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Read Reality | Realiteitsnuus
Ticket scam at stadium Samwu dossier set to shock
Revelations of an alleged scam centering around the suspected
sale of complimentary tickets for sporting events at the new Peter Mokaba Stadium are bound to rock Polokwane when the South African Municipal Workers’ Union (Samwu)
Police need help to solve murder
in Limpopo intends presenting national law enforcers with evidence in that regard. Within the next fortnight they intended raising the matter,
Nov 27 - Des 3 , 2014
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YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com
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brought to their attention by three prominent corporate identities in Polokwane, with the Police’s anticorruption unit, Samwu Provincial To page 4
No way out
Pensioners wait in long queues for smart IDs
>> PAGE 6
Miss Lim pageant Bush experience for bevy of beauties
>> PAGE 12
Sisters’ Geldsake ordeal at bespreek hands of Dawie Roodt gesels oor monster tweede depressie vir SA RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
>> PAGE 9 Photo: RC Myburgh
Police investigate the scene where the body of a suspected murdered man was found near the Market Street Bridge on Monday morning.
“Don’t scream. I don’t want your children to see this.” This is what the suspected hammer monster David Mamvura allegedly told one of his rape victims while covering her mouth with his hand during an attack in her house in Bodenstein Street in January. Little did she know that three months later her 13-year-old sister would have to look into the eyes of the same man, facing the same ordeal. Tammy* immediately phoned her father when she saw the photo of Mamvura in an article Polokwane Observer published last week. Mamvura had appeared in court and was positively linked to at least 15 cases of rape, To page 4
>> BLADSY 29
Trofee vir Thalia PEPPSleerder vereer vir jaar se suksesse >> BLADSY 48
November 27, 2014
Tel: 015 291 1061 | Fax: 015 291 3654 observer@mwebbiz.co.za || www.observer.co.za MANAGER: >> Santa Oosthuizen finance2@webmail.co.za EDITOR: >> Yolande Nel 083 278 1446 observer.yolande@gmail.com NEWSROOM: >> RC Myburgh 072 306 5331 rc.observer@gmail.com >> Elna Esterhuysen 082 773 0272 observer.elna@gmail.com >> Herbert Rachuene 073 721 0023 herbert.observer@gmail.com >> Warren Blunt 076 310 3468 warrenb.observer@gmail.com >> Barry Viljoen 082 553 5777 barryv.observer@gmail.com >> Leandri van Schalkwyk 084 506 5625 leandri.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER: >> Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 jacolien.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: >> Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 anel.observer@gmail.com >> Melany Martin 072 634 7083 melany.observer@gmail.com COPYRIGHT:
Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout, design and photographs is vested in Polokwane Observer and may not be used without the permission of Market Demand Trading 113 in writing.
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‘n Westenburg-inwo ner was sy motor in die massa water wat in die straat afvloei.
Inwoners raadop met gebarste waterpype RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
olokwane se reservoirvlakke is kommerwekkend laag met twee van die opgaardamme wat bykans geen water het nie, terwyl die munisipaliteit se reaksietyd op gebarste pype veel te wense oorlaat. Intussen word duisende liter water in veral Westenburg onnodig vermors voordat gebarste pype herstel word. ‘n Kind wat glo Donderdagoggend op pad skool toe was, het in ‘n massiewe kolk beland wat op die sypaadjie in Winterstraat ontstaan het as gevolg van ‘n gebarste waterpyp waar duisende liter water vermors is volgens ‘n anonieme inwoner. Die inwoner se ma het glo ook groot skade nadat dieselfde watermassa oorkant die pad deur haar motorhuis by die sy-
deur van haar woning ingespoel en skade aan haar matte en vloere veroorsaak het. “Die pyp het Woensdag 19:00 begin lek en omstreeks 00:00 gebars. My ma het sedert 05:00 die volgende oggend die munisipaliteit geskakel. Teen 07:00 het hulle die eerste keer hier aangekom en weer gery,” sê sy. ‘n Kontrakteur het glo nie lank daarna nie opgedaag en die inwoners meegedeel hulle weet nie waar om die pyp toe te draai nie. Intussen het inwoners probeer keer dat water verdere skade aan hul eiendomme aanrig terwyl ander emmers geskep het vir eie gebruik. Sommige het selfs die geleentheid gebruik om hul motors en wasgoed in die straatrivier te was. Sedert Maandag het nie een van die drie munisipale woordvoerders op navrae gereageer nie.
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Missing gym equipment OBSERVER 3 worth over R1 million discovered November 27, 2014
WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
ym equipment worth millions of Rand was discovered to have been left in storage since 2006 at the Limpopo Academy of Sport (LAS) offices when the National Assembly’s Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation paid a visit to the academy’s offices on Monday. Democratic Alliance (DA) member of the oversight committee, Solly Malatsi, who is also the Shadow Minister of Sport and Recreation in the National Assembly said the DA was shocked by the discovery of the much-needed gym equipment that
was bought in 2006 with National Lottery funds and has yet to be allocated to suitable recipients by LAS and the Limpopo Department of Sport, Arts and Culture. “It is completely unacceptable that gym equipment that could be of great use to emerging athletes in Limpopo has been dumped in a storage facility for almost a decade without use,” Malatsi said in a DA media statement released on Monday. Acting Head of Department, Mabakane Mangena said the sport equipment had been in storage at LAS until officials could decide who would be worthy recipients of the
equipment. Mangena continued that with the possible disbandment of LAS and the replacement with the Limpopo Sport Confederation, no management structures were in place to allocate the equipment to the necessary sporting codes that would benefit from the use of the equipment. Mangena said officials from the departmnet have committed to relocating the gym equipment to Capricorn High School for the benefit of athletes affiliated to LAS on or before 30 March 2015. Malatsi said the DA will monitor the situation to ensure that the department meets the scheduled deadline next year.
Some of the gym equipment worth approximately R1 million that was discovered lying unused at offices belonging to the Limpopo Academy of Sport by members of the National Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation on Monday.
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November 27, 2014
Ticket scam at stadium
From page 1 Secretary Simon Mathe told Polokwane Observer this week. At that moment the unit was apparently engaged in investigations following up on leads supplied by Samwu on alleged price inflation at a parastatal in Limpopo, he said. According to the evidence at their disposal the alleged scam had apparently been operated from within Polokwane Municipality by a top official and a junior employee since 2011, Mathe disclosed. He further divulged that they have received information from individuals at the helm of the respective business concerns about the alleged sale of sets of complimentary tickets for suites at the stadium at a cost of R18 000 or R19 000 per match for which money seemingly had to be deposited into the junior official’s bank account in return. The case is one of several receiving attention from Samwu. Mathe indicated Samwu in Limpopo had been quiet for too long and that it was high time they exposed issues that bothered for some time. Speaking to Polokwane Observer on the eve of the union’s eighth provincial congress at Bela-Bela this week, Mathe referred to an unrelated matter of conduct of Polokwane Municipality officials posing to be problematic to the union. He alleged that officials within the municipality resorted to questionable disciplinary processes against those known for their alliance to Samwu. The union is questioning what it
regards as unlawful suspension of a manager in the municipality last week for alleged failure to submit a monthly report. The same counted for two traffic department officials seemingly haphazardly suspended two to three months back for alleged fraud and corruption in May last year while the delayed action against them was not followed up with investigation reports. To Samwu it seemed as though politics of the ruling party informed the suspensions, he added. Another matter that required attention related to financial products offered by a reputable countrywide corporate at a favourable interest rate exclusively to Samwu members, he indicated. According to him requests for deductions from member’ salaries to meet the obligations as per service level agreement entered into had been met by all municipalities across the province but Polokwane Municipality, despite Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng giving an undertaking that she would have it resolved. Mathe claimed that officials at middle to top management level within the municipality allegedly lent money to subordinates at an astronomical interest rate and the submission for stop orders against salaries for the particular products by the service provider was seen to bring to an end a lucrative practice. At the same time Mathe referred to Samwu in the province having instructed the union’s lawyers to file for a contempt of court order against Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) MEC Makoma Makurupetje, Greater Tzaneen Municipality, its
acting Municipal Manager and Director of Planning and Economic Development respectively if not complying with two Labour Court orders issued on 18 November by end of business on Tuesday. In terms of the court orders, of which copies were provided to Polokwane Observer, the acting officials were interdicted from continuing to act in the positions exceeding the specified period of extension. Mathe emphasised that the initial court orders, for which applications were brought a week prior, had been ignored. He indicated Samwu in the province was at the same time dismayed by reports of alleged intimidation against their shop stewards based on the court order. The union was waiting for a date for an engagement with the ruling party at provincial level after recently raising certain concerns with them, it was learnt. A memorandum with 12 grievances dated Friday contains demands, including the implementation of the court orders with immediate effect and serves as additional documentation provided in this regard. The memorandum demands urgent intervention as Greater Tzaneen Municipality “is on the verge of collapsing”. The document elaborates on, among others, alleged inflated contract amounts and terms as well as a Council decision for the purchase of a vehicle for the Speaker of close to half a million in May this year at a time of financial instability. In her comment, Polokwane Municipality Marketing and Communications Manager Tidimalo Chuene said the issues raised had been
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noted and would be forwarded to the Municipal Manager’s Office and Director of Corporate Services for feedback expected towards the end of the week. Comment from Coghsta and Greater Tzaneen Municipality is still awaited.
Sisters’ ordeal at hands of monster From page 1 robbery, assault and attempted murder. “My family visited me that evening and when my sister saw his face she immediately identified him as the man who allegedly raped her in March,” Tammy said in an exclusive interview. During Tammy’s ordeal her iPhone, iPad and laptop were stolen. “The incident was reported to the Police but I also conducted my own investigation by tracing my iPhone. Some of my friends went to a nearby house where the phone was found in possession of a Zimbabwean man who said he bought it from another Zimbabwean man,” she said, adding that the Police were called to the scene where a man was allegedly arrested on the Saturday. On Monday when her father, Samuel*wanted to see the man at the Police holding cells he was informed that the man had been released. Samuel confirmed that Police told him that the suspect was no longer being held. “As a fighting woman I never felt as helpless as that night when he raped me. I just shut down and wanted it to be over. I became depressed and with no proper investigation into the case I just gave up,” Tammy said. During the incident with Samuel’s youngest daughter, Liza*in March, the alleged rapist is suspected to have spent a lot of time searching the family home in Devenish Street before waking Liza. “I made your parents sleep. There is no point in screaming,” she recalled him saying. “We were five people in the house and not one woke up. He got in through a window after cutting the burglar bars. He knew exactly what was in the house. He woke Liza and told her about the safe in my room and that he needed the key. He knew what type of cell phone everyone in the house had and made it clear he was not interested in her cousin’s (who was also in the house) older model phone,” Samuel said. Liza’s plan was to get him to Samuel’s room to show him the key to the safe, but he wouldn’t agree. He then raped her and left with two cell phones and a laptop. A case was opened at the Police but later closed as no one could be linked to either incident nor were any arrests made. “I was also called to attend an identification parade with my daughter, but when I arrived at the Police station I was told the investigating officer was occupied in a workshop and I should return the following week. The following week I was informed the investigating officer was on leave which resulted in no parade being held,” Samuel said. “Tammy was informed by an investigating officer that Mamvura has been positively linked to her case via DNA. I am currently in the process of consulting with the investigating officer to reopen the case of Liza. Since the article reported that the man was arrested, my two daughters are different people. They are more relaxed and both say they sleep better,” Samuel said. Since the alleged rape of Liza the family moved to three different houses but none were safe enough for her. Now the family lives in a security complex. Tammy also moved to a different apartment since her ordeal. “This has had a huge affect on the family. We are still in the healing process, but hopefully with the right person behind bars, we can find closure. It is however not just about justice, we need answers. I would still like to know his reason for the rampage he caused among woman and children,” Samuel said, calling on low ranking officers to investigate cases properly and not just to close a docket but rather to make an effort and cases will be solved much quicker. Mamvura will appear in court again next week. Police confirmed the case number and charge of rape and house robbery opened by Tammy. *pseudonyms to protect the alleged victims
Heartbreak for Grade 12s OBSERVER 5 at improperly registered school Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
rade 12 learners from Ben-Evelyn English Medium Combined School in Makgofe village near Seshego have been prohibited from writing their final Independent Examination Board (IEB) exams after it was found the learners were illegally promoted from Grade 11 last year. The Spokesperson for the Department of Education (DoE), Paena Galane confirmed that the school did not comply with the Quality Assurance Council in General and Further Education and Training’s (Umalusi) requirements in promoting the Grade 11 learners to matric in 2013 and is not registered with the department to teach learners in Grade 11 and 12. This means the 52 Grade 12 learners were not registered to write their final exams. Galane said 34 of the Grade 12 learners at Ben-Evelyn were accommodated at IEB examination centres elsewhere so they could write their final Grade 12 exams as part-time learners. The remaining 17 learners were left in the dark as to why they could not write their final exams and were waiting for the outcome of a meeting at the end of the week between the school’s lawyers and the education authorities as to why they were unable to write their final IEB exams. A Grade 12 learner at Ben-Evelyn said when they reported for their final exams at an IEB examination centre near the school in October, an evaluator informed them they were not registered for the exams and they were turned away. Since then the 17 learners have received no explanation as to why they were not allowed to write their exams from the school principal and the education authorities. The learner confirmed that he had passed his preliminary matric exams in July and is highly traumatised at not being able to sit for his final exams despite attending Grade 12 classes for the whole year. Galane said Ben-Evelyn applied in 2011 at the DoE to be registered to teach Grade 11 and 12 learners, but failed to meet the necessary requirements. It was also found that the educators at the school were not registered at the South African Council of Educators. Despite not meeting the requirements, Ben-Evelyn continued to offer classes for Grade 11 and 12 learners and even issued reports to promote the learners to the next grade, without the necessary authorisation, according to Galane. He said all school reports must comply with School Based Assessment requirements. This means that all the Grade 11 learners from Ben-Evelyn were
November 27, 2014
>> Learners were illegally promoted from Grade 11 last year >> Applied at DoE in 2011 for registration to teach Grades 11 and 12 but failed to meet necessary requirements illegally promoted to Grade 12 last year and were not registered to write their IEB exams in 2014. Galane has issued a warning to parents wanting to register their children with private learning institutions to check out the creden-
children to schools that don’t comply with the necessary regulations and legislation to avoid a repeat of what is happening to the learners at Ben-Evelyn English Medium Combined School,” Galane warned parents. When Polokwane Observer asked the Principal of Ben-Evelyn, Maria Rawale for comment on the matter, the newspaper was referred to the school’s lawyer, whose phone remained unanswered despite several calls. Further follow-up calls to Ben-Evelyn’s were also unanswered yesterday morning (Wednesday).
tials of the facility. “All private and independent schools have to register before 31 October with the DoE. The DoE publishes a list of all the properly registered private learning establishments at the beginning of January and parents must ensure they do not send their
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Pensioners brave long queues for smart IDs
November 27, 2014
>> Only two branches provide service in Capricorn District
Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
lderly people from the rural areas in Limpopo that want to apply for their smart IDs have to wait in long queues at the Polokwane Home Affairs office in order to process the cards. Only the Home Affairs offices at Polokwane and Lebowakgomo are presently able to pro cess smart card applications in the Capricorn District. Sometimes the elderly residents are sent home after waiting in the queue the whole day as the Home Affairs office in Polokwane can only process a certain quota of smart cards for the day. A resident from the city that brings in people from the rural areas to Polokwane for their smart IDs commented that if everything is done on computer and applicants that already have IDs don’t need to take photos, surely something can be done to speed up the process like having a computer taken to rural areas and old age homes. Pensioners have been able to get their new smart ID cards free of charge since January 2014
Photos: Warren Blunt
Some of the pensioners from the rural areas around Polokwane look for a patch of shade outside the offices of Home Affairs while waiting for their new smart ID cards to be processed.
GPF-lid beseer in klipgooiery RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com ‘n Lid van die Eduanpark/Welge legen Gemeenskapspolisiërings forum (Edwel) is verlede Don derdag beseer toe ‘n verdagte persoon hom met klippe bestook het en glo met ‘n baksteen in die gesig getref het. Edwel-voorsitter, Niekie Bosman sê die lid het tydens patrollie in Eduanpark die verdagte man opgemerk. “Toe hy hom wou konfronteer, het hy skielik met klippe op die lid losgebrand. Hulp is ingeroep en Edwel-lede het die man agterna
gesit,” sê Bosman. Die man het glo deur die veld en onderdeur die brug tussen Eduanpark en Ladanna in die rigting van Pietersburg straat gehardloop. “Lede het daarin geslaag om hom by die kafee in Pietersburgstraat vas te trek waar die polisie hom gearresteer het,” sê Bosman. Die man het glo in die verlede ook polisievoertuie met klippe gegooi. Bosman sê Edwel en die ander forums soos Northern Upper Town (NuT) en sektor 3 en 4 se spanwerk werp daagliks vrugte af in die gebied.
at the Polokwane branch if their birth date falls in January. Thereafter, pensioners were able to apply for the smart ID card on the month of their date of birth at no charge and this has resulted in many pensioners from the rural areas going to the office of Home Affairs in Polokwane to collect their smart ID cards. On some days when many pensioners are applying for their new cards, they have to wait all day in order for the necessary documen tation to be processed. Eunice Mahlangu, the District Manager for Home Affairs in the Capricorn District said the two branches in the Capricorn can only process approximately 100 applications a day for the new smart ID card. She confirmed that with the service being provided for no charge to pensioners, some times more than 100 applications are received on a given day and the computer system becomes overloaded. Mahlangu said the new smart card technology will be rolled out to more Home Affairs offices in the province as soon as the necessary technology is installed. She urged pensioners to be patient as the new smart ID technology only became available in Limpopo since the beginning of the year. Residents wait outside Home Affairs in Polokwane on a less busy day for their new smart ID cards to be processed.
Foto: Verskaf
Die man wat verlede Donderdag gearresteer is nadat hy ‘n Edwel-lid met klippe bestook het.
Justice, Correctional OBSERVER Services Portfolio Committee visits new court BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
he National Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services visited the province this week as part of their oversight role and undertook a guided tour of the new High Court in the city that is nearing completion. The total project cost of the new building will be in the region of R796 million and it will be the most expensive office building in the province. The initial projected cost was R210 million in 2009 and a sizeable portion of the escalated costs may be the result of the delay caused by the removal of the first contractor due to underperformance and the resulting escalation of costs. At the introduction, the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee, Mathole Motshekga, alluded to the challenges that were experienced with the project so far and in particular the fact that the contractor had to be replaced. He raised the question of what processes were followed when the first contractor was evaluated and selected and whether it was established if the contractor had the required capacity to complete a project of this magnitude. Time however did not allow for the project team to reply and the question whether any steps are to be taken to recover the money that was lost due to the delay are to be recovered, was left unanswered. “If people don’t have capacity, they must step aside,” Motshekga said. The projected date of practical hand-over of the building is at the end of February 2015 and according to Nonkuhuleko Sindane, Director-General of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, the department is busy with the procurement of furni-
November 27, 2014
ture and equipment to ensure that the new building could be used as soon as possible. The Department of Public Works is currently negotiating to find premises for the additional parking that the municipality insists on before an occupation certificate for the building will be issued. Negotiations with the authorities for the widening of the streets providing access to the building as well as the provision of adequate electricity supply to the building, is also in an advanced stage.
Chana Majake, Whip of the Justice and Correctional Services Portfolio Committee, Nonkuhuleko Sindane, Director-General of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, Mathole Motshekga, Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee and committee members Stan Maila and Kgoshigadi Mothapo, both from Limpopo. PHOTOS: BARRY VILJOEN
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November 27, 2014
Bestudeer jou strokie by restaurante
‘n Gesin wat beweer dat hulle vir ‘n tweede keer by ‘n bekende restaurant in die stad ingedoen is, het inwoners gewaarsku om hul strokies noukeurig te bestudeer voordat betalings gemaak word. Die gereelde besoeker aan die restaurant wat verkies om nie genoem te word nie, sê haar seun en van sy kollegas het onlangs by die restaurant geëet en haar gesin ook verlede Vrydagaand. “My seun het besef dat die kelners ‘n 10%-fooi by die totale bestelling inwerk, maar wanneer kliënte die 10% ekstra wil gee omdat hulle nie gesien
CRIME shorts het dat dit reeds by die totaal ingewerk is nie, het die kelners stilgebly en word ‘n dubbelfooi in werklikheid betaal,” sê sy. Haar seun het na die twee voorvalle op die spyskaart gesien dat die restaurant ‘n 10% fooi hef wanneer groot groepe mense bedien word. “Ons is nie bang om fooitjies vir goeie diens te betaal nie, maar die oneerlike manier waarop dit hanteer word is onaanvaarbaar. Ons wil mense waarsku om hul strokies deeglik deur te gaan om dubbelbetalings van fooitjies te voorkom.”
Alleged rapist, murderer in court
Alleged serial rapist and murderer,
Malesela Ledwaba (42) appeared in the Mahwelereng Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday and yesterday (Wednesday) where his trial on charges of rape, murder and robbery started. It was reported that Ledwaba could possibly face more charges. Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto previously said the case was postponed as more charges might be added to the original charge sheet. He faces nine alleged charges of rape, three of murder and one of robbery. It is alleged that he raped and murdered three women between 2002 and 2004 in the Mapela area. He also allegedly broke into several houses where he raped his victims before robbing them.
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or while stock lasts. E&OE
Five arrested during Police operation
Five people were arrested in Greenside, Westenburg and Disteneng and several shebeens were closed during a Police operation over the weekend. Police could not confirm whether the suspected people who face charges of illegal sale of liquor appeared in court yet. According to Westenburg Police Spokesperson Mohlaka Mashiane the Police also confiscated hundreds of litres of alcohol.
Alleged killer mom in court again
Ntsieni Khupani whostands accused of allegedly killing her three-month-old son with an axe in May was scheduled to appear in the Louis Trichardt Magistrate’s Court on a charge of murder yesterday (Wednesday). The case was previously postponed for further investigation and supposedly have the have the mother mentally observed. The alleged incident occurred at Khu-
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pani’s home just outside Levubu. She has been in custody since her arrest shortly after the alleged incident.
Man arrested for murdering grandmother, grandchildren
Frank Hajane was arrested by Seshego Police for the alleged murder of his grandmother and her two grandchildren. He appeared in the Seshego Magistrate’s Court on Monday and was refused bail. He will appear again on 2 December. Police Spokesperson Mothemane Malefo said the body of Maria Mokwatlo and her two grandchildren, aged eight and three, were found in Ga Chokoe on Sunday. “After the trio were reported missing since the previous Sunday, Police launched a search which involved community members. The bodies of the three were found inside a disused water pit on the outskirts of the village,” Malefo said.
Kliënte weggewys toe poskantoor se geld opraak >> Poskantore hou nie groot bedrae geld aan nie >> Kliënte moet vooraf reël om groot bedrae te onttrek Thembi Nkadimeng, Executive Mayor of Polokwane addresses aspiring entrepreneurs during the Limpopo Youth Franchise Expo held in Polokwane on Friday.
Ledet empowers young entrepreneurs
RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
erskeie kliënte is verlede Woensdag by die hoofposkantoor in Landdros Maréstraat weggewys nadat geen betalings aan hulle gemaak kon word nie omdat daar
glo ‘n kontantvloeiprobleem was. Tientalle Posbank- en spaarplankliënte, wat ure in lang toue gewag het, is glo laatmiddag deur ‘n bestuurder gevra om die gebou te verlaat omdat geen verdere betalings gedoen kan word nie. Sommige kliënte het ook slegs ‘n gedeelte van hul gewenste onttrekking ontvang. ‘n Kliënt, wat verkies om anoniem te bly, wou R6 000 uit haar spaarplan onttrek, maar is slegs R4 000 gegee. “Ek moes die volgende dag weer teruggaan om die res van die geld te kry. Dit is onnodige vervoerkoste om vir ‘n tweede dag in te kom stad toe net om geld te trek,” sê sy.
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Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
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Aspiring entrepreneurs Kwena Makgosana and Dudu Leotwane receive information from Ledet’s Tourism Media Liaison Officer, Burckels Napo and Acting Senior Manager Mike Lusunzi.
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Police need help to solve murder RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
The hundreds of commuters who travel to the city centre via Witklip Street daily were stunned on Monday morning at the discovery of the body of a man who is suspected to have been murdered. People gathered on the Market Street Bridge close to 21st Avenue to stare at the lifeless body while waiting for Police to arrive. Municipal traffic officials guarded the scene. Westenburg Police Spokesperson, Mohlaka Mashiane said the man was allegedly killed on Sunday evening or Monday morning. “We have not identified the man and urge people with information that might lead to the arrest of the perpetrator or the identification of the body to visit the nearest Police station,” Mashiane said. He added that the corpse had several stab wounds. The investigation continues.
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The Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet) hosted the Limpopo Youth Franchise Expo in Polokwane last week. The expo aimed at helping young people to reach their full potential by exposing them to franchise opportunities and business skills that will harness their thinking in terms of their entrepreneurial growth. Franchisors in retail, fast food and fashion industry participated to introduce aspiring entrepreneurs and franchisees from all five districts of the province to the possibilities in each field. Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng addressed the expo on behalf of Ledet MEC Seaparo Sekoati. She said the department came up with the Youth Franchise Expo to create a platform for the youth, especially tertiary students, unemployed graduates and unemployed youth in general and to engage with franchisors and franchisees on franchising business opportunities. “The future of any country is deeply rooted in the success of its own youth. We wanted them to get exposed to economic development institutions as well as government on access to finance, business support and enterprise development initiatives available. We did this because as a caring government we are sensitive to the challenges of youth unemployment,” Nkadimeng said. Dudu Leotwane, an aspiring entrepreneur from Thabazimbi, commended the department for the initiative saying it was a good platform for entrepreneurs to exchange business ideas and validate each other as businesspeople. “It was informative and I have learned a lot from my fellow entrepreneurs-in-themaking and the franchisors that were at the event. I think the information will be valuable on my entrepreneurial journey,” Leotwane said. The National Youth Development Agency, Limpopo Economic Development Agency and Small Enterprise Development Agency were among the exhibitors.
Die woordvoerder van die Suid-Afrikaanse Poskantoor, Johan Kruger sê dit gebeur soms by poskantore dat kontantvloei beperk is. “Poskantore hou nie groot bedrae geld aan nie omdat hulle nie die hoë standaard sekuriteit soos banke het nie en maklike teikens vir rooftogte kan word. Dit is nie ‘n gereelde verskynsel dat poskantore se geld opraak nie. “Sommige dae raak dit onverwags besig en kliënte wil groot bedrae onttrek. Ons beveel aan dat kliënte wat groot bedrae wil onttrek, vooraf met die poskantoor reëlings tref sodat die kontant bestel kan word,” sê Kruger.
November 27, 2014
Agri colleges transformed to attract more students
November 27, 2014
10 OBSERVER polokwane
> ‘The colleges have been accredited to offer diplomas in Agriculture’ > ‘The road travelled was long and punctuated by painless cries’
Shop no.12 Cycad Centre.
Matshoge to have said: “The road travelled was long and was punctuated by painless cries of our rural communities to reinvent and transform our agricultural colleges to ensure that we meet he transformation of Tompi Seleka and the needs of the global markets, through the Madzivhandila Agricultural colleges in knowledge and skills development programmes, Sekhukhune and Vhembe District respecrevised curricula, infrastructure development and tively marks the beginning of a new era. other related interventions.” Agriculture and Rural Development MEC, Joy The statement further read that the transforMatshoge on Monday addressed a press conference in Polokwane on the occasion of announcing mation was guided by the theme ‘Reinventing agricultural colleges for socio-economic growth the transformation of the agricultural colleges. and development’. A media release issued afterwards quoted “Education is the bedrock of any meaningful development. It is a means by which citizens are equipped with necessary attitudes, knowledge and skills that will enable them to contribute meaningfully to national cnr Gen Maritz and Outspan drives. Next to Nitruco as well as human Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
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R60 per set
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R75 per set
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R75 Each
R15 Each
LTA geared up to receive more visitors for festive season Residents of Limpopo who have not made holiday plans yet should definitely consider one of the province’s wildlife resorts as a destination. Limpopo Tourism Agency (LTA) is hard at work to receive more visitors than ever before this Festive Season. A press release issued by the agency earlier stated that it intends partnering with other stakeholders in the industry to package tourism offerings for the season. This includes car rental companies, airlines, tour operators and tourism information centres, accommodation establishments and more. This will be supported by an intended e-marketing campaign that will mainly be driven through the agency’s website. The statement lists as hotspots ideal for spending the holidays as being Kruger National Park, Mapungubwe World Heritage Site, all Forever resorts within the province, Modjadji Cycad Forest, Shonalanga Wildlife Resort, Bela-Bela Hotsprings, Nylsvley Nature Reserve and others. LTA Spokesperson Mike Tauatsoala told Polokwane Observer that two of the most popular resorts, Mphephu and Acacia, will be open for busi-
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development. Thus every nation has to recognise and accept education as the springboard of societal development. This remains a potent factor for eradicating poverty and removing the legacy of apartheid. These agricultural colleges, as providers of the diploma courses, have a special role to play in strengthening the post-school system as a whole and play a central role in national development. There is much to be celebrated and nurtured in our agricultural education sector. It contains many dedicated and brilliant academic fields, from animal production to aquaculture,” Matshoge is quoted to have said. She also mentioned that the colleges will continue with the post apartheid legacy of attracting more students in our province and beyond, on a reviewed and revised new curricula, thus contributing to the development of our country. “The colleges have been accredited to offer Diplomas in Agriculture in Animal Production NQF level 6 well in Plant Production NQF level 6,” the statement informed.
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ness. Mphephu was closed after torrential rains caused havoc to the infrastructure at the beginning of the year and Acacia had its administrative block gutted by fire in July. “We can assure the visitors that all the resorts will be opened for business. Regarding Mphephu and Acacia our officials are working around the clock to resolve all outstanding matters for the resorts to be functional again during this Festive Season,” he said. The statement quotes Bibi Kotsedi, acting Chief Executive Officer of LTA to have said: “We are anticipating more visitors given the fact that we are the only province in the country that shares boundaries with three countries, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. The strategic location is a major boost to us as we are a gateway to other parts of our continent. We are also endowed with a wealth of culture and heritage. We call upon all the citizens to continue touring the province during the Festive Season. We are confident that our province will once again be counted amongst the most visited provinces in the country at the end of the last quarter of the 2014/15 financial year.”
November 27, 2014
Polokwane Observer
November 27, 2014
12 OBSERVER polokwane
24 tot 29 November >> Capricorn Quilting hou ‘n Kersmark by hul winkel in Platinum Park. Handgemaakte items, ingelegde kos en baie ander interessante artikels is te koop. Petro Vorsatz: 083 411 1037. 28 November >> Rosita Wilson en haar studente hou van 09:00 tot 17:00 ‘n kunsnaaldwerkuitstalling by Kurumba Lodge. Pakette, ‘n nuwe reeks lappe en lint is te koop en verversings kan by die restaurant genuttig word. Rosita Wilson: 083 691 5770. >> Blackie Swart, Denny Lallouette en Vinnie Henrico tree vanaf 17:30 by Sterkloop Lapa saam met studente van Hard Rock Musiekskool op. Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon. JP Duvenage: 079 880 0751. >> Sapa Yopa Rally Pre-party takes place at Polokwane Chisanyama (Waterland) starting at 19:00. The theme is “Fiesta Fiesta” and tickets cost R50. There will be a late night pool party with DJ Heavy K and Tbo Touch. Sarel Nong: 078 839 9698. 28 November tot 6 Desember >> AGS Taberna Dei Moederkampus bied ‘n Kersmark aan. Die mark sal weeksdae vanaf 10:00 oop wees en op Saterdae vanaf 09:00 tot 19:00. Die mark word nie Sondae bedryf nie. Daleen Brönn: 082 650 8811 of Elsabé du Preez: 083 454 5424. 29 November >> The Virtuoso Brass Ensemble under the guided baton of Duke Mashamaite performs at 18:00 at the Audi Showroom at Motorcity Polokwane. The event also features solo performances by prolific vocalist, Nathan Titus and the admission fee of R100 includes cheese and wine. Duke Mashamaite: 082 772 1203, Alf Malete: 079 793 4327 or Nathan Titus: 076
WRITE TO US>> FAX: 015 291 3654 E-MAIL barryv.observer@gmail.com 272 4182. >> ‘n Boere-ontbyt en vlooimarkstalletjies word van 08:00 tot 12:00 by Thatch Palace aangebied om geld vir Anton Bosman, ‘n leerder van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé in te samel wat aan kanker ly. Kaartjies vir die ontbyt kos R70 per persoon. Marlene Labuschagne: 082 900 6896. >> Sjiek Shack bied vanaf 10:00 tot 15:00 ‘n Kersmark by Rockcotta Garden Décor in Kerkstraat aan. Yolandé Botha: 082 448 2618. >> Sapa Yopa Rally takes place at the Polokwane Showgrounds from 12:00, when a 20 km mass ride to Seshego will take place. This will be followed by a mass prayer, biker games and activities and a Biker Music Festival. At midnight a Yamaha Cruise Bike will be given away in a raffle. Entry tickets cost R70 and R100 after 18:00. Sarel Nong: 078 839 9698.
30 November >> Bikers that Care’s Annual Limpopo Toy Run takes place from 09:00 at the Go-kart Track on the Silicon Road. Entry fee is a toy for a child under 16 years or non-perishable foods and toiletries. There will be stalls for food and toys, a beer garden, games on the track and much more. Richard van Balkom: 082 809 4813 or Lynne van Balkom: 082 962 8041 to secure a stall. 9 tot 16 Desember >> Vanjaar se Geloftefees vind by die Doornkraal Feesterrein plaas. Inwoners kan elke aand om 18:30 aanmeld om die gelofte te herhaal. Op 16 Desember begin die geloftefeesviering om 09:00 met ‘n erediens wat gevolg word deur ‘n geleentheidsrede en geskiedkundige herinnering. Johan Willemse: 015 297 5922 of 072 197 3134.
Verskeidenheid handgemaakte items by Capricorn Quilting se mark BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Capricorn Quilting se mark van handgemaakte items het Maandag in die Platinumparksentrum geopen en dié winkel se deure sal tot Vrydag (môre) tot 18:00 en Saterdag tot 14:00 oop wees vir winskopiejagters wat unieke items wil koop. Volgens Maritza Fichardt, winkelbestuurder, is daar 17 uitstallers met slegs items van hoogstaande gehalte teen billike pryse. Die veelkleurige kwilte en inkopiesakke asook gebreide handsakke en geborduurde vadoeke en handdoeke is wenners vir Kersgeskenke.
Foto: Barry Viljoen
Besoekers aan Capricorn Quilting se handwerkmark, Bernice du Plooy en Christa Kruger by items wat te koop is.
Miss Limpopo Teen finalists are Obakeng Kgwedi, Jané Bacher, Ramalou Letebele, Talane Mahlatjie, Thsego Monyepao, Cleo-Anne Manamela, Mikateko Nkuna, Tshepiso Choshane, Tlalane Ramoneta and Andile Neluvhalani.
Miss Limpopo 2015 finalists are Sharon Mdingi, Vutivi Mabunda, Kedibone Mohlapamafsi, Lebogang Ratabena, Khomotso Ramoneta, Muofhe Mudau, Amanda Chauke, Mosiah Tau, Millet Kae and Zelmari Bacher.
African experience for beauties >> First for many through game reserve >> A day in nature full of fun LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com
Participation in the competition makes them stronger and helps them to live their dreams, some of them reckon. “You change people’s lives and that makes you feel better about yourself,” one of the finalists said. Miss Limpopo/Teen Pageant Organiser, René Kidd, said that she is glad the girls enjoyed the outing and wanted to thank Nature’s Way for sponsoring the drive and dinner. The day ended with a meal under the stars. The Miss Limpopo/Teen gala dinner will be held at Sun Meropa on 6 December. Single tickets are available at R350, including dinner, and can be purchased from House of Asante at 29 Jorissen Street or can be secured through the finalists. For further information call Kidd at 083 284 3904.
he Miss Limpopo and Miss Limpopo Teen finalists were treated to a game drive in Polokwane Game Reserve and dinner in the bush on Saturday. For many it was their first visit to the game reserve and seeing animals in their natural habitat. Game rangers Ian Jordaan and Tommie Vogel, both from Nature’s Way, told the girls more about game and the wild. The outing afforded the girls a relaxing break from a busy schedule. The finalists in the Miss Limpopo/Teen pageant expressed excitement over their participation in the competition and mentioned they enjoyed every moment of the journey. Many friendships and strong bonds are being formed. For many of them it is an experience of a lifetime, being able to meet new people and extend a hand of assistance through Ian Jordaan, game ranger from Nature’s Way, René Kidd, the charity projects they are organiser of the Miss Limpopo/Teen pageant, and Tommie engaged in. Vogel, game ranger from Nature’s Way.
November 27, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Observer
November 27, 2014
REHABILITATION OF ABANDONED ASBESTOS MINE: GA-MADIBA LIMPOPO PROVINCE Mintek, on behalf of the Department of Mineral Resources, herewith requests suitably qualified persons, companies or consortia to bid for the following: Bid number
Location of project site
Compulsory site visit date/ time and location*
MTK 14/2014
Rehabilitation of abandoned asbestos mine: Ga-Madiba
Limpopo Province
Mafefe Traditional Council offices 01 December 2014 10:00 GPS: 24o 12` 14`` S; 30o 06` 46`` E
* The site visit is compulsory and no bid will be considered without the signed attendance certificate which will be handed out to prospective bidders during the site visit. Only tenders received by the time of closing of the tender will be considered. Prospective bidders are advised to collect bid documents or to download them from the Mintek web page: http://www.mintek.co.za. A non-refundable tender fee of R500 is payable either by bank deposit or Electronic Fund Transfer. Banking details are available on tender documents. For more information and to obtain bid documents, please contact: Precious Mathebula on 011 709 4236 or email: tenders@mintek.co.za Mintek reserves the right to cancel and/or alter any bid herein advertised entirely or in part.
TENDER CLOSING DATE: 12 December 2014 at 12:00
Die 30- en 50 megaliter reservoirs op Sterparkkoppie wat water aan die stad voorsien.
Gebruik water spaarsaam, maan munisipaliteit BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Die vlakke van die 50- en 30 megaliter reservoirs wat Polokwane-inwoners van water voorsien, het effens verbeter, maar wek steeds kommer. Die munisipaliteit doen opnuut ‘n beroep op verbruikers om water met groot oorleg te gebruik. Verhoogde temperature die tyd van die jaar het hoër waterverbruik tot gevolg en plaas druk op die stad se waterreserwes. Volgens die munisipaliteit was die vlakke van die 50 megaliter en die nuwe 30
megaliter reservoirs Dinsdag 9% (teenoor ‘n week gelede se 6%) en 6,0% (teenoor 0,5%) respektiewelik. Die reservoir in Potgieterlaan se vlak was 55% (teenoor verlede week se 76%vlak) en dié van die hoofreservoir in Seshego 33% (teenoor 28%) Die reservoir in uitbreiding 34 se vlak was konstant op 95%. Tidimalo Chuene, kommunikasie- en bemarkingsbestuurder van die munisipaliteit sê dat watervoorsiening vanuit die Olifantspoorten Ebenezer-wateraanlegte die afgelope naweek vir vier ure onderbreek is weens beurtkrag en dat dit ook die vlakke van die reservoirs geraak het.
Get the latest in pool cleaning technology WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com PoolServe Polokwane now offer the latest in pool cleaning technology with Dolphin robotic pool cleaners by Maytronics that brings together 25 years of expertise in automated pool cleaning. Dolphin robotic pool cleaners deliver a complete, exceptional pool cleaning experience through their combined advanced technologies with proven reliability to ensure maximum satisfaction every time. When you purchase a Dolphin you are assured of advanced cleaning technologies including: • Intelligent, self adjusting software that ensures optimised coverage for any size or shape of pool. • Effective surface scrubbing system.
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November 27, 2014
Polokwane Observer
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Polokwane Observer
November 27, 2014
university of Limpopo excellence awards in Management and Law >> ‘Celebrating good achievements of teaching and learning’ >> ‘We are proud of them’
Herbert racHuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
he University of Limpopo (UL) in partnership with Standard Bank awarded the best performing students in its Faculty of Management and Law during the University’s Top Student Awards held in Polokwane on Friday. Adv Frikkie Ponelis, Dean of Management and Law said they are proud of the excellent performance the winners maintained throughout their studies. “With these awards we are celebrating good achievements of teaching and learning at the university. Guided and supported by their lecturers they have done wonders and we are proud of them,” Ponelis said. He expressed the hope that other students will see how hard
work is rewarded and follow suit. “We are promoting excellence by rewarding the hardworking students and we hope that other learners can also learn from those who are doing well.” John Allison was bestowed the award for Overall Best Research Report of Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership. Allison said he was honoured to receive the coveted award and commended the UL for the support they give and the structures they have in place to assist and advise students on producing excellent research reports. “I wish to thank the University for providing the support I needed for my research report and Standard Bank for sponsoring the ceremony,” he said. Allison’s researched ways of standardising the technical tender process relevant in the private
sector and government. He received R2 700 from Standard Bank. Double winner Karabo Diamond Mabelane was announced to be the Best Student per final year modules (International Law, Jurisprudence) and Best 4th year LLB Student per qualification. She expressed her happiness and said she hoped her winning the awards will inspire her fellow students. “Lots of students, especially in my class, say that law is difficult. With this award I wanted to show them that nothing is difficult in life, we must just double our efforts,” she said. She received a cheque for R3 600 from Standard Bank. Oostewald van Staden, Head of Business Banking at Standard Bank’s Provincial Office said they are privileged to be involved in the awards and hoped that the stu-
dents will effectively invest their knowledge in the community. Provincial Marketing Manager for Standard Bank, Tshilidzi Simeli said they are proud to sponsor the event because students are the future and key to developing the economy. “The sponsorship started way back when we started banking with the university, about over 5 years ago. It is very important for Standard Bank to sponsor such event as it build in our mission and vision as a bank. We would like to be seen as the bank that cares for the community and the economy in the province at large,” Simeli said. She congratulated the winners on behalf of the bank and added that they must keep up the good work while wishing them the best in their future endeavours and careers.
Oostewald van Staden, Head of Business Banking at Standard Bank Provincial Office.
PHotos: Herbert racHuene
Adv Frikkie Ponelis, Dean of Faculty Management and Law at the University of Limpopo.
John Allison , winner of the award for Overall Best Research Report of Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership with fellow winner, Karabo Diamond Mabelane who was named Best Student per final year modules (International Law, Jurisprudence) and Best LLB 4th year of School of Law Student per qualification.
Emerencia Maphanga, Overall Best Student per qualification Devs341 and Devs342 of the School of Economics and Management, was also named Best Student per qualification - BCom Development Planning and Management 3rd Level. She received R2 000 from Standard Bank.
Reitumetse Makgoke, Overall Best Student per qualification module Econ321 and Econ322 of the School of Economics and Management, Overall Best Student per qualification module Econ311 and Econ312 School of Economics and Management and Best Student per qualification – Bcom, in Economics 3rd level School of Economics and Management. He walked away with R2 000 from Standard Bank.
Bongani Matlhakwana Best Student per qualification and Overall Best Student per qualification – BCom, majoring in Accounting in the School of Accountancy. She is congratulated by Adv Frikkie Ponelis, Dean of Faculty Management and Law at the UL and Kagiso Mathosa, Provincial Manager Public Sector Standard Bank. She walked away with R2 000 from Standard Bank.
Lunga Thomas, Best Student per level per qualification and Overall Best Student per qualification - BCompt, in the School of Accountancy. He walked away with R2 000 from Standard Bank.
Moyo Shepherd, Best student per qualification and Best Student per third year modules CIVP311 (Civil Procedure) and EVID321 (Evidence), in the School of Law. He walked away with R2 600 from Standard Bank.
November 27, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Muni, Saps to tackle crime at taxi rank RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
An increase in crimes such as robbery and various other petty crime in and around the Polokwane taxi rank in Devenish Street recently prompted the Polokwane Municipality’s Community Safety Unit in collaboration with the Police to dispatch stationary units within the area with the intention to allow increased access to law enforcing officers and ease the burden of reporting crime related incidents. “Stationary units manned by members of either the Police or the municipal Community Safety Unit will be parked in Devenish Street, between Church and Gen Joubert streets,” municipal Communications and Marketing Manager Tidimalo Chuene said. The units will be available to assist with any type of incident daily from 10:00 to 18:00. In the meanwhile Polokwane Police recently arrested two men on a charge of possession of an unlicensed firearm. According to Police Spokesperson Lesiba Ramoshaba members of the community reported a suspicious vehicle with two occupants driving up and down within the vicinity of the Polokwane taxi rank. When Police arrived the vehicle was searched and an
unlicensed firearm confiscated. It is not sure whether the two men appeared in court yet. Chuene provided the following contact details of members within the Community Safety Unit to report any crime-related incidents as well as illegal hawkers:
• Helen Masera, Community Safety Unit Manager, 083 667 1587. • Joey Graaff, Chief Security Services, 072 441 0375. • John Emsley, Assistant Chief: Law Enforcement and Operations, 083 670 4041. • Yke Beetge, Assistant Chief: Asset Protection, 081 557 6115. • Jannie du Toit, Assitant Chief: Municipal Control Centre, 083 671 8500. • Members of the Police who can be contacted are: • Matindi Rameetse: 082 729 0987. • André Kotze: 082 414 2314. • Zebedius Ramakgoakgoa: 082 729 0043. Chuene said Polokwane Municipal Manager, Connie Mametja encouraged community members to file written responses on the impact of the operation of the stationary unit to her office.
Geen beserings na bus vlamvat Tientalle Zimbabwiërs kan hulself gelukkig ag dat hulle nie ernstig beseer is nie toe die bus waarin hulle vanaf Harare na Johannesburg onderweg was, Maandagoggend op die Tzaneen-verbypad aan die brand geslaan het. Die vuur het glo in die bus se enjinkap ontstaan en vinnig na agter versprei. Gestrande slagoffers is vir rookaseming op die toneel behandel. ‘n Nooddienswerker het gesê nie een van die passasiers wou na plaaslike hospitale vir behandeling gaan nie. Foto: RC Myburgh
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PHASE FOR THE BASIC ASSESSMENT PROCESS (BA) OF THE PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF A FILLING STATION ON PORTION 2 OF THE FARM ONVERWACHT 914 LS, LIMPOPO PROVINCE NEAS Ref: LIM/EIA/0000965/2014 DEA Ref: 12/1/9/1-C95 Notice is given in terms of Regulation 56(2) of the Regulations published in the Government Notice No.R.543 of 18 June 2010, read with Section 24(2) (a) of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) as amended of the intent to carry out a Basic Assessment (BA) Process for the proposed establishment of a filling station on portion 2 of the farm Onverwacht 914 LS within Polokwane Local Municipality. An Environmental Authorisation has been applied for with Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment & Tourism and the reference no is: 12/1/9/1-C95 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project entails the following: A filling station consisting of 6 x 23,000 litre underground storage tanks and 2 multiproduct dispensers without a car wash. • Convenience store and • Parking space PROJECT LOCATION The proposed filling station is located on portion 2 of the farm Onverwacht 914 LS within the Polokwane Local Municipality of the Capricorn District in the Limpopo Province. The GPS Coordinates are: S23 48’ 50.12”; E29 35’ 27.35” S23 48’ 47.46”; E29 35’ 25.57” S23 48’ 49.46”; E29 35’ 20.27”
SEGOBA TRADING (Pty) Ltd SEGOBA TRADING (Pty ) P.O. Box 5300 Polokwane North 0750 Cell: 082 443 1328 Fax: 086 613 7229 Contact Person: Armando Rentroia E-mail: rentroia@vodamail.co.za
EnviroXcellence Services P.O .Box 4879 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 015 295 6924 Fax: 015 295 6908 Contact Person: Ms S. Machaba E-mail: sylvie@enviroxcellence.co.za
A Public Participation meeting where all comments and concerns can be raised will be held on the following date: 30 January 2015 at 10:00 on the farm Onverwacht 914 LS (proposed site). To be registered / identified as an interested and/or affected party, please submit your name, contact details and comments (your interest in the project) to Sylvie Machaba and/or Mugove Njovo @ the Consultant address given above from 27 November 2014 to 29 January 2015.
Polokwane Observer
November 27, 2014
Nuwe bome vir Westenburg Hoërskool LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail. com Personeellede en leerders van Westenburg Sekondêre Skool het verlede Woensdag bewys dat hulle groen vingers het, deur bome op hulle skoolterrein te plant. “Die skoolterrein was vol uitheemse plante en bome en het baie water gebruik. Ons wou die omgewing help en meer volhoubaar wees, ” sê Jimmy Steele, waarnemende skoolhoof. Inheemse bome
is geplant waar gevestigde uitheemse bome was. Die gebeure het vir ‘n dag van groot pret en waardering gesorg wat deur Retsini Kwekery moontlik gemaak is. Hulle het 30 bome aan die skool geskenk, onder meer witstinkhout- en wildepruimbome. Tydens die gebeure is meer oor bome, beenmeel, organiese kompos, chemiese kunsmis en omgewingsvolhoubaarheid geleer, wat die besparing van energie, water, omgewingsbewaring en maniere om van afval ontslae te raak en te herwin, insluit.
Foto: Leandri van Schalkwyk
Bome is onlangs by Westenburg Sekondêre Skool geplant. Voor is Eugene Lyle (beheerliggaamvoorsitter), Thabo Komape (top graad 9-leerder) en Hugo van Zyl (Retini Kwekery). Agter is Jimmy Steele (waarnemende skoolhoof), Heleen Peasnall ( waarnemende kringbestuurder van die onderwysdepartement), Bettie Boom (adjunkhoof) en Martha Chuene-Masopoga (departementshoof).
Views provincial /
local issues
Limpopo has, over the past five years, made remarkable improvement in its Grade 12 results. The percentage of candidates who passed increased from 48,9% in 2009 to 71,8% in 2013. Premier Stan Mathabatha earlier said they will accept no less than an 80% Grade 12 pass rate. Polokwane Observer asked residents whether they think the desired pass rate will be attained this year.
Bulelani Nxumalo stood up when he realised that there is no infrastructure development without steel. That’s why, in 2007, he used his skills to start the Umzungulu Steel Projects, a company that supplies steel window and door frames to the construction industry. Bulelani tried different avenues to expand his venture, but had a hard time finding support, until he approached the IDC. The support he received from the IDC included funding, business mentorship, as well as HR and engineering consultants. Thanks to this partnership, Umzungulu Steel Projects could supply their SABS approved products to a 25 000 housing project in the Msunduzi Municipality. The enterprise now has 22 employees. The IDC is calling on you, the young entrepreneur, to stand up and act on your business plan and lead industrial development. Take the lead by applying for funding of R1 million or more. Call the Polokwane regional office on 015 299 4080 or visit idc.co.za to learn more about the funding criteria for the sectors that the IDC supports.
Bianca Brits: “Ek twyfel of die verwagte slaagsyfer bereik kan word. Leerders is vandag minder toegewyd en word luier hoe ouer hulle word.
Michael Swanepoel: “Hulle het verlede jaar puik gevaar en ek is seker hulle gaan dit vanjaar weer doen.”
Robert Netshiunnda: “Nobody thought the class of 2013 would achieve 70% but they did. I think the class of 2014 will go beyond 80%.”
Stefan van Wijk: “Ek dink die teiken sal behaal word want leerders het al die hulpmiddels tot hul beskikking.”
Michael Makungo: “I think they will achieve the targeted 80% because learners are attending extra classes even at weekends which makes it easier for teachers to finish the syllabuses on time.”
Erika Peyper: “Ek dink hulle kan dit wel maak. Hulle werk baie hard en is slim.”
November 27, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Observer
November 27, 2014
Exciting new Décor and Flooring showroom to open at Natural Living Emporium >> Interior decorator from Cape Town joins the team >> ‘We hope to create a one stop solution for all’ The two interior decorators behind beautiful creations are Jeanri Wepener and Chris Smook. Photos: Supplied 48/2014
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Baie mense droom van ‘n lang verdiende vakansie saam met familie, maar in jou agterkop is jy steeds bekommerd oor die veiligheid van jou huis en ander waardevolle besittings. Fraser and Associates Bluestar het ‘n kontrolelys saamgestel om te verseker dat jy met ‘n geruste hart vakansie kan hou. • Kontak jou finansiële adviseur om seker te maak alle lewensversekeringsbehoeftes is in orde. • Maak seker jy ken die voorwaardes van jou huiseienaarversekeringspolis en weet wat is verseker. • Laat jou voertuig diens. • Gaan al jou woning se slotte na. • Maak seker daar is nie gras, stokkies en blare by jou elektriese bedrading nie. • Sluit jou kosbare items in ’n
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atural Living Interiors (NLI) is going from strength to strength while continuing to create value for customers, the latest example being an all new interior and exterior showroom set to open early in January on the corner of Grobler and Burger Street. The showroom will host the latest products from Inovar Flooring, Easygrasse artificial lawns, Hertex Fabrics and Wallpapers as well as a wide range of exclusive furniture and accessories. “With the opening of the new showroom, NLI hope to create a one stop solution for any customer who would like to make some changes in and around his or her house or office. The business also incorporates a landscaping arm (Natural Living Exteriors) and the company now offers full Interior and Exterior services. We aim at offering a complete one
Wees veilig dié vakansie – Sanlam
e v i t s e f t Ge season 95
RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com
stop service for the renovation or upgrading of any house, business or garden,” Manager Herman Kotze said. To ensure even better exclusive and professional service than before NLI recently acquired the services of Chris Smook who has been an interior decorator for more than 15 years in Cape Town where he worked for several high profile personalities including Prince Harry. Smook is eager to turn local homes and into masterpieces. NLI is the franchisee of Inovar Flooring that supplies the best quality laminate, solid wood and Vinyl floors and Limpopo Agents for Easygrasse synthetic grass. Other services and products include carpeting, curtains, blinds, upholstery, wallpaper, décor, furniture and paint techniques. Also on the premises Natural Living Events (NLE) offers the perfect venue for all catering, entertainment and event planning needs. It can cater for weddings, conferences events, year-end functions, birthday parties and bridal shows. And after a stressful day Natural Living Spa and Wellness Centre offers the ultimate services and treatments to recover, rejuvenate and revive. For more information on the opening of the showroom or their services and products, contact 015 297 3545 or visit them at the cnr Grobler and Burger streets, Polokwane.
kluis toe. • Maak seker van betroubare sorg vir jou troeteldiere. • Kanselleer jou koerantaflewering. • Vra jou bure of ’n vriend om ongewenste pos uit jou posbus te verwyder. • Maak al die vensters dig toe. • Maak seker alle deure is toe en gesluit. • Ontkoppel alle elektriese toestelle wat nie gebruik word nie. • Verwyder alle bederfbare items uit jou vrieskas. • Sluit alle buitemeubels soos stoep- en tuinmeubels weg. • Laat weet jou sekuriteitsmaatskappy en bure dat jy met vakansie gaan. • Laat ’n telefoonnommer waar jy bereik kan word by ’n verantwoordelike persoon. • Aktiveer die alarmstelsel.
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‘n Swanger taxi-passasier is verlede Donderdag inderhaas na die naaste hospitaal geneem na ‘n botsing met ‘n Mercedes-Benz. Die bestuurder van die Mercedes, Shoni Muladzi, haar ma en twee kinders het ernstige beserings vrygespring toe die taxibestuurder na bewering by ‘n rooi verkeerslig op die hoek van Munnik- en De Wetrylaan van agter in haar voertuig vasgejaag het. Te oordeel aan die skade aan die voertuig het die taxibestuurder nie by die spoedgrens gehou toe die ongeluk gebeur het nie. ‘n Familielid van Muladzi het op die toneel taxibestuurders as arrogant bestempel en gesê hulle reken die pad behoort aan hulle.
Foto: Leandri van Schalkwyk
November 27, 2014
Polokwane Observer
November 27, 2014
22 OBSERVER polokwane
“We have to work together to make Polokwane business work” - Mdlalose
Rendani Makhomu, Director of Tshete Holdings, Young Entrepreneur of the Year Kholofelo Phalafudi and Mashupe Phala, Exco Member of PCOB.
Matsobane Tleane, Exco Member of PCOB, Ashley Rasebotsa of Absa, winner of the Corporate Manager of the Year Award and Ignatius Vuyeqaba, Exco Member of PCOB. Junaid Munshi, Managing Executive of Vodacom Limpopo with Business Personality of the Year Award winner, Rachel Mathabatha of Mall @ Lebo and Simphiwe Mdlalose.
Simphiwe Mdlalose with Local Business of the Year Award winner Bella Msiza, Director of Limpopo Guest Manor.
Connie Morgets of Old Mutual, winner of the Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award, with Moipone Segooa, Exco Member of PCOB.
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>> UL receives President’s Award >> Lesetja Kganyago News Maker of the Year >> Kholofelo Phalafudi Young Entrepreneur of the Year >> Connie Morgets Woman Entrepreneur of the Year
Simphiwe Mdlalose and Cosmas Ambe, Director of the University of Limpopo’s School of Accountancy who received the President’s Award on behalf of the institution.
November 27, 2014
Mokone du Preez receives his award for ten years service to the Chamber from Simphiwe Mdlalose, PCOB President.
PCOB recognises excellence at gala dinner BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
he Polokwane Chamber of Business (PCOB) hosted its prestigious Annual Gala Dinner at the Protea Hotel Ranch Resort last Thursday evening and paid tribute to persons and businesses/institutions that excelled during 2014. The President’s Award went to the University of Limpopo and the Newsmaker of the Year was Lesetja Kganyago, President of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB), who hails from Limpopo. The Corporate Manager of the Year was Ashley Rasebotsa of Absa and the Young Entrepreneur of the Year Kholofelo Phalafudi. The Local Business of the Year Award went to Limpopo Guest Manor and the Business Personality of the Year Award went to Rachel Mathabatha of Mall @ Lebo, while Connie Morgets of Old Mutual received the Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Entrepreneur of the Year, Tim Bourdillon of KFC Jali Trading and Public Service Manager of the Year, Solly Kgopong Department
OBSERVER 23 polokwane
Head of the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, were both absent. Tribute was also paid to a former President, Mokone du Preez for service rendered to the chamber for more than a decade. Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng congratulated the members of the PCOB with their successes during the year and promised that the moratorium on development will be lifted as soon as the city’s infrastructure is updated to the extent that it can accommodate further development. “We are looking at alternative ways to unlock infrastructure development and rely on the business community to be our partners in reaching this objective,” Nkadimeng said. PCOB President Simphiwe Mdlalose said in his address that business in Polokwane can only flourish if all the racial groups work together as equal partners to be successful. “Nobody has to be a BEE-partner, we all have to be full partners that make the same contribution to businesses,” he concluded.
Hlengani Mathebula, Head of Group Strategy and Communications of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB), middle, who accepted the Newsmaker of the Year Award on behalf of Lesetja Kganyago, President of SARB, with Percy Mongalo, former PCOB President, left, and Gilbert Kganyago, Executive Mayor of Capricorn District Municipality.
Polokwane Observer
November 27, 2014
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We OPen aCCOunTs!! aPPLY in-sTOre TOdaY.
Jennifer Lategan (instrukteur van Curves Polokwane), Matlakala Bopape (eienaar van House of Asante en mede-organiseerder) en Louise Jansen (mede-organiseerder en borskankeroorlewende).
Foto’s: Leandri van Schalkwyk
Carolyn Neethling wat onlangs met bors kanker gediagnoseer is (voor) en oorlewendes, Jeanne Steele, Denise Booysen, Sandra Pieterse en Mercia Booysen.
Bederfdag vir kanker oorlewendes LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com
a Louise Jansen in 2010 met borskanker gediagnoseer is, reik sy jaarliks na ander kankeroorlewendes uit. Vanjaar het sy en mede-organiseerder en eienaar van House of Asante, Matlakala Bopape op ‘n bederfdag besluit. Bopape het self beide haar ouers aan kanker verloor. Die spesiale dag is Saterdag by House of Asante gehou waar oorlewendes ook hulle stories kon deel en mekaar beter leer ken het. “Om dieselfde ervarings te deel, gee mense hoop. Dit is ook die rede hoekom ons besluit het om mense hoop te gee en nie net te be derf nie,” sê Jansen. Curves Polokwane se fikse instrukteurs het die dames tussenin bietjie laat oefen waarna middagete geniet is. Ter afsluiting is hulle met skoonheidbehandelings deur terapeute van House of Asante bederf. Ntsikwane, ‘n plaaslike kunstenaar het vir vermaak gesorg. Een van die dames wat haar verhaal gedeel het, is Carolyn Neethling wat binnekort ‘n dubbele mastektomie ondergaan. “Ek voel soveel beter en is nie meer bang vir wat voorlê
nie, sê Neethling. Die kankeroorlewendes was dit eens dat dit ‘n wonderlike geleentheid was om mekaar te kon ondersteun. Jansen en Bopape beplan nog verskeie projekte saam. Die borge wat die spesiale dag moontlik gemaak het, is Matlakala Bopape en haar personeel by House of Asante, Curves Polokwane, Xerox XLP Paper Solutions, Café Pavilion Sterkloop, Oasis Water Polokwane, Love 4 Toys, Nelmariè de Lange Photography, Bakers World en Phil Jansen, Louise se man en Ina Bushby.
Skoonheidsterapeute saam met organiseerders, Louise Jansen en Matlakala Bopape.
Kankeroorlewendes en personeel van House of Asante wat betrokke was by die bederfdag.
Strikkies ten bate van kanker LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com Shaakira Hassim, ‘n graad 7-leerder van Mitchell House verkoop handgemaakte strikkies om geld in te samel vir mense met oogkanker wat prostetiese oë benodig. Die idée het by Hassim opgekom met die skool se koekverkoping wat elke termyn plaasvind. Sy het ander planne begin beraam, omdat koekverkopings by die skool volgens haar afgesaag geraak het en sy ‘n produk regdeur die jaar wou verkoop. Shaakira het die lintstrikkies begin maak en verkoop by die skool wat medeleerders aan hul skoolbaadjies dra. Die jong dame gee baie om vir mense met kanker en het die gevreesde siekte beleef met ‘n familielid wat aan kanker oorlede is. Nog ‘n Samaritaan van die skool, Yasmeen Ghoord, ‘n graad 6-leerder het haar sakgeld vir Shaakira se kankerprojek geskenk.
Fasiliteerder van Tough Living With Cancer (TLC), Bobby Were sê: “Dis wonderlik om te sien hoe leerders eie inisiatief gebruik om mense met kanker te help.” Were is dankbaar dat kinders betrokke raak by kankerprojekte en spesifiek die TLC wil help.
Foto: Leandri van Schalkwyk
TLC-fasiliteerder, Bobby Were en twee leerders van Mitchell House, Shaakira Hassim (links) en Yasmeen Ghoord wat meehelp om kinderkanker-pasiënte se lewens te vergemaklik.
November 27, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Polokwane Observer
November 27, 2014
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MAXI’S POLOKWANE CHECKERS 015 295 5111 Palm Centre, Biccard Street, Polokwane
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300g T-bone served with chips OR pap.
MoN donates to Ngwana Baby House, TLC Ward Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za
all of the North (MoN), through its social outreach programme, lended a generous helping hand to the Tough Living Cancer (TLC) Ward at Polokwane Provincial Hospital and Ngwana Baby House at the Mall last Friday. The TLC Ward received R100 000 and Ngwana Baby House R70 000 to assist in the daily running of the two institutions. The money donated was raised during the mall’s recent Bridal Competition where participants washed cars, sold hotdogs and other goodies in Polokwane and surrounds to raise the funds. Commenting on the occasion MoN Marketing Manager René van der Merwe said: “As a mall we are involved in many community projects and we love supporting non-profit organisations. The two organisations cater for and take care of children, some of whom
are orphans while others suffer from cancer. With the Festive Season approaching we could not think of anyone else but them to benefit from our outreach programme. We are a caring mall and we want to make their lives better and we hope that the gesture will bring them cheer during this Festive Season.” Tough Living Cancer Ward Facilitator at Cansa Polokwane, Bobby Were said they are going to spend the money on prosthetic eyes for the children who have eye cancer. “We are thankful to the mall for the donation and we believe the money will add value to the ward,” Were said. Amanda Koekemoer, Project Manager at Ngwana Baby House said they are going to spend money to address all the needs for the babies at the house. “We would like to thank the mall for the contribution. It will definitely add value at the house,” Koekemoer said.
Rotarians spoil the blind at Sun Meropa RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Learners from Siloe School for the Blind were treated to a different kind of Christmas party than usual when the Polokwane Rotary Club spoiled them with a fun day at Sun Meropa’s bird, reptile and butterfly park, Wild Thingz on Saturday. According to one of the members, Mxolisi Bambo, Polokwane Rotary Club annually treats the learners at the school with a party characterised by lots to eat and drink. “This year
we decided to make it more fun by bringing them to Wild Thingz. Jumping castles were erected for them but the highlight for the learners, some of whom are totally blind and others partially sighted was the opportunity to interact with some of the animals by touching and feeling among others a snake and some of the birds,” Bambo said. Bambo added that Polokwane Rotary Club said the club members are constantly grateful for opportunities to be involved with the improving the wellbeing of the school and its learners.
Educators and learners from the Siloe School for the Blind pose with Polokwane Rotary Club members, Jacques van der Walt, Keith Moodie and Marius Liebenberg, at the back, during their recent visit to Wild Thingz at Sun Meropa.
René van der Merwe, Marketing Manager and Thabitha Lekganyane, Marketing Assistant at Mall of the North initiated the bridal competition during which funds were generated for the TLC Ward and Ngwana Baby House.
November 27, 2014
OBSERVER 27 polokwane
Photos: Herbert Rachuene
Photographed during the handing over are, seated, Corné Marais, Office Manager Cansa Polokwane, Bobby Were, Tough Living Cancer Ward Facilitator of Cansa Polokwane with Amanda Koekemoer, Project Manager at Ngwana Baby House and René van der Merwe, Marketing Manager for Mall of the North at the back.
Polokwane Observer
November 27, 2014
Business profile>>
November 27, 2014 >> PAGE 29
Riaan Knoetze
Business: Hi-Q Middestad Why did you choose this line of business? >> Because of the opportunity that I was granted, my love for auto fitment and the motor industry What puts you ahead in the industry? >> Hi-Q is considered an icon brand and has again been named leading national tyre retailer How do you live out your passion for your career? >> Providing only the best service and working with people with different personalities
Op pad na ’n tweede depressie …ekonoom Dawie Roodt praat prontuit WILLIE ESTERHUYSEN >>willie.e@mwebbiz.co.za
ie wêreldekonomie en Suid-Afrika in die besonder is in so ‘n wurggreep dat die bekende sakepersoonlikheid en hoofekonoom van die Efficient Groep, Dawie Roodt, van mening is dat ‘n resessie met ‘n soortgelyke omvang as dié van 1929-depressie nie vergesog is nie. Vir die onmiddellike toekoms voorspel hy dat die 2015/16-groeikoers van Suid-Afrika op nasionale front selfs veel laer as die konsensusvooruitskatting van 1,5% mag wees. Hy het tydens ‘n spogdinee wat verlede Donderdag deur die Limpopo-tak van die SuidAfrikaanse Tandartsvereniging (SADA) aangebied is voor ‘n uitgesoekte gehoor by Fusion Boutique Hotel gesê die land beleef ‘n demokratiese defek en die resultaat hiervan is dat belasting aan die een kant op die minderheid en sosiale spandering aan die ander kant op die meerderheid verhoog word. Die breekpunt wat nou bereik word, is dat daar te veel belastingstrukture is, belasting te hoog is, die staatsdiens stort ineen en mense spaar in die algemeen nie meer nie. Waar staan ons nou? Volgens Roodt word Suid-Afrikaners se mees basiese reg naamlik, dié op privaateiendom, ondermyn. Benewens verskeie wetgewing, is die feit ook onlangs in ‘n uitspraak van die konstitusionele hof bevestig. In gevalle van grondonteiening word die staat nou die beskerm heer daarvan en word geen vergoeding betaal nie. Roodt wil weet wat gaan gebeur as hierdie beginsel ook op ander bates soos fabrieke en besighede toegepas word. Voorts: • Die staatsdiens stort op grootskaal ineen
• Munisipaliteite is ‘n ramp • Onderwys is die swakste in die wêreld met geletterdheidsvlakke van gr 3-leerders in Mosambiek selfs veel hoër as in Suid-Afrika As voorbeele van die agteruitgang, het Roodt verwys na die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens wat reeds die afgelope twintig jaar met R20 biljoen deur belastingbetalers gesubsidieer word en R300 biljoen wat jaarliks verlore gaan as gevolg van verlore produksie. Gaan dit beter? Volgens Roodt hou die nasionale ontwikkelings plan groot beloftes in. “Maar,” sê hy “in stede van daadwerklike implementering, is die dokument tot nou toe niks anders as ‘n wenslys nie.” Hy is bekommerd oor individuele politieke agendas, prysvasstelling deur die regering en die feit dat “die linkerhand in Suid-Afrika nie weet wat die ander linkerhand” doen nie. Fiskale besteding Die fiskale beleid van die regering is om rykes meer te belas en meer aan die armes te bestee.Ten spyte van die massiewe herverdeling bly Suid-Afrika egter steeds een van die ongelykste lande ter wêreld. Iemand moet hiervoor betaal. Volgens Roodt gaan die staat se finansies intussen sodanig agteruit dat hy eenvoudig nie meer kan voortgaan om sulke groot maatskaplike uitgawes te dra nie – behalwe as belastings verhoog word of staatsbates geprivatiseer word. Volgens Roodt kan die alternatief om staatsbates te privatiseer tesame met die wil en deursettingsvermoë deur die staat om strukturele verande ringe aan te bring, waarvan gehalte en diens die belangrikste is, die draaipunt wees. ‘n Tweede groot depressie Tekens wat Roodt in sy omvattende voorlegging uitgewys het, van nog ‘n depressie wat op hande is, is:
• Opbrengse verminder, maar pryse stagneer en verlaag • Aandeelpryse skiet die hoogte in tot op ‘n punt waar opbrengste verflou • Kort-uitleenkoerse bly laag, aanvraag verminder, deflasie tree in en beweging in verhandeling verminder • Verdienste en aandele val • Maatskappye hou aan kontant vas • Skuldvlakke skiet die hoogte in • Sagte wisselkoerse ervaar inflasie en gaan in verstek Hoe om jouself te beskerm? Volgens Roodt is dit raadsaam om van arbeidintensiewe aktiwiteite weg te beweeg na kapitaal-intensiewe aktiwiteite. Sy raad is dat Suid-Afrikaners meer vaardighede moet aanleer, vir hulself moet dink eerder as om ’n skaap te bly, hulself onmisbaar moet maak en vriende met die regte mense moet maak Hoe om jou bates te beskerm? Roodt se raad is: • Pas die hefboomeffek op inkomstegenere rende bates maksimaal toe • Diversifiseer portefeuljes en skakel oor na buitelandse bateklasse • Maak gebruik van diskressionêre strukture om beleggings te diversifiseer, byvoorbeeld om verder te kyk as bloot pensioen- en voorsorgfondse • Huur eerder as om te koop. Dit beteken likiditeit • Kry buitelandse vennote, want onteiening raak moeiliker wanneer dit gebeur dat buitelanders se bates gesteel word. • Betaal alleen jou verskuldigde belasting en sorg dat jy nie agterstallig raak nie • Sluit aan by ‘n organisasie en veldtogte wat hulle beywer vir die beskerming van privaateiendomsreg.
Dawie Roodt (middel), spreker by die Suid-Afrikaanse Tandartsver eniging (SADA) se spogdinee, Sybrand van Reede van Oudshoorn, voorsitter van die Limpopo-tak van dié vereniging (links) en Alicia Lotriet, The Dental Studio se openbare skakelbeampte.
Natasha van Reede van Oudshoorn, mondhigiënis van The Dental Studio en eggenoot van Sybrand van Reede van Oudshoorn, tandarts van die praktyk en voorsitter van die Limpopo-tak van SADA (regs). In die middel is Minette Wescomb, verteenwoordiger van Oral B.
Inyathelo Award for ex-Stanford Lake College learner WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Stanford Lake College old boy, Samuel Ntsanwisi a youth activist and the founder of Vanthswa Va Xivono, which means ‘youth with a vision’ received an Inyathelo Award for
Ex-Stanford Lake College learner, Samuel Ntsanwisi pictured at the Inyathelo Award ceremony in Cape Town two weeks ago where he received an award for Philanthropy in Youth Development.
Philanthropy in Youth Development recently. The Inyathelo Awards was initiated eight years ago to acknowledge, celebrate and honour people whose personal giving has contributed towards sustainable social change in South Africa. Ntsanwisi was among eleven other individuals that were honoured at the prestigious annual award ceremony in Cape Town two weeks ago. He previously worked as the Director and Programme Coordinator at Bjatladi Youth Development and wants to establish his own youth centre. To win the award Ntsanwisi ran more than 1 850 km from Cape Town to NkowaNkowa in 32 days last year as part of his ongoing efforts to raise awareness and funding for abused women and children. He also works closely with the South African Police Service’s Victim Empowerment Unit in guiding young people to make positive choices and empowering them with life skills, knowledge and opportunities. The 28-year-old Ntsanwisi enjoyed a privileged upbringing and attended a private school, but feels compelled to help those that did not have the same opportunities
that he has in life. The marketer at Stanford Lake College, Rona McGaffin explained that Ntsanwisi’s quest to better the lives of those less fortunate started when he was 18 and wanted to set up a band. He met so many talented youngsters but most of them were unable to fulfil their potential because of the social challenges they faced on a daily basis. Ntsanwisi started helping them informally, organised opportunities and introduced them to people that could help, according to Mcgaffin. After studying filming and setting up his own film company, Ntsanwisi used some of the proceeds for Vanthswa Va Xivono. The youth development programme is currently assisting 30 disadvantaged and orphaned children from the NkowaNkowa area. Vanthswa Va Xivono assists the children with their educational needs and is busy building two houses for disadvantaged members of the community. Individuals and businesses wanting to help Ntsanwisi with his youth development programme can contact him on 079 194 8023 or email samuelntsanwisi@hotmail.com. Visit the website on www.vvx.co.za.
November 27, 2014
30 OBSERVER polokwane
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Beware of misleading adverts, spend wisely this Festive Season With the end of the year approaching and the Festive Season gradually creeping in, the National Credit Regulator (NCR) is urging consumers to be vigilant when entering into credit agreements. Mpho Ramapala, Acting Manager in the Education and Communication Department at the NCR warned against reckless spending and misleading advertising especially over the Festive Season. “Credit providers should disclose all costs in advertisements if they make reference to monthly instalments, repayment amounts or any other cost of credit. Consumers should be wary of misleading terms in advertisements or direct solicitation for credit such as no credit checks required, blacklisted consumers welcome, free credit, cheap credit, affordable credit, low cost credit or any wording that has substantially the same meaning,” Ramapala said. She also advised consumers not to leave their identity documents, bank cards or Personal Identification Number (PIN) and South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) cards with credit providers when applying for credit and stressed that it is a criminal offence for the service provider to do so. Consumers should report cases where their bank or Sassa cards and identity documents were taken by credit providers to their local police stations. Due to the year-end celebrations and excitement, the festive season provides the perfect opportunity to spend money that you do not have. “If you want to begin the New Year in a financially sound position, be aware of how you spend your money during this period and save for the New Year”, Ramapala advised. Over the Festive Season, consumers should be especially wary of buy now, pay after three months deals and then incurring additional credit during those three months. “Consumers should request a pre-agreement statement and quotation when applying for credit. This will enable them to shop around and do a comparison.” The NCR urges consumers to seek loans with NCR-registered credit providers. They can identify such credit providers by a window decal (an orange sticker with an NCR logo) and a registration certificate that will also state the
NCR credit provider registration number. To ensure that you are not put in a predicament of having to apply for credit come the New Year, spend wisely this year by following these simple steps: • Do a budget for the festive season and include all debt, rent, electricity, water, insurance, transport, gifts, entertainment, etc; • When going shopping, have a shopping list to avoid buying unnecessary items; • If you didn’t budget for a holiday earlier in the year, it might be too late and risky in terms of finances to go on holiday this year; • Be proactive and double-up on your regular payments such as mortgage or rent, lights and water. That way you will be able to afford costs such as school fees and uniforms which will hit you at the start of the New Year; • Prioritise your home loan and rent; • Shop around for cheaper options; • If you borrow money, make sure you borrow only for what is strictly necessary and ensure that you can afford the repayments; • If you’re not sure of exactly how much you want to spend on each person’s present, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and overspend. Limit yourself to an amount for each person to help keep track of your spending; • Items such as school stationery, uniforms or other useful items are a better investment. Choose presents that last long after Christmas; • Instead of buying expensive presents, set up a savings fund and put away an amount for your loved ones each Christmas. Over time this will grow into a much bigger pot of money that can be used to fund school fees or pay off a car; • Entertain at home. Ask guests to bring something for the meal so you share the costs of your festive entertainment; • Each year, set up a separate fund for birthday and Christmas presents as well as holidays; • Use your bonus to reduce your debt burden by paying off existing loans. By spending wisely this year, you can reap the benefits next year.
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November 27, 2014
’n Kerskuier met skop >> In skadu van ou huis is fantasie opgetower >> Met tooi van Kerstafel is sy kreatiewe gees uitgeleef YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com ‘n Tradisionele Kersfees met ‘n organiese inslag het vir klem op detail gesorg toe Polokwane interieur-kenner, Martin-Shawn van Huyssteen sy kreatiwiteit die vlug laat neem het voor die gemeenskaplike samesyn met vriende en familie. Van Huyssteen se tafel het plek gekry in die koel tuin by Velvet Apple Café te Compensatiestraat 80 waarvandaan hy ook sy interieuronderneming, Black Apple Design bedryf. Soos verwag het hy nie teleurgestel nie. In die skadu van die ou huis wat as afskoppunt vir etlike klein besigheidsentiteite dien, is fantasie opgetower. En halfhartigheid was beslis nie ‘n opsie nie. Met sy keuse vir die tooi van ‘n Kerstafel het hy sy kreatiewe gees uitgeleef. ‘n Sithoekie waar lede van Polokwane Observer se redaksionele span op ‘n Vrydagmiddag kon aansit was die ideale voorloper vir ‘n Kersmaal geïnspireer deur die voorskrifte vir ‘n gesellige kuier. In die kruietuin wat ‘n leefwyse na aan die aarde bevorder, was invloede met ‘n tong-in-die-kiesbenadering aan die orde van die dag. Losstaande kosyne met houtdeure en vensterrame in gul kleure geverf en die gekabbel van fonteinwater het die besoeker summier verwelkom. Die gewone wit en silwer wat alom met die feesseisoen gebruik word, was nie ‘n oorweging nie. Aardse kleure in goud en koper was die pasmaats vir elemente uit Limpopo-bodem en ‘n kleurskema wat Van Huyssteen met ‘n tradi sionele Kersfees vereenselwig. Hy het dit wat hy in die huis het vir ‘n treffer-tentoonstelling vir ‘n Kerskuier met skop aangewend, het hy verduidelik. Die tema is verhoog deur die simboliese gebruik van alomteenwoordige simboliek uit die natuur, waaronder blomme en voëls. Vir sy tafel het Van Huyssteen rolle muurpapier met motiewe van die rakke gehaal en as drapering en stoeloortreksels gebruik. Die Kersboom van hout as middelpunt het die keuse vir die organiese bevestig en struktuur aan die dekor verleen. Die borde met goue skrif en servette met krulle bedruk het tot die kleurkeuse bygedra. Kristal sal altyd in sy aanbiedings aangetref word, het Van Huyssteen beklemtoon. Vir elke gas is ‘n fortuinkoekie op die rand van sy glas geplaas. Bling het uitdrukking Martin-Shawn van Huys steen, plaaslike interieurkenner, doen die laaste voorbereidings.
gevind in Kersballe, lint, Kersklappers, sterre uit rottang geweef en teeliggies in koperglas. Miniatuur-dierefigure, tossels en die uitsonderlike masker van wit kant was onder die bykomstighede vir die okkasie. Aan ‘n tak bo die tafel het stringe klokkies, blomme en handgemaakte voëls in glasnessies in die wind geswiep. Neffens die kuierplek het ‘n sitbank van gietyster verfraai met lap, kussings en behangsels in dieselfde kleurskema ‘n alternatiewe uitspanplek gebied. Die spyskaart het weggeskram van ure se voorbereiding in ‘n warm kombuis, maar was geskik vir luilekker saamwees. Gekrummelde hoenderhappies op eko-vriendelike bamboes stokkies vir voordurende peusel is afgerond met kersietamaties en ‘n rissiesous. Vrugtepoeding met vars kersies, mini-roompoffers en individuele poedings bedek met vla of roomys en sjokoladeballe in blink papier toegedraai was gepas vir die soettand. Pampelmoes met granaatpitte was ‘n koel lafenis. En dan die troefkaart... die beraam van
planne vir Kersfees in Julie, want die wag tot Desember 2015 blyk heeltemal te lank te wees. Raadpleeg Martin-Shawn van Huyssteen by 082 802 4178 oor daardie tameletjies wat die lewe vir enige partytjiebeplanner moeilik kan maak. Hy kan selfs help met voorbereidings vir die jaarlikse Kersete.
‘n Losstaande deur verwelkom besoekers by Velvet Apple Café.
Foto’s: Yolande Nel
‘n Kerstafel geskik vir ure se kuier.
November 27, 2014
32 OBSERVER polokwane
November 27, 2014
OBSERVER 33 polokwane
November 27, 2014
34 OBSERVER polokwane
Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng
Festive Season message BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
“It’s not long ago when I was welcomed by the people of Polokwane and now, in the wink of an eye we are already in the Festive Season. Indeed, time flies when one is not idle. Mine was not a long year, but the short time here has been fruitful. Although we are still experiencing challenges here and there and sometimes with service interruptions, as a municipality we marvel at our achievements. There is more hope than despair. “Firstly, I thank all the Polokwane Municipality officials and Councillors for what I believe was a year of hard work and service. I believe we will use this period to reflect on 2014 and revaluate ourselves to become better persons in 2015 so that we can better our services to the people of Polokwane. “We are ushering the festive season by hosting the Annual Festive Lights Event and distribute funds raised through the 2014 Executive Mayor’s Charity Golf Day to various charities. This year’s festive season is the first since the passing of former President of South Africa, Tata Nelson Mandela and in honouring his memory; we will be visiting children at various hospices especially those taking care of cancer survivors. We will also distribute toys to the less fortunate children in partnership with the Motsepe Foundation. “We hope that the Grade 12’s in our municipality will take advantage of the Executive Mayor’s Bursary scheme and apply so that they could study further in consistence with our Smart People pillar. Parents, please ensure that as we spend money, we become mindful of our
children’s educational needs in the New Year. “As we enter into holiday mode, let’s all spend the holiday period responsibly with our beloved families and friends. I call upon all of us to practice humanity by extending a helping hand to those who are vulnerable, the less fortunate and the elderly in our society. One act of random kindness will surely help us lay a brick a day towards achieving social cohesion. “We should be patient on the road, tolerate one another and drive to arrive safe at our various destinations. Road safety is the responsibility of all on the roads. Let us all avoid drinking and driving for that is the cause of many fatalities on our roads. Our law enforcement officers will be dispatched throughout the Municipality to ensure that you arrive safe at your destinations. “Our praises to God for protecting us all in 2014 and we also pray that He delivers us into 2015 unharmed. On behalf of the Council of Polokwane Municipality, I take this momentous opportunity to wish all our residents and visitors a Merry Christmas and a rejuvenated and prosperous 2015.” Thembi Nkadimeng Polokwane Executive Mayor
Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng
Biolink spreek konsentrasieen leerprobleme aan BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Biolink Konsentrasiesentrum is betrokke by Mall of the North se Kersprogram wat kinders van 8 tot 13 Desember gaan besig hou. Biolink glo dat konsentrasie die sleutel tot sukses is en bied aan kinders geleentheid om deur middel van hul programme tot hulle volle potensiaal te ontwikkel. By Biolink Konsentrasiesentrum leer kinders om beter te konsentreer en te fokus deur middel van unieke tegnologie wat op
verskillende maniere konsentrasie meet en die brein strategieë leer om langer te konsentreer en beter op spesifieke take te fokus. ‘n Tovatoets (Test of Variables of Attentiontoets) word deurgaans gebruik om kinders se vordering wetenskaplik te monitor. Biolink Bioterugvoer help met die aandagspan, geheue, kognitiewe prestasies, sosiale vaardighede en gedragsvorming van kinders. Skakel Koemi van der Walt by 079 311 8277 of stuur ‘n e-pos na koemi@bio-link. co.za.
Moms & Babes en Moms & Tots-klasse by MoN BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Een van die interessante aktiwiteite wat van 8 tot 13 Desember by Mall of the North plaasvind en deel van hul Kersprogram is die Moms & Babes en Moms & Tots- klasse. Die Moms & Babes en Moms & Tots-klasse is deel van die “Jungle Tots Franchise” en nuut in die stad. Die program bied stimulasieklasse vir moeders en babas en vir moeders en peuters en is daarop gemik om algemene ontwikkeling van die kleingoed te bevorder en ma’s op ‘n prettige manier te leer hoe om hul kinders tuis te stimuleer. Aktiwiteite sluit musiekspel, massering en
kreatiwiteitsoefeninge in waartydens ma’s en kinders saam ‘n speelding maak, “messy play” wat die tassensoriese ontwikkeling stimuleer, asook waterspel en ‘n motoriese aktiwiteit. Moeders en peuters kan op hul beurt aan ‘n musiekaktiwiteit en ‘n temabespreking wat gevolg word deur ‘n tematoepaslike kreatiwiteitsaktiwiteit, deelneem. Ruimtelike persepsie, waterspel en “messy play” is ook deel van die peuters se program. Skakel Nerina Barnard by 084 762 5592 of Michelle van der Merwe by 084 702 1253 vir verdere inligting.
Kindermusik with MilkShake Music Studio offers music stimulation classes BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Kindermusik with MilkShake Music Studio offers music stimulation classes for babies and children up to 7 years. The Kindermusik concept will be part of Mall of the North’s Christmas Programme that focuses on children and will take place from 8 to 13 December. The studio is located on the premises of NG Kerk Bendorgemeente where qualified Kindermusik educators, Marlet van Niekerk and Jackie Shrives present the classes. Kindermusik has been enriching children’s lives with the carefully researched, developmentally based music programme that gives children from birth to age seven an opportunity to experience the magic of music without the pressure to perform. It provides encouragement and guidance to stretch their boundaries with creativity and fun. The aim of the programme is not to turn the young participants into musicians, but
instead to make them more eager to learn, more awake and wholly alive in their world. In musical activities, children and families are engaged in learning in class and at home. The benefit of music for the cognitive development of children is actually extraordinary. By incorporating music and movement into a child’s learning routine all areas of the brain are stimulated and engaged and it is thus the best way to learn. Music even helps a child develop early Mathematics, science and literacy and language skills. Van Niekerk: 083 577 4978 (marlet@ milkshakemusik.co.za) and Shrives: 072 101 9815 (jackie@milkshakemusic.co.za) can be contacted for more information.
Kersboom met ‘n lekker verskil
Call & collect Palm Centre
The Crossing
015 295 7633 015 296 2612/3
Thank you to all our loyal customers for their support during 2014.
We wish you all a joyous Festive Season.
Met Kersfees om die draai is daar hope idees vir die versiering van bome wat byval by die hele gesin en vriendekring behoort te vind. Ons gunsteling dusver is ‘n Kersboom met lekkergoed versier, geskik vir die jongklomp en die soettand. Dit is nie nodig om ‘n bank te beroof nie. Laat die gedagtes hul gang gaan wanneer dit kom by Kersboomidees.
MOTORING November 27, 2014 >> PAGE 35
Audi RS7 Sportback – unconditional dynamism >> The RS7 accelerates from 0-100 km/h in 3,9 seconds >> The tran smission can automatically adjust to driving style RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com
n the centre of Audi Polokwane’s showroom is a vehicle that from the onlook expresses puristic elegance, incredible power and cutting edge engineering; it is the Audi RS7 Sportback. It is clear that the RS7 is a big attraction to speed, power and torque fanatics and that performance will always end up first on the discussion list. The 4,0 litre V8 TFSI engine generates 412 kW and delivers a maximum torque of 700 Nm - pure power that the Quattro permanent all-wheel drive transfers to the road with confidence. The sprint from 0 to 100 km/h is effortless and takes only 3,9 seconds. The RS7 also excels when it comes to efficiency, with Audi cylinder on demand shutting down four of the eight cylinders in the partialload range. The engine continues to run smoothly and powerfully regardless. The only difference is that fuel consumption and emissions are reduced. On the exterior it is elegance at its most powerful. The trademark Audi Singleframe features a matt aluminium-look frame while a high-gloss black honeycomb grid creates an impression of outstanding strength. RS bumbers with large side air intakes and integrated flaps as well as the optional LED headlights with dark tinted surrounds help to underline the individual character of the RS7 Sportback. The interior exudes sportiness, exclusiveness and quality the moment you open the door. Details such as the illuminated door sill trims, pedals in aluminium look, door openers with a delicate double-bar design and carbon inlays all serve to underline the vehicle’s premium character. The RS7 sport seats with their boldly contoured form offer excellent lateral support even on the most challenging drives. The shift paddles of the flat-bottomed RS leather-covered multifunctional sport steering wheel enable the driver to change gear manually without having to let go of its chunky contours. Meanwhile the navigation and vehicle information system gives the driver perfectly intuitive control over many vehicle functions. Not only does the RS7 Sportback boast a unique dynamism, the way in which it adapts to the driver is just as individual. Thanks to the eight-speed tiptronic Dynamic Shift Program (DSP), the transmission can automatically adjust to your driving style. Audi manufacturer also provided for sophisticated safety features which include side impact protection, airbags, integrated head restraint system, battery energy management, Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Anti-slip Regulation (ASR), Electronic Differential Lock (EDL), Electronic Stabilisation Control (ESC) and a start/stop system. Contact Audi Polokwane on 015 299 8800 or visit them at Motor City, Grobler Street.
Motors profile>> Dealership: Audi Polokwane What is the biggest challenge in your line of work? >> The decline in Rand value compared to other currencies How do you stay at the forefront of the industry? >> Honesty is the best policy and by keeping in touch with my clients What do prospective clients need to keep in mind when buying a vehicle? >> Make sure about the motive behind the purMphuti Manamela chase such as safety, performance or comfort
The exterior design of the Audi RS7 Sportback creates an impression of outstanding strength.
Polokwane Observer
November 27, 2014
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ts & Cs apply. Prices include Vat, fitting & balancing. PrICeS ValId WhIle StOCK laStS.
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November 27, 2014
Polokwane Observer
58A BOK STREET, CBD TEL: 015 291 1547/8
…Come see MORE great SPECIALS in-store… &
November 27, 2014
38 OBSERVER polokwane
Mitchell House>>
Mitchell House prepares for Ironwood
HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Mitchell House held their inter-house athletics meeting at the school sports field last Thursday in preparation for next year Ironwood interschool athletics meeting scheduled to take place on 27 January 2015 at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium. The event saw tough competition between the houses but in the end Harman, on 252 points, triumphed followed by Maytham (226) and Hudson (191). Among the outstanding performances on the day were three new records set by Harman’s u.13 star, Kgola Khonou in the boys 100 m (12.05), 200 m (27.07) and long jump (5,31 m). Davon Smit, also from Harman, performed exceptionally well by participating in six events and winning them all. He won the high jump (1,45 m), long jump (4,10 m), javelin (14,59), discus (16,25), 100 m sprint (13.84) and 1 200 (5.04:22) for boy u.12 to ensure his team’s victory. Lebo Mateta (Harman) won the girls u.13 200m in a time of 31.96 while Katekani Xivambu (Hudson) won the 100 m and long jump for boys u.11. Headmaster Andrew Cook said they are
proud of the athletes who did well during the meeting. “We want to do well in the Ironwood meeting next year. Normally these kinds of events are held in January, but we decided to have our meeting early because we want to give learners enough time to prepare for next year,” he said.
Erica Pre-Primêre Skool>>
Erica se pret met aksiekrieket vir fondsinsameling WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Die ouers van die kleuters by Erica PrePrimêre Skool het onlangs groot pret gehad met hul aksiekrieket fondsinsamelingdag om die jaar af te sluit. Ses spanne het aan die toernooi deelgeneem en die Olifant- en Berespan het sake in die eindstryd uitgespook. Die Berespan, gelei deur Lauran du Toit het koning gekraai. Een van die organiseerders, Alizia Sibley sê die suksesvolle fondsinsamelingdag bewys weer dat ouers van die gewilde kleuterskool in goeie kameraadskap werk.
Dewald Fuchs (Kameelperdspan) was die beste bouler en Lettie Killian (Olifantspan), die beste kolwer en veelsydigste speler. FOTO’S: VERSKAF
Kiaan Harris managed a distance of 3.24 m in the boys u.12 long jump.
Erica Pre-Primêre Skool-ouers by die aksiekrieketdag met die organiseerders, Eugene Bray en Alizia Sibley links voor.
Andrew Cook, Headmaster at Mitchell House and Frederick Romijn, Director of Sport at Mitchell House congratulate Kgola Khunou who improved records in the boys u.13 100 and 200 m items as well as the long jump. PHOTOS: HERBERT RACHUENE
Links: Die Berespan met die wentrofee. Andrew Cook, Headmaster at Mitchell House congratulates Davon Smit for winning the u.12 boys high jump, long jump, 100m, 200m, javelin and shot-put.
Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos>>
Oosskool se Graad R’e nou skoolgereed BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Graad R-leerders van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos het onlangs hul grade tydens ‘n geselligheid by die skool ontvang en is op die verhoog deur Lizette Olivier, waarnemende hoof en hul klasonderwysers gelukgewens.
Elke leerder het die geleentheid gekry om die klok te lui terwyl hulle van die verhoog afgestap het om aan te dui dat hulle nou volwaardige Oosies is wat in 2015 met graad 1 begin. ‘n Reuse slagorkes van 130 graad Rleerders het die ouers en gaste in die volgepakte saal met hul optrede vermaak.
Carla van der Westhuizen ontvang haar graad van Lizette Olivier, waarnemende hoof van Oosskool.
Zach Pretorius, Tiaan Pretorius, Christiaan Oosthuizen, Lardus Nel en Awie Karsten van die Leeuklas.
Werk en Wen Pre-primêre Skool>>
Werk en Wen-kleuters hou konsert WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Werk en Wen Pre-primêre Skool het Donderdag die jaar met ‘n konsert in ‘n volgepakte skoolsaal by Pietersburg Laerskool afgesluit. Die kleuters het hulself uitstekend van hul taak met die konserttema, Koningskinders gekwyt met Bybelverhale wat opgevoer is. Die kleinspan het met groot opgewondenheid Woensdag en Donderdag hul beste vertonings gelewer om familielede en gaste met trots te laat toekyk.
Werk en Wen Pre-primêre Skool-kleuters, Lurian Enslin, Anro Richards en Alejandro Herman. FOTO’S: WARREN BLUNT
Tommie Horn, JJ Velloen, Renaldo Smit en Charl Bloem is gereed vir die konsert.
Xander Scott as ‘n engel.
Bo: Die twee engeltjies, Lea Bosman en Elexis du Toit. Regs: Werner Maree en Jo-Anne Groenewald is olifante.
Slagorkeslede is Kota Hattingh, Zachnes Olivier, Karla Strydom en Inneke Weterman.
Dié wyse manne is Christiaan Boshoff en Christiaan van der Merwe.
Nicky Smal, Nelrie Cloete, FR Engelbrecht en Hendru Herbst.
Property profile>>
November 27, 2014 >> PAGE 39
Dionette Luüs
Agency: Era Rentals What advice do you have for potential tenants? >> Rent what you can afford To what do you ascribe your success as rental agent? >> Honesty and integrity What is the current trend in the local rental market? >> There is a big shortage of rental properties
Up your property preparation during down time
>> Now is the time to measure the performance of your investment portfolio >> The best way to begin is to get pre-qualified for bond finance
esides the barbeques, office parties and breakaways to the beach or the Bushveld, the summer holiday period is always a good time to take stock and plan for the year to come. And if its property you want to buy – either as a first time buyer or because you’re looking to expand your portfolio of investments – it’s a perfect time to design your strategy. “It is no secret that financial institutions have fairly stringent lending requirements, and it’s become increasingly more important for prospective homeowners to keep their financial affairs in order to show the necessary affordability ratios,” said Adrian Goslett, Chief Executive Officer of RE/MAX of Southern Africa. This also applies to current homeowners who might require additional finances to undertake renovation projects or upgrades to their properties. He said that it makes sense to take time out to step back and assess your financial situation, to plan your actions and to measure the progress you’re making towards attaining your financial objectives. First-time buyers For first time buyers and people who don’t have much experience of the property market, though, knowing what you need to know can be a bit of a conundrum. The process of applying for a bond isn’t a straight-forward one, so it makes sense to use bond originators – especially since they’ll apply to all the banks on your behalf and you won’t be obliged to accept any of the banks’ deals, either. Get pre-qualified for finance The best way to begin is to get pre-qualified for bond finance. This will help you establish affordability in terms of the National Credit Act, will provide you with an amount that you’re likely to purchase for, and will also give you an insight into your credit ability. A pre-qualification will give you an understanding of your potential risk profile. If this requires work in order to improve your risk rating and thus your chances of obtaining a bond, we’ll be able to counsel and guide you as to what you can do to achieve a better risk status. If you’re self-employed, you’ll be informed of what documentation to prepare, and you’ll be guided through the processes that the banks will follow when assessing your ability to obtain a home loan. As a first time buyer you should save up for a deposit because even though the banks say they’ll provide 100% bonds, those bonds come at a cost. But with a deposit, you’re in a good position to negotiate a lower interest rate. Financial plan Goslett pointed out that the purchase of property shouldn’t be the only aspect of your financial plan for the New Year. Now is the time to meas-
suzettejacobs@hotmail.com Clearwater Cove: r3 250 000: Resort-style lifestyle in an estate. Lovely, spacious, very tasteful 3 bedr, 2 bathr home with a 1 bedr flatlet that can be rented out for extra income. Double volume, 180° view of the dam. Spacious living areas, built-in braai, verandah, splash pool, low maintenance yard. loCatIoN! loCatIoN!: 1 100m² Corner office premises. Consists of 8 offices, a boardroom, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, 2 garages and ample parking. New Flora ParK: r690 000: We all need to start somewhere. Buy this 71m² house situated right in the centre of this 582 m² stand. Space to extend. BeNDor GaBleS: r995 000: Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. 1 Garage. aCaCIa eState: r995 000: For the investor. A freestanding 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. No garage. Carport.
ure the performance of your investment portfolio, which, he said, is typically measured by several different benchmarks although, the most important of them is the one you set yourself. “Assessing your financial position and making
the required changes is not something to put off. It is vital that consumers know what they’re spending their money on and how to implement the necessary changes to their financial plan to achieve their homeownership goals. Take time to
examine your financial and life goals in order to determine the course you need to follow to attain these objectives. Review changes that have occurred, and anticipate changes that may occur in the future,” Goslett said.
Polokwane Observer
ANTON 082 443 6039
15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: polokwane@aidasa.co.za Website: www.aida.co.za
November 27, 2014
ROSEMARY 082 804 9725
Tel: 015 295 3134
Megan Bezuidenhout en haar medesanger, Callie Naudé. Foto: Barry Viljoen
Megan Bezuidenhout gereed vir die VSA BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com
EvErything wE touch turns to soLD!
SESHEGO • R550 000
FLORA PARK • R1 290 000
TWEEFONTEIN • R7 650 000
SOUTH GATE • R550 000
PERFECT LOCK UP AND GO. Ref: 91344181114 Clean house. Spacious family home on 372m² stand. A dream kitchen with cherrywood cupboards and gorgeous main bedroom. Peaceful surroundings and good neighbours. Be the proud owner.
FAMILY HOME + INCOME Ref: 91344186386 Home on corner stand with a two bedroom flat with own entrance. Four living areas. Near CBD. Flat can generate an extra income. Call today to view!
FINE GEM ON PRIME PROPERTY REF: 91344186361 This mansion is in a well sought after secure estate with prestigious lifestyle. Buildings ± 550 m². Well maintained garden. Borehole and sparkling pool. Must be seen! Call today for an appointment.
BEAUTIFUL AND SPACIOUS HOUSE. Ref: 91344186483 A family home with 3 bedrooms and open-plan lounge - kitchen. The property has excellent finishes, including ceramic tiles on the floor. Protected by burglar bars. Close to schools. Don’t delay.
0 Carports 0
3 2
JAMES • 072 236 7310
3 2
INA • 079 597 8636
BODORP • R2 100 000
STER PARK • R1 850 000
COSY AND CHARMING. Ref: 91344186514 Uniquely built family home with stoep around. Very modern lapa, built-in braai, borehole, irrigation, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, beautiful garden and a flatlet. 1 2 Carports 0 4 2 RINA • 082 929 9171
EXCELLENT LOCATION – UPMARKET AREA. Ref: 91344171649 Superb family home - near to schools and shopping centres - spacious open- plan living areas with well planned kitchen. Lapa, swimming pool, storeroom, bar. 3 Wendy houses - carport for 3 cars – automated garage doors, electric fenced and 4 security cameras. Please act now to arrange a viewing.
2 Carports 2
4 2
SIAS • 082 372 7265
SESHEGO • R400 000
R1 300 000
PRICE TO SELL. Ref: 91344186315 B e g i n n e r ’ s h o u s e i n S e s h e g o . Tw o o u t side rooms for extra income. Close to public transport and school. Make this yours. 0 1 Carports 0 2 1 SIMON • 082 476 8916
UPMARKET TOWNHOUSE IN SECURITY ESTATE. Ref: 91344186353 Opposite Mall of the North. Open-plan living areas, granite tops in kitchen and a courtyard. Only 3 units in complex. Call now to view.
2 Carports 0
3 2
VICTOR • 073 066 6805
EDUAN PARK • R1 530 000
SESHEGO • R570 000
I D E A L FA M I LY H O M E . Ref: 91344186327 Family home with pool and lapa in a quiet suburb close to schools and shopping complex. Beautiful garden with very strong borehole. Ideal for first time buyers. To view please call me today!
DREAM OF OWNING YOUR OWN SMALL HOUSE. Ref: 91344186542 The house consists of 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Also includes a lounge, dining room, single garage and carports. Fully walled. Spacious rooms. Alarms system and automated gate and electric fence. Close to shopping mall and school. Hurry up and view this house.
3 2
1 Carports 0
ESSIE • 071 391 4750
2 1
1 Carports 2
4 3
1 LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632
JACOB • 082 466 8366
Geagte klient Terwyl die jaar einde se kant toe staan het ons weer die geleentheid om terug te kyk na ons aktiwiteite gedurende die jaar. Ons het weer ‘n baie suksesvolle jaar beleef en dit was slegs te danke aan u, die publiek, se volgehoue ondersteuning. In ons professie word dit van u verwag om u mees waardevolste en belangrikste bate aan ons toe te vertrou en dit is daarom van kardinale belang dat ‘n vertrouens posisie tussen u, die klient en die agent tot stand kom. Ons het baie sukses hiermee in die verlede behaal maar sal daarna strewe om steeds die kwaliteit van ons dienste te verbeter in die toekoms. Neem asseblief kennis dat ons kantore op 19 Desember 2014 vir die Kerstyd sal sluit en weer op 05 Januarie 2015 heropen. Ons agente sal op bystand wees gedurende hierdie tydperk. Mag u ‘n baie geseënde Kersfees en ‘n baie gelukkige en voorspoedige nuwejaar geniet.
PETER • 073 219 4538
R456 000 Louwrens - 082 958 6632
Bendor - 91344186354
R472 000
Essie - 071 391 4750
Woodlands - 91344186097
1 090
R620 000
Sias - 082 372 7265
Marula Heights 91344186530
1 021
R545 000
James - 072 263 7310
Marula Heights 91344169212
Diamond Arrow Award 1st Overall
Dear client As the year draws to a close we once again have time to reflect on our activities over the past year. Thanks to the support from you, the public, out there we can once again look back on a very successful year. In our profession where you entrust us with your most valuable and important asset it is imperatve that a relationship of trust be established between you, the customer and the agent. We have done so very successfully in the past and will strive to improve the quality of our services even further in the future. Please note that our offices will close for the Christmas recess on 19 December 2014 and re-open on 05 January 2015. Our agents will however be on standby. May you enjoy a blessed Christmas and a very happy and prosperous New Year.
Celtic Meadows - 91344184588 800
R365 000
3 1
James - 072 263 7310
R 8,500
R 7,700
R 3,850
R 7,500
R 6,600
URGENT!!!!! We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants!
ELMARIE - 082 977 7020
HENNIE HANTI JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE INA KOWIE RINA ESSIE JACOB SIMON 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916 082 854 0452 082 929 9171 071 391 4750
Megan Bezuidenhout, ‘n graad 8-leerder van die stad wat tuisonderrig ontvang, het onlangs in Johannesburg aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Talentkampioenskappe (SATCH) se nasionale rondte deelgeneem en ses goue medaljes ingepalm. Bezuidenhout het goue medaljes in die Afrikaans, Engels, “Contemporary Country”, “Pop”, “Open Films” en “Motion Pictures”-kategorieë gekry en ‘n uitnodiging ontvang om volgende jaar in die Verenigde State van Amerika aan die Shine-sangkompetisie wat deelnemers vanoor die wêreld trek, deel te neem. Die organiseerders van die kompetisie, wat in Orlando plaasvind, gaan die geleentheid aan uitgesoekte deelnemers bied om sangkontrakte te sluit en ‘n sangloopbaan in die VSA te volg. Dit is die derde keer dat Megan aan die kompetisie deelneem en het die vorige keer ook ses goue medaljes ontvang. Bezuidenhout word deur haar vriend Callie Naudé, wat ook sing, ondersteun en hulle werk tans saam aan ‘n CD.
WAREHOUSE/ STORAGE TO LET 1x 1 000m² for R18.00/m² Tweefontein Smallholdings 3km from SAB Long-term Johann Swart 082 829 5084
To leT
offices Maneoprops 072 614 4333
November 27, 2014
Polokwane Observer
Word ‘n Kansa vrywilliger en help ander
“Having achieved more than 50 Years of property
>> 5 Desember is Internasionale Vrywilligersdag >> Meer as 6 000 vrywilligers bereik reeds 14 000 kankerpasiënte
makes us the obvious choice”
WEB: 338922
BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa) vier op 5 Desember Internasionale Vrywilligersdag, ‘n dag toegewy aan die waardering teenoor alle vrywilligers wat hulle tyd, vaardighede en geld gee om mense in nood te help. Kansa se waarnemende hoof-uitvoerende beampte, Elize Joubert sê: “Oscar Wilde het gesê dat ‘Die kleinste daad van liefde is meer werd as die wonderlikste voorneme’ en dit is presies wat Kansavrywilligers doen. Met klein en groot gebare, saam met die gee van hul tyd, is ons vrywilligers besig om die lewens van diegene wat deur kanker geraak word, te verander.” Kansa benodig die ondersteuning van vrywilligers om alle gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika te bereik en om te help met hul sorg- en ondersteuningsdiens. Meer as 6 000 vrywilligers help reeds om 500 gemeenskappe en ongeveer 14 000 kankerpasiënte en hul families landswyd te bereik. “Internasionale Vrywilligersdag is ‘n geleentheid om vrywilligers te bedank vir hul werk en ondersteuning. Kansa se sorgsentra regoor die land tree as gasheer vir vrywilligerbyeenkomste op hierdie dag op, om hul waardevolle bydrae wat meehelp om ‘n wêreld te skep sonder kanker, te erken,” meen Joubert. Dorothy Masiane (62), borskankeroorwinnaar en Kansa Phakamisa navigator, verduidelik: “Kansa het my met berading ondersteun terwyl ek deur my kankerreis gegaan het en my die geleentheid gegee om as ‘n Phakamisa navigator as vrywilliger aan te sluit ten einde ander pasiënte op te hef en my gemeenskap oor kanker in te lig. Ek besef dat die meeste mans en vroue nie oor hul gesondheid praat nie, daarom probeer ons hulle help. Dit verskaf my plesier om te sien hoe sommige probeer om die manier waarop hulle dinge sien, te verander.” Lucas Pelompe, ‘n Movember-navigator van Rustenburg, sê: “Vir my is die werk soos om ‘n ui af te skil - daar is meer lae om te ontdek en te verken. Dit help ook vir my en my hele gesin om ‘n gesonde lewe te lei. Terwyl ek die aanbiedings doen, is ek nie meer so bang om voor baie mense op te staan en iets te sê nie. Dit help my eintlik om die beste ‘Lucas’ ooit te wees, alles te danke aan Kansa. Ek is lief daarvoor om mense te help en om hulle te kry om oor hul gesondheid te praat.” Kansa bied ‘n unieke geïntegreerde diens aan die publiek en aan almal wat deur kanker geraak word. Meer as R5 mil-joen word jaarliks deur Kansa bestee en as ‘n leierrolspeler in kankernavorsing word die wetenskaplike bevindinge en kennis wat ingewin word deur Kansa se navorsing gebruik om gesondheidprogramme te ontwikkel en op te gradeer. Dit help ook om Kansa se rol as waghond te verskerp tot groter voordeel van die publiek. Gesondheidsprogramme sluit veldtogte oor voorkoming en behandeling, asook opleiding en onderrig. Daar is meer as 30 Kansa sorgsentra wat ‘n wye reeks ondersteuningsdienste bied en sluit tuisversorging, ondersteuningsgroepe, kliniese versorging soos stoma-ondersteuning en verhuring van mediese toerusting, in. ‘n Tolvrye telefoonlyn bied ondersteuning aan diegene wat deur kanker geraak word. Pasiëntsorg en ondersteuning word gegee deur middel van 12 Kansa sorgtuistes in die hoof metropolitaanse gebiede, een hospitium (in Polokwane) vir weg-van-diehuis-pasiënte, asook twee Kansa TLCtuistes in Pretoria en Polokwane vir ouers of voogde van kinders wat kankerbehandeling kry. Teken aan by die Kansa-webtuiste www.cansa.org.za of skakel Kansa tolvry by 0800 22 66 22.
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2
“Beautiful family home with spacious open-plan area. Privately set. Wonderfully relaxing ambience. This residence occupies a stunning position. Very secure complex, with beautiful gardens and walkways. CHARMAINE VERMEULEN 082 780 5844
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Bybelstudiegroep hou afsluiting
November 27, 2014
42 OBSERVER polokwane
Nakkie Lingenfelder en Babs Vernandez, inwoners van Vergeet My Nie Behuisingsentrum geniet saam die jaarlikse afsluiting.
>> Geloof bring inwoners nader aan mekaar >> ‘Ons is soos een groot familie’ LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>leandri.observer@gmail.com
TEL: 015 295 4537/8 | 071 670 6643 | Fax: 015 291 1166 7a HaNS VaN RENSBURG STREET TO LET SUNSET BOULEVARD – GOEIE SEKURITEIT R3 900 – Moderne eenman woonstel met vol badkamer, kombuis, was-area, afdak en parkering. Selektiewe gebruik van swembad en lapa, water ingesluit. MAGAZYNSTR R3 300 – 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met badkamer sitkamer en kombuis. R5 570 – 3 Slaapkamer meethuis met 2 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en afdak. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Des. DORP / TOWN R2 700 – Bachelor flat with kitchen and bathroom. Water and electricity R300 per month. R3350 – 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis en afdak. Water en ligte ingesluit. Gesamentlike swembad. R3 985 – Moderne 2 slaapkamer woonstel beskikbaar op eerste vloer met badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis en afdak. Geen diere. 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE From R3 900 to R4 250 - Ladanna – 2 Bedrooms with 1 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen and carport, prepaid electricity. Safe complex! R3 235 – Bendor – 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Prepaid electricity. R4 400 – Dorp St – 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Available immediately. COMPENSATIESTR R5 000 – 2 Slaapkamer meenthuis met 2
badkamers, sit/eet kamer, kombuis, motorhuis. Geen diere. Beskikbaar Jan 2015. HUISE R8 250 – Ivy Park – 3 Slaapkamers, 1½ badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, opwas, waskamer en 2 motorhuise. Koopkrag. R9 500 – Eduan Park – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, studeerkamer, kombuis, opwas, 2 stoorkamers, buitetoilet, motorhuis, 2 afdakke PLUS 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met sitkamer, kombuis, badkamer en afdak. R13 370 – Capricorn – 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, 3 motorhuise, swembad, borrelbad, lapa en Wendyhuis PLUS 1 slaapkamer woonstel met badkamer, sitkamer en kombuis. Ingerigte speelareas vir kinders.
Various office space available, sizes from 100m² to 598m².
FOR SALE A selection of properties for sale. Phone Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162
NEW SERVICE BODY CORPORATES Allow us to provide professional management of your complex. Phone now! Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162
nwoners van Martha Hofmeyr Tehuis vir Bejaardes en Vergeet My Nie Behuisingsentrum, het Maandag hulle jaarlikse Bybelstudiegroep-afsluiting gehou. Die verrigtinge is deur Johan de Villiers, ‘n Cielie Theunissen, werksaam in NG Kerk Pietersburg-Oos se kerkleraar van die NG Kerk in die stad geopen wat kantoor, Johan de Villiers, plaaslike leraar en Jenny Mocke, gemeentelid. Foto’s: Leandri van Schalkwyk ook die weeklikse Bybelstudie behartig. Groeplede het aandagtig na die woorde van De Villiers geluister. ”Elkeen van julle het innerlike krag en aanvaar die lewe soos dit is sonder om te kla,” het hy beklemtoon. PROPERTIES OF THE WEEK Die Bybelstudiegroep vergroot byna Flat to let townhouses to let townhouse to let Duplex to let weekliks en word R6 000.00* R4 723.00 R5 200.00 R5 500.00 Maandagoggende in Woodlands Polokwane Central Thornhill Polokwane Central Martha Hofmeyr se 2 Bedrooms 2 Bedrooms 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms saal gehou en begin 1 Bathroom 2 Bathrooms 1 Bathroom 1 Bathroom weer in Januarie Spacious Living Area Ground Floor Unit Spacious Living Area Living Area 2015. ‘n Inwoner van Kitchen Huge Living Area Kitchen Kitchen die behuisingsenSmall Garden* trum, Babs VernanKitchen Ground Floor Unit Small Yard Closed Garage dez sê almal is soos Carport Closed Garage Single Carport Security Estate een familie en dat No Pets Allowed Small Yard Prepaid Electricity Prepaid Electricity dit fantasties is om Noise Restrictions Prepaid Electricity Close to Town Close to Main Road saam met inwoners Secure Complex Secure Complex Close to Schools Pets Allowed* ‘n Bybelstudiegroep te Close to Transport No Pets Allowed No Pets Allowed Available 1 Jan 2015* kon vorm en ervarings *Units Differ Available 1 Jan 2015 Available 1 Feb Available Dec 2014 met mekaar te deel. Die NG Kerk JUST PROPERTY GROUP - JUST FOR YOU Pietersburg-Oos het CALL US TODAY FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS. AGENTS: Suné 079 341 1625 / Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 vir die verversings OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail: admin.pietersburg@justpropertygroup.co.za gesorg.
PROPERTY SERVICES • EIENDOMSDIENSTE APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za
CONTaCT: SaN 072 159 5126
1) BENDOR: R2 500 000.00 Groot familiewoning met 3 leefareas, 7 slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, dubbel motorhuis, spog kombuis, opwas plus 1 slaapkamer woonstel op groot 2 039 m² erf, swembad. 2) PLOT 17HA: R2 800 000.00 4 Bedroom house, double garage, pool, lapa, electric fence, plus 2 x 3 bedroom flats, 2 x 2 bedroom flats, 2 earth dams. Scenic area. High rental income. 3) FAUNAPARK: R1 300 000.00 3 Slaapkamer familiewoning met bachelor woonstel. Groot erf. Stil area. 4) NIRVANA R1 800 000.00 Beautiful brick tiled roof family home with 3 living areas, kitchen, scullery, pantry, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, patio.
CONTaCT MaNIE: 083 635 0513
CONTaCT aGGIE: 082 465 8234 1) DALMADA PLOT: R1 300 000.00 4 Bedroom dwelling.
CONTaCT MaTIE: 083 271 5259
1) FAUNAPARK: R1 300 000.00 Goed geboude woning met sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, waskamer, 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, afdak vir 4 voertuie plus 1 slaapkamer woonstel plus lekker onthaalarea. 2) 500ha BESPROEIINGSPLAAS: R6 300 000.00 Dendron omgewing, 18ha onder besproeiing, 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 slaapkamer woonstel, groot pakstoor, werkswinkel, afdakke ens. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. 3) 4 ha PLOT IVY DALE:R5 500 000.00 On main road, excellent investment potential, 4 bedroom house, 2 bedroom house, workshop and store rooms of ±1000m² 4) 4ha PLOT, MYNGENOEGEN: R800 000.00 Undeveloped, next to tar road. Close to schools. Water rich area. 5) 8.9ha TWEEFONTEIN PLOT: R5 800 000.00 4 Bedroom house, 3 bathrooms,3 living areas, granny flat with own kitchen and bathroom. There are 8 en suite chalets, big hall with kitchen, 2 big timber decks, sleeping hall for 72 guests, swimming pool, lovely garden, all fenced with electric fence. This property can be used for weddings and other functions.
CONTaCT SOLET: 082 498 4415
1) PENINA PARK: R1 185 000.00 Large family home consisting of 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, TV room, lounge, dining room and kitchen with scullery. Double garage – neat garden with strong borehole. 2) WOODHILL: R775 000.00 Modern 2 bedroom ground floor flat with open-plan living area. Neat garden and carport.
CONTaCT: STEPhEN 082 558 3525 HOUSES + STANDS: 1) ±1 500 m² zoned 7 units: R1 500 000.00 2) BENDOR – 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, en suite guest room – pool: R1 700 000.00 3) PENINA PARK - 3 000 m² zoned 20 Units: R2 500 000.00 4) 5 700m² Corner stand in central Polokwane (Great exposure) PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha vacant: R1 500 000.00 neg 2) ON N1 PRETORIA RD, 8.5 ha FARMS: 1) ALLDAYS 1 000ha – GAME FARM R8 000 000.00 2) PIETERSBURG 300ha - CATTLE/ CROP FARM + loose assets (100 Bonsmara cattle) 2 houses, strong water, pivot R6 500 000.00 3) VIVO – 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game R9 000 000.00 4) BYLSTEEL PAD 400ha – R3 500 000.00 5) SWARTWATER 700ha 6) MESSINA - ±2 400ha 7) PIETERSBURG 260ha- R2 600 000.00 8) PIETERSBURG 120ha – big house, pivot R4 800 000.00: Neg 9) ALLDAYS 250ha: R2 750 000.00 Neg INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) Prime Location – Fully let Industrial development: R8 000 000.00 monthly income ± R80 000.00 pm 2) Industrial Stand - ±1.5 ha: R4 500 000.00 exl TO LET: RESIDENTIAL: CONTACT: SAN 072 159 5126 MID-TOWN: 3 Rooms with own bathroom, NO kitchen. Immediately available: R2 450.00, R2 615.00 and R2 712.00 respectively. Water and electricity included! FLATS ON PLOT: 20KM FROM TOWN: Beautiful area!! 2 Bedrooms, open-plan living area, bathroom, garage: R3 000.00 Immediately 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan living area, garage: R4 000.00 Immediately MEENTHUIS LADANNA: R5 000.00 1 Desember 3 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, sit/eetkamer, kombuis, afdak, privaat tuintjie. BENDOR: R13 800.00 Immediately Fantastic house in quiet area; 3 living areas, beautiful kitchen, pantry, scullery, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, electric fence, excellent security!! TO LET: INDUSTRIAL: CONTACT: STEPHEN 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 600 m² + 200 m² Offices, good exposure, Dendron road 2) 1 800 m² + 500 m² warehouses + 300 m² office, Nirvana Office Space: 1) 430 m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) 600 m²CBD 3) 345 m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton Court) 4) 100 m² Office CBD 5) ±220 m² Office CBD – Marshall street 6) 280 m² Hampton Court office 7) ±80 m² Small office – Platinum Park
Our name means a great deal! Pro-Arch Building, Unit 2, Bendor Drive 29, Bendor, Telefax: 015 297 1132 Fax to e-mail: 086 611 0645 ringoapp@mweb.co.za - www.exclusiveprops.co.za
MoDern AnD UPMArkeT. Small complex. Openplan living areas, modern bathrooms. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 1 garage. Only ten units in the complex. Enjoy 083 083 268 268 5097 5097 executive living. Wake up to view this….. if R875 000 you snooze, you lose!
Marianna 083 083 268 268 5097 5097
R6 557 000
082 082 953 953 1686 1686
R1 750 000
Michelle 082 303 9111
082 082 804 804 4156 4156
R2 400 000
UP For sAle!! 3 Bedroom house adjacent to the new High Court. Not to be missed for further business rights and office space. Call today!!
UlTiMATe sTyle, QUAliTy, sPAce, locATion AnD MUcH More! Well designed for indoor and outdoor living. Pool, extraordinary lapa, braai and pizza oven. Strong borehole and 2 tanks makes gardening a pleasure. Double volume thatched roof. Modern, open-plan kitchen and 4 living areas.
excellenT invesTMenT oPPorTUniTy! If you are looking for an investment with good rental income, this is the one for you!! Neat units with good security and easy 082 082 303 303 9111 9111 access to town. 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom and R430 000 1 carport.
lArge FAMily HoMe! Well located. Family home offering 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, beautiful maintained garden, borehole, irrigation and Wendy house. A warm friendly feeling when you enter this house. 4 Garages.
enTerTAiner’s DreAM! This lovely 5 bedroom family home has lots to offer. 3 Living areas with double volume ceilings. Open-plan, well designed kitchen with pantry and laundry. 2 Studies, double garage and 2 carports. 2 Entertainment areas plus sparkling pool. 083 083 268 268 5097 5097 Landscaped 2 030 m² and water wise garden. R2 296 000 Strong borehole.
Erika 082 953 1686
Nicolien 071 672 4612
Cornel 082 396 7178
Marlene 082 804 4156
Marianna 083 268 5097
Nov 27 - Des 3, 2014
STORAGE TO LET We can store from bikes to big boats. From R400 p.m. Polokwane Self Storage. 082 446 4574 / 082 964 4139 / 082 460 4439 ____________________ STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________
EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________
CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ALL CARPETS AND UPHOLSTERY We do houses and businesses. High tech equipment and SABS approved chemicals. www.lulu.co.za Call Brenda 072 799 6424 or Piet 078 004 6677 ___________________
Opregte wit Alsatian-tefies te koop Ingeënt en Ontwurm R1000.00 elk
Skakel Edith by 072 658 9264
TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________
LEEUWKUIL ESTATE BACHELOR unit in safe tranquil surroundings. 7km from town. R2 200 per month. Contact 079 081 3152 ____________________ TO LET Spacious bachelor flat on plot in Dalmada. 3,5 km from Savannah Mall. R2 650, water included, prepaid electricity. Contact 015 296 2785 or 082 851 9521 ____________________ BACHELOR IN LADANNA Near Makro. R2 500 p.m. plus deposito. Water incl. Contact 078 422 9911 ____________________ NUUTGEBOUDE 2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL OP DOORNBULT PLOT AAN TEERPAD Baie veilig, water ingesluit en koopkrag. Huur R4 000. Deposito R5 000. Beskikbaar 1 Des 2014. Kontak Johan 082 654 8620 ____________________ ROOMS BACHELOR 1 BEDROOM FLATS 3 bedroom house, warehouses and workshops. Contact Andre 072 765 0507 072 133 0952 ____________________
TE HUUR ONMIDDELLIK BESKIKBAAR 2 Slaapkamer huis op Zebediela pad. R3 000 p.m. plus koopkrag. Veilige omgewing. Skakel Rentia 076 598 6002 ____________________ TO LET 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Study, double garage, W&L excl. For rent R7 000 p.m. 36 Bekker Street, Fauna Park. Available 1 Jan 2015. Contact 082 686 3617 ___________________ RUIM 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS OP SOETDORINGS Groot buitekamer en stoor, afdak asook skaduwee. Omhein, veilige area. Groot kombuis en sitkamer. Deposito R6 000, huur R6 000. Beskikbaar 1 Januarie 2015. Koopkrag, water gratis. Kontak Koos 082 890 5862 ____________________ TO LET FAUNA PARK Spacious 4 bedr house, 2 bathr, dining/ TV/family room & built-in braai. R7 400 p.m. + R7 400 dep. From 1 Dec 2014. Contact Corrie 015 296 2073 072 263 4238 ____________________
LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar. Kleinvertrek huise R2 400 p.m., Bachelor woonstelle R1 800 p.m. Wendy houtkamers R1 200 p.m. Gemeenskaplike ablusiegeriewe & eetplek. Vir meer inligting skakel Marina in kantoorure 015 297 2008 ___________________ Houses NoRTHVIeW - R9 500 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Lounge, dining, 2 garage, room with bathroom, storeroom. IVY PARK – R7 900 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Study, double garage. NoRTHVIeW – R7 250 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Lounge, Kitchen, Double garage IVY PARK – R5 130 2 Bedr, 1 Bathr, Kitchen, Living area ToWNHouses: FAuNA PARK – R6 950 3 Bedr, 2 ½ Bathr, Lounge, Kitchen, 1 Garage BeNDoR – R6 950 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, open-plan lounge/dining, kitchen, patio with built-in braai, garage, prepaid electricity. FLATs: RABe sTReeT – R4 100 2 Bedr, 1 Bathr, open-plan kitchen/living area, 1 carport sTeR PARK – R3 570 Granny flat, spacious living area, carport, DSTV, water & electricity included. No animals sHoPs CeNTRAL – R25 000 CeNTRAL CBD – 200m² oFFICes CBD – R2 500 mARsHALL sTReeT – R10 270 mARsHAL sTReeT – R25 400 mARsHALL CHAmBeRs – R8 134 LANDDRos mARe sTR – 193m² – PoR THYs 083 702 0768 DIoNeTTe 084 503 3964 mARTIN 060 666 5432 AuDReY 072 632 7117
SAFE, LARGE, 2 BEDROOM FLATS ON SHOW BY OWNER Saturday, 216 Suid Street. Buy direct and save! Contact 073 188 4976 ____________________
SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Contact 015 295 5264 ___________________
NOTICE FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS AND INVITATION TO REGISTER AS INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES LEDET REFERENCE: 12/1/9/S24G-C10 Notice is hereby given for the rectification of commencement with listed activity application (Section 24G application) to the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) in terms of Section 24G (1) (a) and (b) of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations GNR 544, 546 of June 2010 for the development of a lodge on the farm Rietvley 13 KS within the Polokwane Local Municipal Area. Phakanani Environmental has been appointed as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner to manage the Section 24G application process. The following listed activities in terms of the EIA
Regulations apply: • GN R.554 23.(ii): The transformation of vacant land to residential institutional use, outside an urban area and where the total area transformed is bigger than 1 hectare but less than 20 hectares. • GN R.546 6 ii (ii): The construction of resorts, lodges or other tourism accommodation facilities that sleep 15 people or more: ii Outside urban areas in, (ii) Areas on the watercourse side of the development setback line or within 100 meters from the edge of a watercourse where no such setback line has been determined. The construction covers 3 hectares of the Rietvley Property Lodge N1 South of Polokwane. The public is afforded 30 days from the publishing of this notice to register or comment on the S24G application as interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) for the above mentioned project. For further information pertaining to the project, kindly contact Miss Patience Sehlapelo at PHAKANANI ENVIRONMENTAL. PHAKANANI ENVORINMENTAL 08 BURGER STREET POLOKWANE 0700 TEL: 015 295 7391 FAX: 086 618 5960 EMAIL: patience@ phakanani.co.za 27/11 ___________________ POLOKWANE PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007 SPECIAL CONSENT FOR A TAVERN Notice is hereby given in terms of provisions of Clause 21 of the Polokwane/Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007, that I, BETTY PAGE MANALE, intend applying to the Polokwane Municipality for the Special Consent for a Tavern for purposes of selling and serving liquor and other beverages and prepared food, to be consumed on Erf 2328, SESHEGO “B” located at the corner of 39th Street and Lele Mohlala Avenue, Zone 2, Seshego. Owners within a distance of 50 metres, educational institutions and places of public worship within a radius of 250 metres are specifically notified of the proposed use in order to comment and/or be provided with the opportunity to lodge any objection. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the applicant at the address mentioned herein, and at the offices of the Town Planners, first floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Polokwane, for the period of 28 days from 27 November 2014. Any objection to or representations in respect of the application should be lodged in writing simultaneously with the applicant and with the Municipal Manager, Polokwane Municipality at the above address or at P.O. Box 111, Pietersburg, 0700, within a period of 28 days from 27 November 2014. Should no comments and/ or objections be received as set out above, the municipality will assume that you are in support of the application and may approve the proposed land use rights. J CONSULT 19A HANS VAN RENSBURG STREET POLOKWANE TEL: 015 291 2816/7 FAX: 015 291 4617 27/11 ___________________
KENNISGEWING VAN KURATOR Kragtens Artikel 75 van die boedelwet, No. 66
van 1965 (soos gewysig) saamgeles met Artikel 85 van die Boedelwet, word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van ‘n persoon as Kurator/ Voog/Administrateur deur Meesters. BOEDELNOMMER: MC20521/14 Persoon onder Kuratele: HESTER ALIDA FOURIE, PLOT 108, DOORNBULT, POLOKWANE Naam en adres van Kurator: JOHANNES MATTHEUS FOURIE, PLOT 108, DOORNBULT, POLOKWANE Vanaf: 16 OKTOBER2014. Meester van die Hooggeregshof: GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA JW WESSELS & VENNOTE ING 811 FRANCIS BAARDSTRAAT POSBUS 2483 PRETORIA 0001 TEL: 012 343 1410 FAKS: 012 343 8001 27/11 ___________________ IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PIETERSBURG HELD AT POLOKWANE Case Number: 8025/2014 In the matter between: VW en B ONTWIKKELINGS (PTY) LTD EXECUTION CREDITOR And DON-DON TRADING CC Registration No. 2009/013015/23 FIRST EXECUTION DEBTOR IVY DONATUS EZEAGBAI SECOND EXECUTION DEBTOR MATHOBELA EZEAGBAI THIRD EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of a Judgment of the Court of the Magistrate of POLOKWANE granted on the 2nd of September 2014 and a Warrant of Execution issued in pursuance thereof, the under mentioned property will be sold in execution on the 5th of DECEMBER 2014 at 11:00 at the offices of the Sheriff’s Office, 66 Platinum Street, Ladine, POLOKWANE to the highest bidder, namely: 3 x Maytag Washing Machines 3 x Maytag Dryers 15 x Hangers (Plastic) 4 x Steel Hangers 2 x Steam Irons 3 x Display Dolls 4 x Wooden Shelves 1 x CCTV Equipments & Speakers 1 x HP Computer Complete 1 x Lexmark Printer 2 x Lable Printers 1 x Cash box 1 x Portable Phone 1 x Desk & Chair & Small Cabinet 1 x Desk 1 x Samsung Bar Fridge 1 x Desk Fan 1 x Adam Scale 2 x Lights 21 x Mens Shoes 5 x Ladies Shoes 8 x Ladies Handbags 13 x Shirts 14 x T-Shirts 38 x Trousers 9 x Belts 12 x Ladies Purses 17 x Blue Jeans 5 x Jeans 1 x Short Denim Jean 9 x Mens Suits 1 x Shoe Display Unit TERMS: CASH OR BANK GUARANTEED CHEQUE DATED at POLOKWANE on thie 21st day of NOVEMBER 2014. (SGD) JA VAN DER WALT Attorney for Plaintiff NILAND & PRETORIUS INC 2 Albatross Centre 21 Market Street PO Box 143 & 10 POLOKWANE Tel: 015 291 1974 (REF: Mr. Van der Walt/mjvr/CB8219) 27/11 ___________________ IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DIS-
OBSERVER 43 polokwane
CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za TRICT OF PIETERSBURG HELD AT POLOKWANE Case No: 9334/14 In the matter between: MOKITLANE LESIBA JOHANNES EXECUTION CREDITOR And MCP ALUMINIUM & CLASS T/A MANOSHE CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECT EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to a judgment granted by the Honourable Court on 01 October 2014 and the subsequent writ, the following goods shall be sold in execution on 05 o December 2014 by the Sheriff Polokwane, 66 Goud Street, Laboria, Polokwane at 11:00. GOODS: 1 X RYOBI 254 MM RADIAL ARM SAW 1 X RYOBI 254 MM COMBINATION MACHINE 1 X COMPRESSOR DATED AND SIGNED AT POLOKWANE ON THIS THE 18TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2014. MT RAMABALA ATTORNEYS 51 LANDDROS MARE STREET PIONEER BUILDING OFFICE NO: 312, 3RD FLOOR POLOKWANE TEL: 015 295 4252 FAX: 086 574 0702 REF: MTR/051/14 27/11 ___________________ IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PIETERSBURG HELD AT POLOKWANE Case No.: 7017/14 In the matter between: KHAYALAM PROPERTIES PLAINTIFF And MALOKA M LINAH DEFENDANT NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION KINDLY take notice that in terms of judgment granted on the 26th day of March 2014, in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court and a
Warrant of Execution issued thereafter, a sale in execution of the under mentioned goods will be held at the Sheriff’s, 66 Platinum Street, Ladine, Polokwane on 05 December 2014 at 11:00. Goods consisting of: 1 X 2 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE (DAMAGED) 1 X PIONEER DVD PLAYER and SPEAKERS 1 X LG TV 1 X TV STAND 3 X BAR CHAIRS 1 X LG MICROWAVE OVEN 1 X LG FRIDGE (DENTED) 1 X LG WASHING MACHINE (SCRATCHED) 1 X LOGIK FAN 1 X PRESTIGE WASHING MACHINE (SCRATCHD) 1 X SAMSUNG DVD PLAYER (NO SPEAKERS) 1 X SAMSUNG FAX/COPY MACHINE To the highest bidder Possible date/s of Auction: 5 December 2014. Khayalam Properties P.O. Box 55393 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 015 297 6965 Fax: 015 297 6914 27/11 ___________________ IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT – PRETORIA) Case Number: A1089/2010 In the matter between: RAHAB MOSIMA MAPEKA PLAINTIFF/ EXECUTION DEBTOR And TINUS VAN ZYL T/A DENTPRO PANELBEATERS DEFENDANT/ EXECUTION CREDITOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION KINDLY TAKE NOTICE THAT on 05 DECEMBER 2014, the following movable asset will be sold by sale in execution a Polokwane Sheriff, 66 Platinum Street, Polokwane, 0699. 1 x Safe Boat with trailer and 1632cc Evinrude Engine (Reg. Nr.: BDR362N)
KINDLY TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT any other/ further information in this regard can be obtained from the Sheriff of Polokwane, on 015 293 0762/3. Signed at POLOKWANE on this the 19th day of NOVEMBER 2014. (SGD) N BOSMAN Bosman Attorneys 37 Voortrekker Street Cnr. Voortrekker & Bodenstein Street PO Box 218 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 015 291 3863 Fax: 015 291 3907 E-mail: bprok@telkomsa.net Ref: N.Bosman/ MAP003/ap 27/11 ___________________
KENNISGEWING AAN KREDIETEURE IN BESTORWE BOEDELS Alle persone met vorderinge teen ondervermelde boedel moet dit binne 30 dae (of soos aangedui) vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan by die betrokke Eksekuteur inlewer. Boedelno.: 025254/2014 Meesterskantoor: POLOKWANE Van: BADENHORST Voorname: SUSANNA ELIZABETH Geboortedatum: 11/24/1926 Identiteitsno.: 261124 0038 085 Laaste adres: Jo-Ann Rusoord, Andrewstraat 15, Polokwane, 0699. Oorlede: 28/08/2014 Slegs van toepassing indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere/ onderworpe aan die aanwasbedeeling. BRESLER-BECKER ING MARSHALLSTRAAT 122 POLOKWANE 0699 TEL: 015 491 3993 27/11 ___________________
Career finder in LIMPOPO Myngenoegen English Private School Plot 2 Myngenoegen, Polokwane
VACANCIES FOR THE FOLLOWING POSTS: 1) English Home Language, Grades 9 to 12 2) Afrikaans First Additional Language, Grades 5 to 8 3) Foundation Phase – Grade R (Minimum of 5 years’ experience) Please fax certified copies of CV, SACE Registration and qualifications to the principal. Fax: 015 263 6199 | Email: mepschool@telkomsa.net Closing date for applications: 5 December 2014
Company seeks to employ a Transport Controller, Debrief Supervisor and a Nightshift Supervisor, in Polokwane. If you would like to apply for one of these positions, kindly ensure that you have the following skills and experience: Customer service, Matric/Grade 12, be fluent in English, distribution exp. and 3 – 5 years in warehouse/logistics/FMCG environment. Please e-mail Eve@stafflog.co.za or fax 086 618 7177 with Reference: PTCV01
Nov 27 - Des 3, 2014
44 OBSERVER polokwane
YOUR career finder in LIMPOPO
Vacancy At the ANC Provincial Office Limpopo Province Job Title: PROVINCIAL MEDIA LIAISON OFFICER
Package: Market Related Qualifications: Matric, Degree/Diploma in Media Relations or 5 years’ experience in media relations Job Description: • To coordinate ANC media presence in the province • Ensure that all decisions of the ANC that needs a public profile are communicated to the media • Ensure a wonderful relationship between the ANC, its Leagues and the media • Organise regular press briefings for the Provincial Leadership • Establish and update the Provincial Media Website • Monitor the profile of the ANC in both the electronic, print and social media. Competencies and Requirements: • Must be computer literate • Be able to speak in English and the predominant African languages in the Province • ANC membership and understanding of ANC and its policy positions • Valid driver’s licence. Attributes: Must be highly presentable, well-spoken and dynamic; proactive and driven. Must be prepared to work after hours and also be prepared to travel. Detailed CVs together with certified copies of qualifications are to be mailed to the ANC Provincial Office at 78 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0699 or alternatively hand delivered to the Human Resource Office at the above address. [Kindly state the position for which you are applying as a subject on your covering letter] CLOSING DATE: 05 December 2014 No correspondence will be accepted after the closing date. If you have not heard from us within two weeks of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful. For enquiries please contact Jane Mamaregane on 015 287 7600/42 Issued by ANC Human Resource Unit, P.O. Box 61884, Marshalltown 2107
Vacancy At the ANC Provincial Office Limpopo Province Job Title: PROVINCIAL ORGANISER
Package: Market Related Qualifications: To coordinate organisation building work and the provincial campaigns to raise awareness and membership of the ANC. Minimum Requirements: • Matric or equivalent qualification, a degree in Social Sciences will be an advantage • 10 years’ experience in politics • Computer proficiency (MS Office: Project, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and the Internet) • Must have good time management skills • Must be flexible and be willing to work extraordinary hours and weekends as and when required • Must have a valid driver’s licence. • Required to travel. • Self-starter and someone who takes initiative. Responsibilities: • Build the ANC by establishing structures at all levels of the organisation • Organise campaigns in accordance to conference resolutions and any other ANC events • Conduct verification of membership to determine the composition of conferences i.e. National, provincial, and regional conference • Prepare reports for PEC and conferences on the status of organising • Supervise the work of the Regional Organisers and Regional Membership Officers • Compile an annual budget; prepare a budget breakdown for each event and ensure that budgets are being adhered to. • Prepare a budget for mobilisation during elections. • Perform other related duties as required Attributes: Highly presentable, well-spoken and dynamic. Must be a proactive, self-driven individual Must be prepared to work after hours and also be prepared to travel. Detailed CVs together with certified copies of qualifications are to be mailed to the ANC Provincial Office at 78 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0699 or alternatively hand delivered to the Human Resource Office at the above address. [Kindly state the position for which you are applying as a subject on your covering letter] CLOSING DATE: 05 December 2014 No correspondence will be accepted after the closing date If you have not heard from us within two weeks of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful. For enquiries please contact Jane Mamaregane on 015 287 7600/42 Issued by ANC Human Resource Unit, P.O. Box 61884, Marshalltown 2107
Beskikbaar by oornagakkommodasie in Polokwane Kandidate moet aan die volgende vereistes voldoen: - Tweetalig (Afrikaans & Engels ) - Goeie menseverhoudings - Ongereelde ure (skofte ) kan werk - Matriek/ Graad 12 - Tussen 18 en 30 jaar oud Pligte vir Restaurantpos sluit in: - Voorraadbeheer - Alle aspekte van restaurant- en kroegwerk - Hulp verleen met konferensies Pligte vir Ontvangspos sluit in: - Alle aspekte van ontvangswerk - Voorraadbeheer - In- en uitboek van kliente Indien u oor bogenoemde beskik, faks asb u CV na 015 292 1214 of epos aan plodge@mweb.co.za Dui asb aan watter pos u voor aansoek doen.
‘n Dinamiese jong man word gesoek om as rugbyafrigter by Rugga Kids te werk.
Recommendations • Grade 12, computer literacy, 2 years’ experience in office administration • 3 years’ experience in a Labour Relations / HR field, knowledge of the Public Service and Labour Law prescripts • Good communication skills in English and Sepedi • Valid Code EB driver’s licence
Vereistes: • Moet baie goed met kinders tussen die ouderdomme van 3 en 9 jaar kan werk • Moet Afrikaans en Engels magtig wees • Moet eie vervoer hê • Rugby-ervaring • Basiese salaris met kommissie • Voltyds
Competitive salary package on Total Cost to Company basis CLOSING DATE: 4 December 2014 Preference will be given to candidates whose appointment will promote employment equity within the PSA. CVs: Pieter Koen at fax: 015 295 0510 or pieter.koen@psa.co.za
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Should you not be contacted within 30 days after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
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November 27, 2014
46 OBSERVER polokwane
Provinsiale krieketspanne kry pak teen Titans
RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Al die provinsiale skole se krieketspanne moes Saterdag die aftog teen die Northerns Titans van Pretorie in hul oefenwedstryde blaas. Limpopo se o.13- o.15-, o.17- en o.19-span het hul wedstryde verloor. Die wedstryde is ter voorbereiding van die
onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe se kriekettoere wat in Desember regoor die land plaasvind, gehou. Die o.13-span verloor met 48 lopies tydens ‘n wedstryd met 50 boulbeurte terwyl die res van die spanne slegs T20wedstryde gespeel het. Die o.15-span moes het ‘n loesing gekry terwyl die o.17- en o.19-span onderskeidelik met 40 en 65 lopies gesneuwel het.
Narrow victory for Impalas against Griquas Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
he Limpopo Impalas got back to winning ways in their Cricket South Africa (CSA) 50-over Rural League fixture against Griquas in Kimberley on Saturday to win their first match of the 2014/15 cricket season. After losing to North West in Polokwane and against Mpumalanga in White River in their first two league fixtures, the Impalas scored a narrow 11-run victory on Saturday in a low scoring match to get their campaign back on track to qualify for the CSA Rural Week next year. The Impalas scored 143 all out after batting first on a lively pitch. Tian Koekemoer (30) and Ruann Willemse (27) were the only Impala batsmen to score meaningful runs. During the Griquas’ turn to bat, Impala captain Henk
Holtzhausen produced an outstanding bowling display to take 7/35 in his allotted ten overs to help bowl out the home side for only 132 runs for a memorable first victory of the season. The Impalas will have to be at their best in their next league fixture against Gauteng at the Polokwane Cricket Club next Saturday. However, coach Dewald Weterman said the team will be confident after their victory against Griquas. He added that the batsmen must start scoring more runs to put less pressure on the bowlers in their remaining league fixtures. The Limpopo Lilies women cricket team will play two away fixtures against Mpumalanga in Middelburg over the weekend. The Lilies face Mpumalanga in a 50-over clash on Saturday before taking on the same opponents in a T20 match on Sunday.
Foto’s: RC Myburgh
Jaco Potgieter van die o.19-provinsiale span in aksie tydens sy boulbeurt.
Photo: Jeff Raymond
A very chuffed Thys de Kock, middle, winner of the day with Meteffect’s Scot Davison (left) and Michele Dix-Peek.
Northerns Titans- o.19-speler, Evan Jones moker ‘n bal.
Golf Day for recovery centre ioural addictions. Michele Dix-Peek of the centre gave a short talk after play was done for the day. She mentioned the disturbing fact that 15% of all South Africans abuse some or other form of substance, be it drugs or alcohol. The centre’s services include in-house addiction treatment, halfway house facilities, outpatient programmes, individual counselling, recovery coaching, family support and intervention. A very successful golf day Invitation to Bid was held during LDOH Infrastructure Programme which 124 players The Independent Development Trust (IDT) on behalf of the Limpopo Department of Health managed to raise hereby invites qualifying and experienced professional service providers (Quantity Surveyors, R90 000 for MeArchitects, Civil & Structural Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Health and Safety Consultants) for the Limpopo Department of Health’s infrastructure programme. teffects’ ongoing programmes. For Project Description Project Number more informaLDoH Professional Service Providers – Quantity Surveyors LDoH/QS14 tion Dix-Peek can LDoH Professional Service Providers – Architects LDoH/A14 be contacted on LDoH Professional Service Providers – Civil & Structural Engineers LDoH/CSE14 061 072 3424. LDoH Professional Service Providers – Mechanical Engineers LDoH/ME14 Last Saturday the Polokwane Golf Club opened its doors and heart to the Meteffect Recovery Centre, a charitable institution that was established in February 2011 and is based just outside the city on the Mogwadi road. It caters for and helps persons who are recovering from drug, alcohol and behav-
LDoH Professional Service Providers – Electrical Engineers Professional Service Providers – Health and Safety Consultants
Service providers are required to submit, with their bids, a detailed proposal, including methodology, programme schedule with deliverables and resources to be engaged for the successful implementation and conclusion of the programme. Service providers can bid as single entities with requisite skills. Professional service providers must be registered with relevant professional bodies. No compulsory briefing session will be held. The bids close on Tuesday, 6 January 2015 at 10:00. Bids will be evaluated on functionality as set out in the bid document. Entities must score a minimum of 60% on functionality to qualify for further evaluation. The 90/10 Preference Point System in line with the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act No 5 of 2000), will be applicable. Only B-BBEE Certificates issued by a SANAS-/IRBA-accredited verification agency will be considered for preference points. Bid documents will be available from the IDT Limpopo Regional Office in Polokwane from Tuesday, 25 November 2014. A non-refundable bid deposit of R500.00 is payable into the following IDT banking account: Bank: ABSA Account Number: LIM04- IDT Tender Deposits Account Number: 4084940092 ABSA Towers North Reference: Relevant project number Please take note that IDT will only accept valid proof of payment in the form of a deposit slip for the purchase of bid documents. No cash payments or EFT payments will be accepted at IDT offices. Queries should be e-mailed to Isaac Malatji at IsaacM@idt.org.za Human Communications 114560
Tops Liquor winner
Photo: Jeff Raymond
Jan de Beer on 43 points was the winner of the Tops Liquor Individual Stableford played at the Polokwane Golf Club last Wednesday.
Jannie Sacco wins first gold medal as Grandmaster A
fter celebrating his 60th birthday at the beginning of November, Run/Walk for Life Polokwane club member Jannie Sacco participated in his first 10 km road race at the BB Motor Group GWM Nite Race in the Grandmaster category to win the gold medal in his new category and R200 in prize money. Sacco said he is enjoying road running as much since turning sixty as when he started road running in 1996. “Now that I am competing in the Grandmaster category, the other runners must look out as I am feeling as fit and healthy as when I ran my first Comrades Marathon in 1997. I am very proud to win my first race in the Grandmaster category at the Nite Race two weeks ago in a reasonable time of just over 46 minutes,” Sacco commented in an interview on Tuesday. He said he will be giving the Comrades Marathon a miss next year and rather wants to concentrate on the Two Oceans Marathon in Cape Town during Easter 2015. He and his younger brother, Bobby has already started with their training for the Two Oceans next year. The Sacco brothers are familiar faces on the local road running circuit, but Bobby still has two years left in the Masters category before he will join his older brother in the Grandmaster division. Jannie encourages all people to take up road running as it keeps a person fit, healthy and young at heart.
Photo: Warren Blunt
Jannie Sacco pictured with his gold medal after clinching first place in the Grandmaster category at the BB Motor Group GWM Nite Race recently.
R399 R499 R575 R749
Super 15-opwarmwedstryd volgende jaar ‘n werklikheid Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Die Limpopo Blou Bulle Rugby-unie (BBRU) het verlede week bevestig dat ‘n Super 15-opwarmwedstryd tussen die Vodacom Bulle en ‘n span wat nog bekend gemaak moet word in die nuwe Peter Mokaba Stadion aan die einde van Januarie volgende jaar sal plaasvind. Die kontrak tussen die Polokwane Munisipaliteit en die Blou Bulle Maatskappy het na verlede seisoen se opwarmwedstryd tussen die Vodacom Bulle en DHL Stormers verstryk en moet weer hernu word. Die vorige kontrak was oor drie jaar en onderhandelinge tussen die twee partye word tans afgehandel om die Super 15-opwarmwedstryd weer in Polokwane aan te bied. Die woordvoerder vir Polokwane Munisipaliteit, Tidimalo Chuene sê ‘n vergadering tussen die Blou Bulle Maatskappy en die munisipaliteit het Dinsdag plaasgevind en die Super 15-opwarmwedstryd sal volgende jaar in Polokwane gehou word. Die finale besonderhede van die wedstryd sal aan die begin van Desember aangekondig word, volgens Chuene.
Cage Rage 8 sure to get pulses racing Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The city’s mixed martial arts enthusiasts can look forward to another action-packed event at the Cage Rage 8 tournament sanctioned by the World International Martial Arts Association and Organisation (WIMAAO) that will be held at Eksteen’s Mixed Martial Arts Dojo next Saturday. The President of WIMAAO in South Africa, Henri Eksteen confirmed that ten fighters from Limpopo and Gauteng have already entered for the popular Last Man Standing contest with R5 000 up for grabs in prize money. The Last Man Standing event is open for fighters 18 years and older. Mixed martial artists from the local Wild West Warriors will also be in action on the night. There will also be a number of preliminary fights involving junior and women fighters and the action starts at 19:30. Ticket prices are R100 at the door on the night of the tournament.
OBSERVER 47 polokwane
NEW Plot 6, Palmietfontein Polokwane Sel: 083 758 9231 Fax: 086 582 6139 Epos: ark@xnets.co.za
MEUBELS: Groot hoeveelheid repo-meubels. Sitkamerstelle, televisiestelle (flat screens), hoëtroustelle, skootrekenaars, rekenaars, selfone, hangkaste, kombuiskasstelle, slaapkamerstelle, yskaste, vrieskaste, muureenhede, dubbel- en koninginbasisstelle, eetkamerstelle, koffietafels en nog vele meer items, te veel om op te noem. ANDERE: Los goedere en ‘n groot verskeidenheid ander items, te veel om op te noem. VOORWAARDES: Kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjeks of internetbetalings (internetfasiliteit beskikbaar by kantoor) dieselfde dag van die veiling. Geen uitsondering sal gemaak word nie. AFSLAERSNOTA: Besigtiging Vrydag, 28 November 2014. Moenie hierdie veiling misloop nie! Registrasiefooi van R1 000.00 is betaalbaar. Items is in baie goeie toestand. Baie mooi voorraad. Geen waarborg op items nie. BTW is betaalbaar op alle REPO-MEUBELS. Die afslaer behou die reg voor om enige items by te voeg of te onttrek sonder enige kennisgewing. BAIE BELANGRIK: INDIEN TELEVISIESTELLE GEKOOP WORD MOET ‘N TELEVISIELISENSIE GETOON WORD VOORDAT TELEVISIES GELAAI MAG WORD. Alle items moet verkoop word en gelaai word nie later as Maandag, 1 Desember 2014. VIR ENIGE NAVRAE KONTAK NIC DE BEER 083 758 9231
NCRCP 5664
012 663-1690 012 653-4041 012 335-1111 012 342-8355 015 516-6007 012 365-1000 012 548-5647
16 DECEMBER 2014
015 295-4348 015 296-0955 012 322-9000 012 809-1447 012 567-0056 TWT/1922/01/CAP Copyright © 2014
Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
November 27, 2014
Bring your vehicle for a FREE 10-point safety inspection before the Festive Season
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November 27, 2014 >> PAGE 48
Stockists of: Contact us 015 297 8964 or visit 22 Industria St, Industria, Polokwane
Multiple awards for PEPPS Preparatory School’s Thalia Pereira >> Shares Agape Award and Trust Ambassadors Trophy >> Likes to assist fellow learners WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com
ulti-award winning PEPPS Preparatory School Grade 7 learner, Thalia Pereira surpassed her highest expectations during the school’s prize-giving ceremony recently to walk away with three prestigious awards. Thalia won the Female Hockey Player of the Year Award for representing the Limpopo u.13 hockey team at the interprovincial tournament in Cape Town earlier this year, where she also received an award for best player of the tournament. She also won the Hockey Player of the Year Award in 2013. The 13-year-old also shared the PEPPS Preparatory School Agape Award and Trust Ambassadors Trophy with fellow learner and head girl, Emma Melville to round of a memorable achievement in her last year as a primary school learner. She is also a prefect at the school and enjoys helping other learners both academically and on the sports field. Thalia
has been attending PEPPS Preparatory School since Grade 1 and has been one of the leaders academically, and excelled in hockey, swimming, athletics, netball and public speaking. She describes being at PEPPS as a true family atmosphere where everybody cares about their fellow learner and the teachers go out of their way to provide a culture of learning excellence. “Winning the Agape Award means a lot to me as it is awarded to learners that show God-given kindness and love to their fellow human beings. As a Christian receiving the award meant I have been doing the right thing to assist other learners at the school to glorify God and to set an example to other children using sound Christian principles in life,” Thalia explained. Sharing the Trust Ambassadors Award also meant a lot to Thalia as the younger learners look upon her as a role model. She thanked all her peers and the educators at PEPPS for the faith and trust shown over the years to help her in win the awards. “Before you earn respect, you have to give respect and learn to respect others. Just because you’re a prefect does not mean you are better than everybody else, because as a prefect you are there to assist the other learners and show them the way,” is Thalia’s advice to other young leaders. Although she only started playing hockey two years ago, her natural talent, lots of
PEPPS Preparatory School Grade 7 learner, Thalia Pereira in her Limpopo Girls U.13 hockey colours and the Trust Ambassadors Trophy she shared with fellow learner, Emma Melville.
hard work on her game and listening to the advice of her coaches has seen her receive provincial colours in 2014. An added surprise was to be named as player of the tournament out of all the junior girls in the country that showcased their hockey talent in Cape Town during the July school holidays. As an outdoor and adventurous person who likes challenges, Thalia wants to improve her hockey skills while at high school and continue playing hockey when she is at university. After breaking both her arms while trying to go down a water slide on her feet a few years ago and taking considerable time to heal properly, Thalia wants to study physiotherapy at the University of Pretoria after high school. Thalia said she will miss her classmates and teachers when she starts with her high schooling at Curro Heuwelkruin in 2015. She is looking forward to continue achieving provincial colours in hockey at her new school and continuing to prosper with her studies in order to reach her goal of treating people with sports injuries when she enters the adult world in five years’ time.
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