Polokwane observer 4 september 2014 web

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Violent protest


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Former mayor shot during Mokopane uprising


Nearly R1 billion overtime claimed

Transport scandal YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


n alarming R944,797 million for overtime to Department of Transport officials is cause for concern expected to feature in a member’s statement when Democratic Alliance (DA) Provincial

Leader Jacques Smalle intends raising pertinent questions in the Legislature in due course. The figure is the symbolic red light prominently flashing in a section on human resource matters contained in MEC Mapula MokabaPhokwana’s annual report for To page 2

Verdagte vas

Eduanpark se hamermonster weer agter tralies na ‘n jaar


Cream of the crop

PMR. africa salutes thriving, top businesses in Limpopo

Meedoënlose panga-aanval met geloof oorleef

>> PAGES 24 TO 28

Veelsydige Canseus

ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >>observer.elna@gmail.com Die feit dat sy haar aanvaller met haar geloof in die hitte van ‘n meedoënlose panga-aanslag in haar slaapkamer op ‘n plaas buite Vivo gekonfronteer het, het moontlik uiteindelik die deurslag gegee dat sy verlede Donderdagaand nie nog ‘n statistiese inskrywing op die plaasmoordregister in Limpopo geword het nie. ‘n Wonderbaarlike kalm en rustige Sophia Botha (62) vertel die week uit haar hospitaalbed dat haar ontberinge kort na 17:00 begin het toe sy na werk Na bl 2

>> PAGE 4

Ein prosit der gemütlichkeit! Foto: Barry Viljoen

Horst Meyer en Klaus Rabiega oefen vir die jaarlikse Oktoberfest wat op 20 September plaasvind.

>> BLADSY 10

ACHIEVERS Belowende jong swemmer ryg goue medaljes in >> BLADSY 48


Polokwane Observer

Transport scandal

WHO WE ARE>> Tel: 015 291 1061 | Fax: 015 291 3654 observer@mwebbiz.co.za || www.observer.co.za MANAGER: >> Santa Oosthuizen finance2@webmail.co.za EDITOR: >> Yolande Nel 083 278 1446 observer.yolande@gmail.com NEWSROOM: >> RC Myburgh 072 306 5331 rc.observer@gmail.com >> Elna Esterhuysen 082 773 0272 observer.elna@gmail.com 073 721 0023 >> Herbert Rachuene herbert.observer@gmail.com >> Warren Blunt 076 310 3468 warrenb.observer@gmail.com 082 553 5777 >> Barry Viljoen barryv.observer@gmail.com 082 324 8275 >> Roelien Vorster roelien.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER: 082 080 2883 >> Jacolien Stoltz jacolien.observer@gmail.com ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: >> Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 anel.observer@gmail.com 072 634 7083 >> Melany Martin melany.observer@gmail.com COPYRIGHT:

Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout, design and photographs is vested in Polokwane Observer and may not be used without the permission of Market Demand Trading 113 in writing.

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From page 1 2013/14 recently tabled in the Legislature. It also equals a staggering 98,07% of the departmental personnel costs, which proves just as worrisome to Smalle who indicated he would raise questions arising from matters contained in the report during the next available Legislature session. Hidden between the 210 pages of the report are more subtle indicators that were randomly chosen from factors showing that all was not well in the department, one of the five still under partial national administration, during the year ending 31 March 2014. Under results and challenges for the year specifically addressing transport infrastructure, there is reference to the department not being able to implement planned projects timeously due to severe capacity constraints within the Transport Infrastructure Chief Directorate. “Most bids for the 2013/14 financial year were awarded during February and March 2014 instead of February 2013.” Some challenges resulted in material under expenditure of the Transport Infrastructure programme budget which resulted in the National Department of Transport reallocating R637 million of the Provincial Roads Mainte-

discussing reported cases having been investigated and completed in a required timeframe. During the 2013/14 financial year, 46 cases were reported and investigated of which 27 were completed, seven were referred to the South African Police Service (SAPS) for further investigation and 12 carried forward pending investigation during the 2014/15 financial year. ”Corrective measures are implemented against employees found guilty of involvement in fraudulent and corrupt activities.” Smalle simultaneously drew the attention to 64 individual consultants appointed on 64 projects across the province over a total of 13 764 work days costing the Limpopo taxpayer R180 175 803,06. In the attached report of the Auditor-General (AG) dated 31 July this year expenditure management is highlighted, stating that contractual obligations and money owed by the department were not settled within 30 days or an agreed period as required. Asset management was another concern based on proper control systems to safeguard and maintain assets not being implemented as per requirement. On leadership the AG found that oversight responsibility regarding financial and performance reporting and compliance and related internal controls was not effectively exercised.

Meedoënlose panga-aanval met geloof oorleef Van bl 1 by haar huurhuis opgedaag en met haar normale dagtake begin het. Die misplasing van kleinere items in die huis het haar effens onrustig gemaak, maar sy het dit toegeskryf aan ‘n sterk wind wat deur die dag gewaai het. Die oomblik toe sy egter haar slaapkamerdeur oopmaak, het brutale pangahoue onophoudelik op haar neergereën. Sy het vroeg in die aanval reeds besef haar regterduim is afgeslaan. Tussen die houe deur het die aanvaller aanmekaar geskreeu dat hy geld soek en hoe meer sy gesê het dat hy alles kan vat wat hy wil hê, hoe meer het hy haar geslaan en aangedring op geld en gewaarsku dat hy haar gaan doodmaak. Sy kon wel daarin slaag om aan hom te verduidelik waar haar kluis se sleutels en handsak is en dat hy alles daarin kon vat. Weens swaar bloedverlies, trauma en uitputting kon sy net aan haar geloof vashou en het vir haar aanvaller gevra of hy Jesus


Katalogus op aanvraag beskikbaar van Adrinette by tel: 015 287 3300, of adrinette@elistroh.co.za

nance Grant (PRMG) to other provinces. “The decision led to the reduction of the total infrastructure budget of the Department and the non-achievement of APP (Annual Performance Plan) targets.” The late appointment of personnel in critical posts due to the late approval of such by the provincial human resources task team was further listed as reason for material under expenditure. The delay in the implementation of the Revenue Enhancement Strategy contributing to the under collection of revenue was noted, as was the delay in the appointment of contractors on various road maintenance projects increasing the backlog in road maintenance and a further deterioration in road conditions. Non-achievement of APP targets and increase in road maintenance backlogs were further listed under the general review of the state of financial affairs. Among matters under investigation catching the attention is that of a no-show by traffic officials at an occasion in Musina, costing the department R184 520. The figure is reflected under several reasons for unauthorised, fruitless and wasteful expenditure. Almost half-way through the report the issue of fraud and corruption is being addressed,

September 4, 2014

Sophia Botha met haar sestigste verjaarsdag twee jaar gelede. Foto: Voorsien

ken. “Dit was asof hierdie vraag ‘n ommekeer gebring het,” sê Botha wat intussen ook ‘n verkragtingspoging afgeweer het. Die man het na my gedraai, vir my gevra waarom ek die vraag vra en daarna ‘n bedekking oor my naakte liggaam gegooi. Toe die aanvaller nie geld in die kluis kry nie, het sy vir hom gesê waar haar handsak is, waarna hy kontant, bankkaarte en haar twee selfone gevat het. Sy het in hierdie stadium besef dat sy sonder selfoonverbinding min kanse het om te oorleef en het daar en dan besluit om ter wille van oorlewing noodsorg op haarself toe te pas. Sy het haar so gemaklik moontlik gemaak, haar bloeiende arms omhoog gehou en gepoog om haar hartklop en asemhaling te reguleer om kalmte te bring. “Die nag kon baie lank word,” het sy gedink. Intussen het die misdadiger haar voertuig se sleutel geneem en sy het gehoor hoe hy met verskeie items by die huis uitstap en telkens terugkeer. Die aanvaller het die voertuig aangeskakel en die revolusies ‘n paar kere opgejaag. Hy kon blykbaar nie die voertuig in trurat kry om weg te kom nie en het gevolglik besluit om te voet te vlug. Die huishulp van die plaaseienaars, wat ‘n entjie van die huurhuis woon, het die geraas van die voertuig gehoor en alarm by die eienaar, Gert Pretorius, gemaak wat op sy beurt die buurtwag geaktiveer het. Die buurtwag het onverwyld gereageer en die nooddienste is ontbied, terwyl medici van die omgewing haar ook op die toneel gestabiliseer het. Botha is aanvanklik in die Makhado Hospitaal opgeneem, maar is kort daarna na MediClinic Limpopo oorgeplaas waar sy steeds aansterk. ‘n Operasie is uitgevoer om veral haar linkerarm

en -hand met staalpenne en skroewe te heg. Botha, wat haarself as ‘n privaatmens beskou en vroeër in haar lewe met die afsterwe van haar man en een seun geleer het om trauma te verwerk, sê sy het die hele tyd die Here se nabyheid beleef en met Hom gepraat. Almal se bystand, hulp, meelewing en liefde is vir haar wonderlik. “Baie dankie veral aan die personeel en medici van Limpopo MediClinic vir hul professionele diens en empatie.” Botha sê sy voel elke dag beter en is vasbeslote om so gou moontlik weer met haar lewe voort te gaan. Oor haar ontberinge sê Botha dat mens na so ‘n terugslag net sterker anderkant uitkom. “Ek sal regkom met my vier vingers en weet ek sal krag van Bo ontvang om weer ‘n lewe so normaal moontlik te lei.” Haar suster, Maxie Bester, het gister gesê Botha sal waarskynlik vandag (Donderdag) ontslaan word en eers in Polokwane by familie aansterk en fisioterapie ontvang. Die voorsitter van Agri Limpopo, Willem van Jaarsveld, het die voorval sterk veroordeel en gesê dit raak ‘n tendens onder misdadigers om weerlose mense te teiken. “Hierdie aanvalle word gekenmerk deur wreedheid en bevat elemente van sadisme,” sê hy en voeg by dat misdadigers toeslaan in gebiede waar polisiëring en polisiesigbaarheid nie op standaard is nie. Hierdie gebiede word ook aan hoë veediefstalsyfers gekenmerk.” Hy is ook van mening dat daar strafregtelik nie streng genoeg teen misdadigers opgetree word nie wat veroorsaak dat aanvalle jaarliks eskaleer. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Ronel Otto het gister (Woensdag) teen druktyd gesê geen arrestasie is nog gemaak nie.

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September 4, 2014

Polokwane Observer


DA charges Mogalakwena Muni >> Charge of contravention of Water Act, sections of Constitution against accounting officers >> DA pursuing legal route to obtain a costs order against officials to attempt to recover muni costs YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


oncern over samples from a Mokopane water source with an E.coli content 40 times more than the acceptable norm has moved the Democratic Alliance (DA) in Limpopo to lay a charge of contravention of the Water Act and two sections of the Constitution with the Human Rights Commission (HRC) against Mogalakwena Municipality managers early yesterday (Wednesday). The party further intends to obtain a costs order against the officials. At the time of going to press DA Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle confirmed that he laid the charge of contravening Chapter 3 of the National Water Act and Sections 24(a) and 27(b) of the Constitution with the commission against the municipal manager and technical manager responsible for infrastructure at Mogalakwena Municipality yesterday. He said the fact that the water was seemingly not fit for human consumption infringed on the Constitutional rights of residents. Smalle stressed they were also pursuing a legal route to obtain an order against the officials to attempt to recover costs which the municipality would have to pay towards rehabilitation of the water network. The action comes in the wake of the release of results of samples taken from the Dorps River in Mokopane after a recent visit by national, provincial and local DA leaders who expressed concern about the possibility of contamination of the source in a story published on the front page of Polokwane Observer two weeks back. Smalle provided the bacteriological result sheet of the samples taken by independent water treatment consultants, accompanied by the remark that the water was contaminated and contained E.coli, which made it unfit for human consumption or that by animals. It was

suggested that the water had to be chemically treated. The matter apparently relates to a much larger looming water crisis highlighted by DA Shadow Minister of Health and DA Federal Chairperson Wilmot James who formed part of the delegation visiting Mokopane last month, DA Shadow Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Kevin Mileham and DA Shadow Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation Leon Basson when calling for an inter-ministerial task team to address the national water crisis during a media briefing at Parliament on Monday. In the media release issued afterwards James made reference to them travelling across Limpopo, North West, Mpumalanga and the Eastern Cape the past four months to investigate water quality and water supply by municipalities. “We initiated this investigation after news first broke of the outbreak of diarrhoea in Brits in North West. Since that announcement, 500 people have been treated for diarrhoea in Brits. Eleven children were hospitalised and three toddlers died of diarrhoea in the area.” He stressed it was clear there were serious problems with water provision in some parts of the country. “We initiated this investigation to determine exactly how bad things were, and what should be done.” James indicated they did not wish to create unnecessary hysteria when stating “In most places we visited, the water supply is reliable and the quality is fit for human consumption. But this does not mean we should

ignore the growing number of towns where water supply is erratic or where water has become contaminated with bacteria.” James revealed that their investigation found, among others, that the water in Mokopane had an E.coli content 40 times more than fit for human consumption and in Thabazimbi a burst sewerage pipe had been spilling raw sewage into a water main for the past two years. “We have not yet commissioned a study on this case, but the water is almost certain to be contaminated with E.coli. “We are convinced that if our own smallscale investigation was able to produce so many shocking findings, then a more systematic investigation by the appropriate state entity will find massive problems across the country. “In most cases these problems are caused by a collapse in the local water treatment infrastructure, or the local sewage infrastructure. It is clear that is not a single departmental failure that is at the heart of the problem. “Getting to the bottom of this will require interdepartmental cooperation. We therefore call for the establishment of an inter-ministerial task team consisting of the ministries for Water and Sanitation, Health, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, together with water and sanitation experts, health experts, engineers and specialists in the field of water purification to investigate the extent of water contamination and to make recommendations to the Minister of Water and Sanitation as to how to address these challenges.

“We must do everything we can to ensure every South African has easy access to clean, running water that is reliable and safe. We will engage with the relevant Ministers to ensure that further action is taken by the state to clean up our water supply,” he concluded.

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Polokwane Observer

September 4, 2014

Former mayor shot during violent protest RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ormer Executive Mayor of Waterberg Eric Gwangwa was shot in the derrière during violent protest action at the Mogalakwena Municipality in Mokopane on Tuesday. Mokopane Police Spokesperson Madigale Masingi said Gwangwa is currently recuperat­ ing in the town’s Voortrekker Hospital. “Since Monday community members embarked on protest action in front of the municipal premises. On Tuesday the protest became violent in an effort to disrupt a council meeting. Some shots were fired and Gwangwa was injured. We also arrested six people on charges of malicious damage to property after the municipality’s gate was damaged,” she said. The six appeared in the Mokopane Magis­ trate’s Court yesterday (Wednesday) and were released on warning to appear in court again on 26 September. Masingi also said the Police are still searching for the persons responsible for firing shots that injured Gwangwa. Mogalakwena Municipality has for months been in the spotlight over several issues that hamper service delivery in the area. When the Provincial Executive Council earlier decided to place the municipality under administration in terms of Section 139 1(b) of the Constitution, former Corporative Govern­ ance, Human Settlements and Traditional

Photo: Supplied

Violent protestors took to the streets of Mokopane in an effort to disrupt a council meeting at Mogalakwena Municipality on Tuesday. Former Executive Mayor of Waterberg Eric Gwangwa was hit by a bullet during the protest. Affairs (Coghsta) MEC Ishmael Kgetjepe said the challenges in the municipality continue to dominate the public domain and the media in particular. At the centre of these challenges were disputes over the contract validity of the municipal manager and the council and institutional instability characterised by serious infighting amongst council members and senior officials which negatively affected the ability of the municipal leadership to fulfil its legisla­ tive mandates, including the provision of basic services and efficient financial management.

Malesela Selokela, Divisional Head of Com­ munications at Mogalakwena Municipality said the violence on Tuesday erupted when protes­ tors wanted the Council to reverse a resolution taken last week to request Coghsta MEC Grace Makhurupetje to terminate the membership of 26 councillors who failed to attend three or more previous council meetings. Selokela also indicated that the protest was illegal as protestors neither applied for nor informed the municipality of their intention to protest at least seven days before the gathering.

Questioning muni manager’s matric labelled malicious RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com An article questioning the validity of Polo­ kwane Municipal Manager, Conny Mametja’s Senior Certificate has been deemed baseless and malicious by the entity’s communications department. Communications and Marketing Manager, Tidimalo Chuene in response to an article in Polokwane Observer’s edition of 28 August 2014, issued a press release stating that Ma­ metja sat for her Matric exam, administered by the then Joint Matriculation Board (JMB) in 1987. “A simple check on most certificates issued under JMB, especially around 1987 and 1988 would show that certificates issued those years only printed examination numbers and not an identity number,” Chuene stated. Chuene further said this was long before the formation of the Council for Quality As­ surance in General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi) adding that a visit to the Limpopo Head of Examination can disprove this malicious allegation. “There is no mischief for people who have substantial work experi­ ence, especially having acquired post matric qualifications not to list their matric qualifica­ tion on their curriculum vitae,” Chuene stated.

www.observer.co.za e-mail: observer@ mwebbiz.co.za

September 4, 2014

Polokwane Observer


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September 4, 2014



Taking humanity abroad

ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com “I am humbled by this amazing opportunity and I will continue changing lives and use this platform as a vehicle to further develop and support disadvantaged communities and instil a spirit of community service through a variety of international community-based

programmes,” Katryn Barwise, newly crowned Miss Humanity International 2014 said. Upon her return from Barbados where the crowning was held, Barwise said it was the best experience of her life and thanked everyone who helped her live her dream by bringing home the crown. “I loved Barbados, not only for the beautiful white beaches and the clear turquoise water, but for the fun culture and



>> “I will continue changing lives” >> The competition was really fierce

vibe I experienced,” she said. “We were judged on a series of events and also took part in various fun activities which included submerging to 150 feet in a submarine, extreme water sports in the ocean and cocktail events. We also visited the Barbados Parliament and met an opposition party senator, Wilfred Abrahams,” Barwise said. Apart from taking the Miss Humanity International 2014 crown, she also won the auction category when Abrahams bought a portrait of former president Nelson Mandela painted by Karmen Pretorius, Barwise’s sister, for $750. She also won the Best National Costume, Best Gown, Best Humanitarian Advocacy and the Continental Queen of Africa categories. She said the competition was really fierce because the top ten finalists worked really hard in their projects. “I was fortunate to have Miss Barbados as my roommate although we were competitors we had fun together and I learned even more about the exotic island and its customs. I will definitely return to Barbados. The Caribbean Island is seen as a paradise with friendly people, very warm weather, clean beaches and the best Bajan cuisine.” Barwise thanked her sponsors Protea Hotel The Ranch as main sponsor, Polokwane Observer as exclusive print media sponsor, designers La Collezione dei Conti, Elizabeth’s Wedding Couture and photographers Picture Perfect Centurion.

Photos: Supplied

Local beauty Katryn Barwise after she was crowned as Miss Humanity International 2014 in Barbados on 24 August.

Miss Humanity International 2014 Katryn Barwise with her hand-painted national costume wings that illustrate the beauty of her home country.

A++ vir PHS se Amika-sêrgroep

Foto: Verskaf

Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se sêrriegroep, Amika het tydens die onlangse Bosveld Kunsfees in Mokopane 96% verwerf. Voor is Madeleine van der Kieve (afrigter), Lezé van Staden, Anri Venter, Erika Botha, Marli de Lange, Chanté Cilliers, Sherize Vercueil, Christelle Smit en Retha Lerm (organiseerder). Agter is Jean-Pierre Viljoen, Marcél Coetzee, Dewaldt Venter, Burger Moulder, Daniël Snijders en Hein Pretorius.

>> Childline 0800 055 555 >> Crime Stop 08600 10111 >> Fire Brigade Polokwane 015 293 1111 >> Limpopo Ambulance Service 10177 >> Water and electrical faults Polokwane 015 290 2000 >> Complaint about provincial hospital in Limpopo 0800 91 91 91 toll free >> SA National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence 015 295 3700

Progress in fraud case against muni manager RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Only one or two people still need to be interviewed by the investigating officer in a fraud case opened against Polokwane Municipal Manager Conny Mametja in May regarding the proposed R45 million Motor City development. Polokwane Police Spokesperson Lesiba Ramoshaba said once statements of the last people have been taken the case will be referred to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for a decision. This follows after a local bidder and objector to the project, Glen Matsaung opened the case relating to Mametja’s allegedly fraudulent furnishing of a special power of attorney signed on 26 October 2012 whilst the application by PEB Properties (Pty) Ltd, the bid winning company, for the document was only signed five days later. The resolution for application for the township establishment was authorised by the directors of PEB Properties (Pty) Ltd on 31 October 2012. Referring to documentation Matsaung alleged that, two days after the application by PEB Properties (Pty) Ltd for a special power of attorney, a document was printed from the municipal server stating the date as 2 November 2012. “This document was later allegedly removed from the public domain and replaced by a second special power of attorney signed on 26 October 2012. According to law no contracts or special power of attorney can be back dated. According to the extract in the minutes of the directors’ meeting of PEB Properties (Pty) Ltd held in Polokwane on 31 October 2012 it was resolved that the company apply for a special power of attorney to the Polokwane Municipality,” Matsaung said.

No muni feedback on discontent dwellers YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com Polokwane Municipality has seemingly missed the end of August deadline to inform a local developer of the way forward following an alleged relocation mishap. Occupants of an estimated 30 households relocated from Disteneng in November last year are at the centre of a battle in which Polokwane Municipality and Matome Maponya Investments are the key role players, featured in a story on last week’s front page of Polokwane Observer. The affected parties, who were initially relocated to Extension 106 but apparently were subsequently informed that they had to move as the portion of land they occupied belonged to a property developer, are adamant to stay if their demand for permanent location to Extension 78 is not adhered to. In the meantime Matome Maponya Investments is awaiting feedback from the municipality, which was expected to react by Friday, on how it would be handling the matter. Matome Maponya Investments Property Development Head Cornel Mulder indicated earlier this week that they have not received any correspondence from Polokwane Municipality yet. They would follow it up at the latest Monday, he indicated. In commenting on the matter Polokwane Municipality Communications and Marketing Manager Tidimalo Chuene advised that the relocation of households started on 11 August 2014 and to date 33 shacks had been moved to an adjacent site of Extension 106 while 28 shacks were still to be moved. “Engagement with (the) Extension 106 community on the remaining household(s) is still underway.”

In terms of the national Environmental Air Quality Act Sec 38 (3)(a), Corobrik (Pty) Ltd has applied for the renewal of their Air License in terms of the above law. The activity to be undertaken is Ceramic Process 5.7 under GN33064, 1 March 2010. We invite written representations from the public regarding the renewal of the application. Please send all comments to harrison.mashabela@corobrik. co.za or harry.ramashala@ corobrik .co.za

September 4, 2014


Eduanpark se hamer- OBSERVER 7 monster weer agter tralies polokwane

>> Ontduik polisie amper ‘n jaar nadat hy nooit vir hofverskyning opgedaag het nie RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ie gevreesde Zimbabwiër wat vir langer as twee jaar inwoners van die stad geteister het en vermoedelik met nege sake van huisbraak en verkragting in die stad verbind kan word, David Mamvura (23), ook bekend as die hamermonster, is Sondagaand opnuut in hegtenis geneem. Hy het sedert Maandag drie keer in die Polokwane Landdroshof verskyn, maar sy regsverteenwoordiger het nie opgedaag nie en die saak is telkens tot die volgende dag uitgestel. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerer, Ronel Otto het teen druktyd gesê as Mamvura se regsverteenwoordiger teen gister (Woensdag) nie opdaag nie, die saak vir sewe dae uitgestel sal word. Hy is vir die eerste keer in Augustus verlede

jaar gearresteer nadat hy vermoedelik by ‘n egpaar in Bodensteinstraat ingebreek het, hulle met ‘n mes gedreig en die 76-jarige vrou verkrag het. Hy het vermoedelik met twee selfone op die vlug geslaan. Kommunikasiehoof van die polisie, Hangwani Mulaudzi sê Mamvura is later op borgtog van R2 000 vrygelaat ten spyte daarvan dat die ondersoekbeampte die borgaansoek met bewyse dat Mamvura onwettig in die land is, teengestaan het. Hy het nooit weer vir sy hofverskyning opgedaag nie en ‘n lasbrief vir sy inhegtenisname is uitgereik. Die polisie het inligting ontvang en Mamvura is Sondag in ‘n woonstel in die middestad gearresteer nadat hy ongeveer ‘n jaar lank die polisie ontduik het. “Mamvura is reeds met nege voorvalle van huisbraak en verkragting in die stad verbind en die moontlikheid dat hy met nog sake verbind kan word, word ondersoek,” sê Mulaudzi. Mamvura se dade het skokgolwe deur die Polokwane gemeenskap gestuur toe hy ongeveer twee jaar gelede vermoedelik ‘n egpaar in Baymanstraat, Eduanpark aangeval het. “Hy

het glo die man erg met ‘n hamer aangerand, die vrou verkrag en met twee selfone gevlug,” sê Mulaudzi. Twee maande na die voorval slaan Mamvura vermoedelik weer toe, dié keer in Du Plessisstraat waar hy ‘n 22-jarige vrou in haar tuinwoonstel vermoedelik vasgebind en verkrag het. Hy het glo met haar televisie, skootrekenaar en selfoon gevlug. “Die vrou het haarself losgewikkel en na die hoofhuis, waar haar ouers bly, gehardloop waar sy die verkragting bevestig het,” sê Mulaudzi. Foto: RC Myburgh

David Mamvura is Sondag gearresteer nadat hy lank die polisie ontduik het. Hy is reeds met nege voorvalle van huisbraak en verkragting in die stad verbind.



September 4, 2014



Speaker of council’s driver arrested for speeding

>> 173 km/h because Speaker is running behind time >> Internal disciplinary action will be taken against driver RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com The driver of Lindiwe Mogale, Makhado Municipal Speaker was recently arrested on the N1 just outside Bela-Bela for speeding at 173 km/h in a 120 km/h zone. Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto said Solomon Siwela was driving a MercedesBenz when a traffic official manning a speed trap close to the Sondela turnoff pulled him over. Mogale was a passenger in the vehicle at

the time of Siwela’s arrest. He was released after paying R1 500 admission of guilt at the Bela-Bela Police Station. Makhado municipal Spokesperson Louis Bobodi said Mogale was being chauffeured to a Women’s Month summit held in Bela-Bela. “The Speaker was running behind time and we condemn the action of the driver for excessive speeding. We are not above the law and apologise for the misbehaviour,” Bobodi said, adding that internal disciplinary actions will also be taken against the driver. Bobodi could not respond to why the Speaker did not ask the driver to slow down or if it was an order from her to speed because of her being late for the appointment. “The municipality will conduct an internal investigation into the matter and only then will we be able to say whether it was an order from Mogale to the driver and why she did not ask him to slow down,” Bobodi said.

CRIME shorts Man in court for stabbing pregnant girlfriend

Oscar Ngobeni (24) who allegedly stabbed his pregnant girlfriend and her mother to death and set his friend’s house alight in June will appear in the Ritavi Magistrate’s Court again on 30 September. Ngobeni faces three charges of murder and one of arson after he allegedly stabbed his girlfriend and her mother to death at Makwazini Village near Letsitele. According to Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto, Ngobeni and his girlfriend Tinyiko Matlaahule (20) are believed to have been engaged in an argument on 23 June. According to Otto the accused purportedly stabbed Matlaahule, then seven months pregnant, and her mother Rachel Hlangwani (58) and thereafter went to a friend’s house which he allegedly set alight.

Alleged poacher nabbed at friends’ bail hearing

An alleged rhino poacher and accomplice of four supposed rhino poachers was arrested last week while attending his four friends’ bail hearing at the Makhado Magistrate’s Court. SANParks Spokesperson Divhani Maremba said intense Police investigation led to the arrest of Job Basi Tlou (53), Percy Manengena (29), Johannes Sematla (48) and Lebala Sematla (28) after the discovery of a dehorned rhino carcass in the Mapungubwe National Park on 26 July. The fifth suspect is set to appear with the other four in court on 26 September.

Police condemn violence in Mbilwi

Thohoyandou Police are investigating a case of arson, malicious damage to property and public violence following unrest in Mbilwi Village outside Sibasa over the weekend when a community meeting to discuss the murder of 60-year-old Elina Mphaphuli in May this year turned violent. Provincial Police Spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi said the Police condemn

the incident which ocurred within days after the Police announced a R100 000 reward for information that might lead to the arrest of the perpetrators. Mphaphuli, whose mutilated body was found near Mbilwi Village, is believed to have been the victim of a rital murder. Mulaudzi said a woman allegedly told the community the names of the suspects during the meeting and she was then escorted to the Sibasa Satellite Police Station. “Soon after leaving the Police premises community members set alight the house of one of the proposed suspects. Three more houses were damaged and no one was injured. Eight people were rescued from the houses and taken to the Thohoyandou Police Station for their own safety.” Police warned the community that they will be prosecuted if they continue with such behaviour. A task team dedicated to the case has been established. Anyone with information is requested to call constables Mashaba (082 451 7188) or Mutele (072 083 3273) or the toll free number on 08600 10111.

Get acquainted with Firearms Control Act

Westenburg Police Spokesperson Mohlaka Mashiane urged residents to acquaint themselves with the Firearms Control Act to avoid being caught on the wrong side of the law. “We have had several situations with people who inherited firearms from a deceased family member but did not follow the required procedures to become the legal owner of these weapons. In several cases these weapons were used in crime related incidents only for the Police to find out that the weapon was still registered in the name of a deceased person,” Mashiane said. He urged residents who are in possession of firearms and who have doubts about the registration to visit their nearest Police station. “People who inherited a weapon should immediately phone or visit a Police station in order to acquaint themselves with the procedures that need to be followed,” he stressed.

Having fun while donating to Cansa ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The Cancer Association of South Africa’s (Cansa) has for a number of years successfully run its popular Cuppa for Cansa fundraising campaign and is continuing to do so in 2014 with tea parties being hosted across the country. To make it even more special the association now offers supporters of the cause an opportunity to buy a pink Cuppa for Cansa shopper bag containing branded serviettes; coasters and rooibos tea at only R100. Sharon Stander, Cansa Polokwane Community Mobiliser said that, while buying a bag is optional, by doing so one automatically donates R100 towards Cansa.

PUBLIC NOTICE POLOKWANE MUNICIPALITY PUBLIC NOTICE CALLING FOR INSPECTION OF THE FINAL SUPPLEMENTARY VALUTION ROLL AND LODGING OF OBJECTIONS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(i) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No.6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, that the final Supplementary Valuation Roll for the financial year ended 30 June 2014 will be open for public inspection at the municipal offices of Polokwane Municipality, cnr Landdros Mare and Bodenstein streets, Polokwane from 29 September 2014 to 31 October 2014. In addition final Supplementary Valuation Roll will be available on the Municipality’s website, www.polokwane.gov.za. An invitation is hereby made on terms of section 49(1)(a)(ii) of the Act that any owner of property or other person who so desires, should lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from the final Supplementary Valuation Roll within the above-mentioned period. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act, an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the final Supplementary Valuation Roll as such. The prescribed forms regarding lodging of objections are obtainable at the following municipal offices: Civic Centre, Rates Hall (Polokwane), Seshego, Mankweng and Sebayeng or on the website www.polokwane.gov.za The completed forms must be returned to the Municipal Manager, P.O. Box 111, Polokwane, 0700 or submitted at any of the above-mentioned offices. For enquiries please contact: Jacob Majola on 015 290 2059 Saville Palmer on 015 290 2591 Suzanne Malan on 015 290 2036, or Email: valuations@polokwane.gov.za Mrs. TC Mametja Municipal Manager

Stander explained that a Cuppa event does not necessarily have to be a ladies tea party but can include any social gathering, from barbeques to movie nights, family breakfast or fancy dress party. With time corporate and even virtual Cuppa for Cansa opportunities have been hosted. “Use your imagination and have fun while raising funds for the care and support Cansa provides for those who are fighting cancer. Every cent counts. No donation is too small or too big,” Stander urged. For more information regarding hosting your own Cuppa event or to buy a Cuppa bag, contact Stander on 079 887 0043, send an email to sstander@cansa.org.za or visit the Cansa website www.cansa.org.za.

Westenburg High out of control >> Principal accused of racism >> SGB has not been privy to view a task team report ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com A task team established by the Department of Education in April this year to investigate the allegations made against Westenburg Secondary School principal Petrus Monyama by parents has not managed to resolve the burning issues that inhibit the proper functioning of the school. Racism, drug abuse and teachers basking in the sun when they are supposed to teach are only a few of the allegations made by parents when Polokwane Observer visited Westenburg on Tuesday. Parents claimed that nothing seems to have been resolved since Monyama left his office at the beginning of the second semester after he apparently received threatening letters. Deputy Principal, Bettie Boom has since been acting as principal. Parents who spoke to Polokwane Observer on condition of anonymity for fear of their children being victimised, claimed the lack of teachers who are mother tongue speakers of Afrikaans and can instruct learners through the medium thereof to be a huge concern. One parent said her child, who is repeating Grade 10 for the third year, has now been referred to the classes where English is the medium of instruction in an attempt to pass the year. “The current Afrikaans teacher is actually English speaking and teaches broken Afrikaans which is not sufficient enough for my child to secure a pass mark. Some of the teachers also hardly ever go to school and if they are there, they bask in the sun the whole day,” an upset parent said and added that the majority of the learners hardly attend school. Another parent claimed that Monyama is racist and encourages conflict between the black and coloured learners and that drug abuse is rife since no educator supervision is exercised during breaks. According to one parent, an Afrikaans teacher who is reputed to be an alcoholic, allegedly instructed a learner to go and buy him liquor during school hours. “That teacher is always intoxicated,” the woman said. Eugene Lyle, Chairperson of the School Governing Body (SGB) said the biggest problem is the lack of qualified Afrikaans speaking teachers and that racism is not the issue. “The community insisted on diverting the school to a dual medium school, but because there is a lack of Afrikaans speaking teachers, the coloured learners feel they receive inadequate education. The English speaking learners don’t have a problem since they don’t take the Afrikaans classes,” Lyle said and added that the issue was handed to the task team and the Department of Education to investigate. “The racism issue started when the principal and staff members apparently made a political statement in front of the learners and he called me a racist. The coloured learners indicated that they didn’t want him as a principal,” Lyle informed. He said the department should look into the fact that they appointed a principal at a dual medium school who cannot speak Afrikaans at all. “I am aware that a task team was established to investigate the happenings at the school. A report was released, but the SGB has not been privy to view the document,” he explained and added that a meeting between the SGB, the principal and the task team was, on two occasions, arranged to discuss the report but Monyama excused himself each time. Lyle expressed concern over the allegation that a teacher instructed a learner to go and buy alcohol and said disciplinary action with the learner will be held in due course while the teacher was referred to the department for an internal procedure. “Boom is currently holding the position as acting principal and she is doing a sterling job, taking into account that she has classes as well. I want to commend her on doing the best she can under the circumstances,” Lyle said and added that he cannot deny the fact that some teachers are not accommodating Boom’s instructions and prefer to bask in the sun. “It is very frustrating, but they will be dealt

with by the department.” He said another concern is that the English learners are being educated in Mathematics while the Afrikaans learners only take Mathematical Literacy. “You cannot do much with only Mathematical Literacy and that, together with the lack of Afrikaans speaking teachers, also needs to be addressed as soon as possible,” Lyle concluded. Spokesperson of the Department of Education, Paena Galane refused to divulge much about the decision taken by Education MEC, Thembisile Nwedamutswu, but said he can safely announce that there will be a huge development to resolve the situation. He said “The learners that loiter in the streets during school hours and the teachers who compete with lizards for the sun have reached the end of the line. We need to be responsible individuals,” he said and added that learners must be in class to learn and educators must teach them. “No one has the right to destroy any child’s future.” Galane said subsequent to all the individuals concerned being approached a decision on the way forward has been made by Nwedamutswu. He was however unable to divulge what the decision comprised.

September 4, 2014





Bambini Montessori vier loslitdag

Foto: Barry Viljoen

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WRITE TO US>> PO Box 11140, Bendor, 0699 TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 E-MAIL barryv.observer@gmail.com

September 4, 2014

10 OBSERVER polokwane


5 September >> Koop jou plakker en glimhoed en trek snaaks aan vir Loslitdag saam met die Vereniging vir Persone met Gestremdheid en maak ‘n verskil aan die lewens van gestremdes. Vanjaar se tema is “Hou die bling kant bo”. Johnny Graham: 015 291 1787/8. >> Rocco de Villiers tree om 18:00 by Bolivia Lodge ten bate van La Wiida Leersentrum vir Kinders met Spesiale Behoeftes (voorheen die Arendeklas) op. Kaartjies kos R500 per persoon of R5 000 per tafel van tien en sluit ‘n banketete in. Sophia Hislop: 082 325 0612 of 015 297 3310. 6 September >> Baby and Toddler Expo takes place at NG Kerk Bendor from 09:00 to 17:00. There will be face paint, pony rides food and drinks and proceeds will go towards Ngwana Baby House. The keynote speaker will be Melodie de Jager and tickets cost R20 per person with children under thirteen free. Jackie Shrives: 072 101 9815. >> Noordelikes Rugbyklub hou vanaf 10:00 ‘n potjiekoskompetisie by die klub in Ladanna. Inskrywings kos R500 per pot van vier persone en inskrywings sluit op 19 Augustus. Lieb Coetzer: 082 974 4330.


MALL OF THE NORTH THINK LIKE A MAN TOO 13L Fri,Sat: 17:15,20:00,22:45 Sun: 17:15,20:00 Mon,Wed: 11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00 Tue: 9:05,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00 Thu: 11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00

˛ Ç


13LV ˛ Fri: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45 Sun,Tue: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00 Mon,Wed: 11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00 Thu: 11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00


PGL ¸˛ Sat: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:30


7-9 PGL ˛ Fri: 9:00,11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30,22:00 Sat: 11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30,22:00 Sun,Mon: 11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30 Tue: 9:00,11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30 Wed,Thu: 11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30



SPOOK VAN UNIONDALE 7-9 PG ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 9:10,11:30,14:15,16:45,19:45,22:15 Sun,Tue: 9:10,11:30,14:15,16:45,19:45 Mon,Wed: 11:30,14:15,16:45,19:45 Thu: 11:30,14:15,16:45,19:45


16V ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 10:15,12:30,15:15,18:00,20:30,22:45 Sun,Tue: 10:15,12:30,15:15,18:00,20:30 Mon,Wed: 12:30,15:15,18:00,20:30 Thu: 12:30,15:15,18:00,20:30


10V ¸˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 10:00,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:15,22:30 Sun: 10:00,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:15 Mon,Wed: 12:15,15:00,17:45,20:15 Tue: 15:00,17:45,20:15,10:00,12:15 Thu: 12:15,15:00,17:45,20:15

HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 PGV ˛ Ç Fri-Sun: 9:30,12:00,14:45


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>> Die jaarlikse Cliviaskou vind van 08:00 tot 13:00 by Groblerstraat 51A plaas. Mooi en skaars plante is te koop. Pieter van Eeden: 082 448 4251. 13 September >> Huis van Bedieninge hou om 09:30 ‘n damestee by Uitspanrylaan 210, Bendor. Die gasspreker is Esté Geldenhuys van Radio Kansel en die onderwerp is “Ken jy God en ken God jou”. ‘n Beperkte aantal kaartjies is nog beskikbaar teen R50 elk en sluit tee en verversings in. Hettie de Wet: 082 452 1603 of Mirna Lourens: 079 511 0505. >> Eugene van Heerden en sy orkes bied om 18:00 ‘n lentedans by die Ysterbergsaal naby Geyserstasie aan. Kaartjies kos R120 per persoon en sluit ‘n spitbraai-ete in. ‘n Kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees. Albert Kuhn: 083 268 4145. >> Model Helicopters South Africa (MHSA) is organising a National Air Show at the Model Flying Club Area 51 from 08:00 to 17:00 with eight clubs, some from so far as Cape Town attending. A fee of R100 per pilot (non MHSA member) and R50 per pilot (MHSA member) will be payable. The entrance fee is R30 for spectators (including a raffle ticket). Pieter Bornman: 082 325 5430

>> The Pick n Pay 5 km Women’s Walk will take place at the Polokwane Cricket Club to raise funds for Pink Divine. Pink Divine provides free breast cancer screening and education. Gates open at 07:00 and the event will commence at 08:00. Participants must enter by 12 September and the entry fee is R40 for adults and R20 for children. Men are also welcome to join and free breast examinations will be offered. Top Events: 086 005 1021. 16 September >> Die SAVF se algemene jaarvergadering waartydens ‘n nuwe bestuur verkies sal word, vind om 09:00 in die saal van die Martha Hofmeyrtehuis plaas en die publiek is welkom. Annelise Bothma: 015 295 9077. 20, 24 and 27 September >> Alma Whitehead Photography will be running greatly discounted Practical Workshops for Beginner and Intermediate Photographers at Cheerio Gardens during the Magoebaskloof Spring Festival. 09:00 to10:00: One hour workshop - How to take sharper photos, R95 per person. 11:00 to12:00: One hour workshop - Intro to Composition, R95 per person. 13:00 to14:30: Portraits with on-board flash, R140 per person. 15:00 to17:00: Two hour workshop: Intermediate to Advance: - Looking at light - Practical revision - The exposure triangle, R190 per person. Alma Whitehead: 084 811 9591. 26 September The Polokwane Chamber of Business hosts their annual Golf Day from 08:00 to 12:00 at the Polokwane Golf Club. The competition will be a Betterball Stableford. Joyce Masegela: 015 297 8057.

Bespreek nou vir Oktoberfest BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Die Duitse gemeenskap van Polokwane se immergewilde Oktoberfest vind op 20 September by Bolivia Lodge plaas en beloof om soos tevore, ‘n vol saal te trek. Die organiseerders, Klaus Rabiega en die Meyer-broers, Horst en Reinhardt, staan weer aan die roer van sake en koester hoë verwagtinge vir hierdie geleentheid waartydens die Kapelle Frankenland Gädheim orkes uit

Duitsland die gehoor gaan vermaak met egte Duitse musiek. Die fees sal ook nie ‘n sukses wees sonder die tradisionele Duitse geregte soos Brattwurst und Sauerkraut wat met genoeg tapbier en Jägermeister afgewas word nie. Koste beloop R200 per persoon en sluit ‘n bierbeker, eerste bier en die ete in. Voorafbespreking is noodsaaklik aangesien die fees baie gewild is. Klaus of Bettina Rabiega kan by 015 295 6153 geskakel word om te bespreek en hele tafels is ook vir groepe beskikbaar.


Luca Hart, Ariella Cairo en Carina Bruwer van Sterling EQ met Janty Beukes, Ritasha Theunissen en Gelene Beukes.

Sterling EQ lok vol saal BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Musiekliefhebbers het Vrydagaand die kerksaal van die NG Kerk Pietersburg-Noord volgepak om die Mannebedieningsaksie se konsert wat deur Sterling EQ aangebied is, by te woon. Treffers soos Genesis, Mannetjies Roux, temalied uit Caravans en Mbube het die gehoor gevange gehou en menigeen laat saamwieg. Sterling EQ is ‘n instrumentele popgroep van Kaapstad wat bestaan uit Carina Bruwer (fluit), Luca Hart (viool) en Ariella Caira (tjello). Die groep het reeds drie CD’s en ‘n DVD uitgereik en al meer as 700 optredes gehou, op televisie verskyn en per geleentheid voor ‘n gehoor van 40 000 mense opgetree. Bruwer het vele talente en het die veiling van ‘n drukker en twee gassbottels wat deur Glenn Groenewald van Ricoh en Nico Claassens van Afrox geskenk is, behartig. R14 000 is so

ingesamel met gaste wat nie geskroom het om hul beursies oop te maak nie. Volgens Marco Smith van die reëlingskomitee het die veiling ‘n groot bydrae tot die sukses van hierdie fondsinsamelingsaksie gelewer. Twee plaaslike laer- en een hoërskool se voedingskemas vir behoeftige leerders gaan deur die projek begunstig word.

Manty Beukes, Antoinette Maritz, Arliné Grobler, Roos Lee, Nicoleen Botha en Gerty Grobler geniet die optrede van Sterling EQ.

Emmanuel Baptistegemeente hou sangaand BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Lede van die Emmanuel Baptistegemeente en belangstellendes het Saterdagaand heerlike eetgoed in die kerksaal van die Christ Baptist Church geniet waarna ‘n gospel sangaand gehou is. Verskeie plaaslike kunstenaars het opge-

tree. Volgens Andries Swanepoel, wat die funksie saam met Fritz Botes en Chris Meyer, leraar van Emmanuel Baptistegemeente gereël het, is die geleentheid goed bygewoon en was dit ‘n baie geseënde aand. Sunet Gouws se Ek vlieg hoog, Patrys Davis met Jesus takes the wheel en Rudolf Pretorius en Stefan Ebersohn se I believe het groot byval gevind.

Rudolf Pretorius en Stefan Ebersohn lewer ‘n sangitem tydens die sangaand. FOTO’S: BARRY VILJOEN

Patrys Davis tree by die Emmanuel Baptistegemeente se sangaand op.

September 4, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Twee mense het Sondagoggend doodgebrand en drie is ernstig beseer nadat ‘n Volkswagen Polo en Toyota bakkie buite die stad gebots en aan die brand geslaan het.

Negentien mense sterf oor naweek op paaie >> ‘n Motorfietsryer sterf toe hy met taxi bots >> LUR maan wetstoepassers om strenger op te tree RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com

S is.

poed en tamheid is glo die hoofredes waarom 19 mense die afgelope naweek op die provinsie se paaie in botsings dood

Die departement van vervoer se woordvoerder oor verkeer, Kagiso Mootane sê in Malamulele het ‘n bestuurder van ‘n Mercedes-Benz Saterdag vermoedelik ‘n voertuig op ‘n gevaarlike strook verbygesteek en trompop met ‘n aankomende Hyundai gebots. Beide bestuurders en drie passasiers is dood. In dieselfde omgewing is ‘n motorfietsryer dood nadat hy met ‘n taxi gebots het. Die motorfietsryer is op die toneel dood terwyl een passasier in die taxi geringe beserings opgedoen het. Elf mense het Sondagaand op die N1-suid naby die Mookgophong-afrit omgekom nadat twee voertuie kop-aan-kop gebots het. “Onder die oorledenes is drie kinders. Die kinders se

ouderdomme wissel tussen vier en ses jaar,” sê Mootane. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, Ronel Otto het bevestig dat die polisie ‘n saak van strafbare manslag ondersoek. Vroeër die Sondagoggend het twee mense in ‘n Volkswagen Polo ongeveer 20 km buite Polokwane doodgebrand nadat hulle teen ‘n Toyota bakkie gebots het. Die bestuurder van die Polo het vermoedelik ‘n U-draai voor die bakkie gemaak. “Beide voertuie het direk na impak aan die brand geslaan. Die bestuurder van die Polo sowel as een passasier het doodgebrand. Die bestuurder van die bakkie sowel as drie insittendes van beide voertuie het ernstige beserings opgedoen,” sê Mootane. Die LUR vir vervoer, Mapula MokabaPhukwana het in ‘n persverklaring motoriste gemaan om die padreëls te gehoorsaam, geduldig te bestuur, hoë snelhede te vermy en wetstoepassers gemaan om geen genade met oortreders te toon nie. “Ons kan nie voortdurend mense begrawe wat op die paaie gesterf het as gevolg van motoriste wat nie wetsgehoorsaam is nie. Die departement sal definitief hul padveiligheidveldtog verskerp en strenger teen oortreders optree,” sê sy en het tegelykertyd haar medelye teenoor families van die oorledenes uitgespreek en beseerdes ‘n spoedige herstel toegewens.


‘n Deel van Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se dak is verlede Vrydag deur sterk wind afgeruk waarna die skool ontruim is.

Tommies kry dalk nuwe dak in Oktober RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com ‘n Finale besluit sal eersdaags deur die departement van onderwys geneem word oor wanneer Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se dak wat verlede Vrydag deur ‘n sterk wind afgeruk is, vervang sal word. Tommies se waarnemende hoof, Cois Armer en inspekteurs van die onderwysdepartement was reeds in samespreking oor die voorval by die skool. Die skool is Vrydag ontruim toe die tekenlokaal se dak op die derde verdieping afgeruk is. “Die skool is al 65 jaar oud en die balke het begin vrot. Gelukkig is geen leerders beseer nie en alle aktiwiteite is hervat” sê hy. Die skade word op ongeveer R100 000 beraam. “Een van die opsies wat moontlik oor-

weeg en binnekort goedgekeur kan word is dat die hele skool se dak gedurende die komende Oktober skoolvakansie vervang gaan word.” Die sterk wind is deur ‘n koue front wat vroeg verlede week oor die land inbeweeg het veroorsaak. Dit het nie net ysige toestande en oorstromings in dele van die Wes-Kaap veroorsaak nie, maar ook in Polokwane skade aangerig. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Weerburo het verlede week ‘n waarskuwing van brandgevaar en droë winderige toestande in veral Noordwes, OosKaap, Vrystaat en KwaZulu-Natal uitgereik. Op die hoek van Vermikulietstraat en die N1/ Landdros Maré-verlenging is ‘n heining met verskeie advertensies op platgedruk terwyl nog ‘n advertensiebord in Marastraat, Ladanna omgewaai het.



Polokwane Observer

September 4, 2014


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Bush to Beach route to enhance tourism HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za “Tourism concepts with the potential to significantly promote tourism in Limpopo and Mozambique,” is how Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (Ledet) MEC, Seaparo Sekoati described the Bush to Beach and Escarpment 4x4 Routes during the launch of the venture in Xai Xai City, Mozambique on Tuesday evening. The route is a product of The Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park and provides an exceptional experience through ideal off-road travelling opportunities for the eco adventurers of the world. Sekoati explained that the route will link the escarpment of the Northern

Drakensberg and the Bushveld of the Limpopo while traversing the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park to the white beaches of Mozambique. The MEC further said that the route is already incorporated into the Zambezi destination involving Mozambique, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Limpopo and forms part of the implementation plan in terms of the signed memorandum of agreements with Tourism authorities of the respective partners. The launch afforded provincial tour operators to meet with their Mozambican counterparts to discuss some of the challenges they are encountering in the industry. Sekoati said including the tour operators formed part of the implementation of the 2005 twinning agreement between Limpopo and Gaza province. “Their meeting will ensure sustainability of the packages that creates demand for tourists in both Mozambique and the province” he said adding that the meeting served as a platform for operators in the two regions to share information on existing packages and products with the potential for expansion as well to

indentify bottlenecks on areas within the current operations that require government intervention. Director of Tourism in Gaza Province, Maria Emilia Salvador Machaieie Maphsanganne said the route will give the tour operators lots of options and enable tourists from Limpopo to easily visit Mozambique. “South Africa is our principal market and we have lots of tourists visiting our country from Limpopo and South Africa as a whole. The route will help in growing tourism in Mozambique,” Maphsanganne said. As part of the launch a contingent of local tourism operators and media, including Polokwane Observer as guest of Ledet, on Sunday morning departed from Polokwane to explore the route. Using 4X4 vehicles the group travelled via Mafefe and across the escarpment by means of the Orrie Baragwanath Pass to Lekgalameetse Nature Reserve. From there the group proceeded to Letaba Ranch to explore the Levuvhu Trail, which includes the confluence of the Great Letaba and Little Letaba rivers. From Letaba Ranch the group entered the Kruger National Park exiting through Girondo Gate into Mozambique and Machampane Lodge. From there they journeyed to Masingir were they met with Mozambican tour operators.

Twee nuwe raadslede ingehuldig

September 4, 2014



>> Oninvorderbare skuld wek kommer >> ‘Belastingbetalers is geregtig op kwaliteitdiens’ BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Twee vakante poste in die Polokwane Munisipaliteit is verlede Donderdag gevul toe twee nuutverkose raadslede van die Demokratiese Alliansie, Franco Marx en Roelof Lourens tydens die raad se maandvergadering ingehuldig is. Marx verteenwoordig wyk 20 en Lourens sal na die belange van inwoners van wyk 23 omsien. Wyk 20 bestaan uit Welgelegen, Eduan-, Flora- en Faunapark en die gedeelte van Bendor tussen Dewetrylaan en Veldspaatstraat. Ladanna, ‘n gedeelte van Welgelegen, die gebied tussen Nelson Mandelalaan, Oos-, Grobler- en Hospitaalstraat en Doornbult, Palmietfontein en die Tweefontein-



hoewes vorm wyk 23. Marx het sy debuut tydens die vergadering met indringende vrae oor die reuse bedrag van meer as R40 miljoen wat die stadsraad voornemens is om af te skryf, gemaak en het aan Polokwane Observer gesê dat hy nie tevrede was met die antwoorde wat deur die amptenary verskaf is nie en die saak verder gaan voer. Hy is onder meer ontevrede daarmee dat die amptenary verwag dat skuld sonder meer afgeskryf word terwyl daar redelike moontlikhede bestaan om dit in te vorder. Lourens, wat reeds voorheen in ‘n munisipale raad gedien het, gaan op dienslewering fokus en wanbestuur en korrupsie die stryd aansê. “Daar is geen verskoning vir swak dienslewering nie en belastingbetalers is geregtig op kwaliteitdiens,” sê hy. Marx en Lourens nooi inwoners om hulle by 083 333 3337 of 072 209 0176 te skakel indien enige bystand met munisipale aangeleenthede verlang word.

Right: A view of the route underway from Kruger National Park to Girondo Gate.


Nuwe raadslede, Franco Marx en Roelof Lourens wat onlangs ingehuldig is.

Economic Development, Environment and Tourism MEC, Seaparo Sekoati receives a gift from Maria Emilia Salvador Machaieie Maphsanganne, the Provincial Director of Tourism in Gaza Province. PHOTOS: HERBERT RACHUENE




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More opportunities for contractors with programme

September 4, 2014

14 OBSERVER polokwane

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

“In the past Limpopo was faced with the challenge of poor workmanship by contractors whose intentions were only to milk the province’s resources. This led to the huge back log especially in the maintenance of roads.” Chief Executive Officer of Stefanutti Stocks, Willie Meyburgh who partnered with the Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure to launch the Limpopo Contractor Development Programme.

current high unemployment rate and infrastructure backlogs by presenting opportunities for emerging and established contractors who are faced with enormous challenges that impede on their development,” Ndou said, adding that the intervention will make a difference in the fight against unemployment and also create sustainable employment for less and semi-skilled unemployed people. Ndou said that after the successful completion of the programme by the contractors, government is clear and honest that going forward it will no longer tolerate poor work. “We will follow up on every work that the department gives to contractors either in the province or the municipalities. There has been a red line where contractors will be able to work according to what they promise when they are awarded tenders. This is meant to ensure that as the department we get value for money to the benefit of all people of Limpopo,” he said.

Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure MEC, Jeremiah Ndou and Polokwane Executive Mayor, Thembi Nkadimeng during the launch of the Limpopo Contractor Development Programme.

welcome the newborn into the world with gold, improve the lives of society at large,” she said frankincense and myrrh, instead of the usual adding that Limpopo women can be proud items that are not suswhen they join hands tainable,” Tladi said. to complement the Mashamba said the women of 1956, when Department of Social they marched to the Development has a union state building mandate to create in Pretoria, through sustainable developcontributing towards ment and self-reliant the financial sustaincommunities with the ability of the future aim to ensure that, in generation. line with the National “We predict that Development Plan one million babies will Vision 2030, poverty is have been born this eradicated. time next year and by “We therefore introducing this conwelcome all initiatives cept through proposals, aimed at strengthening presentations, word of mouth, the media and Photo: Roelien Vorster our efforts to ensure sustainable and meanantenatal clinics and Adele van der Linde of the Department of hospitals, interested Social Development and Clara Mdlalose from ingful development. Our valued partners in financial institutions will Limpopo Event Coordinators.

this regard are the private sector and particularly the business fraternity.” Mashamba said the Peeletso Project is the product of forward thinking and a pioneering spirit. “We applaud this initiative and we are happy to endorse the activities commencing on Friday. The hope and expectancy is that the initiative will reach recipients even on the periphery of the province.” She said this initiative will go a long way in strengthening the department’s programmes of youth development because an early start will ensure that all that is done for the children of Limpopo, from the early childhood development to higher education is meaningful and sustainable. “Forward planning and vision will ensure that our children’s education, development and enterprising spirit go from strength to strength. As the American author Mark Twain is attributed to have said: ‘The secret to getting ahead is getting started’ and thanks to the Peeletso Project, this will be possible,” she concluded.

This is the opinion of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure MEC Jeremiah Ndou during the launch of the Limpopo Contractor Development Programme held at Meropa Casino & Entertainment World last week. The programme run in partnership with Stefanutti Stocks has as its main objective to increase the capacity, equity ownership, sustainability, quality and performance of the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) registered contractors, effectively raising the contribution of the construction industry in South Africa’s shared growth initiative. It is aimed at grading the status of contractors, performance, quality and delivery of infrastructure, and equity and targeted ownership. “The increasing number of infrastructure projects in the province will also create opportunities for small contractors to compete for contracted services, especially on road construction projects. We seek to address the

Photos: RC Myburgh

Peeletso Project – invest in your child’s future ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The Peeletso project, an initiative that encourages parents to invest in the future of their unborn children, was officially launched on Friday. The project stems from an increased awareness of the economic challenges faced by society in the light of limited financial inheritance reaching from generation to generation and is endorsed by Social development MEC Joyce Mashamba. Martha Tladi, patron of the Peeletso Project said the initiative was born when a woman named her granddaughter Peeletso, which means investment in both Sepedi and Setswana. She said the idea is to couple the programme with baby shower parties where families and communities are united in the culture of investing money. “The objective is to create a platform for short-, medium- and long-term investment opportunities for unborn babies and to

Mahwelereng: Cnr N11 & Dudu Madisha Dr, Moshate Cross Rd, Mahwelereng Polokwane Central: Cnr Boom & Excelsior Streets, Pietersburg (opposite railway crossing). Tel: 015 - 297 4652/5. Seshego Cnr Nelson Mandela & Madiba Park Crossing, Seshego (next to Sasol Garage). Tel: 015 - 223 2058. Mokopane: (Potgietersrus): 2 Sussex Road, Mokopane (opposite MGM Motors). Tel: 015 - 491 2488.




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September 4, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Celebrating service delivery excellence ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


ublic servants are expected to roll up their sleeves and spring clean their service delivery points this September as it has been earmarked as Public Service Month (PSM). Provincial Government Spokesperson, Phuti Seloba in a media statement said this annual programme aims at celebrating and recognising public servants and their contribution to the lives of ordinary people by putting them first in provision of services countrywide. He said the theme, ‘Reinventing the way Public Servants Work: Batho Pele Putting People First’ focuses on the promotion and implementation of the service delivery charter as adopted by Government and the Department of Labour in September 2013. “This year, 2014 PSM celebrations are more significant as they take place after the democratic elections,” he said and added that the era of public servants coming to work tired is over because a sector that is dedicated to provide service with a smile is needed. “They must continue to strive to be the best because the people deserve the best.” He said although Limpopo is a province of excellence, the province needs public servants who understands and believes in the Constitution of South Africa and the high standards of ethics. “Limpopo must be the leader of service delivery,” Seloba said adding that this will serve as a precursor for the second National Batho

Pele Excellence Awards which will take place at the end of 2014. “As a province we are confident that Limpopo with be represented in this prestigious awards.” As part of the Public Service Month there will be engagements with frontline public servants, unannounced visits and deployment of senior managers to frontline service delivery sites. Seloba said PSM is an initiative of the Department of Public Service and Administration that seeks to instil and rebuild good ethics, morale and administration in the country. “They serve as a precursor for pride in public servants; it also puts emphasis on improving the way public servants work in their quest to deliver quality services to citizens,” he said. As part of the Public Service Month, public servants are expected to do the following: Roll up their sleeves and spring clean their service delivery points; visit schools, hospitals, police stations and courts; talk to citizens, mediate the delivery of services and getting things done; unblock the bottlenecks and redtape in the delivery of services; ensure the systems and infrastructures are working and use public resources efficiently to the benefit of the citizens; and recommit themselves to belong, to care and to serve the people. He said the programme is envisaged to attract diverse stakeholders across the public service spectre that includes executive authorities, selected chapter nine and ten bodies, public servants, academia, private sector, business, labour, NGOs, CBOs, communities and media.

CDM Mayor meets with stakeholders BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Capricorn District Executive Mayor Gilbert Kganyago conducted a series of consultative and interactive sessions with key stakeholders during the last week. The purpose was to address their concerns and seek partnerships in the interest of good governance and service delivery in the district. Kganyago is quoted to have said: “We need you more than ever before, you need no reminder that local government alone cannot win this colossal battle against the legacy of apartheid that still lingers and persistent socio-economic challenges of the day”. He appealed to home-based carers and care-givers to do more to reach out to orphans, childheaded families, the elderly and the disabled in rural areas. Khanyago also met with sector departments, business leaders and entrepreneurs to create an environment that is conducive for businesses to grow and flourish. “This is because it is also our interest that you as businesses do well, we need your businesses to flourish and our local economy to grow so we can deal with the challenges that face this government – the key issue being unemployment which you are addressing in your varied business activities. That means every business that miscarries and every business that closes down is an opportunity gone down the drain for us to address the critical scourge of unemployment that we are facing,” the Executive

Mayor said. During a meeting with traditional leaders, concerns were raised about land, the relationship between traditional leaders and ward councillors, limited participation of traditional leaders in councils, amongst others. The traditional leaders appealed to Kganyago to advise ward councillors to work closely with them and to restore their dignity and authority in villages. “We also need more recognition and roles in council meetings that will allow us to participate more in discussions and debates,” Kgoshi Maisha III, chairperson of the District Traditional Leaders’ Forum is reported to have said. Kganyago also hosted a media gala dinner at Fusion Boutique Hotel last Thursday and in his address to members of the media, Kganyago alluded to the fact that there should be a relationship of mutual support between the municipality and the media and that the municipality relies on the media to spread the good message of municipal activities and programmes to the public. “The media should showcase what the municipality is doing and reflect critically and objectively on both the good and the bad news. Lazy councillors should be held accountable. It is a given right of the press,” Kganyago said. He also undertook to have regular interactions with the media and regard them as colleagues of the municipality.

>> See photo on www.observer.co.za

Lim ranks top of charts with feedback YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com Limpopo is currently topping the charts with regards to response to complaints about service delivery and tip-offs on corruption-related activities reported to the Presidential hotline as it prioritises concerns raised by the people of the province. Monitoring the issue in an interview on a provincial cabinet imbizo at Musekhwa north of Makhado on Friday, Provincial Government spokesperson Phuti Seloba said the provincial government has embarked on a new approach based on the premise of giving feedback on issues previously raised by communities. They wanted to return to communities whom they had interaction with before to show progress and not only go to them when they were burn-

ing tyres or disrupting schools, he added. He referred to the imbizo providing Premier Stan Mathabatha and Members of the Executive Council (Exco) the opportunity to follow up on concerns raised during a meeting with the same community in 2012. Seloba said in the meantime a building at a local school, a library and a stretch of tar road had been completed since, all undertakings the provincial government could give feedback on. Another significant achievement was the introduction of cell reception to the area, he stressed. Sketching the magnitude of the need for such a service in the past, he used the example of a nurse in uniform hoisting herself into a tree to secure a signal to summon an ambulance. After the provision of a network earlier this year people in the area could now also own cell phones, Seloba pointed out.


ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd T1.1 TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Rehabilitation of Road D2526 from R71 to Dalmada Area in Polokwane Municipality of the Capricorn District. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 2914236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300, 00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 8 September 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to: Mr C Danda, Tel: 015 295 2144, Fax: 015 295 2122 or email : admin@ beconsult.co.za A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at Intersection of road R71 and D2526 (entrance to Dalmada Plots, Coordinates: S 23º 53’ 55.56’’ E 29º 32’ 00.34”) on 09 October 2014 starting at 10:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 23 October 2014 Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T/704/2014 Rehabilitation of Road D2526 from R71 to Dalmada area in Polokwane Municipality of the Capricorn District” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of 6CE / 5CEPE or higher.

PIETERSBURG COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL 62 Magazyn Street, POLOKWANE 0700 Tel: 015 291 3174 / 015 295 9607 Fax: 015 291 3477 | E-mail: pcs@lantic.net


Children’s entertainment area: Jumping Castles, Treasure Hunt, Mini Soccer and Mini Golf Lots of stalls. Clothing, Cookware, Art, Jewellery, Food and beverages.

ACTIVITIES Live Entertainment Traditional and Cultural dances, Choirs.

16 OBSERVER Creating fashion from passion NEWS

September 4, 2014


Thandeka Ngobeni in a Brigette Mashile design. Photos: Roelien Vorster ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com By creating the perfect relationship between skin and fabric, fashion designer Ernest Mahomane aspires to make garments for the real woman that will last longer than the current fashion season. Mahomane, originally from Lebowakgomo and in the process of relocating to Polokwane,

hosted the Limpopo Fashion and Crafts showcase at Cosmo Leisure Conference Centre on Friday. Awarded by CNN as Africa’s hottest new fashion designer in 2013 and Africa’s finest top ten African designer by GlamChic in 2014, Mahomane said he is dedicated to high quality craftsmanship with an ambition to create beautiful tailor-made garments that are accompanied with an uncompromised quality to detail. “I am inspired to produce that classic balance between fabric and needle which brings together a well-crafted hand-made masterpiece which is designed to compliment and not replace what a person would desire to see themselves wearing,” Mahomane said and added that he finds inspiration from real woman like the late African singer Miriam Makeba and the historical figure Joan of Arc. Mahomane said the concept behind the show came after a feasible study on the impact of fashion to improve the economy of South Africa was conducted in the province. He said he realised there is a huge lack of support systems in place for Limpopo-based designers to promote their brands of designs, arts and crafts and tools for business relations to ensure successful trading. “The vision behind the fashion show is to create a new business hub in the province that will rival with the likes of Johannesburg, Cape Town and KwaZulu-Natal’s entertainment industry,” Mahomane said and added

that the three up and coming designers, Portia Maluleke, Tiyiselani Ngobeni and Brigette Mashile showcased their fashion as well. Born and bred in Lebokwakgomo, Mahomane experienced the fashion lifestyle of Johannesburg and Cape Town and recently moved back to his hometown after realising that Polokwane is where he needs to be. He said with the ever-increasing population in Johannesburg it is only a matter of time before people decides to explore new avenues to invest in and Limpopo provides the perfect location. Twenty-eight year old Mashile has been a fashion fanatic since childhood and loves colour, print, lines, fabrics and threads and the ability to combine these to suit a person perfectly is a dream come true, she said. She said to embark on her passion to create fashion she designed the Roka Roko (Make a Dress) range in pursuit of creating jobs through fashion. Ngobeni hails from Limpopo, but grew up in Soweto and finds her inspiration from nature. She said her love for art started when her grandmother made beadwork. “My vision is to see the South African fashion industry grow and for the people to start supporting local designers and brands,” Ngobeni said. Maluleke is a single mother and businesswoman and is the owner of PXM Creations (All thing Xigaza), a fast growing clothing production company, due to the high demand of Tsonga fashion forward garments.

Khanyisa Mthebure and awarded designer Ernest Mahomane.


provincial / local issues

Following the rowdy behaviour in Parliament recently, Polokwane Observer readers were asked if members of Parliament should be forced to adhere to the rules of the institution or be allowed to act out of order if they consider a matter to require urgent attention? Na die oproerige gedrag in die Parlement onlangs is Polokwane Observer lesers gevra of parlementslede verplig moet word om die reëls van die parlement te gehoorsaam of mag hulle buite orde optree as hulle ‘n saak as dringend beskou.

Ali Masekwameng: “Zuma must just answer the questions put to him regarding the Nkandla saga and order will prevail.”

Daleen Oosthuizen: “Dissipline moet op alle tye streng toegepas word op alle partye en nie net opposisiepartye nie.”

André Buitendag: “Wat word in die Parlement beskou as dissipline want daar word elke dag in die Parlement ongedissiplineerd opgetree.”

Makoena Dipela: “Yes, rules can be broken if the ruling party does not answer the questions put to them.”

James Mamabolo: “All members of Parliament must act according to the rules and respect the institution at all times.”

Annie Bezuidenhout: “Wat goed is vir die een party moet ook op die ander parlementslede van toepassing wees.”

September 4, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

September 4, 2014

Half new top leadership for Limpopo MKMVA

>> Three in top leadership re-elected unopposed >> Gathering took place prematurely after revising of national structure YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com Half of the top leadership of the provincial structure of Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) was re-elected unopposed during the past weekend conference in Magoebaskloof. It was learnt that John Ngobeni was reelected as Provincial Chair of MKMVA, Lulamile Jack as his deputy and Liberty Mmela as Secretary. Andries Machoshoane and Jonas Baloyi were elected as Deputy Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Referring to the provincial structure going to conference the last time in 2012, Jack said the gathering took place prematurely after a revising of the national structure. The event commenced on Friday and came to an end on Sunday. He said they focussed on service delivery to members as well as communities in general, the political situation both provincially and nationally, the character and behaviour of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), the conduct of Public Protector Thuli Madonsela and the administration of the province. Key was the issue of service delivery to destitute MKMVA members, he stressed. It was worrisome, he added, that the African National Congress (ANC) was slow in attending to the problems of their members. A critical matter raised was the suspension of one of their members in the employ of Greater Tubatse Municipality after allegedly blowing the whistle on corruption, an issue that was going to necessitate their intervention, he said. On future developments he said they were preparing to conduct door-to-door campaigns to visit communities and not wait for elections to talk to their people. They simultaneously intended to put more pressure on all spheres of government to step up on service delivery to the masses of the country and would guard against corruption, Jack added. Speakers included Gilbert Kganyago of the South African Communist Party (SACP), Thabo Mokone of the ANC’s Provincial Working Committee (PWC), Musa Chabane of the ANC Youth League (Ancyl), Theo Makula of the South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) and Gerald Twala of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu).

Water supply under strain BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Water levels at the various reservoirs in and around Polokwane remain low and residents are urged to continue to use water sparingly especially while no rain is being predicted for the area yet. The latest report by the Polokwane Municipality stated that on Tuesday the 50 mega litre reservoir stood at 16% and the new 30 mega litre reservoir at only 10% of its capacity. The reservoir in Potgieter Avenue contained 75% of its capacity while the main reservoir in Seshego is at 64%. The reservoir in Extension 34 stands at 95%. Tidimalo Chuene, Manager Communications and Marketing of the municipality, said that water usage in the city is currently very high, supply is under strain and residents are urged to use water sparingly.

Childline 0800 055 555 Crime Stop 08600 10111 Fire Brigade Polokwane 015 293 1111 Water and electrical faults Polokwane 015 290 2000 Limpopo Ambulance Service 10177

September 4, 2014






Polokwane Observer

September 4, 2014

September 4, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Plant ‘n boom om omgewing groen te hou Elke keer wanneer ‘n boom geplant word, word ‘n stukkie natuur weer aan die natuur geskenk en help ons mee om die omgewing groen te hou. Die onmisbare rol wat bome as suurstofgewers in die lewensiklus speel, word jaarliks met Boomplantdag onderstreep. Ter viering van Boomplantdag en –week, gee Cornie Odendal, kwekery-eienaar en natuurliefhebber ons opnuut perspektief. Vanjaar se bome van die jaar is die laventelboom, genus heteropyxis en die witysterhout, vepris lanceolata. Hoekom plant ons bome en leer ander om bome te plant? Bome voorsien ons van die suurstof wat ons nodig het om te leef. Bome het ‘n enorme invloed op die reënval. Hoe meer bome afgekap word, hoe laer word die plaaslike reënval. Die tendens kan omgedraai word; plant baie bome, en die reënval

sal styg. Bome voorsien natuurlike skaduwee wat in die somer baie belangrik is. Bome maak baie goeie windbreke. Bome se wortels speel ‘n belangrike rol in die voorkoming van erosie – veral dié met meer aggressiewe wortels. Baie bome voorsien ons van eetbare vrugte. Heelwat bome en plante het medisinale waarde. Bome voorsien voëls van nesmaakplek, nesmateriaal, sitplek en kos. Bome word gebruik vir vuurmaakhout, meubelhout en konstruksiehout. Dis nie verkeerd om bome af te kap vir vuurmaakhout nie, solank ons vervang wat ons gebruik. Die kos wat ons eet, word spesifiek vir die doel gekweek. Bome word ook spesifiek geplant vir die maak van mynstutte, meubels, vuurhoutjies ens. Net so moet ons ook bome plant vir vuurmaakhout in plaas daarvan om die bos uit te roei.

Photo: Barry Viljoen

Nthambelini Mukwevho, Provincial Executive Manager: Stats SA, Thanyani Ravhura, Provincial Director, Trevor Oosterwyk, Executive Manager: Corporate Communication, Lesedu Dibakwane, acting Manager, Media Relations, Human Mautjana, National Statistics Systems Coordinator and Gilbert Mabunda, District Manager: Capricorn at the media briefing.

StatsSA hosts media workshop BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Statistics SA targeted the media during a community and regional media workshop that took place at the district offices of Statistics SA last Wednesday. The focus of the workshop, presented on an interactive basis, was to inform the media of the activities of Statistics SA and to foster a good relationship between Statistics SA and the media. Trevor Oosterwyk, Executive Manager of Corporate Communication of Statistics SA, in his address alluded to the fact that the

media has a message for the community. The statistics collected by government has to be analysed by experts and the media has to convey it to the community in a responsible and accurate way. “Public opinion is informed by the media and the media has to be independent. If the government owns the media, their output is regarded as propaganda,” he said. He concluded by saying that the role of the media is also to educate the community. Other speakers were Nthambelini Mukwevho, Provincial Executive Manager: Stats SA, Thanyani Ravhura, Provincial Director and Lesedu Dibakwane, acting Manager, Media Relations.



September 4, 2014

22 OBSERVER polokwane

>> Documenting life of German missionary Carl Hoffmann after stumbling upon his writings in Berlin

Lecturer returns home to share foreign influences


Project leader Annekie Joubert and field researcher Sam Moifatswane ahead of Monday’s presentation at the University of Limpopo (UL).

YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


rom another milieu thousands of air miles away from her native province of Limpopo, Annekie Joubert has been documenting the life and times of Berlin missionary Carl Hoffmann after stumbling upon references in a library in Berlin a few years back. On Monday morning the petite blonde academic, a Northern Sotho lecturer at Humboldt University in Berlin, for the first time shared the outputs of an extensive research project with an audience during a presentation at the University of Limpopo (UL). The presentation titled The Hoffmann Collection of Cultural Heritage included the screening of a biographical film on the clergyman who spent his last days in erstwhile Pietersburg until his death in 1962 as a naturalised citizen of South Africa at the age of 94. Before taking to the podium Joubert explained that a 748-page book, currently with Dutch publishers, was also in the making and a databank with internet access was being developed. She underpinned the importance of visual material in the field of research. Her

invitation to visit UL was spearheaded by German lecturer Margrit Schulze. Addressing her audience partly in Sepedi and English, she reflected on research by herself and five other participant researchers with a presentation enhanced by visuals that created a genre for stepping back in time. Joubert was accompanied by oral history researcher Sam Moifatswane, who acts as field researcher on the team. Discussing the aims of the project, she referred to recognising the contribution of Hoffmann and his interlocutors in the documentation of cultural heritage as a national treasure and importance of uniting the material in one collection. With the film, which Joubert directed and for which she wrote the script, she took the audience on a journey of yonder years. It starts out with an introduction to the work and a drive to Hoffmann’s hometown, Sulęcin before Joubert meets the viewer again on Cape soil with a continuation of an interesting narration. It further investigates the life of the young Hoffmann, a member of the Berlin Mission Society who sailed from Hamburg to the Cape in 1894, taking him to mission stations

at, among others, Neuhalle in modern-day Modimolle, Gutu in the then Mashonaland, Arkona in Sekhukhuneland, Mphume-Kratzenstein (which later became known as Masealama) in nearby Woodbush Mountains as well as Botshabelo. Hoffmann, who took over at the mission station at Mphume-Kratzenstein in 1904 for the next 30 years, was described as an inquisitive ethnographer and a prolific writer who generally illustrated his personal diaries with drawings of scenes on everyday occurrences like accidents with ox wagon. The audience was captivated by tales of a man who largely focused his writings on the Pedi and Mamabolo people based on discussions with evangelical assistants Filipus Bopape and Moses Rakoma between the years 1912 and 1958, while also contributing typed articles to various German publications. The presentation provided a follow-up to Polokwane Observer’s featuring of Joubert’s research after getting a glimpse of her work during a rare visit to Masealama in the past. It was a quiet day in the settlement, perfect for visualising images of cultural interaction between role players depicted in the film.

A life journey of compassion and dedication


hen Bathepa Maja’s father, upon the completion of her training as a nurse, told her that the nursing profession was not for her but for the community, he unknowingly set her life on a journey that has and continues to change lives. As a child Maja, now the owner and manager of the Sentahle Community Home Based Care Organisation (CHBC) in Setaseng, Ga-Maja, always enjoyed nursing others even though she had no idea what the inside of a hospital looked like. However, with the encouragement of her father and her own burning passion to help, she not only made it her task to help heal the sick but also to teach others how to do the same. Although born in Pretoria Maja, now 77, completed primary school in Polokwane before the family moved back to Pretoria and she was enrolled at Lady Selbourne High School where she obtained her Junior Certificate. Teaching the Junior Primary classes she soon became bored and enrolled at the then Pretoria General Hospital as a nurse in 1957. “I fell pregnant in 1959 and had to put my studies on hold until 1964 when I was again employed as an assistant nurse at the same hospital,” Maja said recalling how her life journey then led to the former Livingston Hospital in Port Elizabeth (PE) where she obtained her nursing qualification. “In 1971 I obtained my midwife qualification at Elim Hospital and started working as a professional nurse at Groothoek Hospital in Zebediela. I was transferred back to PE to obtain my Diploma in Paediatrics and enjoyed it so much that I started training people in Paediatrics. In 1983 I spent a year in London, Manchester and Sussex in England where I learnt more about caring for children,” she said. Maja completed her Diploma in Nursing Adminis-

tration in 1984 at the former University of the North and continued working at the former Groothoek and Blouberg Hospitals until her retirement in 2000. “Like a mustard seed, Sentahle (which means do not abandon, reject or neglect me because I’m old) Community Home Based Care Organisation started in my parents old house in 2001. I turned it into a classroom and accommodation after I saw the desperate need for primary health care in the community. I was never going to retire and stay at home, my wish was to continue with my nursing career to help my community,” Maja stressed and continued to say that she cared for the hungry for three years using her own money before she managed to secure sponsorships from various organisations to buy food and school uniforms for learners from 15 schools in the area. “From there the centre grew in strength every year. I was the provincial winner in the Shoprite/ Checkers Woman of the Year Awards in 2006 and while working in the community, I realised that many people didn’t have ID documents or birth certificates and were living in extremely poverty. This prompted me to start the drop-in centre, not only to feed the hungry, but also, with the assistance of the Raith Foundation, apply on their behalf for the necessary documents to register for grants at the South African Social Security Agency,” this tireless community worker explained. She said Sentahle CHBC also recently registered the Maja Older Persons Service Centre where the senior citizens keep fit by doing physical exercises, gardening or play sport. “I am waiting for the Polokwane Municipality to earmark a plot which I can convert into a soccer field for the aged,” Maja said. She has no intention of slowing down and enjoys her retirement because she still has many projects she wants to complete such as establishing a day care centre for the aged because most people in the area has nobody to take care of them during the day. “My wish is that all home based

The management of Sentahle Community Home Based Care Organisation consists of Dorah Mamabolo (Coordinator), Mercy Maja (Finance Manager), Bathepa Maja (Project Manager and Owner), Adelaide Ralebofu (Coordinator), Beauty Tleane (Project Manager) and Linah Machete (Assistant to Finance Manager).

The home based caregivers are, in front, Thabo Kedibone, Linah Letsoalo, Cynthia Maja, Aledah Letsoalo, Eva Senyolo and Florah Segoale. At the back are Cate Mashiane, Dikeledi Maja, Lorraine Maja, Grace Maponya, Jeanet Ntini, Jack Ngobeni, Melidah Mashiane and Teresia Maunatlala.

ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


Frans Ferns, voor, met Koos van Niekerk, Dirk van Rooyen, Callie Botha en Danie van Niekerk by hulle pap en kaiingsstalletjie by die Willewragtagfonteinbasaar van die Hervormde Kerk Welgelegen. Bathepa Maja with the award she won in the Social Entrepreneur category of the 2014 Regional Business Achievers Award. care organisations have qualified nurses or assistant nurses who has the necessary knowledge and skills to care for a person who suffers because of a stroke, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis or cerebral palsy. My records show that since Sentahle (CHBC) started, the death rate decreased from 154 deaths per year in 2005 to 20 deaths per year in March 2014,” Maja proudly said and added that she would like to thank to sponsors for the generous donations throughout the years with the main sponsor being Meropa Casino & Entertainment World who donated the building, furniture, first aid kits and much more. Maja said every person was born with a purpose and potential to be a risk taker, to exceed the expectations of your spectators and to be a servant. “My journey of a thousand kilometres started with a single step. This is truly a calling, not just a career,” she firmly concluded. Left: Eunice Maja and Francina Malokane prepare the daily meals at the drop-in centre. Below: The Caregivers at the drop-in centre are, in front, Eunice Maja, Adelaide Ralebopu and Beauty Tleane. At the back are Kate Mangoale, Francinah Malokana and Elisabeth Sekgobela.

Sonnige Saterdag vol pret vir almal BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Ná die temperatuurdalings en sterk wind wat vroeër verlede week ‘n demper op buitemuurse aktiwiteite geplaas het, kon plesiersoekers die afgelope naweek heerlike somersdae geniet en was uitstappies na sportgeleenthede, ‘n kerkbasaar, pretdag en markdag die aangewese dinge op die dagboek. Polokwane English Medium Primary School (Pemps) het ‘n pretdag gehou waar kinders aan ‘n eierresies, toutrek en nog vele ander aktiwiteite kon deelneem.‘n Springkasteel en gesigverf het meer kleur aan die geleentheid verleen. Die Hervormde Kerk se Welgelegengemeente het ‘n Willewragtagfonteinbasaar met aanloklike stalletjies gehou waarmee groot moeite gedoen is terwyl die Pietersburggemeente ‘n markdag gehou het. By die bane van die motorfietse en 4x4voertuie langs die munisipale stortingsterrein, het die stof hoog geskop terwyl entoesiaste hul vernuf tot die uiterste getoets het. (Sien berig elders).


‘n Kerkbasaar is nie volledig sonder kerrie en rys nie. DéMara Bezuidenhout en Elsie Ferns maak seker dat besoekers nie hongerly nie.

Wildlife rehabilitation centre calls for donations

September 4, 2014


OBSERVER 23 polokwane


WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


njured wildlife and birds are expertly cared for and rehabilitated at the Crown Rehabilitation & Wildlife Conservation Centre (CRWCC) situated approximately 25


Crown Rehabilitation & Wildlife Conservation Centre (CRWCC) owner, René Olivier holds a brown snake eagle with a broken wing that was brought to the centre over the weekend.

km outside Polokwane on the R 37 towards Lebowakgomo. The tranquil environment, recently established animal hospital and dedicated animal lovers at CRWCC will ensure that any injured animals and birds get the best treatment possibly, as proven when a farmer brought a brown snake eagle with a broken wing to the centre on Saturday afternoon. Prior to the incident, Crown owner René Olivier had successfully released two caracals at a secret location beforehand that had been rehabilitated and cared for at the centre. Upon arrival at CRWCC, the snake eagle was thoroughly examined to establish the cause of the broken wing. A gunshot wound seemed to be the cause but it was decided that an x-ray would be necessary on Monday and the beautiful raptor with the striking golden eyes was also found to be ringed, which Olivier explained would help to find the origin of the bird. The snake eagle was then stabilised, treated with antibiotics and electrolytes and housed at the animal hospital until the x-rays could be taken on Monday by a local vet. The local vet is also an expert in fixing birds with broken wings and hopefully the eagle will be able to take to the skies again after rehabilitation at the centre. Crown has two other snake eagles being treated for broken wings after flying into Eskom power cables. Despite empty promises from big corporate businesses to assist CRWCC with the construction of a big aviary to house injured birds of prey or poisoned vultures, donations have not been forthcoming. Funding is also necessary to cover veterinary bills, medicines and the cost of feeding the injured birds and animals. Interested businesses and individuals that would like to contribute towards a good cause at CRWCC can contact Olivier on 072 513 9149 or email rene@crownrehab.co.za. Or check out their website on www.crownrehab.co.za.


Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE & REHABILITATION OF ROAD P51/3, GROBLERSDAL TO STOFBERG. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday, 08 September 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Leon Boshoff, Tel: 012 842 8730, Fax: 012 843 900 or e-mail: leon.boshoff@ bigenafrica.com A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at S25°09’29.9” E29°25;18.8 at the Dewagendrift (D198) turnoff from the P51/3 on 18 September starting at 10:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 3 October 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T708/2014 Preventative Maintenance and rehabilitation of road P51/3 Groblersdal to Stofberg” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 6CE or 5CEPE or higher.


Win a dream wedding with Mall of the North With spring just around the corner, Mall of the North is ready to celebrate the wedding season in true style. Mall of the North’s exciting wedding competition officially began on 22 August. One lucky bride-to-be stands the chance of winning a dream wedding to the value of R150 000 and a brand new set of wheels in the form of a sporty VW Polo TSi, valued at R200 000. Entry forms for the competition will be available in the Friday, 5 September edition of Beeld. The competition is open to anyone with-

in the Beeld distribution area, while the dream wedding itself must be held in Polokwane and can be redeemed until September 2015. The not-to-be missed wedding competition will culminate in the Mall of the North bridal fair from 26 October to 2 November, showcasing the latest trends in planning the perfect wedding. René van der Merwe, Marketing Manager of Mall of the North says: “We are delighted to be able to spoil our shoppers. Our wedding competition and bridal fair are just even more fantastic reasons to come to the mall.”

Lede van die Sebulon-dansgroep, Renette Gower, Hettie Halgryn, Lora Olivier, en Suzette Combrink. Agter is die verteenwoordiger van die NederduitsHervormde Kerk by die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika, Stephan Hoffman, voorsitter van die Geloftefeeskomitee, Johan Willemse en sekretaris van die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika, Limpopo, Murray Louw.

Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the ROADS PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROJECT FOR ROAD P1/7 FROM POLOKWANE TO ROAD D453. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd.

Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday, 08 September 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Takalani Musandiwa at Tel: 015 295 7583, Fax: 015 295 7613 or email: tm@tmafrica.co.za A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the Intersection of P1/7 and D453 (GPS Coordinates: 23˚ 49’ 52”S and 29˚ 29’ 24”E) on Wednesday, 01 October 2014 starting at 10:00.

Bybel in Afrikaans met dankbaarheid gevier ‘n Dankfees vir die Bybel in Afrikaans is verlede Dinsdagaand by die Geloftefeesterrein gehou om die vrystelling van die eerste Bybel in Afrikaans op 26 Augustus 1933 vanuit die Marksaal in Bloemfontein te herdenk. Die Afrikaanse Bybel is in 1953 met aanpassings uitgereik en ‘n nuwe vertaling het in 1984 die lig gesien. Daar word tans aan ‘n


Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300.00 per set.


BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


direkte vertaling van die Bybel uit die grondtekste gewerk. Die diens is deur Stephan Hoffman, verteenwoordiger van die Nederduits Hervormde Kerk by die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika gelei en die Sebulon-dansgroep het ‘n vertoning gelewer. Die Britse- en Buitelandse Bybelgenootskap, wat op 7 Maart 1804 gestig is, is die moedermaatskappy van die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika wat hom aktief beywer vir die verspreiding van Bybels.

The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on Monday, 20 October 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T712/2014: Road P1/7 from Polokwane to D453 and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of 7CE / 6CE PE or higher.


September 4, 2014

24 OBSERVER Cream of PMR.africa crop polokwane

Golden Arrow for Kopano


s Kopano Bus Service, we feel very honoured and humbled to receive a PMR.africa Golden Arrow Award as an acknowledgement of the excellent services we are rendering out there and to positively contributing towards our economy. This achievement is due to the committed and dedicated staff led by a strong goal orientated management team which appreciates the efforts and contributions made by each and every individual employee and we are immensely proud of them and they deserve the credit. We also have a sound relationship with our clients and passengers and have a platform to communicate with them through Passenger Transport Forum. We believe in rendering top class service to our passengers throughout Limpopo province and beyond, and we are proud to mention that since Kopano Bus Service started its operations in 2001, we have never lost a single life due to accidents. This achievement will motivate us to work harder. Olivia Maponya Executive Director

Cream of PMR.africa crop

September 4, 2014


OBSERVER 25 polokwane

PMR.africa salutes thriving businesses >> PMR award can be used as marketing tool and motivation for personnel RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


MR.africa recently acknowledged the contribution and initiatives, strategies and efforts by the business fraternity in Limpopo during an annual PMR.africa Limpopo Provincial Survey Leaders and Achievers Awards Breakfast held at Bolivia Lodge. Representatives from big corporate companies to smaller enterprises were awarded diamond, gold, silver or bronze award from PMR. africa Chief Executive Officer Johan Hattingh. “A PMR award is not only to acknowledge a business’s efforts and contribution towards the local market, but it can also be used as marketing and sales tool as well as motivation for personnel. The award status criteria are Diamond Arrow ranked first overall and rated at least 4,10 out of 5, Golden Arrow first or second overall and rated at least 3,75 and Silver/Bronze Arrow rated at least 3,4,” Hattingh explained. The awards are the culmination of a research process whereby companies and institutions are rated based on respondents’ perceptions with a strong focus on evaluating and measuring customer service and customer satisfaction. The awards are indicators of a

company, department or institution’s competencies. His message to people in the business sector is: “Respect yourself, respect everybody you deal with and a company will flourish.” Delivering the keynote address Polokwane Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng applauded all recipients of awards, saying that the city’s economy is continuously growing and that Polokwane remains the preferred choice for thousands of investors. Referring to the ongoing struggle with the provision of basic services she said: “We know the provision of water, sanitation and electricity put extra pressure on local businesses and the moratorium on development is still in place which further hampers growth.” She added that the municipality is busy replacing the water infrastructure at some areas where the system is older than 60 years. “I am confident that the future looks bright. With the smart city concept Polokwane will soon be a stable service provision city hosting flourishing businesses,” she said urging guests to respect municipal bylaws and to be actively involved in decision taking processes to benefit the city.

BB Truck & Tractor won a Bronze Arrow in the category for commercial vehicle dealerships in recognition of their contribution to economic growth and development in Limpopo over the past 12 months.

24 Grobler St/-str 24

P.O. Box /Posbus 2078, Pietersburg, 0700 Tel: 015 291 1301/291 1242

>> ‘Polokwane will soon be a stable service provision city hosting flourishing businesses’ – Executive Mayor Nkadimeng

Enos Kgare and Michael van Tonder receive the Diamond Arrow Award on behalf of Vleislapa. The award was made in the category for butcheries and in recognition of their contribution to economic growth and development in Limpopo over the past 12 months.


September 4, 2014

26 OBSERVER Cream of PMR.africa crop polokwane

G4S the leader in cash solutions >> Over 1 000 vehicles fitted with the latest integrated communication and tracking systems >> G4S Deposita has over 3 500 active devices in South Africa


31 Industria St Industria Polokwane Tel: 015 297 3723/4 Fax: 015 297 3717

Securing Your World

4S Cash Solutions is South Africa’s leading cash management solutions provider. Our highly experienced personnel manage a network of cash facilities nationally and operate a fleet of over 1 000 vehicles fitted with the latest integrated communication and tracking systems. Working in partnership with leading financial institutions, retailers, government and leisure sectors we provide turn-key solutions from cash transportation through to cash processing. This includes the scheduled collection and delivery of deposits between bulk cash centres or to our 35 G4S cash facilities where the money is counted, verified, authenticated, sorted and settled using world-class equipment and cash management and reconciliation software. We also run dedicated regional and shared cash centres on behalf of nine commercial banks. As the supplier of choice for thousands of businesses across the country we have the infrastructure to provide our customers with the service they need, when they need it, with the security of knowing that, whilst in our possession, all items can be insured through G4S Insurance Ltd, a registered shortterm insurance provider. The G4S Risk and Security Department provides a range of services including facility, equipment and procedural audits, incident investigation up to court level docket reporting, covert operations and loss adjusting. Through the national control centre, G4S deploys the Tactical Support Units that assist with the escorting of high-value consignments and protecting G4S cash centres. In addition to our integrated cash solutions, G4S also specialises in the logistics and transport of valuables to destinations nationally. Bulk forex, bullion, gemstones, chip cards, medical supplies and high-value cargo can be transported by road or air through our Commercial Charter Division. G4S Deposita is South Africa’s market leader in the development, manufacturing and supply of technology that facilitates the collection, processing, safeguarding, recycling and dispensing of cash. It offers a customised, secure and reliable end-to-end solution for businesses operating in the retail, banking, self-service and payment sectors. The innovative system ensures that our customers enjoy complete peace of mind regarding the effective management of their cash. Using locally developed software, the system manages all aspects linked to their devices, including transaction recording, user activity, physical and component monitoring as well as reconciliation, settlement and management reports. G4S Deposita has over 3 500 active devices in South Africa and has successfully expanded its products internationally. G4S Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Engineering combines cutting-edge technology with service excellence to provide holistic, multi-vendor maintenance, refurbishment and technical support services. This includes the maintenance of self-service cash acceptance and dispensing devices, as well as other non-cash devices and equipment, with a national footprint of more than 100 dedicated technicians on call to offer customers rapid support in respect of their maintenance requirements. What cements G4S’s position at the forefront of the industry is our ability to provide cost-effective, integrated cash and security solutions to our customers. Our global skills and experience enable us to share best practise and expertise from across the world locally and, working in partnership, meet the total security and cash management needs of our customers in innovative ways. G4S ultimately secures South Africa and the world together.

September 4, 2014

Cream of PMR.africa crop


OBSERVER 27 polokwane

Rated Limpopo’s no 1 security company by its peers!

Securing Your World

G4S won Diamond Arrow awards in both the category for security companies as well as for companies/institutions doing the most to combat crime.


OBSERVER Read Reality | Realiteitsnuus

2004 - 2014

Diamond Arrow Award winner for eight consecutive years 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

Greys Personnel was awarded a Diamond Arrow in the category for personnel recruitment agencies in recognition of their contribution to growth and development in the province over the past 12 months. Tel: 015 296 0058/63 | Fax: 015 296 0062 E-mail: cv@greysplk.co.za www.greysplk.co.za

CONGRATULATIONS to G4S on your two PMR.africa Diamond Arrow Awards!


September 4, 2014

28 OBSERVER Cream of PMR.africa crop polokwane

>> The awards are the culmination of a research process whereby companies and institutions are rated based on respondents’ perceptions with a strong focus on evaluating and measuring customer service and customer satisfaction.

DHL Express – the leader in courier services Chubb Security SA Pty Ltd won a Silver Arrow in the category for security companies/institutions doing the most to fight crime.

DHL Express is the local and global leader in courier, express and parcel delivery services. Whether it is documents or parcels, DHL offers a wide range of customised services from express delivery to supply chain management by road, air or ocean freight. DHL Limpopo has been based in Polokwane

for more than 20 years and has service centres throughout the province. Their team of highly experienced couriers strive to provide you with the fastest and most professional local and international courier service. They strive towards their slogan -Excellence. Simply delivered!

DHL Express Limpopo won a Silver Arrow in the category for courier companies in recognition of their contribution to economic growth and development in Limpopo over the past 12 months. Nico Myburgh, Manager of DHL Express Limpopo and Selma Mostert, Operations Manager received the award.

9 Marmer Street, Magna Via Tel: 015 298 8539 Fax: 015 298 8210 bosspers@mweb.co.za Boss Recruitment won a Golden Arrow in the category for personnel recruitment agencies in recognition of their contribution to economic growth and development in Limpopo over the past 12 months.



Business profile>>

September 4, 2014 >> PAGE 29

Karen Linde

First Coverland roof tile depot for Polokwane WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


oof tiling and roofing accessory giant, Coverland opened their first depot in Polokwane on Monday due to the expanding market in Limpopo and to improve their service to existing clients in the province and reach out to the market in neighbouring countries like Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia. The Coverland depot is situated at 2 Magnesiet Street, Magna Via behind Makro. “The new Coverland depot will allow us to serve our existing customers better as well as securing new customers in the region,” Nico Hanekom, Regional Sales Manager for the Coverland inland region said. Coverland was founded in 1946 and was then known as Vereeniging Tiles Limited. Now, with more than 60 years of roofing experience under the belt, Coverland remains the leading concrete roofing material supplier in South Africa. A national footprint of eight production facilities and three depots, including the Polokwane depot, ensures that products are readily available to customers throughout Southern Africa. Concrete roof tiles are the most cost-effective roof covering, especially due to their low-maintenance and long lifespan. By using Coverland concrete roof tiles the home owner can be assured of a long-lasting roof covering with an aesthetically pleasing appearance. The Coverland clay tile range is imported from Italy and France and portrays the long-lasting beauty, characteristics of Mediterranean roof styles. The Coverland roofing accessories supplement the range of roofing tiles (waterproofing, Ultra Voilet resistance, temperature control) and add additional features to your roof

allowing for energy efficiency and a wellventilated, healthier roof for your home. With the increased focus on homes becoming more energy efficient, the Dry Ridge System and the innovative Cool Roof System offer a cost effective solution to energy saving. Coverland forms part of the worldwide Monier Braas Building Group, a leading global supplier of building materials for roofs as well as innovative roof system components with operations in 40 countries. Its holding company is based in Luxembourg and the knowledge and technical expertise in roofing systems along with the support from the Monier Braas Technical Centre in Germany, sets Coverland apart from the competition. Decades of experience, a comprehensive product offering and constant innovation enable Coverland to realise the full potential of the sustainable roofing concept, to the benefit of its customers as well as today’s and future generations. Coverland will continue to lead the market through world class products,

Sienie van Deventer (Selati Tzaneen) and Coverland Polokwane Depot Manager, Jaco Mouton. PHOTOS: WARREN BLUNT

Great North Business Incubator wants to liberate Youth from unemployment Joseph Makuvaza, Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Great North Business Incubator (GNBI) is pleased to announce that Limpopo youth will be given a chance to unlock their talent in leather clothing technology and shoe manufacturing. The Group CEO would like to introduce GNBI which was conceived as an economic engine to enhance Limpopo’s economic development through textile and leather technology. Great North Business Incubator was founded in 2013. The incubator is the first leather manufacturing business incubator in Limpopo province providing early stage small companies with the enabling services and tools to create competitive high growth enterprises. The GNBI, with its network of incubators, aspires to be a driving force within the Limpopo business community by supporting innovative and dynamic entrepreneurs who can contribute to the development and growth of the Limpopo SMME sector. GNBI helps to create a new base of industries and higher sustainable jobs by promoting the start-ups, survival and growth of its tenant companies.

The vision of GNBI is to become a world class business incubator of excellence in skills development, SMME development in leather and clothing technology, and many other sectors of economy. Our mission To facilitate economic development by supporting the development of small businesses in Limpopo province specifically in the leather and clothing technology, training and business development services. To aggressively retain, attract and grow jobs in Limpopo, in partnership with others, while protecting and improving the quality of life of the youth. To main stream youth into the business world through small business ventures and provide top class business development and mentoring and coaching of start-ups. The Goals of GNBI To develop profitable companies managed by youth SMMEs, create jobs for the historically marginalised youth, raise awareness of entrepreneurship, create income opportunities for disadvantaged population, create companies that generate export revenue and affect policy

making. Our philosophy is to help the unemployed youth of Limpopo benefit from the abundant natural resources by participating in the production of value added products that meet international standards. GNBI is driven by the passion to liberate the youth from job hunting into SMMEs development. Beneficiation programme lies in our heart, soul and mind as development practitioners. Youth empowerment is our blood, vein and inspiration. GNBI supports to SMMEs Office space and facilities Equipment usage Technical and management assistance Learnership programmes in all sectors Business support Financial aid package Access to market Promotion and business development assistance GNBI operates at 3 Staal Street, Ladine Industrial, Polokwane. Media Contact: Mr. Joseph Makuvaza on 015 293 2187 or 073 481 4869, joseph@gnbi. co.za

September fuel price relief for consumers WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Hard hit consumers are in for some relief from the escalating fuel hikes when the Department of Energy announced in a press statement on Monday that the pump prices of petrol, diesel, illuminating paraffin and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) will decrease from yesterday (Wednesday). The press statement further stated that the reasons for the fuel price decreases are

mainly due to (a) the drop in the price of crude oil which led to a decrease in the prices of petroleum products on international markets; and (b) the stability of the Rand against the US Dollar on average when compared to the previous period of adjustment. South Africa’s fuel prices are adjusted on a monthly basis, influenced by international and local factors. The Minister of Energy also approved a retail margin increase of 4,2 cents per litre with effect from 3 September to accommodate the

>> Provides better service to clients in Limpopo >> Over 60 years experience in roof tiling

service and innovation. For a wide range of superior concrete roof tiles, roofing accessories, expert advice and service visit the new Coverland depot in Polokwane at 2 Magnesiet Street, Magna Via or call Jaco Mouton on 082 520 0581.

Present at the opening of the Coverland depot in Polokwane on Monday are Klaas Sekaya (Buco Polokwane), Andre Bekker (Build It Mokopane), Johan Stemmet (Build It Moratiwa), Jaco Mouton (Coverland Polokwane Depot Manager) and Marnus van Staden ( Build It Jane Furse).

recent salary increase of nine percent for fuel pump attendants and cashiers. Based on current local and international factors, the fuel prices in South Africa for September 2014 will be adjusted as follows: • Petrol (both grades) will decrease by 67 cents/litre • Diesel will decrease by 25,38 cents/litre • Illuminating paraffin will decrease by 25 cents/litre • LPG will decrease by 108 cents/kilogram.

Business: Cleo Hair Salon Why did you choose the profession? >> I love challenges and to make women feel good What puts you ahead in the industry? >> We use upmarket products and regular training How do you live out your passion for your career? >> Let the beauty of what you love be what you do


September 4, 2014

30 OBSERVER polokwane

Jeandré Krog takes a break from the sumptious buffet to introduce young Janko to the mini playground on Adega’s deck.

Geoffrey and Madeleine Miller enjoy the seafood platter at Adega Restaurant.

Adega Restaurant>>

Traditional Portuguese cuisine still the best >> Fresh seafood direct from the coast >> A fine selection of wines for every taste BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com

Humbelani, Zwanga and Siphiwe Nndwa enjoy the choice of dishes on offer. PHOTOS: BARRY VILJOEN

Above: The LM-style Chicken and Prawn and Calamari Combo offers value for money. Right: The buffet offers something for everyone and Mia du Toit, Christie and Nadine Venter are ready to go for the choice of delectable treats.

Hoede en handsakke vir slagoffers van gesinsgeweld BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Vrouens van die stad en omgewing het hul verlede Woensdagaand ter wille van ‘n goeie saak in hul veelkleurige feesgewaad uitgedos met selfversierde hoede. Elkeen het ‘n sak of handsak met items wat aan slagoffers van gesinsgeweld geskenk kan word, saamgebring. Sowat 170 dames het aandagtig geluister na Carla de Jager se aanbieding oor gesinsgeweld. De Jager het ook sangitems gelewer. Volgens Linda de Witt van Pam Golding, wat die geleentheid gereël het, was daar bykans geen uitgawes aan die funksie verbonde nie aangesien die meeste van die items deur goedgunstige borge geskenk is. Die items in die sakke word geskenk aan die polisie se eenheid vir gesinsgeweld, kinderbeskerming en seksuele misdrywe (GKS), Polokwane Plek van Veiligheid, Kansa se TLC-projek en die Polokwane Kinder- en Gesinsorgvereniging.

Carla de Jager, wat die dames toegespreek het, met Andrea Bierman en Jacobie de Neysen. FOTO’S: BARRY VILJOEN

Nannie White, Sandra Puren, Wilna Enslin en Roeline Lee in ligte luim.

Betsie Venter, Zanne Fockens, Hettie Illingworth, Marthie Lingenfelder en Dana van Wyk van Vergeet My Nie Behuisingsentrum.


n outing to Adega Restaurant in Bendor on Sunday provides the ideal opportunity to treat the whole family to a mouth watering buffet or a choice of specialist dishes prepared the Portuguese way, washed down with a wide selection of South African and Portuguese wines as well as classic drinks to satisfy every taste. The buffet consists of prawns, trinchado (beef cubes) in a creamy brown sauce, chicken pieces, half shell mussels, hake, ribs, prawn and chicken rissoules and pizza slices. For vegetables there are sweet pumpkin, baby potatoes, mixed vegetables and potato chips. Bread with a rich garlic sauce, seasoned rice and a fresh Greek salad complete the picture

Adega’s Strawberry Daiquiri made of crushed strawberries, strawberry juice and a dash of lime blended with crushed ice is a winner for the nonalcoholic taste.

while a variety of sushi offers a great starter. At R149 per person, the buffet is excellent value for money and the preferred choice of most diners. For those who prefer something more defined, the menu offers a variety of combos like the LM-style Chicken and Prawn Combo with calamari as an extra and the Surf and Turf containing grilled steak with a choice between prawns or calamari. Adega’s succulent Pork Ribs and Prawn Combo is also a favourite to consider. Grilled Lobster, Lobster Thermidor and Adega’s unsurpassed Prawn Curry and seafood platters are a must for seafood lovers. A selection of meat dishes and cuts prepared in Portuguese style is one of Adega’s specialities and will ensure that every taste is satisfied. A choice of decadent deserts like the Iced Nougat and Berry Terrine and the malva pudding served with warm custard are available to round off your meal.

Kansa vind baat by RealNet se boemelaars ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail. com Aansienlik meer boemelaars was Vrydag in die stad doenig nadat RealNet Eiendomme Polokwane se agente die strate ten bate van Kansa ingevaar het. Gewapen met Cuppa for Cansa-blikkies, plakkate en verslete klere het die span vroeg die ysige en winderige weer op die hoek van Generaal Viljoen en Generaal Maritzstraat, Marshall en Websterstraat en by Mall of the North en Mitchell House trotseer en altesaam R1 096,85 ingesamel. Die bedelsessie is met ‘n heerlike warm ontbyt by Amarillo Spur in Mall of the North afgesluit. Administrasiebestuurder van RealNet Eiendomme Polokwa-

ne, Katryn van der Merwe sê die agente het ‘n Betterbond Road Show bygewoon met die uitdaging om as boemelaars in die strate te bedel want dit is die eerste stap nader aan hul einddoel om as professionele agente die beste in die stad te wees. “Ons het die uitdaging aanvaar en R1 096,85 vir Kansa ingesamel. Baie dankie aan elke persoon wat geld gegee het. Die man wat sy baadjie aan ‘n agent oorhandig het, kan dit by die kantore in Platinumpark kom afhaal,” sê Van der Merwe. Sharon Stander, gemeenskapsmobiliseerder van Kansa sê dit is wonderlik om te weet dat daar nog soveel besighede is wat bereid is om so ‘n projek te ondersteun en doen ‘n beroep op ander instansies om ook in te spring en te help.


Charlie Moloto, ‘n verkoopsagent van RealNet Eiendomme Polokwane se uitrusting is baie oortuigend.

Die span van RealNet Eiendomme Polokwane is voor Marissa Siepje, Katryn van der Merwe en Ria Roos. Agter is Maryna van der Merwe, Anneke van As, John Neves, Dawn Neves, Barbara Cilliers en Sharon Stander, Kansa gemeenskapsmobiliseerder.

Boslelies kondig begin van lente aan RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com Ongeveer 14 jaar gelede het dit as ‘n stokperdjie begin, maar vandag is die gesogte kweker, Pieter van Eeden se jaarlikse Cliviaskou een van die populêre geleenthede in die provinsie wat belangstellendes van heinde en ver lok. Clivia-liefhebbers het van vroeg Saterdag-

Pieter van Eeden tussen sy clivias.

oggend Van Eeden se deurdrumpel deurgetrap om sy pragblomme te bewonder of selfs ‘n paar vir hul eie tuine aan te skaf. “Die skou het die afgelope paar jaar net aanhou groei en jaarliks is meer plante in ‘n groter verskeidenheid kleure beskikbaar. Vanjaar was geen uitsondering met die blommeprag nie,” sê Van Eeden wat self sy plante kruisbestuif. Hy koop gereeld plante elders in die land om sy clivias of boslelies se genetiese kwaliteit te verseker en dit is geen verrassing dat sy plante vir soveel as R5 000 verkoop nie. “Dit is die beste ontspanning na ‘n lang dag se werk. Clivias kruisbestuif so maklik en dit is baie opwindend om nuwe kleure te sien sodra hulle begin blom,” sê hy oor sy liefde vir die pragtige inheemse plante. Persone wat vanjaar se skou misgeloop het kan nou reeds ‘n inskrywing in hul dagboeke vir die begin van September 2015 maak wanneer Van Eeden weer trots met sy plantprag sal pronk.


MOTORING September 4, 2014 >> Page 31

Audi - A1 1.4TFSi Attraction S-tronic R178 000 2011 Privaat verkoop. Soos nuut, slegs 37 000 km. Outomaties met baie ekstras. Balans van 5 jaar/100 000 diensplan.

Skakel 082 785 2627 of 015 296 3376 (na-ure)

Opel Astra sedan – a lot of brag with no lag RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


hen you need a sleek and sporty design with sensational comfort in a vehicle then the new Opel Astra sedan is perfect for the lonely traveller as well as the family man who craves sportiness combined with luggage space and driving excellence. Opel Astra sedan has dynamic looks and it connects the driver to the road through great steering and a superb suspension. Responsive and efficient engines are added to this mean machine which results in an exhilarating driving experience. The Opel design team gave the new Astra a very stylish and sleek silhouette. The roofline arcs gently over the passenger area and descends in a seamless sweep through the steeply raked rear screen to the sculpted aerodynamic lip at the end of the short rear deck. And because the raked C-pillar stretches so far back into the rear deck area, it visually conceals the size of the trunk in an elegant fashion. The feature line running through the door handles becomes more defined towards the rear, creating a muscular shoulder effect below the base of the C-pillar and the rear deck.

>> Connects the driver to the road through great steering and superb suspension >> Protects occupants with exemplary passive safety technologies

the 1,6-litre turbocharged Cosmo performs The rear is characterised by the steeply at 132 kW and 230 Nm. These two models raked rear screen, the integrated deck spoiler, respectively offer a combined fuel consumption and the broad sweep of the sculpted bumper. of 5,9 and 6,8 litres of fuel per 100km. The design of the tail lights echoes those of The Opel Astra is not only equipped with other Astra models, and the subtle crease state-of-the-art active safety systems, but also which links them adds width and avoids any protects its occupants with exemplary passive impression of bulkiness. safety technologies. Robust bumpers and The exterior design is only a fracture of highly efficient energy absorption systems what Opel really wants to achieve with this deal with minor impacts. The new model. The interior tells a story of superb bumper beams are prematerials used to design a comfortable cabin cisely positioned for filled with interesting gadgets and safety maximum profeatures. tecThe Opel Astra offers storage possibilities that are as numerous and practical. Eighteen storage compartments include door pockets front and rear with bottle holders, a driver’s storage bin, cup holders, a large glove box, and front and rear centre armrests with closed storage compartments. The new range offers a 1,4T and 1,6T litre engine in either the Essentia, Enjoy or Cosmo model. The 1,4 Essentia is also available with automatic transmission. The Essentia and Cosmo engines are equipped with a turbo resulting in the 1,4-litre to generate 103 kW Photo: RC Myburgh of power and 200 Nm of torque while

Mercurius Motors Polokwane Tel: 015 299 9500 cnr N1 and Nelson Mandela Road, Polokwane Email: jcoetzee@cargomotors.co.za

tion in car to car low speed impacts, helping cut repair bills and leading to excellent insurance classification. The new Opel Astra sedan is available at Westvaal Polokwane. Visit the dealership at 86 Landdros Maré Street or contact them at 015 297 1149.

The new Opel Astra sedan’s sleek design and sporty features makes it fit for both the family man or the individual looking for a comfortably yet exciting drive.


Polokwane Observer

R179 900

dan 2012 Polo Se 1.6 T/L 50 300km


R259 900

o 2012 Polo Viv 1.4 Sedan 58 000km

R109 500

to 2011 KIA Cera 1.6 5DR 102 000km

2.0 2009 VW CC TDI DSG 120 000km

2013 Polo 1.4 DSG 22 000km

let 2013 Chevro Aveo 1.6 L 47 500km

Cash back

September 4, 2014

R154 900

2013 Polo 1.4 C/L 68 00km

R119 900

Etios H 2013 Toyota 1.5 XI 26 000km

R139 900

nger 3.0 2010 Ford Ra TDCi XLE 93 000km


R119 900

R249 900

R20 000

Cash back

BITDI 2012 Amarok S/C 4 Motion 88 000km


R289 900

YEAR 2013 2010 2011 2008 2013 2008 2009 2011 2013 2005 2013 2011 2004 2010 2013 2006

MODEL Kombi T5 SWB 2.0 TDI Mazda 3 1.6 Active Jetta 1.6 TDI Polo 1.9 TDI Polo 1.6 TDI Golf 1.9 TDI Polo 1.4 T/L Sedan Polo Vivo Sedan 1.4 T/L Polo Vivo 1.4 Base Ford Ranger 4X4 Chevrolet Spark 1.2 LT Kombi T5 SWB 2.0 TDI Pajero 3300i A/T Toyota 1.3 Impact Ford Fiesta 1.4i Ambiente Touareg 3.0 TDI V6 TIP


2.0 BiT 2011 Amarok D/C 120KW 82 000km 123 41 75 24 59 98 129 89 26 224 28 68 237 103 60 149

KM 381km 000km 000km 400km 835km 542km 000km 970km 053km 000km 729km 000km 000km 000km 501km 000km

R30 000

rtage 2010 Kia Spo 2.0 Ignite 183 000

R269 900

COLOUR White White Silver Silver Silver Red Grey Silver Silver Blue White White Beige White Brown Green

R179 900

R189 900

PRICE R360 000 R142 000 R174 900 R 99 900 R199 900 R119 900 R 89 900 R115 900 R119 900 R 99 900 R109 900 R299 900 R 99 900 R119 900 R149 900 R189 900

CASHBACK R60 000 R20 000

Bonus Motors

33 Van Riebeeck Street, Mokopane. Tel 015 491 3248/9

93 Thabo Mbeki Drive (at MBT), Mokopane. Tel 015 491 7021 TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY



Property profile>>

September 4, 2014 >> Page 33

Karien Jordaan

Agency: Seeff Polokwane What advice do you have for first time buyers? >> Location is most important for a big investment To what do you ascribe your success as property agent? >> Consistency, service and honesty What is the current trend in the local property market? >> A shortage of stock, but still a buyers’ market. Sole mandates sell much faster

Buying property with a partner W

ith living costs ever on the rise and many would-be homeowners struggling to afford purchasing a property on their own, the concept of buying a house with a partner and thereby sharing costs and increasing the chances of a loan approval, is fast gaining ground. Adrian Goslett, Chief Executive Officer of RE/MAX of Southern Africa is quoted in a statement to have said that co-ownership is becoming a very attractive option for unmarried buyers who want to get into the market as soon as they can. “Many consumers are aware of the fact that the market is changing and beginning to favour sellers. Inventory of homes available to buyers is in short supply at the moment, making it increasingly more difficult for buyers to get their foot in the door. Choosing to buy a property with a partner, friend or family member gives buyers more options and strengthens their financial standing,” Goslett said, adding that in today’s property market affordability is essential, and partnering with someone can make the venture of purchasing a home far more affordable for both parties. First National Bank (FNB) Homeloan data reveals a significant increase in joint applications over the last quarter. Goslett pointed out that this is largely due to the fact that it is far easier to get bond approval on a dual income as opposed to a single income. “The average bond issued is between R950 000 and R1 million, which means that the applicant would have to earn a gross salary of around R30 000 to qualify based on an interest rate

To leT

offices Maneoprops 072 614 4333

suzettejacobs@hotmail.com OLD FLORA PARK: R1 750 000: Absolutely fantastic! Move-in-ready. Newly renovated 3 bedr, 2 bathr home. New finishes, entertainment area, 2 garages, 2 carports. WELGELEGEN: R3 780 000: A stylish, architect designed house in need of a big family. 5 Bedr, 4 bathr home with underfloor heating, borehole, pool. Stand size 2 600 m². STER PARK: R1 940 000: Greet the new day with sunrays splashing your face from your main bedroom while you overlook your cycad filled garden. This property offers you 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study, family, dining, lounge, 2 garages, patio, pool and security. Location is king. ACACIA ESTATE: R995 000: For the investor. A freestanding 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. No garage. Carport. BENDOR GABLES: R995 000: Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. 1 Garage.

of 9,25% and a repayment period of 20 years. The simple fact is that there are many South Africans who fall way below this salary bracket, but who still want to own property. For them, applying for finance with a partner can make that bond amount feasible. He noted that while many banks no longer offer consumers joint cheque or savings accounts, due to the vast number of buyers

who are choosing to co-own with another party, many lenders do offer joint home loan accounts or mortgage packages that cater specifically for this situation. Goslett provided a few pointers to buyers applying for a joint home loan: • Shop around to find the best home loan to suit your requirements • Have all relevant documentation on hand

when applying • Monthly bond repayments consist primarily of interest repayments, so know the interest rate payable on the loan and reassess after a five year period. • As a rule of thumb, the bond repayment along with taxes and property insurance shouldn’t exceed 25% to 30% of your joint income


Polokwane Observer

September 4, 2014

“Having achieved more than 50 Years of property

makes us the obvious choice”

PROPERTY OF THE WEEK House in fauna park - r1 420 000

WeB: 331968

Bedrooms 3 BatHrooms 2 GaraGes 2

CRAMPED WHERE YOU ARE? Upmarket good volume executive residence in Fauna Park. A stunning home, high quality, close to all amenities. A stone’s throw from the Savannah Mall. House situated on a 1013 m ² stand. Well paved, with a sparkling pool, spacious, beautiful lapa. Strong borehole. Extra rooms outside, to accommodate you to convert into a flatlet. This unbelievable goodness could be yours! Call now! Hosea molekoa 072 485 5155



r853 000


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r1 968 000



erf size: 1180m² seeff Web: 331100

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r780 000

Beautiful House in upmarket VillaGe!


(o) 015 297 1140 louise oostHuiZen 071 609 6256

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Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 seeff Web: 288835


r710 800

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r2 230 000



LAND SITUATED CLOSE TO all sCHools in mynGenoeGen

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(o) 015 297 1140 melani le rouX 084 250 1300

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Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 seeff Web: 324770

iVy park

r875 000

Bedroom 3 Bathrooms 2 seeff Web: 330985

BENDOR (toWnHouse) r1 202 000

Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages 3 seeff Web: 298755


r2 000 000

Polokwane joins drive to build a culture of reading Photo: Barry Viljoen

Polokwane Executive Mayor, Thembi Nkadimeng.

>> Events at various venues over the city >> A good cause that contributes towards Madiba’s legacy BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com The third annual Polokwane Literary Fair will take place from tomorrow (Friday) until 14 of September and will incorporate National Book Week (NBW) on Friday and Saturday. The theme for this year’s NBW is ‘Going Places’. The Polokwane Literary Fair is a critical arts initiative championed by the Polokwane Municipality and will take place at various venues over the city. According to a media release by the municipality, donation of books, a puppet show and storytelling are on the agenda for Friday at 10:00 at Greenside Primary School whilst at 14:00 Polokwane Place of Safety will be the venue for a Children’s Toy Library. The Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture, Rejoice Mabudafhasi along with Polokwane Executive Mayor, Thembi Nkadimeng and TV presenter and actor, Aaron Moloisi will be interacting with the children on Friday. NBW activities will continue on Saturday at the Polokwane City Library from 08:00 when there will be creative learning, a reading competition, youth conversations, book donations and motivational talks. “This is a good cause which contributes towards late former President of South Africa, Tata Nelson Mandela’s legacy around education and improving the plight of our younger generation through reading and writing. This marks the beginning of an important partnership that strategically aligns the Polokwane Literary Fair to the national agenda thus bringing it closer to realising its vision of being a national and continental thought-leading brand,” Polokwane Executive Mayor, Thembi Nkadimeng, is quoted to have said. Moloisi, who hails from Polokwane and also a NBW Ambassador says, “I continue to support National Book Week because the importance of reading can never be overemphasised. With the media platform, I’m able to carry the message of NBW further.” The Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa accompanied by book sector stakeholders, marked the launch of National Book Week 2014 during an event highlighting the power of books held at Emoyeni Conference Centre, Parktown, last Friday.

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September 4, 2014

Polokwane Observer

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Polokwane Observer

Heuwelkruin se skones is Zandré de Vos (tweede prins), Minette Snyman (tweede prinses), Jody Abrahams, Lara van Niekerk (Mej Heuwelkruin), Wernich Kachelhoffer (Mnr Heuwelkruin), Diaan Lawrenson, Anke Jordaan (eerste prinses en Mej Fotogenies) en Hardus Snyman (eerste prins).


STANDS FOR SALE WOODRIDGE @ WOODHILL R 471 187.50 619m² R 459 585.00 604m² R 485 047.50 636m² R 518 647.50 625m² R 559 177.50 700m² R 532 507.50 668m² R 666 802.50 839m² R 485 047.50 597m² R 457 275 .00 600m² THORNHILL FOR THE DEVELOPER 5892m² @ R4 242 240.00 4320m² @ R3 369 600.00

STANDS FOR SALE WOODHILL ESTATE R443 467.50 599m² R560 332.50 737m² R432 967.50 524m² R444 570.00 576m² R407 505.00 501m² R419 107.50 507² R483 892.50 628m² R382 042.50 441m² R611 257.50 711m² R636 720.00 776m² R408 312.00 482m² R695 500.00 839m²

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1) UPPER-TOWN: 1 BEDROOM FLAT: R540 000.00 Beautiful, cosy townhouse with nice veranda for entertainment, a carport and lovely garden. 2) BENDOR: R1 250 000.00 Stunning 3 bedroom townhouse, open-plan lounge/ dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, double garage and double carport. Beautiful area, upmarket finishes. Adorable!! 3) BENDOR SECURITY ESTATE: R1 800 000.00 Adorable 3 bedroom home with open-plan living area, 45) SECURITY ESTATE : MODERN TOWNHOUSE : R980 000.00 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathrooms, open-plan living area, awesome kitchen, garage, private garden, close to Mall of the North and Thornhill shopping complex. 5)CETTIC LODGE: 1356m² STAND: R 840 000.00

HOUSES: 1) ±1500m² zoned 7 units 2) 2213m² CENTAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units - R3 500 000.00 3) BENDOR – 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 4) PENINAPARK 3 000m² zoned 20 Units - R2 500 000.00 54) EDUAN PARK 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Flat, swimming pool, lapa and borehole 6) 1900m² ERF - A very neat 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom dwelling, situated in the medical node, ideal for MEDICAL PRACTICE or guest house R3 750 000.00. Don’t miss out! PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha vacant - R1 500 000.00 (neg) 2) ON N1 PRETORIA RD 8.5 ha 3) MYNGENOEGEN 2.3ha 2 x 2 bedroom flats R1 100 000.00 4) N1 North 10ha. 4 Houses, 3 chicken coops, etc. R3 075 000.00 FARMS: 1) ALLDAYS 850ha – GAME FARM - R8 000 000.00 2) PIETERSBURG 300ha - CATTLE/ CROP FARM + loose assets (100 Bonsmara cattle) 2 houses, strong water, pivot - R6 500 000.00 3) VIVO – 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game - R9 000 000.00 4) SWARTWATER 1800ha – GAME FARM 5) PIETERSBURG 400ha – R4 500 000.00 INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) Industrial stands – N1 North available 1300m² 2) Industrial stands – 5300 m² - Good exposure

CONTACT MANIE - 083 635 0513 1) 2 x INDUSTRIAL STANDS Corporate park 2 x 1855m² 2) 2 x MODERN OFFICE BUILDINGS IN PRIME AREA: - 342m² and 250m²

CONTACT: MATIE: 083 271 5259

1) TWEEFONTEIN PLOT: 8.5ha: R2 100 000.00 3 Slaapkamerhuis, 3 x 2-slaapkamerhuise, 1 x 1-slaapkamerhuis, ontspanningslokaal. Naby N1. 2) 90ha NATUURPLAAS: R2 950 000.00 In Wolkberge, 50 km vanaf Polokwane, 2 chalets, stoor, wildwildwerendomhein. Baie mooi, nuutontwikkelde eiendom. 3) 500ha BESPROEIINGSPLAAS: R6 300 000.00 Dendron omgewing, 18ha onder besproeiing, 3 slaapkamerhuis, 2 slaapkamer woonstel, grootpakstoor, werkswinkel, afdakke ens. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. 4) LEË ERF 1356m²: in Cettic Lodge R850 000.00

Bo: 7de Laan se Paula (Diaan Lawrenson) en haar man, Jody Abrahams deel ‘n oomblik op die verhoog. Regs: Ross Pretorius is as Mnr Fotogenies aangewys.


Lara van Niekerk en Wernich Kachelhoffer is vanjaar se Mej en Mnr Heuwelkruin.

Curro Heuwelkruin>>

Curro Heuwelkruin se skones gekroon



September 4, 2014


TO LET: RESIDENTIAL: CONTACT: SAN 072 159 5126 MID-TOWN: R2 500.00: Immediately One room with bathroom. Water and electricity included. TOWNHOUSE: R4 100.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage. 20 km from town, scenic area. COSY LOG CABIN HOUSE: R3 800.00 Immediately 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, open-plan living room, 10 km from town. Enjoy great outdoor living. Free yourself!! BENDOR: DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE: R5 200.00 3 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, open-plan lounge/dining room, kitchen, scullery, double garage and garden. TO LET: INDUSTRIAL: CONTACT: STEPHEN 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 600m² + 200m²: Offices with good exposure to Dendron road 2) 1400m² : Warehouse - Nirvana 3) 1800m²: Warehouse + 300 m² office - Nirvana Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Modern, freestanding office, 600m²; 1/5/2014; Close to CBD 3) 345m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton Court) 4) 100m² Office; CBD 5) Office CBD – Marshall Street ±220m²

Diaan Lawrenson (Paula) en Christo Davids (Errol) bygewoon. Lawrenson se man, Jody Abrahams bekend vir sy rolle in Safe House, The Quarry en Scandal was ook teenwoordig. Curro Heuwelkruin was die naweek ‘n miernes Hulle was deel van die paneel beoordelaars van bedrywighede toe Mnr en Mej Heuwelkruin wat besluit het dat Wernich Kachelhoffer en Vrydagaand aangewys en Saterdag deur ‘n drama Lara van Niekerk die kroon as Mnr en Mej werkwinkel en teaterproduksie, Titanik gevolg is. Die geleenthede is deur 7de Laan akteurs, Heuwelkruin verdien het. Die eerste en tweede prinse is Nardus Snyman en Zandré de Vos met Anke Jordaan en Minette Snyman wat as eerste en tweede prinsesse aangewys is. Die Mnr en Mej Fotogeniestitel het aan Anke Jordaan en Ross Pretorius gegaan. Die tema van die aand was Superhero. Lawrenson en Kruinies se kuns en dramaleerkrag, Nicole Senekal het die drama werkswinkel vir verskeie leerders van die stad behartig. “Leerders was baie opgewonde. Lawrenson het aspekte soos 7de Laan-beginsels en improvisasie bespreek waarna die leerders in groepe gedeel is en elke groep ‘n geskrewe toneel uit 7de Laan moes doen TEL: 015 295 4537/8 | Fax: 015 291 1166 wat op ‘n multikamerastel opgevoer 7a HaNS VaN RENSBURG STREET word,” sê Senekal. LADANNA TO LET Sy verduidelik dat ‘n 2 Bedroom townhouses, from R4250 to Phone NOW to view the Bachelor flats multikamerastel, waar R4500 per month. Prepaid electricity. available. From R2200 to akteurs gedurig van R2850 per month. Phone now to view! verskillende kameras 1 Bedroom flats available from R2900 to R5100 – Townhouse - 3 Bedrooms, bewus moet wees, R3500 per month. Don’t miss out. 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, een van die moeiTOWN/DORP kitchen, scullery, TV room and garage. likste aspekte van R3390 – 1 Bedroom flat with bathroom, Prepaid electricity. drama is om onder lounge and kitchen. Carport, prepaid water. WORK FROM HOME ! ! ! die knie te kry. Immediately available. R3900 – 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, R18 000 – 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathSaterdag is met rooms, lounge, dining room, TV room, kitchen, carport and garage. Water and ‘n teaterproduksie, Tikitchen, scullery, laundry, study, garage, electricity at municipality. tanik deur Abrahams R4460 – 2 Slaapkamer huis met 1½ badcarport, braai, swimming pool PLUS 2 en Davids afgesluit. kamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en offices, reception, kitchen and bathroom. Die skreeusnaakse 2 afdakke Klein hondjie welkom. Phone today to view! produksie het die R7300 – Huis in Ooststraat. 3 Slaapkamgehoor laat skaterOFFICES ers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, lag. Die produksie Various office space available, sizes from kombuis, opwas, stoorkamer, 2 afdakke, gaan oor Durrie 40m² to 598m². braai en gesamentlike swembad. Koop(Abrahams) wat sy krag, water R400 per maand. FOR SALE werk verloor het, drie DORP STREET A selection of properties for sale. R4180 – Townhouse. 2 Bedrooms, bathmaande agterstallig Phone Anel 071 125 2844 / room, lounge, kitchen and carport. Prepaid met sy huur is en Rita 082 933 3162 electricity. Available from 1 Oct ’14. geen geld vir bier het LIEFLIKE HUIS IN FAUNA PARK NEW SERVICE nie. Hy ontvang ‘n R7900 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, brief in die pos wat sê BODY CORPORATES sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, opwas, hy moet bewys dat sy Allow us to provide professional managestudeerhoekie, swembad, lapa, groot-oupagrootjie op ment of your complex. Phone now! 2 motorhuise en buitetoilet. die skip, Titanic wat Anel 071 125 2844 / Rita 082 933 3162 Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Okt ’14. in 1912 gesink het, VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR PHOTOS OF THE PROPERTIES AVAILABLE. was om sy erfporsie te kan eis. www.stipecprop.co.za RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


Phone to view the last few stands available. 072 390 3433 or 084 670 1609 or 082 795 3184

Eagle’s Nest Christian School>>

Eagle’s Nest debate their way to the top ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


Photographed during the sending off ceremony are Lepelle Northern Water Communications Manager Simon Mpamonyane, Educator Matome Mabitsela, Grade 11 learners Dipuo Nthane, Nthabiseng Matona, Principal Tlou Ramara and Deputy Director Corporate Services, Department of Water and Sanitation Limpopo Region, Ivy Mabuela. Photo: Herbert Rachuene

Taxila Secondary School>>

Taxila Learners off to Sweden Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Three Grade 11 learners of Taxila Secondary School, Nthabiseng Motona, Dipuo Nthane and Tebogo Mamabolo left for Sweden on Friday to participate in the International Junior Water Prize competition currently taking place in Stockholm. The trio represented the province at South African Youth Water Prize in July and were named the national winners in both the awareness and invention categories. They will compete with learners from 30 other countries for the top prize of $15,000. During the competition, organised by the Department of Water and Sanitation, the learners were required to indentify water related problems, initiate and recommend solutions that will solve an indentified problem. They came up with a rain water harvesting project that looks at purifying rain water to the level of drinkability and this project won them the competition. Last Wednesday Lepelle Northern Water (LNW) arranged a farewell event for the learners where the senior members of the organisation wished the learners well in their journey. LNW acting Chief Executive, Phineas Legodi

said they are proud to be associated with such excellence that produced innovative solutions for use in the water sector. The entity sponsored Taxila principal Tlou Ramara’s ticket so that he can accompany the learners. “We are humbled by the dedicated efforts of the educators, management and indeed the learners of the school. As Lepelle Northern Water, an entity of government mandated to provide bulk water-related services, we are concerned with initiatives that seek and aim to optimise available water, minimise water-treatment costs and ultimately ensure consistent, quality drinkable water for our communities,” Legodi said during the send off ceremony at LNW’s headquarters last Wednesday. Dipuo said they hope to do the province and the country proud at the international event. “This is a great opportunity for us to show the world what we are capable off and we promise to give our best during the competition,” she said. Ramara said they are happy to have a crop of innovative learners who are also determined to make the best of their lives. “Their will to excel in school programmes will motivate other learners at the school. The competition will give them exposure and enhance their knowledge in science, water and sanitation,” he said.

agle’s Nest Christian School and Capricorn High School battled it out for the Executive Mayor’s Trophy Debate Tournament finals in the Jack Botes Hall on Wednesday. Eagle’s Nest, as the proposing team and Capricorn as the opposing team squared it out on the motion ‘In the light of recent developments of the new integrated transport system in Polokwane the idea of a feasible unified public transport system in the city is a counterproductive one’. Both teams maintained excellent arguments during the first round of the debate. Dire Masebe from Eagle’s Nest Christian School made for lighter moments with his quick and quirky responses to the opposing team during the open floor event. One of the judges, Mark Markgraaf said the standard of the debate escalates annually and this year he wasn’t disappointed. He said although it was a difficult task to judge the two teams, he is honoured to be part of the judging panel. “The judges’ criteria included content, strategy and style,” Markgraaf said.

September 4, 2014

Both teams gave their best, but Eagle’s Nest Christian School took home the Experienced Team Floating Trophy and books for the school library while Capricorn High School, as the runners-up, received books for the school library. Khaiso High School won the Inexperience Team floating trophy and books for the school library and Taxila Secondary School was the runner-up taking home books for the school library. The Best Experienced Speaker was Lehlogonolo Letsoalo from Northern Academy and the runner-up was Mapitsi Tladi from Eagle’s Nest Christian School. The Best Inexperienced Speaker was Mmanare Legodi from Taxila High School with the runner up as Nompumelelo Mahlangu from Mountain View Secondary School. The Best Experienced Chairperson went to Lerato Moloto from Capricorn High School and the Best Inexperienced Chairperson was Kgothatso Makaleng from Khaiso High School. Olgans van Zyl from Mountain View Secondary School was the runner-up. The floating trophies, books and book vouchers were sponsored by Lafarge South Africa.

Photos: Roelien Vorster

Mayoral Committee Member (MMC) for Culture, Sport, Recreation and Special Focus Johanna Kaka, second from right, hands over the trophy to Eagles Nest Christian School debater Phatu Bale, Coach Chris Chapota, debaters Dire Masebe and Mapitsi Tladi, far right.

Capricorn High School, runner-up in the Executive Mayor’s Trophy Debate Tournament, represented by Ketsi Phaladi, Shanon Tabane and Dimpho Thepa, far right, and MMC for Culture, Sport, Recreation and Special Focus, Johanna Kaka.

Mitchell House College>>

Top Afrikaans awards for Mitchell House learners Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The Mitchell House College Grade 8 and 9 learners excelled at the Waterberg Afrikaanse Taal en Kultuurvereniging (ATKV) Competition that was held in Bela-Bela recently when they achieved 95% and 97% respectively. The learners gave it all in the dramatised choir and poetry categories to get the

outstanding results and make their educator, Juanita van den Heever very proud. The learners are awaiting an invitation from the State Theatre in Pretoria to give performances there later this year. In addition, Van den Heever has been invited to receive an award on behalf of the learners at an ATKV gala evening award dinner that was held in Polokwane last night (Wednesday).

The Mitchell House Grade 8 learners with their certificates for achieving 95% at the Waterberg ATKV Competition recently. With them is educator, Juanita van den Heever and Headmaster, Andrew Cook at the back. Photos: Warren Blunt

Mitchell House;s Grade 9 learners who achieved 97 % at the Waterberg ATKV Competition recently.


OBSERVER 37 polokwane

Hoërskool Pietersburg>>

PHS koshuise kry nuwe wapens RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Die seuns- en meisieskoshuis van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) spog nou elk met hul eie koshuiswapen wat deur koshuisleiers, Richardt Stroebel en Emil Glas geïnisieer is. Die wapens is deur Elizabeth Grobler, ‘n graad 12-leerder ontwerp. PHS-skakelbeampte, AnnaMarié Schoeman sê Grobler het die skoolwapen as inspirasie gebruik. “Ek het van die begin af geweet ek moet die steenbok op die skoolwapen op die meisieskoshuis se wapen gebruik en op die seunskoshuis se wapen moes dié bokkie plek maak vir ‘n koedoe wat immers meer manlik en ‘n voorstelling van die Bosveld is,” sê Grobler en verwys na die louriertakkies wat op die lourierkrans van PHS se erekleure dui. ‘n Duidelike sirkel, geïnspireer deur die son op PHS se skoolwapen, omsluit die simboliek. Eie aan die gees onder PHS se koshuisinwoners, is besluit om die woorde, Carpe Diem (Gryp die dag) as leuse aan te bring. “Dit was vir my ‘n voorreg om die wapens te ontwerp en dit sal aangenaam wees om oor 50 jaar steeds iets van myself hier te vind,” sê Grobler.

Foto: Verskaf

PHS se seuns- en meisieskoshuis spog nou met hul eie wapens danksy Richardt Stroebel (PHS skool- en koshuishoofseun), Ninene Engelbrecht (koshuishoofmeisie), Elizabeth Grobler (ontwerper) en Emil Glas (koshuis- en skoolleier).



September 4, 2014

38 OBSERVER polokwane


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Fax: 086 666 4300

Kokkedoor Johnny kook

in Afrikaans

| Sekhukhune

Augustus 14 - 20, 2014

>> PAGE 2



21.4133ha plot with 4 separate houses and a rental income R17 650 p.m. of 2 water tanks Cement dam, and irrigation PLEASE CONTACT system.


Police Minister visits Limpopo

STRANGER 082 953 5485 / 015 291 3415

Parkeerplan misluk

BL 13

Intussen trek belastingbetalers aan die korste end deurdat regsadvies van byna R600 000 in die

YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gm

>> PAGE 6

Polokwane | Seshego



| Mokopane | Dendron

by our Consultants.

* NO weeds * NO moving

Established since 1968

Installation service available.

Miracle baby turns two >> BLADSY 48 ACHIEVERS>>

Zander Ernst jong boer om mee rekening te hou

| Aganang | Lebowakgomo


Tel: 015 291 1061

Read Reality | Realiteitsnuus

Augustus 21 - 28 , 2014

Cops, robbers in shootout



ore than R120 million of Polokwane Municipality’s debt book basic services is owed on residents in Mankwengby when the municipality and started

YOLAnDE nEL >>observer.yolande@gm


Ysterperde deel van skool se vieringe

Polokwane | Seshego

| Haenertsburg | Mankweng

| Aganang | Lebowakgomo

OBSERVER Best Community newspaper in SA - 2005/2009/2010/2011/ 2012


Read Reality | Realiteitsnuus

T inc VA

Tel: 015 291 1061

| Sekhukhune

-00 R4


Johanli du Plessis neem met haar honde, Lilly en Amber aan Polokwane se eerste Bark for Life-geleentheid deel.

>> BLADSY 20



T: 015 293 0208 F: 015 293 0223 Spoorwegstraat 40 Polokwane


Gimnas Jeanie is nasionale kampioen in spronge >> BLADSY 48


| Mokopane | Dendron



>> BLADSY 35

Beste in land

national and provincial leaders followed up on allegations of deliberate pollution of a Mokopane water source, the Dorps River which is a tributary of the Nyl River flowing at the head of the Mogalakwena River that in turn runs into the great Limpopo. It is closely situated to Nylsvley which is Site and internationally a Ramsar one of the largest singleconsidered ecosystems in the country. To page 2

Farewell in cowboy style

Clifford Ngakane leaves Meropa after 25 years

PHS vier 93 jaar

cutting services to non-paying majority respond only residents on Monday upon a enforcement of credit uproar erupted with violent control protestprocesses,” Municipal ers barricading the MarketR71 with ing and Communications burning tyres and damaging Manager Tidimalo vehicles parked at Paledi Mall. Chuene said add“Only 10% of residents in ing that the Mankweng pay their accounts municipality’s on a regular basis while the To page 2

Official opening hosted by Elmarié Attorneys on Bierman 5 September 2014 at 10:00, in conjunction with a Spring Celebration in favour of charity. RSVP before 1 September 2014.

horrible mistake

Dwellers dumped on


private property

YOLANDE NEL purposes when originally >>observer.yolande@gm ail.com in November last year. moved on behalf of the group,Speaking n a hot summer’s afternoon David Mbombi told Polokwane pleas by a group of annoyed Observer that they inviduals are swept were relocated by Polokwane a blustery August wind, away on nicipality to a portion Muindicative of numerous symbolically of identified as Extension land vain to solicit the help attempts in of all they on 16 November last 106 could think of at provincial year and local after an undertaking government level for to their plight to have them relocated be heard. to Extension 78 A discontent group of former opposite the road Disteneng dwellers is in from Disteneng. He over a relocation processdespair said when the municihorribly wrong, seeminglythat went pal trucks with their been mistakenly dumped having belongings and on private material for makeshift property earmarked structures for residential To page 2

Katryn takes world crown


Living on the wrong side of the fence... David Mbombi with the border marker that demarcates the land in the background. private PhOtO: YOLANDE

Amok by dagsorgsentrum toe vrou wapen op skoonma rig


RC MYBuRGh >>rc.observer@gmail.com ‘n Vrou wat reeds einde verlede maand deur die Polokwane Landdroshof onder haar pa se sorg geplaas is na sy bewering helder oordag na in die teenwoordigheid van kleuters

en mede-opsieners ‘n wapen op haar skoonma by ‘n plaaslike dagsorgsentrum gerig Maandag weer amok het, het by selfde sentrum gemaak diena verneem word haar toe sy persoonlike besittings van die perseel wou verwyder. Polokwane Observer het

diemont, Zimmerman & bolink

are waiting applications from persons interested in qualifying as Charted Accountants (members of SAICA). Requirements: Matric with University exemption (Mathematics and Accountancy a requirement) or Busy with studies towards a B.Com Acc degree or In possession of a B.Com Acc degree

Aug 28 - Sept 3, 2014


10B ChuRCh STREET TEL 015 291 3415/20

Indien u nie binne 21 dae vanaf publikasie hiervan van ons kantoor verneem nie, moet u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

>> PAGE 3

>> PAGE 22

Water sources under attack

A perceived threatening ecological disaster possibly arising the alleged contamination from lesser waterway linking of a up with some of Limpopo’s most important water sources could result in a criminal charge against the Mogalakwena Municipal Manager. On Monday a high level Democratic Alliance (DA) delegation of

Two wounded after armed robbery of legal cigarettes


...as municipality cuts services to Mankweng

RC MYBuRGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com

| Sekhukhune

Best Community newspaper in SA - 2005/2009/2010/2011/ 2012

Official opening hosted by Elmarié Bierman Attorneys on 5 September 2014 at 10:00, in conjunction with a Spring Celebration in favour of charity.

10B ChurCh StrEEt tEL 015 291 3415/20

>> PAGE 20



R85/m² VAT included

9 Iran Avenue, Superbia, Polokwane | www.carpetdecor.co.za | Tel: 015 292 2219 | Fax: 015 292 1642 • E-mail: plk@carpetdecor.co.za

To page 2

| Haenertsburg | Mankweng


Guaranteed Workmanship


It’s safe, convenient, versatile, hassle-free, fun, natural looking & you can install it anywhere you can think of... From

Professional Advice

A rental row over two apartment blocks in the bustling neighbourhood of Ladanna resembles a war of attempts to call in the protracted legal action big guns, ening eviction between and threatants and, among others,tens of tena business

Vereistes: Matriek met Universiteitsvrystelling (Wiskunde en Rekeningkunde ‘n vereiste) of Besig met studies vir ‘n B.Com Rek-graad of In besit van ‘n B.Com Rek-graad




Gemeente se kombers moontlike wêreldrekord

Na bl 2

entity linked to a senior African National Congress (ANC) leader. The Democratic Alliance (DA) intends to step in to intervene after a group of concerned tenants of Trudana and Daritru Apartments in Pietersburg Street in Ladanna approached DA Provincial member Langa Bodlani Legislature on Sunday


>> BLADSY 4 Andries Barnard van FOTO: ELNA ESTERHUYSEN Polokwane het nege jaar gelede ‘n tweede gekry danksy ‘n nier wat hy kans gistreerde orgaanskenker. ontvang het. Sy seun, Danilo (6) is ‘n gereLees orgaanskenkstorie op bladsy 4.

* NO water needed

tydperk reeds aan die plaaslike prokureursfirma, Mohale rated Prokureurs, betaal Incorpois. Klaarblyklik het dié advies tot op datum nog niks konkreet opgelewer nie. By monde van die munisipale kommunikasie- en bemarkingsbestuurder, Tidimalo Chuene, is ‘n verslag van die prokureursfirma reeds ontvang, maar sy is nie by magte om oor die inhoud daarvan uit te brei nie.

Rental row over little Hillbrow

Is jy ‘n orgaanskenker?



Female talent wows Public Protector

Belastingbetalers betaal R600 000 vir regsadvi es

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


olokwane Munisipailiteit nou al vir 23 maande sukkel om ‘n besluit rondom die moontlike opskorting van die dienste van Servest, die onderneming wat omsien na straatparkering in die middestad, te neem.

LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the first and final liquidation and distribution accounts in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof and at the offices of the Master and Magistrate as stated. Registration number of estate: 8977/2012 Surname: WILLIAMS First Names: JOHANNES Identity Number: 500409 5067 08 5 Last address: 51 NAGEL STREET WESTENBURG POLOKWANE 0699 First Names and Surname of surviving spouse: MARTHA MARY WILLIAMS Identity Number: 590411 0009 089 Magistrate’s Office:

ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late MOSIMA APHIA MAFILHA Identity Number: 690919 0764 080 who died at Thabatshwane (Voortrekkerhoogte) on 25 August 2013 during her lifetime residing at 21 Nwanetsi Avenue Ivy Park Polokwane married in community of property to LESETJA JOHN MAFILHA Identity number: 671222 5571 086 Estate No: 23141/2014 All persons having claims against or who are indebted to the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or to pay their debts at or to the under mentioned firm within a period of thirty (30) days from date of publication hereof. T.F. PRETORIUS AGENT FOR EXECUTOR NILAND & PRETORIUS INC. 2 Albatross Centre 21 Market Street P O Box 10 POLOKWANE 0700 (LD7514) 4/9 ___________________

Lewer asseblief u CV af by Watermelonstraat 25, Platinumpark, Bendor of epos na dzb@dzb.co.za of faks na 086 605 9114.


Beterskap vir dominee ná hartaanval, beroerte NEWS>>

Dynamic Thuli Madonsela set to inspire Lim women


Tel: 015 297 8044 / 015 297 8811 16 Industria Street, Polokwane


Blinds, shutters, security doors, burglar proofing, folding doors, carports and awnings.



POLOKWANE Master’s Office: POLOKWANE Advertiser and address: BRESLER-BECKER INC 122 MARSHALL STREET POLOKWANE 0699 Tel: 015 491 3993 4/9 ___________________



Closing date Fax or email a shortened CV to 015 291 3654 or willie.e@mwebbiz.co.za on or before Friday, 12 September 2014.


T inc VA

Remuneration • Basic salary negotiable • Annual bonus based on merit

See story on page


Recommendation Past experience in the journalistic field will serve as strong recom men dation.


015 297 2509/4691


The ideal candidate • Owns a vehicle • Can communicate fluently in Eng lish and Afrikaans • Can work independently and orderly under pressure • Is creative, dynamic and energetic • Can express him/herself accurately in the printed medium.

Read Reality | Realiteitsnuus

Sins of fathers allegedly raping own daughters

Most wanted suspect dies in shootout with Police

ROELIEN VORSTER Mankweng. Realising >> roelien.observer@gmail.c that he om was surrounded by the Police Thosago fired shots Suspected Mankweng at the officserial ers who in turn returned ist Frans Kwetepe Thosago rapfire,” (25) Mulaudzi stated. was shot and killed by A shoot-out ensued yesterday (Wednesday).the Police and the is suspected of having Thosago suspect was shot and killed. Mulaudzi also University of Limpopo terrorised students in been linked said Thosago has Mankweng and the to over 10 rape cases. surrounding He said the Police will communities for months. continue to investigate the cases Thosago became suspect to ensure and that no stone is left wanted following a unturned and string of rape that the cases are closed cases and attempted properly. murders “Although he is the in the area, Provincial only Police that is being investigated,suspect Spokesperson, Hangwe have wani Mulaudzi said. to make sure no other He said a special task suspects were involved team set up to crack these in the rapes,” he pointed cases were on Tuesday out. informed of Thosago’s According to Muwhereabouts by the laudzi the Independent community. Police Investigative “The Police followed Directorate (IPID) has up on the information been informed about and found the suspect the shoot-out and in an abandoned house they will investigate Frans Kwetepe to in Ga-Makanye village, ensure officers did not Thosago abuse their power.


Tien jaar van polokwane uitnemendheid OBSERVER >> PAGE 3 NEWS>>

Red warning lights for Limpopo munis

hoe hul vee siek word Sommige boere wend en vrek. hul nou tot alternatiewe boerdery. Polokwane Observer het verneem dat ‘n boer langs die rivier in die Soetdoringsomgewing verlede week vee verloor het as gevolg van die Na bl 4

Hooffoto: Een van die talle bokke wat deur die inname van mette water gevrek beshet. Links bo: Skuim in die rivier is ‘n duidelike aanduiding van rou riool. Regs bo: Riool plak op die bodem die Sandrivier. van

2004 - 2014

pLease coNtact Moshe 073 355 7255

Sandrivier nou so besoedel dat vee vrek

Applications are hereby invited for the services of a


kitchen, dining 2 bathrooms, room, carport and fenced.


Terwyl die Polokwane Munisipaliteit skouers optrek oor die kommerwekkende situasie van besoedeling in die Sandrivier, moet boere wat die rivierwater vir suipings gebruik, toekyk

>> BLADSYE 21 - 29

ivy park - r790

000 priceD to suit 3 Bedrooms, your pocket!

Phone: 015 291 3415/291 3420 Fax: 086 666 4300

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com

| Sekhukhune



AANSOEK VIR SPESIALE TOESTEMMING VIR ‘N GASTEHUIS IN TERME VAN KLOUSULE 21 VAN DIE POLOKWANE/ PERSKEBULT DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA 2007 Hiermee gee ek, Charlotte van der Merwe, die ondergetekende, kennis dat ek van voorneme is om, in terme van Klousule 21 van die Polokwane/Perskebult Dorpsbeplanningskema 2007, aansoek vir spesiale toestemming by die Polokwane Munisipaliteit te doen om ‘n gastehuis toe te laat op Erf 1565 Pietersburg (Grimbeekstraat 91). Planne en/of besonderhede wat betrekking het op die aansoek kan gedurende kantoorure ondersoek word by Biccard straat 10A, Polokwane of by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, eerste vloer, wesvleuel, Burgersentrum, Landdros Marestraat Polokwane. Enige persoon wat besware het teen die aansoek moet so ‘n beswaar tesame met ‘ n geskrewe rede vir so ‘n beswaar indien by die Bestuurder: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, Polokwane Munisipaliteit, Posbus 111, Polokwane 0700, en by die ondergetekende nie later as 25

September 2014. Naam van applikant: Kamekho Consulting Adres: Biccardstraat 10 A Polokwane 0699 Posbus 4169 Polokwane 0700 Tel: 082 456 3173 Faks: 015 295 9693 04/09 ___________________

diemont, Zimmerman & bolink

YOUR Career finder in LIMPOPO DLGR

Tel: 082 456 3173 Fax: 015 295 9693 4/9 ___________________

wag aansoeke in van persone wat belangstel om te kwalifiseer as Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters (lede van SAICA).


TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ LEEUWKUIL ESTATE BACHELOR unit in safe tranquil surroundings. 7km from town. R2 200 p.m. Contact 079 081 3152 ____________________ TO LET 1 Bedr, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen/ lounge, 1 lock-up garage. Close to Savannah Mall. No smokers or drinkers. R3 600 furnished or R3 300 unfurnished. Excludes water & electricty. Very neat and safe. Contact 082 557 6892 ____________________

TE HUUR 2 Slaapkamer huis. Netjiese gebou. Toegespan, rustige bosveldomgewing, digbewoonde gebied, hoë heining, 30 km op Zebediela pad teen teerpad. R2 900 p.m. Koopkrag. Skakel of SMS na 076 598 6002 of 072 038 9175 ____________________ 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS OP PLOT TE HUUR R4 000 per maand. Beskikbaar einde September. Kontak 083 655 5997 / 015 263 6396 ____________________

l. T inc VA

BOTEX2 12 FT + 25 YAMAHA R35 000 14vt Bass-boot + 70 T/T Yamaha R75 000. Albei soos nuut! Skakel 083 254 3528 ____________________

Houses Bodorp r25 500 4 bedr, 3 bathr, 2 garages, pool. Bendor r9 600 3 bedr, lounge, dining, pool, flat. penina park r10 026 4 bedr, 2 bathr, laundry, 2 bedr flat. new Flora park r6 680 3 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge & garage. Bendor Village r20 500 5 bedr, 4 bathr, 2 garages, bar, lounge, pool. Môregloed r10 070 4 bedr, 2½ bathr, flat, swimming pool. TownHouses iVy park r6 600 3 bedr, 2 bathr, 1 carport. Fauna park r6 950 3 bedr, 2½ bathr, lounge, kitchen, 1 garage. akadeMie sTreeT r6 200 3 bedr, 2 bathr, kitchen, garage, built-in braai. FlaTs CoMpensaTie sT r4 300 2 bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport, spacious living area. raBe sT r4 100 2 bedr, 1 bathr, open-plan kitchen/ living area, 1 carport. oFFiCes CBd - r2 500 Marshall st - r10 270 Hans van rensburg st - r11 000 Bendor - r34 000 audrey 072 632 7117 dioneTTe 084 503 3964 MarTin 060 666 5432 THys 083 702 0768




• OFFICE Very Well situated at Cycad Shopping Centre 84m². Ansie - 082 460 4439 Patsy - 083 270 6770


APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSENT FOR A GUEST HOUSE IN TERMS OF CLAUSE 21 OF THE POLOKWANE/ PERSKEBULT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME 2007 Herewith, notice is given that I, Charlotte van der Merwe, the undersigned intend to submit an application, in terms of Clause 21 of the Polokwane/ Perskebult Town Planning Scheme, 2007, for special consent by the Polokwane Municipality on Erf 1565, Pietersburg Extension 6 ( 91 Grimbeek Street) to allow for a guest house on the stand. Plans and/or particulars with regards to the application may be inspected during office hours at 10A Biccard Street Polokwane or at the office of the Manager Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, first floor, west wing, civic centre, Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane. Any person having objections against the application must submit such an objection as well as a written reason for such an objection to the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, Polokwane Municipality P. O. Box 111 Polokwane 0700, and to the undersigned no later than 25 September 2014. Name of applicant: Kamekho Consulting Address: 10A Biccard Street Polokwane 0699 PO Box 4169 Polokwane 0700



RENTALS TOWNHOUSES • LADANNA – R3 550 FOR NOW AND OCT 2 Bed, 1 bath carport in secure Complex. • WELGELEGEN - R5 940 FOR OCT - 3 Bed, 2 bath, garden, garage in secure Estate. • IVY PARK - R6 000 FOR NOW - 3 Bed, 2 bath, carport inside secure Complex. FLATS • TOWN - R2 350 FOR OCT - Bachelor, carport in secure Complex. • TOWN - R4 235 FOR OCT - 2 Bed, 1 bath, garage no garden. FLATS TO LET MACADAMIA @ THE ALOES RETIREMENT VILLAGE: Very Exclusive for Now or September R5 200, R5 650, R5 800 pm: 1 or 2 bed, 1 bath, with 24-hour care and affordable prices FOR EXAMPLE: 3 Meals per day. 2 x Week laundry. 2 x Week cleaning of flat, Assistance with control of medication. 2 x Day check on resident. 2 x Day visit by medical staff, etc Patsy – 083 270 6770 HOUSES • Bendor - R8 500 for Oct 3 Bed, 2 bath, 2 garages inside Estate. • Penina Park - R5 000 for NOW - 3 Bed, 2 bath, garage and garden




DRINGEND GESOEK MOTORS EN BAKKIES in goeie toestand. Kontak Martin 082 498 5407 ____________________


MEENTHUIS BESKIKBAAR 1 SEPTEMBER 3 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, oopplan kombuis, motorhuis en koopkrag. 10 km op Dendronpad. Slegs 2 klein hondjies. R4 300 plus deposito. Kontak 082 396 7101 ____________________ RUIM 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS TE HUUR SOETDORINGS Netjies en omhein. Dubbel afdak parkering. Veilige en rustige omgewing. R5 560 plus dep + koopkrag. Streng keuring. Skakel Minette 076 941 1679 ____________________ LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar. Kleinvertrek huise R1 950 p.m., Bachelor woonstelle R1 500 p.m. Wendy houtkamers R1 000 p.m. Gemeenskaplike ablusiegeriewe. Skakel Marina in kantoorure 015 297 2008 ____________________

T inc VA




FOR RENT Spacious townhouse in Welgelegen, Polokwane. Available immediately. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 lounges, 2 garages, garden etc. Very secure. Monthly R9 000. Contact 082 386 2310 ____________________ TO LET 1 BEDROOM FLAT IN PENINA PARK For single person. Secure parking. Excluding W&L. R2 800 per month. Available immediately. Please contact Peet 083 686 3436 ____________________


CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ GHETTO WENDYS All types, log, cabin, knotty pine, louvre and pallet. 2m x 2m = R4 000 3m x 3m = R5 000 3m x 4m = R5 500 For more info contact Denis 072 114 1850 / 083 686 4178 ___________________

CLIVIAS TE KOOP 70 Variëteite van clivias met planthuise, vol in blom. Maak ‘n aanbod. Kontak 072 322 0347 ____________________


bevestiging ontvang dat Lizelle Bezuidenhout (29) op 24 Julie in hegtenis geneem is waarna sy op Maandag, 28 Julie Polokwane Landdroshof in die op ‘n klag van die rig van ‘n wapen verskyn het. vuurVolgens inligting het Na bl 2

Please deliver your CV at 25 Watermelon Street, Platinum Park, Bendor or email to dzb@dzb.co.za or fax to 086 605 9114.

Story on page 2 PhOtO: ARChIVES

Katryn Barwise who won the Miss Humanity International title in Barbados this weekend.

PAGE 3>>

Municipal Manager’s matric questioned

PAGES 28d to 33>>

Cream of PMR.africa crop awarded PAGE 26&27/50&51>

Heuwelkruin, PHS maak stad trots


If you do not receive a response from us within 21 days from this publication, please accept that your applications was unsuccessful.

September 4, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Geskenkte handsakke word uitgedeel ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@ gmail.com Van die handsakke wat verlede Woensdag tydens Pam Golding Polokwane se Hoede en Handsakfunksie ingesamel is, is Dinsdag aan Kansa se TLC-projek by die Polokwane Provinsiale Hospitaal geskenk. Linda de Witt van Pam Golding, wat die geleentheid gereël het sê die sakke, wat met verskeie items soos toiletware, inkleurboeke- en kleurkryt, waslappies en ‘n speelding vir die kinders gevul is, word ook aan verskeie ander organisasies geskenk.

Foto: Roelien Vorster

Wikus Pieterse, Julie Byleveld en Linda de Witt van Pam Golding Polokwane het die handsakke aan Bobby Were, fasiliteerder van Kansa se TLC-projek oorhandig.

Seeff agents awarded for great sales

Samuel Seeff, Chairperson of Seeff recently awarded six local agents, Sindile Mlauzi, Charmaine Vermeulen, Karien Jordaan, Sunet Scheepers, Dineo Moholobela and Kgomotso Mokoatedi with the Seeff Chairman’s Award for excellence in sales.

Lucky draws, goodie bags at Cansa Tea ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa) Polokwane will host a Cansa Tea at Bolivia Lodge on 1 November. Sharon Stander, Cansa Community Mobiliser said this event should not to be missed. “There will be guest speakers, live entertainment, lucky draws, exhibitions and goodie bags for all the guests as well as a prizes for the most

Sales Representative

Well known reputable FMCG company situated in Midrand is looking for a young vibrant lady or gentleman to serve as a sales representative in the Limpopo area.

Candidate must be: • Fluent in English and Afrikaans • Able to work well under pressure • Not be blacklisted • Have own, reliable transportation/vehicle • Be available to start immediately Experience is an advantage. All candidates to fax CV to 086 684 7285

beautiful and creatively decorated tables.” Hostesses will be responsible for decorating their own tables, supplying snacks and beverages to their guests as well as selling ten tickets at R200 per person with all proceeds going towards the association. Companies or individuals who would like to exhibit or sponsor prizes and hostesses who would like to register for this event can contact Stander on 079 887 0043 or email sstander@ cansa.org.za

®essential outdoor gear


Ons benodig die dienste van ‘n dinamiese en energieke persoon met’n uitstekende rekord in verkope. Persone met ‘n passie vir die lewe, vol selfvertroue en met sterk leierseinskappe sal voorkeur geniet. Moet Engels/Afrikaans magtig wees. Diensaanvaarding so spoedig moontlik. Uitstekende vergoedingspakkette word aan geskikte kandidate gebied.

stUUr U CV per epos AAn polokwAne@trAppers.Co.zA, slUitinGsDAtUM: 11 september 2014 sleGs Geskikte kAnDiDAte sAl GekontAk worD.


career finder in LIMPOPO TANDHEELKUNDIGE STOELASSISTENT Dames tussen 18 en 25. Ongereelde ure (skofte) Rekenaarvaardigheid ‘n vereiste. GEEN ROKERS Opleiding sal verskaf word Stuur CV na: 086 527 3860

Job description: Job title: Reporting to:


• • •

± 10 jaar ondervinding Kennis van John Deere trekkers Eerlik en hardwerkend

Faks CV aan 086 546 7335 of epos witklip3@mweb.co.za Sluitingsdatum: 19 September 2014

Physical Address: 3 Staal Street Ladine Industrial Site Polokwane

GNBI Production Manager Production and Training Manager Group Chief Executive Officer

Job purpose The main purpose of this job is to build a successful leather products line which satisfies consumer requirements and results in the profitable operation of GNBI. To coordinate marketing, designing, purchasing, costing, production, laboratory and engineering department activities in respect of their responsibilities towards product development. To establish the product line calendar, have it approved by the Incubator Manager and ensure work proceeds on schedule. Duties • Establish and finalise leather products, designs, prices and brands based on market specification. • Control new leather products line proposals and advice on new construction, making patterns, dies and equipment. • Ensure that leather products line development activity is harmonized with the business concept and strategy as by the Incubator Manager and relevant departments i.e. purchasing, costing, production, etc. • Utilise existing BSO resources for new ideas and information in the form of sketches, patterns, pullovers and ideas for implementation of shoe lines. • Arrange for utilisation of outstanding specialist manufacturers on a constant basis • Collections of blue print, production guide and lead product development meeting. • Pre-freeze and freeze meetings experience. • Control and keep inventory not more than 2 years old. • Sound knowledge of upping material, soling material, lasts, moulds and trims • Research textiles for leather goods production • Make patterns , or work closely with patternmakers, to draft patterns from sketches or specification drawings • Fit samples and discuss them with management, sales and manufacturing staff and contribute to costing estimates • Finalise specifications sheets with detailed sketches and trim details • Approve final samples before they go into production and supervise staff

Skills and experience • Sound knowledge and experience of product development systems i.e. CAD CAM, Torrelli Program, Adobe Illustrator version CF6 and with a minimum of four year practical experience of these systems. • Knowledge of costing analysis and factory work processes. • Knowledge of various raw material categories i.e. leather, synthetics, PVC and PU. • Sound knowledge of production processes i.e. D.I.P, injection moulding and P.U. • Knowledge and understanding of various laboratory testing processes i.e. sole flexing, whole shoe flexing, abrasion, leather softness, sole weights and sole adhesion. • International quality standards. • Production of injection moulds for soles and gumboots • Enjoy artistic and creative activities • Possess creative flair and drawing talent • Have good colour and design sense • Have good hand eye coordination • Be able to work under pressure

Qualification • Minimum of 5 to 10 years’ experience of product development in the leather industry of which 5 years must have been as Product Development Manager. • CAD CAM - Machine operating knowledge and experience. • Torrelli Program - training, operational knowledge and experience.

Send CV to joseph@gnbi.co.za by 9 September 2014.

September 4, 2014

Polokwane Observer

>> Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het onlangs die toptien leerders in elke graad op grond van hul akademiese prestasie in die tweede kwartaal aangewys. Graad 12 se toptien leerders is Imé du Plessis (88,6%), Angelique Jacobs (91,1%), Nettie van der Goot (89%), Julie Alsemgeest (93,6%) en Elanie Nel (90,4%). Agter is Biemond Hoogenboezem (90,6%), Madelé Nienaber (88,7%), Francel Geyer (91,9%), Jaco Potgieter (90%) en Johan Krüger (95,6%).


ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd REGISTRATION NO: (2001/025832/07) CONTRACT NO: RAL/T695/2014 FOR REHABILITATION OF ROAD D2219 BETWEEN STEELPOORT & JANE FURSE IN THE SEKHUKHUNE DISTRICT OF LIMPOPO PROVINCE T1.1 TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Rehabilitation of Road D2219 between Steelpoort and Jane Furse in the Sekhukhune district of Limpopo Province. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 284 4600 upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday 08 September 2014.

Die tien beste akademiese presteerders in graad 11 is Marika Bierman (85,4%), Johané Schutte (85,1%), Sherize Vercueil (88,9%) en Monique Wreyford (91,6%). Agter is Anret Davel (85,1%), Sumari Swanepoel (86,3%), Grizelda Neethling (88,7%), Maricelle Weideman (86,9%), Chané Burger (89,6%) en Chané Prinsloo (91,1%).

Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo Soc Ltd. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to: Mr H M Kritzinger, Tel No: 015 307 2842, Fax No: 015 307 2843, e-mail: dmvtzan@mweb.co.za A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the junction of roads D4045 & D2219 on Thursday 25 September 2014 starting at 11: 00. GPS Coordinates: S 24°48’06.1” E 29°49’25.9”. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on Friday, 10 October 2014.

Tanya de Wit (86,1%), Melinda Conroy (84,7%), Ro-Ayne Geddes (93%), Engela Langenhoven (86,9%), Hein Ungerer (84,2%), Annemey Louw (85,7%), Adel Cato (85,2%) en Arné Both (87,4%) is die toptien akademiese presteerders in graad 10. Marli de Lange (88,4%) en Rachel van Staden (85,6%) was afwesig. Regs: Die graad 9 toptien leerders is Nicole Wreyford (92,1%), Daniel Swarts (95,2%), Ané van der Merwe (93,4%) en Kylah van Schalkwyk (90,9%). Agter is Leanné Pratt (92,6%), Lindi Burger (94,1%), Charné Klopper (90,6%), Chris van Wyk (92,4), Selma Müller (93%) en Louise van den Berg (91,9%).

Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No: RAL/T695/2014 - Rehabilitation of Road D2219 between Steelpoort & Jane Furse Sekhukhune district of Limpopo Province” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane.

Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of 7CE / 6CE PE or higher.


Regs: Toptien graad 8-leerders is Elna Davel (90,2%), Marlise Geddes (90,4%), Megan van Rensburg (91,2%), Gillian Alsemgeest (89,9%) en Lize van Straten (89,2%). Agter is Jena Taylor (89,7%), Jean-Pierre Viljoen (94,8%), Mari Geerkens (93,1%), Eljani du Plessis (90,7%) en Carla Klopper (90,1%).

TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Preventative Maintenance of Road P134/3 from Ga-Rafiri to Inca Mine. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd.


The GATEWAY AIRPORTS AUTHORITY LIMITED (GAAL) contributes towards skills development through the provision of internship opportunities to unemployed youth graduates in order for them to gain work experience in various areas. GAAL therefore invites applications from suitably qualified graduates to participate in a twelve (12) months internship programme

Gateway Airports Authority Limited (GAAL) invites all prospective service providers (including registered suppliers) to register on the new GAAL supplier database. It is envisaged, that this database will contribute towards the availability of sufficient suppliers for procurement of goods and services in compliance with the PFMA. The award of business to providers will be subject to the General Condition of Contract issued in accordance with Treasury Regulation 16A published in terms of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999). However, where the Special Conditions of Contract are in conflict with the General Conditions of Contract, the Special Conditions of Contract prevail. Stipend

Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted.


R3 300, 00 per month

Legal Services (1 Position) : Ref No

Requirements :


Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300, 00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from 15 August 2014

LS 03/11

A law degree preferably with company law and mercantile law and a valid drivers licence.

NB: A Successful candidate will be subjected to security clearance procedures. Applicants must be between the age of 18 and 35 years. Candidates who have already participated in an internship programme in any organisation will not be considered. Applicants must submit a separate application and documents for each position that he or she is applying for.

Interested candidates must send their applications letters accompanied by their Curriculum Vitae and certified copies of qualifications to: The Human Resources Manager, Gateway Airports Authority Limited , P.O. Box 1309, POLOKWANE 0700, or deliver by hand to :GAAL Administration Building, N1 North , Makhado Road. Faxed or E-Mailed applications will not be considered.

Contact person : Mr. Daniel Malesa (015) 288 0122


Closing date : 10 May 2012

NB. Applicants are advised to consider their applications unsuccessful, if no response is received within two months Of the closing date.

The purpose of this database is to give all prospective suppliers an equal opportunity to compete fairly in satisfying the GAAL requirements. The GATEWAY AIRPORTS AUTHORITY LIMITED is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and to this extent conducts targeted recruitment for previously disadvantaged individuals. To this extend, we encourage people from all races and also people with disabilities to apply.

Procurement of all goods and services are centralised and managed by Supply Chain Management. Submission Requirement: • All applications must be completed on the provided standard template obtained from GAAL. • Detail submission requirements are contained in the application document. • Database forms are obtained at Gateway Airports Authority Limited, Administration Building, Gateway Drive, N1 Main Road to Makhado, Polokwane or can be requested through the email addressed to Cydwell.Teffu@gaal.co.za or Eunice.Masha@gaal.co.za. • Forms can be submitted to the following addresses: Hand: Gateway Airports Authority Limited Administration Building Gateway Drive, N1 Main Road to Makhado Polokwane, 0699

Post (Marked “Supplier Database): P O Box 1309 Polokwane 0700

NB: The service provider warrants that there will be no form of misrepresentation which may arise in future pertaining to the disclosure of the information presented during the completion of the GAAL Supplier Database Registration form SBD4 (Declaration of Interest) and any other information to be submitted by the service provider to GAAL accordingly. The Service Provider further exempts GAAL from any harm flowing from misrepresentation. All enquiries with regard to the database forms must be addressed to Cydwell.Teffu@gaal.co.za or Eunice. Masha@gaal.co.za with the heading “Supplier Database” or Tel:015 288 0122. GAAL reserves the right to conduct site visits where deemed necessary.

Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Dan Masekela, Tel: 015 297 6265, Fax: 086 514 7458, email sejagobeengineers@gmail.com A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at Zebediela Mall along the R519 (24°21’55.31” S and 29°18’50.84” E)” on 09 September 2014 starting at 10:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on 23 September 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T700/2014, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE OF ROAD P134/3 FROM GA-RAFIRI TO INCA MINE and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane. Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 7CE or 6CE PE or higher.


RAF donates kitchen to Mufongodi Primary School

September 4, 2014

42 OBSERVER polokwane

Christelle en Marilene onder top tien skaakspelers in SA

>> 273 learners benefit from project >> In keeping with RAF’s value system of ubuntu

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com



Deputy Minister of Transport Sindisiwe Chikunga turns over the sod to symbolise a new beginning for Mufongodi Primary School learners. With her (from left) are Raf Chief Executive Officer Eugene Watson, Makhado Mayor Farisani David Mutavhatsindi, Transport, Safety and Liaison MEC Mapula Mokaba-Phukwana and Raf Board Chairperson Ntuthuko Bhengu.

he official handover of a kitchen to the Mufongodi Primary School in Dzanani Village near Thohoyandou by the Road Accident Fund (Raf) took place on Tuesday last week. A dilapidated corrugated iron structure was replaced with a functional brick and mortar building catering for the 273 learners of the school. The Deputy Minister of Transport, Sindisiwe Chikunga officiated at the event that was also attended by the Chairperson of the Raf Board, Ntuthuko Bhengu, RAF Chief Executive Officer Eugene Watson and other key stakeholders. A press release issued by Raf stated that its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme continues to provide meaningful community-based solutions which seek to create a socio-economic balance in society, ultimately contributing to the overall improvement of South

Africans’ quality of life. The Raf’s social intervention programmes are guided by five critical pillars, namely poverty alleviation, environmental impact, education, health and road safety. Eugene Watson, Chief Executive Officer of the fund is quoted to have said: “The needs of millions of citizens are simply too great for government to deliver on alone. Those needs have to be addressed in a meaningful way, in a concerted and compassionate drive to touch and uplift our people in a sustainable manner.” Watson concluded that the well-equipped kitchen will promote the nutritional state and well-being of hundreds of learners and that it will in turn aid their learning and development. Extensive information regarding Raf’s service offerings were provided and community members were given the opportunity to register claims directly with Raf, medical undertakings certificates were issued and settlement offers could be made.

Pieties presteer by nasionale Tritech Wetenskapkompetisie

Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 Fax: (015) 516 1012 www.ayobmotors.co.za 2012 BMW 320D A/T F30 A/C, P/S, S/Roof, L/Seats, 41 515km

2012 BMW 118i Urban Line 18” Mags, PDC, 32 358km

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com


Balance of 5 year / 100 000km motor plan

R349 995 R269 995

Kategoriewenners tydens die finaalvan die jaarlikse Tritech-kompetisie is Liza Langenhoven, Ro-ayne Geddes, Dewald Stroebel, Rachie van Staden en Celeste Vermeulen.

2011 Mercedes Benz E300 A/T 2011 BMW 520D (F10) S/Roof, Avantguarde, 36 228km PDC, CD, A/C, 58 800km

Balance of 6 year / 120 000km motor plan

R399 995 R389 995 2011 BMW 520D F10 93 500km

2010 BMW 750i (F01) A/C, P/S, CD, Leather, Nav, 34 500km


Wanneer daar kop gehou moet word om ‘n skaakbord is Christelle Swart en Marilene van den Bergh nie bang om die regte skuif te maak nie. Beide is o.10-skaakspelers van Pietersburg Laerskool en is onlangs onder die toptien spelers in Suid-Afrika aangewys.

Leerders wat plekke behaal het tydens die wetenskapkompetisie is Ockert van Rooyen (brons), Daniel Snyman (brons), Dewald Stroeble (silwer) en André Viljoen (silwer). Agter is Liza Langenhoven (goud), Annemey Louw (goud), Arné Both (silwer), Daniel Swarts (silwer), Rachie van Staden (goud), Ro-ayne Geddes (goud), Celeste Vermeulen (goud) en Elsamarie Uys (silwer).

Leerders van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) het tydens die finaal van die jaarlikse Tritech Wetenskapkompetisie wat in Tzaneen aangebied is, goed presteer. Hoërskool Merensky het ongeveer agt jaar gelede die kompetisie begin waaraan aanvanklik net skole in Limpopo deelgeneem het. Belangstelling het vinnig na die buurprovinsies uitgebrei en take en projekte van leerders in Mpumalanga en Noordwes word jaarliks ingestuur. Leerders moet moderne tegnologie gebruik om oor onderwerpe navorsing te doen en hul take of projekte moet bewys hoe die omgewing positief beïnvloed word of hoe mense se lewens daardeur verbeter kan word. Liza Langenhoven en Ro-ayne Geddes het met hul taak bewys watter handelsmerk brood die vinnigste oor ‘n sekere tyd muf en het die gesondheidswetenskappe senior kategorieafdeling gewen terwyl Dewald Stroebel se taak oor pasiëntregte tydens dokter- of hospitaalbesoeke as wenner van die gesondheidswetenskappe, junior kategorie aangewys is. Rachie van Staden en Celeste Vermeulen se taak oor die effektiefste manier om perde te kalmeer wen die kategorie vir lewenswetenskappe in die senior afdeling.

Osieteddies geniet pretdag agterstevoor en onderstebo

R299 995 R599 995 2009 BMW 335i Convertible 18” Mags, CD, A/C, 63 000km

2007 Mercedes Benz C200 Manual Classic 122 561km

R369 995 R159 995


Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

SALES: • Richmond 073 195 9926 • Sam 071 096 1739 • Matumba 076 509 1726 • Willie 082 953 3642 TRADING HOURS: 08h00 - 13h00; 13h00 - 17h00

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ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@ gmail.com Osieteddies Kleinkindontwikkelingsentrum se kleuters het Vrydag met agterstevoor en onderstebo hemde, baadjies en broeke opgedaag en die verskillende klasse se vrolike kinderlaggies het vir groot vermaak gesorg. Van die leerders het kouse bo-oor hul skoene en formele klere in plaas van ‘n warm uitrusting vir die dag aangetrek. Onderwysers het ook aan die pretdag deelgeneem. Die skoolhoof, Linda Kruger sê dit was sommer net ‘n dag vol pret en plesier terwyl onderrig normaal voortgegaan het.


JP Coetzee, Marriette de Lange en Oliver Naudé van die Kampbere-klas.

Ashlee Hamann, Rijandré de Bruin en Jeanel du Toit van die Plaasbere het die pretdag terdeë geniet.

Schools, OBSERVER 43 businesses participate in Cansa Trolley race September 4, 2014


Taneshi Mynhardt weet pietersielie is ‘n moet in elke tuin.

Foto’s: Herbert Rachuene

Marelie van der Merwe, Morné Haasbroek, Amelia Wessels en opvoeder, Hannelie Barnard hard aan die werk in hul bedding.

Werk en Wen verwelkom die lente Kleuters en personeel van Werk en Wen Kleuterskool het Vrydag die ongure weersomstandighede trotseer om die lente te verwelkom. Almal het die oggend met helder kleure en vrolike hoede opgedaag. Skoolhoof, Monica Strauss het verduidelik dat die skool jaarliks die lente met ‘n plantdag inlui. Elke leerder moet as deel van die vieringe ‘n plant vir die skooltuin saambring. Die leerders het vanjaar weer nie teleurgestel nie en van vroeg af trots met allerlei plante, van kruie tot vetplante en groentesaailinge by die skool aangekom. Die leerders is deur die personeel bygestaan en kort voor lank het talle nuwe plante die tuin verfraai.

Louise-Marie Esterhuizen is gereed om ‘n geurige kruieplant in die grond te kry. Inlas: Isabella Marriot is trots op die pragtige vetplantjie

Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za

A myriad of local businesses and schools participated in the Cansa Trolley race aimed at raising funds for the Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa) at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium on Saturday. Each trolley was manned by a group of three to four people with one acting as the pilot and the others pushing the trolley around the stadium track. The race marked the launch of Cansa Relay for Life scheduled to be held 15 October at Hoërskool Pietersburg. Event organiser and Chairperson of Round Table Impala 157, James Gutsche said they had 58 local businesses and a number of local schools participating on the day. Businesses paid a R750 participation fee that will go towards Cansa. Goetsche thanked the sponsors of the water


points on the day. “We thank them for making our event a memorable one and we will also extend our special gratitude to all the business that participated in the race,” Gutsche said.

Photos: Herbert Rachuene

Martel Daniels, Project Convenor and James Gutsche, Chairperson of Impala 157, before the start of the race.

Cancer survivors Adri Grobler, Charlotte Veldraw, Tienie van Niekerk and Bobby Were on a walkabout before the start of the race.

The winner of the trolley race, the Tswelopele Earthworks team consists of Enos Chaba, Thabang Tefo and Angelica de Beer.

Team Protea Hotel Landmark Lodge finshed in second place. In the picture are members Tshepo Ngobeni and Alechia Labuschagne.

Werk en Wen opvoeders in vrolike lentekleur. Voor is Linda Schoeman, Anet Botes en Anneke Muller met Hannelie Barnard, Monica Strauss (prinsipaal), Susan van Aswegen, Nadia Botma en Adri Myburgh agter.

Suikerbekkie-kleuters leer oor sterre, planete Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Die boeiende aanbieding van Environmental Exhibitions oor die werking van die son, sterre en planete het kleuters van Pre-primêre Suikerbekkie Kleuterskool Donderdag vasgenael laat sit en luister. Na die tyd kon hulle hul eie ruimtehoede maak om tuis mee te spog. Foto’s: Warren Blunt

Chanelle Henning, Lara van Heerden en Wernich Kotzé van Pre-primêre Suikerbekkie Kleuterskool met hul ruimtevaarderhoede saam met Deidré Kritzinger van Environmental Exhibitions.

Bo: Bianca Kerns spog met haar ruimtehoed. Regs: Die kleinspan by Preprimêre Suikerbekkie Kleuterskool leer meer oor sterre en planete.

Gys Kruger and Rita Jongbloed enjoyed the race.

Far North Plastics was represented by Nikita Oosthuizen, Gerald Oosthuizen, their son Preston and a friend, Christine Pienaar.

Marlenné Kruger, Anton le Roux, Lucious Kruger and AJ Kruger had fun in their unique trolley.

Stephan Bronkhorst, Juani Bronkhorst and Ingis Mare may have ended in last place but thoroughly enjoyed the race.


September 4, 2014

44 OBSERVER polokwane

Gholfspelers trotseer wind en weer vir Kansa ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SOC Ltd

TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Preventative Maintenance of Road D4 from Vuwani to Malamulele. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabé Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300.00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday, 1 September 2014.

Foto’s: Verskaf

Sylvia van den Bergh ontvang haar prys, wat deur Tshukudu Game Lodge geborg is van David Booth van Kansa Polokwane. ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


ansa Polokwane het onlangs tydens die Sanlam Cancer Challenge Streeksfinaal by Koro Creek Bushveld Golf Estate in Modimolle ‘n naweek vir twee ter waarde van

R9 400, wat deur Tshukudu Game Lodge in Hoedspruit geborg is, opgeveil. Sylvia van den Bergh het met die fantastiese prys weggestap. Die gemeenskapsmobiliseerder van Kansa, Sharon Stander sê 56 gholfspelers het in verskillende afdelings meegeding. “’n Sterk wind het die uitslae van die spelers beïnvloed, maar almal het die dag ten volle geniet.” Stander het Sanlam, wat die dag geborg het, Morné Engelbrecht van Koro Creek Bushveld Golf Estate en Tshukudu Game Lodge vir die borg van die prys en spelers bedank. Dié spelers wat in die eindstryd by Sun City meeding, is sterkte toegewens. Pieter Cruillaume van Soutpansberg het die mansafdeling gewen. Sean Verdon van Koro Creek Bushveld Golf Estate en Thomas Mnugni van Polokwane was onderskeidelik in die tweede en derde plekke. Desi Earle van Polokwane het die vroue-afdeling gewen terwyl Bev Weijters en Cynthia Viljoen onderskeidelik tweede en derde plekke behaal het. Kansa het R2 000 tydens die veiling ingesamel. Photo: Warren Blunt

Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC.

The Rangers development rugby team made up of players from Mitchell House, Northern Academy, PEPPS and Capricorn High School with their coaches, Vodacom personnel and Mitchell House Headmaster, Andrew Cook at the back right during the handover of their playing kit sponsored by Vodacom on Monday.

Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr Samuel Kaputa, Tel: 015 291 4611, Fax: 086 572 1929 and email: sam@molemo.co.za. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place on site at Vuwani Township, coordinates S 23°8’55” and E 30°26’ 42’’ on Monday, 8 September, 2014 starting at 10:00. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on Monday, 22 September 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No: RAL/T684/2014, Preventative Maintenance of Road D4 from Vuwani to Malamulele” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabé Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane. Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 7 CE or 6CE PE or higher.


Vodacom sponsors Rangers rugby development team Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The rugby development programme between Mitchell House, Northern Academy, Capricorn High School and PEPPS received a generous sponsorship from Vodacom for the players’ rugby jerseys, socks and shorts. All the players involved with the programme also received a cell phone and 100 MB worth of

free data bundles for a year. The combined team known as the Rangers was established by Frederick Romijn, the Director of Sport at Mitchell House in order to improve the standard of rugby at the four schools to compete against the more experienced rugby-playing schools in Polokwane. Now after their first season together, the Rangers will be participating in the Kia Bosveld Rugby Week that kicked off yesterday (Wednesday) at Hoërskool Pietersburg.

CONTRACT No. RAL/ T701/ 2014 FOR REHABILITATION AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE OF ROAD D936 (R576) FROM CODRINGTON TO SETTLERS IN THE WATERBERG DISTRICT OF LIMPOPO PROVINCE. TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for the Rehabilitation and Preventative Maintenance of Road D936 (R576) from Codrington to Settlers in the Waterberg District of Limpopo Province. The employer is the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s office, ground floor, Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabé Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane, Telephone 015 291 4236, upon receipt of a non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R300,00 per set. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Monday, 18 August 2014. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd. Queries related to the issues of these documents may be addressed to Mr T Nebotalo, Tel: (+27) 015 291 3519, Fax: (+27) 015 291 3491, e-mail: nevhutalu@telkomsa.net. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place at the intersection of Road D936 and P184/1 (Settlers) on Wednesday, 10 September 2014 starting at 10:00. The coordinates of the meeting venue are 24°57’05.50” S, 28°32’22.39” E. The closing time for receipt of tender is 11:00 on Friday, 26 September 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. RAL/T701/ 2014: Rehabilitation and Preventative Maintenance of Road D936 (R576) from Codrington to Settlers in the Waterberg District of Limpopo Province” and deposited in the box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, 26 Rabé Street (cnr Biccard Street), Polokwane. Tenderers shall have a CIDB class grading of: 7CE or 6CE PE or higher.

Photo: RC Myburgh

The provincial Police cricket team hosted their sponsors during a dinner at Adega Restaurant on Saturday. Photographed are Wilsie Oosthuizen (Re/Max Northland Realty), Ivan Wilkenson (Anderson & Associates), Sello Ngulube (cricket team manager), Dirk van der Westhuizen (Sea West Account Managing), Arrie Cronjé (team captain) and Jaco van der Linde (coach).

Police cricket team receives sponsorship RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com During a dinner event at Adega Restaurant on Saturday the provincial Police cricket team hosted representatives of several local businesses responsible for sponsoring the team with a variety of necessities. “The aim of the event is for team members to network with the sponsors and also to thank them for their generous contribution towards the wellbeing of the team,” said coach Jaco van der Linde, adding that the team will represent Limpopo during the National South African Police Service (Saps) T20 Cricket

Championships in North West at the end of the month. “Whilst the Police provide players with transport and accommodation during the championship, their apparel and kit have to be sourced. This is where our sponsors’ contribution cannot go unnoticed and we extend our greatest gratitude towards them,” Van der Linde said. The sponsors are Re/Max Northland Realty, Anderson & Associates, Sea West Account Managing, Discovery Consulting Services Limpopo, Imperial Commercial Limpopo, Cook4Life and Adega Restaurant who sponsored some of the beverages for the evening.

September 4, 2014

Polokwane Observer



Polokwane Observer

(Established 1968)



Duly instructed thereto by Tladi & Associates, in the matter joint estate of MD & JS Moeng, we will sell by public auction on:


THE PROPERTY: Erf 4028, Bendor Extension 80, Polokwane Local Municipality, Registration Division LS, Limpopo Measuring: 610 m² IMPROVEMENTS: A residential dwelling built of face brick outside walls under a tiled roof, comprising of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, and kitchen. Other: * Double garage LOCATION: The property is situated at 40 Robusta Avenue, Acacia Estate, Polokwane. Route markers and auction boards will be erected. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is a rare opportunity to obtain a neat and sturdy dwelling with a good location in Polokwane. Do not miss this opportunity. All potential buyers are advised to attend the auction. Viewing by appointment with the auctioneers. CONDITIONS OF SALE: 10% Deposit on day of the auction and balance guarantees within 45 days after date of confirmation of sale. Confirmation within 14 days after date of auction. All potential buyers to register before the auction and proof of identity and residential address are required.

September 4, 2014

Limpopo dominates SA National Rifle Championship WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The Limpopo Practical Shooting Association (LPPSA) affiliated to the South African Practical Shooting Association hosted the second leg of the South African National Rifle Shooting Championship in Polokwane over the weekend. The LPPSA is a proud member of the Limpopo Sports Council. The championship held over two days and consisting of 13

stages tested the participants both physically and technically and Limpopo came out on top in both the Men and Women Open classes. Jan Bandisio won the Men’s Open class and Emelda Greyling won the Women’s Open class. Another Limpopo shot, Tinus Botha won the Men’s Standard class and Paul Zorn from Limpopo won the Men’s Senior (50 years and older) class. Joel Cohen from Central Gauteng was the Men’s Super Senior champion for participants sixty years and older.

The Limpopo Men Standard Rifle Shooting team that won their class at the South African National Rifle Shooting Championship over the weekend are Franco Rossouw, Clinton Scott, Tinus Botha and Charles Bresler.

Emelda Greyling, left from Limpopo won the Women Open class at the SA National Rifle Shooting Championship in Limpopo over the weekend. With her is Marita Botha.


The Limpopo Men’s Open team that came first in the SA National Rifle Shooting Championship are from left to right, Paul Eksteen, Deon du Bruyn, Jan Bondisio and Philip Smit.


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Fun in the dust with Moto X and 4X4s BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Polokwane’s Moto X and 4x4 enthusiasts took the opportunity to explore the dry and dusty tracks of local Moto X and 4x4 venues on Saturday when the two clubs hosted their respective fun days to mark the start of spring. Spectators could follow the specially built

4x4 and converted vehicles to the various points on the track where the drivers’ honed their skills and took the offroaders’ capacities to the extreme. On the Moto X track there was ample opportunity to race or just drive around at leisure and a presurised washing pump was available to clean the colourful motorcycles and four wheelers before they leave the track.


Martin Groenewald’s specially converted Toyota Lexus LX400 is a four litre, eight cylinder power horse.

Fun on the track with a four wheeler.

Noordelikes volgende Saterdag teen Suparugby XV WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


Noordelikes se Koning Janse van Rensburg, Theyman Jongbloed, Fred Romijn en Johan de Beer na hul wedstryd vir die Suparugby XV teen Wits in Johannesburg.

Drie spelers van BB Truck & Tractor Noordelike Rugbyklub (Noordelikes) en hul afrigter, Fred Romijn het Saterdag vir die Suparugby Vyftiental teen Wits Rugbyklub in Johannesburg uitgedraf. Die Suparugby Vyftiental is ‘n gekombineerde span van klubs van die Leeus, Blou Bulle, Luiperds, Valke en Limpopo wat jaarliks gekies is. Johan de Beer, Theyman Jongbloed en Koning Janse van Rensburg van Noordelikes is in die span ingesluit wat Wits met 33-26 geklop het. Romijn is as die voorspelerafrigter gekies. Noordelikes sal volgende Saterdag teen die Suparugby XV op hul tuisveld in Ladanna kragte meet.

EH Hassim Lentetrap proves its popularity Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


ountain biking is considered as one of the fastest growing sports in South Africa and the annual EH Hassim Lentetrap provided ample proof when 382 cyclists participated in Sunday’s race at the Polokwane Game Reserve to provide a colourful spectacle for the many animals that could be viewed along the route. The annual mountain bike race brought about by EH Hassim in collaboration with Polokwane Pedallers Cycle Club is growing in

leaps and bounds and Sunday’s race in the local game reserve added extra excitement as animals such as rhino, giraffe, impala, sable and warthog were among the interested spectators. Afterwards, the race organisers expressed their satisfaction with the huge turn-out for the race, with many contestants making the journey all the way from Gauteng to Polokwane to participate in the race. The race itself consisted of 32 categories for men and women and a total of R35 000 was up for grabs in prize money. Mountain bikers could enter for the marathon (74 km) and half marathon (37 km) and cash prizes were on of-

Photos: Warren Blunt

Mountain bikers relax under the acacia trees after participating in the annual EH Hassim Lentetrap Mountain Bike race at the Polokwane Game Reserve on Sunday.

Absa rugby action between Lim and Griquas Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The Limpopo Blue Bulls u.19 and u.21 Absa B-division rugby teams experienced mixed fortunes in their two away matches over the past two weekends against the Falcons, Border Bulldogs and Eastern Province Kings. In Brakpan a fortnight ago the u.19 team suffered a narrow 28-35 defeat against the Falcons while the u.21 Limpopo outfit scored a comprehensive 51-17 victory against the same opponents. Last Friday the u.19s scored their second win of the season against the Border Bulldogs in East London with a convincing

39-17 victory, only for the u.21 team to lose 21-36 against Eastern Province a day later in Port Elizabeth. On Saturday, Limpopo will be on familiar territory at the new Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane when they take on the Griquas u.19 and u.21 teams with coach, Neels Grobler hoping for victories in both matches. The match between the u.19 sides will start at 13:00 and the fixture between the u.21 teams kicks off at 15:00. Entry for both matches is free and local rugby supporters are urged to come out in their numbers to support Limpopo’s top junior rugby players.

Oosskool se tennisspan eindig tweede Foto: Roelien Vorster

Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos se eerste meisietennisspan het onlangs tweede in die Super 12-tenniskompetisie in Pretoria geëindig en teen Laerskool Hennopspark in die finaal verloor. Voor is Chaunté de Bruyn. Agter is Leigh van der Merwe, Zené de Waal en Lize Prinsloo.

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>> Growing number of participants >> Even bigger and better next year

fer to the first three finishers in the respective categories. There was also a fun ride (15 km) and a large number of younger riders were present on Sunday to enjoy the fun ride. A number of smaller sponsors made it possible for everybody that entered the event to receive a goody bag beforehand. Those cyclists that raced for prize money had some challenging sections while others just enjoyed the wonderful scenery and camaraderie of the race. Maurice Ferreira won the Men’s Marathon and Liesl Lourens was tops in the Women’s Marathon. Kombo Bere and Ashley-Lynne Murray won the Men’s and Women’s Half Marathon

races respectively. All cyclists expressed their satisfaction with the organisation and great atmosphere of the race afterwards. Proceeds from the event will be donated to cancer care and the organisers would like to thank everybody that participated in Sunday’s race for their contribution towards this worthy cause. The organisers are planning to make the annual EH Hassim Lentetrap a festive weekend next year at the same venue. They plan to include a road race and use the race to create more awareness towards cycling as a sport and a mode of transport.

Mountain bikers at the start of the annual EH Hassim Lentetrap at the Polokwane Game Reserve on Sunday. Photo: Supplied

Some cyclist raced for prize money while others just participated for the enjoyment of being out in nature in Sunday’s annual EH Hassim Lentetrap.

Cyclists wait for the prizegiving ceremony by Mrs Polokwane, Nadia du Preez after Sunday’s EH Hassim Lentetrap.


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Belowende jong swemmer ryg goue medaljes in Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


ie sportiewe Canseus Saayman is net so tuis op die rugbyveld as wat hy in die swembad is en ryg tans swemmedaljes vir ‘n vale in. As lid van die Limpopo Tuks Swemklub het die elfjarige graad 6-leerder van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos, wat reeds nommer 13-skoene volstaan, tydens die afgelope twee swembyeenkomste ‘n allemintige tien goue medaljes ingepalm en drie nuwe rekords opgestel. Na die skitterprestasies is Canseus vierde op die ranglys van swemmers, 11 jaar en jonger, van Swem Suid-Afrika. Ses van sy goue medaljes het hy verlede maand by die onlangse Limpopo Tuks Remax Swembyeenkoms in Bela-Bela gewen waarna hy nog vier goue medaljes by die interprovinsiale swemgala vir kleiner provinsies in Bedfordview, Johannesburg ingeryg het. Die goue medaljes van die eerste byeenkoms het hy in die 50 m vlinder-, bors-, rug- en vryslag gewen sowel as in die 100 m individuele wisselslag en as lid van die individuele wisselslag aflosspan. By die byeenkoms in Gauteng twee weke later het Canseus nog vier goue medaljes in die 100 m vryslag, 100 m vlinderslag, 200 m individuele wisselslag en as lid van die 200 m wisselslag aflosspan ingepalm. Wat die prestasie merkwaardig maak, is dat dit sy eerste twee byeenkomste as vlak 2-swemmer is. Die 100 m vlinderslag-rekord het hy boonop met vier sekondes verbeter, die rekord in die 100 m vrystyl met een sekonde en die 200 m individuele wisselslag-rekord met nege sekondes. In die 200 m individuele wisselslag as deel van die Limpopo-span het hy nog ‘n rekord met minder as ‘n sekonde gemis. Die belowende jong swemmer het as sesjarige by Limpopo Tuks Swemklub onder leiding van sy huidge afrigter, Ferdinand Bester begin en as agtjarige aan kompetisies begin deelneem. Bester sê Canseus se gewilligheid om hard te oefen, deursettingsvermoë en natuurlike swemtalent is

die faktore wat tot sy sukses lei en hom gehelp het om die nuwe rekords op te stel en sy persoonlike beste tye telkens te verbeter. “Amerikaner Michael Phelps en Suid-Afrikaanse swemster, Chad le Clos is my rolmodelle. Ek wil graag in hul voetspore volg om eendag op Olim-piese vlak te kan meeding. Ek is baie dankbaar vir die swemtalent en liefde vir sport wat die Here vir my gegee het en sal eers wanneer ek ouer is besluit om op rugby- of swem te konsentreer om my land hopelik te verteenwoordig. Dit is altyd vir my lekker om aan galas deel te neem, medaljes te wen en rekords te verbeter.” Canseus draf as slot of agsteman uit op die rugbyveld en het Limpopo in die o.12 Cravenweekspan verteenwoordig wat in Julie plaasgevind het. As Haaieondersteuner is sy rugbyhelde Beast Mtwarira, Odwa Ndungane en JP Pietersen. “Op die veld is dit vir my lekker om iemand plat te duik, ‘n drie te druk en saam in ‘n span te speel,” sê die nederige sportman. Hy vorder ook goed op akademiese vlak en meen sport help hom om beter te konsentreer. Sy grootste ondersteuners is sy familie, swemafrigter, leerkragte en maats. Hy is baie dankbaar vir die geleenthede wat Oosskool hom bied om in sport te presteer en sien daarna uit om in die swembad en rugbyveld uit te blink wanneer hy sy hoërskoolloopbaan oor bietjie meer as ‘n jaar by Hoërskool Pietersburg begin.

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>> Stel drie nuwe rekords op in een kompetisie >> Ewe tuis op rugbyveld Foto: Warren Blunt

Belowende jong Polokwane swemmer, Canseus Saayman van die Limpopo Tuks Swemklub spog met sy goue medaljes wat hy onlangs gewen het.

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