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Matric saga
Five face suspension for failing to pay R90 000 in rates
RC Myburgh >> Vir langer as ‘n jaar het hy hom glo as ‘n polisiekaptein voorgedoen, volle toegang tot alle betroubare inligting van die SuidAfrikaanse Polisiediens gehad, met ‘n gemerkte polisievoertuig gery, ‘n dienspistool gehad en gesaghebbend opdragte aan polisielede gegee.
Sy beweerde bedrieglike optrede het eers verlede Woensdag met sy arrestasie tot ‘n einde gekom. Hopelik, want dieselfde man wie se identiteit bekend is, maar nie vermeld kan word voordat hy in die hof verskyn nie, het die volgende dag raaiselagtig uit aanhouding in die Polokwane Polisiestasie se selle ontsnap. Na bl 2
Manager’s matric certificate positively verified >> PAGE 3
Crime in suburbs Three alleged robbers nabbed in Welgelegen >> PAGE 5
Renosters in gevaar
mance Assessment Report that was tabled before Council recently, the Municipal Manager reported that at the end of December 2014, five Councillors were in arrears with payments of rates to an amount of R90 116.00. This amount forms part of an amount of R541 230 427 that was on To page 2
Vrae oor sogenaamde polisiekaptein wat uit selle ontsnap
Februarie 19 - 25, 2015
Councillors owe muni ive Polokwane councillors that are more than three months in arrears on their rates accounts may be removed from office as one of the consequences of their failure to pay their dues. In the Mid-year Budget and Perfor-
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Gewapende mans in plaaslike reservaat verwilder, moontlik informante vir groter sindikate >> BLADSY 7
‘n Rits karakters in kleurvolle uitrustings het Vrydag die kleuters van Noordjieland Preprimêre Skool se keuse vir helde uit storieboeke gekenmerk. Die geleentheid is met groot entoesiasme deur twee jong seerowers , Tsidiso Moloto en Moloko Matabata, begroet.
Lim Blou Bulle
Foto: Elna esterhuysen
Nuwe breiers blaas lewe in span wat moeilike tye beleef het >> BLADSY 37
Polokwane Observer
Februarie 19, 2015
Councillors owe municipality From page 1 31 December 2014 owed to the municipality by consumers and ratepayers for a period in excess of three months. Paragraph 12A of the Code of Conduct for Councillors that is contained in Schedule 1 of the Municipal Systems Act no 32 of 2000 stipulates that “A councillor may not be in arrears to the municipality for rates and service charges for a period longer than 3 months”. Paragraph 14 of the Code further stipulates that a municipal council may, inter alia, request the MEC to
remove a councillor from office that breaches a provision of the Code. The council may also elect to issue a formal warning, reprimand the councillor, request the MEC to suspend the councillor or to fine the councillor. Franco Marx, Democratic Alliance (DA) Ward Councillor, says that the DA will support any action that is taken against defaulting councillors as stipulated in the legislation. “Councillors have to set an example for others and by allowing them to be in default and not taking appropriate action, sends out the wrong message to ratepayers,” Marx said to Polokwane Observer. Despite repeated requests to the municipality to disclose the names of the
councillors, as is done in the case of other defaulters that are mentioned by name in the report, the municipality remains silent and has also not indicated whether there is any intention to take steps against the councillors in terms of the legislation. PHOTO: BARRY VILJOEN
Franco Marx, Democratic Alliance Ward Councillor.
Vrae oor sogenaamde polisie kaptein wat uit selle ontsnap Van bl 1 Polokwane Observer het betroubaar van sy kollegas verneem dat hulle vermoed het dat hy nie ‘n volwaardige polisielid is nie omdat hulle agtergekom het hy sukkel om dossiere te open nadat hy arrestasies gemaak het, maar dat die verdagte deurentyd deur hoë offisiere geprys is vir sy uitstekende werk. Hy het glo nie ‘n magsnommer of aanstellingsdokument nie. Die bedrieër, glo oorspronklik van Moletje, was na bewering betrokke by hoëprofiel moordsake, veral om skuldiges te help vastrek. ‘n Interne ondersoek is glo teen die sogenaamde kaptein vir moontlike voorvalle van bedrog geloods waarna die skokkende ontdekking gemaak is dat hy glad nie ‘n lid van die diens is nie. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Ronel Otto sê die sogenaamde kaptein is verlede Woensdag
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gearresteer en moes Vrydag in die Seshego Landdroshof op aanklag van identiteitsbedrog verskyn, maar het nie opgedaag nie waarna die polisie besef het dat hy vermoedelik ontsnap het. “Ek kan bevestig dat ‘n saak van identiteitsbedrog sowel as ontsnapping uit aanhouding ondersoek word. Die sluier om die ondersoek van die voorval is nog redelik dig gespan as gevolg van die sensitiwiteit daarvan. Alle moontlike leidrade word tans opgevolg om hom op te spoor,” sê Otto. Midde in die verwikkelinge word baie vrae gevra oor hoe hy hom in die polisiemag ingewerk het, wie hom gehelp het, hoe hy ‘n amptelike vuurwapen bekom en vir so lank gewerk het sonder dat hy vasgetrek is, wat hy met polisie-inligting gedoen het, hoe hy ontsnap het en wie hom waarskynlik gehelp het om te ontsnap.
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Muni manager’s matric positively verified RC MYBURGH >>
olokwane Municipal Manager Conny Mametja’s Senior Certificate was positively verified by the National Department of Basic Education last week. The Deputy Director: Certification at the department, Thembinkosi Nene confirmed in writing that Mametja completed her Standard 10 successfully at Marobathota High School in 1987 and that her certificate is authentic and valid. Mametja turned to the Press Ombudsman after a Polokwane Observer article questioned the validity of her Senior Certificate was published on 28 August last year. The investigation into Mamatja’s senior certificate stemmed from concern raised by members of public. Mametja, in an interview with Polokwane Observer provided a Senior Certificate containing neither her identity number nor date of birth. There is also no reference to her matric qualification in her curriculum vitae. Mametja’s complaint to the ombudsman
included that the reporter neglected to verify the facts; the story wrongfully implied that she was dishonest (regarding her matric certificate, the validity of which was questioned) and in this process harmed her dignity and reputation; and further that publication of her identity number put her in danger and infringed her privacy. The Press Ombudsman’s finding, dated 2 October 2014, on whether the publication had any foundation to publish the story it is stated: “I do believe so. After the newspaper had received some enquiries, it started to investigate the matter. As part of this investigation, the reporter obtained a matric certificate from Mametja herself. If everything on this document was in order, there would have been no story in the first place – but it was not, as there was no date of birth or any kind of identification number on it. This is irregular. I have checked with matric certificates obtained in 1969, 1972 and 1999 and all of them reflect either the candidate’s date of birth or his/her ID number.” The Press Ombudsman further stated that he believes the newspaper did enough to
establish the facts prior to publication and that it was justified in publishing the story at the time. “I also believe though that the Polokwane Observer owes the public a thorough investigation, resulting in a story stating all the relevant facts.” The ombudsman’s finding stated that the absence of an identification number or date of birth is irregular. “This does not mean that I believe that the certificate was false because of the absence of these data – all I am saying is that the absence of identity information justified the newspaper to publish the allegations and that it was in the public interest to do so,” the finding stated. The ombudsman dismissed complaints that Polokwane Observer published the article prior to verification and also dismissed complaints of dishonesty and harming Mametja’s reputation and dignity. “After I have dismissed the first two parts of the complaint, I cannot sanction Polokwane Observer on these issues. However, I strongly urge the newspaper to do a follow-up story based on a
Februarie 19, 2015
thorough investigation of the matter,” the finding stated. The ombudsman, however, found that the publication of Mametja’s identification number which is reflected on a part of the Managed Integrity Evaluation (MIE) report was unnecessary and not in the public interest and in breach of Section 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5 of the Press Code. Polokwane Observer would like to apologise to Mametja for publishing her identification number. Visit www. for the full finding.
Municipal Manager Connie Mametja
Motorkapings: Sosiale netwerke ‘n kommer vir polisie RC MYBURGH >> Die stad se inwoners het sedert verlede week gegons oor drie beweerde motorkapings wat glo sedert Donderdag in die stad plaasgevind het en boodskappe wat op sosiale netwerke soos ‘n veldbrand versprei en onnodige paniek gesaai het. Die gerugte blyk onwaar te wees omdat slegs een voorval van ‘n motorkaping verlede Donderdag by die polisie aangemeld is. Die polisie het gewaarsku dat mense nie hulself na sosiale netwerke moet wend om gerugte te versprei nie, maar eerder die polisie onmiddellik moet kontak. “Op baie sosiale netwerke beweer mense dat hulle ooggetuies van ‘n motorkaping was, maar hoekom meld hulle dit nie by die polisie aan nie? Hoekom moet gerugte op sosiale netwerke versprei word as hulle nie bereid is om inligting by die polisie aan te meld nie sodat ons ons werk kan doen?” het provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Ronel Otto gevra en bygevoeg dat die tendens onnodige paniek bevorder. Die voorval
verlede Donderdag toe drie mans in ‘n grys BMW ‘n Toyota Corolla naby Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé gekaap het kon wel deur die polisie bevestig word. “Die polisie het binne ‘n uur die voertuig in Welgelegen opgespoor. Niemand is in die voorval beseer nie,” het Polokwane polisiewoordvoerder, Lesiba Ramoshaba gesê. Hy het ook sy kommer oor gerugte op sosiale netwerke uitgespreek en bevestig dat geen ander voorvalle van sogenaamde motorkapings waarby dieselfde BMW betrokke is, by die
polisie aangemeld is nie. Gerugte lui dat die gryskleurige BMW Maandag en Dinsdag naby Thornhill gewaar is waar die insittendes beide kere ‘n motor gekaap het. Intussen is drie mans in Welgelegen na ‘n gewapende roof gearresteer. Die polisie se kommunikasiehoof, Ntobeng Phala het ‘n dringende beroep op inwoners gedoen wat onlangs slagoffers van rooftogte was om na vore te kom sodat ‘n uitkenningsparade gehou kan word.
Rudi 082 493 7826 Sedert 1993
CRIME shorts 35 Homes in 4 OBSERVER Nobody receive solar home systems NEWS
February 19, 2015
>> One solar panel makes a big difference >> To pay only R38 per month per household BARRY VILJOEN >>
esidents of 35 homes in Nobody New Stands can now enjoy the luxury of solar generated electricity after the Rotary Club of Polokwane in collaboration with the Romerike Climate Group of Norway and Solar Vision (Pty) Ltd donated
Hamermonster weer in hof
and commissioned solar home systems to this rural village. The completed project was the result of ongoing negotiations between Henry Kjell Johansen, Chairman of the Romerike Group and Rotarian Ursula Moodie of the Rotary Club of Polokwane, who was also responsible for the evaluation and quality control during the installation stage of the project. According to Johansen, who is currently visiting the province to inspect the project, one small solar panel and battery can supply a TV, four fluorescent lamps and even a small fan with electricity for four hours. The system’s capacity may obviously be
increased to generate more electricity if needed. Johansen pointed out that new technology LED lamps are to be used because they are much more efficient and have a longer life expectancy. The solar home system comes in a kit that is comprised of a solar panel, a solar deep cycle battery bank, a charge controller to protect the battery from over-charge and over discharge and an appropriate number of fluorescent lamps or tubes. Switches, sockets and connecting cables are also provided. Users are only required to pay a monthly fee of R38 per household for the maintenance of the system.
Brenda Bravo from Norway and Rotarian Ursula Moodie, front, with Randi Brita Johansen, Henry Kjell Johansen and Vegard Hasselberg representing the Romerike Group of Norway, Rob Williamson, President of the Rotary Club of Polokwane and Rotarian Roy Kirkpatrick, at the back.
Die vermeende hamermonster, David Mamvura sou na verwagting Dinsdag weer in die Polokwane Landdroshof verskyn het, maar die polisie kon teen druktyd nie die uitsteldatum bekendmaak nie. Mamvura wat na bewering vir langer as twee jaar inwoners van die stad geteister het en reeds met byna 20 sake van huisbraak en verkragting in die stad verbind kan word, is aan die einde van Augustus in die middestad in hegtenis geneem.
14 suspected rhino poachers arrested
Police in the province have since last week arrested 14 persons suspected of conspiracy to poach rhinos. According to Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto all suspects will appear before various courts in due course. “Last Monday four suspected rhino poachers were arrested on a farm just outside Lephalale after Police and other role players followed their tracks for two days. A suspicious looking vehicle was reported to the Police and the members in blue followed the vehicle’s tracks for several kilometres on the farm. The suspects were soon arrested and Police confiscated an axe, hunting knives, silencer, pliers and screwdrivers,” she said. Four other suspects were arrested on the Timbavati road outside Hoedspruit on Thursday after they were stopped by a security guard. “The security guard at the Eastgate checkpoint requested to search the Volvo of two suspicious men. They had several excuses for the guard not to search the vehicle. When the guard requested reinforcement, Police found two men hiding in the boot and also confiscated a hunting rifle with silencer, ten live rounds of ammunition, hunting knives and an axe,” Otto said. Over the weekend Police arrested six more suspected poachers during separate incidents. At a farm near Gravelotte two men were arrested with the help of a farmer who made his private helicopter available to locate three men sneaking around the premises. One suspect managed to get away. Police confiscated two cell phones and poison. “In the second incident on a farm near Cumberland in Thabazimbi four more suspected rhino poachers were arrested. Police confiscated a hunting rifle, live ammunition, knives and a panga as well as a vehicle,” Otto said. All suspects face charges varying from conspiracy to commit rhino poaching, trespassing and possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition.
Robbery suspect killed, officer shot
An armed robbery suspect was killed during a shootout between alleged armed robbers, Police and security guards on the road between Marble Hall and Groblersdal last Wednesday. Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto reported
that five suspects cornered a delivery truck transporting cigarettes at a stop sign. “Shots were fired at the delivery vehicle and security guards who escorted the truck retaliated. A Police constable from the criminal record centre in Groblersdal passed the scene and followed one suspect who fled into nearby bushes. The Police officer was shot in the stomach and taken to hospital in a serious condition. Security members shot and killed the suspect and injured another,” Otto said. The rest fled the scene in a Ford Ranger bakkie. Investigations continue.
Man dies after armed robbery
Police in Lebowakgomo are investigating a case of murder after a man who was allegedly involved in a business robbery died in hospital. Police Spokesperson Mamphaswa Seabi said the 38-year-old man was brought to the Lebowakgomo Hospital after he had sustained serious head injuries. “It is alleged that the man was involved in a business robbery on Wednesday when the community apprehended and assaulted him. He was taken to hospital but died a day later,” he said. Seabi urged community members not to take the law into their own hands. No arrests were made yet.
One dies after vehicle overturns
One person died after an accident in which a VW Kombi overturned on the R37 between Polokwane and Bugersfort on Monday. According to Police Spokesperson in Lebowakgomo Mamphaswa Seabi the accident occurred at Malemang Village at about 11:30 after the driver lost control and the vehicle overturned. “All passengers were seriously injured and taken to nearby hospitals. One died later and Police are now investigating a case of culpable homicide,” Seabi said.
Five in dock for armed robbery
Five suspects allegedly responsible for the armed robbery of two security guards at a cash and carry shop on the road between Louis Trichardt and Musina were arrested Monday morning when detectives stopped and searched as suspicious looking vehicle.. Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto stated that two security guards were robbed of their cell phones and firearms on Sunday afternoon. “Early Monday morning detectives from the Makhado Police Station saw a suspicious vehicle and surrounded it at a four way stop on the N1. Police found ten cell phones and two firearms,” Otto said. Further investigations revealed that one of the suspects is a member of the South African Police Service, attached to the Protection and Security Services Unit in Pretoria. Investigations to link the suspects to more incidents of crime are continuing. The suspects were due to appear in the Louis Trichardt Magistrate’s Court yesterday (Wednesday).
Ons, Hennie en Lynette van Rensburg bedank hiermee al ons kliënte van die afgelope 54 jaar, vanaf 1961 tot 2015. Ons will ook van die geleentheid gebruik maak om die personeel van Hennies Haarkappers te bedank vir hul getroue diens. Koos Jordaan gaan voortaan by Dorpstraat 76 werksaam wees en nooi al sy bestaande kliënte om hom daar te ondersteun.
Koos Jordaan
Three alleged robbers nabbed in Welgelegen
Februarie 19, 2015
Mayor celebrates Valentine’s, her birthday
>> Robbers might be linked to recent hijacking >> Schoolbag with firearm recovered RC MYBURGH >>
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Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng, whose birthday it was last week, and Municipal Manager Connie Mametja (right) admire a birthday cake presented to the Mayor by the residents and staff of Martha Hofmeyr Old Age Home on Saturday when they visited the home to celebrate Valentine’s Day with the residents. On the left is Nellie Mokoana, one of the residents. PHOTO: BARRY VILJOEN Chatz Connect Groblersdal Chatz Connect Hoedspruit Chatz Connect Jane Furse Chatz Connect Lebowakgomo Chatz Connect Makhado Chatz Connect Mall @ Lebo Chatz Connect Mall of the North Chatz Connect Mokopane Chatz Connect Naboomspruit Chatz Connect Nylstroom Chatz Connect Palaborwa Cell & Sound
Police officials on the scene of an arrest of Friday when three suspected house robbers were arrested. The bag contained a firearm and items suspected to have been stolen from a nearby house.
olokwane Police are in the process of arranging an identity parade in which three suspects arrested in connection with an armed robbery may possibly be identified. The three men who were arrested after an armed robbery last Friday may also be linked to a hijacking incident near Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé the previous day. Police Head of Corporate Communication, Ntobeng Phala said the three men appeared briefly in Polokwane Magistrate’s Court on Monday. Monaifi Bapela, Thomas Matsebe and Sydwell Mohlabeng will remain in custody until their second court appearance next week for formal bail application. Phala said the trio is from Soweto and investigations thus far revealed that the men are alleged wanted suspects in other parts of the country as well. “We urge residents who recently were victims of robbery or break-ins or even attempts of crime to come forward as it may help during the identification parade to possibly link the trio to more cases,” Phala said. Members of the Eduan Park/Welgelegen Community Safety Forum (Edwel) assisted by prompt reaction from members of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and the Police managed to apprehend the men in Welgelegen on Friday after an alleged armed robbery. Phala informed that a 54-year-old domestic worker was confronted by two armed men while busy with her housekeeping chores. “The two men tied her up and demanded the keys to the safe and money when a third alleged robber joined them. The robbers allegedly told the domestic worker that they knew the house belongs to a wealthy businessperson,” Phala said. They allegedly helped themselves to household items which they put into a schoolbag they had with them. The men were apparently interrupted by security guards arriving at the house and then fled by jumping over the walls of neighbouring premises. In the process they were spotted by patrolling members of the NPA who secured the arrest. The schoolbag was recovered and found to contain a firearm as well as items suspected to have been stolen from the house. During the hijacking it is alleged that three men in a grey BMW confronted the driver of a Toyota Corolla on Thursday morning. “A quick response and intense search by various authorities resulted in the location of the vehicle less than an hour later in Welgelegen. The victims were not injured,” Phala said.
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Polokwane Observer
Februarie 19, 2015
February 19, 2015
Polokwane Observer
Renosterstropery op stad se voorstoep
>> Gewapende mans in plaaslike reservaat verwilder >> Verdagtes moontlik informante vir groter sindikate
olokwane Wildreservaat se renosters wat as van die stad se waardevolste bates beskou word, is in gevaar nadat veldwagters Sondagaand glo ‘n onbekende aantal gewapende mans, wat deur die munisipaliteit as vermeende informante vir groter sindikate beskryf word, uit die reservaat verwilder het. Volgens ‘n betroubare bron het die gewapende mans toegang tot die reservaat verkry deur die heining te knip. “Ons sê nie hulle was daarop uit om wild te stroop nie, maar dit kan nie uitgesluit word nie omdat hulle gewapen was,” sê ‘n bron. Dit terwyl daar intussen twee renosters in afsonderlike voorvalle net buite die stad gestroop is. Die eerste voorval was verlede week op ‘n plaas teen die R101. “Dit is nie duidelik of die stropers afgeskrik is nie, want die renoster is wel doodgeskiet, maar nie onthoring nie. Donderdag is ‘n renoster naby Zebediela op ‘n plaas gestroop. Dit is glo nie die eerste een wat op dié spesifieke plaas gestroop word nie,” sê ‘n bron. Polokwane Observer het verneem dat daar glo reeds vergaderings gehou is om die renosters in die reservaat te laat onthoring, maar die munisipaliteit se kommunikasie- en bemarkingsbestuurder Tidimalo Chuene het dit ontken en gesê die munisipaliteit sal eerder die renosters na ‘n veiliger plek verskuif voordat hulle onthoring sal word. Sy sê die munisipaliteit vermoed dat die verdagtes in die reservaat moontlike informante vir groter sindikate is. Tydens die voorval in die reservaat het veld-
wagters die mans agternagesit waarna daar op hulle (veldwagters) losgebrand is. Hulle het van die jaagtog onttrek en die mans het in die rigting van die Lebowakgomopad gevlug waar hulle vermoedelik hul misdaadmissie voortgesit het. Later dieselfde aand is daar by Southgate se tweedehandse winkel ingebreek en geplunder, maar niks is gesteel nie. ‘n Heining op dié perseel is ook geknip. Vandaar is hul waarskynlik na Oryza Brick waar hulle volgens die eienaar, Johan Human die sekuriteitswagte by die hek vasgebind en by die kantore ingebreek het. “Tot dusver kon ons nie agterkom of iets gesteel is nie, maar die kantore is geplunder en hulle het die kluis probeer oopbreek,” sê hy. Human kon nog nie ‘n beraamde skatting van die skade vasstel nie, maar dat Salute Security en die polisie vinnig op die toneel was waaroor hy dankbaar is. Polokwane polisie se kommunikasiehoof, Ntobeng Phala het die inbraakvoorvalle bevestig, maar wou nie bespiegel of die verdagtes wat in die reservaat verjaag is, ook vir die inbrake verantwoordelik is nie. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Ronel Otto sê die polisie mag slegs inligting oor suksesvolle arrestasies van renosterstropery uitgee. “Te veel inligting word verskaf en stropers gebruik dit om plaasname te verkry en nog wild te stroop,” sê sy. ‘n Bron van Limpopo se departement van ekonomiese ontwikkeling, omgewing en toerisme het die stroping op Zebediela bevestig en bygevoeg dat inligting oor renosterstroping nie meer bekendgemaak mag word nie in ‘n poging om ander renosters op dieselfde plase te beskerm.
Another delay in roads project YOLANDE NEL >> The whistles came out to summon the people of Extension 73 and 76 on Monday morning in a bid to stop construction of a portion of a roads project that has seemingly divided the community more than giving them joy over improved infrastructure since its inception last year. This week the community reportedly stopped construction work on the project for about four hours on Monday morning
in revolt against the alleged proposal by a councillor in the area for her acquaintances to be given temporary work on the project. According to South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) Sub-region Chairperson Botha Mphahlele the community came to an agreement with the proportionate representation councillor that residents of Extension 73 and 76 would be given temporary work on the project as opposed to the names appearently chosen from a so-called data base. Comment from Polokwane Municipality is still awaited.
Boshielo case – next court appearance unknown RC MYBURGH >> Hawks Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi has since last week been unable to confirm the next date on which former Education Department Head Benny Boshielo, Anna-Marié Gordan, a senior administration officer at the department and former departmental Bid Adjudicating Committee (BAC) Chairperson, Marinda Malele will appear in court again after the trio appeared in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court on 6 February. They face fraud charges allegedly involving close to R70 million. Former Hawks Spokesperson Paul Ramaloko previously cited that the charges relate to a mobile classroom project dating back to February and March 2010. He said the Department of Education issued a three-month tender for the supply of mobile
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classrooms at different schools across the province but once the period had lapsed Gordan allegedly changed the minutes of the bid committee meeting to turn it into a six-month contract. Boshielo allegedly approved the funds for the extended period. Malele was arrested days after Boshielo and Gordan had made their first appearance in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court in September. Boshielo at the time was granted R5 000 bail and Gordan R1 000. Malele first appeared in court on 10 October on the same charges and was granted bail of R10 000.
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February 19, 2015
Kleuters samel geld in vir Henda Nel >> R18 900 word ingesamel >> ‘Is baie trots op wat ons skool bereik het,’ sê hoof
Henda Nel saam met Glenn Groenewald, voorsitter van Erica Pre-Primêre Skool se beheerliggaam met die tjek wat Vrydag aan haar oorhandig is.
Kleuters en onderwysers van Erica Pre-Primêre Skool in ligte luim saam met Henda Nel. Links: Die drie kleuters wat die meeste geld ingesamel het, Marthinus Korff, Willem Ras en Lumicke Groenewald saam met Henda Nel en Monja Groenewald, hoof van Erica Pre-Primêre Skool.
et groot opgewondenheid het kleuters van Erica Pre-Primêre Skool uit volle bors hulle skoollied gesing en op Henda Nel gewag, toe die kleuterskool Vrydag ‘n tjek aan haar oorhandig het om haar te help met haar mediese uitgawes. Die skool het ‘n borgvormprojek geloods om Henda, ‘n kankerlyer wat dringend ‘n beenmurgoorplanting moet kry, finansieel te ondersteun en ‘n stewige bedrag van R18 690 ingesamel. Glenn Groenewald, voorsitter van Erica Pre-Primêre Skool se beheerliggaam sê hulle wou graag as skool betrokke raak en het met die projek vorendag gekom. Willem Ras het die meeste geld ingesamel met ‘n totaal
van R2 000 gevolg deur Lumicke Groenewald en Marthinus Korff. Die kleuters wat die meeste geld ingesamel het, het elkeen ‘n rooibokkarkas ontvang wat aan die skool geskenk is. Die hoof van Erica Pre-Primêre Skool, Monja Groenewald sê dat die kleuters baie opgewonde was oor die projek en die kans om Henda te ontmoet. “Ek is baie trots op wat ons skool bereik het en dat ons kon meehelp om Henda te help,” sê Groenewald.
Henda Nel by Erica Pre-Primêre Skool Vrydag toe ‘n tjek aan haar oorhandig is, om haar met haar mediese uitgawes te help.
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Heads to roll over roadblock OBSERVER 9 Februarie 19, 2015
one of the authorities who participated in a joined operation roadblock on the R71 Tzaneen road just outside Polokwane on Monday morning want to take responsibility for it. The roadblock caused major delays for commuters to and from the city as well as private and commercial traffic from elsewhere. Learners stuck in the congestion were forced to inform their respective schools that they were delayed and some reportedly only arrived well past 08:00. Employees were forced to apologise and make arrangements for getting to work late. Commuters using public transport were observed disembarking their public transport and making their way to work on foot. The roadblock was conducted by officials of the South African Police Service, the Department of Traffic, Safety, Security and Liaison and the Polokwane Municipality. Kagiso Mootane, Spokesperson of the Department
of Traffic, Safety, Security and Liaison said heads will roll if the department can determine who granted authority for the roadblock. “Once I was informed about the roadblock I immediately made my way to the R71 where I found traffic piled up for several kilometres towards Mankweng. As the roadblock drew the attention of the media, I heard of an official being interviewed on a local radio station but when I asked who talked to the media that person had died a silent death,” Mootane said, adding that even big men with high ranks did not want to take the responsibility for conducting the specific roadblock. She added that the volume of vehicles using the R71 on a Monday morning is too high to set up a roadblock. She said law enforcers only did their job, but unfortunately at the wrong time. “The road was opened soon after my arrival. Motorists can rest assured that it won’t happen again. This issue will also be addressed in the next management meeting. We would like to apologise to all motorists who were discomforted due to the roadblock,” Mootane said.
Malamulele back in crisis after lockdown lifting >> Just as government sighs with relief over Malamulele returning to normal, next school block on fire YOLANDE NEL >> Just as the provincial government breathed a sigh of relief over Malamulele returning to normal after Monday’s lifting of a six-week shutdown, the next school block was on fire in a village in the area in the early hours of yesterday (Wednesday). According to Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto the fire at Nkatini High School at Xigalo Village some 30 km from Malamulele was noticed by members of the Public Order Police yesterday at around 05:00. By then the library and a storeroom at the school were burning, she told Polokwane Observer. The suspicion exists that the latest incident could be attributed to a criminal element at play and gives rise to the fifth investigation into the cause of fire at schools in the area the past few weeks, it was learnt. At the time of going to press Provincial Government Spokesperson Phuti Seloba indicated the provincial government was very disturbed by escalating criminal activities despite harmony and peace having been re-established in the area. According to Seloba the incident would not have impacted on the estimated 300 learners sitting for supplementary exams from yesterday morning onwards. On Tuesday Seloba explained the papers were expected in Malamulele yesterday. He added that the first paper to have been written by learners from the area would have been in Accounting, which was on yesterday’s timetable. He further stressed the destruction of public property would never be acceptable and the rights of school kids should not be further infringed by those who found it relevant to burn schools. In a media statement issued at the time of going to press reference was made to acting Education MEC Jerry Ndou strongly condemning the burning of schools prevalent in and
around Malamulele. Ndou was shocked and dismayed by the news of the burning of the storeroom containing learning and teaching material at the school. “We welcomed the end of the protest and banning of schooling and as the department we are doing all in our power to restore smooth learning and teaching processes. We cannot allow a situation where some people deny our kids learning opportunities. We request the law enforcement to deal with the culprits,” Ndou emphasised. There was also an attempt to burn the principal’s office at PP Hlungwane School in the same area, departmental spokesperson Paena Galane indicated in the media release. On Monday the Office of the Premier issued a media alert on Premier Stan Mathabatha’s reaction on the suspension of the strike action at Malamulele in which reference was made to him hailing it as a positive move. He then congratulated the task team leadership and the community for allowing sense to prevail. “We have always said from the beginning that it was not necessary for a total shutdown of services as it only perpetuate suffering of innocent people,” Mathabatha was quoted saying. The Premier condemned the burning of schools and vandalism of government buildings as barbaric and without sense. He called on the Police to finalise investigations and arrest the perpetrators. “As we have said before, there will be new configurations of municipalities in Limpopo and Malamulele is no exception. The people of Malamulele have made new submissions, and we have also made ours in support, and we are waiting for the Demarcation Board’s decision soon,” said Mathabatha. He called on all to help dispel tribal and ethnic tendencies among their people. “Let us not give ‘apartheid and homeland tendencies’ a chance. Our people have lived in harmony for ages, and anyone found preaching a different gospel should be condemned,” concluded the Premier.
No one wants to take responsibility for a roadblock conducted on the R71 on Monday morning.
Traffic piled up as far as the eye can see with several commuters making their way to work on foot.
February 19, 2015
10 OBSERVER polokwane
Salga’s Finance Week to capacitate municipalities BARRY VILJOEN >>
he South African Local Government Association’s (Salga) 2015 Finance Week will be hosted at Karibu Leisure Resort near Tzaneen on 26 and 27 February with the theme “Consolidating of the 2013/14 Audit outcomes and returning back to the basics”. Salga Limpopo Provincial Executive Officer, Thapelo Matlala explained that the sharing of information and best PHOTO: BARRY VILJOEN
Thapelo Matlala, Provincial Executive Officer of the South African Local Government Association (Salga).
>> Will provide valuable insight regarding the challenges facing local government finances
practices between municipalities is very critical hence the Finance Week concept was initiated by Salga in 2003 and since then the association has continued to contribute to sound financial management within municipalities. “The objective of the Finance Week is to provide Councilors, Municipal Managers, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Audit Executives and Chief Risk Officers with valuable insight regarding the challenges facing local government finances, to provide a platform for municipalities to raise issues and challenges that affects the improvement of municipal financial management and to promote proactive learning and knowledge sharing amongst municipalities,” Matlala said. Key strategic stakeholders in local government, such as the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta), district municipalities and its locals, the National and Provincial Treasury, the Office of the Auditor General Limpopo, the Institute of Municipal Finance Officers (Imfo) and the Accounting Standards Board will be represented and provide input. According to Matlala, the Limpopo Auditor General will be expected to table the audit outcomes for the 2013/14 financial year and
Coghsta will present on the progress made in correcting issues raised in previous audits. The Provincial Treasury will focus on the budget process and the readiness of municipalities for the implementation of the Standard Charts of Accounts (Scoa), while the Accounting Standards Board will deliver a presentation on the new effective accounting standards and also changes in old accounting standards. Some of the key focus areas to be addressed during the Finance Week will be Municipal revenue collection challenges and revenue enhancement strategies, the role of Imfo in addressing municipal financial challenges, the role of the oversight structures in improving municipal financial management and learning and knowledge sharing among municipalities. Salga’s mandate is to represent, promote and protect the interest of local government, to lobby and advocate for member municipalities and to act as a resource for knowledge and information to municipalities. In its role of representing and supporting members, Salga provides a platform for municipalities to raise their issues, exchange views and to share experiences and best practices.
Stad se waterkrisis duur voort BARRY VILJOEN >> Die stad beleef steeds ‘n waterkrisis omdat die vlakke van die meeste reservoirs laag bly en water met tenkers aan laagliggende gebiede voorsien moet word. Volgens Tidimalo Chuene, bestuurder van kommunikasie en bemarking van die munisipaliteit is die watertekort te wyte aan ondervoorsiening vanuit die Ebenezerdam, wat weens beurtkrag nie voldoende hoeveelheid water kon pomp nie. Die Olifantspoortwateraanleg se leweringsvermoë is ook negatief geraak deur beurtkrag. Die Olifantspoortaanleg lewer 123 liter per sekonde, terwyl die Ebenezerdam 268 liter per sekonde lewer.
Sterpark, Florapark, Thornhill en Serala View is die ergste deur die watertekort geraak. Die munisipaliteit het ‘n dringende beroep op verbruikers gedoen om waterverbruik te beperk sodat die reservoirs ‘n geleentheid kan kry om tot aanvaarbare vlakke te herstel. Volgens die munisipaliteit se jongste verslag, was die vlak van die 50 megaliter reservoir Dinsdag 4%, teenoor ‘n week gelede se 9% en die vlak van die 30 megaliter reservoir onveranderd op 7%. Die reservoir in Potgieterlaan se vlak was ook onveranderd op 65%. Die hoofreservoir in Seshego se vlak was 7% teenoor 10% ‘n week gelede. Die reservoir in uitbreiding 34 se vlak was onveranderd op 95%.
No lights at stadium – PSL match moved HERBERT RACHUENE >> Load shedding claimed yet another victim on Saturday when the Premier Soccer League (PSL) match between Polokwane City Football Club and Moroka Swallows had to be moved from the old to the new Peter Mokaba Stadium due to the flood lights at the original venue being out of order. Supporters of both teams said the switch created confusion for supporters who arrived at the old stadium early because nothing was communicated to them about the relocation. “There was no notification. We thought the municipality would inform us in advance because they are the ones in charge of the stadium, but nothing was communicated to
us. Some of us come from far and we only found out two hours before the kick-off and were seriously inconvenienced,” a supporter said. Confirming the relocation of the event, Communications and Marketing Manager at Polokwane Municipality, Tidimalo Chuene said: “Yes, the match on Saturday had to be moved to the new stadium because of load shedding; this is after problems were picked up with the initial venue.” She also confirmed that the flood light are currently working again. “The municipality always puts back-up measures in place to deal with technical challenges such as this one and is satisfied that an alternative venue could be provided when needed,” Chuene said.
February 19, 2015
Polokwane Observer
KFC Polokwane brings joy R80 000 worth of food delivered to 5 DIC’s
hildren and caregivers from the Itumeleng, Thakgalang, Sedibeng, Ramogale and Lerato la Bana drop-in centres in Mankweng welcomed the recent delivery of a consignment of food courtesy of KFC Polokwane through the fast food chain’s Add Hope Campaign. The five facilities are all members of the Come To Gether CBO Consortium that operates nine drop-in centres mostly in the Mankweng area. Among the goods delivered to each centre were dry rations such as samp and maize meal; canned goods, cooking oil, frozen chicken portions and concentrated fruit juice. Each of the centres will store the stock that can with proper planning supply the needs of its children for up to five months. The food was delivered in bulk in order to overcome the lack of suitable transport. The managers of each of the centres were overwhelmed by the donation and expressed their gratitude as the new stock will make their task of feeding the learners in their care a nutritious meal every day a reality. The Add Hope initiative provides funding for beneficiaries from money generated through sales of ‘hope’ in addition to customers’ normal purchases at various KFC outlets countrywide. The funding is worth R80 000 and valid for a year after which beneficiaries may apply again. The Add Hope initiative allocates funding in two sections namely national and franchisee programmes. The national beneficiaries are organisations who operate with a large feeding operation/community structure in South Africa and are managed by the KFC Trust Administrator directly. Franchisee beneficiaries are nominated and chosen by KFC restaurants in the local store community in which they operate. KFC Polokwane has two stores operating in Mankweng and the consortium was identified by them as one of their Add Hope beneficiaries. KFC Polokwane thanked their customers who donated R2 towards making a lasting difference in children’s lives through Add Hope.
Children from Sedibeng Drop-in Centre with KFC staff members.
Children from Ramogale Drop-in Centre with canned food that was part of the donation.
Above: KFC team members at Thakgalang Drop-in Centre on Friday. Left: Pastor Abraham Maila, from Come To Gether CBO Consortium with KFC Polokwane staff Lizette de Klerk, (Financial Manager), Steven Manyama and Abel Tjatji, (Drivers) and Cheray van Blerk (Marketing Manager) photographed on the day of the delivery.
The children at Lerato la Bana Drop-in Centre are elated about the generous donation of food that was delivered to the facility.
The vast amount of food that was delivered to each drop-in centre.
Sheila Thoka, cook from Ramogale Drop-in Centre preparing food for the children from the centre.
Team members from KFC Polokwane and caregivers from Itumeleng Drop-in Centre offload the donated food.
Add R2 to feed a hungry child
KFC Polokwane
Polokwane Observer
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21 February >> The Modern Autohaus 4-in1-Marathon takes place from 06:30 at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium. Registrations at the clubhouse at the stadium on 18 February from 18:00 to 20:00 and on 20 February from 17:00 to 20:00. Entries will also be accepted on 21 February from 04:30. Great prizes to be won. Karen Smith: 082 817 0164. 28 Februarie >> Die NG Kerk Moedergemeente hou vanaf 07:00 basaar by die kerk op die hoek van Grobler- en Biccardstraat. Vleis, eetgoed, gebak, plante, groente, vrugte en ‘n kindertafel sal beskikbaar wees. Heleen Bester/Anne van Staden: 015 291 9140. 28 Februarie en 1 Maart >> Kansa se Shavathon vind by Mall of the North, Savannah Mall, Makro en Builders Warehouse plaas. Inskrywings beloop R50 vir volwassenes en R25 vir kinders onder 12. Sharon Stander: 015 297 1268. 1 March >> Mina’s Neighbourhood Market will be held at Zwakala River Retreat in Magoebaskloof. A variety of stalls will be available and an exclusive craft section is a new addition. There will also be clothing, accessories, bags
Februarie 19, 2015 and beautiful old home décor items and fun farm activities for kids. Denise Tooley: 083 980 8433. 4 Maart >> Wêreldbekende konsert-orrelis en musiekverwerker, Ockie Vermeulen tree om 19:00 by die NG Kerk Moedergemeente op. Die titel van sy produksie is “My obsessie met Christa Steyn.” Opbrengs gaan aan Doornkraal Voortrekkerkommando. Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon. Venita Olivier: 082 928 8785. 6 March >> The Methodist Church Polokwane hosts the Women’s World Day of Prayer at the church at 74 Biccard Street from 18:00. The theme of the event is “Jesus said to them, do you know what I have done for you?” Amanda Dunbar: 083 297 0785. 6 tot 8 Maart >> Die jaarlikse Mighty Men Konferensie word op Snymansdrift buite die stad gehou. Evangelis Angus Buchan tree onder meer op. Volle besonderhede is op die Mighty Men webblad beskikbaar. Hein Snyman: 015 297 6882. 21 Maart >> Die Rotariërklub van Haenertsburg bied van 11:00 tot 15:30 hul jaarlikse Ebenezermyl by die Ebenezerdam aan. Daar word in vyf kategorieë meege-
ding en verdere besonderhede oor inskrywingsgelde ens kan op www. verkry word. Bernard van den Dool: 083 297 2349. >> Die plaaslike Kamerkoor Ensemble Esprit in samewerking met die ATKV bied om 08:00 ‘n werkswinkel vir koorleiers by Hoërskool Pietersburg aan. Sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings is 27 Februarie en beloop R350 per person wat verversings en ‘n ligte middagete insluit. Ans Becker: 082 457 8171. 28 March >> The Mall of the North Marathon is presented in collaboration with Pietersburg Road Runners and is a qualifier for the Comrades Marathon. Athletes can participate in any of four categories, being a marathon of 42,2 km, a half-marathon of 21,1 km and 10 and 5 km fun runs. Entries are open and the first 200 entrants receive a special T-shirt. Great prizes in all categories are up for grabs. Further information may be obtained from the facebook page of Pietersburg Road Runners. Colinda Potgieter: 082 898 8341, Johan van der Merwe: 082 877 3640 or René van der Merwe: 082 300 7620. 30 Maart tot 2 Mei >> Die Euphorbia Christelike Onafhanklike Skool bied die agtste Limpopo Windpompfees op die Euphoria Gholflandgoed buite Mookgophong aan. Verskeie sangers en vermaaklikheidsgroepe soos Mwah, Elvis se Seun, Snotkop, Ampie du Preez, Jak de Priester, Adam, Jakkals en Leeu en Steve Hofmeyr tree op. Annelize van den Berg:082 319 9395.
Celebrating 10 years of discovering greatness in Marula HERBERT RACHUENE >>
he Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet), its partners and other stakeholders are geared to welcome visitors to the 10th Marula Festival set to commence with the annual street parade on 21 February and ending on 28 February when the final of a series of open-air concerts will be held. The festival is characterised by a number of popular events including the Limpopo Marula Festival 4x4 Challenge on 27 and 28 FebruPHOTO: HERBERT RACHUENE
Mike Tauatsoala, Spokesperson for Limpopo Tourism Agency.
ary; a half marathon on the 27th. A career expo, SMME exhibition, youth rugby tournament and a popular golf challenge. One of the highlights is however the staging of three open-air music concerts catering for kwaito, jazz and gospel enthusiasts and featuring an impressive array of local, national and international music talent on 21, 22 and 28 February respectively. When coming to the real reason for the festival, the marula beverage, there will be no shortage either. Spokesperson for Limpopo Tourism Agency, Mike Tauatsoala said 12 000 litres of the beverage will be supplied during the festival. “Over the past years we supplied 8 000 litres of the beverage but due to demand we have decided to increase the volume in order to cater for everyone.” The beverage will be provided by 13 registered Limpopo Mukumbi Cooperatives from various districts. “These are the cooperatives the department is proud of. They are a viable business within the province which took advantage of the vast concentration of marula trees found mostly in the tropical parts of the province. They have been the official supplier of the home brewed morula beverage from 2006. The involvement of these Cooperatives has positive spin-offs for investment in the industry and also employs rural
community members who assist in harvesting and transportation of the morula fruit annually depending on the order from the organisers of the festival,” Tauatsoala said. Exhibitions during the festival will raise awareness on Marula products, cultural and tourism products within the region. “We are going to involve enterprises and cooperatives from the province, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North-West, Namibia, Mozambique, Botswana and Zimbabwe. This will present an opportunity to various Marula bi-product manufactures, emerging tourism products as well as those cultural product owners to exhibit and sell their products during the festival,” Tauatsoala said. Tauatsola also pointed out that they have used R4, 7 million to put the festival together which is little compared to the economic spin-offs that comes with the festival. “As we celebrate the 10th edition of this festival, we are invigorated by the fact that deliberate and purposeful intervention as Government to utilise the festival as a draw card had come to fruition as to date the festival attracts more than 30 000 domestic, regional and international tourists with a contribution of more than R40 million into the local economy of BaPhalaborwa in the hospitality industry and general trade. We have plans to double this contribution in the next five years,”he said.
preferences / voorkeure Gilbert Kganyago, Executive Mayor of Capricorn District Municipality shares his personal favourites with our readers.
FAVOURITE food >> Indigenous vegetables (merogo), milk and fish FAVOURITE holiday destination >> Mapungubwe National Heritage Park FAVOURITE phrase or saying >> “Be loyal to the people and fulfill every task” FAVOURITE sporting code >> Running and cycling
FAVOURITE Artist >> Noria Muelwa Mabasa from Vuwani in Vhembe region FAVOURITE MUSIC genre >> I listen to all genres of music FAVOURITE book >> Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Thomas Piketty)
Gilbert Kganyago
February 19, 2015
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Observer
Februarie 19, 2015
Rose oral in hospitaal saal vir Valentynsdag
Maria Mpiyane en haar kleinkind, Khensani Hlongwane.
ong pasiënte van die pediatriese onkologiesaal van die Polokwane Provinsiale Hospitaal is verlede Dinsdag op ‘n Valentynspartytjie getrakteer waartydens rose aan die kinders, ma’s en verpleegpersoneel uitgedeel is. Geel rose van Marlo Rose wat orals in die saal te sien was het ‘n vrolike Valentynsatmosfeer gewaarborg terwyl ‘n smaaklike middagete deur Olivia’s Place Guest House voorsien is. Ouers het die dag saam met hulle brawe vegters en verteenwoordigers van die Kankervereniging van SuidAfrika (Kansa) terdeë geniet. Bobby Were, Tough Living With Cancer (TLC)-fasiliteerder sê Kansa hou maandeliks vir die jong pasiënte ‘n temapartytjie om hulle hoop te gee
Verteenwoordigers van Kansa, Bobby Were, Sheila Nyalungu en Samuel Maphosa met die pragtige rose.
en vir ‘n kort tydjie van hulle siekte te help vergeet. “Dié partytjies lig die hospitaalatmosfeer en gee die kinders geleentheid om saam met hulle ma’s tyd te spandeer,” sê Were. Lede van die gemeenskap wat betrokke wil raak by die partytjies kan Were by 076 154 2008 skakel.
Oosskool kroon mnr en mej Valentyn BARRY VILJOEN >> Steven van Wyngaardt en Wanél Oberholzer is Vrydag as Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool)
Februarie 19, 2015
se nuwe Mnr en Mej Valentyn gekroon. Kandidate uit elke graad 6-klas het ‘n geleentheid gehad om die beoordelaars met ‘n item te beïndruk. Die graad 7-leerders het die funksie gereël.
Oosskool se Mnr en Mej Valentyn 2015, Steven van Wyngaardt en Wanél Oberholzer. FOTO’S: LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK
Hlamalani Shibambu wys haar liefde tydens die Valentynspartytjie.
Wanga Ramabulana lê weg aan ‘n heerlike middagete.
Programleiers, Lindi Sibosa en Wian Haasbroek maak seker dat die reëlings vlot verloop tydens die kroning van Mnr en Mej Valentyn 2015.
February 19, 2015
Valentine’s Day / Valentynsdag
16 OBSERVER polokwane
Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé
Die drie musketiers, Jorge Vilar, Dewald Dreyer en Lionel Stander reg vir die Valentynsokkie met die tema, Midnight in Paris.
Hoofseun, Hennie du Plessis en Jean-Marie Cawood net voor die sokkie begin.
Curro Heuwelkruin
Pietersburg Laerskool
Naledi Malumane van Heuwelkruin se Kiewiete met ‘n mandjievol lekkergoed.
Bo: Leilah Calaca, Juanté du Plessis, Sonja Pretorius, Carika Beukes, Lize van Ryneveld en Trecia Visser. Links: Die twee hartebrekers van Suidskool, Paul en Dylon Visagie.
Stad in rooi getooi vir Valentynsdag
Goeie vriende deel alles. Andani Rembuluwani en FJ Klopper hou piekniek.
Werk en Wen Pre-primêre Skool
Links: Monica Strauss, hoof van Werk en Wen Pre-primêre Skool wat die skool se vyftiende bestaansjaar op Valentynsdag vier en Peet Bredenkamp, hoof van Pietersburg Laerskool. Regs: Kleuters van Werk en Wen Preprimêre Skool saam met twee onderwysers, Susan van Aswegen (links) en Mariaan Nieuwenhuis.
>> Polokwane het die naweek Valentynsdag gevier. Rooi en wit was oral en in verskeie gedaantes te sien >> Sien meer foto’s op en liefdesbetuigings het hoogty gevier. Hoërskool Pietersburg
Angels Play Pre-School
Capricorn High School
Capricorn High School learners also joined myriads of learners from other schools on Friday in celebrating Valentine’s Day. They came to the school dressed in their casual wear and showered each other with gifts to celebrate the day.
Bo: Megan Wepener, De Wet Doman en Moné van Niekerk is volgens die hippietema uitgevat. Links: Tarryn du Plessis en Ian Nel tydens die Valentynsokkie.
Anointed Trinity Créche
Toddlers of Anointed Trinity Créche with teachers Ntovhedzeni Sebola, Lindiwe Tshokwe, Refiloe Sekgobela, Zanell Mudau, Sylvia Grey and Madelaine Otto, Principal, at the back.
Regs: Kleuters van Angels Play Pre-School uitgevat in hulle Valentyns-uitrustings. Links: Taylor Morgan van Angels Play Pre-School, glimlag saam met haar onderwyser, Jessica de Beer vir ‘n foto.
Laerskool Ivypark Makoma Tjege, Kgali Maphuthuma en Koki Maputla, voor, met leerkragte Anthea Swart, Candace van der Merwe en Minette Zietsman, agter uitgedos vir Valentynsdag.
Makhado 015 516 1554
• nelsPruiT 013 755 6057 • hazyview 013 737 7688
Toni-lee Gallant, Shane Frost and Sukhenia Jones.
Elica Primary School
Des Jones, Manager of Elica Primary School with the winner of the Valentine’s raffle, Patrick Motiba.
Polokwane 015 295 4415
liMPoPo • MokoPane
Ketsi Phaladi and Mphaki Lekgema.
Musina 015 534 0482
• Polokwane • Mankweng • Tzaneen 015 491 5512 • Thohoyandou
015 015 015 015
291 267 307 962
1218 0047 4855 5071
February 19, 2015
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Observer
Februarie 19, 2015
BUSINESS Comment Current crises affect nation’s psyche YOLANDE NEL >> The country is still reeling in the aftermath of occurrences characterising last week’s eventful State of the Nation address in Parliament. But for an instant it surpassed the silent reminders of a constant crime wave, accumulating protest action, irregular electricity outages, water supply interruptions and growing infrastructure demands the average South African gets bombarded with while still having to stay afloat in an ocean of financial burdens. Limpopo has not been exempted from the effects of things going visibly wrong. It doesn’t need much of a genius to identify the pointers signifying that all is not hunkydory with the well-to-do Joneses next door. Malamulele is an exercise the province could not afford, especially now that the national government has yet again allowed it to handle its own administration. Remaining positive despite heightened crime levels was initially difficult, mainly when taking into account what it was like to live in relative safety. Gradually adjusting to the situation brought on by the eternal presence of this negative factor in their lives, the struggle to free themselves from the shackles of an element that infringes on their freedom has imposed itself on South Africans. In a short period of time they have sadly become used to an enslaved lifestyle brought on by fear of criminals necessitating the development of security villages, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), barbed wire, cut glass, slam doors, guns and ammo. Having gotten used to increasing tell-tale signs of other factors that also have the tendency to rock the boat a little, the average citizen is becoming oblivious to things like protest action and industrial strikes that take up space on the evening news. But none of the effects of service delivery delays have been as disconcerting as the monster of the moment, the one that takes on form when it becomes dark. As the supplier fails to meet the demands of the nation, the shedding of load manages to drive any good-natured taxpayer up the walls. South Africa never had as many challenges at once as are currently being experienced. The house is tumbling down and turning a blind eye or simply denying it will not fix the problems to the costly structure. Keeping the lights on has never been this necessary and saying things will be okay is not what anybody wants to hear while Rome is burning. Not everybody is accustomed to toyitoying or instituting law suits, so we could be seen as complacent when dealing with the reality of increasing load shedding, problematic water supply or growing potholes in a dignified way. The lighthearted spirit of an elder expected to allay all fears that the Titanic might be sinking, didn’t auger well with a taxpaying nation as some have already rendered him voiceless ahead of taking to the podium. In their response to his address on Tuesday, President Jacob Zuma’s detractors were harsh in their comments as they dissected the finer details thereof. Despite the President’s fiery nine-point plan to ignite growth and job creation which he shared with his nation, the persistent feeling of a bad omen confirming the writing on the wall doesn’t want to subside. When Premier Stan Mathabatha’s State of the Province address goes down on Tuesday, he would be expected to pull a long-eared rabbit from a black hat in order to bring the people of Limpopo some positive message to cling to.
Business profile>>
February 19, 2015 >> PAGE 19
Ryno Diedericks
Valentynsdans by Bolivia vir goeie doel LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>
olivia Lodge het Valentynsdag Saterdag ekstra spesiaal vir paartjies gemaak deur ‘n dans te hou, boonop vir ‘n goeie doel. Die rooi tapyt met pienk balonne wat gaste begroet het, het ‘n romantiese atmosfeer gewaarborg. Gaste met uitrustings van die verskillende eras is met ‘n drankie verwelkom, waarna hulle die gesellige aand by ‘n fotohoekie op kamera kon vaslê. Musiekvideo’s van die verskillende eras sowel as hedendaagse treffers het gaste en verliefde paartjies met nostalgie vervul, hul voete laat jeuk en hul tot laataand saam laat kuier en dans. ‘n Smaaklike driegangmaaltyd is bedien. Dawie Botes, mede-eienaar van Bolivia Lodge het die aand vir Louise Jansen, ‘n kankeroorlewende wat betrokke is by verskeie liefdadigheidsorganisasies in die stad gereël. “Ek dink een van die grootste probleme wat ons in die wêreld het, is dat te veel mense praat en nie doen nie. Jy het nie geld nodig om ‘n verskil te maak nie. Neem net die eerste stap en wees gehoorsaam aan dit wat die Here in jou hart sit. Hy sal die regte mense op jou
pad stuur soos Dawie Botes vir my gestuur is,” het Jansen aan gaste gesê. Jansen sê sy het nog altyd gevoel sy wil die negatiewe van haar ervaring met borskanker in iets positiefs verander deur ander te help. Sy sê sy het nooit gedink sy sou ‘n oproep van Botes ontvang wat die opbrengs van die kaartjieverkope van Bolivia Lodge se dans aan haar geskenk het vir haar liefdadigheidsprojekte vir kankeroorlewendes nie. Sy bederf hulle onder meer met geskenke en partytjies. Sy het almal opreg bedank wat die aand onvergeetlik help maak het en ook pryse geborg het. Jansen beplan om binnekort ‘n webtuiste vir oorlewendes te begin.
Naume en Daniel Malatjie geniet die aand.
Edward Ueckermann en Margo Steel is as besgeklede paartjie aangewys.
CDM donates recycling bins to schools BARRY VILJOEN >> A donation of recycling bins by Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) on Friday was met with much joy and excitement by the learners of the ten recipient schools, all from within the district. The handing over was done during the Wildlife and Environment Society of SA (Wessa) awards ceremony in Nirvana on Friday. According to Moffat Senyatsi, Media Liaison Officer of CDM, the Leboho, Pokanong, Tihona, Sedimong, Ramahlo, Educare, Maimela, Madjadji, Alldays and Montle Primary Schools are amongst 15 in the province that participate in the eco-schools programme to learn about environmental management and conservation for improved natural resources at their schools. In handing over the bins, Member of the Mayoral Committee for Environmental Management, Puleng Mashangoane said the CDM is grateful for the partnership with Wessa and hoped that the bins will be effective in handling waste at schools for recycling. “We appreciate all 15 schools that took part in the project. This can only mean that
you are committed to our vision and mandate of ensuring the protection and continual enhancement of our environmental assets and natural resources. To all those who did not do well, by just participating in the programme, that involvement makes you a winner and a patriot for environmental preservation. Congratulations to you all,” Mashangoane said. The eco-schools were awarded a sponsorship to attend environmental awareness training for educators and learners in Waterberg district. Moreover, some of the schools were recognised by Wessa for their excellence in the Baswa-le-Meetse and Miss Earth Saville Green Business competitions as well as the Premier’s Excellence Awards. “The eco-schools programme is the largest environmental education programme in the world, managed by the Foundation for Environmental Education. The programme was initiated in South Africa in 2003 with Wessa as the implementing agent, aimed at creating awareness and action around environmental sustainability in schools and their surrounding communities,” Senyatsi informed. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Member of CDM’s Mayoral Committee Puleng Mashangoane hands over recycle bins to eco-schools who performed well.
Business: LimInsure Blouster Why did you choose this profession? >> It came naturally – my mother and father were both in the same industry What puts you ahead in the industry? >> I help and advise clients to rather take out insurance and nothing happens than not being covered when disaster strikes How do you live out your passion for your career? >> I know my products and love to provide clients with the one that suits them best
Dawie Botes, medeeienaar van Bolivia Lodge en Louise Jansen, kankeroorlewende ten bate van wie die aand gehou is.
Polokwane Observer
Februarie 19, 2015
Februarie 19, 2015
Industria - hub of light industry
Industria bied wye verskeidenheid dienste en produkte >> Van motorfietse tot kampeertoerusting >> Spesialisdienste binne bereik BARRY VILJOEN >>
ie Industria ligte nywerheids- en sakegebied wat aan die westekant van die sentrale sakegebied geleë is, bied ‘n wye verskeidenheid dienste en produkte wat by die algemene publiek en besoekers vanuit die omliggende landelike gemeenskappe byval vind. Industria is baie gewild onder nyweraars en sakelui wat goedere en grondstowwe in massa ontvang omdat ‘n hele aantal erwe
van direkte spoorwegsylyne voorsien is. Erwe is groot en besighede kan maklik voldoende parkering vir die gerief van kliënte voorsien. Industria se strate is wyd en voorsiening is gemaak sodat swaarvoertuie besighede maklik kan bereik. Die ligte nywerhede en verwerkingsaanlegte lewer ook direk aan die publiek en fabriekswinkels word goed deur kliënte ondersteun. Fair Deal Wooden Windows en Windovert is bekende name vir boukontrakteurs en die doen-dit-self-man, terwyl Campworld Limpopo Caravan & Outdoor Centre alles bied waarvan die kamp- en buiteleweliefhebber kan droom. Pietersburg Auto Electronics, Supaquick en Clutch, Brake and Service Centre bring spesialisdienste binne bereik van motoriste en
roem hulself op kwaliteit en deskundige dienste waarop staatgemaak kan word. Brenner Mills voorsien in die behoeftes van die stad en omliggende Supa Quick gemeenskappe en Spectrum Utilities en Umlilo Fire is gerespekteerde name onder sakelui van die stad. Uncle Harry’s Bakery is ‘n gewilde stilhouplek vir enigeen wat ‘n lafenis soek en Beyond Bikes se wye verskeidenheid ysterperde trek aandag van verbygangers.
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February 19, 2015
22 OBSERVER Industria - hub of light industry polokwane
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Februarie 19, 2015
Industria - hub of light industry
OBSERVER 23 polokwane
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February 19, 2015
24 OBSERVER polokwane
Seminar for youth from Moletjie
>> The idea was to give the youth a kickstart into 2015 >> ‘I hope to host another bigger seminar soon’ LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >> Mosiah Tau, Miss Limpopo 2015 recently presented a youth seminar in Moletjie with the aim of inspiring and motivating the youth to take charge of their lives. The idea was to give the youth a kick-start with the hope that they would be inspired to start planning and acting on their dreams and future plans. The seminar was co-hosted by Tau and Shane Motala, a businessman and part time radio presenter and representatives from the Department of Health and Social Development, who addressed issues such as family planning, the causes and prevention of HIV/ Aids and the importance of mental health. “The presentation on family planning was quite intense and interesting as the teenagers got to learn more about contraceptives and had lots of questions,” Tau said. Isaac Moselana, a final year law student, secretary of the Limpopo Schools Debating Board and assistant coach of the South African National Junior Debate Team, shared his views about the significance of education with the young audience. Moselana used the phrase ‘education is the key to success’ to impart the message about why one should be educated and how that education can be used to unlock their success. He also spoke on getting prepared for tertiary study, including application and preparation for exam and choosing subject streams for Grade 10 wisely.
Matsetsebale Tleane, a University of Johannesburg graduate in Corporate Communications and a motivational speaker, challenged the attitude of the youth towards their education during his talk with the subject that education is meant to transform us to take our place in society and to make us resources to society rather than a risk to it. Tau thanked every individual and organisation who assisted to make the event possible. These are the Department of Health and Social Development, Polokwane Municipality, Jetline Polokwane, the motivational speakers and her co-host. “It was really great. I also learnt a lot. I hope to host another bigger seminar soon,” she said. Mosiah Tau is working tirelessly to fulfil her role as Miss Limpopo 2015 by making a difference in the lives of those around her.
A moment captured during the recent youth presented by Miss Limpopo 2015, Mosiah Tau with the help of several sponsors and other individuls. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
Forever fighting for freedom Leila Khaled.
eila Khaled has never sensed the freedom of living on the soil she originates from. Since the age of four she has been a refugee. A first-time doting grandmother at the age of 70, she still remains committed to the struggle for a free Palestine, which initially ensured global media coverage of her involvement in two hijackings on board international flights more than four decades ago. At first sight Khaled could pass for anyone’s grandma, dressed in a floral top while resonating the kind of demeanour that makes it easy to relate to her... not for someone with knowledge of operating a hard-core rifle and hand grenades. It is almost 50 years ago since she boarded flight TWA 840 in Rome on 29 August 1969 to have it re-routed to Damascus, forcing the pilot to pass over her hometown of Haifa, while en route to Athens. Almost a year later she got onto an El Al Boeing 707 in Amsterdam with a fellow-comrade with the aim of having it steered to Jordan. But things went wrong for the young combatant of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), who was arrested while her fellow-comrade got killed during the flight. She was released and has never faltered in her commitment towards fighting for a free Palestine. Almost a lifetime later she remains in exile in Jordan. In various forms of literature, including the book Leila Khaled Icon of Palestinian Liberation by Sarah Irving, much had been written about Khaled’s life. Also about the series of operations she underwent to have her face reconstructed by means of plastic surgery. It took seven operations to first get her face deconstructed and then to return to what she originally looked like, all for the cause. In an exclusive interview on Saturday she talked about her commitment as an operative and the continued work as member of the Palestinian National Council (PNC) and PLFP Politburo which she carefully balances with family life. As part of an itinerary of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel in South Africa (BDS SA) she was still heading for a gala dinner in Mbombela that evening and a rally in Soweto on Sunday before wrapping up a speaking tour of nine days. She reflected on her fourth visit to South Africa and a first to Polokwane, where she signed copies of the book and shared a message containing a call for BDS support with an audience the previous evening. “I think it should be recognised that Israel is an apartheid state, so apartheid should end in this world, wherever it is. And this means big support to the struggle of Palestinians.” The conversation took one back into history. It was somewhat difficult to unite the images of a gun-toting young woman who became less demonstrative but more of a vocal diplomat with that of a woman who warms to the
idea of the arrival of a new grandchild. She backdated her narration to when she became involved in politics as a 15-year-old student joining the Arab National Movement, which called for the liberation of Palestine. PFLP was formed in December 1967 and she joined the armed struggle. She held arms until 1982 while in Lebanon, she mentioned. She has always been involved in the struggle, more especially to push the agenda of women’s issues. Her involvement gave her more experience, consciousness and awareness of political issues, not only on the Palestinian level but also on regional and international level. Her commitment to the revolution was also evident from her earlier reconstruction of her facial features to apparently make her less recognisable as young operative. Her pain couldn’t be compared to that of her people and she was happy to do it, she pointed out. Having deceived the plastic surgeon by letting him believe Interpol might arrest her when she wanted to go marry her fiancée, changes were affected during six operations. It was as if she had been involved an accident, she reflected light-heartedly. Later she went through a seventh operation to go back to what she initially looked like, Khaled explained. With the conversation turning to the dates of the respective hijackings she was instrumental in orchestrating, she responded by saying “It was a mission that I believed was correct for us to do because on the ground it achieved its cause.” Her job as Palestinian National Council PNC member and PFLP Politburo member entailed carrying on the programme that called for the right for return, the right for self-determination and establishing an independent state in Palestine, she indicated. Her fight for the liberation of her people would continue, she indicated. If a free Palestine didn’t happen in her lifetime, her children and her granddaughter would enjoy it, she believed. They were paving the way for their people and if it didn’t happen, it didn’t mean that history stopped at that point, Khaled mentioned. She was part of a third generation struggling for a free Palestine, but yet it was their destiny and they accepted the challenge. “We deserve to be a people living in dignity and freedom on our soil and in our homeland.” Never having been able to live in her homeland as a free person, she indicated that being in exile was something inhuman and one felt undignified, although through the struggle they were gaining their dignity and humanity. What they have achieved was only their identity and they were being recognised as a people who had a political cause. She leaves the recipient of a copy of the book with an inscription that reads “From Palestine With Love”. It serves as a startling reminder of the irony that finds its truth in the fact that Leila Khaled has never been able to return to the soil she so yearns for. Even though she lives a mere hour away from her Palestine.
Liefhebbers van Bobby van Jaarsveld-musiek geniet hulself BARRY VILJOEN >> Aanhangers van Bobby van Jaarsveld het Vrydagaand op Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) se terrein saamgetrek om na die gewilde en bekroonde Afrikaanse sanger te luister, gesellig saam te sing en met vriende te kuier tydens sy optrede. Van Jaarsveld het die gehoor nie teleur-
gestel nie en van sy bekende treffers soos Net vir jou en Spieëltjie Spieëltjie het groot byval gevind. Ouer aanhangers het met nostalgie na sy weergawe van Neil Diamond se I am I said geluister. Van Jaarsveld is tans deel van die span wat die gewilde TV-sepie, Villa Rosa vervaardig. André Snyman, ‘n jong Van Jaarsveldbewonderaar dink hy het fantastiese talent en is baie kreatief. FOTO: BARRY VILJOEN
>> See entry form on
‘n Aanhanger, Ronelle du Preez en Bobby van Jaarsveld saam met Michélle van der Westhuizen en Yolandi Cilliers wat die konsert gereël het.
BMW 4-in-1 race this Saturday >> Biggest and oldest race in city >> Athletes qualify for Comrades Marathon and Two Oceans RC MYBURGH >> The streets of Polokwane will on Saturday once again be the setting for one of the largest road races on the annual calendar when BMW Modern Autohaus and Polokwane Athletics Club (PAC) host the seventh BMW Modern Autohaus 4-in-1 Road Race. Last year approximately 1 200 athletes entered the race making it the biggest of its kind in the province. Also the oldest, it serves as qualifying round for the upcoming Comrades and Two Oceans Ultra marathons. Total prize money of R18 000 can be won by participants who will compete over 5, 10 km, 21 and 42 km. Walkers are welcome in all categories except the 42 km. For the little ones a 60 m toddler run/crawl will also be hosted during the day. The school with the most entries as well as the best water point will be each receive R1 000 in prize
money. All races start and finish at the B and C rugby field of the old Peter Mokaba Stadium. The 21 and 42 km races will start at 06:30 with the 5 km and 10 km starting at 06:45. Athletes who have not entered yet can visit the PAC clubhouse at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium tomorrow (Friday) afternoon from 17:00 until 20:00 as well as Saturday morning from 04:30 until five minutes before the start of the race to register. Each athlete who completes the race will receive a medal. The first 250 runners to finish the marathon will each receive a BMW branded cap. Entry fee for the 5 km is R20 and R40, R60 and R80 respectively for the 10 km, 21 km and 42 km races. Athletes older than 70 do not have to pay race fees. Temporary licences will also be sold at R25. Modern Autohaus BMW invited all its clients to participate in the event. For more information on the race contact PAC Chairperson Corrie Calitz on 082 464 1963, Carin Smit on 082 817 0164 or Johan Janse van Vuuren on 083 277 2505. Entry forms are available from Modern Autohaus’s reception or can be downloaded from the Polokwane Athletic Club facebook page.
Februarie 19, 2015
OBSERVER 25 polokwane
Curro Holdings se areabestuurder, André Pollard en Heuwelkruin-uitvoerende hoof, Eben Lingenfelder op Curro Heuwelkruin se astrohokkiebaan verlede week.
Kruinies spog met tweede astrobaan in Limpopo RC MYBURGH >> Die openingswedstryde van Curro Heuwelkruin se astrohokkiebaan kan reeds die eerste naweek in Maart plaasvind omdat die voltooide baan aan die einde van die maand aan die skool oorhandig word. Konstruksie aan dié baan het in September 2014 begin en die speelveld is verlede week reeds uitgerol en geïnstalleer. Eben Lingenfelder, uitvoerende hoof sê die openingswedstryde word tussen oud-Kruinies en huidige spanne beplan en wat vir groot opwinding sal sorg. “Dit is Curro se beleid om skole
met die beste fasiliteite op akademiese- en sportgebied toe te rus en deel van die pakket is ‘n astrobaan,” sê Lingenfelder oor die besluit om die baan te laat bou. Die baan is ‘n sogenaamde “hybrid-baan” wat beteken dat dit aanvanklik as sandbasis gebruik kan word, maar ook later in ‘n waterbasis omskep kan word. “Die plan is om in ‘n volgende stadium van ontwikkeling na water oor te skakel. Benewens spreiligte word daar in die toekoms ook kleedkamers en ‘n pawiljoen opgerig. Die oppervlak is presies dieselfde as die bane waarop die 2014 Hokkie Wêreldkampioenskappe gespeel is,” sê Lingenfelder. Finale koste is nog nie beskikbaar nie omdat Curro Holdings op verskeie kampusse
astrobane bou. “Ons is ook besig om met een van ons borge te onderhandel vir die bou van ‘n oefenbof (driving range) langs die hokkiebaan. Die ontwikkeling sal ‘n sintetiese oefensetperk, sandput en waterhindernis insluit,” sê Lingenfelder. Oor die bou van ‘n tweede astrobaan in Polokwane en in die provinsie sê Lingenfelder: “Hokkie is een van die snelgroeiendste sportsoorte op skoolvlak. Alhoewel die baan primêr vir Heuwelkruin se gebruik opgerig word, sal ander skole en klubs definitief by nog ‘n fasiliteit baat, veral wat voorbereiding vir nasionale toernooie betref. Die laerskool word ook die enigste laerskool in die provinsie met gebruik van hul eie astrobaan.”
Polokwane Observer
Februarie 19, 2015
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February 19, 2015
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Nasorgsentrum se Valentynsdag-bederf deur Bolivia Lodge LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >> Die personeel en inwoners van Polokwane Nasorgsentrum is Vrydag, op die vooraand van Valentynsdag verras toe Bolivia Lodge hul op varsgebakte kolwyntjies trakteer het en graad 7-leerders van Generaal Piet Joubertskool hulle ook met eetgoed en kaartjies bederf het. Die huismoeder van Polokwane Nasorgsentrum, Saartjie du Toit is baie ingenome met die spesiale gebare van liefde en omgee. Inwoners van die sentrum het die verrigtinge terdeë geniet en was baie beïndruk met die kaartjies en eetgoed wat hulle ontvang het. “My leerders het vir ‘n Afrikaans-projek Valentynskaartjies gemaak. Barbara van Heerden,
een van die leerders het toe met die inisiatief gekom om die kaartjies vir iemand te gee,” sê Madelaine Schulenburg, graad 7-onderwyser van Generaal Piet Joubertskool.
Barbara van Heerden van Generaal Piet Joubertskool en haar onderwyser, Madelaine Schulenburg.
Inwoners en dagbesoekers aan Eeufeeshuis het Vrydag groot pret gehad waarna hulle op verversings trakteer is. Verskeie speletjies is gespeel en pryse kon gewen word in die Mnr en Mej Valentynkompetisie, terwyl die besgeklede paartjie ook aangewys is. Charl Bredenkamp en Themba Khoza het
Palm Motors
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Saartjie du Toit, huismoeder van Polokwane Nasorgsentrum en Sonja Randall van Bolivia Lodge met die kolwyntjies wat Bolivia Lodge vir die nasorgsentrum vir Valentynsdag gebak het.
Eeufeeshuis vier Valentynsdag BARRY VILJOEN >>
die stoeledans-speletjie gewen terwyl Estelle Pretorius en Jaco Kritzinger as Mej en Mnr Valentyn gekroon is. Themba Mokwena en Willemiena Lelahane het met die pryse as besgeklede paartjie weggestap. Johnny Graham, fondsinsameling- en bewusmakingsbeampte van die Vereniging van Persone met Gestremdheid (VPG), wat die funksie gereël het, het sy dank teenoor Coca-Cola Fortune vir die skenking van die pryse uitgespreek.
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Pryswenners, Charl Bredenkamp, Themba Khoza, Estelle Pretorius, Jaco Kritzinger, Themba Mokwena en Willemiena Lelahane.
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Property profile>> Agency: Seeff Polokwane What advice do you have for first time buyers? >> Enjoy the exiting time looking for your first home and work with an agent that would assist you throughout the journey To what do you ascribe your success as a property agent? >> I love being there when a client’s needs are met What is the current trend in the local property market? >> A lot of activity in the current market
February 19, 2015 >> PAGE 28
Sannelie Oosthuizen
Seeff Polokwane stal uit by Mall of the North LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >> Seeff wat al meer as 51 jaar in die eiendomsbedryf is, het tydens die Valentynsnaweek by Mall of the North uitgestal. Besoekers aan die Seeff Polokwaneuitstalling kon die spesifikasies van verskeie huise besigtig en met agente bespreek terwyl hulle hul op ‘n persoonlike vlak leer ken het. Die uitstalling is ook vir groter blootstelling gehou met die oog daarop om potensiale kopers te lok. Seef Polokwane-agente is van mening dat hulle uiters suksesvol is om kopers en verkopers bymekaar te pas en dat hulle die beste prys in die kortste tyd vir kliënte kry.
Agente van Seeff Polokwane, Annelise Booysen en Sandy Smith tydens die agentskap se suksesvolle uitstalling by Mall of the North.
CONTaCT: SaN 072 159 5126 1) UPPERTOWN: R4 000 000.00 6x3 Bedroom townhouses, 1x1 Bedroom flat, 1x bachelor flat, communal pool, security fenced. Excellent income potential!! 2) BENDOR TOWNHOUSE: R1 270 000.00 Beautiful 3 bedroom townhouse in excellent area. Open-plan lounge/dining room/kitchen, pantry, double garage, lovely garden, cosy verandah. 3) UPPERTOWN: R710 000.00 Townhouse, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage.
CONTaCT aGGIE: 082 465 8234 1) DALMADA PLOT: R1 300 000.00 4 Bedroom dwelling.
CONTaCT MaTIE: 083 271 5259 1) 4 ha PLOT IVYDALE:R5 500 000.00 On main road, excellent investment potential, 4 bedroom house, 2 bedroom house, workshop and storerooms of ± 1000 m² 2) 8.9ha TWEEFONTEIN PLOT: R5 800 000.00 4 Bedroom house, 3 bathrooms, 3 living areas, granny flat - own kitchen and bathroom. Eight en suite chalets, big hall with kitchen, 2 big timber decks, sleeping hall for 72 guests, swimming pool, lovely garden, electric fence. Can be used for weddings and other functions. 3) WELL DEVELOPED 8.5ha TWEEFONTEIN PLOT: R8 000 000.00 6 Bedroom house, with garages for 10 cars, pool, Nyala camp 400m², shed, 6 x 2 bedroom houses. All within electric fence.
CONTaCT: STEPhEN 082 558 3525
PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha vacant R1 500 000.00 neg 2) ON N1 PRETORIA RD, 8.5 ha 3) KALKFONTEIN: 3 houses, strong water: R2 000 000.00 FARMS: 1) ALLDAYS 1000ha – GAME FARM: R8 000 000.00 2) PIETERSBURG 300 ha - CATTLE/ CROP FARM + loose assets (100 Bonsmara cattle) 2 houses, strong water, pivot: R6 500 000.00 3) BANDELIERKOP – CATTLE/GAME FARM ±950ha: R11 000 000.00 4) ALLDAYS 250ha INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) Prime Location – Fully let Industrial development R8 000 000.00 monthly income ± R80 000.00 pm 2) Industrial Stand - ± 1.5 ha: R4 500 000.00 excl 3) Developed warehouse and office: R4 000 000.00 (SAB area) TO LET: RESIDENTIAL: CONTACT: SAN 072 159 5126 MID-TOWN: Room with bathroom, NO kitchen, Water and electricity included! R2 750.00 BENDOR: R13 750.00 Immediately 4 Bedrooms in a quiet street. CAPRICORN: R12 700.00 Immediately 4 Bedrooms with 1 bedroom flat. LADANNA: TOWNHOUSE: R5 200.00 Immediately 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, carport. 20 KM FROM CITY PTA ROAD: R3 200.00 Immediately 2 Bedrooms, open-plan living area, 1 bathroom and garage WELGELEGEN: R7 000.00 1 March 3 Bedroom townhouse UPPERTOWN: R14 800.00 6 Bedrooms. Beautiful entertainment area. TO LET: INDUSTRIAL: CONTACT: STEPHEN 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 1000 m² + big yard R30 000.00 excl 2) 640 m² SAB area 3) 1800 m² + 500 m² warehouses + 300 m² office Nirvana 4) 8.5ha Plot – vacant – Leeuwkuil: R4 000.00 excl Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) 350m² CBD plus 10 parkings 3) 280m², 220m², 345m² Hampton Court
Our name means a great deal! Pro-Arch Building, Unit 2, Bendor Drive 29, Bendor, Telefax: 015 297 1132 Fax to e-mail: 086 611 0645 -
082 082 303 303 9111 9111
THE PERFECT START! You always wanted your own home, but a townhouse seems to limit your space! You cannot afford to miss this property! 4 Bedrooms, modern kitchen with gas stove and separate scullery, entertainment area and double carport. Private garden. Call to view today!
WELL LOCATED PROPERTY IN BO DORP! Beautiful garden with an entertainment area, swimming pool and Jacuzzi. 3 Bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, double garage and carports. Call me today to view this property.
082 082 303 303 9111 9111
Michelle 082 303 9111
083 083 268 268 5097 5097
082 082 303 303 9111 9111
R1 300 000
082 082 953 953 1686 1686
Lovely, modern family home in Security Estate. 5 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, double garage, study and open-plan kitchen. Call me today to view this property!
R2 600 000
Erika 082 953 1686
082 082 303 303 9111 9111
R1 800 000
Cornel 082 396 7178
082 082 396 396 7178 7178
082 082 804 804 4156 4156
Marlene 082 804 4156
ULTRA MODERN! Superb Townhouse in Bendor. Consists of 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a family kitchen. 1 Lockup garage. Excellent buy, call me today!
R845 000 PRIME PROPERTY IN BROADLANDS ESTATE Beautiful family home offers 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, kitchen, pantry, laundry and cold room. Borehole and 6 x 5 000 litre tanks for the garden as well as a pond. Carports to accommodate 7 cars. This is a must see. Call me today to view this superb property.
R5 500 000 Family home with wellplanned layout. Lovely open-plan living areas, modern kitchen with scullery. Three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Patio and entertainment room with built-in braai. There is an office which can also be used as a flat. Pool, double garage and electric fence.
R1 600 000 Neat lock-up-and-go unit on Sole Mandate! Perfect start for young executives or ideal for investment purposes. Openplan living areas, kitchen with ample cupboard space and granite tops. 2 Bedrooms, modern bathroom, patio and a private garden. Garage and parking in front of the unit. This unit is ready to sell.
R885 000
Marianna 083 268 5097
February 19, 2015
Polokwane Observer
Mr and Miss Pemps HERBERT RACHUENE >>
Pemps Grade R Principal, Karen Adlem, with newly crowned Mr and Ms Mini Pemps, Lesego Phatudi and Carla Antonio.
ANTON 082 443 6039
15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: Website:
ROSEMARY 082 804 9725
Tel: 015 295 3134
Lesego Phatudi and Carla Antonio were crowned Mini Mr and Ms Pietersburg Pemps (Pietersburg English Medium Primary School) during the Grade R class’ Valentine’s Day celebrations on Friday. Pemps Grade R Principal, Karen Adlem congratulated the winners and said everyone is proud of the winners and of the outstanding effort by the participants. She stated that 64 learners competed for the two titles and the judges had a hard time choosing the winners. “They showed great personality and immense talent on stage and that is what we were looking for. The other thing is that through this kind of competition we want to instil self confidence and self esteem into our learners at an early age so that we can produce more Miss Universe and Miss South Africa winners from the school,” Adlem said. She also mentioned that the event went well as planned and the learners enjoyed the Valentine’s Day celebrations. “This is our second event since the establishment of the school. We successfully held one last year and hope to do so again in future,” she concluded.
Views on national / provincial / local issues
LE ATE O S ND MA ON SHOW FROM 16:00 TO 18:00 NIRVANA • R1 075 000 DON’T MISS OUT. REF NO:91344188878 Neat as a pin home. Situated in a quiet area. Close to mosque and s c h o o l s . D o n ’ t d e l a y. C a l l t o d a y !
Mpho Maswanganyi: “It is totally unacceptable. That kind of behaviour does not augur well for the country because the whole world was watching.”
GRETHA • 082 802 1874
BENDOR • R1 210 000
FLORA PARK • R1 350 000
BRIGHT AND NEAT. REF NO: 91344188871 Townhouse situated in a popular area. Neatly revamped kitchen with open- plan dining and lounge flowing onto a patio. Great size of garden with an opportunity to expand. Low maintenance. Worth viewing. 0 1 Carports 1 3 2 GRETHA • 082 802 1874
OLD FLORA PARK CHARM. REF NO: 91344188260 Spacious home - just the place to settle your family. Well positioned, private and secure. Just around the corner from shopping centres and schools. It also offers a borehole with a lovely garden. For more information phone today. 0 LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632 2 Carports 0 4 2
BENDOR • R1 300 000
FLORA PARK • R910 000
BODORP • R1 410 000
WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT. REF NO: 91344188536 Large house with space to extend the other rooms. Newly tiled in the kitchen. Huge living area. New garage to be completed.
A FANTASTIC FAMILY PROPERTY. REF NO: 91344188722 Marvellous home in Bendor. Walls right round with lockable gate and electric fence. Burglar bars. Prop erty has a fireplace, braai, Wendy house and a stoep. Close to Cycad shopping centre and other amenities. 0 1 Carports 0 3 2 JACOB • 082 466 8366
GREAT OPPORTUNITY! REF NO: 91344188503 Buy this 2 bedroom house and turn it into a mansion. Approved plans for this double-storey home. Stand size 800 m². Totally walled. Situated near mall and all major schools. Call today to view. 0 1 Carports 0 2 1 INA • 079 597 8636
WELL LOCATED. REF NO: 91344188587 Family home with spacious living areas, fireplace, safari room, bar and an indoor garden. Well located in CBD area. This home has a very warm feeling when you walk in. RINA • 082 929 9171 0 2 Carports 0 4 2
3 1
JAMES • 072 236 7310
NT E G E UR SAL Solly Malatjie: “I don’t think it was the right time to disrupt the President‘s State of the Nation Address.”
SESHEGO • R490 000
POLOKWANE • R3 760 000
IVY PARK • R820 000
LOOK NO FURTHER. REF NO: 91344186573 A gorgeous family home with spacious bedrooms - bathroom and lounge. Newly revamped kitchen. Low maintenance with face brick. Close to high schools and surgery. Don’t delay.
INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX BUILT TO PERFECTION. REF NO: 91344181049 Upmarket double-storey offices (285m²) warehouse/workshop (323m²). Stand 1203m². Plus 3 carports. Good quality finishes, air-conditioning, surveillance cameras, electric fence, alarm system, controlled access, balcony, brick walled and chromadek roof. Reception area, boardrooms 5 offices, storerooms, kitchen and 3 bathrooms. Don’t delay please call Sias to view this property.
SPACIOUS AND NEAT. REF NO: CALL FOR INFORMATION Kids can walk to school. Walking distance to town. The whole stand is electrified. The house is situated in a very quiet area. Huge stand. Call today to view.
STAND OF YOUR DREAMS! REF NO: 91344187465 This opportunity comes only once. Secure this stand and build your own beautiful home. Situated close to transport routes. Please call me for this opportunity.
JACOB • 082 466 8366
SIAS • 082 372 7265
3 1
2 Carports 0
Bianca Oelofse: “Dit is onaanvaarbaar dat die sein geblok was aangesien die publiek die reg het om ingelig te word oor wat aangaan in die parlement.”
3 2
President Jacob Zuma’s delayed delivery of his State of the Nation speech last Thursday was preceded by the forceful removal of EFF members from the chamber. Polokwane Observer asked residents for their comment on the incident. President Jacob Zuma se staatsrede is verlede week ontwrig en EFF-lede hardhandig verwyder. Ons het ons lesers om hul kommentaar oor die gebeure genader.
IVY DALE • R5 467 000 3 HOUSES – FOR THE DEVELOPER. REF NO: 91344188801 I d e a l p r o p e r t y t o d e v e l o p f u r t h e r. R e t a i n e x i s t ing 3 houses and develop the rest of the land. Close to existing development. Call now for appointment. 0 LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632 2 Carports 0 2 1
Marlene Mackenzie: “Dit is belangrik om te alle tye professioneel en binne die etiket-raamwerk van die parlement op te tree. Mense behoort hul beurt af te wag voordat hulle ‘n opinie lug.”
3 1
JAMES • 072 236 7310
R 5 000
R5 500
R 3 900
R 5 300
R4 500
Woodhill - 91344187628
R430 000
Gretha - 082 802 1874
Northview - 91344187469
R495 000
James - 072 236 7310
Nirvana - 91344187036
R430 000
Jacob - 082 466 8366
Lebowakgomo - 91344188712
R 120 000
Jacob - 082 466 8366
Woodlands - 91344164976
R 645 000
Sias - 082 372 7265
We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants! ELMARIE - 082 977 7020
Diamond Arrow Award 1st Overall
HANTI 084 549 5928
JAMES 072 236 7310
LOUWRENS 082 958 6632
PETER 073 219 4538
GRETHA 082 802 1874
PETER • 073 219 4538
SIAS 082 372 7265
VICTOR 073 066 6805
ELMARIE 082 977 7020
JACOB 082 466 8366
R13 000
R7 700
R6 000
R8 100
R11 900
R 4 950
INA 079 597 8636
SIMON 082 476 8916
KOWIE 082 854 0452
RINA 082 929 9171
CDM partners with Wessa on school environmental education NEWS
February 19, 2015
30 OBSERVER polokwane
>> Project involved 15 schools >> Largest environmental education programme in the world
Theo van Rooyen, Head of Environmental Management at CDM, Judy van Schalkwyk, Provincial Ecoschools Coordinator, Gail Osborn, Eco-schools Coordinator, Ilzé Saunders, Miss Earth 2014 and Puleng Mashangoane, CDM Member of Executive Committee, pictured at the Wessa Awareness Day.
Mary Choshane, Educator at MC Langa Secondary School, Ilzé Saunders, Miss Earth SA 2014 and Tebogo Mashishi, Educator at MC Langa Secondary School at the Awards Ceremony. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
apricorn District Municipality (CDM) has once again partnered with Wildlife and Environment Society of SA (Wessa) to take environmental education to schools and award them for the work they do in environmental management and learning in schools and in the community. Moffat Senyatsi, Media Liaison Officer of CDM, stated in a media release that the project, dubbed the eco-schools programme, involves 15 schools drawn from across the district that participate in the programme for improved environmental education practice and management of natural resources. The Eco-schools Programme is the largest environmental education programme in the world, managed by the Foundation for Environmental Education. The programme was initiated in South Africa in 2003 with Wessa as the implementing agent, aimed at creating awareness and action around environmental sustainability in schools and their surrounding communities. Schools registered on the programme to complete projects with healthy living, resource use, community and heritage, nature and biodiversity and local and global issues. “We are grateful as CDM, of the green partnership we enjoy with Wessa in this learning programme that encourages learners to take an active role in how their schools can be managed for the benefit of the environment. We continue adopting the approach of environmental education as one of the key ways to ensure increased knowledge and awareness of the environment among schools across the district to influence their actions where the environment is concerned. We therefore commend all schools for their endeavour in taking the initiative to promote the culture of environmental excellence and respect for our nature. It is for that course that we feel proud as CDM to celebrate cleanliness and commitment to clean and green environment,” CDM Executive Mayor Gilbert Kganyago, is quoted to have said. CDM has also sponsored recycling bins as well as a four-day environmental awareness course for 120 learners at the Lapalala Wilderness School. To spread recognition to participating schools, an awards ceremony took place last Friday at Nirvana Hall. Educators and learners from all participating schools attended and received awards for their role and commitment to this programme. The aim is to extend environmental learning into the curriculum of learners and develop responsible attitudes and commitment at home and in the wider community, thus promoting sustainable living.
Trouklokke lui vir Steinberg-egpaar FOTO: VERSKAF
Chris en Nadine Steinberg (née De Beer) is die Desembervakansie in die huwelik bevestig en woon in Polokwane.
February 19, 2015
Polokwane Observer
Aretha-inwoners se hare versorg ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >> ‘n Plaaslike haarkapper, Tienkie Boshoff en Michelle de Beer van ‘n salon in die stad het op Marina Fourie van Hulp In Elke Behoefte (Hieb) se versoek ingewillig om die vroulike inwoners van Aretha Bedieningstehuis in Burgerstraat se hare gratis te knip en te versorg. Die inwoners het die bederf terdeë geniet en is baie dankbaar omdat die meeste nie meer dié luuksheid kan bekostig nie. Boshoff daag die ander haarsalonne in die stad uit om op soortgelyke wyse mense in nood te bedien en daardeur hul menswaardigheid te help teruggee.
Yolandi van der Merwe lyk soos ‘n splinternuwe sikspens nadat Tienkie Boshoff haar hare gesny en stileer het.
Get it done right the first time and build you dream home. Building packages available any size anywhere in Polokwane and surrounding areas. We also have stands available. Please call us now
Betty Stanley Best is in haar skik met haar nuwe kapsel.
URCSA’s first Christian Men’s Ministry Conference in Polokwane
Christo van Heerden 082 375 7434 MAHLASEDI PARK
R450 000
R1 260 000
R1 312 000
BARRY VILJOEN >> Capricorn High School will be the venue for the first Christian Men’s Ministry of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (Urcsa) since its establishment in April 2014. According to Simon Mokoatedi, Deputy Chairperson of the Polokwane City Congregation, the conference is organised by the congregation and will be held on Saturday 28 February. The congregation is only in its first year of existence and already boasts different ministries such as the women, youth and men’s ministries. One of the major highlights for the day will be the official launch of the Christian Men’s Ministry (CMM) by the URCSA Polokwane Presbytery The conference with the theme “Forget not the good things He has done unto you”/O se lebale tse dibotse tseo a go diretsego tsona” is aimed at giving thanks and praise to the Almighty God for the power and courage He has given to all members to embark on this journey of praising the Lord. The CMM will also be recognising with gratitude the many positive things that have been accomplished thus far both as the Ministry and the congregation of Polokwane City. National Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi is expected to deliver a keynote address where he will interact with the men on health issues. Premier Stan Mathabatha and Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng will also have an opportunity to address the conference expected to be attended by approximately 500 delegates. Invitations to the event have been extended to more than 50 congregations in Mpumalanga, Gauteng and in Limpopo province. “The conference has been divided into three sections; the first being the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday evening, 27 February and will be followed by the official launch ceremony of the CMM and fundraising on Saturday, 28 February starting at 10:00. The last part of the conference will be a prayer and revival session open to all members and delegates. Members of the CMM from various congregations of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa, male structures from other denominations and leaders of various churches are welcome to attend this all important day of prayer and thanksgiving in the City of Polokwane,” Mokoatedi concluded in a media release. Mokoatedi may be contacted on 082 412 8091.
Bedrooms 2 Bathroom 1 Seeff Web: 343964
(O) 015 297 1140 HOSEA MOLEKOA 072 485 5155
R2 844 000
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 335853
(O) 015 297 1140 KGOMOTSO MOKOATEDI 083 264 7038
R3 450 000
THIS OLD BEAUTIFUL HOUSE IS A GEM IN THIS AREA THE “SANDTON” ESTATE IN POLOKWANE! Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 340456 Seeff Web: 310358 (O) 015 297 1140 KWENA RAMMUTLA 076 090 9530
R940 000
R984 000
(O) 015 297 1140 LOUISE OOSTHUIZEN 071 609 6256
R3 300 000
Bedrooms 4 Bathroom 1 Seeff Web: 338619
(O) 015 297 1140 ANNELISE BOOYSEN 079 490 9569
R2 500 000
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 337883
(O) 015 297 1140 MARIETTE PRETORIUS 082 200 5227
R1 366 000
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Seeff Web: 340889
(O) 015 297 1140 SANDY SMITH 083 268 7436
R780 000
Bedrooms 4 Bathroom 1 Seeff Web: 339890
Garage 1
(O) 015 297 1140 SANNELIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 493 7824
R930 000
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 343960
(O) 015 297 1140 SINDILE MLAUZI 076 062 9454
Bedrooms 2 Bathroom 1 Seeff Web: 343878
(O) 015 297 1140 SUNET SCHEEPERS 083 941 7357
Do You Want to Buy or Sell Residential / Commercial Property? Call One of our Professional Sales Consultants
015 297 1140
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 337320
(O) 015 297 1140 MANIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 809 3850
Polokwane Observer
Mayor celebrates with Martha Hofmeyr residents
Claudia 082 454 0546
Februarie 19, 2015
I’m back in the property business. All my existing clients are welcome to contact me for any property requirements.
olokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng on Saturday afternoon surprised residents of Martha Hofmeyr Home for the Aged with a Valentine’s Day cake. The residents in turn presented Nkadimeng with a cake in celebration of her birthday earlier last week. Polokwane Municipality also donated an electric generator, a gas stove and a gas cylinder to the facility. Marina Hattingh, Matron of the home said the donation was useful and highly appreciated and will be well utilised when the home is affected by Eskom’s load shedding schedule. Nkadimeng was accompanied by Municipal Manager Connie Mametja, Member of the Mayoral Committee Mariri Ralefatane and Chairperson of the Municipal Performance Audit Committee (MPAC) Steve Mogale.
TEL: 015 295 4537/8 | 071 670 6643 | Fax: 015 291 1166 7a HaNS VaN RENSBURG STREET TO LET HOSPITAALPARK R2 700 – 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met badkamer, sitkamer en kombuis. Parkering in erf. Dadelik beskikbaar. R2 700 – R3 025 – 1 Bedroom flat with bathroom, lounge and kitchen. R3 600 – Netjies! 1 Slaapkamer met badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis, stoorkamer en afdak. Koopkrag. Dadelik beskikbaar. WALKING DISTANCE FROM CBD R2 760 – Bachelor flat with kitchen and bathroom. Available 1 March. R3 180 – 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Available immediately. R3 415 – 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Water included. R3 530 – 2 bedrooms, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Water included. SUNSET BOULEVARD Goeie sekuriteit! R11 500 – Huis – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, TV-kamer, kombuis, 2 motorhuise, afdak vir 3 voertuie, ingeboude braai en lapa. Beskikbaar 1 Maart. 3 Slaapkamer meenthuise beskikbaar vanaf R5 570 tot R6 400 per maand. Magazyn- en Ooststrate en Ladanna. MOENIE MISLOOP NIE! 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE R4 000 – Hoogstraat – 2 Slaapkamers, badkamer, sit/eetkamer, kombuis, waskamer en afdak. Koopwater en –krag. Geen diere. R4 085 – Ruim 2 Slaapkamer meenthuis op 1ste vloer, badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis en afdak. Koopkrag. Geen diere.
From R3 850 to R4 250 - Ladanna – 2 Bedrooms with 1 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen and carport, prepaid electricity. Safe complex! R4 280 – Dorp St– 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Prepaid electricity. R4 700 – Town – 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen, scullery and carport. Water included, don’t miss out. HUISE / HOUSES R5 750 to R9 500 – 3 Bedroom houses available in Marshall -, Oost - and Compensatie streets and Eduan Park. PHONE TODAY TO VIEW! R11 900 – Capricorn – 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, 3 motorhuise, swembad, borrelbad, lapa en Wendy huis PLUS 1 slaapkamer woonstel met badkamer, sitkamer en kombuis. Ingerigte speel areas vir kinders. R13 550 – Fauna Park – 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, diningroom, kitchen, laundry, swimming pool, lapa + 1 bedroom flat with bathroom, lounge and kitchen.
Marina Hattingh, Matron of Martha Hofmeyr Home for the Aged, Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng and Municipal Manager Connie Mametja. Right: Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng shares a light moment with resident Nellie Mokoana during her visit on Saturday. Left: Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng cuts the Valentine’s cake. With her is Municipal Manager Connie Mametja, at the back, and Martha Hofmeyr Home for the Aged resident Hettie Haggard.
PLOTTE Vanaf R3 250 – R4 200 per maand. 2 en 3 Slaapkamer eenhede beskikbaar op plot naby Sun Meropa. Koopkrag, water ingesluit. Diere welkom.
Various office space available, sizes from 87m² to 598m².
A selection of properties for sale. Phone Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162
Ngwana Baby House grateful for Rotary donation
Call: 015 295 8527 or email us: BENDOR
R1 698 000
R1 215 000
R1 120 000
Sandra Jansen van Rensburg, Housemother at Ngwana Baby House, Avril Mueller, Secretary and Incoming President of Rotary Club of Polokwane, Amanda Koekemoer, Project Manager at Ngwana Baby House and Rob Williamson, President of Rotary Club of Polokwane with the handsome donation. Tel: 015 2988229 Fax: 015 2988229 Email:
LARGE FAMILY HOME IN BENDOR IN A GREAT LOCATION. Well built large 4 bedroom house in a very good area of old Bendor in a quiet street with 3 full bathrooms, study, large kitchen, 2 lounges and diningroom. Swimming pool. double garage. Perfect for the extended family.
Beautiful clean 160m² Townhouse with a stunning garden. Quiet area and very secure. 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, lock-up garage plus carport. Laundry and kitchen for the busy housewife. Act today, tomorrow will be too late.
EXCELLENT BUY! In a neat garden with a pool and borehole you get a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with a 2 bedroom flat. Also a study and covered patio with a braai.
ILSE 083 654 9070
CECILE 082 443 3363
JULIE 082 774 4183
The Rotary Club of Polokwane on Friday delivered a donation consisting of disposable nappies, formula food and milk at Ngwana Baby House. President of the Rotary Club of Polokwane, Rob Williamson, said that the items donated were purchased at a generous discount from Riaan Piek of Platinum Spar. Amanda Koekemoer, Project Manager at Ngwana Baby House expressed their gratitude for the continued support of the Rotarians, the business community and residents of the city and said that donations of this kind sustain the operations of Ngwana House.
R420 000
R8 900PM STER PARK: R1 390 000 Come look at the view of this 1 400m² stand.
BENDOR GABLES: R995 000 Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. 1 Garage.
RENTAL SOLE MANDATE TOWNHOUSE NOT TO MISS. There are malls,schools,and transport facilities at your doorstep. Be the early bird to catch this worm today. You snooze you lose. Call me now.
This vacant stand is situated close to Mall of the North. The estate is established and well secured.
AUBREY 073 904 7859
ShARoN 084 903 5326
Spacious family house for rent in Fauna Park. 3 bedroom with 2 bathrooms. Family room, dining room and lounge. Kitchen has a walk-in pantry and separate scullery. There is also a Wendy house in the garden. The double garage is spacious with enough storage space. A must to see.
AUdREY 072 632 7117
For the investor. A free standing 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. No garage. Carport.
1 100m² Corner office premises. Consists of 8 offices, a boardroom, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, 2 garages and ample parking.
STER PARK: R1 830 000
NIcolIeN 071 672 4612
JulIe shAroN BreNdA AuBrey cecIle solly Ilse 082 774 4183 084 903 5326 082 696 9227 073 904 7859 082 443 3363 082 702 5074 083 654 9070
Audrey 072 632 7117
Move-in-ready. A 4 bedr, 2 bathr home with a built-in braai and a bar in the open-plan lounge area. Lovely, new kitchen, pool, lapa, outside rooms, lots of parking and CCTV monitoring. Easy access.
P.O. Box 961 Fauna Park 0787
Principal (Sole Proprietor) Mirna Lourens Fidelity Fund Certificate: 2014240882
Old FlOra Park r1 550 000 - NEaT!! NEaT!! NEaT!! 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Living room. Dining room. BEAUTIFUL kitchen, scullery. Bar Entertainment area, Pool, Lapa, Double garage, Double carport, Borehole, Pump system, JoJo tank. PENiNa Park TOwNhOusE r550 000 2 Bedrooms, Open-plan Kitchen – Lounge, Modern cupboards, Laundry, Small back yard, Lock-up garage. BOdOrP TOwNhOusE - r535 000 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom, Kitchen Dining room – Lounge, Lock-up garage. PhONE: MirNa 079 5110505 / COlETTE 082 564 8068
Feb 19 - 25, 2015
STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________
EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________
CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ C&F PLUMBING For the best plumbing solutions and affordable prices. Contact Chris 079 267 7737 ___________________
ARGILLA POTTERY Join as an agent and enjoy financial freedom. Call Teresa Bester 082 554 5627 ____________________
LANDRAS DUROK VARKE 30 Klein/groot. Ruil of te koop R30 000. Skakel 079 618 0900 ____________________ BRAAIHOUT TE KOOP Ons lewer af of beskikbaar by Rabéstraat 37B. Skakel Gert 082 662 7731 ____________________ 1971 KOMBI BAKKIE Good mechanical order. Body needs attention. Licensed & on the road. R25 000 onco. Phone Anton 082 443 6039 ____________________
BUSINESS PREMISES AT PRIME SITE TO LET 1 000m² - R30 000. Excl VAT. Available 01/04/2015 Contact Ben 082 806 6554 or Johan 015 297 3557 ____________________
LET FLATS 21 TO & T/HOUSES TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ LEEUWKUIL ESTATE BACHELOR unit in safe tranquil surroundings. 7km from town. R2 200 per month. Contact 072 219 5613 ____________________ BACHELOR WOONSTEL OP PLOT 4km van SAB op LTT pad. R2 600 W&L ingesluit. Enkel persoon. Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ TWEEFONTEIN 2 Slp met 2 badk, sitk, komb, stoep met braai. Motorafdak & waskamer. Eie tuin & ingang, elek omhein met remote hek. Honde welkom. R4 000 + Dep. Koopkrag/-water. Skakel 071 547 9698 ____________________ 2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL TE HUUR W&L ingesluit. R3 500 p.m. + dep. Skakel 083 995 8965 ____________________
HOUSES CAPRICORN – R7 350 3 Bedr, 1 Bathr, 1 garage. NEW FLORA PARK – R7 800 3 bedr, 1 Bathr, 2 Garages. FLORA PARK – R6 120 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, kitchen, 2 Living areas, 1 garage. FAUNA PARK – R8 900 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, 2 garages. CAPRICORN – R12 000 4 Bedr, 2 Bathr, kitchen, dining/ lounge, 3 garages and one bedroom flat. Lapa, swimming pool & jacuzi. TOWNHOUSES BENDOR – R4 500 2 Bedr, 1 Bathr, 1 carport FLATS IVYDALE – R3 600 1 Bedr, 1 Bathr, Lounge, kitchen, W & E included. OFFICES CBD – R2 500 BICCARD ST – R11 140 MARSHALL ST – R25 400 MARSHALL CHAMBERS – R8 134 THYS – 083 702 0768 AUDREY – 072 632 7117 MARTIN – 060 666 5432
2 SLAAPKAMER HUIS OP PLOT Op LTT pad. R2 700 pm + krag + R1 000 deposito. Kontak 083 549 2883 ____________________
HUIS OP PLOT 3 Slp met ele heining water ing. Koopkrag. Huur R4 800, dep R4 000. Kontak 082 554 5627 ____________________ HUIS TE HUUR Agter Silicon Myn 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers. 1 Maart. R3 800 + krag. Kontak Erika 073 216 8203 ____________________
TWO (2) WELL-KNOWN GUEST HOUSES with Conference Facilities in THOHOYANDOU. To be sold SEPERATELY OR TOGETHER Contact: Rudi: 082 443 5819/ Diana Madega: 079 017 3350
RESTAURANT & TAKEAWAY FOR SALE Please contact 072 718 2164 ____________________
Small business for sale Ice pop manufacturing business. Going concern. Includes machines, packing material and all other equipment, including full customer list Contact Kevin at 082 892 8769 for more information
SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Contact 015 295 5264 ___________________ MARGATE Luukse vakansie woonstel. See-uitsig, onderdak parkering, eie swembad & braai. 20 tot 27 Maart 2015, R2 500/7 nagte. Contact 083 451 4328 ___________________
TENDER We hereby invite interested Roof Specialists to bid for the painting and sealing of all roofs on the premises of 62 Magazyn Street, Polokwane.
Tenders must be handed in at Pietersburg Comprehensive School in a sealed envelope before 12:00 on Monday 2 March 2015 and marked for attention: The Principal – ROOF RENOVATION The following must be reflected in the tender: 1. Company’s Profile 2. Organogram of key personnel 3. Project schedule/Method Statement 4. Schedule of expenditure 5. Previous Projects and References PLEASE CONTACT THE PRINCIPAL FOR A SITE VISIT PIETERSBURG COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL Tel: 015 291 3174 19/02 26/02 ___________________
TENDER We hereby invite interested Building Contractors to bid for the building of a Drop Zone on the premises of 62 Magazyn Street, Polokwane. Tenders must be handed in at Pietersburg Comprehensive School in a sealed envelope before 12:00 on Monday 2 March 2015 and marked for attention: The Principal – DROP ZONE. The following must be reflected in the tender: 1. Company’s Profile 2. Organogram of key Personnel 3. Project schedule/Method Statement 4. Schedule of expenditure 5. Previous Projects and References PLEASE CONTACT THE PRINCIPAL FOR A SITE VISIT PIETERSBURG COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL Tel: 015 291 3174 19/02 26/02 ___________________ POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007 Notice is hereby given that in terms of Section 56 (1) (b) (i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance 15 of 1986 that Senza Manje Amalgamated Consultants being the authorized agent of the owner/s of the property mentioned below, intend applying to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 by the rezoning of the property of the mentioned below: Amendment Scheme 441: Rezoning of Portion 1 of Erf 144 in Pietersburg Township Registration Division LS located at 14 Bok Street in Polokwane from “Residential 1” to “Business 4” for offices for Professional Consulting purposes. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at the offices of Senza Manje Amalgamated Consultants located at below mentioned address, in Polokwane or at the offices of the Manager: Planning (Spatial Planning and Land Use Management), First Floor West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane. Any person having any objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the ground thereof in writing, with both the Manager: Planning (Spatial Planning and Land Use Management), Polokwane Municipality and the undersigned within 28 days from 20 February 2015. Senza Manje Amalgamated Consultants
16A Bok Street Polokwane 0699 Tel: 015 291 3832 Fax: 015 291 4158 Cell: 076 444 2167 19/02 26/02 ___________________
POLOKWANE MUNISIPALITEIT POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT WYSIGININGSKEMA, 2007 Hiermee word kennis gegee dat, in terme van Artikel 56 (1) (b) (i) van die Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Ordinasie 15 van 1986, Senza Manje Amalgamated Consultants synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die eiendom hieronder genoem, van voorneme is om aansoek te doen by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit vir die wysiging van die Pietersburg/ Seshego Dorpsbeplanningskema van 1999, en die hersonering van die volgende: WYSIGNGSKEMA 441: Hersonering van Gedeelte 1 van Erf 144 in Pietersburg Dorp, Registrasie Divisie LS geleë te Bokstraat 14 in Polokwane van “Residensieel 1” na “Besigheid 4” vir kantore vir professionele konsultasiedoeleindes. Planne en/of besonderhede wat betrekking het op die aansoek word by die kantoor van Senza Manje Amalgamated Consultant op 16A Bok Straat Polokwane of by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Beplanning (Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruiksbestuur), Eerstevloer, Wesvleuel, Burgersentrum, Landdros Mare straat, Polokwane. Eenige persoon wat besware het teen die aansoek moet so ‘n beswaar rede vir so ‘n beswaar indien by die Bestuurder: Beplanning (Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruiksbestuur), Polokwane Munisipaliteit en die ondergetekende nie later nie as 28 dae na 20 February 2015 kennisgewing. Senza Manje Amalgamated Consultants 16A Bokstraat Polokwane 0699 Tel: 015 291 3832 Faks: 015 291 4158 Sel: 076 444 2167 19/02 26/02 ___________________
IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PIETERSBURG HELD AT POLOKWANE Case Number: 3312/2011 In the case between: VOLTEX PTY LTD T/A GLOBE POLOKWANE EXECUTION CREDITOR And BUFFALO MAINTENANCE CC 1ST EXECUTION DEBTOR M C MOROASUI 2ND EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate POLOKWANE given on 04/07/2014 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 11:00 on 27 February 2015 by public auction to be held at SHERIFF’S OFFICE, 66 PLATINUM STREET, LADINE POLOKWANE by the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court, POLOKWANE to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 x 3-piece lounge suite 1 x Coffee table 1 x Carpet 1 x Sansui VCR 1 x Technics Hi Fi (complete)
OBSERVER 33 polokwane
CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE E-MAIL POST 1 x 6 piece dining suite 1 x Hitachi d/door fridge (scratched & marks) SIGNED at POLOKWANE on the 2nd day of February 2015. STEYTLER NEL & PARTNERS SUITE1 SUIDPARK BUILDING 12B SUID STREET POLOKWANE 0699 Tel: 015 295 9340 Ref: File No: MH0867 05/02 ___________________ IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA) Case No.: 69377/2014 In the matter between: THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED (REG. NO.: 62/000738/06) PLAINTIFF And MMAGOMA JOYCE MUNYAI (DI NO. 690327 0886 087) DEFENDANT NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of a judgment granted on the 14 NOVEMBER 2014, in the above Honourable Court and under a writ of execution issued thereafter the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the 11 MARCH 2015 at 10:00 by the Sheriff of the High Court, POLOKWANE, at 66 PLATINUM STREET, LADINE, POLOKWANE, to the highest bidder: Description: 1. A unit consisting of: (i) Section No. 42 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS844/2008 in the scheme known as FAIR VIEW, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at ERF 4373 BENDOR EXTENSION 87, TOWNSHIP, POLOKWANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY of which Section the floor area, according to the said Sectional Plan, is 104 (One Hundred and Four) square metres in extent; and (ii) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said Section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said Sectional Plan; 2. An Exclusive Use Area described as Garden no. T42, Measuring 54 (Fifty Four) Square metres, being as such part of the common property comprising the land and scheme known as FAIR VIEW in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at ERF 4373 BENDOR EXTENSION 87 TOWNSHIP, POLOKWANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS844/2008; HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER NO. ST3821/2011 3. An Exclusive Use Area described as Yard No. W42, Measuring 6 (Six) square metres, being as such part of the common property comprising the land and scheme known as FAIRVIEW in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at ERF 4373 BENDOR EXTENSION 87 TOWNSHIP, POLOKWANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS844/2008; Held by Deed of Transfer SK5900/2011 and subject to such conditions as set out in the aforesaid Deed; Street Address: Known as SECTION 42, GARDEN NO. T42 AND YARD NO. W42 FAIR VIEW SITUATED AT ERF 4373 BENDOR EXTENSION 87 Zoned: Special Residential Improvements: The following information is given but nothing in this regard is guaranteed:
The improvements on the property consist of the following: MAIN DWELLING COMPRISING INTER ALIA: 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHROOMS Held by the Defendant’s name under Deed of Transfer No. ST83821/2011 and SK5900/2011 The full conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Sheriff of the High Court, POLOKWANE, at 66 PLATINUM STREET, LADINE, POLOKWANE. Note: Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008: A prospective purchase must register, in accordance with the following conditions amongst others: a) The provisions of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (UR lhttp:// downloadfile action?id-99961. b) The provisions of FICA – legislation (Requirement proof of ID, Residential address). c) Payment of a registration fee of R10 000.00 in cash for immovable property. d) All conditions applicable to registration. The Execution Creditor, Sheriff and/or Plaintiff’s Attorney do not give any warranties with regard to the description and/or improvements. DATED at PRETORIA on this the 9 day of February 2015. NEWTONS Plaintiff’s Attorneys 2nd floor Lobby 3 Brooklyn Forum Building 337 Veale Street Nieuw Muckleneuk Pretoria Tel: 012 425 0200 Telefax: 012 460 9491 Ref. 365 725 234/ L04308/Lizelle Crause/Catri 19/02 ___________________ IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PIETERSBURG HELD AT POLOKWANE Case No.: 18209/13 In the matter between: MÔRESTER BANDE CC (CK: 2007/226625/23) PLAINTIFF And DRAGON PRECISION ENGINEERING (PTY) LTD DEFENDANT NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a judgment in the Magistrate’s Court of POLOKWANE and a Warrant of Execution dated 29 JANUARY 2014 and the goods listed and attached hereto as Annexure “A”, will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at the Sheriff’s Offices, 66 PLATINUM STREET, LADINE, POLOKWANE on the 27TH FEBRUARY 2015 at 11:00. Goods: 1 x DESK AND CHAIR 1 X 2-DRAWER FILING CABINET 10 X WELDING HELMETS 1 X COUNTER 2 X PLASTIC CHAIRS 6 X PRESSURE REGULATORS 18 X STEEL SQUARES 2 X CUTTING APPARATUS 19 X OUTSIDE MICROMETER 2 X TELESCOPING GAUGES 1 X INSIDE MICROMETERS 6 X WELDING PLIERS 1 X AMOUNT OF CHISELS 1 X AMOUNT OF TOOLS 9 X BALLPIN HAMMERS 3 X 4LB HAMMERS 7 X IRON SAWS 6 X WELDER HAMMERS 2 X CLAMPS 2 X BEARING PULL 1 X ELECTRONIC INDUCTION HEATER 2 X WELDING HORSES 1 X CHAIN
SEQUESTRA33 TION NOTICES LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Master and Magistrate as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Registered number of estate: 21023/2014 Surname: Mirtle Christian names: Dorothy Rembrance Identity number: 461111 0356 086 Magistrate’s Office: Polokwane Master’s Offices: Polokwane Corrie Nel & Kie 25 Bodenstein Street Polokwane 0699 Tel: 015 291 4344 19/02 ___________________
February 19, 2015
34 OBSERVER polokwane
Career finder in LIM VAKATURE GATETRONICS Benodig: Manspersoon met * Ondervinding van CCTV; elektroniese hek- en garagedeurmotors; elektriese omheinings. * Ouderdom: 25 jaar en ouer * Netjiese voorkoms * Goeie menseverhoudings * Bestuurderslisensie ‘n vereiste Faks CV na 015 298 8529
Ons benodig die dienste van ‘n tikster met litigasie- en aktesondervinding Ten volle tweetalig Rekenaarvaardig Stuur CV aan Kontak 015 296 0419 vir onderhoud
The Small Enterprises Development Agency (Seda) was established in December 2004, in terms of the National Small Business Amendment Act. The Act merged the previous small enterprise development agencies, Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency, NAMAC Trust and the Community Public Private Partnerships (CPPP) into a single small enterprise agency. The GODISA Trust and the National Technology Transfer Centre were merged with Seda in April 2006, becoming the Seda Technology Programme (STP). The small enterprise support function of the South African Quality Institute (SAQI) and the Technology for Women in Business (TWIB) were incorporated with STP in 2008. To date, Seda has established a network throughout 9 provinces with 43 branches, 31 incubation centres, provincial offices and a national office. Seda provides business related information, business registration, access to markets, faccilitation of access to finanace, training and mentoring services, in all areas of business development for small enterprises. Through the STP, Seda also provides business and technology incubation services, support for management systems implementation (such as ISO9001 and OHSAS 18001), product testing and certification, as well as machinery and equipment.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced candidates for the following possitions:
Branch Manager Reporting to: Provincial Manager Salary: D2 R520 564 - R704 293
Main purpose of the job: To plan, direct and coordinate, support, monitor and evaluate the Seda district network operations in delivering support services to small enterprises in line with the Seda strategy and policies. To take responsibility for day to day management of the branch as well as the perfomance management of the Seda district and Seda enterprise information centre affiliates. Location: Limpopo Sekhukhune Branch Preferred Minimum Education and Experience: • Relevent 3 year tertiary qualification in Economics, Business Administration or Operations Management position or equivalent. • 3-5 Years experience in management position • Experience in dealing with SMMEs • Experience in interacting with stakeholders at all levels of government will be an added advantage. • Extensive Operations Mangament Experience. Key Perfomance Areas: • Deliver on operational targets in line with the Seda national strategy by providing Seda products and services • Implement the Seda Perfomance Management Framework to manage the level of quality of service delivery • Develop and maintain sound stakeholder relationships • Facilitate the development of a consistent brand and service delivery in the enterprise information centres Preferred Knowledge and Skills: • Ability to implement strategies and policies as well as identify new opportunities • Computer Literacy • Leadership skills • Planning and organising Critical Compettencies: • Strategic Thinking • Business acumen • Communication written and verbal • Innovative • Good interpersonal skills • Change Leadership Additional Competencies: • Presentation • Team Player • Networking • Analytical Applicants should send a detailed CV, copies of ID, driver’s licence, qualifications and a covering letter, quoting the exact name of the post being applied for, to: The Acting Provincial HR Consultant, Small Enterprise Development Agency, PostNet Suite 32, Private Bag X9307, Polokwane 0700. Applications can also be hand delivered at Seda Limpopo Provincial Office, Suite 6, 2nd Floor, Maneo Building, 73 Biccard Steet, Polokwane. Closing date: 2 March 2015 at 16:30 The employment policy of SEDA will be considered as part of the recruitment and selection process. The appointment of candidates is subject to the verification of all credentials (employment history, education, financial, criminal and any other checks as may be necessary). Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted and if you have not heard from us within three months of submitting your application, please consider it unsuccessful.
The Small Enterprises Development Agency (Seda) was established in December 2004, in terms of the National Small Business Amendment Act. The Act merged the previous small enterprise development agencies, Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency, NAMAC Trust and the Community Public Private Partnerships (CPPP) into a single small enterprise agency. The GODISA Trust and the Natiuonal Technology Transfer Centre were merged with Seda in April 2006, becoming the Seda Technology Programme (STP). The small enterprise support function of the South African Quality Institude (SAQI) and the Technology for Women in Business (TWIB) were incorporated with STP in 2008. To date, Seda has established a network throughout 9 provinces with 43 branches, 31 incubation centres, provincial offices and a national office. Seda provides business related information, business registration, access to markets, faccilitation of access to finanace, training and mentoring services, in all areas of business development for small enterprises. Through the STP, Seda also provides business and technology incubation services, support for management systems implementation (such as ISO9001 and OHSAS 18001), product testing and certification, as well as machinery and equipment.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced candidates for the following possitions:
The Small Enterprises Development Agency (Seda) was established in December 2004, in terms of the National Small Business Amendment Act. The Act merged the previous small enterprise development angecies, Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency, NAMAC Trust and the Community Public Private Partnerships (CPPP) into a single small enmterprise agency. The GODISA Trust and the Natiuonal Technology Transfer Centre were merged with Seda in April 2006, becoming the Seda Technology Programme (STP). The small enterprise support function of the South African Quality Institute (SAQI) and the Technology for Women in Business (TWIB) were incorporated with STP in 2008. To date, Seda has established a network throughout 9 provinces with 43 branches, 31 incubation centres, provincial offices and a national office. Seda provides business related information, business registration, access to markets, faccilitation of access to finanace, training and mentoring services, in all areas of business development for small enterprises. Through the STP, Seda also provides business and technology incubation services, support for management systems implementation (such as ISO9001 and OHSAS 18001), product htesting and certification, as well as machinery and equipment.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced candidates for the following possitions:
Business Advisor Level 2
Business Advisor Level 3
Main purpose of the job: To Provide business advisory and related support to small enterprises. Number of incubents: 1 Location: Limpopo: Waterberg Branch (Mokopane) Required Minimum Education: • A relevant 3 year tertiary qualification (Business Development) Required Experience: • At least 2-4 years’ experience in a small development environment either as a business owner, manager or employee • A minimum of 2 years’ experience as a business advisor Key Perfomance Areas: • Provide relevant business advisory services • Provide advisory serrvices to potential and existing small enterprises in the area of tendering • Facilitate technical skills training and other relevant training • Facilitate focus groups • Assist clients with basic business planning. Required Competencies: • To maintain an average of between 61% and 70 % in the Seda Competancy Based Generic Skills Assessment covering the following critical areas: Management skills, Marketing skills, Numeric skills, Financial skills, Costing skills, Legal skills, Admin skills, Financial Business Planning skills, Microsoft Excel skills, Microsoft Word skills. • Good written and verbal communication skills • Customer Orientation • Facilitation/presentation skills Additional Competencies: • Knowledge of the small enterprise sector • High ethical standards • Demonstrate competence in the use of the following Seda diagnostic/assessment tools over a period of 6-12 months of being employed: • Business Idea Evaluation Tool • Pre-start-up Assessment tool • Enterpreneurial diagnostic tool • Small Business Assesment Tool • Assessment of Company operations Tool • Critical planning excercise tool
Main purpose of the job: To provide business consultancy and related support to small and medium enterprises. Location: Limpopo: Sekhukhune Branch Required Minimum Education: • A relevant 3 year tertiary qualification (Business Development, Commerce) Required Experience: • At least 4-6 years’ experience in a small development environment either as a business owner, manager or employee • A minimum of 5 year experience as a business advisor Key Perfomance Areas: • Conduct business diagnostic and assessments • Provide relevant business consultancy services to small and medium enterprises • Assist small and medium enterprises • Provide management, technical and financial consultancy/advisory services • Project management of wide-ranging multi-disciplined small enterprises development projects from concept to completion • Manage Sercvice providers and outsourced projects • facilitate the provision of Seda products and services to small and medium enterprises. • Coach Seda Trainee Business Advisors at branch level. Required Competencies: • To obtain an average of between 71% and 80 % in the Seda Competancy Based Generic Skills Assessment covering the following critical areas: Management skills, Marketing skills, Numeric skills, Financial skills, Costing skills, Legal skills, Admin skills, Finanncial Business Planning skills, Microsoft Excel skills, Microsoft Word skills. • Business plan development and business analysis skills • Project management • Sector specific knowldge. Additional Competencies: • Networking skills • Knowledge of the small enterprise sector • High ethical standards • Demonstrate competence in the use of the following Seda diagnostic/assessment tools over a period of 12-18 months of being employed: • Business Idea Evaluation Tool • Pre-start-up Assessment tool • Enterpreneurial diagnostic tool • Small Business Assesment Tool • Assessment of Company operations Tool • Critical planning excercise tool • Company Comperative Analysis tool • Businees Planning tool • Export Readiness Assessment tool • SME Costing tool Applicants should send a detailed CV, copies of ID, driver’s licence, qualifications and a covering letter, quoting the exact name of the post being applied for, to: The Acting Provincial HR Consultant, Small Enterprise Development Agency, PostNet Suite 32, Private Bag X9307, Polokwane 0700. Applications can also be hand delivered at Seda Limpopo Provincial Office, Suite 6, 2nd Floor, Maneo Building, 73 Biccard Steet, Polokwane. Closing date: 2 March 2015 at 16:30 The employment policy of SEDA will be considered as part of the recruitment and selection process. The appointment of candidates is subject to the verification of all credentials (employment history, education, financial, criminal and any other checks as may be necessary). Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted and if you have not heard from us within three months of submitting your application, please consider it unsuccessful.
Reporting to: Branch Manager Salary: C3 R259 616 - R351 245
Applicants should send a detailed CV, copies of ID, driver’s licence, qualifications and a covering letter, quoting the exact name of the post being applied for, to: The Acting Provincial HR Consultant, Small Enterprise Development Agency, PostNet Suite 32, Private Bag X9307, Polokwane 0700. Applications can also be hand delivered at Seda Limpopo Provincial Office, Suite 6, 2nd Floor, Maneo Building, 73 Biccard Steet, Polokwane. Closing date: 2 March 2015 at 16:30 The employment policy of SEDA will be considered as part of the recruitment and selection process. The appointment of candidates is subject to the verification of all credentials (employment history, education, financial, criminal and any other checks as may be necessary). Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted and if you have not heard from us within three months of submitting your application, please consider it unsuccessful.
Reporting to: Branch Manager Salary: C5 R352 409 - R476 788
Laerskool Ivypark>>
Februarie 19, 2015
Ivy Park Primary proud of its athletes HERBERT RACHUENE >> Laerskool Ivypark is proud of three of its u.13 athletes Warren Rammutla, Tshepang Dankuru and Kgothatso Semenya who performed well during the Capricorn District Athletics meeting held in Mankweng on Friday. Warren placed fourth in the 100 m for boys, Tshepang was second in the boys high jump with distance of 1,20 m and Kgothatso second position in the girls long jump with a distance of 4,10 m.
The trio will represent the school and Capricorn district during the Provincial Athletics meeting scheduled to take place at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium on 27 February. “They did well for themselves and the school and we are extremely proud of them. We hope they will continue with the same performances they have displayed at the district event and wish them all the best of luck in the Provincial event,” the school’s Sports Organiser Nadia Grobler said.
Warren Rammutla, Tshepang Dankuru and Kgothatso Semenya, star athletes of Laerskool Ivypark photographed during a media session at the school on Monday.
Westenburg Sekondêre Skool se hoofleiers vir 2015 is Mothiba Pholosho (hoofmeisie) en Madiga Lerato (onderhoofmeisie). Agter is Lawrence Adams (hoofseun) en Jason Dickson (onderhoofseun).
Harvesting Forester
Experience in telecommunications (PABX, CCTV and Copier) essential
The successful candidate will be responsible for compiling annual operating and capital budgets for the various plantations under his/ her control. He/she must ensure that budgetary parameters are favourably maintained with emphasis on increased productivity levels, thereby reducing the cost per cubic meter ratio. Amongst other duties, the incumbent will also manage administration of the section to ensure timeous and accurate returns to the Operational Harvesting Manager, as well as monitor harvesting operations of contractors to ensure a constant supply of saw logs to the processing operations, and plan, manage and arrange fire protection/control for the plantation in order to minimise risk and fire losses.
Mail CV to
The ideal candidate must be in possession of a National Diploma/ BTech degree in Forestry, coupled with 3-5 years’ experience in plantation harvesting and management.
required for Cash Crusaders Polokwane.
Managerial experience a must. Please send CV to
Qualifications: JPTD, SPTD or degree with specialisation in the following subjects: Tsonga Grades 1 to 7, Socal Sciences, Economic & Management Sciences, Technology, Maths and Creative Arts. Ducument required: Application Letter Curriculmn Vitae Certified Copies of qualifications Statement of results and SACE Enquiries: Ledwaba T.P 082 801 1506 / 015 296 0209 Closing Date: 27 February 2015 Time: 14:00 NB: Applicants who have not been informed of the outcome of their applications within 2 weeks from closing date may regard their application as being unsuccessful. Please note that no application forms will be given back to appplicants.
The Company offers a competitive market-related salary and generous benefits which include an annual bonus and provident fund. Interested parties should forward their applications to the Human Resources Manager, Mr Sonwabo Fihla by post at PO Box 1343, Tzaneen 0850 or fax: 086 532 4785, or via e-mail:
Fax CV to 015 291 1536 or e-mail: Deliver: 53 Bok Street Polokwane
Closing date for applications is 27 February 2015. NB: Should you not receive correspondence by 27 February 2015, please regard your application as unsuccessful. Northern Timbers subscribes to the principles of Employment Equity.
Senior IT Technician Dynamic person for network/computer maintenance and general fault finding. Requirements: Computer literate, bilingual, matric/grade 12, driver’s licence and extensive network/ computer maintenance faultfinding experience. (WiFi experience will be an advantage)
Send CV to Anna-Marie at 086 639 8956
Permanent Teaching post
Capricorn High School recently welcomed a new educator, Matsobane Makwea, to the school. He will be responsible for teaching Tourism and Life Orientation.
Must have own vehicle and valid driver’s licence
REQUIREMENTS: • 3 to 5 Years experience • Fully bilingual read, write & speak • Own transport with valid driver’s licence • Computer literate • Good people skills
>> Westenburg Sekondêre Skool het hulle nuwe hoofleiers, graad 12-raad en Verteenwoordigende Leerderraad (VLR) van graad 8 tot graad 11 vir 2015 aangewys.
Northern Timbers, situated in the magnificent Tzaneen/Modjadjiskloof escarpment area, with large plantations of eucalyptus grandis on a 25-year rotation, requires an experienced individual for their Forestry Operation.
IT/PRINTER Technician
Westenburg Sekondêre Skool wys nuwe leiers aan
New educator at Capricorn High
Westenburg Sekondêre Skool>>
Capricorn High School>>
Career finder in LIMPOPO OBSERVER 35 polokwane
Suitable, qualified and experienced applicants are invited to apply for supervisory position based in Polokwane for commuter bus companies operating in Polokwane, Tzaneen and Lebowakgomo.
Experience: At least ten years’ experience in a bus or truck repair and maintenance environment of which at least five years must be in a supervisory position. Responsibilities will include: • Ensure that the bus fleets remain in good mechanical condition and available form operation • Plan and execute all preventative maintenance programs • Ensure that work carried out by inhouse workshops are of high standard • Ensure that buses are in roadworthy condition at all times • Assist subordinates in the work place • Exercise sound communication between management and employees • Maintain high standards of housekeeping Closing date: 25 February 2015 Interested candidates should submit applications in the form of a comprehensive Curriculum vitae to: Maeteko Management Support Services P O Box 194 58 Platinum Street Fauna Park Ladine 0787 Polokwane Or email to: Fax: 0866 193 490
Merensky Timber Limited (Reg. No. 2005/033139/06)
Human Communications 115970
Find your way to the top with the Shoprite Group of Companies, Africa’s leading supermarket chain, in the North West, Mpumalanga, Gauteng and Limpopo Provinces.
Branch Managers These management roles will see you: • planning and organising the medium and long-term activities of the branch • monitoring stock • ensuring that set targets are achieved • managing staff, including the implementation and maintenance of HR systems, procedures and policies • taking full responsibility for branch success from a profit-loss perspective • identifying opportunities and dealing with customer, staff and equipment related matters.
Admin Managers As an Admin Manager, you will: • implement and maintain administrative systems, procedures and policies • implement and maintain financial budgets • implement and maintain the loss control system • ensure adherence to health, safety and housekeeping standards • manage staff, which includes the implementation and maintenance of HR systems, procedures and policies.
Sales Managers Your key performance areas will include: • ensuring effective merchandising in the store • ensuring that production adheres to the agreed system • ensuring stock availability • managing wastage in all departments • ensuring effective housekeeping, as well as health and safety • managing staff, including the implementation and maintenance of HR systems, procedures and policies. Requirements: • Senior Certificate or equivalent; however, a retail related tertiary qualification is preferred • at least three years managerial experience, preferably in managing a FMCG retail outlet • a good command of spoken and written English • business acumen • a keen interest and proven track record in the retail industry will be to your advantage. You will furthermore need: • the ability to plan and organise projects and events from start to finish • strong managerial skills • commitment to hygiene and cleanliness. Please note that successful candidates must be willing to work flexible hours, including Sundays and public holidays. Willingness to transfer is essential. Please email your CV in confidentiality to Christa at (Please ensure that you mention the name of the city closest to you, the position you are applying for, as well as the newspaper in which the advertisement appeared, in your covering letter). Please also include a certified copy of your ID. Closing date: 6 March 2015 If you have not received a response within four weeks of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. We promote and apply the principles of Employment Equity and reserve the right not to make an appointment. 121841
Letlhogonolo Mojapelo meen hy moet nog kies tussen ‘n polisieman en brandweerman.
Ashley Mkadi is begeester deur “Spiderman.”
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To advertise in the BUSINESS CARD SECTION call Polokwane Observer @ 084 802 8648
CAPE Dried Fruit
Die Wilde Weste is Katlego Monyela se keuse.
Volgens Dimpho Ledwaba het ‘n meermin die meeste pret.
Henry de Nysschen, personeellid belas met terrein- en gebouesake, Draad Hattingh, lid van die skoolbeheerliggaam, Dennis Mokoala, assistent-bestuurder: elektrisiteit en Gerhard de Waal en Francois Lubbe, senior superintendente van die munisipaliteit, tydens die amptelike ingebruikneming van die verkeerslig by Oosskool.
Leerders van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) kan nou met groter veiligheid oor Bendorrylaan beweeg nadat ‘n verkeerslig onlangs voor die skool se hoofingang opgerig is. Henry de Nysschen, personeellid wat met terrein- en gebouesake belas is, het tydens die amptelike ingebruikneming van die verkeerslig wat Dinsdagaand in die skool se nuwe losie plaasgevind het, gesê dat die veiligheid van die skool se leerders van kardinale belang is. “Die bydrae van skenkers, en in besonder Schalk Dreyer van JGB Konstruksie en die ywer van amptenare van die munisipaliteit, word hoog op prys gestel. Die skool het slegs vir die drukknoppie betaal terwyl die skenkers en die munisipaliteit op tasbare wyse na vore gekom het,” het De Nysschen gesê.
45 PO Ant YO Con Box im U ta 57 oon BE ct Em : G 27, P Stre ND ail: et ui ,W au Van do olok , La : w bo to E re essa 076 an ria M C ne e EN Insuredi wpo 073 185 22 Nor , D! ra t Fa lokw 40 97 th, nc ci W 4 29 075 e A lity an 0 Rub e sp pp Ava e@ 15 Pan be ecia ro ilb gm ve el risi lise d ale! ail.c Bea ng in om ting and Un
Kamogelo Mashishi, Izel Lottering en Zanez- Pha Sathekge is dit eens dat ‘n prinses hul gunstelingkarakter is.
Oosskool kry eie verkeerslig
Hadashah Learning Centre celebrated its 10th birthday on Friday when learners and staff shared cupcakes and enjoyed the excitement of the day. The centre follows the internationally recognised Accelerated Christian Education curriculum from Grade R to Grade 12 and was founded in January 2006 with eight learners ranging from Grade 9 to Grade 12 and one educator, Ginny van der Merwe, who was at the time also supervisor, principal, administrator and pastor. The school then occupied a single room in a local church building but in 2007 expanded
and moved into a new, temporary facility to accommodate the 17 learners enrolled by then. Once a need for even bigger accommodation arose the decision was made to use the premises of HoutKruis Community Church, where they are still based. The school makes use of the church hall for assemblies and functions and the church grounds provide comfortable playground for its 30 learners. The staff has increased to six thereby allowing for intense individual attention to the academic and developmental needs of each learner. Van der Merwe said they are proud of the journey they have travelled as a school and they are looking forward to many more successful years to come.
s, yo u sh ow Yo & u. sp ock er NM 11 We ur S en 6 are exh s, ste EN Cre Fit 1 S tee sio a ty eri T m top ri n s ad ust res, ng R Ca cen jace an C rack 18 ent Un ng Ce de 0 ll t D nt d m Vs, s, Na ri to a cl su p n rc as ve th gs utc sp lus tre ar at , Nir e E rep he en VA 01 va n air s, si T 5 n ge s. tow on 29 a, n ba s, 2 Po Ga rs 42 lo ra , 64 kw ge an e
>> ‘n Mens kan jou Vrydag by Noordjieland Pre-primêre Skool verbeel dat jy gaan slaap, begin droom en wakker word omring deur jou gunsteling-storieboekkarakters. Feetjies, prinsesse, brandweer- en polisiemanne was onder die gewildste karakters wat die kleuters uitgebeeld het.
Hadashah Learning Centre celebrates 10th birthday
Photographed during the celebrations are learners Brahan Velempini, Ruth Shilubane, Francois van Schalkwyk, Nobuhle Balintulo, Katlego Chuene and Rethabile Mashangwane, in front, with Mitchel Petzer, Tsakani Shilubane ( Educator), Mathews Rachebedi and Ginny van der Merwe (Headmaster) at the back.
Fin O an m cia or lp e ro d ble eb ms t ? A str CT es NO s W ! UA LI bra an L n he T ke ua AL lp S Y l/p
Kleuters leef storiekarakters uit by Noordjies
36 OBSERVER polokwane
cn 5 29 nie P r C 1 12 e-molo ompe 79 ail: kw ns Com visi ane atie e no on an d Th w an dc sa ab d fin @gm oM d ail.c be out ho ki W om stre w H ets, we ca M EE
February 19, 2015
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Twelve OBSERVER 37 new records at Ironwood meet Februarie 19, 2015
Blou Bul, Dean Gorden stamp ‘n Noordelikesspeler af.
Nuwe breiers verander Limpopo Blou Bulle se prentjie RC MYBURGH >> Vernederende nederlae kan moontlik iets van die verlede vir die Limpopo Blou Bulle wees nadat gesoute afrigters die leisels tydelik oorgeneem het om die span vir die Vodacombeker voor te berei. Die Blou Bulle en BB Truck and Tractor Noordelikes Rugbyklub het Saterdag in ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd in Polokwane kragte gemeet en die Blou Bulle het duidelik getoon dat hulle vanjaar wil naam maak met ‘n 73-3 oorwinning. Hoofafrigter, André Eloff sê sy doel is om die Limpopo Blou Bulle ‘n regverdige plek in rugbykringe te gee. “Ons oefen net in Pretoria omdat dit makliker vir meeste spelers is om soontoe te reis, maar wil meer wedstryde Bosveld toe bring. Ons werk sedert middel Desember met die span om hulle vir die opkomende Vodacombeker voor te berei. Dit is slegs ‘n tydelike reëling dat ek, Chris Buitenbach (voorspelerafrigter) en Johan du Toit (agterlynafrigter) die span onder vlerke neem,” sê Eloff.
Die trio is bekende rugbyafrigters met spanne soos die o.19- en o.20-Suid-Afrikaanse skolespanne, verskeie universiteite sowel as die Valke en Pumas wat voorheen deur die onderskeie afrigters voorheen geslyp is. “Ons twyfel nie dat Limpopo Blou Bulle suksesvol sal wees nie. Daar is goeie sterk spelers en hulle het die wilskrag om te presteer. Die wedstryd teen Noordelikes is om finale skuiwe te maak vir die eerste Vodacombeker-wedstryd op 7 Maart teen die Luiperds,” sê Eloff. Die wedstryd was ook goeie voorbereiding vir Noordelikes wat Saterdag die eerste wedstryd in die Community Cup teen Pretoria Polisieklub speel. Afrigter Frederick Romijn sê die span het goeie balretensie aan die begin van die wedstryd gehad, maar strafskoppe wat afgestaan is, het hulle duur te staan gekom. “Met soveel strafskoppe teen ons, is dit moeilik om momentum te bou. Alhoewel die Blou Bulle 15 nuwe spelers teen halftyd op die veld gesit het, was dit steeds ‘n goeie oefenwedstryd en is ons voorbereid om die naweek die Pretoria Polisiespan aan te durf,” sê hy.
lexed muscles and athletes fought with determination to compete against each other during the Independent Ironwood Athletics that recently took place at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium. Eight primary schools, Polokwane Preparatory School and College (Pepps), Mitchell House, Eagles Nest Christian
School, Curro Heuwelkruin, Christian Achievers Academy, Jabez Christian Academy, Trinity Primary School and Elica Primary School participated at the meeting. Curro Heuwelkruin was in first place at the event with a grand total of 458 points, followed by Mitchell House on 387 points. Twelve records were improved of which six by Curro Heuwelkruin and four by Mitchell House.
Athletes Summer Shikwane from Mitchell House, Musa Ngomani from Pepps, Khensan Rivombo from Mitchell House, Macheka Jordan from Curro Heuwelkruin, Seipei Mathabatha from Pepps and Michelle Claasens from Curro Heuwelkruin waiting to run 200 m hurdles (girls u.12).
Willie Engelbrecht van die Blou Bulle word mis geduik en beur vorentoe met die bal.
Above: Boys’ u.13 chase for the finish line during the 100 m hurdles. Left: Athlete Musa Ngomani u.12 from Pepps ready to compete in the 200 m hurdles.
Zimba Mamese van Noordelikes word deur twee bulle platgetrek.
Limpopo druk stempel af in nasionale skietkompetisie Limpopo-deelnemers het die afgelope naweek skitterend presteer tydens die nasionale haelgeweerkompetisie wat oor twee dae
deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Praktiese Skietvereniging buite die stad aangebied is. Daar is in dertien tegniese tra-
Die Limpopo standaardklas-manspan wat tydens die nasionale skietkompetisie die botoon gevoer het, is Paul Eksteen, Jan Bondisio, Tinus Botha (kaptein) en Charles Bresler.
jekte meegeding met die Limpopo standaardklas-mansafdeling wat in die spankompetisie die botoon gevoer het. Die span het ook gesogte IPSC-presidentsmedaljes ontvang. In die pompaksieklas vir mans het Limpopo ook ‘n goeie derde plek behaal. Res van uitslae: Dames: Standaardklas: Marieta Botha (eerste) Mans: Standaardklas: Paul Eksteen (eerste) en Tinus Botha (derde) Die haelgeweerkampioenskap verteenwoordig die eerste been van die “3-Gun Grand Tournament.” Die toernooi sal later vanjaar ook geweeren handwapenkompetisies insluit. Die nasionale spanne wat later vanjaar in Italië aan die haelgeweerwêreldkampioenskap deelneem, sal binnekort aangekondig word.
Sixth annual Kumba Marakele marathon coming up Marakele National Park (MNP) is finalising preparations for the sixth annual Kumba Marakele marathon and half marathon set to take place on Saturday, 7 March in partnership with South African National Parks (SanParks). The event will also be a qualifying race for the Comrades marathon. The race consists of four running distances that include the 42, 2 km marathon, 21, 1 km half marathon, 10 km race and the popular 5 km fun run. There will be category prizes and lucky draws amounting to just over
R50 000. Registration will take place at the Marakele National Park gate on Friday, 6 March from 15:00-18:00 and again on Saturday, 7 March from 04:00-06:00. The event will utilise the rugged landscape of MNP that also boasts a rich variety of fauna and flora; owing to its location between the dry western and moist eastern region. “The park is also home to the big five and the largest colony of endangered Cape vultures, making this unique marathon challenge a must for avid runners and wildlife
enthusiasts” said Johan Taljaard, park manager of Marakele National Park. The partnership also provides much needed jobs and economic development in the Thabazimbi community, an area riddled with substance abuse, unemployment and a lack of healthy living, lifestyle programmes. Kumba Iron Ore partnerships are an essential part of its community development strategy. It is committed to building active South Africans, through its numerous sports sponsorship programmes.
Plot 6, Palmietfontein Polokwane Sel: 083 758 9231 Fax: 086 582 6139 Epos:
MEUBELS: Groot hoeveelheid repo-meubels. Sitkamerstelle, televisiestelle (flat screens), hoëtroustelle, skootrekenaars, rekenaars, selfone, hangkaste, kombuiskasstelle, slaapkamerstelle, yskaste, vrieskaste, muureenhede, dubbel- en koninginbasisstelle, eetkamerstelle, koffietafels en nog vele meer items, te veel om op te noem. ANDERE: Los goedere en ‘n groot verskeidenheid ander items, te veel om op te noem. VOORWAARDES: Kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjeks of internetbetalings (internetfasiliteit beskikbaar by kantoor) dieselfde dag van die veiling. Geen uitsondering sal gemaak word nie. AFSLAERSNOTA: Besigtiging Vrydag, 20 Februarie 2015. Moenie hierdie veiling misloop nie! Registrasiefooi van R1 000.00 is betaalbaar. Items is in baie goeie toestand. Baie mooi voorraad. Geen waarborg op items nie. BTW is betaalbaar op alle REPO-MEUBELS. Die afslaer behou die reg voor om enige items by te voeg of te onttrek sonder enige kennisgewing. BAIE BELANGRIK: INDIEN TELEVISIESTELLE GEKOOP WORD MOET ‘N TELEVISIELISENSIE GETOON WORD VOORDAT TELEVISIES GELAAI MAG WORD. Alle items moet verkoop word en gelaai word nie later as Maandag, 23 Februarie 2015. VIR ENIGE NAVRAE KONTAK NIC DE BEER 083 758 9231
Gesogte Mall of the North Marathon vind eersdaags plaas
February 19, 2015
tlete kan reeds inskryf vir die eerste Mall of the North Marathon wat Saterdag, 28 Maart plaasvind en ‘n ideale geleentheid vir laatslapers bied om vir die moeder van alle padwedlope, die 2015 Comrades-ultramarathon, te kwalifiseer. ‘n Vennootskap is tussen Pietersburg Road Runners en die gesogte winkelsentrum gesluit om die wedloop voortaan jaarliks aan te bied en te ontwikkel as een van Limpopo se topbyeenkomste. Benewens die marathon van 42,2 km wat as kwalifiseerder vir atlete (20 jaar en ouer) vir die Comrades dien, word ‘n halfmarathon (21,1 km), ‘n 10 km-padwedloop en ‘n 5 km-pretdraf ook aangebied. Die marathon is ‘n sirkelroete van twee rondtes om die 21,1 km-
Trofee vir Zani-gimnas
roete wat begin en eindig by Mall of the North. Die roete is relatief plat en vinnig en eindig met ‘n effens-uitdagende opdraende aan die einde wat geen bedreiging vir fikse atlete inhou nie. Inskrywingsvorms is beskikbaar by die volgende plekke: • Pietersburg Road Runners se klub • Mall of the North kiosk by die Game-vleuel • Mall of the North se facebook-bladsy • Sportsman’s Warehouse • Inskrywings kan ook ge-epos word na die sekretaris van Pietersburg Road Runners. Skakel 082 898 8341 vir die e-posadres. Ten einde te verseker dat atlete veilig en gemaklik is, sal waterpunte elke derde kilometer beskikbaar wees, sowel as aan die einde van die wedloop. Verskeie wedloopbeamptes sal atlete langs die roete navigeer en monitor. Sumari de Ridder, algemene bestuurder van Mall of the North sê daar is iets vir almal op die betrokke
noeg parkering op die boonste vlak van die Spur-ingang is. Medaljes sal aan alle deelnemers uitgereik word wat die wedlope voltooi. Voorafinskrywings sal vergoed word met ‘n T-hemp soos gestipuleer in die wedloop-inskrywingsvorm.
Byna 300 bergfietsryers durf Makhulu 5 aan RC MYBURGH >>
Martin Weweje van Zanis Gymnastics Academy het verlede jaar tydens die klubprysuitdeling die wisseltrofee vir die beste vlak 1 trampoliengimnas ontvang en deel die trofee met Deandro du Preez en Ruben Adlem. Die drie het uitnemend presteer tydens verlede jaar se trampolienkompetisies.
dag. “Behalwe vir die spesiale geleentheid om vir Comrades te kwalifiseer, bied die dag ‘n gulde geleentheid vir die hele familie om saam in die buitelug te wees, oefening te kry en terselfdertyd iets as beloning daarvoor te ontvang. “Almal is welkom, ongeag deelnemers gesoute atlete of beginners is.” Die marathon en halfmarathon begin om 07:00 en die 10- en 5 km-wedlope skop om 07:15 af. Inskrywings kan ook die oggend voor die byeenkoms vanaf 05:30 tot 06:45 gedoen word. Belangstellendes moet deeglik kennis neem van die ouderdomsbeperkings vir elke afdeling. As gasheer van die byeenkoms begin en eindig al die wedlope Roetekaart by mall waar oorge-
Marco Roets, die wenner van die 32 km-wedren se tyd is byna ses minute vinniger as die tweede ryer.
Die hoogaangeskrewe sesde Makhulu 5 Mountain Bike Challenge is Saterdag by die Hoër Landbouskool Kuschke aangebied met 286 bergfietsryers wat gretig die stofpaaie in die omgewing aangedurf het. Fietsryers kon aan ‘n 75 km- en 32 kmwedren deelneem terwyl amateurs en jonger fietsryentoesiaste vir die 13 km-pretrit aangetree het. Omdat vanjaar se wedren op Valentynsdag aangebied is, was daar ook ‘n Ride 4 Love-afdeling waarvoor paartjies kon inskryf. Polokwane Pedallers Cycling Club-voorsitter, Ronel Delport sê hulle het baie goeie terugvoering oor die wedren ontvang. “Enkele fietsryers het verdwaal en gekla dat die roete nie duidelik gemerk was nie, maar 97% sê hulle het die uitdagende roete baie geniet.” Die hoogtepunt van die dag was die medaljes wat elke fietsryer wat die wedren voltooi, ontvang het. “Sedert 2011 se Makhulu
5 het ons die medaljes so ontwerp dat dit deel van ‘n legkaart vorm. Fietsryers wat die afgelope vyf jaar jaarlikse die wedren voltooi het, het nou ‘n volledige legkaart van al die medaljes,” Delport. Volgende jaar se Makhulu 5 is reeds vir 13 Februarie beplan. “Ons volgende wedren is die Lentetrap op 29 en 30 Augustus in die Polokwane Wildreservaat met kategorieë vir berg- en padfietse.” Delport het haar opregte dank teenoor die Makhulu 5-borge uitgespreek. Uitslae Algehele wenners 13 km-pretrit Mans 1. Carel Smit (33:37) 2. Armand Cronjé 3. Warwick Melville Vroue 1. Anna-Elisa Guitierrez (36:47) 2. Carla Kruger 3. Anna-Elmarie Guitierrez 32 km Mans 1. Marco Roets (1:30.23) 2. Jaco Logtenberg 3. Ricardo Guitierrez Vroue 1. Melanie Melville (1:46.46) 2. Saretha Lubbe 3. Ashley Murray 75 km Mans 1. Maurice Ferreira (3:10.38) 2. Fanus Eksteen 3. Michael Wood Vroue 1. Liesl Lourens (3:25.50) 2. Estelle Cronjé 3. Amanda Stopforth
Maurice Ferreira is eerste oor die wenstreep in die uitmergelende 75 km-wedren.
February 19, 2015
Polokwane Observer
Puik atletiek tydens môre se interhoër RC MYBURGH >>
oewel die atletiekseisoen einde se kant toe staan, kan ouers en toeskouers môre (Vrydag) skole se beste atlete in aksie sien wanneer Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé (Tommies) die interhoër op die ou Peter Mokaba Stadion aanbied. Skole soos Tommies, Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS), Hoërskool Merensky, Hoërskool Frans du Toit, Hoërskool Louis Trichardt en Northern Academy Secondary School se beste atlete is in aksie. Toeskouers sal op die pawiljoen sake om die sangbeker uitspook. Die amptelike opening vind om 07:30 plaas waarna die onderskeie skole se dirigente hul verskyning onder luide applous sal maak. Skole word ook op grond van hul kreet, voorbereide- en onvoorbereide liedjies, verskeidenheid, aanmoediging van atlete en algemene dissipline beoordeel. Waarnemende Tommie-skoolhoof, Cois
Armer sê dit is ‘n voorreg om as gasheerskool van die interhoër op te tree omdat die skool ook vanjaar hul 65ste verjaardag vier. “Ons nooi ouers en inwoners van die stad om die dag saam met ons te geniet. Atlete wat meeding is die room wat noukeurig gekies is om die skool te verteenwoordig. Hulle het hard geoefen om tot hier te kom en ondersteuning vanaf die pawiljoen sal hulle ‘n ekstra hupstoot gee om nog beter te doen.” Hoogtepunte op die program is die o.19naelloopitems wat volgens Armer altyd senutergend is. Die 90 m- en 100 m-hekkies begin om 08:30 gevolg deur die 100 m om 09:20. Om 10:42 begin die 200 m wat ook gewoonlik vir groot aksie sorg. Toeskouers hoef nie kosmandjies te pak nie omdat ‘n groot verskeidenheid verversings beskikbaar sal wees. Van hamburgers en boereworsrolle tot slaai en geroosterde broodjies is op die spyskaart met ‘n verskeidenheid koeldrank en energiedrankies. Programme is by die hekke beskikbaar.
Duikers voltooi kursusse Jong duikers van die plaaslike duikklub, Fins and Boots het verlede Woensdagaand sertifikate ontvang nadat hulle hul intreevlak- of eensterkursus voltooi het. ‘n Duiker, Caleb Jordaan het sy tweesterkursus voltooi. Volgens instrukteur, André Fouché het die intreevlakduikers verlede naweek hul finale oopwaterduik net buite Brits in Noordwes voltooi. Met dié sertifikaat is hulle tot 20 m beperk. Caleb staan saam met Fouché, Johan Oosthuisen, JP le Roux, Zack Eilers en Attie Vermaak, instrukteur. FOTO: RC MYBURGH
(Established 1968)
AUCTION OF A 3 BEDROOM DWELLING WITH SWIMMING POOL, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO Duly instructed thereto by Tutor Trust, in the matter Khosa Development Specialists (Pty) Ltd (in Liquidation), Masters Reference Number: T718/14, we will sell by public auction on:
THURSDAY, 26 FEBRUARY 2015 AT 10:00 AT THE PROPERTY 23 MOPANIE STREET, FLORA PARK POLOKWANE THE PROPERTY: Erf 4378, Pietersburg Extension 11, Registration Division LS, Limpopo Measuring: 1013 m² IMPROVEMENTS: A residential dwelling built of plastered and painted outside walls under a tiled roof, consisting of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen/dining room, lounge and double lock-up garage. OTHER: • Swimming pool • Borehole • Outside reception area with lounge, bar and ablution • Fenced in with plastered and painted outside walls with electronic sliding gate LOCATION: The property is located in a residential area known as Flora Park. Auction boards and route markers will be erected. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is a good opportunity to obtain a very well maintained property in an average suburb of Polokwane. All potential buyers are advised to attend the auction. Viewing by appointment with the auctioneers. CONDITIONS OF SALE: 10% Deposit on day of the auction and balance guarantees within 30 days after date of confirmation of sale. Confirmation within 14 days after date of auction. All potential buyers to register before the auction and proof of identity and residential address are required. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - CONTACT THE AUCTIONEERS PROPERTY SERVICES & AUCTIONEERS PLATINUM PLACE, 2 WATERMELON STREET, PLATINUM PARK PO BOX 1238, POLOKWANE TEL: 015 287 3300 FAX: 086 691 7845 E-MAIL: WEB:
(Gestig 1968)
VEILING VAN DALMADA LANDBOUHOEWE MET WONING EN 2 x WOONSTELLE, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO Behoorlik daartoe gelas deur Mnre. Makgoba Kgomo Makgaleng Incorporated, sal ons verkoop per openbare veiling op: DONDERDAG, 5 MAART 2015 OM 10:00 TE DIE EIENDOM, GEDEELTE 151, DALMADA LANDBOUHOEWE PIETERSBURG
DIE EIENDOM: Gedeelte 151, Dalmada Landbouhoewes, Registrasie Afdeling LS, Limpopo Groot: 2.0215 hektaar VERBETERINGS: Hoofwoning: Die hoofwoning bestaan uit `n oopplan sitkamer/eetkamer, kombuis, opwas, gastebadkamer, toilet, 2 x gasteslaapkamers, hoofslaapkamer met en suite badkamer, stoep/onthaal area, swembad en bediendekwartier met ablusiegeriewe. 3 Slaapkamer woonstel: `n Woonstel bestaande uit `n oopplan sitkamer/eetkamer/ kombuis, opwas, 3 slaapkamers, badkamer, stoorkamer en skadunet afdak. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel: `n Woonstel bestaande uit `n oopplan sitkamer/eetkamer/ kombuis met opwasgeriewe, 2 slaapkamers, badkamer en stoep/onthaal area. Ander: * Gedeeltelik omhein met voorafvervaardigde betonomheining en staal skuifhek * Dalmada water korporasie verskaffing * Eskomkrag * Geplaveide motor-oprit AFSLAERS NOTA: Hierdie is `n ideale geleentheid om `n landbouhoewe te bekom wat baie akkommodasie bied in `n stil en populêre area. Alle voornemende kopers word aangeraai om die veiling by te woon. Besigtiging per afspraak met die afslaers en dag van die veiling of besoek ons webblad. VOORWAARDES VAN VERKOOP: 10% Deposito op die dag van die veiling en balans waarborge binne 45 dae na datum van bekragtiging. Bekragtiging binne 7 dae na datum van veiling. Alle voornemende kopers moet registreer voor aanvang van die veiling en bewys van identiteit en woonadres word verlang.
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February 19, 2015 >> PAGE 40
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Dubbelsukses vir Zanis Gymnastics Academy
Zani Prinsloo, Juané Vorster presteer uitnemend RC MYBURGH >>
ereelde prestasies van Zanis Gymnastics Academy se gimnaste is geen uitsondering nie, ook nie toekennings wat hulle by elke kompetisie inpalm nie. Mede-eienaar en afrigter, Zani Prinsloo en vlak sewe-gimnas, Juané Vorster se onlangse prestasies onderstreep die stelling. Prinsloo het nog ‘n groot nuwe mylpaal in haar suksesvolle loopbaan behaal toe sy een van slegs 12 afrigters was wat landwyd gekies is om ‘n internasionale ritmiese gimnastiekkursus van 1 tot 3 Februarie in Centurion by te woon wat sy as leersaam en van hoogstaande gehalte beskryf. “Dit is die eerste keer wat die kursus, wat nou na die res van die wêreld uitgebrei sal word, in Suid-Afrika aangebied is en deur die Internasionale Gimnastiekfederasie (FIG) gefasiliteer is. Die aanbieders was Hardy Fink van Kanada, Nadya Aleksandrova van Brittanje en Helena Dias van Portugal. Afrigters van Mosambiek, Zimbabwe, Namibië en Mauritius het ook die kursus bygewoon,” sê Prinsloo. Die doel daarvan is om ritmiese gimnastiek wêreldwyd te standardiseer. “Elke ouderdomsgroep het spesifieke vereistes, bewegings en reekse wat gimnaste moet baasraak. Op dié manier kan Suid-Afrika enige tyd teen Rusland of enige ander land deelneem aangesien almal dieselfde sillabus volg.”
Die talentvolle ritmiese gimnas, Juané het intussen haar Springbokkleure in Oktober tydens die South African Gymnastics Games in Kaapstad verwerf en die land op 11 Desember in Namibië tydens die Zone 6 Africa Competition verteenwoordig. Sy het teen gimnaste van Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibië, Lesotho, SuidAfrika en Mosambiek gekompeteer en drie goue medaljes vir bal, dans en die spankompetisie ingepalm. “Ek doen die afgelope nege jaar gimnastiek en het nog nooit moeg geraak daarvoor nie. Omdat dit vir my so lekker is, kan ek nie wag vir die oefening nie,” sê Juané. As beginner het sy maandeliks beter en sterker geword en in ‘n uitnemende artistiese gimnas ontwikkel, maar tydens ‘n oefensessie het sy haar rugwerwels beseer en dokters het aangeraai dat sy artistiese gimnastiek staak. “Ek kon nie alles net so los nie omdat ek te lief is vir die sport en het besluit om eerder ritmiese gimnastiek te doen. Aan die begin was dit nie vir my lekker nie omdat my hart by artisties gelê het, maar ek het my houding en gesindheid verander en hard begin werk om die beste ritmiese gimnas te word,” sê die gefokusde Juané. Haar eerste doelwit om Suid-Afrikaanse kleure te verwerf is nou bereik, maar haar drome hou nie hier op nie. “Prinsloo is my rolmodel. Ek wil graag ‘n goeie afrigter soos sy wees. Sy het soveel kennis en ervaring om elke gimnas tot sy volle potensiaal te lei. Ek
sal graag weer nasionale kleure wil verwerf en ook eendag vir die Olimpiese Spele kwalifiseer.” Juané reken ‘n goeie gimnas het deursettingsvermoë, goeie dissipline en die wil om beter te word. “Dit is hoe ek myself motiveer – ek wil die beste wees en met elke oefening iets beter as die vorige keer doen.” Haar motto is dat jy enigiets kan bereik en sy streef elke oomblik wat sy haar voete op die mat sit daarna.
>> Zani gekies om internasionale kursus by te woon >> Juané verwerf drie goue medaljes tydens Afrikakampioenskappe
Juané Vorster en Zani Prinsloo van Zanis Gimnastics Academy het onlangs uitnemend op afsonderlike vlakke presteer.
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