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Polokwane Municipality receives damning disclaimer
l Addict sprays baby’s face with super glue
All not so well, says AG
ing an audit into affairs of the previous financial year. Polokwane Observer earlier reported on the likelihood of an audit outcome implying the worst case scenario and indeed the result of the audit into the past year’s municipal affairs is another disclaimer. Limpopo Auditor-General Dirk To page 2
Gerrit Venter vorder goed na wraakaanval “Dat my man vanoggend met my kon praat is ‘n absolute wonderwerk, ek weet die Here het nog groot planne met hom. Ons het genesing oor hom uitgespreek en Hy het ons gebede gehoor.” Gerrit Venter se vrou, Christa, se uitbundige vreugde en dankbaarheid was Woensdag (gister) hoorbaar toe sy vanuit Medi-Clinic Meulmed in Pretoria met Polokwane Gerrit Venter en sy vrou, Observer in gesprek was. Na bl 2 Christa.
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s if being under constant fire for non-service delivery does not pose ample burden on Polokwane Municipality, the institution now faces an added spell of doom and gloom after a predicted disclaimer was confirmed by an Auditor-General report follow-
Tel: 015 291 1061
-0 R4
Polokwane | Seshego | Mokopane | Dendron | Haenertsburg | Mankweng | Aganang | Lebowakgomo | Sekhukhune
>> PAGE 3
l Swak water hou groot risiko in l Hein Viljoen ter ruste gelê >> BLADSY 4
l Heavy rains claim 11 lives on roads Gesluierde skoonheid. ‘n Foto getitled “Mysterious” van Jaco Heyl is Gesluierde skoonheid. ‘n Foto getitled aangewys as beste portretbeeld en “Mysterious” van Jaco Heyl is aangewys beste geprojekteerde beeld tydens as beste portretbeeld en beste geprodie Pietersburg Fotografieklub se jekteerde beeldjaarlikse tydens die Pietersburg prysuitdeling. Fotografieklub se jaarlikse prysuitdeling.
Hawks looking into AG report on RAL
The Hawks in Limpopo are looking into alleged corruption at parastatal Roads Agency Limpopo (RAL) after receiving a report by the Auditor-General a few days ago. In response to an enquiry Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) spokesperson Africa Boso confirmed that it was
brought to their attention that an incorrect audit report had been included in the annual report of RAL. “This report differed significantly from the report that was issued by the AGSA. Subsequently, the AGSA informed the provincial government leadership of this incident. The AGSA appreciates the urgency and seriousness with which this mat ter has been handled by the To page 2
>> PAGE 6
l Fotografieklub bekroon bestes
>> BLADSY 13
March 13, 2014
Mayor addresses property owners on valuation roll
Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver addresses business and property owners during a breakfast meeting to discuss issues concerning the new municipal general valuation roll.
RC Myburgh >>
olokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver addressed business entities on Tuesday during a breakfast meeting to discuss issues and assertions made by the business sector on the municipal general valuation roll which will be implemented with effect from 1 July. With the business property portfolio escalating by more than R6 billion from the previous valuation roll, Greaver assured business and property owners who fear skyrocketing rates that the municipality only budgeted to collect 6% more on property rates during this finan-
cial year. The certified valuation roll, completed on approximately 72 000 properties in the municipal area, was presented to Municipal Manager Connie Mametja on 27 February. In terms of section 34 (d) of the Municipal Property Rates Act (MPRA) and the MPRA regulations, Mametja must publish a notice in the Provincial Gazette and local media, advising all property owners that the valuation roll is open for inspection and objections as from from 7 April until 30 May. Greaver stressed that issues brought under their attention of the municipality via various media include the business sector seeing the valuation process as flawed; that no room for public participation was allowed; that council
Power shedding hits Limpopo Power shedding hit Limpopo on Thursday without any warning from Eskom. Initially the explanation was that the coal used to generate electricity was too wet to drive the production process of generating electricity. Later reports also offered other explanations. Whether and when power shedding will end, is however an open question and the higher demand for electricity during the winter months will obviously influence the situation. The Customer Relations Manager for the Polokwane zone of Eskom, Dikgabane Rampedi offered the following input into this matter: “As South Africans we are not supposed to have power shedding on condition that we adhere to the calls that are made by
the Minister of Public Enterprises and Eskom’s Chief Executive Officer to be energy efficient, especially during peak hours when we are requested to switch off all non-essential appliances between 17:00 and 19:00. We should also support Operation Khanyisa of which our President, Jacob Zuma, has signed a pledge in 2010 in conjunction with Salga, Eskom, Primemedia, Business Initiative SA, Business Unity SA, Proudly SA and Crimeline by reporting all illegal activities to Operation Khanyisa at number 32211. If we do this and we are committed, there will be no need to build a Medupi power station in South Africa.” Eskom publishes the schedules for planned shedding on their website to guide users to plan their activities. Unfortunately the actual shedding that took place on Thursday, did not correspond with the real shedding times that were published.
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All not so well, says AG
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From page 1 Strydom confirmed the disclaimer during a special council meeting on Tuesday afternoon, highlighting issues of concern in his presentation. According to information the recording and accounting of municipal assets, a fundamental activity in financial management of the local government institution, remained poor and problematic. It was further learnt that a transversal issue which Strydom raised as a matter of concern apparently related to the ownership of main routes remaining the mandate of Capricorn District Municipality which were reflected as assets in the books of Polokwane Municipality. In the same vein another transversal matter pointed out was that of additional costs arising from a prolonged court case over a wage curve agreement instituted by the South African Local Government Association (Salga) in the province. According to information the costs, affecting all municipalities across Limpopo, were not listed as a contingent liability in the municipal books. Strydom indicated that the noticeable improvement in the affairs of the past year was not sufficient to save Polokwane Municipality from getting a disclaimer. Also up for discussion during the special
was supposed to adopt a policy before appointing the valuator; that they have no trust in the valuator and that the municipality does nothing to address illegal land use. Greaver addressed most issues saying that despite these assertions it is still good news to business and property owners that the municipality already budgeted to collect only R302 million in rates from property owners even if the property portfolio increases tenfold. Polokwane Municipality collected R273 million during the previous financial year. The breakfast was concluded with a presentation by eValuations, the company which conducted the valuation on behalf of the Polokwane Municipality.
Hawks looking into report on RAL From page 1 MEC for Roads and Transport in Limpopo, Mr Lehlogonolo Masoga. “The AGSA views this matter in a serious light and as a result, we have opened a case of fraud with the South African Police Service in Lebowakgomo on 25 February 2014.” Approached for comment, Hawks spokesperson Paul Ramaloko confirmed they were looking into allegations of corrupt activities at RAL. At the time of going to print he said they were studying a report by the AuditorGeneral in Limpopo, Dirk Strydom, which is expected to shed light on alleged corruption at RAL. At the same time he said it was too early to talk about the contents of the investigation.
council meeting was the draft annual budget summary for the financial year 2014/15 – 2016/17. Revenue figures reflected in the annual budget for the financial year 2014/15 and indicative for the two projected outer years 2015/16 and 2016/17 totalled R2 174 748 000, R2 310 070 000 and R2 485 307 000 respectively. The expenditure for the same periods was summarised as R2 113 096 000, R2 246 206 000 and R2 347 314 000 respectively. Capital expenditure was listed as R488 646 000, R496 435 000 and R508 761 000 respectively. Previously Polokwane Observer attempted to obtain comment from Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver on a possible disclaimer and was informed that he would do so once the final report was out. Asked for fresh comment Polokwane Municipality Communications and Marketing Manager Tidimalo Chuene said the audit report was still going to be discussed by Council as part of the annual report and on that note plans on how to address matters by the Auditor-General in the report would be discussed then. “However, we must point out that the AG has emphasised the remarkable improvement by the municipality and overall financial management compared to previous financial years.”
Gerrit Venter vorder goed na wraakaanval Van bl 1 Gerrit, verkoopsbestuurder van Duroc Foods waar hy al 25 jaar werksaam is, is Vrydagoggend ernstig met ‘n hoekyster deur een van Duroc Foods se personeellede aangerand. Volgens Andre van der Nest, ‘n verkoopsverteenwoordiger van Duroc Foods, het die wreedaardige wraakaanval in die laaisone van die onderneming plaasgevind nadat hy (Gerrit) die werker aangespreek het omdat hy sy eie klere met die werk se wasmasjien gewas het. “Ons het dadelik met hom Limpopo Mediclini toe gejaag waar hy gestabiliseer is en sy bewussyn verloor het voordat hy per helikopter na Pretoria gehaas is.” Volgens Christa was sy hoofbeserings so ernstig dat hy as gevolg van die swelling byna onherkenbaar was. Die omvang daarvan sal volgens dokters eers na skanderings en Xstrale bepaal kan word. Sy meen haar kommunikasie met haar man was dalk moontlik weens die afskaling van die sedasie ter voorbereiding van toetse wat volg. “Danksy die positiwiteit, geloof, gebede en bystand van familie en vriende kan die pad vorentoe net makliker wees. Ons het van die
begin af nooit hoop verloor nie en God vertrou. Sy skedel sal opgebou moet word, maar ons sal alles stap vir stap vat. Hy is nie meer aan die ventilator gekoppel nie, maar kry wel suurstof en die swelling verminder daagliks.” Nadia du Preez, hul oudste dogter en ‘n onderwyser by Mitchell House het vroeër die week gesê: “Dit gaan goed met paps. Hier kom ‘n wonderwerk. Ons bid vir volkome herstel. Die dokters sal verbaas wees oor God se wonderbaarlike krag.” Volgens haar stroom boodskappe daagliks op sosiale netwerke in wat ‘n bewys is van gebede en ondersteuning wat dinge vir hul gesin makliker maak. Volgens die woordvoerder vir die Westenburg Polisie, Mohlaka Mashiane, het die 34-jarige Sipho Lekgoathoane Maandag voor die Polokwane Streekshof op ‘n klag van poging tot moord verskyn en is borgtog geweier. Hy sal ‘n formele borgaansoek met sy volgende verskyning indien. Mariska Vogel, die Venters se ander dogter ondersteun haar ma by die hospitaal. Die jongste, Morné, is ‘n graad 10-leerder van Hoërskool Pietersburg.
March 13, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Addict sprays baby’s face with super glue
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Civil case looms after medical sedation of 11-month old in Limpopo Medi-Clinic >> Police do nothing after baby is sprayed in face with superglue. >> Mother of four needs urgent rehabilitation. KESHIA J V RENSBURG >>
suspected drug addict might be facing civil charges after she sprayed an 11-month-old baby in his face with superglue during an alleged drug-induced freak-out session. According to Lydia Olivier, the mother of the infant who was rushed to Limpopo Medi-Clinic on Sunday and placed under sedation to have the superglue removed from his face, says it took all her willpower not to physically assault the women she had allowed to stay in her home due to the fact that she did not have anywhere else to go. “As a friend I felt I needed to help her get back on her feet but during one of her drug sessions she completely freaked out and sprayed my little boy in his face because I told her I did not want her using drugs in my house. As the Police did nothing when they came to my house I will now be seeking legal advice and plan on suing her for the cost of the medical bills incurred following the incident.” She said the Polokwane Police were called to the scene but left hastily as they said it was a domestic dispute and they could not interfere as it was the complainant’s word against that of her friend who denied the super glue incident. Lesiba Ramoshaba from the Polokwane Police says the Police are disturbed about the incident and regret the fact that the officials called to the scene did not offer the complainant the help she requested. “No case has been opened by the Police but the complainant is urged to lay a formal complaint at the station manage-
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ment to ensure further steps are taken.” Olivier also said that according to information she had been furnished with it was not the first incidence of this nature and that the alleged wrong-doer apparently previously smeared and squirted her own children with superglue in response to what she deemed bad behaviour. Polokwane Observer exclusively and on condition of anonymity spoke to the woman’s husband who is currently embroiled in a custody battle to gain sole custody over their four children aged between three and eleven years of age, after various incidences of drug abuse came to light in the past few years. “I would like to start off by saying that she has a heart of gold underneath all the craziness, it’s only because of wrong friends and wrong influences. She needs help and she’s too proud to accept it from me,” he said. He further stated that she has been using the drug Cat for a very long time and it has since started affecting her day to day life and her sanity. “It got to the point where I had to resign from work and start looking after my children, cooking and cleaning because she was too busy with her drugs to do it herself.” He further said that he on three occasions found drugs lying openly in their home which led to his taking action and chasing her from the home, as it is very dangerous for the children. “The last straw was when I found the drugs in the warming oven at home and had to explain to my daughter that it was actually rat poison and she should never touch it if she sees it as it is highly poisonous.” The husband is currently waiting on court rulings regarding the custody of their children and more than anything hopes for her rehabilitation so that she can be the mother he knows she has the potential to be.” She needs to regain her self-respect and focus on being a mother,” he said. Attempts to contact the alleged perpetrator were fruitless as she is currently in between residences.
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March 13, 2014
Polokwane se swak water is groot gesondheidsrisiko
>> Leerders siek, PHS installeer watersuiweraar >> Munisipaliteit sê water is skoon
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ie teenwoordigheid van die EColi-bakterieë in die stad se drinkwater is waarskynlik die oorsaak dat tientalle leerders van verskeie plaaslike skole en inwoners die afgelope twee weke begin siek word het. Polokwane Observer is in besit van die watertoetsverslag wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Akkreditasiestelsel (Sanas) geakkrediteerde Capricorn Veterinary Laboratories gedoen is en duidelike teenwoordigheid van EColi in die drinkwater toon. Die munisipaliteit is egter vasberade dat Polokwane se water skoon is en geen gesondheidsrisiko inhou nie. Sommige leerders is sedent verlede week afwesig by verskeie skole nadat hulle van erge maagaandoenings en -krampe gekla het. Die burgerregte organisasie, AfriForum, het in Februarie na aanleiding van hul jaarlikse Blou- en Groendruppelprojek die stad se water getoets om die kwaliteit te bepaal. “Die maksimumvlak van EColi in huishoudelike water is oorskry en toon dat drinkwater
nie doeltreffend behandel word nie,” sê AfriForum Limpopo-organiseerder Morné Mostert. Hy sê die water is ook by Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) getoets en die uitslae is onaanvaarbaar. Skoolhoof, Willie Schoeman het bevestig dat die skool se water getoets is. “Ons het die afgelope paar weke verskeie klagtes van siek leerders by die koshuis gehad en moes noodgedwonge ‘n watersuiweraar installeer,” sê hy. Die skool moedig lank reeds leerders aan om gebottelde water by die snoepie te koop. “Dit is steeds kommerwekkend en onaanvaarbaar dat die water by ’n skool in ’n sogenaamde stedelike gebied nie skoon genoeg is om te gebruik nie. Ons is besig met samesprekings met die munisipaliteit om die aangeleentheid aan te spreek,” sê Schoeman. Skole soos Pietersburg Laerskool, die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé en Laerskool Pietersburg-Noord Primary het bevestig dat leerders gereeld oor maagkrampe kla. ‘n Dokter van die stad, wat verkies om anoniem te bly, sê hy behandel op ’n daaglikse basis leerders en volwassenes met maagaandoenings. “Ek kan nie sê dat dit as gevolg van die
kraanwater is nie, omdat ons nie stoelgangmonsters vir ontleding wegstuur nie, maar daar is definitief iets wat inwoners se mae omkrap,” sê hy. Mostert sê die water sal weer voor die einde van die week getoets word om te sien of daar daadwerklike pogings deur die munisipaliteit aangewend is om dit te verbeter. Indien nie sal AfriForum verdere stappe neem deur die hooggeregshof te nader. Munisipale kommunikasie- en bemarkingsbestuurder, Tidimalo Chuene sê die munisipaliteit doen gereelde watertoetse en dat hul rekords geen mikrobiologiese deeltjies in die vorige jaar tot nou toe bevat nie. “Ons water is veilig. Daar is gereelde behandeling met chloor wat die EColi-bakterieë tot 0 eenhede per 100 ml water bring. Daar is ander faktore soos onopgeleide persone wat watertoetse doen – ons het geen bewys dat AfriForum se persoon opgelei is nie.” Chuene sê AfriForum is uitgenooi om ’n gesamentlike watertoets te doen, maar dat hulle steeds vir terugvoer van die organisasie wag. Mostert ontken egter die uitnodiging of korrespondensie van die munisipaliteit.
Eertydse staatsaanklaer ter ruste gelê KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> Hein Viljoen (57) is vroeër die week in Limpopo Mediclinic oorlede en is gister vanuit die NG Kerk Moedergemeente begrawe. Viljoen was ‘n bekende gesig in Polokwane nadat hy vir bykans 40 jaar in die diens van die destydse departement van justisie was. Vanaf 1979 beklee hy verskeie posisies in die depar-
tement en het as senior staatsaanklaer van die Polokwane Streekshof gedien. Volgens sy seun, Hein jnr het sy pa onlangs sy heup gebreek waarna sy gesondheid vinnig verswak het. “My pa was die grootste sportentoesias en diereliefhebber asook die mees lojale persoon teenoor sy vriende en familie.” Viljoen laat sy vrou, Helga, sy dogter, Tanja en sy seun, Hein agter. Die familie bedank Mediclinic Limpopo en almal wat gehelp het tydens sy afsterwe.
Hein Viljoen en sy seun en naamgenoot. Die foto is tydens Hein jnr se troue in Februarie vanjaar geneem.
March 13, 2014
Polokwane Observer
March 13, 2014
Heavy rains claim 11 lives on provincial roads Foto: RC Myburgh
A bakkie towing a mobile toilet unit collided with another bakkie on the corner of Devenish and Biccard streets on Monday.
>> Police and provincial traffic officials are deployed at certain areas to reroute traffic >> “Motorists should stay calm and reduce speed” - Mootane RC Myburgh >>
ontinuous heavy rains across Limpopo is causing carnage on the provinces roads as eleven people already lost their lives in accidents on the weekend which occurred mostly because of bad visibility on the roads due to heavy rains. According to Kasgiso Mootane, Spokesperson for Roads and Transport the situation on Limpopo’s roads is dreadful with roads being flooded in several areas as well as road surfaces being damaged to such an extent that it causes hazardous situations for motorists. “As we speak I am in Bela-Bela monitoring the situation after this area has been demolished by heavy rains. Despite the devastating situation at the Klein Kariba holiday resort, the roads are in a terrible condition. The biggest problem at this moment is that water remains stationary at some places across the road,” she said on Tuesday. Mootane said the Police in Bela-Bela as well as members of the provincial traffic department are deployed at certain areas to reroute traffic. “Motorists are urged to use the N1 from Bela-Bela as the R101 is still closed due to
stationary water across the road surface,” she said. She also referred to the R33 between Vaalwater and Lephalale where officials are on the scene rerouting motorists. “Two dams in the area burst their walls causing major damage to the road. The road has been closed for now,” she said . See the story on floods elsewhere. Referring to the 11 people who died on the roads over the weekend she also confirmed that a head-on collision between a stationary truck and a taxi claimed the life of one person on the N1 just outside Modimolle on Monday morning. In unrelated accidents three people died on the R81 over the weekend. A burst tyre supposedly caused the vehicle they were travelling in to overturn. Another person died on the R71 on Sunday evening after allegedly speeding and ignoring temporary road signs at Dalmada when he lost control, collided with poles and a mound of pebbles used for construction purposes. Two people in a bakkie were slightly injured after their vehicle collided with cattle on the R71 just after Moria on Tuesday morning. In Polokwane the corner of Biccard and Devenish Street was the scene of yet another collision Monday morning when the driver of a bakkie allegedly ignored the red traffic light and crashed into another. No injuries were reported but damage was done to the traffic light and some road signs. Mootane urged motorists to stay calm on the roads and to reduce speed immediately if they are not sure about road conditions ahead or if driving in heavy rains.
Photo: Supplied One
person died on Sunday after he allegedly disobeyed temporary road markings at Dalmada and collided with poles and a mound of pebbles next to the road.
Muni spends R276 million on capital projects RC Myburgh >> Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) presented their annual report for 2012/13 last week providing details on the extent and quality of services rendered by the municipality to its communities. CDM Spokesperson Moffat Senyatsi in a press release said service delivery in the district has improved to a point where eight out of ten households have access to piped water with the sanitation backlog decreased to less than 50% of the population while 88% of households are connected to the electricity grid. “During the year CDM spent R276 million
on capital projects which compromised of R196 million on water services and infrastructure and R30 million on electricity. This means that 9 808 new households were connected to piped water during the year while 830 were provided with toilets,” he said. He added that this progress is an assurance to residents and ratepayers that capital budget is used efficiently to improve their quality of life. During the presentation of the report Municipal Manager Ngoako Molokomme was quoted saying: “We are committing to a promising future. Day by day the Capricorn District is becoming a model district that is excellent, sustainable and liveable.”
March 13, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Top Atletiek Seisoen
SA Kampioenskappe
6 van Curro Heuwelkruin se atlete kwalifiseer vir SA Kampioenskappe. Jan Heystek (Seuns 0/19) 1ste in die 100m (10,44), 1ste in die 200m (21,8) Stephen Nel (Seuns 0/16) 1ste Spiesgooi (59,06) Arno Horn (Seuns 0/15) 1ste Spiesgooi (52,26) Lizette Pretorius (Dogters 0/14) Hoogspring (1,54) Omolemo Phasha (Dogters 0/13) 1ste in die 100m (12,4), en 1ste in die 200m (25,8) Ilanie Heystek (Dogters 0/16) 1ste in die 200m (25,10), 2de in die 100m Hekkies (15,1), en 2de in Hoogspring (1,60)
Top 10 byeenkoms - Atletiek Gauteng Noord Curro Heuwelkruin eindig 3de in die Kleinskole kategorie tydens atletiek Gauteng Noord se Top 10 byeenkoms. Algeheel eindig Curro Heuwelkruin 31ste uit 76 skole. Spantotaal: 8771 punte op die ABSA punte tabel Medaljes: Goud - Omolemo Phasha (Dogters 0/14) in die 100m (12,6) Ilanie Heystek (Dogters 0/16) in die 200m (25,40) Stephen Nel (Seuns 0/16) Spiesgooi (60,62) Brons - Lizette Pretorius (Dogters 0/14) hoogspring (1,50) Aidan Vermaak (Seuns 0/19) Diskus (39,15)
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March 13, 2014
Daan Naudé ná ‘n kort siekbed oorlede
wane werk sal altyd onthou hoeveel moeite hy vir mense rondom hom gedoen het. Die keer wat Daan Naudé (88) sal vir veel meer as die vier hy en ‘n neef die see in is om iemand wat besig apteke wat hy, Japie Visser en Gideon Joubert was om te verdrink te help, sal sy nooit vergeet in die stad gevestig en bestuur het onthou word. nie. Hy was ‘n sterk swemmer, goeie tennisspeler Naudé het as gekwalifiseerde apteker in Preen lief vir die buitelewe. As fotograaf, wat sy eie toria begin praktiseer en is Morgenzon toe nadat donkerkamer gehad het, het hy ook beïndruk. hy met Lutré Maré, ‘n laerskoolonderwyseres, Min mense weet dat hy Duitse Lieder gesing het. getroud is. In 1962 is hy deur wyle senator Tom Sy jongste dogter, Anneliese Bothma, bestuurNaudé Pietersburg toe “ingevoer.” Sy oom het der van die SAVF se Martha Hofmeyr Tehuis vir gereken dat dit nie net ‘n goeie beroepskuif sou wees nie, maar dat hy ook baie vir die opbou van Bejaardes en Vergeet My Nie Behuisingsentrum sê sy deursettingsvermoë, betroubaarheid en die stad sou beteken. deernis sal haar bybly. “Dit was swaar om so ‘n Daan was aktief in die kultuur- en politieke sterk, trotse en bekwame man aan die einde lewe van Pietersburg en het as lid of voorsitter van sy lewe so broos en weerloos te sien. Hy van verskeie rade, insluitende dié van Pieterswas ‘n oopkop denker en die lang gesprekke oor burg Laer- én Hoërskool, gedien. In 1986 is diep dinge – veral sedert Ma se afsterwe drie jaar hy as Pietersburg se Afrikaanse Sakekamer se gelede – was baie kosbaar.” Sakeman van die Jaar aangewys. Daan laat vier kleinseuns en ‘n kleindogter, “Daar was omtrent niks wat my pa nie kon Luzanne na wat sê hy was doen nie,” sê sy oudste ‘n great oupa. ‘n Regte teddogter, Annamaré Keun diebeer en baie slim. – ‘n apteker in Reyton. Die familie is besonder Sy onthou hoe hy in sy dankbaar teenoor drr Manvrye tyd hout-, metaal- en nie Krüger en Pierre Burger veselwerk gedoen het. Hy wat nog altyd net goed vir het bote gebou, karahulle ouers was. vane aangepas en selfs ‘n ‘n Lewensvieringsdiens duinebesie gebou. “As hy word Vrydag om 10:00 by nie iets gemaak of herstel die NG Kerk Bendorpark het nie, het hy iets gebreek sodat hy iets gehad het om Daan Naudé is Maandag oorlede. By gehou onder leiding van dr Gerhard Bothma, sy reg te maak,” skerts sy. hom is sy vrou, Lutré wat drie jaar Louise Korff wat in Polok- gelede oorlede is. FOTO: VOORSIEN skoonseun.
CRIME shorts Hoedspruit farm attack suspects sentenced Following their final appearance before the Hoedspruit Magistrate’s Court last week, the three men involved in a farm attack in August of 2011 were sentenced and will each be spending between 15 and 45 years in prison. Ruben Sebela (37), Peter Ramathoka (50) and Eden Mushwana (48) were all found guilty on the respective charges brought against them. According to Lucky Makutu from the Hoedspruit Police the three suspects appeared in court last week facing two counts of robbery, one count for possession of a firearm without a licence, as well as ammunition and attempted theft of a motor vehicle. Sebela was sentenced to 15 years in prison for robbery and the theft of the vehicle, Mathoka was found guilty of the same crimes and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Mushwana was found guilty on all counts mentioned and sentenced to 45 years in prison.
EFF Lim member dies after collapsing at court
Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) member Mack Sekantane Dikgale was identified as the unknown person who collapsed and died outside the North Gauteng High Court during an EFF anti-ANC protest march on Thursday. George Raphela from EFF Limpopo confirmed the incident and says that Dikgale will be bur-
ied in Seshego on 16 March, with the full bill of the proceedings being footed by the EFF. “We have lost a friend and a fellow comrade and will be taking full responsibility,” says Raphela. According to information the protest was in full swing and party supporters could be seen singing and chanting with placards and antiZuma slogans, when Dikgale collapsed.
SanParks employee in court for illegal hunting
SA National Parks (SanParks) employee Michael Sematla appeared in the Makhado Magistrate’s Court on Friday after being arrested on charges of illegal hunting earlier in February. SanParks spokesperson Ike Phaahla says the case was postponed to June 3 for trial. Sematla and nine other hunters were fined a total amount of R37 000 by the court in February after being found hunting illegally on the farm Den Staat near Musina. This then led to Sematla being further implicated in a number of illegal commercial hunting activities leading to his arrest. The farm forms part of the Mapungubwe National Park and is a World Heritage Site. “The prosecution of the hunters and the SanParks employee follows months of investigation after a giraffe carcass with three bullet wounds was found in the park,” Phaahla said.
Man stabbed to death at tavern
The Vuwani Police are investigating a case of murder and assault after a man was stabbed to death and his girlfriend severely injured at a tavern in the area on Sunday night. Tsietsi Lamola from the Limpopo Police confirmed the incident and says three suspects were arrested on Tuesday and would be appearing before the Vuwani Magistrate’s Court soon. “A 32-year-old man was stabbed to death with a bottle and his spouse stabbed in her hand and knee. It is alleged that the suspects saw the couple exchanging money and attacked them to try and take the money from them.”
Girls tear apart an Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) T-shirt.
Claims of more EFF defectors to join ANC YOLANDE NEL >> The African National Congress (ANC) in Limpopo is awaiting more defectors from the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), as projected the past weekend when the ruling party welcomed home a group of youngsters who destroyed red regalia in front of Frans Mohlala House. After a three-hour wait, the hyped-up supporters came round a corner and stormed the entrance of the ANC provincial headquarters where they were welcomed by ANC Chairperson Baleka Mbete, Premier Stan Mathabatha and members of national and provincial leadership structures. According to ANC Limpopo spokesperson Sipho Dikgale they were expecting more members from EFF to join the organisation. “It is just a matter of days and hours.” He quoted an estimated 1 800 former EFF members crossing over to the ANC for disgruntlement over EFF Commander-in-Chief Julius Malema’s bullying tactics and allowing mostly people from Seshego to occupy leadership positions and not those from rural areas. After the group of rowdy returning members were given ANC T-shirts during a gathering inside the building they joined the national and provincial leadership, led by Premier Stan Mathabatha, on visits to a downtown taxi rank and homes in Seshego’s Zones 1 and 2. Dikgale said the house of Malema’s father in a settlement in Zone 2 was included in the itinerary. The following day Mathabatha was welcomed at a church in Lebowakgomo, he concluded.
Maart 13, 2014
Magoebaskloof Berry Festival a huge success
Lindsey Sanderson
t was berries galore at the 2014 Magoebaskloof Berry Festival held in mid-February. In its third year, the festival has made its mark as one of the most popular festivals in Limpopo. Visitors came from as far as Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal and the Free State to pick berries, buy berries and eat their fill of berries and delicious berry products. Vodacom, the main sponsor, played an important role in assisting with signage, flyers and water bottles and also providing the jumping castles and fun events for children. Berry Festival Committee Chairperson Phillip Spencer was effusive, saying: “The festival was the best yet. We have some plans to make it even better and to improve the parking facilities and add new events etc.” He thanked Vodacom for their “great input and assistance”. Vodacom Regional Marketing Manager Ishmael Hlomane said: “We are proud to be associated with such an event and to be part of the Magoebaskloof community. This festival seeks to instil the pride of this community through their rich and unique treasure.” The festival kicked off with a Valentine’s Dinner and Dance in the Haenertsburg Village Hall. Catering was provided by Horst Dombrock of Bittersweet with music by Rupert and Gilbert of the Straight Ahead Combo. “A delightful evening with great food and great music,” was the comment from one of the guests. The early morning drizzle on Saturday did not keep festival goers away from the Harvest Market and the Village Green saw hundreds of visitors flock to the many stalls set up under the trees and under the marquee. Straw bales for seating added to the delightful country atmosphere of the event. “A fabulous turnout,” was the way Sally van Aardt, who was selling delectable preserves on offer from Home Based, described it. “Super vibes and super berries,” commented one of the visitors. Many stall holders were rushed off their feet trying to replenish stock as the visitors streamed in. Among the items available were fresh berries, berry pancakes, home-made ice-cream, raspberry liqueur and a huge variety of jams, pickles and preserves, tapas, hamburgers, cakes and pies and berry cordials. There were also craft stalls and a jumping castle. The restaurants were kept busy with filling orders and visitors enjoyed exploring the Haenertsburg shops. Sunday was another busy day at the market and visitors enjoyed the sunshine and the relaxed atmosphere under the trees. The Bjatladi Marimba band provided musical entertainment. Berry picking on Saturday and Sunday at the Kuhestan Farm and Blueberry Heights Farm was incredibly popular. Jon Trusler of Blueberry Heights said: “The festival was really very good with hundreds of visitors who picked and ate loads of berries and enjoyed the homemade blueberry pies and cordials at the coffee shop. It was a great success.” Shahrzad Hone of Kuhestan said: “We were kept very busy with berry picking and the farm tours. We had a lot of visitors last year but there were twice the number this year. It was amazing.” Unfortunately the recent rains made the orchards at Cheerio Gardens inaccessible but visitors were able to enjoy the fabulous blueberry treats served at Cheerio Tea Gardens. Wegraakbosch Organic Dairy had a wonderful turnout said owner Nipper Thompson who offered cheese tours, cheese tasting and cheese platters. “It was all a great success,” he added. The trail run at Blueberry Heights Farm – held for the first time this year - was also very successful, with at least 120 runners of all ages taking part in races over the farmlands and along Stanford Lake and Ebenezer Dam. “We will definitely be doing the trail run again next year,” Trusler said.
Vodacom was the main sponsor of the recent2014 Magoebaskloof Berry Festival that drew visitors from far.
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Maponya wins leadership award NEWS
March 13, 2014
10 OBSERVER polokwane
>> The school was confronted with lots of challenges
Bids documents containing the Conditions of Bid and other requirements in terms of the Supply Chain Management Policy will be available for collection as from 11 March 2014 at the Polokwane Municipality - cnr Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (Left hand side of the security reception) - Polokwane. Prior to collection of the bid documents, payment should be made at the Rates Hall which is open from 08:00 to 15:00 weekly, from Monday to Friday. Bidders who do not attend compulsory site briefing will be disqualified. No late, faxed or telephonic bids will be accepted. Bids will remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days. The Council reserves the right to negotiate further conditions of the bid and other requirements of the bid with the successful bidder. Furthermore, Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any bid. Completed bids documents, fully priced, fully signed, fully initialed on all pages and original documents attached must be submitted sealed in an envelope marked:”Bid Name, Bid Number and Bid Description” should be deposited in the Tender Box at the Polokwane Municipality - Cnr. Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (Left hand side of the security reception) – Polokwane on or before the closing date. N.B: No bids will be considered from persons in the service of the State (As defined in Regulation 1 of the Local Government: Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations). Mrs. T.C MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER
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Tebogo Maponya, Principal of Millennium Combined School with the Certificate of Achievement and trophy he received as winner of the category Excellence in Secondary School Leadership in the Department of Basic Education’s 2013 National Teaching Awards.
THESE BIDS ARE SUBJECT TO THE, PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK ACT AND THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS, 2011, AND THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (GCC) AND, IF APPLICABLE, ANY OTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT. Bid No Bid Description Doc. fee Period of Evaluation Compulsory Site Closing Date Professional Contact Advert Criteria and Briefing and Time Registration Person 209/2013-1 Rehabilitation of Trunk R300. 00 14 Days 90/10 17/03/2014 24/03/2014 CIDB 6CE OR Mr. M. Extension No. six (6) Price – 90 @ Jack Botes Hall @10:00 at HIGHER Gratz on (Nelson Mandela Drive) BBBEE - 10 @10:00 Old Council 015 290 PH2 Moletjie of the cnr Bodenstein Chamber, First 2085 IRPTS, Polokwane. and Church streets Floor. Mr. V. 217/2013 Conversion of the R300.00 14 Days 90/10 17/03/2014 5GB OR Second Floor of the Price – 90 @ Jack Botes Hall HIGHER Kekana on Eastern Side of the BBBEE - 10 @10:00 015 290 Existing New Peter cnr Bodenstein 2093 Mokaba Stadium into and Church streets office for the Transport Directorate. The Municipality shall adjudicate and award bids in accordance with the B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution on a 90/10 point system, 90 points for the price and 10 points for BBBEE Level of Contribution.
No Frost
ebogo Maponya, Principal at Millennium Combined School in Madibapark, joined an elite group of educators last Thursday when, during the 2013 National Teaching Awards he won the category for Secondary School Leadership. Maponya, who is also an English tutor at the school, snatched the award, which acknowledges the school as the best managed in the country, from under the noses of eight other principals representing the other provinces. On Monday, while the school was celebrating the honour bestowed on their principal, Maponya proudly displayed the trophy and Certificate of Achievement he received during the awards along with a trophy and Certificate of Excellence from the Department of Education. Maponya, who started his career as an educator at Ranti High School, Ga-Dikgale in 1994 said he never thought that he would win a major award for himself and the school. “I have never won any major awards before. This is my biggest achievement in my teaching career, an encouragement which will spur me on,” Maponya said. He at the same time thanked the staff of the school, his family and the learners for their contribution towards his success. “No man is an island. I could never have achieved this without them. I want to thank them for their relentless support.” “Most of the people don’t know this but when I came here in 2010 the school was confronted with lots of challenges. We had learners who were battling with substance
Capricorn FET intervenes to help students BARRY VILJOEN >> The Capricorn College for FET launched its Work-based Partnership Program at a workshop held at Bolivia Lodge on Tuesday. This initiative followed after it became apparent that students from the institution experience some challenges in finding employment after completing their studies. The main reason for this situation seems to be the fact that although they have formal training, students lack the practical experience that is required at most positions that are available. The intention of the workshop was to discuss ways to fill the gap between formal training and the workplace and to sensitise potential employers about the situation of students and to invite potential employers to allow students to be exposed to working environments whilst studying and even after completing their studies. This
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exposure may be in the form of internships or short visits to workplaces. The workshop was attended by representatives of government departments, municipalities and private employers and members of the Student Representative Council of the college and the programme included presentations by various role players which included the National Youth Development Agency (Nyda) and the Department of Higher Education. The keynote address was delivered by the Deputy Director: Curriculum Development of the Department of Higher Education, James Mogale. Justice Lebopa, Public Relations Officer of the college said the college wants to see its students as active role players in the economic development of the country. He added that the initiative should be beneficial to students because what they are going to learn in this way will enhance their ability to find employment and even start their own businesses. That is why Nyda was also invited to make a presentation and advise employers about the assistance that the agency can provide. The college has in excess of 11 000 students enrolled at its Polokwane, Seshego, Ramokgopha and Senwabarwana campuses at any given time of the academic year. The central office is situated in Market Street in Polokwane. The college offers courses in Engineering Studies, Business Studies, General and Utility Studies as well as skills programmes, although all courses and programmes are not necessarily offered at all campuses.
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abuse. The situation was out of hand because most of them absconded their classroom activities and that resulted in bad results at the end of the year. We sat down with their parents and tried to find a way to remedy the situation. “Since then the situation has improved substantially,” Maponya declared. In 2013 the school attained a 83% matric pass rate and Maponya said this year’s target is 90%. “We believe we can do it. The 90% it is probable. We have got a group of dedicated teachers and learners who are willing to learn. We need the support of everyone, including the parents, because parents are the pillars of these children and with their support these learners can achieve more,” he said. The National Teaching Awards is one of the ways in which the Department of Basic Education acknowledges and encourages dedicated and caring teachers in their efforts to develop each learner as a citizen of a democratic, non-racial and non-sexist South Africa. They also aim to recognise outstanding teaching for teachers who go beyond the call of duty. Spokesperson for the Department of Education, Pitsi Maloba said they are proud of Maponya and his achievement is a clear indication that the province is capable of developing capable educators who can also lead from the front.
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Limpopo burdened by heavy rains RC Myburgh >> Limpopo Police continue to search for at least two women who were possibly swept away by storm water after heavy rains in Bela-Bela and Thohoyandou as torrential rains continue to fall over parts of Limpopo. Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi has confirmed that while search parties were still looking for the women, a boy thought to have been swept away by flood water in the Tzaneen area has been found alive and well. While at least one person has been confirmed dead reports of flooding and immense damage to infrastructure continue. Residential property, holiday resorts, roads and farms were turned to ruin. ATKV Klein Kariba holiday resort outside Bela-Bela was the hardest hit by the heavy rains when holidaymakers were trapped, property, vehicles and caravans damaged and even washed away when the wall of a nearby dam gave way. Eric Sparrow died when he was swept away at the resort while his wife Elizabeth has still not been found. Department of Roads and Transport Spokesperson on traffic Kagiso Mootane said the R101 just outside Bela-Bela is still closed for traffic and motorists are urged to use the N1. “The biggest problem is that water remains stationary. Roads affected are between Vaalwater and Lephalale, the road at Melkrivier leading to Waterberg Lodge, the JG Strydom tunnel and the D1547 at Nebo where road surfaces were damaged to such an extent that it had to be closed by traffic officials and Police officers,” she said. Reporting from Bela-Bela on Tuesday she said the situation is very bad with the devastation at Klein Kariba proof of the extent of the damaging effect of the rain. A survivor of the devastating situation at Klein Kariba, Shaun Schoeman told Polokwane Observer about the life threatening weekend he and his wife experienced. “A neighbouring dam burst its wall causing the floods through the resort. It was an unforgettable moment. All of a sudden people started shouting and scrambling for safety. We were at the bottom of a waterfall when masses of water came running through the resort. We ran to higher grounds and could do nothing else but wait for the water to subside,” he
said. His vehicle was found about 70 m from where it was parked, smashed and totally written off. Local residents this week raised concern about the danger posed by Sterkloopspruit where it flows through Westenburg and learners have to cross a causeway on a daily basis. A resident said two learners drowned at the spot in the past and a repeat should be avoided at all times. Seven people were almost washed away in a bakkie in Zebediela on Monday morning, ER24 spokesoperson Luyanda Majija is reported to have said. The group was trapped on the road where the water was about 50 cm deep. They managed to get to semi-dry land unharmed while their vehicle was removed by the fire department. Kruger National Park (KNP) Spokesperson William Mabasa on Tuesday said that several bush camps are still closed. “Media reports on the KNP suffering severe damages due to floods as reason for camps being closed, are incorrect. We closed access to the camps because of road conditions which made it almost inaccessible for visitors,” he said confirming that KNP did indeed experience heavy rains with several camps flooded and rivers coming down. He added that in January 2013, 2012 and 2000 KNP experienced similar situations with heavy rains. On the safety of animals he said that animals must endure the situation. “It is nature. The animals’ biggest threat is poachers, not bad weather,” he said. He advised visitors that the main camps are not affected and that the park is still accessible. For more information people can contact the central reservation service on 012 428 9111 or the emergency number on 013 735 4029. Polokwane Observer’s efforts to contact the Department of Corporate Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) Spokesperson, Motupa Selomo were fruitless. Neither could any official at the local South African National Defence Force (SANDF) provide the publication with a contact person responsible for media liaison. In the meantime the South African Weather Service issued warnings on possible flooding conditions for Limpopo, Gauteng and Mpumalanga until today (Thursday).
Hundreds OBSERVER 11 mourn death of Police officers Maart 13, 2014
Photos: RC Myburgh
Surviving police officer Thinus Erasmus and his wife Theresa experience an emotional moment. RC Myburgh >>
n emotional memorial service for the four Police officers and truck driver, who died in the horror accident on the N1 two weeks ago was held at Bolivia Lodge last Thursday and attended by several high profile personnel. Relatives, friends and colleagues of the late Masethe Reuben Moloto, Monwabisi Lawrence Setlako, Mateane John Mahlokoane and Lesoka Joseph Mafane gathered to celebrate the lives of the deceased as Police members who served and protected their communities until their last breath. Family members of the deceased truck driver, Ian Nel were also present. The service was attended by Safety, Security and Liaison MEC Joyce Mashamba, National Police Commissioner Riyah Phiyega, Provincial Police Commissioner Fanie Masemola and Deputy Minister of Police, Maggie Sotyu. Masemola welcomed mourners by saying: “I would have loved to meet here on a differ-
ent occasion but it is unfortunate. The incident was a calling and it was expected of them to be there. It is the will of God and we should accept it and continue with our lives.” He also said that despite this happening, the members in blue will not pull back in their duty as Police officers. Emotions ran high and an uncomfortable atmosphere was created when a representative of the Moloto family and uncle of the deceased, addressed the gathering. He accused the Police of negligence by sending the wrong officers to the scene. “My nephew was supposed to regulate traffic and not to rescue people. There is nothing to celebrate here but we will remember his fighting spirit,” he said. Mashamba said in her address: “As painful as it is, we do not want to see a repeat in the future. I have never seen such tragedy in my life. I hope that people will now support the Police in their duties.” Phiyega said that the untimely deaths of the heroes in blue left voids in their hearts. “The spaces they occupied at their workstations remain vacant and no one can ever fill them in the same manner that the four members used to. To the families, friends and close colleagues, we are here to say that your loss is our loss. They made the ultimate sacrifice by paying with their lives while responding to the distress and life threatening situation of others,” she said. She said that the South African Police Service (SAPS) Education Trust will assist families to ensure that the deceased’s children do not miss a day of school. “We will also ensure that families and the survivors of the tragedy receive the necessary psychological support so that they are mentally strong,” she said. The four members were buried in Seshego on Saturday, with Sotyu attending the funeral service of Mahlokoane.
March 13, 2014
12 OBSERVER polokwane
Akademie Reformia>>
Akademie Reformia Bake and Make day
HERBERT RACHUENE >> Akademie Reformia held their annual Bake and Make day for the learners at the school on Friday. The learners thoroughly enjoyed the homemade cake and fruit kebabs that were prepared, especially the interesting combinations of fresh fruit used for the kebabs, including watermelon, banana, apple, grapes and strawberry.
Right: Rikus Dicks, Jannes Becker, Jessie van Zyl and Joané Gouws with one of the fruit kebabs made during the Bake and Make day. Left: JP Coetzee is eager to enjoy a delicious, homemade fruit kebab.
Curro Heuwelkruin>>
Elica Primary School>>
Kruinies se 72 balletdansers slaag eksamen met vlieënde vaandels
Elica Primary School shares it’s pride
>> As dit by ballet kom is daar niks wat die leerders van Curro Heuwelkruin keer nie. Twee en sewentig balletdansers van die skool het aan die onlangse Nasionale Dance Academy of South Africa (Dasa) Balleteksamen deelgeneem en geslaag.
Liné van As behaal 91% en Carlien Nel 92% in die primêre balleteksamen. Carlien verwerf ook die wisseltrofee as top junior presteerder vir 2013.
Zoë Dunster van den Heever en Johané Potgieter voor met Ni-Marie Bierman, Anlu Lansdell en Kiana Faia agter slaag almal die balleteksamen
Die drie balletdansers, Linné Nieuwoudt, Naledi Washington en Tania Rosslee, agter, slaag die Tiny Tots 2-eksamen. Linné is ook die beste graad 1-danser.
Balletdansers wat die Tiny Tots 2-eksamen geslaag het, is Carli Vorster en Paige Stander voor met Genevieve Trueman, Jessica Wulff, Barati Motsepe en Anastacia Beneke, agter.
KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> The learners and teachers of Elica Primary School recently welcomed their new leaders for 2014 as well as the new teachers who
joined the team this year. Together with this the school also boasts a group of athletes who performed very well during the Independent School’s Sport event hosted by Jabez Christian Academy held at the Tom Naudé High School sports grounds recently.
Elica Primary School’s new leaders for 2014 are in front Bonolo Mantsi, Murunwa Murudi, Tshepiso Mashishi (head girl), Kamogelo Molepo (deputy head girl), Ester Bambo and Hazel Masipa and at the back are Noko Phukubje, Katlego Ramakgoakgoa, Jacob Mamabolo (head boy), Joseph Sithole (deputy head boy), Thabang Makhurane and Karabo Komape.
Athletes to be proud of. In front are Dimakatso Mothlanga, Maite Ramaphoko and Excellent Zitha. In the middle are Machake Makoale, Oratile Matheba, Manti Setati and Hazel Masipa. At the back are Nkosinathi Sibanda, Phetolo Madiba, Phetolo Hlaka, Malesela Mogotlane, Ivan Malatji, Nhlanhla Mathebula and Keletso Makoale.
New educators at Elica Primary School, Karen Snyman (HOD of Foundation Phase), Mandie Venter (Sports Coordinator) and Yolandi Craucamp.
Bid Description
Doc. fee Period of Evaluation Compulsory Site and Briefing Advert. Criteria 17/03/2014 @ Old 127/2013 Provisioning and Facilitation of R300. 00 14 Days 90/10 Emergency Services Operations Price – 90 Council Chamber, -Learnership at NQF Level 5 BBBEE -10 First Floor @10:00 SAQA ID: 64390) Training for a 90/10 period of Twelve (12) months.
Closing Date Professional Contact and Time Registration Person 28/03/2014 N/A Mr. S. @10:00 at Old Mphakathi on Council Chamber, 015 290 2211 First Floor.
228/2013 Provisioning and Facilitation of R300. 00 14 Days Price – 90 17/03/2014 @ Old Municipal Finance Management BBBEE -10 Council Chamber, First Floor @10:30 and Administration – Learnership 90/10 at NQF Level 5 (SAQA ID: 49554) Training for a period of twelve (12) months
28/03/2014 N/A @10:00 at Old Council Chamber, First Floor.
Mr. S. Mphakathi on 015 290 2211
229/2013 Provisioning and Facilitation of R300. 00 14 Days Price – 90 Local Economic Development BBBEE -10 (LED) - Learnership at NQF level 80/20 5: (SAQA ID: 36438) Training for a period of twelve (12) months
17/03/2014 @ Old Council Chamber, First Floor @11:00 Crn.Bodenstein and Church street
28/03/2014 N/A @10:00 at Old Council Chamber, First Floor
Mr. S. Mphakathi on 015 290 2211
230/2013 Provisioning and Facilitation of R300. 00 14 Days Price – 80 17/03/2014 @ Old Integrated Development Planning BBBEE -20 Council Chamber, First Floor @11:30 (IDP) -Learnership at NQF level 5: (SAQA ID: 50205) Training for a period of twelve (12) months
28/03/2014 N/A @10:00 at Old Council Chamber, First Floor
Mr. S. Mphakathi on 015 290 2211
Hoërskool Pietersburg>>
Carina Diedericks-Hugo besoek PHS
The Municipality shall adjudicate and award bids in accordance with the B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution on a 90/10 point system, 90 points for the price and 10 points for BBBEE Level of Contribution. Bid documents containing the Conditions of Bid and other requirements in terms of the Supply Chain Management Policy will be available for collection as from 14 March 2014 at the Polokwane Municipality - Cnr. Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (Left hand side of the security reception) - Polokwane. Prior to collection of the bid documents, payment should be made at the Rates Hall which opens from 08:00 to 15:00 weekly from Monday to Friday. Bidders who do not attend compulsory site briefing will be disqualified. No late, faxed or telephonic bids will be accepted. Bids will remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days. The Council reserves the right to negotiate further conditions of the bid and other requirements of the bid with the successful bidder. Furthermore, Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any bid. Completed bid documents, fully priced, fully signed, fully initialed on all pages and original documents attached must be submitted sealed in an envelope marked: “Bid Name, Bid Number and Bid Description” should be deposited in the Tender Box at the Polokwane Municipality - cnr Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (Left hand side of the security reception) – Polokwane on or before the closing date. N.B: No bids will be considered from persons in the service of the State (As defined in Regulation 1 of the Local Government: Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations). Mrs. T.C MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER
Hoërskool Pietersburg se graad 8-leerders is bevoorreg om die skrywer van hul Afrikaanse voorgeskrewe boeke, Carina Diedericks-Hugo te ontmoet. Sy is die skrywer van die Thomas@reeks. Voor is leerkragte Leanie Grobler, Dorinda du Plessis en Magda Thiart. In die eerste ry is Carl Schulenburg, Martin Austin, Lindi Smit en Mischa Becker met Janco Janse van Rensburg, Diedericks-Hugo, Ruané Kruger, Jonett Olivier en Shané Anders in die tweede ry. In die derde ry is Dirkie van der Merwe, Jacques Vermaak, Juhan de Kock, Nikhita Mahne, Sanri Lottering en Mari Geerkens. Agter is Lohan Duvenhage, Stephan Visagie, Louis Nel, Jozua Blignaut en Lizbé du Preez. FOTO: VERSKAF
Maart 13, 2014
Francois Rousseau se Sunset Gold is as beste Scapesbeeld (geprojekteerd of afdruk) aangewys. Hy het ook die pryse vir beste pikturale beeld (geprojekteerd of afdruk) en beste kontemporĂŞre beeld (geprojekteerd of afdruk) ingepalm.
Sunset Gold
Jaco Heyl het toekennings vir die beste portretbeeld sowel as beste geprojekteerde beeldfotograaf gewen. Langs hom is sy vrou, Jeanette wat die toekenning vir beste 2 tot 3-ster geprojekteerde beeld (kleur) gewen het en Stander.
Die beste 1-ster geprojekteerde kleurbeeld is deur Vanessa Kruger geneem.
Rage of a Lioness.
Fotografieklub bekroon presteerders ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>
lite-fotograwe van die stad is Vrydagaand met Pietersburg Fotografieklub (PFK) se prysuitdeling vir uitnemendheid bekroon. Jason Stander, klubvoorsitter, se uitsonderlike talent en veelsydigheid het aan hom ses toekennings besorg. Hy is die PFK Fotograaf van die Jaar (213
punte) en salonkampioen (geprojekteerde beeld en afdrukke) aangewys en het die beste makrobeeld (geprojekteerde of afdruk), fotojoernalistieke beeld (geprojekteerd of afdruk) en beste senior geprojekteerde beeld (monochroom) geneem. Stander het klublede vir hul betrokkenheid bedank en die hoop uitgespreek dat nuwe lede vanjaar by die klub sal aansluit.
Wayne Zandberg het die afgelope jaar (2013) die meeste vordering gemaak en het die Polokwane Observer-trofee as voorgeskrewe onderwerpwenner van die Jaar ontvang.
Sonya Zandberg is as veelsydigste fotograaf aangewys en het ook die Badprop van die Jaartoekenning gekry.
Red Hibiscus.
Bo: Dust Lifter. Inlas: Pietersburg Fotografieklub-voorsitter, Jason Stander het met ses pryse, onder meer Fotograaf van die Jaar en salonkampioen weggestap.
Shirley Mitchell is die beste fotograaf: geprojekteerde monochroom-beelde.
Ursula Celliers ontvang erkenning vir die beste minireeks en beste fotograaf: geprojekteerde kleurbeelde.
20 YEARS OF FREEDOM 86% of Households Have Access to Water 87% of Households Have Access to Electricity
Polokwane Observer
Maart 13, 2014
Requests foR Bids TENDER NO.
LNW 23/13/14 (READVERT)
Supply, delivery and N/A registration of the following vehiches: 12 single cab 4 X 2s 2 double cab 4 X 2s 2 single cab 4 X 4s 1 Ext cab 4 X 4 2 minibus 16-seater 2 MPV 7-seater 1 two-seater panel van 1 light delivery LDV 1 sedan, automatic
11:00 on 14 April 2014 at no. 01 Land- dros Mare Street, Polokwane
Tender documents will be available from Tuesday, 18 March 2014 at 10:00 from offices of Lepelle Northern Water situated at no. 01 Landdros Mare Street in Polokwane. Tenders not submitted in the tender box by the date and time stated above will be marked as late tenders and will not be considered. Procurement related enquiries may be directed to Mrs Rose Mulaudzi on 015 295 1871 and Technical enquiries to Mr Phokela Moloto on 015 295 1836 from 08:00 to 16:00, Mondays to Fridays. MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR (LNW 70/13/14) • Original and valid Tax Clearance Certificate issued by SARS • Company registration document from CIPRO • Completed SBD forms (SBD4, SBD8,SBD9) • Compulsory site briefing attendance (Fill attendance register) • All bid documents must be completed in full and in blank ink (No correction fluid is allowed) • Letter of good standing (COIDA) OTHER REQUIREMENTS • Certified ID copies of the company shareholders (Not copies of certified ID • Proof of purchase of tender document • Municipal current rates account not more than three months in arrears should be submitted (Proof of address similar to address of place of office operation. Lease agreement with account statement or shareholders address acceptable as proof of office address (conformation letter endorsed by commission of Oath, note that before appointment this will be verified) • Please note that other required documents will be deemed as mandatory to the preferred bidder. Other required documents will be requested for submission within two working days and failure to submit will be deemed as non-responsive. NB: The JV partners must submit both mandatory and other requirements for each Company and both partners must have attended the briefing session SPECIAL CONDITION * For contracts above R3,5 million (Three million five hundred thousand rand), the following special conditions apply: (i) Subject to clause, all bidders from outside Limpopo Provice must enter into a Consortium or Joint Ventures with loca HDI/HDC or suppliers. (ii) The percentage of the contract value managed or executed by the local partner must not be less than 40% of the project value;
Lepelle Northern Water’s Tip-off Hotline Speak out against fraud and corruption Anonymous fraud hotline Details Free Call: 0800 20 48 57 | Free Fax: 0800 00 77 88 Free Post: KZN 138 Umhlanga Rock, 4320 Email: | Website:
POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY PUBLIC NOTICE CALL FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AND INPUTS ON THE 2014/15 DRAFT IDP/BUDGET/ PMS AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SCHEDULE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 21 of the Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 and Sections 22 and 23 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003 that Polokwane Municipality invites members of the public and stakeholders to participate in the 2014/15 Draft IDP, Tabled Budget and PMS public participation meetings and make inputs as per the Schedule below: The dates for the meetings have been scheduled as follows: Date 01 April 2014 02 April 2014 03 April 2014 07 April 2014 09 April 2014 10 April 2014 15 April 2014 16 April 2014 17 April 2014 23 April 2014 24 April 2014 29 April 2014 30 April 2014
Sector Traditional Leaders Religious groups Mankweng Farmers Sebayeng, Dikgale Seshego Business, transport and Institutions of higher learning Legae La Batho, Mahlasedi Park, Polokwane Extensions, 71,73,75,76 Moletjie NGO, Youth, Disability, Women Structures, Organised Labour, etc Maja/Molepo/Chuene Traditional Healers City
Responsible Executive Mayor Executive Mayor Executive Mayor Executive Mayor Executive Mayor Executive Mayor Executive Mayor
Venue Council Chamber Nirvana Hall Mankweng Community Hall Jack Botes hall Bana ba thari Ngoako Ramathlodi sports complex Mayors Parlour
Time 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00
Executive Mayor
Greenside Primary School
Executive Mayor
Moletjie Community Hall
Executive Mayor Executive Mayor Executive Mayor Executive Mayor
Jack Botes hall Tshebela sports ground Jack Botes hall Jack Botes hall
10:00 10:00 10:00 18:00
Community members are invited to make comments and submissions into the Draft 2014/15 IDP, Tabled Budget and PMS and Revised Tariffs for a period of 21 days (14 March 2014 to11 April 2014). Comments can be made during the scheduled public participation session or in writing and addressed to the Municipal Manager. Any person who cannot read or write may come during office hours to the IDP Office 304 or 305 to be assisted to transcribe his/her comments or representations. The adopted 2014/15 Draft IDP/Budget will be available for the public from the 14 March 2014 at the following areas for collection: Cluster Moletjie City/Seshego
Mankweng/Sebayeng Molepo/ Maja/ Chuene
Venue Moletjie Library Seshego Library City Library Nirvana Library Resource Center 2ndFloor (Civic Centre) Westernburg Library Mankweng Library Maja Tribal Office Chuene Tribal Office Molepo Office
For more information please contact: Mr. Victor Nengovhela or Mr Laurence Thema at 015 290 2284/2737 or email: or or Mabilu Mokwalakwala at 083 666 4935 or email: . MS T.C. MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY
WRITE TO US>> PO Box 11140, Bendor, 0699 TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 E-MAIL
R130. There will be lots of food stalls, a cash bar and plenty of entertainment for the whole family. The first race commences at 11:00. 15 March >> The Assupol Limpopo Blue Bulls will be playing against the Leopards at the new Peter Mokaba Stadium in the second round of the Vodacom Cup competition. Tickets are available at the stadium. The programme starts at 13:00 with a ten-man rugby festival featuring the top rugby clubs in Limpopo. The main match starts at 15:00. 15 March >> The Polokwane Short Circuit Racetrack will be hosting a family fun day on Saturday. Motorbike enthusiasts will be able to test their racing skills on the revamped racetrack throughout the day. Gates open at 09:00. Call Eric Robinson on 082 832 2104 for further information. 16 March >> Catch some fresh mountain air during Mina’s Neighbourhood Market on Cheerio Road in the Haenertsburg area from 10:00 to 17:00 Hester Lindner van Granor Passi, samel ywerig when good food, geld in vir die projek en Ria du Plessis, Jail ‘n live music and Bail- en Shavathon-koördineerder. great people will come together for an enjoyable 15 March feast. Contact 083 627 2551. >> Drivers can test their vehicles 21 March and driving skills at a gymkhana >> The Enrichment Centre at sponsored by the Porsche Club Mitchell House will be holding Central South Africa at the northa fundraising concert featuring ern parking area of Mall of the Amore Vittone and Mia Louw at North. A technical road course Bolivia Lodge. Tickets cost R150 has been designed which will take and can be purchased at Mitchell the cars through a series of cones House. Contact Henco Beukes on which simulate driving obstacles such as sharp turns, lane changes, 071 381 9682 for further information. sweeps and kinks. Contact Philip 22 March Smit on 015 296 2119 for further >> The Cage Rage 6 Mixed Marinformation. tial Arts tournament will be held 15 March >> The Limpopo Fencing Comat Meropa Casino & Entertainment petition will be hosted at Bolivia World conference centre at 18:00. Lodge and residents are invited The entry fee is R100 per person. to show their support towards 28 - 30 Maart the Polokwane Firebirds Fenc>> Die Mighty Men Konferensie ing Team. The action will start at (MMC) wat aan mans die geleent08:00 and end at 15:00. A fencing heid bied om hul verhouding met demonstration by Uwe Schröder God te verdiep, vind op die plaas and fellow Springbok fencers will Snymansdrift buite Polokwane be presented at 12:00. plaas. Toegang is vanjaar gratis. 15 March Sprekers is Riekert Botha en Piet >> The popular Ebenezer Mile Jacobs en die musiekbediening will be held at the Mountain Yacht vind onder leiding van Franna Club in the Magoebaskloof area. Benade plaas. Francois Brits: Swimmers can still enter for the 082 460 2540 of Hercules Erasevent on Saturday at a cost of mus: 082 719 6953. >> Ondersteuningsgroep vir versorgers/lewensmaats/kinders van persone wat aan Alzheimer se siekte en/of demensie ly vergader Donderdae onder leiding van Rheda Jacobs in Vergeet My Nie Behuisingsentrum se saal in Hoogstraat 9. Anneliese Bothma: 015 295 9077. 14 Maart >> Stuur iemand tronk toe vir ‘n goeie saak. Kansa se jaarlikse Jail ‘n Bail-projek vind by Platinumpark plaas. Besighede, organisasies en skole kan persone nomineer wat ‘n afkoopboete moet betaal nadat ‘n lasbrief vir hul inhegtenisname uitgereik is, om die tronk vry te spring. Afkoopboetes is ter stywing van Kansa se geldkoffer. Skakel Ria du Plessis by 083 259 2790 vir meer besonderhede om deel van die pretprojek te wees.
Ondersteun Myngenoegen Shelter se skoustalletjie ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >> Danksy Polokwane-inwoners se voortdurende hulp gaan dit goed met die shelter alhoewel hulp met hul Eskom- en waterrekening nog benodig word volgens Christa van Tonder, sekretaresse van Myngenoegen Shelter. “Daar is geen sprake dat die shelter gesluit is nie. Luque Markgraaff is wel nie meer deel van Myngenoegen Shelter nie,” sê Van Tonder. “Die goeie nuus is dat ons ‘n stalletjie by die Polokwane Skouen Musiekfees, van 28 tot 31 Mei, gekry het om watertantdisse te verkoop.” “Dit kan die shelter ‘n groot finansiële hupstoot gee, maar baie hulp is nodig vir die voorbereiding van die kos en om die stalletjie
te beman. Indien jy kan help, kontak my asseblief so gou as moontlik,” sê Van Tonder. Enige persoon wat kan hand bysit met pannekoekbak, maak van jaffels, hamburgers, pap en vleis en kerrie en rys moet asseblief van hulle laat hoor. Bankbesonderhede vir kontantbydraes is as volg: Myngenoegen Shelter: Absa spaarrekening, kode: 632005, rekeningnommer: 927 566 7290 Bankinbetaling vir die Eskomrekening: P M Booyzen: Absa, kode: 632005, rekeningnommer: 231 0000 119,verwysing: 576 349 4741 Pieter Booyzen, die voorsitter kan by 082 414 1122 geskakel word en Christa v Tonder is deurentyd by 083 302 4313 beskikbaar.
March 13, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Observer
Maart 13, 2014
Inwoner sterf na kort siekbed KESHIA J V RENSBURG >>
Nooddienste vinnig op ongelukstoneel
ouderdom uit die Suid Afrikaanse Spoorweë (SAS) getree en Faan Grobler Grasdakke begin. Die pa van vier, oupa van nege kleinkinders en 13 agterkleinkinders, was ook baie betrokke by die Pinkster Protestante Kerk waar hy as adjunk-voorsitter en ampsdraer gedien het. Jones vertel trots dat hy gedurende sy lewe die Bybel drie maal van voor tot agter deurgelees het, vandaar sy kennis en wysheid. “Hy was ‘n baie nederige mens, ‘n man van min woorde met integriteit wat altyd ‘n helpende hand aan almal verleen het.” Hy laat sy vrou Bettie, drie dogters, Alta, Christine en Des, sy seun Neels en sy skoondogter Natalie agter. Die begrafnis het op 7 Maart in Jeffreysbaai plaasgevind. ‘n Gedenkdiens word Vrydag om 11:00 vanuit die Pinkster Protestante Kerk in DieMeerstraat in die stad gehou.
“Die hartverskeurende prentjie van ‘n baba se doodskissie met sy as aan die voet van sy oupa se graf sal ons altyd bybly. My pa en sy kleinkind en naamgenoot het hand aan hand die hemelpoorte ingestap,” sê plaaslike inwoner, Des Jones. Die oorskot van Faan Grobler (81), oftewel Frans Jurie Hugo Grobler, en die van sy kleinkind, Enrique Frans Grobler is albei Donderdag begrawe na Grobler snr se onlangse afsterwe na ‘n kort siekbed. Grobler jnr is op 12 April 2011 gebore en op 5 Mei, vier weke later oorlede, waarna hy veras en Donderdag saam met sy oupa begrawe is. Grobler en sy vrou Bettie, met wie hy vir bykans 60 jaar getroud was, was 48 jaar inwoners van Polokwane waarna hulle in September 2013 na Astonbaai in die Oos-Kaap verhuis FOTO: VERSKAF het. Hy het op 55-jarige Faan Grobler.
KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> Sending your school principal, boss or a colleague to jail is now a possibility with the Cancer Association of South Africa’s (Cansa) Jail n Bail fundraising initiative taking place on Friday in the parking lot at Platinum Park. Cansa Community Mobiliser Ria du Plessis says possible participants and those who have already entered to partake in this annual charitable tradition know the fun that can be had at the Jail n Bail, one of Cansa’s preventative programmes in which communities can participate to generate funds for the association. Du Plessis says the Jail n Bail also affords participants the opportunity to, while behind bars, network for future business and community projects. A mock jail will be set up in the parking lot of Platinum Park while the courtroom will be held on Rhapsody’s deck. “Through the nominations of friends and colleagues, the bosses and other people who will be in need of some mock council will be summonsed for arrest on Friday. The Police will be alerted of the offenders and if no bail is paid they will be arrested and thrown in jail. The jailbirds will then appear and be given their chance to plead their cases before the judges and the public prosecutors. Those who cannot pay their own bail are expected to raise the funds from friends, relatives and foes gathered at the proceedings. To become part of this fun event contact Du Plessis on 083 259 2790.
Lede van die nooddienste was Maandag binne minute op die toneel van ‘n ongeluk wat om 14:50 in Potgieterlaan plaasgevind het. Niemand is in die ongeluk beseer nie en die bestuurder en enigste insittende, het Polokwane Observer op die toneel meegedeel dat sy van suid na noord in Potgieterlaan beweeg het en skielik besef het dat sy regoor die vier verkeersbane beweeg het en nie kans gehad het om uit te swaai vir die paal op die oorkantste sypaadjie nie. Gelukkig was geen ander voertuig in die nabyheid nie. Sy skryf die feit dat sy geen beserings opgedoen het nie, daaraan toe dat sy altyd stadig ry en haar veiligheidsgordel gedra het. FOTO: BARRY VILJOEN
Die voertuig wat teen ’n paal op die sypaadjie in Potgieterlaan gebots het.
Yah… now you can send your boss to jail
Maart 13, 2014
Hooggeregshof vorder nou vinnig BARRY VILJOEN >> Werk aan die nuwe gebou vir die hooggeregshof vorder fluks en die konstruksiespanne werk selfs naweke om die agterstand wat plaasgevind het toe daar van kontrakteurs verwissel is, te probeer inhaal. Bodensteinstraat tussen Biccard- en Voortrekkerstrate was die afgelope naweek vir verkeer gesluit sodat ‘n reuse hyskraan ‘n staalstruktuur langs die gebou kon ophys. Dit is nog nie duidelik wanneer die nuwe gebou voltooi sal wees nie, maar dit sal ‘n welkome verbetering wees vir personeel van die hoërhof wat tans in verskeie kantore in die stad gehuisves word. FOTO: BARRY VILJOEN
Werkers besig om die reuse hyskraan in Bodensteinstraat staan te maak sodat ‘n swaar staalstruktuur opgehys kan word.
)WOSQ�[SYPH�PMOI�XS�MRZMXI�EPP�7SYXL�%JVMGER�VIWMHIRXW�XS�NSMR�XLI�GSPPIGXMZI�IRIVK]�IJ½�GMIRG]�HVMZI� this summer, by setting your home’s air-conditioner to a cool 23°C. Ensure the air-conditioner is off in unoccupied rooms or alternatively open windows and doors to keep cool. By using these simple tips, you’ll be helping ease the pressure on the national power grid and you can save up to 10% on your electricity bill. *SV�QSVI�WEZMRK�XMTW�ERH�MRJSVQEXMSR�SR�)WOSQ´W�IRIVK]�IJ½�GMIRG]�TVSKVEQQIW�JSV�XLI�LSQIS[RIV����� ZMWMX�[[[�IWOSQ�GS�^E�MHQ
Eskom Holdings SOC Limited Reg No 2002/015527/06
Polokwane Observer
Maart 13, 2014
Polokwane 015 296 0805
Cnr Pierre & Neethling St Bendor Park, (The Deck), Polokwane
‘n Groot verskeidenheid kos en flink diens is tekenend van Adega.
Fillet Steak & 5 Prawns
½ Chicken & 5 Prawns
99 00
99 00
Foto’s: Elna Esterhuysen
Dolf Sutton met Cachasa Brasiliaanse rum en 1920 eksklusiewe Portugese brandewyn eie aan Adega Restaurant.
Rump Steak & 5 Prawns R
99 00
Sunday Buffet
149 00
1kg King Prawns
189 00
* 40% Off Sushi
Prego Roll & Chips R
39 00
Adega staan skoene vol as familierestaurant ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>
A Terms and Conditions
Valid Mon – Sat Lunch and Sun – Tue for dinner. Not valid for groups larger than eight nor functions. Not valid on public holidays, selected days or for take-away orders. Subject to availability. Regret no sharing. Prices subject to change without notice. * Sunday Buffet valid from 12H00 - 16H00. * Sushi special only valid Sunday after 4pm. Monday and Tuesday all day.
2 012 2 013
Bridge the Economic Gap at Nictus when buying for up to
The Sunday buffet consists of: • Giblets • Mussels • Trinchado • Prawn Rissoles (battered in a vetkoek style dough) • Chicken Rissoles • Sushi assorted • Prawns • Chicken • Calamari • Squid heads
• Lamb/Beef/ Chicken curry • Steamed rice/ Spicy rice • Potatoes • Chips • Mixed veggies • Choc mousse • Peppermint tart • Ice cream & chocolate sauce • Malva pudding • Granadilla mousse • Rice pudding
dega Restaurant in Bendor (dieselfde perseel wat eens deur The Deck beset was) is besig om ‘n deeglike vastrapplek as familierestaurant van voorkeur in Polokwane te kry danksy die unieke kombinasie van eg-Portugese disse met tradisionele SuidAfrikaanse geregte teen uiters bilikke pryse. Die spyskaart is in ‘n boekvorm van 64 bladsye gebind wat netjies verdeel is in voorgeregte, soesji, slaaie, pasta, vis- en skulpvisgeregte, kombo’s, hoender- en vleisgeregte en nageregte. Daarna volg ‘n indrukwekkende lys drinkgoed wat uit meer as honderd verskillende wynsoorte bestaan en enige fynproewer se hoogste verwagtinge sal oortref. Dit is veral die restaurant se Sondagmiddag-buffet wat volpunte verdien. Die uitgestrekte opskeptafel kreun onder ‘n verskeidenheid aanloklike verrassings – van keurige garnale tot hoendermagies, van delikate soesjihappies tot smaaklike, goudgeel boerpampoen uit ouma se kombuis. Tussenin goudbruin
POLOKWANE: 68 Hans van Rensburg Steet, Tel: (015) 295 9404 E-mail:
Monthly instalments include: 14% VAT, finance charges and administration fees but exclude delivery charges. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Errors and omissions excluded. NCA compliant. Prices correct at the time of going to print. All credit purchases subject to credit approval and affordability assessment. Terms and conditions apply. NO DEALERS. Accessories not included in the price. Instalments subject to interest rate fluctuations.
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
hoenderporsies, smaaklike skaaptjops, verskeie kaas- en slaaisoorte en ‘n onweerstaanbare nagereghoekie. Die restaurant ontgin nou ‘n nuwe nutsmark wat in ‘n wenresep mag ontwikkel: Die “express”-diens is ingestel vir wegneemetes waar dieselfde geregte op die spyskaaart teen byna halfprys verkoop word – tussen R40 en R70. Bestellings kan telefonies geplaas en binne ‘n japtrap by die restaurant afgehaal word. Die Adega-konsep het reeds 24 jaar gelede in Johannesburg sy ontstaan as ‘n eenmaninisiatief gehad waar familie en vriende Dinsdae vir middagete by die huis van ‘n ene Luis Ferreira op eg-Portugese kos getrakteer is. In 1998 word volwaardige restaurantstatus bereik en verskillende restaurante stelselmatig in die res van Suid-Afrika gevestig. Adega se deure is slegs drie maande in Polokwane oop, maar besoekers praat reeds van ‘n nuwe ervaring en vars bries in die stad se restaurantbedryf. Talle kliënte met wie Sondag gesels is, het bevestig dat hulle keer op keer terugkeer vir ‘n maaltyd en gesellige kuier by die restaurant wat vinnig besig is om sy stempel behoorlik as ‘n familiekuierplek by uitstek af te druk.
Stanfordians trace the steps of Louis Trichardt KESHIA J V RENSBURG >>
Een van die drie eienaars, Kishare Dayah en Dolf Sutton, bestuurder.
During the last week in February, 41 Grade 9 learners and six staff members from Stanford Lake College embarked on a gruelling expedition, tracing the historical steps taken by Voortrekker Louis Trichardt. The trek consisted of three days of hiking which started at Sekororo and finished in Penge. This unsupported hiking route traces the steps of Trichardt and his fellow trekkers who, in 1838, completed the trek with ox-wagons in eight months time. The Grade 9s were taken to some of the most beautiful and remote locations South Africa has to offer, including the well known Christmas Plateau, where Trichardt spent Christmas in 1838, and Louisfontein, overlooking the Olifants Valley. Upon reaching Penge the group readied themselves for an eventful white-water rafting experience on the Olifants River where they faced testing rapids like Rent-o-Kill, Double Trouble, Longdrop, Simple Simon and the Rollercoaster where they experienced the full force of nature. Rona McGaffin, communicator
for Stanford Lake College says it was a truly amazing adventure which these learners will most likely never forget. “Well done to all the Grade 9s for finishing this wonderful but challenging excursion.”
Photo: Supplied
Grade 9 learners from Stanford Lake College river-rafting on the Olifants River during a recent field excursion.
March 13, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Observer
Maart 13, 2014
Business profile>>
March 13, 2014 >> Page 21
Bianca Bill.
Business >> Personnel Link Why did you choose the profession? >> It befits my personality, professional yet emphatic to the needs of others. What puts you ahead in your industry? >> The ability to analyse the job market trends as well as keep up to par with ever evolving recruitment practices. How do you live out your passion for you career? >> Assisting candidates to reach their career goals and aspirations.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Are YOU good at SELLING? Make R1300 ++ per month part-time and be your own boss!
072 295 9266
From left to right are Troy Mc Ferrier (Area Coach), Mosima Moloisi (Add Hope Ambassador Team Member), Agnes Phooko (Assistance Area Coach), Johanna Mahwiting (Restaurant General Manager), Lefentje Manabalala (Assistance Area Coach) and Cheray van Blerk (KFC Local Store Marketing Manager).
Cheray van Blerk (KFC Local Store Marketing Manager), Mosima Moloisi (Add Hope Ambassador Team Member) and Troy Mc Ferrier (Area Coach).
KFC Polokwane Add Hope Ambassador recognised K
FC Polokwane is delighted to announce that Mosima Molise was selected and recognised as the January Add Hope Ambassador out of more than 700 KFC stores countrywide. Mosima is a team member at the KFC, Polokwane 3 Store and the KFC Polokwane Management extend their heartfelt congratulations to her. Mosima loves to explain to customers what is happening at their Add Hope local charities, namely Lethlanthene DIC in Bloodriver and
Come To Gether CBO based in Mankweng. She motivates her team members by calling them STARS. She says her team members are all Add Hope Stars and encourages them to shine their star brightly as it will be a sign of hope, light and love for the hopeless. Add Hope recognizes ambassadors and team members are chosen by their ability to reflect passion for Add Hope in the store, motivate other team members to market Add Hope and by the number of Add Hope transactions sold.
Add Hope is KFC’s corporate social responsibility project and every time a customer chooses to Add Hope to their order, R2 goes to the KFC Social Responsibility Trust. All it takes is R2 to make the difference. Congratulations Mosima for driving Add Hope in stores and KFC Polokwane invite everyone to continue to donate their R2 so we can come together to create a South Africa where all children have the nutrition they need to live, to grow, to learn and to thrive.
ERA Real Estate Polokwane turns seven
Photos: Herbert Rachuene
Stefan Louw (Chief Executive Officer of ERA Real Estate South Africa) joined Marnus and Charmaine Bergh (co-principals and owners of ERA Real Estate Polokwane) for the celebration. Top right: Ready to celebrate are, in front, staff members Lea Erasmus, Julie Byleveld, Nicolien Stapelberg, Mary-Ann Botha, Brenda Koekemoer, Ilse Schraader, and coprincipals and owners Charmaine and Marnus Bergh. Ina Combrink, Aubrey Mabena, Cecile van Vuren, Stephan Louw (CEO of ERA Real Estate SA), Sharon Strydom, Thys van Zyl and Audrey Grobbelaar at the back. Herbert Rachuene >> ERA Real Estate Polokwane celebrated their seventh birthday at their offices last Wednesday. Reflecting on the past. Marnus Berg, Coowner and co-principal, said they were blessed years. He ascribed their success to effective and innovative marketing strategies combined with superior service delivery while striving to fulfil their motto: Always there for you.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Chapter 4 and 5 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000) that Polokwane Municipality is issuing an invitation to all stakeholders to attend the IDP Rep forum meeting which has been arranged as follows: Date: 17 March 2014 Venue: Jack Botes Hall Time: 10:00 This invitation is extended to all Polokwane Municipality Communities, Ward Committee members; Provincial Sector Departments, representatives from organised stakeholder groups: (NGOs/CBOs, Special Focus Groups (disabled, elderly, women, youth and children), Academic Institutions, Organised Business, Tourism/Agriculture/Mining, SMMEs), Implementing Agents/Parastatals/Service Providers, Representatives from un-organised groups, Nominated Community Representatives, Resource Persons; and other interested and affected parties. The purpose of the meeting is to present the 2014/15 Municipal Scorecard and the 2014/15 Draft Projects to all the stakeholders. For more information please contact: Mr Victor Nengovhela or Mr Laurence Thema on 015 290 2284/2737 OR email: or MS T.C. MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY
Motors profile>>
March 13, 2014 >> Page 22
Johan du Randt.
Motor vehicle dealer: >> BB Auto Used. What is the biggest challenge in your line of work? >> People regularly have a hard time in securing vehicle financing. What do prospective clients need to keep in mind when buying a car? >> The importance of after sales services. How do you stay at the forefront of your industry? >> By delivering the best service and giving clients the best products.
Suzuki now a vehicle to DZire with GL and GA models available RC Myburgh >>
he Suzuki Swift made a definite contribution to the small passenger car segment but the newly launched Suzuki DZire, the sedan range of the Swift, is sure to make an
unforgettable fashionable entrance. The new, cheeky four-door sedan shares the proven platform of the Swift hatch, while adding the practicality and security of a boot and more space for rear occupants. From the moment you set eyes on the DZire, it is sure to feast your eyes with a dynamically curved bon-
The new Suzuki DZire with its 300 litre cargo capacity.
Photo: Internet
net and slim, detailed grille, flanked on either side by large, clear-lens headlights. It shares the hatchback’s fresh, appealing front-end styling, recently updated for the 2014 model year. The DZire features a pronounced, chiselled waistline that creates an athletic, agile impression. But compared to the Swift, the biggest difference occurs at the C-pillar, which flares outwards at the base and extends into the compact, cleanly integrated deck of the boot. When you get behind the steering wheel you feel instantly at home. The clean, modern fascia features a hooded instrument binnacle providing a home to the clearly presented analogue dials. The centre stack is home to the air-conditioning and ventilation controls, as well as the audio system which is standard on GL models, and optional on GA versions. A lidded glove compartment is located ahead of the front passenger. Families embarking on extended journeys can make use of the convenient beverage holders mounted in the door side panels as well as in the centre console. Visually, the most obvious visual departure from the Swift’s interior is the two-tone treatment. The upper surfaces on the dashboard are
finished in black, while the lower part, as well as the upholstery and carpets are finished in a contrasting light tan hue to create a premium look with the impression of more space. DZire buyers also get to choose between GA and GL specification levels, but even the GA version offers an attractive array of standard specifications, features and finishes. The new DZire is powered by a latest-generation 1,2-litre engine combining willing performance with excellent fuel economy. The four-cylinder, 16-valve unit is offered in conjunction with either a five-speed manual or a four-speed automatic gearbox.The new engine is credited with a maximum output of 63 kW at 6 000 r/min combined with a torque peak of 113 Nm at 4 500 r/min. The new DZire is all about efficiency and offers a 0 -100 km/h acceleration time of 12,6 seconds, and achieves a top speed of 160 km/h. Combined cycle fuel consumption is a frugal 5,7 litres/100 km, with an associated CO2 emissions figure of 134 g/km. The first DZire has already been sold from the local dealer and Suzuki Polokwane is eager to put each and every driver behind the steering wheel of the new Suzuki Swift and DZire. Visit them at 90 Landdros Maré Street or contact them on 015 297 0140 or 082 728 8358.
New Opel Astra Sedan tops the range Warren Blunt >>
pel South Africa has added to the current range of Astra hatchback models with a sleek and sophisticated line up of four sedan models that will complete the Astra portfolio of vehicles and strengthen its brand in the local market. The arrival of the Opel Astra Sedan in South Africa is significant for General Motors (GM) SA as it completes the Astra range and supports their efforts to rejuvenate and strengthen the Opel brand in this market,” says Opel brand manager at GM South Africa, Chris Cradock. The eye-catching lines of the 2014 Astra truly lives up to Opel’s slogan “Wir leben Autos” with its racy lines, alloy wheels and integrated boot spoiler giving the vehicle a sophisticated look. Viewed from the front, the new Astra sedan looks similar to the refreshed Opel Astra hatchback. From the B-pillars onward matters tend to differ a little. The sedan has the traditional three box design in profile and viewed from behind it has prominent tail lights that blend in nicely with the large boot and chrome-plated exhaust outlet. The Astra sedan is 230 mm longer than its hatchback stable mate. Buyers have the choice of four models comprising of three different petrol engines. The 1.6 Essentia has a fourcylinder petrol engine producing 85 kW at 6 000 r/min with torque measured at 155 Nm at 4 000 r/min. Coupled to a five-speed manual gearbox, the front wheel drive sedan has an average fuel economy on the combined cycle of 6,6 litres/100 km and carbon emissions are 154 g/km.
MGM Motors reach out to Grace and Hope Herbert Rachuene >> MGM Motors Polokwane on Monday donated a Toyota Yaris to the value of R140 000 to Seshego based Grace and Hope School for learners with special needs. The Yaris came as a bonus to the school after they purchased two 16-seater Citroën Relay Taxis at the value of R600 000 from the dealer. Headmaster of the school, Mabore Ngoatje thanked MGM Motors Polokwane for their initiative and assistance. “We approached other dealers in Polokwane and out of all those dealers they were the one that came through for us. For the past three years we did not have transport to move learners to their respective homes. Our bus was no longer in a working condition and we were left with a van. We did not have enough money at the school to buy a vehicle. With the help of the parents we were able to raise funds to buy the taxis. We are saying thank you to MGM Motors for acting swiftly during the negotiations,” Ngoatje said. Ngoatje further stated that the vehicles will take the pressure from the teachers who used their own transport to transport learners to clinics and their homes. “We have 225 learners that need to be transported to their homes every day. We believe the purchase will relieve the burden of some of our teachers who were using their private cars to transport children to their respective homes and clinics,” Ngoatje said. Sales Executives at MGM Motors Polokwane, Naume Maleka said they are happy to add value for the school and the learners. “We are happy and proud to reach out to the school and we hope that the vehicles will help ease their daily tasks,” Maleka said.
Witness Nyambuya and Naume Maleka ,sales executives at MGM Motors Polokwane hand over the key of a Toyota Yaris to Mabore Ngoatje, Principal of Grace and Hope School on Monday. Photo: Herbert Rachuene
Powering two of the new models is a 1.4-litre turbocharged engine mated to a six-speed manual or six-speed automatic gearbox giving plenty of oomph to the Astra sedan range. The engine produces a healthy 103 kW between 4 900 and 6 000 r/min and 200 Nm of torque between 1 850 and 4 900 r/min. Fuel consumption is measured at 5,9 litres/100 km in both urban and extra-urban conditions. Topping the new range is the 1.6 turbocharged Cosmo sedan that produces 132 kW at 5 500 r/min and 230 Nm of torque at 2 200r/min. The 1.6 Cosmo is also differentiated by a lowered ride height and 18-inch alloy wheels compared to the 17-inch alloy wheels found on the Essentia models. Safety is not an issue with the new Astra sedan. All models come with front and rear disc brakes, with ABS and Brake Assist (BA), Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD), Cornering Brake Control (CBC) and Cornering Torque Control (CTC), trailer sway control and brake disc cleaning. Six airbags, including driver & passenger, front side, curtain and airbag de-activator complete the impressive safety features. All models feature air conditioning and cruise control. The wide range of Infotainment
can be activated from the multi-function steering wheel and includes a radio/CD player with seven speakers, USB, MP3, auxiliary input and Bluetooth functionality and a multi-trip information display computer. The Astra sedan also boasts a generous 460 dm³ of luggage space with the seats up. This increases to 1 010 dm³ of cargo volume available when the seats are
Maart 13, 2014
OBSERVER 23 polokwane
down. All models in the new Opel Astra sedan range come standard with a 5-year/120 000 km warranty and a 5-year/90 000 km service plan. Service intervals are 15 000 km. Visit Westvaal Polokwane at 86 Landdros Maré Street to view the entire stunning new Opel Astra range of models. Or call them on 015 297 1149 to book a test drive.
The sleek lines of the new Opel Astra 1.6 Essentia sedan that completes the line-up of Astra models.
Property profile>>
March 13, 2014 >> Page 24
Frank Kreuzer
Agency >> Property for All What is interesting about your work? >> Meeting new people every day. Buy or rent? >> Definitely to purchase property. How will the increase in the interest rate affect house prices? >> I personally feel it won’t affect the market too much.
Children of the Dawn visit Polokwane Observer Photo: Elna Esterhuysen
Children of the Dawn scrutinising copies of Polokwane Observer during their visit.
ANTON 082 443 6039
15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: Website:
BENDOR • R2 734 000
BENDOR • R760 000
FALL IN LOVE! Lovely family home in an upmarket well established area with modern kitchen - granite tops - separate scullery and laundry. Flatlet with option to use as an entertainment area. This property offers everything you have ever wanted. Hurry! Hurry! Book your appointment!
GRETHa • 082 802 1874
Two homes on one stand. Two bedroom and 1 bedroom apartments. Carport. Totally fenced. Situated near Cycad Centre in quiet street. To avoid disappointment call now!
Ina • 079 597 8636
IVY PARK • R648 000
BENDOR • R1 150 000 A PLACE TO HANG YOUR HEART. Beautiful modern home with open-plan design. Corner unit in security estate. Property is located in Bendor. Close to Mall Of The North. This property is a must see. Well priced. Call now to view.
JaMES • 072 236 7310
Photo: Supplied
Elaine (née White) and Jock Connell tied the knot in Krugersdorp over the holidays and plan on spreading their bridal wings back to Polokwane, where both the bride and groom were old learners of Hoërskool Pietersburg’s class of 2005.
FLORA PARK • R920 000
THIS CAN BE YOUR LIFESTYLE. Buying a house is stressful, let us help you. Spacious main bedroom and big yard to extent of 333m². Very secured home in popular area. Low maintenance home looking for a new owner. Call today!
ROSEMARY 082 804 9725
Tel: 015 295 3134
Children of the Dawn from Ga-Mathabatha, Madikelong, Malomane, Mamopa and Ramunwani villages in the Lepelle Nkumpi Municipal area visited Polokowane Observer offices last week to learn about the newspaper production and the complete process on how the paper is published. Facilitating the process was Yolande Nel, Editor, Santa Oosthuizen, Manager and Marinda Bekker, Head of Layout and Design. Children of the Dawn (COTD) was founded early in 2002 to respond to the challenge of the growing number of orphaned and vulnerable children in rural South Africa. In 2009, South Africa counted some 4 300 000 orphans. COTD has as its mission giving such children the care and childhood they deserve in a community setting.
LOUWREnS • 082 958 6632
8.5ha Plot in Palmietfontein with a large family home that consists of a shed, storeroom and two strong equipped boreholes. The plot is cattle fenced and divided into different camps. Call now to view.
Ina • 079 597 8636
JacOb • 082 466 8366
SIMOn • 082 476 8916
BODORP • R1 500 000
EDUAN PARK • R1 396 000
KORAAL • R645 000
WORK FROM HOME! Well priced family home - 4 additional rooms, perfect for use as office space or flatlet. Near to schools and shopping centre. Open-plan living areas and spacious bedrooms. Strong borehole with computerised irrigation - stand size 1 586m². Dont miss out again. Call me now.
UNIQUE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IN RETIREMENT VILLAGE! Spacious one bedroom unit in Koraal with lounge, kitchen with pantry, courtyard and carport in the process of being constructed. 85m² Under roof. Good quality finishes, excellent security, tranquil and safe environment. Occupation only for persons over 50. Reasonable levies. Call now!
GRETHa • 082 802 1874
Ivy Park EXT 3 Bedrooms -R5 000pm 3 Bedrooms - R6 685pm 3 Bedrooms - R4 680pm 2 Bedrooms - R4 000pm 3 Bedrooms - R5 500pm Flora Park 3 Bedrooms - R8 000pm 3 Bedrooms - R7 150pm 3 Bedrooms - R8 700pm 3 Bedrooms - R8 000pm Rethabile Gardens 3 Bedrooms - from R4 500pm Mashlasedi Park 3 Bedrooms - R4 500pm Westenburg 3 Bedrooms - R3 850 Môregloed 4 Bedrooms - R9 000
ELMARIE - 082 977 7020
SIaS • 082 372 7265
SMALL WAREHOUSES AVAILABLE 81m² Office Available in Schoeman Street
We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long term tenants!
JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA HENNIE HANTI 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874
anTOn • 082 443 6039
POLOKWANE • R1 950 000
CALL - LOOK - BUY! MUST SELL NOW! Large family home in popular living area. Close to amenities and transport routes. Newly renovated. Open-plan living areas, wooden windows, burglar bars and fully walled. Phone now for an appointment.
PROPERTY FOR DEVELOPMENT IN MEDICAL ZONE. Spacious home with 6 bedrooms, large open-plan living areas and two bathrooms ready to be converted into medical chambers. Outbuildings consists of staff quarters and single garage. Large stand of 1 428m² providing further opportunities for development. The price is right. Call now to view!
Property with great potential. Corner stand of 967m² with two entrances. Borehole available. This property is close to schools in Flora Park. Call now to view! Offers will be considered.
2310m² vacant land. Zoned industrial in an upmarket industrial area. Fully serviced and ready to be developed. Call for viewing. VIcTOR • 073 066 6805
VACANT LAND WITH PANORAMIC VIEW. Ideal for all persons who require peace, tranquility and security in a gated estate in Bendor. Close to all amenities such as Mall Of The North and schools. The area is protected by high walls with electric fence and 24 hours guards. Call now to view.
JacOb • 082 466 8366
Foto: Verskaf
Francois Schutte en Chrisna Kruger is op 21 September in Mookgophong in die huwelik bevestig. Die paartjie woon in Polokwane.
Tel/Fax: 015 298 8110
Everything we touch turns to SOLD! SHEPSTONE SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE JACOB SIMON INA 072 458 4524 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916
KOWIE 082 854 0452
Call us to list your property and we will sell it for you. Your property will be advertised on 72 different websites on the internet. Dirk van Niekerk (Principal) 082 872 5660 Danie Magere 082 955 1255 Evah Maphepa 072 600 6093 Frank Kreuzer 082 9766 325 Jeoffrey Legodi 082 455 4024 Johan Jordaan 079 368 9134 Johan Nel 083 650 1754 Marlien Jordaan 076 056 8485 Pierre Brandon 084 238 1668 Reynier Stoebel 082 456 4445 Tracy Litchfield 082 893 5666 Yolinda Botha 082 337 6309 We sell any type of property - residential, stands, commercial, industrial, farms and plots.
March 13, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Toegewyde maatskaplike werker roep halt
“Having achieved more than 50 Years of property
Grootte: 748m². Baie goed geleë. Prys: R380 000 Skakel 083 629 8416 of 015 293 1262 (kantoorure)
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 315 871
The living is easy in this generously proportioned neat and contemporary residence located within a level stroll to shops nearby. The floor plan encompasses spacious bedrooms, living and entertainment areas, leading to a beautiful garden with sparkling pool. A desirable family home for the discerning buyer. (O) 015 297 1140 CHARMAINE VERMEULEN 082 780 5844
142 HOLLAND STREET Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 3
Seeff Web: 311 291 This immaculate presented home is an enviable and exclusive property fit for the most discerning buyer. Indulge in LUXURY living, designed for the entertainer. The orientation of this home maximises the use of natural sunlight. The master bedroom’s picture window-views ensure a serene start to the day! There is a great sense of flow and connectivity throughout the house with its light, airy character and double height entrance and living areas. Architectural detailing in the formal living area adds a romantic touch that radiates from the elegant central foyer. A ‘GRANDE’ hallway leads off to the gracious living room, lounge and dining area. Enjoy the modern concept of natural light flooding through the interior. An elegantly landscaped garden forms of an intrinsic part of the overall design. The shimmering blue swimming pool compliments the entertaining area. Polished marble flooring gives this home a hint of opulence adding the element of style and charm to a property full of surprises! No expense has been spared to ensure a home accustomed to first class living. If the best of everything is your way of life, you’ve just found your new home! (O) 015 297 1140 SINDILE MLAUZI 076 062 9454
46 MUNNIK AVENUE Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2½ Garages 2 + Flatlet
Seeff Web: 318202
The living areas is spacious, leading into an exclusive kitchen with granite tops, breakfast-nook, lots of cupboards and storage space. The scullery/laundry also very spacious and well maintained. The study is large enough for a home-office. Added value to this property is the spacious one bedroom flatlet with kitchen, bathroom which has its own patio but can also be used as part of the house. all the bedrooms has sliding wooden doors ot the garden. Lots of cupboards space in main bedroom and bathroom. One of the garage doors is converted to fit a caravan. Three carports. The location is ideally close to primary and secondary schools. Mall of Limpopo and main roads leading to the east of Polokwane. (O) 015 297 1140 MARIETTE PRETORIUS 082 200 5227
PAY MORE! WHAT FOR? - R610 000 D A T
24 THULARE STREET Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2
Seeff Web: 316 930
This friendly little home is ideal for you to own! The house is situated along Nelson Mandela Drive at African Jewel on a stand measuring 504m². This is a modern house with paved yard, in a very good condition. Transport galore to and from town. Please pay this house a visit, you will be happy!!
Sandra Nel was ‘n kwarteeu in diens van die Ondersteuningsraad in die stad.
makes us the obvious choice”
Sandra Nel se suksesvolle loopbaan as maatskaplike werker in die stad is onlangs op ‘n hoogtepunt afgesluit toe sy ‘n oorkonde vir haar uitsonderlike bydrae om die welsyn van die gemeenskap voorop te stel, ontvang het. Na ‘n kwarteeu in diens van die Ondersteuningsraad van die Hervormde Kerk roep sy halt om meer tyd aan opheffingswerk in die gemeenskap te bestee. Ten spyte van wanpersepsies en mense wat maatskaplike werk as ‘n skelwoord sien, het die goeie nog altyd vir haar die slegte oorskadu en bly dit lekker om te weet jy beteken regtig iets vir iemand. “Ongelukkig is baie mense bang vir ons omdat hulle dink ons gee kos en klere, maar veroorsaak groot hartseer om kinders uit huise te verwyder. Die werklikheid is dat ons opgelei is om persone terapeuties te help wat om ‘n rede of redes wanfunksioneer. Mens moet soms ingrypend optree om die gesin weer effektief te laat funksioneer.” Nel se grootste vreugde as maatskaplike werker is wanneer kinders noodgedwonge verwyder moet word en die plasing tóg suksesvol is en hulle ‘n nuwe lewe en ‘n tweede kans gegun word. Maatskaplike werkers word opgelei om onder meer terapie te gee, met tieners te werk, huweliksverhoudings te probeer herstel en traumaberading en roubegeleiding te doen. Die agt jaar wat sy roubegeleiding-groepsessies aangebied het, was volgens haar ‘n reuse sukses omdat individue in groepsverband besef het hul verloor nie hulle verstand nie, maar is in ‘n normale rouproses. Kosbare vriendskapsbande is in daardie sessies gesmee wat sy vir enigeen kan aanbeveel. Van die dringendste gemeenskapskwessies wat Nel uitlig is armoede. “Kollegas, skoolhoofde en kerkleiers dink steeds armoede is op ander plekke, maar dit is in ons gemeenskap. Mense is besig om onder te gaan omdat hulle nie hulle finansiële verpligtinge kan nakom nie en te trots is om hulp te vra.” Nel sê verder die geestesgesondheid van kinders en tieners wat deur egskeidings geraak word, is onrusbarend. “Ouers moet ter wille van kinders ooreenkom oor besoekregte in beste belang van die kinders. Ouers wat voortveg maak dit vir kinders nóg moeiliker.” Volgens haar funksioneer tieners en kinders net soveel beter as hul ouers het wat betrokke is, want ouers is daar om leiding te gee en op te tree waar nodig. Ouers moet verantwoordelikheid vir hul kinders neem, hulle laat veilig voel en sekuriteit bied. Die boodskap moet wees dat daar niks is wat die gesin nie saam op enige gebied kan aanpak nie. “As gevolg van dwelmmisbruikprobleme ly gesinslede daaronder en wanfunksioneer. Polokwane het ‘n baie groot dwelmprobleem wat vinnig onder baie professionele mense toeneem. Enigeen wat nie besef hoe omvang ryk die probleem is nie, is naïef.” Vir nou is dit vir haar genoeg om rustig by die huis te wees, nuwe geleenthede te ondersoek en meer tyd saam met haar gesin deur te bring.
(O) 015 297 1140 HOSEA MOLEKOA 072 485 5155
Do You Want to Buy or Sell Residential / Commercial Property? Call One of our Professional Sales Consultants
015 297 1140
Find us on Sell with us and stand a chance to win a
SA’s preferred home of more than 33 000 properties for sale and rent!
Jacobus Engelbrecht th donates his 200 unit of blood March 13, 2014
26 OBSERVER polokwane
Herbert Rachuene >> Jacobus Engelbrecht from Mooketsi achieved
a milestone few others can boast when he donated his 200th unit of blood at the South African Blood Service on Saturday. Dottie Pinn, Public Relations Practitioner at
25A Biccard Street • Tel: 015 295 0420/21 Jackie TO LET FLATS Elim R2 800 Immediately Bachelor. Adenhof R4 100 Immediately 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, garage. Vida Court R4 200 Immediately 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. Eastleigh R4 250 01/04/2014 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. TOWNHOUSES Bendor Gardens R4 000 01/04/2014 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. Welgeleë R5 900 01/04/2014 3 Bedr, 2 bath, garage, garden. HUIS Compensatie St R11 000 Immediately 4 bedr, 2 bathr, dining, lounges, kitchen, swimming pool, carports. 1 Bedr duplex flat.
Tel: 015 295 9014
THEO 082 990 7275
INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY: FOR SALE: Vacant stands (Brewery area). Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity to pick up various stands in the fastest growing suburb. Priced from R850 000 plus VAT. CALL NOW!! TO LET: FUTURA: On Dendron road with 1200m² - warehouse, 200m² offices and 200m² storeroom. Fully fenced and great exposure: R70 000pm (Neg). LADINE! - 630m² Warehouse with some offices and 4 roller shutter doors. Paved and secured yard. R25 000 pm. (Available 1 March 2014). Medical consulting rooms close to Limpopo Mediclinic. 200m² m at R13 200pm, subdivision possible! NOTE: ALL FIGURES ABOVE are EXCLUSIVE OF VAT ATTENTION ALL TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPERS: Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase one of the last big stands (3 048m²) within walking distance from the most popular primary school in town and close to various well known shopping complexes, petrol stations and medical facilities. Call for more information. RAYMOND 082 458 4239
1. SERALA VIEW - R360 000: A vacant stand, 690 m². 2. WOODHILL SECURITY ESTATE - R360 000: Buy this prime stand close to the Mall of the North at a very reasonable price! Act now to avoid disappointment. 3. MADIBA PARK - R480 000: A 3 bedroom house with 1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen. Walking distance from Seshego Circle Centre. Call now to list more properties with me. 4. IVY PARK - R750 000: A neat and beautiful 3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen and double carport on a very big stand. MABATHO 083 747 2056 MAHLASEDI PARK - R 225 000 - The last vacant stand in this area 391m². 1) SESHEGO –R 430 000 - A 2 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen with built-in units, 2 bathrooms and 2 garages. Fully fenced. 2) SESHEGO ZONE 8 – R 480 000A 3 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen,1 bathroom and a carport. 3) MARULA HEIGHTS – R400 000 672m² vacant stand. 4) WOODHILL ESTATE - R380 000 418m² vacant stand. 5) SESHEGO ZONE 2: R450 000 - 2 Bedroomed house with dining room, kitchen,1 bathroom,1 garage and 2 outside rooms with a bathroom. URGENTLY LOOKING FOR HOUSES TO SELL IN THESE AREAS: SESHEGO, EMDO, MADIBA PARK AND IVY PARK. Qualified buyers are waiting! Call your area specialist now! VERY LIMITED STANDS AVAILABLE IN MAHLAKO A PHAHLA FROM R199.950 only and selling like hot cakes!!
SLIGHT 072 323 9386
If you want to list your property, phone any agent, if you want to sell your property, phone me!! 1)OFFICES – CBD-R 4.85Mil ( Excluding VAT) - Reception, 13 offices, 3 boardrooms, 3 bathrooms, storeroom, server room, 1 kitchen, 20 parking spaces. All airconditoned. 2) OFFICES - CBD- R3 150 000 ( Excl VAT) 6 Offices, 1 boardroom, 4 toilets, 2 kitchens, 2 storerooms, 12 parkings, 2 telephone systems, 8 lines & ADSL line ( offices 260m²,stand 714m²). For investor, already occupied by tenants. EXCELLENT LOCATION 3) TOWNHOUSE - CBD - R850 000 Calling all professionals, stop paying rent and invest! 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen and dining room, living area convertible to offices/consulting rooms! Lock-up carport and garden area ± 100m². (In process of rezoning to offices - Three attorneys already bought here!) WANTED : PLOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE, PLEASE !!
HANNELIE 083 412 0009 See these and a lot more properties on our website: STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! Flora Park: 573 m² R380 000 Serala View: 933 m² R523 000 Bendor Ridge: 782 m² R825 000 Northview: 553 m² R413 000 Eagles Crest: 710 m² R400 000 and 704 m² R420 000 Waterberry Estate: 670 m² R430 000 Thornhill: 796 m² R450 000 and 948 m² R800 000 Industrial stand: 1857 m² R753 000 Bendor: 817 m² R495 000 Woodhill: 4 x from R325 000 Celtic Meadows: 4 x from R340 000 De Bron 907 m² R506 000 Celtic Lodge 1354 m² R935 000 Let me sell your stand, its going fast!! COME AND BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! PHONE ME TODAY!
MARIETJIE 072 190 7149
1) MANKWENG ZONE 8 – R580 000 Spacious home comprising 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages, 2 huge living areas. 2) MANKWENG ZONE A Offers not less than R 1m on this ± 2000m² stand close to the university. 3) MANKWENG ZONE C- R500 000 Stunning family home with large living areas and ample cupboard space in the kitchen offering, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Outbuilding offers 2 bedrooms, bathroom and garage. 4) BENDOR EXT 94 - R380 000 672m² stand in Bendor, strategically located and only four minutes drive to the Mall of the North. ERNEST 072 696 6004
the service commended Engelbrecht for his dedication towards helping save the lives of others. “We are proud of loyal committed blood
donors like Engelbrecht,” she said. Engelbrecht said he was happy to be part of the noble initiative and to have reached a personal target. “I am happy with the contribution I have made. I started donating blood in 1975 when I was still in matric. Since Rita Rita Prinsipaal then I have never Prinsipaal stopped. I embarked EIENDOMME•PROPERTIES on this noble initiative TEL: 015 295 4537, Fax: 015 291 TEL: 015 295-4537 FAKS: 0151166 291 1166 because I realised 7A HANS VAN RENSBURG STREET / STRAAT 7A 7A HANS VAN RENSBURG STREET / STRAAT 7A that there are lots SECURITY COMPLEX - FULL TITLE 2 garages, entertainment area. of people who are in WOONSTELLE/FLATS Prepaid big electricity and water. - R910 000 PENINA PARK - SHINGWEDZI PLAINS TEL: 015room, 295 4537/073 281 27405 Call today to view this- upmarket property! dire need of blood,” Lounge/dining 4 bedrooms, bathrooms, EXCELLENT R645 000 TOWN/DORP kitchen, tandem garage, Wendy house. 2 Bedrooms, 2 LADANNA bathrooms, kitchen/nook, he said. SILVERKRUIN BARGAIN - R1 180 000 scullery, 1 carport, verandah.
Rita Stipec
R2 550 - Bachelor flat with kitchen and bathroom. PRIME AREA Prepaid electricity, water R80 per month. Entrance, lounge, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, R2 700 - 1 Slaapkamer woonstel in erf. large kitchen, dining room, scullery/laundry, Badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis, 1 motorhuis. 3 garages. Flat: 2 Rooms, kitchen, bathroom. TOWNHOUSE - EXCELLENT Geen rokers, geen diere.- R800 000 - BENDOR R3 985 - 2 Slaapkamers, badkamer, sitkamer/ 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan lounge, kombuis, afdak. Geen diere. beskikbaar. dining room, kitchen, carportDadelik plus Wendy house THE COTTAGE in security area. TOWNHOUSE BENDORlounge, - R670kitchen, 000 R4 400 - 2 Bedrooms,- bathroom, 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 carport. Safe complex. Availablegarage. 1 April 2014. IN TOWN - FLATS THABO MBEKI STREET R740 000: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage. From R3000: 900 to R4 100 - Spacious 2 Bedrooms, R800 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage and many more. bathroom, lounge, kitchen, garage and carport. TOWNHOUSES TOWN Water and electicity at IN municipality. from to R465 000 bachelor, MEENTHUISE/TOWNHOUSE 3 bedrooms - R890 000. TEL: 015PARK 295 4537/073 281 7405 PENINA - TOWNHOUSES TOWN - EXCELLENT R645 000 - R715 000and kitchen. R3 415 - 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge - R750 000 3 at Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Carport available R175 extra per month. BACHELOR TOWNHOUSE - SECURE R4 200 - 2 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen AREA -bathroom, R430 000 and garage. Close to schools. area, 1 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen/living carport. BENDOR IN TOWN - GROBLER ST - NEAR R4 160 - 2 Slaapkamers, badkamer, sitkamer, SCHOOLS - PRICE REDUCED kombuis, klein tuinjie. Afdak, 2koopkrag. - R1 910 000 - STAND 084 m² R4 900 - 3 Slaapkamers, badkamer, sitkamer, Entrance, lounge, dining room, study, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, 1 scullery, kombuis, afdak. Koopkrag. Beskikbaar April ‘14 3 garages, servants quarters, alarm, borehole, ULTRAMODERN!!! irrigation. R7 500 IRIS - 7x 2 AMADEUS bedrooms, with open-plan lounge/ - GOOD BUY dining- R1 and 050 kitchen, Garage avail0002 -bathrooms. PRICE REDUCED Lounge, dining room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, able at R300 extra per month. Prepaid water and electricity. R7 500 - 4x Lofts available, spacious 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan lounge/ dining and kitchen. Open parking available.
R4 200 - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge,
FLORA PARK - BARGAIN - R1complex. 075 000 kitchen, carport. Neat and quite - NEAT, EXCELLENT Available April. 4 bedrooms, Entrance, lounge, dining1room, R5 100bathrooms, - 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, 2 full kitchen, scullery, pantry, 2 garages, storeroom, Borehole, patio, kitchen, scullery, diningfenced. room, TV room, garage. swimming pool. Prepaid electricity. Immediately available. FLORA PARK - HANDY MAN’S DREAM HUISE/HOUSES - R1 020 000 - PRICE REDUCED Tandem 4 vehicles, underTel: garage 015 295for 4537/073 281 67405 roof carports, storeroom. House: Entrance, FLORA PARK lounge, dining room, TV room, 3 bedrooms, R62130 - 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, bathrooms, kitchen, scullery, fenced, full kombuis, opwas, patio, motorhuis en tuin. burglar bars, lapa with1 braai, borehole, 4 ceiling fans, remote Beskikbaar 1 April.gate. PENINA PARK - R1 290 000 - A MUST OOSTSTRAAT TO BE SEEN 300 - Netjiese 3 slaapkamer met 3 R7 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, doublehuis garage, TV room, dining room, kitchen, 2 lounge, badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, separate T/serv/T. opwas, borehole, stoorkamer, 2 afdakke, gesamentlike CAPRICORN - CHECK FOR SIZE swembad. Koopkrag, water R400 per maand. - R1 605 000 PLOTTE/PLOTS: Entrance, lounge, dining room, TV room, 3 bedrooms, bathrooms, guest-room Tel: 0152295 4537 / 073 281 7405with bathroom, laundry, 2 garages, 8 carports, RIETFONTEIN storeroom, boreholes, security, etc. R3 000 -PARK Duplex.- A 2 Slaapkamers, badkamer, FAUNA MUST TO BE SEEN sitkamer, kombuis, gastetoilet en-afdak. Koopkrag. FOR THE RIGHT BUYER R1 930 000 Lounge, dining room, TV room, 4 bedrooms, R3 500 - 3 Slaapkamers, badkamer, sitkamer, guest toilet, kitchen, scullery/laundry, 2 garages, kombuis en afdak. Beskikbaar 1 April. carport, storeroom, swimming pool, lapa (46m²), borehole/irrigation,OFFICES prepaid, remote gate, gas stove, electric TOWN fence, bachelor flat. HOUSES, STANDS, •LOTS ±40m²,OF ±95m², ±99m² and ±112m², TOWNHOUSES, LISTED, ALL AREAS, excl. VAT. Covered parkings at JUST CALL!!extra cost plus % ratio rates separate. electricity STIELER ATWater 083 +399 6669payable
at municipality. • 120 m² warehouses available in Ladine. MEDICAL SUITES AVAILABLE, VARIOUS SIZES. PHONE TODAY!
Photo: Herbert Rachuene
Jacobus Engelbrecht donated his 200th unit of blood on Saturday.
1) UPPER TOWN MODERN TOWNHOUSE: R800 000.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, openplan living area. Security fencing. 2) PLOT ON PRETORIA ROAD: R 2 350 000.00 Beautiful plot on Pretoria-road with 4 bedroom, 3 bathrooms, open living area, wooden deck verandah with pool, lapa, plus. Second house and 580m² workshop. Excellent buy! 4 Hectares. Popular area. 3) STER PARK: R1 800 000.00 Stunning 4 bedroom house with new modern kitchen, indoor braai, pool, lapa, ect. A must view property!! FARMS / PLOTS FOR SALE
KONTAK MATIE - 083 271 5259
1) 92ha IRRIGATION FARM: Close to Polokwane, enough water for ±10ha. Price: R3 200 000.00 2) EDUAN PARK: Spacious family home with 3 living areas, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, nice kitchen, double garage. Entertainment room, borehole. Quiet area. Price: R1 600 000.00 3) 622ha GAME FARM: Close to Polokwane, neat 4 bedroom house, 2 chalets, pool, braai area, cold room, servants’ house etc. Price: R9 000 000.00 4) 8,2 ha PLOT: at Geluk, bordering on the Tzaneen road, close to town with spacious 5 bedroom house, 4 garages, lots of out buildings, swimming pool and large garden. Lots of water. Excellent property!! Price: R6 300 000.00 CONTACT: SOlET - 082 498 4415 TO VIEW 1) 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE: R795 000.00 - 2 Bathrooms and single garage. Hurry only 4 units left!
KONTAK STEPHEN - 082 558 3525 FARMS / PLOTS FOR SALE HOUSES: 1) 2 213m² CENTRAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units – R3 500 000.00 neg. 2) BENDOR – 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, ensuite guest room, pool. - R2 000 000.00 3) PENINA PARK - 3 000m² zoned 20 Units. R2 500 000.00 PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha. Vacant. R1 500 000.00 neg. 2) N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha. R8 000 000.00 neg 3) DALMADA 4ha – Big house, pool, lapas and location. FARMS: 1) LEGKRAAL: ± 380 ha Cattle farm 2) MESSINA/ALLDAYS - CATTLE FARM: 1830ha @ R4 300p/ha. 3) Pietersburg - 70ha Big house 30km from town. OPPORTUNITIES: 1) STABLE BUSSINESS – good income! Available on request. Existing 20 years +. 2) 3 000m² Stand with big house, Res 3/20 units. TO LET: RESIDENTIAL
CONTACT SAN 072 159 5126
1) BENDOR: R4 500.00 1 April 2014 2 Bedroom Townhouse with garage Please list your rental property with us. We will find suitable tenants FAST! TO LET: INDUSTRIAL
CONTACT STEPHEN TEl: 015 287 3300
FOR SALE: 1.2 ha Industrial site, improved and with excellent exposure. - R9 000 000.00 (Neg).
Industrial: To let: 1) Truck workshop with “gantry” office, good exposure. Big yard. 2) 630m² - Close to SAB 3) 200m² - R5000 exl 4) Industrial stand 1.2 ha, office, workshops etc. Excellent exposure and access. 5) 80m² Cold room 6) 250 - 500m² warehouse – excellent location R45 pm² exl. Next to SAB. Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Modern – Free standing office, 600m² 1/5/2014. 3) 345m² - Office and boardroom, plus parking @ R105/m² excl vat.
March 13, 2014
The two-bedroom dwelling the Moloto family from Mankweng can now call home. Miss Limpopo 2014 Kholofelo Lekganyane also ensured the family have a corrugated iron toilet. Photo: Supplied
Miss Limpopo keeps her promises KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> A destitute family who not long ago were living in a dilapidated plastic shack and using the bucket toilet system are sleeping soundly in a two-bedroom house after Miss Limpopo 2014, Kholofelo Lekganyane, kept her promise and lightened the burden they carried for so long. Lekganyane first spoke to Polokwane Observer not long after having been crowned as Miss Limpopo 2014 and quickly made it evident that she would be taking the Moloto family from Mankweng under her wings. It was first reported that not only was the family living in a one roomed plastic shack that was ready to cave in at any moment but they were also dependent on the bucket system. “The Molotos have now moved into their two-roomed home and also have their own corrugated iron toilet,” she reported. Lekganyane further said the head of the household is completely over the moon since his family has been able to move into their new home, and just in time as well as the shack did indeed crumble in, as they had expected. “I am a happy man because now I can sleep soundly knowing my family is protected from the elements. Our family will now regain dignity and respect as we were before seen as the laughing stock of the community,” Moloto is reported to have said. Lekganyane explained that apart from giving the family a stable roof over their heads it is also about sustainability. “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him how to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime,” she quoted the age old adage. She reiterated that the motto she lives by daily is that the title she carries is nothing in comparison with the good she can do by having the title work for her community. A wise man once said, “Be the change you want to see in your community,” she quoted.
Blood bank: an essential service RC Myburgh >> The South African Blood Service’s (SANBS) runs an ongoing awareness campaign to ensure sufficient blood supply and in the process wishes to bring certain issues under the attention of the general public. SANBS Limpopo Public Relations Practitioner Dottie Pinn was quoted in a recent press statement to have said that the SANBS is a non-profit organisation with the key purpose to save lives by providing safe, sufficient and good quality blood products and medical services related to blood transfusion in an equitable and cost effective manner. Why do patients pay for blood transfusions? SANBS is tasked with collecting, transporting, testing and storing of blood required for patients on a daily basis. “For this reason SANBS has a fee for service and this is billed depending on the blood product that is required by the patient together with all other operating costs. It is important to note that SANBS does not sell blood to patients but provides a service that ensures that all government and private hospitals meet their daily blood needs.” Why should people donate blood? Citizens are encouraged to donate blood to help save the lives of patients in need of blood transfusions. “Every unit of blood is vital and once tested and deemed safe for transfusion is separated into red blood cells, platelets and plasma. Therefore a unit of blood has more than one life saving use and can save up to three people’s lives.” Pinn added that research has shown that SANBS requires more regular blood donors to consistently meet the country’s demand for blood.
Polokwane Observer Mirna Lourens Eiendomme / Properties Hettie 082 452 1603
Tel: 015 2988229 Fax: 015 2988229 Email: P.O. Box 961, Fauna Park, 0787
BODORP - R1 300 000 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge, dining room, kitchen, 2 garages. Flatlet. Phone Hettie 082 452 1603 WELGELEGEN EXCLUSIVE!! 5 Stands for sale in a secure development! Phone Hettie 082 452 1603 BENDOR - R780 000... In security complex - A MUST SEE 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen, lounge and dining room. Carport. Phone Hettie 082 452 1603 BUILDING PACKAGES @ Mahlasedi (1) From R587 802,00 up to R757 936,00 - including the stand. Phone Hettie 082 452 1603
March 13, 2014
28 OBSERVER Cansa Shavathon 2014 polokwane
Kleuterbetrokkenheid ten bate van Kansa
Balule Farm 21.4Ha NO Land Claims R2 650 000 Leeukuil Smallholding 8.5Ha Lots of Water R1 855 000 Palm Beach - Margate KZN 1711m² Vacant Stand - Zoned as Res 3 R357 500 Ster Park Family Home 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Lounge, Dining, Study, Pool R1 908 000 Palmietfontein Smallholding - Silicon Road 8,5 ha (1,5 ha under irrigation). Lots of potential. R1 400 000 Kingfisher Ave 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Lounge x 2, Lovely Kitchen R1 750 000 Vacant stands for sale in various Security Estates from R312 000 - R1 200 000
Glenn Lynn R5 500.00 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with living & dining room, 2 x carports. Eskol Villas R7 500.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan lounge & kitchen, dining room & single carport. Douglas Court R4 800.00 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan lounge & dining room. Dwarskersbos R4 560.00 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, carport & courtyard.
Want to build your dream house? Want to rent out your property? Want to sell your property? CALL US TODAY FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS. AGENTS: Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 / Letting - Charmaine 079 529 7841 OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail:
Foto’s: RC Myburgh
Denien Vickery sit geduldig terwyl Elbe Maritz haar hare oranje spuit.
Exclusive PROPERTIES Our name means a great deal!
Ria du Plessis span die spuitverfblik in vir Lekisha Naidoo.
Pro-Arch Building, Unit 2, Bendor Drive 29, Bendor Telefax: 015 297 1132 Fax to e-mail: 086 611 0645
Join Exclusive Properties in this fun crossword and stand a chance to win a voucher worth R1 000! Across 1. On which Estate Agency’s facebook page will you find the answers to the crossword puzzle. 2. After the deed comes up for registration, the conveyancer has ________ days to correct any minor errors? 3. In which case does the conveyancer use a levy clearance certificate? 4. What is Henstock van den Heever’s conveyancing secretary’s name? 5. What is the name of the office where properties are registered. Down 1. From whom does the conveyancer receive a rates clearance certificate? 2. To whom does the Estate Agent give the signed contract to start the registration process? 3. Name one of the parties involved in a contract? 4. Name the other party involved in a contract? 5. What are the fees payable to SARS called?
Lize van Dyk waag dit dat Sonja Jansen van Vuuren rooi verf op haar hare spuit.
RC Myburgh >> Een van die prettigste dae het vir die kleuters van Suikerbekkie Kleuterskool aangebreek toe Ria du Plessis van Kansa met blikke spuitverf by die skoolhek ingestap het. Du Plessis en leerkragte het Vrydag hul kreatiwiteit vlerke gegee met die kleuters se hare en vinnig vaal hare met helder strepe en kolle opgevrolik. Elke kleuter het R10 vir die kleurverandering betaal wat aan Kansa geskenk is. Onderwysers het mekaar se hare tussendeur opgedollie.
Name & Surname: ______________________________ ___________________________________________ Contat no (preferably cell): _____________________ Email: _______________________________________ Age: ________________________________________
rUles 1. No empolyees of Exclusive Properties or their immediate families may take part in this competition. 2. Entries must reach Exclusive Properties before 25 March 2014. 3. Entries can be e-mailed to or faxed to 086 611 0645 or handed in at our offices at 29 Bendor Drive, Pro Park, Pro Arch Building, Unit 2. 4. Entries must be accompanied by contact details as requested on the entry form. 5. The draw will take place on 25 March 2014 and the winner shall be contacted the same day. For more information and assistance with the answers go to our facebook page!
Foto: Verskaf
Want to know more about buying your first property but don’t know where to start? Let us show you how at the “REMAX - first time buyer seminar” Remax Northland Realty invites first time buyers to this exciting free seminar. We’ve secured experts in the field of loans and the buying process to advise and explain all you need to know. LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE
Date: Tuesday, 18 March 2014 Venue: Polokwane Time: 17:30 to 19:00 Detailed information packs to all who attend. To confirm your seat for this great initiative and receive more information on the venue contact 015 297 1863 or RSVP with
Northland Realty
CorpMD Consulting, Ground Floor, cnr Hillary & Phaphos streets, Ismini Park, Bendor, Polokwane Office: 015 297 1863 | Fax: 015 297 7635
Jacobs de Klerk se hare waai in solidariteit met sy kleindogter wat op 1 Maart aan kanker oorlede is. Maryna van der Merwe het die knipper by Mall of the North ingelê.
OLD FAUNA PARK: R1 070 000: 3 Bedr, 2 bathr home, 1 garage. Nice size yard. MôRegLOeD: R660 000: 2 Bedr, 1 bathr townhouse, 1 garage. Good size yard. NeW FLORA PARK: R850 000: A pretty 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with 2 garages. Fenced. STeR PARK: R2 500 000: Old world charm. A 4 bedr, 2 bathr house plus 1 bedr flat attached to the house. The old pool was converted into a sunken lapa area with a built-in braai and a jacuzzi. Added benefit is the walk-in cold storage room, 2 garages plus a caravan parking. Borehole and CCTV. WeLgeLegeN: 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer tuinhuis te huur.
March 13, 2014
Polokwane Observer
March 13, 2014
30 OBSERVER polokwane
STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ STORAGE TO LET We can store from bikes to big boats. From R400 p.m. Polokwane Self Storage. 082 446 4574 / 083 460 4439 ____________________
MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________
IS ADDICTION TEARING YOUR FAMILY APART! There is help call 084 903 1401 ____________________
EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________
VACANT OFFICES TO RENT Well positioned area in Schoeman Street. Ample parking. Rate R130m². Contact 079 435 4045 ___________________
SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Phone 015 295 5264 ___________________
MOTORBIKE FOR SALE BMW R1 200 RT, 2008 model, 27 000km only, excellent condition, full house, ABS, cruise control, panniers, top box etc. Price R85 000. Contact 083 627 3299 ____________________
TE KOOP 8.5HA PLOT MET PRAGTIGE UITSIG Gelee teen ‘n koppie. Dalmada water. R750 000. Skakel Frikkie Roos 079 885 8800 ____________________
REBUILT 1957 LWB SERIES “1” LANDROVER Just to be registered. R38 000 o.n.c.o. Phone 015 307 1370 or 083 770 1175 ____________________
HOUSES: BENDOR VILLAGE R19 530 5 bedr, 5½ bathr, patio with built-in braai, 2 garages. BENDOR R14 500 4 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages, pool & borehole. FAUNA PARK R12 200 3 bedr, 2 bathr, pool, 2 garages & 1 bedr flat. FLORA PARK R8 915 3 bedr, 2 bathr, study, 2 garages & lapa. HOSPITAL PARK R8 800 3 bedr, 2½ bathr, splash pool, braai & borehole. SERALA VIEW R6 685 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 1 garage. TOWNHOUSES: BENDOR R6 700 Duplex with 3 bedr, 2½ bathr, patio with built-in braai, 2 garages. BENDOR R6 600 Fully furnished 2 bedr, 1 bathr with DStv. BENDOR R6 550 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 1 garage. LADANNA R5 100 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 1 garage. DORP R4 950 2 bedr, 1 bathr, 2 carports. STERKLOOP PLOTTE R4 456 Open-plan loft. LADANNA - R3 980 2 bedr, 1 bathr, lounge/kitchen, 1 caport. Secure area. FLATS: DORP & RABE ST R4 100 2 bedr, 1 bathr, lounge, kitchen, 1 garage. STERKLOOP PLOTTE R3 110 2 bedr, 1 bathr, secure parking. OFFICES: Offices in CBD from R2 500 pm RABE ST R10 600 pm 106m² HANS VAN RENSBURG ST R8 900 TO R12 500 pm THYS 083 702 0768 DIONETTE 084 503 3964 AUDREY 072 632 7117
PERSOON VERLANG OM My gerieflike 3 slaapk, 2 badk huis te deel. Wasgoed + W&L ingesluit. R3 000 p.m. + dep. Ras 082 552 1967 ____________________ 1 SLAAPKAMER BACHELOR WOONSTEL 4 km vanaf SAB op LTT pad. R2 500 + dep, water en ligte ingesluit. Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ RUIM 1 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL TE HUUR Te 8A Antonstraat. Kombuis, badkamer. Huur R3 500, water en ligte R500. Kontak 084 343 1238 ___________________ TO LET 1 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE IN BENDOR De Wetrylaan. Carport, encl garden. R3 500. Contact 015 295 8015/17 ___________________ 1 BEDROOM FLAT IN LADANNA TO LET Private parking. Very private, garden. Wendy house. R3 850 p.m. plus deposito. Emilia 083 779 1401 ___________________ TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ 2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL OP PLOT 4km van SAB op LTT. R3 500 + water en ligte, dep verlang. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ___________________
RENTALS: FLATS / TOWNHOUSES DORP - APRIL R5 500 3 Bed/r, 1½ Bath/r, Garage + Carport. LADANNA APRIL - R5 100 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r & Garage. STER PARK APRIL - R7 150 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r & 3 Garages. HOUSE FAUNA PARK MAY - R10 000 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r, Garage, Pool and Flatlet. PATSY 083 270 6770 _____________
RUIM 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS TE HUUR TE SOETDORINGS Netjies en omhein. Dubbel afdak parkering. Veilige en rustige omgewing. R5 060 plus dep + koopkrag. Streng keuring. Minette 076 941 1679 ____________________ RUIM 4 SLAAPKAMER MET 3 BADKADKAMERS, TE HUUR Vanaf 1 Maart. Dubbel garage, dubbel afdak. Netjies omhein, 20km buite Pbg. Dep R7 000, Huur R7 000. Water ingesluit. Elna 072 295 1201 ___________________ LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar. Klein vertrek huise R1 950 p.m., Bachelor woonstelle R1 500 p.m. Wendy houtkamers R1 000 p.m. Skakel Marina in kantoorure 015 297 2008 ____________________
I BUY USED VEHICLES FOR CASH Contact me before trading in your vehicle. Neels Joubert 083 459 7177 ____________________
Notice in respect of a licence application in terms of the Petroleum Product Act, 1977 (Act no 120 of 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or effected that SONOF PROPERTY INVESTMENTS CC hereinafter referred to as “the applicant” has submitted an application for a SITE licence, application number F/2014/02/25/0001
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DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 (WYSIGINGSKEMA 459) Ek, Johannes Hendrik Lerm van HANNES LERM & MEDEWERKERS, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erwe 7474-7479 en 7486-7488 Bendor Uitbreiding 120, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordinansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordinansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ek by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Polokwane/Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema 2007, deur die volgende hersonering: a. Erwe 7474-7476, 7487 en 7488 word gehersoneer vanaf “Residensieel 2” na Residensieel 1” b. Erwe 7474-7479 en 7486-7488 sal gekonsolideer word. c. Die gekonsolideerde erf in (b) sal onderverdeel
Ts and Cs apply.
Checkers Centre (Shop 4 & 5) Biccard Street, Polokwane Tel: 015 291 2581 Fax: 015 291 2582
uP To 8 Ton Loads
AMENDMENT OF POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT TOWNPLANNING SCHEME, 2007 (AMENDMENT SCHEME 459) I, Johannes Hendrik Lerm of HANNES LERM & ASSOCIATES, being the authorised agent of the owner of Erven 7474-7479 and 7486-7488 Bendor Extension 120, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the TownPlanning and Township Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the Amendment of the Polokwane/Perskebult TownPlanning Scheme, 2007, as follows: a. Erf 7474-7476 , 7487 and7488 will be rezoned from “Residential 2” to “Residential 1”. b. Erf 7474-7479 and
7486-7488 will be consolidated c. The consolidated Erven in (b) will be subdivided into 45 residential Erven and two “Private streets” Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, Directorate Planning and Development, Polokwane Municipality, First Floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Maré Street, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 14 March 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management at the above address or at P.O. Box 111, Polokwane, 0700, within a period of 28 days from 14 March 2014. Address of Agent Hannes Lerm & Associates P.O. Box 2231 Polokwane 0700 13/03 20/03 ___________________
Cash Crusaders Polokwane would like to offer you instant cash for the following items: Fridges, freezers, laptops and gold. Should you not want to sell, feel free to take a loan against your item for 30 days. All goods must be in working condition.
deliveries, distribution, removals, rubble removal
Notice in respect of a licence application in terms of the petroleum Product Act, 1977 (Act no 120 of 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that SONOF PROPERTY INVESTMENTS CC hereinafter referred to as ‘the applicant” has submitted an application for a RETAIL licence, application number F/2014/02/25/0002 522 MANKWENG E CNR TURFLOOP STREET & ROAD R71 MANKWENG E POLOKWANE The purpose of this application is for the applicant
to be granted a licence to undertake petroleum retail activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products at: Telephone: 015 287 4735; or Fax: 015 297 5045 Email: Any objections to the issuing of a licence in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petroleum Products within a period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objections must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical Address: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy 101 Dorp Street Polokwane 0700 Postal Address: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy Private Bag X9712 Polokwane 0700 06/03 13/03 ___________________
Business cards
Eliminating the hassle in moving your goods
Suspension & Steering
522 MANKWENG E CNR TURFLOOP STREET & ROAD R71 MANKWENG E POLOKWANE The purpose of this application is for the applicant to be granted a licence to undertake petroleum retail activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products at: Telephone: 015 287 4735; or Fax: 015 297 5045 Email: Any objections to the issuing of a licence in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the controller of Petroleum Products within a period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objections must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical Address: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy 101 Dorp Street Polokwane 0700 Postal Address: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy Private Bag X9712 Polokwane 0700 06/03 13/03 ___________________
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From Tzaneen to Polokwane & Pretoria. Departing Wednesday, Friday and Sunday return. DVD player on board Contact us today! Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293
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FOR HIRE • Two 8-ton trucks for hire. One equipped with cattle rails. • TLB for hire.
Contact 076 402 7710/082 202 4666
word in 45 “Resideel 1” Erwe en 2 “Private Strate” Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbeheer, Direktoraat Beplanning en Ontwikkeling, Polokwane Munisipaliteit, Eerste Vloer, Wesvleuel, Burgersentrum, Landdros Maréstraat, Polokwane, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 14 Maart 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ’n tydperk 28 dae vanaf 14 Maart 2014 skriftelik by of tot die
Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruiksbeheer, Polokwane Munisipaliteit, by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Hannes Lerm & Medewerkers Posbus 2231 Polokwane 0700 13/03 20/03 ___________________
enue, Polokwane, Limpopo Province HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record. IT IS ORDERED 1. THAT the estate of the first respondent is placed under provisional sequestration, with return date 25 April 2014; 2. THAT interested parties are called upon to show cause on the date referred to in prayer (1) above, why the provisional sequestration order is not to be made final; 3. THAT a copy of this or-
der is to be: 3.1. Served on the first, second and third respondents; 3.2. Published once in the Government Gazette; 3.3. Published once in the Polokwane Observer; THAT the cost be reserved for adjudication on the return day. ATTORNEYS FOR APPLICANT BRESLER-BECKER INC. REF: P W BECKER/ HAS2/0405 TEL NO: 015 295 7190 FAX NO: 015 295 7191 C/O PHILLIP VENTER ATTORNEYS 37 Knoppiesdoorn
YOUR Career finder in LIMPOPO
DRIVER Requirements: • Code 8 licence • Must have licence for more than two years
Email CVs to
KASSIERE benodig by South-Gate Roadhouse. * Halfdagpos * 2 Skofte (06:30 tot 13:00/13:00 tot 19:30), ruil weekliks * Netjiese voorkoms * Nie rokers * Tweetalig * Graad 12 * 35 Jaar of ouer met kennis van kassierwerk Skakel 015 295 5264 vir meer inligting
Office Administrator Suitable candidate must be computer literate, preferably with knowledge of QuickBooks. Fluent in Afrikaans and English and have own transport. Duties will include general office admin, debtors, creditors, cashbook and general ledger. Applications without the relevant requirements & experience will not be considered. Email CV to
• Entry Level Debtors Creditors -minimum 1 year experience • Must reside in Polokwane • Must have basic knowledge of bookkeeping • Must be able to reconcile accounts • Must be bilingual in English and Afrikaans • Must have own transport Submit CV to: Tel: 012 810 1500 Contact person: Fritz Vermaak
Would you like to work for one of the top five global logistics companies? If you have an eye for business opportunities and have the ability to persuade and sell then this is the position for you. We are looking for someone who can work independently, has excellent communication skills and is driven to achieve targets. Please note that Matric / Grade 12 is a minimum requirement with 5 years of corporate sales experience within the logistics industry. Selling of the Express/International product is essential.
Avenue NO. 14 VILLA MONTE VERDE LYNWOOD MANOR TEL NO: 086 100 7669 FAX NO: 086 100 7652 REF: PHILLIP VENTER/ BRE1/0031/SVDW 13/03 ___________________
Maart 13, 2014
Wireless IT Technician: Mokopane (Potgietersrus) Area Salary Neg. (incl. benefits) A highly motivated, diligent and enthusiastic IT support Technician is needed for a well-established and growing Wireless Company in Centurion. Qualifications requirements: * Valid driver’s license. Working at heights. * Willing to travel. Work overtime/weekends. * Experience: Min 3 years Qualified IT Technicians with SOLID experience in wireless networking * Thorough understanding of LANs, WANs, Wireless networks and associated * PC setup & trouble shooting with min 2 years’ experience. * Own vehicle a must! * Experience in Health & Safety and contractors packs * Relevant IT qualifications like A+/N+, MCSE/MCITP. * Benefits include: Cell phone, Laptop, Medical Aid, Pension fund and standby allowance. Please email CV to
Job openings in Polokwane at new upmarket restaurant Evening Manager for the New Tooters Restaurant & Cocktail Bar in Polokwane. Gentleman with experience in the hospitality/restaurant industry R10 000. Experienced Cocktail Barmen/-ladies R4 000 basic + tips.
Please send your CV to : 086 664 6522 or
Waitresses (ages 18+) Blonde/Brunette girls preferably. R2500 basic + tips.
Please e-mail your CV to
Put yourself behind the steering of this business!
Plaas jouself agter die stuur van hierdie besigheid!
Requirements: - Candidates, who are fully bullingual (English and Afrikaans) are in possession of a matric certificate and an applicable technical qualification will be considered - At least 5 year’ experience in the industrial manufacturing sector - Good communication skills - Preference will be given to energetic persons with a zest for life who can function independetly and are capable of taking an innitiative. - Candidates must be able to work under pressure and have sufficient management skills to control the labour force - A proven track record essential with traceable references - Managing in accordance with the buget as guide line is essential to ensure that the budgeted profit is achieved.
Vereistes: - Tweetalige persone in Afrikaans en Engels wat in besit is van ‘n matrieksertifikaat met toepaslike tegniese kwalifikasies sal oorweeg word - Ten minste 5 jaar ondervinding in die vervaardigingsektor - Goeie vaardighede in kommunikasie - Energieke persone, met ‘n lus vir die lewe wat onafhanklik kan werk en inisiatief kan neem, sal voorkeur geniet. - Persone moet onder druk kan werk en oor genoegsame bestuursvaardighede beskik om die arbeidsmag te beheer - Bewys van vorige bestuursondervinding is nie onderhandelbaar nie - Daar moet bestuur word met die begroting as riglyn en seker gemaak word dat die begrote winste behaal word
The company offers a competitive package and remunerate according to the TCTC (Total Cost To Company)system. CLOSINg DAtE FOR APPLICAtIONS: 20 March 2014
Die maatskappy bied ‘n mededingende pakket en vergoed volgens die TKVI- (totale koste van indiensneming)stelsel. SLUITINGSDATUM VIR AANSOEKE: 20 Maart 2014
Applications and CVs can be directed to: The Human Resource Officer Suiderland Charka Limited 5 Smit Street PIET RETIEF 2380 Tel: +27 (017) 826 8400 Fax +27 (017) 826 8500 E-mail:
Aansoek kan gerig word aan: Die Menslike Hulpbron Beampte Suiderland Charka Beperk Smitstraat 5 PIET RETIEF 2380 Tel: +27 (017) 826 8400 Faks: +27 (017) 826 8500 E-pos:
lf you do not receive any correspondence within three weeks after the closing date,consider your application unsuccessful
lndien geen terugvoering ontvang word binne drie weke na sluitingsdatum nie, was u aansoek nie suksesvol nie
March 13, 2014
32 OBSERVER polokwane
Warren Blunt >>
Family fun day at Wet weather fails to dampen junior short circuit racetrack netball and soccer tournament Warren Blunt on Saturday >>
The popular Polokwane Short Circuit Racetrack has a new committee and will be hosting a family fun day at the track on Saturday. The new committee falling under the chairmanship of Dean Rudiger, who is also the chairperson of the adjacent Capricorn Racing Club, has urged all motorbike enthusiasts to bring their families along for a fun-filled day. The re-invented track is suitable for racing again and many Polokwane biking personalities will be gracing the event.
Biking fans will also be able to get a glimpse of the Zambesi Motorrad Endurance Racing Team and their limited edition BMW HP2 motorbike that participated in the 24-hour endurance race at the Red Star Raceway in Delmas at the end of last year. Motorcyclists will be able to test their machines on the track throughout the day. The Polokwane Short Circuit Racetrack will also be hosting a number of go-karting and motorcycle events later this year. The gates will open at 09:00 on Saturday and the track will be open all day. Food and beverages will also be available.
Mitchell House u.8 player, Relo Sekula kicks the ball forward in their match against Pietersburg Comprehensive School on Saturday.
World-class Opportunity Add value to our business and your career As the world’s leading primary producer of platinum group metals, we produce 40% of the world’s newly mined platinum. Our mining, smelting and refining operations are based in South Africa, while we’re developing Unki Platinum Mine in Zimbabwe and actively exploring in Brazil. We have exploration partners in Canada, Russia and China, and a number of joint ventures with several historically disadvantaged South African consortia as part of our commitment to the transformation of the mining industry. A part of Anglo American, we are helping to build the leading global mining company. Platinum Health functions as a Health Maintenance Organisation (HMO) and, as such, manages a number of business units which include a Medical Scheme, Hospitals, Clinics, Pharmacies and other medical services. Platinum Health is a fast growing organisation that provides medical services to mainly Anglo Platinum and associate companies.
CHIEF PROFESSIONAL NURSE (C5) Candidates must hold a Nursing Diploma (General Nursing), a post-basic diploma in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care and 3 years’ relevant experience of which 2 years must have been in a supervisory position. A qualification or experience in Occupational Health and Nursing Administration will be advantageous. Registration with the SANC is essential. Ref. PHNU046 To apply, forward your CV to the HR Officer, Theresa Lategan, fax: 086 760 0251 or e-mail: The principles as set out in the Company’s Employment Equity Policy will apply.
Closing date: 20 March 2014
Mitchell House hosted another successful junior football and netball day at their sport fields on Saturday. Both parents and the learners failed to be put off by the wet weather conditions and a sizeable crowd of spectators had a fun-filled day. The learners also enjoyed the cooler conditions and put in a spirited display in all the matches that were played. Pietersburg Comprehensive School, Eagles Nest Christian School, Christian Academy, PEPPS and Pietersburg English Medium Primary School were the other participants.
career finder in LIMPOPO Furniture City is a contemporary furniture, appliance and home entertainment retailer offering an extensive range of quality, stylish products to a knowledgeable and discerning customer. Preference will be given to EE candidates in line with the Employment Equity Plan for Furniture City. Should you not have been contacted within 4 weeks of the closing date, please assume your application unsuccessful.
An exceptional opportunity exists at our POLOKWANE store:
Branch Manager If you pride yourself on your strong trading instincts and subsequent track record of profit achievement (preferably in fashion retail), then Furniture City could be your new home. So, if you recognise the value of customers, know how to develop people and can solve problems and make plans - at all times being driven and innovative - get ready for a real career boost in a large, multi-department store! Interested? Forward your CV (max 4 pages), clearly indicating the position and location you are applying for, to e-mail: Closing date: 21 March 2014.
ANGLO AMERICAN PLATINUM Platmed Proprietary Limited 55 Marshall Street Johannesburg 2001 Human Communications 107346
United Truck Centre Polokwane Department: Workshop Position: Diesel Mechanic Line of Reporting: Service Manager Key Perfomance Areas: (Not totally inclusive) • Accurately diagnose faults found and reported on a vehicle (troubleshooting). • Carry out the required repairs correctly in order to ensure that the vehicle does not return to the workshop with the same fault/s. • Conduct servicing according to the MAN service sheets and tick off each item conducted and to sign the service sheet on completion. • Work accurately and timeously to achieve both efficiency and productivity to the required standards. • Report any vehicle faults other than those detailed on the job card and to report such faults on the rear of the job cards. • Ensure workshop safety and security procedures are maintained at all times. • Maintain all work bays, special tools and equipment in a clean and tidy condition. Core behavioural competencies: • Ability to work well under extreme pressure and produce results accordingly. • Willingness to work overtime, standby and on Saturdays as and when required. • Must be a team player. Skills Required: • Minimum qualifications - matric and/or N3 equivalent • Qualified diesel mechanic with a completed apprenticeship. • Experience in a heavy commercial vehicle workshop is essential. • Good communication and interpersonal relations skills. Application Procedure: • Interested applicants can forward their CVs to: Workshop Manager Email: Fax: 086 688 1516 • Applicants whose credentials best match the above named criteria will be invited for an interview. If you recieve no communication from us within three weeks please consider your application as unsuccessful. • The appointment will be in line with the Company Employment Equity Strategy Closing Date: • 11 April 2013
Human Communications 107419
United Truck Centre Polokwane Department: Parts Position: Parts Counter Salesperson Line of Reporting: Parts Manager Key Perfomance Areas: (Not totally inclusive) • Work accurately and timeously to achieve goals. • Excellent relations with all customers. • Service Orientated. • Good interpersonal skills. • Target driven. • Work effectively under pressure. Skills Required: • Computer literate. • Experience on truck sales essential. Application Procedure: • Interested applicants can forward their CVs to: Parts Manager, Willie Naude Fax: 086 262 5199 • Only applicants who match the above criteria may apply. • Only applicants that match the criteria will be invited for interviews. • If you recieve no reply within 3 weeks from closing date, consider your application as unsuccessful. • The appointment will be in line with the Company Employment Equity Strategy Closing Date: • 11 April 2014
Polokwane City FC ready to do a double against Sundowns Herbert Rachuene >>
olokwane City FC can defeat Mamelodi Sundowns on Saturday when they meet in a Premier Soccer League (PSL) clash. This is the opinion of Polokwane City FC defender Vukile Mngqibisa who said: “We believe we can win on Saturday. Sundowns is a good team with quality players and they are vying for the league.”
“We are fighting for survival in the league so it is going to be an interesting match. We won’t be travelling to Pretoria to add numbers but to put up a good performance.” Polokwane City FC is currently in 14th position of the league with 19 points after 20 matches and they need to start winning matches to avoid relegation. They caused a major upset last year October when they defeated PSL title contenders Mamelodi Sundowns
at Peter Mokaba Stadium. On Sunday however they were beaten 3-1 by third placed Bidvest Wits at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium. “Wits surprised us on Sunday. We did not expect that kind of performance from them. They scored three early goals and we struggled to come back in the game because they wanted to defend that margin. However, we learned from our mistakes and I think we can do better in upcoming matches,” Mngqibisa said.
Maart 13, 2014
polokwane Vodacom Cup action at Peter OBSERVER Mokaba Stadium on Saturday Warren Blunt >> The Assupol Limpopo Blue Bulls suffered a heavy defeat of 62-10 against the Down Touch Griffons at Bultfontein on Saturday in the first round of the 2014 Vodacom Cup competition. The halftime score was 19-10 in the hosts’ favour. The Griffons ran in ten tries to the two scored by the Limpopo Blue Bulls. Limpopo’s tries were scored by lock, Divan Cronje and left wing, Sinethemba Maphaqa. Local rugby supporters are urged to come out in their numbers to support the Limpopo Blue
Bulls when they play their first home match against the Leopards at the new Peter Mokaba Stadium in the second round of the competition on Saturday. There will be a full programme of rugby action starting with a ten-man rugby tournament that kicks off at 13:00. Rugby clubs which will be contesting the ten-man tournament are BB Truck & Tractor Noordelikes Rugby Club, Kargo Pietersburg Rugby Club, Letaba, Louis Trichardt, Messina, University of Venda, Limpopo University and Phalaborwa. The Vodacom Cup fixture will start at 15:00.
Women’s softball team ready for national championships Herbert Rachuene >> Limpopo Softball Association’s provincial women head coach, Ntate Pila is confident that his youthful side will bring home silverware during the National Softball Championships set to take place in Cape Town from 18 to 23 March. Pila was speaking after the three day camp of the provincial woman’s team held in Polokwane from Friday to Sunday. Historically the provincial women’s team performed below average to such an extent that they never qualified for the semi finals in their previous national events. “The girls have upped their standard as compared to their performance during the
previous camp. They made a commitment that they will do their best to ensure that we bring home a medal. They will have an opportunity to sharpen their skills next weekend before they leave for Cape Town,” Pila said. The team consist of Havey Kekana, Mitchel Thubakgale, Rejoice Mmatli, Maishibe Lekalakala, Raesetsa Matsemela, Conny Kekana and Thato Mokonyane (all from Mahwelereng Spikes), Mmaphefo Mabokela, Goloti Shika, Pat Mothapo and Imelda Mabokela (all from Naledi Spiders), Precious Mokwena and Tumisang Sebopela (Diphale Softball club), Rosina Rachidi and Thato Kupa (Mankweng Pioneers), Makgwarane Molomo and Mmathapelo Komape (Lebowakgomo WildBeasts).
Some of the players photographed during their camp in Polokwane. They are Pat Mothapo (Naledi Spiders), Mmaphefo Mabokela (Naledi Spiders) and Raesetsa Matsemela (Mahwelereng Spikes). At the back are Imelda Maboya (Naledi Spiders), Maishibe Lekalakala (Mahwelereng Spikes), Goloti Shika (Naledi Spiders), Honey Kekana (Mahwelereng Spikes), Havey Kekana (Mahwelereng Spikes) and Rejoice Mmatli (Mahwelereng Spikes). Photo: Herbert Rachuene
Suidskool wys vroeg in rugbyseisoen sy staal RC Myburgh >> Ten spyte van ‘n swaar reënbui wat Saterdag die laaste wedstryde van die vriendskaplike byeenkoms op Laerskool Pietersburg-Noord Primary (Noordskool) se velde ontwrig het, het Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) gewys dat hulle sterk staan met rugby en netbal. Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos, Laerskool Phalaborwa, Laerskool
Foto’s: RC Myburgh
Suidskool se Megan Strecker, o.12 hardloop vir die bal.
Louis Trichardt, Laerskool Messina, PLS, Noordskool en Laerskool Drakensig het die byeenkoms as die perfekte oefensessie en voorbereiding vir die komende wintersportseisoen gebruik. PLS klop die rugbyspanne van Oosskool (o.9), Phalaborwa (o.10), Noordskool (o.11, tweede span gelykop) en Musina (o.11). Op die netbalbane wen PLS 13 wedstryde, verloor agt en speel twee gelykop. Een wedstryd het weens reën nie plaasgevind nie.
Hierdie bal is myne, meen Amber Chen.
Noordskool se Xolani Mazibuko, eerste span, gebruik die gaping.
Pietersburg ComPrehensive sChool We hereby invite interested building contractors to bid for the building of one (1) Ablution Block on the premises of 62 Magazyn Street, Polokwane. Interested parties are invited for a compulsory briefing session where the closing date for submission of your bid will be given: venue: Pietersburg Comprehensive School DAte: 25 march 2014 time: 14:00 Cost: R50 to obtain building plans and Instructions / specifications The following requirements must be met for a tender to be considered: A) Company Profile B) Organogram of key personnel C) Project schedule / Method statement D) Schedule of expenditure E) Previous projects and references PUBLIC NOTICE: MINING PERMIT APPLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN IN TERMS OF SECTION 27 OF THE MINERAL AND PETROLEUM RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ACT, 2002 (ACT NO 28 OF 2002) Please be informed that T3 Consulting Engineers herein after referred to as the applicant lodged an application with for a Mining Permit for gravel with the Department of Mineral Resources Limpopo Polokwane Regional Offices, has been accepted and assigned with the reference for the Application: Ref: LP 30/5/1/3/2/10492 MP, in terms section 27 of MPRDA Act 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) as amended by the amendment Act 2008 (Act 49 of 2008), on the farm Sandsloot 236 KR, within the Magisterial District of Mogalakwena Limpopo Province, South Africa. Please forward details to ensure inclusion of any issues, suggestions and/or alternatives you may be aware of. Comments can be submitted to Shumani HSE Consulting in writing via post, fax or email. Contact Person: Divhani Mulaudzi Tel: 015 297 2410, Fax 086 2327 476 Email:, P O Box 55904, Bendor 0699
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 4(2)(b) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No.6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, that the draft property rates policy for the financial year 2014 to 2015 is open for public inspection at the offices of Polokwane Municipality from 12 March 2014 to 30 April 2014. In addition, the draft rates policy will be available on the Municipality’s website, In terms of section 4(2)(b)(ii) of the Act the local community is invited to submit comments and representations regarding the draft property rates policy that was tabled to Council on 11 March 2014. Comments and representations on the draft policy must be submitted to the following municipal offices: Civic Centre, rates hall (Polokwane), Seshego, Mankweng,and Sebayeng or on the website: For enquiries please contact: Jacob Majola on 015 290 2033 Saville Palmer on 015 290 2027 Suzanne Malan on 015 290 2036, or Email: Mrs. TC Mametja Municipal Manager
PUBLIC NOTICE POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY PUBLIC NOTICE CALLING FOR INSPECTION OF THE GENERAL VALUATION ROLL AND LODGING OF OBJECTIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(i) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No.6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, that the general valuation roll for financial years 2014 to 2018 is open for public inspection at Polokwane Municipal offices from 7 April to 30 May 2014. In addition the general valuation roll will be made available at website An invitation is hereby made in terms of section 49(1)(a)(ii) of the Act that Property owners or other persons who so desires, should lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the valuation roll within the abovementioned period. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act, an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the general valuation roll as such. The prescribed form regarding lodging of an objection is obtainable at the following municipal offices: Civic Centre, rates hall (Polokwane), Seshego, Mankweng, and Sebayeng oron the website: www. The completed forms must be returned to The Municipal Manager, PO Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 or submitted at any of the above mentioned offices. For enquiries please contact: Jacob Majola on 015 290 2033 Saville Palmer on 015 290 2027 Suzanne Malan on 015 290 2036, or Email: Mrs. TC Mametja Municipal Manager
March 13, 2014
34 OBSERVER 7th Baobab Classic a roaring success polokwane
Pictured during last week’s Baobab Classic at the Polokwane Golf Club is the 4-ball alliance of Jaco Baker, Cobus Nell, Riaan Piek and Johan van Ravesteyn.
>> Sponsors thanked for their involvement >> Seventh anniversary of prestigious tournament
The 4-ball alliance of Gerhard Saaiman, Reon Coetzee, Henso Coetzee and Walter du Plessis.
POLOKWANE T: 015 295 6484 / 5094
Freddy Greaver judges the line of his putt at the ninth hole during the second day of the Baobab Classic.
Polokwane Golf Club vice-captain Sous Greyvenstein lines up his tee shot at the first hole.
Lady golfer CloĂŤ Greyvenstein tees off at the first hole.
Sipho Talana watches his putt on the tenth green.
7th Baobab Classic a roaring success
Maart 13, 2014
OBSERVER 35 polokwane
Annual Baobab Classic once again a huge success Warren Blunt >> A wet course playing a bit longer than usual at the Polokwane Golf Club during the annual Baobab Classic that was held from Thursday to Saturday failed to dampen the spirits of the full field of 144 golfers that participated in the event. The tournament commenced last Thursday with the Meropa Casino & Entertainment World sponsored 4-ball alliance that was won by Bernardt Steyn Wessel Steyn, David van der Walt and Chris Delport, who won after a three way count-out with a score of 75 points. The 4-ball made up of Joas
Legodi, Adam Malanzi, SP Maskanane and Pat Molepo ended in second position on an identical score. In third place was the alliance of Duanne Viljoen, Andrew Galloway, Hannes Willemse and Thys de Kock. On day two, Modern Autohaus BMW sponsored the Betterball Stableford competition that also included the prestigious Captains Knockout Trophy. This gave the golfers the opportunity to compete for two prizes in one day. The veteran team of Aart Juriaanse and Willie Marx won the Captains Knockout and the betterball stableford of Brian Oriley and Glen Wynne were victorious in the Modern Autohaus competition. Both teams thanked
Modern Autohaus for their continuous sponsorship which has contributed towards the success of the Baobab Classic. Saturday’s individual stableford competition was unfortunately shortened to 15 holes after lightning and a heavy downpour halted proceedings. Dirk Botha was the fortunate winner of a three-way count-out ahead of Glen Wynne and Duanne Viljoen after all three golfers finished on 36 points. Polokwane club captain, Papa G Motseki thanked all the sponsors that have been involved with the Baobab Classic over the past seven years for their outstanding relationship and reminded all golfers to diarise the event for next year.
Photo: Jeff Raymond
Bernardt Steyn, Wessel Steyn, David van der Walt and Chris Delport won the Meropa Casino & Entertainment World sponsored first day of the Baobab Classic played at the Polokwane Golf Club. Congratulating the winning team is Clifford Ngakane, General Manager of Meropa Casino & Entertainment World (left).
Photo: Jeff Raymond
Aart Juriaanse and Willie Marx won the prestigious Captains Knockout Trophy sponsored by Modern Autohaus during the Baobab Classic played at the Polokwane Golf Club last week. Joining them in savouring the moment are Papa G Moseneki (Club Captain, left) and Nelson Marais representing the sponsor, far right.
Photo: Jeff Raymond
The three day Boabab Classic hosted by the Polokwane Golf Club came to an end on Saturday. The overall winning team of Piet du Toit, Hein Warmenhoven, Piet Bronkhorst and Dirk Visagie had sufficient reason for celebration. Congratulating them is Papa G Moseneki (Club Captain, left).
Polokwane Observer
Maart 13, 2014
BB Truck & Tractor weer Noordelikes Rugbyklub se hoofborg WARREN BLUNT >>
B Truck & Tractor Noordelikes Rugbyklub (Noordelikes) het Saterdag die onderspit op ‘n sopnat rugbyveld in die eerste rondte van die Cell C Gemeenskapbeker teen Boksburg Rugbyklub met 13-42 gedelf. Voor die wedstryd het Noordelikes se hoofborg, BB Truck & Tractor die klub se nuwe truie oorhandig. Noordelikes se president, Tony Varela het BB Truck & Tractor vir hul borgskap namens die bestuur en spelers bedank asook hul volgehoue ondersteuning en reuse bydrae tot die klub se sukses. Deon Steynberg, BB Truck & Tractor-verkoopsbestuurder het gesê dit is ‘n plesier om met ‘n georganiseerde spangroep soos Noordelikes, die afgelope vyf jaar Limpopo se kampioenspan, saam te werk. Die nat weer het Saterdag ‘n groot rol in die span se nederlaag teen Boksburg gespeel omdat die spelers gesukkel het om die bal in die omstandighede te beheer. Boksburg se swaarder pak voorspelers kon die wedstryd van meet af aan domineer. Die skeidsregter het die wedstryd in die eerste helfte weens weerlig gestaak waarna spel sowat 20 minute later in baie nat en modderige toestande hervat is. Noordelikes se twee drieë is deur Johan de Beer en Ricardo Varela aangeteken en Zander Byleveldt het met ‘n strafskop geslaag. Limpopo se klubkampioene het Saterdag ‘n moeilike wegwedstryd teen Centurion Rugbyklub in die tweede rondte van die Gemeenskapbeker-kompetisie.
>> Borgskap dra by tot klub se sukses oor afgelope vyf jaar
BB Truck & Tractor het Noordelikes Rugbyklub se nuwe Cell C Gemeenskapbeker-truie verlede Donderdagaand oorhandig. Van links is Tony Varela (Noordelikes-president), Frederick Romijn (Noordelikes Gemeenskapbekerspan-afrigter), Deon Steynberg (BB Truck & Tractor-verkoopsbestuurder), Mynhardt Smith (Noordelikes-kaptein) en Riaan van Schalkwyk (Noordelikes-voorsitter). Thabo Thladi van Noordelikes wen die lynstaanbal.
Noordelikes se kaptein, Mynhardt Smith gee die bal uit na ‘n spanmaat.
Noordelikes-losskakel, Johan de Beer duik sy Boksburg-opponent.
Die nat omstandighede het dit moeilik vir beide spanne in die skrums gemaak.
Simba Mamese, Noordelikesslot bars weg.
Noordelikes se Tienie Janse van Rensburg maak hard met die grond kennis.
March 13, 2014
Polokwane Observer
BB Truck & Tractor continue to go that extra mile
>> Over 54 years of trucking experience >> Assurance of continued excellent customer support
Present at the handing over of the New Holland construction equipment to Maruma Plant Hire on Friday are Danie Gerber (Business Manager New Holland Construction), Deon Steynberg (Sales Manager BB Truck & Tractor), Phalani Ndou (Plant Manager Maruma Plant Hire), Jorrie Jordaan (Maruma Plant Hire Representative) and Brendon Gird (Dealer Manager New Holland Construction). BB Truck & Tractor clients test the capabilities of their Iveco trucks on the purpose built track.
The lucky winner of a holiday at a resort in the Waterberg, Alf da Gama from Consolidated Wire Industries Polokwane receives his prize from Deon Steynberg, BB Truck & Tractor Sales Manager.
BB Truck & Tractor hosted another successful product launch at their premises on Friday with the highlight being the handover of New Holland construction equipment to Maruma Plant Hire, a well-established construction company in Limpopo. Although last week’s heavy rainfall made conditions for the launch rather wet and muddy on Friday, it was the perfect opportunity to test the capabilities of the trucks on the purpose built track at the dealer’s premises. Limpopo’s leaders in truck sales, construction equipment, forklifts, trailers and motor vehicles currently has an independent score of 94 % for their sales, parts and workshop operations. The company has a proven track record in their respective franchises. Their excellent track record, experience and knowledge in the business are unsurpassed. The company’s top four management team members boast a combined experience of over 120 years in the field. Their product range consists of UD Trucks, previously Nissan Diesel, Iveco, New Holland construction equipment, Dynapac-Road Construction and Afrit trailers. The Polokwane branch is a full franchise made up from sales, parts and a modern workshop. Other branches are in Middelburg, Steelpoort, Musina, Lephalale and Rosslyn. With 54 years of experience in the field, the BB Truck & Tractor Group assured their future and existing clients of their continued excellent customer support. Visit BB Truck & Tractor at 33 Andalusiet Street in Ladine for expert service and advice on all your trucking and construction equipment needs. Or call them on 015 293 4000. An Iveco truck handles the wet and muddy conditions easily and without fuss at the BB Truck & Tractor product launch on Friday.
A wide range of New Holland construction equipment is available from BB Truck & Tractor.
BB Truck & Tractor Sales Manager Deon Steynberg handles the lucky draw at Friday’s product launch.
An Iveco camping truck on display at BB Truck & Tractor’s product launch on Friday.
March 13, 2014
38 OBSERVER Gewone voertuie polokwane
sal dit nie hier maak >> Reën is deel van die pret >> ‘n Gesinsnaweek vir almal BARRY VILJOEN >>
Foto’s: Verskaf deur BB Auto
Hou wiel, hou!
Rotsklim is ook deel van die roete.
Die roete is nie net vir bakkies nie.
ie vierde jaarlikse BB Dieprivier 4x4 gesinsnaweek het weer die afgelope naweek op die plaas, Palmietfontein plaasgevind. Benewens die 70 viertrekvoertuie is ook tien kwadfietse ingeskryf. Deelnemers en belangstellendes het reeds van Vrydagmiddag op die terrein aangekom alhoewel registrasie eers Saterdagoggend douvoordag begin het. Na Vrydagaand se ete het ‘n boereorkes vir geesbou gesorg. Almal het duim vasgehou dat die reën wat voorspel is, nie die naweek te veel gaan bederf nie. “Modder en waterpoele sorg in elk geval vir meer opwinding en verg spesiale behendigheid,” het een van die deelnemers gesê. Jurie Olivier van die komitee het aan Polokwane Observer gesê dat die byeenkoms ook ‘n gesinsaktiwiteit is en dat passasiers (soveel as wat die aantal veiligheidsgordels toelaat) aan die ryery kon deelneem. Dit was dus duidelik nie ‘n wedren nie, maar eerder ‘n ervaring op ‘n baan waar-
toe 4x4-entoesiaste nie gewoonweg toegang het nie. Te oordeel aan die voertuie wat reggestaan het om te vertrek, is dit duidelik dat dit ernstige sake is. Polokwane Observer se verslaggewer het ‘n uitnodiging om saam te ry, versigtig en beleefd van die hand gewys. Alhoewel geen ernstige ongeval plaasgevind het nie, is ‘n ambulansdiens op die terrein ontplooi. ‘n Hele paar stalletjies het verseker dat almal worsbroodjies, hamburgers, pannekoek en koeldrank kan geniet. Daar was ook etes beskikbaar en snuisterye te koop by die kleurryke stalletjies onder tente en “gazebo’s”.‘n Spesiale damesprogram is aangebied en Santie Beeslaar het die dames toegespreek terwyl Anton Myburgh vir vermaak gesorg het. Saterdagaand het Country Chix gesorg dat almal lekker kon ontspan en die aandete wat verskaf is, kon geniet. Die prysuitdeling het toe ook plaasgevind. Die verrigtinge is Sondagoggend afgesluit met ‘n bos kerkdiens in die groot tent en almal kon oppak om die modder te gaan afwas want die reën het veral Saterdag dele van die terrein in ‘n modderbad omskep. Die Dieprivier, waarlangs sekere dele van die baan gebou is, het later sterk afgekom en die bruisende water was ‘n uitsonderlike gesig. Gelukkig vir die deelnemers, was dié trajek reeds afgehandel.
Local divers advance their diving levels Warren Blunt >> Members from the Fins and Boots Diving Club in Polokwane attended a number of advanced diving courses recently to increase their diving skill levels. The club that was started in 1992 boasts a membership of over 60 divers mainly from the city under the leadership of chief instructor, André Fouche. Divers from the club recently attended courses in advanced diving, the
scuba rescue course, the Confederation Mondiale Des Activites Subaquatiques (CMAS) open water course, basic nitrox course and advanced nitrox course and all received certification. The chief instructor at the club, André Fouche said Fins and Boots members will be undertaking two diving trips to Mozambique in April and June, and more exciting diving expeditions are in the pipeline for later in 2014. People who want to take up diving can contact Fouche on 082 556 5546.
Photos: Warren Blunt
Bennie Olinsky, Caleb Jordaan, Wesley Olinsky and Blackie Swart from the Fins and Boots Diving Club passed the advanced diving course recently.
Foto’s: Barry Viljoen
Jurie Olivier maak seker dat almal mooi kan hoor wat gebeur in die tent en op die baan.
Liezl Stegmann by haar stalletjie.
Sanet Jooste en Lizelle Britz het gesorg dat die damesprogram vlot verloop.
Vivian Meintjies (middle) received certification for passing his advanced nitrox course. With him are Fins and Boots instructors, André Fouche and Attie Vermaak.
ASSET AUCTIONEERS CC Reg no. 2008 / 037750 /23
JOHAN 083 477 2246 OFFICE 015 263 6167
Plot 15, Dalmada PO Box 215, Polokwane
State auction
Duly instructed by our valued clients, Lepelle-nkumpi Municipality we will sell the following items per public auction on Thursday,
27 March at 10:30 at Municipal Offices in Lebowakgomo. Machinery: 3 x Graders, lawn mowers etc. Vehicles: Various cars and bakkies. 3 x Toyota Hiluxes, 3 x Nissan Tiidas, 2 x VW Golfs, Nissan Navara. Loose assets: Office furniture, computers, office chairs, credenzas, printers, filing cabinets and much more.
Viewing date: Wednesday, 26 March 2014 from 09:00 to 16:00
Buyers must register - ID document and proof of residence required. R10 000 cash registration fee on vehicles. R2 000 registration fee on loose assets. Right reserved. The auctioneer has the right to participate in the auction. Regulations in terms of Consumer Protection Law 68 of 2008. This advert complies with Article 45 of Law 68/2008. Standard terms and conditions apply.
ALL purchases to be paid for within 2 hours after auction.
Clean sweep for Lim in National Quad Championship
Maart 13, 2014
Brian Baragwanath negotiates a steep climb in the Diamond Route 400 Off-road race outside Wolmaransstad in North West on his way to claim victory over the weekend.
Former National Off-road quad champion Brian Baragwanath showed that he will be a force to be reckoned with this year when he won the opening round of the 2014 championship at the Diamond Route 400 that was held outside Wolmaransstad in North West over the weekend. Riding for his new team (Team RHIDE SA Yamaha), Baragwanath took the early lead in the tough 360 km race, but was involved with a race-long battle with fellow-Polokwanian, Jurie ‘Botter’ Meyer (Yamaha Support), the defending quad champion. Meyer had two flat tyres during the race and finished a minute behind Baragwanath, with Tzaneen teenager, Jaco Moller (Portable Shade/Extreme ATV Tzaneen Yamaha) rounding off the overall podium position in the Q1 category. This made it a clean sweep for Limpopo and bodes well for the province’s quad riders for the rest of the season.
Annual Comrades Road Show to be held on Tuesday WARREN BLUNT >> The Comrades Marathon Association will be hosting it’s 2014 Comrades Road Show at the clubhouse of the Polokwane Athletics Club (PAC) situated in front of the old Peter Mokaba Stadium on Tuesday (18 March). Various well-known personalities will give insightful talks on Comrades running experiences, training programmes and other topics relating to
the world’s most popular ultra-marathon. The event is free of charge and open to everybody, runners or nonrunners. The road show is the ideal opportunity for beginners and the more serious runner to gain more knowledge and information about the Comrades Marathon and running as a whole. The event starts at 17:30 with the weekly time trial at PAC. This is open to everybody and runners and walkers have the choice of distances up to four, five or eight kilometres. The Comrades
Road Show starts at 19:00 and will last for approximately two hours. The evening will close with two R250 lucky draw prizes that will be sponsored by PAC. From 12:00 until 17:00 on Tuesday, specialists from Running Inn will be available at PAC to perform reviews on individuals’ running shoes. The review is free of charge and the ideal opportunity to test and ensure that you are running in the correct shoe. Contact the PAC on 083 277 2505 for further information.
Test your driving skills at Mall of the North WARREN BLUNT >> The Porsche Club Central South Africa will be sponsoring a gymkhana event in the northern parking lot at Mall of the North on Saturday where drivers can test their vehicles and driving skills. Other than being able to view some
classic Porsches and supercars on display, drivers can test their driving skills and vehicles’ road holding capabilities at the event. A technical road course has been designed which takes the cars through a series of cones which simulate driving obstacles such as sharp turns, lane changes, sweeps and kinks. Each driver can enter for three timed laps and will receive a
certificate for the fastest lap set on the course. Any roadworthy vehicle may enter and drivers of all skill levels may participate. A Porsche GT 3 RS will also be available for individuals who are interested to take a ride around the course at a cost of R50. For further information contact Philip Smit on 015 296 2119 or email
OBSERVER 39 polokwane
Swimmers can still enter for the popular Ebenezer Mile that will be held at the Mountain Yacht Club on Saturday.
You can still enter for Saturday’s Ebenezer Mile WARREN BLUNT >> Swimmers are reminded that they can still enter for the Ebenezer Mile that will be held at the Mountain Yacht Club in the picturesque Magoebaskloof on Saturday. The Haenertsburg Rotary Club will once again be hosting the event and has done so since 2001. All swimmers can enter for the open water mile (1 609 metres) swim. Age categories are under 13 and over 30 years and the organisers have also introduced a 500 m short course development swim for the first time that will start shortly after the main prizegiving at 15:10. There is also a 3 000 m swim which is an official Swimming South Africa qualifier. The first race at 11:00 is the
ASSET AUCTIONEERS CC Reg no. 2008 / 037750 /23
JOHAN 083 477 2246 OFFICE 015 263 6167
mile for girls under 13 and women 31-years and older followed by the mile for boys under 13 and men 31-years and older at 12:00. The open mile for men and women aged 14 to 30 starts at 13:00, with the 3 000 m swim getting underway at 14:00. Entries for the 3 000 m and mile events are R110 and R75 for the 500 m swim. Swimmers who only enter on Saturday will be charged R130. All swimmers who complete the mile and 3 000 m swim before the cut-off time will receive medals. The winners of their respective categories will receive cash prizes and many product prizes are also up for grabs. As always, there will be a carnival atmosphere, plenty of food stalls, a cash bar and lots of fun for the whole family. Register online at
Plot 15, Dalmada PO Box 215, Polokwane
Duly instructed by our valued clients, Greater Tzaneen Municipality we will sell the following items per public auction on Wednesday,
19 March at 10:30 at Electrical workshop, Kudu Street, Tzaneen.
Office equipment: Office chairs, desks, credenzas, filing cabinets, computers and much more. Scrap metal: Transformers and more. Vehicles: 3 x trailers, 25 x trucks, 4 x sedans, 28 x bakkies, JCB front-end loader, lawnmowers and much more. Trucks: 7 x Mitsubishi Canter, 3 x Ford Triton, 4 x Mercedes-Benz trucks, 2 x Toyota Hino, 2 x Dyna, 3 x Isuzu Trucks. Bakkies: 3 x Toyota Hilux, 9 x Isuzu KB, 2 x Ford Ranger, 4 x Mazda, 3 x Colt, 2 x Hyundai. Sedans: 2 x VW Golfs, 3 x Mazda 323.
Viewing date: Tuesday, 18 March 2014 from 09:00 to 16:00
Buyers must register - ID document and proof of residence required. R10 000 cash registration fee on vehicles. R2 000 registration fee on loose assets. Right reserved. The auctioneer has the right to participate in the auction. Regulations in terms of Consumer Protection Law 68 of 2008. This advert complies with Article 45 of Law 68/2008. Standard terms and conditions apply.
ALL purchases to be paid for within 2 hours after auction.
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Blinds, shutters, security doors, burglar proofing, folding doors, carports and awnings.
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Lim engineer elected President of SA Institute of Civil Engineers WARREN BLUNT >>
he newly elected President of the South African Institute of Civil Engineers (SAICE), Stanford Mkhacane is living proof that there are no short cuts in achieving your goals but that lots of hard work and determination are the pillars of success. In his acceptance address to members of the institute after being elected as president of SAICE at the beginning of February, Mkhacane spoke about his vision of taking civil engineering to the remote and marginalised areas of South Africa and beyond. He also highlighted the challenges facing the civil engineering profession where socio-economic challenges abound owing to a lack of job opportunities. Mkhacane was born in the then Northern Transvaal in 1950, in the Mhinga Traditional Authority area in the Botsoleni village situated in the present Thulamela Municipality in the Vhembe district. In those days all the boys had the responsibility to tend their family’s cattle, goats and donkeys. Herding cattle would be alternated with attending school – in one week you would go to school for only two days (Tuesday and Thursday) and the next week for three days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). The drought of 1963 to 1965 nearly interrupted Mkhacane’s education, as his father considered sending him off to herd cattle in the far-off area of Makuleke where there was better grazing. However, his father decided to send someone else instead to enable Mkhacane to complete his secondary education. He matriculated from Lemana High School in 1970. In those days engineering was a
degree in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry ‘far-fetched’ profession with teaching being to prove that he had the stamina and determithe preferred choice. The naturally gifted nation to accomplish his final goal of becomyoung man was not interested in teaching and ing a civil engineer. In 1978 after relaxing the cherished dreams of becoming an agricultural rules regarding black students studying at officer, but could not obtain a bursary from ‘white’ universities, the then Gazankulu Mkhacane went on government who to enrol at the Uniinstead offered him versity of Natal for a employment as an BSc Civil Engineeradministrative clerk. ing degree which he When the governcompleted in 1981. ment offered civil He thereafter engineering bursawent back to work ries to employees for the Department who had obtained of Works at the good Mathematics Gazankulu Governand science matric ment, first as an passes, Mkhacane engineer and later applied and was as senior roads engiaccepted. He seized neer up to 1991. He the opportunity with also pursued further both hands and comstudies at the Univerpleted his National sity of Pretoria where Diploma in Civil Engihe obtained degrees neering at Mmadikoti in BEng Hons and Technical College in MEng (Transpor1974. tation) in 1990, After working followed by a MBA as an engineering from Potchefstroom technician for a short University in 2001. while, he was chosen Since 1991 Mkhaby the government cane has been workas one of the techniing in the consulting cians to pursue a degree towards civil PHOTO: WARREN BLUNT engineering environment as a director of engineering. In 1976 The President of Nyeleti Consulting, Stanford he enrolled at the Mkhacane is the newly elected president of the Jordaan & Joubert Incorporated, as then University of South African Institute of Civil Engineers for chairman of African the North for a BSc 2014.
Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd, as vice-chairman of Gibb Africa (Pty) Ltd and from 1999 to date as the chairman of Nyeleti Consulting (Pty) Ltd. Over the years he has been involved in the design and construction of roads and the implementation of labour-intensive and community-based public works projects. As the president of SAICE, Mkhacane says he is concerned with the low presence of civil engineering professionals in remote and marginalised areas. “This is a critical issue that needs urgent and serious attention from SAICE. Although a large number of the population live in rural and marginalised areas, only a quarter of professionals are found in these areas. “We need more than five times the present number of civil engineers in South Africa to cater for the growing needs of the industry and to suitably take care of the road infrastructure projects that are necessary for economic growth in the country. We need strategies to close the skills gap in civil engineering to take the industry to the previously marginalised communities,” Mkhacane has urged fellow members of the SAICE. His vision in taking the civil engineering profession to these areas is to implement strategies to increase the presence, visibility, awareness and appreciation of the value of the civil engineering profession. “We need to embark on a mission to preach the gospel of civil engineering to these communities,” Mkhacane says. That is why he has chosen the slogan of “Forward with Civilution” for his year-long term as the president of SAICE.
55 Church Street Polokwane Tel: 015 291 2255 Fax: 015 295 4478
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