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Oaklands - Working with the Community
Adult Short Courses | Spring/Summer 2021
Oaklands College working with the Community
In addition to offering courses at our main campuses, the Adult and Community Learning Team are working with local partners: Job Centre Plus, Communities 1st, local Schools/Academies, Family Centres, Briars Pavillion, Careers in Hertfordshire and other community organisations, in delivering an array of short courses in St Albans, Welwyn Garden City, Hatfield, Borehamwood. This approach has been successful in providing opportunities for the local community to access learning opportunities.
We will be offering the following: Employability Skills (for those unemployed or returning to work)
Beginners Excel ...................................... (10hrs) Beginners Word ...................................... (10hrs) Application/CV and Online Interview Preparation .......... (10hrs)
Build Your Resilience & Confidence (10hrs) Mindfulness and Daily Living
To express your interest please email acl@oaklands.ac.uk or phone 01727 737154