Boletín de noticias Asia Pacífico. Abril - junio 2015 N° 5

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Acuerdos y negociaciones

Cooperation remains crucial for AIIB’s success (02/04/2015)

More than 50 countries and regions on five continents have applied for membership for the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Philippines not to seek to join TPP: trade chief (03/04/2015)

The Phillippines will not participate in the negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) under its current government, Japan’s Nikkei newspaper reported earlier this week, citing the Phillippine trade chief.


Elaborado en base a las versiones digitales (en inglés y español) de los diarios más representativos de la región de Asia Pacífico. Las noticias son responsabilidad del medio periodístico no comprometiendo ni reflejando las opiniones del Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico, ni de las Organizaciones que lo conforman. Las noticias son presentadas en su versión e idioma original con acceso directo al link del periódico.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Brunei needs competitive edge to benefit from AEC (06/04/2015)

While Brunei stands to gain as a member of ASEAN on the completion of the regional economic integration blueprint, it still has to ensure that it keeps itself competitive. Corea del Sur y Japón intentarán normalizar la cooperación en seguridad (06/04/2015) Mientras Corea del Sur y Japón muestran cierta disposición para restaurar la cooperación bilateral en seguridad, se cree que Estados Unidos actúa en estos momentos como mediador, tras invitar al primer ministro japonés Shinzo Abe y a la presidenta surcoreana Park Geun Hye a visitar sucesivamente Washington, durante este semestre. Japan seeks talks with China (08/04/2015) Japan and China are planning a meeting between the two countries finance ministers in Beijing in June, Japan’s Finance Ministers Taro Aso said on Tuesday, a move that signals Japan’s push to put the two countries troubled ties back on track. China y Vietnam prometen amistad y asociación más estrecha (08/04/2015) El presidente de China, Xi Jinping, y el secretario general del Partido Comunista de Vietnam (PCV), Nguyen Phu Trong, prometieron consolidar la amistad tradicional e impulsar la asociación cooperativa estratégica e integral entre los dos países durante las conversaciones entabladas hoy. Reunión Taipei-Seúl sobre transporte aéreo a celebrarse en Taiwán (10/04/2015) Los representantes de los sectores de los servicios de transporte aéreo de Taiwán y Corea del Sur estarán reuniéndose dentro de poco en Taipei para abordar un conjunto

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de medidas tendientes a satisfacer la demanda de los crecientes intercambios turísticos entre los dos países. Corea del Sur, EEUU y Japón celebrarán una consulta viceministerial de Exteriores (10/04/2015) Corea del Sur, EEUU y Japón celebrarán una consulta viceministerial de Relaciones Exteriores el próximo 16 de abril en Washington DC. China y Singapur prometen profundizar cooperación militar (14/04/2015) China y Singapur se comprometieron a profundizar la cooperación militar con la esperanza de hacer contribuciones a la paz y la estabilidad regional, dijo el ministro de Defensa Nacional chino, Chang Wanquan, hoy martes en Beijing. China, Corea del Sur y Japón acuerdan profundizar cooperación trilateral sobre innovación en política hídrica (13/04/2015) China, Corea del Sur y Japón acordaron este lunes profundizar la cooperación trilateral sobre la innovación en política hídrica, durante el VII Foro Mundial del Agua que se celebra en las ciudades surcoreanas de Daegu y Gyeongju, en el sureste del país.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


From FTAs to highways, India looks to strong links with Thailand (16/04/2015) More Indian investors plan to expand their businesses overseas, targeting Thailand and Asean as among the countries with the biggest potential. The trade and cooperation links will be boosted by close culture, an expected soon-to-be signed Thailand-India free-trade agreement, and a highway route connecting Assam in India through Myanmar to Tak in Thailand. China busca profundizar relaciones de cooperación con Bolivia, afirma embajador (16/04/2015) El embajador de China en Bolivia, Wu Yuanshan, manifestó hoy miércoles que su gobierno busca profundizar las relaciones de amistad y de cooperación con Bolivia en diversos sectores.

Taiwán tiene 'alta chance' de ingresar a AIIB: ministro de China (18/04/2015) Taiwán tiene "muy alta posibilidad" de sumarse al planeado Banco Asiático de Inversiones en Infraestructura (AIIB, siglas en inglés), iniciado por China, según un alto funcionario del Ministerio de Finanzas de China. AIIB to focus on infrastructure, cooperate with existing multilateral institutions (19/04/2015) The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will focus on infrastructure and cooperate with existing multilateral institutions such as the World Bank and the Asia Development Bank (ADB), China's vice finance minister said Friday.

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Bolivia, Korea to boost trade, exchanges (19/04/2015) The Bolivian Embassy held a reception on April 10, two weeks ahead of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties, to mark the official launch of an organization for trade and investment here. Indonesia to contribute for Asian-African growth (20/4/2015) Indonesia's Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi emphasized the importance of democracy, equality, and respect for human rights in the Asian-African region and across the world. Vietnam joins regional economic forum (20/04/2015) A delegation led by Minister of Agricultural and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat attended the Asian Development Forum which opened on April 19 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesia, Singapore agree to cooperate in handling corruption cases (23/04/2015) Indonesia and Singapore have agreed to cooperate to handle cases of corruption and money theft. Park y Bachelet disertan sobre oportunidades para jóvenes emprendedores (23/04/2015) La presidenta de Corea del Sur, Park Geun Hye, celebró el miércoles 22, una cumbre con su homóloga chilena Michelle Bachelet en Santiago de Chile, el tercer destino de su viaje por América Latina.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


No new penalties for Australian internet pirates under Trans-Pacific Partnership (24/04/2015) Australian internet pirates have escaped tougher sanctions as the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement nears completion. Gov’t to Begin FTA Talks with Latina American 7 Countries (30/04/2015) The government will declare the launch of talks for free trade agreements with seven Latin American nations including Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and Ecuador within June this year. FTA talks between Asean and EU may resume soon (30/04/2015) The long-stalled negotiations on an Asean-European Union free-trade agreement could be revived soon. Cuba’s Party delegation visits Vietnam (30/04/2015) The head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for External Relations Hoang Binh Quan on April 30 welcomed Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (CPC) and Head of its International Relations Department, Jose Ramon Balaguer Cabrera. India and Japan sign action plan for investment and trade promotion (30/04/2015) In a bid to strengthen economic ties, India and Japan on Thursday signed an action agenda


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Miyazawa signed the action agenda for India-Japan investment and trade promotion and Asia-Pacific economic integration.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Phl to hold air talks with Mexico, Qatar this month (04/05/2015) The Philippines is set to hold air talks with Mexico and Qatar this month as part of efforts by the government to boost the tourism industry. Pro-Beijing group plans new petition to support Hong Kong electoral reform (05/05/2015) A pro-Beijing group that last year circulated a petition against the Occupy movement will stage a city-wide signature campaign next week in an attempt to put pressure on pan-democrats to support the government's electoral reform package. Corea y Vietnam firman el TLC bilateral (05/05/2015) Corea del Sur firmó el martes 5 un Tratado de Libre Comercio con Vietnam, que junto con el resto de acuerdos de este tipo suscritos con otros países, sería el decimoquinto. Se estima que el convenio entrará en vigor durante este año, tras su aprobación parlamentaria. Vietnam, Belize promote bilateral ties (05/05/2015) Governor-General of Belize Colville Norbert Young expressed a desire to bolster cooperation with Vietnam at a reception for the first Vietnamese Ambassador to the country, Le Linh Lan on May 4. Deuda pública de Taiwán alcanza monto récord (07/05/2015) Las deudas públicas del Gobierno central de la República de China (Taiwán) totalizaron los NT $5.633.400 millones (US$ 184.701,6 millones) a finales de abril pasado, estableciendo un nuevo récord, según un informe dado a conocer el jueves 7 por el Ministerio de Finanzas.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Korea and Vietnam Sing FTA Deal. Seek to reach $70 Bil. in Bilateral Trade by 2020 (07/05/2015) The Korean and Vietnamese governments officially signed a free trade agreement on May 5 and came to an understanding that both will work together in reaching the bilateral trade volume of US$ 70 billion by 2020. The deal is the 15th FTA signed by the Korean government. BRICS cements its solid future in Shanghai (08/05/2015) Work on the new office of the BRICS New Development Bank, set up by Brazil, Russia, India,China and South Africa, is fast nearing completion in Lujiazui, the financial district of Shanghai and is expected to start operations this month. Japan, China agree to boost exchanges in first consular talks in three years (08/05/2015) Japan and China agreed to boost people-to-people exchanges on Thursday during the first talks between their consular officials in three years, the Foreign Minister said in Tokyo. Organizaciones de ambas Coreas se reunirán en Seúl por primera vez en 7 años (08/05/2015) Se ha dado a conocer que diversas organizaciones de Corea del Sur y de Corea del Norte han acordado celebrar conjuntamente el décimo quinto aniversario de la declaración conjunta del 15 de junio y el 70 aniversario de la Liberación Nacional, que se cumple el 15 de agosto.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Vietnam-Brazil relationship deepened (08/05/2015) Vietnam continually values Brazil’s increasing role in the Asia-Pacific region and globally and looks to develop its bilateral co-operation in agro-industry, science and technology, biotechnology, aviation and education. Korea, China and Japan resume trilateral FTA talks (12/05/2015) South Korea, Japan and China began the seventh round of negotiations for the KoreaChina-Japan joint FTA in Seoul on Tuesday, as the chief negotiators from each country vowed to make progress on the trilateral trade pact, emphasizing its benefits. Viet Nam, Singapore promote strategic ties (13/05/2015) Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong yesterday expressed pleasure in the flourishing strategic partnership between both nations.

EE.UU. y Taiwán a reforzar relaciones comerciales: Funcionario (15/05/2015)

El subsecretario de Estado norteamericano para los asuntos económicos y comerciales, Charles Rivkin, tiene proyectado visitar Taiwán a finales del corriente mes para discutir diversos temas de interés común, incluyendo el reforzamiento de las relaciones económicas y comerciales entre los dos países.

WTO to help settle US, New Zealand farm trade row with Indonesia (20/05/2015)

The World Trade Organization (WTO) agreed on Wednesday to create a single panel of experts to study complaints from the United States and New Zealand over Indonesia's import rules for agricultural products.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


New Zealand is putting Pacific relationships at risk (20/05/2015)

New Zealand has long prided itself on warm relations with its Pacific island neighbours. However that relationship is under stress as our trade negotiators pressure island officials over a new free trade deal. The time has come for a new approach. TPP set to boost Brunei-US economic ties (21/05/2015) The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will see the economic relationship between Brunei Darussalam and the United States as well as other participating countries develop significantly, and will put the Sultanate in “its rightful place” in the greater Asia Pacific and global marketplace. Singapore, Japan sign bilateral currency swap agreement (21/05/2015) Singapore and Japan today (May 21) signed a bilateral swap agreement under which they can swap their local currencies for US dollars with each other. China ready to sign free-trade deal (22/05/2015) Australia and China will cement their lucrative free-trade deal within weeks, with the accord set to come into effect by December.

ASEAN to expand single regulatory regime to include food, medicines (22/05/2015) ASEAN officials are planning to expand its single regulatory regime to include prepared foodstuffs, traditional medicines and health supplements.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Chilean ambassador: FTA talk with China to cover e-commerce (22/05/2015) Chile’s ambassador to China said the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) talks during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to Latin America will cover several new areas, including e-commerce, government purchases, and financial services. EU to pursue FTA with Asean (22/05/2015) The European Union seeks to deepen its partnership with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations by working toward a free trade agreement with the region and committing financial support and expertise to the Asean integration efforts. Lazos estables Taiwán-China importantes para relaciones Taiwán-EE.UU. (22/05/2015) Estados Unidos espera continuar su estrecha cooperación con Taiwán que había logrado en los últimos años, dijo el jueves 21 una funcionaria del Departamento de Estado de EE.UU., puntualizando que un ingrediente importante de esta cooperación estrecha es el desarrollo estable de lazos entre Taiwán y China. Plan de préstamos de Taiwán beneficia a estudiantes centroamericanos (22/05/2015) Una alta ejecutiva del Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE) ha elogiado altamente a la República de China (Taiwán) por haber venido ayudando activamente a ese banco a promover un programa de préstamos preferenciales para los estudiantes centroamericanos, según una nota de prensa emitida por la Embajada de Taiwán en Nicaragua el viernes 22.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Taiwán y Filipinas firmarán pronto acuerdo pesquero (26/05/2015) Taiwán y Filipinas estarán firmando pronto un acuerdo pesquero bilateral caracterizado por la cooperación policial en las aguas económicas de coincidencia de los dos países, reveló el martes 26 el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de China (Taiwán), David Y.L. Lin. Thailand and Japan to sign agreement on railway projects: Prajin (26/05/2015) Thailand and Japan will sign the memorandum of cooperation on railway development projects on Wednesday after the Cabinet gave the approval, said Transport Minister Prajin Junthong on Tuesday. China urges BRICS for promoting multi-lateralism (27/05/2015) Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi Tuesday urged BRICS members to unite and promote multi-lateralism in international relations. Vietnam looks to strengthen ties with Uruguay (27/05/2015) Vietnam’s Ambassador to Argentina and Uruguay Nguyen Dinh Thao said he would try his best to strengthen cooperation between Vietnam and Uruguay. RoK, Vietnam strengthen defense cooperation (28/05/2015) Vietnam Defence Minister Phung Quang Thanh and his Korean counterpart Han Minkoo held talks in Hanoi on May 28, discussing measures to boost defense cooperation between the two countries.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Taiwán seguirá financiando plan de viviendas sociales de Paraguay (29/05/2015) La República de China (Taiwán) ha firmado con la República del Paraguay un acta correspondiente al primer desembolso de una donación del año 2015 tendiente a financiar la construcción de viviendas populares en ese país sudamericano, según una nota de prensa emitida por la Embajada de Taiwán en Asunción el viernes 29. Vietnam-Mexico business forum opens (29/05/2015) Vietnam-Mexico bilateral trade value hit US$ 2.26 billion last year, a year-on-year rise of 40% and stood at US$774 million for the first quarter of this year. Infrastructure push from overseas: Companies from friendly nations like Malaysia and Japan may build highways in India (01/06/2015) The Narendra Modi administration wants companies belonging to friendly foreign governments to build India's highways. Taiwán y Honduras aumentan cooperación en protección ambiental (01/06/2015) En representación del Gobierno de la República de China (Taiwán), el embajador de Taiwán ante Honduras, Joseph Y.L. Kuo, firmó un memorándum de entendimiento con Misael León, director del Instituto de Conservación Forestal (ICF) de Honduras, el 29 de mayo para prolongar un acuerdo bilateral de cooperación en la protección ambiental a través de las imágenes de satélite y el Sistema de Información Geográfica (GIS, siglas en inglés) por un período de tres años. Korea-China FTA Officially signed. $12 Tril. Market created (01/06/2015) A free trade agreement with the world's largest economy has been officially signed on June 1. The Korea-China FTA saw the official seal of approval by the two countries' summits on this day after beginning with a private-level joint study program in 2005,

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


followed by the declaration of actual settlement in November 2014 and the initialing on February 25 this year. Vietnam files dispute against Indonesia's steel import safeguards (02/06/2015) Vietnam notified the WTO Secretariat on 1 June 2015 that it has initiated new dispute proceedings against Indonesia regarding its imposition of a safeguard measure on imports of flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel. Japan, Australia defense ministers pledge to boost cooperation (04/06/2015) Defense Minister Gen Nakatani and his Australian counterpart, Kevin Andrews, pledged Wednesday to boost defense ties through enhanced cooperation on a range of topics including tensions in the South China Sea and Australia’s submarine project.

Singapore and Thailand reaffirm bilateral ties during visit by Thai Deputy Prime Minister (04/06/2015) Singapore and Thailand reaffirmed their excellent and long-standing bilateral ties on Thursday in a meeting between Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Thai Deputy Prime Minister Tanasak Patimapragorn. Entidades electorales de Taiwán y México promoverán intercambios (09/06/2015) Altos funcionarios de las entidades electorales de Taiwán y México expresaron recientemente su voluntad para promover más aún los intercambios bilaterales entre sus organismos, según un informe enviado por la oficina representativa de Taiwán en México a la sede de la CNA en Taipei.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Indonesia, Australia conduct joint naval exercise (10/06/2015) The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) are conducting a joint exercise named "Cassoary Exercise" (Cassuex) 2015. Taiwán a expandir cooperación informática con Santo Tomé y Príncipe (10/06/2015) El presidente Ma Ying-jeou dijo el miércoles 10 que la República de China (Taiwán) estaba dispuesta a expandir y profundizar los lazos de cooperación con la República Democrática de Santo Tomé y Príncipe en el área de la tecnología informática. Ho Chi Minh City fosters trade co-operation with Peru (10/06/2015) Ho Chi Minh City will do its utmost to foster relations between Vietnam and Peru as well as between the city and the South American country, especially in economics and trade, said a municipal senior official. Russia, Vietnam are tied together by friendship (11/06/2015) To mark the national day of the Russian Federation on June 12, Vietnam News presents an article by Russian Ambassador Konstantin V. Vnukov. Asia-Pacific negotiations end talks without free trade goal (14/06/2015) Negotiators from 16 Asia-Pacific countries ended their eighth round of talks to promote a deal that would free up their trade early Sunday, falling short of setting any ambitious goal of eliminating tariffs.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


EU-Philippines trade reaches historic highs (15/06/2015) The Philippines trade in goods with the European Union (EU) increased to historic highs by 12.5 billion euros or 16 percent in 2014, based on the newly released EUPhilippines fact file. Taiwán y EE.UU. reforzarán cooperación en biotecnología (15/06/2015) Un foro sobre las oportunidades comerciales de biotecnología entre Taiwán y Estados Unidos se celebró el lunes 15 en Filadelfia, Pensilvania, en el que ambos lados firmaron memorándums de entendimiento para reforzar la cooperación en la biotecnología. China, Australia to sign free trade deal (16/06/2015) The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) will be signed on Wednesday after 10 years of negotiations, the China-Australia Chamber of Commerce told the Global Times on Monday in an e-mail. Experts said the ChAFTA reflects closer ties between the two major world economies as well as China’s growing influence in the Asia-Pacific region. Aprueban el proyecto de nombramiento del primer ministro (18/06/2015) El proyecto de nombramiento de Hwang Kyo Ahn como primer ministro fue aprobado el jueves 18 en el pleno de la Asamblea Nacional. New Chinese islands don't settle sea disputes: Japan (18/06/2015) Japan warned China on Wednesday that its extensive land reclamation in the disputed South China Sea does not make ownership “a done deal”, after Beijing announced it had almost finished its controversial island-building.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Canada keen to help build Brunei infrastructure (23/06/2015) Brunei needs to invest more on its infrastructure by creating more partnership opportunities with other countries especially Canada, said the newly-appointed Canadian High Commissioner to Brunei yesterday. Thai-Malaysia trade meet agenda set (24/06/2015) The Cabinet yesterday approved the topics to be discussed at the second ThaiMalaysia Joint Trade Committee meeting in Bangkok at the end of this month. Better customs services in Shanghai FTZ (24/06/2015) Shanghai’s pilot free trade zone today unveiled a raft of measures to improve customs service for high-technology companies in the zone, as part of an effort to support the city’s drive to become a world innovation center. Taiwán y China forjan cooperación meteorológica y sismológica (24/06/2015) Los dos acuerdos firmados entre Taiwán y China para forjar una cooperación bilateral en las áreas de la meteorología y la sismología entraron formalmente en vigor el miércoles 24, anunciaron simultáneamente las dos organizaciones intermediarias de los dos lados del Estrecho de Taiwán ese mismo día. India,









cooperation (25/06/2015) The union cabinet on Wednesday approved a pact between India and Japan for cooperation in the field of intellectual property. The Memorandum of Cooperation will be signed between the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) and the Japan Patent Office (JPO).

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Taiwán ayuda a mejorar la industria cerámica de El Salvador (25/06/2015) Una agencia taiwanesa financiada por el Gobierno de la República de China (Taiwán) está ayudando a El Salvador a mejorar su industria cerámica, inyectando elementos innovadores a las obras de los ceramistas salvadoreños. China: Philippines dragging others to South China Sea dispute (26/06/2015) China's military implied that the Philippines is trying to involve other countries in the South China Sea maritime dispute. India, Thailand to sign double taxation treaty (27/06/2015) India and Thailand will sign a double taxation treaty and an MoU for setting up an ayurveda chair in one of the Thai universities during the three-day visit of external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj beginning from Saturday. Taiwan on alert as tensions between China, Vietnam rise (28/06/2015) The government is on alert as tensions between China and Vietnam are again on the rise due to Beijing’s unilateral decision to resume the installation of oil rigs in the South China Sea, officials said yesterday. Vietnam, Australia boost co-operation in sustainable mineral development (29/06/2015) Experts from Vietnam and Australia shared their experiences in promoting sustainable mineral development at a workshop co-organised in Hanoi on June 29 by the Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and the Australian Embassy in Vietnam.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Viet Nam, Laos in border trade deal (29/06/2015) Viet Nam and Laos signed a bilateral border trade agreement in Cua Lo Town, Nghe An Province, on Saturday. Laos, China enhance cooperation in foreign affairs (30/06/2015) Cooperation between Laos and China in foreign affairs needs to be raised to new heights to contribute to the expansion of the strategic partnership between the two countries.

Noticias empresariales y comerciales Chinese refiners eye gasoline sales to Australian market (02/04/2015)

Chinese refiners are setting their eyes of Australia as a new destination for the country’s gasoline exports, as they crank up production of the motor fuel to meet rising demand, industry sources said.

Exportaciones de Nueva Zelandia a Taiwán aumentan notablemente (03/04/2015) Taipei, abril 3 (CNA) Las exportaciones de Nueva Zelandia a Taiwán aumentaron notablemente el año pasado, gracias a un acuerdo comercial firmado entre ambos países, que entró en vigor en diciembre del 2013, dijo un funcionario de Nueva Zelandia el viernes 3.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Developing city clusters along Yangtze planned (06/04/2015) China yesterday unveiled a plan to develop city clusters along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, in a move to create a new economic growth engine and promote new urbanization. India’s trade deficit with China to double in the next two years (06/04/2015) India's trade deficit with China could nearly double to $ 60 billion in the next two years if the two partners do not address market access constraints and nontariff barriers faced by Indian goods in the neighbouring country, the department of commerce cautioned in the foreign trade policy statement released last week. The statement came ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's expected visit to Beijing in the second week of May. Big international companies buying top Vietnamese brands (06/04/2015) In late 2014, for example, Kinh Do Group held an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting to discuss the sale of 80 percent of sweets manufacturing division to foreign investor Mondelez International, while the remaining 20 percent is expected to be sold in the next 12 months. With the VND8 trillion deal, Kinh Do has officially quit the sweets market. Taiwán invierte US$ 47 millones en Vietnam en primer trimestre (07/04/2015) Las empresas taiwanesas invirtieron unos US$ 47 millones en Vietnam en el primer trimestre del presente año, según estadísticas dadas a conocer por el gobierno vietnamita el martes 7. Toyota to consider ending manufacture in Vietnam (08/04/2015) Toyota, the world’s largest car maker, is considering whether to end its manufacture in Vietnam when import taxes become zero under a regional agreement in 2018.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


India asks Australia to increase agricultural imports (09/04/2015) Seeking collaboration in areas including cold chain and warehousing, India today asked Australia to increase imports of agricultural produce such as chickpeas, grapes, groundnuts and lentils. Australia, New Zealand support ASEAN to maximise economic integration benefits (10/4/2015) Around 30 senior policy officers and industry representatives from ASEAN, Australia and New Zealand gathered at an investment policy workshop entitled Facilitating Implementation and Business Utilization of ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA) in Ho Chi Minh City on 8-9 April. China exporta trenes bala a Argentina (16/04/2015) China ha terminado de construir y enviar su primer tren bala a Argentina, anunció la compañía China North Railway (CNR) el miércoles. Huawei seeks to establish global brand (23/04/2015) Huawei Technologies, which was the leading Chinese smartphone brand in the first quarter, debuted its latest flagship model yesterday in Shanghai to directly compete with Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics to create a global brand. China to invest $ 5 billion in Indonesia (24/04/2015) China-based Minsheng Investment Corp. Ltd (CMI) and several other Chinese investors have expressed their strong commitment to investing US$ 5 billion in Indonesia.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


S’ Pore, Japan biggest foreign investors (28/04/2015) The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) issued on Tuesday its first quarter investment figures that revealed Singapore and Japan to be Indonesia's biggest foreign investors in the period. Misión de Bolivia viajará a China para gestionar crédito carretero (28/04/2015) Una misión liderada por el ministro de Planificación del Desarrollo, Rene Orellana, viajará a China este fin de semana para concretar un nuevo crédito para la construcción de la carretera Riberalta - Rurrenabaque, en el departamento amazónico del Beni frontera con Brasil, informó hoy el presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales. Australia back to top NZ export destination (29/04/2015) Australia has overtaken China as New Zealand's number one export destination, in part reflecting a slump in milk powder exports to the People's Republic, according to data from Statistics NZ. Especial: Expertos argentinos destacan potencial cooperacion sino-argentina en ámbito manufacturero (30/04/2015) La cooperación sino-argentina en el ámbito manufacturero tiene un amplio potencial, destacaron hoy los expertos argentinos Matías Carugati y Jorge Castro, que enfatizaron la complementariedad de ambas economías para buscar el "objetivo loable de estrechar lazos" bilaterales. China, Japan, South Korea commit to economic policies (03/05/2015) Central bankers and finance ministers from China, Japan and South Korea said Sunday they remained committed to policies to support demand in the face of moderate and uneven global growth.

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Rep. Dominicana se ha convertido en socio estratégico de Taiwán (04/05/2015) El valor de las exportaciones de la República Dominicana a Taiwán durante los últimos cinco años alcanzó los US$150 millones, convirtiéndose ese país caribeño en un socio comercial estratégico para Taiwán. Australia faces risk of systemic economic crisis without carbon action, study finds (05/05/2015) Australia' emissions-intensive economy gives it a greater than 50 per cent chance of a systemic economic crisis a new study says. Free trade with Canada eyed (05/05/2015) The Philippines plans to sign free trade agreements with Canada and Mexico, an official of the Trade Department said Tuesday. Cuba in talks in Huawei (10/05/2015) Cuba is in advanced talks with Chinese telecoms equipment company Huawei to do more business, Cuban finance Minister Lina Pedraza said on Friday. Grupos empresariales de Taiwán y Ecuador firman pacto de cooperación (13/05/2015)

La Cámara de Industrias y Producción (CIP) de Ecuador y la Asociación China de Cooperación Económica Internacional (CIECA, siglas en inglés) de Taiwán firmaron recientemente un memorándum de entendimiento, comprometiéndose a reforzar más aún la cooperación bilateral.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Nicaragua canal construction firm denies causing environmental, social damage (14/05/2015) The Chinese company which is set to build the interoceanic Nicaragua Canal, dubbed the biggest construction project in the world, introduced their latest measures to mitigate environmental on the local ecosystem on Tuesday. Japan plans $ 100 billion in Asia infrastructure aid, matching AIIB capital level (19/05/2015) The central government is eyeing $ 100 billion in public-private assistance for infrastructure development in Asian countries over the next five years, Jiji Press learned Monday. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd plans to expand footprint in India (26/05/2015) The Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (ANZ) will open their third branch in Bangalore in early 2016, a senior official of the bank said on Monday, as it makes a renewed push to penetrate the tough Indian banking segment. Japan to urge Indonesia to cut auto tariffs as agreed in FTA (26/05/2015) Japan will urge Indonesia to lower its tariffs on Japanese automobiles as agreed under a bilateral free trade pact that entered into force in 2008, Japanese trade minister Yoichi Miyazawa said Tuesday. China's manufacturing activity deteriorates in May: HSBC (01/06/2015) China's manufacturing activity continued to deteriorate in May, a private surveyshowed on Monday, suggesting continued downward pressure on the world's second-largest economy.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


E-commerce to drive ASEAN retail growth (02/06/2015) E-commerce can help grow ASEAN’s retail sector and will benefit both consumers and retailers in the region, the ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN BAC) said in its latest report. More foreign banks coming (02/06/2015) The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas expects the number of foreign banks planning to expand in the Philippines to increase in the coming months as more have expressed their interest to locate here. Corea podría presentar mayor tasa de interés en bonos que EEUU (08/06/2015) Se ha planteado que la tasa de interés a largo plazo de Corea podría superar a la de Estados Unidos durante la segunda mitad del año en curso. Japan to




next-gen thermal

power technology

(09/06/2015) Japan will accelerate the development of next-generation coal and natural gas fired thermal power technologies as part of its efforts to cut carbon dioxide emissions and reduce the burden on the environment, industry minister Yoichi Miyazawa said Tuesday. Malaysia keen to invest in road projects (09/06/2015) Malaysia has shown keen interest to invest in India's highways projects, which are being developed under public-private-partnership (PPP) mode.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Kia Motors to Launch Car Sales in Mexico from next Month (10/06/2015) Kia Motors is set to launch its sales in Mexico from next month. On June 9, Kia Motors held a launching ceremony for its Mexican unit at a hotel in Mexico City, where about 250 local dignitaries attended, including Chun Bee-ho, the Korean ambassador to Mexico, and officials from the Mexican government. Corea propone 4 alternativas hasta 2030 para reducir los gases de invernadero (11/06/2015) El Gobierno de Corea del Sur presentó el jueves 11 un proyecto para reducir la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero de aquí a 2030. Propone 4 diferentes tasas de disminución, entre las cuales posiblemente escogerá el objetivo a alcanzar hasta 2030. China projected to become high-income country by 2025 (11/06/2015) China can sustain an annual growth of around 7 percent during the 13th Five Year Plan from 2016 to 2020, and enter the high-income stage by 2025, primarily due to the deepened reform, reported Economic Information Daily quoting a think tank. Make in India: Mercedes Benz doubles India production capacity to 20k units (11/06/2015) Mercedes Benz doubled its India assembly capacity to 20,000 units annually, also making India one of the first market to make the GLA entry SUV outside of Germany. India encourages Singapore enterprises for investment (12/06/2015) Wooing Singapore's small and medium enterprises to venture into its market, India on Friday said the time was right for a "quantum jump" in the bilateral economic relationship.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


China resumes nuclear power plant construction after a four-year freeze (15/06/2015) As pollution deteriorates and targets were announced to expand the number of zeroemission power sources, China recently ended its pause for approvals of nuclear power plants put into place after the 2011 nuclear accident in Japan. This year, as many as eight nuclear power plants may be launched in China. Some experts are warning that this is going too fast with controversial technology. NZ to invest $ 87m in Asian infrastructure bank (15/06/2015) The New Zealand government announced on Monday that the country will invest NZ$ 125 million ($ 87.27 million) in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) over five years. New Zealand has agreed to become a founding member of the AIIB, which is being established to invest in new infrastructure across Asia, Finance Minister Bill English said in a statement. Australia commits $ 718m for China-initiated bank (24/06/2015) Australian government officially announced on Wednesday that the country will become a founding member of the China-proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) with a contribution of 930 million AU dollars ($718 million) as paid-in capital to the bank.

China firm opens gateway to computer graphics development (26/06/2015) A Chinese technology company is keen to develop Brunei’s computer graphics (CG) industry and market, with future plans to set up a CG centre here.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


Reforms making an impact (26/06/2015) Cambodia was ranked higher than other CLMV countries (Cambodia, Lao, Myanmar, Vietnam) for the readiness of private and state-owned organisations to deal with external economic changes, according to the Change 2015 Readiness Index released by KPMG. Shift to e-commerce hits firms in China (29/06/2015) One fact is often overlooked amid all the hype about business opportunities in China. The Asian mega-market can be a brutal place to operate, as the recent experience of two Western consumer goods giants shows. China to back EU efforts to revive economy (30/06/2015) Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said here Monday that China is considering to kick start a China-EU investment platform to support Europe’s economic revival. Indian agriculture company sets up offices in Singapore, Myanmar (30/06/2015) An Indian agricultural company has set up offices in Singapore and Myanmar to expand its global trade and links with the Indian market. Thai companies plan offshore LNG facility in Myanmar (30/06/2015) Thailand's state-owned PTT is going to invest in a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal project in Myanmar, according to a Reuters report. Vietnam’s footwear tops Brazil market (30/06/2015) Vietnam has become the largest footwear exporter to Brazil, accounting for 52.8% of that country's market.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


South American investors coming (30/06/2015) A group of South American investors are coming to the Philippines to explore opportunities in agriculture, healthcare and food sectors.

Observatorio América Latina – Asia Pacífico


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