Valentine's Day 2014

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“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other. “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason. “When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. And you also must test i f y , f o r y o u h a v e b e e n w i t h m e f r o m t h e b e g i n n i n g .




“Jesus loves you.” This phrase has been repeated countless times for countless occasions. But what does it really mean? I think over the course of my life, the meaning has gradually slipped away; I’ve become desensitized to the enormity of God’s love for me. I recently came across this: I’ve heard the story a hundred times, and I still don’t understand how You could die for a heart like mine. God loved us so much that he sent his ONLY son to die for us — to die as a criminal, humiliated and scorned by the very people he was supposed to save. And I am among that crowd, jeering and screaming insults at Jesus, as he exhales one last time on that cross. I do not deserve to stand in his presence, and yet God still chose me — a sinner, a liar, a cheater, a screw up — to serve him. It’s so unimaginable — this kind of unconditional love that Jesus has for us. Today, the closest human kind of unconditional love would be that of a parent, but even that has limits, while God will never, ever stop loving us.

He cannot love us any more nor any less than He already does — it’s already set. There is nothing we can do that will ever separate us, no sin that is “too evil” for God. Christ’s love is so perfect, so whole, that nothing can stand in the way. “Love is patient, love is kind it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not honor others, it is not self -seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. — 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 The world today thrusts an image of love at us that belies what God promised us — magazines are always advising us how to hold onto our boyfriends, how to impress the girls; there are more divorces filed for than weddings. But the next part of the passage above says, “Love never fails.” God IS love. And God will never leave us with a cracked perspective of love, never leave us with a longing for something more. His love is more than enough. Jesus loves you; it is all we need.

— Michelle Shen 2


Often times I find myself looking at things in a negative way. It's so easy to look and point out the things that are wrong in others, yourself, or any situation. "Our actions are a direct result of our thoughts. If we have a negative mind, we will have a negative life." For me, self-esteem has always sort of been an issue. I lacked a lot confidence in myself and often put my worth and happiness in other people's hands. I depended a lot on their approval and how they saw me — whether that be my appearance or personality-wise. I found myself personally going out of my way and comfort zone just to make sure I felt accepted or loved by others. And whenever I failed to please someone, I would wonder why they didn’t put in as much effort into the friendship/relationship as I did, or what exactly I did wrong to make them "not like me." But something I've come to realize, even more so clearly now than ever, is that you simply can't please everyone. It's humanely impossible. I feel like I've always known that, but have never really acknowledged it. Every person is unique and carries different values and beliefs that may

not always agree with yours. Even though I would go out of my way to make others happy at my own expense, they still did what they wanted anyway. I needed to stop trying to control the world around me and stop letting the world around me control me. I felt the desperate need to make others happy in order so that I myself could feel happy. But I learned that you don't do good unto others expecting something in return. With that in mind, I began to understand that part of loving people is letting go of other opinions and allowing them to love or accept me on their own. Jesus gives and loves unconditionally. It's most definitely hard to love the way He does, but it doesn't hurt to try to emulate it. As children of God, one of the things we're expected to do is to love. This not only includes loving others, but also loving yourself. People are always changing, but God remains forever the same. We belong to a God whose love is so deep, amazing, and everlasting. His approval and love alone should be enough for us.

— Krystal Qin 3


Happy belated Valentine’s Day! I’m no

it was just a regular apple with a pine-scented

expert on relationships, but here are some gen-

air freshener taped to it, right? Well, the same

eral thoughts I’ve picked up throughout these

principle applies here. More or less.

four years of high school.

So where does God fit into all of this?

High school relationships, from what I’ve

Well, we’re all looking for unconditional love, for

seen, generally don’t turn out

someone who will care for us

too well. There are a few excep-

despite all of our flaws. And

tions, and I’m not saying that

we’re all afraid of rejection, of

this applies to everyone — but

investing everyone into some-

when we’re pursuing someone,

one who ends up scorning us.

we tend to project our best

The thing is, we’re only human

selves. You’re not going to

— who can say that they’re truly

whine about League in front of

capable of loving uncondition-

the girl you like (I hope). But in

ally? And if you can’t, then is it

the process of maintaining the

really fair to expect your signifi-

perfect image, it’s easy forget

cant other to? That’s why a re-

that the other person is hiding

lationship with Christ is so im-

their own flaws. When two peo-

portant, because only He can

ple finally get together, and

provide that kind of fulfill-

start letting their barriers down, then it’s easy to

ment. You’ve probably heard this before.

tell when both of them have been hiding be-

I don’t really know how to end this, so I’ll

— Newton Ni

hind masks. You’d be disappointed if you

just drop this here: don’t expect your date to fix

bought a fresh, juicy pineapple only to find out

all of your problems.




I was asked to write and reflect about my






spiritual life in the past year, as well as talk

ence. Ever since I was little, I had always consid-

about what I expect out of 2015. So, my spiritual

ered religion as something weird, as some mad-

life in 2014 was very impacting. In January 2014,

ness that I would never be a part of. Yet here I

I was an atheist. Now, in January 2015, I hope

am talking about my spiritual life. God is

that I can say that I am 90% Christian, and 10%

great. However, science is always in the back of

unsure of myself. That's quite a big change —

my mind, saying, "What if there is no God? Then

until you realize that it's God who changed me.

you wasted a whole bunch of life in nonsense.

Then it seems pretty normal.

There's lots of explanations in the world, and

Half of this 10% of uncertainty is what I

religion is just something a ruler made up to

need to focus on in 2015. This is the part that

control his people." However, this isn't true.

holds me back. Basically, what defines this 10%

There is so much more in this world that isn't

is the part of my brain that says, "You're doing

explained than there is explained by science;

this to show off." It doubts everything I do that

God, on the other hand, has already ex-

involves Christ, from doing devos, to moving

plained everything to us. We just need to be-

during worship, to even praying during small

lieve in him.

groups. As I'm doing anything, this part of the

This year, my goal is to be able to con-

back of my brain is always there to tell me that

vince myself of this, and to stop doubting my-

what I'm doing is not right, that I'm doing it to

self. I hope that I can do things freely without

show off, that I'm doing it to increase my glory.

worrying about others, because that is the only

So my solution to this problem has been to not

way to know that you're not showing off: to not

tell anybody about these things that I do. And

even recognize that others are there. God and

for this reason, I am going to go anonymous.

God only is the only way to go.

— Anonymous

The other half of my uncertainty is



GLORIOUS RUINS As many know, I ended up not going to

The reason I tell this story is because it’s

GRACE because my dad wanted me to study


(which was the opposite of what I did). I was ac-

The end.

tually somewhat happy that I didn’t go. The idea


of having to talk to multiple people just made

Little kids are just so optimistic about

me feel exhausted.

everything and it makes me feel jealous. There

I have not really been on the positive with

are so many stressful things in this world. I look

my relationship with God. I try, but there is no

at things in a cynical way. A lot of times, I don’t

motivation, especially when my studies are so

believe that I am capable of certain things, and


it hinders me from reaching out.

However, there was this

However, seeing this kid being to-

one day where the family went to

tally okay with his beautiful master-

a family friend’s place to eat

piece being destroyed was really

(little Michael’s house!). He was


building a lava roller coaster in

It’s kind of like our life in

Minecraft, but there was too

Christ. Even if you are in a flat rela-

much lava, so it burned down his

tionship with God, everything will

tracks (I almost cried for him). He

turn out alright. Like the lava and

set all the lava out and so every-

water, God can and will help every-

thing turned into cobblestone

one who is low on fuel. Like the



He needed to make everything


again, which was really heart-

though something may feel like it’s

breaking for me. However, Michael said that







on a low horizon, God will bring you up.

there was nothing to worry about because he

God is always optimistic about your rela-

could just rebuild it. Later on, he found out that

tionship with Him. Never will He say that he

— Shanon Shen

when the lava turned into cobblestone, it made

doesn’t want you. Never will He give up on

the perfect lava hideout under his rollercoaster.

you. You are never too far from Him.



“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. “ —Proverbs 4:23

The key to getting into a successful relationship is to first cleanse your own heart. Start by loving God. Grow in your relationship with Christ. Deepen your faith. As you grow in faith with God, your personality will naturally change. Generosity, chivalry, lovingness will all come as you become more and more Christ-like. Who wouldn’t want to date a person who is loving, caring, trustworthy? To me, no one is more attractive than someone who loves God with all their heart. Though they may not be perfect or sinless, I know that through God, they will change. Through God, they will continue to become a better man or woman. God tells us that our heart will determine the course of our life. If we put our hearts into a manipulative, abusive boyfriend that looks cute, our life will change… in most likely the bad way. So put your efforts towards someone who’s worth it. Someone you wouldn’t mind spending the rest of your life with. Someone who will change the course of your life for the better. Someone who will deepen your relationship with God. God won’t let us down, so plant the roots and set the standards of your relationship with God. Pray for your future wife or husband that they may grow with God. Wherever they may be, whether they are on the other side of the continent, other side of the world, or maybe right next to you in Oasis… pray that they will fall in love with God, and then eventually fall in love with you.

We see this pattern over and over again in our society. Young people are so wrung up in the idea of love that they often make mistakes and commit sins for love. Divorce, heartbreaks, true love — we see these standards in news articles thousands of times. The reason that people can’t have successful relationships is because their purpose and standards are wrong. God tells us that the heart will determine our life. Your heart is your greatest treasure. It is important to establish that when dating, your purpose, or ultimate goal, is marriage. Although this may seem obvious, many people overlook it. Sometimes, young adults go into dating saying, “Wow she is so cute” or “Dang, he’s ripped.” When he or she enter relationships like this, they are dating the other person’s LOOKS, not the actual person. Their goals for these relationships are often to “up their social status” or to have sexual interactions with their partner. A person’s looks is like wrapping paper on a present. One can’t just have wrapping paper with no gift. Unless they really like wrapping paper for some odd reason. If the person you’re dating looks cute, then great! It’s obviously nice to have wrapping paper on a present.

— Daniel Zheng 7


Hello! I feel like anything I write in this article will go over everyone’s heads and won’t really stick. I figured I can encourage you guys with a story of God’s work in my life. God is so faithful! I have been saying that a lot, but God has shown it to be so true in my life. Do you know that one friend that I talked about in that video a long time ago? He is the one I give rides to. If you don’t remember that’s fine. His name is Jarod by the way. I don’t know why I felt I should keep his identity from you guys. Well, Jarod invited me to his church. He goes to the youth ministry at Zion (the huge dome near the community center) called Encounter. I thought why not. It would be refreshing to attend a church service that I’m not serving at. I went to Zion with the intention to serve and bless Encounter in whatever way God intended. It was rather awkward at first. I was greeted by very happy Caucasian people. Again, I felt awkward at first. I was greeted by their leader (he gave the sermon but isn’t a pastor) and kind of wandered around aimlessly. I talked to Jarod and he introduced me to Encounter’s leader Andrew Neufang. He’s a nice guy. Energetic. Passionate. Sociable. You know. We entered the very spacious room that Encounter was held in and began worship. There were about twenty people there, so a little bit smaller than I’m used to. I can’t remember the song they played, but lots of people began jumping around. One of the girls also tried to get me jumping. I guess I just don’t worship like that. Again, I felt rather awkward. As the worship service continued, I noticed some girls who were talking, like they didn’t care about God. Coupled with the fact that they seemed very white (no racist intent, but

you get me right?), my heart was very eager to judge them. Like, how can you be here in worship and not care about God and how great He is? As a leader at Oasis, I can be very quick to point out the issues in a ministry, but that’s not always a great thing. Once I noticed my judgmental thoughts, I stopped myself and began to pray. I prayed for God to give me humility and a heart without judgment but with love. It was also on my heart to pray for Encounter and its leaders. I mean, I was here in another church, but we’re still the body of Christ. We should be supporting each other. Yeah, it was cool to have my heart turn directly to God in a time that my heart was not facing Him. We then sat down for the sermon. Andrew Neufang discussed a passage in James 3. This verse kind of sums up the passage: “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell” (James 3:6). The passage also mentions that “we praise the Lord and Father” with our tongue and curse others, which should not be. I felt the sermon was very surface level. This was the gist of the message: don’t say bad things because it will lead to bad situations. Not very deep. I felt the message should have sounded more like: “the things that come out of our mouths reflect what is in our hearts. We need to ask God to change our hearts so only encouraging words come out of our mouths.” Again, I was tempted to judge the ministry. Instead, I looked to God. I prayed that God would humble me and give me a heart of love. This was the gist of the night – temptation to judge and a prayer to God. After the sermon, we split into small groups. I was placed with the other upperclass-


men. Their small groups were an exact reflection of a struggling Oasis small group, so I felt for the leader. The small group leader was an adult in his late twenties. He read off questions, which were not that great, and the students gave very lack luster answers. I felt them as I have struggled a lot as a small group leader. At one of the questions, the leader asked me to answer. I paused (for dramatic effect) and asked “can I be honest with you guys?” They were like “yeah of course.” Then I began one of my tangents. My small group knows what I’m talking about. I started talking about my thoughts about the sermon and talked about how the most important part about this subject is our hearts and not our tongues. As I spoke, the students started sitting up in their seats and listened! The passion that I felt about this subject and the words God was speaking through me was grabbing the attention of these students that I have never met. I know that my specific words or even my thoughts probably did not stick in their hearts, but it was so cool to see the love I have for God actually overflowing from me and know that passion for God will still grab attention. This was all very cool as it was happening, but then I started talking about worthlessness. Part of my theology is that humans are a

worthless creation and with that thought I gathered humility. I mentioned this, but the small group leader stopped and was like “but we aren’t worthless.” My confused reply was “but yes we are worthless.” As small group time ended, the small group leader and I continued to discuss this idea of worthiness. He made me realized that we are actually precious. Humanity is God’s very good creation. We have intrinsic worth that sin mars. After this discussion, I realized my theology and idea of Christianity still had many holes. This was actually very cool, but also kind of sad. It was a humbling moment, but I also realized that God answered my prayer for humbling! This may have been one of the first times that my prayer to God has been answered so quickly. It is nice to know that God is working. So after everything, one of the students in the small group came up to me and told me that my passion for God was encouraging for him. It is really cool that God was able to use me to encourage this ministry and I felt so blessed and fulfilled after that night! God truly is great. First, thanks for reading that whole story! I appreciate it. I tell you this in hopes of encouraging you! Pray and go to God in all circumstances for He is truly a faithful God :D

— Kenneth Wang 9



When you hear “love,” maybe the first

very little experience in this department, so I’m

thing that comes to mind is a romantic, The

not very qualified to write about it — but I’m not

Notebook-esque movie poster of some sort. You

going to stop there and be that one cynical “bah,

know, the whole white-couple-almost-kissing-in-

humbug” old grump who rants that love isn’t

the-rain deal. It’s no secret that nowadays we’re

worth your time. I’d like to bring attention to

bombarded with images of what love is sup-

some other awesome types of love. Lately, I’ve

posed to look like (which

been learning to really ap-

is most definitely NOT

preciate the kind of pla-

Fifty Shades of Grey, just

tonic love shared by friends

going to put that out

and family. Who says pla-


tonic love can’t be deep or Something I tend to




see in this over-publicized,

Eros is a unique type (or

hyped-up concept of love

aspect) of love, yes, but it’s

is an overpowering focus

not necessarily the “king of

on self-serving: “I want this

all loves.” (I’m pretty sure

person.” While it might not be inherently bad to

God’s love is more qualified to be called that.)

acknowledge that you feel a certain way toward

You are a full, capable, beautiful, and

someone, things can become problematic when

growing person, whether or not you have a

you hold this feeling above the person him/

romantic partner in your life. While it can be

— Jenny Boudon

herself. The vast majority of over-romanticized

fun/worthwhile/rewarding/etc., it is not the ulti-

love is what Ancient Greeks would call Eros —

mate goal, and it’s not necessarily the pinnacle

the type that arouses romantic feelings. I have

of your existence.



Storge — love or affection, especially of parents and children

Having parents is such a blessing, but the relationship can feel like a pain or burden when flaws sever it. One of the main things that breaks apart people is lack of communication. And sadly, the communication between my parents and me is often superficial or unclear. Recently, I had an open conversation with my mom. It started with her worrying over my well-being and life balance. When she kept calling me out on being negative and not enjoying the moment; I completely broke. It was suffocating for me to force happiness and sometimes what seemed easiest in life was the hardest for me. I tried to explain this to her, that I was trying to live with enthusiasm in my heart, but only wanted to push myself gently. After listening to me ramble, she explained her concern for where I was heading and that she didn't want to see me suffer. At this point, her intentions assured me that she cared, even if I couldn't see it through her actions. But what I am grateful for is that she listened and tried to un-

derstand my point of view. Still, I'm grateful she is there at all. I guess I don't understand, and won't for a long time, the stresses of being a parent and the difficulties of overcoming cultural and generational barriers. But what I am reminded of is the love my mom has for me. That reminder came through the simplest thing we do everyday: speaking. Even if it is hard to speak because it might hurt, if we do so with honesty, vulnerability, and an open mind, good can come from it. In the same way, God speaks to us, often when we are most vulnerable because that is when we listen the most. Reminders of God's love are everywhere if we look. Through the relationships we have with our parents, I think we catch a glimpse of the relationship God wants to have with us. The Bible compares His love for us to parental love, and yet it is greater because it is infinite and unconditional. Misunderstandings can be frustrating, but the extent of God's love covers all divisions. Maybe the key to healing these divisions in relationships is expression, but behind the expression — love and faith.

— Crystal Sun 11



You know, I was thinking about what the title of this was supposed to be, but then I quit thinking about it because it was way too hard. I’m really happy actually, quite joyful and extremely grateful and thankful for all my friends and family who continue to support me, continue to love me, and continue to be with me as I move on in my journey towards a place where God will tell me. It’s been a blessing coming home to visit and as I start packing up to go home, I realize just how much I’ve actually changed in the past couple weeks. I remember stepping off the plane, not really knowing what to expect, but only wanting to rest. I remember that very first day I got off the plane, I had people come over (Teddy, Joanne, Matt, Parker) and I realized how uncomfortable that was for me. It was a constant push/pressure forcing me to become who I was before. Actually to be honest, it has been the biggest struggle. I didn’t really know who I was anymore, and I didn’t know how to act around all the people I used to hang out with and talk to. BUT ANYWAYS, I remember being on the airplane not knowing what it was going to be like back home, and not wanting talk to anyone at all. I felt so lonely, and so depressed; I had been diagnosed with anxiety/depression disorders after my hospital visits, and those had been haunting me ever since, but now, no more. In Jesus’ Name. As my stay prolonged, I felt the need to

share with people, but what would I share about? I felt like I had learned nothing from this year, apart from being exhausted all the time, being lonely all the time, being confused all the time, and just being completely faithless… I was broken, I was downtrodden, I was completely torn up from my lack of discipline and my lack of faith in the one God that I said I wanted to follow after. I don’t remember who I met up with first, but I remember as I started to share, I started to preach, and as I started to preach to others, revelations kept coming to me like never before. I felt strong again, and my confidence in Christ became so real to me. I have never felt this kind of passion inside of my heart before. Every single person I’ve met, every single person that was open to me sharing with them, every single one of those moments, new revelations were revealed to me from God. As I shared, I revealed things in my past that I’ve never shared before. As I preached, I preached to myself things that I needed to listen to too. As I listened, I heard the voice of God speaking over my life and into my life, and encouragements after encouragements came flowing out of my own mouth, into my own life without me noticing, until now. I’m broken too guys… I know I share a lot, I know I talk so much about encouragement, and I talk so much about people needing encouragement — but all the while I was sharing with you, I was also preaching it to myself, be12

[FROM NEW YEAR’S] cause I am in need of encouragement too. I finally understand what pastors mean when they say, “I’m actually preaching this to myself, because I am not perfect.” I am not here to encourage you and share with you because I have learned a lot; in fact, I haven’t, and I am still learning. I am dying on the inside and the only source of encouragement I had when I was back here in Troy was basically myself. I shared at Oasis yesterday and honestly, I should’ve cried, because I don’t think I fully understood the importance of what I shared with the high school kids. While I was sharing with them, I was actually broken on the inside. There was a moment where all of the voices were drowned out except for mine, and it was as if I was just there alone, sharing to an empty room with no one except for me sitting there. It was eerie… but I felt like I was in on this all by myself… and loneliness crept over me again. I haven’t really received much encouragement from anybody after being back — yes, I’ve received a lot of compliments, but that isn’t the same; compliments just feed my ego more than anything else — I don’t think I ever received much encouragement in my entire life until this year, when I went to Hillsong. Even though I didn’t receive a lot of encouragement from the very home I grew up in, I voiced up and through my

own voice, God encouraged me. It was all God, this whole time. He was with me, empowering me, persevering with me, prodding me, speaking to me through my own voice. I’m in awe at the way He built me back up with the very voice I hear 24/7: my own. I’m not saying that you guys didn’t treat me well, I’m only saying that not a lot of people encourage… and as I shared in Oasis, that is one thing that I would’ve done differently while I was still in high school: to treat people the same way that I wanted to be treated, even if I didn’t gain anything in return. Well, it’s the second time I will say good bye to most of you. If you read this… please do encourage people. I’ve felt like crap, so I just wish you all would do the same for each other (encourage). I don’t care if it’s social media or face to face; anything encouraging is perfect. Because that’s how people feel loved in the community that we have. I have failed back here in Troy, but please pass it down, especially to the younger generations now… social media has taken over minds and loneliness, defeat, and discouragement are the biggest enemies elementary, middle, high school and college kids will ever face. Just like prayer, encouragement is one of the greatest weapons ever given to humanity. As for my Resolution for 2k15: Stop the Gossip, Start the Gospel.

— Brian Wu 13


takes for the light in one area to reach you is

So a couple of weeks ago, my friends and

now shorter than in the previous area. So the

I were randomly talking about the possibility of

closer you reach the object, the more you

traveling at the speed of light. It was pretty ran-

reach the current time. Weird, huh? But

dom, actually. At 2 a.m., all of us just grouped

through this principle, you can only travel back

together in the hallway and we happened to

in time. So maybe if you stand still long

stumble upon this conversation. One of us said

enough and travel fast enough, you can most

that even if it were possible to attain the speed

likely see what really happened to Jesus and

of light, it wouldn’t be possible to travel faster

the miracles! Hopefully you’re standing in the

than it. For example, in a spaceship, it would

right spot though!

make sense that just by walking forward, you’d travel faster than light right? NO! YOU ARE


WRONG! It’s because of the issue of momentum:

Lately, I’ve been listening a lot to Hill-

if you travel forward, you push back against the

song such as Scandal of Grace, Oceans, Mighty

spaceship so technically you slow down the ship

to Save, and more Christian songs that I like.

but accelerate at the same rate, so you’re walk-

Yeah, like any other person, there are songs

ing at the speed of light! However, at this point, I

that I like and those that I don’t quite like since

suggested that it is actually possible, but only in

they’re just plain boring to me. The same goes

the fourth dimension. But think about this: if you

for Christian music; there are some that I really

can travel past the speed of light, if you stand

enjoy and can listen on loop forever, and those

still, you’d see what happens in the past. This is

that I barely want to listen to it one time since I

because the eye only sees what processes its

believe that it’s boring. Is that bad? I always

surroundings by the reflections of light off of it,

feel conflicted about it. On one hand, since you

so then, by moving faster than time it takes for

enjoy listening to these specific songs, you’re

the light to hit your retina, what you see in the

more likely to pay attention to what it’s saying.

present is the light from the past and therefore,

Meanwhile, in monotonous songs, or those

by standing still in one spot, you are seeing time

that don’t excite you, the only thing that you’re

rewind! ISN’T THAT COOL?!?!

actually doing is listening, much like going to

HOWEVER! If you move toward any ob-

Spanish class first thing in the morning just to

ject, time would stretch since now the distance it

be there: you’re not really paying attention but 14

you know you’re doing something. On the other

where the atmosphere in a religious organiza-

hand, it seems like you’re missing out on an en-

tion feels rather fake, like it is stressed too much.

tirely new chapter, much like watching the Lion

The only method of teaching scripture that

King, but skipping the parts you think are bor-

would allow others to truly learn would be

ing. It’s a very interesting feeling for me anyway.

through actions and sincerity rather than preaching. Anyone can preach and recite words


from a book, but not everyone can make others

What I hate is

believe, and too many

when people are being

pastors only recite text

insincere. It really gets

rather than teach scrip-

on my nerves a lot.

ture. Not only that, but

Now, there’s a differ-

there are also people



who attend church only

meaning it at that spe-

to talk with friends; not

cific moment and later

like it’s bad in itself, but

on. Anyway, I find this




such as sleeping or skip-

around churches, espe-

ping them, these people

cially religious organi-

are wasting their own

zations. I know there

time. Overall, there ap-

are people who volun-

pears to be a great deal




teer because they enjoy it or truly wish to help

of fakeness in Christianity. It’s not like I’m not

others and there are people who say “praise the

like this sometimes; however, strangely enough,

Lord” since they feel moved by His greatness.

not many people address this issue and even

However, it irks me whenever people volunteer

fewer actually attempt to change it. As for a

to just get ‘hours’ *ahem NHS* and those who

remedy, no one can fix it, but rather every single

say “praise the Lord” as if it were a side com-

person has to acknowledge their own fault. In

ment, much like they would say something like

essence, it is the need to believe in your bro-

“the grass is green.” There are quite a few times

kenness before believing in God.

— Arnold Zhou 15




Happy Valentine’s! God loves you so much, yippee You are not alone

— Teddy Du 16


An interview with Brent & Beth! Q: How long have you been married? Beth: 10 years in June!

Q: Are there any really memorable moments that have really shaped your marriage? Beth: Well, we’re always growing, and growing better. And it’s in the little things every day that we choose to serve and love each other. Q: How do you incorporate God into your life? Brent: We do a lot as a family: we have family devotional time and prayer time. We also take time to pray with each other. Beth: We share in our daily conversations together as we do our personal devotionals. As God shows things to us, we can come to each other and say, “Hey, God has challenged me with this” or “God has convicted me with this.” We try to encourage each other and keep each other accountable within our daily lives. Q: When did you know you were going to marry the other person? Brent: We had been friends for such a long time even before we dated that it was a sort of a natural progression – we were friends, then we started dating, and we knew we each other liked each other; we also knew that God was calling us into ministry. God just really showed us how much we loved each other and how close friends we were. We spent years cultivating our friendship, so it was an easy progression into getting married. We spent a weekend in Atlanta working at a homeless shelter I had been working at. I think at that point it was pretty obvious that we were going to end up together. Beth: I knew it was when he asked me to be his “serious” girlfriend. He took me to this one state park and we went and played on this playground and he packed this picnic lunch for us that all had all my favorite foods. And we watched the sunset together on this overlook and he kept running to his car with his hands behind his back and he had a rose. The first rose he had was a yellow rose; he explained how he valued our friendship. The second rose was a white rose and he said he appreciated how he saw Christ in my life and how I lived with purity. And the third rose was a red rose and he said, “Well, I guess you know what this means,” and he pulled out of his back pocket this list of all the different things about me that he liked; they were all simple things, like some of my character traits, and our favorite memories. And then he said, “I really like you, and I want to know if you want to pursue a more serious relationship.” So of course I was like yes! And the next thing I knew he sat 17

[SPOTLIGHT] down on the rock beside me and he said, “You know, I really want this to work, but I want God to be the center of our relationship, so I want to pray with you to honor God.” There was so much clarity right there for me, because I thought, “This is the kind of guy I can respect and trust.” And that’s when I knew this was the guy I was going to marry. Brent: Knowing that God gave us such similar hearts for ministry, I knew that I should pursue her. Beth: For both of us, we were each other’s first serious relationship. We were each other’s first kiss. We were each other’s first person to hold hands with. I think another thing is that even though we knew at different points [Editor’s Note: Brent knew before Beth did!!], one thing that was similar was that we were both praying about the relationship separately. For both of us, through that process of growing closer together, we were still very much in prayer about it. We didn’t want this to be just a physical attraction, “Well, I like you and you like me this must be it” – we wanted to keep God the center of our relationship and we wanted to make sure we were following God’s plan for our individual lives. Q: What is your favorite thing about the other person? Beth: Everything! I think the most important thing that comes over and over again in our relationship is that Brent is a man of prayer; I know that when he does things and when he makes decisions, he’s been on his knees before God about it. So I really admire and respect him for that. I think he also throughout our marriage has become a really good listener, and the fact that we can come together and talk about things and walk through things is huge – he respects me. We’re partners in figuring out life, how to raise our kids, our marriage, and ministry. And he’s a fun person! Brent: For me, I like her smile. But beyond her smile, she’s the most caring person I know. The way she cares is just amazing. I mean, she works harder than I do. Without the way she cares about our family and ministry, I wouldn’t be able to do the things I do in ministry without her. Q: Do you support high school relationships? Why or why not? Beth: I would say our recommendation (take it for what it’s worth) is that when you’re in high school, it’s so much easier and so much more fun to focus on discovering who God created you to be, to focus on discovering how He made you, what’s unique and special about you, what your talents and gifts are, to cultivate friendship with each other, and to not worry about the romantic end of relationships; to just do things in groups and trust God for the right time to pursue a romantic relationship with someone else. Brent: Really, it’s to learn how to build relationships with multiple people. In high school you’re going through so much change that it’s already hard for you to learn how to cultivate a relationship with people culturally and socially, and romantic relationships hinder that. In the future, you need to learn to cultivate larger friend groups and closer relationships with other people without romance, too. There are also areas of immatureness that end up causing more hurt than good. The hurt from the “experience” is much harder; everything you can do in an exclusive relationship, you can do with a group of friends. Beth: And you walk away with much less regrets. Brent: High school is a growing period and the added pressure of a romantic relationship is not needed. I mean, you hear about people who have been dating since high school, but it’s very few and far between. Many more people are hurt from it. Anytime you become ultra exclusive no matter in high school or as an adult, it’s not healthy. 18

[SPOTLIGHT] Brent (continued): Even though marriage is the most exclusive relationship, you still have to be connected to other people. Beth and I both have friend groups, and also friends that aren’t even friends with the other person. Beth: The most important thing is that you are in prayer throughout the relationship you are in. Are you growing in your walk with God, honestly seeking Him, and praying through your decision? If so, then when the time is right to begin a dating relationship, you’ll have clarity. You’ll have peace. All those things will fall into place and you won’t have to worry about it. We’re not saying this to condemn you if you are dating in high school; it’s not like “You’re dating? You’re a sinner!! You can’t do that! This is what the Bible says!” We’re just speaking from experience. Q: Has having kids changed how you interact with Refresh & Oasis? Brent: We’ve always worked with teenagers, but after having your own kids, you begin to be more sympathetic with parents… we understand the parental side of things better. Beth: Our love and passion for teenagers hasn’t changed – it hasn’t grown or lessened; we’ve always been called to that area of ministry, helping teenagers to take ownership of their faith and also grow in their faith. But I think becoming a parent added an extra layer to the ministry we already had. Q: What do you like to do together? Brent: Go on vacation, hike, or explore different things. Being outdoors together. Beth: Even if we just go to a park, we like going on family walks (when it’s not negative 25 degrees out…) Brent: And we like to take on ambitious dishes! Cook meals together. For Valentine’s Day we made homemade shrimp pesto. Beth: We like to play games or get together with friends to play games Brent: Watching movies, especially adventure and mystery and thinking shows. Beth: I think in general we consider each other as best friends, so spending time – no matter what we do, if it’s cleaning dishes, picking up our kids’ toys… and especially watching football!!


[SURVEYS] What color rose do you prefer?

Are you currently in a relationship?

Do you support high school relationships?



What qualities do you look for in a significant other? “Personality. Relationships. Trustability (if that's a word). If they have Jesus” “human. female. has hair. has 4 limbs”

“Asian. Musical. Athletic. Nice. Funny. Kawaii.” “He has to be funny, with some sort of common sense. Not an airhead (yes, guys can be airheads too). He also needs to be really chill. Can't get jealous. And, well, to be slightly shallow, mildly attractive and somewhat intelligent. Hopefully, he is kind of gentleman-ly?”

What did you do for Valentine’s Day? “I photoshopped my band teacher's face onto valentines and wrote bad puns with his name and handed them out”

“Watch my love imaqtpie stream league of legends”

“Spent it at the winter retreat :)” “You mean ***GALentine's Day in which you get together with the girls and bake cookies and watch chick flicks and EMBRACE SINGLENESS” “Practiced my sport, watched movies, started having texting convos with a girl i kinda like”

“Ate chocolate and felt sad about my life.” 21

[PICKUP CORNER] Charmanders are red, Mudkips are blue, if you were a Pokémon, I’d choose you!

— ARNOLD [oasis ZHOU alum]

If you were a tropical fruit, you’d be a fine-apple I wanna live in your socks… so that I can be with you every step of the way ;)


Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile. If you were a booger, I’d pick you.

— HINSON TSANG [oasis alum]

Your hand looks heavy. Let me hold it for you. Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for…. You better have your driver’s license, because you are driving me crazy. You must be a ninja, because you snuck into my heart. — SHANON SHEN 22


I’m no organ doDo you have a band-aid? nor, but I’d be Because I just scraped my happy to give you knee falling for you. my heart.

Let me tie your shoes, ‘cause I don’t want you falling for anyone else.

If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber

— HONGYING JIANG I’m not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together Do you work at Starbucks? Because I like you a latte ;) If I were a stoplight, I’d turn red every time you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer.

I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?




— Jenny Boudon

Drawn for Troy High’s newspaper, but I thought it was relevant :-D


Love your Editors,

UPCOMING EVENTS 3/7: Saturate 3/14: Illuminate Conference @ Bridge Community Church ($10) 3/28: NO OASIS 3/29: All Church Worship 4/4: Easter Baptism! 4/18: 30 Hour Famine Kickoff


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