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LAND GRAB on city edge A
rmed with spades and vuvuzelas a community threatened with a display of force reminiscent of the Marikana bloodbath in the case of Police attempting to prevent them from wilfully claiming adjacent municipal and private land on the outskirts of Polokwane. That was on Friday evening
and the situation arising from representatives of an estimated 3 000 households in and around Extension 76 engaging in an explosive display of anger dragged on for several days. To the outsider the volatile scenario could seem as if the To page 2
Walter Badenhorst (15) is in die Mediclinic Limpopo se intensiewe sorgeenheid na ‘n kwadfiets-ongeluk Saterdag.
‘n Vyftienjarige graad 9-leerder van Curro Heuwelkruin is in ‘n bedenklike toestand in Mediclinic Limpopo nadat hy Saterdag in ‘n ernstige kwadfietsongeluk betrokke was. Die voorval waarin Walter oftewel Wallie Badenhorst betrokke was het volgens inligting op een van die familie se plase
buite die stad plaasgevind. ’n Bron na aan die familie sê Wallie en ‘n 27-jarige man, ook op ‘n kwadfiets, het waarskynlik om ‘n blinde draai gebots waarna hy deur sy pa, Naas na die Mediclinic Limpopo gehaas is. ‘n Plaaslike spesialis het Sondag bevestig dat hy breindood is, maar sy ouers, Naas en Ezelda Na bl 2
No motive as yet for killing of elderly couple
Textbook saga
Premier steps in to help resolve crisis >> PAGE 3
In court Jacques Nell’s hearing expected to start this week >> PAGE 5
Stad se water nou veilig, sê AfriForum >> BLADSY 11
Gevaarlike kruising
Leerder breindood verklaar na kwadfiets-ongeluk KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com
Kommer oor water
Estimated 3 000 households in Ext 76 engaged in explosive display of anger YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com
April 3 - 9, 2014
r1 500 000 (NEG)
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A mother and one of her two daughters return from a day of clearing the portion of land she said she claimed for occupation on Sunday.
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Motoriste gemaan tot versigtigheid >> BLADSY 13
Big rugby
Limpopo’s pride. Matlala Mokoko who hails from Sekhukhune was crowned second princess in the glamorous Miss South Africa 2014 Pageant held in Sun City on Sunday evening. Mokoko was also chosen as our weekly Achiever and is featured on page 40 this week.
Lim Bulls lock horns with Pumas >> PAGE 39
April 3, 2014
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Land grab on city edge From page 2 ruling party was being held hostage as members of the hyped up group gathering in the streets of Extension 76 expressed determination to withhold their votes in the nearing elections if their cries for housing went by unattended. Members of the community referred to themselves as children of the soil who had been on waiting lists for RDP houses since 2002. Some explained they had to pay between R1 200 to R1 400 for monthly rent to owners of RDP homes in the area. Most of them were unemployed and lived off social grants, someone in the group pointed out. “They are robbing us. And now they want our votes. We are not going to go to vote if they do not solve our problems,” a voice in the mass said. They demanded a permanent solution, they stressed. A male voice sounded out, reiterating that they were ready for the Police and promised another Marikana. “We are ready to die.” In a later interview on Sunday a single mother of two girls of four and six years said she had been waiting on assistance for the past 15 years. Returning from a piece of land she had been clearing since the morning and accompanied by her daughters, she stressed the struggle for survival. The threat to forcefully occupy vacant land became reality early Sunday when the community started claiming portions of undeveloped land along the road to Ga-Matlala. By Tuesday they had given themselves until early tomorrow morning (Friday) to start putting up structures, as attested to by a source. In the meantime it was learnt that a halt was brought to the
actions when municipal officials and councillors met with representatives of the group on Tuesday afternoon with the demand to refrain from the illegal occupation of land. According to Polokwane municipal spokesperson Matshidiso Mothapo municipal officials and politicians communicated to the representatives of the community that the process was illegal and that they had to stop. He continued saying an agreement was reached for community representatives to pass on the message and that the matter would be taken up by the community in writing to the municipality, which in turn would be engaging the MEC for Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) on the matter. Follow-up liaison with the department was agreed on to address housing challenges in Polokwane, he indicated. Mothapo stressed the municipality and Police would continue monitoring the area and remove any illegal structures. He said the estimated size of the land under claim comprised 3 ha. The bigger portion of the land was part of a privately-owned farm while the remaining land belonging to the municipality has been earmarked for schools and parks, he indicated. During the course of Sunday Polokwane Observer was informed that community members started marking their self-claimed territory early morning. By Sunday afternoon land grabbers, identified as residents from Extensions 76, 71, 75, 73, 40 and 44 within Ward 8 as well as from Seshego and Westenburg, resorting under Ward 17 and Ward 19 respectively, were out in full force claiming pre-identified portions of land and clearing grass. They even braved a threatening rain burst and lightning in the distance to continue with land clearing. By then South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) representative Botha Mphahlele addressed a
small gathering while a delegation of the African National Congress (ANC) in Peter Mokaba Region had deliberations ahead of consultations with the party. Kinky Manamela, African National Congress (ANC) Peter Mokaba sub-regional coordinator, summarised the situation as a crisis on its own. He said the ANC had capacity to deal with the matter and needed to consult with the Joe Modise branch in Ward 8 to establish the facts and respond accordingly. He referred to individuals taking advantage of the upcoming elections. When doing a last check at the time of going to press he said the matter had been taken up with the district and local municipalities who by then have intervened. The ANC would never accept a situation where people invaded land at their own will and without following proper procedures, he stressed. While on the scene on Sunday Polokwane Observer was approached by new arrivals asking to be directed to available land. On Tuesday a source said Police and traffic officials, nurses and teachers from Polokwane, nearby Westenburg and Seshego in the distance were among those in search of greener pastures.That day municipal officials removed whatever attempts to stake claims, the source added. In the evening a group gathered for a meeting and through translations it was learnt that they intended to disperse to blockade the road to Ga-Matlala, but re-convened until 19:15. The last decision, the source said, was for community members to go over to action tomorrow with the setting up of structures on apportioned land.
>> See more photos on... www.observer.co.za
Leerder breindood verklaar na kwadfiets-ongeluk Van bl 1 en suster, Essie, sowel as familie en vriende bly hoop, glo en vertrou dat ‘n wonderwerk sal gebeur. Sy toestand het nie sedert Sondag verbeter nie.” Essie, ‘n graad 12-leerder aan Hoërskool Pie
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tersburg het Sondag op ‘n sosiale netwerkblad om gebede gevra en gesê: “Volgens die dokters is Walter breindood en word hy met masjiene aan die lewe gehou, maar ons glo dat Liewe Jesus ‘n wonderwerk sal laat gebeur. Hy het nog nie opgegee nie en ons ook nie. Hou aan bid
Finansiële Rekenmeesterspos beskikbaar
by gediversifiseerde boerdery-onderneming in die Dendron omgewing Posbeskrywing: • Die onderneming verlang ‘n Finansiële Rekenmeester om al die rekening- kundige- en nodige verslagdoeningsverantwoordelikhede te hanteer. • Die suksesvolle kandidaat sal direk verslag lewer aan die Uitvoerende Direkteur(e) van die maatskappye. Verantwoordelikhede: • Verwerking en byhou van rekeningkundige rekords, wat insluit, maar nie beperk tot: • Verwerking en byhou van grootboeke, joernale, proefbalanse • Rekonsiliasies van inkomstestaat- en balansstaat-rekeninge • Byhou van bateregisters • Voorraad rekonsiliasies • Belastingberekeninge • Rekonsiliasies van intermaatskappy leningsrekeninge en -transaksies • Lewering van akkurate, tydige finansiële verslagdoening in die vorm van maandelikse, kwartaallikse, halfjaarlikse en jaarlikse bestuurstate • Voorbereiding van rekeningkundige rekords vir oudit-doeleindes soos vereis deur die eksterne ouditeure (proefbalans, grootboeke en nodige ondersteunende dokumentasie) • Verwerking van rekords, berekeninge, voltooiing en indiening van opgawes vereis deur SARS, bv. • Maandelikse en/of tweemaandelikse BTW • Werknemersbelasting, en • Voorlopige belasting Vereistes: • BComm/Compt (Rekeningkundige Wetenskappe) graad met voltooide klerkskap • Kennis van rekeningkundige praktyke en prosedures van boerdery- ondernemings • Rekenaarvaardig wees op ‘n redelike hoë vlak van rekeningkundige-en Microsoft-sagteware • Goeie kommunikasievaardighede, professioneel en eties Salaris: • ‘n Bogemiddelde vergoeding word aangebied en is onderhandelbaar Kontak inligting: • Lewer asseblief u CV by DZB Ouditeure te Watermelonstraat 25, Platinum Park, Bendor af • Daar sal van die suksesvolle kandidaat verwag word om op die plaas te woon of daagliks te pendel tussen Dendron en plek van verblyf
saam met ons, kom ons almal baklei saam met Wallie!” Talle leerders van beide skole spreek daagliks hulle simpatie op ‘n netwerkblad teen oor die gesin uit en bemoedigingsboodskappe stroom konstant in terwyl gebedsgroepe die familie deurentyd in gebede opdra.
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Elderly couple murdered – no motive yet
>> Elderly couple found murdered and in decomposing state >> 16-year old relative to appear in court KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com
A 16-year old relative of Willem (69) and Anje Kiesling (67) will appear in the Mokopane Magistrate’s Court on Monday in connection with the murder of the elderly couple from Merebank outside Lephalale. The suspect was arrested in Mosselbay on Monday at his guardians’ house and appeared briefly before the Mosselbay Magistrate’s Court. One of their four daughters, Arenda Pieterse during an exclusive interview on Wednesday with the Polokwane Observer said after speaking to her mother two Saturdays ago, she became concerned when the day after their last correspondence no reply had been received. “Our family talk to each other regularly and check in with each other. When at first we didn’t hear from them we didn’t panic because they live on a farm and cellular reception was often very bad.” Pieterse further explained that they then contacted the Police and asked them to go and see if there was anything strange going on at the farm, after
the family heard various rumours regarding farm attacks in the area. A phone call from the Limpopo Police confirmed the worst on Friday when they were told both their parents had died. “I can also confirm that a Ford Courier was stolen from the farm and is suspected to have been used as a getaway vehicle. The post-mortem results determining the cause of death will be released today (Thursday),” Pieterse added. Hangwani Mulaudzi from the Limpopo Police said members of the Police were dispatched to the farm where the gruesome find was made. “A post-mortem will be conducted to determine the cause of death, which at this stage is difficult to ascertain due to the decomposed state of the bodies,” he said, adding that Police believe the couple could possibly and according to initial information gathered have died a week ago. He further said there were no signs of a robbery or a struggle and that the safe was not opened. A special task team has since been established to investigate the murders, which aided in the swift apprehension of the suspect, who was arrested over 1 500 km away from the scene of the crime. Pieterse on behalf of her family thanked the Limpopo community for their ongoing support during this time. The Kiessling couple will be buried tomorrow (Friday) at the Full Gospel Church in Mokopane. For more information contact Pieterse on 083 566 3227.
Flying high with no high school certificate
KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com
The Limpopo Police are seemingly in the process of investigating a high ranking Police official from the Seshego Police Station after it was found that he allegedly falsified his Grade 12 certificate. A source reported the official is said to have started his career at the South African Police in 2000 and was promoted to his current rank in 2009, holding this position as a disciplinary official within the ranks of the Limpopo Police until this present day. The officer, whose name is known to Polokwane Observer and who has worked his way up the Police ladder, stands firmly in his current position while allegedly carrying the knowledge along with him every day that he is holding his position illegally and criminally and should indeed not even qualify to be an officer
as a Grade 12 certificate is a prerequisite for that. The source further said that there is a possibility the official is currently being investigated by the Police for the alleged falsification of his Grade 12 certificate. This information was revealed this week, after the initial investigation against the said official came to light. “It is alleged that the officer falsified his matric certificate. Most would see this as a deliberate act of fraud,” the source said. Ronel Otto from the Limpopo Police says she cannot confirm or deny that an officer from a nearby Police station is being investigated on these allegations or whether an arrest in the near future is imminent. “The Police are not permitted to reveal information regarding an ongoing investigation or a pending arrest as it might hamper the legitimacy or the outcome of the investigation,” Otto said.
Police demand for apology and retraction The following statement was received from Hangwani Mulaudzi of the Limpopo Police. “I, Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi, the provincial head of Corporate Communication and the spokesperson for the South African Police in Limpopo, hereby demand an apology and a retraction of your story titled psychiatrist appears in court again which appeared on page 3 of your paper. In your article I am quoted as saying that “the allegations made against the doctor are of a very serious nature and investigations are of a very serious nature and investigations into these charges are done thoroughly.” I did not give out such a comment and I do not remember talking to the reporter about that issue in question.
I demand an apology because my name was used in vain and this compromises my credibility and makes the public believe that I uttered such words. I know nothing of the case and at the time of the onset of the case I had not yet been appointed as the spokesperson for the Limpopo Police. We have in the past enjoyed a good working relationship with the Polokwane Observer and we are determined to keep professional standards at a high.” • Polokwane Observer’s journalist stands by the information relayed in the article but for the purpose of keeping relations with the Limpopo Police on a positive foot, it was decided to publish the statement issued by Mulaudzi. - Editor
www.observer.co.za | e-mail: observer@mwebbiz.co.za
Premier steps in to resolve textbook crisis WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Limpopo’s Premier, Stan Mathabatha was quick to intervene in the latest chapter of the Limpopo textbook saga and paid an impromptu visit to two schools on Tuesday after the Department of Basic Education (DBE) was taken to court by civil organisation Section 27 over another alleged textbook shortage. Limpopo is reported to have a shortage of 18 000 textbooks at 23 schools in the province. The DBE was forced in 2012 by Section 27 to deliver textbooks that were late to various schools in Limpopo after a ruling by High Court Judge Jody Kollapen that it breached the learners’ right to basic education. An urgent application by community-based organisation Basic Education for All (Befa) on behalf of 18 school governing bodies and Section 27 to compel the DBE and Limpopo Education Department to deliver all outstanding textbooks to schools in Limpopo was postponed in the North Gauteng High Court until today (Thursday). Judge Neil Tuchten urged Befa and the education authorities to attempt to resolve the matter and the parties were given time put new information before court. The Premier paid an unscheduled visit to the Ranti Secondary School in Dikgale and Gwara Gwara Combined School in Apel, two of the schools mentioned by Befa and Section 27 to see firsthand why there were shortages of textbooks and learner support materials. Premier’s Spokesperson, Kenny Mathivha said no shortages of textbooks were found at Ranti
April 3, 2014
Secondary and at Gwara Gwara Combined a few Grade 10 and 11 textbooks were not available to learners. He added that the current shortage of textbooks can be mainly attributed to pupils that move from one school to another after textbooks have been ordered for the new academic year. “Some learners migrate to better performing schools in their immediate vicinity and some register after an audit of the learner support materials necessary for the next academic year has already taken place,” Mathivha explained. He added that in some instances schools received the wrong textbooks and learner support materials which have to be sent back to the DBE to be re-ordered. The Premier will visit two more of the schools mentioned by Befa and Section 27 today (Thursday), Mathivha said.
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Polokwane Observer
April 3, 2014
Kgoshi dispute to end Photo: RC Myburgh
After the court sitting on Thursday Bahananwa Kgoshi Ngako Isaac Leboho (second from right) poses for a photo with Tau Motimele (Community Leader), Martmari Tromp, Aqeel Rhemtula, Marius Oosthuizen and Johan van Staden (all from his legal team).
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RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
61-year-old tug of war over traditional leadership came a step closer to conclusion on Thursday when the Polokwane High Court ruled it would on 15 April give final judgement in the matter of who should lead the Bahananwa Traditional Community, also known as Maleboho, of the Blouberg district. The case before the court was an application by acting Kgoshi Tlabo Joseph Leboho for the Premier to withdraw the appointment of Ngako Isaac Leboho as rightful Kgoshi of the community. The court’s ruling will most likely be in favour of Isaac Leboho who was appointed as kgoshi in 2011. Johan van Staden, legal representative of Isaac Leboho said Isaac is the only family member eligible for the throne. He said during a 20 day trial in 2011 in the North Gauteng High Court Judge Raulinga ruled that recognition of
Kgoshi Tlabo Joseph Leboho, who acted on behalf of Isaac, will with effect from 6 September 2006 be declared null and void. The court ruled that in considering the identification of a future kgoshi the Bahananwa Royal Council was not properly constituted because people who were not members of the said council attended the meeting. The council therefore failed to observe the customary laws, customs and processes of the Bahananwa Traditional Community. It further ruled that Tlabo Leboho does not belong to the house whose sons are eligible to ascend the throne. Raulinga stated in his judgement that legend has it that the Bahananwa people moved from Botswana to Maleboho in the late 1800s with Kgalushi Seketa Rachaba Leboho ascending the throne he inherited from his forefathers. He died in 1939 as Kgoshi of Bahananwa and was succeeded by his son Seiphi. According to court evidence Kgalushi’s other son, Mabea died before his father. After Kgalushi’s death his wife, Mmamphoku ruled until 1940 when she died and Seiphi died in 1953 after which his wife, Mosima ruled until 1957 when she was removed by the colonial government. Evidence also proved that Kgalushi’s principal wife was from the Rangata family which broke the tradition of Bahananwa of taking principal wives from Kubu or Morudu families. In 1958 Wilson Leboho was appointed as acting Kgoshi and it was the community’s intention that he would become a seed-raiser for Seiphi in order to revive the house of Mosima. Ngako Isaac Leboho was then born to become the eligible Kgoshi.
Disclaimer irks Greaver
April 3, 2014
polokwane >> Improvement seen in municipality’s financial department >> R5,6 billion of the balance sheet represented by municipal assets
RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com “I am not proud. I am not happy with the disclaimer,” Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver said during last week’s Council meeting when Limpopo Auditor General (AG) Dirk Strydom elaborated on the progress of the AG’s opinion to Council. “Though I am not happy it is still the opinion of the AG and we should respect the outcome as well as the way they would approach certain matters. It is incumbent on things we cannot change and I accept it,” Greaver responded to Strydom’s presentation. Strydom said about R5,6 billion of the balance sheet is represented by municipal assets and due to various issues in this part of the audit report the AG had no choice but to give a disclaimer on the municipality. “There is indeed a visible improvement at the financial department and overall financial management of the municipality,” he nonetheless added. Strydom highlighted paragraphs in his opinion pointing out where improvement is urgently required, including roads to be clarified as provincial or municipal road and assets, referred to as legacy issues, which are on the asset register for many years without sufficient information regarding these assets. Revenue issues were addressed and the AG implemented a system for the process going forward and the procedure on irregular expenditure that was not properly followed. A meeting between Road Agency Limpopo (RAL) and the AG to discuss issues on road allocations to determine which roads belong to the municipality and which to the agency was scheduled for Monday.
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Nell’s case to kick off tomorrow KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@ gmail.com Businessman Jacques Nell will appear before the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court tomorPHOTO: ARCHIVES row (Friday) for what Jacques Nell will be appearing before is expected to be the the Polokwane start of his trial on Magistrate’s Court charges of fraud. He was granted bail by the tomorrow (Friday). North Gauteng High Court last Wednesday after spending 36 nights behind bars following his arrest by the Hawks on 19 February. Nell’s hearing is expected to officially commence tomorrow before the presiding Magistrate Janine Ungerer. She earlier denied Nell’s bail application for various reasons such as that the court seeing him as a flight risk and that he allegedly intimidated and threatened witnesses. Ungerer also cited Nell’s alleged disrespect for the court in various instances as a reason for denying him bail.
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April 3, 2014
Briewe / Letters WRITE TO US>> FAX: 015 291 3654 E-MAIL: observer.yolande@gmail.com
Response to Polokwane Observer lead Molebatsi Masedi, member of the Mapungubwe Arts Festival Organising Committee, writes: The Polokwane Observer hysterical headline, R4, 5m fest a DISASTER, couldn’t come as a surprise or shock to a discerning reader of your newspaper – no wonder the author of the malicious piece hides under the amorphous Editorial Team which can be something or nothing at all. The shock or surprise of the reporting of the annual Mapungubwe Arts Festival would have come if you were to be objective in your coverage of this provincial flagship event. Your newspaper has consistently been damning of events hosted around the cricket club precinct. No wonder the bulk of your hatchet job is devoted to Polokwane residents “fuming over noise levels rising from weekend music performances that continued till the wee morning hours of Sunday and Monday.” As for the R4,5m disaster there’s no shred of evidence to back this thumb-sucked hysteria by your anonymous editorial team. The weeklong festival served its intended purpose of showcasing what the province has to offer in terms of the arts and culture. Added to the rich festival programme were national and international musical icons like Kurt Darren, Kanda Bongo Man, Selaelo Selota and Uhuru to mention a few. Local talent was also well represented by the likes of Colbert Mukwevho, Candy Mokoena, Malo a Botsheba and Joe Shirimani who featured prominently in the main Jazz Festival line-up. The Street Carnival and the official opening of Mapungubwe 2014 was equally colourful with Boeremusiek, SAPS inter-cultural group, Rapson Rambuwani and the legendry Penny Penny. Representing the Premier, MEC for Safety,
Security and Liaison Happy Joyce Mashamba called on citizens of Limpopo, black and white, to attend the line-up of events of the festival as it showcased 20 years of freedom and democracy in the arts and culture. Mashamba further expressed confidence that artists and the entertainment industry would seize the moment and tell true stories of the past 20 years of our democracy through drama, music and dance. Mashamba’s vote of confidence was not in vain, all the festival programmes lived up to the highest universal standards of performance. Besides the gospel and jazz programmes there was the exhibition of indigenous crafts and two days of stage theatre delivered by the doyen of the craft Paul Mahuma Rapetsoa. My preliminary evaluation of Mapungubwe 2014 is that the flagship event was a success and realized a good return on money invested in it – a fact borne by all the media institutions which crowned it as a roaring success. As part of the festival organising committee I am the first to concede that the event hasn’t reached its maximum potential and that a lot remains to be done to be in the same league as similar projects in the country. On this score the organizing committee will naturally meet to receive a comprehensive report on the event which will include inputs from individuals and stakeholders on how the festival can be improved. Mapungubwe Arts Festival 2014 is a good story with a potential of being the greatest in the country calendar of arts and culture events. Whether this is realised or remains a dream deferred is up to the people of Limpopo. Knowing the people of the Great North, Mapungubwe Arts Festival can only grow from strength to strength – prophecies of doom and gloom notwithstanding.
>> Ondersteuningsgroep vir versorgers/lewensmaats/kinders van persone wat aan Alzheimer se siekte en/of demensie ly vergader Donderdae onder leiding van Rheda Jacobs in Vergeet My Nie Behuisingsentrum se saal in Hoogstraat 9. Anneliese Bothma: 015 295 9077. >> Die Polokwane Kinder- en Gesinsorgvereniging is ‘n organisasie sonder winsbejag en bedryf ‘n winkel in Library Gardens waar veral gebruikte klere en enige ander verbruiksitems spotgoedkoop gekoop kan word. Enigiets kan geskenk word en by Jorissenstraat 42A gedurende kantoorure afgelewer word. Skakel Karin Kotzè by 015 297 3326 of 015 297 3327 vir meer inligting. 5 April >> Dipela The Flutes Music Ensemble hosts an Easter hymnody concert at the NG Kerk Pietersburg-Oos at 17:30. Tickets cost R80 per person and a light meal will be served after the concert. Mollale Bopape: 082 407 4987 or Matshidisho Selamolela: 076 970 0939. >> Die Assupol Limpopo Blou Bulle speel teen die Serval Pumas in die Vodacombekerreeks. Afskop is om 12:00 en toegang is gratis. >> ‘n Fondsinsameling vir Bernadine Hugo (28) wat met kanker gediagnoseer is en nie oor ‘n mediese fonds beskik nie, word van 09:00 tot 17:00 by Soetdorings Buiteklub gehou. Haar mediese uitgawes beloop reeds meer as R120 000. Vermaak sluit ‘n model-, potjiekos- en potspelkompetisies sowel as kindervermaak, verskeie stalletjies en optredes deur plaaslike kunstenaars soos Rock Hard Music School in. Toegang is R40 vir volwassenes en R20 vir kinders tot 12 jaar. Uitstallers en deelnemers aan die potjiekoskompetisie ontvang ook twee kaartjies. Marcia: 072 482 3465. 8-10 April >> A stage play titled Golden Divas, written and directed by Selaelo Maredi will be presented at
the Polokwane Library Gardens Auditorium at 19:00 every evening. The Golden Divas is a romantic comedy about lady friends who share similar problems and talents. Tickets cost R50 per person. Lethabo Ramokgopa: 073 1488 436. 11 April >> A sit-down three course dinner with entertainment by Katryn Barwise will be held at Tooters Restaurant and Cocktail Bar. Tickets cost R150 per person and includes the meal and entertainment. Contact Wyldy d’Agnel at 071 612 3852. 12 April >> Die Simfonia Juventi Jeugorkes tree om 19:00 by Hoërskool Pietersburg ten bate van die Koningskinders van die gereformeerde kerke op en word voorafgegaan deur ‘n kaasen wyn-aand om 18:00. Koste beloop R120 per person. Marie: 083 271 5218 of Annemarie: 083 357 6815. 12 April >> Die Assupol Limpopo Blou Bulle speel teen die Leeus in die Vodacombekerreeks by die Peter Mokaba Stadion. Afskop om 15:00 en toegang is gratis. 28 to 31 May >> The Polokwane Show and Musical Festival will take place at the local showgrounds on the old N1 just outside Polokwane again. A program full of entertainment will be offered and Louwrens the Storyteller, Snotkop, Elvis Blue, 4Werke and Prime Circle will be main attractions. The show will include the Northern Agricultural Show and competitions and educational events will take place. High quality farm animals will be on display. Stalls are still available and Corrie Venter (082 374 0816) or Lelane (072 369 0155) can be contacted for bookings or information.
Elvis Blue will perform at the Polokwane Show and Musical Festival from 28 to 31 May 2014.
April 3, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Interdict to prevent MEC’s intervention RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
n reaction to the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs’ (Coghsta) decision to place Mogalakwena Municipality under administration, the Mogalakwena Residents’ Association (MRA) last week obtained a court order interdicting and restraining Coghsta MEC Ishmael Kgetjepe from executing his decision. South African Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) Provincial Secretary Simon Mathe did not want to respond to the matter as it is still sub judice. It is reported that there is
also a pending application to give permanence to the interdict granted and that it is now up to Kgetjepe to lodge opposition and mount a defence to this application. The intended intervention at Mogalakwena Municipality stems from Coghsta’s cognisance of the challenges facing the municipality. These include disputes over the contract validity of the municipal manager and the council as well as institutional instability characterised by serious infighting among council members and senior officials, both of which negatively affect the ability of the municipal leadership to fulfil its legislative mandate including the provision of basic services and efficient financial management.
Polokwane turning point for 6 000 km fundraiser RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Polokwane was the northern turnaround point for CNN news reporter, Enzo van Vuuren’s expedition to create awareness and raise funds for various green projects, particularly the protection of rhinos. Polokwane Observer received a surprise visit from Van Vuuren (49) on Tuesday. As initiator of the Heal the World for Us project, Van Vuuren chose Polokwane as turnaround point on his 6 000 km journey of which 4 000 were dedicated towards fundraising for the conservation of rhinos. “Mercurius South Africa kindly sponsored a Smart For Two in which I could complete my journey. In every town I spend some time on my bicycle equipped with an automated kilometre logging system. Travelling by bicycle only will result in the project ending quicker and not permitting enough time to get to
all my goals for the journey,” he said. Van Vuuren travelled through seven of the nine provinces only omitting KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga. “On my journey back I will cover those two provinces. I encourage people to support the initiative. I received a warm welcome in every town I stopped so far,” he said. To follow Van Vuuren visit his facebook profile or the wedsite www.healtheworldprojects.yolasite. com for more information on various projects he is involved in. Enzo van Vuuren travels the country to create awareness.
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Polokwane Observer
April 3, 2014
Charges withdrawn against Malema’s co-accused
RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
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The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has confirmed that the dismissal of the charges of fraud, racketeering and money laundering against Economic Freedom Fighter Leader Julius Malema’s coaccused, Selby Manthata, his wife Helen Moreroa and his brother Mokgetsi Manthata, would have no impact on his case facing the same charges. The Mokopane Regional Court withdrew all charges against the Manthata brothers and Moreroa last Wednesday. It is reported that the case was withdrawn after the Mathatas applied for acquittal in terms of section 174 of the Criminal Procedure Act resulting in the dismissal of the case on the basis that the evidence presented by
the state could not sustain the charges. Hawks Spokesperson Paul Ramaloko could not be reached to confirm the reason for the dismissal. Malema, Lesiba Gwangwa, Kagiso Dichabe, both Manthata brothers and Moreroa appeared in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court in June on charges relating to a tender worth R52 million allegedly awarded by the Department of Roads and Transport to On-Point Engineering Company which is co-owned by Malema’s Ratanang Family Trust. The Manthatas and Moreroa were then excused from court after they were warned to appear in the Mokopane Regional Court the following month when a High Court date would have been set. They were first arrested and charged together with Malema in September 2012.
CRIME shorts Rapist sentenced to life in prison The Naphuno Regional Court outside Tzaneen on Friday sentenced convicted rapist Masilo Phillip Maenetja to life imprisonment after he was found guilty of raping a five-year-old girl from Lephephane outside Maake nearly three years ago. According to Hangwani Mulaudzi from the Limpopo Police the 28-year-old from the same area was also handed a five-year jail term for the kidnapping of the girl who he grabbed at the gate of her home before forcefully dragging her to his house where he raped and tortured her for a whole night. After her ordeal the child informed her family of the rape, a case was opened and the rapist was swiftly arrested. Acting Provincial Commissioner Benny Ntlemeza in a press statement sang the praises of the detective who handled the case stating that it was the investigative skills of the officer that ensured Maenetja was removed from society for good. “Detective Constable Charlotte Thuketana’s investigative skills ensured the Police were able to secure and achieve the sentence handed down to Maenetja.” Ntlemenza also praised the work done by the court. “She really deserves a pat on the back for her relentless efforts in ensuring Maenetja is jailed for as long as possible.”
Suspected rhino poachers in court
Five suspected rhino poachers appeared before the Phalaborwa Magistrate’s Court on Monday
after being arrested on charges of possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition. The suspects, Thulani Siwela (28), Doctor Ngwenyama (36), Given Mashaba (30), Vusi Matsane (45) and Robert Sondlani (38) were arrested by the Gravelotte Police on Thursday evening after they were suspected of being poachers who were on their way to kill a rhino at a nearby game reserve. Hangwani Mulaudzi from the Limpopo Police says a suspicious looking vehicle was spotted and upon searching the suspects’ vehicle, Police found a hunting rifle with its serial number filed off, 20 live rounds of ammunition and three butcher knives.
Foetus found in plastic bag
A passerby walking in Loris Street in Westenburg got the fright of his life when he noticed a small hand sticking from a plastic bag next to the road on Sunday around 16:00. Mohlaka Mashiane from the Westenburg Police says a case of concealment of birth has been opened after finding a foetus in a plastic bag in Extension 14 of Westenburg’s RDP section. “The mother has not yet been indentified but we are appealing to the community to come forward with any information that will help find the perpetrator. These incidences of babies being thrown away like rubbish are now getting out of hand and happen far too often.” Anyone with information that could lead to the identification or arrest of the mother should contact Mashiane on 082 729 0169.
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Are your rights being violated? Have you been unlawfully evicted? Have you been accused of a crime?
Danger at flooded valve chamber RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Domestic workers employed in the area believe it to be a fountain that is home to a giant snake while local children relish the pleasure of a small pool. In reality it is a constantly flooded valve chamber that, according to some longstanding residents of the Ivydale area, has been overflowing for more than 20 years. Judging from the more than 100 m of dense reed growth bordering the small permanent stream that has formed it is clear the apparently uncontained spillage has been going on for a long time. Children swimming there without adult supervision run the risk of drowning while the reeds offer a possible hideout for criminals that could prey on them or on the locals that use it as a source of free fresh water. Polokwane Municipality was apparently not aware of the situation near the intersection of Church street and the Tzaneen bypass. This, despite the uncountable of litres of water having gone to waste at tax payers’ cost. Since Polokwane Observer enquired on Monday no comment has been forthcoming from the communications department except for Spokesperson Matshidiso Mothapo who said an official will be sent to the scene to assess the problem.
Photos: RC Myburgh
This overflowing valve chamber not only wastes uncountable litres of water but also poses a danger to residents using it as source of water and children swimming in it.
Taxi violence, four arrested RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Violence between local taxi associations in Lebowakgomo broke out on Tuesday following alleged disputes over newly established routes which form part of existing routes within the area. A resident of the area informed Polokwane Observer of a taxi owner being stoned to death on Tuesday and another one seriously injured yesterday (Wednesday) by angry taxi drivers who attacked them. Provincial Police Spokesperson Col Ronel Otto confirmed the violence yet denied that any death occurred as alleged by the resident. “We can assure the community that no deaths have been reported yet. So far Police managed to arrest four taxi drivers who will face charges of malicious damage to property, common assault and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. They are due to appear in the Lebowakgomo Magistrate’s Court today (Thursday). Otto said damage to several taxis had been reported. Otto and Police management were at the time engaged in a meeting with representatives from taxi associations in Lebowakgomo.
251 Unit A Mankweng Polokwane, 0727 Phata Nkgudi Development and Business Solutions hereby applies for Re-instatement as a Close Corporation Any individual who has a claim or any creditor who has an objection to the reinstatement of Phata Nkgudi Development and Business Solutions reinstatement may lodge a complaint with The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) within 21 days. Thema Noko Sanala 072 980 0843
Mayor expresses OBSERVER disappointment on Mapungubwe Festival April 3, 2014
RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
uring Polokwane Municipality’s council meeting on Thursday Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver expressed his disappointment over the recent R4,5 million Mapungubwe Festival in which the policy to keep noise levels to a minimum and to stick to the closure time of the festival was not adhered to. The issue was raised by Democratic Alliance (DA) Councillor Frank Haas who referred to last week’s edition of Polokwane Observer reporting on residents’ anger over noise levels that continued until the early morning hours of Sunday and Monday. “I feel like a liar,” Greaver responded to
Haas’s concern about tax payers who were previously promised that this would not happen again. “The community is not happy. It is unacceptable and disrespectful to keep residents in the vicinity of the Polokwane Cricket Club awake until the early morning hours. It turned us into liars,” Haas said. Haas was called to one of the resident’s homes in Suid Street after 01:00 on Monday from where he tried to call Greaver to address the situation. Greaver’s phone was however switched off. “I was not aware that my cell phone was off. I apologise. When Council discussed the event we came to a conclusion that we need to respect the policy set out to regulate the festival. We need to respect decisions and
have no explanation why things got out of hand,” he said. Greaver was hitting hard on management and officials responsible for implementing decisions taken. “I don’t know why the festival was allowed to continue until the early morning hours. I cannot be responsible for taking policy decisions and implementing it. I can remember we agreed on certain times for closure of the festival and I need answers to why we violated the resolutions,” he said. Greaver made his discontent clear every time he has to apologise on behalf of officials not doing their job. ”I will discuss this matter with the municipal manager as well as responsible officials on why we continuously have to address these issues,” Greaver concluded.
Polokwane Observer
April 3, 2014
Your business: the dangers of signing surety without surety
ape Town,20 February 2014: External funding – in the form of an overdraft facility, a term loan or asset finance – is a normal part of business. Few entrepreneurs realise, however, that signing surety on behalf of their business can have a severe impact on their personal estates unless they have taken out adequate insurance cover, says Deon Theunis, Sanlam Business Market’s head of distribution support. “Most financial institutions require the owner of the business to sign surety for funding. If the owner dies or is permanently disabled, his or her estate may be called upon to settle the debt. This can put enormous financial pressure on the owner’s family members, as funds that should have been used for their maintenance will now go towards paying business debt,” he says. Business owners need to ensure their personal estates and their businesses are protected through what is called contingent liability insurance, which pays off business debt if the business owner dies. “Of all the financial planning needs entrepreneurs should consider, such as insuring against the loss of a key person, succession planning and cover for employees, contingent liability is by far the most important. Covering other insurance needs first
is like putting the horse before the cart. “Almost all businesses have debt, and yet our statistics show that only 3% of the business insurance policies we sell are for contingent liability.” Theunis says most business owners have an attitude of ‘it will never happen to me’. “They do not realise the risk they are taking. For example, we know of a recent case where a bank repossessed a widow’s house because her husband, a successful business owner, had signed surety for a loan without having adequate risk cover in place. In another case, a widow and her son lost their family farm after her husband signed surety for an overdraft facility and was then killed in a freak accident. He had not put any protective measures in place to secure his debt.” He says the implications of signing surety on behalf of a business do not stop at the estate of the deceased or permanently disabled owner. “It can have a ripple effect that could potentially ruin a thriving business.” For example, if the surety is called up against the estate of the deceased, and there is no liquidity in the estate to cover the surety it could result in a claim against the business or the remaining owners who signed surety, usually jointly
and severally. Theunis says business owners often do not fully understand what they are liable for and for how long, when they sign a suretyship document. “It is important to note that signing surety is usually only required for the term of the financing agreement or while the business owner is involved in the business. When the loan has been repaid or if the owner leaves the business, the surety must be cancelled. If this is not done, the owner who stood surety at the time of the debt, will remain liable for the debt if the surety is called up by the financial institution.” Contingent liability insurance usually takes the form of an insurance policy with life and disability cover, taken out by the business, which owns the policy and pays the premiums. The premiums are not tax deductible, making the eventual pay-out free of tax. Theunis says it is crucial to obtain expert advice from a qualified financial adviser before making any decisions on business insurance cover. “Each business owner has unique financial needs. A financial adviser can assist in prioritising these needs to protect not only the individual business owner, but also their families and their business,” he concludes.
About Sanlam Personal Finance Sanlam Personal Finance (SPF) is the largest business within the Sanlam Group of companies. Sanlam, listed on the JSE Limited and the Namibian stock exchange, is a financial services company that employs 9 000 people and manages assets worth over R494 billion. It has business interests elsewhere in Africa, India, the UK and Australia. SPF provides clients in the middle, affluent and self-employed markets in South Africa and Namibia with comprehensive financial services solutions. These solutions include savings (retirement and non-retirement savings), protection (medical and personal cover), transactional and short-term savings requirements (debit cards, savings accounts and fixed-term savings vehicles), financing and credit needs (including home solutions and personal loans) and estate planning. SPF’s underlying philosophy centres on offering needs-based solutions for clients, valuing diversity, being innovative and attracting superior talent. For more information, visit www.sanlam.co.za, view Sanlam’s online media centre here or use SPF’s handy financial calculators here. Twitter @sanlam Follow Sanlam on: @sanlam @Sanlamvideo
Distributed by: Marissa Visagie Atmosphere Communications Tel: 021 469 1596 Cell: 071 146 7941 marissa@atmosphere.co.za On behalf of: Esann de Kock Sanlam Personal Finance: Communication Tel: 021 947 5435 Cell: 082 894 8799 Esann.dekock@sanlam.co.za
April 3, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Stad se water is nou veilig sê AfriForum RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
ie burgerregte-organisasie, AfriForum het verlede week in ‘n persverklaring bevestig dat Polokwane se drinkwater veilig vir verbruik is. Dit nadat die organisasie vroeër vanjaar die stad se water getoets en bevestig het dat dit hoë vlakke van E.Coli bevat. Leerders van verskeie skole in die stad is ook vroeër vandeesmaand met simptome wat vermoedelik deur vuil water veroorsaak is, gediagnoseer. Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) moes noodgedwonge ‘n watersuiweraar by die koshuis installeer nadat verskeie leerders siek geword het. “AfriForum het die nuutste uitslae van watermonsters wat twee weke gelede in die stad geneem is van ‘n laboratorium ontvang en bevestig dat die water skoon en veilig vir verbruik is,” sê Limpopo-organiseerder van AfriForum, Morné Mostert. As deel van AfriForum se nasionale Blou- en Groendruppelprojek het hulle by vier punte in die stad watermonsters geneem. “Ons is bly dat die Polokwane Munisipaliteit spoedig opgetree het om die probleem op te los en
ons hoop dat ander probleme met dieselfde dringendheid aangepak sal word,” sê hy. Hy sê drinkwater mag geen E.Coli bevat nie terwyl gesuiwerde rioolwater minder as 1 000 eenhede per 100 ml moet bevat om veilig vir gebruik te wees. Die persverklaring toon ander dorpe in die provinsie onder meer Groblersdal, Makhado, Marble Hall, Mookgophong, Modimolle, Phalaborwa, Mokopane en Bela-Bela se water drinkbaar is. In Mookgophong, Modimolle, Phalaborwa, Polokwane, Mokopane en Bela-Bela is die gesuiwerde rioolwater nie op standaard nie. Julius Kleynhans, hoof van omgewingsake by AfriForum sê probleme met drinkwater kan oor die algemeen vinnig reggestel word, maar rioolwater hou beduidende gesondheidsrisiko’s vir gemeenskappe in. “Nalatigheid by beplanning en ‘n gebrek aan instandhouding van infrastruktuur lei tot grootskaalse besoedeling van ons waterbronne. AfriForum sal aanmaningsbriewe aan die plaaslike munisipaliteite wat nie aan die regulasies voldoen nie, stuur om hul gesuiwerde rioolwater op standaard te kry. Die water sal dan weer getoets word om vordering te monitor.”
A six-year-old girl died instantly when she was hit by a car in Hans van Rensburg Street in the vicinity of Library Gardens on Friday.
Six-year-old killed in peak hour traffic KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com A six-year-old girl died on Friday after a vehicle ran her over in Hans van Rensburg Street in the vicinity of the boom entrance to the openair parking at Library Gardens. Roads around the area were blocked off causing lunch time traffic to back up for several blocks. An eye-witness on the scene said the accident occurred when the girl attempted to cross the road with her mother and an older sibling. The person said he was standing only metres away from the collision point and heard the child screaming and the screech of tyres when the driver of a red Volkswagen Golf 6 attempted to brake in time to avoid the child. “The mother was not holding the girl’s hand and that is why she ran into the very busy street,” he said.
Lesiba Ramoshaba from the Polokwane Police confirmed the incident and that a young girl was fatally injured after a car hit her on Friday afternoon. “A mother and her two children were in town on Friday and they attempted to cross the road. The 6-year-old girl died instantly when the car hit her.” The driver of the vehicle is said to be from Marble Hall. An investigation is currently at hand which will determine the exact cause and the details leading up to the death of the child. Ramoshaba says a case of culpable homicide has been opened against the driver. He also reiterated the importance of parents keeping a firm grip on their young children while walking in traffic, especially at the busiest times of the month. “An accident like this could have been avoided if the child had been kept from running across the street by the parent holding onto her.
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April 3, 2014
12 OBSERVER polokwane
RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
Droë krane moontlik die gevolg van gebarste pype Krane wat gisteroggend (Woensdag) in die omgewing van Burger-, Hoog- en Compensatiestraat waterloos was, is moontlik aan ‘n gebarste pyp in Ooststraat toe te skryf . Munisipale woordvoerder, Matshidiso Mothapo was vroegoggend duidelik nie van die gebarste pyp bewus nie en het gesê: “Ek is nie
bewus van ‘n pyp wat iewers gebars het nie, maar as dit die geval is, is ek seker daarvan dat die munisipaliteit se tegniese span hooftoevoerpype toegedraai het om met herstelwerk te begin wat die tekort aan water veroorsaak het.” Annelene Wagner, hoof van Suikerbekkie Pre-Primêre Skool in Ooststraat het gisteroggend om 09:30 aan Polokwane Observer bevestig dat daar geen watertoevoer van 19:00 die vorige aand in dié straat was nie. Water was wel Woensdagoggend vir ‘n
rukkie beskikbaar, waarna die krane weer opgedroog het. Buite die skool was werkers van ‘n kontrakteursfirma van die munisipaliteit besig om gras uit te kap en die gebarste pyp uit te grawe. ‘n Stroom water het nog in die straat afgeloop wat aandui dat die water eers onlangs toegedraai is. Silverkruin het vroegoggend probleme ervaar, maar toevoer is later herstel. Personeel van Mediclinic Limpopo en Vergeet My Nie Behuisingsentrum het bevesitig dat hulle nie deur die probleem geraak is nie.
Rotary, Health Dept join hands BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Making basic health services accessible to all communities is the focus of a joint venture between Rotary International and the Department of Health and Social Development that is being rolled out from to 2 to 4 April 2014. In Polokwane the service will be rendered
at Greenside Primary School and will comprise HIV counselling and testing, diabetes and blood pressure screening, de-worming, provision of vitamin A tablets and TB symptomatic screening. Eyes will also be tested and reading glasses will be available at R20 per pair. This outreach project forms part of a rollout to 160 sites throughout the country.
Reservoir vlakke bo 60% Al die stad se reservoirs was verlede Donderdag meer as 60% vol volgens die Polokwane Munisipaliteit. Die munisipale woordvoerder, Matshidiso Mothapo het gesê die ou- en nuwe 30 megaliter reservoirvlakke is onderskeidelik op 84% en 74% gemeet terwyl die 50 megaliter reservoir op 74% staan. Die reservoirs in Seshego en in Potgieterlaan is effens laer met onderskeidelik 66% en 65% waterkapasiteit.
April 3, 2014
Foto: Verskaf
Dié taxibestuurder het volgens Philip Smit ‘n passasier se kleingeld gesteel en weggejaag. Die passasier is in die proses deur die taxi op die arm en lyf gestamp.
Motoriste gemaan om versigtig te ry by Thornhill-kruising RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Botsings vind byna daagliks by die kruising van Munniklaan en Veldspaatstraat by Thornhill Shopping Centre plaas, veral oor naweke of laatnag wanneer motoriste geen ag op die rooi verkeerslig slaan nie en blatant teen ‘n hoë spoed oor die kruising jaag. Wrakstukke wat gereeld uit die pad verwyder en langs die sypaadjies gelaat word is bewyse dat ongelukke gereeld by dié kruising plaasvind. ‘n Inwoner wat naby woon sê sy moet gereeld toekyk hoe onskuldige mense beseer word of hul lewens verloor omdat spoedvrate en padvarke geen respek vir medepadgebruikers toon nie. “Motoriste gee nie gehoor aan die 80 km/h spoedbeperking nie en dié wat uit Mall of the North-rigting (R81) vanuit Munniklaan in Veldspaatstraat wil regs draai is herhaaldelik slagoffers van jaagduiwels wat in die rigting van Mall of the North ry. Terselfdertyd vat motoriste kanse om van beide kante links of regs vanuit die R81 reg voor aankomende verkeer vir wie die verkeerslig reeds groen is, in te draai. ‘n Bydraende faktor is mense wat hulle selfone gebruik terwyl hulle bestuur,” sê sy. Sy voeg by dat sy gereeld kinders in voertuie sien wat nie vasgegordel is nie. “Ek verstaan nie hoe ouers dit kan toelaat dat kinders op die sitplekke staan nie. Die munisipaliteit moet op ‘n daaglikse basis verkeersbeamptes op dié pad ontplooi om oortreders vas te vat of ‘n daadwerklike poging aanwend om motoriste te dwing om stadiger te ry,” sê sy. ‘n Plaaslike prokureur en botsingrekonstruksie-deskundige, Philip Smit het Dinsdag op die kruising ‘n taxibestuurder agterna gesit nadat die bestuurder weggejaag het sonder om ‘n passasier se kleingeld te gee en boonop sy lyf en arm met die wegtrekslag gestamp het. “Die passasier het met ‘n R20-noot vir die R6 taxifooi betaal waarna hy met die kleingeld weggery het,” sê Smit. Hy het die besonderhede van die bestuurder geneem en die passasier het die voorval bevestig. Smit sê die bestuurder is na bewering ‘n lid van die Polokwane Taxi Association. Oor selfone wat gebruik word sê Smit: “Die bestuurder wat met ‘n selfoon praat se persepsie reaksietyd word dieselfde as ‘n persoon wat onder die invloed van alkohol bestuur, geag. Bestuurders kan nie vinnig genoeg reageer wanneer hy homself in ‘n noodsituasie bevind nie.” Munisipale woordvoerder, Matshidiso Mothapo sê sedert Januarie tot einde Maart is sewe ongelukke by die kruising gerapporteer. “Spoed is nie die enigste faktor nie. Onvoldoende volgafstande is ook die oorsaak van sommige botsings by die kruising. Alle kruisings moet versigtig oorgesteek word wanneer dit veilig is en motoriste behoort te weet dat hulle ten alle tye padwette en –tekens moet gehoorsaam.” Hy sê die munisipaliteit is van plan om dreunstroke by verskeie gevaarlike kruisings, wat die Thornhill-kruising insluit, op te rig, maar kon nie sê watter gebiede prioriteit sal geniet nie.
Foto: RC Myburgh
Wrakstukke is bewys van vorige ongelukke wat op die hoek van Veldspaatstraat en Munniklaan plaasgevind het.
Polokwane Observer
April 3, 2014
IDP consultations already in progress RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com The community and stakeholder consultation drive of the 2014/15 draft Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and the budget of the next financial year started on Tuesday when Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver hosted the first session with traditional authorities at the council chamber. The purpose of the session is to give feedback to the stakeholders and the communities about service delivery issues raised and also about progress made with projects that are implemented in the clusters. During these sessions Greaver will present a preview of what the IDP entails and consult on draft rates and tariffs for the next financial year. “It is a sign of respect to meet with traditional leaders first so that by the time we meet with the communities our leadership have received information and gave us their input,” Greaver said. Other stakeholders to be consulted include farmers, traditional healers, organised labour, institutions of higher learning, transportation sector, businesses, youth, disabled and other non-governmental organisations (NGOs), religious groupings and communities in all six
HOD, CEO OBSERVER 15 on suspension April 3, 2014
clusters of the municipality. Greaver was scheduled to consult with religious groups yesterday (Wednesday) at Nirvana Hall after which he will meet with farmers on Monday at Jack Botes Hall. On 15 April he will meet with businesses, transport sector and institutions of higher learning and 23 April with NGOs, youth, traditional healers and the disabled also at Jack Botes Hall. The first community consultation is scheduled to take place at Mankweng Community Hall today (Thursday) followed by Sebayeng Dikgale on 9 April at Bana ba Thari and Seshego on 10 April at Ngoako Ramathlodi Complex. Legae la Batho, Mahlasedi Park and Extensions 71, 73, 75 and 76 will meet at Greenside Primary School on 16 April. Moletji will meet on 17 April at Moletji Community Hall followed by Molepo Chuene Maja cluster on 24 April at Tshebela. The Polokwane cluster will be the last to meet at Jack Botes Hall on 30 April at 18:00. All meetings will start at 10:00 except for the Legae la Batho and extensions which will start at 14:00. Communities are urged to attend the consultation meetings so that they could have their word heard and contribute towards development.
>> Suspension has added to a total of four department heads being temporarily replaced
alerted the media about the decision by Premier Stan Mathabatha to place Public Works Head of Department Madidimalo Chaamano on precautionary suspension on Friday. He said the suspension would afford the province and administrators time to make further investigations into allegations against the HOD. No acting HOD has been appointed yet. In the meantime Barry Viljoen reports that GNT CEO Busi Mhaga was put on compulsory leave on Thursday to allow the group internal audit division of Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda) to conduct an investigation. Head of Legal Services at GNT, Sally Ledwaba did not want to disclose information that could compromise the investigation. She, however, confirmed that Tom Nkoana would be acting in Mhaga’s absence and reiterated the situation would not affect the operations at GNT in any way.
YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com
hile the Head of the Public Works Department has been suspended with immediate effect this past week the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Great North Transport was also put on compulsory leave pending an investigation. Chamaano’s suspension has added to a total of four department heads, comprising Education, Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) and Sport, Arts and Culture, having been temporarily replaced. Premier’s spokesperson Kenny Mathivha
Win big with Mall of Have your say on CDM’s the North’s 3rd birthday development plan, budget RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
Limpopo shoppers’ paradise, Mall of the North turns three in April and big prizes will be given away to show appreciation towards loyal customers. While the mall continues to extend its shopping space and hosts regular competitions, this year is going to be extra special according to Marketing Manager René van der Merwe. She also reminded shoppers of the currently running competition where three room makeovers by Volpes worth R8 000 each are up for grabs. “All shoppers have to do is to obtain an entry form from the information desk at the Game court, fill it out and drop it in the entry box. The competition is currently running and the draw will take place on 12 April at 14:00 at Game court,” she said. She added that the presence of the winners during the draw will be appreciated and therefore asked all entrants to attend.
Public participation sessions starting on 10 April will afford residents, businesses, traditional leaders and academic institutions the opportunity to share their thoughts on the Capricorn District Municipality’s (CDM) 2014/15 Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and budget for the coming financial year. CDM Spokesperson Moffat Senyatsi said Executive Mayor Lawrence Mapoulo will present the status of delivery and explain the municipality’s plans to accelerate provision of all services such as water, energy, sanitation, waste management, poverty alleviation and local
economic development. He will also reveal a total budget for the year ahead that will be used to attain all municipal objectives. “This draft IDP sets our agenda for the new year to work together with communities and all other stakeholders to move Capricorn District forward,” Mapoulo was quoted saying in a press release. Details of sessions 10 April: traditional leaders, Polokwane Royal at 09:00; 15 April: parastatals, MJ Gateway at 09:00; businesses and education institutions, Fusion Boutique Hotel at 18:00; 16 April: non-government organisations, St Marco Hall at 10:00 and 25 April: IDP Representative Forum, Bolivia Lodge at 09:00.
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April 3, 2014
16 OBSERVER polokwane
Police condemn lawlessness
KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com
utbreaks of public unrest in protest against poor or none delivery of services in Limpopo have been making headlines recently with the latest being protests erupting at Tickeyline village in Maake near Tzaneen on Sunday. The Police in Limpopo have noted
with concern the escalating public violence in Limpopo and have since issued a stern warning to residents that such public disorder will not be tolerated. Hangwani Mulaudzi from the Limpopo Police said the most recent spate of public unrest took place on Sunday when members from the Tickeyline community took to the streets expressing their dissatisfaction towards the lack of service delivery and shortage of water by blocking the streets, burning
tyres and pelting the Police with stones and other objects. Mulaudzi said many shops belonging to foreign nationals were looted and vandalised during the protests, proving that criminal elements within the community are taking advantage of the protest actions. This stern warning came after the Mayor of the Greater Tzaneen, Dikeledi Mmetle had to be rescued by the Police after the crowd
Requests foR Bids TENDER NO.
Appointment of Emergency Mechanical Term Contractor for Lepelle Northern Water and Wastewater Schemes
2ME or Higher 14:00, Thursday, 17 April 2014 at Head Office
11:00 on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at Landdros Maré Street, Polokwane
Appointment of Emergency Electrical Term Contractor for Lepelle Northern Water and Wastewater Schemes
2EE or Higher
14:00, Thursday, 17 April 2014 at Head Office
11:00 on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at Landdros Maré Street, Polokwane
Appointment of Emergency Civil Term Contractor for Lepelle Northern Water and Wastewater Schemes
2CE or Higher
14:00, Thursday, 17 April 2014 at Head Office
11:00 on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at Landdros Maré Street, Polokwane
Tender documents will be available from Tuesday, 11 April 2014 at 12:00 from offices of Lepelle Northern Water situated at no. 01 Landdros Maré Street in Polokwane. Tenders not submitted in the tender box on the date and time stated above will be marked as late tenders and will not be considered. Procurement related enquiries may be directed to Mr. Ngwako Moseamedi at 015 295 1903 and Technical enquiries to Mr. Darlington Chuma on 015 295 1898 from 08:00 to 16:00, Mondays to Fridays. NB: Bidders will be evaluated on functionality first, only those qualifying by achieving the minimum cut off points as per Tender will be evaluated on administrative compliance and then price and BBB-EE. MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS – Only bidders who have submitted the following documents will be considered, namely: • Original and valid Tax clearance certificate issued by SARS • Company registration documents • Proof of CIDB registration and Grading required (Where Applicable) • Completed SBD forms (SBD4, SBD8,SBD9) • All bid documents must be completed in full and in blank ink (No correction fluid is allowed) • Letter of good standing (COIDA) • All JV partners must attend briefing sessions • Certified valid copy of BBB-EE Certificate OTHER REQUIREMENTS: • Certified ID copies of the company shareholders (Not copies of certified ID) • Proof of purchase of Bid Document • Municipal current rates account not more than three months in arrears should be submitted (proof of address similar to address of place of office operation). Lease Agreement or shareholders addresses acceptable as a proof of office address, but note that before appointment this will be verified. • The JV partners must submit both mandatory and other requirements for each Company. • Please note that other required documents will be deemed as mandatory to the preferred bidder. Other required documents will be requested for submission within two working days and failure to submit will be deemed as non-responsive. SPECIAL CONDITION • For contracts above R3m (three million rand), the following special conditions apply: (i) All bidders from outside Limpopo must enter into a Consortium or Joint Venture with local HDI/HDC of suppliers (ii) The perscentage of the contract value managed or executed by the local partner must not be less than 40% of the project value. Lepelle Northern Water’s Tip-off Hotline Speak out against fraud and corruption Anonymous fraud hotline Details Free Call: 0800 20 48 57 | Free Fax: 0800 00 77 88 Free Post: KZN 138 Umhlanga Rock, 4320 Email: lepelle@tip-offs.com | Website: www.tip-offs.com
turned violent while she was addressing them. In the process members of the Police were pelted with stones. Police then had to use rubber bullets to disperse the crowd. Mulaudzi said a total of eight suspects were arrested on charges of public violence and will appear in court today (Thursday). Mulaudzi confirmed that the situation in Tickeyline is still tense and members of the Public Order Policing Unit are maintaining visibility while patrolling and monitoring the area to prevent further lawlessness. “Several roads in the area are still blocked but the R36 from Tzaneen to Lydenburg is now open. Members of the public are advised to avoid this road and rather travel to Lydenburg via Mica and Hoedspruit,” he said. In a press release regarding the unrest, acting Provincial Commissioner Benny Ntlemeza vowed that the Police will do everything within their lawful powers to maintain peace and order. “We understand that the members of the community have the right to take part in peaceful protest actions as stipulated in the Constitution but the Police will never sit back and watch criminal elements taking over protests to create lawlessness and anarchy.” Ntlemeza further appealed to parents and family members not to allow their children to participate or take part in protest actions following an incident on Monday where a fouryear-old girl was hit in the stomach by a stray rubber bullet. She was taken to hospital but later discharged after being treated for severe bruising to her stomach.
Dept warns of malaria outbreak in Mopani HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za The Department of Health and Social Development is alerting visitors to the northern and eastern lowveld areas of the province to take precautions and ensure that they do not get bitten by mosquitoes. The safety measures include staying indoors from dusk to dawn, using insecticides and mosquito repellents and sleeping under mosquito nets. Following the recent heavy rainfall in parts of the province a number of cases of malaria were reported in the Mopani district, Ba-Phalaborwa and Greater Giyani. According to Spokesperson for the Department of Health and Social Development, Macks Lesufi the province experienced a seasonal increase in malaria, with Mopani district most severely affected. “In Mopani, the municipalities affected are Ba-Phalaborwa and Greater Giyani. Since 15 March 2014, 111 malaria cases were notified in Ba-Phalaborwa and 132 cases in Greater Giyani,” Lesufi said. “In these areas malaria transmission is seasonal, with cases normally at its highest during the summer rain season. During a normal malaria season, the province experiences incidents of malaria at two different times. The first increase is normally in January each year. This increase is associated with travelling patterns and behaviour change during the December festive period. A second peak is normally experienced towards the end of the malaria season, in March and early April. This increase is associated with the climatic patterns namely high rainfall, humidity and temperature. These factors are contributing to increased malaria vector mosquito breeding and the development of parasites in vectors mosquitoes,” Lesufi said.
April 3, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Lim parties sign electoral code of conduct YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com
impopo was a step closer to the 7 May general elections when seventeen of the twenty political parties with representation provincially and 29 nationally signed the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) Code of Conduct in Polokwane on Friday. Party representatives gathered at Protea Hotel Ranch Resort for the occasion. The programme for the event included slots for addresses on behalf of the provincial government, Section 9 institutions, the House of Traditional Leaders in Limpopo, the South African Local Government Association (Salga), the South African Human Rights Commission, the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the IEC. Motsiri Ramafalo of the IEC in Limpopo said three parties – Agang SA, Inkatha Freedom Party and United Christian Democratic
Party (UCDP) – did not show up for the signing of the code of conduct, whereas the remaining 17 with representation in the province all signed the pledge. According to the official IEC timetable, Tuesday was the cut-off date for objections to candidates with the next deadline thereafter being Monday, which is D-day for Commission decisions on objections to candidates and also serves as opening date for the submission of special votes’ applications at local IEC offices of which the deadline is 17 April. The following three days are expected to be set aside for appeals to the Electoral Court against Commission decisions with regards to candidate objections. The date of 15 April is the deadline for the Electoral Court decisions on any appeals. On 22 April the IEC is expected to issue final lists of parties and candidates contesting the elections and to issue certificates to parties two days later.
Photo: Yolande Nel
Provincial Electoral Officer Nkaro Mateta and Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) Chairperson Pansy Tlakula dance to the sounds produced by the South African Police Service (SAPS) band playing at the occasion.
e i s i t e Komp
RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Kosbare oomblikke waarin troeteldiere op kamera vasgelê is, kan nou vir ‘n goeie doel aangewend word nadat die plaaslike Dierebeskemingsvereniging (DBV) in samewerking met Mall of the North Dinsdag ‘n fotokompetisie bekendgestel het. Die DBV-verteenwoordiger, Le-Andrie Bezuidenhout sê die kompetisie word eksklusief deur Mall of the North en Polokwane Observer ondersteun en die wenners sal tydens Mall of the North se DBV Skou op 9 en 10 Mei aangewys word. Reëls vir die fotokompetisie: Dit moet ‘n oorspronklike foto sonder veranderinge met die troeteldier as
082 797 3227
Skryf foto’s van jou kat en hond in ten bate van DBV
fokuspunt wees, nie groter as 5MB wees nie, geen obskure of onwettige aktiwiteite bevat nie en slegs deur die fotograaf ingeskryf word. Die vyf kategorieë vir honde: Werpsels–12 maande en jonger, beste hondepaar, bes-versorgde hond, eienaar-en-hond-ewebeeld en mooiste lelike hond. Die vyf katkategorieë: Oulikste kat, opreggeteelde kat, verspotte kat (silly cat), beste paar en ‘n kat se beste vriend. “Alle inskrywings kan elektronies aan photospcapolokwane@gmail. com gestuur word. Die foto’s sal met ‘n verwysingsnommer op facebook en Polokwane Observer geplaas word. Om vir die beste foto te stem, word die verwysingsnommer na 34464 teen R2 per SMS gestuur. Inkomste word aan die Polokwane DBV geskenk,” sê Bezuidenhout. Wenners sal volgens stemtotale aangewys word. Die topvyf foto’s in elke kategorie sal in Mei tydens die skou by Mall of the North uitgestal
word waarna daar uit elke kategorie ‘n hond en kat van die dag aangewys sal word. Die foto’s en wenners sal in die daaropvolgende uitgawe van Polokwane Observer verskyn. “Die skou beloof om ‘n opwindende twee dae by die inkopiesentrum te wees. Benewens die fotokompetisie sal daar ook onder meer hondevertonings deur die polisie gedoen word asook gehoorsaamheidsdemonstrasies,” sê Bezuidenhout. Vir meer inligting kontak Bezuidenhout by 082 797 3227, Tania le Roux by 082 401 2020 of Mall of the North-bemarkingsbestuurder, René van der Merwe by 082 300 7620.
Animals up for adoption RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com The local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) has two animals available for adoption, a crossbreed dog and a ginger cat. An SPCA representative, Le-Andrie Bezuidenhout reminded interested people about the adoption procedure whereby an applicant must personally visit the SPCA to complete an application to adopt form where after an inspector will assess the application. The inspector will notify the applicant whether the application was successful or not. It is advised that the applicant as well as the family visit the SPCA to interact with the chosen animal. A R150 administration fee is payable prior to a pre-home
inspection. An adoption fee of R500 per dog and R300 per cat, minus the R150 administration fee, is payable after which an identification tag or a collar will be issued. “Animals are taken to a veterinarian for the animal to be sterilised, vaccinated and dewormed. The animal can then be collected from the veterinarian,” Bezuidenhout said. Photos: Supplied
This ginger kitten looks for a loveable home.
This mixed breed dog is up for adoption.
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April 3, 2014
18 OBSERVER polokwane
BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
erlede naweek was die plaas Snymansdrift buite Polokwane weer die tuiste van die vierde jaarlikse Mighty Men Bosveldkonferensie. ’n Ligte reënbui het nie die manne se gees gedemp nie en baie nuwe vriende is gemaak, terwyl dit ook ‘n weersiens vir ou
Mighty Men Konferensie slaag opnuut in doelwit vriende was. Ongeveer 4 000 mans het die konferensie bygewoon. Die voorsitter van die reëlingskomitee, Francois Brits, sê die totale opkoms was ietwat kleiner as die vorige jaar, waarskynlik omdat dit die eerste jaar is wat Angus Buchan nie teenwoordig was nie. Hein Snyman, ‘n lid van die reëlingskomitee, het Polokwane Observer meegedeel dat hy reeds Maandagoggend meer as
>> Manne het groot waardering vir verrykende byeenkoms >> ’Dit was ‘n belewenis om God so te ervaar’
honderd eposse ontvang het wat spreek van groot waardering van mans wat nie uitgepraat kan raak oor die verrykende ervarings wat hulle gehad het nie. “Dit was ‘n belewenis om die Vader so te ervaar,” skryf een. Riekert Botha en Piet Jacobs was die hoofsprekers. Botha, ‘n pastoor van die Vredendal Baptistegemeente het gesê dat die geheim vir enige standvastige familie en vreugdevolle gesinslewe onderwerping aan die gesag van God is, want daarin lê beskerming en integriteit. Hy het leiding gegee oor hoe ‘n situasie wanneer mens in God begin twyfel as gevolg van terugslae, hanteer moet word en verwys na die geval van Johannes die Doper. Jacobs het beklemtoon dat mans weer hulle plek as voorbeeld en
hoof van hul gesin moet inneem deur onder meer ‘n voorbeeld van persoonlike netheid te stel. Hy het hom ook sterk uitgespreek teen die volksvreemde gewoontes soos rampartytjies voor troues en die uitjouery van die bruidegom tydens ‘n huweliksgeselligheid. Joe Niemand en Franna Benade het die lofprysing saam met musikante van verskeie kerkgroepe behartig. Die stigter van Mighty Men Conferences, Angus Buchan, het in ‘n boodskap aan die konferensiegangers gesê dat dit nou tyd is om die Here te soek terwyl hy nog gevind kan word. “Die uitstorting van die krag van God sal ons manne toerus om ons roeping as vaders in hierdie volk te volvoer.” Saterdagmiddag het die rook oral tussen die doringbome getrek toe die mans in groepe vleis gebraai het voordat almal weer na die vergaderplek voor die verhoog opgetrek het. Daar was genoeg ablusiegeriewe en die terrein is netjies afgebaken. Sondagoggend het ‘n groot groep vroue en kinders aangesluit en die oggenddiens saam bygewoon. Foto: Barry Viljoen
Pieter Ferns, Aubrey Mokgomme en Francois Keyser kuier voor ‘n aandbyeenkoms.
Landbouskou beloof weer groot opwinding RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
LNW 74/13/14
Flag Boshielo: Servicing of Switchgear and Installation of Variable Speed Drives
3EE or Higher
10:00, Monday, 14 April 2014 at Flag-Boshielo Plant
11:00 on Monday, 5 May 2014 at 1 Landdros Maré Street Polokwane
LNW 71/13/14
Phalaborwa Plant: Replacement of Control Valves
2ME or Higher
10:00, Tuesday, 15 April 2014 at Phalaborwa Plant
11:00 on Monday, 5 May 2014 at 1 Landdros Maré Street Polokwane
LNW 72/13/14
Politsi Plant: Replacement of Pressure Break Tank
2CE or Higher
14:30, Tuesday, 15 April 2014 at Politsi Plant
11:00 on Friday, 25 April 2014 at 1 Landdros Maré Street Polokwane
LNW 76/13/14
Marble Hall: Refurbishment of Plant (Design, Manufacture, Supply and Installation of A 1.5 ML/Day Package Plant)
14:00, Monday, 14 April 2014 at Marble Hall Plant
11:00 on Monday, 5 May 2014 at 1 Landdros Maré Street Polokwane
LNW 73/13/14
Tubatse: Design, Manufacture, Supply and Installation of an 8 ML Pre-Sedimentation Tank
11:00,Wednesday, 16 April 2014 at Tubatse Plant
11:00 on Monday, 5 May 2014 at 1 Landdros Maré Street Polokwane
Tender documents will be available from Tuesday, 11 April 2014 at 12:00 from offices of Lepelle Northern Water situated at 1 Landdros Maré Street in Polokwane. Tenders not submitted in the tender box on the date and time stated above will be marked as late tenders and will not be considered. Procurement related enquiries may be directed to Mrs Rose Mulaudzi on 015 295 1871 and Technical enquiries to Mr Darlington Chuma on 015 295 1898 from 08:00 to 16:00, Mondays to Fridays. NB: Bidders will be evaluated on functionality first, only those qualifying by achieving the minimum cut off point of 60% will be evaluated on administrative compliance and then price and BBB-EE. MANDATORILY REQUIREMENTS: Only bidders who have submitted the following documents will be considered, namely: • Original and valid Tax clearance certificate issued by SARS • Company registration documents • Proof of CIDB registration and Grading required • Completed SBD forms (SBD4, SBD8,SBD9) • Compulsory site briefing attendance (Fill attendance register) • All bid documents must be completed in full and in blank ink (No correction fluid is allowed) • Letter of good standing (COIDA) • All JV parters must attend briefing sessions OTHER REQUIREMENTS: • Certified ID copies of the company shareholders(Not copies of certified ID • Proof of purchase of Bid Document • Municipal current rates account not more than three months in arrears should be submitted (proof of address similar to address of place of office operation). Lease Agreement or shareholders addresses acceptable as a proof of office address, but note that before appointment this will be verified. • The JV partners must submit both mandatory and other requirements for each company. • Please note that other required documents will be deemed as mandatory to the preferred bidder. Other required documents will be requested for submission within two working days and failure to submit will be deemed as non-responsive. SPECIAL CONDITION * For contracts above R3,5 million (Three million five hundred thousand rand), the following special conditions apply: (i) Subject to clause, all bidders from outside Limpopo Province must enter into a Consortium or Joint Ventures with loca HDI/HDC or suppliers. (ii) The percentage of the contract value managed or executed by the local partner must not be less than 40% of the project value
Lepelle Northern Water’s Tip-off Hotline Speak out against fraud and corruption Anonymous fraud hotline Details Free Call: 0800 20 48 57 | Free Fax: 0800 00 77 88 Free Post: KZN 138 Umhlanga Rock, 4320 Email: lepelle@tip-offs.com | Website: www.tip-offs.com
By die Noordelike Landbouskou wat vanjaar vir die tweede keer aangebied word, sal benewens ‘n groot aantal aktiwiteite soos kompetisies en opvoedkundige geleenthede, ook hoë kwaliteit plaasdiere gesien kan word. Die voorlopige program is slegs ‘n druppel in die emmer van die landbou-aktiwiteite en -uitstallings wat vanjaar weer saam met die jaarlikse Polokwane Skou en Musiekfees van 28 tot 31 Mei aangebied word. Die organiseerder, Le-Andrie Bezuidenhout sê die program is nog nie gefinaliseer nie, maar beloof om weer eens iets vir oud en jonk te bied. “Besoekers kan onder andere meer as 500 boerbokke en Kalahari Reds onder een dak bekyk terwyl die Bosveld Boerbokklub hul jaarlikse klubkampioenskappe tydens die skou sal hou.” “Ons verwag ook groot ondersteuning van belangstellendes wanneer dié klub op Saterdag, 30 Mei hul veiling hou,” sê Bezuidenhout. Die Bosveld Dorperklub sal ook by die landbouskou te sien wees met ‘n stalletjie waar verskeie demonstrasies soos skaapskeer gewys sal word. Brahmaanboere sal ook vanjaar hul trots in die skouringe kom wys terwyl Nooitgedachter perde vir die eerste keer die skou sal bywoon. “SABC 2 se Living Land in samewerking met die departement van landbou gaan ‘n opleidingsdag met verskillende temas met meer as 300 ontwikkelende en opkomende landbouers aanbied. Ons bied weer eens vir die jong klomp die geleentheid om hul vernuf tydens die jeugskou te wys in die vorm van inkleurkompetisies en ander aktiwiteite,” sê Bezuidenhout. Sy sê die organiseerders beloof ‘n propvol program en dat die komitee baie opgewonde oor die verskillende aktiwiteite is. “Dit bly ‘n absolute voorreg om die landbousektor te kan ondersteun.” Alhoewel daar reeds verskeie kampioenskapskoue op die program is, is daar steeds uitstalruimte en stalle vir persone wat kleinvee en pluimvee wil skou. “Solank iemand landbou in ons land bevorder, sal ons alles in ons vermoë doen om dit moontlik te maak,” sê sy. Bezuidenhout het haar dank teenoor besighede wat reeds betrokke is om die Noordelike Landbouskou se sukses te verseker, uitgespreek. Vir meer inligting kontak Bezuidenhout by 082 797 3227 of Brian Fraser by 083 457 3020 of besoek die webtuiste www.noordelikelandbouskou.com.
April 3, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Maxi’s and friends lend a helping hand KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com
woman who spent most of her time confined to a dilapidated wheelchair recently received a blessing in the form of a selfpropelled wheelchair from the hands of Maxi’s Polokwane Game Centre, Maxi’s Polokwane Checkers Centre and other good Samaritans who felt they needed to help make her life just a little bit easier. Anita Blignaut, owner of Maxi’s Game Centre tells how one of her good friends, Karen Koekemoer, brought Sylvester Matswake’s (30) plight to her attention after driving by the young woman every morning on her way to work. Koekemoer explained during the official handover that she saw Matswake daily pushing herself through the streets, uphill and downhill, in order to get to work. “My heart was breaking for her and I thought it important that my friends and I try and do something to help this strong individual.” Blignaut, Koekemoer and other friends all donated funds towards securing an electrical wheelchair for Matswake. Maxi’s head office soon learnt of the charitable initiative and decided to step in to help raise the last funds needed for the acquisition of the chair. A social network campaign was started to show their loyal customers how much they care by giving back to the community. Blignaut explains that during the month of February a contribution of R2,50 was made by Maxi’s every time someone liked the link of Matswako on their social page. Matswako who was visibly touched by the gesture of goodwill said: “This gift of mobility has lifted the world off my shoulders.”
Good Samaritans Anita Blignaut and Karen Koekemoer are overjoyed at being able to help someone less fortunate. Smiling happily from her new, self-propelled wheelchair is Sylvester Matswako.
Anita Blignaut (middle, at the back) owner of Maxi’s Polokwane Game Centre and Maxi’s Polokwane Checkers Centre and outlet managers Tjale Tema and Malana Dube smile broadly. In front are Yolandi Ferreira and Jane Motswale, representing Maxi’s Head Office.
>> A new wheelchair for a brave recipient >> Maxi’s Polokwane digs deep to help
Anita Blignaut shares a moment with Sylvester Matswako who received a brand new electric wheelchair on Thursday.
April 3, 2014
20 OBSERVER polokwane
Jabez Christian Academy>>
Jabez’ best hip-hop dancers
BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com During a ceremony held on Thursday evening Jabez Christian Academy awarded its Grade four to nine learners for excelling in the Dancing Hip-Hop competition. The dancing module of the competition
takes place during the first quarter with music, arts and drama following in the other quarters. Principal Elana Erasmus said the second quarter will focus on drama with voice training as a topic. Learners will be coached to write their own songs, perform and have them recorded. The school has 213 learners from Grade RR to Grade 12 with 26 educators and support staff.
Pietersburg Laerskool>>
Photo: Barry Viljoen
Award winners Dineo Makakase, Ama Thosago and Neo Sheea, in front, with Principal Elana Erasmus, Amu Shiringani, Amogelang Mamabolo, Maryke Botha and Malebo Tjale after the ceremony.
Erica Pre-primêre Skool>>
Kleuters van Erica geniet atletiekdag behoorlik Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Die kleuters van Erica Pre-primêre Skool het kans gekry om by die groot skool oorkant die pad te kuier vir hul jaarlikse atletiekdag wat verlede Woensdag op die hoofrugbyveld van Hoërskool Pietersburg plaasgevind het. Erica se trompoppies het eers bietjie lyf geswaai en twee van die skool se bulletjie-rugbyspanne het mekaar opgekeil waarna die jongspan mekaar op die atletiekbaan die stryd aangesê het.
Die bulletjie, Stephan Jansen van Rensburg mik doellyn toe.
Foto: RC Myburgh
Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Johan Nel, Douw Steyn, Sue Dreyer en Danie Brink met Pietersburg Laerskoolhoof, Peet Bredenkamp, agter, tydens Helpende Hand se oorhandiging van 60 kospakkies en meer as R20 000 se Spar koopbewyse aan die skool se minderbevoorregte leerders.
Solidariteit reik uit na PLS-voedingskema RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Sowat 60 PLS-leerders van ongeveer 30 gesinne van die skool sal die skoolvakansie en daaropvolgende maande baat by Solidariteit Helpende Hand se projek wat Vrydag 60 kospakkies en meer as R20 000 se Spar koopbewyse aan die skool oorhandig het. Die geleentheid vorm deel van die Helpende Hand se nasionale voedingskema waarby ses skole – Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS), Laerskool Krugerpark, Laerskool Tzaneen, Laerskool Julian Muller, Laerskool Vaalwater en Laerskool Marble Hall baat. Volgens die uitvoerende hoof van Helpende Hand, Danie Brink het Solidariteit onlangs ‘n
R120 000-skenking ontvang wat aangewend word om Limpoposkole se voedingskemas te ondersteun. Die skool kan vir die volgende nege maande maandeliks kruideniersware ter waarde van R2 300 by Spar aankoop om die voedingskema te ondersteun. “Die kospakkies bevat onder meer bevrore produkte, pasta, speserye, tee en aanmaakkoeldrank. Honger leerders kan nie konsentreer nie daarom poog ons om elke minderbevoorregte leerder se maag vol te hou om optimaal te presteer,” sê Brink. Skoolhoof, Peet Bredenkamp het sy dank teenoor Solidariteit Helpende Hand uitgespreek en ouers en onderwysers aangemoedig om die organisasie te ondersteun sodat hulle hul dienste kan uitbrei en bevorder.
Foto’s: Warren Blunt
Een van Erica Pre-primêre Skool se leerkragte, Ria Elliot lei die pikkies op die veld.
Dalk toekomstige Blue Bulls Babes? Erica se trompoppies.
Pietersburg Laerskool>>
PLS se o.9-span kook in Rustenburg
Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Buco Pietersburg Laerskool PLS se o.9-rugby span het onoorwonne na Polokwane teruggekeer na die onlangse Konka Rugbytoernooi in Rustenburg. Sestien skole van Gauteng,
Limpopo, Noordwes en Vrystaat het aan die toernooi deelgeneem. Die span het drie uit vier wedstryde gewen en gelykop met 17-elk teen Laerskool Kenmare gespeel. PLS het teen Laerskool Rustenburg 17-5 gewen, Curro Hazeldean met 22-0 ore aangesit en Fairland Primary School 24-0 oorrompel. Erica Pre-primêre Skool se hoof, Monja Groenewald en kleuters wat hul familielede groet terwyl hulle opstap.
Die hoofpawiljoen by Hoërskool Pietersburg was volgepak met ouers, grootouers en familielede.
PEPPS College>>
PEPPS give life to others by donating blood Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
Foto: Verskaf
Die Pietersburg Laerskool se o.9-rugbyspan wat onlangs in Rustenburg aan die Konka Rugbytoenooi deelgeneem het, is Drian Hartslief, Ruben van Ree, Zander de Klerk (gelukbringer), Dre Jonker, Bertus Jacobs en Erik Nel. In die eerste ry is Zandre Hattingh, Justin Basson, Gerald Richards, Dewan Gobey, Stefan Korff, Patrick Kellet en Schalk Kloppers. In die tweede ry is Dillen Stoltz, Jason Hugo, Wian Terblanche, Sterrenberg Boshoff, Duan Bezuidenhout, Marnus de Klerk en Friedrich Kern. Agter is die afrigters, Marten Gobey en Chris de Klerk.
Learners and educators from PEPPS College donated many units of muchneeded blood that will be vital to the dwindling stocks at the South African National Blood Service (SANBS), especially with the upcoming Easter Weekend at the school’s second Blood Drive of the Year last Friday. Head of Department at the College, Pam Smith said the school takes their blood drive seriously and donate blood five times during the year. Many new donors registered on Friday for the first time and the auditorium was a hive of activity as many units of blood were collected by the helpful SANBS personnel. Photos: Warren Blunt
First time blood donor, PEPPS College Grade 11 learner Anna Lennox is encouraged by her classmates, Ansi Buys and Quewyn Smith.
April 3, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Hoërskool Pietersburg>>
Talentvolle leerders laat gehoor skaterlag BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Vier kort toneelstukke met die tema Die Prinses en die Padda is verlede Maandagaand deur leerders van Hoërskool Pietersburg op die planke gebring. Leerders het self, sonder enige hulp van leerkragte die stukke geskryf en die regie, musiek en dekor behartig. Volgens Arouna van der Walt, koördineerder, kon elke groep wat volgens Aarde, Jupiter, Saturnus en Venus ingedeel is eie diskresie gebruik met die vertolking en inhoud binne die raamwerk van die fabel. Die gehoor, wat meestal uit ouers en leerders bestaan het, het die vertolkings en vars banaderings tot die eeu-oue storie baie geniet.
email: sales@zigtrading.co.za www.zigtrading.com Tel: 011 474 9679
Venue sponsor for the Assupol Limpopo Blue Bulls home games
Jaco van der Merwe (prins), Mia du Toit (prinses), Ansten Mokgokolo (padda) en Tshediso Kgasho (Black Monjan) met Megan Bezuidenhout (heks)in die Saturnusgroep.
Werk en Wen Pre-primêre Skool>>
Pret en plesier by Werk en Wen-atletiekdag
Date: 05 April 2014 Venue: New Peter Mokaba Stadium
12:00 - Assupol Limpopo vs Steval Pumas
WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Die kleinspan van Werk en Wen Pre-primêre Skool het hul gate uit geniet tydens die skool se jaarlikse atletiekbyeenkoms wat verlede Woensdag op die sportterrein van Pietersburg Laerskool plaasgevind het. Die hoofpawiljoen was volgepak met ouers, grootouers en familielede wat die jong atlete luidkeels aangemoedig het. Die kleuters van die onderskeie klasse het teen mekaar kragte gemeet en almal was die dag se wenners.
Free entrance!!! Refreshments on sale
Zero Frozen Fruit Juice for the first 1 000 spectators Free Below Enquiries: Charles van Wyk 076 127 2517 Joan du Toit 082 418 6587
Die Skilpadklas van Werk en Wen Pre-primêre Skool kom met hul juffrou, Linda Schoeman op die veld gestap.
Atlete van die pikkewyn-klas, Helgaard Bredenkamp, Kaleb Lavender, Duvan Duvenhage en De Wet Wilken nael vir die wenstreep.
Die Vissieklas van Werk en Wen is gereed vir aksie.
Leandri Myburgh, Lizandri Jansen, Shaunalee Vorster en Marlouise van der Berg amper gelyk oor die wenstreep. Regs: Juané Boshoff van die Katjieklas nael vir ‘n vale.
28 tot 31 MEI 2014 Louwrens The storyteller
Elvis Blue
Die Pikkewynklas onder leiding van hul leerkrag, Susan Weideman.
Bambini Montessori Polokwane >>
Familietee by Bambini Montessori Die leerders van Bambini Montessori Polokwane het onlangs hul familietee by Bambini Restaurant gehou. Hulle was deftig uitgevat om soos pappa’s en mammas te lyk en het die oggend terdeë geniet. FOTO: VERSKAF
Barry Strydom en Juané Shrives.
Prime Circle
Uitstallers nog welkom!! Kontak vir Corrie 082 374 0816 of Lelane 072 369 0155
business BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
ustomers crowded the spacious outlet of EH Hassim Builders World in Bok Street, Polokwane on Saturday to participate in the launch of the revamped facility that will in future focus on being a walk-in store rather than the over-the-counter shop they’ve been accustomed to for so long. Manager of EH Hassim Builders World, Anschke Ollewagen, told Polokwane Observer that the company’s mission is, inter alia, to be the first choice one-stop building material
Business profile>>
April 3, 2014 >> Page 22
Wyldy d’Agnel
Business: >> Tooters Restaurant and Cocktail Bar Why did you choose the profession? >> I saw a very good business investment and grabbed it with both hands. What puts you ahead in your industry? >> Quality service and products, as well as filling a gap that has never been filled in the Polokwane business market. How do you live out your passion for your career? >> I am a very honest and straight forward person and I don’t allow success to go to my head.
Revamp for EH Hassim Builders World
>> Over-the-counter to walk-in store >> Leaders in building material and hardware since 1895 and hardware store through their extensive product range, skills and expertise. The company further strives to ensure that their strong brand will continue to grow and evolve in the future, driven by a healthy balance between quality and affordable prices. A large crowd of spectators assembled at the main entrance to the store and was entertained
by Masterjay of Capricorn FM who facilitated a nail hammering competition as well as a push-up challenge. Lafarge Cement also had a stall outside and handed out complementary caps and other small gifts. The business can be accessed on twitter and facebook where regular special offers and bargains will be posted. Anschke Ollewagen (E.H. Hassim Builders World Marketing Manager), with Aletta Phaleng (E.H. Hassim Builders World Communication Officer) and Masterjay of Capricorn FM. Below: One of the contestants trying to beat the push-up challenge.
Photos: Barry Viljoen
Spectators gathered at the entrance of E.H. Hassim Builders World to attend the revamp launch.
One of the eye-catching displays in the revamped shop.
April fuel prices no April fool’s joke BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Good news for motorists is that the diesel price decreases by 8,8 cents per litre for 0,05% sulphur and 7,8 cents per litre for 0,005% sulphur with effect from 2 April, 2014. The Minister of Energy, Ben Martins, has also announced that the Incremental Inland Transport Recovery System (IITRS) introduced in 2008 is repealed. This levy amounted to 3 cents per litre and is scrapped due to the fact that the 712 km long multiproduct pipeline from Durban has been commissioned. The price of petrol increases by 5 cents per litre for 93 octane and 7 cents per litre for 95 octane. The Single Maximum National Retail Price (SMNRP) of illuminating paraffin (wholesale) and illuminating paraffin will decrease by
Photo: Keshia Jansens van Rensburg
The owner of Tooters Restaurant and Cocktail Bar, Wyldy d’Agnel is ready for the evening of a lifetime during the recent opening of her Tooters Restaurant and Cocktail Bar on the N1 North, 4 km from SA Breweries. With her are Charlene Colbourn and Megan Momberg.
34,5 and 49 cents per litre respectively. Further good news is that the price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) will decrease by 22 cents per kilogram (maximum retail price).The Minister said in a press release that the commissioning of the new multiproduct pipeline is consistent with government’s programme to build new infrastructure that benefits South Africans. He also stated that the decrease in the price of illuminating paraffin and LPG will benefit households that use these products, especially as winter approaches. Locally, the pricing formula of fuel includes fuel levies and the Road Accident Fund levy, transport costs which result in different retail prices for different magisterial districts as well as the different production costs of fuel types. All these costs are added to the landed costs of fuel that are imported.
Photo: Barry Viljoen
Charles Maswanganyi fills up before the price goes up again.
Motors profile>>
April 3, 2014 >> Page 23
Trevor Mafenya
Motor Vehicle Dealer: >> Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge for Mercurius Motors What is the biggest challenge in your line of work? >> Clients being blacklisted, even for old paid up offences What do perspective clients need to keep in mind when buying a car? >> Keep your ITC records in check How do you stay at the forefront of your industry? >>Prospecting, prospecting and more prospecting.
Test drive your dream vehicle from MGM Motors this weekend RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
n search of a new vehicle, traffic congestion and the daily fast paced activities in the city’s central business area could become challenging obstacles and does a potential buyer owe it to himself to visit Savannah Mall on Saturday when MGM Motors will bring all their vehicles to their customers for viewing and test driving. In February MGM Motors opened a showroom on the lower level of Savannah Mall where they exhibit some of their vehicles available. The range includes Volvo, Peugeot, Citroën, Mahindra and the latest SsangYong models. According to Volvo Sales Manager Dirk Markgraaff, MGM Motors is renting the showroom on temporary basis and forms part of the dealership’s strategy to make vehicle shopping as convenient as everyday grocery shopping. “We know that potential customers don’t like coming to the central business area as it is too busy and limited parking is available. With the showroom at Savannah Mall we are trying to reach out to customers by bringing the vehicles to a more peaceful area where customers can take all the time they need to consult with salespersons on the floor and to make a clear-headed decision on which vehicle
to buy,” he said. Markgraaff said the showroom is manned by professionally trained sales consultants during trading hours. “It is not only a showroom. The whole process from the application, preapproval to the financing of the vehicle takes place at the showroom. Customers will not be referred to any of our branches as the sales consultants are trained to do valuation on a vehicle someone maybe wants to trade in,” he
said. He added that the showroom can rather be seen as a satellite dealership. On Saturday MGM Motors will create the perfect opportunity for customers to get a better feel of the vehicles available. Shoppers will be allowed to test drive any of the vehicles while also standing a chance to win vouchers from Spur, Pick n Pay and Wimpy while Musica will also be handing out gifts. “No matter the customer’s budget, we are
determined to put all customers behind the steering wheel of a vehicle of his or her choice. Shoppers are invited to consult with the MGM team on Saturday for an experience not to be forgotten,” Markgraaff said. The showroom is open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00 and Saturday from 09:00 to 15:00. For more information contact Markgraaff on 015 291 9700.
The MGM Motors showroom at Savannah Mall hosts brands such as Volvo, Peugeot, Citroën, SsangYong and Mahindra.
Photo: Supplied
April 3, 2014
Koop jou plakker en dra jou tekkies op 30 Mei
24 OBSERVER polokwane
>> Loop ‘n ekstra myl vir ‘n goeie saak >> Kies jou gunsteling instansie wat jy wil bevoordeel BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
is weer amper tyd vir Tekkie Tax Friday wanneer elkeen wat ‘n hart vir minderbevoorregtes het kan meehelp om hul lot te verlig deur ‘n donasie te gee. Polokwane Nasorgsentrum vir Volwasse Verstandelik Gestremdes (ook bekend as Ons Huis) beplan om op 30 Mei vanjaar die nasionale geldinsamelings-inisiatief tot hul voordeel te gebruik. Die konsep verskil nie veel van die tradisionele loslitdag wat jaarliks gehou word om geld vir persone met gestremdhede in te samel nie. Persone wat bydra kan self uit een van vyf groepe begun-
stigdes kies; diere(A), basiese familiesorg (B), kinders (C), gestremdes (D) en onderwys (E). Daar is drie opsies van deelname volgens Saartjie du Toit, huismoeder van Ons Huis. Plakkers kan teen R10 aangekoop word om persone te magtig om op dié dag hul gunstelingpaar tekkies te dra of ontwerpersveters kan teen R30 aangekoop en gedra word of ‘n kontantbydrae kan gedoen word deur A, B, C, D of E na 44400 te SMS en R20 te skenk. Die projek benodig ook koördineerders in alle gebiede. Besonderhede oor deelname is op die webwerf www.tekkietax.co.za. Ons Huis is in Dorpstraat 96 en huisves vyftien permanente inwoners en veertien dagbesoekers. Die sentrum se voedingsgebied is hoofsaaklik die New Horizon School wat slegs kinders tot die ouderdom van agtien jaar kan akkommodeer. Die sentrum is afhanklik van skenkings van die publiek asook ‘n jaarlikse gholfdag en Loslitdag.
Polokwane Police reach out to the disabled KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com Members of the Polokwane Police on Thursday visited the Association for People with Disabilities (APD)/Centenary House to discuss various safety issues and tips with the residents while showing that as well as fighting crime, they also find time in their schedules to aid those more vulnerable than others. Lesiba Ramoshaba from the Polokwane Police accompanied by colleague Johannes Rametse, discussed various safety tips concerning crimes like theft, robbery, abuse, housebreaking, rape and various others forms of trauma inflicted through crime. During the informative session held to ensure the safety of physically and mentally impaired individuals, Rametse explained in easy terms how to handle any situation relating to crime that they might find themselves in.
Rametse also clarified any issues or questions the residents put forth in layman’s terms, ensuring those who have the mental capacity of someone much younger than their physical age understood everything discussed. Some of the questions raised during the questions and answer session pertained to the lack of service they have experienced in the past, with Police officials not responding to their complaints. Ramoshaba ensured that in such cases, residents are more than welcome to lay official complaints at the Polokwane Police station. Johnny Graham from APD says, on behalf of APD and the residents who attended the session that they are all grateful for the interest shown by the Polokwane Police in ensuring the safety of handicapped people in Polokwane. “Together with the Police we will now be able to make some of these residents feel much safer and know how to protect themselves or handle situations of crime.”
Ngwana Baby House: A real home KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com Already in its eighth year of existence Ngwana Baby House continues to be grateful for the helping hands so willingly reaching out to the infants in its care. This was also the case on Thursday afternoon when some good Samaritans went for a visit. The Public Servants Association of South
Foto: Barry Viljoen
Africa (PSA) in Limpopo donated five baby basinets to Ngwana Baby House for unwanted or abandoned babies. The PSA which is recognised as the second largest trade union in the public service sector realised the need to become more involved in social responsibility activities and annually assists needy communities as well as local welfare and charitable organisations. Provincial Manager of PSA Limpopo, Pieter Koen says Ngwana Baby House is doing tremendous work in Limpopo in taking care of babies while having very little resources at their disposal. “We decided to show our support by donating these basinets that will be used for the youngest babies, ranging from birth to around four-monthsold,” Koen said.
Photo: Keshia Jansens van Rensburg
Inwoners en dagbesoekers van Ons Huis wys hoe die plakkate lyk wat Tekkie Tax Friday adverteer.
Amanda Koekemoer (middle) from Ngwana Baby House is grateful to the PSA for their donation of baby basinets, which will help give all the smaller babies a comfortable sleeping space. With her are Christine Mabu and Pieter Koen from PSA.
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April 3, 2014
Polokwane Observer
April 3, 2014
Bernina and Cansa unite against cancer
26 OBSERVER polokwane
1. Hearts of love. 2. Flower power. 3. Pretty in pink.
KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com
n auction of another kind took Pietersburg Club by storm when Bernina and the Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa) held their highly anticipated Bra Auction on Wednesday evening to raise funds for their outstanding bail amount owed from the Jail n Bail which took place recently. Auctioneer par excellence Aggie Ströh ensured the unique pieces of art work, including an edible bra which drew much interest, went under the hammer for no less than their worth. Ria du Plessis, Cansa Community Mobiliser says she is very proud of all the businesses and the individuals who took part in the auction as the fund-raising initiative was a surprisingly huge success. A monetary ball-park figure can be given to the public for Photos: Keshia Jansens van Rensburg
Left: Lisa van As attends the Bernina Bra Auction held at the Pietersburg Club. With her are local business man Francois Goosen and his wife Michelle. Right: Ria du Plessis and Solet Ströh enjoy a giggle while Ströh’s husband and auctioneer for the evening, Aggie Ströh, auctions off an edible bra for Bernina and Cansa.
now after more than R30 000 was raised by the auctioneering of the undergarments. Du Plessis says the most expensive bra was made by Exclusive Properties and bought by Francois Goosen and Ströh for R1 050. “After much deliberation it was decided that Exclusive Properties could buy the bra back from the two men, as they would love to frame the bra and hang it in their offices.” The second most expensive bra for the evening was grabbed up by Arnold Venter from Netwerk Makelaars who paid R1 000 for the brassiere. The edible bra sold for a staggering R1 000. Cansa Polokwane and Bernina thanked Netwerk Makelaars, Ströh, Agrochem, Medi+car, Exclusive Properties, Macgyver Autoshop, Pietersburg Club, The Goose Wines, Debbie Mouton Jewellers, Polokwane Flower Emporium and House of Finesse.
Foto: Barry Viljoen
Met sy aangepaste motor en hystoestel kan Graham enige rit aandurf.
Johnny Graham ‘n inspirasie vir baie BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com “My gestremdheid kry my nie onder nie,” sê Johnny Graham in sy rystoel waar hy in sy kantoor by die Vereninging van Persone met Gestremdhede (VPG) sy dagtaak verrig. Graham is sedert sy matriekjaar in ‘n rystoel nadat hy geval en sy linkerarm- en been en bladbeen gebreek het. Hy ly aan osteogenesis imperfecta (ook bekend as “brittle bone disease” of Lobsteinsindroom) en is sedert 2008 heeltyds by die vereniging se kantore as bewusmakings- en fondsinsamelingsbeampte werksaam. Die boorling van Piet Retief het in 1998 aan die Meerhofskool in Hartbeespoort gematrikuleer en was ook daardie jaar hoofseun. Hy vertel trots dat hy die eerste hoofseun van sy skool was wat die voorafgaande vyf jaar ‘n matrieksertifikaat in die nasionale eksamen verwerf het. Graham het in 2001 by die VPG as tydelike skakelbordoperateur begin werk en van 2004 die
ontvangskantoor in ‘n permanente hoedanigheid behartig. In 2006 is hy as persoonlike assistent van die direkteur van VPG aangestel. Graham hanteer onder meer projekte om die publiek, skole en ander instansies van die unieke behoeftes van gestremdes bewus te maak en maniere uit te lig waarop hulle volwaardig in die gemeenskap opgeneem kan word. Hy reël ook aktiwiteite soos praatjies en besoeke vir inwoners van die vereniging en is verantwoordelik vir radiopraatjies en ‘n stalletjie by die jaarlikse Polokwane Skou en Musiekfees. Hy het sy rybewys vir ‘n ligte motorvoertuig die eerste keer geslaag en sy motor is met behulp van ‘n verlenging van die pedale, aangepas. Die langste rit wat hy met sy motor aangepak en self bestuur het, was na Makhado. Graham se vriendelikheid en insig in die wêreld van gestremdes maak van hom ‘n rolmodel vir baie niegestremde mense wat toelaat dat baie geringer beperkinge hulle bestaan en moontlikhede negatief beïnvloed.
April 3, 2014
Polokwane Observer
AFFORDABLE AUTOMOBILES 26a Thabo Mbeki Street 015 295 4615
FSP: 28260
2010 Audi A3 1.8 T FSh, Low Mileage
2010 Audi A8 Full house, M/plan to 120 000 km, Sunroof, Night Vision, PDC, Bluetooth, 20�Mags
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2008 BMW 523i A Sports pack, Sunroof, PDC rear, Leather
R189 900
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R99 900
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2011 Renault Twingo 1.2 Dynamique 3dr Full Service history, CD, Airbag, Aircon, Power Steering
2013 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D4D 4X4 Rear camera, Low Milage, FSh
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R189 900 2012 Nissan Navara 2.5 DCI Canopy, Electric Windows, Power Steering
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R74 900 2005 Toyota hilux 4X4 D/C 3.0 D-4D Canopy, Tow bar, Nudge bar
R159 R179900 900
2 Year warranty available on all our vehicles... Jacques Scheepers 082 771 3377 Joseph Mailula 076 632 7149
Godfrey Nkanyana 072 185 9483 Craig Bennet 083 626 9118
Property profile>>
PROPERTIES April 3, 2014 >> Page 28
Ansie Nel
Agency: Just Property Group Polokwane. What is interesting about your work? >> The different people you meet. Buy or rent? >> Buying can never be seen as a bad option. How will the increase in the interest rate affect house prices? >> I don’t think it will affect the prices but rather the approval of transactions.
Operation Clean-up in Rethabile Gardens and Mahlasedi Park BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
Photos: Supplied
Simon Mathebula who is the brainchild of the clean-up project.
imon Mathebula of Aïda Real Estate, who has the sole mandate to market Rethabile Gardens, has launched a clean-up project in Rethabile Gardens and Mahlasedi Park. Children of the area are briefed about cleaning of the streets and open areas and thereafter supervised by himself to take the plastic bags
ANTON 082 443 6039
15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: polokwane@aidasa.co.za Website: www.aida.co.za
of rubble to the municipal collection point. “I want the community of Rethabile Gardens and surrounding areas to know that they have to keep the place clean all the time,” Mathebula said during an interview with Polokwane Observer. He reiterated that children from the age of three years should be alerted and educated about cleanliness of the environment and to put refuse in the supplied containers.
ROSEMARY 082 804 9725
BENDOR • R2 300 000
Be charmed by this home that comes with 3 en suite bedrooms, a study and openplan family, dining/bar area and Separate lounge. Uncompromised quality finishes in the kitchen with separate scullery. Situated in a Cul-de-sac. Enjoy the secure environment in the security estate with clubhouse offering a swimming pool - tennis court - squash court and playground for children. Make this your dream home. Phone before it is gone. Web Ref: 91344178384
8.5ha Plot in Palmietfontein with a large family home that consists of a shed, storeroom and two strong equipped boreholes. Property is cattle fenced and divided into different camps. Call now to view. Web ref: 91344177657
JaCOb • 082 466 8366
POLOKWANE CBD • R1 300 000
EXCELLENT LOCATION. Property surrounded by guest houses with endless opportunities. Stand of 1024m². 3 Phase electricity point. Strong borehole - nice trees. This one will not last. Call now to view. Web ref: 91344178389
Ina • 082 466 8366
A Spacious neat and well looked after home with larger than normal rooms. Peaceful environment. Good visibility. Big stand of over 391m². Call now to view. Web Ref: 91344177972
POLOKWANE • R1 400 000
James • 072 236 7310
PACKED WITH POTENTIAL. CAREFUL BUYERS - BE SAFE TO SEE THIS! Big open-plan living area. Modern kitcen with nice finishes. Lovely family home in lightly travelled street. The One lock up garage. Electric fence. Close to all amenities garden is well established with lapa, borehole and such as School - shopping centre and medical assistance. sparkling pool. Stand 1380m². Please call me now to Security includes alarm system electric gate and fence. Let us view!. Web ref: 91344178201 tell you more. Web ref: 91344178287
sIas • 082 372 7265
sImOn • 082 476 8916
GReTHa • 082 802 1874
THIS ONE IS JUST FOR YOU! Beautiful open-plan townhouse with nice kitchen. Spacious with wooden deck and small pool. Good finishes with built-in braai. Modern and secure. Good buy. Call today to view this property. Web ref: 91344177725 2 2 1 1 Carports 0
M SERALA VIEW • R543 000 WELL SITUATED JUMBO STAND! A wonderful jumbo stand in Serala View in extent of 1004m². The land is situated in a nice accessible portion of Serala View with panoramic view. Call now to view. Web Ref: 91344178060 JaCOb • 082 466 8366
LIVE BETTER IN YOUR OWN HOME! Lovely family home in security Estate. This stunner offers spacious living area with separate dining and lounge. Lapa with braai area. Well kept property. Don’t let this slip away. Web Ref: 91344171367
GReTHa • 082 802 1874
We need houses, flats and plots to rent for good, long term tenant! Elmari: 082 277 7020
BENDOR • R392 800
SERALA VIEW • R483 400
Vacant stand of 1067m² in popular area waiting to be developed. Build your dream home on this well located stand. Better to take this one. Call now to view. Web ref: 91344178288 sImOn • 082 476 8916
POLOKWANE CBD • R8 000 000 INVESTORS DREAM - OWN THIS BLOCK OF MULTIPLE UNITS. Income generating property in the central part of town! Can easily be converted to offices with potential for further development! Occupancy rate at about 80% and maintenance fairly low. Call now for viewing appointment. Offers welcome. Web ref: 91344178470
VICTOR • 073 066 6805
LOUWRens • 082 958 6632
JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA HENNIE HANTI 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874
All the way to the municipal truck.
Tel/Fax: 015 298 8110 propertyforall@webmail.co.za www.property24.com
Well situated 621m² stand. You can make this your dream project. Lovely security estate. Close to Mall Of The North. View today. Web ref: 91344178222
The group of cleaners ready to embark on their task of cleaning-up the streets and open areas.
LOUWRens • 082 958 6632
Some of the children with their plastic bags.
BENDOR • R1 040 000
Mathebula also intends to extend the project to other areas and by doing so, to make a contribution towards a clean South Africa. Aïda targets first time buyers by providing affordable building packages to middle class earners.
Tel: 015 295 3134
>> Everybody must help and we start with the children
Everything we touch turns to SOLD! SHEPSTONE SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE JACOB SIMON INA 072 458 4524 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916
KOWIE 082 854 0452
Call us to list your property and we will sell it for you. Your property will be advertised on 72 different websites on the internet. Dirk van Niekerk (Principal) 082 872 5660 Danie Magere 082 955 1255 Evah Maphepa 072 600 6093 Frank Kreuzer 082 9766 325 Jeoffrey Legodi 082 455 4024 Johan Jordaan 079 368 9134 Johan Nel 083 650 1754 Marlien Jordaan 076 056 8485 Pierre Brandon 084 238 1668 Reynier Stoebel 082 456 4445 Tracy Litchfield 082 893 5666 Yolinda Botha 082 337 6309 We sell any type of property - residential, stands, commercial, industrial, farms and plots.
April 3, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Living Limpopo>>
Photo: Yolande Nel
Nthabiseng Mokoena-Malotane in the environment she calls home.
A girl’s voice rings out
>> Among them is one more vocal in its projection than the others >> Hers is a passionate plea for change in behaviour YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com The lounge of well-known local musician Gilbert Malotane’s house in the quiet neighbourhood of Blood River is a cool space where cordial Saturday morning conversation is interrupted by young girls’ voices sweeping in from outside. Among them is one more vocal in its projection than the others... that of Malotane’s 13-year-old granddaughter, Nthabiseng Mokoena-Malotane who is Childline Limpopo’s Young Ambassador. The Taxila Combined School learner grips the visitor’s attention with a poem about being African. Through her poetry, normally produced by teachers or family members, she eloquently speaks out on child abuse and thus far has touched local audiences with the message she renders. Hers is a passionate plea for change in behaviour. Since the start of her reign in November last year, the young Nthabiseng has been accustomed to taking to the stage to speak to her peers and elders about a growing scourge attacking the children of the world and at home in her own province. She comes from a family tree of performing music makers and educators, therefore her inclination to be on stage runs through her veins. With words so freely spoken, Nthabiseng intends to raise awareness of an evil that also held her community in its grip and is dedicated to fundraising on behalf of Childline in Limpopo. Nthabiseng explains she has fallen in love with poetry since an introduction in 2010 and in the meantime joined Cheranyane Cultural Group, made up of nine young members who participate in performances marking special occasions when they address a variety of topics. Her first appearance coincided with the celebration of the birthday of Premier’s wife Maggie Mathabatha at Boiketlo Primary School in Seshego’s Zone 3 and the launch of the 16 days of activism against the abuse of women and children as well as Childline’s anti-child abuse campaign last year. With Martha Tladi, Childline Limpopo fundraiser and First Lady’s Charity Trust member known for her benevolence displayed towards the people of the province for many years, as her mentor Nthabiseng is bound to achieve her dream of reaching out to larger audiences in future. Among the activities planned to benefit Childline Limpopo this year is a white balloon campaign involving children from all districts across the province, explains Tladi. Outside, the settlement has woken up to the usual Saturday activities. A passing vehicle fitted with a megaphone summons prospective followers to join a parish gathering. A man driving donkeys refuses to stop for a photo containing elements of a rural backdrop true to the environment Nthabiseng hails from. Accompanying his doubtful actions is an explanation that he could fear possible consequences for probably mistreating the animals in his care. Two women passing by on foot and all dressed up in traditional attire are eager to hurriedly pose with the young star. They are on their way to a wedding nearby. As she has thus far done on public podiums, she attracts attention in the dirt road. Surely hers is a voice that will still carry well for time to come. For securing Nthabiseng’s presence at a public gathering, phone Tladi on 082 498 1786.
To buy or sell property. Phone me today!
Polokwane Observer
Exclusive PROPERTIES Our name means a great deal! Pro-Arch Building, Unit 2, Bendor Drive 29, Bendor, Telefax: 015 297 1132 Fax to e-mail: 086 611 0645 ringoapp@mweb.co.za - www.exclusiveprops.co.za
This property consists of 2 bachelor flats with existing tenants yielding a rental income of R5 040.00 per month. The property is situated in central Polokwane and within walking distance from Limpopo Mediclinic and schools.
Lovely modern 3 bedroom townhouse in popular estate in Bendor. You will enjoy a lot of privacy in this corner unit! Spacious enclosed garden with deck and braai. The kitchen has lots of space and modern finishes.
Spacious and secure townhouse. Private enclosed garden with lapa. 1 Garage and lock-up carport. Walking distance from shopping complex.
083 083 268 268 5097 5097
082 082 953 953 1686 1686
082 082 396 396 7178 7178
Marianna 083 083 268 268 5097 5097
Michelle 082 303 9111
R601 000
R1 531 000
R1 040 000
This modern townhouse is ideal for the beginner family or investor that needs property with good tenants. 3 Bedrooms plus 2 full bathrooms. Open-plan lounge and dining with spacious kitchen. Small complex and convenient for kids.
Erika 082 953 1686
R798 000
Modern House in Security Estate, excellent finishes. Fireplace and under floor heating. enclosed Patio with built-in braai. Electric fence and gate.
New ComPLex! Security at an excellent price. Townhouse newly built. 3 Bedrooms, 2 full bathroom units in secure complex and 1 garage - 136m².
082 082 396 396 7178 7178
082 082 396 396 7178 7178
R2 078 000
R1 016 000
A beautiful family home with 3 double bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Open-plan modern kitchen, with separate scullery and granite tops, leads onto braai area and stoep. Sparkling pool with landscaped garden and deck. Security and beams in garden.
Marlene 082 804 4156
Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
nrolment for the Bachelor of Accounting Science (BAccSc) programme at the University of Limpopo’s (UL) School of Accountancy has shown a satisfactory increase since the establishment of the school. This according to the school’s Director, Cosmas Ambe who addressed a media briefing last Thursday, preceding the 4th Vice-Chancellors Accountancy Students Top Achievers Awards that was held yesterday (Wednesday). Founded in 2010 the school only started offering the degree independently in 2012 with an enrolment of 1 239 students, a number that has steadily grown to 1 705 this year. Addressing the media Ambe said for the past five years the School of Accountancy has been a training ground for students in Accounting. “Amongst its milestone achievements are that, in October 2011, the University of
Photo: Herbert Rachuene
R1 750 000
Marianna 083 268 5097
Limpopo through its School of Accountancy became one of the first historically disadvantaged universities to be accredited by the South African Institute of Charted Accountants (SAICA) to offer a Bachelor of Accounting Science degree independently. The SAICA accreditation provided Limpopo and its rural students with access to quality education and an opportunity to qualify as chartered accountants. We are happy with the figure and would like to see more students in the profession,” Ambe said. He further added that, although Accountancy is often regarded as a difficult subject, a financial incentive may be a potential catalyst to spur interest and effort in the academic performance of Accountancy students and may accordingly attract the interest of high school learners in registering for an Accountancy degree in a university that operates such a cash incentive programme. Read more about the awards event in Polokwane Observer of 10 April 2014.
Cosmas Ambe (Nedbank Chair of Accountancy and Director of School of Accountancy at the University of Limpopo), Thibi Mokgokong (PA to Ambe), Peter Mafuna (First National Bank Regional Director, Public Sector Banking), Maureen Talane (Director Marketing and Communication at the UL) and Johannes Selepe (Communication Officer at UL) photographed on occasion of the media briefing.
Family home with room for caravan or boat and potential for a 1 bedroom apartment for grandmother. Pool for the kids and very strong borehole with irrigation. Close to schools and centrally located. It is near Cycad shopping centre.
082 082 953 953 1686 1686
Cornel 082 396 7178
UL School of Accounting continues to grow
R1 859 000
083 083 268 268 5097 5097
April 3, 2014
Riana Admin
PROPERTY SERVICES • EIENDOMSDIENSTE APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za
CONTACT SAN - 072 159 5126
KONTAK STEPHEN - 082 558 3525
1) UPPER TOWN MODERN TOWNHOUSE: R830 000.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, openplan living area. Security fencing. 2) PLOT ON PRETORIA ROAD: R 2 350 000.00 Beautiful plot on Pretoria-road with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open living area, wooden deck verandah with pool, lapa, plus. Second house and 580m² workshop. Excellent buy! 4 Hectares. Popular area. 3) THORNHILL: R995 000.00 Beautiful modern townhouse in security estate. Open-plan living area, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage and garden. Excellent finishes.
HOUSES: 1) 2 213m² CENTRAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units – R3 500 000.00 2) BENDOR – 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, en suite guest room, pool. - R2 000 000.00 3) PENINA PARK - 3 000m² zoned 20 Units. R2 500 000.00 PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha. Vacant. R1 500 000.00 neg. 2) N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha. R8 000 000.00 neg 3) LEEUWKUIL: 10 ha R350 000.00 FARMS: 1) LEGKRAAL: ± 380 ha Cattle farm 2) MESSINA/ALLDAYS - CATTLE FARM: 1 830ha @ R4 300/ha. 3) PIETERSBURG - 70ha Big house 30km from town. 4) LEGKRAAL: ± 175 ha - R2 000 000.00 + BTW 5) PIETERSBURG ± 260 ha water rich capacity 6) BOCHUM AREA: ± 730 ha (70 ha irrigation) R9 000 000.00 7) PIETERSBURG AREA CATTLE FARM: ± 1 000 ha R8 000 000.00 INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) DEVELOPED INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE: Dendron road. 2) UNDEVELOPED INDUSTRIAL SPACE: Emerald Street 3) SAB AREA R2 000 m²: Vacant industrial OPPORTUNITIES: 1) STABLE BUSINESS – good income! Available on request. Existing 20 years +. 2) 3 000m² Stand with big house, Res 3/20 units.
KONTAK MATIE - 083 271 5259
1) 92ha IRRIGATION FARM: Close to Polokwane, enough water for ±10ha. Price: R3 200 000.00 2) EDUAN PARK: Spacious family home with 3 living areas, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, nice kitchen, double garage. Entertainment room, borehole. Quiet area. Price: R1 600 000.00 3) 622ha GAME FARM: Close to Polokwane, neat 4 bedroom house, 2 chalets, pool, braai area, cold room, servants’ house etc. Price: R9 000 000.00 4) MYNGENOEGEN: 8.5 ha: 4 slaapkamerhuis, 5 slaapkamerhuis, woonstel, 8 werkerskamers, staalstoor en sterk boorgat! Price: R2 200 000.00 5) TWEEFONTEIN: 8.5 ha: 3 Slaapkamer huis, 3 x 2 slaapkamer huise, 1 x 1 slaapkamer huis. Ontspanningslokaal. Naby N1. Price: R2 450 000.00
CONTACT SAN 072 159 5126 1) Bendor: R4 500: 1 April 2014. 2 Bedroom townhouse with garage. Please list your rental property with us. We will find suitable tenants FAST! TO LET: INDUSTRIAL
CONTACT STEPHEN TEl: 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 630m² - Close to SAB 2) 200m² - R5000 exl 3) 80m² Cold room 4) 250m² warehouse – excellent location R45/m² exl. Next to SAB. Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Modern – Free-standing office, 600m² 1/5/2014. Close to CBD. 3) 345m² - Office and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton Court) TO lET CONTACT SOlET TEl: 082 498 4415 1) Bachelor Flat: R3 000 2) 3 Bedroom flat - Sanlam flats: R4 500
Sell with us and stand a chance to win a
SA’s preferred home of more than 33 000 properties for sale and rent!
Meropa celebrates Earth Hour >> Earth Hour 2014 biggest in history >> Meropa and Pick n Pay switch off lights RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
ment in order to save energy. This year proved that the Earth Hour initiative is now stronger than ever with efforts to save energy observed in more than 162 countries and 7 000 cities. The symbolic hour has grown into the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment. On local ground Meropa Casino & Entertainment World switched off all lights in their parking area on Saturday between 20:30 and
21:30. Staff also handed out energy saving bulbs to customers in an effort to create awareness on energy saving. Meropa Promotions Manager Raksha Gunpath said the casino has always participated in Earth Hour. “As a casino it is difficult to switch off lights, but we decided on creating more awareness by handing out energy saving lamps to customers while we switched off all lights in the parking
April 3, 2014
area and back offices,” she said. Pick n Pay stores across South Africa also went dark on Saturday evening. Pick n Pay committed to the initiative and switched off all lights, including signage, at stores and regional offices nationwide. Only security lights which use minimal energy were switched on for security reasons.
Photo: RC Myburgh
“Let us stand together to make of our world a sustainable source for our future as humanity on this planet,” the late Nelson Mandela is quoted to have said during an earlier Earth Hour event. This year the entire world again witnessed as the Earth Hour phenomenon, in its eighth year, swept across the planet as 2014 broke all records of mass participation with millions of people becoming everyday super-heroes for the planet. Even in South Africa millions of people were motivated by Mandela’s words to join in the yearly commitment to planet earth to switch off all unessential lights and equip-
Customers at Meropa Casino & Entertainment World are happy to do their part in saving energy by using energy saving lamps distributed to them during Earth Hour on Saturday evening at Meropa. They are joined by Meropa’s Guest Relations Officer Belinda Bothma (third from left), Promotions Manager Raksha Gunpath (third from right) and Guest Relations Officer Ednah Baker (middle).
Lotto celebrates 14th birthday at Mall of the North RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
In a nationwide promotion in which the National Lottery celebrated their 14th birthday, visitors to Mall of the North were also given the chance to enter for the recent draw in which R40 million was up for grabs. Promoters created a cheerful atmosphere in the parking area handing out lottery tickets encouraging people to participate in Saturday’s draw. Shoppers also indulged in a massive cake served as part of the celebrations. The National Lottery’s website revealed that two lucky persons had all six numbers correct and won R20 million each. Earlier in March the National Lottery gave away R10 million and R20 million in respective draws as part of their birthday celebrations. To date the Lotto managed to turn 1 164 people into millionaires with more than 90 million people sharing in the different dividends.
ReMax weekenD sHow House exTRaVaGanZa! Saturday, 5 April 2014 and Sunday, 6 April 2014 14:00 to 17:00
R1 640 000
a 175 OUTSPAN DRIVE 3 Bedrooms 2½ Bathrooms
Kgosi 084 513 6434 BENDOR
2 Garages
R1 090 000
B 94 DEVINE cREScENT, DEVINE ESTATE 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 Garage
Jacques 076 023 4513
Photo: RC Myburgh
National Lottery promoter Cas Dreijer, Mall of the North Marketing Manager René van der Merwe and Lotto Limpopo Area Manager Humbulani Mugivhi with the giant cake that was later served to those who joined in the celebrations.
Beautiful Offices fOr sale
C 17 GENL WYNAND mALAN 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms
Reneilwe 083 457 2022 WELGELEGEN
Emilia 082 374 4680
• • • • •
240m² divided in 100m² and 140m² respectively (already rezoned).
Covered parking Complete telephone system included Alarm system 2 Year rental contract that expires March 2016 Rental income R98,00/m² plus 8% increase per annum
Price on request. Conditions apply
contact Zelda @ 015 296 4459 all agents welcome!
2 Garages
R1 500 000
D 102 DU PLESSIS STREET 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms
landdros Maré street
R1 760 000
3 Garages
R1 550 000
e 89 GRImBEEK STREET 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms
2 Garages
Isobel 076 472 1833 & Steven 082 706 7274
CorpMD Consulting, Ground Floor, cnr Hillary & Phaphos streets, Ismini Park, Bendor, Polokwane Office: 015 297 1863 | Fax: 015 297 7635
>> Serve the organisation with distinction and commitment >> We will rely on them for direction
April 3, 2014
32 OBSERVER polokwane
Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
www.observer.co.za e-mail: observer@ mwebbiz.co.za
TO LET Offices
100/m² to 800m² From R65.00/m²
Fully equipped with ample parking. Available immediately. Centrally situated. Contact: Maneoprops 072 614 4333
he Limpopo structure of the South African National Military Veterans Association (SANMVA) elected its new Provincial Committee during a conference held in Polokwane on Saturday. The newly elected committee consists of John Ngobeni (Chairperson), Lesiba Molomo (Deputy Chairperson), Liberty Mmela (Secretary), Phadishe Molokomme (Deputy Secreretary) and Mmutle Phasha (Treasurer). Congratulating the new committee members Mmela said they must always remember that they face a myriad of challenges. “With their leadership talents we believe they will overcome everything. They will grow the association from strength to strength and we will rely on them for direction, professionalism, creativity and dedication in the reconstruction and development of our army,” he said. Mmela also made a clarion call to the new leadership to serve the organisation with distinction and commitment. SANMVA was established as a non-profit organisation in terms of Section 7 of the Military Veterans Act, No 18 of 2011 with 86% shares held by SANMVA Trust and 14% by the SANMVA Management Services. The ultimate beneficiaries of SANMVA are the South African Military Veterans as defined in the Act. The enactment of the Military Veterans Act of 2011 ensures that members of SANMVA benefit from government services.
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Veterans elect new leadership
Photo: Herbert Rachuene
Photographed during the conference are Netshauzhe Thiathu, Nelombe Tevhedzeni, Nakaphala Matlala, Phala Phalakatshela and Sawel Mabotja.
Roads and Transport pays tribute to award winning personnel Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The shining stars at the Department of Roads and Transport (DRT) were honoured for their hard work in helping the department to win a number of awards recently at a gala dinner at the Pietersburg Club last Tuesday evening. MEC Lehlogonolo Masoga having awarded a road contract of R147 million in Giyani earlier
No competitions or lucky draws, EVERYONE is a winner!!!
MEC for Roads and Transport Lehlogonolo Masoga pays tribute to the shining stars of his department for their hard work in helping the department to scoop several prestigious awards recently.
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Woodlands: Townhouse R 1 093 000 This stunning Townhouse has 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, a double garage. Corner unit with a big garden. Contact me on: CHARMÉ 082 851 5956 Charme Steyn 082 851 5956
SECURITY COMPLEX - FULL TITLE WOONSTELLE/FLATS - R910 000 TEL: 015 room, 295 4537/073 28127405 Lounge/dining 4 bedrooms, bathrooms, TOWN/DORP kitchen, tandem garage, Wendy house. - R1 180 R2SILVERKRUIN 550 - BachelorBARGAIN flat with kitchen and 000 bath-PRIME water AREAR80 per month. room. Prepaid electricity, lounge, flat 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, R2Entrance, 610 - Bachelor with separate kitchen large kitchen, dining room, scullery/laundry, and bathroom. distance town. 3 garages. Flat:Walking 2 Rooms, kitchen,from bathroom. R2 700 - 1 Slaapkamer woonstel in erf.000 TOWNHOUSE - EXCELLENT - R800 - BENDOR Badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis, 1 motorhuis. 3 Bedrooms, bathrooms, Geen2rokers, geenopen-plan diere. lounge, dining room, kitchen, carport plus Wendy house R3 380 - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, in security area. kitchen. Water and electricity at municipality. TOWNHOUSE - BENDOR - R670 000 HOSPITAL PARK garage. 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, INflat! TOWN - FLATSbathroom, R2 750 - Big 1 Bedroom, R740 000: 3 Bedrooms, bathrooms, lounge, kitchen. Water 2and electricitygarage. at R800 000: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage municipality. and many more. MEENTHUISE/TOWNHOUSE TOWNHOUSES IN TOWN TEL: from 015 to 295 4537/073 281 7405 R465 000 bachelor, 3 bedrooms - R890 000. TOWN PENINA PARK TOWNHOUSES R3 415 - 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge -Carport EXCELLENT and kitchen. available at R175 R645 000 - R715 000 extra per month.2 bathrooms. - R750 000 3 Bedrooms, R4 200 - 2 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, BACHELOR TOWNHOUSE - SECURE AREAen - R430 000 Koopkrag sitkamer, kombuis motorhuis. 1 Bedroom,beskikbaar 1 bathroom,1kitchen/living area, Mei. carport. R5IN 000Baie netjiese en stil kompleks. TOWN - GROBLER ST - NEAR 2 Slaapkamers, badkamers, sitkamer, SCHOOLS 2 - PRICE REDUCED waskamer, kombuis, motorhuis en afdak. - R1 910 000 - STAND 2 084 m² Entrance, lounge, dining room, study, Koopkrag. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, BENDOR kitchen, scullery, 3 garages, servants quarters, alarm, borehole, R6 500 - 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, irrigation. sitkamer, kombuis, motorhuis, IRISeetkamer, AMADEUS - GOOD BUY koopkrag. Beskikbaar 1 Mei, skakel dadelik! - R1 050 000 - PRICE REDUCED Lounge, dining room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, ULTRAMODERN!!!
R7 500 - 7x 2 bedrooms, with open-plan lounge/dining and kitchen, 2 bathrooms. Garage available at R300 extra per month. Prepaid water and electricity.
garages, big entertainment area. R72 500 - 4x Lofts available, spacious PENINA PARK - SHINGWEDZI PLAINS 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan EXCELLENT - R645 000 lounge/ dining and kitchen. Open parking available. 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen/nook, scullery, electricity 1 carport, verandah. Prepaid and water. FLORA PARK BARGAIN R1 075 000 Call today to view this upmarket property! - NEAT, EXCELLENT HUISE/HOUSES Entrance, lounge, dining room, 4 bedrooms, Tel: 015 295 kitchen, 4537/073 281 7405 2 full bathrooms, scullery, pantry, 2 garages, storeroom, fenced. FLORA PARKBorehole, patio, swimming pool. R6 130 - 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, FLORA PARK - HANDY MAN’S DREAM sitkamer, kombuis, opwas, motorhuis. - R1 020 000 - PRICE REDUCED Tandem garageKoopkrag. for 4 vehicles, 6 underDORPHouse: Entrance, roof carports, storeroom. lounge, dining room, room, 3 bedrooms, R7 300 - Netjiese 3 TV slaapkamer huis, met 2 bathrooms, kitchen, scullery, fenced, full 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, burglar bars, lapa with braai, borehole, opwas en 2 afdakke. 4 ceiling fans, Gesamentlike remote gate. swembad. Koopkrag, R400 per PENINA PARK - water R1 290 000 - Amaand. MUST TOIVY BEPARK SEEN 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, R7 340 - 3 Slaapkamers, 1½ badkamers, lounge, TV room, dining room, kitchen, sitkamer, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, borehole, separate T/serv/T. opwas, waskamer, studeerkamer, CAPRICORN - CHECK FOR SIZE - R1 Dadelik 605 000 2 motorhuise. beskikbaar. Entrance, lounge, dining room, TV room, EDUAN PARK 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, guest-room with R12 260 - 3laundry, Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, bathroom, 2 garages, 8 carports, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, opwas, storeroom, boreholes, security, etc. wasFAUNAstudeerkamer, PARK - A MUST TO BE2SEEN kamer, gastetoilet, motorFOR THE RIGHT BUYER R1 930 000 huise, 2 afdakke + 2 slaapkamer woonstel Lounge, dining room, TV room, 4 bedrooms, met badkamer, sitkamer en kombuis. Dadelik guest toilet, kitchen, scullery/laundry, 2 garages, carport, storeroom,beskikbaar. swimming pool, lapa (46m²), borehole/irrigation,OFFICES prepaid, remote gate, gas stove, electricTOWN fence, bachelor flat. LOTS OF HOUSES, • ±40m², ±95m², ±99m² STANDS, and ±112m², TOWNHOUSES, LISTED, ALL AREAS, excl. VAT. Covered JUST parkings CALL!! at extra cost plus %STIELER ratio ratesAT separate. Water + electric083 399 6669
ity payable at municipality. • 120 m² warehouses available in Ladine. MEDICAL SUITES AVAILABLE, VARIOUS SIZES. PHONE TODAY!
in the day, joined the occasion to pay tribute to the stars within the department. Introducing Masoga Head of Department Hanli du Plessis praised the MEC for turning around the department from zero to hero in the short period he has been at the helm. The DRT won one platinum and two gold awards for the best service delivery at the Premier’s Excellence Awards last Friday. Earlier this month two drivers from the department, Titus Maphanga and Johnny Mdebuka scooped the top two awards at the National Driver of the Year competition. Both will go on to represent Limpopo and the country in the upcoming international competition in Poland during August. In his tribute to the individuals and various teams that helped the DRT to win the awards, Masoga said that everybody in the department must strive for excellence. He praised everyone involved at the department for their assistance in turning around the bad image of the DRT which was the first of five local government departments to fall under national intervention to one of the best performing departments in Limpopo. “I am proud to have been part of the team that has turned around the fortunes of the department. In the short period of time that I have been MEC, everybody including the national intervention team has worked extremely hard to make us a shining example to other provincial government departments,” Masoga said with pride. He added that irrespective of what happens after the National Election in May, he can leave the department without having to look over his shoulder, knowing he has served with pride and dedication in helping to get the DRT back on the right track.
Photos: Warren Blunt
Personnel from the DRT watch the departmental choir perform at the gala dinner to reward them for their outstanding service on Tuesday evening.
April 3, 2014
STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________
STORAGE TO LET We can store from bikes to big boats. From R400 p.m. Polokwane Self Storage. Contact 082 446 4574 / 083 460 4439 ____________________
IS ADDICTION TEARING YOUR FAMILY APART? There is help call 084 903 1401 ____________________
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EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________
NEED MONEY We provide bridging finance on sale of property agents commission medium term loans. Debtors factoring invoice discounting home rescue debt consolidation. Contact Hennie 082 655 8806 Adri 083 226 0784 ___________________
DIESEL MECHANIC 5 years min experience. Volvo CAT Iveco Bell exp essential. Available immediately. Email CV to admin@ polokwanebricks. co.za ____________________ ADMIN SURVEY / DATA LISTING WORKER NEEDED SMS name/address to 073 058 6684 ____________________
BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION Floor tiles / paving, maintenance & painting. Phone David 082 547 2473 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________
40MM MONOPOMP 13l pyp kompleet in werkende toestand. R12 500. Chris 082 571 5081 ____________________ ECHO NAMIB 2012 MODEL Baie ekstras. Skakel 015 297 1034 ____________________
MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION All maintenance, plumbing, palisade fencing, building, waterproofing etc. Contact Johan 082 822 2319 ___________________
ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________ CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________
AAG WENDYS Knotty pine, log cabin, treated with wax oil, 1 door, 1 window, floor, zinc roof, pallet. Price: 3 m x 3 m = R4 500 3 m x 4 m = R5 000 Arnold 076 858 8973 Alice 073 323 4239 ___________________ GHETTO WENDYS All types, log, cabin, knotty pine, louvre and pallet. 2m x 2m = R4 000 3m x 3m = R5 000 3m x 4m = R5 500 For more info contact Denis 072 114 1850 / 083 686 4178 ___________________
ROOF REPAIR SEAL & PAINT All waterproofing. Johan 082 822 2319 ___________________
SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Phone 015 295 5264 ___________________
1 SLAAPKAMER BACHELOR WOONSTEL 4 km vanaf SAB op LTT pad. R2 500 + dep, water en ligte ingesluit. Kontak Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ 1 SLP WOONSTEL TE HUUR, STERPARK Water ingesluit, munisipale krag, nie ingesluit nie. Beskikbaar einde April 2014. Kontak 084 582 3463 ____________________ RUIM EENSLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL NABY SAVANNAH Privaat ingang, afdak, netjies. Huur R3 800 plus dep. Kontak 082 961 2282 ____________________ FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE IN BENDOR, DE WETRYLAAN Carport, enc garden, R3 500. Contact 015 295 8015/17 ____________________
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RENTALS TOWNHOUSES AVAILABLE NOW: • BODORP - R4 235: 2 Bed/r, 1 Bath/r, 1 Garage • STER PARK - R6 950: 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r, 3 Garages • OFFICES - R30 000: Reception, 8 Offices, Bath/r, Kitchen, 9 Carports HOUSES AVAILABLE NOW: • BODORP - R13 200: 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r, Garages, Carports, Pool & Flat-let • BENDOR VILLAGE R19 800: 4 Bed/r, 3½ Bath/r, Pool, Security Estate TOWNHOUSE AVAILABLE FOR MAY: • LADANNA - R3 550: 2 Bed/r, 1 Bath/r, Carport in Complex HOUSE AVAILABLE FOR MAY: • FAUNA PARK R10 000: -3 Bed/r, 2 bath/r, Garage, Sparkling Pool & Flatlet PATSY 083 270 6770 _____________ HOUSES: BENDOR VILLAGE R19 530 5 bedr, 5½ bathr, patio with built-in braai, 2 garages. STER PARK R11 140 4 bedr, 2 bathr, study, pantry & pool. FAUNA PARK R10 000 3 bedr, 2 bathr, pool, 2 garages & 1 bedr flat. EDUAN PARK R8 000 3 bedr, 3 bathr, entertainment area & splash pool. BENDOR R6 684 3 bedr, 2½ bathr, 3 living areas, 1 garage. IVY PARK R4 990 3 bedr, 1½ bathr, 2 garages. TOWNHOUSES: STER PARK R7 240 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages. BENDOR R6 600 Fully furnished 2 bedr, 1 bathr with DStv. IVY DALE R5 570 2 bedr, 2 bathr, 1 carport. LADANNA R4 950 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 1 carport. DORP R4 950 2 bedr, 1 bathr, 2 carports. BODORP R4 500 2 bedr, 1 bathr, garage. COMPENSATIE ST R4 500 2 bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport. LADANNA - R3 980 2 bedr, 1 bathr, lounge/kitchen, 1 carport. Secure area. FLATS: DORP & RABE ST R4 100 2 bedr, 1 bathr, lounge, kitchen, 1 garage. DORP ST R3 850 2 bedr, 1 bathr, garage, prepaid electricity. STERKLOOP PLOTTE R3 565 2 bedr, 1 bathr, kitchen & study. OFFICES: Offices in CBD from R2 500 pm RABE ST R10 600 pm 106m² HANS VAN RENSBURG ST R8 900 pm BENDOR DRIVE 220m² R30 635 THYS 083 702 0768 AUDREY 072 632 7117 DIONETTE 084 503 3964
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FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE IN BENDOR 1 Bathroom, lock-up garage, encl garden, security. R4 600 p.m. 015 295 8015/17 ____________________ RUIM NUUTGEBOUDE 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS SOETDORINGS Teel vloere, mooi ingeboude kaste, groot buitekamer, omhein, dubbel afdak, skadu parkering. Veilige & rustige omgewing. Streng keuring. Koopkrag & deposito. R5 500. Minette 076 941 1679 ____________________ 3 SLPK HUIS TE HUUR Vanaf 1 April. Stapafstand van Oosskool. 2 badk, oopplan sitk & kombuis, TV kamer, studeerk, dubbel garage, bediendek, swembad, tuin met besproeiing. R9 100 huur & R10 150 deposito. Skakel 015 296 0414 ____________________ 3 SLP HUIS OP PLOT TE HUUR 8km uit dorp, elektries omhein. R5 800 p.m. + dep. W&L ing. Groot tuin. Geen groot honde. Skakel 082 588 5520 ____________________
EK KOOP VOERTUIE Kontant R30 tot R130 000. TRY ME! Cash! Konrant! Skakel Neels 083 459 7177 ____________________
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NING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE NO 15 OF 1986), AS WELL AS THE REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS IN TERMS OF THE REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 (ACT 84 OF 1967) I, Charlotte van der Merwe, being the authorised agent of the owner of the erf mentioned below, hereby give notice that I have applied for the following: 1. To the Polokwane Municipality in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme known as the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 to rezone Erf 3467, SeshegoB – situated at 162 Zondi Mapanga Street, SeshegoB - from “Residential 1” to “Business 2”, for the purposes of shops/offices/consulting rooms and other business related land uses as permitted in the Polokwane/Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007, with the addition of Annexure 160 to change the parking ratio, and 2. To the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs, in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967), for the removal of the restrictive title conditions number 1, of the Deed of Grant no TG132061/2000. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, first floor, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane and at the office of the Head of Department, Limpopo Province: Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs, 20 Rabé Street, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 4 April 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 and/or to the Head of Department, Limpopo Province: Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs, Private Bag X 9485, Polokwane, 0700, within a period of 28 days
April 3, 2014
34 OBSERVER polokwane
YOUR Career finder in LIMPOPO BUYER
Leading supplier has vacancy in Polokwane. Requirements: • Bilingual (English & Afrikaans) • Matric • Mature, well presented, willing to learn • Must have ability to work under pressure • Strive for teamwork with other departments • Ensure stock levels are in accordance with the company policy • Experience with Steel will be a bonus • Experience with Syspro Program will be a bonus Please fax CV to: 086 274 6353
from 4 April 2014. ADRESS OF AGENT KAMEKHO CONSULTING PO BOX 4169 POLOKWANE 0700 TEL: 082 456 3173 Fax: 086 614 9265 03/04 ___________________ POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA 461 KENNISGEWING VAN DIE AANSOEK OM DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(B)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE NO 15 VAN 1986), SOWEL AS DIE VERWYDERING VAN BEPERKENDE VOORWAARDES IN TERME VAN DIE OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS WET, 1967 (WET 84 VAN 1967) Ek, Charlotte van der Merwe, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die ondergenoemde erwe, gee hiermee kennis dat ek aansoek gedoen het vir die volgende: 1. by die Polokwane Muni-
sipaliteit, ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Polokwane/ Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007 deur die hersonering van Erf 3467, Seshego-B – geleë te Zondi Mapangastraat 162, Seshego-B - vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Besigheid 2” vir die doeleindes van winkels/kantore/konsultasiekamers en ander besigheidsverwante gebruike soos toegelaat deur die Polokwane/Perskeubult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007, met Bylaag 160 om die parkeerverhouding te verander, en 2. by die Departement van Ko-operatiewe Regering, Menslike Vestiging en Tradisionele Aangeleenthede, in terme van artikel 3(1) van die Opheffing van Beperkingswet, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967), vir die verwydering van voorwaarde nommer 1 van die Akte van Oordrag no: TG132061/2000. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuur-
der: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, Burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat, Polokwane en by die kantoor van die Hoof van die Department, Limpopo Provinsie: Koöperatiewe Regering, Menslike Vestiging en Tradisionele Aangeleenthede, Rabestraat 20, Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 4 April 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 4 April 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 en/of by die Hoof van die Departement, Limpopo Provinsie: Koöperatiewe Regering, Menslike Vestiging en Tradisionele Aangeleenthede, Privaatsak X 9485, Polokwane, 0700, ingedien of gerig word. ADRES VAN AGENT KAMEKHO CONSULTING POSBUS 4169 POLOKWANE 0700 TEL: 082 456 3173 Fax: 086 614 9265 03/04 ___________________ NOTICE OF REINSTATEMENT OF A PRIVATE COMPANY The directors of Origize 23, (Registration no.
2008/226533/23), hereby give notice of the proposed application for reinstatement of the above company to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Any objection to the application must be lodged with CIPC within 21 days of this notice. Bahurutshi Business Consultants Tel: 015 291 4194 Cell: 078 205 8520 03/04 ___________________ NOTICE OF REINSTATEMENT OF A PRIVATE COMPANY The directors of Limpito General Trading, (Registration no. 2008/122886/23), hereby give notice of the proposed application for reinstatement of the above company to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Any objection to the application must be lodged with CIPC within 21 days of this notice. Bahurutshi Business Consultants Tel: 015 291 4194 Cell: 078 205 8520 03/04 ___________________ URGENT PUBLIC NOTICE The SAVF PIETERSBURG GESINSORG situated at 9 Hoog Street, Polokwane, herewith issues an urgent
public notice in attempting to locate the biological parents, Azania E. Nortje and Johannes H. de Bruin or any person connected to their son. Failing to contact the SAVF Pietersburg Gesinsorg within a period of three months terminates the biological parent’s rights and the boy’s adoption process will continue as though the absent parent consented to the adoption. Please contact m: S White, Social Worker on 015 295 9077/8 03/04 ___________________ URGENT PUBLIC NOTICE The SAVF PIETERSBURG GESINSORG situated at 9 Hoog Street, Polokwane, herewith issues an urgent public notice in attempting to locate the biological parents, Samuel Molokomme and Pinkie Mbembe or any person connected to the Mbembe-twins. Failing to contact the SAVF Pietersburg Gesinsorg within a period of three months terminates the biological parent’s rights and the twins’ adoption process will continue as though the absent parent consented to the adoption. Please contact: S White, Social Worker on 015 295 9077/8 03/04 ___________________
Are you a proactive person who boasts the ability to apply your selling and marketing skills with great success? Put these skills to the test in an exciting career in the bookselling industry.
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The successful candidate’s key performance areas will include: • sourc ing new business within the schools and FET, higher education, nursing, corporate, government and library market segments • building brand equity • gathering market intelligence • customer relationship manage ment • administration. We offer a marketrelated costtocompany package, inclusive of member ship of a medical aid and a retirement fund. Applications, accompanied by a detailed CV, must be forwarded to Marna du Plessis at recruit@vanschaik.com or via fax: 086 549 5679 before 10 April 2014. Commencement of duties: As soon as possible
BLOUBERG PROJECT SENIOR COORDINATOR Heifer International South Africa’s (Heifer) mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty in South Africa and care for the Earth. As a means to reach our mission, the organisation is scaling up its programme work and impact in order to reach more families at a faster pace using appropriate enhanced systems. This position will be responsible for leading, coordinating and implementing the Blouberg Project based on Heifer’s proven global model, sound planning, programme coordination, and evaluation practices for improved livelihoods in the project area.
Please note that if no feedback has been received from us by 24 April 2014, applicants must regard their application as unsuccessful. Given the Employment Equity policy of Van Schaik Bookstore, preference will be given to suitable candidates from the designated groups.
FUNCTIONS Under the supervision of, and in consultation with the Director of Programmes, the Blouberg Project Senior Coordinator will lead and manage programme coordination and reporting of project activities. Sixty percent of the Project Senior Coordinator’s time will be spent in the field on implementation and supporting project participants and 40% for administrative, relationships and other activities. For more details on this position please refer to our website: http:// www.heifer.org.za/vacancies. To apply, submit a CV, contact details of two referees and motivation letter to Human Resources, Heifer International South Africa at southafrica-hr@heifer.org No later than the 10 April 2014. Should you not hear from Heifer International South Africa within two weeks after the closing date, consider your application unsuccessful. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
vir ‘n onderhoud genooi word.
IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA [GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA] Case No.: 17752/2013 In the matter between: NEDBANK LIMITED (Registration number: 1951/000009/06) Execution Creditor and MAKOKO PHILEMON KGAPHOLA (Identity number: 640303 6525 087) 1st Execution Debtor ESTHER MAKGOADI KGAPHOLA (Identity number: 650721 0341 085) 2nd Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN TERMS OF RULE 46(7) (b) AUCTION IN EXECUTION of judgments of the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria) in the abovementioned suit, a sale will be held by the SHERIFF POLOKWANE at the Sheriff’s office, 66 Platinum Street, Ladine, Polokwane on WEDNESDAY, 23 APRIL 2014 at 10:00 of the under mentioned property of the Defendants on the conditions to be read out by the Auctioneer at the time of the sale: PORTION 2 OF ERF 103 PIETERSBURG TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S., LIMPOPO PROVINCE MEASURING 714 SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER T165281/2006 ZONING – RESIDENTIAL SITUATED AT 7A BODENSTEIN STREET, POLOKWANE IMPROVEMENTS: 2/3 BEDROOM HOUSE, BATHROOM, KITCHEN, LOUNGE & CARPORT The abovementioned information with regard to the improvements on the property is furnished although no guarantee can be supplied in this regard. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT the Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the offices of the SHERIFF POLOKWANE at the Sheriff’s Office, 66 Platinum Street, Ladine, Polokwane. DATED at PRETORIA this 4th day of MARCH 2014. VAN DER MERWE DU TOIT INC. ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF BROOKLYN PLACE CNR BRONKHORST & DEY STREETS BROOKLYN PRETORIA. TEL: 012 452 1300 FAX: 086 623 2984 REF: SORETHA DE BRUIN/jp/ NED108.430 03/04 ___________________ IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF POLOKWANE HELD AT POLOKWANE Case No.: 4583/2013 In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED Execution Creditor and WJ ROOS 1st Defendant AAE ROOS 2nd Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – FIXED PROPERTY IN PURSUANCE of a Judgement and Writ of Execution issued in the above Honourable Court on 16 JULY 2013 the under mentioned property will be sold in execution on WEDNESDAY, 23 APRIL 2014 at 10:00 at the OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF, 66 PLATINUM STREET, LADINE, POLOKWANE to the highest bidder, the property being: ERF 4985, BENDOR, TOWNSHIP EXTENSION 95, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S. LIMPOPO PROVINCE, MEASURING: 704m². The following improvements have been made to the property (improvements and zoning although in this regard nothing is g u a ra n t e e d / wa r ra n t e d namely: VACANT STAND under DEED OF TRANSFER T29785/2008. The property will be sold without reserve and subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate’s Court Act and Rules to the highest bidder: The purchase price shall be paid as follows, being: 1. 10% by the Purchaser payable in cash on date of the sale; 2. The balance purchase price/guarantee together with interest within THIRTY (30) days. The said property will be sold on the conditions of sale which conditions of sale may be inspected during office hours at the office of the Sheriff of the Magistrate’s Court, POLOKWANE. DATED at NELSPRUIT on this the 18th day of MARCH 2014. DU TOIT-SMUTS & MATHEWS PHOSA VAN NIEKERK STREET P O BOX 4030 NELSPRUIT P/A STEYTLER NEL & PARTNERS (PVZ/SA/A1002/318A12/13) 03/04 ___________________
Locals clinch off-road triathlon titles KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com Close to 300 athletes took part in the second gruelling annual instalment of the Pan Solutions Wik Off-road Triathlon. Stanford Lake College played host to the event on 16 March with local and national athletes vying for the coveted title of male and female winner. The competition was contested over two courses with the longer consisting of a 1 km swim, 26 km mountain biking ride and a 10 km trail run. The shorter course consisted
of a 5 km swim, 15 km mountain biking ride and a 5 km trail run. Results: Long course: Men: Leon Roode followed by Steve Wilson and Ruan Viljoen Ladies: Melanie Melville followed by Tarryn Brent and Elana Malherbe. Shorter course: Men: Brian Gardiner followed by Gawie Booysen and Kuno Venter Ladies: Ashley Murray, Shirley Schriven and Sarah Venter.
April 3, 2014
RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
en en twintig rugbyspelers van Curro Heuwelkruin toer tans in Argentinië om waardevolle blootstelling te kry en ervaring op te doen. Vanmiddag (Donderdag) word die derde wedstryd op skoolvlak teen die Club Curupaytispan gespeel. Die toergroep het verlede Vrydag vertrek en gaan in die Duomi Hotel in Buenos Aires tuis. Volgens Heuwelkruin se uitvoerende hoof, Eben Lingenfelder is dit nie net ‘n rugbytoer
Ashley Murray, first lady home after the shorter triathlon race over 25 km.
Kruinies se OBSERVER 35 rugbyspan toer in Argentinië polokwane
nie, want die spelers kry terselfdertyd die geleentheid om dele van die land te besigtig, die daaglikse aktiwiteite van ‘n eg Argentynse beesplaas te ervaar en groot inkopiesentrums te besoek. Die span het Maandag na San Pedro gereis waar hulle die eerste wedstryd van die toer teen Tiro Federal San Pedro gespeel het. Dinsdag het hulle teen die Old Resianspan van Atletico de Rosario in Accaria Rosario te staan gekom. Met hul terugkeer sal die span môre (Vrydag) in Sao Paulo, Brasilië spandeer voordat hulle vroeg Saterdagoggend op eie bodem verwag word. Uitslae sal later verskyn.
Brian Gardiner won the shorter leg of the men’s triathlon.
Foto: RC Myburgh
Steven Wilson finished second place in the longer course of the men’s division over 37 km.
Leon Roode come out tops in the men’s division of the gruelling triathlon race over 37 km.
Melanie Melville took home the spoils after winning the ladies section of the 37 km triathlon race.
Die saamgestelde rugbyspan van Curro Heuwelkruin wat tans in Argentinië toer is Wessel Pretorius, Takkies Esterhuizen, Ludwig Bouwer, Jaco van Wyk, Mauritz Pretorius en Nichardt van Niekerk. In die middel is Grey Milne, Renier Gerber, Divan Gerber, Ross Pretorius, Wernich Kachelhoffer (kaptein), Jarrod Kenmiur en Hanco van Staden. Agter is Eben Lingenfelder (afrigter), Ruben Niewoudt, JJ de Beer, Gustav Lambrechts, Tristan Schim, Laffnie Jacobsz, Derek Booyens en Stebian van der Walt (afrigter). Stefan Nel en Paul Janse van Rensburg was afwesig.
Plot 15, Dalmada ASSET AUCTIONEERS PO Box 215, Polokwane CC Reg no. 2008 / 037750 /23 bynes@mweb.co.za JOHAN 083 477 2246 OFFICE 015 263 6167 www.suduco.co.za
State auction
Duly instructed by our valued clients, the South african Social Security agency, we will sell the following items per public auction on Thursday,
10 april at 10:30 at Seshego Government Garage.
Office furniture: Office desks, Credenzas, Office chairs, Computers, Printers and much more Vehicles: 5 x Toyota Corollas, 9 x Nissan Hardbodys, 2 x Isuzus,
3 x Toyota Ventures, 8 x Nissan Almeras, 1 x Toyota Condor.
Viewing Date: Wednesday, 09 april from 09:00 to 16:00
Buyers must register - ID document and proof of residence required. R10 000 cash registration fee on vehicles. R2 000 registration fee on loose assets. Right reserved. The auctioneer has the right to participate in the auction. Regulations in terms of Consumer Protection Law 68 of 2008. This advert complies with Article 45 of Law 68/2008. Standard terms and conditions apply.
ALL purchases to be paid for within 2 hours after auction.
April 3, 2014
36 OBSERVER polokwane
Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail. com BB Truck & Tractor Noordelike Rugbyklub (Noordelikes) speel Saterdag hul laaste wedstryd in vanjaar se Cell C Gemeenskapbekerkompetisie teen Boland se ligakampioene, Roses United en sal graag die bordjies wil verhang.
Softball matches to resume Noordelikes speel laaste Gemeenskapbeker-wedstryd this weekend after long break
Hulle het tot dusver al hul wedstryde in die kompetisie verloor. Saterdag het hulle teen Brakpan Rugbyklub met 22-35 vasgeval en hul eerste tuiswedstryd het hulle met 13-42 teen Boksburg Rugbyklub verloor. Daarna het ‘n wegwedstryd teen Centurion Rugbyklub gevolg. Saterdag sal hul dolgraag hul wedstryd teen Roses United voor hul tuisonder-
steuners met ‘n oorwinning wil afsluit. Die Boland-span het tot dusver vir ‘n paar groot verassings gesorg. Indien hulle teen Noordelikes ‘n sege behaal, sal hul na die uitspeelrondtes van die Gemeenskapbeker deurdring wat oor die Paasnaweek plaasvind. Saterdag se wedstryd begin om 16:00.
Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Limpopo Softball Association (LSA)’s Super League Cup will resume at Moletlane Softball grounds on Sunday. This follows a month-long break of preparation and participation in the South African National Softball Championships held in Cape recently. LSA Spokesperson Matome Lebea said during the association’s general council meeting held in Seshego on Sunday it was decided that the Super League Cup should be played to its finish soon. “We resolved that the Super League Cup should be finalised by 13 April and the league programme by the end of April. The club officials made a commitment that they will ensure that they attend all their outstanding matches. We stopped all the competitions and league matches to allow provincial team selectors an
ample time to prepare for the provincial team for national championships,” Lebea said. He added that the main focus of the weekend matches will be the battle between long-time enemies Mahwelereng Spikes and Lebowakgomo Wild Beasts who will face each other at 13:00. Spikes will start their programme of the day against Mamaolo Rebels at 10:00 before they play Sekhukhune Sweepers in their second match ahead of the clash against Wild Beasts. “Moletlane Texas silver medallist coach Mamphiri Sethosa will have an opportunity to put into practice the national level experience against Sekhukhune Sweepers and Naledi Spiders,” Lebea said. The rest of weekend fixtures are: Spikes vs Rebels, Moletlane Texas vs Sweepers, Spikes vs Sweepers, Texas vs Naledi Spiders, Rebels vs Sweepers and Wild Beasts vs Spikes.
CAPRICORN COLLEGE FOR FET 16 Market Street POLOKWANE 0699 Private Bag X9674 POLOKWANE 0700
ISO 9001:2008 Certificated CENTRAL OFFICE
Tel 015 291 3118 015 291 3115 Fax 015 291 2767 www.capricorncollege.co.za
(Established 1968)
Duly instructed thereto by Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, in the matter SUTHA INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION), MASTERS REFERENCE NR: T0810/13, we will sell by public auction on:
THE PROPERTY: Erf 69, Welgelegen, Registration Division LS, Limpopo Measuring: 1793 m² IMPROVEMENTS: Dwelling consisting of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, family room with built-in bar, 2 studies and kitchen. Other: • Lock-up garage for 3 vehicles • Shade-net carport for 2 vehicles • Stoep • Swimming pool LOCATION: The property is situated at 144 Potgieter Avenue, Welgelegen, Polokwane. Route markers will be erected. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is a rare opportunity to obtain a well built property with a good address in Polokwane. Do not miss this opportunity. All potential buyers are advised to attend the auction. Viewing by appointment with the auctioneers or visit our web page. CONDITIONS OF SALE: 10% Deposit on day of the auction and balance guarantees within 30 days after date of confirmation of sale. Confirmation within 14 days after date of auction. All potential buyers to register before the auction and proof of identity and residential address are required. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - CONTACT THE AUCTIONEERS PROPERTY SERVICES & AUCTIONEERS PLATINUM PLACE, 2 WATERMELON STREET, PLATINUM PARK PO BOX 1238, POLOKWANE TEL: 015 287 3300 FAX: 086 691 7845 E-MAIL: adrinette@elistroh.co.za WEB: www.elistroh.co.za
Capricorn College for FET consisting of four campuses: Polokwane, Seshego, Senwabarwana (Bochum area) and Ramokgopa (Matoks area) is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced service provider within proven knowledge, skills and experience for debt collection. • The Capricorn College for FET is hereby requesting interested parties to submit proposals for the collection of outstanding student debts. The outstanding amounts are mainly tuition and accommodation fees. • Interested parties must be registered with the Debt Collectors Council and must have extensive knowledge in respect of the National Credit Act. • The proposal must consist of the working procedure to be followed as well as the cost and expected timeframe of collecting debt. There are no formal tender documents. • The following documents must be attached to the proposal: o Tax clearance certificate o BBBEE Certificate o Proof of registration at the Debt Collectors Council GENERAL INFORMATION: • Quotations must be deposited on Thursday 17 April 2014 at 11:00 in the bid box that is allocated in the Central Office, 16 Market Street, Polokwane. The bid box is open Monday to Friday 7:30 -16:30. • The proposals must be enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Debt Collection”. • Enquiries can be directed to: M Mailula Tel: 015 230 1800 • Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile emailed and late submissions will not be accepted. The lowest bid may not necessarily be accepted. • The Capricorn College for FET reserves the right to reduce or increase the scope of work, or withdraw any bid at any time. • Capricorn College for FET reserves the right to reject any or all bid proposals and to waive technical errors if, in the College’s judgement, the best interests of the College will thereby be promoted. • Quotations will be evaluated on functionality, price and BBBEE points. THE QUOTATION IS SUBJECT TO THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK ACT AND THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS, 2011, THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT AND, IF APPLICABLE, ANY OTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT. POLOKWANE CAMPUS Diemeer Street POLOKWANE 0699 Tel: 015 287 0400 Fax: 015 287 0439
SENWABARWANA CAMPUS Senwabarwana Main Street SENWABARWANA 0790 Tel: 015 505 3172 Fax: 015 505 3174
SESHEGO CAMPUS 1919 Freedom Drive SESHEGO 0742 Tel: 015 223 0006 Fax: 015 223 5187
Plot 6, Palmietfontein Sel: 083 758 9231 Sel: 083 648 3282 Fax: 086 582 6139 Epos: ark@xnets.co.za
MEUBELS: Groot hoeveelheid repo-meubels. Sitkamerstelle, televisiestelle (flat screens), hoëtroustelle, skootrekenaars, rekenaars, selfone, hangkaste, kombuiskasstelle, slaapkamerstelle, yskaste, vrieskaste, muureenhede, dubbelbed- en koninginbasisstelle, eetkamerstelle, koffietafels en nog vele meer items, te veel om op te noem. VOERTUIE: Isuzu 1997 ADE trok. ANDERE: Egte leer sitkamerstelle, plasma TV-eenhede, glas- en leerafwerking-eetkamerstelle, slaapkamerstelle, kantoorstoele, skadunet en nog vele meer, te veel om op te noem. VOORWAARDES: Kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjeks of internetbetalings (internetfasiliteit beskikbaar by kantoor) dieselfde dag van die veiling. Geen uitsondering sal gemaak word nie. AFSLAERSNOTA: Besigtiging Vrydag, 4 April 2014. Moenie hierdie veiling misloop nie! Registrasiefooi van R1 000.00 is betaalbaar. Items is in baie goeie toestand. Baie mooi voorraad. Geen waarborg op items nie. BTW is betaalbaar op alle REPO-MEUBELS. Die afslaer behou die reg voor om enige items by te voeg of te onttrek sonder enige kennisgewing. BAIE BELANGRIK: INDIEN TELEVISIESTELLE GEKOOP WORD MOET ‘N TELEVISIELISENSIE GETOON WORD VOORDAT TELEVISIES GELAAI MAG WORD. Alle items moet verkoop word en gelaai word nie later as Maandag 7 April 2014 nie. VIR ENIGE NAVRAE KONTAK ESTELLE DE BEER 083 648 3282 OF NIC DE BEER 083 758 9231
Black Leopards to prey on Chippa United Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox. co.za Following their massive 3-1 victory over Maluti FC at Charles Mopeli Stadium in the Free State on Saturday, Black Leopards FC have vowed to fight and keep the pressure on National First Division log leaders Chippa United. Chippa leads the pack with 51 points, seven points clear ahead of Black Leopards who occupy the second position of the league with 44 points. With only five games to go before the end of the season Black Leopards, Spokesperson Berry Ramunenyiwa said they are adamant that they will finish the season as the victors of the 2013/2014 National First Division. “We are very aware that Chippa is on top of the log. They have stretched their lead in the league, but they don’t scare us. Football is football and we are not going take our eyes of our goal because they are on top. We will keep on fighting until the last whistle,” Ramunenyiwa said. The Makhado based outfit will be hoping for maximum points when they play Chippa at Philippi Stadium in Cape Town, tomorrow (Friday) in a match described buy football pundits as the decider of the league. “It is going tough game. We are all vying for the league but we are promising our fans that we will come tops in the battle,” Ramunenyiwa said.
visit us on
Mercedes owners square- OBSERVER 37 off at annual Mercedes Trophy April 3, 2014
>> Tournament only for registered Mercedes owners >> Magnificent Mercedes SLK not won at 16th hole
The winners in Mauritius will represent South Africa at the finals in Germany at the end of the year. Duane Viljoen was the winner of the Adivision. Joe Mackays took the honours in the B-division by four points with Tleane Matsobane coming out on top in the C-division. Many other exciting prizes sponsored by Mercurius Motors Polkwane were also won on the day.
Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
he regional round of the annual Mercedes Trophy was held at the Polokwane Golf Club on Friday and was well-supported by local golfers who are also Mercedes owners. This is the 25th year that the popular event was held worldwide with a team from South Africa coming out tops last year. In order to play in the prestigious tournament a golfer had to be a registered Mercedes passenger vehicle owner and have an official golf handicap from Golf South Africa. As an added incentive on Friday, Mercurius Motors Polokwane had a Mercedes SLK sports car up for grabs to any golfer that could achieve a hole-in-one at the short par 3 sixteenth hole. Luckily for the sponsors nobody managed to win the car. Friday’s tournament had three winners in three different handicap categories with all the winners going on to play in the next round of the tournament at Mauritius in August.
The magnificent Mercedes SLK sports car that was up for grabs to any golfer that achieved a hole-in-one at the 16th hole during the Mercedes Trophy at the Polokwane Golf Club last Friday. Photo: Melany Martin
Duane Viljoen with Mercurius Motors Polokwane Dealer Principal John White after winning the A-division of the Mercedes Trophy at the Polokwane Golf Club on Friday.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 21A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 and Section 54 (1) (c) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003, that Polokwane Municipality has revised the 2013/14 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) to be in line with the Council Approved Adjustment Budget. The Revised 2013/14 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan will be used to monitor and for reporting municipal performance for the third and fourth quarter of the 2013/14 financial year. Copies of the 2013/14 Revised Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) is available for inspection by members of the community and all stakeholders in all Municipal Cluster Offices and Municipal Website (www.polokwane.gov.za) Enquiries: V Mthombeni at 015 290 2872/ 083 503 1699 or vhelim@polokwane.gov.za S Chuene at 015 290 2247/ 060 501 6938 or sopholiss@polokwane.gov.za
B-division Mercedes Trophy winner Joe Mackays pictured with Mercurius Motors Polokwane Dealer Principal, John White.
The winner of the C-division of the Mercedes Trophy on Friday, Tleane Matsobane receives his trophy from Mercurius Motors Polokwane Dealer Principal John White.
Municipal Manager TC Mametja cnr Landdros Mare & Bodenstein streets Civic Centre Polokwane 0700
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF THE 2012-13 ANNUAL REPORT AND AN INVITATION OF COMMUNITY MEMBERS TO PROBE AND MAKE SUBMISSIONS APPLY NOW FOR YOUR 2014/15 MANDATORY GRANTS Workplace Skills Plan / Annual Training Report / Pivotal Plan & Report Submission Deadline Date: 30 April 2014 Firms in the clothing, footwear, forestry, furniture, general goods, leather, packaging, print media, printing, publishing, pulp and paper, textiles and wood products subsectors, registered with the Fibre Processing and Manufacturing (FP&M) SETA are reminded that their application for Mandatory Grants is due by 30 April 2014. This application must include a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) for the period April 2014 to March 2015 and an Annual Training Report (ATR) for the period April 2013 to March 2014. Firms with 50 or more employees must also submit a PIVOTAL Training Plan and Report as part of their submission. Provision will be made for firms employing less than 50 employees to submit their mandatory grants application in a simplified format. Mandatory Grant Applications must be submitted via our Management Information System (MIS) which can be accessed via our website (www.fpmseta.org.za). Please note that only firms that submit a WSP/ATR and PIVOTAL Plan/Report by the regulated deadline date would be eligible to apply for Discretionary grant funding from the FP&M SETA during the 2014/15 financial year.
Polokwane Municipality has adopted its 2012-13 Annual Report during a Special Council sitting held on 11 March 2014. This is line with the provisions of Section 46 (4)(a) of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 and Section 127 of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003. The adopted Annual Report will be available for collection from Polokwane Municipality offices and the following cluster offices: Civic Centre, 2nd floor, Resource Centre at cnr Landdros Mare & Bodenstein streets Library at Library Gardens in Polokwane Moletjie Community Services Centre Maja/Chuene Cluster Offices Sebayeng/Dikgale Cluster Offices Mankweng Municipal Offices Polokwane Municipality’s Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) will probe the 2012-13 Annual Report on behalf of Council and present the Oversight Report on the Annual within the period of two (2) months to Council as per the provisions of Section 129 of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003. Members of the public are encouraged to probe and comment on the content of the annual report and forward comments and submissions to the Chairperson of MPAC or write to: Chairperson of MPAC, Polokwane Municipality, P.O. Box 111, Polokwane 0700 The closing date for the submission of comments or representations on the Annual Report is Friday, 4 April 2014 (21 days from the date of publication of this notice).
For assistance with your Mandatory Grant application, kindly contact our Skills Planning Division:
Enquiries: V Mthombeni at 015 290 2247/083 503 1699 or vhelim@polokwane.gov.za S Chuene at 015 290 2873/060 501 6938 or sopholiss@polokwane.gov.za
Head Office
Municipal Manager TC Mametja cnr Landdros Mare & Bodestein street Civic Centre Polokwane 0700
Gauteng Kwazulu-Natal Western Cape
Sbahle Ndlovu Xoliswa Radebe Pearl Ngiba Helvy Mnisi Gloria Ngqinambi
Tel: 011 403 1700 Tel: 011 403 1700 Tel: 011 403 1700 Tel: 031 702 4482 Tel: 021 462 0057
SbahleN@fpmseta.org.za XoliswaR@fpmseta.org.za PearlN@fpmseta.org.za HelvyM@fpmseta.org.za GloriaN@fpmseta.org.za
Polokwane Observer
April 3, 2014
Club T20 champs to be decided on Sunday Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Limpopo Impalas Cricket (LIC) is hosting the semi-finals and final of the club Twenty20 competition at the Polokwane Cricket Club on Sunday. Cricket action gets underway
at 09:45 with the fixture between Seshego Cricket Club and the Hornbills Cricket Club on the A-field. At the same time Al-Fatah Cricket Club and Mogol Cricket Club from Lephalale will be in action on the B-field in what promises to be a close match.
The winners of the morning’s semi-finals will meet in the final on the A-field at 14:00. LIC invites all cricket enthusiasts to bring their camp chairs, cooler boxes and braai stands to witness some exciting T20 cricket at the Polokwane Cricket Club on Sunday.
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PA-06.2: BID ADVERTISEMENT – TENDER BULLETIN FOR 90/10 POINT SCORING SYSTEM CATEGORY: Property Management Description: SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Thulamela: Procurement of an office accommodation (Existing building, building under construction or building to be constructed) at a total space of 537.46m² with 25 parking bays for a period of 5 years: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform This bid will be evaluated in terms of the 90/10 scoring system This bid includes functionality which will be scored out of 100. Bidders must obtain a minimum of 50 to be considered for further evaluation (price and preference) Price 90 Number of Points 10 Subject to sub-regulation (3) of the PPPFA regulations of 2011, points will be awarded to a tenderer for attaining the B-BBEE status level of contributor in accordance with the table below: B-BBEE status level Number of contributor of points 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 5 5 4 6 3 7 2 8 1 Non-compliant contributor 0 Functionality criteria: 1. Location 2. Accessibility: 3. Operational suitability:
Required at: (Town Name) Limpopo ProvinceThulamela
Functionality criteria: 1. Location
Bid No: PLK14/32
Weighting factor: 30
2. accessibility: 30 3. Operational suitability:
Closing: 08 April 2014 at 11:00
Bids obtainable from: 78 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Old Mutual Building, First floor Office No: 10 Polokwane,0700
Post or deliver bids to: Department of Public Works, Private Bag X 9469, Polokwane,0700
78 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Old Mutual Building, First floor Office No: 10 Polokwane,0700 The points scored by a tenderer in respect of the level of BBBEE contribution contemplated in sub-regulation (2) will be added to the points scored for price as calculated in accordance with sub-regulation (1) of PPPFA regulations of 2011.
40 N/A on the N/A at N/A Prospective bidders / tenderers to meet at N/A NOTE: Documents will be sold at a non-refundable deposit of R 200.00 CASH per set. Contact for Bid information: Johny Chokoe Tel No: 015 293 8056
Weighting factor: 30 30 40
General Enquiries: Rose Maloka Tel no: 015 291 6482
SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Greater Giyani: Procurement of an office accommodation (Existing building, building under construction or building to be constructed) at a total space of 537.46m² with 25 parking bays for a period of 5 years: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
Required at: (Town Name) Limpopo ProvinceGreater Giyani
This bid will be evaluated in terms of the 90/10 scoring system This bid includes functionality which will be scored out of 100. Bidders must obtain a minimum of 50 to be considered for further evaluation (price and preference) Price 90 Functionality Number of Points 10 criteria: 1. Location Subject to sub-regulation (3) of the PPPFA regulations of 2011, points will be awarded to a tenderer for attaining the B-BBEE status level of 2. Accessibility: contributor in accordance with the table below: B-BBEE status level of contributor Number of 3. Operational points suitability: 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 5 5 4 6 3 7 2 8 1 Non-complaint contributor 0 Functionality criteria: 1. Location 2. Accessibility: 3. Operational suitability:
Bid No: PLK14/29
Closing: 08 April 2014 at 11:00
Bids obtainable from: 78 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Old Mutual Building, First floor Office No: 10 Polokwane, 0700
Post or deliver bids to: Department of Public Works, Private Bag X 9469, Polokwane, 0700 78 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Old Mutual Building, First floor Office No: 10 Polokwane, 0700
Weighting factor: The points scored by a tenderer in respect of the level of BBBEE contribution contemplated in sub-regulation 30 (2) will be added to the points scored for price as calculated in accordance with sub-regulation (1) of 30 PPPFA regulations of 2011. 40 N/A on the N/A at N/A Prospective bidders / tenderers to meet at N/A NOTE: Documents will be sold at a non-refundable deposit of R 200.00 CASH per set. Contact for Bid information: Johny Chokoe Tel No: 015 293 8056
Weighting factor: 30 30 40
General Enquiries: Rose Maloka Tel no: 015 291 6482
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PA-06.2: BID ADVERTISEMENT – TENDER BULLETIN FOR 90/10 POINT SCORING SYSTEM CATEGORY: Property Management Required at: (Town Name) SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Elias Motswaledi: Limpopo Procurement of an office accommodation Province- Elias (Existing building, building under construction Motswaledi or building to be constructed) at a total space of 537.46m² with 25 parking bays for a period of 5 years: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform.
Bid No:
This bid will be evaluated in terms of the 90/10 scoring system This bid includes functionality which will be scored out of 100. Bidders must obtain a minimum of 50 to be considered for further evaluation (price and preference) Price 90 Functionality Number of Points 10 criteria: 1. Location Subject to sub-regulation (3) of the PPPFA regulations of 2011, points will be awarded to a tenderer for attaining the B-BBEE status level of 2. Accessibility: contributor in accordance with the table below: B-BBEE status level of contributor Number of 3. Operational points suitability: 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 5 5 4 6 3 7 2 8 1 Non-compliant contributor 0 Functionality criteria: 1. Location 2. Accessibility: 3. Operational suitability:
Weighting factor: 30 30 40
Weighting factor: 30 30 40
Closing: 08 April 2014 at 11:00
Bids obtainable from: 78 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Old Mutual Building, First floor Office No: 10 Polokwane,0700
Post or deliver bids to: Department of Public Works, Private Bag X 9469, Polokwane,0700
78 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Old Mutual Building, First floor Office No: 10 Polokwane,0700 The points scored by a tenderer in respect of the level of BBBEE contribution contemplated in sub-regulation (2) will be added to the points scored for price as calculated in accordance with sub-regulation (1) of PPPFA regulations of 2011.
N/A on the N/A at N/A Prospective bidders / tenderers to meet at N/A NOTE: Documents will be sold at a non-refundable deposit of R 200.00 CASH per set. Contact for Bid information: Johny Chokoe Tel No: 015 293 8056 General Enquiries: Rose Maloka Tel no: 015 291 6482
Spoedvrate Saterdag in aksie by ovaalbaan RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
Foto: RC Myburgh
Broer en suster, Roean en Roelien van Breda, wat Saterdag aan die Polokwane Oval se klubkampioenskappe deelneem, word heelhartig deur mede-leerders van Pietersburg Laerskool ondersteun.
Twee van die stad se jongste renjaers, Roean (10) en Roelien (13) van Breda het Vrydag vir leerders van Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) ‘n klein voorsmakie gegee van wat met die naweek se Polokwane Oval Klubkampioenskappe verwag kan word. Leerders kon tydens pouse die kragtige voertuie van nader beskou terwyl vlaggies en plakkers uitgedeel is. Hulle het ook hul steun aan Roean en Roelien, wat beide aan die kampioenskap deelneem en giftige teenstanders is, gegee. Roean jaag sedert 2012 en Roelien gaan aan haar tweede kompetisie deelneem. Polokwane Oval-promotor, Stephan Weideman se hulle poog om ‘n liefde vir motorsport onder jongmense te kweek deur die
motors by skole uit te stal sodat leerders hulle van nader kan beskou en die geleentheid het om vrae te vra. “Spoedvrate kan Saterdag groot aksie op die ovaalbaan verwag. Die geleentheid sorg altyd vir ‘n gesellige samekoms van toeskouers terwyl renjaers sake op die baan uitspook. Toeskouers kan weer uitsien na kompeterende rondtes tussen die renjaers in die beginnersklas sowel as die 2,0 liter gemodifiseerde-afdeling. Sommige renjaers sal na ‘n lang tyd weer op die baan te sien wees nadat hulle weens reën nie aan die onlangse streekkampioenskappe kon deelneem nie.” sê hy. Die hekke open om 12:00 waarna die resies om 17:00 begin. Eet- en drinkgoed word te koop aangebied. Vir meer inligting kontak Weideman by 084 767 1354.
SASA athletics championship successfully hosted in city WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail. com South Africa’s top high school athletes were in action over the weekend during the hosting of the South African Schools Athletics (SASA) National Secondary Schools Track & Field Championship at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium. The Executive Mayor of Polokwane, Freddy Greaver opened the championship last Wednesday and the full programme of events proceeded without any major glitches from Thursday to Saturday. Although athletes competing in Saturday’s finals were hampered by a few rain delays in the afternoon and the wet track and moisture made records hard to achieve by the sprinters and athletes competing in the field events, the middle distance runners enjoyed the thicker air and heavier atmosphere as a result of the wet weather. The General Secretary of the SASA Executive Committee, Peppi Olevano said two national records were broken in the u.15 boys 100 m and u.17 girls 3 000 m walk events. Thando Dlodlo from North West ran the race of his life in the u.15 boys 100 m heats on Thursday when the weather was favourable to clock 10, 78 seconds and set a new South African record. Gauteng won the most medals during the championship with a total of 142, which included 66 gold, 44 silver and 42 bronze medals.
Thando Dlodlo (u.15) from North West improved the South African record in the 100 metre heats last Thursday. With him is his proud manager, Jackie Maila
Lim Bulls lock OBSERVER 39 horns with Pumas April 3, 2014
>> Free entry for Saturday’s match >> First 1 000 spectators receive free fruit juice WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
xcitement is building for the Assupol Limpopo Blue Bulls two home matches in the Vodacom Cup against the Steval Pumas on Saturday and the Lions the following Saturday (12 April) at the new Peter Mokaba Stadium. Limpopo Blue Bulls Vice President, Charles van Wyk also made the announcement recently that Below Zero frozen fruit juices will be the venue sponsor for the team’s last two home matches of the Vodacom Cup competition. After the matches against the Pumas and the Lions in Polokwane, the Assupol Limpopo Blue Bulls play their last match in the competition against the Vodacom Blue Bulls in Pretoria on 25 April. On Saturday the Assupol Limpopo Blue Bulls were outplayed by a rampant Valke side in their North Section
Vodacom Cup clash at the DP de Villiers Stadium in Sasolburg, to lose by 14-65. The half-time score was 24-14 in the hosts favour. The match was evenly balanced at the break, but the Valke scored seven more tries in the second half to record their first victory of the season. Prop Thulani Mathonsi and left wing Koning Janse van Rensburg scored tries for Limpopo with flyhalf, Andy Huysamen adding the two conversions. Limpopo still has to record their first victory in the competition
and will be hoping for a better performance against the Pumas at home on Saturday. Entrance for Saturday’s match is free of charge and Below Zero are giving away free fruit juices to the first 1 000 spectators. Van Wyk has urged Limpopo’s rugby followers to come out in their numbers to support the team against the Pumas, who are on top of the log in the north section of the Vodacom Cup. Gates open at 09:30 and the main match will kick off at 12:00.
Assupol Limpopo Blue Bulls Vice President, Charles van Wyk with Below Zero frozen fruit juices Managing Director, Imraan Mohammed at the announcement of the company’s sponsorship for the team’s home games at the Peter Mokaba Stadium.
Megan Phillips (u.17) from Gauteng under way to winning the 100 m heat.
Polokwane City fighting relegation HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Polokwane City’s 1-1 draw against Free State Stars on Saturday has not in any way diminished their Head Coach, Boebie Solomons’ confidence in his team which currently lies in 15th position of the Absa Premiership with 20 points after 24 matches. With only six matches to go before the end of the season it remains to be seen if Polokwane City will avoid the relegation zone. In their last six encounters they face a daunting task against log leaders Kaizer Chiefs, Mpumalanga Black Aces, Maritzburg United, Moroka Swallows, Super Sport United and University of Pretoria. “We are not scared of any team now. Perhaps if you asked me the that question at the begin-
ning of the season we would say yes we are, but now we are more experienced, determined and focused. The players know what is at stake; they understand the position we are in within the league. I will be worried if the players were worried but they look more inspired to do well in the league more than anything else. With the kind of mood we are in, we believe we can avoid relegation,” Solomons said. He pointed out that their focus is to do well against University of Pretoria at Tuks Stadium on Saturday. “It is an away game. It is going to be tough as they are currently enjoying a good spell in the league. These are the kind of matches we need to win. We will be going all out to pick up points,” Solomons said.
SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Lephalale: Procurement of an office accommodation (Existing building, building under construction or building to be constructed) at a total space of 537.46m² with 25 parking bays for a period of 5 years: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform This bid will be evaluated in terms of the 90/10 scoring system This bid includes functionality which will be scored out of 100. Bidders must obtain a minimum of 50 to be considered for further evaluation (price and preference) Price 90 Number of Points 10 Subject to sub-regulation (3) of the PPPFA regulations of 2011, points will be awarded to a tenderer for attaining the B-BBEE status level of contributor in accordance with the table below: B-BBEE status level Number of contributor of points 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 5 5 4 6 3 7 2 8 1 Non-compliant contributor 0 Functionality criteria: 1. Location 2. Accessibility: 3. Operational suitability:
Required at: (Town Name) Limpopo ProvinceLephalale
Bid No: PLK14/30
Closing: 08 April 2014 at 11:00
Bids obtainable from: 78 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Old Mutual Building, First floor Office No: 10 Polokwane,0700
Post or deliver bids to: Department of Public Works, Private Bag X 9469, Polokwane,0700
78 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Old Mutual Building, First floor Office No: 10 Polokwane,0700 Functionality Weighting factor: The points scored by a tenderer in respect of the level criteria: of BBBEE contribution contemplated in sub-regulation 1. Location 30 (2) will be added to the points scored for price as calculated in accordance with sub-regulation (1) of 2. accessibility: 30 PPPFA regulations of 2011. 3. Operational suitability:
40 N/A on the N/A at N/A Prospective bidders / tenderers to meet at N/A NOTE: Documents will be sold at a non-refundable deposit of R 200.00 CASH per set. Contact for Bid information: Johny Chokoe Tel No: 015 293 8056
Weighting factor: 30 30 40
General Enquiries: Rose Maloka Tel no: 015 291 6482
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PA-06.2: BID ADVERTISEMENT – TENDER BULLETIN FOR 90/10 POINT SCORING SYSTEM CATEGORY: Property Management Description: SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Capricorn: Procurement of an office accommodation (Existing building, building under construction or building to be constructed) at a total space of 537.46m² with 25 parking bays for a period of 5 years: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform This bid will be evaluated in terms of the 90/10 scoring system This bid includes functionality which will be scored out of 100. Bidders must obtain a minimum of 50 to be considered for further evaluation (price and preference) Price 90 Number of Points 10 Subject to sub-regulation (3) of the PPPFA regulations of 2011, points will be awarded to a tenderer for attaining the B-BBEE status level of contributor in accordance with the table below: B-BBEE status level Number of contributor of points 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 5 5 4 6 3 7 2 8 1 Non-compliant contributor 0 Functionality criteria: 1. Location 2. Accessibility: 3. Operational suitability:
Weighting factor: 30 30 40
Required at: (Town Name) Limpopo ProvinceCapricorn
Functionality criteria: 1. Location
Bid No: PLK14/33
Weighting factor: 30
2. accessibility: 30 3. Operational suitability:
Closing: 08 April 2014 at 11:00
Bids obtainable from: 78 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Old Mutual Building, First floor Office No: 10 Polokwane,0700
Post or deliver bids to: Department of Public Works, Private Bag X 9469, Polokwane,0700
78 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Old Mutual Building, First floor Office No: 10 Polokwane,0700 The points scored by a tenderer in respect of the level of BBBEE contribution contemplated in sub-regulation (2) will be added to the points scored for price as calculated in accordance with sub-regulation (1) of PPPFA regulations of 2011.
40 N/A on the N/A at N/A Prospective bidders / tenderers to meet at N/A NOTE: Documents will be sold at a non-refundable deposit of R300.00 CASH per set. Contact for Bid information: Johny Chokoe Tel No: 015 293 8056 General Enquiries: Rose Maloka Tel no: 015 291 6482
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April 3, 2014 >> Page 40
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Bushveld beauty shines at Miss South Africa 2014
>> Local beauty wears second princess crown with pride >> Mokoko will be spending some time in Limpopo to uplift the youth
Mokoko explains that through the many challenges women face on a daily basis; she has come to the realisation that beauty is not enough to make it in this world. “You need to be a hardworking individual or you will never achieve your goals or get to where you want to be.” She adds excitedly that the biggest highlight on her road to being crowned the second princess definitely
includes meeting children at the orphanages visited by the beauties during the run-up to the crowning. “It took me back to my childhood memories of being a kid in the village, the games we played and the friends I made. Most of these girls I am still friends with today because we all went through the same things and faced the same challenges which cemented a very
KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com
ocal beauty Matlala Mokoko walked away with the coveted title of second princess during the Miss South Africa 2014 pageant held at Sun City on Sunday. A night epitomised by glamour and glitz saw the 23-year-old Accounting student from GaMasemola in Limpopo taking third place in the most coveted beauty pageant in South Africa. Mokoko currently resides in Johannesburg where she is a student at the University of Johannesburg, where at the end of last year she completed her B Com Accounting degree. She hopes to complete her honours degree in Financial Management this year. Being chosen as one of the top three most beautiful women in the country is an achievement Mokoko has welcomed with both hands. “Thousands of girls entered the pageant and I thank God for putting me in the position to be chosen as one of the top three,” she said during an exclusive telephonic interview on Monday morning with Polokwane Observer, mere hours after her crowning. Mokoko says she is extremely grateful for the experience she has been granted in taking part in Miss SA 2014. Out of the many lessons Mokoko learnt during the build-up to the final pageant on Sunday. She says the most important of all is to know yourself, know when enough is enough and also know when you should be doing better. “Welcome the challenges in life, embrace them and grow from them.”
Photo: Supplied
Limpopo’s Matlala Mokoko (right) was crowned Second Princess during the Miss South Africa Pageant held at Sun City on Sunday evening. With her are Miss SA 2014, Rolene Strauss and her first princess, Ziphozakhe Zokufa.
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strong bond between us.” Mokoko says it is important for young people to remember that no matter where they come from, whether it is the rural areas like Marogwe or the city, success is attainable if you work hard enough for it. Making a success of your life is made easier by having the right people to look up to and admire. Mokoko finds it very difficult to pinpoint one sole representative or someone she looks up to as a role-model. Instead she has a group of individuals, each with their own lessons to learn from and each with their own life skills to share. “Basetsana Khumalo inspires me, she has furthered herself far beyond simply being a Miss SA title holder. Khanyi Dhlomo is another example of a powerful woman who strives to not only empower herself but to also empower the lives of those less fortunate. Former president Thabo Mbeki is someone I feel I can learn a great deal from, he can walk me through the pages of history and at the same time give me wisdom to guide me through my future.” Most of all Mokoko looks up to her mother and father who have, in her words, gone against the flow and stayed married after all these years. Her mother is a government administrator and her father is the principal of a school. Mokoko says her love for Limpopo will never die and this is one of the main reasons why she aims at becoming an active ambassador to local girls and young people by getting involved in more community projects and workshops in and around Limpopo during her reign as second princess. “I aim to hold workshops and through this inspire the youth of Limpopo to believe that anything is possible and that I am living proof of this. Go forward in life always remembering these wise words to live by: The me I see, is the me I’ll be. Visualise who, what and where you want to be in life and work hard at getting to where you want to be.”