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HQ of ANC under siege
Hostile take-over by former MK members looms
lear signs of spiralling revolt are stirrings anticipated to lead to a possible take-over of provincial ruling party headquarters if requests for assistance by former Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) members are not met. A possible hostile occupation of Frans Mohlala House, the headquarters of the African National
Ontwikkeling van reuse hotel naby stadion skop af RC Myburgh >> Byna vyf jaar nadat Polokwane Munisipaliteit planne vir die oprigting van ‘n hotel langs die Polokwane Gholfklub, skuins oorkant die ou Peter Mokaba Stadion goedgekeur het, was dié perseel verlede Donderdag skielik ‘n miernes van bedrywighede met grondverskuiwingsmasjinerie wat besig was met die voorbereiding van die terrein. Tydens ‘n besoek aan die perseel het assistent-perseelbestuurder, Innocence Mahlalela van Trencon Construction, bevestig dat die eerste fase van die grondwerk aan die konstruksie van die Park Inn Hotel Polokwane begin het. Na bl 2
Congress (ANC) in Limpopo, could not be ruled out as ultimate resort when resisted, a member of Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) threatened this week. It would ensue in chaos because they would not back off, assured the source whose identity is being withheld. “They would not want to see the province turned upside down. They know what we are capable of.” He referred to revolt building up across struc-
-0 R4
Polokwane | Seshego | Mokopane | Dendron | Haenertsburg | Mankweng | Aganang | Lebowakgomo | Sekhukhune
tures of the association in the different regions over requests for assistance to struggling members who were increasingly getting frustrated with the way they were being treated by the ruling party. The longstanding MK member claimed that the ruling party leadership in the province was not taking care of their own people who fought for liberation or of the relatives of fallen To page 2
R2 million down the drain, claims DA STROPERY>>
Tien vermeende renosterstropers Maandag in hof >> BLADSY 5 NG KERK BENDORPARK>>
Totsiens aan Gerhard Bothma, maar nie vaarwel
Robbery, drugs biggest challenge in Polokwane >> PAGE 15 CLASS OF 2014>>
Glitz and glamour at prom night on 18 October SCIENCE AND TECH>>
CDM’s water quality lab almost complete >> PAGE 19
Niks so lekker soos ‘n vleisie op die kole nie
Tommies issue Ice Bucket Challenge to others
>> BLADSY 2 Foto: Barry Viljoen
Anne Nortjé en Dan Pienaar vier Nasionale Braaidag met ‘n sappige biefstuk en ‘n vuvuzela.
September 25, 2014
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Eers Shakadag, Erfenisdag, nou Nasionale Braaidag vir almal BARRY VILJOEN >>
uid-Afrikaners sou gister (Woensdag) die geleentheid aangryp om Nasionale Erfenisdag op allerlei maniere te vier, maar dit blyk dat braaivleis die gewildste manier is om te ontspan en dat dié dag in die volksmond as Braaidag bekendstaan. Shakadag is voor 1994 op 24 September gevier ter nagedagtenis aan die eertydse
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raised with Luthuli House leadership during a meeting to be requested as soon as possible. “The situation in the province has gone from bad to worse. People are having empty stomachs. People are crying. People have enjoyed the wealth of the country when Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki were in power. Since then the door to corruption has opened.” High level intervention in the affairs of the ANC Youth League (Ancyl) in the province earlier this week was yet another indication that the ruling party in Limpopo did not have the capacity to manage its sub-structures on its own, said a source within inner party ranks. Monday’s intervention suggested that the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the ruling party was gradually losing its confidence in Premier Stan Mathabatha and his collective, the source remarked. Mathabatha, who is accused of increasingly failing to show at political events important to some structures, was missing in action, he stressed. At the same time the party’s Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) did not convene as regularly as expected and only for a day at a time. In an earlier report Polokwane Observer quoted MKMVA Limpopo Deputy Chairperson Lulamile Jack in summarising the events
related to the provincial conference wherein he referred to the need for accelerated service delivery to destitute members as well as the community as a discussion point. Approached for comment on a possible revolt building up in the ranks of MKMVA cadres in the province, he stated he was not aware of such a notion. He confirmed discussions with the top leadership of the ruling party in the province to raise concerns and that they were waiting for feedback on a follow-up meeting that was expected to happen before their provincial conference. ANC Provincial Secretary Nocks Seabi commented they were continuously meeting with all structures of the ruling party in Limpopo from time to time - which was also the case with the MKMVA in the province - to discuss internal issues, the nature of which he did not want to reveal. They would give the MKMVA feedback as with all their structures as per their request. He indicated that no specific date was set for a follow-up meeting with the provincial leadership of the structure. On the issue of the PEC meetings that was raised he referred to the last one in mid-August and the next on Sunday, to be impacted on by a regional conference. He indicated a full account of the story was required to be able to comment properly.
Pa sterk goed aan na ongeluk waarin sy seun sterf RC MYBURGH >> Die pa van die 14-jarige Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé-leerder, Zander Smith wat onlangs in ‘n fratsongeluk dood is, Pieter sterk goed aan nadat hy ook tydens die voorval op hul plaas op die Chuenespoortpad ernstig beseer is. “Ek het die gebruik van my onderarm verloor en kan glad nie my vingers beweeg nie. Die weefsel en spiere is erg beskadig. “Dokters monitor selgroei in die hoop dat ek miskien eendag die gebruik van een of twee vingers sal hê,” sê Pieter wat gereeld Pretoria toe reis om dokters te besoek sodat die wonde skoongemaak kan word. Pieter het verlede Donderdag weer die plastiese chirurg besoek en as alles goed gaan sal dokters
volgende week met veloorplantingsoperasies begin. Zander is op 17 Augustus dood nadat hy vermoedelik in ‘n windpomp se skroef verstrengel geraak het. Sy pa se arm is ernstig beskadig in ‘n poging om sy seun te probeer red. Moeilike pad Oor Zander se dood sê hy: “Dit is ‘n moeilike pad om te stap. Geen ouer wat ‘n kind aan die dood afstaan, sal kan sê dit is maklik om te verwerk nie.” Pieter het namens die gesin en familie sy dank teenoor Polokwane-inwoners, vriende en familie vir hul ondersteuning uitgespreek. “Elke boodskap en gebed het ons gedra deur die moeilike tyd. Die warm liefde wat ons steeds ontvang is ongelooflik. Dankie aan almal wat ‘n bydrae lewer om die pyn en seer ligter te maak,” sê hy.
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Die beweging na ‘n braaidag het groot ondersteuning en dryfkrag gekry toe Desmond Tutu, aartsbiskop emeritus, die benoeming as beskermheer van Nasionale Braaidag op 5 September 2007 aanvaar het. Onder Suid-Afrikaners staan braai ook bekend as barbeque, chisa nyama en ukosa en is ‘n gemene faktor wat die reënboognasie verenig. Amerikaners vier op dieselfde wyse Thanksgiving, terwyl die Iere St Patricksdag en die Franse Bastilledag vier.
HQ of ANC under siege From page 1 heroes while their suffering continued. According to him they were not being given decent positions, but instead were dumped at government departments or parastatals while those who defected to other political parties were rewarded with deployment upon their return. According to the source they were the first and last defence of the ANC but none of the current or former ruling party leaders or their provincial or regional structures ever gave an undertaking to help them. Running out of patience meant the perceived take-over of a key structure if there was no response soonest to requests posed to the top five in the ANC’s provincial leadership during a recent meeting that took place prior to the provincial elective conference of MKMVA at Magoebaskloof in September, he said. Delegates were anxiously waiting on feedback by the ANC and if they did not act soonest former MKs would take action in due course, he stressed. From an interview with another ex-MK member it was established that issues related to the alleged favouring of individuals for positions and tenders by people linked to former party and youth league leaders would be
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Zoeloekoning, Shaka wat ‘n groot rol gespeel het in die hereniging van die Zoeloenasie, maar is nie deur die nuwe regime as openbare vakansiedag erken nie. Die Inkhata Vryheidsparty (IVP) het egter daarop aangedring dat die dag behoue bly en Nasionale Erfenisdag is by die lys van openbare vakansiedae gevoeg sodat Suid-Afrikaners oor die grense van ras, kultuur, taal en geloof op hul onderskeie maniere hul erfenis kan herdenk.
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Ontwikkeling van reuse hotel naby stadion skop af Van bl 1 Die ontwikkeling is die grootste van sy soort in die stad en waarskynlik die hele provinsie. “Ek was reeds by die munisipaliteit om toestemming vir waterverbruik te kry. Tans word die grondoppervlak skoongemaak en die beplanning is om volgende week met uitgrawings vir die installering van rioolstelsels, pyplyne en stormwaterpype te begin,” sê hy. Die Park Inn Hotel Polokwane word deur die internasionale Rezidor Hotel Group ontwikkel wat wêreldwyd ‘Park Inn by Radisson’-hotelle oprig. Park Inn Hotel Polokwane is die derde hotel wat deur die groep in Suid-Afrika gebou word. Die hotel sal uit 160 moderne gastekamers, ‘n restaurant, 580 m² konferensiefasiliteite, ‘n gimnasium, swembad en parkeerarea bestaan en volgens beplanning teen Januarie 2016 voltooi wees. President en hoof-uitvoerende
beampte van Rezidor, Kurt Ritter, sê in ‘n persverklaring dat Afrika een van die maatskappy se sleutelmarkte vir toekomstige sakebedrywighede geword het. “Suid-Afrika bied ontwikkelingsgeleenthede vir ons jong en dinamiese handelsmerk. Ons beplan om naam te maak in al nege hoofstede van die onderskeie provinsies,” sê hy. Volgens munisipale kommunikasie- en bemarkingsbestuurder, Tidimalo Chuene, was daar sedert 2010 verskeie struikelblokke wat die ontwikkeling van die hotel vertraag het. “Ek kan nie uitbrei oor die probleme nie, maar kan met sekerheid sê alle probleme was deeglik met die munisipaliteit bespreek en hanteer,” sê sy. Chuene kon ook nie die waarde van die ontwikkeling, wat miljoene rand beloop, bevestig nie. Polokwane Observer publiseer volgende week ‘n kunstenaarsvoorstelling van die projek.
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R2 mil down the drain on parking, claims DA BARRY VILJOEN >>
he Polokwane Municipality is on the verge of terminating the contract of the service provider who was responsible for marshalled street parking in the city without demanding the company to pay back the revenue it has generated for nearly three years, claims the Democratic Alliance (DA). Kenny Makgabo, a DA councillor stated in a recent press release: “Easihold (Servest) was appointed by the municipality during January 2012 to maximise the collection of revenue for the use of on-street parking bays. Since the appointment, the service provider has failed to submit financial reports as specified in the service level agreement that was entered into by the parties. The service provider has failed to pay the municipality the revenue generated since their appointment and the municipality has already paid the service provider more than R2 million. There are no measures in place to collect the revenue from the service provider”. According to Makgabo’s statement the municipality now wants to terminate the contract and transfer the infrastructure that the service provider has been using to the municipality. “The DA is deeply concerned that taxpay-
ers’ money has been wasted on this service provider and our main concern is, why the municipality took so long to act if the service provider was indeed failing to pay the revenue to the municipality. If the service provider failed to generate the revenue, the service provide must pay back that R2 million.” The DA further implores on Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng to put measures in place to recoup the taxpayers’ money spent on the service provider and the revenue generated before the contract can be terminated. “The DA will further be writing a letter to the Speaker, Caiphus Mathiba, to urgently convene a special council meeting for a debate to discuss the issue,” the statement concluded. Polokwane Observer reported earlier that the municipality has paid close to R600 000 to legal firm Mohale Incorporated to advices them regarding management of this matter but seemingly no tangible results were obtained as yet. Tidimalo Chuene, Manager Communications and Marketing of the Municipality commented: “The Municipality is not intending to terminate the contract with Servest since the contract will be expiring on 3 January 2015. The allegation that the Municipality paid the service provider R2 million is not accurate, as
the service provider was appointed in terms of supply chain management processes and there was no requisite for the Municipality to pay the service provider any money and it was a material term of the service level agreement that the parties agree on a profit sharing model in terms of which the service provider will pay over twenty percent of the monthly profit to the Municipality. “It is a fact that the service provider has failed to submit detailed monthly financial statements to the municipality and a report is being generated to Council to apprise of the status with the anticipation that Council will resolve on the appropriate course of action to be taken. It is still astonishing how the quantum of R2 million was calculated by the party questioning the process because the municipality is not in possession of the financial reports from the service provider, a fact admitted by the opposition party. “In terms of the Standing Orders of Council, a Councillor should be asking a question in a written form (motion) to the Speaker of Council, and not adressing the matter through the media. The turn of events is unfortunate. Council reserves its rights to take any legal action in terms of the service level agreement in the event the service provider has failed to discharge its obligations,” Chuene concluded.
September 25, 2014
Tien vermeende renosterstropers Maandag in hof RC MYBURGH >> Een van die tien beskuldigdes wat vir die beweerde stroping van 22 renosters sedert 2008 aangekeer is, Anton Ras is Vrydag in Polokwane gearresteer. Ras en sy broer Hugo, dié se vrou Trudie, Mandla Magagula, Willie Oosthuizen, Joseph Wilkinson, Jacobus Steyn, Arno Smit, Christopher Scheepers en Willem van Jaarsveld het Maandag in die Hatfield Landdroshof in Pretoria op 318 aanklagte wat met renosterstropery verband hou, verskyn. Hugo Ras is Vrydag deur die Valke gearresteer toe hy glo in die hof op ‘n ander klag van renosterstropery verskyn het. Ras is ‘n bekende grootwildjagter, Oosthuizen ‘n lid van die Valke, Wilkinson ‘n prokureur van Pretoria en Steyn ‘n vlieënier. Volgens Valke-woordvoerder, Paul Ramaloko is Hugo Ras vermoedelik die hoofspeler in die sindikaat wat vir langer as vyf jaar in Limpopo, KwaZuluNatal, Gauteng en Mpumalanga bedrywig was. “Hulle word daarvan beskuldig dat hulle 24 renosters tussen 2008 en 2012 op staat- en privaateiendom gestroop het. Twee van die renosters het oorleef. Die sindikaat het na bewering 84 renosterhorings ter waarde van R22 miljoen onwettig bekom waarvan 34 glo gesteel is,” sê Ramaloko. Die tien bly in aanhouding en sal Maandag om borgtog aansoek doen.
September 25, 2014
HERBERT RACHUENE >> The Chairperson of the Provincial House of Traditional Leaders, Malesela Dikgale welcomed the decision by Premier Stan Mathabatha to ensure that the salaries of all kings and senior traditional leaders in the province are standardised. Dikgale said kings and senior traditional leaders traditionally earned a monthly stipend of either R2,500 or R1,100 a month and that did not bode well with the structure. “They now receive a decent salary and will be able to take care of their families,” Dikgale reportedly said last Friday during the opening of a branch office of the house in Vhembe district. Standing in for Premier Stan Mathabatha on the occasion, Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure MEC Jerry Ndou said the Provincial Government is happy to announce that all salary arrears owed to traditional leaders have, in accordance with their agreement, been paid. “We are
Traditional leaders welcome salary increase also delighted that we made a breakthrough in terms of medical aid for traditional leaders,” he said and added that traditional leaders are now members of the Government Medical Aid Scheme. Ndou said the fact that traditional leaders are now actively participating in municipal councils was reason for celebration. “Traditional leaders have an important role to play in the socio-economic development of our province. Their participation at this level of governance continues to add value to our efforts to improve conditions of living of our people. We call upon all politicians at local level to make sure that traditional leaders are abreast with the latest trends of governance,” Ndou said. Dikgale yesterday (Wednesday) told Polokwane Observer that the house intends opening branch offices in other districts in future. The opening of a branch office in Vhembe was necessitated by long travelling distances to Polokwane where the headquarters are situated, he explained.
Higher temperatures put water supply under threat BARRY VILJOEN >> Water levels at some of the city’s reservoirs remain low and residents are urged to continue to use water sparingly in anticipation of the rain season. Although conditions that were conducive for a quick shower occurred on Friday last week, no rainfall was recorded.
The latest report by the Polokwane Municipality stated that on Tuesday the 50 mega litre reservoir stood at a mere 38% while the new 30 mega litre reservoir held only 40% of its capacity. The reservoir in Potgieter Avenue contained 92% of its capacity while the main reservoir in Seshego measured at 60%. The reservoir in Extension 34 stands at 95%.
PLS kondig somer aan
eerders van Laerskool Pietersburg (PLS) het Dinsdag uit die skoolroetine weggebreek en die aanbreek van die somer op die skool se rugbyveld met ‘n pretdag gevier. Skooldrag is vervang met baaikostuums en handdoeke en die waterglybaan en springkasteel het groot aftrek gekry. Vir dié wat nie vir die koue water kans gesien het nie, was daar genoeg speletjies en ‘n piekniek op die gras. Organiseerder Tjoppa de Beer sê dat die doel van die dag was om leerders die geleentheid te gee om die begin van die somer te ervaar en saam met vriende in die pret te deel. “Ons het seker gemaak dat daar ‘n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite beskikbaar is sodat almal kon deelneem. Almal het elke oomblik geniet,” het De Beer gesê.
Morné Labuschagné, Gerhard Greeff, Chandre Faul en Kayla Janse van Vuuren geniet die dubbelglybaan met PLS se pretdag.
Holiday programme a scam, claims residents ROELIEN VORSTER >> A sales pitch by World Vacations ensuring clients that they will get up to 60% discount on any holiday accommodation in the world, allegedly turned out to be a bank breaker for those who signed a contract with the so-called luxury holiday programme in Polokwane in July. Local resident Rodney Spiller said he was contacted by PE Marketing in Cape Town who claimed they are doing market research on the economic impact on the area after which they awarded him with R6 000 dining and holiday vouchers for his participation. “The marketers said the vouchers had to be picked up at a local venue and it would take 30 minutes to activate. The sales pitch began offering amazing discounts on holiday accommodation all over the world at up to 60% discount,” Spiller said and added that this figure was repeatedly mentioned. “We told the sales agent, only known as Errol, that we had already made a provisional booking at the Kruger National Park (KNP) whereupon he advised me to cancel that booking, sign up at World Vacations and he will guarantee a 50% discount on top of the pensioners’ discount, which we duly did,” Spiller said. After he made a once-off payment of R10 910,86, Spiller received his log-in details two weeks later and immediately queried KNP rates through World Vacations reservations. “KNP only offers a 10% discount. I voiced my displeasure to the World Vacations Client Liaison’s officer, Eugene Kruger who promised me he will investigate. Needless to say, I didn’t hear from him.” Spiller said he cancelled the debit order and requested a refund which was later denied. Kruger said he denied Spiller’s refund claiming that Spiller was in financial difficulty and the mandatory seven day waiting period has lapsed. Spiller
denies the fact that he was in financial difficulty. Polokwane Observer contacted a few local guesthouses and hotels in the area which are listed on World Vacation’s accommodation’s list. Group Marketing Manager for the Protea Hotel Group, Nickolas Barenblatt said he can confirm that Protea Hotel, nor any of their brands that form part of the group’s portfolio is not affiliated with World Vacations in any way. Kruger, on the other hand, said they are still negotiating with the hotel group, but prefer to do business with hotels such as Hilton and Sheraton. Kruger said they always ensure there is a signed written tender contract between the business and World Vacations. “We only deal with people who provide discounted rates. The problem with local hotels is that they increase their rates annually and this poses a problem for our clients since we want to ensure them a holiday at affordable prices,” Kruger said. Polokwane Observer contacted Douglas Walker from African Roots Guesthouse and Conference Centre in Polokwane who insisted that they did not enter into any kind of advertising through any media house and opt for word of mouth advertising. Walker said the information on World Vacation’s website seems to have been lifted from an older version of their webpage. “The images reflecting on their website are prior to the venue being painted in 2012,” Walker said and added that the prices listed are about 10% more than what they offer on a regular basis. Polokwane Observer requested the signed contract between African Roots Guesthouse and Conference Centre, but Kruger failed to adhere to the request at the time of going to press. Inconsistencies between the 30 minute presentation and the contract includes that no stay could be booked at any hotel for less than five days, yet
Errol clearly stated that you can book an overnight stay at any hotel, Spiller said. He said he was told that membership fees never increase, yet the contract states there is an annual increase. “The organisation guarantees a 60% discount on hotel accommodation at any hotel anywhere in the world, but the contracts states you can only book at hotels listed on the website. I was also told that I can book accommodation any time, however the contract states that no bookings can be made if the hotel is running a special,” Spiller said. Kruger hit back saying that the arrangements made with some hotels and guesthouses on their website only offer at the most 35% discount and continued by giving a conflicting statement saying that guesthouses offer 10% while some hotels offer 60% discount. An internet search resulted in many complaints about World Vacations where complainants claim the holiday programme is a scam and that the organisation cannot deliver on their promises. An entry made by ashnee.1 states: “We are another victim of world vacations. I wish I had read the reports on hello peter before going for the presentation. Eugene Kruger does not answer his phone, not does he return calls. When I call client services, they say the only person that can help is Eugene and no one else. “Where are the managers or whoever is in charge ??? I hope and pray someone stops these people (sic).” Kruger said taking into account that they have 72 000 members, the complaints on the website is less than one percent. “You can log a complaint for free, but if I want to respond I must pay,” he said and blamed the clients for trying to book international flights and accommodation at very short notice. “We prefer to spend the money by giving to charity and not by replying to insignificant complaints.”
Totsiens aan leraar, maar nie vaarwel nie >> Dien Bendorpark vir 20 jaar >> Gaan nou alternatiewe ge loofsgemeenskappe ontwikkel WILLIE ESTERHUYSEN >>
ie NG Kerk Bendorpark neem eerskomende Sondag, 28 September ná twintig jaar afskeid van Gerhard Bothma en sy gesin. Bothma, wat vroeër vir prokureurs in Johannesburg gewerk het terwyl hy deeltyds in die regte aan die destydse Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit (RAU) studeer het, was predikant in Pietersburg-Oos toe hy in 1994 ‘n beroep na Bendorpark aangeneem het. “Die mense van Bendorgemeente was vir my en my gesin baie goed,” sê hy. Hy, Anneliese en Luzanne – wat tans ‘n vierdejaar mediese student is – het saam na Bendor se pastorie getrek. Johan – in sy tweede jaar BIS Multimedia, ook by Tukkies – is hier gebore. Hy onthou die eerste ruk in die gemeente as baie bedrywig. Tussen die normale bedieningsdinge deur het hy die mense in die gemeente leer ken. “Vanweë die veranderinge in 1994 en daarna was die aardigste van hierdie tyd dat jy baie mense leer ken het, net om van hulle afskeid te neem,” sê hy. Binne die eerste 24 maande ná die demokratiese verkiesing het baie gesinne vanweë werksverlies uit die gemeente na onder meer Gauteng, Kaap en Australië verhuis. Met baie van hierdie mense het hy nog steeds kontak. Die lekkerste deel van predikantwees? “Dis ‘n taai ene,” sê hy. “Seker die voorreg om by soveel mense betrokke te kan wees. Mense deel hulle lief en leed met jou en jy word as ‘t ware op heilige grond toegelaat. Jy leer mense ken soos wat hulle régtig is. Om mense in hulle aanbidding en soeke na goeie antwoorde
op hulle vrae te begelei. Elke jaar se pad saam met die belydenisklas. Om ‘n baba te doop. ‘n Grootmens wat die Here leer ken.” Die sewentien kinders wat hy sedert 1992 begrawe Gerhard Bothma het, het ‘n groot impak op hom gehad. Die emosies en vrae wat ‘n kind se dood oproep laat ‘n mens op ánder maniere oor God, die lewe en menswees dink. Ook oor kerkwees. Die afgelope vier jaar was van die Bothmas minder goeie jare. Anneliese se ouers – die bekende oudapteker, Daan Naudé en sy eggenote Lutré – is oorlede. Gerhard het siek geword en dokters het lank gesukkel om vas te stel wat presies fout was. Ná behandeling, ‘n nekoperasie verlede jaar en ‘n tongoperasie vanjaar, is hy nou besig om te herstel en opgewonde oor die pad wat voorlê. Na verneem word het die NG Ring van Pietersburg/Polokwane besluit om alternatiewe geloofsgemeenskappe te begin ontwikkel en Bothma, wat oor ‘n doktorsgraad in teologie beskik, gaan hierin leiding neem. Hy gaan ook begin om ‘n opleidingsinstelling én ‘n sentrum vir eietydse spiritualiteit daar te stel. In sy eie tyd wil hy graag soveel moontlik skryf, homself daarvoor beywer om die kerklike jaar in die kerk tot reg te laat kom en om die resultate van die sosiaal-wetenskaplike bestudering van die Bybel in populêre Afrikaans beskikbaar te stel. Bendorgemeente groet Sondag om 09:00 hulle dominee. Polokwane sê egter nie vaarwel nie. Gerhard gaan duidelik nog baie in en vir die gemeenskap doen. Die kerkraad het vanweë finansiële omstandighede ‘n skeidingspakket met hom aangegaan.
Security tightened for Malema trial RC MYBURGH >> Strict security measures will be taken by the Police when Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Commander in Chief Julius Malema appaears in the Polokwane High Court on Tuesday. Malema and co-accused Lesiba Gwangwa and Kagiso Dichaba face charges of fraud and corruption relating to a tender worth R52 million allegedly awarded by the Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison to On-Point Engineering Company which is co-owned by Malema’s Ratanang Family Trust. Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi warned that no lawlessness will be tolerated and those breaking the law will be arrested immediately. “Police will monitor and patrol the area in and around the court building as well as the city centre and identify areas in Seshego with the aim to ensure peace and stability,” he said. The EFF intends holding night vigil at Nirvana Community Hall where, according
September 25, 2014
to Mulaudzi, Police security will be tightened within the area from Monday at 18:00 until the following morning when supporters of Malema are expected to march to the court building. As of Monday at 20:00 both Schoeman and Landdros Mare streets will be closed for traffic from the intersections with Thabo Mbeki and Bodenstein streets. The intersection of Hans van Rensburg and Bodenstein streets will also not allow for traffic flow from or towards Schoeman or Landdros Maré streets. “We advise motorists to avoid this area and to expect disruptions in traffic flow, especially in Bodenstein Street where a supporter’s march will be embarked on from Oost Street,” Mulaudzi said. No dangerous weapons will be allowed on the court premises. As limited space is available in the court room members of the public are requested to cooperate with Police members, traffic officials and security guards to ensure a peaceful environment, Mulaudzi concluded.
Hardus Saaiman verloor stryd teen kanker WARREN BLUNT >> ‘n Bekende in die konstruksiebedryf en gedugte sakeman in Polokwane, Hardus Saaiman het verlede Donderdag sy stryd teen breinkanker verloor. Saaiman was die eienaar van Catnis Konstruksie wat in 1972 in Polokwane gestig is en wat ‘n groot naam in die konstruksiebedryf in Limpopo geword het. Hy was ook bekend in kleiduifskiet-geledere waar hy Protea-kleure van 2009 tot 2011 vir die sportsoort verwerf het. Sy seun André sê: “My pa was vol lewe en het enige uitdaging vol selfvertroue aangepak. Hy was die beste pa ooit vir sy kinders en oupa
vir sy kleinkinders.” Benewens André laat hy sy vrou, Trienie, dogters, Liezel en Annelize, skoondogter, Lientjie en skoonseuns, Japie van der Berg en Hannes Venter en sewe kleinkinders agter. Sy begrafnisdiens vind môre (Vrydag) om 09:00 vanuit die Hervormde Gemeente Pietersburg op die hoek van Thabo Mbeki- en Biccardstraat plaas.
Hardus Saaiman
Polokwane Observer
September 25, 2014
Kia Bosveld Rugbyfees se triomferende spanne
Dorpstraat 125 Polokwane Tel: 015 297 3201 Volg ons op facebook/PietiesPHS
met Oosskool wat Laerskool Krugerpark 12-0 klop en PHS wat Hoërskool Louis Trichardt ’n behoorlike loesing van 40-0 gee. Nasionale skeidsregter, Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) en Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) Marius Jonker was oudergewoonte kon verlede Woensdag die wentrofeë op sy pos om die hoofwedstryd te hanteer. omhoog hou nadat die beslissende PHS wen die reeks met ‘n totaal rondes van die Kia Bosveld Rugbyfees van 145 punte met die Barbarians op ‘n hoë noot afgesluit is. (91) in die tweede plek en Hans Die afgelope drie Woensdae Strijdom (85) derde. Oosskool het was PHS se rugbyveld die ideale in die laerskole-afdeling die botoon plek om na goeie hardlooprugby te gevoer met Krugerpark en Noordskool kon kyk waar hulle die sesde Kia wat onderskeidelik tweede en derde Bosveld Rugbyfees aangebied het. geëndig het. Dit was reeds vroeg duidelik dat In die laerskole-afdeling is Juan deelnemende spanne hul beste vir Smit van Oosskool as skopper van die laaste gebêre het. Vroegmiddag het toernooi en Pieter Vorster van KrugerLaerskool Pietersburg-Noord Primary en Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) kragte park as beste driedrukker aangewys. gemeet met laasgenoemde wat maklik Jan-Hendrik Weyer van Oosskool is as speler van die toernooi aangewys. met die louere weggestap en 12-0 In die hoërskole-afdeling word die gewen het. Hoërskool Ellisras het die toekenning as topskopper en beste uitnodigingspan min kans gegee om agter die doellyn te kuier en het 54-12 driedrukker onderskeidelik aan Ellisras geseëvier. Die Rangers klop Hoërskool se Johan Pitout en PHS se Diaan Coertze toegeken. Pieties se Salie Merensky net-net met 33-31, terwyl Vermaak is as speler van die toernooi Hoërskool Hans Strijdom met 38-19 die oorhand teen Hoërskool Frans du aangewys. Skoolhoof Willie Schoeman het sy Toit kry. Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé het met ‘n vyf punt-oorwinning dank teenoor Kia Polokwane-handelaarshoof, Mark Vermaak en Stefaans van 17-12 teen die Barbarians geSchoeman van CW Towing vir hul onslaag. Die hoofwedstryde van die rugby- baatsugtige ondersteuning tydens die Kia Bosveld Rugbyfees uitgespreek. fees het vir groot opwinding gesorg RC MybuRgh >>
bosveld rugbyfees
speler van die wedstryd
Finaal - Woensdag, 17 September 2014
Johan Pitout Hoërskool Ellisras
Reginald Maltji Rangers
Jacques Pretorius Hoërskool Hans Strijdom
Canseus Saayman Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos
Tiaan van der Merwe Pietersburg Laerskool
Johan Nel Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé
JV Coertze Hoërskool Pietersburg
September 25, 2014
Polokwane Observer
CRIME shorts
Police officer out on bail
A former Police official and his cousin, both aged 45, who appeared in the Bochum Magistrate’s Court two weeks ago following their arrest on a charge of armed robbery, were released on R2 000 bail each and will appear in court again on 31 October. Police Provincial Spokesperson Ronel Otto reported that Victor Kobe was arrested on 9 September and his cousin Oupa Kobe shortly thereafter. “The suspects were arrested after information was followed up about their alleged involvement in the armed robbery of an Indian shop at Darling Village, Maleboho earlier this month. It is alleged that the two entered the shop, pointed a fire-arm at the owner and robbed him of R13 000 in cash, air time vouchers, five cell phones and groceries,” she said. While Victor resigned from the service last year, investigations are ongoing to determine whether he was involved in similar crimes while still in the service.
Hamermonster weer 3 Oktober in hof
Die vermeende hamermonster, David Mamvura (23) wat veral inwoners van Eduanpark vermoedelik geteister het, het na sy derde verskyning in die Polokwane Landdroshof Vrydag aanduiding gegee dat sy regsverteenwoordiger met sy volgende verskyning op 3 Oktober teenwoordig sal wees. Volgens provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Ronel Otto sal Mamvura dan vir borgtog aansoek doen. Mamvura is in Augustus verlede jaar gearresteer en is borgtog van R2 000 toegestaan waarna hy gevlug het. Hy is ongeveer ‘n jaar later in ‘n woonstel in die middestad gearresteer. Die Zimbabwiër word vermoedelik verbind met ‘n aanval op ‘n egpaar in Bodensteinstraat waar hy ‘n 76-jarige vrou glo verkrag het asook ‘n aanval in Baymanstraat waar hy vermoedelik ‘n man met ‘n hamer aangeval en ernstig beseer het en ‘n vrou glo verkrag het. Hy was vermoedelik ook verantwoordelik vir die verkragting van ‘n 22-jarige vrou in Du Plessisstraat.
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Twee vas oor moord op plaasbestuurder
Twee mans, Papiki Mokoena en Eric Mthombeni wat van die moord op Sarel Janse van Rensburg op die plaas Froggy Pond in die Laersdrift-omgewing naby Dullstroom verlede Donderdag verdink word, is borgtog geweier en sal weer op 1 Oktober in die Middelburg Lanndroshof verskyn. Volgens provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Ronel Otto was Janse van Rensburg alleen op die plaas toe twee mans vermoedelik aangeloop gekom en hom vir werk en water gevra het. “Toe Janse van Rensburg in die huis ingaan het die mans hom agtervolg en oorval. Hy is glo met ‘n mes in die bors gesteek,” sê Otto. Hy is ook na bewering in die kop geskiet. Die mans het glo met ‘n geldtrommel en huishoudelike items gevlug waarna plaaswerkers hulle deur die veld gesien hardloop het en die polisie is ontbied. Tydens hul arrestasie is die geldtrommel in hul besit gevind. Mokoena is op borgtog uit na ‘n vroeëre voorval van huisbraak waartydens hy gearresteer is.
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Alleged stock exchange fraudsters in court today
Lwandle Kevin Ndlovu and Marvel Thandazano Mathanda who stand accused of allegedly defrauding about 31 potential investors of R210 000 by offering to invest or trade on their behalf on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) will be back in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court today (Thursday). During their previous appearance the accused were denied bail as investigations continued. The arrest of Ndlovu and Mathanda is reportedly only the beginning of cracking open a bigger syndicate operating in the province. “Ndlovu and Mathanda were allegedly trading under company names, Stock Investment Trading and Marvelous Investments respectively. They allegedly claimed to be registered share or stock exchange brokers and would approach potential investors, especially government employees and offer to trade on their behalf at the JSE,” Police Spokesperson Ntobeng Phala said prior to their first appearance. It is further alleged that the accused would promise to sell their victims a software programme and some alleged stolen stock exchange material such as books which would allow and connect investors as clients to collect data from the JSE and enable them to buy and sell shares on their own. Their luck ran out when they tried to sell their bogus investment opportunity to Police officials pretending to be interested investors.
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CDM Executive Mayor back with good news NEWS
September 25, 2014
>> Capricorn District to partner with India on farming
Capricorn District Executive Mayor Gilbert Kganyago addresses the media conference on the trade visit to India. BARRY VILJOEN >>
apricorn District Executive Mayor Gilbert Kganyago has, upon his return from a weeklong mission to India, good news for farmers in the province. Kganyago was part of a local delegation that visited Mumbai, New Dehli, Dehra Dun and Surat with the purpose of strengthening economic ties and improve trade and investment relations between South Africa and India. The main aim was to outline investment opportunities in the agricultural sector that could be of interest to the business community in India. “Some of the main issues we agreed on during that visit include a need to forge cooperation on agriculture, integrated human settlement development projects, manufacturing and co-ops including innovative technologies that have socio-economic impact in terms of job creation and business support especially small and medium enterprises. We have learnt a lot about how they maximise the use of
land; how they produce food; how they train and capacitate small farmers and agricultural co-ops to create jobs and grow the economy. These are important lessons, especially for Capricorn where agriculture is one of the largest local economic sectors which contributes an average of 7% per annum to employment that is the principal source of income for many households. Despite its sporadic dwindling phases, this sector has survived many adverse climatic and economic storms and still led many of our people out of the morass of poverty,” Kganyago said when he addressed the media on Monday after his return to the province. Kganyago said that the main agricultural products produced within the Capricorn district are citrus, potatoes, tomatoes, eggs, beef, pork and maize and that the district has a potential for the most sought after Goa seed which is grown in India. “There is a huge potential to export some of these products to India. That will go a long way in exploring the full potential of the various sectors and create more jobs, reducing the 37% unemployment rate. It will also fight poverty, ensure food security and expand production of food, irrigation development and industrialisation of agriculture and manufacturing. CDM is ready to partner with the Department of Agriculture on agroprocessing of potatoes and tomatoes in the district, especially in Molemole and Blouberg where potential is huge. Economic growth and job creation are the cornerstones of our socio-economic development. The contribution of business in improving these elements is essential. We believe that partnership with India will help us grow the local economy and move Capricorn District forward,” Kganyago concluded.
Guests Jurie and Ria Vorster, Barry and Ansie Viljoen, Gil Litov, Shuki Klein, Hentie Reynolds and Cherel Janse van Rensburg at the gala dinner.
Municipal employees are the servants of the community BARRY VILJOEN >> A clear message was sent out to delegates to the 16th Annual Conference of the Institute of Municipal Administrators for Southern Africa (Imasa) that took place at Bolivia Lodge last week. “Municipal officials are there to serve the community and not vice versa”. Delegates from municipalities over the country attended and invited guests were Gil Litov, President of the Israeli Association of Municipal Clerks and Managers (IAM) and Shuki Klein, Chairman of the Committee of International Relations of the IAM. Litov informed delegates about the status of local government in Israel and related to the challenges experienced in his country. Litov is from Beit-Arye Municipality and Klein from Dimona Municipality and it was their first visit to South Africa. Presentations were made by Matodzi Kh-
washaba, Professor at the University of Venda, Len Dekker, local government law expert, Lance Joel, former Chief of Operations of the South African Local Government Association (Salga) and David Mabelane of the Sekhukhune District Municipality. Imasa’s in-house presenters were Jurie Vorster, Advocate of the High Court and Imasa President and Ria Heitbrink, former President of Imasa. Malesela Maubane of the Polokwane Municipality also presented a paper on communication in local government. Other topics covered by the speakers were inter alia “Are senior managers underpaid”, “Effective discipline in local government” and “Negotiating the challenges of legal compliance”. On Wednesday delegates were entertained to a game drive and al fresco dinner in the Polokwane Game Reserve with a gala dinner on Thursday evening where the President and Deputy President of the Institute for 2014/15 were inaugurated.
on national / provincial / local issues
Mapitso Mampshika: “It was one of those unfortunate circumstances that claimed many lives but I guess only God knows why things had to turn out that way. ”
Marie van den Heever: “Ek vermoed die gebou was baie oud. My hart gaan uit na die families.”
Alice George: “I felt very sad after I heard of the tragedy. It was an unfortunate disaster that affected many families.”
Reggie Mabitsela: “I was an unfortunate incident. My condolences to the bereaved families. I wish all those who sustained injuries during the collapse a speedy a recovery.”
Christa Cronje: “Ek voel baie jammer vir die families wat deur die gebeure geraak word.”
George Mamabolo: “It was one of those unimaginable events and I hope the families of the deceased find streghth in these trying times.”
The City of Polokwane hereby invites suitable, qualified Transactional Advisors to assist the municipality in conducting feasibility studies and financial modeling for PPP projects to enable the municipality to achieve its Smart City Vision. Project include the following: • Polokwane International Conversion Centre (PICC) A compulsory briefing session will be held on 01 October 2014 at Jack Botes Hall, cnr Bodenstein and Church streets at 10:00. Bids documents containing the Conditions of Bid and other requirements in terms of the Supply Chain Management Policy will be available after the briefing session. Polokwane Municipality: cnr Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, ground floor (left of the security reception) - Polokwane. Prior to collection of the bid documents, payment of R300.00 should be made at the Rates Hall whichis open from 08:00 to 15:00 weekly from Monday to Friday.
The recent collapse of a guesthouse on the premises of Nigerian Prophet TB Joshua’s Synagogue Church of All Nations in Lagos left nearly 90 South Africans dead and others injured. Polokwane Observer asked residents for their opinion about the incident. Die onlangse ineenstorting van ‘n gastehuis op die perseel van Nigeriese profeet TB Joshua se Synagogue Church of All Nations in Lagos het die lewens van byna 90 Suid-Afrikaners geëis terwyl talle beseer is.
Rocky Makgoka: “The tragedy was shocking. I sympathise with the families especially the children. I wish they can find all the deceased so that the families can find closure.”
The closing date of this bid is on the 24 October 2014 @ 10:00. Completed original bid documents, fully priced, fully signed, fully initialed on all pages and required documents attached must be submitted in sealed envelope marked: “Bid Name, Bid Number and Bid Description” should be deposited in the Tender Box at the Polokwane Municipality: cnr Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Civic Centre - Supply Chain Management Office, Ground Floor (left of the security reception), Polokwane, on or before the closing date. Enquiries related to this bid should be directed to Makgata MJ (Deputy CFO/Project Officer) on 015 290 2050 or email: joelm@ MRS. T C MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER
Selaelo Matlala: “It was a tragic event that claimed innocent lives and I pray that the affected families and friends will find peace and solace during this difficult period.”
Robbery, drugs biggest challenge in city
26, 27 and 28 SEPTEMBER 2014
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hile murder, attempted murder and robbery are on the increase in Limpopo according to the 2013/2014 crime statistics released on Tuesday, the city of Polokwane is also indicated as a hotspot for crimes such as common assault, theft of motor vehicle, theft out of motor vehicle, general theft, commercial crime and shoplifting. Statistics revealed that murder increased by 3,8% to 729 cases reported compared to 702 in 2013 while robbery with aggravating circumstances increased by 31,6% and attempted murder by 5,6% for the same period. Seshego, Thohoyandou, Mankweng, Lebowakgomo and Maake were identified as flashpoints for murder. A decrease in contact crimes was recorded. Sexual offences decreased by 0,7%, while assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (7,8%), common assault (5,4%) and common robbery (3,8%) also declined to reflect a total decrease of 1,2% or 38 064 contact crime cases reported for the past financial year in Limpopo. Provincial Police Commissioner Fannie Masemola was joined by MEC for Transport, Safety and Liaison Mapula Mokaba-Phukwana during the presentation of the crime statistics. Crime statistics Compared to the national statistics Limpopo is the second safest province in the country. “Drug related crimes increased by 27,6% which is a positive aspect according to Masemola as it shows that Police is out there confiscating drugs and busting dealers. In the category for other serious crimes which include shoplifting, commercial crimes and other crimes not mentioned in the various categories Limpopo saw an increase of 1,9% while property related crimes which include burglary at residential and non-residential property, stock theft and theft of vehicles and from vehicles increased by 10,2%. “Electrical appliances, laptops, cell phones and television sets remain a favourite among thieves and burglars. “In the category for business robbery the most common places to be robbed are spaza shops owned by foreign nationals. In most business robbery incidents perpetrators found their way through the roofs of buildings,” Masemola said. He advised people to hide valuable items or better not to leave items in their vehicles and warned farmers to ensure the branding of all stock in order to claim them back once stolen. In 2010 and 2014 the most cases of peaceful protest were recorded at 1 311 and 1 153 respectively while 2013 and 2014 saw the most violent protests at 93 and 135 cases respectively. Farm murders A document compiled by the Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU) and submitted to the Human Rights Commission’s recent national hearing on farm murders indicated that 1 734 farm murders and 3 341 farm attacks were reported since 1990 until 2014. An analysis of farm murder victims made by TAU showed a total of 50 people being white farmers (29), black farmers (1), wife or direct family (12), black farm workers (4) and white visitors to the farm (4) were murdered in 2014 alone. TAU South Africa Assistant General Manager, Chris van Zyl stated that the current situation can be improved by considering redefining the issue of rural safety to ensure alignment with the original intention of focusing on farm attacks and agricultural related crimes. He further cited improvement can be achieved by ensuring sufficient resources; a higher degree of sensitivity regarding land claims which causes tremendous uncertainty among farmers; the introduction of a decentralised crime intelligence capability; closer cooperation between Police, security companies and community policing forums and the increased visibility of crime prevention authorities through all hours of the day. Masemola stated that no separate statistics for farm murders exist or are included in the category for murders. “Police regularly patrol rural areas, including farms across the province. We however have a challenge of access to farms as gates are normally locked, but we can assure farmers that we are doing our best
to protect the farming community,” he said. Convictions on sexual offences In the 2013/2014 financial year 1 559 years imprisonment were ruled by courts while 37 life sentences were issued. The number of years imprisonment suspended for sexual offences totalled 176 years and six months while R34 200 worth of fines were issued. Masemola urged victims of any criminal activity to work closely with the Police. “There is a trend among people to be scared of coming forward with information that might lead to the arrest of the perpetrator. “There was also a rumour that the tip-off line of the Police is not treated as confidential and anonymous but we can assure the safety and anonymity of any person who provides information through the tip-off line. In some cases we need people willing to appear in court to testify as evidence in order to ensure a successful prosecution,” Masemola said.
September 25, 2014
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September 25, 2014
10 OBSERVER polokwane
25 September to 10 October >> An Art Exhibition in the Polokwane Art Gallery from 09:00 to 16:00 on weekdays from 18 September to 10 October. Malose Lekganyane: 083 279 3331. 25 September to 4 October >> The Polokwane Hindu Committee will be celebrating the festival of Navratri from 19:00 at the Gita Mandir on Crescent Drive, Nirvana. All welcome to bring Aartri and Prashad. Koshika Dayah: 082 441 8465, Kala Bhagga: 079 879 9061 or Kalpana Dayah: 082 443 5040. 25 September >> The Polokwane SPCA will hold its Annual General Meeting at the Pietersburg Club at 18:00 for 18:30. The Chairperson will give a short report on this year’s activities at the kennels and present the audited financial report. SPCA: 015 291 1088. 26 September >> The Polokwane Chamber of Business hosts their annual Golf Day from 08:00 to 12:00 at the Polokwane Golf Club. The competition format will be a betterball Stableford. Joyce Masegela: 015 297 8057. 27 September >> Die Boeremusiekgilde Potties-tak hou om 18:00 ‘n lentedans by Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé. Bring jou eie kosmandjie en koelhouer. Kaartjies kos R50 per persoon vir nielede en R30 vir lede. Kinders onder 12 jaar is gratis. ‘n Kort jaarvergadering word om 17:45 gehou. Skakel Kobus Smit: 082 564 4668. >> Die NG Kerk Pietersburg-Oos hou vanaf 08:00 ‘n boemelaarsbasaar waarvan die opbrengs vir noodverligting in die gemeenskap aangewend word. ‘n Ontbyt sal vanaf 07:00 tot 08:30 teen R70 per persoon bedien word en stalletjies met pannekoek, hamburgers, poeding, vleis en heerlike gebak sal beskikbaar wees. Stalletjies vir handwerk of stokperdjies
is nog teen R200 elk beskikbaar. ‘n Wegbreeknaweek vir ses persone by Raptors View Wildlife Estate buite Hoedspruit kan ook gewen word en kaartjies moet vooraf by die kerkkantoor gekoop word. Kerkkantoor: 015 295 8849 of Willem Swiegers: 082 324 8379. >> Will Jordan, Mia Louw en Leonard Schaafsma tree van 14:00 tot 23:00 by Tenby Teetuin op. Stalletjies met eetgoed en ‘n springkasteel is beskikbaar. Toegang is R60 vir volwassenes en R20 vir kinders onder 15. Pieter van der Bank: 079 320 6783. >> Alma Whitehead Photography will be running greatly discounted Practical Workshops for Beginner and Intermediate Photographers at Cheerio Gardens during the Magoebaskloof Spring Festival. Alma Whitehead: 084 811 9591. >> Cupcakes for Children with Cancer vind van 09:00 tot 15:00 by Savannah Mall plaas. Maak ‘n donasie van R10 per kolwyntjie en ondersteun hierdie prysenswaardige projek. Voorafbestellings kan ook geplaas word. Elzarie du Toit: 082 324 8275. >> Stap vir Bybels vind vanaf 06:00 by die CVO Skool te Vivo plaas en Hennie Jacobs (Diederik van 7de Laan) en Willie en die Wenspan tree op. Geld wat ingesamel word, gaan vir Bybelverspreiding en almal word uitgenooi om saam te stap vanaf 08:30. Groot pryse is op die spel. Daar sal ook kos en groentestalletjies met die lekkerste boerekos wees en hope plesier soos perderitte, gesigverf en ‘n springkasteel. Lé-Andrie Bezuidenhout: 082 797 3227. 3 en 4 Oktober >> Die Transsand Boerevereniging bied die tweede Renosterkopfees by die feesterrein op die N1- noord sowat 10 km buite die stad aan. Verrigtinge begin Vrydag om 11:00 en Saterdag om 07:00 met uitstallers, kosstalletjies en demonstrasies. Toegangsgeld is R30 per persoon. Gaskunstenaars, Pieter Smith en Jaco Labuschagné tree op. ‘n Gedeelte van die opbrengs gaan vir renosterbewaring. Dawid Malan: 084 581 1022. 4 October >> Mount Horeb Presbyterian Church’s Annual Fete takes place from 08:00 on the church premises at corner of Brown and Grobler Street. Farm produce, meat, nursery plants and many other items will be on sale, including venison. Danie Kritzinger: 083 418 4250. 7 Oktober >> Myngenoegen Shelter hou om 10:00 vergadering by die Shelter om komiteelede aan te vul en doen ‘n beroep op die gemeenskap om betrokke te raak. Christa van Tonder: 083 302 4313.
Members of the cast who performed in Wonderland Crèche and Primary School’s annual play.
A biblical journey portrayed on stage ROELIEN VORSTER >> Wonderland Crèche and Primary School in Ster Park hosted its annual concert at the school last Wednesday. The play, titled ‘Joseph, King of Dreams’ portrayed the life of the biblical figure Joseph,
who was ridiculed and humiliated by his brothers, sold into slavery in Egypt and imprisoned, rose from slavery to eventually become a prince and shows his brothers mercy and forgiveness. Tarryn Campbell, Spokesperson for the school said the bright, colourful costumes were made by Ina Bushby and the décor by the educators and learners.
Cast members Lehlogonolo Mogale and Ripfumelo Mhlongo (front) with Lehlogonolo Nkumishe, Mpho Mabushe, Nakedi Saasa, Khensani Maringa, Bokang Phokanoka and Mosa Sepuru at the back, in their stunning outfits.
Grade 3 learner Lehlogonolo Nkumishe in the role of Joseph.
Veldfliek lok byna 1 000 belangstellendes SAPOA POLOKWANE GOLF DAY
________________________________________ The South African Property Owners Association (Sapoa), Polokwane Golf Day is taking place on 14 October 2014 at the Polokwane Golf Course, Voortrekker Street, Polokwane. Established in 1966, the South African Property Owners Association (Sapoa) is a unique, member driven organisation that aims to represent, protect and advance members’ commercial and industrial property interests within the property industry in terms of ownership, management and development.
RC MYBURGH >> Afrikaanse rolprentliefhebbers kan nou reeds uitsien na volgende jaar wanneer Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) weer ‘n rolprent onder die sterre gaan aanbied nadat die onlangse aanbieding van Pad na jou hart ‘n groot sukses was. Hoofkarakters van die rolprent, Ivan Botha en Donnalee Robberts het die aand bygewoon waar ongeveer 850 mense die projek met een doel voor oë bygewoon het; om Afrikaanse rolprente te ondersteun.
Die twee bekende akteurs het reeds vroegoggend die skool besoek om bewusmaking onder leerders te kweek om Afrikaanse rolprente te ondersteun. Volgens die skool se skakelbeampte, AnnaMarié Schoeman is die rolprent met behulp van ‘n hoëdefinisie projektor op ‘n enorme skerm op die skool se A-rugbyveld vertoon. “Ons bedank almal vir hul ondersteuning en veral Botha en Robberts wat die geleentheid saam met ons kon deel,” sê sy. Die skool is reeds besig met beplanning om vroeg aanstaande jaar die bekende film, Ballade vir ‘n enkeling te vertoon.
The format of the Golf Day is a four-ball alliance, using the best two scores. Registration will begin at 10:00. Prizes will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, together with a prize each for the nearest to the pin and the longest drive. The course can only accommodate a certain number of players; hence confirmations of bookings will be on a first-come basis. Come and meet, network or broker deals with leaders in the property industry. We look forward to hosting you. ________________________________________ For event enquires contact: Jane Padayachee Marketing Manager Email: Tel: 011 883 0679 Web: BEE Level 1 Contributor
Afrikaanse akteurs, Donnalee Roberts en Ivan Botha saam met Pietie-hoof, Willie Schoeman en sy vrou, Anna-Marié.
Lebogo out on bail RC MYBURGH >>
hile shooting victim and African National Congress (ANC) Milo Malatjie Branch Chairperson, Boy Mamabolo is recuperating well in hospital, a slight sense of tension was tangible among Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and ANC supporters after the second court appearance of former municipal councillor and businessman Jacob Lebogo. He stands accused of allegedly shooting and injuring at least four people during a social gathering at Waterland last Sunday. Mediclinic Limpopo Client Service Manager Istha McMillan confirmed on Tuesday evening that Mamabolo has been transferred to a general ward and is no longer in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). “He is recuperating well,” she said. After the court hearing in which Lebogo who faces charges of attempted murder and discharging of a firearm in a public space was granted
R5 000 bail after spending two days behind bars, media houses and supporters of both parties gathered in front of the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court awaiting Lebogo’s exist. ANC supporter, Lazzi Ledwaba said Mamabolo supporters are not happy with the bail amount but they believe that the justice system will prevail. “We are here in support of our leader who was brutally attacked and we wish him a speedy recovery,” he said. During the court proceedings state prosecutor, Jackson Mabasa proposed a R10 000 bail amount but Lebogo’s attorney Tumi Mokwena responded by saying that Lebogo earns only R30 000 profit from his businesses and can only afford R5 000. He further said Lebogo has cooperated with the investigating officer and is also willing to hand his passport to him.
ANC supporter Lazzi Ledwaba addresses the media outside the court after the hearing.
Magistrate Anne van der Merwe granted a R5 000 bail on condition that Lebogo hands his passport to the investigating officer, not interfere or threaten state witnesses, not commit any other offence and inform the investigating officer should he leave Polokwane at any stage and reason. He will appear in court again on 14 November.
September 25, 2014
Jacob Lebogo during his first appearance in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court on 16 September. He appeared again two days later and was granted R5 000 bail.
B-Grade tubings available at our B-Grade warehouse
Stem vir jou gunstelingbruid ROELIEN VORSTER >> com Die gemeenskap kan van môre (Vrydag) vir hul gunstelingpaartjie in Mall of the North Bruidskompetisie stem. Bemarkingsbestuurder van Mall of the North, René van der Merwe sê die 70 inskrywings sal in die uitgawe van 26 September en 3 Oktober in Beeld gepubliseer word. “Die stemlyn sluit op 10 Oktober en slegs die vyftien paartjies met die meeste stemme dring na die eindrondte deur wat van 23 tot 26 Oktober plaasvind,.” “Die egpaar sal die
naweek aan verskeie aktiwiteite deelneem waartydens die beoordelaars en organiseerders op die paartjies se spanwerk asook die eienskappe wat hulle ‘n unieke paartjie maak, beoordeel sal word,” sê Van der Merwe. Die wenner word op 1 November tydens ‘n gala-aand aangekondig waarvan besonderhede later sal verskyn. Die Bruidskou vind vanaf 26 Oktober tot 2 November in Mall of the North plaas. Van der Merwe moedig die bruidspare aan om soveel moontlik stemme te werf omdat R150 000 en ‘n nuwe Volkswagen Polo Tsi op die spel is.
Beskerm jou hart... en jou beursie met Hartbewustheidsmaand Ongeveer 130 hartaanvalle en 240 beroertes vind daagliks in SuidAfrika plaas volgens die Hart- en Beroertestigting. Statistieke toon dat 1 uit 3 Suid-Afrikaanse volwassenes hoë bloeddruk het, een van die grootste oorsake van hartaanvalle en beroertes. “Daar is verskeie leefstylkeuses wat jy kan uitoefen om jou risiko van hartsiektes te verminder, maar bitter min mense is finansieel voorbereid om ’n ernstige gesondheidsterugslag te hanteer,” sê Willem Barnard van Sanlam. “Mense begaan die fout om te dink dat ’n goeie mediese fonds voldoende is vir beskerming teen die finansiële implikasies van kardiovaskulêre siektes en is geneig om te vergeet van die indirekte koste wat met ’n hartaanval en beroerte sowel as die herstel daarna, gepaardgaan. Moontlik sal jy ’n tyd lank nie kan werk nie, afhangende van hoe ernstig jou toestand is en hoe lank die hersteltydperk is. In sommige gevalle het pasiënte maande nodig om te herstel, en die verlies aan inkomste kan finansieel verpletterend wees – veral as jy die hoofbroodwinner is,” sê Barnard. Miskien het jy ook uitgebreide terapie nodig en moet reiskoste na en vanaf die hospitaal of ’n
sorgsentrum aangaan indien jy nie self kan bestuur nie. “Gevreesde siekte-dekking, wat ’n enkelbedrag by diagnose betaal, kan baie help om reiskoste te dek asook die koste van behandelings wat nie deur jou mediese fonds gedek word nie. Inkomstebeskerming sal jou gesin help om kop bo water te hou terwyl jy siek is. Inkomstebeskermingsdekking betaal ’n maandelikse bedrag indien jy tydelik nie kan werk nie en sal jou hele salaris of ’n deel daarvan vervang. Dit kan ook gebruik word om huishoudelike uitgawes en ander finansiële verpligtinge na te kom totdat jy weer kan begin werk.” Met die regte dekking in plek kan almal gemoedsrus hê en kans kry om op herstel te fokus. “Gesels met ’n finansiële adviseur wat jou kan help uitwerk hoeveel dekking jy nodig het en aandag kan gee aan enige leemtes in jou finansiële beplanning. So ‘n professionele persoon kan jou help om die beste opsies vir jou besondere behoeftes en persoonlike begroting te kies.” Pas jou hart op, maar maak seker dat jy dekking het. Sanlam Lewensversekering Beperk is ’n gelisensieerde verskaffer van finansiële dienste en ’n geregistreerde kredietverskaffer.
>> Granted R5 000 bail with conditions >> ‘We are here in support of our leader who was brutally attacked’ – ANC supporter
Polokwane Observer
September 25, 2014
Ancyl OBSERVER 13 processes to be accelerated September 25, 2014
Four former Officer’s Commanding of the Pietersburg Commando Ferdi van Rooyen, in front, with Herman Vercueil, Johan Engelbrecht and Frans Jacobs standing at the back.
Medals handed to former commando members WARREN BLUNT >> The Pietersburg Commando closed the final chapter of the unit’s long involvement in the defence of the province and South Africa with a medal ceremony for long-serving members at the Karee Military Base on Saturday. After the handing in of the unit’s colours in 2008, the medal ceremony for members who have served for more than five years at the unit before 2003 was held with a touch of nostalgia by those that served at Pietersburg Commando. Over 50 Closure Commemoration Medals were handed to old members of the commando on Saturday, with many making the journey from outside Limpopo to attend the ceremony. Also present were four former Officer’s
Commanding (OCs) of Pietersburg Commando, Herman Vercueil, Frans Jacobs, Ferdi van Rooyen and Johan Engelbrecht. The OCs thanked Member of the Memoall the former rable Order of Old Tin members of the Hats (Moths) and commando for former Pietersburg their contribution Commando member, towards the sucEddie Beukes with his cess of one of the certificate and Clooldest commandos sure Commemoration in South Africa. Medal. Afterwards everybody gathered for a braai to share memories and stories of their time at the Pietersburg Commando.
Alarmingly low blood stock levels
Blood shortages throughout the country have reached crisis levels and the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) urges businesses and individuals to either host a blood drive or donate blood prior to going on holiday. Communications Manager of SANBS, Vanessa Raju said the month of September is traditionally a difficult time owing to preliminary school exams and preparations towards the final quarter of the year and as a result blood drives at schools and universities are generally not possible. “This, together with poor turnouts at company’s and organisational blood drives has placed immense pressure on the blood stock lever,” she said and added that service needs to maintain a blood stock level of five days at all times by collecting at least 3 000 units of blood per day to meet the demand of the thousands of patients who are reliant on blood transfusions for their survival. “SANBS works on a six week forecast and at the moment we only have two days of blood stock available and we are concerned that should this continue we are looking at a major crisis as we head towards the Festive Season,” Raju said. She added that it is only
with the assistance of the selfless blood donors that they are able to continue the service. “We have implemented a cut-back approach where we are not able to meet the full request by doctors. What this means is that should a doctor request four units of blood, SANBS may only be able to offer two units. This approach will continue until blood stock recovers.” Raju added that SANBS encourage all regular donors and those who have made a conscious decision to join this cause of saving lives not to miss their next donation date. To find out where you nearest blood donor centre is, SMS your name and the postal code of the area you live in to 31454 and an address of the nearest centre will be send to you. To qualify to donate you have to be between 16 and 65 years old, weigh more than 50 kg, lead a sexually safe lifestyle and be in good health. Visit SANBS website at or call the toll free number on 0800 11 9031 or visit 153 Potgieter Avenue, Polokwane.
>> High level intervention in African National Congress Youth League (Ancyl) conference processes >> Processes have bearing on hosting of provincial, national conferences to be held YOLANDE NEL >>
onday’s high level intervention to resolve issues arising from branch general meeting (BGM) processes of the African National Congress Youth League (Ancyl) in regions of the province is apparently expected to speed up a provincial elective conference supposed to be held before the national structure is destined to meet to elect a new leadership. It was learnt that the national leadership of the ANC sent representation to meet with the Ancyl provincial task team (PTT) in Polokwane on Monday to attend to issues that mainly persisted in the Mopani, Waterberg and Sekhukhune regions of the Ancyl. The processes have a bearing on the hosting of the provincial and national conferences to be held. The national structure is expected to elect a leadership after its disbandment in March 2013. According to information both structures would need to meet before December. Polokwane Observer was told the team was meeting with league representatives in Limpopo, North West, KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape. Ancyl PTT Coordinator Mosa Chabane confirmed the meeting with a delegation led by ANC Deputy Secretary General Jessie Duarte. They were unable to discuss the matter further as they had to await a statement to be issued by the
MEC Thembi Nwendamutswu (right) and Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng prior to the start of the lecture in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the African National Congress Youth League (Ancyl) in Polokwane on Monday evening.
delegation, he stressed. No disputes were lodged during the BGM processes of the Ancyl in Peter Mokaba region that concluded six weeks ago, indicated its Chairperson Castro Modiba. Ninety branches of the youth league in the region qualified to send delegates to the provincial and national conferences of the structure, all awaiting a directive with regards to resources, Modiba explained. He spoke to Polokwane Observer after a lecture celebrating the 70th anniversary of the national structure on Monday evening. Members and supporters of the structure met for addresses by ANC national spokesperson Zizi Kodwa and former Ancyl Provincial leader Joe Mathebula in Polokwane. Modiba referred to both leaders raising the issue of militancy not to be confused with ill discipline and needing to avoid a repeat of factors that led to the initial disbandment of the structure. The message shared with the youth was one of the evolvement of the structure and championing the interests thereof. In the meantime the ANC in Peter Mokaba Region is heading for an elective conference supposed to have taken place this weekend but the event was postponed for BGMs to be re-run and another date to be decided on. African National Congress Youth League (Ancyl) supporters of Peter Mokaba Region dance to revolutionary songs while awaiting the arrival of their leaders to address a lecture commemorating the 70th anniversary of the structure.
Exciting New Scheduled flights Operated by MEG Air (Pty) Ltd In association with Majestic Air
Locals explore resorts for free HERBERT RACHUENE >> More than 393 people made use of the opportunity last week to enter a provincial wildlife resort free of charge as part of Mahala Week, an initiative by Limpopo Wildlife Resorts (LWR), the commercial wing of Limpopo Tourism Agency (LTA) to encourage Limpopo residents to visit the resorts in its stable. Mike Tauatsoala, Head of Communications at Limpopo Tourism Agency (LTA) told Polokwane Observer on Tuesday that the Lekgalameetse, D’ Nyala, Makuya, Hlakula and Doorndraai nature reserves enjoyed huge turnouts. “We are excited with the attendance. The number has increased compared to the previous year. We were under 300 last year and we view the hosting of this initiative as not only exposing citizens and locals to what the provincial resorts have to offer but also building brand ambassadors and instilling a culture of travel within our own people,” Tauatsoala said.
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Polokwane Observer
September 25, 2014
Glitz & glam OBSERVER 15 at Prom Night September 25, 2014
A view of Capricorn District Municipality’s soon to be operational water quality laboratory at the University of Limpopo.
CDM’s water quality lab almost complete >> District’s drinking water can now be tested >> Also for use by students BARRY VILJOEN >> The construction of a water quality laboratory for testing drinking water at the University of Limpopo (UL) is nearly complete and Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) is currently finalising the installation of equipment and instruments to render it ready for use. The laboratory will be used by CDM to test drinking water and wastewater samples and by UL’s students for experiential training and research purposes. According to CDM Media Liaison Officer, Moffat Senyatsi, construction started in 2011 after the two parties signed an agreement in terms of which the university will provide land for the facility and CDM will provide the capital injection for the project. At the sod-turning ceremony, Principal and Vice-chancellor of the university, Mahlo
Mokgalong said the project will add growth in infrastructure for the benefit of the students, CDM and the people. The laboratory will save resources and conclude decades of travelling long distances to Gauteng for water and wastewater samples testing at an accredited laboratory. The laboratory will employ advanced technological equipment that will be used by qualified personnel to perform analysis and produce accurate and credible results that will indicate a clear picture of the compliance levels of the water supplied to the residents, and making informed decisions whether residents are vulnerable to water-borne diseases or not, Mokgalong reportedly said. CDM is currently recruiting qualified personnel like a chief chemist (laboratory head), laboratory analysts for both Microbiology and Chemistry and a laboratory administrator to get the laboratory running before the end of this financial year. The Municipality has also appointed the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research to assist with the accreditation process by the South African National Accreditation System.
rom fever is in the air and this year new glitz and glamour can be expected on 18 October when Bolivia Lodge, the event’s main sponsor, presents Prom Night with Cansa Polokwane as beneficiary. Cansa Community Mobiliser, Sharon Stander said the expo as well as an all inclusive Matric Farewell competition aimed at the Grade11 learners will form part of the event where they can stand a chance to win the dress of their dreams for next year’s farewell. Awards will be handed to the designer, make-up artist, hairstylist and photographer of the year, Stander said. “Matriculants can nominate their designer, make-up artist, hairstylist and photographer (free of charge) by contacting me via SMS or e-mail with the full name of the person, their business name, cell phone number and email address. The winners will be announced in the style couple and individuals, original couple and individuals, dance couple and individuals, Prom King and Queen categories,” Stander said. She added that she has already attended a few matric farewell events and said that couples and individuals will be nominated by herself. “However, should the person not be nominated or their matric farewell not be attended by me, you
can still enter by submitting two clear, colour full length photographs (front and back) of yourself in your outfit. For hair and make-up entries, two clear, colour head and shoulder photographs (front and back) must be submitted. Entry fee is R100 per couple or individual,” Stander said. A cash bar and light meals to buy will be available. Bolivia Lodge has a special offer on accommodation for out of town entrants and their families or friends: R350 per room (single) and R450 per room (double). Anyone interested in booking a stall at the Expo or matriculants who would like to enter can contact Stander on 079 887 0043 or email: The Expo and competition is open to all matriculants and relevant matric farewell service providers in Limpopo.
, d n e s ! d s a n i o g r e r b a e t r e u h t t n e e r v e Wh next ad r u o Y
103B Schoeman Street • Polokwane • 0699 Tel: 015 297 8601/6 • Fax: 086 566 9968 Email:
Polokwane Observer
September 25, 2014
September 25, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Photos: Roelien Vorster
Eugene Watson, Chief Executive Officer of the Road Accident Fund cuts the ribbon while Fanie Lekola, Mayoral Committee member of Sekhukune District Municipality and representatives of the Polokwane Provincial and Mankweng hospitals looks on.
Road Accident Fund on your doorstep >> RAF to expand its geographical footprint >> Claimants will have face-to-face interaction ROELIEN VORSTER >>
and visibility of RAF services, ensure claimants have face-to-face interaction, improve the claims process turnaround period, eliminated fraudulent claims and touting, to provide a fully-fledged service to meet customers’ needs, promote active stakeholder engagements and prepare a smooth transition from the RAF to the proposed Road Accident Benefit Scheme Administrator. “Along with the expansion of our customer service centres, RAF also endeavours to promote road safety with the support of the Department of Transport and Public Works’ efforts and the United Nation’s Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011 to 2020 to reduce road carnage.” Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) in Sekhukhune, Fanie Lekola delivered a message of support by saying that the legacy of Madiba should never be displaced. “We must take a positive initiative to run the show and provide support and assistance to the families affected by accidents,” Lekola said and added that he feels honoured to be included in the official opening. The guests were entertained by Mahuma Arts and Communications group who performed an educating and humoristic show on what RAF stands for and how to log a claim. Representatives from Polokwane Provincial Hospital and Mangweng Hospital also delivered messages of support before the delegation, under the leadership of Watson, proceeded to cut the ribbon.
ridging the gap, optimising service delivery and building a solid customer-centric base is the vision of the Road Accident Fund (RAF) in the coming years. This is according to RAF Chief Executive Officer, Eugene Watson who said the fund has embarked on a major initiative to expand its geographic footprint, an initiative which will eventually see RAF offices located in all nine provinces, enabling the organisation to service crash victims directly, expedite the claim process and enhance the overall operational performance during the official opening of the RAF offices in Polokwane. “Crash victims can expect our staff to provide the highest standards of care to claimants, whilst espousing the principles of mutually shared values and delivering community focussed solutions,” Watson said. “In the past financial year, 21% of the total RAF claims payment of R22 billion was spent on legal fees. The past month saw three big accidents in Limpopo and I am proud to say that by sunrise RAF officials knew all the details about the accidents,” Watson said and added that road safety and crashes matter because it affects the whole community. He indicated that things have changed in the past three years and said not only will RAF open an office in every province, but they will also create a blueprint of what they do. “RAF never interacted with the community and this has also changed,” he said. Watson added that there will be various benefits for the com- Eugene Watson, Chief Execumunity in this province which tive Officer of the Road Acincludes an increased access cident Fund.
ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd CONTRACT NO. RAL/T712/2014 TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the ROADS PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROJECT FOR ROAD P1/7 FROM POLOKWANE TO ROAD D453. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300.00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday, 08 September 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC.
Mayoral Committee member of Sekhukhune District Municipality, Fanie Lekola delivered a message of support.
The Mahuma Arts and Communications group provided educational entertainment.
Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Takalani Musandiwa at Tel: 015 295 7583, Fax: 015 295 7613 or email: A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the Intersection of P1/7 and D453 (GPS Coordinates: 23˚ 49’ 52”S and 29˚ 29’ 24”E) on Wednesday, 01 October 2014 starting at 10:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on Monday, 20 October 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T712/2014: Road P1/7 from Polokwane to D453 and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.
Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of 7CE / 6CE PE or higher.
Polokwane Observer
September 25, 2014
Shape up @ Body Life’s Stronger Health Clubs Body Life is going to make it easy for you to get in sHaPe tHis sPring. Enrol at any of our 2 health club facilities for only R200 per month (t&c apply) or R350 for married couples (includes 2 school going children above 13 years).
We are here to help people of all ages improve their quality of life. To do that you need more than a gym, you need the help and guidance of professional, qualified staff, and that is what we will provide at all our facilities.
Don’t be disappointed about the results you didn’t get, for the work you didn’t do. You need to work for it.
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Discovery members: Earn your Vitality points with us. Discovery memberships from R99/month
Biggest Loozer Contenders BIGGESTLOOZER 2014 This week we again focus on two of our contenders in Body Life’s Biggest Loozer
Competition 2014. We asked them what their “secrets” are and what has kept them motivated up to this point. These people are busy putting in the work every day and it definitely shows! This is what some of them had to say….
Morne Du Plessis
Louisa Tleane
Morne says the main thing he started doing was to cut out all junk food, soda drinks and takeaways and he doesn’t eat anything that has been deep fried.
Louisa has lost 19.1 kg so far in the Body Lifes Biggest Loozer Competition. She is such an inspiration to watch in the gym. She gives her best while training and is not afraid to try something new. This is what she had to say about where her motivation comes from: “The support from my husband and the competition itself encourages me to do well. My husband takes good care of our family and even cooks for me and the kids. Ever since I started with the competition, he has encouraged me and motivated me. Really what one gains from eating fatty and junk food, is nothing but fat, fat and lots of fat.
He is trying to eat whole foods and nothing processed. He has implemented daily activity into his life, whether it is going for a walk or a session at the gym, as long as he incorporates a daily activity into his routine, and the discipline of doing it is what he needed. He has lost 15.6 kg so far in the competition and in the meantime also suffered the death of a relative. He said he is going to put all his effort into this and we are supporting him all the way.
“I always read some notes pasted on the wall at gym which says you won’t see the result overnight but things are changing. At first I couldn’t believe it, but have now realised that there is indeed a change in my body. Now I have realised that through hard work, dedication and belief in yourself the almighty God will guide you to conquer everything you want to achieve.
September 25, 2014
Polokwane Observer
52 Wilge Street • Flora Park • 0699 Polokwane • Limpopo Province PO Box 4701 • Polokwane • 0700 Tel: +27 15 296 1237 Cell: +27 82 693 4727 Fax: +27 86 665 3242 Email: or Website:
estho u g t c e f r e p e h T
mmodation ilities o c c a r ta s rfac • Fou boardroom ded area. d n a g in r te a • B&B, c t and seclu ie u q a in n arde • Beautiful g
Photo: Herbert Rachuene
Tommies get doused for Joost Herbert Rachuene >>
he under 17 rugby team of Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé were doused with 300 litres of icy water from the carrier of an excavator on Thursday when the school held its Ice Bucket Challenge. The challenge, lately taken up by celebrities and ordinary people around the country,
aims to create awareness about motor neuron (MS) disease following former Springbok rugby captain Joost van der Westhuizen contracting the disease and his condition deteriorating. Van der Westhuizen, diagnosed in 2011, is at present confined to a wheelchair. MS destroys parts of the nervous system that control essential activities such as speaking, walking, breathing and swallowing. Sport coordinator at the school, Kobus de Meyer said they challenge all the schools that took part in the recent KIA Bosveld Rugby tournament, Hoërskool Pietersburg, Northern Academy, Elisras, Frans du Toit and Merensky to take part in the initiative and create more awareness.
Briewe / Letters
WRITE TO US>> FAX: 015 291 3654 E-MAIL
Katte vergiftig Ek en my man woon in Bendor Gables in Bendor. Verlede week het iemand in die kompleks een van ons kattekinders, Parker vergiftig. Die bestuur het in die verlede briewe aan die inwoners gestuur om te vra dat katte snags binnenshuis gehou word en dat hulle naels gesny moet word sodat hulle nie mense se motors beskadig nie. Ons het getrou by die reëls gehou, maar Parker is helder oordag vergiftig. Ons huishulp het my ontsteld by die werk geskakel en gesê ek moet dadelik kom, Parker is naar en het diarree. Ek het dadelik huis toe gejaag, maar dit was reeds te laat. Die veearts beweer dat Temik (Two Step)gif met tuna gemeng Parker se dood veroorsaak het. Volgens my inligting is die besit en die aankoop van Temik sedert 2012 onwettig. Ons ander katte word nou bedags in die huis toegemaak uit vrees dat hulle ook vergiftig sal word. Parker was die liefdevolste jong katjie. Dit is uiters ontstellend dat daar mense is wat
ectati p x e r u o y d e e c We will ex
The under 17 rugby team of Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé get doused with 300 litres of icy water from carrier of the excavator.
> “Challenge all the schools” > Raising awareness about motor neuron disease
dink dat die aarde net aan hulle behoort en dat hulle daarom kan uitroei, doodmaak en vergiftig na willekeur. Deel ons nie die planeet met alle ander lewe nie, of het mense alleen die reg tot lewe op aarde? Wat ʼn uiterste vorm van selfsug. Mense wat diere vergiftig en mishandel behoort in die openbaar ontbloot te word as harteloos en onmenslik. Sou iemand voortgaan om katte in die kompleks te vergiftig, sit ons later met ʼn rotprobleem wat weer tot ‘n slangprobleem lei. Wat van ons kinders se veiligheid? Slange kan ʼn wesentlike probleem word, aangesien ons naby oop velde is. Ek sou verkies dat die persoon eerder kom sê het dat Parker ‘n oorlas is. Ons sou beslis ‘n plan gemaak het, maar ongelukkig is katte nie diere wat ingeperk kan word nie. Hulle is nie gebonde aan huise, erwe of tuine nie. Dink asseblief voordat jy iemand anders se diere vergiftig. Brief verkort-Redakteur
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Polokwane Observer
September 25, 2014
Loxion to WOW Savannah Mall >> A motoring extravaganza like never before >> An event for enthusiasts and their families If cars and all things motoring is your passion, then Savannah Mall is the place to be, come 24 to 28 September 2014 when the Loxion Motorshow returns to the city for the fifth time. From its humble beginnings six years ago this trendy an innovative exhibit has grown from strength to strength. This year the show will include the majority of car brands available to
the local industry with mainly dealerships from greater Polokwane as well as some peripheral clients from the various sectors of the automotive industry participating. The likes of Nissan, Toyota, Citroën, Renault, Peugeot and Mahindra will display at the show. Potential buyers and the general public will be treated to a bevy of desirable beauties from the various brands. Over and above this there will be a Soundoff competition presented by CRS at the roof parking area. The public is invited to join the competition or come and support their friends and family. The exhibits can be viewed from 09:00 to 18:00 daily and promises to be a motoring extravaganza like never before. For more information, please contact 083 617 7664.
Foto: Roelien Vorster
Van die inwoners van die Polokwane Nasorgsentrum saam met ‘n gemeentelid van die Hervormde Gemeente Welgelegen-Pietersburg, Bennie Viljoen (heel agter, regs). Heel links staan die voorsitter van Polokwane Nasorgsentrum, Baksteen Heunis en naasregs is die matrone van die sentrum, Saartjie du Toit.
Ons Huis se inwoners dankbaar vir komberse ROELIEN VORSTER >> Sakke vol gehekelde komberse wat Vrydag aan die inwoners van Polokwane Nasorgsentrum vir Verstandelike Gestremdes geskenk is, het die sowat 32 inwoners se gesigte gou-gou opgehelder en met dankbaarheid vervul. Die komberse is deel van die Hervormde Gemeente Welgelegen-Pietersburg se reuse kombersprojek wat uit 587 kleiner komberse bestaan en deur die gemeente aan sorgafhanklikes en bejaardes in die gemeenskap uitgedeel word. ‘n Lidmaat van die kerk, Bennie Viljoen sê die gemeentelede het egter nie
hul ywer om steeds komberse te hekel, laat vaar nie. “Entoesiaste is nog volstoom besig. Namens die leraar van die gemeente, Henk Joubert is ons dankbaar dat ons in die genade wat soos klitsgras vassit, kan deel.” Viljoen sê die projek het onstaan nadat Joubert gesien het hoe bejaardes met net handdoeke oor hul knieë die koue probeer trotseer. Die voorsitter van Ons Huis, Baksteen Heunis sê daar is tans 17 inwoners en 15 dagbesoekers in die sentrum. “Die geskenkte komberse is dikwels hul enigste. Die kerk doen ongelooflik baie vir die sentrum en die gemeenskap en ons bedank hulle opreg vir hul volgehoue ondersteuning.”
E-mail with your picture and caption. The reader who sends in the best photo will receive a monthly cash prize of R250.
Mpho Mohlala-Mathebula photographed the sunrise on the first morning of his recent honeymoon.
September 25, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Observer
September 25, 2014
Heritage consultant gives Hugh Exton a voice >> Exton touched lives with photographs of people of all cultures living in then Pietersburg >> Legacy forms basis for research aimed at depicting importance of archives locally, globally
the Polokwane Municipality umbrella, an effort facilitated by Potgieter in conjunction with Paulina Mapheto. She brings one back to the present with reference to an intention to have the memoirs of Hugh Exton published in a book in future. Surprisingly there is delayed willingness to
September 25, 2014
OBSERVER 23 polokwane
return from a journey on the dusty streets of downtown Pietersburg to the demanding pace of the Polokwane of today, accompanied by the vivid image of a man who captured cultures with a device made from wood. Potgieter can be reached on extonproject@
YOLANDE NEL >> A conversation with Polokwane-based heritage consultant Henriet Potgieter allows for stepping back into an era when the late Hugh Exton touched lives with the photographs he produced of sitters that represented the cultures of a Pietersburg of yonder years. The rich legacy Exton left behind forms the basis for research Potgieter has been engaged in since 2009 that is aimed at depicting the importance of his collection as cultural treasure – both nationally and internationally – as well as create awareness of the space dedicated to displaying the gift he bestowed on future generations. Potgieter explains she has been involved with the Hugh Exton museum as specialist from 1986 to 1991 until she and her husband went to live in the Netherlands. Aptly the vast photographic collection Exton produced is being housed in a restored church tucked away on the one side of City Square. It has served as a shop store room in the Twenties, a structure that dates back to 1890 and nowadays it is considered the oldest remaining building in Polokwane, Potgieter says. Acquainted with the estimated 24 000 glass negatives in eight different sizes which he produced through the use of a wooden camera reserved for studio shots and more mobile options on tripod for outside shoots, Potgieter shares her rendition of the logistics Exton had to endure to produce the high quality photographs. Each sketches a typical genre highlighted by dress sense, hairstyles and poses reminiscent of the period 1892 to 1945 when Exton worked professionally from a studio on what is still known as Vorster Street which is Thabo Mbeki Street in modern day Polokwane. Exton sold the studio in 1945 when he turned 81, she adds. She describes the glass negatives collection as the single biggest continuous collection of photographs of people from one geographical area. Through the photographs the course of history could be traced, she says. Although a photo is a moment in time, one could draw conclusions from the visuals without necessarily being correct with the assumptions, Potgieter reckons. This gives rise to her intending to involve the community in possibly identifying forebears captured in the images in an attempt to fill in gaps that could exist in the fascinating history of a city that has evolved from the contributions made by the likes of those whom Exton photographed. “I am busy with a big puzzle of which the pieces will later all fit together and get an image of how a city is born from nothing.” At a time when the rest of the country was engulfed in a wave of apartheid Exton worked as an apolitical photographer who had a social conscience and empathy with his sitters, a notion that gave his work specific visual appeal. Potgieter reckons many of his photos are of international importance and that his photography is representative of what others produced abroad at the time. It was also indicative of the quality of life he maintained in the Pietersburg of the past. She references a piece of writing Exton did in 1950, mentioning the prosperity of his studio and the town he made home far from the Cape where he hailed from. Ironically it was far from the soil he adopted where his work got a voice in an exhibition titled “Apartheid and After” presented by Huis Marseille Museum For Photography in Keizersgracht in Amsterdam from March to June this year. The exhibition and a book, published in conjunction, included the work of other South African photographers of the likes of David Goldblatt. It followed an inclusion of Exton’s work in the Umhlaba 1913 – 2013 exhibition that ran in Cape Town and Johannesburg throughout last year, Potgieter indicates. In both instances the work of Exton was made available by the Polokwane Museums under
Images from the collection of Hugh Exton on view at Huis Marseille in Amsterdam from March to June this year.
Photos: Supplied
Heritage consultant Henriet Potgieter at the exhibition in Amsterdam in April this year.
Business profile>>
September 25, 2014 >> Page 24
Khetan Vallabh
Business: We Brand It Why did you choose this profession? >> Branding has always been a passion What puts you ahead in the industry? >> My passion, and not the money, which allows me to give my clients 100% attention How do you live out your passion for your career? >> By always being innovative and providing my clients with new ideas and products
The Hub now on your doorstep
he first and eventually envisaged to be the biggest branch in Limpopo of The Hub opened its doors in Savannah Mall
on Thursday. Regional Operations Manager for The Hub, Pieter Steenekamp said the retail store amalgamated with Meltz Fashion Chain, who opened its doors in Savannah Mall in November 2010, to expand the footprint of fashion in the province. The Hub currently has 46 stores across the country. “The support we have received since the doors opened was phenomenal,” Steenekamp said. He explained that the Savannah Mall branch will be the flagship in Limpopo, bringing a new culture to the city, and added that a branch for Tzaneen is possibly in the pipeline. Regional Visual Manager, Vinay Singh said The Hub caters for the whole family and clothing for men, women, children and babies, cosmetic ware, electrical equipment and house ware are on offer at competitive prices. Advising on planning a new wardrobe this summer Singh said florals and pastels should be given preference while plastic pumps and jelly babies are all the rage. The Hub with all its vibrant, colourful goods is sure to enhance the shopping experience of all who frequent Savannah Mall.
Photo: Melany Martin
Karen Botha, Marketing Manager at Savannah Mall and the management team of The Hub during their opening on Thursday. Second from left are Assistant Manager Benny Sechele, Manager Lucy Masegela, Till Controller Sarah Mafora, Sales Manager Lee Gertze and Stockroom Manager David Moshi.
A healthy nutritious snack ROELIEN VORSTER >> For the past ten months, Stephen Ngoasheng from Seshego has been making a living selling dried mopani worms, a popular delicacy on the streets of southern Africa, in the city. Ngoasheng said he buys the worms from a trader in Botswana and takes home about R2 000 per months. “The dried mopani worms are very good for you. They are rich in protein and can be eaten as a snack or as part of a dish. It is very popular among the people,”
he said. These worms are part of the staple diet in rural areas and considered a delicacy in the cities. The worm is the large caterpillar of the Gonimbrasia belina species, commonly called the emperor moth. It is known as a mopane worm because it is found chomping the leaves of mopane trees after it hatches in summer. It has also burrowed its way into literature, for example, onto the pages of Alexander McCall Smith’s series about The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, set in Botswana. They can be eaten dry, as crunchy as potato chips, or cooked
and drenched in sauce. The mopane worm is a healthful and cheap source of nutrition. According to a Zimbabwean, Marlon Chidemo the worms are high in healthy nutrients and contain three times the amount of protein as beef. He says eating worms is less taxing on the environment than consuming beef because it takes far fewer leaves to produce worms than it does feed to produce the same amount of beef. Stephen Ngoasheng sells this nutritious snack on the streets of Polokwane.
Motors profile>>
September 25, 2014 >> Page 25
Clinton van der Merwe
Dealership: Suzuki Polokwane What distinguishes the brand you sell from its competitors? >> Excellent value for money and superb quality What is the biggest challenge presented by the industry? >> To establish the correct target market for the brand and obtaining finance from banks How do you ensure your success in the motor industry? >> By building up a client base and maintaining it
Suzuki Splash makes waves in the hatchback segment RC Myburgh >>
uzuki Auto South Africa added the versatile, zippy and affordable Suzuki Splash hatchback to its local line-up and would soon be available at Suzuki Polokwane. The Suzuki Splash joins an already extensive range of Suzuki passenger cars, MPVs and SUVs on offer and will boost demand of the brand’s products even further. The Suzuki Splash consists of a compact footprint, tall roofline, comparatively long wheelbase and short overhangs which create a surprisingly spacious and practical interior. While practicality and versatility are important aspects of the Suzuki Splash design, aesthetic appeal hasn’t been compromised. The Suzuki Splash’s compact exterior dimensions benefit manoeuvrability in tight spaces such as shopping centre parking lots, while also ensuring wieldy handling. The front view is dominated by large headlight clusters, while a slim upper grille and larger lower air intakes add a purposeful expression. From the rear the almost vertical tailgate adds a cheeky touch, emphasised by the pronounced tail light clusters. The cabin of the new Suzuki Splash reflects its youthful personality, while also adding comfort, style and versatility to the equation.
>> Frugal 1,2 litre engine ensures zesty dynamics and low comsumption
Photos: Internet
The new Suzuki Splash is soon to be launched at Suzuki Polokwane.
Boosted by the high roofline, the impression of space is particularly impressive with ample legroom and headroom to provide seating for five adults. The extended roofline is a key feature of the new Suzuki Splash. It allows the seating positions to be raised which benefits all-round visibility while it also means that the doors are larger for convenient entry and exit. The front seats have been sculpted for
additional comfort and support while the rear bench seat offers three distinct seating positions and is split 60/40 for modular extension of the cargo compartment when necessary. The layout of the controls and instruments places the emphasis on user-friendly ergonomics with a single, large analogue speedometer positioned directly ahead of the driver. Smart durable finishes create an upmarket
ambience. The dashboard gets a charcoal textured finish (with metallic look detailing in GL models) while the seats are upholstered in durable, attractive cloth with contrasting inserts. All three models in the South African range are powered by the same 1,2 litre fourcylinder engine. The engine has a maximum output of 63 kW at 6 000 rpm combined with a torque peak of 113 Nm at 4 500 rpm. The powerplant has already proven its mettle in the Swift thanks to an admirable combination of zip and economy. The engine revs freely to ensure smooth, willing performance while gear ratios have been selected for an ideal compromise between response and economy. The standard transmission is a five speed manual gearbox but a four speed automatic transmission is also available. The manual accelerates from 0-100 km/h in 12,3 seconds and can reach a top speed of 160 km/h. The Suzuki Splash offers a comprehensive complement of safety and security features. All models are fitted with dual front airbags as standard together with side impact protection beams in the doors and inertia reel seatbelts for both the front and the two outer rear seats. Also standard across the range is Antilock Braking System (ABS). For information on the Suzuki Splash contact Suzuki Polokwane on 015 297 0140.
September 25, 2014
26 OBSERVER Focus on trade in Nirvana/Superbia polokwane
The premises of Auto Sound and Alarms in Nikkel Street is a favourite destination of vehicle accessory fanatics.
We Brand It in Nikkel Street offers a wide range of branding services ranging from billboards to stickers, T-shirts, banner and trophies.
Hub of Western business district CELLULAR SERVICES
Tel: 015 292 4193/4 Fax: 086 751 5355 E-mail:
>> A town on its own >> Motor City development forms the focal point of new formal business district BARRY VILJOEN >>
Come in for your FRE aircon check. We do regassing and repairs on aircons.
Auto Sound & Alarms
Grobler Street / N1 tre et
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R2 500
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Power Bass 12 inch Sub and cnr Nikkel Street box plus 4 and Rupee Ave, channel amplifier Superbia
Nikk el S
irvana was established in 1973 by the Pietersburg City Council on a portion of the Ivydale Agricultural Holdings and judging from the prosperity and well-being of the residents and business people of Nirvana, it is evident that it was an apt decision. Nirvana was originally established to accommodate members of the Indian community but due to the increased demand for more stands, the municipality facilitated further additions to the original town and Nirvana is now a “town” on its own which caters for the residents of Polokwane at large. The Motor City development at the city’s southern entrance forms the focal point of Nirvana’s new formal business district and has attracted a number of related businesses. Following Nirvana, Superbia was proclaimed as a light industrial extension and has, due to rezoning and further development, taken its place next to Nirvana with more shops and businesses to complement the western business district. The shops and businesses of the Nirvana/ Superbia area cater for a diverse group of clients and businesses like Mercurius Motors, Paint Pot, Buco Hardware, Poolserve, Top T Hardware and Auto Sound and Alarms and a host of other flourishing concerns make it unnecessary to look any further.
September 25, 2014
28 OBSERVER Focus on trade in Nirvana/Superbia polokwane
André Cronjé, Workshop Manager at Mercurius Motors with a MercedesBenz C200.
The showrooms of Mercurius Motors in Nirvana boast a selection of Mercedes-Benz, Jeep and Chrysler vehicles.
Sales Executive Richard Sadiki in the showroom of Mercurius Motors with a brand new MercedesBenz A200.
Poolserve’s shop in Nirvana is the home of proud swimming pool owners.
The display area of Poolserve boasts the full range of the latest in equipment and materials to help keep any swimming pool in mint condition.
Why wait - Purchase your new or certified pre-owned Mercedes-Benz right now and only start paying for in in 2015. This exclusive offer to own and drive your Mercedes-Benz today is exclusively available from Mercurius Motors Polokwane, from today until 31 October 2014 or whilst stock lasts. For more information, including finance and Insurance offers to suit your individual requirements or to book a test drive, visit
Mercurius Motors Polokwane Tel: 015 299 9500 cnr N1 and Nelson Mandela Drive, Polokwane Email:
Client Innocent Chauke at Poolserve’s display of pool chemicals.
Fokus op handel in Nirvana/Superbia
Top T Cash & Carry is a landmark destination for the DIY plumber and general handyman.
September 25, 2014
OBSERVER 29 polokwane
Top: Salesman Enos Tauyatswala at the display of taps at Top T Cash & Carry. Left: Top T Cash & Carry Manager, Tebogo Bambo with some of the merchandise in stock.
September 25, 2014
30 OBSERVER Focus on trade in Nirvana/Superbia polokwane
Fokus op handel in Nirvana/Superbia
September 25, 2014
Property profile>>
September 25, 2014 >> Page 32
Simon Mathebula
Maximise your rental property’s potential I
f you are in the market for a rental investment property, then it is imperative to take your time and do the necessary research to ensure that the property you buy suits your needs perfectly. A reputable, experienced estate agent can be of valuable assistance in this regard and it is vital to gather as much information as possible from reliable sources before venturing into the rental property market, Adrian Goslett,
Chief Executive Officer of RE/MAX of Southern Africa said. There is power in positioning A property’s position or location will have a massive impact on its potential appreciation value. “The most important aspect to consider in any property purchase is the property’s location and secondly the type of property it is. Not only will the area in which a property is located affect its investment growth, it will also have
ANTON 082 443 6039
15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: Website:
an impact on the rental income that the property will be able to generate,” Goslett said. “ Weighing up the cost It is recommended that before determining a rental price for the property, an investor should research the average rental paid by tenants in the area. “This will be a good way to estimate the potential rental income that the property will provide on a monthly basis and weigh up whether or not it would be a good
ROSEMARY 082 804 9725
Tel: 015 295 3134
EvErything wE touch turns to soLD!
FLORA PARK • R1 080 000
PRICED TO SELL FAST. Ref: 91344184241 This family home is within walking distance from shops – quiet street and very popular area – stand size 1383m² - open-plan living areas – fixer upper – secure your future home now! The price is right. All you need to do is call for an appointment. 0 2 Carports 0 3 2 SIAS • 082 372 7265
SESHEGO • R600 000
LOVELY HOME! Ref: 91344184108 A neat property with lots of space to extend. Do not overlook all the potential. Make your own improvements and watch your investment grow. Close to all amenities. Make your offer.
2 1
2 Carports 0
SIMON • 082 476 8916
FAUNA PARK • R1 398 000
DALMADA • R3 500 000 EXQUISITE PROPERTY WITH OUTSTANDING FINISHES. Ref: 91344184124 This property lends itself to lots of possibilities. Can be used as guesthouse and office space. Quiet and convenient location, recently revamped with beautiful upmarket kitchen (country style) and bathroom. TV room with under floor heating. Beautiful swimming pool and lapa with sleeper bar and kitchen. One bedroom flat. A must view. Call today.
3 Carports 2
4 2
ESSIE • 071 391 4750
2 Carports 2
RINA • 082 929 9171
IVY PARK • R780 000
THIS IS YOUR PROPERTY. Ref: 91344184149 Well planned kitchen, jacaranda wood cupboards and rose wood stairs leading to bedroom and TV room. Beautiful garden and tree house for kids. Situated in good family orientated neighbourhood near schools and shopping centre. Borehole, stand of 1061m² plus. Approved plans to extend. Worth viewing by serious buyers. Call today.
GOOD BUY MR LANDLORD. Ref: 91344183917 Here is the starter home for you. Low maintenance and well constructed dwelling. Well located. Walking distance from CBD. End your search for a home today.
INA • 079 597 8636
GRETHA • 082 802 1874
3 2
2 Carports 2
R4 000 R5 000 R3 850 R4 200
R7,500 R63,000 R20,350 R11,000 R13,200
ELMARIE 082 977 7020
1 Carports 0
2 Carports 0
VICTOR • 073 066 6805
2 Carports 0
1 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
m² 81 600 250 400 400
VAT excl excl excl excl excl
SIMON • 082 476 8916
PERFECT BUY. R e f : 9 1 3 4 4 1 8 4 111 Stunning kitchen, black trimmed melamine wood. Well built tiled roof home, low maintenance. This Bali style home is situated on a large 600 ² stand. Do not delay, call me today!!.
1 Carports 0
3 2
JAMES • 0722367310
GRETHA • 082 802 1874
INVESTORS’ DREAM. Ref: 91344183041 Well built office building in a prime area within the government precinct. Modern with excellent finishes. Ample parking space and potential for further development. Income approximately R24000pm with 4.3% annual escalations. Call for further clarification - it’s worth viewing. VICTOR • 073 066 6805
investment option,” Goslett advised. He noted that the initial decisions made in the first stages of purchasing a rental property will largely influence that property’s potential. The bond repayments will not be the only expense, meaning that a buyer will also need to consider aspects such as renovations that are required, as well as the maintenance and levies of the property in order to discern an investment’s viability. This should be taken into account before the property is purchased. Sellers are required to list the known defects of the property, which will allow the investor to determine the possible initial outlay of purchasing the property and undertaking the necessary upgrades and repairing defects. This will help in assessing costs and weighing up the investment’s potential income after expenses. Goslett advised that if there are aspects that require further attention or anything that the investor is not sure of, they should consult with a qualified and reputable home inspector to avoid unforeseen costs. Managing the property When investing in a rental property it is important to decide who will manage the property. “Either the owner of the property can decide to manage the property themselves, which at times could be rather laborious or they can make use of a rental management agent. If the decision is to manage the property without professional assistance, it is important for the investor to relate to the property as a business venture and manage it accordingly. This would include keeping track of all expenses as well as the income generated. Legislation According to Goslett a vital aspect when considering purchasing a rental property is researching the laws that apply to rental agreements and the responsibility that falls onto a landlord. “Legislative changes that have come into play such as the Credit Amnesty Act, along with the proposed amendment to the Rental Housing Bill could bring about some significant changes in the rental market for both tenants and landlords,” Goslett said. Insurance and contingency Once an investor has purchased a rental property, they will need insurance to cover their liability, which can be done by speaking to a broker who will advise on the correct insurance needed for the type of rental property. This will prevent the landlord from having to find additional money to cover unexpected contingencies such as a burst geyser. Landlords should also remember that certain liabilities will not be covered by insurance, so it is advisable to have an emergency fund to cover these circumstances.
1 x 120 m² - ground floor. Watermelon Street, Platinum Park.
015 297 2636
R 7,700
R11,500+ Flatlet
2 Carports 0
3 2
BODORP • R3 500 000
BODORP • R2 800 000
GREAT PROPERTY. Ref: 91344183131 Ideal for rezoning. Property lends itself towards development of a clinic or medical chambers. Stand 1900m². It’s also ideal for the extended family. Opportunity not to be missed.
5 4
POLOKWANE • R980 000
BE THE PROUD OWNER OF THIS 8.5 HA PROPERTY. Ref: 91344183848 A stunning well planned plot. Property in an African setting with unbelievable potential for persons who love country life. Spacious rooms. The property is situated not far from the N1 and supermarkets. Call now to view!
SESHEGO • R628 000
THE HOME YOU DESERVE. Ref: 91344184126 A stunning and excellent family home with a drive-through garage, burglar bars, lockable garage and gates. Tiled roof, beautiful kitchen units. This family home is close to all amenities such as schools, clinics and churches. 0 1 Carports 0 2 1 JACOB • 082 466 8366
3 2
3 2
SESHEGO • R450 000
EDUAN PARK • R1 620 000
A REAL FAMILY HOME. Ref: 91344182140 A home with lots of potential. Secure parking. Pool and lapa. Quiet area and well located. Walking distance to church and schools. Make this home yours. Call me now!
4 3
BENDOR • R995 000
TOWNHOUSE IN EXCELLENT AREA. Ref: 91344184097 Prime property in a well sought-after security village, offering tranquillity and spacious rooms. An abundance of amenities nearby commanding exclusivity! High level of privacy with contemporary design, fixtures and finishes! Look no further, it is yours.
Agency: Aïda Polokwane What advice do you have for first time buyers? >> Avoid a bad credit record and easy loans in order to get approved for a home loan To what do you ascribe your success as property agent? >> Honesty and discipline What is the current trend in the local property market? >> High demand but potential buyers do not qualify
1 1 1
We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants!
size (m²) price
Northview - 91344183700
R457 000 Sias - 082 372 7265
Bendor - 91344178544
R330 000 James - 072 236 7310
Northview - 91344181756
R485 000 Simon - 082 476 8916
Nirvana - 91344184204
R350 000 Jacob - 082 466 8366
Woodhill - 91344183437
R375 700 Essie - 071 391 4750
FOR SALE FOR SALE SILVERKRUIN 1. HOUSES FROM R750 000 R 500 000and FARMS available 2.3PLOTS Beautiful electrically fenced 3. TOWNHOUSES family with study, Dorp -home 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen, lounge, Room, dining yard andTVgarage. R700 000 room, kitchen, scullery/ Bendor - 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen, laundry, 4 bedr, dressing yard and carport. R500 000 room, balcony,2 bathrooms, living area, patio Bendor3 - 3bathr, Bedrooms, open air shower, servant’s with braai, kitchen, small yard and carport. room with shower & toilet, R650 000 lapa with braai, pool and double garage.
Diamond Arrow Award 1st Overall
HENNIE HANTI JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE INA KOWIE RINA ESSIE JACOB SIMON 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916 082 854 0452 082 929 9171 071 391 4750
5Residential Bedroom House, with pool, pool room and double garage. Bendor - 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, study, R 10 900-00 p/m dining room, scullery, outside toiletand & 2lounge, Bedroom House withkitchen, living area, kitchen, bathroom shower, pool and double garage. R7 600-00p/m carport on large stand. R 3 800-00 p/m Bendor - 3 Bedroom Townhouse with 2 bathrooms, liv3 Bedroom House, electrically fenced – African Jewel, adjacent ing area, kitchen and 1 carport in secure complex. to Seshego R 4600-00p/m 300-00 p/m R5
September 25, 2014
Polokwane Observer
“Having achieved more than 50 Years of property
makes us the obvious choice”
PROPERTY OF THE WEEK House in eDuAn PARK - R2 296 000
WeB: 298504
BeDRooms 5 BAtHRooms 4 GARAGes 3
Simoné Schoeman, winner of the Solidarity Helping Hand Entrepreneur Competition with the Chief Executive of Helping Hand, Danie Brink. Photos: Supplied
sPACious WitH RentAL inCome
Taking her passion to new heights
Spacious family home that offers privacy and a lot of extras. Enclosed lapa ensures entertainment throughout the year, overlooking pool and garden. Separate entrance to 2 x 1 bedroom flats.
ROELIEN VORSTER >> When Simoné Schoeman, head girl at Merensky High School in Tzaneen, decided to turn her passion for photography into a business venture this young entrepreneur set herself on a winning path. Proof of her success is the fact that she was recently named the winner of Solidarity Helping Hand’s national competition for entrepreneurs. Simoné, one of five finalists, won R15 000 in prize money, a part of which she intends using to expand her business, Simoné Schoeman Photography. The school also benefits from her achievement as it also won R15 000 to be used for entrepreneurial development. Being voted the audience favourite put a further R1 000 in Simoné’s pocket. She said that, apart from the honour, winning the competition provides her with the ideal platform to develop her business. “A portion of the money will be used to purchase lenses for my camera while the other portion will go towards my BA Language and Culture studies in Stellenbosch.” Simoné explained that she intends taking photography as an additional subject. Mariné Jacobs, Media Liaison Officer at Solidariteit Helping Hand said in a media statement that Simoné, during her presentation to the judges, explained that her love for photography started in her childhood and said she recognised that this passion was an opportunity to be converted into a business. According to Jacobs she offers a variety of affordable packages, and believes that good customer service and a friendly approach during photo shoots set her apart from the competition. Joint second place in the competition went to Nico Brayshaw of Heilbron in the Free State and Mervyn Roos of Paarl in the Western Cape. Each received R8 000 to invest in their businesses. Nico’s business involves commercial trading in beef cattle as well as selling popcorn and fruit juice ice lollies while Mervyn trades in farm fresh eggs. “It was incredible to see such good business acumen among young people,” Annette Taljaard, Helping Hand’s psychometrist and organiser of the competition is quoted to have said in the media release. “The competitors have all performed so well and a bright future no doubt lies ahead for each one of them,” the statement read.
soLe mAnDAte
sAnneLie oostHuiZen 082 496 7824
R874 000
R2 953 000
R2 850 000
An enViABLe AnD exCLusiVe PRoPeRtY: tHis Home is neAt AnD ReADY to moVe in!! Fit FoR tHe “FiRst LADY”
sometHinG uniQue
(o) 015 297 1140 sAnDY smitH 083 268 7436
(o) 015 297 1140 sunet sCHeePeRs 083 941 7357
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 seeff Web: 330723
R4 300 000
inVestoRs! RentAL inCome R28 000Pm BLoCK oF 7 toWnHouses FoR sALe
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 seeff Web: 287325
(o) 015 297 1140 mAnie oostHuiZen 082 809 3850
R7 700 000
(o) 015 297 1140 sinDiLe mLAuZi 076 062 9454
R2 187 000
Bedrooms 4 Bathroom 3 Garages 2 seeff Web: 333914
R2 850 000
suPeRB DesiGn! AmBienCe oF totAL BALAnCe
House WitH oPPoRtunitY!
Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 5 seeff Web: 332378
(o) 015 297 1140 AnneLise BooYsen 079 490 9569
R950 000
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2 seeff Web: 313238
(o) 015 297 1140 CHARmAine VeRmeuLen 082 780 5844
R907 000
soLe mAnDAte
VeRY GooD CAttLe FARm!
stunninG House in A Quiet AReA!
Bedrooms 3 Bathroom 1 seeff Web: 334090
(o) 015 297 1140 CHRisto VAn HeeRDen 082 375 7434
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 3 seeff Web: 311291
R1 900 000
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 seeff Web: 334150
(o) 015 297 1140 Dineo moHoLoBeLA 072 203 6658
R2 700 000
sPACious FAmiLY Home!
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 seeff Web: 331384
(o) 015 297 1140 GeRt VAn stADen 083 386 6383
R2 950 000
1x 1 000m² for R18.00/m² Tweefontein Smallholdings 3km from SAB Long-term Johann Swart 082 829 5084
DReAm Home in exCLusiVe
WeLL LoCAteD House
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 3 seeff Web: 330532
(o) 015 297 1140 HoseA moLeKoA 072 485 5155
exCLusiVe FAmiLY Home in BenDoR PARK! uPPeRCLAss estAte
Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2 seeff Web: 333111
(o) 015 297 1140 KGomotso moKoAteDi 083 264 7038
Do You Want to Buy or Sell Residential / Commercial Property? Call One of our Professional Sales Consultants
015 297 1140
Find us on
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 2 seeff Web: 334070
(o) 015 297 1140 KARien JoRDAAn 082 774 7957
Kiewiete beeld hul drome met konsert uit
September 25, 2014
34 OBSERVER polokwane
RC Myburgh >>
lke individu het sedert kindsbeen drome wat hulle graag wil verwesenlik. Curro Heuwelkruin se Kiewiete het verlede Woensdag hul drome op die verhoog tydens hul jaarlikse konsert uitgebeeld en die
gehoor breed laat glimlag. Sommige was superhelde terwyl ander professioneel wil rugby speel, ‘n droomvakansie hou of in lekkergoedland baljaar. Een van die groepe het ‘n musiekblyspel met dieselfde tema op die planke gebring.
Properties 26 Jorissen Street Polokwane 0699 Fax: 086 729 7099 Email: PO Box 387 | Polokwane, 0700
Stefan Olivier en Shani Cahill met ‘n danspassie.
Damian McKenzie is ‘n vriendelike apie in die wildtuin. Lauri Lottering in die musiekblyspel.
Robert 073 455 5730 Legae La Batho (African Jewel) R580 000 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining, lounge, kitchen and single garage. Madiba Park R480 000 3 bedrooms, bathroom, dining, kitchen and single garage. Bendor R780 000 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining, lounge, kitchen, 2 flats with own bathroom, lapa and double garage. Seshego Zone 1 (Adjacent to the stadium) R420 000 3 bedrooms, bathroom, dining, lounge and single garage. Seshego Zone 8 R160 000 Empty stand, 450m². Mahlasedi Park Phase 2 R280 000 Empty stand, 538m². Seshego Zone 2 R420 000 3 Bedrooms, bathroom, dining and kitchen.
Ruben Olivier, bo, droom daarvan om ‘n professionele rugbyspeler te word. Foto’s: RC Myburgh
Miante de Wet blaas seepbelle tydens die konsertopening.
Links: Die dapper soldaat, Freek van Wyk.
“Having achieved more than 50 Years of property
makes us the obvious choice”
It consIsts of:1. 1 x 3 Bedroom House separately fenced. 2. 1 x 2 Bedroom Flatlet with carport. 3. 1 x 1 Bedroom Flatlet with carport. 4. 3 x 2 Bedroom Townhouses, 138 m ² each, with garage and carports. 5. Plans already approved for 3 additional townhouses. Property zoned RES 4 and can also be rezoned for medical chambers. The rental income is ± R 30 000pm with all units rented out. MARIETTE pRETORIus 082 200 5227 Do You Want to Buy or Sell Residential / Commercial Property? Call One of our Professional Sales Consultants
015 297 1140
Find us on
RE/MAX SHOWHOUSE EXTRAVAGANZA!!! Friday, 26 September to Sunday, 28 September 2014 Times: 14:00 to 17:00, daily Contact our agents or drive by and see each property for yourself
117 Wessel Street - R3 300 000 - Fauna Park
4 Bedrooms, 2½ Bathrooms, 2 Garages Web ref: 302088929 Emilia 082 374 4680 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863
101 Arnotha Street - R4 200 000 - Bendor
4 Bedrooms, 2½ Bathrooms, 4 Garages Steven 082 706 7274 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863
31 Van Oudshoorn Street - R1 940 000 Eskol Villas, Bendor
4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 2 Garages Reneilwe 083 457 2022 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863
15 Meteor Street - R2 840 000 - Bendor
5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, 2 Garages Isobel 076 472 1833 & Wynand 072 195 6741 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863
674B Munnik Street - R875 000 - Bendor
2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom Chris 082 544 8352 Nelmari 073 148 6989 RE/MAX Northland Realty - Tel: 015 297 1863 Northland Realty
CorpMD Consulting, Ground Floor, cnr Hillary & Phaphos streets, Bendor, Polokwane Office: 015 297 1863 | Fax: 015 297 7635
September 25, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Chess players make their next move ROELIEN VORSTER >> Four chess players from Trinity Primary School in Eduan Park qualified to represent the province in the South African Junior Chess Championships (SAJCC) in Kimberley in January 2015. Team Manager and Coach, Andries Keyser said they qualified by participating in various chess tournaments throughout the year to gain enough points to be chosen for the SAJCC. “They are amongst the top 20 junior chess players in Limpopo,” Kayser said. Photo: Roelien Vorster
Ashley Ntuli (u.12), Brilliant Ramoadi, Nkana Chigo (both u.14) and Mikael Chetty (u.12) were chosen to represent Limpopo in the South African Junior Chess Championships next year. Team Manager and Coach, Andries Keyser is at the back.
For Sale 1. Nirvana –
3 bedroom house, study, lounge, dining, double bath, double garage, fully fenced @ R870 000.00
Te huur 1. Bendor - 1 Slaap/k eenheid, water en krag ingesluit @ R3300.00 pm 2. Bendor - 3 Slaap/k huis @ R7700.00 pm 3. Nirvana - 3 Slaap/k huis ten volle omhein @ R5500.00 pm 4. Bodorp - Bachelor unit, prepaid @ R2300.00 pm
Contact: Hentie 083 278 1085 en Johnny 071 353 0061
To leT
offices Maneoprops 072 614 4333
September 25, 2014
36 OBSERVER polokwane
Veiligheid kry voorkeur by Osieteddies ROELIEN VORSTER >>
Kleuters van Osieteddies Kleinkindontwikkelingsentrum het Vrydag hul ondersteuning aan die beskermers van die stad getoon deur soos ‘n polisieman, dokter of brandweerman aan te trek, kompleet met bybehore soos speelgewere, stetoskope en spuitnaalde. Die skoolhoof, Linda Kruger sê die kinders het ook meer oor verskillende beroepe in die veiligheidsektor asook oor veiligheid in en om die huis, in voertuie en padveiligheid geleer.
Dokter Janine Jacobs luister na Miané van Niekerk se hart.
Foto’s: Roelien Vorster
Die Tuinbere in hul beskermerklere. Ariete Haasbroek (regs agter) staan by die klas.
Tel: 015 295 9014 Xander Deysel salueer in sy weermagklere.
Logan Oosthuizen is gereed om wetsoortreders aan te keer.
Francois Smith is reg vir aksie.
TO LET CENTRAL CBD- Retail space : Thabo Mbeki St (in a Mall): 127 m² @ R105/m². Kruger St: 348 m² @ R24 430 pm. Kruger St: 325 m² @ R22 815 pm. CBD - Offices: CBD - East: 326 m², 110 m² and 123 m² @ R60/m². Parking available at R350/bay/pm. Thabo Mbeki St: 66 m² @ R110/m². WAREHOUSES/WORKSHOPS: Superbia: Excellent warehouse with covered load-bays etc: 2 100 m² @R35/m². 65 m² workshop at R3 800 p.m. Laboria: Warehouse: 500 m² @ R16 500 pm. Industria: Warehouse/workshop with 2 000 m² offices @ R40 000 p.m. Rare opportunity within Bendor Village: R1,975M: Large open-plan modern kitchen / dining room / scullery. TV room with built-in bar and fireplace. 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Manageable garden. Don’t miss out! NOTE: ALL THE ABOVE AMOUNTS EXCLUDE VAT.
RAYMOND 082 458 4239 1) MAHLESEDI PARK – R 230 000 - Vacant land of 391m². 2) CELTIC MEADOWS – R340 000 - A vacant stand, 761m².Bargain of the year… 3) SESHEGO ZONE 1 - R380 000 - 2 Bedrooms,1bathroom, lounge, kitchen, two outside rooms and double garage. 4) MADIBA PARK – R 480 000 - 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen. Veryneat. 5) FLATS IN LADANNA – R 430 000 - 2 Bedrooms,1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen and a carport. Only two units left. Act now !! 6) RAINBOW PARK – R 850 000 (NEGOTIABLE ) An impressive, double-storey house with 4 bedrooms,2 bathrooms, lounge, sitting room, kitchen and double garage. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME !!
MABATHO 083 747 2056 MAHLASEDI PARK - NEW EXTENSION 83 Stands available from R199 500 - only 34 stands so act fast! 1) MAHLESEDI PARK - R 225 000 - The last 381m² vacant stand in this area. 2) SESHEGO ZONE 4: R550 000 - Beautiful 3 bedr house with dining room, kitchen with built-in units, 1 bathr and double garage. 3) SESHEGO ZONE 3: R420 000 - 2 Bedr house with dining room, kitchen and 1 newly renovated bathr. 4) SESHEGO ZONE 8 – R 460 000 - Lovely home with 3 sunny bedr, dining room, kitchen, 1 bathr and a carport. Low maintenance! 5) WOODHILL ESTATE - R380 000 418m² vacant stand. 6) MAHLASEDI PARK - R650 000 - 3 Bedr house with dining room kitchen and 2 bathr! 7) MAHLAKO A PHAHLA - R550 000 - Newly built 2 bedr house with dining room, kitchen and1 bathr. URGENTLY LOOKING FOR HOUSES TO SELL IN THESE AREAS: SESHEGO, EMDO, MADIBA PARK AND IVY PARK. Qualified buyers are waiting: Call your area specialist now!
SLIGHT 072 323 9386 If you want to list your property, phone any agent, if you want to sell your property, phone me!! 1) STANDS! 644 m² R380 000 Thornhill 682 m² R400 000 Northview 2) 3 LADANNA FLATS – R430 000 (Each): 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen & dining room area, 1 carport (Excellent for 1st time buyers). 3) FLORA PARK HOUSE – R1.3 MIL (Neg): 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen, dining room, TV room and lounge. 2 Garages and 2 carports. Swimming pool and lapa and big garden. (Nice and neat family home! Urgent sale!) 4) LEEUKUIL PLOT – R1.1mil (Neg): 2 Houses, one with 5 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen & dining room, living room and 1 carport. Other with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom open-plan kitchen and living area and 3 x carports. 2 Boreholes with fitted pumps. (Urgent sale!) 5) FLORA PARK BARGAIN!!(EXT) – R870 000 - 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen, living area, 1 drive-through garage. Nice big garden. (Excellent for first time family-home buyers!) 6) LUXURY TOWNHOUSES IN EDUAN PARK @ R 798 000.00 (SOLE MANDATE) - Spacious 100m² units, each with 2 sunny bedrooms, 1 modern bathroom, separate toilet, open-plan living area and modern kitchen, single garage. Private yard each with its own splash pool and built-in barbeque for the hot summer months!!! (Ideal for fist time buyers or investors in a sought after suburb) WANTED : PLOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE, PLEASE !!
HANNELIE 083 412 0009
THEO 082 990 7275
1) INVESTORS! 3 BEDR FLATS FOR SALE IN MURRAYFIELD, PRETORIA ONLY R650 000! 2) Stunning 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse in TOP security estate near renowned shopping centres and schools. Modern well appointed, open –plan kitchen/lounge. Large garage and covered veranda with beautiful views. Large walled-in private garden. Owner relocating so quite urgent.! R1030 m 2 3) Bendor: R1 250 M. Stunning and spacious 3 bedr, 2 bathr in a security set-up. Well-appointed kitchen with granite tops and open-plan lounge/dining room. 2 Garages and 2 carports (187m²). 4) BODORP – R1,45M. Stunning 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in Bodorp with swimmingpool, double garage, 2 carports and entertainment area. Urgent! Stands wanted! Let me sell your stand fast! STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! Serala View: from 1 000 m² R500 000 Bendor Ridge: 782 m² R825 000 4 Northview: 553 m² R425 000 Waterberry Estate: 670 m² R440 000 Thornhill: from 462 m² R350 000 Woodhill: from R350 000 Celtic Meadows: from R440 000 De Bron: 907 m² R510 000 Celtic Lodge: R950 000 Bendor Ridge 837 m² R620 000 AND MANY MORE! COME AND BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! PHONE ME TODAY!
MARIETJIE 072 190 7149 FARMS / SMALLHOLDINGS FOR SALE GAME FARMS: 1. Bandur, North-east of Alldays, 2000ha Game Farm with fully equipped Lodge, R17 000 000. Going Concern. 2. POLOKWANE, 2000ha, Game farm with 5* Lodge, Going concern R22 000 000. 3. POLOKWANE, 1880ha, Game Farm within 12 000ha Game Reserve, Going concern, R22 000 000. 4. Soutpansberg, 400ha, Chalets, Farm House, R4 000 000. 5. Maasstroom, 1700ha,Geëlektrifisieerde wildwering, Gras-dak woonhuis 680 m²,2 tweede huis, 6 Chalets, 14ha Spilpunt, 10ha Drupper, Buffelkampe, Volop Wild: R 23 800 000-00 CATTLE FARMS: 1. Alldays, 629Ha, Bosveldplaas, R4 000 000 + VAT. 2. Polokwane, 600Ha Cattle/Game Farm, R5 200 000 + VAT. 3. Alldays, 460ha, Bosveld binneplaas, R3 440 000 + VAT. 4. Polokwane, 4300ha, 5 Title Deeds: POR. IRRIGATION FARMS: 1. BALTIMORE, 939ha, 2x14ha Spilpunte, 28ha Druppers, 600ha Wildkamp, Woonhuis, Tabaksstoor en Kelder: R 16 200 000-00 LIFESTYLE FARMS: 1. Haenertsburg Timber farm, 40Ha, Rivier with Trout Dams, homestead, cottages, sheds and landscaped garden. Country living at its best and a constant income generated from plantations. R3 750 000. 2)DENDRON/LEGKRAAL: Wildwerende binneplaas met goeie 4 slaapkamerhuis,toegeboude lapa, mooi-tuin,wildsuipings,gronddam,134ha: R 2 750 000-00 3) Waterpoort, toegespande speelplaas met akkomodasie (8),mooi lapa en sentrale kombuis,buitegeboue en boorgat. 230ha: R 2 500 000-00 1. WANTED: GAME, CATTLE, IRRIGATION, LIFESTYLE FARMS WANTED FOR SALE IN LIMPOPO PROVINCE.
PHILIP 082 937 3683 1) MANKWENG ZONE B -R 860 000- neg Beautiful family home offering luxury finishes 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 lounges, 2 garages 2) SESHEGO ZONE 3 - R900 000 - neg - INCREDIBILY STYLISH FAMILY HOME WITH FARM-LIKE ATMOSPHERE - 4 Bedrooms, 3 living areas, 3 bathrooms, gorgeous garden, 3 garages. 3) LETHULI PARK –R580 000- BEAUTIFUL AND WELL MAINTAINED HOME. - 3 Bedrooms,1½bathrooms,spacious lounge, unique kitchen. 4) FLORA PARK –R980 000 - Spacious family home in quiet cul-de-sac. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 2 living areas stunning kitchen. NB:WE NEED HOUSES TO SELL IN MANKWENG AND SESHEGO
ERNEST 072 696 6004
Osieteddies se brandweermanne en -vroue is Luhan van Niekerk, Inge de Beer, Ashten Swanepoel en Ben Vorster.
André de Jager en Henco Robertson in hul polisiemonderings.
TEL: 015 295 4537/8 | Fax: 015 291 1166 7a HaNS VaN RENSBURG STREET 2 Bedroom townhouses from R3900 to TO LET R4400 per month. Prepaid electricity. Phone NOW to view the Bachelor flats Phone now to view! available. From R2100 to R2700 per BENDOR month. R5950 – 3 Slaapkamer meenthuis met 2 DORP/TOWN badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, R3300 – Magazynstr – 1 Slaapkamer opwas, motorhuis. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 woonstel met badkamer, sitkamer en November. kombuis. Dadelik beskikbaar. IVY PARK R3200 – 1 Bedroom flat with bathroom, R9050 – 3 Bedroom house with 1½ lounge and kitchen. Carport. Prepaid bathroom, lounge, dining room, TV room, water. Immediately available. R7200 – 3 Slaapkamer huis met 2 bad- kitchen, scullery, laundry, study and double garage. Phone now to view. kamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, RIETFONTEIN PLOT ±5 km BUITE opwas, stoorkamer, 2 afdakke, braai en DORP gesamentlike swembad. R400 water per R3600 - 3 Slaapkamers, badkamer, sitmaand. kamer, kombuis, afdak, water ingesluit. COMPENSATIE ST R4300 – 2 Bedroom townhouse with bathBeskikbaar 1 Okt ’14. room, lounge, kitchen and garage. Water OFFICES included. Available 1 November 2014. Various office space available, sizes from R6500 – 3 Bedroom house with 2 bath40m² to 598m². rooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, pantry, garage and carport. Prepaid FOR SALE electricity. A selection of properties for sale. LIEFLIKE HUIS IN FAUNAPARK Phone Anel 071 125 2844 / R7900 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, Rita 082 933 3162 sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, opwas, studeerhoekie, swembad, lapa, 2 motorhuise NEW SERVICE en buitetoilet. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Nov’14. BODY CORPORATES LADANNA Allow us to provide professional manageR3500 – 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met ment of your complex. Phone now! badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en afdak. Koopkrag. Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162
Logan da Silva salueer.
Niela Gerson met haar stetoskoop.
September 25, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Harcourts Bakone
24 Rissik Street, cnr Rissik and Hans van Rensburg, Polokwane T: 015 295 3511 E: W:
African Jewel
Sole Mandate
R760 000
Here is a spacious home with three spacious rooms, two bathroom, extra toilet, three toilets, lounge, dining, single garage and a full kitchen with units. The house its 138 m2 big, no need to extend as the property is well build and has all extras like a modern ceiling. Face brick for easy maintenance. Situated near new developments and great for investment.
This residence portrays a modern and first world atmosphere. This house has three spacious bedrooms, two modern bathrooms and a Jacuzzi for relaxing after a hard day’s work. The yard is walled which offers good and advanced security system. The wooden floors in the house are as good as new.
Veronica C: 084 633 9420 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK7565
Veronica C: 084 633 9420 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK7557
Madiba Park
R651 300
Great for first time buyers or for investment purposes. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, open-plan kitchen and lounge with a single garage. The flat is on the 1st floor and also near schools, shops and all amenities you need without having to use transport; good neighbours too.
R526 467
Situated in a new area; most houses only a year or two old. The property is 55 m2 spacious with two bedrooms, lounge, bathroom and kitchen. The stand is 338 m2 in size, big enough should you need to add a third bedroom, another bathroom and a drivethrough garage. Not far from filling station and mall.
Web: NBK7468
Solomon C: 076 105 6543 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Solomon C: 076 105 6543 Email: Harcourts Bakone
This house consists of three bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, one bathroom with separate toilet. The house is on a big stand that can accommodate lots of visitors - three carports and a single garage included. There is also a small garden at the front. Very neat and manageable, paved all around and walled to keep your loved ones safe. Call us today!
This property has three bedrooms, one bathroom with separate toilet; lounge, kitchen and single garage with space to renovate to improve your home for loved ones.
Solomon C: 076 105 6543 Email: Harcourts Bakone
R750 000
Web: NBK7432
African Jewel
R650 000
R814 450
Freddy C: 082 692 1698 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK7478
Solomon C: 076 105 6543 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK7572
R499 000
Southern Gateway
R541 040
Web: NBK7452
Moses C: 084 414 2023 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK7368
A three bedroom house. Just two km from town. The house has potential with a big yard, 952 m2 , with spacious rooms, 1 full bathroom, separate toilet, lounge, dining, double carport, one garage and three room Wendy house at the back. There is potential in this house; it is in an area with lots of townhouse developments. A walk to the shops, close to school, traffic department and lots of shops around.
A well priced home for first time buyers. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, lounge and toilet. The house is burglar proofed and close to schools.
R564 000
Penina Park
This house has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, dining room, lounge and a kitchen. Single garage and three carports. This property is well looked after with nice surroundings, shops are just a walk away. Call me today.
R5 500 R4 400 R5 300 R4 200 R6 300 R7 700 R7 000 R4 700 R16 000 R4 500 R4 400 R5 600 R6 500
Web: NBK7547
Moses C: 084 414 2023 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Sipho C: 082 550 5057 Email: Harcourts Bakone
A beautiful two bedroom, one bathroom home for a family of three or newly married couple. A great investment that can be rented out later. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, modern kitchen, in a security complex.
Veronica C: 084 633 9420 Email: Harcourts Bakone
R978 000
Web: NBK7555
Thornhill Town Woodlands Mahlako Bendor Emdo Bendor Penina Park Ster Park Ivy Park Ivy Park Bendor Ridge Town
2 Bedrooms 1 bathroom, 1 Carport 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 Carport 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 Garage 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 2 Garages 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, 2 Garages 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 1 Garage 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, 1 Carport 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 4 Garages 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, 1 Garage 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, 1 Garage 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 1 Garage
We hAVe quALiFieD BuyeRS LooKiNG FoR PRoPeRty to iNVeSt iN!! Call us to give you market value for your house Call our top agents Solomon C: 076 105 6543 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Veronica C: 084 633 9420 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Moses C: 084 414 2023 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Freddy C: 082 692 1698 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Oktoberfest brings great entertainment
September 25, 2014
38 OBSERVER polokwane
Photo: Roelien Vorster
The Limpopo Youth Orchestra minutes before they left for Dakar to perform at Senegal’s 20 years of democracy celebrations.
Lim Youth Orchestra strikes chord in Senegal ROELIEN VORSTER >> Jubilant voices of members of the Limpopo Youth Orchestra (LYO) echoed through the streets of Polokwane after an invite was received from the South African Embassy in Dakar for the orchestra to perform in Senegal’s celebrations of 20 years of democracy from 22 to 27 September. Founder and Managing Director of LYO, Simoné Aronje-Adetoye said it is the second time in less than a year that they will represent the province at an international event. “This tremendous opportunity for the children was made possible by funding from the
1 Slaapkamerhuis in Koraal 11 Geen agente
Kontak Kobus Rabe: 082 891 6743/ 015 292 0529
National Lotteries Board. This is the orchestra’s second international invitation to perform in under a year. They performed in Dublin, Ireland in December 2013,” she said and added that LYO is the only orchestra from Africa that was invited to perform at these celebrations. “Our members will be involved in various outreach programmes such as master classes, collaborations with local artists and ending the week off with tribute concerts to the late former president, Nelson Mandela in Dakar’s Grand Theatre.” Twenty-five students together with guest artists from Johannesburg left for Dakar on Monday. One of the LYO students, Refiloe Mokgalaka said she is very excited since this will be her first time travelling outside the country. “I intend to learn a lot about the culture of Senegal,” she excitedly said. Maritza van Niekerk, a Gr 10 learner from Hoërskool Pietersburg is not sure what awaits her on the other side, but could hardly contain her excitement. She said “I can’t wait to get there.” One of the teachers, Neo Thekiso said it is a great feeling and he hopes the food is nice. “There will be lots of cultural exchanges and sharing of music ideas,” he said. Regular updates about the tour can be viewed on the website on or Facebook on Limpopo-Youth-Orchestra or on Twitter hash tag: @Limpopo Youth Orc.
CONTaCT: SaN - 072 159 5126 CONTaCT: STEPhEN - 0825583525
1) WOODHILL: R1 850 000.00 Stunning, newly built 3 bedroom home with excellent finishes, in new security village. It has a double garage, modern kitchen and landscaped garden. Close to mall and Mitchell House School. 2) UPPER-TOWN: 1 BEDROOM FLAT: R540 000.00 Beautiful, cosy townhouse with nice entertainment verandah, carport, lovely garden. Security area. 3) BENDOR: R1 250 000.00 Stunning 3 bedroom townhouse, open-plan lounge/ dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, double garage, double carport. Beautiful area, upmarket finishes. Adorable! 4) SECURITY ESTATE : MODERN TOWNHOUSE: R980 000.00 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, open-plan living area, awesome kitchen, garage, private garden, close to Mall and Thornhill shopping complex.
CONTaCT MaNIE: 083 635 0513 1) 2 x INDUSTRIAL STANDS – corporate park 2 x 1855m² 2) 2 x MODERN OFFICE BUILDINGS IN PRIME AREA: - 342m² and 250m² 3) PRIME BUSSINESS 2 PROPERTY - in central business area of Annadale for sale.
CONTaCT: MaTIE: 083 271 5259 1) TWEEFONTEIN PLOT: 8.5ha R2 100 000.00 3 Bedroom house, 3 x 2 bedroom houses, 1 x 1 bedroom house. Entertainment area. Close to N1. 2) 500ha BESPROEIINGSPLAAS: R6 300 000.00 Dendron omgewing, 18ha onder besproeiing, 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 slaapkamer woonstel, groot pakstoor, werkswinkel, afdakke ens. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. 3) VACANT STAND: 1356m² IN CELTIC LODGE: R850 000.00 4) 4 ha PLOT IVYDALE: R5 500 000.00 On main road, excellent investment potential, 4 bedroom house, 2 bedroom house, work shop and storerooms of ±1000m² 5) 4ha PLOT, MYNGENOEGEN: R800 000.00 Undeveloped, next to tar road.
HOUSES: 1) ±1500m² zoned 7 units 2) 2213m² CENTRAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units R3 500 000.00 3) BENDOR: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, ensuite guest room, pool. 4) PENINA PARK: 3 000m² zoned 20 Units R2 500 000.00 5) EDUAN PARK: 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, FLAT, swimming pool, lapa, borehole 6) 1900m² ERF: A very neat 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom dwelling, situated in themedical node. Ideal for MEDICAL PRACTICE or guest house R3 750 000.00. Don’t miss out! PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha vacant R1 500 000.00 neg 2) ON N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha 3) MYNGENOEGEN: 2.3ha 2 x 2 bedroom flats R1 100 000.00 4) N1 North: 10ha. 4 Houses, 3 chicken coops etc. FARMS: 1) ALLDAYS: 850ha – GAME FARM R8 000 000.00 2) PIETERSBURG: 300ha - CATTLE/ CROP FARM + loose assets (100 Bonsmara cattle) 2 houses, strong water, pivot R6 500 000.00 3) VIVO: 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game R9 000 000.00 4) SWARTWATER: 1900ha – GAME FARM 5) BYLSTEEL PAD: 400ha – R3 500 000.00 6) SWARTWATER: 700ha INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) Industrial stands: N1 North available 1300m² 2) Business Opportunity: Mankweng area. Distributing business with vehicles, 3 properties and distribution rights. Owner retiring! TO LET: RESIDENTIAL: CONTACT: SAN - 072 159 5126 MID-TOWN: R2 500.00: Immediately One room with bathroom. Water and electricity included. HOUSE IN UPPERTOWN: R8 000.00, Immediately 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 living areas, kitchen, scullery, indoor braai, 3 garages, carport, pool, lapa, borehole, big stand. COSY LOG CABIN HOUSE: R3 800.00 , Immediately 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan living room, 10 km from town. Enjoy great outdoor living. Free yourself!! LADANNA: TOWNHOUSE: R6 000.00, Immediately 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge/dining room, kitchen, double garage TO LET: INDUSTRIAL: CONTACT: STEPHEN - 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 600m² + 200m² Offices, Good exposure, Dendron road 2) 1400m² warehouse, Nirvana 3) 1800m² warehouse + 300 m² office, Nirvana 4) 640m² - Behind SAB 5) ±160m² Nirvana, R7 500.00 6) 200m² - R5 000.00 (exl) Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Modern – freestanding office, 600m², close to CBD 3) 345m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton Court) 4) 100m² Office, CBD 5) Office CBD – Marshall Street, ±220m²
he annual Oktoberfest presented by the German community of Polokwane assisted by the Rotary Club Pietersburg 100 provided a most entertaining evening of traditional German music and song, rounded off with fine ‘Deutsches Essen’ and drinks at Bolivia Lodge on Saturday. Die Frankenland Kapelle-band from Germany did not take long to have the patrons dancing on the tables while they cheered the music makers with the compulsory ‘Ein prosit, ein prosit, der gemütlichkeit’. Well known German songs like ‘Heidi’ and ‘In München steht ein hofbräuhaus’ contributed to the high spirits and guests could sing along. A superb meal of Kassler, Bockwurst, Sauerkraut, Kartoffelsalat and trimmings as well as coffee and Apfelkuchen rounded off the entertainment and provided new energy to the more adventurous who took to the dancing
Eugene and Dawie Botes enjoy the fun at Bolivia Lodge.
floor until the late hours of the day. The proceeds of the 35th Oktoberfest went to the German Evangelical Lutheran Church. Co-organiser Klaus Rabiega, who turns 70 this year, said he has been involved with the event for half of his life and plans to retire now although he will still advise the new generation, being Horst and Reinhardt Meyer.
Erina and Pieter-Willie Becker at the Oktoberfest. Photos: Barry Viljoen
Tinus Jacobsz, President of the Rotary Club Pietersburg 100 flanked by Oktoberfest organisers, Klaus Rabiega (left) and Horst Meyer (right).
25A Biccard Street • Tel: 015 295 0420/21 Jackie TO LET Elim Kiepersol Kiepersol Kiepersol Kiepersol
Willows Atjankir Eastlee Shaluka’s Plains Serala Village Andante Ankerhof Maranatha HUIS Aloes Faranani Estate
Duplex to Let R7 000.00 Polokwane Central 3 Bedrooms 2½ Bathrooms Living Area Kitchen Scullery Pantry Single Garage Secure Complex No Pets Prepaid Electricity Available Imm
R2 800 R3 000 R5 000 R3 400 R5 800
01/10/2014 01/11/2014 01/11/2014 01/11/2014 01/11/2014
R4 200 R4 100 R4 250 R4 900 R5 300 R5 800 R6 800 R6 500
Immediately 01/10/2014 01/10/2014 Immediately 01/10/2014 Immediately 01/11/2014 Immediately
Bachelor. Bachelor. Bachelor, furnished. 1 Bedr, 1 Bathr, carpot 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carpot, furnished. 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, carport. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, parking. 3 bedr, 2 bathr, carport. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, dbl garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, dbl garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, dbl garage.
R12 000 Immediately 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, dbl garage, security area. R12 000 01/10/2014 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, dbl garage, security area.
Plot to Let R7 500.00 Dalmada 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Living Areas Kitchen Wash Area Single Garage Covered Parking Prepaid Electricity Next to Main Road Pets Allowed Available 1 Oct
House to Let R10 468.00 Welgelegen 4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Living Areas Study Kitchen Swimming Pool Borehole Double Garage Electric Fencing Close to Cycad Available 1 Nov
Flat to Let R4 723.00 Polokwane Central 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathroom Large Living Area Kitchen Ground Floor Single Carport Secure Complex No Pets Close to Schools Close to Main Roads Available 1 Dec
AGENTS: Suné 079 341 1625 / Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail:
September 25, 2014
STORAGE TO LET We can store from bikes to big boats. From R400 p.m. Polokwane Self Storage. 082 446 4574 / 082 964 4139 / 082 460 4439 ____________________
HET JY ‘N KURSUS VOLTOOI IN VOEDKUNDIGE, ANATOMIE OF FISIOLOGIE? Oorweeg jy ‘n loopbaan in gesondheid? Stuur asb jou CV na saworkapplication@ ____________________
EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________
CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ALL CARPETS AND UPHOLSTERY We do houses and businesses. High tech equipment and SABS approved chemicals. Skakel Brenda 072 799 6424 or Piet 078 004 6677 ___________________ AAG WENDYS Knotty pine, log cabin, treated with wax oil, 1 door, 1 window, floor, zinc roof, pallet. Price: 3 m x 3 m = R4 500 3 m x 4 m = R5 000 Skakel Arnold 076 858 8973 Alice 074 802 5137 ___________________
EK KOOP MOTORS EN BAKKIES KONTANT I BUY CARS AND BAKKIES CASH Kontak Neels 083 459 7177 ____________________
DRINGEND GESOEK MOTORS EN BAKKIES In goeie toestand. Kontak Martin 082 498 5407 ____________________
KONTANTKOPER SOEK ‘N BAKKIE OF MOTORTJIE R20 000 to R25 000. Sel 072 255 2424 ____________________
TO LET 19 COMMERCIAL KANTOOR TE HUUR 47m² Burgerstraat. R5 000 p.m. Water en elektrisiteit ingesluit. Tel 015 295 9047 ____________________
TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ LEEUWKUIL ESTATE BACHELOR unit in safe tranquil surroundings. 7km from town. R2 200 p.m. Contact 079 081 3152 ____________________ RUIM 2 SLAAPKAMERS Rustige veilige, omgewing met eie erf, 7km buite Polokwane. R3 900 p.m. plus koopkrag. Kontak 084 451 1281 ____________________ 2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL OP PLOT Motorhuis, klein tuintjie. 17km buite die stad. Elektriese heining. Diere welkom. R3 200 p.m. plus R3 200 dep. Koopkrag. Louis 083 408 9848 ____________________ RUIM 2 SLAAPKAMER met 2 badkamers te huur. Tweefontein. R4 000 + dep. W&L ing. Skakel 061 191 1809 ____________________ MEENTHUIS MET 2 SLAAPKAMERS 2 badkamers, woonvertrek, kombuis & toesluit motorhuis met elek heining. Beskikbaar 1/11/2014. Huur R4 770. Kontak Stefan 082 563 5939 ____________________ ROOMS BACHELOR 1 BEDROOM FLATS 2 x 3 bedroom houses, warehouses and workshops. Contact Andre 072 265 0507 ____________________
3 SLK HUIS OP PLOT TE HUUR 8km uit dorp. Elektries omhein, groot tuin. Geen groot honde. R5 800 p.m. + dep. W&L en tuindienste ing. Kontak 082 588 5520 ____________________
Houses BoDorp - r25 500 4 Bedr, 3 bathr, 2 garages, pool. peNINA pArK - r10 026 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, laundry, 2 bedr flat. NeW FLorA pArK - r6 680 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, garage. BeNDor VILLAGe - r20 500 5 Bedr, 4 bathr, 2 garage, bar, lounge, pool. MôreGLoeD - r10 070 4 Bedr, 2½ bathr, flat, swimming pool. BoDorp - r6 684 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, garage. NorTHVIeW - r8 500 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, double garage. ToWNHouses BeNDor - r6 000 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, patio, built-in braai. FAuNA pArK - r6 950 3 Bedr, 2½ bathr, lounge, kitchen, garage. IVY pArK - r6 600 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, 1 carport. FLATs rABe sT – r4 100 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, living area, kitchen, carport. oFFIce cBD – r2 500 MArsHALL sT – r10 270 MArsHALL sT – r25 400 HANs VAN reNsBurG sT – r11 000 BeNDor – r34 000 THYs 083 702 0768 AuDreY 072 632 7117 DIoNeTTe 084 503 3964 MArTIN 060 666 5432
3 SLAAPKAMER PLAASHUIS met 1 badkamer en afdak vir 3 motors te huur vanaf 01/11/14 vir R6 500 per maand. 200 hektaar weiding ook beskikbaar teen R3 500 per maand. Skakel 083 442 5366 ____________________ 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS SOETDORINGS Stil, rustige, veilige area. Skadunet, afdak vir twee voertuie omhein buitekamer. R5 560 per maand. Deposito R5560. Koopkrag, water is gratis. Kontak Koos 082 890 5862 ____________________ LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar. Kleinvertrek huise R1 950 p.m., Bachelor woonstelle R1 500 p.m. Wendy houtkamers R1 000 p.m. Gemeenskaplike ablusiegeriewe. Vir meer inligting skakel Marina in kantoorure 015 297 2008 ____________________
SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Contact 015 295 5264 ___________________
POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME 2007 SPECIAL CONSENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A TELECOMMUNICATION MAST AND BASE STATION ON ERF 6061 PIETERSBURG Notice is hereby given in terms of the provision of Clause 21 of the Polokwane/Perskebult Town Planning Scheme 2007 that we the undersigned, Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Inc. intend to apply to the Polokwane Municipality for consent to construct and operate a rooftop telecommunica-
tion mast and base station on Erf 6061 Pietersburg located at 20 Rabe Street, Polokwane. Particulars of the Application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the applicant at the address mentioned herein, and at the offices of the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, Room 125, First Floor, West Wing, Civic Centre,cnr Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Polokwane, for a period of 28 days from 25 September 2014. Any objections to or representations in respect of the application shall be lodged in writing simultaneously with the applicant and with the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management , Room 125 Polokwane Municipality at the above address or at P O Box 111 Pietersburg 0700 within a period of 28 days from 25 September 2014. APPLICANT DETAILS: Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Inc. P O Box 32017 Totiusdal 0134 414 Rustic Road Silvertondale 0184 Tel: 012 804 1504 Fax: 012 804 7072 E-mail: info@infraplan. Ref: T10927 25/9 ___________________
PIETERSBURG /PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA 2007 SPESIALE TOESTEMMING VIR DIE OPRIGTING VAN ‘N TELEKOMMUNIKASIE MAS EN BASIS STASIE OP ERF 6061 PIETERSBURG Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Klousule 21 van die Polokwane/Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema 2007 dat ons die ondergetekende Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Ing. van plan is om aansoek te doen by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit vir toestemming vir die oprigting van’n dak gemonteerde telekommunikasie mas en basisstasie op Erf 6061 Pietersburg, geleë te 20 Rabestraat Polokwane. Besonderhede wat betrekking het op die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantore van die onderstaande aansoeker, asook by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Beplanning en Grondgebruiksbeheer, Kamer 125, Eerste Verdieping, Wesvleuel Burgersentrum h/v Landdros Mare- en Bodensteinstraat Polokwane vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 25 September 2014. Enige besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik in en gelyktydig by die aansoeker asook by die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruiksbeheer Kamer 125 Polokwane Municipality by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111 Pietersburg 0700 binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 25 September 2014. AANVRAER: Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Ing. Posbus 32017 Totiusdal 0134 414 Rusticweg Silvertondale 0184 Tel: 012 804 1504 Faks: 012 804 7072 E-pos: info@infraplan. Verw: T10927 25/9 ___________________ POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007 Notice is hereby given, that in terms of Clause 21 of the Polokwane/Perskebult
Town Planning Scheme 2007, I the undersigned intend applying to the Polokwane Municipality for special use for consent to establish a cellular flagpole mast for telecommunication for MTN (Pty) Ltd on Erf 6057 Pietersburg Extension 12 Township. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at the offices of the Town Planner, The Polokwane Municipality, First Floor, West Wing, Department of City Engineer, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane. Any person having objections to the granting of this application, must be lodge such objection together with the ground thereof in writing, with both the Manager: Planning , Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Polokwane Municipality P O Box 111 Polokwane 0700 and the undersigned not later than 23 October 2014. Date of first publication: 25 September 2014. Closing Date for Objections: 23 October 2014. Applicant: Smit & Fisher Planning (Pty) Ltd P O Box 908 Groenkloof 0027 371 Melk Street Nieuw Muckleneuk 0818 Tel: 012 346 2340 Fax: 012 346 0638 Email: admin@sfplan. Site Ref number: SAB Polokwane 25/9 ___________________ POLOKWANE/PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA 2007 Hiermee word kennis gegee dat, in terme van Klousule 21 van die Polokwane/Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema van 2007, ek die ondergetekende(s) van voorneme is om aansoek te doen vir spesiale toestemming by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit om die oprigting van ‘n sellulêre maspaal vir telekommunikasie vir MTN (Edms) Bpk op Erf 6057, Polokwane Uitbreiding 12 Dorp. Planne en/of besonderhede wat betrekking het op die aansoek kan gedurende kantoorure ondersoek word by die kantoor van die Stadsbeplanner: Polokwane Munisipaliteit Eerste Vloer Wesvleuel Departement van die Stadsingeneur Burgersentrum Landdros Marestraat Polokwane. Enige peroon wat besware het teen die aansoek moet so ‘n beswaar tesame met ‘n geskrewe rede vir so ‘n beswaar indien by die Bestuurder: Beplanning Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbeheer, Polokwane Munisipaliteit Posbus 111 Polokwane 0700 en die ondergetekende nie later as 23 Oktober 2014. Datum van eerste publikasie: 25 September 2014. Sluitingsdatum vir enige besware: 23 Oktober 2014. Applikant: Smit & Fisher Planning (Edms) Bpk Posbus 908 Groenkloof 0027 Melkstraat 3714 Nieuw Muckleneuk 0818 Tel: 012 346 2340 Faks: 012 346 0638 E-pos: admin@sfplan. Terrein verw: SAB Polokwane 25/9 ___________________ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56 (1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS
OBSERVER 39 polokwane
CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE E-MAIL POST ORDINANCE 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) MOLEMOLE AMENDMENT SCHEME 30 Smart Plan Town & Regional Planning, being the authorized agent of the owner of Erf 387 and Erf 388 Dendron Extension 3 hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Township Ordinance 1986 that I have applied to the Molemole Local Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme known as the Molemole Land Use Management 2006 by the consolidation and Rezoning of Erf 387 and Erf 388 from “Residential 1” to “Business 1”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Senior Manager: Local Economic Development and Planning, Ground Floor West Wing Municipal Offices 303 Church Street Mogwadi 0715 for a period of 28 days from 25 September 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Senior Manager: Local Economic Development and Planning, Ground Floor West Wing Municipal Offices 303 Church Street Mogwadi 0715 or Private Bag X 44 Mogwadi 0715, for a period of 28 days from 25 September 2014. ADDRESS OF AUTHORISED AGENT: P O Box 4865 Polokwane 0700 Cell: 074 688 7960 Email: smp.pln@gmail. com 25/9 ___________________ KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DORPS-BEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) MOLEMOLE WYSIGINGSKEMA 30 Smart Plan Town & Regional Planning synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erf 387 en Erf 388 Dendron uitbreiding 3, gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986, kennis dat ek by die Molemole Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Molemole Land Use Management Skema 2006 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf van “Residensiel 1” na “Besigheid 1”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Senior Bestuurder: Plaaslike Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling en Beplanning, Grond Vloer, Munisipale Kantore, Kerkstraat 303. Mogwadi 0715 vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 25 September 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word by of skriftelik gerig word aan die Senior Bestuurder: Plaaslike Ontwikkeling en Beplanning, Grond Vloer, Munisipale Kantore Kerkstraat 303 Mogwadi 0715 of Privaatsak X 44 vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 25 September 2014. ADRES VAN AGENT: Posbus 4865 Polokwane 0700 Sel: 074 688 7960 E-pos: smp.pln@gmail. com 25/9 ___________________ APPLICATION FOR RESTORATION Application for restoration of Malekate Trading Enter-
prise cc. Please take notice that the members of Malekate Trading Enterprise cc, Registration no: 2005/148535/23, intend applying to the Commissioner of Companies for the restoration of its registration. Further take notice that any objections to this application must be lodged with the CIPC within 21 (twenty-one) days from date of publication. Malekate Trading Enterprise cc. P O Box 1359 Fauna Park Polokwane 0700 Cell: 076 953 3013 25/9 ___________________ POLOKWANE PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT KENNISGEWING VIR SPESIALE EN ‘N GELYKTYDIGE OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKENDE VOORWAARDES Hiermee word kennis gegee dat aansoek deur die firma Infraplan gedoen is namens die geregistreerde eienaars vir spesiale toestemming in terme van Klousule 21 van die Polokwane/Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema 2007 ten einde ‘n plek van openbare aanbidding op te rig op Gedeelte 79 (gedeelte van Gedeelte 42) van die plaas Baskoppies 997 Registrasie Afdeling LS Limpopo Provinsie, en die gelyktydige opheffing van beperkende voorwaardes in terme van Artikel 3 (1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings 1967. Planne en besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Stadsbeplanner Eerste Vloer Kamer 125 Burgersentrum en Polokwane Munisipaliteit vir die tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 26 September 2014. Besware en /of kommentaar of verteenwoordiging ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of gerig word binne 28 dae vanaf 26 September 2014 skriftelik by die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111 Polokwane 0700. En ook Die aansoek en betrokke dokumentasie in ter insae by die kantore van die Limpopo Provinsie Departement van Samewerkende Regering, Menslike Nedersettings en Tradisionele Sake, Landdros Marestraat Polokwane vir 28 dae vanaf 26 September 2014. Adres van gemagtigde Agent: Infraplan Naboomstraat 52 New Town 2 Louis Trichardt 0920 Tel: 015 516 1356 Sel: 082 413 7423 E-pos: infraplan2013@ 25/9 ___________________ POLOKWANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY NOTICE FOR SPECIAL CONSENT AND A SIMULTANEOUS REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS It is hereby notified that application has been made by the firm Infraplan on behalf of the registered owners for a special consent application in terms of Clause 21 of the Polokwane/Perskebult Town Planning Scheme 2007 in order to erect a “Place of Public Worship” on Portion 79 (Portion of Portion 42) of the farm Baskoppies 997 Registration Division LS Limpopo Province, and a simultaneous Removal of Restrictive Conditions in terms of Section 3 (1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act 1967. Plans and Particulars of the application will lie for
inspection during normal office hours at the office of Town Planner, First Floor, Room 125 Civic Centre and Polokwane Municipality for the period of 28 days from 26 September 2014. Objections and/or comments or representation in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P O Box 111 Polokwane 0700 within 28 days from 26 September 2014. And Also The application and the relevant documents are open for inspection at the offices of the Limpopo Province Department of Cooperative Governance Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs, Landdros Mare Street Polokwane for 28 days from 26th of September 2014. ADDRESS OF AUTHORISED AGENT: Infraplan 52 Naboom Street New Town 2 Louis Trichardt 0920 Tel: 015 516 1356 Cell: 082 413 7423 Email: infraplan2013@ 25/9 ___________________
AUCTION IN THE REGIONAL COURT FOR THE REGIONAL DIVISION OF LIMPOPO HELD AT POLOKWANE Case Number: LP/PLK/ RC – 206/13 In the matter between: MASHANGU WINNIE MATHEBULA Execution Creditor And KHUTSONG FARM MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD 1ST Execution Debtor FREDDY HERMAN CHAUKE 2ND Execution Debtor MUHANGANEI WINNIE CHAUKE 3RD Execution Debtor EUGENE KHUTSO BRIAN CHAUKE 4TH Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE The sale/auction shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Magistrate’s Court Act No. 32 of 1944 and the Consumer Protection Act No. 68 of 2008 and the Rules Promulgated thereunder. In pursuance of Judgement obtained in the Regional Court under Case No: LP/PLK/RC-206/13 dated 25 March 2013, and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter. The property listed hereunder will be sold to the highest bidder without reserve on: FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER 2014 at 11:00 at THE SHERIFF’S OFFICE, 66 PLATINUM STREET, POLOKWANE. PROPERTY consist sof: 1 x Kelvinator double door fridge 6 x Plastic chairs 1 x Pool table 1 x Carpet 1 x Samsung washing mchine 1 x Coffee table 1 x LG Television (with remote) 1 x Samsung music system (CD player & tape deck) 1 x Bar stool 1 x Copper/ Ornament Table 1 x Wall Mirror 1 x 3-Piece Lounge Suite Terms: Cash or Bank Guaranteed Cheque Dated at Polokwane on this 18th day of September 2014. ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR NKONDO ATTORNEYS 28D Schoeman Street Polokwane Ref: PC/CVL/0051/14 Tel: 015 295 9557 25/9 ___________________
Polokwane Observer
We have the following vacancy at our Land Rover and Jaguar Polokwane dealerships:
REQUIREMENTS AND PURPOSE OF POSITION • Minimum 3 years sales experience • Premium brand experience • To sell the maximum number of new vehicles and obtain the best profit available within the corporate sales structure • To ensure the customer is aware of all available accessories and extended warranties • To ensure all avenues of finance are explored to provide the customer with the best finance abilities • To ensure the highest degree of CUSTOMER SATISFACTION at all time in accordance with Company sales policy to ensure future repeat sales Must have previous experience in the Motor industry. WE OFFER: • Competitive remuneration package • Motor Industry Pension Fund/medical aid • Healthy working environment CVs can be sent to: Tel: 015 291 9732 Fax: 086 565 4688 Email:
September 25, 2014
We have the following positions available in our dealership in Mokopane, Limpopo. Westvaal is a dynamic well established Dealership in the Motor Industry: Available from:1 October 2014.
Duties / Responsibilities: • Carry out diagnostics correctly, Technical. • Produce an outcome where there are no comebacks, the job is done right the first time. • Vehicles are repaired according to a time frame work & service sheet requirements. • Ensure Customer Satisfaction by correctly addressing the needs and accurate remedy of the fault. • Complete required administration in the service process and; • Develop and motivate your team. Requirements: • Completed a full Apprenticeship Diesel / Motor Mechanic in the Motor Trade with N3 Automotive Trade Theory, Maths & Engineering Science. • Two years experience in the trade will be an added advantage. • Analytical and communication abilities with the skill to apply your knowledge. Salary: Market Related Salary. Benefits: Performance Incentive, Medical Aid & Provident Fund. E-Mail or fax a summarised CV relevant to the position to Dealer Principal,
Dana Schamrel
Closing Date: Monday, 29 September 2014.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted within one week of closing date. Should you not have been contacted within this period, consider your application as unsuccessful.
Al 3 Boerdery produseer aartappels, uie en rankgewasse onder spilpuntbesproeiing by Dendron, 60 km noord van Polokwane in die Limpopo Provinsie. Ons verlang die dienste van die volgende:
Vereistes • Jong persoon wat graag wil boer • Sterk leierskapeienskappe • Goeie meganiese aanleg – moet bereid wees om self herstelwerk en onderhoud te doen • Goeie organisasievermoë • Goeie menseverhoudinge en vermoë om arbeid te hanteer • Fyn waarnemingsvermoë ten opsigte van meganiese sowel as akkerbou kant • Eie bakkie en handgereedskap om pligte uit te voer • Verkieslik tussen 24 en 30 jaar oud • Moet bereid wees om opleiding te ondergaan en sal direk aan ‘n boer verantwoordelik wees • Enige boerdery-ervaring sal ‘n aanbeveling wees
Vereistes • Goeie kennis en ondervinding van bouwerk en algemene onderhoud van geboue • Moet self kan bou en teëls lê • Kennis en ondervinding van loodgieterwerk • Moet kan sweis • Kennis en ondervinding van grondwerke sal ‘n aanbeveling wees • Eie bakkie en handgereedskap om pligte uit te voer • Verkieslik getroud en ouer as 30 VERGOEDING EN VOORDELE • Onderhandelbare salaris • Vervoertoelaag • Mediesefonds • Behuising • Vleistoelaag • Plaasprodukte • Jaarlikse merietebonus Sluitingsdatum: 10 Oktober 2014-09-19 Stuur skriftelike aansoeke met twee verwysigings aan: Die bestuurder, Al 3 Boerdery, Posbus 63, Dendron 0715 Faks: 015 501 0293 of 0866 72 76 79 Epos:
Phokathaba Platinum (Pty) Ltd is an incorporated Joint Venture Company established under the Shareholders Agreement between Limpopo Platinum Holdings, Maandagshoek Community and Smokey Hills Platinum (Pty) Ltd. The Company operates the Smokey Hills Platinum Mine in the Limpopo Province in close proximity to Burgersfort and has plans to restart the mine after it has been under care and maintenance for the past 2 years. Accordingly, the Company invites applications and expressions of interest for the following positions: Mining & Engineering • Mining Manager - 3.1(a) Appointee • Shift Supervisors – Stoping / Conventional and Mechanised Development • Stopers and Developers (Blasting Certificate / Competent A) • Mine Planner / Planning Officer • Drill Rig Operators (Blasting Certificate / Competent A) Administration • Mine Accountant • Junior Accountant • Human Resources Manager
• • • • • • • •
LHD Operators Dump Truck Operators Utility Vehicle Operators Engineering Foreman – Mechanical / Electrical Electricians Fitters Rigger Bus Drivers (Professional Driving Permit requirement)
CLOSING DATE: 30 September 2014 Only selected candidates will be contacted for interviews. Please mark your application to indicate the position you are applying for. Should you not hear from us within 14 days of the closing date, you should assume that your application has been unsuccessful. The Company offers competitive remuneration packages and benefits. In terms of the Company’s Employment Equity Plan, preference will be given to applicants from the designated groups. Please email your CV to or Fax to 011 463 8998 INTERNAL/EXTERNAL ADVERTISEMENT
YOUR career finder in LIMPOPO Die volgende pos is beskikbaar by ons gebruikte Land Rover, Jaguar en Volvo-handelaar:
BESTUURDER GEBRUIKTE VOERTUIE Vereistes: • Die ideale kandidaat is hardwerkend, akkuraat en kan onder druk werk. • Uitstekende kommunikasie- en verkoopsvermoë. • Moet personeel motiveer en bestuur. • Grondige kennis van die struktuur van ‘n handelaar is voordelig. • Stel en meet van doelwitte vir alle afdelings. • Goeie administratiewe vaardighede. • Vorige ondervinding in die motor industrie is ‘n vereiste. • Ervaring van verkope in top handelsname. Ons bied aan: • Mededingende salarispakket, insluitend voordele • Motorindustrie-pensioenfonds / mediese fonds • Gesonde werksomstandighede Kontak : Menslike Hulpbronne Tel: 015 291 9732 Faks: 086 565 4688 epos:
wag aansoeke in van persone wat belangstel om te kwalifiseer as Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters (lede van SAICA). Vereistes: Matriek met Universiteitsvrystelling (Wiskunde en Rekeningkunde ‘n vereiste) of Besig met studies vir ‘n B.Com Rek-graad of In besit van ‘n B.Com Rek-graad Lewer asseblief u CV af by Watermelonstraat 25, Platinumpark, Bendor of epos na of faks na 086 605 9114. Indien u nie binne 21 dae vanaf publikasie hiervan van ons kantoor verneem nie, moet u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.
are waiting applications from persons interested in qualifying as Charted Accountants (members of SAICA). Requirements: Matric with University exemption (Mathematics and Accountancy a requirement) or Busy with studies towards a B.Com Acc degree or In possession of a B.Com Acc degree Please deliver your CV at 25 Watermelon Street, Platinum Park, Bendor or email to or fax to 086 605 9114. If you do not receive a response from us within 21 days from this publication, please accept that your applications was unsuccessful.
We have the following vacancy in Polokwane:
REQUIREMENTS: • 3 to 4 years Managerial experience • Must have reliable references • Must devise strategies and techniques necessary for achieving the sales targets • Reaching the targets and goals set for your area • Maintaining and increasing sales of company’s products • Establishing, maintaining and expanding your customer base • Servicing the needs of your existing customers • Increasing business opportunities • Developing sales strategies and selling targets • Monitoring your team’s performance and motivating them to reach targets • Keeping up to date with products and competitors
WE OFFER: • • •
Competitive remuneration package Motor Industry Pension Fund/medical aid Healthy working environment
CVs can be sent to: Tel: 015 287 9660 Fax: 015 297 4406 Email:
September 25, 2014
Requires the services of a senior candidate attorney or junior professional assistant with right of appearance and own transport. E-mail CV to
EXPERIENCED SALES PROFESSIONAL WITH MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EXPERIENCE - sought by a young dynamic company in Polokwane • A diploma in either field would be advantageous. • Must have been in the sales profession for at least 7 years and dealing with general industry, mines and construction. Salary, vehicle and communication equipment in keeping with the importance of this position will be provided. Send a CV to info@eaglesflight. If successful, an interview will be arranged with you in Polokwane.
OUDIT BESTUURDERS Diemont, Zimmerman & Bolink wag aansoeke in van persone wat belangstel in ‘n pos as Ouditbestuurder. Die suksesvolle kandidaat moet verkieslik ’n GR(SA) wees maar die volgende minimum vereistes is verpligtend : ‘n B.Com Rek-graad, voltooide klerkskap en ‘n minimum van 2 jaar na-klerkskap ondervinding. Lewer asb u CV af by Watermelonstraat 25, Platinumpark, Bendor, of epos: of faks: 086 605 9114 Indien u nie binne 21 dae vanaf publikasie hiervan van ons kantoor verneem nie, moet u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.
A well established National Sales Company requires young enthusiastic go-getters who want to be trained as Sales Representatives promoting an exclusive range of products through leads, referrals & exhibitions. • • No experience necessary • Full training provided • R8 000 neg plus comm. • Medical aid (optional) Join Our Dynamic Company Today. TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW AT OUR OFFICES IN POLOKWANE. CALL LEBO at our Headoffice. 011 431-2725 or 011 431-3143.
VAKATURE Administratiewe Beampte / Persoonlike Assistent
AUDIT MANAGERS Diemont, Zimmerman & Bolink are awaiting applications from persons interested in a position as Audit Manager. The succesfull candidate must preferably be a CA(SA) but the following minimum requirements are compulsory: a B.Com Acc degree, completed articles and a minimum of 2 years post-article experience. Please deliver your CV at 25 Watermelon Street, Platinum Park, Bendor, or email: or fax: 086 605 9114 If you do not receive a response from us within 21 days from this publication, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
Ons benodig ‘n betroubare, vriendelike, georganiseerde persoon vir ‘n pos as Administratiewe Beampte / Persoonlike Assistent by ‘n gevestigde besigheid in Mokopane. Vereistes: * Graad 12 of ‘n NQF vlak gelykstaande aan Graad 12 * Vlot in Engels en Afrikaans (Praat en Skryf/Tik) * TEN VOLLE Rekenaarvaardig (Word, Excel en Outlook) * Vorige werksondervinding in een of meer van die volgende geselekteerde velde, sal voorkeur geniet in die finale keuringsproses: Beleggings, Risiko-dekking, Finansies, Boedels en Testamente Salaris is bogemiddeld en onderhandelbaar volgens kwalifikasie en vorige werksondervinding STUUR CV AAN: FAKS: 086 642 4703 EPOS: Alle CV’s moet asseblief ons kantore voor of op 14 Oktober 2014 bereik om in ag geneem te word in die finale keuringsproses.
Zanis senior rhythmic gymnasts girls off to Cape Town to represent Limpopo WARREN BLUNT >> Twelve senior rhythmic gymnasts from Zanis Gymnastic Academy took Centurion by storm at the Limpopo Competition recently to claim a total of 42 medals, of which 31 were gold, nine silver and two bronze. Dezire de Jager, Zandri van der Gryp (both
September 25, 2014
OBSERVER 43 polokwane
Level 4), Simone Blaauw, Ezri Hugo, Juane Vorster, Marizaan Quin and Monique Oelofse (all Level 6) won their respective sections. Runners-up in their levels were Raegan Guy, Monene Kelly and Marinette Vorster. These girls all qualified for the Limpopo team and will be competing at the National Gymnastic Games in Cape Town at the Good Hope Centre from 9 to 11 October.
The Level 6 rhythmic gymnasts from Zanis Gymnastic Academy that will be representing Limpopo at the National Gym Games in Cape Town during October are, in front, Juane Vorster, with Monene Kelly and Marinette Vorster in the middle and Marizaan Quin and Monique Oelofse at the back.
Passievolle dansers behaal goeie uitslae ROELIEN VORSTER >>
Gymstars se seunsgimnaste wat onlangs aan die Noordstreek-kompetisie deelgeneem het, is Jordan Lucas, Ronin Lawrence, Andrew Stopforth, Andru de Beer en Damien Bye met Wihan Logtenberg, Le Roux Marais en Mckay Cloete in die tweede ry. In die derde ry is Marno Roos, Aljay Lucas, Eduard de Lange, JD Roos, Pieter Roos, Adriaan Coetzee en André Cronje met Johan Oosthuizen (afrigter), Revern Lawrence, JC Logtenberg en Lelanie Logtenberg (hoofafrigter en eienaar) heel agter.
Puik vertonings deur Gymstars seunsgimnaste WARREN BLUNT >> Sewentien vlak 1- tot vlak 3 seunsgimnaste van Gymstars het onlangs aan die Noordstreek-kompetisie deelgeneem en puik resultate behaal. In vlak 1, 6- tot 7-jaar, is Andrew Stop-
forth die algehele wenner. JD Roos is algeheel eerste in vlak 2, 11- tot 13-jarige gimnaste en Pieter Roos algeheel tweede in vlak 3, 11- tot 13-jarige gimnaste. Lelanie Logtenberg, hoofafrigter van Gymstars sê hulle is trots op hul seunsgimnaste wat die seisoen met puik uitslae in die gesogte kompetisie afgesluit het.
Elancé Ballet Studio se dansers blink uit in eksamen
Executive Mayor, Thembisile Nkadimeng
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19, Chapter 4 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act. 32 of 2000, that the Special Council Meeting of Polokwane Local Municipality will be held as follows: FOTO’S: VERSKAF
Carie Lombard en Megan Carlisle het onderskeidelik ‘n A+ en ‘n A-simbool vir hul brons 1-danseksamen verwerf.
>> Sien meer foto’s op....
Nog ‘n A-simbool vir die brons 2-dans is deur Carlien Nel verwerf.
Die klopdansers, eerste-eksamen het uithalervertonings gelewer. Voor is Leanne Lister, Surika van Coppenhagen en Dalize Barnard. Agter is Jolene Potgieter en Jeania du Preez. Dansinstrukteur Frieda Lombard staan in die middel agter.
Council Meeting
ROELIEN VORSTER >> Elancé Ballet Studio, Curro Heuwelkruin se balletskool het tydens hul jaarlikse eksterne balleteksamen hulself as ‘n gerekende balletskool onderskei. Onder leiding van Charlene Botha het 106 ballerinas vir die vyfde agtereenvolgende jaar ‘n 100% slaagsyfer van Dance Academy of South Africa behaal. Die ballerinas het aan twee verskillende afdelings, die medaljedans en die sillabusafdeling deelgeneem. In die medaljedansafdeling dans jonger leerders in die Petit Performer 1 en 2 en die brons 1 en 2-afdeling. “Die sillabus-afdeling is ‘n kombinasie van verskillende oefeninge wat tegniek, musikaliteit, dansvertonings en algemene voorkoms insluit,” sê Botha. Mildred Davidson, die beoordeelaar van die Dance Academy of South Africa was volgens Botha baie beïndruk met die dansers se dissipline en netheid en het veral hul uitstekende tegniek uitgelig.
ansers van Frieda se Danskool het in die onlangse jaarlikse Association of International Dance Teachers (AIDT)danseksamen hul baie goed van hul taak gekwyt. Rinelda van der Linde, Deseré Swanepoel, Lenuschka Botha, Surika van Coppenhagen en Dalize Barnard was die toppresteerders in die hip-hop, voorvlak 2- en die moderne dans, stepping stones vlak 2-eksamen waarvoor hulle 80% en meer verwerf het. In die klopdans-eksamen het Jolene Potgieter, Jeania du Preez, Leanne Lister, Surika van Coppenhagen en Dalize Barnard uitstaande presteer. Die dansinstrukteur, Frieda Lombard sê die eksaminator van AIDT, Margie Wells was beïndruk met die dansers se passie en liefde vir dans.
DATE: 02 October 2014 TIME: 14:00 VENUE: New Municipal Council Chambers Interested parties and stakeholders are invited to attend Mrs T.C Mametja - Municipal Manager
In die brons 2-dans-afdeling het Aynaz Halajian ‘n A-simbool verwerf.
er er for better s th e g o t g n i k r Wo
vice delivery
Local swimmers get ready for Lim Championships NEWS
September 25, 2014
44 OBSERVER polokwane
he senior swimmers at Eagar Aquatics got ready for the upcoming summer swimming season at the Small Provinces Interprovincial Gala in Bedfordview and the Highveld Interprovincial Gala in Germiston. Christoff Ras achieved two first places in
the male over 17 years 100 m breaststroke and 200 m individual medley events and Sulé van der Merwe won three gold medals in the girls 15 years 100 m butterfly, 100 m backstroke and 200 m individual medley events at the gala in Bedfordview. The Eagar Aquatics swimmers are training hard for the upcoming Limpopo Swimming Championship that will be held in Polokwane in November.
Claudi van Niekerk van Curro Heuwelkruin se o.18-span soek haar spanmaat.
Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se Trompie Pretorius, o.18 spring na ‘n bal.
Skole meet kragte op ringbalbaan RC MYBURGH >>
Some of the senior swimmers from Eagar Aquatics who participated in swimming galas in Gauteng recently are in front Marjoné de Beer, Ayden Jordaan, Miandi Ooosthuizen and Carina Steele. In the second row are Ashley Hunter, Sulé van der Merwe, Elana Jordaan, Johan Jannasch and Zané Steele. In the third row are Anna Lennox, Kamelan Naidoo, Michaela Vermaak, Ivan Beukes and Dylan Catto with Jacques Janse van Rensburg, Brandon Thysse and Ockert Vermuelen at the back.
Simoné Mallenson, o.18 van Tommies gee vinnig die bal uit.
Die plaaslike ringbalbane was Saterdag ‘n miernes van bedrywigheid met die Limpopo Skole Ringballiga se laerskool- en hoërskoolafdelings wat in die stad beslis is. Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) het in die laerskool-afdeling die ander laat les opsê en as wenners in die o.11-gemengde-, o.11-seunsen o.13-gemengde liga afdelings uitgeblink en behaal boonop ‘n tweede plek in die o.11 gemengde liga-afdeling. Curro Heuwelkruin is wenners in die hoërskole-afdeling. Pietersburg Hoërskool (PHS) se o.15-meisiespan seëvier terwyl PHS en Kruinies se o.15-seunspan gelykop in die eerste plek eindig. Kruinies stap met die louere in die o.18seuns- en meisieliga weg met Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé wat die tweede en derde plekke in beide ligas opraap. In die o.18-gemengde liga wys die Tommie Tiere tande en behaal ‘n eerste plek.
Former Protea cricketers and KFC Mini-Cricket coaches, Mfuneko Ngam, Graeme Smith and Neil McKenzie at the KFC Mini-Cricket versus Protea launch at the Wanderers earlier in September.
Enter your school for exciting KFC Mini-Cricket competition WARREN BLUNT >> The highlight of the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Mini-Cricket programme will see the KFC Mini-Cricket Kids get the once in a lifetime opportunity to play against their Protea heroes at a live curtain raiser to the KFC T20 International Series against the West Indies in January 2015. This is the second year that KFC is sponsoring the Mini-Cricket programme and the highly anticipated second season of the KFC Mini-Cricket Kids versus the Proteas Tour is more exciting than ever because the first prize winners will get to play with their school team against the Proteas during one of the KFC T20 international matches against the West Indies in January next year. There will also be two other prizes up for grabs for schools that enter for the competition. Primary schools from throughout South Africa qualify for the competition and Cricket South Africa (CSA) and KFC will pay for the
costs of the players along with their coach to attend the match where they will play against the Proteas during the lunch interval. The team will be mentored by one of three former Protea players who will be acting as assistant coaches to the winning school and play an active role in the team’s preparation against the Proteas. The second prize winners will get a chance to act as ball boys and girls at one of the T20 matches involving the West Indies. The third placed school will receive KFC Mini-Cricket sets including bats, stumps and balls. The head of the KFC Mini-Cricket programme in Limpopo, Thabo Semenya encourages all primary schools in the province to enter for this exciting competition that runs until 14 October. David Mokopanele, Development Manager for CSA said: “We would like to thank our partner KFC for their continued support in cricket development and ensuring children stay active through one of South Africa’s most loved sports.” Dail *120*7535# to enter your school or go to for more information.
Province’s premier golfers competing in Cape Town Warren Blunt >>
impopo’s Premier Interprovincial golf team will be participating in the South African Golf Association Interprovincial Golf Tournament at the Westlake Golf Club in Cape Town that teed off on Monday and continues until tomorrow (Friday). Although the Limpopo team has competed in the tougher A-section before, the team will be participating in the B-section this year and are confident of a good performance. In order to qualify for the Limpopo team the players had to participate in the various open tournaments that were held throughout the year in the province. Points were allocated based on the golfers finish in each tournament and the top players on the order of merit qualified for the Limpopo team. Cameron Nesmith, Charles du Plessis, Nico Myburgh, Morné Myburgh, Stefan de Beer, Hennie du Plessis, Conrad van Baalen and Hilton Hughes make up the Limpopo team that will be managed by Jean Sadie. All of the players are amateurs and the Limpopo team is extremely grateful to their sponsors BB Galactic Auto and Brilliant
Roof Products for sponsoring their playing attire and the trip to Cape Town. The format for the tournament is match-play and Sadie said the team is
well-balanced with lots of experience in match-playing conditions. He is hoping Limpopo can win their section in order to gain promotion to the Asection the following year.
September 25, 2014
Hole-in-one for Len
A fine win for Brandon
A very chuffed Brandon Mac Donald won last Saturday’s Pick n Pay Cycad Individual Stable ford played at the Polokwane Golf Club on 39 points. Hannes van der Heever, owner of Pick n Pay Cycad shares in his joy.
Photos: Jeff Raymond
Last Saturday saw 107 players take to the field in the second of the Modern Autohaus BMW Captains Knockout qualifier at the Polo kwane Golf Club. Sam Mabotja and Liz Southon took top honours for the day. Club Captain Papa G Moseki, middle, congratulates them. Photo: Supplied
Limpopo’s Premier Interprovincial golf players that are competing in the South African Golf Association Interprovincial Golf Tournament in Cape Town this week are Cameron Nesmith (Kameeldoring Golf Club), Charles du Plessis (Swartwater Gold Club), Nico Myburgh (Polokwane Golf Club), Stefan de Beer (Kameeldoring Golf Club), Hennie du Plessis (Swartwater Golf Club), Conrad van Baalen (Koro Creek Golf Club) and Hilton Hughes (Polokwane Golf Club).
Photo: Warren Blunt
Firebird Fencing readies for SA Fencing Champs Despite winning no gold medals, 20 fencers and parents from Polokwane Firebird Fencing Club gained valuable experience and showed great team spirit at the recent KwaZulu-Natal Fencing Tournament at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban. Fencers from u.15 to seniors competed in the tournament and all the Firebird fencers went through to the
direct elimination rounds. Moné McCabe put up a great display to win a silver medal in the u.15 Girls Foil and Epee events. She also won a bronze medal in the u.17 Girls Foil category. Danica Opperman claimed a bronze medal in the u.15 Girls Foil event. Polokwane Firebird Fencing coach Wallace Goosen said afterwards that the trip to Durban showed the tremendous team spirit and camaraderie that exists between members of the club. He thanked all the parents and spon-
sors, Soutpansberg Citrus, Tuff Tint, VW Polokwane, Bradbury’s, LJ CC and Discovery Life for making the trip to KwaZulu-Natal become a reality. Firebird Fencing is busy with their final preparations for the South African Fencing Championships that will be held at the University of Pretoria on 4 and 5 October. The club practises at the Polokwane Cricket Club every Thursday and new members are welcome to join the club. Call Wallace Goosen on 083 379 6969 for further information.
Benny’s Care reaches Copa Coca Cola National Finals > “Will do anything to win the national competition” > “They were tough opponents”
Herbert Rachuene >> Thoyandou outfit Benny’s Care Football Academy beat Hudson Ntswanwisi High School from Tzaneen 1-0 in the provincial final of the Copa Coca-Cola soccer tournament at Makhuvha Stadium in Thohoyandou last Saturday. As provincial winners they will join
Len Olley finish second in the Pick n Pay Individual Stableford at the Polo kwane Golf Club last Saturday and as an added bonus also scored a holein-one.
Captains Knockout Qualifier
The fencers from Polokwane Firebird Fencing Club who participated in the KwaZulu-Natal Fencing Tournament in Durban recently are from left to right Shannon Pinn, Damain Pinn, Dewaldt Venter, Jandré Nel, Wallace Goosen (coach), Hendry Randall, JC Pinn, Charl Venter, Danica Opperman and James Norval.
Warren Blunt >>
OBSERVER 45 polokwane
Robinvale Secondary School (Western Cape), SA Van Wyk High School (Northern Cape), Slindokuhle Secondary School (KwaZulu-Natal), Sikhulile Secondary School (Eastern Cape), Clapham High School (Gauteng) and Thlavekisa Secondary School (Mpumalanga) from 17 to 19 October when the national winner will be determined at the King Goodwill Zwelithini Stadium in KwaZulu-Natal. The prize for the national winner stands at R60 000 to be used towards the development of the winning school’s educational or sporting facilities. Benny’s Head Coach, Justice Matloga said they will do anything to win the national competition. “We
are aware of what it is at stake at the national event and we are more than ready give our all,” Matloga said. He applauded the players for showing resilience and determination during the provincial event. “It was not an easy tournament all the schools that participated in the provincial event were exceptional. They were tough opponents but I told the boys to focus, keep their heads up and they did well throughout the tournament,” Matloga said. On the road to the finals Benny’s Care Football Academy defeated Manoke High School from Sekhukhune District and Bjatladi Secondary School from Capricorn District.
Plot 6, Palmietfontein Polokwane Sel: 083 758 9231 Sel: 083 648 3282 Fax: 086 582 6139 Epos:
MEUBELS: Groot hoeveelheid repo-meubels. Sitkamerstelle, televisiestelle (flat screens), hoëtroustelle, skootrekenaars, rekenaars, selfone, hangkaste, kombuiskasstelle, slaapkamerstelle, yskaste, vrieskaste, muureenhede, dubbel- en koninginbasisstelle, eetkamerstelle, koffietafels en nog vele meer items, te veel om op te noem. ANDERE: Hoekbaddens, toiletstelle, slaapbanke, toonbanke, olieverwarmers, 2 x vierwielmotorfietse, kantoorkaste, rolle skadunet, los goedere en ‘n groot verskeidenheid ander items, te veel om op te noem. VOORWAARDES: Kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjeks of internetbetalings (internetfasiliteit beskikbaar by kantoor) dieselfde dag van die veiling. Geen uitsondering sal gemaak word nie. AFSLAERSNOTA: Besigtiging Vrydag, 26 September 2014. Moenie hierdie veiling misloop nie! Registrasiefooi van R1 000.00 is betaalbaar. Items is in baie goeie toestand. Baie mooi voorraad. Geen waarborg op items nie. BTW is betaalbaar op alle REPO-MEUBELS. Die afslaer behou die reg voor om enige items by te voeg of te onttrek sonder enige kennisgewing. BAIE BELANGRIK: INDIEN TELEVISIESTELLE GEKOOP WORD MOET ‘N TELEVISIELISENSIE GETOON WORD VOORDAT TELEVISIES GELAAI MAG WORD. Alle items moet verkoop word en gelaai word nie later as Maandag, 29 September 2014. VIR ENIGE NAVRAE KONTAK ESTELLE DE BEER 083 648 3282 OF NIC DE BEER 083 758 9231
Lim born defender wins it for Kaizer Chiefs
September 25, 2014
46 OBSERVER polokwane
zulu on 22 May 2010 at FNB Mashamaite who has an International Relations Degree from Wits University was given impopo born defender Tefu Mashamaite his first national call up by Pitso Mosimane in was the hero on Saturday when he scored 2010. He made his debut on 2 June in a 2-0 the only goal in the match between Kaizer win over Lesotho and was part of the 2014 Champions of African Nations Championship Chiefs and Orlando Pirates in the final of the team. 2014 MTN 8 Cup to give Chiefs a 1-0 victory In the post match television and their second title of the MTN 8, interviews Mashamaite said he an honour they last won in 2008. will forever treasure scoring in Mashamaite, born and bred in the cup final but also they need Senwabarwana, captained the team to focus on the upcoming Premier for the first time since joining them Soccer League matches. “It was a in 2011 from Bidvest Wits. great feeling to score the winning He joined Bidvest Wits when goal but we must not get carried he was on the verge of joining the away but rather focus on the other South African Defence Force in matches in the league,” Mashamaite 2005 after signing an apprentice said. contract and being promoted by Kaizer Chiefs play their seventh then youth coach Boebie Solomons. Limpopo born soccer match of the Premier Soccer League player and Kaizer He captained Bidvest Wits and against Maritzburg United at FNB Chiefs player Tefu won the Nedbank Cup Final with stadium on Saturday. the team after they defeated Ama- Mashamaite. Herbert Rachuene >>
Limpopo-ruiter is naaswenner van gesogte kompetisie Warren Blunt >> Lejane du Toit van Blouberg Ryskool het ‘n uitstekende tweede plek in die onlangse SuidAfrikaanse Perdespring Kampioenskappe in die 60 cm-hoogte by die Maple Ridge Spring Fair buite Krugersdorp verwerf en vir die Limpopospan gekwalifiseer. Die negejarige graad 3-leerder van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos wat eers in Januarie met perdrylesse begin het, het onmiddellik tuis in die saal gevoel. Sy het al in plaaslike perdespringkompetisies meegeding, maar dié kampioenskappe in Krugersdorp was die vir haar die grootste uitdaging tot dusver. Lejane het op ‘n geleende perd van Blouberg Ryskool, Clean Reef uitgeblink. Lejane du Toit op Clean Reef.
Foto: Verskaf
Zanis coaches excel at foundation course Warren Blunt >>
Win for couple Photo: Jeff Raymond
Ansie Marais Properties t/a Fine & Country held a successful golf day last Wednesday with 81 keen golfers taking to the field in a better ball Stableford at the Polokwane Golf Club. Husband and wife team Wayden and Nola Peceur, right, took top honours for the day. With them is Ansie Marais.
Photo: Warren Blunt
Zanis Gymnastic Academy coaches, Lesley Bonne, in front and Tanya Bouwman with their certificates after excelling in the foundation course for coaches presented by the Fédération Internationale De Gymnastique in Pinetown recently.
ASSET AUCTIONEERS CC Reg no. 2008 / 037750 /23
JOHAN 083 477 2246 OFFICE 015 263 6167
Tanya Bouwman and Lesley Bonne, coaches at Zanis Gymnastic Academy participated in a Fédération Internationale De Gymnastique (Fig) foundation course that was held in Pinetown recently and both passed with flying colours. Bouwman was placed first overall among the over 30 coaches from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia and Mozambique that were nominated by their regions or countries to attend by invitation only. The course was facilitated by international coaches, Monica Siskova (Slovakia), Fred Pivotti (Belgium) and Barbara Murphy (South Africa). According to the owners of Zanis Gymnastic Academy, Zani Prinsloo and Annemarie du Plessis the facilitators were impressed by the extremely positive attitude displayed by the two Zanis coaches who helped to motivate the other participants attending the course. With this qualification they are now able to educate and train new coaches countrywide.
Plot 15, Dalmada PO Box 215, Polokwane
Duly authorised by our valued clients, Lepelle Northern Water and others, we will sell the following items
per public auction on Thursday,
02 October 2014 at 10:30 at plot 15 Dalmada, Polokwane.
Vehicles: 3 x Isuzu KB bakkies, Chev Custom 20. Machinery: 60 kVA generator, bale machine, 150a plasma cutter, rammer and more. Furniture: Brand new lounge suites, kitchen schemes, bedroom suites, dining room suites, fridges , freezers , home theatre systems , hi-fis and much more. All entries welcome.
Viewing date: Wednesday, 01 October from 09:00 to 16:00
R5000.00 cash registration fee payable on loose assets and furniture R10 000.00 cash registration fee payable on vehicles GPS coordinates: 23’ 50’ 7” S 29 ‘23 ‘60” E Upcoming auctions around the province: Vhembe: SAP Auction, Thursday, 30 October 2014 Modimolle: SAP Auction, Thursday, 27 November 2014 Dates subject to change. Buyers must register - ID document and proof of residence required. R10 000.00 cash registration fee payable on vehicles. Right reserved. The auctioneer has the right to participate in the auction. Regulations in terms of Consumer Protection Law 68 of 2008. This advert complies with Article 45 of Law 68/2008. Standard terms and conditions apply.
ALL purchases to be paid for within 2 hours after auction.
September 25, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Van der Merwe die Suid-Afrikaanse 24-uur kampioen >> Hardloop 511 rondtes om die nuwe 400 m-baan in net meer as 22 uur >> Vier atlete van Pietersburg Road Runners onder die toptien
geweet het die naaswenner, Nic de Beer kan nie my afstand verbeter nie,” sê Van der Merwe. Van der Merwe het ‘n allemintige 511 rondtes om die nuwe 400 m-baan kafgedraf en De Beer het 486 rondtes voltooi, maar moes met die tweede plek met 194,4 km in 23:55.4 tevrede wees. Van der Merwe sê dit is die eerste keer in ‘n 24-uur wedloop dat hy voor die afsnytyd opgehou hardloop het en vermoed dat hy dalk nie genoeg tyd gehad het om te herstel en sy bene te laat rus na sy oorwinWarren Blunt ning in die Washie 100-Myl-wedloop in >> Julie nie. In die algehele derde plek laaslike langasem en was Hazel Moller wat die Suidinternasionale uitblinkerAfrikaanse 24-uur vrouerekord atleet, Johan van der verbeter het met 190,4 km in Merwe van Pietersburg Road 23:59.08. Nog twee Pietersburg Runners het die verste afstand Road Runners langasems, Colinda in die Suid-Afrika 24-uur KamPotgieter en Phuti Mohale was pioenskap in Pietermaritzburg onder die toptien uitsoekatlete. in koue- en winderige weerPotgieter was na 17 uur in die somstandighede oor die naweek vroueafdeling die voorloper, maar voltooi om die wenmedalje te is later deur Moller en Benise kon kry. Geyer verbygesteek om derde in Die wedloop het in die pas die vroueafdeling te eindig. Erika voltooide nuwe Msunduzi Bantjies het in die algehele Atletiekstadion in Pieterelfde plek met 150,8 km in maritzburg plaasgevind 24:00.06 geëindig waar Van der Merwe Van der Merwe wil nou 204,4 km in net meer as eers ‘n welverdiende ruskans 22 uur voltooi het. “Ek geniet, maar nie vir te lank het besluit om na 22 uur Foto: ARGIEF nie want hy beoog om aan die handdoek in te gooi Pietersburg Road Runners se Johan die einde van Januarie 2015 omdat my bene en hele van der Merwe het die naweek die liggaam te seer was en Suid-Afrika 24-uur Kampioenskap in aan die Hong Kong 24-uur Ultramarathon deel te neem. ek teen daardie tyd al Pietermaritzburg gewen.
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September 25, 2014 >> PAGE 48
Brandon Lehmann droom oor plek in Springbokspan
>> Speel op laer- en hoërskool in eerste span >> ‘Fiksheid maak of breek ‘n speler’ RC MYBURGH >>
edert hy die eerste keer as bulletjie ‘n rugbybal vasgehou het, het Brandon Lehmann besef dat hy op die rugbyveld tuis is en ‘n loopbaan in dié sportsoort ‘n uitgemaakte saak is. Brandon, ‘n graad 12-leerder van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé het sy staal op die rugbyveld gewys toe hy vroeër vanjaar gekies is om aan die o.18-Coca-Cola Akademieweek in Worcester deel te neem. Hy is onlangs ook vir die span gekies wat van 5 tot 7 Oktober aan die o.18 @lantic Sewes Cravenweek in Potchefstroom deelneem. “Ek het in Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) bulletjierugby begin speel en my laerskooljare met trots afgesluit deur vir die skool se eerste span uit te draf. Sedert graad 8 is ek ‘n ywe-
rige Tommie Tier op die rugbyveld en is die afgelope twee jaar deel van die eerste span. Ek is ook verlede jaar vir die Sewes Bokkieweek gekies,” gesels Brandon. Sy bydrae op die veld is van groot waarde en hy is breëbors oor Tommies se oorwinning van hul eie sewes rugbytoernooi, wat onlangs op hul tuisveld aangebied is. Tommies het tydens die toernooi bo-aan die punteleer geëindig nadat hulle Hoërskool Merensky in ‘n taai eindstryd met 14-12 geklop het. Die veelsydige seun het boonop verlede naweek aan die Limpopo Skole Ringballiga deelgeneem waar Tommies hul staal gewys en verskeie tweede en derde plekke verower het. “Ek kan nie my liefde vir rugby aan iets toeskryf nie. Ek was nog altyd versot op kontaksport en rugby bly my eerste keuse. Van jongs af was dit ‘n passie en droom om goeie rugby te speel. Ek speel sedert laerskooldae skrumskakel, vleuel of senter. Skrumskakel is my gunsteling posisie omdat dit van my afhang hoe vinnig die bal by die agterlyn uitkom,” sê die gedugte speler wat die afgelope seisoen on-
Ryan Chandler (Owner) 082 782 4976 (f) 086 666 9247 Gert Vogel External Sales 072 601 7018
Sarel Myburgh 071 383 7623
Wouter du Plessis Internal Sales 072 426 5806
Brandon Lehmann (17) se rugbyprestasies is merkwaardig en sy droom is om eendag in die groen en goud uit te draf.
geveer ses drieë vir sy span gedruk het. Die lekkerste oomblikke op die veld is wanneer jy oor die doellyn duik, jou opponent plattrek of volspoed met die bal onder die arm doellyn toe nael,” sê Brandon. Hy weet dat fiksheid onontbeerlik is om ‘n goeie spelpeil te handhaaf. “Veral in sewesrugby waar die helfte van jou spanmaats nie op veld is nie en die afstand doellyn toe dieselfde bly, moet ‘n man topfiks wees. Hoewel spiermassa ook ‘n pluspunt is, is dit fiksheid wat ‘n speler maak of breek,” sê Brandon. Hy oefen Maandae, Dinsdae en Donderdae by die skool waar die afrigters veral op fiksheid fokus. Voor ‘n wedstryd sorg hy dat hy goed opwarm om beserings te voorkom. “Ek weet rugby is ‘n hoë risikospel en beserings kom voor. Op my oudag sal ek dalk sukkel met ‘n pyn hier en daar, maar vir nou speel ek voluit. Dit is wat ek wil doen.”. Na skool wil Brandon sportwetenskappe aan die Noordwes Universiteit, Potchefstroomkampus studeer en sy pad opwerk na die groen en goud. Sy rugbyheld is Sharks-speler, Cobus Reinach.
12 Kalsiet St, Magna Via (opp Granor Passi)
(V) 087 230 7441/2 (t) 015 298 8933| (f) 087 230 7443 Landdros Maré Street to Louis Trichardt
Veldspaat Street to Thornhill Shopping Centre
Alec Ndou 082 518 6611
Granor Passi
Chandlers DIY
SAB Kalsiet Street
Steel Rake
Fork (Digging)
Pick Head
Spade (Digging)
Prices exclude VAT.