This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. o t h e r . e a c h L o v e c o m m a n d : m y i s T h i s “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason. “When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
Esther Yan
Joe Tang
Phillip An
Ann Liu
Sarah Tsung
Jordan Zhu
Hannah Lau
Jeremy Chao
Belicia Tan
Austin Wong
Yihan Hong
Arnold Zhou
Sophia Chen
Christine Leong
Amy Chern
Randy Lang
Elise Hsiung (a note)
Melody Zhang
GUESTS From the Editors
RAMBLINGS I honestly don’t think I’m in any position
for you), I get to say more than one thing! I really
to be giving anyone advice. I’m probably the
only have one more thing to say, though, and
last person you should go to, actually (keep
that’s this: church is messy. I think as younger
this in mind, boys and girls). Now with that
Christians, we have no idea what real church is
disclaimer out of the way…
supposed to look like, because this is the environment we’ve grown up in, and most of us
If there’s only one thing I was allowed to
don’t study the Bible and other churches enough
say, it would be this: get involved. Church is
to see what’s really good and healthy for church –
really, really lame from the sidelines, I can
me included. And I’m definitely not saying that
assure you. If leadership isn’t really your thing
we’re doing anything wrong. What I am saying is
(and by leadership I mean worship team or
that we have this idea that we need to be “good”
small group leading), you could always try A/V
Christians but we have no idea what in the world
(hey, if I could do it for a few months so could
that actually entails. Whenever someone asks me
you) or Vine editing/writing… or even, you
how my relationship with God is, my default
know, just participating in general. Asian
answer is always “good” – even when it’s not. This
people, for the most part, don’t like drawing
applies in other areas of my life too, whether it’s
attention to themselves by speaking out in big
school, sports, extracurriculars, life in general…
groups or little groups or really any groups unless
So if “good” is really “just scraping by,”
everyone. I have no idea why this is. I do know,
what does it mean to be a “good” Christian or to
however, that it makes everything super
have a “good” church? I think it’s more than just
awkward. I can almost guarantee that it would
coming to church for three hours a week and
be less awkward to just talk instead of sitting in
pretending that everything is fine and dandy, and
silence when Brent asks a question or your
then going home to face the crap that the world
throws at us. Or, even better, missing church
something more personal than how many
because the crap that the world is throwing at us
hours of LoL you played that week.
takes up too much time for us to spend a few
hours of our Saturdays in church.
Fortunately (for me, maybe not so much
Ephesians 2:19-22 says, Consequently, you are no
in the messiness and the mistakes that I’ve grown the most. I’ve become more patient, more
understanding, more of a leader. “Good” church,
foreigners and strangers, but fellow
at least to me, requires people who aren’t
citizens with God’s people and also
perfect and who will admit that they aren’t. I
members of his household, built on the foundation
don’t think we should be handling the world’s
crap outside of Oasis – I think we should bring it
prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as
here. Because it’s here, in
the chief cornerstone. In
him the whole building is
to become a holy temple
in the Lord. And in him
joined, on the firm foundation that is Jesus Christ, to become
lives by his Spirit.
a place where the Holy Spirit
Church is family. That’s
resides. This was God’s plan
the biggest thing I’ve learned
for his Church all along – that
in high school, and also the
as we grow alongside one
biggest reason I’m sad to be found
holy temple; together we are
become a
dwelling in which God
Together we are built into a
you too are being built
presence of “members of his
joined together and rises
together to
another, sharing our burdens
and caring for each other as
friendships within these four
“good” Christians, we develop
walls and I’ve met people who
into a family.
have helped me grow much more than I ever
Last thing (for real this time) – God bless! I
could have on my own. Not everything in church
— Esther Yan know He has great things planned.
has been positive and amazing and beautiful; it’s
As an outgoing high school senior and incoming college freshman who acts like a 12-year old, I hardly deem myself qualified to dole out nurturing advice to ya’ll young’uns. But given my many years of wisdom on experiencing the scary abyss of high school (IA East), I will leave behind these small bits of knowledge for you to enjoy: 1. Mean Girls is not an accurate depiction of high school. While we may already know this, it's hard not to map out your last four years of education as something based straight out of a Disney flick. Regina George will not require you to wear pink on Wednesdays. As a freshman, everything is so new and you're dealing with the constant feeling of apathy all while caring way too much. It's a delicate balance that I think only teenagers alone ever understand fully. To put things in more cynical terms: lower your expectations. Expect change, but don't fantasize. Romanticizing things will only lead you on the pathway to empty cartons of ice cream.
2. Teachers are your friends. Not all of your teachers will be fair, tolerable, or even qualified to teach, and while that may inspire you to want to take your first dignified stand against today's education system, that won't prevent you from failing. At certain times it is going to matter whether you get that extra two percent, and 6
if you're not on good terms with your instructor, that number probably won't budge. Respect your teachers and pay attention in class because no, you're not "too cool for school." Don't waste your energy on trying to seem above your assignments because it'll just come back to bite you. Plus, who do you think is in charge of writing your recommendation letters for college? Exactly. In general, you want to be nice to all of your peers as well. Trust me, there will be times when it'll seem impossible, but think of a few years when you graduate: do you really want to leave knowing you exchanged more apologies than goodbyes? 3. Be a bro. You're going to meet people who are dealing with all kinds of problems. Things like eating disorders and mental illnesses are rampant in today's youth, and while you may not want to believe it, chances are you'll get to know someone who suffers from one. In times like this, you have to be that friend that's going to pick up the phone at 3 a.m. when someone needs to talk. Maybe you'll be the one experiencing these things, and in that case, what would you want your friend to do for you? Sometimes you won't feel like being there, maybe you'll be too tired to listen, but it'll be worth it in the end if you really just make yourself reliable. These people you call your friends are going to be the very ones who are going to get you through your toughest times in high school.
4. Ain’t nobody got time fo’ self-pity. As humans, we're naturally self-centered creatures. We want to focus on all that we've done right, and, unfortunately, all that we've done wrong. Of course, feeling sorry for yourself is okay, it's even healthy! But when you're the person who's always complaining about yourself and your life and questioning all the bad things that happen to you, no one is going to want to talk to you. Nobody is going to feel sorry for you. Wallowing in self-pity is gross and only makes you feel worse in the long run. You are amazing and talented and have all the right to own those moments that make you smile, so focus on that. No one is going to feel like running to dry you with a towel when you're the one pouring water on yourself.
the Asian math genius next to you slept through his last three months of school and didn’t miss a single question. This afternoon you just hit your personal best in sports and you feel great, that is, until that guy over there zips past you on his first try doubling your standards. Stop comparing yourself to others. You're not stupid because you failed a history test. Don't beat yourself up because you don't look like someone because, in reality, you never will. You are yourself and that's all you ever will be. It's both mentally and physically exhausting to hate yourself and stand in the mirror picking out everything you want to change. Think of yourself at your proudest moments and then pat yourself on the shoulder because that is exactly who you are. If you have countless problems with yourself, do something about it. You're the only one who picks yourself up after a long day to keep going, even when you simply feel like sleeping through it all. That's a pretty impressive feat, and don't let yourself be convinced otherwise.
5. You a strong independent black women who don’t need no man. Most teenagers experience a very common thing called low self-esteem. You're surrounded by hundreds of other people who are even better at the things you thought you were best at. While it took you three hours to struggle for an A minus,
— Phillip An And most of all? Have fun.
1. Unlike half of the people in high school,
doing something wrong. Not like "haa, you
Jesus is exactly who He says he is: the Son of
suck at this" wrong, but like "not honoring our
God, Messiah, etc. He keeps His promises (ahem.
Father" wrong. In regards to the first type,
like the rainbow from the Old Testament), and
stop it. Stop being mean or inconsiderate or
He's got yo' back, homie. He never says "no" to a
rude. One of my only regrets is not being nice
prayer—just "yes," "not yet", or "I've got some-
enough to others. We are all fighting unseen
thing even BETTER." Be patient, and let Jesus do
battles. To the latter, "the straight and narrow"
is hard to walk, let's help each other find Jesus, find Heaven. 2. Adversity is not meant to break you,
but to build you. Embrace it.
4. Not every non-Christian is a "bad person" just as not every Christian is a "good
2a. Stop overreacting. Seems a little hypo-
person." Jesus called us to befriend sinners
critical, right? But really. Calm down. The world is
(and tax collectors. ha), but to also uphold his
not going to end because someone said some-
virtues. If you have a good foundation for who
thing mean about you or if you lose your perfect
you are and what you believe in, you won't be
GPA. The world ends as stated in Revelation. So,
swayed. Avoid temptation as much as possi-
until then—adjust your perspective on whatever
ble, but don't limit your friends to only "super
problems you have now—it'll be okay. Really.
cool Jesus-lovers" and ignore those "bad bad people who do bad bad things."
3. Don't be afraid to call someone out for 8
5. For everyone's sake: go to bed. Seri-
girl," asking someone out for the sole purpose
ously? Rest. We have day and night and a Sab-
of sleeping with him/her is not the "right pur-
bath and just go to bed. There is nothing that is
pose." Timing, person, purpose. Have faith that
worth staying up so late for that school and
God will bring together the three for you-
your mood and your im-
don't force it and don't mope
mune system and YOUR
about being "single in high
MOOD is worth sacrificing.
school." His plan is always
(Yeah, I'm talking about the
worth the wait.
studying—looking at you,
7. Read the Bible. READ
rising juniors and seniors!)
Be a better steward of your
you get to know someone if
time, don't pull those late
you don't communicate with
6. There isn't a verse
It's been a pleasure be-
about dating—about when
ing part of this youth group.
or who or how or why. But
Hit me up if you ever need
use smart inference off the other sections of the
anything! I'll pray that this ministry continues
Bible. And high school is not the "right time" for
to flourish, and thanks (mostly everyone) for
everyone, that "girl you talk to every day on end
putting up with me and my ANNtics (get it,
for hours and hours" might not be the "right
— Sarah Tsung 9
I used to think that pronouncing
exist, but our weaknesses are nothing
myself a Christian a few years back
compared to the mighty God we have
would somehow, automatically, grant
and our calling: to love everyone with a
me everlasting happiness — if we are
whole heart. We will all experience suffer-
rooted in Christ, surely our problems
ing and brokenness our whole lives, but
would be solved. More than Christians,
we are meant to love one another
however, we are all humans, consumed
throughout the mess that is life. This is
by the imperfection that defines us. Un-
where our hope begins. Let's help each
fortunately, our struggles don't cease to
other out.
— Jordan Zhu
times don't do my devos. If you ever have questions
So all I really want to say is that you should
not stress too much about your years in
about Christ or anything in life, don't be
high school. I feel like a lot of times we
afraid to share it with your small group.
stress too much about the little things in
Not only is it good to open up, you also
school, like a grade in a class that barely
make friends in the process. Ok uhm so
impacts you. If you try your best and
I'm rambling… anyway, just put God first
you spend some time on your work you
in your life and put effort in the things
should do fine. As for your relationship
you do, but also know that you don't have
with Christ, there is always time to do
to overwork yourself. It really does all
devotionals whether it’s after school or
work out in the end (I know it’s cheesy).
on a weekend. If anything, laziness is the
Have fun with your life in high school!
— Jeremy Chao
biggest reason that I (probably most of us) some-
TIME TO GO “Aren’t you Brandon’s little brother?”
thought it was some cliché saying from the movie, Pay it Forward. But I guess it took me awhile before I noticed that he wanted me to do the same thing for others. And by same thing I mean the things he has done for me. I never knew how much those words meant to me until now. It honestly sums up all of my years at Oasis. But anyway, after he told me that, I recognized that there was so much more to it than just me. The idea of paying it forward was simple. Just like how he discipled me was how I should disciple the next generation. But I guess this is where the guilt kicks in.
Day 1 of Oasis is still so clear in my mind. The feeling and memories of being new and awkward never seem to leave me even as I make my way out of Oasis. Honestly, I am not ready. For some odd reason, there seems to be an unfinished list of tasks lingering in my head. Whether it is saying “Hi” and meeting the new students that enter in, or talking and serving others. I want to say everything is moving too fast but I can’t really tell if that’s another excuse to cover up my guilt. “Why me?” Beginning in freshman and sophomore year, there was one upperclassman that would always talk and catch up with me. He made sure I didn’t get left out and always included me in activities. After sermons, he would ask me questions and would often take time to go through the sermon with me. He was basically my mentor and soon he asked me if he could disciple me. At first, this was odd and would always lead me to the question, “Why me?” But as time went on, I can’t explain how thankful I was to have God place someone in my life to keep me accountable. I guess during my first two years I played more of a listener’s role. Basically trying to adjust and listen to others.
“I’ve wasted it.” I remember reading the book Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper. In the beginning of the book, he describes how an old man broke down in his church because he spent most of life denying God and finally noticed that he had wasted his life. I guess this is how I feel right now as I come to my end at Oasis. I’ve wasted it. I’ve spent more time trying to find ways for me to grow than trying to help others. I guess my purpose in writing this was not only to show you my regrets, but to make sure the next generation doesn’t make the same mistake. “Pay it Forward” to me meant the blessings I received but also my failure to deliver. I truly hope the next generation will live up to this phrase and my prayer is that everyone will leave a legacy that will glorify God.
— Austin Wong “Pay it forward.”
As sophomore year was coming to an end, the person who mentored me told me three simple words, “Pay it forward.” When I first heard it, I
DO AT OASIS 1. A church, like any other organization, is a
church that are more important. With the
community; it is a family. Be it joy or sad-
excuses of school, sports, and clubs com-
ing as the school year begins, take care
news—and person—is to be accepted
to still devote time to reading the Bible
into this holy community. Cherish it; nur-
and talking to Him.
ture it; soon this small bud will bloom
3. Even though you may not hear God re-
into the most beautiful flower that you
sponding to your prayers, take heed to
will forever hold dear. Ignore it; strangle
trust in Him. While talking to Brent at the
it; this chasm between people will only
last winter retreat, he told me something
grow wider, ripping this developing bud.
along the lines of, “Usually you only
2. I suppose I would have learned a lot
know what He has done after the fact.” In
about Christianity if I always came to
other words, be patient. God is mysteri-
church. If I came every single week, de-
ous; no one understands him.
voting myself to those three hours, in-
4. Being a Christian is like eating a date. No
tently listening, avidly discussing, and
one knows if it’s actually good for you,
constantly praising our Lord, I suppose I
but you must continue to believe it is no
would have learned more about Him.
matter if it tastes bitter or sweet, and…
However, it isn’t only what you do at
you should make others want to eat it by
church that defines you as a Christian. In
savoring its taste in order for them to ul-
fact, it would be your acts outside of
timately live healthier lives. 12
5. Listen to Brent. Freshman year, I remem-
8. WRITE FOR (and read) THE VINE!!! It’s
ber messing around in front of Brent,
fun. Shout out to Michelle and Melody
sticking pencils in the ground to make
for the past year of Vine editing!
them stand up on their own like a tall
[Editor’s Note: Thanks Arnold!! Shout
skyscraper waiting to be knocked down.
out to you for writing for us!]
People were talking, texting, and sleeping,
9. Get out of your comfort zone after Oasis
and talk to some people you
Brent’s sermon, where he
must have spent a tremen-
time. Make them feel wel-
dous amount of time on.
come and let them enjoy
Don’t do that. Listen to him.
their time.
6. Take notes. They help you
10. Sing during worship. No
concentrate and remember
one cares what you sound
the sermons. Simple enough.
like. I’m terrible at singing
7. I learned this one during my
sophomore year. The small
You’ll get better. It feels nice
groups are whatever you
too, just like eating Chinese
make it to be. The more time you spend
candy. At first it tastes horrible, but it
with the other people, the more time
gets better. Or maybe not depending on
you’ll appreciate it and enjoy hanging
the type but don’t fret! You’re not a
around them. Very much like a girlfriend.
piece of Chinese candy...
— Arnold Zhou
1. Let go and let God 2. Seriously, as much as you think you have control over your life, you don't. 3. So stop trying. 4. Know that He has orchestrated a plan for you and that it is a beautiful and perfect plan. 5. In everything you do, do it all for the glory of God. 6. "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." — 1 Corinthians 10:31 7. Not doing homework can actually hurt your grades pretty bad... 8. So you're better off just doing it. 9. But! Grades and test scores aren't all there is to college acceptance. 10. So get involved, you'll make friends and it'll be fun! 11. (Actually, grades and test scores are still pretty important LOL) 12. Practice your violin. 13. Don't procrastinate. 14. Bwahahaha let's be real you're still going to.
15. But honestly I think one of the most important things is to remember that you're a child of God. 16. Let your light shine. 17. 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. - Matthew 5:13-16 17. Don't be ashamed of your faith. 18. Don't separate school for school and church for God. 19. I honestly believe that true faith is when you're living it out in every aspect of your life. 20. Tbh, high school is gonna suck... 21. But these are some steps to make unsucky. 22. God bless.
— Christine Leong NORTHEASTERN CLASS OF 2018
VINE ARTICLE (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hi, I'm Randy, I've been at Oasis since I was a freshman, and I have to say, it's been a really fun journey. I was first introduced to Christianity here, thanks to Jeremy Chao, Hannah Lau, and James Jiang! My first time at Oasis was during the lock in. It wasn't the go home at 12 one either, we stayed the entire night lol. My first impression of Oasis was one of a very friendly and welcoming environment. I was nervous at first, though, because of being introduced into a new religion and the fact that I didn't really know anyone there. Well, it turned out better than I thought, and from then on, I started coming weekly. Oasis has always been good to me; everybody I knew was always willing to help or talk to me about any questions I had. The Threads retreat was a milestone for me, though, because that was the first time I really experienced the presence of Christ. I remember it was the last night of worship and everyone was singing and praying their hearts out, and I just felt this overwhelming force that almost began to take over my body. My emotions were running wild, and while I was praying, I could totally tell that God was somewhere in the room. I'm not sure if it was some kind of "in the moment" situation but, nevertheless, it was heartwarming and something that I will remember my entire life. Sophomore year, Oasis needed a drummer so that's when I joined worship
team! At first, I thought I was only there to play the drums, but then I realized that worship team was more than just instruments, it was also about leadership and setting examples for the other kids. So after a year, I felt I wasn't fully committed and didn’t put my entire heart into it, so I stepped down and a more experienced Brian Wu took the role of Oasis drummer. It was still a good experience though, the different feeling of playing on stage and being responsible for the music of worship, rather than following the band from the audience’s standpoint. I regret not joining worship team again after Brian graduated though, I could have been more committed but ultimately I was just lazy. My advice for incoming freshman and underclassmen is to get more involved, but know that certain roles require a lot of commitment. I encourage people who want to be on worship team or small group leaders to strive for it, but realize that it takes a lot of responsibility. Overall, Oasis has been so good to me and I can't thank it enough for the countless memories and friends I've made over the years. Don't take the community for granted, because we’re blessed that we are able to learn about Jesus as a family. I will miss Oasis, and hopefully I'll be able to visit a lot while I'm at college. Thank you for everything!!!
— Randy Lang 15
It's easy to say that I've learned most of what I know about the world from the very first day stepping into the high school realm to the day of my graduation. But honestly, how much have I learned that really influenced my words and my attitude, molded my heart, my feelings, my reactions? We measure growth by change – change in lifestyle and change in heart. Put it this way, and I'd have to say I've learned painfully slowly and I've grown very little in terms of where I hope to be at the end of my life. But I'm not discouraged, because behind me spread out are four years that I feel have prepared me thoroughly for change. One of the most powerful ideas that I have latched on to, ready to be tested and committed to heart, is the idea of honor. Honor to me is the possibility of a single word to live by for the rest of my life. It's a new idea, the simplest one out of the hundreds of others that I created just to make things complicated for myself. The word itself is synonymous to words like "glorify" and "respect" but has a wider and an all-encompassing meaning. We are faced every day with choices and de-
cisions that affect every minute of our time. Our time is limited and therefore precious; how do we maximize what is given to us in order to glorify Christ? Faced with this question, I find that I can ask myself another question that offers a direct solution: "Is it honoring?" Though our ultimate goal as followers of Jesus is to bring glory to Him and what Jesus has done for us, the word "honor" seems to fit in all circumstances. I decided to test this idea in China with my relatives while on vacation. As I constantly asked myself this question, along with "How can I honor this person?", I find myself better able to think of and help those around me, and to do whatever is true and right, because the word "honor" covers it all. Coming upon a situation in which others are not directly involved, I can still ask myself "Is it honoring?" because this question pertains also to God. The Bible tells us to think of and do whatever is true, noble, right, pure, and lovely – whatever honors God and other people. So don't wait until the ripe old age of 18 to try this cool word out. Will you test this theory with me, Oasis Classes of '15, '16, '17, and ’18? Let's leave honor as our legacy.
— Melody Zhang 2013-2014 MVP (Magnificent Vine Perpetuator)
than comfort. Precisely the feeling of shame and defeat that Satan wants. Logically sin does-
With trembling hands, I try to draw the
n’t make sense. We try to replace God with idols
person that I wish that I could be.
and once we discover that our idols aren’t God
Who is God? Where is he in my life? How
then we hate it. Furthermore, does Satan even
can I involve God in my life? If you are taking
have the jurisdiction to give us the pleasures he
the time to read this far, then chances are you
promises? Armed with such knowledge I con-
are doing a pretty good job at it already. The
front temptation again and fail. So perhaps in-
easy answer to those questions is simple. Know
stead of reasoning I should try analyzing what
God better. Just like you can tell the handiwork
sin aims for in Scripture. Looking at Satan temp-
of a friend’s prank or recognizing handwriting,
tation of Jesus, Sin seems to come in 3 ap-
God’s actions clearly have his signature on it.
1. You need to sin in order to live 2. Taking God’s word out of context
1 Corinthians 10:13. No temptation has
3. Get the pleasure from the moment
overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be
From his first statement, “if you are the
tempted beyond what you can bear. But when
Son of God,” Satan wants us to doubt the iden-
you are tempted, he will also provide a way out
tity of Christ. We need to see Jesus's victory
so that you can endure it.
ahead of us and stay focused on that. Adam, the icon of man, fell to sin in a paradise. Jesus
— Anonymous
Great verse, lots of hope and comfort in
resisted temptation while in the wilderness.
it. However, it seems whenever I fall to tempta-
tion this verse seems more like condemnation
If you say two things, then you say nothing at all. Likewise, if you live two lives, then you haven’t lived at all.
— Joe Tang
I haven't forgotten That I am just one person That I am but one voice Attempting to stand out From the crowd.
Yet I can’t move Unready for the world’s demands Unsure without any guidance But I have to get up
I realize That I have fallen Amidst the laughter That surrounds me, and that sometimes It gets too loud.
I can see That I don't know everything That I can't expect My hand to always be Held
I can feel That time is slipping By me, that it Will be gone if I just Stand still
I always remember That I have to grow up And someday live without Their voices, my shelters Making my own decisions I know that I don't know All that I think I know I know that I cannot see all Of the places I want to someday go Here’s my chance now I’m on my own to find myself But sometimes… Just Let me hold Your hand.
— Ann Liu 19
Kettering University
MOST IMPORTANT THING LEARNED THROUGHOUT HIGH SCHOOL How to sleep in class without people noticing
— Hannah Lau
Don’t give into pressure that goes outside your morals! Stay true to what you believe in.
COLLEGE University of Michigan
MOST IMPORTANT THING LEARNED THROUGHOUT HIGH SCHOOL Your accomplishments don’t define who you are; be content with who you are and make time to have some fun, or you'll regret it!
— Belicia Tan
THINGS TO AVOID & MISTAKES TO LEARN FROM Don't try to be cool and stay up late, it's not worth it...
COLLEGE University of Michigan
FAVORITE MEMORY OF OASIS Watching and feeling everyone's contentment as I helped play for the worship team
MOST IMPORTANT THING LEARNED THROUGHOUT HIGH SCHOOL Loving others leads to appreciating life.
— Yihan Hong
Misunderstandings. If there is something wrong, talk about it before it becomes a huge problem.
COLLEGE University of Chicago
When Sharon's small group made posters with verses combating our fears and insecurities to hang on our walls.
MOST IMPORTANT THING LEARNED THROUGHOUT HIGH SCHOOL How to adeptly use a fork and knife. Also that God is so, so merciful. Even though I kept doing really dumb things, he always somehow made things okay! :D
— Sophia Chen
Don't procrastinate!! But seriously! Also, don't fret too much, because God wants the best for you, even if things seem confusing and scary at the moment.
[SURVEYS] COLLEGE University of Michigan
MOST IMPORTANT THING LEARNED THROUGHOUT HIGH SCHOOL Spiritually, I’ve learned to let God take control of my life and to rely on prayer. Trust me, it makes things a whole lot less stressful. In terms of life in general, I’ve learned to enjoy the experiences that are given to me. Instead of “waiting for my life to begin,” I should just live life.
— Amy Chern
Probably what I just said… actually live out your life now. Don’t wait for it to begin because it already has.
Elise is currently in Japan, and she really wanted to write, but she has little computer / Internet access. :( [Editor’s Note: But because she tried, we’ll still include her photo!]
— Elise Hsiung
[PICKUP CORNER] — Jenny Boudon
— Anna Navarro
[Athens High School student]
— Krystal Qin — Sarah Tsung 23
— Christine Leong
[Napoleon Dynamite]
— Henry Zhang — Christine Leong [credit: Eric Yang]
FROM THE EDITORS I DON’T WANT Y’ALL TO LEAVE Wowwie, I can't believe it's already Senior Sendoff <//3 I'm not very good with goodbyes... Sometimes, I wish I interacted with certain upperclassmen more. From the seniors that I talk to, I have learned countless things that I can undoubtedly apply to my life and carry on into the future. There's so much to learn from people who are older than you. I mean, after all, they have experienced life longer than you have. Anyway, I really like this year's senior class. They be pretty chill nam sayin? Shout out to my small group leaders, Sarah and Hannah!!! Thank
you so much for leading our small group and being so sweet and understanding. Your insights have, at least for me, actually helped me a lot through certain things. And I really appreciate you guys opening up to us and just sharing your knowledge and experiences about life and things you've encountered. Is it bad that I already miss you guys a lot??? please come back and visit! WURC ain't the same without ya'll! I wish and pray for God's blessing upon the seniors and their futures. May He guide your paths and continue to mold you all to the men and women He wants you to be.
— Krystal Qin
Every year, the seniors feel like the backbone of Oasis—they’re who the underclassmen look up to, they lead small groups, lead worship, give rides, and generally seem to be everywhere. So it’s always a wonder how, every year, the next generation rises to the occasion and manages to leave its own mark on Oasis, and you guys were no exception. Thank you all for the time and effort you’ve put into this ministry, and I wish you all luck in college! If you have the time, come back to visit us; we’ll do our best to continue to help Oasis grow.
— Newton Ni 25
DEAR CLASS OF ‘14, I think there’s something special about
reach out to each other and pray for and sup-
each Senior Sendoff, but this year I’d really like
port each other. These are the friendships that
to thank all of you for being the graduating
will last the longest, and I will be forever grate-
ful that I have been shown just exactly how much I’ll need other people in my life. Four
There’s something so satisfying about
years is a long time without strong friendships.
coming to Oasis each week and knowing that one of
There’s always so
you will be there to talk to
much to learn from you
me, to teach me, to be my
guys, whether it’s about
older sister or brother – I’ve
academics or sports or
started to take for granted
just life in general. I’ve
these friendships and an-
had to take a step back
and really listen to learn
every week, and I’m really
from all these little les-
sorry to see it go.
sons about high school,
and I can’t express my
If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from
appreciation enough.
my first year at Oasis, it’s to cement friendships while making new ones, and to really listen to
Seniors, you were one of my favorite
what others have to say.
classes (shhhhhhhh), and you’ll always have a special place in my heart. Thank you so much!
I see so much joy always in how everyone interacts, from the jokes to ordinary con-
Be blessed, and I hope the next chapter
versations, and the happiness just sort of seeps
of your lives is a good one!
out. And within a group of friends, everyone is
— Michelle Shen Love,
laughing and having fun. And other times, during more solemn times, these same friends
From the Editors,
EDITORS FOR 2014-2015: Michelle Krystal Newton