Polokwane observer 17 july 2014

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Polokwane | Seshego | Mokopane | Dendron | Haenertsburg | Mankweng | Aganang | Lebowakgomo | Sekhukhune

Julie 17 - 23, 2014

>> PAGE 5


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SAPS headed for

DISASTER Demands for Commissioner to take charge of structure under command Union speaks out

YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com

Hurra, wir sind Weltmeister!


Student traffic officers expelled >> BLADSY 8 NUUS >>

Suid-Afrika gee 67 min op Mandeladag >> PAGE 11 NEWS >>

New mayor has desire to serve her people >> PAGE 13 NEWS>>

Premier, MECs deliver budget addresses >> PAGE 26


emands by the South African Policing Union (Sapu) in Limpopo for Provincial Police Commissioner Fannie Masemola to take charge of the structure under his command are drawing attention to the alleged failure to act on warning signs that not all is well with crime combating and management of the provincial service. Sapu Provincial Secretary Solly Bulala underscored worrisome factors contributing to concern on the union’s side after a build-up of claims and allegations of the Limpopo Police having dropped to a slot among the last positions on the national To page 2


R180 m to renew Lim’s reserves >> PAGE 37

Munisipale rekenmeester glo geskors oor R2 miljoen RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Polokwane Munisipaliteit was nie gister (Woensdag) teen druktyd bereid om kommentaar te lewer oor ‘n rekenmeester in die uitgawe-afdeling wat glo geskors is hangende die uitslag van ‘n interne ondersoek na die verdwyning van ‘n enorme be-

drag van digby R2 miljoen van belastingbetalers se geld nie. Munisipale woordvoerder, Matshidiso Mothapo, beweer dit is nie in openbare belang om kommentaar op aangeleenthede van dié aard te lewer nie. “Die munisipaliteit is nie by magte om die skorsing van die amptenaar te bevestig nie Na bl 2

Photo: Herbert Rachuene

Klaus Rabiega and daughter Bettina are in ecstasy over the Germans’ 2014 Fifa World Cup win over Argentina at Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Sunday evening. They form part of a large Limpopo contingent of football fans who are not necessarily brought together by their support for the same team, but indeed their love of the game.


SA’s strongest men to visit Polokwane



SAPS headed for disaster

July 17, 2014



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From page 1 crime chart, a scourge of ritual killings on the rise across the province, insufficient numbers of officials reportedly instructed to arm themselves with heavy artillery against protesting crowds, apparent delayed reaction to calls for assistance by the community in emergency situations, the perceived inefficient tracking of the movement of the provincial Police’s costly vehicle fleet of which scores seem to be stationary and the matter against a support staff member suspected of abuse of state property. According to Bulala the problems were linked to a command and control problem attributed to poor management and the absence of proper links between the various components. He predicted the Police in Limpopo were headed for disaster if Masemola was going to remain neutral and not take responsibility for the structure he was entrusted with. Bulala referred to the Police in Limpopo hovering between seventh and ninth positions on the national crime chart - determining the performance of provincial Police structures countrywide - for some time now. He conceded that the Provincial Police structure all along remained at the top a few years back when Calvin Sengani was at the helm of the service in Limpopo, but plunged to third place soon after he swapped with then Free State Police head Amon Mashigo and dwindled between seventh and ninth positions since Masemola and his predecessor, Simon Mpembe have been in the hot seat. Another issue that required immediate attention, Bulala reckoned, was that of ritual killings. According to information four to five ritual killings have been reported across Limpopo since the beginning of the year. A recent media briefing to address the escalation of the particular crime was scheduled for the end of June, but was postponed until further notice. Provincial Police spokesperson Ronél Otto said the Provincial Commissioner’s schedule did not allow for the press conference to take place that day. Using the reference to a disciplinary hearing against a Sapu member as an example, Bulala further stressed dissatisfaction with the alleged use of live R4 rounds instead of rubber bullets in an unrest situation involving a crowd engaged in staging a demonstration at Northam in the beginning of February this year. Bulala stressed that the reactionary units attached to the Police in the province seemed understaffed and the situation of allegedly sending in Police members with live rounds to face unruly crowds who were angry about service delivery and socioeconomic issues was unacceptable. Proper management and training were of the essence, he added. He further mentioned the lack of proper feedback on action against a member of

Masemola’s support staff, whose name is being withheld, allegedly using a state vehicle for private use. The issue was brought to Bulala’s attention and he subsequently laid a complaint based on suspected maladministration, corruption, fraud and nepotism with the Provincial Police. In this regard the outcome was Deputy Provincial Commissioner of Operations LJ Mashilo informing him in a letter dated 29 May this year of the recommendations in the report being attended to. In the letter Mashilo stated the complaint was investigated by the Provincial Inspectorate and the office was supplied with a report and recommendations. For purposes of further clarity on the issue of the crime chart, Polokwane Observer consulted a source who explained it was a national system monitoring statistics provided by each station that could be used to assess crime patterns and capacitate stations when and where problems arose in order for the Police to stay ahead of criminals. The chart should ideally be monitored daily for the Police to immediately identify target areas and stop a possible crime wave by coming up with measures, the source said. If not, the Police would continuously be seen doing reactionary work instead of proactive crime combating as they would be dictated by criminal elements who normally were very quick in devising new strategies, according to the source. “Reactive policing is very expensive,” the source added. The source attributed the perceived situation to poor management style, with a huge gap existing between top and middle management. The management concept should be underpinned by humanitarian acts, it was learnt, for it strengthened the link with the community. “If the Provincial Commissioner doesn’t talk to the masses he has to get his middle management to do so.” From within Police ranks confirmation was received that the management of repairs of the vehicle fleet contributed to a major headache. A source told Polokwane Observer that indeed scores of stationary Police vehicles were grounded within station precincts for extended periods, resulting in station management having to take the blame for required repairs not being done until such time that necessary authority was granted. Asked for comment from the Police in Limpopo, the following response was received from the email address of Provincial Police spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi: “It is the view of the SAPS as a responsible employer we confine ourselves to the Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council Agreement (SSSBC) regulations. It is rather disappointing that Sapu has chosen to engage SAPS management through the media. The SSSBC structure is in place and we refuse to (be) drawn into a public spat that we (sic) derail us from our mandate.”

Munisipale rekenmeester glo geskors oor R2 miljoen Van bl 1 omdat dit as interne sake tussen werknemer en werkgewer beskou word. As beginsel het die munisipaliteit die verantwoordelikheid om interne prosesse te respekteer,” sê hy. Mothapo sê ook die munisipaliteit behou die reg voor om enige uitspraak te maak totdat die interne prosesse afgehandel en dit in die beste belang van die publiek en raad is om dit

bekend te maak. Polokwane Observer het betroubaar verneem dat die betrokke amptenaar ‘n twyfelagtige beroepsgeskiedenis het en glo “gepeuter het met die betaling van krediteure.” Die koerant respekteer egter die beleid van die raad en weerhou daarom die naam van die betrokkene tot verdere amptelike inligting ontvang word.

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Vriendelike tariefbeleid van muni wyd verwelkom >> Landbougrondeienaars ontvang tot 75% tariefkorting >> Eerste bedrag van nuwe tariefbeleid op 15 Augustus betaalbaar RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ie nuwe eiendomstariefbeleid van Polokwane Munisipaliteit word deur die Transvaal Landbou-unie van Suid-Afrika Noord (TLU SA Noord) verwelkom omdat landbougrondeienaars nou tot 75% tariefkorting ontvang. Die Distrik Landbou-unie (DLU)-voorsitter, Dawid Maree, plaaslike prokureursfirma, De Bruin Oberholzer en die Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Eiendomseienaars (Sapoa)voorsitter, Neil Gopal, het verskeie insette in

die opstel van die nuwe tariefbeleid vir die 2014/15 finansiële jaar gelewer wat onlangs aan die raad voorgelê en aanvaar is. Die raad het ag geslaan op die insette van die verskillende partye en die voorgestelde beleid telkens verander tot die finale dokument goedgekeur en op 1 Julie in werking gestel is. ‘n Belangrike nuwe term naamlik dié van “onwettige gebruik” is nou ook vir die eerste keer in die beleid vervat. Residensiële vrystelling en kortings Die eerste R100 000 van residensiële eiendom se waarde wat uitsluitlik vir residensiële doeleindes gebruik word (gastehuise uitgesluit) word van tariewe vrygestel, terwyl 40% korting aan pensionarisse, wat huiseienaars is met minder as R8 300 inkomste per maand, toegeken is. Voorwaardes vir korting vir pensionarisse is dat die eienaar op 1 Julie 2014 60 jaar oud moet wees, aansoeke vir korting voor 30 November by die munisipaliteit ingedien moet word, die eiendom deur die pensionaris

bewoon word en die betrokkende geen ander eiendom besit nie. Besighede of industriële eiendom Eiendom wat vir meer as R50 miljoen gewaardeer is kry die volgende korting: R50 miljoen tot R99 999 999 - 10%; R100 miljoen tot R499 999 999 - 25% en R500 miljoen en meer 40%. Landelike gebiede Eiendom op landbougrond of landelike nedersettings wat vir oorddoeleindes gebruik word met ‘n markwaarde van R30 miljoen of hoër ontvang 30% korting. Plase en hoewes wat vir landboudoeleindes gebruik word ontvang 75% korting. Openbare eiendom Eiendom wat deur openbare organisasies besit

The African National Congress Youth League (Ancyl) in Limpopo joined others calling for the Section 100 (1)(b) intervention to be lifted with immediate effect. “We have recently learnt that the Administrator, Mr Monde Tom is becoming ‘pompous and too big for his shoes’ as he continues to undermine the democratically elected leadership of the province,” the Ancyl in Limpopo stated in a release issued by ANC Youth League Limpopo Provincial Task Team Coordinator Musa Chabane. “Reports that the Administrator declined an official invitation by Premier Stan Mathabatha to attend a briefing with MECs whose departments are affected by Section 100 (1) (b) of the Constitution of the Republic, is a demonstration of sheer disregard of authority and purports Mr Tom as ‘reporting to himself. “Like any other project being carried out, the Section 100 (1)(b) programme should have time frames with specific deliverables. To date, the Administrator has not been able to provide the provincial leadership with progress regarding his intervention and if there are any particular achievements regarding the ‘provincial purse’, despite negative reports that provision of food for patients in most hospitals have been adversely affected. “We also want to put it on record that the Administrator should not obfuscate his stay in the province, like a political mandate bestowed to him by the masses of the voters in Limpopo - Mr Tom is not the Premier of Limpopo.” Chabane further stated it defied logic on how Tom should not respect an invitation by the Premier of a province that he has been



word, word ook vrygestel onder die voorwaarde dat eiendom soos kerke hoofsaaklik vir aanbiddingdoeleindes gebruik word. Klinieke en polisiestasies en ander munisipale geboue word vrygestel. Staatseiendom kwalifiseer nie vir enige korting nie. Privaat- en staatskole wat handel sonder om wins te maak is ook vrygestel. Die eerste bedrag van die nuwe tariefbeleid is op 15 Augustus betaalbaar. Die Transvaal Landbou-unie van Suid-Afrika Noord (TLU SAU Noord)-streekvoorsitter, Philippie de Beer, sê die kortings wat beding is sal tot gevolg hê dat sommige langbougrondeienaars ook minder eiendomsbelasting gaan betaal en het Maree vir sy insette in die proses om die beleid te finaliseer, bedank.


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deployed to assist. It was mandatory for him to brief both the Premier and Cabinet of any progress that has been made in the past 30 months that he has been in Limpopo, stated Chabane. “We also suspect that the Administrator might be painting a disastrous picture to Cabinet, in a bid to continue staying comfortably in the province at the taxpayer’s expense. The truth is, Mr Tom’s stay in the province cannot be infinite and he should not be overzealous about his secondment - he must leave,” it was said in conclusion.





Limpopo administrator overstayed welcome - Ancyl YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com

Julie 17, 2014


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R699 car scheme must submit audit report to NCR July 17, 2014



>> Satinsky may face administration fine >> Notice of compliance issued RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


fter recent national uproar over the R699 car scheme, and with scores of local motorists being affected by the scheme, the National Credit Regulator (NCR) this week issued a compliance notice against the scheme company, Satinsky Group in a bid to combat predatory lending and credit marketing practises. Polokwane Observer last week reported on local residents also affected by the scheme. In the meanwhile national media reports have disclosed that the master brain behind the scheme, Albert Venter, is living a luxury life while vehicle owners entrapped in the R699 per month deal are in despair. It is reported that Venter established Satinsky in 2006 and introduced the R699 deal to the South African market in 2008 as an alleged managing agent for Blue Lakes Trading and Promotions registered in Hong Kong. Now the scheme is falling apart as financial institutions have begun to withdraw from the scheme in response to negative publicity. A recent press release issued by NCR quoted Media Liaison Officer Lebogang Selibi quoted to have said that the National Credit

Act (NCA) regulates advertisements for credit and stipulates the minimum content that must be disclosed when credit is advertised. “The advertisement by Satinsky discloses the monthly instalment of R699 only. The NCA requires that if an advertisement discloses the monthly instalment it must also disclose the instalment amount, number of instalments, total amount of all instalments including interest fees and compulsory insurance and residual or final amount payable,” Selibi stated. The notice requires Satinsky to submit an audit report to the NCR confirming that its advertisements for credit comply with the NCA and that it has implemented systems and procedures to prevent the issuing and publication of non-compliant advertisements. NCR Chief Executive Officer Nomsa Motshegare was quoted in a press release to have said that the audit report will provide assurance that all advertisements appearing on vehicles are in compliance with the provisions of the NCA. “Satinsky has an opportunity to bring its credit marketing practises in line with the provisions of the NCA, however, should it fail to do so, the NCR will approach the National Consumer Tribunal for stringent orders which may include an administrative fine,” the statement read, adding that the purpose of the investigation is to establish if vehicle owners were granted credit in accordance with the NCA regulations which forms a separate case from the credit advertisements appearing on vehicles.

Simon van Heerden verloor stryd teen kanker Van Heerden het hom aan die einde van 1968 by sy pa, Carel van Heerden se eiendomsagentskap aangesluit en ‘n Geliefde oudinwoner later ook ‘n geswore waardeerder van Polokwane, Simon van geword. In 2000 vestig hy hom Heerden is verlede week in op sy plaas in die Soutpansberg die ouderdom van 70 jaar en boer met wild en Ngunibeeste. na ‘n jare lange kankerstryd ‘n Jaar gelede het hy en sy vrou, oorlede. Annette hul heeltyds in Knysna Volgens Peet van Zyl, gevestig. afgetrede radioloog van Agtien dae voor sy afsterwe die stad, was Van Heerden het hy nog saam met Van Zyl sy kamermaat toe hulle en ‘n paar vriende in Polokwane gedurende die vroeë sestigekuier op sy laaste besoek aan gerjare aan die Universiteit sy plaas. Sy oorlede moeder, van Pretoria gestudeer en alombekend as Tant Raal, was Van Heerden in 1968 ‘n jare ‘n Latyn-onderwyser in MAdmin (Ekonomie)-graad Polokwane en het in haar tagtiontvang het. Hulle het ook gerjare steeds verder studeer. saam militêre diensplig Foto: Verskaf Van Heerden word ook deur sy in die vloot voltooi en broer, Myburgh van Bloemfontein Simon van Heerden wat lewenslange vriende geverlede week oorlede is. en suster Mariette van Rooyen word wat gereeld middag­ van Tzaneen oorleef. Hy is verlede ete by die Pietersburgklub geniet het. Donderdag in Knysna ter ruste gelê.

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Nuwe lig op Freidberg se dood BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Foto: Verskaf

Sakkie Freidberg.

Die lykskouing van die 84-jarige Sakkie Freidberg wat twee weke gelede tussen plantegroei langs die munisipale swembad in Bur­ gerstraat aan sy einde gekom het, is afgehandel. Volgens polisiewoordvoerder Lesiba Ramoshaba is bevind dat Freidberg aan

natuurlike oorsake beswyk het. ‘n Geregtelike doodsondersoekdossier is geopen en sal sy natuurlike loop neem. Daar is aanvanklik vermoed dat Freidberg vermoor is aangesien sy ring, selfoon en kierie vermis was toe sy liggaam gevind is. Volgens Ramoshaba is geen klag wat verband hou met die verlies van sy eiendom nog aangemeld nie.

Reservoirs at satisfying level RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com The city’s reservoirs measured well above the 80% mark on Monday while the new 30 mega litre reservoir contained 73% of its capacity. Municipal Spokesperson Malesela Maubane

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said the 50 mega litre reservoir and the one in Potgieter Avenue measured at 80% and 93% respectively. The old 30 mega litre reservoir remains empty due to refurbishment while the reservoir in Extension 34 measured 90% and the one in Seshego held 83% of its capacity.

Student traffic officers expelled RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com A student traffic officer believes he was treated unfairly and unlawfully after he and two others were expelled from the Manenu College for traffic officials five months into their training and while in possession of letters of appointment, supposedly because they do not meet the entry requirements. The officer, who wishes to remain anonymous, told Polokwane Observer he resigned from a fairly good job in February after receiving an appointment letter from the Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison (DTSL) instructing him to report at the college on 2 March only to find out later he was not supposed to be part of the group of 250 students. “I submitted two Umalusi (Council for Quality

Assurance in General and Further Education and Training) certificates and stated on my curriculum vitae that I only have Grade 11 with the two certificates being equivalent to a Grade 12 certificate. The department employed me assuming the certificates were accepted,” he said. South African Policing Union (Sapu) Provincial Secretary Solly Bulala said the situation proves that no proper screening was done before students were admitted to the college. “The officer quit his previous job to start a new one with the department only to be expelled five months later causing him to be unemployed with no income to support his family. This matter will be taken further,” Bulala said. On Tuesday the officer engaged in a meeting with Sapu to discuss the matter. DTSL Spokesperson Jimmy Machaka confirmed 250 student traffic officers enrolled at

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Julie 17, 2014

>> ‘No proper screening was done on applicants’ - Sapu >> One expelled due to alleged fraudulent documents the college in March. “The appointed student had to comply with the requirements as set out in the advert which included being medically fit, possessing a valid driver’s licence, Grade 12 certificate and having no criminal record. Shortlisted applicants were called for interviews and later appointed as per the recommendation of the panels. Successful applicants were further advised that their appointment was subject to screening and verification of their personal and academic qualification,” Machaka said. He added that the process of verification of the students’ academic information took place whilst the learners where busy doing training and it was later discovered that three students were not supposed to be part of the programme. “Two of them submitted a General Educa-





tion and Training Certificate, which is not equivalent to Grade 12 and did not reach the specific scores which will render it similar to Grade 12. As such they did not qualify to be part of the programme and should also not have been shortlisted in the first place. The third student presented a fraudulent matric certificate. He used the certificate belonging to another person but tampered with the names and the identity number,” Machaka said adding that a fraud case was referred to the Police for further investigation. At the time of going to press Machaka responded to the allegation that the department allows people to resign without the assurance of a permanent job by saying: “It is normal procedure that once the letter of appointment is issued, the candidates will still be subjected to the screening and verification of the qualification. The department has never advised learners to quit their jobs; however it was stated in the advertisement that the correct information during the application stage and interviews must be disclosed.”


Polokwane Observer

6 MAY 2004

8 MAY 2014


6 - 7 May 2004

Inside Bladsy 2

Voor ons lê uitdaging om brûe te bou, sê Premier Moloto


Page 3

Amount of R15,5 billion expected to be invested

Page 5

Sexual scandal: Former MEC’s appeal succeeds

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Dagga found on premises of school

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tuted to assist learners to deal with the risk of using drugs. The major aim of the police is to make schools a safer place for all its learners, Ramoshaba added. Celliers echoed Ramoshaba’s view and stressed that use of drugs and other illegal substances would not be tolerated at Kuschke. He gave the assurance that similar action would be taken should it become necessary. These operations are conducted in a very humane, sensitive manner. Police men and women from the Crime Prevention Unit headed by Supt Morné De Wet entered the premises after dinner and started their search in all the hostels and other buildings on the premises. Learners were not body searched, said Ramoshaba. The team was backed by members of school’s governing body, the headmaster and a few teachers and members of the Education Department.


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Kuschke leads the way In what was described as a highly successful operation, police from the Crime Prevention Unit in Polokwane found some dagga and other minor substances when a raid was done on the premises of the Agricultural High School Kuschke on the outskirts of the city on Monday evening. Headmaster, Mr Manus Celliers applauded the police for the manner in which the entire operation was conducted, emphasising that headmasters can no longer turn a blind eye to drug abuse at schools. “However small or big the problem may be, it needs to be addressed before it becomes a major pro-blem,” said Celliers. Polokwane police spokesperson Sgt Michael Ramoshaba, confirmed that no arrest were made. A few learners were placed in the care of their parents and a counselling programme will now be insti-

VA T in

Best Community newspaper in SA - 2005/2009/2010/2011/2012

Basiese dienstariewe styg met tot 7% >> BLADSY 2

Elections >> “Now I’ve done it and contributed to the future of SA” – Premier Stan Mathabatha >> Only voting stations that couldn’t open in time were 10 at Lorraine riddled by unrest



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Polokwane | Seshego | Mokopane | Dendron | Haenertsburg | Mankweng | Aganang | Lebowakgomo | Sekhukhune

Valuation Roll concern All CBD properties now taxed as business >> PAGE 4


Workers’ Day Cheers, no jeers for Zuma


10 Bladsy 7

Landbouer se jong seun sterf tragies in vliegongeluk

Page 12

Moya Interiors: Loads of talent and bursting energy

Page 14

‘Mother of all parties’ for ANC after election victory

Ten stations riddled by unrest, smooth-going for rest YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com

Observer moves to offices PoLokwANE Observer’s new offices will be completed on 20 May at the premises of BSB Printers in Industria, Polokwane. Staff members will be available at the offices of BSB printers for advertisements and editorial material. Enquiries regarding advertisements can be directed to Marketing Manager Cheray Jackson van Blerk at 084 556 4956. The fax number which can be

used until further notice is (015) 297-4706. notices of social, sports or any other events of interest, media releases and hard news reports can also be faxed. Should people prefer to speak to the editorial staff, they can either contact Hennie Smit at 073 469 2467, Marieta Herselman at 083 276 1191 or Willie Esterhuysen at 082 785 2627.


mid reports of turmoil in isolated hotspots, months of great anticipation came to an end when millions of South Africans went to the polls yesterday (Wednesday) to cast their votes in the fifth general elections since the dawn of democracy. For many 18-year-

Direkteure van Polokwane Observer ontvang die eerste kopie van die nuwe gemeenskapsdienskoerant vir Polokwane. In die gewone volgorde is Sefefe Sebone (swart ekonomiese bemagtiging), Mario Snyman (drukkery) en willie Esterhuysen (besturende redakteur). Die koerant is elke Donderdag vanaf 08:00 op straat en beskikbaar by agentskappe.

R120m for schools It was estimated that the renovations and rebuilding of approximately one thousand damaged and dilapidated classrooms would alleviate the backlog in accommodation for learners demanded for proper and effective educational purposes.


he provincial Department of Educa tion embarked on a project to renovate more than one hundred and fifty schools in the surroundings of Polokwane

and other parts of the province at a cost of approximately R120 million. This included the renovation and building of one thousand classrooms and offices

which floods damaged or destroyed. A government source said the dilapidation of many classrooms was a source of concern, prompting the Department to put the project on the fast-track programme to eliminate the serious shortages of classrooms in Limpopo. Badly damaged structures would be completely rebuilt. Emerging contractors already started with the rebuilding and renovation of classrooms and office blocks, while brick structures were replacing all as-

bestos classrooms. It was estimated that the renovations and rebuilding of approximately one thousand damaged and dilapidated classrooms would alleviate the backlog in accommodation for learners demanded for proper and effective educational purposes. The source said the project provided temporary work for at least 1 500 people, benefiting surrounding communities burdened with unemployment and poverty. The total project would be completed by mid-June. (Photos page 2)

olds from the born-free generation it was their first time ever. For others a mark that symbolised hope in their hearts that their cross would contribute to a better future. At the time of going to press Limpopo’s results were expected to start trickling in from around midnight, according to Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) Provincial Spokesperson Chris Ramafalo. The only voting stations that could not open in time were 10 at Lorraine in the Maruleng area riddled by unrest, he said. By around 11:00 yesterday eight stations had not been able to open but

he predicted that it would all be in operation by lunchtime. Otherwise it was smooth-going in Limpopo, he assured. In Polokwane misty conditions announced the arrival of a new day when thousands of voters braved the early morning chill to join queues at voting stations. Among the voting masses were Premier Stan Mathabatha and members of his executive council as well as Ministers registered to cast their vote in the city, with several designated to vote at Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) in Bendor. To page 2

>> PAGE 9

Moedersdag Vroue deel die vreugde van moederskap

>> BLADSY 10 - 16

Wêreldrekord Reuse wors van 1 557 m lank by Windpompfees >> BLADSY 21


Yesterday’s general elections saw Limpopo’s voting population turn out en masse. Among them were Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver, Premier Stan Mathabatha, Democratic Alliance Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle, Capricorn District Executive Mayor Lawrence Mapoulo and Economic Freedom Fighters Commander-inChief Julius Malema.

Achievers Kolskote vir Koos en Jacques tot in London >> BLADSY 36

Limpopo Elections splash PAGES 17 - 20


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Julie 17, 2014

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Meropa manager bids farewell Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Clifford Ngakane, General Manager of Meropa Casino & Entertainment World will be leaving Sun International at the end of August to pursue private business interests in the gaming, hospitality, entertainment and advertising industry. He has been at Sun International for 25 years and served the company with distinction in the various positions he has held over the years. Ngakane will not be lost to the gaming and leisure industry in Limpopo as he intends opening a casino training academy in order to introduce young people from the province to the tough casino environment. “The casino training academy will teach all aspects of the casino trade and offer locals the opportunity to learn about the industry in Polokwane, instead going to Gauteng where most of casino training takes place,” Ngakane explained. He will definitely not be living a life of leisure when he leaves Meropa as being idle is not a pursuit Ngakane follows. Other business ventures that he will be involved with include the well-being of the Eltasha Guest House in Dalmada, limited pay-out gaming machines, brochure distribution and Clifford trailer advertisNgakane ing.

Goeie reaksie op bloedbank se noodkreet

Nkadimeng meets OBSERVER 7 with city’s stakeholders Julie 17, 2014


> To heighten the participation of parties with vested interest in the municipality > Business sector should come up with ideas to benefit the people of the city Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


olokwane Executive Mayor, Thembisile Nkadimeng on Monday embarked on a process of stakeholder engagement in order to recommit the municipality’s relationship with and heighten the participation of parties with vested interest in the municipality. The programme started with religious leaders and continued with traditional leaders, business leaders, including the transportation


sector, and employees of the municipality. During her meeting with religious leaders Nkadimeng said as a person who enjoyed a religious upbringing it would be inappropriate for her to start with any other stakeholder than the religious leaders. “I made sure that on the first day in office I meet with religious leaders to ensure that they pray for us because it will be impossible to lead and build communities without the guidance of God,” Nkadimeng said. She further made a commitment to the religious leaders that she would appreciate being invited to services of various denominations and that she should not be granted mayoral status during such services. She added that the municipality will soon launch a moral regeneration campaign to address social ills such as substance abuse that affect families and the society. She resolved that apart from IDP sessions with religious leaders there is a need to develop a forum which will meet quarterly with the purpose of creating space for issues affect-

ing the religious fraternity. Addressing the traditional leaders Nkadimeng said: “The first port of call in any event is the traditional authority hence the municipality recognises our traditional houses as a major stakeholder.” She added that ward councillors will be advised to cooperate with the traditional leadership as a principle of government. The last meeting was with the business sector which also included taxi operators. Nkadimeng shared the city’s smart vision and recommitted support from the municipality regarding the growth of business in the city. Nkadimeng urged the business sector to think outside of the box and come up with business proposals that will change the landscape of the city and benefit the people of Polokwane. The Executive Mayor made it clear that she is not in office to stop any programme or halt any commitment that the municipality had made to any stakeholder, but instead to ensure that the municipality sticks to its end of the bargain.

e & Business g d o L e t a G C ent h t u

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Polokwane-inwoners het met ywer gereageer na die plaaslike tak van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloedbank (SANBD) verlede week se ernstige bloedtekort met minder as tien eenhede se voorraad vir die provinsie en minder as ‘n dag se nasionale voorraad ondervind het. “Ons het ‘n definitiewe reaksie gesien en die bloedskenksentrum was veral Saterdag stampvol skenkers. Dinsdag was die nasionale beskikbare bloedvoorraad op 1,9 dae met ‘n duidelike styging in die plaaslike voorraadsyfer van 1,9,” sê plaaslike SANBD-skakelbeampte, Dottie Pinn. Sy sê die organisasie vertrou dat meer skenkers vandeesweek sal skenk omdat hulle van vakansie begin terugkeer en Mandeladag wat môre (Vrydag) gevier word. “Ons nooi almal uit om Mandeladag saam met ons te vier deur bloed te skenk. Ons is Vrydag en Saterdag in Savannah Mall terwyl die bloedskenksentrum in Potgieterlaan ook vir skenkers oop sal wees. Twee van ons mobiele klinieke sal aan die stad se buitewyke ontplooi word,” sê Pinn. Vir meer inligting skakel die bloedskenksentrum by 015 297 3636.

Traffic Manager passes away Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Polokwane Municipal Traffic Manager Lesiba Barry Makgae passed away in a Gauteng Hospital on Monday morning following a short illness. He is survived by his wife, Kentse Makgae, a son and a daughter. His memorial service will be held at Jack Botes Hall today (Thursday) at 10:00 and he will be laid to rest at Silicon Cemetery on Saturday morning. At the time of going to press funeral arrangements were not finalised as yet.

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Mnr Flip Benade, baie geluk met u 76ste verjaardag. U lewe is ‘n helder vlam wat ons almal verryk en met dankbaarheid vervul dat u nog ‘n jaar vir ons gespaar is. Mag u steeds ryke seën, geluk en voorspoed ervaar. Van u vrou, Francine, kinders, kleinkinders, personeel en vriende.




July 17, 2014



Wees deel van Mandeladag

>> Gedenk Madiba se bydrae tot wêreldvrede, medemenslikheid >> Gee 67 minute vir jou naaste BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


andeladag word môre (Vrydag) in erkenning van die nalatenskap van oudpresident Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela gevier wanneer Suid-Afrikaners 67 minute van hulle tyd afstaan om tot die welstand van hul medemens by te dra. Mandeladag word so belangrik geag dat die Verenigde Nasies (VN) 18 Julie tot Internasionale Mandeladag verklaar het toe die sekretaris-generaal van die VN, Ban Ki-Moon

tydens die verklaring gesê het: “Nelson Mandela has shown what is possible for our world, and within each one of us – if we believe, dream and work together. Let us continue each day to be inspired by his lifelong example and his call to never cease working for a better world.” President Jacob Zuma het ook tydens sy staatsrede ‘n beroep op alle Suid-Afrikaners gedoen om vanjaar op Mandeladag tyd af te staan om Suid-Afrika skoon te maak en verskeie individue en groepe beplan uitreikaksies om aan dié oproep gehoor te gee. Die departement van sport, kuns en kultuur beplan om die Mukondeni Gemeenskapsbiblioteek in die Makhado munisipale gebied skoon te maak. Die verrigtinge neem om 10:00 in aanvang en sporttoerusting en -klere sal aan plaaslike spanne oorhandig word. Vodacom beplan om 4 500 voedselpakkies te verpak vir verspreiding by skole. Die publiek kan Vrydag van 09:00 tot 15:00 en Saterdag van 09:00 tot 13:00 by Vodacom se kantoor te

Biccardstraat 93 aanmeld om met die projek te help. Lebowaganyane Secondary School in Mooketsi ontvang ‘n besoek van Mitchell House waartydens instandhoudingstake verrig sal word. Die Capricorn College for FET gaan in samewerking met die Progressive Professional Forum en die Ramokgopa Koninklike Raad by die Ramokgopakampus aanmeld om die terrein en omgewing skoon te maak. In Polokwane gaan die plaaslike munisipaliteit in samewerking met die Capricorn District Taxi Council en Thobela FM ‘n skoonmaakaksie by die Sasol Taxi Rank en omgewing hou. Die munisipaliteit gaan ook in samewerking met CoGHSTA, NHBRC, Zhora Khan Developers en Zebediela Bricks ‘n drieslaapkamerhuis in Bloedrivier waarin ‘n kind die huishouding hanteer, uitverf. By die Albert Luthuli Primary School in Bela-Bela gaan lede van die National Education Collaboration Trust hand bysit om die skool se klaskamers van ‘n nuwe laag verf te

Parli committee focuses on intervention warning signs YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com Members of the parliamentary research unit touched down in Polokwane the past weekend for interviews for a study on the warning signs preceding interventions by national government in provincial education departments in South Africa, with special focus on Limpopo and the Eastern Cape. A list of respondents was being interviewed for an ongoing study supported by the Chairpersons of the Select Committees on Finance as well as Education and Recreation on Friday and Saturday, it was learnt. In documentation made available to

Polokwane Observer it was stated that the study aimed to establish and document the warning signs that might occur prior to the intervention by national government in provinces, as well as produce strategies that would assist to prevent administration collapse in provincial departments. Asked for voluntary participation, the participants approached included Chief Administrator Monde Tom whose interview was supposed to be conducted in Pretoria, his subordinate at the Education Department, the Provincial Treasury Department Head (HOD), the acting HOD of Education, various senior district managers and union representatives.

Project leader Hlengani Baloyi confirmed that the study was underway. The first phase focused on Limpopo whereupon they would still go to the Eastern Cape, he said and added that not all Limpopo interviews had been conducted as yet. Baloyi indicated the study was aimed at detecting early warning signs to identify a threatening collapse of provincial government departments to avoid structures from being put under administration in future. He predicted that the study should be finalised by the end of November. He did not want to further comment, indicating that the findings would be communicated by the relevant parliamentary committees at an appropriate time.

www.observer.co.za | e-mail: observer@mwebbiz.co.za

voorsien. CoGHSTA en die NHBRC bied ‘n Mandeladagviering by die Hotspurs Sportterrein in Bloedrivier aan. Die aktiwiteite sluit die oorhandiging van ‘n huis deur die LUR vir CoGHSTA, Makoma Makhurupetje aan die Makgobatlougesin en die verf daarvan in. Samsung Telned beoog om R1 000 kontant en items wat deur die personeel bymekaargemaak is aan die Ivydale Shelter te skenk. Premier Stanley Mathabatha besoek die Sebayeng Disability Centre waar staatsamptenare die sentrum gaan skoonmaak terwyl Salga Limpopo-amptenare in samewerking met die Fetakgomo Plaaslike Munisipaliteit ‘n skoonmaakaksie by die Ditlokwe EduCare Centre in Lerajane, Mohlaletse van stapel stuur. Die meeste munisipaliteite in die provinsie loods ook projekte met die oog op Mandeladag wat wissel van skoonmaakaksies, gratis toetse vir MIV/vigs, skenkings van kos en goedere, boomplantings tot die oorhandiging van ‘n vullisverwyderingsvoertuig.

Kaylee aims to make the province proud HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Kaylee Fisher, a Grade 5 learner at Pietersburg English Medium School will represent the province at the South African leg of the Toddler and Tween of the World pageant set to take place at Klerksdorp on 6 September. Kaylee’s mother, Gillian Fisher, said Kaylee was excited to be the finalist of such a big pageant and she is looking forward to do her school and the province proud. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Kaylee Fisher.

July 17, 2014

Polokwane Observer



July 17, 2014

10 OBSERVER polokwane

CRIME shorts Konstabel vas na koperdiefstal

Koperkabels ter waarde van R80 000 is deur ‘n polisiekonstabel en vier van sy makkers by Foskor se mynbou-afdeling in Phalaborwa gesteel.

koper van sowat R80 000 is glo Sondag gesteel. Die verdagtes is deur veiligheidswagte voorgekeer toe hulle by die mynperseel wou uitry. Die konstabel het blykbaar geweier dat die veiligheidswagte die polisievangwa deursoek waarna die Phalaborwa-polisie ontbied is. Mulaudzi sê die vyf mans is daarna in hegtenis geneem en daar is op die gesteelde koperkabels beslag gelê. Die saak is tot 13 Augustus uitgestel en die ondersoek duur voort. Interne ondersoeke om Nkuna te vervolg is in ‘n gevorderde stadium, het Mulaudzi gesê.

‘n Polisiekonstabel van Polokwane, Clarance Nkuna (33) en sy vier makkers, Benjamin Peter Ndlovu (32), Davy Ndzeni (21), Phatudi Malatji (32) en Calvin Ngobeni (21) is almal uit op borgtog van R2 000 elk nadat hulle vermoedelik koper ter waarde van R80 000 by Foskor se mynbou-afdeling in Phalaborwa gesteel het. Die vyf het Maandag vlugtig in die Phalaborwa-landdroshof verskyn. Kommunikasiehoof van die polisie, Hangwani Mulaudzi sê

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Man nabbed for possession of dagga

Mankweng Magistrate’s Court soon while the other three, apprehended earlier, appeared in the Ritavi Magistrate’s Court last A 46-year-old man from Nobody Friday. The four will face charges Ga-Mothiba is facing charges of murder, armed robbery and of dealing in dagga after bepossession of unlicensed fireing caught with 100 bags of the arms. Provincial Police Spokessubstance, estimated to have a person Hungwani Mulaudzi said street value of around R50 000, they are behind bars after a on Monday. Mankweng Police artireless and determined search by rested the suspect after the crime a dedicated investigative team. prevention team received a tip-off Yezindaba Meshack Shikati (54) from a concerned community from the Ritavi Police Station was member about a man who was shot and killed on Sunday, 29 dealing with dagga in a residential June when he and a colleague, area in Nobody. He will appear in court soon. The Police appeal Carrol Machaba (35) responded to to the community to report any a complaint at Mabuza Tavern at illegal activities to them. Patanage village. While investigating the complaint they were ambushed by two unknown suspects. It is alleged that the two suspects emerged from the nearby bushes, one carrying a rifle and the other a handgun, started shooting indiscriminately at the two officers and killing Shikati instantly while Machaba was unhurt. The two gunmen Mankweng Police officials David Mehlape, took the officers official Jones Sepaela, Musa Zitha, Matlou Mphela, handguns and fled the Kalabas Mogale and Harry Nchabeleng scene. The first suspect, (front) with the dagga that was confiscated. Teffe Malangana (23) was arrested in Johannesburg a few days Two escapees back after the incident. Follow-up investigations led to the arrests of Lazarus behind bars Moseamedi (25) and David Malatjie (33) in the Tzaneen area. Over the Two dangerous armed robbers weekend police investigations led who allegedly escaped from Police to the arrest of the fourth suspect, custody in May are finally back an 18-year-old man in Mankweng. behind bars after they appeared Police have managed to confiscate in the Matlala Periodical Court on three 9 mm firearms, an unlicensed Monday on charges of escappump gun and ammunition during ing from lawful custody. SAPS Provincial Spokesperson Hungwani the arrests. Two of the confiscated Mulaudzi said the robbers escaped firearms belonged to Machaba and the late Shikati. All four suspects from Police custody in Seshego, are remanded in custody until their but after an intensive search by next appearance on 18 July. the investigation team they were rearrested on Saturday. Jeffrey Wanted for house “Gunman” Moloto (32) and Godbreaking and theft frey Thabo Maleko (27) allegedly escaped from Police custody while Mankweng Police are looking for being escorted to court. They a Zimbabwean national by the were initially arrested after being name of Meshack Zifungo who linked to several cases of armed allegedly committed house breakrobbery in the Seshego, Matlala ing and theft around Mankweng and Polokwane areas. The two policing area. It is further alleged suspects were flushed out of their that the suspect, after committing hiding place at Moletji on Saturthe suspected crimes, relocates and changes his name to disguise day evening by the investigation team who had been tracking them his identity. Anyone with tirelessly since the escape. An information unlicensed .38 special revolver concerning was confiscated during the arrest. his whereaAn internal investigation into the bouts can circumstances of the escape is contact Dion also still ongoing. Maloma on Alleged cop killers 082 565 8524 behind bars or Mankweng Police on: 015 Meshack Zifungo The fourth suspect of a foursome 286 2000/40/ is wanted by allegedly involved in the ruth41/42/43/ less killing of a Police lieutenant, the Mankweng 44/45. is expected to appear in the Police.

New mayor has a desire to serve the people >> Wants to accelerate basic services provision >> Would not hesitate to restructure where there is a lack of service delivery RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


dy Greaver saying that his tenure was characterised by unifying the people, community engagement, integrity, fighting maladministration, dedication and hard work. “These are the pillars upon which we shall build on strategies to propel this municipality forward,” she said. The gala dinner hosted to celebrate Nkadimeng’s appointment and inauguration was marred by delays, ascribed to the unintended “late arrival of important guests” by Municipal Spokesperson Matshidiso Mothapo, and started more than an hour late. This resulted in a number of guests leaving without having dinner. To the latter fact Mothapo responded: “We received no complaints …many of the guests, including the media stayed to enjoy the camaraderie of the event and congratulate the Mayor.”

hembi Nkadimeng, Polokwane Executive Mayor in her acceptance speech following her inauguration last Thursday emphasised the importance of accelerating the provision of basic services to the community. Nkadimeng said it largely depends on how well Council as a collective manages the mandate the community has given it to make their lives better. “We owe it to the communities to ensure that we accelerate the provision of PHOTO: RC MYBURGH water to cover the remaining percentage that A solemn moment has not reached the RDP level of provision. for Polokwane Equally, the challenge of sanitation cannot be Executive Mayor overemphasised as the backlog is far greater Thembi Nkadimeng than in other basic services. The same vigour as the singing of the the municipality has had in the past 20 years national anthem in electricity provision should continue unamarks the end of her inauguration bated,” she said. ceremony last She also stressed the importance of adThursday. dressing billing issues as well as waste management and that the municipality should start improving the customer care element. She added that nothing would give her more joy than for the municipality to achieve a clean audit and that the municipality will make sure that the way they administer their resources is free of corruption and ineptness. During a media briefing that followed her inauguration Nkadimeng mentioned that she is still too new in the position as mayor to make any changes within managerial structures but warned that she would not hesitate to restructure wherever she feels there is a lack of service delivery. The Mayoral Committee was restructured as follows: P.O. Box 246, Fauna Park, 0787 Charles Molopo Tel: 015 293 1689, Fax: 015 293 1059 (finance and local ecoprobrick&pave@mweb.co.za nomic development), Edward Maleka (water and sanitation), Sinah Tjale (roads and storm water), Jerry Sello (land use management, spatial planning and development), Steve Mashabela (energy), Lois Hardy NO jOb IS tOO OR (administration and tOO small FOR US!!! governance), Johanna Kaka (culture, sport, WE ALSO DO PREcASt WALLS!! recreation and special focus) and Edward PhONE PRO bRIck & PAVE NOW Nkadimeng (commuFOR A FREE qUOtAtION nity safety). Mamedupi Teffo was named new ON 015 293 1689 chief whip. Cooperative GovernWe have completed projects at: Bradbury’s Commercial ance, Human SettleAuto Body, 82 Silicon St. Cycad Pick & Pay, Ultra Liquor, ments and Traditional B.F Distributors, Incledon, Corporate Park Affairs MEC Makoma Makurupetje congratulated Nkadimeng Bevels, on behalf of Premier Interlockers, Stan Mathabatha and reminded her of the Garden Kerbs, Barrier kerbs Copings Precast Panels big responsibilities asConcrete Kerbs are the IDEAL sociated with the title of mayor. Nkadimeng thanked her predecessor, Fred-


PAVING NEEDS FROm 1m² to 20 000m² BIG


Drawwers sê polisie draai rug op misdaadprobleem WILLIE ESTERHUYSEN >>willie.e@mwebbiz.co.za Sean Jacobs en Ounooi Breedt wat op Vrydag, 13 Junie tydens hul vroegoggend drafsessie ongeveer 200 meter vanaf Thornhillsentrum deur twee skurke aangeval en beroof is, is uiters verontwaardig en teleurgesteld in die polisie se klaarblyklike ignorering van die voorval. “Na langer as ‘n maand is die lêer, wat inligting oor die saak bevat, leeg. Nie eens my verklaring wat ek by hulle afgelê het is daarin nie,” sê Jacobs wat steeds gebuk gaan onder pyn nadat hy die oggend vier keer met ‘n mes gesteek is, waarvan een wond sy linkerlong beskadig het. Sy verhaal oor die polisie spreek van totale apatie, afsydigheid en onbeholpenheid. Eers is die voorval deur ‘n vroulike speurder hanteer wat Jacobs se verklaring hanteer het. Sy het ‘n mediese verslag oor die voorval aangevra en onderneem om dit by die betrokke praktyk af te haal wat nie gerealiseer het nie. Haar verskoning volgens Jacobs was dat die mediese praktyk haar vir konsultasiekoste sou laat betaal as sy haar opwagting maak. Twee dae nadat Jacobs uit die hospitaal ontslaan is, het hy ‘n SMS van ao MJ Ledwaba ontvang waarin hy meegedeel is dat die betrokke speurder vir drie maande na Kimberley oorgeplaas is en dat hy die ondersoek verder sou behartig. Jacobs is opnuut versoek om ‘n verklaring in te dien, aangesien niks in die aanvanklike dossier gevind is nie. Die aflegging van die tweede verklaring is in die betrokke polisieman se kantoor gedoen. Volgens Jacobs was die kantoor in ‘n chaotiese toestand met baie mense wat hom verhoed het om sinvol met Ledwaba te kommunikeer. “Die polisieman het duidelik nie in my saak belang-

Julie 17, 2014





gestel nie,” sê Jacobs wat daar en dan besluit het om nie verder sy tyd te mors nie en die kantoor verlaat het. Die probleem is egter dat Jacobs en Breedt, wat van hul drafskoene en selfone beroof is, nie sonder ‘n stawende polisieverslag ‘n eis om vergoeding by Atletiek Suid-Afrika (ASA) kan indien nie. “Ons is uiters teleurgesteld in die polisie en my vermoede is dat hulle weet wie die twee verdagtes is wat al verskeie drawwers aangeval en beroof het, maar dat hulle bloot nie belangstel dat reg en geregtigheid geskied nie.” Die bewerings word onder die polisie se aandag gebring en Polokwane Observer sal volgende week hul reaksie daarop publiseer. Woeste geveg Jacobs vertel dat hy en Breedt verwoed tydens die aanval geveg het en sê as een van die mans (die kleiner een van die twee) nie met ‘n mes gewapen was nie, hulle (die boosdoeners) verseker tweede sou kom. “So hard en aanhoudend as wat ek hulle geslaan het, so hard het Breedt (klein van postuur) die aanval verdedig. Haar skokstokkie se battery was pap soos sy dit teen die aanvallers gebruik het.” Jacobs sê nie een van die twee mans is besonder sterk nie en hulle is verskeie kere platgeslaan. Die meswonde en veral die wond in sy linkerblad wat sy long beskadig het, het egter sy krag uitgeput en hy het uiteindelik met asemnood die stryd gewonne gegee. “Ek het gaan sit en vir die mans gesê hulle moet vat wat hulle wil hê. Breedt het steeds probeer om haar drafskoene uit die aanvallers se hande te pluk. Sy is ‘n baie dapper vrou,” sê Jacobs. Gesamentlike vergadering Atletiek- en fietsryklubs vergader vanaand (Donderdag) met die polisie in ‘n poging om ‘n blywende oplossing vir die probleem te vind.

Childline 0800 055 555 Crime Stop 08600 10111 Fire Brigade Polokwane 015 293 1111 Water and electrical faults Polokwane 015 290 2000 Limpopo Ambulance Service 10177


July 17, 2014

12 OBSERVER polokwane

Clown and cats steal the show


ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com

Photo: Marinda Bekker

Dexterity and precision are required to keep the barrels in the air.

Visitors who attended the Mongolian Dream Circus at Savannah Mall agreed that the clown and the cats stole the show. The circus is in town until 3 August and is a must see for the whole family. The clown had the audience in stitches with his knife throwing skills while the cats, in their first performance, wowed them with various tricks. The heavy metal balls proved to be too heavy for some of the audience members, but for the strongman they were light as feathers. The Mongolian Dream Circus was founded and initially named Clown Studio by the founder Khadgaa Ch.Khatanbaatar in 1997. In 1980 Khadgaa, a circus clown and coach, started to learn various arts and taught these skills in the State Circus of Mongolia, Circus-Estrada of Mongolia, also known as the ringmaster, and Pleasure Planning Company of Japan. He established the Circus Mongolia by gathering talented circus artists and promoted the circus throughout the world. The shows are on Tuesday and Thursday at 19:00, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 15:00 and 19:00 and Sunday at 14:00. Ringside tickets cost R100 per adult and R90 for children while back row tickets cost R80 per adult and R70 for children. You can also opt for the raised benches at R90 per adult and R80 for children. For more information, call 079 306 3434.


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27 June to 20 July >> Wild rides amusement fun fair will take place at Mall of the North overflow parking, upper level near Spur entrance. René van der Merwe: 082 300 7620. 18 July >> Ster Kinekor Theatres at Mall of the North presents a free screening of the film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom at 09:45. Tickets (maximum of two tickets per person) are limited and will be available at the theatre from 09:00 on a first come first served basis. 19 Julie >> ‘n Afrondingseminaar, Grootword met Grasie, word vanaf 09:00 by die Agapé Lapa in Kiddsstraat vir meisies van graad 5 tot graad 11 aangebied. Aanbiedings oor hare, grimering, kleredrag en houding is deel van die program en ma’s is ook welkom. Kaartjies kos R50 en sluit ‘n ligte middagete in. Linda Dahms: 082 554 0540. 19 and 20 July >> SA’s Strongman 2014 takes place at Mall of the North’s overflow parking next to the Fun Fair from 11:00 to 16:00. Tristen O’Brien, current SA Strongman will perform as well as Ettiene Smit, Frankie Scheun, André Sweeney, Kelin Mills, Jarred Leask, Willie White, Frikkie Page, Stefan Smit, Sholto Luiters, Vuyani Mseswa and Pravir Sighn. René van der Merwe: 082 300 7620. 24 and 25 July >> The eighth Limpopo Wine Show takes place at Meropa Casino & Entertainment World and is presented by wine authority Michael Fridjhon and OutSorceress Marketing. Sessions take place both evenings from 17:00 to 21:00. Wine lovers will be treated to a prestigious array of Cape producers and award-winning wines. Tickets cost R130 per person and includes unlimited tasting and free glasses. OutSorceress: 011 482 5936. There will be a Readers’ Ticket Giveaway where six lucky couples will each win double tickets to attend on either night of the show. To enter email your details and cell number to barryv.observer@ gmail.com not later than 21 July 2014. 26 Julie >> Doornbult GPF hou ‘n markdag by die Soetdorings Buiteklub en daar is nog stalletjies beskikbaar. Die GPF help die polisie met bekamping van misdaad en is ‘n organisasie sonder winsbejag. Niekolien Page: 083 287 2320. >> Die Boeremusiekgilde (Potgietersrustak) bied om 18:00 ‘n dans by Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé aan. Kaartjies kos R50 vir nielede en R30 vir lede. Kinders onder 12 is gratis. Pak jou eie piekniekmandjie met kos en drank. Voorafbesprekings word aanbeveel. Kobus Smit: 082 564 4668. >> The Nokeng Festival of Music and Storytelling takes place at the River Lodge outside Hoedspruit from 13:00 till late. Entertainment will be provided by Pops Mohamed, Black South Easter, Joel Karabo, Elliott and the Stone Aged Souls and Naftali of the Royal Family. Tickets will be available at the gate at R100 per person and children under 12 will be admitted free of charge. Homemade food and soft drinks and beer will be available. Tlou Tlolane: 074 487 9006. 31 July to 2 August >> Round Table Impala 157 and Pietersburg 22 host their A-la-Carte Show at Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé at 18:30 for 19:00. Tickets cost R1 500 for Thursday and R2 000 for

Friday and Saturday for a table of ten people. A cash bar will be available and guests have to bring their own food. Pieter Meiring: 084 919 4122 or Pierre Bloem: 079 874 2554. 1 tot 9 Augustus >> Die jaarlikse kunsmark vind by Laerskool Pietersburg plaas. Die mark is op weeksdae van 10:00 tot 19:00 en Saterdae van 09:00 tot 20:00 oop en bied ‘n wye verskeidenheid artikels en eetgoed. Elsabé du Preez: 083 454 5424 of Daleen Bröhn: 082 650 8811. 2 August >> Our Home/Ons Tuiste hosts a bazaar from 07:00 at the Home in Suid Street. Breakfast will be served until 11:00 and will be followed by a pork and sheep spitbraai as from 11:30. Stalls will offer fresh meat, vegetables, plants, cakes, pancakes, home made jams, needlework, a children’s stall and a white elephant table. Louise Viljoen: 082 462 6734. 16 August >> The Pathways Appreciation Breakfast takes place at the Protea Hotel The Ranch at 09:00. Zelda la Grange, author of the book Good Morning Mr Mandela will be the guest speaker. Tickets cost R300 per person or R3 000 for a table of ten and will include breakfast. Proceeds will go towards the Pathways NPC projects for disabled children. Sally Hansen: 015 295 5292 or Sarah Hansen: 015 295 5843. 22 Augustus >> Chris Chameleon tree om 17:00 vir 18:30 by Laerskool Pietersburg (PLS) op. Kaartjies kos R130 per persoon. Voorafbespreking is noodsaaklik en kan aanlyn gedoen word by www.chameleonpbg.co.za. Hanno Becker: 082 574 9431. 30 Augustus >> Die Hervormde Gemeente in Thabo Mbekistraat bied ‘n markdag aan vanaf 09:00. Uitstallers met interessante handvervaardigde artikels is welkom om ‘n tafel te bespreek teen R50. Heerlike eetgoed sal verkoop word. Kom geniet ‘n oggend saam met talentvolle entrepreneurs. Susan Raath: 082 258 1418. 4 September >> Die Vryburgers bied ‘n wynveiling by die Pietersburg Klub in samewerking met die Vryburgers van Robertson aan. Geld word vir liefdadigheid ingesamel. Aggie Ströh: 082 465 8234. 5 September >> Koop jou plakker en glimhoed en trek snaaks aan vir Loslitdag saam met die Vereniging vir Persone met Gestremdheid en maak so ‘n verskil aan die lewe van gestremdes. Johnny Graham: 015 291 1787/8. >> Rocco de Villiers tree om 18:00 by Bolivia Lodge op ten bate van La Wiida Leersentrum vir Kinders met Spesiale Behoeftes (voorheen die Arendeklas). Kaartjies kos R500 per persoon of R5 000 per tafel van tien en sluit ‘n banketete in. Sophia Hislop: 082 325 0612 of 015 297 3310. Algemeen/General >> ‘n 50-jaar reünie word vir die 1964-matrikulante van die Pretoria Tuine Hoërskool beplan. Lea Basson: 073 442 4306. >> Die Polokwane Kinder- en Gesinsorgvereniging is ‘n organisasie sonder winsbejag en bedryf ‘n winkel in Library Gardens waar gebruikte klere en enige ander verbruiksitems spotgoedkoop gekoop kan word. Enigiets kan geskenk word en by Jorissenstraat 42A gedurende kantoorure afgelewer word. Karin Kotzè: 015 297 3326 of 015 297 3327.

Provincial budgets approved

Twenty-one taxis impounded

Office of the Premier’s budget aimed at coordination and management BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com The proceedings of the Legislature kicked off on Tuesday when Premier Stanley Mathabatha tabled the R335,6 million 2014/15 budget of the Office of the Premier. An amount of R123,8 million is allocated for administration, R130,7 million for institutional development and R81,1 million for policy and governance. The Premier paid tribute to former President Nelson Mandela and said that he has left South Africa with a inheritance of racial harmony, promotion and protection of human rights, gender equality and the rights of the children as well as the upliftment of the poor and underdeveloped communities. “It is my concrete conviction that one of the finest ways to honour President Nelson Mandela is to utilise the limited resources at our disposal to advance the dream of a better life for all our people,” the Premier said and further emphasised that there is no room for wasteful and fruitless expenditure, unauthorised expenditure, fraud and related financial irregularities when dealing with public resources. “Our resolve remains clear that any wrongdoings should be followed by

consequences,” he warned. The Premier alluded to some of the functions of the Provincial Administration that have to be coordinated by the department, being the development of rural communities, the expansion of the productive capacity of the economy by creation of jobs, the expansion of health care infrastructure and provisioning of primary health care services and adequate human settlement and related basic services. Quality education and training, the expansion of water infrastructure and sanitation in far-flung settlements and finally the fight against corruption were also highlighted as areas to be coordinated. In conclusion the Premier said that the 2014/15 budget is tabled against a background of a very taxing economic climate that is due to the fact that the country is still recovering from a long period of a global recession. “This situation is aggravated by domestic factors such as the emerging culture of protracted strikes in strategic sectors of our economy such as mining and manufacturing. The birthmark of this reality is that there is no sufficient tax revenue, either coming from income tax or business tax for the state to fund social programmes.”

>> Utilise limited resources to advance the dream of a better life for all >> Wrongdoings to be followed by consequences

The Department of Social Development’s 2014/15 budget is focussed on the upliftment and protection of the


MEC for Social Development Happy Joyce Mashamba at the meeting of the Legislature where she tabled the department’s 2014/15 budget.

Twenty-one taxis were impounded in the Waterberg district over the weekend for operating with illegal permits. Kagiso Mootane, Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison said 218 taxis were stopped and checked on the N1 South between Modimolle and Mookgophong. “Apart from the 21 taxis that were impounded, 15 drivers were charged for various


offences and four were charged for operating without a public driver’s permit. “These minibuses that are operating without legal permits are the ones causing conflict with other taxi drivers. We stop them at Waterberg before they have a chance to enter Limpopo,” Mootane said. She said a 37-year-old male driver was also arrested for driving 171km/h in a 120km/h zone on the N1 South at Ysterberg. “He was given a fine of R1 500.”

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Premier Stanley Mathabatha in the Provincial Legislature before tabling his 2014/15 budget.

most vulnerable members of society said MEC for Social Development Joyce Mashamba when she tabled the department’s R1 468 888 million budget in the Legislature on Tuesday. The previous year’s budget amounted to R1 380 779 million. Compensation of employees increases from R664 500 million in 2013/14 to R700 605 million for the current year, while the goods and services budget increases from R184 362 to R204 614 in 2014/15 and the budget for restorative services amounts to R187 892 which constitutes 13% of the total budget. The largest share of the budget is allocated to children and families, namely R554 471 million which equals 38% of the total budget for the department. This is followed by social welfare services with an allocation of R315 335 million which constitutes 22% of

the budget. Every department has a administrative function an for this purpose an amount of R259 421 million, 18% of the budget, is set aside. Development and research is allocated R151 770 million which equals 10% of the budget. Included in this budget is R24 million for security services, R4 million for audit fees, R31 million for management of secure care centres and R22 million for management of frail care services. An amount of R446 724 million is provided for transfers to non-profit organisations, departmental agencies as well as poverty alleviation projects. In conclusion Mashamba said: “We are committed to take Limpopo forward and to ensure that our contribution to the growth and development of the Province remains constant and enhanced.”

municipalities have continued to receive adverse audit outcomes and low spending on conditional grants, especially those earmarked for infrastructure development. “Provincial Treasury will continue to build capacity to support our municipalities in key financial management areas and we are convinced that by so doing we will be in a much better position to turn around financial management in our municipalities,” he said. Phala promised that government will continue to fight against corruption and will engage all the necessary agencies of the state in this regard. Regarding the five departments that are still under section 100(1) (b) administration, Phala said that Provincial Treasury will be monitoring the financial management skills audit in the chief financial officers’ offices of those departments in order to develop a skilled and capable work force in financial management as it is a key responsibility of government. Cost containment was also highlighted and the MEC stated that unnecessary expenditure will be curbed without sacrificing the provision of services to the people.

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MEC for Provincial Treasury, Rudolph Phala in the Provincial Legislature during the tabling of the Provincial Treasury’s 2014/15 budget on Tuesday.

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POLOK OBS MBA 17/07/14

Provincial Treasury MEC Rudolph Phala tabled his R357,8 million 2014/15 budget in the Provincial Legislature on Tuesday and in doing so emphasised that the department will do its utmost to ensure that proper and sound financial management and governance in line with the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) are progressively implemented. Funds were allocated for four programmes being administration that was allocated R135,7 million, sustainable resource management received R50,2 million, asset and liabilities management R78,1 million and financial governance R96,7 million. The total budgeted will be sourced from equitable shares, R214 million, and departmental receipts, R143,7 million. The budget allocation represents a 7% decrease when compared with the adjusted appropriation budget of 2012/13 due to the reduction in the allocation of the once-off intervention projects. The MEC alluded to the fact that

ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


BCom (3 years)

Provincial Treasury ready to deliver BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


July 2014 Registration NOW OPEN

Social Development takes big chunk of budget BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Julie 17, 2014



Polokwane Observer

Julie 17, 2014

July 17, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Great white finds at the FNB Limpopo Wine Show Michael Fridjhon


t is tempting to think of the Cape wine industry as a homogenous entity, where all producers work to a similar formula seeking near-identical results. That way it would be possible to compare everyone with everyone, and all the wines in a particular category with all the other similarly named candidates. Then, for example, you might expect every Rosé or every Chardonnay to be better or lesser examples of each other: style, origin, winemaker’s aesthetic vision would all be irrelevant. Clearly this can never be the case. The reason we have wine of origin legislation is because different sites influence the flavour profile of the grapes and consumers attribute different value to them accordingly. (Whether they are correct in believing that certain areas are better suited to particular varieties is a moot point. Traditionally the so-called Coastal Region was regarded was the primary source of premium fruit. Nowadays, we have fine wines coming from as far afield as the Klein Karoo in the South-East and as far as the Olifants River mouth towards the north and west.) This diversity is reflected in the extraordinary range of what is on offer at this year’s FNB Limpopo Wine Show. Du Toitskloof will be showing its great value Sauvignon Blanc, as well as its brilliant, off-dry, aromatic white labelled as Beaukett. Haut Cabrière from Franschhoek will present a range of its sparkling wines, as well as its Ratafia – a lightly fortified off-dry aperitif wine modelled on what is produced in the Champagne district of France. Obikwa will be showing its Moscato, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc, while Paul Cluver will serve its award-winning Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Gewürztraminer.

There will also be fabulous Sauvignon Blanc from Springfield, Steenberg and Strandveld, great Chardonnay from Glen Carlou and Groot Constantia, sparkling wine from Robertson and a great value white from Vondeling (the Petit Blanc). Those looking for a striking yet classically styled white Bordeaux Blend should try the Strandveld Adamastor while visitors to the show seeking the finest Cape brandy must make the Oude Molen stand their ultimate destination. Whether they sample the VOV 14year-old or the Oude Molen Solera, they will discover the cognac-quality aged brandies for which the Cape has become world famous. *Michael Fridjhon is regarded as South Africa’s foremost wine authority. He is the director of RMB WineX and the regional wine shows sponsored by FNB Private Clients. Fridjhon is wine writer for Business Day and contributor to international and local publications. In 2012, he was awarded the prestigious Louis Roederer Wine Columnist of the Year Award. He is also the Visiting Professor of Wine Business at the UCT Graduate School of Business and has been honoured by the French government for his contribution to wine.

Photo: Supplied

Ice cold wine ready for the tasting.

n o i t i t pe


Tickets up for grabs for FNB Limpopo Wine Show Wine lovers will have the opportunity to sample some of the country’s top award-winning wines, many of which grace the pages of the country’s most respected wine lists and catalogues when the eighth FNB Limpopo Wine Show takes place at Meropa Casino & Entertainment World on 24 and 25 July from 17:00 to 21:00 and the good news is that six couples can win free tickets to the show. The tickets will be valid for either night of the show and to enter, just email your details and cell number to barryv.observer@gmail.com not later than 21 July 2014.

email Details TO barryv.observer@gmail.com Jacques du Plooy 082 335 0551

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WEEKLY price


Business profile>>

July 17, 2014 >> Page 16

Simphiwe Mdlalose

Company: Mdlalose Holdiings (Pty) Ltd Why did you choose this profession? >> In order to create more opportunities for myself, family and community What keeps you ahead in the industry? >> Studying and self improvement, all the time - I never stop learning How do you live out your passion every day? >> I do what feels right, never stop dreaming or living towards God’s purpose

Polokwane Observer’s weekly price watch aims to assist readers in making informed decisions when spending their hard earned money. This week we focus on a timeless favourite, old brown sherry. Prices are VAT inclusive and were compared on Tuesday 15 July between 10:00 and 11:00. Game Liquor Store, Mall of the North R25,90 R89,90 R135,99

Sedgwicks 750 ml KWV 750ml Betrams 750ml

Checkers Polokwane, Biccard Street R29,99 R139,99 R124,99

Spar Tops Polokwane, Thabo Mbeki Street R29,99 R105,99 R139,90

Extended shopping hours at Mall of the North ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


unday afternoons can now be a fun-filled experience for the whole family at the Mall of the North in Polokwane. The entire Mall of the North will now stay open until 17:00 on Sundays. Not only is the mall rewarding shoppers with extra time but, if you’re spotted shopping at Mall of the North between 15:00 and 17:00 on a Sunday, you stand a chance to receive a Mall of the North shopping voucher. The extra shopping hours are not the only attraction this popular mall offers. There are great school holiday activities, a brand new art market and great new shops joining the mall. Keeping the children, and parents, entertained during the school holiday, The Wild Rides amusement park will be at Mall of the

North from the 27 June to 20 July. Packed with not-to-be missed fun, the park is waiting to delight you in the mall’s upper level overflow parking, near the Spur Entrance. Be ready for the ride of your life, from 11:00 to late daily. And, these cool rides aren’t the only attractions that are open late. In another crafty move, Mall of the North is introducing an art market to inspire its creative shoppers. Find it outside Woolworths on the last Saturday of each month. The first market took place on Saturday, 28 June. Mall of the North is also thrilled about the opening of two new stores. General Manager of Mall of the North, Sumari de Ridder reports: “We’re bringing the flair of New York to Limpopo. Top fashion brand Kurt Geiger opened its doors 1 July. Icon has expanded and the bigger store now hosts more fabulous fashion.” Adding a different kind of the bling to the mall, Scoin Shop will open on 1 September

2014 with the widest variety of coins and medallions added to the many treasures you can discover at Mall of the North. “The Mall of the North has become an important part of the community, serving as both an entertainment and economic hub,” De Ridder says. “We are continuously working to increase our offering with new and bigger stores as well as keeping up with the significant demand from national and international brands to make Mall of the North their newest home. She adds, “We constantly strive to give customers great holiday activities for the whole family, and we are confident The Wild Ride amusement park will be a firm favourite with everyone. This July, there are even more fantastic reasons to come to the mall.” Open seven days a week, Mall of the North is devoted to bring you the best in shopping and entertainment.

Medupi fails health and safety inspections ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Medupi Power Station failed a stringent on site inspection conducted by Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspectors as part of a weeklong blitz inspection in the Civil Engineering that ended last Friday. Findings made during the procedure included failure to display signs where chemicals are stored; failure to label chemical containers; failure to barricade trenches; poor housekeeping as well as incorrect storage of gas cylinders. Johannes Mokou, Communication and Media Liaison for the Department of Labour said the contractors at the station had a lot of explaining to do in their effort to satisfy the hard-to-impress OHS inspectors conducting the process that was organised by the department. The inspection forms part of its mandate to


Alfred Matlou: “It is difficult to compare whether we have new leadership or not, municipal services are still poor.”

eradicate in totality injuries, deaths and diseases imbedded in sectors such as Chemical, Civil Engineering and Construction. Phaswane Tladi, Provincial Chief Inspectors in the department, said: “Part of this initiative is to ensure that we put our hand on compliance with OHS, especially since the construction of the power station is nearing its end. “History taught us that people start to lose focus on the important things such as incidents reporting and training of health and safety representatives because there is little work still to be done at this stage,” he said. The Civil Engineering sector includes work in connection with the construction of aerodrome runways, bins, bunkers, bridges, cable ducts, caissons, canals, harbours, wharves as well as housing. Carol Mthethwa, OHS Specialist in the department, said: “Unfortunately only worldclass standards of health and safety, especially

in a construction of this magnitude, will be accepted. “Low standards have a tendency of causing employees’ lives and leaving others injured to a point of no-return and this is why we would never bend lower than we are at the moment.” She however praised the contractors at Medupi for having done wonders regarding the OHS matters on site, saying: “It is heartwarming to learn that some contractors have really upped their game this time around and we wish they can continue with this good job.” Mthethwa gave a stern warning to noncomplying contractors, saying: “This does not mean that those who did not comply with legislation will be let off the hook that easy. We have issued them with several undertakings and time-frames to attend to the findings. We will make a follow-up inspection in due course to ensure everything is to our satisfaction,” Mthethwa concluded.

Residents were asked if the Premier’s recently inaugurated Executive Council provincial / will serve the province better than their predecessors in terms of service delivery. Inwoners is gevra of hulle dink die premier se onlangs gekose uitvoerende raad local issues sal in terme van dienslewering die provinsie beter as hul voorgangers dien.

Kobie Marais: “Dit is nog te vroeg om te bepaal. Ek dink ons moet hulle kans gee om hulself te bewys.”

Koos Matshabaphala: “They must just do their work and ensure that services are delivered to the people.”

Dave Blumrick: “Ek stel nie veel in politiek belang nie, maar hoop die nuwe raad enstig oor dienslewering is.”

Reuben Malope: “I am not happy at all. There is no difference, there is still no job creation and people are still poor.”

Mapula Modiba: “It is still early to judge but I think they can do better than the previous ones.”

July 17, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Temo Towers, 67/69 Biccard Street, Private Bag x9487, POLOKWANE, 0700, Tel: +27 15 294 3000, email: info@agri.limpopo.gov.za, Website: www.limpopo.gov.za

MEC for Agriculture, Joyce Matshoge

Aspirant Young Farmers rewarded WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com “Limpopo’s aspiring young farmers must continue to produce food from their gates to the people’s plates,” new Agriculture MEC Joy Matshoge told the packed gallery at the Aspirant Young Farmer of the Year Awards on Friday evening. She encouraged more young people to become involved in the agriculture industry in order for the province to become a major role player in feeding the people of the country, create jobs and make a valuable contribution towards the local economy by exporting surplus fruit and vegetables overseas. She attributed the lack of knowledge, shortage of suitable land and funding, and proper infrastructure as the biggest challenges facing aspiring young farmers that want to become successful commercial farmers. Farmers from the Waterberg district walked away with four of the five award categories to show that farming is taken seriously in the area. Julius Maela from the Xantium Farmers Trust scooped the main category for Top Producer for National/ Export Markets and a cheque for R150 000 to further develop the project. Xantium Farmers Trust is a farm workers project comprising of ten beneficiaries that operates on a two hectare open area on portion 29 of Doornfontein farm in the Modimolle area. They also have 33 hydroponic tunnels producing green beans, butternut, spinach, peppers and cucumbers throughout the year. The produce is sold to Fruit & Veg, Bela-Bela and the Johannesburg Fresh Produce Market. The project employs 16 permanent and ten seasonal workers.

Olifantsdrift Primary School from Martinique Village won the category for Top Primary School in Agriculture for their organic vegetable project that was started in 2011. Learners are actively involved during the planting season and in the day to day maintenance of the garden. The produce is sold to the local community. A secondary school from Waterberg also scooped the Top Secondary School in Agriculture Award when Sekoba Secondary School from the Ga-Maseba area was announced as the winner. The school started farming in March 2009 with the aim of promoting healthy living with the learners and community. The project produces a wide variety of vegetables and has its own orchard where fruit trees such as oranges, litchis, mangoes, pawpaws and peaches are planted. Bakotudi Organic Primary Agricultural Cooperative from Buffelshoek near Thabazimbi was named the winner of the Top producer for Informal Markets. Bakotudi is a community orientated project started in 2012, with the aim of becoming a commercial operation. The project practises organic farming to grow green beans, butternut, spinach, beetroot, tomatoes, cucumber and lettuce that is sold to the Thabazimbi community and hawkers. They have created 22 permanent working opportunities. The only other district to produce a winner was Mopani, when Tshwarelo Masutha, who started the Mathatha Farming Project in 2009, was announced as the winner in the Top Producer for Household Markets category. The young farmer took over his brother’s backyard mango field when he moved into the corporate world and has turned it into a thriving vegetable farming project.

>> Waterberg district scoops bulk of awards >> Xantium Farmers Trust the big winner

Agriculture MEC Joy Matshoge and Head of Department Jacqueline Maisela pictured at the Aspirant Young Farmer of the Year Awards on Friday.


The Principal of Olifantsdrift Primary School, Solomon Matlou receives the Top Primary School in Agriculture Award from Matome Machaka, member of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture and Mapula Motuku, a chicken farmer from Limpopo and president of South African Women in Farming.

Top Producer for National/ Export Markets Award winner Julius Maela shares some of the secrets of his success with guests on Friday evening.

Tshwarelo Masutha from the Mathatha Farming Project in the Mopani district explains how the initiative won the Top Producer for Household Markets award.

Bakotudi Organic Primary Agricultural Cooperative receives the award for Top Producer for Informal Markets from Mavis Mathabatha, moringa farmer and 2010 National Female Entrepreneur of the Year award winner, Sibongile Mashego, General Manager for Rural Development at the Limpopo Department of Agriculture and Jacqueline Maisela, HOD at Agriculture on the right. Far left: Abram Nakana from Bakotudi Organic Primary Agricultural Cooperative pictured with Agriculture HOD Jacquiline Maisela after winning the Top Producer for Informal Markets Award and a cheque for R80 000. Left: Elias Ramalepe, middle, educator at Sekoba Secondary School accepts the Top Secondary School in Agriculture Award from Jerry Sello, left, Mayoral Committee Member for Land Use Management of the Polokwane Municipality and Ouma Serite, representative of the Progressive Women’s Movement.


Polokwane Observer

Julie 17, 2014


Motors profile>>

MOTORING July 17, 2014 >> PAGE 19

Grant Shilubane

Dealership: Volkswagen Polokwane What is exciting about your line of work? >> The smell of a new car and seeing clients smile What is the biggest challenge in the motor industry? >> Increasing inflation, fuel price and interest rates What makes a good car salesman? >> Hard work and a big smile

Toyota 86 – a petrol head’s paradise RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


oyota is known for producing quality vehicles that never disappoint its owners and now the manufacturer introduced the 86, a two-door high performance sport car which offers exactly what petrol heads are craving in a responsive and powerful vehicle. The beauty is functional. Its design and shape play a pivotal role in pushing its aerodynamics to the extreme with the aim of realising the highest engine speeds possible. Its low, highly aerodynamic body is stretched tightly across its cutting edge engineering technologies. The front view of the Toyota 86 with its low and flat hood not only puts a bold emphasis on the lower grille but also enhances performance. The side profile is pure motoring enthusiast styling and its low set front bumper and bottom edge contribute to handling stability. When one opens the door the Toyota offers all that is expected of a sports vehicle. The interior and cockpit received what can aptly be

described as full-throttle attention. Every detail has been meticulously crafted to remain true to the purity of driving experience. The racing experience starts with a three spoke steering wheel for exceptional grip and turning performance. The steering wheel of the automatic 86 also come equipped with a paddle shift which gives the driver the option of manually changing gears. A Multi-Information Display (MID) puts all the information the driver needs at eye level to keep attention focused on the road. The driver and front passenger bucket seats were specially designed to provide optimum back support. Entertainment and comfort are not a back seat in the Toyota 86. Three models are available: manual standard, manual high and automatic high. In the high models cruise control is available for the longer drives with a six speaker audio system with radio/CD. The standard model has an air conditioner while the high models have a dual zone air conditioning system. USB and auxiliary inputs are also available. Any driver who has a love for speed will


The new Toyota 86 turns any road into a playground. surely be impressed with the 2,0 litre boxer engine fitted to the 86. The boxer engine is so called because it behaves like a boxer – the pistons move in an out simultaneously rather than alternatively. The ideal length and reduced weight of the pistons also help provide top engine speed and responsiveness. The horizontal configuration of the engine also allows for an extremely low centre of gravity of just 459 mm which enables exceptional handling and low inertial properties that make quick turns effortless. A D4-S injection system that directly injects highly pressurised fuel into the cylinder is the secret weapon in creating a compact engine that is still powerful and can provide ample torque at even low resolutions. It pushes out power of 147 kW at 7 000 rpm and deliv-

ers torque of 205 Nm at 6 400 to 6 600 rpm. The Toyota 86 also lives up to its name with a perfect 86 mm bore and 86 mm stroke that provides excellent fuel efficiency, higher revs and a better working engine. Sophisticated safety features ensure that the driver and passengers can feel free to enjoy a safe, exhilarated yet relaxed drive. The 86 maximises safety through features such as Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) and Vehicle Stability Control (VSC). Controlling speed is just as important as delivering it so the Toyota 86 is equipped with 15” ventilated front brake discs (16” on high models) and 15” rear brake discs to optimise control and grip in tight turns. Visit Limpopo Toyota on the corner of Nelson Mandela Drive and Grobler Street, Motor City to view the Toyota 86.


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Polokwane Observer

Julie 17, 2014

2014 Jeep Cherokee from only R6 096 per month The all-new Jeep Cherokee is as distinctive as it looks. With a commanding road presence, 9-speed automatic transmission and precision-crafted interior with premium materials and state-of-the-art technology. Test-drive the new Jeep Cherokee today. Jeep Cherokee 2.4L Longitude instalment agreement Retail Price = R479 990 • Interest Rate = Prime minus 1.01% • Deposit 10% = R47 999 • Term = 72 Months • Balloon 30% = R143 997 • Monthly Instalment = R6 096 • Total Repayment = R580 837

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Illegal initiation schools in Sekhukhune closed ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


early 30 illegal initiation schools in the Sekhukhune district in Limpopo and Mpumalanga are in the process of being closed. This follows the death of 17-year-old Thabo Mafokane from Leboeng near Burgersfort due to complications setting in during the initiation process. Polokwane Observer reported about Thabo’s death last week. He will be buried on Sunday. Malesela Dikgale, Chairperson of the House of Traditional Leaders said more than 30 illegal schools are operating in Limpopo this koma season. “By Tuesday this week all these schools will be closed, by force if necessary,”

he announced. Dikgale said steps will be taken against the owners of the schools. He explained that the house has inspectors who patrol the districts to ensure that all the initiation schools are legal. “There are many qualifications we look for with the most important being a letter from a medical authority stating that the person is a registered medical practitioner. We also verify that fact and do not just accept it on face value.” He said, although nobody is held liable, should an initiate die the parents and traditional leaders are permitted to take up the case. Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto said Police are ready to assist in the closing down of the illegal initiation schools. “Most of the initiation schools fall in the Mpumalanga province. We are aware of only one initiate who died in Lim-

popo.” She said, depending on the condition of the initiates, parents are expected to take their children home, to hospital or to legal initiation schools. “The Police are not really involved in the closing of initiation schools. This is mainly the task of Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs. However, should there be any problem during the closure of his schools, should violence break out or if they experience problems police can be called to assist so we are on standby,” Otto said. A statement released by Spokesperson of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) Nathi Mncube confirmed that 276 initiation schools in Limpopo were approved in June. Mncube said according to section 12 (8) of

Kort volgafstand moontlike rede vir kettingbotsing ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com Drie voertuie was Maandagoggend in ‘n botsing op die N1-noord, sowat 10 km buite die stad, betrokke. Volgens omstanders het die bestuurder van ‘n rooi Mazda bakkie wat in Louis Trichardtrigting op pad was skielik rem getrap toe ‘n tarentaal voor die bakkie ingehardloop het. Die bestuurder van ‘n Hyundai-afleweringsvoertuig agter die bakkie moes gevolglik ook vinnig rem. Die taxibestuurder agter die afleweringsvoertuig kon glo nie daarin slaag om betyds te stop nie omdat hy nie die nodige volgafstand gehandhaaf het nie en het teen die afleweringsvoertuig gebots. Die passasier wat voor aan die passasierskant van die taxi gesit het, is met ernstige beserings per nooddienshelikopter na die hospitaal vervoer. Die taxibestuurder is op die toneel deur lede van die plaaslike verkeersdepartement en omstanders aanbeveel om nie met Polokwane Observer te praat oor die gebeure wat tot die ongeluk gelei het nie.

Die taxi wat Maandagoggend in ‘n kettingbotsing op die N1-noord betrokke was.

Julie 17, 2014





the Children’s Act, boys under the age of 16 may only be circumcised if this was performed for cultural purposes, or if the circumcision procedure was necessary for medical reasons based upon the recommendation of a medical practitioner. “The act states that anyone guilty of contravening this section will be liable to a term of imprisonment of up to 10 years, a fine, or a fine and imprisonment,” Mncube said. “A repeat offender may be liable for a term of up to 20 years’ imprisonment, a fine, or a fine and imprisonment,” he added. Initiation schools started on 14 June and will conclude their activities tomorrow (Friday). Hangwani Mulaudzi of the Limpopo Police said anyone who continues with the initiation activities beyond tomorrow will render the institution illegal and Police will vigorously deal with them. “Parents are urged to verify the legitimacy of the initiation school with their local traditional authorities before sending their children.”


Polokwane Observer

Julie 17, 2014

July 17, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Mall of the North ticket winners >> Thank the community for their loyal support >> Giving away more fun fair tickets Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


he Rametse and the Sodi families were the lucky winners of the Mall of the North Wild Rides amusement tickets on Sunday after they were spotted shopping at the Mall on Sunday between 15:00 and 17:00. Each of the two families won 50 tickets to the Wild Rides amusement fun fair which is presently providing lots of entertainment for school

Photos: Supplied

The Rametse family won 50 tickets to the Wild Rides amusement fun fair. Right: The Sodi Family won 50 tickets to the Wild Rides amusement fun fair.

children and families at the mall. The Wild Rides amusement fun fair will close on Sunday and Marketing Manager for Mall of the North, René van der Merwe thanked everyone who came and witnessed the Wild Rides and those who participated in the spectacle. “The fun fair was well received by the public and a large number of people visited the fair over the last few weeks, Mall of the North would like to thank the community for their loyal support,” Van der Merwe said. She also added that as a small token of their appreciation they are giving away more fun fair tickets to four families. Each winning family will receive 50 fun fair tickets. To win, a family must be spotted shopping at Mall of the North on Saturday between 9:00 and 10:00.

23 The Crossing Cnr Grobler & Grimm Str, Polokwane Tel: 015 296 1917 Riaan Jacobs 082 428 3334 Eric Robinson 082 832 2104

RAD Moto Polokwane - a one-stop bike shop RC MybuRgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com The continuous rise in fuel prices is forcing more and more people to resort to alternative means of transport such as motorcycles. Whether you are dusting off your old bike and intend taking it for a service or prefer buying a new one, RAD Moto is where you should be heading. Rad Moto is a one-stop bike shop in Polokwane where professional and dedicated staff are ready to meet your needs. Conveniently situated at The Crossing opposite Savannah Mall it offers easy access for motorcycle or even bike trailer should the circumstances require it. RAD Moto opened its doors at the beginning of June and is already making its contribution to the local racing scene. RAD is managed by Riaan Jacobs and Eric Robinson in a partnership with professional technician George Fisher and general worker Simon Nkoana. RAD Moto relentlessly strives towards their slogan, Road, Adventure, Dirt as

they cater for all kinds of bikes from road to adventure or dirt bikes in various makes and models. From sales to accessories and mechanical services on all makes and models are available from RAD Moto. They stock a wide variety of protective clothing, helmets and boots from prominent brands such as Arlen Ness, Airoh, Gaerne, Berik, Fly, Thor, Fox and AlpineStars. According to Jacobs, RAD Moto is dedicated to finding

anything a client needs. “If it is not on our shelves we will make sure to order it for you,” he said. Robinson is well known in the biking industry and with his vast knowledge of bikes and racing clients can look forward to expert advice and service from RAD Moto. All motorcycle enthusiasts are invited to visit the store at The Crossing, corner Grimm and Grobler streets or contact them on 015 296 1917.

The dedicated team behind the new and successful RAD Moto bike shop are general worker Simon Nkoane, in front, with technician George Fisher and co-owners Eric Robinson and Riaan Jacobs at the back.


Polokwane Observer

Julie 17, 2014

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Getting media relations right ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (Prisa) Limpopo is hosting a networking session which promises to be informative and exciting to public relations practitioners. With the theme, Getting Media Relations Right, the networking session will help participants to establish media relations, write effective media releases, understand how to package the information for various media houses, newsroom operations and getting the media to understand the working of different organisations they interact with. The confirmed panel consists of Yolande Nel, Editor of Prisa Limpopo media partner Polokwane Observer, Moffat Senyatsi, Media Liaison Officer for Capricorn District Municipality and George Dire, Manager: Marketing and Communications: University of South Africa Limpopo Region. Mamoloko Matsimela, Deputy News Editor for Capricorn FM will facilitate the session to be held at Limpopo Guest Manor, 48 Devenish Street, Polokwane from 08:00 to 10:00 on 22 July. The cost is R150 per non-member and R100 for members. For more information call Malesela Maubane on 082 564 1230.

Big welcome parties for initiates HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Initiates returning home at the end of this year’s koma season can expect to be treated royally upon reaching their family homes on Saturday. Chairperson of the House of Traditional Leaders, Kgoshi Malesela Dikgale confirmed on Tuesday that welcome parties in all the districts will be held to bring to an exciting end to this year’s initiation school programme. “This is a norm, remember these young people have been away from their families for almost a month, so it is only befitting for parents and relatives to celebrate their arrival and the time they spent during that period. They will be celebrating the endurance and the sacrifice of their children and we hope that communities will enjoy the festivities,” Dikgale said. For this year’s koma period which started on 14 June the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs received a total of 311 applications to conduct initiation schools. The department approved 275 of those, whereas 36 of them were declined. “We are happy that we did not have many death cases this season. It was only that one death case in Leboeng where initiate Thabo Makofane died while attending the initiation school, but other that everything went well. Our biggest challenge was illegal initiation schools. We had plenty of them and recently closed down 20 of those in Sekhukhune district. The initiates enrolled in those illegal schools were taken to legal ones operating in the area in order for them to complete the process,” Dikgale said. He also thanked all the strategic stakeholders who played a pivotal role in overseeing and monitoring the smooth running of the initiation schools.

Dept and WoF create OBSERVER 25 fire fighting awareness Julie 17, 2014


son and there have been a lot of reported fires from nature reserves which we have been attending everyday and most of these fires are caused by human negligence. We wanted to show people that we are ready to assist the department, land owners and the communities at large during this fire season,” Maepa said. Ledet MEC, Seaparo Sekoati said he was fascinated by how fires are controlled in nature reserves. “It was quite an experience to see how fire is controlled and managed and I think lots of people should be exposed to this type of awareness so that they will be able to deal with the situation if it arises,” Sekoati commented afterwards.

HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za



Ledet MEC Seaparo Sekoati gets handson with a fire broom to help suppress a veld fire started for demonstration purposes on Friday. Left: The WoF chopper drops water on a veld fire during the demonstration at Lekgalameetse Nature Reserve.


orking on Fire (WoF) on Friday created awareness among communities neighbouring on Lekgalameetse Nature Reserve through a fire suspension and alien clearing demonstration. The occasion was the launch of the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism’s (Ledet) Reserve Renewal Project that drew a substantial crowd of community stakeholders from the surrounding areas. Sam Maepa, WoF General Manager said the demonstration was aimed at increasing consciousness within communities and ensuring that natural resources are protected. “We are in the fire sea-


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Local female entrepreneurs to be awarded HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za The Businesswomen’s Association of South Africa (Bwasa) in Limpopo will on 1 August host its annual Regional Business Achiever Awards when female entrepreneurs making strides in various endeavours that impact the economy will be recognised. Grace Sibara, Executive Member of the association said the awards will recognise women in the emerging entrepreneur, established entrepreneur, social entrepreneur, professional, corporate and government categories. “The Minister of Communications, Faith Muthambi will be our guest speaker. We will also present a unique opportunity to the women of Limpopo of accessing global programmes and an opportunity to participate in the prestigious and most recognised Business Woman of the Year competition which is held annually in August,” Sibara informed. She added that every category winner will win a Coca-Cola Fortune Abafazi incubation programme.

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July 17, 2014

26 OBSERVER polokwane

R180 million to renew the provincial reserves

>> Giving tourists value for money >> Keep the reserves competitive

Ledet MEC Seaparo Sekoati (middle) with the Expanded Public Work Programme members who will be employed during the development of the province’s reserves. Photo: Herbert Rachuene Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


he Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet) and National Department of Environment Affairs have allocated R180

million to the restoration, renewal, development and continued maintenance of reserve infrastructure within the province’s reserves. This step was taken in the light of the reserves’ deteriorating infrastructure and ageing workforce leading to lost opportunity for sus-



GENERAL NOTICE LIMPOPO HOUSING ACT, 2006 (ACT 2 OF 2006) The member of the Executive Council responsible for Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs has published a notice in terms of section 5(4) of the Limpopo Housing Act 2006 (Act 2 of 2006) in the Limpopo Provincial Extraordinary Gazette number 2335, notice number 105, dated 28th March 2014 inviting nominations of persons to serve as members of the Limpopo Housing Advisory Panel.

tainable job creation, community public private partnerships, management effectiveness and overall position of the province’s protected areas as a strategic social-economic pillar of economy. Speaking during the launch of the Reserve Renewal Project at Lekgalemeetse Nature Reserve on Friday Ledet MEC Seaparo Sekoati said they are confident that with improved infrastructure and easy access to most, if not all state owned nature reserves, the province will be better positioned to make a sustainable contribution to the economy and growth of the industry both locally and nationally. “The main focus of the project will be to restore, renew, develop and maintain the ageing and dilapidating reserve infrastructure in the province and also to keep the reserves competitive while giving tourists value for money,” Sekoati said. He also mentioned that the department has already implemented the programme in 14 nature reserves on fencing projects for Thabina, Wolkberg, Masebe, Modjadji, Nwanedi, Rust De Winter, Letaba Ranch, Potlake, Blouberg, Hans Merensky and Doorndraai and road maintenance for Makuya, Rust de Winter and Lekgalameetse. “The process has also created 615 work opportunities during the 2013/2014 financial year and 84% of the people employed are youth and 4% comprises of people living with disabilities. It is projected that these work opportunities will increase to more than 1000 work opportunities in the years to come,” concluded Sekoati.

All nominations made must be supported by a comprehensive curriculum vitae and supporting documents of the nominee containing information of the nominee’s knowledge and experience which makes the nominee’s contribution valuable to the housing development in the province. The panel shall consist of five (5) members who must have knowledge, qualifications or experience in the field of housing development. A member of the panel must have one or more of the following skills: a. Sufficient knowledge of national and provincial housing(i) legislation (ii) policy; and (iii) strategy b. Expertise in low income housing finance. c. Technical knowledge of residential township development and housing construction relating to standards and planning. d. Legal expertise regarding contracts and conveyancing aspects of housing development. e. Practicial experience regarding project implementation, planning, township establishment, engineering service, provisioning and costing of housing product; f. Experience in community development and communication of the community’s interest in housing development; and g. Expertise regarding housing development in support of agricultural activities or rural development. Functions of the panel are: a. Advise the MEC on the (i) Provincial Housing Policy and Strategy; (ii) Viability of all housing development plan; b. Serve as a consultative forum for external role-players to be involved in the policy formulation process for the purpose of informed decision making; c. Conduct and manage investigations requested by the MEC for the purpose of informed decision making; and d. Perform any other function concerning housing matters which the MEC refers to the panel. Nominations must within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, be addressed to the following address: The Head of Department Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs Private Bag X9485 POLOKWANE 0700 For Attention:

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Police officials Teffo Kubyana and Tlou Manavela log the cigarettes.

Illegal cigarettes confiscated ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Illegal cigarettes with an estimated street value of close to R500 000 was confiscated by the Westenburg Police last Friday morning. Spokesperson of the Westenburg Police Mohlaka Mashiane said they received a tip-off from a community member that residents of a house in Buluwayo Street in Ladanna were dealing in illegal cigarettes. “The Police raided the house early in the morning and four suspects, aged between 34 and 43 were apprehended while in possession of two AK47 rifles and a pistol. After we searched the area, we also found 25 boxes of cigarettes,” said Mashiane. He said the cigarettes bear the British America Tobacco Company branding. “We are trying to link the suspects to other crimes as well. The cigarettes might have been stolen or someone was robbed of the illegal goods.” Mashiane said they also confiscated two bakkies, a Toyota Hilux and a Mitshubishi Colt and a Ford Focus car. “The vehicles might have been used in the commission of crime,” he explained. The suspects were arrested and will appear in court soon.


Property profile>>

PROPERTIES July 17, 2014 >> PAGE 27

Kgosi Naamyane

Agency: Remax Northland Realty What is the most important element to consider when buying a house? >> Stick to your budget How would you describe the current property market in Polokwane? >> Competition is high What is the recipe for being a good property agent? >> You need to know the needs of your clients

Property agents now better qualified ing skills and will trust him to deliver the best solution. If at any stage it becomes apparent to the client that the agent does not know his facts, trust will go out of the window.” Albutt said clients wishing to assess the professional abilities of an estate agent before making a commitment to any one in particular, should consider some of the following criteria and answer to the following questions: • Will the agent introduce only financially qualified buyers to your property? • Can the agent show that he has a firm, up-to-date grasp of both the neighbourhood property prices and trends that could have an effect on the property’s sale or rental? • Can the agent give you a comprehensive,

tion of financial, property and general legislation, which made it imperative that the agent understands fully how to protect their clients from the many pitfalls and dangers that lie ahead for those who are ignorant in these matters. Along with the improved professionalism of estate agents, there has also been a huge increase in the average client’s knowledge of property matters. This makes clients particularly conscious of any agent’s lack of knowledge regarding the property sector. In a good client-agent relationship a level of trust will be established between the two parties fairly early on. “The client will come to rely on the agent’s interpretation of the current facts, his market knowledge, his sales and negotiat-

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ROSEMARY 082 804 9725






BENDOR • R2 200 000 UPMARKET DOUBLE VOLUME EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE. Stunning home built to perfection - high quality finishes - open plan living areas for entertainment - spacious bedrooms, study, well planned kitchen, laundry/ scullery with granite tops. Verandah with braai area overlooking a lovely garden and sparkling pool. Servant’s room and bathroom. Please call me to view the property. Ref: 91344181040


BENDOR • R1 950 000 ENJOY A STUNNING LIFESTYLE IN A HOME OF PERFECTION. Excellent security. High quality finishes, wooden windows. Stunning double volume open-plan living, dining and study with a well planned kitchen. Stoep with braai area – lovely garden with a water feature, storeroom and a toilet/shower for the staff. Please call me to view the property. Ref: 91344181045


written marketing plan, based on a thorough and comparative market analysis? • Does the agent’s company offer on-going training on all matters, including the legislation and financial issues surrounding property deals? “Questions of this type, help establish just how proficient and how well equipped the agent is to serve and satisfy your real estate requirements. The good news is that today there are far more agents capable of responding positively in this way,” Albutt said adding that today’s agent will generally have come through comprehensive training and experience and the chances are high that they are far more competent than those in the industry 10 or 15 years ago.


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he history of the residential property sector in South Africa shows that a major change, perhaps the biggest ever, took place in the industry in the era 2004 to 2014. “The big change of the last decade has been in the calibre and qualifications of South Africa’s estate agents. In all South African estate agencies it is now recognised that this type of work can no longer be seen as part-time or as a fill-in. It requires complete commitment,” Wayne Albutt, Regional Sales Manager of the Rawson Property Group was quoted to have said. He added that a decade ago, it was unusual for people with MBA and BCom degrees as well as business, property management and other tertiary qualifications to sign on as estate agents. Now, especially in the larger and more successful groups, it is happening all the time. “We must never underestimate how effective the introduction by the Estate Agency Affairs Board’s compulsory educational qualifications for all agents has been, despite the postponement of full compulsory implementation. It is not an exaggeration to say that in recent years the higher educational qualification requirements have weeded out many of the less committed and less professional estate agents, with the result that today’s agents are probably the most professional and competent that South Africa has yet seen,” he said. One reason why a big upgrade in estate agents’ qualifications was necessary was that in the last decade there had been a prolifera-



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SIAS • 082 372 7265

suzettejacobs@hotmail.com MYNGENOEGEN: R1 350 000: A stone’s throw from Curro Heuwelkruin lies this undeveloped 8,5ha plot. ACACIA ESTATE: R995 000: Free standing 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. BENDOR GABLES: R995 000: Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. 1 Garage. STER PARK: R3 600 000: Modern 4 bedr, 3 bathr home. New kitchen with granite tops, big entertainment area, 3 garages. Security is king. Beautiful garden. Pool. BODORP: R1 580 000: Large 2 000m² stand. 3 Bedr, 1 bathr home. Popular area for future investment.

WAREHOUSE/ STORAGE TO LET 1 x 1 000m² for R20.00/m² Tweefontein Smallholdings 3 km from SAB Long-term

Johann Swart 082 829 5084

BODORP • R1 640 000

2 Carports 0

4 2½


GOOD INVESTMENT Ref:91344181389 2 Houses for the price of one. Historical building renovated – old charm – two bedrooms. Double-storey with balcony. Do not miss out on this one! Call today to view! GRETHA • 082 802 1874 INA • 079 597 8636 3 2 1 Carports 0 0


Ref: 91344181180

Nestled in Polokwane’s most sought after area. This magnificent home offers perfect views for relaxed sundowners after a day of hard work. Big open spaces. Open-plan kitchen and one bedroom flat-let with own entrance. Outside features: entertainment area, pool and borehole. All this wrapped up in state of the art security area. Call today!


0 Carports 3

1 LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632



















JAMES • 072 263 7310







JAMES • 072 263 7310

BENDOR • R540 000







JACOB • 082 466 8366

LADANNA • R540 000







SIMON • 082 476 8916


R6000 3 1


R9500 3 2 2

Fauna Park

R8500 3 2 2


R7000 3 2 2

VERY AFFORDABLE TOWNHOUSE Ref: 91344181462 Ideal for investment or 1st time buyers. Close to CBD. Low levies. Spacious rooms. This one will not last long.

3 1





INA • 079 597 8636




Area Thornhill 91344180515 Marula Heights 91344171280 Bodorp 91344161670 Northview 91344174462 Northview 91344174461




RINA • 082 929 9171


Size (m²) Price Agent 424 R300 000 Simon 082 476 8916 175 R490 000 Louwrens 082 958 6632 5710 R6 200 000 Rina 082 929 9171 650 R400 000 Victor 073 066 6805 650 R400 000 Victor 073 066 6805



URGENT!!!!! plots to rent for good, ELMARIE - 082 977 7020



We need houses, flats & long-term tenants!


IDEAL FOR BEGINNERS Ref:91344181277 To w n h o u s e i n s e c u r e a r e a w i t h i n w a l k ing distance to popular business location. Your dream came true – hurry and call me today!




SERALA VIEW • R1 085 500


SIMON • 082 476 8916


NEATLY RENOVATED PROPERTY Ref: 91344178743 Well secured property in popular residential area. Three veranda’s trellidoor, fully walled, lockable gate and burglar bars on windows. The property is currently being renovated with new carpets – new kitchen units and tiles in the living area. The house is in a wonderful condition. Just awaiting a satisfied buyer! 0 3 2 1 Carports 0 JACOB • 082 466 8366

MADIBA PARK • R700 000


3 2

BENDOR • R2 822 300

Ref: 91344178573 A TERRIFIC BUY Ref:91344181021 A neat three bedroom dwelling - two bathrooms, lounge and Two bedroom house at African Jewel View. Walled right dining room, built-in cupboards, burglar bars on windows. Well round. With lockable gate. Close to public transport, school, fitted kitchen. Walled around. Single garage and tiled floors. medical facility and mall. Call now for an appointment.


SESHEGO • R600 000 PERFECT LOCK-UP-AND-GO HOME Ref:913441181114 Clean house. Spacious family home on 372m² stand with a dream kitchen with Cherrywood cupboards and a gorgeous main bedroom. Peaceful surrounding neighbours.

AN APPEALING FAMILY HOME IN BENDOR Ref:91344180333 Three en-suit bedrooms with unbelievable finishes. The property has spacious bedrooms – spacious lounge, kitchen, dining room, bar, fire place, pantry and scullery. There is a big swimming pool, Jacuzzi, six veranda’s, boma with paving right round. Green garden with Cycad trees and beautiful shrubs. The yard is wonderfully looked after. The house has a double volume roof. The house and garden is neatly looked after


3 2

FLORA PARK • R858 000 UNBELIEVABLE OPPORTUNITY Ref: 91344181257 A very neat home within walking distance from Savannah Mall and close to Flora Park Spar. An exceptional home to see. Make an offer. New kitchen with granite top. Well maintained.

LADANNA • R1 190 000

PRESTIGIOUS TOWNHOUSE Ref: 91344181598 Unique opportunity to own this great townhouse with 3 bedrooms on the first floor. Main bedroom with walk-in closet and baby room with under floor heating on the ground floor. Great living areas with study and a private garden. Get your offer in today!

JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA HENNIE HANTI 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874


Everything we touch turns to SOLD! KOWIE SHEPSTONE SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE JACOB SIMON INA 072 458 4524 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916 082 854 0452

RINA 082 929 9171


28 OBSERVER Silvermist Holistic Health and NEWS

July 17, 2014


Wellness Fair well attended

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


he quaint village of Haenertsburg provided the venue for the annual Silvermist Holistic Health and Wellness Fair when hundreds of visitors took to its streets this weekend. The fair kicked off on Saturday morning with a wild woman breakfast where ladies were entertained by accomplished playwright, slam poet and cabaret artist Marie Beytell and an art exhibition by Marloe Scott Wilson. A

Rikus performing as Straw Hat Symphony added to the ambiance of the stalls at the fair. PHOTOS: BARRY VILJOEN

delightful breakfast ensured that the event will be remembered. The smell of healthy organic foods and the sound of the lone saxophone that drifted across the mountain sides conjured up images of good healthy living and the choice of what to eat, drink, do or see was wide and exciting. The food stalls included the well-loved Mina’s Farm Kitchen that offered lovely platters of tapas, vegetable curry and roti, Wegraakbosch Organic Dairy with their cheese platters, Klippies Drift Cheese, authentic Indian curries and lots of other delectable eats.

Right: Egbert Harmse, Marius van Jaarsveld, Hardie Loubser-Smit and Eugenie Strauss sport their homemade Cargo kilts.

The Fair offered visitors a rare insight into the world of alternative and holistic healing as well as alternative energy saving technology. Practitioners and therapists from as far as Gauteng were available in the village hall to advise and offer short treatments. In the two marquee tents were stalls for health and skin care, esoteric products, books, crystals, essential oils and bright and colourful clothing and jewellery. On Saturday evening a local venue came alive during the La Luna Dance and Extravaganza with fire dancing, belly dancing and Latin American and Cuban dancing. According to Mara Hermann, one of the organisers, the village restaurants offered tasty menus that lured patrons to linger for a while and enjoy sumptuous meals and snacks in the lovely warm winter sun. The wooden deck next to the village’s main street hosted three young bands on Sunday who played their own rendition of mountain music which included a bit of rock, a bit of blues and even some relaxing classical music. The annual Rotary Iron Crown Challenge also took place on Saturday morning with a beautiful but challenging course through some of the most spectacular scenery where runners had the opportunity to summit Limpopo’s highest mountain.

Blankets for Ngwana all the way from California BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Gary Dhillon, Africa Director of Jerom Ministries based in Fresno, California visited Ngwana Baby House recently to deliver blankets that were hand made by members of the church in the United States of America. Dhillon visits Africa on a yearly basis and was this time accompanied by his son Ben, a school psychologist. They also visited Cape Town and Swaziland on their outreach mission and it was Dhillon Sr’s 29th visit to South Africa. Amanda Koekemoer, Project Manager said that Ngwana Baby House is very grateful for this gesture of goodwill and that the blankets will assist to provide a warm home for the babies being cared for at the home. Ngwana Baby House is licensed to care for 28 babies.


Ernst Herholdt who facilitated the handover with Gary Dhillon, Amanda Koekemoer and Ben Dhillon pictured with some of the babies and the new blankets at Ngwana Baby House.

PHS-kokke beleef Kaapse kookkuns en gasvryheidsbedryf RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Agtien leerders van Hoërskool Pie­ tersburg (PHS) wat gasvryheidstudie as vak neem het van 29 Junie tot 5 Julie in die Kaap gekuier waar hulle

onder meer wynkelders en ‘n kaasprodusent besoek het. Die leerders het ook die voorreg gehad om ‘n demonstrasie van die onlangse wenner van Kokkedoor 2014 en oud-Pietie, Johnny Hamman by te woon. Liezel Swanepoel, gasvryheidstu­

TEL: 015 295 4537 / FAX: 015 291 1166 7A HANS VAN RENSBURG STREET contracts@ritastipecprop.co.za

WOONSTELLE / FLATS: 0152954537 / 0732817405 TOWN R2 550 - Bachelor flat with kitchen and bathroom. Prepaid electricity, water R80 per month. R3 300 - 3 Modern bachelor flats with kitchen, bathroom and carport available. Commununal swimming pool and barbeque area. Water and electricity R300 per month. MÔREGLOED R2 500 - 1 Slaapkamer woonstel in erf, badkamer, kombuis, waskamer en afdak. Gesamentlike swembad en lapa. Geen diere. LADANNA R3 400 - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Prepaid electricity and water at municipality. HOSPITAL PARK Walking distance to Provincial Hospital R2 600 - Bachelor flat with kitchen and bathroom. Immediately available. R2 750 - 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Prepaid electricity, water included. MEENTHUISE / TOWNHOUSE: 0152954537 / 0732817405 TOWN R4 1000 – 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Prepaid electricity. Available immediately. LADANNA From R3 700 to R4 250 – Safe complex. 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Water at municipality and prepaid electricity. HUISE / HOUSES: 0152954537 / 0732817405 TOWN R6 500 - 3 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, gaste toilet, studeerkamer, buite toilet, 2 motorhuise en stoorkamer.

R6 800 - Pragtige huis in Compensatiestraat. 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, kombuis, studeerkamer, 1 motorhuis en 2 afdakke. FLORAPARK R8 000 - 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, opwas, 2 motorhuise en buite toilet. Water en elektrisiteit by munisipaliteit. PENINA PARK R7 250 - 3 Slaapkamers, 1½ badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, motorhuis, afdak, swembad, lapa en braai area. R7 480 - 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, laundry, storeroom, double garage PLUS 1 bedroom flat with kitchen, lounge and 2 carports. WORK FROM HOME - VOORTREKKER ST R20 000 - 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, TV room, kitchen, scullery, laundry, study, garage, carport, braai, swimming pool PLUS 2 offices, reception and bathroom. Phone today to view! KLEINHOEWE: NABY KUSCHKE R3700 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, opwas, spens, afdak en motorhuis. Water ingesluit MYNGENOEGEN R4900 – 3 Slaapkamers, sit/eetkamer, kombuis, badkamer en motorhuis. Water en ligte ingesluit. OFFICES Various office space available, sizes from 40m² to 250m². Hans van Rensburg Street, 598m², R80 954-38 excluding VAT, prepaid electricity. Shop available near UNISA. Suitable for an Internet Café / Food Franchise. R8000-00 per month, Excluding VAT. FOR SALE- ANEL 071 125 2844 FAUNA PARK R1 750 000 - 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, study, kitchen and 3 garages. A SELECTION OF FLATS AND TOWNHOUSES AVAILABLE PRICED FROM R490 000 TO R900 000.



Die gasvryheidstudie-leerders van PHS tydens ‘n toer in die Kaap.

n o i t i t e p Com ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com There are only two weeks left before entries for this year’s Miss Humanity Pageant close. Women between the ages of 18 and 26 who want to make a difference in other people’s lives, have until 31 July to enter this prestigious contest. Reigning queen, Katryn Barwise said Miss Humanity is all about serving the community. “The candidate must be willing to work hard in order to make a difference by hosting various charity events such as food

die-onderwyser sê die doel van die toer was om leerders aan verskeie aspekte van die gasvryheidsbedryf en kookkuns bekend te stel wat jaarliks deur ‘n privaat hotelskool in Stellenbosch georganiseer word. “Paarl, Strand en Kaapstad is besoek en die hoogtepunt was besoeke en wynproeë aan wynkelders,” sê Swanepoel. Die groep het by Tokara-wynlandgoed wyn en olyfolie geproe, by Waterford-wynlandgoed is wyn geproe en aan sjokolade gesmul en by Stellenbosch Hills het hulle aan wyn en biltong weggelê. By Fairview Vineyard Cheesery is die leerders se smaakpapille behoor­ lik met die proe van verskeie kase getoets voordat hulle besoek aan die Vredenheim Wildlife and Winery se Big Cats Park afgelê het waar leerders van aangesig tot aangesig met wit leeus, jagluiperde en tiere kennis gemaak het.

Only two weeks to submit entries for Miss Humanity

drives, planting vegetable gardens and teaching others about sustainability while alleviating poverty. Finalists must be passionate about the environment.” Barwise insisted that it is a beauty with a purpose pageant and not just about being a beautiful model. She added that the ideal contestant must believe in uplifting the community and have the willpower to do so as well. “The 20 finalists, to be chosen from across the country, will each be given three projects. They will receive the necessary guidance on

how to organise a charity event, take photos and look for sponsors during the two-month period.” Barwise said she will provide support to the finalists while they organise the various events. “The finalists will represent South Africa in the Miss Humanity International Pageant held in Barbados on 25 October. “In the end it’s not about winning anymore, but rather how you can uplift the community,” she said. For more information, visit the misshumanityinternational.com website or Barwise’s webpage on misshumanityinternationalsa.com

July 17, 2014

Polokwane Observer



25A Biccard Street • Tel: 015 295 0420/21 Jackie

Linnette Gagiano, Sue Dreyer en Wilna Enslin wag vir die bus wat hulle na St Jean Pied de Port in Frankryk sal neem. Foto: Verskaf

Polokwane-vroue se pelgrimstog in Europa Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Drie ywerige stappers van Run/Walk for Life Polokwane het in Julie altesame 470 km van die bekende Camino de Santiago pelgrimstog van Frankryk na die weskus van Spanje aangedurf en hul ervaring met Polokwane Observer gedeel. Vir die stad se Sue Dreyer, Linnette Gagiano en Wilna Enslin is die reëlings en roete wat hulle gekies het al verlede jaar bespreek. Die verskillende roetes strek oor minstens 100 km per fiets, te perd of te voet. Hulle het besluit om die geskiedkundige tog aan die begin van Julie aan te durf omdat daar minder stappers in ‘n somersmaand is. Die fikse dames het hoofsaaklik van St Jean Pied de Port in die suidweste van Frankryk tot in Santiago de Compostela in Spanje gestap alhoewel hul ‘n klein afstand te perd aangepak het. ‘n Gedeelte van die tog het bestaan uit steil gedeeltes oor die Pireneë op die grens tussen die twee lande met gelyke vlaktes naby die einde in Spanje. Die slaapgeriewe was basies en hul kos het meestal uit brood, vrugte, pasta en groente bestaan, het Gagiano verduidelik. Hulle moes ook badkamers en toiletgeriewe by die verskeie oornagplekke deel wat by sommige gedeeltes deur meer as 100 mense gebruik is. Só kon hulle die kultuur en kos van die plaaslike mense en medestappers beleef en baie mense van uiteenlopende lande ontmoet. “Hoe nader ons aan die kus gekom het, hoe meer vis, veral tuna wat vrylik in Spanje se kusgebiede beskikbaar is, het ons geëet. In die somermaande sak die son eers nege uur in die aand in Spanje en het ons die kans gegee om die dorpies te verken as ons vroeg genoeg by ons dagbestemming aangekom het.” Die drie is dit eens dat hulle geen ernstige probleme langs die roete ondervind het nie al was sommige gedeeltes ‘n bietjie warm. As gevolg van die taalprobleem moes hulle saans hoop dat hul bedags die korrekte roete gevolg het om hul regte oornagplekke te bereik. Hulle het elke dag gemiddeld tussen vyf en agt uur gestap en genoeg blaaskans langs die roete vir tee en koeldrank gehad. Dreyer sê in retrospeksie het sy besef dat ‘n mens eintlik min nodig het om te oorleef en dat dit elke dag vir haar ‘n besonderse ervaring was om haar waterbottel met vars bergwater te vul. Gagiano en Enslin beskryf die ervaring as geestelik vervullend en verwys na ‘n vers in die Camino-kalender vir Julie: “Die Camino sal jou laat verstaan om te lewe vir nou en nie in die verlede of toekoms nie. Lewe vir nou en maak die beste daarvan.” Aan die einde van die staptoer is Compostela-sertifikate aan Gagiano, Enslin en Dreyer

To leT

offices Maneoprops 072 614 4333

oorhandig wat hul trots gebêre het as bewys dat hul ‘n gedeelte van die historiese Camino de Santiago voltooi het. Om ‘n sertifikaat van die Katedraal van Santiago te verwerf, moet jy minstens die laaste 100 km te voet of laaste 200 km per fiets aflê.

TO LET Compensatie St Elim Tuscany Serala Village Compensatie St Willows Costa Plenty Serala Village Bendor Gardens Serala Village Serala Village Atjankir Vida Court Eastlee Serala Village King Fisher Duplex Park Ankerhof

R2 250 R2 800 R2 850 R2 900 R3 200 R4 200 R3 500 R4 000 R4 000 R4 050 R4 100 R4 100 R4 000 R4 250 R4 400 R4 500 R4 700 R6 800

Immediately 01/08/2014 01/08/2014 01/08/2014 Immediately Immediately Immediately 01/08/2014 Immediately 01/08/2014 01/08/2014 01/09/2014 Immediately Immediately 01/08/2014 Immediately Immediately Immediately

Maranatha Park Eagles Crest

R7 300 R7 800

01/09/2014 Immediately



Room with bathroom. Bachelor. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. Bachelor. Bachelor. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, garage. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 3 Bedr, 2½ bathr, lounge, kitchen, study, lapa, d/garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 3 Bedr, 3 bathr, guest toilet, garage, parking, garden, alarm. Duplex. 2 Bedr unit in retirement village.


Polokwane Observer

Ngwana House kept safe


SAB staff members Nomvula Matlala, Human Resource Business Partner: Polokwane Brewery, Julia Nkoana, Senior Laboratory Technician, Mike Mashaba, second from right, Corporate Affairs Specialist: North Region, Setebe Seabela, far right, Manufacturing Manager: Polokwane Brewery and Amanda Koekemoer, middle, Project Manager at Ngwana Baby House at the handover of the fence.

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com



TAMBOTIE HOF DUPLEX DOUGLAS COURT 2x Flats for sale in Tambotie Hof LOCATION LOCATION!! These flats are in the centre of the CBD. Near the municipal swimming pool, Mediclinic, medical rooms, Filling Station, Café, Pharmacy. English pre & Primary Schools. GREAT FOR THE BEGINNER GREAT FOR INVESTORS 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Lounge, Kitchen & Courtyard.

Both Flats are selling for the very low price of only R477 000 each!!

R4 723.00 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen, Lounge, Carport, Prepaid Electricity. PLEIN STREET R7 500.00 3 Bedrooms, 2½ Bathrooms, Kitchen, Lounge, Garage, Prepaid Electricity, Separate Scullery, Pantry. ESkOL VILLA R8 250.00 (HOUSE) 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom, Double Garage, Kitchen, Scullery, Lounge, Living area. PLOT (HOUSE) R7 241.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen, Scullery, Lounge, Lapa. Currently building: Double Garage and Study.

Want to build your dream house? Want to rent out your property? Want to sell your property? CALL US TODAY FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS. AGENTS: Suné 079 341 1625 / Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail: admin.pietersburg@justpropertygroup.co.za

Tel: 015 295 9014


THEO 082 990 7275

Urgent! Stands wanted! Let me sell your stand fast and efficiently! INVESTORS! 3 BEDROOM FLATS FOR SALE IN MURRAYFIELD PRETORIA AT ONLY R650 000! STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!!

Marula Heights: Serala View: 2 x from

732 m 1000 m

Julie 17, 2014

R450 000 R500 000

Bendor Ridge: 782 m R825 000 Northview: 553 m R425 000 Eagles Crest: 704 m R430 000 Waterberry Estate: 670 m R440 000 Thornhill: 8x from 462 m R350 000 Industrial stand: Plenty 1600 m R870 000 Woodhill: 3x from R350 000 Celtic Meadows: 3x from R440 000 De Bron 907 m R510 000 AND MANY MORE! COME AND BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! PHONE ME TODAY!

MARIETJIE 072 190 7149 bmpienaar@gmail.com If you want to list your property, phone any agent, if you want to sell your property, phone me!! 1) 5 TOWNHOUSES IN EDUAN PARK – R800 000 each. 2 Sunny bedrooms, 1 modern bathroom, open-plan living area and kitchen.1 lock-up garage. Private and spacious gardens and splash pool, built-in braai as well! (Ideal for fist time buyer in posh area) 2) TOWNHOUSE IN BENDOR - R570 000: 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, dining room/kitchen open-plan & 1 carport. Security (Very good value for money) 3) 2 HOUSES IN IVY PARK EXT 9 - R750 000 EACH (Neg) 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen,& living area. 2 Carports. Cute and manageable for the young family! 4) LADANNA – R 430 000: 2 Flats for sale each with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, openplan kitchen & dining room area, 1 carport. (Excellent for 1st time buyers) 5) 2 TOWN HOUSES IN BENDOR – R650 000 (Each): 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 carport. Good buys in an excellent suburb! 6) STANDS! Many stands available in Thornhill and North View.

1) THORNHILL – R 450 000 Beautiful vacant stand with size of 785m². 2) SESHEGO – R 380 000 4 Bedroom home with a garage. 3) FLATS IN TOWN – R 430 000 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen & carport. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME!!

MABATHO 083 747 2056 mabathomabotja@gmail.com INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY: FOR SALE: Vacant stands (Breweries area) Various stands in certainly the fastest growing industrial suburb. Priced from R850 000 plus VAT. CALL NOW !! TO LET ! CENTRAL CBD: Retail space: Prime corner site of 550m² @ R 110/m² (Sub-devisable) Thabo Mbeki St: 127 m² @ R105/m². Kruger St : 348 m² @ R24 430 pm. Kruger St: 325 m² @ R22 815 pm. CBD - Offices: CBD East: 326 m², 110m² and 123m² @ R60/m². Parking available at R350/bay/m. Thabo Mbeki St: 66 m² @ R110/m². WAREHOUSES/WORKSHOPS: Superbia: Excellent warehouse with covered load bays etc: 2100 m² @ R35/m². 65 m² workshop @ R3 800 pm. Laboria: Warehouse of 500 m² @R16 500 p.m. NOTE: ALL FIGURES ABOVE EXCLUSIVE OF VAT RAYMOND 082 458 4239

MAHLESEDI PARK: R225 000: For the last 381m² vacant stand in this area . 1) SESHEGO ZONE 2: R395 000 (Negotiable): Beautiful 2 bedroomed house with dining room, kitchen with built-in units, 1 bathroom and double garage. 2) SESHEGO ZONE 2: R420 000 (Business opportunity): A newly renovated 2 bedroom home with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom close to Capricorn FET college. 3) LEGAE LA BATHO: R450 000: A 2 bedroomed house with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom. 4) SESHEGO ZONE 8: R460 000: A lovely home with 3 sunny bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, 1 bathroom and a carport. Low maintenance! 5) MARULA HEIGHTS: R400 000: FOR A LARGE VACANT STAND . 6) WOODHILL ESTATE: R380 000: 418m² vacant stand in a sought after security estate. 7) MAHLASEDI PARK: R650 000: 3 bedroom house with dining room, kitchen and 2 bathrooms! 8) MAHLAKO A PHAHLA: R550 000: A newly built 2 bedroomed house with dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom. URGENTLY LOOKING FOR HOUSES TO SELL IN THESE AREAS: SESHEGO, EMDO, MADIBA PARK AND IVY PARK.Qualified buyers are waiting: Call your area specialist now! VERY LIMITED STANDS AVAILABLE IN MAHLAKO A PHAHLA FROM R199.950 only and selling like hot cakes!!

GAME FARMS: 1) BANDUR, NORTH-EAST OF ALLDAYS, 2000ha Game Farm with fully equipped Lodge, R 8500/ha 2) BANDUR, NORTH-EAST OF ALLDAYS, 500ha Game Farm with 7.5ha Pivot, hunters acc, R12 000/ha 3) HOUTBOSCHDORP, 85ha Leefstyl Wildplasie met 2 Grasdak Chalets, R2 950 000. 4) DENDRON, 137Ha Leefstyl wildsplasie,grasdaklapa , woonhuis,volop wild,mooi bosveld. R 2 750 000. CATTLE FARMS: 1) ALLDAYS, 629Ha bosveldplaas .R6550/Ha. IRRIGATION FARMS: 1) BOCHUM AREA 735ha, 70ha irrigation, 4 strong boreholes, game fenced, R 12 000/ha 2) WATERPOORT AREA 215ha, 46ha onder drip, 24ha lande, 3 Titel aktes,3 Woonhuise, Plaas winkels, R40 000/ha 3) WATERPOORT AREA 750ha , 100ha under drip irrigation, fully automated, Game fenced (the whole irrigation operation is controlled by Laptop) R 20 000-00/HA SMALLHOLDINGS: 1) RANCH HOTEL AREA: 30ha, 4 houses, 12 one bedroom Units, Conference Hall, 2 swimming pools, Ideal venue for weddings, currently used as Lodge. R 4 300 000-00 2) 10KM NORTH OF CITY : 23ha with 3 Bedroom farm house, water rich area R 2 000 000-00 3) PLOT ON SANDRIVIER NEAR MUSSINA : 24ha of bushveld with com-fortable farm house with 5ha arable lands @ R 1 400 000-00 HOUSES: 1) EDUAN PARK, Spacious family home with 3 living areas, 4 bed-rooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, carport, well-built home R 1 400 000-00 NEG 2) BURGER STREET, Spacious family home, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garages, double carports, swimming pool, Wendy house, auto-mated gate, R 1 400 000 NEG 3) SCHOEMANSTRAAT – 900m² besigheidsreg.-R 3 800 000 4) WANTED: FARMS AND SMALLHOLDINGS FOR SALE IN LIMPOPO PROVINCE

SLIGHT 072 323 9386 slightmabotja@yahoo.com

PHILIP 082 937 3683 philipinsa@gmail.com


HANNELIE 083 412 0009 hannelie@theogoosen.co.za

Eighteen babies under the age of 18 months are now kept even safer thanks to the gen­ erosity of South African Breweries (SAB) who recently installed an electric fence around the perimeter of Ngwana Baby House. Ngwana House takes in and cares for aban­ doned or orphaned babies until they can be adopted or placed in foster care.

The process can take between four and six months and in the meantime the babies are given not only shelter but also love and affec­ tion by the caregivers. At the handover of the fence, Mike Mashaba, SAB’s Corporate Affairs Special­ ist in the North Region, said that SAB has a good relationship with the home and installed the electric fence valued at R15 000 to provide ongoing safety for the babies and the caregivers.

Myngenoegen Shelter dankbaar, maar het steeds groot nood Danksy Unique Welding Alloy se ruimhartigheid om ‘n bottel gas vir Myngenoegen Shelter te skenk, na Polokwane Observer se berig oor hul nood in die uitgawe van 3 Julie, het die inwoners vir eers warm water in die snerpende koue. Kontantbydraes is deur Data Inn en ano­ nieme skenkers ontvang waaroor die komitee opreg dankbaar is. ‘n Naamlose man het egter gevra hoekom die publiek moet help as die Shelter alles ver­ niet kry.” Volgens hom word donasies in die vorm van kos, klere ens gemaak. Dit is waar, maar ons kry nie alles wat ons nodig het nie. Ons ontvang baie selde margarien, melk, suiker en skoonmaakmiddels en die Shelter moet huur, water, elektrisiteit en gas aankoop. Die meeste inwoners het nie ‘n inkomste nie en bly heeltemal gratis. Indien ‘n persoon ‘n pensioentoelae ontvang of werk moet hulle R1 00,00 per maand betaal,” sê Christa van Tonder, komiteelid. Van Tonder benadruk dit dat niks misbruik of wanaangewend word nie. “Ons almal wat op die komitee dien, het Shelter-harte en sal nie een inwoner te na kom nie.”

Die Shelter het nog klere nodig, veral mans­ klere (32- tot 36-grootte). Eskom-rekeningbesonderhede: P M Booyzen ABSA rekening: 231 0000 119 Verwysing : 5763494741 Dalmada-waterrekening Dalmada Water ABSA rekening: 1150 260 716 Verwysing : M031 ‘n Gasbottel: ± R1 035.00 Unique Welding Alloy NEDBANK Kode: 128842 Rek no: 1039776973 Verwysing : Myngenoegen Shelter (gas word afgelewer, maar moet vooruit betaal word). Indien iemand ‘n bydrae aan die Shelter wil maak, is besonderhede as volg: Myngenoegen Shelter ABSA Spaar Kode : 632005 Rek : 927 566 7290 Komiteelede bedank almal opreg wat reeds betrokke is.

PROPERTY SERVICES • EIENDOMSDIENSTE APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za

CONTACT SAN - 072 159 5126

PROPERTY FOR SALE 1) BENDOR TOWNHOUSE: R700 000 Lounge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, carport. 2) COMPENSATIE STREET: R740 000.00 4 Bedroom Duplex Townhouse with 1½ bathroom. Townhouse has been renovated with new kitchen cupboards, floor tiles and paint. Exellent Buy. Single garage. 3) UPPERTOWN: MODERN AND SPACIOUS: R2 550 000 Adorable home with open-plan lounge/ dining room/kitchen, cosy verandah, scullery, pantry, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garage and carports for 6 or more vehicles PLUS bachelor flat. Alarm. Beautiful finishes.

CONTACT SOLET - 082 498 4415 1) TOWNHOUSE - BODENSTEIN STREET: R850 000 Modern open-plan living area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen and single garage. FARMS / PLOTS FOR SALE

KONTAK MATIE - 083 271 5259

1) EDUAN PARK: R1 600 000.00 Spacious family home with 3 living areas, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, nice kitchen, double garage. Entertainment room, Borehole. Quiet area. 2) TWEEFONTEIN PLOT 8.5ha: 3 Slaapkamerhuis, 3 x 2 Slaapkamerhuise, 1 x 1 Slaapkamerhuis. Ontspanningslokaal. Naby N1. R2 450 000.00 3) 90ha NATUURPLAAS: In Wolkberge, 50km vanaf Polokwane, 2 chalets, stoor, wild, wildwerend omhein. Baie mooi en nuutontwikkelde eiendom. R2 950 000.00 4) 500ha BESPROEIINGSPLAAS: Dendron omgewing, 18ha onder besproeiing, 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 slaapkamer woonstel, groot pakstoor, werkswinkel, afdakke ens. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. R6 300 000.00


HOUSES: 1) 2 213m² CENTRAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units – R3 500 000.00 2) BENDOR – 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, en suite guest room, pool. 3) PENINA PARK - 3 000m² zoned 20 Units. R2 500 000.00 4) EDUAN PARK: 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Flat, swimming pool, lapa, borehole. PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha. Vacant. R1 500 000.00 neg. 2) On N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha. FARMS: 1) MESSINA/ALLDAYS - CATTLE FARM: 1 830ha @ R4 300/ha. 2) BOCHUM AREA: ± 730 ha (70 ha irrigation) R9 000 000.00 3) PIETERSBURG AREA CATTLE FARM: ± 1 000 ha R8 000 000.00 4) VIVO – 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game R9 000 000.00 5) MARNITZ ± 2400ha cattle farm R17 000 000.00 INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) 1 300 m² Industrial stands – N1 North available 2) 450m² warehouse on 1200m² stand R2 900 000.00 TO LET: RESIDENTIAL CONTACT SAN 072 159 5126

MID-TOWN: R2 950.00: Immediately Room with bathroom. Water and electricity included. UPPERTOWN: R16 000.00 Fantastic spacious open plan house with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garages, pool, plus 3 offices. 1 August TOWNHOUSE OOST STREET : R7 500.00 Immediately Lovely townhouse in Upper town with open-plan living area, 3 bedrooms, big scullery, excellent security, lock-up garage and cosy garden. FAUNA PARK: R7 300.00 1 August Beautiful home, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double -garage. BENDOR: R5 500.00 1 August Open-plan lounge/kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, single garage. PENINA PARK: R7 000.00 1 August 3 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, garage, pool. MID-TOWN: DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE: R4 800.00 4 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, garage TOWNHOUSE: R4 100.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage. 20km from town. Scenic area.

TO LET: INDUSTRIAL CONTACT STEPHEN TEL: 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 855 m² with office (SAB area) 2) 80m² Cold room 3) 1200m² + 200m² Offices Good exposure 4) 500m² + 800m² warehouses 5) 1800m² warehouse + 300 m² office 6) 640m² 1/9/14 Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Modern – stand-alone office, 600m² 1/5/2014 Close to CBD 3) 345m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton court) 4) 100m² Office CBD

July 17, 2014

Polokwane Observer


“Having achieved more than 50 Years of property

makes us the obvious choice”


WEB: 327525

Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 3 Garages 3


Photo: Barry Viljoen

Brayton Karassellos with his tools and the bracelets he makes. With him is his friend Gustav de Beer.

Young entrepreneur works for cancer patients


BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

No one is too young to make a contribution towards the wellbeing of others. This is exactly what eight-year-old Brayton Karassellos, a grade 2 learner at Pepps Polokwane Preparatory School (Pepps) has proved with his project to raise funds for people that suffer from cancer. Brayton, accompanied by his mother Pam, visited the Theunis Fichardt Hospitium and Care Home recently to launch his project which entails the making of bracelets and selling them for R10 apiece. The project was inspired by Gustav de Beer, a young cancer patient who lives with Brayton and his parents to be near the hospital where he receives treatment for cancer. Gustav is a keen sportsman and takes part in action cricket when his health allows. He was selected to be part of the indoor action cricket coastal tour set to take place in October and Brayton’s objective is to support him financially. David Booth, Relay for Life Coordinator at Cansa is assisting Brayton with his project and invites other young friends to participate in this project. A workshop will be held in the near future and those interested to join or to donate material for the project, may call Booth on 082 655 2678.

This home is sure to impress the most discerning buyer. An exceptionally well presented family home with classic contemporary finishes that allows for timeless style. The master suite includes a large wardrobe with built-in cabinetry , and a sumptuous bathroom. All bedrooms and bathrooms are functional, comfortable, steamlined and efficient. The spacious kitchen forms an unobtrusive backdrop to the family room and accentuates both style and practicality. Indoors and outdoors merge to become one spacious living area. Enjoy the shimmering blue swimming pool with glass doors leading to a sunny enclosed garden porch. On warm summer days the pool adds a tranquil note to the garden whilst the front garden extends a warm welcome. A welcoming indoor spa is refreshing in summer and toasty in winter. Ideally positioned for living convenience, this property in only minutes from the modern Cycad and Platinum Park shopping centres. Call for an appointment to view this exceptional home.



R2 733 000


R2 200 000


R735 000





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Bedrooms 3 Bathroom 1 Seeff Web: 325 863


R680 000

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Bedrooms 3 Bathroom 1 Seeff Web: 327 090


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Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Seeff Web: 328 076


R875 000

Bedrooms 3 Bathroom 1 Seeff Web: 324 165


R1 200 000

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R1 350 000

Foto: Verskaf

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July 17, 2014

32 OBSERVER polokwane

CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za



STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ STORAGE TO LET We can store from bikes to big boats. From R400 p.m. Polokwane Self Storage. 082 446 4574 / 083 460 4439 ____________________



EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________



CONSOLIDATION LOAN ONLINE Up to R230 000. Low credit score OK. help@debtcon.co.za ___________________ CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________

ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________ C&M CONSTRUCTION Ceilings/dry walling/ painting/ tiling/ renovations. Contact 087 751 1310 061 150 9436 ___________________ AAG WENDYS Knotty pine, log cabin, treated with wax oil, 1 door, 1 window, floor, zinc roof, pallet. Price: 3 m x 3 m = R4 500 3 m x 4 m = R5 000 Contact Arnold 076 858 8973 Alice 073 323 4239 ___________________



LUSERN TE KOOP Skakel 015 575 9941 012 335 2178 ____________________



TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ LEEUKUIL ESTATE Bachelors unit in safe tranquil surroundings, 7 km from town. R2 200 p.m. Skakel 079 081 3152 ____________________ KONTRAKTEUR Gemeubileerde akkommodasie vir enkelpersoon. Skakel 082 329 7710 ____________________

RUIM 2 SLAAPKAMER MEENTHUIS TE HUUR Vanaf 1 September 2014 op Doornbult hoewe, 12 km buite Polokwane. Mooi omgewing met rivierfront. Water & tuindienste ingesluit. Maandelikse huur R3 800 p.m., deposito van R3 800. Beskikbaar. Kontak Elize 082 465 6106 ____________________ MEENTHUIS TE HUUR Beskikbaar 1 Augustus 2014. 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, dubbel motorhuis, stoepie met gasbraai. R6 500 plus deposito. Kontak 083 227 4164 ____________________



2 SLAAPKAMER HUIS OP PLOT TE HUUR 8 km uit dorp. Elektries omhein. Geen groot honde. R4 000 p.m. + dep. Water en elektriesiteit en tuinjong ingesluit. Skakel 082 588 5520 ____________________ NUWE HUIS OP PLOT 3 Slaapkamer met elektriese heining. R5 700 + deposito, W&L ingesluit. Kontak 082 554 5627 ____________________ RUIM 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS TE HUUR SOETDORINGS Netjies en omhein. Dubbel afdak parkering. Veilige en rustie omgewing. R5 560 plus dep + koopkrag. Streng keuring. Minette 076 941 1679 ____________________


HOUSES – IMMEDIATELY • MACADAMIA RETIREMENT VILLAGE - R8 550: BRAND NEW HOME - 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 garages and open garden – Age group 45 + no animals. • IVY PARK - R5 500: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carports and garden • BASKOPPIES - R5 900: FOR AUGUST – 3 bed, 2 bath, parking and garden TOWNHOUSES – IMMEDIATELY • KORAAL RETIREMENT VILLAGE – age group 50 + no animals. Spacious 2 bed, bath, garage and garden. • MYNGENOEGEN RD - R3 900: 2 bed, 2 bath, carports and garden. • DORP STREET - R4 235: 2 bed, bath and garage • BENDOR - R4 250 FOR AUGUST. - 2 bed, carport and garden.

OFFICES – IMMEDIATELY • CYCAD SHOPPING CENTRE SIZE – 84m² @ R94.76 P/m². Big reception area, Boardroom Big office 10 – 15 people. Small kitchen + toilet. Under cover parking at extra cost. BACHELOR FLATS - R2 350 FOR AUGUST • 90 Pietersburg Street • 3 Magazyn Street FLATS TO LET • MACADAMIA @ THE ALOES RETIREMENT VILLAGE: 1 to 2 bed, 1 bath, exclusive townhouses. Immediately available, with 24-hour care and security. Different levels of care and affordable prices. FOR EXAMPLE: 3 meals per day, 2x cleaning of apartment 2x week laundry washed and ironed Assistance with control of medication Check on resident 2 x day by medical staff etc. R5 200, R5 650, R5 800 pm. PATSY – 083 270 6770

HOUSES: BODORP R25 500 4 Bedr, 3 bathr, 2 garages, pool. BENDOR VILLAGE R19 530 5 Bedr, 5½ bathr, patio with built-in braai, 2 garages. FLORA PARK R9 900 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, pool & 1 bedr flat. NEW FLORA PARK R8 350 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages. DALMADA PLOT R7 340 3 Bedr, 2 bathr plus outside buildings. TOWNHOUSES: BENDOR ACACIA R10 500 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, patio & built-in braai, prepaid electricity. 2 Garages. HOSPITAL PARK R5 500 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 garage, prepaid electricity. BENDOR R5 570 3 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 garage, lapa, prepaid electricity. LADANNA R5 600 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, 1 garage. LADANNA R3 980 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport. FLATS: COMPENSATIE St R4 300 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, 1 carport. FLORA PARK R4 900 2 Bedr, 1 bathr. EDUAN PARK R4 000 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport, water incl. Offices in CBD from R2 500 Marshall St 91m² Offices R10 270 MARTIN 060 666 5432 THYS 083 702 0768 AUDREY 072 632 7117 DIONETTE 084 503 3964

LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar. Klein vertrek huise R1 950 p.m., Bachelor woonstelle R1 500 p.m. Wendy houtkamers R1 000 p.m. Gemeenskaplike ablusiegeriewe. Skakel Marina in kantoorure 015 297 2008 ____________________



SAKEGELEENTHEID Goed gevestigde winkel met ruim perseel & parkeringplek. Ideale familie besigheid. Voorraad & toerusting ingesluit. Prys onderhandelbaar. Skakel Willie Loots 071 602 7710 ____________________



SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Contact 015 295 5264 ___________________



REMOVAL OF RESTRICTION ACT, 1976 THE REMOVAL OF THE CONDITION IN THE DEED OF GRANT TG076207/08 OF ERF 98 MANKWENG UNIT A, AND THE SIMULTANEOUS APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE PROVISION OF REGULATION R293 OF 1962 (ADMINISTRATION OF TOWNSHIPS REGULATION) It is hereby notified that application has been made in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act 1967, by the

firm Akanya Development Solutions for the removal of conditions 2(a) in Deed of Grant TG76207/08 of erf 98 Mankweng unit A and simultaneously in terms of the provision of Regulator R293 of 1962 for the change of land use of the above-mentioned property, from single residential use to high density residential use to permit residential building/units on the property. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Polokwane Local Municipality, First Floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane from 11 July 2014 until 8 August 2014. Objections regarding the application must be made in writing and submitted to the above mentioned addresses or posted to the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management at P.O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700, no later than 8 August 2014. Akanya Development Solutions 1st Floor Coach House Bondev Park Cnr Wierde & Willem Botha roads Centurion Tel: 012 658 0431 Cell: 072 188 2468 10/07 17/07 ___________________ GO TLOŠWA GA MOLAO WA DIKILETŠO WA 1967 GO TLOŠWA GA DIPEELANO KA GO LENGWALO LA BOHLATSE BJA BODUDI TG76207/08 SETENENG SA 98 MANKWENG YUNITI A, SAMMALETEE LE KGOPELO YA TUMELELO GO YA KA MOLAO R293 WA 1962. (MOLAWANA WA TAOLOTSHEPEDIŠO YA MAKHEIŠENE) Le lemošwa mo gore Akanya Development Solution e dirile kgopelo go ya ka karolo 3(1) ya Molao wa Dikiletšo wa 1967, gore go tlošwe dipeelano tšeo di tšwelelago go 2(a) ka go Lengwalo la Bohlatse bja Bodudi TG76207/08 seteneng sa 98 Mankweng



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POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA 478 KENNISGEWING VAN DIE AANSOEK OM DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(B)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE NO 15 VAN 1986) Ek, Charlotte van der Merwe, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die ondergenoemde erwe, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die

BEAUTIFUL Bushveld smallholding just 3,5 km from modimolle. uniquely designed, home (288 m²). all spacious rooms with large windows surround you with the soothing beauty of nature. 4 bdrms, 4 baths, 2 lounges, working kitchen, formal kitchen, study/office, outbuildings, orchard, veg garden under shade, 2 stables, suitable for cattle, etc. 12,5 Ha, low crime area. R1 800 000 neg. Contact Les Maydell 083 287 3982.


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POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT AMENDMENT SCHEME 478 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE POLOKWANE/ PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007, IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1) (B) (i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE NO 15 OF 1986) I, Charlotte van der Merwe, being the authorised agent of the owner of the erven mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b) (i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance,

1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme known as the Polokwane/Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 to rezone Erf 2905, Bendor Extension 30, situated at 2 Keina Street, Bendor - from “Residential 1” to “Special”, for the purposes of offices, subject to conditions as stipulated in Annexure 169, namely: maximum coverage: 50%; maximum FAR: 0.7; parking ratio: 3 bays per 100 m2 GLFA for the offices; and maximum height: 2 storeys. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, first floor, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 18 July 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 within a period of 28 days until 15 August 2014. KAMEKHO CONSULTING P O BOX 4169 POLOKWANE 0700 TEL: 082 456 3173 FAX: 086 614 9265 17/07 24/07 ___________________

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Unit A, sammaletee le kgopelo ya tumelelo go ya ka Taolotshepedišo R293 ya 1962 gore go fetolwe tirišo ya lefelo go setene seo se boletšwego ka godimo, go tloga go lefelo la go dula lapa le tee go ba lefelo la go dula batho ka bontši gore go dumelelwe go agwa ga moago wo bjalo. Bao ba nago le kgahlego ya go lekola dinhla ka botlalo malebana le kgopelo ye ba ka leba kantorong ya Mmasepala wa Polokwane, lebatong la mathomo, Civic Centre, Mmileng wa Landdros Mare go tloga ka la 11 Mosegamanye (Julae) 2014 go fihla ka la 8 Phato (Agosetose) 2014. Bao ba ganetšanago le kgopelo ye ba ka dira bjalo ka go ngwala mangwalo gomme ba a tliša atreseng ye e boletšwego ka godimo goba ba ka a romela go: Molaodi: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management go P.O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700, gomme mangwalo ao a fihle pele ga letšatši la 8 Phato 2014. Akanya Development Solutions Lebato la Mathomo Coach House Bondev Park Magahlanong a Mmila wa Wierde le wa Willem Botha Centurion Tel: 012 658 0431 Cell: 072 188 2468 10/07 17/07 ___________________

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Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ek by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Polokwane/ Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007 deur hersonering van Erf 2905, Bendor Uitbreiding 30, gelee te Keinastraat 2, Bendor - vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Spesiaal” vir die doeleindes van kantore onderworpe aan sekere bepalings soos uiteengesit in Bylaag 169, naamlik: maksimum dekking: 50%; Maksimum V.O.V: 0.7; parkering: 3 plekke per 100 m2 BVVO vir die kantore; en maksimum hoogte: 2 verdiepings. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, Burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat, Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 18 Julie 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae tot en met 15 Augustus 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 ingedien of gerig word. KAMEKHO CONSULTING POSBUS 4169 POLOKWANE 0700 TEL: 082 456 3173 FAKS: 086 614 9265 17/07 24/07 ___________________ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) POLOKWANE/PERKEBULT AMENDMENT SCHEME 462 I Julia Mmaphuti Nare being the authorised agent of the owner of Remainder of Erf 544 Pietersburg hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Township Ordinance, 1986, that I have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the town planning scheme known as the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 by the rezoning of Remainder of erf 544, situated at cnr Biccard and Bodenstein streets, from “Special” to “Business 2” for offices. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, First Floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street Polokwane, for a period of 28 days from 17 July 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, First Floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street Polokwane or P O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 within a period of 28 days from 17 July 2014. Nhlatse Planning Consultant P O Box 4865 Polokwane 0700 Telefax: 015 297 8673 17/07 24/07 ___________________ KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DORPS-BEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) POLOKWANE/PERKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA 462 Ek Julia Mmaphuti Nare synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Resterende Gedeelte van Erf 544 Pietersburg, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordinnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986, kennis dat ek by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Polokwane/Perskebult

dor s be plannings ke ma, 2007 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, gelee h/v Biccarden Bodensteinstrate vanaf ‘Spesiaal’ na ‘Besigheid 2’ vir kantoor. Besonderhede van die aansoek le te insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondegebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, Burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 17 Julie 2014. Besware teen of vertoe ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 17 Julie 2014 skriftelike by of tot die munisipale bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 in gedien of gerig word. Nhlatse Planning Consultant Posbus 4865 Polokwane 0700 Telefaks: 015 297 8673 17/07 24/07 ___________________ PERMIT IN TERMS OF THE ROADS AND RIBBONS DEVELOPMENT ACT (ACT 21 OF 1940) TO CHANGE LAND USE IN A CONTROLLED AREA AND SPECIAL CONSENT IN TERMS OF THE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007 TO ALLOW THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A LODGE AS WELL AS PLACE OF PUBLIC WORSHIP ON PORTION 69 OF THE FARM TWEEFONTEIN 915 LS It is hereby notified that application has been made for the permission of the controlling authority in terms of Roads on Ribbon Development Act 21 of 1940 by the firm Nhlatse Planning Consultants, being the authorised agent of the owner of Portion 69 of the Farm Tweefontein 915 LS. • for the change in the use of land in a controlled authority in order to allow a lodge and place of public worship as well as to remove conditions 3(a) (b)and (c) on title deed T106454/04. Simultaneously with • The provision of Clause 21 of the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 read together with section 20 of the town planning and townships ordinance,1986 (ordinance 15 of 1986) for the secondary use of the property for lodge and place of public worship. The Special consent application is open for comments at the office of the Manager: Planning and Land Use Management, Polokwane Municipality, Civic Centre, 1st Floor West Wing, from 18 July 2014, while the permission of the controlling authority application is open for inspection from 17 July 2014 at the Head of Department of Cooperative Governance Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs, 3rd floor, Hensa Towers. Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use, Polokwane Municipality, P O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 and the applicant at P O Box 4865, Polokwane, 0699 for a period of 28 days from 17 July 2014. Objections to the permission in terms of Act 21 of 1940 may be lodged in writing to the head of department of Cooperative Governance Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs, Private Bag X9485, Polokwane, 0699 and the applicant at P O Box 4865, Polokwane, 0699 for a period of 28 days from 17 July 2014. Nhlatse Planning Consultants P O Box 4865 Polokwane 0699 Telefax: 015 297 8673 17/07 24/07 ___________________ TOESTEMMING IN TERME VAN DIE PAAIE EN LINTE ONTWIKKELINGSWET (WET 21 VAN 1940) VIR DIE VERANDERING VAN GRONDGEBRUIK IN ‘N BEHEERDE GEBIED EN SPESIALE TOESTEMMING IN TERME VAN DIE POLOKWANE / PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 VIR DIE OPRIGTING

VAN ‘N LODGE EN PLEK VAN AANBIDDING OP GEDEELTE 69 VAN DIE PLAAS TWEEFONTEIN 915 LS Hiermee word kennis gegee dat Nhlatse Planning Consultants, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Gedeelte 69 van die plaas Tweefontein, aansoek gebring het vir toestemming van die beherende owerheid in terme van die Paaie en Linte Ontwikkelingswet (Wet 21 van 1940) • ten einde ‘n lodge en plek van aanbidding toe te laat asook voorwaarde 3 te verwyder (a) (b) en (c) op Titelakte T106454/04. gelyktydig met • Die voorsiening van Klousule 21 van die Polokwane / Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007, saamgelees met artikel 20 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) vir die sekondêre gebruik van die eiendom vir ‘n lodge en plek van aanbidding. Die aansoek is beskikbaar vir kommentaar vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 18 Julie 2014, in die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Beplanning en Grondgebruiksbeheer, Polokwane Munisipaliteit, eerstevloer, wesvleuel, Burgersentrum, vanaf 18 Julie 2014 en by die hoofkantooor van die beherende owerheid, die Departement van Samewerkende Regering Menslike Nedersettings en Tradisionele Sake, derdevloer Hensa Towers 3de vloer. vanaf 17 Julie 2014 vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae. Besware teen die aansoek kan skriftelik by die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruik Polokwane Munisipaliteit, Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 en die applikant by Posbus 4865, Polokwane, 0699 of departementshoof van die Departement van Samewerkende Regering Menslike Nedersettings en Tradisionele Sake, Privaatsak X9485, Polokwane, 0699 ingedien word vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 17 Julie 2014. Nhlatse Planning Consultants P O Box 4865 Polokwane 0699 Telefaks: 015 297 8673 17/07 24/07 ___________________



IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF POLOKWANE HELD AT POLOKWANE Case Number: 3168/14 In the case between: CASPER JAN HENDRIK MALAN Execution Creditor And FREDERICK COENRAAD VAN HEERDEN Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the Magistrate POLOKWANE given on 4 June 2014 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 11:00 on FRIDAY, 1 AUGUST 2014 by public auction to be held at 66 Platinum Street, Ladine by the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court, POLOKWANE to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 x Computer complete 1 x Table & chair 3 x Chairs 1 x Samsung printer 1 x Electric heater 1 x Cabinet 1 x 4 Piece lounge suite 1 x TV 1 x DVD player 1 x Speakers & DVD player 1 x Table & 2 chairs 2 x Microwave ovens 1 x Samsung washing machine 1 x 2 Piece lounge suite 1 x Gas braai 1 x Defy tumble dryer 1 x Bosch dishwasher 1 x LG microwave oven 1 x Defy Tumble Dryer 1 x Table 2 x Electric Fans 2 x 2-Seater couches 1 x Microwave oven 1 x KIC fridge 1 x Vacuum cleaner 1 x Telefunken TV 3 x Fishing rods SIGNED at POLOKWANE on the 8TH day of JULY 2014. (SGD) GH EHLERS ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR DDKK ATTORNEYS 19 WATERMELON

STREET PLATINUM PARK BENDOR POLOKWANE 0699 TEL: 015 297 3310 FAX: 015 297 3422 E-MAIL: ge@ddkk.co.za REF: GH Ehlers/sn/ LM0001 17/07 ___________________ IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA (FUNCTIONING AS LIMPOPO POLOKWANE) Case no: 358/10 In the matter between: MPHEKGWANA MAHLOKWA MOSES Plaintiff And KGANYAGO LESETELA FRANS Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Take notice that a sale in execution will be held on 25 July 2014 at 11:00, Toronto, Mankweng, Polokwane of the following property. 1 x Lounge suite 1 x Coffee table 1 x LG TV 1 x TV stand 1 x Computer stand 1 x Samsung computer and printer 1 x Washing machine DATED at POLOKWANE on this the 1ST day of JULY 2014. MPHELA MOTIMELE ATTORNEYS 107 KLEINENBERG STREET MÔREGLOED POLOKWANE 0700 TEL: 015 291 1815 REF: CIV05/03/10/ NM/NO 17/07 ___________________ IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA [GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA] Case no.: 49501/2012 In the matter between: NEDBANK LIMITED (Registration Number: 1951/000009/06) Execution Creditor And TSWELOPELE BOREHOLES TESTING CC (Registration number: 2004/115033/23) 1st Execution Debtor CLEMENT THEMBO LUSATI (Identity number: 590106 6026 083) 2nd Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN TERMS OF RULE 46(7) (b) AUCTION IN EXECUTION of a judgment of the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) in the abovementioned suit, a sale will be held by the SHERIFF POLOKWANE at the Sheriff’s office, 66 Platinum Street, Ladine, Polokwane on WEDNESDAY, 30 JULY 2014 at 10:00 of the under mentioned property of the 1st Defendant on the conditions to be read out by the auctioneer at the time of the sale: ERF 33 IVY PARK TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S., LIMPOPO PROVINCE IN EXTENT 1 000, 0000 (ONE THOUSAND COMMA ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO) HECTARES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER T45046/2010 PHYSICAL AND DOMICILIUM ADDRESS: 13 FITZPATRICK STREET, IVY PARK, POLOKWANE ZONING: RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS: 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHROOMS, KITCHEN, LOUNGE, DINING ROOM, DOUBLE GARAGE The abovementioned information with regard to the improvements on the property is furnished although no guarantee can be supplied in this regard. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT the Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the offices of the SHERIFF POLOKWANE at the Sheriff’s Office, 66 Platinum Street, Ladine, Polokwane, 24 hours prior to the Auction. DATED at PRETORIA this the 18TH day of JUNE 2014. VAN DER MERWE DU TOIT INC. ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF BROOKLYN PLACE Cnr BRONKHORST & DEY STREETS BROOKLYN PRETORIA TEL: 012 452 1300 FAX: 086 623 2984 REF: SORETHA

DE BRUIN/jp/ NED108/0362 17/07 ___________________



LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) for the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Master and Magistrate as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Registered number of estate: 4486/2009 Surname: Jones Christian names: Gordon Anthony Identity number: 591023 5256 182 Last address: 93A Genl. Maritz Street, Welgelegen, Polokwane, 0699 Christian names and surname of surviving spouse: Maria Manuela Goncalves Jones Identity number: 620830 0196 089 Description of account other that First and Final: Fourth and Final Master’s Office: Polokwane Dated: 04 July 2014 Advertiser and address: Nicky Bosman (Executor) Bosman Attorneys 37 Voortrekker Street cnr Voortrekker & Bodenstein streets Polokwane 0700 Tel: 015 291 3863 17/07 ___________________ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under men-

tioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate Number: 4324/2014 Master’s Office: Pretoria Surname: Ahamed First Names: Reshard Abdool-Razak Date of Birth: 20 August 1962 ID Number: 620820 5116 083 Last address: 78 Burger Street, Polokwane, 0699 Date of Death: 11 January 2013 Province: Limpopo Name of Executor or Authorised Agent: Yasmeen Ahmed Kharbai Address of Executor or Authorised Agent: Postnet Suite 99, Private Bag X2, Raslouw, 0109 Yasmeen Ahmed Kharbai Postnet Suite 99 Private Bag X2 Raslouw 0109 Email: reshard.riccardos@absamail.co.za Cell: 082 701 7053 17/07 ___________________

SEQUESTRA33 TION NOTICES KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN ‘N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4(1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET 24 VAN 1936 SOOS GEWYSIG IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID AFRIKA (GAUTENG AFDELING, PRETORIA) In die ex-parte aansoek van: GIDEON PETRUS MYBURGH Identiteitsnommer: 490916 5063 080 Applikant Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 13 AUGUSTUS 2014 om 10:00 of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van SuidAfrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van GIDEON PETRUS MYBURG, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en woonagtig te 20 MUNNIKLAAN, POLOKWANE. Die

Julie 17, 2014


OBSERVER 33 polokwane

Applikant se staat van vermoë sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Thabo Sehumestraat 316, Pretoria en die Landdroshof van Polokwane ter insae lê vir ‘n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 21 Julie 2014. Gedateer te Pretoria op die 11de dag van Julie 2014. Serfontein Viljoen & Swart 165 Alexanderstraat Brooklyn Pretoria Tel: 012 362 2556 Verw: Mnr T Viljoen 17/07 ___________________ KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN ‘N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4(1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET 24 VAN 1936 SOOS GEWYSIG IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (GAUTENG AFDELING, PRETORIA) In die ex-parte aansoek van: SUSANNA LOUISA MYBURGH Identiteitsnommer: 580413 0017 080

Applikant Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 13 AUGUSTUS 2014 om 10:00 of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van SuidAfrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van SUSANNA LOUISA MYBURG, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en woonagtig te 20 MUNNIKLAAN, POLOKWANE. Die Applikant se staat van vermoë sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Thabo Sehumestraat 316, Pretoria en die Landdroshof van Polokwane ter insae lê vir ‘n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 21 Julie 2014. Gedateer te Pretoria op die 11de dag van Julie 2014. Serfontein Viljoen & Swart 165 Alexanderstraat Brooklyn Pretoria Tel: 012 362 2556 Verw: Mnr T Viljoen 17/07 ___________________

Career finder in LIMPOPO HOUSEKEEPER Must: Have lodge experience Be able to prepare breakfast, do cleaning and laundry Work shifts and every second weekend Hand deliver CV to Platinum Lodge, Church Street South, Polokwane Tel: 015 291 2626

The Aurum Institute is offering a great opportunity to suitably qualified and experienced staff to contribute towards our mission to improve the health of people and communities through innovation in TB, HIV and Health Systems. The following position/s has become available and you are welcome to apply should you meet the requirements of the post.

Management Mentor Sekhukhune, Limpopo The Management Mentor providesa training and on-site mentoring programme to public sector Clinic Managers, so that they learn the skills, tools and systems necessary for creating a suitable service environment for effective and efficient patient care. Training and mentoring is on subjects such as operational planning, human resource management and leadership, medicines and supplies management, laboratory practices, management of infrastructure and support services, health information management, and quality assurance. He/she is also required to coordinate, perform and/or assist with all relevant communication, administration, reporting, and evaluation activities related to the programme. YOU MUST HAVE: Qualification • Bachelor’s degree in the Health sciences • Post-graduate qualification in Public Health, Health Service Management, and/or Quality Assurance Work Experience • Minimum 12 years’ work experience in the healthcare environment • At least 4 years’ experience in Health Service management Other Requirements • Must have own car and valid driver’s licence, and be willing to travel Submit a brief CV, indicating this job title and including current relevant references, to Human Resources or e-mail CareersHPU@auruminstitute.org by 21 July 2014. Whilst all applications will be carefully considered, only short-listed applicants will be interviewed. If you do not hear from us within 21 days of the closing date, this will mean that your application has been unsuccessful. All interviewed applicants will receive feedback as part of our continued drive towards people development. The Aurum Institute is an equal-opportunity employer and reserves the right not to make an appointment.


July 17, 2014

YOUR Career finder in LIMPOPO

34 OBSERVER polokwane

Finance Graduates Required

To develop and manage a system of national parks that represents the biodiversity, landscapes and associated heritage assets of South Africa for the sustainable use and benefit of all.

5 Month temp assignment



Salary: C4 band: R17 931.37 per month total cost to company (no accommodation available inside the Park) The above is a fixed-term contract position up to 31 March 2016, renewable by mutual agreement. Key performance areas: • Implement the EPWP projects (eg Working for Water, Working for Land, Nurseries, Working for Wetlands) managed through the Biodiversity Social Projects (BSP) at Mapungubwe National Park • Provide financial management in a manner that will ensure both optimal outcomes and a clean audit • Prepare and manage Annual Plan of Operation (APO), operational plans, long-term treatment and rehabilitation plans • Oversee financial budgets for projects assigned to junior personnel • Communicate and liaise with all stakeholders and partners • Ensure community development and capacity building within rural communities • Oversee the strategic and operational planning of the project • Be responsible for appointment, coordination and mentoring of contractors and their workers • Map work areas through the use of appropriate tools and software (ArcView) • Manage the contract tendering process • Ensure in-field monitoring of contract/work sites of BSP teams • Ensure and coordinate contractor training, supervision and capacity building • Maintain quality and production control of contract and task-based operations • Ensure compliance with Programme standards/norms and Health and Safety requirements • Provide asset and stores management • Monitor and submit reports on the projects contracting progress, including GIS-based data capture and formal reporting • Coordinate and manage the rehabilitation of the commercial nursery. Minimum requirements: • A 3-year Bachelor’s degree or diploma in Conservation or an appropriate equivalent qualification plus proven relevant experience • Knowledge of and experience in the implementation of Expanded Public Works (EPWP) Programmes • A minimum of 3 years’ relevant operational experience in alien vegetation clearing, land rehabilitation or contractor management • Knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) • Negotiation skills and the ability to interact with private landowners • Basic knowledge of Human Resources Management • The ability to work under pressure and long hours • A Code 08 driver’s licence and 2x4 driving experience (essential) • Working knowledge of and experience in the Occupational Health and Safety Act and COIDA • Computer literacy (essential). Candidates who meet the above requirements should forward their applications, accompanied by a cover letter and detailed CV, to: The Human Resources Department, PO Box 787, Pretoria 0001 or fax: 086 656 3559 or e-mail: jobapplications@sanparks.org Closing date: 29 July 2014 If you have not had any response within 14 days of the closing date, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful. SANParks subscribes and is committed to the principles of employment equity and equal opportunities, and appointment will be made in terms of SANParks’ Employment Equity policy. Preference will be given to PDI/HDSA candidates. 643 Leyds Street Muckleneuk 0002

PO Box 787 Pretoria 0001

Tel. (012) 426-5000


Central Reservations: (012) 428-9111 reservations@sanparks.org www.sanparks.org

Myngenoegen English Private School Plot 2 Myngenoegen, Polokwane

has the following vacancy for 1 educator:

English Home Language Gr 9 to Gr 12 Caps experience essential. Fax/email certified copies of CV, SACE Registration and qualifications to The Headmaster Fax: 015 263 6199, email: mepschool@telkomsa.net on or before Tuesday, 22 July 2014.

Volkswagen Polokwane

Human Communications 110805

Take the next step to where the sky’s the limit with the Shoprite Group of Companies at our OK Furniture branches

Branch Managers

Mankweng, Polokwane, Zebedeila These management roles will see you: • planning and organising the medium and long-term activities of the branch • monitoring stock • ensuring that set targets are achieved • managing staff • identifying and solving problems relating to customers, staff and equipment • taking full responsibility for branch success from a profit-loss perspective. Essential requirements for these positions include: • a Senior Certificate or equivalent • at least three years’ managerial experience • previous work experience in a service or retail-related industry • proficiency in English (verbal and written) • sound product knowledge • exposure to management systems in the furniture/retail industry • an interest and demonstrated track record in the retail industry • good project planning and organising abilities • effective leadership skills • a valid Code EB driver’s licence.

Trainee Managers Polokwane

These management roles will see you: • planning and organising the medium and long-term activities of the branch • monitoring stock • ensuring that set targets are achieved • managing staff • identifying and solving problems relating to customers, staff and equipment • taking full responsibility for branch success from a profit-loss perspective • completing the in-house training programme. Successful candidates will need: • a keen interest and proven track record in the retail industry • the ability to plan and organise projects and events from start to finish • strong managerial skills • commitment to hygiene and cleanliness. Essential requirements: • Senior Certificate or equivalent (with Mathematics and English); however, a retail-related tertiary qualification is preferred • at least two years’ experience, preferably in an FMCG retail outlet • a good command of spoken and written English • business acumen. Applicants who do not meet all the requirements will not be considered for appointment. In addition to excellent career opportunities, the Shoprite Group offers market-related remuneration packages, which include attractive benefits. Forward your CV with a covering letter, clearly indicating the position you are applying for, and a certified copy of your ID in confidence to smartin@shoprite.co.za Closing date: 31 July 2014 If you have not received a response within four weeks of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

Volkswagen Polokwane has the following vacancy: eXPeRIenCeD sales eXeCUTIVes To MaRkeT anD sell THe FUll Volkswagen PassengeR anD CoMMeRCIal VeHICle Range

Minimum Requirements: • Matric • Target driven • 3 Years sales experience in the Motor industry • Excellent customer service skills and focus Market related salary package. CVs can be sent to hradmin@vwpolokwane.co.za or faxed to 086 609 5742. If you are not contacted within 2 weeks of submitting your CV, please consider your application as unsuccessful.

VACANCY TECHNICIAN Requirements: • Must have experience in at least one of the following products: PABX/CCTV or copiers. • Must have a valid driver’s licence Fax CVs to: 086 660 8048

VACANCY Large printing company in Polokwane, is looking for a

GRAPHIC DESIGNER with the following: • Corel Draw (PC) • Adobe InDesign • Computer-to-plate • 5 years experience in commercial printing Salary negotiable. Fax condensed CV to: 015 292 0046

A-M-B-I-T-I-O-U-S *LE MORGAN* A well established National Sales Company requires young enthusiastic go-getters who want to be trained as Sales Representatives promoting an exclusive range of products through leads, referrals & exhibitions. • • No experience necessary • Full training provided • R8 000 neg plus comm. • Medical aid (optional) Join Our Dynamic Company Today.

We promote and apply the principles of Employment Equity and reserve the right not to make an appointment. 119070POLOKWANEOBSERVER

• R40.00 per hour • Finance qualification ESSENTIAL • Customer service experience advantageous Email CV to temoso.lekhuleni@isilumko.co.za


TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW AT OUR OFFICES IN POLOKWANE. CALL LEBO at our Headoffice. 011 431-2725 or 011 431-3143.

July 17, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

Julie 17, 2014


GENERAL NOTICE RENTAL HOUSING ACT, 1999 (ACT 50 OF 1999) CALL FOR NOMINATIONS OF PERSONS TO SERVE IN THE LIMPOPO RENTAL HOUSING TRIBUNAL The Member of the Executive Council (MEC) responsible for the Department of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs in Limpopo Province, acting in terms of section 9(2)(a) of the Rental Housing Act, 1999, published a notice in the Limpopo extraordinary gazette number 2391 general notice number 260 dated 15 July 2014 inviting nominations of persons as candidates for the respective positions of the Limpopo Rental Housing Tribunal.

Photos: Warren Blunt

Racing was closely contested during round six of the Prokart Super Single Endurance Kart Series that was held at the Polokwane Short Circuit Race Track on Saturday.

All nominations made must be supported by a comprehensive curriculum vitae and supporting documents of the nominee containing information of the nominee’s knowledge and experience which makes the nominee’s contribution valuable to the housing development in the province. The tribunal shall consist of not less than three and not more than five members who are fit and proper persons appointed by the MEC, and comprise of a. a chairperson, who is suitably qualified and has the necessary expertise and exposure to rental housing matters; b. not less than two and not more than four members, of whom: (i) at least one and not more than two shall be persons with expertise in property management or housing development matters; and (ii) at least one and not more than two shall be persons with expertise in consumer matters pertaining to rental housing or housing development matters; and c. the deputy chairperson shall be appointed from the members referred to in paragraph (a) and (b). The MEC may also appoint two persons to serve as alternate members of the Tribunal. The functions of the Tribunal is to fulfil the duties imposed upon it in terms of Chapter 4 of the Rental Housing Act and must do all things necessary to ensure that the objectives of Chapter 4 are achieved. Nominations must within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, be addressed to: The Head of Department Department of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs Private Bag X9485 POLOKWANE 0700 Physical address: Tel: Fax: Email address:

20 Rabé Street Office 339 (Hensa Towers Building) 015 284 5411 015 295 8263 mngomezulup@coghsta.limpopo.gov.za

20 Rabé Street, POLOKWANE, 0700, Private Bag X9485, POLOKWANE, 0700

Tel: 015 284 5000, Fax: 015 293 1520, Website: www.coghsta.limpopo.za The heartland of Southern Africa - development is about people!

The Fumante Racing and South Bank Racing teams fight for position.

Prokart Series provides exciting racing action Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Round six of the Prokart Endurance Kart Series was held at the Polokwane Short Circuit Race Track on Saturday and spectators were treated to close wheel-to-wheel action by the visiting drivers from Gauteng. Only two local drivers, Heath Bent from Team Logan and Riaan Roux from Tonykart Containerforce were part of the racing action. Bent assisted in helping his team qualify in

ninth place during the practice rounds on Saturday morning and during the race itself put in a sterling performance to get Team Logan into the fourth position with two hours remaining in the six-hour race. Team Logan eventually finished in 12th position. The chequered flag was taken by the Motul Honda team, with VMMaxx in second position followed by Team Kart Shoppe in the third place. Baldwin Racing took the fourth position with the current log leaders NFE/Maxspeed Racing finishing in fifth place.

Plot 15, Dalmada ASSET AUCTIONEERS PO Box 215, Polokwane CC Reg no. 2008 / 037750 /23 bynes@mweb.co.za JOHAN 083 477 2246 OFFICE 015 263 6167 www.suduco.co.za

Duly instructed by our valued client, Polokwane Municipality we wil sell the following items per public auction on

Wednesday, 30 July 10:30

at environment offices next to Peter Mokaba Stadium. Machinery: Road marking machine, plate compactors, compressors, generators and much more. Office equipment: Desks, credenzas, computers, printers, office chairs and much more.

Viewing date: Tuesday, 29 July from 09:00 to 15:00 Buyers must register - ID document and proof of residence required. R10 000 cash registration fee on vehicles. R2 000 registration fee on loose assets. Right reserved. The auctioneer has the right to participate in the auction. Regulations in terms of Consumer Protection Law 68 of 2008. This advert complies with Article 45 of Law 68/2008. Standard terms and conditions apply.

ALL purchases to be paid for within 2 hours after auction.

SA’s strongest men to visit Polokwane >> Defending champion also making a trip to Polokwane >> 12 strongest men in SA WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


t will be another first for Limpopo when the final round of South Africa Strongest Man 2014 will be held at the Mall of the North on Saturday and Sunday. Polokwane residents will get the chance to witness the 12 strongest men in the country taking part in a series of very testing activities to see who will be the strongest in the country. The event falls under the auspices of the South African Strongman Union and day one will consist of the dead-lift maximum weight, yoke carry 400 kg, suitcases 160 kg, overhead medley and tyre flip events.

Julie 17, 2014


OBSERVER 37 polokwane

Day two will see the car dead-lift maximum repetition, car walk, truck pull, log carrying and Atlas stone events that are sure to test the competitors to the maximum. The eventual winner will receive an invitation to the Strongman’s Champions League and a further possible qualification to the World Strongman Competition. The competition was last held in 2012 and defending champion, Tristen O’Brien will also be making the trip to Polokwane. Ettiene Smit, the eight-time SA champion and previously ranked number nine in the world will also be in action. Other contestants include upcoming strongmen, Kielan Mills, Andre Sweeney, Hennie Jordaan and Frank Okolome. The event will be held in the northern parking lot at the mall next to the amusement park and promises to be a lot of excitement for the whole family. The activities get underway at 11:00 on both days and continue until 16:00.

Polokwane residents can see South Africa’s strongest men put their strength to the test in a variety of events at the Mall of the North on Saturday and Sunday to determine who the country’s strongest man is.


Eight-time South Africa’s strongest man, Ettiene Smit will be in action at the Mall of the North during the final of the South Africa Strongest Man 2014 over the weekend.

Come watch Frank Okolome and eleven other strongmen as they compete in the final of the South Africa Strongest Man 2014 at the Mall of the North on Saturday and Sunday.

Boroka Football Club prepares for next season HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za After finishing in fourth position of the National First Division (NFD) last season, Boroka Football Club Chairman Khurishi Mphahlele believes his team will be a force to be reckoned with in the 2014/2015 NFD season which commences in August. In their maiden season in the NFD the Seleteng based outfit showed class and tenacity winning 14 of their 30

league matches to end in a respectable position. Mphahlele attributes the team’s performance last season in the league to commitment, zeal and determination to achieve more. “To be honest, we were scared. We thought the league would be tough. We even signed players who we thought would make an impression but failed to do so. Credit must also go to all the players who did well for the team last season,” Mphahlele said.

He mentioned that the team will be releasing players who did not perform as expected to make way for the new recruits. “Our goal is to do well in the league next season, challenge for top honours and get promoted to the Premier Soccer League. We are no longer rookies in the league but a strong team ready for any kind of a competition. To achieve our goals we need to strengthen the team with good players and we are busy finalising that process,” Mphahlele concluded.

Husband and wife a winning pair

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The winning pair of Wayden and Nola Peceur triumphed on 74 points during a Combined Betterball competition held at the Polokwane Golf Club last Saturday. Ninety-two enthusiastic golfers braced the bite in the air to participate.

Nomad u.17 winners


The Nomads SA Boys u.17 Stroke Play Championships took place at the Polokwane Golf Club last week. From left are Saga Golf Integration Manager Eden Thompson, SA Nomads National Chairperson Greg Clack, winner Dylan Naidoo (Modderfontein Golf Club), Herman Loubser (Paarl Golf Club) who finished in second place and Kieran Vincent (Zimbabwe) who was third and President Limpopo Golf Union Niko Koster.


MEUBELS: Groot hoeveelheid repo-meubels. Sitkamerstelle, televisiestelle (flat screens), hoëtroustelle, skootrekenaars, rekenaars, selfone, hangkaste, kombuiskasstelle, slaapkamerstelle, yskaste, vrieskaste, muureenhede, dubbelbed- en koninginbasisstelle, eetkamerstelle, koffietafels en nog vele meer items, te veel om op te noem. ANDERE: Motorfiets, meubels en rolle skadunet. VOORWAARDES: Kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjeks of internetbetalings (internetfasiliteit beskikbaar by kantoor) dieselfde dag van die veiling. Geen uitsondering sal gemaak word nie. AFSLAERSNOTA: Besigtiging Vrydag, 18 Julie 2014. Moenie hierdie veiling misloop nie! Registrasiefooi van R1 000.00 is betaalbaar. Items is in baie goeie toestand. Baie mooi voorraad. Geen waarborg op items nie. BTW is betaalbaar op alle REPO-MEUBELS. Die afslaer behou die reg voor om enige items by te voeg of te onttrek sonder enige kennisgewing. BAIE BELANGRIK: INDIEN TELEVISIESTELLE GEKOOP WORD MOET ‘N TELEVISIELISENSIE GETOON WORD VOORDAT TELEVISIES GELAAI MAG WORD. Alle items moet verkoop word en gelaai word nie later as Maandag, 21 Julie 2014. VIR ENIGE NAVRAE KONTAK ESTELLE DE BEER 083 648 3282 OF NIC DE BEER 083 758 9231


July 17, 2014

38 OBSERVER polokwane

Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Die tweede Akkedis Bergfietsresies vind op 9 Augustus in die skilderagtige omgewing van Soutpansberg plaas. Die wedren begin en eindig in Makhado en word oor afstande van 30 km en 100 km beslis. Verlede jaar is die resies gebruik om bewusmaking te skep vir meervuldige sklerose (MS). ‘n Groep deelnemers het oranje hemde gedra en sommige waterpunte was ook in oranje getooi. Vanjaar wil die organiseerders voortbou op hierdie poging om mense meer bewus van MS se simptome en gevolge te maak.

Bergfietsresies ondersteun MS-lyers Tydens die wedren sal 100 oranje hemde aan die eerste 100 inskrywers uitgedeel word. MS tas die sentrale senuweestelsel aan sodat boodskappe tussen ‘n lyer se brein en liggaam verward raak. Gevolglik word visuele probleme, verlies aan balans en spierkoördinasie, uitputting, duiseligheid en bewusteloosheid ervaar. MS-lyers se liggame word uiteidelik deur die toestand afgetakel en immuniteit verswak. Die oranje hemde moet spesiaal bestel word. Om een te bekom moet voornemende deelnemers so gou moontlik inskryf. Gaan na akkedismountainbike. co.za vir verdere inligting.

Montjane honoured as Sportswoman of the Year >> No disability will hold her back >> She is an achiever on and off the court

SENYANE CONSULTANTS CC NOTICE OF PROSPECTING PROGRAMME ON LAND IN POLOKWANE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, LIMPOPO PROVINCE REFERENCE NO: LP 30/5/1/1/2/12101 PR Notice is hereby given to affected landowners/abutting landowners/ interested and affected parties of the intention to conduct a prospecting programme to establish coal, chrome, copper, gold, manganese, PGM and uranium reserves on the farms stipulated below. The application to conduct the prospecting programme was lodged with the Department of Mineral Resources, Section 16 of the Minerals & Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) 28 of 2002 and was accepted. In terms of Section 16(4) of the MPRDA the applicant must consult with land owners and interested and affected parties(I&AP’s) and submit the results of such consultations to the said Department for decision making purposes. The following properties are covered by the prospecting right application: • Farm Gladdepunt 83 KS • Welgevonden 85KS Applicant Consultant Contact details

: Senyane Consultants cc : William Senyane : Cell no: 082 504 7347 Fax no: 086 623 5664 Email: tendi.mulaudzi@gmail.com

Should you wish to register as an interested and affected party or have any comments on the proposed prospecting application, please forward your detailed response and contact details in writing to the above address on or before 10 August 2014.


Kgothatso Montjane received the Sportswoman of the Year with a Disability. ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


impopo’s highest ranked, and world ranked number 7, woman wheelchair tennis player, Kgothatso Montjane was recently honoured by Wheelchair Tennis South Africa

(WTSA) as Sportswoman of the Year with a Disability at the Gauteng Sport Awards. Wheelchair Tennis SA Representative and Vice Chairperson Patrick Selepe received the award on her behalf as Montjane was out of the country at the time. Montjane and fellow South African Evans Maripa both reached the singles semi-finals of the Swiss Open last week. Montjane lost to world number 1, Yui Kumiji from Japan while Maripa lost to Argentinian and world number 4, Gustavo Fernandez. Montjane and two other SA players, Maripe and Lucas Sithole will now travel to the United Kingdom where they will participate in the British Open Super Series from 15 to 20 July after which Montjane and Maripa will compete in the Belgian Open from 22 to 26 July. Wheelchair Tennis SA Manager Karen Losch was quoted saying: “We are

Mixed fortunes for Limpopo’s school rugby teams Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com With the onset of the winter school holidays the cream of Limpopo and South Africa’s young rugby players have been in action in various rugby weeks throughout the country, culminating with the u.18 Coca-Cola Craven Rugby Week that kicked off in Middelburg, Mpumalanga on Monday. The u.13 Coca-Cola Craven Week was the first to kick-off in early July at Glenwood Boys’ High School in Durban and Limpopo experienced mixed fortunes. They lost their first match narrowly by 12-14 against Border and

then won their second and final fixture 24-17 against South Western Districts. The u.18 Coca-Cola National Academy Week commenced last Monday in Worcester with Limpopo scoring a big 31-3 victory over the Pumas Country Districts. On day two, Limpopo won a close match 23-19 against Free State before losing their last fixture 10-41 against Border on the final day. The u.16 Coca-Cola Grant Khomo Youth Rugby Week also kicked off last Monday at the Tshwane University of Technology when 20 provincial teams from South Africa and neighbouring countries participated. Limpopo got off to a bad start in the week after losing

Contracts for construction of Voluntary Counselling and Testing Clinics Phase II

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Notice and Invitation to Tender for Construction

Preference will be given to tenderers with extensive experience in construction of small facilities in rural/remote areas.

their first match 19-29 to Namibia. In their next match Limpopo defeated Griquas 23-14, before ending their campaign on a winning note with a 21-12 victory over Griquas Country Districts. Limpopo started the 51st edition of the u.18 Coca-Cola Craven Rugby Week with a narrow 25-19 win against Griquas Country Districts on Monday and will be hoping to continue in a winning vein for the rest of the week. At the time of going to print the rest of Limpopo’s fixtures have yet to be determined, but Polokwane Observer will publish the results in the next edition of the newspaper.

Jakkie Louw vermaak krieketspelers en gaste

RFP 2004 – 1

EOH invites tenders for the extension and renovation of Voluntary Counselling and Testing Clinics in the Northern Cape and Limpopo provinces. It is estimated that tenderers must have a CIDB contractor grading designation of 4 or higher. Tenderers must be registered with CIDB in a GB class of construction works. In the case of Non-South African firms a comparable qualification is required.

extremely proud as we celebrate the success of Wheelchair Tennis SA and congratulate our players and staff for their nominations and awards at the recent Gauteng Sports Awards. These inspiring athletes have excelled in their tennis careers and have shown that no disability holds them back; ability is what matters. “Determination, focus and inspiration have made them achievers both on and off the tennis court. We would also like to say a big heartfelt thank you to our sponsor, Airports Company South Africa, without whose support none of this success would be possible.” Montjane has won three double titles this year, the most recent being the Airports Company South Africa SA Open with playing partner, Marjolien Buis from the Netherlands shortly before the start of the French Open. She also reached the semi-finals of the doubles event at last year’s tournament.

Spelers en gaste saam met sanger, Jakkie Louw. Voor is Shannon Venter. In die middel is Ruzaan Smit, Dan Pienaar, Anne Nortjé, Louw en Anton en Retha Kilian. Agter is Izak Oosthuijzen, Nerika Neethling en Gys Britz.

Ná ‘n lang dag van vier binnenshuise krieketwedstryde het die spelers en ondersteuners van Polokwane Knights Saterdag gesellig saam by die Polokwane Action Sport Arena ontspan waar hulle deur sanger, Jakkie Louw vermaak is. Geld is by dié geleentheid vir die klub se toer in Augustus na Gauteng ingesamel om aan die interprovinsiale toernooi deel te neem. Lelanie van der Merwe, organiseerder van die span nooi belangstellendes wat by die span wil aansluit, om haar by 072 369 0155 te skakel.

Tenders must attend either one of the two compulsory site clarification meetings with a representative of the Employer which will take place as follows: Limpopo: 5 August 2014 at 11:00, Department of Health, 18 College Street, Polokwane. Northern Cape: 7 August 2014 2014 at 11:00, Department of Health, 144 Du Toitspan Road, Kimberley. Electronic documents are available free of charge and hard copies are available at R750.00 each. Requests and queries should be emailed to Ms Tebogo Langa, email: Tebogo.langa@eoh.co.za. The cut-off time and date for the receipt of queries is 11:00 on Wednesday, 27 August 2014. The closing time and date for receipt of tenders is 11:00 on Wednesday, 3 September 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and/or late tenders will not be accepted. The EOH’s selection of qualifying tenders will be at EOH’s sole discretion and will be final. EOH does not bind itself to accept any particular tender. Correspondence will be entered into with the successful tenderer.

Foto’s: Barry Viljoen Sanger Jakkie Louw tree by die geselligheid van die binnenshuise krieketspan op.

Third Washie 100 mile title for local athlete WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com A strong headwind and foot injury put an end to Pietersburg Road Runner ultra-distance athlete, Johan van der Merwe’s chances of finishing the Washie 100 mile race from Port Alfred to East London in less than 13 hours over the weekend. However, Van der Merwe still achieved his goal of winning the race three times in a row when he completed the race in a time of 13 hours and 21 minutes on Saturday. In the history of the race Van der Merwe is only the second participant to accomplish three consecutive wins after the legendary Manie Saayman achieved the same feat in the 1970s. Van der Merwe has however won each Washie 100 he has entered whereas Saayman won the race on five occasions in the seven times that he entered for the event. Van der Merwe described the weekend’s weather conditions as tough as the strong

Local ultra-distance runner Johan van der Merwe crosses the finish line of the Washie 100 mile race in East London early on Saturday morning.

headwind from the recent cold front in the area made breaking the record almost impossible. He was also hampered by a recent foot injury that became extremely painful and swollen over the last 60 km of the race. Despite these setbacks, Van der Merwe completed the first 100 km of the race on course for the new record. Van der Merwe said he is disappointed not to break his record of 13:07, 05 set in 2012, but is determined to win the race again next year and to become the first runner to dip under the 13 hour mark for the event.


Johan van der Merwe from Pietersburg Road Runners lifts the trophy after winning the Washie 100 mile race from Port Alfred to East London for the third time in succession over the weekend. Standing next to him is one of the local sponsors.


The Limpopo u.16B Boys hockey team that participated in the u.16 and u.18 Boys Northern Hockey Tournament are, in front, Dillon Miller and Wian Jacobs. In the middle are Samuel Modiba, Richard Coleman, Neil Myburgh, Ruan Venter (coach), Pierre Roos, Daniel Swarts and Tshediso Kgasho. At the back are Jason Wright, Danté Engelbrecht, Stefan Prinsloo, Chrisjan Rebel, Mike van Zyl and Pele Shingange.

Top schoolboy hockey players visit Polokwane

Limpopo u.16B hockey player Pierre Roos chases his Mpumalanga opponent in Monday’s match.

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com After hosting the South African Country Districts women’s hockey tournament on the Astro hockey field at Hoërskool Pietersburg recently, more hockey action is taking place at the same venue with the u.16 and u.18 Boys Northern Hockey Tournament being held from Monday to yesterday (Wednesday). The teams that will be participating are KwaZulu-Natal Coastals, KwaZulu-Natal Inland, North West, Southern Gauteng, Northerns Blues, Eastern Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North West, Free State and Limpopo. The teams arrived on Sunday and frenetic hockey action will be the order of the day, with some teams playing up to three matches per day. Limpopo has two u.16 teams and one u.18 team participating in the tournament. The u.18 team won their first match 4-2 against Mpumalanga on Monday. The u.16B side lost narrowly 2-3 against KwaZulu-Natal in their morning fixture and 0-3 against Mpumalanga on Monday afternoon. Hockey action continued on Tuesday, with the closing ceremony scheduled to take place yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon.

Black Leopards looking for a Coach >> Coaching is a dynamic field >> We want someone who is equal to the task HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za After parting ways with seasoned Yugoslavian football Coach Kosta Papic who helped them to finish the National First Division (NFD) in the second position, Black Leopards Football Club came in the market for a coach to guide the team in the 2014/2015 season set to begin in August. Black Leopards Spokesperson Barry Ramunenyiwa said they have already shortlisted five coaches from within and outside the county for the position. “We had lot of applications. We are done with the short-listing and

Julie 17, 2014


OBSERVER 39 polokwane

hoping to finalise the process soon. We could have appointed the coach in June but coaching is a dynamic field and we want someone who is equal to the task and experienced hence we could not rush the process,” Rumunenyiwa said. The club hosted trials in Polokwane on Saturday to give aspirant soccer players in the province an opportunity to impress the technical team. “It was an open trial and lots of players turned up to display their talent. We were impressed with what we saw and the technical team will announce the names of successful candidates next week,” Ramunenyiwa said. He also confirmed the departure of NFD leading goal scorer David Zulu who recently joined Chippa United on a three year contract. Leopards will host Golden Arrows Football Club in the opening match of the 2014/2015 NFD season at Giyani Stadium on 2 August.

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Young aspirant farmer a sterling example to others in industry >> Produce sold to JHB Fresh Produce Market >> Self-discipline and hard work key to success WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


aking sure that the growing population in South Africa and Limpopo has an adequate food supply in the future is close to Julius Maela’s heart, and the 21-yearold farmer from the Modimolle area of the Waterberg district was the deserved winner of the Top Producer for National/Export Markets at the Aspirant Young Farmer of the Year Awards on Friday evening. The young farmer from Xantium Farmers Trust that commenced in 2009 only joined the project after matriculating in 2011. After a lack of further study opportunities failed to materialise, the young man took an immediate liking to the farming activities taking place at Xantium that received a portion of the farm Doornfontein near Modimolle as part of the Land and Rural Agrarian Reform

Programme. Now the aspiring young farmer is part of the driving force behind the two hectare open area and 33 hydroponic tunnels that are a key aspect of Xantium’s operations. Maela is not afraid to ask for advice and his mentor is Tom Morris, who owns Doornfontein Farm. He has also learnt a lot from other farmers in the Modimolle area. Green beans, cabbage and butternut are the main crops produced in the two hectares of open area and the farm’s livestock consists of over 50 head of cattle and 89 sheep. Livestock farming is practised on a smaller scale at the farm. Xantium’s hydroponic tunnels produce green peppers, cucumbers, lettuce and cocktail tomatoes throughout the year. The produce is sold mainly to Fruit & Veg in Bela-Bela and Johannesburg Fresh Produce Market. Because Xantium only has one truck that delivers the fresh produce to Johannesburg, Maela would like to use part of the R150 000 prize money received on Friday to acquire another truck for deliveries. Maela wants to increase the number of hydroponic tunnels on the farm from its present 33 to 60 in order to expand their operations and employ

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more people. Lots of hard work and many long hours tending the hydroponic tunnels at Xantium is the key to the beneficiaries of the trust’s success to date and the attributes to winning the award on Friday, Maela explained. “Being actively involved in the day to day running of the farm is the number one priority,” Maela elaborated, and added that it is important to put the funds generated by the sale of produce back into the farm for expansion instead of spending it on yourself. “Lots of self- discipline and teamwork are the other reasons why Xantium Farmers Trust won the award,” he said with pride. One of the future objectives for Xantium is to expand their operations to enter the lucrative European markets with their quality produce. The farm is currently focusing on meeting the Global Good Agricultural Practise (GAP) standards in order to venture into the overseas market. GAP promotes safe, sustainable agriculture practises worldwide and sets voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products which have to be met by South African farmers wishing to export their produce overseas.

The big winner at the Department of Agriculture’s Aspirant Young Farmer of the Year Awards, 21-year-old Julius Maela from Xantium Farmers Trust near Modimolle.

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