Polokwane observer 24 july 2014

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Premier speaks on E V I S U L PAGE 4 first year in office EXC

Tref-en-trapongeluk Bejaarde beswyk nadat hy deur voertuig getref is


Police arrest Suspected Thohoyandou serial killer behind bars >> PAGE 9

Daan Schoeman l First year “a repair job” attempting to fix what was destroyed in past

Local advisors share tips on investment

l Confirms that phasing out of administrators expected to start soon


SOS YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


remier Stan Mathabatha has stepped in to save Polokwane from a sure fire waterless future by establishing a high level task team given the responsibility to come up with a turnaround strategy aimed at urgently

Winter Sale

addressing crucial water delivery challenges faced by Limpopo’s capital and municipalities across a water-scarce province. The appointment of the team headed by Senior General Manager in the Premier’s Office, Nape Nchabeleng, transpires from a meeting of top officials from national,

Matriekleerder sterf in soveelste motorfietsongeluk l Roekelose bestuursklag

kan verander na strafbare manslag

ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com

provincial and local government as well as representatives of water boards at Mowaneng in Polokwane on Tuesday. To page 2

‘n Jong matriekleerder wat op Kersdag 19 sou word, George John van Rooyen, of JJ soos almal hom genoem het, is Dins­ dagaand in Mediclinic Limpopo oorlede na ‘n motorfietsongeluk vroeër die dag in die stad. Die hoof, personeel en leerders van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé is verbysterd oor die skoknuus. Cois Armer, waarnemende hoof van die skool sê die graad 12 D-klas waarin JJ is, is stukkend. “Dit is die derde keer in drie jaar dat ‘n leerder in hul klas oorlede is.” Na bl 2

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>> PAGE 31

End to koma season Colourful ceremonies mark return of thousands of boys >> PAGE 14

Mandela Day ‘n Skoolfoto van JJ van Rooyen.

Flooring Specialists

People of Lim open hearts for charitable causes >> PAGES 20, 24 & 30

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Oudrugbyspeler, Schalk van Dyk oorlede

July 24, 2014



BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


Johané Minnaar geniet Vrydag haar laaste skoolvakansiedag voordat die derde skoolkwartaal Maandag aangebreek het. Johané is baie trots daarop dat sy die vakansie hard gewerk het by haar pa, André se werksnoepie. Foto: Elna Esterhuysen




THINK LIKE A MAN TOO 13L ¸˛ Ç Fri: 17:15,20:15,22:50,9:10,11:45,14:30 Sat: 9:10,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:15,22:50 Sun,Tue: 9:10,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:15 Mon,Wed: 11:45,14:30,17:15,20:15 Thu: 11:45,14:30,17:15,20:15


7-9 PGL ¸˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 9:30,12:00,14:45,17:30,20:00,22:30 Sun,Mon: 12:00,14:45,17:30,20:00 Tue: 9:30,12:00,14:45,17:30,20:00 Wed,Thu: 12:00,14:45,17:30,20:00

HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 PGV ˛ Ç Fri-Sun: 9:45,12:30,14:45 Mon,Wed: 12:30,14:45 Tue: 9:45,12:30,14:45 Thu: 12:30,14:45

erekende sakeman, Schalk van Dyk is verlede Donderdag in die ouderdom van 82 jaar oorlede terwyl hy in die hospitaal aangesterk het na ‘n liesbreukoperasie. Hy het ‘n BSc-graad aan die Universiteit van Pretoria en daarna ‘n onderwysdiploma aan die destydse Normaalkollege Pretoria verwerf waarna hy ‘n paar jaar skoolgehou het en later as dosent by die destydse Pretoria Tegniese Kollege aangestel is. Ná sy troue het hy heeltyds in die Harrismith omgewing

gaan boer en het ook later ‘n vulstasiekompleks buite Harrismith bedryf. Van Dyk het van 1955 tot 1958 in 26 wedstryde vir die NoordTransvaalse Rugbyspan as agsteman gespeel en het bekendheid verwerf toe hy die wendrie in die Curriebekerwedstryd teen Natal in 1956 gedruk het en sy span ‘n naelskraapse oorwinning van 9-8 besorg het. Sy jare lange vriend, Peet van Zyl onthou nog hoe die kaptein van die wenspan so opgewonde was oor die oorwinning dat hy die skeidsregter omhels het. Hy het daarna in 28 wedstryde vir die Vrystaat gespeel en was in 1960 lid van die enigste provinsiale span

wat die All Blacks die loef afgesteek het. Hy het ook vir die SA Barbarians gespeel. Van Dyk het hom in 1998 in Polokwane gevestig en die Ranch Star Stop vulstasie begin en vir 14 jaar bedryf. Die besigheid het hy net voor sy 80ste verjaardag verkoop en afgetree. Hy was ook ‘n aandeelhouer van die Pietersburgklub en het twee oorsese rugbyondersteunerstoere saam met Van Zyl en ander vriende onderneem. Hy word deur ‘n seun, Deon en ‘n dogter, Michelle Young oorleef. ‘n Herinneringsdiens is gister (Woensdag) by die Pietersburgklub vir Van Dyk gehou.

Schalk van Dyk is verlede week oorlede.

Water SOS From page 1 Among them were Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) MEC Makoma Makurupetje, Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng, the five executive mayors of district municipalities in the province and their municipal managers, said Premier’s spokesperson Kenny Mathivha. He told Polokwane Observer the team would be meeting bi-weekly and had to come up with a rescue plan before the end of the year. He indicated alarm was raised on the looming crisis faced by the city of Polokwane, which ran the risk of being left without water resources within the next six years if nothing was done to save the situation. He added that the meeting was informed that Lepelle Northern Water had a plan in place with regards to wa-

ter supply to Polokwane but it required costing and funding. The problem arising from local municipalities owing the board multi-millions for services rendered was another challenge leading to a proposed strategy to address the need for understanding that the provision of water had to be paid for. The task team also had to come up with a strategy to work with the Police to permanently deal with the problem emanating from municipal borehole pumps being stolen, according to Mathivha who said it took six months to replace stolen equipment. It is believed the scenario leads to dissatisfaction on the side of community members. Another issue to receive attention was the supply of water to communities around Nandoni Dam in the Thohoyandou area, Mathivha mentioned.

The national Department of Water and Sanitation represented in the meeting had committed themselves to ensuring financial requirements were brought into consideration in future medium term budgets to avoid situations where unspent budgetary portions were returned to National Treasury in the absence of plans in place for municipal implementation, he explained. The Premier further instructed the investigation of Waterberg District Municipality not having a licence for rendering water-related services despite the local municipalities resorting under its umbrella and the four remaining district municipalities in the province being in possession of such licences, Mathivha said. The issue of outstanding water licences had to be dealt with within the next two months, he concluded.

DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES 10-12GLV ˛ Ç Fri-Sun: 9:05,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:30 Mon,Wed: 12:15,15:00,17:45,20:30 Tue: 9:05,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:30 Thu: 12:15,15:00,17:45,20:30

Foto’s: Verskaf


10-12 PG ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 9:00,11:30,14:00,16:45,19:45,22:45 Sun,Tue: 9:00,11:30,14:00,16:45,19:45 Mon,Wed: 11:30,14:00,16:45,19:45 Thu: 11:30,14:00,16:45,19:45


Links: Die Jeep Cherokee wat Dinsdag teen JJ van Rooyen se motorfiets op die hoek van Compensatie- en Jorissenstraat gebots het. Regs: Die motorfietswrak.

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Matriekleerder sterf in soveelste motorfietsongeluk Van bl 1 Een van die ander twee leerders is ook verlede jaar in ‘n motorfietsongeluk oorlede.” Van Rooyen was met sy motorfiets in Jorissenstraat onderweg toe hy deur ‘n Jeep vanuit ‘n dwarsstraat getref en van sy motorfiets geslinger is. Plaaslike motorvoertuigbotsingdeskundige, Phillip Smit het inligting rakende die rigting van beweging van die Jeep Cherokee en Honda motorfiets bevestig. Die fisiese bewyse - skuurmerke op die teerpadoppervlak en die verplasing van beskadigde voertuigkomponente - bevestig dat die motorfiets in Jorissenstraat van

Dorp- na Compensatiestraat onderweg was. Die vroulike bestuurder van die Jeep beweer sy het, teenstrydig met die spesialisbevinding, ten tye van die botsing in Jorissenstraat gery. Volgens Smit het sy in Compensatiestraat in die baan van die aankomende motorfiets inbeweeg. Sy het ook probeer verhoed dat foto’s op die toneel geneem word en het eers na sowat ‘n uur haar weergawe gegee. ‘n Ooggetuie het Woensdag aan Polokwane Observer gesê dat sy gesien het dat die bestuurder van die Jeep geen poging aangewend het om die stopteken te gehoorsaam nie.

Hendrien van der Wath, JJ se graadvoog sê: “Hy was ‘n baie vriendelike, spontane en verantwoordelike kind wat baie goed motorfiets gery het en nie kanse gevat het nie. Op sy ondeunde manier was hy ‘n ondersteunende vriend wat baie pret saam met sy maats gehad het.” Sy ouers en pleegouers sê: “JJ was ‘n sonskynkind wat almal altyd laat lag het. Hy het baie na die komende matriekafskeid uitgesien en was vol planne oor wat hy volgende jaar na skool wil doen.” Teen druktyd was die finale begrafnisreëlings nog nie getref nie.

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Eliza Nieuwoudt sterf in tref-en-trap-ongeluk ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com

‘n Geliefde inwoner van Koraal Aftree-oord in Suidstraat is gisteroggend (Woensdag) dood nadat ‘n voertuigbestuurder hom na bewering op die hoek van Marshall- en Websterstraat raakgery het. Margaretha van der Merwe van Polokwane sê haar pa, Eliza Nieuwoudt (81) was op pad om ‘n koerant by Petrostop se geriefswinkel te koop toe die ongeluk plaasgevind het. ‘n Onbekende persoon het haar geskakel waarna sy haar na die toneel gehaas het. “Ek en my pa het nog met mekaar gepraat, maar hy is op pad na Mediclinic Limpopo dood,” sê ‘n hartseer Van der Merwe. Sy sê haar pa was ‘n toegewyde Christen en het altyd die goeie in ander raakgesien en sy geloof uitgeleef. “Hy was baie trots om deel van die Gideons te wees wat Bybels versprei

en was ‘n aktiewe lidmaat van die NG Kerk Pietersburg-Noord en deel van ‘n omgeegroep in die bejaardebediening. Hy het gereeld hospitaalbesoeke afgelê om vir ander pasiënte te bid.” Van der Merwe sê Nieuwoudt het deur Unisa sy honneursgraad in teologie verwerf en wou nog sy M-graad voltooi. “Om die Woord te verkondig het hom baie na aan die hart gelê,” sê sy. Nieuwoudt was die sekretaris van ekonomiese sake van die destydse Lebowaregering tot en met sy aftrede in 1994 waarna hy teologie begin studeer het. “My pa het prostaat- en kolonkanker oorleef en was in remissie. Hy het egter ‘n jaar gelede ‘n beroerteaanval gehad en het sedertdien met laebloeddruk gesukkel. Hy was ook baie aktief en het gisteroggend (Dinsdag) nog gholf gespeel. Hy het ten minste drie keer per week die gholfbaan besoek.”

“Top official” arrested for drunken driving ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com A woman, who claimed to be the personal assistant of Limpopo Premier Stan Mathabatha, might face additional charges of impersonating an individual after she was arrested over the weekend for drunken driving. Spokesperson for Polokwane Police Ntobeng Phala said the 39-year-old woman was pulled over in Landdros Maré Street by the Polokwane Crime Prevention Unit during a routine patrol in the early hours of Sunday. “The woman said she was employed as Manager Human Capital Investment by the Office of the Premier,” said Phala. He said she was en-route to Seshego when she was spotted driving while facing oncoming traffic. It is alleged that upon stopping, she was reportedly uncooperative and told the Police she saw nothing wrong with driving while facing oncoming traffic and allegedly threatened the Police to strip them of their uniforms with just a phone call while boasting that she is the personal assistant of the Limpopo Premier. Phala said the woman also had a passenger. “It was discovered during the conversation that the driver was apparently heavily intoxicated and she was subsequently arrested and detained in the Police holding cells. She will soon appear in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court on charges of drunk, reckless or negligent driving.” Phala explained that, in terms of internal Police’s procedure, after blood was taken from a person who was suspected of being intoxicated, a court date will be set about 180 days from the arrest with the understanding that the results of the blood test will have been released. Phala said drunken driving is one of the main causes of fatal killings on public roads on a daily basis. “As the police we will not despair in terms of policing our public roads at all times including early hours of the mornings to make sure that reckless or negligent drivers are removed from public roads in order to save

the law abiding citizen’s lives.” Spokesperson for the Premier, Kenny Mathivha has confirmed the arrest of the woman. He said they heard about the incident on Monday. He said she was recently transferred to Polokwane but the allegations about working closely with the Premier are false and since about 500 employees work at the Premier’s Office she was not known to him. He confirmed her to be Salome Mokgaphane and said although the incident happened after hours the Speaker of the Legislature will look at possible extra charges such as impersonating an official. “An internal investigation will be lodged since she broke the rules of the public service. Impersonating an individual is regarded as serious charges and she will be dealt with accordingly,” Mathivha said.

Nieuwoudt word oorleef deur vyf kinders, waarvan die jongste in Australië woon, elf kleinkinders en twee agterkleinkinders. Hy word Maandag om 11:00 uit die NG Kerk Pietersburg-Noord in Dorpstraat begrawe. Polokwane polisiewoordvoerder, Lesiba Ramoshaba het bevestig dat Nieuwoudt gister (Woensdag) op pad hospitaal aan ernstige beserings beswyk het. “Die voertuigbestuurder sal op ‘n klag van roekelose of nalatige bestuur vervolg word. Die hof sal weldra besluit of die saak na strafbare manslag sal verander,” sê Ramoshaba. Hy sê bestuurders moet bedagsaam wees wanneer hulle bestuur, want selfs een sterfte op die pad is een te veel.

Julie 24, 2014






‘n Vroeëre foto van Eliza Nieuwoudt.

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Polokwane Observer

Hope for Children beneficiaries of Ubuntu project ReMax Northland Realty in Polokwane showed they really care for the vulnerable members of society by teaming up with four Grade 10 Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) learners to bring some joy to the children at Hope for Children. Hope for Children was established ten years ago and cares for 12 children in three different homes situated in Polokwane. As one of the leading estate agents in the city, ReMax takes their corporate social initiatives (CSI) very seriously and have the interests of the children living at Hope for Children close at heart. In their latest CSI project ReMax teamed up with Zane Keyter, Etienne Pratt, Franco van der Watt and Pieter Kruger, as part of their Ubuntu project to better the lives of the less fortunate children. The four learners spent part of their winter school holidays collecting items needed by Hope for Children and together with the ReMax management and personnel handed over the food and clothing to Maryna Kruger, the director of the organisation. A sizeable cash voucher donated by BetterBond also contributed to the success of the initiative. “The donation of much needed food, groceries and clothing is always most welcome and we thank ReMax and the four boys from PHS for making the effort to think of others less fortunate and spend valuable leisure time during the school holidays collecting the necessities needed at the home,” Kruger said. Principal of ReMax Northland Polokwane, Wilsie Oosthuizen remarked that it is always a pleasure to be involved in a charitable cause and his organisation will be involved in similar initiatives throughout the year.

PHotos: Roelien VoRsteR Pictured with the food and clothing that was handed over to Hope for Children last Thursday are, in front, Franco van der Watt (PHS), Maryna Kruger (Director Hope for Children), Hetta Hamann (House Mother Hope for Children) and Etienne Pratt (PHS). At the back are Zane Keyter (PHS), Wilsie Oosthuizen (Principal ReMax Northland Polokwane) and Pieter Kruger (PHS).

Julie 24, 2014

Premier’s first year in office YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


impopo could soon be seeing an exit by the administrators who came to save it from financial downfall after a letter informing Premier Stan Mathabatha of a Cabinet decision for the long anticipated phase out process to start. In an interview on the eve of his first year in office which coincided with Mandela Day on Friday, Mathabatha referred to a letter received from the Minister of Finance last week informing him that the phase out process was pending a consultation with the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) whereupon the provincial government would be notified when the administrators were leaving. He reckoned Cabinet shared the opinion of the Limpopo government that the administrators had done what they needed to do and that it was now time for them to leave. He expressed the view that Limpopo needed to be set free to start implementing plans and projects regarded as beneficial to the province without intervention or interference. He continued saying they wanted to be given free latitude to plan and implement without supervision. His task thus far has been a daunting one, Mathabatha admitted. The issue of strategic expertise arising from the occupation of positions for which the appointed officials did not have relevant skills contributed to a major headache, he mentioned. The first part of his first year as Premier required a repair job with him attempting to fix what was destroyed in the past as provincial government systems had almost totally collapsed, he said. The first matter occupying his mind was approximately 345 pending cases against public servants. During the first week in the hot seat he already had to give authorisation for the suspension of very senior officials, Mathabatha mentioned.

With the administrators they had to repair and concentrate on building systems within government departments, he recalled. Looking back he said they still needed to appoint and train people who could run the systems, which could take time. While attending to the issues they still had to remain mindful that services had to be delivered, the Premier stressed. Water and sanitation services were further identified as key elements to be concentrated on, resulting in the convening of a forum of local, provincial and national government representatives aimed at improving service delivery. Simultaneously problems with abandoned housing and roads projects were addressed to deal with backlogs. His term in office has thus far also yielded deliberations among role players in provincial and national government tasked with coming up with a plan to get state hospitals in the province up to scratch. He announced that most of the strategic interventions have already started and a review meeting would be organised in due course for feedback on progress of the past three months since the initial eight-hour discussions. It has been an eventful year with little spare time for anything other than matters of governance and a big sigh followed the question about availability of time left for attending to affairs of a personal nature. Fixing, he indicated, was more problematic than destroying and therefore the rescue plan for the province demanded all his time. His golfing has suffered since he became Premier, Mathabatha conceded. Turning to the issue of family time he laughingly admitted to being a foreigner in his own home and shared the view that things were going to change. One day when he has the luxury of time he might be thinking of sharing what transpired during his time as Limpopo’s first citizen with others. “It was a very pleasant and challenging experience that I had,” Mathabatha said referring to the past year. “Looking back I will always thank God I had this experience. After this I can sit back and write a book.”

July 24, 2014

Polokwane Observer

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CONTRACT No. RAL/T703/2014 FOR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE OF ROAD D943 FROM CRECY TO TUINPLAAS IN THE WATERBERG DISTRICT OF LIMPOPO PROVINCE TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE OF ROAD D943 FROM CRECY TO TUINPLAAS IN THE WATERBERG DISTRICT OF LIMPOPO PROVINCE. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 284 4600, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Wednesday, 16 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Riaan Blignaut, Tel 015 296 3293, Cell 083 459 2794, Fax 015 296 4637, e-mail rvs@ prolim.co.za A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the T-Junction of Road R519 and Road R516 at Crecy (±20km from Mookgophong in the direction of Roedtan, GPS Coordinates: S=24° 37’ 38.54” E=28° 50’ 15.64”) on Tuesday, 12 August 2014 starting at 10:00. The closing time for receipt of tender on Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 11:00. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T703/2014 : PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE OF ROAD D943 FROM CRECY TO TUINPLAAS IN THE WATERBERG DISTRICT OF LIMPOPO PROVINCE”and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB grading of: 7CE or 6CE PE or higher. Foto: Elna Esterhuysen

Hendrik en Anika Spies en hul twee kinders staan Vrydagoggend verslae voor hul huurwoonstel waarin alles op die boonste gedeelte vernietig is. ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com

‘n Gesin wat die meeste van hul besittings Vrydagoggend in ‘n brand verloor het, is dankbaar dat hulle desondanks die terugslag steeds mekaar, hul familie en goeie vriende het en geen ernstige beserings opgedoen het nie. Anika Spies het aan Polokwane Observer gesê dat sy oudergewoonte die oggend na 07:00 pap vir die kinders op die grondvloer van hul huur-duplekswoonstel in Royal Court, Ladanna gemaak het nadat haar man, Hendrik reeds werk toe is. “Ek het gesê Jaden (4) en Chantene (3) moet solank met die trappe opgaan om in hul kamer te eet toe Jaden begin gil. Toe ek die trappe op is, het ek gesien ‘n deel van die bed, mat en die waaier in die een kamer brand.” Die waaier was aan omdat sy die vorige aand die mat gewas het, het Anika verduidelik. Die kinders het intussen verby die vlamme na die balkon beweeg en moes inderhaas deur haar na onder geneem word voordat die vlamme verder versprei het. Haar pogings om die brand met nat handdoeke te blus was vergeefs. Die munisipale brandweerdienste is intussen ontbied, maar die brand het vinnig versprei. Die plafon en dak het later meegegee en die brand het na die woonstel langsaan ook versprei. Die brandweerdienste kon uiteindelik daarin slaag om die brand te blus. Die gesin het al hul besittings op die boonste vlak - soos hul beddens, beddegoed, klere en skootrekenaars, asook Anika se selfoon en Hendruk se kitaar en windbukse wat hy versamel het - verloor. Sy is vir rookinaseming behandel. Die gesin gaan tydelik by haar ouers op die Percy Fyfe-hoewes tuis. Beide se ouers en ‘n vorige werkgewer het met beddegoed, beddens en klere gehelp. Mike Adendorff, die eienaar van die agt woonstelle, sê die skade beloop sowat R50 000 aan die struktuur van die woonstelle en dat die woonstelle glo van brandblussers voorsien was, maar dat dit intussen gesteel is. Geen brandblussers was op die toneel sigbaar nie en daar was nêrens ‘n aanduiding van enige brandbestrydingstoerusting nie. In die telefoongesprek met Polokwane Observer het Adendorff gesê die brand het volgens hom as gevolg van nalatigheid ontstaan.

WE STOCK: • All flowers • Glassware • Gifts • Florist accessories • Biltong & fruit hampers Mumsey 073 228 3184 Lifestyle Centre, Shop no 11 Pieter 083 628 7812 Gerhard 082 784 7081 Tel/Fax: 015 297 5294


Polokwane Observer

Julie 24, 2014

Varke glo gesteel omdat eienaar nie besny is



Notice is hereby given in terms of the Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000) Section 28 that the Polokwane Municipality 2014/15 Draft IDP/Budget/ PMS Process Plan is now available. Interested stakeholders/ Communities are invited to submit their comments and input on the Draft Process Plan. Copies of the Process Plan are available to the public at the following areas for collection:

Cluster Moletjie City/Seshego

Mankweng/Sebayeng Molepo/ Maja/ Chuene

Venue • Moletjie Library • Seshego Library • City Library • Nirvana Library • Resource Centre 2nd Floor (Civic Centre) • Westenburg Library • IDP Offices,133 304,305 3rd Floor (Civic Centre) • Mankweng Library • Maja Tribal Office • Chuene Tribal Office • Molepo Office

The 2014/15 Draft IDP/Budget/ PMS Process plan can also be accessed through the municipal website: www.polokwane.gov.za. All written comments and inputs should be submitted to IDP office no 133, 304, and 305, 3rd Floor (Civic Centre) or email your comments to Victorn1@polokwane.gov.za. The closing date for all inputs and comments on the 2014/15 Draft IDP/Budget/ PMS Process plan is 21 August 2014. For more info please contact: Mr. Victor Nengovhela or Mrs. Tebogo Mathe on 015 290 2737 / 2284 / 2117 or email: Victorn1@polokwane.gov.za or tebogop@polokwane. gov.za for further enquiries. Mrs TC MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY

Nog geen arrestasies is gemaak nadat ‘n vark-boer van ‘n plaas in Nebo beweer het dat ‘n groep mans van ‘n nabye inisiasieskool twintig van sy varke verlede Woensdagnag gesteel het nie. Mafole Machika (57) beweer dat ‘n groep mans op 23 Junie sy kraal binnegegaan en 20 varke gesteel het. Machika meen die bende, gewapen met stokke, knopkieries, byle en pangas se bolywe was naak toe hulle by die kraal instorm.

“Hulle is almal van ‘n nabygeleë inisiasieskool. Hulle het my varke gevat en geskree dat ek nie ‘n man is nie omdat ek nie volgens hulle kultuur besny is nie.” Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder Ronel Otto sê die bewerings dat sy varke gesteel is omdat hy nie besny is nie, kan nie bevestig word nie, maar ‘n veediefstalsaak word ondersoek. Machika voel dat geregtigheid moet geskied aangesien dit glo ‘n jaarlikse voorval is.

Suspect wanted for robbery

The suspect and his accomplice got out of The South African Police Service has appealed to their vehicle and demanded to search the car. the public to provide them with information that They also demanded the driver’s may lead to the arrest of a 28-yearlicence, then searched the general old man wanted in connection with and allegedly robbed him of an a robbery on 30 April at the Van undisclosed amount of cash in US Buuren off-ramp in Bedfordview, dollars and fled the scene. Johannesburg during which he The suspect is described to be of allegedly impersonated a police officer. The victims of the incident, dark complexion, medium height and an Angolan military general and his build. He has brown eyes and a scar driver, noticed a grey VW Polo with on his head. He was neatly dressed two occupants driving next to their in pink and blue striped shirt, khaki vehicle. The driver of the Polo allegpants and wore a thin gold necklace. edly stretched out his arm, showed a Anyone with information can call Police identification card and ordered This suspect is Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or SMS the driver to stop which the driver did. wanted by the JoCrime Line on 32211 to report crime The suspects parked behind him. hannesburg Police. anonymously.

Four linked to syndicate selling licences More arrests can be expected soon in an investigation against a syndicate alleged to be selling learner’s and driver’s licences. Road Traffic Management Corporation spokesperson, Thato Mosena said four people, allegedly linked to the syndicate who is selling learners’ and drivers’ licences were arrested in Mpumalanga and Limpopo on Wednesday. “All the suspects were found in possession of licence documents for applicants, including the tests and answer sheets,” Mosena said.

They were arrested in Vaalbank, Mpumalanga and Marble Hall respectively. The female owner of a driving school and a man who allegedly received payments ranging from R1 500 to R5 000 each for learner’s licences were apprehended. “A traffic officer and an examiner of driving licences issued heavy-duty motor vehicle licences for R5 000 to R8 000. They were arrested in possession of a large sum of cash and driving licence cards issued today,” Mosena said.

14 suspects arrested Police investigations are continuing following a breakthrough by the Musina Police on Wednesday afternoon when 14 suspects were arrested for allegedly being in possession of explosives. Provincial Police Spokesperson Hungwani Mulaudzi said the suspects, all from Zimbabwe, had already illegally crossed the Limpopo River when they were confronted by officers

engaged in a joint operation with the South African National Defence Force approximately 10 km east of Beit Bridge. “These undocumented suspects were found in possession of 100 detonators and cartridges worth over R350 000 in their bags. The suspects, aged between 18 and 42, will appear in the Musina Magistrate’s Court tomorrow (Friday).

Most wanted suspect arrested



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A crime intelligence-based operation last Sunday led to the arrest of a highly wanted suspect sought in connection with cases of house breaking and a car hijacking in Tzaneen, Giyani and Thohoyandou respectively. The Tzaneen Cluster Task Team assisted by Public Order Policing and crime intelligence officers were tipped off that the 30-year-old suspect from NkowaNkowa, Tzaneen was hiding in Malamulele whereafter Police closed in and managed to arrest him. A thorough search of his premises did not yield any results but instead led the team to his girlfriend’s house at Mahonisi village, Malamulele were they managed to confiscate an illegal firearm and ammunition allegedly belonging to the suspect. The 24-year-old girlfriend, believed to have participated in the crime spree, was also arrested. At this stage, the suspect has been linked to 11 cases of business robbery and one car hijacking which took place in Tzaneen, Giyani, Ritavi, Letsitele, Thohoyandou and Vuwani respectively. Limpopo Provincial Commissioner, Fanie Masemola hailed the arrest as a huge success. Masemola was quoted saying there was no hiding place for criminals. “The suspect

thought he could evade capture. The Police have the capability to pursue criminals relentlessly, track them down, and put them behind bars. No matter how hard criminals try to evade justice they will not succeed.” Meanwhile the two suspects will soon appear in the Tzaneen and Malamulele Magistrate’s Courts respectively on charges of carjacking and a business robbery and possession of an illegal firearm and ammunition.

Explosives worth over R350 000 were found by the Police in Musina.

Wanted for rape and murder the suspect allegedly pointed a knife at the Frans Kwetepe Thosago of Ga-Motholo who is wanted by the Mankweng Police for victim. She was then dragged to the alleged rape and murder, is still at nearest mountain before she was large. raped,” Maluleke said. Spokesperson for the Mankweng He added that the Mankweng Police, Matimba Maluleke said the Police appeal to the members of the suspect allegedly shot and killed community to provide them with a businessman at Ga-Thoka on 11 information concerning the whereaMay. bouts of the suspect. He also urged It is further alleged that he raped people not to approach the suspect students from the University of as he is believed to be armed and Limpopo who reside in rented rooms possibly dangerous. off campus in Zone 1, Mankweng Contact Angie Maloma on 082 and the Mamontitane area. “The last 565 8524 or Mankweng Police on Frans Kwetepe rape took place on Sunday when 015 286 2000/40/41/42/43. Thosago

July 24, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Nell vermaan om saam te werk ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


olokwane se eens gedugte sakeman, Jacques Nell, is Vrydag in die Mankweng streekhof deur die staatsaanklaer Mpho Doubada van die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag (NVG) vermaan om nie telkens van regsverteenwoordiger te verwissel nie, aangesien dit die afhandeling van die saak vertraag. Doubada het ‘n hersiene lys van getuies wat in die hofsaak geroep kan word ingehandig en dit ook aan Nell se nuwe regsverteenwoordiger, Johan van den Heever, van die firma Henstock Van den Heever oorhandig. Die lys is aansienlik uitgebrei, aangesien dit aan die lig gekom het dat Nell na bewering gepoog het om druk op die Absa-werknemer, wat die klagte teen hom gelê het, terug te trek. Skrif­ telike getuienis in die verband is deur die NVG aan die hof voorgelê. Landdros Rochelle van der Walt het Nell van ‘n spoedige en regverdige verhoor verseker indien hy sy samewerking gee en nie gereeld van regsverteenwoordigers verander nie. Sy het Nell ook vermaan om nie met enige getuies op enige manier in verbinding te tree nie. Nell het instemmend geknik voordat die saak tot 12 September uitgestel is. Nell staan tereg op aanklagte van bedrog wat aan die lig gekom het nadat die Demokratiese Alliansie se fluitjieblaser, Desiree van der

Walt, in Januarie 2012 ‘n saak geopen het teen Nell se beweerde onregmatige en korrupte betrokkenheid by tenders in die departement van openbare werke, asook by Capricorn Distriksmunisipaliteit wat huurkontrakte met Data Master Office Automation CC vir kantoortoerusting aangegaan het. Die beslote korporasie, waarvan hy die enigste lid was, is in Desember 2012, nadat Nell en sy gesin van ‘n oorsese vakansie teruggekeer het, oornag gesluit. Die personeel is deur ‘n plaaslike prokureur verwittig dat hul werkskontrakte verstryk het. Die Nell-gesin het gedurende dié tyd na Pretoria verhuis. Nell het sy besigheid vrywillig gelikwideer. Die aanklagte wat nou deur Nell verdedig word het aan die lig gekom tydens die NVG se aanvanklike ondersoek en spruit uit die uitreiking van vervalste fakture van twee kantoormasjiene wat hy voorgehou het as sekuriteit om finansiering te verkry. Die finansiering is in Maart 2009 verkry. Die NVG voer aan dat die masjiene van onderskeidelik R4,2 miljoen en R3,2 miljoen egter reeds in 2003 en 2006 deur die moedermaatskappy gekoop is en Absa ‘n potensiële verlies van nagenoeg R10 miljoen en ‘n werklike verlies van ongeveer R1,7 miljoen gely het. Nell is in Maart op borgtog van R20 000 vrygelaat nadat hy meer as 36 dae agter tralies was met die voorwaarde dat hy twee keer per week by die naaste polisiestasie aanmeld.

No more Chiefs at Peter Mokaba Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za

are mindful of stakeholder concern following the announcement but they will ensure that there are main matches played at the stadium. “We are finalising the discussions with various teams in the PSL with a view of them utilising the stadium. Once we are done with the discussions we will make the announcements,” Ramakuela said.

Stadium Management South Africa’s announcement that Kaizer Chiefs will host 15 of their Absa Premiership home matches for the upcoming 2014/15 season at FNB Stadium in Gauteng and no longer at Peter Mokaba Stadium may have far reaching effects beyond that of merely disappointing sport fans. The announcement left Kaizer Chiefs supporters devastated and is also expected to impact heavily on the local economy, especially the Tourism and Informal sectors. Last year the Soweto based outfit, which commands a huge following in the province, used the stadium as their alternative home ground and played five of their Premier Soccer League (PSL), Nedbank Cup and Telkom Cup matches there. Jacky Kgwerano, an ardent football supporter from Ga Matamanyane, said it is difficult to imagine the stadium without those major matches. “Chiefs brought a lot of fans to the province and thus created many economic spinoffs,” Kgwerano said. Limpopo Tourism Agency Spokesperson, Mike Tauatsoala described the announcement as a major blow to the tourism sector. “It will have an adverse effect in the sense that a number of tourism establishments, particularly those dealing with accommodation were benefiting during those games,” Tauatsoala explained. Director of ComChurch Street South, Ivydale, Polokwane munity Development Tel: 015 291 1272 in the Polokwane Cell: 083 744 8522 Municipality, Ndavhe T&Cs apply. Valid until 27 July 2014. Ramakuela said they


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Ene Neels bedrieg publiek met lugtyd

July 24, 2014



ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com ‘n Slinkse bedrieër, bekend as ene Neels, mislei sakelui in Polokwane om gratis selfoonlugtyd te bekom. Trevor van Niekerk van CV World in Polokwane sê die man se modus operandi is om mense te skakel en mee te deel sy (die bedrieër se) voertuig het langs die pad onklaar geraak en dat hy die dienste van ‘n insleepdiens benodig. “Dit is ‘n ouerige man wat die indruk skep dat hy kwesbaar langs die pad is,” sê Van Niekerk. Die man sê dan dat hy dringend lugtyd nodig het en versoek dat ‘n bedrag se lugtyd aan hom oorbetaal word. In Van Niekerk se geval het sy vrou, Janine, R250lugtyd oorbetaal nadat hy aanvanklik R400 se lugtyd gebedel het. Van Niekerk sê die ooreenkoms was dat die geld aan sy vrou terugbetaal sal word sodra die man uit sy

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en gesê sy voertuig staan onklaar naby Mankweng. Hy het R200 lugtyd aan die man oorbetaal. “Ek het na die betrokke plek in Mankweng uitgery, maar hy was nie daar nie. Ek het hom dieselfde dag probeer skakel, maar dit was eers nadat hy nie die foon geantwoord het nie dat ek besef het hy het my ‘n rat voor die oë gedraai.” Varela sê hy het nie die polisie in kennis gestel nie. “Dis net R200. Ek het geen idee waar hy is nie.” Polokwane polisiewoordvoerder, Lesiba Ramoshaba sê die polise het nog geen klagtes van die publiek gekry nie, maar moedig hulle aan om ‘n saak by die polisie aanhangig te maak. “Die polisie rig ‘n versoek aan die publiek om nie op versoeke van dié aard te reageer nie. Die publiek moenie hulself aan misleiding blootstel nie.”

Unisa intensifies security after theft from vehicles

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penarie is. “Nodeloos om te sê het hy soos ‘n groot speld verdwyn. Alhoewel hy by tye sy foon antwoord weet ons nie waar hy hom bevind nie.” Giel Vermaak van Emergency Towing het ook onder die boef deurgeloop. Hy sê hy het al voorheen lugtyd vir mense gekoop, maar kry dit nog elke keer terug. “Die man het my op 26 Mei geskakel en laat weet dat hy langs die pad gestrand is. Hy het ook vir lugtyd gevra en ek het R220 oorbetaal. Ek het gery om hom te soek, maar kon hom nêrens opspoor nie. Later het hy ook nie meer sy foon geantwoord nie.” Volgens Van Niekerk en Vermaak gebruik Neels die nommers 071 221 1293 of 072 790 5942. Tony Varela van Pietersburg Dieselsentrum sê hy was ook ‘n slagoffer van die man. Varela sê die man het hom ongeveer ‘n maand gelede gebel

The University of South Africa (Unisa) Limpopo Region has intensified security on its campus after two cars belonging to students and personnel were broken into last year and earlier this year. “The incidents happened at the parking lot of the registration point and after that we decided to enhance security at the premises,” George Dire, Unisa’s Marketing and Communications Manager

Limpopo Region said. “We have put up a new fence in the premises while students and staff will use electronic cards to access the premises. This will minimise the risk of unauthorised entry and enhance the safety of our students. We also had people using our premises as thoroughfare from one street to the other which is not desirable from a security point of view. The system will also ensure that only our students can use our facilities,” Dire said.

Photo: Herbert Rachuene

New security barriers put up at University of South Africa (Unisa) Limpopo Region’s campus will ensure the safety of students and staff.

Suspected Thohoyandou serial killer arrested ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


olice in Thohoyandou arrested a 24-year-old University of Venda (Univen) student on Tuesday on suspicion of being a serial killer. At a media conference held at the Joint Operational Centre in Ladine, Polokwane, at the time of going to press Fanie Masemola, Provincial Police Commissioner confirmed that the Police have every reason to believe that they are dealing with a serial killer based on the modus operandi of the suspect, whose name will only be released once he appears in the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court tomorrow (Friday). Masemola said the arrest comes after the community of Thohoyandou P East and surrounds last week woke up to the distasteful news that yet another body of a murdered woman had been found inside the premises of the university. “The lifeless body of Brenda Ndove (45), a Univen employee, was found next to the old clinic with a deep wound on the back of her head. This gruesome discovery was made while

students of the university were still reeling from shock after the body of a student, Livhuwani Mbodi (22), was found inside the institution’s premises in March this year,” Masemola confirmed. He explained that, as was the case with Ndove, Mbodi also had a deep wound at the back of her head and other wounds on her back, seemly caused by the body being dragged from the original crime scene to where it was dumped. “Further investigations revealed that Mbodi was raped before she was murdered,” he said. Masemola said another female was found murdered in April this year. “This time it was nine-year-old Tshililo Ndou, a learner at Tshishonga Primary School. She was found dead in a yard at Golgotha village, within walking distance from the university. Investigations revealed that the girl was also raped before being strangled to death. Towards the end of last month (June), another gruesome discovery was made in the same village when Zwivhuya Alice Mashau (8), a learner of Nazarene Primary School, located a stone’s throw away from the univer-

sity, was found between two piles of sand,” Masemola informed. “Zwivhuya was also strangled to death after she had been raped,” he said. In May, Shudufhadzo Sandy Thagisa (20) was heavily assaulted at Golgotha village and had to be rushed to a local hospital. Because of the severity of her injuries, Thagisa was transferred to Polokwane Provincial Hospital where she was later transferred to an Intensive Care Unit in Gauteng. He said a provisional task team, consisting of men and women who specialise in high profile cases, was dispatched to the area. “The suspect was arrested at his home on Wednesday night. A Univen student identification card and a cell phone, both belonging to Thagisa, were found in his possession.” He said Police also found a cell phone belonging to Ndove and a hairpin belonging to Mbodi in the suspect’s possession. “I want to commend the students at the University of Venda, the residents of Golgotha and surrounding villages for cooperating with the Police,” Masemola concluded.

Hospitality sector scrutinised ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The Department of Labour’s inspectorate has oiled its machines and systems for a blitz inspection program focusing on the hospitality sector of South Africa. This intense inspection is taking place nationally from 21 to 27 July, with the Limpopo’s brigade of inspectors navigating the province in search

of non-compliant employers. Spokesperson for the Department of Labour in Limpopo, Johannes Mokou said the inspection comes hot on the heels of the department’s announcement of a minimum wage increment which took effect on 1 July. A part of this all-inclusive inspection will focus on compliance with minimum wage changes as well as scrutinising of child labour and forced

labour practises. Mokou said Sectoral Determination 14 (Hospitality Sector) means any commercial business or part of a commercial business in which employers and employees are associated for the purpose of carrying on or providing accommodation in a hotel, motel, inn, resort, game lodge, hostel, guest house, including short stay accommodation, self-catering camps and caravan parks.

Julie 24, 2014






Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for Preventative Maintenance of Road D1468 from Vivo to End of Tar, in the Capricorn District of Limpopo Province. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone: 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 28 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Kenneth Muli, Tel 071 608 1768, Fax 015 291 2262, e-mail: ken.muli@msw.za.com A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the Makgato intersection along Road D1468 from Vivo to End of Tar (Indermark) on 11 August 2014 starting at 10:00. GPS Coordinates are: 23° 2’28.00”S 29°11’34.00”E The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 25 August 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T702/2014: Preventative Maintenance of Road D1468 from Vivo to End of Tar, in the Capricorn District of Limpopo Province and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB grading of: 3CEPE or 4CE or higher.


July 24, 2014

10 OBSERVER polokwane




Notice is hereby given in terms of Chapters 4 and 5 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000) that Polokwane Municipality is issuing an invitation to interested and affected parties/stakeholders to register as members of the 2014/2015 IDP/ Budget/PMS Representative Forum. This invitation is extended to all Polokwane Municipal Ward Committees; Provincial Sector Departments, representatives from organised stakeholder groups: (NGOs/ CBOs, Special Focus Groups (disability, elderly, women, youth and children), Academic Institutions, Organised Business, Tourism/Agriculture/Mining, SMMEs), Implementing Agents/Parastatals/Service providers, Representatives from unorganised groups, Nominated Community Representatives, Resource Persons; and other interested and affected parties. The registration process will run from 21 July 2014 until 29 August 2014. Interested parties/stakeholders can obtain the registration forms from the municipal website (www.polokwane.gov.za) or at the municipal offices Resource Centre, 2nd Floor, Civic Centre, cnr Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets. Completed applications forms can be submitted at any of the following municipal offices (office no; 133,304 and 305) or submitted via email to: Victorn1@polokwane.gov.za . The registration is limited to two members per interested organisation at no cost. For more information please contact: Mr. Victor Nengovhela or Ms. Tebogo Mathe on 015 290 2284 / 2117 or email: Victorn1@polokwane.gov.za or tebogop@polokwane.gov.za for further enquiries. Mrs TC MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY

24 and 25 July >> The eighth Limpopo Wine Show takes place at Meropa Casino & Entertainment World and is presented by wine authority Michael Fridjhon and OutSorceress Marketing. Sessions take place both evenings from 17:00 to 21:00. Wine lovers will be treated to a prestigious array of Cape producers and award-winning wines. Tickets cost R130 per person, including unlimited tasting and free glasses. OutSorceress: 011 482 5936. 26 Julie >> Die Doornbult GPF hou ‘n markdag by die Soetdorings Buiteklub. Stalletjies is nog beskikbaar. Die GPF help die polisie met bekamping van misdaad en is ‘n organisasie sonder winsbejag. Niekolien Page: 083 287 2320. >> Die Boeremusiekgilde (Potgietersrustak) bied om 18:00 ‘n dans by Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé aan. Kaartjies kos R50 vir nielede en R30 vir lede. Kinders onder 12 is gratis. Pak jou eie piekniekmandjie met kos en drank en bespreek vooraf. Kobus Smit: 082 564 4668. >> The Nokeng Festival of Music and Storytelling takes place at the River Lodge outside Hoedspruit from 13:00 till late. Entertainment will be provided by Pops Mohamed, Black South Easter, Joel Karabo, Elliott and the Stone Aged Souls and Naftali of the Royal Family. Tickets will be available at the gate at R100 per person and children under 12 will be admitted free of charge. Homemade food and soft drinks and beer will be available. Tlou Tlolane: 074 487 9006. >> The Funama Wedding Exhibition takes place in the Jack Botes Hall at 09:00. Tickets cost R50 per person. 27 July >> World-renowned Pops Mohamed and Dave Reynolds perform One and One Makes Three at Minah’s Art Café and Farm Venue at 14:00. Pre-booked tickets for adults cost R100 or R120 at the door and tickets for youngsters R60. The venue is open for lunch from 12:00. Denise: 083 980 8433. 31 July to 2 August >> Round Table Impala 157 and Pietersburg 22 host their À la Carte Show at Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé at 18:30 for 19:00. Tick-

ets cost R1 500 for Thursday and R2 000 for Friday and Saturday for a table of ten people. A cash bar will be available and guests have to bring their own food. Pierre Bloem: 079 874 2554. 1 tot 9 Augustus >> Die jaarlikse kunsmark vind by Laerskool Pietersburg plaas. Die mark is op weeksdae van 10:00 tot 19:00 en Saterdae van 09:00 tot 20:00 oop en bied ‘n verskeidenheid artikels en heerlike eetgoed te koop. Elsabé du Preez: 083 454 5424 of Daleen Bröhn: 082 650 8811. 2 August >> Our Home/Ons Tuiste hosts a bazaar from 07:00 at the Home in Suid Street. Breakfast will be served until 11:00 and will be followed by a pork and sheep spitbraai as from 11:30. Stalls will offer fresh meat, vegetables, plants, cakes, pancakes, home made jams, needlework, a children’s stall and a white elephant table. Louise Viljoen: 082 462 6734. 16 August >> The Pathways Appreciation Breakfast takes place at the Protea Hotel Ranch Resort at 09:00. Zelda la Grange, author of the book Good Morning Mr Mandela will be the guest speaker. Tickets cost R300 per person or R3 000 for a table of ten and will include breakfast. Proceeds will go towards the Pathways NPC projects for disabled children. Sally Hansen: 015 295 5292 or Sarah Hansen: 015 295 5843. 22 Augustus >> Chris Chameleon tree om 17:00 vir 18:30 by Laerskool Pietersburg (PLS) op. Kaartjies kos R130 per persoon. Voorafbespreking is noodsaaklik en kan aanlyn gedoen word by www. chameleonpbg.co.za. Hanno Becker: 082 574 9431. 30 Augustus >> Die Hervormde Gemeente in Thabo Mbekistraat bied ‘n markdag aan vanaf 09:00. Uitstallers met interessante handvervaardigde artikels is welkom om ‘n tafel te bespreek teen R50. Heerlike eetgoed sal verkoop word. Kom geniet ‘n oggend saam met talentvolle entrepreneurs. Susan Raath: 082 258 1418. 4 September >> Die Vryburgers bied ‘n wynveiling by die Pietersburg Klub in samewerking met die Vryburgers van Robertson aan om geld vir liefdadigheid in te samel. Aggie Ströh: 082 465 8234. 5 September >> Koop jou plakker en glimhoed en trek snaaks aan vir Loslitdag saam met die Vereniging vir Persone met Gestremdheid en maak so ‘n verskil aan die lewens van gestremdes. Johnny Graham: 015 291 1787/8.

Groenewald case postponed ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Dawie Groenewald, his wife Sariette and nine other accused arrested in September 2010 in connection with large scale rhino poaching, appeared in the Pretoria High Court on Tuesday and the case was provisionally postponed to 4 August 2015. Spokesperson for the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) Nathi Mncube said the reason for the provisional date is that the civil application must first be finalised as the outcome thereof might have a bearing on the charges brought in the criminal case. “The outcome of the civil application has a bearing on the criminal trial as the legislation used in the criminal trial is the focus in the civil application. This is the very first date in the high court,” Mncube said. The Groenewalds, owners of Out of Africa Adventure Safaris are also owners of the farm Prachtig, located in the Musina area. The accused, veterinary surgeons Karel Toet and Manie du Plessis, Toet’s wife Marisa, Toet’s employee, Koos Pronk, three professional hunters, Tielman Erasmus, Gys du Preez and Nardus Rossouw, a helicopter pilot Dewald Gouws and a farm worker Paul Matomela have been charged with 1 872 charges ranging from rhino poaching, racketeering, money laundering, illegal rhino hunting, permit violations, illegal trade in rhino horn and violating the Biodiversity Act and the Act on the Prevention of Organised Crime. Thirteen persons were initially arrested in September 2010 and all the accused were later released on bail, with Groenewald’s bail set at R1 million, an amount which was later decreased. More than 20 rhino carcasses with the horns removed were found buried on Groenewald’s farm in 2013.

Accident death toll rises to nine ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com

Police allegedly involved in attack ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


ore than 30 Police members were allegedly involved in an attack on tavern patrons in Tickeyline, Tzaneen on Saturday night. Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto said allegations about the incident, apparently widely reported by certain mainstream media, has also been making rounds in the social media and have dented the image of the Police. She added that SAPS Management views the alleged acts in a very serious light. Otto stated that Police are expected to uphold the law and protect the inhabitants of this country and that any unsavoury behaviour from the custodians of law and order will not be tolerated. “In line with our internal procedures, we have appointed an investigator from the province who will gather more information concerning the incident.





If any wrongdoing is found on the part of the Police and as such constitutes misconduct, proper steps will be followed which might lead to action being taken against whoever was involved,” she said. Provincial Police Commissioner Fanie Masemola was quoted saying that no unbecoming behaviour will be tolerated on the part of the Police. He said the community must feel safe in the presence of the Police, not run for cover whenever the Police arrive. “Ours is to serve and protect, we strive for justice to prevail and we cannot be found on the wrong side of the law. “We know that not all Police officials engage in trivial acts of irresponsible policing, but the few who are putting the name of the Police in disrepute must be dealt with accordingly,” a reportedly fuming Masemola said. Masemola also thanked members of the community who blew the whistle on the incident.

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The death toll of a head-on collision that happened on the R37 outside Lebowakgomo on Saturday rose to nine on Sunday with the death of another one of the injured persons. Senior Manager Communications at the Department of Health, Macks Lesufi said the accident happened between Apel and the Olifants River Bridge on the R555 road to Jane Furse. A sedan and a minibus taxi were involved in the crash which left, among others, both drivers and two children aged five and eight years, dead. He said medical teams and paramedics were able to stabilise some of the patients on the scene. The sedan carried five occupants and the minibus taxi 15 passengers. Thirteen injured patients were transferred to the Lebowakgomo Hospital and one patient was airlifted to the Polokwane Provincial Hospital. “He unfortunately succumbed to his injuries on Sunday,” Lesufi said. Lesufi confirmed that, except for one person with severe head injuries whose health deteriorated and necessitated him being admitted to the high care unit, the other injured were stable. “We appeal to motorists to drive with caution and adhere to the set speed limit on the roads. Any loss of life is regrettable,” he said.

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Alleged cop killers’ case postponed


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ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The four suspects that were arrested for the alleged killing of a lieutenant at the Ritavi Police Station appeared in the Ritavi Magistrate’s Court and the case was postponed to 30 September. Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto said one of the suspects, David Malatjie (33) was arrested in Tzaneen a few days after the kiling. He was charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm because he was apparently not involved in the shooting. Yezindaba Meshack Shikati (54) was shot and killed on 29 June when he and fellow officer Carrol Machaba (35) responded to a complaint at Mabuza Tavern in Patanage village. While investigating the complaint they were ambushed. The first suspect, Teffe Malangana (23) was arrested in Johannesburg a few days after the incident. Follow-up investigations led to the arrests of Lazarus Moseamedi (25) and David Malatjie (33) in the Tzaneen area. Nicholas Moseamedi (18) was apprehended in Mankweng.

Julie 24, 2014

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July 24, 2014

12 OBSERVER polokwane

Photo: Herbert Rachuene

Present during the Prisa networking session are George Dire, Marketing and Communications Manager at University of South Africa Limpopo Region, Yolande Nel, Editor of Polokwane Observer, Mamoloko Matsimela, Deputy News Editor at Capricorn FM and Malesela Maubane, Prisa Provincial Secretary.


TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the ROADS PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROJECT FOR ROAD D1356 FROM N1/28 TO RAMOKGOPA. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone: 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300.00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Tuesday, 15 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Dennis Sinkonde on Tel: 015 295 6068 / Fax: 015 291 5651 / email: adminpolokwane@aphane.co.za A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the Caltex Garage, on the N1 in Matoks (GPS Coordinates: 23˚30’12” S and 29˚43’06” E) on Tuesday, 5 August 2014 starting at 15:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on Tuesday, 19 August 2014, telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/ T709/2014: Road D1356 from N1/28 to Ramokgopa and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB grading of 5 CE or 4 CE PE or higher. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS

CALLING ALL EMERGING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS Invitation for Training and Development of Emerging Contractors through the Limpopo Contractor Development Programme (LCDP) Limpopo Department of Public Works, in partnership with the National Department of Public Works, is embarking on a training programme for contractors and construction supervisors under the auspices of the Expanded Public Works Vuk’uphile Learnership Programme. The primary objective of this structured, formal learnership programme is to develop emerging contractors into sustainable construction companies with the ability to execute and oversee labour-intensive projects. In particular, the focus will be on developing entrepreneurial, business and technical skills. Our first interest is in historically disadvantaged people who have the potential to succeed in the construction industry, and we would particularly like to hear from individuals who: • Are experienced in the construction or contracting sector • Are experienced in owning, running or managing a business • Have access to or own capital or assets that would be useful for a construction entity. Selection Criteria Prospective construction entities must: • Be registered as a construction entity (Company/Close Corporation) with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (NB: Preference will be given to companies owned by one individual) • Companies that are deregistered with CIPC will not be considered • Have an original, valid Tax Clearance Certificate • There are two (2) programmes running concurrently and applicants must clearly indicate the option(s) applying for: a) Emerging Contractor Development Programme (GB/CE 2-3) = 20 Learner Contractors and 20 Supervisors (must be registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and have a building (GB/CE) CIDB Grade 2 or Grade 3 grading. The Contractor and one Construction Supervisor will be trained in this programme. b) Contractor Development Programme (Incubator) (GB/CE 4-5) = 15 Learner Contractors (must be registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and have a building (GB/CE) CIDB Grade 4 or Grade 5 grading. Prospective contractors must: • Be literate and numerate in English and Mathematics • Be willing to enter into a full-time (for a period not less than twenty-four (24) months) learnership contract for Construction Contractor at NQF Level 4 as well as an entrepreneurial/business skills programme • Have a minimum of Grade 11 (Standard 9) and/or obtain recognition of prior learning by the closing date • Be a permanent resident of Limpopo Province (proof should be attached, eg water and lights bill or letter from tribal authority) Prospective construction supervisors must: • Be literate and numerate in English and Mathematics • Be willing to enter into a full-time (for a period not less than twenty-four (24) months) learnership contract for Construction Supervisor at NQF Level 4 • Be employed by a contractor in accordance with a formal employment agreement for the duration of the learnership (two to three years) • Have a minimum of Grade 11 (Standard 9) and/or obtain recognition of prior learning by the closing date • Be a permanent resident of Limpopo Province (proof should be attached, eg water and lights bill or letter from tribal authority) Important Dates Compulsory briefing sessions will be held at the following venues: District





District Office

4 August 2014



District Office

4 August 2014



District Office

5 August 2014



District Office

5 August 2014



District Office

6 August 2014


NB: Special preference will be given to black candidates, women and youth-owned enterprises. Companies owned by people with disabilities are encouraged to apply and will receive special preference. The Department of Public Works reserves the right not to appoint. Application Forms and Enquiries Applications must be submitted on the official LCDP application form available on www.dpw.limpopo.gov.za Completed application forms with attachments should be submitted to the 1st Floor Registry, Public Works Offices, 43 Church Street, Polokwane. Enquiries can be directed to Maswanganyi Thomas, tel. (015) 284-7123, Chauke Risenga, tel. (015) 284-7416, Kaseke Linda, tel. (015) 284-7156 or Sehlapelo Esther, tel. (015) 284-7422 Closing date: 15 August 2014 at 16:00 Human Communications 111004

Prisa strives to get media relations spot on Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


he Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (Prisa) in Limpopo conducted a networking session aimed at getting media relations right and sharing best practices in the industry in Polokwane on Monday. The session also aimed at helping participants to establish media relations, write effective media releases, understand how to package the information for various media houses; newsroom operations and getting the media to understand the working of different organisations they interact with. In her presentation Editor of Polokwane Observer Yolande Nel, said the notion of journalists remaining underdogs of society has somehow not been discarded as yet by all who get to enter into media liaison, which in many instances seems to be left to professionals not fully aware of or prepared for the enormous task they are entrusted with. “On home turf the picture seems rather bleak, considering the handful of professionals actually getting it right. Acquiring skills in dealing with media tend to be a lesser priority with many who get to engage with journalists in Limpopo,” Nel said. She also pointed out that the moment

officials tasked with liaison on behalf of a structure get the recipe right the battle would be half won. “There are valuable lessons to be learnt and it requires understanding of a very different breed of professional for someone on the particular field of expertise to be successful.” Marketing and Communications Manager at University of South Africa Limpopo Region, George Dire described the media as an important stakeholder in any organisation. “The media have power and influence over information dissemination to the public. It is important for public relations officers to have good relations with the media,” Dire said. He also urged communicators to be a credible source for journalists in the market even for information that may not link directly to their product in order to maintain good media relations. Provincial Secretary of Prisa, Malesela Maubane reminded the gathering that their organisation has represented the interests of public relations and communication management professionals throughout the South African region for the past 57 years and the institute is the only South African Qualification Authority recognised body for public relations and communications management professionals in Southern Africa.

First entries for Miss Humanity received ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The first two Limpopo entries for the 2015 Miss Humanity SA pageant have been received. Jo-anne Rossouw from Polokwane and Rotenda Hangwani from Mokopane will be contesting for the title of Miss Humanity SA 2015 with the aim of later participating in the international Miss Humanity 2015 contest to be held in Barbados next year. Reigning queen Katryn Barwise, who was also recently awarded the directorship of this pageant, said the closing date for entries is 31 July. Barwise said the pageant is aimed at women between the ages of 18 and 26 who want to make a difference is other people’s lives. She said Miss Humanity is about serving the community. The candidate must be willing to work hard in order to make a difference by hosting various charity events such as food drives, planting vegetable gardens and teaching others about sustainability while alleviating poverty. “Twenty finalists will be chosen from across the country. They will each receive three projects which will have to be completed over

a two month period. The finalists will compete for the Miss Humanity South Africa title on 25 October at the Protea Hotel, The Ranch. The winner will compete for the ultimate title in Barbados in 2015.” More information can be obtained from misshumanityinternational.com or Barwise’s webpage on misshumanityinternationalsa.com.

Jo-anne Rossouw from Polokwane is one of the first entries in the 2015 Miss Humanity SA pageant

Paaie in Limpopo as nasionaal verklaar ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Die nasionale departement van vervoer het die week aangekondig dat 1 537 kilometer in Limpopo as nasionale paaie verklaar is. Die paaie sal onder die bestuur van die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap (Sanral) val. Die hoof uitvoerdende beampte van Sanral, Vusi Mona sê die inkorporering van die paaie is ‘n aanduiding van die uitstekende diens wat deur die departement gelewer word. Hy sê ongeveer 19 704 kilometer word tans deur Sanral onderhou wat 84% geen-tolpaaie, 15% tolpaaie en 1% van die Gauteng Hoofwegverbeteringsprogram insluit.

Hy het verder aangedui dat die agentskap gedurende 2012/2013 meer as R3,2 miljard direk aan tolpaaie en nagenoeg R9,5 miljard aan die geen-tolpaaie netwerk spandeer het. “As ‘n regeringsbeheerde eenheid het ons mandaat nog altyd oor bestuur, onderhoud en ontwikkeling van die Suid-Afrikaanse nasionale padnetwerk gegaan,” sê Mona. Intussen, verduidelik hy dat die term nasionale pad gereeld as nasionale roete gebruik word, maar tegnies gesproke is enige pad wat deur Sanral onderhou word ‘n nasionale pad. “Dis nie noodwendig nodig dat dit deel van ‘n nasionale pad uitmaak nie,” sê hy. Mona sê al Sanral se paaie is in ‘n goeie toestand en dit sal ook die geval met die nasionale paaie in Limpopo wees.

Polokwane Observer

Join the winners at FNB Limpopo Wine Show >> Winners of tickets announced >> Obikwa wines a favourite BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


he six lucky winners of double tickets to the FNB Limpopo Wine Show are ready to sample the adventurous Obikwa range of quality wines that will be there for the tasting that takes place at Meropa Casino and Entertainment World tonight (Thursday) and tomorrow evening. With a variety for every day of the week, Polokwane wine lovers can prepare for tongue twister tastings and with no less than nine Obikwa wine varieties available, there will be plenty to choose from. Besides the ever popular value for money Shiraz, Pinotage, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot amongst the reds, and Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc and Chardon-

nay amongst the whites, there will also be the Obikwa Moscato for those with a sweeter taste. A crisp, dry Obikwa Pinotage Rosé can add a touch of pink to round off your day. The CyberCellar.com stall will be on site to allow wine lovers to stock up on their weekly wine supply. Tickets are still available at R130 per person and can be purchased via Computicket or at Checkers Money Market counters. The winners of the complementary tickets were Rachel Rambiyana, Paul Rangongo, Mandy Meiring, Nthabiseng Sibanda, Lelanie Weyer and Thandie Makhubela.

The winners of the complementary tickets to the FNB Limpopo Wine Show


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Unless we state a specific limitation, Makro will attempt to have sufficient advertised stock available to meet consumers’ anticipated demands. If we still run out of stock, we will attempt to obtain the stock or we will offer you a reasonable alternative. Makro takes utmost care to ensure that all advertisements are correct. If a mistake occurs or incomplete information is printed, we will display a notice in-store with all the correct details. Our advertisements do not specify wine vintages because we cannot guarantee that a specific vintage will be available at a specific store. Liquor is not for sale to persons under the age of 18. Makro supports responsible drinking. Liquor will be sold on Sundays in Gauteng & PE only during specified hours that can be confirmed with your store. Prices include 14% VAT and bottle deposits.

July 24, 2014

Polokwane Observer


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LUBF launched last week T

he Limpopo United Business Forum (LUBF) was officially launched last Thursday and immediately got down to business when they briefly engaged with Premier Stan Mathabatha afterwards. LUBF is made up from various business formations in the province that have formed a united front to speak as one about the challenges facing the private business sector in Limpopo. The chairperson of the organisation, Phaswane Mogale is also the chairperson of the Black Lawyers Association (BLA). Organised business structures in Limpopo that fall under the umbrella of LUBF are the BLA, Afrikaanse Handelinstituut (AHI), Black Management Forum (BMF), Polokwane Chamber of Business (PCOB), National Federated Chamber of Commerce (Nafcoc), Foundation of African Business and Consumer Services (Fabcos), Lephalale Business Forum (LBF), Progressive Professionals Forum (PFF) and South African Women In Construction Association (Sawic). The ten organisations are represented by their leadership in the executive and subscribe to the constitution of LUBF as organisations and not as individual members. One of the key objectives of the newly established organisation is to facilitate a platform for effec-

tive collaboration and partnership with provincial government and to ensure joint accountability of business and government on issues of empowerment and transformation in line with Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) and progressive government policies. Speaking at the launch of the LUBF last Thursday, Mogale reiterated the need to foster a united business structure of mutually beneficial business interests with local government and to be active role players in the rebuilding of the economy in the province and ensure that the private sector occupies its rightful position in the economic dynamics of Limpopo. He added that the LUBF will engage with local government and municipal structures in order to create a mutually beneficial environment for a flourishing economy by recognising the role of the private sector in rebuilding the economy in the province. “Government, through engaging the forum, can organise business summits and indabas where the way forward can be mapped out and plans initiated which will see the harmonisation of the relations between government, labour, SMMEs and big business,” Mogale elaborated. He said LUBF has already been introduced to the provincial government and they have met with the Premier and were pleased to find that the government is sharing the same vision as the LUBF.












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The members of the Limpopo United Business Front (LUBF) are in front Matshego Manaswe (Chairperson SAIWC), Phaswane Mogale (Chairperson of LUBF and BLA), Neo Mkahabela (Deputy President Nafcoc) and Princess Tsakani Nkambule (President BWA). At the back are Abram Luruli (Secretary LUBF), Simphiwe Mdlalose (President PCOB), William Setjie (Deputy Chairperson Fabcos) and Corinus du Toit (AHI Manager of Business Chamber, Liaison and Development Mpumalanga and Limpopo). Photo: Warren Blunt

Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com



Busy time for WoF Blouberg fire fighters

July 24, 2014

16 OBSERVER polokwane

Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail. com


Photos: Supplied

Fire fighters from the Blouberg crew for Working on Fire suppress a bush fire in the area last week.

orking on Fire (WoF) bush fire crews have been hard at work suppressing fires across Limpopo since the the fire season commenced at the beginning of June. Approximately 660 WoF fire fighters stationed at 27 bases in the province have already fought 114 veld fires from the start of June, with the Blouberg team being the busiest, having suppressed 47 fires to date, according to a media statement released by WoF on Monday. On average the Blouberg crew responds to three bush fires a day. “During the previous fire season we started experiencing a large number of fires

towards August and September, which means that we are in for a busy fire season in 2014, judging from the number of fires so far this year,” Sam Maepa, the WoF Limpopo General Manager said. The media statement went on to say that no injuries or deaths have been reported in the Blouberg area. WoF is also focusing on fire awareness campaigns at schools and emphasised the need to also focus on community fire awareness campaigns in the area. “We believe that if we can educate more people then these fires will decrease. The people need to know about the devastating impact these fires can have on both human and animal life,” Phuthi Sethowa a WoF crew leader at Blouberg explained.

CAPRICORN COLLEGE FOR FET 16 Market Street POLOKWANE 0699 Private Bag X9674 POLOKWANE 0700

ISO 9001:2008 Certificated CENTRAL OFFICE

Tel 015 291 3118 015 291 3115 Fax 015 291 2767 www.capricorncollege.co.za

To: 1. All students who completed N6, practicals and recieved their diplomas 2. All students who have completed NC (V) Level 4.

Invitation to 2014 Graduation ceremony Date: Friday, 5 September 2014 Venue: Polokwane Campus Hall There will be 2 sessions on the above date to accomodate everybody:

• NC (V) Level 4 Graduates 1st Session: • N6 NATED Graduates 2nd sssion:

Registration: 08:00 Registration: 11:00

1. Submit the following at the reception of Central Office, 16 Market Street, Polokwane not later than Wednesday, 06 August 2014: • Copy of Diploma (NATED) or NC (V) Level 4 statement of results, • Copy of Identity Document and • Contact numbers 2. You may hire or buy gown, mortar board and hood. 3. Photographic services will be available if interested. No private photographers will be allowed in the hall. 4. You are allowed to bring two guests in the hall. Enquiries: IJ Lebopa Contact: 015 230 1800 KR Madzhie CEO/Principal POLOKWANE CAMPUS Diemeer Street POLOKWANE 0699 Tel: 015 287 0400 Fax: 015 287 0439

02 July 2014

SENWABARWANA CAMPUS Senwabarwana Main Street SENWABARWANA 0790 Tel: 015 505 3172 Fax: 015 505 3174

SESHEGO CAMPUS 1919 Freedom Drive SESHEGO 0742 Tel: 015 223 0006 Fax: 015 223 5187

Higher education the primary antidote to unemployment With Boston City Campus & Business College now open for mid-year registrations for diplomas and degrees, Boston’s Marketing Manager Natalie Rabson, used the opportunity to reflect on how attaining a higher education can help address the issue of unemployment. “According to Adcorp labour market economist, Loane Sharp the retrenchment rate is now at a 10-year high. In January alone our economy shed 36 290 jobs while the unemployment rate increased from 22,5% in 2008 to 25,20% in the first quarter of 2014. Then there’s the recent news that youth unemployment had soared from 32,7% to 36,1% in the six years from 2008 to 2014,” Rabson said. For her the importance of attaining a higher education has a twofold significance that can both directly and indirectly address these issues of unemployment and retrenchment. “Firstly, the relevance of a vibrant higher education sector is recognised internationally and investment therein, whether through individuals who take up further studies or through government funding, promotes economic prosperity and greater employment. Secondly, we need to remind ourselves just how important a relevant qualification is when looking for work or merely trying to stay secure in one’s current job. Unemployment and retrenchment statistics are showing us a rather desperate reality and especially for the unemployed, it’s time to step up,” Rabson added. “You should waste no time in assessing your situation. Start by asking: Am I on the right career path? Are there areas in my specific skills set where I need to improve? Do I have the proper qualifications and tools to apply for a job with confidence? Is a matric certificate, diploma or degree enough in our highly competitive market? And, where do I want to be in a few years from now? Only after addressing these questions should one make the decision on what to do next and how to do it best,” Rabson advised. Alarmingly these days a relevant qualification doesn’t automatically guarantee your employability, especially if you don’t have work experience to go along with it. That in itself is no reason not to study further; gaining a competitive edge and acquiring the necessary skills do after all form the foundation of employability. And to those who are fortunate enough to think they have secure jobs, Rabson has the following message: “Don’t be too comfortable. Considering the current volatile nature of our economy, many companies, big and small, have moved into “survival mode”. Retrenchment is a natural result thereof,” she cautioned. She further reminded that in South Africa acquiring a higher education has helped many people start their own businesses and grow these into successful companies. Statistics from the Department of Trade and Industry show that these small and medium enterprises contribute between 52 to 57% to our Gross Domestic Product and account for approximately 61% of employment. “So yes, entrepreneurship definitely does seem to be one possible cure for the unemployment rate. If more people had the drive and skills to start their own businesses, things might be less dire. The other reality is that these businesses operate in a highly competitive market and whilst some do become successful entrepreneurs without having studied further, many soon realise that up-skilling and acquiring a higher education is essential for survival,” she said. Mid-year registrations for diplomas and degrees at Boston are officially open until 25 July. Prospective students don’t have to wait until next year to start their studies; they can still start immediately upon the close of registration. This will give full-time student and those currently employed and wanting to further their studies on a part time basis a head start. Tuition for students who have already registered to do a Unisa degree through Boston will also start in July. Note that while the closing date for Unisa applications was 25 April, the closing date for registrations at Unisa is 11 July 2014. Boston now also offers two brand new industry relevant courses: a Diploma in Business Management and a Diploma in Events Management. For more information on these and other courses offered by Boston, please visit our Polokwane branch at 1st Floor, Pioneer Building, 52 Landdros Maré Street, or call 015 291 2579 or please visit www.boston.co.za

July 24, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

Capricorn District Municipality

CDM Executive Mayor Gilbert Kganyago elect acknowledges those present as he enters the CDM head office.

New CDM Executive Mayor inaugurated

Maria Lekganyane, Speaker of Capricorn District Municipality leads the procession prior to the inauguration ceremony.

>> New mayor seeks developmental growth path >> Council does not underestimate challenges facing district

hinder good governance and service delivery. I want to give you the assurance that we are well aware of the issues that need to be addressed.” He emphasised that CDM will continue the process of refurbishing and replacing the district’s infrastructure network and ensuring that all residents have access to quality CDM CoMMuNiCatioNS water, reliable electricity and decent sanitaewly elected Capricorn District Munici- tion. “In this regard the billing system in each of the district’s five municipalities will pality (CDM) Executive Mayor Gilbert Kganyago has every intention to serve enjoy priority and we will redouble our efforts to improve the quality of interaction with the people of Capricorn guided by the vision of the African National Congress (ANC) to cre- our residents. This will be done within the context of fiscal responsibility and according ate a non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous South Africa, free of the ills of the to the high standards of prudent financial management we have set for ourselves,” injustices of the past. Kganyago said. Kganyago during his inauguration last Addressing guests at the inaugural gala Thursday said: “I want to give the people dinner hosted at Bolivia Lodge later in the of Capricorn district the assurance that we day Kganyago stressed his commitment to will not let up in our efforts to help create combat and eradicate corruption: “We coma better district through the building of betmit ourselves to fight corruption in any form ter communities. None of us in this council in both public and private sector through underestimate the enormous developmental challenges facing the district; challenges that measures to restrict public servants from


CDM Executive Mayor Gilbert Kganyago addresses the media after the inauguration ceremony.

Julie 24, 2014

CDM Municipal Manager, Ngoako Molokomme at the media briefing.

Jack Matsaung, Member of the Mayoral Committee arrives for the inauguration ceremony.

doing business with government and holding public officials individually liable for losses incurred as a result of corrupt activities.” He added that the municipality will also pursue action against companies involved in bid rigging, price fixing and corruption in past and current infrastructure build programmes. “Our responsibility ahead is to make this municipality to account to our ordinary masses, as an accountable institution that will also bring clean audit. It is high time that our officials pull up their socks in moving forward to deliver services to the people,” Kganyago said. According to him both management and staff will be aware of the fact that they will be held accountable for the quality of their service delivery. Local municipalities will be engaged on the turn-around strategy to fast track services to the people of the district in order to ensure better living conditions. “We intend to build a district that can find solutions to enable the proactive absorption of the poor, as it will remain a magnet for the poor seeking a better life; a district that

CDM Chief Whip, Calvin Masoga. PhotoS: RC MybuRgh

can ensure balanced and shared growth and break down the divide between the first and second economies; a district that recognises that it cannot deal with the challenges it faces alone and it needs to find new ways of working across the traditional public-private divide and across boundaries that separate it from its neighbours,” he said. Kganyago concluded that Capricorn is the most diverse district in the province and as the economic and cultural hub of Limpopo it plays a pivotal role in the direction the province will grow in the future. The newly appointed Mayoral Committee announced on the day consists of Gabriel Dandane (finance), Roseline Mashangoane (planning and environmental management services), Betty Kgare (community services), Jack Matsaung (infrastructure services), Patricia Mahlo (executive strategic management special focus), Phineas Boloka (sports, arts and culture), Elizabeth Kgatla (corporate services) and Nakedi Seakamela (local economic development). The Chief Whip is Calvin Masoga.

Member of the Provincial Legislature, Dickson Masemola at the gala dinner.

Deputy Provincial Police Commissioner Berning Ntlemeza at the gala dinner.

Jy het dekking OBSERVER 19 nodig, ongeag wat gebeur Julie 24, 2014



Foto: Elna Esterhuysen

Adri Ras, streekbestuurder van Kansa en Ria du Plessis Kansagemeenskapmobiliseerder wat ook meer as ‘n dekade Polokwane Atletiekklub (PAC) se bemarking en mediaskakeling hanteer het.

Ria verlaat stad, maar bly behoue vir Kansa ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com Ria du Plessis sê sy verlaat die stad einde Julie met dié wete dat sy met absolute toewyding en betrokkenheid by die gemeenskap Kansa na die beste van haar vermoë gedien het. “Na 17 jaar in Polokwane is dit vir my baie emosioneel om ‘n afdruk van my spore te maak wat ek diep in die gemeenskap getrap het as ek Pretoria toe verhuis waar my familie is,” sê Du Plessis, gemeenskapmobiliseerder van Kansa sedert 2012. Sy gaan steeds as gemeenskapskoördineerder by Kansa in Pretoria werk waar die uitdaging soveel groter is. Nasionale projekte soos Shavathon, Cuppa for Cansa en Jail ‘n Bail moet provinsiaal deur haar gekoördineer word. Haar eerste paadjie het op 22-jarige ouderdom met Kansa gekruis toe sy velkanker gekry het as gevolg van te veel sonblootstelling. Later jare moes sy twee keer weer die groot K klop en is tans in remissie. Bewys van haar harde werk is dat Cuppa for Cansa se teiken in 2012 sowat R24 000 was. Du Plessis het dit reggekry om met toewyding en betrokkenheid by die gemeenskap wat tot goeie verhoudings gelei het, die teikenbedrag met R164 000 te oorskry

en ‘n reuse bedrag van R188 000 in te samel. “Ek wil ‘n verskil in mense se lewens maak omdat kankerpasiënte my passie is. Ek was nooit spyt oor die ekstra tyd wat ek gewerk het nie, omdat dit vir my ‘n riem onder die hart is wanneer mense hulle harte vir Kansa oopmaak. Baie dankie aan elkeen wat ‘n bydrae in my en my twee kinders, Andrea en Driaan, se lewens gemaak het want ons verlaat Polokwane skatryk. Jul liefde, vrede en vriendskap kan nooit in randwaarde bepaal word nie.” Adri Ras, streeksbestuurder van Kansa sê: “Ons neem met hartseer afskeid van Ria die staatmaker. Gelukkig verloor ons haar nie, sy sprei net haar vlerke na groter Gauteng. Vir Limpopo is dit ‘n verlies want sy is ‘n ware steunpilaar en uitstekende netwerker. Ons wens haar alle sterkte en voorspoed toe.” Du Plessis was ook sowat 12 jaar by die Polokwane Atletiekklub as onder meer mediaskakelbeampte betrokke. Johan van Vuuren, klubvoorsitter sê: “Ons gaan haar mis. Haar skakeling met borge, ander klubs en die media was uitstekend. Sy het langer as 10 jaar ‘n wesenlike bydrae in die sukses van die Comradesondersteuningspan gelewer.” Kansa Polokwane se verlies is in der waarheid Kansa in Pretoria se wins.

ndien jy ’n gevreesde siekte soos kanker het of ernstig beseer word in ’n motorongeluk wat jou verhoed om te werk, is geld die laaste ding waaraan jy dink. Die realiteit is egter dat die finansiële implikasies baie verder strek as die koste van die behandeling wat jy moet kry. Willem Barnard, besigheidsbestuurder van Sanlam Limpopo, sê dit is uiters belangrik dat jy in jou finansiële beplanning seker maak dat jy beskerming het - nie net teen die kosteimpak van sterfte nie, maar ook teen siekte, ongeskiktheid of verlies aan inkomste. “Mense dink dikwels in die geval van beserings of ernstige siekte is dit genoeg om aan ’n goeie mediese fonds te behoort. Mediese rekeninge is egter net een deel van die prentjie.” Beskerming van jou inkomste Die diagnose van kanker en chirurgie, radioterapie en chemoterapie wat moontlik nodig is, kan beteken dat jy tydelik buite aksie is en moet ophou werk wat kan meebring dat jy nie ’n inkomste kan verdien nie. As jy ’n ouer of broodwinner is, kan dit jou gesin finansieel lamlê. ’n Inkomstebeskermersvoordeel sal dekking vir die verlies van inkomste verskaf wanneer jy tydelik ongeskik is. Wanneer ’n inkomstebeskermersvoordeel oorweeg word, moet die verskillende wagtydperke wat beskikbaar is in ag geneem word, omdat dit bekostigbaarheid beïnvloed. Hoe korter die wagtydperk, hoe duurder die voordeel, maar die eis sal vroeër tydens die ongeskiktheidstydperk uitbetaal word. “Dit is verreweg die belangrikste dekking naas lidmaatskap van ’n me-

diese fonds – veral as jy selfwerksaam is,” sê Barnard. Hy sê mense maak dikwels die fout om permanente ongeskiktheidsdekking aan te gaan voordat hulle inkomstebeskerming kry. “Ongeskiktheidsdekking tree eers in werking as jy totaal en permanent ongeskik vir werk beskou word. Die vraag is waarvan jy in die tussentyd gaan leef, terwyl die toestand nog nie permanent is nie. Jou vermoë om ’n inkomste te verdien is jou grootste bate, en dit is uiters belangrik dat jy dit beskerm.” Dekking vir gevreesde siekte Kankerbehandeling kan jou finansieeel ruïneer en die gepaardgaande koste van jou behandeling kan net so ’n vernietigende uitwerking op jou bankrekening hê. Gevreesde siektedekking, wat in die vorm van ’n enkelbedrag uitbetaal word, kan gebruik word vir onbeplande uitgawes soos reiskoste na en van die mediese fasiliteit, basiese uitgawes soos ’n huislening of motorpaaiement of die koste van ‘n versorger gedurende die hersteltydperk. Dekking vir permanente ongeskiktheid Indien jy miskien permanent moet ophou werk kan permanente (oftewel kapitale) ongeskiktheidsdekking) jou finansiële beskerming gee. Ongeskiktheidsvoordele sal as ’n enkelbedrag betaal word indien jou inkorting totale en permanente ongeskiktheid meebring. ’n Behoefte-ontleding wat jou inkomste en bestaande ongeskiktheidsdekking in ag neem, sal bepaal hoeveel addisionele ongeskiktheidsdekking jy nodig sal hê indien jy totaal


en permanent ongeskik raak. Volgens Barnard kan dekking vir inkomstebeskerming, gevreesde siektes en ongeskiktheid as ’n selfstandige produk aangegaan word, of deel van ’n gekombineerde pakket uitmaak. “Bekostigbaarheid van addisionele finansiële versekering is natuurlik ’n belangrike oorweging, net soos jou ouderdom en ’n ontleding van jou behoeftes. Vir ’n 25-jarige sonder afhanklikes sal inkomstebeskerming die belangrikste tipe dekking wees. As jy egter ’n familiegeskiedenis van kanker het, sal jy miskien ook ’n gevreesde siektedekkingselement wil insluit. As jy dit kan bekostig, kan jy dan ook permanente ongeskiktheidsdekking oorweeg.” Dit is egter uiters belangrik om ’n gekwalifiseerde finansiële adviseur te raadpleeg voordat jy ’n besluit neem. “Daar is ’n magdom persoonlike dekkingsprodukte waaruit jy kan kies en daar is nie twee maatskappye wat presies dieselfde produkte of voorwaardes vir die uitbetaling van eise het nie. Jy moet verstaan waarvoor elke produk dekking verskaf en ’n begrip hê van die voordeelvlakke, uitsluiting en wat die polisbewoording beteken. Omstandighede is vir elkeen anders daarom sal die mees geskikte produk vir een persoon van dié van ’n ander verskil.” Kontak vandag nog een van Sanlam Limpopo se bekwame adviseurs om jou by te staan met die nodige advies. Sanlam Lewensversekering Beperk is ‘n gelisensieerde finansiële diensteverskaffer en ‘n geregistreerde kredietverskaffer.


July 24, 2014

20 OBSERVER polokwane

Melany Martin Twenty employees from Polokwane Chemical Suppliers (PCS) celebrated Mandela Day by cleaning the taxi rank behind Limpopo Mall. PCS Marketing Coordinator Madumetja Rapudi

PCS celebrates Mandela Day

said to them Mandela Day means to give back to the community and to make sure that Madiba’s legacy lives on. “At PCS we enjoy making a difference in the community and to always give something back,” she said.

>> “At PCS we enjoy making a difference in the community and to always give something back”

Exclusive Properties – 67 minutes of grace and gratitude Exclusive Properties paid tribute to former President Nelsaon Mandela’s legacy when they handed out blankets and scarves at the Grade 1 and RR Academy in Eduan Park and Buggs Paradise Pre-School in Ladanna. The children were also treated to vetkoek and soup.

Decorations mark the Mandela Day celebrations at the Grade 1 and RR Academy in Eduan Park on Friday.

Photos: Supplied

Employees in front of the branded PCS bus. Right: Polokwane Chemical Suppliers cleaned the taxi rank behind Limpopo Mall for Mandela Day.

On Fridays only, from 6 June till 26 September 2014

Exclusive Properties staff members Nicolien Stapelberg and Cornel Venter with some of the blankets and scarves made and distributed by the staff of the agency.

Lamda Printing Polokwane management and personnel brought some joy to the people at Reakgona Adult Learning Centre when they donated items of clothing to the centre on International Mandela Day.

45 Emerald Street, Futura, Polokwane

The Bidwest Protea Coin Group did their 67 minutes for Mandela Day on Friday by digging in with spades, picks and garden forks to build a peace garden in conjunction with Richard Selepi for the residents of Paledi in Mankweng. The carrots, beetroot, cabbage and spinach that were planted on Friday will assist in feeding the less fortunate members of the community.

Katryn Barwise, Miss Humanity South Africa watches Madiseng Mojapelo of the Ga Maboi Drop-in Centre enjoy one of the meals she donated to the children as part of her contribution towards Mandela Day on Friday.

The ANC Women’s League of the Mary Mavanyi Branch celebrated Mandela Day by collecting toiletries for the youth at Polokwane Place of Safety. They also handed out sweets to Ivy Park residents. Under the leadership of Salome Makgoka, the ANCWL Chairperson, the team embarked on a clean-up campaign of Nelson Mandela Drive in Ivy Park.

July 24, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer


TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the REHABILITATION OF ROAD D1803 FROM SWADINI TO BLYDE IN THE LIMPOPO PROVINCE. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300.00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 28 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr. E Ratshibvumo, Tel: 015 291 5301, Fax: 015 291 5351, email: admin@t3ce.co.za. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at Blyde, at the filling station, S 24°24’14.93’’, E 30°47’57.26’’ the crossing of R527 and D1803 in Blyde on 8 August 2014 starting at 14:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 22 August 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T698/2014, REHABILITATION OF ROAD D1803 FROM SWADINI TO BLYDE IN THE LIMPOPO PROVINCE and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane. Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of 6 CE or 5 CE PE or higher.

Julie 24, 2014

Historic Women’s Day celebrations >> Adv Thuli Madonsela is the guest speaker >> Discover the power within

two leader representatives from each topic will then later present their discussions to the audience in the form of an open discussion. She invited all women to join in a life changing opportunity to tap from Madonsela’s skills when she champions the theme “Discover the power within”. ROELIEN VORSTER Legodi said women have for centuries >> roelien.observer@gmail.com endeavoured to climb up the ladder to get the peak and stay there, but to our surprise ublic Protector Thuli Madonsela will be the numbers of women who stay in these top the guest speaker at this year’s Women’s management positions have declined irrespecDay celebration to be hosted by Twilight tive of availability of legislation that is geared Events in partnership with Meropa Casino and towards women advancement. Entertainment World on 9 August. “In South Africa women’s representation With the theme Discover the Power Within, in parliament dropped from 44 % in the the purpose of the event is to celebrate 2009 elections to 40 % in the 7 May polls, women and to guide them in uncovering the innate power. To most women success, while that of women in provincial legislatures efficiency and progress, whether at home or dropped from 41 % to 37 %. This is a call at work, is mostly hindered by self-limiting infor concern,” she said. “Could it be that the ternal barriers that are perpetuated by cultural key to our emancipation lies in our internal norms and social- patriarchal believes. These barriers? You have to attend this event to aspects have played a big role find your A-ha moment,” she in delaying progress and creatinvited. ing self doubt in women who The Women’s Day celebrafound themselves in leadership tion will take place at 10:00 positions,” Mahadi Legodi from and tickets cost R500 per Twilight Travel said. person, which includes lunch The event, with Polokwane and entertainment. Observer as exclusive print Tickets are sold at Twilight media sponsor, hopes to preTravel’s offices situated at 78 sent a platform for an intense Biccard Street, Gabriel’s Outfitdialogue among women to disters in the Mall of the North or cuss topics that will assist them Icon at Standard Bank Square. in discovering their capabilities, No tickets will be sold at the regardless of obstacles. door. Legodi said two topics will For more information call be discussed at each table and 015 297 2509/4691. Thuli Madonsela


Recognising women in all endeavours

ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the MAINTENANCE OF SURFACED ROAD D1948 FROM PHILADELPHIA HOSPITAL TO MARBLE HALL IN THE SEKHUKHUNE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 284 4600, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 15 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr PD Neluheni, Tel: 015 291 4365, Fax: 015 291 5392, email: dan@tsconsulting.co.za A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place behind Philadelphia Hospital at the junction D856 on 12 August 2014 starting at 14:00. GPS coordinates S: 25°15’36” and E: 29°09’05”. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 26 August 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T711/2014: MAINTENANCE OF SURFACED ROAD D1948 FROM PHILADELPHIA HOSPITAL TO MARBLE HALL and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane. Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 6 CE or 5CE PE or higher.

ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The Businesswomen’s Association of South Africa (Bwasa) in Limpopo will on 1 August host their annual regional achiever awards in recognition of the strides women are making in various endeavours that impact the economy. Itumeleng Moeti, Provincial Spokesperson for Bwasa said the Regional Business Achiever Awards (RBAA) recognise women in corporate, professional and entrepreneurial endeavours. She said in the Entrepreneur category, awards are given to women as emerging entrepreneurs. “Established entrepreneurs are those who are involved in the social entrepreneurship. The RBAA completion is open to all women (Bwasa members and non-members),” she said. This prestigious competition, of which Polokwane Observer is the official media sponsor, will then precede the National Business Achiever Awards held later in August. Previous prizes won by finalists and winners include inclusion in the Coca-Cola Fortune Abafazi Incubation Programme. Coca-Cola partnered with Bwasa to launch the aforementioned programme which takes the finalists in the Emerging and Social Entrepreneur categories on a journey of business development training, mentoring coaching and support for a period of a year. “Coca-Cola has collaborated with global partners such as the International Finance Corporation and local companies to design a programme that specifically uses tools that are gender mainstreamed and have been tested and implemented internationally,” Moeti informed. RBAA will present a unique opportunity to the women of Limpopo to access global programmes and have their companies profiled nationally at the prestigious and most recognised annual Business Woman of the Year awards. Last year’s Limpopo winners were Nkele Motsoaledi from SA Reastwelela Travel and Tours who won the established entrepreneur category; Margaret Ledwaba in the category for Professionals; Capricorn FM’s Lerato Molete in the Corporate category; Leshobela Distributors’ Florence Rangata in the Emerging Entrepreneurs category and Polokwane Municipal Manager Connie Mametja in the category Women in Government.

The award is judged according to a set of criteria that requires being a role model; being perceived as actively making a difference in the community; being valued an ambassador of everything the BWA stands for. The women must be South African residents or citizens. The events starts at 18:00 at the Fusion Boutique Hotel and the keynote address will be delivered by Minister of Communications, Faith Muthambi. Thandi Ndlovu, Bwasa’s 2013 Businesswoman of the Year, is the guest speaker. Tickets cost R250 for members and R300 for non-members. Tables for ten persons are available at R2 500. Ndlovu is the Executive Chairperson of the Motheo Housing Group which was awarded the prestigious Institute for Housing Developer of the Year Award in 2000. For enquiries and bookings, contact Moeti on 079 433 2137 or 082 333 7158 or Lesego Tshivhula on 082 333 7158 or email Limpopo@ bwasa.co.za.

Thandi Ndlovu, winner of the Business Woman’s Association of South Africa’s Business Woman of the Year award in the business category will be the guest speaker.

July 24, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Vodacom’s national food security drive for Mandela Day July 24, 2014



uilding on its inaugural food security drive launched in honour of Mandela Day last year, Vodacom and its employees on 18 and 19 July packed food parcels to reach over

4 400 needy Limpopo families. Honouring the legacy of Madiba in the first year since his passing, Vodacom has increased the footprint of the initiative to reach those in need in every province in the country. Vodacom and its employees will rally together over a period of weeks to Contract No RAL/T714/2014 complete this masFor Rehabilitation of Road D3827 from sive task. Learners Njakanjaka to Olifantshoek in the Vhembe and their families District of Limpopo Province. will receive parcels each containing 1 kg T1.1 TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construcoats, 1 large bottle tion Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Rehabilitation of Road D3827 from Njakanjaka to Olifantshoek in the Vhembe District.


The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone: 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday 28 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr T Raphalalani or Mr FC Mulaudzi, Tel: 015 491 5164/8607, Fax: 015 491 8090, e-mail: takalani@nemorango.co.za or fulufhelo@nemorango.co.za A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at Njakanjaka, intersection of Road R578 from Elim to Majosi (Next to Viva Filling station) and Road D3827 from Njakanjaka to Olifantshoek, (coordinates S 23°12’48” and E 30°14’36”) on Tuesday, 5 August 2014 starting at 12:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is Tuesday, 19 August 2014 at 11:00. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T714/2014, Rehabilitation of Road D3827 from Njakanjaka to Olifantshoek in the Vhembe District of Limpopo Province” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB grading of 6 CE or 5 CE PE or higher.

of peanut butter, 2 cans of pilchards, 2 cans of baked beans, 2 packets of samp, 2 packets of sugar beans, a peanut and raisin snack and a R2 Vodacom power bundle. With their focus on providing nutritious food items, Vodacom is confident that the food parcels will be well received. Vodacom Managing Executive Limpopo, Junaid Munshi said: “Vodacom supports the meaningful participation of its employees and stakeholders in volunteering activities and gives its employees two days of paid leave to participate in volunteering initiatives. This is a special day for us and we are very proud to be part of an initiative that will surely make a direct and meaningful difference to some of

the neediest in Limpopo. “The Nelson Mandela Foundation focuses on food security, literacy and shelter and Vodacom has ensured close alignment with these by focussing its volunteering initiative on food security.” Sello Hatang, Chief Executive of the Nelson Mandela Foundation in return said: “Vodacom continues to be a valued partner in driving the Mandela Day ethos and Tata’s legacy forward. Food security is a vital part of the development journey for learners and we would like to challenge others to take a leaf out of Vodacom’s book to ensure the future of our youth.” Food parcels will be distributed by to selected needy schools in the province from 21 to 25 July.

Samsung Telned help Ivydale Shelter op Mandeladag

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Samsung Telned het hulle verlede week met Mandeladag oor inwoners van die Ivydale Shelter ontferm deur klere en lewensmiddele, wat hulle self op hul beurt bymekaargemaak het, asook ‘n kontantbedrag van R1 000 aan die shelter te oorhandig. Brenda Grebe, liefdadigheidsagent van die shelter sê dat 26 Afrikaanssprekende kinders en 38 volwassenes tans by die shelter gehuisves word. Slegs 38% van dié volwassenes het werk en verdien min geld, maar help dié wat werkloos en sonder inkomste is. Die Ivydale Shelter is nie ‘n geregistreerde niewinsgewende organisasie nie, maar word deur kerke en die algemene publiek en besighede ondersteun. Vir hulp kan Grebe by 072 302 1180 geskakel word.

Foto: Barry Viljoen

Personeel van Samsung Telned saam met Brenda Grebe, liefdadigheidsagent van Ivydale Shelter, heel links in die middelste ry. Voor is Juandré Grobler, Lazarus Lefoka en André Schoeman met Grebe, Rozetta van der Westhuizen, Sabina Dibele, Charlotte Dikgale en Jenny Ferns in die middel. Agter is Johan Deetlefs, JJ Botha, Tony Thavhana, Prince Sethole, Tiaan Viljoen, Martin Nel en Ronel Robertz.

July 24, 2014

Polokwane Observer


67 Minutes For Stephen Pienaar, Vodacom Health and Safety Specialist Polokwane Regional Office and Ozayr Hussain, BLU/ Vodacom Regional Office.

Nelson Mandela

Front: Josias Komape and Ishmael Hlomane, Regional Manager Vodacom Polokwane. Back: Ruth Sehlapelo of Boniswa Corporate Fe Solutions, Refilwe Mogale, Senior Market- an dics’ Tobie van der Westhuizen ing Coordinator Vodacom Polokwane and Ch d Johannes Melope, Head ef. Jeff Mavhungu, Project Manager Vodacom Polokwane.

Thomas Roos of Vodacom Po

Junaid Munshi, Managing Executive of Vodacom Limpopo Region and Ishmael Hlomane, Regional Manager of Vodacom Limpopo Region. lokwane.

Busiso Ndlovu of Baobab RF & Civils and Edward unicipality and Okoth of Huawei Technologies. M e an kw lo Po of Augustin Maphe, toProduction Manager Vodacom Fani Ratshikaye Polokwane.

and m Limpopo Region co da Vo of er ag Regional Man e. Ishmael Hlomane, Lenola Lutchman of Rise n Shin


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Takalani Mudau and Niel Co ee from Hielipower and Yolan Venter from the South Africaetz dé n Police Service.


Happy Makopane of


Connie Rosey and Sheila Makola of the South African Police Service.

Thobela FM’s DJ Bo

Jeff Mavhungu, Project Manager Vodacom Polokwane and Refilwe Mogale, Senior Marketing Coordinator Vodacom Polokwane.


Polokwane Observer

Julie 24, 2014


T1.1 TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Road Rehabilitation and Preventative Maintenance for Road D2460 in Derdepoort. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 15 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr HL Tharaga, Tel: 015 295 7707, Cell: 084 401 3723, Fax: 086 662 4741, e-mail: info@mulanga.co.za. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at intersection of R510 (P16/2) and Road D2460 within the jurisdiction of Thabazimbi Municipality on 4 August 2014 starting at 14:00. The coordinates for the site inspection is S: 24°15’11,40” E: 27°16’25,53”. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 18 August 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T686/2014” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Photos: Supplied

Mandela Day celebrations at the Ramokgopa campus with Capricorn College for FET staff members and students joined by representatives of the Progressive Professional Forum, Ramokgopa Royal Council and Molemole ward councillor geared up to clean the campus.

Capricorn College for FET, Progressive Professional Forum honour Mandela Capricorn College for FET in collaboration with the Progressive Professional Forum (PPF) celebrated Nelson Mandela Day on all its campuses last Friday. The main event was held at the Ramokgopa campus where public addresses from representatives of the Ramokgopa Royal Council, Molemole municipal ward councillor, College Management and the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) were on the programme. The more than 100 persons in attendance also participated in the cleaning of the campus later in the day. PPF representative and guest speaker, Abraham Luruli encouraged the staff and students to live like Nelson Mandela. His keynote address was preceded by a dance and song in praise of Mandela in which he was joined by SRC President, Thabang Matjie. “We want you to be good leaders of this country who will lead like Nelson Mandela did. You cannot be a good leader if you do not re-

spect your parents or lecturers; you cannot be a good leader of this country if you run from your home during the night and come back the following day because you were with your boyfriend. We expect you to be entrepreneurs and managers of big firms or government departments,” Luruli urged his audience.

Student Lebogang Malapane renders her version of a popular Brenda Fassie song to the delight of the audience.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB grading of 6 CE or 5 CE PE or higher.

Photo: Supplied

KFC Polokwane staff members busy painting the walls of Lethlanthene Dropin-Centre as part of their 67 minutes of community service in honour of Nelson Mandela on Saturday.

ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd CONTRACT No. RAL/T694/2014 FOR THE PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE OF D19 BETWEEN WESTENBURG AND KALKSPRUIT T1.1 TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for THE PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE OF D19 BETWEEN WESTENBURG AND KALKSPRUIT. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300.00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 25 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheque must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr. Shadrack Mukhuba, Tel: 015 284 4600, Fax: 015 284 4704, email: makhubans@ral.co.za. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at km market 13 km (Geographical coordinates: Lat. -23° 50’ 28.52” Long. 29° 18’ 42.72”) along the Matlala (D19) Road on 06 August 2014 starting at 10:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00, on 20 August 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T694/2014 FOR THE PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE OF D19 BETWEEN WESTENBURG AND KALKSPRUIT” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB grading of 7 CE or 6CE PE or higher.

KFC dedicates 67 minutes to drop-in centre >> Inspired by what Nelson Mandela lived for >> Make a difference in lives of the less fortunate Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za The managers and personnel of KFC branches in Polokwane made a visible difference in hon-

our of Nelson Madela when they painted the outer walls of Lethlanthene Drop-in Centre. The centre, situated in Blood River, is an Add Hope Campaign beneficiary of KFC Polokwane. Cheray van Blerk, KFC Polokwane LSM Representative said the decision to paint the centre was inspired by what Nelson Mandela lived for. “With this gesture, we were propelling the Nelson Mandela legacy forward. We are proud as South African citizens to have had someone like Nelson Mandela as our President. We took it upon us to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate which is at the heart of our business,” she said. Each child at the centre received a sweetie goody bag from KFC and the caregivers pre-owned clothes donated by KFC customers.

Mall of the North thanks shoppers

Julie 24, 2014


OBSERVER 27 polokwane

>> A happy customer is a loyal customer >> We hope to have them Wrapped in with us again warmth this winter ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com

With temperatures set to dip again in the coming weeks and the winter far from over, MEC for Social Development, Joyce Mashamba on Monday ensured that the basic and immediate humanitarian needs of children and people working and living on the streets are addressed by giving them the gift of warmth. Media Liaison Officer for the department, Adele van der Linde said the Winter Warmer Initiative was launched by the National Department of Social Development on Monday and is aimed at ensuring that vulnerable children and adults do not bear the brunt of winter. Mashamba handed over blankets and food to needy persons at the soup kitchen run by the Christ Church Congregation of the Anglican Church in Biccard Street. Van der Linde said the same initiative is also being taken to other centres in the province where the homeless issue presents itself.

Photo’s: Supplied

The Makgoka family won 50 tickets to the Wild Rides amusement fun fair.

The 50 tickets won by the Lechner family was going to be put to good use.

Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


ené van der Merwe, Marketing Manager for Mall of the North thanked all the shoppers who visited the Wild Rides amusement fun fair that was hosted at the mall for the past month. “We would like to thank everyone who enjoyed the fun fair with us and we hope to have them with us again in future. We decided to bring the fun fair to them so that they can spend quality time with their children during the school holidays,” Van der Merwe said. On Saturday the mall gave away more tickets to four lucky families to enjoy the fair with relatives and friends. Fifty fun fair tickets went to each of the Makgoka, Shibambu, Engelbrecht and Lechner families who were spotted shopping at the Mall.

Top: The Shibam­ bu family won 50 tickets to the fun fair. Left: The Engel­ brecht family won 50 tickets to enjoy the last day of the fun fair.


MEC for Social Development, Joyce Masham­ ba gives a blanket to Frans Ramashau, one of the persons to benefit from the depart­ ment’s Winter Warmer initiative. Depart­ ment Head Daisy Mafubelu, far right, and Sheena Pereira, at the back, personal assis­ tant to the Dean of Christ Church Cathedral look on.


Polokwane Observer

ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd CONTRACT No. RAL/T689/2014 FOR Rehabilitation of P165/1 (R520) Mineral Baddens Road in the Waterberg District of Limpopo Province T1.1 TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the REHABILITATION OF P165/1 (R520) MINERAL BADDENS ROAD IN THE WATERBERG DISTRICT OF LIMPOPO PROVINCE. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300.00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 21 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheque must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr. Pieter Wilken, Tel: 083 411 9605 / 079 435 5833, Fax: 086 514 5084, email: admin@ndlati.co.za. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the intersection of R101 and P165/1 (R520) Mineral Baddens Road, S: 24°23’24.97’’, E: 28°47’33.55’’ approximately 20 km outside Mookgophong town towards Mokopane town on the R101 route on 1 August 2014 starting at 09:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00, on 15 August 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted.

Julie 24, 2014

Coping with panic and anxiety highlighted BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com The Polokwane Support Group of the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag) hosted a session at the Rethabile Health Centre on Saturday where matters relating to panic and anxiety were discussed. The guest speaker was Alphonse Kanda, Medical Health Officer at the centre. Sadag was formed 20 years ago by Zane Wilson after her panic attacks ultimately resulted in suicidal feelings due to no appropriate treatment. When she finally received proper treatment she was well within four weeks and was encouraged to start a small support group. From humble beginning with only 60 members, the group has grown to great heights and is now the most influential mental health NGO in Africa with a 15-line counselling call centre, comprehensive website, outreach programmes and a newsletter that reaches over 20 000 people. Panic attack symptoms are, inter alia, a need to escape, heart palpitations, lightheadedness, dizziness, sweating, wet palms, trembling, shortness of breath and fear of losing control or dying. Fear of driving, eating in restaurants and getting into elevators are also symptoms. Breathing properly and avoiding caffeine

can alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and this condition can be managed by being educated about the symptoms and causes and joining support groups. Wilson is quoted to have said: “Social support is vital to managing stress. If you really want to efficiently manage your anxiety, the key is to accept it. Admitting that anxiety is a part of life and that you have your own limits and triggers, is a giant step in coping with it.”

Photo: Barry Viljoen

Reda Jacobs, Mental Health Nurse, Alphonse Kanda, Medical Health Officer at Rethabile Health Centre and Regina Masopoga, Support Group Leader for Sadag.

PHS leerders reik uit na Martha Hofmeyr Tehuis BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Inwoners van Martha Hofmeyr Tehuis vir Bejaardes is onlangs deur ‘n groep graad 10-leerders van Hoërskool Pietersburg verras toe hulle onverwags opgedaag het vir interaksie met die seniors.

Van die bejaardes is in hul rolstoele op die perseel rondgestoot om die heerlike winterson waarmee die stad ná die koue front geseën is, te geniet. Die aksie is deel van die jonges se projek om gemeenskapbetrokkenheid te be­ vorder en is spesifiek daarop gemik om seniors bewus daarvan te maak dat hulle nie deur die gemeenskap vergeet word nie.

Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T689/2014, REHABILITATION OF P165/1 (R520) MINERAL BADDENS ROAD IN THE WATERBERG DISTRICT OF LIMPOPO PROVINCE and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Foto: Barry Viljoen

Anna Viljoen, ‘n inwoner van Martha Hofmeyr Tehuis vir Bejaardes geniet die buitelug saam met Willemina Matsaung, sosiale werker en leerders van Hoërskool Pietersburg, Dominique Wiggill, Carien van der Heyde, Melissa Jansen van Vuuren en Abi Beukes.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB grading of 6 CE or 5 CE PE or higher.

ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the REHABILITATION OF ROAD D887 FROM TOMBURKE (N11) TO ALLDAYS IN LEPHALALE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY WITHIN THE WATERBERG DISTRICT. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday, 28 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr. L Ngcobo, Tel: 011 318 1698 / 082 337 3642, Fax: 011 318 1891, e-mail: lindan@dikgato.co.za A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the intersection of National Road N11 and Provincial Road R572 (D887) Tomburke, identified by GPS coordinates, 23°04’25.87’’ S, 27°59’40.06’’ E on 4 August 2014 starting at 10:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 18 August 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T682/2014 REHABILITATION OF ROAD D887 FROM TOMBURKE (N11) TO ALLDAYS IN LEPHALALE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY WITHIN THE WATERBERG DISTRICT and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB grading of 7CE or 6CE PE or higher.


Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the: PREVENTATIVE MAINTANANCE AND REHABILITATION OF ROAD P134/2 FROM MOOKGOPHONG TO ROEDTAN. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone: 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 28 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Ms Gugu Chauke Tel: 011 312 8302 / Fax: 086 658 0692 / email: gugu@blackjills.co.za A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place on 1 August 2014 under the N1 Bridge on the R519 from Mookgophong to Roedtan, Coordinates Lo 24°32’01.08’’ La 28°43’23.18’’ starting at 12:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 15 August 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex; facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL /T691/2014” Preventative Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Road P134/2 from Mookgophong to Roedtan and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB grading of 7 CE or 6 CE PE or higher.

July 24, 2014

Polokwane Observer



business July 24, 2014 >> Page 30

Contributions to Mandela Day

Business profile>>

Thian Bronkhorst

Business: Fair Deal Wooden Windows Polokwane Why did you choose this profession? >> I enjoy working in the building industry What puts you ahead in the industry? >> Good prices, quick response and friendly service How do you live out your passion for your career? >> By setting high goals for myself

Mandela Day celebrated globally, nationally and locally BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


andela Day was celebrated interna­ tionally last Friday to pay tribute to the legacy of former President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela when South Africans also contributed 67 minutes of their time to the wellbeing of their fellowmen. In Polokwane and surrounds government

departments, businesses, schools, political parties and about every grouping and even individuals took initiative to do something tangible to indicate that South Africans are united in empathy and consideration of the plight of lesser advantaged and vulnerable people. Mandeladag is Vrydag internasionaal in er­ kenning van die nalatenskap van oudpresident Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela gevier en Suid-Afri­

Lede van SAPD Polokwane wat die terrein van die Vereniging van Persone met Gestremdheid (VPG) skoongemaak het, is Julia Mahlo, Maphuti Machaka, Lesiba Ramoshaba en Charlotte Manyelo, voor. Agter is Maggie Seabi, Daniel Seleka, Susan Maraba, Gedion Man­ yashi en Valerie Maloba.

Elma Fourie en Helena du Toit van Builders Warehouse en Builders Trade Depot besig om ‘n gordynreling by Samaritan Children’s Home op te sit.

Melchuzedek Mahlaule van die SAPD se provinsiale kantoor, Mothomoni Mapela van Meropa Casino & Entertainment World en Mike Tauatsoala van Limpopo Tourism Agency besig om die grond voor te berei vir ‘n groentetonnel by Reakgona Adult Centre.

Die span van die DA is gereed om kinders te bad en klere en ander items by Samaritan Children’s Home uit te deel. Hulle is Vongani Shilwana, Jacques Smalle, provinsiale leier van die DA, Melida Lek­ ganyane, Langa Bodlani, LPW, Tumelo Makgoara, Jackie Nong en Karel Mogashoa, munisipale raadslid.

Takalani Mphohoni, Alfred Monama en Itani Samphenyana van die Christiaan Beyersregiment van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag maak seker dat die vrag bossies by die planttonnels van die VPG weggery word.

Luan Erasmus van Jabez Christian Academy saam met Karabo Mama­ bolo, Masedikwe Rakgoale, Jeanette Mazunda en Thomas Hlagala van Meso Group wat die skool se muur verf.

kaners het 67 minute van hulle tyd afgestaan om iets tot die welstand van hul medemens by te dra. In Polokwane en omstreke het staatsdepar­ temente, besighede, skole, politieke partye en bykans elke belangegroep en selfs individue hulle inisiatief uitgeleef om iets tasbaar te verrig wat gewys het dat Suid-Afrikaners in empatie en begrip vir die lot van minderbe­ voorregtes en kwesbare persone verenig is.

Aretha Bedieningshuis se skottelgoed word deur Shane Frost, Julia Maahlo, Letago Kgomoeswana, Sharlotte Manyelo en Regina Mailula van die SAPD gewas.

Dimakatso Ngoetje, Mmaketu Dikotla, kontroleur van Ster Kinekor, Phuti Nkwana en Khomotso Ledwaba is gereed om die gratis verto­ ning van “Mandela – Long Walk to Freedom” by te woon.

Voormalige LUR en nou nasionale parle­ ments­­­­­lid, Dikeledi Magadzi geniet die dag saam met besoekers tydens die Mandeladag­ vieringe by Reakgona Adult Centre.

PEPPS College learners Masego Dipela and Mark Facey pictured with the Director of Boledi Drop-In Centre, Francina Ngoasheng.

July 24, 2014

Polokwane Observer



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• Business and Short-term Insurance • Investment Advisors • Portfolio Management • Unit Trusts

PhoTos: RC MybuRgh

Hamilton van Breda and Yolandi Olivier, both from Prudential Investment Managers, with DW Schoeman, middle, local investment strategist from Daan Schoeman Financial Planning Solutions during an investment presentation hosted last Wednesday.

• Trusts • Estate Planning • Employee Benefits • Medical Plans

Ernst and Sandra Eloff with Yolandi Olivier, middle, of Prudential Investment Managers Left; Hein Engelbrecht and Daan Schoeman, founder of Daan Schoeman Financial Planning Solutions that is celebrating 35 successful years in business this year.

The six most important laws of investing D

Dina and Ben Pretorius were among the guests.

Martin en Annatjie Venter attended the presentation by Prudential Investment Managers.

uring a presentation to clients at the quarterly client seminar with Daan Schoeman Financial Planning Solutions, reference was made to the Immutable Laws of Investing. These are simple rules to follow in constructing and managing an effective investment portfolio. Rule 1: Always insist on a margin of safety A portfolio manager must make an accurate assessment of the valuation of the market before investing. That entails breaking down the returns into their component parts: valuation (using a normalised P/E ratio), profit margins, sales growth, and dividend yield. Considering the prospective contributions of each of these elements, the portfolio manager can invest wisely on behalf of clients to ensure they are adequately compensated for any risk they are taking Rule 2: This time is never different Famed investor Sir John Templeton considered “this time is different” to be the four most dangerous words in investing. Markets can and will behave irrationally. We have seen investors keep on investing long after markets are past fair value, only to be disappointed as well as staying out of the market for too long because they assume the negative sentiment will remain, as happened to investors’ expectations of the Rand in 2001, only to be disappointed yet again. Markets will always return to fair value and it is therefore important to have a fund manager that can ensure the correct allocation of assets. Rule 3: Be patient and wait for the fat pitch The “fat pitch” is a baseball term where the batter sees the “perfect pitch” as he swings to hit the home run. In baseball, however, the batter only has three strikes and the he is out. A prudent investor however, will not be penalised for not taking every pitch. There is no “3 strikes and you’re out” in investing. Your fund manager can invest your portfolio in such a way that you will take advantage of the “fat pitch” while being protected from the ones that does not fit into the investors risk profile, no matter how “attractive” it might look at the time

Rule 4: Be contrarian Always be careful of the “herd mentality”. The old rule of buying when everyone is selling and sell when everyone is buying remains true. When everybody at the braai starts talking about specific shares, it is usually a time to sell. When sentiment is negative, it can often times signal that valuations are low and that might be a time to buy when prices are low. With diligent research and avoiding emotion a portfolio manager can ensure that investors achieve their investment objectives. Rule 5: Risk is the permanent loss of capital, never a number Many investors equate risk with volatility. Volatility, it can be argued, is a value investor’s friend because it creates opportunity. On the other hand, risk is the potential for the permanent impairment of capital, and that can come from buying expensive assets, miscalculating intrinsic value, or being forced to prematurely exit a position. The latter being the single most destructive element to any portfolio. Rule 6: Never invest in something you don’t understand This can be argued as probably the most important rule for any investor as well as good old common sense. The old adage that if something sounds too good to be true then it probably is, has never been more appropriate than now. If you cannot see through the investment concept and get to the heart of the process, then you probably shouldn’t be investing in it. Your fund manager is there to ensure that you as investor have a strategy that works without trying to complicate the process and therefore making the process so complicated that even they no longer understand it. DW Schoeman, investment strategist at Daan Schoeman Financial Planning Solutions and co-manager of the Victory House Inflation Plus and Victory House Flexible funds. He is also a certified Finacial Planner (CFP) with the Financial Planning Institute of South Africa.

Lou Jansen en Francois van den Berg.

Johan van Huyssteen, middle, from Daan Schoeman Financial Planning Solutions with guests Jaco and Hanli du Plessis.

Polokwane Observer

Julie 24, 2014


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Motors profile>>

July 24, 2014 >> Page 33

Medupi Ndhovu

Dealership: MGM Citroën What made you choose this dealership to work at? >> Our vehicles are safe and stylish with unique features Is buying this brand an investment? Why/ why not? >> It is, you can never go wrong with Citroën and it has good trade in value Which is your favourite model of the brand and why? >> The Citroën DS5. It is stylish and comfortable

Citroën C4 Picasso verifies the notice of well-being RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


rammed with the latest onboard technology, the ultra-connected new Citroën C4 Picasso offers technological innovation in every feature and is now also available in

Polokwane. It is compact and spacious and redefines the very notion of well-being. With spectacular and powerful LED light signatures, it has a particularly expressive look at the front. And at the rear, the innovative 3D LED lights, which are specific to body shape, adds an even more

The new Citroën C4 Picasso is loaded with innovative technology features and now available at MGM Citroën.

Photo: RC Myburgh

distinctive touch. The dimensions of the electric tailgate add more vitality to its silhouette. The new design clearly heralds the start of a new era and it is equipped with the latest safety features to ensure the well-being of its drivers and passengers. The Picasso’s technologically advanced dashboard is organised into two screens. The first, an intuitive 7” touch screen, is used to control all vehicle functions, including the dual-zone air-conditioning, media, navigation, hands-free Bluetooth technology and driving aids. The second, a 12” high definition (HD) screen displays all key driving information, such as speed, revs and fuel level. It can also be used for HD displays of vehicle functions, including navigation, media, driving aids, and even screensaver photo downloads. Drivers can personalise their screen with one of three graphic styles. The Picasso brings motorists a whole new experience with an interior fully given over to well-being. The panoramic windscreen bathes the cabin in light. At the wheel, drivers will be impressed by the attention to detail, seen in the elegant, two-tone dashboard and felt in the quality of the materials. Onboard, everything is designed for perfect comfort. In the rear seats, the occupants in row two have their

>> Design clearly heralds the start of a new era >> Onboard, everything is designed for perfect comfort

own two-zone air vents. The beautifully styled interior frees the spirit and expands the vision of passengers. The interior is even more spacious thanks to a longer wheelbase, resulting in extra leg room. As innovative as the interior Citroën always tries to improve on their engine as well by pushing back the limits to improve performance and provide dynamic and agile road behaviour in all circumstances. The 1,6 diesel engine definitely impresses with its 85 kW of power at 3 600 rpm and 270 Nm of torque at 1 750 rpm. It reaches a maximum speed of 189 km/h and takes only 11,8 seconds to reach the 100 km/h mark from standstill. The six-speed manual transmission works well with the turbocharged diesel engine. The Picasso, with a weight loss of 140kg, makes for a light, nimble and environmentallyfriendly vehicle while the new electric powersteering provides outstanding driving pleasure. When it comes loading capacity the Picasso measures a capacious 537 litres. The new model is 4 cm shorter but has miraculously gained 37 litres in boot volume, thanks to a 6 cm longer wheelbase. For more information or to view the new Citroën C4 Picasso contact Citroën at 015 287 9660 or visit them at MGM Motors Polokwane in 106 Landdros Maré Street.


Welkom Qashqai, Nissan Patrol en Infiniti

July 24, 2014

34 OBSERVER polokwane

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


otorentoesiaste het verlede Donderdagaand die geleentheid gekry om eerstehands met BB Auto se nuwe spogperde, die Nissan Qashqai, Nissan Patrol en die blitsige Infiniti kennis te maak. Verkoopspersoneel was byderhand om vrae te beantwoord oor die voortreflikhede van dié voertuie wat in bykans elkeen se smaak val met sakpaspryse. Die Infiniti met sy afslaandak

wat binne sekondes netjies in die kattebak verdwyn, het baie aandag getrek en sy prys vergelyk baie goed met mededingers in dieselfde segment. Die bekostigbare 1,2ℓ Nissan Qashqai met sy dieselenjin is net die antwoord op brandstofpryse wat elke maand styg en uiteraard geskik vir alledaagse gebruik is sonder om veiligheid en gerief in te boet. Die Nissan Patrol met sy verfynde tegnologie bring gehardheid en luukse bykomstighede binne die bereik van buitelewe-entoesiaste.

Foto: Barry Viljoen

Dan Pienaar en Anne Nortjé geniet die weelde van die nuwe Infiniti Q60 V6 Cabriolet met sy 3,7ℓ verplasingsinhoud terwyl verkoopsagent, Freddie Wells toekyk.



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* Air bags * ABS * Automatic door lock * 12 V Socket * Power steering * Mileage: 20 km FinanCiaL Year-end CLearanCe

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Fiat 500 1.4 Lounge



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FSP 25934

July 24, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer




Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Preventative Maintanance and Rehabilitation of Road D5011 from Letsitele to Mariveni in the Mopani District of Limpopo Province.

Julie 24, 2014

Grootword met grasie binne elkeen se bereik BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Ongeveer 150 dogters en moeders het Saterdag ‘n “Grootword met Grasie” seminaar by die Agapé Lapa bygewoon wat deur die Polokwane Kinder- en Gesinsorgvereniging in samewer­ king met Hoop vir Kinders en die personeel van Koningskinders aangebied is. Onderwerpe soos selfversorging en persoonlike higiëne, wenke vir die versorging van hare, kleredrag en klerekasbeplanning asook voorkoms en houding is hanteer.

Sprekers het beklemtoon dat dit nie nodig is om baie geld te hê om goed te lyk en met selfvertroue op te tree nie. Die kursusgangers is op sop en broodjies trakteer en is met baie inligting en ‘n geskenkpakkie huis toe. Die sprekers wat hulle waardevolle kennis gedeel het was Anne-Marié Venter, Tiané Stroh, mej Limpopo Tiener 2014, Linda Wentzel, Lizelle Booysen en Nienke Viljoen. Lorette Bosch, een van die organiseerders, het haar dank teenoor die instansies wat die dag geborg het, uitgespreek.

The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday, 21 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr A Mananga, Tel: 015 298 8425, Fax: 015 298 8734, email: mathandaconsulting@gmail.com A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the junction of NkowaNkowa to Letsitele road (Road D5011) and Letsitele to Mafarana road (R529); GPS Coordinates are S 23°53’53.62’’ E 30°22’56.22’’on 8 August 2014 starting at 10:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 22 August 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T679B/2014 – Preventative Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Road D5011 from Letsitele to Mariveni in the Mopani District of Limpopo Province and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane. Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 6CE or 5CE PE or higher.

Foto: Barry Viljoen

Sprekers tydens die afrondingseminaar “Grootword met Grasie” is Nienke Viljoen, Miss Junior South Africa 2014, Tiané Ströh, mej Limpopo Tiener 2014, Anne-Marié Venter, Lizelle Booysen en Linda Wentzel.

Mercedes-Benz donates thousands to Cansa

Jaco Coetzee, Sales Manager at Mercedes-Benz receives a certificate of appreciation from Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa) mobiliser, Ria du Plessis. Mercedes-Benz donated R10 400 to Cansa which they generated through their ticket sales during the annual Mercedes/Benz Trophy that took place earlier this year.


Property profile>>

PROPERTIES July 24, 2014 >> Page 37

Audrey Grobbelaar

Agency: ERA Real Estate What is interesting about your work? >> Matching the perfect property to my client’s requirements Buy or rent? >> Buy. It is better to invest in your own property than paying off someone else’s bond What is the latest trend in the Polokwane property market? >> An upswing in best value for money with modern finishing properties

Rate hike very disappointing for the housing market ladder. We are finally in a position where the housing market is gradually bouncing back despite the sluggish economic growth, but this decision is likely to impact the market down the line,” he said. Add to this the economic knock-on that should not be underestimated. More movement in the market with increased buying and selling means an increase in cash-flow and

eager, credit-worthy and cash-ready buyers with massive stock shortages now the biggest challenge. Houses are selling faster and buyer competition has increased almost four-fold this year in the high demand areas. “Although still nowhere near the levels that we would like to see, mortgage lending has improved and more first time buyers are getting onto the housing


To leT

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BENDOR • R1 950 000 ENJOY A STUNNING LIFESTYLE IN A HOME OF PERFECTION. Excellent security. High quality finishes, wooden windows. Stunning double volume open-plan living, dining and study with a well planned kitchen. Stoep with braai area – lovely garden with a water feature, storeroom and a toilet/shower for the staff. Please call me to view the property. Ref: 91344181045





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eeff Chairperson, Samuel Seeff has reacted with disappointment to the decision by the Reserve Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) to hike the repo rate by a quarter percent to 5,75%. While it is widely accepted that the economy is heading into a rate hike phase, and this is not unexpected, Seeff was quoted saying that insofar as housing is concerned, holding off on a rate hike for a little longer would have been preferred. Considering that the housing market is finally on the mend, this is just too soon and will certainly do little to instil investor confidence or encourage economic growth. Already, consumers have had to absorb the 50-basis point hike of January and, considering that more than 85% of buyers require home loan finance this is bad news for both owners and buyers. “For consumers, their monthly bond repayment is the single largest expense. A home owner (or prospective buyer) with a bond of around R890 000 over a 20-year repayment period would have had to allow for an additional R284 per month following the January rate hike. Add to this, the knock-on effect on other credit commitments and day-to-day living costs. Now, they will need to find an additional R177 per month (almost R500 extra since the start of the year) just to meet their basic home loan commitments. It is difficult to see how consumers can reduce their overall debt levels, let alone save for a house deposit,” Seeff is quoted to have said. Seeff also believes that there is just too much uncertainty around the economy and rate hikes right now. All this uncertainty is doing little to instil economic confidence and what we need more than anything is stability. The housing market is finally in a good growth phase and indications are that the market is on the up. It is now nicely balanced, packed with

gross domestic product contribution. If buyers start moving up, they can start renovating and extending and investors and developers can once again start making a return. “The housing market is now nicely composed for recovery and the gradual build up means more sustainability in the long run, but we will now have to wait to see what impact this decision will have,” Seeff concluded.



BENDOR • R2 200 000 UPMARKET DOUBLE VOLUME EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE. Stunning home built to perfection - high quality finishes - open-plan living areas for entertainment - spacious bedrooms, study, well planned kitchen, laundry/ scullery with granite tops. Verandah with braai area overlooking a lovely garden and sparkling pool. Servant’s room and bathroom. Please call me to view the property. Ref: 91344181040


>> Home owners pay almost R500 more on bonds since January >> The housing market is finally in a good growth phase



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FLORA PARK • R1 750 000

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CREAM OF THE CROP. Ref: 91344181752 A graciously styled newly renovated home with modern finishes offering a sophisticated lifestyle with spacious patio, braai and manicured garden. Walking distance from school. A must view. Worth every cent.

GOOD INVESTMENT Ref:91344181389 Two houses on one stand. Historical building renovated – old charm – second house with 2 bedrooms. Double-storey with balcony. Do not miss out on this one. Call today to view!


NEAT PROPERTY WITH PLENTY OF GOODIES! Ref:91344181701 The family home has a well maintained garden and flatlet with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Wendy with bathroom. The yard is walled with electric fence and lockable gate. JaCOB • 082 466 8366 3 2 2 Carports 1 0

3 2

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A family home close to business area with spacious flat, lapa and pool. Lots of potential. Popular area near schools. Have it all. Call now!

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PRICE REDUCE TO SELL! Ref: 91344181835 Would you like to be close to everything? Comfortable warm family home in prime location. You can earn a extra income. 2 bedroom flat with own yard and own entrance. This property has potential. Perfect for the investor.

FAMILY HOME! Ref:91344181721 Spacious kitchen and lounge. A verandah and a carport with walls right around, lockable gates and burglar bars on the windows. Granny flat with 3 bedrooms and a toilet and bath. Call now to view this property.

CAREFREE BUYERS, BE SAFE TO SEE THESE Ref: 91344178287 Big open-plan living area. Modern kitchen with nice finishes. One lock-up garage. Electric gate. The yard is paved outside. Enough space to park more than four cars.



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FAUNA PARK • R1 620 000

ACCOMODATION NEXT TO NEW HOSPITAL Ref: 91344181385 Large home with three living areas and drive-through garage. Wooden garage doors, lots of paving and tiled roof. Fully walled. Modern kitchen cupboards. Don’t delay. Call now. SIMON • 0824768916 INa • 0795978636 4 2 2 Carports 0 0

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RINA 082 929 9171



Polokwane hosts General Assembly of the UPCSA

July 24, 2014

38 OBSERVER polokwane

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Capricorn High School last week provided the venue for the 11th General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa



Plein View - Duplex R7 500 pm 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Garage. Plot (House) R7 241 pm 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen, Scullery, Lounge, Lapa, Study, Double Garage, Water Included. Tambotie - Duplex R5 890 pm 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Prepaid Elec. Tambotie - Duplex R3 900 pm 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Water Inc, Prepaid Elec. Eskol Villas (House) R8 250 pm 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Open-plan, Double Garage Flora Park (House) R7 000 pm 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Lounge, Kitchen, Study, Dining Room, Double Garage.

Douglas Court - Flat 3rd Floor R 615,000 2 Bedrooms - 2 Bathrooms - Open-plan Lounge & Dining, Kitchen, Carport. Palmietfontein - Silicon R 1,400,000 4 Bedrooms - 1 Bathroom - Storeroom - 2 Boreholes (1 fully equipped). Plot - 8.5ha. Rabe Street - In Town R 1,219,000 3½ Bedrooms - 2 Bathrooms - Lounge - Dining Room Kitchen (Granite Tops), Double Carport.

(UPCSA) with the theme “The Church that Jesus Prayed for”. The General Assembly is the highest decision making body of the church and is held every second year to discuss the work and life of the church. This year the event was attended by around 240 delegates from all nine provinces, Zambia, Zimbabwe, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Taiwan. Matters dealt with at the assembly, were inter alia leadership development and the promotion of maximum participation of young people in the church and the society, discernment of God’s will about South Africa and Afri-

ca as a continent and of better ways to engage the church in alleviating poverty, unemployment and HIV/Aids. The church also reflected on the current political and economical state of the country and dealt with the issue of peace in the world and in Africa with specific reference to the abduction of school girls in Nigeria and the situation in Iraq. A church service was held at Mount Horeb Congregation when the new Moderator of the Church, Mukondi Ramulondi was inducted. The Jack Botes Hall was also packed to capacity when the moderator addressed the worshippers during the main service that was also open for the public.

Photo: Barry Viljoen

The leaders of the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa are, in front, Moses Boshomane, Moderator Mukondeleli Ramulendi and Clerk of the Assembly, Thomas Coultier. In the middle are Douglas Bax, Abram Maja, Jerry Pillay and Paul Neshangwe. At the back are Sibakhulu Loni, Rode­rick Botsis, Clifford Leeuw and Melanie Cook.


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HOUSE - DEVENISH STREET R1 630 000 – Panhandle, 3 bedrooms, 2½ bathrooms, kitchen, scullery, swimming pool, borehole, double garage, lounge, dining room, low maintenance garden. HOUSE - EbENEZER - 3-STOREy - R5,5M - 4 Bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, underfloor heating, open-plan lounge, dining room & kitchen. bENDOR GARDENS – R650 000.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms TOWNHOUSE IN ESTATE-R1M Brand new : 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms.

GAME FARM GRACELAND – R2,950 Million 89ha Game farm, 1 open-plan chalet, 1x 2 bedroom chalet plus all furniture, braai boma. Swimming pool, 2x boreholes, sustainable dam, game on farm incl. ThE PERfEcT wEEkEnd BREAkAwAy. TOWNHOUSE – bENDOR R920 000.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms

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COMMERCIAL / RETAIL SHOPPING MALL: MANKWENG ANCHOR TENANT: SHOPRITE 4 x 120m² @ R100.00m² (excl VAT) 4 x 60m² @ R5 000 (excl VAT) each 1 x 555m² @ R80.00m² (excl VAT) SESHEGO STRIP MALL ZONE A3 1 x 250m² - R11 250.00 (excl VAT) 1 x 100m² - R4 500.00 (excl VAT) AVAILAbLE IMMEDIATELy NIRVANA - THREE-STOREy bUILDING 900m² - R40 500.00 (excl VAT)

INDIAN CENTRE 1ST FLOOR 156m² - R5 570.00 (excl VAT) AVAILAbLE IMMEDIATELy CENTRAL CbD - PRIME SPOT LANDDROS MARE STREET 300m² @ R150.00m² (excl VAT) 550m² - POR GRObLER STREET 140m² @ R95.00m² (excl VAT) Available 1 Sept 2014 SCHOEMAN STREET 235m² @R80.00 (excl VAT) AVAILAbLE IMMEDIATELy WAREHOUSES AVAILAbLE IMMEDIATELy CbD 810m² @ R60.00m² (excl VAT) 670m² POR

600m² @ R85.00 (excl VAT) 1 400m² @ R40.00m² (excl VAT) Available 15 Aug 2014. OFFICES 11 RHODESDRIFT 345m² @ R90.00m² (excl VAT) RESIDENTIAL bENDOR - DWARSKERSbOS R4 600.00PM 2 Bedrooms, 1 x Bathroom, kitchen and lounge. Secured Area. Prepaid Electricity. PLOT - 3 KM FROM SASOL GARAGE ON LTT ROAD 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, water incl. Electricity account. AVAILAbLE 1 AUG 2014.

Visit us for more properties on www.popularproperties.co.za

Photo: Barry Viljoen

Limpopo Gospel Talent Search Organiser Ngola Lekgothoane with judges Oupa Sekgobela and Mahlatse Sebatjana.

Limpopo youths the focus of talent search

>> First prize is a recording deal >> Auditions until December BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com The Limpopo Gospel Talent Search commenced at Meropa Casino and Entertainment World last weekend when the first auditions took place and youth performer Carol Modubi from Botlokwa made it to the final event that will be staged in December. The first prize will be a recording deal and the runner-up will receive vouchers for a weekend’s accommodation and meals at Meropa. Further auditions will be held on dates still to be announced. Last year’s competition winner was Nicolene Chewe of Solomondale who is currently recording a CD at a major recording company. The organiser of the search, Ngola Lekgothoane appeals to possible sponsors to come forward and contribute towards this project that will build capacity among the youth. He can be contacted on 082 812 0001.


1. HOUSES FROM R750 000 SILVERKRUIN 2. 3PLOTS and FARMS available R 700 000 3. TOWNHOUSES Beautiful family home Dorp - 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen, with lounge, TV yard study, and garage. R700 000 Room, room, 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen, Bendordining - 2 Bedrooms, yard andscullery/laundry, carport. kitchen, 4 bedrs, dressing R500 000 Bendor - 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living area, patio room, 3 bathrs, balcony, open air shower, with braai, kitchen, small yard and carport. servant’s room with shower & toilet, lapa R650 000 with braai, pool and double garage. TO LET Residential


2Bendor Bedroom R3 900-00p/m - 3 Flat Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, study, 5lounge, Bedroom House, with pool, pool roomoutside and double dining room, kitchen, scullery, toilet & shower, pool and double garage. R7 600-00p/m garage R10 900-00p/m - 3 Bedroom Townhouse with 2 bathrooms, liv3Bendor Bedroom House, electrically fenced - African Jewel, ing area, kitchen and 1 carport in secure complex. adjacent to Seshego R4 600-00p/m 300-00p/m R5

July 24, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Bloed steeds krities skaars Grafiese ontwerper van Polokwane Observer, Mahlatse Modila skenk Maandag bloed tydens ‘n skenkerskliniek wat by Bolivia Lodge gehou is. Bookie Dube, kliniektoesighouer van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens (SANBD) is links.

Ignatius Makgola Slezak-Masebe of Polo­ kwane recently married Alana Catherine Slezak-Masebe of Chicago during a ceremony in her hometown.


1 x 120 m² - ground floor. Watermelon Street, Platinum Park.

015 297 2636

WAREHOUSE/ STORAGE TO LET 1 x 1 000m² for R20.00/m² Tweefontein Smallholdings 3 km from SAB Long-term

Johann Swart 082 829 5084

MYNGENOEGEN: R1 220 000: A stone’s throw from Curro Heuwelkruin lies this undeveloped 8,5ha plot. ACACIA ESTATE: R970 000: Free standing 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. BENDOR GABLES: R970 000: Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. 1 Garage. STER PARK: R3 600 000: Modern 4 bedr, 3 bathr home. New kitchen with granite tops, big entertainment area, 3 garages. Security is king. Beautiful garden. Pool. BODORP: R1 580 000: Large 2 000m² stand. 3 Bedr, 1 bathr home. Popular area for future investment.



25A Biccard Street • Tel: 015 295 0420/21 Jackie TO LET Compensatie St Elim Tuscany Compensatie St Willows Costa Plenty Serala Village Bendor Gardens Serala Village Serala Village Atjankir Vida Court Eastlee Serala Village King Fisher Ankerhof

R2 250 R2 800 R2 850 R3 200 R4 200 R3 500 R4 000 R4 000 R4 050 R4 100 R4 100 R4 000 R4 250 R4 400 R4 500 R6 800

Immediately 01/08/2014 01/08/2014 Immediately Immediately Immediately 01/08/2014 Immediately 01/08/2014 01/08/2014 01/09/2014 Immediately Immediately 01/08/2014 Immediately Immediately

Maranatha Park Faranani Estate

R7 300 R12 000

01/09/2014 01/09/2014



Room with bathroom. Bachelor. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. Bachelor. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, garage. 3 Bedr, 2½ bathr, lounge, kitchen, study, lapa, d/garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, d/garage, security area. 2 Bedr unit in retirement village.


Polokwane Observer

Julie 24, 2014

Tatenda Moyo – from living on the VISIT streets to author SEEFF POLOKWANE “Having achieved more than 50 Years of property

THIS WEEKEND @ Mall of the North Friday 09:00 till 17:00 Saturday 09:00 till 15:00

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RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


espite spending several months on the streets, begging for his next meal and fearing for his life, Zimbabwean national Tatenda Moyo never stopped dreaming. Fleeing poverty in the neighbouring country in search of a better life the now 22-year-old Photo: RC Myburgh Moyo firstly had to survive life on the Tatenda Moyo spent streets of Polomonths living on the streets while chasing his kwane before his talent in writing dream of becoming an was noticed. It is author. His first book, also his own ambiA dream in a minute a tion and determibreak in a decade was nation to attend recently launched. school which led to him to recently launch his first book, A dream in a minute a break in a decade. Even when he was arrested and jailed for ten days and had to pretend to be as bad as 60 other inmates not to get harmed, he never laid down his pen. He explained that despite having the correct papers to be in South Africa legally he was arrested for no reason. He was not charged and later released. His dream to publish his own book and become a motivational speaker turned his begging for food into begging for help in order to attend school. “We were three children living on the streets. We were among those

who received regular food parcels from Help In Every Burden (HIEB). We begged from Adriaan Fourie from HIEB to act as father figure and overseer in order to be enrolled at a school in Seshego,” said Moyo who completed his Grade 12 certificate in 2012 with the added acknowledgement of being under the top ten matriculants for that year. He described the days living on the streets as a learning curve, learning the purpose of God and His will with him in the future. It also taught him to take the first step in surrendering to God’s love. With his book Moyo is hoping to reach people carrying the burden of poverty and hopelessness and those who sometimes question God’s will. “Inside the book, I promise you will find a new meaning of suffering, life and God’s love. Readers can expect to be fortified, inspired, motivated and re-invigorated by the Comforter whom Jesus Lord Christ promised to send us from the Father. I also stress the significance of knowing your calling,” he said. He added that the book is a revelation of God’s work behind the scenes. “I personally look upon God as an amazing architect and character builder. If you look at God’s greatest successes a pattern begins to emerge. Job, Daniel, Joseph, Jeremiah, Elijah and Jesus himself came through the fire of suffering,” Moyo said. For now Moyo’s book is available at the Catholic library and from himself. Because of high publishing costs he only orders a few books at a time. He already plans on having ten books on the shelves by December which will cover a variety of motivational aspects reflecting on his life.

VPG maak houtmeubels uit afvalmateriaal BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

PROPERTY SERVICES • EIENDOMSDIENSTE APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za

CONTACT SAN - 072 159 5126

PROPERTY FOR SALE 1) BENDOR TOWNHOUSE: R700 000 Lounge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, carport. 2) COMPENSATIE STREET: R740 000.00 4 Bedroom Duplex Townhouse with 1½ bathroom. Townhouse has been renovated with new kitchen cupboards, floor tiles and paint. Exellent Buy. Single garage. 3) UPPERTOWN: MODERN AND SPACIOUS: R2 550 000 Adorable home with open-plan lounge/ dining room/kitchen, cosy verandah, scullery, pantry, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garage and carports for 6 or more vehicles PLUS bachelor flat. Alarm. Beautiful finishes.

CONTACT SOLET - 082 498 4415 1) TOWNHOUSE - BODENSTEIN STREET: R850 000 Modern open-plan living area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen and single garage. FARMS / PLOTS FOR SALE

KONTAK MATIE - 083 271 5259

1) EDUAN PARK: R1 600 000.00 Spacious family home with 3 living areas, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, nice kitchen, double garage. Entertainment room, Borehole. Quiet area. 2) TWEEFONTEIN PLOT 8.5ha: 3 Slaapkamerhuis, 3 x 2 Slaapkamerhuise, 1 x 1 Slaapkamerhuis. Ontspanningslokaal. Naby N1. R2 450 000.00 3) 90ha NATUURPLAAS: In Wolkberge, 50km vanaf Polokwane, 2 chalets, stoor, wild, wildwerend omhein. Baie mooi en nuutontwikkelde eiendom. R2 950 000.00 4) 500ha BESPROEIINGSPLAAS: Dendron omgewing, 18ha onder besproeiing, 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 slaapkamer woonstel, groot pakstoor, werkswinkel, afdakke ens. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. R6 300 000.00


HOUSES: 1) 2 213m² CENTRAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units – R3 500 000.00 2) BENDOR – 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, en suite guest room, pool. 3) PENINA PARK - 3 000m² zoned 20 Units. R2 500 000.00 4) EDUAN PARK: 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Flat, swimming pool, lapa, borehole. PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha. Vacant. R1 500 000.00 neg. 2) On N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha. FARMS: 1) MESSINA/ALLDAYS - CATTLE FARM: 1 830ha @ R4 300/ha. 2) BOCHUM AREA: ± 730 ha (70 ha irrigation) R9 000 000.00 3) PIETERSBURG AREA CATTLE FARM: ± 1 000 ha R8 000 000.00 4) VIVO – 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game R9 000 000.00 INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) 1 300 m² Industrial stands – N1 North available 2) 450m² warehouse on 1200m² stand R2 900 000.00 TO LET: RESIDENTIAL CONTACT SAN 072 159 5126 MID-TOWN: R2 730.00 1 August 2 Bedroom flat. MID-TOWN: R2 950.00: Immediately Room with bathroom. Water and electricity included. UPPERTOWN: R16 000.00 Fantastic spacious open-plan house with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garages, pool, plus 3 offices. 1 August 2014. TOWNHOUSE OOST STREET : R7 500.00 Immediately Lovely townhouse in Upper town with open-plan living area, 3 bedrooms, big scullery, excellent security, lock-up garage and cosy garden. PENINA PARK: R7 000.00 1 August 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, garage, pool. MID-TOWN: DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE: R4 800.00 4 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, garage TOWNHOUSE: R4 100.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage. 20 km from town. Scenic area. TO LET: INDUSTRIAL CONTACT STEPHEN TEL: 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 855 m² with office (SAB area) 2) 80m² Cold room 3) 1200m² + 200m² Offices Good exposure 4) 500m² + 800m² warehouses 5) 1800m² warehouse + 300 m² office 6) 640m² 1/9/14 Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Modern – stand-alone office, 600m² 1/5/2014 Close to CBD 3) 345m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton court) 4) 100m² Office CBD

Foto’s: Barry Viljoen

Bo: Willie Jooste, werkswinkelbestuurder wys een van die bankies wat uit afvalmateriaal gemaak word. Regs:Mark Knoll van Eeufeeshuis toets een van die stoele uit.

Stewige meubels wat uit afval-en herwinde materiaal gemaak word, is van die items wat deur die Vereniging vir Persone met Gestremdheid (VPG) by Eeufeeshuis verkoop word om geld in te samel. Bankies wat uit afvalhout en sykante van uitgediende rolstoele gemaak word, is so stewig en duursaam dat dit nie net ornamentele waarde aan ‘n tuin verleen nie, maar ook ‘n gemaklike sitplek in die son of kuierplek verskaf. Tafels word uit ou palette gemaak. Gekraakte en gebreekte paletplanke dien weer as deel van geverfde muurbehangsels. Volgens Willie Jooste, werkswinkelbestuurder by Eeufeeshuis het hul ‘n groot behoefte aan materiaal vir projekte en doen ‘n beroep op weldoeners om afvalhout en uitgediende meubels te skenk om op vindingryke maniere hergebruik te word. Johnny Graham, fondsinsameling- en bewusmakingsbeampte van die VPG kan by 015 291 1787 geskakel word vir bydraes of aankoop van items.

Kleurryke parade om Delvillebos te herdenk soldate het in hierdie veldslag, wat gedurende die derde week van Julie 1916 in Frankryk plaasgevind het, gesneuwel. Ordelede op parade en gaste se geheue is verfris met ‘n kort rede deur “Old Bill” Johan Cronjé waarna die landsvlag gestryk is terwyl Pieter-Willie Becker Foto: Barry Viljoen “The Last Post” en die “Old Bill” Johan Cronjé en ordelid, Gert Nel by die Delvillebos her- “Reveille” op die trompet gespeel het. Cronjé het denkingsfunksie. benadruk dat vrede net duur BARRY VILJOEN tot die volgende oorlog en dat die dapperheid >>barryv.observer@gmail.com en toewyding van dié wat bereid was om huis en haard agter te laat om te veg, nooit vergeet mag word nie. ‘n Monument is by Delvillebos Die slag van Delvillebos wat 98 jaar gelede tydens die Eerste Wêreldoorlog plaasgevind het opgerig ter gedagtenis aan die bykans 25 000 soldate wat tydens die twee wêreldoorloë, die is verlede week weer, soos tradisie vereis, deur die Agbare Orde van die Staaldakke (MOTH’s) by Koreaanse konflik, grensoorloë en die meer onlangse vredesmissies die lewe gelaat het in die Botha Skuilgat in die stad herdenk. diens van hulle vaderland en wêreldvrede. Honderde jong Suid-Afrikaanse vrywilliger-

Marlet van Niekerk is Kindermusik se beste onderwyser in die land ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com ‘n Groot eer het Marlet van Niekerk, ‘n Kindermusik Suid-Afrika onderwyser van Polokwane te beurt geval toe sy twee weke gelede as “Educator of the Year” deur Kindermusik Suid-Afrika tydens die instansie se tweejaarlikse konverensie in Johannesburg aangewys is. Kindermusik is ‘n internasionale musiekprogram wat reeds 33 jaar bestaan vir kinders van 0 tot sewe jaar. Kindermusik Suid-Afrika is al 13 jaar besig om kinders se sosiale, emosionele, kognitiewe, taal- en fisieke ontwikkeling met musiek en beweging te koester. Die besonderse prestasie het Van Niekerk slegs in twee jaar vermag. Van Niekerk sê sy was baie verras oor die toekenning aangesien sy 150 ander medeleerkragte uitgestof het. “Daar is groot name in die bedryf en mense wat veel langer in die beroep is, maar dis lekker om erkenning te kry vir al die harde werk en toewyding,’ sê sy. Om in aanmerking te kom vir die toekenning het die beoordeelaars na onder meer besigheidsgroei, leerdergetalle en ouerterugvoering gekyk. Van Niekerk sê nadat sy en haar man Francois, na tien jaar in Londen besluit het om terug te keer SuidAfrika toe het hulle nie besef hoe moeilik dit gaan wees om werk te kry nie. Hoewel hulle as gekwalifiseerde onderwysers in Engeland skoolgehou het en sy voedseltegnologie as vak by ‘n hoërskool gegee het kon sy nie ‘n pos in Suid-Afrika kry nie. “Ek het

besluit om die Kindermusik-konsessie by Sandra de Lange oor te koop.” Die nederige besigheid van 20 leerders het vinnig gegroei tot meer as 80 by die studio en nog kleuters by verskeie kleuterskole in die stad. “Ek het ‘n Unisa graad vyf-kwalifikasie, het in verskeie kore gesing en is gek oor musiek. Dit was daarom ideaal om onderwys en musiek te kan kombineer,’ sê Van Niekerk. Sy verduidelik dat musiek kinders op verskeie vlakke kan stimuleer en om hul groot motoriese bewe-gings te ontwikkel. “Alle kinders het ‘n musikale aanleg, al is dit net om ritme te hou. Deur die verskillende programme leer kinders note lees, ritme hou en instrumente speel en geniet elke oomblik daarvan.” Sy sê die blaas-, klavier- en snaarinstumente die leerders ook ‘n basiese fondament gee om later hul musiektalent te ontgin. “Deur die verskillende ritmiese bewegings aan te leer, besluit hulle dalk om professioneel te dans. Dis amper soos om ‘n ander taal aan te leer.” Sy gee klas vir kleuters van 0 tot sewe jaar en sy sê dat die program, wat oor twee jaar strek, geensins herhaal word nie. Wanneer die leerders gradueer ontvang hulle ‘n Young Child toekenning. Van Niekerk sê dis verstommend om te sien watter effek musiek op ‘n kind se ontwikkeling en groei het omdat hulle soveel meer blootstelling kry. “Selfs die kleintjies se fokus verbeter na net ‘n paar maande in die

klas.” ‘Ek is geseënd om my passie vir musiek in my werk te kan uitleef. Hoewel dit in die begin redelik broekskeur gegaan het, is ek dolgelukkig in my beroep en geniet elke kind se ontwikkeling.” Sy is ook baie lief vir die buitelewe en geniet dit om in die tuin te werk of saam met haar gesin die wildtuin te besoek.

Education as a science is supposed to transform people to become a better person and be able to understand life. Even with this understanding, Patrick Monkoe, Head of Marketing and Communication at Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda) remains humble about his professional achievements. Monkoe was born in Matlala as the third of six children. He matriculated at Mcheleleng High School and although, he said, he was thrown out of the Physics class for talking too much, he passed matric with exemption. He was also not very good in sports and rather opted for the debate team, which he later became the chairperson of. He studied Human Resources Management at the then Vaal Triangle Technicon. “I chose to study human resources because of my father’s influence. He was a human resource officer and he came across as a responsible and smart person.” He finished the three-year diploma in 1993 and in 1994 he joined Technicon SA at the Polokwane branch as a Learner Support Officer where he began working at recruiting students. While working for them, he decided to further his career and enrolled for a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources which he completed in 1999. He joined the Limpopo Business Support Agency (Libsa) in 2003 as a Marketing Officer where he contributed immensely in the development of the company’s identity in Limpopo. The key programme was focused on business information and while working hard to expand the parastatal’s identity, he again realised he needed to further his education. He enrolled for a Masters of Business internship at Unisa School of Business Leadership in 2007 which he completed in 2010. In 2003 he was employed as Marketing Officer at Libsa and was promoted to Marketing and Communications Manager in 2005. From 2006 to 2008 he held the position as Senior Marketing and Communications Manager. When Libsa, Limpopo Economic Development Enterprise, Trade and investment Limpopo and Limpopo Agricultural Development Corporation amalgamated in 2012 to form Leda, he became Corporate Branding Manager and was later promoted to Head of Marketing and Communication. His responsibilities





Bendor Gables – Two Bedroom Townhouse r900,000 (Private sale)

The townhouse is situated in a very secure and neat security complex. Spacious, with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (main en suite) and private entrance to garden. All entrances protected by trellidoors. The lounge has a working fireplace. A single garage with automated garage door. Should you have more than one vehicle, open parking is available on the complex premises. Back and front gardens. Builtin braai and entertainment area at the back.

Pre-approved buyers only. Contact 082 777 8106 to view.


Marlet van Niekerk is deur Kindermusik Suid-Afrika as hul Onderwyser van die Jaar vereer.

that you have to respect people included communicating the and not advance yourself at the Leda programme to the business expense of others.” community in the province and to Reading is one of his favourite create a strong leader image in pastimes and the book Enlightthe electronic and print media. ened Leadership by Dr John M “The biggest challenge governTibane has his attention at the ment is facing at the moment is the media who don’t magnify the moment. “I try to make achievements, but the leadership decisions mistakes are blown based on a Christian out of proportion. I principle because God am positive about the never makes mistakes. future of the country A person’s destiny was and I believe South decided the day he Africa will become a was born. No amount global player in affairs of power or negativity because the young should deter you from generations are interdoing what you want to active.” do. What I find abhorThis married father rent is a person who of two believes his has an exaggerated humility is born from Patrick Monkoe, sense of who they are his emotional and cul- Head of Marketing tural intelligence. “My and Communication and of their importance.” late father used to say at Leda. Tel: 015 2988229 Fax: 015 2988229 Email: mirnal@telkomsa.net

Julie 24, 2014

TEL: 015 295 4537 / Fax: 015 291 1166 7a HaNS VaN RENSBURG STREET

Staying humble through education ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com

>> Sy stof 150 medeleerkragte uit >> ’Elke kind het ‘n musiekaanleg, al is dit net om ritme te hou’

P.O. Box 961 Fauna Park 0787

Principal (Sole Proprietor) Mirna Lourens Fidelity Fund Certificate: 2014240882

Hettie 082 452 1603


Spacious 3 Bedr / 2 bathr / open-plan lounge / dining room / beautiful kitchen / double garage / small garden / fireplace / pyjama lounge / patio / domestic room & toilet.


WOONSTELLE / FLATS: R9 900 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, 0152954537 / 0732817405 eetkamer, kombuis, 4 afdakke PLUS 1 Slaapkamer TOWN woonstel met sitkamer, kombuis en badkamer. R2400 – Bachelor flat with bathroom and kitchen. PENINAPARK Carport. R7 250 – 3 Slaapkamers, 1½ badkamers, sitkamer, R2550 – Bachelor flat with kitchen and bathroom. eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, motorhuis, afdak, Prepaid electricity, water R80 per month. swembad, lapa en braai area. R2950 – 3 Modern bachelor flats with kitchen, R7 480 – 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining bathroom and carport available. Communal room, kitchen, scullery, laundry, storeroom, double swimming pool and barbeque area. Water and garage PLUS 1 bedroom flat with kitchen, lounge electricity R300-00 per month. and 2 carports. MAGAZYNSTR WORK FROM HOME – VOORTREKKER ST R3000 – Eenman woonstel met badkamer, kombuis R20 000 – 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, en leefarea. Veilige kompleks. lounge, dining room, TV room, kitchen, scullery, HOSPITAL PARK laundry, study, garage, carport, braai, swimming pool Walking distance to Provincial Hospital PLUS 2 offices, reception and bathroom. R2500 – Bachelor flat with kitchen, bathroom and Phone today to view! carport. Prepaid electricity, water included. KLEINHOEWE: MEENTHUISE / TOWNHOUSE: 0152954537 / 0732817405 0152954537 / 0732817405 NABY KUSCHKE TOWN R3 700 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, R3 200 – 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. eetkamer, kombuis, opwas, spens, afdak en Carport available at R175 per month. motorhuis. Water ingesluit. MAGAZYNSTR MYNGENOEGEN R5 100 – 2 Slaapkamers, 1½ badkamers, R4 900 – 3 Slaapkamers, sit/eetkamer, kombuis, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, spens en 2 afdakke. badkamer en motorhuis. Water en ligte ingesluit. Klein hondjie welkom. OFFICES R5 570 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, Various office space available, kombuis en afdak. Klein hondjie welkom. sizes from 40m² to 215m². Beskikbaar 1 Aug. Hans van Rensburg Street, 598m², R80 954.38 LADANNA Excluding VAT, prepaid electricity. From R3 700 to R3 950 – Safe complex. Shop available near UNISA. Suitable for an Internet 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Café / Food Franchise. R8 000.00 per month, Water at municipality and prepaid power. Excluding VAT. R5 100 – 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining FOR SALE room, kitchen, scullery, TV room and garage. ANEL 071 125 2844 Prepaid electricity. EDUAN PARK HUISE / HOUSES: R1 586 000 – 1 586m². 3 Bedrooms, 2½ bathrooms, 0152954537 / 0732817405 lounge, dining room, study, kitchen, scullery, 2 gaFLORAPARK rages, 2 carports, borehole. 1 Bedroom granny flat R7 500 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, and servant’s quarters. eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, opwas, 2 motorhuise A selection of Flats and Townhouses available en buitetoilet. Water en elektrisiteit by munisipaliteit. priced from R490 000 to R900 000.




July 24, 2014

42 OBSERVER polokwane


CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za



STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ STORAGE TO LET Small, medium & large stores. From R400 p.m. Polokwane Self Storage. Contact 082 446 4574 / 082 964 4139 ____________________



EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________



CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________

c&m construction Ceilings/dry walling/ painting/ tiling/ renovations. Contact 087 751 1310 061 150 9436 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ BEE WENDYS 3m x 3m = R5 000 3m x 4m = R6 000 Best & quality from pallet, wood, already treated & strong. For more, we do all sizes. Call Sten 076 210 5881 ___________________ GHETTO WENDYS All types, log, cabin, knotty pine, louvre and pallet. 2m x 2m = R4 000 3m x 3m = R5 000 3m x 4m = R5 500 For more info contact Denis 072 114 1850 / 083 686 4178 ___________________



EK KOOP MOTORS EN BAKKIES Kontak Neels 083 459 7177 ____________________




HOUSES - IMMEDIATELY • IVY PARK - R5 500: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carports and garden. • BASKOPPIES - R7 580: FOR AUGUST – 3 bed, 2 bath, parking and garden. • SUNSET BOULEVARD R4 400: 3 bed, bath, carport and garden TOWNHOUSES IMMEDIATELY • KORAAL RETIREMENT VILLAGE - Age group 50 + no animals. Spacious 2 bed, bath, garage and garden. • MYNGENOEGEN RD R3 900: 2 Bed, 2 bath, carports and garden. • BENDOR - R4 250: FOR AUGUST 2 Bed, carport and garden. BACHELOR FLATS R2 350: FOR AUGUST • 90 Pietersburg Street • 3 Magazyn Street

LUSERN TE KOOP Skakel 015 575 9941 012 335 2178 ____________________ MATLALA ALOE PARK Erf no 6B met verbeterings. Mooi natuur & tuin. Vlot (8 meter: PAX 12) & boot (12 voet), 85HP Yamaha. Alles vir R320 000. Kontak Willem Bronkhorst 083 743 1169 ____________________ FOR SALE Kids’ Party Decor. Tables, chairs, photo boards and decor materials. Serious buyers only 083 324 3761 ____________________


FLATS TO LET • MACADAMIA @ THE ALOES RETIREMENT VILLAGE: 1 to 2 bed, 1 bath, exclusive townhouses. Immediately available, with 24-hour care and affordable prices. FOR EXAMPLE: 3 meals per day, 2 x week laundry washed and ironed. Assistance with control of medication. Check on resident 2 x day by medical staff, etc. R5 200, R5 650, R5 800 pm. PATSY – 083 270 6770


TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ TO LET Spacious bachelor flat on plot in Dalmada. 3.5 km from Savannah Mall. R2 650 p.m. Water included. Contact 015 296 2785 or 082 851 9531 ____________________

LEEUKUIL ESTATE Bachelors unit in safe tranquil surroundings, 7 km from town. R2 200 p.m. Contact 079 081 3152 ____________________ 1 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL TE HUUR Faunapark. Water en elektrisiteit ingesluit. R3 700 per maand. Kontak 082 675 7773 ____________________

FOR RENT 2 Bedroom townhouse In Bendor, De Wet Drive. Carport; encl garden. R4 500 p.m. Contact Debbie 015 295 8015/17 ____________________



FOR RENT IVY PARK 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, dining, lounge, double garage. R4 800 per month. Contact Debbie 015 295 8015/17 ____________________ RUIM 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS TE HUUR SOETDORINGS Netjies en omhein. Dubbel afdak parkering. Veilige en rustie omgewing. R5 560 plus dep + koopkrag. Streng keuring. Contact Minette 076 941 1679 ____________________ FOR RENT Bendor Village Modern 4 bedroom house with 4 bathrooms. Spacious TV and dining with separate private lounge, double garage, patio and braai. Enclosed garden, security area. R17 000 per month. Contact Debbie 015 295 8015/17 ____________________

HOUSES: BODORP R25 500 4 Bedr, 3 bathr, 2 garages, pool. BENDOR VILLAGE R19 530 5 Bedr, 5½ bathr, patio with built-in braai, 2 garages. NEW FLORA PARK R8 350 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages. DALMADA PLOT R7 340 3 Bedr, 2 bathr plus outside buildings. TOWNHOUSES: HOSPITAL PARK R5 500 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 garage, prepaid electricity. LADANNA R3 980 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport. FLATS: COMPENSATIE St R4 300 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, 1 carport. EDUAN PARK R4 000 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport, water incl. Offices in CBD from R2 500 Marshall St 91m² Offices R25 400 Office complex, reception area, boardroom & ample parking. THYS 083 702 0768 AUDREY 072 632 7117 DIONETTE 084 503 3964 MARTIN 060 666 5432

LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar Klein vertrek huise R1 950 p.m., Bachelor woonstelle R1 500 p.m. Wendy houtkamers R1 000 p.m. Gemeenskaplike ablusiegeriewe. Skakel Marina in kantoorure 015 297 2008 ____________________

Besigheidskaartjies For any enquiries/advice, contact us on Tel: 015 291 1088 Fax: 015 291 1089 SPCA Polokwane

Email: spcaplk@telkomsa.net



SAKEGELEENTHEID Goed gevestigde winkel met ruim perseel & parkeringplek. Ideale familie besigheid. Voorraad & toerusting ingesluit. Prys onderhandelbaar. Kontak Willie Loots 071 602 7710 ____________________



SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Contact 015 295 5264 ___________________



NOTICE IS GIVEN IN TERMS OF SECTION 27 OF MINERAL AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT ACT, 2002 (ACT 28 OF 2002) Masiphile Mining (Pty) Ltd lodged an application for a Mining Permit for Iron Ore and Vanadium Ore, with the Department of Mineral Resources Limpopo Region (Ref: LP30/5/1/3/2/10565MP) in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (MPRDS), on the farm Goedverwatch 511 KS in the magisterial district of Fetakgomo, Limpopo Province.

The main objectives of the consultation are as follows: • To inform the land owner/s, interested and affected parties about the company’s intention to mine on the abovementioned farm. • To inform the land owner/s, interested and affected parties about the company’s proposed mining work programme. • To gather and collect concerns and matters to be addressed before, during and after the mining operations. Take further notice that if you wish to comment to the abovementioned application in accordance with the standard directive for the compilation thereof as published on the official website of the Department of Mineral Resources, your comments and/or objections must be forwarded in writing to the addresses that are given below on or before 08 August 2014. Mr Sipho Shoba P O Box 581 Bendor Polokwane 0713 Fax: 086 605 6763 Email: shobasvj@ gmail.com 24/07 ___________________ PERMIT IN TERMS OF THE ROADS AND RIBBONS DEVELOPMENT ACT (ACT 21 OF 1940) TO CHANGE LAND USE IN A CONTROLLED AREA AND SPECIAL CONSENT IN TERMS OF THE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007 TO ALLOW THE ESTABLISHMENT

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riod of 28 days from 17 July 2014. Nhlatse Planning Consultants P O Box 4865 Polokwane 0699 Telefax: 015 297 8673 17/07 24/07 ___________________ TOESTEMMING IN TERME VAN DIE PAAIE EN LINTE ONTWIKKELINGSWET (WET 21 VAN 1940) VIR DIE VERANDERING VAN GRONDGEBRUIK IN ‘N BEHEERDE GEBIED EN SPESIALE TOESTEMMING IN TERME VAN DIE POLOKWANE / PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 VIR DIE OPRIGTING VAN ‘N LODGE EN PLEK VAN AANBIDDING OP GEDEELTE 69 VAN DIE PLAAS TWEEFONTEIN 915 LS Hiermee word kennis gegee dat Nhlatse Planning Consultants, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Gedeelte 69 van die plaas Tweefontein, aansoek gebring het vir toestemming van die beherende owerheid in terme van die Paaie en Linte Ontwikkelingswet (Wet 21 van 1940) • ten einde ‘n lodge en plek van aanbidding toe te laat asook voorwaarde 3 te verwyder (a) (b) en (c) op Titelakte T106454/04. gelyktydig met • Die voorsiening van Klousule 21 van die Polokwane / Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007, saamgelees met artikel 20 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) vir die sekondêre gebruik van die eiendom vir ‘n lodge en plek van aanbidding. Die aansoek is beskikbaar vir kommentaar vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 18 Julie 2014, in die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Beplanning en Grondgebruiksbeheer, Polokwane Munisipaliteit, eerstevloer, wesvleuel, Burgersentrum, vanaf 18 Julie 2014 en by die hoofkantooor van die beherende owerheid, die Departement van Samewerkende Regering Menslike Nedersettings en Tradisionele Sake, derdevloer Hensa Towers 3de vloer. vanaf 17 Julie 2014



Description: Small, well-established Auto Body Repairer is looking to fill positions of Strip & Assembler & Panel beater in the Polokwane area.

Minimum requirements & experience: - Grade 12/N2 equivalent - Must have Panel Beater Trade Test Qualification through MERSETA - Minimum 3 years proven experience with Auto Body Repair Industry - Experience in commercial vehicles - trailers, buses - Contactable references - Own transport - Own tools beneficial - Cutting and joining panels - Chassis straightening - Alignment stripping and flattening body filler - Welding & brazing Salary: Based on experience. Deadline: 8 August 2014 Please send your CV to mwmcal@mweb.co.za or fax it to: 015 293 2135 - (Only suitable candidates will be shortlisted and contacted)

vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae. Besware teen die aansoek kan skriftelik by die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruik Polokwane Munisipaliteit, Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 en die applikant by Posbus 4865, Polokwane, 0699 of departementshoof van die Departement van Samewerkende Regering Menslike Nedersettings en Tradisionele Sake, Privaatsak X9485, Polokwane, 0699 ingedien word vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 17 Julie 2014. Nhlatse Planning Consultants P O Box 4865 Polokwane 0699 Telefaks: 015 297 8673 17/07 24/07 ___________________ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) POLOKWANE/PERKEBULT AMENDMENT SCHEME 462 I Julia Mmaphuti Nare being the authorised agent of the owner of Remainder of Erf 544 Pietersburg hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Township Ordinance, 1986, that I have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the town planning scheme known as the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 by the rezoning of Remainder of erf 544, situated at cnr Biccard and Bodenstein streets, from “Special” to “Business 2” for offices. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, First Floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street Polokwane, for a period of 28 days from 17 July 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use

Management, First Floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street Polokwane or P O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 within a period of 28 days from 17 July 2014. Nhlatse Planning Consultant P O Box 4865 Polokwane 0700 Telefax: 015 297 8673 17/07 24/07 ___________________ KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DORPS-BEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) POLOKWANE/PERKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA 462 Ek Julia Mmaphuti Nare synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Resterende Gedeelte van Erf 544 Pietersburg, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordinnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986, kennis dat ek by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Polokwane/Perskebult dor sbeplanningskema, 2007 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, gelee h/v Biccarden Bodensteinstrate vanaf ‘Spesiaal’ na ‘Besigheid 2’ vir kantoor. Besonderhede van die aansoek le te insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondegebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, Burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 17 Julie 2014. Besware teen of vertoe ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 17 Julie 2014 skriftelike by of tot die munisipale bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 in gedien of gerig word. Nhlatse Planning Consultant Posbus 4865 Polokwane

0700 Telefaks: 015 297 8673 17/07 24/07 ___________________ POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT AMENDMENT SCHEME 478 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE POLOKWANE/ PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007, IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1) (B) (i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE NO 15 OF 1986) I, Charlotte van der Merwe, being the authorised agent of the owner of the erven mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b) (i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Polokwane Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme known as the Polokwane/Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 to rezone Erf 2905, Bendor Extension 30, situated at 2 Keina Street, Bendor - from “Residential 1” to “Special”, for the purposes of offices, subject to conditions as stipulated in Annexure 169, namely: maximum coverage: 50%; maximum FAR: 0.7; parking ratio: 3 bays per 100 m2 GLFA for the offices; and maximum height: 2 storeys. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Man-

Career finder in LIMPOPO

OF A LODGE AS WELL AS PLACE OF PUBLIC WORSHIP ON PORTION 69 OF THE FARM TWEEFONTEIN 915 LS It is hereby notified that application has been made for the permission of the controlling authority in terms of Roads on Ribbon Development Act 21 of 1940 by the firm Nhlatse Planning Consultants, being the authorised agent of the owner of Portion 69 of the Farm Tweefontein 915 LS. • for the change in the use of land in a controlled authority in order to allow a lodge and place of public worship as well as to remove conditions 3(a) (b)and (c) on title deed T106454/04. Simultaneously with • The provision of Clause 21 of the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 read together with section 20 of the town planning and townships ordinance,1986 (ordinance 15 of 1986) for the secondary use of the property for lodge and place of public worship. The Special consent application is open for comments at the office of the Manager: Planning and Land Use Management, Polokwane Municipality, Civic Centre, 1st Floor West Wing, from 18 July 2014, while the permission of the controlling authority application is open for inspection from 17 July 2014 at the Head of Department of Cooperative Governance Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs, 3rd floor, Hensa Towers. Objections to the application may be lodged in writing with the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use, Polokwane Municipality, PO Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 and the applicant at P O Box 4865, Polokwane, 0699 for a period of 28 days from 17 July 2014. Objections to the permission in terms of Act 21 of 1940 may be lodged in writing to the head of department of Cooperative Governance Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs, Private Bag X9485, Polokwane, 0699 and the applicant at P O Box 4865, Polokwane, 0699 for a pe-

ager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, first floor, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane for a period of 28 days from 18 July 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 within a period of 28 days until 15 August 2014. KAMEKHO CONSULTING P O BOX 4169 POLOKWANE 0700 TEL: 082 456 3173 FAX: 086 614 9265 17/07 24/07 ___________________ POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT WYSIGINGSKEMA 478 KENNISGEWING VAN DIE AANSOEK OM DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(B)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE NO 15 VAN 1986) Ek, Charlotte van der Merwe, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die ondergenoemde erwe, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ek by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema

Julie 24, 2014


OBSERVER 43 polokwane

bekend as die Polokwane/ Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007 deur hersonering van Erf 2905, Bendor Uitbreiding 30, gelee te Keinastraat 2, Bendor - vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Spesiaal” vir die doeleindes van kantore onderworpe aan sekere bepalings soos uiteengesit in Bylaag 169, naamlik: maksimum dekking: 50%; Maksimum V.O.V: 0.7; parkering: 3 plekke per 100 m2 BVVO vir die kantore; en maksimum hoogte: 2 verdiepings. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, Burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat, Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 18 Julie 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae tot en met 15 Augustus 2014 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111, Polokwane, 0700 ingedien of gerig word. KAMEKHO CONSULTING POSBUS 4169 POLOKWANE 0700

TEL: 082 456 3173 FAKS: 086 614 9265 17/07 24/07 ___________________



NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TERMS OF SECTION 29 All persons having claims against the under mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from the date of publication hereof. Estate No.: 021765/2014 Master’s Office: Polokwane Name: Harry Mmamaila Manthata Date of birth: 14 August 1947 Identity No.: 470814 5559 088 Last address: Site No 109, Mafefe Village, Lebowakgomo. Date of death: 08 June 2014 SS SETHOSA ATTORNEYS/ PROKUREURS 06 KORHAAN STREET FAUNA PARK POLOKWANE 0700 Ref: Mokgaetjie EST/011/14 TEL: 015 296 3769 CELL: 072 496 0902 24/07 ___________________

Mediese OntvangsdaMe: Ons praktyk benodig `n persoon wat oor die volgende beskik: • • • • •

Goeie menseverhoudings Minstens graad 12 Skofte en naweke kan werk Afrikaans en Engels magtig. Rekenaarvaardig

Faks cv na 086 652 1816 sluitingsdatum: 30 Julie 2014. Indien u nie binne 14 dae na sluiting van aansoeke van ons gehoor het nie, beskou u aansoek as onsuksesvol.

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA Applications are hereby invited for the undermentioned position

ADMINISTRATIVE AND PROFESSIONAL POSITION Department: Tuition and Facilitation of Learning (Limpopo Regional Office) Mobile Library Driver/Assistant (P10)

• Ons benodig ‘n eiendomsagent om so gou as moontlik diens te aanvaar. • Ons bied goeie werksomstandighede in ‘n gevestigde firma. • Kommissiestruktuur is onderhandelbaar. • Vorige ondervinding in hierdie bedryf sal ‘n aanbeveling wees. • Moet in besit wees van ‘n matrieksertifikaat en rybewys. Kontak ansie/stella vir onderhoud tel: 015-2972846




Ms G Shilote (015) 290 3437

Assumption of Duty: Salary:

As soon as possible Remuneration will be commensurate with the seniority of the position

Closing Date:

8 August 2014

• The advertisement and prescribed application form is obtainable from http://www.unisa.ac.za/vacancies-new/ • Unisa is not obliged to fill an advertised position. • Late, incomplete and incorrect applications will not be considered. • Appointments will be made in accordance with Unisa’s Employment Equity Plan and other applicable legislation.


More top junior golf for Limpopo

July 24, 2014

44 OBSERVER polokwane

Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

career finder in LIM Childline Limpopo is an NGO based in Polokwane, Limpopo Province focusing on

Child Protection Services Director Assistant – REF: ED 07/14 Key Responsibilities The successful candidate will be required to render administrative support and service to the executive office and: • Manage diary of the Director • Record, produce and distribute Management and Board minutes/ records. • Manage travel arrangements for the Director and the Board • Prepare letters/correspondence when required • File correspondence and maintain an adequate filing system • Assist with filing of personal documents for Director • High level administrative PA tasks • Staff communication • Assist the Director with reports • Schedule meetings, • Ensure high level of confidentiality at all times • Client interaction and engagement • Act as point of contact for other Business Units with the Director • Ability to multi-task Key Requirements • Grade 12 • Secretarial diploma or similar qualification • Minimum of 5 years working

experience working for an Executive • Excellent working knowledge of MS Office Suite (Outlook, Word, PowerPoint & Excel). Exceptional PowerPoint skills Key abilities required: • Professional and well presented • Confident • Have good interpersonal skills • Able to deal with people on an exec level • Excellent communication skills, written and verbal • Proactive, Initiative • Organised, i.e. have good time management skills • Attention to detail • Be able to work in a very highpressure environment • Compliance with process and systems • Ability to assist in implementing new processes and systems • Assertiveness • Influence and persuasion • Problem solving • Logical • Enthusiastic • Confidentiality, tact and discretion • Accuracy / Quality control

After the successful hosting of the Nomads SA Boys u.17 Stroke Play Championship at the Polokwane Golf Club recently, the 2014 Glacier Junior Series National Final will be played in Limpopo at Zebula Golf Estate & Spa from 8 to 10 October. The scenic course situated in the shadow of the Waterberg Mountain will see the country’s top juniors competing for a trip to America as part of the biggest prize in South African junior golf. The winner of this year’s National Final will win an allexpenses paid trip to the prestigious Junior Orange Bowl International Golf Championship in Florida, United States in December.

Foto: Warren Blunt

AUDI PolokwAne

Commencing Salary - R4 500pm Closing Date: 31 July 2014 @ 16:00 Suitable candidates who meet the requirements should submit their CVs with reference numbers to Mokgoma Mochaki: Tel: 015 295 6449 / Fax: 015 291 5798 / wellness.cl@telkomsa.net / hand deliver to 17 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, or send to: P.O. Box, 3521, Polokwane, 0700. NB: Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you do not hear from us in 30 days, kindly assume that your application was unsuccessful. Childline Limpopo is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

The Mvula Trust, a leading NGO in the rural water supply and sanitation field in South Africa, has the following vacancies available:

PA/Administrator Head Office, Johannesburg

Reporting to the Regional Director, the Personal Assistant will be required to provide executive and administrative support to the Director and the Regional Office. The successful candidate will be responsible for providing full, high quality and confidential executive, administrative and personal assistance, and secretarial support to the above. We require a dynamic self-starter and mature individual who will be able to work closely with two executives within the organisation. The Assistant will also be required to provide administrative support to the Regional Office. Responsibilities: • Provide a secretarial function, including refined and accurate minute- taking in shorthand (speed writing) • Provide assistance to the Director • Draft and oversee final production of correspondence and other documents as required • Make appointments, follow-ups and gather relevant background information needed for meetings • Receive and screen calls and visitors and refer enquiries to appropriate sources • Organise meetings and workshop events • Attend meetings, take notes, and transcribe minutes for review and approval • Make travel and accommodation arrangements for staff members as may be required • Perform a variety of office management functions, such as ordering stationery and equipment, renewing memberships, and preparing expense claims and reports • Develop and maintain an effective electronic and manual filing system for the office. Requirements: • A relevant Senior Secretarial qualification or equivalent • A minimum of 3 years’ experience in a similar position or in performing similar functions • The ability to manage and coordinate a busy office • Excellent communications skills (both written and verbal), including report-writing • Excellent computer skills, including competence in Windows, MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint • Extensive experience in minute-taking, report-writing and working on spreadsheets • Excellent planning and organisational skills • Good problem-solving and analytical skills • Honesty and integrity • Methodical and attention to detail • Good interpersonal skills.

General Assistant/Receptionist Polokwane

Audi Polokwane has the following vacancy: SeRVICe MAnAGeR – AUDI woRkSHoP Minimum Requirements

• National Diploma or B.Com Marketing / Business Management • 3 Years management experience of a profit generating business • Good business acumen • Exceptional leadership qualities • Profit driven • Customer service centered • Experience in the Motor industry will be an advantage Market related salary package.

CVs can be sent to hradmin@vwpolokwane.co.za. No hand delivered CVs or faxes. If you are not contacted within 2 weeks of submitting your CV, please consider your application as unsuccessful.

In Touch Community Development and Project Managers (Pty) Ltd REG. NO.: 2008/015806/07



Interested applicants are invited to submit their applications, with detailed CVs, to the Human Resources Department via e-mail: recruitment@mvula.co.za Please do not send any certificates, diplomas or testimonials. NB: Interested candidates must avail themselves for interviews at any date/venue and time as determined by The Mvula Trust. Closing date: 28 July 2014 Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. If you have not heard from us within 30 days of the closing date, please accept that your application has been unsuccessful. The Mvula Trust reserves the right not to make any appointment. The Mvula Trust is committed to employment equity and preference will be given to historically disadvantaged groups. Human Communications 110969

Van die laerskoolleerders en afrigters wat by Vrydag se “Astronomiese” Hokkiekliniek by Hoërskool Pietersburg betrokke was. Heel agter in die middel is Ina van der Merwe, organiseerder en hoofafrigter van die kliniek.

Hokkiekliniek lok groot belangstelling Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Meer as 250 laerskoolleerders het Vrydag op die hokkievelde by Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) toegesak vir die “Astronomiese Hokkie­ kliniek” wat jaarliks deur bekende Polokwane hokkie-afrigter, Ina van der Merwe en haar dogters, Charné en Izélle aangebied is. Die hokkiekliniek vir leerders van o.8 tot o.13 is ter voorbereiding vir die nuwe laerskole hokkieseisoen wat in die derde kwartaal gespeel word. Twintig hokkie-afrigters, almal oud-PHS spelers het Van der Merwe tydens Vrydag se kliniek, wat vir die veertiende keer aangebied is, bygestaan. Die jong hokkiespelers het ook ‘n kans gekry om eerstehands die nuwe astrobaan se gelyke, vinnige oppervlak te toets. Spelers het basiese hokkievaardighede en posisies op die veld aangeleer en ingeoefen.

career finder in LIMPOPO

Salary: Negotiable

Minimum requirements: * An appropriate National Diploma in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering or Equivalent with Trade * Be able to teach/facilitate Mechanical/Electrical Engineering Level 4 * Computer literacy * At least 2 to 3 years experience in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering field.


Responsibilities: • Oversee daily cleaning and general maintenance of the office • Be responsible for the purchasing of office groceries and cleaning supplies • Provide general admin support to the office (photocopying, binding, etc) • Perform reception duties and ensure the smooth running of the reception area • Ensure that all incoming and outgoing mail is collected, logged and delivered • Prepare the boardroom for meetings and clean up after meetings • Provide messenger services (ie banking, post, etc). Requirements: • A Grade 10 Certificate • Appropriate competencies in cleaning services • 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Basic administration experience • Interpersonal and communication skills • The ability to read and write • Honesty and trustworthiness • Efficiency • Sense of responsibility • Cooperative • Hardworking • Even-tempered.


The Sanlam Glacier Junior Golf Series is played over 21 tournaments around South Africa and has gained support from professional golfers like Ernie Els, Charl Schwartzel, Louis Oosthuizen, Richard Grace and others, as well as business leaders and organiPhoto: Supplied sations such as the Sunshine The 2014 Sanlam Glacier Junior Series NaTour and Professional Golf Astional Final will be played in Limpopo at Zesociation of South Africa who bula Golf Estate & Spa from 8 to 10 October. sponsor many of the tournaAnton Raath, CEO of Glacier by Sanments. lam said. “When we started out with this He added that Zebula as a venue series, we did so with the focus of for the national final will give the creating opportunities for our junior golfers to have a strong competitive juniors a lovely experience for them in platform where they could achieve the bush, combined with a great golf their goals, and perhaps go on to course that is sure to test the junior become the champions of the future,” golfers to the limit.

* * * * *

Facilitate specified subjects on the level required Manage learners attendance records Ensure quality education and adherence to company policies Compile reports Perform any other duty as instructed by the Manager/Supervisor

Interested candidates are welcome to hand deliver their applications at In Touch Community Development and Project Managers, 83 Paul Kruger Street, Polokwane (near Seshego taxi rank).

Closing date: 8 August 2014 Enquiries: DINAH MODIBA, Tel: 015 297 4511/2 Note: *Applications must be accompanied by a recent updated CV with contactable references as well as original certified copies of all qualifications and ID document not older than 3 months. Communication will be entered into with successful candidates only. Should you not receive any response from us within 30 days after the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful.

FORKLIFT DRIVERS Immediate, Short-term contract; rate negotiable Fax CV and ID to 086 514 4862 TANDHEELKUNDIGE STOELASSISTENT Dames tussen 18 en 25. Ongereelde ure (skofte) Rekenaarvaardigheid ‘n vereiste. GEEN ROKERS Opleiding sal verskaf word Stuur CV na: 086 527 3860

July 24, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Bronze medal for Lim Indoor Cricket team


Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@ gmail.com The Limpopo Indoor Cricket u.25 team put up a spirited display when they ended in a credible third place at the National Indoor Cricket Tournament in Middelburg, Mpumalanga recently. After a couple of close matches in the pool games to end in third position, the Limpopo team defeated Western Gauteng to win the bronze medal. They lost the semifinal earlier in the day against Mpumalanga after the home team scored the winning runs off the last ball. There was some consolation for Limpopo afterwards when Gustaf de Beer, Eben Botha and Johnny Uys were chosen for the South African u.25 Indoor Cricket squad. The national u.25 team will be taking part in an inland tour later in the year.

Lim Volleyball players awarded

ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@ gmail.com Two of the province’s best volleyball players were awarded for their contribution to the sport during the annual Provincial Volleyball Awards held at the Ngoako Ramothlodi Sport Complex in Seshego recently. Pesta Nkuna was named Best Blocker in the senior category while Jonas Mothobi was recognised as Best Blocker, Best Spikes and Most Valued Player in the junior category. The Inter-provincial Volleyball Champion Tournament was successfully hosted at the same complex from 10 to 12 July. Volleyball Limpopo Spokesperson, James Shirindi said the three-day tournament was contested between Gauteng, Western Province, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal. Limpopo’s u.20 junior men’s team won in their category against Western Province to take home gold medals and a trophy. The u.20 junior women’s team went through to the finals where they were beaten by Western Province. The senior male team finished third in their category which was won by Western Province who beat KwaZulu-Natal in the finals. The tournament was sponsored by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture and the National Lotteries Board.

CONTRACT No. RAL/T697/2014 For Resealing and Preventative Maintenance of Roads D2534 and D27 from Arabie to Marble Hall in the Sekhukhune District of Limpopo Province

TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER The Limpopo u.25 Indoor Cricket team is in front, Gustaf de Beer with Johnny Uys, Herman Coetzer, Cecil van der Berg, Kirsten Potgieter, Stefan Schoeman, Ruhan Els (Captain), Nardo Greeff, Ryno Alberts (Coach) and Eben Botha. Photo: Supplied

Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Resealing and Preventative Maintenance of Roads D2534 and D27 from Arabie to Marble Hall in the Sekhukhune District of Limpopo Province. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd.


The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited, represented by the Manco-Aurecon Joint Venture

Tender No: N001-025-N-P-12034: Lease of Portion 26 (portion of Portion 24) unregistered of the Farm Kontant No 524 – KR The Manco-Aurecon Joint Venture has been appointed by the South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL) to provide a comprehensive property service. Interested parties are hereby invited to submit offers to lease the following improved property: Property Description: Portion 26 (portion of Portion 24) unregistered of the Farm Kontant No 524 – KR Extent: 145 8080ha Zoning: “Agriculture” Improvements: The property is improved with the following: • Main dwelling consisting of lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery/laundry, • bedrooms, bathroom, pantry. The main dwelling is in a neglected state and requires maintenance and repairs • Thatched portion attached to main dwelling consisting of 1 bedroom, I bathroom, living area and pantry • Outbuildings consisting of single garage, separate double garage, outside toilet, equipped borehole and swimming pool. All the outbuildings and swimming pool are neglected and in a poor state of repair. Lease period: Three years Site Inspection: A site inspect of the property will be conducted at 13:00 on Wednesday, 6 August 2014. The property is located adjacent to the N1 (Danie Joubert Freeway). When travelling from Pretoria on the N1 towards Polokwane, take the Modimolle off ramp and continue on the R101 (old Nylstroom Road). Take the Riekos turnoff and continue until you cross the bridge over the N1. Take first dirt road turnoff on the right after crossing over the bridge which will lead to the property (GPS Coordinates: -24.586587 S, 28.670998 E). Current policies and legislation that govern procurement will apply. Tender Documents Tender documents will be available from Rosie Jacobs at the offices of the MancoAurecon Joint Venture at 15 Acacia Avenue, Westville 3629. All enquiries relating to the tender documents are to be addressed to Rosie Jacobs, tel. (031) 940-1206 or e-mail: rosiej@hsginc.co.za All enquiries regarding the property may be addressed to Johan Els, tel. (031) 940-1206 or 084 417 4983 or e-mail: johane@manco.co.za The tender document can be purchased at a non-refundable amount of R300.00 (three hundred rand) (including VAT) per document. Payments to be made by EFT or bank deposit. The Manco-Aurecon Joint Venture and SANRAL do not bind themselves to accept the highest or any tender. No correspondence will be entered into in this regard. Submission of Tender Documents Tenders, completed as described, should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Reference: N001-025-N-P-12034: Lease of Portion 26 (portion of Portion 24) unregistered of the Farm Kontant No 524 – KR”. Tenders must be submitted in accordance with the Invitation to Tender and the tender rules by no later than 14:00 on Thursday, 28 August 2014. Tender documents must be placed in the tender box at the offices of the MancoAurecon joint Venture at 15 Acacia Avenue, Westville.

Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300, 00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 21 July 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr LJ Turner, Tel: 015 296 3225, Fax: 086 613 6722 or email: lestel@mweb.co.za. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the VIVA Garage, corner of Ficus and Anemoon streets in Marble Hall (GPS position S24 58 01, E29 17 39) on 7 August 2014 starting at 14:00 The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 21 August 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T697/2014: Resealing and Preventative Maintenance of Roads D2534 and D27 from Arabie to Marble Hall in the Sekhukhune District of Limpopo Province” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 7 CE or 6 CE PE or higher.

(Established 1968)




The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited, represented by the Manco-Aurecon Joint Venture

Tender No: N001-025-N-P-12034: N001-025-N-P-12034 A: Lease of Portion 25 and Portion 27 (portion of Portion 24) unregistered of the Farm Kontant No 524 – KR The Manco-Aurecon Joint Venture has been appointed by the South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL) to provide a comprehensive property service. Interested parties are hereby invited to submit offers to lease the following improved property: Property Description: Portion 25 and Portion 27 (portion of Portion 24) unregistered of the Farm Kontant No 524 – KR Extent: The combined extent of the properties is 93 3486ha Zoning: “Agriculture” Improvements: The properties consist of vacant agricultural farm land with no improvements Lease period: Three years Site Inspection: A site inspect of the property will be conducted at 13:00 on Wednesday, 6 August 2014. The properties are located adjacent to the N1 (Danie Joubert Freeway). When travelling from Pretoria on the N1 towards Polokwane, take the Modimolle off ramp and continue on the R101 (old Nylstroom Road). Take the Riekos turnoff and continue on the road until you reach the road bridge giving access over the N1. The properties are located on either side of the road before you access the bridge to cross over the N1. Current policies and legislation that govern procurement will apply. Tender Documents Tender documents will be available from Rosie Jacobs at the offices of the MancoAurecon Joint Venture at 15 Acacia Avenue, Westville 3629. All enquiries relating to the tender documents are to be addressed to Rosie Jacobs, tel. (031) 940-1206 or e-mail: rosiej@hsginc.co.za All enquiries regarding the property may be addressed to Johan Els, tel. (031) 940-1206 or 084 417 4983 or e-mail: johane@manco.co.za The tender document can be purchased at a non-refundable amount of R300.00 (three hundred rand) (including VAT) per document. Payments to be made by EFT or bank deposit. The Manco-Aurecon Joint Venture and SANRAL do not bind themselves to accept the highest or any tender. No correspondence will be entered into in this regard. Submission of Tender Documents Tenders, completed as described, should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Reference: N001-025-N-P-12034 A: Lease of Portion 25 and Portion 27 (portion of Portion 24) unregistered of the Farm Kontant No 524 – KR”. Tenders must be submitted in accordance with the Invitation to Tender and the tender rules by no later than 14:00 on Thursday, 28 August 2014. Tender documents must be placed in the tender box at the offices of the MancoAurecon joint Venture at 15 Acacia Avenue, Westville.


Duly instructed thereto by JACOB DE KLERK in his capacity as Liquidator of the Divorce Estate of IGOR ALEJANDRE-GRAU, Identity Number 590120 5848 18 1 and LYNETTE ALEJANDRE-GRAU, Identity Number 720304 0002 08 4 and SANET ANTIONETTE ALEJANDRE-GRAU, Identity Number 791231 0129 08 4 (registered owner of one half of Erf 1161 Pietersburg Extension 4 Township, duly authorised thereto), we will sell by public auction on:


THE PROPERTY: Erf 1161, Pietersburg Extension 4 Township, Registration Division LS, Limpopo. MEASURING: 1677 m² IMPROVEMENTS: A residential dwelling built of face brick outside walls under an IBR roof, comprising of 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, study, lounge, dining room, living area, kitchen, scullery and breakfast nook. Other:

* Double garage * Lapa/bar/braai area * Established garden

* 2x Shade net carports * Swimming pool * Outside room with shower and toilet

AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is a good opportunity to acquire a residential dwelling, well located regarding schools, churches, shopping complexes and in one of the older suburbs of Polokwane. CONDITIONS OF SALE: 20% (TWENTY PERCENT) deposit on day of the auction and the balance to be paid in cash or acceptable guarantees to be delivered within 30 (THIRTY) days after date of confirmation. Confirmation within 7 (SEVEN) days after date of sale. The rules of auction and sale conditions will be read out prior to the sale. All potential buyers are to register before the auction and proof of identity and residential address are required.



July 24, 2014

46 OBSERVER polokwane

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


Eagar Aquatics awards for top performers

he swimmers at Eagar Aquatics and their proud parents attended the annual prizegiving ceremony at the Dries Abrahamse Lapa in the Polokwane Nature Reserve on Saturday with all the swimmers being awarded certificates after another successful year. Eagar Aquatics’ top swimmers also received trophies in their respective categories for outstanding achievements during the various swimming galas that their members participated in around South Africa. The coveted trophy for Eagar Aquatics Swimmer of the Year was won by 17-year-old Christoff Ras for achieving

a gold medal in the 200 m breaststroke event at the South National Swimming Championships that were held in Cape Town earlier this year. Ras also received the Louis Gillet trophy, Top Ten Swimmer of the Year award, trophy for Best Male Swimmer at national junior galas and Gordon Ferns trophy awarded to the Best Performing Male Swimmer at senior national events. Laura Lennox won the trophy for the Best Swimmer at national junior galas and Sulé van der Merwe for the Best Female at senior national events. Afterwards all of the swimmers, parents, coaches and everybody involved with the running of the club gathered round for a braai.

Third defeat for Limpopo women rugby team

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

The Limpopo Blue Bulls Women B-division Currie Cup side failed to get back to winning ways against a determined Leopards outfit at the Seshego Stadium on Saturday to lose 17-54 for their third defeat in a row. The visitors led 25-17 at halftime against a young and inexperienced Limpopo team. The side also lost their first home match of the season against the current champions Griquas by 10-71 earlier in July and lost to the Falcons last Saturday in Brakpan. The Limpopo team has gone on to qualify for the finals for the past two years, but with the loss of many senior players at the end of last

season are currently going through a rebuilding phase. The lack of conditioning of the players was clear to see in the second half, as the Leopards took total control of the match and Limpopo failed to score any points. Douglas Modiba, manager of the Limpopo women team said the coaches will have to work harder on the fitness levels of the team in order to be more competitive in the second half. The Limpopo women travel to Standerton on Saturday to take on the Pumas in their fourth league fixture of the season

>> See more photos on... www.observer.co.za


Ude Fuchs with his trophy for garnering the most FINA points pictured with his coach Douggie Eagar.

Christoff Ras with coach, Douggie Eagar after winning the award for best male swimmer at senior national swimming galas.

Laura Lennox and Douggie Eagar with her trophy for best performance at the SA Senior Championship.

Eagar Aquatics beginner swimmers Clarette du Plessis, Ditshegotatso Tebeila and Cassim Daiyan with their coach, Marzanne van Zyl.

Mathlako Tladi (middle), who won the award for best girl non-competitive swimmer pictured with Eagar Aquatics Chairperson, Michael Vermaak and coach, Dougie Eagar.

Ayden Jordaan with the Rohan Oelofse trophy awarded to the boy with the best overall performance at Level 1.


Limpopo Blue Bulls women’s scrumhalf Dorcus Rakgoale about to pass the ball to a team-mate during their Currie Cup B-division match against the Leopards on Saturday.

Kamalan Naidoo with his trophy for international participation.

Sulé van der Merwe with the Norman & Company trophy for most points.

ASSET AUCTIONEERS CC Reg no. 2008 / 037750 /23

JOHAN 083 477 2246 OFFICE 015 263 6167

Dylan Catto with his award after improving his time the most in all strokes.

Michaela Vermaak with her trophy awarded to the girl with the best overall performance at the Africa Challenge gala.

Plot 15, Dalmada PO Box 215, Polokwane bynes@mweb.co.za www.suduco.co.za

Duly instructed by our valued client, Polokwane Municipality we will sell the following items

Wednesday, 30 July 2014 at 10:30

per public auction on at the municipal stores in Vermikuliet Street, Polokwane.

Machinery: Plate compactors, compressors, rammers, road markers, lawn mowers, jackhammers, generators, tar cutters etc. Scrap metal: Transformers, switches, lampposts, robot poles, tar poles, waste bins, signboards, cables and much more. Furniture: Office chairs, desks, credenzas, computers and much more.

Viewing date:Tuesday, 29 July from 09:00 to 16:00 PLEASE NOTE: THE VENUE PREVIOUSLY ADVERTISED HAS CHANGED TO VERMIKULIET STREET (MUNICIPAL STORES) Buyers must register - ID document and proof of residence required. R10 000.00 cash registration fee payable on machinery and scrap metal. R2 000.00 cash registration fee payable on office furniture. Right reserved. The auctioneer has the right to participate in the auction. Regulations in terms of Consumer Protection Law 68 of 2008. This advert complies with Article 45 of Law 68/2008. Standard terms and conditions apply.

ALL purchases to be paid for within 2 hours after auction.

Ettiene Smit is South OBSERVER 47 Africa Strongest Man 2014 Julie 24, 2014



Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


ormer eight-time South African champion Ettiene Smit regained the South Africa Strongest Man title from defending champion, Tristan O’Brien, who missed the trip to Polokwane over the weekend. Spectators gathered in their masses on Saturday and Sunday at the popular Mall of the North to witness five of the country’s strongest men take part in a series of strenuous tests to see who the South Africa Strongest Man is in 2014. Initially 12 contestants were expected to participate in this year’s national final that was held for the first time in Limpopo, but due to injuries and logistical problems only five men lined up for the final, according to Frans Pretorius the Vice-President of the competition. The limited number of competitors still put up a tremendous show of strength over the two days, much to the delight of the local spectators. Smit won the competition, followed by Shal-

to Luiters in second position, with ‘lightweight’ Frikkie Page in the third place. Upcoming strongman Kielan Mills suffered an injury on the final day and ended in fourth place, with Stefan Smit taking the fifth position.

Kielan Mills shows his strength by picking up 135 kg in the log-lifting event.

The South Africa Strongest Man 2014, Ettiene Smit won the truck pull event in the best time of 28,71 seconds.

Photos: Warren Blunt

Announcer Granite shows the hole in strongman competitor Shalto Luiters’ sock after he lost a shoe in the truck pull event.

Entries still open for Savannah Mall Road Race Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The city’s road runners can beat the winter chill by participating in the Savannah Mall 3-in1 Road Race that will start and finish at the popular shopping mall on Saturday. Polokwane Athletic Club (PAC) will be hosting the event and a total of R11 000 prize money is up for grabs in the various race categories. Participants can enter for the 21,1 km, 10 km or 5 km Fun Run and walkers are welcome in all the races. The school with the most runners in the 5 km Fun Run will win R1 000. The starting time is 07:30 for all races.

Runners can enter for the event on the evening before the race from 17:00 until 19:00 as well as the morning of the event from 06:00 until ten minutes before the race at the southern entrance to the mall. The entry fees are R20 for the 5 km, R40 for the 10 km and R60 for the 21,1 km race. Runners entering for the 21,1 km and 10 km must have a valid provincial road race license. Temporary licenses will be available at an additional cost of R25. All finishers in the various races will receive a medal afterwards. For further information call Martin Potgieter on 083 626 7635, Shaun Otto 082 450 3448 or Carin Smit 082 817 0164.

Iron Crown Trial Run ‘n ware uitdaging Foto: Verskaf

Atlete van Run/Walk for Life Polokwane het onlangs aan die strawwe Iron Crown Trial Run in Haenertsburg deelgeneem. Die wedloop waarvan die halfmarathonroete tot op die hoogste punt van die Iron Crown strek, het as fondsinsameling vir die Rotariërklub se Bewaar die Aardeprojek gedien. Voor is Laetitia Geldenhuys (21,1 km), Lethithia Gerber (21,1 km) en Elandi Dokter (5 km). Agter is Annelize Joubert (21,1 km), Martina van Emmenes (21,1 km), Johan Geldenhuys (5 km), Nannie White (10 km), Marina Maritz (10 km), Thinus Joubert (5 km), Rosa Viljoen (21,1 km), Tina de Jager (10 km), Deon Gerber (21,1 km), Christine Marais (10 km) en Kobie Marais (10 km).

Jukskeiklub hou eerste opedag RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Die Pietersburg Jukskeiklub nooi alle belang­ stellendes na hul eerste opedag wat Saterdag op die plaaslike jukskeibane in Ivypark aangebied word. Drie plaaslike klubs, Mopanie, Landdros en Steenbok het onlangs besluit om saam te smelt en bied die opedag aan om die geleentheid te vier asook om die sport aan die stad se

inwoners bekend te stel. Koste beloop R20 per speler en elke span kan in klere en kleure van hul keuse speel. Die organiseerder, Vanite Kotze sê dit beloof om ‘n dag vol pret te wees. “Kos en koeldrank sal te koop aangebied word en persone word genooi om die bringen-braai na die dag se verrigtinge by te woon,” sê sy. Vir meer inligting skakel Kotze by 084 404 8362 of Anton Botha by 074 157 9965.

The lightest participant at the South Africa Strongest Man 2014 competition, Frikkie Page gets underway in the truck pull event.

Former Gladiator warrior, ‘Granite’ was the announcer at the South Africa Strongest Man 2014 competition that was hosted at the Mall of the North on Saturday and Sunday.

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July 24, 2014 >> Page 48

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Foto: Warren Blunt

Christoff Ras is op grond van sy skitterende vertonings in die swembad as vanjaar se Eagar Aquatics Swemmer van die Jaar aangewys.

Tel: 087 150 2772 • Fax: 086 647 3047 44 Agaat Street, Superbia, Polokwane, 0699 Email: info@sealand.co.za • www.sealand.co.za

Christoff Ras staan vir niemand terug in die water nie Uitblinker in borsslag en individuele wisselslag >> Veelsydige sportman kies swem bo ander sportsoorte >> Volgende mikpunt is oorsese studiebeurs Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


agar Aquatics se swemmer van die jaar, Christoff Ras het vir die afgelope drie jaar baie tyd in die swembad spandeer om dié gesogte spogtoekenning te wen. Die 17-jarige graad 11-leerder van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het in sy laaste laerskooljaar besluit om uitsluitlik op swem te konsentreer omdat dit vir hom die grootste uitdaging was. Aan die einde van graad 8 aan Hoërskool Ellisras het die veelsydige sportman besluit om krieket, rugby, tennis en hokkie prys te gee en van sy ouerhuis in Lephalale na PHS te skuif en in die koshuis te bly om net op swem te

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konsentreer. Die hoofrede hoekom Christoff spesifiek Polokwane gekies het was omdat hy onder die wakende kundige oog van Dougie Eagar as afrigter kan slyp. Eagar Aquatics word as een van die top 10 swemklubs in Suid-Afrika beskou en dit is vir hom belangrik om deel van ‘n goeie klub te wees waar swemmers sukses behaal. Boonop is PHS se swembad na die bekende Polokwane swemster en voormalige Olimpiese medaljewenner, Lyndon Ferns vernoem. “Ek het swem bo al die ander sportsoorte gekies omdat dit die moeilikste sportsoort volgens my is en ‘n groot uitdaging om die hoogste vlak te bereik,” se Christoff. Hy hou ook van die mense en atmosfeer van swem as ‘n kompeterende sportsoort en geniet die rondrits vir groot kompetisies. Die individuele wisselslag en borsslag is Christoff se uitblinkitems. Om in die individuele wisselslag te presteer moet Christoff aan al die swemstyle aandag gee. Hy oefen daagliks onder die wakende oë van Eagar. Christoff het reeds in graad 8 Eagar Aquatics se oefenprogram in Lephalale gevolg voor hy na Polokwane verhuis het. Sedert hy by Eagar Aquatics aangesluit het, het Christoff van vlak 1-swemmer na nasionale kampioen

gevorder. Vlak 1 is die beginvlak van swemmers wat aan kompetisies deelneem. Tydens die Suid-Afrika Nasionale Swemkampioenskap in Kaapstad vroeër vanjaar het hy goud in die 200 m borsslag gewen en twee silwer medaljes in die 50 m- en 100 m borsslag. Sy tyd van 2:21, 87 in die 200 m borsslag is ‘n junior Olimpiese Spele kwalifiserende tyd. Hy het ook teen die senior swemmers in die 400 m individuele wisselslag deelgeneem en ‘n goeie sesde plek behaal. Christoff se volgende doelwit is om vir ‘n studiebeurs by een van die oorsese universiteite te kwalifiseer op grond van sy swem- en akademiese prestasies. Hy is tans ‘n lid van Klub 80 by PHS en handhaaf deur sy hele hoërskoolloopbaan ‘n gemiddeld van meer as 80%. Sy rolmodelle is Lyndon Ferns en dubbel Olimpiese borsslag goue medaljewenner, Cameron van der Burgh. Eagar beskryf Christoff as een van die mees belowende swemmers wat geweldig hard werk met uitstekende selfdissipline om op die hoogste swemvlak te kan meeding. Christoff se grootste ondersteuners is sy ouers en spanmaats by Eagar Aquatics wat mekaar altyd bystaan en motiveer om hoër hoogtes en groter uitdagings te bereik.

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