Polokwane observer 13 november 2014

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Dwindling on edge Education management in Limpopo in shocking state

Damning 600 pp report of mismanagement P 4

Pol Muni project R1,2 mil for incomplete car wash facility

>> PAGE 8

Kansa Relay

Polokwane se mense maak harte oop vir goeie doel >> BLADSY 17

Ouers Stygende skuld misdaad Kenmerkend van skole jaarlikse feesseisoen miljoene RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Alles vernietig in oogwink Foto: voorsien

Die drieslaapkamer-woonstel in Sterpark in ligte laaie. Links is Neels Joubert, ‘n buurman.

BL 3

Een van die beste baro­ meters om die gesondheid van die plaaslike ekono­ mie te bepaal naamlik, die betaling of wanbeta­ ling van skoolgeld deur ouers, dui daarop dat die gewone man op straat in Polokwane kniediep in die skuld is deurdat die meeste skole in ‘n ondersoek aangedui het dat hul skuldvlakke nou ongekende krisisafme­ tings aanneem. Skole het aangedui dat die probleem nie net by wanbetaling van ouers lê Na bl 2

>> BLADSY 25

Young star Kgaugelo Thaba inspired by school’s top award >> PAGE 64



November 13, 2014



Residents treated poorly at old age home Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


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ome elderly and disabled people living at Bella Vista Old Age Home in Church Street have complained about the difficult circumstances that residents of the home have to deal with on a daily basis. A resident who would prefer to remain anonymous alleged that prepaid electricity is sometimes not loaded on time and the residents living there are not allowed to use their own kettles. Another gripe is that those that are healthy enough to earn an additional income are not allowed out of the premises to seek part-time work. The resident claimed that the people living there are only allowed out of the home to do their personal shopping on Wednesday mornings. Cases of verbal abuse by the manager of

the old age home against residents also take place on a daily basis, the source alleged. A former resident confirmed the allegations of poor treatment taking place at the old age home. He lived at Bella Vista Old Age Home from the beginning of January until the end of October this year and referred to the facility as “Bella Vista Prison.” Other than the nutritious three meals a day and a cup of coffee early in the mornings, and two cups of tea later in the day, the residents at the home are virtually trapped in the premises, he alleged. He confirmed the gates to the old age home are locked and residents cannot leave the premises except on Wednesday morning. All of the 17 people living at the Bella Vista Old Age Home are beneficiaries of South African Social Security Agency grants and cannot earn any additional income, according to the owner of the old age home, Irma Joubert.

She denied that any ill-treatment and verbal abuse is taking place against the occupants of the home. Joubert said the gates at the old age home are locked for the residents’ own safety. She denied that prepaid electricity is deliberately withheld and said the only electricity failure recently was when power supply problems occurred at the Polokwane Municipality. Joubert said the residents living at the home only pay R25.80 a day for accommodation and three healthy meals. “Tea or coffee is served four times a day from an urn in the kitchen and the residents’ own kettles were removed to save electricity,” Joubert stated in a telephonic conversation with Polokwane Observer yesterday (Wednesday). She added that the old age home is privately owned and also relies on donations from individuals and organisations from time to time for items of clothing and food.

Ouers skuld skole mijoene Van bl 1 nie, maar ook by die departement van onderwys wat nie hul verpligtinge nakom om die korting van die skoolgeldverligtingsprogram wat aan ouers toegestaan word, ten volle te betaal nie. In die geval van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé wat met R3 miljoen se uitstaande skoolgeld sit, is daar selfs sprake dat die Polokwane Munisipaliteit moontlik dienste na die skool gaan afsny weens agterstallige rekeninge. “Ons betaal maandeliks ons rekening, maar sit met ‘n agterstallige bedrag van byna R90 000. Die skool het verlede jaar R3 miljoen se uitstaande skoolgeld afgeskryf en die departement skuld ons ongeveer R1,8 miljoen vir skoolgeldverligting. Slegs R64 000 is van die departement ontvang,” sê waarnemende hoof, Cois Armer. Hy het sy ontevredenheid

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oor die departement se dienslewering oor die algemeen uitgespreek en gesê: “Die skool het nou nog nie al die handboeke ontvang nie. Verskeie handboeke van graad 8 tot 11 is nog nie afgelewer nie. Die graad 12-leerders het in Augustus eers hul Afrikaans huistaal handboeke ontvang. Sedert ‘n deel van die skool se dak in Augustus afgewaai het, het die departement nog geen aandag aan die pro­bleem geskenk nie.” Armer sê dit is duidelik dat die swak ekonomie ook ‘n impak op ouers se verpligtinge het om skoolgeld te betaal. Pietersburg Hoërskool (PHS) het verlede maand ‘n totaal van 114 ouers gehad wat nog nie vanjaar ‘n sent skoolgeld betaal het nie. Die totale bedrag saam met die skoolgeldverligtingkorting wat uitstaande is, is R2,7 miljoen. “Ons het vanjaar slegs R112 000 van die departement ontvang vir skoolgeldverligting en het die afgelope vyf jaar ongeveer R17,5 miljoen se verligting toegestaan. Van die ouers hoef net ongeveer R300 per maand vir ‘n kind te betaal, maar hul doen dit nie eers nie,” sê ‘n ontstoke skoolhoof, Willie Schoeman en hamer daarop dat die skolewet se artikel 40 duidelik aandui dat ouers verplig word om skoolgeld te betaal en dat ‘n leerder nie onderrig geweier mag word nie. “Ons hande is afgekap. Ouers se houding teenoor hul verpligtinge is verkeerd. Dit kos ongeveer R1,8 miljoen per maand net om die skool se deure oop te hou. Ons het sedert Oktober op verskeie maniere ouers ingelig en

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herinner dat uitstaande skoolgeld betaalbaar is om verdere stappe te verhoed,” sê Schoeman. Hy voeg by dat die skool eties probeer wees om ouers grasie op die betalings te gee, maar sê dit sal moontlik gestaak word omdat ouers die geleentheid misbruik. Waarnemende Noorderland-skoolhoof, Piet van Rensburg kon nie ‘n presiese bedrag verskaf nie, maar het gesê die skool sukkel ook met hoë bedrae uitstaande skoolgeld en dat administratiewe personeel tans besig is om aanmaningsbriewe uit te stuur. Die probleem word ook by laerskole ondervind en Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS)-hoof, Peet Bredenkamp sê sonder die korting van die departement, skuld ouers steeds R536 000. Saam met die korting beloop uitstaande skoolgeld ongeveer R2,2 miljoen. “Dit het ‘n ongelooflike negatiewe invloed op skole. Die staat se versuim om te betaal, ontneem onderwysers van dit waarvoor hulle opgelei is omdat die fokus van onderrig afgeskaal moet word en daar meer op geldinsamelingsprojekte gekonsentreer moet word. Die swak ekonomie raak almal en werkloosheid styg wat tot gevolg het dat meer ouers nie jaarliks kan betaal nie,” sê Bredenkamp. Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos se waarnemende hoof, Lizette Olivier sê ouers kry deesdae swaar. “Daar is nie meer geld nie, maar omdat ouers weet sy kind is skoolpligtig, sny hulle eer­ste aan die betaling van skoolgeld omdat hulle ook bewus daarvan is dat die kind nie skool geweier mag word nie, al betaal hulle nie,” sê sy. Oosskool het R1,7 miljoen se uitstaande skoolgeld wat die korting van die departement uitsluit en ‘n voltydse pos is onlangs geskep wat net invorderings behartig. Die situasie lyk moontlik anders by privaatskole. Curro Heuwelkruin se operasionele hoof sê hulle het enkele ouers wat agterstallig is met skoolgeld en dat hul debiteure-afdeling gereeld uitstaande bedrae opvolg. Die departement van onderwys-woordvoerder, Paena Galane het nie op navrae gereageer nie. Hy het gister (Woensdag) gesê hy het die publikasie se navrae ontvang, maar het nog geen terugvoer van die skoolgeld-afdeling van die departement ontvang nie.

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Gesin verloor al hul besittings in brand ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@ gmail.com

November 13, 2014




>> Gelukkig geen beserings, skade nog nie bepaal >> Die brand het skynbaar ontstaan nadat ‘n kind met ‘n sigaretaansteker gespeel het



ichelle Hulme is gelukkig dat sy en haar vier kinders, almal onder die ouderdom van ses jaar ongedeerd is na ‘n brand wat Saterdag omstreeks 08:00 al hul besittings in hul huurwoonstel in Sterpark vernietig het. Haar man, Chris was reeds by die werk toe die voorval plaasgevind het. Danie Oosthuizen, ‘n buurman sê hy het die oggend die tuin natgelei toe hy rook ruik en die oorsprong gaan vasstel het. “Ek het dadelik die eienaars, Hendrik en Sophia Erasmus langs my ingelig en brandblussers by die huis gaan haal. Michelle en haar kinders het intussen na bure oorkant die straat gehardloop. Almal in die omtrek het ingespring en die brand probeer blus wat vinnig versprei het, maar dit was tevergeefs.” Die Erasmusse woon in hul huis langs hul drieslaapkamerwoonstel wat hul verhuur en is dankbaar dat die brand nie na hul huis versprei het nie omdat hul slaapkamer aan die woonstel grens. “Al het ons soveel skade is ons dankbaar dat die brandmuur verhoed het dat die vlamme versprei.” Die brand het skynbaar in die woonstel ontstaan nadat een van die Hulme-kinders met ‘n sigaretaansteker op ‘n bed gespeel het. Die brandweerdienste was omtrent 30 minute nadat hulle die oproep ontvang het op die toneel, maar wou nie Saterdag kommentaar lewer oor hul reaksietyd nie en intussen was navrae oor kommentaar onsuksesvol. Forensiese deskundiges van die versekeringsmaatskappy het Dinsdag die toneel besoek om die omvang van die skade te bepaal.



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Education’s 600-page shocker

November 13, 2014



>> Report a shocker considering department being under administration during review period >> Unauthorised expenditure decreased from R175 million in 2011/2012 to R16 million in 2013/14 YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com




DiErEkliNiEk/vEtEriNary CliNiC Dr. Xander de kock (b.v.Sc) h/v - cnr 101 Jorissen & Natorp St/str | 015 291 1381 Spreekure / Consulting hours Ma tot Vry/Mon to Fri: 08:00 - 18:00 | Sat/Sa: 08:00 - 12:00 | So/Sun: 17:00 - 18:00 Consultations by appointment / Konsultasies op afsprake Openbare vakansiedae en na-ure per afspraak | Public holidays and after hours by appointment Nood/Emergency cell: 082 465 8432

Dr Larissa Odendaal sluit aan by dinamiese praktyk Wolkberg Dierekliniek is ‘n gevestigde veterinêre praktyk in Polokwane wat sedert September 1996 bestaan. Veearts en eienaar, dr Xander de Kock, hanteer die behandeling van klein- en eksotiese diere soos ape, voëls en reptiele sowel as laparoskopiese geslagbepalings op voëls in die stad en onder meer in Louis Trichardt, Musina, Phalaborwa, Mogwadi, Vivo en Tzaneen. Die jongste aanwins tot Wolkberg Dierekliniek se dinamiese praktyk is dr Larissa Odendaal, ‘n veearts wat oor wye ervaring beskik en veral belangstel in die behandeling van perde en perdegedrag. Sy sien uit om met plaaslike perdeienaars saam te werk. “My passie is om nie net na perde se fisiese welstand om te sien nie, maar juis hul emosionele welsyn voorop te stel omdat balans tussen die twee vir ‘n perderuiter sowel as perdeeienaar baie belangrik is,” sê sy. Benewens haar gekombineerde BSc-graad in veterinêre biologie en BVSc-graad in veterinêre wetenskap wat sy in 2013 verwerf het, doen sy die afgelope agt jaar vakansiewerk by Blouberg Dierekliniek in Louis Trichardt en het ook vroeër die jaar as plaasFOtO: ELna EstErhuysEn

Dr Xander de Kock, eienaar van Wolkberg Dierekliniek met Kattekwaad, die praktykkat en sy assistent, dr Larissa Odendaal wat haar hond, Pretzel vashou.

vervanger (locum) daar met klein- en eksotiese diere, perde, produksiediere en wild gewerk. Vanaf Maart tot Junie vanjaar het sy ‘n perde-internskapkursus by Fourways Equine Clinic onder mediese- en chirurgiese perdespesialiste gedoen waar sy volle verantwoordelikheid vir die hospitaal, pasiënte en hul behandeling geneem het. “My belangstelling en ondervinding in my werk met perde en hul medikasie is vir my van groot waarde in Limpopo waar daar toenemend meer perde-entoesiaste is. ‘n Skuif Polokwane toe was dus vanselfsprekend,” sê Odendaal wat self ‘n perdeteler en -ruiter is en kompeterend aan ruitersport deelgeneem het. Benewens die twee veeartse beskik Wolkberg Dierekliniek oor twee ontvangsdames, Irene Duvenhage en Nelia Tiersma wat elke pasiënt en diere-eienaar vriendelik hanteer sowel as die dienste van ‘n veterinêre verpleegster, Elandi Dokter.

n Auditor-General’s (AG) management report of close to 600 pages shedding light on questionable business tactics demonstrated by the Department of Education during the 2013/14 financial year comes as a shocker considering that the department was under administration during the review period. It was reliably learnt that the Department of Education apparently received the worst management report outcome of all provincial government departments. The document is not generally for public consumption. After a month-long battle to obtain a copy of the report of 597 pages Democratic Alliance (DA) Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle managed to gain access to it for oversight purposes through a Promotion of Access to Information Act (Paia) application last week. Expressing shock at the contents thereof during an interview with Polokwane Observer, Smalle said of all the documents he had ever been compelled to work through the contents of the report were the most startling ever. “This is bigger than anything else the department ever had to deal with.” Having called on a team of party representatives both in the Cape and Limpopo to analyse the report, a decision would be taken on possible action against relevant officials, he stated. The biggest problems highlighted in the report could be divided into categories, being leadership within the institution as well as implementation of systems and holding individuals responsible, financial mismanagement and non-compliance with legislation, he said. The document is based on details reflected in audited financial transactions and human resources practices and preceded this year’s final Auditor-General’s report on departmental issues. Based on the figures contained in the document the immediate deduction is one of lacking control measures and poor governance during the period under review. It is laced with traces of alleged maladministration of the departmental budget, which should pose a concern to any taxpayer. Some recommendations were accompanied by a response from management, but in many instances simply no feedback was forthcoming. Among the human resource-related matters

that were most alarming was an extract based on an inspection of an attendance register at a primary school in Capricorn District where the principal (identified in the document) had not reported for duty from 1 April 2013 to 31 March this year after being seconded to a union as provincial secretary but being compensated for departmental duties by the Department of Education to the tune of almost half a million Rand in basic salary and allowance for the year 2014. No evidence could be obtained on the union paying the amount due to the department while the management response remained outstanding, it was noted. The same seemingly counted for teachers in the Vhembe and Sekhukhune Districts apparently not reporting for duty for a year but still being remunerated, resulting in possible overpayment of employee costs. The report consists of seemingly never-ending examples of notes on alleged atrocities in the department’s administrative system. These include employees allegedly receiving schools money in their personal bank accounts, National Schools Nutrition Programme (NSNP) service providers failing to deliver, failure to adhere to the textbook procurement plan, lack of a contract management unit to monitor contract performance, no perceived action against suppliers failing to deliver on quotations, alleged bid rigging, procurement using invalid B-BBEE certificates, the use of prohibited suppliers, employees doing business without approval, meals allegedly not provided for all designated learners, potentially expired food items allegedly delivered to schools and information not provided for audit purposes. When asked for comment on the overall report, Department of Education spokesperson Paena Galane said they acknowledged the statement by the AG and that the department would work in ensuring all issues raised were attended to and that it got a clean bill of health with regards to those issues. In the meantime bad news with regards to the status of the Limpopo government’s finances does not end there. It was learnt that during an AG presentation to the Legislature on Tuesday it was evident that the province did not fare well in terms of audit outcomes as at 31 August 2014 compared to the rest of the country. From the presentation made available to Polokwane Observer it was evident that 5 of the 23 provincial departments and parastatals - Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs, Limpopo Economic Development Agency, Health, Public Works and Limpopo Tourism Agency - received improved outcomes. The audit results of a further 16 remained unchanged, including the Department of Education that counted among those with adverse opinions or disclaimers. The Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism as well as Gateway Airports Authority Limited regressed. According to AG South Africa spokesperson Africa Boso consolidated reports would be released on 26 November.


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Fraud case against muni manager dismissed RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

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Limpopo intensifies war against crime and corruption



RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

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Law enforcement agencies in Limpopo are expected to meet during a Provincial Safety and Security Summit overseen by the Department of Transport, Safety, Security and Liaison and scheduled for today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday). Approximately 600 delegates are expected to attend the summit at Protea Hotel Ranch Resort where Premier Stan Mathabatha is expected to deliver the keynote address with Minister of Police Nathi Hhleko, National Deputy Police Commissioner Khekla Sitole and various other safety and policing experts also on the programme. Departmental Spokesperson on Traffic in the department, Kagiso Mootane said the main purpose of the summit is to review the Provincial Crime Prevention Strategy (PCPS) which was adopted in the 2005/6 financial year. “The summit will among others achieve the sharpening of the province’s strategy to deal with continuous and changing crime trends and patterns; strategising around trans-border and organised crimes; reflecting on rural safety, social fabric crimes, improvement of the functioning of the criminal justice system and community policing; incorporating the vision of the National Development Plan in onto the (PCPS); and incorporating youth crime prevention pillar into the PCPS,” Mootane said.


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he Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) on 23 October decided to decline to prosecute Polokwane Municipal Manager Connie Mametja on charges of fraud relating to the multimillion Rand Motor City development. Polokwane Police Spokesperson Lesiba Ramoshaba confirmed the DPP’s decision based on the lack of reasonable prospects for a successful prosecution. “The municipality welcomes the decision by the DPP. We were informed by the Police that the case was fully investigated by them before the docket was sent to the DPP for a decision,” municipal Communication and Marketing Manager Tidimalo Chuene said. The investigation stems from a case of fraud opened at the Polokwane Police Station on 23 May by one of the bidders and objectors of the Motor City development, Glen Matsaung. It was alleged that Mametja furnished a document signed on 26 October 2012 whilst the application by the bid winning company, PEB Properties (Pty) Ltd, for this document was only signed five days later. The resolution for application for the township establishment was allegedly authorised by the directors of PEB Properties (Pty) Ltd on 31 October 2012.

November 13, 2014

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Leda drives initiatives to revitalise industrial parks

November 13, 2014



Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za The Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda) recently held an industrial park refurbishment and development strategic

workshop. The workshop was a continuation of ongoing research undertaken by the Limpopo Provincial Admistration in the review, planning, capacitating and optimisation of existing and new industrial parks across the economic sectors.

Marketing and Communications Manager at Leda, Nthikeng Mohlele said the multi stakeholder consultative workshop was held in response to the critical challenges that face industrial parks in the province. He mentioned factors such as old and unsuitable

business infrastructure; lack of capital investment in innovative business models and opportunities, as well as the competing priorities between the social and business infrastructure needs. The participants included the Departments of Trade and Industry (dti), Office of the Premier, Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, Provincial Treasury as well as municipalities. “The workshop focused on the alignment of Limpopo’s economic activity with national industrial economic plans but more specifically on the resuscitating and refurbishment of industrial parks and supporting infrastructure to enable and fast track industrialisation. Exploration and focus on industrial activity clustering within the industrial parks to promote labour intensive sectors and ensure sharing,” elaborated Mohlele. He also mentioned that the other key focus areas were the promotion of industrialisation through the analysis and addressing of sector and sub sector competiveness and export potential of businesses located in and around the industrial parks. “The diversification of revenue drives and streams by looking beyond traditional, resource based commodities to include tradable services, the marketing and promotion of dti incentives such as the critical infrastructure, manufacturing and feasibility studies support on bankable business cases and a need for sound corporate governance, management and monitoring systems for the industrial parks,” Mohlele said. Reflecting on the workshop Leda Managing Director, Lesley Mosia said they have a responsibility to rejuvenate the legacy of infrastructure and industrial parks to support the local economic activity and access to develop the industrial parks in the new growth points in the province and the planned Special Economic Zone. “Over and above, there is commitment by Leda to continue discharging its dual mandate the non financial, which is geared at providing services such as business support skills development pursued on a commercial basis. Overall, it is Leda’s intention and commitment to continuously engage with state owned enterprises, the three tiers of government, development finance institutions and related stakeholders to remodel and redefine industrialisation into the future,” Masia said.

Vermeende rowers se turf sit OBSERVER 7 na Tommie-leerders vinnig optree November 13, 2014


RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com “Ons is baie trots dat ons kon help om die vermeende rowers vas te trek. Ons het nie aan die gevare gedink nie en net instinktief gereageer. Eers toe hulle ‘n mes uitpluk en ons dreig nadat ons hulle gekonfronteer het, het ons besef dat hulle gevaarlik is.” So sê een van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se graad 11-leerders, wat verkies om anoniem te bly, nadat hy en ‘n vriend verlede Donderdag drie gewapende rampokkers nagejaag en twee vasgetrek het nadat hulle ‘n ander leerder van haar selfoon wou beroof. “Die skool het pas verdaag en ek en ‘n vriend het oor Potgieterlaan in die rigting van die dam oorkant die skool gestap. Ons het verby drie jong verdagte persone geloop en hulle agterna gekyk. Die oomblik toe ons ons rûe draai het ons gehoor hulle konfronteer ‘n meisie en eis haar selfoon, sê die leerder en vertel dat hy en sy vriend nie twee keer gedink het om die drie mans agterna te snel nie. Munisipale werkers in die park het ook onraad vermoed en toe die slagoffer vir hulle skreeu wat gebeur het, is hulle ook agterna. Selfs ‘n motoris het hand bygesit deur een booswig met sy voertuig af te keer. “Ons het daarin geslaag om twee van die rowers in Andrewstraat vas te trek waarna die Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum (GPF) opgedaag het,” sê hy. ‘n Lid van die GPF sê die twee is geboei en die polisie is ontbied. Die derde verdagte het weggekom. Polokwane polisiewoordvoerder, Lesiba Ramoshaba sê ‘n 19- en 21-jarige man van Seshego het reeds Maandag in die Polokwane Landdroshof op aanklagte van poging tot roof verskyn. “Ons het nog nie die lêer van die hof terug ontvang nie en is nie seker wat in die hof gebeur het nie,” het Ramoshaba gister (Woensdag) gesê. Polisie is steeds op soek na die derde persoon.

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Pol Muni pays R1,2 mil for incomplete car wash facility



November 13, 2014



>> “Contractor abandoned project” >> Facility supposed to have been opened in 2011

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


olokwane Municipality has to date failed to take action against officials responsible for paying more than R1,2 million for a failed car wash project abandoned in 2011. The car wash was intended to provide accommodation for the car washers that congested pavements and parking areas near the taxi parking in Dahl Street. Vuledzanie Mashie, DA councillor in the municipality, said in a media statement that in 2008/09, the municipality allocated R500 000 for the construction of the facility but the municipality ended up paying R1,2 million to the consulting engineer and the service provider that vanished without completing the facility. “The car wash was supposed to consist of a steel structure, corrugated iron shelter, storage facility, water storage tank, recycling plant, wash bays, paved areas as well as a palisade fence but the service provider used low quality materials and vanished. The municipality also purchased equipment as well as protective clothing but they are nowhere to be found. “The facility was supposed to have been opened in 2011 and the community safety and security department of the municipality was

supposed to guard the facility until it has been officially opened but that did not happen. Now the poorly built facility is being turned into a play ground where illegal prostitution and gambling is taking place on a daily basis. The palisade fence and other properties have been vandalised and it is now alleged that the municipality wants to outsource the facility,” Mashie said. The DA’s main concern is that the municipality plans to pump more money into a project which is already poorly monitored and implemented. “The DA wants the municipality to initiate plans on how to recoup the tax payers’ money from the service provider and ensure that the facility is completed and opened officially for public usage,” the statement read. According to Mashie, the DA has already requested the Public Protector to probe the municipality for inflating prices on the construction of the car wash which was never opened officially. When Polokwane Observer visited the car wash on the corner of Thabo Mbeki and Dahl Streets recently, most of the wash bays were occupied by parked taxis and only two vehicles were being washed. At the time of going to press, all attempts to source comment from the municipality proved futile.

Polokwane Municipality’s car wash on a busy day.

Photo: Barry Viljoen

November 13, 2014

Polokwane Observer



November 13, 2014

10 OBSERVER polokwane


14 November >> Polokwane Athletics Club (PAC) hosts its BB Motor Group GWM Nite Race at 18:30 at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium. Registration will take place from 17:00 for the race over 5 and 10 km. The total prize money is R 5 000. Johan Janse van Vuuren: 083 277 2505. 15 November >> Mel Botes tree om 19:00 in die Hervormde Kerk, Pietersburg se kerksaal, hv Thabo Mbekien Biccardstraat op. Kaartjies kos R150 en sluit ligte verversings in. Charlotte Vlok: 082 447 2917 of Susan Raath: 082 258 1418.

17 November >> Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloedoortappingsdiens (SANBS) hou ‘n skenkingskliniek van 10:00 tot 17:00 by Bolivia Lodge. Dottie Pinn: 082 491 8391.

WRITE TO US>> PO Box 11140, Bendor, 0699 TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 E-MAIL barryv.observer@gmail.com 19 November >> The Limpopo Branch of the SA Dental Association presents a dinner with Economist Dawie Roodt during which he will give his perspective on the economy over the next ten years. The venue is Fusion Boutique Hotel, starting 18:00. Tickets cost R500 per person. Alicia Lotriet: 015 296 4242. 21 November >> Elizma Theron tree om 19:00 by Café Pavilion op. Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon. Raymond Bronkhorst: 079 034 2312. 24 tot 29 November >> Capricorn Quilting hou ‘n Kersmark by hul winkel in Platinum Park sentrum. Handgemaakte items, ingelegde kos en baie ander interessante artikels te koop. Petro Vorsatz: 083 411 1037. 28 November >> Blackie Swart, Denny Lallouette en Vinnie Henrico tree vanaf 17:30 by Sterkloop Lapa saam met studente van Hard Rock Musiekskool op. Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon. JP Duvenage: 079 880 0751. 29 November >> The Virtuoso Brass Ensemble under the guided baton of Duke Mashamaite performs at 18:00 at the Audi Showroom at Motorcity Polokwane. The event also features solo performances by prolific vocalist, Nathan Titus and the admission fee of R100 includes cheese and wine. Duke Mashamaite: 082 772 1203, Alf Malete: 079 793 4327 or Nathan Titus: 076 272 4182. 30 November >> Bikers that Care’s Annual Limpopo Toy Run takes place from 09:00 at the Go-kart Track on the Silicon Road. Entry fee is a toy for a child under 16 years or non-perishable foods and toiletries. There will be stalls for food and toys, a beer garden, games on the track and much more. Richard van Balkom: 082 809 4813 or Lynne van Balkom: 082 962 8041 to secure a stall.

Bespreek nou ‘n stalletjie vir skou van 2015 RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ie organiseerders van die jaarlikse Polokwane Skou en Musiekfees is reeds hard besig om volgende jaar se skou te organiseer en belangstellendes word genooi om die komiteelede te kontak. Polokwane Skou en Musiekfees word volgende jaar van 27 tot 30 Mei aangebied en beoog om weer eens honderde uitstallers te lok terwyl duisende mense die skouterrein sal besoek. Deurlopende vermaak van hoogstaande gehalte is eie aan die skou “Groot name in die vermaaklikheidswêreld tree op. Vrydag,


preferences voorkeure

Erick Mohlapamaswi, Provincial Secretary for Congress of the People (Cope) shares his personal preferences with our readers. FAVOURITE food >> African cuisine, ‘mabele’ porridge and dingatha (cow hooves) FAVOURITE book >> The Struggle for Recognition (Axel Honneth). FAVOURITE holiday destination >> Kruger National Park. I love wild animals and one always gets peace of mind in that part of the country. FAVOURITE music genre

29 Mei kan besoekers na Mwah! en Steve Hofmeyr opruk terwyl Saterdagaand se vermaak deur David Fourie, Dewald Wasserfall, Theuns Jordaan, Karen Zoid, Dozi en Bok van Blerk behartig word,” sê Lelane van der Merwe, organiseerder van die skou. Die Noordelike Landbouskou sal volgende jaar vir die derde keer saam met die skou gehou word wat vir boere en besoekers die ideale geleentheid skep om alle aspekte van boerdery onder oë te neem. Om uitstalruimte te bespreek, skakel Corrie Venter onverwyld by 082 374 0816 en vir meer besonderhede oor die landbouskou skakel Le-andrie Bezuidenhout by 082 797 3227.

>> African Jazz. This is the kind of music my father used to listen to when I was growing up and I then developed the passion. FAVOURITE Erick Mohlapamaswi saying >> “I think therefore I am” (René Descartes). FAVOURITE sporting codes >> Soccer and boxing, I was an amateur boxer while growing up.

Ma ons word afgeneem’


Christany Varela is nie ingenome met die fotograaf nie. By haar is haar ouma San-Marié Varela. Die foto is tydens die Miss Summer Glitz SA 2014-kompetisie by Protea Hotel Ranch Resort geneem.

November 13, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Government to prioritise disabled persons

November 13, 2014

12 OBSERVER polokwane

Photo: Herbert Rachuene

Victor Mavhidula, Provincial Manager of South African Human Rights Commission, Bokankatla Malatji, Commissioner at South African Human Rights Commission and Joyce Mashamba, MEC for Social Development and Welfare during the launch of Provincial Disability month.

Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


overnment has put in place sufficient legislative and institutional mechanisms to promote and advance the rights and interests of persons living with disability. This was the assurance of Social Development MEC, Joyce Mashamba when she addressed the launch of Provincial Disability Month in Nirvana Hall last Thursday. Officials of the Office of the Premier and the Human Rights Commission were also in attendance. During the open floor session of the event several speakers stated that persons living with disability frequently encounter various physical and other 11 Iran Avenue Polokwane, 0700 P.O Box 786 Bendor Park, 0713 challenges in the Tel: 015 292 3421 Fax: 086 775 1755 Email: info@gilani.co.za daily course of life. They accused government of not doing enough to accommodate them at their workplace and claim that some departments and municipal offices are not user friendly for persons in wheelchairs. Among them were wheelchair bound Solomon Monyaku from Moletjie who told Polokwane Observer afterwards

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that many disabled persons are skilled and educated but they are not employed by the government. “Most disabled persons who are hired by government are not always considered for the positions they are qualified for. That is a serious concern to us,” he said. Maria Mashala from Ga-Mashashane, also dependent on a wheelchair, raised the matter of government schools for the disabled who do not have the necessary materials or staff to do so. “For example there are schools for blind learners who do not have Braille material and the educators who are deployed at the schools are not qualified to teach disabled persons. We feel like we are not being taken serious by the department,” she said. Mashamba replied to the grievances by saying that the department will pay particular and focused attention to the issues that continue to affect citizens living with disability. “We have established the Human Rights Commission to promote respect for and observance and protection of human rights for everyone, without fear of favour. This includes the protection and advancement of the rights of the people living with disabilities,” the MEC said. Mashamba also stated that, in the spirit of ‘Nothing about us without us’ - a motto for disabled persons, Government is committed to working with people living with disabilities and their representative organisations, to free their potential and to allow them to make a meaningful contribution to the socio economic life of the nation. “We are also inspired by the commitment of President Jacob Zuma in advancing the cause for total empowerment of people living with disabilities. The make-up of the President is a living testimony of the President’s commitment to the cause of the disabled community,” Mashamba said.

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The Waterberg District team of the Department of Transport, Safety, Security and Liaison attained excellent results at the recent Centre for Public Service Innovation (CPSI) Awards where both the Innovative Service Delivery Institution of the Year and the Public Service Innovator of the Year awards were bestowed on them. These awards aim to recognise individuals and teams that continue to find innovative solutions in the public sector, and are inspirations to improve service delivery through innovation. The team brought home trophies and prize money to the value of R10 000 and R60 000. The Modimolle Mechanical Workshop team won the category for Innovative Service

Delivery Institutions with their Diesel JoJo Tanks project. The project involves using JoJo tanks mounted on bakkies to transport diesel to plants and machinery located far from refuelling points. The initiative has reduced running costs with more than R2 million. Mafenya Lediga, Spokesperson for the department said: “We congratulate Team Waterberg for their achievements and continuous innovation and we hope other districts will emulate this worthy example.” According to Lediga the CPSI Awards are divided into Innovative Partnerships in Service Delivery, Innovative Use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for Effective Service Delivery, Innovative Service Delivery Institutions and Innovative Enhancements of Internal Systems of Government.

Polokwane’s development OBSERVER 13 driven by Vision 2030 November 13, 2014



Polokwane Municipal Manager Constance Mametja addresses the stakeholders’ meeting on Vision 2030.

>> “Municipality will make services available” >> Smart City Concept is the vehicle towards development BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


olokwane Municipal Manager Constance Mametja met with stakeholders on Tuesday during a breakfast session at the new Peter Mokaba Stadium to discuss and exchange views on the Smart City Concept. Acting Executive Mayor Lois Hardy, in opening the session said the municipality remains committed to provide infrastructure in partnership with the business sector. Hardy also stressed that the municipality can not deliver on its mandate if residents and businesses do not pay their dues to the city. Mametja alluded to the Economic Growth and Development Implementation Plan that informs Vision 2030 of which the Smart City Concept is the driver, and echoed Hardy by saying that the municipality will make services

available to create an environment that is conducive to development and growth. The Smart City Concept comprises of Smart Governance; Smart Living; Smart People; Smart Environment; Smart Mobility and Smart Economy. “Polokwane’s population was 628 999 in 2011 and at a growth rate of 2,15%, it is now 656 387. Our growth rate is higher than that of the entire province and it is estimated that by 2050 Polokwane will house 20% of the entire population of Limpopo,” Mametja said. It is also interesting to note that 11% of the population is between the age of 20 and 24 years and that 30% of the population is younger than 15 years of age. It is therefore of paramount importance that proper and innovative planning for the next generation be put in place timeously. “The Smart City Concept encompasses a variety of new and innovative technologically driven solutions to global mega trends affecting the way a city is governed and planned for and includes, inter alia Enhancing of wireless and broadband technology, New ways of conducting business, Integrated transportation services, Service delivery quality control, Implementation of alternative energy technology and Electronic and interactive town planning

APD needs support for Nappy Run BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com The Association for Persons with Disability (APD) in Limpopo hosts its annual Nappy Run until 3 December and appeals to the public and businesspersons to support the effort and make a difference in the lives of disabled persons. Brian Tigere, Social Worker and Coordinator of the project explained that the aim is to collect and deliver disposable nappies to disabled persons, including babies. “Nappies can be delivered at our offices

at Centenary House or we will collect them. Cash contributions are also welcome and we will then buy the nappies for the project. Polokwane Rotary Club 100 has already pledged to provide money to buy 10 000 nappies and our target for this year is 25 000 nappies. Last year the project collected 7 200 nappies,” Tigere said. According to Tigere many underprivileged persons spend up to 70% of their monthly social grants on nappies, leaving them with very little money for food and other commitments. “We will also deliver the nappies to people in the rural areas,” he concluded.


Brian Tigere, Social Worker and Coordinator of APD’s Nappy Run.


and GPS-systems,” Mametja explained. According to the Economic Growth and Development Implementation Plan, 48% of the people in the city reside in homes that are owned and paid off, which is slightly lower than the provincial average of 53%. Formal dwellings increased from 68,5% to 77,6% over the past ten years and it is a sign that housing delivery projects were successful. The availability of housing will promote migration to the urban and semi-urban areas and will intensify the demand for infrastructure such as roads and other public amenities. Mametja concluded by inviting all role players to engage with the municipality when they plan for the future and to make use of the expertise and services offered by the authorities.

14 OBSERVER Eighteen people NEWS

November 13, 2014


die on Lim roads

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


impopo recorded 18 deaths from different road accidents during the first nine days of November. Three of the victims were pedestrians, eleven passengers and four drivers. In an accident that occurred in Lebowakgomo five persons were burnt beyond recognition when a sedan collided with a planned patient transport vehicle of the Department of Health. A sixth person died in hospital later. Mafenya Lediga, Spokesperson for the Department of Transport, Safety,

department under the leadership of MEC Mapula Mokaba-Phukwana, will implement a focused and intensified campaign. The campaign will be centered on an intensive law enforcement plan that will mobilise over 1 000 traffic officers and road safety officials,” Lediga said. “The MEC has sent messages of condolences to those who lost their loved ones, and wished those in hospitals a speedy recovery,” Lediga informed.

Security and Liaison stated that most accidents are caused by driver fatigue, speeding, drunken driving, head-on collisions as result of unsafe overtaking as well as pedestrian jaywalking. “The Department is also concerned about the increase in the number of pedestrian fatalities. There will be zero tolerance of any traffic violations on all our roads as we are about to enter into the Festive Season. To curtail road deaths on our roads this Festive Season, the

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CRIME shorts Vermeende hamermonster in twee dae verhoor Teen druktyd gister (Woensdag) sou die vermeende hamermonster, David Mamvura vir die tweede dag van sy verhoor in die Polokwane Landdroshof verskyn het. Mamvura wat na bewering vir langer as twee jaar inwoners van die stad geteister het en vermoedelik met nege sake van huisbraak en verkragting in die stad verbind kan word, is aan die einde van Augustus in die middestad in hegtenis geneem. Volgens die polisie word Mamvura daarvan verdink dat hy ongeveer twee jaar gelede ‘n egpaar in Eduanpark aangeval en die man erg met ‘n hamer aangerand het. Die vrou is vermoedelik verkrag.Twee maande later het hy vermoedelik ‘n 22-jarige vrou vasgebind en verkrag en glo met ‘n televisie, skootrekenaar en selfoon gevlug.

Aanvallers op boer steeds soek ‘n Onbekende aantal aanvallers wat na bewering twee weke gelede ‘n boer van Mooketsi in die Tzaneen-omgewing in sy huis met ‘n panga aangeval en beseer het, is steeds soek. Tzaneen polisiewoordvoerder, Moatshe Ngoepe het Dinsdag gesê nog geen arrestasies is gemaak nie. “Die 70-jarige man het glo ernstige kopbeserings opgedoen en is na ‘n hospitaal in Tzaneen vervoer waar hy behandel en ontslaan is,” het provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Ronel Otto vroeër gesê. Sy sê die boer het omstreeks 01:00 voetstappe in die huis gehoor en ondersoek ingestel waarna hy in die voorhuis oorval en glo met ‘n panga bygekom is. “Sy vrou het wakker geword van die geraas in die huis en besef daar is moeilikheid. Sy het ‘n paar skote met ‘n vuurwapen afgevuur waarna die aanvallers op vlug geslaan het.”

Double murder in Moletji Two people were allegedly murdered in the Moletji area over the weekend. The bodies of Thelma Ranoto (29) and Zacharia Modiba (59) were found on Saturday at different places within the Moletji area. Police Spokesperson Mothemane Malefo said Ranoto was allegedly shot. “Her husband, Izak Maimela, was arrested the same day and Police also confiscated his firearm,” he said. Maimela appeared in the Seshego Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday. He was denied bail and remains in custody until his next appearance on 20 November. No arrest was made in the case of the alleged murder of Modiba. “We are indeed following up hot leads and expect to make some arrests soon,” Malefo said.

Matrics up for exam fraud

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Two learners from Rev MP Malatjie Secondary School in Seshego were released on warning to appear in the Seshego Magistrate’s Court again on 9 January after they were arrested in connection with exam fraud on Friday. The two learners, whose names could not be provided by Police Spokesperson Mothemane Malefo, both face charges of

fraud. “The Police were informed by exam invigilators after they went through the candidate’ list and realised that a female who was supposed to sit for a Physical Science paper was instead replaced by a male,” Mothemane said.

Vermeende vee­ diefstalsindikaat word verhoor

Die vermeende baasbrein agter ‘n veediefstalsindikaat, Tinus Groenewald wat van meer as R2 miljoen se veediefstal in Augustus verlede jaar verdink word, se verhoor het Maandag in die Mokopane Streekshof begin en sou na verwagting gister (Woensdag) afgehandel word. Minstens twee boere, Willem Barnard en Neels Smit onderskeidelik van plase net buite Mokopane en Modimolle het in die saak getuig. Vyf en twintig brahmaan-stoetkoeie is glo by Barnard gesteel en 20 van dieselfde ras is op Smit se plaas gesteel. Groenewald, Andries Chauke en Titus Chauke staan tereg op 20 klagte van veediefstal. Hulle het in Julie en Augustus verlede jaar glo beeste en bokke op plase in Noordwes en Limpopo gesteel. Foto‘s van kringtelevisiekameras by tolhekke is van die vragmotor wat vermoedelik deur Groenewald tydens die diefstal gebruik is, geneem en versprei. Groenewald het nie lank daarna by die Boksburg polisiestasie aangemeld en hy en die Chaukes is sedertdien in aanhouding. ‘n Vierde persoon, Charles Marais se saak is van die ander geskei en dit is onduidelik wanneer sy verhoor sal begin.

Six suspected rhino poachers arrested Police made a major breakthrough when they arrested six suspected rhino poachers in Hoedspruit and Phalaborwa on Saturday. It is not clear whether the six suspects have appeared in court yet. Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi said Police in Hoedspruit on Friday tracked the movements of three suspects who were earlier spotted in the Kruger National Park (KNP). An all night search ensued and the suspects were spotted early Saturday morning getting into a vehicle just outside Lelekani Village. “Police, who by then had mobilised other units for assistance, managed to intercept the vehicle and arrested three suspects including the driver. One of the suspects managed to escape and an intense search for him was conducted,” Mulaudzi said. A 375 rifle with ten rounds of ammunition and an axe were confiscated. In another incident in Phalaborwa, Police received information of two suspected rhino poachers who were allegedly picked up by a vehicle after been seen coming out from KNP. “With the help from Mpumalanga Police they managed to track the vehicle and the two men including the driver were arrested at Acornhoek,” he said. Police seized an unlicensed 303 hunting rifle with 10 rounds of ammunition and an axe. “In both cases Police did not find any rhino horns, however, investigations are underway to ascertain if any rhinos were poached in KNP,” Mulaudzi said.

November 13, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Miss Lim continuous to reach out

November 13, 2014

16 OBSERVER polokwane


RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Miss Limpopo 2014, Kholofelo Lekganyane, far right, and her friend Ivy Maponya with household necessities they donated to Emily Seimela, middle, of Extension 78 whose house burnt down recently.


s Miss Limpopo 2014 Kholofelo Lekganyane’s reign nears its end she continues full steam on her journey of reaching out to various people in the community assuring their chances of a better live. Her mission to change people’s lives recently saw her assisting Emily Seimela (54) from Extension 78 whose house was destroyed in a recent fire. It is alleged that her son accidentally set her house alight leaving her shack destroyed and all her belongings lost. Lekganyane and a friend visited Meimela and surprised her with household necessities such as blankets, cutlery, cookware as well as food. Lekgan-

yane also managed to obtain a washing machine and mattress which was donated to Seimela. Community members from the area also helped to construct a new structure for Seimela. Seimela expressed her true gratitude towards Lekganyane and said she wished more people would live out the spirit of Ubuntu like she does. “I was touched by the story and decided to go the extra mile to help Seimela. I plead with people to help women and children even thought economic times are tough,” Lekganyane said. The crowing of Miss Limpopo 2015 is scheduled to take place at Sun Meropa on 6 December. A variety of workshops are planned for the finalists to prepare them for the crowning.

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Soos gebruiklik word Geloftefees weer op 16 Desember plaaslik gevier. Johan Willemse, Afrikaner-kultuurleier en feesorganiseerder, doen nou reeds ‘n beroep op die publiek om die datum te reserveer. Hy sê die Doornkraal-geloftefeesterrein net buite Polokwane is in 1993 van die munisipaliteit aangekoop. Sedertdien word daar jaarliks vanaf 9 Desember elke aand bymekaar gekom, Bybelstudie gedoen, die geskiedenis en die gelofte van 1838 getrou in herinnering geroep. Willemse spreek die hoop uit dat die Afrikaner-kultuurgemeenskap hul geloftes deurlopend sal eerbiedig. “Mag ons elkeen jaarliks oor sewe dae ons geestelik voorberei om op 16 Desember as Geloftevolk die wonder van daardie dag eerbiedig en uit dankbaarheid, met vreugde en standvastig in die geloof te gedenk.” Meer besonderhede oor die feesprogram en tye sal later bekend gemaak word.

Auto Washing Powder Omo Aut Flexibag, Liquid Detergent 2kg Flexib or Auto Liquid 1.5 Litre o Capsules 16s Each Capsule




Pretorium Trust, Koopkrag and Samba accounts Open 16 November 2014

A visit by the National Working Committee (NWC) of the African National Congress (ANC) to the Waterberg region the past weekend was part of a continuous programme of strengthening ruling party structures. ANC Limpopo spokesperson Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said the visit was part of a countrywide programme that concoided the programme of the ANC in the province to rebuild structures across Limpopo. In a media statement she said Deputy Secretary-General Jessie Duarte, NWC member Nomvula Mokonyane and the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) met with the Regional Executive Committee (REC) of Waterberg and ANC councillors in the region on Saturday. The meeting focused on improving the work of ANC councillors as part of strengthening service delivery to communities and continuous feedback to communities through ANC structures. Sunday’s programme focussed on meetings with members of ANC Branch Executive Committees (BECs) across all sub-regions of Waterberg, she stated. The meetings with the BECs were led by members of the NWC, including Treasurer-General Zweli Mkhize and were supported by members of the PEC led by ANC Provincial Chairperson Stan Mathabatha. “These meetings focused on rebuilding structures of the ANC and ensuring the ANC branch leads society by championing community issues. The meetings reaffirmed the responsibility of the ANC to continuously engage with the broader community and provide leadership at all times.” The NWC expressed appreciation for the work of the PEC and ANC Limpopo structures in general for ensuring the province remained home of the ANC. “This has recently been re-confirmed with the overwhelming ANC victory in the by-elections of 5 November in Bela-Bela and Thulamela sub-regions,” she concluded.

November 13, 2014




te min is om so ‘n groot geleentheid te organiseer,” sê Booth. Hy het sy dank teenoor die gemeenskap vir hul ondersteuning uitgespreek en gesê hoewel daar vanjaar baie minder mense was, was die gees en gesindheid uitstekend. Northern Academy Secondary School het die trofee ontvang vir die meeste geld in ‘n privaathoedanigheid ingesamel met ‘n totaal van R43 000. Die korporatiewe instansie wat die meeste geld (R27 079) ingesamel het asook die meeste stalletjies tydens die Relay for Life gehad het, is First National Bank. Hillary Construction het met die trofee vir die beste spangees weggestap. Booth sê 121 oorlewendes het die eerste rondte om die baan gestap, ‘n totaal van 64 spanne het ingeskryf en 101 staanplekke is verkoop. Die datum vir die volgende Relay for Life is nog nie bekend nie, maar sal moontlik volgende jaar in September plaasvind.


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Die bestuurder en werknemer van die Polokwane Munisipaliteit is verlede Donderdag lig beseer toe die trekker en sleepwa waarmee hy gery het, omgeslaan het na ‘n botsing teen ‘n bakkie. Volgens ‘n verkeerskonstabel op die toneel het ‘n bakkiebestuurder die trekker in Natorpstraat verbygesteek. Die trekkerbestuurder wou waarskynlik by Johnsonstraat afdraai en het nie die bakkie gesien nie. “Die trekkerbestuurder is lig beseer en dieselfde dag nog uit die hospitaal ontslaan,” sê munisipale kommunikasie- en bemarkingsbestuurder, Tidimalo Chuene. Die bakkiebestuurder is ongedeerd. FOTO: RC MYBURGH

R240 573 tydens Kansa Relay for Life ingesamel ie organiseringskomitee van die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa) het Sondag tydens ‘n funksie by Bolivia Lodge breëbors aangekondig dat R240 573 tydens vanjaar se Relay for Life-projek ingesamel is. Die koördineerder, David Booth sê hy word dikwels op sy knieë gedwing deur Polokwane-inwoners se oop harte. “Daar is so baie mense wat donasies gee en soveel ander wat liefde deel. Kansa word nie net tydens die Relay for Life ondersteun nie, maar ons kry daagliks besoekers by die hospitium wat vir kankerlyers kom bid en hul ondersteun in die kankerstryd.” Booth het persone wat graag op die komitee wil dien om te help met die organisering van die jaarlikse Relay for Life genooi om Kansa te kontak. “Ons kry jaarliks komplimente en kritiek en wil probeer om te verbeter, maar het ander se insette nodig. Vanjaar se komitee het uit slegs ses lede bestaan wat


Bestuurder lig beseer toe trekker omslaan

Pleasure Khoza en Molepo Legohu van Northern Academy Secondary School ontvang die trofee vir meeste geld deur ‘n privaathoedanigheid ingesamel van David Booth, Relay for Life-koördineerder.

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com




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November 13, 2014

18 OBSERVER polokwane

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Ngwana Babahuis kry ruim skenking stuurder van Ngwana Babahuis, sê hulle is baie dankbaar vir die skenking en die volgehoue betrokkenheid van Limpopo Toyota Knights.

Ngwana Babahuis se finansies het ‘n hupstoot gekry toe Limpopo Toyota Knights Maandag ‘n tjek van R14 670 aan dié instansie oorhandig het. Limpopo Toyota fokus met hulle Limpopo Toyota Knights-projek daarop om ‘n deel van die maatskappy se wins aan verdienstelike gemeenskapsprojekte en instansies te skenk, sê Benny Cahn, verteenwoordiger van Limpopo Toyota Knights. Limpopo Toyota Knights ondersteun ook Kansa se TLCsaal by Polokwane Provinsiale Hospitaal vir kinders wat kankerbehandeling kry en het FOTO: BARRY VILJOEN gedurende Februarie vanjaar ‘n VaAmanda Koekemoer, projekbestuurder van lentynsdagete vir haweloses gehou. Ngwana Babahuis en Benny Cahn, verteenwoordiAmanda Koekemoer, projekbeger van Limpopo Toyota Knights.

Limpopo Health wins fight against malaria >> Sharp decline since 2000 >> One million houses sprayed every year BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


he Limpopo Department of Health has made significant headway in the fight against malaria over the past 15 years. Since 2000/2001, the 10 423 malaria cases

reported in the province have declined to 5 000 cases during 2006/07. Macks Lesufi, Spokesperson for the Department of Health, in a media release stated that much progress has been made to control and combat malaria and that this success can be attributed to measures the department put in place to fight the disease. “Every year, the Department deploys teams in communities to do indoor residual spraying using a chemical that kills malaria transmitting mosquitoes. During the 2014/15 financial year alone, more than 530 000 houses have been sprayed and it is expected that the one million mark will be reached by the beginning of 2015. The department now continues to monitor incidents of malaria on a daily basis since 986 malaria cases were reported during September and October alone,” the statement read. Lesufi also stated that primary health care centres as well as hospitals are always ready to deal with any incident of malaria and patients with suspected symptoms are tested immediately. The best available treatment for malaria is accessible at all clinics, and treatment is administered to all patients found to be positive with malaria. Although the malaria incidents have declined since 2000, malaria transmission still persists in the high risk areas. Malaria can increase sharply as a result of external factors like high temperatures and rainfall, outdoor activities at night and movement of people between malaria risk areas in Limpopo and neighbouring countries. “The department calls on all communities in the province to be cautious and seek immediate attention should they observe symptoms associated with malaria by visiting their nearest health facilities to avoid any fatalities. People are also urged to use protective measures such as the application of repellents where necessary.”

>> Childline 0800 055 555 >> Crime Stop 08600 10111 >> Fire Brigade Polokwane 015 293 1111 >> Water and electrical faults Polokwane 015 290 2000 >> Limpopo Ambulance Service 10177 >> If you have a complaint about any provincial hospital in Limpopo call 0800 91 91 91 toll free >> South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence 015 295 3700

November 13, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

November 13, 2014

Ranch Resort - leading venue for events, conferences in Limpopo P

rotea Hotel Ranch Resort has over the years established itself as a world class conferencing and events venue with their latest acquisition, a 875 m² marquee, putting them ahead of the rest yet again. And to prove that, they hosted the recent 25th anniversary of the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (Popcru) as well as the union’s Central Executive Committee conference, accommodating 750 members and guests at the new venue. Widely regarded as the leading conference venue in the greater Polokwane and Waterberg areas the resort offers a number of unique venues, that can accommodate up to 1 300 delegates, and a mix of thoroughly modern facilities, first-class service and rich traditional culture. “It is because of these facilities that Protea

Hotel Ranch Resort acquired this conference and festival and as a result boosted other local accommodation venues by increasing their room nights with an overflow of 1 250 room nights over this period; a grand boost for tourism in the area,” Protea Hotel Ranch Resort General Manager, Paul Shearer said. The three-day Popcru event was concluded with an anniversary celebration held on the resort’s sports field, a soccer pitch built to international standards that has been used by local and international teams for off season training camps since mid May 2012. With over 50 years of experience and expertise, Protea Hotel Ranch Resort is fully geared to accommodate such large conferences and events. Ample parking at all venues; dedicated and experienced function, banqueting and conference staff are among the factors that contrib-

>> Recently hosted conferences effortlessly catering for 750 guests >> Soccer pitch hosted Popcru’s 25th anniversary

ute to each event being a resounding success. Following the Popcru event the operations team received high accolades for quality, creativity, flair and proficiency – they made serving 750 guests seem effortless. There is no doubt this leading destination venue will be top of mind when deciding on a venue that takes away the stress and leaves only the memorable experience of any conference, event or festival. Protea Hotel Ranch Resort is Limpopo’s most highly acclaimed superior four-star hotel with easy access to the property from both the N1 highway and the R101 main road. The most talked about activity at Protea Hotel Ranch Resort is no doubt the ‘Walk With Lions’ experience. Guests have the opportunity to encounter free roaming African lions in their natural habitat for up to an hour and a

half, an experience both unique and memorable. Protea Hotel Ranch Resort is proud to offer unequalled hospitality and an in-depth understanding of every guest’s needs. The Ranch Conservancy’s unique features include the lion and hyena park, 25 species of antelope including the rare and endangered sable antelope, over 200 species of birds, the Kolobe Bush Camp which includes team building facilities and accommodation ideal for groups up to 70 people searching for a venue in a true African bush environment. The resort further offers an impressive range of facilities such as four swimming pools, pool side lapa and bar, two restaurants, bar lounge, children’s area and fitness centre. For more information contact them on 015 290 5000.

School feeding schemes OBSERVER 21 being investigated THEO GOOSEN AUCTIONS WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


he case of contaminated food being served to learners by a school feeding scheme had far-reaching implications after another 70 learners from Makeke Primary School in the Elias Motsoaledi Municipality were rushed to the Groblersdal Hospital on Monday following a meal of beans, pumpkin and pap. This resulted in Premier Stan Mathabatha also visiting the school on Monday to investigate the matter of contaminated food being served to the learners in Limpopo, according to Paene Galane, Spokesperson for the Department of Education (DoE). Presently the issue is being resolved between the DoE and the Office of the Premier, Galane said and referred Polokwane Observer to the Provincial Government Spokesperson at the Office of the Premier, Phuti Seloba, who could not offer any further comment as he was busy with a meeting at the time of going to print. The learners were treated for vomiting and stomach cramps after being rushed to hospital by an Emergency Medical Services ambulance on Monday. This despite an urgent meeting by the Democratic Alliance (DA) and MEC for Education, Thembisile Nwedamutswu on Thursday following an incident where more than 300 learners from Hlakudi Primary School in Tafelkop in the Sekhukhune district were rushed to the Groblersdal and Glen Cowie hospitals after eating food alleged to have been contaminated from the school nutrition programme. Five learners subsequently died from eating the alleged contaminated food. This led to the Democratic Alliance (DA) seeking an urgent meeting with the MEC to discuss the issue of contaminated food that is being distributed to schools throughout the province as part of the programme. The learners also complained about stomach cramps after eating samp and beans during their lunch break and all were rushed to the hospitals afterwards, according to a media statement released by the DA recently. After the meeting between the DA and

November 13, 2014


the DoE, the MEC acted swiftly to terminate the contacts of two service providers involved with the National School Nutrition Programme. However, DA leader in Limpopo, Jacques Smalle has subsequently opened five murder cases against the DoE and the service providers at the Groblersdal Police Station on Friday following the death of the learners, the DA said in a press statement released on Monday. “It is rather unfortunate that the DA had to take numerous steps in intervening in the contaminated food crisis before the DoE could act against such service providers. The DoE must also recover the monies that were paid to these service providers for the food that hospitalised and killed our children,” DA Caucus Spokesperson, Stephen Mbedzi said in a media statement released on Monday.



Duly instructed by our respected clients, Norman & Co (Pty) Ltd, we will sell by public auction to the highest bigger:

- ERF 1506, INDUSTRIA, POLOKWANE SIZE: 4 223 m² Improvements: Shed building of ± 800 m² - ERF 1507, INDUSTRIA, POLOKWANE SIZE: 4 520 m² Improvements: Small prefabricated office/ storage building (± 60m²) - ERF 1508, INDUSTRIA, POLOKWANE SIZE: 4 150 m² Improvements: Ablutions (± 58 m²) - ERF 1509, INDUSTRIA, POLOKWANE SIZE: 4 116 m² Improvements: Warehouse: ± 1 270 m² Office/ablution: ± 40 m²

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The best located industrial/trading area right next to the CBD and easily accessible off Landdros Maré Street. Your last opportunity to obtain large prime industrial/trading land in Polokwane. - Subject to confirmation within 7 days. - R5 000 refundable cash deposit/bank gauranteed cheque payable upon registration. - To be sold separately and thereafter jointly.

Directions: Easily accessible from the Landdros Maré / Potgieter street intersection. Coordinates: 23°53’00.43”S & 29°27’21,44”E For inspection and further information contact:


The Emergency Medical Services ambulance that had to take 70 learners from Makeke Primary School to hospital after they ate contaminated food served by a school feeding scheme programme on Monday.

Distributors of:

Theo: 082 990 7275 Francois: 082 446 6740 Office: 015 295 9014

________________________________________ CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT 68/2008: Buyers must register to bid. Proof of identity (ID document) and residence (water and lights account) are required. Regulations in terms of the above Act apply and this advert complies to regulation 45 thereof. Auctioneer has right to participate in the auction.


Polokwane Observer

November 13, 2014

Mashamaite elected new president of Saimsa BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


apricorn District Municipality (CDM) Sport Coordinator Alpheus Mashamaite was recently elected as new president of the Southern Africa Inter-Municipal Sports Association (SAIMSA). The elections were held during the annual games 2014 that took place at Buffalo City Metro in East London during September. Saimsa is an organisation focused on municipal employee sports as part of their employee wellness programmes. The organisation was established in 2011 and is the only structure which focuses on the development of municipal employee sport within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. According to Jabu Masondo, Communications Manager of CDM, Mashamaite is elected to lead the structure after it was led by an interim structure since 2011. The structure will serve as a mouthpiece for South African municipalities participating in the Saimsa games and also for municipal employees who are passionate about sport within their respective institutions. “Although the issue of employee wellness is pivotal in a workplace, it is our objective to equally share the values with employers. Our main objective is to unify employees through sport within the municipalities and encourage active participation in sport. We envisage making Saimsa visible in all provinces across the Republic of South Africa,” Mashamaite is quoted to have said. “This will ensure that employers continue to pledge support and maintain sustainability of this important initia-





CDM Municipal Manager Ngoako Molokomme, Alpheus Mashamaite, new president of the Southern Africa Inter-Municipal Sports Association (Saimsa) and CDM Executive Mayor Gilbert Kganyago. Chairperson, City of Johannesburg Emergency Management Services Sport Committee as Chairperson and CDM Employee Sport Committee as Chairperson and Sport Coordinator. He is the founder and owner of Mothula Vultures Football Club based at Sengatane village, an

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Government officials took advantage of a free day to take part in the sports day that was recently held at the Polokwane Military Sports Club. Teams could play soccer, volleyball and netball and the event created an opportunity for colleagues to foster friendships and build good working relations. Polokwane Municipality’s Photos: Barry Viljoen volleyball team beat the UniThe volleyball team of Polokwane Municipality who won versity of Limpopo (Turfloop the finals against the team of the University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus), are Oupa Matlala and Mavis Moutlana, Campus) in the finals. The scores were 1-1, 1-1 and front, with Godfrey Hlungwane, team manager, Lindo Radebe, Aubrey Lebepe, David Maphoto, Amos Chaba and 13-15 in favour of Polokwane Municipality. Kenneth Phadziri at the back.





59 90






affiliate of Polokwane Local Football Association. His extensive knowledge of sport both in the workplace and in the community is ideal to make Saimsa a credible structure that will take employee sport to the next level,” concluded Masondo.

Govt employees take time out for sport




Photo: supplied

tive. Employee wellness can never be under estimated in a workplace given its impact on our employees’ ability to continuously provide services to our communities. Our organisation has both the interest of sport devotees and employers at heart,” Mashamaite stressed. Mashamaite added that Saimsa also intends to advocate the values and practices that promote the diverse nature of our society accommodating various sporting codes existing within member municipalities and recognising those considered to be in minority. “South African municipalities have participated in the Saimsa games since its inception in 2003. The games are seen as part of the wellness programme as well as a networking session amongst employees from different municipalities within the country and the SADC region,” Mashamaite concluded. Other elected Saimsa committee members are Deputy President Dodo Koketso Lekoma from Mahikeng Municipality in North West, Secretary Mihloti Shirinda from Greater Tzaneen, Deputy Secretary Girly Maifala from Polokwane Municipality and Treasurer Deon Martin from Buffalo City Metro in Eastern Cape. Additional members from Limpopo municipalities are Staff Tsebe of Mogalakwena, Bethuel Mabeso from Blouberg, Tintswalo Shiringani from Makhado, Sam Rameetse and Comfort Mathebula from Greater Tzaneen. Although in terms of municipal appointment Mashamaite is a Disaster Management Officer, he has vast knowledge serving in various sport committees and has a Certificate in Sport Administration from University of Johannesburg. He is currently serving as Treasurer for Polokwane Local Football Association, an affiliate of the South African Football Association’s (Safa) Capricorn Region structure, a position he has been holding since 2010. He is also Sport Coordinator of CDM’s Employee Sport Committee. According to Masondo, Mashamaite has also served in the City of Johannesburg Hostels League Football Association as league secretary, City of Johannesburg Employee Sport as





69 00







999 00








499 00







599 90

20 LT










299 00

20 LT



>> Has vast knowledge serving in various sport committees >> Will make SAIMSA a credible structure

November 13, 2014


Polokwane Observer

November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Trokbestuurder ongedeerd na botsing ‘n Trokbestuurder kan homself gelukkig ag om lewend uit ‘n wrak van ‘n vragmotor te klim nadat hy vermoedelik verlede Donderdag van agter met ‘n ander vragmotor op die N1-suid naby Ysterberg gebots het. Volgens ‘n ooggetuie het die vragmotor se remme waarskynlik gefaal en van agter teen ‘n stadigbewegende vragmotor gebots. “Dit is ‘n wonderwerk dat die vragmotorbestuurder ongedeerd uit die wrak geklim het,” sê die ooggetuie. FOTO: VERSKAF

Misdaadstyging kenmerkend van feesseisoen RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ie naderende feesseisoen gaan gewoonlik gepaard met ‘n toename in misdaad en die polisie maan inwoners en besigheidseienaars nou reeds om hul paraatheidsvlakke op te skerp. Polokwane word inderdaad die afgelope twee weke reeds deur toenemende voorvalle van roof, inbrake en diefstal geteister. Die feit word deur die polisie bevestig wat op hul beurt maan dat geen genade teenoor misdadigers getoon sal word nie. Die polisie het reeds die afgelope naweek daad by die woord gevoeg toe ‘n klopjag in Westenburg plaasgevind het. Ses sjebiens is gesluit en daar is op alkohol beslag gelê. “Vyftien mense is ook vir onwettige dobbel toegesluit en het reeds in die Polokwane Landdroshof verskyn. Hulle is op waarskuwing vrygelaat,” sê Westenburg polisiewoordvoerder, Mohlaka Mashiane. Verder het die polisie tien vermeende prostitute op die Ivydale-kleinhoewes gearresteer wat Maandag skulderkenningsboetes by die polisiestasie betaal het en vrygelaat is. Volgens Mashiane is van die vermeende prostitute van Tzaneen en Mokopane afkomstig. Die Eduanpark Welgelegen Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum (Edwel GPF) het intussen ‘n brief aan die Polokwane Munisipaliteit se ontwikkelingsbeplanningbestuurder, Molatelo Mashego, gerig waarin hul kommer oor ‘n huis in Kaptein Slegtkampstraat uitspreek. GPF-lede het glo gedurende hul nagpatrollie die huis dopgehou en waargeneem dat veral mans by die huis opdaag en vroue wat slegs in japonne geklee is ontmoet. In die brief word gevra dat die munisipaliteit ondersoek instel en waarskuwings aan die inwoners en huiseienaar uitreik. “Dit is ‘n feit dat prostitusie met dwelms en mensehandel geassosieer word en dit is ons plig om van sulke aktiwiteite ontslae te raak,” lui die brief.

Ook in Welgelegen, enkele dae nadat ‘n bejaarde egpaar in generaal De la Reystraat aangeval en gemartel is, is verlede week by ‘n huis in dieselfde straat ingebreek. Volgens inligting het twee inbrekers deur die dak van die huis gekom. “Die inbrekers het in die huis rondgeloop en ‘n kas in een van die slaapkamers oopgebreek. Hulle het hulself met die huiseienaar se bier en wyn gehelp en glo ook ‘n muntversameling probeer steel, maar kon nie daarin slaag nie,” sê ‘n lid van die GPF wat op die toneel was. Die huishulp het glo alarm gemaak waarna die bure die GPF geskakel het. Nog geen arrestasies is gemaak nie. Die eienaar wou glo nie ‘n saak by die polisie aanhangig maak nie. Die GPF-lid het inwoners egter versoek om alle sake by die polisiestasie te rapporteer, omdat verdagtes moontlik met groter misdade verbind kan word. Twee leerders van die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé het ook drie vermeende diewe, wat ‘n meisie van dié skool se selfoon wou steel terwyl sy deur die park oorkant die skool gestap het, vasgetrek. Sien storie elders. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Ronel Otto sê mense moet gedurende die feesseisoen waaksaam en bewus van dinge om hulle wees. “Basiese stappe kan geneem word om nie ‘n slagoffer van misdaad te word nie. Wees bedag as jy geld trek, bêre skootrekenaars, kameras, inkopies of handsakke in die kattebak en uit die krimineel se oog. Dra duur juwele in privaatheid; daar word toenemend voorvalle waar hangertjies van vroue se nekke afgeruk word, aangemeld,” sê Otto. Sy voeg verder by dat huiseienaars nalaat om tuingereedskap toe te sluit. “Dit is ‘n maklike wapen en selfs toerusting om by ‘n huis in te breek. Die feesseisoen word gekenmerk deur leeglêers wat naamborde en padtekens bekrap of beskadig en plante steel. Ons waarsku vandaliste dat stewige boetes opgelê word,” sê Otto.

‘n Polisievoertuig op die toneel waar daar verlede week by ‘n huis in generaal De la Reystraat ingebreek is. FOTO: ELNA ESTERHUYSEN



Polokwane Observer

November 13, 2014

Trouble at Ext 76 tavern lands youth in hot water

> Female community members fighting for release of two youngsters >> “They should have been in classrooms writing exams” YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


pprehension over the presence of a tavern in the heart of Extension 76 fuelled increased discontent among a group of female community members fighting for the release of two youngsters whose arrest for malicious damage to property at the hang-out on the weekend resulted in them missing their end-year exams this week. Gathering outside Seshego Police Station on Tuesday the group of women, including the two mothers of the suspects respectively aged 22 and 23 years, explained that the young men were arrested on Monday after a brawl at Mzanzi Tavern in Extension 76 the previous afternoon. The Grade 10 and Grade 12 learners were missing exams at Flora Park Comprehensive High School and Kabelo Combined School despite the investigating officer earlier promising their release by 07:00 on Tuesday, they claimed through an interpreter. By noon on Tuesday the despondent women were desperate for help to get the youngsters out of prison for them to be able to go and write their exams, alleging that the investigating officer in the matter told them the previous day to wait until he could assist them, that the docket was being prepared and that he would release the young men once provided with a petition the community would have signed to solicit the help of the Police in closing down the tavern. According to them they handed the petition containing 137 signatures over to the investigator on Monday as requested. At the time of the interview they had spent hours at the Police station, being sent from pillar to post, they claimed. On Monday they

went there twice, the second time staying until around 22:00 without noticing any movement in the matter. On Tuesday morning they were back there, having arrived at around 07:00, they said. According to South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) Ward 8 Secretary Jermina Masekoameng who initially spoke on behalf of the group, the tavern owner did not have proof that the two suspects were responsible for the alleged damages as the whole community seemingly got involved when the kids started fighting. “The Police are wasting the kids’ time. They should have been in classrooms writing exams,” she exclaimed. One of the desperate mothers stressed that the community had wanted the tavern to close since it was taken over by the current owner around March this year. “Since she has taken over nothing good has come out of it,” said the woman. “We want the tavern to be closed because it is not good for the community.” According to her, people have allegedly been stabbed to death during incidents on the premises in the past. She mentioned she alerted her son on the dangers of going to the tavern, but he was resistant. “They come home drunk in the wee hours of the morning.” Visiting the alleged trouble spot, Polokwane Observer was met by a deserted venue and broken bottle shards scattered across the yard. The owner, identified as Rose Matlamela, was not present. However, the cell phone details obtained from someone at the business took Polokwane Observer to the wrong number. Seshego Police spokesperson Mothemane Malefo undertook to provide feedback on the matter. Later follow-up calls remained unanswered.

Hof verplig Mookgophong Munisipaliteit om water aan inwoners te voorsien BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Die Noord-Gautengse hooggeregshof het Dinsdag aan AfriForum ʼn hofbevel toegestaan wat die Mookgophong Munisipaliteit verplig om water aan hul gemeenskap te voorsien. Dít volg nadat watervoorsiening in die dorp gedurende Oktober tot stilstand gekom het en die dorp vanjaar al vir meer as 1 000 uur sonder water moes funksioneer. “Die hofbevel is ʼn groot oorwinning vir die dorp en dien as meganisme om die munisipaliteit tot verantwoording te roep. Dit is ons prioriteit om te verseker dat inwoners water kry. Die hofbevel bepaal ook dat die gemeenskap betyds in kennis gestel moet word indien daar instandhouding aan waterpype gedoen word of wanneer die water na

die dorp afgesny gaan word. Dit bied inwoners die geleentheid om voorsorg te tref,” sê Philip van Staden, voorsitter van AfriForum se Naboomspruit-tak, in ‘n mediavrystelling. “Die hofbevel het dit duidelik gemaak dat onmiddellike ingryping moet plaasvind. AfriForum sal as burgerregte-waghond op ons pos bly om toe te sien dat die grondwetlike regte van landsburgers seëvier,” het Morné Mostert, AfriForum se koördineerder in Limpopo, beaam. Indien die hofbevel nie deur die partye deurgevoer word nie, sal hulle skuldig aan minagting van die hof wees. Phineas Sebola, munisipale bestuurder, het teen druktyd aan Polokwane Observer gesê dat hy nie in die stadium enige kommentaar kan lewer nie aangesien die munisipaliteit nog nie amptelik van die hofbevel kennis geneem het nie.


NOORDERLAND invites all current and prospective service providers and suppliers to be accredited and registered on the school’s supplier database. All interested parties are invited to register for the following commodities: • Advertising services • Groceries/Foodstuff (fresh and • Rubble and garden refuse removal • Air conditioning supply frozen) • School uniform • Bricks, stone and sand • Hiring of stage and sound system • Security and alarm services • Building contractors • Interior decoration (blinds, carpets • Site and garden maintenance • Building maintenance and curtains) • Sport field maintenance and • Building, plumbing and electrical • Kitchen utensils and appliances marking supplies and materials • Laundry and cleaning services • Sporting equipment (soccer, netball • Catering services • Media and publicity and hockey) • Cleaning materials (soaps, polish, • Motor vehicle repairs • Stage sound and multimedia etc and toilet paper) • Office furniture service • Communication services (internet, • Packing material • Stationery telephone and cell phone) • Paramedic and First Aid services • Supply and service of fire • Computer consumables (including • Pest control extinguishers but not limited to cartridges, • Photocopying paper • Supply, installation and support of laptop battery charger) • Photocopying services close circuit TV/camera • Corporate gifts • Plumbing contractors • Textbooks • Debt collection • Printing • Training and development • Educational support and learning • Printing of booklets and publication institutions (accredited) material (design, layout and printing) • Transport services (buses and taxis) • Electrical contractors • Protective clothing • Trophies, medals and badges • First Aid kits • Remote gate control • Vehicle tyres and batteries • Florists • Repairs to electrical appliances • Video and Photography The school will compile a database of suppliers to be used from January to December 2015. The Supplier Registration application form can be collected from the school office or downloaded from the school’s website www.noorderland.co.za. A R50 administration fee will be charged during the collection or submission of the form. All the information required with regards to the required documentation to be submitted is stated on the application form.

Closing date: Friday 28 November 2014.

November 13, 2014


OBSERVER 27 polokwane


Mzanzi Tavern, identified as a trouble spot in Extension 76.


Polokwane Observer

November 13, 2014

www.pepps.co.za P O BOX 405 POLOKWANE 0700 TEL: 015 263 6236 / FAX: 015 263 6285

PEPPS Preparatory School 2014 Prize Winners WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


he junior and senior learners at PEPPS Preparatory School, parents and family members gathered at Agapé Christian Centre on Friday for their annual prize giving ceremony. Great anticipation and excitePEPPS Preparatory School senior learners, Thalia Pereira and Emma Melville shared the Agapé trophy and Trust Ambassador trophy.

ment was visible on the faces of the learners who received prizes and everybody who won prizes were congratulated for their hard work throughout the year on both the sport field and academically. Prizes were handed to learners from Grade 1 to 7 who excelled in the classroom and on the sports field during 2014.

The Sportswoman of the Year trophy was shared by Jessica Dos Ramos Abreu and Abigail van Niekerk. Abigail also won an award for mountain biking.

Ani Gutierrez-Hernandes with her trophy as Cyclist of the Year.

Chika Mabitsela was the Sportsman of the Year. He also received the trophy for male Athlete of the Year

Kieran Albertus with his certificate and trophy for Sports Star of the Year.

Bokamoso Raphala proudly poses with the Junior Footballer of the Year trophy.

Troy Hillary is the Junior Boys Swimmer of the Year.

The Junior Girls Swimmer of the Year is Amy Scott.

The Female Athlete of the Year is Sepei Mathabatha.

Matthew van Niekerk with the trophy for Senior Boys Swimmer of the Year.

The senior Netball Player of the Year is Ntalo Mkhabela.

Leandra da Silva is the Junior Sports Girl of the Year and also received provincial colours for dancing.

Aicha Mengouchi with the class award for Grade 4H.

The Angelique Abraham’s Trophy for the Best Reader in Grade 3 was won by Anthony Brown.

Patricia Chaminuka with all her awards including Top learner in Grade 6.

Motumo Thupana with the Melville Trophy for Best Grade 7 Maths learner.

Photos: Warren Blunt Alexis Govinden with her Junior Hockey Player Trophy.

Keletso Montani with her trophy for Grade 3 Top Achiever.

Yuriy Matsevych with the Lawrenson Award for Scientific Curiosity with PEPPS educator, Celri Lawrenson.

November 13, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Plot 8 Myngenoegen, Polokwane P.O. Box/Posbus 520, Bendor Park 0713

T: 015 263 8903/4 E: kruinies@curro.co.za S 23 54’ 39.7” O 29 30’ 53.6”


Excellent Learning • Uit nemende Leer

Wernich Kachelhoffer ontvang die trofee as sportseun van die Jaar.

die Kultuurster van die Jaar is Arno Horn.

Claudi van Niekerk is die Kultuurpersoonlikheid van die Jaar sowel as sportmeisie van die Jaar.

Elizma Swartz het uitsonderlik in ringbal presteer en is vir die suidAfrikaanse o.19-span gekies.

Kamalan Naidoo met die trofee as sportster van die Jaar.

‘n trotse Remoneiloe Phasha met die Mariaan Janse van rensburgtrofee as sportster van die Jaar.


Curro Heuwelkruin-presteerders vereer by Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com



Olimpiese swemheld, Lyndon Ferns was die gasspreker by Curro Heuwelkruin se prestigedinee.

Curro Heuwelkruin se uitvoerende hoof van die hoërskool, Eben Lingenfelder.

oormalige Olimpiese Spele goue medaljeswemmer en wêreldkampioen, Lyndon Ferns se boodskap aan topleerders van Curro Heuwelkruin was dat natuurlike talent, harde werk en deursettingsvermoë belangrik is as mens die hoogste vlak wil bereik. Ferns was die gasspreker tydens die skool se prestigedinee waartydens leerders in beide die laer- en hoërskool vir uitnemende kultuuren sportprestasies vereer is. Hy het vertel dat die lesse wat hy in die swembad geleer het meer beteken het as alles wat hy tydens skool en universiteit geleer het.

sportmeisie van die Jaar is Ashden Venter.

die Kultuurster van die Jaar is Dorijke du Toit.


prestigedinee Volgens hom kan twaalf weke se voorbereiding voor ‘n groot swembyeenkoms ‘n tiende van ‘n sekonde se verskil tussen wen of verloor maak. “Voorbereiding is baie belangrik en die gevoel wanneer alles uitwerk om bo op die podium te staan is onbeskryfbaar en maak al die harde werk die moeite werd,” het Ferns gesê en Kruinie-leerders gemaan om nederig te bly na ‘n groot sege want alles begin daarna weer van voor af om die volgende

Henco Badenhorst met sy trofee as sportseun van die Jaar.

Anjé Dorfling ontvang die elizma Le rouxtrofee vir Kultuurpersoonlikheid van die Jaar.

Charné Hartley met die trofee vir sportster van die Jaar.

Duwalt Duvenhage het die trofee vir beste prestasie buite skoolverband vir stoei ingepalm.

mylpaal te bereik. Op sportgebied het die kollig onder meer op Curro Heuwelkruin se o.15- en o.16 rugbyspanne geval wat wenners van die Beeldtrofee vir kleiner skole is. Al die spanlede van die onderskeie spanne het Ysterorde-toekennings vir sport met hoogste lof ontvang. Kruinie-presteerders is ook vir hul harde werk op kultuurgebied vereer.

die sportster van die Jaar-trofee word deur Gerhard van Zyl en Henco Badenhorst gedeel.



Business profile>>

November 13, 2014 >> PAGE 30

Kenton Goosen

Business: JBM Steel Why did you choose this profession? >> It satisfies my passion for the steel industry What puts you ahead in the industry? >> Excellent customer service and the provision of quality products How do you live out your passion for your career? >> Hard work and long hours to satisfy my clients

Univen launches biogas kitchen on campus BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


he Vice Chancellor and Principal of the University of Venda, Peter Mbati officially launched a functional demonstration kitchen using biogas from the digestion of cow dung as cooking energy during a function that took place at the University recently. According to a media release issued by the Department of Communications and Marketing of the University, Mbati was overwhelmed by the project to which the University committed close to R1m and is quoted to have said that the biogas technology may substitute polluting solid and liquid fuels such as wood, coal and paraffin which were still used in rural areas. The University of Venda partnered with the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet), the Vhembe Further Education Training College and some local non-governmental organisations in implementing the Provincial Green Economy Plan. This collaboration has resulted in the signing of a memorandum of agreement between Ledet and the University of Venda for the establishment of a green economy centre of excellence. The functional demonstration kitchen will be used to cook food for the University’s Department of Consumer Science. This pilot project is a typical demonstrating example of a self-sustaining integrated farming system showing potential of waste-to-energy conversion through the production of biogas

from animal and plant waste. Ledet contributed R237 000 to the project for the training of the local brick layers who constructed the biogas digester. The ceremony was attended by members of the university community, representatives from various government departments, the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), Eskom, learners and educators from local secondary schools.


Peter Mbati, Vice Chancellor and Principal of the University of Venda with the acting General Manager of Ledet, Lilly Maja when cutting the ribbon to open the kitchen using biogas.

Researcher and PhD candidate, Vhutshilo Nekhubvi, front right, explains to the delegates how the biogas digester works.

Sanco regional leadership gathers for workshop PHOTO: YOLANDE NEL

The leadership of five South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) sub-regional structures in the Peter Mokaba region recently gathered for a workshop in Polokwane to be reacquainted with, among others, the Constitution, their obligations based on the preambles thereof and the task of re-uniting the people of the region. In the front are Silas Mokou, Jacob Mohale and Botha Mphahlele. At the back are Thomas Moyo, William Ramonyai, Norman Shai, Mitha Kgasago, Jan Modisane, Martin Matabani and Johannes Sebola.


Aaron Manamela: “It is worse, we can’t keep up. The cost of living is expensive, from food to electricity.”

on national /provincial / local issues

Economic growth in South Africa has declined since the 2008 global economic crisis. Polokwane Observer asked residents how the current state of the South African economy affects them. Die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie het sedert die wêreld ekonomiese krisis in 2008 verlangsaam. Polokwane Observer het inwoners gevra hoe die huidige stand van die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie hulle raak.

Hanrie Bekker: “Die ekonomie versleg steeds. Dit is moeilike tye en ons salarisse bly dieselfde.”

Walter Nkuna: “It is tough. We are struggling to cope and it gets worse because of unemployment.”

Candace van der Merwe: “Ek dink as ons die ekonomiese krisis wil oorleef, moet ons begroot sodat ons Kersgeskenke kan bekostig.

Dorcus Mogale: “I think if people are employed they will be able to cope with the economy.”

Nadia Grobler: “Dit is moeilik om met ons salarisse uit te kom in die huidige ekonomiese klimaat.”

Oorvol vullishouers en OBSERVER 31 stortings in Ladine ruk handuit November 13, 2014


BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


akelui in Ladine is raadop met vullis­ stortbakke op sypaadjies en in openbare oopruimtes wat nie gereeld deur die mu­ nisipaliteit leeggemaak of verwyder word nie. Persone wat by die houers opdaag om kantoor- en industriële vullis te stort en vind dat dit vol is, stort hul vullis buite en om die houers. Bederfbare kos word ook weggegooi en haweloses en versamelaars van herwinbare afval vererger die probleem as hulle ná ure in die houers grawe en die inhoud buite versprei. Die papier en plasties waai rond terwyl dit wat oorbly, binne en rondom die houers aan die brand gesteek word en lugbesoedeling veroor­ saak wat volgens ‘n plaaslike geneesheer ‘n gesondheidsgevaar inhou vir persone wat aan asma lei. Toe die plaaslike brandweer onlangs na ‘n brandende vullishouer in Ysterstraat ontbied is, het ‘n omstander Polokwane Observer meegedeel dat die brandweervoertuig wat op die toneel aangekom het, nie voldoende watervoorraad gehad het om die vuur te blus nie en ‘n tweede voertuig na die toneel is. Op navraag het ‘n woordvoerder van die munisi­

paliteit egter bevestig dat die eerste voertuig oorgenoeg water gehad het, maar dat ‘n dryfband van die pomp op die toneel gebreek het en dat ‘n bystandvoertuig onverwyld na die toneel is om die probleem te hanteer. “Die dryfbande is verbruikbare items en hou nie vir ewig nie. Die dryfband is op die toneel vervang en die voertuig was weer diensbaar,” het ‘n bron gesê. Die probleem is al verskeie kere onder die munisipaliteit se aandag gebring en Polo­ kwane Observer het ook onlangs oor ‘n oorvol houer in Dap Naudéstraat berig. Dié houer is na ‘n week verwyder maar die gemors wat om die houer agtergebly het, is steeds nie verwyder nie. Die probleem met vullishouers is ook nie beperk tot Ladine nie en klagtes oor dieselfde situasie is ook van Nirvana ontvang. Volgens ‘n bron wat verkies om anoniem te bly, kan som­ mige van die houers nie verwyder word nie omdat dit deurgeroes is en die inhoud agterbly wanneer die houers opgelig word. Die munisipaliteit het by monde van Tidi­ malo Chuene, bestuurder bemarking en kom­ munikasie, gesê dat die munisipaliteit besig is met ‘n program om die vullis stelselmatig op te ruim, maar die resultate van die poging is duidelik nog nie sigbaar nie.


>> Vullisstortbakke wat brand skep gesondheidsgevaar >> Probleem ook in Nirvana

Die oorvol vullisstortbak in Nikkelstraat.

Foto’s: Elna Esterhuysen en Barry Viljoen

Dié teken wat storting in Silikonstraat verbied, het duidelik geen uitwerking nie.

Vullis hoop om die oorvol vullisstortbak in Ysterstraat op.

Tel: 015 293 1199 Die rook van die brandende vullisstortbak in Ysterstraat veroorsaak onder meer besoedeling.

Enter now to become Queen of the North BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Photo: Supplied

Katryn Barwise (Miss Humanity International 2014), pageant organiser and owner of Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy.

Entries for the Queen of the North pageant close on 28 November and the winners of the competition that will be announced on 29 November, will receive glamorous prizes. Queen of The North is the biggest pageant of its kind in Limpopo and attracted entrants from more than seven towns in Limpopo last year. The competition aims to creating role models in society and give young girls the op­ portunity to build their brand in the industry. Entrants will all attend a complimentary modelling workshop hosted by Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy where entrants with no >> Entry form on page 33 modelling experience will, under guidance of pageant organiser, owner of Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy and Miss Humanity Interna­ BUSINESS RESCUE PRACTITIONERS tional 2014, Katryn Barwise, acquire Prof At Coetzee, Adv Pieter Pretorius, Susan Pretorius valuable skills and Cell: 083 628 1991 | Fax: 086 684 1547 knowledge about the industry. The first 15 entrants will also receive free profes­ sional stage make-up sponsored by House of Asante Spa in Polokwane to the value of R300. We have been involved in business turnarounds for Entry forms are 33 years and maintain an above average success rate. available at Mall of We also offer a professional and efficient business the North entrances rescue service that can stop all legal action with and can be handed in regard to outstanding debt, against your business. at Mall of The North As Business Rescue Practitioners we are full-fledged in management office. our field of corporate rescue and through us your busiAn entry form also ness can benefit from all the advantages of the business appears in today’s rescue process stated in the new Companies Act. edition of Polo­ We will provide a multitude of services with suitable kwane Observer. and efficient plans tailor-made for your business. Contact Barwise on 078 371 0909.

ResQ 4 Business



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We OPen aCCOunTs!! aPPLY in-sTOre TOdaY.

32 OBSERVER Savannah Mall and Baby City NEWS

November 13, 2014


gives away lots of baby products >> ‘We had about 800 participants’ >> ‘Reward the parents and mothers to be’ Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


he thirty-six lucky winners in the Savannah Mall and Baby City competition received their prizes, ranging from vouchers to prams, strollers, chairs and a variety of baby products valued at R50 000 at the shop on Monday. The competition was run in October and open to all. To participate customers had to purchase something from Baby City and then put their till slip containing their details in the in-store entry box. Karen Botha, Marketing Manager of the mall said: “We had about 800 participants who entered the competition by putting their slips after purchase inside the competition box. During the lucky draw we pulled out 36 slips to give us the numbers of winners,” Marketing Manager for Savannah Mall, Karen Botha said. She said the competition was a way of rewarding the shop’s loyal customers.

Photos: Herbert Rachuene

Some of the winners of Baby City competition photographed during the prize giving day at the Savannah Mall on Monday. Right: Amina Ismail, Suhail Ismail, Sarah Mamabolo, Maanda Siala, Chanéé Coetzer, Dawie Coetzer, Tshimangadzo Shirinda, Gift Shirinda, Naeem Gangat, Naazneed Gangat and Naeefah Gangat are some of the winners of the Baby City competition.

Rudzani Mathoho, a winner in the Baby City Competition, is congratulated by Wilma Fourie, the shop manager and Karen Botha, Marketing Manager of Savannah Mall.

Fallen soldiers remembered worldwide Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


THE FACE OF SAVANNAH 2014 BEAUTY PAGEANT DATE: 15 NOVEMBER 2014 PLACE: BANKING MALL at SAVANNAH MALL, POLOKWANE TIME: 11:00 | REGISTRATION: 09:00 – 10:30 ENTRY FEE: R200-00 | RAMP PHOTOS: R100-00 ENTRY FORM CATEGORY: GIRLS: 2 to 5 yrs ___ 6 to 9 yrs ___ 10 to 13 yrs ___ 14 to16 yrs ___ 17 to 20 yrs ___ WOMEN: 21 to 24 yrs ___ Mrs Face of Savannah ___ Miss Photogenic 2014 ___

Memorable Order of Tin Hats (Moth) from the Botha Shellhole in Polokwane joined in the National Day of Remembrance Memorial Service held globally on Sunday to commemorate the end of World War 1 on 11 November 1918. The day is also known as Armistice Day or Poppy Day and is commemorated annually on the day or the Sunday nearest to the date. The day is celebrated by old soldiers, family members, all those that long for peace and in honour of those who paid the highest sacrifice during armed conflict. The customary red poppy worn by those who commemorate the day stem from the poppies that bloomed on the worst battlefields of Flanders during the war and is seen as a symbol of the blood spilt. Wreaths are also laid by various units of

the armed forces in honour of those who lost their lives. Funds raised by Moth in the running up to Remembrance Day are mainly used to subsidise old soldiers and their families regarding housing, victuals and other needs.

Photos: Warren Blunt

The bugler Pieter-Willie Becker plays the last post at the National day of Remembrance Memorial Service at the Botha Shellhole on Sunday while the Old Bill of Botha Shellhole, Johan Cronje looks on.

Name and Surname: _________________________________________ Age: _____ Date of Birth: _____________ I.D Number: _________________ Contact No.:____________________ Email address ______________________ Event Information: • Competition will be held at Savannah Mall, Polokwane on Saturday, 15 November 2014. The closing date for the competition is 14 November 2014 at 18:00. • The competition will start at 11:00 exactly. • Registration will take place from 09:00 till 10:30. • Entry forms can be collected from and paid for at the offices of Savannah Mall Management, Polokwane where you’ll get a receipt for payment. Alternatively entries can be placed in a marked box and entry fee of R200-00 paid in at: Banking Details: WH Pretorius, Acc. No.: 33 157 846 8, Standard Bank, 052-548, Polokwane. Your ref. no.: Child Name and Surname and age. The entry form and deposit slip can be emailed to: whpretorius12@telkomsa.net (please bring your proof of payment with on the day of the competition as well as the signed “Rules and Regulations”). • The Dress code is “Out of Africa” (outfit representing Africa, animal print or traditional) and make-up must be used according to your age! Please note that “too much” will cost you points! • On the day of the competition, contestants are required to introduce themselves to the public as well as answering a question from the judges. • PLEASE note that proof of payment AS WELL AS the signed rules and regulations MUST accompany you on the day of the competition when you register to get your competition number. • Please note that “On The Ramp Photos” will be taken of you at an additional cost of R100-00, which you can book and pay with your entry fee before the closing date, for their will be a “Miss Photogenic” prize to be won from all ramp photo entries.

Moth members of Botha Shellhole give the salute in honour of their fallen comrades.

NAME OF ENTRANT: __________________________ AGE: ____ Signature _______________________________________ (Parent/Guardian if entrant is under 18) Signature______________________________________ (Entrant) Date: _________________________________ *Ts & Cs apply.


OBSERVER Read Reality | Realiteitsnuus

Moth Johan Willemse lays a wreath on behalf of the Pietersburg Doornkraal Geloftefees committee on Sunday. Insert: Moth Ben Smit shoulders arms at the National Day of Remembrance Memorial Service on Sunday.

Police officials awarded for excellence

November 13, 2014


OBSERVER 33 polokwane

>> Giyani took award for best station commander >> Spokesperson Mulaudzi nominated in administration category

en and women in blue who strive towards excellence as public servants within the Police were awarded for their service delivery during the Limpopo Police Prestige Awards evening hosted at Protea Hotel Ranch Resort on Friday. Polokwane was well represented in terms of nominations in several of the categories where they encountered stiff competition from contenders from all parts of the province. Provincial Police Commissioner Fannie Masemola and MEC for Transport, Safety, Security and Liaison Mapula Mokaba-Phukwana addressed guests and members of the service on the occasion.

Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi was nominated in the category administration: group of the year while a local constable, AK Gibbs won the award in the category for visible policing. Kika Bham won the category for Administration level 1-7. In the category for Detective Employee of the Year level 3-7, local detective O Mudau from the provincial office was announced as the winner. In the special awards category the Woman of the Year award went to Lt Col Matlamela while Chaplain AA Sefora from the provincial office was announced Man of the Year. Polokwane Police Station’s CP Mangakeng was nominated in the category visible policing Employee of the Year level

3-7 while AE Gibbs from Polokwane crime prevention unit was announced winner of the category. Well known face within the emergency services, JP van Zyl was nominated as Reservist of the Year while local officer MH Matumba from the provincial office was announced as best Hawk Detective of the Year. The best Operational Manager of the Year award went to local brigadiers Zulu and Sebola. The category looks to recognise the best operational manager by virtue of always being available and deployable across the province when such need arises. Giyani Police Station Commander Col Mulaudzi took the award for Best Station Commander.

Kika Bham – administration level 1-7 winner.

Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi – nominee in the category Administration Group of the Year.

AK Gibbs – visible policing Employee of the Year level 3-7.

Chaplain AA Sefora – Best Man of the Year.

JP van Zyl – Reservist of the Year.

Nohlahla Zulu – Best Operational Manager of the Year.

Anamias Mulaudzi – Best Station Commander (Giyani).

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


Photos: RC Myburgh


November 13, 2014

34 OBSERVER polokwane

Joburg learners experience Limpopo hospitality

Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Primary school learners from City Kidz in the inner city of Johannesburg visited Mitchell House on Friday and Saturday for a series of friendly contests in chess, a spelling Olympiad, soccer and netball matches against the Mitchell House Preparatory School learners. For many of the Johannesburg learners it

Foto: Verskaf

Boere van Stilbaai by 2014 se wenpampoen.

was their first visit to Limpopo and they were impressed with the facilities available at Mitchell House. They also enjoyed the bushveld environment and the laid-back lifestyle to be found in Limpopo. The visiting learners spent Friday night in the boarding facilities at the school and were treated like royalty by the friendly educators and learners at Mitchell House. Another highlight of their trip was a visit to Mall of the North.

Begin nou plant vir Goliat van Gat Pampoenkompetisie BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Photo: Warren Blunt

The learners from City Kidz in Johannesburg with Mitchell House Deputy Principal, Cathy Proctor (front left) and Sharon Reynolds (front right), City Kidz educator.

Belangstellende pampoenkwekers moet opskud om hulle pitte te koop en te begin plant want die jaarlikse Goliat van Gat Pampoenfees vind weer op Saterdag 28 Maart 2015 in Pretoria plaas. Philippie de Beer, voorsitter van TLU SA



Leda salutes Andile Herbert Gumede

PHoto: SuPPLied

Andile Herbert Gumede, winner of International World Cup Driver of the Year (right) with, from left, his colleague and fellow competitor Ralea Ambrocious Maselesela, Tom Nkoana, GNT acting Chief Executive Officer and Florence Modika, driving instructor.

he Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda), an agency of the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet), salutes Andile Herbert Gumede, a Great North Transport (GNT) driver and joint winner of the International World Cup Driver of the Year for Professional Drivers Competition. Gumede participated in the biannual championships organised by the Union Internationale des Chauffeurs Routiers and held in Cracow, Poland last month. It focuses on safety driving for trucks and buses. The 2014 championships were organised by UICR member organisation, Stowarzyszenie Klub Polskiego Trakera. GNT is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leda established after the amalgamation of Gazankulu Transport (Pty) Ltd, Far North Bus Services and Lebowa Transport Ltd in 1996. GNT operates a fleet of 540 buses, travels 36 million km and transports over 37,6 million passengers per annum. At present the company renders services within five district municipalities in Limpopo, the Bohlabela district of Mpumalanga and neighbouring capitals Harare (Zimbabwe). It operates from 11 depots in Seshego, Mokopane, Bapedi, Phalaborwa, Marble Hall, Giyani, Motetema, Hoedspruit, Tzaneen, Bushbuckridge and Makhado. GNT employs 1 200 personnel and it envisions being South Africa’s preferred transport service provider, supporting economic growth and development in the region and investing in best in class operation systems that will ensure sustainable, safe, consistent and dependable transport services for the benefit of our stakeholders. Visit www.lieda.co.za for more trade and investment promotion, enterprise development and finance, industrialisation and general economic development news around the province, or contact Leda on 015 633 4700 for more information.

Noord, sê enigeen, oud of jonk, kan aan die pampoengroeikompetisie deelneem. Al wat nodig is, is ‘n lappie grond van 3,3 m². “Die ‘professionele’ kwekers plant een pit begin September, weer twee aan die begin van Oktober en weer een aan die begin van November om voorsiening te maak vir die onvoorsiene. Gewone kwekers plant al vier pitte tegelyk, een vir die wurm, een wat gaan vrek, een wat sy bes doen om te groei en een wat die wenner gaan lewer,” sê De Beer. Volgens hom is daar ‘n baie spesiale metode om die ou grotes te plant en na hulle om te sien. Meer inligting kan van TLU SA Noord verkry word en ‘n volledige resep is beskikbaar om voornemende pampoenkwekers in ‘n japtrap touwys te maak. Pienkie Swart, 2014-wenner het met die louere weggestap toe sy pampoen die skaal op 29 Maart 2014 op 494 kg getrek het. “As mens egter kyk na die grootte van Stilbaai se pampoene elke jaar, blyk die wenresep sanderige grond te wees.” Die doelwit van die kompetisie is om op ‘n vrolike manier vir verbruikers te wys dat boere en landbouers noodsaaklik is vir voedselse­ kerheid. Die persone wat in die verlede van die pampoene geplant het, sal weet hoe moeilik dit is om pampoene te plant en veral die kleintjies te versorg totdat hulle in een van die ou grotes ontwikkel. Voornemende pampoenkwekers kan Wilma Prinsloo by TLU SA Noord se streekkantoor by 015 293 9804 skakel om pitte te bekom. Dit kos R50 per inskrywing vir vier pitte. Die opbrengs word vir liefdadigheid geskenk.

Photo: Provided

Louise Jansen and Matlakala Bopape, hosts of the spoil-day for breast cancer survivors.

Another spoil-day for breast cancer survivors BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Following the great success of the spoilday for breast cancer survivors hosted last month, Louise Jansen has now joined forces with Matlakala Bopape to yet again spoil survivors on 22 November. Bopape, who assisted Jansen by doing guests’ nails during the previous event is now an enthusiastic supporter and co-worker on the initiative. This time 20 survivors will be spoilt at House of Asante. After a welcome drink, Curves Polokwane will supervise uplifting exercises and hand out gift packets. After lunch the survivors will enjoy a variety of treatments including Indian head massages, back and neck massages, classic foot rejuvenation pedicures and delight hand massages.

Fusion Boutique personnel share joy of Lilizela Award


Pictured with the Lilizela Award are Fusion Boutique Hotel owners, Arnold and Maria du Plessis.


The MEC of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, Seaparo Sekoati hands over the prestigious Lilizela Award for Best 5-Star Hotel in South Africa to Fusion Boutique co-owner Arnold du Plessis while the Executive Mayor of Polokwane, Thembi Nkadimeng and Fusion co-owner, Maria du Plessis share the joy in the background.

>> Four-time winner of World Luxury Hotel Award >> Over 140 employees thanked for sterling service WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


olokwane’s only 5-Star hotel, Fusion Boutique Hotel scooped another top award recently when they won the coveted Lilizela Tourism Award for the Best 5-Star Hotel in South Africa to become the first tourism establishment in Limpopo to receive the honour. Since opening in September 2009 Fusion Boutique Hotel has been associated with the best service, tastefully decorated suites, outstanding ambiance, a superb dining experience and a great venue to hold a conference, wedding or year-end function. The hotel has won a number of top local and international awards in recognition of the venue’s dedication and passion for providing only the best in service and hospitality to their guests. Among these is the World Luxury Hotel Award in the Luxury Suite category from 2010 to 2013 and they have been nominated for the award again this year, the AA Award for Best Boutique Hotel in South Africa three times, the Provincial Lilizela Award in 2013 as well as the Boutique Hotel Award for most Inspired Design and now the cherry on top, the prestigious National Lilizela Award. An elated Fusion Boutique owner, Maria du Plessis said the Lilizela Award is the cherry on top of all the achievements won by the hotel in the five years they have been in business. She went on to

thank the 140 personnel that have contributed towards Fusion Boutique Hotel winning the award at a function for the Fusion employees held at the hotel last Wednesday. “You have all shown tremendous character and dedication towards providing a superior service to our guests to help us win the award against strong competition from all the top 5-Star hotels in the country,” Du Plessis said during her address to the Fusion personnel and invited guests. Among these were the MEC of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, Seaparo Sekoati and the Executive Mayor of Polokwane Municipality, Thembi Nkadimeng. The mayor congratulated Fusion for winning the coveted award and helping to put Polokwane on the international map as a destination of note. Nkadimeng added that Fusion must continue with their excellent work in creating employment in the hospitality sector and for helping to make a contribution towards economic development in the city. The Lilizela Awards recognise and reward tourism players and businesses who work passionately and with pride to deliver a world class product and service and whose delivery grows South Africa’s global destination competitiveness.

November 13, 2014


OBSERVER 35 polokwane



Motors profile>>

November 13, 2014 >> Page 36

Johannes Ramoraswi

Dealership: BB Polokwane Mazda What distinguishes the brand you sell from its competitors? >> Latest technology and a unique design What is the biggest challenge presented by the industry? >> Pressure from manufacturers to move more units How do you ensure your success in the motor industry? >> Commitment, giving good customer service and building relations with customers

New Mazda 3 is all about making it possible RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


azda has a long history of making the impossible possible and with the newly designed Mazda 3 equipped with unique

Photo: RC Myburgh

The design of the new Mazda 3 captures the moment energy becomes motion.

technology features, this vehicle is sure to turn the city’s streets upside down. Mazda is driven forward by the desire to defy convention and they believe that if a customer can imagine it, they can make it happen. This desire is the fuel behind everything Mazda creates and achieves which led to Skyactive Technology, Kodo-design and countless other successes that were once considered impossible feats. Kodo – Soul of motion design moves one from

the first look. The new Mazda 3 is designed with striking lines emphasising its sporty yet elegant character. Innovative technology, exciting performance and stunning presence are what make it different from its rivals. The dynamic style of the Mazda 3 is the result of Kodo which captures the moment energy becomes motion. The athleticism is expressed with elegance, allowing the Mazda 3 to make a premium impression. On the interior, Mazda exceeded all expectations with the new design and layout. The elegant cabin is precisely crafted with perfectly located controls and information to keep the driver focussed on the road. The Active Driving Display, available in selected models, helps to enhance concentration by projecting key data into the driver’s line of sight. Through the use of intuitive technology, the new Mazda 3 connects the driver more closely to the driving enjoyment. A large central screen displays system information at eye level to access audio system and Bluetooth connectivity from the Active model and above. The Skyactiv Technology puts bigger smiles on the drivers’ faces. It dials up sports performance, yet also achieves exceptional fuel economy. This is possible because for the first time Mazda has integrated the full suit

The interior is luxurious with new designed layout of the controls.

Skyactive Technology, a breakthrough innovation that completely re-engineers every aspect of the vehicle to heighten performance and unleash greater efficiency. Skyactiv Technology was integrated in the chassis, the 2,0 litre engine, the body and both manual and automatic transmissions. The 1,6 litre range engines offer 77 kW at 6 600 rpm with a maximum torque of 144 Nm at 4 000 rpm. The 2,0 litre engines are much more powerful with 121 kW of power and 210 Nm of torque at the same revolutions respectively. These engines are supported by either a five speed manual or four speed auto (1,6 litre range) or a six speed manual or auto in the 2,0 litre range. The 1,6 litre range offers between a combined fuel consumption of 6,0 and 6,7 litre per 100 km while the 2,0 litre range offers 5,8 and 6,1 litre per 100 km while all models are equipped with a 51 litre fuel tank. Visit BB Polokwane Mazda on the corner of Hans van Rensburg and Excelsior streets to view or test drive the funky new Mazda 3 or contact them on 015 287 1700.

November 13, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014

Polokwane Observer



November 13, 2014

44 OBSERVER polokwane

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Dental Studio entertains Annamarie de Villiers vertel stories by MoN VILJOEN children at MoN Christmas BARRY Die bang superheld (‘n Storie wat >>barryv.observer@gmail.com kinders van twee tot vyf jaar help om skeiProgramme Mall of the North bied vanaf 8 tot 13 Dedingsangs te hanteer), Hasie Wikkel-stert

The Dental Studio, dental practice of Nic and Sybrand van Reede van Oudtshoorn is proud to be associated with The Mall of The North’s holiday activity program that runs from 8 to 13 December. The Dental Studio will be hosting a colouring competition as well as an informative and entertaining puppet show to educate children on the importance of good oral hygiene habits in a fun and exciting way. Oral Hygienist, Natasha van Reede van Oudtshoorn’s main aim is to make children feel comfortable in the dental environment. She maintains that if a positive relationship can be established early on in childhood children will have no reason to fear the dental practice and professionals. Van Reede van Oudtshoorn suggests that children’s first visit to the dentist should

sember ‘n Kersprogram met uitstallings, speletjies, interaktiewe programme en boekvoorlesings aan. Kliniese sielkundige, Annamarie de Villiers gaan kleuters en laerskoolleerders met boekvoorlesings uit haar eie pen boei. Sy spreek sielkundige kwessies en probleemgedrag met behulp van stories aan. Ouers is ewe welkom. Twee storie-ure word daagliks om 10:00 en 15:00 gehou en bestaan uit voorlesings van haar kort Afrikaanse stories vir kinders van drie tot nege jaar. Daarna het ouers die geleentheid om storieprodukte soos audio CD’s te besigtig, aan te koop of te bestel terwyl die kinders na ‘n storie op CD kan luister wat deur bekende Suid-Afrikaanse akteurs voorgelees word. Van dié stories is Braampie in die kriekgat, Braampie en die stokkiesdraai sirkusolifant en Braampie en die brooddeeg.

be when the first tooth appears in order to familiarise them with the dental environment and for parents to get the necessary information with regards to dietary adjustments and oral health care, to promote healthy teeth. The Dental Studio provides natural, allceramic dental restorations, teeth whitening and oral hygiene procedures and appointments may be made by calling 015 296 4242.

(‘n Storie vir kinders van twee tot vyf jaar wat boeliegedrag aanspreek) en Die wat-as wurm, wat angstigheid by kinders van drie tot nege jaar hanteer, kom ook aan die beurt. De Villiers kan by 073 766 8843 geskakel word.

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Financial Service Provider (FSP 25934)

First workshop for Miss OBSERVER 45 Lim and Miss Teen contestants November 13, 2014



>> ‘This is a youth development project’ >> ’I am glad to be one of the finalists’ Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


he 20 finalists in the 2015 Miss Limpopo and Miss Limpopo Teen contest attended their first workshop at Sun Meropa on Saturday ahead of the finale scheduled to take place on 6 December at the same venue. The contestants were tested on general knowledge, taught about poise, how to communicate, the importance of community work and how to present themselves. “Those are some of the things we look for in a winner. It was important to sharpen the girls and get them ready for the big event. Remember this pageant is not about the looks. This is a youth development project. We are polokwane


building future leaders through this pageant. We are looking for someone who will be the ambassador for young people in the province,” pageant organiser, Rene Kidd said afterwards. Miss Limpopo Teen finalist, Andile Neluvhalani said: “I am glad to be one of the finalists for the pageant and it think this is a great opportunity for me to be a woman of poise and grace that every young person can look up to.” Miss Limpopo finalist Zelmari Bacher said she was also excited to be one of the finalists. “It has always been my childhood dream to be part of pageant and I am glad to form part of the group,” she said. Kidd thanked Eltasha Guesthouse in Dalmada for accommodating the contestants after the workshop.

The finalists for the title of Miss Limpopo Teen 2015 are Tshego Monyepao, Itumeleng Obakeng, Talane Mahlatjie, Mikateko Nkuna, Joné Bacher, Andile Neluvhalani, Cleo-anne Manamela, Thalane Ramonela, Ramulau Letebele and Tsephiso Choshane. Photos: Herbert Rachuene

Read Reality | Realiteitsnuus

Pageant organiser Rene Kidd, centre, with Miss Limpopo 2014 finalists Zelmari Bacher, Mosiah Tau, Amanda Chauke, Lebogang Rotabana, Vutivi Mabunda, Zodwa Mdingi, Kedibone Mohlapamafsi, Khomotso Ramoneta, Muofhe Mudau and Millet Kae.


Polokwane Observer

6 MAY 2004

8 MAY 2014


6 - 7 May 2004

Inside Bladsy 2

Voor ons lê uitdaging om brûe te bou, sê Premier Moloto


Page 3

Amount of R15,5 billion expected to be invested

Page 5

Sexual scandal: Former MEC’s appeal succeeds

R2-00 VAT incl

Dagga found on premises of school

Tel: 015 291 1061

Marieta Herselman

Read Reality | Realiteitsnuus

Mei 8 - 14, 2014

Betalers moet opdok

2 Bedroom flat. PLEASE CONTACT EDELWEISS 084 499 2202

Phone: 015 291 3415/291 3420 Fax: 086 666 4300

tuted to assist learners to deal with the risk of using drugs. The major aim of the police is to make schools a safer place for all its learners, Ramoshaba added. Celliers echoed Ramoshaba’s view and stressed that use of drugs and other illegal substances would not be tolerated at Kuschke. He gave the assurance that similar action would be taken should it become necessary. These operations are conducted in a very humane, sensitive manner. Police men and women from the Crime Prevention Unit headed by Supt Morné De Wet entered the premises after dinner and started their search in all the hostels and other buildings on the premises. Learners were not body searched, said Ramoshaba. The team was backed by members of school’s governing body, the headmaster and a few teachers and members of the Education Department.


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Kuschke leads the way In what was described as a highly successful operation, police from the Crime Prevention Unit in Polokwane found some dagga and other minor substances when a raid was done on the premises of the Agricultural High School Kuschke on the outskirts of the city on Monday evening. Headmaster, Mr Manus Celliers applauded the police for the manner in which the entire operation was conducted, emphasising that headmasters can no longer turn a blind eye to drug abuse at schools. “However small or big the problem may be, it needs to be addressed before it becomes a major pro-blem,” said Celliers. Polokwane police spokesperson Sgt Michael Ramoshaba, confirmed that no arrest were made. A few learners were placed in the care of their parents and a counselling programme will now be insti-

VA T in

Best Community newspaper in SA - 2005/2009/2010/2011/2012

Basiese dienstariewe styg met tot 7% >> BLADSY 2

Elections >> “Now I’ve done it and contributed to the future of SA” – Premier Stan Mathabatha >> Only voting stations that couldn’t open in time were 10 at Lorraine riddled by unrest



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Drink Twizza AVAILABLE IN 11 GREAT FLAVOURS 3 Rissik Street, Cnr. Onder & Rissik St., Polokwane TEL: (015) 297-2963 • FAX: (015) 297-8863

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Polokwane | Seshego | Mokopane | Dendron | Haenertsburg | Mankweng | Aganang | Lebowakgomo | Sekhukhune

Valuation Roll concern All CBD properties now taxed as business >> PAGE 4


Workers’ Day Cheers, no jeers for Zuma


10 Bladsy 7

Landbouer se jong seun sterf tragies in vliegongeluk

Page 12

Moya Interiors: Loads of talent and bursting energy

Page 14

‘Mother of all parties’ for ANC after election victory

Ten stations riddled by unrest, smooth-going for rest YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com

Observer moves to offices PoLokwANE Observer’s new offices will be completed on 20 May at the premises of BSB Printers in Industria, Polokwane. Staff members will be available at the offices of BSB printers for advertisements and editorial material. Enquiries regarding advertisements can be directed to Marketing Manager Cheray Jackson van Blerk at 084 556 4956. The fax number which can be

used until further notice is (015) 297-4706. notices of social, sports or any other events of interest, media releases and hard news reports can also be faxed. Should people prefer to speak to the editorial staff, they can either contact Hennie Smit at 073 469 2467, Marieta Herselman at 083 276 1191 or Willie Esterhuysen at 082 785 2627.


mid reports of turmoil in isolated hotspots, months of great anticipation came to an end when millions of South Africans went to the polls yesterday (Wednesday) to cast their votes in the fifth general elections since the dawn of democracy. For many 18-year-

Direkteure van Polokwane Observer ontvang die eerste kopie van die nuwe gemeenskapsdienskoerant vir Polokwane. In die gewone volgorde is Sefefe Sebone (swart ekonomiese bemagtiging), Mario Snyman (drukkery) en willie Esterhuysen (besturende redakteur). Die koerant is elke Donderdag vanaf 08:00 op straat en beskikbaar by agentskappe.

R120m for schools It was estimated that the renovations and rebuilding of approximately one thousand damaged and dilapidated classrooms would alleviate the backlog in accommodation for learners demanded for proper and effective educational purposes.


he provincial Department of Educa tion embarked on a project to renovate more than one hundred and fifty schools in the surroundings of Polokwane

and other parts of the province at a cost of approximately R120 million. This included the renovation and building of one thousand classrooms and offices

which floods damaged or destroyed. A government source said the dilapidation of many classrooms was a source of concern, prompting the Department to put the project on the fast-track programme to eliminate the serious shortages of classrooms in Limpopo. Badly damaged structures would be completely rebuilt. Emerging contractors already started with the rebuilding and renovation of classrooms and office blocks, while brick structures were replacing all as-

bestos classrooms. It was estimated that the renovations and rebuilding of approximately one thousand damaged and dilapidated classrooms would alleviate the backlog in accommodation for learners demanded for proper and effective educational purposes. The source said the project provided temporary work for at least 1 500 people, benefiting surrounding communities burdened with unemployment and poverty. The total project would be completed by mid-June. (Photos page 2)

olds from the born-free generation it was their first time ever. For others a mark that symbolised hope in their hearts that their cross would contribute to a better future. At the time of going to press Limpopo’s results were expected to start trickling in from around midnight, according to Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) Provincial Spokesperson Chris Ramafalo. The only voting stations that could not open in time were 10 at Lorraine in the Maruleng area riddled by unrest, he said. By around 11:00 yesterday eight stations had not been able to open but

he predicted that it would all be in operation by lunchtime. Otherwise it was smooth-going in Limpopo, he assured. In Polokwane misty conditions announced the arrival of a new day when thousands of voters braved the early morning chill to join queues at voting stations. Among the voting masses were Premier Stan Mathabatha and members of his executive council as well as Ministers registered to cast their vote in the city, with several designated to vote at Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) in Bendor. To page 2

>> PAGE 9

Moedersdag Vroue deel die vreugde van moederskap

>> BLADSY 10 - 16

Wêreldrekord Reuse wors van 1 557 m lank by Windpompfees >> BLADSY 21


Yesterday’s general elections saw Limpopo’s voting population turn out en masse. Among them were Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver, Premier Stan Mathabatha, Democratic Alliance Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle, Capricorn District Executive Mayor Lawrence Mapoulo and Economic Freedom Fighters Commander-inChief Julius Malema.

Achievers Kolskote vir Koos en Jacques tot in London >> BLADSY 36

Limpopo Elections splash PAGES 17 - 20


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November 13, 2014

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Laerskool Ivypark>>

Laerskool Ivypark awards best performing learners academic and sport activities during the school’s merit awards ceremony last Thursday. As the proud parents and relatives looked on the newly elected leaders for 2015 were also an-

Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Laerskool Ivypark awarded its best performing learners for excellence in

nounced on the day. Event organiser Nadia Grobler said the main aim of the event was to recognise the efforts of learners who are always willing to give their all in school activities.

November 13, 2014

Pietersburg Laerskool>>


Nuwe graad R- OBSERVER leerders maak kennis met leerkragte RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Photos: Herbert Rachuene

Laerskool Ivypark’s leaders for 2015 are, in front, Abram Sekgobela, Mamogo Lekganyane, Nomsa Motuku, Ndzalo Mahuza, Godwin Pitjeng, Khumbu Khulu and Khatjo Selamolela. In the middle are Tshepo Letsoalo, Neo Letsoalo, Neo Maluleke, Boithato Makwela, Atlegang Makwala, Mahlodi Leseka, Madisa Moyepao. At the back are Toko Hlungwane, Godfrey Pitjeng, Dewan Crowder, Mosa Makgaleng, Muhle Chauke, Ayisha Lejabu and Amaarah Mohammad.

The Best Academic Achievers in the Junior Phase are Tshego Mogajane, Dimakatjo Manthata and Malapa Kola, in front, and Boikganthso Malebana, Koki Maputla, Tiki Lekganyane and Vunwe Chauke at the back.

“U kind het die reg om gelukkig en suksesvol te wees, maar kan net gelukkig wees as hy suksesvol in die klas is.” Die kernboodskap het Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS)-hoof, Peet Bredenkamp aan 2015 se graad R-leerders en ouers oorgedra wat Vrydag die skool besoek het en die onderwysers en terrein beter leer ken het. Bredenkamp het terselfdertyd ‘n beroep op ouers gedoen om hul kinders in die vrese van die Here groot te maak, hulle nie van samekomste van gelowiges weg te hou nie en hul nie met televisie- en videospeletjies of selfone te bederf nie. “Kinders word deur bobbejaanspel gestimuleer. Hulle moet klim en klouter en buite speel want dit leer hulle kreatiwiteit. Ouers benadeel hul kinders deur hulle toe te laat om ure voor die televisie te spandeer want tegnologie ontneem kinders van sosiale vaardighede,” sê Bredenkamp.



Hy het beklemtoon dat ‘n graad R-jaar die laaste geleentheid is om ‘n kind vir formele leer gereed te kry en dat lees die belangrikste faktor in leer en onderrig is.

Foto: RC Myburgh

Shaunalee Vorster en ma, Yolanda by Suidskool se funksie waar volgende jaar se graad R-leerders met die leerkragte kennis gemaak het.

Pietersburg Laerskool>>

Tweede Suid Jolyt ‘n fees vir almal RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Senior Academic Award winner Phumelele Petje, middle, is the proud titleholder of Ivyparker of the Year. Behind her are fellow senior academic achievers Kopano Ramokgonyane (Grade 5) Thebe Hlungwane (Grade 4), Lesedi Zungu ( Grade 4), Tebogo Mapheto (Grade 7) and Amaarah Mohammad (Grade 6).

The winners of the awards in the different sporting codes are, in front, Tebogo Mapheto, Warren Rammutla, (Athlete of the Year, Senior Victor Ludorum), Boikanyo Mahlakoane (Junior Victor Ludorum) and Owethu Mahlangeni (Junior Victrix Ludorum). Standing are Khomotso Raphiri (Netball Player of the Year, Pheto Mahlakoana (Rugby Player of the Year), Kgaugelo Thaba (Soccer Player of the Year, Hockey Player of the Year and Sportsboy of the Year), Phutego Mahlatji (Senior Victrix Ludorum) and Hilda Tjege (Netball Player of the Year and Sportsgirl of the Year).

Jabez Christian Academy>>

Jabez learners receive trophies BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Jabez Christian Academy gave recognition to the outstanding academic and sport performances and good behaviour of their learners during their recent annual awards ceremony. In the High School group the performance of Billy Molotane (Business Studies), Shupi Manaswa (Technology), Shoki Molala (Accounting), Allesia Malan (Economic and Management Sciences and Dance), Simon Lowan (Diligence), Grace Thupana (Life Sciences), Janco Erasmus (Afrikaans, Best Leadership and Discipline and Geography), Junior Mwasi (Computer Literacy), Samuel Hyera (Advanced Mathematics), Tebogo Thema (Bible Studies) and Motlatsi Mailula (Christian Characteristics, shared) were awarded. In the Primary School group Ofentse Mphatja and Bile Moanakoena shared the trophy for chess; Perez Maponya and Melchizedek Maponya shared the Victrix Ludorum trophy while Yoanda Muditambi and Tibane Raphadu shared the Victor Ludorum trophy. Trophies also went to Lebogang Lebotsa (Mathematics), Adelaide Nyarirangwe (English), Mfanelo Rikhotso (Character Building), Okwukwe Mbajiorgu (Natural Sciences), Ricardo Erasmus (Afrikaans and Technology), Wisani Maluleke (Bible Studies), Thuto Sharp (Diligence) and Koena Moloto (Servanthood).

Honderde mense het Saterdag Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se sportterrein besoek waar die tweede Suid Jolyt-fees, wat vir lekker vermaak en hope te koop gesorg het, aangebied is. Die geld wat tydens die fees ingesamel is, word gebruik om Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) se geldkoffers aan te vul en in belang van die skool se leerders terug te ploeg. Suid Jolyt se organiseerders het gesorg dat dit vir oud en jonk die moeite werd was om die fees te ondersteun. Winskopies was volop by die stalletjies en die jongklomp kon in die pretpark baljaar of hul vernuf agter ‘n windbuks toets. Watertandlekker eet-en drinkgoed het groot aftrek gekry. Besoekers kon na gaskunstenaars, Hans Drommedaaris en Etha luister. Hans is bekend vir lekker Afrikaanse musiek terwyl Etha ‘n verskeidenheid Afrikaanse

en Engelse treffers sing wat selfs Rock n Roll insluit. Die fees is Saterdagaand deur die jolige Afrikaanse sanger en televisiepersoonlikheid, Thys die Bosveldklong afgesluit. Organsieerder, Karen Kruger het haar dank teenoor elkeen wat die fees moontlik gemaak en ondersteun het, uitgespreek.

Foto’s: RC Myburgh

Marchalize Beukes smul aan ‘n aartappel op ‘n stokkie.

The High School trophy winners are Billy Molotane, Shupi Manaswa, Shoki Molala and Allesia Malan in front, with Simon Lowan, Grace Thupana, Janco Erasmus, Junior Mwasi, Samuel Hyera, Tebogo Thema and Motlatsi Mailula at the back. Photos: Barry Viljoen

Polokwane Childline skep bewusmaking tydens Suid Jolyt-fees. Verteenwoordigers is Lesley Makgakga, Mancha Pogotona, Rebone Makhura, Maisaka Keetse en Linkie Katjedi.

Primary School trophy winners are Ofentse Mphatja, Bile Moanakoena, Perez Maponya, Melchizedek Maponya, Yoanda Muditambi and Tibane Raphadu in the front. At the back are Lebogang Lebotsa, Adelaide Nyarirangwe, Mfanelo Rikhotso, Okwukwe Mbajiorgu, Ricardo Erasmus, Wisani Maluleke, Thuto Sharp and Koena Moloto.

Bo: Adriaan Horn lê met ‘n windbuks aan na ‘n teiken. Links: Suidskoolhoofmeisie, Chantel Wreyford het ‘n jolige tyd op die springrek.



Property profile>>

November 13, 2014 >> Page 48

Erika Retief

Agentskap: Exclusive Properties Watter advies het jy vir voornemende eerste kopers? >> Maak seker dat jy ‘n bekwame agent kies om jou te adviseer Wat maak jou werk interessant? >> Uitdagings om verkope te realiseer en te finaliseer. Ek geniet die uiteenlopende persoonlikhede waarmee ek daagliks te doen het. Wat stel jy voor, huur of koop? >> Beslis koop indien dit moontlik is want dit is die beste belegging

Mandates - ask who and how first >> It can be costly with a sole mandate and the seller decides to sell the house through another agent >> Agents should provide and stick to a clear, solid marketing plan


ellers need to understand that when they sign a mandate with an agent to sell their property, they are agreeing to all the terms and conditions contained in this legally-binding document. When a seller agrees to allow an agent to market and sell his property, he should clarify beforehand what he is signing. Firstly, there are different types of mandates and the selling process could prove to be a costly exercise if the seller signs a sole mandate and then proceeds to sell the property through another agent or agency. Sellers in this instance stand the chance of having to pay commission to both the agent who sold

the home and the agent who secured the sole rights to sell the property in the first place. Ask before signing The Institute of Estate Agents often receives queries from sellers regarding the mandate they have signed with their estate agent. However, Annette Evans, Regional General Manager of the institute noted that questions should preferably be asked before the mandate is signed and not after. “Mandates, whether sole, dual or multiple agent mandates, are legal contracts between the sellers of the property and the agent involved. Once the document is signed, it is

CONTACT TERESA 082 773 9274 015 297 0186 We are looking for properties to let and



for sale (residential & commercial). Kindly contact us during office hours from 08:00 till 16:00, Monday to Friday

HOUSES TOWNHOUSE IN ESTATE - R1M Brand new : 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. EDUAN PARK - R2 100 000.00 bIG HOUSE FOR A bIG FAMILy 3 x Bedrooms, 2 x Bathrooms, Kitchen, Separate Scullery, Lounge, Dining Room, Swimming pool, TV room, Study, Extra room with en suite bathroom (Granny flat) FLORA PARK R1 020 000.00 3 x Bedrooms, 1 x Bathroom, Lounge, Dining room, Kitchen, Separate Scullery, Swimming pool, borehole, big stand. FARM KUSCHKE AREA - R1 630 000.00 Approx. 30 hectares, boreholes, 4 bedrooms. RESIDENTIAL STANDS DALMADA PLOT - R1.1M Approx. 2 hectares RETAIL SHOPS AND FLATS R8.5M VACANT STANDS COMMERCIAL CORPORATE PARK INDUSTRIAL STANDS ERVEN ON N1 (Makhado Road) (sizes from approx. 1 200m² 4 500m²) Starting from R675.00m² (excl Vat) 5 X ERVEN LOCATED INSIDE GATEWAy CORPORATE PARK Starting from R600m² (excl Vat) ALSO CONTACT US FOR HOT COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES “FOR SALE” Visit us for more properties on www.popularproperties.co.za ALSO CONTACT US FOR HOT COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES “FOR SALE”


COMMERCIAL / RETAIL SHOPPING MALL: MANKWENG ANCHOR TENANT: SHOPRITE 4 x 120m² @ R100.00m² (excl VAT) 4 x 60m² @ R5 000 (excl VAT) each 1 x 555m² @ R80.00m² (excl VAT) SESHEGO STRIP MALL - ZONE A3 1 x 250m² - R11 250.00 (excl VAT) 1 x 100m² - R4 500.00 (excl VAT) AVAILAbLE IMMEDIATELy NIRVANA - THREE-STOREy bUILDING 900m² - R40 500.00 (excl VAT) INDIAN CENTRE - 1ST FLOOR 156m² - R5 570.00 (excl VAT) AVAILAbLE IMMEDIATELy CENTRAL CbD - RETAIL PRIME SPOT LANDDROS MARE STREET - 300m² @ R150.00m² (excl VAT) - 550m² - R172 000 AVAILAbLE IMMEDIATELy WAREHOUSES AVAILAbLE IMMEDIATELy CbD 810m² @ R60.00m² (excl VAT) 670m² POR RESIDENTIAL FLORA PARK - GRIMbEEK STREET R9 500.00 pm - JAN 2015. 3 Bedroom. EDUAN PARK – SNyMAN STREET R13 000.00 pm LOOKING FOR AGENTS. Visit us for more properties on www.popularproperties.co.za

taken that the parties have read, understood and accepted all the conditions in the agreement and cannot be questioned later,” she said. She noted that changes to a mandate have to be in writing and attached to the original mandate, so that if any dispute arises, there is written proof of what agreements were reached. “According to the Consumer Protection Act (CPA), mandates may be cancelled but this is dependent on many factors determined by the Act, which need to be ascertained prior to signature.” Disputes When asked what sort of disputes could arise, Evans said that it could be the percentage of commission charged, whether another agent is allowed to market the home, or what the agents will be doing to market the home, to name a few. Commission often becomes a thorny issue, particularly if the property is sold for less than the asking price or if the property is sold very quickly. Regardless of the circumstances, the time to query the percentage of commission charged is before the mandate is signed and not when it comes time to pay the agent for the work done. Agents have obligations Agents should provide and stick to a clear, solid marketing plan. Issues such as how often the property will go on show and when and when the property will be advertised are important. A seller has every right to withdraw a mandate if the agent concerned is not keeping his side of the bargain. However, this must be done in writing. In the case of a sole mandate, sellers can’t simply change their minds and go with another agent without taking steps to cancel the original sole mandate agreement. The importance of reading the fine print cannot be over emphasised in these instances. Sellers need to understand exactly what they are signing and if they are unsure, should ask the agent for clarification. As always, choose your agent carefully, make sure that they are not only up to the task of selling your home, but are suitably qualified and have a valid Fidelity Fund certificate that allows them to legally sell property in this country.


1 x 120 m² - ground floor. Watermelon Street, Platinum Park.

015 297 2636

STANDS: • Woodhill Estate: 584 m² @ R390 000 • Celtic Meadows: 720 m² @ R380 000 • Celtic Lodge Eco Estate: 1 364 m² @ R850 000 • Lebowakgomo-P: 450 m² @ R130 000 HOUSES: • Ivy Park: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan lounge, garage and carport @ R750 000. • Ivy Park: 2 Bedrooms, lounge, bathroom and spacious yard for extension @ R 650 000 (negotiable). • Bendor: 2 Bedroom townhouse, spacious lounge, sitting room, garage and garden @ R820 000. • Thornhill Estate: 3 Bedroom townhouse, lounge, bathroom, garage and big garden @ R950 000.

Cell: 078 205 8520 | Tel: 015 291 3590

Mayor ready for challenges OBSERVER 49 after 100 days in office November 13, 2014


>> “Everything is a challenge and I am not afraid of challenges” >> Much has been achieved


he city of Polokwane has recorded many achievements during Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng’s first 100 days in office and the good news is that there are more to come. Nkadimeng addressed a media briefing at the Council Chamber on Wednesday last week and reflected on the progress that the municipality has recently made. She also alluded to projects that are in stall for the coming term. “The municipality has registered a number of projects with National Treasury and has appointed a project officer to oversee concept planning and implementation for the building of a new capacity waste water treatment plant and new electricity substations. Alternatives for renewable energy sources will also be explored. A grant of R25 million was received from the Department of Energy for the electrification of rural villages and the municipality was able to advertise and award tenders to electrify six villages during the 2014/15 financial year,” Nkadimeng stated. Good news for people in the rural areas, is that the municipality has advertised and awarded bids for 11 out of 14 regional water scheme projects funded by the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) and has already appointed a contractor to construct ventilated pit latrines (VIP’s), catering for a total of 2 351 units at a cost of R27,8 million. The introduction of smart metering that accommodates provision of prepaid water and electricity is on the cards and will help to reduce distribution losses and enhance the revenue collection capacity of the municipality. From October meter readings were taken after hours. Meters read are marked with a spray paint, faulty meters are receiving priority and regular Technical Steering Committee meetings are held where progress on meter reading is monitored. Nkadimeng concluded by saying that times had been full of challenges, but that she is not afraid of challenges and is full of hope for the future of the city.

Oosskool se leerders hou markdag BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Graad 4- tot 6-leerders van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos het Vrydag tydens entrepreneursdag die geleentheid gekry om meer oor besigheidsbeginsels te leer en maniere te beproef om sakgeld te verdien. Leerders kon tussen ‘n wye verskeidenheid eet- en drinkgoed, tuisgemaakte items sowel as speletjies kies waarop hul hul sakgeld wou bestee. ‘n Gedeelte van die opbrengs gaan aan die klasfonds van die skool.

Foto: Barry Viljoen

Ernst Schrader en Armand Britz by hul stalletjie.

Doné Neethling bied aan leerders ‘n geleentheid om ‘n prys te wen by haar “Moenie die pypie raak nie”-speletjie.


Photo: Barry Viljoen

Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng during a media briefing last Wednesday.

PROPERTY FOR SALE Property with 4 warehouses ± 300 m² each. Superbia - R6,2 million. Contact 083 786 7882


Polokwane Observer

November 13, 2014

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HOUSE OF THE WEEK house in bendor - r1 292 000

Foto: Verskaf

WEB: 335853

bedrooms 3 bathrooms 3 Garages 2


“This double-storey townhouse makes you feel @ home!Downstairs, enough space and privacy with your en suite main bedroom, spacious open-plan kitchen, lounge and dining room, with upmarket finishes. Double remote controlled garages with entrance to kitchen makes you feel secure!Upstairs two spacious bedrooms and 1½ bathrooms. Close to shopping centres, Mall of the North and schools! Do not miss out! This is a bargain.”


KGoMoTso MoKoATedi 083 264 7038 fLorA pArK

r1 650 000

fLorA pArK

r765 000

bendor siLVerKruin r2 450 000



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(o) 015 297 1140 KArien JordAAn 082 774 7957

SOLE MANDATE bedrooms 4 bathrooms 3 Garages 3 seeff Web: 334679


r800 000

bedrooms 3 bathroom 1 seeff Web: 334775

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r16 500 000

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r536 000

Cindy Nell-Roberts, Mej SA 2002, AndaLucia Jordaan, Mev Polokwane 2012/2013 en inwoner van die stad en Rolene Strauss, vanjaar se Mej SA neem aan die staptog vir kankerbewustheid in Port Elizabeth deel.

Anda-Lucia stap saam met bekendes vir bewusmaking BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Cindy Nell-Roberts, Mej SA 2002 en voormalige inwoner van Polokwane, Anda-Lucia Jordaan, Mev Polokwane 2012/2013 en Rolene Strauss, vanjaar se mooiste in die land het onlangs aan ‘n 5 km-staptog vir kankerbewusmaking in Port Elizabeth deelgeneem. Meer as 12 000 stappers was deel van die Algoa FM Boardwalk Big Walk for Cancer wat deur Radio Algoa aangebied is en wat geld vir die Igazi-stigting se hematologiesaal ingesamel het. Al die deelnemers was in pienk geklee en volgens Jordaan was dit ‘n asemrowende gesig om die massa stappers te sien wegspring. “Nell-Roberts en Strauss het baie tyd bestee om saam met deelnemers vir foto’s te poseer wat my weer laat besef het dat almal, ongeag hul openbare profiel, vir kankerbewustheid omgee en bereid is om deel te wees.

State Theatre next stop for Limpopo The Musical Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com



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bedrooms 3 bathrooms 2 Garage 1 seeff Web: 336643

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After trying for many years to secure a show at the State Theatre in Pretoria the organisers of Limpopo The Musical are proud to announce that the local musical will be giving the citizens of Gauteng a taste of what the people in Limpopo have been enjoying for years at the State Theatre from last Saturday to 16 November. Abel Kunute, the writer and director and Oscar Phasha, the producer said it was at the National Arts Fest (Nafest) in Grahamstown last year where Limpopo The Musical set the stage on fire, kept the audience mesmerised and received standing ovations night after night from the multinational audience. Now, Limpopo The Musical is heading to the State Theatre in Pretoria, where the organisers hope the musical production will be making another stride towards its ultimate destination, to perform on Broadway in New York and West End, London in the foreseeable future. The show has grown into a fully-fledged theatre musical production, with 30 performers from Limpopo’s talented young actors, some of whom have over the years moved on to perform in other shows such as Umoja, which has toured the world. It tells the story of a newspaper vendor from Gauteng who visits Limpopo filled with misconceptions and false perceptions about the province. Once in Limpopo, he meets a wise man from the province who takes him on a tour of the province, only to discover that Limpopo is actually a beautiful, lovely place with wonderful features, talented and peaceful people. In partnership with the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda), Limpopo The Musical’s week long production at the State Theatre marks a milestone in the growth of the show. Leda’s involvement with the show is in support of talented actors and producers that contribute to economic development and job creation in the province. For further information about the show visit www.limpopothemusical.com.

November 13, 2014

Polokwane Observer

ANTON 082 443 6039


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ROSEMARY 082 804 9725


Tel: 015 295 3134



Foto: Warren Blunt



Frederik Fourie, 12-jarige sanger van Polo­ kwane wat by die onlangse SATCH- talentkompetisie in Johannesburg vier goue- en twee silwer medaljes ontvang het.

Jong sanger ryg goue medaljes in Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

Gebruik water spaarsamig in hittige somermaande BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Hoewel die vlakke van sommige reservoirs wat water aan inwoners van die stad voorsien stabiel is, het die 50- en 30 megaliter reservoirs se vlakke skerp gedaal. Die munisipaliteit het weer eens ‘n beroep op verbruikers gedoen om water spaarsaam te gebruik. Verhoogde temperature die tyd van die jaar het hoër waterverbruik tot gevolg en dit plaas groter druk op die stad se waterreserwes. Volgens die munisipaliteit se jongste verslag, was die vlakke van die 50 megaliter en die nuwe 30 megaliter re­ servoirs Dinsdag 12% (19%) en 5% (4%) respektiewelik. Die reservoir in Potgieterlaan se vlak was 42% (92%) en dié van die hoofreservoir in Seshego 5% (65%). Die reservoir in uitbreiding 34 se vlak is 95% (95%). Verlede week se syfers word tussen ha­ kies aangegee.


EvErything wE touch turns to soLD!

KORAAL • R725 000

STER PARK • R966 000

BENDOR • R2 400 000

SESHEGO • R550 000

RETIREMENT HOME. Ref: 91344185789 Lovely unit in retirement village. Peaceful surroundings, safe and secure. Reasonable levies. Brand new unit. No transfer duty payable. Call now to view.

TOWNHOUSE WITH LOTS OF SPACE. Ref: 91344184787 Main bedroom and living areas on ground floor. Stairs lead to study and 2 bedrooms. Court yard. Property situated opposite Savannah Mall and walking distance from new hospital. Do not delay. Call today.

THE WAY YOU LIKE ME. REF: 91344185487 Large double-storey thatched beautiful and relaxing family home. Open-plan living area. Sparkling pool. Well positioned, private and secure. Just around the corner from Mall of the North. Ideal for entertainment. 1 LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632 5 3½ 2 Carports 2

PERFECT LOCK-UP-AND-GO Ref: 91344181114 Clean house. Spacious family home on 372 m² stand. A dream kitchen with cherry wood cupboards and gorgeous main bedroom. Peaceful surroundings and good neighbours. Be the proud owner.

2 1

1 Carports 0


INA • 079 597 8636


3 2




INA • 079 597 8636


3 2




JAMES • 072 236 7310

SESHEGO • R489 000

MANKWENG • R395 000

BODORP • R1 112 000

LEEUKUIL • R1 290 000

A NEAT HOUSE. Ref: 91344182262 The property requires less maintenance with palisades and lockable gate and burglar bars. The property is situated close to Nelson Mandela Drive, next to the Seshego Plaza and taxi/bus rank. Close to primary school. Call now to view! 0 1 Carports 0 3 2 JACOB • 082 466 8366

A BEAUTIFUL AND FANTASTIC FAMILY HOME Ref: 91344185801 Spacious rooms with two bathrooms, burglar bars and a lockable gate. The property is close to all amenities such as magistrate offices, schools, municipality offices and taxi ranks. The shopping complex is also close to the home. Don’t delay. Call now.

THIS PRICE CANNOT BE REPEATED! Ref: 991344182270 Townhouse in popular Hans van Rensburg Street close to CBD. Already rezoned for office use. Properties of this nature seldom come in the market. Don’t delay. Call now to view.

LET YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE. Ref: 91334180966 This plot has lots of water and potential for a small farmer. Beautiful bushveld trees. It will steal your heart. To see it is to want it. Call now!

0 Carports 0

3 2


JACOB • 082 466 8366


3 1



RINA • 082 929 9171


2 2




RINA • 082 929 9171


BENDOR • R650 000

BENDOR • R1 100 000

SESHEGO • R760 000


STAND IN SECURITY VILLAGE. Ref: 91344185791 Lovely stand in top security village close to shopping centre, schools and garage. Vacant stands in this development are hard to come by. Please call today.

DEVELOPMENT STAND PRICED BELOW MARKET. Ref: 100070075 Vacant development stand of 2720 m² situated in upmarket security estate. Beat the moratorium and use this opportunity to build 8 townhouses (Zoned Res 2) – stand already serviced and ready to be developed.

IMMACULATE MODERN HOUSE IN MADIBA PARK. Ref: 91344185773 A marvellous house with spacious bedrooms. Just walking distance to shops and garage. Not far away from Seshego Mall. Close to school. The yard is surrounded by walls with an electric gate. Make this yours.

STOP PAYING RENT. Ref: 91344174131 Neat and modern townhouse with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen and lounge – nice garden outside. Call today to view.

SIAS • 082 372 7265



SIAS 0823727265


4 2




SIMON • 082 476 8916

2 1





SIMON • 082 476 8916

IVY PARK • R6 500 000

BENDOR • R940 000

DALMADA • R3 500 000


INVESTORS DREAM. Ref: 91344185010 1.5 ha piece of land zoned ‘business 3’, fully serviced with existing conference facility. Only a few minutes from the CBD. The property lies along a main entrance to Polokwane CBD offering excellent exposure. The property can be used for a variety of businesses, including a place of instruction. Call for viewing. It’s priced to go VICTOR • 073 066 6805

UPMARKET TOWNHOUSE IN SECURITY ESTATE. Ref: 91344185407 Upmarket townhouse with lock -up garage in security estate close to schools and Mall of the North. Beautiful kitchen with granite tops and large yard. Security complex has a squash court, tennis court and lovely pool with braai area. A must to see. Call Essie today.

EXQUISITE PROPERTY WITH OUTSTANDING FINISHES. Ref: 91344184124 This property lends itself to lots of possibilities. Can be used as guesthouse and office space. Quiet and convenient location; recently revamped with beautiful, upmarket kitchen (country style) and bathroom. TV room with under floor heating. Beautiful swimming pool and lapa with sleeper bar kitchen. One bedroom flat. A must view. Call today.

AFFORDABLE HOUSE. Ref: 91344183190 Big stand 600 m² spacious yard. Small kitchen with modern design and matching floor tiles. Close to unit F shopping complex. Easy access to Dr D Mphahlele Primary. Affordable. Call now.


Die 12-jarige Frederik Fourie van die Hard Rock Musiekskool in Polokwane, het sy eie verwagtinge oortref toe hy onlangs vier goue en twee silwer medaljes by die Suid-Afrikaanse Talentkampioenskap (SATCH) in Johannesburg gewen het. Die graad 7-leerder van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos, wat ook ‘n lid van die skoolkoor is, het as vierjarige kleuter begin sing en geniet kitaarspeel. Frederik het vroeër vanjaar tydens die provinsiale rondtes gekwalifiseer om aan die nasionale SATCH-kampioenskap deel te neem waar die organiseerders op soek is na SuidAfrikaanse talentvolle jong akteurs, dansers, musikante en sangers met gesonde morele standaarde en geloof in God wat opgang wil maak in die vermaaklikheidsbedryf. “Al was ek ‘n bietjie senuweeagtig tydens my eerste groot kompetisie as een van 1 450 deelnemers oor vyf dae het ek goud in country, Afrikaans, gospel en my eie komposisie ontvang wat ek verlede jaar uit dankbaarheid vir my sangtalent geskryf het,” sê Frederik. Hy het silwer medaljes in die rock- en opekategorie ontvang, maar erken dat gospel sy gunstelingmusiekstyl is en hoop om volgende jaar sy eie gospelalbum bekend te stel waarmee hy die Here wil dien. Sy ouers, Drikus en Marina en vyfjarige sussie, Maricke is sy grootste ondersteuners. Frederik beoog om musiek en drama aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch te studeer na voltooiing van sy hoërskoolloopbaan en uiteindelik ‘n professionele kitaarspeler- en sanger te word. Sy rolmodelle in die musiekbedryf is SuidAfrikanse sanger, Bobby van Jaarsveld en oorlede Freddy Mercury van Queen. Intussen droom die jong sanger om raakgesien te word wanneer hy by kerkgroepe en geleenthede plaaslik optree of wanneer hy hopelik volgende jaar weer by die SATCHkampioenskap gaan deelneem met ‘n jaar se ondervinding agter die rug.

3 1



Size/m² Price



ESSIE • 071 391 4750


Celtic Meadows - 91344184588 800

R456 000 Louwrens - 082 958 6632

Thornhill - 91344185298


R699 000

Jacob - 082 466 8366

Woodhill - 91344185759


R435 000

Essie - 071 391 4750

Ster Park - 91344185334

1 481

R915 000

Ina - 079 597 8636

Veldspaat - 91344177584

4 910

R1 590 000 Victor - 073 066 6805


4 2



ESSIE • 071 391 4750



r5, 500 r5,000 r5,500 r5,500 r5 000

2 2 2 2 3

2 1 1 1 1


1 1 1 1

We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants!

ELMARIE - 082 977 7020

Diamond Arrow Award 1st Overall





JAMES • 072 236 7310



3 1






Ivy ParK









rETHaBIlE garDENS r4 ,500



Flora ParK

r 7,700




r 6,600





r 9,000




HENNIE HANTI JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE INA KOWIE RINA ESSIE JACOB SIMON 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916 082 854 0452 082 929 9171 071 391 4750



Polokwane Observer

November 13, 2014


Rina Ramolefe, Brian and Wisani Munyai in the front property agents Marianna Malan and Cornel Venter.

Our name means a great deal! Pro-Arch Building, Unit 2, Bendor Drive 29, Bendor, Telefax: 015 297 1132 Fax to e-mail: 086 611 0645 ringoapp@mweb.co.za - www.exclusiveprops.co.za


Marianna 083 083 268 268 5097 5097


Marianna 083 083 268 268 5097 5097


082 082 953 953 1686 1686

Michelle 082 303 9111

ULTIMATE STYLE, QUALITY, SPACE, LOCATION AND MUCH MORE! It has been well designed for indoor and outdoor living. The en suite main bedroom is totally private with an outside shower and private garden. The en suite guest suite has its own access to the garden. Two remaining bedrooms on the second floor are both en suite and with a private lounge. The well designed kitchen has a laundry, scullery, pantry and walk-in fridge.

R6 557 000 LARGE FAMILY HOME! Well located house in Flora Park. Family home, offering 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, beautiful maintained garden, borehole, irrigation and Wendy house. A warm friendly feeling when you enter this house. 4 Garages

Erika 082 953 1686

R1 750 000

Nicolien 071 672 4612


082 082 804 804 4156 4156

Marianna 083 083 268 268 5097 5097

Marianna 083 083 268 268 5097 5097

Cornel 082 396 7178

ENTERTAINER’S DREAM! This lovely 5 bedroom family home has lots to offer. 3 Living areas with double volume ceilings. Open-plan, well designed kitchen with pantry and laundry. 2 Studies, double garage and 2 carports, 2 entertainment areas plus sparkling pool. Landscaped 2 030 m² and water wise garden. Strong borehole.

R2 497 000 UP FOR SALE!! 3 Bedroom house right next to the new High Court building. Not to be missed for further business rights and office space. Call today!!

R2 400 000 MODERN AND UPMARKET Small complex. Open-plan living areas,modern bathrooms. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 1 garage. Only ten units in the complex. Enjoy executive living. Wake up to view this… If you snooze, you lose!

R875 000

New application creates excitement in property market RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Exclusive Properties hosted their annual year end function last Thursday not only to express their gratitude towards buyers, sellers and service providers for their support throughout the year but also to create awareness on the agency’s newly launched mobile application which brings the agency’s services to any client’s doorstep. During an elegant evening of socialising and tasty snacks Exclusive Properties Principal Michelle Engelbrecht urged guests to download the application on their smart phones. “The application was designed to show all available properties in any given area. A seller can also take photos of his house and add it to the application. It further provides information on show

houses, listings and voice recorded testimonials,” Engelbrecht said, adding that their website was also renovated. She added that Exclusive Properties is not a franchise and all initiatives come from herself and her creative and dedicated team of professional agents. “All our marketing ideas are those of the dedicated women behind the success of Exclusive Properties. By having such a close relationship with our clients we are able to cater for their specific needs and look after each and everyone’s requirements. The application will assist us in fulfilling our passion for the property industry and use it as a guideline to assist every person wanting to buy or sell a property,” she said. Visit www.exclusiveprops.co.za and to download the application one need to search for Exclusive Properties in the AppStore function on any smart phone.

A LOVELY, MODERN FAMILY HOME WITH AMPLE SPACE Open-plan kitchen plus separate scullery and laundry. 2 Living areas, 3 spacious, en suite bedrooms. Double garage. Entertainment area with braai.

R1 857 000

Marlene 082 804 4156

Marianna 083 268 5097

Marlene Calitz, Joria Alberts and Michelle Engelbrecht having a good time. PHOTOS: RC MYBURGH

Mariena Calitz with property agent Erika Retief.

PROPERTY SERVICES • EIENDOMSDIENSTE APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za

CONTaCT SaN: 072 159 5126

1) SECURITY ESTATE: MODERN TOWNHOUSE: R980 000.00 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan living area, awesome kitchen, garage, private garden. Close to Mall and Thornhill shopping complex. 2) BENDOR: R2 500 000.00 Groot familiewoning met 3 leefareas, 7 slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, dubbel motorhuis, spogkombuis, opwas plus 1 slaapkamer woonstel op groot 2 039 m² erf; swembad. 3) BEAUTIFUL PLOT 17HA: R2 800 000.00 4 Bedroom house, double garage, pool, lapa, electric fence, plus 2x3 bedroom flats, 2x2 bedroom flats, 2 earth dams. Scenic area. High rental income. 4) FAUNAPARK: R1 310 000.00 3 Slaapkamer familiewoning met bachelor woonstel. Groot erf. Stil area.

CONTaCT MaNIE: 083 635 0513


CONTaCT aGGIE: 082 465 8234 1) DALMADA PLOT: R1 300 000.00 4 Bedroom dwelling.

CONTaCT MaTIE: 083 271 5259

CONTaCT STEPhEN: 082 558 3525 HOUSES + STANDS: 1) ±1 500 m² zoned 7 units R1 500 000.00 2) BENDOR – 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, en suite guest room. pool. R1 700 000.00 3) PENINA PARK 3 000 m² zoned 20 Units R2 500 000.00 4) 5 700 m² Corner stand in central Polokwane (Great exposure) PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha vacant land R1 500 000.00 neg 2) ON N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha FARMS: 1) ALLDAYS 1 000 ha – GAME FARM: R8 000 000.00 2) PIETERSBURG 300 ha - CATTLE/ CROP FARM + loose assets (100 Bonsmara cattle) 2 houses, strong water, pivot: R6 500 000.00 3) VIVO – 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game: R9 000 000.00 4) BYLSTEEL PAD 400 ha: R3 500 000.00 5) SWARTWATER 700 ha 6) MESSINA - ±2400 ha 7) PIETERSBURG 260 ha: R2 600 000.00 INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) Prime Location – Fully let Industrial development: R8 000 000.00. Monthly income ± R80 000.00 pm 2) Business Opportunity – Mankweng area. Distributing business with vehicles, 3 properties and distribution rights. Owner retiring!

1) FAUNAPARK: R1 300 000.00 Goed geboude woning met sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, waskamer, 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, afdak vir 4 voertuie plus 1 slaapkamer woonstel. 2) 500ha BESPROEIINGSPLAAS: R6 300 000.00 Dendron omgewing, 18 ha onder besproeiing, 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 slaapkamer woonstel, groot pakstoor, werkswinkel, afdakke ens. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. 3) VACANT STAND OF 1 356 m² IN CELTIC LODGE: R850 000.00 4) 4 ha PLOT IVYDALE: R5 500 000.00 On main road, excellent investment potential, 4 bedroom house, 2 bedroom house, work shop and storerooms of ±1 000 m² 5) 4ha PLOT, MYNGENOEGEN: R800 000.00 Undeveloped, next to tar road. Close to schools.

TO LET: RESIDENTIAL: CONTACT SAN: 072 159 5126 MID-TOWN: 3 Rooms with own bathroom, NO kitchen: Immediately available: R2 450.00, R2 615.00 and R2 712.00 respectively. Water and electricity included! UPPERTOWN: HOUSE: R11 000.00 Lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, office. Situated on very big sand of nearly 6000 m². Very prominent corner. FLATS ON PLOT: 20 KM FROM TOWN: BEAUTIFUL AREA!! 2 Bedrooms, open-plan living area, bathroom, garage: R2 850.00 Immediately 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan living area, garage: R3 900.00 Immediately TWEEFONTEIN: Cosy 2 bedroom flat on plot: R4 300.00 Immediately. MEENTHUIS LADANNA: R5 000.00 1 Desember 3 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, sit/eetkamer, kombuis, afdak, privaat tuintjie.

1) SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSE: R880 000.00 Near town and MediClinic. Consists of 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, open-plan living area, kitchen and scullery. Outside room and bathroom. Single garage. 2) PENINA PARK: R1 185 000.00 Large family home consisting of 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, TV-room, lounge, dining room and kitchen with scullery. Double garage – neat garden with strong borehole. 3) WOODHILL: R775 000.00 Modern 2 bedroom ground floor flat with open-plan living area. Neat garden and carport.

TO LET: INDUSTRIAL: CONTACT STEPHEN: 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 600 m² + 200 m² Offices Good exposure; Dendron road 2) 1 800 m² + 500 m² warehouses + 300 m² office; Nirvana Office Space: 1) 430 m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) 600 m²CBD 3) 345 m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton Court) 4) 100 m² Office in CBD 5) ±220 m² Office CBD – Marshall Street 6) 280 m² Hampton Court office 7) ±80 m² Small office – Platinum Park

CONTaCT SOLET: 082 498 4415


R2 740 000

IMMACULATE LIVING 3 Bedrooms 2½ Bathrooms 2 Garages Modern home in sought after secure estate. Contact our agent to view today! WEB: 302 321 149 Wilsie 082 457 9698 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863 WELGELEGEN

R1 095 000

NEAT AND SPACIOUS 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages Surprisingly spacious in a small complex. Top security, neat garden. Call to buy today! WEB: 302 301 639 Wynand 072 195 6741 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863 BENDOR

R950 000


R1 750 000

ESTATE LIVING 4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 Garages Modern, spacious with lots of security and solar geysers on a 704m² stand. WEB: 302 301 819 Steven 082 706 7274 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863 DALMADA

R3 500 000

LOVELY! 4 Bedrooms 2½ Bathrooms 3 Garages 2ha plot in sought-after area. Spacious family home with 2 additional flatlets. Isobel 076 472 1833 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863 NIRVANA

R770 000




3 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 Garage Modern townhouse in sought after secure estate. Built- in braai on Ready to move in? Perfect for first time buyers looking for a WEB: 302 278 489 WEB: 301 410 629 place to call their own. front patio and spacious garden at the back. Reneilwe 083 457 2022 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863

Wilsie 082 457 9698 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863 CBD

R495 000

PRICED TO SELL - INVESTORS WELCOME 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathrooms 1 Garage Good monthly rental income for investers. Call to view this property today! WEB: 301 831 969 Moedi 078 465 6172 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863

Northland Realty


R930 000

PERFECT START 3 Bedrooms 2½ Bathrooms 2 Garages Modern complex near Thornhill and other amenities. WEB: 301 457 709 Emilia 082 374 4680 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863 CorpMD Consulting, Ground Floor, cnr Hillary & Phaphos streets, Bendor, Polokwane Office: 015 297 1863 | Fax: 015 297 7635

Ex-Polokwane beauty marries sweetheart YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


x-Polokwane movie star, model and endurance athlete Vanessa Haywood recently married her sweetheart, professional trail runner Ryan Sandes, in the Cape before flying off to Mauritius for their honeymoon. The two exchanged vows in the presence of a wedding party from across the world which congregated for a ceremony and reception at Nitida Wine Farm in the Durbanville area towards the end of October. There

The striking features that have been captured by photographers the world over for some time now.

to share in Vanessa’s joy were parents Caroline and Eric Schulze, who hail from Polokwane. Her sisters, Kim and Robyn, were bridesmaids along with best friends Lexi Bird and Brigette Saville and Ryan’s sister, Ashleigh. The couple’s dog, Thandi, acted as flower girl. Among Vanessa’s favourite recollections of the day, shared in an email interview afterwards, was her dad proposing a toast to her. “I was in tears!” Vanessa explained she was involved in the whole process arranging the wedding with an events planner and was responsible for 99% of the decor with the help of her girlfriends. Some of the items she had hand-made and even sewed some of it herself, she said. The wedding theme was country chic, an element Vanessa wanted included for she grew up

November 13, 2014


OBSERVER 53 polokwane

on a farm. According to Vanessa they were introduced to Mexican influences while in California and both love the food, hence a heartshaped piñata filled with glow sticks, candy and confetti adding to the charm. Post-ceremony lawn games kept guests busy until the couple returned from their photo shoot after the nuptials. Festivities went on through the night, with the newlyweds the last to leave just after 02:00 the next morning, Vanessa recalled. The couple spent their honeymoon at 5-star Dinarobin Hotel in Mauritius. According to Vanessa the highlight was hiking up Le Monde Blabant, a world heritage site. They are based in Hout Bay and spend about five months a year travelling abroad. Home is Cape Town, though, she concluded. Dancing the night away.

>> They exchanged vows in presence of a wedding party from across the world >> Among her favourite recollections was her dad proposing a toast on her. “I was in tears!”


SILVERKRUIN R R750 3 350000 000 1. HOUSES FROM 2. PLOTS and FARMS Beautiful family homeavailable with 3. TOWNHOUSES study, lounge, TV room, Dorp - 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen, dining room, kitchen, scullery/ yard and garage. R700 000 laundry, bedr, dressing Bendor - 24Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen, yard and carport. R500 000 room, 3 bathr, balcony, open Bendor - 3 Bedrooms, bathrooms, living area, air shower, servant’s 2room with shower and patio toilet, with braai, kitchen, small yard and carport. lapa with braai, pool and double garage.R650 000 TO LET


TEL: 015 295 4537/8 | 071 670 6643 | Fax: 015 291 1166 7a HaNS VaN RENSBURG STREET TO LET SUNSET BOULEVARD GOEIE SEKURITEIT R4460 – Moderne eenmanwoonstel met vol badkamer, kombuis, was-area, afdak en parkering. Selektiewe gebruik van swembad en lapa, water ingesluit. Beskikbaar middel November. MAGAZYNST R3300 – 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis en parkering. R3565 – 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. No parking. Prepaid electricity. Available 1 Dec ‘15 DORP / TOWN R2700 – Bachelor flat with kitchen and bathroom. Water and electricity R300 per month. R3180 – Walking distance from CBD. 1 Bedroom flat, lounge, kitchen and bathroom. Available immediately. R3985 – Moderne 2 slaapkamer woonstel beskikbaar met badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis en afdak. Geen diere. R5570 – 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis met 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en afdak. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Des. LADANNA R3500 – 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, badkamer en afdak. Koopkrag.

The couple poses for photos after the wedding.


from R2 975.00 per month VAT, water and electricity included Covered parking at R375,00 (VAT incl.) per month.

CAll 083 268 5017


From R4050 to R4250 – 2 Bedroom townhouse with 1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport; prepaid electricity. HUISE R5500 - Dorp - 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, opwas en afdak. Koopkrag. Beskikbaar 1 Des. R9200 - Môregloed – 4 Slaapkamer huis met 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, opwas, swembad en braai area PLUS 1 slaapkamer houthuis met toilet, sitkamer en kombuis. R13370 – Capricorn – 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, 3 motorhuise PLUS 1 slaapkamer woonstel met badkamer, sitkamer en kombuis. Ingerigte speel areas vir kinders.


Various office space available, sizes from 100 m² to 598 m².

FOR SALE A selection of properties for sale Phone Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162

NEW SERVICE BODY CORPORATES Allow us to provide professional management of your complex. Phone now! Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162


Tel/Fax: 015 297 0005 propertyforall@webmail.co.za www.propertyforall.co.za

Welgelegen R1.2 mil Spacious 3 bedroom Ria dirk 082 669 0995 082 872 5660 townhouse in a small complex near schools and shopping centres ladanna R568 000 2 bedroom townhouse 2 bathrooms Ria - 082 669 0995 Selling FoR R660 000 (Bendor) Perfect property for first buyers. Property well situated close to all amenities. Offers 2 x bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and single carport. Stand 480 m² with enough space for future extension. Don’t miss this one, call now!!! diRK - 082 872 5660

WAREHOUSE/ STORAGE TO LET 1x 1 000m² for R18.00/m² Tweefontein Smallholdings 3km from SAB Long-term Johann Swart 082 829 5084

4 Bedroom house on a plot R6 800.00p/m Residential 2Bendor Bedroom townhouse, with swimming pool - 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, study, 500.00p/m lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery,R5 outside toilet & poolhouse, and double garage. R7 600-00p/m 3shower, Bedroom electric fence R6 500.00p/m - 3 Bedroom 2 bathrooms, liv3Bendor Bedroom house,Townhouse electricallywithfenced – African ing area, kitchen and 1 carport in secure complex. Jewel, adjacent to Seshego R4 300.00p/m R5 600-00p/m Bendor - 3 Bedroom townhouse with 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen and garage in secure complex. R4 070-00p/m Bendor - 3 Bedroom house with 1 bathroom, 2 living areas, kitchen, lapa, Wendy house and 2 carports with electrical fencing. R5 000-00p/m URGENTLY WANTED!!! Al kinds of property to rent. If you have a property that you want to let or know of someone who has, please contact me.


STER PARK: R2 160 000: Old world charm. A 4 bedr, 2 bathr house plus 1 bedr flat attached to the house. The old pool was converted into a sunken lapa area with a built-in braai and a jacuzzi. Added benefit is the walk-in cold storage room, 2 garages plus parking for a caravan. Borehole and CCTV. STER PARK: R3 600 000: Modern 4 bedr, 3 bathr home. New kitchen with granite tops, big entertainment area, 3 garages. Security is king. Beautiful garden. Pool. ACACIA ESTATE: R995 000: For the investor. A freestanding 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. No garage. Carport. NEW FLORA PARK: R690 000: We all need to start somewhere. Buy this 71m² house situated right in the centre of this 582 m² stand. Space to extend. BENDOR GABLES: R995 000: Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. 1 Garage.

To leT

offices Maneoprops 072 614 4333



November 13, 2014

54 OBSERVER polokwane

CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za



STORAGE TO LET We can store from bikes to big boats. From R400 p.m. Polokwane Self Storage. 082 446 4574 / 082 964 4139 / 082 460 4439 ____________________ STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ NUUTGEBOUDE STOOREENHEDE TE HUUR OP IVYDALE Contact Jana 082 788 7333 ____________________



EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________



CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ALL CARPETS AND UPHOLSTERY We do houses and businesses. High tech equipment and SABS approved chemicals. www.lulu.co.za Call Brenda 072 799 6424 or Piet 078 004 6677 ___________________



EK KOOP MOTORS/ BAKKIES VIR KONTANT I BUY CARS/ BAKKIES FOR CASH R30 000 - R100 000 Kontak Neels 083 459 7177 ____________________



TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________

LEEUWKUIL ESTATE BACHELOR unit in safe tranquil surroundings. 7km from town. R2 200 per month. Contact 079 081 3152 ____________________ 2 SLAAPKAMER MEENTUIS Oopplan kombuis, toesluit motorhuis. Water ingesluit. 20km buite dorp. Huur R2 800 plus dep R2 800. Kontak Elna 072 295 1201 ____________________ TUINWOONSTEL TE HUUR IN STERPARK 2 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, afdak, eie ingang & tuin. Beskikbaar 1 Jan 2015. Water en krag uitgesluit. Kontak 084 582 3463 ____________________ KORAAL 2 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, toesluitmotorhuise. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2014. R5 000. Kontak 082 928 4945 ____________________ TO LET BENDOR Large 2 bedrooms, very private, garden, pool, pets. Negotiable. Available December. R6 700 + dep. Phone Hannes 083 361 6696 ____________________ 3 SLAAPKAMER MEENTHUIS Oopplan kombuis, toesluit motorhuis, water ingesluit. 20km buite die dorp. Dep R3 800, huur R3 800. Kontak Elna 072 295 1201 ____________________ TE HUUR 3 SLAAPKAMER MEENTHUIS IN ACACIA Dubbel garage met afdak, studeerkamer, oopplan met twee badkamers. Besproeiing. Deposito R 9 380, Huur R8 380. Kontak 015 296 0414 ____________________ ROOMS BACHELOR 1 BEDROOM FLATS 3 bedroom house, warehouses and workshops. Contact Andre 072 765 0507 072 133 0952 ____________________



RUIM 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS OP SOETDORINGS Groot buitekamer en stoor, afdak asook skaduwee. Omhein, veilig area. Groot kombuis en sitkamer. Deposito R6 000, huur R6 000. Beskikbaar 1 Januarie 2015. Koopkrag, water gratis. Kontak Koos 082 890 5862 ____________________

TO LET 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Study, double garage, W&L excl. 36 Bekker Street, Fauna Park. Available 1 Jan 15. Contact 082 686 3617 ___________________ LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar. Kleinvertrek huise R2 400 p.m., Bachelor woonstelle R1 800 p.m. Wendy houtkamers R1 200 p.m. Gemeenskaplike ablusiegeriewe & eetplek. Vir meer inligting skakel Marina in kantoorure 015 297 2008 ___________________ Houses NortHview r 9500.00 3 Bed, 2 bath, lounge, dining, 2 garages, room with bathroom, storeroom. Môregloed r 10000.00 4 Bed, 2 bath, family room, kitchen, flat, swimming pool. NortHview r 7250.00 3 Bed, 2 bath, lounge, kitchen, double garage. ivy Park r 5130.00 2 Bed, 1 bath, kitchen, living area. towNHouses FauNa Park r 6950.00 3 Bed, 2½ bath, lounge, kitchen, 1 garage. ladaNNa r 5900.00 3 Bed, 1 bath, lounge, garage. Flats rabe street r 4100.00 2 Bed, 1 bath, open plan kitchen/living area, 1 carport. sHoP CeNtral - r 25000.00 CeNtral Cbd – 200M² oFFiCes Cbd – r 2500.00 MarsHall street – r 10270.00 MarsHall street – r 25400.00 MarsHall CHaMbers –r 8134.00 laNddros Mare – 193M² Por tHys 083 702 0768 dioNette 084 503 3964 MartiN 060 666 5432 audrey 072 632 7117



SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Contact 015 295 5264 ___________________



I, Mr Tshoga Joseph Madimetja (ID: 490414 5466 081) hereby apply to Mogalakwena Municipality for permission to occupy land at 16 Ga-Madiba Village in Mokopane. The land was granted to me by the Traditional Council for use as a service centre which includes a filling station and spares. The site coordinates are 24°07’781’’ South and 28°57’804” East. Contact Details of applicant Tshoga Joseph Madimetja P O Box 1175 Mahwenereng 0626 621 Zone B Mahwenereng 076 604 4503 083 241 5680 13/11 ___________________ TUCK SHOP AT PIETERSBURG COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL Tenders are being awaited to run the school’s tuck shop from January to December 2015.


Tenders must be handed in at Pietersburg Comprehensive School in a sealed envelope. (Can be hand written op typed) Mark for attention: Mr R Fick The following must be reflected in the tender: 1. Your name and contact details. 2. The amount you are willing to tender for the year. 3. The tender starts at R 20 000.00 Tenders must be handed in before 12:00 on Monday 24 November 2014. Contact Nr 015 291 3174 62 Magazyn Street Polokwane 0700 13/11 20/11 ___________________

POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT AMENDMENT SCHEME 491 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE POLOKWANE/ PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007, IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1) (B) (i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE NO 15 OF 1986) We, Matete and Associates Consultants, being the authorised agent of the Polokwane Municipality, owners of the Erf mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme known as the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 to rezone Erf 397 Seshego 9L (Lethuli Park), from “Educational” to “Residential 1” for Single Dwelling Units. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, first floor, Civic Centre, Landros Maré Street, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 07 November 2014. Objections to, or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with, or madde in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 within a period of 28 days from 07 November 2014. Matete and Associates Consultants P.O. Box 339 Bendor Park 0713 Tel: 087 700 4523 Cell: 078 581 7466 Fax: 086 568 1623 06/11 13/11 ___________________ POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA 491 KENNISGEWING VIR DIE AANSOEK OM DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(B)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE NO 15 VAN 1986) Ons, Matete and Associates Consultants, synde die gemagtigde agent van die Polokwane Munisipaliteit, eienaarvan die ondergenoemde erf, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ons by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die

Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Polokwane/ Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007 vir hersonering van Erf 397, Seshego 9L (Lethuli Park), vanaf “Opvoedkundige” na “Residensieel 1”, ‘n Enkelwoondoeleindes. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, Burgersentrum, Landdros Maréstraat, Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 07 November 2014. Besware teen, of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 07 November 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 ingedien of gerig word. Matete and Associates Consultants Posbus 339 Bendor Park 0713 Tel: 087 700 4523 Sel: 078 581 7466 Faks: 086 568 1623 06/11 13/11 ___________________

LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT AMENDMENT SCHEME 492 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE POLOKWANE/ PERSKEBULT TOWNPLANNING SCHEME 2007, IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(B)(I) OF THE TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE 1986 (ORDINANCE NO 15 OF 1986) Kamekho Consulting, being the authorised agent of the owner of the erf mentioned below hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the Townplanning Scheme known as the Polokwane/ Perskebult Townplanning Scheme, 2007 in so far as the rezoning of Erf 1044, Pietersburg Extension 4, situated at 55 Van Warmelo Street, Polokwane from “Residential 1” to “Educational” for the purposes of a Place of Instruction. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, first floor, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 7 November 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P O Box 111 Polokwane 0700 within a period of 28 days from 7 November 2014. Address of Agent: Kamekho Consulting P O Box 4169 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 083 281 4377 6/11 13/11 ___________________ PLAASLIKE BESTUUR KENNISGEWING POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA 492 KENNISGEWING VAN DIE AANSOEK OM DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA 2007 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(B)(I) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING

EN DORPE 1986 (ORDONNANSIE NO 15 VAN 1986) Kamekho Consulting synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die ondergenoemde erf, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ons by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Polokwane/ Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema 2007 deur die hersonering van Erf 1044, Pietersburg Uitbreiding 4 geleë te Van Warmelostraat 55 Polokwane vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Opvoedkundig” vir die doeleindes van ‘n plek van onderrig. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, Burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 7 November 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 7 November 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111 Polokwane 0700 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van Agent: Kamekho Consulting Posbus 4169 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 083 281 4377 6/11 13/11 ___________________

POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT AMENDMENT SCHEME 494 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE POLOKWANE/ PERSKEBULT TOWNPLANNING SCHEME, 2007, IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(B)(I) OF THE TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE NO 15 OF 1986) Kamekho Consulting, being the authorised agent of the owner of the erf mentioned below hereby gives notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the Townplanning Scheme known as the Polokwane/ Perskebult Townplanning Scheme, 2007 in so far as the rezoning of Portion 1 (remaining extent) of Erf 695, Pietersburg, situated at 151 Marshall Street, Polokwane, from “Residential 1” to “Educational” for the purposes of a Place of Instruction. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, first floor, Civic Centre, Landdros Maré Street, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 14 November 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P O Box 111, POLOKWANE, 0700 within a period of 28 days from 14 November 2014. Kamekho Consulting P.O. Box 4169 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 083 281 4377 6/11 13/11 ___________________ POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA

494 KENNISGEWING VAN DIE AANSOEK OM DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(B)(I) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE NO 15 VAN 1986) Kamekho Consulting, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die ondergenoemde erf, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ons by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Polokwane/ Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007 deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 1 (resterende gedeelte) van Erf 695, Pietersburg, geleë te Marshallstraat 151, Polokwane, vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Opvoedkundig” vir die doeleindes van ‘n plek van onderrig. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, Burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat, Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 14 November 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 14 November 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, POLOKWANE, 0700 ingedien of gerig word. Kamekho Consulting Posbus 4169 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 083 281 4377 6/11 13/11 ___________________



IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PIETERSBURG HELD AT POLOKWANE CASE NO: 8474/2014 In the matter between LECH PROPERTIES CC PLAINTIFF And GOBE STATIONERY CC DEFENDANT NOTICE OF AUCTION Kindly take notice that in terms of judgement granted on the 17th day of October 2014, in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter, a sale in execution of the under mentioned goods will be held at the Sheriff’s Office, 66 Platinum Street, Ladine, Polokwane on 21 November 2014 at 11:00. Goods consisting of: 5 x Filing cabinets 3 x Desks 2 x 2-Door cabinet 2 x 2-Door cupboard 3 x Filing cabinets 1 x Small cabinet 1 x 2-Piece corner unit 4 x Steel shelves 1 x 3-Piece unit 1 x Desk 9 x Plastic tables 16 x Office chairs 6 x Plastic Cchairs 1 x Smart microwave oven 1 x Brother copy machine 1 x Tec cash till 1 x Computer (complete) 1 x Stock-in-trade (Stationery) 5 x Copy machines 5 x Computer screens 4 x Printers 10 x Shredders To the highest bidder Dated and signed at Polokwane on this the 5th day of November 2014. Plaintiff’s Attorneys

KAMPHERBEEK, TWINE & POGRUND 25 A BICCARD STREET POLOKWANE P O BOX 3555 DOCEX 1 POLOKWANE 0700 TEL: 015 295 0300 FAX: 015 291 5063 E-MAIL: ktp6@ktpsa. co.za Ref: M POGRUND/ SKE1/0033/mdp 13/11 ___________________

IN THE RENTAL HOUSING TRIBUNAL OF LIMPOPO HELD AT LIMPOPO NOTICE IN TERMS OF RULE 8 ACT 32/44 (MAGISTRATE’S COURT) Case No: 7017/14 In the case between KHAYALAM PROPERTIES Execution Creditor And MALOKA M.L. Execution Debtor WARRANT OF EXECUTION IMMEDIATE REMOVAL This property mentioned in the Warrant of Execution immediate removal was removed from the possession of the Execution Debtor and is now being stored at the Sheriff’s Offices at 66 Platinum Street Ladine Polokwane. Landlord brought Locksmith Storage fee charged at R 25.00 per day Copy of process served upon:Maloka ML (Personally) The auction will be held at the Sheriff’s Offices being 66 Platinum Street Ladine Polokwane at 11:00 Supply 5 copies of Notice of Auction to this office. Possible date/s of Auction is/are 5 December 2014. Khayalam Properties P O Box 55393 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 015 297 6965 Fax: 015 297 6914 13/11 20/11 ___________________

AUCTION IN THE REGIONAL COURT FOR THE REGIONAL DIVISION OF LIMPOPO HELD AT POLOKWANE Case number: LP/PLK/RC – 206/13 In the matter between MASHANGU WINNIE MATHEBULA Execution Creditor And KHUTSONG FARM MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD 1ST Execution Debtor FREDDY HERMAN CHAUKE 2ND Execution Debtor MUHANGANEI WINNIE CHAUKE 3RD Execution Debtor EUGENE KHUTSO BRIAN CHAUKE 4TH Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE The sale/auction shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrates Court Act No. 32 of 1944 and the Consumer Protection Act No. 68 of 2008 and the Rules Promulgated thereunder. In pursuance of Judgement obtained in the Regional Court under Case No: LP/PLK/RC – 206/13 dated 25 March 2013, and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter. The property listed hereunder will be sold to the highest bidder without reserve on: Friday, 5 December 2014 at 11:00 at the Sheriff’s Office, 66 Platinum Street Polokwane. Property Consist of: 1 x Kelvinator double door fridge 6 x Plastic Chairs 1 x Pool table 1 x Carpet 1 x Samsung washing machine 1 x Coffee table 1 x LG television (with remote) 1 x Samsung music system (CD player & tape deck)

1 x Bar stool 1 x Copper/Ornament table 1 x Wall mirror 1 x 3-Piece lounge suite Terms: Cash or Bank Guaranteed Cheque Dated at Polokwane on this, the 07th day of November 2014. ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR NKONDO ATTORNEYS 28D Schoeman Street Polokwane 0700 Tel: 015 295 9557 Ref: PC/CVL/0051/14 13/11 ___________________



Estate Notice First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the estate of the late Cornelis Johannes Jacobus Barkhuizen Estate number: 22563/2014 Identity number: 370706 5052 083 Who died at Polokwane on 17 January 2014, during his lifetime residing at 22A President Paul Kruger Street Polokwane. Kindly take notice that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the Office of the Master of the High Court Polokwane. TF PRETORIUS AGENT FOR EXECUTOR NILAND & PRETORIUS INC 2 Albatross Centre 21 Market Street P O Box 10 Polokwane 0700 (EP0803) 13/11 ___________________ In die boedel van wyle Susarah Martha Maria Erasmus B oedelnommer: 25082/2014 Identiteitsnommer: 311111 0083 088 Oorlede te Polokwane op 7 Maart 2014 Woonagtig te: Eenheid 2, The Sanctuary, Gen de la Reystraat, Welgelegen ,Polokwane Alle persone wat vorderings of verpligtinge teenoor bogemelde boedel het word versoek om sodanige vorderings in te dien en sodanige verpligtinge na te kom binne ‘n tydperk van dertig (30) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan by die onderstaande adres. T F PRETORIUS: EKSEKUTEUR NILAND & PRETORIUS ING. Albatrossentrum 2 Markstraat 21 Posbus 10 Polokwane 0700 LD7534 13/11 ___________________

SEQUESTRA33 TION NOTICES LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act No 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be later and at the offices of the Master of the High Court and Magistrate as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Estate number: 20546/2014 Province: Limpopo Surname: Khota First Names: Sontaga Thomas ID Number: 690202 5891

087 Last address: 19 Wardle Way, Bendor Park, Polokwane, 0700 First Names and Surviving Spouse: Mmamkhuma Joyce Surname of Surviving Spouse: Khota ID Number of Surviving Spouse: 700110 0417 089 Master’s Office: Polokwane Advertiser’s Name: Matsobane Ramalatso Inc 307 D.F. Malan Street Kloofsig Pretoria Email: ramalaasoatt@telkomsa.net Tel: 012 644 2193 13/11 ___________________

Career finder in LIMPOPO

November 13, 2014


OBSERVER 55 polokwane

Al 3 Boerdery produ­ seer aartappels, uie en rankgewasse onder spilpunt­ besproeiing en boer met beeste in die Limpopo­ provinsie by Dendron, 60 km Noord van Polokwane. Ons verlang die dienste van die volgende:

ASSISTENTREKENMEESTER Vereistes • Moet voorheen by ‘n Rekenmeestersfirma gewerk of ‘n soortgelyke pos as assistent-rekenmeester beklee het. • Vermoë besit om boeke van brondokumente tot finansiële state te kan opstel. • Studies in die rekeningkundige rigting sal ‘n aanbeveling wees. • Verkieslik ondervinding van ‘n boerdery se boeke. • Ondervinding van lone en arbeidswetgewing sal voordelig wees. VERGOEDING EN VOORDELE • Onderhandelbare salaris • Jaarlikse merietebonus • Mediese fonds. Sluitingsdatum: 17 November 2014 Stuur skriftelike aansoeke met minstens drie verwysings aan : Die Bestuurder Al 3 Boerdery Faks : 015 501 0293 E-pos : al3@mweb.co.za

Vakature “Jou geleentheid om aan te sluit by Suid-Afrika se markleier in Onafhanklike Onderwys” Permanente pos beskikbaar: VOO-Fase Wiskunde Opvoeder by Curro Heuwelkruin, Polokwane Begindatum: Januarie 2015 Salaris onderhandelbaar Doen aanlyn aansoek by www.curro.co.za (Kliek op die Vacancies skakel). Aansoeke sluit op 16 November 2014.


November 13, 2014

56 OBSERVER polokwane

Mitchell House learners show their scientific side Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za

PhotoS: Herbert Rachuene

Young scientist Husnaa Dada, Grade 7 learner, about to explain her projects to her mother, Leila Dada, left, science educator Kerry Spratt, and Headmaster Andrew Cook.

Grade 6 and 7 learners of Mitchell House participated in the school’s inaugural Science Fair last Wednesday. Parents of the learners also attended the fair that, according to science educator and adjudicator of the projects, Kerry Spratt, intended to give learners an opportunity to showcase their scientific skills and encourage them to pursue careers in science. Among the projects submitted was that of Grade 7 learner, Husnaa Dada who put to test well known liquid antiseptics for domestic use to find out which is most effective in killing bacteria and germs. Grade 6 learners Fulu Managa and Andy Koma mixed a carbonated cola soft drink and milk to prove that milk will separate when an acidic liquid is added to it. The duo further showed that the specific cola soft drink contains phosphoric acid which denatures the protein present in milk. Another pair of Grade 6 learners, Lebo Mateta and Tamika Marnitz made water evaporate

by using sodium polyacrylate, also known as waterlock, a chemical that can absorb as much as 200 to 300 times its mass in water. Director of Marketing at the School, Achsah Phoshoko said following the success of the inaugural fair they hope to make it an annual event. She also said that the names of the learners who exhibited the best projects in both grades will be announced in due course.

Grade 6 learners Fulu Managa and Andy Koma with their project.

career finder in LIMPOPO VOLKSWAGEN POLOKWANE Volkswagen Polokwane has the following vacancy:


Minimum Requirements: • Matric • Accounting/creditors background • Must be able to work in a team but also independent • Analytical • General admin skills Market related salary package. CVs can be sent to hradmin@vwpolokwane.co.za. If you are not contacted within 2 weeks of submitting your CV, please consider your application as unsuccessful.

External ADVERT Hauler Driver X5 (Non-continuous contract) Polokwane Coca-Cola Fortune (CCF) is one of four licensed Coca-Cola bottlers in South Africa and has five manufacturing sites situated in Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein, Polokwane, Nelspruit and Port Shepstone. It has a wonderful diversity of people from all South Africa’s communities who work together to create a workplace that is energetic, challenging, exciting and rewarding. An exciting opportunity exists for the above-mentioned position, reporting into the Hauling Team Leader. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIES Key performance areas will include: • Ensuring daily pre/pro trip inspection on vehicle including housekeeping. • Taking responsibility of the handling of documentation of load transported. • Transporting of own and outside manufactured goods between depot and plant. • Collecting of outside manufactured goods from suppliers. • Reporting of any accident damages and losses. • Keeping supervisor informed at all times of activities. REQUIREMENTS • Grade 12. • Code 14 Licence. • Must have at least 2 years’ experience in the driving of interlinks. • At least 2 years’ experience in long distance driving. • Must be prepared to work shifts. • Must be prepared to work reasonable extended hours. If you have the necessary skills, experience and competence to succeed in this role, e-mail your application to Charles Matubule at cmatubule@za.ccsabco.com or fax to (086 726 9814). Closing date for all applications is Thursday, 20 November, 2014. Coca-Cola Fortune supports the principles of the Employment Equity Act. Coca-Cola Fortune reserves the right to not make an appointment.

DUTY/OPERATIONS MANAGER required for a well-established hotel in Polokwane.

Minimum requirements for the position: • Grade 12 and formal Hospitality degree/diploma • Minimum 3 years experience as a duty manager • Computer literate • Previous experience with formal hotel systems • Must be able to manage large group of staff members • Great communication and management skills Benefits: • Market related salary • Uniform • Stay in/out • Shift work may apply Only candidates that meet the minimum requirements will be considered. To apply, email applications to admin@miamilodges.com or fax to 086 2442 251 alternatively hand deliver application to 159 Marshall Street, Polokwane. Your application must include a cover letter, CV, certified copies of ID and qualifications. Closing date: 19 November 2014. No late applications will be considered.

REGIONAL FIELD SERVICE CONSULTANT Looking for a self-driven and motivated person with a valid driver’s licence who is willing to travel in the Polokwane region. Previous experience in the food industry would be an advantage. We offer a basic starting salary with a company vehicle. Please email CVs to amanda@galitos.com

AREA MANAGER/ SUPERVISORS Security Service Provider has vacancies for Security Inspectors/ Supervisors in Polokwane • POSTS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY • EXCELLENT RATES OFFERED REQUIREMENTS: * Applicants must be registered with PSIRA, Grade C * Have minimum 3 years traceable references in the Security industry * Have minimum 5 years traceable driving experience PLEASE FAX CV TO: 086 547 8143 PLEASE CALL: 071 888 1225 CVs MAY BE HAND DELIVERED TO: 63 Bok Street, Polokwane

Traffic officer graduates to nd 2 Dan

November 13, 2014


Mogwadi traffic officer Thebogo Costly Maoto is not a man to treat lightly after graduating to 2nd Dan black belt during the provincial JKA grading event held in Modimolle on Saturday.

>> Intensive pre-grading session >> Next goal 3rd Dan in three years time WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


fter attending his first Pietersburg Japanese Karate Association (JKA) Karate Club training session in 1989, karateka Thebogo Costly Maoto graduated to 2nd Dan black belt at a provincial grading session held in Modimolle over the weekend. The President of the South African JKA, Jannie Roets (7th Dan) was part of the judging panel to test the would-be graduates in a series of gruelling basic, kata and kumite categories. The pre-grading session lasted for up to three hours and Maoto, who is a traffic officer based in Mogwadi (formerly Dendron) travelled three times a week to Polokwane in order to attend training sessions leading up to the grading process.

Maoto graduated for his first black belt in 2011 under Sensei Piet van Rensburg, the owner of Pietersburg JKA Karate Club, who said Maoto is a dedicated karateka who has to travel for up to 140 km twice a week for training. Van Rensburg added that he is always on time and sets a good example to the other members of the club. After successfully graduating to 2nd Dan on Saturday, Maoto said he is extremely proud and happy that all the tough training over the years has finally borne fruit. He will now aim for his 3rd Dan, which he hopes to achieve in three years time. Maoto also won a bronze medal in kumite at the South African JKA Championships in Johannesburg earlier this year.

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Magna-Port & steel

Three ducks from the Limpopo Impalas top order batsmen contributed towards Mpumalanga defeating the Impalas by six wickets in their Cricket South Africa (CSA) Rural League 50-over match in White River on Saturday. The hosts won the toss and sent the Impalas in to bat first on a tricky pitch for batting. The decision proved to be correct and the Impalas were all out for 142 runs after 36,5 overs. The only Impalas batsmen to score meaningful runs were Isaac Senetla (25), Ruan Willemse (30), Don Radebe (18) and captain, Henk Holtzhausen, who ended undefeated with 37 runs from 36 balls including seven fours. Four Impala batsmen scored ducks to add to the team’s woes. Mpumalanga bowlers, Ashley Methula (4/13 after 6 overs) and Leo Mthombeni (3/15 after 7, 5 overs) were the chief destroyers for the home side. Mpumalanga chased down the winning total in 28, 2 overs for the loss of four wickets for a well- deserved victory. The Impalas have now lost both CSA Rural League matches in the 2014/15 cricket season and will have to quickly get back to winning ways in order to qualify for the CSA Rural Cricket Week that will be held in February next year at a venue still to be decided.


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Second defeat for Limpopo Impalas

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OBSERVER 57 polokwane

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November 13, 2014

58 OBSERVER polokwane

Sebokela Primary School>>

Mitchell House>>

Sebokela Primary School bids principal farewell

Mitchell House learners show they have talent

HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Educators and members of the School Governing Body of Sebokela Primary School in Mabokelele village, Moletjie bid farewell to their long serving Principal Julia Maleke at the school last Thursday. Maleke joined the school in 1977 from Sekhukhune Primary School and since then her focus was to make Sebokela a reputable primary school in the area. “It was a great 36 years of service. I enjoyed teaching and leading the learners and the educators. When I came here I was just new and I feared the unknown. The principal’s post was just too big for me, but with the help of my teachers and the community I enjoyed the position and tackled every challenge that came with it with ease,” Maleke recalled. Maleke said she is going to miss the relationship she established with learners, the student governing body, educators and the community. “I have created specials relationship with the educators and learners for the past years and that is something I will forever treasure,” Maleke said. She plans to enjoy retirement with her family, especially her grandchildren and want to get involved in community projects. “I am going to be involved in community projects right here in Mabokelele,” she said. Another long serving educator at the school, Makgomo Rakoma described Maleke as an educator and principal who gave her all during her tenure. “When I came here in 1981, I had just graduated and I didn’t know much

about teaching. I just loved the profession. She taught me teaching in its entirety and she was not jealous and selfish. She had a good relationship with the community, the parents and her subordinates and those traits made her a great teacher,” Rakoma said.


Julia Maleke, former principal at Sebokela Primary School (Seated) is flanked by David Mokhudu, Grade 7 learner, Makgomo Rakoma, Seeta Molepo, Mmushi Letsoalo, Educators and Jacobeth Masegela, Grade 7 learner.

Jungle Tots Play Group>>

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The multi-talented Grade 8 and 9 learners at Mitchell House College gave an excellent show to the audience at their Arts and Culture Extravaganza recently with a variety of poetry, singing, dancing and stand-up comedy. The evening concluded with a traditional wear fashion show and members of the audience were also treated to different traditional cuisine that the learners prepared themselves.

Lebogang Mabitsela and CJ Thema strike a pose at the Mitchell House Arts and Culture Extravaganza.

Less fortunate reap benefits from programme The class of 2014 for Computer Literacy at the Mitchell House outreach programme for disadvantaged members of the community graduated on Saturday with everybody receiving their certificates and enjoying a delicious breakfast afterwards. Mitchell House educator Daniel Sempe has been running the programme for the past 11 years and expressed his delight with the latest graduates in Computer Literacy. All of the 42 graduates from the programme will pass

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Toddlers at Jungle Tots Play Group held their year-end concert last Thursday when they entertained parents and friends in their colourful costumes and painted faces. The theme of the concert was “In the jungle” and the stage was taken over by hunters on the lookout for the elephant, kangaroos, leopard and smaller animals that hid behind the multi-coloured trees and flowers. Patricia Niemand, Deputy Head of Jungle Tots, said the 90 toddlers really looked forward to the event and could not wait to show-off their costumes to the audience of about 250 people.


Mitchell House Grade 9 learners Nadine Scholtz, Ndzalo Mabunda and Taahira Jardine dressed to the nines at the Arts and Culture Extravaganza recently.

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

Jungle Tots have fun

Some of the artwork on display at the Mitchell House Arts and Culture Extravaganza.

on their new found computer skills to other members in their respective communities. The graduates are from the Ga-Mashashane, Seshego and Moletjie areas and travelled every Saturday during the year to attend the course. Speaking to the graduates, Mitchell House Headmaster Andrew Cook said the school likes to share their excellent facilities with those less privileged. “To whom much is given a lot is expected in return and it is a pleasure to see the joy on the faces of those that received their certificates today in basic computer skills that is vital in modern society,” Cook said.


The graduates from the Mitchell House outreach programme in Computer Literacy with their certificates. Programme facilitator, Daniel Sempe is in the back row on the right. In front are Zondi Maluleke (Principal Lebowaganyane Primary School) and Mitchell House’s Cathy Proctor (Deputy Principal), Andrew Cook (Headmaster), Gerda Steenkamp (Head of Preparatory School) and Claude Goeminne (Head of College).


The hunters are ready to take the stage at Jungle Tots Play Group’s concert.

Stanford Lake College>>

SLC Grade 12s keep to tradition Stanford Lake College’s Grade 12 learners kept to longstanding tradition on their last day of school. Among the customs observed These Tiny Tots are eager to show off their costumes and make-up.

was during their final assembly when they left their school shoes behind as they crossed the stage for the last time.

Colourfully decorated toddlers await their turn to go on stage.

Trinity Primary School>>

Trinity Primary School elects 2015 leaders HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Trinity Primary School on Monday announced their new leaders for grades 6 and 7 for the 2015 academic year at the school. The elected leaders pledged to show respect to their teachers and fellow students, always uphold integrity and be fair and just in the execution of their task. They also promised to work in synergy with one another towards their common goals and

to have courage to face challenges and commit themselves to excellence in everything they do while upholding the rules and values of the school. Headmaster Charmaine Botha said they are happy to have chosen the specific group of learners to lead the school next year. “We wish them the best of luck in their new role. We believe they will strive to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit and by doing so set an example for others as disciples and instrument of Jesus Christ,” Botha said.


In true Stanfordian tradition the 2014 Grade 12s take to the waters of the lake in full uniform on their last day of school. In the foreground learners from lower grades watch and phoptograph the spectacle.

Mitchell House >>

November 13, 2014

Top Mitchell House College learners WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The top learners at Mitchell House College who achieved an average of above 70 % for

their overall third term mark were awarded certificates last week. The learners will be hoping to continue with their good marks during their final examinations in November. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

The top Mitchell House College Grade 11 learners for the third term are Sherwynne Steyn, Malahlela Mamothama, Furusa Panashe and Ngwako Moloto with the Head of College, Claude Goeminne. The Grade 10 top achievers for the third term are, Nhlengani Baloyi, Tshegofatso Rampedi, Katekane Nyamandi, SabinaAnne Cigana, Tamron Saais, Khanyisani Baloyi and Ifechukwu Mbajiogu with the Head of College, Claude Goeminne.


PEPPS learners care about a cleaner environment WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

the litter and rubbish lying on the side of the road at the busy bypass. After filling all the litter bags to capacity the site looked a lot cleaner, but unless the attitude from the general public in regard to litter does not change, all their efforts will be in vain as passersby indiscriminately throw their litter on the side of the road to create an unsightly mess.

The Grade 8 learners at PEPPS College spent a busy Friday afternoon picking up the litter on the Makhado/Mokopane bypass between Dorp and Church streets to create more awareness on keeping the environment around the city clean and tidy. PEPPS are an eco-school and pride themselves on recycling paper, plastic and tins on their premises and all the learners are taught to take care of the environment around them. However, the Grade 8 learners had their eyes opened Some of the PEPPS Grade 8 learners that took part in the anti-litter when they noticed all drive on Friday. PHOTO: WARREN BLUNT


Pemps learners win Sanlam Competition

HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Six Grade R learners of Pietersburg English Medium Primary School (Pemps) are winners in the esteemed Sanlam Takalani Sesame Art competition. The announcement was made at the school on Monday when Sanlam financial Advisor Rozanne Smit visited the school. To enter the competition learners had to colour sketches of Takalani characters that were provided by Sanlam. They were also encouraged to be as creative as possible in the process. Smit was at the school to make a presentation about the importance of saving money to the learners. She however began by extending congratulations. “Firstly let me congratulate the learners for winning the competition we are proud of them. We felt it would be befitting to tell them about the importance of saving at an early age. We gave them goodie bags containing money boxes which will be motivational in that quest,” Smit said.


Photographed during the handing over of goodie bags are Tshelapedi Moeti, Nkateko Nhuvunga and Thandaza Mhlanga, in front. In the middle are Tetelo Mojapelo and Otlile Rangongo while Sanlam’s Rozanne Smit, Principal Karin Adlem and Shannon Venter of Sanlam are at the back.


OBSERVER 59 polokwane


November 13, 2014

60 OBSERVER polokwane

A chance to see the world Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

Proud to be associated with Pietersburg Noordelike Rugbyklub. Polokwane Tel: 015 296 7600 Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 4921 helpline@nashualim.co.za www.nashua.co.za


he Sapinda Rainbow Foundation launched their national search to select eight young South Africans aged 18 to 23 years to participate in the 2015/16 edition of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race at a media briefing in Johannesburg last Tuesday. The selection process will be overseen by previous participants including Lazaros Tshikovhi from Thohoyandou, who was part of the crew that sailed on Invest Africa from Australia to China in the seventh leg in the last edition of the race. The aim of the race is to develop young community leaders of the future and the ambassadors will raise international awareness and funds for the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital through their participation in the race. Tshikovhi encouraged young people in Limpopo to apply for the race as it changed his life in many ways. He learnt all about the intricacies of sailing on an ocean racing yacht and met people from all over the world. “I really care about helping people less fortunate than myself and the funds raised during our journey went to a good cause towards the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital,” Tshikovhi commented.

next year. The racing fleet will depart in EngAnother contestant who previously had a fear of water, 22-year-old Meadowlands, Sowe- land in August 2015 and return in July 2016. to resident Lebalang Molobele also encouraged It is anticipated that the race will visit South Africa in October 2015. other young people to apply for the opportunity to be selected for the next Clipper Race. “I never dreamed I would be able to sail, but the experience has changed my life and I am now working with the Sapinda Rainbow Foundation and want to inspire other young people,” Molobele said. The Chairperson for the Sapinda Rainbow Foundation, Dirk van Daele participated in the 2009/10 edition of the Clipper Race and was impressed by a similar development programme with young people from challenging backgrounds in Europe. He was inspired to bring the concept to South Africa and launched the Sapinda Rainbow project in April 2013. Nomination forms for candidates for the 2015/16 project are available online at www.sapindarainbow.com and the closing date for applications is on 15 December. Shortlisted candidates will attend a selection weekend in Durban Photos: Supplied at the end of February 2015. The final Sapinda Rainbow Foundation Chairperson, Dirk van eight candidates and two reserves will Daele and Lebalang Molobele, one of the participants attend training at the Clipper base in from this year’s Clipper Round the World Yacht Race at Portsmouth, England in April and May Tuesday’s media briefing in Johannesburg.



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November 13, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Groot opwinding by Noordelikes gholfdag ier-en-sestig gholfspelers het Vrydag aan die BB Truck & Tractor Pietersburg Noordelike Rugbyklub (Noordelikes) gholfdag deelgeneem om geld in te samel vir die klub se deelname in die Cell C Gemeenskapbeker volgende jaar. Spanne wat bestaan uit vier spelers elk het sake op die baan uitgespook om in aanmerking vir verskeie pryse te kom. Die eerste prys is ‘n vakansie vir vier in Botswana. Pryse kon ook gewen word vir die bal naaste aan die putjie en die langste dryfhou. Die vierbalalliansie van Danie Le Roux, Paul Grobler, Michael Vermaak en André Grobler het met 100 punte koning gekraai en die eksotiese vakansie gewen. Die naaswenners was Das Villoen, Anton Dreyer, Stevan Villoen en Werner Rademeyer met 93 punte. Die vierbal van Duane Viljoen, André van Wyngaardt speel sy hou uit Barend Jacobsz, Henso Coetzee en Liano die sandkuil.

Viviers het in die derde plek met 83 punte geëindig. Gordon Mulligan op die vierde putjie, Duane Viljoen op die agste en Riaan Piek op die 11de het onderskeidelik pryse vir balle naaste aan die putjie gewen. Vincent Olley op die sewende bof en Paul Grobler op die 18de bof het die langste dryfhoue aangeteken. Noordelikes voorsitter, Riaan van Schalkwyk het die borge, BB Truck & Tractor, Pietersburg Diesel Centre, WH Gearbox, Samco Foods, Limpopo Medical Training and Standby, Kang Ultra Stop Botswana, Protea Hotel Ranch Resort, Discovery Life, Sea West, Goldwagen, Vogel Boerdery, Mercurius Mercedes, Nguni Grill, Rabé Plumbing Villa Maroela Lodge, Megapaints, Nashua Limpopo, Fast Tools, Pietersburg Lodge, Platinum Spar, Limpopo Toyota, Granite City, Aloe Sports Bar, Waterberg Minerale Water, Braam Vorster, Izak Janse van Vuuren en die deelnemers bedank vir hul ondersteuning om die dag se sukses te verseker. Danie Bouwer, jnr hou sy sethou dop vir ‘n voëltjie op die 18de putjie.

Die vierbal-alliansie van Riaan van Schalkwyk, André Gouws, Morné Gouws en Lieb Coetzee.

Die alliansie van Raoul van Zyl, Cornel Labuschagne, Phillip Ludick en Riaan Piek.

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


Die wenners van Vrydag se Noordelikes Gholfdag is Danie le Roux, Paul Grobler, Michael Vermaak en Andre Grobler saam met Reon Coetzee, Noordelikes klubkaptein.

Quinten Havenga, Gordon Mulligan, Harvey Havenga en Vincent Olley.


Barend Jacobsz het sy hande vol met al die pryse vir ‘n derde plek in Noordelikes se gholfdag. Saam met hom is Henso Coetzee, Riaan van Schalkwyk en Liano Viviers.

Links: Sea West direkteure, Dirk van der Westhuizen en Stephen Deetlefs. Regs: BB Truck & Tractor verkoopsbestuurder, Deon Steynberg se bod was die hoogste vir die getekende rugbybal deur die Goue Leeusspan. Noordelikes klubkaptein, Reon Coetzee oorhandig die bal.


Draws in Premier League matches

November 13, 2014

62 OBSERVER polokwane

Eagles Cricket Club batsman, Bradley Pieterse plays a shot to the leg side.

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

Plot 6, Palmietfontein Polokwane Sel: 083 758 9231 Fax: 086 582 6139 Epos: ark@xnets.co.za



MEUBELS: Groot hoeveelheid repo-meubels. Sitkamerstelle, televisiestelle (flat screens), hoëtroustelle, skootrekenaars, rekenaars, selfone, hangkaste, kombuiskasstelle, slaapkamerstelle, yskaste, vrieskaste, muureenhede, dubbel- en koninginbasisstelle, eetkamerstelle, koffietafels en nog vele meer items, te veel om op te noem. ANDERE: Los goedere en ‘n groot verskeidenheid ander items, te veel om op te noem. VOORWAARDES: Kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjeks of internetbetalings (internetfasiliteit beskikbaar by kantoor) dieselfde dag van die veiling. Geen uitsondering sal gemaak word nie. AFSLAERSNOTA: Besigtiging Vrydag, 14 November 2014. Moenie hierdie veiling misloop nie! Registrasiefooi van R1 000.00 is betaalbaar. Items is in baie goeie toestand. Baie mooi voorraad. Geen waarborg op items nie. BTW is betaalbaar op alle REPO-MEUBELS. Die afslaer behou die reg voor om enige items by te voeg of te onttrek sonder enige kennisgewing. BAIE BELANGRIK: INDIEN TELEVISIESTELLE GEKOOP WORD MOET ‘N TELEVISIELISENSIE GETOON WORD VOORDAT TELEVISIES GELAAI MAG WORD. Alle items moet verkoop word en gelaai word nie later as Maandag, 17 November 2014. VIR ENIGE NAVRAE KONTAK NIC DE BEER 083 758 9231

(Gestig 1968)


he Eagles Cricket Club hosted Nkowankowa Cricket Club in a Premier League Cricket fixture at the Polokwane Cricket Club A-field on Sunday in a low scoring match on a difficult batting pitch. Eagles batted first and could only manage to score 129 all out with Bradley Pieterse top scoring with 27 runs on a pitch which gave a lot of assistance to the bowlers. Nkowankowa

scored 131 in reply during their first innings with Tlangi Moswane scoring 50 runs for the visitors. He had some luck on his side as a catch was dropped by the Eagles fielder with his score on three. Waldi Kampher bowled magnificently for the Eagles to take 5/35 in eight overs. Both teams could not complete their second innings and Nkowankowa collected four points for their lead after the first innings while Eagles had to be satisfied with a point from the match.


Tshepo Letsoalo from Seshego Cricket Club is bowled by the Aces’ Roelof du Toit.

On the B-field Seshego Cricket Club beat Aces Cricket Club on their first innings score after the match ended in a draw. Seshego were bowled out for 173 in their first innings, with Aces only managing to score 149 all out in reply to give Seshego a lead of 24 runs. In their second innings Seshego declared with the score at 101/2, with Amir Bux scoring an aggressive unbeaten 50 runs off only 29 balls. Aces replied with 90/5 when play was ended by the umpires as dusk was descending.

Barend Jacobsz from Aces Cricket Club is congratulated by his team-mates after taking a wicket in the match against Seshego Cricket Club on Sunday.

Beach volleyball action at Mall of the North WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com After taking Kimberley by storm last month, Flying Fish Premium Flavoured Beer in partnership with Volleyball South Africa are set to dazzle Polokwane over the weekend at the Mall of the North with its popular Flying Fish National Beach Volleyball


VEILING VAN VOERTUIE, MASJINERIE EN TOERUSTING ALLDAYS, LIMPOPO Behoorlik daartoe gelas deur ons kliënt, AGRI BOSVELD sal ons verkoop per openbare veiling op:


Series. The action packed weekend promises avid sports fans and premium beer lovers a flavoursome summer atmosphere in the parking lot of Polokwane’s biggest and best shopping mall. The city’s edition of the Flying Fish Beach Volleyball Series will feature well-known celebrities like MTVs VJ Nomuzi Mabena,

Vuzu presenters Cyprian Ndlova and Shelton Forbez, as well as a host of international volleyball players who are set to battle it out for the number one prize. Families and sports fans can come and watch some fantastic beach volleyball when visiting Polokwane’s favourite shopping destination over the weekend.

Last chance to enter for popular night race WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Polokwane’s road runners and walkers can still enter for the BB Motor Group GWM Nite Race and Fun Run that will be hosted by the Polokwane Athletic Club (PAC) tomorrow (Friday). The race will start and finish at the clubhouse of PAC at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium and entries can be made before the race


from 17:00 until 18:20. Entry for the 10 km race is R40 and R20 for the fun run. Runners participating in the 10 km race must be in possession of a valid provincial road race license. Temporary licenses will be available at an extra cost of R25. Both races will be run over a safe, well-lit circular route and water points will be available every three kilometres along the route. Prize money to the value of R5 000 is up for grabs in the various categories in the 10 km race and a specially designed medal will be handed to the first 300 finishers in the respective races. For further information call Johan Janse van Vuuren on 083 277 2505 or Jaco Pretorius on 072 932 8488.


Gooderson SanRock Resort & Conference Centre VOERTUIE, MOTORFIETSE, BOTE ENS. : TLB MF Industrieël (1996); Case Trekker 585A; 3-as sleepwa; Trok-sleepwa; SA Trok & Bodies – Trok-sleepwa 14.5 m met 1.2 m afslaanpanele (2009); Aquilla Mikrovliegtuig met Rotax 582-motor (64 ure gedoen, toerusting ingesluit); Yamaha 700cc Raptor 4-wielmotorfiets; 15-voet Boot met 200 PX Yamaha motor, visopspoorder, veiligheidsbaadjies en anker (sleepwa ingesluit); Honda motorfiets “Bushlander” 200cc; kampeerwaentjie; ens. TOERUSTING: 1x 1 Toring Agrico spilpunt; 1x 2 Toring Agrico spilpunt; M24 Drotsky hamermeule met 35kW elektriese motor en aansitterkas; M16 Drotsky hamermeule met 22kW elektriese motor en aansitterkas; Slatery dorsmasjien; Vol automatiese pallet- toedraaimasjien; Mercury 25 HP; JD 4-skaar ploeg; Vetsak 3-skaar ploeg; Abel “Stone Grab”; Isuzu 2.5KB-kappie (2008); Vuurvegtermotor en- pomp; uieplanter; Rotavator Kverneland GS 80155 “power digger”; Walgooier; “Subaro Tamping Rammer”; Vurkhysermotor; ens. ROETE: By Alldays Auto op R521, lang Ross Thom saal. Veilingsborde en rigtingaanwysers sal aangebring word. AFSLAERSNOTA: Hierdie veiling bied `n groot verskeidenheid vir alle kopers, te veel items om te noem. Al die bates is in goeie toestand. Publiek word aangeraai om die veiling by te woon. Alle items word voetstoots verkoop. Besigtiging 1 dag voor die veiling en dag van die veiling. Lys onderhewig aan verandering. VOORWAARDES VAN VERKOOP: Kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjek op die dag van die veiling. 14% BTW sal gehef word waar van toepassing. R 2 000.00 (Twee duisend rand) terugbetaalbare kopersdeposito. Alle potensiële kopers moet registreer en bewys van identiteit en woonadres word benodig.


(Nylstroom) Modimolle 19 Ha in the heart of the Waterberg Biosphere. Located 5 km from Modimolle on the R101. 4 800 m² under roof, consisting of 34 hotel rooms, 18 self-catering chalets, conferencing facilities to accommodate 400 guests, swimming pools, restaurant, cocktail bar, braai areas and games room. A perfect weekend getaway. Duly authorised, we shall sell the above property on site, by public auction on

Saturday, 29 Nov at 12 Noon View by appointment Terms: 10% Deposit plus 10% auctioneer’s commission + Vat on the fall of the hammer. Balance by bank guarantee within 30 days. Fact sheet available on request!

Dean 082 389 9777


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>> Childline 0800 055 555 >> Crime Stop 08600 10111 >> Fire Brigade Polokwane 015 293 1111 >> Water and electrical faults Polokwane 015 290 2000 >> Limpopo Ambulance Service 10177 >> If you have a complaint about any provincial hospital in Limpopo call 0800 91 91 91 toll free >> South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence 015 295 3700

Polokwane City Football OBSERVER 63 Club cherishes back- PROPERTY FOR SALE to-back victories November 13, 2014



HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


olokwane City Football Club senior player, Vukile Mngqibisa has attributed to the influence of seasoned Serbian mentor Kosta Papic for their recent back-to-back victories against Super Sport United and Free State Stars. Papic joined the team in September from Chippa United and since his arrival the team has been in scintillating form defeating top of the table teams like Bidvest Wits and Free State Stars. “We struggled at the beginning of the season but since he came he turned things around. He is very professional;

the players have responded well to his method of coaching, hence the results. When he came here we were 15th on the ladder and we are now in 12th position which is a huge improvement,” Mngqibisa said. He added that their focus is to do well against Kaizer Chiefs whom they will take on at the Peter Mokaba Stadium on 25 November. “They are tough opponents and beat us last season, but things have changed now we have a new coach who has coached the club before and understands South African football, we are going to give them a run for their money,” Mngqibisa said. He also reiterated it is important for them to win more matches in the first round of the league than force points

in the second round because the league will be tough by then. “That is a lesson we learnt from last season, we left everything until late and that mistake nearly cost us our spot in the league. We want to win everything now because all the teams will be vying for maximum points in the second round. We want to finish in a respectable position and for us to achieve that we must win matches,” Mngqibisa said Meanwhile the club has promoted two of its development players, Bhekuthando Mmema and Sibusiso Msibi to the first team after their impressed during the Multichoice Diski Challenge, the reserve league of the Premier Soccer League.

House in nirvana 5 Bedrooms, pool, borehole, electronic gates etc. Furniture included. r2,2 million Contact 083 786 7882

Invitation to Bid

LDOH Emergency Infrastructure Programme The Independent Development Trust (IDT), on behalf of the Limpopo Department of Health (LDoH), hereby invites qualifying and experienced professional service providers (Quantity Surveyors, Architects, Civil and Structural Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Health and Safety Consultants) and contractors (general building, electrical and mechanical contractors) to be pre-qualified for the Limpopo Department of Health emergency infrastructure programme. Project Description

Final round of Bushveld shooting championship WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@ gmail.com The Limpopo Province Practical Shooting Association (LPPSA) hosted the third leg of the South African Bushveld Championship with the final handgun round held on Saturday and Sunday in Polokwane. The championship consists of rifle, shotgun and handgun matches and the LPPSA team performed well in all the categories. In the Open Men category, LPPSA’s PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

The LPPSA’s Philipo Smit in action during the South African Bushveld Handgun Championship over the weekend.

Paul Eksteen lost by half a point to visiting Andre van Tonder, but still managed to clinch the overall first place. Dion de Bruin won his category, Philip Smit clinched second place in his division and LPPSA Chairperson, Tinus Botha ended in the overall third position in the standard category. The LPPSA won gold in the standard team grand tournament. The next event to be hosted by LPPSA will be the three-gun man versus man tournament on 6 December.

Project Number

LDoH Emergency Professional Service Providers – Quantity Surveyors IDT/DoH/EPPQ14 LDoH Emergency Professional Service Providers – Architects


LDoH Emergency Professional Service Providers – Civil and Structural IDT/DoH/EPP14 Engineers LDoH Emergency Professional Service Providers – Mechanical IDT/DoH/EPPM14 Engineers LDoH Emergency Professional Service Providers – Electrical Engineers IDT/DoH/EPPE14

The grand tournament standard team winners are LPPSA members, Charles Bressler, Tinus Botha and Franco Rossouw. Right: The LPPSA’s Marita Botha who claimed silver in the standard ladies division and won the trophy in the standard grand tournament over three events pictured with LPPSA Chairperson, Tinus Botha.

Emergency Professional Service Providers – Health and Safety Consultants LDoH Emergency Contractors – General Building


LDoH Emergency Contractors – Electrical LDoH Emergency Contractors – Mechanical



Service providers are required to submit with their bids a detailed proposal, including methodology, programme schedule with deliverables, and resources to be engaged for the successful implementation and conclusion of the programme. Service providers can only bid as single entities with requisite skills. Professional service providers must be registered with relevant professional bodies and contractors must be registered with the CIDB. A compulsory briefing session will not be held. The bids close on Monday, 15 December 2014 at 10:00. The bids will be evaluated only on Functionality and in terms of IDT's SCM Policies and Procedures. Entities must score a minimum of 60% on functionality to qualify to be registered on the Limpopo Department of Health Emergency Infrastructure Programme Database. Prequalified professional service providers and contractors will be registered on the Limpopo Department of Health Emergency Infrastructure Programme Database for a period of two (2) years. Once an opportunity arises, bidders will only be subjected to price and B-BBEE evaluation to determine the successful bidder. Bid documents will be available from the IDT Limpopo Regional Office in Polokwane from Friday, 14 November 2014. A non-refundable bid deposit of R200.00 is payable into the following IDT bank account. Details are as follows: Bank: ABSA Account Number: IDT - LIM04 Account Number: 4084940092 Branch Code: 632 005 Reference: Relevant project number Please take note that the IDT will only accept valid proof of payment in the form of a deposit slip for the purchase of bid documents. No cash or EFT payments will be accepted at IDT offices. Enquiries should be e-mailed to Isaac Malatji at IsaacM@idt.org.za or tel. (015) 295-0000. Human Communications 114178



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Kgaugelo inspired by school’s top award >> ‘ I couldn’t think of anyone else but my mom and dad’ >> ‘People must believe in you to give leadership roles’

Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


hen Kgaugelo Thaba was introduced to the school hockey team four years ago he had no idea that he would become his school’s top hockey player. Kgaugelo, a Grade 7 pupil at Laerskool Ivypark was named Hockey Player of the Year at the school’s merit awards ceremony last Thursday. He said the award came as a surprise given the little experience he has in the sport. “I have always wanted to play hockey but I didn’t know how to. When we were growing up we were not exposed to sporting codes other than soccer but when I came here I said to my parents that I want to give hockey a try and since then I have never looked back. The coaches taught me everything from holding the stick to striking the ball and I fell in love with the game,” Kgaugelo said. Since then he became a regular in the school’s first team scoring crucial goals and helping the team to win friendly matches. He also described hockey as a fun and very social sport which can be played by anyone. “It is not as difficult as people think. It is actually a lot of fun and I am enjoying it,” he said. That Kgaugelo is an all-rounder when it comes to sport was confirmed by the fact that he was also named Soccer Player of the Year and Sports Boy of the Year at the same event. He dedicated the awards to his parents Masile and Winnie Thaba whom he says

have been very supportive throughout the years. “When I heard my name being called on stage I could think of no-one else but my mom and dad. After all their sacrifices, the love and support they showed me, the awards were just a perfect way of extending my gratitude to them, Kgaugelo said. He has aspirations of playing for Orlando Pirates and English Premiership giants Chelsea some day. “Pirates is my favourite local team and on the international front I follow Chelsea. I think the two teams have the same ambition. Chelsea won the Champions league in 2012 and Pirates won all the cup competitions in the South African league and Confederations of African Football Champions league in 1995. That on its own is a huge achievement,” he enthused. Kgaugelo is currently writing his final exams and preparing for life in high school. “It has been a great seven years of learning and self development and it is time to move on and see what high school has in store for us,” he said and added that he plans to continue playing both sports in high school. Asked what he is going to miss about Laerskool Ivypark he said the sports activities, the educators, class mates, the warm environment and the level of professionalism. “I was captain in every sport I played. I want to thank the school for giving me those responsibilities. People must believe in you to give leadership roles and I want to thank the teachers for having faith in me and I made a promise to them that I will represent the school well wherever I head to next year.”

Kgaugelo Thaba cherishes the Sport Boy of the Year Award.

Photo: Herbert Rachuene

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