“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other. “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason. “When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been w ith me from th e beginning. J ohn 15
Recently, I’ve realized I have a problem with carrying out daily devotionals. I date my entries, and as I looked through all of them, I noticed that the dates jumped around and were inconsistent. My self-perception was thrust under a new light: how could I have let my selfishness run rampant? If God was really the center of my life, as I’d like to believe, wouldn’t those dates reflect it? Wouldn’t the numbers be consecutive, a mark for each and every day I reflected upon Scripture? The reason for falling behind is lack of self control and discipline. I put it off as long as possible, and when I finally have time, it’s too late. The remedy for this appeared a couple of weeks ago though, when the leadership team was assigned accountability partners. In the past, I’ve had accountability partners, but we never really checked up on each other. But I am recognizing the necessity to follow through (and if you have accountability partners, you should too!) – and so far, although still a little spotty, it has worked. But sometimes, I don’t set apart time for God. I let my selfishness dictate my day, and I decide against devos. I excuse my behavior by thinking, “I still have time. I can do it tomorrow.” Or whenever I miss days in a row, even weeks, I think, “Someday I’ll be a good Christian and I’ll read the Bible every day, when my life is under control, when I’m finally ready, when I’m not as busy / stressed / tired /etc. as I am now.” But time is passing by, and you only get one chance to live each minute.
What I am realizing is that someday will soon become today, and putting things off is not supposed to be an option. What I am realizing is that I will look back and regret not sacrificing my selfish desires. What I am realizing is that chances are, I’ll never be ready, so I should just start now. What I am realizing is that there are no excuses that could ever make up for the way I’ve neglected my spiritual life. What I am realizing is that my priorities should not push God to the bottom of the ladder, and that my busyness should not dictate my life or who I am. What I am realizing is that it is my responsibility to hold up my end of the relationship, because God has always been there – He was the same yesterday, He is the same today, and He will be the same tomorrow. It’s crazy, how unconditional love works. Because even though I ignore God for days on end, and when I see the error of my ways and come back ashamed, His arms are open wide. God’s grace is glorious and everlasting, and yet each time I’m amazed that I’m forgiven. My walk with Christ still has gaps; it still is unstable and wobbly. But I am trying to rekindle my faith, and I urge you, if you haven’t already, to also take that one step toward repairing your relationship with God. Pursue Christ relentlessly, because He loved you enough to die on the cross. Do not forget the enormity of the single greatest act of love in all of history. Make it happen.
— Michelle Shen 2
Every year (and I'm sure many of you feel same. I complained about being busy, but the the same way) coming back to school means less
truth is, I had plenty of time. There was really no
time spent on God.
reason for me to neglect my devotionals. And that's something
We're all busy.
I've been work-
As a senior, I know; after
ing on this year:
making time for
through it all: the late nights ming
God even when
down by college
writing an English pa-
apps and school.
per, or making up late Chinese
I've missed devotionals because I couldn't stay awake long enough to
open my Bible.
After four years, though, I've realized it comes down to a choice. We have to decide
But I also know how much time I wasted every day. No matter how much homework I had, I spent time on Facebook, League of Legends,
whether we value God more than the distractions.
— Newton Ni
reddit — and I'm pretty sure many of you are the
When I was little, the teachers in my disci- condemning another, but because he/she genupleship class would assign us each an account- inely cares and desires the best for me and my ability partner. I thought it was just someone who God. would “keep me accountable” for the things I did
In a world full of materialistic attractions
and made sure I didn’t get caught up with the and temptations, it is difficult to not fall away worldly things or do something that would be
from what is pure and pleasing in the sight of
displeasing to the Lord. Looking back, that’s the Lord. It is because of this that God has bepretty much what it all meant. However, most of queathed us with brothers and sisters in Christ. my past “accountability partners” did not try to
I recently came across a passage from
keep me accountable. We only talked about God Scripture that my friend had posted on Faceand holding each other accountable at church book. services or our youth group when we were pretty much forced to talk about it. Outside of God’s
“Two are better than one, because they
House, we never really did hold each other ac-
have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall,
countable or were there to keep each other fo-
one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is
cused on the things pleasing to Him. I could in-
alone when he falls and has not another to lift
sert the excuse that I was young back then and
him up!”
didn’t understand, which would technically be
—Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
valid to a certain extent since immaturity and ignorance are quite evident in a young child. But
I needed to hear that. Recently, I shared
immaturity and ignorance were not the only rea-
with a friend my current struggles in my faith
sons for my lack of relationship with God or my
and how I’ve fallen into complacency. We had a
failure to hold my friends accountable for their
pretty decent conversation accompanied by
faith in Jesus Christ.
some encouraging words. I think in the end he
I just want someone to keep me account- told me that everyone has their obstacles in able again. Someone who will slap me in the face their relationship with Christ. As creatures of and tell me something along the lines of, “Hey, natural sin, we have a tendency to fall into its you know, I don’t think what you’re doing is right. enticing grasp and are bound to stumble and I’m afraid it will not ultimately benefit your rela-
cave at one point or another. It’s a daily strug-
tionship with God.” Someone who will question gle; a constant battle against evil. “But what’s my actions not because he/she enjoys the act of best is not to stay in the rut and wait for a way
out. What’s best is to call out for help. That’s where fellowship comes in. That’s where every-
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be
one’s prayers can help.”
constant in prayer.”
I used to be afraid of opening up to peo-
—Romans 12:12
ple. I was very unsure as to whether or not they would still accept and
Lately, I’ve been focusing
love me if I unexposed
too much on the negatives and
my underlying flaws and
mostly things that don’t really
matter. I don’t really know, but
especially this year, I’ve
that verse just spoke to me. I
become more aware of
guess it was just a confirmation
the importance of others
for me that there is always some
in my relationship with
way out of the trials and chal-
Christ. A single man can-
lenges in life. If not a way out,
not defeat an army by
then definitely a lesson to be
himself. He needs the as-
learned or wisdom/knowledge
sistance and help from
to be gained. And lastly, prayer. I
others. Likewise, this war
can’t express how important it is
against sin and worldly
to talk to Him and keep in con-
temptations is not a one-
tact. A relationship with no com-
man’s fight. We were
munication or time invested in is
called by God to embrace one another in His
a dead relationship. Or at least something very
mercy and grace and love. Keeping one another
similar to one.
accountable in light of the Lord Jesus Christ is
The Lord is constantly teaching me
definitely included in there.
things through even the most trifling matters. I
Once again, I’m just really grateful for the
can only pray and earnestly hope that this stays
people in my life and mostly God. It’s been a
and that I will someday follow Christ without
struggle this year with Him, but His infinite grace
any doubts or fears, with a bold heart and as a
and abounding love never fail to bring me back
humble servant who is unafraid to step out and
to Him.
share His love unconditionally.
— Krystal Qin 5
THE FRESHMEN Hello freshmen,
a class. They will help you; they want you to
Is high school treating you well? You guys pass. just recently stepped into high school and sur- 2. Do clubs. It helps you meet new people. prisingly, most of you knew where your classes Drag your friends along if you’re scared to go by were. I’m proud of all of you.
yourself! 3. Try out for a sport; It’s okay if you don’t
STORYTIME: I was ‘new’ at school, so they
make it, because you can always do tennis (at
made my schedule the first day. I didn’t know Adams) or Cross Country or Track & Field. where any of my classes were, so I followed this
Don’t be afraid of what others think of you. I
guy named Justin all over school because he had know it’s school, but don’t let those people pull all the same classes as me. I didn’t have a mentor you down. If you want to dye your hair purple, during those mentor-mentee events, so I didn’t then go for it. If you want to dress like a scrub have anywhere to go.
every day, then go for it.
Quite embarrassing.
How do you all like Oasis? Growing up in this church, I think I became too comfortable
Anyway, here I am, writing about tips and with the people around me, and so I stuck with tricks for the frosh:
my old friends and didn’t make many new one. Quite frankly, I regret it a lot.
1. Talk to your teachers. They are actually super nice and they want to get to know you. Maybe
1. Oasis is actually kind of like a family. A big
they won’t like you, but it doesn’t hurt to try. Also, family. There are people you don’t talk to and if they like you, they grade easier – so take the there are people who are your bffls. This big chance! Talk to them if you aren’t doing so well in
family is something that you can turn to in times
of struggle. Brent and Beth will be there for help,
groups stays in small groups.
along with all the leaders and your friends and everyone else.
2. Don’t be afraid to
speak out. JUDGMENT
time to get to know them.
FREE ZONE. I know it’s
Don’t be scared of them.
hard because everyone
You’ll never know when you’ll
need some advice. We are
cool, so what’s not to like (jk
3. Worship. Get into it.
I’m not cool but you can still
Raise your hand, jump,
come talk to me!!)?
be free. This is a time just for God, and as I
All in all, I’m actually
said before, no one is
really excited to get to know
judging (and it’s dark so
all of you throughout the
it’s hard to see). Let out
year. Shoutout to all them
your love and fear for
freshies that say ‘Hi’ to me in
the halls!!!!
4. Small groups are like your direct family inside the one big Oasis fambam. Get to know your
Good luck and lots of love,
small group. Don’t be afraid to give input or share your thoughts. Share what’s on your heart.
— Shanon Shen
And just as a reminder, everything said in small
P.S. Write for the Vine. Even if it’s only a haiku like Teddy’s.
THANKSGIVING It's that time of the year again. Summer is this article has also made me realize the numergone. It's back to school. The weather is getting ous gifts God has given me. Day to day, there colder. I see neighbors raking their yards to no are many small situations that I overlook as trivavail, as there never seems to be an end to the ial or degrading when in actuality, they are falling leaves. Thanksgiving is
something to be thankful for. For
just around the corner.
instance, failure is actually a form
Over the years, Thanks-
of success. When one encounters
giving came to represent the
situations of failure, instead of
day where families came to-
cursing the world, he/she should
gether and enjoyed a nice, large,
embrace that failure and learn
big, fat dinner. However, the
from it. So when I say be thankful
true motive of this holiday is to
of your failures, it means that God
express one's gratitude for what
has a purpose for those failures
he/she has. Whether you're a
and you should never look back
starving child in Africa, or a
on them with regret.
wealthy, Caucasian male with a
As I look back on my many
big house who has descendants
long, tiring, years of life, some-
times, it makes me feel guilty that
something to be thankful for.
I've been given so much, but myself given so
Although we designate a single day for little in return. But only sometimes. Just kidding. this, Thanksgiving shouldn't be the only day
Truthfully, I know that one day I'll make a signifi-
where people give thanks. I know I'm guilty of cant difference on another life. When that day
— Jeremy Lua
taking many things for granted, such as the comes, I know the satisfaction of being a posiamazing community in which I live or the numer- tive impact will be an additional thing I will be ous people who care for me. The act of writing thankful for.
When a new school year starts, it’s easy to get immersed within the drama and schoolwork. Relationships, stress, and conflicts all obstruct us from centralizing our lives on God. Peer pressure and drama with friends clouds our minds with pessimistic thoughts. School is a critical part of everyone's lives; however, it is essential to recall that God is the number one priority in our lives. In the midst of depression and dreariness, we should be a beacon of hope for others. As Christians, we must shower others with God’s grace and love. Loving others is the key to showing God to others. Generosity and compassion immediately stand out in the crowd of gossip and backstabbing. As Mark 12:13 says, “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” God is saying that his most important commandment is to love others. As far as relationships go, there are a few important rules to follow:
just friendship. 5. Keep touching to a minimum. Love others because God loves you. Next time you see someone, acquaint them to God’s love by giving them a smile. When school comes, stress and conflicts with others are bound to arrive with it. Dealing with stress is a major problem for all of us. When you are stressed out, just keep in mind that God is bigger than any of your problems. He can overcome anything. Remind yourself that your problem is only minor and on an earthly scale. It is only a temporary problem that is nothing compared to the joy that is to come. Stand out from the crowd because you believe in Jesus. You are the image of God, so you should live like it. Try and live like how Christ did. Be different from others so that your classmates can see that you are a Christian. As always, “What Would Jesus Do?” is useful motto to follow. Be confident about your religion because God is behind you. School and its problems are nothing compared to God’s power. Just remember that when God is for you, no one can stand against.
1. It’s okay to date as a Christian. 2. Try and only date other Christians so that there will be no arguments about religion. 3. Guard your heart because it affects your entire life. 4. Think about whether or not it really is love or
— Daniel Zheng 9
GIVING THANKS When thinking about Thanksgiving, most
thanks at the dinner table. We shouldn't just fin-
of us instantly think about the turkey dinners,
ish our pre-meal prayer devoted to thanks and
parades, or traditional football games. But as
call it a day. The holiday Thanksgiving has a
many of us know, Thanks-
broader significance. Thanksgiv-
giving is so much more
ing is a call to action to not ne-
than a day of feasting and
glect, to do good, and to give
family fun. It is also a day of
back. Hence the name, thanks-
gratitude. On the day of
GIVING. So to you, the readers, I
Thanksgiving, we are re-
implore you guys to take a mo-
minded of the physical and
ment as you sit down for this
intangible riches we have.
Thanksgiving dinner to reflect on
We take only a few mo-
how you can fully express the
ments before Thanksgiving
meaning of Thanksgiving. It hon-
dinner to acknowledge the
estly doesn't need to be that big.
blessings in our lives and
From donating to a charity, or
our awesome family and
counseling a hurt friend, we just
friends. Sadly, for too many people, including
need to share our time and goods with other
me, the meaning of Thanksgiving ends with
people who need our help.
— Aaron Lai
spending a miniscule amount of time giving
Happy Thanksgiving guys!
"Leave room to let God do what he does. You
that their son Jesus was with them. Afterwards, it
don't always know what's best, but He does."
took them 3 days to find Jesus. Three whole
—Aaron Lai
days! It can be very easy to lose sight of God today when our schedules are
We often think that
packed with piano competi-
academics and extracurricu-
tions, violin lessons, and athletic
lar activities are the most im-
meets. Whatever we devote to
portant things in our lives
God right now is not good
right now. We spend hours
enough, and God should be our
studying, practicing our in-
number one priority, which isn't
strument, or training for our
evident in many of our lives,
sport. Yet most of us don't
including mine. You don't need
even devote even a half hour
to devote 6 hours a day to de-
each day to God. I, myself,
vouring the Bible's contents,
only spend at most 10 min-
but you should put in at least
utes each day reading the
10 minutes each day. He tries
Bible, but most days I completely leave God out
to spend time with you, and all you have to do is
of my life. It can be easy to lose track of God; for
to accept Him into your life. God gives and takes
example, there is an old story about how Mary
away, so He should be your biggest priority.
— Alex Zhang
and Joseph left Jerusalem for home, thinking
REMINDERS As the days become colder and the
people partake in activities solely because of
leaves start falling, the sure sign of the return
the college application process.
to school, it should be kept in mind that
However, how well one does in high
school can be a bearable experience. Amidst
school does not even come close to being an
all the pressure from parents and the compe-
indicator of whether or not they will succeed
tition among peers, many students start di-
in life. Drowning yourself in six APs junior year
recting too much of their focus on colleges
doesn’t correlate to making six figures, and
instead of truly experiencing high school. Too
making six figures doesn’t always correlate
often do people participate in sports, not be-
into happiness. Instead, try to find things that
cause they love it, but because their college
truly impassion you, something that you will
application “requires” it. Too often do people
remember and smile upon years down the
start a club, not because they care about the
road, and by keeping this in mind, this could
cause, but because it might help make them
be one of the best schools years yet!
— Anonymous
stand out among their peers. Too often do
WON’T BE HIS LAST ONE Knock knock, trick or treat Give me something good to eat Bible satisfies!
—Teddy Du 13
SOME THOUGHTS Sometimes, I can feel myself slipping
thought of God
I can feel it happening, I’m aware
the God who created the Universe, the God who
that I’m putting other things before God
created me
before the God of the Universe
the God who is always there, never shouting,
I allow myself to keep my thoughts shallow
always waiting
Maybe in an attempt to remain functional
the God whose voice is as gentle as His love is
functional for the next day
and the next
the God who is not only just as real as the problems I’m facing
and the next
but higher than any mountain I could ever
Maybe just because it’s the easier option
“I will have no idols before God,” this
I magnify my problems
is something I have said so many times
and I shrink down the God that my problems
sometimes just reading it
could only hope to match
sometimes really meaning it
I am a work in progress
I’m being pulled every which way
I don’t have everything figured out
by anxiety, school, family, anxiety, work, anxiety,
but I know You do
people, anxiety
— Anonymous You do
chains, chains, chains
Love your editors,