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>> PAGE 2
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Kokkedoor Johnny kook in Afrikaans
BL 13
Parkeerplan misluk
Police Minister visits Limpopo >> PAGE 6
Female talent wows Public Protector >> BLADSY 7
Belastingbetalers betaal R600 000 vir regsadvies
olokwane Munisipailiteit sukkel nou al vir 23 maande om ‘n besluit rondom die moontlike opskorting van die dienste van Servest, die onderneming wat omsien na straatparkering in die middestad, te neem. Intussen trek belastingbetalers aan die korste end deurdat regsadvies van byna R600 000 in die
Is jy ‘n orgaanskenker? >> BLADSY 4 FOTO: ELNA ESTERHUYSEN
Andries Barnard van Polokwane het nege jaar gelede ‘n tweede kans gekry danksy ‘n nier wat hy ontvang het. Sy seun, Danilo (6) is ‘n geregistreerde orgaanskenker. Lees orgaanskenkstorie op bladsy 4.
tydperk reeds aan die plaaslike prokureursfirma, Mohale Incorporated Prokureurs, betaal is. Klaarblyklik het dié advies tot op datum nog niks konkreet opgelewer nie. By monde van die munisipale kommunikasie- en bemarkingsbestuurder, Tidimalo Chuene, is ‘n verslag van die prokureursfirma reeds ontvang, maar sy is nie by magte om oor die inhoud daarvan uit te brei nie. Na bl 2
Rental row over little Hillbrow YOLANDE NEL >> A rental row over two apartment blocks in the bustling neighbourhood of Ladanna resembles a war of attempts to call in the big guns, protracted legal action and threatening eviction between tens of tenants and, among others, a business
entity linked to a senior African National Congress (ANC) leader. The Democratic Alliance (DA) intends to step in to intervene after a group of concerned tenants of Trudana and Daritru Apartments in Pietersburg Street in Ladanna approached DA Provincial Legislature member Langa Bodlani on Sunday To page 2
Gemeente se kombers moontlike wêreldrekord >> PAGE 20
Miracle baby turns two >> BLADSY 48 ACHIEVERS>>
Zander Ernst jong boer om mee rekening te hou
August 14, 2014
Tel: 015 291 1061 | Fax: 015 291 3654 || MANAGER: >> Santa Oosthuizen EDITOR: >> Yolande Nel 083 278 1446 NEWSROOM: >> RC Myburgh 072 306 5331 >> Elna Esterhuysen 082 773 0272 >> Herbert Rachuene 073 721 0023 >> Warren Blunt 076 310 3468 >> Barry Viljoen 082 553 5777 >> Roelien Vorster 082 324 8275 ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER: >> Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: >> Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 >> Melany Martin 072 634 7083 COPYRIGHT:
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Parkeerplan misluk Van bl 1 “Die munisipaliteit se regsafdeling moet eers besluit watter inligting openbaar gemaak mag word. Die kontrak met Servest verval in Januarie 2015 en die raad sal voor dan oor die toekoms van die parkeerstelsel besluit,” aldus Chuene. Sy sê die munisipaliteit het die firma op grond van hul diens en kundigheid op die gebied aange stel en verder verdedig deur te sê dat die saak ingewikkeld is. “Daar moet dus gereeld met die firma gekonsulteer word,” volgens haar. Motoriste en besoekers is sedert vroeg 2012 deur parkeerbeamptes in die middestad oorval nadat die nuwe parkeerstelsel in werking gestel is. Beamptes met koordlose parkeermeters was in byna elke straat sigbaar, maar die stelsel het met tyd platgeval. “Daar was kommer oor die diensverskaffer wat nie aan die terme en voorwaardes van die kontrak met die munisipaliteit voldoen het nie. ‘n Besluit deur die stadsraad het dit genoodsaak om regsadvies in te win en die beste manier te vind om die situasie te hanteer,” sê Chuene. Volgens die rekeningstaat word
R400 gehef vir twee oproepe van 40 minute wat van die munisipa liteit na die firma gemaak is, terwyl R200 vir ‘n 10 minute-oproep na die munisipaliteit gehef word. Verder moes die munisipaliteit teen R1 800 per uur vir konsultasies opdok en R6 per kilometer en tyd spandeer betaal wanneer prokureurs en advokate tussen Pretoria en Polokwane gereis het. Die prokureursfirma hef R43 per bladsy om dokumente na te gaan met sommige dokumente wat 471 bladsye bevat waarvoor die munisipaliteit meer as R20 000 moes opdok. Sy het verduidelik dat die diensverskaffer ten tye van die aansoek om regsadvies as Easi Park bekend gestaan het en later deur Servest oorgeneem is. Sy sê om verwarring te voorkom is Easy Park nog ‘n diensverskaffer wat vir toegangsbeheer in verskeie parkeerareas verantwoordelik is en nie deur die proses geraak word nie. Die direkteur van die prokureursfirma, Peter Mohale, kon nie vir kommentaar bereik word nie en sy ontvangsdame wou ook nie sy selfoonnommer verskaf nie.
Minister of Police share vision for the future ROELIEN VORSTER >> Minister of Police, Nkosinathi Nhleko visited the Ngoako Ramathlodi Sports Complex in Seshego yesterday (Wednesday) as part of countrywide talks with provincial management and stakeholders to discuss his vision and expectations and to share what the outlook of the Police for the future holds. He placed emphasis on working together with the community and stakeholders to create a safer environment and to strengthen the criminal justice system in South Africa. He said a lot of issues regarding farm and muti murders still have to be addressed but the Police will effectively engage with the community to protect women, children and the elderly. The Police will also engage with traditional leaders to address this problem.
Nkosinathi Nhleko, Minister of Police shares his vision for the future of the Police Service with the audience.
Rental row over little Hillbrow From page 1 as they fear pending eviction within the next month. In the meantime the one landlord has expressed concern over a municipal bill of more than R1 million after years of non-payment by occupants of the apartment blocks. All along the terminated water and electricity supply to the two apartment blocks, mainly occupied by government officials, in the beginning of July this year has impacted on their wellbeing and that of their children. The situation, they pointed out, forced them to gather water for household use in buckets from an apartment block that separated the two, to cook on gas burners and their children to study by oil lamps after dark. Past attempts to solicit the assistance of a host of individuals including Premier Stan Mathabatha, ANC Provincial Secretary Nocks Seabi, ex-Premier Cassel Mathale, former ANC Provincial Secretary Joe Maswanganyi, ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe, then ANC Chief Whip in Parliament Mathole Motshekga, a member of the Public Works portfolio committee of the Limpopo Legislature and the head of the provincial office of the Public Protector have not yielded any results, they claimed during two interviews the past few days. A letter dated 9 July this year signified the last attempt to garner support through intervention from the highest level when they wrote to Mathabatha, raising issues of concern and demanded his intervention in the matter. A tenant who has been living at Trudana Flats since the late Nineties said she enquired about the stopping of debit orders against her salary for rental to the Department of Public Works in the past. In a document to this extent, a letter dated 29 December 2008 that is addressed to one of the tenants, the department confirmed the transaction of the disposal of Trudana Flats to HelenJoe Residential Developers CC as from 30 September 2008, the date of registration of the property in the name of the new landlord at the Deeds Office in Pretoria. The particular tenant was informed that the new landlord had indicated willingness
to allow tenants until the end of February 2009 to pay current rates, whereafter rental rates would have been determined by the company but with a reduction by a percentage to be determined. In the letter the Department of Public Works further informed the tenant that deductions against his/her salary would be stopped by the end of February 2009 and was advised to make necessary arrangements with the new landlord for an agreement henceforth. The opinion was raised that the Department of Public Works had to initially inform them of their intention to sell the flats and they had first preference as buyers. In one of the most recent documents pertaining to the matter tenants of both complexes were notified by a local rental agent on 1 August this year that all tenants had to complete new rental applications and rental agreements with the agency and informed them of a meeting four days later. They were further informed that once approved, a deposit equal to one and a half times the monthly rent would be payable. Polokwane Observer was informed by a concerned individual that they did not attend the meeting as they were engaged in their own meeting and four white and one black male representatives of the company showed up for the meeting armed, conduct that scared them off. In an earlier letter dated 14 July this year the same agents confirmed their appointment by Ngungwa Development CC and that due to non-payment of rental and municipal services Polokwane Municipality had terminated the services to the one property. The agents further stressed that Ngungwa Development CC was in the process of proceeding with an application for their eviction from Trudana Flats. Should they wish to enter into a lease agreement with Ngungwa Development CC, they would be required to submit an application for rental to the agents, it was subsequently noted. On the other hand Thabo Mokone, Director of Ngungwa Developments CC which finally purchased one of the two complexes through 2004 advertised tender in 2006 while he
was in the employ of Roads Agency Limpopo (RAL), claimed to be facing a joint municipal bill of more than R1 million for water and electricity consumption and illegal connections to services to both blocks while residents haven’t paid rental since 2008 when the actual take-over occurred. He extended a hand to tenants to negotiate lease agreements which they refused in the past, he indicated during an interview with Polokwane Observer. He testified to a protracted legal battle and him not wanting to evict people from apartment blocks while choosing to remain human, but requesting them to do the honourable thing by entering into lease agreements for occupation of the flats. He raised the issue of most of the occupants not being employed by government, but sub-letting the apartments to individuals who also included foreigners at R500 per room per month. Some of the units contained up to three bedrooms, he said. Considering the prevailing scenario it could lead to a situation likened to that of a little Hillbrow in Ladanna, he conceded. In their letter to the Premier the Ladanna Government Flats Residents Delegation representing the occupants of the two apartment blocks raised the issue of the Department of Public Works failing to consult the affected tenants or their trade unions as stated in the Provincial Disposal Plan. They said tenants suspected that the procurement processes were flawed, “given the background that one of the winning buyers was a former senior official of the department, a matter which raised doubt if the said official was not directly or indirectly involved in this process.” It is further stated that tenants could not understand why major renovations were done after the sale of the referred flats. Unrelated to that they continued stating “The tenants took this matter seriously since it negatively affect their lives, hence the demand for desist (sic) of sale of such property.” Several attempts to obtain comment from the representative of HelenJoe Residential Developers CC remained unsuccessful.
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‘ Boerereserviste oplossing vir plaasmoorde’ August 14, 2014
Polokwane Observer
jaar te laat is, sal die aansluiting van boere by die reservistediens ‘n daadwerklike verskil aan die misdaadvlaag maak. Ons vertrou ook ‘n Dringende beroep word op boere in Limpopo dat meer fondse uit die nasionale begroting gedoen om by die polisie se reservistediens beskikbaar gestel sal word om die polisie se aan te sluit nadat ‘n vyfde plaasmoord in ‘n infrastruktuur in die landelike gebiede reg te kwessie van ‘n maand die stel.” landelike gebiede van die Intussen sê die woordvoerder provinsie in skok en vrees van Tzaneen polisie, Moatshe gedompel het. Ngoepe, Van Wyk is met veelvuldige kopwonde deur familielede In die jongste voorval is in sy huis gevind. Die motief vir Piet Van Wyk (55) van die die moord is onbekend, maar California-omgewing buite diefstal word nie uitgesluit nie Letsitele Vrydagaand wreed aangesien toerusting soos ‘n vermoor. DVD-speler, TV, selfoon en ‘n Die hoofbestuurder van Agri braairooster vermis word. Limpopo, Willem van JaarsNiemand is na die moord veld, het na aanleiding van aangekeer nie. die voorval gesê die enigste “Die polisie volg alle leidrade manier waarop die vlaag van op en versoek die gemeenskap geweld hokgeslaan kan word, om met inligting oor die verdagis ‘n grootskaalse aansluittes na vore te kom.” Die ondering van boere by die polisiesoekbeampte, Masilu Notoane reservistediens. Hy wys daarop Willem van Jaarsveld, kan by 082 469 0900 geskakel dat wetgewing vir die instelling hoofbestuurder van Agri word. van ‘n boerereservistediens Limpopo. reeds verlede jaar deur die voormalige minister van polisie, Nathi Mthethwa, gepromulgeer is en instruksies reeds deur die huidige minister van polisie, Nkosinathi Nhleko, uitgereik is om hierdie wetgewing in werking te stel. Van Jaarsveld meen ‘n poel van goed-opgeleide boerereserviste behoort die leemte te vul wat sedert 2003 gelaat is met die regering se ondeurdagte ontbinding van die kommando-stelsel. “Daar is nie ‘n alternatief gestel nie en die polisie is intussen ook nie behoorlik toegerus met mannekrag en voertuie om die toenemende misdaadvlaag in die landelike gebiede te beheer nie,” sê hy en voeg by dat die situasie so versleg het dat daar deesdae nie meer na onveilige gebiede verwys kan word nie, aangesien die hele provinsie onder misdaad deurloop. “Hoewel dit 20 ROELIEN VORSTER >>
August 14, 2014
Orgaanskenkings verander lewens
ugustus is orgaanskenkermaand en bewusmaking daarvan is hoog op die agenda omdat meer as 4 300 Suid-Afrikaners op lewensnoodsaaklike organe wag. Minder as 600 oorplantings vind per jaar plaas en het tot gevolg dat baie pasiënte sterf terwyl hulle op ‘n orgaan wag. Volgens die Suid-Afrikaanse Orgaanoorplantingstigting, kan een skenker sewe lewens red deur een hart, twee longe, twee niere, ‘n lewer en pankreas te skenk. Een skenker kan ook die lewensgehalte van 50 siekes verbeter deur vel- en beenweefsel, hartkleppe en korneas te skenk. Statistiek van orgaanskenkers wys dat slegs 0,2% van Suid-Afrikaners as orgaanskenkers geregistreer is terwyl die persentasie in die VSA 37% en in Australië 24% is. Hierdie kommerwekkende stand van sake word daaraan
toegeskryf dat Suid-Afrikaners ‘n gebrek aan bewustheid en kennis oor orgaanskenking het. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Orgaanoorplantingstigting gaan gebuk onder ‘n geldtekort wat bewusmakingsveldtogte kortwiek. Die effektiwiteit van orgaanverwysings reflekteer negatief weens ‘n gebrek aan ontwikkeling van dié dissipline en die agteruitgang van mediese infrastruktuur, sê die stigting. Willie Koen, hoof van die oorplantingsprogram by die Christiaan Barnard Gedenkhospitaal in Kaapstad sê “Ons kan ‘n oorplanting op ‘n kind doen met ‘n orgaan van ‘n ander kind. Orgaanoorplanting op kinders is moeilik want jong skenkers is skaars. Baie ouers vind
dit moeilik om hul kinders se organe te skenk weens die emosie wat gekoppel word aan die dood van kinders.” Persone wat organe of weefsel wil skenk, kan by aanlyn registreer of 0800 22 66 11 skakel. Elke geregistreerde orgaanskenker kry ‘n plakker om aan sy rybewys of identiteitsdokument te heg asook ‘n kaartjie wat in ‘n beursie gedra kan word. Dit is van kardinale belang dat geregistreerde skenkers hul naasbestaandes van hul status inlig sodat die regte stappe vinnig gedoen kan word indien ‘n skenking kan plaasvind.
Apollo Kellermann sterf op hoë ouderdom RC MYBURGH >> Die gesoute jukskeispeler en bekende besigheidsman in die vervoerbedryf, Apollo Kellermann is Maandagaand, ongeveer drie maande na sy vrou, Linda se dood, in die ouderdom van 85 oorlede. Sy dogter, René sê haar pa het in Maart sy heup gebreek en verlede maand die ander heup waarna hy daagliks verswak het. “Hy sal veral op die jukskeibaan as die vriendelike, bedagsame Oom Apollo wat sy liefde vir die sport met passie uitgeleef het, onthou word.” Sy kinders het hom as ‘n heer en statige man beskryf wat geen fout in ander mense kon vind nie.
“Sy plek is leeg en sy heengaan laat ‘n groot leemte.” Kellermann word môre (Vrydag) om 11:00 vanuit die Hervormde Kerk Welgelegen-Pietersburg in Websterstraat begrawe. Benewens René laat hy vier ander dogters, Marietjie, Lynette, Elmarie en Lecile, kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders agter. FOTO: VERSKAF
Apollo Kellerman (85) is Maandag oorlede.
‘Jy kry ‘n stukkie van jou eie lewe terug as ‘n lewegewende orgaan aan jou geskenk word’ BARRY VILJOEN >> “Niemand is te jonk om as orgaanskenker te registreer nie,” sê Andries Barnard wat self meer as nege jaar gelede ‘n nier ontvang het. Barnard se vrou, Nerina en seuns Danilo (6) en Anrius (17 maande) is ook as orgaanskenkers geregistreer. Barnard het op 30-jarige leeftyd nierversaking opgedoen as gevolg van ‘n defek (urinêre refluks) waaraan hy sedert geboorte gely het maar onbewus van was. Sy simptome daarvan was onder meer hoë bloeddruk wat later nie meer met medikasie beheer kon word nie. In 2004 is hy op die oorplantingslys geplaas en moes intussen drie keer per week dialise ontvang. Ná ‘n wagtyd van tien maande, het hy die goeie tyding gekry dat daar ‘n skenker gevind is. Binne 24 uur is ‘n nier van ‘n 46-jarige vrou in Netcare Jakaranda Hospitaal op hom oorgeplant. Sy eie niere is nie verwyder nie. Barnard sê dat die tyd direk ná die oorplanting vir hom ‘n groot aanpassing was. “Jy kry skielik ‘n stukkie van jou eie lewe terug, jou energievlakke is baie hoog en jou brein beweeg teen ‘n geweldige pas want jy het skielik baie skoon bloed. “Dit is egter nodig om sekere aanpassings aan jou leefstyl na ‘n oorplanting te maak. Gesonde kos, lae proteïne, groente en vrugte en baie water is jou voorland. Jy is maklik vir siektes vatbaar en moet vir gereelde ondersoeke gaan. Medikasie om immuniteit te bevorder, moet ook daagliks geneem word,” sê hy. ‘n Nieroorplanting is volgens Barnard nie ‘n totale oplossing nie, maar kan jou lewe met jare verleng en hy doen ‘n beroep op almal om as orgaanskenkers te registreer. Augustus is Orgaanskenkingsmaand met die klem op bewusmaking.
Ruling party cries electoral fraud YOLANDE NEL >>
he African National Congress (ANC) in Peter Mokaba Region has cried alleged electoral fraud against a Democratic Alliance (DA) opponent in yesterday’s (Wednesday) Ward 23 by-elections in Polokwane with the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), not granting the objection or appeal against it. In a media statement embargoed until yesterday, the ruling party in the region referred to raising alarm against DA Councillor Roelof Lourens’s alleged improper electoral conduct with the IEC in vain. ANC Peter Mokaba Regional Task Team Coordinator Eugene Masete
stated the ANC deemed the by-election as unfair and unjust. He told Polokwane Observer they lodged the objection with the IEC last Monday, whereupon they were informed to serve the same letter on the DA and the councillor. Upon doing so they returned to the IEC which informed them that their objection was not going to be granted and that they couldn’t appeal against the objection, he indicated. He continued stating Lourens was a Proportional Representative (PR) Councillor in the Greater Tubatse Municipality until last week. “The timing of his resignation was opportune for the purposes of contesting these by-elections, a day after we lodged a formal objection with the IEC - this cannot be a coincidence.
“He was just parachuted into Ward 23, and he does not even feature on its voter’s roll for these by-elections. According to the IEC records, he is registered in Ward 22 of the Polokwane Municipality, and this should disqualify him from participating in Ward 23’s by-election.” The IEC’s response to the matter, addressed to ANC Polokwane Sub-Region Party Liaison Committee and Election Coordinator Jerry Sello, was simultaneously provided. In its reply the IEC stated that on 3 June Lourens applied in terms of section 9(1) of the Electoral Act, 1998 to have a change of his ordinary place of residence recorded in the voters’ roll. “For this purpose he indicated his current ordinary place of residence to be 14 Steenbok Street, Fauna Park, Polokwane, which falls within Ward 23, Polokwane Local Municipality.” It was further noted that “In any event, Mr Lourens has resigned from the office of councilor of the Tubatse Local Municipality on 6 August
Disgruntled traffic officials to march over promotions RC Myburgh >> Limpopo roads may very well lapse into chaos on the eve of next month’s pilgrimage of Zion Christian Church (ZCC) members if no solution is found in the matter of traffic officials employed by the Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison for nearly two decades that have never been promoted. A meeting on Tuesday between the department and the General Public Service Sector Bargaining Council (GPSSBC) to address the issue ended with no agreement being reached. South African Policing Union (Sapu) Provincial Secretary, Solly Bulala said he has already received a mandate from traffic officials and Sapu’s head office to apply for a march to be staged to the department as well as the Office of the Premier on 29 August. “Previously planned marches did not materialise but this time we are serious about expressing our anger. If
the matter is not resolved quickly we will embark on a legal strike which will have major consequences during the September ZCC pilgrimage,” Bulala said. He added that with scores of officials and station heads attended the meeting between the GPSSBC and a departmental representative on Tuesday service delivery came to a standstill on the province’s roads. “During the meeting the department representative confirmed he has no authority to solve the matter and the commissioner issued a certificate of non-settlement,” Bulala said. This came after MEC Mapula MokabaPhokwana indicated her readiness to solve the matter. However neither the MEC nor an adequate representative attended the meeting. Bulala added that the meeting indeed had created a perfect platform for the department to address and solve the issue. Polokwane Observer previously reported on the disgruntlement of traffic officials regarding promotions.
Despite several promises and an earlier resolution taken by the GPSSBC no promotions were granted. Resolution 3 of 2009 of the PSCBC states that the agreement on a revised salary structure for employees on salary levels one to 12 are not covered by an occupation specific dispensation. It states: “With effect from 1 April 2010 (salary adjusted with effect from 1 July annually), an employee on salary level 4, 5, 6 or 7 who has completed 15 years of continuous service on a salary level, irrespective of the notch, and has obtained at least satisfactory rating in his/her performance assessments (the average assessment over the last two year period will determine the performance rating), shall grade (salary level) progress to salary level 5, 6, 7 or 8 respectively. This is not subject to availability to posts.” At the time of going to press Departmental Spokesperson Mafenya Lediga had not responded due to attending an event in Seshego. Efforts to contact Mokaba-Phokwana failed.
Augustus 14, 2014
2014 as contemplated in section 27(a) of the Structures Act and the prohibition contemplated in section 158(1)(e) of the Constitution does not apply to him. “To the extent that your objection is grounded on the contention that Mr Lourens is not ordinarily resident within the territory of the Polokwane Local Municipality, your objection simply presents no evidence whatsoever in support of this contention on the basis of which the Commission may defensibly base a conclusion that Mr Lourens is indeed not ordinarily resident within the territory of the Polokwane Local Municipality.”
national / Female talent Views on provincial / local issues wows Public Protector
August 14, 2014
YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail. com
A fair amount of bling, bags, feathers and fascinators set the scene for Public Protector Thuli Madonsela’s much anticipated message containing elements of the power she exudes when taking to the podium as main speaker at a Women’s Day event in Polokwane on Saturday. Among a handful of entertainers wowing the audience was dynamic diva Monene Moila, who rendered a poem addressing the aspects of womanhood through which she spoke to the soul. She grabbed the attention of the audience with her powerful rendition in the same way she did when President Jacob Zuma addressed a national Women’s Day gathering at Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane in 2011. After Madonsela’s commanding of the podium space, Moila yet again shared her thoughts on the topic with her which seemingly astonished a woman who has once been termed one of the 100 most influ-
ential people in the world. Equally so Mary Mabotja gave her take on Josh Groban’s You Raise Me Up, in the process evidently stunning Madonsela who then took to the podium to speak on discovering the power within. She emphasised, among others, the power of being anchored in one’s source, dreaming as if anything was possible, knocking at the door to potential and looking for the key to unlock it as well as being grateful for small things.
A dialogue formed part of the extended all-morning, all-afternoon programme that provided slots for thoughts shared by Madonsela, Limpopo Tourism Agency’s acting Chief Executive Officer and Chief of Conventions Bureau Seipati Tlaka as well as local author Aletta Motimele. From the reaction of female guests who grabbed the rare opportunity to
be photographed with Madonsela whenever a slot presented itself throughout the day, it was evident that she was the obvious choice for inspiring the women of Limpopo. The celebration was hosted by Twilight Events in conjunction with Meropa Casino and Entertainment World with Polokwane Observer as print media partner.
Annually on 9 August Women’s Day celebrations pay homage to the women of the nation who tirelessly fought the tyranny of apartheid and continue to fight for the plight of those the world over. Polokwane Observer asked residents of the city whether the day should continue to be celebrated. Vrouedag word jaarliks op 9 Augustus landswyd gevier om hulde te bring aan ons nasie se vroue wat die stryd teen die apartheidsregering help voer het. Polokwane Observer het inwoners gevra of die dag nog verder as ‘n openbare vakansiedag gevier moet word.
Marténe Dennison: “ Vroue is die ruggraat van elke huishouding en ek dink dit moet elke dag gevier word.”
Eugene Schreiber: “Vroue speel ‘n reuse rol in die gemeenskap en hulle rol moet erken word.”
Sandra du Plessis: “Daar is geen twyfel dat vroue spesiaal is nie. Ek dink dit moet gevier word.”
Maritha Gouws: “Vroue is die rotse van die samelewing en is belangrike figure.”
Cindy Gouws: “Vroue is baie belangrik en ek dink daar is geen lewe sonder hulle nie. Hulle verdien elke vorm van erkenning.”
Rose Masudi: “Women are the backbones of families and the society at large. It is important to acknowledge them.”
Jacques Gouws: “Vroue is versorgers en ek dink mans kan nie sonder hulle klaarkom nie. Dit is belangrik om hulle te vereer.”
Felicia Mphahlele: “Celebrating women and appreciating their efforts go a long way. Women are different and they have special qualities and I think they should be celebrated every day.”
Robert Masubelele: “Women are the core of every family. I don’t think I will survive without my woman and I think they should be celebrated every day.”
Photos: Yolande Nel
Thuli Madonsela addresses her audience during the dialogue.
Another entertainer from Polokwane soil who showed off Limpopo talent was Mary Mabotja, who moved Public Protector Thuli Madonsela to utter a silent wow on her way to the podium to deliver the keynote address.
Any device would do... Public Protector Thuli Madonsela is overpowered by a group of guests at Saturday’s Women’s Day celebrations of Twilight Events at Meropa Casino and Entertainment World.
Poet Monene Moila speaks to the souls of the members of an attentive audience. Later she directed her rendition to Public Protector Thuli Madonsela upon conclusion of her speech on discovering the power within.
Post Office adds to vehicle licence renewal service Warren Blunt >> Motorists in Polokwane wanting to renew their vehicle licenses now have the added convenience of doing so at 86 branches of the Post Office in Limpopo. The Post Office has extended their license renewal service to 50 more branches in the province from the 36 that initially offered the service. A further added convenience is that post offices offer this service Saturday
mornings from 08:00 to 12:00. France Modise, Manager Third Party Business for the North East Region said queues have become much shorter as more offices were added to provide the service. He said the added service makes it more convenient for fleet owners as well. Motorists only need to provide a printed renewal notice and a valid identity document. Those that do not have a printed renewal notice will be assisted with the completion of the necessary forms at the Post Office. Modise
emphasised that there is no commission or service fees payable by the motorist, but only the amount due on the vehicle license. In Polokwane the service is now available at Bendor Park, Westenburg, Polokwane South, Savannah Mall, Polokwane North, Ladanna, Boyne, Sovenga, Chuenespoort, Lebowakgomo, Polokwane Main Post Office (Landdros Maré Street) and Mmotong. For further information vehicle owners can contact their nearest Post Office branch.
Reservoir to be fixed by month end Refurbishment on the city’s old 30 mega litre reservoir is expected to be completed by the end of the month when it will be refilled after standing empty for several weeks. Municipal Spokesperson Malesela Maubane said the 50
mega litre and new 30 mega litre reservoirs as well as the one in Seshego measured at 69% on Monday. The reservoirs in Potgieter Avenue and Extension 34 held 92% and 95% of capacity respectively.
Augustus 14, 2014
Die onafhanklike ooggetuies, Tella Diemont en Marlene Pereira het die individuele komberse getel.
Gemeente gaan groot met kombersprojek, moontlik wêreldrekord ROELIEN VORSTER >>
it is nie net ‘n wêreldrekordpoging om die grootste gehekelde kombers in die wêreld die lig te laat sien nie, maar ‘n warm-om-die-hart-storie van ‘n gemeente wat met ongekende ywer ingeklim het om ‘n droom te verwesenlik en uiteindelik in ‘n veel groter behoefte voorsien het. Nie net komberse is vir sorgafhanklike bejaardes en kinders gehekel nie, maar die droom van ‘n saambindende faktor het gerealiseer en is afgehandel. Henk Joubert, leraar van die Hervormde Gemeente Welgelegen-Pietersburg het in Desember 2013 besluit om baie kniekomberse aan sorgafhanklikes uit te deel waarna die hekelpenne in die Joubert-gesin begin klap het. Die gemeente het hul tot die projek verbind en selfs hulle vriende en familie van sover as die Kaap het ingespring. As motivering het hulle besluit om die huidige amptelike rekord van 285.79 m² (24.68 m x 11.58 m) te verbeter. Die res is geskiedenis. Hekelentoesiaste het ‘n reuse kombers van 847 m² gehekel. Om die kombers te voltooi is 5 112 bolle van 100 g wol gebruik om 1 278 km binne 25 weke te hekel. Dit weeg 511.2 kg en bestaan uit nagenoeg 24 miljoen hekelkettings. Die reuse pragstuk is Vrydag by Laerskool
Pietersburg-Oos ten toon gestel en deur ‘n professionele landmeter gemeet. Twee onafhanklike ooggetuies was teenwoordig terwyl foto’s geneem en beeldopnames van die voorbereiding en meting gemaak is. Die bewyse en getekende dokumentasie is na Guinness Mmasetshaba Langa, Shemon Grobbelaar FOTO’S: ROELIEN VORSTER World Records in en Natasha Mokgala, leerders van Laerskool Vele hande was nodig om die gehekelde kombers, wat moontlik die Londen vir verifikasie Pietersburg-Oos onder die kombers. grootste in die wêreld is, uit te rol. gestuur. Indien die bewyse voldoende is, sal die wêreldrekord vir die grootste gehekelde kombers aan die Nederduitsch Hervormde Gemeente Welgelegen-Pietersburg behoort. “Volgende jaar beplan die gemeente om Hepatitis is inflammation or infection of the liver that can lead to die rekord van die langste gedekte tafel te liver cancer, liver failure and death. verbeter, maar tot dan gaan ons eers genoeg rus voordat ons die volgende projek aanpak,” What viruses cause hepatitis? sê Joubert laggend.
Die Van Aswegengesin het saam aan die projek gewerk. Hulle is Pieter, Magda, Susan, Marie, Gerhard jr en Gerhard sr.
Die leraar van die Hervormde Gemeente Welgelegen-Pietersburg, Henk Joubert saam met Marlene Pereira en Gerhard Lubbe. Agter is die landmeter, Edwardt Geerdts.
What is hepatitis? Mainly Hepatitis A, B, and C
How are these viruses transmitted? Hepatitis A virus is spread directly from person to person, through putting something in the mouth that has been contaminated with the stool of a person infected with hepatitis A virus. This type of spread is called “faecal-oral.” The virus can also spread by drinking contaminated water/ice, eating contaminated foods (especially undercooked shellfish) and is more easily spread in areas where there are poor sanitary conditions and personal hygiene. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viruses are transmitted: • through infected blood and blood products, • sexual contact, • dirty surgical equipment • sharing needles for injecting drug use. • Mother to child
Hepatitis A virus
Hepatitis B virus
Hepatitis C virus
The South African National Blood Services ensures blood is safe as testing is rigorous. What are the symptoms of hepatitis? • Fever • Tiredness • abdominal pain • nausea • Vomiting • jaundice (yellow colouring of the skin and white of the eyes) 80% of infected people usually show no signs and symptoms of disease but can pass the disease on to others. Are there any vaccines? Yes. Hepatitis A and B vaccines are readily available in SA. The Hepatitis B vaccine is included in the routine immunisation programme for all children in South Africa.
Parents should ensure that children receive all 3 Hepatitis B vaccine doses. No vaccine is available yet for Hepatitis C. How is hepatitis tested for? Hepatitis A, B and C are diagnosed by doing blood tests. Can hepatitis be treated? For Hepatitis A, treatment is supportive and symptomatic, such as fluid replacement and rest. For hepatitis B and C, antiviral tablets and other medications may be given, depending on laboratory tests and other investigation.
Coghsta tables 2014/15 budget
August 14, 2014
Warren Blunt >> The Department of Cooperative Government, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) tabled their budget for the 2014/2015 financial year in the Legislature on Tuesday with the MEC, Makoma Makhurupetje once again highlighting the achievement of the multi award-winning department for achieving a clean audit for the 2013/14 financial year. A total of R2,158,033 billion has been allocated to Coghsta for the current financial year, with R270,343 million going towards administration; R1,322,528 billion towards human settlements; R239,396 million towards cooperative governance and R325,766
Administrator, the National Department of Human Settlements, as well as the National Treasury should be part of the ‘new’ procurement processes. The MEC added that as a result of these conditions undue delays in the housing procurement process for the 2014/15 financial year have occurred so that only 1 500 housing units have been awarded by August 2014. She assured housing recipients that despite the delays, Coghsta have the capacity and commitment to complete the construction of all the 10 500 housing units during the current financial year. “We are quite confident that Coghsta will be able to deliver on this commitment as we have been able to address all the challenges brought by the awarding of the human settlements tender for the construction of RDP houses for 2013/14 as stated by the forensic audit from Treasury.”
million towards traditional institutional development. During the tabling of the budget, Makurupetje alluded to the fact that the housing procurement process for 2013/14 was halted in March 2013 due to allegations of supply chain irregularities. As a result of the allegations, the Human Settlement Grant for Limpopo was withheld for the whole of the 2013/14 financial year, a forensic investigation was held to verify the allegations and disciplinary processes ensued against certain implicated officials. Makurupetje said as a result of the investigation four senior officials from Coghsta were found guilty and dismissed from the public service. She added that one major condition of the release of the Human Settlement Grant was that the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC), the Provincial Treasury, the Section 100 (1) (b)
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Warren Blunt >>
he MEC for Health, Ishmael Kgetjepe tabled the department’s budget for the 2014/2015 financial year at the Legislature on Tuesday with R14,371 billion being allocated, an increase of 6,6% from the R13,480 billion received the previous year. Kgetjepe said the budget is focused on strengthening provincial health department agreements with the National Department of Health. He added that the department strongly believes that the manner in which the budget is structured will begin to shift the outputs and outcomes of the provincial health system in the right direction. The MEC said the vision for health by the African National Congress (ANC) National Development Plan places emphasis on a number of key deliverables with the signing of National Service Delivery Agreements between Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi and the provincial MECs to deliver on these outcomes. These key deliverables are: • Tuberculosis prevention and cure progressively improved • Average male and female life expectancy at birth to be increased to 70 years by 2015 • Maternal, infant and child mortality reduced • Prevalence of non-communicable chronic diseases • Injury, accidents and violence reduced by 50% from 2010 levels • Health system reforms com-
pleted • Primary health teams deployed to provide care to families and communities • Universal health coverage achieved • Health posts filled with skilled, committed and competent individuals • Significantly reduce the burden of disease During his tabling of the budget, Kgetjepe referred to the turnaround regarding pharmaceutical stocks that had plummeted to an all-time low at all levels of care in the year 2012/13, which led to patients being turned away from health facilities without receiving treatment. This led to Pharmaceutical Supplies Management being one of the focal areas within the responsibility of the intervention team, which took over following the application of Section 100 (1)(b). Regarding the failing health infrastructure, the MEC said R467 million has been set aside in 2014/15 to address all infrastructure needs. The R14,371 billion Limpopo Health budget has been allocated as follows: R9,042 billion for district health services; R259,354 million for administration; R562, 512 million for emergency medical services; R2,025 billion for provincial hospital services; R1,322 billion for central hospital services, R472,008 million for health sciences and training; R93,481 million for health care support services and R594,747 million for health facilities management.
per m²
Subject to terms from from and conditions.
Health Budget for 2014/15
or while stock lasts. E&OE
Fawu, Coca-Cola reach agreement Herbert Rachuene >> A five day strike by Food and Allied Workers Union (Fawu) members employed as production plant staff and truck drivers by Coca-Cola Fortune ended on Monday. Their industrial action was preceded by disputes over increments and working conditions that dragged for over a year. A union member who refused to be identified said the members all returned to work on Monday. “They promised to increase our salaries and that is one of the reasons we decided to stop the strike and return to work. However, the issue of unfair treatment at the company is still a major problem,” the member said.
Coca-Cola Fortune Group Communications Specialist, Nolundi Mzimba, in response to Polokwane Observer’s enquiry, confirmed that the company and Fawu signed a National Substantive Agreement on Monday. A press release issued by Mzimba on Tuesday quotes Managing Director Philip Nieman as follows: “Coca-Cola Fortune remains of the view that it has reached a point in its employment relationship with Fawu where substantive matters are solvable, and a far cry from unfair working conditions or unfair labour practices and this resolution is indicative thereof. Coca-Cola Fortune remains committed to making decisions that will promote the well-being of its employees and the sustainability of the business.”
August 14, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Bankseta paves the way for the country’s Entrepreneurs PHOTOS: RC MYBURGH
Left: Course Facilitator André Bakker from South African Entrepreneurial Development Hub and Bankseta Specialist: Skills Development Elelwani Netshituni. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Below: The twenty graduates from the Limpopo region who successfully graduated from a six months programme in entrepreneurial skills sponsored by the Bankseta and trained by SAEDH.
Miriam Mphuloane now dreams business RC MYBURGH >> Miriam Mphuloane from Mmetsana Trading Enterprise in Polokwane is one of the Banking Sector Education and Training Authority’s (Bankseta) entrepreneurial skills programme graduates who testified that the six months programme transformed her into a potential successful businesswoman. She started her catering business in 2009 with no experience or knowledge of how to run a business successfully. “The course not only helped me understand the business process better, it helped me to change my vision and to dream even bigger,” Mphuloane said. She no longer wants to continue with the catering business and is now planning on starting a baking and confectionary business with a coffee shop inside the bakery. “I can admit that I went into the catering business blind. I had no idea how to set up a budget, how to draw up a business plan and ran my company to a loss every month as I had no idea how to calculate cost and pricing value,” she said confessing that the course provided all the basics on how to make a success of any business. Mphuloane already drafted a business plan for her bakery and coffee shop and only needs funding. “I will never forget the sign put up daily by Johan Naudé, one of the Facilitators, and which read “Never give up”. I will continue to always try and be better in order to succeed as an Entrepreneur, especially now that the course has benefitted me by providing so much information on how to succeed as entrepreneur,” she said. She thanked Bankseta and SAEDH who presented the course.
he Banking Sector Education and Training Authority (Bankseta) has successfully trained 100 entrepreneurs across South Africa with 20 entrepreneurs from the Limpopo region receiving their certificates on 7 August at the Pietersburg Club. This programme in entrepreneurship skills was developed in partnership with the North West University’s (NWU) Small Business Advisory Bureau (SBAB) and is delivered by the South African Entrepreneurial Development Hub (SAEDH). The objective of the programme is to improve existing businesses and to equip business facilitators with proven mentoring methodologies, sound practical business management, financial and marketing skills. The programme is coupled with a six months mentoring programme for practical implementation in the business environment. The course is registered on a NQF level 4 (Grade 12) with a face-to-face classroom model of delivery and is fully moderated by the NWU SBAB. The trainees had ten day contact sessions over a ten week period where they successfully completed eight modules. The 20 students have now qualified for the university accredited certificate in entrepreneurship skills attaining 114 credits with the successful completion of the course. The course comprises of the following modules: introduction to entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial ideas
Ledile Hanyane rigged to run her business smoothly RC MYBURGH >> Ledile Hanyane, who has since 1999 owned and run her own construction company, Ledile Trading CC, is testimony to the success of the Banking Sector Education and Training Authority’s (Bankseta) inspirational and insightful entrepreneurial skills programme presented by SAEDH. Though the business has been successful, some hiccups occurred which left Hanyane with her hands in her hair. “All aspects I learnt from the Bankseta course are very important but one thing that stood out was to be more organised. The management team of my company tends to do their daily tasks, but not accordingly. Now I understand that an organised business is a successful business,” she said. As Director of Ledile Trading CC Hanyane admitted that she always signed-off financial statements without proper analysis thereof. She now interprets the company’s statements and picks up mistakes easily. “I have always outsourced most of the administrative work as I did not have the knowledge myself. I am now rigged with information and capacity to double check all processes of my business whether administrative or out in the field. The course is meaningful and I left with insight to build on the basics of running a flourishing business,” Hanyane said. Hanyane would recommend the course to all entrepreneurs who wish to start a business or who are not motivated that their business will succeed. “This course not only provides basic skills, it motivates entrepreneurs to change their attitude towards the business sector and to be successful,” she said. She is already planning to enrol her staff for the next course.
and opportunities; entrepreneurial management skills; entrepreneurial financial skills; entrepreneurial administrative skills; entrepreneurial legal aspects; entrepreneurial marketing skills; small business planning skills; budgets and SBAB software. This programme contributes to the government’s Enterprise Development Strategy (EDS) with specific reference to the entrepreneurial skill gap. Entrepreneurs had the opportunity to revise or compile their own business strategy within a complete business plan which they can use as a reference model in their dayto-day business. The six months mentoring programme leads to practical implementation of what every entrepreneur must learn in order to survive in business. This results in reducing the high small medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) failure rate within the first three years and provides the opportunity to widen the entrepreneurial vision and build their businesses on a solid foundation. This can also be seen as a platform for the establishment of newly qualified small business management consultants who will add to the much needed requirement in South Africa to assist with, and improve the small business sector as small business can be deemed the cornerstone of any healthy economy. “We are building a serious case for government to gradually reduce unemployment in our country especially where small businesses are concerned. It is our responsibility, like many other organisations, whether it is government or corporate company to play our part in closing the skills gap. We are extremely happy with the commitment of these young businesspersons,” Bankseta Chief Executive Officer Mr Max Makhubalo reportedly said. Visit:
Skills training an eye opener for Muhoyo Maiwashe RC MYBURGH >> Muhoyo Maiwashe, a Facilitator at Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda) for the past 15 years, described the recent Banking Sector Education and Training Authority’s (Bankseta) entrepreneurial programme presented by SAEDH as an eye opener and wakeup call. “I gained so much from the course and it means a lot to me as I am now in the position of better understanding how the basics can lead to a successfully run business,” she said. Maiwashe has already recommended the course to her colleagues and was so impressed that she immediately wanted to attend an advanced course to further her knowledge of entrepreneurial skills. After the course she would like to see herself in a sustainable business and see entrepreneurs reaching their goals. If she could start her own business it would involve transporting oil within the Mineral and Energy sectors. “I found the topics of facilitating skills, budget planning, marketing and business planning as well as the financial part of the course the most interesting. They are key to a successful business and I now have the knowledge to emphasise the importance of these key factors in order to help upcoming entrepreneurs,” she said. Her advice to other Entrepreneurs is “Never stop developing yourself.”
10 OBSERVER Hefty sentence NEWS
August 14, 2014
for three criminals
>> They were terrorising the communities of Makonde and Muraga >> The methods used by the Police can be relied on ROELIEN VORSTER >>
hree accused from Thohoyandou received a combined 120 sentence of years imprisonment on Tuesday by the Sibasa Regional Court for various crimes ranging from robbery, housebreaking, theft and vehicle theft. Spokesperson for the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Paul Ramaloko in a statement said Azwimbavhi Eric Bebeda (31), Ntshavheni Mulaudzi (31) and 35-year-old Azwimpheleli Given Dzivhini, terrorised the communities of Makonde and Muraga villages near Thohoyandou in 2010 and 2011. He said the criminals were from
the Tshififi and Mphego villages in Thohoyandou and were known for their wrongdoing in the area. “They targeted homes and lodges in the area, committing robbery, housebreaking, theft and theft of vehicles for quick money schemes,” he said. “These crimes were always committed at gunpoint. In one case, Mulaudzi raped a female employee of a lodge while his accomplices robbed another. In another case, they stole a car and abandoned it after it had overturned. It was recovered later.” Ramaloko said during the suspects’ arrests in 2011, several items that had been stolen from their victims, was seized. He said some of the recovered items were victims’ cell phones, clothes and electrical appliances, which positively linked them to various crime scenes. Two firearms and ammunition, which were used to commit these crimes, were also seized. He said Bebeda and Mulaudzi were sentenced to 50 years’ imprisonment each, while Dzivhini was only sentenced to 20 years for a string of
charges ranging from robbery to rape, the possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition. “The investigating team successfully kept the three in custody without bail since their initial arrest in 2011,” Ramaloko said. Anwa Dramat, National Head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation in a statement commended the Organised Crime Unit of the Hawks in Thohoyandou for securing the conviction. Dramat congratulated the investigating team for their tireless efforts in bringing the criminals to book and said these criminals have left an irreplaceable void in the family of the victims. This sentence will hopefully bring a meaningful closure to the family since justice is done. According to Ramaloko the Sibasa Regional Court during the sentencing of the accused said the Hawks has proven that the investigating methodologies used by the Police in tracking and tracing criminals and presenting evidence against the accused in court, linking them to the criminal charges can be relied on.
CRIME shorts Suspect wanted for murder
The Roedtan Police are looking for a man suspected of killing 50-year-old Matonsi Maluleke. Police Spokesperson, Tsietsi Lamola said available information points to the suspect, known as Patrick Dube, allegedly breaking into Matonsi Maluleke’s house on Tuesday, 1 July and dousing it with petrol before setting it alight. Lamola said Maluleke was apparently asleep when the incident took place and he sustained serious injuries. “He was taken to Voortrekker Hospital in Mokopane before he was transferred to Mankweng Hospital for medical treatment for burns.” Maluleke succumbed to his injuries on Friday, 4 July. Lamola said a case of attempted murder was initially opened but it has now been changed to murder. He said the suspect and the deceased Patrick Dube is wanted had allegedly been by the Roedtan Police on suspicion of murder. involved in a love triangle. “The men had an affair with the same woman. They were apparently embroiled in a fist fight a while back,” Lamola said. He appeals to the community to come forward with information that may lead to the arrest of the suspect. Persons with information can contact Makgitle Lehlaleroa on 015 667 0011/2 or 082 414 1832 or call their nearest Police station.
Dangerous suspect escaped
Police have launched a massive manhunt following the escape of Tshilidzi Nelson Masindi from Police holding cells in Thohoyandou on Tuesday. Provincial Police Spokesperson, Hangwani Mulaudzi said the 36-yearold is facing charges of rape, burglary, assault and murder and now a case of escaping from lawful custody has been added. He said Masindi left Police custody wearing a Police uniform which he
Photos: Roelien Vorster
stole from a steel cabinet where court orderlies store their uniforms. “Internal processes have already commenced for the officer whose uniform aided the suspect to flee,” Mulaudzi confirmed. Anyone with information concerning the whereabouts of the suspect is urged to call Ntshavheni Ratshiedane on 082 401 9736 or the nearest Police station.
Award offered for information
The Police in Limpopo offers a reward of R100 000 for information that would lead to the arrest and conviction in court of the suspects responsible for the murder of community leader, Piet Pale (42) at Mahwelereng on 28 June. Provincial Police Spokesperson, Hangwani Mulaudzi said Pale, a community officer of the Mogalakwena Municipal Forum, was shot and killed at Hospital View when he stopped at the gate of a friend’s house. An unknown suspect approached and shot him through the window of his car. He said no arrests have been made and the Police are appealing to anybody with information to contact the investigating officer, Sakkie Lourens on 082 443 8911. “Information will be treated as confidential. Alternatively, people may call the Crime Stop tip-off line on 08600 10111 or SMS Crime Line at 32211,” he said.
Police officer arrested for fraud
A Police officer from Burgersfort was released on R1 000 bail after being arrested for allegedly defrauding a senior citizen in Hoedspruit of thousands of Rand. Sidwell Seoke appeared in the Hoedspruit Periodical Court on Monday and was released on bail pending his next appearance on 4 September. Provincial Police Spokesperson, Hangwani Mulaudzi said Sidwell Seoke (64) allegedly approached a senior citizen at an ATM. The officer allegedly produced his Police appointment card claiming he was investigating fraud cases in the vicinity. “The old man was taken to a secluded area where his cell phone was seized and his money switched with an envelope filled with newspaper cuttings before the suspect ran away,” Mulaudzi said. The 59-year-old victim alerted the Police where after a search ensued and the officer was arrested at |
a local mall. Further investigations are afoot to ascertain if the suspect can be linked to similar cases in the Hoedspruit and surrounding areas. Mulaudzi said Seoke has been charged with robbery. “Departmental steps will also be instituted against the perpetrator,” he said.
Seven arrested for smuggling explosives
Seven suspects will appear in the Musina Magistrate’s Court following their arrest after they were found with explosives in their possession on Monday. Provincial Police Spokesperson, Hangwani Mulaudzi said Musina Police arrested seven Zimbabwean nationals following an interception at the Beit Bridge border post late on Friday evening. He said information was received that explosives will be smuggled through the border. “An operation was staged and the vehicle suspected to be carrying the alleged explosives was stopped and searched. The Police found 12 detonators and 12 blasting cartridges hidden in the side panel of his vehicle,” he said. Mulaudzi said the driver and 13 passengers were detained at Musina Police station. Seven of the suspects interviewed could not be linked and were released. The remaining seven, including the driver, will appear at the Musina Magistrate’s Court on Monday on charges of possession and smuggling of explosives.
Three in court for rhino poaching
Three suspected rhino poachers from Mozambique will appeared in the Gravelotte Magistrate’s Court on charges of illegal poaching and possession of an unlicensed firearm tomorrow (Friday). Provincial Police Spokesperson, Hangwani Mulaudzi said the three suspected rhino poachers aged 16, 47 and 44 years were arrested on a farm in Gravelotte early on Friday. The three were allegedly lying in wait to shoot and dehorn a rhino. He said their plans were intercepted when the Police surprised them and they were arrested. The three were found in possession of an unlicensed 3.75 rifle with ammunition. Mulaudzi said the three, a minor, Phineas Baloyi (47) and Phillip Xihlangu (44) appeared briefly in court on charges of poaching and possession of an unlicensed firearm.
Seshego Polokwane Taxi Association Deputy Secretary, David Mantsho, Deputy Chairperson Puleng Piet Monyuku and Secretary Tipe Luka Sethosa with the patrol vehicle they received.
Patrol cars donated to two taxi associations ROELIEN VORSTER >> Two fully equipped patrol cars were donated and handed over to two taxi associations by DMN Panelbeaters and DC Towing in Ladine on Friday. Marius Fourie, owner of BC Towing said Moletjie Taxi Association received a Renault Clio and the Seshego Polokwane Taxi Association (SPTA) an Opel Corsa. He said the cars are equipped with rotating lights, safety vests, road cones and fire extinguishers. “The cars will be used to patrol the areas where the associations operate to ensure that no altercations occur and to defuse any violence en route. It is our way of thanking them for their support over the years,” Fourie said. He said the cars, although pre-owned, are in mint condition and the two businesses will ensure that they are kept that way. Fourie and Dwayne Korff, owner of DMN Panelbeaters sponsor the maintenance and service of the vehicles. Our aim is to eventually expand this donation to other areas such as Mankweng, Bochum, Lebowakgomo and Jane Furse,” Fourie said.
Although not a new concept Fourie said the donation of the cars will simplify the association’s patrolling activities. “The associations have been doing this kind of patrolling for a few years. The donation is simply to assist and make their work a little easier. A taxi rank master, one for each association, will be on duty 24-hours a day. This should ensure a smooth ride for the passengers and driver,” said Fourie. Solly Ledwaba, Chairperson of the Capricorn District Taxi Council said the two associations are affiliated to the district. “The taxi association relies on DMN Panelbeaters and DC Towing for quality work after drivers were involved in an accident. We appreciate the support we received from Fourie and Korff and our partnership will go a long way.” Ledwaba cautioned the chairpersons of SPTA and Malatjie Taxi Association Tipe Sethosa and Sam Maleka to ensure the vehicles are used for business purposes only. “The taxi industry is known as being volatile and you are advised to take care of the vehicles. You must treat it as the most valuable asset to ensure that services are well promoted,” Ledwaba stated.
Dwayne Korff, owner of DMN Panelbeaters, Sam Maleka, Chairperson of Moletjie Taxi Association, Willard Ramahlodi and Marius Fourie, owner of DC Towing. At the back are Philemon Molatelo Nakeng and Johannes Selemela.
August 14, 2014
Polokwane Observer
R41 600
R31 500
R41 400
0 0 00 e
Limpopo Toyota
e r f or
f s a xtr
6 8 TA
Pretoria N1 Highway - Motorcity 204 Tagore Street, Polokwane
015 292 9500
August 14, 2014
12 OBSERVER polokwane
Veelbekroonde Chris Chameleon eersdaags in Polokwane
Polokwane-inwoners het op 22 Augustus die geleentheid om Chris Chameleon in sy verskeidenheid gedaantes as Suid-Afrika se geliefde verkleurmannetjie in die produksie, Drie Vriende te beleef. Vernuwend, eindeloos kreatief en baie
Die musikale fenomeen en Suid-Afrika se bekendste verkleurmannetjie, Chris Chameleon tree volgende week in die stad op.
talentvol is immers woorde waarmee ‘n mens tereg na die veelbekroonde Chameleon kan verwys. Buiten sy eie, buitengewone aanbieding van musiek en fassinerende verhale, verskyn die vlamwarm jong digter Daniella Deysel saam met Chameleon om sy 2014-albumbekendstelling van Posduif, ‘n versameling van sy toonsettings van Deysel se aangrypende werk, te vertolk. Die derde been van Drie Vriende is die partytjie opskop doef-doef skollie, Sarel Fourie wat ook sy verskyning maak om gehore te trakteer in ‘n produksie wat ‘n wye verskeidenheid humor, erns, sielsmusiek en loslittige vermaak waarborg. Die vertoning vind om 18:30 in die saal van Pietersburg-Laerskool plaas. Geen voorafbespreekte sitplekke word gedoen nie, maar gaste kan vanaf 17:00 arriveer en die beste sitplekke kies. ‘n Beperkte aantal kaartjies is nog teen R130 beskikbaar en kan aanlyn by gedoen word. Skakel Hanno Becker by 082 574 9431 vir navrae. Die wins van die produksie word aan liefdadigheid geskenk.
Chance to win three gospel CDs WARREN BLUNT >> Tsonga gospel singer Kedibone Malatswane is excited with the release of his second CD titled Ndzi Tsakile, meaning “I’ve got Joy” that was launched in June. His first gospel album “Lwana Nyimpi Leyinene” that was released in 2012 had one of the tracks nominated for the Tsonga Music Awards, and Malatswane is hoping for more of the same with his latest CD. The title track of Malatswane’s new CD is presently being aired on local radio stations, Mala FM, Giyani Community Radio, Segosese FM and Munghana Lonene FM. Three lucky Polokwane Observer readers can win a copy of the CD by emailing the name of Malatswane’s new album to The first three correct answers will each receive a CD.
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Algemeen >> Daar bestaan ‘n vakature vir ‘n (verkieslik) getroude opsigterspaar by Myngenoegen Shelter. Pieter Booyzen: 082 414 1122 of Christa van Tonder: 083 302 4313. 15 to 29 August Plot for Peace, a gripping, covert account of the last days of Apartheid, is screened at SterKinekor, Mall of the North. Tickets are available at the cinema at the normal prices. Katlego Ledimo: 076 062 5734 or 011 303 7030. 16 August >> The Pathways Appreciation Breakfast takes place at Protea Hotel Ranch Resort at 09:00. Zelda la Grange, author of ‘Good Morning, Mr Mandela’ will be the guest speaker. Tickets cost R300 per person or R3 000 for a table of ten and include breakfast. Proceeds will go towards the Pathways NPC projects for disabled children. Sally Hansen: 015 295 5292 or Sarah Hansen: 015 295 5843. >> Cansa presents their Bark for Life fundraiser from 09:00 to 11:00 at Gen Piet Joubert School when dog owners can walk their dogs through a set course. Entry fees are R50 per dog and dogs must be on a leash. Le-Andrie Bezuidenhout: 082 797 3227 or David Booth: 083 655 2675. 17 August >> The Hindu community celebrates Krishna Janmasthami, the Birth of Lord Krishna, from 07:00 at the Gita Mandir in Crescent Street, Nirvana. Koshika Dayah: 082 441 8465 or Divesh Kara: 082 773 5804. 22 Augustus >> Chris Chameleon tree om 17:00 vir 18:30 by Laerskool Pietersburg op. Kaartjies kos R130 per persoon. Voorafbespreking is noodsaaklik en kan aanlyn gedoen word by www.chameleonpbg. Hanno Becker: 082 574 9431. 26 Augustus >> Die Pietersburg-Doornkraal Geloftefeesmaatskappy hou om 18:30 ‘n dankdiens in die Doornkraal Feessaal om die uitgawe van die Bybel in Afrikaans te herdenk. Johan Willemse: 015 297 5922/072 197 3134. 30 Augustus >> Die Hervormde Gemeente in Thabo Mbekistraat bied ‘n markdag vanaf 09:00 aan. Uitstallers met interessante handvervaardigde artikels kan ‘n tafel teen R50 bespreek. Eetgoed word verkoop. Kom geniet ‘n oggend saam met talentvolle entrepreneurs. Susan Raath: 082 258 1418. >> Die Emmanuel Baptistegemeente bied om 18:30 ‘n gratis Lentedans by die Christ Baptist Church h/v Marshall- en Proteastraat aan. Eetgoed sal vanaf 17:30 te koop wees. Andries Swanepoel: 083 566 3234. 31 August >> Polokwane Pedallers presents the Limpopo Qualifier Event in the Polokwane Game Reserve from 08:00. There will be a marathon (74 km), half marathon (27 km) and a fun ride
WRITE TO US>> PO Box 11140, Bendor, 0699 TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 E-MAIL (15 km). Pre-entries at Saloojee Cycles on 29 August and line entries on the day of the event from 06:00 to 07:30. The total prize money is R35 000. Neels Lourens: 082 809 4860. 30 Augustus en 6 September >> Die jaarlikse Cliviaskou vind van 08:00 tot 13:00 by Groblerstraat 51A plaas. Mooi en skaars plante is teen uiters billike pryse te koop. Pieter van Eeden: 082 448 4251. 4 September >> Die Vryburgers bied ‘n wynveiling by die Pietersburgklub in samewerking met die Vryburgers van Robertson aan. Geld word hierdeur vir liefdadigheid ingesamel. Aggie Ströh: 082 465 8234. 5 September >> Koop jou plakker en glimhoed en trek snaaks aan vir Loslitdag saam met die Vereniging vir Persone met Gestremdheid en maak so ‘n verskil aan die lewe van gestremdes. Vanjaar se tema is “Hou die bling kant bo.” Johnny Graham: 015 291 1787/8. >> Rocco de Villiers tree om 18:00 by Bolivia Lodge ten bate van La Wiida Leersentrum vir Kinders met Spesiale Behoeftes (voorheen die Arendeklas) op. Kaartjies kos R500 per persoon of R5 000 per tafel van tien en sluit ‘n banketete in. Sophia Hislop: 082 325 0612 of 015 297 3310. 6 September >> Baby and Toddler Expo takes place at NG Kerk Bendor from 09:00 to 17:00. There will be face paint, pony rides food and drinks and proceeds will go towards Ngwana House. The keynote speaker will be Dr Melodie de Jager and tickets cost R20 per person with children under thirteen free. Jackie Shrives: 072 101 9815. >> Noordelikes Rugbyklub hou vanaf 10:00 ‘n potjiekoskompetisie by die klubhuis in Ladanna. Inskrywings kos R500 per pot van vier persone en inskrywings sluit op 19 Augustus. Lieb Coetzer: 082 974 4330. >> Buster die Brak met aktrise, Hanna Grobler om 10:00 by Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé. Daar is ook ‘n inkleurkompetisie en groot pryse kan gewen word. Kaartjies kos R50 per persoon en die opbrengs gaan aan Hoop vir Kinders. Linda Dahms: 082 554 0540.
preferences voorkeure
Polokwane Observer asked newly inaugurated Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng about her preferences. FAVOURITE food>> Pap and tripe FAVOURITE music>> Soul FAVOURITE destination>> Mosi-oa-Tunya (Victoria Falls) FAVOURITE book>> The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid (CK Prahalad). FAVOURITE expression>> It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. – Charles Darwin.
E-mail with your picture and caption. The reader who sends in the best photo will receive a monthly cash prize of R250.
A rare sight in the Polokwane Game Reserve. Polokwane resident Dave Blumrick took this photo of a honey badger cautiously approaching a water hole in the reserve recently.
Kokkedoor se Johnny OBSERVER 13 Hamman kook in Afrikaans >> Vis en skyfies is een van sy gunstelingdisse >> Geen kitskos en afval in sy kombuis nie RC Myburgh >> “Daar is niks fout met Afrikaanse disse nie en die taal skep ‘n ongelooflike platform om in te kook,” sê oud-Pietie, Johnny Hamman, Kokkedoor 2014-medewenner. Hy reis tans saam met twee voormalige deelnemers, Alet van der Westhuizen en Marius Uys van die gewilde werklikheidskosreeks, die land plat met hul Borsspeld, Bangles en ‘n Blond (BBB)-toer en tower smuldisse vir gaste op. Die trio was Maandag- en Dinsdagaand by Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) waar gaste aan ‘n viergangmaaltyd kon weglê en na staaltjies uit hul verlede en Kokkedoor 2014 kon luister. “Ons noem dit ‘n aansitteater waar gaste heerlik kuier en saam eet en ons vir hulle van die snaakse gebeure in ons verlede vertel,” sê Hamman wat in 2001 aan PHS matrikuleer en aan die Stellenbosch Institute for Culinary Arts studeer het. Sy lewe was ‘n reis sedert hy sy studies voltooi het terwyl sy liefde vir kos daagliks gegroei het. “Ek het onder andere in Kaapstad as sjef gewerk waarna ek by ‘n spysenieringsmaatskappy in Johannesburg aangesluit het. Ek het ook vir ‘n jaar in North Carolina in Amerika gewerk waarna ek my eie kos- en leefstylbesigheid,
Rinus Bosman, graad 10-leerder van PHS wil graag in Johnny Hamman se voetspore volg en beoog om ‘n fyngebaksjef te word.
Gasvryheidstudies-leerder, Jessica Barnard help Johnny Hamman met voorbereidings.
Blye weersiens tussen Rita Erasmus, plaaslike koorleier en voormalige koorlid, Johnny Hamman.
Augustus 14, 2014
Not Ham But Man, in Kaapstad begin,” sê hy. Hy wou glad nie vir Kokkedoor inskryf nie, maar is deur vriende geforseer. “Ek het nie verwag om naby die finale rondtes te kom en die wen was ‘n absolute verrassing. Tydens die program het ek van voor af op Afrikaanse kos verlief geraak.” Hy sê die toer is om hulself aan die land bekend te stel en veral dorpe
waar hul meeste aanhangers is, te besoek. Hamman is ‘n groot vis en skyfiesliefhebber en sê dit is nie maklik om die perfekte kors vir ‘n lekker stuk vis te maak nie. “Dit neem jare om die perfekt viskors te bemeester.” Hy sê hy het altyd borrie, wit peper en botter in sy kombuis terwyl kitskosse, -soppe of –souse en afval taboe is.
Kokkedoor 2014-medewenner en oudleerder van Hoërskool Pietersburg, Johnny Hamman het tydens sy besoek aan die stad erkenning gegee aan sy twee eertydse gasvryheidstudie-leerkragte, Alda Nel (links) en Mariana Badenhorst.
Foto’s: Elna Esterhuysen en RC Myburgh
Drie kokkedore, Marius Uys, Alet van der Westhuizen en oudPietie Johnny Hamman in PHS se restaurantkombuis tydens die voorbereiding van die disse.
Polokwane Observer
Augustus 14, 2014
Mall of the North ontruim ná verdagte pakkie BARRY VILJOEN >> Mall of the North is Dinsdagoggend binne minute ontruim tydens ‘n oefening waaraan personeel van die sentrum, die polisie en die plaaslike brandweer en rampbestuureenheid deelgeneem het. ‘n Voorafopgeneemde aankondiging het personeel en kliënte in die sentrum gevra om na versamelpunte te beweeg en nie te storm nie. Die ontruiming het ordelik verloop en geen ongevalle is aangemeld nie. Noodpersoneel het daarna deur die sentrum beweeg en die K9-springstofeenheid van die polisie het ‘n verdagte pakkie in die speletjies-
arkade opgemerk. ‘n Spesiaal opgeleide hond van die eenheid het die pakkie geïdentifiseer en dit is later met ‘n tou tot in die parkeerterrein getrek. Die aanwesiges kon vanaf ‘n veilige afstand toekyk hoe die pakkie met springstof uitmekaargeskiet is. Volgens Gerhard Bezuidenhout, operasionele bestuurder van die sentrum, word ‘n ontruimingsoefening jaarliks gehou om personeel op te skerp en reageer die personeel en huurders elke jaar beter. Die polisie en personeel van die munisipaliteit word ook ‘n geleentheid gebied om te oefen sodat almal gereed en voorbereid kan wees vir ‘n noodsituasie. Die rampbestuureenheid van die munisipaliteit sal nou ‘n volledige evalueringsverslag opstel en aan die sentrumbestuur besorg sodat leemtes aangespreek kan word.
Augustus 14, 2014
Photo: Supplied
Democratic Alliance (DA) Legislature Member Suzan Phala looks on as people from nearby villages on the road to Springfield village in the Blouberg area collect water from a resource shared with animals.
Frieda Mojela op pad om die pakkie uit die gebou te verwyder. Foto’s: Barry Viljoen
Die bom net nadat dit in die parkeerterrein onskadelik gestel is.
DA confronted by marginalised well-users YOLANDE NEL >>
Rudi Barwise van die K9-Springstofeenheid van die SAPD en sy hond, Mildred by die verdagte pakkie wat in Mall of the North ontdek is.
emocratic Alliance (DA) Spokesperson on Women, Children and People with Disability and Provincial Legislature Member, Katlego Suzan Phala joined the rest of the country in celebrating Women’s Day on Saturday. But on the way to Springfield Village in the Blouberg area for interaction with an all-female audience she made a startling discovery when confronted by the sight of human beings having to source water for household purposes from a well shared with animals along a gravel road. Photos shared with Polokwane Observer depicted youngsters from surrounding villages filling up containers suspected for household use, an issue that Phala undertook to raise with the MECs for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism and Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) as well as in the Legislature when she delivers her maiden speech. Moving on to Potokela Primary School at Springfield Village on Saturday, Phala listened
to challenges faced due to lack of service delivery. She indicated the aim of the function was to celebrate the bravery of the women who marched to the Union Buildings in 1956 and create awareness of arising challenges to be tackled head-on. Phala said she donated sanitary towels to the women present. Those present raised issues of concern, including that of matriculants from Mmamoka Secondary School in the area still not having received textbooks in Accounting despite their final exams being two months away, she said. Another concern raised with her was that of a municipal water truck delivering the much needed source to the residence of the local councillor in adjacent Ga-Kobe village and not to them, displaying that service delivery was determined by political affiliation in the area, she indicated. She further reflected on being informed of a representative of a local drop-in centre applying for funding and upon government’s demand opened a bank account, which was closed again as no funds had been deposited into the account by the relevant department three months later.
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Premier to visit China
August 14, 2014
16 OBSERVER polokwane
>> Chinese have invested a lot in the province >> To consolidate Limpopo’s investment projects Herbert Rachuene >>
remier Stan Mathabatha and Seaparo Sekoati, MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet) will in October visit the Liaoning Province of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The visit will have as its main focus Limpopo’s economic priorities as well as investment projects and opportunities. Sekoati on Friday hosted Pan Liguo, Vice Governor of Liaoning Province and his delegation to formalise arrangements for the visit. Spokesperson for the Premier, Kenny Mathivha indicated that the
visit will focus on the province’s economic priorities and opportunities with the view to consolidate foreign policy objectives. “Remember the Chinese have invested a lot in the province, they own huge factories in the province and we want them to invest more,” Mathivha said the delegation will also include representatives from the Limpopo Development Agency. Liaoning Province, located in the northeast of China and bordering on North Korea, boasts the largest economy in that part of the country with leading the industries being petrochemicals, metallurgy, electronic telecommunications and machine manufacturing. The province ranks among the top three in the country in terms of producing pig iron, steel and metal cutting machine tools. Industries such as mining, quarrying, smelting and pressing of ferrous metals, petroleum and natural gas extraction are all of great significance in the province.
Women urged to grab opportunities While Women’s Month is being celebrated women should grab opportunities to gain financial literacy as success does not come to those who wait. Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng addressed role players during an Old Mutual stakeholder meeting last week. “It is the responsibility of every citizen to ensure that the path for women development is empowered even further and that the private sector should contribute towards the development of communities,” she is quoted to have said. Nkadimeng reportedly stressed the need for government to partner with the business sector in order to draw
good practices and also to ensure that government delivers on its promises. She gave the commitment that under her stewardship Polokwane will be propelled to greater heights even if it entails difficult decisions which may not be comfortable to most. Old Mutual General Manager: Tied, Sales and Distribution Themba Ngwenya is quoted to have said that the entity is grateful for the opportunity government is providing by opening its doors to the business sector. He added that Old Mutual will continue to partner with the municipality and government to ensure a steady contribution towards the development of communities.
Photo: Supplied
Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng (middle) receives a cheque for R200 000 from Old Mutual Provincial General Manager for Limpopo and Mpumalanga, Tlou Keetse (left) and General Manager: Tied, Sales and Distribution, Themba Ngwenya towards the mayor’s bursary fund.
Photo: Herbert Rachuene
Seaparo Sekoati, MEC for Ledet and Pan Liguo, Vice Governor of Liaoning Province during their meeting in Polokwane last Friday.
Photo: Supplied
Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng addresses role players during an Old Mutual stakeholder meeting last week.
R200 000 boost for mayor’s bursary fund Old Mutual contributed R200 000 to Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng’s bursary fund during a stakeholders meeting held last week. Nkadimeng reportedly expressed her gratitude towards Old Mutual for their contribution and said she gladly accepts the donation on behalf of the needy children in Polokwane who annually benefit from the bursary fund.
A press release quotes Old Mutual Provincial General Manager for Limpopo and Mpumalanga, Tlou Keetse to have said the entity is proud to be contributing towards a good cause. He added that the contribution followed discussions with Nkadimeng’s office and that Old Mutual believes in educating children as it ensures continued needed skills for the country.
Ondergenoemde lede of naasbestaandes moet asb sonder versuim kontak maak met een van die volgende persone:
August 14, 2014
Polokwane Observer
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Joy Matshoge, MEC for Agriculture during her address.
Department awards Female entrepreneurs Herbert racHuene >>
he efforts of Limpopo women in Agriculture and their contribution to the sector were given due recognition last Thursday when Agriculture MEC Joy Matshoge handed over her department’s Female Entrepreneur of the Year Awards to the winners during a function held in Polokwane. The awards, one of the departments’ major projects, have become an instrument through which the contributions of women in the fight against poverty, hunger and joblessness are recognised. The finalists in the categories Best Female Worker, Best Subsistence Producer, Top Entrepreneur Smallholder, Top Entrepreneur Processing, Top Entrepreneur Commercial, Top Entrepreneur National Markets and Top Entrepreneur in Exports Markets came from across the province. Christina Rabothe from Buffelskom Farm was named Best Female Worker. For her endeavours she received a certificate and R30 000 in cash. Tsakani Hlungwani from Mopani district was named Best Subsistence Producer and also took home R30 000. Maite Heyman from Mokgohlwa le Maite Florist in Capricorn district won the Top Entrepreneur in the Processing Sector category. She also walked away with R30 000. The title of Top Entrepreneur in the Smallholder sector went to Raesetja Kale from Capricorn district who also received R30 000 and a certificate. Onnica Kobe from Olifantspoort Farm Workers Trust in Waterberg district and Dinah Denga from Tsatshilu Trading in the Vhembe District emerged as category winners in the
Top Entrepreneur Commercial sector and Top Entrepreneur Export Markets sector respectively. They each received R60 000 in prize money. Congratulating the winners Matshoge said the department is proud of women like them who “continue to soldier the green fields of Limpopo performing the daunting task of moving food through their gates to bring it to tables and plates”. “These are the women who take responsibility for all aspects of
families’ lives, including the need to obtain food, fuel and water, often long distances, but are excluded from decision making structures. They are the bulk of the seasonal labour force in agriculture, but receive lower wages. We are proud to be associated with them,” Matshoge said. The winners will compete at the National Female Entrepreneur of the Year to be hosted at the Mmabatho Convention Centre in Mafikeng, North West on 22 August 2014.
Tsakani Hlungwani from Mopani district was named Best Female Farmer in the Subsistence Producer category. Limpopo First Lady Margaret Mathabatha shares the big moment with her.
Waterberg district’s Christina Rabothe was named Best Female Worker. Malesela Dikgale, Provincial Chairperson of the House of Traditional Leaders congratulates her on the accomplishment.
Capricorn District Executive Mayor, Gilbert Kganyago, Limpopo First Lady Margaret Mathabatha and Agriculture MEC Joy Matshoge share a light moment at table during the gala dinner.
PHoto: Herbert racHuene
Raesetja Kale from Capricorn District is the 2014 Top Entrepreneur in the Smallholder sector.
Maite Heyman from Mokgohlwa le Maite Florist in the Capricorn District is the Top Entrepreneur in the Processing Sector. Jacque Smalle, Democratic Alliance Provincial Leader and Ramatsimele Maisela, Department Head of Agriculture handed over the cheque and certificate.
Onnica Kobe from Olifantspoort Farm Workers’ Trust is the Top Entrepreneur in the Commercial sector. She received R60 000 in prize money.
Dinah Denga from Tsatshilu Trading and Projects wins R60 000 and the title of Top Entrepreneur in the Export Markets sector. With her are Agriculture MEC Joy Matshoge and Limpopo First Lady Margaret Mathabatha.
Polokwane Observer
Augustus 14, 2014
August 14, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Miracle baby turns two
August 14, 2014
20 OBSERVER polokwane
Tendani Bugana and David Dennison, Operations Manager Paramedics at the Department of Health and Social Development.
endani Bugana celebrated her second birthday on Saturday surrounded by the paramedic officers who rescued her, officials from the Department of Health and her family at Meropa Casino & Entertainment World. Paramedics of EMS and Protoscape Private Ambulance Services assisted at the scene of an accident that claimed the life of Tendani’s mother on 10 August 2012. The car in which Tendani’s mother was a passenger that day collided with a train at a railway crossing in Polokwane. On the scene were Operations Manager Paramedics at the Department of Health, David Dennison and advanced life support paramedic, Eugene Schreiber, along with paramedics from Protoscape Private Ambulance Services. It was established that a female passenger, eight months pregnant at the time, had died in the accident. On examining
the woman Dennison heard no heartbeat from the womb but he then felt a tiny kick and the team immediately went to work, extricating the mother from the wreck and performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation to ensure blood circulation for the foetus. The mother was rushed to the hospital where Tendani was born via C-section and required assistance as she was born with no pulse or respiratory activity. “I have been in the emergency services field for the last 30 years and I have never experienced anything like this. It was a first for all the emergency medical personnel involved. Everything went in Tendani’s favour and we thank God that she is still alive and we wish her many more years to come,” Dennison said. Tendani’s aunt, Eunice Mampheka said she is grateful to the department and the paramedics for keeping Tendani in their hearts. “As her family we want to thank God for everything the paramedics and the doctors for what they did on that day. It is
unfortunate the mother is not here with us. We would have wanted that she could see her daughter growing up,” she said.
Tendani Bugana and her aunt Eunice Mampheka.
DA wants toilets at Malamulele High School HERBERT RACHUENE >>
Bid Description
Closing Date and Time 09/09/2014, Electrical Boardroom, 3rd Floor @ 10:00 09/09/2014, Electrical Boardroom, 3rd Floor @ 10:00 09/09/2014, Electrical Boardroom, 3rd Floor @ 10:00
Professional Registration PSIRA
Contact Person Ms. Helen Masera on 015 290 2642
Ms. Helen Masera on 015 290 2642
Ms. Helen Masera on 015 290 2642
90/10 18/08/2014, Price – 90 Jack Botes Hall BBBEE -10 cnr Bodenstein and Church streets @ 10:00
09/09/2014, Electrical Boardroom, 3rd Floor @ 10:00
Ms. Helen Masera on 015 290 2642
90/10 18/08/2014, Price – 90 Jack Botes Hall BBBEE -10 cnr Bodenstein and Church streets @ 10:00
09/09/2014, Electrical Boardroom, 3rd Floor @ 10:00
Ms. Helen Masera on 015 290 2642
Doc. fee Period of Evaluation Compulsory Site Advert. Criteria and Briefing R300. 00 30 Days 90/10 18/08/2014, Price – 90 Jack Botes Hall BBBEE -10 cnr Bodenstein and Church streets @ 10:00 R300. 00 30 Days 90/10 18/08/2014, Price – 90 Jack Botes Hall BBBEE -10 cnr Bodenstein and Church streets @ 10:00 R300. 00 30 Days 90/10 18/08/2014, Price – 90 Jack Botes Hall BBBEE -10 cnr Bodenstein and Church streets @ 10:00
85/2014 The Provisioning of Static Security Servic for a Period of Three (3) Years in Polokwane (Maja/Molepo Area). 86/2014 The Provisioning of Static Security Service for a Period of Three (3) Years in Polokwane (City Cluster). 87/2014 The Provisioning of Static Security Service for a Period of Three (3) Years in Polokwane (Seshego/Nirvana and Westenburg Area). R300. 00 30 Days 88/2014 The Provisioning of Static Security Services for a Period of Three (3) Years in Polokwane (Westenburg/Nirvana/ Seshego and Moletjie Area). R300. 00 30 Days 89/2013 Rendering of Wildlife Protection at Polokwane Game Reserve for a Period of Three (3) Years.
The Municipality shall adjudicate and award bids in accordance with the B-BBEE Status Level of Contributionon 90/10 point system, 90 points for the price and 10 points for BBBEE Level of Contribution. Bids documents containing the Conditions of Bid and other requirements in terms of the Supply Chain Management Policy will be available for collection as from 11 August 2014 at the Polokwane Municipality - cnr Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (Left of the security reception) - Polokwane. Prior to collection of the bid documents, payment should be made at the Rates Hall which opens from 08:00 to 15:00 weekly from Monday to Friday.
Democratic Alliance (DA) Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle last Thursday laid a charge with the Provincial office of South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) against the Department of Education for failing to provide proper toilets, water and sanitation for Malumulele High School learners. The school with an enrolment of nearly 2 000 learners from around the Malamulele area and beyond has been without toilets since its establishment, a situation which prompts learners to relieve themselves in the bushes and open veld during school hours. Smalle said the charge follows a series of complaints received from educators and learners at the school. “The Department of Education in 2011 promised to relocate the school and build a state-of the-art facility which would be worth between R20 to R40 million, but to date nothing has happened. “There is not a single proper toilet at the school. While learners rush to the bushes to relieve themselves, their educators go to the nearest complex to use proper toilets,” Smalle said. “We approached SAHRC to probe the matter as we believe it infringes on their right to education and violates their basic rights as set out in Section 28 of the Constitution. The matter is also being referred for investigation to the portfolio committee of education in the Legislature. We want MEC Thembisile Nwedamutswu to act immediately and provide mobile toilets as an interim measure. We further demand that the MEC establish a task team that will probe the matter internally to establish what happened to the money allocated to build the school,” Smalle said. SAHRC Provincial Manager, Victor Mavhidula said they will look into the complaint and visit the school before they make any decision. “We are going to investigate the matter; I think it is the right thing to do and we will take a decision afterwards,” Mavhidula said. Spokesperson for the Department of Education, Jack Mokobi said the delay to repair the school was due to its location. “The school is located in a bad area, so there are discussions going on to relocate the school. Fortunately this week we will have a contractor at the school, to check how we can solve the problem,” Mokobi said.
Bidders who do not attend compulsory site briefing will be disqualified. No late, faxed or telephonic bids will be accepted. Bids will remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days. The Council reserves the right to negotiate further conditions of the bid and other requirements of the bid with the successful bidder. Furthermore, Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any bid. Completed bids documents, fully priced, fully signed, fully initialed on all pages and original documents attached must be submitted sealed in an envelope marked: “Bid Name, Bid Number and Bid Description” should be deposited in theTender Box at the Polokwane Municipality - cnr Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (Left hand side of the security reception) – Polokwane on or before the closing date. N.B: No bids will be considered from persons in the service of the State (As defined in Regulation 1 of the Local Government: Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations). Mrs. T.C MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER
Jacques Smalle, Democratic Alliance Provincial Leader and Victor Mavhidula Provincial Manager for SAHRC at the commission’s offices last Thursday.
Dinél woeker met florerende stadsboerdery ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>
n die hartjie van die stad het Dinél van Huyssteen ‘n florerende boerdery waaruit sy ongekende genot put, deels omdat sy self op ‘n plaas grootgeword het en na aan die aarde leef. Eintlik was sy op soek na maniere om water te bespaar toe sy in die Landbouweekblad ‘n storie oor hidroponiese stelsels raaklees en dit haar dadelik geboei het. Van Huyssteen en haar man, Gerhard het begin lees, navorsing gedoen en by ‘n kenner en navorser op dié gebied, Wynand Bezuidenhout in Standerton gaan kuier. “Ons monde het oopgehang toe ons sien hoe ‘n klein ruimte vir ‘n intensiewe boerdery ingespan kan word en het onmiddellik ons eerste stelsel van 8 m² x 4 m² met groot opgewondenheid en verwagting bestel.” Die stelsel is volgens Bezuidenhout ‘n fyn wetenskap waarmee groot sukses behaal kan
word met swak gehalte water wat herhaaldelik gebruik word. Boonop het jy binne ses weke ‘n oes omdat water en voedingstowwe regstreeks volgens plante se gebruikspatrone aan die wortels toegedien word. Geen grond word gebruik nie. Die groeimedium lyk soos ‘n tipe oase wat vir blommerangskikking gebruik word. Van die ander voordele is dat dit organies is en ‘n lang rakleeftyd het. Op 7 Mei vanjaar is Dinél se stelsel geïnstalleer, slaaiblare is geplant en die praktiese leerproses het begin. “Dit is fassinerend en só mooi. Toe my eerste blaarslaaisaadjies na net twee weke plante met blare is wat stewig staan, was dit ‘n ‘wowoomblik’ in my lewe,” sê sy wat tans 2 000 plantjies in vol produksie het. Van Huyssteen voorsien reeds blare aan geriefswinkels in die stad en het groot planne vir uitbreiding. “Die lekkerste is dat ons hele gesin betrokke is en ek by die huis is. Ek pluk, Gerhard seël die sakkies en ons twee seuns, Christian en Deon help aandra en pak die sakkies in die yskas. Die vlytige boervrou het ‘n diplomakursus in verpleegkunde en het ses jaar ‘n suksesvolle interieurontwerpbesigheid gehad wat sy intussen verkoop het en maak tussendeur rokke wat sy by marke en feeste verkoop. Foto: Elna Esterhuysen
Dinél van Huyssteen by slaaiblare wat sy met behulp van die hidroponiese stelsel verbou.
Passion to alleviate poverty might secure the big title ROELIEN VORSTER >> Her bags are packed and she is ready to represent South Africa at the Miss Humanity International pageant in Barbados, Caribbean Island from 15 to 27 August. The reigning Miss Humanity International South Africa, Katryn Barwise said she is extremely excited and well prepared to compete for the title. “This will be the first time that I represent South Africa on an international stage. I am physically and mentally prepared for the pageant.” Barwise said compared to her opponents, the humanitarian advocacy alleviating poverty projects she has been engaged in have advanced the furthest and she believes her hard work has made a difference. She said the judging criteria will include physical appearance and whether the contestants are comfortable in bathing suits. “The most important quality however is that the winner must be a role model and ambassador for Miss Humanity International since she will do projects on world wide scale. The winner must be able to accept the responsibility to manage the portfolio,” Barwise said and added that the gala evening on 24 August is a mere formality since the pre-judging will determine the winner. She explained that during the pre-judging stage, the contestants will be judged on the traditional costume that represents their country as well as traditional dance, a swimwear round, fitness training, evening dress and ramp skills. “There is also a talent round were I will sing God Bless the Child by Shania Twain because it fits the many projects I have done. The interview round is the deal breaker. I must prepare a presentation about my projects and answer questions about myself and my passion for alleviating poverty,” she said. Barwise also had to upload a video on YouTube to introduce herself. Part of the criteria for the competition was to establish a foundation, Walk the Talk, in her name and where her projects are registered. Barwise raised R19 000 for her Wendy House Project for Ivy Dale Shelter at a charity golf day hosted by Protea Hotel Ranch Resort on 9 August. Ranch Resort owner, Tom Shearer
Augustus 14, 2014
Miss Humanity International South Africa, Katryn Barwise is off to Barbados to compete for the Miss Humanity International title. Photo: Roelien Vorster
on Tuesday announced that the Ranch Resort will double their contribution by adding funds for two additional Wendy houses which brings the total sponsorship up to R50 000. The Wendy houses are designed and manufactured by Woodworx Polokwane. Barwise extended her appreciation to Protea Hotel Ranch Resort who has been a major sponsor in many of her community upliftment projects of which Polokwane Observer is the official print media sponsor. Barwise said apart from the title she also aims for the Beauty with a Mission Award. “There is also a Public Choice award where the community can vote for me on Facebook.” Should she win the title Barwise plans to establish a centre outside South Africa for children with disabilities. “Martin Luther King Jr once said ‘All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence’. With this in mind, my passion is uplifting the community to change lives for the better,” Barwise concluded.
Polokwane Observer
Augustus 14, 2014
August 14, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Observer
Augustus 14, 2014
Strike a woman, you strike a rock CapriCorn Quilting – a haven for Quilters Capricorn Quilting was a dream come true for many quilters in Polokwane. For several years it was very difficult to obtain 100% cotton fabrics to use in quilts locally and they had to travel to Pretoria to buy all their quilting fabrics and other requirements Ann Nel opened her shop on 6 February 2012 and a new era in quilting started in Polokwane. Everything needed for quilting, from start to finish, was now available in the city. Long-arm quilting is also done in the shop and this helps quilters who want to continue on other projects and do not have the time to do their own quilting. She also spotted a need for knitting, crocheting and embroidery materials and then expanded the shop to accommodate all that is needed to fill that gap in the local market.
She is very passionate about any handmade article whether quilted, knitted, crocheted, embroidered or sewn. She knew that Polokwane needed a one-stop shop where she could bring together all the people who share her love for handmade items. Ann Nel Capricorn Quilting offers beginners’ as well as advanced classes in quilting, knitting, crochet and machine embroidery. In the near future Nel wants to attract school learners to become involved in classes and to learn the skills of sewing, knitting and crocheting. The shop stocks more than 500 different cotton fabrics and is a quilter’s haven!!!
>> On 9 August 1956, 20 000 women of all races marched to Pretoria’s Union Building to present a petition against the carrying of passes by black persons to then Prime Minister JG Strjidom. >> They sent a strong message that women will not be intimidated and silenced by unjust laws. ROELIEN VORSTER >>
or nearly two decades Women’s Day and Month have been celebrated across the world in recognition of remarkable women who has contributed to a better society. Polokwane Observer recognises and celebrates two accomplished women at PEPPS College whose contribution to society entails to ensure that the youth are educated on a daily basis to one day become the leaders of this country. Leigh Melville and Julia Werner, the Head of PEPPS College and Primary and PrePrimary respectively agreed that the focus this month should be on women in honour of how
far they’ve come over the past 56 years. On 9 August 1956, 20 000 women of all races marched to Pretoria’s Union Building to present a petition against the carrying of passes by black persons to then Prime Minister JG Strjidom. The march was organised by the Federation of South African Women (FSAW) to declare that a women’s place is everywhere, not just in the kitchen. They sent a strong message that women will not be intimidated and silenced by unjust laws. The day has since 1994 been commemorated and is known as Women’s Day with the strong message that if you strike a woman, you strike a rock and should then be willing to bear the consequences.
Finding strength from within but I try to be a mother and wife when I’m home and the principal of the college when I’m at work.” Although she believes everybody must It is not only important to remember how far celebrate Women’s Day, she will be spending women have come in the last century, but also some quiet time at home. “I have already parto celebrate a woman’s complex identity. This is the view of Leigh Melville, the Head ticipated in various activities outside of school,” of PEPPS College on National Women’s Day. she said. She said women’s rights Melville said although are not equally recognised the majority of principals and that women are still in the country are still not given the same rights male it has changed a as men. lot. She finds her inspira“To me the epitome tion from Edmund Hillary of being a woman is to who said: “It is not the be feminine because it mountain we conquer, but is what we are blessed ourselves.” with. We must also use She said all women our mothering spirit. All must remember that women are blessed with strength comes from good instinct which must within. She loves her job be utilised to the fullest,” because “not every day is Melville, who started her the same. Teaching gives teaching career at PEPPS me hope for the future. 24 years ago, said. She PEPPS have fantastic was appointed in her children who all live with a current position four sense of hope.” years ago and said she Melville believes her manages to compartPhoto: Roelien Vorster best attribute is to focus mentalise her personal The Head of the Project for the Estab- on being positive and to from her professional life. lishment of Primary and Pre-Primary inspire other women to be “Sometimes it overlaps, positive as well. School (PEPPS), Leigh Melville. ROELIEN VORSTER >>
Shop 13, 1 Watermelon Street
Visit us at:
PLATINUM PARK Polokwane Tel: 015 297 2146
Contact us 015 297 8964 or visit 22 Industria St, Industria, Polokwane Erna and Deirdré Maré, loyally supported by husband and father, Pieter Maré ventured into the world of fireplaces and braais in May 2012 when they bought the Heatwave outlet in Polokwane. Since then Lekker fireplaces, braais and décor has grown into a vibrant business. They have established themselves as the go-to-business for unique fireplaces and braais in Limpopo. They are renowned for stocking a variety of high quality products and their commitment to meeting the need of every client. “We love people and believe that giving the kind of welcome and service we would like to receive to each customer that steps into our shop as well as delivering on expectations, is key to the growth and sustainability of Lekker fireplaces, braais and décor. We would also not be able to succeed if the team of men responsible for deliveries and installations did not have the same ethos,” Erna Maré said. At Lekker fireplaces, braais and décor, you will find: - the latest in design available locally - the best quality - value for money - excellent customer-service - after sales support Home to Heatwave fireplaces and braais, Beauty Fires, The Big Green Egg, Anthea’s Art and Moerby, Lekker fireplaces, braais and décor has the needs of consumers at heart. Stockists of:
Radiating beauty from within We have a voice in the community.” Werner said her mother was the epitome of the woman in Proverbs. “My mother, who passed away 10 years Celebrating Women’s Day is a reminder of ago, showed humanity and nursed the soul. how far women have come in making South She would take in stray animals and feed the Africa a democratic country and in doing so, ensured that women, by realising that they poor. She was somebody I strive to be like. But have a voice, bring democracy into their if I had to choose someone else it would be households. evangelist and author Joyce Meyer.” The Head of PEPPS Primary and Pre-PrimaWerner said women who radiate beauty ry School, Julia Werner said women are the from the inside will pass it on to their chilbackbone of the nation. dren. “Part of my pur“Women were created to pose in life is to share be nurturers, but since my passion for teaching the world dictates to us and to encourage mothon how we should be, we ers and wives to play have lost the emotional a significant role in the side of being nurturers.” family. My motto in life She said times have is to just be you.” changed to such an extent She distinguishes her that some women are private and professional not intimidated by men life by staying focussed anymore. on a task. “I have many “In 1956 women of responsibilities at school all races and creed stood and by staying focussed up and said enough is on one task and only enough. It is one day in continue to the next if I a year where everybody have achieved what I set can stop focussing on out to do, ensure that I anything else and just say can relax when I am at that today I will honour a home.” woman. We should not be She concluded by Photo: Roelien Vorster submissive or allow ourJulia Werner, Head of PEPPS Primary saying: “I know who I am selves to be suppressed. and Pre-Primary School. and who I am in Christ.” ROELIEN VORSTER >>
August 14, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Macadamia @ The 4D ultrasound!! Aloes se seniors cnr Plein & Thabo Mbeki streets Phone for vier Vrouedag appointments on: BARRY VILJOEN >>
nwoners van Macadamia @ The Aloes se aftreeoord het verlede Woensdag hul eerste Vrouedag met speletjies, ‘n modeparade, ligte verversings en geskenke gevier. Aktiwiteitsbeplanner, Minnalise Verster se variasie op die bekende stoeledans, genaamd hoededans wat minder mobiliteit vereis, het groot gelag uitgelok en die wenners is met pryse beloon. Nog ‘n gewilde aktiwiteit was ‘n modeparade waartydens inwoners hulself in elegante serpe kon uitvat. Die geleentheid is met verversings en ‘n geskenkpakkie vir elkeen afgesluit. Die aftreeoord is in November 2013 met een inwoner begin en het vinnig tot ‘n inwonertal van 17 met ses mans en elf vrouens gegroei. ‘n Hoësorgeenheid is tans in aanbou. Matrone, Elmarié Heyneke, sê die eenheid kan moontlik reeds in September gereed wees vir
gebruik. Vyf personeellede voorsien tans in die bejaardes se behoeftes en sien toe dat hulle elke dag voedsame en keurigbereide etes kry.
Foto’s: Barry Viljoen
Aktiwiteitsbeplanner Minnalise Verster en Elmarié Heyneke, matrone by die versorgingseenheid van Macadamia @ The Aloes.
015 291 2275 Roentes X-rays and 4D Ultrasound first opened its doors in February 2005 and now, nearly ten years later, is still growing and expanding its services to the public of Polokwane and surrounds. Radiographer and owner, Hermien Rootman says the support and loyalty of their patients is the main reason for their success. “It has been a pleasure doing business in Polokwane for nearly ten years now. There will definitely be a lot more to come,” she says.
Photo: Anel de KocK
hermien Rootman, Radiographer and owner of Roentes X-rays and 4d Ultrasound.
Inwoners geniet die videogrepe wat snaakse situasies uitbeeld.
P.O. Box 246, Fauna Park, 0787 Tel: 015 293 1689, Fax: 015 293 1059 probrick&
FOR ALL YOUR PAVING NEEDS Pro Brick & Pave is in 1998 deur my pa, Johan Grebe as ‘n klein steenmakery begin. Na 13 jaar se sukses en heelwat groei het my pa afgetree en die besigheid aan my en my broer, Nico Grebe oorgegee. Ons is nou 3 jaar op ons eie en toon jaarliks groei. Ons is dankbaar vir die geleentheid wat my pa ons gegee het en strewe na kwaliteitprodukte, gehaltediens en 16 jaar se Rene Beukes ondervinding.
LIMPOPO cc The Windovert group was established in 1969 and Windovert Limpopo is one of 26 national franchises trading across South Africa as well as in Namibia and Zimbabwe. In Polokwane the business has been managed by the De Lange family for two decades. At Windovert Limpopo we continuously strive to offer our clients a wide range of high quality products, providing the best solutions and products to all their sun and light control requirements as well as security barriers the best products for their needs. We also service your old blinds and other products installed. The franchisor monitors global changes and expands and improves our range of products accordingly. The group has their own factories in Durban and Johannesburg and has standing agreements with several other factories that support certain special group benefits. We do have a national webpage where all our franchise products can be seen. Windovert Limpopo expanded their range of products to include carports and roofs. We honour our customers as our biggest asset and strive to keep them satisfied.
Tel: 015 297 8044 / 015 297 8811 16 Industria Street, Polokwane Free quotations: 015 297 8044
Business profile>>
business August 14, 2014 >> Page 26
Johan Bezuidenhout
Business: >> Suduco Asset Auctioneers Why did you choose the profession? >> I grew up in the auction industry and took over from my father What puts you ahead in the industry? >> Excellent service to sellers and buyers How do you live out your passion for your career? >> By ensuring the success of every auction
Bike Zone opens on Saturday
>> No longer necessary to support Gauteng >> A variety of services and accessories
he long awaited Bike Zone Polokwane will be opening their doors to the public officially on Saturday. The event promises to be fun filled, with giveaway prizes and specials. Bike Zone consists of a group of individually owned motorcycle accessory trading stores incorporated to assist independent motorcycle and accessory stores in playing an active part in their own survival game. Their franchise trading organisation allows store owners to retain independence and identity whilst benefiting from group buying power, marketing and advertis-
ing exposure, access to Bike Zone home branded products and value added services. Bike Zone Polokwane takes pride in the variety of accessories and friendly, reliable service they offer. Located at the wellknown Dalmada Filling Station (Exel) on the R71 towards Tzaneen, Bike Zone ensures that bikers can visit their store in a safe environment, only 5 km out of town with plenty of parking. Bike Zone Polokwane will also be featuring a “Bikers Lounge”, bike wash, tyre zone (with fitment) and minor services. Visit them for professional service in a comfortable homely atmosphere where bikers of all kinds will enjoy a relaxing shopping experience.
Photo: Barry Viljoen
Bosman Brink and Dereck Dunhin with an array of helmets on display behind them.
AgriLimpopo se Toyota Jongboer van die Jaar-kompetisie BARRY VILJOEN >> Maandelange voorbereiding en evaluering van jongboere (onder 35) in Limpopo het verlede Vrydagaand ‘n hoogtepunt bereik toe die wenner van die Limpopo-afdeling van AgriLimpopo se jaarlikse Limpopo Toyota Jongboer van die Jaar-kompetisie, Zander Ernst tydens ‘n dinee by Bolivia Lodge aangewys is. Die sameroeper van die keurkomitee, Paul Vorster, het by die geleentheid gesê dat daar eintlik vier wenners is omdat al vier die kandidate uitmuntende boere is en die keuse van ‘n wenner nie ‘n maklike taak was nie. Die ander kandidate was Ruan Potgieter, Neil Calitz en Emile O’Connell. Ekonoom Glen Steyn het gaste met ‘n toepaslike voorlegging oor die samelewing se impak op waterbronne en wat dit in die toekoms vir die landbou sal inhou, beïndruk.
Paul Vorster, sameroeper van die keurkomitee, finalis Ruan Potgieter, Jongboer van die Jaar Zander Ernst, kandidate Neil Calitz en Emile O’Connell met Léon Borcherds, president van AgriLimpopo. Foto’s: Barry Viljoen
Marthinus Beukes van Limpopo Toyota, Paul Vorster, sameroeper van die keurkomitee en Zander Ernst, Limpopo Toyota Jongboer van die Jaar.
Willem van Jaarveld, hoofbestuurder van AgriLimpopo sorg dat die verrigtinge vlot verloop.
Ekonoom Glen Steyn bespreek die rol van water in die landbou en die impak van die bevolkingsaanwas op hulpbronne.
Arms for Africa se trekkingwenners ontvang groot pryse Arms for Africa in Excelsiorstraat vier vanjaar hul mondigwording. As deel van die viering het hul kliënte die geleentheid gekry om pryse soos onder meer ‘n boog, teleskoop en geweer in ‘n gelukkige trekking te wen. Om vir die trekking in aanmerking te kom, moes kliënte bewys van hul aankope van meer as R2 500 met betaalstrokies en hul besonderhede by die winkel inhandig.
Foto: Melany Martin
Renée Brigljevic, eienaar, links en Pieter Wentzel van Calculus Rekenmeesters, regs staan by die wenners, Sakkie Mong, Wouter Chalmers en Jaco de Witt. Mong het ‘n Titan Rifle 9.3 x 62 gewen, Chalmers ‘n Rudolph-teleskoop en De Witt ‘n Mission-boog.
MOTORING August 14, 2014 >> PAGE 27
SMS: “POL” and the following - INITIALS - ID no - SURNAME - INCOME (NETT)
Third generation Renault Mégane a looker, fuel saver RC MYBURGH >>
he design of the new Renault Mégane is more sensuous than ever and this flagship model of the Renault product
line displays the brand’s new design identity – refined yet assertive. The new Mégane is available at Renault Polokwane with the imposing centrepiece diamond-shaped badge which dominates the black grille serving to underscore the brand’s new
The third generation Renault Mégane is available at Renault Polokwane on the corner of Ecxelsior and Landdros Maré streets.
design identity. Front LED lights complements the design and add to the final touch. Renault keeps on pulling pure magic out of the hat with striking lines across the exterior of the Mégane. The interior is just as refined with stylish finishes. Renault designers made use of high quality material throughout the cabin with sporty seats that provides ultimate support and comfort. It also offers standard intelligent technologies such as dual-zone climate control, fingertip controls behind the steering wheel, integrated navigation system including live services, Bluetooth, USB port and park assist. With the introduction of three range levels: GT Turbo (162 kW), GT-line Turbo (97kW) and Dynamique (81 kW) Renault provides absolute driving pleasure, performance and optimum fuel efficiency with sophisticated technology as standard feature. All derivatives of the new Mégane range are available in five-door hatch or three-door coupé variants which offer exactly the same specifications with the recommended pricing also identical. Renault is the most advanced manufacturer when it comes to engine downsizing with no compromise on performance. The 1,2-litre turbo (97 kW) engine makes its premiere in the new Mégane. The automaker’s transfer of Formula 1 technology to the engine
>> Formula 1 technology used in new engine range >> New 1,2 turbo engine outperforms its 1,4 litre predecessor
concerns four major aspects: turbo technology, engine aerodynamics, friction reduction and thermal management. Over and above the innovations derived from Formula 1 the new engine adopts the most modern technological solutions – a 100% aluminium block, variable valve timing at intake an exhaust, controlled variable oil pump, stop/start function plus energy smart management including regenerative braking system. The result of all this is exceptional output of 97 kW at 5 500 rpm and torque of 205 Nm between 2 000 and 3 000 rpm with 225 Nm of peak torque. It outperforms the 1,4 turbo it replaces and is equivalent or superior to the naturally aspired 1,6, 1,8 or even 2,0 litre engines on offer by its competitors. The Mégane reaches the 100 km/h mark in only 9,7 seconds with a maximum speed of 200 km/h. With this high performance ability the Mégane still offers low fuel consumption of 5,47 litre per 100 km and generates only 124 g CO2 per km a 14% improvement on its 1,4 litre predecessor. All versions of the new Mégane range come standard with six airbags, Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) coupled with Emergency Brake Assist (EBA), cruise control plus speed limiter and Electronic Stability Program (ESP) with electronic anti-slip regulation and three-point Isofix seat anchorage on side rear seats.
August 14, 2014
28 OBSERVER polokwane
Raising money for charity in flashy sports cars RC Myburgh >>
he annual Round Table Cannonball Africa Run, a venture for sports car enthusiasts to raise money for charity, this year made a pit stop in Polokwane where the entrants contested for the fastest time around the local oval track. Organiser Ross Crichton said the event takes contenders on an epic, mystery journey of adventure along a course of clues and events. “The Cannonball Run Africa, con-
vened by Round Table and organised by Super Car Lifestyle, celebrates its 12th anniversary this year. All funds generated by the run are donated to the QuadPara Association of South Africa (Qasa) in order to buy motorised wheelchairs,” Crichton explained. The run started at Zwartkops Raceway in Pretoria last Thursday morning from where contestants had to follow clues to Bela-Bela, a crocodile farm outside Mookgophong, Polokwane Oval and finally Tzaneen as their halfway destination. From Tzaneen
contestants on Sunday worked their way back to Pretoria. “The run is governed by a strict set of rules and guidelines to ensure safety of contestants, marshals and spectators. It is not a race. It is a motoring adventure and tests the skills, general knowledge and teamwork of contestants. The rules of the road are to be obeyed at all times,” Crichton said, adding that 20 contestants participated in this year’s run using vehicles such as Porsche, Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, BMW M6, Audi R8 and Nissan GTR.
Sean Flyn shows spectators how to obtain the quickest time around the oval track in his Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG. Left: Pieter Ackerman takes a corner on the local oval track in his Porsche 911.
Photos: RC Myburgh
Polokwane Oval Promoter Stephan Weideman with Round Table Cannonball Africa Run organiser Ross Crichton at the local oval track.
Motorfietsoptog teen ongelukke wat jong lewens eis
>> Motoriste moet meer waaksaam wees >> Alle motorfietsryers moet glimbaadjies dra ROELIEN VORSTER >>
Skokkende statistiek oor die hoë voorkoms van motorfietsongelukke wat die afgelope maande tot ernstige beserings en selfs die dood van baie jong mense in Polokwane gelei het, het ‘n plaaslike motorfietsryer, Mariaan Coetzee, genoop om ‘n bewusmakingsveldtog in dié verband van stapel te stuur.
Coetzee beplan ‘n motorfietsoptog op 16 Augustus om 11:00 vanaf Bike Zone (die ou Pendoringkroeg in Dalmada). Die motorfietsryers sal op die N1 ry en later weer terugkeer na Dalmada. Daar word egter op magtiging van die munisipaliteit vir die optog gewag en die plaaslike verkeersdepartement sal die motorfietsryers begelei. Coetzee het bloot ‘n voorliefde vir motorfietsry en is nie as ‘n ouer by enige skool betrokke nie. “Die doel van die optog is bloot om ons simpatie te betoon met soveel motorfietsryers wat op ons paaie sterf of beseer word en hierdie tendens onder die aandag van die breë publiek en veral motoriste te bring,” sê sy en voeg by dat dit haar wens is dat motoriste meer toegeneënd teenoor motorfietsryers sal raak.
Volgens Coetzee het sy ook die ondersteuning van verskeie hoërskole gekry. “Ek hoop dat ons uiteindelik die punt sal bereik waar elke jong motorfietsryer met ‘n glimbaadjie ry vir beter sigbaarheid.” Vir haar is dit altyd hartseer as ‘n motorfietsryer sterf, maar die pyn is soveel groter as die betrokkene ‘n jongmens is. Die gemeenskap word uitgenooi om aan die veldtog deel te neem en Coetzee vra dat almal die dag van die optog glimbaadjies dra. “Hulle is ook welkom om vlae en baniere aan hul motorfietse vas te maak.” Volgens Coetzee het die nie-winsgewende nasionale motorfietsorganisasie, Bikers That Care, in 2012 ‘n gedenkmuur op die Soetdoringpad opgerig waar hulle jaarliks bymekaarkom om ‘n plaatjie ter herinnering aan
motorfietsryers wat deur die jaar gesterf het, op te rig. Die bewusmakingsveldtog begin om 09:00 met ‘n vlooimark en verskeie kosstalletjies. Die publiek is welkom en toegang is gratis. Navrae kan aan Coetzee by 084 620 2550 gerig word. Polokwane Observer het vroeër die maand berig oor ‘n plaaslike inwoner, Raymond Bronkhorst, wat die groenstrikkieveldtog plaaslik geïnisieer het nadat hy ook die slagoffer van ‘n fietsongeluk was. Bronkhorst, in samewerking met Alicia Potgieter, bestuurder van Invitation Station in Savannah Mall, verkoop die groen strikkies teen R10 elk ter herinnering aan ouers wat kinders na motorfietsongelukke aan die dood moes afstaan.
August 14, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Property profile>>
PROPERTIES August 14, 2014 >> Page 30
Rina Putter
Agency: Aïda Polokwane What advice do you have for first time buyers? >> Make sure that you are prequalified by a bank or bond originator before starting to look for a house To what do you ascribe your success a property agent? >> Hard work, good service and quality after service What is the current trend in the local property market? >> There is a shortage of good stock
Buy a house at a young age >> There are very good reasons for young people to embrace home ownership soonest >> Low interest rate provide for easier bond approval lthough the latest interest rate hike isn’t really going to make that much difference to the amount payable on a bond,
ANTON 082 443 6039
BENDOR • R1 100 000
SESHEGO • R489 000 A NEAT HOUSE Ref: 91344182262 Face brick home with low maintenance. Palisades, lockable gate and burglar bars. The property is situated in the Nelson Mandela drive close to the Seshego plaza and taxi/bus rank. Close to primary school. Call now to view!
1 Carports 0
JACOB • 082 466 8266
BENDOR • R2 700 000 NESTLED IN POLOKWANE’S MOST SOUGHT AFTER AREA Ref: 91344181180 This magnificent home offers perfect views for relaxed sundowners after a day of hard work. Big open spaces. Open-plan kitchen and one bedroom flatlet with own entrance. Outside features, entertainment area, pool and borehole. All this wrapped up in state of art security area. Call today!
Area Bendor 91344180052 Northview 91344182273 Bendor 91344182358 Northview 91344181756 Northview 91344174461
1 Carports 0
3 2
Size (m²) Price Agent 817 R335 000 Gretha 082 802 1874 621 R477 000 Louwrens 0829586632 704 R399 000 Rina 082 929 9171 799 R485 000 Simon 082 476 8916 650 R400 000 Victor 073 066 6805
R3 700 1 1 R5 500 3 2 R4 000 1 1 R3 850 2 1 R4 200 2 1 1 R4 950 2 1 1 R5 700 2 2 1 R2 750 bachelor flat
We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants! ELMARIE - 082 977 7020
SIMON • 082 476 8916
3 1
JAMES • 072 236 7310
R6000 3 1 R5 500 3 1 1
R12 000 3 2 2
Fauna Park
R8 500 3 2 2
R3 850 3 1
Penina Park
R7 150
3 2 1 1
SIAS • 082 372 7265
LESEDI PARK • R706 000 NEWLY RENOVATED Ref: 91334182021 Stunning and marvellous home in popular area with good finishes and quality materials. The property is well maintained. The property is well situated close to schools, shopping area and taxi ranks. Don’t delay. Call now! JACOB • 082 466 8366 3 2 1 Carports 2 0
MADIBA PARK • R660 000
SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME. Ref: 91344182522 Well constructed face brick home in popular area with tiled roof. Spacious bedrooms and living room. Drive-through garage. Close to Mall. Make this yours!
GRETHA • 082 802 1874
Big open-plan living area. Modern kitchen with nice finishes. One lock-up garage. Automated gate. The yard is paved outside. Enough space to park more than four cars.
GOOD BUY, MR RENT PAYER. Ref: 91344182476 Lovely low maintenance home with great living area, built in braai, fully walled, manageable garden. Don’t delay. View today.
1 Carports 3
1 LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632
Bendor Dalmada
BENDOR • R1 310 000
1 Carports 0
CENTRAL LOCATION. Ref:91344182676 Stunning townhouse situated in Bendor. The property is ideal for bachelors and pensioners. Openplan lounge, and kitchen with modern cupboards. Nice garden. Close to all amenities. Make this yours! SIAS • 082 372 7265 SIMON • 082 476 8916 1 1½ 0 Carports 0 0
BENDOR • R500 000
DEVELOPMENT STAND PRICED BELOW MARKET. Ref: 100070075 Vacant development stand situated in upmarket security estate. Beat the moratorium and use this opportunity to build 8 (eight) townhouses (Zoned Res 2) – stand already serviced and ready to be developed.
SIAS • 082 372 7265
BENDOR • R2 200 000 UPMARKET DOUBLE VOLUME EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE. Stunning home built to perfection - high quality finishes - open-plan living areas spacious bedrooms, study, well planned kitchen, laundry/scullery with granite tops. Braai area overlooking a lovely garden and sparkling pool. Unbeatable value. Ref: 91344181040
BENDOR • R1 950 000 ENJOY A STUNNING LIFESTYLE IN A HOME OF PERFECTION. Excellent security. High quality finishes, double volume open-plan living, dining and study. Well planned kitchen. Stoep with braai area – lovely garden with a water feature, storeroom and a toilet/ shower for the staff. The perfect choice. Ref: 91344181045
ROSEMARY 082 804 9725
Tel: 015 295 3134
15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: Website:
home ownership as soon as possible. • When you retire, your home will hopefully be paid off and you will have complete security of tenure. You will not have to worry about the cost of accommodation rising, in terms of rent increases, when you are quite possibly living on a fixed income. • You can finance your home more easily. At the moment, from a historical perspective, interest rates are still extremely low so it is easier to qualify for a home loan now than it is likely to be in a year or two when rates may be higher and home prices will definitely have
the fact that there have been two recent increases, coupled with the uncertainty of what the future holds, could well be causing some to reconsider buying. Richard Grey, Chief Executive Officer of Harcourts Real Estate is quoted to have said that at least 99% of the time, the decision to adopt a wait-and-see approach can be costly in the long run. He also noted that if you have taken a decision to buy a home, it’s best to do so sooner rather than later. He pointed out that there are some very good reasons for young people to embrace
IVY PARK • R590 000 CALLING ALL FIRST TIME BUYERS Ref: 91344178481 Neat 2 bedroom apartment in new development. Openplan kitchen with granite tops. Close to amenities. Separate toilet. Call now to view this affordable property.
INA • 079 597 8693
1 x 120 m² - ground floor. Watermelon Street, Platinum Park.
015 297 2636 JACOB 082 466 8366
JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA HENNIE HANTI 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874
gone up. In addition, having a lower home loan repayment to make now should enable you to pay in an additional amount each month, which will not only protect you against future interest rate increases, but will shorten the overall repayment time on your home and save you thousands in the long run. • You can really customise your home. When you buy a property, you can redecorate, renovate and improve it as you please without having to ask anyone’s permission. • You can use your home to earn extra money. When you own the property, you can rent out a spare room or garage or use some space to accommodate a weekend or homebased business that will bring in additional income. • Your home can help you financially. The value of the property keeps growing while the amount you owe on your home loan decreases. After a few years, you should be able to use some of this equity to pay for a child to go to university or perhaps to invest in a second property. Build up equity “Alternatively, once you have built up some equity in the property, you may decide to sell it and use that profit to buy a better property. Or if you are ready to retire, you may well find that this amount is sufficient to enable you to buy a smaller home outright and keep your retirement fund intact. Home ownership will give you an increasing range of financial and wealth creation options over the years, which will definitely not be the case if you just continue to rent,” Gray said. It’s pretty evident that the pros of owning your own home far outweigh the cons. You are going to have to maintain your own property and you may be at the mercy of the Reserve Bank’s decision to hike interest rates. However, these increases will eventually affect everyone in one way or another, including those who choose to rent.
Everything we touch turns to SOLD! KOWIE SHEPSTONE SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE JACOB SIMON INA 072 458 4524 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916 082 854 0452
RINA 082 929 9171
BENDOR: R1 260 000: REDUCED Centrally located close to all amenities. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr home with an attached granny flat, pool, lapa, fenced. One of the most beautiful kitchens in town BENDOR: R470 000: Stand on popular main street. Build your house on this 772m² stand. Close to Cycad centre. STER PARK: R2 500 000: Old world charm. A 4 bedr, 2 bathr house plus 1 bedr flat attached to the house. The old pool was converted into a sunken lapa area with a built-in braai and a jacuzzi. Added benefit is the walk-in cold storage room, 2 garages plus parking for a caravan. Borehole and CCTV. LADANNA: R1 188 000: VALUE fOR mONEy: 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom home with study. 1 Bedroom flatlet, lapa, fenced. CCTV, carports. Borehole. Good street. ACACIA ESTATE: R995 000: Freestanding 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. BENDOR GABLES: R995 000: Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. 1 Garage.
August 14, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Tel/Fax: 015 297 0005
Susan Viljoen 082 417 0454
Property for All at your service
official opening of the agency’s new office in the Welgelegen Centre. Property for All has been in business for four years and boasts the expertise BARRY VILJOEN of eleven agents with a combined 90 >> years of experience in property sales and development. he secret was finally let out on The current team at Property for All Thursday when guests and staff of Property for All gathered for the comprises of experts in the field, some
>> New office in Welgelegen >> Agents with years of experience
of whom have worked together at other agencies before and brought along various incentives and attributes. Principal Dirk van Niekerk said that the new premises will be more accessible to clients due to its proximity to other supporting businesses and the availability of enough parking and safe access.
Annelie van Niekerk, Dirk van Niekerk and Michiel de Bruin of De Bruin Oberholzer Incorporated at the opening of Property for All’s new office.
Photos: Barry Viljoen
Agents Tracy Litchfield and Yolinda Botha, front, with Frank Kreuzer, Annelie van Niekerk, Dirk van Niekerk, principal and Danie Makgere, in the first row, with Jeoffrey Legodi, Ria Venter and Pierre Brandon, at the back. Evah Maphepha, Johan Nel and Reynier Stroebel were absent.
René Badenhorst and Karen Peyper of Badenhorst Attorneys with Annelie and Dirk van Niekerk in the centre.
Annelie van Niekerk and Tracy Litchfield of Property for All, Susan Viljoen of BeterBond Home Loans, Frank Kreuzer of Property for All, in the front. At the back are Louisa Pavlu of BetterBond Home Loans, with Dirk van Niekerk and Yolinda Botha of Property for All.
Annelie and Dirk van Niekerk, second and third from the left and Magriet van Rensburg (Ooba), Gail Brebner (Nedbank) and Anri Callow (Ooba) at the back.
Polokwane Observer
Augustus 14, 2014
“Having achieved more than 50 Years of property
makes us the obvious choice”
WEB: 329239
BEAUTIFUL FAMILY HOME IN QUIET AREA OF LADANNA This well maintained family home invites you to spend hours of your time in a peaceful SOLE MANDATE
environment with a lovely garden and ample parking space. This house is very neat, with low maintenance and lots of space. Just
Voor is Miley van Schalkwyk, Thando Mofokeng, Maricke Fourie en Ethan Grobbelaar. Agter staan Reshane Booysen, Mieke Naumann, Suné du Preez, Ernest Potgieter, Sherize Myburgh, Stefan Meiring, Brenten Venter en Jelene Katzke.
Osieteddies is trots Suid-Afrikaans ROELIEN VORSTER >> Kleuters van Osieteddies Kleinkindontwikkelingsentrum het Vrydag Trots Suid-Afrikaans lyf geswaai met volkspele en rubbersteweldanse. Die dag het met boeresport, bokdrolspoeg, volkspele en toutrek begin en die kleuters is ook oor die kuns van rubbersteweldans touwys gemaak. Tussen al die aktiwiteite kon hul smul aan die verskillende tradisionele disse soos sheba en sous, worsrolletjies en melktert en koeksisters. Die skoolhoof, Linda Kruger sê die leerders het meer oor voormalige president Nelson Mandela en die oorsprong van die volkslied geleer. “Die kinders het die dag terdeë geniet terwyl hulle ook meer oor Suid-Afrika geleer het.”
move in! Call now for your appointment to
Foto’s: RC Myburgh
view this property.
PHS se beste Afrikaanse leerder en onlangse wenner van die Afrikaans Olimpiade, Johan Krüger neem aan die Afrikaansweek deel.
R4 920 000
R896 000
(O) 015 297 1140 MANIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 809 3850
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 328928
R1 875 000
R1 900 000
Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 3 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 327525
Bedrooms 2 Bathroom 1 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 330364
(O) 015 297 1140 ANNELISE BOOYSEN 079 490 9569
R1 650 000
(O) 015 297 1140 KARIEN JORDAAN 082 774 7957 (O) 015 297 1140 CHARMAINE VERMEULEN 082 780 5844
R2 733 000
SOLE MANDATE Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Seeff Web: 326711
(O) 015 297 1140 CHRISTO VAN HEERDEN 082 375 7434
R1 900 000
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 330033
(O) 015 297 1140 DINEO MOHOLOBELA 072 203 6658
R640 000
Bedrooms 3 Bathroom 1 BUSINESS RIGHTS ON THE PROPERTY Seeff Web: 325863
(O) 015 297 1140 GERT VAN STADEN 083 386 6383
R5 600 000
(O) 015 297 1140 HOSEA MOLEKOA 072 485 5155
(O) 015 297 1140 KGOMOTSO MOKOATEDI 083 264 7038
(O) 015 297 1140 KARIEN JORDAAN 082 774 7957
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 3 Seeff Web: 330532
R770 000
Bedrooms 3 Bathroom 1 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 321965
R3 500 000
Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 320666
(O) 015 297 1140 KWENA RAMMUTLA 076 090 9530
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 273025
(O) 015 297 1140 LOUISE OOSTHUIZEN 071 609 6256
Do You Want to Buy or Sell Residential / Commercial Property? Call One of our Professional Sales Consultants
015 297 1140
Find us on
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 4 Seeff Web: 318344
R3 300 000
(O) 015 297 1140 MARIETTE PRETORIUS 082 200 5227
PHS vier Afrikaansweek RC Myburgh >> In ‘n poging om Afrikaans te bevorder en leerders meer bewus van hul moedertaal te maak, vier Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) vandeesweek Afrikaansweek. Afrikaans departementshoof, Ina van der Merwe sê die week se program het Maandag met ‘n Lapa Uitgewers-boekverkoping begin. Leerders skryf ook speltoetse tydens die Afrikaanse periodes en die graad 8-, 9- en 10leerders neem aan die nasionale Woorde open Wêrelde (WoW)-spelfees deel. Vandag (Donderdag) en môre (Vrydag) word leerders se kunswerke vanaf 10:00 tot 12:00 in die saal uitgestal. “Maandag was nasionale Afrikaanse boekedag wat die skool jaarliks vier en waarvan ons ‘n groot bohaai maak. Dit is die skool se manier om Afrikaans onder leerders te bevorder en hulle aan te moedig om suiwer Afrikaans te praat en ‘n goeie skryfstyl aan te leer,” sê Van der Merwe.
Tommies wil jou musiekkennis toets RC Myburgh >> Polokwane-inwoners wat gereeld Vrydagaande hul vernuf voor die kassie met van die land se bekendste musiekprogramme soos Noot vir Noot toets, gaan op 22 Augustus die geleentheid kry om deel van soortgelyke aanbieding te wees wanneer Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé die eerste Musiekpret aanbied. Die organiseerder, Vanessa Kachelhoffer sê Musiekpret word om 18:30 in die skoolsaal aangebied waar spanne se musiekkennis getoets sal word. “Dit beloof om ‘n aand vol pret te wees. ‘n Elektroniese stelsel word in die saal opgestel en elke tafel sal ‘n knoppie hê wat gedruk word sodra iemand die antwoord van die vraag ken,” sê sy. Kachelhoffer sê ‘n verskeidenheid gelukplukke sal ook deur die verloop van die aand gedoen word. Koste beloop R3 500 per tafel van tien mense en ‘n ligte ete is by die prys ingesluit. ‘n Kontantkroeg is beskikbaar en die drag is semiformeel. Kachelhoffer sê daar is slegs ses uit die 20 tafels beskikbaar en belangstellendes kan die skool by 015 298 8710 skakel.
August 14, 2014
Polokwane Observer
34 OBSERVER Tafelronde 22 skenk NEWS
August 14, 2014
groot aan Kindersorg
olokwane Kinder- en Gesinsorgvereniging het verlede Donderdag ‘n aangename verrassing gekry toe lede van Tafelronde 22 ‘n skenking van 150 komberse en ‘n tjek van R24 000 aan hulle oorhandig het. Tafelrondelid, Dawid van der Walt het tydens die oorhandiging aan Polokwane Observer gesê dat die geld by goedgesinde skenkers ingesamel is en dat die grootste twee skenkings van R10 000 elk van die Vryburgers en Silikon Smelters ontvang is. Saam met die geld waarmee komberse gekoop is, beloop die totale skenkingsbedrag nagenoeg R32 000. Frank Hislop, voorsitter van Tafelronde 22 is opgewonde oor die projek en het gesê die vereniging is geïdentifiseer om dié skenking te ontvang omdat hulle weet waar die grootste nood in die gemeenskap is en die geld sowel as die uitdeel van die komberse met oorleg sal aanwend. Hislop het weer sy dank aan die skenkers uitgespreek. “Dit is die grootste enkele skenking wat ons nog vanjaar ontvang het en dit is baie welkom. Ons gaan dit saam met die kospakkies wat ons hierdie maand aan 150 behoeftige gesinne gee, uitdeel,” het Lorette Bosch, maatskaplike werker en kantoorhoof by kindersorg ná die oorhandiging gesê.
Rotarian Trevor Mulaudzi with some of the books that were donated to the University of Limpopo.
Rotary International donates books to UL BARRY VILJOEN >> FOTO: BARRY VILJOEN
Dawid van der Walt, Tafelronde 22, Johan Grobbelaar, algemene bestuurder van Silikon Smelters, Breggie Vermeulen, huismoeder van kindersorg en Morné Myburgh, Tafelronde 22. Agter is Aggie Ströh, Tafelronde 22, Fran Handermark, persoonlike assistent van Silikon Smelters, Lorette Bosch, kantoorhoof van Polokwane Kinder- en Gesinsorgvereniging, Lianza Pretorius en Christina Marshall, maatskaplike werkers van die vereniging en Frank Hislop, voorsitter Tafelronde 22.
SOUTH AFRICAN PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION (SAPOA) VACANCY: LIMPOPO REGIONAL SECRETARIAT SAPOA is a membership based association with a representative voice in commercial property and wish to establish a local Regional Office in Limpopo.
The University of Limpopo (UL) recently received a donation of tens of thousands of books collected by members of Rotary International in the United States of America. These books cover a variety of topics such as the sciences, language, Mathematics as well as fiction. Trevor Mulaudzi, a lecturer at UL and devoted Rotarian, facilitated the donation and told Polokwane Observer that Rotarians Charlie and Barbara Clemons of Texas in the US learnt that millions of tons of books were to be discarded at landfill sites in the US and took charge of the books. They arranged to have the books, as well as some others that were collected by other Rotarians, shipped to African countries, Latin America and Pakistan at their own cost. Their intention was to enhance the level of exposure to literature in disadvantaged and developing countries. The books are currently in storage at the university and a further consignment is expected soon. The university will in due course release details of its plans of how to deal with the books and the possibility of setting up a science library is being looked into, Mulaudzi said.
We are seeking the services of a half day Secretariat to provide support to the SAPOA Limpopo Regional Council based in Polokwane, Limpopo. The Key Responsibility Areas will be: • Arrange meetings for the Regional Council and the various Sub Committee Meetings. • Liaise and service existing SAPOA members and canvas of new members to grow the membership base within the Limpopo portfolio. • Arrange and coordinate SAPOA training, workshops and seminars. • Arrange and coordinate networking events, golf days and annual gala dinner. • Secure sponsorships for events. • Build sustainable relationships in market segment. • Update and maintain membership database. • Report monthly to Head Office on regional membership activities. • General office administration and secretarial duties. • Draw up budgets for events. • Send out invites for events. Key knowledge and skills required,include excellent administrative and event management, professional communication, networking and relationship management and ability to work on your own. The successful applicant must have: • A valid matric certificate and tertiary diploma/degree would be an advantage; • A minimum of 5 years’ work experience; • Working experience in the property industry will be an advantage; • A driver’s licence and own transport; • Exceptional language, writing, communication & networking skills; • Professional appearance and manner. The position is a half day position based in Polokwane, Limpopo and the remuneration will be based on a half day position. Please Note: Even though this is a half day position, applicants must be prepared to work flexi-time during major regional events that may be scheduled after hours. The closing date for applications is 21 August 2014. This position is not a secretarial position only. Applicants must have proof of experience in events management and the ability to manage the local SAPOA regional office. Only applicants who meet the job requirements may forward their CVs before or on the closing date to
Tinus Jacobsz, president van die Rotariërklub van Pietersburg 100 saam met Valerie O’Reilly, hoof van La Wiida Sentrum vir Kinders met Spesiale Behoeftes.
Rotariërs skenk R25 000 aan La Wiida sentrum BARRY VILJOEN >> ‘n Tjek van ‘n volle R25 000 is verlede Woensdag namens die Rotariërklub van Pietersburg 100 aan Valerie O’Reilly, hoof van La Wiida Sentrum vir Kinders met Spesiale Behoeftes, oorhandig. Tinus Jacobsz, president van die klub het gesê dit is ‘n voorreg om ‘n bydrae vir die sentrum te maak. O’Reilly het ‘n video oor die aktiwiteite van die sentrum aan die Rotariërlede vertoon en haar dank oor die ruim skenking en harde werk van almal wat die gholfdag gereël het, uitgespreek. Die La Wiida Sentrum vir Kinders met Spesiale Behoeftes het sedert 2006 as die Arendeklas van Akademie Reformia bestaan, maar funksioneer onafhanklik van Julie vanjaar. Daar is tans negentien leerders by die sentrum waar hulle met hand- en rekenaarvaardighede toegerus word. Spesiale leerprogramme en toerusting word voortdurend aangekoop om leerders met individuele aandag te help om hul gestremdhede te hanteer. O’Reilly kan by 072 943 0973 geskakel word.
Sharon Stander gemotiveerd om ‘n verskil by Kansa te maak BARRY VILJOEN >> Die besige stoel wat onlangs deur Ria du Plessis, gemeenskapsmobiliseerder van Kansa Limpopo ontruim is, is vandeesmaand deur die energieke Sharon Stander, ‘n bekende in plaaslike modelkringe gevul. “Ek sien die pos as ‘n nuwe hoofstuk in my lewe en is gereed om die uitdagings aan te pak,” het Stander in haar kantoor by die Theunis Fichardt Hospitium gesê. Sy wil haar daarop toespits om lede van die gemeenskap meer betrokke by die fisiese aktiwiteite van Kansa te kry wat wyer as net fonsinsameling strek. Stander is ‘n oudleerder van Hoërskool Pietersburg wat sedert 1996 ‘n modelskool in die stad bedryf en bekendes soos Cindy NellRoberts (Mej SA 2002), Bokang Montjane (Mej SA 2010) en Heino Schmitt (Altus de Bruyn van 7de Laan-faam) opgelei het. Sy was ook vir etlike jare deel van die reëlingskomitee van die Mej Limpopo-kompetisie en die jaarlikse skoukoninginkompetisie. Stander het ook die Missy Junior RSA-kompetisie gereël terwyl sy haar modelskool bedryf het. Sy sê dat haar vorige ondervinding vir haar waardevol in haar nuwe beroep gaan wees omdat sy geleer het om met die gemeenskap, sakelui en borge te skakel. “Dit is vir my ‘n groot voorreg om die gemeenskap op hierdie manier te dien en ek is baie opgewonde daaroor.” Vier projekte in die provinsie, te wete Cuppa for Canca, Shavathon, Jail n Bail en Sanlam Cancer Golf Challenge is haar hoofprioriteite. Sy gaan ook by die reëlings van die jaarlikse Damestee op 1 November by Bolivia Lodge betrokke wees en die Prom Night-geleentheid in Oktober vir matrikulante reël. Stander se stokperdjies is lees en fliek en sy probeer om soveel tyd as moontlik saam met haar seun, Ruan te bestee. Foto: Barry Viljoen
Sharon Stander, nuwe gemeenskapsmobiliseerder van Kansa in Limpopo.
FOR SALE FOR SALE SILVERKRUIN 1. HOUSES FROM R750 000 R 3 700 000 Beautiful family with study, lounge, TV 2. PLOTS and home FARMS available room, dining room, kitchen, scullery/laundry, 4 3. TOWNHOUSES bedr, room, 31 bathr, balcony, openDorpdressing - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, living area, kitchen, air servant’s room with shower & R700 000 yardshower, and garage. toilet, lapa- 2with braai, pool and doubleliving garage. Bendor Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, area, kitchen, CYCAD R 3 400 000 yard andESTATE carport. R500 000 Live your- dream in this 2family home with suitepatio main Bendor 3 Bedrooms, bathrooms, livingenarea, with braai,with kitchen, small room yard and bedroom dressing andcarport. balcony, en suite guest room, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, study,R650 2 x 000 living areas, open-plan kitchen and dining room, scullery, TO LET pantry, guest toilet, servant’s room with shower & toilet, Residential patio with braai, pool, irrigation and double garage. Bendor - 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, study, TO LET lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, outside toilet & 5shower, Bedroompool house, pool, pool room and double garage andwith double garage. R7 600-00p/m R 10 900-00p/m Bendor - 3 Bedroom Townhouse with 2 bathrooms, liv3ing Bedroom house, electrically fenced in – African adjacent area, kitchen and 1 carport secureJewel, complex. to Seshego R4 300-00p/m R5 600-00p/m Bendor - 3 Bedroom townhouse with 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen and garage in secure complex. R4 070-00p/m Bendor - 3 Bedroom house with 1 bathroom, 2 living areas, kitchen, lapa, Wendy house and 2 carports with electrical fencing. R5 000-00p/m URGENTLY WANTED!!! Al kinds of property to rent. If you have a property that you want to let or know of someone who has, please contact me.
To leT
offices Maneoprops 072 614 4333
Hindu community OBSERVER 35 to celebrate Krishna Janmashtami Augustus 14, 2014
Warren Blunt >>
rishna Janmashtami (Birth of Lord Krishna) will be celebrated by the Hindu community on Sunday at the Gita Mandir in Crescent Street, Nirvana. The festival is celebrated on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) of the month of Shraavana (August-September) in the Hindu calendar. Krishna Janmashtami is an annual celebration of the birth of the Hindu
deity Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu. Hindus celebrate Janmashtami by fasting and staying up until midnight, the time when Krishna is believed to be born. Images of Krishna’s infancy are placed in swings and cradles in temples and homes. At midnight, devotees gather around for devotional songs, dance and exchange gifts. Some temples also conduct readings of the Hindu scripture, Bhagavad Gita. The festivities on Sunday commence at 07:00.
Photo: Warren Blunt
The Hindu community will be celebrating Krishna Janmashtami on Sunday to celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna. Pictured in all their finery to celebrate the occasion are Vihar and Rahini Rowjee and Alessio and Alisha Calokechi.
Polokwane Observer
Executive Garden Cottage
Duplex R7 500.00 Polokwane Central
R4 690.00 Bendor
3 Bedrooms 2½ Bathrooms Kitchen Scullery Pantry Garage Prepaid Electricity No Pets Available Imm Secure Complex Close to Schools Close to Town
1 Bedroom Fully Furnished Fireplace DStv Spacious Living Area Open-plan Kitchen Huge Bathroom Covered Parking W&E Included No Pets Suitable for Singles or a Professional Couple
AGENTS: Suné 079 341 1625 / Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail:
25A Biccard Street • Tel: 015 295 0420/21 Jackie TO LET Elim Plein St Compensatie St Diamond Place Willows Atjankir Serala Village Shaluka’s Plains Andante Maranatha HUIS Faranani Estate
R2 800 R2 950 R3 000 R3 950 R4 200 R4 100 R4 400 R4 900 R5 800 R7 300
Immediately Immediately Immediately 01/09/2014 Immediately 01/09/2014 Immediately 01/09/2014 01/09/2014 01/09/2014
R12 000 01/09/2014
Bachelor. Bachelor. Bachelor. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, parking. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, dbl garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, dbl garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, dbl garage, security area.
CONTACT SAN - 072 159 5126
kONTAk STEPhEN - 082 558 3525
1) BENDOR TOWNHOUSE: R700 000 Lounge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, carport. 2) COMPENSATIE STREET: R740 000.00 4 Bedroom Duplex Townhouse with 1½ bathroom. Townhouse has been renovated with new kitchen cupboards, floor tiles and paint. Single garage. Exellent buy. 3) BENDOR: R1 250 000.00 Stunning 3 bedroom townhouse, open-plan lounge/dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, garage, carport. Beautiful area. 4) LEEUKUIL PLOT: R1 700 000.00 2 houses, 8.5ha
HOUSES: 1) 2 213m² CENTRAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units – R3 500 000.00 2) BENDOR – 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, en suite guest room, pool. 3) PENINA PARK - 3 000m² zoned 20 Units. R2 500 000.00 4) EDUAN PARK - 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Flat, swimming pool, lapa, borehole. 5) 1900m² Erf - A very neat 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom dwelling, situated in the medical node, ideal for medical practice or guest house. R3 750 000.00 Don’t miss out! PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha. Vacant. R1 500 000.00 neg. 2) On N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha. 3) MYNGENOEGEN 2.3ha 2x2 bedroom flats. R1 100 000.00 FARMS: 1) MUSINA/ALLDAYS - CATTLE FARM: 1 830ha @ R4 300/ha. 2) MARKEN AREA: 850ha CATTLE FARM: R4 500 000.00 neg 3) POLOKWANE 300 ha: Cattle/crop farm + loose assets (100 Bonsmara) 2 houses, strong water, pivot R6 500 000.00 4) VIVO – 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game R9 000 000.00 INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) 1 300 m² Industrial stands – N1 North available 2) 450m² warehouse on 1200m² stand R2 900 000.00
CONTACT MANIE - 083 635 0513 1) 2X INDUSTRIAL STANDS: Corporate park 2x 1855m² 2) RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY: Annadale Zoned res 3 FARMS / PLOTS FOR SALE
CONTACT SOlET: 082 498 4415
1) TOWNHOUSE – BODENSTEIN STREET: R850 000.00 Modern open-plan living area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen and singlegarage.
kONTAk MATIE - 083 271 5259
1) TWEEFONTEIN PLOT 8.5ha: 3 Slaapkamerhuis, 3 x 2 Slaapkamerhuise, 1 x 1 Slaapkamerhuis. Ontspanningslokaal. Naby N1. R2 450 000.00 2) 90ha NATUURPLAAS: In Wolkberge, 50km vanaf Polokwane, 2 chalets, stoor, wild, wildwerend omhein. Baie mooi en nuutontwikkelde eiendom. R2 950 000.00 3) 500ha BESPROEIINGSPLAAS: Dendron omgewing, 18ha onder besproeiing, 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 slaapkamer woonstel, groot pakstoor, werkswinkel, afdakke ens. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. R6 300 000.00 4) GESOEK: 8.5ha of groter onontwikkelde plot, vir kontantkoper.
Augustus 14, 2014
TO LET: RESIDENTIAL CONTACT SAN 072 159 5126 MID-TOWN: R2 3950.00: Immediately Room with bathroom. Water and electricity included. PENINA PARK: R7 000.00 1 August 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, garage, pool. MID-TOWN: DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE: R4 800.00 4 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, garage TOWNHOUSE: R4 100.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage. 20 km from town. Scenic area. LOG HOUSE: R3 800.00 Immediately 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, open-plan living room, 10 km from town. HOUSE ON PLOT: R4 500.00 1 August 3 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge, kitchen, 10 km from town. TO LET: INDUSTRIAL CONTACT STEPhEN TEl: 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 855 m² with office (SAB area) 2) 80m² Cold room 3) 1200m² + 200m² Offices Good exposure 4) 500m² + 800m² warehouses 5) 1800m² warehouse + 300 m² office 6) Office + small workshop Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Modern – stand-alone office, 600m² 1/5/2014 Close to CBD 3) 345m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton court) 4) 100m² Office CBD
Die spelers in “Liefde, kommapunt” Elsamarié Uys, Christiaan Theart, Marcel Coetzee en Louise van den Berg. Agter is Johan Jannasch, Erika Botha, Jonett Olivier, JP Swart, Sumari Meyer, Chanté Jardim en Ockert van Rooyen.
“Liefde, kommapunt” op die planke BARRY VILJOEN >> Hoëskool Pietersburg (PHS) se toneelgroep het verlede Dinsdagaand die toneelstuk “Liefde, kommapunt” in die skoolsaal opgevoer. Die stuk handel oor die liefde, hoe verskillende groepe dit ervaar en hoe liefde altyd deel van ons lewe is.
Volgens Janie Wierenga, een van die regisseurs, is die stuk opgevoer sodat die leerders die gevoel kon kry om voor ‘n gehoor op te tree ter voorbereiding van hulle deelname die afgelope naweek aan die ATKV se Tienertoneelkompetisie in Ermelo. PHS het vierde in die streek geëindig. Wierenga is bygestaan deur Antjie Pretorius en die klank is deur Dorinda du Plessis versorg.
TO LET CENTRAL CBD- Retail space : Thabo Mbeki St: (In a mall) 127 m² @ R105/m². Kruger St: 348 m² @ R24 430 pm. Kruger St: 325 m² @ R22 815 pm. CBD - Offices: CBD east: 326m², 110m² and 123m² @ R60/m². Parking available at R350/bay/m. WAREHOUSES/WORKSHOPS: Superbia: Excellent warehouse with covered loading bays etc: 2 100 m² @ R35/m². 65 m² workshop at R3 800 pm. Laboria: Warehouse of 500 m² @R16 500 p.m. Industria: Warehouse / workshop with offices of 2 000m² @R40 000p.m. Storage / workshop Industrial Park @ R 6 000pm. NOTE: ALL FIGURES ABOVE EXCLUSIVE OF VAT RAYMOND 082 458 4239 1) IVY PARK – R850 000: 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, garage, an outside room with a bathroom. 2)SESHEGO ZONE 1 – R380 000: 2 Bedrooms,1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen, garage and outside rooms. 3)LADANNA FLAT – R430 000: 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom , lounge, kitchen and a carport. 4) THORNHILL STAND – 450 000: A vacant stand of 785m². IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME !!
MABATHO 083 747 2056 MAHLASEDI PARK NEW EXTENTION 83 Stands available from R199.500 (only 34 stands so act fast!!!) Also contact me for all your building package needs!!! 1) MAHLASEDI PARK - R 225 000 – For the last 381m² vacant stand in this area . 2) SESHEGO ZONE 4 - R550 000: Beautiful 3 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen with built-in units, 1 bathroom and double garage. 3) SESHEGO ZONE 3 - R420 000: A 2 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom newly renovated. 4) SESHEGO ZONE 8 – R460 000: A lovely home with 3 sunny bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, 1 bathroom and a carport. Low maintenance! 5) MARULA HEIGHTS – R400 000: FOR A LARGE VACANT STAND . 6) WOODHILL ESTATE - R380 000: 418m² vacant stand. 7) MAHLASEDI PARK - R650 000: 3 Bedroom house with dining room kitchen and 2 bathrooms! 8) MAHLAKO A PHAHLA - R550 000: A newly built 2 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom. URGENTLY LOOKING FOR HOUSES TO SELL IN THESE AREAS: SESHEGO, EMDO, MADIBA PARK AND IVY PARK. Qualified buyers are waiting:Call your area specialist now!
SLIGHT 072 323 9386 If you want to list your property, phone any agent, if you want to sell your property, phone me!! 1) 5 LUXURY TOWNHOUSES IN EDUAN PARK – @ R798 000 (SOLE MANDATE): Spacious 100m² units each with 2 sunny bedrooms,1 modern bathroom, separate toilet, open-plan living area and modern kitchen, single garage. Private yard each with it’s own splash pool and built-in barbeque for those coming hot summer months!!! (Ideal for first time buyers or investors in a sought-after suburb) 2) LADANNA HOUSE – R980 000: 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining room, kitchen, lounge and TV-room, 1 garage, 5 carports. Nice braai and entertainment area. (Spacious home at a good price) 3) 2 HOUSES IN IVY PARK EXT 9 - R 750 000 EACH (Neg): 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen & living area. 2 Carports. Cute and manageable for the young family! (Very good value for money) 4) 4 LADANNA FLATS – R430 000 (Each): 4 Flats for sale each with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen & dining room area, 1 x carport (Excellent for first time buyers) 5) LEEUKUIL PLOT – R1.1mil (Neg): 2 x houses, 5 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen & dining room, living room and 1 carport. 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom open- plan kitchen and living area and 3 x carports. 2 boreholes with fitted pumps.(Urgent sale!) 6) STANDS!: Many stands available in Thornhill and NorthView Security Estates. Thornhill stands: 434m² - R330 000, 515m² R360 000, 644m² - R380 000 832m² - R770 000 WANTED: PLOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE, PLEASE !!
HANNELIE 083 412 0009
THEO 082 990 7275
1) INVESTORS! 3 BEDROOM FLATS FOR SALE IN MURRAYFIELD PRETORIA ONLY R650 000! 2) Stunning 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom Townhouse in popular estate. Still new, just move in! Near shopping centres with excellent security. The only 2 b/r townhouse with 2 bathrooms and a BIG garden. R1,030 M. 3) Stunning and spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, beautiful granite kitchen townhouse with excellent security. 2 Garages and 2 carports, (187m²) and located in sought-after Bendor. R1,250M. URGENT! STANDS WANTED! LET ME SELL YOUR STAND FAST! STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! Marula Heights 732 m² R450 000 Serala View: 2 of 1000 m² R500 000 each Bendor Ridge: 782 m² R825 000 Northview: 553 m² R425 000 Eagles Crest: 704 m² R430 000 Waterberry Estate: 670 m² R440 000 Thornhill: 8 x from 462 m² R350 000 Woodhill: 3 x from R350 000 Celtic Meadows: 3 x from R440 000 De Bron: 907 m² R510 000 Celtic Lodge: R950 000 AND MANY MORE! COME AND BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! PHONE ME TODAY!
MARIETJIE 072 190 7149 FARMS / SMALLHOLDINGS FOR SALE GAME FARMS: 1) Bandur, North-east of Alldays: 2000ha Game farm with fully equipped Lodge, R8500/ha 2) Bandur, North-east of Alldays: 500ha Game Farm with 7.5ha Pivot, hunters acc, R12000/ha 3) Waterpoort: 240ha Wildplasie R2,5 Mil. 4) Dendron: 137Ha Leefstyl wildsplasie, grasdaklapa, woonhuis, volop wild, mooi bosveld. R2 750 000. 5) POLOKWANE: 2000ha, Game farm with 5* Lodge, Going concern R22 000 000-00. 6) POLOKWANE: 200Ha Lifestyle farm with lodge, main house etc, Beautiful surrounds and only a couple of minutes from the city! R7 500 000. CATTLE FARMS: 1) Alldays: 629ha Bosveldplaas. R6 550/Ha. 2) Polokwane: 600ha Cattle/Game Farm. R11 000/ Ha 3) Polokwane: 250ha Cattle Farm. R2 000 000 IRRIGATION FARMS: 1) Bochum/Vivo area: 735ha, 70ha irrigation, 4 strong boreholes, game fenced,180 000 Liters/hour. R12 000/ha 2) Waterpoort area: 215ha - 46ha onder drip, 24ha lande, 3 Titel aktes, 3 Woonhuise, Plaas winkel. R40 000/ha 3) Waterpoort area: 750ha, 100ha under drip irrigation, fully automated, Game fenced (the whole irrigation operation is controlled by Laptop). R 20 000-00/HA SMALLHOLDINGS: 1) Ranch Resort area: 30ha, 4 houses, 12 one bedroom Units, Conference Hall, 2 swimming pools, Ideal venue for weddings, currently used as Lodge. R4 300 000-00 2) Haenertsburg timber farm of 40Ha, River with trout dams, homestead ,cottages, sheds and landscaped garden. Country living at its best and a constant income generated from plantations. R3 750 000-00 3) Doornbult peach Farm: 21Ha, 17Ha under irrigation, sold as going concern, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom House, Packing Shed. R4 300 000-00 ( 200 Ton Peaches / annum), Equipment worth R500 000-00 included, Property Fully Electric Fenced with alarms. WANTED: GAME, CATTLE, IRRIGATION, LIFESTYLE FARMS FOR SALE IN LIMPOPO PROVINCE
PHILIP 082 937 3683 1) IVY PARK – R760 000: Last of the affordable houses in the area. This one is a must see! 2) MANKWENG – R 540 000: 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, huge lounge, spacious kitchen with an outbuilding comprising 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and a garage. 3) FLORA PARK – R1.450M: Roomy family home in sought-after suburb. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen, 2 living areas, 2 half built garages. 4) BENDOR GARDENS – R650 000: Quality living in up-market estate. 2 Spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large lounge, nice kitchen, carport. 5) SESHEGO – R900 000 of classic splendour!!!: Magnificent home with an exceptional view, quality finishes, 4 bedrooms, stylish kitchen, 2 bathrooms, double garage. Close to amenities.
ERNEST 072 696 6004
Augustus 14, 2014
OBSERVER 37 polokwane
Photos: Warren Blunt
Nurse Chavalala (middle) receives the Best Quality Assurer Award on behalf of NHBRC. She is flanked by her personnel on the left, with Coghsta MEC Makoma Makurupetje, Thembi Nkadimeng Polokwane Executive Mayor and David Magabe, Executive Mayor for Sekhukhune district and Chairperson of the South African Local Government Association (Salga) on the right.
Excellent service rewarded at Provincial Govan Mbeki Awards
>> National awards this week in Johannesburg >> Top service providers receive awards Warren Blunt >> Being one of the few provincial government departments to achieve clean audit outcomes in the 2012/13 financial year was highlighted by Cooperative Government, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) MEC Makoma Makhurupetje at the Provincial Govan Mbeki Awards last week. The purpose of the awards is to reward hard-working individuals within the department and encourage a culture of excellence amongst Coghsta personnel. The excellence awards showcase the work that has been accomplished by Coghsta with special emphasis on departmental programmes leading up to the National Govan Mbeki Awards that will be held at the Sandton Convention Centre today (Thursday). Makhurupetje praised all the hard workers, students and stakeholders involved with Coghsta for their contribution towards the success of the department over the years. She added that the personnel must not become complacent after achieving success but continue to strive for excellence in delivering quality housing to the people of the province. With August being Women’s Month the MEC said the women at the department must continue to lead the way in moving Limpopo forward towards a better life for all. “Coghsta has an important role to play in removing the legacy of apartheid where quality housing was only available to a select few, by continuing to implement integrated human settlements for both the rich and poor,” Makhurupetje said. Tshamaano Construction was the winner of the Best Women Contractor in the Subsidy Market. The Best Youth Contractor in the Subsidy Market award went to MGM Nkutu Trading & Projects while Limpopo Apex Building Construction won Best Contractor in the Non-subsidy Market award. Anglo American Platinum Ltd won the Best Finance Linked Subsidy Programme award and National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) received the Best Quality Assurer award. MEC for Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta), Makoma Makhurupetje addresses the personnel of Coghsta and stakeholders at the Provincial Govan Mbeki Awards on Tuesday evening.
Exclusive PROPERTIES Our name means a great deal! Pro-Arch Building, Unit 2, Bendor Drive 29, Bendor, Telefax: 015 297 1132 Fax to e-mail: 086 611 0645 -
Why it’s a good time to enter the property market Homeowners already feeling the pressure of rising living costs are set to be the hardest hit by the latest interest rate increase, whilst first-time home buyers are likely to give further thought before taking the jump into home ownership. But, says Rhys Dyer, Ooba CEO, now is still a great time for first-time home buyers to be entering the market.
this year. Consumers will be giving greater consideration to taking on more debt in this environment.”
Michelle 082 303 9111
Dyer, however, says potential buyers should not let the increase dampen their enthusiasm as the current conditions remain favourable for first-time buyers to join the property market ahead of more aggressive property price increases that are expected.
Despite the recent increases, interest Conditions still rates are still at comparatively low levels, favourable for and house prices, whilst growing are still first-time buyers relatively affordable, with house price growth likely to be tracking below wage “It is unfortunate that we are seeing growth in the short term. further interest rate increases when the consumer is under such pressure, the Stock shortages in certain areas are growth in the economy is stalling and still prevalent, and this assists in driving the growth in credit demand remains at prices higher. very low levels,” he says. “Whilst the 25 basis point increase announced by the Despite the increasing interest rate cycle, Reserve Bank earlier this month is not there are still many good reasons for first that significant on its own, we must be time home buyers to get onto the property cognisant of the fact that the country is in ladder now, before we see a change in an upward interest rate environment with the cycle to more aggressive house price potentially further rate increases to come increases.
38 OBSERVER Polokwane Campus wins FET NEWS
August 14, 2014
Colleges debate competition
Herbert Rachuene >> Students of Capricorn Further Education and Training (FET) College’s Polokwane Campus won the 2014 Capricorn FET Colleges Debate competition conducted at the institution’s Seshego Campus last Friday. Polokwane Campus defeated their opponents from the Seshego and Senwabarwana campuses with a final score of 98,1 points in a thrilling final. The topic was “Universities and FET Education should be free/not be free” with the Polokwane Campus opposing the motion.
Mpho Mosotho, Chairperson of the campuses Debate Committe congratulated the 11 students who took part in the competition. She said the campus is proud of the students and wished them the best in their next competition. “They did us proud. We have so many good public speakers at the campus but the problem is they don’t have the platform to showcase their talent. The debate competition was a great opportunity for them to display that talent and they did not disappoint,” Mosotho said.
Capricorn FET College Polokwane Campus’s winning debate team are, front, Zabby Nkwana, Lindiwe Tshabangu, Malebo Mafokoane, Phindulo Netsharotha and Mokgwathi Makoma. At the back are Shadrack Sebaka, Kgaogelo Lekgothoane, Andries Mashao, Thabo Mashitisho, Rapakgadi Chueu and Thabang Morwasetla.
We celebrate 20 years in business
Box 362, Bendor Park, 0713 Cell: 083 263 7625 Tel/Fax: 015 297 3824
For HAPPY home owners
HOMES-A-PLENTYcc Perfection of this magnitude is a rare find….. Silverkruin
Capricorn FET College lecturers Yvonne Seete, Rachel Mothaba, Mpho Mosotho and Kethani Bila, in front and Owen Nkosi, Nyiko Mabobo, Margret Moekwe, Audrey Mabepe and Andrew Mafalo at the back helped to mentor the debating team. Photos: Herbert Rachuene
TEL: 015 295 4537/8 | Fax: 015 291 1166 7a HaNS VaN RENSBURG STREET TO LET
Various Bachelor Flats available from R2400 to R2950 per month. Phone NOW to view! 1 Bedroom flats available from R3100 to R3500 per month. Don’t miss out DORP/TOWN R3000 – Eenman woonstel met badkamer, kombuis en leefarea. Veilige kompleks. R3200 – 1 Bedroom townhouse, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Carport available at R175 per month. R14110 – 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, pantry, carport, garage and outside room. Prepaid electricity and water. HOSPITAL PARK – Walking distance from Provincial Hospital R2750 – Spacious 1 bedroom flat with kitchen, bathroom and lounge. 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES - Bendor R6400 – 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen and carport. Prepaid electricity. LADANNA – TOWNHOUSES R3900 - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and garage. Prepaid electricity. Available 1 Sep. JORISSEN STR R6500 – HUIS – 3 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, gastetoilet, studeerkamer, 2 motorhuise, stoorkamer en buitetoilet.
IVYPARK R9050 – 3 Slaapkamer huis met 1½ badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, TVkamer, kombuis, opwas, waskamer, 2 motorhuise, buitetoilet met stort. WORK FROM HOME Beautiful, spacious house! R18 000 – 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, TV room, kitchen, scullery, laundry, study, garage, carport, braai, swimming pool PLUS 2 offices, reception and bathroom. Phone today to view!
Various office space available, sizes from 40m² to 598m².
Anel 071 125 2844 EDUAN PARK R1 586 000 – 1586m², 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, guest toilet, lounge, dining room, study, kitchen, scullery, 2 garage, 2 carports, borehole, servant’s quarters and spacious granny flat.
BODY CORPORATES – NEW Allow us to provide professional management of your complex. Phone now! Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162
Yubi Ishida, Facilitator at the University of Limpopo, poses with a remote controlled car made entirely from Lego components.
UL exibits at National Science Week Students from the University of Limpopo’s Science Education Centre showed off their projects during a National Science Week exhibition at Savannah Mall last week. The aim was to spark young minds with a line-up of edutainment activities in the fields of science, technology, Engineering, Mathematics and innovation (STEMI). This year’s theme was: “Today’s science, tomorrow’s world.”
This remote controlled car, made entirely from Lego components, was on exhibit during National Science Week celebrations at Savannah Mall.
Entertainment area for all weather conditions leads to pool plus braai room, lounge & dining/r. Stunning kitchen designed with practical cooking and family interaction in mind, scullery & pantry. Study corner, 3 bed/r, 3 bath/r, Wendy/h, alarm, water tank, high steel carport, 2 extra large garages. 735m² Stand with beautiful garden @ R2,040,000. A definite yes for perfectionists! Sorry renovators, no work here. Property 24 Listing 102022991 Helga Davies Dimpho Mimea was excited about taking the remote controlled car for a test drive.
Augustus 14, 2014
STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road. From R550 per month. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________
INSURANCE SALES REPS WANTED Matric & insurance experience preferred. Basic living allowance plus good commission. Email CV to daniel.walaga@ or call 071 683 8975 ____________________ AM CARRIM ATTORNEYS has a vacancy for an experienced legal secretary with litigation, estates, labour law and bill of costs experience. Interested and qualified applicants can forward CVs to amcarrim@mweb. or fax to 086 614 9355 before 29 August 2014. ____________________
EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________
MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________
CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________ AAG WENDYS Knotty pine, log cabin, treated with wax oil, 1 door, 1 window, floor, zinc roof, pallet. Price: 3 m x 3 m = R4 500 3 m x 4 m = R5 000 Contact Arnold 076 858 8973 or Alice 073 323 4239 ___________________ FOR ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SALES OR PURCHASES Contact 015 293 1666 or 082 786 1700 ___________________
EK KOOP MOTORS EN BAKKIES Kontak Neels 083 459 7177 ____________________
FOR SALE Kids’ Party Decor Tables, chairs, photo boards and decor materials. Serious buyers only call 083 324 3761 ____________________ KAGGELHOUT BESKIKBAAR R400 per halftonvrag afgelewer. Skakel 076 420 9228 079 389 4732 ____________________
SPREEKKAMERS OF KANTOORRUIMTES TE HUUR Kontak 076 212 7447 ____________________
TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ NUUTGEBOUDE SEMI-GEMEUBILEERDE WOONSTEL IN BODORP, OOSTSTRAAT Beskikbaar dadelik. 1 Slaapkamer met ¾ bed, gordyne, geen linne, DStv ingesluit. Water & ligte ingesluit. Huur R3 600, deposito R3 600. Adminfooi R500 (eenmalig). Skakel Liane 071 675 1222 of werksure 015 291 3287 ____________________ MOOI 1 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL OP PLOT Elektries omhein en veilig. R2 475 per maand. Gratis water. R100 krag ingesluit. Kontak 082 571 5081 ____________________ ruim 2 slaapkamer woonstel te huur OP PLOT 12km buite dorp. R3 500 p.m. Krag en gas uitgesluit. Geen omheining. Kontak Gideon 083 768 0510 ____________________ FOR RENT 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining, lounge, double garage. R4 800 per month. Contact Debbie 015 295 8015/17 ____________________
HOUSES: BODORP R25 500 4 Bedr, 3 bathr, 2 garages, pool. BENDOR VILLAGE R19 530 5 Bedr, 5½ bathr, patio with built-in braai, 2 garages. TOWN R15 595 4 bedr, 3 bathr, 4 entertainment areas, swimming pool. FAUNA PARK R7 000 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages. PENINA PARK R12 800 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, dining, laundry, kitchen & 2 bedr flat. NEW FLORA PARK R8 350 4 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages. DALMADA PLOT R6 950 3 bedr, 2 bathr plus outside buildings. BODORP R6 684 3 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, garage. TOWNHOUSES: BENDOR R6 650 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, lounge, kitchen, small garden & garage. LADANNA R5 800 3 bedr, 1 bathr, lounge, kitchen, garage. LADANNA R3 980 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport. FLATS: COMPENSATIE St R4 300 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport, spacious living area. RABE ST R4 100 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, living area, kitchen, carport. OFFICES: CBD from R2 500 Marshall St - 91m² - R10 270 THYS 083 702 0768 AUDREY 072 632 7117 DIONETTE 084 503 3964 MARTIN 060 666 5432
RENTALS HOUSES FOR SEPTEMBER • TOWN - R11 000 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carports, 2 garages, small garden, pool. • BENDOR VILLAGE: R16 500 - 4 Bed, 4 bath, 2 garages, 4 carports, lapa and excellent security. FLATS TO LET • MACADAMIA @ THE ALOES RETIREMENT VILLAGE: VERY EXCLUSIVE. FOR NOW OR SEPTEMBER R5 200, R5 690, R5 800: 1 or 2 bed, 1 bath, with 24-hour care and affordable prices. FOR EXAMPLE: • 3 Meals per day, • 2 x Week laundry. • 2 x Week cleaning of flat. • Assistance with control of medication. • 2 x Day check on resident 2 x Day by medical staff, etc. PATSY - 083 270 6770
Looking for a SELF MOTIVATED individual Must have ü OWN TRANSPORT ü Speak English and Afrikaans fluently ü Be able to travel out of town ü work into the early evenings ü Flexible hours ü 2 Years working experience All leads and training provided. If you meet the above requirements
Send a 2 page CV to Email: Fax: 086 663 4892
Primary School We have positions available for
Intermediate Teachers
with relevant qualifications and experience to start as soon as possible In addition to the above requirements, the successful candidate should have: • Passion for teaching • Energy and Integrity • A proven track record • SACE Registration
Send CV to: Fax: 086 610 4784
MEENTHUIS BESKIKBAAR 1 SEPTEMBER 3 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, oopplan kombuis, motorhuis en koopkrag. 10 km op Dendronpad. Slegs 2 klein hondjies. R4 300 plus deposito. Kontak 082 396 7101 ____________________
RUIM 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS TE HUUR SOETDORINGS Netjies en omhein. Dubbel afdak parkering. Veilige en rustige omgewing. R5 560 plus dep + koopkrag. Streng keuring. Kontak Minette 076 941 1679 ____________________
OBSERVER 39 polokwane
TO LET house in Flora park Available 1 September 2014. Spacious 3 bedroom house with double lock-up garage and security. Rent R7 500 p.m. Contact 015 296 2785 or 082 851 9531 ____________________ TE HUUR 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS OP PLOT TE HUUR 8km uit dorp, elektries omhein. Groot tuin, geen groot honde. R5 800 per maand plus deposito. Water en elektrisiteit en tuinjong ingesluit. Kontak 082 588 5520 ____________________
LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar Kleinvertrek huise R1 950 p.m., Bachelor woonstelle R1 500 p.m. Wendy houtkamers R1 000 p.m. Gemeenskaplike ablusiegeriewe. Skakel Marina in kantoorure 015 297 2008 ____________________
RUIM DUBBELVERDIEPING HUIS TE KOOP IN FAUNAPARK 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamer huis. Boorgat. Prys R1 250 000. Vir meer inligting kontak gerus Jeannette 082 338 5533 ____________________
FOR SALE THREE BEDROOM HOUSE IN ZONE 5, SESHEGO For more info contact Jennifer 082 935 8159 ____________________
SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Contact 015 295 5264 ___________________
visit us on
Vacancy at ANC Provincial Office - Polokwane Job Title: Manager – Office of the Provincial Treasurer Package: Market Related Qualifications • Matric • NQF Level 6 / Degree in Financial Management Experience • Knowledge and understanding of the ANC • Knowledge and understanding of management principles • Knowledge of financial management principles • Ability to set-up systems, processes, procedures and policies • 3 years experience in financial management Competencies and Requirements • Financial acumen • Liaison and interpersonal skills • Problem solving skills • Customer orientation • Planning and organising • Strong analytical skills • Computer literacy • Written and verbal communication • Honesty and integrity • ANC membership and understanding of ANC and its policy positions Job Description: Ensure that the office of the Treasurer runs efficiently and professionally and has accountability Job Description • The officer must liaise closely with the Provincial Office Manager on any matter pertaining the financial administration of the ANC Provincial Office • Ensuring that the budget input are received timeously in order to meet the deadlines as set in the manual on Financial Planning and Budget System. • To ensure that budgets are done in line with the manual on Financial Planning and Budget System • Ensuring that after the budget for a financial year has been received proper steps are taken to ensure these balance with the amounts as appropriate and the same are then captured on the accounting system • Preparing monthly reports for Provincial Treasurer and Office Manager and the reporting on expenditures and income • Replying to the queries of the Auditors or the Executive Authority (Political Office Bearers (POBs)) • Writing submissions to the Leadership pertaining budget allocation and expenditures • Consolidation of budgets and ensuring that these are captured on the accounting system • Approving of all journals passed in the accounting system i.e. expenditure and salaries • Supervision of the subordinates under his/her control and approving all transactions relating to expenditure Pastel Accounting and the salary section Pastel Payroll. • Reconciling the Fixed Asset Register and accounting for depreciation on monthly basis • Compiling UIF and PAYE returns and reconciling these accounts on a monthly basis • Reconciling of cashbooks and bank reconciliation statements • Monthly reconciliation of suspense account • To ensure that the adjustment estimates figures are submitted before due dates and also ensure that after these have been appropriated they are captured on the accounting system • Checking the payments to ensure that it correspond with the invoices • Checking whether the payments is for the services that have been indeed received • Checking all payments made if they had not been made before • Verifying that all payments captured on the accounting system are correct before they can be verified • Ensuring that all expenses are posted to the correct accounts for accounting purpose • Ensuring that procurements are managed correctly in terms of the legislations which are in place Attributes: Highly presentable, well-spoken and dynamic. Must be prepared to work after/ long hours. This is a five years contract and the applicant may be required to undergo practical assessment. Detailed CVs and certified qualifications are to be delivered to ANC – Frans Mohlala House, 78 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0700. CLOSING DATE: 22 August 2014 No correspondence will be accepted after the closing date. If you have not heard from us within two weeks of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.
August 14, 2014
40 OBSERVER polokwane
career finder in LIMPOPO CapriCorn Finansiele adviseurs
posTe BesKiKBaar
Korttermyn-administrasie • Minstens twee jaar ervaring
Bemarkers benodig vir korttermyn-/lewensversekering stuur Cv’s aan Tel: 082 444 1509
Branch Manager
Location: Polokwane Campus Comment: The successful applicant will be required to commence duty ASAP Qualifications: Degree or Diploma NQF level 5 and higher Minimum Experience: A minimum experience of 3 years in the Academic Field at Supervisory or Manager Level. A Qualified Constituent Assessor or Moderator will be an added advantage.
Skills Required: • Dynamic Team Player • Creative Thinker and Problem Solver • Management Skills • Can maintain and uphold discipline • Strong Leadership Skills • Deadline driven and be able to work under pressure • Business minded with Marketing interests
Jackpot winner
Photo: Jeff Raymond
A very successful Club Day was held at the Polokwane Golf Club last Saturday with 92 players taking to the field. Les Cook took home the jackpot that was standing at R2 600.
Mike’s Chicken winners
Photo: Jeff Raymond
Last Saturday 96 enthusiastic golfers took to the field in the Mike’s Chicken Monthly Medal. Nico Koster on 69 was the winner followed by Devaux van der Wath (17) on 70.
Remuneration will be discussed with shortlisted candidates. CVs must be sent to not later than 22/08/2014
Business cards
fin 10 0 082 d y 07% 9 oHu 1 3G67 rEw U ReB t s AR ApoLt! A IS NT T EE
51 82 * n k * Ma e d re 47 52 * Sto rria ay su 57 * WPen p c ge los lts in is e he pr t lo a o lo contrnlar ting blever kw ac ge & ms an ts, menfigh e ten t cr ting 07 de ea 9 rs, m 63 etc
De r •S c g • H wim ct ro • C ouse min V c Un CTV ho g po a D m le e Dra ld le ol a in aks leak ra k su Do insp se & s sp leak ec you w Ut ec t er ilit tio De , But a wat ns in y sp De tec can’ er t it? t ec te * tio ct * O Quic n ion
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rh Inje au ct ls o
rs 08 , T 2 Fa el: 0 082 58 x: 15 92 3 0 08 2 8 90 6 97 85 0 56 0 93 8 53 08 2 69
To advertise in the Business card section 4x2 Observer call Polokwane @ 015 291 1061 ????
For any enquiries/advice, contact us on Tel: 015 291 1088 Fax: 015 291 1089 SPCA Polokwane
POLOKWANE AUTO RENEW YOU BEND, WE MEND! We specialise in Rubberising and 45 Antimoon Street, Laboria, PO Box 5727, Polokwane North, 0750 Panel Beating
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5 x 4m Marblite Pool @ R32 000 or Fibreglass @ R35 000
Pool and laPa sPecials 6 x 4 pool plus 4 x 4 lapa @ R44 000 8 x 4 pool plus 6 x 4 lapa @ R54 000 10 x 4 pool plus 6 x 4 lapa @ R98 000 13 x 5 pool plus 10 x 6 lapa @ R124 000
silVesTeR 072 104 1214
Kraaines Pre-school 28 years young
Augustus 14, 2014
raaines Pre-school celebrated its 28th birthday last Friday with cake and cold drinks for the staff and learners. Principal Elize Fourie says that years of giving children a firm foundation - educationally, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically have paid off as they see how former learners of the school take their place in the community. “With us it is where your child’s journey to learning experiences, fellowship and friendships starts, all in a nurturing environment with an enriching childcare programme. Yes it is hard work, but much more than that it is Photo: Barry Viljoen
Principal of Kraaines Pre-school Elize Fourie, in front, with educators Lina Putter, Allen Grobler, Chrissie Weidemann, Monique Grobler, Dezi Jacobs and Connie Makakabole at the back, with some of the learners.
love that we live out to each and every child as he/she is the centre of a mother’s heart and the future of tomorrow. Being a teacher at Kraaines is not just a job, it is a calling and a passion,” she claimed while paging through the photo album that was maintained by former staff members, most in black and white and quite yellowed. The school’s motto, ‘We serve and believe’ is clearly lived out on a daily basis. Fourie in conclusion gave thanks to God for the love and strength they receive every day. She also thanked the founder of the school, Annatjie Knell and the staff of the school for their hard work, dedication and general contribution to the excellence achieved at the school.
career finder in LIMPOPO Restaurant-/Ontvangspos beskikbaar by oornagakkommodasie
Aansoekers moet aan die volgende vereistes voldoen: • 18 tot 30 jaar oud • Tweetalig (Afrikaans en Engels) • Goeie menseverhoudings • Ongereelde ure (skofte) kan werk • Matriek/Graad 12 Pligte vir restaurantpos sluit in: • Voorraadbeheer • Alle aspekte van restaurant- en kroegwerk • Verleen hulp met konferensies Pligte vir die ontvangspos sluit in: • Alle aspekte van ontvangswerk • Voorraadbeheer • In-en uitboek van kliënte
Robey van der Merwe skenk die vyfde keer bloed.
Indien u aan bogenoemde vereistes voldoen, faks asb u CV na 015 292 1214 of epos: Dui asseblief aan vir watter pos aansoek gedoen word. Foto’s: Barry Viljoen
Bianca Brandt en Christa Marais word deur Aletta Sukubala, flebotomis, en Thabo Kganakga, skenkerbeampte van die SANBS, bygestaan. Dit was hulle eerste skenking. Dewald Venter, ‘n graad 12-leerder, skenk die sesde keer.
PHS skenk bloed
BARRY VILJOEN >> Leerders van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het onlangs met groot geesdrif aan die SuidAfrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens (SANBS) se skenkingskliniek deelgeneem waarmee ‘n bydrae tot die welsyn van landsgenote gemaak is. “Die SANBS het altyd ‘n behoefte aan bloed en die volhoubaarheid van hierdie diens is grootliks afhanklik van openbare bewustheid en gereelde skenkings deur geregistreerde skenkers. Daarom is dit belangrik dat die jeug reeds vroeg aan hierdie aktiwiteit blootgestel word en in lewenslange skenkers ontwikkel,” sê Dottie Pinn, skakelbeampte van SANBS in Polokwane. Pinn het bevestig dat die kliniek by PHS 90 eenhede bloed, meestal van leerders, opgelewer het en het die personeel en leerders gelukgewens met hulle goeie poging.
Vacancy at the ANC Provincial Office - Polokwane Job Title: Accountant - Budget, Assets & Payroll Management Package: Market Related Qualifications • Matric • NQF Level 6 – National Diploma in Financial Management / Equivalent Experience • Relevant Financial Management experience in an executive level • 3 years experience Competencies and Requirements: • Good interpersonal & communication skills. • Computer literacy • ANC membership and understanding of ANC and its policy positions Job Description: Administration • Overall management and administration of the salary section • Capturing of all salary-related matters e.g. deductions, allowances etc. • Ensuring that tax reconciliation is done on monthly a basis • Administering all salary recalls and returns from financial institutions • Doing journal for transfer expenditure from Pastel Payroll system to the Pastel accounting system on a monthly basis • Ensuring that payroll reports are printed on monthly basis • Calculating of all overtime claims and travel claims or S&T, and capturing the same into Pastel Payroll System • Filing of claims and salary reports for audit purpose • Requesting all reports relating to his/her section for audit purpose • Distributing of pay slips and ensuring that all the employees are paid correctly • Answering of any queries that may relate to this section • Ensuring that assets register are in order • Ensuring that all assets are accountant for and are depreciated accordingly. Attributes: Highly presentable, well-spoken and dynamic. Must be prepared to work after/ long hours. This is a five years contract and the applicant may be required to undergo practical assessment. Detailed CVs and certified Qualifications are to be delivered to ANC – Frans Mohlala House, 78 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0700. CLOSING DATE: 22 August 2014 No correspondence will be accepted after the closing date. If you have not heard from us within two weeks of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.
wag aansoeke in van persone wat belangstel om te kwalifiseer as Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters (lede van SAICA). Vereistes: Matriek met Universiteitsvrystelling (Wiskunde en Rekeningkunde ‘n vereiste) of Besig met studies vir ‘n B.Com Rek-graad of In besit van ‘n B.Com Rek-graad Lewer asseblief u CV af by Watermelonstraat 25, Platinumpark, Bendor of epos na of faks na 086 605 9114. Indien u nie binne 21 dae vanaf publikasie hiervan van ons kantoor verneem nie, moet u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.
are waiting applications from persons interested in qualifying as Charted Accountants (members of SAICA). Requirements: Matric with University exemption (Mathematics and Accountancy a requirement) or Busy with studies towards a B.Com Acc degree or In possession of a B.Com Acc degree Please deliver your CV at 25 Watermelon Street, Platinum Park, Bendor or email to or fax to 086 605 9114. If you do not receive a response from us within 21 days from this publication, please accept that your applications was unsuccessful.
August 14, 2014
42 OBSERVER polokwane
Pietersburg Laerskool>>
Pietersburg Laerskool>>
PLS is Savannah Mall pretdraf-wenners
Nuwe baadjies vir PLS o.9-rugbyspan
Foto: RC Myburgh
Pietersburg Laerskool se langasems is wenners van die laerskool-afdeling van die jeug pretdraf wat op 13 Junie deur Savannah Mall en Polokwane Atletiekklub (PAC) aangebied is. Leerders het in die inkopiesentrum se gange kragte gemeet en die wedloop het uit tien aflosse van ongeveer 1,4 km bestaan. Voor is Johan Potgieter (PAC) wat Maandag die trofee aan Duané van der Merwe (spanbestuurder) en haar span Jaco Naudé, Chervaq Oosthuizen, Japie Wentzel, Minionic Kritzinger en Dewald Jansen van Vuuren oorhandig het. Agter is Tewis Willemse, Kayla Snyman, Zandri Swarts en Helga Claassen. Thea-lisa van Wyk en Anrich Janse van Vuuren was afwesig.
Foto: RC Myburgh
Bid No
Bid Description
Doc. fee Period of Evaluation Compulsory Site Closing Date Advert. Criteria and Briefing and Time
Professional Registration
Contact Person Mr. Simon Shokane on 015 290 2584
33/2014 The provision of a R300. 00 30 Days 90/10 21/08/2014, Jack comprehensive cash-inPrice – 90 Botes Hall cnr transit services to and BBBEE -10 Bodenstein and from all pay centres Church streets @ throughout Polokwane 09:00 Municipality and the banking of the money to the bank contracted to the municipality for the period of three (3) years.
10/09/2014, PSIRA Electrical Boardroom, 3rd Floor @ 10:00
32/2014 Provision of online R300. 00 30 Days 90/10 21/08/2014,Jack deeds, Pipro and credit Price – 90 Botes Hall cnr searches for three (3) BBBEE -10 Bodenstein and Church streets years. @10:00 120/2013 Appointment of three R300. 00 30 Days 90/10 21/08/2014, Jack (3) service providers Price – 90 Botes Hall cnr to be registered on BBBEE -10 Bodenstein and the Municipal panel to Church streets render a provisioning @11:00 of accommodation and travel services for polokwane municipality for a period of three (3) years.
10/09/2014, N/A Electrical Boardroom, 3rd Floor @ 10:00
Mr. Simon Shokane on 015 290 2584
10/09/2014, IATA or ASATA Electrical Boardroom, 3rd Floor @ 10:00
Mr. Jerry Manyama on 015 290 2201
21/08/2014, Jack \50/2014 Admission on panel of R300. 00 30 Days 80/20 professionals who offer Price – 80 Botes Hall cnr therapeutic services for BBBEE -20 Bodenstein and employee assistance Church streets programme for a period @12:00 of three (3) years.
10/09/2014, Electrical Boardroom, 3rd Floor @ 10:00
Pietersburg Laerskool se o.9-rugbybulle het Maandag nuwe baadjies van hul borg, Buco Hardware Buildware ontvang nadat hulle as Limpopo-wenners aangewys is. Voor is Stefan Korf, Gerald Richards, Erik Nel, Zander de Klerk, Ruben van Ree, Bertus Jacobs en Patrick Kellet. In die tweede ry is Justin Basson, Marnus de Klerk, Schalk Kloppers, Drian Hartslief, Dewan Gobey en Zandré Hatting. In die derde ry is Gohan Bezuidenhout, Dré Jonker, Sternberg Boshoff, Jason Hugo. Wian Terblanche, Friedrich Kern en Dillen Stolz. Agter is Jan-Carel Holtzhausen (afrigter), Martin Gobey (Buco), Peet Bredenkamp (hoof) en Chris de Klerk (afrigter).
Curro Heuwelkruin>>
Kruinies vorder verder in Beeld-trofee Warren Blunt >> Die bibberende koue wind het Saterdag nie die o.15-rugbyspan van Curro Heuwelkruin beïnvloed tydens hul wegholoorwinning van 61-0 teen die Hoërskool Carolina in die kwarteindstryd van die Beeld-trofee vir kleinskole. Die sterk wind was wel ‘n faktor toe Krui-nies slegs drie van hul elf drieë teen die besoekers van Mpumalanga kon verdoel. Die hoofwedstryd tussen Kruinies se eerste span en Morgenson Landbou Akademie het gelykop met 32-elk geëindig.
Mr. Jerry Health Professions Manyama on Council of South Africa Council for Social 015 290 2201 Services Professions; Department of Social Development, South African Association of Social Workers in Private Practice, whichever is applicable.
Sebayeng/Dikgale Re- R300.00 30 Days 90/10 6CE of Higher 22/08/2014, Elec- 10/09/2014, gional Water Scheme: Price – 90 trical Boardroom Electrical Phase 5. BBBEE - 10 @10:00 Boardroom, 3rd Floor @ 10:00
Tonie Muller on 015 290 2077
Foto’s: Warren Blunt
Curro Heuwelkruin o.15-speler, Michael Willemse breek deur die Morgenson Landbou Akademie se verdediging.
The Municipality shall adjudicate and award bids in accordance with the B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution on an 80/20 point system, 80 points will be allocated for price and 20 points will be allocated for BBBEE Level of Contribution and on 90/10 point system, 90 points for the price and 10 points for BBBEE Level of Contribution. Bids documents containing the Conditions of Bid and other requirements in terms of the Supply Chain Management Policy will be available for collection as from 12 August 2014 at the Polokwane Municipality - Cnr Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (Left of the security reception) - Polokwane. Prior to collection of the bid documents, payment should be made at the Rates Hall which is open from 08:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday. Bidders who do not attend compulsory site briefing will be disqualified. No late, faxed or telephonic bids will be accepted. Bids will remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days. The Council reserves the right to negotiate further conditions of the bid and other requirements of the bid with the successful bidder. Furthermore, Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any bid. Completed bids documents, fully priced, fully signed, fully initialed on all pages and original documents attached must be submitted sealed in an envelope marked: “Bid Name, Bid Number and Bid Description” should be deposited in the Tender Box at the Polokwane Municipality - Cnr Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (Left of the security reception) – Polokwane on or before the closing date. N.B: No bids will be considered from persons in the service of the State (As defined in Regulation 1 of the Local Government: Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations). Mrs. T.C MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER
Arno Horn, Curro Heuwelkruin o.15-speler hardloop met die bal met sy spanmaats Jaco van Wyk en Morné Bezuidenhout langs hom.
Hoërskool Pietersburg>>
PHS se B- en C-gholfspan wen interhoër
Kaskarwedren se groot geldmakers RC Myburgh >> Duisende rand word jaarliks deur leerders van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé tydens die kaskarresies ingesamel en vanjaar was geen uitsondering nie. Alhoewel die skool nie die bedrag wil bekendmaak nie, was dit ‘n groot en uiters suksesvolle poging deur
leerders, onderwysers, ouers en sakelui in die stad. Die skool het onlangs die leerders aangewys wat die meeste geld of produkte tydens die wedren in Februarie ingesamel het. Die skool ontvang jaarliks geld sowel as materiaal wat gebruik word om die skool te verbeter. tydens dié gesogte adrenalienbelaaide wedren. Leerders wat die meeste geld en boumateriaal ingesamel het, word
Augustus 14, 2014
OBSERVER 43 polokwane
met kontantpryse beloon. Wenners is Inne-cori Haasbroek (R15 000), Dian Venter (R13 000) en Jandré Nel (R10 000) terwyl Bertus van Jaarsveld (R260 000), Dian Venter (R85 860), Dioné Cilliers (R24 500) en Johanita Cilliers (R24 500) produkte van die onderskeie waarde ingesamel het.
Foto: RC Myburgh
Die interhoër vir skolegholf is onlangs in Tzaneen gehou en Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se B- en C-span is as algehele wenners aangewys. Voor is B-spanspelers, Eduan Kotze, Christo Stears, André Fritz en Ruan Bentley. Agter is C-spanspelers, Lohan Duvenhage, Trinie van den Berg, Mari Ströh en GW Badenhorst.
Le-Chandré Coetzee, Ka-Cee Hartlief en Megan Bekker, leerders van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos beskou ‘n fisiese wetenskapeksperiment van nader.
Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé>>
Foto’s: Verskaf
Jandré Nel, Dian Venter en Inne-cori Haasbroek het die meeste geld tydens vanjaar se kaskarresies ingesamel.
Leerders wat die meeste produkte tydens die kaskarresies ingesamel het, is Bertus van Jaarsveld, Dian Venter, Dioné Cilliers en Johanita Cilliers.
Graad 7-leerders gretig om ‘n Pietie te word RC Myburgh >> Voornemende hoërskoolleerders van laerskole regoor die stad kon onlangs eerstehands ‘n voorsmakie kry van wat volgende jaar by Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) op hul wag. Kultuur-, sport- en akademiese aktiwiteite is met PHS se opedag uitgebeeld en Pieties het reggestaan om vrae te beantwoord. Die fisiese wetenskappeklas, PHS se nuwe fietsryspan en hokkie het baie aandag van die graad 7-leerders en hul ouers gekry. Die gewilde Kardoesie en Mnr en Mej PHS was ook teenwoordig om te verduidelik dat PHS-leerders net so hard speel as wat hul werk om elkeen se hoërskoolloopbaan ‘n aangename ervaring te maak.
PHS hoofmeisie en -seun, Elizma le Roux en Richardt Stroebel verwelkom Laerskool PietersburgOos-leerder, Micail Malan by die opedag.
Charlize Olivier van Pietersburg Laerskool het die voorreg om Kardoesie te ontmoet. Saam met haar is Mej en Mnr PHS 2014, Chané Prinsloo en Juan Esterhuizen.
Bodybuilder Vusi Manana OBSERVER flexes muscles in Johannesburg August 14, 2014
In last week’s publication of Polokwane Observer Body Life Polokwane personal trainer, Vusi Manana, who recently participated in the International Federation of Bodybuilders (IFBB) Pro competition in Johannesburg was incorrectly identified as Vusi Njifane, also an employee of Body Life. Manana, who participated in the 70 to 80 kg division and achieved third place, hopes to qualify for the Mr Olympia competition in America sometime in the future. Polokwane Observer apologises for any inconvenience caused by the error.
The team of Benny’s Sports Development Academy that beat Makikele High 4-3 to win the provincial finals of the Kay Motsepe Cup at Seshego Stadium on Saturday.
Benny’ Sports Academy to represent Limpopo at nationals >> Hoping to win the R1 million prize >> Relentless effort throughout the competition HERBERT RACHUENE >>
enny’ Sports Academy from Makhado will in October have the opportunity to bring home the coveted Kay Motsepe School Cup when they face other provincial winners from across the country in the national finals of the prestigious
tournament. Taking on Makikela High School from Mopani District in their fourth provincial final in five years at Seshego Stadium on Saturday the Vhembe based team won 4-3 on penalty kicks. Not only did they take home R100 000 in prize money but they also now stand a chance to win a whopping R1 million should they triumph at the national finals. Head Coach at the academy, Justice Matloga said they are hoping to win and do the province proud at the national event. “This is our 4th provincial title and the main aim is to win the overall prize at the national event. We have been participating in the event since its inception and we have done well at
district and provincial level. I however think it is our time to win the bigger prize,” he said. “We are going to face tough schools at the national event and it is time to raise our hands and give it our best. There is a lot that needs to be improved in the team. We need to focus on building stamina, improving our dribbling skills and making sure that the players don’t let their nerves be their downfall,” he stressed. He acknowledged the team for their relentless effort throughout the competition. “Credit must go to the team. We have a very young team but they are determined and ready to achieve greater things in life and they have never let us down,” Matloga said.
Jukskeiklub hou familiedag RC MYBURGH >> Die Pietersburg Jukskeiklub hou op 23 Augustus ‘n Family First-jukskeidag wat daarop gemik is om jukskei in die stad bekend te stel en terselftertyd ‘n prettige familiedag is. Die organiseerder, Vanite Kotze sê
persone wat nog nooit jukskei gespeel het nie word genooi om die fynere kuns van die sport te leer. “Amateurs sal saam met ander jukskeispelers in spanne gedeel word,” sê Kotze. Spelers sal binne ‘n sekere tyd penne gooi wat ‘n totale punt vir die oggend se spel bepaal. Groot pryse is vir die wenspanne op
die spel. ‘n Ligte middagete word teen R10 per deelnemende persoon aangebied waarna Des Sinclair sy getuienis sal lewer oor sy boek, Life on the Line wat ook die dag te koop sal wees. Belangstellendes kan Kotze by 084 404 8362 of Anton Botha by 074 157 9965 skakel.
Open training run to replace Meropa Road Race WARREN BLUNT >> After the cancellation of the Meropa Casino 3-in-1 Road Race scheduled for 23 August due to the unexpected withdrawal of the sponsor, the Managing Committee for Polokwane Athletic Club (PAC) has pencilled in an open training run in order to fill the gap as a result of the non-event.
The open training run is scheduled to take place on the same day as the original Meropa race and will start and finish at the PAC clubhouse. This will be a social training run with no prize money and no official time keeping. A small fee will be charged to cover the costs of the refreshments that will he handed out to runners at the water tables en-route. The cost is R20 for the 5 km Fun
Run, R30 for the 10 km and R40 for the 20 km. Medals will be handed out to all participants. The surplus of entry fees raised will be donated to the Rhino Anti-Poaching Unit in the Kruger National Park. The open training run will commence at 07:00. Contact PAC Chairperson, Johan Janse van Vuuren for further information on 083 277 2505.
Gymstars rhythmic girls rake in the medals WARREN BLUNT >> The rhythmic gymnasts from Polokwane club, Gymstars garnered a total of 13 medals at the Invitational Competition for Level 4 and upwards gymnasts at Gold Reef City in Johannesburg recently. The five gymnasts from Gymstars won seven gold medals, three silver and three bronze and their coaches, Lelanie Logtenberg and Yolandi Cilliers are very
proud of their accomplishments. In the u.13 Level 4 category, Chante Serfontein won the rope and was second overall for free dance while Lize van Ryneveld was first in the hoop and free dance and second in the ball event. Zoë Galloway was second overall in the free dance event, third with the hoop and achieved fourth place overall in the u.9 Level 4 category. Anika Myburgh won gold for free dance and the rope in the u.15 Level 4 category.
The rhythmic gymnasts from Gymstars that competed at Gold Reef City in Johannesburg recently are in front, Anika Myburgh, Zoë Galloway and Chante Serfontein with Danica Maritz and Liza van Ryneveld at the back.
Rufus Photo takes on Cape Town Marathon WARREN BLUNT >>
ietersburg Road Runner (PRR) ultra-distance athlete Rufus Photo, fresh after his fifth place finish in the gruelling Comrades Marathon in June, is looking forward to his next assignment when he takes on the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon in September. Financial services giant Sanlam have added their muscle behind the marathon, which has been officially renamed the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon to fast track its plan of being classified as Africa’s first World Marathon Major (WMM) race. The present six WMM races are the Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and
New York marathons and Cape Town hopes to join the exclusive club in the future. The Sanlam Cape Town Marathon will be the second major ultra distance race hosted in Cape Town after the Two Oceans Marathon that is held over Easter and hopes to boost tourism in the city by attracting athletes from around the world. The Chief Executive for the Sanlam brand, Yegs Ramiah said in a recent press statement that Sanlam is delighted at the opportunity to be the official headline sponsor of the Cape Town Marathon. “Sanlam is pleased to sponsor an event that places Cape Town and the continent on the global stage, alongside famous marathon cities such as Boston, New York, Tokyo and London.” South African long-distance Olympic medallist Elana Meyer, spokesperson for the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon and a member of its executive committee says they have the support and presence at the race next month of the International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF) and will now apply for Silver Label classification. “We are extremely pleased PHOTO: ARCHIVES
Pietersburg Road Runners Comrades gold medallists, Rufus Photo and Martinique Potgieter have both given the thumbs up for participation in next month’s Sanlam Cape Town Marathon.
Former Stanfordian represents SA down under Cameron Daly, a former learner at Stanford Lake College (SLC) is a member of the South African Lions team currently participating in the 2014 International Australia Football League (AFL) Cup. SLC Spokesperson, Rona McGaffin said the game, known by the locals as “footy” or Aussie rules is played by 18 countries worldwide, including Canada, China, Fiji, Finland, France, Great
Britain, Japan, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Tonga and the USA. She said South Africa played their first game last Sunday against Pakistan and beat them 160 – 14. “The next pool games are against Tonga and Papua New Guinea after which they move into the playoffs, with the final being played on Saturday,” she said.
OBSERVER 45 polokwane
to have a leading financial services group like Sanlam working with us to realise the potential of this very special event.”
Photo will be lining up for the race alongside fellow-PRR Comrades gold medallist, Martinique Potgieter and Phuti Mohale, also from PRR. Potgieter is hoping for a good time after running her personal best time in the marathon recently. Photo said he is aiming for a time of under 02:20 after resuming training last month after his sterling effort in the Comrades Marathon.
POLOKWANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY SALE OF ERVEN IN NIRVANA EXTENSION 3 Notice is hereby given in terms of the provision of section 79(18) of the Local Government Ordinance, 17 of 1939, of sale of the below-listed residential erven in Nirvana Extension 3. ITEM ERF EXTENT PRICE ITEM ERF EXTENT PRICE 1 899 644 R260 000 14 985 450 R205 000 2 902 644 R260 000 15 995 450 R205 000 3 903 644 R260 000 16 996 450 R205 000 4 906 644 R275 000 17 997 450 R205 000 5 907 644 R275 000 18 998 568 R230 000 6 913 644 R260 000 19 1008 517 R230 000 7 962 721 R300 000 20 1020 585 R250 000 8 963 450 R205 000 21 1026 463 R210 000 9 967 450 R205 000 22 1030 470 R210 000 10 970 450 R205 000 23 1035 463 R210 000 11 971 450 R205 000 24 1038 463 R210 000 12 982 512 R230 000 25 1062 550 R250 000 13 984 450 R205 000 26 1063 545 R250 000 Date: Time: Place:
20 August 2014 09:00 Civic Centre, Rates Hall, cnr Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, POLOKWANE No of stands: 26 All prices exclude VAT. Bring along certified copies of ID (plus that of spouse), Marriage Certificate/Decree of divorce. R100.00 non-refundable admin fee is payable. N.B. Only applicants who are not registered property owners in Polokwane Municipality are legible to apply.
Cameron Daly
ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Preventative Maintenance of Road P134/3 from Ga-Rafiri to Inca Mine. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300, 00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 15 August 2014 Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Dan Masekela, Tel: 015 297 6265, Fax: 086 514 7458, email A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at Zebediela Mall along the R519 (24°21’55.31” S and 29°18’50.84” E)” on 09 September 2014 starting at 10:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 23 September 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T700/2014, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE OF ROAD P134/3 FROM GA-RAFIRI TO INCA MINE and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane. Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 7CE or 6CE PE or higher.
Augustus 14, 2014
ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for ROADS PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION OF ROAD D1200 BETWEEN ROAD P94/1 AND ROAD D3334 SENWABARWANA The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 2914236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday, 18 August 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr. K.S Mojapelo, Tel: 015 298 8826, Fax: 015 298 8241, e-mail: info@smlprojects. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the intersection of road P94/1 and road D1200 (Senwabarwana turn-off, GPS coordinates 23o 21’ 55.17” S and 29o 18’ 56.55” E) on 11 September 2014 starting at 09:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 26 September 2014 Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No: RAL/T710/2014: ROADS PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION OF ROAD D1200 BETWEEN ROAD P94/1 AND ROAD D3334 SENWABARWANA ” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane. Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 6 CE or 5 CE PE or higher.
Polokwane Observer
Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION PROJECT FROM ROAD D1267 TO TARENTAALRAND IN THE MOPANI DISTRICT OF THE LIMPOPO PROVINCE.
Augustus 14, 2014
PHS sluk bitter pil teen Transvalia WARREN BLUNT >> Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se eerste rugbyspan het Saterdag moedig teruggeveg teen Hoërskool Transvalia in die kwarteindwedstryd van die Beeldtrofee vir grootskole, maar moes die aftog met 18-29 blaas. Flank, Francois Rousseau en losskakel, Hardus Geldenhuys het PHS se twee drieë in die tweede helfte gedruk. Geldenhuys was ook
suksesvol met een doelskop en twee strafskoppe. PHS o.16-span het na die semifinaal teen Helpmekaar Kollege deurgedring na hul welverdiende sege van 33-7 teen Hoërskool Piet Retief. PHS se vyf drieë is deur JV Coertze (2), Franco van der Watt, Bornwise Thibela en Tertius du Plessis aangeteken. Losskakel Pieter Kruger het met een doelskop geslaag en plaasvervanger losskakel, Morné Venter het ‘n verdere drie doelskoppe bygevoeg.
The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Limited. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291-4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday, 08 September 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Department of Roads and Transport. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr. P. Thokwane, Tel: 012 941 0939, Fax: 012 941 5035/ 086 661 4403, E-mail: A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the intersection of road D1350 (Deerpark road), GPS coordinates: 23°48’41.82” S; 30°18’19.06” E, close to Tarentaalrand and Road D1292 (Giyani turn-off) on Tuesday, 16 September 2014 starting at 14:00.
PHS-kookwater flank, Francois Rousseau op die aanval.
The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on Tuesday, 30 September 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T707/2014: PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION PROJECT FROM ROAD D1267 TO TARENTAALRAND IN THE MOPANI DISTRICT OF THE LIMPOPO PROVINCE.” and deposited in the box located in office 143, 1st floor, Department of Road and Transport, 40 Paul Kruger Street , Polokwane. Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 5CE PE or 6CE or higher.
Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se eerstespansenter, Diaan Coertze bars deur Hoërskool Transvalia se verdediging.
ASSET AUCTIONEERS CC Reg no. 2008 / 037750 /23
JOHAN 083 477 2246 OFFICE 015 263 6167
PHS-slot, Hanno Oosthuizen soek ondersteuning.
Plot 15, Dalmada PO Box 215, Polokwane
Duly authorised by our valued clients, the South African Police Services we will sell the following vehicles per public auction on at Ngoako Ramalepe Street, Seshego (Polokwane ) starting at 10:30.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Vehicles: VW Golf x 5, Toyota Hilux single cab x 9, Chevrolet Optra x 9, Toyota Condor x 1, VW Polo Classic x 3, Toyota Corolla x 7, Nissan Hardbody double cab x 7, Nissan Hardbody single cab x 21, Nissan Almera x 3, Nissan Tiida x 1, Toyota Quantum vvti x 2, Toyota Siyaya x 1, Ford Ranger double cab x 2, Ford Ranger super cab x 1, BMW 330i x 1, Toyota Super 16 x 1, Nissan Primastar x 1, Mitsubishi Colt x 1, Toyota Tazz x 1, Mazda 6 x 1, Ford Focus x 1, Mitsubishi truck x 1, Massey Ferguson 135 tractor. Accident damaged vehicles: VW Gti x 1, Nissan Champ x 1, Nissan Hardbody x , Isuzu extended cab x 1, Toyota Corolla x 1, Nissan Almera x 1, Toyota Siyaya x 1, Toyota super 16 x 1, Toyota Quantum panel van x 1. Subject to change without any notice. Reserved auction.
Viewing date: Wednesday, 27 August 2014, from 09:00 to 16:00 GPS coordinates: 23’ 50’ 7” S 29 ‘23 ‘60” E Upcoming auctions around the province: Tzaneen: SAP Auction, Thursday, 25 September 2014 Vhembe: SAP Auction, Thursday, 30 October 2014 Modimolle: SAP Auction, Thursday, 27 November 2014 Dates subject to change.
Buyers must register - ID document and proof of residence required. R10 000.00 cash registration fee payable on vehicles. Right reserved. The auctioneer has the right to participate in the auction. Regulations in terms of Consumer Protection Law 68 of 2008. This advert complies with Article 45 of Law 68/2008. Standard terms and conditions apply.
ALL purchases to be paid for within 2 hours after auction.
Noordelikes bobaas in OBSERVER 47 belangrike uitspeelwedstryd Augustus 14, 2014
Warren Blunt >>
ie rugbyroes van geen spel na hul Boet Fick Eerste-ligaoorwinning teen Letaba Rugbyklub ‘n maand gelede was Saterdag duidelik op die veld te sien na BB Truck & Tractor Noordelike Rugbyklub (Noordelikes) se noue 31-25 sege teen Potgietersrus
Rugbyklub. Die wedstryd was die eerste van twee uitspeelwedstryde vir deelname in aanstaande jaar se Cell C Gemeenskapbeker-kompetisie. Noordelikes moet net hul herontmoeting vandag (Donderdag) in Mokopane wen om vir volgende jaar se kompetisie te kwalifiseer. Noordelikes het vier drieë in die eerste helfte aangeteken om met rustyd 26-15 die
voortou te neem, maar hul kontinuïteit is in die tweede helfte verbreek na die reserwes na rustyd ‘n kans gegee is om te speel. Volgens Noordelikes-afrigter, Fred Romijn was die span se vaste fasette goed en die stut, Thulani Mathonsi het indrukwekkende spel gelewer. Romijn sê die span sal heelwat verbeter vir die herontmoeting in Mokopane waar die druk op Potties sal wees aangesien hulle met meer as
sewe punte moet wen om vir die Cell C-kompetisie te kwalifiseer. Noordelikes het Saterdag vyf drieë gedruk en Zander Byleveldt het drie doelskoppe bygevoeg.
>> Sien meer foto’s op...
Foto’s: Warren Blunt
Noordelikes senter, Sias van Wyk voer ‘n pletterduikslag op sy teenstander uit.
Zander Byleveldt van Noordelikes kom by sy Potties-teenstander verby.
Polokwane City FC off to good start Herbert Rachuene >> Chief Operations Officer for Polokwane City Football Club, Tincy Tema has described their first victory of the new 2014/2015 Premier Soccer League season as a result of good preparations and will to stamp their authority in the elite league. Polokwane City beat Tshwane University of Technology 1-0 at Absa Tuks Stadium on Saturday to occupy the fifth position of the league. “It was a
good performance by the team and a perfect way to start the season,” Tema said. Last season City struggled in their maiden season of the elite league and needed the promotional play-offs to survive relegation after finishing the season in 15th position. “We don’t want to end up like last season. We have learned from that season and we are moving on. We want to do well throughout the season, we have signed good players this season and strongly believe they will help us finish
Top provincial rugby coming to Polokwane Warren Blunt >> There will be plenty of provincial rugby action in Polokwane over the next week when the Absa B-division u.19 and u.21 Limpopo sides play their first league fixtures on Saturday and the Amateur Rugby Week kicks off at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium on Monday. Limpopo’s young guns will be in action at the new Peter Mokaba Stadium against South Western Districts on Saturday. The u.19s will start proceedings at 13:00 followed by the u.21 side at 15:00. During their first campaign in the same competition last year, both teams acquitted themselves well, with the Limpopo u.21 team qualifying for the semi-finals of the Absa B-division competition. A week of top amateur rugby will follow on Monday when Limpopo hosts the South African Rugby Union Amateur Rugby Week at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium. The Limpopo Blue Bulls start their campaign with a tough fixture against the Golden Lions on Monday at 18:30. The result of Monday’s match will determine who Limpopo will play in their next match on Wednesday. Polokwane’s rugby enthusiasts are urged to support Limpopo’s provincial team as they compete against the stronger rugby unions in the country. Full catering facilities will be available at the old Peter Mokaba for the duration of the rugby week that ends on Friday.
visit us on
the league in a respectable position,” Tema said. He indicated that their focus is to do well against Ajax Cape Town on 19 August at Old Peter Mokaba Stadium. “It is going to be the first home match of the new season and we want to win it for the people of the province. Our fans will also have an opportunity to see our new recruits in action. So, we are urging all the supporters to come in numbers to see the new look Polokwane City,” Tema invited. Plot 6, Palmietfontein Polokwane Sel: 083 758 9231 Sel: 083 648 3282 Fax: 086 582 6139 Epos:
MEUBELS: Groot hoeveelheid repo-meubels. Sitkamerstelle, televisiestelle (flat screens), hoëtroustelle, skootrekenaars, rekenaars, selfone, hangkaste, kombuiskasstelle, slaapkamerstelle, yskaste, vrieskaste, muureenhede, dubbelbed- en koninginbasisstelle, eetkamerstelle, koffietafels en nog vele meer items, te veel om op te noem. ANDERE: Nuwe slaapkamerbanke, toonbanke, kombuisstel, rekenaars, olieverwarmers (x20), sonbed, snoekertafels, kantoorkaste, palletmeubels, aantal rolle skadunet, losgoed en nog vele meer items, te veel om op te noem. VOORWAARDES: Kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjeks of internetbetalings (internetfasiliteit beskikbaar by kantoor) dieselfde dag van die veiling. Geen uitsondering sal gemaak word nie. AFSLAERSNOTA: Besigtiging Vrydag, 15 Augustus 2014. Moenie hierdie veiling misloop nie! Registrasiefooi van R1 000.00 is betaalbaar. Items is in baie goeie toestand. Baie mooi voorraad. Geen waarborg op items nie. BTW is betaalbaar op alle REPO-MEUBELS. Die afslaer behou die reg voor om enige items by te voeg of te onttrek sonder enige kennisgewing. BAIE BELANGRIK: INDIEN TELEVISIESTELLE GEKOOP WORD MOET ‘N TELEVISIELISENSIE GETOON WORD VOORDAT TELEVISIES GELAAI MAG WORD. Alle items moet verkoop word en gelaai word nie later as Maandag, 18 Augustus 2014. VIR ENIGE NAVRAE KONTAK ESTELLE DE BEER 083 648 3282 OF NIC DE BEER 083 758 9231
Suppliers of: Borehole pumps Centrifugal pumps Pressure pumps
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August 14, 2014 >> Page 48
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, Zander Ernst n jong boer om mee rekening te hou BARRY VILJOEN >>
ie 27-jarige Zander Ernst van Allesbeste Boerdery buite Tzaneen, ‘n gesaghebbende op die gebied van boordbestuur, gevorderde snoeitegnieke en eksklusiewe bemarking, is Agri Limpopo se wenner van die jaarlikse Toyota Jongboer van die Jaarkompetisie. Ernst praat nie graag oor homself nie, maar die evalueringsverslag van die keurkomitee meld dat hy instensiewe navorsing oor avokado’s wat die ontwikkeling van nuwe kultivars ondersteun, doen. Die Maluma avokadokultivar is deur Allesbeste Boerdery in hul eie kwekery ontwikkel en maak wêreldwyd opslae met sy vrugkwaliteit en opbrengs. Hy het na sy studies in bemarking by die familieboerdery aangesluit om hoofsaaklik na die piesangvertakking om te sien. Hierdie deel van die boerdery se probleemangels is vinnig getrek en bemarking is tot ‘n nuwe vlak verhef. Die sukses wat hy met piesangs behaal het, het gou die direksie se aandag getrek en hy is gevra om ook by die avokado’s betrokke te raak. Hier het hy sy werklike staal as analis en strateeg bewys.
Boorde se bestuur is oorgeskakel na ‘n intensiewe rekordhoudingstelsel waarvolgens produksieteikens gehaal moet word of die boord word vervang. Deur ‘n konstante fokus op optimumproduksie, is Allesbeste se boorde op ongekende vlakke van winsgewendheid. Kultivarseleksie en snoeitegnieke het ‘n nuwe dimensie in die avokadovertakking gebring. Hy het reeds op ‘n internasionale avokadokwekerskongres ‘n lesing oor die snoeitegnieke wat by Allesbeste gevolg word, gelewer. “Hierdie vooruitstrewende man leer steeds graag van gesoute boere in sy omgewing, wat sy pa, Andre Ernst insluit. Hy speel ook ‘n leidende rol in studiegroepe en reik uit na boere wat graag die piesang- en avokadobedrywe wil betree,” sê Willem van Jaarsveld, hoofbestuurder van AgriLimpopo, wat ook lid van die keurkomitee was en voeg by: “Hy dra die welsyn van sy werkers op die hart. Allesbeste Boerdery het die beoordelaars van die Jongboerkompetisie beïndruk met die moeite wat hulle doen om arbeiders as gesinne te versorg. Voorsiening word gemaak om kinders van werkers bedags in goeie sorg te laat sodat die ouers
Shop 1: 63 Pres Kruger St, CBD Shop 2: 14 Ayesha St, Magna Via For Quotes: Tel: 015 291 4841
Foto: Barry Viljoen
Zander Ernst, wenner van AgriLimpopo se Toyota Jongboer van die Jaarkompetisie.
sonder kommer oor die kinders met hul werk kan voortgaan. ‘n Kleutersorgsentrum met naskoolse fasiliteite vir skoolgaande kinders is ook op die plaas ingerig. Ernst is vroeg in sy loopbaan as professionele landbouer, aktief betrokke by georganiseerde landbou en maak ‘n positiewe bydrae tot sy boerevereniging, Agri Letaba asook Agri Limpopo.” Die beoordelaarspaneel meen die basis van Ernst se sukses is dat hy daarin slaag om sy boerdery as ‘n eenheid te bestuur. “Hy integreer tegniese- personeel- rekeningkundige- strategiese- en bemarkingsdissiplines op so ‘n wyse dat hulle mekaar aanvul en ondersteun. Landbouers van Limpopo staan bankvas agter Ernst as Limpopo se kandidaat in die nasionale kompetisie wat eersdaags beoordeel word om die Toyota Jongboer van SuidAfrika aan te wys.”
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