Diplomat with the NYT / World Review 2021

Page 33

Interview with Ketevan Vashakidze, President of Europe Foundation


ou represent

instilling distrust towards

authoritarian, many are

a foundation

them. Increasingly common

extremely poor, vulnerable

that has been

became attacks on human

and marginalized, and

working for

rights defenders and CSO

access to quality education,

decades to strengthen

representatives. All of these

health care, jobs and

Georgia’s civil society.

limits space for civil society,

decent living conditions

What are the challenges

further diminishing the CSO’s

is inadequate, the civil

confronting civil societies

access to media, policy-

sector has more difficulties

globally, and are these

formation process, and public

in mobilizing citizens to

challenges different in

space to protest injustice

positively influence the


and human rights violations.

state and society to build

The civil sector shares many

During the pandemic, these

inclusive, democratic state.

challenges have become

Consequently, CSOs need

particularly dire, fueling

much more support and

countries where democratic

further crises.

resources to bring about

institutions are weak, poverty

Today, liberal democracy

positive changes.

rates are high, and citizens

faces multiple challenges.

What do you think is

are unable to play an active

Several Eastern European

the solution in such

part in the country’s political,

countries, which until recently

challenging situations,

economic, and social life, the

have been the role-models

and what should the civil

challenges are more acute.

of democratization, have

sector do to address these

These challenges include

introduced regulations


restrictive legislations or

that limit opportunities for

inadequate implementation

CSOs. However, despite

Europe Foundation is an

of laws that enable the work

the fact that the anti-liberal

civil society organizations

sentiments and movements

(CSOs); various barriers to

are emerging around the

accessing and sustaining

world, in the countries where

financial resources for

democratic institutions are

CSOs; environment that

strong, the civil society sector

hinders citizens’ access to

is effective in maintaining

decision-making. Recently,

its space and fulfilling its

we have also observed

mission. Whereas, in

government-backed negative

countries like Georgia,

discourse towards CSOs,

where institutions are weak,

aimed at stigmatizing or

the government is more

similar challenges in different regions of the world but in

infrastructural organization that supports strengthening of CSOs in Georgia. The mission of Europe Foundation is to empower people to effect change for social justice and economic prosperity through hands-on programs, helping them to improve their communities and their own lives. The Foundation engages citizens in social, economic, and


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