The Vine

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Editor’s Picks! Got suggestions?


so we can feature

Will you answer the call?

“Cry in my Heart”

or tweet us some of your favorites



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some of them in the next issue!


Kelly Yu’s Digital Art Falling on my knees in worship

There’s a cry in my heart For Your glory to fall For Your presence to fill up my senses

Giving all I am to seek Your face


January 28th Oasis Saturate: Love

Lord all I am is Yours set=a.10150561043563142.432311.638928141& type=3

Next Year’s Editors! Tiffany & I decided to start training next year’s editors earlier so they would know what to do once we leave for college. We know they’re awesome at everything and will do a great job! :) I told them that if they didn’t write a bio for themselves, I would write one for them, and only Sharon submitted one. So for the other two of you, HAHAHA. My name is Kelly Yu and I’m a junior at Rochester High School. I like to draw on my computer and make cool art. I also have a lot of things in my schedule so I couldn’t make it to the first Vine training which is very sad but Robotics and Band are very important things so yeah. No but really. I like to make food and I like to make cool origami boxes inside boxes inside boxes inside boxes inside boxes inside boxes inside boxes inside boxes inside boxes inside boxes inside (giftception!!!) and cool gift bag things. [editor‘s note: I wrote this. Sorry, Kelly.]

17. dancer. I spend my free time dabbling in song, writing, and photography. Sometimes when I’m not too lazy I actually enjoy going for a run. I have crazy dreams and pray a wish at 11:11—I like to do insane things with my friends and family; a kid at heart. But ridiculously scared of spiders and the dark. I love my stuffed animals and my electric blanketprobably the only thing that has saved me from freezing in my house, chewing on my pens(or anything else I have handy), crazy colors, heels, calling my sister babycakes, coffee and starbursts. And God<3

This picture of me is overexposed and it’s really hard for the editors to choose a picture of me because I never smile for photographs because I’m just too cool for that. I think bottles of water should be kept in the refrigerator, not the garage. This is very important. Very. My favorite hobbies are eating and sleeping — it’s true, you can even check my facebook page! Friend me! Also, this Vine is being released on my birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I’M SO EXCITEDDDD!!! TO BE OLD!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! [editor‘s note: Sorry.]

From the Editors

There's so much to write about because so much has happened since our last

issue! Everything from GRACE and the New Year seems like forever ago. Happy New Year? Happy Chinese New Year? Happy Valentine's Day! This is a new year, a new era for us, for ourselves and for us as a ministry. Let us to come together. To be unafraid to show God our love for Him. Recently I've been watching a few videos from I Am Second. Check it out at Basically, a lot of more or less well known people give their testimonies in video form. And they all end it with, "I am second." God is first. First. When I was little, I was really shy, but I wanted to be famous. And in middle school, I was this awkward, shy, little Asian girl but I decided I was going to be more that. Because I think in a way, we all want to be known, "for to be known is to be loved." To be needed. We were raised in a culture that subliminally tells you, you have to prove your worth to be wanted. Show me what you can do. Show me how hard you can work. To be the best at something. To be first. (Or was that just my upbringing?) So it's hard when you're anything less. When you feel like less than you should be. When there's so many expectations to live up to. It's easy to lose that sense of "life," hope. I'm watching famous people like Lecrae (the Christian rapper), like Bethany Hamilton (the girl that got attacked by a shark and lost an arm), Bailee Madison (the girl from Bridge to Terabithia), Michael W. Smith (the worship leader), etc. Maybe I've been doing too much 12AP English work, but I definitely see the thread through all of them. "And that's when my life fell apart." "I couldn't keep up." "I couldn't do it by myself." "It was too much."


I'm looking at these people who are famous, who've so called made it in the world, which is what we're trying to do, admit it or not, right? Make it in the world? I can't believe they've had so many struggles. Every story is amazing. Including yours. He is the perfect author. And in this story, Jesus is the hero. The struggles are so evident in their lives. They're different, but they're evident in ours, too, which makes us wonder how we could possibly be loved by the Ultimate Lover. We cast ourselves unworthy. "And then I prayed." Then God revealed himself. Then God has to revive us over and over again. We keep praying for revival, but revival is here. He is redeeming us at every moment, as long as we hold on His hand in order to stand up. But sometimes we feel like He's not with us, like He's not reaching out to us. Because we are blinded. "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." —Psalm 27:14 When we are successful with Him, God is proud. But when we are successful in spite of God, we are blinded. Without Him, we are nothing. Not even second because there is nothing to be second to. I read recently, "patience implies peace." For me, it feels like an interim. But God, He has truly perfect timing, as He's revealed to me again and again, and sometimes God holds answers and dreams off for when your heart is ready, for when the time is right. It could be forty days in the desert. It could be a year in a flood before we see a rainbow. It could be forty years. So we live by faith. With trust. Let Him live through you. The speakers in the video, they had to wait. They did. What is remarkable is the incredible humility they display. There's a football coach on there that talks about his team praying at the Super Bowl. I don't really "get" sports but even I know that there are quiet a few prominent athletes who serve our God. Unafraid. Unashamed. Everything is for God. We want to honor God in all that we do. To put him first. Daily. In everything. To live a lifestyle of worship. At the feet of Jesus. In the hands of Jesus. With the mind of Jesus. In the heart of Jesus. We are loved. Loved. God is first in my life, and I am second.

- Alice Liang

From the Editors

God is Faithful. And God is Love.

Last Saturday, at Saturate, I felt more alive than any other day this year. I felt charged. The atmosphere in Oasis was filled with energy. With realization. That God was with us, is with us, and will always be. That He is for us and is there to support and love us no matter what. I felt His presence, permeating the room. Overflowing, to such an extent that touched and moved us. That forced us to recognize His Majesty. Something uncontainable, unlimited, unsurpassable. Something that He offers us. He offers us hope in the midst of our worry. Confidence when we are in doubt. Support for us, the weak hearted. Always there, always God, never failing, never leaving, never. And I think it’s a beautiful beginning. We all know that Oasis has so much potential. To reach, to transform, to give, to serve. It’s God’s tool. We also know that it isn’t reaching that potential. And I feel that it’s a new beginning to turn that all around. To step out of our comfort zones, take leaps of faith, try new things, discover who God created us to be. Discovering who God is, Seeing His Face, Living the life of Christ. Being the body of Christ. A Family. A Unit. Together. Fighting against this complacency that so often suffocates our desires to serve God. Ditching that double life that is so easy to lead. Loving like God, unconditionally, despite all imperfections. Casting aside judgment. Adopting a new, godly lifestyle. Worshiping every moment, with each breath, each step. Loving life, every second, every day, every single precious moment, praising, being thankful. Adopting the mindset, the heart, the attitude of complete humility and servitude of Jesus. Being transformed through the works of God the Spirit. Transforming others as well. Oasis, let’s grow together. God has so much in store for us. I am so excited.

- Kelly Yu


From the Editors

Sometimes I just have to ask myself: you of little faith, why do you doubt.

Recently I’ve been reading Don‘t Waste Your Life by John Piper. Every night I reexamine just why I am living every day. Why I wake up and go through endless routines at school, before I realized—I’m not really living. Knowing this I feel almost as if we, brought up in the culture we are brought up in, are restricted in the amount of truth we tell ourselves, taught that everything is about our grades, our futures, while still drowning in our presents. Recently, I’ve remembered that nothing I do is in my control. That God, our healer, our friend, our judge and our savior, is watching over us. That in him there is nothing and no one to fear, and yet I have doubted. This lack of understanding, because of all I have shut away inside of me, in the back of my mind “out of sight, out of mind” has caused me to doubt more, to believe that so many things were untrue, that in front of my very eyes, Oasis was falling apart. But as it is, this church has in fact been building anew. Perhaps not in the way of our generations past—but that is all in the past. It is time for something new. I no longer believe in sugarcoating reality, but rather that in our age, full of distractions and fighting worldly desires and false loves, that this is the time to search for truth. And truth is found in Christ alone. Why don’t people stop us and ask us of our hope? Can people tell that you are living for so much more than this world can ever offer? Can people tell that you are different, because you are radiant with Christ’s love? Why should you or I call ourselves Christian—until we can really live with Christ’s love, and his hope, his heart, from the inside out, unashamed in our stand? This is not about judging politics or debating about whether or not God exists or wondering why other people who call themselves Christian don’t act like it—this is about taking your life and living it out for the glory of God, taking your life and living it so that others may find joy in Him as well—before your life is wasted. For one day when you stand in front of the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, will he tell you “well done, my good and faithful servant” Or will you stand ashamed, knowing your life was not one that furthered the Kingdom of God. Keep moving&God bless truly one of your new vine editors,

-Sharon Shen

From the Editors

Dear Oasis,

The busiest season of the year has yet to blur past many of us, leaving our minds disoriented and lost in faith and hope for greater things. The confining schedules that the student life falls into may be, at times, plenty overwhelming. At the end of the day, though, what matters but to dwell in His glory? To be still and stand in awe of all that He is? We are in this world, not of it. It’s certainly not about our works and accomplishments, but how we can best praise Him with what He has given us. Yet I know that by the time I have studied my mind full of dates, words, and numbers, what is left of me is nothing more. And this leftover energy is what I offer to God. And not even all the time, no, these leftovers are not even consistently offered, but spared for some self-interest or relaxation. Why do we do this, Oasis, doesn’t our God, our everything, deserve more? Our hard work in school, at work, and other activities should be motivated to better His name, for He is the one who gives us strength. Don’t we do them just because though, or for prestige, or the college, or the parents, or “peer pressure” (how ironic)…or any other reason besides living it out for the One and only?

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.‖ – Ephesians 2:8-9 8

“That you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.‖ – Philippians 2:15 I’m tired. Tired physically, confused emotionally, lost spiritually. Being so hard on ourselves, it takes a lot of sacrifice and reflection to accept the fact that this life is simple. Trapped in a world that categorizes, based on meaningless accomplishments and numbers that define who you are to them, and none of it matters. You are not theirs to define. “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.‖ – Isaiah 43:1 I am fighting, fighting to understand, to live freely, to trash these deceptive chains and live in peace, knowing that numbers don’t work in Heaven, knowing that we live for a greater purpose. So I search. I search for promises and a constancy, a solace from all of this. And what I’ve been holding on to is that His presence and His love will never fail us, not matter how many times we fail to love Him. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.‖ – John 14:27 Love is why we’re here. His love is more than enough, because He has overcome all else. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.‖ – Matthew 11:28-30 Because we rest in the palm of His hand. Because we can soar with Him, above. ―I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

-Melody Zhang

Love Like No Other Have I ever deserved to complain, to curse, to be mean, uncaring, unloving, to any-

body? Have I ever deserved to be given so much love from not only people but also from a God that is all-consuming, all-powerful, omnipotent, omniscient, amazing, beautiful, Savior, Healer, Redeemer… Why would the creator of the universe look with love on me, when there are so many more people better than me? Why would He lose His life so I could hold on to my own? Why did He go through the greatest suffering to release me from the sin I created, I dealt upon Him, I should be bearing? I would always question to this God about such things, and usually the answer was: “Because of Love.” Then, what is love? Is it that emotional turmoil you feel when you see someone, those fluttery feelings, static jolts, spasms? Is it calmer, the love of a best friend, or the humble love toward the ones in pain? Is love only for that one person in your world, the one you “love” with all your heart?


―Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.‖ —1 Corinthians 13:4. If love is all of these, is there any love in the world that could fulfill all of those? If not, would it still be called love? Maybe I understand a little bit now that I’m writing about it . The love we’re expressing and feeling through people is flawed, imperfect, filled with other emotions, lust, greed, and selfishness, just like us. The only TRUE love is God, and that’s probably why I can’t comprehend Jesus’ perfect sacrifice for us. In this world, we will probably never become just like Jesus, but some people can be close, and it’s a good goal to try to pursue right? I haven’t really found a real purpose for my life yet, but I’m inching closer to something I could love, something I won’t fear speaking out for, something I would die for. Is my faith strong enough to move mountains? ―Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‗Move from here to there‘ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.‖ —Matthew 17:20. Nothing is impossible with God. Keep believing in Him, and He will guide us Home .

-Peter Sun

Of Little Faith

alum article!

All of the chapters I read today stood out to me in some way. In Nehemiah 4, they had faith that God would provide and protect them against their cruel enemies. Against all the violence, opposition, ridicule, and negativity, they continued to build the wall. In Acts, Paul was stoned and dragged out of the city because they thought he died. However, he got up and walked back to the city and continued to preach (perfect example of how we’re immortal until God has finished what He wants to do in us). We must endure many trials to enter the Kingdom of God. In Genesis, God makes the covenant with Abram to make his offspring as great as the stars in the sky. He physically represents this by the parting of the animals. This covenant leads to many acts of faith that Abram lives out in the future. Now, in Matthew, this passage stood out to me the most: But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” All of the chapters I’ve been reading lately are about faith, whether it be about people of faith or acts of faith. As I read, I was convicted by the last sentence. Me, a spiritual baby of little faith, who Jesus continues to reach out and catch when I fall. I’ve been called to have faith greater than the size of an atom. Even a mustard seed of faith can move mountains. To strive for that mustard seed—and more—is my goal.

-Rachel Liu


While I’m Waiting One day, I’m going to look back on my life…and I hope that I don’t think, “Wow, that

was really a waste of time.” Except, I don’t really know what I want to do with my life. When people ask me what I want to be when I grow up, I never know what to say. I change my mind constantly. I wanted to be a teacher, now I want to be an engineer. And then I thought I might want to be a psychologist. Or a professional musician. Or something else. My mind is constantly focused on my future—what I want to do, what college I should apply to, my ACT/SAT score, how many kids I’m going to have… yeah, I know I’m only a sophomore, but a lot of my thoughts still are about how I’m supposed to survive without my parents making me food. Seriously…what? Let’s be honest—my fear of the future reflects my insecurities with what God will provide for me. Whenever I worry about how I’m supposed to score a 36 on my ACT (well, my parents expect me to do it), it shows a lack of faith on my part. When I wonder how I’m supposed to get into a good college, it proves that I don’t trust God to fully provide for me. But God says, ―Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?‖ — Matthew 6:25-27 What I can do is trust God. Trust that He will know what’s truly best for my future. And until He makes that clear in my life, I will wait for Him to give me direction in my life. I will serve you while I’m waiting I will worship while I’m waiting

-Esther Yan


Just what can be as wonderful as love? What can be so amazing as to see the person that you love and be able to be with them? In the perfect society, don't you think that true love exists? Where people find soul mates and live happily ever after? No fighting, no arguing, no divorces. They would be happy together for life and never leave each other. Doesn't that sound like a society where everyone is happy? Doesn't that sound like something perfect and amazing? To be able to find that perfect person that is like the perfect piece of a puzzle to fit you? To live in such a society, the world would be happy. Or at least, so one might think. But is that the society we live in? I don't believe it is. Love is a crazy thing, but it doesn't seem to fit into our imperfect world very well. People fight all the time, arguing is common within a relationship, and the divorce rates are up. I'm not saying that people never find their "soul mate", but it rarely happens. I just think that the perfect love between two people is almost nonexistent. There are a few exceptions, but who knows, were they really that perfect? Maybe the flaws were there all the same and they still loved each other. Or maybe that's just the definitions of perfect love? At this point I no longer know. Maybe the perfect love is to love everything, even the flaws. Just stick with it, maybe you'll find that perfect someone. But even of you don't, there will always be the one true perfect love. God.

- Vincent Chu



Often we school people would think that we don't even have the time to focus on God, or that we stay up so late that we just forget to do our prayers at the end of the day. However, here I am to say that throughout all your busy schedules, you can fit in this one easy thing—worship music on the radio! If you're like me who drives around lotttt, then I really recommend this for you. But hey, this can also apply greatly to those who don't drive as well, and own some radio in their house. :) One day, when I was rummaging on the radio dial to find a good song to listen to, I accidentally stopped upon 102.3, and the music being played sounded really..powerful. At that moment, I knew that this was going to be my new favorite channel. As I am guilty of being one of those people who forget to pray to God every day, listening to these songs while driving has helped me stay connected with God. It calms my heart, and it reminds me that God is there. And often I would just sing aloud to these songs (when I'm alone, of course :P); that alone can revive my spirit, can bring me into good hopes. Sometimes I even just sit in my car after a long drive and just listen and think about God. But umm...that's all I have to say! Sorry for it being so short, I just wanted to share this with ya'll :) I encourage you guys to find your way to stay connected with God; you can always try this one out! But whether you decide it's writing, bible, music, etc., it can turn one day into something great.

-Katie Zhong

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Is it a sin that you stole my heart?

Would you like to join my Purpose Driven Life?

You know Jesus?

The Word says “Give drink to

Me, too!

those who are thirsty and feed the hungry” How about dinner?

You are a Galatians 5 fruit salad. I went on a mission trip, but all I ended up doing was mission you.


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