Thanksgiving Vine

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{FROM THE EDITORS} DON THE ARMOR OF GOD Sweater weather is officially here! Break has gone by so fast this year, with the motley of potlucks, parties, shopping, sleeping, and moviewatching! It’s been a whirlwind of fun and laughter and happiness. But break, being break, has its downside: laziness. It’s often easy to skip devos, forget praying, or let God’s Word fall to the bottom of our priorities. We push Jesus back and instead get caught up in everyday life. It’s hard to get back into routine again after falling away. Spiritual warfare surrounds us every day in every way imaginable—it’s a constant battle between sin and God. All of our choices (both positive and negative) contribute to the ongoing fight. This week, I’ve struggled with remembering to say grace before I eat or finishing up my devos each day. And each day that I don’t finish what I need to, I am moving away from God. It’s easier to succumb to temptations than to fight them; but God equips us so we can fight the

devil’s schemes. As long as we are honest and righteous, and we hold fast to the Bible and our faith, we are equipped with the Holy Spirit inside of us. With all of this, we can surely defeat any evil. “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:13-17

— Michelle Shen

We must put on God’s armor, and fight against earthly desires.


{FROM THE EDITORS} I SHALL NOT WANT: I DO NOT WANT I often think about what it would feel to be honestly, completely content with who I am and where I am at in my life. To those people who say they are content, are they true? What does it feel like to not want, or to never wish anything different at all? To not say, “I want to be more, do more, know more” but instead “I am the Lord’s and he has set me in this place”? Maybe sometimes, when we are out there doing “busy”, our ultimate goal is to better ourselves, for ourselves. There would be nothing wrong in that, but that the focus is again put on us instead of to be the “best we can for God”. Anyway, the word “best we can be” is actually very vague. We could spend our whole lives testing our potentials for science, for literature, art, you name it. And maybe at the end, we are the “best we can be” on all of these subjects, but God just wanted us: stripped to the core, bare, and empty-handed us. It’s true, lots of people think that a Godgiven talent should not go to waste—the idea that if you possess an extraordinary mind for law,

then it is most definitely God’s will for you to go to law school, become a lawyer, and earn big bucks so that you will eventually “give back” to charity and love in this way. Perhaps, however, this kind of talent-driven path isn’t God’s will for everyone. Instead of listening to our own hearts, it’s time we listen to His. The disciples had all sorts of professions before they met Jesus, but they dropped everything and followed him. A God-given talent doesn’t necessarily signify a oneway road to how a life should be lived; it could be a path to the path that you are called to follow, it could be a pride that must be overcome for humility’s lesson to be taught, it could be a gift from God that is not meant to be used for bread-earning. It could still very well be the path too. God tells us that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made, each in his own image. If the gifts that he blessed us with were put to use for His reasons instead of abused for selfish gain, then we may truly find peace within ourselves.

— Melody Zhang 3

METAMORPHOSIS Does knowing God your whole life automatically make you a Christian? Does being a Christian for over ten years make you a good one? Does growing up in a Christian family all of a sudden make you the greatest Christian raised out there? Does having good friends keep your faith strong? Does going to Christian clubs make you a good Christian? I would answer no to all of these. Being raised in a Christian home my whole life didn’t make me a better Christian. I came to Christ on October 16, 2004. I know; it was a long time ago—I was only 6 years old. Now, looking back, I realize I accepted Christ way too early because I didn’t fully understand what the real meaning was. I only did it out of fear. After I accepted Jesus, I felt great—I had the motivation to be a better child, listen to my parents, and always pray to God. It was truly wonderful when I felt God help me to overcome Satan for the first time. The feeling is absolutely indescribable. At the beginning of fourth grade, I decided to try and finish reading the Bible in a whole year. I didn’t succeed, but I remember people becoming interested when they saw me put down the Bible on my reading list. Soon other churchgoers and Christians began to put the Bible on their reading list. But in fifth grade, I actually started to bring my Bible to school to read. Classmates began to question once again, but this time in a different way: “Why does she get to read that?” or “What is that?” Believe or not, this didn’t affect me to become a better Christian. Going into middle school, I was surrounded by worldly actions. Middle school was when I first started gossiping and backstabbing and becoming the person I used to be. I noticed a change in myself at first, but I thought I would


never do it again. All my friends gossiped and swore and eventually I fell into the same trap. (Well, not the swearing part. Okay, okay, maybe once in a while in my head.) When I was in sixth grade, a Christian club at my middle school was formed—EPIC, Equipping People in Christ. I was super excited for it and I loved it. But around the corner came seventh grade—I didn’t know this at the time, but my backstabbing, gossiping, judging friends had grown on me; I never touched my Bible or did my devos. I was never excited for church or for EPIC. I would just think, “It’s at 8 in the morning. Who would be excited anyway?” At the end of seventh grade, one of my best friends (Girl A) moved to my middle school. She and one of my other friends at the time (Girl B) absolutely hated each other because of a stupid Facebook fight, even though they didn’t even know each other. They always told me bad stuff about each other when they hadn’t even talked or made any effort to get to know each other. At first I was thought, “WOW! Stop being so judgmental.” But before I knew it, I was joining in on their backstabbing conversations. I truly thought there was no problem with this. I used to think, “What else would we talk about?” In eighth grade, I soon realized that it was a big problem. In March, Girl A and one of my other friends (Girl C) got into a huge fight. Girl A starting the fight by calling Girl C mean. I found out about the fight when Girl C messaged me and told me about it. She eventually began to say nasty things about Girl A and Girl B and I semi-agreed, maybe adding in an opinion or two. This sounds so stupid to me now, but before this fight happened, Girl A told me her Facebook password and I gave her mine in return.

About two weeks into summer, Girl A went on my Facebook and saw I had a conversation with Girl C. She looked at it because of her curiosity and showed it to Girl B! A huge fight blew up and they said they didn’t wanted to be friends anymore. The first person I blamed for this mess? God. Why is it when something awful happens the first person we usually blame is God? But when we need help or are thankful for something we don’t go to him right away? Isn’t it ironic how we become angry at the great being that created the very horrible things that happen to us? I was upset with God. But why? I hadn’t talked to him or read his Word in two years. It turned out being mad at Him helped me understand why all of this happened. As freshmen year started, I found a new group of friends. Then all the pieces started to come together: God wasn’t trying to hurt me; he was trying to help me. Surprisingly, I started praying more often and asking God for help. Looking at the big picture, those friends were horrible influences on me and swayed me to pursue worldly actions. I also realized that in my new group of friends, no one gossiped or made nasty comments about other people. Eventually, I began going to the high school’s Christian club, REACH. I also began coming to Oasis. Going to REACH and Oasis, I met many people who were on fire for God, wanting to serve Him, ready to do what He told them to do. I finally began reading the

Bible again and I recommitted myself to God. I didn’t know how big of a difference it was between just knowing who God is and actually KNOWING God. The transformation was amazing—I understood the Bible much better; I could analyze it and apply it to my life. I made an effort to show God’s love to people around me and not be as judgmental. By doing this I realized how many more friends I could make and how much more open I felt toward others. My old group of friends still has their own little clique. Girl A got over the fight quickly and now we are super good friends. And after all that has happened to me, I know to trust in God with all my heart. One of my favorite verses: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will keep your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 God is almost always the first person I turn to and talk to. I have learned that trusting in Him wholeheartedly really works. Having trust problems makes it harder, but I still try my best to trust in His will. Whenever I doubt God, I pretty much pray nonstop. Remembering that the Lord is my anchor guides me to remember God has a perfect plan to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). Even though things may seem bad at times, I now know it is ultimately part of God’s great plan and will benefit me in the long run. Whether it is a minute, two days, three years, or four decades… whatever it may be, God has it all planned out and under control.

— Joanne Tan 5

VIVE PRO DEUS As the winter holidays approach, families reunite. Children spend more time with their parents and vice versa. For me, these days are some that I spend the most time with them and thus, these days hold a special place in my heart. 365 days a year and more than six hours a day in the same house, it’s a wonder why I don’t talk with them more. Amongst the festivities and rush for presents, don’t forget to be together with family and our Lord! As the last words to this, I leave you this verse. Hence, I say adieu today Oasis! “Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; Make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced, O descendants of Abraham his servant, O sons of Jacob, his chosen ones. He is the Lord our God; His judgments are in all the earth…” Psalm 105

Thanksgiving. What is it? Well…  A celebration was held by Pilgrim settlers in Massachusetts during their second winter in America in December, 1621.  A feast of turkey, mashed potatoes, and all that good stuff.  A break from school, homework, and whatnot.  A time of, well, giving thanks.

I bet at least one of these thoughts scurried across your mind at the word thanksgiving. You wouldn’t be wrong. But what really is Thanksgiving? Like most any other word, its meaning is subjective, but there is one underlying fact we all agree on: it is a giving of thanks to our Lord and Jesus Christ—for us Christians. Although the repetition of variations of thanksgiving in 120 words has made the article mundane, it’s true! But I digress… Out of all of the gifts that God has given us, the one of the utmost importance is Jesus Christ, our king and savior. On that sacred cross Jesus died for us—He paid for our unfathomable sins and granted us an opportunity for eternal life. As the Apostle Paul so nicely put it, “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15) Be as it might that I try to focus on Thanksgiving, it’s not wrong to also mingle the idea of Christmas in as well. In fact, the idea behind Christmas and Thanksgiving is one and the same. But why have two separate holidays to praise God? I don’t see why not. Laudate Deus (Praise God)! There is a slight line that separates the two holidays’ definitions. The purpose of Thanksgiving—besides serving as a time to praise Him— is a symbol of good harvest, while Christmas is a symbol for die natali Christi (birthday of Christ).

— Arnold Zhou Vive pro Deus (Live for God)!


OUT OF ORBIT “Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.” —Ralph Marston

was fighting depression because they felt as if no one could ever appreciate her, that they just gave and gave and the people around her took and took and never gave anything in return. Not even a thank you. I make it a point to thank her a lot now. Especially because I know how much she’s actually sacrificed so that the people around her can be happy, and I really do appreciate all that she’s given. So say thank you! Maybe it has lost its meaning; maybe people don’t really care anymore when you say thank you. But to some, it could mean a lot. Taking time to appreciate someone can make their day—and at no extra cost to you. And be thankful, not only for others’ sake, but because it is good to remember how little we have without others. A lot of what we have is given to us—the roof over our heads, the food we eat, our education. Be thankful for a God who never relents, a grace that we don’t deserve, a love that never ends.

We’ve probably all grown up learning to say “please” and “thank you.” At this point, “thank you” is an automatic response. We’re taught to say thank you to everything: those birthday gifts from family members that no one really wants, people doing things with good intentions that we don’t really appreciate—sometimes I even thank my teachers when they pass out tests. It’s a habit deeply ingrained into society, and the words “thank you” hardly mean much anymore. So I have a hard time showing my appreciation. It feels like—when I say thanks—I have to smile a little wider or say it a little more emphatically so that it is more genuine. This is a lot of effort. But I also think this is effort worth putting in. Someone close to me once told me that she

— Esther Yan 7

WAVERING cation... And what you said is great and all, but from my observation, I see a sad face."

"Hi! Right this way, have a seat." Which visit is it now? Fourth, fifth? I shuffle inside the extravagantly decorated room, take off my scarf, and sit down on the overly-soft couch that seems to swallow me up. My mom sits next to me. The businesslike lady I've come to know over the past year sits across from me. She starts as usual. How's school? How has the past month been? Any changes? And then: Any opinions from Mom?

A sad face. The familiar phrase. "We may have to increase dosage, or change medication..." As they discuss what they have to, I resume my usual position of folded hands, eyes to the floor. A sad face. My sad face. And—what did I say? Not necessarily? Had I, in the heat of the moment, just messed up two opportunities to be the good example I was supposed to be? But it's true, isn't it? My faith isn't what she needs to know about. She's a doctor. She's here to fix me with medicine. But couldn't I have said something else; anything else? "Yes, Mother, that is indeed very true; however I do not find it necessary to present this true information in a professional environment."

"I think," my mother begins, "that her faith has been helping her. I think that she's come to know God lets everything happen for a reason." I look up from my usual position of hands -folded and head-facing-down, and think: Uh. Mom. This is not the time. "I think that every time she has a low point, she knows that God will pick her up again," she continues, and goes on like this for a few minutes. I stare quietly the other way, becoming agitated. Why am I agitated?

No, I outright denied it. I denied that my faith helped me. That must have come from somewhere,

“And do you agree with this?" the familiar voice asks. "Not necessarily," I reply, not missing a beat.

right? "And I guess we'll wrap it up here," a cheery voice signals.

What did I just say?

I stand up, put on my scarf, and walk my sad face out of the room.

"Ah. Yes, well, it's great that her faith has been helping her, but my job is to look at her circumstances—the facts—and deal with medi-


I was reading the poem I'd submitted to

with that. No matter how unthinkable it is at

the last Vine. Something didn't strike me as

the moment, no matter how impossible it may

quite right—in the last few lines I wrote "to skip

seem, I've reached the conclusion that God is

and fly down this long path".

helping me BY letting me go through it. How

I think that poem began as an upsetting

exactly, I'm still not entirely sure, and probably

way to let out my feelings. Then later, I felt the

won't be for a long while, but I've thought of a

need to pick it up and write a happy ending.

few things:





By going through certain strug-

really do think there is a happy

gles, God equips us to help others


who are going through the same




the path isn't. Sometimes it's not al-

Without struggles, we'd be so

ways that easy. It isn't always

content with our own lives that

skipping and flying. Even if God

sooner or later, we'd forget. We'd

is a rock that won't ever move,

forget to talk to God, to think

it doesn't mean that our faith

about God, and we'd just throw

won't ever waver.

Him to the back of our priorities.

To be honest, I'm a com-

And I'm sure there's plenty more,

plete pessimist, and it's only

but for now I'm content with know-

gotten worse recently. I've been

ing that God knows much, much

struggling to stay afloat. But if

more than I do. In fact, this same

I've learned one thing in the

thing can make me frustrated. But

past year, it's that God doesn't

in the end, it's really a good thing.

give us hardships just for the

Even when my faith wavers, God

sake of making us suffer. No,

will not stop moving. Even my sad

that's not what God does.

face better be sure of that, because it's the same sad face that God keeps pointing

Thinking back to why I denied what my

up time and time again.

mom said about my faith helping me, I think I can trace it back to my own thinking. My thinking was, 'If God is letting me go through this,

— Jenny Boudon

then He isn't helping’.

And now I think I can see what's wrong




What if we woke up With only the possessions That we thanked God for?

— Teddy Du 10

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Mel + Mich

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