the high number of potential users. From the outset we knew we had to play the long game over several years and through multiple campaigns.

To continue our success, we identified four priority tactics for this campaign period (2022/2023): • Improved Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) • Enhanced Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) marketing • A pivot away from one larger influencer to multiple micro-influencers who cover diverse audiences on social media platforms • More proactive media pickup We already know from our insights that the best way to encourage trampers and hikers to change their behaviour is to make planning and preparation as easy as possible. This improves our overall authenticity as a brand and cements our long-term vision of transforming a person’s outdoor experience into a positive, safe adventure.

Turn the page for Plan My Walk metrics

Plan My Walk


What we achieved Through for the period 1 July, 2022 to 30 June, 2023 (compared to the previous year), Plan My Walk had:

Total unique users

529,285 85% increase

New registered users

28,171 8% decrease

Total engaged sessions

831,690 126% increase

Total registered users

67,422 As at 30 June, 2023

Users spent an average of

3.51mins 20% decrease

Total saved trip plans created

8,214 82% increase

Total app downloads

72,554 48,181 on iOS 24,373 on Android

Total new track/hut/campsite reviews


Total tracks to users wishlists

49,674 Since May 2021 launch, Plan My Walk has seen

836,468 Unique users

Since May 2021 launch, Plan My Walk has had


Top referral websites by engaged sessions 1. Love Taupo: 6,126 at 82% engagement

Sessions and 663,995 engaged sessions

2. MSC website: 4,926 at 61% engagement 3. DOC: 2,772 at 58% engagement 4. (Tourism NZ): 2,623 at 63% engagement 5. Visit Ruapehu: 2,037 at 79% engagement


Plan My Walk

Plan My Walk Most Visited Tracks and Hut

Most visited Huts Most visited tracks

1 July, 2022 - 30 June, 2023

7th Waitawheta Hut

8th Tongariro Northern Circuit – 10,792 views 13th Taranaki Falls Walk – 5,654 views 10th Mount Taranaki Summit Track – 7,122 views

11th Tama Lakes Track – 6,908 views

10th Pouakai Hut

1st Tongariro Alpine Crossing – 79,796 views 13th Totara Flats Hut

15th Mt Holdsworth-Jumbo Circuit – 5,188 views

8th Powell Hut 6th Atiwhakatu Hut

2nd Abel Tasman – 28,551 views 1st Pinnacles Hut 9th Queen Charlotte Track – 8,858 views 3rd Nina Hut

12th Welcome Flat Hut

6th Kauaeranga Kauri Trail (Pinnacles Walk) – 16,873 views

5th Bushline Hut

4th Hooker Valley – 23,466 views

14th Angelus Hut 11th Hooker Hut

14th Bealey Spur Track – 5,188 views

4th Mueller Hut 2nd Woolshed Creek Hut 15th Packhorse Hut 7th Milford – 15,092 views

3rd Routeburn – 23,575 views 9th Aspiring Hut 12th Ben Lomond – 5,809 views 5th Kepler – 17,587 views

Plan My Walk


PMW needed to resonate with diverse audiences

Plan My Walk tracks on the MetService website.

Our campaign messaging subtly spoke to the issues causing people to get into trouble in the outdoors, and clearly identified PMW as a solution. We used a layered strategy to reach different people at different times before a trip. This approach meant we could cast the message out wide, then narrow our focus to specific types of people in each stage of the planning process. To achieve awareness of PMW, and then to convert that into on-going engagement, we wanted to speak to people at the right time and place.

This meant our key messages reached potential users as they: • scrolled social media looking for ideas and inspiration • purchased gear at outdoor retailers • looked at the weather forecast on MetService

We reached our champions through cross-organisation engagement Focusing on multiple audiences at once is an ambitious task, but critical for success. We believe it’s not only important to reach beginner trampers or families, but to also speak to the experienced, who are often the ‘champions’ and can heavily influence others. Through the Wilderness magazine and specific digital re-targeting of people who visited tramping club websites, we targeted this audience expecting them to spread the word amongst their friends and family. In the case of the Wilderness magazine, we used a combination of their daily EDM, monthly print magazine, website content and the Walk1200 initiative to connect with readers. • Wilderness magazine referral traffic generated 2,030 engaged sessions at a very strong 82% engagement rate.

Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) marketing

• found their next adventure by searching online through website re-targeting and Google search • took a flight or ferry through airport and ferry terminal targeting • reached their destination at a holiday park or campsite

Working with partners is core to our strategy For this campaign we refined our approach to partnerships. We intensified our engagement by working with fewer partners, but at a higher level. Through this approach, we gained the financial and industry support from Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa. This government agency works to protect and enhance public access across Aotearoa. The partnership increased the collection of public tracks and track data for users. Having the backing of another government agency is recognition of the positive impact in Aotearoa.


PMW continued to be promoted by significant industry players including Tourism NZ, Macpac, MetService, NZ Police, AA Traveller, ACC and many local councils who have their tracks in PMW.

With the database of registered PMW users growing significantly we viewed this as an essential method to keep users engaged, and activate them as champions to tell their friends and family. During March 2023, we began the first phase of a new nurture scheme. To kick-off we ran a competition encouraging existing users to leave a track review. The competition had two primary objectives, to: • increase the number of track reviews • re-engage existing users.

Plan My Walk

The competition was very successful, generating 1,145 new track reviews. We have also been working on a fully automated setup whereby new users get a series of specifically timed emails, with content based on their tramping experience. There’s a lot of work required behind the scenes to do this, and we look forward to going live later in 2023.

Regular media pickup enhances public brand awareness and trust Through continued hard work, our relationships with the media and reporters have become very strong. We identified two key PMW benefits for reporters, and played on these strengths to generate media content. 1. It’s an easy way to add a safety element to articles — especially applicable for Stuff Travel content. 2. Offers unique content opportunities — for example we collaborated on a dozen listicles featuring places to go walking and tramping in NZ, or huts and campsite to stay at. Over the year, we generated 62 media features that included reference or links to PMW, this achievement was well above our goal of 24. Stuff now voluntarily links to PMW at the end of tramping-related articles.

Banff Mountain Film Festival

Reaching people out and about With Covid19 restrictions behind us, we identified an opportunity to reconnect with our target audiences through local and national events. This tactic was a new addition to the PMW campaign, and it allowed us to reach specific types of people who can be hard to get to via other channels. Our approach to support these in-person events was to use physical placement of Plan My Walk collateral, such as flyers, posters, banners or short videos at the event, while also having content via the event’s social media. We collaborated with: • Christchurch Walking Festival • Big Bang Adventure Race • Spirited Women’s adventure races • NZ Alpine Club Banff Mountain Film Festival Tour of NZ • NZ Mountain, Film & Book Festival

Plan My Walk


Photo: Sarah Blair

Social media as a priority We aimed to deepen the level of engagement by sharing the experiences of the tramping and hiking community through telling real-life stories on social media. This was our first campaign with an in-house Social Media Advisor. This year, we worked with a range of microinfluencers who had smaller but highly-engaged audiences, usually between 3,000 and 18,000 followers. We found that using these micro-influencers as ‘ambassadors’ who shared several posts with their own experiences over the campaign period was highly effective, proving the power of repetition. We also produced a high volume of organic content in-house, largely in the short video format, and tailoring content for each different social media platform. • Instagram content largely focused on short inspirational videos highlighting different tracks. • Facebook content focused on informative articles and stories from outdoor safety experts and experienced recreational users. • TikTok saw success with vlog-style videos of overnight tramp experiences, and short humorous videos based on trends. You can read more about our social media success, pages 42-45.


Plan My Walk

Photo: Sarah Blair

Plan My Walk


Paid digital advertising We partnered with digital marketing agency Hemisphere, and using the learnings from the year prior, we levelled up our campaign. This year, we utilised a ‘test and learn’ approach, testing a variety of creative assets and copy themes to learn what was resonating best with our audiences, and then upweighting those assets or creative messages to maximise engagement. Our hero creative was a 30-second promotional video that used a ‘home-movie’ styled approach, creating a real family-orientated nostalgic feel. This video had an inspirational tone, sharing the message ‘it’s not just a walk, it’s a memory’. This was across TVNZ OnDemand, YouTube Mirrors, and Air NZ in Flight Entertainment. Our digital marketing strategy primarily focused on search and display ads, and was supported by video and sponsored articles. In our display ads, we tested creative assets with ‘inspirational’ messaging (find your next adventure) against ‘logistical’ messaging (PMW key features and benefits). We found that assets with ‘logistical’ messaging had better engagement with a significantly higher click-through rate.

These track-specific ads delivered 92% of all search clicks. Google Search also delivered the highest number of clicks, best click-through rate, and website sessions while providing the lowest cost-per-click.

323,813 Clicks


• Tongariro crossing – 15,445 clicks

Click-through rate

• Routeburn track – 8,390 clicks • Kepler track – 5,900 clicks

239,252 Sessions

153,308 New users Inspirational assets

• Logistical CTR: 0.69%



Top 3 track search results:

• Inspirational CTR: 0.46%

We took a more targeted approach to paid Google Search AdWords this year, with individual ads for 15 of the most popular and incident-prone walks in New Zealand. When people searched Google for walks such as the ‘Tongariro Alpine Crossing’ they may have been served an ad for Plan My Walk with strategic copy that was relevant to their search. For example, the ad might have read, ‘Plan My Walk | Tongariro Alpine Crossing Info | Essential info about Tongariro Alpine Crossing. Developed by NZ Mountain Safety Council. Read honest Tongariro Alpine Crossing reviews from other hikers.’


Logistical assets

The MSC team taking time out of the office. Te Ara Paparārangi ki te Tonga track, Wellington City.


Photo: Sarah Blair



Safety Campaigns


Winter 2022 The winter seasons see the return of one of our most challenging natural hazards, avalanches. Anecdotally, backcountry alpine recreation has been through a period of significant growth. Retailers have not been able to keep up with the demand for ski touring and avalanche rescue equipment, record numbers of people have completed recreational avalanche training, backcountry huts are frequently full, and observations suggest specific areas outside ski area boundaries are receiving record visitors.

Once again, we utilised a fully digital approach, using four platforms to reach our target audience: • Google Display Network (Skiing/ Snowboarding interests early and midseason, shift to mountaineering interests in October/November) • MetService

4.5% Click-through rate

24,772 New users to

• Meta (Facebook/Instagram)

With more people in the backcountry through winter and spring the risk of avalanche incidents increases.

• Google Search

To ensure users are effectively preparing for backcountry recreation, we champion three key messages: get the forecast, get the training, get the gear.

• 1,256,431 impressions

Through winter and spring 2022 we delivered a digital campaign utilising our existing strategy: our own channels, earned media, partnerships and digital promotion. This campaign aimed to increase awareness and the use of the NZ Avalanche Advisory (NZAA) and grow public observation submissions.

Clicks in Winter Campaign

The 2022 campaign ran from July 4 to November 20, and delivered:

• 56,573 clicks • 39,626 new website sessions with an average duration of 1.25mins • Overall campaign click through rate was 4.50% (which is well above industry standard and is a phenomenal achievement) • 24,772 new users to Despite having the same budget as previous years, through improved strategy, user targeting and highly-effective search optimisation we easily achieved our best campaign results.

Achieving media exposure: 15

A Winter asset example


4,798 Page views for ACC Have a Hmmm campaign page views


Roar 2023 The Roar hunting season continues to be one of our biggest annual campaigns due to seeing the highest annual participation rate across all hunting activities, making it a key period for hunter safety messaging.

Avg. time spent on campaign page

Each year we build on the success of the previous, thinking of new and innovative targeted ways to reach hunters.

We hosted the campaign’s landing page, “Have a Hmmm on your next hunt’ on our website, which saw great results:


Through our analysis of hunting incident data, we know that majority of hunting injuries are preventable. Whether it is crossing rivers, navigating steep slopes and bluffs, fallen tree debris or off-track navigation, stalking a deer is no easy task. Despite all of that, through sound planning and preparation, good navigation and decision-making, hunters can make it home safely.

• 4,798 page views

Reads of 'The importance of one foot in front of the other' feature story

This year, instead of creating a new video asset to promote, we concentrated our efforts on strengthening partnerships to effectively deliver the campaign messages to hunters. This approach lead us to teaming up with Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) to tackle hunting injury prevention, as well as engaging our industry and retail partners on a deeper level compared to previous years.

ACC Have a Hmmm campaign We collaborated on a national awareness campaign with ACC New Zealand that focused on injury prevention. To reduce incidents, ACC’s ‘Have a Hmmm’ campaign champions people to take action to avoid injury and keep yourself, your whānau, friends and community safe and well. ACC and MSC promote the same message: injuries are preventable, making the collaboration seamless.


Safety Campaigns

• 3,101 unique page views • Avg. 43 seconds spent on page The campaign feature story written by MSC, “The importance of one foot in front of the other”, was viewed almost 2000 times with readers spending avg. 2min and 46 seconds on the page. The story was also run by the NZ Herald’s The Country and was the top story in The Country’s weekly direct email to a subscribership of about 10,000.

Maximising reach through promotion Our overall messaging was focussed on the pre-hunt planning that can reduce the chances of injury. We encouraged our partners to engage in positive dialogue to get ‘Roar Ready’ for the season, this included the sharing of our pre-made assets for social media and email marketing, and the sharing of MSC-written stories on hunter’s experiences providing real-life lessons. For social channels, we produced a series of images and key safety messages, and shared these with our partners. We started paid partnerships with a range of influencers and retailer partners to run social giveaways and share safety messages including Points South, Cam Forlong, Hunters Journal, Hunting and Fishing

New Zealand and the NZDA. For our giveaways, we used safety prompts as entry criteria, asking our audience to share their top safety tips in the comments. This created valuable community-led discussion about safety in the comments sections. We also further collaborated with Hunting & Fishing New Zealand on a suite of video assets with hunting influencers; Willie Duley, J.E Wilds, Justin Amor and Hunter’s Club, which were then shared across both of our social channels.

Social media highlights • ‘The Outlook’ video collaboration series had a total reach of +96,500 on Facebook • Total reach of over 175,500 across Meta content on our own channels (MSC Facebook & Instagram, excluding posts on partner channels)

Google AdWords Campaign


We utilised our Google Not-for-Profit Grant account to run a campaign targeting key hunting and firearms keywords. The campaign delivered a click through rate (CTR) of 8.02%.

Total reach for 'The Outlook' video on Facebook

Website stories: hunter’s real-life experiences To support the sharing of hunter’s experiences, we produced 11 website stories, and one media release in collaboration with ACC. • The importance of one foot in front of the other: 863 views, 2.50min • Media Release: Making a Roar memorable for the right reasons: 460 views, 49sec

Open rate for Roar campaign EDM

11 Website stories of hunter's real life experiences

• Emergency shelters to weather any hunting trip: 445 views, 6.32mim

Direct Email Marketing highlights

Achieving media exposure: 8

• Our Roar campaign EDM had an impressive open rate of 53.6%, an increase of 17.1% compared to 2022’s open rate of 36.5%.

A joint media release with ACC was sent to the media on March 20 in time for the start of the Roar hunting season. It highlighted injury prevention, the Have a Hmm campaign and safety advice.

• Our 2023 EDM also saw a rise in clicks with 3.4% compared to 2022’s 1.6%.


It achieved six media picks ups. In addition, NZ Police mentioned us and linked to our Roar website page and campaign story, this received two media pick ups.

Safety Campaigns


62,400 Total views of full video on Facebook

40.8% Open rate of EDM Duck campaign

Duck 2023 A shift in priorities for the annual Duck hunting campaign resulted in a scaled back campaign this year. Our focus continues to be on Opening Weekend in early May as it’s the most popular time of the season, and historically when we see the majority of firearms incidents. Over the past few years, we have successfully reduced the number of firearms incidents to near zero, but maintaining that requires a continued and active focus. We had a set of three key messages: Plan Together, Stay Sharp, and Keep Safety Front of Mind.

Maximising reach through promotion Social media and collaboration with influencers was the core focus of this year’s campaign. We produced a suite of social images with our key safety messages for our partners to use. We also collaborated with Hunting & Fishing New Zealand to produce a 4-minute video of Willie Duley answering questions about his approach to safety and opening weekend. We shared the full video on Facebook and then shared shorter cutdowns of the video on Instagram. These videos had a total reach of 62,400 on our Facebook and Instagram channels with several shares from our partners.


The results • Facebook long video - 28.8k reach • YouTube long video – 1.2k views • Instagram video 1 - 14.4k reach • Instagram video 2 - 10.5k reach • Instagram video 3 - 7.5k reach

Google AdWords Campaign We utilised our Google Not-for-Profit Grant account to run a campaign targeting key duck hunting and firearms keywords. The campaign delivered a click through rate (CTR) of 7.03%.

Direct Email Marketing highlights Our Duck campaign EDM had an open rate of 40.8% of 20,300 subscribers.

Achieving media exposure: 3 A joint media release with Te Tari Pūreke Firearms Safety Authority was sent to the media on May 3 ahead of the Opening Weekend. It highlighted both maimai safety and the Seven Basic Firearms Safety Rules. It achieved three media picks up.

Achieving media exposure

Social media

Safety Campaigns




Our own channels

MSC Website The continues to be our primary public facing website and source of overall outdoor safety information for the public. While Plan My Walk has received much of our attention this year, we continue to invest in, refining existing content, creating new content and optimising for effective search engine results.







Total page views


Unique users

Website metrics are for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 (comparison of year previous). Top Sections for views (excluding homepage):

3. River Safety 1. Firearms Safety





4. Skills

14,229 –16%

2. Multiday Tramping

5. Supplies





Sharing Real Stories

Highest performing stories for views

We continue to produce fresh content, interview real people and generate long-form stories solely for our website to increase audience engagement and provide valuable content for people to digest our key messages.

• Is Taranaki Maunga a safe mountain to climb? 7 May, 2021

Readers tallied up 78,300 page views with an average reading time on page of 2.05min from 1 July, 2022 to 30 June , 2023. While the number of page reads was a decrease of 16.4% compared to the previous year, the average reading time on page was an increase of 45% to 1.26mins on page.

• Hiking fit for a King: Safety first this long weekend: Media release, 31 May, 2023 • Nelson Lakes backcountry gets a new remote weather camera: Media release, 28 April, 2023 • Emergency shelters to weather any hunting trip, 29 May, 2023 • The humble hiking sock, 4 May, 2023

Our own channels


6,300 New followers on Tik Tok

6,500 New followers on Instagram

27,480+ Followers on Facebook

50K+ Combined total on social sites of all followers

Social media We’ve seen significant growth in the social media space following the creation of a new Social Media Communications Advisor role. Since adding this role to our team in late October 2022, we’ve tested multiple content styles and formats across our different channels, learning how to best connect with our audience.

Significant highlights include: • Development of TikTok as a new channel to engage hard-to-reach audiences. Since starting this channel, we’ve gained over 6,300 followers and 28,000 video likes. • On Instagram, we’ve gained over 6,500 new followers, an increase of 7,800% compared to the 7 months prior, and had a total reach of over 292,463, an increase of 447.2% increase compared to the previous period. We currently have +18,500 followers on Instagram. • On Facebook, we’ve gained over 1,300 new likes (51.9% increase compared to previous period) and had a total reach of over 976,044 (20.7% increase compared to previous period). We currently have +27,480 followers on Facebook.

Top performing content over this time on MSC accounts:

BEST OVERALL 70th anniversary of Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay’s successful ascent of Mt Everest

150,900 336 shares 156 Facebook comments

MOST VIEWS Vlog-style video of the Milford Track


• Formed valuable partnerships with several key influencers for niche audiences in the outdoor space. These audiences include families with young children, families at a beginner skill level, first-time hikers looking for local activities, expats looking for local activities, and outdoor enthusiasts living with disabilities.


• Our total followers on MSC main accounts for TikTok, Facebook, Meta has surpassed 50k, now at a combined total of: +52,300.

Over 2,700 post engagements

Our own channels

PLAYS 2,900 likes

Family-friendly overnight walk video of Jans Hut in Wellington



3,200 post engagements (including 2,800 likes,267 saves and 100 shares) Tik Tok 50,600 plays



• We’ve also seen a 595% increase in Instagram profile visits and a 152% increase in Facebook profile visits for the main MSC account.

• Collaborated with Bivouac Outdoor on an Instagram photo competition #DayForItNZ with over 1,000 photo entries.


Tramping in New Zealand Facebook group This closed Facebook group has 67,000 members of highlyengaged tramping community members, commenting regularly with questions, tips and advice on tramping in Aotearoa. The members tramping experience range from beginners to advanced, creating an opportunity to reach a broad audience. Due to the private setting of this group, we had to forge a relationship with the group admin for permission to post our resources in the group. In addition, we are creating safety flyers that will be downloadable for all members.

MOST SHARES Apple’s rollout of Emergency SOS via satellite in New Zealand

50,000 956 shares

Currently, a river safety flyer is available to members, with more to come over the coming months.





River Safety 1. You approach a river...

2. Making the crossing


The mutual support method is the safest way to attempt a river crossing as a group. Every crossing should be taken seriously.

DO WE NEED TO CROSS? • Is there a bridge or alternative track? • How comfortable and experienced is everyone in the group with making a crossing? • Unless you are experienced, do not attempt to cross alone. Either wait for another party to support, find a bridge or turn back. IS THE RIVER SAFE TO CROSS? Signs of an unsafe river are: Water moving faster than normal walking pace Discoloured, cloudy, surging water Debris in the river such as tree branches

1. Put your strongest group members at the upstream end and less confident members in the middle. Practice crossing on the riverbank first - agreeing on signals in case the river noise makes communication difficult. 2. Remove baggy clothing such as jackets or anything outside your pack - keep boots on. 3. Undo your pack chest straps, this makes it easier to remove if you need to. Keep your waist belt done up, but loosen it off slightly. This will keep your pack balanced on your back. 4. Stand side by side and travel closely together with hands woven (see below) holding each other in a line parallel to the current. Go slowly and communicate, especially if you need to retreat. 5. Concentrate on footing and the exit point, not at the water moving around you. MUTUAL SUPPORT METHOD

The sound of rolling boulders on the riverbed THE RIVER IS UNSAFE, WHAT NOW? • Wait for the river to drop, pitch a tent or seek shelter if needed • Use a ‘Plan B’ on your map and detour using a track that doesn’t require crossing the river • Return the way you came.

MOST COMMENTS ‘What is your #1 hut etiquette mustdo?’ post


THE RIVER IS DEEMED SAFE, CHOOSE A CROSSING POINT Use crossing points you know already, but don’t plunge in, it could have changed. Observe the river from a high point for a better view and consider the following:

Water depth


48,000 reach

Water speed

White water

Steep banks

Entry and exit points

Run out

River bed surface

Obstacles in the water

Ideal crossing is: • Shallow depth (up to knee deep) or deep and very slow for experienced group members • Check the downstream runout. Don’t cross where the run-out (where the current will take you) leads into conditions that are more dangerous such as waterfalls, rapids, debris such as trees and big boulders.

When crossing: • Keep your body side on to the current to reduce resistance • Take small shuffling steps, don’t lift your feet too much • Don’t grasp at logs or boulders underwater or you could lose balance • Move diagonally downstream and conserve energy, watching your exit point. RETREATING The person at the upstream end co-ordinates the group and ensures that they keep almost parallel to the current. It is the strength of the group as a whole that gets you across safely, so don’t let go or split up while crossing. If you need to turn back, take extra care with your footing and go slowly against the current. There are methods to this that would be worth training in. RECOVERY If you lose your footing, the safe runout you chose earlier means there is no in-the-moment decision making needed.Your pack can provide buoyancy and you can travel with the current towards the bank, try to position yourself feet first. There are techniques to this that have advantages and disadvantages that should be practiced to gain confidence and remaining calm. Whether it is a smooth crossing or not, once everyone is across safely, regroup and keep warm with additional clothing.

Further learning • Watch the river crossing video on our website • NZ Bushcraft Manual, free on the MSC website • Plan My Walk for track alerts The current is faster and deeper on the outside of a bend. You can use this to your advantage by planning the crossing between two bends.


• Regional council river level websites • MetService and NIWA weather forecasts • Get training on these skills with a course or with experienced trampers.


BEST INFLUENCER ENGAGEMENT ‘Backyard Travel Family New Zealand Huts: Beginner hut for kids



716 likes–Instagram (link) Scan to read and download the flyer.

Our own channels



NZ Avalanche Advisory channels

NZAA instagram visits increase year on year

During the winter and spring avalanche forecasting months the NZAA Instagram account is managed by our avalanche forecasters. This shift has been very successful, and we’ve seen a significant increase in engagement. Our forecasters have the content available to generate great posts and stories, and they have the technical expertise to ensure the high level of accuracy required.

104.7% NZAA Facebook visits increase year on year

We’ve also seen an increase in engagement on our NZAA social channels with Instagram profile visits up 78.8% year on year (YoY) and Facebook profile visits up 104.7% YoY, showing that people are actively seeking out our content. Engagement has been especially strong on short-form video content, echoing the results we’ve seen on our MSC channels.

MOST LIKES Timelapse video from Angelus Hut while installing remote weather camera

1,209 130 shares

MOST VIEWS Video showing Glide Crack issue

78,661 137 shares



Top performing content on NZAA social accounts from 2022 winter:

MOST SHARED POST Photos of Mt Cook Avalanche

BEST OVERALL Apple’s rollout of Emergency SOS via satellite in New Zealand

50,000 956 shares



Video showing real avalanche experience

44,067 Reach


REACH 618 likes





SHARES 1,592 likes

Our own channels

The 2023 winter will be the first with the Social Media Communications Advisor on board and will see us work with influencers in the backcountry alpine space to promote our public observation tool and encourage sharing experience within the community.

Social Media Strategy After testing different content types for twelve weeks and analysing performance, we developed a data-driven social media strategy. Our next twelve months of social activity will focus on growing key audience groups that are highly engaged on social channels, and fostering our online community with a down-to-earth, relatable, channel-specific approach. By tailoring our content for different channels and key audiences, and sharing more content on trending topics, we’ll continue to prove our relevance and position MSC as the go-to destination for current safety information. This strategy will also see a heavy focus on short video content, especially on Instagram and TikTok, while still providing text-based content on Facebook and Instagram to ensure there is content suited to every learning style.

Direct Email Marketing Our email subscriber database continues to prove itself as a powerful communications channel with 83,566 total subscribers. Over the past year, we’ve increased our average open rate to an impressive 50.6% and gained 24,639 new subscribers. These strong metrics show a clear appetite for email content and highlight this channel as a key area to focus on in 2023/2024.

New email initiatives from the past year include: • We developed a nurture email flow for new Plan My Walk users, guiding them through key features and prompting them to engage with the tool at essential points in their user journey. • We began strategically segmenting our audience of new Plan My Walk users, dividing them into groups based on the skill level they selected; beginner, intermediate, advanced or expert. This enables us to send them content that is tailored to their specific skill level, showing MSC and Plan My Walk’s relevance to their individual outdoor journeys.

83,566 Total subscribers

24,639 New subscribers

50.6% Email open rate

• We used this channel to successfully deliver our Mountaineering Avalanche Research with an impressive open rate of 66%.

Plan My Walk review competition We ran a channel-specific Plan My Walk review competition in March 2023. Our objectives were to re-engage existing Plan My Walk users, increase our track reviews, and create an ongoing habit of leaving reviews after completing a walk. In the end, this month-long competition generated over 1,100 new reviews on tracks in Plan My Walk. 1. Plan My Walk review competition open rates: 2. First email – 59.6% 3. Halfway point – 63.3% 4. 72 hours left – 51.6% 5. Winner announcement – 59.3% Stay tuned, we’ll be sending plenty of exciting content to your inbox over the next year!

Plan My Walk review competition.

Our own channels


YouTube and Vimeo Our YouTube channel continues to be the home of all video content. In the past year we have seen an increase of 2212 subscribers, bringing the subscribership up to 12,786. This spike indicates our continued efforts in creating all forms of video content resonate well with YouTube viewers and our audience.

Top performing videos on YouTube:

128,125 Plan My Walk promo video views (released 2021) 1067 hours watched

35,850 Tongariro Apline Crossing video views 2414 hours watched

This year we released five new videos to YouTube, a decrease from 17 in the previous business year. We added five new videos to the YouTube library this year: • Tongariro Alpine Crossing video (the updated version from the Tramping Video Series) • The Official Old Ghost Road video|The Mountain Bike Ride-Through • Above and Beyond|Mountaineering Research Presentation • Top Tips for the Duck Season with Willie Duley|Hunting & Fishing x NZMSC • Gavin’s Close Call|MSC Avalanche Story Series Our 19 Tramping Video Series videos continue to be our topped watched videos. The total views of these videos is 830,852 with 54,218 hours watched.

26,083 Milford Track video views 1490 hours watched

Top performing videos on Vimeo:

4,910 Tongariro Apline Crossing video views

3,014 Abel Tasman video views

Scan through to our YouTube Channel.


2,316 Routeburn Track video views

Our own channels

Overall YouTube metrics from 1 July, 2022 to 30 June, 2023 (compared to the previous year):

Vimeo is used to showcase our track specific videos in Plan My Walk.





31% decrease due to significantly lower number of new videos


Viewers spent


45days 6hours 42 mins WATCHING OUR VIDEOS



10% increase




60% increase






20% increase

Our own channels


NZ Avalanche Advisory (NZAA) Over the 2022 winter and spring forecasting season we issued 1,673 unique avalanche forecasts. metrics As we actively work to attract new backcountry users, the NZAA website continues to grow. Between 1 July and 30 November 2022, the site received: • 58,998 unique users

Compared with 2021, these numbers are much stronger. Some of this increase can be attributed to the poor September 2021 period due to a Covid19 lockdown, but as can be seen in the below graph, performance was still stronger through July and August. These great results can be further highlighted by these increases (compared to 2021): • 70.92% increase in users • 73.33% increase in new users

• Who combined had 176,534 sessions

• 27.88% increase in page views

• And viewed 294,682 pages • With the average session on the site lasting 2.41minutes

• 46.67% increase in sessions

NZAA website traffic


Jul 1 – Nov 30 2022

Jul 1 – Nov 30 2021

Covid19 Lockdown 1 July


30 July

30 Aug

30 Sept

Our own channels

30 Oct

30 Nov

Aspiring region pilot

The intent of the new region was to benefit users heading into the Mt Aspiring National Park, Harris Mountains and Treble Cone backcountry, who would have an avalanche advisory that is better tailored to these western areas, making communicating the avalanche dangers more effective.

The 2022 winter/spring avalanche forecasting season marked the beginning of a new pilot forecasting region, Aspiring. Created through splitting the original Wanaka region roughly by the east and west divide, and with the addition of some terrain further north that was previously not included in any region, Aspiring provided a dedicated avalanche forecast for the higher mountain2022 areas of the main divide and more 2023 western areas of Otago.

We ran a public survey asking people for feedback on the 2022 pilot with 100% of respondents agreeing that the change should be permanent. In1,295 2023, Aspiring was permanently added to the forecasting programme.

The pilot looked to address the feedback from users who were craving clarity in forecasts so 1,114 Public Observations continue to 1,068 they could safely enjoy the mountains. More increase 971 importantly, we knew that the original Wanaka region was complex to forecast, due to the MSC has continued to promote the public significant differences in the snowpack between observation platform via an incentivised the west (Aspiring area) and east of the forecasting 653competition, offering random monthly prizes to region. It was challenging to cover both submitters, along with two separate grand prizes unique areas in one forecast, and often created at the end of508 the season. 452 complexity in how we had to tell that story.



The 2022 season achieved a 17% increase in public observations, 58 0 2021. compared with


Top 3

4 – 10

11 – 20

21 – 50

51 – 100

SERP Features

NZAA Public Observations

Total Observations

Snowpack Observations

Avalanche Observations

256 220

217 179 142 94 85

66 28 2018


112 108





38 2019


Our own channels


NZAA External Quality Review As part of our on-going quality assurance and evaluation of the New Zealand Avalanche Advisory (NZAA) we periodically conduct a system-wide review. In order to do this, we utilise the expert skills of international avalanche forecasting system experts. The external reviews are not seeking to establish the quality or accuracy of specific forecasts, but rather evaluate the overall NZAA system. James Floyer, Programme Director at Avalanche Canada, conducted a review between September 27 and October 9, 2022. While in New Zealand, James interviewed 25 people from across MSC, NZ Search and Rescue, Department of Conservation and multiple avalanche forecasters. Additionally, he had access to all of the NZAA documentation, reporting and historical forecast data. James' report concluded…

“Following this review, I find that the NZAA is a high-quality safety product that offers recreationists an effective means to understand current avalanche conditions in mountainous regions of New Zealand before they enter the backcountry. It improves safety, saves lives, and is produced at a reasonable cost, thereby offering New Zealanders excellent value for money. I find the NZAA to be well-sized for the problem at hand and fit for purpose. The challenges of issuing a dependable daily forecast for 13 remote mountain regions should not be understated. MSC and the NZAA staff they employ have created a well-considered and resilient framework that makes efficient use of New Zealand’s professional mountain safety community. Especially in a small country like New Zealand, there is a real strength in having a very close partnership between commercial operators and public avalanche safety; MSC has maintained these partnerships well. The recommendations made in this report should be classed as improvements to service rather than critical recommendations.”


Our own channels

Number of avalanche forecasts issued per region for the 2022 season TOTAL FORECASTS ISSUED:






Arthur's Pass


Nelson Lakes


Aoraki/Mt Cook



173 Aspiring Mt Hutt


Two Thumbs





Ohau Wanaka





Our own channels


92 Proactive media pick ups

62 Plan My Walk media pick ups

52 Media pickups on Stuff

Media Impact Building strong relationships with the media and reporters has been a strategic priority for us over the past three years. Throughout this business year, we have experienced a significant increase in media requests (when a reporter reaches out to us for comment), and unprompted mentions and links to Plan My Walk. The overall result contributes to a general increase in the media viewing MSC as the ‘expert’ for outdoor-related articles. This is a strong sign that we are not only recognised as the national outdoor safety organisation, but the MSC name and advice is valued in the media and trusted by readers. We continued to set an ambitious goal of featuring in a minimum of 52 proactive media articles over 12months – on average one proactive media pick up a week. This requires a huge amount of effort, focus and creativity, especially given these articles cannot be based on an incident, and outdoor safety isn’t a common topic.

Increasing our presence in the media has multiple benefits: • grows brand recognition on a national level • positions us as the ‘go to’ organisation for outdoor safety, specifically on tramping and hunting • provides journalists and media outlets with a clear point of contact for relevant stories and instils confidence that they’re working with a respected, trusted and professional body that can provide evidence-based and wellbalanced responses • allows for the strategic targeting of specific issues, for example we can focus on key safety messages that we know are based on insights


Our own channels

150 MSC media mentions An increase of 26 from previous year

Stuff emphasis on safety advice An area of great success has been working with key reporters at Stuff to ensure a safety message and Plan My Walk link is included in all walking and tramping specific articles, even without MSC involvement. This has resulted in 22 articles including the set text of a NZ Land Safety Code summary and the inclusion of ‘Plan My Walk link by the NZ Mountain Safety Council’.

Media releases and requests National media releases are one of our main tactics of media pick up, and is an area we receive strong success. Combining safety messaging with partners in the industry has had a powerful impact this past year. We sent out a total of 19 media releases, and of that, we collaborated on 10 with partners including NZ Police, ACC, Auckland Council, Herenga a Nuku Aotearoa, MetService, DOC and Te Tari Pūreke Firearms Safety Authority. We received a total of 22 media requests ranging from comment, data and radio interviews.

Media highlights Radio NZ Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan. Expert Feature: Bush Survival. 15 August, 2022 We were approached by the show’s producer as a guest for the expert feature segment. Our operations Manager Nathan Watson was interviewed, and spoke about on-track and navigation tips, his advice on how to start planning for any trip, and some of his key items on the gear list. ‘School holidays on a budget’: Plan My Walk mention in NZ Herald. 7 April, 2023 An Easter school holiday article mentioned Plan My Walk as a way to find kid-friendly tracks. This was an unprompted inclusion and is an example of the awareness of Plan My Walk.

Media pick up: at a glance Over the year we successfully achieved 92 proactive features (two less than the previous year), in addition to 42 reactive features. In total, we achieved 150 media mentions. This is an increase of 26 from the previous year. The top sources for all media pick up were:

Waitangi Weekend plea for Northlander’s to stay indoors was well-received by media. 3 February, 2023. After a week of flooding and damage, coupled with MetService’s serious ‘red’ weather warning we knew a strong message was needed to ensure trampers’ safety. Knowing that Waitangi Weekend is a popular long weekend to hit the tracks, we sent a release asking for the public to ‘stay out of the hills’. This advice received instant media attention result in four media pick ups, including a 1News at 6pm interview.

Stuff – 52 NZ Herald – 18 RNZ – 11 Wilderness Magazine – 10 The top three campaigns we ran that generated media interest were: Winter/NZ Avalanche Advisory: 15 Roar hunting: 8 Plan My Walk: 62 ‘Proactive’ means media pick up from a media release, pitching an idea to a reporter, or a media request. This excludes mentions as a result of an incident. We only include well-established New Zealand-based media in our monitoring such as, NZ Herald, Newshub and Radio NZ. We do not count sources such as Voxy or Scoop.

Our own channels




Safety Products and Services

Remote Mountain Camera To support backcountry recreation in the Nelson Lakes National Park, we funded and installed a new remote mountain camera near the park’s most popular hut, Angelus Hut. Nelson Lakes is a challenging area for avalanche forecasting due to the lack of snowpack data and limited ability for field observations. The images from the mountain camera will significantly improve the data available for the Nelson Lakes regional New Zealand Avalanche Advisory (NZAA) as well as providing beneficial insight into current weather and conditions for trampers. With the support of Department of Conservation Nelson Lakes staff and local iwi, the remote camera was installed early April. The camera structure was designed and installed, by Envirolapse, to minimise its overall visual impact and physical footprint, while being able to withstand the harsh alpine environment, including the presence of inquisitive kea. The camera will undergo a one-year trial, with the intention of becoming permanent should the process be deemed a success.

Maximising reach through promotion On social channels, we shared a series of behindthe-scenes videos of the camera installation, videos of the actual camera images, and links to our media release, culminating to a total reach of 102,610. These were shared as collaborative posts between our NZ Avalanche Advisory and NZ Mountain Safety Council channels.

27.1K Instagram time-lapse views

15.4k TikTok time-lapse views

12.4k Instagram behindthe-scenes views

Social media highlights • Instagram iPhone time lapse video - 27.1k • TikTok iPhone time lapse video - 15.4k • Instagram behind-the-scenes video - 12.4k

Achieving media exposure: 4 A media release sent out on April 28 achieved quick pick up across the two main media outlets, Stuff and NZ Herald, as well as RNZ and the Wilderness magazine.

Safety Products and Services

Scan to see Mountain Cameras


Photo: Sarah Blair

"[The instructor] was an awesome teacher. Kept group engaged. Well spoken, delivered the message of firearm safety clearly and boldly." - Omokoroa.

39 Instructors

49 Locations


Firearms Safety Training Our network of 39 instructors delivered 533 courses across 49 locations around Aotearoa, resulting in 5489 applicants passing out of the 5634 attendees.

Courses delivered

5,634 Attended


"Very good coverage of the critical firearms safety requirements, in an engaging manner that wasn’t lecturing or dictatorial. Good opportunity to physically handle firearms, in a safe environment, that I probably would not otherwise has the opportunity to." - Feilding.


4.85/5 Participant feedback

"Excellent facilitator, great step-bystep processes demonstrated that work regardless of firearms type. Good tone set; treating demonstration firearms with respect, without making the setting feel intimidating. - Carteron.


Safety Products and Services

New firearms authority

Professional Development Days

During the year, Te Tari Pūreke Firearms Safety Authority launched. We have quickly established a strong working relationship with them to effectively continue the delivery of the firearms safety training programme.

We hosted three Professional Development days in Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch for the firearms instructors. The sessions covered the latest regulations, updates to the course booking system, course delivery practices, and techniques for accommodating diverse learning needs. The team benefited from these sessions, and the opportunity for shared learning experiences proved invaluable.

The regular communication and partnership between our team and Te Tari Pūreke contribute significantly to the effectiveness and overall success of our delivery of the Firearms Safety Course. In order to ensure our courses are delivered to the highest standards, we incorporate a range of professional development and quality moderation, such as:

Instructor Training Videos The production of a training video series for firearms instructors is near completion. The 'bite-sized' video series will serve as an additional resource to ensure that our instructors receive comprehensive support in effectively delivering course content. In addition, these videos feature demonstrations from experienced instructors, providing valuable insights and guidance on delivering the different parts of the course.

Peer Moderations This is an opportunity for instructors to observe and learn from fellow instructors' course delivery styles. Feedback indicated that they gained valuable insights into new techniques for teaching and actively collaborated on developing strategies to support individuals with reading and writing difficulties, fostering a supportive learning environment. Addressing these knowledge gaps ensures that our courses are consistently delivered in a standardized manner, enhancing the overall quality of our delivery.

Course participant evaluation As part of our quality assurance measures, we recently introduced a feedback survey for participants to assess the effectiveness of course delivery. We ask attendees to rate their experience on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating an exceptional rating. We have received mainly positive feedback, with ratings of 4 and 5 being the most common. Currently, out of the 334 responses received, the average rating stands at an impressive 4.85.

Website traffic: For the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 (compared to previous year). • Total page views: 139,093 (20% increase) • Sessions: 52,666 (11% increase) • All users: 27,599 (20% increase)

Safety Products and Services


Mountaineering Research Outcomes: Above and Beyond This research, which we believe to be a world-first, set out to explore the culture, behaviours and attitudes of the New Zealand mountaineering community towards avalanche safety. Our analysis of avalanche incident data between 1999-2018 highlighted that of the 27 avalanche fatalities in New Zealand during this period, 70% of them involved mountaineers. These findings, which are very different when compared with other western mountainous countries, naturally raised some questions – why are mountaineers in New Zealand so overly represented in avalanche fatalities? There could be many explanations for this, and it’s unlikely there is just one reason. Factors could include our dynamic climate and ever-changing weather, or our unique terrain.

Strengthening success through partner support The project received significant collaboration and support from key mountaineering and avalanche sector partners, including NZ Mountain Guides Association, NZ Alpine Club, NZ Outdoor Instructors Association, NZ Alpine Team, Canterbury Mountaineering Club and Expedition Climbers Club. Additionally, numerous clubs, organisations, online communities and groups, and digital channels promoted the research survey.

MSC decided to embark on a research project to understand more about the element we know the least about, and the one we may have the most ability to influence, the human factors. Specifically, the attitudes, behaviours and ultimately the mountaineering community culture towards avalanche safety.

We presented the research findings to mountainteering communities in Auckland, Christchurch and Wanaka in February 2023.


Safety Products and Services

Research NZ provided the survey management, analysis and technical oversight, and a 6-person expert reference panel provided critical guidance and insights. The research was funded through the NZ Avalanche Advisory service via NZ Search and Rescue and the Department of Conservation and with support from the NZ Lottery Grants Board.

Research Findings MSC identified 14 key findings and made 16 recommendations for members of the mountaineering community, relevant organisations and clubs, avalanche training providers and for the NZ Avalanche Advisory. These outcomes have been published in Above and Beyond and shared to the mountaineering community via MSC digital channels, through applicable organisations, and MSC undertook a three-stop roadshow to Wanaka, Christchurch and Auckland.

Read Above and Beyond, or watch a video presentation of the findings.

Collaborating closely with NZ Alpine Club and author Penny Goddard, the soon to be released version 3 of the popular Avalanche Awareness in the NZ Backcountry book will feature a new section about the research findings and recommendations.

PHOTO: West Hoe Pass, Explorer Glacier, Westland, Nathan Watson



Keep in mind that there was quite a broad spread of responses when asked if their personal philosophy had changed over time, with some saying it hadn’t changed at all and others saying it had changed a lot. Here we explore factors that have influenced that change for each persona.

Overall, we can see a clear sign that climbers’ philosophies have changed due to personal factors, such as their experience, more than external ones like climate change or world events. NOT AT ALL

The findings 'Above and Beyond' were published in February 2023.




A change in your family commitments


Next Steps While some of the recommendations have already been implemented, such as the permanent addition of the Aspiring region to the NZ Avalanche Advisory, most the recommendations were developed into an action plan throughout winter and spring 2023. It is believed that many of the recommendations will strongly influence mountaineering avalanche prevention initiatives and strategies into the future.


Your experience as a mountaineer

Orange shows statistically significant difference between personas


A change in your work commitments

I have become more focused on achieving climbing objectives and goals

A mountaineering-related event that happened to me (e.g., a serious injury, an avalanche)

I have become more focused on enjoying the mountains

A mountaineering event that happened to someone I knew (e.g., a serious injury, an avalanche)

I have become more safety conscious

Just growing older/less physically able

I have placed greater value on spending time with friends in the mountains

Climate change has affected climbing conditions

I have felt more pressured to complete climbs on my tick-list




Safety Products and Services

COVID-19 has changed the way I think about things in the mountains






• Canadian Avalanche Association Spring Conference


• Simon Fraser University Avalanche Research Staff & Students

Stawamus Chief Trail

Whyte Lake Park


Lynn Headwaters Regional Park

Campbell Mtn Summit


Vancouver • North Vancouver Parks • AdventureSmart Canada

WASHINGTON • University of Washington




Safety Products and Services


Lake Agnes Tea House

Johnston Canyon

Boulder Mountain Lookout

Revelstoke • Avalanche Canada • Canadian Avalanche Association



• Parks Canada • Kananaskis Mountain Rescue / Alberta Parks

• Parks Canada



Pulpit Rock

Developing strategically valuable international partnerships is becoming an increasingly important element of our work. These partnerships allow us to identify and learn from successful examples of prevention overseas, and share examples of what we do. It is through these collaborative partnerships we can identify opportunities for innovation. This year, Mike and Nathan travelled to British Colombia and Alberta, Canada (with a quick day trip to Seattle, USA). They met up with organisations such as AdventureSmart, Parks Canada, Avalanche Canada, University of Washington Data Science Lab and the Canadian Avalanche Association, while also attending their annual conference. Meeting topics covered a broad range of subjects from general prevention strategies and tactics through to specific topics related to public track grading systems, research panels and research subjects, data and insights developments, public safety campaigns and messaging, effective avalanche advisory

warning systems and technology and software collaboration opportunities. Mike and Nathan also had the chance to sneak in a few short adventures, and wildlife encounters, which gave them first-hand experience as visitors interacting with Canadian prevention systems. Over the 16 days they drove 3,000km, had more than 11 different meetings plus attended three conference days and safely navigated three bear encounters.

Safety Products and Services


SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS These Summary Financial Statements (SFS) have been drawn from and are consistent with NZ Mountain Safety Council Incorporated (MSC) Full Financial Statements (FFS). The FFS were authorised for issue by the Board on 10 October 2023. The FFS have been audited in both the current and comparative financial years and unqualified opinions were issued for both years. These SFS do not include all the disclosures provided in the FFS and cannot be expected to provide as complete an understanding as provided by the FFS. The FFS can be obtained by contacting MSC.

Statement of Service Performance Outcomes An increasing number of people are aware of, and are connecting with, the MSC. People, especially those who most need it, are more aware of how to stay safe in the outdoors. MSC's organisational partners are reporting better safety behaviour among their networks. MSC developed clear evidence that shows who is recreating and most importantly what is going wrong.





MSC's action-orientated partnerships, involving both Council Member and partner organisations, continue to achieve successful prevention outcomes and positively impacting land-based outdoor recreation enthusiasts.

40+ Partners

50+ Partners

This has decreased as we have refined our focus, and as some partners have significantly changed/ended in last 12 months (Mountain Radio Service has closed, Campermate have changed post-covid etc.)

Statement of Service Performance (continued) Outputs (continued)



We foster partnerships that provide relevant data. This information is collated and analysed resulting in the development of insights. These insights allow the MSC to continue to understand 'what's going wrong' in the outdoors. These insights will inform targeted MSC safety messaging and be shared with the outdoor sector. As an example Power BI Dashboards provide MSC with a digital and interactive insights tool which are used in meetings with Partners and Council Members, and internal projects, to source the latest insights and data.

Continued updating and refinment of our Power BI Dashboards

Revised Power BI Dashboards

There will continue to be a growth in the number of people who are aware of the MSC, the tools, resources and information available to them, and how they can stay safe in the outdoors. This growth will be primarily focused around engagement with MSC digital channels, either direct with the organisation or through material promoted by its partners.

Combined Facebook audience (page likes): 44,384, 10% increase

Combined Facebook audience: 40,183 (4% increase)

Combined Instagram audience (followers): 22,930, 57% increase

Combined Instagram audience (followers): 14,570

The New Zealand Avalanche Advisory (NZAA) continues to be the primary source of avalanche safey information for backcounty recreationalists.

Total website visits (all sessions): Total website visits (all sessions): 131,939 (1.15% 174,955, 32% increase decrease due to August All public observations: 229 2021 Covid Level 3 restrictions)

Establishing our own research panel

Avalanche Mountaineering Research

Continued sharing and actions out of the Avalanche Mountaineering Research

Total website visits (all sessions): 154,035 Combined Tik Tok audience (decrease was due to a (followers): 6,452 change in summer campaign Total website visits (all sessions): stratergy and focus on Plan 152,161, -1.2% decrease due to My Walk launch.) continued focus on PMW Plan My Walk (engaged Plan My Walk (engaged sessions): 117,111 sessions/traffic acquisition): 831,690, 126% increase

All public observations: 249

MSC delivered firearms safety education and testing continues to equip firearms users and hunters with crucial safety knowledge, enabling them to plan, prepare and hunt safely.

Total courses delivered: 533

Total courses delivered: 438

People attended: 5,634

People trained: 4,448

Participant feedback: 4.85/5

Heavily impacted by Covid restrictions, in particular Auckland region.


Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2023 2023


Cash and cash equivalents



Term deposits



Inventory, debtors and prepayments



Property, plant and equipment



Intangible assets



Total Assets



Less Current Liabilities



Net Assets / Equity



Total Accumulated Funds




Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense for the year ended 30 June 2023 2023


New Zealand Lottery Grants Board



New Zealand Police



New Zealand Search and Rescue Council



Sport New Zealand



Outdoor Access Commission



Goods sold









Total Revenue






Operating lease payments



Depreciation and amortisation



Cost of goods sold


















Total Expense



Surplus for the Year



Other comprehensive revenue and expense



Total Comprehensive Revenue and Expense



Exchange Revenue

Less Expense


Statement of Changes in Net Assets / Equity for the year ended 30 June 2023 2023


Opening Balance at 1 July



Total comprehensive revenue and expense for the year



Balance at 30 June



Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 June 2023 2023


Cash and cash equivalents at 1 July



Net cash flows from operating activities



Net cash flows used in investing activities



Cash and Cash Equivalents at 30 June



Notes for the year ended 30 June 2023. General information

Changes in accounting policies

New Zealand Mountain Safety Council Incorporated (MSC) enables people to enjoy their outdoors recreation safely. MSC is an individual entity. Its presentation currrency is NZ dollars which are rounded to the nearest dollar. These SFS encompass MSC's first PBE Standards FFS and comply with PBE FRS 43.

MSC transitioned to PBE RDR on 1 July 2021.

Basis of preparation of the Full Financial Statements

Within one year

The FFS have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand (GAAP). MSC is a public benefit entity (PBE). The statutory basis under which its FFS are prepared is Public Benefit Entity Standards Reduced Disclosure Regime (PBE RDR). The FFS are MSC's first prepared under PBE RDR. MSC is eligible to, and has elected to, report in accordance with PBE RDR as it has no public accountability and is not large. Its FFS fully comply with PBE RDR, with one exception. MSC is not required to present full comparative information in its first FFS prepared under PBE RDR. It has elected to provide full comparative information. There are no significant differences in accounting policies applied between this year's information and the comparative information. MSC's net assets/equity reported in accordance with Public Benefit Entity Simple Format Reporting - Accrual (Not For Profit) (PBE SFR-A (NFP)) and its net assets/equity in accordance with PBE Standards RDR, at both the date of transition to PBE Standards (1 July 2021) and the end of the last period presented in accordance with prevoius GAAP (30 June 2022) are exactly the same. As such there are no reconciling items.

Commitments There is one capital commitment at balance date of $127,000 (2022: $81,000). MSC leases its premises. The lease period is ten years from 01 March 2018 at $35,088 pa. 35,088


Between two and five years



Over five years





Contingencies There were no contingencies at balance date (2022 nil). Related party transactions MSC conducts all its business at arms length. It receives revenue from NZ Police which is a member of MSC. At balance date NZ Police owes MSC $46,347; paid in July 2023 (2022 $650). Events after balance date There have been no material events after balance date.


Photo: Jo Stilwell

Photo: Sarah Blair


Thank you


Photo: Sarah Blair





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