Polokwane Observer deel vandag in die smart van die gemeenskap met die afsterwe van drie leerders in die fleur van hul lewens. Die tragiese sterftes het verlede Donderdag en Sondag plaasgevind en het Polokwane vandeesweek in ‘n staat van verslaendheid, trauma en rou gedompel. Ons simpatiseer met die gesinne en familie van die oorledenes wie se lewens onomkeerbaar geaffekteer is met die druk van ‘n nie-kommersiële omslag om die hoofkoerant van die week ter nagedagtenis aan die leerders.
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Read Reality | Realiteitsnuus
Augustus 21 - 28 , 2014
Hulde aan leerders
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Polokwane Observer shares in the sorrow of our community following the tragic deaths of three learners in their youth. The sad events of last Thursday and Sunday have left Polo kwane in a state of disbelief, trauma and mourning. We sympathise with the immediate families, relatives and friends of the deceased whose lives have been irrevocably affected. As token of empathy and in memory of the deceased we present this week’s edition of Polokwane Observer in a non commercial wrap.
Omslag ter nagedagtenis aan Nicole Botha, Riané van den Berg en Zander Smith
Polokwane Observer
Hartseer afskeid vir geliefde Nicole Botha ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
Vriende, familie, leerders en verskeie skoolhoofde was deel van byna 600 mense wat Dinsdag afskeid van die begaafde en geliefde Nicole Botha geneem het. Met ‘n spesiale erewag waarvan haar perd, U-Luciatana deel was, het haar ouers, Jeff en Lisa, en haar broer, Tyler, hulde gebring aan Nicole en dankie gesê aan almal wat haar lewe beïnvloed en meegehelp het om haar te vorm in die besondere mens wie sy was. Nicole is verlede Donderdag, ‘n week na haar matriekafskeid, in ‘n motorongeluk oorlede. Volgens botsingrekonstruksiedeskundige, Philip Smit, was Nicole en Lisa na ‘n perdrykompetisie in Vivo onderweg toe die ongeluk gebeur het. “Ongeveer 25 km buite die stad op die Mogwadipad het ‘n vragmotorbestuurder wat in die teenoorgestelde rigting gery het, ‘n ander voertuig verbygesteek. In ‘n poging om ‘n botsing met die Bothas se bakkie te vermy het die vragmotorbestuurder probeer om die pad aan die regterkant te verlaat, maar het links voor met die bakkie gebots. Die impak is regdeur die bakkie se linkerkant gedra en Nicole is op slag dood,” sê Smit. Lisa is reeds Saterdag ontslaan. Lisa sê: “Blouberg Ryskool het die afgelope twee en ‘n half jaar my kind se perdrydrome waar gemaak, veral Chris van der Merwe.” Nicole het haar eerste ponie gekry toe sy nog nie eers drie jaar oud was nie en haar liefde vir perde kom van haar ma. “Ons het alles saam gedoen en was beste vriende. Ek is so trots op haar. Sy was ‘n perfeksionis en uitblinker op akademiese- en sportgebied, maar ook iemand wat lief was vir die lewe. Die gesegde “Don’t follow your dreams, chase them” was haar lewensfilosofie.” Nicole was van voorneme om volgende jaar B Comm Rek aan die Universiteit van Pretoria te studeer waar haar broer ‘n tweedejaarstudent in besigheidsbestuur is. Een van haar vriendinne, Rumandi Potgieter sê Nicole het nooit verlof gevra wanneer dit by vriendskap kom nie. “Dit was vir my die grootste eer om deel van jou lewe te kon wees. Dankie vir die positiewe rol wat jy in my lewe gespeel het. Dankie vir die foto’s, naweke en miljoene herinneringe. My hart is nie net seer nie, maar gebreek.” Chanté de Vos en Claudi van Niekerk is dit eens dat Nicole altyd tyd gemaak het vir haar vriende. Eben Lingenfelder, uitvoerende hoof van Curro Heuwelkruin, waar Nicole onderhoofmeisie was, sê die opeenvolgende dood van twee van die skool se leerders is ‘n harde slag vir die skool. “Heuwelkruin is ‘n klein skool en leerders vorm hegte bande met mekaar. Almal is soos broers en susters. Ons het reeds Maandag beraders by die skool gehad wat met leerders gewerk het.”
Gebore: 1996/01/15 | Sterf: 2014/08/14
Augustus 21, 2014
August 21, 2014
Polokwane Observer
‘Niemand weet wat haar tot die uiterste stap beweeg het nie’ ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com Riané van den Berg wat Sondag haar lewe beëindig het, was volgens haar ouers ‘n sonskynkind wat graag tuis grappe gemaak het. “Sy het geen teken van depressie getoon nie en niemand het enigiets vermoed nie. Daar was geen verandering in haar gedrag, eetof slaapgewoontes of ‘n traumatiese gebeurtenis waarvan ons bewus was nie. Ons weet wel dat sy nie van verandering hou nie,” sê haar ouers, Hilde en Adriaan van den Bergh. Die gesin trek binnekort na ‘n ander woonplek in die stad. Die 13-jarige graad 8-leerder van Curro Heuwelkruin het volgens haar ouers nie van sport en skool gehou nie en was meestal ‘n alleenkind omdat haar persoonlike ruimte vir haar baie belangrik was. Sy het volgens hulle op haar terme geleef en wou nooit deel van ‘n groep wees nie. Hilde het Sondagoggend geweet iets is fout toe sy sien hul ander kind, David, ‘n graad 11-leerder het haar drie keer probeer skakel terwyl sy in die kerk was. David wat ook tuis was het die skoot gehoor en op sy suster se liggaam in die studeerkamer naby die kluis afgekom. Sy het haarself met ‘n .38 Specialrewolwer geskiet. In die briefie wat sy nagelaat het, het sy gesê dat dit nie haar ouers se skuld is nie, maar dat sy nie sterk genoeg is nie en nie meer kans sien vir die stres nie. Adriaan het Maandagoggend van Abu Dhabi na Suid-Afrika gevlieg. Hy werk sedert 2002 as brandweerhoof op die olievelde en is 28 dae daar en 28 dae tuis. Sy was lief vir die natuur, kuns, veral teken, en het graag geskryf, onder meer ‘n kortverhaal vir die Eisteddfod. Haar lewensideaal was om ‘n antropoloog te word. Haar lewensuitkyk was “Only dead fish go with the flow.” Beraders en pastore het Maandag die skool besoek waar daar individueel en met die skool as geheel sessies gehou is. Uitvoerende hoof, Eben Lingenfelder het sy skok oor die voorval uitgespreek en gesê professionele hulp is ingeroep om leerders deur die swaar tyd te ondersteun. “Daar is baie vrae, maar nie een kan beantwoord word nie. Riané was ‘n lieflike kind en onderwysers praat met lof van haar,” het hy gesê. Die gesin se raad aan ouers is om jou kinders onvoorwaardelik lief te hê en hulle te aanvaar net soos hulle is. Die begrafnis vind Saterdag om 11:00 vanuit die Ou Apostoliese Kerk in Bekkerstraat plaas.
Gebore: 2000/10/27 | Sterf: 2014/08/17
Polokwane Observer
Leerders vereer Zander Smith met ballonne, boodskappe RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Honderde ballonne met vredesboodskappe daarop is gister (Woensdag) deur leerders en onderwysers van verskeie skole sowel as Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé, waar hy ‘n leerder was, die lug ingestuur ter nagedagtenis aan Zander Smith (14), graad 8-leerder wat Sondag in ‘n fratsongeluk oorlede is. Familie en vriende het ook blomme by ‘n tafel waar foto’s van hom uitgestal is, geplaas. Zander en sy pa het op hul familieplaas aan ‘n windpomp gewerk toe sy baadjie in ‘n deel van die skroef wat in die boorgat gesink is, verstrengel geraak het. “Die skroef het aanhou beweeg en vermoedelik Zander se klere ingedraai. Zander kon homself nie uit die skroef bevry nie en sy pa is in die proses om sy seun te probeer red, ernstig beseer,” sê Zander se graadvoog, Karin de Jager. Jagters op ‘n buurplaas het ongeveer ‘n uur later vir Zander en sy pa by die windpomp gevind. De Jager sê Pieter is reeds Maandag na Eugene Marais Hospitaal in Pretoria oorgeplaas waar sy vrou, Riana hom bystaan. “Hy is Dinsdagaand geopereer waar dokters ‘n aar uit sy been in sy arm oorgeplant het in ‘n poging om sy arm te red. Riana het gesê die dokters is bekommerd oor Pieter se arm en dat daar ‘n sterk moontlikheid bestaan dat sy arm geamputeer kan word.” ‘n Finale besluit word vandag (Donderdag) daaroor geneem. Teen druktyd is nog geen begrafnisreëlings getref nie. De Jager het Zander as ‘n briljante leerder met sterk leiereienskappe beskryf. “Hy het ‘n groot hart gehad en was nederig en geliefd onder medeleerders. Dit is baie traumaties vir die skool en veral die graad 8A-klas.” Beraders het by die skool met die klas en sommige individuele leerders gewerk.
Gebore: 2000/07/03 | Sterf: 2014/08/17
Augustus 21, 2014
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Read Reality | Realiteitsnuus
Official opening hosted by Elmarié Bierman Attorneys on 5 September 2014 at 10:00, in conjunction with a Spring Celebration in favour of charity.
cutting services to non-paying residents on Monday a violent uproar erupted with protesters barricading the R71 with burning tyres and damaging vehicles parked at Paledi Mall. “Only 10% of residents in Mankweng pay their accounts on a regular basis while the
Cops, robbers in shootout Lucky
A perceived threatening ecological disaster possibly arising from the alleged contamination of a lesser waterway linking up with some of Limpopo’s most important water sources could result in a criminal charge against the Mogalakwena Municipal Manager. On Monday a high level Democratic Alliance (DA) delegation of
>> PAGE 3
Farewell in cowboy style
Clifford Ngakane leaves Meropa after 25 years
PHS vier 93 jaar
majority respond only upon enforcement of credit control processes,” Municipal Marketing and Communications Manager Tidimalo Chuene said adding that the municipality’s To page 2
national and provincial leaders followed up on allegations of deliberate pollution of a Mokopane water source, the Dorps River which is a tributary of the Nyl River flowing at the head of the Mogalakwena River that in turn runs into the great Limpopo. It is closely situated to Nylsvley which is a Ramsar Site and internationally considered one of the largest single ecosystems in the country. To page 2
Two wounded after armed robbery of legal cigarettes
>> PAGE 22
Ysterperde deel van skool se vieringe
Water sources under attack YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com
Augustus 21 - 28 , 2014
...as municipality cuts services to Mankweng ore than R120 million of Polokwane Municipality’s debt book on basic services is owed by residents in Mankweng and when the municipality started
Best Community newspaper in SA - 2005/2009/2010/2011/2012
RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
-0 R4
Polokwane | Seshego | Mokopane | Dendron | Haenertsburg | Mankweng | Aganang | Lebowakgomo | Sekhukhune
>> BLADSY 35
Beste in land ACHIEVERS
Foto: Elna Esterhuysen
>> BLADSY 20
Johanli du Plessis neem met haar honde, Lilly en Amber aan Polokwane se eerste Bark for Life-geleentheid deel.
Gimnas Jeanie is nasionale kampioen in spronge >> BLADSY 48
August 21, 2014
Violence as muni cuts services to Mankweng From page 1 debt book is valued at just over R600 million. She said it is not a case that the revenue is lost because the amount is due and payable hence the municipality is enforcing credit control to collect what is due to it. “Services are restricted as part of the credit control process. “The municipality enforces its credit control and debt collection policy whenever an account is overdue. However, due to limited resources and the high numbers of defaulters, services are randomly restricted per suburb,” Chuene said adding that residents must service their accounts in order for the municipality to continue providing basic services. She explained that a group of angry residents from units B and G started an uproar on Monday because of their dissatisfaction with the delay of electrification projects in the area. On Tuesday the protest got out of hand when a second group of protestors disgruntled by the cutting of services joined in the mass protest. A memorandum was handed to representatives of the municipality stating their issues. “The issues named are receiving attention and a response will be communicated soon,” Chuene said. Police intervention, including the use of a water cannon, was required to dispel the crowd. At the time of going to print a source based in Mankweng confirmed the absence of protestors. Police confirmed that 13 protesters were arrested on charges of public violence. In the meanwhile Education MEC Thembi Nwedamutswu expressed her concerns in a press release saying that the whole learning and teaching process in Mankweng has been disrupted by the service delivery protest. Schools affected include Hwiti, Pula Madibogo, Toronto, Dikolobe, Mountain View, Moriting and Ditlalemeso. “We urge protesters to respect the school teaching and learning environment. Pupils need to prepare for exams. We urge you to use other means and ways of raising your displeasure without disrupting the schooling process,” Nwedamutswu is quoted to have said.
Water sources under attack From page 1 The delegation included DA Federal Chairperson and Health Shadow Minister Wilmot James, DA National Council of Provinces (NCOP) Member Beyers Smit, DA Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle, DA Legislature Member Langa Bodlani, DA representatives on the Mogalakwena Council Marcelle Maritz and Thapelo Pooe as well as party activists. At the time of going to press James told Polokwane Observer that they were still awaiting the results of samples of the water that posed concern. Once they received the findings they would take the matter further, he added. Smalle told Polokwane Observer if the samples taken after their visit and independently tested by two reputable companies would contain traces of bacteria or any waterborne disease, they would continue to lay a criminal charge against the accounting authority of Mogalakwena Municipality. He indicated that the results of the water samples were expected at the latest Monday or Tuesday. He said the suspicion existed that the capacity of the pipeline leading to a sewerage plant in one of the informal settlements in Mokopane could be insufficient at times resulting in the pipe allegedly deliberately being ruptured which resulted in the apparent spilling of sewage. Smalle quoted information about seven to ten cholera cases apparently referred to Voortrekker Hospital by the eleven clinics in the area every month. According to the information they were given one to two of those cases were babies, he added. James touched down in Polokwane on Sunday for a one-day visit to the province during which he was also briefed on the provincial government’s readiness to deal with a possible Ebola outbreak. At the same time he joined the team of party representatives for the inspection of various hotspots along the Dorps River both in Mokopane and in adjacent Sekgakgapeng settlement. They further paid an oversight visit to Voortrekker Hospital in the town where a supply of life-sustaining drugs prescribed to pregnant mothers to prevent HIV-transmission to their unborn babies was identified as being at an all-time low, it was learnt. In an interview upon his arrival James raised concern about water contamination that could lead to infant mortality in the area, referring to the National Development Plan listing diarrhoeal diseases as the fifth highest cause of
morbidity as measured by disability-adjusted life years in South Africa. The first was HIV/Aids at 31%, followed by interpersonal violence at 7%, tuberculosis at 4% and road traffic injury at 3%. In 2011, he said quoting from a 2013 survey by the South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR), the incidence of diarrhoea nationally as measured by the number of cases per 1 000 children under the age of five years was 95,9. Then the highest provincial figure was Limpopo at a 164,9 incident rate. During Sunday’s interview James referred to his assessment of ten hospitals across the country – one per province except for Gauteng with two - designated as Ebola treatment centres. It included a unit located at the provincial hospital in Polokwane as well as another at Polokwane International Airport where cases diagnosed in Limpopo would be dealt with, he indicated upon conclusion of his visit. The information was bound to be used for a report to Parliament within the next week, James explained. At the time Bodlani, who provided an initial assessment of the readiness of the Limpopo government in the case of Ebola being diagnosed in the province, said the clinic at the airport was apparently equipped with two beds in two separate wards in terms of the developed provincial protocol. According to Bodlani no alternative arrangements were in place to deal with an overflow for transfers from elsewhere. He explained staff attached to Polokwane Provincial Hospital was given training to deal with Ebola on Friday and this week training efforts were expected to expand to the rest of the province. However, the protective gear for medical staff was insufficient and they were awaiting more gear, he said. Upon conclusion of his Limpopo visit James expressed concern about the state of readiness of the Limpopo Department of Health in terms of dealing with possible Ebola cases. The provincial hospital in Polokwane was not at all ready to deal with such probabilities and both units required structural and technical changes respectively, he stressed. He suggested that the national and provincial Health Departments stepped in to provide assistance and be more urgent about it. On the oversight visit to Voortrekker Hospital, Bodlani told Polokwane Observer they were informed of supplies of Nevirapine for mother-to-child HIV-transmission prevention being at an all-time low while a protocol was not in place to prescribe anti-HIV drug AZT as a substitute. At the same time they were
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Polokwane Observer is its edition of 14 August erroneously referred to Julia Werner, Head of PEPPS Preparatory School as the Head of PEPPS Primary and Pre-Primary school. She was also incorrectly quoted to have said “We should be submissive but not allow ourselves to be oppressed” instead of “We should not be submissive or allow ourselves to be suppressed.” Our apologies to Werner and our readers for any inconvenience caused.
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alerted to an administrative block on which construction commenced in 2010 still not being completed, he said and added that with an identified three months required to have it ready for use it would relieve the existing burden. Bodlani added that he intended to raise the matter in a member statement in the Legislature next week. James afterwards indicated that the matter received attention while they were there and that the supply of drugs would have been sufficient for another month, a situation he described as completely unacceptable. He ascribed it to poor management of drug distribution on the side of the supply depot within the Department of Health. Asked for comment Health Department spokesperson Macks Lesufi said the department was permanently ready for potential outbreaks. He explained the Provincial Diseases Outbreak Response Team consisting of officials from the Health, Water Affairs, Agriculture and Defence Departments was a permanent structure that conducted risk assessments of any potential outbreak in Limpopo and was responsible to make sure the province was prepared for any occurrence. At both the provincial hospital and at the international airport permanent structures were in place to deal with an Ebola outbreak in the province, he assured. To the question on the supply of Nevirapine to expectant mothers at Voortrekker Hospital he responded saying a delay existed in the supply thereof but that the province had enough stock until the end of September. By then the stock would have been supplemented again, he concluded. Mogalakwena Municipality Spokesperson Malesela Selokela facilitated response from the relevant municipal manager who related a constant problem brought on by the dumping of animal blood and fat as well as oil in manholes by two entities in Mokopane, which has resulted in hefty fines imposed in the past. The last incident, he said, was a month ago. Polokwane Observer still awaits forthcoming correspondence. He was not aware of the contamination of any water source as alleged. He further said any pipe bursts were dealt with immediately by a team on stand-by round the clock. This despite the fact that he was referred to photos provided to Polokwane Observer clearly showing the sewerage pipes being deliberately cut open.
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August 21, 2014
Polokwane Observer Left: Forensic investigators examine the vehicle used by three armed robbers to steal legal cigarettes to the value of R150 000. Right: The scene on the Roedtan/Zebediela road just outside Polokwane where Police and three armed robbers were involved in a shootout.
>> Two incidents involving cigarettes may be linked to a syndicate
Shootout between cops, cigarette robbers RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
wo suspects in a second alleged armed robbery of legal cigarettes last week are due to appear in the Mokopane Magistrate’s Court at the time of going to press. This after a shootout between Police and alleged cigarette robbers which led to the arrest of two wounded sus-
Photos: RC Myburgh
One of the suspect armed robbers was wounded and arrested along with his suspected accomplices during the shootout with the Police.
pects on the Roedtan/Zebediela road just outside Polokwane last Thursday might only be a small breakthrough in a bigger cigarette syndicate operating in Limpopo. Farmers on smallholdings in the Eerstegoud area were warned to remain in their houses and be on alert as the suspects were armed and dangerous. A farmer, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: “The Community Policing Forum (CPF) in the area quickly conveyed the message of armed robbers on the run in the area and that farmers should be on the lookout. It was not long after the message had reached most farmers that we heard about 30 shots in the direction of Hoër Landbouskool Kuschke.” According to Mokopane Police Spokesperson Irene Masingi a man was transporting 250 cartons of legal cigarettes to the value of R150 000 to a supplier in Mokopane when three armed men in a Mitsubishi Pajero pulled up next to his vehicle in Nelson Mandela Drive, Mokopane on Thursday morning. “It is alleged that the armed men forced the victim to stop after which one of them got into the victim’s vehicle forcing him to drive towards the Roedtan road. The victim activated the vehicle’s tracking device unnoticed,” she said. Masinga further said both vehicles
later pulled over and transferred the cigarettes to the Pajero. The victim and his vehicle were left abandoned next to the road. “By then Police were already warm on their trail and when they noticed Police presence they opened fire. Police retaliated and the Pajero went off the road,” Masingi said explaining that the suspects quickly surrendered after being wounded. She cited that another two suspects were arrested on Monday who were allegedly involved in a similar case on 16 August, two days after the shootout. The two suspects allegedly robbed a man who was busy offloading cigarettes at a supplier in Mokopane. Several cartons of cigarettes and R3 000 cash were stolen. “We suspect that the two incidents might be linked to a bigger case but further investigation will reveal if there are bigger fish we need to go after,” Masingi said. She said the three suspects Raymond Malefo, Johannes Mmako and Jerry Matsetela involved in the first incident appeared in the Mokopane Magistrate’s Court on Monday facing a charge of armed robbery. They were refused bail and remained in custody. The two suspects in the second incident were due to have appeared in the same court yesterday (Wednesday).
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Polokwane Observer
Augustus 21, 2014
Augustus 21, 2014
CRIME shorts Pensioner raped, assaulted during Women’s Month
Three men aged between 24 and 29 are behind bars in connection with the murder, rape and robbery of an 83-year-old pensioner from Sereni village outside Elim. Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi said the three suspects were arrested by Police on Tuesday and were expected to make their first appearance in the Tiyani Magistrate’s Court yesterday (Wednesday). Mulaudzi said the woman died on 17 August in Elim Hospital after she was brutally attacked by two suspects while asleep the night before. He said they allegedly forced their way into her room and demanded money. The two then dragged the pensioner to nearby bushes where they allegedly raped and assaulted her before they returned to her house and set it alight. The victim was found by neighbours who immediately took her to a nearby hospital. Kenny Mathivha, Spokesperson for the Premier in a press release stated that Premier Stan Mathabatha condemned the attack on the woman. He quoted Mathabatha to have said he was shocked that the incident took place when the country is celebrating Women’s Month. “Such people are not fit to live within our society and among people,” Mathabatha reportedly said. He further said the protection of women, especially old and young is sanctified and the country needs to be observant of this.
Dangerous Thohoyandou suspect rearrested
A dangerous suspect who escaped from Police holding cells at Thohoyandou Police station a fortnight ago was rearrested on Saturday. Provincial Police Spokesperson, Hangwani Mulaudzi said Tshilidzi Nelson Masindi (36) is now under Police guard at a hospital after he was allegedly severely assaulted by community members who responded to a call by two women who Masindi allegedly attempted to rape at Mvudi Park in Muledane. Mulaudzi said Masindi is facing charges of rape, burglary, assault and murder. “Escaping from lawful custody and a case of attempted rape has been added,” he said. Masindi escaped Police custody on 12 August wearing a Police uniform which he allegedly stole from a steel cabinet where court orderlies store their uniforms. “Internal processes are still underway to establish which officer’s uniform was used by the suspect,” Mulaudzi said.
Constable, eight suspects arrested
horns with a getaway vehicle. “A .375 hunting rifle with the serial number filed off, a silencer, an axe, a Toyota Tazz and a Nissan Hardbody were seized,” he said.
Three arrested in Maake murder
More arrests are expected in the murder of Solomon Maunatlala from Masoma village, Maake after three suspects were apprehended Sunday evening. Provincial Police Spokesperson, Ronel Otto said the three suspects appeared in the Maake Magistrate’s Court on Monday. The case against two of them was withdrawn because they could not positively be linked to the murder. She said the third suspect, Makoti Friday Ramaila (45) was remanded in custody until his court appearance on Monday for further investigation. Otto said Maunatlala of Lephepane village was found dead on the premises of his liquor outlet at Madibogo Bar Lounge on Saturday, 16 August at about 11:00. “It is alleged that a group of community members stormed the bar lounge at about 02:00 on 16 August and damaged and looted the bar before setting his vehicle and a small guard room alight. “His body was discovered in the yard later the same morning. He had multiple injuries to his head and arms and it is suspected that he might have been stoned to death,” Otto said. She said Police investigations are continuing.
Door-to-door campaign about gender violence
Members of the Westenburg Police and the Community Policing Forum conducted a door-to-door campaign in Lesedi Park, Ladanna, Mahlasedi Park and Ga-Rena village on Saturday in celebration of Women’s Month. Police Spokesperson Mohlaka Mashiane said various speakers from different Community Policing Forums and nongovernment organisations spoke to the residents of Khuseleka House at Polokwane Place of Safety about gender violence.
Four suspects in court for rhino poaching
The four suspects that were arrested after the carcass of rhino bull with its horns removed was found in the Mapungubwe National Park on 26 July appeared in the Makhado Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday and were remanded in custody until their next court appearance in the same court on 26 August. Provincial Police Spokesperson, Tsietsi Lamola said the suspects, Job Basi Tlou (53), Percy Manengena (29), Johannes Podile Sematla (48) and Lebala Sematla (48) were arrested in Makhado, Musina and Alldays following information the Police received from the community on Friday. Polokwane Observer reported in the 31 July issue that the South African National Parks acting Head of Communications, Reynold
Thakhuli said it is the first reported rhino poaching incident at the World Heritage Site near Musina.
Letsitele ritual killer in custody
Suspected ritual killer Ernest Kgashane Malatjie (39) appeared in the Ritavi Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday and is remanded in custody until the next court appearance on 3 October pending further Police investigations. Provincial Police Spokesperson, Tsietsi Lamola said Malatjie was arrested in Letsitele after on suspicion that he murdered Kgomotso Ragolane (15). Blood stains matching that of the victim were found on Malatjie’s clothes, according to Lamola.
Twee in hof oor moord Twee plaaswerkers van Letsitele het gister (Woensdag) in die Tzaneen-landdroshof op aanklagte van moord verskyn nadat ‘n 38-jarige man Maandag op ‘n plaas in Letsitele dood is nadat hy met lemoene teen sy kop gepeper is. Tzaneen polisiewoordvoerder, Moatshe Ngoepe sê wyle Babanto Chauke en van die ander plaaswerkers het blykbaar baklei. Ngoepe sê dit is nie bekend waaroor die voorval gegaan het nie, maar hulle het hom aanhoudend met lemoene teen sy kop gegooi totdat hy dood is,” sê Ngoepe. Chauke is glo n Mosambiekse burger.
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A Police constable attached to the Crime Prevention Unit at the Hillbrow Police station in Gauteng and eight other suspects were arrested on Sunday morning and were to appear in the Modimolle Magistrate’s Court on charges of attempted rhino poaching and possession of an unlicensed firearm on Tuesday. The eight were arrested for attempted rhino poaching at a private game farm at Rankin’s Pass in the Waterberg Conservancy. Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi said three suspects, two Mozambicans and one Zimbabwean national were arrested on the farm while allegedly ready to poach rhinos. Two others, a local resident and a female Botswana national were arrested outside the farm just after allegedly offloading the poaching trio. Mulaudzi said another three suspects, all from within South Africa, were arrested at Vaalwater where they waited for the rhino
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Polokwane Observer
Augustus 21, 2014
Ranch Resort Charity Golf Day full of fun BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com While ladies of Polokwane and surrounds attended functions to celebrate Women’s Day recently, their husbands and friends made the most of the opportunity to raise funds for worthy initiatives during the Ranch Resort Charity Golf Day.
The day’s fun commenced with a “shotgun start” where twelve teams could participate in a four ball competition with great prizes to be won. Golfers were back at the club house for lunch after twelve holes of fun-filled golf and refreshments as they went along. The course was in a good condition and the golfers were not disappointed.
Funds were also raised at the wine auction conducted by Aggie Ströh that was followed by the well-deserved lunch offered by the venue. Last year’s event raised an amount in excess of R80 000 and organiser Tom Shearer was delighted to announce that R80 000 was again raised this year and that the money will be donated to animal welfare charities.
Wian Marx after an excellent shot on the second tee.
Raymond Pratt did not disappoint on the first.
Mmaphefo Linchwe, Cedric Wren, Paul Shearer, Ryan Shearer and Jack Schofield are ready to go for the big prize.
Edwin Mackays, Nico Myburgh Sr, Nico Myburgh Jr and Peter Masehela took part in the four ball at Protea Hotel Ranch Resort.
Ranch Resort entertains for Thula Thula Baba Baby Home BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
Vicky Shearer, hostess of the event with Eileen Schofield, programme director.
Guests Ursula Moodie and Anne Kirkpatrick enjoy their tea.
Vicky Shearer of Protea Hotel Ranch Resort recently made sure that the ladies of Polokwane and surrounds participate in a delightful High Tea at the resort when they responded to the call to show what women can do for charity. Ladies from as far as Mookgophong attended this once-a-year function to raise funds for Thula Thula Baba Baby Home in Mokopane and were treated to delectable eats, coffee and a selection of teas as well as some bubbly for the more
adventurous. Programme director Eileen Schofield ensured the the proceedings ran smoothly and that there was enough time for all the guests to mingle and enjoy. A professional horticulturist was at hand to answer questions relating to gardens and to share information about the latest trends in gardening. Some not so well-known plants were on show and there for taking home at factory-shop prices. An amount of R126 000 was raised of which R19 000 will go to the chosen charity of Katryn Barwise, Miss Humanity South Africa 2013, being Ivydale Shelter.
Guests Karen Lombard, Retha Eastes, Hilary Knight of Thula Thula Baba Baby Home and Jodi Knight celebrate Women’s Day. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
Left: Melissa Fourie and Godfrey Phakgadi of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Mokopane receive a cheque for R80 000 from Vicky Shearer of Protea Hotel Ranch Resort. Right: Vicky Shearer of Protea Hotel Ranch Resort, right, and caregivers of Thula Thula Baba Baby Home in Mokopane with the R26 000 cheque that was handed over to the house.
Special thanks to:
Decor Scene – Elna Kosmos Kwekery Maroela Chickens Modern Packaging Andrew Cocks Distell – Charl & Katryn Charles Booysen “Masimo M Berti Fruit & Veg
Jeanette Saaijman of Mookgophong and Louiza Frohlich at the High Tea.
Marian Landsberg, Public Relations Officer of Protea Hotel Ranch Resort and Katryn Barwise, Miss Humanity South Africa 2013 at the High Tea.
Annalie Potgieter verloor stryd teen kanker ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com ‘n Geliefde inwoner van die stad, Annalie Potgieter, het op 14 Augustus op 50-jarige ouderdom die stryd teen kanker verloor nadat sy agt maande gelede met kolonkanker, wat later na haar lewer en limfkliere versprei het, gediagnoseer is. Haar suster, Hermien Groenewald sê sy sal onthou word as iemand wat ‘n pragtige voorbeeld vir ander gestel het en ‘n liefdevolle persoonlikheid gehad het. “Jy is bemin deur familie en vriende en het soveel liefde gehad om te gee, soveel sprankel, energie en liefde gedeel. Jy het altyd geluister en verstaan.” Potgieter is in Polokwane gebore en getoë en het haar matriekjaar aan die Hoërskool Noorderland voltooi wat volgens haar suster akademies uitgeblink het. Na matriek het sy by die destydse Anette Naskool begin werk en was daarna vir onderskeidelik agt en twee jaar by Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos en Pietersburg Laerskool se nasorgsentrums betrokke. Later
jare was sy ook by haar man se besigheid, Johan Potgieter Makelaars, werksaam voordat sy vir ongeveer ses jaar as ontvangsdame by Daan Schoeman Finansiële Adviseurs gewerk het. Haar man sê sy het in haar 50 lewensjare net mooi herinneringe Foto: Verskaf agtergelaat. “In ons ‘n Vroeëre foto van getroude lewe van 30 Annalie Potgieter jaar het ons mekaar in wat onlangs aan tye van goed en sleg kanker oorlede is. ondersteun. Ek gaan jou baie mis, maar ek sien jou weer want ons is tydelik hier op aarde,” het hy in die begrafnisbrief gesê. Potgieter is Dinsdag uit die NG Kerk Pietersburg-Noord in Dorpstraat ter ruste gelê. Benewens haar man laat sy haar seun, Rohan (28), ma, broer en drie susters agter.
Lim geared for Tourism Month celebrations Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Seaparo Sekoati, MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism is expected to lead a delegation of senior government officials and stakeholders to the 2014 National Tourism Launch scheduled to take place at Maboneng precinct in Gauteng on Tuesday. The launch will precede Provincial Tourism Month festivities and events, the programme for which Sekoati will announce on 4 September in Phalaborwa. Mike Tauatsoala, Spokesperson of Limpopo Tourism Agency said key provincial events that
can be looked forward to include the Tourism Golf Extravaganza, Provincial Lilizela Tourism Awards as well as Speed Marketing Workshops for small medium micro enterprises. He stated that the theme for Tourism Month 2014 is Tourism and Community Development. “During the month the department will also support various industry events and activities such as the annual Orchid Flower Festival in Phalaborwa as well as Arbor Day at a venue still to be confirmed. We will also have Mahala Week in partnership with South African National Parks and aimed at encouraging people to visit our provincial parks,” Tauatsoala concluded.
Reservoir levels above 60% RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com The city’s reservoirs are at a satisfying level with all measuring above 60% on Monday. According to municipal Spokesperson Malesela Maubane the 50 mega litre reservoir
measured at 65% and the new 30 mega litre reservoir at 70% while the old 30 mega litre reservoir remained empty due to refurbishment expected to be completed by the end of the month. Reservoirs in Potgieter Avenue, Extension 34 and Seshego held 75%, 95% and 75% of its capacity respectively.
Conman OBSERVER arrested for attempted fraud, bribes Augustus 21, 2014
>> He demanded R3 500 as a deposit >> The man was out on bail for fraud ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com
man who allegedly claimed to be a manager and procurement committee member of a local Eskom office was arrested on Tuesday and will appear in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court soon facing charges of fraud. This after he supposedly attempted to con an undercover Police officer and a woman out of money while offering the woman a business opportunity in exchange for a bribe. Polokwane Police Spokesperson, Ntobeng Phala said the Limpopo Provincial Task Team arrested the 27-year-old self-proclaimed Eskom manager and procurement committee member after the Police acted on a tip-off from the public. An undercover Police officer pretended to be the business partner of a 37-year-old woman whom the suspect allegedly promised a catering job for 150 people in exchange for R100 000. “The suspect, the woman and the undercover officer met at a restaurant in Market Street in the city. During the meeting, he allegedly boasted to have an influential position as a member of the procurement committee at
Eskom,” said Phala. Phala said the officer became even more suspicious when his calculations didn’t add up. “He apparently promised a catering job to the woman for 150 people at an amount of R100 000. This calculated to R650 per person for a lunch.” Phala said the man apparently demanded R3 500 as a deposit from the woman with the promise that an electronic payment of R50 000 would be made once she signed the necessary documents so that she can purchase groceries. He said the suspect was subsequently arrested for fraud and at that stage claimed his employment and position at Eskom whilst also demanding that his intended victims check his credentials. “It was discovered after the arrest that the man was out on bail for fraud after he allegedly conned a person in Seshego out of R5 000 earlier this month with the promise of getting a job. The Police are investigating the possibility that he might be linked to a series of fraud cases in and around Polokwane while out on bail,” Phala said. He said the man’s cell phone rang nonstop after his arrest and, when answered by Police officials, people from across the province calling him Steve, Mpho or Alex enquired about unfulfilled promises relating to false tenders. “Some enquired about promised jobs which they had paid money for,” Phala said. Persons who fell victim to the same suspected perpetrator are requested to call Provincial Task Team Limpopo member NJ Makola on 071 601 5174.
August 21, 2014
WRITE TO US>> PO Box 11140, Bendor, 0699 TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 E-MAIL barryv.observer@gmail.com
15 to 29 August >> Plot for Peace, a gripping, covert account of the last days of Apartheid, is screened at Ster-Kinekor, Mall of the North. Tickets are available at the cinema at normal cost. Katlego Ledimo: 076 062 5734 or 011 303 7030. 23 August >> The Limpopo Fencing Union hosts its annual fencing competition at Bolivia Lodge from 09:00 to 17:00. Entry is free. Tersia Goosen: 073 450 2224. 26 Augustus >> Die Pietersburg-Doornkraal Geloftefeesmaatskappy hou om 18:30 ‘n dankdiens by die Doornkraal Feessaal om die eerste uitgawe van die Bybel in Afrikaans te herdenk. Johan Willemse: 015 297 5922/072 197 3134. 27 August >> The annual Hats and Handbags function takes place at 18:00 for 18:30 at the Marco Hall. Entrance is free and Carla de Jager will address the audience on Women and Child Abuse. Gueste are requested to bring a bag with items that can be donated to charities dealing with women and child abuse. Lioney Cousins: 015 296 0072. 30 Augustus >> Die Hervormde Gemeente in Thabo Mbekistraat bied vanaf 09:00 ‘n markdag aan. Kom geniet ‘n oggend saam met talentvolle entrepreneurs. Susan Raath: 082 258 1418. >> Die Emmanuel Baptistegemeente bied om 18:30 ‘n gratis Lentedans by die Christ Baptist Church op die hoek van Marshall- en Proteastraat aan. Eetgoed sal te koop wees vanaf 17:30. Andries Swanepoel: 083 566 3234. 30 Augustus en 6 September >> Die jaarlikse Cliviaskou vind van 08:00 tot 13:00 by Groblerstraat 51A plaas. Mooi en skaars plante is te koop. Pieter van Eeden: 082 448 4251. 31 August >> Polokwane Pedallers
presents the Limpopo Qualifier Event in the Polokwane Game Reserve from 08:00. There will be a marathon (74 km), half marathon (37 km) and a fun ride (15 km). Pre-entries at Saloojee Cycles on 29 August and line entries on the day of the event from 06:00 to 07:30. The total prize money is R35 000. Neels Lourens: 082 809 4860. 4 September >> Die Vryburgers bied ‘n wynveiling by die Pietersburgklub in samewerking met die Vryburgers van Robertson aan. Geld word hierdeur ingesamel vir liefdadigheid. Aggie Ströh: 082 465 8234. 5 September >> Koop jou plakker en glimhoed en trek snaaks aan vir Loslitdag saam met die Vereniging vir Persone met Gestremdheid en maak so ‘n verskil aan die lewe van gestremdes. Vanjaar se tema is “Hou die bling kant bo.” Johnny Graham: 015 291 1787/8. >> Rocco de Villiers tree om 18:00 by Bolivia Lodge ten bate van La Wiida Leersentrum vir Kinders met Spesiale Behoeftes (voorheen die Arendeklas) op. Kaartjies kos R500 per persoon of R5 000 per tafel van tien en sluit ‘n banketete in. Sophia Hislop: 082 325 0612 of 015 297 3310. 6 September >> Baby and Toddler Expo takes place at NG Kerk Bendor from 09:00 to 17:00. There will be face paint, pony rides food and drinks and proceeds will go towards Ngwana Baby House. The keynote speaker will be Melodie de Jager and tickets cost R20 per person with children under thirteen free. Jackie Shrives: 072 101 9815. >> Noordelikes Rugbyklub hou vanaf 10:00 ‘n potjiekoskompetisie by die klub in Ladanna. Inskrywings kos R500 per pot van vier persone en inskrywings sluit op 19 Augustus. Lieb Coetzer: 082 974 4330. 26 September The Polokwane Chamber of Business hosts their annual Golf Day from 08:00 to 12:00 at the Polokwane Golf Club. The competition will be a Betterball Stableford. Joyce Masegela: 015 297 8057.
Chris Chameleon eersdaags in Polokwane Polokwane-inwoners het môre (Vrydag) die geleentheid om Chris Chameleon in sy verskeidenheid gedaantes as Suid-Afrika se geliefde verkleurmannetjie in die produksie, Drie Vriende te beleef. Vernuwend, eindeloos kreatief en baie talentvol is immers woorde waarmee ‘n mens tereg na die veelbekroonde Chameleon kan verwys. Buiten sy eie, buitengewone aanbieding van musiek en fassinerende verhale, verskyn die vlamwarm jong digter Daniella Deysel saam met Chameleon om sy 2014-albumbekendstelling van Posduif , ‘n versameling van sy toonsettings van Deysel se aangrypende werk, te vertolk. Die derde been van Drie Vriende is die partytjie opskop doef-doef
skollie, Sarel Fourie wat ook sy verskyning maak om gehore te trakteer in ‘n produksie wat ‘n wye verskeidenheid humor, erns, sielsmusiek en loslittige vermaak waarborg. Die vertoning vind om 18:30 in die saal van Pietersburg-Laerskool plaas. Geen voorafbespreekte sitplekke word gedoen nie, maar gaste kan vanaf 17:00 arriveer en die beste sitplekke kies. Kaartjies kos R130. Skakel Hanno Becker by 082 574 9431 vir telefoniese besprekings. Slegs 50 kaartjies is by die deure beskikbaar. Aanlynbesprekings kan tot vandag (Donderdag) om 14:00 by www.chameleonpbg.co.za gedoen word. Die wins van die produksie word aan liefdadigheid geskenk.
Female author inspires show in State Theatre >> Hassim nominated for two literary awards >> “The most interactive production ever seen” BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
he SoPhiaTwenty20 performance that takes place in The South African State Theatre in Pretoria this weekend is inspired by a novel of Shafinaaz Hassim, named SoPhia. Polokwane Observer reported earlier this year that Hassim, who hails from Polokwane, was nominated for two major literary awards, the K Sello Duiker Memorial Literary Award in the 2013 South African Literary Awards (Sala) and in the debut category of the 2012/2013 University of Johannesburg Prize for South African Writing in English, for her novel. The show is directed by Firdoze Bulbulia and according to a press release from the producer, Moments Entertainment, SoPhiaTwenty20 will be the most interactive production of alternate theatre that local stages have ever seen. “SoPhia is more than just another novel about domestic abuse, power, love and reflection. It is a beautifully crafted narrative about the human spirit and the power that we all hold to triumphantly soar beyond our own demons. It is an engaging tale about love and hate, passion and pain, violence and weakness, redemption and forgiveness and in the
life journey of all its characteristics it draws us in to sometimes taking sides and at other times to feel the pain of being helpless observers. It engages us intellectually and sometimes drains us emotionally. Then it gently lifts the carpet from under our feet to take us on a magical ride into the mystical world of Sufism, and from up there we witness just how much of our own strengths and weaknesses we’ve swept under the carpet, under the ground, out of sight! SoPhia gives us the courage to reach out from that carpet ride and to take hold of our strengths which we too often fear to discover. Its tale about taking ownership for our own lives is indeed universal,” Ismail Mahomed, Festival Director, National Arts Festival, South Africa commented. Firdoze Bulbulia, the Director of Moments Entertainment, says: “A tribute to all South African women whose voices may have been silenced, but whose spirit carried the light of liberation; freedom and emancipation. SoPhiaTwenty20 is an eclectic collaboration of installations, poetry, narrative, song and movement that tells the story of 20 years of women and democracy in South Africa. As director I am choosing a Brechtian approach so that I am part of the production and the production is part of the audience. We are taking the production outside of the theatre and we are also bringing non-actors into the performance space. Every space is theatre and the theatre is every space, so no holy cows, only storytellers who juggle their narratives as jesters would. We are sharing the stories of our past, present and future and we are encouraging our audience to also share with us.”
Deel in die avontuur met Buster die Brak en Juffrou Hanna Kinders en hul ouers kan binnekort in die stad op ‘n avontuurlike verkenningstog saam met Buster die Brak en Juffrou Hanna gaan. Die prettige gebeurtenis met lekker saamsingliedjies vind op 6 September om 10:00 by Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé plaas. Juffrou Hanna is aktrise Hanna Grobler wat haar sangtalent inspan wanneer sy en Buster oorspronklike liedjies soos Moenie bang wees nie, Almal het ‘n gawe en Sê vir my hoe dit werk, sing. ‘n Inkleurkompetisie met pryse wat gewen kan word is deel van die gebeurtenis. Buster die Brak – Almal het ‘n gawe en Juffrou Hanna help ouers om te besef ouerskap is nie so moeilik nie, maar eintlik ‘n groot avontuur en elkeen het ‘n gawe. Lesse wat al singend oorgedra word, sluit ook Bybelstories in soos Joshua en die wapenrusting wat ons nodig het vir elke dag se uitdagings. Die DVD en CD wat binnekort
in die winkels beskikbaar is, sal verseker dat Buster die Brak en Juffrou Hanna nog diep in die harte van oud en jonk kruip. Kaartjies vir die spesiale geleentheid kos R50 per persoon en die opbrengs gaan aan Hoop vir Kinders. Skakel Linda Dahms by 082 554 0540 vir navrae.
Traditional leaders not happy with Government treatment HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
enior traditional leaders who participate in councils and committees of Local Municipalities are discontent about the treatment they receive from these institutions. Malesela Dikgale, Chairperson of the Limpopo House of Traditional Leaders on Monday informed the South African Local Government Association (Salga), Provincial Members Assembly Lekgotla held in Bela-Bela of the concerns of the house. Dikgale reminded the gathering that last year, at the Traditional Leadership Indaba held in Polokwane, Salga informed traditional lead-
Negative audit outcomes concern Premier HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za The Provincial Government is gravely concerned over serial negative audit results received by municipalities and municipal entities. MEC for Health, Ishmael Kgetjepe voiced this concern on behalf of Premier Stan Mathabatha during the South African Local Government Association (Salga) Provincial Members Assembly Lekgotla at Bela-Bela on Monday. Kgetjepe stated that the Auditor- General report paints a very bleak picture which should invite Salga to immediate action. “The one thing we simply cannot tolerate is the unjustified failures of some municipalities to avail their books for audit by the AuditorGeneral. This type of tendency borders on incompetence, and, at worst represents a general disregard of the principles of accountability. Related to this, are municipalities’ over reliance on consultants for preparation of their financials. These consultants milk our municipalities of the very resources which were supposed to be channelled to service delivery projects,” Kgetjepe said. He also stressed that the Provincial Executive Council (PEC) has taken a decision to capacitate municipalities looking at the state of the water in the Province. A larger percentage of municipalities will not be able to pay water authorities what is due to them if the PEC does not intervene urgently. “It is therefore my privilege to announce that the Senior General Manager in the Office of the Premier, Nape Nchabeleng is heading a team that includes all Municipal Managers to look into water challenges of the province. This team will report to me and should have concluded its work by the end of this year,” Kgetjepe said. Salga Provincial Chairperson David Magabe said they will tackle the issues of audit outcomes firmly. “We must also accept that, as much as the status quo is unwelcome, Salga has a response to it and we must therefore be guided by that particular response. This response is referred to as the Municipal Audit Support Programme (Masp),” Magabe said. “The Masp will however amount to nothing if our member municipalities continue to struggle to comply with legal prescripts and the demand for good governance. We would not need other spheres of government to manage us closely through over regulation if we could only learn to be proactive and encourage, amongst ourselves, the enforcement of accountability and consequences for wrongdoing,” Magabe urged. During the event the gathering led by MEC for Health, Ishmael Kgetjepe and Salga Provincial Chairperson David Magabe each held a candle in memory of Aids victims.
David Magabe, South African Local Government Association (Salga) Provincial Chairperson in conversation with Health MEC Ishmael Kgetjepe prior to the start of Salga’s Provincial Members Assembly on Monday.
ers of its intention to standardise benefits given to senior traditional leaders participating in municipal councils and committees. Dikgale further recollected that during the summit it was agreed that all councillors must have a good working relationship with traditional leaders to advance service delivery. He stressed that there are councillors who are still not working well with the traditional leaders. “There are those councillors who perform functions that belong to traditional leaders and by so doing deprive traditional officers the opportunity to generate revenue. We cannot afford to have councillors interfering with the work of traditional leaders;
we can’t continue like this. We want to work with everyone including our municipalities. Let them show respect so that we can respect them,” Dikgale insisted.
Augustus 21, 2014
Kgoshi Malesela Dikgale, Chairperson of the Limpopo House of Traditional Leaders and Maboa Boltman, Salga National Executive Committee Member.
Women should take control of their finances W
omen have come a long way in establishing their independence as they pursue careers, run households and contribute to the economy but when it comes to finances though, some women still sacrifice their independence by leaving their financial security in the hands of a spouse or partner. The first step to financial independence is to take control of your finances. Fraser and Associates Bluestar Financial Advisory Services provided a simple but helpful checklist to be used when thinking about financial needs, goals and priorities. Do I have a budget and am I sticking to it? Keep careful track of all your income and expenses and of whatever financial solutions you already have in place. Am I living within my means? Credit is an inevitable part of life, especially for bigger purchases as few people can afford to buy a house or car with cash. But when you start using your credit card to buy food or pay for living expenses, you may be in trouble. Buying on credit is very expensive and people often overspend when they don’t purchase
items in cash. Stick to your budget, pay cash as far as possible and use credit sparingly. Is my will up to date? Do you have a will that specifies your wishes with regard to your spouse and or children and their financial needs? Have you appointed a guardian? Do I have enough life cover? Do you have enough life cover to make sure that your family will be taken care of financially should you pass away? The life cover amount should cover your contribution to the household budget and any outstanding debt you may have, especially debt on assets you own. Speak to your financial adviser to make sure that you have adequate cover. Do I have enough disability cover? Are you sufficiently covered if you are no longer able to generate an income due to disability as a result of an accident or a critical illness, such as cancer? What happens if I lose my job? Using income protection insurance, you can protect your income in the event of temporarily or permanently becoming unable to earn a living. Several good options are available in
the market. Speak to your financial adviser to find the option that offers the best value and addresses your particular needs. Do I have an emergency fund? Do you have an emergency savings fund to cover those unforeseen events or expenses? Apart from a joint savings plan with your partner, it’s a good idea to have your own separate savings pool to which you contribute monthly. Not only is it a welcome safety net, but it also gives you a sense of financial security. Am I saving for my child’s education? Is your child’s schooling and tertiary education planned for, including related expenses such as uniforms and study material? Are my retirement savings on track? You need to ensure that you save enough for your retirement so that you can be financially self-sufficient and maintain your standard of living in your golden years. Statistics show that women live longer than men and therefore have to make provision for a longer retirement period. Meet with your financial adviser annually to make sure your retirement savings stay on track.
Polokwane Observer
Up to 24 Months treated as CASH BEST DEAL!
Die Ebola uitbraak wat Guinee, Sierra Leone, Nigerië in nou Liberië getref het, is die ergste sedert dit in 30 jaar gelede vir die eerste keer gëidentifiseer is. Die situasie is lewensgevaarlik vir die Wes-Afrikastate en daar is vrese dat dit selfs wyer in Afrika kan versprei. Polokwane Observer-lesers het hulle vrese oor die moontlikheid dat die virus in Suid-Afrika kan kop uitsteek, uitgespreek.
The Ebola outbreak affecting Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and now Liberia is the worst since this disease was first discovered over 30 years ago. The ongoing situation for the West African countries is extremely dangerous, and there are fears that it could spread over widely in Africa. Also at home Polokwane Observer readers have expressed concern about a possible spread of the virus to local shores.
national / Views on provincial / local issues
Augustus 21, 2014
André van Staden: “Dit is beslis ‘n saak van groot kommer en die regering sal alles in die stryd moet werp indien die virus hierheen versprei.”
Khutso Sekula: “I am concerned about the virus and I think the doctors should try and find a cure for the disease before it spreads across Africa.”
Stefan Booyens: “Ek is besorg en dink daar behoort siftingstoetse gedoen te word op almal wat die land van daar binnekom.”
Khutso Selepe: “I think the government and doctors should find a cure for the virus before it spreads any further.”
Corné Steyn: “ Ja, ek is bekommerd en dink die regering moet alles in die stryd werp om te verseker dat die virus nie Suid-Afrika bereik nie.”
Precious Ramalepe: “I think more doctors should be trained to be able to deal with the virus.”
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Nkhensani Nkuna: “Yes, I am very concerned. The best way to ensure that it does not spread to our country is to ensure that people coming from those countries are tested and screened before they reach South Africa.”
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August 21, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Dancers keep spirits up despite long wait on ANC YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com
espite an African National Congress (ANC) rally of the Milo Malatjie branch in Seshego starting about three hours late on Saturday, traditional dancers of various ages kept spirits up in chilly weather conditions at Small Park. The park in Zone 1 was converted into a venue for a Women’s Day celebration, with 10:00 as starting time. The programme, ac-
cording to ANC Milo Malatjie Branch Chairperson Boy Mamabolo, started at 13:00 and included messages by the ANC Youth League (Ancyl), ANC Women’s League (ANCWL) and alliance partner South African Communist Party (SACP). He said Transport, Safety and Liaison MEC Mapula Mokaba-Phokwana gave an address
on women’s rights. The address by Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng did not materialise as she had other commitments, he indicated. It was the drums, the whistles and the foot-stomping under a tree beforehand that remained with the visitor long after the sounds died down.
A member of Sepemela Project in Seshego dances to the tune of the drums prior to Saturday’s celebration for women. Left: Mary Raphahlela, Sepemela Project troupe and Masakaneng Traditional Dancers coordinator, sets the pace for a traditional dance by the group of elder women from different zones in Seshego.
Photos: Yolande Nel
A member of Masakaneng Traditional Dancers pounds the drum to set the beat ahead of Saturday’s rally of the African National Congress (ANC) Milo Malatjie Branch in Seshego.
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Sixty-year-old dies in fire in Ladanna ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Westenburg Police are still investigating the cause of the fire that claimed the life of a 60-year-old African man after a temporary structure caught fire at a business in Chroom Street, Ladanna Sunday morning. The victim, whose name cannot be released because his next of kin had at the time of going to press not been informed of his death, was according to Westenburg Police Spokes-
person Mohlaka Mashiane living in a Wendy house at his place of work. He said the man apparently returned home early Sunday morning and wanted to cook a meal. “Preliminary investigations show that the paraffin stove the man used to cook on must have exploded,” Mashiane said. He added that the victim sustained burn injuries, suffered from smoke inhalation and died on the scene. “Although the Police are still investigating the cause of fire, no foul play is suspected,” he said.
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August 21, 2014
12 OBSERVER polokwane
Ebenezer plant shutdown, use water sparingly
RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com The Ebenezer Water Plant will be shut down for approximately six to eight hours today (Thursday) and Polokwane Municipality urged residents to use water sparingly. Tidimalo Chuene, Marketing and Communications of the municipality informed that the plant had to be shut down to enable maintenance work on the rising main line
and the inlet pipe. Even though the municipality took precautionary measures by filling the Rustfontein reservoir yesterday (Wednesday) which will be let out to Polokwane today (Thursday) Chuene urged consumers to use water sparingly. “Reservoirs in Polokwane Municipality’s rural areas were also filled during the week as these areas will not receive any water from the plant during the shutdown,” she said.
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Multi-million Rand Vodacom network upgrade for Lim well on track J
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ust over R181 million has been earmarked by Vodacom for network investment in Limpopo in the current financial year with the bulk of this amount to be spent on upgrading approximately 238 network sites. Earlier this year, Vodacom’s Chief Executive Officer Shameel Joosub announced plans for a 30% increase in investment in Vodacom’s network across South Africa. He stated that amongst other things, the money would go towards adding base stations, getting more data coverage into rural areas, deploying faster technology like Long Term Evolution (LTE), also known as 4G and expanding fibre optic infrastructure to connect the base stations. Delivering on this promise, Vodacom announced last month that they had added another 293 3G sites, as well as an additional 473 LTE sites across South Africa. This represents an increase of more than 50% in LTE sites. On top of this the company announced that 74,5% of their sites are now connected using their own self-provided high capacity transmission. The additional capacity means that Vodacom are able to maintain superior network performance even as traffic increases in response to lower prices. Bringing the investment story closer to home Managing Executive for Vodacom’s operations in the Limpopo Region Junaid Munshi was quoted saying in a press release: “I am pleased to announce that just over R181 million has been earmarked for network investment in Limpopo in the current financial year. The bulk of this amount will be spent on upgrading approximately 238 network sites to the latest Radio Access Network Technology, and more importantly making them 3G data capable. We are also planning to build 65 new network sites across the province. On a practical basis, this means that we’ll be bringing faster data services to tens of thousands of people who currently only have voice services and Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE)
data services. On top of this, the upgrade will increase network capacity and provide improved voice quality and enhanced mobile data speeds in areas such as Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Thabazimbi by the end of the year.” The upgrade of approximately 238 3G sites is in addition to the sites that have already been completed in the region, making Vodacom the largest network operator in the province. The overall programme is due to be completed by the end of March 2015 and has been specifically aimed at the extension of data services with a special focus on the rural areas as well that only have mobile voice capability and EDGE data services at the moment. Munshi added: “On top of this we’re expanding our LTE coverage footprint in Polokwane and Lephalale, making sure that the major cities in the province have truly world-class connection speeds. Anyone looking to take advantage of this technology should stop by our stores to see the latest 4G/LTE enabled devices. With 4G/LTE, video and music downloads can be accomplished in a fraction of the time of traditional 3G services.” While speed is a key consideration in this technology upgrade, adding capacity is also a major focus for Vodacom. In this regard, there is additional investment being made in enhancing the core and transmission network in key parts of the network. Munshi explained: “Today we are pleased to unveil our latest state of the art switching facility in Polokwane which enables us to provide much needed capacity to deliver quality voice and data services as our customer base grows in the area. Pricing transformation towards providing more affordable quality communications is highly relevant in a region like Limpopo. “The key to sustaining this strategic drive is to ensure that we continually invest in capacity to stay ahead in service quality, innovation and a fulfilling customer experience. We believe that through this approach we can confidently deliver on the broader socio economic upliftment and connectivity goals in the province.”
August 21, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Multi-million Rand Vodacom network upgrade for Limpopo well on track
Imran Khan (Executive Head of Department Sales and Marketing) shows off one of Vodacom’s more af- an additional 473 LTE sites across South fordable smart Africa. This represents an increase of phones. more than 50% in LTE sites. On top of this the company announced that 74,5% of their sites are now connected using their own self-provided high capacity transmission. The additional capacity means that Vodacom are able to maintain superior network performance even as traffic increases in response to lower prices. Bringing the investment story closer to home Managing Executive for Vodacom’s operations in the Limpopo Region Junaid Munshi was quoted saying in a press release: “I am pleased to announce that just over R181 million has been earmarked for network investment in Limpopo in the current financial year. The bulk of this amount will be spent on upgrading approximately 238 network sites to the ust over R181 million has been latest Radio Access Network Technolearmarked by Vodacom for network ogy, and more importantly making them investment in Limpopo in the current financial year with the bulk of this amount 3G data capable. We are also planning to build 65 new network sites across to be spent on upgrading approximately the province. On a practical basis, this 238 network sites. means that we’ll be bringing faster Earlier this year, Vodacom’s Chief Exdata services to tens of thousands of ecutive Officer Shameel Joosub announced people who currently only have voice plans for a 30% increase in investment in services and Enhanced Data Rates for Vodacom’s network across South Africa. GSM Evolution (EDGE) data services. He stated that amongst other things, On top of this, the upgrade will increase the money would go towards adding base network capacity and provide improved stations, getting more data coverage into voice quality and enhanced mobile rural areas, deploying faster technology data speeds in areas such as Tzaneen, like Long Term Evolution (LTE), also known Phalaborwa and Thabazimbi by the end as 4G and expanding fibre optic infrastrucof the year.” ture to connect the base stations. The upgrade of approximately 238 3G Delivering on this promise, Vodacom sites is in addition to the sites that have announced last month that they had already been completed in the region, added another 293 3G sites, as well as
Imran Khan (Executive Head of Department Sales and Marketing), Qiniso Nyathi (Prepaid Manager) and Ishmael Hlomane (Marketing Manager) having a joyous moment.
Junaid Munshi (Managing Executive Limpopo Region) adZakehele Jiyani (Executive Head of Dedresses various media houses partment Technology) explains different on Vodacom’s investment in aspects of the switching facility. Limpopo.
Photos: RC MybuRgh
Ishmael Hlomane (Marketing Manager), Junaid Munshi (Managing Executive Limpopo Region), Makwena Moabelo (Emerging Markets Manager), Zakehele Jiyani (Executive Head of Department Technology) and Imran Khan (Executive Head of Department Sales and Marketing). making Vodacom the largest network operator in the province. The overall programme is due to be completed by the end of March 2015 and has been specifically aimed at the extension of data services with a special focus on the rural areas as well that only have mobile voice capability and EDGE data services at the moment. Munshi added: “On top of this we’re expanding our LTE coverage footprint in Polokwane and Lephalale, making sure that the major cities in the province have truly world-class connection speeds. Anyone looking to take advantage of this technology should stop by our stores to see the latest 4G/LTE enabled devices. With 4G/ LTE, video and music downloads can be accomplished in a fraction of the time of traditional 3G services.” While speed is a key consideration in this technology upgrade, adding capac-
ity is also a major focus for Vodacom. In this regard, there is additional investment being made in enhancing the core and transmission network in key parts of the network. Munshi explained: “Today we are pleased to unveil our latest state of the art switching facility in Polokwane which enables us to provide much needed capacity to deliver quality voice and data services as our customer base grows in the area. Pricing transformation towards providing more affordable quality communications is highly relevant in a region like Limpopo. Key to sustaining this strategic drive is to ensure that we continually invest in capacity to stay ahead in service quality, innovation and a fulfilling customer experience. We believe that through this approach we can confidently deliver on the broader socio economic upliftment and connectivity goals in the province.”
Members of the media, accompanied by Vodacom Limpopo management, during a tour of the service provider’s state-of-the-art switching facility in Polokwane.
Above: Members of the media queue to get registered for Vodacom’s latest innovative way to send and receive money via m-Pesa. Left: Ishmael Hlomane (Marketing Manager) and Junaid Munshi (Managing Executive Limpopo Region) consult before the network investment event held last week.
Polokwane Observer
Augustus 21, 2014
August 21, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Observer
Augustus 21, 2014
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Bank employee suspected of theft
Augustus 21, 2014
Beweerde Kieslingmoordenaar in hof ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Die 16-jarige familielid wat na bewering ‘n boer en sy vrou op ‘n plaas naby die Zanzibargrenspos vermoor het, het op 14 Augustus in die Mokopane Streekhof verskyn. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Ronel Otto sê die minderjarige word aangekla van moord op Will (69) and Anjé (66) Kiesling nadat die egpaar in Maart op hul plaas doodgeskiet is. Die polisie het blykbaar eers vyf dae na die moorde op hul ontbinde lyke afgekom nadat die Kieslings se dogters bekommerd geraak het toe hulle nie hul ouers in die hande kon kry nie. Die seun het voor die moorde by die Kieslings op die plaas gekuier, glo om sy kop skoon te kry. Hy het blykbaar jare gelede opgehou skoolgaan. Na bewering het die seun met ‘n geweer wat aan die Kieslings behoort en hul bakkie gevlug. Otto sê die seun is ‘n week na die moorde in Mosselbaai in hegtenis geneem en word tans in ‘n plek van veilige bewaring aangehou. Hy het blykbaar aangedui dat hy nie om borgtog aansoek wil doen nie omdat hy nie ‘n heenkome het nie. Die saak is tot einde Augustus uitgestel.
ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com An employee attached to the Savannah Mall branch of a banking group is being implicated in an alleged case of theft after a Fauna Park resident, Dennis Kamstra was allegedly robbed of R85 000 shortly after leaving the branch premises on 14 April. Kamstra, a professional hunter, explained that at the time of withdrawing the money he was the only customer in the bank. The withdrawal, according to Kamstra, was previously arranged with the bank’s head office in Gauteng due to it being such a large sum of money. “I had requested that the cash be available at this branch in advance via instruction to my international banking contact in Pretoria. Although I did not indicate when I would collect the cash prior to visiting the branch, the security camera videos clearly showed that I was followed when I left the bank. The only people who knew about the withdrawal were two bank employees and myself,” Kamstra said. He described how, after leaving the bank, he walked around in the mall to ensure that he was not being followed before he got into his car and left. “I stopped at another shopping mall and left the money in the car in an unidentified bag. The security camera footage at the second mall clearly showed a car driving up and parking in front of my car. A man got out and broke into my car with expert ease. Another man got out and rummaged through the car. He took the money and left,” he said. He also added that he has no doubt that someone had advance information about the intended cash withdrawal. “Since the only people involved were the bank personnel and myself, I believe they are culpable for this theft,” he said. Kamstra said the money was intended to go to the Chiredzi River Black Rhino Charitable Trust, of which he is a trustee. He said he recommended that the bank make a donation to the trust since the bank advocates environmental conservation. The money will go directly to an anti-poaching team for wages, uniforms, fuel and borehole development, he stated. According to Kamstra he reported the case to the Polokwane Police but now, four months later, he is still in the dark about the progress of the case. “I informed the Police about the security footage. Management at both malls said the videos will be handed over to the Police upon inquiry. Until today, I have no idea how the investigation is going and whether the Police did request the video footage.” Vukani Makalima, Communication Manager of the bank concerned, said the bank is aware of the claim made by Kamstra. “The bank views this matter in a serious light and has logged a full internal investigation into the staff’s alleged involvement.” Makalima added that the bank is committed to working with all relevant authorities including the Police to ensure the perpetrators are brought to book. Polokwane Police Spokesperson, Lesiba Ramoshaba said the Police are investigating the case and although he was not aware of the security camera footage, they were following up on all leads. Ramoshaba said if Kamstra was not happy with the way the investigation is going he was welcome to contact the branch commander. “No arrests have been made as yet,” he said.
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Polokwane Observer
Augustus 21, 2014
BUDGETS 4,2% growth in Education Budget BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com MEC for Education Thembisile Nwedamutswu tabled her 2014/15 budget with the theme “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” in the provincial Legislature last Thursday. The R24,965 billion budget represents a growth of 4,2% on the adjusted budget for the previous financial year. The department projects a 2,5% growth for 2015/16 and a 3% growth for 2016/17. These figures indicate that the budget will be growing at lower than the inflation rate and in real terms can be seen to be declining. The effect thereof is that more will have to be done with lesser funds and ways to ensure the appropriate result are to ensure that expenditure is monitored in line with the austerity measures as set by the National Treasury and the Provincial Treasury, the MEC told the house. The income component of the budget consists of equitable shares of R22,323 billion (89,4%), conditional grants amounting to R2,591 billion (10,4%) and R50,7 million from own income. R20,406 billion (82%) of the expenditure goes to compensation of employees and the MEC remarked that the split between compensation of employees and non-salary related PHOTO: BARRY VILJOEN
Education MEC Thembisile Nwedamutswu photographed in the provincial Legislature before the onset of her budget speech last Thursday.
payments is slightly higher than the 80:20 ratio that is nationally accepted. A concern has been raised by National Treasury and the Department of Basic Education that Limpopo’s educators are the highest paid in the country. “The Department and the Provincial Treasury are busy investigating this assertion but preliminary indications are that this is due to the fact that this is a province that has amalgamated five previous administrations which had different salary scales for teachers as well as highly qualified educators,” she said. Goods and services were allocated R2,177 billion (9%), transfers amount to R1,269 billion (5%) and capital payments to R1,114 billion (4%). The budget split between the nine programmes is: Administration: R1,483 billion Public ordinary schools: R20,797 billion Independent schools: R112 million Public special schools: R379,6 million Further education and training colleges: R404 million Adult education and training: R154,7 million Early childhood development: R169,8 million Infrastructure: R1,123 billion Auxiliary services: R341 million. The MEC announced that two state-of-theart mobile laboratory buses were procured recently. These buses will make it possible to take science experiments to the most rural areas, she said. Regarding the Section 100 (1) (b) intervention, the MEC reported that a forensic audit instituted by the Administrators identified 21 cases of misconduct, seven of which relate to remunerative work outside the public service and fourteen to fraud and corruption. Seven of the cases have been concluded while fourteen are still being dealt with. Nwedamutswu has also announced that the Department will host an Education Summit/ Indaba in September to extensively discuss the issues pertaining to the delivery of quality education in the Province. “We know it well that none of us acting alone can achieve success,” she said.
Transport, Safety and Liaison budget dedicated to women BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Transport, Safety and Liaison MEC Mapula Mokaba-Phukwana tabled her 2014/15 budget amounting to R81,415 million in the Legislature last Thursday and dedicated it to the women of South Africa. The budget split between the three programmes is: Administration: R45,7 million Civilian oversight: R26 million Crime prevention and community Police relations: R12,6 million The MEC alluded to the crime situation in the province and noted that there had been a decrease of contact and property related crimes of 3,2% and 2,8% respectively during the 2012/13 financial year. Statistics also
indicate that sexual crimes were on the decline by 7,93% during the 2013/14 financial year. “While it is true that there are some problematic crimes like burglary, serious robberies and carjacking which are on the increase, I can assure you that these are being given due attention and immediate stabilisation,” the MEC said. She called on the Police management to prioritise the improvement of visibility, crime deterring measures, crime detection, conviction and trial ready case performance. On sexual offences and domestic violence the MEC reported that sixteen Family Violence, Child Protection and Sex Offences Units were established in the province to address crimes against women and children. These units have reportedly achieved exceptional successes and have secured convictions of 50 offenders that are serving a total of 821 years in prison.
Agriculture MEC Joy Matshoge tables R1,6 billion budget WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com During the tabling of the budget for the Department of Agriculture (LDA) in the Legislature last Tuesday, the MEC Joy Matshoge stated that the African National Congress (ANC) led government views the agricultural sector as an important source of income and contributor to household and food security for millions of the poorest South Africans. She added that Agriculture provides employment to over 1,2 million farm workers in South Africa and provides a livelihood to their families. “Through linkages with the manufacturing industry and the agriculture supply and service sector, it makes a greater contribution to the economy than suggested by its share of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is also an important earner of foreign exchange through exports of primary products and the export of manufactured agricultural products,” Matshoge explained. During the tabling of the R1,602 billion budget for the 2014/15 financial year, Matshoge said the LDA will continue with their Agrarian Land Reform Development
programmes and support to subsistence and smallholder farmers as R93 million has been set aside towards mechanisation and production input (seed and fertilizer) to emerging farmers. In order to ensure that the contribution of smallholder agriculture production leads to employment creation and growth of the sector, an amount of R150 million is budgeted for Agriculture Infrastructure Development against the R178 million budgeted for the previous financial year, which was 100% spent. The R1,602 billion budget including R297 million in conditional grants will be spent as follows: R300 million on administration, R272 million on farmer support and development, R104 million for sustainable resource management, R41 million for veterinary services, R54 million on technology research and development services, R25,2 million on agriculture economics services, R104 million on structural agricultural education and training and R8 million on rural development coordination. Matshoge said in conclusion that LDA aims to create 9 000 work opportunities and full time equivalents in the 2014/15 financial year as part of the Expanded Public Works Programme contribution to the environmental and culture sector of agriculture in Limpopo.
August 21, 2014
Polokwane Observer
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August 21, 2014
20 OBSERVER polokwane
University of Lim boasts development structures
>> Accommodate more than 350 students >> Struggling with accommodation
Photo: Herbert Rachuene
Mahlo Mokgalong, Vice- Chancellor of the University of Limpopo.
Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Vice-Chancellor of the University of Limpopo, Mahlo Mokgalong during a media cocktail event last Thursday announced the impressive strides the institution has, over the past few years, made in terms of infrastructure development. The improvement includes the completion of construction work to a 400 seat Life Sciences Laboratory which will be used by students in Botany, Biology, Microbiology and Botanical Chemistry. “This is one of the biggest developments of the university and we will no longer have a backlog in this field. We have lots of students in those fields and the laboratories we had before could not accommodate all of them,” Mokgalong said. A further feat is the completion of a 200 seat Physical Science Laboratory which will accommodate first year students. “This will ease the congestion in that field. We are also busy building a student resident facility hall that will accommodate more than 350 students. “We hope it will be finished in 2016. This development will enable us to keep that high standard and ensure that our students have everything they want for their studies. We have plenty of students who come from far flung areas and who are struggling with accommodation. Once it is completed it will help us to curb that challenge,” Mokgalong said.
Opvoering om glimbaadjies vir motorfietsryers te koop ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Opkomende Suid-Afrikaanse sanger van Mokopane, Jaco Minnaar tree Saterdag, 30 Augustus om 18:00 by Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé op. Die geld wat ingesamel word sal deur dié skool aangewend word om glimbaadjies vir die leerders wat ook motofietsryers is, aan te koop. ‘n Plaaslike inwoner, Raymond Bronkhorst het onlangs die plaaslike groenstrikkie-veldtog
begin om solidariteit met leerders en hul ouers te toon nadat ‘n matriekleerder van die skool in ‘n motorfietsongeluk gesterf het. Bronkhorst nooi die gemeenskap en veral ouers en leerders uit om die geleentheid by te woon en sê hy is baie opgewonde oor die optrede van die kunstenaar. “Koste beloop R50 per persoon en kinders onder 18 jaar kry gratis toegang. Daar sal ook verversings en ‘n kontantkroeg beskikbaar wees.” Kaartjies is ook by die deure te koop. “Die eerste 10 mense wat bel of ‘n SMS na 079 034 2312 stuur kry ‘n gratis kaartjie.”
Die groep met hul honde het Saterdag aan die eerste Bark for Life by Generaal Piet Joubertskool deelgeneem.
Polokwane se eerste Bark for Life ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com
ondeliefhebbers en hul viervoetiges het Saterdag aan die eerste Bark for Life in Polokwane deelgeneem om persone wat die kankerstryd verloor het te eer en mee te help met fondsinsameling vir Kansa. David Booth, Relay for Life-koördineerder sê hy hoop dat Bark for Life uiteindelik so groot soos Relay for Life sal word en dat ‘n komitee definitief volgende jaar in plek sal wees. LéAndrie Bezuidenhout, fondsinsamelaar en DBVbemarker was vanjaar mede-organiseerder. Honde-eienaars het vier rondtes om die baan saam met hul honde gestap.
Foto’s: Elna Esterhuysen
Lé-Andrie Bezuidenhout, mede-organiseerder van Bark for Life en haar twee seuns, Leendert en Jan-Hendrik met Tessa en Asjas.
David Booth, Bark for Life mede-organiseerder en Jessie Esterhuysen leer mekaar beter ken.
Abbey van Rita James maak gebruik van die waterpunt voordat hulle die volgende rondte aanpak.
Road closure as transport system construction commences RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Road construction and rehabilitation of a portion of the road between New Era Circle and Helen Joseph Street in a western direction along Nelson Mandela Drive in Seshego commenced on Tuesday as part of the multimillion Rand Integrated Rapid Public Transport System (IRPTS). Polokwane Municipality Marketing and Communications Manager Tidimalo Chuene said as such the entire portion will be closed off to traffic for the duration of the initial road works. “The temporary road closure is unavoidable since the work being undertaken involves the removal of the existing kerbing. Further alterations include the recycling of the two existing
layers of the surface; the construction of new figure eight kerbing; construction of three busbays; concrete v-drains; storm water attenuation and some ancillary road works,” she said. Two alternative routes are clearly demarcated for use during the construction period, which will last until the end of October. The routes are accessible via Zone 4 and Zone 8 with convergence at Helen Joseph Street and will be useable and open to traffic from 22 August. Polokwane is one of 13 cities identified countrywide for an IRPTS to be implemented. National Treasury in conjunction with the Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison set aside R5,5 billion towards public transport transformation in South Africa. Polokwane was then allocated R198 million towards the planning and design stage of this project.
August 21, 2014
Polokwane Observer
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Clifford Ngakane leaves cowboy style
August 21, 2014
22 OBSERVER polokwane
ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Preventative Maintenance of Road D4 from Vuwani to Malamulele. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd.
RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
fter serving the community for 25 years within the spheres of the Sun International gaming group, outgoing General Manager of Meropa Casino & Entertainment World Clifford Ngakane was on Saturday evening bade farewell by friends, colleagues and clients. Guests and staff were dressed according to the Cowboy Coyote Ugly theme of the evening while dancers from Jama Ballroom Dance Studio took to the bar counter and stage of Jembe Tavern performing some dances in keeping with the theme. In true
cowboy style the guests were served prego rollswith a choice of beef or chicken filling, french fries and salad. A poker tournament added to the fun filled evening. Ngakane intends opening a casino training academy in order to introduce young people from the province to the tough casino environment. He will also be involved in a guest house in Dalmada, limited pay-out gaming machines, brochure distribution and trailer advertising in Polokwane.
Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabé Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300.00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday, 1 September 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Samuel Kaputa, Tel: 015 291 4611, Fax: 086 572 1929 and email: sam@molemo.co.za. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place on site at Vuwani Township, coordinates S 23°8’55” and E 30°26’ 42’’ on Monday, 8 September, 2014 starting at 10:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on Monday, 22 September 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No: RAL/T684/2014, Preventative Maintenance of Road D4 from Vuwani to Malamulele” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabé Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane. Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 7 CE or 6CE PE or higher.
ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd REGISTRATION NO. (2001/025832/07) CONTRACT No. RAL/ T701/ 2014 FOR REHABILITATION AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE OF ROAD D936 (R576) FROM CODRINGTON TO SETTLERS IN THE WATERBERG DISTRICT OF LIMPOPO PROVINCE. TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Rehabilitation and Preventative Maintenance of Road D936 (R576) from Codrington to Settlers in the Waterberg District of Limpopo Province. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabé Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of a non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set.
Dressed up for the occasion are Meropa Casino & Entertainment World Promotions Manager Raksha Gunpath and Gaming Manager JP Morton.
TLC vind baat by gemeente se kombersprojek ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Twintig van die 568 komberse wat deur lidmate van die Hervormde Gemeente Welgelegen-Pietersburg gehekel is in ‘n poging om ‘n wêreldrekord vir die grootste gehekelde kombers op te stel, is Vrydag aan die Tough Living with Cancer (TLC)-fasiliteerder, Bobby Were oorhandig. Adri Ras, Kansa se streeksbestuurder en Were het die komberse by die Theunis Fichardt Hospitium ontvang en lof teenoor die leraar van die kerk, Henk Joubert en die lidmate uitgespreek. “Die TLC-kinders het dit broodnodig omdat die onkologiesale in Polokwane Provinsiale Hospitaal baie koud word,” sê sy. “Die vreugde wat elke persoon wat aan die projek deelgeneem ervaar, is onbeskryflik. Dit was wonderlik om te weet dat ander mense baat daarby gaan vind,” sê ‘n lidmaat van die kerk, Leonie Myburgh. Dit het vroue van die gemeente twee dae geneem om die individuele komberse los te torring.
BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr T Nebotalo, Tel: (+27) 015 291 3519, Fax: (+27) 015 291 3491, e-mail: nevhutalu@telkomsa.net. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the intersection of Road D936 and P184/1 (Settlers) on Wednesday, 10 September 2014 starting at 10:00. The coordinates of the meeting venue are 24°57’05.50” S, 28°32’22.39” E. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on Friday, 26 September 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted.
Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 7CE or 6CE PE or higher.
Foto: Roelien Vorster
Tough Living with Cancer (TLC)-fasiliteerder, Bobby Were saam met Leonie Myburgh, ‘n lidmaat van die Hervormde Gemeente Welgelegen-Pietersburg en Kansa se streeksbestuurder, Adri Ras met die gehekelde komberse wat geskenk is.
Myngenoegen Shelter trek nie meer
Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday, 18 August 2014.
Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T701/ 2014: Rehabilitation and Preventative Maintenance of Road D936 (R576) from Codrington to Settlers in the Waterberg District of Limpopo Province” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabé Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.
Photos: RC Myburgh
Meropa Casino & Entertainment World General Manager Clifford Ngakane surrounded by Jama Ballroom Dance Studio models and dancers,Mangakana Ramogale, Maria Mashola, Nare Ngoasheng and Charity Sehlapelo.
Foto: Verskaf
Harry en Nicoleen Prinsloo is op 9 Augustus in Polokwane in die huwelik bevestig. Die paartjie woon in Polokwane.
Nadat daar lank gewik en geweeg is, gaan die Myngenoegen Shelter nie meer skuif nie weens die hoë koste wat met so ‘n verskuiwing gepaardgaan. Die shelter bied tans huisvesting vir 33 persone maar kan uitgebrei word indien meer houthuisies bekom kan word. Die bestaande houthuisies het ook dringende onderhoud nodig en woonwaens, stene en ander boumateriaal sal die nood verlig. Volgens Pieter Booyzen, voorsitter van die bestuur is daar behoefte aan doeke, waterdigte lakens, afvallappies, wol, koffie, tee, suiker, mayonnaise, margarien en skoonmaakmiddels. Mansklere in kleiner nommers, beddegoed en gordyne is ook welkom. ‘n Bottel gas kos sowat R1 000 en kontantbydraes om die shelter se water- en elektrisiteitsrekeninge te betaal, sal baie help. Bydraes aan die shelter kan by hul ABSA spaarrekening inbetaal word. Die nommer is 927 566 7290 en die bankkode is 632 005.
August 21, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Observer
Augustus 21, 2014
August 21, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Elegance and glitter at Noorderland’s farewell
Tel: 015 297 3208 Fax: 015 297 3200 Email: noorder@mweb.co.za Website: www.noorderland.co.za
BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@ gmail.com
Maena Mathiba and Khomotso Maake.
Kiston Soundy and Khorina Madikoto.
Kgomotso Tshivhidzo and Masindi Muluvhanethe.
Mametja Nkhame and Kholo Petja.
Rethabile Masoga and Uriel Bonoko.
Bususiwe Mbewe and Thakgatso Mashego.
Comfort Mokgesi and Nelson Mabeleng.
Refilwe Mathekga and Kamogelo Kgare.
Bhoki Thupi.
Rethabile Monyane and Kagiso Molomo.
Mosa Mahlangu and Karabo Komape.
Makgarebe Makgopa and Chere Kgodisang.
oërskool Noorderland hosted its 2014 Grade 12 farewell function at St Marco Hall last Thursday and learners took advantage of the opportunity to show off their attire and the modes of transport in which they arrived at the venue. The theme of the never to forget event was “Secret Agents, International Spies and Top Missions - James Bond style” and it was attended by personnel of the school and 179 learners, 13 more than the previous year. A superb dinner was served and after the customary speeches, the dance floor was opened and the fun lasted until the late hours of the evening.
Lebogang Sekuba.
Lesedi Lefawane.
Ntombi Mohlabi.
Kgabo Monyemaratho.
Nancy Block.
Samantha Molema.
Lebogang Mabela.
Piet van Rensburg, acting Principal of Hoërskool Noorderland, right, with his wife Christa.
Tel: 015 297 8044 Tel: 015 297 8811 16 Industria Street, Polokwane
10x4 ???
AWNINGS: Canvas, Aluminium, Purpose Made CARPORT & SHADENET: Gazebo, A-Frame, Tunnel, Purpose Made
ADJUSTABLE ROOFS: To Extend Your Living Area DROPDOWN AWNINGS: For Patios/Braais ROOFS: Cromodeck / IBR / POLYCARBON SECURITY GATES & BURGLAR GUARDS: Sliding Trellis, Fixture, Burglar guards
INSECT SCREENS: Standard / Made to measure BLINDS: Aluminium, Bamboo, Roller, Roman, Sliding Panels, Vertical Wood
Polokwane Observer
Augustus 21, 2014
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) TENDER NOTICE : RFP NUMBER 1/DYA/2014 The objective of this RFP is to appoint a suitable service provider/s that can assist with the development and implementation of an Awareness Campaign for waste Management as part of the National Youth Jobs in Waste programme. 1. SCOPE AND EXTENT OF WORK The role of the service provider/s is to assist the DEA Youth Jobs in Waste Programme with the development and implementation of Waste Management Campaign. The Awareness Campaign must comprise of the following components: 1.1. A visual Communication plan 1.2. A School Literacy awareness programme targeting Schools. 1.3. Mass Activation addressing direct interactions with households and local business. Youth Jobs in Waste Awareness Officers must be engaged in these interactions. 1.4. A Transit Media plan that involves branding of public transport vehicles or any mobile carts depending on the availability of the budget must be implemented. The messaging here must at a very least address anti-littering. 1.5. Print Electronic media syndication. 1.6. An action plan for the implementation of the awareness raising campaign taking into consideration various multimedia platforms like radio, radio, billboards (most affected areas) door-to-door visits and other outreach platforms. The door to door interactions must be linked to a separation at source initiative covering a community of at least 5 000 households which have been supplied with recycling bins (as per Youth Jobs in Waste specifications). 1.7. The action plan may be divided into short-, medium- and long-term targets. 1.8. A monitoring and evaluation system for the sufficiency of the awareness campaign which takes into account the municipality.
The messaging for the awareness should focus on the following KEY Stakeholders: 1. Households 2. Pedestrians 3. Motorists 4. High volume public areas e.g. Taxi ranks 5. Schools 6. Businesses CONDITIONS OF PROPOSAL The proposal should include, amongst others, the following: 1. A proposed plan of action 2. A list of references; 3. A demonstration of ability to ensure continuation of staff on the project. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. The Curriculum Vitae of the staff who will be available for the duration of the work should be submitted; NOTE: Failure to submit the CVs will invalidate your proposal. 2. The bid proposals should be submitted with all required information containing technical information as well as price information. 3. Suppliers/Service providers are requested to submit the original and valid B-BBEE status level Verification Certificate or certified copies thereof issued by verification agencies accredited by SANAS or registered auditors approved by IRBA together with their bids, to substantiate their B-BBEE rating claims, failing which the B-BBEE preference point claimed will be forfeited. 4. A trust, consortium or joint venture must obtain and submit a consolidated B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificate. 5. Public entities and tertiary institution must also submit B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certification together with their bids. 6. A contractor is not allowed to sub-contract more than 25% of the contract value to another enterprise that does not have equal of higher B-BBEE status level, unless the intended sub-contractor is an EME (Exempted Micro Enterprise) that has the capacity and ability to execute the sub-contractor.
All enquiries must be directed to: Mr. Stephen Ravele, 082 255 7834 or Ms. Ntando Nkuna, 082 962 2144 Email: steven@dyambyini.co.za/ntando@dyambwini.co.za Proposals should be submitted to Dyambyini Office, 40 Jorissen Street, Polokwane. CLOSING DATE: 28 August 2014 NB. Important. Full terms of reference to be obtained at Dyambyini as the awareness campaign will cover 25 municipalities in the province.
The Mmeya family with the Cluster Commander in Tubatse, Sylvia Ledwaba (left), the Provincial Head of Operational Record Systems (ORS) Nonhlahla Zulu (middle) and Ian McDonald from Modikwa Mine management. Photos: Supplied
Samaritan saves Mmeya family ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com
or months 34-year-old Sarah Mmeya and her six children, aged three to 11, lived in a makeshift structure which didn’t provide adequate shelter from the brutal elements of nature in their village in Ga-Madiseng in the Burgersfort area. That is until a heavy storm swept away her meagre belongings leaving the family desolate and defeated. Members of the community attempted to assist by sharing the little they also had. Having lost her identity document and the children’s birth certificates in the storm meant that they could not register to receive any grants from the government. This exacerbated their situation. Things however changed when a Good Samaritan, only known as Mr Lesese, on his way to church on a Sunday morning witnessed the appalling conditions the family were living in and could not banish the picture and their sad plight from his mind. He contacted the local newspaper and after an article highlighted the plight of the family, members of the Media Centre attached to Corporate Communication in Limpopo, responded. Provincial Police Spokesperson, Ronel Otto said the predicament of the family was brought under the attention of the Provincial Commissioner, Fannie Masemola and he immediately requested the Provincial Head of Operational Record Systems (ORS) Nonhlahla Zulu to address the issue. Otto said Zulu approached the management of Modikwa Mine who, after a visit to the family immediately agreed to assist. “A three-roomed house was built on her stand. They are further going to assist with providing the family with a fixed and much stronger structure with a proper toilet and ensure that the area in and around the house is not affected by flooding
again. The mine management also agreed to put up a fence around the property,” Otto said. According to Otto members of the SAPS also jumped in with enthusiasm and contributed money or made donations in the form of clothing and food for the family. Otto reported that Zulu arranged for the handing over ceremony to be attended by representatives from the departments of Home Affairs and of Health, the South African Social Security Agency as well as the Greater Tubatse Municipality were present. They undertook to provide urgent assistance to obtain an ID document and birth certificates for the family in order to ensure they receive grants. “The municipality was not let off the hook and they promised to look into the possibility of building the family a proper RDP house,” Otto said. Deputy Provincial Commissioner, Lesiba Mashilo blessed the house. Mmeya was reportedly overwhelmed by all the kindness shown to her and her family. “We are very grateful for everything that was done and we can now live a normal life like other people,” she said.
The Mmeya family in the shack they used to live in.
Kierieklapper-sukses vir plaaslike modelle BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Twee van Model Works Modelskool in die stad se studente het uitgeblink deur ‘n eerste en ‘n tweede plek in hulle onderskeie kategorieë tydens die Kierieklapper Kunstefees wat onlangs in Mokopane gehou is, te verower. Sterretjie Beukes, eienaar van die skool is baie trots op Seja Kgopa (12) en Mauritz Maritz (16) wat onderskeidelik as Mej Kierieklapper 2014 en naaswenner in die Mnr Kierieklapperkompetisie aangewys is. Seja is boonop na
die kompetisie deur Amone Modelling Agency genooi om in April 2015 deel te wees van ‘n nasionale span wat in Turkye aan ‘n modelkompetisie gaan deelneem. Beukes is ‘n gekwalifiseerde dieselwerktuigkundige wat bedags saam met haar man Eddie, in hulle besigheid aan swaarvoertuie werk en die modelskool nauurs bedryf wanneer studente se skoolverpligtinge afgehandel is. Sy was ook gedurende 2006 Suid-Afrika se vroue-armdrukkampioen en het in 2010 aan die gewilde TV-musiekprogram, Noot vir Noot deelgeneem en stewige prysgeld losgeslaan.
Foto: Barry Viljoen
Sterretjie Beukes, eienaar van’n plaaslike modelskool, Seja Kgopa, Mej Kierieklapper 2014, Mauritz Maritz, naaswenner, Mnr Kierieklapper 2014 en Charles Hugo wat modelle Woensdagaand toegespreek het.
Business profile>>
August 21, 2014 >> Page 27
Marius du Preez
Business: Arms For Africa Why did you choose this profession? >> I have been interested in firearms and ammunition since childhood What puts you ahead in the industry? >> Ensuring that my employees and I strive towards excellent customer service How do you live out your passion for your career? >> I am actively involved with various national and international associations and actively hunt with international clients annually
Limpopo and Gaza Province strengthen relations
>> 44 Delegates from Gaza attend seminar >> Seminar to enhance mutually beneficial economic activities
Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
ore can be done to enhance the wonderful tourism opportunities between Limpopo and the Gaza province in Mozambique with the urgent establishment of a joint technical working committee, MEC for Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet), Seaparo Sekoati said at a Trade and Investment Seminar hosted by the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda) at Bolivia Lodge on Friday. The seminar discussed trade relations and exchanged business related information for investment between the two provinces. The event also served to facilitate and cement a relationship that the two provinces had over the past few years through a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between Leda and Central Promotion of Investment (CPI) in Mozambique. The leader of the Gaza Province delegation, Franscisca Muluana said 44 delegates from Gaza representing different economic, social and health organisations will be discussing further relationships between the various business and government entities in Limpopo for the benefit of both provinces. Agriculture and the further development of the Transfrontier Park linking Limpopo to Mozambique
are among the top projects to be fast tracked during the discussions between Leda and CPI. Muluana thanked Ledet for their hospitality and for facilitating the seminar to take economic investment between the two provinces to greater heights. In his key note address to the delegates attending the seminar Sekoati said the meeting between the two provinces serves to evaluate progress and to continue with mutually beneficial economic development between Gaza and Limpopo as a result of the MoU signed in 2005. The MoU was signed to facilitate bilateral economic relations, especially regarding agriculture and developing the bush-to-beach ecotourism route. “With September being Tourism Month, tour operators and officials from the Limpopo Tourism Agency and their Gaza counterparts will be travelling the 4x4 bush-to-beach route from 1 to 3 September to further develop and market the great outdoor opportunity that the route offers to tourists,” Sekoati said. “Where else in the world can tourist experience the exciting wildlife in Limpopo, combined with the white beaches of Mozambique,” he added, saying more can be done to enhance the great tourism opportunities between the two provinces. Sekoati urged the establishment of a joint technical development working committee between the two provinces to enhance
the further development of meat-processing, timber, shipping, tourism and vegetable processing economic activities between Gaza and Limpopo.
Photos: Warren Blunt
MEC for Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet), Seaparo Sekoati and Franscisca Muluana, Provincial Permanent Secretary of Gaza Province shake hands at the Trade and Investment Seminar hosted by the Limpopo Economical Development Agency on Friday.
Fedhasa workshop to inform hospitality industry BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com The Federated Hospitality Association of South Africa (Fedhasa) on Tuesday presented a Hospitality workshop sponsored and hosted by Bolivia Lodge and attended by guests from the Limpopo Tourism Agency, municipalities, hotels, guest houses, lodges and holiday resorts. Topics addressed by the speakers were inter alia ‘Strategies to improve turn-over/Latest innovative ways to bring more heads into bed’, ‘Health and Safety in Hospitality’, ‘Advantages of Skills Training’ and ‘What is Business Interruption Cover?’ The primary role of Fedhasa is to lobby government by representing the views of Hospitality in South Africa. An information leaflet issued by Fedhasa informs that the association exists to ensure that the hospitality industry is represented to Government and policy makers in a forceful, coherent and coordinated way in order to ensure that members’ businesses can flourish and be sustainable.
Photo: Barry Viljoen
Speakers at the Fedhasa Hospitality Workshop are Erica Kempken, Senior Consultant of Proserv; Irma Norminton, Business Development Consultant of the Tourism Enterprise Partnership; Daneel Lombard, Director of Olive Insurance Brokers; Veronica Daniels, Membership Manager of Fedhasa; Darren Karshagen, Marketing Manager: Southern Africa of Expedia; Sonja Randall, Marketing Manager of Bolivia Lodge (host) and Dipesh Jivan, Marketing Consultant of SAB&T BEE Services.
Farmers urged to comply with labour legislations ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The Department of Labour on Tuesday addressed more than 250 role players in the farming industry on the importance of compliance with labour legislation at a gathering organised by the African Farmers’ Association of South Africa (Afasa) in Thohoyandou. Department Head Albert Tsudavhu in his address said non-compliance with labour legislations, especially on minimum wages, undisputedly denies people of a “good life” in South Africa. Tshidavhu encouraged role players to comply freely without needing the inspectorate to warn them by saying: “The greatest thing about free compliance is that farmers would no longer see labour inspectorate as witch hunts, but rather people who would enable them to run their business superbly.”
He said like any other employer, farmers who are unable to comply with minimum wages and who can provide proof of this are encouraged to apply for a Ministerial Variation which gives the farmers a respite until they are able to pay the necessary wage limit. He said famers must also be able to prove that they have been in communication with their employees to inform them of the situation. “Upon approval of the variation, they will be allowed to pay a certain amount of wages, thus avoiding unnecessary retrenchments,” Tshidavhu said. “We are aware that most of the farming community are nowadays opting for illegal immigrants in order to pay lower wages. We disapprove of such acts in the strongest possible way. Those found to be doing this will have to face the full might of the law.” A press release issued by Johannes Mokou, Spokesperson of the department on Tuesday
quoted Afasa-Limpopo President, Tshianeo Mathidi to have commended the department for their firmness when carrying out farm inspections. “The President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma announced earlier in the year that the country needs growth through job creation and part of that growth should come from small businesses such as farming. “It is therefore obligatory of us as farmers to educate ourselves around policies, legislations and laws of this country so that we do not fear when a labour inspector visits our premises,” Mathidi is quoted to have said. Also in attendance during the gathering were representatives of Eskom, Thulamela Municipality, the departments of Home Affairs and of Agriculture and the Limpopo Economic Development Agency as well as members of the Thohoyandou and Malamulele business chambers.
MOTORING August 21, 2014 >> Page 28
The new Mercedes-Benz A-Class impresses on the exterior with usual ideas and painstaking attention to detail.
Photo: RC Myburgh
Motors profile>> Dealership: Mercurius Motors What distinguishes the brand you sell from its competitors? >> Class, reliability and affordability What is the biggest challenge presented by the industry? >> The interest rate while the recent metal workers’ strike also had a big influence on delivery of vehicles How do you ensure success in the motor industry? >> Good service and keeping in contact with poSamuel Moeketsi tential and existing clients
High score for new MercedesBenz A-Class >> The diesel engines are more economical, cleaner, quieter and more powerful >> Newly developed seats are offered in three different variants RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
Mercurius Motors Polokwane Tel: 015 299 9500 cnr N1 and Nelson Mandela Road, Polokwane Email: jcoetzee@cargomotors.co.za
he biggest vehicle on a dealership floor is usually the one that draws the attention first. Not so with the Mercedes-Benz AClass, the smallest in the range yet the first to appeal to nearly all the senses. The new A-Class is the car for a new era and a new generation, a car that wants it all and makes no compromises. The looks of the new A-Class is an expression of pulsating life. It features defined edges alongside tautly tensioned surfaces with concave curves, convex sweeping lines in perfect rhythm. The new A-Class is a style icon inside the cabin and definitely expels boredom from the streets. It gives a sense of high-tech, safety and natural efficiency. A 17,8 cm display is a window to a web of opportunities where the driver can search the web or share his favourite moments on social networks. The electric parking brake, active parking assist, reversing camera and HOLD function support the driver in his motoring pleasure. The newly developed seats are offered in three different variants, meeting individual demands regarding ergonomics, seating comfort and safety. The standard specification seats have high backrests, a newly developed head restraint, offer good lateral support and feature black fabric upholstery. The panoramic sliding sunroof lets lots of light in and ensures an even more generous sense of spaciousness. Alongside numerous safety systems, various convenience assistance systems are also available in the new A-Class for the first time. The system provides the driver with timely warnings of potential critical situations, helping to avoid dangers. This system includes reversing camera. Active parking assist, speed limit assist and optional light and sight package and thermotronic (dual automatic climate control). The new A-Class comprises either a diesel or petrol engine. The diesel engines are more economical, cleaner, quieter and more powerful while the new petrol engines were developed with the aim of reducing fuel consumption and emissions without compromising on output and ride comfort. Whether you choose the manual transmission or optional 7G-DCT dual clutch transmission for economical or sporty driving style, both transmissions are optimally matched to the engine. They set benchmarks where shift comfort, efficiency and weight optimisation are concerned. The new A-Class’s driving characteristics can be tuned to individual requirements alongside the standard specification configuration of the chassis and steering with the optionally available combination of the sports suspension and direct-steer system. Mercedes-Benz has always been known for sophisticated safety features implemented in their vehicles. With the integral safety concept Mercedes-Benz is coming closer to achieving its goal – by increasing safety in every situation. The safety system includes attention assist which detects a driver’s drowsiness systems between speeds of 80 km/h and 180 km/h, collision prevention assist, adaptive brake, Distronic Plus and land keeping assist (optional). Visit Mercurius Motors at Motor City corner Grobler Street and Nelson Mandela Drive or contact them on 015 299 9500.
August 21, 2014
Polokwane Observer
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August 21, 2014
30 OBSERVER polokwane
>> Meer ruimte vir beter dienslewering >> Volop parkering vir kliënte
Nuwe perseel vir Otto’s Diesel Centre BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
Van die personeel is Michael Lefophane, Dirk Russouw, Elijah Moyana, Frans Ribane, Fanie Phaswana, Alwyn van der Westhuizen, Oupa Phaswana en Hulasani Mposi. Agter is Otto Müller snr en Otto Müller jnr, Elize Schoeman, Sunet Venter, Rikus Janse van Vuuren en Christo Swanepoel.
tto’s Diesel Centre het pas hul eie nuwe perseel in Laboria betrek na ‘n nederige begin in Oktober 2006. Die nuwe perseel bied volop veilige parkeerplek vir kliënte met werkplek vir vyf gekwalifiseerde werktuigkundiges, assistente en kantoorpersoneel. Volgens mede-eienaar, Otto Müller snr het die personeelkomponent van Otto’s Diesel Centre in agt jaar van drie tot agtien gegroei. Hy is trots op sy personeel en baie dankbaar vir hulle toewyding en lojaliteit. “Die besigheid het jaarliks groter en groter geword en ons diensgehalte het algaande verbeter. Ons bedien tans die hele provinsie en het selfs kliënte in Pretoria.” Müller het sy besigheid van meet af aan aan die Here opgedra en kyk met dankbaarheid terug oor agt jaar waarin dit ondanks swaar
ekonomiese tye, nooit nodig was om personeel te verminder nie. Müller se seun, Otto jnr, het in 2012 by die besigheid as mede-eienaar aangesluit. Otto’s Diesel Centre spesialiseer in die herstel, diens en herbou van diesel- en petrolvoertuie, kommersiële-, industriële, ligte en swaarvoertuie en grondverskuiwingsmasjinerie. Die diens en herstel van dieselpompe, turboaanjaers en voertuie met petrolenjins is vir hul kinderspeletjies met die spesiale toetsbank wat in die werkswinkel beskikbaar is. Müller snr sê kliëntetevredenheid is vir hom ononderhandelbaar daarom dra hy sorg dat die werk wat deur die werkswinkels uitgevoer word van hoogstaande gehalte is en behoorlik gekontroleer word. Müller snr se vrou, Antoinette hanteer die familiebesigheid se administrasie. Besoek Otto’s Diesel Centre in Vermikulietstraat 68, Laboria of skakel hulle by 015 297 0532.
Die nuwe gebou van Otto’s Diesel Centre.
Foto’s: Barry Viljoen
Eienaars, Otto Müller snr en Otto Müller jnr by een van die voertuie van Otto’s Diesel Centre.
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August 21, 2014
Polokwane Observer
August 21, 2014
32 OBSERVER polokwane
>> Accessories and equipment for every need >> Mass run by supporters to create awareness for bike safety
BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
aturday marked the opening of Bike Zone’s new shop at the Dalmada Shopping Centre when a crowd of motor cyclists and other prospective clients gathered to take advantage of the specials on offer. A number of food stalls and music complemented the occasion and created an atmosphere of enjoyment. The eye-catching motor cycles with their powerful engines invited a lot of interest. The motor cyclists also took part in a mass run that departed from Bike Zone to promote their “Look twice, save
a life”-campaign. The campaign aims to create awareness for the safety of motor cyclists and to educate the youth to ensure that they receive the correct training when they are still exposed to “lighter” motor cycles. Negotiations with the local traffic authorities that may result in traffic signs being put up to create “bike awareness” are also planned.
Annetjie and Wessie van der Westhuizen ready to depart for the mass bike run.
Audi - A1 1.4TFSi Attraction S-tronic R182 000 2011
Bike Zone open for business
Charles Meiring, front, Arnold Kok and Willie du Plessis are avid bikers who attend the opening of Bike Zone.
Photo’s: Barry Viljoen
Dereck Dunhin, owner of Bike Zone with an example of the kit stocked by them.
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Guests at the opening of Bike Zone await the start of the mass run.
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Science Week 2014 in Polokwane BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com The Soutpansberg Astronomy Club (SAC), based in Makhado has over the past three years become synonymous with National Science Week (NSW) celebrations in Polokwane. This year’s NSW, organised by the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (Saasta) under the auspices of the Department of Science and Technology (DST) was themed “Today’s science, tomorrow’s world” and in Limpopo several outreaches and programmes were presented in keeping with the DST’s ideal of bringing science and technology closer to the public. SAC’s involvement took the form of astronomy related outreaches in the Vhembe, Mopani and Capricorn districts that included the Makhado Show, Savannah Mall, Mall of the North and the Letaba Show. Polokwane residents visiting the two malls could, under the guidance of Project Leader Kos
Anglo American OBSERVER 33 skenk ruim aan Ngwana Babahuis Augustus 21, 2014
Coronaios, his wife and son view the sun, moon and the planets through a special telescope. SAC focuses on Astronomy, Space Technology and Mathematics. Activities included discussions and demonstrations accompanied by informative material such as pamphlets and posters about career opportunities. The visual expo highlights topics included “Why we have day and night”, “How the planets move” and “How the sun and gravity influences us”.
ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail. com
Kos Coronaios, Project Leader, explains to Louis Ungerer how to use the special telescope at the Science Week Expo.
gwana Babahuis, ‘n plek van veiligheid vir babas, het Vrydag ‘n welkome meevaller gekry toe Anglo American Platinum, Polokwane Smelter, drie beddens, matrasse en volvloermatte ter waarde van R11 500 aan díe inrigting geskenk het. Deon du Toit van Polokwane Smelter se ingenieursdepartement sê hul departement het die huis as ‘n projek aanvaar nadat hulle gesien het dat daar heelwat
werk by die instansie nodig is. “Ons kom maak kort-kort ‘n draai en help waar ons kan,” sê Du Toit. Die maatskaplike werker by Ngwana Babahuis, Santie Oberholzer sê die babahuis se voortbestaan word deur besighede en individue verseker. “Die beddens en matrasse vir die personeel is ‘n sëen wat opreg waardeer word. Ons ontvang soveel skenkings vir die kinders dat mens soms vergeet dat die personeel ook behoeftes het. Hulle moet dikwels hul gesinne tuis laat om na die babas om te sien. Nou kan hulle ook gemaklik en rustig slaap.”
Drie personeellede van Anglo American Platinum, Polokwane Smelter, Deon du Toit, (links), Whitey Seyanund (naasregs), afdelings-ingenieurbestuurder en Tony Brown (regs), ingenieurspesialis saam met Santie Oberholzer, maatskaplike werker van Ngwana Babahuis.
Three SLC learners take gold at tritech competition ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail. com
Sarah Coronaios at one of the visual expositions at Savannah Mall.
Matthew Lunt, Elané Maritz and Christiaan Schmidt will represent SLC in the national round of the Tritech competition to be held at Ben Vorster High School tomorrow (Friday).
Gold, the highest accolade, went to three learners from Stanford Lake College (SLC) during the recent Tzaneen Regional round of the Tritech competition held at Ben Vorster High School in Tzaneen. Christiaan Schmidt’s Agriculture related project ‘Different colours of shading net affecting plant growth’ looked into the best type of shade netting to be utilised in order to maximise crop growth.
Elané Maritz’s interest in Engineering resulted in a project themed “Don’t wanna have cold feet”, her own design of socks to reduce heat loss in cold weather. Matthew Lunt came up with a project that looked into the potential of a programme that will record dictated information and immediately turn it into text. Rona McGaffin, SLC Spokesperson reported that the three are now preparing for the National finals to be held at Merensky High School on tomorrow (Friday).
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Property profile>>
August 21, 2014 >> PAGE 34
Agency: Property For All What is the most important factor to consider when buying a house? >> Affordability and location How would you describe the current property market in Polokwane? >> Busy although most buyers are not qualified What is the recipe for being a good property agent? >> Service delivery and honesty
Dirk van Niekerk
Tips for unhappy tenants >> The consequences of dealing with a difficult landlord can be costly >> Deal with the landlord in a respectful manner
be to move from the premises, this is often not feasible – particularly when a landlord threatens to withhold the deposit or demands extra money when he is notified that a tenant plans to move. The provincial Rental Housing Tribunals do offer some support and their decisions do carry some weight. However, forewarned is forearmed and those who have all the written facts at their fingertips will probably find that a situation is easier to resolve. These tips are aimed at helping tenants who find themselves in unsatisfactory rental situations.
here’s no doubt that being a tenant can be difficult. Landlords generally wield a great deal of power and while the obvious answer would
ANTON 082 443 6039
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SIAS • 082 372 7265
2 Carports 2
LOUWRENS • 0829586632
3 1
JAMES • 072 236 7310
BENDOR • R1 100 000 DEVELOPMENT STAND PRICED BELOW MARKET. Ref: 100070075 Vacant development stand situated in upmarket security estate. Beat the moratorium and use this opportunity to build 8 (eight) townhouses (Zoned Res 2) – stand already serviced and ready to be developed.
Area Bendor 91344180052 Northview 91344182273 Bendor 91344182358 Northview 91344181756 Northview 91344174461
SIAS • 082 372 7265
Size (m²) Price Agent 817 R335 000 Gretha 082 802 1874 621 R477 000 Louwrens 0829586632 704 R399 000 Rina 082 929 9171 799 R485 000 Simon 082 476 8916 650 R400 000 Victor 073 066 6805
IVY PARK • R880 000
F A M I LY H O M E . R e f : 9 1 3 3 4 1 8 2 8 1 7 Affordable family home with bachelor flat. Spacious living area and en suite bathroom. Electric fencing and walking distance to town. Snooze and you lose. INA • 079 597 8693 3 2 1 Carports 2 0
R3 700
R4 000
R3 850
R4 200
R4 950
We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants! ELMARIE - 082 977 7020
R6000 3 1
R11 000 3 2 2
Fauna Park
R8 500 3 2 2
R3 850 3 1
Penina Park
R7 150
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JACOB • 082 466 8366
BENDOR • R1 365 000 FAMILY HOME WITH LOTS OF PRIVACY AND GOOD SECURITY. Ref: 91344182791 This beautiful low maintenance home is situated in the right secure area near all amenities. Lapa, braai area, Wendy house and a flatlet. Neat and well kept. This is a must see. Call me today! 0 2 Carports 0 3 2 RINA • 082 929 9171
MADIBA PARK • R660 000
SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME. Ref: 91344182522 Well constructed face brick home in popular area with tiled roof. Spacious bedrooms and living room. Drive-through garage. Close to mall. Make this yours!
BENDOR • R1 250 000
BRAND NEW R e f : 9 1 3 4 4 1 8 2 8 4 6 CAREFUL BUYERS, BE SAFE TO SEE THIS. Modern home in security estate. Close to Ref: 91344178287 open-plan living area. Modern kitchen with nice finishes. One Mall of the North and Mitchell House. Kitchen Large lock-up garage. Automated gate. The yard is paved outside. Enough with granite tops. Patio with braai. A must see space to park more than four cars. Call now, tomorrow will be too late. 0 1 Carports 0 3 2 3 2 2 Carports 0 0 GRETHA • 082 802 1874 SIMON • 082 476 8916
EVERYTHING YOU’RE LOOKING FOR! Ref: 91344182910 Lock-up-and-go. Large townhouse offering an openplan lounge/dining area and modern kitchen with granite tops. A home that lives up to expectations. All this is set in a family friendly environment.
LADANNA • R505 000
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BENDOR • R2 200 000 UPMARKET DOUBLE VOLUME EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE. Stunning home built to perfection - high quality finishes - open-plan living areas spacious bedrooms, study, well planned kitchen, laundry/scullery with granite tops. Braai area overlooking a lovely garden and sparkling pool. Unbeatable value. Ref: 91344181040
BENDOR • R1 880 000
ROSEMARY 082 804 9725
Tel: 015 295 3134
• Put your complaints in writing. Document the issues in question and send them via registered post to your landlord. Remember to keep copies of all correspondence. • Keep note of all important dates including when you first noted the problem, when you first phoned the landlord and when you left messages. • Take plenty of photographs that reflect the date, to show the extent of the problem • Try to keep calm and deal with the landlord in a respectful manner. Shouting and screaming seldom resolves anything. Keeping a cool head and appealing to a landlord’s sense
SESHEGO • R550 000 GOOD INVESTMENT. Ref: 91344180048 Inviting all investors who want a rental house. Close to FET College and mall. High demand for rentals in the area. Close to public transport. Minor maintenance required. Call today.
SIMON • 082 476 8916
FAUNA PARK • R1 520 000
WARM AND INVITING. Ref: 91344182853 This spacious family home has it all: swimming pool, lapa, big stand, borehole and good security. Neat and well maintained. Call now to view! INA • 079 597 8693 4 2 2 Carports 0 1
We Would Like To Welcome Essie Viviers To Our Real Estate Team!
3 2 1 1
of obligation often helps resolve issues. • Don’t threaten to withhold rental payments. While a landlord has to maintain a property to a liveable standard by law, this doesn’t mean that you can take the law into your own hands if he fails to do so. • Don’t fix the problem and then deduct the amount paid for the repair from the rent – unless you have the landlord’s permission (preferably in writing) to do so. • Under the Consumer Protection Act, a tenant can break a lease and move out after giving the landlord 20 business days’ notice. However, it’s very important to note that a landlord can claim moneys for lost rental and things like the cost of advertising for a new tenant. • If all else fails, contact the local offices of the Rental Housing Tribunal in order to resolve the problem. Handing over your hard-earned money to a person who is not keeping his end of the bargain can be an incredibly frustrating experience. In some cases tenants do overstep the boundaries. Phoning and complaining to a landlord about trivial issues is likely to cause problems in the relationship. For this reason, it is advised that tenants bear some of the responsibility of living in a rented property and to deal with minor issues themselves. Tenants should also go all out to find out what sort of landlord they are going into business with and rather back away if the person concerned appears to be problematic. There are unreasonable landlords around, who, regardless go how pleasant you are, or how big the problem, will choose to turn a blind eye to the issues at hand. The consequences of dealing with a difficult landlord can prove to be costly and, even though the issues may eventually be resolved, can lead to a great deal of frustration and anger.
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R3,285,000 – UPPER TOWN
Built on a 2855 m² stand, this classic well maintained home offers 4 extra spacious living areas, wife pleaser kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 garages, pool, lapa, rondavel, walk-in safe, workshop, guestroom, servant’s room with bathroom and borehole. It’s loaded with extras...... SEE IT TODAY! TRACY 082 893 5666
Best speakers at OBSERVER 35 Mitchell House College Augustus 21, 2014
Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
M Foto: RC Myburgh
PHS-hoof, Willie Shoeman en sy vrou en skakelbeampte, Anna-Marié waaghalsig op een van die motorfietse.
PHS vier 93ste verjaardag RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Harley Davidson-motorfietse, ‘n koek en die inhgebruikneming van die eerste rugbyspan se nuwe kleedkamers het verlede Vrydag deel gevorm van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se 93ste verjaardagvieringe. Plaaslike motorfietsryers het van die onderwysers op hul ysterperde tot op die skool se rugbyveld vervoer waar die verrigtinge plaasgevind het. “Dit is ‘n voorreg om ‘n skool se 93ste verjaardag te vier. As jy op PHS se stoepe stap, kan jy nie help om te wonder hoeveel herinneringe daar lê nie. As die stoepe maar kon praat. Ons kyk met respek en eerbied terug na al die vorige hoofde, personeel, duisende leerders en hul ouers wat die PHS-pad oor 93 jaar gestap het. Ons fondament is so deeglik deur ons voorvaders gelê dat die skool na meer as nege dekades steeds Reik na die Sterre,” sê skoolhoof, Willie Schoeman. Die verrigtinge is afgesluit met ‘n verjaarsdagkoek wat aan Schoeman oorhandig is.
Mariana Badenhorst saam met motorfietsryer, Bennie Groenewald op sy ysterperd.
Foto: Verskaf
Verteenwoordigende Leerderraad (VLR)voorsitters van die sosiale komitee, Biemond Hoogenboezem en Antoné Vercueil steek die kerse aan terwyl skoolhoof, Willie Schoeman toekyk.
Childline 0800 055 555 Crime Stop 08600 10111 Fire Brigade Polokwane 015 293 1111 Water and electrical faults Polokwane 015 290 2000 Limpopo Ambulance Service 10177
itchell House College on Thursday held their annual Best Speaker Competition that was hosted by the Grade 11 English class and organised by educator, Julie Bhyat. Twenty of the College’s best speakers gathered in front of an appreciative audience to present speeches on a wide range of prepared topics. Afterwards, the top three speakers in their respective grades had to do an impromptu speech for the two adjudicators, Gareth Nisbet and Claude Goeminne. Grade 9 winner, KK Mametja narrowly beat top Grade 8 speaker, Tanweer Ghood for the position as best speaker for the junior College learners. Panashe Furusa won the overall senior College prize and the Grade 11 competition. Mathabo Maahlo was first in the Grade 10 competition and the best impromptu speaker was Dikabelo Ramashala.
Photo: Supplied
The best speakers at Mitchell House College are Panashe Furusa, Tanweer Ghood, KK Mametja, Mathabo Maahlo and Dikabelo Ramashala, with educators and organisers, Claude Goeminne and Julie Bhyat at the back.
Women patrolling the city’s streets
August 21, 2014
36 OBSERVER polokwane
ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com
Photos: Supplied
Disobeying rules of the road will not be tolerated in Polokwane. This motorbike driver found out at Paul Kruger Street when he was issued with a fine by Traffic Official, Elsie de Beer.
ix traffic tickets were issued and seven hawkers fined when female employees from Polokwane Municipality, the traffic department and community safety officers embarked on an all women walkabout on 13 August, patrolling downtown and CBD streets as part of celebrating Women’s Month. Tidimalo Chuene, Manager Communications and Marketing for Polokwane Municipality in a press statement said the purpose is to enhance informal sector law enforcement and crime prevention, especially where safety of people and property are at
stake including monitoring of noise pollution and general inspection. She said the operation was headed by the Municipal Manager, Constance Mametja and women directors from the Traffic and Licensing Department, Community Safety, Disaster Management and Fire Services and Communications and Marketing Strategic Business Units. “This programme demonstrated the municipality’s commitment to employ women at all levels of the organisation. As a municipality, we are taking this opportunity to inspire young girls to aspire for careers that were previously reserved for males. This was especially the case in the field of law enforcement,” said Chuene.
She said traffic tickets were issued to those who did not obey the rules of the road. “Those who generated high noise levels were asked to lower the sound. Fines were also issued to seven hawkers who were operating without permits,” she said. According to Chuene the last walk was to the car wash in Dahl Street in order to check if the activities undertaken are at allocated places. She said the by-law enforcement walkabout in the central business district will continue after Women’s Month as a means of curbing violations such as illegal land use, noncompliance with regulations by businesses and pollution in the city.
TEL: 015 295 4537/8 | Fax: 015 291 1166 7a HaNS VaN RENSBURG STREET TO LET
Various Bachelor Flats available from R2200 to R2950 per month. Phone NOW to view! 1 Slaapkamer woonstelle vanaf R2500 tot R3500 per maand. Moenie misloop nie. DORP/TOWN R3000 – Eenmanwoonstel met badkamer, kombuis en leefarea. Veilige kompleks. R3200 – 1 Bedroom townhouse, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Carport available at R175 per month. R4200 – 2 Slaapkamer meenthuis met 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en motorhuis. Klein hondjie welkom. Koopkrag. R14110 – 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, pantry, carport, garage and outside room. Prepaid electricity and water. HOSPITAL PARK – Walking distance to Provincial Hospital R2750 – Spacious 1 bedroom flat with kitchen, bathroom and lounge. 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES - Bendor R6400 – 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen and carport. Prepaid electricity. LADANNA – TOWNHOUSES R5100 – 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, TV room and garage. Prepaid electricity. Available 1 September 2014.
IVYPARK R9050 – 3 Slaapkamer huis met 1½ badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, TV-kamer, kombuis, opwas, waskamer, 2 motorhuise buitetoilet met stort. GOLDEN OLDIE! Beautiful spacious house! R18 000 – 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, TV room, kitchen, scullery, laundry, study, garage, carport, braai, swimming pool PLUS 2 bedroom flat with lounge, kitchen and bathroom. Phone today to view! MYNGENOEGEN R4900 – 3 Slaapkamers, sit-/eetkamer, kombuis, badkamer en motorhuis. Water en ligte ingesluit.
Various office space available, sizes from 40m² to 598m².
A selection of properties for sale. Phone Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162
Community Safety Officers, Rosemary Leboho and Elizabeth Mongalo issued a fine to a hawker for operating without a permit in Church Street, Polokwane.
A change in attitude can be empowering
ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com
>> Take a moment and reflect upon the thousands of privileges and blessings VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR PHOTOS OF THE PROPERTIES AVAILABLE. >> Anything a man can do, a woman can do www.stipecprop.co.za better Allow us to provide professional management of your complex. Phone now! Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162
Official opening hosted by Elmarié Bierman Attorneys on 5 September 2014 at 10:00, in conjunction with a Spring Celebration in favour of charity.
10B ChurCh StrEEt tEL 015 291 3415/20
“Everything you feel, see and think is determined by your perception and your attitude towards it and therefore, I am of the opinion that far too little time is spent on focussing on the wonderful privileges bestowed upon women.” This is the opinion of local legal practitioner, Elmarié Bierman of Elmarié Bierman Attorneys when asked to comment on Women’s Month. She said she is not ignorant of women’s rights and the frequent infringement thereupon by outdated believes, customs and societies. “I might even be regarded as somewhat of a feminist in that I have often said that anything a man can do, a woman can do better,” she stated. She said women are superiorly engineered and can best described in manly terms as the luxury, top of the class ultimate SUV. “Some of the standard features of this model is that it is able to multiply (bear children), come in one or more models at the same time (multitask), have flat tyres (keeps on going despite obstacles), climate control (calms and mediates all situations) and if you have an older model, cushioned seats (the incline of the gravity meter on the bathroom scale).” Unfortunately many women perceive this “standard equipment” to be a curse instead of a blessing, Bierman observed. “As with anything else we are so spoilt and take all our undeserved blessings for granted, to such an extent that we tend to feel burdened by them.” She said next time you want to complain about your children or the expenses and work associated with them, take a second to think about what a childless mother would give to be able to have children and spend all of her resources on them, or when you want to mutter over the amount of daily tasks you have to perform, more often than not two or more at a time, pause to think how happy it would make a bed-ridden patient to be able to do the simplest of things. “If one looks at truly happy people and establish what makes them so happy, one will often discover that it is not what they have that increases the quality of life, but what they give away. So let’s take a moment this Women’s Month to reflect upon our hundreds if not thousands of privileges and blessings instead of pondering upon our infringed rights, and discover the light in this dark world – even better – share this philosophy with a sister and be amazed at how this change in attitude can empower us all,” Bierman concluded.
August 21, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Angels Play PreSchool toddlers learn about road safety
“Having achieved more than 50 Years of property
HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Toddlers from Angels Play Pre-School received first hand information about road safety when Francois Lubbe, a traffic officer from Polokwane Municipality visited the school last Thursday. The visit was part of Polokwane Municipality Traffic Department’s quest to raise awareness among learners about road safety issues and to teach learners to take responsibility for road issues that affect their communities. “Road safety education is very important. We experience more road accidents involving young adults, many of whom are the parents of toddlers. Some parents put their toddlers in the front seats while some drive with their children on their laps, which is wrong and dangerous,” he said. He also explained that most of them know the rules but they keep on neglecting them. We felt it would be befitting to teach the learners about road safety at an early age so that they can be better road users growing up and remind their parents of their wrongdoings on the roads,” Lubbe said. Reatlegile Kekana poses with Polokwane Municipality Traffic Officer Francois Lubbe after the road safety session.
makes us the obvious choice”
R 1 640 000
This double-storey house measuring 368m² is situated on a 805m² stand. Well located, well built and well maintained, close to all amenities and Savannah Mall. With beautiful finishes and really a piece to win your heart. You really need to visit, it is ideal to own. HOSEA MOLEKOA 072 485 5155
R 3 830 000
R 1 970 000
Pieties wys hul talent op papier RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
Natuurtonele, stillewes en selfs abstrakte werke wat deur Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se kunsleerders geskilder is, is verlede Donderdag en Vrydag in die skoolsaal as deel van die afgelope Afrikaansweek uitgestal wat verlede week gevier is. Die skool het dié week met verskillende aktiwiteite gevier waaraan leerders kon deelneem om hul liefde en kennis van Afrikaans te bevorder. Speltoetse is tydens die Afrikaanse periodes geskryf terwyl graad 8-, 9- en 10- leerders aan die nasionale Woorde open Wêrelde (WoW)-spelfees deelgeneem het.
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Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 1 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 325108
August 21, 2014
38 OBSERVER polokwane
>> Lions hooker, Robbie Coetzee guest speaker >> Top learners and coaches recognised
Mitchell House Preparatory School Football Player of the Year, Musa Mathabula, second from left and Hlaba Mokonyane, Most Improved Player with Headmaster Andrew Cook and guest speaker, Robbie Coetzee.
Mitchell House hosts Sports Award dinner
Mitchell House College Hockey Player of the Year, Moloko Mokobi, second from left and Most Improved Player, Panashe Furusa with Headmaster Andrew Cook and guest speaker, Robbie Coetzee.
Mitchell House cricketers Varun Cherian and Sherwynn Steyn with Headmaster, Andrew Cook and guest speaker, Robbie Coetzee at the Sport Award Dinner last Wednesday.
Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
Flats x 2 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathrooms, Lounge, Kitchen, Courtyard
R477 000
itchell House held their second annual Sports Award dinner last Wednesday evening in the theatre with parents, learners and invited guests enjoying a delicious dinner prepared at the excellent catering facilities at the school. The guest speaker at the event was MTN Golden Lions hooker, Robbie Coetzee who shared the ups and downs of his rugby career with the learners and guests. Dinner was served by learners from Mitchell House who exchanged their school uniforms for waiter outfits for the night.
4 Bedrooms, 2½ Bathrooms, Lounge, Dining, TV Room, Bar, Laundry, Storeroom, Pool Servant’s Room, Double Garage, Double Carport
R1 961 000
21.5ha Bushveld lovers a MUST see!
R2 703 000
STER PARK 4 Bed, 2½ Bath, Lounge, Dining, Kitchen, Study, Laundry, Pantry, Scullery, Pool, Double Garage, HUGE Garden
Photos: Warren Blunt
Mitchell House Headmaster Andrew Cook, left, and Director of Sport Fred Romijn, right with guest speaker, MTN Golden Lions hooker, Robbie Coetzee.
R1 908 000
AGENTS: Suné 079 341 1625 / Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail: admin.pietersburg@justpropertygroup.co.za
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CONTACT SAN - 072 159 5126
kONTAk STEPHEN - 082 558 3525
1) COMPENSATIE STREET: R740 000.00 4 Bedroom Duplex Townhouse with 1½ bathroom. Townhouse has been renovated. New kitchen, floor tiles and paint. Single garage. Excellent buy!! 2) UPPER-TOWN:1 BEDROOM FLAT : R540 000.00 Beautiful cosy townhouse with nice entertainment verandah, carport, lovely garden. 3) BENDOR: R1 250 000.00 Stunning 3 bedroom townhouse, open-plan lounge/dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, Double garage, double carport. Beautiful area, upmarket finishes. Adorable!! 4) LEEUKUIL PLOT: R1 700 000.00 2 houses, 8.5ha.
HOUSES: 1) 2213m² CENTAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units - R3 500 000.00 2) BENDOR – 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, en suite guest room, pool. 3) PENINA PARK 3 000m² zoned, 20 Units - R2 500 000.00 4) EDUAN PARK 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Flat, swimming pool, lapa, borehole 5) 1900m² ERF - A very neat 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom dwelling, situated in the medical node, ideal for MEDICAL PRACTICE or guest house - R3 750 000.00. Don’t miss out! PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha vacant - R1 500 000.00 neg 2) ON N1 PRETORIA RD, 8.5 ha 3) MYNGENOEGEN 2.3ha 2 x 2 bedroom flats - R1 100 000.00 FARMS: 1) ALLDAYS 850ha – GAME FARM - R8 000 000.00 2) MARKEN AREA 850ha CATTLE FARM - R4 500 000.00 neg 3) PIETERSBURG 300ha - CATTLE/ CROP FARM + loose assets (100 Bonsmara cattle) 2 houses, strong water, pivot- R6 500 000.00 4) VIVO – 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game - R9 000 000.00 INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) Industrial stands – N1 North available,1300m².
CONTACT MANIE - 083 635 0513 1) 2X INDUSTRIAL STANDS: Corporate park 2x 1855m² 2) RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY: Annadale Zoned res 2 FARMS / PLOTS FOR SALE
CONTACT SOlET: 082 498 4415
1) TOWNHOUSE – BODENSTEIN STREET: R850 000.00 Modern open-plan living area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen and singlegarage.
kONTAk MATIE - 083 271 5259
1) TWEEFONTEIN PLOT 8.5ha: 3 Slaapkamerhuis, 3 x 2 Slaapkamerhuise, 1 x 1 Slaapkamerhuis. Ontspanningslokaal. Naby N1. R2 100 000.00 2) 90ha NATUURPLAAS: In Wolkberge, 50km vanaf Polokwane, 2 chalets, stoor, wild, wildwerend omhein. Baie mooi en nuutontwikkelde eiendom. R2 950 000.00 3) 500ha BESPROEIINGSPLAAS: Dendron omgewing, 18ha onder besproeiing, 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 slaapkamer woonstel, groot pakstoor, werkswinkel, afdakke ens. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. R6 300 000.00 4) GESOEK: 8.5ha of groter onontwikkelde plot, vir kontantkoper.
Learners from both the Preparatory School and College received awards for athletics, netball, soccer, cricket, rugby and hockey. Special awards were handed to College learners, Kgolo Khunou for athletics and Khuno Phukubje for soccer after receiving national recognition in their respective sporting codes. Educators Lista van Wyk (soccer) and Jenny Hartzenburg (hockey) also received awards for their efforts in improving the standard of hockey and soccer at the school. Mitchell House Director of Sport, Fred Romijn congratulated all of the award winners and encouraged those learners who did not receive awards to put in that extra effort to become winners next year.
TO LET: RESIDENTIAL: CONTACT: SAN 072 159 5126 MID-TOWN: R2 500.00: Immediately Room with bathroom. Water and electricity included. PENINA PARK: R7 000.00 Immediately 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, garage, pool. MID-TOWN: DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE: R4 800.00 4 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, garage TOWNHOUSE: R4 100.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage, 20 m from town. Scenic area. LOG HOUSE: R3 800.00 Immediately 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, open-plan living room, 10 km from town. TO LET: INDUSTRIAL: CONTACT: STEPHEN 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 855 m² with office (SAB area) 2) 80m² Cold room 3) 1200m² + 200m² Offices, good exposure, Dendron road 4) 1400m² - warehouse Nirvana 5) 1800m² - warehouse + 300 m² office Nirvana 6) Office + small workshop Nirvana 7) 500m² with office R15 000 excl, Ladine Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Modern – freestanding office, 600m² 1/5/2014 Close to CBD 3) 345m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton Court) 4) 100m² Office CBD
Mitchell House College learner, Khuno Phukubje pictured with his special award for football after being rated amongst the top 30 players in the country. With him is Mitchell House Headmaster, Andrew Cook and guest speaker, Robbie Coetzee.
To leT
offices Maneoprops 072 614 4333
Pictured with his special award for athletics is Mitchell House College learner, Kgolo Khunou with Headmaster, Andrew Cook and guest speaker, Robbie Coetzee.
suzettejacobs@hotmail.com STER PARK: R2 500 000: Old world charm. A 4 bedr, 2 bathr house plus 1 bedr flat attached to the house. The old pool was converted into a sunken lapa area with a built-in braai and a jacuzzi. Added benefit is the walk-in cold storage room, 2 garages plus parking for a caravan. Borehole and CCTV. ACACIA ESTATE: R995 000: Freestanding 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. BENDOR: R470 000: Stand on popular main street. Build your house on this 772m² stand. Close to Cycad centre. BENDOR GABLES: R995 000: Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. 1 Garage. BENDOR: R1 260 000: REDUCED Centrally located close to all amenities. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr home with an attached granny flat, pool, lapa, fenced. One of the most beautiful kitchens in town. LADANNA: R1 188 000: VALUE fOR mONEy: 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom home with study. 1 Bedroom flatlet, lapa, fenced. CCTV, carports. Borehole. Good street.
Augustus 21, 2014
STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________
SAL CONRAD NEL (voorheen van Brits) en Benjamin Petrus Botha (voorheen van Polokwane) CMR Volksrust by 071 735 5808 kontak rakende afhandeling van kinderhofverrigtinge van u kinders. ____________________
BENODIG DAMES 30+ Vlot in Afrikaans en Engels tik en spelling belangrik. Dinamies, leergierig met ondervinding in verkope. Matriek/graad 12. Bereid om verder te leer. Loopbaan in natuurlike gesondheid. Stuur CV na saworkapplication@ gmail.com ____________________
EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________
CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________ WE ASSIST WITH LABOUR, DIVORCE, ESTATE, AGREEMENTS & PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Contact 015 293 1666 ___________________
DRINGEND GESOEK MOTORS, BAKKIES BOTE, SLEEPWAENS EN KARAVANE VIR KONTANT Ek reël ook privaatfinansiering. Kontak Martin 082 498 5407 ____________________
1975 FORD F250 MET V8 DETROIT ENJIN R25 000 om op te bou. Skakel 084 440 3936 ____________________ KAGGELHOUT BESKIKBAAR R400 per halftonvrag afgelewer. Skakel 076 420 9228 079 389 4732 ____________________ JUMBLE SALE 3 Burger Street, 30 August 2014. 08:00 tot 11:00 ____________________
TO LET One bedroom flat in Ladanna Shower. Private entrance. Available immediately. R3 850 plus deposit. W&L included. Skakel Emilia 082 374 4680 ____________________ TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ NUUTGEBOUDE SEMIGEMEUBILEERDE WOONSTEL IN BODORP, OOSTSTRAAT Beskikbaar dadelik. 1 Slaapkamer met ¾ bed, gordyne, geen linne, DStv ingesluit. Water & ligte ingesluit. Huur R3 600, dep R3 600. Adminfooi R500 (eenmalig) Skakel Liane 071 675 1222 of werksure 015 291 3287 ____________________ MOOI 1 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL OP PLOT Elek omhein, veilig. R2 475p.m. Gratis water. R100 krag ingesluit. Tel 082 571 5081 ____________________ TO LET 1 Bedr, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen/ lounge, 1 lock-up garage. Close to Savannah Mall. No smokers or drinkers. R3 600 furnished or R3 300 unfurnished. Excludes water & electricty. Very neat and safe. Contact 082 557 6892 ____________________ EEN SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL IN BENDOR R2 900 plus krag. Deposito R5 300. Kontak 082 804 6230 ____________________ GEMEUBILEERDE 1 SLK BACHELOR WOONSTEL Op plot, 4km vanaf SAB op LTT pad. R2 500 p.m. W&L ingesluit. Streng keuring + dep. Kontak 083 459 7046 ____________________ 1 SLAAPKAMER badkamer apart, leefarea apart. Kontak Hennie 082 829 4037 ____________________
HOUSES: BODORP R25 500 4 Bedr, 3 bathr, 2 garages, entertainment area, outside buildings & pool. TOWN R15 595 4 Bedr, 3 bathr, lounge, dining, entertainment area & pool. BENDOR R9 600 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, dining, pool & flat with bedr, bathr & longe. FLOAR PARK R7 000 3 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, dining & 2 garages PENINA PARK R12 800 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, laundry & 2 bedr flat. NEW FLORA PARK R8 350 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages. NEW FLORA PARK R6 680 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge & garage. BODORP R6 684 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, dining, scullery & garage. TOWNHOUSES: LADANNA R5 800 3 Bedr, 1 bathr, lounge, kitchen & garage. LADANNA R3 980 2 bedr, 1 bathr, lounge, carport. IVYPARK - R5 500 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, carport. IVY PARK R6 6000 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, carport. FAUNA PARK R6 950 3 Bedr, 2½ bathr, lounge, kitchen, garage, carport, prepaid elec. KIERIEKLAPPER ST R5 300 2 bedr, 1 bathr, lounge, kitchen, patio, laundry, garage, garden. BENDOR R6 200 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, built-in prepaid elec. FLATS: COMPENSATIE St R4 300 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, spacious living area, carport. RABE ST R4 100 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, lounge, kitchen, garage. OFFICES: CBD from R2 500 Marshall St - R10 270 Marshall St - R25 400 Hans van Rensburg St - R11 270 MARTIN 060 666 5432 THYS 083 702 0768 AUDREY 072 632 7117 DIONETTE 084 503 3964 RENTALS HOUSES FOR SEpTEmbER • TOWN - R11 000 Lovely 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 lounges, pool, small garden, 2 carports and 2 garages.
TOWNHOUSES SEpTEmbER • LADANNA - R1 800 1 bedroom flat. No garden. • IVY PARK - R6 600 NOW OR SEPTEMBER: Modern 3 bed, 2 bath, carport, open garden and security. • COMPENSATIE ST R4 400 - SEPTEMBER: Neat 2 bed, 1 bath, small garden and garage. FLATS TO LET • MACADAMIA @ THE ALOES RETIREMENT VILLAGE: Very Exclusive For Now or September R5 200, R5 650, R5 800 pm: 1 to 2 bed, 1 bath, with 24-hour care and affordable prices. FOR EXAMPLE: • 3 Meals per day. • 2 x week laundry. • 2 x week cleaning of flat. • Assistance with control of medication. • 2 x day check on resident. • 2 x day by medical staff, etc. PATSY - 083 270 6770
TE HUUR 2 Slaapkamer, netjiese geboude huis. Toegespan, rustige bosveldomgewing, digbewoonde gebied, hoë heining, 30 km op Zebediela pad teen teerpad. R2 900 p.m. Koopkrag. Skakel of SMS na 076 598 6002 of 072 038 9175 ____________________ MEENTHUIS BESKIKBAAR 1 SEPTEMBER 3 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, oopplan kombuis, motorhuis en koopkrag. 10 km op Dendronpad. Slegs 2 klein hondjies. R4 300 plus deposito. Kontak 082 396 7101 ____________________
2 SLAAPKAMER HUIS OP PLAAS 11 km op LTT pad te huur. R3 000 p.m. plus krag. Geen kinders of honde. Skakel 072 251 0926 ____________________
3 SLAAPKAMER DALMADA R4 000 per maand. Kontak 083 655 5997 of 015 263 6396 ____________________ RUIM 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS TE HUUR SOETDORINGS Netjies en omhein. Dubbel afdak parkering. Veilige en rustie omgewing. R5 560 plus dep + koopkrag. Streng keuring. Minette 076 941 1679 ____________________ 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS OP PLOT TE HUUR 8km uit dorp, elektries omhein. Groot tuin, geen groot honde. R5 800 + dep. W&L en tuinjong ingesluit. Kontak 082 588 5520 ____________________ LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar. Kleinvertrek huise R1 950 p.m., Bachelor woonstelle R1 500 p.m. Wendy houtkamers R1 000 p.m. Gemeenskaplike ablusiegeriewe. Skakel Marina in kantoorure 015 297 2008 ____________________
SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Phone 015 295 5264 ___________________
NOTICE LIMPOPO GAMBLING BOARD ACT 4 OF 1996, AS AMENDED APLLICATION FOR RELOCATION OF BOOKMAKER SITE LICENCE Notice is hereby given that Portapa 2 (Pty) Ltd Trading as Supabets under licence Number: BMAKER 009-LGB intends on submitting an application for amendment/Relocation of a Bookmaker Site Licence to relocate from shop 0002 situated in the building 51 Joubert Street, Polokwane, Limpopo Province to Shop 24 City Centre Building 101,103 & 107 Bok Street Polokwane Limpopo Province on 21 August 2014. The application will be open for public inspection at the office of the Limpopo Gambling Board at 08 Hans van Rensburg Street Polokwane Limpopo Province South Africa from 21 August 2014 Attention is drawn to the provisions of Section 26 of the Limpopo Gambling Act 4 of 1996, as amended, which makes provision for the lodging of written objections in respect of the application. Such objections should be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer of the Limpopo Gambling Board, 08 Hans van Rensburg Street Polokwane or Private Bag X9520 Polokwane 0700 within 30 days from 21 August 2014. 21/08 ___________________ Please note that I, Adriaan Geldenhuys, as agent for the members of the deregistered close corporation Eaglesun 7 CC (Registration number
2009/007805/23), intend to apply to the Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission for the reinstatement of the close corporation. The proposed application will be made 21 (twentyone) days after the publication hereof. (sgd) A.Geldenhuys 38A Rabe Street Polokwane 0699 Tel: 015 295 2929 21/8 ___________________
IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION PRETORIA Case No: 18946/2013 In the matter between: ABSA BANK LTD PLAINTIFF and LUSOVU CONSULTING SERVICES CC Registration Number: 2005/037884/23 DEFENDANT NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IMMOVABLE PROPERTY In execution of a judgement of the NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA in the abovementioned suit, a sale without reserve will be held by the SHERIFF OF THE HIGH COURT POLOKWANE on the 10th day of SEPTEMBER 2014 at 10:00 at the SHERIFF OF THE HIGH COURT POLOKWANE, 66 PLATINUM STREET, LADINE, POLOKWANE, of the under mentioned property of the Defendant, subject to the conditions of sale which are available for inspection at the offices of the SHERIFF OF THE HIGH COURT POLOKWANE, 66 PLATINUM STREET, LADINE, POLOKWANE: ERF 2740 PIETERSBURG EXTENSION 11 TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION: L.S., LIMPOPO PROVINCE MEASURING: 2052 (TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTY TWO) SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER T62317/2009 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS THEREIN CONTAINED STREET ADDRESS: 14 TAURUS AVENUE, PIETERSBURG Any prospective purchaser must register, in accordance with the following conditions amongst others: a) The provisions of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (http://www.info.gov.za /view/downloadfile Action?id=9961) b) The provisions of FICAlegislation (requirement proof ID, residential address) c) Payment of a registration fee of R 10 000.00 in cash for immovable property; d) All conditions applicable to registration The following information is furnished with regard to improvements on the property although nothing in this respect is guaranteed: HOUSE CONSISTING OF: Entrance hall, lounge, dining room, family room, kitchen, scullery, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 separate toilet, 3 garages and 1 utility room. DATED AT PRETORIA ON THIS THE 29TH DAY OF JULY 2014. HACK STUPEL & ROSS ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF 2ND FLOOR STANDARD BANK CHAMBERS CHURCH SQUARE PRETORIA C. VAN WYK/Marelize/ DA2377
OBSERVER 39 polokwane
CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za TEL 012 325 4185/9 21/08 ___________________
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days from date of publication hereof. Estate Number: 2888/2012 Master’s Office: Polokwane Surname: Mathosa First Names: Mpho Dorah Date of Birth: 05 August 1930 ID number: 300805 0172 089 Last address: 89 Unit E Toronto Mankweng Limpopo Province Date of death: 19 February 2009 Mathabatha Makgobatlou 16 Landdros Mare Street Polokwane Limpopo Province Advertiser’s telephone: 015 291 1696 21/08 ___________________ NOTICE OF CREDITORS AND DEBTORS IN DECEASED ESTATES IN TERMS OF SECTION 29 OF THE ADMINISTATION OF DECEASED ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965 Creditors and debtors in the under mentioned estate are requested to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication hereof. ESTATE NO: 20257/14 MASTER’S OFFICE: Polokwane SURNAME: Komape CHRISTIAN NAMES: Mankone Brilliant DATE OF BIRTH: 25 July 1968 ID NO: 680725 0456 086 LAST ADDRESS: 218 Marabe Street No.3 Madiba Park Seshego DATE OF DEATH: 5 April 2014 CHRISTIAN NAMES AND SURNAME OF THE SURVIVING SPOUSE: Komape Tikwe Abram ID NO: 601015 5911 087 NAME OF EXECUTOR: Komape Tikwe Abram (sgd) C/O DS SELLO ATTORNEYS P.O. BOX 5693 POLOKWANE-NORTH, 0750 18 BOK STREET POLOKWANE 0699 TEL: 015 291 4849 FAX: 015 291 4846 Ref: WE0022 21/8 ___________________
YOUR career finder in LIMPOPO Semiskilled Boilermakers & Spray Painters urgently needed Fax: 015 293 2177 jacoline@aquarock.co.za
TANDHEELKUNDIGE STOELASSISTENT Dames tussen 18 en 25. Ongereelde ure (skofte) Rekenaarvaardigheid ‘n vereiste. GEEN ROKERS Opleiding sal verskaf word Stuur CV na: 086 527 3860
Full-time Hardworking Self driven Own transport
Please send your CV to veronica.mohapi@ harcourts.co.za or 086 527 0910 Successful applicants will be contacted within two weeks.
Volkswagen Polokwane Volkswagen Polokwane has the following vacancy: eXPeRIenCeD sales eXeCUTIVe To MaRkeT anD sell THe FUll Volkswagen anD MasTeRCaR BRanD
Minimum requirements • Young and energetic • Excellent customer service skills and focus • Computer literate and well acquainted with the internet Market related salary package. Send CVs to hradmin@vwpolokwane.co.za. If you are not contacted within 2 weeks of submitting your CV, please consider your application as unsuccessful.
August 21, 2014
40 OBSERVER polokwane
YOURCareer finder in LIMPOPO
Kode 10 drywer
Polokwane, Magna Via R5 000 tot R7 000 onderhandelbaar * Minimum van 5 jaar swaarvoertuiglisensie (PDP) Posisie onmiddellik beskikbaar. Aansoeke: charmaine@ juststone.com
Marshalls had their hands full to keep the model electric cars on the track during the fourth round of the National Championship at the Bushveld Model Racing Club in Polokwane over the weekend.
Branch Manager
Location: Polokwane Campus Comment: The successful applicant will be required to commence duty ASAP Qualifications: Degree or Diploma NQF level 5 and higher Minimum Experience: A minimum experience of 3 years in the Academic Field at Supervisory or Manager Level. A Qualified Constituent Assessor or Moderator will be an added advantage.
Skills Required: • Dynamic Team Player • Creative Thinker and Problem Solver • Management Skills • Can maintain and uphold discipline • Strong Leadership Skills • Deadline driven and be able to work under pressure • Business minded with Marketing interests
Remuneration will be discussed with shortlisted candidates. CVs must be sent to hrmanager@icollegeint.co.za not later than 26/08/2014
Competitors line up for the start of the two-wheel drive stock car qualifying race on Saturday.
An electric model car flies through the air out of control after mistiming one of the jumps.
Exciting racing action at Bushveld Model Racing Club WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
REGISTRA TION COMPULSORY WITH BRIEFING LAW SOCIETY SESSION 09:00 on Friday, Establishment of Proof of panel of approved registration with 29 August 2014 at Head Office, 01 attorneys for legal Law Society Landdros Mare services Street, Polokwane
NONREFUNDABLE FEE 11:00 on Friday, Functionality, then R300.00 22 September 2014 90/10 where price= at 01 Landdros 90 and BBBEE Mare Street, Status Level ContriPolokwane bution = 10
Tender documents will be available from Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 12:00 from offices of Lepelle Northern Water situated at 01 Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane. Tenders not submitted in the tender box on the date and time stated above will be marked as late tenders and will not be considered/evaluated. Procurement related enquiries may be directed to Mr. Ngwako Moseamedi on 015 295 1800 and Technical enquiries to Mr. Prince Mthombeni on 015 295 1800 from 08:00 to 16:00, Mondays to Fridays. NB: Bidders will be evaluated on functionality first, only those qualifying by achieving the minimum cut off points as per Tender will be evaluated further on administrative compliance and then price and BBB-EE. NB:Please note that all documents required will be requested for submission from functionality qualifying bidders within two working days and failure to submit will render the bid as non-responsive. Administrative Compliance Mandatory requirements – Only bidders who have submitted the following documents will be considered, namely: • Original and valid Tax Clearance Certificate issued by SARS • Company registration documents • Certificate of good standing issued by the Law Society of Northern Provinces • Completed SBD forms • Compulsory site briefing attendance (attendance register to be completed) • Proof of registration with Law Society (at least one staff member) • All bid documents must be completed in full and in blank ink (no correction fluid allowed) Other required documents: • Municipal current rates account not more than three months old should be submitted (proof of address similar to address of place of office operation; lease agreement with account statement or shareholders address acceptable as proof of office address(confirmation letter endorsed by Commissioner of Oaths, note that before appointment this will be verified) • Proof of purchase for bid documents • Certified ID copies of the company shareholders • Certified valid copy of BBB-EE Certificate
Competitors from as far afield as Gauteng and the Free State provided some exciting racing action against local radio controlled electric car drivers at the Bushveld Model Racing Club (BMRC) in Polokwane over the weekend. The event was the fourth leg of the National Championship for electric model racing cars and consisted of eight different classes to test the drivers to their limits. Saturday was reserved for qualifying with the racing action getting underway on Sunday. The Treasurer and Secretary of the South African Radio Drivers Association, Pieter Janse van Vuuren said that the event proved popular with the visiting drivers, who dominated the final podium positions on Sunday. Local radio control driver, Waldo Janse van Vuuren from BMRC was the best out of the Polokwane drivers to claim second in the twowheel drive stock cars, second in the stadium truck stock class, and a second place in the stadium truck modified class. Rikus Janse van Vuuren from BMRC claimed a second place in both the two-wheel drive buggy modified and the four-wheel drive modified buggy classes. Another local, Jaco van Eden from the JCR Racing Club was third in the four-wheel drive buggy modifies class.
A close up view of one of the four-wheel drive modified buggy’s during the National Championships at the Bushveld Model Racing Club over the weekend.
NB:The JV partners must submit both mandatory and other requirements for each company. SPECIAL CONDITION • For contracts above R3m (three million rand), the following special condition apply: (i) All bidders from outside Limpopo must enter into a Consortium or Joint Venture with local HDI/HDC of suppliers (ii) The percentage of the contract value managed or executed by the local partner must not be less than 40% of the project value. Lepelle Northern Water’s Tip-off HotLine Speak out against fraud and corruption Anonymous fraud hotline Details Free Call: 0800 20 48 57 | Free Fax: 0800 00 77 88 Free Post: KZN 138 Umhlanga Rock, 4320 Email: lepelle@tip-offs.com } Website: www.tip-offs.com
Electric model car racing action at the Bushveld Model Racing Club on Saturday.
Model Works maak skoonskip in Rustenburg FOTO: WARREN BLUNT
Die modelle van Model Works wat deelgeneem het, is Marchalize Beukes, Sterretjie Beukes (Mev Buffelsfees), Mauritz Maritz (Mnr Buffelsfees) en Cole Gilburt. In die middel is Cameron Gilburt, Jaco Kruger, Pieter Kellet, en JD Geldenhuys met Meagan Gilburt en Shelly Gilburt agter. Delia van Breda en Franco Jacobs was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.
CELL: 082 971 9333 / 081 305 7353 E-MAIL: kprint@vodamail.co.za W-up: 061 495 2312
Augustus 21, 2014
WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Die modelle van Model Works in Polokwane wat by Model Cup geaffilieer is, het onlangs aan die Buffelsfees-skoonheidskompetisie buite Rustenburg deelgeneem en met beide die Mnr- en Mev Buffelsfees-titels weggestap. Die trotse eienaar van die agentskap, Sterretjie Beukes is vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar as Mev Buffelspoort gekroon. Nog ‘n model van die agentskap, Mauritz Maritz het die gesogte Mnr Buffelspoort-titel gewen. Al die modelle het sertifikate na die kompetisie ontvang. Model Works vier volgende maand hul eerste bestaansjaar.
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August 21, 2014
42 OBSERVER polokwane
Lim colours for Zanis gymnasts
>> Several Level 2 and 3 gymnasts of Zanis Gymnastics Academy were awarded Limpopo colours recently.
Photos: Warren Blunt
The Boys Level 2 and 3 gymnasts that were awarded Limpopo colours are Sebastiaan Austin and Evan Bernhardi in front, with Martin Botha, TJ Conradie, Edward-Hugo Conradie, Charlden Venter and Carlo Drotskie in the middle row. At the back are Rikus Havenga and coaches, Carol de Nijs, Cecil van den Berg, Annemarie du Plessis, Tanya Bouwman and Zani Prinsloo. Absent: Neels von Beneke and Brendon O’Reilly.
The Girls Level 2 and 3 gymnasts that were awarded Limpopo colours are Kgalalelo Valoyi, front, with Elzoey de Beer, Liana Pragji, Latarah Bonne, Courtney Linde and Mamoriti Ledwaba in the second row. In the third row are Izandri Baker, Veroneque Lessing, Kayla de Villiers, Xanthe Botha, Nicola Hough, Cailin Menzies and Minette de Beer with coaches, Tanya Bouwman and Zani Prinsloo at the back. Absent: Annelien Janse van Rensburg.
SLC cricketers overcome Tommies ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com
Stanford Lake College’s (SLC) u.15 and first cricket teams tasted victory against Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé last weekend. SLC Spokesperson Rona McGaffin reports that their first team won the toss and decided to bowl first. Tommies scored 236 for 7 in 35 overs with SLC’s Jonty Brown taking 3 for 37 in his 7 overs. SLC then faced the task of scoring more than 7 runs per over. Conrad Schmidt however took control of the match to score 91 excellent runs and share in a partnership of over 100 with Fraser Thompson, an Australian exchange student, who scored 48. The u.15 team played a 50 overs game with SLC winning the toss and electing to bat first scoring 270 all out. Christian Schmidt made 90 runs and was strongly supported by Bryce Reed who scored 78. Tommies scored 218 all out in reply, with Christian rounding off a good game taking 2 wickets.
Stanford Lake College first team cricketer Conrad Schmidt and his brother, Christian (u.15) both scored 90 runs and over during their matches against Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé last weekend. Photo: Supplied
MINING PERMIT APPLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN IN TERMS OF SECTION 27 OF THE MINERAL AND PETROLEUM RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ACT, 2002 (ACT NO 28 OF 2002) Please be informed that an application by Vutani Consulting Services, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, has been lodged with and accepted by the Department of Mineral Resources Limpopo Regional Offices in terms of section 27 of MPRDA Act 2002 (Act 28 of 2008) as amended by the Amendment Act (Act 49 of 2008) for a mining permit to mine gravel at Tatjane village, Portion 0 of Farm 813 KS within the magisterial district of Sekhukune, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Please forward details to ensure inclusion of any issues, suggestions and/or alternatives you may be aware of. Comments can be submitted to Shumani HSE Consulting in writing via post, fax or email. Contact Person: Mulalo Ramulondi, Tel: 015 297 2410, Fax 086 2327 476 Email: mulalo@shumanishe.co.za, PO Box 55904, Polokwane, 0700.
PHS bied suksesvolle interhoër landloop aan RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
orthern Academy Secondary School en Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) dring deur na die volgende rondte van die Noordvaalreeks nadat hulle onderskeidelik die algehele eerste en tweede plek tydens die landloopinterhoër gewen het. Na onlangse samesprekings deur hoërskole in die noordelike streek van Limpopo wat PHS, Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé, Northern
Foto’s: RC Myburgh
Northern Academy se Tabile Kekana, o.16, in aksie.
Tommies se Henco SwaneJJ van der Merwe, o.17 van PHS velder, o.18 hou sy oë op die volhard tot die einde. eindstreep.
SLC mountain biker wins pink jersey ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com
Photo: Supplied
Stanford Lake College learners attained podium finishes at the Spur Anatomic Series in Hartbeespoortdam. Pictured with Steve Willson (coach) are Sarah Progrund (third), Anke Vaughn and Kirsten Eastes (winner).
Stanford Lake College (SLC) mountain biker, Kirsten Eastes took first place in the second race of the Spur Anatomic Series staged at Hartbeespoortdam this weekend and will be wearing the coveted pink jersey when the team travels to Magaliesberg in two weeks time for the third and final race in the series. Spokesperson for SLC, Rona McGaffin said it was an exceptionally successful outing when Kirsten became the first SLC rider to win a race in this series since 2011. “Kirsten is now the series leader in her age group and will be wearing the coveted pink jersey in the next race,” said McGaffin. Two other SLC riders, Anke Vaughan and Sarah Pogrund finished second and third respectively. “All the other riders managed very respectable finishes and did SLC extremely proud,” McGaffin stated.
CAPRICORN COLLEGE FOR FET 16 Market Street POLOKWANE 0699 Private Bag X9674 POLOKWANE 0700
ISO 9001:2008 Certificated CENTRAL OFFICE
Tel 015 291 3118 015 291 3115 Fax 015 291 2767 www.capricorncollege.co.za
FINANCIAL SYSTEM FOR CAPRICORN COLLEGE FOR FET Bids are hereby invited from companies specialising in financial systems for FET colleges. The service provider must have done a financial system implementation at a FET College. The following is needed: Supply, installation and training of a new financial system for Capricorn FET College with the following abilities: General Ledger; Order Entry; Account Payables; Accounts Receivables; Inventory; Fixed Assets; Advanced Procurement; Bank Manager; Multi Warehousing; Report Writer; Debtors Manager; Branch Accounting, Main Branch; Branch Accounting per Branch (Central office and four campuses) and Integration with current Coltech student system in use. Bid documents are available at the Reception Desk at Capricorn FET College at 16 Market Street Polokwane at R 250.00 and all enquiries can be directed to Mr. M M Ramoshai on 015 2301846. The proposal must be deposited in the Bid Box at Capricorn College for FET, Central Office by Friday 12 September 2014 at 11:00. The proposals must be enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Financial System”. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile emailed and late submissions will not be accepted. The lowest or any bid may not necessarily be accepted. The Capricorn College for FET reserves the right to reduce or increase the scope of work, or withdraw any bid at any time. Bids will be evaluated on functionality, price and BBBEE points. POLOKWANE CAMPUS Diemeer Street POLOKWANE 0699 Tel: 015 287 0400 Fax: 015 287 0439
SENWABARWANA CAMPUS Senwabarwana Main Street SENWABARWANA 0790 Tel: 015 505 3172 Fax: 015 505 3174
SESHEGO CAMPUS 1919 Freedom Drive SESHEGO 0742 Tel: 015 223 0006 Fax: 015 223 5187
RAMOKGOPA CAMPUS Next to Mokomene High School RAMOKGOPA 0811 Central Office: 015 291 3118/5
Augustus 21, 2014
OBSERVER 43 polokwane
Academy, Hoërskool Ben Vorster, Hoërskool Louis Trichardt en Hoërskool Noorderland insluit, is ‘n besluit geneem dat landloop sy regmatige plek in die Noordvaalreeks verdien. PHS het as gasheerskool van die byeenkoms opgetree waarna bepaal is watter twee skole op 30 Augustus in Rustenburg aan die finale rondtes van die reeks sal deelneem. PHS se meisies het hul afdeling gewen gevolg deur Ben Vorster en Northern Academy terwyl laasgenoemde se seuns die oorhand in hul afdeling gekry het gevolg deur PHS en Ben Vorster.
>> Childline 0800 055 555 >> Crime Stop 08600 10111 >> Fire Brigade Polokwane 015 293 1111 >> Water and electrical faults Polokwane 015 290 2000 >> Limpopo Ambulance Service 10177 >> If you have a complaint about any provincial hospital in Limpopo call 0800 91 91 91 toll free
The Services Sector for Education and Training Authority (SSETA) is a statutory body established through the Skills Development Act of 1998 to enable its stakeholders to advance skills levels in the sector in accordance with Government’s growth initiatives. The Services SETA is striving to build a system where skills production and development respond to the socio-economic needs of our country and its labour market. Such high-quality skills will in turn enhance investment and improve service delivery; read more on www.serviceseta.org.za
Invitation to Bid Bid No: Proc-T242: Upgrade Microsoft Dynamics Navision 2004 to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 The Services SETA is currently running its financial and supply chain management operations on Navision Version 2004 software. This version is outdated, as a result it no longer provides for the needs of the Services SETA leading to inefficiencies and limited operations. It is for this reason that the Services SETA seeks to appoint a professional service provider with the capability, amongst others, to upgrade the current version to a system that can reduce inefficiencies and allow Services SETA regional offices to access the system in order to speed up processes and also provide maintenance services on this system. The latter also includes frequent modifications and tailor-making of the system to address the needs of the Services SETA. List of modules in current Microsoft Dynamics Navision 2004: • General Ledger and Trial Balance • Fixed Assets • Purchases and Payables • Cash Management • Vendor Bank Account Details • Oracle Interface • Contracts Management • Project Dimension Management. Bidders must submit a proposal with their bid document where it at least indicates the following: • Provide detailed implementing plan for upgrade from Microsoft Dynamics Navision 2004 to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 • Transfer existing data and information from Microsoft Dynamics Navision 2004 to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 • The various phases and corresponding deliverables • Fulfilment of Services SETA requirements and expectations • Training programme for end users and technical skills transfer • Challenges with implementation of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Compulsory Briefing Session: Date and Time: 28 August 2014 at 10:00am Venue: Training Room 4, 20 Eton Road, Parktown, Johannesburg Bid documentation is available on the Services SETA website at www.serviceseta.org.za/SupplyChainManagement/ActiveTenders All enquiries regarding this bid should be in writing and may be directed to e-mail: connyz@serviceseta.org.za by no later than 11:00am on 8 September 2014. The closing date for submissions is 15 September 2014 at 11:00am. No late submissions will be considered. Submissions should be delivered into the bid box or couriered to: The Senior Manager: Supply Chain Management, Ristone Office Park, 15 Sherborne Road, Parktown, Johannesburg. The bid box is open during office hours: Monday to Thursday: 08:00am - 16:00pm, Friday: 08:00am - 15:00pm
www.serviceseta.org.za Kone Solutions K23162
August 21, 2014
44 OBSERVER polokwane
Close scores in exciting Absa rugby matches ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd
TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Preventative Maintenance of Road D4 from Vuwani to Malamulele. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabé Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300.00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday, 1 September 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC.
Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
The Limpopo u.19 and u.21 team have a tough away assignment against the Falcons in Kempton Park on Saturday, followed by another away fixture against the Eastern Province Kings the following weekend.
he Limpopo Blue Bulls u.19 and u.21 Absa B-division teams kicked off the 2015 rugby season with mixed results against South Western Districts at the new Peter Mokaba Stadium on Saturday. The u.19s narrowly won their clash against the visitors by 11-10 and the u.21s started their campaign with a heartbreaking 17-20 defeat against the tough as teak South Western District side. Replacement forward Ryan-Lee West scored a try and penalty for the Limpopo u.19 team and Luvo Claassen added another penalty for the home team’s points. For the u.21 Limpopo outfit, Jovan Photos: Warren Blunt Cookson and Wolta Mtsweni Limpopo Blue Bulls u.19 player, Lukas Viljoen on the attack scored tries and fullback, against South Western Districts at the new Peter Mokaba StaKyran Odendaal added two dium on Saturday, with his team-mate Lourens Pretorius behind conversions and a penalty. him.
Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Samuel Kaputa, Tel: 015 291 4611, Fax: 086 572 1929 and email: sam@molemo.co.za. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place on site at Vuwani Township, coordinates S 23°8’55” and E 30°26’ 42’’ on Monday, 8 September, 2014 starting at 10:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on Monday, 22 September 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No: RAL/T684/2014, Preventative Maintenance of Road D4 from Vuwani to Malamulele” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabé Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane. Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 7 CE or 6CE PE or higher.
Ryan-Lee West from the Limpopo Blue Bulls u.19 team gets past the South Western Districts defender.
Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the “MAINTENANCE OF SURFACED ROAD D3718 FROM MULEDANE TO TSWINGA IN THE THULAMELA MUNICIPALITY OF THE VHEMBE DISTRICT”. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set.
Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 1 September 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr L de Villiers, Tel: 082 883 6049, Fax: 015 291 5845, email: devilliersl@tshepega.co.za. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the intersection of the R524 and D3718 on 8 September 2014 starting at 14:00. The coordinates of the intersection is 22°59’10.64” S & 30°26’52.13” E. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 22 September 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T 713/2014 - MAINTENANCE OF SURFACED ROAD D3718 FROM MULEDANE TO TSWINGA IN THE THULAMELA MUNICIPALITIES OF THE VHEMBE DISTRICT.” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane. Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 7 CE or 6 CE PE or higher.
Top: Limpopo Blue Bulls u.19 player, Chris Labuschagne gets his pass away against South Western Districts.
Left: Juan-Re Swanepoel from the Limpopo Blue Bulls u.19 in action against South Western Districts on Saturday.
Bjatladi wins McDonalds u.14 Tournament
Augustus 21, 2014
OBSERVER 45 polokwane
>> Represent the province during the national tournament >> We wish them best of luck in their journey
Herbert racHuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
jatladi Secondary School from Segopye Village at Ga-Mamabolo area won the 2014 McDonalds’ u.14 School League provincial tournament at the sport grounds of Hoërskool Noordeland on Saturday. Bjatladi, the Capricorn district finalists, thrashed Mashooro Secondary School from Bolobedu in Mopani district 3-0 to win the thrilling contest. Bjatladi’s goals were scored by Charles Montjane, two goals, and Innocent Khola, in the first and second halves. As provincial winners, Bjatladi will now represent the province during the national tournament scheduled to take place at Nike Football Training Centre in Soweto from 1 to 4 October. Efiong Akpan, Owner of McDonald’s Savannah said he hopes that the school will do the province proud at the national event. “We wish them best of luck on their journey. They have actually shown that through hard work one can be successful,” Akpan said. Akpan explained that the tournament is part of McDonalds’s legacy programme through which the company has committed itself to uplift the communities it operates in. “We also congratulate all the schools that participated in the provincial tournament. We are happy to have given the learners a platform to showcase their talent,” Akpan said. The McDonlad’s u.14 Schools League is a soccer development programme that is passionate about developing dreams. Since 2010, the league has on average reached over 3 300 schools and 54 400 children annually. As the official sponsor of the league, McDonals’s intends to continue creating platforms that will allow children to hone their skills and hopefully inspire them to reach their potential
Effiong Akpan, Owner of McDonalds Savannah hands over the winners’ trophy to Kate Chuene, Headmaster of Bjatladi Secondary School.
PHoto: Herbert racHuene
Bjatladi Secondary School in celebratory mood after they won the 2014 McDonalds’s u.14 School League provincial tournament. in life. Bjatladi Coach, Mankwe Seshoana vowed that they will do the province proud at the national event. “We are a school from one of the remote areas in the province and we don’t have the privilege of all the necessary resources that will help us to prepare for the tournament, but that won’t dampen our spirits. We know what to expect at the national event, it is not going to be easy but we will give our best,” Mankwe said.
On the day individual players were awarded for their outstanding contributions during the tournament. Mashooro Secondary School striker Selaelo Mohale won the Top Goal Scorer award having scored four goals in the tournament. The Goal Keeper of the Tournament award went to Austin Ndou from Centauri Combined School in Vhembe district. Charles, a midfielder, was named Man of the Tournament Award for standing out among the players throughout the contest.
Selaelo Mohale, Top Goal Scorer.
Austin Ndou, Goalkeeper of the Tournament.
Charles Montjane, Man of the Tournament.
Effiong Akpan, Owner of McDonalds Savannah greets the players before the final match.
Above: Mohale Selalelo, right, from Mashooro Secondary School watches as Bjatladi SecondSavannah ary School midfielder, Charles Montjane beats him to the ball. cnr Grimm & Thabo Mbeki streets, Left: Charles Montjane from Polokwane | Tel: 015 296 4664 Bjatladi Secondary School tries to control the ball while Athur Mafokwane from Mashooro Secondary School stays alert.
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Stanford Lake hosts inaugural trail run NEWS
August 21, 2014
46 OBSERVER polokwane
>> The 2-day trail run attracted runners from Gauteng >> O’Brien and Janse van Rensburg crowned king and queen of the mountain ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com
ennie Roux and Anita O’Brien dominated both days of the inaugural Clemengold Wolkberg two-day trail run hosted by Stanford Lake College and Clemengold. The event presented a unique opportunity for adventurous trail runners to overcome the challenges presented by the route staged over two days and included summiting the highest point in Limpopo, Iron Crown, as well as the pristine indigenous forests of the Magoebas-
Allison Loghour-Clarke (sponsor representative) with the winners of the 2-day women’s run, Magretha Wang, third, Marcelle Coetzee, second, winner Anita O’Brien, winner and Bennie Roux who won the men’s two-day run.
kloof. The less brave had a choice of 10 and 4 km trail runs or a 25 km day-run. The dash to the top of Iron Crown prior to the start of the two-day trail was won by O’Brien and Naas Janse van Rensburg. Roux won the men’s two-day run in a time of 4:58 followed by Janse van Rensburg (5:11) and Greame McCallum (5:25). Anita O’Brien finished the two-day women’s run in a time of 6:01 followed by Marcelle Coetzee (6:08) and Magretha Wang (6:21). The men’s 25 km day-run was won by Thomas Thema in a time of (1:49) followed by Roux (1:54) and Janse van Rensburg (1:55). O’Brien also won the women’s 25 km day-run in a time of 2:12 followed by Takalane Ndandane (2:13) and Coetzee (2:16). Alan Gordon won the men’s 10 km run with a time of 48,05 followed by Crispen Muchemwa (48,24) and Joshua Hern (56,17). In the women’s 10 km run, Naomi Snyman finished first in a time of 53,32 followed by Megan Loftie-Eaton (1:08) and Louise de Bruin (1:15).
Allison Loghour-Clarke (sponsor representative) with the winners of the men’s two-day run Naas Janse van Rensburg, second,, Graeme McCallum, third and the winner, Bennie Roux.
PHS, Kruinies deur na Beeldtrofee-finaal RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Rugbyspelers van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) en Curro Heuwelkruin het Saterdag gewys dat hulle vir geen span hoef terug te staan nie nadat hulle na die finale rondte van die gesogte Beeldtrofee deurgedring het. In ‘n harde wedstryd het PHS se o.16Aspan op hul tuisveld vir Helpmekaar Kollege van Johannesburg in die grootskole-afdeling aangevat. PHS was heeltyd op die aanval terwyl Helpmekaar konstant moes verdedig
om hul doellyn te beskerm. PHS het daarin geslaag om een drie te druk en twee strafskoppe deur die pale te steur. PHS klop Helpmekaar 9-5 en speel Saterdag in die finaal teen Hoërskool Ben Vorster in Klerksdorp. In die afdeling vir kleinskole het Kruinies se o.15A- en o.16A-span ook nie op hulle laat wag nie en Hoërskool Zeerust se spanne onderskeidelik met 27-8 en 18-10 getroef. Die o.15A-span speel Saterdag teen Hoërskool Koster en die o.16A-span teen SchweizerReneke op laasgenoemde se tuisveld om die wenspan te bepaal.
PHS se o.16A-speler, Tyrone Thompson trek sy opponent plat.
Early success for Eagar Aquatics kwane club participated in the event and collected 13 gold, 17 silver and 16 bronze medals. Their coach Ilani Swanepoel said she is proud of the young swimmers who The junior swimmers from Eagar Aquatics had an early taste of the new swimming season have acquitted themselves well so early into when they participated in the Limpopo Tuks the new season. “It was only Eagar Aquatics’ Remax Sprint Swimming Gala last in Bela-Bela second gala of the season and the swimlast Saturday. mers have already achieved 35 personal best Twenty-seven swimmers from the Polotimes,” Swanepoel said. Ruan Potgieter won three gold medals in the boy’s u.7 backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle 25 m events. Nine-year-old Miandi Oosthuizen collected three gold medals in the girls backstroke, butterfly and freestyle 50 m events and two silver medals in the 50 m breaststroke and 100 m individual medley events. The next gala for the junior PHOTO: WARREN BLUNT swimmers at Eagar Aquatics will be The junior swimmers from Eagar Aquatics showing off sprint event at the Shamu Swimming the medals they won last weekend in Bela-Bela. Club in Tzaneen on 30 August. WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
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Duly authorised by our valued clients, the South African Police Services we will sell the following vehicles per public auction on at Ngoako Ramalepe Street, Seshego (Polokwane ) starting at 10:30.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Vehicles: VW Golf x 5, Toyota Hilux single cab x 9, Chevrolet Optra x 9, Toyota Condor x 1, VW Polo Classic x 3, Toyota Corolla x 7, Nissan Hardbody double cab x 7, Nissan Hardbody single cab x 21, Nissan Almera x 3, Nissan Tiida x 1, Toyota Quantum vvti x 2, Toyota Siyaya x 1, Ford Ranger double cab x 2, Ford Ranger super cab x 1, BMW 330i x 1, Toyota Super 16 x 1, Nissan Primastar x 1, Mitsubishi Colt x 1, Toyota Tazz x 1, Mazda 6 x 1, Ford Focus x 1, Mitsubishi truck x 1, Massey Ferguson 135 tractor. Accident damaged vehicles: VW Gti x 1, Nissan Champ x 1, Nissan Hardbody x , Isuzu extended cab x 1, Toyota Corolla x 1, Nissan Almera x 1, Toyota Siyaya x 1, Toyota super 16 x 1, Toyota Quantum panel van x 1. Subject to change without any notice. Reserved auction.
Viewing date: Wednesday, 27 August 2014, from 09:00 to 16:00 GPS coordinates: 23’ 50’ 7” S 29 ‘23 ‘60” E Upcoming auctions around the province: Tzaneen: SAP Auction, Thursday, 25 September 2014 Vhembe: SAP Auction, Thursday, 30 October 2014 Modimolle: SAP Auction, Thursday, 27 November 2014 Dates subject to change.
Buyers must register - ID document and proof of residence required. R10 000.00 cash registration fee payable on vehicles. Right reserved. The auctioneer has the right to participate in the auction. Regulations in terms of Consumer Protection Law 68 of 2008. This advert complies with Article 45 of Law 68/2008. Standard terms and conditions apply.
ALL purchases to be paid for within 2 hours after auction.
Hartseer vir Limpopo teen Goue Leeus WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Die Limpopo Blou Bulle amateur-rugbyspan het Maandag goeie spel teen die Goue Leeus in hul eerste wedstryd van die Suid-Afrikaanse Rugby-unie (SARU) Amateur Rugbyweek gelewer wat Maandag in die ou Peter Mokaba Stadion begin het. Al het Limpopo met 17-24 die onderspit teen die Leeus gedelf, het die span bewys dat hulle gedugte teenstanders is. Die rustydtelling was 17-10 in die Leeus se guns, maar Limpopo het in die tweede helfte ‘n verdoelde drie aangeteken om die
Die kaptein van die Limpopo-amateurspan, Mynhardt Smith nooi alle rugbygeesdriftiges in Polokwane om die SARU Amateur Rugbyweek in die ou Peter Mokaba Stadion te ondersteun.
telling 17-elk gelykop te maak met vyf minute se spel oor. ‘n Fout van hulle eie lynstaanbal het die Leeus die geleentheid gegun om die wendrie in die doodsnikke van die wedstryd te druk. Limpopo se twee drieë is deur Johan de Beer aangeteken en Zander Byleveldt het albei drieë verdoel en ‘n verdere strafskop bygevoeg. Fred Romijn, Limpopo-afrigter het na die wedstryd teen die Leeus
Augustus 21, 2014
OBSERVER 47 polokwane
gesê dat balretensie en ‘n gebrek aan konsentrasie die span duur te staan gekom het, en die Leeus die wendrie as gevolg van ‘n fout deur Limpopo aangeteken het. Hy is vol vertroue dat Limpopo die foute sal vermy in die volgende wedstryd wat gister (Woensdag) teen die Blou Bulle Uitnodigingspan plaasgevind het. Die SARU Amateur Rugbyweek eindig môre (Vrydag) wanneer die finale wedstryde gespeel word.
14 PaSSeNGeR TYRES R549 15 all-TeRRAIN TYRES 1 150 R Tyre prices include vat and fitting but exclude balancing
Maandag se rugbyaksie tussen die Blou Bulle en Puma Plattelandspan in die ou Peter Mokaba Stadion.
Noordelikes deur na Cell C Gemeenskapbeker WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com BB Truck & Tractor Noordelike Rugbyklub (Noordelikes) het Potgietersrus Rugbyklub verlede Donderdag in Mokopane met 32-10 oorrompel in hul herontmoeting vir deelname in volgende jaar se Cell C Gemeenskapbekerkompetisie. Noordelikes het verlede Saterdag ‘n noue sege van 31-25 teen Potgietersrus in die eerste uitspeelwedstryd in Polokwane behaal. Dit na die Boet Fick Eersteliga-kampioene geen rugby vir ‘n maand lank gespeel het nie. Noordelikesafrigter, Fred Romijn het voor Donderdag se wedstryd gesê sy span sal ‘n heelwat beter vertoning in die tweede uitspeelwedstryd lewer omdat die spelers meer tyd gehad het om saam te oefen. Dit was inderdaad die geval toe Noordelikes vanuit die staanspoor die wedstryd heeltemal in alle fasette van spel oorheers het. Romijn was na die wedstryd in sy noppies met Noordelikes se spel en die vier drieë wat gedruk is. Koning Janse van Rensburg, Arno Venter, Sias van Wyk en Johan de Beer het die drieë aangeteken en Zander Byleveldt was suksesvol met drie doelskoppe en twee strafdoele.
Annual Lentetrap to herald start of spring
Call for Nomination of Members of the Professional Boards of the HPCSA The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) invites nominations from candidates to serve as members of the HPCSA professional boards. All persons registered with the HPCSA are invited to submit nominations of members of their professional boards to be appointed by the Minister of Health to serve on the respective professional boards for a period of five (5) years. Terms of the eligibility and nomination forms can be accessed and downloaded from www.hpcsa.co.za or www.eisa.org.za Completed nomination forms must reach the Returning Officer at the addresses, fax number or e-mail address mentioned below by no later than 16:30 on 30 October 2014. Any nomination form which does not comply with the regulations relating to the nomination and appointment of members of the professional boards or which is not received by the aforesaid date and time at the addresses, fax number or e-mail address given below, will be invalid. Street address: 14 Park Road, Richmond 2092. Postal Address: PO Box 740, Auckland Park 2006. Website address: www.hpcsa.co.za or www.eisa.org.za E-mail address: hpcsa@eisa.org.za Fax: 086 529 5254. For queries/further information, please contact the Chief Electoral Officer, Mr Ntokozo Ngidi at toll-free number: 0800 114 373. Human Communications 111785
Tyre prices include vat and fitting but exclude balancing
auTomot Iv e BATT ER IES • Battery prices include VAT and fitting
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WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com While stocks last • Terms & conditions apply • Fleet cards welcome • Errors and omissions excepted • The Big Brand Roll Out Promotion rolls out 30 July to 27 September 2014 • Prices are for cash or credit card unless otherwise stated
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014 537-6640 012 809-1447 012 567-0056
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Get out your cycling gear and shake off the winter rustiness during the annual Lentetrap Cycle Race being hosted by Polokwane Pedallers in the Polokwane Game Reserve next Sunday. The race starts at 08:00 and cyclists can enter for the marathon (74 km), half marathon (34 km) or fun ride (15 km). Pre-entries can be made at Salojee Cycles on 29 August and line entries on the day of the event from 06:00 until 07:30. There will be a total of R35 000 prize money up for grabs in the various race categories and medals will be awarded to all that finish before the cut-off time. Contact Neels Lourens on 082 809 4860 for further information.
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August 21, 2014 >> Page 48
Stockists of: Contact us 015 297 8964 or visit 22 Industria St, Industria, Polokwane
Polokwane-gimnas, vlak 7 nasionale sprongekampioen >> Begin as vierjarige met gimnastiek >> Oefen drie uur per dag, ses dae van die week Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
ie 17-jarige vlak 7 artistiese gimnas, Jeanie Hatzikyriacos van Zanis Gymnastics Academy, het goud in die spronge by die Suid-Afrikaanse Artistiese Kampioenskappe in Klerksdorp behaal en daarmee bewys dat sy die gevorderdste artistiese gimnas op dié hoë vlak in Limpopo is. Jeanie was die enigste deelnemer van die provinsie by die senior kampioenskappe vir vlak 7 tot -10-gimnaste en het ook die algehele sesde plek vir vlak 7-gimnaste behaal. Met haar goue medalje in die spronge het Jeanie haar eie verwagtinge oortref deur ‘n uitstekende telling van 12,4 uit 13 te behaal. Die gimnastiekgogga het haar as
vierjarige kleuter by Kraaines Kleuterskool gebyt toe sy by Zanis aangesluit het. Op sesjarige ouderdom het sy al aan haar eerste kompetisie deelgeneem. Jeanie het artistiese gimnastiek bo ritmiese gimnastiek gekies omdat sy meer van tuimel en spronge hou en artistiese gimnastiek volgens haar ‘n groter uitdaging is. Artistiese gimnastiek bestaan uit vier apparate, vloer, spronge, balk en brug waarvoor gimnaste ook individueel punte kry en waarin akrobatiese ratsheid en spierkrag met grasieuse bewegings gekombineer word. Jeanie erken die senuwees knaag maar bietjie voor kompetisies, maar sê dat sy na al die jare van kompetisiedeelname al daarvan gewoond geraak het. Haar afrigters, Zani Prinsloo en Tanya Bouwman help ook met ondersteuning en advies tydens kompetisies, maar haar grootste ondersteuners is haar ouers wat elke kompetisie bywoon en bankvas agter haar staan. Jeanie het aan haar eerste nasionale byeenkoms deelgeneem toe sy net tien jaar
Foto: Warren Blunt
Jeanie Hatzikyriacos, vlak 7 artistiese gimnas van Zanis Gymnastics Academy en nasionale kampioen in die spronge.
Buy the Amarok Automatic before end of September and pay your first instalment only end of January 2015.
Offer valid until end September 2014. While stock lasts. Terms and conditions apply. Offer only valid through Volkswagen Financial Services.
oud was en het vir die afgelope vyf jaar agtereenvolgens aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Artistiese Kampioenskappe deelgeneem. Vanjaar het sy vir die eerste keer as vlak 7-gimnas op nasionale vlak gekompeteer.
Sy is met reg in haar noppies met haar welslae en sê. “Ek het voor die SA’s meer tyd op die brug en balk spandeer en was baie trots toe ek goud in die spronge gewen het.” Die graad 11-leerder van Hoërskool Pietersburg wil graag in 2016 as student van die Universiteit van Pretoria met gimnastiek voortgaan en hoop om ‘n graadkursus in sportwetenskap te voltooi. Sy presteer goed op akademiese vlak maar erken gimnastiek neem meer tyd in
beslag as skoolwerk. Sy oefen ses dae ‘n week vir een en ‘n half uur by die akademie en dieselfde tydperk by die huis of in ‘n gimnasium. Sondae is ‘n rusdag saam met haar familie. Prinsloo onthou nog goed toe Jeanie as kleuter met haar gimnastiekloopbaan by Zanis Gymnastics Academy begin het en vroeg-vroeg gewys dat sy hard sal werk en dat gimnastiek haar passie is. “Deursettingsvermoë en toewyding het haar gebring tot waar sy vandag as ‘n vlak 7 artistiese gimnas en die gevorderdste dogtersgimnas in Limpopo en mees senior gimnas van Zanis is. Sy is ‘n ware rolmodel vir haar kleiner Zanis-maats. Ons is geweldig trots op haar en wens haar alle voorspoed toe met haar vlak 8 voorbereidings.” Volgens Bouwman is dit ‘n plesier om met Jeanie te werk omdat sy sal aanhou totdat sy ‘n beweging perfek bemeester het. Jeanie het tydens 2012 as provinsiale beoordelaar gekwalifiseer en by verskeie juniorkompetisies as beoordelaar opgetree.