Polokwane observer 31 oktober 2013

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DG’s head on block A

s news broke of Limpopo Director-General Rachel Molepo-Modipa having been suspended on Tuesday, the move was evident of Premier Stan Mathabatha’s efforts to cleanse the administration of remnants characterising his predecessor’s reign.

Travel agency closes doors amid fraud allegations >> PAGE 5 NEWS>>

Magadzi aims for 75% matric pass rate >> PAGE 6 Director-General Rachel Molepo-Modipa who has been suspended this week.

Somervreugde na eerste reën Foto: Mariëtte Snyder

Die langverwagte reënseisoen het uiteindelik met die eerste buie wat Maandag in die stad uitgesak het, aangebreek. Jade Campbell en Liam Nel deel in die vreugde van die sowat 25 mm wat groot verligting in die stad gebring het.

The announcement that Mathabatha has decided to place MolepoModipa on precautionary suspension with immediate effect came early Tuesday morning. “The suspension of the Director-General follows serious allegations which have been levelled against her and this gives the provincial government an opportunity to investigate further until such is concluded,” stated Premier’s Spokesperson Kenny Mathivha. To page 2

Intensiewe soektog na twee van ses gevaarlike bendelede op borgtog YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com ‘n Intensiewe polisiesoektog is van stapel gestuur en ‘n lasbrief is uitgereik vir ‘n tweede van ses gevaarlike bendelede aan wie borgtog toegestaan is in ‘n saak wat uit die beweerde aanval en verkragting van twee meisies by ‘n huis in DieMeerstraat verlede Junie spruit. Dit kort voor hul volgende hofverskyning in November. Aanvanklik is teenstry-

>> PAGE 3 NEWS>>

Clean-up operation continues YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com

Polokwane Observer wens die matrieks sterkte toe met die eindeksamen

dige inligting ontvang oor die inhegtenisname van ‘n bende wat na bewering verbind sou word met ‘n reeks gru-voorvalle wat die inwoners van Eduan­ park en Welgelegen in die verlede geteister het. Sekuri­ teitsmaatreëls is opgeskerp na voorvalle waartydens slagoffers volgens inligting met ‘n hamer aangeval en verkrag is. Kolonel Ronel Otto van die provinsiale polisie het egter bevestig dat slegs ‘n enkele verdagte in Na bl 2


ANC Provincial List Conference to resume >> PAGE 16 NEWS>>

IEC celebrates 20 years of democracy >> PAGE 17 NEWS>>

No going slow at golden age of 70 >> PAGE 18 - 21 NEWS>>

Mall of the North rewards valued tenants >> PAGE 27 NEWS>>

Your Miss Lim/Teen 2014 finalists announced >> PAGE 56 ACHIEVERS>>

Local athlete with high personal goals



October 31, 2013




Tel: 015 291 1061 | Fax: 015 291 3654 observer@mwebbiz.co.za || www.observer.co.za MANAGER: >> Santa Oosthuizen finance2@webmail.co.za EDITOR: >> Yolande Nel 083 278 1446 observer.yolande@gmail.com NEWSROOM: >> RC Myburgh 072 306 5331 rc.observer@gmail.com >> Mariëtte Snyder 072 318 0562 mariette.observer@gmail.com >> Elna Esterhuysen 082 773 0272 observer.elna@gmail.com >> Herbert Rachuene 073 721 0023 herbert.observer@gmail.com >> Warren Blunt 076 310 3468 warrenb.observer@gmail.com >> Mpho Dube 076 084 2884 mphodube.observer@gmail.com >> Keshia Jansens van Rensburg 078 962 6452 keshia.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER: >> Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 jacolien.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: >> Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 anel.observer@gmail.com >> Melany Martin 083 634 4904 melany.observer@gmail.com COPYRIGHT:

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Buthane joins Malema’s EFF MPHO DUBE >>mphodube.observer@gmail.com


isgruntled, ousted former African National Congress Youth League (Ancyl) Peter Mokaba Regional Chairperson, Mr Jossie Buthane has joined Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) of his close ally, Mr Julius Malema. Buthane confirmed this at the time of going to print after Polokwane Observer received a tipoff from highly placed sources within the ANC and league. When pressed for comment Buthane admitted that he has joined Malema in his political endeavours. “Yes I joined the EEF. Call me latter I’m still busy at the moment,” he said. Mr Vincent Shoba, Ancyl Convener said Buthane’s departure was welcomed. “We wish him well, however, we will not miss him. He brought a- lot of confusion in the Ancyl, especially at the University of Limpopo’s Turfloop Campus. He was never a loyal comrade of the Ancyl and we are saying good riddance. I’m also saying good riddance. We will never miss him,” Shoba said.

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Photo: Herbert Rachuene

Messrs Julius Malema, founder and leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and his best buddy and now fellow EFF member, Jossie Buthane.

DG’s head on block From page 1 Dr Phuthi Pheme will be acting in the position until the process is concluded. Since the beginning of his term in office Mathabatha has been instrumental in cleaning up the provincial administration and getting government machinery in Limpopo running smoothly after diagnosing a collapse of systems, disrespect for regulations, a low morale among officials and the shifting of blame more especially in departments under administration, which he reflected on in an exclusive interview with Polokwane Observer. Asked about further possible changes to the current administrative structure he could not pre-empt the outcome of the ongoing cases and investigations into provincial matters, the Premier indicated. Mathabatha reiterated that during the period for which they were appointed they were going to get the systems and administration right and ensure service delivery although they were not going to bite off more than they could chew. The current provincial administration would not be able to complete all undertakings in the given time frame, but

at least they would have been able to start on the projects set as targets, he stressed and added that in some areas work has already commenced. In the same vein the Premier referred to a water supply programme aimed at addressing problems in Giyani and Sekhukhune areas within a greater water-scarce province to be announced in due course as well as suspended work on the provincial road infrastructure network to commence in the beginning of November. He pointed out that the reversal of the huge overdraft of the provincial administration has led to the implementation of projects which the Limpopo government had not been able to do at the time. Questioned about his perception of Limpopo’s future Mathabatha said it was very bright. Limpopo’s got all the potential to shine and that potential needed to be unveiled, he mentioned. They needed to make sure they induced that latent potential that had been frustrated for so long, he continued. A year from now, he indicated, he would want to see a Limpopo with perfect systems in place. Asked for a message for the people of

Limpopo, Mathabatha was unequivocal in his response. “As our people they are our brand and our brand is our people. And there is no way we are going to be successful as long as we don’t take them seriously.” Because they would be going hand in hand they should rest assured they would be getting the best out of their government, which is what they deserved, he reckoned. Turning to leadership matters he did not want to venture into predicting the future. The decision for him to continue as Premier would be the prerogative of the President, he was quick to point out. The same counted for the African National Congress (ANC), he said. As long-serving cadre he has never made himself available but instead was made available by branches of the ruling party. If they wanted him to stand for a position he would follow suit, he said, but for the time being the processes were still ongoing and the boxes still sealed. He concluded with a summary that should set many at ease, borne from the assurance that the province was ready to stand on its own feet. “We’re ready to run on our own.”

Intensiewe soektog na twee van ses gevaarlike bendelede op borgtog

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>> ’He won’t be missed’ – Shoba >> ‘He brought confusion’

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Van bl 1 verband met dié voorvalle gesoek word, maar nog nooit aangekeer is nie. Sy het verdere bewerings oor ‘n verdagte wat glo in aanhouding dood is as onwaar afgemaak. Otto het voorts verduidelik die ses verdagtes moet binnekort verskyn na aanleiding van ‘n voorval by ‘n huis in DieMeerstraat op 27 Junie verlede jaar waarin twee meisies laataand met hul terugkeer vermoedelik oorval en verkrag is. ‘n Sekuriteitswag van ‘n nabygeleë skool is ook tydens die voorval gewond, het sy aangedui. Vier van die verdagtes – mnre David Thole, Stanley Manephapephe, Frans Molepo Matakane en Lucky Mailula - is op verskillende datums aangekeer in verband met beweerde poging tot moord, verkragting, huisbraak en die besit van ‘n ongelisensieerde vuurwapen en ammunisie wat spruit uit die aand se gebeure, het sy gesê. Twee van die vier beskuldigdes, mnre Benny Lenny Malatji en Marlon

Mnr Frans Mnr Lucky Matakane. Mailula. Mabitsela, is glo by die saak betrek weens hul beweerde besit van eiendom wat tydens die voorval gebuit is, het sy bygevoeg. Die ses beskuldigdes is in die verlede verskillende borgtogbedrae toegestaan, maar Otto kon nie die bedrae bevestig nie. Volgens haar is die eerste lasbrief vir Matakane se inhegtenisname verlede jaar uitgereik nadat hy nie vir ‘n hofverskyning opgedaag het nie. Die tweede lasbrief is onlangs uitgereik nadat Mailula ook versuim het om te verskyn. Intussen bly Manephapephe in aanhouding nadat hy borgtog betaal het, maar onmiddellik weer by die hof aangekeer is in verband met inbrake by ondernemings en Grant Farrell huise, het Otto ten VW Sales Executive slotte gesê.

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Travel agency closes OBSERVER doors amid fraud allegations Oktober 31, 2013


edly being swindled out of their hard earned money contacted Polokwane Observer to raise their plight and hopefully find more people whose money has been fraudulently used by one of the owners of the agency and her husband, who is also a former foreign national. The complainants alleged that the travel agent and her husband notified various foreign nationals of special rates available for airplane tickets to travel abroad. One of the complainants said he has been sent from pillar to post and still has not found any response from the alleged fraudsters. “I wanted to return to Bangladesh for good and in doing so I cancelled my refugee status and resigned from my job. When I reached the airport I was told that my reservation booking had been cancelled due to non-payment by the agency.” This person is now stuck in South Africa and jobless. Further allegations have it that the bank account number given to the alleged victims

KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com


well-known travel agency in Hans van Rensburg Street closed its doors two weeks ago amid charges of fraud being investigated against one of the shareholders by the Limpopo Police’s Commercial Crime Unit. Lt Col Ronel Otto, Spokesperson for the Limpopo Police confirmed that an intensive investigation is underway to ensure that the allegations of fraud are dealt with seriously. “Allegations were made concerning the sale of international airplane tickets paid for by the complainants that were in turn never paid for by the agency handling the bookings.” An amount of R47 000 was paid in by one of the complainants for eleven plane tickets, but by the time the clients arrived at the airport they were told their reservations had been cancelled due to non-payment by the agency.” Sources who were up in arms about alleg-

to deposit money into is the personal savings account of the suspect and not the business account of the travel agency. It is also further alleged that the suspect at times sent her husband to collect the money for the tickets from the foreign nationals. During an exclusive interview with Polokwane Observer, the suspect and her husband attempted to set the record straight. The suspect alleged that everything is a misunderstanding and that the foreign nationals did not know how things actually work in the world of travel. She also denied that any money was paid into her personal account for personal use and the claims that her husband was sent to collect money on her behalf. “If those that are complaining have any physical proof of money paid over or of electronic trans-

Baby finally buried year after death >> Department to face legal action >> Public Protector to investigate the matter MPHO DUBE >>mphodube.observer@gmail.com A family of Sebayeng in Solomondale who buried a dead baby that was not theirs on 6 July 2012 finally laid to rest their own still born baby, Teresina Mogale over the weekend. Mr Frans Selahla and his partner Ms Elizaberth Mogale are both still discontent about the Department of Health and Social Development’s failure to adhere to their demand for financial and other assistance with the burial of their baby who died more than a year ago. The couple’s demands stem from the discovery, on 10 October last year, that they had buried the wrong baby on 6 July 2012. Sehlahla said: “We buried the child but the department didn’t adhere to our demands. I have informed my lawyer about this matter. We intend taking legal ROCKY LOGOS action against the department. They failed us once again and we aren’t happy with their conduct.” Their demands include being refunded for the funeral costs, DNA tests and exhumation documentations. Selahla added

that he had approached the Public Protector (PP), Ms Thuli Madonsela to get to the bottom of this matter. Ms Adele Van der Linde, Spokesperson for the Department of Health and Social Development refused to comment further about the matter. “This matter is in the hands of the Public Protector and therefore I cannot comment further.” She however reiterated that the department is investigating the identity of the other baby. National Spokesperson for the PP, Mr Oupa Segalwe said the matter will be treated like all other matters before the PP and subjected to assessment, jurisdiction and testing.

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fers they are more than welcome to put in a claim against the company or against myself.” She is aware of the fraud charges being investigated against her but is under the impression that the case is currently dormant and hanging due to lack of evidence. She further alleged that the complainants are all being led by one individual who is on a mission to start a smear campaign implicating her and her husband. The suspect’s husband also denied all the allegations made towards him and added that he is a successful businessman who under no circumstances needs to swindle people out of their money in order to survive.


Polokwane Observer

Oktober 31, 2013

October 31, 2013

Polokwane Observer

Limpopolaan op munisipaliteit se agenda na vele klagtes en tweede ongeluk in kort tyd RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail. com Ongeveer twee weke nadat mnr Warren Adlem in Limpopolaan, Peninapark met sy vierwielmotorfiets verongeluk het, het ‘n bakkiebestuurder Sondagaand op dieselfde plek oorkant die pad beheer oor sy voertuig verloor, deur die omheining van ‘n eiendom gebars en teen ‘n muur van die woning tot stilstand gekom. Inwoners sê hulle kla al lank oor motoriste Foto: Verskaf wat teen hoë snelhede Die bestuurder kan homself gelukkig ag om slegs ligte besering op te in Limpopolaan in die doen nadat hy Sondagaand in Limpopolaan, Peninapark beheer oor rigting van die stad jaag sy Corsa-bakkie verloor het. en hulle met dié draai dit bespreek. misgis. Hulle wil hê die munisipaliteit moet drin“Inwoners is welkom om hul versoeke aan gend iets doen om die pad veiliger te maak. die munisipale kantoor te rig en die dringendMunisipale woordvoerder, mnr Matshidiso Mothapo sê die oprigting van ‘n spoedwal moet heid van ‘n spoedwal te beklemtoon. Dit sal egter nie die finale oplossing van die probleem eers by die geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplan in Limpopolaan wees nie want motoriste weet gevoeg word waarna dit goedgekeur moet dat hulle slegs 60 km/h in residensiële gebiede word deur die raad en in die begroting vervat mag ry. Die verantwoordelikheid begin by die moet wees. Hy sê die munisipale paaiedeparbestuurder.” tement is ook van die probleem bewus en sal

Magadzi aims for 75% matric pass rate >> “Make us proud” - Premier Stan Mathabatha >> “I’m extemely confident” - Education MEC Dikeledi Magadzi in this and the previous academic years. We acknowledge that matric exams are daunting. We know though that hard work and thorough preparation will pay dividends. We wish our ducation MEC, Ms Dikeledi Magadzi is 2013 matric class strength and calm under confident that Limpopo will achieve a pressure, and reward that justly reflects their convincing 75% pass rate in its 2013 effort.‎” Grade 12 results. The province’s matriculants Ms Onicca Moloi, African National Congress achieved a 66,9% pass rate in 2012, an imYouth League Spokesperson in Limpopo said: provement of 3% on 2011’s 63,9%. “The ANC Youth League in Limpopo would like Magadzi, who spoke exclusively to Polokto wish all matriculants sitting for their final wane Observer on Wednesday (yesterday) exams well, and congratulate them onreaching said: “We are ready and will pass with distincthis milestone in their academic tion. Our target is 75% lives. As the ANC Youth League and we will ensure that we we want to congratulate and apachieve. We have been very plaud parents, student governing prepared and I’m extremely bodies and all relevant stakeholdconfident.” ers who continue to play a major Magadzi has been enjoyrole in contributing towards ing support from Basic educating these African children. Education Minister, Ms Angie ANC Provincial Task Team Motshekga who has repeat(PTT) Secretary, Ms Joy Matedly visited the province over shoge said: “The African National the past few months to esCongress in Limpopo hereby tablish the progress that has wishes to extend a heartfelt and been made.During her latest sincere message of support to visit just over a fortnight ago all students who are writing Motshekga urged learners final matric examinations. We of the Hoërskool Pietersburg encourage all learners to try to invest in education and their best and remind them that desist from sex, alcohol and Education MEC, Ms Dikeledi their hard work and dedication drug abuse. She wished the Magadzi. displayed throughout the 2013 learners well for their exams. academic year will surely be rewarded with Portfolio Committee on Education Chairpersuccess.” son, Ms Joy Maluleke at the yesterday said: Premier Stan Mathabatha also wished “We have seen over the 2009 to 2012 Medium the Grade 12 learners well. “Remember that Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period education is the key to success. We wish you improvements in the Grade 12 results from well. Our country has invested in education 49,9 % in 2009 to 66,9% in 2012. We are and you are the future. Make us proud and delighted about this improvement.” Maluleke begin your journey of becoming the future of wished the 83 597 full-time and 16 993 parttomorrow. We remain confident that you will time students of the best of luck. prosper.” Ms Desiree van der Walt, Caucus Leader of Mr Phuti Seloba, Spokesperson for the the Democratic Alliance and the party’s EducaDepartment of Education said learners in tion Spokesperson said in a statement: “The Malamulele who were affected by the violent DA sends its best wishes to all learners writing protest will do well in their exams. “The recent matric exams. We acknowledge the hardships protests didn’t take much of their time and that many of our learners, educators and preparations. They are prepared and we are school staff have had to endure for months confident that they will do well.” without the necessary learning materials, both MPHO DUBE >>mphodube.observer@gmail.com


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October 31, 2013



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Mnr Wessie van der Westhuizen het dié bosbok afgeneem in Forever Resort Swadini se reservaat.

ANC Provincial List Conference to resume >> Sebabi backs Masemola >> ANC Regional Elective Conferences not resolved yet MPHO DUBE >>mphodube.observer@gmail.com


he African National Congress (ANC) in Limpopo will convene its Provincial List Conference at Bolivia Lodge today (Thursday). Mr Sipho Dikgale, ANC Spokesperson at the time of our going to print confirmed that ANC Regional Elective Conferences will not, as intended, take place in the Waterberg, Sekhukhune and Mopani regions this weekend until nomination disputes for the branch general meetings are resolved. Vhembe is the only region that has managed to hold its elective conference. Supporters in the opposing camps of Premier Stan Mathabatha and Public Works MEC, Mr Dickson Masemola will finally nominate their leaders who are expected to be elected to the party’s highest provincial offices during the provincial elective conference expected to take place from December 2013 to January 2014. Both camps are confident that they will

be victorious during the provincial conference In the meantime a list of Mathabatha’s allies known as the “Progressive Provincial Line-up” has been doing the rounds containing the names of Messrs Joe Maswanganyi, former ANC Provincial Secretary as deputy to Mathabatha; Silence Makhubele, MPL as provincial secretary and Ms Esther Mothibi as treasurer. Roads and Transport MEC, Mr Lehlogonolo Masoga appears on the list as Makhubele’s deputy despite the fact that he is being pushed to become the Peter Mokaba Regional Chairperson. Masemola is backed by Mr Dan Sebabi, Provincial Secretary of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) who in turn is touted to become provincial secretary despite being snubbed by Mathabatha allies in a list leaked to Polokwane Observer earlier. Masemola’s chances will supposedly be strengthened should victory, as predicted by party insiders, go to his allies in the three regions still to be contested.

PHS ondersteun Pienk Bome vir Pauline

Foto: Verskaf

Die graad 8-leerders van die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) by ‘n boom op die skoolterrein wat met 10 m pienk lap toegedraai is. Hulle het die afgelope tyd R200 ingesamel deur die lap ten bate van die Pienk Bome vir Pauline-projek te koop. Saam met die leerders is mnr Francois Lottering, mee Lorette Beetge en Hesti Wentzel.

Kanker eis Tommie-leerkrag


RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com ‘n Bekende en geliefde Engelse onderwyser aan die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé, me Rita Nel is Saterdag in die ouderdom van 64 aan kanker oorlede. Volgens ‘n kollega het Nel ‘n groot passie vir onderwys gehad en leerders het haar respekteer en op die hande gedra omdat sy so geliefd was. ‘n Graad 12-leerder, Tanica Pretorius wat in Nel se voogklas was en ook by haar Engels gekry het, het Nel as ‘n liefdevolle persoon wat opreg vir ander omgegee het, beskryf. “Sy was ‘n wonderlike mens en het klasse interessant gemaak terwyl sy lewenswaarhede met ons gedeel het. Ons gaan haar vreeslik mis.” ‘n Vriendin en oudkollega, Heibrecht Nel sal haar as iemand onthou wat oral geliefd was. “Sy het elke situasie met grasie hanteer en die rol van ouma en ma professioneel vertolk.” Haar dogter, Melanie sê haar ma wat sedert 1990 in die onderwys betrokke was, was ook aan die Hoërskool Noorderland verbonde. “Sy was ons rolmodel en sal gemis word.” Benewens haar dogter laat sy haar skoonseun, Sieg en twee kleinkinders, Tanja en Zeriah agter. Die begrafnis word vandag (Donderdag) om 14:00 vanuit die NG Kerk Moedergemeente, op die hoek van Biccard- en Groblerstraat gehou. FOTO: VERSKAF

Me Rita Nel is Saterdag aan kanker oorlede.

Lover of literature passes away Prof Eugene Slattery, former resident of Polokwane passed away in Pietermaritzburg on 14 October. He was born in 1936 on the Springbok Flats. After graduating from Unisa he went on to become a professor in Linguistics with a focus on English Literature at the then University of the North. His funeral took place on Friday, 18 October from the All Saints Church in Pietermaritzburg. He is survived by his wife, Mara, three children and seven grandchildren. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

The late Prof Eugene Slattery.

For EYE CATCHING ADVERTISING call Polokwane Observer @ 015 291 1061 Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 Melany Martin 083 634 4904





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Premier urges clean OBSERVER 7 audits must be realised Oktober 31, 2013


>> Poor performance undermines government’s commitment HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


remier Stan Mathabatha expressed concern that the 2014 Clean Audit Campaign will not be realised as expected if the previous two Auditor General’s reports are anything to go by. Mathabatha, during the South African Local Government Association’s (Salga) Provincial Members Assembly held in Tzaneen last week, indicated that not more than three out of 30 municipalities received a clean audit report in the last two financial years. “This hardly represents 5% of the total number of municipalities

in the province,” Mathabatha said. He emphasised that this poor performance undermines the government’s commitment to deliver services in a transparent and accountable manner as enshrined in the Constitution. “Actually this failure feeds into the perception that democratic government is corrupt,” he said. Mathabatha called on Salga to assist in the appointment of competent personnel dealing with municipal finances, in particular Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) the majority of whom lack both requisite academic qualifications and experience. He further called on Salga to assist in exposing service providers who after being given tenders either do shoddy work and disappear or even not bother to do any work at all because they believe that they are connected to some people in municipalities either councillors or administrators and leave the poor communities in distress.


The Members Assembly committed itself to ensuring that service delivery is accelerated, that municipalities are well governed, and further that all municipalities define and conduct themselves as caring municipalities. Some of the outcomes of the Members Assembly require Salga, the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) as well as the Provincial Treasury to facilitate urgent collection of debts owed to municipalities by government departments and payment of debts owed by municipalities to water boards and Eskom. The assembly was attended by mayors, speakers, chief whips, and municipal managers and the assembly was also addressed by MECs for Coghsta, Mr Ishmael Kgetjepe and Provincial Treasury, Mr Rudolph Phala who all agreed on the need for improved governance in municipalities as the second decade of freedom and democracy draws to a close.



October 31, 2013




Maepa invests in future of learners

>> Department of Education must be assisted >> Invest in children’s education OLGA MATLALA


Dr Solly Maepa with Grade 12 learners Tumelo Ralekgokgo, Maite Mokumo, Billy Pillay of Ditlalemeso High School and Mr Gerald Mukanzi, Maepa’s business associate.

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Notice is hereby given in terms of the following Acts: Regulation 54 - 56 of the regulations published in Government Notice No. R543 under Section 24(5) read with section 44 of the National Environmental Management Act (Act no. 107 of 1998). Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations no R544 (18 June 2010): Listing Notice 1: listed activity no 18. National Water Act (Act No. 36 of 1998) Section 21(c) & (i). Activity & Locality: ZZ2 Rietgat Pipeline. The activity entails the construction of a pipeline from ZZ2’s Kareebosch farms to the Rietpol and Rietgat farms in the Mole Mole Local Municipality, Capricorn District, Limpopo Province. Environmental Authorisation is required from Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) Ref No. 12/1/9/1-C78, as well as a Water Use License from Department of Water Affairs (DWA).

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n appeal by Education MEC, Ms Dikeledi Magadzi that stakeholders must assist the department to produce top students persuaded Dr Solly Maepa to do just that. Maepa, better known as ‘Msola’, has embarked on encouraging students to perk up their Matric results 2013. Last week, Maepa donated R1 000 to Tumelo Ralekgokgo, a top Grade 12 student of Ditlalemeso High School at Unit C, Mankweng. He donated a further R500 and R300 to Maite Mokumo and Billy Pillay respectively. The trio performed well during their mid-year exams in preparation to write the final exams. “It is imperative that we assist the Department of Education to improve the Matric results. I’m of a view that if we use different methods to motivate students they will do well in their exams. They will definitely pass and perform well,” Maepa said. Mr Phuti Seloba, Spokesperson for the Department of Education welcomed Maepa’s efforts. “The Department is pleased with people of Dr Maepa’s calibre. We wish that more people would emulate him. If we join hands to better the lives of the communities we are building a better country. “We remain adamant that we must invest in our children’s education because the future of our country is in their hands. A country without education is as good as dead,” Seloba said.

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Municipality: Mole Mole Local Municipality Applicant: Bertie van Zyl (Pty) Ltd Environmental Assessment Practitioner: AGES (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2526, POLOKWANE, 0700. Tel: 015 291 1577 Fax: 015 291 1577 E-mail: jbotha@ages-group.com/ egrobler@ages-group.com In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) ONLY in terms of the EIA process, please submit your name, contact details and interest to the contact person given above within 30 days of publication of this notice. NO JOBS AvAILABLE


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 56(2c) of the regulations published in Government Notice No.R543 under Section 24(5) read with Section 44 of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) of intent to carry out the following activity: Activity & Locality: Development of a fuel depot on erf 2082 on the cnr of Koper and Asbes streets in Polokwane Ext 8. The depot will consist of 7 underground storage tanks with a total capacity of 581 000 litres. An EIA was conducted for this specific depot in 2007/08 and an environmental authorisation issued that has expired because construction did not start before the expiry date in April 2011. Municipality: Proponent: LEDET ref no: Consultants:

Polokwane Local Municipality Royale Energy (Pty) Ltd 12/1/9/2-C31 AGES (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2526, POLOKWANE, 0700. Telephone: 015 291 1577 Fax: 015 291 1577 (ref: H von Well) E-mail: hvonwell@ages-group.com In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (IAP) ONLY in terms of the EIA process, please submit your name, contact information and interest to the contact person given above before/on 29 November 2013. NO JOBS AVAILABLE

Zille welcomes 200 new members

>> ”People complain about service delivery yet have powers to change circumstances” >> DA to address sensitive traditional authority issues soonest box, she was quoted saying. She added that there was no use for people to continue complaining and yet they returned the same political party failing to bring them services to power. Last week’s outcome of bi-elections in Makhado proved that people could change political representatives through the ballot box, she was further quoted to say. The DA was sensitive to issues of traditional authority raised during the meeting, Bodlani stressed, and would attempt to address the matters soonest.

YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com

In addressing a crowd of an estimated 2 000 people, Democratic Alliance (DA) Leader Helen Zille welcomed some 200 new signed up members at Senwabarwana this weekend. DA Provincial Spokesperson Langa Bodlani said in her speech Zille emphasised the fact that people complained about service delivery yet they had the powers to change their circumstances. The power was with the ballot

Photo: Supplied

Democratic Alliance (DA) Leader Helen Zille with DA Councillors Vuledzani Mashie of Polokwane, Calvin Matjie of Molemole and Minkie Tjumana of Blouberg at Seraki Showgrounds in the Senwabarwana area on Saturday.

City’s water levels stable RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Despite Polokwane’s reservoirs presently all holding less than 50% of their capacity, the Polokwane Municipality assures residents that the levels have been stable for the past few days. On Monday morning the Ebenezer Water Plant was disconnected for five hours due to maintenance work done on the plant, but

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it seems not to have had a major effect on the bulk water supply. Municipal Spokesperson, Mr Matshidiso Mothapo said people should still refrain from excess water usage. On Tuesday the 50 mega litre reservoir stood at 48% while the old and new 30 mega litre reservoirs contained 30% and 46% of their capacity respectively. The reservoir is Potgieter Avenue held 35% water and the Seshego reservoir only 38%.



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Limpopo stig langverwagte veediefstalforum RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Boere in Limpopo kan uitsien na die rol wat Limpopo se eie veediefstalforum in die provinsie gaan speel nadat die Limpopo Rooivleisprodusente-

organisasie (Limpro) vandag (Donderdag) na verwagting die stigtingsvergadering van dié forum hou. Die Limpopo Veediefstalforum word deur Limpro geïnisieer en enige persoon is welkom om die vergadering in Mokopane by Vleissentraal Bosveld se

Oktober 31, 2013





konferensiekamer in Van Riebeeckweg by te woon. Die rol van die veediefstalforum word tydens die vergadering bespreek en ‘n ondervoorsitter sal verkies word.

Disteneng relocation drags on YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com The Disteneng informal settlement relocation process is dragging on with the verification of residents set for moving to nearby Extension 106 still incomplete. According to Polokwane Municipal

Spokesperson Matshidiso Mothapo the verification process of this past Sunday was not finalised and might be finished this weekend. From there the municipality would hopefully be able to start with the relocation of sites and the resettlement of others, he added. A number of sites within Dis-

teneng informal settlement stand to be relocated while others would be resettled in terms of the township establishment plan, determining that sites would be made available for high density buildings for social amenities and low cost and middle income housing, according to Mothapo.

Moenie dat borskanker jou ‘n dubbele knou toedien nie


orskanker is wêreldwyd die algemeenste kanker onder vroue wat die meeste sterftes tot gevolg het volgens die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie (WGO). Daar is jaarliks 1,5 miljoen nuwe gevalle en 4,4 miljoen mense ly wêreldwyd aan borskanker. Ondanks die hoë voorkomssyfers, leef 89% vroue in Westerse lande by wie borskanker gediagnoseer is minstens vyf jaar na hul diagnose danksy vroeë opsporing en behandeling. Die WGO beraam dat tot 1,7 miljoen vroue in 2020 borskanker sal hê. “Volgens statistieke hou borskanker ’n baie ernstige gevaar vir Suid-Afrikaanse vroue in, en moet daarom ’n belangrike deel van finansiële beplanning wees,” sê mnr Willem Barnard, besigheidsbestuurder van Sanlam Limpopo. “In 2012 het Sanlam R391 miljoen aan kankerverwante eise uitbetaal, waarvan ’n groot persentasie vir borskankergevalle was en die syfers neem steeds toe.” Om ’n gevreesde siekte soos borskanker te hê kan ’n verplette-

rende uitwerking op jou leefstyl hê. Afgesien van die fisieke en emosionele trauma kan die finansiële druk om die leefstyl waaraan jy gewoond is te handhaaf, groot wees. Hoewel baie mediese skemas uitstekende voordele vir die behandeling van ’n gevreesde siekte soos kanker bied, is daar ander faktore wat kliënte dikwels oor die hoof sien. “Na gelang van die behandeling en erns van die diagnose kan jou vermoë om te werk en ’n inkomste te verdien, aangetas word. Baie kliënte maak nie daarvoor voorsiening nie, wat die bykomende las van finansiële onsekerheid en beperkings meebring. Die kankerstryd kan’n tydrowende en fisiek uitmergelende ervaring wees, daarom wil jy jou nie nog oor geldsake ook bekommer nie,” sê Barnard. Gevreesde siektedekking is een van die ingewikkeldste finansiële produkte op die mark en dit is ’n uitdaging om seker te maak dat jy die regte dekking teen die regte prys vir jou omstandighede bekom. Daarom is dit absoluut noodsaaklik om finansiële

advies by ’n kundige te kry wat jou grootste bondgenoot kan wees. Barnard meen ’n goeie adviseur kan jou help om die regte keuse te maak en jou laat verstaan wat die dekking presies behels. “As jy al die opsies en voorwaardes met jou adviseur bespreek, sal jy presies weet waarvoor jy betaal.” Die advies van ’n professionele persoon kan ook help om onaangename verrassings uit te skakel wanneer jy moet eis. “Te veel kliënte besef eers die dag wanneer hulle ’n eis by hul versekeraar indien dat hulle nie dekking het nie of nie ten volle gedek word nie, of dat die betrokke fase van die siekte nie gedek word nie,” sê Barnard en voeg by dat elke persoon se geval en omstandighede uniek is. ’n Deeglike begrip van hoe om jou gevreesde siekteproduk te evalueer, sal baie help om die regte produk te kies en te verseker dat jy die mees geskikte en bekostigbare opsie kry wat by jou besondere omstandighede pas.”


October 31, 2013

10 OBSERVER Coghsta polokwane

officials charged for tender chaos

>> Non-adherence to the specified bid evaluation and adjudication criteria MPHO DUBE >>mphodube.observer@gmail.com


he Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) last week charged nine of its senior officials following a forensic investigation concerning the award of a tender for the construction of low cost houses during the financial year 2013/14. Coghsta Spokesperson, Mr Motupa Selomo said notices of disciplinary hearings were served on the affected officials and that they are expected to appear on various dates from 5 to 29 November 2013. According to Selomo the charges relate to non-adherence to the specified bid evaluation and adjudication criteria during the procurement processes. Coghsta, then led by former MEC, Mr Clifford Motsepe, was in the spotlight earlier this year when allegations were made about supposed tampering with tender documents submitted by certain bidders for housing contracts worth R900 million. This was allegedly done in an attempt to eliminate certain bidders from the contest in order to purportedly favour companies owned by cronies of Mr Julius Malema. Selomo confirmed that the department has since terminated said tender and its contracts due to non-compliance

with prescripts that govern procurement in the public service. Mr Kenny Mathivha, Spokesperson for the Premier said the disciplinary hearings of two heads of department, Ms Nana Manamela of Coghsta and Mr Morebudi Thamaga of Education who were earlier placed on precautionary suspension, are still ongoing. He stressed that it would be disingenuous to respond before the processes are completed. Thamaga and Manamela were suspended with immediate effect in September. Mathivha earlier said their suspension resulted from investigations conducted in terms of the implementation of Section 100 (1)b of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1994,which found acts of misconduct committed in the two departments. Mr Ndivhuwo Mabaya, Spokesperson for the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) added that a total of 88 public servants from all ranks have, since the institution of the national intervention in Limpopo, been charged for fraud, corruption and doing remunerative work outside the public service without permission. This was confirmed by the DPSA and Special Investigating Unit (SIU) which revealed that 303 cases were referred to the SIU and forensic firms for investigation. The SIU forwarded 41 cases it had investigated to the DPSA. In addition, 47 cases were received from forensics firms during June 2013 and 18 cases have been finalised; 11 in the Department of Health and seven in the Provincial Treasury.

Photos: Mpho Dube

Public Works Administrator grilled for poor performance MPHO DUBE >>mphodube.observer@gmail.com Public Works Administrator, Mr Mbuyi Dondashe was given the third degree during a recent committee meeting when Congress of the People MPL, Ms Mokgadi Raganya and Portfolio Committee on Education Chairperson, Ms Joy Maluleke took him to task for failing to overturn the department’s poor performance since national intervention in the province began. Dondashe was grilled following the 2012/2013 audit outcomes presented by the Auditor General (AG) recently. Raganya told Dondashe to revitalise the department or “face the music if the state of affairs doesn’t improve as soon as possible”. She expressed disgust over the AG’s report which revealed that three of the province’s departments are among five departments nationally that have consistently received disclaimers. The affected departments are Education, Public Works and Health and Social Development. Other departments in the province that got qualified reports this time round are Agriculture and Social Development. “We are tired of empty promises. All we hear from the Administrator

Far left: Mr Mbuyi Dondashe, Public Works Administrator. Left: Ms Mokgadi Raganya, Congress of the People MPL. Above: Mss Joy Maluleke (Portfolio Committee on Education Chairperson) and Ms Mokgadi Raganya (Congress of the People MPL) are adamant that the Department of Publc Works should be brought back on track by its Administrator, Mr Mbuyi Dondashe.

is that you have strategies however we don’t see any improvement. The department is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and it needs serious operations,” Raganya said. She also urged Public Works MEC Dickson Masemola to solve an alleged animosity between Dondashe and Head of Department (HOD), Mr Madidimalo Chaamano . “For this department to excel, I suggest that MEC Masemola must ensure that the two work together, the Administrator and HOD. The AG has also noted that there are problems between the two,” Raganya suggested. An irate Maluleke said: “The department is in the ICU (intensive care unit); we thought that the Administrator would assist. We thought that there will be improvements before you leave the province. Mr Dondashe there must be improvement.” Raganya also expressed her concern that Limpopo is still under scrutiny by the provincial Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) for spending R1,8 billion on lease agreements for accommodating its departments. Polokwane Observer is in possession of a document which indicates that some departments in Limpopo have been paying a

monthly rental of more than R2 million and are engaged in lease agreements for periods of up to ten years. These include the departments of Agriculture (R2 192 722,64), Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs (R2 384 517,27) and Roads and Transport (R2 672 244,94) respectively. “I understand that the department is in the ICU but this situation must changed by the Administrator. We cannot accept any more excuses,” Raganya said. Dondashe admitted to the department being in ICU. He however promised to improve the situation. He also vowed that he will work closely with Chaamano and dismissed allegations that there is bad blood between himself and the HOD. “We are having an intervention plan on certain projects. Performance is imperative hence we are implementing a turnaround plan. We are focussing on strategic intervention and this will only be done by quick solution. We have prioritised 14 infrastructure delivery systems and we have taken the Independent Development Trust (IDT) on board. We signed a memorandum of understanding which is supported by the National Treasury,” Dondashe said about the plan.

Parents want a new school OBSERVER 11 after rainfall destroys classrooms Oktober 31, 2013


Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


isgruntled parents of Boiketlo Primary School in Zone 3, Seshego want the Department of Education to build a new school after the roofs of two blocks of classrooms were seriously damaged by heavy rainfall last Sunday. The damaged roofs seem to have been the last straw as the entire school is visibly dilapidated. Efforts by concerned parents and members of the community to engage the Department of Education about the decaying state of most of the buildings on the premises have allegedly been disregarded. Only two of the buildings on the premises, the administration block and

a conspicuously newer row of classes, are not run down or in serious need of repair. The substandard ablution facilities used daily by the 900 learners leave much to be desired. The school kitchen where learners’ meals are prepared is also in shambles. A parent who preferred to remain anonymous said they felt let down by the department after they had told them about the depleted state of the classrooms. “This is an old school, with old structure. We approached the department, we wrote letters to them, we told them about the problem but we were ignored. The roof is literally hanging and anything could happen to our children. The safety of our children is a priority. I also don’t think the teachers enjoy teaching in those conditions,” the parent

said. Neither Principal, Mr Charles Mojapelo nor any of his staff were willing to comment on the matter. Spokesperson for the Department of Education, Mr Phuti Seloba in his response said the department is dealing with the challenges of infrastructure in a holistic way. “We have about 200 schools in the province that were damaged by storms. We are busy completing an assessment of storm damaged infrastructure and that school in particular falls within the queue,” Seloba said. Efforts on Wednesday to get comment from Seshego Circuit Manager, Adv Tebele and District Director, Mr Japhta Mametja proved futile as both were allegedly engaged in a meeting.

CRIME shorts Rapist escapes Police custody

Woman arrested for carrying explosives

A huge manhunt is underway after an alleged serial rapist escaped from Police custody. The 33-year-old suspect kicked open the doors of the Police van he was being transported in from the Brits Magistrate’s Court to the Lehlabile Police Station close to Brits. Mr Boas Jacob Kgatlhane from Thabazimbi was arrested in August 2013. Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi from the Limpopo Police says Kgatlhane is facing 13 charges of rape which took place in Limpopo and the North-West provinces. “He preyed on teenage girls between the ages of 14 and 17 who were walking alone.” An ongoing operation to recapture the suspect is underway. In the meantime, Police are appealing to members of the public who may know about his whereabouts to contact WO Samuel Temane on 082 934 6275 or the crime stop number on 08600 10111.

The 23-year-old woman found in possession of explosives and detonators near the Beitbridge Border on Wednesday is still in Police custody and will appear before the Musina Magistrate’s on Friday on charges of unauthorised importation and the supply or possession of an explosive or incendiary device or part thereof. The woman was arrested on Wednesday evening after travelling on a bus from Zimbabwe to South Africa. A routine Police search stopped the suspect in her tracks. Whilst searching through her bags Police found 26 plastic cartridges and 100 detonators. Members from the Bomb Disposal Unit were summoned and confirmed that the woman was carrying explosives. According to Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi, Spokesperson for the Limpopo Police the case is being investigated and it has not yet been determined to where she was en-route.

Alleged serial rapist Boas Jacob Kgatlhane has escaped from Police custody.

Four suspects were arrested in Makhado on Wednesday afternoon on charges of possession of illicit cigarettes. The suspects were stopped by members of the Highway Patrol Unit. According to Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi, Spokesperson for the Limpopo Police, the suspects, aged between 25 and 34, were travelling along the N1 towards Bandelierkop, where they were stopped and their vehicle searched. “The Police managed to find 600 cartons of illicit cigarettes and the suspects were arrested on the spot and have been charged with possession of illegal cigarettes.” The suspects will appear before the Louis Trichardt Magistrate’s Court soon.


Photo: Herbert Rachuene

Storm damage to the already dilapidated roof of a block of classrooms at Boiketlo Primary School is clearly visible.

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Traditional leaders want government benefits The Provincial House of Traditional Leaders led by its Chairperson, Kgoshi Malesela Dikgale on Friday met with MEC for Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta), Mr Ishmael Kgetjepe with the aim of finding solutions to some of the issues affecting traditional leadership. Dikgale said the province’s traditional leadership wants the department to expedite the issue of standardising benefits given to senior traditional leaders who are participating in municipal councils. “Traditional leaders are

important stakeholders in the development of traditional communities and therefore they must be incorporated in some of the government’s programmes. Some of our leaders are not getting benefits such as medical aid and pension fund. There are some traditional leaders who are doing much in the municipalities but they are not yet on the government payroll. So we want the MEC to intervene,” Dikgale said. Coghsta Spokesperson, Mr Motupa Selomo said they are aware of the issues raised by the traditional leadership and they will process them and see if they are practical or not.

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Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


Polokwane Observer

Oktober 31, 2013

October 31, 2013

Polokwane Observer

Nuwe leier vir VF Plus aangewys RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ie provinsiale partyraad van die Vryheidsfront Plus (VF+) het Saterdag hul tweejaarlikse reorganisasie-vergadering gehou waartydens die nuwe provinsiale leier verkies is. Mnr Hannes Heyman, ‘n plaaslike sakeman is die nuwe leier en word deur die ondervoorsitters, mnre Neels du Preez van Rooiberg en Johan Jardim van Polokwane ondersteun. Die ander verkose lede vir die provinsiale bestuur is mnr Johan Willemse, Ysterbergstreekleier en mnr Kobus Nel, Waterbergstreekleier. “Die bestuur stel hul ten doel om die VF Plus in Limpopo aktief uit te bou om die primêre politieke spreekbuis van die Afrikaner in die noorde te word. Dit was nog altyd ‘n goeie party en ek sal daarna streef om die party se visie en missie uit te leef,” sê Heyman. Hy sê ander partye soos die African National Congress (ANC) is meer bekommerd oor hul ledetalle as dit wat werklik saak maak. “Ons is bekommerd oor die tuiste van die Suid-Afrikaner. Ons soek nie geld nie, net genoeg stemme om ‘n sterker mag in die parlement te hê sodat ons ‘n oog oor die ANC kan hou. Ons wil die dienende spreekbuis vir die Afrikaner wees.” Heyman voorspel ‘n definitiewe groei in die VF Plus met volgende jaar se verkiesing. “Daar is reeds tekens van mense wat van die ANC, Demokratiese Alliansie sowel as ander partye wegbreek en is welkom om by ons aan te sluit. Ons beplan vergaderings regoor die provinsie om die VF Plus te

bemark.” Heyman het in 1970 vir die eerste keer met die politiek kennis gemaak toe hy lid van die destydse Herstigte Nasionale Party (HNP) geword het. In 1974 word hy as kandidaat van die HNP voorgestel en word later twee keer tot voorsitter van die destydse Noordelike Provinsie verkies. Hy is ook die stigterslid van die Afrikaner Eenheidsbeweging en het agt jaar op die federale raad van die VF Plus gedien waarna hy vyf jaar as sekretaris op die finansiële komitee gedien het waarna hy die politiek verlaat het. “Om weer betrokke te raak is‘n uitdaging. Die verkiesing tot provinsiale leier was ‘n groot verrassing en ek is bereid om my volk te dien en toe te sien dat korrupsie en ongeregtigheid hok geslaan word.”


Mnr Hannes Heyman is Saterdag tot provinsiale leier van die Vryheidsfront Plus verkies.

The National Lotteries Board effort welcomed MPHO DUBE >>mphodube.observer@gmail.com Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet) MEC Charlie Sekoati has applauded the National Lotteries Board (NLB) for funding of non-profit organisations that play a role in the development of society through sport and recreation activities, through initiatives in the areas of arts, culture, national heritage and conservation, and through social services including community health and literacy projects. Sekoati, on Friday during the Post Indaba Stakeholder Engagement (PISE) event held at Bolivia Lodge, said: “We are grateful and we thank National Lottery for their contribution to better the lives of the people. We welcome you to Limpopo, the Garden of Eden which has a heritage site entitled Mapungubwe. As we approach the general election our democratic government will be celebrating twenty years of democracy. Government will continue to provide service delivery to the people of this province however we acknowledge the NLB for assisting the communities.” Prof Alfred Nevhutanda, Chairperson of NLB in his address said he is optimistic that Premier Stan Mathabatha’s administration will continue to support the board’s work. “In particular, I’m expecting a more prominent role for municipalities in ensuring that our work permeates and filters through to

the poorest of the poor communities. After all, local government is the sphere of government closest to the people. And it is to this sphere that we expect to mutually share more about the most urgent community needs,” Nevhutanda said. He quoted Franklin Roosevelt who said: “True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.” Ms Charlotte Mampane, Chief Executive Officer of NLB in turn said: “During this period we have turned the impossible into possible by providing financial assistance to many organisations, thus creating an enabling environment for the advancement and development of the people of our country.” Mr Muzwakhe Sigughla, Executive Director of South African Youth Movement thanked the NLB for supporting the research study into the funding and financing models for the civic society sector in the country. Meanwhile, the PISE event included the signing and handing over of approximately 63 cheques and grant agreements of recently adjudicated applications for the Limpopo Province. Nevhutanda announced that the cheques and grant agreements handed over to NLB beneficiaries of the five district municipalities in Limpopo totals R48million.



Polokwane Observer

Oktober 31, 2013

‘Child abuse is rife in Limpopo’ MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com Childline Limpopo is expected to join the Office of the Premier to celebrate National Children’s Day at Makuya Village in the Vhembe District on Saturday. Acting Head of Communications for the Office of the Premier, Mr Naledzani Rasila said they will be joined by leaders in provincial government as they focus on how the community can better the lives of their children. “We must stand together to take care of the needs of our children and protect them,” he said. The keynote address will be delivered by Premier Stan Mathabatha.

Ms Pricilla Mulaudzi, Director of Childline Limpopo said they are looking forward to attending the function and to raising their voices regarding child abuse as this is rife in Limpopo. “The reality is that our children are being abused and we can make a difference. It is never that painful until it happens to your child. We must stand together to create a safer environment for our children to live in,” said Mulaudzi. She said that children are dying because of abuse. “Just look at the reports in the media. The community must realise that there is a problem,” she added. Rasila invited interested parties to join the celebrations. Contact him on 083 241 0772 for more information.

NUM branch chair laid to rest MPHO DUBE >>mphodube.observer@gmail.com Mr William Brown Setelele (46), Branch Chairperson of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in Marikana was laid to rest at Mabokelele village in Moletjie over the weekend. Setelele who lead the NUM branch at Lonmin’s Western Platinum mine died at the hand of unknown assassins who shot him eight times on 17 October. He also testified before the Farlam Commission of Inquiry into the Marikana massacre last year. NUM Spokesperson, Mr Lesiba Seshoka this week said in a statement that NUM members and officials led by its Deputy President Piet Mathosa paid their last respects to a “gallant revolutionary fighter of our movement who was brutally murdered recently”. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Mr William Brown Setelele, Branch Chairperson of National Union of Mineworkers at Lonmin’s Western Platinum mine near Marikana.




Calling all builders and DIY enthusiasts! PPC, in partnership with Calgro M3, is looking for teams of 2 to be on our new building reality TV show. You and your partner could win a brand new Toyota Hilux Turbo Diesel with 1 ton of cement and R250 000 cash! You must have experience in building and plastering to be a part of the PPC Building Better Homes Challenge. Your partner (wife, brother, sister, father, son, friend, etc.) is not required to have any building experience. Both you and your partner need to bring your South African ID books to the audition.

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Terms and conditions apply. Should your team be successful you will both need to be available to come for a second interview. You will both need to be able to travel between 20 January 2014 and early March 2014 for the TV production. Please note that the actual vehicle prize might differ from image depicted.


MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com


he Department of Military Veterans held a function at the Karee Military Base last week to issue healthcare cards to local registered military veterans. Mr Alfred Mokhalka from Polokwane was the first registered veteran to receive his card. He can now use any military medical facility anywhere in the country and can be sure of the best medical care available. Mr Vernon Jacobs, one of the Chief Directors of the department said the department will never issue a cheque to any military veteran but is there to assist with housing, education, pension and employment placement. “If you qualify for a grant we will never pay money into your account but will pay the various institutions,” Jacobs said. He urged


military veterans who are business owners to employ those who fought with them. “You are in the position to help so please lend a helping hand to your comrades who are struggling to make ends meet,” he appealed. Speaker of the Legislature, Mr Elias Nong said in his keynote address that it is very important for veterans to look after their health by exercising and eating healthy. “You can only care for your family if you are strong and healthy. When you were fighting for you freedom you were exercising, I urge you to carry on with that,” he said. The veterans had access to screenings for various medical conditions and were given health guidelines from the medical staff present. The department also visited the Vhembe district last week. They plan to issue 5 000 health cards to military veterans in Limpopo.


Mr Alfred Mokhalka from Polokwane (second left) receives his healthcare card from Ms Ephesia Khazi and Messrs Thapelo Phala and Tshepo Motswega, staff members of the South African National Defence Force General Support Base.

TJDR 55432


“The NUM will always remember this fearless fighter who led the NUM during the most difficult period at Western Platinum in Lonmin. There was no representative from employer Lonmin. Even the capitalist media did not bother to cover the funeral. NUM understands that the media has become the official spokesperson of the mining bosses and the yellow union. We are not surprised why they did not come. As the NUM we expected this to happen,” the statement read. He said however the funeral went very well and members of the NUM were there to pay last respect to their fallen revolutionary fearless fighter. “May his soul rest in peace. We want to take this opportunity to remind those barbarians who killed him that there are a lot of Setelele’s who are left within the NUM and they are going to continue fighting for the NUM members,” Seshoka is quoted to have said. Mathosa is cited to have said: “NUM has competed with the most dangerous unions in the mining sector during the apartheid regime, but we never killed each other. Today we see this union since last year killing mineworkers who do not support them. Is this a union? NUM is not going anywhere. They can kill all of us but they will never destroy what the NUM has achieved in the last 30 years. “NUM is not afraid of competition. Other unions who want to compete with us can come but they must never kill innocent mineworkers.”

Military OBSERVER 15 veterans receive health cards Oktober 31, 2013


October 31, 2013

16 OBSERVER polokwane

Pharmacist assistants graduates ready to serve >> Never compromise your value

Ms Vilonia Mabala, newly graduated pharmacist assistant, is congratulated by Ms Veena Pillay, Academic Head of the Foundation for Professional Development (FPP).

ne hundred and thirty newly qualified pharmacist assistants were awarded their certificates on Tuesday during a provincial graduation ceremony held at Fusion Boutique Hotel. Health and Social Development MEC, Ms Dipuo Letsatsi-Duba congratulated all the graduates on achieving their qualifications. She said the department had initially enrolled 322 students, registered by them, for the course. She confirmed that 130 successfully completed their studies while 40 could not complete due to various reasons such as their tutors resigning while learners are still in the process of training or the facility’s acceleration expiring. “To the graduates, I encourage you all to

always be clear on your values and always remember what you stand for. As graduates you are now health care providers. You are now a health care professionals and above all medication practitioners and we expect you never to compromise your values,” Letsatsi-Duba said in her keynote address. Ms Veena Pillay, Academic Head of the Foundation for Professional Development (FPP) said: “We take this opportunity to congratulate you all. We thank all our supporters and sponsors for making this ceremony possible.” The graduates were students of the Health Science Academy (HSA), a training and education provider that focuses on the Pharmaceutical sector. The candidates were awarded the National Certificate: Pharmacist Assistance and FET: Pharmacist Assistance certificates. The national certificate aims to skill pharmacist assistants in supporting pharmacists in rendering pharmaceutical service. The FET certificate has as its goal helping to address Government’s call for trained mid level workers in pharmacy.

Proud graduate, Mr Nehemia Maribe crossing the stage just after receiving his certificate.

Graduate, Ms Mapula Bambo is handed her certificate by Health and Social Development MEC, Ms Dipuo Letsatsi-Duba.

Ms Joy Goba receives her certificate from Ms Dipuo Letsatsi-Duba, MEC for Health and Social Development.

MPHO DUBE >>mphodube.observer@gmail.com


Council Meeting Invitation

Executive Mayor, Cllr Freddy Greaver

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of Chapter 14 of the Local Municipality Systems Act No. 32 of 2000, that a Council Meeting of Polokwane Municipality will be held as follows:

Date: 31 October 2013 Time: 14:00 Venue: New Council Chamber

Members of the public are invited to attend. Municipal Manager: Ms T.C Mametja

y r e v li e d e ic v r e s r e t t e b r Working together fo


Dr Sindy Maponya (Department of Health General Manager) and Ms Dipuo LetsatsiDuba (Health and Social Development MEC) during the graduation ceremony on Tuesday.

Ms Brenda Chauke is the proud recipient of the Best Basic Pharmacist Student Award.

Independent Electoral Commission celebrates 20 years of democracy KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com A colourful province filled with tradition and history celebrated the launch of the Independent Electoral Commission’s (IEC) 2014 provincial and national elections, scheduled to take place around South Africa and Limpopo next year. Although the date for the election has not yet been formally set, IEC officials assure that the President will be announcing the date soon. Chairperson of the IEC, Adv Pansy Tlakula during an exclusive event held at Meropa Casino & Entertainment World unveiled the newly launched logo for the coming elections which is “I vote South Africa”, and gives the opportunity to create unity among previously divided political parties. Tlakula, together with other stakeholders within the IEC, reiterated the importance of values during the upcoming elections. The IEC subscribe to the values which have made previous elections successful. These values include impartiality, integrity, accountability, transparency, participation, responsiveness and respect. One of the political party representatives, Cllr Johan Willemse of the Freedom Front+ says the launch event was a huge success and that it has served its purpose by bringing political parties together before the start of active campaigning. “We are one of the most peaceful provinces when it comes to elections with some of the lowest reported incidences during election stemming from Limpopo and the partnerships formed between the political parties, prior to the kick-off of the provincial elections.” Mr Willie Mhlongo, provincial leader of the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) in Limpopo is also very happy, following the election launch on Friday. “Transparency is one of the most important issues when it comes to elections. The IEC is involving all participating parties which shows 100% transparency on their side.” Spokesperson for the Democratic Alliance (DA) in Limpopo, Mr Langa Bodlani says his party and their activists are working extremely

hard in preparation for next year’s elections. “We are getting our hands dirty thus ensuring citizens on all levels know their rights and why it is important for them to vote in the 2014 elections.” Bodlani also says that the goal of the DA going into the elections will be to go from being the third political party in Limpopo, to becoming the official opposition party in Limpopo At the time of going to print both the African National Congress and the Congress of the People spokespeople for the provincial political parties were not available. Making sure you are registered to vote in the upcoming 2014 elections is also of utmost importance. Tlakula explains that registration for the elections will take place at various voting stations around Limpopo on 9 and 10 November. If you are not yet registered you can apply at the nearest voting station to your residential address. You can register for the elections if you are a South African citizen older than sixteen and if you have a valid green bar-coded ID book, ID Smartcard or Temporary Identity Certificate (TIC). For more information on how to register and to find out where the nearest voting station is go to www. elections.org.za.


IEC Provincial Electoral Officer (PEO), Ms Nkaro Mateta and Prof Puleng Lenka-Bula, guest speaker, share a word at the provincial launch of the upcoming 2014 elections held at Meropa Casino & Entertainment World on Friday.

No going slow at golden age of 70 Living Limpopo>>

>> A characteristic of caring passed on through generations >> A mere two years ago he attempted to take it slower YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


ime permitting, prominent local business mind Dawie Botes delves into research on the lustrous history that timelines his ancestry. With an obvious interest in the past he relates the narration of a forebear with an inherent inclination for serving his community. It is most likely that characteristic of caring which the late Wietse Botes, a Dutch sick comforter who settled in the fair Cape in 1688, passed on through generations because the younger Botes who has made his home on Limpopo shores is equally engaged in reaching out to his community. The time for the interview is most befitting, coinciding with his 70th birthday today (Thursday). However, having reached the golden age seemingly doesn’t prevent this dynamic but humble business personality from slowing down the high octane pace associated with the demands of the hospitality industry coupled with other business interests. A mere two years ago he attempted to take it slower, he says, when entrusting the operations of the popular accommodation venue with conference and function facilities to a capable management team. He seemingly still remains hands on with regards to affairs. Botes regards the team of managers instrumental in getting Bolivia Lodge through an economic slump of the past two years and booming again with business activity. Botes refers to decades in the corporate sector, commencing with a period in the world of building societies and the banking sphere. His life took an about turn when he returned to Limpopo in 1989 to pursue business opportunities with longstanding friend Jannie van Waveren, whom he got to know when attending HoÍr Tegniese Skool Tom NaudÊ together in 1957. Their business ventures include ownership of a hotel in Mokopane, a game farm at Waterpoort and a community-based water project at Blood River. The then purchase of Bolivia Lodge, he says, secured an establishment with only 13 rooms and a single hall, whereas today the facility has grown into 106 rooms and 14 function venues. It is his selfless efforts reaching out to his community that caught the attention of the Polokwane Chamber of Business (PCOB) when he was bestowed the Business Personality of the Year Award in 2010. It fits in with the notion of creating a hospitable environment, which is similarly key to Bolivia Lodge staff. They promote the element of a home away from home and witness guests repeatedly returning for that reason, Botes explains. He concedes that it befits the warmth displayed by the people of the African continent. Turning to the topic of Limpopo that has been his permanent place of domicile since the late Eighties, Botes is adamant that it is where his heart is. He singles out the Hoedspruit area and Olifants River as his favourite local destinations for its special appeal. Hence there should not exist doubt in any mind that Dawie Botes would ever want to leave behind what is close to his heart in search of land at Prince Albert once held by a forefather by the same family name. PHOTO: YOLANDE NEL

Mr Dawie Botes.

Oktober 31, 2013






Polokwane Observer

Oktober 31, 2013

Mall Mallof ofthe theNorth Northawards awardsstar startenants tenants RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


impopo’s most popular regional shopping destination, Mall of the North (MoN) hosted their Star Awards for Excellence event on Friday evening at Bolivia Lodge to award their tenants for their contribution to the success of the mall. Polokwane Executive Mayor, Cllr Freddy Greaver was the guest of honour and conducted the handing over of the awards. In his address to the tenants he thanked them for making MoN a pleasurable venue to shop at. “We are here to celebrate your successes. Hard work and long hours pay off eventually and tonight is the night where your efforts will be acknowledged,” he said in an inspiring speech. MoN General Manager, Ms Sumari de Ridder explained the role of the management team and thanked them for their hard work through the year as well as since the opening of the mall two years ago. She also expressed her gratitude to the maintenance team, security and administration personnel. “I am pleased to announce that MoN was, during the recent Kimberly Clark Golden Service Awards, named the cleanest mall in the country in the category for medium retail. Therefore I want to thank Prestige Cleaning Company especially for their contribution to keep the mall in tip

top condition,” De Ridder said. She reflected on the development of the mall and said: “MoN was not only developed to bring infrastructure to Limpopo but also to assist with economic development. MoN created 1 800 permanent and 200 temporary jobs. One of the main economic factors was to keep Limpopo’s money in the province and to offer local shoppers exactly what they will find in Gauteng or other provinces.” She urged the tenants to maintain a positive and professional attitude when customers enter their shops. “When people go out to shop, they want to be treated like kings. We are in the people pleasing industry and therefore should see to it that we do only that to our customers,” she urged. The MoN Star Awards were awarded in different categories - Top 10 independent tenants; top 10 national tenants; public choice; favourite restaurants; favourite takeaway; best performing anchor; best growth as well as best performing stores in different size categories. Tenants were furthermore awarded for best customer service, best front shop and those who made a valuable contribution to MoN. Stores were judged on different criteria in each category with the best customer service especially judged on informal feedback from the public via meeting face to face social media and email.

Co-owners of Amarillo Spur, Messrs Francois Mentz and Louis Wolmarans with their

national tenant (Checkers Liquor). The store also placed third as best performing anchor

awards as Top 10 independent tenant,

and second as best performing store (bigger

winner of the favourite restaurant category, second place as best performing store (201



Manager, Mr Job Magagane accepted their awards for Top 10 independent tenant; win-


ner in the category for favourite takeaway;

Mss Angelique Wolmarans (co-owner of

best customer service and valuable contri9.

favourite restaurant and received certificontribution to the mall. Ocean Basket


ent tenant, best growth year on year and winner of the category for best performing






store (not bigger than 200 m²). 12.

Mr Shaun Peters from Edgars head office with Edgars Mall of the North’s certificate as second place winner in the category for

growth of the year and valuable contribu-

public choice. 13.

Sousa Da Silva and Lucy Rodakis proudly


Biltong Pret took home several awards. Co-owner, Ms Susan Kloppers accepted the certificates awarded as a top 10 independ-

display their award for customer service and valuable contribution to the mall.



Ms Ivy Bopape, Manager of the Fish & Chips

Store Manager of Mr Price, Mr Floyd Zungu with their first place awards as favourite

independent tenant and awarded for best



bution to the mall. Ms Dudu Zile, Manager at Body Shop with

valuable contribution to the mall.

tion to the mall. The co-owners of Sorbet, Mss Susanne


for public choice. 11.

shop and best performing shop (1 001 m² to 5.


Company took second place in the category

Vision Works’owner, Ms Madalé Scheepers

2 500 m²). Fragrance Boutique was named Top 10


on year. 10.

placed second as favourite restaurant. with certificates for best customer service; continuous support of Twitter Tuesday and


the certificate received for best growth year

cates for best customer service and valuable


than 2 500 m²). Debonairs scooped several awards. Store

m² to 1 000 m²); best customer service and for their valuable contribution towards the

Panarottis) and Lizette Deacon (co-owner of Ocean Basket). Panarottis placed third as


awards for best customer service and Top 10




Spitz Manager, Mr Theitheayani Nunoth with the certificate issued to them as winner of the category for best performing store


(201 m² to 1 000 m²). Manager of Ster-Kinekor, Mr Andrew

Checkers took home several awards. Admin

Mashego with their certificate for their valu-

Manager, Mr Solly Bopape received their

able contribution to the mall.

October 31, 2013

Polokwane Observer


Mall Mallof ofthe theNorth Northawards awardsstar startenants tenants












Truworths won the category for best performing store (bigger than 2 500 m²) and placed second as favourite store. Store Manager, Ms Zelda Brown accepted the awards. Debbie Mouton Jewellery was awarded in the category for Top 10 independent tenants and their valuable contribution to the mall. Store Manager at Cape Union Mart, Mr Johan Knell with their awards for best growth for the year and best customer service. Dis-Chem Manager, Mr Raymond Taaibosch with their award as winner of the best performing store (1 001 m² to 2 500 m²). They were also awarded for their valuable contribution to the mall.





Mr Price Home placed third in the category for best performing store (1 001 m² to 2 500 m²). Store Manager, Ms Melanie Ross received the certificate. Woolworths Mall of the North seems to be the preferred store among customers. Store Manager, Mr Rodney Masoka with their awards for winner of the category for favourite store; winner of the category for best performing anchor; third place as best performing store bigger than 2 500 m² and their valuable contribution to the mall. Absa Client Service Host, Ms Corné du Preez accepted their certificate as second place winner in the category for favourite bank. Standard Bank was in third place and First National Bank the


winner. Mall of the North General Manager, Ms Sumari de Ridder and Marketing Manager, Ms René van der Merwe, Master of Ceremonies at the event, Ashifashabba and Miss Limpopo Earth Katryn Barwise. 9. Total Sports, Due South and Sport Scene were awarded for presenting the best shop front. Mss Enhle Makhathini and Daphny Mojapelo pose with the certificates. 10. The Mall of the North management team, Mss Thabitha Lekganyane (Marketing Assistant), Sumari de Ridder (General Manager) and René van der Merwe (Marketing Manager) with Polokwane Executive Mayor, Cllr Freddy Greaver. 8.



October 31, 2013

20 OBSERVER polokwane


31 Oktober tot 2 November >> Dis tyd vir die Handgeduntes Mark met ‘n teetuin. ‘n Kinderhoekie sal kleingoed besig hou terwyl ma’s vir ‘n vale kan koop. Watertandlekker-middagetes is beskikbaar en ‘n etensuurkonsert word daagliks tussen 12:00 en 14:00 gehou. Al die opwinding vind in die NG Kerk Pietersburg-Noord se kerksaal plaas. Skakel me Ansie du Toit by 082 703 8486. 1 November >> Mina’s Art Cafe & Farm Venue in Haenertsburg presents a fusion of food and music featuring jKe and the Stone Aged Souls, The sand poet Tawanda Mhandu and Naftali of the Royal Family as well as a line up of other talented artists at 18:00. Tickets are R100 per person. Contact Rob on 083 627 2551 or email zwakala@tooley.co.za for more information. 3 November >> Die NG Kerk Moedergemeente, hv Biccarden Groblerstraat hou Kerssangdiens om 18:00. Kaartjies is teen R10 per persoon by die kerkkantoor by 015 291 9140 beskikbaar.


9 November >> Pietersburg Laerskool hou hul Suid Jolyt Fees wat beloof om in almal se smaak te val. Toegang is R30 vir kinders bo 13 en R10 vir kinders o.13. Elizma Theron tree op, ‘n skoonheidskompetisie word gehou en Just 4 Fun sal vir hope pret sorg. Die hekke open om 09:00. Skakel Karen Krüger by 079 993 0048 vir die volledige program. 16 November >> Die Doornbult Gemeenskapsolisiëringsforum(GPF) hou ‘n markdag met kos, kuns, stalletjies en hope pret. Om ‘n stalletjie te bespreek, kan Niekolene by 083 287 2320 geskakel word. 17 November >> Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouefederasie (SAVF) nooi almal om middagete by hul restaurant in Hoogstraat 9 teen R100 vir volwassenes en R50 vir kinders, te geniet. Die spyskaart sluit voor-, hoof- en nagereg in. Besprekings kan by Elsa by 015 295 9077 gedoen word. 24 November >> Bikers That Care presents their fourth Limpopo North Toy Run at the go-cart tract on the Silicon Road at 11:00. Contact Richard on 082 809 4813. 29 November >> Steve Hofmeyr tree by Bolivia Lodge op. Kaartjies is R100 vir volwassenes en R50 vir kinders en kaartjies kan by Nitruco Hardware in Cycad Centre gekoop word. Skakel 082 563 0189 vir meer besonderhede. 30 November >> The Raymond Shihawu Foundation in collaboration with Beyond Entertainment Movement (BEM) is hosting the first ever Limpopo Hip Hop Awards at the Library Gardens auditorium from 18:00. Contact Tlakale Mogowe on 083 574 6018 for more information.

preferences voorkeure

Photographer, Mr Robby Sandrock shares his preferences with Polokwane Observer. FAVOURITE television programme: Nature programmes on BBC or the National Geographic Channel FAVOURITE music: Classical music, specifically the 1812 Overture (Tchaikovsky) FAVOURITE food: Any curry that is very hot FAVOURITE holiday destination: The Lowveld, preferably somewhere in the middle of a plantation FAVOURITE quip: Calling people younger than myself uncle or aunt

Lost in business translation CHARLI BEDET In May of this year upon my arrival in Polokwane, I opened a boutique public relations agency which is a subsidiary to my media company in the Netherlands. Naturally, the prospect of starting such a practice in a market with no contact list was daunting. I started making cold calls to introduce my services to local businesses and organisations and a pattern emerged. The minute I utter the word public relations, the conversation takes by now a familiar turn: “but we have a marketing manager” Well, is PR part of your overall marketing strategy then? I would ask. “No, we have marketing”. And sometimes when probing further on what that “marketing” is, explanations vary from the unusual to the undecipherable in industry terms. Admittedly, it is a known fact that the lines between the various forms of mass communications have definitely blurred in recent times. But it soon dawned to me that Marketing is a term used freely in this part of the woods. It can mean anything from advertising to transporting kids to school. And everyone and their cousin is in marketing. But the truth is, public relation is not marketing. While both marketing and PR are communication efforts designed to boost business and promote a product or service and often work together as a team, their chief objectives are not the same. Marketing focuses on the market and building sales whereas PR focuses on relationships and building trust. PR is a communication method used by businesses to convey a positive image to a target audience and the general public. Individuals, companies and organisations hire PR agencies to convey positive messages to enhance their reputation. PR agencies then build campaigns and form relationships with media outlets to channel those messages. Perhaps one the most valuable PR service is crisis management. Successful PR community

relations programs highlight company’s accomplishments and positive contributions to the communities they operate in, and in times of crisis, the relationship becomes the company’s saving grace. At the risk of oversimplifying, marketing efforts typically require financial investment to buy advertising space or to fund a campaign. PR, on the other hand, can be cost-free while effectively promoting an individual, business, or organisation. I am of an opinion that by simply knowing the differences between the two communication methods can play a crucial part in our local business growth. Stories of individuals appointed to high level marketing positions within organisations without basic knowledge of the trade are often heard. The differences between marketing and public relations should first be understood by decision makers within local organisations and businesses so that informed decisions can be taken to apply the appropriate service when the need arises. Small companies with small advertising budgets can use public relations as an inexpensive medium to establish the company name and communicate a brand image. In simple terms, a well implemented public relations campaign results in gaining business popularity. And popularity leads to more customers and business growth, which then develops into job creation and a healthy economy. It is a chain reaction. And in our beloved province above everything else, jobs are what we need. About the Author Charli Bedet is the Founding CEO of Balushi Media, the first full service Public Relations and Event Management firm with international partners in Polokwane. She holds a bachelors degree in International Communication Management from Inholland University, Rotterdam. She also studied International & European Law from the Hague University. Visit www.balushimedia.co.za

www.observer.co.za | e-mail: observer@mwebbiz.co.za

Oktober 31, 2013





Winkel L74, Mall of the North, Polokwane (Pick n Pay-ingang)

082 967 9681 015 265 1151

Ons bedank ons kliĂŤnt vir hulle ondersteuning deur die jaar en die personeel vir hul harde werk.

NWJ Mall of the North won numerous excellence awards at the Star Awards. They were awarded for Best Growth Year on Year, Best Customer Service and Recognition of Valuable Contributions to Mall of the North Activities. Boasting with their certificates are Mss Annah Rabothata (Sales Consultant), Niri Nagappen (Owner), Wendy Sekele (Sales Consultant) and Elgina Bopape (Sales Consultant). Ms Maphefo Mphalele (Manager) was absent.

Star Award of Excellence for Best Customer Service

1576. 6 9 2 5 1 0 l: e T Shop 26 . : L L A 1118. M 5 6 H 2 A 5 N 1 N 0 A l: V e A S Shop 31. T : H T R O N E H MALL OF T


Polokwane Observer

Oktober 31, 2013

Tel: 015 293 2124/5 | Fax: 015 293 2126 | Cell: 082 412 3165 64 SIlICON STReeT, laDINe, POlOKWaNe | GPS COORDINaTeS: -23.8912500, 29.4366600 VISIT OUR WeBSITe aT WWW.PBGTyReSlaDINe.CO.za | lIKe US ON: HI-Q laDINe




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NeW! We have installed a Nitrogen Machine to ensure maximum mileage on your tyres Fit 4 new tyres and get your Nitrogen FRee COMMeRCIal TyReS 195/70R15C PIRellI 195/75R16C PIRellI 195R14C PIRellI 205/65R15C PIRellI 205/65R16C PIRellI NORMal TyReS 175/65R14 PIRellI 185/65R15 PIRellI 215/45R17 PIRellI 215/55R16 PIRellI 215/55R17 PIRellI 225/40R18 PIRellI 225/45R17 PIRellI 225/45R18 PIRellI 225/50R16 PIRellI 225/50R17 PIRellI 225/55R17 PIRellI 225/60R17 PIRellI 225/60R18 PIRellI 235/55R19 PIRellI 235/60R16 PIRellI 235/60R18 PIRellI 245/35R18 PIRellI 245/40R17 PIRellI 245/40R18 PIRellI 245/40R19 PIRellI 245/45R17 PIRellI 245/45R17 PIRellI 255/35R18 PIRellI 255/35R19 PIRellI 255/35R20 PIRellI


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1,790 2,100 1,220 2,880 3,450 1,920 2,500 1,400 2,050 3,340 3,480 3,130 3,180 3,650 3,420 3,240 4,380 2,410 3,460 2,950 4,980 3,600 3,980 4,480 4,280 4,680

October 31, 2013

Polokwane Observer

Hi-Q Ladine goes the extra mile KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com


fter opening their doors to the public in March of 2012, the staff and management of Hi-Q Ladine never expected the huge successes they have accomplished after just more than a year. To reach greater heights, staff

members were motivated to go about things a little differently this year. Whilst working on people’s cars, which in most cases is their most valuable possession, Hi-Q went about gathering trust from clients and through this they have gained mountains of experience and success with every passing day. Staff at Hi-Q explains that it is the quality service given to the clients that make


Top: Hi-Q staff management. In front are Messrs Armand du Plessis, Mss Leone Janse van Rensburg, Edith Coetzee and Hennie Coetzee. At the back are Messrs Jan Moolman, Neville du Preez, Christo Pretorius and Hardus Froneman. Right: Hi-Q staff members. In front are Messrs Wellington Mhumga, Martin Selota, Lesibe Masekoameng, Petrus Dikgale and Johannes Mohloana. At the back are Messrs Ben Mathonsi and Abel Khosa.

Hi-Q Ladine in Polokwane.

them return again for more. At Hi-Q only the best and most trusted South African brands are fitted and used affordably and safely. Brands like Goodyear, Pirelli, Dunlop, Michelin and BF Goodrich are used on all repairs and replacements. At Hi-Q, staff members and management never take their eyes off the ball and always remember what is impor-


Tel: 015 293 2124/5 Fax: 015 293 2126 CELL: 082 412 3165 (24 HR Truck tire breakdown services) E-mail: adminl@pbgtyres.co.za (For any enquiries, quotes) 64 SILICON STREET LADINE POLOKWANE GPS COORDINATES: -23.8912500, 29.4366600 tant, which is the safety and happiness of clients and their passengers. Thanks to each HI-Q store being independently owned and franchised, each shop is able to go far beyond their call of duty to ensure the satisfaction of each and every customer. Hi-Q Ladine also specialises in batteries, shocks, brakes, suspensions, full or minor services on selected vehicles, truck balancing, passenger vehicle balancing and 3D wheel-alignment. They also offer a 24-hour truck tyre breakdown service within a 250 km radius of Polokwane. Hi-Q Ladine has also recently installed a new Nitrogen machine to ensure maximum mileage on your tires. It has been proven that a Nitrogen inflated tyre gives better fuel economy. Most people do not check their tyre pressure often enough and due to the pressure fluctuations, most people drive with tyre pressures that are significantly lower than it should be. Low Tyre pressure increases rolling resistance and so makes your vehicle experience lower fuel economy. A Nitrogen inflated tyre, on the other hand, maintains its pressure for a longer period of time, ensuring you drive with proper tyre pressure, which in turns leads to maximum tyre life and maximized fuel economy.

October 31, 2013

24 OBSERVER polokwane

meer werd as wat skriftelik te sien is. Behalwe vir die kreatiewe herhaling wat hoofsaaklik in die klas gebeur, leer ons hulle om sekere konsepte Tjomme met Somme bied nie net aan kinders die geleentheid deur middel van assosiasie te onthou,” sê Steele en voeg by om wiskunde op ‘n prettige dat ‘n kind moet verstaan wat en kreatiewe manier aan te hy sê en wat wiskundig oorgeleer nie, maar ook om dit dra word. Geen rekenaarprospelenderwys te verstaan met gramme word gebruik nie. behulp van al hul sintuie. Omdat die kinders in groepe Me Charlotte Steele, eienaar van minder as tien ingedeel van Babbelbekkies Kleuterword, kry elke kind kwaliteitgroep en plaaslike konsessieaandag en leer om dit waarhouer sê as kinders wiskunmee hulle sukkel met hul maats detaal leer verstaan, kan hulle te bespreek en so ook oplosmet selfvertroue op ‘n unieke sings te vind. manier probleme oplos. Steele se wenk aan ouers is Klasse word van driejarige om kreatief te dink en nie bang ouderdom tot graad drie aante wees vir wiskunde nie. gebied. “Woordsomme is vir baie “Ons help die leerders om ouers en kinders ‘n nagmerrie, die werk tot die essensie te maar met die regte benadering reduseer. Dit wat mondeling word probleme aangespreek in die klas gesê word, is baie en opgelos. Teken vir die kind ‘n prentjie, pak die syfers met Foto: Mariëtte Snyder voorwerpe uit en speel tot ‘n Me Charlotte Steele tydens oplossing gekry word. As jy een van die Tjomme met wiskunde vir jou kind opwinSomme-sessies. dend maak, sal hy/sy Gr1 tot 3 graag meer wil leer en saam oplossings vind.” Steele wil haar kennis met die res van die stad se s omm kinders deel. et “Meer kinders kan by die program baat. Daar is ‘n geleentheid vir ‘n persoon wat lief is vir kinders en basiese wiskunde ken om deel van die program te word. Die persoon moet bereid wees om die program by verskeie kleuterskole aan te bied, geduld hê en passievol wees oor die investering in kinders se toekoms.” Vir meer besonderhede kan Steele by 015 289 3539 of 083 289 3539 geskakel word. Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@gmail. com

Tjomme met Somme e a a ndag o n li k

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primêr: grade 4 tot 7 Junior Senior Kontak: Koop ‘n Franchise Nalize: Om klas te neem Charlotte Steele: 083 289 3539 084 400 9925

Photo: Mariëtte Snyder

The Big Green Egg is available in 5 sizes at Lekker fireplaces, braai and décor at 22 Industria Street in Polokwane.

The last braai you will buy Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@gmail.com


odern technology, style and comfort can be the buzzwords at your next braai. That is if you hurry and visit Lekker fireplaces, braais and décor where they’ll make sure that the ultimate cooking and braai experience is at your fingertips in a jiffy. Apart from stocking fireplaces and braai equipment to die for, they are also the authorised dealers in Limpopo of the Big Green Egg – the most versatile braai and outdoor cooking product available on the market. The Big Green Egg Company was founded by Ed Fisher in Atlanta, Georgia over 30 years ago. The Egg was designed to bring a modernised version of the ancient kamodo-style cooker to the culinary marketplace. This product is now created from advanced ceramics materials and is widely acclaimed as the best kamodo-style cooker in the world. Kamado-style cooking refers to the Japanese tradition of using a wood or charcoal fired earthen vessel as a stove or oven. As one of only six authorised dealers in the country, Lekker fireplaces, braais and décor offers five sizes, from extra large to mini.

Co-owner of the outlet, Ms Erna Maré confirms there literally is a Big Green Egg to suit every need and pocket. The extra large Big Green Egg can cook up to 26 chickens in one go and is a must for any restaurant. Bread, pizza, cakes and pies can be baked to perfection due to the Egg’s precise airflow control that can hold temperatures for up to 18 hours. The same innovative technology also assures succulent results to meat. Thanks to the inventive design which draws air through the base and out through the lid, the charcoal lump lights quickly without the need of a chemical liquid fire starter. Maré revealed the cherry on top to be the fact that you will be able to braai within five minutes of starting the fire. This state-of-the-art cooker offers improved insulation; thermal shock tolerance; durability and material strength. It is well insulated and impervious to the elements that will allow you to even braai, roast, bake or smoke in cold and rainy weather. Visit their showroom at 22 Industria Street or phone them on 015 297 8964 for more information or to get your hands on a Big Green Egg. It is the last braai you will ever buy.

Fruit & Veg-wenner aangewys

Foto: Anél de Kock

Fruit & Veg City Thornhill se opwindende gelukkige trekking het ‘n wenner. Me Rita van der Merwe (regs) was baie in haar skik met haar groot prys, ‘n heel lam wat sy Maandag ontvang het. Om vir die trekking te kwalifiseer, moes sy bewys van R350 se aankope lewer en haar besonderhede in die kompetisiehouer plaas. Me Hanna Engelbrecht, slaghuisbestuurder by Fruit & Veg City Thornhill oorhandig Van der Merwe se prys.


on national / provincial / local issues

Polokwane Observer asked residents for their opinion about the new Seshego Circle Centre which opened last Wednesday. Polokwane Observer het inwoners se opinie oor die nuwe Seshego Circle Centre wat verlede Woensdag in Seshego geopen het, gevra.

Mnr Franci Vorster: “Dit is die beste ding wat met ons bure kon gebeur. Die ontwikkeling gee hulle die geleentheid om in ‘n luukser sentrum inkopies te doen.”

Ms Maria Baloyi: “The centre will make life simpler for us because everything we want is available there.”

Me Christine Collins: “Ek dink dit is ‘n goeie stap wat die ontwikkelaars geneem het. Alles is nou op hul voorstoep.”

KFC ready to serve community HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Managing Director of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Mr Tim Bourdillon described the opening of their eighth local store at Seshego Circle Centre as another milestone for the business. Speaking during the official opening of the KFC franchise at Seshego last Wednesday, Bourdilon said it is a magnificent feeling being part of the store opening. “I must say it is a real privilege. My team has been fantastic and they play a vital role in ensuring that everything runs smoothly so that we can perform at our best. I would also like to thank the Seshego customers for their support they showed since we opened on Wednesday. We look forward to providing many more happy smiles

Oktober 31, 2013


OBSERVER 25 polokwane

and satisfied tummies by providing them with their favourite KFC meal,” he said. A Seshego resident, Ms Raesetja Makibelo said she no longer needs to travel to the city to buy her children their favourite KFC meal. “We will no longer have to slaughter a chicken on Sundays for our Sunday meal. We will just come here at KFC because everything we want is here. We were actually the first people to buy in the shop on the opening day. The staff is so friendly and welcoming and we are looking forward to buying more meals at the shop,” Makibelo said. The outlet joins a list of 34 new shops at the R200 million Seshego Circle Centre situated at the juncture of Nelson Mandela and Polokwane drives in Seshego.

Mr Mpho Maswanganyi: “I think the centre came at a time when a lot of people are empowered. It won’t look like a white elephant, we will make good use of it.”


Ms Morogwa Seomane: “It is a good development for the province and it will help in the growth of the economy.”

Me Mernette Swartz: “Die ontwikkeling gaan die lewens van die mense in die omgewing verbeter.”

visit us on facebook

Ms Itumeleng Mphahlele: “It is a good development. I hope our people will take good care of it. It will definitely make shopping easy for our people.”

Me Chantal Kruger: “Die sentrum sal die inwoners help om te spaar omdat hulle nie meer ver moet reis nie. Alles is onder een dak.

Mr Tim Bourdillon, Managing Director of Kentucky Fried Chicken with his proud staff during the opening of KFC outlet at Seshego Circle Centre. Left: The Management of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Seshego Circle Centre, Messrs Ebrahim Nkoana, Daniel Mogoblati (Managers), Mss Kgabo Mathebula (Restaurant General Manager), Agnes Phooko (Area Coach),Martina Ramaloko (Restaurant General Manager) and Suzan Machaba (Manager).


Polokwane Observer

NLI - ultimate piece de la resistance of Natural Living Group


YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.


HArlEY 1 June - 29 November 2013 Name:________________________________________________________________________________________ Surname:______________________________________________________________________________________ ID No:________________________________________________________________________________________ My till slips to the value of R1500 are attached to this entry Form



I agree to the terms and conditions below Signature:_______________________________


Please read these terms and conditions carefully, if you enter our competition, we will assume that you have read these rules and that you agree to them. To Enter This Competition You Must Be: (a) A RSA Resident (b) 18 Years Or Older At Time Of Entering The Competition (c) Winner will be responsible for own Motor Cycle drivers’ licence (d) Terms and Conditions printed on entry forms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Oktober 31, 2013

tylish accessories and bespoke furniture designs were the main attractions at a summer cocktail event when Natural Living Interiors (NLI) recently treated valued guests to their range of coveted pieces and Natural Living Group toasted a string of newsworthy announcements. Champagne flowed in celebration of NLI’s association with Polokwane-based Erna Lister Gardens, the name change of former Camelot Spa to Natural Living Spa and Wellness Centre at Natural Living Emporium (NLE) off Polokwane’s central business district as well as the appointment of members of the Natural Living Group management team. The union with the local landscape business, which specialises in garden design and layout, naturally makes NLI the preferred stop for all interior and exterior requirements. Succumbing to soothing hand massages courtesy Natural Living Spa and Wellness Centre in the shadow of the weathered silos of adjacent Progress Milling, guests were invited to view alluring pieces for the home in a warehouse that once served the purpose of a grain store. The showroom is filled to the brim with pieces difficult to resist. The range of individual

designs with classical lines can tie in with the interior of any room while the equally important outside space is not at all neglected. NLI, situated in Design Square in Industria, should be the obvious choice when in need of an expert team of professionals to bring the necessary change to any space. In the greater Natural Living Group scheme of things it must be the ultimate piece de la resistance.

Photos: Yolande Nel

Guests in attendance at the event are from left Ms Clarise Oberholzer of Bresler-Becker Inc, Stephnee and Brett Hughes of Retsini Nursery and at the back, Ms Rene Thysse of the Natural Living Group team.

The competition is not open to employees of Harley – Davidson or Savannah Mall and Tenants. No responsibility will be accepted for entries that are lost or delayed or which are not received for any reason. The judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The closing date is as specified and Savannah Mall reserves the right to amend the competition and date at any time. By entering the competition the winners agree to participate in such promotional activity and material as Savanna Mall may require. The prize will not be transferable to another person. No part of a prize is exchangeable for cash or any other prize. If an advertised prize is not available we reserve the right to offer an alternative prize of equal value. Incorrectly completed entries will be disqualified. Insurance is for the winners's own expense Semi-finalist must be present on 30 Nov, 12h00 for the finalist draw. Lucky draws will be done during the competition period.

Tel: 015 293 1199 Shop no 5, Tropicana Centre 21 Witklip Street, Ladanna, POLOKWANE

Chicken Whole Bird (Free range, no water)

R27.95 p/kg Pork Texan Steak R37.95 p/kg Venison Wors R36.95 p/kg Lamb Potjie R59.95 p/kg Blou Bul Steak R38.95 p/kg Meatballs (100% pure beef) R37.95 p/kg Specials valid on 1 and 2 November 2013


Mondays to Fridays from 07:00 to 17:30 Saturdays from 07:30 to 14:00 Public holidays from 09:00 to 13:00

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Messrs Jaco Oberholzer of De Bruin Oberholzer Attorneys and Pieter-Willie Becker and Marianne Bresler of Bresler-Becker Inc at the summer cocktail party of Natural Living Interiors.

Natural Living Interior’s summer cocktail party created the opportunity for easy conversation.

‘Dien God deur die gemeenskap te dien’ Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@gmail.com Sent 2 Serve Ministries is sedert September 2011 aan die werk om behoeftiges in en om Polokwane te dien. Die visie van die bediening is om God se liefde en omgee met mense te deel terwyl God hulle lewens deur die werking van die Heilige Gees aanraak. Mnr Melville Botha en sy vrou, Madelein, het die bediening gestig omdat hulle ‘n hart vir sending het. Mettertyd het die nood in die stad hulle geraak en het uitgebrei om hulpbehoewendes van alle rasse te help. Melville sê hy het in 2007 bewus geword van God se roeping vir hulle as gesin om voltyds in Sy diens te staan, waarna hul in 2008 sendingopleiding ondergaan het. Die gemeenskap het Melville in 2009 as die bestuurder van Hulp In Elke Behoefte (Hieb) leer ken en hy sê hy het in die twee jaar wat jy in diens was waardevolle ondervinding en blootstelling opgedoen. Sent 2 Serve Minsitries is ‘n geregistreerde

Artikel 18A-maatskappy sonder winsbejag en geouditeerde state van die bediening se finansies word jaarliks beskikbaar gestel. Die direksie bestaan uit Melville en Madelein as stigters, Isabel van den Berg en Henk Grobler as direkteure en Sue Dreyer as addisionele lid. Hul visie is om God te dien deur mense te dien. Hulle doen dit deur onder meer kos- en kleredonasies te versprei wat hulle van die gemeenskap ontvang. Die groep reik ook na behoeftiges in Mosambiek en Zimbabwe uit en lei ‘n weeklikse selgroep vir agtien Zimbabwiërs. Hulle bied ook gratis begrafnisdienste vir persone wat nie aan ‘n kerk behoort nie. Melville bedien elke Vrydag saam met ‘n groep vrywillige geestelike werkers by die Vereniging vir Persone met Gestremdhede, waar hy ook elke tweede Sondag ‘n diens lei. Verder het hulle ‘n arbeidsbediening en is bereid om hul getuienis by enige groep of geleentheid te gee. Vir meer besonderhede kan Melville by 076 359 4945 geskakel word.

Maja celebrates two in one

Photo: Yolande Nel

Limpopo Gambling Board Chief Executive Officer Serobi Maja celebrated two in one this weekend during a stylish affair at his homestead in the village of Ga-Maja. Saturday scores of family and friends, including Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi and Mr Justice Frans Legodi, gathered for a memorable occasion marking Maja’s wedding to wife Raesetja and his 61st birthday.

Miss Limpopo/Teen 2014 OBSERVER 27 finalists to compete for the crown Oktober 31, 2013


MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com


ig smiles and tears of joy epitomised the debut of the Miss Limpopo 2014 entrants on Sunday, each one hoping to become a finalist in the Miss Limpopo/Teen 2014 to be held at the end of next month. The panel of judges had a gruelling time selecting the finalists as the contestants left no stone unturned to impress them. The girls were dressed to the nines and geared to answer each and every question from the panel of judges.

The finalists for Miss Limpopo Teen 2014 are Advie Madau, Lebogang Malatji, Luyanda Maphanga, Gail Mokwatlo, Rethabile Monyane, Lehumo Nkadimeng and Malapele Sodi. The Miss Limpopo 2014 finalists are Kholofelo Lekganyane, Annah Malatji, Matome Mamaleka, Lesego Mangaba, Mahlogonolo Matlou, Ntseselelo Mkanzi, Esther Mohlapamafsi, Matsobane Phasha, Sophia Tshabalala and Carmen van der Walt. The judges especially wanted to know whether the contestant, if chosen as Miss Limpopo/Teen is ready to do her part for charity and her community during her years’ reign.

Their general knowledge regarding Limpopo was also tested to ensure the best representatives of the province is chosen. The panel consists of Katryn Barwise, former Miss Limpopo and Miss Earth SA Fire 2013, Bonnie Jordaan, a local photographic model, Cecilia Molokwane from the Polokwane Municipality, Lerato Moleke from Capricorn FM, Charli Bedet, founder of Limpopo Top Model, Daniel Pheme, Laundry Dynamics, Linkie Maepa, therapist and Marcel Rivombo from Fresh Laundry Limpopo. The finalists will attend various workshops, photo and video sessions and pampering sessions being held at various


locations across the city before the culmination of all events when the crowning will take place at Bolivia Lodge at 17:00 on 30 November. The finalists can also look forward to a cocktail evening at Primi Piatti in Mall of the North. The sponsors are Polokwane Observer as sole media sponsor, Bolivia Lodge, Erica Mengouchi Haute Coutre, Nico WilloughbySmith, House of Asante, Face 2 Face, Capricorn FM, Pick n Pay Mall of the North, Natures Way, Elevating Minds, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Photostyle Studio, Primi Piatti, Woolworths Mall of the North and Vuwa Transport.


>> Miss Limpopo 2014 finalists were asked what charity project they will embark on in the weeks leading to the crowning:

Kholofelo Lekganyane from Polokwane: “Life is like a marathon, if you fall along the way pick yourself up and continue with the race. I will carry on with my project as Miss Limpopo 2013 second princess.”

Annah Malatji from Ga-Makanye Village: “I will be conducting an activity programme at various primary schools to keep them motivated and to make sure they stay involved in sport.”

Matome Mamaleka from Seshego: “If I win my major focus will be on academics and sport. I will provide as much career guidance as possible to learners at an early age so that they can be prepared for the future.”

Lesego Mangaba from Seshego: “I want to empower the youth regarding the importance and rewards of following their dreams and educate girls about gender violence.”

Mahlogonolo Matlou from Seshego: “I want to help the children from foreign countries to follow career paths less taken and to become successful in that respect. I also want to help them with food and clothes.”

Ntseselelo Mkanzi from Tzaneen: “I will be focusing on improving education and results in our province. To study in the evening you need electricity. I will by supplying thee learners with battery operated globes so that they can study.”

Esther Mohlapamafsi from Mankweng: “I will be making tangible changes in the lives of less privileged children by assisting where I’m needed. I will donate books and educational toys to needy children.”

Matsobane Phasha from Sekhukhune: “In my community I would encourage them to plant vegetable gardens as a method of combating economic challenges.”

Sophia Tshabalala from NkowaNkowa: “I want to build a youth centre in my community which will be available for everyone to use. The aim is to keep the youth off the streets and to motivate them to follow their dreams.”

Carmen van der Walt from Polokwane: “I will concentrate on helping underprivileged children. I have a passion for children and would like to live out my dream to help them in the next few weeks and prior to the crowning. I will also be visiting various old age homes.”

>> The Miss Limpopo Teen 2014 finalists that will compete for the crown were asked what charity work they will be doing prior to the crowning.

Lehumo Nkadimeng from Polokwane: “I believe the pageant is not only about having a fancy title but also about giving back to the community by making a difference. I will focus on various projects that include protection against bullying and awareness regarding eating disorders.”

Advie Mudau from Polokwane: “I will be cooking food for children in the rural areas and provide entertainment. I will talk to them about the importance of education and guide them on life management.”

Lebogang Malatji from Polokwane: “My biggest focus will be raising funds and launching campaigns for homeless children, orphans and the disabled as well as for those suffering from cancer and HIV.”

Luyanda Maphanga from Burgersfort: “My aim is to reduce pollution in my area and to add hope to many orphans. I will be donating clothes for children because I belief that being clean gives a person dignity.”

Rethabile Monyane from Polokwane: “Given the platform of Miss Limpopo Teen I would like to reach out to teenage orphans. I want to give more than just food and clothing; I will motivate them to be better people.”

Malapele Sodi from Polokwane: “I will give motivational presentations to inspire the youth as well as the elders to work hard and keep focused in order to achieve what they want to achieve.”

Gail Mokwatlo from Mokopane: “As an advocate of all humanitarian values, I aim to make a change in the lives of children who were abandoned, abused and disabled. I will make a positive impact on the lives of the elderly and the earth to limit my carbon footprint.”



Business profile>>

October 31, 2013 >> PAGE 28

Lian Anderson

Onderneming >> Fraser and Associates Bluestar Waarom het jy die beroep gekies? >> Om ‘n verskil aan ander se lewens te maak Wat is die mededingende voordele van jou bedryf/besigheid? >> Ons help met mense se beplanning vir hul finansiële toekoms Hoe leef jy jou loopbaanpassie uit? >> Deur mense in hul behoeftes te ondersteun

Elmarié Bierman is ’n prokureur in murg en been >> Spesialiseer in aktes, oordragte, besigheidskontrakte en ontwikkeling >> Meeste lenings word afgekeur oor swak kredietbestuur van kliënte en hul onvermoë om sekere eiendom te bekostig RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com “Al is dit nie nou blomtydperk vir sommige besighede en die ekonomie in die algemeen nie, kan besighede gerus op kliëntediens fokus. ‘n Positiewe gesindheid is van kardinale belang om sukses te behaal.” Vir ‘n prokureur wat al 11 jaar in Polokwane praktiseer, is dit vir me Elmarié Bierman duidelik hoe dienslewering stadsontwikkeling kniehalter wat glo dat net een negatiewe woord of persoon tien as sodanig beïnvloed en dat die omgekeerde nie noodwendig waar is nie. Bierman het aan die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) matrikuleer waarna sy vir ‘n jaar by die destydse United Bank (Absa) gewerk het. “Daarna het ek by ‘n plaaslike prokureursfirma gewerk en deeltyds my B.Com Bemarking- B.Procgraadstudies aan die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika (Unisa) behaal. In 2006 stig ek Elmarié Bierman Prokureurs en later

@Home Eiendomme wat deur my suster, me Edelweiss Kotze bestuur word.” Die vele dimensies van die reg en die feit dat die reg lewendig is sowel as haar vermoë om met behulp daarvan na mense in nood uit te reik, hou haar in die bedryf. “Die sake waarmee ons te doene kry is interessant en uiteenlopend, maar daar is ook baie frustrasies aangesien die akademie en praktyk nie altyd versoenbaar is nie en baie faktore buite jou beheer is. In ‘n perfekte regstelsel moet kriminele agter tralies sit, skuldenaars hul skuld betaal en wetsgehoorsame burgers in vrede en harmonie saamleef, maar as ons eerlik wil wees is dit nie vandag die realiteit nie.” Bierman spesialiseer in aktes wat oordragte van eiendomme, verbandregistrasies en eiendomsontwikkelings insluit en het ook ‘n kommersiële-, boedel- en siviele afdeling. ‘n Bron van kommer is vir haar die verlangsaming van die ontwikkelings in die stad die afgelope tyd weens ‘n tekort aan dienslewering wat groei verder negatief beïnvloed. “Buiten die ekonomiese druk wat reeds aan almal se beursies raak, besef die man op straat ook nie altyd die impak wat stakings en substandaard-dienslewering op die ekonomie as geheel het nie. Dit het tyd geword dat elke besigheid, hoe groot of klein, beheer neem van opleiding van personeel en die verhoging van hul moraal en entoesiasme wat stadig maar seker die ekonomie sal verbeter en beter dienslewering tot gevolg sal hê.” Eiendomspryse is volgens haar tans

meer realisties wat verkopers en eiendomsbeleggers nie noodwendig wil hoor nie. “Bekostigbaarheid en swak kredietbestuur is steeds die grootste redes vir die meeste lenings wat afgekeur word, maar kopers kan met slim spaarplanne en effektiewe finansiële bestuur ook dié hindernis oorkom. Geduld, konsekwentheid en deursettingsvermoë is die antwoord vir eerste huiskopers en enigeen wat ‘n sukses van iets wil maak, want sukses is 20% talent en 80% harde werk.” Bierman bly steeds op hoogte van nuwe ontwikkelings op akademiese- en besigheidsgebied deur seminare, kursusse en konferensies by te woon en glo haar besigheid lewer ‘n positiewe bydrae. “Ons is klein, maar lewer uitstekende diens aan ons kliënte en dit is ons missie om die ekstra myl te stap. Boonop voorsien ons ongeveer 30 mense van werk.” Haar raad aan voornemende afstandonderrig-studente is om absolute selfdissipline toe te pas en te besef elke sekonde tel. Omdat sy self haar studie­rigting verander het, is haar raad aan voornemende studente om eers vir ‘n rukkie vrywillig in ‘n beroepsrigting te werk voor jy finaal besluit om in dié rigting te studeer omdat dit die beste manier is om te bepaal of jy werklik daarvoor ‘n passie het of nie. Tuis sluit Bierman haarself heeltemal af van die werk en spandeer soveel moontlik tyd saam met haar eggenoot en twee kinders. “Ons doen alles saam en is lief vir reis, plakboekprojekte, perdry en tuinmaak.”


Plaaslike prokureur en prinsipaal van @Home Eiendomme, me Elmarié Bierman.

Male municipal employees take on health walk RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ouncillors, management teams, officials and labourers of the Polokwane Municipality participated in the Men’s Health Walk on Tuesday morning which was initiated by the municipality as part of a programme to create health awareness among its employees. Hundreds of male municipal employees departed from the Jack Botes Hall with the Polokwane Cricket Club as destination where they were treated to a small breakfast. According to municipal Spokesperson, Mr Matshidiso Mothapo employees were also addressed by an expert on the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer and other cancers commonly find PHOTO: RC MYBURGH

Male employees of Polokwane Municipality participate in a Men’s Health Walk on Tuesday to create health awareness among men.

For more info contact: Joyce Masegela Tel: 015 291 5497 Fax: 086 537 1259 / 015 291 5485 Email: admin@pcob.co.za Website: www.pcob.co.za

Oktober 31, 2013


OBSERVER 29 polokwane

in men, a HIV positive male on the precautions and how to live with HIV, and financial institutions on planning for the future. “To make sure employees are efficient, we have to make sure they are healthy. Not only is it all about health. Employees attending are from different departments and now they are also given the opportunity to network,” he said. The municipality hosted a similar event for female employees about three months ago. “We are fortunate to have the type of leadership concerned about the employees’ health and by creating such events,” Mothapo said. Polokwane Executive Mayor, Cllr Freddy Greaver was expected to join the event later the day to address employees.


October 31, 2013

30 OBSERVER Focus on Industria polokwane


(015 297 8044


Industria for all your needs

t is not all in the name when it comes to the Polokwane suburb, Industria where businesses mainly focus on industrial products and services. It is also a shopping hub for residents needing to buy everyday household items. The popularity of Industria also lies in some of the factories offering unbeatable prices. Access to Industria is made easy by two main roads, Landdros Maré Street and Market Street which are also the main road connecting Ladanna and Eduan Park and Bendor with the central business district. Close to the city’s

biggest taxi and bus rank, Industria can also be easily accessed on foot with safe pedestrian crossings on major roads. Two businesses standing out from the rest are Windovert and Oasis Water. Windovert are experts in the manufacture and installation of awnings, blinds, burglar guards, security doors, garage doors, insect screens and tinting. When you prefer only the freshest from nature, Oasis Water is the preferred choice to get all your mineral water, flavoured water, juices and sparkling water. When you travel through this suburb again, take some time to explore a new world of shopping for only the best at affordable prices.


Oasis Water.

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com








A long walk to raise awareness SECURITY GATES & BURGLAR GUARDS


WE DELIVER! • Bottled water • Long-life ice • Carbonated water • Flavoured water • Water containers 5l - 25l • Water dispensers / bottles • 100% Pure fruit juices (8 flavours)

Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@gmail.com It took them two days in excruciating heat, but Messrs Motinki Mahlo and Simon Mogale, both from Limpopo arrived safely in Tzaneen on Saturday after they started their long walk from Polokwane on Friday to raise awareness about donating blood. Mogale, who depends on crutches, and Mahlo who initiated the walk started their walk at the offices of the South African National Blood Services (SANBS) in Potgieter Avenue. They were accompanied by friends and officers of the municipal traffic department in their quest to save lives through blood donation. Mahlo said he spoke to everyone along the road and urged them to donate blood as he is alive today due to the fact that years ago, after he was stabbed and lost a lot of blood, his life was saved by a blood transfusion. “I was admitted to the Hillbrow Hospital in 1991 after the incident and the doctors told me that if it wasn’t for the blood transfusion, I would not have been alive,” Mahlo explained. Mahlo spoke to the donors in Tzaneen and thanked them for every unit of blood donated as they are the real life savers. He urged every blood donor to carry on with the good deeds they are doing and called on new donors not to delay in registering as a blood donor. Ms Dottie Pinn, Public Relations Officer

of the SANBS Limpopo thanked Mahlo and Mogale for their initiative and said that they need all the blood they can get as they are nearing the Festive Season where more blood is needed on a daily basis. For more information or to become a blood donor, phone them on 015 297 3636.

Photo: Mariëtte Snyder

Messrs Motinki Mahlo and Simon Mogale start their walk from Polokwane to Tzaneen on Friday to create awareness about blood donation.

Bacteria free & oxygen enriched water


Tel: 015 297 1088 26 Industria Street, Shop no 22, Industria, Polokwane Tel: 015 297 4104 Pharmwell Pharmacy, 8 Watermelon St, Platinum Park

For sales/personal labels please contact Kobus 082 909 9095.


Arriving in Tzaneen after a two day walk from Polokwane are the tired but happy Messrs Motinki Mahlo and Simon Mogale.

Focus on Capricorn High School

Oktober 31, 2013





CAPRICORN HIGH SCHOOL Thabo Mbeki Street, Polokwane, 0699 School tel: 015 295 9333/4 School fax: 015 295 5165 e-mail: cappies@mweb.co.za


Matric Prize Giving 2013 Sadiya Houghton

received seven certificates of merit and an academic honours scholarship.

Eneta Badjie

received seven certificates of merit and a scholarship for academic colours. She was also named the best All Round Pupil of the Year 2013 and received the Tenax Medallion for progress through tenacity.

Nithin Jainson

was awarded with seven certificates of merit and also received a scholarship for academic colours. Nithin was also named the Top Academic Pupil of 2013.

Thato Manamela

was awarded the Pro Erudition award for academic full colours.

Shoki Mapheto

Mr Koos Duvenhage (Educator), Mr Lucas Chuene (Principal) and Mr Jacob Tshiwilowilo (SGB Chairperson).

was named the best senior netball player of the year.

Kholofelo Mello

received an academic honours scholarship and was also the top learner in Accounting. She ended second in the Saipa National Accounting Olympiad 2013.

The principal receives a cheque to the value of R60 000 from the first Four Prefects on behalf of the Matric Board 2013.

e d a r a P y r o t c i d e l Va



Die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé>>

October 31, 2013

Tommies wen bloedskenkkompetisie na bloeddorstige stryd

32 OBSERVER polokwane

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ie jaarlikse bloedskenkkompetisie tussen die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé en die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het onlangs op ‘n hoë noot vir die Tommies afgesluit toe hulle as wenskool aangewys is. Volgens die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens (SANBD)-skakelbeampte, me Dottie Pinn is die eenhede bloed pro rata uitgewerk omdat PHS se matrieks tydens hul bloedskenkdag nie by die skool was nie. “Die Tommies het 147 eenhede teenoor PHS se 84 geskenk wat Tommies 27% gee teenoor PHS se 16%,” sê sy. Vyftig persent van die Tommies se graad 11D-klas het bloed geskenk wat hulle die klaswenners maak en het elk ‘n geskenk van Pinn ontvang. “Ek is beïndruk met die twee skole se deelname. Vir my is daar nie ‘n wenskool nie. Beide skole en elke leerder wat geskenk het, is wenners omdat hulle help om lewens te red.” Tommies se matrieks het terselfdertyd hul laaste skooldag gevier tydens ‘n “cross-dressdag” waar seuns soos meisies en andersom aangetrek het.

Die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se 2013 graad 12-leerders tydens hul onlangse laaste skooldag.


Die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se graad 11D-klas wen die bloedskenkkompetisie met 50% van die klas wat geskenk het. Agter is SANBD-skakelbeampte, me Dottie Pinn en klasvoog, mnr Johan de Beer.

Die Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se departementshoof, elektries, mnr Org van den Berg help om die skool se eenhede op te stoot tydens die bloedskenkkompetisie. SANBD se me Queen Machaba staan hom by.

Hein Korff en Zander Nel, graad 12-leerders van die Hoër Tegniese 62102_Press_Ads_Valid_until_20_Oct_Week_18_2013 190x260 RSA Skool Tom Naudé skenk dapper bloed. Mnr Thabo Kganakga van SANBD staan agter.






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Oktober 31, 2013

Focus on PCS


OBSERVER 33 polokwane

Polokwane Chemical Suppliers celebrates 20 successful years KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com


wenty years down the line Polokwane Chemical Suppliers (PCS) are still the leaders in their industry, boasting economical and social achievements unparalleled to many businesses in their field. In celebration of their 20th year in business Polokwane Chemical Suppliers invited all involved in the success of their business to a unique night in the Limpopo bushveld. A unique taxi-ride through the bushes of Protea Hotel Ranch Resort gave some guests of Polokwane Chemical Suppliers (PCS) a first time experience of riding in a real taxi - swerves, brakes, kwaito and all. The exclusively invited guests enjoyed the evening of a lifetime when upon their arrival they found they would be driven down to the Bushwillow Camp where their function would take form and the evenings proceedings would be able to proceed on an even higher note. Dressed to the nines, proud owners of PCS, Mr Walter and Ms Melita Mampane met guests at the entrance to the bush-camp and ensured the personal touch with each and every one of their staff members, clients and invited guests. After starting this successful company in a garage on a smallholding 20 years ago, Mr Mampane in 2003 moved the company to its present premises in 45 Emerald Street, Futura, Polokwane. “With the help of the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) and

other business consulting agencies we managed to streamline the business and are now proud to say we have administrative, marketing, production and dispatch departments with over 40 products on our stock list,” he said. By 2005 PCS was flourishing, lending itself to the addition of a production line adjacent to their premises. Recently the opportunity arose to generate a position for a general manager. PCS offers a variety of products such as cleaning products, polishes, waxes, bleach, floor strippers, fabric softeners, stain removers, sanitisers, detergents and gels. The Mampanes are very grateful to all those who attended the festivities with them, including their suppliers, staff members, stakeholders, friends and business associates. “It has not always been easy sailing in our business and the road we have travelled to get where we are today has been very difficult. Together we have climbed many hills and underwent just as many changes to bring us to the successful destination we have arrived at today. We have successfully emerged from the small business world and we are now entering a phase of continuous success thanks to our emergence into the corporate business world, they said.”


Mr Walter Mampane and his wife, Melita, proud owners of Polokwane Chemical Suppliers.

Mr Mike Masemola (Moratiwa Property Development), Mrs Melita Mampane (CEO PCS), Mr Lucas Seroba (PCS Production Supervisor) and Mr Walter Mampane (CEO PCS).

Mr Walter Mampane, Chief Executive Officer of Polokwane Chemical Suppliers.

Tel: 015 293 0902 Fax: 015 293 0777 45 Emerald Street Futura, Polokwane mail: pcsup@mweb.co.za www.pcs-phatsima.co.za

Mr Mike Masemola (Moratiwa Property Development), Mrs Melita Mampane (CEO PCS), Ms Freda Ramodike (winner of the CEO’s Star Achiever Award) and Mr Walter Mampane.

Mr Walter Mampane, CEO of PCS, awards Mr Voni Mampane (left) with a Long Service Award for 20 years of excellence and selfless dedication.

Ch s r emic e i l al Supp


October 31, 2013

34 OBSERVER polokwane

Laerskool Chris Hofmeyr >>

Laerskool Pietersburg Oos>>

Laerskool Chris Hofmeyr donates to Place of Safety

Storieboekstorie neem jou op ver reise


Ms Bettie Combrick and the head leaders of Laerskool Chris Hofmeyr were photographed with staff members of the Polokwane Place of Safety recently when six boxes of clothing were donated by the school.

ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com


uimtewesens neem Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos se biblioteek oor waarna storieboekkarakters uit die boeke val. Die karakters gaan elke keer op reis om te kyk of hulle in ‘n ander storie in boekvorm pas.

Rympieboeke, boeke oor die seelewe en geskiedenisboeke word onder meer besoek. Op die ou einde pas die karakters net in die Bybel. Leerders van graad 1 tot 7 het aan die operette in ligte luim, maar met ‘n betekenisvolle onderliggende boodskap deelgeneem. Me Hilde Malan is die regisseur en het die storie geskryf.

Learners take gold at Eisteddfod


Die vriendelike muise.

Learners from Laerskool Chris Hofmeyr were awarded big gold for achieving 90% and above while some were also announced as category winners during the recent Eisteddfod held at Polokwane English Medium Primary School (Pemps). In front are Tshegofatso Lamola, Rito Sambo, Shati Dikgale and Lesedi Maphoto. Karabo Matsaung, Debbie Tlolane, Kabelo Kgoana, Leah Bopape, Mannya Mapatha and Modiegi Mehlape are in the middle. At the back are Lesego Phoshoko, Karabo Magongoa, Dimakatso Ngoatje, Matome Mapatha, Lefa Makwela, Pheladi Dikgale and Betty Mononyane. Pearl Rikhotso and Lesego Mathabatha were absent.

Marno Roos (voor) Cayla Ray, Streicher Celliers, Niel van den Berg en Tholo Mnguni is matrose.

Die graad 7-groep is ruimtewesens wat Oosskool se biblioteek oorneem.

Laerskool Piet Hugo >>

Piet Hugo se leiers vir 2014 Die twee gevaarlike seerowers is Marco Steyn en Gerhard Uys.


Die Laerskool Piet Hugo se meisieleiers vir 2014 is Mulalo Madiba, Lebo Nedzanani, Anza Mongalo, Erin van Wyk, Oreneile Lebepe, Kgopela Malema en Tanyah Benadie voor. In die middel is Ashley-May Keyter, Rolene de Jager, Ashley Jooste, Amore Kruger, Caromin Mahne en Lerato Mokwape. Agter is Ikageng Pheme, Caitlynn Taylor, Marlien Jonk, Elisa Chiloane, Lee-Ann Matselele, Karabo Mongwai en Ariska Benson. Regs: Die Laerskool Piet Hugo se seunsleiers vir 2014 is Tshepo Thovakale, Dirk Jacobs en Thato Matli. Agter is Bertus Bierman, Sharn van Rensburg en Koki Molepo.

Die Chinese meisies is Danica Martz, Franchell Brandt en Simoné Blaauw met hul rooi sambrele.

Pikkewyne Liandré Gouws en Annandré Minnaar (voor). Agter is Winette Prinsloo, Divan Venter en Emma Veldman.

Annadee Oerlemans is “Mini-me”

Die Hoërskool Pietersburg>>

MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com

Om die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se Lenteliedjie-wenners te wees, is ‘n groot prestasie vir die graad 11’s.

Graad 11’s is Lenteliedjie-wenners

Oktober 31, 2013


OBSERVER 35 polokwane

Die kompetisie word jaarliks tussen die graad 8 tot 11-leerders gehou wat in groepe ‘n geestelike, Engels en Afrikaanse liedjie sowel as ‘n voorgeskrewe liedjie moet uitvoer en deur instrumente sonder elektrisiteit begelei kan word.


Die graad 11’s wat deur hoofseun, Richardt Stroebel begelei is, is die wenners.

Die graad 9-leerders.

PHS se graad 8-groep.

PHS se graad 10-groep sing hulle Afrikaanse liedjie

Pemps learners boast with their talents HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Learners from Pietersburg English Medium Primary School (Pemps) who performed exceptionally well at the recent Eisteddfod were given an opportunity to share some of their sterling performances with their parents during the school’s Big Brag held recently.

Learners charmed the audience with their poetry, dance, choral music and storytelling items. “It was a good show. The learners did well during the competition and we thought we should give the parents an opportunity to see the amazing talent of their children,” Pemps acting Deputy Principal, Ms Annastesia Malatji said.

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Pemps learners Mmato Ramaboa, Tumi Maenetja, Pravanga Mooley, Tshepo Ledwaba, Geanéé Kaba and Moyahabo Mphelo get ready to entertain their parents with a choral dance. Right: Thandeka Mabunda and Thandiwe Mabunda awaiting their turn to perform for their parents. Below: Last minute fun for Pemps learners Naledi Sekoati, Disego Mogale, Neo Mokoena, Olga Sebati, Shoki Modiba and Kgothatso Mahwai before they go on stage.

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Laerskool Piet Hugo>>

October 31, 2013

36 OBSERVER polokwane

Die Hoërskool Pietersburg>>

PHS-leerders presteer

Piet Hugo-leerders geniet waterpret MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com Skuimbolle, ‘n glybaan en waterwurms was deel van die speletjiesdaglekkerte waaraan die leerders van Laerskool Piet Hugo ten bate van die skool se graad 7-fonds deelgeneem het.


Leerders van die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het tydens die onlangse nasionale rondte van die Internasionale Wetenskap Expo, wat in Boksburg gehou is, uitstekend presteer. Chante Jardim (silwer), WF Weideman (silwer), Daphne Eybers (brons), en Elsa-Marie Uys (goue balkie) weet waarvan hulle praat as dit by wetenskap kom.


Altjero Harmse span uit op sy handdoek tydens Laerskool Piet Hugo se speletjiesdag.

Twee boogskuts van die Hoërskool Pietersburg het onlangs aan die Wêreld Boogskiet Kampioenskappe in Potchefstroom deelgeneem en hul goed van hul taak gekwyt. Johan Liebenberg behaal ‘n eerste plek in the Junior Bowhunter Unlimited-afdeling terwyl Ruben Barnard met ‘n sesde plek in the Senior Recurveafdeling wegstap.

Die leerders kon teen 10:00 hul swemklere vir die nat affêre verruil en tot laatmiddag in die pret deel. Die skool reël deur die jaar verskeie aktiwiteite om geld in te samel wat onder meer aangewend word om vir graad 7-leerders ‘n behoorlike afskeid te gee.

Sunell Strydom en Mandy Jardine geniet die glybaan.

Helgelean Whelan is die enigste PHSleerder wat vir die Limpopo se o.16meisies krieketspan gekies is. Jacoba van Schalkwyk op die waterwurm.

Lebo Riba skreeu toe haar lyf die yskoue water tref.

Sammy Makwela spring met ‘n gesig vol skuim onder die water uit.

Die Hoërskool Pietersburg se koshuisleiers vir 2014. Van links is Liane Uijs, Anja Marais, Elanie Nel, Chan-Marie Willemse, me Lynette Scott, mnr Tiaan Lee, Pietman Pieterse, Emil Glas, Hardus Geldenhuys en AJ Smit. Voor is Ninene Engelbrecht en Richardt Stroebel.

Dustin Terblanche trotseer die skuimbolle.

Amore Kruger en Ashley Jooste vind die glybaan intimiderend.

Atlehang Matlala geniet die speletjiesdag saam met haar maats.

Dié PHSleerders, Anel Smuts, Danielle Lemmer, Celeste Vermeulen, Marelize Vermeulen, Anerique van der Walt, Celine Brandt, Sune van Wyk en Rachie van Staden het Limpopo-kleure in ruiterkuns behaal.

General Piet Joubert School>>

General Piet Joubert School learners excel Grade 7 to 10 learners from General Piet Joubert School took part in a nationwide Artistic Eisteddfod held at the Panorama School in Kempton Park recently. Participating learners excelled in the various categories which included poetry, prose, dancing and singing and brought home trophies for their talented performances.

Pepps Preparatory School and College>>

Pemps host chess tournament HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Top ten chess players from Pepps Preparatory School and College, Pietersburg Comprehensive School, Mitchell House and Pietersburg English Medium Primary School (Pemps) battled it out during the annual clans schools chess friendly tournament staged at Pemps last


Learners who participated in the tournament front are Miguel Vilar (Pemps), Rithik Samuel (Pemps), Kakhutsa Teffo (PCS) and Karen Benjiman (Mitchell House). Lebogang Ramokgopa (PCS), Yuriy Matsevych (Pepps), Agustin Ferrer (Pepps) and Yazdaan Tayob are at the back.

Wednesday. “This was an annual tournament which saw the top ten chess players from clan schools showing each other new tricks and moves. We are happy that all schools came to participate and the players enjoyed competing against each other,” Mr Driesman Bester the Tournament Organiser and Educator at Pemps said.

Grade 7 learner Lesego Mankoe came home with four trophies following the Artistic Eisteddfod held in Kempton Park recently. She received trophies for English dramatised poetry, English dramatised pose, English prose and English prescribed poetry.


Trophy winners at the Eisteddfod held in Kempton Park are in front, Harry Southon and Shamir Holoyake, both for Afrikaans dramatised poetry. At the back are Felicia Mametja (English prose), Gift Metwane and Pinkie Mokgathi (both English dramatised poetry).

Laerskool Ivypark>>

Laerskool Ivypark se nuwe departementshoof KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com Me Retha du Toit van Laerskool Ivypark is vanaf 1 Oktober as departementshoof van die grondslagfase aangestel. Du Toit is dankbaar vir die geleentheid om te help bou aan kinders se toekoms, dit ten spyte van omstandighede wat nie altyd gunstig is nie. Haar motto is om elke dag ‘n verskil in ten minste een kind

se lewe te maak. “Die genade van Bo om elke dag vars te begin, is deurslaggewend. Dit help my om aan die voorpunt van die bedryf te bly, al het ek die vorige dag dalk op ‘n lae noot afgesluit.” FOTO: KESHIA JANSENS VAN RENSBURG

Me Retha du Toit, grondslagfase departementshoof van Laerskool Ivypark.

Mickey and Minnie hou konsert MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com ‘n Boeiende konsert met groot variasie is onlangs deur die kleuters van Mickey en Minnie Kasteelskool by AGS Taberna Dei aangebied. Van die kleuters was in Zoeloe-

uitrustings vir hul tema uitgevat en ander was helderkleurige narre. Liedjies soos New York en Mamma Mia is gesing. Volgens skoolhoof, Frëda Gerber het elke klas sy eie tema gehad wat luid deur ouers, grootouers,leerkragte en gaste toegejuig is.

Aganang OBSERVER 37 community learns about fire disasters Oktober 31, 2013


>> If our people are well informed we can avoid such >> Need for a local fire station HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


ganang Local Municipality in partnership with Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) recently presented a fire prevention awareness campaign at Ipopeng One Stop Centre in Setumong village aimed at educating community members from Ga-Matlala and surrounds about safety and fire disasters prevention measures, especially man-made fires. Spokesperson for Aganang Local Municipality, Mr Malesela Maubane said they opted to create awareness in the Matlala area because a lot of fire incidents had been reported from their area lately. “Two weeks ago, two houses at Tibane village burned down as result of man-made fires. It was an unfortunate situation but we believe

Juju Mashele en Onkarabile Masha.

if our people are well informed about fire disasters such incidents can be avoided,” Maubane said. Rescue Divisional Officer at Capricorn District Municipality, Mr Koena Moabelo emphasised the importance of preventing fires, including veld fires, and that people living with disability are more vulnerable to fire disasters. “We must make sure that our houses have emergency exists in case of fire, especially looking at people living with disability. We further urge business owners to always have safety measures in place on their premises in the form of fire extinguishers and so forth,” Moabelo was quoted saying. Mr Frans Nkgweng, a member of the community, commended both municipalities for their initiative and indicated that there is a need for a local fire station in the area in order to respond speedily to disasters. In response to Nkgweng’s request for a local fire station in the area, Maubane said CDM has, in the current financial year, set aside an amount of R1,5 million towards construction of phase 1 of the Aganang Fire Station on the government precinct opposite the municipal headquarters in Moletjie. “Phase 1 will involve fencing,


drilling of a borehole and design. The fire station will make it easier and speedy to response to response to fire disasters including veld fires which can lead to loss of life. We are further urging members of the community to use this emergency numbers 0800 666 777 or 015 293 9700 in case of any fire breakout or disaster situation,” Maubane said.

Mr Frans Nkgweng, community member of Ga-Matlala participates in the discussion.

Hanru Botha, Kiara-Leigh Pillay en Pheladi Sebothoma.


Photographed during the campaign are Messrs Manape Thamaga (Senior Manager Community Services Aganang Municipality), Koena Moabelo (Rescue Divisional Officer Capricorn District Municipality), Lt Col Ratwe Moabelo (Station Commander Matlala Police Station), Ms Tshilidzi Ligege (acting Coordinator Aganang Parliamentary Democracy Office), Cllr Stephen Phaka, (Chairperson Services Portfolio Aganang Municipality) and Mr Mashukudu Masekoameng (Senior Institutional and Social Development Officer Aganang Local Municipality).

Keira Weyer, Angelica van Tonder en Tshego Mokomo.

CVO Skool Vivo>>


Tradisonele volkspele by CVO Vivo gehou MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com Die CVO Skool Vivo se graad 1 tot 3-leerders het onlangs volkspele gehou en die groep, wat in tradisionele volkspeledrag uitgevat was, het op liedjies soos Môre Oompie, Môre Tannie, Saai die Waatlemoen en Aanstap Rooies gedans. Die aand is met egte boerekos en gemmerbier afgesluit.

This notice is intended to inform the general public and the legal fraternity of the Limpopo Province of the suspension of Mr S.J. Kgosana, the ex-sheriff for Lebowakgomo, Thabamoopo High and Lower Courts and Mankweng High Court. Please be advised that the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, the Honourable Jeff Radebe has suspended Mr Kgosana and he is no longer allowed to operate as a Sheriff. Therefore, please refrain from utilising his services as any processes served by him are unlawful and illegal. An ad hoc Sheriff, Mr D.J. Herman has been appointed for the jurisdiction of Lebowakgomo, Thabamoopo High and Lower Courts and Mankweng High Court. You may contact his office on 015 491 5395 for service of processes. For any queries please contact our Legal Manager, Ms Lindiwe Mtunzi or our Legal Case Officer, Ms Brenda Goniwe on 021 426 0577 or via email at bgoniwe@sheriffs.org.za or lindiwe@sheriffs.org.za


Die graad 1 tot 3-leerders van die CVO Skool Vivo hou volkspele.

www.observer.co.za e-mail: observer@ mwebbiz.co.za




October 31, 2013

38 OBSERVER polokwane


Grade R learners commit to Mother Earth

Traditional dancers add colour to heritage celebrations

WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox. co.za Grade R learners from Pietersburg English Medium Primary School (Pemps) made a commitment not to pollute Mother Earth but keep her clean. The theme for their annual concert was “Don’t Kill the World”. In one of the performances learners promised to love the land, air, water and all living creatures and keep the earth healthy and beautiful. “The performance was in line with this year’s theme. We came up with the theme because we want learners to learn these things at an early age. We don’t want our children to pollute the environment but instead recycle and care for the environment. For example, boxes that are thrown away by people we used for paintings and artwork here at the school. By doing so we want to raise a generation that will care for the earth,” Ms Anri Matthee, a Grade R educator at Pemps said.

Flora Park Comprehensive High School >>


Tshego Matlala, Bonolo Madisha, Penyo Galane, Karabo Mashamaite, Mulalo Magoma and Gabo Chokoe perform one the theme songs of the concert.

Flora Park Comprehensive High School celebrated Heritage Month in true Limpopo style with a range of colourful traditional attire on display at the occasion. Both learners and teachers embraced Limpopo’s rich heritage and a number of traditional dancing troupes provided lots of entertainment on the day. Great traditional food was also on offer and festivities continued until late in the afternoon.


Dancers of Motho Namane Series perform at the Flora Park Comprehensive High School Heritage Month celebrations.

Performers in action during the Heritage Month celebrations at Flora Park Comprehensive High School.

Top: Vanessa Caldeira Dos Santos, Ntsako Mabunda, Paballo Makokga, Chloe Govender and Gabo Chokoe enjoy presenting their item. Below Lef: Vhutali Nevhutalu impersonates a ragdoll.

ER24 reik uit na kleuters en studente

Members of the Motho Namane Series dancing group from GaMoloto in the Moletjie area beat the drums.

Hadashah Learning Centre >>

Hadashah Learners excel in Accelerated Christian Education Schools competition FOTO: VERSKAF

Lede van die plaaslike ER24-nooddienseenheid saam met kleuters van ‘n privaat kleuterskool in Polokwane waar hulle van nader met die binnekant van ‘n ambulans kennis gemaak het. Kleuters is oor die rol van ‘n ambulans en die doel van mediese toerusting touwys gemaak. ER24-personeel het ook by die Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) se Polokwanekampus besoek afgelê waar studente onder andere geleer is om kardiopulmonale resussitasie (KPR) toe te pas.

HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Learners of Hadashah Learning Centre participated in the All Africa Student Convention of Accelerated Christian Education Schools (ACE) competition held at the University of Free State in Bloemfontein last month. This annual event brought together learners from across the continent as well as Scandinavia to compete in academics, art, sport, music, dance as well as speech and drama. Among the centre’s accolades are two Golden Harp Awards for the memorisation of the Book of Psalms.


Hadashah Learning Centre learners Dakalo Mokoditoa (Golden Harp Award), Moteba Raphudu (Golden Harp Award, second place in Group Mime) and Nkhumishe Maloba (second place in Group Mime) returned from the recent AASC with excellent results.

PLS-leerders presteer by Ekspo FOTO: MARIËTTE SNYDER

Helga Caassen en Ruan Kruger, Pietersburg Laerskool-leerders het tydens die onlangse Internasionale Eskom Ekspo wat in Boksburg gehou is, goed presteer. Ruan het ‘n brons medalje vir sy herwinningprojek ontvang en Helga ‘n R1 500-kontantprys vir haar kunsmisprojek.

Oktober 31, 2013


Mediclinic Limpopo and ER24 staff in action during the Health Screening Campaign held at Savannah Mall on Saturday.

More than a thousand screenings done by Mediclinic

Ms Angel Phetla from Mediclinic Limpopo explains to a Savannah Mall shopper that he must look after his health during their Health Screening Campaign. Right: Ms Lizzy Tshiredo having her blood pressure measured by Mr Annanias Mokoea and Ms Christel Steenkamp from Mediclinic Limpopo.


OBSERVER 39 polokwane

MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com More than a 1 000 persons’ blood pressure, glucose levels and cholesterol levels were tested when Mediclinic Limpopo in conjunction with ER24 and Lancet Laboratories held their annual Health Screening Campaign at Savannah Mall on Friday and Saturday. Ms Istha McMillan, Public Relations Officer at Mediclinic Limpopo said they are concerned about the high glucose and cholesterol levels found

during the test results of patients volunteering for the recent free screenings. “We referred those patients to their health care practitioners and gave some tips on how to look after their health. Overall we had a very successful campaign and we thank the public that took time out of their schedules to look after their health and at the same time supported our initiative,” said McMillan. She also thanked the staff of Lancet Laboratories and ER24 for their help during the busy two days.

Search is on for Queen of the North MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com


n exciting opportunity for girls hoping to become stars in the beauty industry has been created by Katryn Barwise, owner of the Limpopo Beauty Modeling Academy with the prestigious Queen of the North pageant set to take place at Mall of the North on 23 November. Polokwane Observer is print media sponsor of this project that aims at giving girls in Limpopo the chance to become professional models. “I want to help young and upcoming models to have the necessary skills to succeed in pageants by building their self confidence, teaching them the needed ramp skills and much more. Prior to the event all entrants will receive a free modelling workshop to prepare them for the pageant,” said Barwise. The pageant is open to all girls in Limpopo especially for those residing in the rural areas that seldom get the opportunity to attend beauty pageants of this esteem, she added. Winners of this pageant will receive a one year modelling

contract from Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy. “My models get loads of exposure and gets chosen for marketing campaigns that they get paid for,” said Barwise. The first 15 entries will receive free make-up and every entrant will be given free studio photographs by a professional photographer on the day. Entries are R200 per person and closes on 21 November. The judges include Miss Earth South Africa 2012, Tamerin Jardine and other celebrities in the industry. The age categories are five to six, seven to nine, ten to 12, 13 to 15 and 16 to 24 years. Deliver the entry form accompanied by a head and shoulder and full length photograph and the proof of payment to Mall of the North management offices or send an email to Barwise at limpopobeautymodeling@gmail. com. The pageant will take place at the food court in Mall of the North. For more information regarding the competition or to become involved as a sponsor, visit their webpage at www.limpopobeautymodeling.co.za or Facebook page at Limpopo Beauty Modeling Academy.



Motors profile>>

October 31, 2013 >> Page 40

Freelander 2 - strong, spacious and efficient Photo: Internet

The new Freelander 2 is stylishly designed with exterior features that turn heads.

Chantelle Strydom

>> Automatic headlamps and windscreen wipers >> 140 kW of power but still fuel efficient

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


Handelaar: >> Westvaal - Isuzu Trucks Waarom is jy by hierdie handelaar betrokke? >> Ek voel deel van die Westvaal-familie Is dit ‘n belegging om ‘n voertuig te koop? >> Ja, die aankoop van voertuie help met die groei van ‘n besigheid Wat is die unieke eienskappe van jou produk? >> Prys, naverkoopdiens en beslis kwaliteit

and Rover’s Freelander 2 is perfect for exploring the versatile infrastructure that Polokwane has on offer as well as, when the opportunity arises, taking on the rough and tough of the city’s challenging Bushveld surrounds. The new Freelander 2 has all that it takes to ensure that a trip to the great outdoors goes down hassle-free and pleasurable yet the exterior has everything that makes heads turn - style, comfort and advanced technology. Heated exterior mirrors with electric adjustment and power fold, new designs rear lamps, side power vents, signature strip with bright insert and front fog lamps are inviting features added to the Freelander 2. Furthermore a driver is offered automatic headlamps and windscreen wipers, and heated rear screen. An all terrain expert the tyres have been specifically engineered to provide outstanding performance at all times, in almost all conditions and are available in 17” with fa ull size spare wheel. Some of the interior features include

automatic climate control, central control storage, multi-functional steering wheel, 12V auxiliary socket in the front, rear and loading space and map pockets to keep on track. The TD4 model is equipped with a 2,2 litre diesel engine which delivers 174 g/km CO2 emission and fuel consumption of 6,2l litre per 100 km on the combined cycle. The turbocharged engine further delivers 420 Nm of torque and 140 kW of power. It is fitted with an intelligent Stop/Start system as standard on all TD4 models with manual transmission. The Freelander 2 is also loaded with safety features to ensure a comfortable and safe drive. With such as Electronic Traction Control (ETC), Electronic Breakforce Distribution (EBD), Emergency Break Assist (EBA), seven airbags, Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), Cornering Break Control (CBC) and Roll Stability Control (RSC) one can only sit back and enjoy a journey with peace at mind that all occupants are protected at all times. Visit MGM Motors Land Rover Polokwane at 64 Hans van Rensburg Street to view a vehicle capable of taking you to any destination hassle-free.

Plant nou jou pampoene in geil grond Foto: Verskaf

Helder blomkleure en bloeisels is kenmerkend van lente, maar dit beteken ook dit is nou planttyd as jy volgende jaar as wenner van die Goliat van Gat Pampoengroeikompetisie gekroon wil word. Die Transvaal Landbou-unie van SuidAfrika Noord (TLU SA Noord)-voorsitter, mnr Philippie de Beer het in ‘n onlangse persverklaring belangstellendes aan dié kompetisie herinner en beklemtoon dat die kompetisie vir oud en jonk is solank deelnemers ‘n 3,3 m² stuk grond het. Die afgelope twee jaar se wenner, mnr Gert van Deventer van Stilbaai se wenpampoen het in Maart vanjaar die skaal op 402,5 kg getrek tydens die Pampoenfees. “Die doel van die kompetisie is om

op ‘n vrolike manier vir verbruikers te wys dat boere en landbouers noodsaaklike skakels in voedselsekerheid is. Die persone wat in die verlede van dié pampoene geplant het, sal weet hoe moeilik dit is om pampoene te plant en die kleintjies te versorg totdat dit in een van die ou grotes ontwikkel,” sê De Beer. Die sperdatum vir die kompetisie is 22 Maart wanneer pampoene tydens ‘n geselligheid by die Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria geweeg word. Die nasionale wenner sal in September tydens die TLU se jaarlikse kongres aangewys word. Om in te skryf kan die TLU SA Noord se streekkantoor by 015 293 9804 gekontak word. Geld wat geïn word, word aan liefdadigheid geskenk.

Mnr Gert van Deventer van Stilbaai se pampoen laat die skaal op 402,5 kg kreun.

Wishing all an enjoyable Festive Season

R347 032* excl.VAT

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R50 000 Cashback

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General Manager: Ruben Render Sales Team: Saligna Dressels, Herman Koelman - 072 377 8799, Mias van Vuuren - 071 190 9040 Service Manager: Gert vd Merwe

Oktober 31, 2013







Property profile>>

October 31, 2013 >> PAGE 42

Edelweiss Kotze

Agentskap >> @Home Properties Wat is interessant van jou werk? >> Elke kliënt is uniek Koop of huur? >> Koop, want dan belê jy in die toekoms Gaan rentekoerse eersdaags verhoog? >> Ek glo nie rentekoers gaan verhoog nie omdat die ekonomie steeds stram is

Home loans for different age groups P

eople of different ages have different housing requirements but they also face different challenges when trying to obtain a home loan. Retired or near retired borrowers may well have low debt, significant assets and high home equity but may also be on a fixed income. Should that income be lower than what they used to earn it can hinder the approval of a home loan for their retirement home. Some banks may also be reluctant to grant new 20year mortgages to senior citizens. The latest statistics from BetterBond Home Loans reveal that home buyers over 60 years of age are now typically buying properties

worth around R1,2 million and having to pay an average deposit of some R470 000 (39%) to do so. This puts their average bond repayment at R6 700 a month and the income required to secure the bond at R22 500 a month. BetterBond Chief Executive Officer, Mr Shaun Rademeyer said in a recent press release that if they’re not sure that their earnings will continue at this level, or are worried that that their expenses, particularly in regard to health, will rise substantially over the next few years, they need to consider other options. “One is to lower the monthly repayments by paying an even bigger deposit, but a much better idea would be to set their sights on a

ANTON 082 443 6039


15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0699, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0700 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: polokwane@aidasa.co.za Website: www.aida.co.za

lower priced home, preferably low-maintenance and in a good area or retirement village where they would be happy to live long-term. That way they can put more of the cash from the sale of their family home into their retirement fund, save on maintenance and property rates, and still improve their chances of being granted a loan,” Rademeyer said. By contrast, first-time home buyers in their 20s and early 30s may well have plenty of income to support a home loan application but a big debt load that hinders them from being approved. “Banks are only interested in disposable income - what is left after all debt payments

ROSEMARY 082 804 9725


Tel: 015 295 3134




• FLORA PARK - 2x2 Bedrooms @ R4 000pm per unit • IVY PARK - 3 Bedrooms R6 200PM • SERALA VIEW - 3 Bedrooms R5 570pm • MARSHALL STREET - 3 Bedrooms R9 200pm • IVY PARK - 3 Bedrooms R6 685pm • LEBOWAKGOMO - 2 Bedrooms R2 000pm

• ACASIA ESTATE - 3 Bedrooms @ R9 500pm • DORP - 3 Bedrooms @ R5 500pm • MOPANI PARK - 2 Bedrooms @ R5 500pm


WOODHILL • R270 000


LOOKING FOR A GOOD BUY! 428m² Stand situated in a security area near Mall of the North and schools. If you want to build your dream home - this is the perfect choice to help you get started! Phone your friendly by nature agent today!

A FANTASTIC AND STUNNING TOWNHOUSE IN CENTRAL TOWN. Excellent for individuals who have sizable families and are interested in tough security. Close to schools, hospitals and place of worship. Protected by walls - armed security - elecric fence - lockable garage and electric gate! This is for you - why wait?

BRENDA • 082 696 9227

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SERALA VIEW • R450 000

A JUMBO STAND AT SERALA VIEW - 1013m²! Ideal for you to plan and build your dream house. Close to all amenities such as schools, churches, Savannah Mall etc. The property is protected by walls on three sides. Price reduced for quick sale. Please call now, this one won’t last!


Excellent for individuals from all walks of life. Close to all amenities such as schools, police station, filling station and créche. The property is secured by pre-cast walls right around with burglar bars and lockable gate. This house is waiting for you!


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FAUNA PARK • R990 000


STOP RENTING! The search has ended! Spacious family home on 1013m² stand. More than enough space to expand. This property is very well positioned. Modern kitchen. Fully fenced, lots of paving. Close to all amenities. Selling at bank valuation. Don’t hesitate - Call now!







LEBOWAKGOMO • R550 000 CHARMING AND HEARTY - VERY SPLENDID! Thrifty couples, this dwelling offers more for this area. Close to Schools, Medical centre , créches and taxi/bus route. Well built for sure. Call now - urgent sale!






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LADANNA • R525 000 TOWNHOUSE IN LADANNA! The house is situated in a security complex. Two bedroom, kitchen combined with dining room. Bath and shower. Carport. Starters come and view this townhouse.






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PETER • 073 219 4538


KORAAL • R645 000 CHARMING AND HEARTY - VERY SPLENDID! Spacious one bedroom unit in Koraal with lounge, kitchen with pantry, courtyard and carport. in the process of being constructed. 85m² Under roof. Good quality finishes, excellent security, tranquil and safe environment. Occupation only for persons over 50. Reasonable levies. Only 2 units available. Call now!



This family home offers 3 bedrooms - 2 bathrooms and open plan living areas. Well planned kitchen with scullery and laundry. Double garage sparkling pool on a huge stand 1586m². Electric fence with remote control gate - 2 geysers for your comfort. Aircon in lounge. Phone me now to view the property.








SESHEGO • R490 000





ANTON • 082 443 6039



This family home offers 3 bedrooms - 2 bathrooms and open plan living areas. Well planned kitchen with scullery and laundry. Double garage - sparkling pool on a huge stand 1586m². Electric fence with remote control gate - 2 geysers for your comfort. Aircon in lounge. Phone me now to view the property.



SIMON • 082 476 8916



Ideal for newly wed couple and a small family. Fantastic bargain. The family house has 3 outside rooms for extra income. Call now to view!






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Everything we touch turns to SOLD!

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JACOB SHEPSTONE SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE SIMON INA 072 458 4524 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916

TO LET living area, kitchen and bathr - on a

Residential plot 11km outside town. 700-00p/m Bendor - 3 Bedroom house with 2R2 bathrooms, study, dining room, kitchen, scullery, outside toilet & • lounge, 2 Bedr townhouse with 2 bathr, shower, pool and double garage. R7 600-00p/m living- 3area, kitchen andwith garage. Bendor Bedroom Townhouse 2 bathrooms, living area, kitchen and 1 carport in R4 secure complex. 800-00p/m R5 600-00p/m Bendor - 3 Bedroom townhouse with 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen and garage in secure complex. R4 070-00p/m Bendor - 3 Bedroom house with 1 bathroom, 2 living areas, kitchen, lapa, Wendy house and 2 carports with electrical fencing. R5 000-00p/m URGENTLY WANTED!!! Al kinds of property to rent. If you have a property that you want to let or know of someone who has, please contact me.

1x WAREHOUSE/ STORAGE TO LET 1x 1000m² for R25.00/m² Tweefontein Smallholdings 3km from SAB Long-term



1. HOUSESMBEKI FROM R750 000 THABO STREET R1 397 000 2. PLOTS and FARMS available Fully fenced, renovated corner house. 3. TOWNHOUSES - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom,d/room, living area, kitchen, 4Dorp Bedr, 2 bathr,1 l/area, kitchen, yard and garage. R700 000 scullery, outside 1toilet, d/garage, Bendor - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, living area,Wendy kitchen, yard and and carport. R500 000 house pool. Bendor - 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living area, patio TOyard LET with braai, kitchen, small and carport. R650 with 000 • Electrically fenced 1 bedr cottage

FLORA PARK • R790 000 Beautiful family home set on large stand. Close to Savanna Mall shopping centre. Home with excellent finishes throughout. Spacious living area. Beautiful view to Savanna Mall. Call now to view!

and regular expenses have been deducted when considering a loan application, so what buyers in this age group need to do is pay off any other debts as fast as possible until their disposable income will comfortably cover the monthly home loan repayment,” he said. The BetterBond stats show that home buyers aged between 20 and 30 typically buy properties costing about R715 000, with a deposit of about R67 500 (9,5%), which puts their monthly bond repayment at just over R5 600 a month. Some banks do have special programmes for first-time buyers that allow them to buy without paying a deposit (100% bonds), but they should bear in mind that this will increase the monthly bond repayment. As for home buyers in their late 30s, 40s and 50s, their most frequent need will be to buy a bigger home to accommodate a growing family, whether that means more children, ageing parents or both. Rademeyer said these buyers will usually have enough equity in their existing homes to cover the deposit, or most of it, on their new home, but an expanding family generally means higher monthly expenses so, although they probably have plenty of earnings, they also need to minimise other debts like car repayments and credit card balances in order to look good to a lender. “At the same time, they should not be neglecting their own retirement savings, which means they should resist buying to the maximum of their financial capacity.” According to BetterBond statistics, the average buying price for home buyers in their 40s is currently R990 000, on which they are paying a deposit of around R191 000 (19%). This puts their average bond repayment at about R6 950 a month while those in their 50s are paying around R7 100 a month, on average.

KOWIE 082 854 0452


Johann Swart 082 829 5084

October 31, 2013

Polokwane Observer

Akademie Reformia vereer presteerders MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com Leerders van Akademie Reformia wat op verskeie gebiede deur die jaar uitgeblink het,

het Maandag halfjaar merietetoekennings ontvang vir prestasies op sport-, akademiese-, kultuur- sowel as sosiale gebied. Selfs leerders wat uitsonderlinge vriendelikheid, hoflikheid en volharding aan die dag lê, is vereer.


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082 082 577 577 6417 6417

WOODLANDS FOR THE YOUNG FAMILY Modern, secure and neat. A rare find in a popular estate. R1 300 00


IF YOU WANTED TO LIVE IN LUXURY NEW TOWNHOUSE IN BENDOR…… And looking for very modern minimalist, elegant and impressive design, this Bendor townhouse can become the consideration for you. Scullery.


A Familly home with lots of charactor. 3 double sized bedrooms, 2½ full bathrooms. 3 Living areas with oregon pine floors and a fireplace. Enclosed stoep with braai area. Seperate SQ and 4 garages.


082 082 953 953 1686 1686

083 083 268 268 5097 5097

R1 200 000

R2 186 000


CUL-DE-SAC JEWEL This easily maintainable home is situated in a cul-de-sac in Welgelegen. 3 Living areas, family size kitchen, 3 bedrooms plus 2 bathrooms. Pool and lapa for the kids and a double garage for dad plus a carport for guests.


BUY YOUR OWN NKANDLA IN POLOKWANE Endless possibilities, special thatch atmosphere enhanced by mostly imported beautiful wood finishes. It will cost you twice this price to build.


SPOTLESS FAMILY HOME CLOSE TO NOORTJIELAND PRE-SCHOOL. Well maintained 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home calling for a new family. Lots of extras. Lovely garden. Double garage and good security.

083 083 268 268 5097 5097

082 082 396 396 7178 7178

082 082 303 303 9111 9111


082 082 953 953 1686 1686

R1 665 000

R3 937 000

R1 640 000

FOR THE INVESTOR! 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage, 1 carport and prepaid electricity. R776 000


Die o.6- en o.7-bulletjierugbyspelers het toekennings vir hul deelname ontvang. Voor is Jaco Kern, Henrico Nel, Ruben Scheepers en Phillip Collins. Agter is Zander van der Merwe, Anton White en Corné Venter.

Michelle 082 303 9111

Erika 082 953 1686

Cornel 082 396 7178

Marlene 082 804 4156

Marié 082 577 6417

Marianna 083 268 5097

PROPERTY SERVICES • EIENDOMSDIENSTE APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT www.elistroh.co.za

CONTACT SAN - 072 159 5126

KONTAK STEPHEN - 082 558 3525

1) STER PARK: R1 900 000.00 Ideal home for entertainers. Beautiful finishes, 3 living areas, 3 bedrooms, stunning modern kitchen, double garage. Outbuildings which can be converted into a flat. Excellent security. 2) PLOT ON PRETORIA ROAD: R2,900 000.00 1x4 bedroom house 2x3 bedroom houses 2x2 bedroom houses 2 Rondavel with communal kitchen and bathroom. 10 hectares. Beautiful bushveld area. 3) LEEUKUIL 8.5ha PLOT: R900 000.00 4 Bedroom house: Chicken production facilities. Storeroom. 4) STER PARK: R1 800 000.00 Beautiful family home in quiet area. 4 Bedroom, 3 living areas, pool, entertainment. Area, double garage.

HOUSES: 1) 2 213m² CENTRAL TOWN: Zoned Res 3/14 units – R 3 500 000.00 2) CENTRAL MED NODE: Zoned Res 3/11 units (1665m²) 3) SILVERKRUIN: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge/dining, kitchen, scullery, study, 2x garage, 2 carports, lapa and borehole. 4) CAPRICORN: 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 4 garage. (Needs attention) PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha 2) HOUSE AT ARABIE (Boat optional) 3) LEEUKUIL 10 ha: Vacant plot. FARMS: 1) LEGKRAAL: ± 380 ha Cattle farm 2) SHARE IN GAME FARM: WATERPOORT - On the Sand River. House - R500 000.00 3) STERKRIVIER 850ha.



1) 490 ha BEESPLAAS: Naby Polokwane met netjiese 7 slaapkamer huis, 2 plaashuise en 4 woonstelle. Netjiese plaas met uitstekende geriewe. Goeie geleentheid. Prys: R6 300 000.00 2) 92ha IRRIGATION FARM: Close to Polokwane, enough water for ±10ha Price: R3 200 000.00 3) STER PARK: Situated in quiet area. 3 Living areas, study, beautiful kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, pool, braai, excellent entertainment area, landscaped garden. A stunning property! Price: R1 900 000.00 4) 622ha GAME FARM: Close to Polokwane, neat 4 Bedroom house, 2 chalets, pool, braai area, cold room, servants house etc. Price: R9 000 000.00

1) Beautiful Townhouse: Welgelegen: R7,300.00 - 1 November 2013 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, single garage, openplan living area. 2) Rooms with bathroom: 53 Compensatie St: R2,615.00 - Immediately. 3) Ladanna Townhouses: Modern and newly built. Duplex 3 bedroom: R5 800.00 1 Nov. 4) Leeuwkuil plot: 4 Bedroom house. ±12km from city. Immediately. R5 500.00 5) Old Flora Park: Open-plan, 3 bedroom home. R9 000.00 - 1 December. 6) Flat on Plot : 20 km from city: 2 Bedroom. R3 300.00 1 November.


Akademie Reformia se graad 7-leerders wat merietetoekennings gekry het, is Carli Malan (sport en akademie), Lucia Myburgh (aanpassing), Melissa Beeslaar (volharding), Chané Els (vriendelikheid), Nicole Basson (sosiaal), Jazel Kern (sport en sosiaal), Nicola du Plessis (sport en akademie), Yoraldé van Staden (akademie) en Robbie Els (uithouvermoë).

Tharrakamma renTals

KONTAK MATIE - 083 271 5259

All you cosy couples!

For EYE CATCHING ADVERTISING call Polokwane Observer @ 015 291 1061 Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 Melany Martin 083 634 4904

Good news

Brand new bachelor flats! R2 340pm, 90 Pietersburg Street, Ladanna Call me! Patsy 083 270 6770


CONTACT SAN 072 159 5126


CONTACT STEPHEN TEl: 015 287 3300

Industrial: To let: 1) Laboria: 4,700m² yard with 2,400m² warehouse. 2) Prime industrial warehouse, 1200m² plus 200m² office on Dendron Road. 3) Industria: Next to NTK – Small workshop. Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Hans van Rensburg Street – 100m² 3) Hampton Court – 240m²


Polokwane Observer

Oktober 31, 2013

RBA Homes a continuing success

RBA Homes personnel. In front are Messrs Albert Ralepelle (Client Consultant), Jannie Sacco (Sales Associate), Mss Brenda Hlongwane (Administrator) and Elizabeth Dikgale (General Worker). Behind them are Mss Mmabatho Masehela, Refiloe Bopape (Receptionist), Messrs Abdullah Masokameng (Client Liason Officer), Matimba Chauke (Sales Associate), Robert Ndaba (Regional Sales and Marketing Manager), Percival Mudzanani (Driver), Bobby Sikhali (Client Consultant), Tshepo Molekwa (Sales Associate) and Theonah Munyai (Sales Associate).

>> The demand for houses in phase has increased tremendously >> Only 55 of 161 houses available for sale HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za

It has been only few a months since RBA Homes commenced sales of the second phase of their housing development project at the Southern Gateway entrance to the city yet the demand for these modern, affordable houses continues to escalate. Mr Robert Ndaba, Regional Sales and Mar-

keting Manager for the RBA Homes said they are content with the progress the development has made thus far. While the building process started only at the beginning of October the company already started selling houses in July and to date they are left with only 55 of 161 houses to sell. “We are happy with the progress we have made thus far. We had more houses available compared than in phase 1. The demand for houses in the second phase has increased tremendously,” Ndaba said. He further indicated that all houses in phase 2 will comply with SANS 10400, which means that all houses will have solar geysers and insulated ceilings. “We have also employed and trained over 85 local people as builders and artisans for the development of phase 2. We are hoping to complete the whole section early next year,” Ndaba said. “In order to reach out to clientele launched a new website on Monday. The website is educational and informative and puts our client at the centre of our business. It is also user friendly and gives the client detailed information to make that big decision of buying a new house. The website is www.rbahomes. co.za. We also offer free seminars to our clients on homeownership. These seminars help to empower our clients with much needed information they need in order to take first step of buying a house and avoiding the rental trap,” Ndaba said. He further pointed that their target market is for middle income earners who are either currently renting or are first time home buyers. “We also cater for everyone, be they professionals, families or those or planning to have a family,” Ndaba added. He also indicated that they are planning to move their offices to the Polokwane CBD in the near future. The company currently operates from plot 66, Sterkloop at the Southern Gateway opposite Meropa Casino & Entertainment World. “We are outside town and it is not easy for some of our clients to reach us. We want to be easily accessible to all our clients ,” Ndaba concluded.

Houses under construction in RBA Homes’s phase 2 at Southern Gateway.

Houses on show in RBA Homes’s phase 2 development.


Messrs Bobby Sikhauli, Client Consultant at RBA Homes (left), Robert Ndaba(right) with proud home owners of RBA Phase 2, Ms Katlego Malatji, Manchadi Malatji, Pabalo Malatji and Ms Tebogo Malatji.

October 31, 2013




MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com



4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 2 Garages WEB REF: 300887 This is a large well-kept property with added flatlet to change into an office. The stand is ± 1 196 m² with lot sof parking and double garage. The property is situated in Dorp Street, very easily accessible and close to CBD, schools and hospitals. It needs minimum renovation to change into an office. DON’T DELAY, VIEW TODAY!!! TOP ACHIEVER STATUS MARIëTTE PRETORIUS 082 200 5227


Help gestremdes om hul waardigheid te behou

Polokwane Observer

Met die Vereniging vir Persone met Gestremdhede (VPGLimpopo) se deelname aan die nasionale Nappy Run-projek wat jaarliks in Oktober en November gehou word, hoop hulle om gestremde kinders in Limpopo se lewens te vergemaklik. Mnr Johnny Graham van die VPG sê hulle samel tans weggooidoeke vir sowat 100 kinders in Limpopo in wie se ouers nie die luuksheid kan bekostig nie. Die projek, wat in 2011 deur die Nasionale Raad vir Persone met Liggaamlike Gestremdhede in Suid-Afrika (NCPPDSA) en die Nasionale Vereniging vir Mense met Serebrale Gestremdheid (NAPCP) geïnisieer is, fokus op die beskerming van die regte van dié kinders sowel as volwassenes met gestremdhede. Plaaslik is daar in 2011 sowat 1 300 doeke ingesamel en verlede jaar is 2 710 doeke geskenk. Graham sê hulle hoop om 5 000 doeke vir kinders sowel as volwasse gestremdes met vanjaar se projek in te samel. Die nood na kinderdoeke in Limpopo is groter as vir volwassenes. “As die gemeenskap kinderdoeke kan skenk, sal dit ‘n reuse las van ouers wegneem,” sê Graham. Skenkings kan by die vereniging se kantore afgegee word of skakel 015 291 1787.


R1 095 000


R1 800 000


R1 795 000

For EYE CATCHING ADVERTISING call Polokwane Observer @ 015 291 1061 Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 Melany Martin 083 634 4904




(O) 015 297 1140 HOSEA MOLEKOA 072 485 5155

(O) 015 297 1140 MELANI LE ROUX 084 250 1300

(O) 015 297 1140 SUNET SCHEEPERS 083 941 7357

Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Seeff Web: 307 650


R1 850 000

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Carports 2 Prop24 101127268


R1 860 000

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 255 600


R3 900 000

BASKOPPIES EIENDOM DADELIK BESKIKBAAR RUIM 2 SLAAPKAMERHUIS OP PLOT TE HUUR - DALMADA AREA 2 Slaapkamers, badkamer met stort, ruim sitkamer, kombuis en opwas-area met granietafwerking. ruim erf, omhein. Elektriese hek by hoofingang. Ander mense op die eiendom. Veilig. Water en ligte ingesluit, hond welkom, geen katte.

Prys: R4 250 p.m. + deposito Skakel: 082 421 2428






(O) 015 297 1140 HANNES OPPERMAN 082 594 3159

(O) 015 297 1140 TRACY LITCHFIELD 082 893 5666

(O) 015 297 1140 MARIETTE PRETORIUS 082 200 5227

Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 302 730


R3 300 000

Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 3 Garages 3 Seeff Web: 305 270


R5 140 000

Elmadal - 5 ha

EksklusiEwE klEinhoEwE tE koop.

3 Slaapkamerhuis en dubbelmotorhuis. 2 Badkamers waarvan 1 en suite is, TV-kamer en onthaalarea. Boorgat asook waterskema-water. Buitegeboue o.a. 2 x geboude hoenderhokke. Rede vir verkoop: Medies. Prys R950 000. kontak hannes van staden 083 866 8278 of Andre 082 373 2751 vir enige navrae

Office Space Rentco 11 pierre Street iT park pOLOKWaNe please contact caroline or Liza @ 015 291 0900



Bedrooms 5 Bathroom 3 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 308 041

(O) 015 297 1140 MANIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 809 3850


R1 312 000


Bedrooms 5 Bathroom 3 Lots of parking Seeff Web: 307 725

(O) 015 297 1140 LOUISE OOSTHUIZEN 071 609 6256


R720 000


Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 301 246

BUILDING PACKAGES The services of FULL TEAM of ACCREDITED REPUTABLE and NHBRC registered BUILDERS forms part of our EXCELLENT SERVICE and performance. NEW ON THE MARKET - THE ALOES AND MASHLASEDI PARK. (O) 015 297 1140 CHRISTO 082 375 7434 or any of our specialist consultants @ the office.


R899 000





(O) 015 297 1140 CHARMAIN VERMEULEN 082 780 5844

(O) 015 297 1140 KGOMOTSO MOKOATEDI 083 264 7038

(O) 015 297 1140 KGOMOTSO MOKOATEDI 083 264 7038

Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Lock-up garage Seeff Web: 304 853

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 301 404

Do You Want to Buy or Sell Residential / Commercial Property? Call One of our Professional Sales Consultants

015 297 1140

Find us on


October 31, 2013

46 OBSERVER polokwane

Kankerkenner gee wenke

Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@gmail.com ‘n Spoggeleentheid, Cuppa for Cansa is Vrydag deur me Sonja Randall by Bolivia Lodge gereël omdat sy wil help om die gemeenskap te bemagtig om kanker deur leefstylveranderinge te verminder. Me Sue Janse van Rensburg, hoof-uitvoe-

rende beampte van die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa) en kankeroorlewende het haar magdom kennis en ervaring met die sowat 100 gaste gedeel. Kanker en ander nieoordraagbare siektes het volgens die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie (WHO) se beraad wat in 2012 in Amerika gehou is toegeneem. Volgens Janse van Rensburg is 7,6 miljoen

mense in 2008 aan dié siektes oorlede en as mense nie beter na hul gesondheid kyk nie, sal daar in 2025 dertien miljoen mense aan nieoordraagbare siektes soos kanker, diabetes en tuberkulose sterf. Wêreldleiers op dié gebied het ‘n ooreenkoms ondergaan om dié sterftes tot 25% te verminder. Sy sê 20% van kanker word deur die gebruik van tabak veroorsaak wat sewe maal meer verslawend as alkohol is. “Tabak kleef aan jou voertuig se sitplekke en meubels in jou huis. As jou kinders daarop sit, word die tabak deur hul vel opgeneem en die risiko om kanker te kry, is groter. As in kinders se teenwoordigheid gerook word, word hulle aan tweedehandse rook blootgestel en hul intelligensiekwosiënt (IK) is veel laer as kinders van dieselfde ouderdom,” waarsku sy. Alkohol veroorsaak volgens haar bors- en prostaatkanker. Kankerselle floreer op suiker en ouers maak hul kinders verslaaf aan suiker deur hulle met lekkers en soetgoed te oorlaai. “Proteïne is toelaatbaar as die porsie rooivleis nie groter as jou handpalm is nie. Soja en bone is baie gesond en moet voorkeur bo vleis geniet,” sê sy. Haar wenk is om daagliks vyf porsies groente en vrugte te eet en sowat twee liter of meer water te drink. “Ses koppies groen rooibostee word aanbeveel omdat die anti-oksidante daarin die formasie van kanker-

selle teenwerk.” Kansa se seël van goedkeuring is op Canola-produkte en haar raad is om dit as voorkeurproduk aan te skaf. Sy stel ook voor dat groente en vrugte binne seisoen gekoop word omdat dit dan varser en goedkoper is. “Oefen gereeld, al is dit net stap of tuinwerk. Neem verantwoordelikheid vir jou eie sowel as jou geliefdes se gesondheid en maak slim keuses.”

Foto’s: Mariëtte Snyder

Me Sue Janse van Rensburg, hoof- uitvoerende beampte van die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa) en die organiseerder van Vrydag se Cuppa for Cansa, me Sonja Randall.

Tel: 015 295 9014 Mee Jenny Boshoff, Nicolien Stapelberg en Anette Venter tydens die Cuppa for Cansa wat by Bolivia Lodge aangebied is.


THEO 082 990 7275



VERY LIMITED STANDS AVAILABLE IN MAHLAKO A PHAHLA FROM R199 950.00 only and selling like hot cakes!! 1) EMDO PARK - R450 000 (Price reduced) Lovely modern house with established garden! 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, dining room, kitchen, fully fenced. 2) LETHULI PARK - R420 000 (Just near a new shoping complex): 2 Bedroom house, dining room, kitchen and 1 bathroom. Fully fenced. 3) SESHEGO ZONE 2 - R329 000 (A good investment) A beautiful 4 roomed house for the young family.

SLIGHT 072 323 9386 slightmabotja@yahoo.com See these and a lot more properties on our website: www.theogoosen.co.za Attention Fauna and Flora Park home owners, we have qualified buyers between R1Mil and R1,2Mil - let me sell your home! 1) SECURITY ESTATE NEAR SHOPS AND SCHOOLS! Truly modern 3 bedroom all en-suite family home with lovely swimming pool, 2 garages, 4 carports and own borehole. ONLY R3.2Mil. Don’t miss out, call me today! 2) FAUNA PARK: Neat as a pin! Just move into this lovely 3 bed/r, 2 bath/r entertainer’s home with it’s huge lapa and beautifully manicured garden under sprinklers from own borehole. This neat home on a large stand is rounded off with 1 garage, 3 carports, alarm system, electric security fence and automated gate. ONLY R1.32 Mil! 3) BENDOR: Your dream house in the perfect location!! This stunning home offers 5 bed/r and 4 bath/r with study and bar. It’s an entertainer’s dream with 3 living areas and all areas of the house looking onto the swimming pool and lapa. You also get air-conditioning, a braai and entertainment area, a gym, a kid’s playroom, domestic quarter’s, Wendy house, storeroom, 3 garages and 4 carports and all the security you’ll ever need. The ultra modern kitchen is equipped with built-in microwave induction stove. This property is really well maintained and ready to be moved into! You’ll also have a strong borehole! Phone me for a private viewing of this exclusive property. LOTS OF STANDS AROUND THE MALL OF THE NORTH!

MARIETJIE 072 190 7149 marietjie@theogoosen.co.za

If you want to list your property, phone any agent, if you want to sell your property, phone me!! 1) Townhouse CBD – R850 000-00 Calling all professionals, stop paying rent and invest in yourself! 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen and dining room, living area convertible to offices/consulting rooms! Carport and garden area. (In process of rezoning to offices.) 2) Townhouse in Bendor – R800 000-00 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen and living area, 2 x carports and nice size garden. (Excellent first time buy!) 3) UPPER TOWN: HOUSE – R1.4 M. This STUNNER will sell!! 4 bedrooms, study, 2 bathrooms (main ensuite), dining room and lounge, granite-top kitchen, big yard with swimming pool and lapa! Double garage. (Nice big family home, lots of space!)

HANNELIE 083 412 0009 hannelie@theogoosen.co.za WAREHOUSES TO LET ! - New warehouse in Industria close to CBD with choice of either 275 or 550m² size including office space: R13 610 or R 27 220 pm. - Industria: 2 Units of 240m² each @ R8 000 pm, also available as one unit at R16 000 pm. Immediate occupation. - Ladine: Exceptional exposure on busy road: Modern 640m² warehouse with high security at R26 240 pm. - New area (SAB area): Close to N1 ultra modern warehouse of 882m² for corporate client. Available at R48 510 pm. - Laboria: 6 units of 200m² each, and 3 units of 400m² each, available at R30/m², immediate occupation. - Industria: 1 000m² warehouse with offices @ R26 500 pm. Retail space TO LET ! - Downtown in busy pedestrian area close to taxi terminals: 240m² at R 38 000 pm. - 28 Schoeman St: 276m² at R13 000 pm. Medical consulting rooms close to Mediclinic Hosp: HIGH EXPOSURE. 200m² at R16 000 pm, subdividivision a possibility! NOTE: ALL FIGURES ABOVE are EXCLUSIVE OF VAT. RAYMOND 082 458 4239 1) FLORA PARK – HOT BUY – R 750 000 Comfortable family home is very accessible to all amenities.3 Bedrooms, 1½ bathrooms, double lock-up carport, big stand. 2) SESHEGO – R480 000 - Charming and delightful home with peaceful surroundings. 3 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, dining room and single garage. 3) MAHLESEDI PARK – EXT (NEW DEVELOPMENT) - Building packages now available. Stands priced from R 199 500. Packages include both transfer / bond fees. 4) SERALA VIEW - At least two more stands available in this stunning area. Walk to all amenities. JUST MAKE SURE YOU CALL ME! 5) MANKWENG UNIT C - This very last two stands awaits lucky people like you. Come with offers. 6)PENINA PARK-R 1.4Mil (Neg) - 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 living areas, 2 garages, entertainment areas, swimming pool. Probably the most beautiful and neat home in this suburb! NB Do you want to sell your house but don’t know where to start ? Call your expertproperty consultant today to help you each step of the way!

Bo: Ashlee Ham­ mond en haar suster, Mikayla saam met mede-eienaar van Bolivia Lodge, mnr Dawie Botes. Ashley het ‘n paar sang­items gelewer. Links: Mee Ria du Plessis en Adri Ras van Kansa. Regs: Me Tanya Deysel en haar dogter, Anuska. Dié groep vriendinne, mee Maryna van der Merwe, Dawn Neves, Julian Mahayi, Katryn van der Merwe, Grace Maine en Jannene Pistorius het die Cuppa for Cansa bygewoon.

Kreunende tafels by Vergeet My Nie-basaar Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@gmail.com Die inwoners van Vergeet My Nie Behuisingsentrum het Saterdag in samewerking met die Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouefederasie (SAVF), verskeie NG Kerkgemeentes in die stad en die Vroue Landbou-unie (VLU) basaar gehou wat goed deur die gemeenskap ondersteun is. Die tafels was tot oorlopens met tuisgebak en handgemaakte items gepak en ‘n wavrag vars groente en vrugte is in ‘n japtrap verkoop. Die pannekoek- en nageregtafel het oudergewoonte besoekers laat smul en tot ‘n gesellige kuieratmosfeer bygedra.

Foto’s: Mariëtte Snyder

Die inwoners van Vergeet My Nie, mee Martie Hat­ tingh en Marie van Oudtshoorn by items wat deur inwoners gemaak is. Regs is die bestuurder, me Anneliese Bothma.

ERNEST 072 696 6004 ernest@theogoosen.co.za 1) Bendor Area Home owners in any SECURITY Estate!! Please Call me as I have qualified Buyers for R1.6 to R2 Mil. 2) SILVERKRUIN - BENDOR R2 250 000 (This one will sell!) Beautiful open-plan home with large living area and a separate 2nd lounge. Large and modern kitchen. 4 Sunny bedrooms, 2 luxury bathrooms (main en suite), large entertainment area and lapa! Double garage and 2 carports. Borehole. Truly stunning! 3) Upper Town Flat R640 000. 2nd floor open-plan living area and a separate spacious kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1carport. Close to tennis courts and provincial hospital! NELA 083 302 8917 AN AGENT THAT CARES!

MeeCorneSchoeman-Groe­newald, AnelMatthysenenStephanie Mee Sonja Kapp en Annamarie Schoeman(agter)lêweg aan baDavel van die NG Kerk Pieters­ saarpannekoek. burg-Oos verkoop koekies.

Me Hester Groene­ wald van die NG Kerk Renosterpoort beman die groente­tafel.

October 31, 2013

Polokwane Observer

Geestesheil begin tuis Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@gmail.com

kan kyk en daarna bespreek. So modelleer jy ook belangstelling in sy of haar wêreld. • Verminder jou eie stresvlakke. Kinders voel ouers se gemoedstoestand aan wat weer ‘n invloed op hulle breinchemikalieë het. Ouers wat gespanne is, is gewoonlik kort van draad, gefrustreerd en geïrriteerd. • Help vorm jou kind se identiteit deur op sy sterk punte te konsentreer. Ouers fokus dikwels op hul kinders se probleme eerder as om dit wat hul spesiaal maak te beklemtoon. Jy as ouer help slyp jou kind se identiteit, veral die van kinders wat leer- en gedragsprobleme het. • Moenie aan outydse en uitgediende ouerskappraktyke vasklou nie, maar dateer konstant kennis oor ouerskap op. Lees, woon werkwinkels by en bly op datum met die nuutste navorsing oor opvoeding. Nuwe inligting kan jou denkwyse positief beïnvloed en ouerskap ‘n rapsie makliker maak. • Moenie jou kind met naskoolse aktiwiteite oorlaai nie. Kinders het ‘n gebalanseerde leefwyse nodig om alles wat hulle daagliks inneem te verwerk. Kies twee aktiwiteite wat hy na skool kan en wil doen en spandeer die res van die tyd saam met hom op ‘n betekenisvolle manier. • Ouers moet diep asemhaal en herbesin oor hul waardes en die materialistiese najaag van dinge. Onthou - minder is meer.

In die lig van Geestesgesondheid-bewusmakingsmaand het Polokwane Observer met ‘n plaaslike kliniese sielkundige, Annamarie de Villiers daaroor gepraat. Volgens haar is besoedeling ‘n groot dilemma waarvan omgewingsbesoedeling deel is. Benewens die liggaam wat daagliks met nadelige gifstowwe besoedel word, word almal ook aan verhoudings- en emosionele besoedeling blootgestel. Hierdie blootstelling veroorsaak inflammasie in die liggaam en indien chronies lei dit na inflammasie in die brein. Dit versteur dan die balans van neurochemikalieë in die brein wat geestessiektes kan sneller. “In die dolle gejaag om te oorleef, word gesonde waardes agterweë gelaat soos gesinstyd, goeie gesprekke, godsdiensbeoefening, ouers wat weet wat in hulle kinders se leefwêreld aangaan, omgee en sorg.” Spanning bou op as gevolg van die eise wat in ‘n materialistiese samelewing gestel word met die najaag na meer besittings en groter finansiële sekerheid. Die prys wat hiervoor betaal word, word in gebroke verhoudings en -gesinne weerspieël. “As kindersielkundige sien ek daagliks wat die uitwerking van spanning is. Meer kinders word met leerprobleme en neurologiese ontwikkelingsprobleme soos outisme en 072 544 8836 gemoedsteurnisse, suzettejacobs@hotmail.com depressie en angs geCapriCorn: Sole Mandate: r950 000: Not afraid of a diagnoseer. Medikasie word voorgeskryf om renovation? Lovely 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home with wooden die simptome van die parque flooring in need of a do-up. Stand is 1 573m². steurnisse te bestuur, BEnDor: r995 000: Spacious 3 bedr, 2 bathr townhouse close maar die wortel van to Oosskool. Only a few units in this complex. die probleem word BEnDor: EntErtainEr’S DrEaM hoME in a SECUritY nie aangespreek nie. Dié simptome moet EStatE: r2 160 000: Style, elegance, security, modern, movewaarskuwingstekens in-condition. Are you a neat and very picky buyer? Step right into wees dat die kind se this move-in-ready 4 bedr home and make it your own. liggaam, siel en gees StEr parK: r1 940 000: Greet the new day with sunrays se balans versteur splashing your face from your main bedroom while you overlook is,” sê sy. Ouers moet your cycad filled garden. This property offers you 4 bedrooms, 2 besef dat die leefstylkeuses wat hulle bathrooms, study, family, dining, lounge, 2 garages, patio, pool maak ‘n langdurende and security. Location is king. effek op hul eie sowel StEr parK: r2 500 000: Old world charm. A 4 bedr, 2 bathr as hul kinders se house plus 1 bedr flat attached to the house. The old pool was breinchemikalieë het. converted into a sunken lapa area with a built-in braai and a “Om weerbaar teen geestessiektes soos jacuzzi. Added benefit is the walk-in cold storage room, 2 garages depressie, angs, leerplus a caravan parking. Borehole and CCTV. en gedragsprobleme te wees moet die breinchemikalieë in die regte verhouding wees wat beïnvloed word deur die voedsel wat ons inneem, Rita Rita besoedeling waaraan Prinsipaal Prinsipaal ons blootgestel word, EIENDOMME•PROPERTIES die manier waarop TEL: 015 295 4537, Fax: 015 291 TEL: 015 295-4537 FAKS: 0151166 291 1166 ons met ons kinders 7A HANS VAN RENSBURG StREEt / StRAAt 7A 7A HANS VAN RENSBURG STREET / STRAAT 7A www.ritastipec.co.za praat en waardes wat SECURITY COMPLEX - FULL TITLE garages, tV bigkamer, entertainment ons uitleef.” WOONSTELLE / FLATS kamer,2 sitkamer, kombuis,area. motorhuis, - R910 000 PENINA PARK - SHINGWEDZI PLAINS TEL: 015room, 295 4537/082 900 22449 ‘n Paar wenke pakkamer. Geen- R645 diere. Dadelik Lounge/dining 4 bedrooms, bathrooms, afdak enEXCELLENT 000 beskikHOSPITAL PARK kitchen, tandem garage, Wendy house. 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, baar. kitchen/nook, om ouers sowel as SILVERKRUIN BARGAIN R1 180 000 scullery, 1 BENDOR carport, verandah. R2 950 - Big 1 bedroom flat with -kitchen, lounge/ kinders se geestesPRIME AREA FLORA PARK BARGAIN - R1 075 000 dining room and bathroom. Don’t miss out!! 2 badkamers, sitkamer, Entrance, lounge, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, R5 900 - 3 Slaapkamers, - NEAT, EXCELLENT gesondheid te R3 245kitchen, - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge/dinlarge dining room, scullery/laundry, Entrance, lounge, dining room, 4 bedrooms, kombuis en afdak. Koopkrag. versterk: ing room andFlat: kitchen. Waterkitchen, and electricity at 3 garages. 2 Rooms, bathroom. 2 full bathrooms, kitchen, scullery, pantry, HUISE/HOUSES TOWNHOUSE Municipality. - EXCELLENT - R800 000 2 garages, storeroom, fenced. Borehole, patio, • Wees teenwoorTel: 015 swimming 295 4537 /pool. 082 900 2449 - BENDOR TOWN/DORP dig en betrokke. Skuif 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open-plan lounge, FLORA PARK - HANDY MAN’S DREAM GAZELLE LAAN R3 030room, - Walking distance to town. 1 Bedroom, dining kitchen, carport plus Wendy house - R1 020 000 - PRICE REDUCED alles eenkant toe en R6 Tandem 780 - 3 Slaapkamers, badkamers, eetkamer, lounge, kitchen andarea. bathroom. in security garage for 42vehicles, 6 underspandeer kwaliteittyd kombuis, opwas, waskamer, studeerkamer, TOWNHOUSE - R670 000 roof carports, storeroom. House: Entrance, Available- BENDOR 1 December. 1 bathroom, garage. lounge, dining room, TV Dadelik room, 3beskikbaar. bedrooms, motohuis en pakkamer. R3 0002 -Bedrooms, 1 Slaapkamer, badkamer, sitkamer, met jou kind. Bêre IN TOWN - FLATS 2 bathrooms, kitchen, scullery, fenced, full kombuis, ekstra vertrek en motorhuis. Water FAUNA PARK jou selfoon en maak R740 000: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage. burglar bars, lapa with braai, borehole, ingesluit, beskikbaar2 teen R300 pm. R800 000:DStv 3 Bedrooms, bathrooms, garage R7 7504- ceiling 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fans, remote gate. lounge, oogkontak sodat hulle and many more. PENINA PARK - R1 study, 290 000 - Agarage, MUST THORNHILL dining room, kitchen, double TOWNHOUSES IN TOWN verstaan en sien dat TO BE SEEN R4 100 - 1½ Bedroom, bathroom, lounge, kitchen 2 storerooms and double carport. from to R465 000 bachelor, 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, jy vir hulle omgee en and3caport. Prepaid electricity. bedrooms - R890 000. lounge, TV room, diningSTR room, kitchen, DEVINISH LADANNA PENINA PARK - TOWNHOUSES borehole, separate T/serv/T. hulle vir jou belangrik R9 030 - 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, - EXCELLENT CAPRICORN - CHECK FOR SIZE R2 340 Bachelor flat with small kitchen and is. Elke keer wat jy sitkamer, eetkamer, tV kamer, R645 000 -Prepaid R715 electricity. 000 - R1 605 000 kombuis en bathroom. Carport. - R750 000 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Entrance, lounge, dining1room, TV room, saam met jou kind opwas. Beskikbaar December. MEENTHUISE/TOWNHOUSE BACHELOR TOWNHOUSE - SECURE 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, guest-room with PLOT: 015 295 4537 / 082 900 2449 speel, lag of ‘n aktiTEL: 015 295 4537/082 900 2449 AREA - R430 000 bathroom, laundry, 2 garages, 8 carports, DALMADAsecurity, etc. 1 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen/living area, storeroom, boreholes, LADANNA witeit doen, stimuleer carport. FAUNA - A bachelor MUST TO SEEN R2 770 - PARK Newly built flats.BE With small 2 BEDROOMS FROM R3 700 tO t R3 950. jy die neurochemikaIN TOWN - GROBLER ST - NEAR FOR THE RIGHT BUYER - R1 930 000 garden and room, carport. Prepaid electricity. SAFE COMPLEX. PHONE NOW!! SCHOOLS PRICE REDUCED Lounge, dining TV room, 4 bedrooms, lieë wat hom gelukkig R4 850 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, Noscullery/laundry, animals. - R1- 3 910 000 - STAND 2 084 m² guest toilet, kitchen, 2 garages, maak en jou kind help Entrance, lounge,scullery dining room, carport, storeroom, swimming dining room, kitchen, and tVstudy, room. OFFICES pool, lapa (46m²), 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, scullery, borehole/irrigation, prepaid, remote gate, gas om sy volle potensiaal Garage. Prepaid electricity. 3 garages, servants quarters, alarm, borehole, stove, electric TOWN fence, bachelor flat. TOWN te bereik. irrigation. • ±40m², ±95m², and ±128m², excl. VAt. LOTS OF±112m² HOUSES, STANDS, R4 100IRIS - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen, AMADEUS - GOOD BUY TOWNHOUSES, ALL Covered parkings LISTED, at extra cost plusAREAS, % ratio • Beperk bloot- R1 and 050carport. 000 -Immediately PRICE REDUCED JUST CALL!! garage available. rates STIELER separate. Water + electricity payable at stelling aan televisie Lounge, dining WELGELEGEN room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, AT 083 399 6669 municipality. en tegnologie. Kies R7 900 - the Sanctuary. 3 Bedrooms, 2½ bath• 120 m² warehouses available in Ladine. rooms, lounge, dining room, tV room, kitchen een of twee ouMEDICAL SUITES AVAILABLE, and scullery. Double garage. derdomsgepaste VARIOUS SIZES. PHONE TODAY! R7 900 - Fleurenville. 3 Slaapkamers, 1½ badprogramme wat jy saam met jou kind VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR PHOTOS OF THE PROPERTIES AVAILABLE.

Rita Stipec



25A Biccard Street • Tel: 015 295 0420/21 Jackie TO LET Compensatie St Elim Leonard St Serala Village Suid St Schoeman St Schoeman St San Maria Serala Village Sudlow Place Serala Village Falcon Court La Toscana Serala Village Compascuum King Fisher King Fisher HUIS Plein St Duiker St

R2 000 R2 800 R2 800 R2 800 R4 400 R8 500 R10 500 R3 900 R3 950 R3 950 R4 100 R4 200 R5 000 R5 300 R5 500 R7 100 R7 250

Immediately 01/11/2013 Immediately 01/11/2013 Immediately Immediately Immediately 01/11/2013 Immediately 01/11/2013 01/11/2013 01/11/2013 01/11/2013 01/11/2013 01/11/2013 Immediately 01/11/2013

Room 6 (Outside). Bachelor. Bachelor. Bachelor. 1 Slp, 1 bad/k, ten volle gemeubileerd, W/L ingesluit. 1 Slp, 1 bad/k, ten volle gemeubileerd. 2 Slp, 1 bad/k, ten volle gemeubileerd. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, parking. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, carport. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, parking. 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, garage. Modern 2 bedr, 1 bathr, braai area. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, garage. 3 Bedr, 2½ bathr, garage, afdak, parking, bar area. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, double garage, garden. 3 Bedr, 2 bahr, garage, garden.

R5 500 R7 950

01/12/2013 01/11/2013

Maureen Singel

R10 000


Faranani Estate

R11 000


OFFICE Cormar Building

3 Bedr, 2 bathr, kitchen, lounge, dining. 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge/dining, kitchen, scullery, double garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, kitchen, lounge, dining, entertainment area, swimming pool, double garage. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, double garage, braai area, security estate.

R37 400


Burger St Flat/town Van BoeScHoten HouSe - r4 800 HouSe - r11 300

Prepaid Elec, 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom, Open-plan, Lock-up Garage, Court Yard

4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Open-plan, Kitchen, Prepaid Electricity, 2 x Flats, 01 Nov 2013

354 m² office, 7 parking, fenced.

Plein View townHouSe - r7 550

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Open-plan, Scullery - Laundry Pantry, Lock-up Garage, Carport, 01 Nov 2013

MarSHall St HouSe r9 700

4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Double Kitchen, Laundry, 2 Living Room Areas, Dining Room, Double garage, Borehole.

ooSt St - Huge House - R2 120 000 laDanna - Family Home - R932 000 laDanna MunniK St - Ster Park - R1 961 000 SunSet BouleVarD - R1 300 000 Plot - SoetDoringS - R2 568 000 Balule nature reSerVe ooS Street - R2 650 000

Ster ParK

4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Lounge, Dining, Laundry, Storeroom - r1 961 000 Ster ParK

4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms 2x Lounges, Dining, Beautiful Kitchen, Pool, Indoor Garden r1 908 000

JUST PROPERTY GROUP - JUST FOR YOU WE STOCK A WIDE RANGE OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE. NAME AND WE HAVE IT. CALL US TODAY FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS. AGENTS: Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 / Letting - Charmaine 079 529 7841 OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail: ansie.pietersburg@justpropertygroup.co.za

CONTACT TERESA 082 773 9274 015 297 0186 We are looking for properties to let and for sale (residential & commercial). Kindly contact us during office hours from 08:00 till 16:00, Monday to Friday


COMMERCIAL NEW SHOPPING MALL: MANKWENG ANCHOR TENANT: SHOPRITE – OPENING SOON. 4x 120m² @ R100.00m² (excl Vat) 1x 200m² @ R67.50m² (excl Vat) 1 x 555m² @ R80.00m² (excl Vat)

WAREHOUSES LADINE 270m² - R9 450.00 (excl Vat) Available Immediately NIRVANA 125m² - R5 263.16 (excl Vat) Available 1 Nov 2013 NIRVANA 91m² - R2 300.00 (excl Vat) Available Immediately SECURITY INDUSTRIAL PARK BRAND NEW 4x 230m² each @R45 00m² (excl Vat) Available Immediately. RETAIL SHOPS Prime Spot Landdros Mare St 1st Floor 250m² @ R45.00m² (excl Vat) Available immediately Prime Spot CBD 65m²- R7 800.00 (excl Vat) Available 1st Nov 2013 Prime Retail Locality Ground Floor 240m² - R36 000.00 (excl Vat) 1st Floor 240m² - R5 000.00 (excl Vat)

Available Immediately SESHEGO 2x 150m² - R6 750.00 (excl Vat) 1x 350m² - R15 750.00 (excl Vat) INDIAN CENTRE - GROUND FLOOR 205m² - R17 500.00 (excl Vat) INDIAN CENTRE - 1ST FLOOR 156m² - R5 570.00 (excl Vat) ROODEPOORT - (CBD) 58m² - R5 800.00 (excl Vat) OFFICES 2x ± 130m² @ R70.00m² (excl Vat) Available immediately ROODEPOORT (CBD) 1ST FLOOR 200m² - R11 000.00 (excl Vat)

RESIDENTIAL BODORP - TOWNHOUSE - R2 500pm Bachelor flat, open-plan kitchen, lounge and dining room. Secured area. NO PETS. Available 1 Dec 2013. FLORA PARK - HOUSE - R8 000pm 3 bedrooms, 2½ bathrooms, open-plan kitchen, lounge and dining room, scullery, double garage, double carport, entertainment area. Prepaid meter, garden services included. Available Immediately. Fully Furnished self catering units available on monthly basis.


Visit us for more properties on www.popularproperties.co.za



October 31, 2013

48 OBSERVER polokwane

CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za



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LADIES ONLY SALES REPS Own car, U must be vibey open minded and achieve sales. We offer basic + comm + petrol. Contact 072 149 2230 ____________________ BUSY RESTAURANT IN POLOKWANE is looking for experienced waiters! Fax 086 519 2686 ____________________ JUNIOR SOUS CHEF NEEDED national hotel group requires a junior sous chef for the Limpopo area. Culinary certificate, 1 year experience, salary depends on experience & qualifications. CV francoish@ oriongroup.co.za or 011 718 6486 ____________________


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BEE WENDYS 3m x 3m = R5 000 3m x 4m = R6 000 Best & quality from pallet, wood, already treated & strong. For more, we do all sizes. Call Sten 076 210 5881 ___________________

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BARGAIN Large 2 bedr, 2½ bathr flat. Electric garage door. Prepaid electricity. Central loc. No agent. R767 000. 074 190 9956 ____________________ 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE IN BENDOR R529 000 Neg. Soverby complex in Valencia St. Call 076 023 4513 to view. ____________________



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RENTALS: HOUSES • Ivy Park r4 300 - 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r, Lounge, Kitchen. • SunSet Boulevard r4 500 - 2 Bed/r, 1 Bath/r, Lounge, Kitchen. • Flora Park r7 000 - 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r, Lounge, Dining/r, Garage. Ivy Park - r7 000 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r, Lounge, Kitchen, Dining/r, 2 Garages FlatS/ TOWHNHOUSES • ladanna - r2 340 - Bachelor Flats • BodorP - r 2 350 Bachelor Flats • Bendor - r6 500 3 Bed/r, 2 Bath/r, Lounge, Dining/r, Kitchen, 1 Garage lee 083 446 5558 __________________

TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ 1 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL OP SOETDORINGSPAD Water ingesluit. Maandelikse kraglesing. R2 300 + dep. Kontak 078 893 5700 ____________________ TO LET Spacious bachelor flat in Dalmada. 3.5km from Savannah Mall. R2 550 p.m., water included. Contact 015 296 2785 / 082 851 9531 ____________________ SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM FLAT Available in town. R2 800 p.m. Water included & prepaid electricity. Contact 071 690 9710 ____________________ NETJIESE 2 SLP WOONSTEL OP PLOT 4km van SAB op LTT pad. R3 500 + water & electricity. Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________

PLOTS: DALMADA 2.6ha PLOT R11 200 3 bedr, 3 bathr, 2 living areas. Double-storey. HOUSES: BROADLANDS ESTATE R22 280 3 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, dining, study, patio with braai. Storeroom, pool and 4 garages. FLORA PARK R10 600 4 bedr, 3 bathr, study, 2 lounges, garage. ACACIA ESTATE R9 500 4 bedr, 3½ bathr, lounge, dining & TV room. 2 Garages. BODORP R8 800 3 bedr, 2 bathr, study, bar area, laundry. Extra outside room. 2 Garages and staff room. HOSPITAAL PARK R8 800 3 Bedr, 3 bathr, patio, built-in braai, pool, borhole. DORP R8 355 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 carport. TOWNHOUSES: ACACIA ESTATE R9 500 3 bedr, 2 bathr, scullery, patio with braai, garden, servant’s toilet, 2 garages. BENDOR R6 550 3 bedr, 2 bathr, scullery, patio with braai, garage. IVY PARK R5 200 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, 1 carport. LADANNA R4 500 2 bedr, 2 bathr, 1 garage, garden, prepaid electicity. BENDOR R7 800 3 Bedr, 2½ bathr, 2 garages, prepaid electricity. RABè ST R4 050 2 bedr, 1 bathr, open-plan, 1 garage. LADANNA R3 980 2 bedr, 1 bathr, lounge/kitcen,1 caport. FLATS: BENDOR AND DORP R3 350 1 bedr, 1 bathr, living area, 1 carport. OFFICES: HANS VAN RENSBURg ST R8 900pm TO R12 500pm BENDOR - RHODESDRIFT ST - R10 400pm Offices in CBD from R2 500pm AUDREY 072 632 7117 THYS 083 702 0768 DIONETTE 084 503 3964 TANITA 073 138 0789

TO LET IN THORNHILL 2 Bedr flat in secure complex. R4 900 p.m. prepaid eletricity. Available immediately. Marianne 072 608 3707 ____________________ 3 BEDR FLAT 1 bathroom. Available 1 November at 69 Doornkraal Street, Ladanna, Polokwane. R4 700 p.m. Excluding water & electricity. Contact Terence 015 298 8918 Mukwevho Property No 2 CC. ____________________ RUIM 3 SLP HUIS TE HUUR TE SOETDORINGS Netjies en omhein. Dubbl afdak parkering. Veilige en rustige omgewing. R5 060 + dep + koopkrag. Streng keuring. 082 890 5862 ____________________ LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar. 4 huisies - R1 950 elk, 4 enkelkamers R1 500 elk. 5 houtkamers R1 000 elk. Skakel HIEB by 015 297 5008 in kantoorure ____________________



I BUY USED VEHICLES FOR CASH Contact me before trading in your vehicle. Neels Joubert 083 459 7177 ____________________



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT DE BEZUIDENHOUT INTENDS MAKING APPLICATION TO CIPC FOR THE RESTORATION OF POLOKWNE MARKETING AGENCY CC, REG NO: 1999/022318/23. ANY OBJECTION TO THE APPLICATION MUST BE LODGED WITH CIPC WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PUBLICATION HEREOF. 31/10 ___________________ POLOKWANE AMENDMENT SCHEME 400 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE POLOKWANE TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2007, IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1) (B) (i) OF THE TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE NO 15 OF 1986) We, Khosa Development Specialists (Pty) Ltd, being the authorised agent of the owner of the Erf mentioned below hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Polokwane Local Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme known as Polokwane/Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007 to rezone the property described as: Erf 1407, Bendor Ext 19, from “Residential 1” to “Educational” for establishment of a Créche. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Man-

ager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, first floor, Civic Centre, Landdros Maré Street for a period of 28 days from 25 October 2013. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 111 Polokwane, 0700 within a period of 28 days from 25 October 2013. Address of agent: Khosa Development Specialists (Pty) Ltd PO Box 727 Bendor Park 0713 Tel: 015 295 4171 Fax: 086 600 7119 24/10 31/10 ___________________ POLOKWANE WYSIGINGSKEMA 400 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE POLOKWANE DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2007, IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 56 (1) (B) (i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE NO 15 VAN 1986) Ons, Khosa Development Specialists (Pty) Ltd, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die Erf hieronder vermeld, gee hiermee kennis in terme van artikel 56 (1) (b) (i) Van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie No 15 van 1986) kennis dat ons aansoek gedoen het by die Polokwane Plaaslike Munisipaliteit vir die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Polokwane Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2007, deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf as Erf 1407 Bendor Ext 19, vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Opvoedkundige” vir die oprigting van ‘n Kleuterskool. Besonderhede van die aansoek le ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, Burgersentrum, Landdros

Supervisor and Cashier

References required Computer literate Matric Good communications skills 3 Years retail experience Email CV to Petrus@babyboom.co.za Fax 086 605 6449

Maréstraat vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 25 Oktober 2013. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of vertoe skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by die bovermelde adres of by Posbus 111 Polokwane, 0700 binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 25 Oktober 2013. Adres van agent: Khosa Development Specialists (Pty) Ltd Posbus 727 Bendorpark 0713 Tel: 015 295 4171 Faks: 086 600 7119 24/10 31/10 ___________________



IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MARTINA MASEKELA MOKGONYANA (IDENTITY NUMBER: 680808 0313 083), MARRIED IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY TO MAKOENA SILAS MOKGONYANA (IDENTITY NUMBER: 680712 5410 086) FORMERLY OF 20 ANDREA STREET, AFRICAN FEWEL, POLOKWANE, 0699 ESTATE NUMBER 5419/2013 All persons having claims against the above Estate must lodge it with the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from date of publication hereof. DATED 24TH OCTOBER 2013. NILAND & PRETORIUS INC

2 Albatross Centre 21 Market Street POLOKWANE 0700 TEL: 015 291 1974 REF: MP/M122 31/10 ___________________

Stuur CV na saworkapplication@gmail.com of faks na 086 774 2799

®essential outdoor gear


Ons benodig die dienste van ‘n dinamiese en energieke persoon met ’n uitstekende rekord in verkope. Persone met ‘n passie vir die lewe, vol selfvertroue en met sterk leierseienskappe sal voorkeur geniet. Moet Engels/Afrikaans magtig wees. Diensaanvaarding so spoedig moontlik. Uitstekende vergoedingspakkette word aan geskikte kandidate gebied.

stUUR U CV PeR e-POs nA pbgmanager@trappers.co.za, sLUitinGsDAtUM: 7 november 2013

slegs geskikte kandidate sal gekontak word.


OBSERVER 49 polokwane


LEERLINGREKENMEESTERS SAICA-/ SAIPA-KLERKSKAP Ons wag aansoeke in van persone wat belangstel om te kwalifiseer as Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters (lede van SAICA) of professionele rekenmeesters (lede van SAIPA) Vereistes: Matriek met Universiteitsvrystelling (Wiskunde en Rekeningkunde ‘n vereiste) of Besig met studies vir ‘n B.Com Rek graad of reeds in besit van ‘n B.Com Rek graad.

Merk asseblief u aansoek SAICA / SAIPA KLERKSKAP en lewer u CV af by Watermelonstraat 25, Platinumpark, Bendor of epos na dzb@dzb.co.za of faks na 086 605 9114 Indien u nie binne 21 dae vanaf publikasie hiervan van ons kantoor verneem nie, moet u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

Pietersburg comPrehensive school


Admin clerk

school governing body Post Post requirements and duties: • Gr 12 and at least three years admin experience • Computer literate (MS Word and Excel) • Good communication skills (must be able to work with members of the public) • English proficiency needed • General office duties • Reception

Code 14 Driver Needed Annual salary: R 70 000.00 The successful candidate must be able to go cross border: Angola, Botswana, Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe Applicant must meet the following requirements: • Valid driver’s licence code EC (Code 14) • Valid public driver’s permit (PDP) • Five years or more experience as heavy duty driver, understanding technical, planning and scheduling of vehicles • Good driving skills • Basic technical skills for vehicle • Cross border clearing knowledge

Applicants interested should forward their applications (2 pages CV) to info@polokwaneroyal.co.za

method of APPlicAtion: • Application must include: - Formal cover letter - Detailed CV - Certified copies of all formal qualifications PleAse direct the APPlicAtion to: Chairperson: SGB Pietersburg Comprehensive School 62 Magazyn Street Polokwane • Applications to be handed in personally at the school

closing date and time: 7 november 2013 at 12:00. (for more information please contact the school on 015 291 3174) nb: Applicants who have not been informed about the outcome of their applications

Closing date: 15 November 2013 Reference: Heavy Duty Truck Driver

Afgeronde dame benodig, 30+ Vlot in Afr en Eng. Dinamies, leergierig en met belangstelling in natuurlike gesondheid. Matriek/ Graad 12. Bereid om verder te leer.

Oktober 31, 2013

within 2 weeks from the closing date may regard their application as being unsuccessful. Please note that no application forms will be returned to applicants.

Merensky A vacancy exists within Northern Timbers for a suitably qualified and experienced


Persoonlike assistent / admin te Polokwane MINIMUM VEREISTES: • • • • •

Graad 12/Mattriek Rekenaar geletterdheid Goeie kommunikasie vaardighede Moet onder druk kan werk Vorige PA / Admin ondervinding sal voordellig wees.

Fax CV’s na 086 242 8085 of epos na: chrisna@pandl.co.za Word deel van ons wenspan en groei saam ons. SLUITINGSDATUM VIR BOGENOEMDE POS: 7/11/2013


Candidates must have a post-Matric diploma in Accounting or equivalent and at least 3 years’ experience as a Bookkeeper within a company environment, with specific exposure to all elements of bookkeeping including Cashbook and electronic payments. ACCPAC and at least 3 years’ experience in a similar position, preferably in a timber-related company, are also needed. The successful candidate will report to the Accountant and Financial Manager and will ensure that Company policies and procedures are adhered to at all times. Duties will include general administration, review and release of payments, Cashbook and bank recon, as well as month-end journals, allocations and processing on ACCPAC. Further focuses include inter-company accounts and SARS returns, reviewing monthly creditor reconciliations, monthly reconciliation of balance sheet accounts, as well as weekly cash flow preparation and FOREX processes. Start date: 2 December 2013 or a mutually agreed date. Interested and qualified applicants should forward their applications (including a detailed copy of their CV) to the Human Resources Manager, Mr Sonwabo Fihla by post at PO Box 1343, Tzaneen 0850 or fax: (015) 305-3197, or via e-mail: sonwabof@merensky.co.za Closing date for applications is 8 November 2013 NB: Should you not receive correspondence by 15 November 2013, please regard your application as unsuccessful. Northern Timbers subscribes to the principles of Employment Equity.

Suksesvolle kandidaat sal gekontak word teen 15/11/2013 NEEM KENNIS: As u nog nie teen 15/11/2013 gekontak is nie, aanvaar asseblief dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

www.pandl.co.za P&L HARDWARE (Pty) Ltd.

Tel: (015) 516 1328/9 • Faks: (015) 516 1089 • Posbus 204, Louis Trichardt 0920 Krugerstraat 92, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo Provinsie.

Merensky Timber Limited (Reg. No. 2005/033139/06)


Human Communications 103860

Polokwane Observer

Oktober 31, 2013

Kassier The Limpopo Gambling Board has the following challenging career opportunity:

PAYROLL OFFICER (1 Vacancy) This position reports to the Senior Manager: Finance Key responsibilities for the position are as follows: • End to end processing of selected monthly payrolls. • On – going maintenance of payroll system and leave planning system (if applicable). • Updating and maintaining payroll records. • Liaising with staff and management on payroll related queries. • Maintaining leave, sickness and overtime reports. • Undertaking required reporting, both internal and statutory reporting. • Payroll administration – e.g. filing, setting up new starters. • Calculation and payment of termination payments. • Processing increase and calculate back pays. • Assisting Payroll Manager with month end consolidation. • Assisting Payroll Manager with reconciliation and payment of payroll. • Reconciling payroll related GL accounts. • Calculation annual leave and provisions/accruals. • Preparation of ad-hoc reports. • Assists with general payments and filling. The candidate should have the following competencies and/or skills: • Demonstration payroll processing experience. • Excellent written and spoken communication and interpersonal skills. • Attention to detail. • Numerical ability and data entry skills. • Understanding of payroll legislation, among others Employment Equity Act, Basic Condition of Employment, Labour Relations Act etc. • Customer service focus. • Annual reconciliations of PAYE. • Knowledge of VIP payroll system. • Monthly salary standard Journals. Qualification and experience: - B.com degree / National Diploma or equivalent with Payroll/ HR as subjects. - Two years relevant experience. Remuneration: R331,730.28 plus housing allowance NB: A successful candidate will be subjected to probity before engagement to determine suitability. Interested candidates must send their applications accompanied by a covering letter, certified copies of qualifications, certified ID copy and their Curriculum Vitae to: The Chief Executive Officer, Limpopo Gambling Board, Private bag X 9520, Polokwane, 0700 or by hand delivery to: Limpopo Gambling Board, No 8 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane. Faxed or E-Mailed applications will not be considered. Failure to attach the required documents will disqualify applicants from being shortlisted.

Enkelopend Nie rokers 35 jaar en ouer

015 295 5264 PA RequiRed Requirements:

- Must speak regional African languages - driver’s licence - Computer literate. - Must be able to travel for long distances from home. experience in Admin tender documents Sonika@aquarock.co.za or fax: 086 592 5244

Company Wanting Independent Representatives to see clients on daily basis. Must be well spoken. Goal driven. Able to work under pressure and meet deadlines. Have good management skills. Salary + Com negotiable. Must have own car. To book an interview SMS your Name, Age & residential area to 083 628 3152 Phone: 015 298 8478 Fax CV: 086 511 4795 Email CV: winners@telkomsa.net

YOUR Career finder in LIMPOPO


Closing date: 07 November 2013 at 14:00 NB. If no response is received within one month of the closing date, applicants are advised to consider their applications unsuccessful. The Limpopo Gambling Board is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and to this extent conducts targeted recruitment for previously disadvantaged individuals. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The institution is established for the purpose of regulating gambling activities in the Limpopo Province. The Limpopo Gambling Board Promotes Responsible Gambling



Limpopo Tourism Agency is contributing towards Skills Development through provision of Internship Opportunities to unemployed graduates to gain work experience in the following fields: FIELD OF EXPOSURE Tourism Information Services Marketing Services Resorts Operations The Limpopo Gambling Board has the following challenging career opportunity:

GENERAL OFFICE ASSISTANT (1 Vacancy) This position reports to the Human Resources Officer. Key responsibilities for the position are as follows: • Cleaning of all offices, bathrooms, equipments as well as premises of the Board • Cleaning of windows. • Preparing tea and refreshments for Senior employees of the Board and visitors. • Preparing tea and refreshments for Board members. The candidate should have the following competencies and/or skills: • Grade 10 (ABET Level 3) or related experience. • Ability to maintain a healthy environment. • Good interpersonal skills. • Good time keeping and communication skills. Remuneration: R119 983. 55 plus housing allowance NB: A successful candidate will be subjected to probity before engagement to determine suitability. Interested candidates must send their applications accompanied by a covering letter, certified copies of qualifications, certified ID copy and their Curriculum Vitae to: The Chief Executive Officer, Limpopo Gambling Board, Private bag X 9520, Polokwane, 0700 or by hand delivery to: Limpopo Gambling Board, No 8 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane. Faxed or E-Mailed applications will not be considered. Failure to attach the required documents will disqualify applicants from being shortlisted. Closing date: 07 November 2013 at 14:00 NB. If no response is received within one month of the closing date, applicants are advised to consider their applications unsuccessful The Limpopo Gambling Board is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and to this extent conducts targeted recruitment for previously disadvantaged individuals. The Employment Equity of the Board will apply in filling these positions. The institution is established for the purpose of regulating gambling activities in the Limpopo Province. The Limpopo Gambling Board Promotes Responsible Gambling

Communications and Public Relations Human Resource Management Revenue Management Office Administration Reservations

QUALIFICATION Degree / National Diploma in Tourism

NO 1

Degree/National Diploma in Tourism / Marketing Degree/National Diploma in Operation Management / Financial Management Degree/National Diploma in Journalism / Media/Liaison/Public Relations Degree/National Diploma in Human Resource/ Public Management B.Com Accounting / National Diploma in Accounting National Diploma in Office Management and Technology Degree / National Diploma in Tourism Management

1 1 1 2 2 1 1

REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must be unemployed, aged between 18 and 35 years. Preference will be given to Limpopo residents. Successful candidates will be required to sign an “Internship Contract” for a maximum period of up to 12 months. Applicants who previously took part in the Internship Programme will not be considered. The above opportunities are available mainly at our Head Office in Polokwane. Interested persons are requested to forward their applications (stating the field of exposure) accompanied by a CV, certified copies of qualifications and ID to: Human Resources Division Limpopo Tourism Agency P.O Box 2814 Polokwane 0700 or Hand deliver at: Erf 688 Portion 2, Southern Gateway Ext 4, N1, Main Road, Polokwane. Limpopo Tourism Agency is an equal opportunity employer. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Enquiries: Ms Reginah Mokgadi Ratlabala on 015 293 3716 / 015 293 3600. Closing date: 15 November 2013. Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to interview and qualification verification. NB: Kindly note that if you are not contacted within 6 weeks after the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.

Pietersburg Musiek Akademiestudente presteer

Oktober 31, 2013




polokwane Studente van die Pietersburg Musiekakademie, onder leiding van me Thea Botha het tydens die onlangse Universiteit van Suid-Afrika (Unisa) praktiese musiekeksamen, uitstekend presteer. Saam met Botha is Cara Coetzee (graad 1, eervolle vermelding), Lizmie van Staden (graad 1, eervolle vermelding), Mika du Preez (graad 2, eervolle vermelding), Mia Schulenburg (graad 2 met lof), Drew Wilhite (graad 2 met lof), Akila Ramdharie (graad 2, eervolle vermelding), Debrianna Wilhite (graad 1 met lof) en Cari Schulenburg (voorgraad 1 met lof). Cari, Akila en Lizmie het ook tydens die onlangse Bosveld Kunsfees presteer. Cari het 92% en ‘n trofee vir ‘n voordragprogram gekry, Akila spog met 80%, 80% en 86% vir drie items gelewer en Lizmie het 80% vir ‘n voordragprogram gekry.


Gaste kuier tot laataand met boemelaarsdans MARIËTTE SNYDER >> mariette.observer@gmail.com

Curro Heuwelkruin se graad 12-leerders saam met die gelukbringer, Kratos.

Kruinie-matrieks gee unieke afskeidsgeskenk aan skool RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Die skool se splinternuwe gelukbringer, Kratos sal voortaan by skoolgeleenthede van Curro Heuwelkruin leerders ondersteun en is so belangrik dat hy per helikopter na die skool vervoer is. Kratos is deur van-

jaar se graad 12-leerders ontwerp, laat maak en as afskeidsgeskenk aan die skool oorhandig.


uers, onderwysers en gaste van Akademie Reformia het Vrydag ‘n boemelaarsdans gehou om geld vir ‘n ablusieblok by hul nuwe skoolterrein in te samel. Me Maritha Nel sê: “Ons is werklik geseën om met ‘n prettige aand meer as R20 000 in te samel. Dankie aan almal wat moeite gedoen het om ons te ondersteun.” Regs: Me Erina en haar man, Pieter-Willie Becker.


Curro Heuwelkruin se gelukbringer, Kratos maak sy verskyning op die skool se rugbyveld nadat hy per helikopter afgelaai is.

Kleuters sluit jaar af met konsert FOTO’S: MARIËTTE SNYDER

Mnr Johan van Aswegen en sy seun, Janus geniet die boemelaarsdans.

Me Riekie en haar man, mnr Pieter Roets in hul dansuitrustings.

Die boemelaarsegpaar is mnr Dirk Snyman en sy vrou, Danita.

Curro Heuwelkruin se suksesvolle revue RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Lirieke van die lewe gaan oor Maggy, ‘n jong vrou wat die wêreld vol toer op soek na haar groot liefde, maar dan vir Dirkie op eie bodem vind. Met die storielyn het Curro Heuwelkruin-leerders verlede week hul eerste revue aangebied. Die produksie is deur Kruinie-kultuurhoof, me Nicole Senekal, haar man, Leopold en mnr Johan Marx geskryf wat ook die regie behartig het. Sang en musiek van verskeie lande is uitgevoer.


Bo: Shoni Mathelemusa en Mighail Pretorius is vissermanne vir Jesus. Regs: Bobo Makhubele neem met oorgawe deel. RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail. com

Kleuters van drie jaar oud tot graad R van Heidi en Peter Christelike Kleuterak-ademie het Saterdag vir ‘n vale konsert gehou. Die skoolhoof, me Eloise Petzer sê hulle het vanjaar afgesien van ‘n konserttema en liedjies gebruik wat deur die jaar die meeste aanklank by Oratile Mokhanazi sing Visvang die kinders gevind het. vir Jesus.

Die cowgirls is Carla Koen, Juan-Merie Venter en Carmen Janse van Rensburg. Van Rensburg het ook die rol van Maggie vertolk. FOTO’S: RC MYBURGH

Rega Sebela wys na haar neus in die liedjie oor liggaamsdele.

Piekniek vir nuwe teddies ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@ gmail.com Kleuters wat volgende jaar trotse Osieteddies is, is Saterdag by die skool met ‘n gesellige piekniek verwelkom. Die jongspan is deur hulle ouers vergesel wat op hul beurt die onderwysers en assistente ontmoet het.


Stuart Zeeman is tuis tussen die speelgoed.

Mia O’Reilly en me Theresa de Bruin, ‘n onderwyser.

Links bo: Devan Venter vertolk die rol van Dirkie wat sy lied aan Maggie opdra. Regs bo: Wernich Kachelhoffer en Gustav Lambrechts, twee hartediewe. Links: Stephan Bester, die vlieënier en lugwaardin, Claudi van Niekerk. Regs: Juan-Merie Venter met haar sonbril op ‘n asemrowende strand in ‘n ver land.

Rolbalkundige deel sy kennis plaaslik


October 31, 2013

52 OBSERVER polokwane

Mariëtte Snyder >> mariette.observer@gmail.com


ie hoofafrigter van Rolbal Suid-Afrika, Theuns Fraser het die naweek kosbare raad en jare se ondervinding met rolbalspelers van Polokwane Rolbalklub gedeel. Boonop het gesoute spelers vir die nasionale kompetisie wat in Maart 2014 plaasvind

op die bane geoefen. Limpopo afrigter, Deon Viljoen sê spelers het baie van Fraser geleer en is geëerd om ‘n speler en afrigter van sy kaliber in Polokwane te verwelkom. “Hy het spelers gemaan om positief te bly en in hul spel en talent te glo as hulle die boonste leer wil bereik.” Viljoen het Fraser namens die plaaslike klub bedank wat spesiaal van Gauteng moes reis.

Foto’s: RC Myburgh

Die 11-jarige Werner van As is die jongste skut wat sy pa se vuurwapen uitgetoets het.

Edwel GPF skerp weerbaarheid op Die skietbaan van die Bosveld Jagters- en Bewaringsvereniging was Saterdag ‘n miernes van bedrywighede toe lede van die Edwel Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum (Edwel GPF) hul vuurwapenvernuf op die baan getoets het.

Volgens Edwel GPF-ondervoorsitter, mnr Nico Hurter word weerbaarheidsdae gereeld deur hulle georganiseer om wapeneienaars oor wapenveiligheid en -hantering bewus te maak. “Maak nie saak hoe oud jy is of vir hoe lank jy al skiet nie, die dag is vir almal. Vir vrouens wat lugtig is om vuurwapens te hanteer, is dit die ideale geleentheid om hul vrese te oorkom,” sê Hurter.

Me Hendelene Prinsloo brand los op ‘n teiken.

Mnr Louis Peens lê aan met ‘n pistool tydens die Edwel GPF se weerbaarheidsdag.

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Monthly Medal winners

Photo; Jeff Raymond

Foto: Mariëtte Snyder

Een van Polokwane Rolbalklub se jongste spelers, Bridget Calitz saam met Limpopo-afrigter, Deon Viljoen en Rolbal Suid-Afrika se hoofafrigter, Theuns Fraser.

visit us on facebook

Mikes Chicken Monthly Medal was played at the Polokwane Golf Club last Wednesday. The chuffed trio showing off their silverware are Aaron Segwapa (B Div), Len Olley (A Div) and David Hlabyago (C Div).

Suidskool-atlete presteer by Super 12

Foto: RC Myburgh

Atlete van Pietersburg Laerskool (PLS) wat in die Super 12 Atletiekkampioenskapbyeenkoms in Pretoria presteer het, is Marco Pratt (o.10, silwer, 1 200 m) en Jason Hugo (o.8, brons, 60 m) voor, met Tewis Willemse (o.12, silwer, 1 200 m), Simoné Pratt (o.10, silwer, 1 200 m), Kayla Pratt (o.10, brons, 1 200 m) en Cor Müller (o.10, goud, hoogspring) agter. Photo: Yolande Nel

A group of photography enthusiasts who recently completed a 10-session Visual Terrorism photography course facilitated by Limpopo Arts and Culture Association (Laca) shared their favourite photos during a onenight exhibition that coincided with Laca’s Thursday Knights meeting at Polokwane Art Museum last week. The installation representing a collective body of work resembled a similar trail of photos that greeted the Visual Terrorists on entering the Laca library during their first encounter in June this year. Visual Terrorists were simultaneously presented with certificates of participation on completing the course. Photographed against the installation are Thabang Mabela, Ruben du Plessis, Luca Nel, Margrit Schulze and Lee-Anne Engelbrecht.

Mohale wins local race >> “It was a successful event; we had about 600 entries.”

Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


easoned local athlete Phuti Mohale from Moletjie outmuscled his counterparts to win the 21 km leg of an annual local race in a time of 01:11.27 on Saturday in Polokwane. With the race a local restaurant lured 600 runners to participate early morning. In the 10 km race, Tlou Peu from Ga-Matlala clocked in at 32:58 to win the race. The men’s 5 km race was won by Harry Lamola from Pietersburg Road Runners in a time of 12:38. “I am happy that I finally won the race. I have been training hard. I was a challenging race, all the athletes that participated were good but there can be only one winner and I am glad to be the winner of the challenge,” Mohale said. Congratulating the atheletes

event organiser Christine Marias, Manager of Run/Walk for Life Pie­ tersburg North, said they are proud of the athletes and wish them the best in their running careers. “It was a successful event; we had about 600 entries. Sponsors: The organisers thanks: Paul Robberts from Amalgamated Employer’s Association, Coca-Cola and Waterberg for their sponsorships during the race as well as Discovery, Just Water, Aïda Properties, Pietersburg Road Runners and Witkop Security for handling our water points on the day. A big thank you to Matsobane Ambulance Services, the Polokwane Traffic Department and Polokwane Municipality in helping with the safety of our athletes on the road and the residents of Polokwane in showing their enthusiasm in supporting our athletes. Without these people and institutions, it would not have been successful,” Marais said. Other results 10 km - Men • Open category: Tlou Peu, University of Limpopo (32:58) followed by Matsi Robinson, Vaal University

(34.25) and Pelly Lamola, Polokwane Athletic Club (36:09) • Junior: Chris Manedambule, Vhembe Athletics Club (40:48) • Veteran: Pamedi Ramaila, University of Limpopo (42:22) 10 km - Women • Open category: Karabo Allis Mohale, Pietersburg Road Runners (48:36) followed by Jeanette Mkune Private (52:13) and Lizel Pretorius, Polokwane Athletics Club (52:39) • Veteran: Colinda Potgieter, Pietersburg Road Runners (54:09) • Master: Santa van Heerden, Polokwane Athletics Club (55:43) 10 km Walk - Men • Open category: Andries Nkoana, Run/Walk for Life (1:03.12) followed by Jan Nkoana, Polokwane Athletics Club (1:12:43) and Deon Gerber, Run/Walk for Life (1:15.31) • Master: Jan Nkoane, Polokwane Athletics Club (1:12.43) • Grand Master: Hoosain Omar, Run/Walk for Life (1:20.04) 10 km Walk - Women • Open category: Letithia Gerber, Run/Walk for Life (1:15.36) fol-

Members of Run/Walk for Life responsible for organising the race are Sandra Eloff, Mernette Swartz , Kobie Marais (Manager, Run/Walk for Life Pietersburg North ), Allan Johnson , Christine Marais (Manager Run/Walk for Life Pietersburg North) and Andra Muller. Annatjie van Wyk, Marieta Venter, Franci Vorster, Hester de Bruin, Chantal Kruger, Mariana Maritz, Olga Brooks, Rose-Marie McCabe, Kobus de Bruin and Rosa Viljoen are at the back.

Polokwane City FC confident after Sundowns victory

Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Polokwane City Football Club Spokesperson, Patrick Baloyi described their victory against Sundowns as a sign of good things to come in the Premier Soccer League (PSL). Polokwane City Football Club broke the hearts of Mamelodi Sundowns fans when they beat them 1-0 to give them a much needed victory in the league at Peter Mokaba Stadium last Saturday evening. The feat sees Polokwane City Football Club moving from last position of the PSL to the 13th with seven points after eight matches. “It was a second victory of the season, a sweet one for that matter simply because nobody gave us a chance. This is a clear indication that no team in PSL is guaranteed a simple victory, we all have to fight for points. Sundowns is a big team with high profiled national players who can perform wonders at any given time, but that did not scare us, in fact it motivated us,” Baloyi said. “We have got tough fixtures ahead of us. We want to continue with the same kind of approach at every match. We want to dispel that notion that say Limpopo teams are not PSL materials. We are promising the people of this province that we are in this league to stay,” concluded Baloyi.

visit us on facebook

lowed by Joelanda du Plessis, Run/Walk for Life (1:20.04) and Saartjie Snyman, Run/Walk for Life (1:29.33) • Master: Joelanda du Plessis, Run/ Walk for Life (1:20.04) • Grand Master: Saartjie Snyman, Run/Walk for Life (1:29.33) 21 km - Men • Open category: Phuti Mohale, Pietersburg Road Runners (1:11.27) followed by Ludwik Mamabolo, Nedbank (1:14.55) and Emmanual Ramohale, Run/Walk for Life (1:17.28) • Veteran: Emmanual Matumba, Vhembe Athletics Club (1:20.08) • Master: David Kubjane • Grand Master: Phuti Mabotja, Eskom (1:42.27) 21 km - Women • Open category: Elsabe Cronje, Polokwane Athletics Club (1:39.55) followed by Rene Yiangou, Polokwane Athletic Club (1:44.03) and Dinah Moima (1:50.11) • Junior: Mogale Maroga, Samanco (2:12.58) • Master: Margaret Kgoadi, Eskom (2:57.51) • Grand Master: Felicity Roberts, Polokwane Athletics Club (2:26.00) 21 km Walk - Men • Open category: Mpelo Thupane, Soutpansberg (2:21.21) followed

Tlou Peu from Ga-Matlala won the men’s 10 km race in a time of 32:58.

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Oktober 31, 2013


OBSERVER 53 polokwane

by Ronald Khangala, Soutpansberg (2:23.40) 21 km Walk - Women • Open category: Erna Prinsloo, Run/Walk for Life (2:49.45) • Master: Erna Prinsloo, Run/Walk for Life (2:49.45).

Photos: Herbert Rachuene

Harry Lamola, from Pieterburg Road Runners won the 5 km race in a time of 12:38

Phuti Mohale, from Pietersburg Road Runners won the men’s 21 km race in a time of 01:11.27.

Mayor’s golf cup raises more than R1 million for charity


October 31, 2013

54 OBSERVER polokwane

>> Some twenty charity organisations to benefit from event >> R3,7 million raised over past three years he third annual Mayoral Charity Golf Day hosted at the Polokwane Golf Club on Friday saw more than R1 million raised for various charity organisations in and around the city. Tens of local golfing enthusiasts as well as golfers from as far as Mbombela supported the day. Organisers and fellow golfers were surprised to be accompanied on the course by Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver and Premier Stan Mathabatha.

During the prize giving ceremony Greaver expressed his gratitude towards all the sponsors. “I can humbly announce: mission accomplished. We have done what we should have. The sponsors make us as special as we appear to be,” he said extending a special word of thanks to main sponsors Standard Bank, Lepelle Northern Water and Wired Corporation. “Charity is more than just about giving, it needs your heart. You have to give without expecting anything in return. We can confirm that R984 000 is secured in the bank with more sponsors and money still to come in. Over the past three years we have collected R3,7 million which was distributed to various charity organisations,” Greaver revealed. Some twenty beneficiaries were present at the occasion to receive their cheques worth R30 000 each from Greaver. These included Limpopo LGBTI Proudly Out, Molepo Old Age Nursing Home, South African National Council for the Blind, Siloe School for the Blind,

Kabosadi Disability Centre, Ngwana ga a sa lla Drop-in Centre, Rehulegile Drop-in Centre and Tlhokomelo Home Based Care Centre. An auction of valuable memorabilia of former President Nelson Mandela as well as other items helped to fill the money bags for charity. On the course Greaver showed off his skills for achieving the longest drive on the seventh hole while Adam Milanzi played the longest drive on the 17th hole. The women also showed their capabilities with Lolita Pitso and Nola Peceur driving the longest shot on the second and 12th holes respectively. Nearest to the pin was awarded to Zipho Zonke, Olga Ribeiro, Weyden Peceur and Prince Dlamini. In the women’s division Nola Peceur, Pule Southon and Alice Phatudi took the first three places with Milanzi, Peter Mashela and Malabane Pataki in the top three positions of the men’s C-division. The men’s A and B divisions were won by Milanzi and Zipho Ngobeni respectively.

Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver putts on the first green during his Mayoral Charity Golf Day on Friday.

Winner of the men’s A-division and longest drive on the 17th hole, Adam Milanzi with Municipal Manager Constance Mametja.

Winner of the women’s division as well as hitting the longest drive on the twelfth hole, Nola Peceur (right) is congratulated by Municipal Manager Constance Mametja.

Congratulate by Polokwane Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver (right) is C-division men’s winner, Raymond Martin.

Constance Mametja (Municipal Manager) with Freddy Greaver (Polokwane Executive Mayor) who won the prize for the longest drive on the seventh hole.

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ASSET AUCTIONEERS CC Reg no. 2008 / 037750 /23

JOHAN 083 477 2246 OFFICE 015 263 6167


Photos: RC Myburgh

Plot 15, Dalmada PO Box 215, Polokwane bynes@mweb.co.za www.suduco.co.za

Duly instructed by our valued clients, Office of the Premier, Department of Safety, Security and Liaison and others we will sell the following items per public auction on Thursday, 14 November at 10:30 at Plot 15 Dalmada, Polokwane

Vehicles: BMW X5 4.0D, 2 x Nissan Tiidas, Toyota Hilux, Nissan Hardbody Double-cab, Mercedes-Benz E350, 2 x Toyota Corollas and more. Machinery: 2 X JCB TLB’s , Volvo TLB Office furniture: Desks Credenzas Office chairs, Computers, Laptops, Vacuum Cleaners, Generator and lots more . RIGHTS RESERVED: R10 000.00 CASH REGISTRATION FEE PAYABLE ON VEHICLES R2 000.00 CASH REGISTRATION FEE PAYABLE ON LOOSE ASSETS


Buyers must register - ID document and proof of residence required. The auctioneer has the right to participate in the auction. Regulations in terms of Consumer Protection Law 68 of 2008. This advert complies with Article 45 of Law 68/2008. Standard terms and conditions apply.

ALL purchases to be paid for within 2 hours after auction. UPcOMING AUcTIONS

• Thursday 28 November - Tzaneen Municipality, Kudu Street, Tzaneen: Vehicles, Trucks, Bakkies, Furniture, Machinery, Scrap Metal, Aluminium Cables Transformers, and much more • Thursday 05 December - Department of Economical Development, Environment and Tourism, Plot 15 Dalmada Polokwane: ± 60 Vehicles, Toyota Landcruisers, Nissan Hardbodys, VW Touareg, Nissan Navara, Boats, 9 x Tractors, trailers, Office furniture, Lister engines, Water pumps and much more.

Polokwane pool leagues pick up speed KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com Excitement is brewing among local pool players in anticipation of the u.18 Limpopo pool team that will be taking part in the national pool championships next week in Kuilsrivier in the Western Cape. One of their coaches, Naas Vorster, is extremely proud of his team and knows they will

come back from the Cape with well-deserved rankings. Various pool clubs in Polokwane have recently been playing determining league matches in an effort to crown the best player in Polokwane. Pool stars in and around Polokwane are ready for action and are aiming for higher prize money and better rankings. Pool clubs rotate venues on a weekly basis, ensuring each club is represented and all willing players are kept practised and ready for coming matches

Local golfer shines at Sanlam Cancer Challenge MICHAEL VLISMAS Lynette Smith, a local golf player excelled at the Sanlam Cancer Challenge held at Sun City on 21 and 22 October by winning the women’s B-division with 69 points. Smith made 40 points at the Lost City Golf Course on the first day and 29 points at the Gary Player Country Club on the second day. The Sanlam Cancer Challenge celebrated its 21st anniversary as the country’s biggest char-

ity golf tournament aimed at raising funds for the Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa). Smith was one of over 36 000 golfers who participated in the 801 nationwide club competitions that commenced in February. She managed to play her way to the regional competitions and eventually made the team for the top 100 golfers to play in the finals at Sun City. This tournament raised over R3,3 million for Cansa.


Pool runs in his blood Jaco Munnik (19) was a player in the pool world long before he could even see over the edge of a pool table. However he only recently took his talent to a professional level. He started playing pool at the tender age of four and through motivation and inspiration from professional players in Polokwane, like Naas Vorster, Munnik now faces the competition of his life, which will determine if he receives provincial PHOTO: KESHIA JANSENS VAN RENSBURG

Jaco Munnik will be competing for provincial colours in pool in Mokopane on Saturday.

colours in pool. This in turn will enable him to play further professionally and hopefully make it to the national team soon. Munnik will be taking part in the provincial qualification round for pool colours on 3 November at the Castle Corner in Mokopane. “If I manage to win next weekend then South African pool colours will be my next step.” Munnik who has only been playing professionally for a little over a year takes on each and every game with patience and technique. “I never realised how complicated a game of pool actually is until I started playing seriously.” Munnik explains that pool has mathematical aspects that many players neglect to see. The placing of the ball relies completely on the angle you shoot it from; this then again determines if your white ball is going to be at the correct angle to shoot one of the coloured balls into the pockets. With more than ten local matches under his belt and having won more than half of them, Munnik’s dreams of playing pool for the Springboks before he reaches the age of 23 doesn’t seem like such a giant leap.

GPS: S22° 23.7137’ E 029°11.8419’

Date: Thursday, 7 November 2013 @ 10h30 Address: Venetia Mine, 83km from Musina on Alldays Road (R521) Duly instructed by Management, Aucor will sell the following by public auction:


Komatsu WA 420 FEL Drott 8T Mobile Crane GEHL Skidsteer Loader TCM Reach Electric Forklift

TERMS & CONDITIONS: A refundable registration deposit of R 10 000 is payable by bank or bank guaranteed cheque, debit or credit card or EFT. NO CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED. A documentation fee of R2 000.00 (VAT included) is payable on each vehicle. All offers exclude VAT. 10% Buyers Commission plus VAT is payable on each lot. Aucor may bid to the reserve price on behalf of the seller. Proof of address and ID document is needed for FICA-registration. Subject to change without prior notification. Auctioneer: Darren Winterstein.


• 2004 Toyota Hilux 3.0 DE 4x4 D/C No Return Valves, Used con• 2004 Toyota Hilux 2400 D SWB veyor belts (100m - 300m), Pump Spares • 2x 1999 & 1998 Toyota Stallion 1800 Workshop Equipment • 1998 Toyota Hilux 2.8 D LWB & Spares: • 1998 Toyota Hilux 2400 D/C • 1998 Toyota Hilux 1800 LWB • Bus Lift, Propshafts, Hydraulic Trucks & Tractor: Press, Truck Mounted Crane, • 1996 Mazda B2200 LWB • 2004 MAN M2000 Rigid Leaf Spring Pack, Bull Bars, Service Truck Pipe Cutter, Trolley Jack, Wheel Mining Spares & • Mercedes-Benz V-Series Crane Equipment: Drums, Diesel Tanks, Radiator, Truck Generator, Canopies, Drums • 48x 2.2KW - 225KW Motors, • Ford 7610 Tractor Speed Drive Panels, 9x Electrical Oil, Air Valves Wheel Balance , D/Axle Gas Bottle LDVs, SUVs & Minibuses: Panels, D/Deck Screen, Milling Machine, Trailer, Grease Drums & Screen, Trolleys, Drill Rods, Parrot • 8x 2008 & 2007 Mahindra & Steel Rails, Galvanized Ducting, Pumps, Skiploaders, MAN, Bolero NEF D/C Bridgestone & Michelin Tyres, 5x Mercedes & Mahindra Spares • 2008 Mahindra Bolero 2.5 TD (Engines, Wheels, Drum Stands & Door Frames, 4x4 D/C Loadbodies etc.) Wooden Poles, Glass Doors, • 2x 2007 Mahindra Scorpio 2.6 Plastic Pipes, Electric Cable, Steel TDi GLX Enquiries: Gates, Frames & Poles, Steel • 3x 2005 & 2003 Toyota Hilux Koos: 082 600 5711 Poles, Afrox Crane Bucket, 3.0 DE R/B S/C View: Wednesday • 2x 2005 & 1998 Toyota Hi Ace Security Steel Gate, Electrical lights, Submersible Motors, Super 16 F/Lift Minibuses 6 November 08:30 - 16:30 • • • •


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near the end of the year. These matches include league competitions, provincial try-outs and if successful, national representation.


OBSERVER 55 polokwane


Jaco Cloete (16), Benhard Gouws (15), Calvin Vorster (12), Juandre Swanepoel (17) and Eugene Cook (17) will be taking part in the national pool championships to be held in Kuilsrivier next week.

Springbokslot wys Pieties hoe om te skrum

Sanlam Group Market Development Chief Executive Officer, Mr Temba Mvusi hands over a cheque worth more that R3,3 million to the Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa) Chief Executive Officer, Sue Janse van Rensburg.

KESHIA J V RENSBURG >> keshia.observer@gmail.com

Oktober 31, 2013


Die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se eerste rugbyspan luister aandagtig na Springbokslot, Lawrence Sephaka wat verlede week op uitnodiging die skool se rugbyseuns help slyp het. Taktiese bewegings van die bal uit die skrum is hoofsaaklik ingeoefen.

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October 31, 2013 >> PAGE 56

Local athlete with high personal goals HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za After winning one of the biggest local road races over a distance of 21 km in a time of 1:11.27 last Saturday, Moletjie born athlete Phuti Mohale has set high standards for himself. Mohale (29) who developed an immense passion long distance running in his home village of Moletjie Moshate 12 years ago said he wants to become an international runner and follow in the footsteps of South African road racing icon, Hendrick Rammala. “Those are the legends of the sporting code. I grew up admiring them and I always said to myself that one day I will have the opportunity to compete on the bigger stage. I ran my first Comrades Marathon this year and finished in 8:50.00 in time for a Bill Rowan medal. I did well for someone who is still establishing himself as professional athlete. I have won plenty of local races and I think it is time for me to take it to the next level,” Mohale said. His major victories include the Mokopane 42 km Road Race earlier this year, the Aïda Polokwane Road Race, Jungle Charity Race and Falcon Rock Spur Race, all over 10 km. After completing Grade 12 in 2002 he moved to Pretoria to pursue a course in mechanical engineering only to drop out six month later due to financial constraints. “I decided to come back home

because there was nothing for me in Pretoria. I saw an opportunity in athletics and I haven’t looked back,” Mohale said. “I joined Pietersburg Road Runners in order to learn more about running as a professional. It was a good experience because most of the athletes, especially from remote areas, enjoy running but don’t have the platform and the right setup to establish themselves as professionals. For example where I come from in Moletjie there is plenty of talent but due to the lack of recreational facilities and mentors that talent fades away,” Mohale explained. Mohale says he also admires Caster Semenya and Johannes Kekana. “These are the local athletes who are doing wonders in the sport. They hold accolades from big events and I believe they were able to achieve that because they moved out of the shackles and sought for fertile ground which has enabled them to attain those achievements. They are a motivation to me and the rest of the athletes from the province and my village.” Mohale who works as a security guard in one of the largest companies in Polokwane says his biggest dream is to start a professional club in his area to give aspiring athletes an opportunity to realise their full potential. “That is my deep seated desire. You know, I ran almost 10 years with

no proper guidance and in that way you will end nowhere because you are just doing it for the sake of doing it. There are people who can do well in the sport but we need experienced people in order to make things easier for us. Sometimes one cannot do it alone. I am testimony of that, I have always wanted to participate in the Comrades Marathon and major races but I could not because I lacked information, but through the club I had the opportunity to participate in those races,” Mohale said. He says his goal is to win next year‘s Comrades Marathon. “That is my ultimate goal. I had a first time experience and enjoyed every moment. I don’t want to be an additional member next year, I want to compete.”

>> I saw an opportunity in athletics >> My deep seated desire is to give young aspirant athletes opportunities to develop their potential


Phuti Mohale is geared to make it big in road running.

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