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Petroljoggie se noodlot Rampokker dood na sinnelose geweld KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com
Photo: Elna Esterhuysen
Die Jeep Wrangler waarin die oorledene brandstof by Sasol Bendor probeer ingooi het.
>> PAGE 4
Premier Mathabatha!
Photo: Yolande Nel
Premier Stan Mathabatha celebrated his 57th birthday on Tuesday and as a surprise his staff threw him a party funded from their pockets. Messages of congratulations were accompanied by quotes from the works of great writers, cake, champers and the wish that Mathabatha claims top position in the upcoming provincial elective conference of the ruling party.
>> PAGE 23
>> BLADSY 40
Police members lobby for new head of unit
>> PAGE 7
Happy birthday,
Developer turns to Public Protector
eelwat vrae rondom die skietery wat oor die naweek by Sasol Bendor plaasgevind het is steeds onbeantwoord terwyl mnr Isaja Mothiba in Limpopo Mediclinic aansterk nadat hy in sy maag gewond is. Die nagskof van ‘n lojale petroljoggie wat 12 jaar toegewyde diens by die vulstasie het, het in ‘n nagmerrie ontaard toe hy die slagoffer was van die aksies van ‘n gewapende aanvaller met selfmoordneigings en duistere motiewe waaroor die Polokwane Polisie nog kopkrap. Mnr Johan Potgieter, eienaar van Na bladsy 2
DA predicts most defining, MUNICIPALITY >> Pype bars daagliks, exciting elections Broken machinery causes backlog, flies nou lek reservoir ook since 1994
Slagoffer herstel na erge brandwonde
Impress us with your best holiday pics!
Olimpiese deelname wink vir Ras
January 23, 2014
Tel: 015 291 1061 | Fax: 015 291 3654 observer@mwebbiz.co.za || www.observer.co.za MANAGER: >> Santa Oosthuizen finance2@webmail.co.za EDITOR: >> Yolande Nel 083 278 1446 observer.yolande@gmail.com NEWSROOM: >> RC Myburgh 072 306 5331 rc.observer@gmail.com >> Elna Esterhuysen 082 773 0272 observer.elna@gmail.com >> Herbert Rachuene 073 721 0023 herbert.observer@gmail.com >> Keshia Jansens van Rensburg 078 962 6452 keshia.observer@gmail.com >> Janus vd Westhuizen 081 491 0709 janus.observer1@gmail.com ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER: >> Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 jacolien.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: >> Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 anel.observer@gmail.com >> Melany Martin 072 634 7083 melany.observer@gmail.com
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Community hostile after boy drowns in pit toilet >> Deceased an intelligent boy who was eager to go to school YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com
mid a community expressing hostility after the shocking death of six-year-old Michael Komape whose remains were retrieved from a pit toilet at Mahlodumela Primary School at Chebeng in the Moletjie area on Monday, the Department of Education has apparently offered to pay for his funeral. A relative, who preferred to remain anonymous, said arrangements for a funeral offered by the Department of Education were still being awaited. She indicated that it was unimaginable that a human being could die such a death. According to her there were questions why the teacher of the Grade R class Michael attended did not enquire about his wherea-
bouts when he did not return after break. It was suspected that Michael went to the ablution facilities during break when he fell into the pit. The relative stressed that merely his hand stuck out from the hole when his mother, a domestic worker, and the teacher found him in the toilet while conducting a search on the school premises after lunch. She described Michael as an intelligent boy who was eager to go to school and loved playing with other children. That was also the memory she had of him when she last saw him on Sunday. In a media release Democratic Alliance (DA) Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle was quoted saying that there were serious questions about the role and responsibility of the teachers at the school, as well as the infrastructure in use. “All of these matters must be investigated with a full inquiry,” he said. “The DA will ensure that the education department and other stakeholders get to the bottom of what happened,” Smalle added. “We must make sure
Petroljoggie se noodlot
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that this never happens again,” he concluded. Approached for comment Education Department spokesperson Phuti Seloba told Polokwane Observer journalist Keshia Jansens van Rensburg that all the pit toilets used by learners have been demolished yesterday (Wednesday). The school was up for renovations on a list that would have been handed over to construction companies and was destined for getting 16 enviro loos. It would be completed within two to three weeks, leading to a total of 600 toilets to have been completed by the Education department since November last year. The interim measure determined that 20 flushable portable toilets would be in operation at the school from today (Thursday). When asked about the alleged negligence of the teacher who only noticed the child missing hours after break he replied saying that the investigation was not aimed at “showing out a satan,” but that it formed part of preventing such incidents and aiding rural schools in similar conditions.
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Van bl 2 Sasol Bendor sê hy is erg ontstoke oor die voorval wat op sy voorstoep plaasgevind het, maar spits sy én die maatskappy se aandag en moeite tans op die herstel en verbetering van Mothiba se toestand toe wat ernstig in die voorval beseer is. Mothiba was een van die werkers aan diens by die petrolstasie toe die aanvaller vir die tweede keer vroeg die oggend probeer brandstof ingooi sonder om daarvoor te betaal. Hy het die eerste keer met ‘n Jeep Wrangler opgedaag en daarna met ‘n Toyota Conquest. Hy het aan die petroljoggies verduidelik dat hy alombekend in Polokwane is en dat hy dit maklik kan betaal aangesien sy pa ‘n besigheidsman van Nobody is wat die geld binnekort vir hom gaan bring. Beide
kere het die joggies geweier. Die derde keer het hy weer met die Jeep Wrangler opgedaag waarna hy doodluiters op Mothiba losgebrand het. Mothiba was in geen stadium met hom in gesprek nie. Dit is vir Potgieter ook ‘n raaisel waarom op Mothiba geskiet is omdat hy glad nie by die voorval betrokke was nie. Volgens Polokwane polisiewoordvoerder, kapt Ntobeng Phala is die polisie en paramediesepersoneel dadelik ontbied en binne minute is daar verklarings van alle ooggetuies geneem wat dit moontlik gemaak het dat die aanvaller vinnig in Van Nispenstraat opgespoor kon word. “Met ons aankoms het die Toyota Conquest buite die woning gestaan. Ons was bewus daarvan dat hy gewapen was en moes die situasie toe volgens bepaalde prosedure hanteer.” Phala vertel voorts dat die polisie met behulp van ‘n megafoon die aanvaller ingelig dat die huis omsingel is. “Nie lank daarna nie het ons ‘n 63 Church Street skoot gehoor en na Tel: 015 291 1195 inspeksie is hy in die or 015 291 1131 met ‘n koeël in Windscreens huis sy kop gevind. ”Phala sê ‘n saak van poging tot moord Looking for a male/female to fill the is aanhangig gemaak position of a rep en ‘n na-doodse salary: Basic + Commision ondersoek is van Contact: Pieter on 082 313 4553 stapel gestuur. ‘n or Johan on 084 603 0422 Verslag is ook aan die Fax: 015 291 1216 Onafhanklike Polisie or email: admin@aiwb.co.za Ondersoek-direktoraat gestuur met die besonderhede van die voorval duidelik uiteengesit. Volgens Potgieter het die koeël groter required in skade aangerig as Polokwane, Limpopo wat aanvanklik gemeen is. “Ge• Must have bubbly personality, great lukkig het hy die ondersteuning van ‘n people skills and enjoy presenting sterk span kollegas, and relationship building activities. familie en vriende wat • Job entails calling professionals in daagliks sy las help the building industry. dra met kuiertjies en • Relevant marketing experience is geskenkies en boodskappe van liefde en beneficial. spoedige herstel.” • OWN personal assistant will be Die oorledene se provided to assist in appointment pa wou nie vrae oor making. die voorval beantwoord nie en het gesê • Reliable own car essential. dat dit tans ‘n baie moeilike tyd vir sy geSalary negotiable, depending on sin is. ‘n Bron na aan experience. die familie het beweer Candidate must be available dat die oorledene werkloos was en dat immediately. daar ten tye van die Please email CV to voorval reeds na hom jenene@specifyingdynamics.co.za gesoek is.
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Cornelius Calitz sterf in motorongeluk ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com
et sy kenmerkende laggie, aansteeklike energie en geesdrif vir die lewe was hy altyd reg vir ‘n kuier en bereid om elkeen te help wat sy pad gekruis het. Dit is hoe die 24-jarige Cornelius Calitz se gesin, familie en vriende hom sal onthou wat nog verslae en verpletter is na sy skielike afsterwe. Cornelius, of Corrie soos sy vriende hom genoem het, is Maandag omstreeks 02:00 sowat 21 km voor Dendron vanaf Polokwane dood toe hy met sy broer se bakkie die pad na links om ‘n draai verlaat het. Hy
het waarskynlik die stuurwiel teruggepluk waarna die bakkie gerol het. Geen ander voertuig was betrokke nie. Sy ouers, Callie en Marlene was Maandagoggend in Pretoria waar Callie reeds die voorafmedikasie vir ‘n angiogram in die hospitaal geneem het toe hulle die verpletterende tyding van hul oudste seun kry en onmiddellik na Polokwane teruggekeer het. Cornelius het na skool ‘n B.Com-graad aan die Noordwes-Universiteit, Potchefstroomkampus behaal wat hom handig te pas gekom het waar hy en sy suster, Joria en broer, Christipher met passie Freshwell in die stad bestuur het. Cornelius se groot liefde was visvang en jag. As gesin en
Januarie 23, 2014
saam met vriende het die Calitzse menige visvang- en jagekspedisies onderneem. Van sy vriende sê: “Sy grappies langs die viswater, op die boot of in die jagveld sal gemis word. Hy was die vriend waarvoor almal net kan hoop om te hê. Ons gaan hom mis soos daai grote wat moes inkom boot toe.” Callie sê: “Hy was ‘n seun duisend waarop ek baie trots is en die beste vriend wat ek ooit gehad het. Hy was sy ma se koning en sy broer en suster se Ouboeta wat ‘n leemte laat wat nooit gevul sal word nie.” Die troosdiens vind Vrydag om 11:00 vanuit die NG Kerk Bendorpark, h/v Van Niekerk- en Antonstraat plaas.
Die foto van Cornelius Calitz wat Maandagoggend oorlede is, is in Augustus verlede jaar in Mosambiek by Bassas da India geneem. Cornelius het die massiewe wahoo uitgetrek. FOTO: VERSKAF
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January 23, 2014
Bags filled with chicken offal and feathers were dumped at the municipal dumping site and could not be processed due to the compactor and other equipment being out of order since last month.
Muni bills’ due date postponed RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com The due date for payment of municipal bills to Polokwane Municipality has been postponed until tomorrow (Friday). This is due to the major disruption of electricity supply to the CBD last Wednesday after a substation blew up. Municipal Communications and Marketing Manager, Ms Tidimalo Chuene said the power failure affected the issuing of bills which are normally payable on the 15th of every month. “This arrangement is meant to cater for those accounts that could not be processed
An example of the increased fly population experienced at the municipal landfill site due to the compacting and moving machinery being out of order.
Broken machinery causes backlog, flies RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
and is applicable for January only,” she stressed. She reminded residents that they can, as alternative, make payments at Easy Pay points available at Checkers, Shoprite, Pick n Pay and Woolworths as alternative payment method. She advised residents who make use of internet payments to double check their reference numbers on the bill and to make sure it is captured correctly. Banking details for payments are Standard Bank account 030 172349 on branch code 652 548. For more information residents can contact the Financial department’s Revenue and Administration directorate on 015 290 2900.
usiness owners operating on the southern perimeter south of the city are complaining that flies, allegedly originating from the municipal dumping site on the Silicon road, are posing a health hazard and a nuisance to their clients. One business owner who runs a sports club said he is forced to keep his doors and windows closed day and night, despite the heat, to avoid swarms of flies entering the premises. A Polokwane Observer reader this week notified us that the machinery used to compact and process refuse at the municipality’s Weltevreden landfill site has been out of order for several weeks. On Monday tons of offal and feathers, most likely from a poultry abattoir, were dumped and the service provider’s inability to process
the refuse allowed millions of flies to hatch while the decaying mess caused a terrible smell. In response to our enquiry Ms Confidence Rakubu, Municipal Communications Assistant said the service provider experienced a series of breakdowns during December. “With most companies closed during the Festive Season the service provider was unable to obtain parts for the machinery to be fixed. Heavy rain aggravated the situation and also facilitated the speedy breeding of flies and mosquitoes on the site,” she explained. She added the service provider indicated that their compactor was supposed to be in working order by Tuesday afternoon while repairs on all other machinery were scheduled to resume during the week. She failed to respond to questions about the regularity with which inspectors visit the site, the value of the contract to handle the city’s refuse or the name of the service provider.
A Polokwane resident planted a tree in a pothole in DieMeer Street. Polokwane Municipality ran out of stock of cold asphalt which halted the repair of potholes.
Muni runs out of asphalt, no potholes fixed RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Polokwane Municipality has since the beginning of January had no cold asphalt in stock and this is mostly the reason why no progress has been made in repairing the ever increasing number of potholes across the city. Cold asphalt is a premixed patching material used to fix potholes. A resident, frustrated by waiting for the municipality to repair a huge pothole in DieMeer Street, has planted a tree in the pothole possible to serve as warning sign for other motorists and to get the attention of the municipality. Communications Assistant at the Polokwane Municipality, Ms Confidence Rakubu said the municipality said: “The municipality, in December, ordered 5 000 bags of which only a 1 000 was delivered. These 1 000 bags were all used
during December,” she said. She also confirmed that on Tuesday morning another 1 200 bags were received which will hopefully assist in addressing the backlog.
One of a number potholes in Gen De la Rey Street, Welgelegen.
Terwyl die Polokwane Munisipaliteit die afgelope paar maande daagliks skarrel om gebarste waterpype te herstel, is ‘n lekkasie aan een van die reservoirs op Alwynkop ‘n erger probleem omdat die stad se watervooraad so beperk is en inwoners ten duurste vir water moet opdok. Een van die 30 megaliter reservoirs lek waarskynlik reeds ‘n geruime tyd omdat watermassas in die omliggende gebied opdam en in strome vir nagenoeg 400 m teen die koppie in dreineringsvore verlore gaan. Die stad het verlede jaar miljoene liter water verloor nadat ‘n kontrakteur, wat optiese kabels in die stad lê, in Augustus en
weer in September ‘n hooftoevoerpyp in Sterpark beskadig het en inwoners vir dae lank sonder water was. Volgens munisipale woordvoerder, mnr Matshidiso Mothapo vereis herstelling aan die reservoir intense beplanning omdat die reservoir leeggetap word moet om te seël. “Op hierdie stadium is die aanvraag na water steeds te hoog en ons kan nie nou die reservoir sluit nie omdat dit watervoorsiening na die meeste gebiede negatief sal beïnvloed.” Mothapo sê verder die munisipaliteit is besig om gespesialiseerde kontrakteurs aan te stel om die werk te doen. “Ons het daarvoor begroot. Sodra die kontrak gefinaliseer is en die kontrakteur aan al die vereistes voldoen, sal die reservoir herstel
word.” Verskeie gebiede in die stad se krane het gedurende die week opgedroog nadat minstens drie pype gebars het. In Devenish- en Marshallstraat sowel as op die hoek van Voortrekker- en Thabo Mbekistraat, het waterpype gebars. Die munisipaliteit het Dinsdag ‘n waarskuwing uitgereik dat wonings en besighede in veral Devenish-, Hans van Rensburg-, Boken Suidstraat sowel as hoogliggende gebiede in Nirvana en die sentrale sakegebied geaffekteer sal word. Ten spyte van omstandighede bly die reservoirvlakke hoog met slegs die een in Seshego wat gister (Woensdag) op die halfpadmerk gemeet is. Die ander reservoirs is almal bo 90% gemeet.
Developer turns to Public Protector over Motor City S
that Matsaung seeks help from higher authorities. Last year he intended filing a High Court interdict against the municipality to gain access to information on tenders in terms of Section 18(1) of the Promotion of Access to Information Act. During his State of the City addressed in June last year Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver announced that all objections to the development have been dealt with, but according to Matsaung none of his objections have been responded to. Initial objections raised about the project included the environmental impact on rare plant species found on the proposed site adjacent to Thornhill Shopping Centre in Ster Park. At the start of the tender process, allegations were made that the company appointed by the municipality to develop the site had been registered only ten
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days before the tender was advertised. Residents were also concerned about the value of their property and the possibility of high noise levels in ince its earliest stages the the area. proposed R45 million Motor City Polokwane Observer previously development has been a matter reported on documents which clearly of concern and controversy with the show foul play took place when the various parties involved, to such an tender for the multi-million developextent that one angry developer inment was issued. According to the tends turning to Public Protector, Adv documents, at the time of allocatThuli Madonsela to investigate alleged ing the tender to Polokwane Eastern unlawful activities in the issue. Boulevard (PEB) Properties (Pty) Ltd Following the recent announcement by Polokwane Municipality, PEB Propof the go-ahead on the construction of erties was not registered for VAT. the Motor City development, Mr Glen Matsaung will also ask Madonsela Matsaung, a developer who tendered to look into alleged fraudulent activifor the development, told Polokwane ties on issues relating to the tenders Observer that he plans to approach to build the doctors and nurses acMadonsela. This stems from issues commodation block opposite Savanregarding the notarial lease document nah Mall. of the development as well as being “We are clear on the fact that denied access to information. beneficiaries at the doctors’ quar“In February last year I filed a ters were engaged in unlawful request for access to information transactions of the land which at the Polokwane Municipality resulted in financial constraints but to date nothing has come upon me. They undermined the forth. There are two annexures rule of law. We are tired of corwhich have been referred to but ruption. The land was originally not attached to the notarial lease sold for R1,7 million, a year later agreement. The lease agreement for R9,5 million and eventually does not provide the amount sold to Local Government for R27 tendered for or the escalation million,” Matsaung said. He cited thereof and the procedure in that should all prevail he might terms of Alienation of Land in be in a position to sue Polokwane terms of Section 79 (18) (b) of Municipality for loss of income of the Local Government Ordinance 17 of 1939 was never followed,” Photo: Internet R35 million as he believes they have sufficient evidence of the he said. An aerial view of the site in Ster Park where the alleged unlawful activities. Motor City development will be constructed. This will not be the first time RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
Links: ‘n Motoris durf duisende liter water aan wat in Marshallstraat afstroom nadat ‘n pyp gebars het. Regs: Polokwane se 30 megaliter reservoir lek vir ‘n geruime tyd omdat water rondom die reservoir opgaar en in strome in dreineringsvore verlore gaan.
Reservoir lek en pype bars voortdurend RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
Januarie 23, 2014
Foto’s: Elna Esterhuysen
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January 23, 2014
Ramatsimele ready to lead Agriculture >> Agriculture has potential for job creation >> Has always wanted to be a leader of the collective Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
Photo: Herbert Rachuene
Ms Ramatsimele Maisela , new Department Head of Agriculture.
erely a few days since her appointment as Head of the Department of Agriculture, Ms Ramatsimele Maisela already has high standards set for herself at the department. The former General Manager of the department says her main objective is to ensure that there is enough food in the province, jobs in the sector and resources for farmers. “Agriculture has potential for job creation and food will always be in demand. As for the farmers, we need to ensure that they are well equipped so that they can do their work with ease. Farmers who are equipped with resources will help us produce enough food,” Maisela said. “We also want to increase the production of maize and address the shortage of sorghum. Our people rely on maize and sorghum, especially in the rural areas, so it is important that we increase production on those,” Maisela said.
Asked about her new role at the department, Maisela said she has always wanted to reach a certain level in life and be a leader of the collective. “It is s part of my personal growth and I am ready to give my all in the new role,” Maisela said. Maisela was born and bred at Tooseng village at the Ga-Mphahlele area. She attended Boschplaats Primary School and then attended Morokalebole High School, where she matriculated in 1983. She completed a three year diploma in Agriculture from Tompi Seleka College of Agriculture (1987) and obtained a BTech Degree in Agricultural Extension from Pretoria Technikon (1999). In 2007 she obtained a Master’s Degree in Land and Agrarian Studies from the University of the Western Cape, with her research topic: “Realising agricultural potential in land reform: The case of Vaalharts Irrigation Scheme in the Northern Cape”. Her impressive academic record includes several successfully completed management and leadership programmes: Public Sector
Governance from Unisa School of Business Leadership; Management Principles for First Line Managers from Unisa Centre for Business Management and the Public Service Management Programme with Wits Graduate School of Public and Development Management. Other educational programmes that she attended include: Land Rights & Development offered by the Canada Centre for International Development; He’Atid Public Sector Leadership Programme by Nisped, in Israel and an Agricultural Project Analysis from the University of the North; Agricultural Trade Policy & Marketing through the Cochran Fellowship Programme in collaboration with the US Department of Agriculture, in Washington DC. She has 26 years of experience in the field of Agriculture, 15 years at operational and middle management levels and 10 years at SMS level. Before joining the department Maisela was General Manager for Land Reform & Rural Development in the Northern Cape Department of Agriculture.
Performing schools to be treated by Capricorn District Municipality RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Capricorn District Municipality’s (CDM) 2014 back to school programme is well underway following underperforming schools whose matric results in 2013 are a reason for concern being visited by the District Executive Mayor, Cllr Lawrence Mapoulo, local mayors and ward councillors. Mapoulo and his team visited Alapha Secondary School, Seemole Maraba Secondary School, Raphatla High School, Kethudi High School, Moremotse Secondary School and Mpotla Secondary School on Friday. Polokwane Executive Mayor, Cllr Freddy Greaver accompanied Mapoulo to Phiri Kolobe High School and Mokgalapane High School. At each school the visitors attended the morning assembly, met with the school management and interacted with the learners. A press release issued by CDM Spokesperson, Mr Moffat Senyatsi stated that Mapoulo, during a visit to Dendron Secondary School on Wednesday pleaded with parents to make sure that learners do their homework and engage with their textbooks daily. “He also called on educators to ensure that they do what they are supposed to do - educate learners,” Senyatsi said adding that the visits are a sequel to the 2013 school outreach programme in which a commitment was made to embark on a 2014 matric intervention programme in order to improve the matric performance and congratulate those that have improved. Mapoulo intends hosting ten of the district’s schools, including the learners, principal and the chairperson of the school governing body, at Protea Hotel Ranch Resort on Friday (tomorrow) and Saturday where they will enjoy a game drive and attend a gala dinner. The schools are January Mokgalapane, Phiri Kolobe, Kgarahara, Rampo, Mpotla, Moremose, Ketidu, Raphatlha, Seemole Maraba and Alapha secondary schools. “CDM will arrange winter enrichment classes to prepare Grade 12 learners of underperforming schools for the final exams,” Senyatsi concluded.
Childline 0800 055 555 Crime Stop 08600 10111 Fire Brigade Polokwane 015 293 1111 Water and electrical faults Polokwane 015 290 2000 Limpopo Ambulance Service 10177
Police members lobby for new head of unit >> Her lack of experience within the SAPS has contributed to this situation >> Bulala says Mulaudzi is running from the truth KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com
iscontent is rife in the Polokwane Police’s Tactical Response Team (TRT) following allegations of alleged victimisation, accusations of racism, a belittling attitude towards officials and various other complaints allegedly caused by the presence and under the suspected inexperienced reign of Brig Nonhlanhla Zulu. Speaking on behalf of members of the South African Police Union (Sapu), Provincial Chairperson Mr Solly Bulala says members of Sapu deployed under the Polokwane TRT banner are threatening with all asking for transfers and massive action if Zulu is not removed. “The conduct of Zulu is tiring and she is visibly favouring members from TRT units situated in Thohoyandou, Groblersdal and Tzaneen above those from Polokwane. Her unprofessional conduct in various matters we have been facing recently points to gross unprofessionalism due to her lack of experience within the ranks of the SAPS.” It has been established that before her appointment as head of the Limpopo SAPS
Operational Response Services, which includes TRT and Pops (Public Order Policing), Zulu was the head of the Johannesburg Metro Police, with her career spanning entirely in the Traffic sector. Bulala explains that due to the severity of the case it has already been referred to Provincial Commissioner Fannie Masemola who after more than a week still hasn’t responded to the demands. List of complaints >The visible prejudice shown towards the members of the Polokwane TRT. An example of this is the deployment of officers for the current Chan games and the Malamulele unrest. Although the games are taking place in Polokwane, Zulu preferred calling in members of other TRT units across the province as the Polokwane TRT, in her opinion, is unproductive. Sapu feels this was done deliberately to prevent members from benefitting from the overtime opportunities. > Lack of control at TRT Command and Control since the departure of the previous head. Sapu previously asked for the deployment of a new head of the TRT, a request which has not been given any consideration by the current leadership. > The yearly awards of the SAPS also became an issue after Zulu refused to accept the runner up award for the Polokwane TRT, instead sending an admin clerk to receive the award, whilst receiving the award for the Thohoyandou TRT personally. >In one specific complaint a colonel within TRT Polokwane raised his disdain with Zulu
DA predicts most defining, exciting elections ever YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Limpopo is battle ready and geared up to execute their electioneering campaign leading to the 2014 general elections. The party is very much on top of its game in the province, aiming to maximise their votes. The upcoming elections would pretty much entail a two-horse race with the perceived vulnerable ruling African National Congress (ANC), stressed DA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and national election campaign manager Jonathan Moakes in an exclusive interview with Polokwane Observer this week. The interview followed a one-day meeting with DA elections team officials in Polokwane on Monday as part of a countrywide programme ensuring all-round clarity on the DA’s strategic focus of their electioneering campaign and the culmination of organisational preparations. He was of the opinion that the DA in Limpopo had made incredible strides since last year and in this instance referred to great structures, vibrant activists and a good leadership team that would take the party in the province forward. Moakes indicated no particular changes would have to be made to their programme, but considering the political environment and landscape in South Africa being very fluid, one needed to have a strategy in place and not be afraid to change and adapt as one went along. The landscape going into the election campaign, he stressed, was very different from what anyone could have envisaged the same time last year. Moakes said they were confident they had a good overarching plan but there would have to be flexibility to adapt. Job creation would be top priority in the DA elections manifesto, both nationally and in Limpopo. “Top, front and centre of our manifesto would be economic growth and jobs,” he said. Considering Limpopo’s unique geographical set-up, he further indicated that there was a need for improvement in, among others, education and health while corruption also had to be addressed. Moakes wrapped up the interview with a prediction that the upcoming elections would be the most defining and exciting ever since 1994. “This could very much be a turning point election.”
where after the said official was placed on 24-hours duty without any break. Another colonel also complaining to Zulu about the unfair treatment of the members was very harshly spoken to and specifically badgered regarding his race, racism in Zulu’s opinion being the sole reason why he was complaining. A brigadier who is on the same level as Zulu has also filed grievances regarding orders being given to him by Zulu, regardless of the fact that they are the same rank. Bulala adds that the cherry on top would definitely be her undermining of a much loved and respected general who displayed efforts in assisting to rectify the situation by calling an urgent meeting summonsing Zulu for feedback, which she vehemently refused to attend. Police response Spokesperson for the Limpopo Police, Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi says the Provincial Commissioner has since his deployment met with almost the entire workforce of the SAPS in Limpopo and continues to do so. “It is unfortunate that despite the commissioner extending an olive branch to all members to approach him with any challenges there are still those who opt to use the media as their mouthpiece. As much as we acknowledge receipt of your enquiry we unfortunately do not discuss internal matters with the media.” Mulaudzi further adds that every member has the right to voice their concerns but that the SAPS protocol and channels need to be followed at all times. Bulala on behalf of the SAPS members feels that Mulaudzi is denying their right to clarify the matters and is once again running away from the truth. “Our members followed the correct channels by for example lodging grievances and letting the commissioner know in writing of their complaints. A Police union is there to represent our members and handle all labour and workplace issues on their behalf. We don’t have to ask permission before going to the media regarding gross acts of victimisation.”
Democratic Alliance (DA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jonathan Moakes in conversation with Polokwane Observer.
Januarie 23, 2014
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Please note that the advertised projects in Polokwane Observer of 16 January 2014, Bid No: 215/2013 and Bid No: 216/2013 has the same Bid description: the correct Bid description of Bid No: 215/2013 is Supply and Delivery of Water and Sanitation Materials for a period of three (3) years. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Ms TC Mametja Municipal Manager
January 23, 2014
My voorkeure preferences
Martin-Shawn van Huyssteen, owner of Black Apple Design and Velvet Apple Café shares his favourites with us. Favourite Book: 12th of Never (James Patterson and Maxine Paetro) Favourite Food: Ice cream Favourite Adage: “Why would you try to fit in, when you’re born to stand out”! Favourite Destination: Eastern countries Favourite Music: Bitter Sweet Symphony (The Verve)
Bid Description
Appointment of three (3) annual contractors to do Electrical Maintenance work until 30 June 2017 207/2013 - 1 Rehabilitation of portion of IRPTN Trunk feeder 1- Phase 01 Marshall from Webster to McDonald, McDonald from Marshall to Boshoff, Boshoff from McDonald to De Wet, and De Wet from Boshoff to Grobler, Polokwane. 207/2013 - 2 Rehabilitation of Portion of IRPTN Trunk Feeder 2A Residential - Phase 01: Hospital, Van Warmelo, Genl Viljoen and Outspan from Plein to De Wet, Polokwane. 212/2013 Supply and Delivery of Water Meters and Couplings for a Period of Three Years. 214/2013 Supply and Delivery of Water Pipe Clamps, valve Locks and Keys for a period of Three Years. 215/2013 Supply and Delivery of Manhole slabs, rings and manhole covers for the period of Three (3) Years. 216/2013 Supply and Delivery of Manhole Slabs, Rings and Covers for a period of Three Years.
Doc fee R300 R300
Period Evaluation of Advert Criteria 30 Days 90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10 14 Days 90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10
Compulsory Site and Briefing 17/01/2014 at 10:00 Electrical Boardroom 3rd Floor 20/01/2014 at 10:00 In front of Jack Botes Hall Cnr Bodenstein and Church Street
Closing Date and Time 11/02/2014 at 10:00 Old Council Chamber 1st Floor 28/01/2014 at 10:00 Electrical Boardroom 3rd Floor
Professional Contact Person Registration 3EP or Higher Mr. Pine Pienaar on 015 290 2271 6CE or Mr. Mannfred Higher Gratz on 015 290 2085
14 days
20/01/2014 at 10:00 In front of Jack Botes Hall Cnr Bodenstein and Church Street
28/01/2014 at 10:00 Electrical Boardroom 3rd Floor
6CE or Higher
90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10 90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10 90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10
21/01/2014 at 10:00 Electrical Boardroom 3rd Floor 21/01/2014 at 10:00 Electrical Boardroom 3rd Floor 21/01/2014 at 10:00 Electrical Boardroom 3rd Floor
11/02/2014 at N/A 10:00 Old Council Chamber 1st Floor 11/02/2014 at N/A 10:00 Old Council Chamber 1st Floor 11/02/2014 at N/A 10:00 Old Council Chamber 1st Floor
Mr. Tonie Muller on 015 290 2077 Mr. Tonie Muller on 015 290 2077 Mr. Tonie Muller on 015 290 2077
90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10
21/01/2014 at 10:00 11/02/2014 at N/A Electrical Boardroom 10:00 Old Council 3rd Floor Chamber 1st Floor
Mr. Tonie Muller on 015 290 2077
30 days
30 days
30 days
30 days
90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10
Mr. Mannfred Gratz on 015 290 2085
The Municipality shall adjudicate and award bids in accordance with the B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution on an 90/10 point system, 90 points for the price and 10 points for BBBEE Level of Contribution. Bids documents containing the Conditions of Bid and other requirements in terms of the Supply Chain Management Policy will be available for collection as from 15 January 2014 at the Polokwane Municipality - Cnr. Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (Left hand side of the security reception) - Polokwane. Prior to collection of the bid documents, payment should be made at the Rates Hall which opens from 08:00 to 15:00 weekly from Monday to Friday. Bidders who do not attend compulsory site briefing will be disqualified. No late, faxed or telephonic bids will be accepted. Bids will remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days. The Council reserves the right to negotiate further conditions of the bid and other requirements of the bid with the successful bidder. Furthermore, Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any bid. Completed bids documents, fully priced, fully signed, fully initialed on all pages and original documents attached must be submitted sealed in an envelope marked: “Bid Name, Bid Number and Bid Description” should be deposited in the Tender Box at the Polokwane Municipality - Cnr. Landdros Mare and Bodenstein Streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (Left hand side of the security reception) – Polokwane on or before the closing date. N.B: No bids will be considered from persons in the service of the State (As defined in Regulation 1 of the Local Government: Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations). MS T.C MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER
26 Januarie >> Voormalige aktrise, Lindie Stander tree by die NG Kerk Pietersburg-Noord, h/v Dorp- en Dr Anneckestraat om 18:30 op. Skakel die kerkkantoor vir meer inligting by 015 287 9700. 1 Februarie >> ‘n Opwarmingswedstryd tussen die Vodacom Blue Bulls en DHL Stormers vind op die Peter Mokaba Stadion plaas. Kaartjies kan van Maandag (27 Januarie) by die kaartjiekantoor aan die noordweste kant van die stadion gekoop word. 7 February >> Joma Hart art exhibition at 18:00 for 18:30 at Polokwane Art Museum. For more informa-
tion contact the Polokwane Art Museum on 015 290 2177. 15-16 February >> Visit Magoebaskloof Berry Festival and the harvest market in Haenertsburg village where you can buy all kinds of berries, jams, pickles, pies, pancakes and much more, take part in a family fun run, and visit the organic cheese farm. For more information contact Shahrzad on 082 903 7593 or visit www.berryfestival.co.za. 24-28 Februarie >> Die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa) se Shavathon vind van 24 tot 28 Februarie by verskillende skole en besighede plaas. Koste beloop R50 per volwassene en R25 vir kinders onder 12 jaar. Vir meer inligting skakel me Ria du Plessis, Kansa se gemeenskapsorganiseerder by 083 259 2790. 1 Maart >> Die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa) se Shavathon vind op 1 Maart plaas by verskeie winkelsentrums in Polokwane. Skakel me Ria du Plessis, Kansa se gemeenskapsorganiseerder in Polokwane vir meer inligting by 083 259 2790.
Oud, maar hul huwelik nog lank nie koud JANUS VD WESTHUIZEN >> janus.observer1@gmail.com Om 68 jaar getroud te wees is nie alle egpare beskore nie, maar oom Sias en tannie Hettie Haggard is gelukkig en bevoorreg om die besondere mylpaal te vier. “Sias het by die destydse Spoorweë gewerk en ek was nog op skool toe hy by my begin kuier het. Ons het by ‘n verjaarsdagpartytjie ontmoet,” sê me Haggard. Hulle deel ‘n liefde vir musiek en het gereeld saam kitaar gespeel en musiek tot laat in die aand gemaak. Die twee is in 1945 getroud en is al vir dekades aan mekaar se sy. “Ons het mekaar nie eintlik geken voor ons getroud is nie, ons het mekaar in die huwelik leer ken.” Daar was maklike en slegte dae, soos dit maar in elke huwelik gaan. In plaas van sewe sakke sout, het ons seker al 14 sakke sout saam opgeeët. Die Here is ons krag en ons steunpilaar, indien jy jou huis op die rotse bou, dán sal hy staande bly.” Die Haggard-egpaar voel baie geseën en is
trots dat hulle kan spog met 68 jaar getroude lewe. Hulle woon tans in Martha Hofmeyr Tehuis vir Bejaardes. Hulle het twee dogters, wat in die buiteland woon, ‘n seun wat in Polokwane woon en onlangs weer getroud is, 6 kleinkinders en 3 agterkleinkinders. Mnr Haggard is in 1920 gebore en sy wederhelf in 1928.
Foto: Janus van der Westhuizen
Me Hettie en mnr Sias Haggard wat byna sewe dekades getroud is.
January 23, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Brandslagoffer sterk aan O
uers se grootste nagmerrie het waar geword nadat hul agtjarige dogtertjie verlede Woensdagmiddag vreesbevange in vlamme na haar ma toe aangehardloop gekom het. Die eerste skooldag was aanvanklik vir die Bensons soos gewoonlik vol opgewondenheid vir die skooljaar wat voorlê voor die tragedie gebeur het. “Karien het probeer om ‘n garing van haar nylonskoolrok af te brand toe haar rok onmiddellik vlam gevat het. Met die hardloop tot by my slaapkamer het die vlamme versprei en die skoolrok aan haar lyfie laat vaskleef waarna ek haar in ‘n bad koue water gedompel het,” sê me Natasha Benson, Karien se ma. Angsvol het hulle hul na die naaste hospitaal gehaas waar Karien in die intensiewe sorgeenheid met erge tweede- en derdegraadse brandwonde aan haar rug en bobene opgeneem is. Mnr Piet Benson, haar pa sê dat hul nie genoeg geld bymekaar kon skraap om haar in die privaathospitaal waar sy eerste behandel is te kon hou nie. Sy is gevolglik na die Mankweng Hospitaal buite Polokwane oorgeplaas wat gelukkig oor ‘n gespesialiseerde brandeenheid beskik. “Teen Vrydag het dinge begin beter lyk en Karien het begin eet en drink. Volgens die dokters is daar nog ‘n baie lang herstelpad wat voorlê aangesien spesiale dieetvereistes, verskeie operasies en fisioterapie nog op haar wag.” Dokters meen dat Karien in die toekoms veloorplantings moet ondergaan indien haar selle se toestand nie verbeter nie of selfs verswak. “Alles gaan tyd neem. Ons wag nou eers vir die gedeeltes van die vernietigde
vel om hopelik te herstel voor ons sal weet wat die prognose is. Die proses kan tot ‘n maand neem.” Volgens me Adele van der Linde, woordvoerder van die departement van gesondheid en maatskaplike ontwikkeling, sê bekwame dokters monitor haar herstel en vordering en meen dit gaan goed met die klein vegtertjie. “Die dokters is positief dat sy genoeg gesonde en bruikbare vel het wat oorgeplant kan word wat die kanse van verwerping sal verminder,” sê Van der Linde. Die Benson-gesin is tans afhanklik van donasies wat hul kan dra deur die moeilike tyd. Hulle moet vir verblyf in Polokwane betaal, sowel as vervoerkoste vanaf Polokwane na Mankweng drie keer per dag, kos en daaglikse benodigdhede. Indien iemand ‘n donasie wil maak, is die bankbesonderhede as volg: PJ Benson, Nedbank tjekrekening, rekeningnommer 1011921553, takkode 166849. Benson kan ook geskakel word by 072 602 7564.
Unit price when bought in bulk pack
On the same day that Polokwane Observer enquired with the local municipality about a R12 million municipal bill issued to a resident and business owner, the problem was solved with an apology to the affected party. Communications and Marketing Manager, Ms Tidimalo Chuene forwarded an email addressed to the business owner by the customer
Unit price when bought in bulk pack
Unit price when bought in bulk pack
Unit price when bought in bulk pack
SIMBA Niknak Bales
(All flavours)
50 x 20g
(All flavours)
6 x 250ml
(All flavours) 6 x 300ml
Get more
live better
Unit price when bought in bulk pack
BAKERS Mini Biscuits (All variants)
Valid from Wednesday 22 January to Monday 27 January 2014. All prices in South African Rands.
24 x 40g/50g
CLOVER Vanilla/Zero or Cinnamon Custard
NESTLÉ Milo Ready to Drink
MAGGI 2 Minute Noodles
(All variants) 73g
6 x 250ml
00 each
Unit price when bought in bulk pack
Karien Benson (8) sterk tans in die Mankweng Hospitaal aan.
R12 million muni bill solved RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
care and billing department of the municipality to the publication. The email stated that the municipality incorrectly billed the business owner and that the amount was recalculated, the interest amount of R83 299.13 was reversed and that the account now reflects a credit amount of R21,12. The business owner extended his gratitude towards the municipality for solving the bill within a short period of time.
KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes 1.2kg
ESKORT Red Viennas 500g
4150 each
Unit price when bought in bulk pack
BLACK CAT Peanut Butter (All variants)
SNOWFLAKE Cake Wheat Flour 5kg
6 x 800g
Only available at Polokwane
Cnr Marmer Street & Magnesiet Street, Just off Landdros Mare, Polokwane 0860 009 550 Customers calling from outside of South Africa, please use the following numbers: Polokwane +27 15 101 1000 Unless we state a specific limitation, Makro will attempt to have sufficient advertised stock available to meet consumers’ anticipated demands. If we still run out of stock, we will attempt to obtain the stock or we will offer you a reasonable alternative. Makro takes utmost care to ensure that all advertisements are correct. If a mistake occurs or incomplete information is printed, we will display a notice in-store with all the correct details. Where we advertise products in bulk packs, any advertised price per unit will only apply if you buy the bulk pack. If we offer the product individually as well, another price will apply to the individual product, as per the advertisement. Prices include 14% VAT.
04/14. 30 x 5 Makro DTP/ATH MSTR2210
KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com
Polokwane Observer
Januarie 23, 2014
Bloody battle, possible return to podium power >> Suggested comeback of former Premier Cassel Mathale not surprise to many >> Changes to proposed candidates’ lists and new factions rising YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com
he likelihood is great that the period preceding the month-end provincial elective conference of the ruling party that is coinciding with the election build-up could be carnage. Changes to proposed candidates’ lists and new factions rising are characterising canvassing before branches engage in deciding on a new leadership. The suggested possible return of former African National Congress (ANC) Provincial Chairperson Cassel Mathale as leader of the structure in Limpopo and Premier elect and that of erstwhile ANC Provincial Secretary Soviet Lekganyane to his former position would not come as a surprise to many. With Mathale’s name being proposed as possible taker of the position of chairperson of the party in the province, those of current Premier Stan Mathabatha and Public Works MEC Dickson Masemola are mentioned as contenders in the same context. It was reliably learnt that Masemola and Lekganyane are not in agreement over the position of chairperson, but Lekganyane is perceived to be keeping both groups in support of the two candidates happy
in order to garner votes from all sides. At the same time preferences for additional members on the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) include names from the previous administration, Polokwane Observer was informed. Trusted sources are vocal on party politics having turned dirty and blood already starting to flow after a recent incident resulting in the brutal attack on ANC Waterberg Regional Secretary Tollie Mashamaite, who was apparently left for dead after allegedly being kidnapped and taken to a secluded area where he was assaulted and robbed of his possessions. It necessitated the ANC’s Provincial Task Team (PTT) to urge their leaders to be vigilant when travelling across the province “as we do not as yet know the motive of the attackers of our
regional secretary who was only elected to office in December 2013”, stated PTT spokesperson Sello Lediga in a media release issued Tuesday morning. Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi of the Limpopo Police confirmed that the incident occurred in the Mokopane area on Sunday morning. He said Mashamaite was allegedly kidnapped, assaulted and left for dead. A case of kidnapping, assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm and armed robbery has been opened after two cell phones and R6 000 in cash were stolen. He added that the victim was in a stable condition in a state hospital. At the time of going to press he said no arrests had been made as yet. On the issue of the provincial elective
conference expected to be convened in due course, Lediga confirmed it would be held from 31 January to 2 February. They requested permission to use the University of Limpopo as a venue for the conference, but were awaiting feedback, he said. According to Lediga the process for Branch General Meetings (BGMs) to be convened to elect delegates to the conference and nominate those for leadership positions opened on 27 December and would draw to a close on 29 January. BGMs within the Peter Mokaba region would be presided over by PTT members, he indicated, for the court ruling on the legitimacy of the recent regional conference was awaited towards month end.
Switch off your geyser between 5pm and 9pm. Here’s why: The reason we ask you to switch off your geyser between 5pm and 9pm, is that the country uses more electricity during this time and supply is under severe pressure. Switching off your geyser helps free up power for other things and relieves the pressure on the grid.
Spoed moontlike oorsaak van botsing in Witklipstraat RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
Here’s an interesting fact, the huge demand for energy during the evening between 5pm and 9pm is the equivalent of one power station. There is an estimated 5,4 million electric geysers in homes across South Africa.
Drie persone is Sondagoggend ernstig beseer toe die bestuurder van ‘n Volkswagen Polo in Witklipstraat, naaste hoek, Spoorwegstraat vermoedelik beheer oor die voertuig verloor en teen ‘n gebou vasgejaag het. Spoed kan moontlik aan die oorsaak van die botsing toegeskryf word. ‘n Leë bottel bier is op die toneel gevind. Westenburg polisiewoordvoerder, kapt Mohlaka Mashiane sê die polisie wil nie oor die oorsaak van die botsing bespiegel nie. “Die ondersoek is nog nie voltooi nie en ons kan dus nie sê of spoed of alkohol die oorsaak was nie.”
Switch off your geyser every day between 5pm and 9pm, and help us beat the peak to keep South Africa powered up. For more information visit www.eskom.co.za/idm
Die wrak van ‘n Volkswagen Polo nadat die bestuurder Sondagoggend vermoedelik beheer oor die voertuig verloor en teen ‘n gebou vasgejaag het. Al drie insittendes is ernstig beseer.
Childline 0800 055 555 Crime Stop 08600 10111 Fire Brigade Polokwane 015 293 1111 Water and electrical faults Polokwane 015 290 2000 Limpopo Ambulance Service 10177
Januarie 23, 2014
Eskom Holdings SOC Limited Reg No 2002/015527/06 Mohlaleng_1739_E1
Polokwane Observer
Januarie 23, 2014
January 23, 2014
Polokwane Observer
CRIME shorts Armed robbers’ rape and burglary spree Limpopo Police have arrested a 21-year-old suspect after reports received earlier about a gang of at least eight suspects raping and raiding three farms at Tagana’s Hoek, near Letsitele last Saturday. During his arrest the suspect was found in possession of some of the stolen goods and is expected to make his first appearance in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court soon on charges of housebreaking, possession of firearms and ammunition and rape. According to Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi, Spokesperson for the Limpopo Police, the gang started their reign of terror around midday on Saturday when they first allegedly attacked and raped a 32-year-old woman before stealing two rifles, a pistol and R300 in cash. “Their next stop was at a second farm not far away where they stopped to rape a 59-year-old Zimbabwean domestic worker.” The suspects then proceeded to a third farm where they only managed to allegedly steal electrical appliances.
Heavy sentences sought for murderous trio
The Limpopo Police are demanding the harshest sentences possible for three suspects currently on trial in the Polokwane High Court on 53 charges of murder, attempted murder, robbery, fraud, theft, racketeering and possession of drugs. According to spokesperson for the Limpopo Police, Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi, the call for harsh sentences stems from the commencement of the trial in 2012 against the accused Ms Refilwe Mothwa (41), Mr Thomas Mothwa (43) and their associate Mr Jan Mohlala (58). The trio is accused of playing a leading role in targeting elderly people in the rural areas of Limpopo and the North-West. “They usually accosted their victims near banks or shopping centres after they have withdrawn money, using the pretext of knowing them, before offering them a spiked soft-drink,” said Mulaudzi. Upon the victims losing consciousness they would allegedly steal
their bank cards and banking details, identity documents and any other valuables. The victims would then allegedly be left for dead or dumped at the side of the road or thrown from bridges or into rivers. The couple is suspected to be involved in more than 50 such offences committed between 2000 and 2007.
Corpse found on Matlala road
The corpse of an unknown man was found on the Matlala road on Sunday after Westenburg Police received reports of a body next to the road, visibly killed by multiple stab wounds. Capt Mohlaka Mashiane, spokesperson for the Westenburg Police says his team are still conducting an investigation to determine who the deceased is and how he ended up dead next to the road. “The body was found in the area of Extension 40 and we are appealing to anyone who has reported someone missing recently or anyone who might have information leading to the arrest of the suspects responsible for the killings.” The deceased is an African male and appears to be in his mid thirties. Contact WO Malesela Ledwaba on 082 340 7944 if you have any information that can assist in his case.
Help Police unite unknown men with their families
Members of the community are urged to assist the Police in finding the families or friends of two unknown men currently being accommodated by Limpopo Police. Both me are deaf and cannot understand sign language. Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi said the men were found wandering aimlessly in different areas of Limpopo, one around Mutale and the other around Tshamutumbu. The first man has been in the Police’s care since July 2013 while the other was found on 16 January 2013. It is suspected that the men might be from Mozambique. Anybody who knows these men are requested to contact the Tshamutumbu Police on 015 539 9000 or the Mutale Police on 015 967 0679.
Parents stand a chance to WIN a R3000 VOUCHER For your children’s school Draw to be held on 31 January 2014
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Offer valid from 7 January 2014 till 6 February 2014. Terms and conditions apply.
Polokwane Observer
Januarie 23, 2014
Consulate General of OBSERVER 15 Mozambique meets with Premier Januarie 23, 2014
>> To revive the memorandum >> We are the point of entry Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
of Mozambique because many of the province’s farmers export their produce there. “We are the point of entry to countries like Mozambique so it is important to strengthen those relations so that our people can be able to asses those markets,” Mathivha said.
Photo: Herbert Rachuene
Ms Ester Fernando Tondo, Mozambican Consul and Premier Stan Mathabatha at Office of the Premier on Tuesday.
Ramadwa applauds Chan fans Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
Despite the turnout of spectators not being as good as expected, Merriam Ramadwa, MEC for Sport, Art and Culture has nevertheless expressed her appreciation to those who did attend the first round matches of the Orange African Nations Championship at Peter Photo: Herbert Rachuene Mokaba Stadium. The poor attendMEC for Sport, Arts ance at the stadium and Culture, Merriam has been a major Ramadwa.
Bid Description
ozambican Consul for Mpumalanga and Limpopo, Ms Ester Fernando Tondo visited Premier Stan Mathabatha on Tuesday at the Office of the Premier. Mathabatha on the occasion reminded her about the memorandum of understanding (mou) which the province signed with Mozambique in 1998. The Premier ‘s Spokesperson, Mr Kenny Mathivha said the memorandum has concerns of agriculture and education. “The province and Mozambique seek to revive the memorandum and look at what should be strengthened,” Mathivha said. Mathivha also added that it is important to strengthen the relationship with the province
concern to the organisers. Ramadwa pointed out that one of the reasons for the minimal attendance is that the games are mostly played late afternoon and, given the vastness of the province, there is always the problem of transport to and from Polokwane. “However, we are happy about the fact that these games provided us with an opportunity to showcase the talent that Africa has. They are boosting the local economy through tourism and showcase social cohesion even beyond our borders. As the games will be coming to an end, we are hoping that our African footballers will come back again and that the spirit of fair football will prevail,” Ramadwa said. The stadium will host its last match of the tournament, the quarter final between the winner of Group D and Libya on Sunday. Kickoff for the match is scheduled for 17:00
Maintenance of the Pitch, Flower Beds and Landscaping of the New Peter Mokaba Stadium Complex for the period of three years. 82/2013 Repair and Maintenance of Electrical Systems and Installations at the New Peter Mokaba Stadium Complex for the period of three years. 83/2013 Repair and Maintenance of Plumbing Installations at New Peter Mokaba Stadium Complex for the period of three years. 84/2013 Repairs and Maintenance of Air Conditioners, Fridges, Ice Machines, Extraction Fans and Chiller Plant at the New Peter Mokaba Stadium Complex for the period of three years. 85/2013 Repair and Maintenance of the TVs, CCTVs, Sound, PA System and Audio Visual Equipment at the New Peter Mokaba Stadium Complex for the period of three years. 87/2013 Repairs and Maintenance of Big Screen and Score Board Installations at New Peter Mokaba Stadium Complex for the period of three years. 89/2013 General Repair and Maintenance at the New Peter Mokaba Stadium Complex for the period of three years. 91/2013 Repairs and Maintenance of Fire Detection System and Installations at the New Peter Mokaba Stadium for the period of Three years. 94/2013 Repairs and Maintenance of Lifts Operating System at the new Peter Mokaba Stadium for the period of three years. 114/2013 Provision of Standby Services for Emergency Medical Services and Doctor during Events or as & when needed at the New Peter Mokaba Stadium complex for the period of three years.
Doc fee R300
Evaluation Compulsory Site and Period Briefing of Advert Criteria 90/10 29/01/2014 @ 09:00 30 Days Price – 90 – New Peter Mokaba BBBEE -10 Stadium, Magazyn Street
30 days
18/02/2014 @ 10:00 N/A 90/10 29/01/2014 @ 09:00 Engineering BoardPrice – 90 – New Peter Mokaba BBBEE -10 Stadium, Magazyn Street room 1st Floor
Mr. Leon Bannau at 015 290 2788
30 days 30 days
18/02/2014 @ 10:00 N/A Engineering Boardroom 1st Floor 18/02/2014 @ 10:00 N/A Engineering Boardroom 1st Floor
Mr. Leon Bannau at 015 290 2788
90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10 90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10
30 days
18/02/2014 @ 10:00 N/A 90/10 30/01/2014 @ 09:00 Engineering BoardPrice – 90 – New Peter Mokaba BBBEE -10 Stadium, Magazyn Street room 1st Floor
Mr. Leon Bannau at 015 290 2788
30 days
18/02/2014 @ 10:00 N/A 90/10 30/01/2014 @ 11:00 Engineering BoardPrice – 90 – New Peter Mokaba BBBEE -10 Stadium, Magazyn Street room 1st Floor
Mr. Leon Bannau at 015 290 2788
30 days 30 days
30/01/2014 @ 14:00 – New Peter Mokaba Stadium, Magazyn Street 04/02/2014 @ 10:00 – New Peter Mokaba Stadium, Magazyn Street
18/02/2014 @ 10:00 N/A Engineering Boardroom 1st Floor 18/02/2014 @ 10:00 N/A Engineering Boardroom 1st Floor
Mr. Leon Bannau at 015 290 2788
90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10 90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10
30 days 30 days
04/02/2014 @ 12:00 – New Peter Mokaba Stadium, Magazyn Street 05/02/2014 @ 10:00 – New Peter Mokaba Stadium, Magazyn Street
18/02/2014 @ 10:00 N/A Engineering Boardroom 1st Floor 18/02/2014 @ 10:00 N/A Engineering Boardroom 1st Floor
Mr. Leon Bannau at 015 290 2788
90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10 90/10 Price – 90 BBBEE -10
29/01/2014 @ 11:00 – New Peter Mokaba Stadium, Magazyn Street 29/01/2014 @ 14:00 – New Peter Mokaba Stadium, Magazyn Street
Closing Date Professional and Time Registration 18/02/2014 @ 10:00 N/A Engineering Boardroom 1st Floor
Contact Person Mr. Leon Bannau at 015 290 2788
Mr. Leon Bannau at 015 290 2788
Mr. Leon Bannau at 015 290 2788
Mr. Leon Bannau at 015 290 2788
The Municipality shall adjudicate and award bids in accordance with the B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution on an 90/10 point system, 90 points for the price and 10 points for BBBEE Level of Contribution. Bids documents containing the Conditions of Bid and other requirements in terms of the Supply Chain Management Policy will be available for collection as from 27 January 2014 at the Polokwane Municipality - Cnr. Landdros Mare and Bodenstein Streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (Left hand side of the security reception) - Polokwane. Prior to collection of the bid documents, payment should be made at the Rates Hall which opens from 08h00 to 15h00 weekly from Monday to Friday. Bidders who do not attend compulsory site briefing will be disqualified. No late, faxed or telephonic bids will be accepted. Bids will remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days. The Council reserves the right to negotiate further conditions of the bid and other requirements of the bid with the successful bidder. Furthermore, Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any bid. Completed bids documents, fully priced, fully signed, fully initialed on all pages and original documents attached must be submitted sealed in an envelope marked: “Bid Name, Bid Number and Bid Description” should be deposited in the Tender Box at the Polokwane Municipality - Cnr. Landross Mare and Bodenstein Streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (Left hand side of the security reception) – Polokwane on or before the closing date. N.B: No bids will be considered from persons in the service of the State (As defined in Regulation 1 of the Local Government: Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations). MS T.C MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER
Council Meeting
Executive Mayor, Freddy Greaver
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of Chapter 4 0f the Local Municipality System Act. 32 of 2000, that the Council Meeting of Polokwane Local Municipality will be held as follows:
DATE: 30 January 2014 TIME: 14:00 VENUE: New Municipal Council Chamber Interested parties and stakeholders are invited to attend Mrs T.C Mametja - Municipal Manager
r e h t e g o t g n i Work
ry e v i l e d e c i v r for better se
WEEKLY price
Business profile>>
January 23, 2014 >> Page 16
Jarques Bezuidenhout
Business >> Plumblink What influenced your choice of career? >> To have the opportunity to work with people and make a success of it What are the competitive advantages of your industry? >> Knowledgeable staff, reliable SABS approved stock, availability, affordability and excellent customer service What is the secret of your success as a businessperson? >> Hard work and the relentless drive to ensure customer satisfaction.
Polokwane Observer’s weekly price watch aims to assist our readers in making informed decisions when spending their hard earned money. This week we compare the price of body lotion for men. Prices include VAT and were compared between 9:00 and 10:00 on Tuesday, 21 january 2014. Polokwane Spar, Thabo Mbeki Street R10,99 R28,99 R21,99
Dawn Body Lotion 200 ml Nivea Body Lotion 250 ml Vaseline Body Lotion 200 ml
Pick n Pay, Mall of the North R10,99 R26,99 R21,99
Shoprite, Market Street R11,99 R29,99 R21,99
Huge investments in student housing >> Less than 10% of first-year students can be accommodated
he issue of student housing is one which receives particular attention at this time of year because of the surge of new student interest in the market. However the supply remains quite low because of low investment into the area. The dearth of quality, affordable student housing close to places of higher learning is driving a significant wave of investment in this niche accommodation sector. International Housing Solutions (IHS), the leading global equity investor in affordable housing, said in a recent press release that the limited supply of affordable housing results in many students having to live in accommodation which is unhygienic and unsafe. As students get ready to head to places of higher learning next year, thousands of them will realise that securing a coveted space at a tertiary campus is just the first hurdle, and that finding a place to live and learn is likely to throw up some serious challenges of their own
in the coming months. According to the Department of Higher Education’s Ministerial Review of South African university accommodation, less than 10% of first-year students can be accommodated. However, much of the available on-campus accommodation remains dilapidated, unhygienic and unsafe. The latest statistics further show a shortfall of 207 800 university beds, and that does not include the shortfall of accommodation for private tertiary institutions. Four hundred thousand students are currently enrolled at FET colleges, the vast majority of which do not have any on-campus accommodation. “The lack of adequate and affordable student housing results in students renting inadequate accommodation off-campus, in locations that are often in appalling condition and overcrowded,” said IHS Managing Partner, Mr Rob Wesselo. “The fact is that the poor living conditions of students have been linked to our country’s high drop-out and failure rate, due to these conditions not being conducive to studying and
POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY NOTICE NUMBER: PPP5/2014 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: FUNDING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF CAPITAL PROJECTS PROPOSALS The City of Polokwane invites suitably qualified service providers to assist in sourcing external funds and implement projects on an off-balance sheet basis to enable the municipality to achieve its Smart City Vision. Projects include amongst others the following: * Water infrastructure * Energy/ electricity infrastructure * Land use and development * Rural Broadband Connectivity * Smart metering infrastructure A brief description of the needs for infrastructure, social and local economic development programs that in nature, character and contents consist of capital development projects will be provided at the briefing session. A compulsory briefing session (limited to three members per company) will be held on Monday, 17 February 2014, at 10:00 at Polokwane Old Council Chamber, 1st Floor, at cnr Landdros Mare and Bodeinstein streets. Proposals, in sealed envelopes clearly marked Funding (Grant) Proposals for Infrastructure, Social and Local Economic Development Programmes, must be placed in the tender box of the Polokwane Municipality, by no later than 12:00 on Friday, 28 February 2014. Enquiries can be directed to the Chief Financial Officer, Ms Fikile Mudau on 015 290 2049/2040. Ms T.C Mametja MUNICIPAL MANAGER
good health. As government funding for studies through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) drives the growth in the student population, the demand for accommodation increases dramatically, pointing out that FET student funding increased from 61 700 students/ R318 million in 2010 to 222 800 students/R2 billion in 2013.” Many students seeking out accommodation come from very disadvantaged backgrounds, but they are, however, able to access quality off-campus residences with the help of NSFAS funding. The staff at these residences then have the responsibility of educating students in areas of life management such as paying their rent on time, getting along with their diverse neighbours, taking care of facilities and managing their time in order to get to the bus on time. In addition to important considerations such as safety and a healthy, clean environment, there are more social aspects of student life that are also addressed to ensure students in private residences do not miss out on the student experience.
Pemps Grade R twins and triplets Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za The Principal of Pietersburg English Medium Primary School (Pemps) Grade R, Ms Karin Adlem has welcomed the enrolment of three sets of twins, two of which are identical, as well as a set of triplets at the school. The triplets are Tetelo and her two brothers, Tumisho and Tshego Mojapelo. The twins are from the Malumbete, Ramaselele and Malatji families. The brothers Hanyani and Hatlani Malumbete are identical and so are sisters Regolebogile and Regorapetse Malatji. The third set consists of Dineo Ramaselele
Hanyani and Hatlani Malumbete.
Regolebogile and Regorapetse Malatji.
and her brother Mpho. Adlem said it is the first time since the inception of the school that they enrolled multiple twins as well as a set of triplets in one intake. “The school is 12 years old. It is a historic moment for us, a blessing for the parents and the school. We are happy to have them in our school. We will treat them as absolute individuals because every child is special,� Adlem said. Rather than splitting a set of twins the siblings were placed in the same classes. The six-year-olds on Monday seemed content and eager to tackle their second week at school and in so doing become part of its proud history.
Dineo and Mpho Ramaselele.
Januarie 23, 2014
Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
lora Park Comprehensive High School was the first public school in the province to get a taste of E-learning when Kolok (Pty) Ltd introduced the modern education solution at the school last year. The Kolok electronic education solution makes teaching much easier and cheaper. The E-learning system eradicates the need for text books creating a greener footprint and solves the challenges of logistics and service delivery regarding learning and teaching materials. The system is easy to implement and provides more resources for both the teacher and learner. The Branch Manager of Kolok in Limpopo, Mr Given Diale said the advantages of using tablets in the classrooms reduces the weight of school bags, saves the school money on photocopying and gives the educator additional resources which traditionally they had to spend time on researching and gathering. With most learners familiar with modern
Photos: Warren Blunt
Photos: Herbert Rachuene
Tumisho, Tetelo and Tshego Mojapelo.
E-learning OBSERVER 17 provides a modern learning alternative polokwane
The Principal of Flora Park Comprehensive School, Mr Maleseme Sepuru gets some advice on how to use the E-learning system from Mr Laurence Keulder, a teacher at Sunward Park High School in Gauteng, one of the first public schools to have successfully implemented the programme.
day technology like cell phones, tablets and information technology, the Principal at Flora Park, Mr Maleseme Sepuru explained that teachers must buy-in to the idea of using technology to enhance teaching and learning, and must be equipped with the skills to do this effectively. He added that the school is looking forward to being the first public schools in Polokwane to implement the system and that educators can use these devices to enrich their own archive of information. The Director of Alt, Mr Reekesh Raikumr, one of the service providers of the Kolok Education Solution explains how the system works to the educators at Flora Park Comprehensive High School.
Polokwane Observer
Januarie 23, 2014
DIE HOËR TEGNIESE SKOOL TOM NAUDÉ ha ori us Dari us Bot Tanica Pret
Justicia Seopa
Tian Cloete
Tel: 015 298 8710 Faks: 086 671 3982 Potgieterlaan 226, Superbia, 0759 e-pos: admin@tomnaude.co.za
o Mahwayi Lerat
5 5 4 TOMMIES SE TOP STUDENTE WEN GESOGTE VAKPRYSE IN LIMPOPO Afrikaans, Engels, ingenieursgrafika en-ontwerp, lewensoriëntering, Onderskeidings siviele tegnologie
Afrikaans, Engels, fisiese wetenskappe, lewensoriëntering, elektriese tegnologie
Afrikaans, wiskunde, ingenieursgrafika en-ontwerp, Onderskeidings meganiese tegnologie, lewensoriëntering
Meganiese tegnologie
Afrikaans, Engels, ingenieursgrafika en-ontwerp, lewensoriëntering, siviele tegnologie
Wiskunde, fisiese wetenskappe, ingenieursgrafika en-ontwerp, Onderskeidings lewensoriëntering.
Elektriese tegnologie
Bot ehlaof icia Seopa Lethabo Ledwaba Dari us R Just
Tom Naudé verwelkom nuwe Ridders
January 23, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Observer
Januarie 23, 2014
CAPRICORN HIGH SCHOOL Thabo Mbeki Street, Polokwane, 0699 School tel: 015 295 9333/4 School fax: 015 295 5165 e-mail: cappies@mweb.co.za
Mpho Tjale
Ledile Mamabolo
Kholofelo Mello
5 Distinctions
6 Distinctions The academic bakery of Capricorn High School (CHS) has produced yet another batch of appetising distinctions. This is an unbroken trend of quality results which the school aims to maintain through and through. The casserole of distinctions looks as follows: Nithin Jainson , Priscalia Letsoalo, Ledile Mamabolo, Kholofelo Mello, Nepo Seroka and Mpho Tjale (six distinctions); Sadiyah Houghton and
Nepo Seroka
6 Distinctions
Got 100% in Accounting and was awarded a laptop and a tablet.
6 Distinctions
Mabocha Mokonyane (five distinctions), Kim Dederen, Crystal Kgorane, Grace Makotanyane, Emanuel Makuya, Thato Manamela, RebotileMasera, Solomon Masoga, Leake Mogashoa, Thatoage Mokgotho, Gundo Nelwamondo and Christina Tleane (four distinctions) and last but not least, Mahlatse Dipela, Tebalelo Kekana, Puleng Masenya, Kgaugelo
Nithin Jainson
Matlala, Nakedi Mojapelo and Nchadi Seema with three distinctions each. As if this was not enough, Kholofelo Mello did us proud by adding icing to the cake when she got 100% in Accounting. The runner-up was Mpho Tjale with 99%. The school boasts 276 distinctions in total. We produced 135 (70%) bachelors passes.
Capricorn placed seventh in the province’s 2013 matric results. Many thanks to the proactive management team, SGB, hardworking educators, learners and the supportive parents for their contribution to this proud achievement.
Sadiyah Houghton
Prisca Letsoalo
6 Distinctions
5 Distinctions 6 Distinctions
6 Distinctions
January 23, 2014
Polokwane Observer
January 23, 2014
22 OBSERVER polokwane
Hoërskool Pietersburg>>
Pieties is agt leerkragte ryker
Foto: Verskaf
Die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het vanjaar agt nuwe onderwysers aan boord. Voor is mee Tamaryn Koekemoer (studentonderwyser), Elrie Herholdt (studentonderwyser) en Anel Bezuidenhout (wiskunde). Agter is mee Soanette Booyens (Engels), Aurette Hoffman (leessentrum), mnr Ruan Willemse (studentonderwyser en krieketafrigter), mee Alichia Coetzee (studentonderwyser) en Leandri van Huyssteen (studentonderwyser).
Die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé >>
Die Hoërskool Pietersburg>>
Graad 8-leerders is Maandag volwaardige Pieties RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
Foto’s: RC Myburgh
Graad 8-leerders, Tshepo Rangoanasha, Charles Bocher, Damian Pinn, Kamaqelo Mluleke, Nicholas Postumus en Jacques Gillen, voor met die VLR-lede, James Selelo, Theo du Plessis, Wessel Stone, Kayle Bester, Luandri Oosthuizen, Chané Fourie, Zandré van der Vyver en Marné du Bruyn, agter by Tom Naudé se graf in die Polokwane Natuurreservaat.
Die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se graad 8-leerders word Maandag, 27 Januarie as volwaardige Pieties ingehuldig nadat hulle die Gryp Graad 8-kamp suksesvol voltooi het. Die jaarlikse kamp handel hoofsaaklik oor die emosionele skuif van laerskool na hoërskool en temas soos keuses, vriende, dissipline en volwassenheid word bespreek. PHS se Verteenwoordigende Leerderraad (VLR) neem die groentjies onder hul vlerk. Om sporttalent onder die graad 8-leerders te bepaal, het hulle in naellope en swem meegeding. Vanaand (Donderdag) is dit die Aand van die Sterretjies waar die graad 8-leerders in hul vier groepe op die verhoog meeding. Die wengroep word deur ‘n paneel van beoordelaars aangewys waarna hul Maandag tydens opening deur die Poort van Kennis sal stap en as Pieties ingehuldig word.
Anika Myburg laat spaander.
Groentjies nou ware Tommies RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Die Verteenwoordigende Leerderraad (VLR) maak seker dat die graad 8-leerders wat vanjaar by die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé aangesluit het met die intrapslag meer oor die skool se tradisies leer. Die nuwelinge het die afgelope naweek aan verskeie aktiwiteite deelgeneem wat hulle voorberei op die jare wat voorlê as volwaardige Tommies. Tom Naudé se graf in die
Polo-kwane Natuurreservaat is onder meer vir die doel besoek en die inhuldigingsboek is geteken. Die verrigtinge is Saterdagmiddag op die rugbyveld afgesluit waar die VLR aan die graad 8-ouers opnuut die versekeing gegee het dat hulle kinders in die regte skool is. Graad 8-voog, me Karen de Jager meen die VLR het hul goed van hul taak gekwyt om die groentjies ware Tommies te maak. Ouers en leerders het daarna ‘n braai saam met leerkragte en die VLR geniet.
Foto’s: RC Myburgh
Die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se gelukbringer, Pietie saam met lede van die VLR en graad 8-leerders tydens die platresies verlede week.
Kayle Bester, VLR-voorsitter sien toe dat graad 8-leerder, Delron Kennedy hom aan die ouers voorstel.
Anré Thirion wys ouers ‘n paar danspassies.
Heinrich Viljoen is soos ‘n vis in die water.
Vir Christiaan Neethling is die swembad ook vir pret.
Replikas van foto’s om drukkwaliteit vanjaar verder te verbeter
Replikas van twee foto’s wat in verlede week se uitgawe van Polokwane Observer in ons skole-afdeling gepubliseer is, word hierdie week herhaal. Die foto’s is individueel op verskeie programme en maniere deur die produksiespan verwerk ten einde te bepaal watter van die foto’s die beste op ons webrolpers gedruk word. Polokwane Observer kalibreer gereeld sy rekenaars om uiteindelik die beste kwaliteit aan ons lesers en adverteerders te bied. Die enigste manier om te bepaal watter metode gebruik moet word om die foto’s te verwerk en ten beste te reproduseer, is om die oefening te doen. Die eerste drie foto’s is van Zoe du Pont van Osieteddies en die tweede stel aan die regterkant is van Modjadji Ramabopa en Khutso Maleka van Laerskool Ivypark tydens hul eerste skooldag.
Lekker langarmdans met bobaasorkes JANUS VD WESTHUIZEN >> janus.observer1@gmail.com Suikerbos Dansorkes het Saterdagaand ‘n langarmdans by Generaal Piet Joubertskool aangebied. Gaste het piekniekmandjies met eet- en drinkgoed gepak en het ‘n heerlike aand saam met vriende en familie geniet. “Ons beoog om dit ‘n maandelikse instelling te maak,” het me Alta Marais, organiseerder gesê. Oud en jonk het hulle ten volle met die langarmdans geniet.
Foto: Janus van der Westhuizen
Suikerbos Dansorkes se musiek het die voete laat jeuk.
Photo: RC Myburgh
Loose stones and an uneven surface make driving on this gravel road in the Ivydale area dangerous.
Muni responsible for maintaining gravel roads RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com The maintenance of gravel roads on smallholdings around the city is the responsibility of Polokwane Municipality. A reader recently informed Polokwane Observer about the terrible conditions of gravel roads on smallholdings and further said affected residents have given up asking the municipality to grade these roads. The roads at Soetdorings, Tweefontein, Leeuwkuil and Ivydale agricultural holdings are among those most heavily affected. The heavy rain experienced recently has also contributed to ditches becoming deeper or new ones being
formed while stones swept into roads by flood water pose a serious threat to motorists and their vehicles. Municipal Communications Assistant, Ms Confidence Rakubu explained that gravel roads marked for example D1754 are under the Department of Roads and Transport maintenance plan. “Any other gravel roads other than servitude roads within the municipal boundaries belong to the municipality and are the responsibility of the municipality to be maintained. Residents can direct their requests or complaints to the municipality on 015 290 2374/3/2. “ No fee is payable for road maintenance services delivered to these communities,” Rakubu said.
HET JY ‘N VAKANSIEFOTO Om TE dEEl? WEN R1 000 KONTANT • Publiseer dit op ons webwerf www.observer.co.za onder ons gemeenskapjoernalistiek-inisiatief met ‘n kort beskrywing van waar en wanneer die foto geneem is. • Die wenfoto sal met ‘n kontantprys van R1 000,00 beloon word. • Die wenfoto sal op die voorblad van Polokwane Observer gepubliseer word. • Sluitingsdatum: 24 Januarie 2014
ANC Lim OBSERVER 23 on back to school campaign Januarie 23, 2014
>> Departmental officials called upon to ensure prompt, qualitative return to work >> Mobilisation of leadership exemplifies true spirit of societal support for schools YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com he African National Congress in Limpopo welcomes multitudes of learners and teachers back at their stations for the commencement of the 2014 academic year. In a statement issued on behalf of ANC Limpopo Provincial Task Team, spokesperson Sello Lediga said the opening of schools in the province took place against the backdrop of a successful 2013 academic year in which the province registered a much improved matric result that went beyond the psychological barrier of 70% pass rate. “We call upon all our teachers and learners not to waste a single day that is meant for teaching and learning in the 2014 academic year. Gone are the days when the first few days of schooling were wasted on admissions, erratic supply of learning materials as well as sheer poor planning leading to unwarranted delay in the commencement of learning and teaching. “As the ruling party in Limpopo, we are heartened by the efforts of MEC Dikeledi Magadzi and her entire team in the Department of Education. Officials in the department are called upon to spare no effort in ensuring
a prompt and qualitative return to work in every school in our province. MEC Magadzi’s mobilisation of members of Parliament, and the Provincial Legislature, councillors and other community leaders to visit various schools as they re-opened is commendable and exemplifies a true spirit of societal support for our schools. It is also heartening to realize that in this effort party political affiliation is irrelevant. What is important is the education of our children.” He said the ANC in Limpopo would be vigilant about events in education for the simple reason that education is one of the five key priority areas of our government in the country. The textbook scandal that brought infamy to our province should be a thing of the past, Lediga stressed. He continued congratulating the Education department for its excellent work in ensuring that every school in the province was supplied with a full complement of learning materials. He continued saying they would also monitor the situation closely to ensure that the pronouncements by the department on supply of books were supported by evidence of adequate supply at school level. “We will not allow the abuse of our children any further.” He concluded by wishing the Class of 2014 all the best.
If you have a complaint about any provincial hospital in Limpopo call
0800 91 91 91 toll free
dO YOU WANT TO SHARE A HOlIdAY PIC? WIN R1 000 IN CASH • Publish it on our website www.observer.co.za under our citizen journalism initiative with a short description of where and when it was taken. • A R1 000,00 prize is up for grabs for the winning photo. • The winning photo will be published on the front page of Polokwane Observer. • Closing date: 24 January 2014
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Body Life transforms people into healthy winners
January 23, 2014
24 OBSERVER polokwane
Photos: Supplied
Koos Grimbeek (middle), winner of the Body Life Transform Challenge flanked by Body Life Health Club owner, David van Ryneveld and his wife Sonja.
Sonja van Ryneveld looks on as David van Ryneveld congratulates Nicole Keulder who shared the third place in the Body Life Transform Challenge.
David van Ryneveld and his wife Sonia with the Body Life Transform Challenge third place winner (shared) Ronel van der Hoff.
Body Life owner, David van Ryneveld (middle) with Ronel Els, Petronella Ballantyne, AndrĂŠ Joubert and Michael van Heese who participated in the Body Life Transform Challenge. RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
RFP / EPS 1401 - 2 Marketing and Training Campaign for HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing Clinics Phase II Request for Proposal EOH Public Sector Advisory Services invites proposals from suitably qualified and experienced consulting firms or non-governmental organisations (NGO) to design, manage and implement a Marketing and Training Campaign for HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing Clinics Phase II over two years. The HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing Clinics are located in Limpopo and Northern Cape. Documents are available, free of charge, on email request from the contact person below during working hours, 08:00 to 17:00 from Monday, 20 January 2014. Queries relating to the issue of these documents may be addressed to Mr Sanjeev Ramsundar, email: sanjeev.ramsundar@eoh.co.za. A compulsory briefing session with representatives of the employer will take place on 24 January 2014 starting at 10:00 at Emerald Boardroom, EOH M&I, River Falls Office Park, 6 Rose Avenue, Doringkloof, Centurion, 0157. The closing time for receipt of tenders is 12:00 (Telkom time) on Monday, 17 February 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mailed and late tenders will not be accepted.
arly in 2013 Body Life Health Club offered residents of Polokwane a unique opportunity to gain a healthy, active life by launching the Body Life Transformed Challenge. A number of people took up the challenge with a view of transforming themselves into healthier individuals. That could however only be attained through healthy eating and maintained activity under the watchful eye of
Body Life owner, David van Ryneveld and his colleagues. December saw the announcement of the winners at a gala dinner. Koos Grimbeek was named the overall winner after he lost 52 kg and 40 cm around his waistline. Grimbeek, who described himself as new person, has not only changed his lifestyle to maintain a healthier way of living but also took home a whopping R35 000 in prize money. The second place went to Estelle Buitendach who won R10 000 while Nicole Keulder and Ronel van der Hoff shared the third place and took home R5 000 each. The goal of the challenge was to give people an incentive and opportunity to truly make a permanent change in their lives by getting fit and healthy and to ultimately teach them that through these positive changes one will also become more positive in nature. One hundred and sixteen contestants entered the challenge with only one goal in mind – to better themselves physically and mentally. The challenge required each contestant to keep a daily diary of their workouts, eating habits and mental state. Each contestant chose the training programme, exercise type or activities they preferred in order to obtain the best results. The contestants had to perform a monthly body composition analysis for the first three months. At the end of the challenge their diaries were also assessed.
Motors profile>>
January 23, 2014 >> PAGE 25
Arij van Vliet
Handelaar: BB Auto Polokwane Wat is die grootste uitdaging in die industrie? >> Om op hoogte te bly van sake in die motorbedryf Wat is belangrik om in ag te neem wanneer jy ‘n nuwe voertuig koop? >> Is die voertuig bekostigbaar en betroubaar? Hoe bly julle aan die voorpunt van die bedryf? >> Harde werk en om kontak te behou met ons bestaande kliënte.
Suzuki Polokwane geared to go in 2014 Professional service equals customer satisfaction >> Visit our showroom today and convince yourself... THIS IS OUR WAY OF LIVING LIFE !
Mr Josh Mabotja. 072 461 5075
RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
he team of Suzuki Polokwane are geared to serve their clients with passion to ensure that Suzuki will stay the preferred brand of most residents in the city and province. Suzuki Polokwane recently moved to their new premises in 90 Landdros Maré
Mr Rudi Coetzee. 072 537 3974
Mr Christo Koch. 082 728 7943
Street, next to BB Used, where professional service is the ultimate in customer satisfaction. The sales team is young and energetic with a passion for the vehicle industry, and they live up to the slogan: “Suzuki, it’s a way of life.” Visit our showroom today and convince yourself……THIS IS OUR WAY OF LIVING LIFE !
Ms Esther Kruger. 082 642 5211
SUZUKI POLOKWANE – YOUR SUZUKI DEALER IN POLOKWANE. The current sales team consists of: Mr Josh Mabotja . Mr Rudi Coetzee Mr Christo Koch Ms Esther Kruger Mr Vusi Moloi Mr Peter Mafora
Mr Vusi Moloi. 079 373 7425
Mr Peter Mafora. 079 885 1285
Polokwane Observer
AFFORDABLE AUTOMOBILES 26a Thabo Mbeki Street 015 295 4615
FSP: 28260
Januarie 23, 2014
2010 Audi A8 4.2 FSi V8 Quattro Full House, M/plan to 120 000km, Sunroof, night Vision, PDC, Bluetooth, 20” Mags
2006 BMW X5 4.8 IS V8 Xenon, PDC, Panoramic sunroof, R/tow bar, Ride height control, Double glazing heated seats
2011 Renault Twingo 1.2 Dynamique 3dr Full service history, CD, Airbag, Aircon, Power steering
2007 Audi S4 2.0 M Aircon, Power steering, CD, Electric windows, ABS, Airbags, Central locking, 17” Mags
R499 900
R329 900
R89 900
R99 900
2009 Renault Megane III 1.6 Shake iT 5dr Aircon, Power steering, Airbags
2007 Mercedes-Benz E320 CDi A Sunroof, Electric windows, FSH, Low mileage, Leather
2010 Audi S4 3.0 TFSi S-tronic Quattro Sunroof, Bang Olufsen sound, Xenon, PDC, Bluetooth, Sunroof, Motorplan
2009 BMW 320 D A M-Sport M-Sport package, Sunroof, Xenon headlights, PDC, Leather
R69 900
R229 900
R395 900
R219 900
2010 Fiat Punto 1.4 Emotion 5dr Aircon, Power steering, CD, ABS
2007 Kia Rio 1.4 Aircon, Power steering, Electric windows
2008 Lexus RX 350 AT
2011 Toyota Fortuner A/T 3.0 D4D
R89 900
R74 900
R219 900
R339 900
2008 Mazda 3 2.0 Individual Sunroof, Aircon, Power steering, CD, Electric windows
2002 Mercedes-Benz C270 CDI A Aircon, Power steering, Radio/CD, Low mileage
2010 Nissan Tiida 1.6 Visia + (H31) Aircon, Power steering, Radio/CD, Low mileage
2008 Audi A4 2.0 TDi M B8 Leather, Mags
R109 900
R109 900
R104 900
R179 900
We have 4 new 2014 Demo Audis for sale at a very low price.
2 Year warranty available on all our vehicles... Jacques Scheepers 082 771 3377 Joseph Mailula 076 632 7149
Godfrey Nkanyana 072 185 9483 Craig Bennet 083 626 9118
January 23, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Photo: RC Myburgh
Mr Mike Mashau recently joined Mercurius Motors’ team of sales executives. He invites all his existing and prospective clients to visit him in order to be introduced to the luxury segment of driving.
49 BICCARD STREET POLOKWANE, 0699 TEL: 015 295 9210 FAX: 015 291 3736 e-mail: motorland@telkomsa.net
2010 GWM 2.2 D/C Anniversary edition
Mike Mashau always seeks new challenges RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
r Mike Mashau is a new face at the Mercurius Motor showroom where he recently joined the team of sales execu-
tives. Mashau gained several years of managerial experience within the retail industry before moving to the motor industry three years ago. “I started at the best learning school, Peugeot and Citroën, before moving to Polokwane Multifranchise. It has now been two weeks since I joined Mercurius Motors and I have not regretted one moment thereof,” he said. He ascribes the decision to join this elite brand in the motor industry to his continuous
will to seek new challenges. “There was also a gap in the market for a Venda and Tsonga speaking sales executive. As I grew up in Makhado I am fluent in both and can expand on the company’s client base further north of Polokwane,” he explained. Moving onto a floor where vehicles are quite pricey Mashau says his strategy to achieve his sales target every month is based on making good first impressions; acknowledging the fact that potential Mercedes-Benz buyers need 100% service and having excellent product knowledge. To him the biggest challenges in the motor industry are: “You sign your own cheque. Your quality of work will determine your salary at the end of the month.” Mashau can be contacted on 015 299 9514 or 082 068 4889.
Herman van Alleman Snr 082 452 5353
George Malukele 079 375 8760
Christo Herman van Snyman Alleman Jnr 078 946 0952 072 100 2241
2010 VW Polo Vivo 1.6 Trend
R89 900
2007 BMW 130i
R159 900
2010 Ford Ranger 2.2i LWB
2004 Jeep Cherokee 3.7 Ltd
R119 900
2009 2007 2009 2006 2011 2005 2009 2009 2004 2008 2007 2011 2011 2011 2008 2010 2007 2009 2006
R124 900 R114 900
Honda Civic 1.8 Lxi Opel Corsa 1.4 Club Hyundai I10 1.2 GLS Renault Grand Scenic II Priv 1.9 Dci Ford Bantam 1.4 TDCi A/C Hyundai Tuscon 2.7 GLS A/T 4x4 Tata indica 1.4 LEi VW Polo 1.6 Trendline Chev Spark 5dr Toyota Yaris T3 Spirit Ford Bantam 1.3i + A/C Renault Clio 3 1.6S 5dr Hyundai Getz 1.4 HS Daihatsu Terios BMW 325i A/T Ford Ranger 2.2i LWB M/Benz C220 Cdi Avantgarde BMW 320D Auto E90 M/Benz E350 A/T
R94 900
R114 900 R 69 900 R 79 900 R 89 900 R 99 900 R105 900 R 49 900 R 99 900 R 29 900 R 94 900 R 59 900 R124 900 R 99 900 R159 900 R179 900 R119 900 R169 900 R204 900 R179 900
Polokwane Observer
Januarie 23, 2014
Property profile>>
January 23, 2014 >> Page 29
Kgomotso Mokoatedi
Inspect before you sign A report revealed extensive roof damage, serious electrical transgressions, some plumbing concerns, the need for external repair work, as well as a number of structural problems. None of these were disclosed at the time of purchase. The total cost of repairs was estimated to be over R82 000. The matter is now going through the legal channels. In line with the Consumer Protection Act, both seller and estate agent are liable for the non-disclosure of defects and repairs must be made for transfer to go through. Suffice to say this leaves the buyer in a difficult and unexpected situation. According to Bell, countless buyers find
A-Grade Office Space Available
Tel/Fax: 015 298 8110 propertyforall@webmail.co.za www.property24.com
ROSEMARY 082 804 9725
VACANT LAND! A 8.659ha plot waiting for you to build your dream home. Close to town. Phone your friendly by nature agent! BrenDA • 082 696 9227
Well constructed neat & clean home in popular residential area. Tiled roof and drive-through garage. Lots of tiles - close to all amenities and Seshego Circle Centre. Call now to avoid disappointment.
SIMon • 082 476 8916
BENDOR • R1 540 000
ENJOY FINE LIVING IN THIS NEAT FACEBRICK HOME. If you want to work from home this is the one. This home is very well located in the popular Bendor area, offering 2 offices, Open-plan kitchen, Lounge with separate dining room which can be used as a fourth bedroom. Easy manageable garden - lapa plus braai area for lots of fun and entertainment!
GrethA • 082 802 1874
>> HOUSES TO LET NEW Ivy Park -3 Bedrooms - R6 685pm 3 Bedrooms - R4 680pm 2 Bedrooms - R4 000pm Flora Park - 3 Bedrooms - R7 200pm Bendor3 Bedrooms - R11 200pm 3 Bedrooms - R6 600pm Penina Park - 4 Bedrooms - R7 700pm Bodorp 4 Bedrooms - R12 250pm Koraal 2 Bedrooms - R4 500pm Rethabile Gardens - 3 Bedrooms R4500pm
ShepStone • 072 458 4524
SIAS • 082 372 7265
Lovely townhouse suitable for individuals and small families. Close to Savanna Mall - schools and churches. Wooden windows and security. Call now to make an appointment.
SIMon • 082 476 8916
VIctor • 073 066 6805
Modern well designed offices being developed in popular Bendor area. Modern, architect designed sectional title office block. Suitable for the business who needs compact and usable office space.
LETTABLE AREA: • 39,96m² - R766 728 • 49,54m² - R1 028 432 • 71,12m² - R1 287 432 • 77,91m² - R1 454 884 Call now for further information.
VIctor • 073 066 6805
MANKWENG • R490 000
Well priced family home - 4 additional rooms, perfect for use as home office or flatlet. Close to schools and shopping centre. Open-plan living areas and spacious bedrooms. Strong borehole with computerised irrigation - stand size 1586m². Don’t miss out again. Call me now!
Established families and speculators. Close to schools - Hospital and magistrate’s offices. Well built face brick house - tiled floors - well fenced bus/taxi route and neighbours. Act now!
JAcoB • 082 466 8366
EDUAN PARK • R1 396 000
LouwrenS • 082 958 6632
Ideal family home. Close to all amenities such as schools - shopping mall - clinics and crèches. The yard is secured by walls and the windows have burglar bars. This is for you. Why wait!
This is true class and style. A beautiful open-plan lounge and kitchen with lock up garage and small enclosed garden. Close to a gym and Mall of the North. Just lock up and go. Good security. Call now to view!
Call us to list your property and we will sell it for you. Your property will be advertised on 72 different websites on the internet. Dirk van Niekerk (Principal) 082 872 5660 Danie Magere 082 955 1255 Evah Maphepa 072 600 6093 Frank Kreuzer 082 9766 325 Jeoffrey Legodi 082 455 4024 Johan Jordaan 079 368 9134 Johan Nel 083 650 1754 Marlien Jordaan 076 056 8485 Pierre Brandon 084 238 1668 Reynier Stoebel 082 456 4445 We sell any type of property - residential, stands, commercial, industrial, farms and plots.
15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0699, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0700 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: polokwane@aidasa.co.za Website: www.aida.co.za
1 February 2014 Contact Shelley 079 696 1563
themselves in similar situations after signing disclosure documents. “These documents ask buyers to sign off on a number of key areas, including roofing, geyser condition, and damp problems. Unless you are a structural engineer or qualified building inspector, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to identify latent defects,” he said. Sellers are liable for latent defects that existed at the time of the sale but, by signing a disclosure document, buyers sign away their rights to that claim, effectively making the defects the buyer’s problem. So, when damage is discovered at a later date, negotiating the
ANTON 082 443 6039
FURNISHED TOWNHOUSE TO LET Upperclass, fully furnished 2 bedroom, 1½ bathroom, open-plan townhouse. Very central. R7 500 p/month. Water included. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Contact 084 777 4277
payment of repairs or even the cancellation of the sale becomes very complicated. Before you purchase a house and sign disclosure documents or accept a voetstoots clause ask yourself the following questions: • Do I really know enough about this property to sign? Simply put, unless you are a property inspector you can’t really gauge the condition of a property. • Do I have to sign this? Many new property owners are told by estate agents that they must sign disclosure documents or accept a voetstoots clause before a sale can be completed. This is not the case. By law, you are not required to accept or sign these documents. • What should I do before I sign? Ask an expert. You take a car for an inspection before purchase, why not do the same for a house?
oving into a new home is often the happy result of a long and arduous house hunt, but what if your happy ending is just the beginning of a nightmare? Mr Eric Bell of Inspect-a-Home explained that almost every week, he comes across a house that looked good on the outside but was actually a hazard to the new owners due to structural or roof damage, leaks, and latent problem areas. “Buyers still enter into sale agreements without knowing the true state of the property. Pressure from agents to sign disclosure documents or voetstoots clauses, and a seemingly sound outward appearance often compels buyers to sign before ensuring a professional inspection of the property has been carried out,” Bell was quoted saying in a recent press release. In a recent case a buyer bought a house after being assured by the estate agent and, in writing, by the seller, that there is nothing that needs fixing around the house. She moved in and paid occupational rent while the sale was being finalised. Not long after moving in she discovered electrical problems despite being furnished with an electrical compliance certificate by the seller. After paying for an electrician to attend to the problem, she was informed that the certificate should never have been issued. She was advised by the electrician that the roof was in an extremely bad condition.
Agency: >> Seeff Polokwane What is interesting about your work? >> Being able to help fulfil people’s wishes Buy or rent? >> Always buy, that’s the way to go. Do you have any advice for first time buyers? >> Yes, always have a deposit ready.
An immaculate, well built house with spacious rooms and excellent finishes. Ideal for newly weds and couples that need to upgrade. Well secured and boasting modern features such as intercom, electric fence and automated garage. Call now to avoid dissappointment!
VIctor • 073 066 6805
Acacia Estate - 3 Bedrooms @ R9 500pm Bodorp - 2 Bedrooms @ R4 180pm
houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long term tenants! eLMArIe 082 977 7020
HENNIE HANTI BRENDA JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 082 696 9227 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874
Everything we touch turns to SOLD!
SHEPSTONE SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE JACOB SIMON INA 072 458 4524 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916
KOWIE 082 854 0452
January 23, 2014
30 OBSERVER polokwane
Upgrading of road will link rural areas with city >> Easier access to Polokwane CBD >> Taxi operators welcome the upgrading Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
Photos: Herbert Rachuene
Polokwane Executive Mayor, Cllr Freddy Greaver photographed in Ga Maja village where upgrading of the D977 arterial gravel road to tar is about to begin.
he imminent upgrading of arterial Road D977 from Silicon to Mathobole is set to give persons living in the rural outskirts of Polokwane increased access to the economy of the city with the employment of locals by the project seen as the first step in that direction. The residents of Mathobole, Mothiba, Nwana Mago, Nare Ga-Thaba and Kopermyn villages in the Molepo, Chuene and Maja cluster can look forward to improving their lives by means of participating in the mainstream economy of the city following the launch of the 19 km upgrading project by Polokwane Executive Mayor, Cllr Freddy Greaver last week. The need for the process, set to commence before the end of February, was one of the affected community’s major concerns during the Municipality’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) community consultation meeting last year. At the time they pleaded with the municipality to upgrade the road. “We were also approached by taxi operators in this area who raised various concerns and we felt as a municipality we should reach out to them,” Greaver said during the launch. “This is going to be a multiyear project that will cover plus minus 18 km of the road. The road will also be beneficial to the community. Local people will be employed during the construction phase.
Exclusive PROPERTIES Our name means a great deal! Pro-Arch Building, Unit 2, Bendor Drive 29, Bendor, Telefax: 015 297 1132 Fax to e-mail: 086 611 0645 ringoapp@mweb.co.za - www.exclusiveprops.co.za
INTRODUCTION TO EXCLUSIVE PROPERTIES Exclusive Properties was founded in 2005, and is a Real Estate Agency offering specialised services to Buyers and Sellers in the city of Polokwane and surrounding areas. Our team has embraced the view that a Real Estate Agent should conduct their day-to-day activities like any other businessperson. We offer practical, market related, up to date cutting edge advice to enable our clients to make the best possible property investment decisions. True to our vision we believe that being a leading Real Estate Agency does not mean being the biggest, but does mean being the best in terms of client service, professionalism, integrity and team work. This philosophy has proved to be a successful approach as our Agents have won numerous awards of excellence in the past. A uniqueness of the Agency (in our region) is the fact that we are not part of a franchise. We are privately owned by Michelle Engelbrecht, who also started her career as a Real Estate Agent at Exclusive Properties in 2006. We pride ourselves in not only being female owned, but also completely run by ladies who are passionate, loyal and dedicated to our careers. In an ever changing industry, we are proud to say that our staff turnover is insignificant compared to other Agencies. We say: ‘Once an Exclusive Properties Agent, always an Exclusive Properties Agent!’ We currently have a total staff complement of 8 personnel, consisting of 6 Agents and 2 Administrative / Office ladies. Our professional team has a combined total of over 50 years of property experience! Our slogan – Our name means a great deal! - emphasises exactly what you can expect from our Agency. Exclusive service, skilled personnel and off course – Exclusive clients and properties. You can expect to deal with an experienced Agent who will assist you throughout the process of buying or selling your property. Our Agents are skilled listeners who take time to uncover and identify the clients’ needs through asking the right questions. This enables them to supply relevant information to empower clients to make informed property decisions. Passion for people and property, cutting edge industry related knowledge, high levels of energy, creativeness, attention to detail and a willingness to exceed our clients’ expectations, are but a few characteristics which set us apart from our competitors. Our offices are ideally situated in a corporate office park, situated in one of the sought after residential areas in Polokwane. We offer easy and convenient access to our clients. Our central and prime location adds to our high levels of service, as it enables us to effectively reach our clients more quickly. Our goal is to satisfy every need of all our clients. We do this by offering superior service with a focus on adding value. We always aim to establish a good rapport with our clients, as well as being flexible in our approach. We render a professional service in a courteous manner, while always being honest and ethical. We maintain the closest possible professional relationship with our clients. This enables us to develop an accurate understanding of their individual needs, and to ultimately build long term relationships. We recognise that the practice of a Real Estate professional does not always fit in with regular working hours. Our Agents have adopted a policy of approachability and can therefore be reached on their mobile phones after hours.
Michelle 082 303 9111
Erika 082 953 1686
Cornel 082 396 7178
Marlene 082 804 4156
Marié 082 577 6417
Marianna 083 268 5097
Riana Admin
It will also improve the lives of the people in the area by creating convenience and linking the community to economical activities. The community members will build stalls and shops next to the road,” Greaver said. One of the taxi drivers in the area, Mr Malose Kganaga said the road will make the lives of the commuters and operators easier. “I am sure that by now you are aware that the new model taxis are not as durable as the previous models, especially not when driving on gravel roads. These new vehicles don’t last on gravel. We have driven on gravel roads for years and we have lost many vehicles. “We are tired of repairing and buying
vehicles as a result of the poor conditions of the road. We want to thank the municipality for considering us because I believe that many communities in this municipality still don’t have tar roads,” Kganaga said. Ms Maleadi Ramelepe, on behalf of the residents of Ga-Maja said it will enable them to access the Polokwane Central Business District easily. “Transport has a critical role to play in everyone’s lives and we are not different. On the gravel road the journey to the city is rather long. Getting fresh and frozen goods home from the city is quite a difficult undertaking. This is what we have all been asking for and nothing else,” Ramalepe said.
Polokwane Executive Mayor, Cllr Freddy Greaver (middle) with the contractors who will be responsible for the upgrading of the road, Messrs Pitsi Mangwale from Maduludi CC and Dan Masekela of Sejagobe Engineers.
PROPERTY SERVICES • EIENDOMSDIENSTE APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za
1) STER PARK: R1 900 000.00 Ideal home for entertainers. Beautiful finishes, 3 living areas, 3 bedrooms, stunning modern kitchen, double garage. Outbuildings which can be converted into a flat. Excellent security. 2) UPPER TOWN: R1 200 000.00 Spacious 4 Bedroom home with open-plan living area, nice kitchen, scullery, double garage, electric fencing. Good deal. FARMS / PLOTS FOR SALE
KONTAK MATIE - 083 271 5259
1) 92ha IRRIGATION FARM: Close to Polokwane, enough water for ±10ha Price: R3 200 000.00 2) STER PARK: Situated in quiet area. 3 Living areas, study, beautiful kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, pool, braai, excellent entertainment area, landscaped garden. A stunning property! Price: R1 900 000.00 3) 622ha GAME FARM: Close to Polokwane, neat 4 bedroom house, 2 chalets, pool, braai area, cold room, workers’ house etc. Price: R9 000 000.00
CONTACT: SOlET - 0824984415 TO VIEW
1) BENDOR DRIVE - Spacious 3 bedroom Townhouse with 2 bathrooms and guest toilet, patio with braai. Double garage - R890 000.00 2) BODENSTEIN STREET - 3 bedroom Townhouse, 2 Bathrooms with single Garage - R855 000.00
KONTAK STEPHEN - 082 558 3525 FARMS / PLOTS FOR SALE HOUSES: 1) 2 213m² CENTRAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units – R 3 500 000.00 neg. 2) CENTRAL MED NODE: Zoned 11 units (1 665m²) - R2 500 000.00 3) VACANT STAND EDUAN PARK: R325 000 neg - 750m² 4) BENDOR – 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, guest room en suite, pool. - R2 000 000.00 neg PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha. Vacant. R1 500 000.00 neg. 2) LEEUKUIL: 10 ha: Vacant plot. R350 000.00 3) N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha. R8 000 000.00 neg FARMS: 1) LEGKRAAL: ± 380 ha Cattle farm 2) MARKEN - CATTLE FARM 5 000 ha 3) POLOKWANE CATTLE FARM 600 ha - 30 km from town, house, kraal etc. 5ha under irrigation 4) MESSINA/ALLDAYS - CATTLE FARM: 1830ha @ R4 300p/ha TO LET: RESIDENTIAL
CONTACT SAN 072 159 5126
1) Old Flora Park: Open-plan, 3 bedroom home. R9 000.00 – Immediately 2) Flat on Plot : 20 km from city: 3 Bedroom. R4 200.00 Immediately. 3) Room with bathroom: R2 415.00 – Immediately 4) Upper Town: 4 Bedroom house with electric fence: R9 000.00 Immediately TO LET: INDUSTRIAL / INDUSTRIEëL
CONTACT STEPHEN TEl: 015 287 3300
1) Truck workshop with “gantry” office, good exposure. Big yard. 2) Laboria: 4,700m² yard with 2,400m² warehouse (200 - 400m²). 3) Prime industrial warehouse, 600m² plus 100m² office on Dendron Road 4) Industria: Next to NTK – small workshop 5) 640m² - Close to SAB 6) Industrial stand 1.2 ha, office, workshops etc. Excellent exposure and access. 7) FOR SALE : 1.2 ha Industrial site with improvement and exposure R9 000 000.00.
Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime
Wys ondersteuning en visuele empatie met Shavathon 2014 JANUS VD WESTHUIZEN >> janus.observer1@gmail.com Die afgelope tien jaar het mense van verskillende groeperings van die samelewing hul solidariteit met kankerslagoffers bewys deur hul hare te laat sny, skeer, kleur en spuit of hul poniesterte te skenk. Vanjaar is geen uitsondering om jou ondersteuning te wys nie omdat haarverlies een van die simptome is wat kankerlyers ervaar. Volgens me Ria du Plessis, Kansa se gemeenskapsorganiseerder in Polokwane vind die Shavathon van 24 tot 28 Februarie by besighede en skole plaas. Saterdag, 1 Maart is dit winkelsentrums waaronder Mall of the North, Savannah Mall, Limpopo Mall en Thornhill Shopping Centre se beurt. Om deel van die opwindende projek te wees, kos net R50 per volwassene en R25 vir kinders onder 12 jaar.
Januarie 23, 2014
“Mense besef nie altyd presies hoe waardevol die bydrae van hul donasie by elke Kansa Shavathon is nie – dit help hoofsaaklik om kankerpasiënte, wat dit die nodigste het, te ondersteun,” sê me Sue Janse van Rensburg, Kansa se hoof- uitvoerende beampte, in ‘n media- verklaring. Indien daar brawe vrywilligers is wat ‘n poniestert wil skenk vir die maak van pruike, moet hul hare minstens 22 cm lank wees. Besighede of skole wat as vrywilligers wil optree, kan Du Plessis vir meer inligting by 083 259 2790 skakel.
Foto: Argief
Mnr Erik Bekker, ondervoorsitter van Solidariteit Helpende Hand se tak in Polokwane, oorhandig saam met me Sue Dreyer, tesourier van Solidariteit Helpende Hand in Polokwane, skooltassies aan me Etresia Otto, wat die donasie namens Laerskool Pietersburg-Noord ontvang.
Klein Buhle Nkuna sit verlede jaar gedweë terwyl die RealNet-span haar hare met die Shavathon-projek spuit.
Solidariteit Helpende Hand skenk skooltassies >> Skryfbehoeftes vir gr 1-leerders geskenk >> Voldoende vir ‘n jaar JANUS VD WESTHUIZEN >> janus.observer1@gmail.com Solidariteit Helpende Hand het Dinsdag as deel van hul jaarlikse skooltassieprojek skoolbenodigdhede aan leerders van twee laerskole in die stad geskenk. Leerders van Laerskool Pietersburg-Noord en Pietersburg Laerskool het by die projek gebaat. Die skooltassies bevat basiese skryfbehoeftes en speelgoed wat deur graad 1-leerders benodig word, soos legkaarte, potlode, klei, ‘n springtou, verf en ‘n inkleurboek. “Die skooltassie ter waarde van om en by R600 is ten volle toegerus en kan ‘n kind ‘n jaar lank hou,” sê mnr Erik Bekker, ondervoorsitter van Solidariteit Helpende Hand se tak in Polokwane.
• IVY PARK - 64 UNITS R4 800 000 • IVY PARK - 36 UNITS R2 800 000 • BENDOR - 7 UNITS R1 640 000
Seeff Web: 309 306 / 309 127
(O) 015 297 1140 MANIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 809 3850
R930 000
R1 540 000
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R2 080 000
SOLE MANDATE Foto’s: Janus van der Westhuizen
Mnr Peet Bredenkamp(middel), hoof van Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS), ontvang die skooltassies namens die skool. By hom staan mnr Erik Bekker, ondervoorsitter van Solidariteit Helpende Hand se tak in Polokwane en me Sue Dreyer, tesourier van Solidariteit Helpende Hand se tak in Polokwane.
SHOP TO LET @ WELGELEGEN CENTRE Genl Beyers Street ± 74 m² R8 600 (VAT incl) from 1 March 2014 Contact 083 445 0031
(O) 015 297 1140 SUNET SCHEEPERS 083 941 7357
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R383 000
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(O) 015 297 1140 GERT VAN STADEN 083 386 6383
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Do You Want to Buy or Sell Residential / Commercial Property? Call One of our Professional Sales Consultants
015 297 1140
Find us on
Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 4 Garages 4 Seeff Web: 313 362
(O) 015 297 1140 MANIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 809 3850
January 23, 2014
32 OBSERVER polokwane
on national / provincial / local issues
With the 2014 general elections drawing closer, Polokwane Observer asked residents if they are ready for the electioneering frenzy that is about to spill all over South Africa. Met die algemene verkiesing om die draai het Polokwane Observer die plaaslike gemeenskap gevra of hul reg is vir die politieke aksie wat eersdaags regoor Suid-Afrika gaan vlam vat.
Rita Prinsipaal Prinsipaal
TEL: 015 295 4537, Fax: 015 291 TEL: 015 295-4537 FAKS: 0151166 291 1166 7A HANS VAN RENSBURG STREET / STRAAT 7A 7A HANS VAN RENSBURG STREET / STRAAT 7A
SECURITY COMPLEX - FULL TITLE WOONSTELLE/FLATS - R910 000 TEL: 015 room, 295 4537/073 28127405 Lounge/dining 4 bedrooms, bathrooms, STRAAT kitchen,GROBLER tandem garage, Wendy house. SILVERKRUIN BARGAIN R1 180 000 R2 700 - 1 Slaapkamer woonstel in erf, PRIME AREA badkamer, kombuis en motorhuis. Water Entrance, lounge, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, ingesluit. large kitchen, diningGeen room,diere! scullery/laundry, 3 garages. Flat: 2 Rooms, kitchen, bathroom. HOSPITAL PARK TOWNHOUSE EXCELLENT R800 000 From R2 750 to R2 950 - Big 1-bedroom - BENDOR flats available immediately. Walking distance 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan lounge, to room, Provincial Hospital. now!house dining kitchen, carportPhone plus Wendy inLADANNA security area. TOWNHOUSE - BENDOR - R670 000 R3 000 - 1 Bedroom, lounge, kitchen and 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, garage. bathroom.IN carport. electricity. TOWNPrepaid - FLATS R740 000: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage. Available immediately. R800 000: 3 FLORA Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage PARK and many more. R3 390 TOWNHOUSES - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, IN TOWN kitchen and Prepaid eletricity. from1togarage. R465 000 bachelor, 3 bedrooms - R890 000. TOWN PARK - TOWNHOUSES R3 PENINA 100 - 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge, - EXCELLENT kitchenR645 and carport. Prepaid water. 000 - R715 000 R3-900 - 1st floor. Spacious 22bathrooms. bedrooms, R750 000 3 Bedrooms, BACHELOR TOWNHOUSE - SECURE bathroom, lounge, kitchen, garage and car- R430 000 port. Water AREA and electricity at municipality. 1 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen/living area, R3 985 - Pragtige 2 carport. slaapkamers, badkamer, IN TOWN GROBLER ST NEAR sitkamer, kombuis en afdak. Baie veilig. SCHOOLS - PRICE Geen diere.REDUCED - R1 910 000 - STAND 2 084 m² MEENTHUISE/TOWNHOUSE Entrance, lounge, dining room, study, TEL: 015 295 4537/073kitchen, 281 7405 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, scullery, 3 garages, servants IVYquarters, PARK alarm, borehole, irrigation. R4 500IRIS - 2 Bedrooms, lounge, dining room, AMADEUS - GOOD BUY bathroom and000 carport. Prepaid electricity. - R1 050 - PRICE REDUCED Lounge, dining room, 31bedrooms, Available February. 2 bathrooms,
TOWN R3 415 - 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Carport available at R175 extra per month.
garages, big entertainment area. R42410 - Walking distance to schools. PENINA PARK - SHINGWEDZI PLAINS 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, EXCELLENT - R645 000kitchen, garage and outside toilet. Prepaid electricity. 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen/nook, 1 carport, R4 950 scullery, - Bodenstein St. 3verandah. Bedrooms, bathFLORA PARKkitchen - BARGAIN - R1 075 000 room, lounge, and garage. Available - NEAT, EXCELLENT 1 March. No pets. Entrance, lounge, dining room, 4 bedrooms, R52 080 - 2 Slaapkamers, badkamers, full bathrooms, kitchen, 2 scullery, pantry, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, en 1 patio, afdak. 2 garages, storeroom, fenced.patio Borehole, pool. Koopkrag.swimming Beskikbaar 1 Februarie. FLORA PARK HANDY MAN’S DREAM HUISE/HOUSES - R1 020 000 - PRICE REDUCED Tel: 015 295 4537/073 281 7405 Tandem garage for 4 vehicles, 6 underBENDOR roof carports, storeroom. House: Entrance, R4 900 -dining 3 Bedrooms, bathrooms, lounge, lounge, room, TV2 room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, scullery, fenced, full kitchen and double carport. Available imburglar bars, lapa with braai, borehole, mediately. 4 ceiling fans, remote gate. R7 000 - Pragtige 3 slaapkamer huis met PENINA PARK - R1 290 000 - A MUST 2 badkamers, TO sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, BE SEEN opwas en 2 motorhuise. ligte by 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,Water doubleen garage, lounge, TV room, dining room, kitchen, munisipaliteit. Beskikbaar 1 Februarie. borehole, separate TOWN T/serv/T. CAPRICORN - CHECK FOR SIZE R9 030 - -5R1 Slaapkamers 605 000 huis met 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kamer, Entrance, lounge, dining room, TVTV room, kombuis, waskamer, studeerkamer, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, guest-roomgastewith bathroom, 2 garages, 8 carports, toilet PLUSlaundry, 1 slaapkamer woonstel met storeroom, boreholes, security, etc. kombuis en badkamer. 2 Afdakke. FAUNA PARK - A MUST TO BE SEEN FLORA PARK- R1 930 000 FOR THE RIGHT BUYER R5 650 dining - 3 Bedrooms, lounge, Lounge, room, TV bathroom, room, 4 bedrooms, guest toilet, kitchen, scullery/laundry, kitchen, dining room, laundry and 21garages, garage. carport, storeroom, swimming pool, lapa Immediately available. (46m²), borehole/irrigation,OFFICES prepaid, remote gate, gas stove, electric fence, bachelor flat. TOWN STANDS, LOTS OF HOUSES, • ±40m², ±95m²,LISTED, ±99m² and ±112m², TOWNHOUSES, ALL AREAS, JUST parkings CALL!! at extra cost excl. VAT. Covered STIELER 083 399 6669 plus % ratio AT rates separate. Water
Harcourts Bakone
27A Rabé Street, Polokwane T: 015 295 3511 E: bakone@harcourts.co.za W: www.harcourtsbakone.co.za
Mss Laurice Buys and Anthea Moodley: “We are proud children of the democracy and will always make use of the opportunities our forefathers and mothers so proudly fought for. One vote, one chance, one legacy.”
DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY OR RENT IT OUT? We have qualified buyers who are looking for property in Bendor, Flora Park, Seshego and Mahlasedi.
Mnr Willy Ramauke: “Ja, ek gaan definitief hierdie jaar stem. Ek gaan my mening gee en ‘n verskil maak”
Mnr Albert Wynn: “Ek sal definitef hierdie jaar weer stem. Elke stem kan dalk eendag ‘n verskil maak.”
Mr Jonas Mmadi: “Yes, I am going to vote because you won’t know your rights if you don’t vote.”
Mr Thabo Molapo: “I am definitely going to cast my vote so that I can live freely.”
Veronica Solomon OR Cell: 084 633 9420 Cell: 076 105 6543 Email: veronica.mohapi@harcourts.co.za Email: solomon.k@harcourts.co.za Harcourts Bakone Harcourts Bakone
+ electricity payable at municipality. • 120 m² warehouses available in Ladine. MEDICAL SUITES AVAILABLE, VARIOUS SIZES. PHONE TODAY!
Exclusive PROPERTIES Our name means a great deal!
Pro-Arch Building, Unit 2, Bendor Drive 29, Bendor Telefax: 015 297 1132 Fax to e-mail: 086 611 0645 ringoapp@mweb.co.za www.exclusiveprops.co.za
Neem deel aan Exclusive Properties se pret blokraai en staan ‘n kans om ‘n geskenkbewys ter waarde van R1 000 te wen om jou Valentyn hierdie jaar te bederf! Dwars 1. Watter Eiendomsagentskap is jou nr 1 keuse wanneer dit by eiendomsbesluite kom? 2. Watter bekende sanger assosieer ook met Wiele500 waarby Exclusive Properties ook betrokke is? 3. Watter voertuig het Exclusive Properties in 2012 tydens HIEB se liefdadigheidsbal gewen? 4. Wat is die 5de woord in Exclusive Properties se slagspreuk? Af 1. In watter kantoorblok in Bendor is Exclusive Properties se kantore geleë? 2. Wat is Exclusive Properties se ontvangsdame se naam? 3. Is Exclusive Properties deel van ‘n franschise? 4. Wat is op Exclusive Properties se logo? 5. In watter koerant adverteer Exclusive Properties? 6. Hoeveel agente is daar by Exclusive Properties?
Naam: ______________________________ Kontak nr (verkieslik sel nr)
Mnr Reuben Malope: “Ek gaan vir die regte party en die regte leier stem.”
______________________________ Epos: ______________________________ Ouderdom: ____________________
Reels: 1. Geen werknemers van Exclusive Properties of hul direkte familie kan deelneem aan die kompetisie nie. 2. Inskrywings moet Exclusive Properties bereik voor of op 10 Februarie 2014 teen 16:00. 3. Inskrywings kan gefaks word na 086 611 0645, of epos na riana@exclusiveprops.co.za of afgegee word by ons kantoor te 29 Bendorrylaan, ProPark, Pro Arc gebou, suite 2. 4. Inskrywings moet vergesel word met kontak details soos versoek op inskrywings vorm. 5. Die trekking vind plaas op 11 Februarie 2014 en die wenner sal dieselfde dag gekontak word.
To leT
Vir meer inligting kyk na artikel op bl 30, asook ons facebookblad.
Monarch house - r4 570 Prepaid Electricity, 3 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Openplan, Garden.
Plein street townhouse - r7 500 Prepaid Electricity, 3 Bedrooms, 2½ Bathroom, Lounge, Dining, Laundry, Garage
west Gate house r4 800 Prepaid Electicity, 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom. BRAND NEW HOUSE
Various Stands for Sale in Security Estates
Thornhil Serala View Marula Heigts
Glenn lynn townhouse - r5 500 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom, Big Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room
sPoorweG street 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Lounge/Dining/ Study, Kitchen/Laundry, Single Garage & 2 Carports. Enclosed Braai Area - r932 800
Marula heiGhts estate 4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms TV/Lounge & Dining Room Double Garage, Garden r1 802 000
Celtic Meadows Celtic Lodge Eagles Crest
Me Janay ManningBasseille: “Dit is belangrik om te stem. Mense wat nie stem nie kan nie kla oor dinge wat pla nie want jy lewer in elk geval nooit ‘n bydrae in jou gemeenskap nie.
Woodhill Woodlands In Town
Price range from r250 000 - r1 000 000
WE STOCK A WIDE RANGE OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE. NAME AND WE HAVE IT. CALL US TODAY FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS. AGENTS: Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 / Letting - Charmaine 079 529 7841 OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail: ansie.pietersburg@justpropertygroup.co.za
Ster Park: r1 620 000: A very private 3 bedr house with an office to work from home or rent it out for additional income. Fantastic solid rosewood kitchen. Indigenous garden. BeNDOr: r470 000: Build your own house on this 772m² stand. Close to Cycad Centre. DalmaDa: r4 200 000: Want tranquility and hear the birds chirp? View these 2 x 2.5 ha plots sold as a unit. Includes a spacious 4 bedr thatched house with a pool, lapa and gorgeous garden. PhONe me if yOu waNt tO Sell yOur tOwNhOuSe.
offices 100m² – 800m² From R65.00/m² Fully equipped with ample parking. Available immediately. Centrally situated. Contact: Maneoprops 072 614 4333
January 23, 2014
Photo: Keshia Jansens van Rensburg
This is a picture of a snouted cobra taken under the watchful eye of Mr Bruno Zanna of Zannas Snake and Reptile Park outside Polokwane. This snake, among the most venomous found around Polokwane, expels a neurotoxin that affects breathing and in some untreated cases causes respiratory failure and death. Initial symptoms often include a burning pain and swelling resulting in blistering.
Valuable safety hints from snake expert KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com
ith summer in full swing and the cooler months not far off, Limpopo will soon become a playground for snakes looking for places to hibernate in during winter. Mr Viv Bristow, a snake expert who has worked with these fearsome creatures for more than 55 years, says snakes are usually active all-year round but more so during spring to early winter due to the fact that they look for suitable places to hibernate in. “One of the reasons for snakes becoming more widespread during these times is that food is more readily available during summer and spring.” Bristow, a former snake park director abroad, has until recently shared his expertise with Wildthingz Animal Park at Meropa Casino and Entertainment World. Bristow explains that due to this, areas with rats, frogs and bushy areas should be avoided at all costs. Paths near the bush should also be avoided as puff adders like to bask in the sun. “Just remember, snakes will always warn you by hissing when you get too close.” Snakes that can be commonly found around Limpopo and around Polokwane specifically include puff adders, snouted cobra, spitting cobra, boomslang and Mombasa snakes. These snakes are all highly venomous and should be avoided at all costs. Mildly-venomous and non venomous snakes which are commonly found around the province include bush snakes, herald snakes and brown house snakes. Staying out of a snake’s way is the first step in ensuring the safety of yourself and your loved ones. It is important to teach children from a young age that people should never interfere or try and kill a snake. “Avoid contact at all costs and remember that people are usually struck when trying to catch or kill a snake,” Bristow advises. Lastly and vitally important is to never make any sudden or fast movements around a snake. What should you do if you are ever bitten by a snake? First and foremost seek medical attention immediately. Don’t panic and get medical attention as soon as possible. Some people suggest killing the snake and taking it along as identification of the bite as this aids in administering the correct antidote. Knowing what happens to your body once you have been bitten is also very important. This includes knowing the processes your body will go through physically once the toxins enter your bloodstream. Depending on which snake has bitten you it will either start breaking down tissue around the bite mark or it will affect your heart and breathing which in the worst case scenario may lead to death.
Polokwane Observer
January 23, 2014
34 OBSERVER polokwane
CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za
STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________
AMELIA DAYCARE 0-3 years old, English welcome. Contact 015 297 7686 076 175 5088 ____________________
ONS LEWE IN DIE TYE VAN DIE TEKENS OF NIE? Raadop, moeg, moedeloos? SMS Kontakbesonderhede/adres na 073 462 2448 vir gratis DVD ____________________
EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________
SALES REPS NEEDED Start immediate. Well groomed & go getters. Ful-time position. Contact 073 294 7865 ____________________ GRAPHIC DESIGNER Freelance position. Mail CV to cactusadds @gmail.com ____________________
GRADE R TEACHER NEEDED Experience & qualification are essential. Fluent in English. Fax CV to 086 652 1697 or hand deliver to Angels Play Pre-school, 96 Grobler Street. ____________________
BLANKE DAME (67) verlang dringend pos as invorderingsklerk. Beskikbaar 06/01/2014 Kontak Joey 071 475 1540 ____________________
SECONDHAND FURNITURE SHOP Secondhand clothing, shoes, bedding & towels. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ LUSERN TE KOOP Kontak 015 575 9941 012 335 2178 ____________________
OORNAG AKKOMMODASIE R370 per kamer. Kontak 072 765 0507 015 296 2732 ____________________
AAG WENDYS Knotty pine, log cabin, treated with wax oil, 1 door, 1 window, floor, zinc roof, pallet. Price: 3 m x 3 m = R4 500 3 m x 4 m = R5 000 Arnold 076 858 8973 Alice 073 323 4239 ___________________
ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________ ROOF REPAIR SEAL & PAINT All waterproofing. Johan 082 822 2319 ___________________ GHETTO WENDYS All types, log, cabin, knotty pine, louvre and pallet. 2m x 2m = R3 900 3m x 3m = R4 500 3m x 4m = R5 000 For more info contact Denis 072 114 1850 / 083 686 4178 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION All maintenance, plumbing, palisade fencing, building, waterproofing etc. Johan 082 822 2319 ___________________ CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________
BULL TERRIERS 3 mnde, ingeënt & ontwurm. Kontak 083 450 4328 ____________________
TO LET Prime property. Centre of Polokwane. 24 Grobler Street, next to Kentucky. 430m² @ R60m². Phone Allen 083 735 6789 Lotie 079 542 6015 ____________________
TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ 1 SLP BACHELOR WOONSTEL 4 km vanaf SAB op LTT pad. R2 500, W&L ing. Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ 1 SLAAPKAMER sitkamer, oopplan kombuis, badk, motorhuis. R3 500 p.m. W&L + DStv ing. 015 295 4247 / 072 243 0043 ____________________ 2 BEDROOM FLAT IN TOWN Available. R3 700 p.m. Water included & prepaid electricity. Contact 071 690 9710 ____________________ 2X BACHELOR FLATS TO LET In Bendor. R2 350 p.m. W&L included. Available 1 Febr 2014. Contact 072 139 7714 ____________________ TE HUUR 2 SLAAPKAMER HUIS MET ERF Geen motorhuis. 13km buite Polokwane op Tzaneenpad. R2 700. W&L ing. Kontak 072 613 1779 ____________________
3 SLAAPKAMER MEENTHUIS The Sanctuary. Beskikbaar Maart 2014. R8 500 p.m. Kontak 082 483 8626 ____________________ ONMIDDELIK BESKIKBAAR Meenthuis, 3 slaapkamers, oopplan kombuis, 1 badkamer, aparte toilet, ± 10km op Dendronpad, koopkrag, motorhuis. Slegs 2 klein hondjies. R4 300 + R3 000 dep. Kontak 082 396 7101 ____________________ 4 SLAAPKAMER HUIS TE HUUR R3 000 + krag. 25km buite stad. Kontak Annelie 083 549 2883 ____________________
HOUSES: FLORA PARK R9 600 4 bedr, 3 bathr, study, 2 lounges. garage. IVY PARK R4 500 2 bedr, 1 bathr, 1 garage. TOWNHOUSES: cnr GROBLER & HOOG ST R8 500 3 bedr, 2 bathr, double garage. BENDOR R9 600 3 bedr, 2 bathr, double garage, patio, built-in braai. LADANNA - R3 980 2 bedr, 1 bathr, lounge/kitchen, 1 carport. FLATS: RABE ST R4 050 2 bedr,1 bathr,1 garage. OFFICES: HANS VAN RENSBURG ST R8 900 TO R12 500 pm BENDOR, RHODESDRIFT ST R10 400 pm Offices in CBD from R2 500 pm AUDREY 0726327117 THYS 0837020768 DIONETTE 0845033964 TANITA 0731380789
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I BUY USED VEHICLES FOR CASH Contact me before trading in your vehicle. Neels Joubert 083 459 7177 ____________________
OPSOEK NA Baie netjiese persoon om woonstel te deel met middeljarige man, in Thornhill estate. Nie-rokers met sober gewoontes. Kontak 082 897 4941 ____________________
TE KOOP/GEVRA Toyota of isuzu dieselenjin kompleet, met ratkas. Nie kleiner as 2.5l nie. Moet in goeie werkende toestand wees. Johan 082 654 8620 ____________________
POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007 I, Theo Kotze (agent) hereby gives notice in terms of Clause 21 of the Polokwane/Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 read together with Section 20 of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have applied to the Polokwane municipality i.t.o the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 for the following: Special consent for the erection of a 25m (tree type) cellular mast (Vodacom) with associated base station on Erf 13358 Polokwane Extension 71. As well as appli-
cation for special consent for the erection of a 25m (lattice type) cellular mast (Vodacom) with associated base station on erf 3814 Seshego B. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Planning (Spatial Planning and Land Use Management), 1st floor, west wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane, for a period of 28 days from 17 January 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Manager: Planning (Spatial Planning and Land Use Management) at the above address or at PO Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 and with the agent at the address below within a period of 28 days from 17 January 2014. Agent: Developlan, PO Box 1883 Polokwane 0700 16/01 23/01 ___________________ POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT DORPBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 Ek, Theo Kotze (agent) gee hiermee ingevolge Klousule 21 van die Polokwane/Perskebult Dorpbeplanningskema, 2007 saamgelees met artikel 20 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Polokwane munisipaliteit i.t.v. voormelde klousule van die Polokwane/Perskebult Dorpbeplanningskema, 2007 vir die volgende: Spesiale toestemming vir die oprigting van ‘n 25m (boomtipe) sellulêre mas (Vodacom) met gepaardgaande basisstasie op Erf 13358 Polokwane Uitbreiding 71. Asook aansoek vir spesiale toestemming vir die oprigting van ‘n 25m (tralietipe) sellulêre mas (Vodacom) met gepaardgaande basisstasie op Erf 3814 Seshego B. Besonderhede van voormelde aansoek lê ter
insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Beplanning (Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur), eerste vloer, Westelike vleuel, Burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat, Polokwane, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 17 Januarie 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 17 Januarie 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Bestuurder: Beplanning (Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur), by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 ingedien of gerig word asook by die agent by onderstaande adres. Agent: Developlan Posbus 1883 Polokwane 0700 16/01 23/01 ___________________
POLOKWANE / PERSKEBULT AMENDMENT SCHEME 447 BJVDS Town & Regional Planners t/a Planning Concept being the authorised agent of the owner of the Remaining Extent of Erf 941 Ivypark Extension 14 (Meropa Casino Complex) Pietersburg hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(B)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the Polokwane / Perskebult Townplanning Scheme, 2007, for the rezoning of the abovementioned property situated on the Meropa Complex west of Polokwane from “Special” for Casino and Entertainment Facilities to “Special” for Hotel and related purposes, subject to Annexure 155, for the development of an Road Lodge Hotel. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the offices of the Manager Planning: Directorate Planning and Development, First Floor, West Wing Civic Centre,
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Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 24 January 2014. Objections and or representations in respect to the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the underneath address or to the offices of the Manager Planning: Directorate Planning and Development, First Floor, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, or Box 111, Polokwane, 0700, within a period of 28 days from 24 January 2014. Address of Agent Planning Concept Box 15001 Flora Park POLOKWANE 0699 23/01 30/01 ___________________ POLOKWANE / PERSKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA 447 BJVDS Town & Regional planners h/a Planning Concept synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Resterende Gedeelte van Erf 941 Ivypark Uitbreiding 14 (Meropa Kompleks) gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(B)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ek by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir die wysiging van die Polokwane / Perskebult Dorps Beplanning skema, 2007, deur hersonering van bg. eiendom geleë om die Meropa Kompleks perseel wes van Polokwane vanaf “Spesiaal” vir Casino and vermaaklikheids fasiliteite na “Spesiaal” vir Hotel en aanverwante gebruike onderhewig aan Bylaag 155 vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n Road Lodge Hotel fasiliteit. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Beplanning, Direktoraat Beplanning en Ontwikkeling, Eerstevloer, Burgersentrum, Landros Marestraat, Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 24 Januarie 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne 28 dae van 24 Januarie 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Bestuurder: Beplanning, Direktoraat Beplanning en Ontwikkeling by onderstaande adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van Agent Planning Concept Posbus 15001 Flora Park Polokwane 0699 23/01 30/01 ___________________ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(B)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) NOTICE OF 2014 P O L O K WA N E / P E R S K E BULT AMENDMENT SCHEME NO. 444 We, The Town Planning Hub CC being the authorised agent of the owner of Portion 5 and the Remainder of Erf 8137, Pietersburg Extension 11 hereby give notice in terms of Section 56 (1)(B)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986,
Polokwane Observer that we have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the town planning scheme known s the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 by the rezoning of the property described above, situated on the south western corner of the intersection of Grobler and Du Preez Street, Pietersburg Extension 11 from “SPECIAL” for parking and “RESIDENTIAL 2” respectively to “SPECIAL” for a Private Hospital and/or a Residential building and/or Dwelling units at a density of 44 units per hectare. All relevant documents relating to the applications will be open for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the said authorised local authority at the office of the Town Planners, first floor, west wing, Civic Centre, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 24 January 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodge with or made in writing to the above address or at PO Box 111, Pietersburg, 0700 within a period of 28 days from 24 January 2014. Address of agent: THE TOWN PLANNING HUB CC PO Box 11437 Silver Lakes 0054 Tel: 012 809 2229 Fax: 012 809 2090 Ref.: TPH13981 23/01 30/01 ___________________ KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(B)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) KENNISGEWING VAN 2014 P O L O K WA N E / P E R S K E BULT WYSIGINGSKEMA NO. 444 Ons, The Town Planning Hub CC, synde die gemagtige agent van die eienaar van die Gedeelte 5 en die Restant van Erf 8137, Pietersburg Uitbreiding 11 gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(B) (i) van die Ordonnansie op dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986, kennis dat ons by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Polokwane/ Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007 deur die hersondering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë op die suid westerlike hoek van die interseksie van Grobler- en Du Preezstrate, Pietersburg Uitbreiding 141 vanaf “SPESIAAL” vir parkering en “RESIDENSIEEL 2” onderskeidelik na “SPESIAAL” vir ‘n Privaat Hospitaal en/of ‘n Residensieel gebou en/ of eenhede met ‘n digtheid van 44 eenhede per hektaar. Alle verbandhoudende dokumente wat met die aansoeke verband hou sal tydens normale kantoorure vir besigtiging beskikbaar wees by die kantoor van die Stadsbeplanners, eerste verdieping, wesvleuel Burgersentrum, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 24 Januarie 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten
opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 24 Januarie 2014 skriftelik by of tot bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: THE TOWN PLANNING HUB CC Posbus 11437 Silver Lakes 0054 Tel: 012 809 2229 Faks: 012 809 2090 Verw.: TPH13981 23/01 30/01 ___________________ POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007 AMENDMENT SCHEME 450 I, Kabelo Lesetja Mandli of Boelang Development Projects, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of Erf 8642 Pietersburg Extension 40 Township Registration Division LS, Limpopo Province, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b) (i) and Section 92 of Town Planning & Townships Ordinance 15 of 1986, read together with Section 67 and 68 of the Local Government Ordinance 1939 (Ordinance 17 of 1939), that I have made an application to the Polokwane Local Municipality for Subdivision, partial park closure and the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme, known as the Polokwane/Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007, by rezoning of the property described above, situated at cnr Thabo Mbeki and Dahl streets, Pietersburg Extension 40 from “Public Open Space” to “Special” for Car wash, subject to conditions attached to annexure 156. Plans and Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of Town Planner, First Floor, Room, 125 Civic Center, and Polokwane Municipality for a period of 60 days from 24 January 2014. Objections and/or comments or representation in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO BOX 111, Polokwane, 0700 within 60 days from 24 January 2014. Address of the Applicant Boelang Development Projects PO Box 771 Sovenga 0727 Tel:015 291 2131 Fax: 086 659 2355 Cell: 076 388 2816/082 435 5931 23/01 30/01 ___________________ POLOKWANE / PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 WYSIGINGSKEMA 450 Ek, Kabelo Lesetja Mandli, van die Boelang Development Projects, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Erf 8642, Pietersburg Uitbreiding 40 Dorp, Registrasie Afdeling LS, Limpopo Provinsie, gee hiermee in terme van Artikel 56 (1) (b)(i) en artikel 92 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 15 van 1986, saamgelees met Artikel 67 en 68 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Ordonnan-
sie 17 van 1939), dat ek by die Polokwane Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir onderverdeling, gedeeltelike parksluiting en die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema, bekend as die Polokwane / Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007, deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë te hoek van Thabo Mbeki- en Dahlstrate, Pietersburg Uitbreiding 40 vanaf “Openbare Oop Ruimte” na “Spesiaal”, vir karwas, onderhewig aan voorwaardes verbonde aan bylaag 156. Planne en besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Stadsbeplanner, Eerste Vloer, Kamer 125 Burgersentrum, en Polokwane Munisipaliteit vir ‘n tydperk van 60 dae vanaf 24 Januarie 2014. Besware en / of kommentaar ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of gerig word binne 60 dae vanaf 24 Januarie 2014 skriftelik aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bogenoemde adres of by Posbus 111 , Polokwane, 0700. Adres van die aansoeker Boelang Development Projects PO Box 771 Sovenga 0727 Tel: 015 291 2131 Faks: 086 659 2355 Sel: 076 388 2816/082 435 5931 23/01 30/01 ___________________
IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) CASE NO: 5654/2012 In the matter between: THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED Plaintiff and NKOETJE KHOMOTSO MASHITISHO (ID: 810814 5687 086) Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In execution of a judgment of the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria) in the abovementioned suit, a sale without reserve will be held by the Sheriff, Polokwane at The Sheriff’s Office, 66 Platinum Street, Ladine, Polokwane on WEDNESDAY, 12 FEBRUARY 2014 at 10:00 of the under mentioned property of the defendants subject to the conditions of sale which are available for inspection of the offices of the Sheriff Polokwane, 66 Platinum Street, Ladine, Polokwane. Tel: 015 293 0762. PORTION 18 OF ERF 6470 PIETERSBURG EXTENTION 11 TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION: L.S. LIMPOPO PROVINCE MEASURING: 1038 (ONE ZERO THREE EIGHT) SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER T50560/2006 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS THEREIN CONTAINED ALSO KNOWN AS: 633 SUID STREET, FLORA PARK, POLOKWANE The following information is furnished with regard
AdministrAtiewe Bestuurder
Pligte: Toesig oor die bestuur van die praktyk. Skakeling met mediese fondse. invordering van gelde. Vereistes: Bestuursondervinding in ‘n mediese omgewing. In staat om met personeel te werk en leiding te gee. Rekenaarvaardig. Vlot in Afrikaans en Engels.
GereGistreerde verpleeGkundiGe Pligte: meng en toediening van chemoterapie. Bestelling en ontvangs van medisyne. Vereistes: Kwalifikasies en registrasie as geregistreerde verpleegster. Kliniese ondervinding. Vlot in Afrikaans en Engels. Kennis van ‘n Afrikataal sal ‘n aanbeveling wees.
stAfverpleeGster Pligte: Hulp met toediening van chemoterapie. Bestelling en ontvangs van medisyne. Vereistes: Kwalifikasies en registrasie as stafverpleegster. Kliniese ondervinding. Vlot in Afrikaans en Engels. Kennis van ‘n Afrikataal sal ‘n aanbeveling wees.
Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke: Woensdag 29 Januarie 2014.
kontak assseblief vir riëtte by 015 295 5933 / pos u CV na ontvangs@onkologie.co.za /faks dit na 015 295 5935.
to improvements on the property although nothing in this respect is guaranteed: The property consists of: 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 living room, kitchen and a garage. DATED AT PRETORIA ON 10 JANUARY 2014. (SGD) T DE JAGER HACK STUPEL & ROSS ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF 2ND FLOOR STANDARD BANK CHAMBERS CHURCH SQUARE PRETORIA REF: T DE JAGER/ yolandi/HA9145 TEL: 012 325 4185 23/01 ___________________
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January 23, 2014
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January 23, 2014
36 OBSERVER polokwane
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Ons beskik oor ‘n vakature vir ‘n blanke dame, ouer as 40, om vir ‘n
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Vets*Mart National retailer requires
Admin Assistant
SaleS aSSiStaNt for Mall of the North Growth possibilities.
Send CV to polstaff01@gmail.com 086 246 1971
ADMIN LADY Looking for an
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Submit CVs to admin@cassimenergy.co.za
Are you an independent self starter? Do you possess above average English verbal and written communication skills? Can you work under pressure and keep to deadlines? Are you computer literate? Can you speak Afrikaans and or another African language? Then you need to apply. We are an established and reputable national company in need of the services of a female admin assistant between 20 and 35 years of age. We offer a 5 day work week, market related salary, medical aid, pension fund as well as other benefits. Please send your CV to qros@vodamail. co.za and we will contact you for an interview. Alternatively, in the event of your application being unsuccessful, we will notify you.
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Passer-en-draaiers, ketelmakers, sweisers. ondervinding in staalwerke. Moet dadelik beskikbaar wees. jacoline@aquarock.co.za Fax: 086 592 5244
Area: Polokwane * Reporting to the Branch Manager * 5 to 10 years experience in warehouse/ distribution * Ability to work on your own and with people * To manage small staff complement * Manage and maintain small fleet * Computer literate * Experience in the OSHACT * Code 10 licence - not essential * Good knowledge of the Limpopo area Please send CV to sveldman@keydist.co.za. If no response after 3 weeks consider as unsuccessful.
AARTAPPEL PAKHUISBESTUURDER benodig op plaas in die Vivo-area. Ervaring van tegnologie masjinerie.
Epos CV na mary@wigtrust.co.za.
Stipec eiendomSkonSultante
Junior poS beSkikbaar (dame / 2013 matrikulant) * Ontvangs * Algemene administrasie Vereistes: * Rekenaarvaardig * Tweetalig (Afr & Eng) Faks CV na 015 291 1166 of epos na manager@ritastipec.co.za Sluitingsdatum: 27 Januarie 2014
Temporary Vacancy posT: nail Technician
Experience: 2 years experience in Cal Brook, NSI, Bio Sculpture would be an advantage Period required: 4 months Contact: 015 297 6590 or hand deliver CV to Placecol Cycad Centre or email cycad@placecol.com
Position: District Manager Based at: Reporting to: Educational:
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January 23, 2014
Polokwane Observer
e i s i t e mp
Wen ‘n stel dubbelkaartjies vir die Super 15-oefenwedstryd in Polokwane
en die Limpopo BBRU nog ‘n stel dubbelkaartjies het wat gewen kan word. Al wat lesers hoef te doen is om ‘n maklike vraag oor ‘n Me Cornelia Enslin is die vorige Super 15-oefenwedstryd eerste wenner van ‘n stel wat in die stad gespeel is se dubbelkaartjies in die antwoord na rc.observer@ kompetisie wat verlede gmail.com te epos. Die eerste week deur Polokwane Observer in vennootskap Foto: Warren Blunt leser wat die regte antwoord met die Limpopo Blou Verlede week se dubbelkaartjie-wen- stuur sal wen. Dié week se vraag is: Wie Bulle Rugby-unie (BBRU) ner vir die Super 15-wedstryd tussen het verlede jaar se oefenaangebied is vir die Super die Vodacom Blou Bulle en die DHL wedstryd tussen die Voda15-oefenwedstryd op 1 Stormers, Cornelia Enslin ontvang com Blou Bulle en die Toyota Februarie tussen die Voda- haar kaartjies van Limpopo BBRU Cheetahs gewen? ’n Foto van com Blou Bulle en die DHL adjunkpresident, Charles van Wyk. die gelukkige wenner sal in volStormers in Polokwane. gende week se Polokwane Observer verskyn. Die goeie nuus is dat Polokwane Observer Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@ gmail.com
n o i t i t e Comp Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Buy your ticket now for the Super 15 warmup match between the Vodacom Blue Bulls and the DHL Stormers at the new Peter Mokaba Stadium on 1 February and stand a chance to win double tickets for the test between the Springboks and Argentina at Loftus Versveld later this year. The competition forms part of an exclusive media initiative between the Polokwane Observer and the Limpopo Blue Bulls Rugby Union (BBRU). In order to qualify for the competition all you need a valid ticket for the match next weekend and to be present at the match. The announcement of the winner will take place during
Purchase Super 15 ticket and you could win double test tickets
the match. A photo of the winner with all the sponsors will be taken shortly after the announcement. Ticket prices range from R30 for scholars, R120 for the grandstand, R80 for the east stand and R60 for the north and south stands. Tickets for the match can be purchased at all Computicket outlets countrywide (All Checkers and Shoprite outlets). Tickets can also be purchased at the stadium itself from Monday (27 January) at the ticket office situated on the corner on the north western side of the stadium. Check out the next edition of Polokwane Observer for two more exciting rugby related competitions that will be taking place.
Die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé>>
Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos>>
Langasems slaggereed vir kompetisie
Kleur en aksie by Oosskool se voëltjiesport
RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
Die begin van die skooljaar is sinoniem met verskeie atletiekbyeenkomste wat skole hou om talent te identifiseer en hul spanne te finaliseer vir die atletiekseisoen wat voorlê. Die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se bokkesport word in twee fases aangebied met die bokkelandloop wat Dinsdagoggend plaasgevind het. Tommies se langasems het
in hul onderskeie bokspanne naamlik bosbok-, rooibok- en springbokspan ‘n 2 km-roete om die skoolterrein aangedurf om die koring van die kaf te skei. Die rooibokke het ‘n naelskraapse sege van drie punte oor die springbokke behaal. Die bosbokke het die onderspit gedelf. Die skool nooi ouers en belangstellendes uit om Vrydag hul bokkesport by te woon wanneer die spanne mekaar van 08:00 in die naellope en velditems pak.
>> Leerders van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos het Dinsdag met groot ywer aan die eerste deel van die jaarlikse voëltjiesport deelgeneem. Uitdunne in onder meer spiesgooi, verspring, hoogspring, gewigstoot asook verskeie baanitems het plaasgevind.
Foto’s: Keshia Jansens van Rensburg
Leon Potgieter, o.11 leerder van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos neem aan die hoogspring uitdunne deel. Tommies se o.17-seuns maak gereed om die 2 km-roete om die skoolterrein aan te pak.
Foto’s: RC Myburgh
Ricus van der Merwe, o.19 wen die bokkelandloop by die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé.
Joané Strauss skop stof in die o.17-meisies se oë en behaal ‘n eerste plek.
visit us on Constance Venter, o.12, in aksie.
Hoërskool Noordeland >>
Links: Dirigente van die Oranje-span uitgevat volgens die Madagascar-film waarin die liedjie “Circus-Afro” gesing word.
Inter-house athletics at Noorderland >> Hoërskool Noorderland held their annual inter-house athletics meeting on Friday when the Blue, Red and Yellow teams went up against each other. The Yellow team won the cup for the best spirit, while the Red team was crowned overall winners.
Photos: Janus van der Westhuizen
Abigail de Jager, 0.11 gly oor die dwarslat.
Laerskool Piet Hugo>>
Laerskool Piet Hugo hou Interhuis >> Laerskool Piet Hugo het verlede Vrydag hulle huissport gehou. Leerders het in die bloedige son aan verskeie items deelgeneem om te kwalifiseer vir die Interlaer wat op 23 en 24 Januarie plaasvind.
Vutomi Mokgokong (u.14) of the Blue team puts all her strength behind the shot.
Matsidiso Rapholo of the Yellow team lets the disc fly in the discus for girls’ u.16.
Reitumetse Kgwale (u.16) representing the Blue team in javelin.
Mampe Nyama of the Blue team outran all her opponents in the girls’ u.17 90 m hurdles event.
Foto’s: Janus van der Westhuizen
Tsegho Khoza wen die 80 m vir seuns o.7 met Laerskool Piet Hugo se huissport.
Leandri Peyper neem deel aan die o.12 spiesgooi vir meisies.
January 23, 2014
38 OBSERVER polokwane
Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
ibya came from a 2-0 advantage to salvage a 2-2 draw against Congo on Tuesday evening at Peter Mokaba stadium thereby earning the second spot in Group C with five points to proceed to the quarter finals of the Orange African Nations (Chan). Libya came into the match unbeaten in their last two matches needing either a win or draw to allow them to go to the quarterfinals. In the first half of the thrilling encounter Congo was more threatening, throwing everything at their opponents and they were rewarded when striker Moise Nkounkou found the opening goal in the 36th minute to give his team a 1-0 lead going into the second half of the match. In the second half both teams played with more caution and shared most of the ball possession. With both teams trying to find their rhythm Congo striker Hardy Binguila showed why he is
Libya qualifies for Chan quarterfinals
rated so highly in his country. He dribbled past two Libya defenders to unleash a ferocious shot outside the 18 yards box in the 64th minute to give his team a 2-0 lead. The 2-0 deficit prompted Libya Coach Javier Clement to make technical changes which paid dividends in the second half of the match. Substitude Abdelssiam Omar found the back of the net for his team after reciving a cross from Faisal Ali in the 69th minute of the match. Twenty-one minutes later defender Abdekrahman Fetori unleashed a lethal shot at the centre line to equalise for his team and earn a spot in the quarter finals of the tourney. With some of the group matches still to reach completion this week, Libya as the runner-up of Group C will play either Gabon, Burundi of DR Congo.
Photo: Herbert Rachuene
Right: Congo striker Lorry Nkolo and Libya defender Elmehdi Elhouni go after the ball.
Burundi sends Mauritania home >> Burundi’s Swallows leading Group D >> Organisers appeal to soccer fans to attend Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za A last minute goal by Ndikumana Selemani, Captain of Burundi gave his team a 3-2 victory over Mauritania in the second Group D match of the Orange African Nations Championship (Chan) at Peter Mokaba Stadium on Saturday. Mauritania’s defeat, their second in the first round, was enough to send them home while Burundi can hold their heads up, especially following a 0-0 draw against Gabon in their first ever Chan match last
Tuesday. Mauritania, still reeling from their 0-1 loss against DR Congo, opened the score in the first minute through their striker Ely Cheikh Samba El Voullany. Ten minutes later Burundi equalised when their Selemani fired a sublime cross that was easily converted by Fiston Razak Abdul. The Swallows, as they are affectionately known in their country, took the lead in the 62nd minute when Christophe Nduwanrugira unleashed a long range shot that beat Mauritania’s goalkeeper Brahim Souleymane. The 2-1 deficit did not last long as Mauritania regrouped and found the equaliser courtesy of striker Mohamed Taghiyoullah Denna, who beat two defenders to score a scorcher in the 70th minute. Selemani unleashed a long range shot in the referee’s optional time to give his team an
emphatic 3-2 victory and eliminating Mauritania out of the tourney. The victory sees Burundi leading Group D with four points after two matches and one last group match remaining. In another Group D match Gabon beat the group favourites and 2009 winners, DR Congo 1-0 to fortify their chances of proceeding to the quarter finals of the tournament. Gabon’s goal was scored by defender Erwin Blynn Nguema Obame in the first minute of the game. The defeat sees DR Congo in the third position with three points and their clash against group leaders Burundi to go. Head of Marketing and Communications and Stakeholders Relations and Transport Services at Polokwane Municipality, Mantlako Sebaka said they are happy with the tournament proceedings despite poor turnout at the matches. On Saturday day about 7 492 fans
Photos: Herbert Rachuene
Burundi Captain Ndikumana Selemani celebrates the winning goal with teammate Claude Ndarusanza after his team beat Mauritania 3-2 at Peter Mokaba Stadium last Saturday . made their way to stadium to see the two group matches. “Everything is going well except for the attendance. We are concerned about the turnout as we were expecting more fans on the day. We brought the games in the city so that our people
can see a wonderful display of African football but they are letting us down. However, we are anticipating a better attendance at our last match of the tournament on Sunday which is the quarterfinal match,” Sebaka said.
Eerste internasionale hokkiewedstryd dalk binnekort by PHS se nuwe astrobaan PUBLIC NOTICE POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY PUBLIC NOTICE CALLING FOR INSPECTION OF THE SUPPLEMENTARY VALUATION ROLL AND LODGING OF OBJECTIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(i) read together with section 78(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No.6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, that the supplementary valuation roll for financial years 2010 to 2013 is open for public inspection at Polokwane Municipal offices from 1 March to 31 March 2014, In addition the supplementary valuation roll is available at our website www.polokwane.gov.za An invitation is hereby made in terms of section 49(1)(a)(ii) read together with section 78(2) of the Act that any owner of property or other person who so desires should lodge an objection with the municipal manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the supplementary valuation roll within the abovementioned period. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the supplementary valuation roll as such. The form for the lodging of an objection is obtainable at Polokwane Municipality, Head office, Seshego, Mankweng, and Sebayeng or website www.polokwane.gov.za The completed forms must be returned to the above mentioned offices. For enquiries please contact:
Jacob Majola on 015 290 2033 Joseph Mashitisho on 015 290 2170 Jack Sithole on 015 290 2041
RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se Astrohokkiebaan sal aan die begin van volgende maand voltooi wees en die eerste internasionale hokkiewedstryd word waarskynlik reeds op 19 Februarie tussen Skotland en Suid-Afrika op die baan gespeel. Volgens PHS-skakelbeampte, me AnnaMarié Schoeman is dit slegs voorlopige reëlings. “Ons het nog nie bevestiging ontvang nie, maar die kanse dat ons dit wel sal aanbied lyk baie goed. Die baan se voorbereidings is reeds voltooi en die ingevoerde mat word binne ‘n paar dae verwag. Die plaveisel is ongeveer 90% voltooi en die oprigting van die heining het onlangs begin,” sê sy. Die grondwerk rondom die baan is ook byna voltooi. Die kleedkamers sal nog nie voltooi wees teen 19 Februarie nie en spelers en besoekers
sal van die krieketovaal se geriewe gebruik moet maak. Schoeman sê die internasionale wedstryd sal ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd wees. Die skool se eerste seuns- en meisiehokkiespanne sal voor die hoofwedstryd in aksie wees. Dit is nog nie seker wie hul opponente sal wees nie.
Foto: RC Myburgh
Die eerste internasionale hokkiewedstryd tussen Suid-Afrika en Skotland sal moontlik in Februarie op die nuwe Astro-hokkiebaan van die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) plaasvind.
Meeste deelnemers in vyf jaar by Seeff-wedloop JANUS VD WESTHUIZEN >> janus.observer1@gmail.com
arm weer het nie die vasberade en entoesiastiese deelnemers daarvan weerhou om Saterdag aan die jaarlikse Seeff Eiendomme Padwedloop in samewerking met Polokwane Atletiekklub (PAC) deel te neem en ‘n rekordgetal van 506 inskrywings te lok nie. Phuti Mohale het die 10 km-wedloop in die mansafdeling en Martinique Potgieter in die damesafdeling gewen. In die tweede plek vir mans (10 km) was Reghen Magwai en in die derde plek Rufus Photo, wenner van die 2013 Seeff Eiendomme Padwedloop. Die tweede plek in die damesafdeling 10 km-wedloop is deur Elsabe Cronje ingepalm, wat ook die veteraan-afdeling gewen het. Hilda Molokomme was derde. In die veteraan-afdeling was Thomas Thema die manswenner. Israel Madibana en Santa van Heerden was die wenners in die meesters-afdeling. Die grootmeesters-afdeling se eerste plekke
Januarie 23, 2014
OBSERVER 39 polokwane
gaan aan Phuti Mabotja en Felicity Roberts. Emmanuel Ramohlale en Erhne Lloyd het die junior-afdeling gewen. Die stapafdeling vir mans is deur Emmanuel Mukondeleli gewen met Letithia Gerber as die dameswenner. Die hoofborge vir die wedloop was Seeff Eiendomme en Henstock van den Heever Prokureurs.
Manie Oosthuizen, prinsipaal van Seeff Eiendomme, Tiané Ströh, Miss Limpopo Teen 2014 en Johan Janse van Vuuren, voorsitter van Polokwane Atletiekklub (PAC). Links: Tiané Ströh, Miss Limpopo Teen 2014, oorhandig Phuti Mohale, wenner van die 10kmwedloop, se medalje aan hom.
Black Leopards ready for Chiefs HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Being drawn against Kaizer Chiefs in the last 32 of the Nedbank Cup last Thursday is, in the eyes of Black Leopards FC Spokesperson Berry Ramuneniwa a sign that the time has come to end their bad run against the Amakhosi. During their run in the Premier Soccer League last season Leopards could not win a single match against the Soweto giants. “We have a good team, comprising of youngsters who are determined to make it big in football. Kaizer Chiefs is a big team in the country with quality and experienced players. We are promising them a good match and we are assuring our fans that it won’t be a walk in the park for them,” Ramuneniwa said. The first round matches of the Cup are scheduled to be played from 19 to 26 February. Ramuneniwa added that their National First Division match against Baroka FC which was scheduled for Saturday at the Old Peter Mokaba Stadium will no longer take place at the venue but at Makhuvha Stadium in Thohoyandou. “The game was moved because of Orange African Nations Championship because the stadium is been used as an alternative training ground for the tournament. We want to thank the Thulamela Municipality for allowing us to use the stadium. We are urging all the fans to come in numbers to see the great spectacle of Limpopo football,” Ramuneniwa said. Black Leopards are on the 8th position of the NFD with 22 points after 15 matches, while Baroka FC have amassed 21 points in their last 16 matches of the league.
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The Polokwane Golf Club welcomed Spar and Tops on board last Wednesday as new sponsors of the Individual Stableford Competition. Raoul van Zyl took top honours for the day on plus 7. Congratulating him is club captain Papa G Moseki (right).
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Olimpiese junior swem-deelname wink vir Christoff Ras >> “Sy lojaliteit teenoor die sport sal hom die vrugte van sukses laat pluk” - Dougie Eagar >> “Jy moet alles insit as jy bo wil uitkom” - Christoff RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
hristoff Ras is onstuitbaar in die swembad wanneer hy saam met sy opponente vir ‘n item aantree. Die talentvolle swemmer van Eagar Equatics het in Desember tydens die KwaZulu-Natal Swemkampioenskappe met ‘n tyd van 2:22.19 in die 200 mborsslag vir seuns gekwalifiseer om op die databasis van die Junior Olimpiese span geplaas te word. “Om my plek in die span te verseker moet ek ten minste ’n tyd van 2:21.00 of vinniger swem. Ons was slegs twee plaaslike swemmers wat vir die kwalifiserende tyd gemik het. Die ander swemmer het ongelukkig uitgeval,” sê Christoff. Indien hy in die span opgeneem word, sal hy Suid-Afrika in Oktober in Nanjing, China verteenwoordig. As nasionale kampioen in die 200 m-borsslag in sy ouderdomsgroep wil hy graag in die 100 mborsslag ‘n tyd van 1:04.00 behaal. Nog ‘n mikpunt is om tydens die 2016 of 2020 Olimpiese Spele deel van die nasionale span te wees. “My droom is om ‘n beurs te ontvang om oorsee te studeer waar ek ook op swem kan fokus en dikwels internasionaal kan deelneem. Ek het juis die Hoërskool Pietersburg gekies om deel van die Lyndon Ferns Swemsentrum te wees,” sê die graad 11-leerder wat in graad 9 Lephalale vir Polokwane verruil het.
As iemand wat slegs drie jaar op swem as sportsoort konsentreer, reken hy deursettingsvermoë, fiksheid en die wil om te presteer is eienskappe van ’n goeie swemmer. “’n Groot deel van iemand se sukses hang ook daarvan af of hy geniet wat hy doen.” Christoff het nie regtig ander stokperdjies nie omdat hy baie tyd aan swem spandeer. Hy is byna twee uur soggens en twee uur smiddae in die swembad. “Jy moet alles insit as jy bo wil uitkom,” sê hy oor sy strawwe oefenprogram. Sy af-
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Christoff Ras van Eagar Equatics mik om sy tyd in die 200 m-borsslag te verbeter om sy plek in die Junior Olimpiese span te verseker.
rigter, Dougie Eagar het bevestig dat Christoff vir die Junior Olimpiese span oorweeg word. “Hoe beter sy tyd is hoe groter is die kans dat hy in die span opgeneem sal word,” sê Eagar. Hy beskryf Christoff as ‘n gedissiplineerde en toegewyde swemmer wat hard werk om te presteer. “Die prestasies kom hom toe omdat hy vir homself ‘n doelwit gestel het en daarby hou. Hy het ongelooflike talent en sy lojaliteit teenoor die sport en ‘n gedissiplinêre oefenprogram sal hom eendag die vrugte van sukses laat pluk.” Christoff se doel om binne twee jaar deel van die Olimpiese span te word, is volgens Eagar ‘n realistiese doelwit omdat sy liefde vir swem en toewyding kan meehelp om dit moontlik te maak.
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