“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other. “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason. “When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. And you also must test i f y , f o r y o u h a v e b e e n w i t h m e f r o m t h e b e g i n n i n g .
many times where it felt like my legs would
I’ve survived three seasons of cross coun-
break and my chest was on literal fire, but I
try and one season of track & field; I’ve suffered
crossed the finish line. And it’s this type of train-
through three hour practices after school and
ing that gives me the assurance that I will sur-
woken up earlier for meets on weekends than I
vive until the end, no matter how bad it gets
do for school; I’ve fought off possible shin
during the race.
splints, slogged up toboggan
Recently, I started to
hills, sprinted 400 meters in
read What I Talk About
extreme heat and humidity,
When I Talk About Running
all for the sake of the sport I
by Haruki Murakami, and
do best: running.
there was a line in his fore-
And yet, when people
word that really struck me:
ask me if I like running, the
Pain is inevitable. Suffer-
quick, surest answer I always
ing is optional. You can’t
supply is “No.” Naturally,
avoid the hurting of run-
they ask why. The answer is
ning, but it’s really up to
always “Because it’s really,
you for how much you can
really painful.”
stand. It’s up to you to de-
So why do I run if I
cide whether or not to finish
hate it? Why do I force my-
the race.
self to push my body to its limit, to its capacity
In this way, running is really similar to
for how much it can take every day? Why have-
Christianity. We’re all running the great race of
n’t I quit yet? It’s almost borderline masochism.
faith, and it’s really up to ourselves to figure out
But the more that I think about it, the
if we’ll endure it. It’s difficult and it’s painful, but
less it becomes about what I feel when I run,
whether we suffer or not is up to us. In the end, I
and more about what I get out of running. The
sincerely hope that we’ll all be able to echo
perseverance until the very end – there are so
Paul’s words in 2 Timothy 4:7: “I have fought the
many times where I’ve desperately wanted to
good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept
drop out of a race, but I stayed until the end. So
the faith.”
— Michelle Shen 2
John 8 talks about the woman who the Christians yet so many times we fail to exemplify Pharisees wanted to stone because she commit- one of the most fundamental commandments: love. It’s hard to love people who are unloving.
ted adultery. As they prepare to stone her, Jesus
says one simple sentence, “Let any one of you who When someone treats you poorly, you instincis without sin be the first to
tively want to treat
throw a stone at her.”
them the same way
back. Even if it’s the
power behind that one
statement. It’s so easy to
want to condemn others
nature. But if you
when we spot their flaws.
think about it, Jesus
Yet a lot of times we are
gave up his life for us
blinded by our own eager-
worthless human be-
ness to tell others they’re
ings so that we may
wrong that we forget that
live eternally. I know
we are sinners as well. This
it’s something that’s
reminded me of Matthew
brains since elemen-
“Why do you look at the
tary Sunday school,
speck of sawdust in your
but the more I really
brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in
think about it, the more I am in awe of God’s
your own eye?“
overflowing love. I think it’s crazy. We never deserved any of this, but God still graciously chose
We are very quick to judge others. It’s so
to cover our sins. And that, I believe is the great-
— Krystal Qin
easy to make a nasty remark about someone even if it’s just internal. We claim ourselves to be
est demonstration of love.
“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm
struggles. Maybe it's an issue of pride, or just a
therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of
general fear of opening up. It seems that I need
a constant reminder of my place in Christ, in-
— Galatians 5:1
stead of my place in society, in school, among my friends, or within the
church. Even though I am
verse here and there for
so flawed, God still re-
"devotionals." And most of
mains. It may seem obvi-
the time it doesn't really
ous, I think the most diffi-
sink in; it only acts as an-
cult thing for me to re-
other thing to check off my
member is this: You are
list of things to do. Re-
free. You are free from the
cently, the only time I've
shame because Christ has
picked up my Bible, actu-
compensated for all your
ally wanting to read, was
sin. You are free because
when I was at a really low
faith allows you to live
point. It seems like God always appears distant
righteously. You are free because you no longer
in the moments I'm fullest, filled with things
have to be bound by the expectations, the de-
other than Him. But once it's all taken away, I'm
sires, the views of this world. You are free be-
running back to Him, again and again.
cause you are loved. Hold fast to that freedom.
— Crystal Sun
The problem is I have a habit of denying
GRATITUDE Every time I go to Acts 29, I am hit hard
lives easy. For example, the cold winter weather
with reality. I remember having to pick up litter
in Michigan brings on snow and rain that crack
and remove graffiti amidst broken down, aban-
our roads. We complain about the damage to
doned homes. I even remember walking past a
our roads, but then we complain about the con-
house and encountering the worst smell I’ve
struction that tries to fix it. I read that twenty
ever smelt — which
I’m confident was of a
tramck, residents are left to
fill in potholes by them-
( r e m e m b e r ,
selves with bags of cold
Shanon?!). Volunteer-
patch. We live in a very
ing here is always an experi-
sheltered community, and I
ence; I didn’t know
sometimes find myself be-
that there could be
ing ungrateful for being so
such a lack of com-
spoiled. This Thanksgiving,
munity in a place not
after listing the general list
so far from home.
of things to be thankful for
— Jesus, family, friends —
make me realize —
take note of those bless-
ings that we often overlook! For me it’s my
we live in a bubble. Troy is a very neat suburb that comes
great community and all the luxuries I’ve been
with a great school system and friendly
raised with. Take this holiday to reflect on those
neighbors. The people here seem very comfort-
things that you have grown used to (ex. air con-
able; they generally carry smiles and act kindly
ditioning) or even what you get annoyed at (like
towards others. Yet at the same time, we take
construction) and instead recognize those as
for granted the many aspects that make our
— Lucy Li 5
A SONG OF PRAYER Who am I? Who am I compared to this
You never let go; you deserve everything; You
amazing grace, the grace of our Father, who
are the only one who will help me through it
died at the cross to perform this beautiful ex-
all, and in you I can say “It is well.”
change of life and death? How great is our God,
Lord you came to my rescue, and I have
that He would save the hope of the world with
more than 10,000 reasons to thank you Jesus.
his holy spirit and his love like fire? Because of
Your love came down to save me, and I surren-
this I believe that God’s not dead.
der to you because you are mighty to save. I
Yet, Lord, I am always unwilling. I do not
will follow you, and I will rise with you. Jesus I
do as you command because I am afraid. I am
come with you, I come home running to you,
afraid of what you have in store for me, so Fa-
because after you set a fire to everything, and
ther, give me faith, so that I may do as you will.
after consuming fire, only your glorious ruins
Because Lord, you are greater than I will ever be;
will be left.
you are stronger than anything and everything;
Father you anchor me in you from the
and yet you are still in your love and faithful in
inside out, and because of you I know that
the stand by me. Even when it hurts, would you
Christ is enough, and it always will be. I give
instill in me an indescribable feeling of faith and
you my heart, so that you would make all
lead me to the cross, because we are no longer
things new. Break every chain holding me back
slaves, and with all I am, I lift my hands in Christ
from you, and help me to climb to you and
alone. With everything I’ve got, I know that you
your open heaven.
are more than life.
Blessed be your name. Lord I need you
Father, tear down the walls that hinder
and I want to know you, and in your name, I
me, and spirit break out of me, so that I may act
pray that you would help me to be like you.
— Anonymous
in your name, because there is no other name.
Michael Li Chief Editors Michelle, Krystal, Crystal Creative Vine Writing 101 14 November 2015 Heavenly Gates There are just so many things you can thank God for, I’m pretty sure everyone can think of multiple things. On many occasions we give thanks to God through prayer, which is a very good thing. Now let’s think about something. When you give thanks to God, are you actually thankful to him? Or is it just because you feel forced to thank him. I can remember many situations where I am thankful for something, such as a good grade, but am I really thankful toward God for that? We are taught that we should thank God for these things, but the thanking God part often becomes something that you feel you have to do, instead of something you want to do. Psalms 100:4 says “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” It talks about these Gates of Heaven, and how we must enter the gates and praise and thank him. This brings me to my main analogy. The verse talks about how you must enter these heavenly gates in order to bring thanks to God, but this act of entering may not be the easiest thing. Many times people just stroll by these gates, quickly give God thanks, and move on to other things. Through this, yes you are giving thanks to God, but your attention isn’t completely directed at him-- you aren’t truly thankful to him. Now on the other side, those who are willing to step into those heavenly gates, to stand face to face with God and praise him, are the ones who are truly thankful to God. I guess the main point is that we often give thanks to God, so freely, that our thanks isn’t completely directed at him. Something I’ve realized is that when you give thanks to God, it shouldn’t be rushed. When you're praying to Him, just try to feel his presence, stand in front of Him, and Him only. Don’t hide behind the gates, but enter them to praise God with your whole heart. I encourage everyone, the next time you pray, don’t make it a brief prayer where you just list off a bunch of things to thank God for. Focus on a few things and really look up to God and glorify him for what he has blessed you with. This is something I still need to work on, but I thought I would share it with you guys: “Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” — Psalms 106:1 7
DEAR OASIS, I hope you all are doing well! Most of you
ple and being able to talk about mutual friends.
seniors should be done with the most stressful
I think it’s cool to be able to say, “Oh yeah, you
part of the year, so congratulations! You’ve been
in my thoughts, believe me. Joanne, Alex, Krystal,
friend!” (That’s right, guys, Jack Hsu is so amaz-
Hannah, Shanon… Whoever I’ve missed. I hope
ing everywhere he goes!) Also, Michigan State
you guys enjoy the rest of your year and have as
isn’t as diverse as I thought it would be, espe-
much fun as you can. Impact lots of people in
cially after experiencing a place like Troy. I never
that little time you have left. Make those strong,
really understood “diversity” until coming to
last minute connections that will really make you
this institution. It’s a word that can be totally
miss home or even feel a bit
transformed when you ex-
devastated that you have to
perience and see more
leave soon. It’s strange, but
State into international stu-
amazing plus that bitter-
dents and Americans. There
sweet feeling is so intrigu-
are many races within my
ing—at least to me…
“Americans” category, but
Michigan State is in-
no one really acts differ-
teresting. I’m doing really
ently. Everyone tries to be
well here. I’m balancing my
like each other in the way
health and academics. The
Troy School District really
Looking around, I wonder
equipped me with the skills
for college. It actually sur-
the love? I’m sure I’ve ex-
speak. Where’s
prised me how quickly I transitioned into the col-
perienced more individuality at Troy and Roch-
lege work. On the other hand, it’s incredibly
ester. But who am I to say this? It’s only been
lonely, but it really pushes me to fill that God-
one semester and I’m still learning! Praise God
shaped hole in my soul. I’m thankful for all those
for that!
school moments that taught me what to
Before I end this, you will learn to be
do when experiencing failure. I’m also thankful
thankful for that home you’ve lived in all these
for the diversity in Troy and the friends I’ve made
years, your bed that you’ll miss when you finally
from attending churches. It’s nice to run into old
leave home, your toilets, the friendships you’ve
friends and reminisce, or even meeting new peo-
made, those memories… And remember that (continued on next page) 8
time you cried at night and then decided to
cause of them. They’re awesome.
message at 2 am? He/she really said what you
Message me and tell me how you’re do-
— Bethany Chung
needed to help you sleep, huh? I’m thankful for
ing! I’m curious!
that too. Be sure to go thank them soon and tell
With much love,
them about how much you were revived be-
OPTIMISM It’s November, and we’re quickly ap-
ever—ask someone how they’re doing, and the
proaching one of the most stressful times of the
response is almost always the same: “tired.”
year: midterms and college app
I really challenge you guys
season. Everyone’s tired and wor-
to dial back the grumbling, be-
ried, and after so many years of
cause people will notice. We
school, our first reflex is to com-
should try to be salt and light to
plain—teachers and homework,
this world, and distinguish our-
essays and tests, everything’s fair
selves from it. God’s got our
game. I can’t even count how
backs: just try to surrender your
many times my conversations
stress and worries to Him, and we
have turned into suffering con-
can make our schools and friend-
ships a little less pessimistic. It “Man, I stayed up until 4
A.M. writing my essay last night.”
tend to default to school, since
— Newton Ni
“That sucks, but I had twelve chapters of
everyone has that in common—but if we’re in-
math homework and a chemistry test!”
tentional about our words, then we can
This is true here at Cornell more than
What if you woke up With only the possessions That you thanked God for?
— Teddy Du 10
[JOKE CORNER] If we had a garden, I would put our "two lips" together. — MICHAEL LI - What do you call a fake noodle? - AN IMPASTA — CRYSTAL SUN - What do you call it when Batman skips church? - Christian Bale — SHANON SHEN - Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? - Because the “p” is silent!!! — MICHELLE SHEN 11
“Khakis that put you on top of the world!”
— Enoch Lau 12
“sí bueno”
— Danielle Metivier 13
[EDITOR’S PICKS] SONG OF THE MONTH Open Heaven (River Wild) // Hillsong Worship
VERSE OF THE MONTH “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!” — Psalm 100:4
PRAYER COLUMN * Please pray for Andrew Yuan, who was involved in a serious car accident. * Please pray for the African American students’ safety at the University of Missouri. * Please pray for the families of those who died in the terrorist attacks in Paris, those affected by the suicide bombing that occurred in Beirut, and the funeral bombing in Baghdad. * Please pray for those affected by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan as well as the earthquake in Mexico. 14
Love your Editors,
ANNOUNCEMENTS November 21 — Combined Alliance Worship November 28 — NO OASIS November 29 — Thanksgiving Joint Worship December 5 — Oasis Family Night & Baptism 15