I so often trick myself into believing that
I could show my strengths and the best parts of
my endeavors can result in eternal life. I deceive
me. Sometimes, I try to hide all my flaws and im-
myself into thinking that grace is attainable by
perfections, all too conscious that eventually,
my own performances. Sometimes, I believe that
people will be able to uncover the truth.
grace can be earned.
But the best thing about grace is that I
Grace is getting what you don’t deserve;
get a fresh start; my
it’s a pardon from God. It is
slate is blank and I
salvation from my past
have the chance to
sins; it covers everything —
recreate myself. It is
all my failures and my past
all sufficient.
wrongs. It is my second chance.
I have to constantly remind myself
But he said to me, “My
that I can’t earn my
grace is sufficient for you,
way to salvation; the
for my power is made per-
gift of grace is free.
fect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the
That is why it’s a gift. I don’t have to work for it;
more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s
Christ died so I could have the opportunity to
power may rest on me.
spend eternity in Heaven.
— 2 Corinthians 12:9
‘Earning grace’ is a lie. Don’t try to work for something that’s already been given to you.
There are times in my life when I wish that
— Michelle Shen
I could be perfect, and I wish that on every front
For those of you who did not have the chance to go to retreat, I’ve written a few points that I thought were notable from what our speaker Jon had shared or quoted from other people. I hope that it helps in reflection or in just learning something new about our lives in Christ! :) - After a police officer had killed an African based solely on discrimination instead of accusation, the latter’s mother said that she would forgive on one condition: “I have nobody left to love. If you will come to my house once a week and let me cook for you, I will forgive you.” This kind of undying grace is the same kind that Jesus shows to all those who accept his love. - If God sent His Son to DIE for us, then there is nothing I could not and would not do for Him. - There are many ways that we unconsciously use God’s name in a trite fashion, and some of us use them so often that we seldom notice them anymore. The guilty conscience has gone away after countless times of use, and these words or phrases have been integrated into our daily vocabulary without a second thought: “Oh my god” (don’t think you can get away with “omg”)!!, “for God’s sake”, and maybe even “oh my gosh” because you are really just implying the word “god” by changing the last two letters!! - Iniquity means that we have good behavior with the wrong motivation. It’s common that our daily lives are full of iniquity – any good behavior that does not stem from unconditional love, grace,
and a gratefulness that results in an earnestness to glorify could be considered iniquity. I am very guilty of this. - We often forget this: the greatest two commandments of them all are to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. If you do anything in this life, love God and love others. - The people who designed a specific tool or object know the specific purpose and use of the tool. In the same way, God designed us, and thus he alone knows what our purpose is in this life. - How great is your love for your friends? Do you love your friends enough to tell them about Jesus? Do you love your friend more than you love your friendship with your friend? - God is offering us a presidential pardon. It is a choice left to us to deny or accept and to follow Him. - Friends tell friends about what the truly care about. When there is an opportunity to tell your friend about Jesus, will you take on the responsibility? - Within our Chinese heritage and upbringing, a noticeably common motive for action is shame. This is one of the most serious and powerful stumbling blocks for us in accepting grace, Christ’s love for us, and how we play into this epic story. Our outflow of love towards God and for others should come from a sincere love and gratefulness to God instead of from any shame or guilt that we may feel if we do not do what we think is expected from us.
— Melody Zhang 3
At a young age in the church nursery, we now," she had sputtered nervously. My brother were taught to pray in a systematic style (at least I was there as well, and I remember both of us was). We always prayed before snack time and awkwardly kneeling on the kitchen floor with my thanked God for the food. At home, prayer time mom's friend, who immediately burst into took place before every meal and before I slept. It prayer. Silently, I prayed as well. I wasn't really was always like that for me growing up. Nothing sure how to begin. Eventually, I managed to say really sentimental or meaningful poured out something like, "Dear Lord, I'm really sorry for whenever I prayed. It was always
not obeying my mom in the past,
something along the lines of,
but I really need you right now.
"Dear God, thank you for this day.
Please help Mom. Please let her be
Please help me have a good day
okay and be alive. Please God,
today. In Jesus’ name I pray,
please." And He answered my simple
amen." I didn't really understand
plea. Although my mom received
prayer. All I knew was that I had to
fractures in her ribcage, multiple
pray because I was a "Christian.� It
bruises, and damaged knees that
wasn't until the winter of 2011
still, to this day, remain unhealed
that I finally somewhat under-
completely, she was alive. From that
stood and grasped the meaning
day on, I knew for sure that the Lord
of prayer.
was listening to my prayers and how
I was in sixth grade at that time. When I essential and powerful it was to communicate got home from school that day my mom's friend with Him. was at our house, carrying a worried expression
Your relationship with God is just like any
on her pale face. Confused, I greeted her and other relationship. You must communicate and asked what was wrong. I don't remember exactly maintain a connection with that other person in what she said, but she eventually told me that my order for that relationship to grow. Similarly, we mom had gotten into a car accident. She fever- must continue to pray and give thanks to the ishly grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to Lord. The only difference between a relationship my knees on the kitchen floor. "Quick, quick, we with people and a relationship with God is the need to pray. We need to ask for God's help commitment. People may leave or stop trying in
a relationship, but God never will. He is forever listening and waiting for you, even if turn Him
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every
away. His love is abounding and his mercy ex-
situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiv-
tends deeper than the oceans.
ing, present your requests to God. And the peace of
In all honesty, I regard my mom's accident
God, which transcends all understanding, will
— Krystal Qin
as a blessing. To me, it serves as a constant re-
guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
minder of the brevity of life and how gracious
— Philippians 4:6-7
God is in times of turbulence.
I don’t know about you guys, but I personally enjoyed the diversity of small groups at retreat this year. It was great to see all of the different people from different churches — even the middle school boys, occasionally — sit down and get to know each other, eat together, and worship together. And all because they had one thing in common: a love of God. I’d like to see more of the same back home, at Oasis; sometimes it feels more like a collection of groups, rather than one church. One of Jon’s sermons was about reaching out to friends, and I believe that making Oasis more
inclusive of others is an important part of bringing new people to church. After all, if someone new comes, but nobody notices or greets them, they have very little incentive to return. And it’s hard to notice new people when you’re always engaged in conversation with friends. So maybe, once in a while, try talking to someone new! It doesn’t even have to be someone who’s new to Oasis; just someone you don’t know too well is good too. If we all try to get to know each other, then church will come to better resemble what it’s supposed to be: a family in Christ.
— Newton Ni 5
The Epic Story retreat was really fun. OCC combined with Oasis and DCAN so there were a lot of people. Most people were from Oasis and/or Troy so I only knew about 20% of the people. But that’s okay, because I got to meet new people. I also got to hang out with one of my best friends and reconnect with old friends. The speaker was powerful and I could tell he was very connected with God. I really respected him for how close he was with God and his powerful faith. Bad parts included: talking to Melody (very boring), singing with Melody (awful voice), and walking with Melody (very slow). Other than that, retreat was pretty fun.
— Nick Dong
To be honest, I’m in a bit of a dry spell ules) was an honor and a blessing. To be honest, I miss the days where I right now. I’m not sure “a bit” even covers it – it’s could just sit in my room and talk to more of a drought, and it’s pretty God for however long because it didn’t exhausting. God feels far, and my feel like a chore. I miss being excited to attempts to pursue Him feel like have that time reading the Bible and looking for a needle in a haystack. actually getting something from it. To be honest, I was really But, to be honest, I’m just not hoping retreat would pull me back, really trying. make God more real. I wanted to exNot trying to just surrender myperience Him, to hear His word self and let everything go. Not letting preached and to be reminded what God work in my life, and trying to just it was that made me love Him so fill my life with the things I want to do much in the first place. There were, of course, good things about retreat. I loved my instead. Not giving God any space to really do worship team – working with them (though at anything. To be honest: God, I need You. times a bit difficult because of conflicting sched-
— Esther Yan 6
TOMORROW What determines whether you live or die?
disappearing without much choice in the matter.
I’ve recently realized that I have a blind
Isn’t that scary? You’re here one moment,
faith in the hope that my life will journey on and
and gone the next?
that tomorrow will most certainly come. I fool-
Lately, all that ever seems to make head-
ishly believe that I will still be here next week,
lines are tragic, disheartening events. Think of
next month, next year, moving, changing, con-
South Korea and the sinking ship, the major
tinuing. I’ve come to see that my perspective has
landslides and the destructive aftermath in
shifted to the future, when I should be focused
America, the tensions in Ukraine, the kidnapped
on now.
Nigerian schoolgirls; the list goes on and on and on. The harsh realization that our lives are so
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not
fragile is constantly thrown at us. And, morbid as
know what a day may bring forth.
it may be, I sometimes imagine if I was included
–Proverbs 27:1
in the death toll on the TV screen – the child of heartbroken parents, the peer of grief-stricken
The adage “live like there’s no tomorrow”
students. If I was aware of the inevitable in those
has always bothered me – how do you live your
last minutes, would I be content with my life, as
life to the fullest when school gets in the way (of
it was? Or would I be wishing I could have done
a lot of things)? What if you have to do this or
one last thing, said one last goodbye, told some-
do that or do anything besides doing what actu-
one ‘I love you’?
ally matters? What even ‘matters?’
Slowly, I am learning that academics are
I tell myself to stop worrying, to stop try-
not everything, contrary to popular (and per-
ing to disassemble my life with questions that
sonal) belief. I am learning that success and ex-
have no one correct answer.
celling in what I do best has become so ingrained into American culture that it is hard to
Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we
step back. I am learning to prioritize. I am learn-
will go to this or that city, spend a year there,
ing to not idolize education, even though it is so,
carry on business and make money.” Why, you do
so hard. Slowly, I am learning to make use of
not even know what will happen tomorrow. What
what’s been given to me so graciously.
is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little
I keep putting my trust in a tomorrow that
while and then vanishes.
might not come; I keep thinking that tomorrow I
–James 4:13-14
will do this; tomorrow I will say that; tomorrow I will go here; tomorrow I will move there – but
James says, quite clearly, that people
what about today? What about the grace I’ve
shouldn’t put too much hope in a future that’s
been given so freely – what am I to do with that?
unpredictable and unstable – we are like mist,
Planning ahead isn’t necessarily bad; it
becomes ‘bad’ when you become so consumed
down in history; I realize now that you can’t
with trying to figure out what will happen in ten
really change the world without changing hu-
years that you’re too busy to actually live. (So
manity first. And I have to take the first step by
clichéd, sorry.)
doing so with myself. It’s a little hard trying to
Leo Tolstoy once said, “Everyone thinks of
change myself when I’m preoccupied with the
changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
future, with a tomorrow that may not come.
— Anonymous
So I hope that I can start with today – with
Constantly, I dream of someday trans-
right now – and live a life worthy for the King.
forming the world so radically my name will go
WITH THIS SWELL HAIKU Cranhill Ranch Retreat Three Chinese churches combine To worship and bond
— Teddy Du 8
I ONCE HAD A FRIEND NAMED DAVE Knives, guns, torture, rape, and ignorance. It is helpless eyes, ears not hearing, mouths flying, limbs crying blood A dead brain, hearts misplaced. A friendship ruined, deserving death.
I once had a friend named Dave; He was, as I might add, so brave. So genteel with such zeal, That he’d make everyone squeal. Quite the magnificent Dave.
And yet Dave stands straight, Eyes focused on none but one. Absorbing the hate, Waiting for the end to come.
A so-called woman named Thyme; I stress, given my time. An unbelievable brute, a newt And most definitely a snoot; Quite the peevish Thyme.
A heart so white, it fills with pain So innocent, so believing.
To and fro they bicker all day, An unfriendly friendship, I might say.
Are we to trust in Him, Despite the magnitude of our sin? For with eternal life should come a great price And yet, can our God be so nice?
Chaos spreads; Terror ensues.
There is a belief of the good past That will come by again like a magic spell cast. Waiting and waiting for the day to come, Dave stands patiently, waiting for Thyme to be
Fears of an argument spinning out of control, Fears of the lies, the death, the inescapable hole Impending hell, eternal fire, a fate waiting to happen. Fears of cruel, never-ending darkness;
— Arnold Zhou 9
Newton Ni A/V; Oasis SG Leader Junior I think leadership really helped me grow in my faith. It was a blessing to see my small group grow closer. I didn’t really know what I was doing in the beginning of the year, but God, I think, guided me in the right direction. It’s been a humbling experience, because I know that any success comes straight from Him — from devotionals to group discussions. 5. Fig. Hah. Get it? Fig Newton? 1. 2. 3. 4.
Teddy Du Refresh SG Leader Junior To be honest, my relationship with God has been lacking this year. Leadership kept me afloat but I wasn't making any progress. 5. I would be an avocado because people think I’m Chinese but I’m Taiwanese, just like how people don’t think avocadoes are fruit. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Kenneth Wang Worship Team; Oasis SG Leader Junior In leadership, God has shown me my inabilities and how much I have to rely on his power. 5. I would be a mango. I like mangoes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Images courtesy of Google
Daniel Yan Refresh SG Leader Sophomore My position didn’t really affect my relationship with God much. I would be a banana because yellow 10
[SPOTLIGHT] 1. 2. 3. 4.
Joe Tang A/V Senior Being on the leadership team allowed me to utilize my skill set to help myself and others worship God better. 5. Banana, because people would feel awkward about eating me 1. 2. 3. 4.
Krystal Qin Worship Team; Refresh SG Leader Sophomore I realized that I needed to become a servant of God before I could lead His people. 5. Tomato. Because I like vegetables, and tomatoes were considered vegetables for a long time before people finally realized that it was actually a fruit. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Jack Hsu Refresh SG Leader (with Daniel Yan) Junior Joining leadership has really helped me mature in my faith, and kept me accountable for doing my daily devotionals. Being able to work with the other leaders has really encouraged me to deepen my relationship with God. I am so thankful for these brothers and sisters; God has blessed me with so much. 5. I’m a jackfruit! 1. 2. 3. 4.
Jeremy Chao Refresh SG Leader Senior Being on leadership taught me patience and has helped me strengthen friendships with others and my relationship with God.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Amy Chern Oasis SG Leader Senior Being on the leadership team challenged me to rely on Him more. I can't always help someone as much as I would like, but prayer's always good. 5. I would be a mango because I really like mangos. And thanks to this survey, I just learned that the plural of mango can be spelled "mangoes" or "mangos"… yeah, bet you didn't know that (this is why you always do the Vine surveys… you never know what you'll learn!!). 11
Images courtesy of Google
[SPOTLIGHT] 1. 2. 3. 4.
Esther Yan Worship Team Senior As the one not just leading Oasis in worship but also leading the team (if that makes any sense), I always felt like there was a ton of responsibility to do what looked or sounded good. It really forced me to realize that I could never do anything perfectly and that ultimately it was God who did everything. 5. Probably a mango, just because 1. 2. 3. 4.
Ann Liu Worship Team Senior Piano is a really undistinguished, background sort of addition to the worship team, but is still important because it blends and fills up sound. I sometimes like to compare that to my "leadership" in Oasis — background, but still there to hold things together. A lot of people thank me or feel sorry for me — but in reality, I really enjoy it. It's helped me grow because it's almost like my own little worship session 5. I am berry grapeful for this supear fruit question to tell everyone that I am a banana for my apeeling nature but sometimes a grape because I always wine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Hannah (Haylen) Lau Oasis SG Leader Senior Many times leadership has saved my relationship with God. Mango. ‘Cause I'm delicious
1. 2. 3. 4.
Elise Hsiung Worship Team Senior Overall, leadership really helped strengthen my relationship with God because I was working with others who had similar struggles, passions, and goals as me. That being said, I did feel pressured (when I first joined the team) to show that my relationship with God had to be perfect, or that I had a "good" relationship with God all the time, since it's a position where others are looking to you as an example or for guidance. But being on the team really helped me understand that your relationship with God doesn't have to be "perfect" in order to serve Him and others because God can use anyone to complete His plans. 5. I would be a strawberry so I could look like Barry (from Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs)! Images courtesy of Google
Love your Editors,
WINNIE: melodyczhang@gmail THE POOH: puzzleartist.shen@gmail
KANGA: kitkatkrystal98@gmail
ROO: rrrrrrrthatssixrs@gmail 13