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Vreugde op Vadersdag
Job creation boost for Polokwane NUUS>>
Gebrekkige hospitaalsorg bedreig parapleeg se lewe >> PAGE 4 NEWS>>
Malema farm might be auctioned again
>> PAGE 14 - 18
Alex is tuis, sterk aan en beplan om terug skool toe te gaan FEATURE>>
ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com
Happy Father’s Day! Spoil your dad rotten
nr Koos van Dyk kon nooit vir ‘n groter Vadersdaggeskenk vra as wat hy verlede Vrydag gekry het nie. Sy seun, Alex is uiteindelik na twee maande uit Limpopo Mediclinic ontslaan na ‘n ernstige motorfietsongeluk op 9 April waartydens hy na ‘n botsing met ‘n bakkie van sy motorfiets gestamp en onder ‘n vragmotor geslinger is. Albei sy bene moes geamputeer word weens sy ernstige beserings. Alex het Sondag aan Polokwane Observer gesê dat hy baie bly is om tuis te wees en beplan om alles dag vir dag te vat. Hy is so optimisties oor sy herstel dat hy waarskynlik volgende kwartaal terug op die skoolbanke sal wees, as dit van hom afhang. Alex is ‘n graad 12-leerder aan die Hoërskool Pietersburg.
>> PAGE 19
Library Gardens where culture and business meet >> PAGE 40
Foto: Elna Esterhuysen
Alex van Dyk is verheug om uiteindelik tuis te wees. Links van hom is sy tweelingbroer, Gawie. Links agter is sy oudste suster, Alice, sy pa, Koos en sy oudste broer, Willie. Voor Willie is sy vrou, Esti en hul dogter, Miandi. Alex het nog twee broers, Kobus en Elardus en ‘n suster, Elzette.
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June 13, 2013
Tel: 015 291 1061 | Fax: 015 291 3654 observer@mwebbiz.co.za || www.observer.co.za MANAGER: >> Santa Oosthuizen finance2@webmail.co.za EDITOR: >> Yolande Nel 083 278 1446 observer.yolande@gmail.com NEWSROOM: >> RC Myburgh 072 306 5331 rc.observer@gmail.com >> Mariëtte Snyder 072 318 0562 mariette.observer@gmail.com >> Elna Esterhuysen 082 773 0272 observer.elna@gmail.com >> Herbert Rachuene 073 721 0023 herbert.observer@gmail.com >> Ben Snyman 071 292 5563 bensnyman.observer@gmail.com >> Warren Blunt 076 310 3468 warrenb.observer@gmail.com >> Chester Makana 083 471 5749 makana.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER: >> Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 jacolien.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: >> Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 anel.observer@gmail.com >> Melany Martin 083 634 4904 melany.observer@gmail.com COPYRIGHT:
Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout, design and photographs is vested in Polokwane Observer and may not be used without the permission of Market Demand Trading 113 in writing.
R2,2 million of illegal cigarettes seized RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
llegal trade in cigarettes, estimated to account for 30% of the total cigarette sales in South Africa, continues to be a major concern to authorities. Limpopo hosts major international border posts with three countries and therefore offers popular pathways for illegal cigarettes making their way into the country daily from Botswana and Zimbabwe. In a recent incident at Bela-Bela Police seized a LP gas tanker containing millions of illegal cigarettes of different brands with an estimated street value of R2,2 million. The cigarettes were concealed in hidden compartments within the tanker which had entered South Africa via the Groblersbrug border post. Upon further investigation, authorities confirmed that the tanker was not registered and that the driver had no supporting documentation for the vehicle or for the cigarettes. The tanker and the illegal cigarettes were seized
and the driver was arrested. Mr Francois van der Merwe, Chairman of the Tobacco Institute of Southern Africa (Tisa) is quoted in a press release to have said the Police are to be commended on their swift action leading to the seizure and arrest. “The sale of these illegal cigarettes would have amounted to an almost R1,8 million revenue loss to government, due to non-declaration and non-payment of excise duties and VAT,” the statement read. Tisa has been actively working towards a more collaborative approach in combating illicit trade not only in South Africa, but across the Southern African region,” Van der Merwe said. Because illicit trade occurs within countries and across borders, it is necessary to work together within a legitimate framework to curb the growing tide of illegal trading. “Although significant progress has already been made to curb this growing tide, we believe that there should be increased resource allocation to enable greater law enforcement on the borders and within the country where
illicit trading is increasing as well as dedicated investigation teams. Tisa remains committed to working with all the relevant parties in efforts to eradicate the illegal trade in tobacco products,” the statement concluded.
Police in Bela-Bela recently discovered illegal cigarettes to the value of R2,2 million in this tanker.
Disbanded league cries witch-hunt CHESTER MAKANA >>makana.observer@gmail.com
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The African National Congress Youth League (Ancyl) National Task Team (NTT) has dismissed as baseless accusations that it had its own preferential members and technically denied its provincial leaders grace by disbanding the provincial executive. The league has been under pressure from league alliance partners, South African Students Congress (Sasco) and the Progressive Youth Alliance (PYA) to disband and rebuild the league. Both Sasco and PYA have raised concern over the Ancyl’s contesting against Sasco at institutions of higher learning, and the lack of youth programmes. After months, the league intervention team disbanded the executive led by a pro-Julius Malema cabala that stretched from the regions to the provincial executive that unsuccessfully lobbied for Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe at the 2012 Mangaung Elective Conference. The league was led by Messrs Rudzani Ludere and Jacob Lebogo, who seem to be sharing the agony with their former president. Prior to the conference, Ludere insulted Education MEC, Mr Dickson Masemola for turning against Motlanthe’s campaign. NTT Spokesperson, Mr Bandile Masuku told
Polokwane Observer that the league was dead in the province and disbandment was exercised to rebuild the organisation. “They are entitled to their views, but as NTT we did assess all the regions and found that we had to disband the province and rebuild the Youth League.” Referring to gate-keeping, factionalism, lack of organisational progress and patronage within the Ancyl masuku said it was what motivated their decision. “On that basis and others we took that decision,” he said, adding that “The league was only seen active when attending court cases of Julius Malema” and that, if they are not happy they could lodge dispute with the ANC National Executive. Former Provincial League Spokesperson,
Mr Nono Mabunda said: “The NTT has its own people; we were capable of running our province; we were ready for regional conference and they delay to renew our branches in order to dismiss us. “The reasons they furnished are not sufficient, but we have accepted them and we are respecting the process,” he said. Masuku said the PTT leaders will be unveiled to all regions with a mandate to rebuild the organisation. Party insiders concur that the league was more active in supporting Malema than the programmes of the organisation. Both Ludere and Lebogo openly supported Malema during his recent appearances in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court on charges including fraud and money laundering.
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June 13, 2013
Polokwane Observer
Job creation boost CHESTER MAKANA >>makana.observer@gmail.com
roposed infrastructure investment and expansions and the resultant creation of an estimated few hundreds of jobs are expected to boost the local economy in near future, despite the City of Polokwane struggling with self-imposed restrictions due to water shortages. Heavyweight corporates such as Eskom, Coca-Cola and Enterprise are lining up to strengthen their operations by setting up in the ever booming Limpopo capital, the projected Motor City development is expected to start mushrooming on the far side of town after all objections have been withdrawn and in the meantime construction of the Polokwane Academic Hospital remains on the cards. Delivering the State of City address on Monday, Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver said the Municipality was committed to contributing meaningfully to the fight against the challenges of poverty and unemployment by cre-
ating opportunities for job creation from which households could earn respectable livelihoods. Referring to various development initiatives that would create jobs for local residents, he said Eskom has identified the need to put up their provincial headquarters in Polokwane, requiring approximately 40 hectares of land for the construction of an 8 hectare regional head office. “As the municipality we believe that such development will act as landmark in Polokwane, it will enhance development and bring about job creation for local communities.” Spokesperson for the Polokwane Municipality, Mr Matshidiso Mothapo, afterwards said proposals for the other developments with huge potential for economic development and job creation – Polokwane Academic Hospital as well as expansions to Coco-Cola and Enterprise - were still to be thoroughly accessed. Such major undertakings would result in an increased demand on water sources, but in his State of the City address Greaver gave rate payers the assurance that the city was working towards addressing water shortages.
Gebrekkige hospitaalsorg bedreig sy lewe MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com Die departement van gesondheid staar moontlik ‘n siviele eis in die gesig omdat mnr Innocent Ngobeni se lewe glo deur Mankweng Hospitaal se gebrekkige sorg bedreig word. Ngobeni is in Februarie vanjaar in die hospitaal opgeneem na ‘n motorongeluk waarin hy ‘n passasier was. Hy het ernstige beserings aan sy werwelkolom opgedoen en is sedertdien ‘n parapleeg. Volgens sy pa, Wilson het Innocent die trauma van die ongeluk en die feit dat hy nou ‘n parapleeg is, oorkom maar vrees hulle opnuut vir sy lewe omdat sy liggaam mettertyd met bedsere oortrek is wat volgens hom nie behandel word nie en vererger. Wilson sê Innocent het ‘n baie hoë koors weens infeksie en sy toestand versleg by die dag. Hy kla al maande, maar dit val op dowe ore. “Die mediese personeel belowe elke dag om die wonde te behandel en hom gereeld om te draai maar dit bly leë beloftes. Ek kan nie
daarin slaag om met ‘n dokter by die hospitaal oor sy toestand te praat nie,” vertel hy. ‘n Plaaslike dokter het aan Polokwane Observer gesê dat bedsere fataal kan wees indien dit nie behandel word nie. Hy sê die liggaam verloor proteïne wat die normale werking van liggaamsfunksies versteur. Intussen het me Carla Oosthuizen, ‘n prokureur verbonde aan Kampherbeek Twine & Pogrund Prokureurs, wat sy eis teen die padongelukkefonds hanteer, besluit om hom te help. “Innocent was ‘n onskuldige passasier in ‘n bakkie wat omgeslaan het en is nou ‘n parapleeg. Ons kan nie hande gevou sit en toekyk hoe hy doodgaan net omdat die mediese personeel nie hul werk doen nie,” vertel sy. Oosthuizen het intussen met ‘n privaat verpleër gereël om hom in die hospitaal te besoek om na sy wonde om te sien. “Ons is bereid om al die onkoste te dra sodat hy na behore versorg word,” sê sy. Me Sne Gumede, woordvoerder van die departement van gesondheid het teen druktyd nog nie op navrae reageer nie.
‘Die koerant moet maar jou suster begrawe’ MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com “As jy by die koerante wil kla moet jy hulle dalk kry om jou suster te begrawe.” Die maatskaplike werker van die Polokwane Provinsiale Hospitaal, me Dakalo Makheda het dit glo vir me Annette Venter gesê wat gekla het oor haar suster, me Fransina Grobler wat op 8 Mei oorlede is en steeds nie begrawe is nie. Venter sê na Polokwane Observer se navrae verlede week het Makheda haar gebel en gedreig dat hulle nie meer moeite gaan doen om Grobler te begrawe nie aangesien sy moeilikheid maak deur met die koerant te praat. Venter sê egter dat ‘n werknemer van Sefularo Funeral Parlour haar vroeër die week geskakel het om te bevestig dat haar suster dié week nog begrawe sal word. Polokwane Observer het verlede week berig dat Grobler na haar ontslag uit die Polokwane Provinsiale Hospitaal na Myngenoegen Shelter geneem is omdat sy geen vaste adres kon voorsien nie. Dieselfde aand is sy by die skuiling oorlede en haar liggaam is na Sefularo Funeral Parlour vervoer. Makheda het ingestem vir ‘n onder-
houd met Polokwane Observer maar met aankoms by die hospitaal het haar hoof ons ingelig dat sy nie meer beskikbaar is nie. Ten spyte van talle eposse en oproepe na die departement van sosiale ontwikkeling se woordvoerder, ms Sne Gumede het sy teen druktyd nog nie op Polokwane Observer se navrae reageer nie.
He said a combined R202 million has been invested to eliminate water shortages in the city and neighbouring areas. Anglo Platinum has invested R80 million for the refurbishment of the burdened Polokwane waste water treatment works. The Department of Water Affairs also injected R10 million to help the Council in refurbishing water treatment. “It is anticipated that the plant will receive up to 41megalitres daily when development reaches the urban edge. Water Affairs is set to continue with refurbishment of the Seshego waste water treatment plant until it complies with green drop requirements.” Greaver said the Council was working with Lepelle Northern Water to increase water allocation to the city while the municipality was refurbishing boreholes to reduce the water crisis in the city. “The use of boreholes as additional sources will also be taken into consideration when planning for new projects in the rural areas.”
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Polokwane Observer
Junie 13, 2013
Malema farm might be re-auctioned CHESTER MAKANA >>makana.observer@gmail.com
ormer African National Congress Youth League President, Mr Julius Malema’s cabbage and tomato farm could be reauctioned “if the applicant rejects” the R2,5 million offer by the successful bidder. Curator Richard Maswanganyi, appointed by the state to sell Malema’s farm, said the purchase price was lower than expected and the successful bidder will only know early next month if his offer was accepted or the property going to be reauctioned. The property was sold for R2,5 million after a 30 minute contest between bidders while the
Photo: Chester Makana
Vencor Holdings’ Mr Callie Calitz and Rassie Erasmus tour the farm after the auction.
curator was anticipating at least R2,7 million. “The price is lower than expected but is still good. The conditions of sale indicate that the applicant has twenty-one days to accept or reject the offer. If it is rejected it means the property will be re-auctioned,” Maswanganyi said. The farm was attached by the Assets Forfeiture Unit earlier after it was granted a High Court order to take over the property believed to have been acquired by proceeds of crime. According to the applicant, Malema bought the farm from proceeds acquired from a R52 million Project Management Unit tender of the Department of Roads and Transport awarded to his co-accused, Mr Lesiba Gwangwa of On-Point Engineering. Malema was a shareholder in the company and his Ratanang Trust also unduly benefited from the company profit. The auction bid was opened by an unidentified woman for R800 000 and then contested until the price tag reached R2,5 million. The property features a three bedroom house of which the master bedroom is en suite and a second bathroom, among others. There is also a swimming pool, cement reservoir, irrigation system, cattle loading facility, workshop and garage. It also has a rondavel. Mr Rassie Erasmus of Vencor Holdings raised his hands when the rival bidders hid their bidding numbers. Vencor Chief Executive, Mr Callie Calitz told reporters that the company is eyeing the land to expand its production. “It is a good investment. We own the property next door and will use this one for cattle production,” Calitz said. Asked if he was surprised by the brick wall surrounding the farm, Calitz said that it was unusual for a farm to have a wall around it but that he will not demolish it.
June 13, 2013
Polokwane Observer
Valid From Wednesday 12 June To Monday 17 June 2013. ALL PRICES IN ZAR (SOUTH AFRICAN RAND)
Saving You More
Paige Bester is the Mall of the North Matric Farewell winner
YCL accuses Premier of genocide CHESTER MAKANA >>makana.observer@gmail.com The Young Communist League (YCL) in Limpopo is not pleased with Premier Cassel Mathale remaining the leader of the ruling party and government in the province. Instead they would want to see him facing charges of genocide. YCL Spokesperson Kwena Seanego made this comment after the league’s provincial general council held in Thohoyandou early this week. “The Premier of Limpopo has collapsed government. People died in the hospitals because there was no medicine. He must face charges of genocide and human rights violations,” he said. Mathale’s government has witnessed endless marches by members of Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and its alliance partners, opposition parties and community organisations since the financial crisis hit his province in 2011 December when Cabinet evoked Section 100 1 (b) and placed five departments,
including Provincial Treasury under administration. These departments are being investigated by the Hawks, Special Investigation Unit and Public Protector following complaints of maladministration. The league also decided to intensify the call for boycotting the government of Swaziland, especially the Mswati monarchy, demanding the release of ANC member Amos Mbedzi. Mbedzi is serving an 85 years jail term in Swaziland prison for terrorism after he was found guilty of plotting to bomb a building of the Swazi government. Seanego said they are determined to put pressure on government and the Swaziland Embassy in Gauteng to have Mbedzi released. He further expressed their disappointment with the South African Government’s lack of action against the Mswati government. Mathale’s spokesperson, Ms Mashadi Mathosa declined to comment when approached and merely said: “We don’t have comment”.
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The Mall of the North Matric Farewell competition ended on a high note on Tuesday when Paige Bester from Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) was selected as the overall winner. The competition, with Mall of the North and fashion designer Nico Willoughby-Smith as main sponsors and Polokwane Observer as media sponsor was launched two months ago with prizes to the value of R120 000. From left are Willoughby-Smith, Paige, René van der Merwe, Marketing Manager of Mall of the North and Polokwane Observer Editor, Yolande Nel.
June 13, 2013
Muni to tackle water and sanitation issues
WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Polokwane Municipality will continue implementing programmes to provide adequate access to water and sanitation for all communities during the 2013/14 financial year. Executive Mayor, Cllr Freddy Greaver announced during his State of the City address on Monday that various means and strategies are being developed to tackle water and sanitation issues. He said Anglo Platinum will invest R80 million to refurbish the overloaded Polokwane waste water treatment works. An additional amount of R10 million has been funded by the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) to refurbish the Seshego waste water treatment plant in order to comply with green drop requirements. The DWA will also provide a further R1,5 million for the initial planning process for the new regional waste water treatment works. During the 2013/14 financial year, the
municipality will continue with its access to water programme through the implementation of projects in 14 regional water schemes. An amount of R112 million has been budgeted for the provision of water infrastructure in rural areas. Engineers for these projects have already been appointed and are busy with preliminary designs. The current water shortages experienced by the municipality is an ongoing cause for concern. Municipal Communications Officer, Mr Matshidiso Mothapo said these water shortages are mainly caused by the increase in the number of households in the city as well as in the rural areas, but plans have been put in place to try and address these challenges. Lepelle Northern Water is busy with an application to increase water allocation to the city while the municipality is hard at work with the refurbishment of boreholes which will help reduce the shortage of water. Mothapo added that the old asbestos pipelines are also of concern for the municipality. “The municipality is receiving reports of between six and ten burst pipes on a daily basis which is a major contributor to water loss. Some of these pipes are more than 50 years old and have exceeded distance learning their lifespan so the replacement of the old asbestos pipes is regarded as a critical project,” Mothapo said.
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Greaver’s State of City address >> IDP and budget guided by principles of community participation and communication
The Executive Mayor of Polokwane, Cllr Freddy Greaver leaves the Municipal Chambers after delivering his State of the City address on Monday.
WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
n order to translate political freedom into human development, Polokwane Municipality has acknowledged the critical role facing local government and pledged to put the people first with the municipality’s budget of R1,96 billion. The Executive Mayor of Polokwane, Cllr Freddy Greaver spoke of the importance in meeting the challenges facing the people whom they serve during his State of the City address delivered in the Municipal Chambers on Monday. He said that as a developmental municipality it is the responsibility of the Polokwane Municipality to mobilise, inform, educate and empower the people to participate in, negotiate with, influence, control and hold accountable institutions like the municipality, which affect their lives and well-being. Greaver added that the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and budget that council adopted on 30 May was guided by the principles of community participation and communication. Apart from various cluster and sector consultation sessions, the municipality engaged with representative forums, traditional leaders and
for the very first time with religious leaders and traditional healers as part of the IDP consultative programme. The total revenue budget over the Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework (MTREF) is R1,96 billion in 2013/14, R2,06 billion in 2014/15 and increases to R2,24 billion in 2015/16. Expenditure for the MTREF will amount to R1,94 billion in 2013/14, R2,0 billion in 2014/15 and R2,12 billion in 2015/16. The resulting operating surplus of R24,8 million, R61,1 million and R125,6 million respectively will be utilised to fund capital projects. Operational repairs and maintenance to the aging infrastructure of the city has been identified as an imperative during the compilation of the 2013/14 budget. Therefore repairs and maintenance has been substantially increased from R89,2 million to R124,9 million. In relation to the total operating expenditure, repairs and maintenance comprises 6,4% for the 2013/14 financial year.
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The filming crew of the Centrum Guardian Project in which heroic acts of medical services personnel are filmed for a television series. They are Ms Corle Greyling (advertising agent), Mr Mike Yelseth (Director) and Ms Jasmyn Asvat (Producer) in front. At the back are Messrs Thomas Pretorius (second camera operator), Zamo Mkhiza (sound), Rick Higgs (camera assistant) and Ian Miller (Director of Photography).
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The dedicated men and women of the emergency services perform at 100%, often in dangerous situations to save lives and it is time to appreciate the value of the services rendered by them. A filming group of the Centrum Guardian Project gathered at the railway crossing in Veldspaat Street on Monday to re-enact the accident on 10 August last year when a pregnant woman died after the vehicle she travelled in was hit by a train. It was reported that the vehicle had drawn to a halt on the tracks at a level crossing. The driver alighted before the train struck the car. The force of impact saw the car pushed from the tracks. The heroic acts of medical personnel to save the unborn baby from the deceased mother’s womb is now
Accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and Registered with Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). Registration No. 2000/HE07/012
caught on tape and will be broadcast on SABC 3. The show called Centrum Guardians 2013 will start on 4 August at 16:30 with repeats on Wednesdays at 15:15. “Eight finalists have been selected for the project. They will be profiled in a seven week documentary hosted by Ruda Landman. The show is comprised of dramatic re-creations of the stories that the finalists have been nominated for,” said Ms Jasmyn Asvat, producer of the series. The award winning director of the series, Mr Mike Yelseth said: “Getting the finalists to tell their stories on camera is difficult as they are self-effacing, so it is my job to make sure that the brilliance of their actions shines through.” The Centrum Guardian Project is a corporate social investment project implemented by Centrum, the world’s number one multivitamin. “We are as-
tounded by the calibre of nominations we receive each year. Every single story has an element of bravery, passion, and determination, to name just a few of the attributes that the remarkable men and women in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) possess. We are proud to showcase the emergency services industry and share the work they do with the South African public through the Centrum Guardians series,” said Ms Natasha Macdonald, the Centrum Brand Manager. Voting for the finalists will be open to the public on 1 July and close on 11 September. The winner will be announced at the finale event on 12 September and on TV on the 15 September. Voting can be done via SMS. Send the trait of the guardian or team to 34020. Proceeds from SMS votes will be donated to the guardian’s base station. SMSs are charged at R1.50 and free SMSs don’t apply.
Case withdrawn against suspected train driver killer RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
REF: PO UG 22/05/13
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RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
Makhado Magistrate’s Court on Thursday decided to withdraw the cases of rape and murder against Mr Jerry Shumba (22) due to insufficient evidence against him for the alleged rape and murder of train driver, Ms Nare Mashamaite on 4 June last year. Provincial Police Spokesperson, Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi said the case was withdrawn and an inquest docket has now been opened. Shumba, who remained in custody since his arrest in October, was released on Thursday. Mulaudzi confirmed the lack of
evidence against Shumba and said that the case will now be treated as an inquest. Last month Transnet employees protested in front of the Makhado Magistrate’s Court when Shumba was supposed to apply for bail. Transnet’s Corporate Spokesperson, Ms Nomvelo Makhunga then said Mashamaite was one of Transnet’s few female train drivers and was much loved by her co-workers. Makhunga described her murder as senseless and tragic. “For her family her death had an even more crushing impact. She was a mother, a sister, and a breadwinner who was devoted to her family and
community,” she said. It is alleged that Mashamaite and her female assistant stopped the train at the Makhado station early morning of 4 June last year to investigate technical issues regarding the train’s braking system when she was attacked. At the time of the attack, Mashamaite was at the front of the 32-wagon train and her assistant at the back. They were in communication by two-way radio. Apparently the assistant, when realising that her colleague was being attacked, fled the scene in search of assistance. When Police arrived at the scene they found Mashamaite’s lifeless body next to the train.
Leerder in Dorpstraat raakgery RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Die Polokwane Munisipaliteit het skole aangemoedig om opnuut padveiligheid onder leerders aan te spreek na die nuutste voorval waar ‘n leerder van die Florapark Comprehensive High School Dinsdagmiddag op die hoek van Dorpen Thabo Mbekistraat raakgery is. Volgens nooddienspersoneel het sy slegs ligte besering opgedoen. “Die voertuigbestuurder het in Thabo Mbekistraat gery toe sy die leerder wat vermoedelik oor die pad gehardloop het, raakgery het. Gelukkig het die bestuurder nie vinnig gery nie anders kon die leerder erge besering opgedoen het,” sê die nooddienswerker. Florapark Comprehensive se skoolhoof, mnr Gilbert Sepuru het bevestig dat die leerder raakgery
is en slegs ligte besering opgedoen het. Sy sou vandag (Donderdag) haar volgende vraestel geskryf het. Munisipale woordvoerder, mnr Matshidiso Mothapo het motoriste gewaarsku om dadelik spoed te verminder in ‘n skoolgebied. “Wees ook oplettender deur te observeer en leerders dop te hou wat moontlik oor die straat kan hardloop sonder om te kyk,” sê hy. Hy het leerders en onderwysers aangemoedig om padveiligheid in klaskamers te bespreek. “Die munisipaliteit reik gereeld na skole uit waar Daantjie-kat leerders besoek om hulle padreëls te leer en veral hoe om ‘n straat veilig oor te steek.” Skole kan mnr Francois Lubbe by die munisipale verkeersdepartement kontak vir meer inligting oor skoolbesoeke.
Malema up for common assault RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com While due to appear in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court on charges of fraud, corruption, money laundering and racketeering next week following his alleged involvement in pothole tender fraud with the Department of Roads and Transport, former African National Congress Youth League leader, Julius Malema faces new charges of assault after he allegedly slapped two men at a braai area in Lebowakgomo. Malema appeared in the
Clamp down on offenders RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
he Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (C-BRTA) prosecuted 298 operators for various cross-border offences and arrested 220 illegal immigrants for trying to jump the border during the Cross Alive campaign the past weekend. The campaign saw various authorities such as South African Police Service, South African Revenue Service, the Department of Home Affairs and municipal and provincial traffic officials working hand in hand at the Capricorn Toll Plaza between Polokwane and Makhado to apprehend road users and operators who
Thabamoopo Magistrate’s Court on Thursday after he allegedly assaulted Messrs Kgotsofalo Mogorwane and Samuel Matome Mafokwane at Roomers Shisanyama, a braai area in Lebowakgomo on Sunday. Provincial Police Spokesperson, Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi said Malema’s vehicle was parked in by a vehicle supposed to belong to the two men. Malema allegedly slapped them in order to remove the vehicle so that he could get his own vehicle out. The case was postponed to 2 July and Malema was released on warning.
The case against Mr Simon Rasebotsa who allegedly stabbed his former girlfriend 15 times outside a schoolyard earlier this year was on Tuesday postponed in the Seshego Magistrate’s Court until 24 August pending further investigations. Rasebotsa faces charges of attempted murder for the alleged stabbing of Ms Mokgadi Legodi, a Grade 12 learner of Masedibu Secondary School.
passenger and freight vehicles were stopped and searched. The 298 operators were prosecuted for various offences such as expired licence discs, lack of or expired cross-border permits and general defective lights on vehicles and trailers. Furthermore, one minibus taxi was impounded and the driver detained for fraudulent cross-border permits, one non-roadworthy minibus taxi was completely taken off the road and six vehicles impounded by customs for temporary permit related matters. The C-BRTA’s Cross Alive campaign is linked to the government’s objectives of improving the safety, security, reliability, quality, and speed of transporting goods and people. Some of the campaign deliverables are reduction of fatalities and reduction of liability payments.
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When Rasebotsa appeared in court in May members of the Limpopo chapter of the Progressive Women’s Movement of South Africa (PWMSA) staged a mass march to Seshego Police Station and Seshego Magistrate’s Court expressing their grievances about the fight against rape and abuse of women and children. Upon leaving the court building Rasebotsa was followed and confronted by members of the PWMSA. On Tuesday however only a few women pitched to show their support to the Legodi family.
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Stabbing case again postponed RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
contravene the Cross-border Road Transport Act and at the same time promote road safety. In a media release Executive Manager at the Road Transport Inspectorate, a division of C-BRTA, Gen Kaine Monyepau said: “I can confidently say that the operation yielded great results just by looking at the statistics. The good thing is that this is not a once off operation, it is one of many to come with a specific focus on routes that lead to the country’s borders, rooting out incompliant road user and operator behaviour as well as fraud and corruption.” The operation mainly focussed on passenger and freight transport compliance and safety. Seven hundred
Junie 13, 2013
June 13, 2013
Polokwane Observer’s weekly price watch aims to assist readers in making informed decisions when spending their hard earned money. On Wednesday 12 June between 08:00 and 09:30 we compared the prices (VAT inclusive) of the main ingredients needed to make braai bread.
WEEKLY price
White bread, 700 g Gouda cheese Vanilla yoghurt 500 ml Tomatoes Onions
preferences voorkeure Mede-eienaar van Bolivia Lodge, mnr Dawie Botes deel sy gunstelinge met Polokwane Observer. GUNSTELING boek>> The Power of Positive Thinking deur dr Norman Vincent Peale GUNSTELING cuisine>> Beesstertpotjie langs ‘n lekker kampvuur GUNSTELING uitdrukking>> Die dae is net te kort GUNSTELING Limpopo vakansiebestemming>> Hoedspruit en die Kruger Nasionale Park GUNSTELING musiek>> Enigiets van Andrew Lloyd Webber
Public Notice 2013/14 Final IDP/Budget Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 21 of the Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000) that the Polokwane Municipality Council adopted the 2013/2014 IDP/Budget on 30 May 2013. Copies of the Final IDP/Budget will be available for the public from 15 June 2013 at the following areas for collection: Cluster
• Moletjie Library • Seshego Library • City Library
• Nirvana Library • Resource Centre, 2nd Floor (Civic Centre) • Westernburg Library
• Mankweng Library • Maja Tribal Office
Polokwane Spar, Thabo Mbeki Street R6.99 R59.99 (per kg) R13.79 R6.99 (per kg) R11.99 (per kg)
• Chuene Tribal Office • Molepo Office
The Final IDP/Budget can also be accessed via the municipal website: www.polokwane.gov.za For more info, please contact Mr Victor Nengovhela or Ms Tebogo Mathe on (015) 290-2284/2117 or e-mail: Victorn1@polokwane.gov.za or tebogop@polokwane.gov.za for further enquiries. Ms TC Mametja Municipal Manager
www.polokwane.gov.za Human Communications 99948
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Dazzling duo geared for sultry Cuban cha-cha tions, of which their favourite thus far has been Plettenberg Bay where they would love to own a house some time in future. The couple linked up with the other contestants, co-organiser Dia van Staden and a team of dance instructors last week to get acquainted with the compulsory waltz all participants would have to engage in during the finals that would be characterised by a masquerade. Needless to say, much laughter accompanied the moves by 20 individuals who are not perceived to be that accustomed to ballroom dancing. With the couple having selected
YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com
ore than 3 000 Swarovski crystals incorporated in a dazzling Erika Mengouchi outfit befitting the sultry Cuban cha-cha will catch the eye on the dance floor when ten daring couples will take each other on in ballroom manoeuvres when Polokwane Goes Dancing in October this year. Erika was chosen by Rebotile and Tebogo Moutlana to dress them especially for the big night on 19 October this year when they will be up for the challenge against nine other dance couples. Erika will be responsible for her outfit and for accessorising his matching shirt. Rebotile, a project administrator with a local corporate, and Tebogo, a musician, expressed excitement over their participation in the competition. He confessed he was the one more reluctant to join, but his wife of two years convinced him otherwise and they considered their preparations for the competition as something to do together. They mentioned they usually spent their Photo: Yolande Nel time together by going to the mov- Engaging in the waltz. Rebotile and ies or travelling to different destina- Tebogo Moutlana.
16 Augustus >> Juanita du Plessis tree om 19:00 by Bolivia Lodge op en Armand Hofmeyr behartig die voorprogram. Kaartjies is R120 vir volwassenes en R50 vir laerskoolleerders. Skakel 015 296 0080 vir meer besonderhede.
24 Augustus >> Alle oudleerders wat van 1955 tot 1962 aan die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé en die Handelsafdeling Pietersburg verbonde was, kan Yvonne Pienaar by 082 626 0320 ivm ‘n reünie in Pretoria skakel. 19 October >> Polokwane Goes Dancing will be held in the form of a masquerade at Bolivia Lodge at 19:00. The cost for couples is R650 or R3 000 for 10 people. This includes a three course
Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:30
¸ ˛ Ç ∂
STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS - 3D Fri, Sat: 17:00, 20:00, 22:50 Sun-Thu: 17:00, 20:00
˛ Ç
¸ ˛ Ç ∂
Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:30, 14:15, 16:45, 19:30, 22:00 Sun,Tue: 9:10, 11:30, 14:15, 16:45, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:15, 16:45, 19:30
SPUD 2: THE MADNESS CONTINUES ¸ ˛ Ç Mon: 12:30, 15:00, 17:15, 19:30 Sun: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:15, 19:30
˛ Ç
Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30 Sun,Tue: 10:00, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15
A HAUNTED HOUSE Fri, Sat, Tue: 10:15, 15:15, 20:15 Wed, Thu: 15:15, 20:15
˛ Ç
THE HANGOVER PART III ˛ Ç £ Fri, Sat: 12:30, 17:30, 22:30 Tue-Thu: 12:30, 17:30
˛ Ç Ω
Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:05, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:30
TYLER PERRY'S TEMPTATION ˛ Ç † Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:45, 14:45, 17:15, 19:45, 22:15 Sun,Tue: 9:15, 11:45, 14:45, 17:15, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:45, 17:15, 19:45
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082 16789 Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
Photo: Supplied
Rebotile and Tebogo Moutlana with designer Erika Mengouchi.
WRITE TO US>> PO Box 11140, Bendor, 0699 TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 E-MAIL mariette.observer@gmail.com
the cha-cha as dance style of choice, Erika indicated she planned to settle for white lycra becoming Rebotile’s complexion, a short sexy number with bare back and boat neckline to which she would be adding long sleeves and tassles or ostrich fringing, for an enhanced illusion of movement. She said she kept in mind the personality and elegance of the bearer while introducing bling that would go well with the cha-cha.
meal and entertainment by It Takes Four. Contact Dia van Staden on 083 726 1180 or Janie Wierenga on 082 376 2755. Thursdays >> Limpopo Arts and Culture Association (Laca) invites artists, art lovers and the community to celebrate being young in the new democracy at the Polokwane Art Museum from 17:00 to 19:00. For more information contact them on 015 291 3903 or send an email to lethabo@lovelimpopoart.com.
Dagboek die BoekeJol en FilmRol Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@ gmail.com Afrikaanse kultuurliefhebbers kan met reg uitsien na die BoekeJol en FilmRol wat van 19 tot 21 September in die stad plaasvind. Dit sal ‘n unieke geleentheid wees wat boekwurms nie net die geleentheid bied om hul te verlustig in hul gunstelingboeke nie, maar om ook met bekende skrywes, digters en filmmakers insiggewende gesprekke te voer. Mee Dia van Staden, Janie Wierenga en Louise Steytler wie se harte warm vir kultuur klop, is die
organiseerders van die jol wat hopelik ‘n jaarlikse instelling sal word. Protea Boeke het reeds hul teenwoordigheid bevestig en die opwindende program groei steeds. Die voorlopige program sluit Anna Davel, Keina Swart, Sophia Kapp, Robby Sandrock en Derick van der Walt in. Rolprentresensies sal onder meer deur Leon van Nierop hanteer word wat ook ‘n skryfskool vir hoërskoolleerders gaan aanbied. ‘n Voorlesing en gesprek deur C Johan Bakkes is ook op die spyskaart. Vir meer besonderhede kan Van Staden by 083 726 1180 geskakel word.
June 13, 2013
Polokwane Observer
18 Sapphire Street Superbia Polokwane Tel: 015 292 0614 Fax: 015 292 0882
We know building materials • We know special deals
Mnr Gerhard Du Preez (besturende direkteur van Buco-boumateriale) en me Felicity Sheridan.
Me Ingrid Grobler (kredietbestuurder) en mnr Arno Grobler.
Mnr Marten Gobey (nuwe takbestuurder) en me Monique Gobey. Mnr Fanie Potgieter. Mnr Brian Smith (finansiële bestuurder) en me Monique Smith (junior boekhouer).
Mnr Martin Zeelie (uittredende takbestuurder) en me Annetjie Zeelie.
Foto’s: Ben Snyman
Mnre Eugene Beneke (hoofuitvoerende beampte van Buco) en Gideon Delport (finasiële bestuurder).
Mnr Jaco van der Colff (Buco areabestuurder).
Mnr Hennie van Eeden (verkoopsverteenwoordiger).
Mnre Alex Rakabe, Rassy Rasemola, Elvis Rapaledi en Johannes Chosi.
Mnre Alex Rakabe, Rassy Rasemola en Elvis Rapaledi.
Mnre Daniel Ngoasheng, Samuel Monama, Kleinboy Maboka en Nelson Madiba.
Nicoleen, Sanet, Hanlie, Susan, Lettie en Elsie.
Mnre Phineas Koto, Phineas Mailula, David Ranoto en Klass Mabotja.
Mnre Johannes Mogoanye en Herman Buys.
Polokwane Observer
Junie 13, 2013
e c n a l G a t a t CDM Budge 014 2013/2
“A Balanced Gender Representative”
Our executive management is an embodiment of competence and gender equality, which in all respects, approximates the character of our society. Capricorn is the first in Limpopo to boast management regiment that is made up of an admitted female advocate (Motlatjo Manthata), the two chartered accountants (Nazeem Essa and Mariette Venter), a registered town planner (Nokuthula Mazibuko), one registered engineer (Ali Said), community works guru (Isaac Motsuki) and executive support strategist (Mavis Matlala) – all in senior management. This goes to show our commitment to recruit and retain qualified, experienced and competent professionals who epitomise commitment and hardwork. We are building an institution that stands to serve as a benchmark for shaping the character of other similar organs of state. Of note is that we have balanced gender representation at management level to transform the demographic composition of the district.
Ali Said(EM-Infrus), Nokuthula Mazibuko (EM-DPEMS), Naazim Essa (CFO), Motlatjo Manthata (EM-Corporate Serv), Isaac Mutsuki (EM-Community Serv) Mavis Matlala (EM-SEMS), Ngoako Molokomme (Municipal Manager), Makgabo Mapoulo(Executive Mayor), Mariette Venter (Dep. CFO)
Water - R193 Millions
BUDGET 2013/14 The Executive Mayor of Capricorn District Municipality delivered a people's budget on 28 May 2013 at Ga-Seloane in Lep elle- Nkumpi. Inspired to position Capricorn Distr uct as the Home Excellence and Opportunities for a better life, key to the ideals of improved service delivery, as entailed in the Integrated Development Plan (IDP), the budget will improve the quality of life of our people. The total budget of R808 million was tabled and adopted. This will comprise of R272,5 million for capital expenditure and R535,5 million for operating expenditure. As a water service authority, it is worth noting that 71 percent or R222 million of our capital budget is for water services.
As a Water Service Authority, it is that 71 percent or R222 million of our services.
An Amount of R193-m to increase access to water by addressing the remaining 11% backlog and tackle water quality management issues. To date, 89% of the households have access to clean water. R53,5 million will be for single-year projects in Aganang, R54 million for multi-year water projects in Blouberg, R45,5 million for Lepelle-Nkumpi and R40 million for Molemole. Mapoulo emphasised that in the year ahead CDM will implement a total of 114 water supply projects to benefit 34 700 households across the district in order to further reduce the backlog in the supply of water services.
Roads - R12.5 Millions Plans are afoot to upgrade and resurface three more roads with special attention to reduce backlogs in Aganang. These include: R2,5 million for Cloe-to-Kordon EPWP road project R4-million for Pinkie Sebotse-to-Rosenkranz clinic R8-million for Ga-Molele-to-Gemarke in Blouberg. We will also develop Integrated Transport Plan that will be implemented over the next five years. Disaster and emergency services - R1.5 Millions
We are continuing with efforts to increase disaster management capacity of our local municipalities, we are allocating R1,5millions to build a fire station in Aganang in the financial year 2013/14. SUMMARY BUDGET ON CAPITAL PROJECTS
Water Sanitation Roads Disaster & Fire Economic Transformation
R193, 000 000 R39, 000 000 R12, 500 000 R1, 500 000 R430 000
For Full Budget speech: www.cdm.org.za Tel. 015 294 1000
worth noting capital budget is for water
Sanitation - R39 Millions Insofar, 66% of households in the district have access to decent sanitation. An allocation of R30-m has been set aside to build 4 285 VIP units. Going forward, we have planned to provide over 5 120 households with basic sanitation by the end of the next financial year. “Plans are also afoot to upgrade the Lebowakgomo waste water treatment works in the 2013/14 financial year at a cost of R5 million and an additional R10 million for Senwabarwana and Morebeng sewage. To this end, we have budgeted a total of R39-million for household sanitation, upgrading and refurbishments,” said Mapoulo.
Economic Transformation - R430 000 Economic outlook shows that our local economy has grown by 4% in the year under review. However, trade and investment performance is holding us back with a slow-down in exports accounting to only 11% of the provincial exports. Census 2011 results indicate that 37% of our people are unemployed. we have to accept our role in contributing towards the creation of an enabling environment that encourages entrepreneurial culture and SMME's development. In the next financial year, we shall invest in cultivating this spirit in our schools. We are therefore setting aside R430 000 for entrepreneurship support in schools, SMME support as well as the promotion of SMME products.
Re Šoma le Setšhaba
June 13, 2013
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Executive Mayor, Cllr Freddy Greaver and Bishop Barnabas Lekganyane of the Zion Christian Church lead the rest of the mayor’s entourage from the Municipal Chambers on Monday to inspect the new fleet of vehicles acquired by the Polokwane Municipality.
New fleet unveiled by Muni Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
hortly after his State of the City address on Monday, despite the protest by members of the South African Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) beforehand, the Executive Mayor for Polokwane, Cllr Freddy Greaver unveiled the much needed fleet of new maintenance equipment and vehicles necessary for the delivery of prompt and reliable services. Among these are graders, trucks, new vehicles for the traffic department and valuable equipment needed for repairs and maintenance work. A tender for the provision of a comprehensive fleet solution and related equipment over a period of five years was advertised by the municipality last year. However, Samwu Chairperson for Polokwane Municipality, Mr Carol Matsi alleges that the Fleet Africa tender process was awarded irregularly and has vowed to investigate the matter with the Public Protector. Following a competitive bidding process in Photos: Warren Blunt
Some of the new vehicles and graders that have been received by the Polokwane Municipality to speed up service delivery to the various communities serviced by the municipality.
line with the municipality’s supply chain management policy, Fleet Africa (Pty) Ltd was appointed and a service level agreement to this effect was signed on 25 February 2013. The spokesperson for the Polokwane Municipality, Mr Matshidiso Mothapo said the ageing maintenance fleet was costing the municipality lots of money as a result of frequent breakdowns. He added that the regular breakdowns resulted in poor service delivery to the communities. All of the vehicles are linked to Fleet Africa’s fleet management system and call centre and all maintenance and repairs will be done through Fleet Africa’s call centre. This will eliminate lengthy delays in the future in the event of breakdowns to important equipment and vehicles. According to Mothapo, the down time caused by the process of producing orders for the maintenance of vehicles is fully eliminated on vehicles that are repaired through Fleet Africa, which has a three-year contract with the municipality. He added that the last of the fleet of 233 units, including plant and equipment will be delivered by 23 July 2013.
June 13, 2013
12 OBSERVER polokwane
Environmentalists cry foul on quarrying next to R71
Quarrying activities at this once scenic site on the R71 near Boyne have environmentalists and nearby residents up in arms. Photo: Warren Blunt Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Quarrying for rock by the South African National Road Agency Limited (Sanral) and Hillary Construction adjacent to the R71 at Makgeng near Boyne has environmentalists and nearby residents up in arms as they claim irreparable damage is being done to the area. A Red Data (critically endangered) listed species of Euphorbia was discovered in the quarry which is not mentioned in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) carried out beforehand. Environmentalists say if the Euphorbia had been mentioned in the EIA then the Department of Minerals Resources (DMR) would never have issued a mining license. After an inspection by a Safety, Health and Environmental Officer from Hillary Construction, Dr Bronwyn Egan from the Department of Biodiversity at the University of Limpopo visited the quarry last Wednesday. She is busy tabling a report to the relevant authorities at the time of going to print which will be available later. However, Egan commented that because of the extent of the quarrying operations to date she was unable to access if any endangered Euphorbia clivicola does exist in the area. Egan added that if the site is not rehabilitated according to the necessary specifications it will never be the same as before. Another possible environmental issue to the scenic area because of the quarrying is the invasion of
alien weed species, according to Egan. A mining expert that travels the route on the R71 on a daily basis commented that the method of mining is very questionable as is the area being mined. “It was once a beautiful and unique area and is now a complete wreck,” said the source, who cannot be named because of fear of possible victimisation. The Limpopo Department of Economic Affairs, Environment and Tourism (Ledet) spokesperson, Mr Lucky Phosa said the issuing of licences for borrow pits (quarries) are regulated by the DMR. Ledet confirmed receipt of an enquiry about threatened plant species at a borrow pit from Hillary Construction during May 2012 and a site visit was conducted. It was found that the endangered Euphorbia clivicola was not present but more common Euphorbia species that is often found close to Euphorbia clivicola. According to Phosa, recommendations were made to the environmental practitioner that was appointed by Hillary Construction to deal with environmental matters contained in the EIA for the road upgrade. Ledet added that a site visit was also conducted during February 2013 by Ms Alma Moller, an expert on Euphorbia species. She also found no evidence of any Euphorbia clivicola, therefore no further investigations were conducted. Phosa said if Ledet is provided with any information indicating that proper procedures weren’t followed, it would not hesitate to investigate.
Sapa Yopa, stakeholders to effect much-needed change YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com The lives of tens of children from Nobody-Ga Mothapo are expected to be touched when Limpopobased Sapa Yopa Motorcycle Club (MCC) joins the Bikers for Mandela project and Vodacom Limpopo in July for an initiative aimed at the proposed relocation of a drop-in centre. According to Sapa Yopa MCC co-founder Johz Mamabolo their members would join the Bikers for Mandela project and Vodacom Limpopo in the drive in assisting Kwelobohloko Drop-In Centre as part of their contribution to the annual global Mandela Day campaign on 18 July. The drop-in centre is daily being visited by some 70 kids from the area who are given a plate of food and assistance with homework and extra-mural activities run from a temporary structure, explained Pastor Jan Magowa of the Church of the Nazarene during a site visit on Friday. He accompanied the visitors to a nearby vacant stand made available for use by the drop-in centre. It is expected to look much different from the piece of bare land it currently is when bikers from Gauteng are scheduled to converge on the lot on 13 July this year for expected ground clearing preparations ahead of Sapa Yopa MCC members arriving five days later for the final work to be done. Vodacom Change The World
Volunteer Alta Brown-Steenkamp representing the Bikers for Mandela project of the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory, indicated the project would entail the construction of a fence surrounding the property and a wooden structure on the premises, a food garden, running water and sanitation. The project is but one of a growing list of charities Sapa Yopa MCC riders are involved in, varying from local drives to national campaigns. Mamabolo stressed they were humbled to be part of an initiative aimed at effecting much needed change, something they considered their duty. Their next planned club activity is scheduled for Youth Day on 16 June in Johannesburg when they are due to participate in the Warming the Homeless in Africa blanket run as an affiliate of Rainbow Msanzi Bikers Organisation (Rambo).
Photo: Yolande Nel
Vodacom Change The World Volunteer Alta Brown-Steenkamp (left), representing the Bikers for Mandela project of the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory, and Sapa Yopa Motorcycle Club’s Johz Mamabolo during Friday’s visit to Nobody-Ga Mothapo.
June 13, 2013
Polokwane Observer
June 13, 2013
Focus on
14 OBSERVER Father’s Day polokwane
Dads in dresses and bellbottoms
YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com
Drie geslagte saam vir Vadersdag FOTO: ELNA ESTERHUYSEN
Mnr Dirk Lombard (agter) en sy seun, Andries het nie net ‘n besondere pa- en seunverhouding nie, maar ook ‘n suksesvolle werkverhouding. Hulle werk die afgelope 13 jaar saam en deel die afgelope twee jaar selfs ‘n kantoor. Andries se seun, Arno (8) sê sy oupa is vir hom baie spesiaal omdat hy die lekkerste drukkies gee. Hy geniet dit ook baie om saam met sy pa te stoei en is trots op sy pa wat mooi vir hul sorg.
ime flies and this weekend’s commemoration of Father’s Day is an indicator that half the year is already gone. When the institution generally creates an opportunity for an expression of appreciation to dads, it is an occasion for also honouring a certain subculture. Hats off to that secondary culture of single mothers who, subtly and without much fuss, pose as dads. They sometimes do so without willingly consenting to it, without a choice in the matter or without consultation, but still make a marvellous job of it. They are a breed who can withstand more than the average man. They quickly learn to fight battles alone, and in many instances are up against the single member of the male species they initially put their trust in for protection. Armed with certain qualities which they don’t always realise they possess, they get through it alive. They may get scarred in the process, but normally won’t brag about it, because mothers have a tendency to take life like a man. Moms who are simultaneously dads have to face the universe geared with a bag of tricks, filled to the brim with resilience, bravery, the ability to devise a plan without the
necessary resources, domestic skill, expertise, experience, love, nurturing and a large dose of charm, of course. All traits she learns attending the University of Life. They make their kindred feel safe without much ado. They are protectors, who have the courage to fight off any threat without giving it too much consideration or letting anyone notice their fear. When they indeed do debrief with a close confidant, they are often seen to be gossiping. They juggle finances without letting their dependants in on the deal. When the books balance at the end of every day, their kids don’t have to go to bed hungry. They have a tendency of putting everyone else first, allowing others’ schedules to interfere with their demanding timeframes. They are the first to rise in the mornings and the last to go to bed at night, having dealt with anything from serving breakfast to coping with illness before dishing up dinner. They love boldly, lend an ear and in their hearts create space for forgiveness and for secrets. Such women grasp life and the challenges it poses, all considered to be a learning curve. It is a constant empowerment process that would see some men copping out. These übermoms are dads in dresses or bellbottoms who contribute to making the world go round.
Lucky shopper wins R20 000 vouchers at Mall of the North
Ms Rendani Maiwashe, the winner of Mall of the North’s monthly lucky draw, was overjoyed to receive R20 000 worth of shopping vouchers on Monday. “I’m going to buy one big household item, so I can remember the mall by it. I am also thinking of buying some shoes,” she said. Maiwashe, an employee of Polokwane Municipality, said she entered the draw 20 times in the hope that she would win. The draw was verified by Diemont Zimmerman Bolink (DZB), the largest independent auditing and accounting firm in Limpopo. The firm’s four associates, Messrs Tella Diemont, Kallie Zimmerman, Barry Bolink and John Stamp collectively have well over 60 years of experience. The firm was established in 1999 and initially had 12 employees. At present the staff complement is close to 50 while its varying client base, from the retail, manufacturing, agricultural and tourism industries as well as professional practices, is constantly on the increase and also extends to Gauteng, Mpumalanga and the Western Cape.
Ms Rendani Maiwashe, right, receives her prize from Ms Thabitha Lekganyane (Marketing Assistant Mall of the North). At the back are Ms Rene van der Merwe (Marketing Manager Mall of the North) and Mr Wian Marx, auditor at Diemont Zimmerman Bolink who verified the draw.
Fokus op
Junie 13, 2013
June 13, 2013
Focus on
16 OBSERVER Father’s Day polokwane
Great fun at Mall of the North this Father’s Day RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
Mall of the North (MoN) is hosting an exciting fun day on Sunday in celebration of Father’s Day. A portable put-put course will be put up at the eatery entrance and fathers who visit any of the participating eateries in the mall on the day will be given a token allowing them a game with their children. Mall of the North Marketing Manager, Ms René van der Merwe said: “This is our way to celebrate Father’s Day and to treat all the fathers of the city and make them feel special too.” Panarottis will host a lucky draw in which fathers can win a tent and several other items of camping gear. All they have to do is to enter their name into the lucky draw when they eat
at Panarottis on Sunday. Van der Merwe reminded those who would like to treat their fathers that Spur, Ocean Basket, Primi Piati and Cappuccino’s are also available to obtain delicious meals from. “For gift ideas Trappers Trading, Due South, Game and Cape Union Mart are the best options to shop at for the adventurous dad. For fathers keen on gadgets and technology Dion Wired, Incredible Connection and Samsung will definitely have some gifts on offer,” Van der Merwe said. Mall of the North offers a variety of shops at which customers can buy the perfect Father’s Day gift. The management team and all the tenants invited fathers to come and spend Father’s Day at Mall of the North as it promises to be an unforgettable day.
Win the ultimate gift for your dad at Savannah Mall RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Father’s Day shopping at Savannah Mall may hold the ultimate reward for one lucky shopper – a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Savannah Mall Marketing Manager, Ms Karen Botha invited shoppers to visit the mall in search for that special gift. “By shopping at Savannah Mall customers can also enter our Harley Davidson competition and win the ultimate gift for any father,” she said. Savannah Mall recently launched the competition and the closing date for entries is 29 November. “All customers have to do is fill out
an entry form, attach R1 500 worth of till slips for goods bought at Savannah Mall and put it in the entry box. Customers can add as many till slips as they like as long as they add up to R1 500,” she said. The entry box is outside Wimpy and PNA, on the upper level. Entry forms can also be obtained from the management office, any tenant in the mall, the information desk at the banking mall or downloaded from the website, www.savannahmall.co.za. Three Harley Davidson motorcycles are on display at Savannah Mall and customers can surely be inspired to shop just by looking at these mean machines.
Fokus op
Junie 13, 2013
June 13, 2013
Focus on
18 OBSERVER Father’s Day polokwane
As pa die voorskoot moet dra Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@gmail.com Vadersdag word Sondag behoorlik in die Bothma-huishouding gevier. Sowat drie jaar gelede is primêre toesig van die Bothma-egpaar se twee spruite, Theon (10) en Abigail (9) aan hul pa, Anton na hul egskeiding toegeken en hy is nie ‘n dag spyt dat hy die voorreg het om sy kinders elke dag aan sy sy te hê nie. Sy twee kinders is die spil waarom sy lewe draai en hy sê dat hy deur vuur vir hulle sal loop. Hy staan elke dag vroeg op om so rustig moontlik te begin. “Ek gun myself ‘n uur van stilwees voor ek die kinders elk met ‘n beker Milo wakker maak. Dan sit ons drie op die bed en gesels tot die tyd ons aanjaag om gereed te maak vir skool en werk.” Terwyl die kinders aantrek pak hy kosblikke, kry ontbyt reg en maak seker hulle het alles
wat hul nodig het vir die dag. Die kinders word by die skool afgelaai en hy gaan kantoor toe. Smiddae laai hy hulle by die skool of sportaktiwiteite op en hulle spandeer die res van die middag by hom op kantoor. Die aande word aan skoolwerk, leer en kosmaak gewy waarna almal om die eetkamertafel kuier. “Die kinders is gewoond aan die roetine en is nie onseker wat hulle te doen staan nie. Ek glo my kinders kry genoeg aandag en liefde en dat hulle nie op enige gebied ‘n tekort het nie,” vertel hy trots. Hy meen hy het nog nooit daaraan gedink dat hy die rol van beide ouers vertolk nie. “Ek is maar die een wat pleisters plak en beter soen en bestee daagliks kwaliteittyd met my kinders, nie net naweke nie.” As die dag tot ‘n einde kom en die kinders gebad is, word hul Skepper bedank vir die lief en leed wat hulle deel en dat hulle soggens saam onder een dak kan wakker word.
So het dit gebeur>> Wat is ‘n huis sonder ‘n pa? HETTIE GOLDEN My vriendin werk by die dokter en jy sal jou hande saamslaan as jy hoor hoeveel mammies daar kom met kinders sonder pappies. Wel, nie sonder pappies gemaak nie, maar sonder pappies grootgemaak. Jy weet mos wat ek bedoel. Ek weet die egskeidingsyfer is nou al by die halfpadmerk verby, maar dit bly ‘n skok om te sien hoeveel kinders deesdae in huise sonder hul pa’s grootword. Dis mos PG du Plessis se Jakes wat in “Siener” gesê het: “Wat is ‘n huis sonder ‘n pappie?” Ons almal glo tot op ‘n stadium dat pappa alles kan doen, alles kan regmaak en ons teen alles kan beskerm. Dis ‘n ontnugtering as ‘n kind die dag besef sy pa is maar net ‘n mens en geen superheld nie. Asof dit nie erg genoeg is nie, verander kinders kort daarna in tieners wat sommer niks van pa wil weet nie. Dis daardie slim stadium wat ‘n pa sommer na die motorhuis laat vlug of na die koerant laat gryp. Want skielik weet pa niks, het pa niks self ervaar of ontdek nie en was pa, bo alles, nooit self jonk en vol planne nie.
Jason Stander BOptom (RAU) FOA (SA) CAS (SA)
•Pensioner and Welfare packages available
We focus on family eyecare Father’s Day Special: 15% off on Men’s sunglasses for the month of June T: 015 297 7668 F: 086 547 0002 E: jsoptom@mweb.co.za Business hours: Mon to Fri: 08:00 to 17:30 Sat: 08:00 to 13:00 Shop 7, Cycad Centre, 114 Gen Maritz St, Polokwane (adjacent to Pick n Pay entrance)
Iemand wat nie onlangs ‘n tiener grootgemaak het nie, besef nie hoe maklik dit is om sommer hier tou op te gooi nie. Daar word soveel van mans verwag. Hulle moet sensitief wees en hulle gevoelens kan uitspreek, maar nie oorgee daaraan nie, anders moet hulle ‘anger management’ doen. Hulle moet kompeterend wees, maar nie aggressief nie. “Ons leef in ‘n vrouewereld,” vertel ‘n Tswana-kollega my. Vroue in sy kultuur, wat half aan die konserwatiewe kant was, is nou besig om volledig geëmansipeerd te word. Daar is nie meer plek vir mans nie, kla hy. Om die kersie op die koek vir hom te sit, moet va ders nog Vadersdag vanjaar met die jeug deel. Dis verseker nie maklik om deesdae ‘n man en ‘n pa te wees nie. Die eise is net soveel soos die hindernisse. ‘n Goeie pa, wat sy werk, hoe onbevredigend of frustrerend ook al, doen om vir sy gesin te sorg, mamma se geneul insluk en sy kop hoog hou om tieners te oorleef, word al skaarser. Inteendeel, dis ‘n bedreigde spesie. So, as jy die skaars spesie “Pa” of “Vader” of “Pappie” in jou huis het, onthou om hom Sondag behoorlik te bederf.
Closing Date: 29 November 2013
Focus on
Junie 13, 2013
Library Gardens
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Business profile>>
June 13, 2013 >> PAGE 20
Marten Gobey
Onderneming: >> Buco Hardware Polokwane Sapphire Hoe bly jy aan die voorpunt van die bedryf? >> Deur ingelig en betrokke te wees sodat proaktiewe besluite geneem kan word Wat is jou belangrikste sakebeginsels? >> Eerlike besigheid is gesonde en goeie besigheid Hoe hanteer jy laagtepunte in die ekonomie? >> Ek sien dit as ‘n uitdaging en fokus slegs op die positiewe
Polokwane to host Wealth Summit RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
olokwane’s rapid expansion compels businesspersons and entrepreneurs to always be on the lookout for opportunities to make money. The city’s hosting of the Wealth
Summit 2013 on 29 and 30 June will therefore provide a favourable opportunity for them to acquire important tools to be employed in the pursuance of wealth. The two day summit will be hosted at Tambati Conference Centre corner Church and Krokodil streets from 09:00 to 16:00. Mr Conray Labuschagne, owner of Work Your Wealth and main speaker at the Wealth Summit told Polokwane Observer that the summit is a once of a lifetime opportunity for business owners and entrepreneurs to gain valuable information and wealth tools to succeed in the current economy. “Not only is the summit appropriate for successful businessmen but people who think they only have a simple job at a company are also more than welcome. The summit will cover all aspects of successful businesses and an employee can also benefit as we will discuss how to be successful as an
ordinary employee at a company,” he said. Labuschagne has dedicated his life to self improvement, initially for himself, and then as he developed and grew more confident to help others. His quest for self improvement continues, and has seen him make no fewer than 13 trips to the United States of America (USA) to attend seminars held by some of the top personal trainers and experts in motivation and wealth creation in the USA, by whom he is mentored to this day. Labuschagne has proven his ability to successfully bring the leading experts together to benefit all attendees, specifically in his quest to help as many people possible in their quest to live a life of choice in all aspects. Labuschagne will be joined on stage by Messrs Rick Potgieter, Mark Wilkes, Kieron Sweeney, Andrew Eaton, John Broome and Ms Hilda de la Rosa.
These speakers will show and educate attendees on how to recognise an opportunity for success as soon as it appears, and how to act on it, how to stay on top of your game with the latest technology, talent and tactics, how to organise your way of thinking so that success is the inevitable outcome, how to achieve and then maintain complete financial freedom and a life of choice and how to plan your future and avoid would-be obstacles. Tickets can be bought from Shoprite, Checkers, Computicket or via the Wealth Summit website at www.wealthsummit.co.za. VIP tickets are available at R995 which include a free one-on-one interview with Labuschagne as well as a free ticket to the National Achiever Congress to be presented in Sandton by world known investor, entrepreneur and educator, Mr Robert Kiyosaki. Standard tickets are available at R495.
Reserve Bank cautious on economic growth and inflation WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) hosted the first of its 2013 Monetary Policy Forum (MPF) presentations in Limpopo for interested stakeholders at Pietersburg Club last Thursday. MPFs are held twice a year at all the major centres in the country with the aim of developing a better understanding of monetary policy. Through these forums, the SARB seeks to communicate to the various stakeholders how monetary policy works and explain the bank’s monetary policy stance for the preceding six months. The presentations also covered the outlook for inflation. The Reserve Bank’s MPF Committee Member, Mr Lesetja Kganyago said in subsequent months a range of prominent domestic factors have deteriorated, negatively impacting on the local economic landscape. Widespread labour
market instability has undermined confidence, investment and output. Weak export demand, lower terms of trade and sustained domestic spending have further led to a widening current account deficit on the balance of payments, and contributed to credit ratings downgrades. These domestic economic developments became the dominant drivers of the depreciating Rand, in turn helping to support domestic inflation running against the global trend. Despite a decent rebound in growth in the fourth quarter of 2012 from the poor outcome of the third quarter, growth in the first quarter of 2013 has turned out worse than expected. Investment had weakened by year end and has slowed further in the new year. Domestic short-term supply side indicators suggest modest economic growth in 2013 remaining fragile and below potential. Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth amounted to
0,9% in the first quarter of 2013. The SARB’s growth forecast for 2013, which was revised marginally upwards at the March Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting, was again lowered in May. The SARB’s forecast for growth at the May meeting was 2.4% with downside risks. With the latest data releases, this may need to be revised down at the next meeting of the MPC. Despite stronger inflation momentum over the short term, inflation expectations remain anchored around the upper end of the inflation target range of between three and six percent. Headline inflation levelled off at 5,9% from February through to April, with core inflation also expected to remain below six percent. The SARB monetary policy stance remains accommodative, taking into account a sustained negative output gap and inflation driven primarily by global factors, especially exchange rate movements.
Powerstar opens doors in the city BEN SNYMAN >> bensnyman.observer@gmail.com Powerstar recently expanded its fast growing worldwide dealership and service support network with the opening of its Limpopo branch in Polokwane. Powerstar Limpopo is in the capable hands of Operational Director, Mr Theuns Hanekom and Branch Administrator, Ms Bernadette Hanekom both of whom were previously involved in the steel industry. Theuns has 20 years of earthmoving and long and short haul transport experience while Bernadette boasts two decades of administrative experience. According to the Hanekoms Powerstar has proved itself over and over in the construction and mining industries and some of their trucks have more than a million working hours on the mines. Limpopo Powerstar endeavours to provide outstanding sales, service and parts to all existing and new clients with 95% of all parts being available at the depot. If a specific part is not available they will make sure it is available within 48 hours. They deliver on-site service and also have 24-hours assistanc and their workshop is open for repairs or service on any make of heavy vehicle or truck. According to Theuns their service costs are reasonable and workshop personnel have many years experience in the heavy vehicle industry. According to him they have the best prices on their parts and filter supplies. Their head office is anchored in Johannesburg and their assembly plant in the foothills of Pietermaritzburg. They have a growing dealership and service support network in South and Southern Africa to provide optimum service efficiency at its best. Limpopo Powerstar can comply to any specification and their trucks are available in 4x4, 6x4, 6x6 and 8x4 chassis cabs with a power range of 280, 350 and 420 hp concrete
Mr Theuns (Powerstar Operational Director) and Ms Bernadette Hanekom (Powerstar Administrator).
Workshop Foreman, Mr Morné Cloete.
Powerstar Regional Sales Manager, Mr Mike Hawkins.
Messrs Andre Hanekom and Derek Lubbe relaxing at the opening of Limpopo Powerstar.
Mr Mark Beukes, Head of Sales and Network at Powerstar.
Ms Ursula Henning represented Ergon Engineering.
mixers, tippers, skip loaders, water tankers, long haul truck tractors and flat bed trucks. Their trucks come standard with a 3 year or 300 000 km warranty and the cost of their trucks are much lower than other heavy vehicles available on the market. To date, there are more than 2 500 Powerstar units in operation in Southern Africa. Because of its ideal suitability for both on- and off-road applications, the majority of these trucks are deployed in construction and mining industries. The Powerstar credence is “trucks built to last” and they are known in the industry as nofrills workhorses. The simplistic design features and ease of maintenance make these ruggedly reliable Powerstars ideal for short to medium distance operations in the toughest of terrains. Their China-based supplier has more than
20 years of manufacturing experience and continues to consult with their South African office to ensure that their technical end designs and products are fit for the harsh local working conditions. Assembly at their Pietermaritzburg plant is conducted under strict quality assurance. High quality standards are maintained in accordance with ISO 9 000 standards. Their business environment at Limpopo Powerstar prides itself to cultivate high levels of ownership and accountability and encourages a self-perpetuating cycle of innovative thinking. It is built on trustworthiness, respect, collaboration and knowledge sharing. Limpopo Powerstar strives to provide excellent sales, services and parts to all existing and new clients.
June 13, 2013
Polokwane Observer
Motors profile>>
June 13, 2013 >> PAGE 22
Rudi Coetzee
Handelaar: Westvaal Polokwane Wat is die grootste uitdaging in die industrie? >> Om maand na maand met die opposisie te kompeteer Wat is belangrik om in ag te neem wanneer jy ‘n nuwe motor koop? >> Stel jou eie belange eerste Hoe bly julle aan die voorpunt van die bedryf? >> Deursettingsvermoë en harde werk
Toyota launches new RAV4 BEN SNYMAN >> bensnyman.observer@gmail.com
he new Toyota RAV4 was launched by Limpopo Toyota at the Farmyard Trading Post in the form of a morning tea held last Thursday. Attendees were taken for test drives and delicious snacks were served while the main topic of discussions was the new vehicle. Mr Ryno Jardin, Senior Sales Executive at Limpopo Toyota said the new RAV4 is a highly adaptive vehicle built for adventure. He says the RAV4 easily takes you through both suburban streets and the trails less travelled. “Whatever road you take, there’s a RAV4 for you, available in one of four models: 2.0 GX, 2.0 GX CVT, 2.2 D-4D GX and the 2.5 Auto VX,” Jardin said. He says from the unexpected busy suburban roads to twisting country routes the RAV4 is created to let you comfortably roar your way around and over life’s obstacles. Whether you like to spend your free time water-skiing at the dam, or mountain biking in the forests, both the 2.0 GX and 2.0 GX CVT can easily take you there. These models are two wheel drive crossovers with some serious Suburban Utility Vehicle attitude. But if you’re a city slicker with an adventurer’s soul, driven by the desire to blaze your own trail, hop into either the 2.2 D-4D GX or 2.5 Auto VX and make any adventure yours said Jardin. Both models are fully capable all wheel drive vehicles, at home in urban landscapes
and in out of town. According to Jardin you can get the 2.0 litre RAV4 engine in either a 6-speed manual transmission or a Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). In the two wheel drive, this engine has 107 kW of power at 6 200 r/min with torque of 187 Nm at 3 600 r/min. For more power, you can take the 2.2 litre diesel RAV4 with a 6-speed manual transmission, which utilises an AWD system. This engine has a powerful output of 110 kW at 3600 r/min with torque of 340 Nm at 2 000 to 2 800 r/min. For the ultimate RAV4 experience, the 2.5 litre petrol model is available. The transmission is a 6-speed automatic, AWD with 132 kW of power at 6 000 r/min and torque of 233 Nm at 4 100 r/min. He says no matter how harsh the environment you’re in is, you’ll be treated to a pleasant internal atmosphere, as all models have an air conditioner with pollen filters. The VX model’s air-conditioning system is automatic for your convenience, with separate controls for the driver and front-seat passenger. The VX will also ensure you and your front-seat passenger enjoy seat warmers on those cold winter nights. Whether it’s been a rough day or a day roughing it, enjoy returning to spacious comfort clothed in luxury. For the most current information on prices and specifications, as well as comprehensive information about products offered by Toyota contact Jardin on 015 292 9500.
The new RAV4 was launched by Limpopo Toyota at the Farmyard Trading Post last week.
Guests enjoy morning tea during the launch of the new RAV4 four at the Farmyard Trading Post last week.
Mr Ryno Jardin, Limpopo Toyota’s Senior Sales Executive sending off Ms Betty Mokghale on a test drive of the new RAV4.
FROM THE OFFICE TO THE GREAT OUTDOORS Highly adaptive. Brashly bold. And built for adventure. The new RAV4 easily takes you through both suburban streets and the trails less travelled.
Conquer both the concrete jungle and convert dirt roads, to make all experiences yours. From arriving in style at the trendiest restaurants, to pulling into the perfectly secluded kitesurfing spots, the RAV4 is ready for both the city and countryside adventure. * Pictures are for illustrative purposes only
Limpopo Toyota Pretoria N1 Highway - Motorcity
Tel: 015 292 9500 e-mail: bcahn@um.co.za www.limpopotoyota.co.za
June 13, 2013
Polokwane Observer
Mercedes Trophy provides plenty of exciting golf Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The Polokwane Golf Club hosted the prestigious Mercedes Trophy regional round on Friday with a big field of 100 golfers participating. The tournament is open to all registered Mercedes-Benz owners that have an official handicap with the South African Golf Association. The format was Individual Stableford with the winner of their respective division going on to play in the national finals in Mauritius. The winner of the national finals qualifies to play in the grand final at Stuttgart in Germany later this year. The A-Division was open to players with a Dumiso Buthelezi chips to the 18th green at Friday’s MerPhotos: Warren Blunt cedes Trophy. Theo du Plooy plays out of the bunker. handicap of nought to eight, the B-Division limited from nine to 16 and the C-Division contested by players with a handicap of 17 to 24. In a twist to the tale for the winners of the regional rounds, all winners must be in attendance to accept their prizes at the prize-giving ceremony, held soon after all the scores have been tallied by Diane Mark, the official score keeper for the Mercedes Trophy. This resulted in Thabo Shingange winning the A-Division after the winner failed to turn up for the prize giving. Phala Mosomane won the B-Division, while Willie Viljoen triumphed in the C-Division. All three winners are very excited to tee-off for the national finals in August. At the prize giving ceremony, Michael Glassberg, Dealer Thabo Shingange watches his putt on the ninth hole. He won Principal for Mercurius Motors Polokwane thanked all the staff Sam Maloka, Charles Mdluli and Theo Du Plooy pictured at the A-Division to qualify for the national finals in Mauritius. at their branch for helping to win the coveted Mercedes Chair- the tenth tee. man’s Award and the Dealer of the Year for 2012. He wished all the golfers that qualified for the national finals to have an enjoyable trip to Mauritius.
The three-ball of Johan Loubser, Matthews Mogafe and Harshad Mistry at the Mercedes Trophy regional round on Friday.
Gomolemo Moshoeu, Moipue Segooa, Sibongile Maremane and Norah Mapuya pictured before teeing off on the 10th hole.
A stunning Mercedes ML that was on display at the first hole during the Mercedes Trophy which was held at the Polokwane Golf Club on Friday.
The winners of the regional round of the Mercedes Trophy, here photographed with Dealer Principal of Mercurius Motors Polokwane Michael Glassberg, are Phala Mosomane (B-Division winner), Thabo Shingange (A-Division winner), Diane Mark (rules official), Jaco Coetzee (Sales Manager, Mercurius Motors Polokwane) and Willie Viljoen (C-Division winner).
Mercurius Motors Polokwane Tel: 015 299 9500 cnr N1 and Nelson Mandela Drive, Polokwane Email: jcoetzee@cargomotors.co.za
Mercurius Motors Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 5020 38 Peace Street, Tzaneen Email: ccoetzee@cargomotors.co.za
Willie Viljoen, winner of the C-Division with Micheal Glassberg of Mercedes Motors, Polokwane.
Polokwane Observer
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Home of pre-loved cars
Junie 13, 2013
national / Views on provincial / local issues
Polokwane Observer het inwoners hul opinie gevra oor Afrikatale wat van volgende jaar deel van die verpligte kurrikulum sal wees. Polokwane Observer asked people for their opinion about African languages becoming a part of the compulsory school curriculum from next year.
Mnr Peet Bredenkamp: “Dit is goed dat Afrikatale in skole geleer word maar omdat die leerders reeds soveel vakke het is daar min tyd om nog vakke in te pas.”
Me Dalene van der Vyfer: “Dit sal goed wees as die kinders Afrikatale leer want dan kan almal mekaar verstaan en saampraat.”
Me Christa Venter: Ek steun die besluit, maar dit gaan nie maklik wees nie omdat daar baie veranderinge sal moet plaasvind soos ekstra leerkragte en ekstra periodes.”
Ms Dinah Magongwa: “I really hope that they will be able to implement it as it can be good for the learners to better understand each other’s culture.”
Me Kathy Grobler: “Kinders moet eerder hul moedertaal leer en op ander vakke fokus as om vreemde tale aan te leer wat na skool nie veel vir hulle gaan beteken nie.”
Mnr Johan van Biljon: “Dit is belangrik dat ons verder as ons onmiddellike omgewing kyk. Ek sou graag ‘n Afrikataal magtig wou wees, maar dit was my nie beskore nie.”
Ms Rebecca Mashiane: “It is the best thing that they can do for our children. They must grow up knowing their African languages.”
Mnr Ruan Gouws: “Dit is altyd goed om soveel tale moontlik te leer en te praat. Niemand kan dan agter jou rug skinder nie.”
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Premier launches Provincial Youth Day HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
he Provincial Government in partnership with various stakeholders will commemorate National Youth Day at Mameriri Sports ground at Ga-Sekgopo in Mopani on Sunday. Premier Cassel Mathale made the announcement on Friday when he launched Provincial Youth Month at Greenside Primary School. Mathale took the opportunity to advise young people to stop complaining about unemployment and make use of opportunities provided by government in order to improve their lives. He also urged them to support each other as the youth of 1976 did in pursuit of a
Premier Cassel Mathale during the launch of Youth Month at Greenside Primary School on Friday.
Junie 13, 2013 NEWS >> Youth must polokwane become captains of industry >> Too many youths still fall outside the economic mainstream
democratic state that delivers on the expectations of its people. “We are aware of the challenges faced by young people and we will continue to highlight the plight of young people and also share information that will aid in addressing the socio-economic difficulties affecting our society in general,” Mathale said. “We have long acknowledged that many of our young people are still without jobs and continue to struggle in acquiring adequate skills required by the economy. In actual fact a noticeable number of our young generation cannot seize the opportunities presented by our democracy mainly because of limited education, shortage of necessary skills, proper mentoring and encouragement,” he
added. The Premier also said that the National Development Plan acknowledges that a large number of young people still fall outside the economic mainstream. He said the number of successful young entrepreneurs in the country is insignificant despite existing support structures which supply information and funding for projects initiated and led by youth. He referred to the National Youth Development Agency whose task it is to ensure that young people are skilled both as providers of labour and creators of job opportunities. “This means that our youth must become captains of their industries,” Mathale concluded.
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Polokwane Observer
Junie 13, 2013
Maaltyd geskik vir ’n koning OBSERVER 27 Junie 13, 2013
Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@gmail.com
e Irene Duvenhage en haar man, Toon is geen onbekendes as dit by kosmaak kom nie. Hulle het die beoordelaars met gevulde tamaties met ‘n joghurtsous vir voorgereg, ‘n beesvleisverrassing met patats vir hoofgereg en gebraaide piesang vir nagereg bederf tydens die My Limpopo Kombuis-braaikompetisie. Voorgereg: 250 ml broodkrummels, gekapte koljander, 30 ml songedroogde tama-
“Moenie dat die lewe in die pad van lewe staan nie, word ‘n bloedskenker” Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@gmail.com “Elke jaar vier ons Bloedskenkermaand in Junie waartydens die gemeenskap bedank word vir hul bedra en ons seker maak ons boodskap bereik diegene wat nog nie as skenkers én lewensredders geregistreer is nie,” sê me Dottie Pinn, skakelbeampte van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens (SANBD). Die bloeddiens het‘n besige maand wat voorlê met die bloedskenkkompetisie tussen Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) en Pietersburg Laerskool wat die plaaslike bloedbank se bloedvoorraad jaarliks ‘n groot hupstoot gee. Op die koop toe is môre (Vrydag) Wêreldbloedskenkdag en Pinn doen ‘n beroep op almal om hul moue vir die diens op te rol. Mobiele klinieke word regoor die provinsie beplan en plaaslike skenkers kan op 17 Junie Savannah Mall en op 21 Junie Limpopo Mall besoek en selfs ‘n geskenkie kry. Van 26 tot 29 Junie word ‘n reuse mobiele kliniek by Mall of the North beplan wat ook promosies tydens Bloedskenkmaand aanbied. Die bloedskenksentrum in Potgieterlaan 153 kan Maandae, Donderdae en Vrydae van 09:00 tot 17:00, Dinsdae en Woensdae van 10:00 tot 19:00 en Saterdae van 09:00 tot 13:00 besoek word. “Baie dankie aan elke bloedskenker wat tyd afstaan om ‘n lewe te red. Moenie dat lewe in die pad van lewe staan nie, word ‘n bloedskenker,” sê Pinn. Vir meer besonderhede of om as ‘n skenker betrokke te raak skakel hul kantore by 015 297 3636.
ties in olyfolie, 4 tamaties en olyfolie. Sny die bokante van die tamaties af en hol uit. Sit die vulsel in en rooster vir 15 minute in ‘n bak. Meng intussen die volgende: 250 ml ongegeurde joghurt, ½ fyngekapte rooiui, 15 ml suurlemoensap, 5 ml komyn, 1 fyngekapte knoffelhuisie, sout, peper en kruisementblare na smaak. Gooi joghurtsous oor gevulde tamaties net voor bediening. Hoofgereg: 6 beesfilette, 10 ml knoffel, 30 ml sojasous, 30 ml olyfolie, 40 g sampioensoppoeier, 180 ml soetwyn, vars tiemie en swartpeper. Vryf die vleis met knoffel en bedrup met olyfolie en sojasous. Bedek en laat staan oornag in die yskas. Plaas een filet op foelie en gooi 10 ml van die soppoeier, 30 ml wyn, uieringe, tiemie en swartpeper op. Bedek die vleis met die foelie en braai oor die kole vir 10 minute. Kruiebotter wat saam met patats opgedien word: 30 ml gekapte vars pietersielie, 10 ml gekapte knoffel, 4 songedroogde tamaties, 2 gekapte brandrissies, 10 ml gekapte roosmarynblare, 15 ml suurlemoensap, 2 ml rissiepoeier, 250 g sagte botter en sout na smaak. Meng alles behalwe die botter in ‘n voedselverwerker en voeg die botter by. Skep op kleefplastiek, draai toe en verkoel. Rooster patat in foelie tot gaar en bedien met kruiebotter. Die kompetisie is deur mnr Dirk Liebenberg, direkteur van Hulp In Elke Behoefte (Hieb) geloods om fondse vir dié vereniging in te samel.
Polokwane Observer is die mediaborg. Op 1 Augustus, tydens ‘n gholfdag ten bate van Hieb, sal die drie topbraaiers sake uitspook. Teen die einde van die kompetisie gaan die organiseerders ‘n resepteboek saamstel wat die braaiers se resepte vervat. Die wins van die kompetisie, sowel as die resepteboek, word aan Hieb geskenk. Vir meer besonderhede kan My Limpopo Kombuis se faceboekblad besoek word of Liebenberg kan by 081 707 7467 geskakel word. Borge is ook welkom om hul steun aan die projek toe te sê. Voorgereg.
Foto’s: Voorsien
Mnr Dirk Liebenberg en me Irene Duvenhage.
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Katryn Barwise on a mission to save the planet Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@gmail.com “To clean up our environment was totally worth it,” said Katryn Barwise, a regional finalist of Miss Earth South Africa 2013 and her fellow contestants recently joined in a massive cleanup operation of historical spaces around Johannesburg. The initiative preceded current Miss Earth South Africa, Tamerin Jardin’s trip to Côte d’Ivoire to attend World Environment Day celebrations there. The Miss Earth South Africa organisation has been involved in this project for years and Barwise said being part of this initiative is a privilege. The beauties, geared with heavy duty gloves and black bags climbed the Melville Koppies wearing gumboots in their quest to help save the planet. “We should all raise awareness to get people to realise the negative effects littering has on our environment because together we can make a difference,” Barwise said. Photo: Supplied
Ms Katryn Barwise, a regional finalist of Miss Earth South Africa 2013 photographed during a recent cleanup campaign in which she and her fellow contestants participated in Johannesburg.
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PROPERTIES June 13, 2013 >> Page 28
Property profile>> Agentskap: Aïda Polokwane Watter advies het jy vir voornemende eerste kopers? >> Koop eiendom wat jy kan bekostig Waaraan skryf jy jou sukses as eiendomsagent toe? >> Vriendelikheid, eerlikheid, ondervinding, doelgerigtheid en geloof Hoe gaan die mark waarskynlik binne die volgende vyf jaar verander? >> Dit mark lyk positief en sal nog Brenda Koekemoer groei
Things homeowners should consider when selling property I
t goes without saying that homeowners who decide to sell their property would want to sell it for the best possible price
ANTON 082 443 6039
15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: polokwane@aidasa.co.za Website: www.aida.co.za
MAX Southern Africa said in a recent media release. “The past financial challenges of the recession along with stricter legislation imposed on those within the property industry have weeded out the ‘bad apples’ leaving professionals who truly have a passion for what they do, for the most part. It is still important that sellers choose an agent that they are comfort-
ROSEMARY 082 804 9725
Tel: 015 295 3134
GELUK • R4 400 000 A MAGNIFICENT 9.145 HA PLOT!! In a prime position with a great view. A spacious swimming pool and a very nice entertainment area. The house is very cool, spacious, neat with a very nice entrance and a superb garden! A second 3 bedroom house with a jacuzzi and spacious verandah. Included a 55kVA, generator connected to both the houses. Near schools and stables for horse riding! Phone your friendly by nature agent.
BRENDA • 082 696 9227
FLORA PARK • R1 190 000
LESEDI PARK • R530 000
GRETHA • 082 802 1874
Big family home with nice big kitchen, open-plan living areas and a study. Well built with high celings and a swimming pool. To view call me.
INA • 079 597 8636
Ideal for newly wed couple and a sizable family. Close to all amenities such as schools, churches, supermarket and parks. Secured by walls right round and doors protected by burglar bars. More for your money .
JACOB • 082 466 8366
BENDOR • R1 720 000 Impressive well designed townhouse with lots of of cupboards and quality finishes. Open-plan modern kitchen with granite tops and living space extended with patio and built-in braai. Private garden will delight every member of your family. Close to shopping centres. Easy access to main roads. Make this entertainers’ delight yours.
DENDRON • R2 750 000
AN EXCELLENT BUY 1013 M² STAND A big family home. The home you have been waiting for. This house is close to a shopping mall and medical facilities. Modern facade, very clean inside and outside. Call now to view.
JAMES • 072 236 7310
FAUNA PARK • R1 100 000
Well suited for breeding scarce game species or keeping farm for game captures. Stocked with ordinary game species. Far from settlements and well operating farm guard system. Only 20km away from the nearest town. Large renovated old farm house with luxurious lapa, neat fences, sufficient water for animals and gardening.
KOWIE • 082 854 0452
M HOSPITAL PARK • R1 380 000
POLOKWANE • R2 470 000 A STUNNING DEPARTURE FROM THE ORDINARY MAKE NATURE YOUR NEIGHBOUR: This 8.5Ha plot is a good address with easy access to freeway and near Polokwane,homestead fenced with electric gate. Ample accommodation with 2 HOUSES a total of 8 en-suite bedrooms large entertainment area. 1 Lapa, Boma, Koidam and duck pond. Don’t miss this one! Very well priced.
SIAS • 082 372 7265
M LADANNA • R700 000
SIAS • 082 372 7265
SHEPSTONE • 072 458 4524
ELMARIE 082 977 7020
A WONDER TOWNHOUSE IN LADANNA. Young and old. Close to medical centre, school and a shopping centre. Very secure small complex. Call now to avoid disappointment.
LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632
Beginners’ and speculators’ choice. Walking distance for kids to schools and shops. Walled around and secure. Stop here.
Various houses & townhouses LOTS OF immediately OFFICE SPACE available!
WELL PRICED FAMILY HOME AND FLATLET IN SOUGHT AFTER AREA This is for the family that needs a spacious house and garden. Near to schools, hospital, shopping centres and an abundance of amenities. Spacious living rooms, bedrooms and a large flatlet. Lock-up garages for 4 cars, storeroom, lapa and strong borehole. Don’t miss this one. Please phone Sias at 082 372 7265
SNAP THIS UP! This spacious property is very well positioned. Large stand. Well maintained and has a lovely yard. Fully fenced. Lots of paving. Close to all amenities. Don’t hesitate, Call!
SIMON • 082 476 8916
VELDSPAAT • R4 722 300 INVESTORS DREAM! RARE TO FIND! 6 996m² vacant land zoned industrial. In a corporate complex, well sought after and situated along N1 road, ease of access and currently undergoing services installation. It’s worth every cent, call for viewing arrangement! VICTOR • 073 066 6805
BUY A STAND FROM R169 950 AND BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME TODAY Package 1: 40m² 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom FROM R361 950 Package 2: 50m² 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Separate Toilet FROM R404 950 Package 3: 60m² 3 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom, Separate Toilet FROM R448 950 Package 4: 70m² 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms FROM R494 950 MANY OTHER OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM PHONE NOW TO SECURE YOUR HOME
Everything we touch turns to SOLD! INTERN ESTATE AGENTS
HENNIE HANTI BRENDA JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 082 696 9227 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874
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able with and trust enough to assist them in getting the best return on their investment. Working with the right agent will simplify the process and make it far less overwhelming,” he added. The question is how does a seller know who the right agent is for them? Goslett said that there are a few things that a seller can look out for when making that decision. “As a general rule, it is good to look out for agents who work specifically in the area in which the home is situated, as they will have a good working knowledge of the area and a list of potential buyers who would potentially like to purchase property there.” Phone the number given on a sign board or visit the local agency office to speak to agents and get an idea of who they are. It is essential that there is trust between the agent and the seller and that the seller and agent are able to communicate effectively. It is important for both to be able to discuss matters openly and honestly. According to Goslett the seller should talk to the agent about how they intend to market the property. “This is important because it will have an impact on how many buyers want to view the property and how long it stays on the market. The longer a property is on the market, the less likely it is that the seller will get their asking price,” he explained. Another suggestion is to look at whether the agent or brand lists properties on a national website or just the smaller local ones, as the more exposure the home gets, the higher the chance there is of finding a suitable buyer. Goslett noted that once the seller has found an agent they feel they want to work with, it’s time to have the property evaluated. This valuation should be based on the location of the property, current market conditions and the average price that similar houses have recently sold for in the area. An over evaluation will only prolong or kill the sale of the property by chasing away potential buyers. Beware of agents that give high valuations just to secure a sole mandate on the property. “Don’t forget to discuss and agree upon commission upfront.” Although it may be tempting don’t choose an agent just because they offer the lowest commission rate. The commission should be based on whether the agent fulfilled their mandate and how well that was executed. He added that it is also important to remember that agents from larger, reputable agencies offer the backing, experience, considerable marketing benefits and access to a bigger database of potential buyers that only a large company can offer. The type of mandate that will be given to the agent is also important. “Come to an agreement that works for both parties. And remember that a good agent will present you with a marketing plan that they believe will help them fulfil the obligations of the mandate,” Goslett concluded.
To Let
and within the shortest period of time. “Of course the phase that the market is in and where the home is situated will have a massive impact on the ability to achieve those objectives. However, another important determining aspects that the homeowner will have more control over is the real estate agent they choose to work with through the process,” Mr Adrian Goslett, Chief Executive Officer of RE/
>> Working with the right agent will simplify the process and make it far less overwhelming
OFFICE TO LET 162m² Platinum Park Contact Maria on 015 297 4829 or 083 625 8441
June 13, 2013
Manie 082 809 3850
Polokwane Observer
Gert 083 386 6383
Hosea 072 485 5155
MariĂŤtte 082 200 5227
Charmaine 082 780 5844
Sunet 083 941 7357
Kwena 076 090 9530
Louisa 082 372 5976
Shale 079 403 9713
Hannes 082 594 3159
Christo 082 372 7473
Melani 084 250 1300
Kgomotso 083 264 7038
Tracy 082 893 5666
Sindile 076 062 9454
Louise 071 609 6256
Sandy 083 268 7436
RenĂŠ 082 884 1776
Sonja 082 572 1202
Polokwane Observer
Junie 13, 2013
CONTACT TERESA 082 773 9274 015 297 0186
We are looking for properties to let and for sale (residential & commercial). Kindly contact us during office hours from 08:00 till 16:00, Monday to Friday
EDUAN PARK- R1 520 000 Lovely property, neat as a pin, offering 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, TV room, dining room, kitchen with scullery and pantry. Guest bathroom, double garage and carport, garden and patio.
FLORA PARK - R1 185 000 Charming family home consisting of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, entrance hall, lounge, TV room, dining room, kitchen with scullery, double garage, extra parking space, solar system, alarm system and well secured trellis doors, borehole, very neat and cosy home.
NIRVANA - R3 425 000.00 Double-storey house, style and grace abound in this remarkable 3 bedroom house: master bedroom and 1 bedroom en suite with spacious walkin dressing room, full bathroom and lots of big cupboards, plus another full bathroom, entrance hall, lounge , TV room, dining room, very modern kitchen with granite tops, eye level oven and separate room with gas stove, separate breakfast area leading out to courtyard, scullery, laundry room, maid’s quarters, house fully secured with trellis doors and burglar bars, 3 garages and large patio outside. Upstairs has a large entertainment room. Very neat and well maintained home.
COMMERCIAL NEW SHOPPING MALL: MANKWENG ANCHOR TENANT: SHOPRITE – OPENING SOON. 3x 120m² @ R100.00m² (excl Vat) 5x 200m² @ R67.50m² (excl Vat) 1 x 555m² @ R80.00m² (excl Vat) WAREHOUSES 525m² - R23 625 (excl Vat) 277m² - R12 465 (excl Vat) Available immediately LADINE 500m² - R17 500.00 (excl Vat) Available Immediately NIRVANA 125m² - R5 263.16 (excl Vat) Available 1st July 2013 RETAIL SHOPS Prime Spot Landdros Maré St - 1st Floor 250m² @ R45.00m² (excl Vat) Available immediately Prime Spot Schoeman St 235m² @ R95.00m² (excl Vat) Available Immediately OFFICES 3x ± 130m² @ R70.00m² (excl Vat) Available immediately BODORP 1x 63.18m² @ R120.00m² (excl Vat) 2x 88.59m² @ R120.00m² (excl Vat) Available immediately RESIDENTIAL BODORP - TOWNHOUSE R5 200.00 pm 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen, lounge and dining room. Secured area. NO PETS. Available Immediately. FLAT - R4 500.00 pm 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen, lounge and dining room. No Garage. Available Immediately. Fully Furnished self catering units available on monthly basis.
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Marianna 083 083 268 268 5097 5097
082 082 396 396 7178 7178
Marianna 083 083 268 268 5097 5097
082 082 804 804 4156 4156 082 082 577 577 6417 6417
Michelle 082 303 9111
SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME This comfortable family home has a spot for everyone in the family. Mom’s kitchen, dad’s braai, kids sparkling pool and big garden.
R2 733 000 CYCAD ESTATE 360m² HOME Priced reduced. Cosy, comfortable, 3 bedroom home. Swimming pool, aircon, servant’s facilities and 2 garages. Stand 750 m².
R3 280 000 FOR NEWLYWEDS OR FIRST TIME BUYERS Open-plan kitchen with scullery, newly tiled 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Double garage, braai, servant’s toilet plus 1 300 m² stand + borehole.
R984 000 A LIFESTYLE CHOICE YOU WON’T REGRET! This comtemporary home is conveniently situated in security estate. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lovely big kitchen, living room, patio with built-in braai & private 1 bedroom flatlet. If nothing but the best satisfies you, look no further.
R3 830 000
Erika 082 953 1686
Cornel 082 396 7178
STUNNINGLY MODERN Phase 2 - Hidden elegance, architect designed units with modern minimalist feel! Optionals include a pool and many more.
082 082 953 953 1686 1686
PRICES FROM R1 660 000
LOVELY THATCHED ROOF PROPERTY WITH COTTAGE IN BENDOR 5 Bedrooms, lovely open-plan living + dining area, large entertainment area with built-in bar, pool and braai area, kitchen with gas stove, granite tops, pantry and separate scullery/laundry, 1 bedroom cottage with bathroom, servant’s room + bathroom, double garage + carport.
082 082 303 303 9111 9111
R1 850 000
CYCAD ESTATE 700 m² HOME Excellent property in superb estate. All you desire under one roof. Price reduced. Solid rose wood cupboards. Blinds, jacuzzi, sauna, central airconditioning, heated swimming pool. Gas braai, coffee bar, 6 aircons, 4 garages, all this on 1 050 m² stand.
SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME 5 Sunny bedrooms, 3 modern bathrooms, 3 living areas plus study, double garage and sparkling pool plus lapa.
082 082 396 396 7178 7178
083 083 268 268 5097 5097
R6 014 000
R1 530 000
Marié Marlene Marianna 082 804 4156 082 577 6417 083 268 5097
Die grootbaas van Old Mutual in Limpopo, mnr Johann Loubser (links voor) en Old Mutual Polokwane-spanleier, me Mathilda Malan (middel voor), het die personeel van Polokwane Observer verlede week op lekkernye trakteer nadat aangekondig is dat die koerant vir die vierde agtereenvolgende jaar met die louere weggestap het as die beste korporatiewe plaaslike koerant in Suid-Afrika. FOTO: ELNA ESTERHUYSEN
Huge Family Home Incl: 2 Bedroom,2 Bathroom Flat Pool Lapa Bar Borehole too much to mention!! Come and see for yourself 2 FoR THe PRiCe oF 1 A bargain @ R 1908 000 Do you Have TeenageRs?? Do THey
WooDHill esTaTe Stands for Sale STANDS FROM: R299 000 Sizes from: 403 - 840m2 CelTiC meaDoWs esTaTe Stands for Sale from STANDS FROM: R330 000 Sizes from: 530 - 860m2
Have FRienDs oveR RegulaRy??
THEN THIS IS FOR YOU!!! In-house 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom Lounge and balcony + 4 bedrooms lounge, dining, beautiful Kitchen Pool, bachelor Flat etc. A MUST SEE
own this property for only R2 120 000. Just move in and bring along granny!!
Balule - live insiDe a naTuRe ReseRve WiTH THe mosT BeauTiFul vieWs FRom youR sToeP Piece of paradise 21ha farm. Farmhouse, Eskom Electricity, Borehole.
JUST PROPERTY GROUP - JUST FOR YOU • CALL US TODAY FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS. AGENTS: Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 / Letting - Charmaine 079 529 7841 OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail: ansie.pietersburg@justpropertygroup.co.za
PROPERTY SERVICES • EIENDOMSDIENSTE APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za
CONTACT SAN - 072 159 5126
KONTAK STEPHEN - 082 558 3525
1) SERALA VIEW: R 1 100 000.00 Leefareas: 3 Slaapkamers: 3 Badkamers: 2 Motorhuis 2) OLD FLORAPARK: R1,300 000.00 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Double garage Living areas: 3 Scullery, kitchen, study, borehole, irrigation, electric fencing, pool, lapa 3) PENINA PARK: R1,450 000.00 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 2 PLUS 2 bedroom flat
FARMS / PLOTS FOR SALE HUISE 1) 2 213m² SENTRAAL DORP: Res 3 sonering - R3,500 000.00 (Ohb) 2) Huis: SENTRAAL DORP: Val in Mediese Node. R2,500 000.00 (Reeds gesoneer) Res 3 (1665m²) PLOTTE 1) LEEUKUIL: Kaal plot 10ha. 2) PLOT: 20 ha Groot huis 4 x woonstelle. R2,600 000 3) LEEUKUIL: 8,5 ha, 3 slaapkamers. PLASE 1) LEGKRAAL: ± 380 ha Beesplaas. Baie potensiaal met netjiese huis. Maak ‘n aanbod. 2) TOM BURKE: 810 ha Beesplaas R5 300 000.00 Wildsplaas - Geen grondeise, Buffel-/renostervrystelling. 3) STERKRIVER: ± 850 ha Wildsplaas R12,000 000 of naaste aanbod! Groot huis, berg, rivier, slote, koppe. Ongelooflike natuur. Geen grondeise. Binneplaas. 4) 12 km van stad ± 55 ha - Huis/woonstel, krale, kampe
1) 2 ha PLOT: TWEEFONTEIN: Moderne oopplan 3 slaapkamer huis, mooi kombuis, 2 badkamers, stoep met braai PLUS werkswinkel. Sterk boorgat, Elektries omhein. Prys: R1,600 000.00 2) 507 ha Besproeiingsplaas in POLOKWANE / DENDRON omgewing, 18,5 ha onder spilpunt besproeiing, 2 wooneenhede, stoor, werkswinkel en pakstoor. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. Prys: R6,300 000.00 3) 490 ha Beesplaas naby POLOKWANE met groot netjiese woonhuis, 2de woonhuis en 4 woonstelle, store, groot damme, uitstekende ligging. Prys: R6,000 000.00 4) Neat 3 bedroom house in FLORA PARK with 3 bedrooms, study, 2 bathrooms, 3 living rooms, double garage, swimming pool, lapa, braai area, electric fencing, strong borehole, irrigation with beautiful garden. Come and see!! Price: R1,350 000.00
1) Bendor: Townhouse: R5,000.00 Immediately Duplex, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Double garage 2) Marula Heights: House: R6,800.00 Immediately Open-plan living area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, NO garages. 3) Flats: Compensatie St: Bachelor: R2,615.00 - Immediately
KONTAK MATIE - 083 271 5259
CONTACT SAN 072 159 5126
CONTACT STEPHEN TEl: 015 287 3300
Industrieël/Industrial: 1) Laboria: 4,700m² yard with 2,400m² warehouse 2) Prime industrial warehouse, 1200m² plus 200m² office on Dendron Road 3) For Sale: 10 ha plot with potential for industrial development on Tzaneen road. 4) Verskeie onontwikkelde industriële erwe Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking - Prime 2) Offices CBD from 90m² to 400m² 3) Hans van Rensburg Street - 100m²
June 13, 2013
Polokwane Observer
Saam met PHS-skoolhoof, mnr Willie Schoeman (middel) in die bak van ‘n laaigraaf wat deur JCB Polokwane geborg is, is mnr Marius Thiart (JCB), Christine Krüger (hoofdogter), Juandré Viljoen (hoofseun) en mnr Johan Bornman (JCB). FOTO: VERSKAF
PHS-skoolhoof vier 58ste verjaardag RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Mnr Willie Schoeman, skoolhoof van die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS), is onlangs deur die senior Verteenwoordigende Leerlingraad (VLR) met sy 58ste verjaardag bederf. Omdat Schoeman in die eksamen op 22 Junie verjaar, het die VLR besluit om sy verjaardag die Vrydag voor die eksamen te vier. Volgens sy vrou en PHS-skakelbeampte, Anna-Marié het die VLR met JCB Polokwane gereël dat Schoeman in die bak van ‘n laaigraaf na die A-rugbyveld vervoer word waar hy die geleentheid gekry het om sy vernuf met radiobeheerde modelvliegtuie te toets wat deur JRC Models en Area 51 Vliegklub in die stad geborg is. Schoeman het die VLR en betrokke maatskappye bedank.
OFFICE SPACE Ground level office available in CBD 211m² @ R65/m², with shaded parking.
Phone 082 821 2053
FOR SALE FOR SALE 1. HOUSES FROM R750 000 BENDOR VILLAGE 2. and FARMS available R PLOTS 3 950 000 3. TOWNHOUSES This beautiful fully Dorp - 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen, fenced family home yard and garage. R700 000 offers 4 bedrooms, Bendor - 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, 3 living yard and carport. R500 000 areas, -study, dining Bendor 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living area, patio room, kitchen, sculwith braai, kitchen, small yard and carport. lery, pantry, laundry, R650 000
storeroom, outside shower and toilet, 2 TO± LET garages, carport for 4 vehicles, extra room
Residential with bathroom, pool and irrigation. Bendor - 3 Bedroom TO house with 2 bathrooms, study, LET lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, outside toilet & 1 Bedroom Flat with shower, pool and double garage. R7 600-00p/m living -area, kitchen Bendor 3 Bedroom Townhouse with 2 bathrooms, livand bathroom – ing area, kitchen and 1 carport in secure complex. electrically fenced. R5 600-00p/m R3200-00p/m Bendor - 3 Bedroom townhouse with 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen and garage in secure complex. Spacious 4 Bedroom House R4 with 3 bath070-00p/m rooms, -33 Bedroom living areas, balBendor housescullery/laundry, with 1 bathroom, 2 living cony, kitchen, kitchen,lapa, double garage. R11000-00p/m areas, Wendy house and 2 carports with electrical fencing. R5 000-00p/m 3 Bedr House with 2 bathrs, study, living URGENTLY WANTED!!! Al kindsentertainment of property to rent. If you have ascullery, property area, room, kitchen, that you want to let or knowwith of someone who and has, laundry, outside room bathroom please me.R9350-00p/m doublecontact garage.
25A Biccard Street • Tel: 015 295 0420/21 Jackie ROOMS Compensatie St Elim Lennard St Ferns Place Leighvale Schoemanstr Schoemanstr La Phylle Sudlow Place Serala Village Eagles Heights Serala Village Iris
R1 800 R2 600 R2 800 R3 250 R3 400 R8 500 R10 500 R4 000 R4 000 R4 000 R4 700 R4 800 R5 500
Immediately Immediately 01/05/2013 01/07/2013 01/06/2013 Dadelik Dadelik 01/07/2013 Immediately Immediately Immediately Immediately 01/06/2013
HUIS Plein Street
Rooms Bachelor Bachelor 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport, private garden 1 Slp, 1 bad/k, ten volle gemeubileerd 2 Slp, 1 bad/k, ten volle gemeubileerd 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, garage. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 bedr, 1 bathr, parking. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage, garden. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, parking. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage, lapa with braai, garden
R6 500
Pala Street,
R7 150
Boshoff Street
R8 800
3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, dining, TV room, study, kitchen, double garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, 2 lounges, dining, kitchen, alarm 3 Bedr, 2½ bathr, kitchen, dining, lounge, scullery, double garage and 3 carports.
Polokwane Observer
072 544 8836
ACACIA ESTATES: R540 000: A 812 m² stand. BENDOR - R540 000 - Ready to build your own fairy tale home? 908m² Stand. TWEEFONTEIN - R1 940 000 - Always wanted to live on a plot? 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom house, strong borehole, pool, lapa, 3 carports and a big store. POPULAR BODORP PRICE REDUCED R2 100 000 - Charming! Renovated! Spacious! Lush garden, 4 bedr, pool, borehole. Phone straight away. MYNGENOEGEN: R1 800 000: An 8,5 ha plot. Strong borehole, a roomy house and a 1 bedroom flat. Fenced, good security, well located. WELGELEGEN: R1 288 000: Want to feel like you’re living in a house and not a townhouse? Well, this 3 bedr, 2 bathr townhouse with 2 garages is just that!.
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BIG Specials
082 388 1336
Rita Prinsipaal Prinsipaal
295-4537, Fax: 015 291-1166 TEL: TEL: 015 015 295-4537 FAKS: 015 291 1166 7A HANS VAN RENSBURG STREET / STRAAT 7A 7A HANS VAN RENSBURG STREET / STRAAT 7A
SECURITY COMPLEX - FULL TITLE WOONSTELLE / FLATS - R910 000 TEL: 015room, 295 4537/082 900 22449 Lounge/dining 4 bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, tandemTOWN garage, Wendy house. R2 510 - Bachelor flat with kitchen- and bathroom. SILVERKRUIN BARGAIN R1 180 000 PRIME AREA Water and electricity at municipality. Walking Entrance, lounge, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, distance from town. large kitchen, dining room, scullery/laundry, R33300 - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, loungebathroom. and kitchgarages. Flat: 2 Rooms, kitchen, en. Water included. Immediately available. TOWNHOUSE - EXCELLENT - R800 000 HOSPITAL PARK - BENDOR 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM R2 750,lounge, dining room,2kitchen, carport plus Wendy house FLATS AVAILABLE. in security area. OOST ST - PHONE TODAY TO VIEW!!000 TOWNHOUSE - BENDOR - R670 R3 3902- Bedrooms, Quiet complex! 1 Bedroom, bathroom, 1 bathroom, garage. INcarport. TOWN - FLATS lounge, kitchen, Prepaid water, electricity R740 000: 3 Bedrooms, included.2 bathrooms, garage. R800 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage R3 900 - 000: Spacious 2 bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, and many more. dining room, kitchen and carport. TOWNHOUSES IN TOWN fromElectricity to R465included. 000 bachelor, 3 bedrooms - R890 000. THE COTTAGE PENINA PARK TOWNHOUSES R4 520 - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen - EXCELLENT and carport.R645 Prepaid electricity. Available 1 Aug. 000 - R715 000 MEENTHUISE/TOWNHOUSE - R750 000 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. TEL: 015 295 4537/082 900 -2449 BACHELOR TOWNHOUSE SECURE - R430 000 R3 550 to LADANNA 2AREA BEDROOMS FROM 1 Bedroom, bathroom, area, R31950 PHONE kitchen/living NOW!! carport. IVY PARK IN TOWN - GROBLER ST - NEAR R3 800 - 2 Slaapkamers, badkamer, sitkamer, SCHOOLS - PRICE REDUCED kombuis, TV kamer, afdak en - R1 910 000 - STAND 2 lapa. 084 m² Entrance, lounge,BLOSSOM dining room, study, CHERRY 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, R4 550 - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge,scullery, dining 3 garages, servants quarters, alarm, borehole, room, kitchen, scullery, 2 carports, safe complex. irrigation. 3 BEDROOMS/SLAAPKAMERS IRIS AMADEUS - GOOD BUY R5 305- R1 - 3 Bedrooms, lounge, dining 050 000 2- bathrooms, PRICE REDUCED Lounge, dining 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, room androom, carport. Water included.
R5 325 - 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge and kitchen. Garage. R6 400 - Bendor. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge and kitchen. Garage. Prepaid electricity.
2 garages, big entertainment EAGLES CREST area. PENINA PARK - SHINGWEDZI R8 000 - Newly built, modern duplex! 3PLAINS Bedrooms, EXCELLENT - R645 000 3 2bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen and Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen/nook, garage. Prepaidverandah. power. scullery, 1 carport, FLORA PARKHUISE/HOUSES - BARGAIN - R1 075 000 NEAT, EXCELLENT Tel:-015 295 4537 / 082 900 2449 Entrance, lounge, dining room, 4 bedrooms, CAPRICORN full bathrooms, kitchen, scullery, pantry, R52 900 - 3 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, sitkamer/ 2 garages, storeroom, fenced. Borehole, patio, eetkamer, kombuis. Afdak. Dadelik beskikbaar. swimming pool. R7 340 - 3PARK Bedrooms, 1 ½ bathrooms, dinFLORA - HANDY MAN’S lounge, DREAM ing- room, kitchen garage +REDUCED double carport. R1 020 000and - PRICE MARSHALLSTRAAT Tandem garage for 4 vehicles, 6 underroof carports, storeroom. House: Entrance, R7 900 - 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, kombuis, lounge,sit/eetkamer, dining room, TV room,TV3 kamer, bedrooms, opwas, 2 afdakke, gesa2 bathrooms,mentlike kitchen,swembad. scullery, fenced, full burglar bars, lapa with braai, borehole, BENDOR 4 ceiling fans, remote gate. R4 850 - Bendor Place. Slaapkamers, PENINA PARK - R12 290 000 - Abadkamer, MUST sitkamer, kombuis en motorhuis. TO BE SEEN Tuin dadelik beskikbaar. double garage, 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, TV room, 2dining room, lounge, kitchen,dining R6 210 - 3 Bedrooms, bathrooms, borehole, separate T/serv/T. room, kitchen and double garage. CAPRICORN CHECK FOR SIZE R11 855 - 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, - R1 605 000 eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, opwas, studeerkaEntrance, lounge, dining room, TV room, mer, 2 motorhuise en afdak en buite toilet. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, guest-room with WELGELEGEN bathroom, laundry, 2 garages, 8 carports, R9 000 - Well kept! 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, storeroom, boreholes, security, etc. FAUNA - A MUST BE SEEN lounge, PARK dining room, kitchen,TO scullery, study, FOR THE RIGHT BUYER R1 930 double garage and swimming pool. 000 Lounge, diningPLOTTE/PLOTS room, TV room, 4 bedrooms, guest toilet, kitchen, scullery/laundry, 2 garages, TEL: 015 295 4537/082 900 2449 carport, storeroom, swimming pool, lapa (46m²), RIETFONTEIN borehole/irrigation, prepaid, remote gate, gas Vanaf R2 250 electric tot R4 450. 3 Slaapkamers, stove, fence, bachelor flat.sitkamer, kombuis en afdakke. Water ingesluit. Skakel nou! LOTS OF HOUSES, STANDS, TOWNHOUSES,OFFICES LISTED, ALL AREAS, JUST CALL!! TOWN 083 399 ±99m²,STIELER ±127m² andAT ±128m², excl. 6669 VAT. Covered
parkings at extra cost plus % ratio rates separate. Water + electricity consumption at municipality. MEDICAL SUITES AVAILABLE, VARIOUS SIZES. PHONE TODAY!
MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com Die plaaslike kamerkoor, Ensemble Esprit, het Saterdagaand musiekliefhebbers in die weermagkapel met ‘n uitstekende optrede meegevoer. Dié koor wat drie jaar bestaan het al talle optredes gehou. Exultate Justi van Ludovico G da Viadana, Oh Lord please hear my prayer deur Moses Hogan en Gaudeamus Igitur, ‘n tradisionele studentelied is onder meer deur die koor uitgevoer. Die bariton van Mogwadi, JD van der Merwe het met sy sielvolle vertolking van Nelle Fantasia en Granada ‘n staande ovasie gekry. Gaste was aangenaam verras toe oudprofessor Awie van Wyk, gewese koorleier van die Noordwes-Universiteitskoor, Potchefstroomkampus en musiekverwerker die koor met ‘n paar uitvoerings begelei het. Een van die koorlede, Braam Schoeman het Prelude no 9 in F majeur deur Johann Sebastian Bach op klavier uitgevoer. Schoeman en Riaan Prinsloo se duetvertolking van die Hongaarse Rapsodie deur Lizst het
veral beïndruk. Neil Anderson, ‘n koorlid het die aand as ‘n reuse sukses beskryf en gesê die kombinasie van ou en nuwe liedere het elkeen in die gehoor se goedkeuring weggedra. Vir meer besonderhede of ‘n oudisie kan Ans Becker by 082 457 8171 geskakel word. Ensemble Esprit se volgende optrede sal waarskynlik ‘n keurspel uit die 80’s insluit.
Dalmada Smallholding for sale. Stunning Bushveld atmosphere surrounds this large modernised family home, complete with flatlet and swimming pool with stunning entertainment area. Security fenced and remote controlled access gate. Truly well priced and will sell quickly, so don’t delay and phone now!!! CONTACT Hennie: 083 320 8879
FRANCOIS 082 446 6740
FRANCOIS 082 446 6740
THEO 082 990 7275
1) BENDOR – TOWNHOUSE - R550.000 2 Bedrooms,1½bathroom, kitchen and parking. 2) Lesedi Park: R455 000 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and lock-up carport. 3) MAHLESEDI PARK- R475 000 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. 4) SESHEGO ZONE 1 - R385 000 2 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge, kitchen, 2 backrooms, garage. 5) MAHLESEDI PARK - R250 000 Hurry before it is too late!! The very last available stand in Phase 2 !! 6) CELTIC MEADOWS - R330 000 Vacant stand , act now to avoid disappointment !! 7) WOODHILL - R310 000 Vacant stand.
MABATHO 083 747 2056 mabathomabotja@gmail.com VERY LIMITED STANDS AVAILABLE IN MAHLAKO A PHAHLA FROM R199.950 only and selling like hot cakes!! 1) SESHEGO ZONE 2: R650 000: Come and inspect this great deal! Lovely 3 bedroom house with dining room, lounge, 2 bathrooms, kitchen and a single garage. 2) LADANNA: R860 000 - Spacious 3 bedroom house with dining room, lounge, kitchen and 1bathroom. 3) TOWNHOUSE BENDOR: R550 000: Last chance!! - A 2 bedroom townhouse with open-plan dining room and kitchen, 1bathroom,1 carport and 1garage. 4) SESHEGO ZONE 8: R500 000 - A 3 bedroom house with dining room, lounge, 2 bathrooms, kitchen and 1 garage. 5) MADIBA PARK: R500 000 only!!! - A 3 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom. 6) SESHEGO ZONE 4: R395 000 - 2 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom.
I AM LOOKING FOR MORE PROPERTIES IN YOUR AREA TO SELL. Once I list your property, consider it sold.
SLIGHT 072 323 9386 slightmabotja@yahoo.com
1) BENDOR - HOUSE - R2.5Mil (Neg.) 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan living & entertainment area with beautiful finishes, parking for 6 cars as well as a double garage, Wendy house and borehole for the large garden. 2) BENDOR -TOWNHOUSE - Exclusive Town House at R 1.850 Mil - Comprises 3 Bedrooms, 2 modern bathrooms, well appointed open plan kitchen & living area, double lock-up garage and a beautiful quant garden. Entertainers’ dream. HANNELIE 083 412 0009 hannelie@theogoosen.co.za
Ebenezer dam: Berg-en-Meer Erf te koop Pragtige 1 000m² erf met mooi uitsig oor Ebenezer dam teen slegs R323 000 te koop. (Aandeleblok-maatskappy). Skakel Francois 082 4466 740 RAYMOND 082 9458 4239
1) SESHEGO ZONE 8 - R650.000 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen and garage on a large stand. 2) MANKWENG - R530.000. Good deal! 3 Bedrooms, 1½ bathrooms, spacious lounge and a kitchen. Outbuilding comprise 2 bedrooms, bathroom and garage. 3) FLORA PARK SPECIAL, ACT NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! Make an offer on this well zoned property. Main house offering 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, spacious kitchen, lounge, dining room, 2 garages, servant’s room with bathroom. Outbuilding:- 2 bedrooms, bathroom & lounge. NB: Do you want to sell your house but don’t know where to start? Call me, your expert property consultant today to help you each step of the way !!
ERNEST 072 696 6004 ernest@theogoosen.co.za 1) R850 000 Townhouse! 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r, open-plan living area & dining room. 2 Carports. Great price in a very popular area! Big garden 2) Price Reduced and Great Opportunity in a Prime Security Estate in Bendor! Modern 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom home with beautiful finishes. Majestic staircase leading from the sky-lighted double volume dining hall. Large formal lounge and a superb entertainment area that opens up onto a veranda that leads to the heated s/pool and braai area. 4 Garages for all those toys! Now only R4.3 mil! 3) Bendor:- At only R2M don’t be caught napping!!!! Near school and shops. Spacious tiled 5 bedroom 2 bathroom home with study and all other modern amenities. Great entertainment area with braai as well as s’pool, 2 garages and a carport. Fully secured stand of 1394m². 4) Not to be missed R920 000 under Sole Mandate a Lovely designed and built 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouses, opening onto an under roof patio with braai in a discreet garden and double garage. Central upper town, you won’t be disappointed!
MARIETJIE: 072 190 7149
1) LADANNA - HUIS - R860.000 3 Slaapkamers, 1badkamer, eetkamer, sitkamer, 1x1slaapkamer woonstel wat aandag kort. Goeie koop ! 2) EDUAN PARK - R1.4Mil 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large kitchen. 2 Spacious lounges, a study, swimming pool, 3 lock-up garages and 2 carports and a borehole for watering this lovely large stand. NELA 083 302 8917 AN AGENT THAT CARES!
JD van der Merwe, ‘n bariton van Mogwadi het ‘n staande ovasie van die gehoor gekry.
Tel: 015 295 9014
2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen with lounge area, garage and/or carport. From ***** pm 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen with lounge area, garage and/or carport From ***** pm BRAND NEW UNITS AVAILABLE MONTHLY!
Junie 13, 2013
Hulp dringend nodig MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com “Dink vanaand wanneer jy in jou warm bed na ‘n lekker warm bad klim asseblief aan die shelter se inwoners wat sedert Januarie sonder elektrisiteit is. Maak jul hande en harte vir dié mense oop wat totaal van die publiek se goedheid afhanklik is.” So vra me Christa van Tonder, komiteelid van Myngenoegen Shelter buite die stad waar sowat 50 haweloses tans tuisgaan. Sy sê hulle benodig basiese kruideniersware soos vleis, groente, vrugte, melk en mieliemeel. Die shelter het tans 18 varke wat hulle grootmaak om te slag waarvoor hulle ook kos nodig het. Kontantbydraes moet liefs nie by die skuiling afgelaai word nie, maar inbetaal word by: Myngenoegen Shelter, Absa spaarrekening, takkode 632005, rekeningnommer 9275667290. Die Hervormde Kerk, Welgelegen staan weer tydens hul basaar in Augustus ‘n tafel aan die shelter af. Daarom vra hul dat die gemeenskap items wat hulle nie meer gebruik word nie, vir die shelter se witolifanttafel skenk. Vir meer besonderhede of skenkings kan Van Tonder by 083 302 4313 geskakel word.
Junie 13, 2013
EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________
KLINIEK BENODIG die dienste van ‘n 30+ Afrikaanssprekende vrou met mediese of natuurlike gesondheidagtergrond. Stuur CV na healthycellclinic@ gmail.com of faks na 086 543 5209 ____________________ AIR-CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION TECHNICIAN Experience in commercial air-conditioners is necssary. Driver’s licence. Contact Johan 084 762 9671 ____________________
SECONDHAND FURNITURE SHOP Secondhand clothing, shoes, bedding & towels. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ LUSERN TE KOOP @ R65 per baal. Kontak Thys Venter 082 809 8437 ____________________ ERAGROSTISGRASBALE TE KOOP @ R55 per baal. Sel 074 316 1903 ____________________
KAMERS TE HUUR R2 500 p.m., W&L ingesluit + bediende. Kontak 082 372 0404 ____________________
MINI LOADS & garden rubble removal deliveries. Johan 082 822 2319 ____________________
MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 082 356 8615 ____________________ CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ SELLING YOUR GOODS Contact Steve @ Cash Crusaders Polokwane to visit you at the comfort of your own home to sell your goods. T&C apply. House buys are done on Tuesdays and Fridays. 078 602 9164 ____________________ SKYLIGHTS cheap and easy way to get more light into your house. From R2 150. Dewald 0844 455 455 ____________________ ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ____________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION All maintenance, plumbing, palisade fencing, building, waterproofing etc. Johann 082 822 2319 ____________________
LEBOWAKGOMO R360 000 NEG 3 bedr, comb bathroom & toilet, single garage, spacious yard. Well fenced. Built-in cupboards in most rooms. 083 383 3354 ____________________ FOR SALE NEW TOWNHOUSES Security, Ivy Park. 2 bedr - R535 000 3 bedr - R645 000 Trienie 015 295 8015 or 071 682 0399 ____________________
Holiday resort Melkrivier Chalets with TV, rondavels, comfortable caravan and tent park. Underroof pool and spa, walking trails, fishing, pool tables and a lot more entertainment. www.holiday-resorts.co.za Bespreek vir 5 nagte in Junie, Julie & Augustus en kry ‘n gratis naweek buiteseisoen in 2013. Onderhewig aan beskikbaarheid.
Tel/Fax: 081 428 9435 014 755 4054 / 082 322 6495
FOR SALE 3 Bedr 2 bathr house. Ivy Park, R550 000. Trienie 015 295 8015 or 071 682 0399 ____________________
SPACIOUS BACHELOR FLAT 3.5km from Savannah in Dalmada. R2 550 p.m. excluding electricity, including water. Contact 082 851 9531 ____________________ TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ 1 SLP W/STEL TE HUUR, FLORAPARK R3 500 p.m. W&L ingl. Kontak 072 556 2384 ____________________ RUIM 1 SLAAPKAMERWOONSTEL TE HUUR OP PLOT ± 7km uit dorp. Geen diere. R2 800 p.m. W&L ingsluit. Skakel Rina 071 884 0038 ____________________ LADANNA ONMIDDELLIK BESKIKBAAR 1 slpk w/stel vir enkelpersoon. Geen kinders of diere. 015 293 0635 / 071 186 4424 ____________________ TO LET TOWNHOUSE BENDOR 3 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, dining, garage and small garden. R5 500 082 702 5074 ____________________ 1 SLP MEENTHUIS TE DALMADA Aparte badk & slaapk, motor afdak, met eie tuin & mure omhein met skuifhek. Kontak Hennie 082 829 4037 ____________________ 2 SLP MEENTHUIS TE HUUR Sentraal geleë. R4 900 p.m. + deposito. Vanaf 1/7 Kontak Frikkie Roos 079 885 8800 ____________________ HOUSES: FLORA PARK R12 254 4 bedr, 2 bathr, flat & pool. BENDOR R10 200 3 bedr, 2½ bathr, lounge, dining, storeroom, laundry, patio, pool, 2 garages. WOODLANDS ESTATE R9 030 3 bedr, 2 bathr, patio, built-in braai. Small garden, 2 garages. DORP ST R8 100 3 bedr, dining, lounge, 1 bedr flat. Garage. Staff quarters. DORP R7 240 3 bedr, 2 bathr, dining, lounge, 1 garage, 2 carports. EDUAN PARK R6 700 3 bedr, 2 bathr, living areas, scullery, pool. TOWNHOUSES: ON PERCY FYFE ROAD R5 800 (water incl) 3 bedr, 2 bathr, study, lounge/dining, patio, garage, prepaid elec. LADANNA R5 000 3 bedr, 2 bathr, open-plan kitchen/ lounge, carport, prepaid elec. FLATS: DORP R3 850 2 bedr, 1 bathr, kitchen/lounge, garage, prepaid electricity. DORP R3 450 Bachelor, kitchen, W&L incl. OFFICES: HANS vAN RENSBURg ST R12 500pm Upmarket - 4 Offices + reception 118m² Offices in CBD from R2 400pm TWEEFONTEIN 8.5HA PLOT R5 200 12km from town. 3 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen and pantry. DIONETTE 084 503 3964 THYS 083 702 0768 AUDREY 072 632 7117
RENTALS: • HOUSES: • WElgElEgEn R15 800 - 7 Bed/r, 7 Bath/r, Lounge, Dining/r, Small Garden • WElgElEgEn R9 500 - 3 bed/r, 2 Bath/r, Lounge, Study, 2 Garages + Pool • AcAciA EStAtE R9 300 - 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r, Lounge, Dining/r & Double Garage
• FlAtS/ • BEndOR - R6 800 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r, Lounge, Dining/r & Double Garage • BEndOR - R5 300 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r, Lounge, Kitchen, Carport • BEndOR - R4 250 2 Bed/r, 1 Bath/r, Lounge, Kitchen, Garden, Carport • lAdAnnA - R2 340 Bachelor lEE 083 446 5558 __________________
TO LET 1 BEDR TOWNHOUSE in Bendor, De Wet Drive, carport, encl garden. R4 300 p.m. Debbie 015 295 8015 ____________________ 1 SLPK WOONSTEL BENDOR R2 800 p.m. + krag & deposito. R3 500. Tel 082 804 6230 ____________________ 2 BEDROOMS 1½ BATHROOMS Security complex, Penina Park. Prepaid elec. Available 1 July 2013 + dep. Contact 084 582 3463 ____________________ BODORP 3 SLPK HUIS Baie upmarket. R8 000 • Flora Park Spacious 3 bedr townhouse R5 000 • Flora Park 3 bedr house R5 950 072 713 0615 ____________________ TO LET IVY PARK 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. R3 750 p.m. Debbie 015 295 8015 ____________________ RUIM 3 SLP HUIS TE HUUR TE SOETDORINGS Netjies en omhein. Dubbl afdak parkering. Veilige en rustige omgewing. R5 060 + dep + koopkrag. Streng keuring. 082 890 5862 ____________________ RUIM 3 SLP HUIS TE HUUR TE SOETDORINGS 2 badkamers, dubbel afdakparkering, netjies en omhein. Rustige & veilige omgewing. Koop krag, dep R6 000 + huur R6 000. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Streng keuring. 082 890 5862 ____________________ 3 SLP HUIS OP PLOT TE HUUR vir persone >45, geen groot honde. R5 200 p.m. W & L ingl + R5 200 dep. Beskikbaar 1 Julie. Hannetjie 082 588 5520 ____________________
4 SLAAPKAMER HUIS TE HUUR R3 000 p.m. + krag ± 25km uit dorp. Kontak 083 549 2883 ____________________ • 2 SLPK, 2 BADK, MEENTHUIS BODORP R5 500 • 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer huis Maroela Heights R7 700 • 2 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer meenthuis Eagle’s Crest R8 800 • 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer huis met w/stel Flora Park R8 800 • 5 slaapkamer, 3 badkamer huis - Flora Park R10 450 • 7 slaapkamer, 7 badkamer huis Welgelegen R17 050 Tommie 082 815 4127 ____________________ LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar. 4 huisies - R1 950 elk, 4 enkelkamers R1 500 elk. 5 houtkamers R1 000 elk. Skakel HIEB by 015 297 5008 in kantoorure ____________________
OBSERVER 33 polokwane
CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za
EK KOOP MOTORS EN BAKKIES R30 000 tot R160 000 Kontak Neels Joubert 083 459 7177 ____________________
YOUR Career finder in LIMPOPO
J. MARULE & DAUGHTERS PTY LTD RESTORATION Please take notice that Mr Jacob Marule, ID 420223 5001 086, intends making an application to the Registrar of Companies and Closed Corporations, for the restoration of J. Marule and Daughters Pty Ltd – registration number: 1996/008187/07. Furthermore, please note that any objection to this application must be lodged with the Registrar of Companies and Closed Corporations, P.O. Box 429, Pretoria, 0001, within twenty one (21) days of the publication hereof. 13/06 ___________________
Our People Our Gold
The chance of a lifetime to work at the cutting edge of technology
Gold Fields is the world’s fourth largest gold producer with attributable production of 3.5 million gold equivalent ounces per annum from eight operating mines in Australia, Ghana, Peru and South Africa. Gold Fields also has an extensive and diverse global growth pipeline with four major advanced stage projects with construction decisions expected in the next 12 to 24 months. Gold Fields has total attributable gold equivalent Mineral Reserves of 85.1 million ounces and Mineral Resources of 234.4 million ounces. Gold Fields is listed on the JSE Limited (primary listing), the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the NASDAQ Dubai Limited, the Euronext in Brussels (NYX) and the Swiss Exchange (SWX). The South Africa Region of Gold Fields is the bedrock on which the company is built. With Mineral Resources of 160 million ounces (inclusive of WWTTP) and total Mineral Reserves of some 61 million ounces, Gold Fields holds the dominant position in the famous Witwatersrand Basin, the most prolific gold-producing region in the world. The Witwatersrand Basin is home to Gold Fields’ KDC and Beatrix Gold Mines, as well as the developing South Deep project. These mines remain key contributors to Gold Fields delivering on its vision of being the global leader in sustainable gold mining.
South Deep
PROGRAMMER Department: Control & Instrumentation
This role requires a Grade 12, or a degree/diploma in Programming or any relevant qualification, proficiency in C#, HTML5 and Java and knowledge of other programming languages, as well as extensive knowledge of MS SQL and MYSQL. Sound working knowledge of Microsoft Office and appropriate information systems is also needed. Candidates must demonstrate excellent verbal and written English communication skills and display strong analytical, problem-solving and presentation abilities. The role demands willingness to work long hours. Knowledge of Control and Instrumentation, A+/N+ or relevant qualifications and knowledge of Linux would be advantageous. Duties and responsibilities include: • Designing and implementing new systems • Managing the database • Writing reports • Effectively troubleshooting systems and solving problems • Keeping detailed project documentation and records.
ENGINEERING SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN Department: Engineering Candidates must hold a Grade 12 or relevant qualification (a diploma or degree would be advantageous), A+/N+ and MS SQL or relevant qualification, plus sound knowledge of networks and control systems and an understanding of a trackless underground operation. Experience in an RF environment/seismic systems/fire detection (underground operations) is also essential. We seek a team player with excellent faultfinding skills who is prepared to work long hours. Duties and responsibilities include: • Network support and installations • Hardware and software support • Setting up the server, computers and all other hardware • Backing up data • Disaster recovery. Gold Fields is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity in employment, therefore HDSA will be given first preference. Telephonic enquiries: Nanki Mahloane, tel. (011) 411-1447 Written applications should be forwarded to Nanki Mahloane at e-mail: Nanki.Mahloane@goldfields.co.za or fax: 086 520 5491 (please state the title of the post in your application). Candidates must be declared medically fit for the positions and the environment, as determined by the riskbased medical examination at the relevant Gold Fields Occupational Health and Safety Centre. Pre-screening and psychometric evaluation may form part of the selection process. Short-listed candidates will be requested to attend a panel interview. Applicants who have received no response to their applications within 14 days of the closing date may consider their applications unsuccessful.
Closing date: 14 June 2013 www.humanjobs.co.za
www.goldfields.co.za Human Communications 99517
CHIEF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY OFFICER Salary: R212 106 per annum (Level 8) (Ref. S8/3/2013/383)
Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree or diploma in Environmental Health or Safety Management • 3 years’ experience in the field of Occupational Health and Safety • Understanding of the OHS Act, COID Act and Emergency preparedness management • Computer literacy • Good communication skills, both verbal and written • Good interpersonal relations • Presentation skills • Ability to work independently • Valid driver’s licence and preparedness to travel extensively. Duties: • Implement the OHS policy in ensuring compliance with the OHS Act through facilitation of nominations and appointment of OHS structures throughout the Provincial Offices in the Department • Implement the SHE programme through identification of risks by conducting regular inspections of all the different Provincial Offices in the Department • Conduct incident investigations • Liaise with all the relevant stakeholders in SHE matters • Facilitate and participate in an emergency programme for the Department, including evacuation plans • Conduct safety training audit to identify training gaps and coordinate appropriate training • Raise employee safety awareness through awareness campaigns • Keep OHS records. Enquiries: Human Resource Management, tel. (015) 284-6300
Junie 13, 2013
YOUR Career finder in LIMPOPO SaleS conSultant Experience in retail, cell phone industry a definite plus. Computer literate and self motivated. Good communication skills. Please send cV to northam@apcdmail.co.za info@autopage.me Fax: 014 784 4473
Quarry Administrator Polokwane, R12k + Bens
Top company seeks candidate with Matric + minimum 5 years general admin experience and knowledge of banking. Must know AS400 and JDE. Plant Environment. Contact Jossie on 011 467 8670 or jossie@acumenrd.co.za
Salary: R212 106 per annum (Level 8) (Ref. S8/3/2013/381)
Requirements: • 3-year degree/National Diploma in Land Reform, Agricultural Science Real Estate and Development Studies • 2 years’ experience in fixed asset management/administration • Practical experience in and understanding of land management and administration (eg leasing, acquisitions, disposals, land inspections, reports writing) • Knowledge of upgrading of Tenure Rights, etc • Understanding of research methods on State Land and on Public Land context • Computer skills (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc) • Sound knowledge of deeds, SG diagrams, map reading and knowledge of legislation governing State land administration • Willingness to work irregular hours and travel long distances • Valid Code 08/B driver’s licence. Duties: • Ensure integrity of the State land immovable asset register • Confirm vesting of State land • Effectively implement State Land Lease Debtor System (SLLDS) • Enforce optimal utilisation of leased State land and revenue collection • Process disposal applications through PSLVDC • Facilitate development projects on State and communal land • Process servitudes, long-term leases, and mining/prospecting applications on State and communal land • Manage and coordinate gathering of relevant information on State land in order to identify superfluous and underutilised farms • Perform duties around State land asset management • Field visits and reporting • Attend to disputes, conflicts and conduct mediation. Enquiries: Mr TG Makamu, tel. (015) 297-3539
SENIOR PROJECT OFFICER: LAND REFORM Salary: R212 106 per annum (Level 8) (Ref. S8/3/2013/382)
Requirements: • Appropriate 3-year Bachelor’s degree/National Diploma in Social Science, Development Studies, Agricultural Economics or Natural Sciences or relevant qualification • 2-3 years’ relevant working experience and understanding of the value-added development of communities • Knowledge of real estate • Knowledge of land reform programmes • Knowledge of rural development • Knowledge of research methods and techniques as well as community mobilisation • Knowledge of land-related legislation • Ability to understand and interpret the Business Plan • Applied research skills • Facilitation skills • Presentation skills • Report-writing skills • Project management skills • Contract management skills • Computer literacy • Valid driver’s licence • Certificate in Real Estate will be an added advantage. Duties: • Implement the Redistribution Programmes • Implement tenure reform systems and legislation • Implement recapitalisation and development services • Investigate enquiries relating to redistribution and tenure reform application • Complete the necessary administrative tasks related to the implementation of the tenure and redistribution programmes within the project cycle • Inform potential or existing beneficiaries of support services available (eg agricultural training, grants, etc) • Produce project identification reports • Ensure accuracy and accessibility of project documentation and records • Ensure that formal agreement/memoranda of understanding are established to secure post-transfer support to beneficiaries • Ensure legal compliance of agreements signed between parties in land reform projects with the area of operation • Ensure the relevant role-players/stakeholders are fully informed of project support requirement. Enquiries: Human Resource Management, tel. (015) 284-6300
PROJECT OFFICER: STATE LAND ADMINISTRATION: PROPERTY HOLDINGS Salary: R170 799 per annum (Level 7) (Ref. S8/3/2013/379)
Requirements: • 3-year degree/diploma in Land Reform, Agricultural Science Real Estate and Public Management • 1 year’s experience in asset management/administration • Practical/experience in and understanding of land management and administration (disposals, land inspections, reports writing) • Knowledge of upgrading of Tenure Rights, etc • Understanding of research methods on State land and on public land context • Computer skills (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc) • Sound knowledge of deeds, SG diagrams, map reading • Knowledge of legislation governing State land administration • Willingness to work irregular hours and travel long distances • Valid Code 08/B driver’s licence. Duties: • Ensure integrity of the State land immovable asset register • Confirm vesting of State land • Effectively implement State Land Vesting and Disposal System (SLVDS) • Process disposal and vesting applications through PSLVDC • Facilitate development projects on State and communal land • Process servitudes, long-term leases and mining/prospecting applications on State and communal land • Manage and coordinate gathering of relevant information on State land in order to identify superfluous and underutilised farms • Perform duties around State land asset management • Field visits and reporting • Attend to disputes, conflicts and conduct mediation. Enquiries: Mr TG Makamu, tel. (015) 297-3539
Distell Ltd, a leading producer of wines, spirits, ciders and flavoured alcoholic beverages of high quality, invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced individuals for the following key opportunity, based at TradeXpress in Polokwane:
Admin Controller Reporting to the Branch Manager, your key performance areas will include, but will not be limited to: • maintaining a high level of customer service • effectively managing subordinates • general administration duties • creating purchase requisitions and orders for all purchases in the branch • capturing and issuing promotion and staff orders • housekeeping • applying leadership skills to ensure competent and motivated staff • performing stand-in duties for the Branch Manager. The successful candidate must preferably have the following qualification/experience/skills: • Grade 12 • 2 to 3 years’ relevant administrative work experience in a similar environment • proven computer literacy in SAP and MS Office • ability to work under pressure • self-motivation • ability to think innovatively • sound leadership and problem solving skills • strong numerical aptitude and analytical abilities are essential • willingness to work overtime and on Saturdays • a valid driver’s licence. We offer market-related remuneration packages, incorporating the valuable benefits of a large company. To apply for this position, please forward your comprehensive CV including details of relevant references, to the HR Department, TradeXpress via email HRvacancies@distell.co.za (please quote vacancy reference 770/05/2013). Closing date: 20 June 2013. Please note: Applicants from other regions will be responsible for their own relocation costs. Distell is committed to diversity within its workforce and encourages applications from all suitably qualified persons. If you have not heard from us within one month after the closing date, please assume that your application was unsuccessful. We hereby thank you for your application. www.distell.co.za Your career is your greatest asset, people are ours.
Salary: R170 799 per annum (Level 7) (Ref. S8/3/2013/380)
Requirements: • Appropriate 3-year Bachelor’s degree/National Diploma in Social Science, Development Studies, Agricultural Economics or Natural Sciences or relevant qualification • 1-2 years’ relevant working experience and understanding of the value-added development of communities • Knowledge of real estate • Knowledge of land reform programmes • Knowledge of rural development • Knowledge of research methods and techniques as well as community mobilisation • Knowledge of land-related legislation • Ability to understand and interpret the Business Plan • Applied research skills • Facilitation skills • Presentation skills • Report-writing skills • Project management skills • Contract management skills • Computer literacy • Valid driver’s licence • Certificate in Real Estate will be an added advantage. Duties: • Implement the Redistribution Programmes • Implement tenure reform systems and legislation • Implement recapitalisation and development services • Investigate enquiries relating to redistribution and tenure reform application • Complete the necessary administrative tasks related to the implementation of the tenure and redistribution programmes within the project cycle • Inform potential or existing beneficiaries of support services available (eg agricultural training, grants, etc) • Produce project identification reports • Ensure accuracy and accessibility of project documentation and records • Ensure that formal agreements/memoranda of understanding are established to secure post-transfer support to beneficiaries • Actively participate in all structures created in terms of the Labour Tenant Strategy • Ensure legal compliance of agreements signed between parties in land reform projects with the area of operation • Ensure the relevant role-players/stakeholders are fully informed of project support requirement. Enquiries: Human Resource Management, tel. (015) 284-6300
Our People Our Gold
The chance of a lifetime to work at the cutting edge of technology
Requirements: • National Senior Certificate plus minimum of 1 year’s experience in Asset management/ administration • Practical/experience in and understanding of land management and administration in the public land context • Computer skills (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc) • Sound knowledge of deeds, SG diagrams, map reading and knowledge of legislation governing State land administration • Driver’s licence • Willingness to work irregular hours. Duties: • Ensure integrity of the State land immovable asset register • Confirm vesting of State land • Effectively implement the State Land Vesting and Disposal System (SLVDS) • Process disposal and vesting applications through PSLVDC • Manage and coordinate gathering of relevant information on State land in order to identify superfluous and underutilised farms • Perform duties around State land asset management • Field visits where necessary and reporting • Attend to disputes, conflicts and conduct mediation. Enquiries: Mr TG Makamu, tel. (015) 297-3539 The suitable candidates will be selected with the intention of promoting representivity and achieving affirmative action targets, as contemplated in the relevant component’s Employment Equity Plan. The Department reserves the right not to appoint any applicants to these positions and to conduct preemployment security screening. Applications must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department, and should be accompanied by a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (previous experience must be comprehensively detailed) and certified copies of qualifications, service certificates, driver’s licence and Identification Document. Applicants with foreign qualifications must submit a SAQA evaluation report on the qualification. Non-SA citizens must attach a certified copy of proof of permanent residence in South Africa. In addition to completing the Z83, applicants are required to disclose any pending criminal, disciplinary or any other adverse allegations or investigation against them. Applicants must also provide the full names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least 3 referees. Failure to submit the requested documents may result in your application not being considered (applications lacking evidence of relevant experience will not be considered). If you apply for more than one post in the Department, please submit a separate application form for each post. Applicants will be expected to be available for selection interviews at a time, date and place as determined by the Department. If you have not been contacted for an interview within 3 months of the closing date, please assume that your application was not successful. Correspondence will be entered into with short-listed candidates only. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY Please forward your application, quoting the relevant reference numbered to: The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, Private Bag X9552, Polokwane 0700 or hand deliver to 61 Biccard Street, Polokwane 0700, for attention: Human Resource Management. Closing date: 21 June 2013 Applications will not be considered after the closing date. Kone Solutions K20762
Gold Fields is the world’s fourth largest gold producer with attributable production of 3.5 million gold equivalent ounces per annum from eight operating mines in Australia, Ghana, Peru and South Africa. Gold Fields also has an extensive and diverse global growth pipeline with four major advanced stage projects with construction decisions expected in the next 12 to 24 months. Gold Fields has total attributable gold equivalent Mineral Reserves of 85.1 million ounces and Mineral Resources of 234.4 million ounces. Gold Fields is listed on the JSE Limited (primary listing), the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the NASDAQ Dubai Limited, the Euronext in Brussels (NYX) and the Swiss Exchange (SWX). The South Africa Region of Gold Fields is the bedrock on which the company is built. With Mineral Resources of 160 million ounces (inclusive of WWTTP) and total Mineral Reserves of some 61 million ounces, Gold Fields holds the dominant position in the famous Witwatersrand Basin, the most prolific gold-producing region in the world. The Witwatersrand Basin is home to Gold Fields’ KDC and Beatrix Gold Mines, as well as the developing South Deep project. These mines remain key contributors to Gold Fields delivering on its vision of being the global leader in sustainable gold mining.
South Deep
SUPERVISOR ETD: E-LEARNING/SYSTEMS Department: Human Resources The successful candidate will have a Grade 12, a Blasting and/or Trade Certificate, an Assessor Certificate and an ETDP Level 4 qualification. He/she will also have insight into NQF, SAQA and MQA matters as well as 2 years’ experience in training and in the management of an e-Learning Centre. The incumbent should also have sound experience in system development, as well as sound knowledge of a Training Management System. Duties and responsibilities include: • Developing training material for e-Learning • Ensuring learning programme management of e-Learning • Planning, leading, organising, communication and control of the Section • Programme development and systems maintenance • All other duties and responsibilities related to this position. Gold Fields is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity in employment, therefore HDSA will be given first preference. Telephonic enquiries: Tel. (011) 411-1447 Written applications should be forwarded to Nanki Mahloane at e-mail: nanki.mahlaone@goldfields.co.za or fax: 086 520 5491 (please state the title of the post in your application). Candidates must be declared medically fit for the positions and the environment, as determined by the riskbased medical examination at the relevant Gold Fields Occupational Health and Safety Centre. Pre-screening and psychometric evaluation may form part of the selection process. Short-listed candidates will be requested to attend a panel interview. Applicants who have received no response to their applications within 14 days of the closing date may consider their applications unsuccessful.
Closing date: 21 June 2013 www.humanjobs.co.za
www.goldfields.co.za Human Communications 99658
PHS se seunshokkiespanne maak skoonskip teen Heuwelkruin
Junie 13, 2013
OBSERVER 35 polokwane
BEN SNYMAN >> bensnyman.observer@gmail.com Drie hokkiespanne van die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het verlede week sand in die oë van Curro Heuwelkruin se spelers geskop. Die o.14’s van PHS spog met ’n 2-0 oorwinning terwyl die o.16-span met een doel gewen het. PHS se eerste span was onstuitbaar en het hulle opponente 7-1 oorrompel. Jaco Potgieter het 5 van die sewe doele aangeteken.
Foto’s: Ben Snyman
Jaco Potgieter van PHS se eerste hokkiespan het vyf van die sewe doele vir PHS aangeteken. Die eerste spanspelers van Curro Heuwelkruin, Devan Venter en Werno Katzke keer die bal weg van Ruandro Kleynhans van PHS.
Eerste spanspelers, Devan Venter en Ian Ewart van Heuwelkruin probeer PHS-spelers, Christie Nel en Ruandro Kleynhans inhaal.
>> Sien meer foto’s op... www.observer.co.za
YOUR career finder in LIMPOPO
benodig by Mall of the North. Voltydse- en deeltydse posisies beskikbaar. Ondervinding is enigste vereiste. Kontak Gerhard by
083 233 8296
We are looking for a receptionist to assist with switchboard duties. The person must have Call Center qualification or experience thereof for more than one year and be fluent in English.
Please forward your CV to mashabelaattorneys@telkomsa.net or send us a fax on 086 212 6339. Enquiries 015 291 2414.
• Min 3 years previous experience in management of truss plant • Grade 12 (Mathematics as subject ) • Relevant qualification • Management and control of stock and company assets • Computer literacy (specifically word/excel) • Knowledge of building materials essential
• Proven leadership skills • High level of integrity / dedication and hardworking • Energetic / self motivated /goal orientated • Passion for achievement and production • Strong customer focus and orientation • Good verbal and written communication skills • Balanced and mature behavioural profile • Analytical – Conceptualising ability • Must be able to work under pressure • Ability to delegate functions effectively
• Ensure safety and proper control of stock and staff • Coordinate all transport related tasks • Optimise profitability and reduce shrinkage • Maintain a safe,clean and pleasant working environment • Conduct and document weekly stock perpetual counts • Compliance with relevant legislative requirements • Effective production related administration • Regular and ongoing analysis of production processes recruitment@iliad.co.za Louise de Beer 10 June 2013 14 June 2013 Replacement
Key requirements:• CA(SA) or international Accounting qualification with conversion to CA(SA) • Minimum of 1 years external audit experience • Above average communication skills, both verbal and written • Knowledge of Accounting and Auditing standards • Ability to engage at a senior level and present audit findings to finance leaders Attractive remuneration packages and defined career paths will be offered to candidates that meet the above requirements and present as engaged, driven and career driven.
: : : :
Applicants must inform their departmental heads of their applications, prior to submitting applications. Note that the Company will select candidates with due cognisance of its Employment Equity Policy. Preference will be given to HDSA candidates
Accelerate your audit career by joining growing Polokwane practice of audit firm
Truss Plant Manager BUCO Polokwane (Sapphire Street)
VROULIKE BESTUURDER Career Opportunities in Audit Polokwane
: :
Vereistes: * Vereiste ouderdom - tussen 30 en 60 jaar * Vorige werksverwysings van laaste 5 jaar met name en kontakbesonderhede vir navraagdoeleindes * Moet oor goeie menseverhoudings beskik * Moet selfgemotiveerd wees * Geldige bestuurderslisensie * Geen kinders en/of diere * Gesond en fiks vir werk * Tweetalig * Moet opreg, eerlik en betroubaar wees * Moet verantwoordelike inisiatief neem * Toesig en motivering oor personeel * Weeklikse voorraadopnames, voorraadkontrole en voorraad bestellings plaas en afhaal * Sober gewoontes is ‘n vereiste * Moet rekenaargeletterd wees * Agtergrond van kantoor- en basiese adminastratiewe werk * Agtergrond van krediteure en debiteure * Moet bemarking kan doen Salaris * Salaris onderhandelbaar * Gratis verblyf en etes Faks verkorte CV (Maksimum 2 bladsye) na: 086 581 5737
A Vacancy exists at Advanced Industrial Technology in Polokwane
Admin Position Requirements ● 2 Years experience in stock control ● Must be able to work under pressure ● Must have basic knowledge of MS Office - Applicants who qualify under the abovementioned requirements are required to submit a complete CV, detailing experience and previous employment history, to email: swuanitag@ai-tec.co.za or contact us on tel: 015 293 2454
June 13, 2013
36 OBSERVER polokwane
Vier uit vyf vir Oosskool se PLS se netbal- en skaakspanne maak skoonskip netbalspanne
Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) het verlede Donderdag teen Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) in ligawedstryde te staan gekom. Oosskool se o.13-meisies het in die hoofwedstryd die onderspit met 21-27 gedelf. Die o.9- (7-6), o.10 (11-7), o.11 (26-10) en o.12 (20-10) het teen PLS geseëvier.
Foto’s: RC Myburgh
Die o.13B-netbalspan van Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) is Capricorn ligawenners. Voor is Jennifer Potgieter en Talita Britz met Jeanné Gouws, Moné Meyer, Chanike van Wyk, Zan-Mari Weydeman, Jenna Taylor, Geraldine Britz en hul afrigter, Sonette Olivier, agter.
Oosskool o.12-netbalspeler, Zene de Waal in aksie.
Aksie tussen die o.12- netbalspanne van Oosskool en PLS verlede Donderdag.
Foto’s: Warren Blunt
Oosskool se o.12-netbalspeler, Carmen Pratt gooi die bal na haar spanmaat.
Ben Vorster oorheers semifinale vir medium skole
Fotos: Warren Blunt
Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
ie halfeindwedstryde van die Beeldtrofee-reeks vir medium skole in die provinsie het Saterdag by die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se terrein plaasgevind. Hoewel nie een van die skole in die stad deelgeneem het nie, het ondersteuners van skole in Tzaneen, Groblersdal, Mookgophong,
Bo:Aksie tussen die spanne van Hoërskool Ben Vorster en Hoërskool Ben Viljoen in Saterdag se o.15-halfeindstryd.
Regs:Hoërskool Ben Vorster se o.15skrumskakel, Eduan Smit skop kantlyn toe in Saterdag se halfeinstryd van die Beeldtrofee-reeks (medium skole). Mokopane en Lephalale die spelers goed ondersteun. Tzaneen se Hoërskool Ben Vorster het na die halfeindwedstryde gewys hulle gaan sterk aansprakers in die finaal wees nadat hul Saterdag al hul wedstryde gewen het. Die uitslae van die eerste spanne is: Hoërskool Ben Vorster 47, Hoërskool Nylstroom 16; Hoërskool Ben Viljoen 40, Hoërskool Louis Trichardt 16.
PLS se o.13A-netbalspan is Capricorn ligawenners. Voor is Inge Brits en Chené van der Merwe met Jennifer Potgieter in die middel. Agter is Micke Venter, Bridget Maartens, Tarren Harrison, Megan Bezuidenhout, Madelein Schaap en Pamela Vercuiel (afrigter).
Bantoane Primary School wins 2013 Danone Nations Cup
Photos: Herbert Rachuene
Players from Bantoane Primary School in a jubilant mood after they were crowned the provincial champions of Danone Nations Cup football tournament at Westenburg Stadium on Saturday. Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
Hoërskool Ben Vorster se o.15-speler, Floyd Ledwabe duik oor vir die eerste van sy drie drieë teen die Hoërskool Ben Viljoen van Groblersdal.
Die skaakspelers van Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) is goue medaljewenners in hul onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe na die onlangse Limpopo Skaakkampioenskappe. Voor is Christelle Swart met Dietrich Osmers en Johan Swart in die middel. Agter is Jeandré Schoeman, Lodré Botha en Jurgens Pieterse.
Bantoane Primary School from Sekhukhune district will represent Limpopo in the national finals of the Danone Nations Cup set to take place in Gauteng on 22 June. They beat Pula Madibogo 9-8 during an exciting match decided by penalty kicks at Westenburg Stadium on Saturday. “We are happy to proceed to the next level of the tournament. It was our first appearance in the tournament. The boys played their hearts out and they were not scared of their opponents. Pula Madibogo is a good team with quality players. We fought until the end and that is the character of a winner,” Mandla Dube, coach and educator at Bantoane Primary School said. He dedicated their victory to the management of the school, the principal and the school governing body for their support prior to the tournament. “We had amazing support from the management of the school. We asked for three days to prepare for the tournament and they approved our request. We came to Polokwane on Friday, slept at a hotel with all expenses paid by the school. We are a rural school so we toured Polokwane and saw some of the tourist attractions in the area. I think the excursion was extra motivation for the boys. They were so happy and it also showed on the pitch of play. We owe this one to them,” Dube said. Bantoane will join other primary school from eight provinces in Gauteng in the national finals of the tournament.
The winning school will represent the country at the Danone Nations Cup World finals scheduled for London in September this year. Team captain, Tebogo Mokalapa believes they can go all the way in the tournament. “To be honest with you, the trip to London is a motivation. We are from a rural area, so we hardly travel and I think the tournament will provide a opportunity for us to explore the world. We have a good quality team that is very disciplined. I don’t think anything will stop us,” Tebogo said.
Mantoane Primary School captain, Tebogo Mokalapa lifts the Danone Nations Cup trophy high after winning the tournament at Westenburg Stadium on Saturday.
June 13, 2013
Polokwane Observer
Kremetart Cycle Race attracts thousands
June 13, 2013
38 OBSERVER polokwane
RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Just before sunrise on Saturday close to 1 000 cyclists lined up to participate in one of South Africa’s toughest road races, the PPC Kremetart Cycle Race in Makhado. At 175 km in distance the popular one-day event attracted a large field, pitching participants against the challenging gradients of the Soutpansberg mountain range in a series of four short stages and a mountain bike challenge the following day (Sunday). Double Master’s world champion, Lynette Burger Pieterse who won both the 30-34 age category road and time trial titles at the 2012 Master’s World Championships claimed the overall first place with An-Li Kachelhoffer and Linda van den Biggelaar finishing second and third respectively. Kachelhoffer also claimed the Queen of the Mountain title. The victory was Burger Pieterse’s third major road race win of 2013, following her successes at the Dis-Chem Ride for Sight in February and the aQuelle Tour Durban in April. In the male category Nolan Hoffman and Willie Smit fought it out to the end with Hoff-
The monthly Better ball Stableford sponsored by KFC and PG Glass and played at Polokwane Golf Club was won by Anton van Dyk and Jan Nel. Glen Wynne, PG Glass, in the middle.
Runners share memories
>> See photos and video on... www.observer.co.za
Haenertburg Iron Crown Trail Run
Some of the runners from PAC with their 2013 Comrades Marathon medals.
BEN SNYMAN >> bensnyman.observer@gmail.com
WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
unners belonging to the Polokwane Athletics Club (PAC) showed off their 2013 Comrades Marathon medals after their return from Pietermaritzburg at their clubhouse behind the old Peter Mokaba Stadium last Wednesday. At the gathering the runners who successfully completed the race shared their trials and tribulations with the media and other mem-
bers of the club. Most of the runners agreed that the hot and windy weather conditions that were experienced during this year’s race was the most difficult they had ever encountered. Due to weather conditions on the day of the race approximately 20% of the club’s runners failed to complete the race.
>> See photos on... www.observer.co.za
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The Haenertsburg Iron Crown Trail Run, a strenuous 21,1 km event that includes rough and dangerous single-track mountain footpaths, is a firm entry on the diary of many devoted trail runners. Competitors take part at their own risk and are urged to use extreme caution in these sections while runners coming down the hill have the right of way. Taking place in beautiful surroundings the start and finish of the race will be close to the Haenertsburg Village Community Centre. The 21.1 km route follows village streets, earth roads, fire breaks and single track footpaths
avoiding the main R71 and R528 roads. The route climbs 687 m from 1 439 m in the village to the top of the Iron Crown, the highest point in the province at 2 126 m. The 10 km route is less testing and rises to 1 600 m while the 5 km fun run is for the less energetic. Funds raised will go to “Preserve Planet Earth” projects. Water points will be provided and toilets are available at the start and finish points. Registration will take place at Haenertsburg Community Centre Clinic from 17:00 to 19:00 on Friday, 12 June and from 06:00 to 07:00 on Saturday, 13 July. Entry fee for the 21.1 km is R100, R80 for the 10 km and R50 for the 5 km. For enquiries or more details contact Shelley at 084 262 8488 or register online at www.myactive.co.za.
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man claiming victory by 0,01 seconds. Nico Bell crossed the finish line in third place. At Sunday’s Mountain Bike Cross Country Olympic hosted at the Hanglip Forest Reserve mountain bike enthusiasts faced a demanding route. With a 6 km route the different categories had to complete respective numbers of laps before they could claim their medals. CP van Wyk completed the race with a fastest lap of 18:28. He described the route as tough with several parts of the route as challenging. In second place was Tristan Oliff with Marco Roets completing the race in third place. Nicole van der Greft finished her fastest lap in 17:40 despite taking a plunge shortly after the start. Short on her heals were Carmen Talbot and Michelle O’Neale. This year’s Kremetart also saw a variety of cyclist riding to raise funds for among others the fight against rhino poaching and children with cancer. Tony Cloete from the Childhood Cancer Foundation (Choc) rode the 175 km in a cow suit as well as taking on the mountain bike challenge with a single gear mountain bike.
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June 13, 2013
Polokwane Observer
Ondersteun Hieb se gholfdag MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com ‘n Gholfdag ten bate van Hulp In Elke Behoefte (Hieb) word op 1 Augustus by die Polokwane Gholfklub aangebied. Thys die Bosveldklong gaan ekstra luister aan die geleenheid gee. My Limpopo Kombuis-braaikompetisie se topbraaiers gaan terselftertyd hul beste voetjie
voorsit met die hoop om te wen en met die groot prys weg te stap. Die inisieerder van die braaikompetisie en direkteur van Hieb, mnr Dirk Liebenberg, sal vir heerlike peuselhappies op die baan sorg. Bekende kunstenaar, Gerhard Snyman se kunswerke word ook uitgestal. Belangstellendes word genooi om nou reeds hul plek op die baan te bespreek deur vir Liebenberg by 081 707 7467 te skakel.
Lim wheelchair tennis star at French open S
outh African number one female wheelchair tennis star KG Montjane made a solid start at the French Open Women’s Wheelchair tournament at Roland Garros winning her opening round match against Sharon Walraven of the Netherlands 7-6, 1-6, 6-4, last Wednesday but was ousted when she was beaten in both the singles and doubles semifinals the next day. Montjane qualified for the elite top eight tournament due to her world ranking of number six. According to Montjane’s coach Holger Losch, Montjane won a “hard grind after the long travel but she won thorough”. Montjane flew from Japan to Paris on her birthday arriving at Roland Garros late on the evening before her first round match. In Japan, Montjane reached the semi-finals of the singles and finals of the doubles with Marjolein Buis of the Netherlands. At Roland Garosse she faced second seed and world number two Jiske Grifjoen of the Netherlands and went down 1-6, 3-6. Montjane regrouped somewhat and fought hard but still never found the “groove” that has
got her to the world number six ranking. She then teamed up with German star Katherina Kruger in the semi-final of the doubles against top seeds Griffioen and Anniek van Koot. Grifjoen and Van Koot won 6-1, 6-1. “It wasn’t a good day for me on court today,” admitted Montjane. “I really tried my best, but could never get into my playing game. I felt I had chances especially in the second set but then could not convert them, made silly mistakes and far too many unforced errors.”
KG Montjane in action on the tennis court during an earlier tournament.
Come watch SA’s top golfers at the Polokwane Classic WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The Sunshine Tour is proud to return to the hometown of one of South Africa’s most celebrated golfers, Retief Goosen, when the Polokwane Classic gets underway at the Polokwane Golf Club today (Thursday). The tournament continues until Saturday with most of SA’s up-and-coming professional golfers participating this weekend. Local professionals, Louis de Jager and CJ du Plessis will also be among the contestants on the course where they grew up playing golf. It is the first time in seven years that Polokwane will be hosting a Sunshine Tour event. Ray Earle who runs the Goose Academy at the local golf club commented that Goosen is happy to see professional golf is returning to the course where he learnt the game. The Polo-
kwane Classic will focus strongly on the development among young golfers in the province. According to Earle, who was the president of the golf club when Goosen was still a junior, Goosen will be missing the US Open, which also takes place this weekend because of a back injury. Goosen has won the US Open twice before. The Executive Major of the Polokwane Municipality, Cllr Freddy Greaver said the Polokwane Classic won’t be costing the municipality a cent as the tournament has been funded by the private sector. Greaver has urged all local golfers to support the tournament in order to promote the game of golf in Limpopo. “We hope to give young people in Polokwane and the surrounding areas the opportunity to also emulate what Retief has done, and the Polokwane Municipality wants this tournament to celebrate his legacy and what he has done to develop golf in Polokwane,” Greaver added.
Noordelikes vermorsel Venda-universiteit WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Die Messina Rugbyklub het vir BB Truck & Tractor Noordelike Rugbyklub (Noordelikes) se derde- en eerste spanne ‘n kans gegee om die Springbokke se wedstryd teen Italië op die grootskerm te sien toe hulle Saterdag punte gestuur het. Die Universiteit van Venda (Univen) het wel vir hul Boet Fick Seniorliga-wedstryd teen Noordelikes se tweede span opgedaag om vir rugbyaksie te sorg. Noordelikes het te veel slaankrag gehad en ‘n wegholsege van 67-0 teen die besoekers behaal. Schalk Pyper het met die speler van die wedstryd-toekenning weggestap na sy drie spogdrieë in die wedstryd. Daar sal geen Boet Fick Seniorligawedstryde oor die naweek plaasvind nie, maar die stad se rugbyondersteuners kan ‘n Limpopo Uitnodigingspan teen die SA Lugmag Saterdag in aksie sien op Noordelikes se tuisveld. Die wedstryd begin om 15:00.
Noordelikes se tweede span-speler, Theuns Heenop word vas gevat.
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June 13, 2013 >> Page 40
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City overcomes hurdles to gain PSL promotion >> We want to stay in the PSL >> We need their support Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
olokwane City Football Club has risen from tragedy and adversity to surprise friend and foe by making it to the Premier Soccer League (PSL). Following the loss of four of their players, Khomotso Mpakatsane, Benjamin Nthete, Mojalefa Mphuti and Koketso Takalo in a horrific accident last year November, few football enthusiasts would have thought it wont be possible for the team to recover as it did. At the time of the accident the team was lying precariously in 15th position of National First Division (NFD) with seven games in hand. “Those seven games were the most crucial games of our season. They gave us the opportunity to challenge for the league and we did just that. It was not easy, it was tough because we were playing two games a week and there was also the Nedbank Cup in the mix. It was tough. The travelling and the way our matches were structured was a real test of character. I remember at some point we were playing in Cape Town on a Wednesday and would arrive in the province on Thursday to prepare for Saturday’s match on Friday, so you can imagine what we were going through. We prepared well; we had a plan and it was well executed by the players,” Coach, Duncan Lechesa recalled. Tincy Tema, Chief Operations Officer of the club has attributed the team’s success to the players, technical team and supporters.
“After the accident, we were battling to cope and it was difficult for us to replace the players. We went into the market in January, we beefed up the squad with the right players. We were fortunate enough to sign experienced players such as Koketso Mmotong and Essau Kanyenda who is our leading goal scorer. They helped us a lot because they led by example in the last remaining fixtures. After we parted ways with Vladislav Heric we had to look for a local coach who understands local football and Duncan Lechesa was the preferred candidate. His mandate was to improve the team’s current table standings and he did not disappoint. We also love thank the supporters for their support in all our matches. We played all our matches at Oscar Mpetha Stadium in Mankweng and they were always there in numbers. Next season we will be playing at Peter Mokaba Stadium and we also need their support there,” Tema added.
Tema also said that the will be going into the market in July to reinforce the team ahead of the 2013/2014 Premier Soccer League which commence in earnest in August. “We don’t want to take chances in the league. We want to stay in the PSL. We don’t want come and go, it is important for us to get the right players who will be able to help us to challenge for the top honours in the league. It’s a pity we cannot divulge the names of the players we are looking at right now, but we will definitely acquire quality players,” Tema said. Despite all their challenges they came across last season, the players have shown determination and great fighting spirit that saw them finishing the 2012/2013 NFD season at the top position.
Photos: Supplied
Polokwane City Coach, Duncan Lechesa. Left: Polokwane City Players, front are Koketso Mmotong, Essau Kanyenda, Xolani Puleng, Njabulo Mohori and Brian Mashishi. Vukile Mxebisi, Stanley Masha, Thapelo Mathibe, Muthusi Gopane, Million Mkhabela and Makweni Mayala (Captain) are at the back.
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