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Prestige byeenkoms beloof voordele vir stad
Hoëspoed trompop botsing eis bestuurder se lewe Wrakstukke lê gesaai op die toneel van ‘n trompop botsing tussen ‘n vragmotor en BMW sedan waarin die bestuurder van die motor Donderdag gesterf het.
Bendor Ext 100
Development finally off the ground
Muni sit Hieb uit 23 Gesinne soek dringend ander heenkome
yna 30 huisgesinne van Hulp In Elke Behoefte (Hieb) moet ‘n ander heenkome vind nadat die Polokwane Munisipaliteit ‘n uitsettingbevel aan dié organisasie uitgereik het
omdat daar geen bouplanne vir die houthuisies by die munisipaliteit ingedien is en die perseel nie vir behuisingsdoeleindes gesoneer is nie. Inwoners het tot 20 Maart om die perseel te ontruim en behuising elders te soek. Sommige gesinne het reeds
‘n ander heenkome gevind en hul kamers of houthuisies is ontruim. Die bevel is op 14 Januarie uitgereik en inwoners het oorspronklik vyf dae na uitreiking van die kennisgewing gehad om die perseel te verlaat. Na bl 2
Security tender to travel agency BARRY VILJOEN >> Eyebrows have been raised by Polokwane Municipality’s awarding of a tender worth over R22 million to a travel agency for rendering security services to it. Polokwane Municipality during October last year awarded a tender to Mgaba Travel Agency to render security services in the city cluster for a term of three years. The contract amount is R22 406 862,24. This was revealed in a report tabled in the December 2014 Ordinary Meeting of the Council. In the same report, that was submitted to council to be noted, it is also stated that three other tenders were awarded to Matome and Moloto Protection Services (R23 684 306,04), GNS Security Services (R20 799 106,42) and Bopape Security Services (R23 033 361,96). In an attempt to obtain more information regarding the legal status To page 2
>> PAGE 4
Spread the love Valentine’s Day treats
>> PAGES 18 - 22
Alsydige atleet Stefan Nel verbeter spiesgooi rekord met byna 20 m >> BLADSY 40
February 5, 2015
Tel: 015 291 1061 | Fax: 015 291 3654 || MANAGER: >> Santa Oosthuizen EDITOR: >> Yolande Nel 083 278 1446 ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER: >> Jacolien Stoltz 082 080 2883 ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: >> Anel de Kock 079 163 7588 >> Melany Martin 072 634 7083
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Muni sit Hieb uit Van bl 1 Die komitee het die munisipaliteit om grasie genader wat tot Maart toegestaan is. Volgens Hieb-projekkoördineerder, Adriaan Fourie het verskeie faktore tot die kennisgewing gelei. “In Julie het die komitee besluit om gesinne wat nie hul verpligting om huurgeld te betaal nie, 30 dae kennis te gee om hul kamer of huisie te ontruim. Een van die gesinne versuim reeds die afgelope 13 maande om te betaal,” sê Fourie. Hy sê die besluit het van die inwoners omgekrap en Hieb by die huurraad aangegee. “In ‘n vergadering met die huurraad was die besluite ten gunste van die inwoners na
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meer as ses maande se onderhandelinge wat uiteindelik deur Hieb aanvaar is. Die huurraad het Hieb toegegee dat inwoners nie kan bly as hulle nie betaal nie. “Ons het besluit om die kennistydperk tot 60 dae te verleng, maar steeds was inwoners nie gelukkig nie,” sê Fourie. Die besluit van die huurraad het sommige inwoners meer omgekrap wat daartoe gelei het dat munisipale beamptes op 14 Januarie by die organisasie opdaag en die perseel aan die hand van een van die aanvanklik ongelukkige inwoners inspekteer het. Dié inwoner het na bewering die beamptes op die perseel rondgeneem sonder om die toesighouer of Fourie in kennis te stel. Die inwoner het alle oënskynlike foute op die perseel aan die beamptes uit- gewys, volgens ander inwoners. Hy sê al betaal mense nie huur nie, soos wat van hul verplig word, kry hul steeds kos, water, elektrisiteit en het badgeriewe. Hy verwys na ‘n projek wat onlangs geloods is waar geldwaarde aan dagtake by Hieb gekoppel word. As inwoners hul kant bring en op die perseel werk verrig, word dit as korting op hul huurgeld aangebring. Die ongelukkige klomp het dit glo as dwangarbeid beskou. “Sedert die ongelukkigheid onder sommige inwoners begin het, word diere op die perseel vergiftig, goedere word gesteel en badkamers word teen enige opgevoedheid met stoelgang besmeer. Dit is seker ‘n manier van wraak neem. Sommige inwoners bring regtig hul
kant. Jy kan sien hulle wil graag weer iets van hul lewens maak terwyl ander net bakhand sit en dinge baie onplesierig maak. Stank vir dank,” sê Fourie. Hieb het reeds R50 000 se uitstaande huurgeld afgeskryf. Hieb komiteevoorsitter, Heloise Fourie sê hulle sal saam met die munisipaliteit werk om alle probleme op die perseel te herstel. “Daar is te veel geld in Hieb ingesit om die organisasie skade te berokken. Die behuisingsbeen is slegs een deel van Hieb se diens aan die behoeftige gemeenskap. Dit is nie ons geld nie, dis die Polokwane-gemeenskap se geld. Ons kan nie alles net so los nie omdat daar mense is wat werklik hulp nodig het,” sê sy. Sommige inwoners word reeds op ‘n perseel in die stad gehuisves, maar vir die meerderheid is dit ‘n kwessie van spoedig ander blyplek soek. “Ons wag nou dat 20 Maart aanbreek en dan te verseker dat almal die perseel ontruim het. Daarna sal ons in samewerking met die munisipaliteit alles op die perseel volgens wet herstel en sorg dat ons binne die riglyne bly,” sê Eloise. Munisipale woordvoerder, Matshidiso Mothapo het die uitsettingsbevel bevestig. “Elke Woensdag loods die munisipaliteit ‘n operasie wat uit beamptes van die ontwikkelings- en landgebruik-, behuising- en veiligheidsdepartement bestaan. Beamptes besoek enige perseel in en rondom die stad om inspeksie te doen. Op dieselfde dag word alle persele waaroor daar ‘n klagte ontvang is, ook besoek en die nodige stappe word geneem,” sê Mothapo.
Security tender to travel agency From page 1 of Mgaba Travel Agency, a search with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) and the internet proved futile as it seems that this business that was deemed fit to win a tender of this magnitude, did not operate in the public domain. Polokwane Municipality was approached via its Communications and Marketing Division and requested to provide further information regarding the status and track record of Mgaba Travel Agency in the field of security services. After a number of enquiries regarding the progress with a reply, the acting Manager of the municipality’s Communications and
Regstelling In ons uitgawe van 22 Januarie 2015 het Polokwane Observer verkeerdelik berig dat die watermassa wat deur ‘n gebarste watertoevoerpyp veroorsaak is en PricewaterhouseCoopers se parkeerarea oorstroom het deur die Polokwane munisipaliteit uitgepomp is. Dit was inderwaarheid Northern Plumbers, ‘n plaaslike loodgietersmaatskappy, wat die uitpomp van die water suksesvol met hul eie toerusting hanteer het. Polokwane Observer vra om verskoning vir enige ongerief hierdeur veroorsaak en stel graag die feite reg.
HOUSE FOR SALE Beautiful double-storey. 5 Bedrooms, pool, borehole, electronic gates etc. Furniture included. R2 million Contact 083 786 7882
Marketing Division, Matshidiso Mothapo advised that the municipality will not provide the requested information at that stage and that Polokwane Observer should lodge an application for disclosure of the information in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA). Polokwane Observer regarded it in the public interest to follow up on the matter. In turn we requested an interview with Municipal Manager Conny Mametja to discuss the matter. At the time of going to print the office of the Municipal Manager had not yet indicated whether an interview could indeed be facilitated.
Headline could cause confusion
After publishing our lead story in the edition of 15 January 2015, Polokwane Observer was alerted to the fact that the headline “ER Services Collapse” could have caused confusion. We hereby categorically reiterate that the story dealt with matters at the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) within the Department of Health and not at ER24 Limpopo, which was clear from the initial story.
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Noodlottige trompop botsing eis nog ‘n lewe >> Tragedie toe motor voor trok in ry >> Bestuurder het vermoedelik beheer oor voertuig verloor LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >> ‘n Pad besaai met motorwrakstukke het motoriste verlede Donderdagoggend op die N1 verbypad naby die Dorpstraatverlenging begroet. ‘n Tragedie het afgespeel toe ‘n onbekende bestuurder van ‘n BMW 118i, vermoedelik teen ‘n hoë snelheid voor ‘n aankomende trok ingery het. Die bestuurder van ‘n transitovoertuig wat agter die trok gery het, kon nie
Februarie 5, 2015
betyds uitswaai om ‘n botsing te voorkom nie. Volgens ‘n ooggetuie het dit gelyk of die bestuurder van die BMW moontlik ‘n beroerte of hartaanval gekry het. Nog ‘n ooggetuie, ‘n bestuurder van ‘n ander vragmotor reken dit het kompleet gelyk of die BMW-bestuurder sy lewe probeer neem toe hy reg van voor teen die vragmotor gebots het. Daar is ook bespiegelings dat hy moontlik met sy selfoon doenig was en nie betyds kon uitswaai nie. Die BMW-bestuurder, vermoedelik in sy vroeër veertigs en van Polokwane, is op slag dood terwyl niemand in die trok of transitovoertuigvoertuig beseer is nie ‘n Ander transitovoertuig het die geld oorgelaai en verder vervoer. ‘n Saak van strafbare manslag word ondersoek, het Lesiba Ramoshaba, polisiewoordvoerder van Polokwane bevestig. Die oorsaak van die man se dood is nog nie bekend nie.
TuksSkole-reeks: Geld rol in vir stad RC MYBURGH >> Op 18 April kan die stad ‘n toeloop van duisende mense verwag wanneer Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) vir die eerste keer in sy geskiedenis die gesogte TuksSkole-reeks se kwarteindrondte aanbied. PHS is reeds besig om vere vir die groot byeenkoms reg te skud. “Dit is ‘n voorreg om die toernooi aan te bied. Dié eer om die kwarteindrondte te hou kan elke agt jaar een deelnemende skool te beurt val,” sê skoolhoof, Willie Schoeman. Die besoekerstal kan by die 10 000 mense draai wat PHS se terrein op een dag sal deurtrap om rugby, hokkie en netbal uit die boonste rakke te aanskou. “Die TukSkole-reeks sorg jaarliks vir spannende oomblikke op die pawiljoen met goeie rugby wat gespeel word. Die netbalen hokkiespanne stel ook nooit teleur nie,” sê Schoeman. Op die betrokke dag word ongeveer 250 wedstryde deur sowat 7 000 rugby-, hokkieen netbalspelers gespeel. ’n Verdere 1 000 tot 2 000 mense kan bygereken word wat
ouers, afrigters, ander toeskouers en borge insluit. “Hoewel deelnemers in koshuise in en rondom die stad tuisgaan, skep dit die ideale geleentheid vir plaaslike sakelui om ekstra geld gedurende die toernooi in hul sakke te steek,” sê Schoeman. Skole wat in aksie gesien kan word is Hoërskool Kemptonpark, Hoërskool Ermelo, Hoërskool Florida, Vereeniging Gimnasium, Hoërskool Nelspruit, Hoërskool Garsfontein, Hoërskool Marais Viljoen en PHS. PHS het die afgelope paar jaar hul stempel tydens die reeks afgedruk. Verlede jaar het die skool algeheel vyfde geëindig. Die eerste gholfspan eindig vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar algeheel eerste met die netbal, muurbal en meisieshokkie wat die algehele tweede plek beklee. Skaak verower ‘n vierde plek met tennis sesde, seunshokkie en landloop negende en rugby tiende. Die o.16B-rugbyspan was ook algeheel eerste. “Ons kan op die sportveld as gerekende opponente beskou word en nooi ouers en Polokwane-inwoners om die toernooi te ondersteun,” sê Schoeman.
Tom team to departures YOLANDE NEL >> The commitment by the provincial administration to work with the national government on issues of governance accompanied the exit of the administrators from the province. Their departure was characterised by a last handover workshop with various role players in the five affected departments last week. Provincial Government Spokesperson Phuti Seloba singled out the follow-up of outstanding disciplinary cases against officials which impacted on the morale of the workforce as most critical to be highlighted by the administrators prior their departure. He expressed gratitude towards the team led by Monde Tom for the good work done in the province.
In certain areas there would always be challenges and they would work tirelessly to ensure the people of Limpopo had a very responsive and properly capacitated administration that would make sure issues of service delivery and programmes to improve lives continued, he said. Seloba stated they would continue to welcome the support of the national government to ensure issues of sustainability were taken care of. Continuous monitoring would happen and as per standard procedure, departments would continue to submit monthly reports to the national government, according to Seloba. He added that the provincial government would continue to do intra-organisational monitoring of all five departments and keep an eye on the rest.
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Bendor Ext 100 finally off the ground
February 5, 2015
City’s finances on par – Income and expenditure to be managed
>> House prices between R399 000 and R650 000 >> Development cost R 300 million BARRY VILJOEN >>
he long awaited building project at Bendor Extension 100 off DieMeer Street has finally commenced with construction of the first houses at the beginning of the new year.
Prospective buyer Tlou Kutumela inspects the progress at Bendor Extension 100.
BARRY VILJOEN >> Although the city’s income and expenditure figures for the first six months of the 2014/15 financial year appear to be on par, measures to increase revenue collection and to manage expenditure should be implemented. The City’s Mid-Year Budget and Performance Assessment Report that was tabled during the Ordinary Council Meeting that took place last Thursday indicates that 48% of the budgeted income for the first six months of the 2014/15 financial year were
When Polokwane Observer visited the site on Monday, all systems were running at full speed to be ready for the envisaged visit of the National Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements that was scheduled for Tuesday. The visit was however cancelled as the committee’s busy schedule did not allow time to visit the development en route from Vhembe district to Lephalale, Sakhile Mokoena, Media Liaison Officer of the Parliamentary Communications Division informed. The development of the site which included streets and services, cost in the tune of R300 million and 661 houses will finally be built. The proposed selling prices of the houses will vary from R399 000 to R650 000 and will consist of two and three bedroom units. A prospective buyer, Tlou Kutumela, told Polokwane Observer that he wants to live in Bendor Extension 100 because it is affordable and the only way in which he can be the owner of his own place. At the time of going to press, attempts to source more information from the Department of Cooperative Government, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs regarding the building programme were unsuccessful.
Polokwane Municipality Speaker Caiphus Mathiba presides during a previous Council Meeting.
received. This amount of R1 066 767 465 includes grants and direct income. The total amount budgeted for the year is R2 209 252 000. The report further states that on the expenditure side, the city has spent R1 063 506 385, which amounts to 50% of its projected expenditure for the same period. The total amount budgeted for the year is R2 145 711 000. On 31 December 2014 the city’s debtor’s book had a balance of R620 242 012,94 and creditors were owed R63 261 793,24, which amount has, as prescribed by the Municipal Finance Management Act no 56 of 2003, to be paid within 30 days. Municipal Manager Constance Mametja, in the report cautions that there is likelihood that the projected revenue won’t be realised due to non-performance of some revenue items such as water, electricity, sanitation, refuse and property rates. The municipality will therefore be compelled to take special effort to improve debt collection in those areas. A positive factor is that the supplementary valuation roll that will come into effect later this year, will provide increased income. Referring to expenditure, Mametja noted that “stringent measures will be put in place to ensure that expenditure is not increasing at an exponential rate”.
Boy Mamabolo behind bars until March RC MYBURGH >> African National Congress (ANC) Milo Malatjie Branch Chairperson Boy Mamabolo is behind bars until his next appearance in the Mokopane Magistrate’s Court on 29 March to face charges of alleged fraud stemming from his arrest by the Hawks early in 2013. Mamabolo’s failure to appear in court in September last year resulted in the warrant of arrest being issued against him. Mamabolo was shot and seriously injured during an incident at Waterland Shisanyama in September which involved former ANC municipal councillor and businessman Jacob Lebogo as possible perpetrator. “The day after the shooting Mamabolo was due to appear in court to face the alleged fraud
The first house in Bendor Extension 100 is nearing completion with others in different stages of construction. PHOTOS: BARRY VILJOEN
charges but it is alleged that his legal team failed to inform the court that Mamabolo was recuperating in hospital. This led to the issuing of a warrant of arrest,” Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto stated. Mamabolo appeared in court on Friday and his bail was withdrawn resulting in him having to remain behind bars until his next appearance in March. Previous reports stated that during Mamabolo’s arrest in 2013 he was the Chairperson of the Limpopo Geographical Names Committee. He faces 72 counts of fraud amounting to R416 000 for allegedly purchasing private items with the committee’s cheque book without the committee’s knowledge. Lebogo will appear again in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court later this month facing charges of attempted murder and discharge of a firearm in a public space.
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Vodacom’s e-school OBSERVER initiative introduced locally Februarie 5, 2015
Top performing Grade 12 learners Katlego Makgopo and Sandra Madraae with the Vodacom Kicka smartphones they received.
Top performing Grade 12 learners of Bokamoso Secondary School with the Vodacom smart kicka’s are Auctovia Leshiba, Thulisile Sithole, Mosima Mametja and Mogau Matlou. Chatz Connect Groblersdal Chatz Connect Hoedspruit Chatz Connect Jane Furse Chatz Connect Lebowakgomo Chatz Connect Makhado Chatz Connect Mall @ Lebo Chatz Connect Mall of the North Chatz Connect Mokopane Chatz Connect Naboomspruit Chatz Connect Nylstroom Chatz Connect Palaborwa Cell & Sound
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Vodacom Kicka Smartphone
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Suraya Hamdulay, Executive Head for Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship at Vodacom addresses the learners on Wednesday.
Juniad Munshi, Vodacom Limpopo Managing Executive, Mahlodi Manthatha, Deputy Principal Bokamoso Senior Secondary School and Suraya Hamdulay, Vodacom Executive Head for Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship.
odacom on Wednesday, 28 January 2015 introduced its recently launched education portal, Vodacom e-school at Bokamoso Senior Secondary School in Seshego. Vodacom e-school is an innovative learning platform that gives Grade 10 to 12 learners Internet access to educational sites. Learners who are Vodacom subscribers will now be able to access curriculum aligned classroom content on their mobile devices across all major subjects for free as Vodacom offers zero rate browsing on the site for its customers. Vodacom Limpopo Managing Executive Juniad Munshi said: “The project is in line with Vodacom’s ongoing drive to help provide Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools and internet connectivity to communities that do not have access. By providing access to internet to improve the standard of education, Vodacom is able to uplift learners and the quality of education.” He further stated that they are aware of the many learners who often do not have access to learning material such as textbooks and who are therefore even more challenged to excel at school. “Through the Vodacom e-school platform, we can help address this challenge. As an investor in the country and partner of the Department of Basic Education, our goal is to ensure that learners throughout the country have access to some basic tools to help enhance their outside of the classroom.” In order to access and utilise the service users will need a tablet, laptop or smartphone and be Vodacom subscribers. They then need to visit device to register. Thereafter, they will enjoy unlimited access to education content. For those who are not customers of Vodacom data charges are likely to be incurred from their service providers for logging on to the site. “Most learners have access to cell phones, laptops or tablets in one way or another, but may not have adequate data. Having free access to our education content portal will now help remove the barriers to e-learning. Learners can now complete lessons from their syllabus, to help improve their marks. They can also track their progress and see how they are performance compared to other students in a fun, easy and interactive way. Supporting education is the main focus of the Vodacom Foundation. Vodacom eschool reflects our commitment to help improve the standard and quality of education in our country, Munshi explained. Deputy Principal of Bokamoso Senior Secondary School, Mahlodi Manthata said they are thankful for Vodacom for choosing their school to launch the project. “This is great initiative by Vodacom which will benefit the learners and the school at large,” Manthata said. During the launch 11 top performing Grade 12 learners at the school each received a Vodacom Kicka Smartphone as part of the launch. One of the top performing learners in Grade 12, Mogau Matlou described the initiative as an incredible innovation which will make the lives of the learners easy. “Things have changed and that includes the methods of teaching and we must be on par with change. We believe with this initiative we will be able to attain the kind of knowledge that seemed unattainable,” Mogau said.
Valid from the moment you activate it To activate dail *111#
February 5, 2015
>> Ruling party in province seen to be hell-bent on keeping traditional strongholds >> Malamulele could have been avoided had Lim leadership acted sooner on pending tell-tale signs YOLANDE NEL >>
he reassessment of the financial viability of local municipalities ordered by the ruling party in the province at a time of the commissioning of a service delivery audit of a smouldering Malamulele is being translated as delayed reaction on the side of Limpopo’s leadership to deal with burning issues. Various sources expressed the view that such steps by the ruling party in Limpopo
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Action way too late were more of an attempt to cling to traditional strongholds they were hell-bent on keeping come next year’s local government elections than wanting to step in to fast-track delivery of services to deserving communities. On the other hand communities going to extremes when vocalising their dismay about the lack of services or when demands are not met by causing damage to state property, were accused of adding to an escalating crisis. This week the community of Malamulele reportedly continued with protest action after Friday’s announcement that the Municipal Demarcation Board ruled against the community’s request to have their own municipality. The effects of the crisis at Malamulele cannot be dealt with in isolation. Occurrences at the town have deviated attention from Phiphidi, not far from there, where a satellite Police station was reportedly set alight by an unhappy community who allegedly wanted to take revenge on a suspected rapist on Monday. (See story elsewhere) A source stressed that the crisis at Malamulele could have been avoided if the leadership of the province acted sooner on pending telltale signs and followed the critical implementation of a consultative process with stakeholders. As the bitter taste of brewing mayhem hangs in the air, the realities of a lockdown should be a lesson to the provincial leadership not to ignore requests for service delivery and warnings of brewing unrest in future. An explosive situation like the one at Malamulele is bound to erupt anywhere and at any stage. The question was raised whether Malamulele could not have been avoided if service delivery by local government institutions had been properly assessed. From a source in the ruling party in Limpopo it was learnt that the suggested alignment of municipalities in the province could be seen to strengthen the power base of the ruling party. “Never before was hands-on delivery of good quality services as crucial as now.” The repercussions of the crisis at Malamulele are summarised in a media statement issued by Democratic Alliance (DA) Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle, who referred to, among others, over 300 supplementary Matric exam candidates not being able to undertake exams, thousands of residents having to cross crocodile infested rivers to access essential and basic services or specialist doctors’ appointments and pensioners not being able to access benefits.
Smalle was of the opinion that a statement issued by the African National Congress (ANC) in Limpopo in response to the Municipal Demarcation Board’s refusal to grant the people of Malamulele a municipality confirmed that the governing party had left the people behind. “Nowhere in the statement does the ANC show its concerns over the total shutdown of social and economic activities in the area.” He goes on to call it an ANC crisis created, fuelled and remaining unsolved by the ruling party. “The ANC statement correctly slams the disruption of schooling in Malamulele, but does not acknowledge the role of the ANC in creating this crisis.” During a media conference at Frans Mohlala House in Polokwane on Tuesday, ANC Provincial Secretary Nocks Seabi told journalists that part of the resolutions of a lekgotla of the past few days was to reassess municipalities in the province, especially ones not being financially viable. He alluded to the fact that they had met with mayors, speakers, chief whips and municipal managers to discuss service delivery and the message to them was loud and clear: that they were there for nothing else but service delivery. He also spoke of a team to conduct a service delivery audit at Malamulele. Seabi explained that on face value there was service delivery at Malamulele, but once people started saying they were not getting services or that the services being rendered there were of inferior quality, a thorough check needed to be done. “So you know that the demand has been escalated at this stage and that is why we said maybe as the ANC we shouldn’t only rely on our deployees. We shouldn’t only rely on the information we get from our deployees, but let us as the ANC have our own team that is going to do that, hence the appointment
of this audit team. And it is our hope that by the end of February we would be having a complete report because they must go and do intensive research as far as this thing of lack of services is concerned.” The ANC was worried about torching of schools and buildings and they called on the provincial government through the relevant agencies to make sure they restored order in that part of the world, Seabi said. He expressed the opinion that the demands of the people of Malamulele might be genuine but didn’t warrant the destruction of life and property. To follow-up questions posed he responded saying that currently there was no reason to believe a third force was involved at Malamulele or that possible tribalism was at play. According to Provincial Government Spokesperson Phuti Seloba the next measure to be taken was for an engagement with involved stakeholders, which has already started. He vocalised a call on all parents, learners and teachers to rise up and support schooling in the area. Speaking from Malamulele at the time of going to press, Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto said a forensics team from Pretoria arrived on Tuesday and by yesterday (Wednesday) was expected to start with investigations into the incidents of fire at Malamulele High School, Gijana High School in a village an estimated 40 km from Malamulele and Xikundu High School at Sasalemane on the road to Punda Maria. Arson was being suspected but still being investigated as possible cause thereof, according to Otto. She said no further incidents or protest action had been reported since the last case of fire was reported on Tuesday morning.
CRIME shorts Culpable homicide after accident
Two arrested for murder
Police in Lebowakgomo are investigating a case of culpable homicide after an accident on the R37 between Polokwane and Lebowakgomo on Sunday claimed the life of one person and left 21 others injured. Police Spokesperson Mamphaswa Seabi reported that the accident occurred at 21:00 at Hweleshaneng Village just outside Lebowakgomo when the driver of the vehicle lost control and it overturned. Seabi added that the injured, all passengers of the same vehicle, were taken to nearby hospitals for treatment.
Police in Tzaneen have arrested two people in connection with two separate murder cases over the weekend. Police Spokesperson Moatshe Ngoepe said the first incident happened at Mariveni Village in Ritavi when a 42-year-old man was arrested for killing Winter Mbodi Ntimana after allegedly knocking him over with his vehicle and reversing over him after an alleged argument. The second murder was at Segwashi Village near Haenertzburg. A 45-year-old was arrested for allegedly killing his 50-year-old girlfriend. “It is alleged that the man killed his girlfriend and buried her body in a shallow grave. Information received led Police to a spot where the woman’s body was dicovered,” Ngoepe said. The motive for the killing is not known yet. Both suspects will appear in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court again next week.
Hefty sentence for bakery robber
Mankweng Regional Court on 27 January sentenced convicted robber Ntete Bishop Mathete to ten years imprisonment with no option of a fine. Police Spokesperson Matimba Maluleke reported that on 31 July 2013 Mathete’s 31-year-old victim was busy offloading crates of bread from a delivery truck at a spaza shop at Ga-Magoa when he was approached by two armed men. “He was then robbed of R4 000 and the robbers drove off with his delivery truck which was later found abandoned at GaMolepo,” Maluleke said. As investigations in the case progressed information received from the community revealed Mathete to have been responsible for the robbery. “He appeared before the Mankweng Magistrate’s Court several times and was granted bail of R1 500 in February last year,” Maluleke said.
Farm murder accused back in dock
Phillip Kgoantha, suspected of allegedly murdering his employer, Susan Kotze on her farm just outside Lephalale earlier this year, will appear in the Lephalale Magistrate’s Court again on 17 February for a formal bail application. Kgoantha faces charges of theft and murder. Kotze’s body was found on 6 January by relatives who went to her house after failing to contact her telephonically. “When they went to the farm to check on her, they found the lights inside the house on, but the house was locked and there was no response. The Police were called who broke into the house and the body was discovered. She was allegedly strangled with a wire coat hanger. Two cell phones, a small amount of cash and Kotze’s Ford Bantam bakkie were stolen,” Provincial Police Spokesperson Ronel Otto said. Thorough investigations by a specialised team led to the house of the suspect’s uncle in Northam where Kgoantha was found to be in possession of the alleged stolen goods and arrested.
Deceased in horror crash not yet identified
The identity of the three people who burnt beyond recognition on Monday after an accident involving eight vehicles occurred on the George’s Valley road has still not been determined. According to Tzaneen Police Spokesperson Moatshe Ngoepe eight vehicles were involved and three people died due to one of the trucks involved catching fire. “According to information received a vehicle stopped to assist another vehicle that had broken down. A truck whose brakes allegedly failed came down the pass, collided with the two vehicles, tumbled several feet down the mountain side and caught fire,” Ngoepe said. Emergency services responded to the scene quickly. “During the rescue operation a second truck coming down the pass was allegedly unable to stop causing a chain reaction in which several emergency vehicles were also damaged,” he said.
Child struck by lightning
A nine-year-old Grade 3 learner from Makalakanye Primary School in Marble Hall was on Friday morning struck and killed by lightning. According to Police Spokesperson in Marble Hall Lethunya Mmuroa, Refilwe Mokau was walking home from school when she was struck by lightning. “We experienced normal rain with no heavy thunderstorm and lightning. She was struck at Ga-Botha Village,” Mmuroa said. The girl was rushed to Lefiso Clinic by medical emergency services but certified dead on her arrival.
February 5, 2015
Polokwane Observer
February 5, 2015
>> Polokwane Observer is oorval met pragvakansiefoto’s wat lesers vir die fotokompetisie ingestuur het. Die kompetisie vir amateurfotograwe het Maandag gesluit en die wenner sal volgende week in Polokwane Observer aangekondig word.
Adele van der Linde het die foto by Manaba Beach in Kwazulu-Natal geneem.
Tydens Mmatlou Maxine se besoek aan Zanzibar is die spesiale oomblik op kamera vasgelê. ‘n Foto van Mmatlou Maxine tydens haar besoek aan Zanzibar. Chante Botha het Hartenbos onlangs besoek.
Mohsin Tilly het die foto tydens haar besoek aan die Kruger Nasionale Park geneem.
Tydens Pieter Roux se vakansie in Walvisbaai, is die indrukwekkende foto geneem.
‘n Foto van Elmi Coetzee wat by Doorndraaidam geneem is.
Choose the partner that gets the work done, day and night. Mosebjadi Maahlo het die foto in Singapoer geneem.
Tydens ‘n besoek aan die Kruger Nasionale Park het Ilze- May Troskie die ikoniese foto op kamera vasgelê.
Nog ‘n inskrywing van Madeléne van der Merwe tydens haar besoek aan die Randburg Rhino en Lion Park.
Madeléne van der Merwe het die asemrowende foto van die tier by die Rhino and Lion Park in Randburg geneem.
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Mosebjadi Maahlo se foto is in Singapoer geneem.
February 5, 2015
Polokwane Observer
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Department and Eskom reach out to learners
February 5, 2015
10 OBSERVER polokwane
>> ‘Support vulnerable and less fortunate learners’ HERBERT RACHUENE >>
Present during the launch of the Learner and ECD support initiative are Capricorn District Executive Mayor Gilbert Kganyago; Eskom Provincial General Manager, Rhulani Matshidze; Social Development MEC Joyce Mashamba and Chairperson of the National Lottery Board, Alfred Nevhutanda. PHOTO: HERBERT RACHUENE
he Department of Social Development and Eskom on Monday launched an initiative to support vulnerable and less fortunate learners in the province by donating learning materials and uniforms to Early Childhood Development Centres (ECD) and children living in child-headed households. The learning material will be donated by Eskom as part of their corporate social responsibility pro-
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gramme. The first phase of the project commenced at Ga Mashashane on Tuesday when Social Development MEC, Joyce Mashamba and Eskom Provincial General Manager, Rhulani Matshidze joined by officials of the entity handed over learning material to ECDs in the area. During the launch Mashamba said Government has systems in place to ensure that all learners have an equal and fair chance of receiving quality education in an environment that is conducive to learning and growing. “We want to ensure that learners that receive learners within the indentified poverty pockets of the province as well as vulnerable children living
in child-headed households receive school uniform and learning material to relieve their plight. We take this opportunity to once again thank Eskom for their generous gesture. “Our visits to the districts will give us the added opportunity to interact with stakeholders and the people of Limpopo, as we present this small token of our continued support to the children of the province, the future of our country. Matshidze said they are proud to be strategic partners in improving the lives of the vulnerable and also changing their lives. “We hope that the learning material will prompt them to excel in the classroom activities,” she said.
Scopa impasse on Public Works accounts BARRY VILJOEN >> The absence of Public Works Minister Thulas Nxesi on Tuesday led to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts in the Limpopo Legislature (Scopa) having to adjourn a meeting convened to discuss matters emanating from the Auditor-General’s report on the affairs of the Department of Public Works for the second time in three months. A first meeting in this regard was held on 5 November 2014 and adjourned as a result of the inability of the Section 100-Administrator and the then Head of Department to respond to questions. It was agreed at the November meeting that Nxesi was the appropriate person to respond to the questions from Scopa in view of the fact that the MEC for Public Works as well as the Head of Department could not be held accountable due to the fact that both had been stripped
from executive powers when the department was placed under administration. Nxesi was informed that his presence was required at the meeting scheduled for Tuesday. On Tuesday, members of Scopa were dismayed at the fact that Nxesi did not take the effort to attend or at least offer an apology for his absence from the meeting. Members were very vocal on the situation and were of the opinion that Nxesi undermines Scopa and does not take it seriously. It was also mentioned that the second adjournment of the meeting amounted to fruitless expense and that committee members and nearly 20 officials of the department could have attended to other burning issues instead of wasting time to attend the meeting. Scopa Chairperson Rob Tooley in conclusion requested officials of the department to convene another meeting in consultation with the Legislature and to summon Nxesi to attend this time.
Elderly person claims negligence by hospital HERBERT RACHUENE >> Morris Mekeketlane’s (87) prospects of getting surgical relief from an umbilical hernia seem to have been thwarted after he was sent home by medical personnel at the Polokwane Provincial Hospital without allegedly scheduled surgical procedure being performed on him. The family now intends taking legal action against the hospital for alleged failure to attend to the patient’s condition and performing corrective surgery as planned. Percy Adams, a relative told Polokwane Observer that Makeketlane reported to the hospital on Monday for the scheduled surgery but was returned home without his condition being attended to in any way. “They did not give him any medication nor did they prescribe anything for him. They gave him an appointment card. We feel that the medical personnel violated his rights because medical treatment is not a privilege but a right,” Adams said. A visit by Polokwane Observer on Monday afternoon found Makeketlane, lying
helplessly on a bed in a ward, waiting for his son Mohula Makeketlane to collect him. In brief interview Makeketlane said he was disappointed with the treatment he got from the medical personnel. “I was in terrible pain. They admitted me in the morning and later told me that they won’t be able to perform the surgery. I was shocked because we had made an appointment. They told me to come back on 23 February and I am already imagining what is going to happen to me ahead of the date because I am in pain,” he said. Macks Lesufi, Spokesperson for the Department of Health said they have given the matter to the hospital’s Clinical Manager to investigate.
Morris Makeketlane (87) in his hospital bed on Monday.
February 5, 2015
Polokwane Observer
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February 5, 2015
9 to 14 February >> Cansa Polokwane in collaboration with Savannah Mall presents the Cansa Wall of Love at the Savannah Banking Mall. Special Valentine’s DIARY OF cards will be sold. Buy EVENTS your card at Cansa or at Savannah Mall Management Office and write a message that may win you a prize of R500. Sharon Stander: 015 297 1268. 13 Februarie >> Bobby van Jaarsveld tree om 19:00 tydens ‘n opelugkonsert op die A-veld van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos op. Hekke in Kleinenbergstraat open reeds om 17:00. Toegang vir volwassenes en hoërskoolleerders beloop R130 en R100 vir laerskoolleerders. Kos-, koeldrank en kunsstalletjies sal beskikbaar wees. Bring jou eie kombers en kampstoel. Michélle van der Westhuizen: 084 836 7036/015 296 0214.
12 OBSERVER What’s polokwane
The Polokwane Choral Society, an internationally travelled and award winning music and community choir of 38 years seeks skilled, committed, disciplined and passionate singers to join the choir in the soprano, bass and alto voices. If you fit this mould, please report for auditions on 15 February 2015 at 15:00 at Library Gardens Auditorium. Matlakala Bopape: 015 295 3417. 7 February >> Jan Blohm performs in Mina’s Art Café and Farm Venue at Zwakala River Retreat in Magoebaskloof from 18:00. Gourmet burgers, tapas platters and a full bar will be available. Tickets cost R100 per person. Denise Tooley: 083 980 8433.
14 February >> The Rotary Club of Haenertsburg presents its annual Rotary Ramble in the village and surrounding areas from 11:00. The event’s format is “Amazing Race” and prebooking is advised. It is a team effort and families are encouraged to enter. Entry fee on the day of the event is R100 per person and early birds can enter at R80. Maria da Silva: 082 442 2995. 14 to 15 February >> The Haenertsburg Berry Festival takes place in the village and guests can pick their own raspberries at Kuhestan Farm and blueberries at Blueberry Heights and Cheerio Gardens. The village market will offer bargains for all and a dinner and dance will take place in the village hall. Mara Wakefield: 082 370 8567 or 21 February >> The Modern Autohaus 4-in-1 Marathon takes place from 06:30 at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium. Registrations at the clubhouse at the stadium on 18 February from 18:00 to 20:00 and on 20 February from 17:00 to 20:00. Entries will also be accepted on 21 February from 04:30. Great prizes to be won. Karen Smith: 082 817 0164.
1 March >> Mina’s Neighbourhood Market will be held at Zwakala River Retreat in Magoebaskloof. A variety of stalls will be available and an exclusive craft section is a new addition. There will also be clothing, accessories, bags and beautiful old home décor items and fun farm activities for kids. Denise Tooley: 083 980 8433. 4 Maart >> Wêreldbekende konsert-orrelis en musiekverwerker, Ockie Vermeulen tree om 19:00 by die NG Kerk Moedergemeente op. Die titel van sy produksie is “My obsessie met Christa Steyn.” Geld word ingesamel vir Doornkraal Voortrekkerkommando. Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon. Venita Olivier: 082 928 8785. 6 tot 8 Maart >> Die jaarlikse Mighty Men Konferensie word op Snymansdrift buite die stad gehou. Evangelis Angus Buchan tree onder meer op. Volle besonderhede is op die Mighty Men webblad beskikbaar. Besoek Hein Snyman: 015 297 6882. 21 Maart >> Die Rotariërklub van Haenertsburg bied van 11:00 hul jaarlikse Ebenezermyl in verskeie kategorieë aan. Volledige besonderhede is op die webwerf beskikbaar. Bernard van den Dool: 083 297 2349.
preferences voorkeure
Mmabgoshi Msiza, National winner of the Emerging Tourism Entrepreneur of Year award and owner of Limpopo Guest Manor shares her personal favourites with our readers. FAVOURITE food>> Indian cuisine.The food is different from the rest of the world not only in taste but also in cooking methods. It reflects a perfect blend of various cultures and ages. FAVOURITE book>> The Leader Who Had No Title (Robin Sharma). Sharma brings the fact out that anyone can be a leader. FAVOURITE holiday destination>> Knysna. It is a perfect environment for cleansing your soul. I like it for its gorgeous lagoon, mountains, sunsets, trees and birdlife. FAVOURITE phrase or saying>> “Be the change you want to see in the world.” (Mahatma Gandhi) FAVOURITE Artist >> Lerato Molapo popularly known as Lira. Her music is very empowering. FAVOURITE genre of music>> Afro soul and pop.I like the strong influence of vocals and emotions, mostly so of the lead singer. FAVOURITE Sporting code>> Soccer, a sport that unites people from all walks of life.
City’s fleamarket offers entertainment and bargains BARRY VILJOEN >> With ample parking and a festive atmosphere, the city’s own flea market in the Garden of the civic centre adjacent to the visitor information centre in Kerk Street, was hosted on Saturday. Stalls offering handmade items and refreshments were available and visitors were entertained by Development Specialist Thati Mathatho and Information Officer Victor Madzane of the Economic and Development Division of the Municipality. Exhibitors and guests took part in various items and were given the opportunity to vote for the best dancers in a dance competition that was won by Gerhard Lötter. The flea market will now take place on the last Friday and Saturday of every month, with the next one to be on 27 and 28 February. Prospective exhibitors may contact Mathatho on 083 672 0908 to reserve a stall. PHOTO: BARRY VILJOEN
Maria Khoza proudly exhibits her merchandise at the flea market.
>> Event to be hosted at venue in Mopani Region in last week of February >> Action against businesswoman, members YOLANDE NEL >> The African National Congress Youth League (Ancyl) in Limpopo is gearing up for its provincial conference to be hosted at a venue in the Mopani Region in the last week of February. In a media statement the Provincial Task Team (PTT) of the Ancyl referred to a meeting held on Friday to conduct checks and balances on its state of readiness and charting a way forward with regards to the impending provincial conference. The meeting agreed that all regional structures of the Ancyl in Waterberg, Sekhukhune and Mopani Regions should convene their conferences before the end of this month in preparation for the provincial conference, it was stated. The Mopani Regional Conference is supposed to take place this weekend. In the statement Ancyl PTT spokesperson Onicca Moloi further indicated the Ancyl lead-
Sport facilities OBSERVER 13 for rural schools Februarie 5, 2015
Ancyl gearing up for provincial conference
ership was locked in a meeting with officials of the ANC in Limpopo on Monday to thrash out a number of issues that affected young people of the province. Key among these issues was the question of financial exclusion in the Higher Education sector and how the youth should benefit from an assortment of Government programmes. She mentioned the task team has received updates on two court cases with the potential of denting the image of the leadership of both the ANC and the Ancyl in the province. The one case in which a businesswoman defrauded another businessperson by using the name of the Youth League was currently underway. She added the accused has pleaded guilty and was due to appear in the Commercial Crimes Court in Centurion next month. In another case of fraud involving an Ancyl member allegedly using the names of Youth League PTT Coordinator and ANC Deputy Chairperson, the accused also appeared in court. “The Youth League has instituted its own disciplinary proceedings and the member has been suspended in all activities of the ANC Youth League. The PTT further endorsed the suspension of a member who served in the Waterberg RTT (Regional Task Team) who mobilised the community with the opposition party.”
very school in the rural areas of the province should have sporting facilities in order for the province to produce more sport stars. This was the opinion expressed by Sport, Arts and Culture, MEC Nandi Ndalane during the provincial sport indaba held in Polokwane on Saturday. “Structurally our schools should be constructed such that when we say it is complete it has to have adequate and well equipped sporting facilities - from indoor to outdoor games. Schools are the only place where you find kids playing together albeit different games. And that is where you find a wealth of untapped talent,” Ndalane said. Ndalane also said the focus is on
the rural schools because schools in the urban areas are better off. “Together with district municipalities and the Department of Sport and Recreation we have already built sport facilities for two schools in the Vhembe area and we will go to the other schools in the province this year to build more sport facilities. We want children from primary and secondary schools in disadvantaged areas to be able to participate in synchronised swimming at an elite level but for them to realise that dream we must create a platform for them,” Ndalane said. Other issues that were discussed during the Indaba were sport development and recreation programmes, integrating sport programmes with communities, municipalities, sister departments and federations pro-
grammes. In attendance were former sports stars from the province, business people, leaders of different sport organisation, different federation, public entities, public servants and youth formations.
Ntambi Revele, Chairperson of Boxing South Africa was also in attendance.
Kirsten Nematandani, Former President of South African Football Association and Nandi Ndalani, MEC for Sport, Arts and Culture. PHOTOS: HERBERT RACHUENE
John Mametja, former Blue Bulls player with Mabakane Mangena, Manager for Communications at the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture.
Hanekom visits provincial tourism attractions Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom last Thursday conducted his first outreach tour into the province since his appointment to office last year. Hanekom visited two of the province’s most prominent tourist attractions, the Nylsvley Nature Reserve and Makapans Valley in an effort to familiarise himself with these products as well as to look into possible aspects of development. During a stakeholder forum held for Sekhukhune, Capricorn and Waterberg districts at Tiveka Game Lodge, Hanekom interacted with industry leaders from both Government and the private sector. He then also engagement with stakeholders from Mopani and Vhembe districts at Letaba Camp in the Kruger National Park as well as paid visits to various community based tourism establishments and interacted with members of the communities managing those establishments.
Derek Hanekom, Minister of Tourism and Seaparo Sekoati, MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism at Makapan’s Valley on Thursday.
Do not pay for legal aid! Have you been asked for money by a Legal Aid SA lawyer? Call the toll free Ethics Hotline or visit the nearest Legal Aid SA office to report this
0800 20 44 73 If you are unemployed or earn R5, 500 or less per month, you have a right to legal aid, at NO cost.
Polokwane Observer
Februarie 5, 2015
Februarie 5, 2015
Munisipaliteit OBSERVER maan inwoners oor kommerwekkende lae reservoirvlakke BARRY VILJOEN >>
Members of the Executive Committee of the PCOB are Percy Mongalo, Ashley Rasebotsa, Mashupe Phala, Moipone Segooa, Simphiwe Mdlalose (President), Jon White, Moosa Holomo and Edward Mashao.
PCOB ready to serve business community >> Lack of financial resources a challenge >> Lack of participation of members to be addressed BARRY VILJOEN >>
he Polokwane Chamber of Business (PCOB) held its 2015 Annual General Meeting last Wednesday amidst concerns relating to a lack of financial resources and a dwindling membership. PCOB President, Simphiwe Mdlalose who is serving a second consecutive
term said in his President’s Report that the chamber’s membership has decreased slightly and that some new members could be recruited while a number of existing members did not renew their membership due to financial constraints. The Chamber has however survived from funds raised by means of functions and activities. The chamber currently has 162 members. The chamber looked back to the successful events which included the Business Summit for SMMEs, the Annual Golf Day, a welcome dinner and meeting with Executive Mayor Thembi Nkadimeng, Business Card Evenings and the chamber’s Gala Dinner. The chamber was also part of a delegation that met with Premier Stan Mathabata to discuss a formal working relationship between the Premier and
organised business. As a result of the meeting, the Premier agreed to meet with the business community at least every quarter to discuss areas of concern. The chamber took part in the Mining Indaba and a committee was set up to focus on ways to ensure that local businesses participate in the procurement of goods and services from mines in the province. In conclusion, Mdlalose said that the chamber will strive to attract more members, create ideas to raise funds, to ensure active participation of members in the activities and programmes of the chamber, provide leadership and solutions in the energy crisis that the city is facing and finally to unite business in the city. “We are stronger together,” Mdlalose said.
Die munisipaliteit doen ‘n ernstige beroep op verbruikers om water spaarsaam te gebruik en nie hul voertuie te was en tuine nat te gooi nie. Verhoogde temperature die tyd van die jaar het hoër waterverbruik tot gevolg en plaas groot druk op die stad se waterreserwes. Die vlakke van al die reservoirs wat inwoners van die stad van water voorsien, uitgesluit die reservoirs in Potgieterlaan en uitbreiding 34, is steeds laag
en wek groot kommer. Volgens die munisipaliteit se jongste verslag, was die vlakke van die 50 megaliter en die nuwe 30 megaliter reservoirs Dinsdag 21% (teenoor ‘n week gelede se 35%) en 16% (teenoor 24%) onderskeidelik. Die reservoir in Potgieterlaan se vlak was 94% (teenoor verlede week se vlak van 57%). Die hoofreservoir in Seshego se vlak kon nie gemeet word nie aangesien die meter gebreek is. Die reservoir in uitbreiding 34 se vlak was op 95% teenoor die 94% van verlede week.
Business profile>>
February 5, 2015 >> PAGE 16
Ryno Diedericks
Business: >> LimInsure Blouster Why did you choose this profession? >> It came naturally – my mother and father were both in the same industry What puts you ahead in the industry? >> I help and advise clients to rather take out insurance and nothing happens than not being covered when disaster strikes How do you live out your passion for your career? >> I know my products and love to provide clients with the one that suits them best
FleetAfrica outreach benefits Alf Makaleng Primary
>> ‘We have seen the potential of the people, especially children’ >> ‘We promise to make good use of the facility’
lf Makaleng Primary School in Zone 5, Seshego became the latest in a long line of beneficiaries of national fleet management specialists, FleetAfrica’s Corporate Social Investment (CSI) programme. FleetAfrica, a Division of Super Group Africa (Pty) Ltd consciously strives to uplift communities with special focus on education, a endeavour which has resulted in Alf Makaleng Primary School now boasting a proper administration block and library, an improved and refurbished food preparation area, a play area for pre-primary learners and water taps installed on the school grounds. Since the establishment of the school in 1995 educators have had to share offices; there were no playing facilities for pre-primary learners and not enough water taps to accommodate the 1 093 learners. FleetAfrica conducted a site visit of the school in 2013 and identified possible areas where improvement would positively impact on the teaching and learning environment for both educators and learners. The renovations commenced the same year. Last Tuesday the renovated administration block and library was handed over to the school during a ribbon cutting ceremony conducted by Bruce McDonald-Watson, Chief Financial Officer of FleetAfrica on behalf of Kamogelo Mmutlana, Chief Executive Officer of FleetAfrica and Sinah Tjale, member of the Polokwane Municipality Mayoral Committee who stood in for Polokwane Executive Mayor, Thembi Nkadimeng. The school’s principal, Makwena Mashala said prior to FleetAfrica’s involvement the school’s situation was not conducive for teaching and learning. “We have 33 educators at the school and the offices available then could not accommodate all of them. It was very difficult then to do their administrative work. We thank FleetAfrica for the wonderful gesture and we promise we will make good use of the facility,” Mashala said. McDonald-Watson said the contribution they made in upgrading the facilities at the school is an indicator of the company’s commitment to assist the city council in achieving its goal of developing the infrastructure and the people of the city. “We want to be one of the city’s partners who will contribute towards producing the next generation of doctors, engineers, scientists and actuaries from the townships and rural communities in and around Polokwane. We have seen the potential of the people, especially children, in this city and we are more than willing to assist the Executive Mayor and her team in unearthing this potential for the benefit of the city, the province and our
Bruce McDonald-Watson, Chief Financial Officer of FleetAfrica and Sinah Tjale Polokwane Municipality Mayoral Committee member for Roads and Storm Water unveil the plaque to officially open the new administration block at the school.
The new administration block offers educators at the school a safe and convenient facility where they can carry out their administrative duties. country at large. He added: “FleetAfrica will not allow the children born in this city to sit on the periphery as spectators when their peers are crafting solutions for the challenges of their generation. So long as we are part of this community we will do our ultimate best to assist the city to develop world class educational facilities so as to ensure that its children reach the apex in whatever that they will choose to become.” Tjale said the facilities will improve the conditions of the educators and learners. “We are all aware that children and youth education are at the top of the government’s list of priorities. We can only make a better life for all South Africans if our young people get the skills and the training that we need to make our economy grow and make our democracy work.” she said. She thanked FleetAfria for agreeing to implement the project that will immensely contribute towards better development of the learners and their educators alike. “FleetAfrica is a good example of such partnership. We thank them for having responded to help renovate the school. This is an investment to the community and therefore the community must ensure that they protect this facility,” Tjale stressed.
Ernest Magwato, School Governing Body (SGB) Chairperson and Makwena Mashala Headmaster of Alf Makaleng Primary School give the new play area for pre-primary learners the thumbs up.
Tyson Raath takes selling seriously RC MYBURGH >> Marketing and selling is not a field everybody flourishes in and reaching targets can easily become a monthly unbearable and stressful challenge. But for Tyson Raath, a retailer at Waltons looking to be a salesman in FOTO: RC MYBURGH
Tyson Raath, salesperson at Waltons has, despite being new to the field, already earned three awards for his excellence in sales.
the near future, selling has become such a passion that with only a month in business he was already internally awarded for the biggest once-off sale, most sales in one day and most sales for January. As rookie who only started late December after taking a gap year, the 21-year-old Raath is ready to make his mark in the industry of sales and marketing. “Since school I always wanted to be in sales. No matter what product, I just wanted to become a salesman. Now the first opportunity to prove myself and to live out my passion was given to me, and I am willing to give it all to succeed,” he proudly stated. Although very proud of his
achievement Raath is well aware that it may not always be that good. “Some months will not be as good, but I will always try my best to get more clients in the store and to assist them in such a professional manner that they will not have second thoughts on coming back,” he said. According to him the best characteristics of a good salesman is honesty, good client relations, being presentable and most importantly enjoy what you do with extensive product knowledge. Raath is so confident in his career that he says he is capable of selling ice to an Eskimo. He invites clients to visit him for the best service on quality products.
February 5, 2015
Polokwane Observer
February 5, 2015
18 OBSERVER polokwane
Valentine’s Day / Valentynsdag
Seeing red >> On day when rest of world recognises red as colour choice >> Life is too short to be boring YOLANDE NEL >>
he world has gone red. It’s Valentine’s again and shop shelves have already been laden with relevant gifts shortly after the remaining marked-down Christmas treats got stashed. Not everybody celebrates the expression of gestures as per singular calendar inscription. There are those individuals who bravely go against the mass that generally adheres to societal prescriptions that recognise red as only colour choice on such occasions. Life is too short to be boring. The thought counts and should be remembered for the impression made. Nothing wrong with seeing red, but when choosing from the colour chart it may not instinctively be the shade that comes to mind when giving. Colour enhances mood and emotions, the experts say. We might as well believe them when they recognise the power of colour in the essence of life. Deciding on an alternative for post box red lays the foundation for creativity on an occasion like this. Pink should not necessarily be the most obvious substitute for red roses. It could be the preference for colourfast lipstick used to cover a mirror in expressive quotes, or smoked salmon in sushi as a starter to serving prawns for a main course. Give a glass tube containing Himalayan salt hailed for its health benefits. Purple also signifies mysticism and the hue of liquid splendour in the form of a proudly South African wine, the perfect companion to locally manufactured cheese and olives in a picnic basket. Blue is for bubblegum milkshake with breakfast. Chopsticks from bamboo or something green in a planter might suit someone inclined to being ecologically conscious. Yellow is a colour that, among others,
enhances mental inspiration. Recline to listen to the sounds of laid back lyrics, like Mellow Yellow. Orange with its revitalising qualities could set the scene for imposing a hollowed-out pumpkin lit up with a candle on someone who shares a sense of humour. Brown is molten chocolate found in croissants, served with a good brew first thing in the morning. It is a piece of wood collected from a walk in the bush and presented with flair. The thought of luxury and wealth naturally sets the tone for the warmth of gold. No need though to break the bank when wanting to get away to one of Limpopo’s many destinations for catching a magical sunset from a raised deck. Or giving a gold fish in a bowl. Silver is seemingly supposed to neutralise negative energy. Take a detour to an indigenous baobab forest to view the magnificent tree that gave rise to the symbol the people of the province can associate with. Grey is an in-between thing that appears to be neutral, indifferent or non-expressive. Clouds in the distance that call for taking to the skies on a plane ride to a destination requiring some exploring; If only the giver would not be so daft to initially ignore the clues scattered all over the place. There is more to a monotone paleness than meets the eye. It is in the pages of an anthology of poems depicting the freshness by the writer. Otherwise it resembles the thrill that accompanies the speed of white light. Give a ghost chair for sitting pretty. White elephants can also present themselves in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Black. It is the dark wood of an artefact with an African ancestry. The version of a favoured song played on a piano. Search for the magic in a starry expanse in the dead of night. A chocoholic could savour layers of sweet darkness combined with flavours that have enthralled for centuries, like chilli for a bit of spice to flare up feelings. Give a pot of paint to cover a wall for scribbling memorable notes in chalk. Demand the setting aside of the black laptop to spend quality time. Be bold in expressing those sentiments in any other colour than the prescribed red.
Choice treatment at Natural Living Spa The friendly staff at Natural Living Spa & Wellness Centre are Aileen Buitendag, Spa Manager, responsible for facials and Bodylogix, Rosinah Matlou, Spa Therapist, responsible for reflexology, massages and chiliwraps, Gregory Majwana, Chef, Natasia Bhimjee, Spa Therapist, responsible for QMS facials, massages and chiliwraps. The spa is open from Mondays to Fridays from 08:00 – 19:00 and on Saturdays from 08:00 – 17:00. Products available at the spa are QMS MediCosmetics of which they are the only suppliers in the province, Environ, Rain (organic body range). Products in the slimming department are chiliwraps and Bodylogix. Delano Baxen, Receptionist, and Annah Tleane, Cleaner, were absent when the photograph was taken.
Valentine’s Day / Valentynsdag
Februarie 5, 2015
Maak Valentynsdag buitengewoon met geskenke LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>
et Valentynsdag om die draai maal die geskenkidees vir geliefdes in mense se gedagtes. Wees kreatief en slaan mekaar se asem opnuut weg. Vrouens dink gewoonlik ure aan geskenkidees om die liefdesdag spesiaal te maak vir die een wat hul harte vinniger laat klop. Mans kies eerder die makliker opsie om by die naaste winkel in te hardloop en binne oomblikke iets van die rak te kies en te betaal. Oorspronklikheid en sentiment bly ongelukkig dikwels agterweë. Wees vanjaar skeppend en bederf hom of haar met ‘n onvergeetlike geskenk. Kies uit ‘n wye verskeidenheid skoonheidbehandelings van House of Asante Spa wat spesiale Valentynspakette bied. Jy en jou geliefde kan tyd saam in ‘n rustige romantiese atmosfeer spandeer en jul liggame, siel en verhouding vernuwe en verkwik met hul
bederfpakette. Wees haar ridder op ‘n wit perd en bederf haar met juwele van Vitri’s Manufacturing Jewellers wat ‘n wye verskeidenheid horlosies, armkettings, kostuumjuwele, individuele silwer- en nekstukke bied. Hou ‘n week lank Valentynsdag. Los elke dag van die week, voor 14 Februarie, ‘n klein geskenkie of handgeskrewe nota onder haar kopkussing waarmee jy vir haar sê hoeveel sy vir jou beteken. Bederf haar selfs met ‘n tuisgemaakte ete. Wees anders en in plaas van rooi rose, gee vir haar rose in verskillende kleure. Slaan sy asem weg met ‘n tuisgemaakte geskenk wat jy self maak. Versier ‘n glashouer met foto’s van julle met iets lekkers binne, soos sjokolade of ‘n kers. Kry ‘n resep van die webwerf en bederf hom met tuisgemaakte lekkernye. Los vir hom notas in sy voertuig,
broek- of hempsak oor redes hoekom jy vir hom lief is, of stuur ‘n speisale SMS of e-posboodskap. Bederf hom met ‘n voetbehandeling, massering en ‘n egte, romantiese outydse skeersessie. Reël vir hom ‘n uitstappie in die natuur en pak ‘n piekniekmandjie. Onthou dat woorde enige mens se hart kan omtower. ‘n Spesiale kaartjie om hom of haar net weer te herinner aan jul liefde bly ‘n tydlose wenner.
Bederf mekaar met Valentynsdag.
Bederf haar met glinsterende juwele van Vitri’s Manufacturing Jewellers.
Wees kreatief en maak tuisgemaakte geskenke.
Eetgoed kan self vir Valentynsdag gebak en versier word.
Paartjies kan saam ‘n romantiese massering vir Valentynsdag by House of Asante Spa geniet.
February 5, 2015
20 OBSERVER polokwane
Valentine’s Day / Valentynsdag
Februarie 5, 2015
Valentine’s Day / Valentynsdag
Smaaklike Valentynsdag EMSIE VORSTER >> 2015 se Valentynsdag sal een wees om te onthou soos verskeie restaurante hulself reg kry om paartjies, gesinne en vriende goed te bederf. Enige iemand wat hul sielsgenoot op die spesiale dag wil trakteer kan by verskeie plekke in die stad ‘n draai maak om te verseker dat dit ‘n onvergeetlike eetervaring sal wees. Mochachos Chicken Fiesta is een van die restaurante wat hul romantiese kant wys met hul heerlike hoendergereg wat op Valentynsdag as ‘n spesiale dis aangebied word. ‘n Getroue kliënt, John Mabuku, vertel dat hy juis Mochachos Chicken Fiesta dié Valentynsdag sal kies om iemand na aan hom te trakteer. “Dit is ʼn fantastiese plek met goeie kos wat ek definitief sal aanbeveel aan enige paartjie, vriendekring of gesin.” Verder het die bedryfsbestuurder, Ishmael Dhlembeu gesê dat mense gerus by die restaurant moet kom eet sodat hul bederf kan word met kwaliteitdiens, bekostigbare kos en ʼn onvergeetlike atmosfeer. Elders in die stad spog Panarottis - Pizza Pasta Italian Restaurant in Mall of the North met unieke hartvormige pizzas. Ouers kan gerus Panarottis-Pizza Pasta Italian Restaurant besoek omdat daar toesighouers is vir kinders van alle ouderdomme sodat ouers ‘n verdiende ruskans kan kry terwyl
hulle eet. Adega Polokwane Portuegese Restaurant stel ook nie met die liefdesdisse teleur nie. Kroegman, Ally Sekopane het ‘n unieke kombinasie voorberei wat slegs op Valentynsdag verkoop sal word. Dié drankie wat “Louise’s Special Cocktail” gedoop is, sluit lemoensap, pynappelsap, vodka en rum in en kos R60 per drankie. Louise Pretorius, algemene bestuurder van Adega Polokwane Portuegese
Restaurant moedig mense aan om hul kwaliteitdiens en -disse asook bekostigbare wyn te geniet. “Ons verskaf ‘n groot verskeidenheid wit- en rooi wyn teen billike pryse wat lekker op die tong val” het Pretorius verduidelik. Adega waarborg ‘n vriendelike atmosfeer dié Valentynsdag.
Adega Polokwane Portuegese Restaurant se ‘Louise’s Special Cocktail’ wat spesiaal voorberei word vir Valentynsdag.
Salted Caramel Shake
Limited Time offer
Mudpie McFlurry®
Diana Manika, Elizabeth Nyoka, Peter Mothata voor Panarottis-Pizza Pasta Italian Restaurant in Mall of the North.
John Mabuku wys Mochachos Chicken Fiesta se spogspyskaart.
Panarottis - Pizza Pasta Italian Restaurant in Mall of the North se hartvormige pizza wat slegs op Valentynsdag beskikbaar is.
Algemene bestuurder, Louise Pretorius voor een van Adega Polokwane Portuegese Restaurant se wynrakke.
R14.50 Medium
Chocolate Sundae
Don’t miss Mashovhela Bush Lodge’s special Mashovhela Bush Lodge in Morning Sun Nature Reserve totally gets the concept of romantic dinners for creating Valentine’s memories. Romantics at heart have a range of options to choose from when wanting to settle for an alternative to the usual Valentine’s Day dinner. Enjoy quiet time in the Drumbeat Restaurant, the boma or make special arrangements for a meal at a small waterfall. Otherwise enjoy a scenic walk with a packed picnic. Conclude a memorable stay with an optional relaxing full body massage.
Valentine’s Romantic
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Happy. To share.
Drumbeat Restaurant Valentine’s special from only R132pp!
Valid from 13/2/2015 until 15/2/2015 Spoil your loved one and create new memories on our Morning Sun Nature Reserve! Enjoy a beautiful, scenic walk with a packed picnic, for only R132pp! (includes conservancy fee)
For more information visit www. For bookings contact: 012 991 6930/071 422 5541
Available from 10:30 am. Coca-Cola is a registered trademark of the Coca Coca Company© 2015. Tableware not included
February 5, 2015
22 OBSERVER polokwane
Valentine’s Day / Valentynsdag
Wys jou liefde en skenk bloed
>> Skenk bloed en red lewens >> Suid-Afrikaners word aangemoedig om gesond te leef
ebruarie is ‘n opwindende maand van liefde en omgee. Met Valentynsdag wat nader kruip, sien ons oral advertensies oor maniere waarop jy liefde en waardering vir jou geliefde kan toon. “Valentynsdag is ook ‘n tyd wanneer jy liefde teenoor jou medemens kan wys deur bloed te skenk en ‘n verskil in ander se lewens te maak,” sê Vanessa Raju, kommunikasiebestuurder van die Suid-Afrikaanse Bloeddiens (SANBS). Februarie is ook ‘n maand wat aan bewusmaking vir ‘n gesonde leefstyl gewy word. Navorsing het bewys dat daar gedurende die afgelope vyf jaar ‘n toename was in die aantal mense wat met siektes soos hartsiektes, kanker en verskeie ander gesondheidsverwante siektes gediagnoseer is.
Leefstylsiektes word veroorsaak deur ongesonde leefstylkeuses soos rook, oorgewig, ‘n ongesonde dieet wat ryk is aan vetterige kosse en beperkye groente en vrugte, beperkte fisiese aktiwiteit en hoë stresvlakke. SANBS ondersteun Gesonde-Leefstylbewusmakingsmaand en moedig Suid-Afrikaners aan om aandag aan probleemareas te skenk wat hul gesondheid betref, vir gereëlde mediese ondersoeke te gaan en stresvlakke te beheer. “Stres het ‘n geweldige impak op leefstylsiektes. Mense moet tyd maak vir gereëlde oefening, tyd spandeer om dinge te doen wat hulle geniet, kalmeringstegnieke aanleer en tyd neem om te rus. Die stille moordenaars kan voorkom word, maar vir die van ons wie reeds gediagnoseer is, is suksesvolle behandeling ‘n saak van lewe en dood,” sê Raju. Die behandeling van die meerderheid siektes benodig bloedoortappings en die toename in geaffekteerde pasiënte beteken ‘n toename in bloedskenkings. Die minimumvereistes is dat skenkers tussen die ouderdom van 16 en 65 jaar oud moet wees, meer as 50 kg weeg, goeie gesondheid geniet en ‘n veilige seksuele leefstyl lei. Mense wat aan die minimumvereistes voldoen, word aangemoedig om skenkers te word.
Februarie 5, 2015
Nirvana business focus
Nirvana - hub of Western business district BARRY VILJOEN >>
he Motor City quarter at the southern entrance to the city is the focal point of Nirvana’s formal business district. here you will find popular brand dealerships such as Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Jeep, Toyota, Lexus, Volkswagen, BMW and Audi. These in turn are complemented by other established businesses, such as Builders Warehouse, which are known for their diversity of products and
Carpet & Decor Centre
Paint Pot
services. This diversity is further illustrated by businesses like Paint Pot, Sanica Auto, Carpet and Décor, We Brand It and Auto Sound and Alarms and a host of other flourishing concerns. Ample parking and easy access to the businesses in Nirvana make it a safe venue for clients who wish to enjoy personal and dedicated service from vendors and service providers that have their clients’ interests at heart and of which some are family enterprises who regard clients as part of their own families.
OBSERVER 23 polokwane
Sanica Auto
February 5, 2015
24 OBSERVER Nirvana sakefokus polokwane
We Brand It
Volkswagen Polokwane
BMW Dealership, Modern Autohaus
Mercurius Motors
Februarie 5, 2015
Nirvana business focus
Builders Warehouse
OBSERVER 25 polokwane
Auto Sound & Alarms
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February 5, 2015 >> PAGE 26
Lukas Luus
Polokwane Oval hosts first successful club race >> V8 Sprints the highlight of the event >> Next event on 28 February RC MYBURGH >>
s usual Polokwane Oval created the perfect event for petrol heads and racing enthusiasts to put their vehicles and driving skills through the test also providing ample entertainment for spectators during the first annual club race held on Saturday. It was all systems go from the start and with no shortage of surprises as the V8 Sprint vehicles took on each other on the track. Polokwane Oval Coordinator, Stephan Weideman said the fields were small in numbers and quite a lot of regulars were still missing from the grid in the various classes. “But what definitely made a difference to the night was the appearance of the very popular Sprint cars and for the very first time at his home track, Andre Horn had the chance to compete in front of the Polokwane crowd. Kenny Gouws and Daleen McCrudden made their way from Gauteng, and Rudi Vorster also made the trip
to Polokwane from Middelburg to put the test to Horn to prove himself in this category,” he said. The four cars put up a great show and in the end Gouws took the chequered flag followed by Vorster second and Horn third. Dylan Bosch and Roean van Breda gave each other a hard time with Roean taking top of the podium in the Rookie class. The Stockrods also had only a few entries. This class saw old hand Hennie de Koker returning to the track. Despite having a good start winning the first heat he experienced some problems which left the door open for young Johnny Durant junior who took first place followed by Nico Grebe and De Koker third. In the 1660 class JJ Fourie, WF Weideman and Dylon Bosch took the first three positions on the podium. Only four racers entered the 2,1-litre Modifieds class. Desmond Bosch had bad luck in practise and suffered gearbox problems which sidelined him for the evening putting Roelof van Breda, Johnny Durant and Jacques Daniels in the top three positions for the evening. Last but not least the noisy Rotaries also provided good racing with Allas Pienaar in first followed by Philip Jacobs and Stephan Weideman third. The next race will be on the 28 February.
Dealership: BB GWM Polokwane What distinguishes the brand you sell from its competitors? >> Most definitely incredible value for money What is the biggest challenge presented by the industry? >> The weakening Rand which results in an increase in new vehicle prices How do you ensure your success in the industry? >> Honesty and full disclosure to customers in order for them to make informed decisions
Johnny Durandt junior takes the lead in the Stockrods class.
Allas Pienaar finished first in the Rotaries class.
Stephan Weideman speeds around the track. He finished third in the Rotaries class. Right: The V8 Sprints was a highlight of the evening. Kenny Gouws from Pretoria took the lead until the end of the race. PHOTO: EMSIE VORSTER
THIS WAY UP SMS UP to 37966 sms charged at R1.50
Come and view the All New Volkswagen UP.
Book your test drive on Valentine’s Day. Various models available. cnr Nelson Mandela Drive and Grobler Street, Motorcity, Polokwane. Tel: 015 299 8800 Email:
Ovaalbaan-ryers deel kaartjies uit aan leerders LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>
ede van die Polokwane Ovaalbaan het Vrydag van hulle spogmotors by Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) uitgestal en twintig komplimentêre kaartjies aan leerders uitgedeel vir die klub se eerste klubresies wat Saterdag plaasgevind het.
Drie gelukkige leerders, Joggie Hannam, Leanté Joubert en Divan Minnaar van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) met hulle komplimentêre kaartjies wat hulle vir Saterdag se eerste klubresies by die Polokwane Ovaalbaan gewen het.
OBSERVER 27 polokwane
Van die voertuie wat Vrydag uitgestal is, kan vir die res van die jaar tydens kompetisies by Polokwane Ovaalbaan buite die stad gesien word. ‘n Nuwe klas in wording is die Sprint-voertuie, waarvan nog net ‘n paar in Polokwane te sien is. Dié haastige voertuie is ‘n Amerikaanse klas wat deur ‘n V8-enjin aangedryf word en ‘n hoë snelheid in ‘n kort afstand bereik.
Marisha Badenhorst,’n nuweling saam met W.F Weideman en J.J Fourie, beide in die 1660-klas.
Sprint-voertuigbestuurders, Sue-mari Oosthuizen en Andre Horn saam met belangstellende leerders van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) by een van die motors.
Myngenoegen Shelter gaan van krag tot krag ELNA ESTERHUYSEN >> Met Myngenoegen Shelter se inwoners gaan dit tans goed danksy die hulp wat hulle veral van maandelikse skenkers ontvang. Hulle het egter heelwat planne vir 2015 waarvoor hulle baie ondersteuning van inwoners van Polokwane en sakelui nodig het. “Omdat ons geen persoon by die Shelter wegwys nie, het ons ‘n groot behoefte aan ekstra behuising. As daar iemand is wat vir ons ‘n houthuisie of karavaan kan skenk, sal dit baie help,” sê Christa van Tonder, sekretaresse van die komitee. Die groentetuin wat die inwoners self aangelê het en in stand hou, is ook goed op dreef. Inwoners eet al uit die tuin, maar benodig dringend 3 tuinslange (3/4 duim20 mm). Mans en dameskoene in enige nommer sal baie welkom wees. Van Tonder sê: “Ons wil graag ‘n werkswinkel vir die inwoners oprig sodat hulle handwerkprojekte op dreef kan kom. As iemand ‘n staalstruktuur kan skenk, sal dit opreg waardeer word.” Enigiemand wat Myngenoegen Shelter wil besoek om hulle van die omstandighede te vergewis, is welkom. Ry sowat 5 km uit die stad op die Tzaneenpad, draai regs by sirkel (Oasis Lodge) en ry nog sowat 5 km verder. Die Shelterbordjie is aan die linkerkant waar jy indraai. Bankbesonderhede is as volg : ABSA Spaarrekening, bankkode: 632005, rekeningnommer: 927 566 7290. Skakel Christa van Tonder vir enige navrae of hulp by 083 302 4313 of stuur ‘n e-pos na
Boeremusiek laat voete jeuk Liefhebbers van boeremusiek het Saterdagaand jolig met vriende en gesinslede op en rondom die dansvloer ontspan tydens die Potties-tak van die Boeremusiekgilde se gereelde dans in Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé se skoolsaal. David Schlebusch, wat die dans saam met sy vrou en seun bygewoon het, sê dat dit ‘n geleentheid bied om saam met sy gesin te ontspan. Connie, David en Riaan Schlebusch ontspan heerlik.
Februarie 5, 2015
Mercurius Motors Polokwane Tel: 015 299 9500 cnr N1 and Nelson Mandela Road, Polokwane Email:
Polokwane Observer
Februarie 5, 2015
Harcourts Bakone
24 Rissik Street, cnr Rissik and Hans van Rensburg, Polokwane T: 015 295 3511 E: W:
Fauna Park
R1 628 000
This house offers: three bedrooms, two bathrooms, dining room, lounge, kitchen with a pantry, TV room and for entertaining friends and family there is a pool, lapa and bar with entertainment area. Electric fence and alarm system, two carports and two garages. The yard is over 1000 m² in size with a good manageable landscape. House not too far from Savannah Mall, filling station and McDonalds, property its amount big and lovely house with great neighbourhood.
Solomon C: 076 105 6543 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK8878
Flora Park
R944 385
Ivy Park
R700 000
Ivy Park
R750 000
Web: NBK8847
Moses C: 084 414 2023 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK8843
This newly built house in Serala View offers: three bedrooms, two bathrooms, dining room, modern kitchen and lounge. Close to Savannah Mall, schools and transport.
A well situated home for first time buyers which consists of three tiled bedrooms, two tiled bathrooms, standard kitchen, open lounge, a well maintained garden and a parking space you can put a carport and an open space at the back to build a separate flats plus garage. Close to Ivy Park Primary School and Food Zone Centre and Sasol filling station.
Veronica C: 084 633 9420 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Moses C: 084 414 2023 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK8873
This beautiful home consists of two bedrooms, one bathroom, lounge, dining, standard kitchen, drive- through garage and a well maintained garden. The house is walled all round and has an outside room with a toilet approved by municipality. It’s a 10 minutes drive to CBD and close to Ivy Park Primary School and Food Zone Centre.
Eagles Crest
R3 800 000
What delight this family home will bring to the lucky new owner. Beautifully refurbished and abundantly spacious this home will be a pleasure throughout the year. All five bedrooms will comfortable accommodate a queen size bed and still offer space for more. The bathrooms have been have been revamped and boast modern finishes. The open-plan living area boasts a double volume lounge dining, and a modern style kitchen. Outside you find a sparkling pool flowing overlooking the patio / braai area.
This lovely modern house has three spacious bedrooms, three bathrooms, two lounges, dining room, modern kitchen, double garage with wooden remote-controlled garage door and wall around the house. Flat with toilet and shower and a laundry.
Freddy C: 082 692 1698 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK8864
Veronica C: 084 633 9420 Email: Harcourts Bakone
R976 950
A big stand in Bendor - 1449 m² is rezoned for six units. Close to Thornhill shopping centre, Woodlands, Mall of the North and newly filling station. The perfect area to develop new townhouses in.
Veronica C: 084 633 9420 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Flora Park
Web: NBK8783
R1 990 000
Modern style home with good security that you can just move in. This property is situated on a 805 sqm stand. You can step out on the balcony with beautiful views and it offers four tiled bedrooms, three bathrooms, openplan kitchen with pantry, dining, TV room, upstairs lounge, storage facility, laundry room, alarm and surveillance cameras. Electronic gate and fence, drive-through double garage to a single garage and it has a separate flat with two bedrooms and one bathroom plus a well maintained garden. Close to Savannah Mall and comprehensive schools.
Moses C: 084 414 2023 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK8779
Web: NBK8835
R1 682 000
1 096m² - R563 650 787m² - R461 400 863m² - R490 128 817m² - R478 988 801m² - R443 291 Veronica C: 084 633 9420 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK8853
Solomon C: 076 105 6543 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK8729
Mahlako Gardens
R597 000
Solomon C: 076 105 6543 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK7679
Mapule C: 072 198 6722 Email:
Mapule C: 072 198 6722 Email:
Penina Park
R1 248 325
Harcourts Bakone
Penina Park
R1 519 700
Lovely and spacious home with four bedrooms, three bathrooms, maid’s room, laundry, study, two lounges, dining, two garage, pool, lapa, Irrigation system, alarm, electric gate, Wendy house, The house has everything as well as a lovely garden. It’s a call away to view it.
This house offers five bedrooms, two bathrooms, two garages, scullery, pantry, sitting room, lounge and dining room. Outside is a pool and lapa for entertaining friends and family. Maid’s room with toilet and a borehole for maintaining your garden at low cost.
Solomon C: 076 105 6543 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Solomon C: 076 105 6543 Email: Harcourts Bakone
Web: NBK5378
We would like to welcome our new agents:
Web: NBK5382
This newly built 70 m² home in Rethabile Gardens has the following to offer you: Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen and dining room. Perfect for a first time buyer.
Available rentals Seshego Zone 1 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
R3 500
Bendor Ridge
2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & 1 garage
R6 500
Ivy Park
3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
R5 000
Ivy Park
2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom & 1 carport
R4 800
Flora Park
Thulane 076 441 5438 thulani.mashele@harcourts.
Mapule 072 198 6722
Mokgadi 082 550 5052 rentals.bakone@harcourts.
R4 124 900
Here is a plot with a house: Four big bedrooms, three bathrooms, three garages, TV room, dining, lounge with bar area, study, well maintain kitchen, scullery, pantry, two outside storerooms. Separate five room flat, two showers, kitchen and lounge. Four JoJo tanks, lapa big enough to turn into a gym or restaurant if you want turn this property into lodge. It is rezoned and approved.
Tshepo 072 222 8148 tshepo.mashele@harcourts.
Web: NBK8787
R792 000
This delightful first floor townhouse situated in a very sought after estate in Polokwane is available for purchase. Offers two bedrooms, one full bathroom, spacious open-plan living area with a modern kitchen. Included in this deal is a lovely balcony perfect for relaxing on a Sunday afternoon and a shaded carport. Close to main roads and other amenities such as Mall of the North and good schools.
Web: NBK8839
R3 147 950
This modern house is situated in Bendor, close to Platinum Park, Cycad and Schools. It has four bedrooms, with en suite bathrooms, dining room, big kitchen with separate scullery. Outside is a beautiful garden with a heated swimming pool, Jacuzzi, built-in-braai for entertaining friends and family and a sprinkler system. Double garage with carports and an outside room with a bathroom.
Veronica C: 084 633 9420 Email: Harcourts Bakone
This magnificent property offers three bedrooms with built-in cupboards and two full bathrooms, open- plan with a stunning modern kitchen. It also has an entertainment size lounge and dining room area. It is situated in a very well kept sought after complex in Polokwane. Included in the deal is a double garage for your cars and storage needs.
Harcourts Bakone
R11 000 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, pool
R13 000
Mahlako a Phala 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
R4 800
Penina Park
R5 400
2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & carport
Mokgadi C: 082 550 5057 Email: Harcourts Bakone
February 5, 2015
Polokwane Observer
It is more than just speed that kills
Themba Moitsi is of the opinion that there is more to the cause of accidents than just speed.
ROSEMARY 082 804 9725
“Speed kills. There is no question about it, but there are other contributing factors which are more likely to cause accidents and certainly need to be addressed by authorities.” Limpopo Entrepreneur and Bloodhound Supersonic Car (SCC) education ambassador Themba Moitsi shared his opinion on possible causes of accidents which kills hundreds of people on South African roads annually. As ambassador of the world record attempt for a new land speed at Haakskeenpan in the Northern Cape, Moitsi is quite clear that it is more than just speed causing fatalities on roads. “Every year authorities put the blame on speeding motorists. Especially prior to the holiday season authorities start with their awareness campaigns, focussing mainly on speed and driving under the influence of alcohol. There is no question about it that speed kills, but other main causes are easily overlooked by authorities,” Moitsi said. According to him driver and vehicle fitness are some of the main causes. “Yes, authorities do impound unroadworthy vehicles, so why not shift the focus to them?” he asked. His opinion is that an unroadworthy vehicle with insufficient brakes is much more of a hazard than a speeding driver. “If an advanced driver speeds at 160 km/h with an expensive German vehicle, he would be capable of handling the vehicle in any situation and take control of it on any road condition while the average driver with an unroadworthy vehicle will be more likely to get involved in an accident,” Moitsi said. He added that drivers think that a tyre will burst if the thread is limited. “Some don’t drive that much and tyres can still be in top condition over five years, but what drivers don’t know is that the density of the rubber after five years has worsened. It is wise to replace tyres every five years,” he said. Moitsi also explained that drivers think they are safer when keeping to the speed limit, but in fact slow drivers has been the cause of numerous accidents. “Speed is a choice made by the driver in which he feels comfortable. It might not always be the right choice as we are guided by laws but if a driver travels slower than the general flow of traffic, he is going to cause an accident,” Moitsi said. He elaborated on poor sight and night vision. “When driving at 100 km/h a driver would need approximately 30 m to come to a stop adding about 17 m for reaction time. In a vehicle with poor lights which only shines 20 m ahead of the vehicle, the driver will have no chance to make a decision to possibly avoid an accident.” Moitsi also emphasised that when a learner driver was tested he never exceeded the speed limit of 60 km/h taken that most tests are done in urban areas. “Has any driver been tested at 120 km/h? Learner drivers are tested on rules of the road and parallel parking,” he said. The solution to accidents according to Moitsi is for authorities to enforce laws onto issues such as fatigue driving to force drivers to rest or that long distance transport should at all times have two drivers. Drivers need to be educated; they need to take advanced driving courses and most of all change their attitude on the road, Moitsi said.
15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: Website:
Tel: 015 295 3134
AS NEAT AS A PIN! REF NO: 91344188168 Just move into this lovely open-plan home- modern granite kitchen, tiled living rooms and carpeted bedrooms. Study with wall to wall cupboards. Lovely garden with two boreholes and an upgraded all weather braai area overlooking a sparkling pool. For more details, let’s visit the property! 1 2 Carports 2 3 2 SIAS • 082 372 1874
ANTON 082 443 6039
EDUAN PARK • R1 350 000
NORTHVIEW • R2 200 000
QUIET AND CONVENIENT LOCATION REF NO: 91344188015 Well priced, well looked after property – shaded garden with large pool and borehole. Storeroom and Wendy house. Also offers open-plan dining, lounge, TV room and space for study. Don’t miss this one. Please call now! 1 0 Carports 0 3 2 SIAS • 082 372 1874
UPMARKET DOUBLE VOLUME EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE REF NO: 91344181040 Stunning home built to perfection - high quality finishes – open-plan living areas - spacious bedrooms, study, well planned kitchen, laundry/ scullery with granite tops. Entertainment area with braai area overlooking a lovely garden and sparkling pool. The estate is family oriented and children’s needs are catered for. Please call me to view the property.
3 2
SIAS • 082 372 1874
PENINA PARK • R1 200 000
BODORP • R1 112 000
IDEAL FOR DOCTORS REF NO: 91344187633 Looking for a suitable property. Situated in the medical zone area. Cute and cosy. Well maintained 3 bedroom home with flatlet! Priced to go. Don’t delay. 0 1 Carports 3 3 1 GRETHA • 082 802 1874
SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME REF NO: 91344185441 3 Open-plan living areas and study. Spacious bedrooms. Swimming pool and lapa. All this on a stand of 1326m². Situated in a quiet family friendly neighbourhood. Walking distance from town. Don’t delay. Call today. 1 3 2½ 1 Carports 2 INA • 079 597 8636
THE PROPERTY IS PERFECT FOR A BIG FAMILY REF NO: 91344188167 The property is perfect for a big family. Four bedrooms, bathroom and lounge, kitchen and a shower. Protected by walls right around and burglar bars on windows. Close to all amenities. Call now to view.
THIS PRICE CANNOT BE REPEATED! REF NO: 91344182270 Townhouse in popular Hans van Rensburg Street close to CBD already rezoned for office use. Good security. Properties of this nature seldom come in the market. Don’t delay. Call now to view. RINA • 082 929 9171 0 1 Carports 0 3 1
4 2
JACOB • 082 466 8366
BODORP • R3 072 000
SESHEGO • R634 000
IDEAL DEVELOPMENT LAND. REF NO: 91344187575 Situated in Polokwane central. Ideal property for developers. Stand size 2855m². Close to all amenities. Strong borehole – nice garden. Call now to view.
AFFORDABLE HOUSE. REF NO: 91344183190 Big stand 600m² spacious yard. Small kitchen with modern design and matching floor tiles. Next to unit F shopping complex. Easy access to Dr Dixon Mphahlele Higher Primary school. Affordable. Call now.
WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT. REF NO: 91344186687 Beautiful family home set in a large garden. Stand size 588m². Modern kitchen with granite tops and clean bright paint inside the house with double garage. Call to view. 0 2 Carports 0 3 2 JAMES • 072 236 7310
FOR THE INVESTOR! REF NO: CALL FOR INFORMATION. Close to hospital and doctors. Can be rent out as self catering to patients who must stay in Polokwane. Close to all amenities. Good security. Call now. 2 Units available.
3 3
0 Carports 0
SIMON • 082 476 8916
>> Speed is a choice made by the driver in which he feels comfortable >> Drivers need to be educated
3 1
0 Carports 0
JAMES • 072 236 7310
Woodhill - 91344187628
R330 000
Northview - 91344187469
R495 000
James - 072 236 7310
Nirvana - 91344187036
R430 000
Jacob - 082 466 8366
Mahlako-a-Phahla- 91344187465
R 214 000
Peter - 073 219 4538
Woodlands - 91344164976
R 645 000
Sias - 082 372 7265
Diamond Arrow Award 1st Overall
HANTI 084 549 5928
JAMES 072 236 7310
Gretha - 082 802 1874
LOUWRENS 082 958 6632
PETER 073 219 4538
GRETHA 082 802 1874
R 5 000 R 5 200 R 8 000 R 6 900 R5 500 R 5 300
3 3 2 2 2 3
1 1 2 2 1 1
1 2
We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants! ELMARIE - 082 977 7020
SIAS 082 372 7265
VICTOR 073 066 6805
ELMARIE 082 977 7020
0 LOUWRENS • 082 958 6632
3 1
JACOB 082 466 8366
RETHABILE GARDENS R 4 500 R 3 900 R4 500 IVY PARK R 7 700 R6 000 BODORP R13 000 IVY PARK R7 700 R6 000 BENDOR R8 100 R11 900 R13 000
INA 079 597 8636
SIMON 082 476 8916
3 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 5
KOWIE 082 854 0452
1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3
2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2
RINA 082 929 9171
February 5, 2015
30 OBSERVER polokwane
NG Kerk-gemeentes in Polokwane hou op 18 Februarie om 18:00 ʼn gesamentlike Aswoensdagdiens in die kerkgebou van die NG Kerk Pietersburg-Oos, hv Betz- en Natorpstraat. Waaroor gaan Aswoensdag? Die naam hou verband met die gebruik in baie kerke en gemeentes om ’n kruis van as (gewoonlik ʼn mengsel van olyfolie en as) op die voorkoppe van erediensgangers te maak.
Christene uitgenooi na Aswoensdagdiens ʼn oproep en onderneming tot diens, groter Christelike dissipline en matigheid. Op die dag konfronteer ek myself weer opnuut met die vrae: “Wanneer is genoeg genoeg?” en “Het ek dit regtig nodig?” Die antwoorde moet my aanspoor tot ʼn lewe van groter eenvoud. Om jouself te verootmoedig is om jouself voor God se aangesig na waarde te skat en tot intense nederigheid te dwing. Askruis is ‘n simbool van bekering Die askruis is ook ʼn simbool van bekering (Matteus 11:21; Lukas 10:13). Ons bekeer ons van ons verkeerde optredes en draai terug na God. Die askruis is verder ’n simbool van boetedoening en aanmoediging om reg te maak waar ek fouteer het en terug te gee wat ek ander onregmatig ontneem het. Laat God toe om met simbole te praat In ons sterk rasionele era het ons ongelukkig die waarde van simbole verloor. Ons gooi alles onder woorde toe en laat nie toe dat God ook deur simbole met ons praat nie. Die klimaat van ons tyd wil graag alles in die lewe reduseer tot die harde werklikheid van woorde alleen, en so verloor ons die mistieke waarde van simbole. Gelukkig is daar ʼn sterk neiging terug na die gebruik van simbole in aanbidding wat ons aanraak en met ons praat op ʼn vlak wat woorde nie kan nie. God kom nie net na ons toe in harde koue woorde FOR SALE FOR SALE
Die Naam Aswoensdag kom van die Bybelse gebruik om as op jou kop te strooi (Daniël 9:3) wat ʼn teken van rou en berou voor God is (Job 42:3-7; Jeremia 6:26). Die gebruik is tans algemene praktyk in die Christendom en die dag word wyd gevier deur Metodiste, Presbiteriane, Katolieke, Lutherane, Anglikane en sekere Baptiste. TEL: 015 295 4537/8 | 071 670 6643 | FAX: 015 291 1166 Simbool van berou 7A HANS VAN RENSBURG STREET Die as is dus ’n R4085 – Ruim 2 Slaapkamer meenthuis op TO LET simbool van berou 1ste vloer, badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis en MAGAZYN ST oor ons sonde teen afdak. Koopkrag. Geen diere. R3 025 – Big 1 bedroom flat with bathroom, From R3 900 to R4 250 - Ladanna – 2 BedGod, mekaar, ander lounge and kitchen. Prepaid electricity. R5 570 – Groot 3 Slaapkamer meethuis met rooms with 1 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen and en ons omgewing. carport, prepaid electricity. Safe complex! 2 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis Aswoensdag vind 46 R4 000 – Hoog Str – 2 Slaapkamers, baden afdak. 2 Klein hondjies welkom. Dadelik dae voor Opstandingkamer, sit/eetkamer, kombuis, waskamer en beskikbaar. sondag plaas en dui afdak. Koopwater en -krag. Geen diere. WALKING DISTANCE FROM CBD R4 900 – Town – 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathdie begin van LydensR2 700 – Big bachelor flat available on 1st rooms, lounge, kitchen, scullery and carfloor. Parking in yard, R300 per month for tyd aan. Dit is ʼn dag port. Water included, don’t miss out. water & electricity. van skuldbelydenis, HUISE / HOUSES R3 180 – 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge and verootmoediging en R6 800 – Peninapark – 3 Slaapkamers, kitchen. Available immediately. R3 415 – 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge and 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, opwas, motorhuis. Water en kitchen. Water included. ligte by Stadsraad. SUNSET BOULEVARD R13 550 – Capricorn – 4 Slaapkamers, – Goeie sekuriteit! 2 badkamers, eetkamer, TV kamer, komR3 960 – Moderne eenman woonstel met buis, 3 motorhuise, swembad, borrelbad, badkamer, en kombuis. Selektiewe gebruik lapa en Wendyhuis PLUS 1 slaapkamer van swembad en lapa, afdak en parkering. woonstel met badkamer, sitkamer en komR11 500 – Huis – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badbuis. Ingerigte speelareas vir kinders. kamers, sitkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, 2 R13 550 – Fauna Park – 4 Bedrooms, motorhuise, afdak vir 3 voertuie, ingeboude 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, braai en lapa. Beskikbaar 1 Maart. laundry, swimming pool, lapa + 1 bedroom OOSTST flat with bathroom, lounge and kitchen. R3 600 – Baie netjies! 1 Slaapkamer woonOFFICES stel in erf met badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis, Various office space available, sizes from stoorkamer en afdak. Koopkrag, dadelik 87m² to 598m². beskikbaar. 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE R3 900 – Thabo Mbeki Street – 2 BedA selection of properties for sale. rooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen, garage Phone Anel 071 125 2844 / and carport. Available immediately. Rita 082 933 3162
townhouses, plots, farms 1.Various HOUSEShouses, FROM R750 000 2. PLOTS and FARMS available and commercial property in all price 3. TOWNHOUSES Dorp - 2 Bedrooms,categories. 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen, Fauna R 1R700 397 000 500 yard andPark garage. Bendor 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, livingwith area, 2 kitchen, Fully fenced 4 bedroom house bathyard and carport. R500 000 rooms, hall, 2 living living areas, kitchen, Bendor -entrance 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, area, patio scullery, andand swimming with braai,double kitchen,garage small yard carport. pool. R650 000 TO LET
nie, maar meer dikwels as wat ons sou wou toegee in woorde wat toegewikkel is in simbole en tekens wat al ons sintuie betrek (reuk, smaak, tassin, sig en gehoor). Die moderne kommunikasiekunde het ontdek dat die verbale alleen maar ʼn bitter klein deel uitmaak van die volledige kommunikasieproses. Dikwels praat ʼn drukkie harder as 1 000 woorde. ʼn Jonggetroude vrou sal nie maklik haar man se woorde onthou toe hy die ja-woord gevra het nie, maar sy sal altyd presies onthou hoe hy die groot vraag op sy knieë voor haar gevra het. Ervarings word veel langer onthou as woorde. Dink maar aan die waarde van die tekens van brood en wyn, water, die waarde van olie en as. Die gebruik van simbole en tekens moet nie gering geag word nie, maar die waarde daarvan behoort juis sterker na vore gebring te word. Nie alle Christelike gemeentes vier Aswoensdag nie, maar min Christene sal twyfel oor die noodsaak van berou, verootmoediging, nederigheid, bekering en boetedoening, en kruise van as op ons voorkoppe doen dit op ʼn wyse wat woorde alleen nie kan nie. Dit mag egter nooit so intens raak dat dit God in ons lewens verdring nie want dan word dit ʼn afgod. (Artikel ingestuur deur Tjaart Meyer: voorsitter van die ringskommissie, NG Kerk in Polokwane en leraar van die NG Kerk Pietersburg-Oos)
>> Die naam Aswoensdag kom van die Bybelse gebruik om as op jou kop te strooi >> ’n Simbool van berou oor ons sonde teen God, mekaar, ander en ons omgewing
LET 4 Bedroom House - TO Bendor R10 100-00p/m 4Residential Bedroom House with one bedroom flat Bendor - 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, study, R11 100-00p/m lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, outside toilet & 1shower, Bedroom R4 pool Townhouse and double garage. R7100-00p/m 600-00p/m Bendor - fenced 3 Bedroom 2 bathrooms, livElectric 3 Townhouse Bedroom with House in African ing area, kitchen and 1 carport in secure complex. Jewel R4 700-00p/m R5 600-00p/m
South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
015 295 3700
Bendor - 3 Bedroom townhouse with 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen and garage in secure complex. R4 070-00p/m Bendor - 3 Bedroom house with 1 bathroom, 2 living areas, kitchen, lapa, Wendy house and 2 carports with electrical fencing. R5 000-00p/m APEA TEL: 015 287-3300 FAX: 015 297-5898 URGENTLY WANTED!!! Al kinds of property to rent. If you have a property VISIT OUR WEBPAGE AT that you want to let or know of someone who has, CONTaCT: STEPhEN 082please 558 3525 contact me.
CONTaCT: SaN 072 159 5126
1) UPPERTOWN: R4 000 000.00 6 x 3 Bedroom townhouses, 1x1 Bedroom flat, 1x bachelor flat, communal pool, security fencing. Excellent income potential!! 2) BENDOR TOWNHOUSE: R1 270 000.00 Beautiful 3 bedroom townhouse, in excellent area. Open-plan lounge/dining room/kitchen, pantry, double garage, lovely garden, cosy verandah. 3) UPPERTOWN: R710 000.00 Townhouse, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage. 4) UPPERTOWN: R2 300 000.00 Architect designed 6 bedroom, 4 bathroom home with 4 living areas, beautiful entertainment area, pool.
CONTaCT MaNIE : 083 635 0513
1) Business 2 property in commercial business area of annadale – 2 855m² 2) 2x Industrial warehouses. 3) Residential 2 property rezoned in Annadale. 4) 340 Hectare cattle farm, close to Polokwane. R4 200 000.00 5) Various industrial properties, vacant and developed.
CONTaCT aGGIE: 082 465 8234 1) DALMADA PLOT: R1 300 000.00 4 Bedroom dwelling.
CONTaCT MaTIE: 083 271 5259 1) 4 ha PLOT IVY DALE: R5 500 000.00 On main road, excellent investment potential, 4 bedroom house, 2 bedroom house, workshop and storerooms of ±1000m² 2) 8.9ha TWEEFONTEIN PLOT: R5 800 000.00 4 Bedroom house, 3 bathrooms,3 living areas, granny flat with own kitchen and bathroom. There are 8 en suite chalets, big hall with kitchen, 2 big timber decks, sleeping hall for 72 guests, swimming pool, lovely garden, all fenced with electric fence. This property can be used for weddings and other functions. 3) WELL DEVELOPED 8.5ha TWEEFONTEIN PLOT: R8 000 000.00 6 Bedroom house, with garages for 10 cars, pool, Nyala camp 400m², shed, 6x2 bedroom houses. All within electric fence.
Our name means a great deal!
PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha vacant: R1 500 000.00 neg 2) ON N1 PRETORIA RD, 8.5 ha FARMS:
Pro-Arch Building, Unit 2, Bendor Drive 29, Bendor, Telefax: 015 297 1132 Fax to e-mail: 086 611 0645 -
1) ALLDAYS 1 000ha – GAME FARM R8 000 000.00 2) PIETERSBURG 300ha - CATTLE/ CROP
FARM + loose assets (100 Bonsmara cattle) 2 houses, strong water, pivot R6 500 000.00 3) BANDELIERKOP – CATTLE/GAME FARM
082 082 303 303 9111 9111
± R80 000.00 pm
PRIME PROPERTY IN BROADLANDS ESTATE Beautiful family home offers 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, kitchen, pantry, laundry and cold room. Borehole and 6 x 5000 litre tanks for the garden as well as a pond. Carports to accommodate 7 cars. This is a must see. Call me today to view this superb property.
2) Industrial Stand - ±1.5 ha:
R5 500 000
±950ha: R11 000 000.00 4) ALLDAYS 250ha – R2 750 000.00 Neg INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) Prime Location – Fully let Industrial development: R8 000 000.00 monthly income
R4 500 000.00 exl TO LET: RESIDENTIAL: CONTACT: SAN 072 159 5126 MID-TOWN: Room with bathroom, NO kitchen, Water and electricity included! R2 750.00 BENDOR: R13 750.00 Immediately,4 bedrooms in quiet street. CAPRICORN: R12 700.00 Immediately. 4 bedrooms with 1 bedroom flat. MID-TOWN: R8 000.00 Immediately. Golden oldie, 4 bedrooms LADANNA: TOWNHOUSE: R5 200.00 Immediately. 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, carport. TWEEFONTEIN: R3 300.00 Immediately. 2 Bedroom log cabin. 20KM FROM CITY PTA ROAD: R3 000.00 Immediately. 2 Bedrooms TO LET: INDUSTRIAL: CONTACT: STEPHEN 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 1 000m² + big yard R30 000.00 exl 2) 640m² SAB area 3) 1 800m² + 500m² warehouses + 300 m² office Nirvana 4) 8.5ha Plot – vacant – Leeuwkuil R4 000.00 exl Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) 50m²,100m², 150m² and 450m² CBD 3) 280m²,220m², 345m² Hampton Court
Erika 082 953 1686
082 082 396 396 7178 7178
082 082 804 804 4156 4156
R1 600 000
ULTRA MODERN Townhouse in Bendor. Three bedrooms, 1 bathroom with family kitchen. 1 Lock-up garage. Move in and stay. 083 083 268 268 5097 5097 R845 000
Michelle 082 303 9111
Marianna 083 083 268 268 5097 5097
Family home with well planned layout. Lovely open-plan living areas, modern kitchen with scullery. Three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Patio and entertainment room with built-in braai. There is an office which can also be used as a flat. Pool, double garage and electric fence.
082 082 303 303 9111 9111
082 082 953 953 1686 1686
Cornel 082 396 7178
FAMILY HOME IN BO DORP This property is situated close to the Mediclinic. 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, separate dining and lounge area. Kitchen with separate scullery. Study, double garage and laundry.
R1 400 000 MODERN AND UPMARKET Small complex. Openplan living areas, modern bathrooms. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 1 garage. Only ten units in the complex. Enjoy executive living. Wake up to view this… if you snooze, you lose!
R875 000 Neat lock-up and go unit on Sole Mandate! Perfect start for young executives or ideal for investment purposes. Open-plan living areas, kitchen with ample cupboard space and granite tops. 2 Bedrooms, modern bathroom, patio and a private garden. Garage and parking in front of the unit. This unit is ready to sell.
R885 000 Lovely modern family home in Security Estate. 5 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, double garage, study and open-plan
082 082 303 303 9111 9111
Marlene 082 804 4156
kitchen. Call me today to view this property!
R2 600 000
Marianna 083 268 5097
February 5, 2015
Polokwane Observer
on national / provincial / local issues Polokwane residents frequently express concern over ever increasing signs of physical decay in the city while Polokwane Municipality seemingly struggles to maintain satisfactory levels of service delivery. Polokwane Observer asked residents how they feel about the situation. Inwoners van die stad kla gereeld oor die sigbare agteruitgang van die stad asook die klaarblyklike onvermoë van Polokwane Munisipaliteit om dienslewering op ‘n aanvaarbare vlak te bedryf. Polokwane Observer het inwoners gevra hoe hulle oor die situasie voel.
Meserole Kubjana: “The situation doesn’t augur well for the city and I think the responsible authorities must ensure that the city is clean all the time.”
WEB : 341655
Bed: 5 Bath: 5 Garage: 4
Large enough for two families or rent out the second house to help pay the bond. This beautiful thatched roof property consists of two homes with a wonderful open-plan, cool, homely atmosphere. Each house has its own entrance and double garage. The second home has modern finishes where the first one can be changed to fit your needs. Ample storing space, borehole, and so much more! Don’t miss - call now!
Nadia Grobler: “Slaggate is ‘n groot probleem en ons pragtige natuurskoon word deur rommel ontsier.
Hanrie Bekker: “Ons moet daagliks op pad werk toe en terug vir slaggate uitswaai. Dit moet spoedig herstel word.”
Tsubi Papo: “I am concerned about the potholes. There are lots of potholes in the city and they make life difficult for motorists.”
R950 000
R1 970 000
SOLE MANDATE GREAT PRICE FOR THE SQUARE FOOTAGE. PERFECT FOR A FIRST TIME BUYER Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 342046 (O) 015 297 1140 PHILLIP SCHOEMAN 072 605 1513
R2 953 000
R2 300 000
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 4 Seeff Web: 342953
(O) 015 297 1140 SANDY SMITH 083 268 7436
R1 299 000
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages 3 Seeff Web: 238190
(O) 015 297 1140 SANNELIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 493 7824
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 3 Seeff Web: 311291
(O) 015 297 1140 SINDILE MLAUZI 076 062 9454
Tebogo Moloto: “It is not as bad as it seems. I think the municipality is trying its best to keep the city clean.”
Terresia Nyalungu: “I am not happy with the current state of the city. The public parks are not clean and most of the rubbish bins are not collected.”
R880 000
Garages 2
(O) 015 297 1140 SUNET SCHEEPERS 083 941 7357
R1 389 000
(O) 015 297 1140 ANNELISE BOOYSEN 079 490 9569
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Seeff Web: 317104
SOLE MANDATE Erf size: 1 065 m² Seeff Web: 343004
R1 330 000
Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Seeff Web: 343875
(O) 015 297 1140 MANIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 809 3850
Get it right the first time and build you dream home. Building Packages available any size anywhere in Polokwane and surrounding areas. We also have stands available. Please call us now
Garages 2
(O) 015 297 1140 CHARMAINE VERMEULEN 082 780 5844
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 309659 Transfer costs included.
R1 365 000
Christo van Heerden 082 375 7434
R1 098 000
CAPRICORN: R980 000 When last did you see a free standing house at this price? Make an appointment to view this 3 bedr, 2 bathr home. The garage area can be combined with the outside room to form a flatlet. Ample carports, parking SOLEATE ND and space for kids to play. MA
BENDOR GABLES: R995 000 Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle in this well kept LE E 2 bedr, 2 bathr spacious townhouse. SO DAT N A 1 Garage. M
ACACIA ESTATE: R995 000 For the investor. A free standing 3 bedr, 2 bathr house in an estate. No garage. Carport.
LOCATION!! LOCATION!! 1 100m² Corner office premises. Consists of 8 offices, a boardroom, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, 2 garages and ample parking.
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 342905
(O) 015 297 1140 DINEO MOHOLOBELA 072 203 6658
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 343577
(O) 015 297 1140 FRED OOSTHUIZEN 082 569 7980
Do You Want to Buy or Sell Residential / Commercial Property? Call One of our Professional Sales Consultants
015 297 1140
Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 343521
(O) 015 297 1140 GERT VAN STADEN 083 386 6383
February 5, 2015
32 OBSERVER polokwane
Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos>>
Oosskool open eie losie en kleedkamers
BARRY VILJOEN >> Die nuwe kleedkamers en losie van Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) is verlede Donderdagaand amptelik geopen. Oudleerders, Louis Nel, Lizbé du Preez en
Jean-Pierre Viljoen het saam met waarnemende hoof, Lizette Olivier en lede van die skool se beheerliggaam en ouers ‘n glasie geklink op die suksesvolle projek ter opgradering van die skool se sportterrein. Die 2013-leiergroep van die skool het die fondsinsamelingsprojek behartig.
Marné Ebersohn Akademie>>
Marné Ebersohn Akademie verwelkom nuwe graad 8-leerders
Oudleerders, Louis Nel, Lizbé du Preez en Jean-Pierre Viljoen, voor, met beheerliggaamlede, Jacques Pennels, Pieter Schulenburg, Draad Hattingh, Lizette Olivier, waarnemende hoof, Rizél Grobler en Chris Smith, agter, by die ingebruikneming van Oosskool se losie en nuwe kleedkamers.
Marné Ebersohn Akademie se graad 8-leerders vir 2015 is Pieter Britz, Ruan Erasmus, Dewald du Toit, Heinrich Jannasch, Cole Gilburt, Sumari Luus, Deoné Steyberg, Michaela Partridge en Michelle Norman. Agter is matrikulante, Basil Nel (prefek), Gysie Geyser (hoofseun), Tarita Botha (hoofdogter), Leandré van Tonder (prefek) en Joshua Partridge.
CONTACT TERESA 082 773 9274 015 297 0186 We are looking for properties to let and
Laerskool PietersburgNoord Primary>>
Nuwe leerkragte verwelkom
for sale (residential & commercial). Kindly contact us during office hours from 08:00 till 16:00, Monday to Friday
HOUSES TOWNHOUSE IN ESTATE - R1M Brand new: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. BENDOR - R1 850 000 3 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, strong borehole, 2 bedroom flat included. FARM KUSCHKE AREA - R1 630 000.00 Approx. 30 hectares, boreholes, 4 bedrooms. RESIDENTIAL STANDS DALMADA PLOT - R1.1M Approx. 2 hectares RETAIL SHOPS AND FLATS R8.5M VACANT STANDS COMMERCIAL CORPORATE PARK INDUSTRIAL STANDS ERVEN ON N1 (Makhado Road) (sizes from approx. 1 200m² 4 500m²) Starting from R675.00m² (excl Vat) 5 X ERVEN LOCATED INSIDE GATEWAY CORPORATE PARK Starting from R600m² (excl Vat) OFFICE BUILDING FOR SALE – R8,7 M LANDDROS MARE STREET – 770m² FULLY OCCUPIED TENANTS TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE BENDOR AREA 3X Bedrooms & 2 bathrooms - R1 360 000,00 Units with single garage – R1 035 000,00 Units with double garage – R1 085 000,00 UPMARKET FLATS – BODORP FOR THE INVESTOR - FOUR FLATS R1 955 000,00 WAREHOUSE ALSO CONTACT US FOR HOT COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES “FOR SALE” Visit us for more properties on
OFFICE BUILDING TO LET BENDOR AREA – 135M² 5x Offices, Toilets, Kitchen, Storeroom, Reception, Boardroom, Braai area, 5x Undercover parkings available. CAFETERIA TO LET 57m² @ R120,00m² plus VAT. ±200 clients on premises – popular business area. COMMERCIAL / RETAIL SHOPPING MALL: MANKWENG ANCHOR TENANT: SHOPRITE 2 x 120m² @ R100.00m² (excl VAT) 1 x 200m² @ R15 000 (excl VAT) each SESHEGO STRIP MALL - ZONE A3 1 x 250m² - R11 250.00 (excl VAT) 1 x 115m² - R5 700.00 (excl VAT) AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY NIRVANA - THREE-STOREY BUILDING 900m² - R40 500.00 (excl VAT) INDIAN CENTRE - GROUND FLOOR 1ST FLOOR 156M² - R5 570 (Excl Vat) GROUND FLOOR 360M² - R14 300 (excl VAT) AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY CENTRAL CBD - RETAIL PRIME SPOT LANDDROS MARE STREET - 300m² @ R150.00m² (excl VAT) - 550m² - R172 000 210m² - R24 000 (excl VAT) AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY PRIME SPOT - SCHOEMAN STREET - 235m² @ R80.00m² (excl VAT) RISSIK STREET 102m² - R12 800,00. WAREHOUSES CBD 810m² @ R60.00m² (excl VAT) - 670m² POR SUPERBIA Warehouse, 125m² @ R6000.00 p.m. NEW INDUSTRIAL AREA Warehouse, 224m² @ R12 000.00 p.m. ±250m² - POR AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY RESIDENTIAL CAPRICORN R9 500.00 pm - MARCH 2015. 3 Bedroom. JORISSEN STREET 1X Bedroom – R3 700,00 pm 1X Big bedroom flat – R4 300,00 pm 3X Bedroom flat, 1st floor - R8 000,00 pm FLORA PARK Townhouse 3x Bedrooms, 2 x bathrooms, 1 close garage - R6 120 pm
Visit us for more properties on
Laerskool Pietersburg-Noord Primary het onlangs twee nuwe leerkragte verwelkom. Susan Nolan gee wiskunde en Afrikaans eerste taal en Daleen Els onderrig die grondslagfase.
Noordjieland Pre-primêre Skool>>
Noordjieland nuwe onderwyser en tweelinge ryker FOTO’S: ELNA ESTERHUYSEN
‘n Nuwe leerkrag, Riana Chalmers het aan die begin van die jaar by Noordjieland Pre-primêre Skool aangesluit waar sy graad R-leerders onderrig. Chalmers het voorheen by verskeie kleuterskole in die stad gewerk.
Bo: Die tweeling, Josh en Allegra Hall is in graad R in die Leeutjieklas. Links: Nog ‘n tweeling, Mahlatse en Refilwe Ramabu is graad RRleerders in die Vissieklas.
February 5, 2015
Polokwane Observer
Begin van groot dinge vir Blue Pepper Vlooimark LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >> Kunsliefhebbers en diegene met ‘n soettand kon Saterdag na hartelus by Country Blue Luxury Accommodation se Blue Pepper Vlooimark unieke handgemaakte items en tuisgemaakte eetgoed aanskaf. Driekie Patterson, kroeg-en funksiebestuurder van Blue Pepper Pub wat deel vorm van die gastehuis, het besluit om ‘n vlooimark te hou omdat talentvolle uitstallers en bobaas baksters nie genoeg geleentheid het om hul produkte te verkoop nie. Patterson is vol selfvertroue dat die Blue Pepper Vlooimark wat slegs met ses stalletjies begin het, sal groei en beoog om die laaste Saterdag van elke maand die uitstalling te hou. “In die toekoms wil ek sangers kry om tydens die mark op te tree en wil graag ‘n groter verskeidenheid produkte op uitstalling hê,” se Patterson. Anete Blofield, ‘n pensionaris en kunssinnige het saam met haar vennoot, Amanda Venter begin om handgemaakte items te maak wat ook by die vlooimark te sien was. Almal wat by die volgende mark betrokke wil raak, kan Patterson by 074 549 6806 skakel.
Anete Blofield by haar handgemaakte produkte.
Drieke Patterson, organiseerder van die mark en Susan Pretorius.
Van die handgemaakte items wat by die mark te sien was.
Big success for Little Blessing PreSchool fundraiser
Little Blessing Pre-School recently had a fundraiser, where children collected coins for a project aimed at improving their school. Mianté Du Preez (right) with her teacher en Lize-Marie de Lange collected the most coins and was very surprised when she received gifts for her contribution to the school fund.
PROPERTIES OF THE WEEK Townhouse To LeT R5720.00 Polokwane Central 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Spacious Living Area Modern Kitchen Ground Floor Unit Parking at unit Prepaid Electricity Secure Complex No Pets Allowed Available 1 March FOTO’S: LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK
Janco, Johnathin en Joané van Dyk bekyk Saterdag die produkte van nader.
DupLex To LeT R4600.00 Polokwane Central 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Living Area Kitchen Small Garden Parking at unit Muni Electricity Security Complex No Pets Allowed Available Now
Townhouses To LeT R4500.00 Ladanna 3 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Living Area Kitchen Ground Floor Units Parking at unit Prepaid Electricity Security Complex No Pets Allowed Available Now
house for saLe R1.5 Mil Fauna Park 4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Kitchen Laundry Room 3 Living Areas Closed Braai Area Huge Yard Swimming Pool Separate Flatlet Prepaid Electricity
JUST PROPERTY GROUP - JUST FOR YOU CALL US TODAY FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS. AGENTS: Suné 079 341 1625 / Sales - Ansie 084 503 8322 OFFICE TEL: 015 291 2622 | E-mail:
Feb 5 - 11, 2015
34 OBSERVER polokwane
STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________
EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________
GENERAL VEHICLE REPAIRS, maintenance & minor panel repair. Free safety check. Contact 078 679 5681/ 082 927 8583 ___________________ GARAGE DOORS, gate motors, steel carports, security gates etc. Sales & repairs. Contact THE WORKS Dennis 082 573 0336 ___________________ REMOVAL OF BUILDING RUMBLE & GARDEN REFUSE Tel 082 927 8583 082 651 3756 082 857 5868 ___________________ CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE, electrical, plumbing, roof sealing, tiling, painting & fencing. Contact 076 722 0077 082 651 3756 082 927 8583 ___________________ FENCING, STOCK, SECURITY & ELECTRICAL Contact 082 857 5868 ___________________
GENERAL STEELWORKS, gates, palisade fencing. Any steel repairing work. Contact 084 811 4821 082 651 3756 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ BOREHOLE TESTING & CLEANING Fishing out of pumps. Installing of pumps. Maintenance of boreholes & pumps. Contact 082 651 3756 082 927 8583 ___________________
LAAT EK U ‘N AANBOD VIR U MOTOR OF BAKKIE MAAK VOOR U INRUIL SODOENDE KAN U SPAAR Kontak Neels 083 459 7177 ____________________ VW BEETLE TE KOOP 1994 model in goeie toestand @ R29 000. Skakel Maria 082 364 6367 ____________________
TLBs, TRAXCAVATOR & construction plant for hire. Tel 082 927 8583 082 857 5868 082 651 3756 ___________________ 12 T CRANE TRUCK FOR HIRE Contact 082 927 8583 082 857 5868 ___________________ 8 T CRANE TRUCK FOR HIRE Contact 082 857 5868 ___________________ TIPPER & TLB FOR HIRE Contact 082 927 8583 082 651 3756 ___________________
12 T LOW BED TRUCK FOR CARS, TLBs & tractors for hire. 082 927 8583 082 857 5868 082 651 3756 ___________________
FOR SALE WHITE CANOPY with full door. Isuzu KB series LWB 1997 - 2003. Fibreglass, roofrack, good condition. R3 000. Phone Anton 082 466 3376 ____________________
TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ LEEUWKUIL ESTATE BACHELOR unit in safe tranquil surroundings. 7km from town. R2 200 per month. Contact 072 219 5613 ____________________ ROOMS BACHELOR 1 BEDROOM FLATS 3 bedroom house, warehouses and workshops. Contact Andre 072 765 0507 072 133 0952 ____________________ VOLLE AKKOMMODASIE VIR ENKELPERSOON R5 000 p.m. Skakel Maria 082 364 6367 ____________________ 1 SLAAPKAMER TUINWOONSTEL TE HUUR TE STERPARK Eie ingang, W&L uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Feb. Skakel 084 582 3463 ____________________ NUWE 2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL TE HUUR TE SOETDORINGS 7km vanaf SAB. Baie veilig, privaat omheinde erf. Huur R4 000, water ingesluit. Deposito, koopkrag. Dadelik beskikbaar. Konatk Johan 082 654 8620 ____________________
WOODLANDS 3 Bedrooms, 2 garages in a complex next to Mall of the North. Available from February 2015. R7 500 per month. Contact 073 608 3793 ____________________
TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer huis op plot. Elektries omhein. Koopkrag. R5 300 p.m. + dep. Water ingesluit. Skakel 082 554 5627 ____________________ 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS TE HUUR 2 Badkamer, naaldwerkhoekie, oopplan TV & eetkamer, aparte sitkamer, aparte opwas, dubbel motorhuis. Hendrik 082 829 4037 ____________________ HOUSES CAPRICORN – R7 350 3 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 garage NEW FLORA PARK – R7 800 3 Bedr, 1 bathr, 2 garages BENDOR VILLAGE – R11 140 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, 3 living areas, 2 garages FAUNA PARK – R8 900 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages CAPRICORN – R12 000 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, kitchen, dining/ lounge, 3 garages and one bedroom flat. Lapa, swimming pool & jacuzi TOWNHOUSES BENDOR – R4 500 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport FLATS IVYDALE – R3 600 1 Bedr, 1 bathr, lounge, kitchen, W & E included. SHOPS CENTRAL – R17 500 CENTRAL CBD – 200m² OFFICES CBD – R2 500 MARSHALL ST – R10 270 MARSHALL ST – R25 400 MARSHALL CHAMBERS – R8 134 LANDDROS MARE ST – ±155M² - POR THYS – 083 702 0768 AUDREY – 072 632 7117 MARTIN – 060 666 5432
2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE in complex @ R770 000 Bargain by owner! 2½ bathr, garage, braai. SPECIAL Contact 074 190 9956 ____________________
TWO (2) WELL-KNOWN GUEST HOUSES with Conference Facilities in THOHOYANDOU. To be sold SEPERATELY OR TOGETHER Contact: Rudi: 082 443 5819/ Diana Madega: 079 017 3350
AANDAG ALLE KONTRAKTEURS Tweefontein. Ruim 2 slp, 2 bad, sit & eet met stoep en groot toesluit garage. Braai, meubels met DStv, elek omhein met remote hek. Baie veilig, sluit alle dienste in. R7 500 p.m. + dep. Skakel 071 547 9698 ____________________
TWEEFONTEIN Pragtige ruim 2 slp met 2 badk, sit, komb, stoep met toesluit garage. Eie tuin, elek omhein met remote hek. Baie veilig. R4 500 p.m. + dep. Koopwater & -krag. Skakel 071 547 9698 ____________________
MARGATE Luukse vakansiewoonstel. See-uitsig, onderdak parkering, eie swembad & braai. 20 tot 27 Maart 2015, R2 500/7 nagte. Vir meer inligting kontak 083 451 4328 ___________________
SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Tel 015 295 5264 ___________________
SPECIAL CONSENT FOR A PLACE OF WORSHIP I, Maepa Othaniel hereby give notice in terms of Clause 21 of the Polokwane Town Planning Scheme of 2007, that I intend applying to the Polokwane Municipalality for permission to construct a church for the purpose of worship at Erf 24 Plot 26 located in Palmietfontein. As an owner located within a distance of 50 meter of the intended development you are specifically notified of the proposed use in order to comment and / or provide with the opportunity to lodge any objection. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the applicant’s address mentioned herein, and at the offices of the Town Planners,1st floor, west wing of Civic Centre, Polokwane of 14 days from 11/02/2015 to 03/03/2015. Any objections to or representations in respect of the application shall be lodged in writing simultaneously with the applicant and the Municipal Manager, Polokwane Municipality at the address below or at P.O. Box 111 Pietersburg 0700 within a period of 28 from 11/02/2015 to 23/03/2015. Should no comments and /or objections be received as set out above, the municipality will assume that you are in support of the application and may approve the proposed land use rights. Iternal Life Int Church P.O. Box 55230 Polokwane 0700 Cell: 082 099 7953 29/01 ___________________ Nna Maepa Othaniel ke fa tsebiso ya moago wa kereke go ya le ka karolo ya 21 ya Peyakanyo Polokwane ya 2007, ke dira kgopelo ye go masepala wa Polokwane go aga kereke mo Plot 26 Erf 24 Palmietfontein. Bjalo ka modudi yo a ka ba go 50 meter o a tsebiswa gore o fe kakanyo goba go ganana le kgopelo ye. Kgopelo ye ka botlalo e tla ba lefelong la mokgopedi ka nako ya mosomo goba di ofising tsa town planners lebatong la pele,bohlabela bja Ofisi tsa masepala wa Polokwane matsatsi a 14 go thoma ka 11/02/2015 go fihla ka 03/03/2015.Kganetso go ba kamedi e ka iswa go tee le mokgopedi go Molaodi wa masepala wa Polokwane go aterese ye P.O.Box 111 Polokwane 0700 mo matsatsing a 28 go tloga ka di 11/02/2015 go fihla ka di 23/03/2015. Ge go ka se be kakanyo goba kganetso mo matsatsing a masepala o tla tsea gore kgopelo ye e amogetswe ka gona o tla fa tumelelo ya tshumiso ya lefelo le. Iternal Life Int Church P.O. Box 55230 Polokwane 0700 Cell: 082 099 7953 29/01 ___________________
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In Terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and
distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estate specified below wil be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Master and Magistrate as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodge with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Registered number of estate: 7481/2013 Surname: Ledwaba Christian Names: Malala Identity Number: 640219 5289 089 Christian Names and surname of surviving spouse: Mananya Gloria Ledwaba Identity Number: 611111 0703 088 Period of inspection other than 21 days: 21 Magistrate’s Office: Seshego Master’s Office: Polokwane Registered number of estate: 7481/2013 Surname: Ledwaba Last Address: House no. 678 Zone 3, Seshego, Polokwane. Master’s Office: Polokwane J & R Accountants 41 Hans van Rensburg Street Office 1D Polokwane 0699 Tel: 015 295 9903 05/02 ___________________ LIQUIDATION AND DIS-
TRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In Terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Master and Magistrate as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Registered number of estate: 7276/2013 Surname: Rammutla Christian Names: Moswane Phineas Identity Number: 540715 5558 085 Christian Names and surname of surviving spouse: Matlala Rosina Rammutla Identity Number: 640612 0825 081 Period of inspection other than 21 days: 21 Magistrate’s Office: Bochum Master’s Office: Polokwane Registered number of estate: 7276/2013 Surname: Rammutla Last Address: Stand no. 08 Wuppetor, Senwabarana, Rammutla Village, Bochum, Polokwane. Master’s Office: Polokwane J & R Accountants
41 Hans van Rensburg Street Office 1D Polokwane 0699 Tel: 015 295 9903 05/02 ___________________
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Polokwane. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration number of Estate: 1650/2014 Surname: Stewart Name: Peter Kenneth David Identity Number: 351030 5058 088 Last Address: Plot 71 Doornbult, Polokwane Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street P.O. Box 35 Tzaneen 0850 Tel: 015 307 3660 Ref.: Mr Rech/avs/ R13295 05/02 ___________________
Career finder in LIMPOPO People are the Business... Our Business is People. Since the day that safety was elevated to our first value, we have seen significant changes in our safety performance. In the South Africa Region, we really care about our people and invite you to become part of the team that will help us to become the leading mining company in the world. Applications are invited for the following positions at various business units in the Orkney, Stilfontein and Carletonville/ Fochville areas:
INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIANS Applicants must have: • A T3/S4 or be registered with the Engineering Council of South Africa as a Professional Engineering Technician • At least 2 years’ experience as a C&I Technician in a mining and/or metallurgical environment • The ability to obtain a Certificate of Fitness • Knowledge of and experience in PLC programming and fault finding, especially Siemens • Knowledge of communication standards, protocols and topologies • Experience with SCADA systems • Local Area Networking and PC experience • Optical fibre experience • Knowledge of Wireless LANs. The successful candidates will: • Install, commission and maintain the Process SCADA, PLC, Field Instrumentation and Communication systems on the specific plant • Be responsible for the safety, health and loss control for his/her area of responsibility • Apply guidelines, standard specifications and procedures for systems. Salaries will be in accordance with the AngloGold Ashanti Limited Schedule of Salaries. Please send your written application, including full details of qualifications and experience, to Samson Sthongo at fax to e-mail: 086 725 0789. WE ARE COMMITTED TO NON-DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES AND SUPPORT THE PRINCIPLES OF APPROPRIATE EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT AND ADVANCEMENT. Closing date: 13 February 2015
Human Communications 115744
Henda Nel oorstelp deur OBSERVER 35 gemeenskap se goedhartigheid Februarie 5, 2015
aar kenmerkende glimlag word Saterdag van ver af gewaar tussen die skare tydens die fondsinsamelingdag wat vir Henda Nel (19) gehou is wat binnekort ‘n noodsaaklike beenmurgoorplanting moet kry. Henda groet met ‘n hartlike glimlag en ‘n vonkel in haar oë, ten spyte van aanhoudende pyn wat sy verduur. Sy bly positief en daar is steeds opgewondenheid in haar stem. Nel is in haar matriekjaar met Limfklierkanker gediagnoseer en ly aan T-sel akute limfoblastiese leukemie, wat ook bekend staan as T-cell ALL. Die tipe kanker val die beenmurg-, brein-, senuwees en limfstelsel aan. Die mediese fonds dek nie al die onkoste van die beenmurgoorplanting nie en die ringbal-gemeenskap van Polokwane, familielede en vriende het ingespring om ‘n pretdag met verskeie aktiwiteite by die Polokwane-ringbalbane aan te bied om geld vir haar oorplanting in te samel. Verskeie ringbalspanne het hul steun aan Nel, self ‘n kranige ringbalspeler, toegesê deur mekaar op die baan uit te daag. Die potjiekompetisie waaraan twaalf spanne deelgeneem het is deur die Canon-span gewen. Stalletjies was orals te sien en daar kon na hartelus gekoop word. Vir die jonges was daar selfs ‘n springkasteel waarop hul kon baljaar. Verskillende haarkleure, bont kledingstukke en pers strikkies met Nel se naam op was orals tydens die dag te sien. Lede van die Rock Hard Music School, sowel as Dawie en Antoinette
Lindner van Sing a Song Entertainment het vir ‘n gesellige atmosfeer gesorg. Verskillende items wat deur besighede geskenk is, is tydens die veiling van die hand gesit. Die pretdag is met DJ Ossewa afgesluit, wat ‘n groot trekpleister was. Die gemeenskap van Polokwane het hulle harte teenoor Nel oopgemaak en bykans R90 000 is vir haar ingesamel. Nel se ma, Sandra Lubbe, is baie dankbaar vir die gemeenskap se ondersteuning. ‘n Trustfonds onder beskerming van Hoërskool Hans Strijdom, is vir haar gestig. Lubbe is nog nie in kennis gestel hoeveel die skool vir Nel ingesamel het nie. “Die dag is ongelooflik en onbeskryflik. Ek waardeer wat almal vir my doen, en kan nie genoeg dankie sê nie,” sê Nel.
Sandra Lubbe saam met haar dogter, Henda Nel vir wie die pretdag gehou is.
Henry Brown, Claudene Reeve en Melanie Heiberg wys hulle liefde vir Henda Nel.
Henda Nel, naasregs, saam met haar neef, Barend en niggies, Salomé en Zonica Lombaard.
A wholesale and retail Beverage company is looking for an Assistant Manager for their store in Polokwane. The applicant must have a Matric/Grade 12 Certificate, valid driver’s licence, 3 to 5 year’s exp. in the wholesale and retail trade as a supervisor or manager with at least 15 people reporting through to them. CTC will be R185K p.a.
Fax CV to 086 612 6144.
REPAIR CENTRE TECHNICIAN POLOKWANE Tool & Machinery Company requires a dynamic Technician. Ideal candidate must have technical knowledge of and hands-on experience on the repair of • A wide range of Power Tools; • Small Machinery i.e. Petrol & Diesel Engines, Generators The ideal candidate will have a proven track record and be able to work independently. Requirements are a Senior Certificate. Salary: Negotiable with Benefits available. Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 to 17:00 and Saturday 08:00 to 13:00. If you meet the requirements of this position please forward your CV to; Please quote: Reference “Loc12” in the subject line. Should you not receive feedback within two weeks of your application, please consider your application unsuccessful.
Finansiële Rekenmeester met ondervinding in die landbou- en vervaardigingsektore.
Petrich Brits van die Rock Hard Music School vermaak die gehoor.
Elmari Jacobs ondersteun vir Henda.
Sal verantwoordelik wees vir: * Nasien en oorsig oor rekeningkundige stelsels op Pastel; * Beplanning en bestuur van kontantvloei, inkomste en uitgawes; * Voorraadbeheer; * Bestuur finansiële kontrolestelsels; * Ontleed en bestuur finansiële risiko’s; * Voorbereiding, interpretasie en toepassing van finansiële verslae en begrotings; * Toesig en interaksie met personeel. * Bestuursyfers moet maandeliks verskaf word.
Michanelie Liebenberg smul aan die lekker eetgoed.
Members of Parliament to go back to school HERBERT RACHUENE >> The University of Limpopo (UL) and the Johannesburg based National School of Government (NSG) signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) in Polokwane on Friday in relation to a course in Legislative Capacity Building which seeks to ensure that new members of Parliament and Legislature have the requisite governance and leadership skills necessary to execute their daily responsibilities. The MOA in terms of which UL has been assigned to train public servants will be implemented from 2015 to 2019. All members of legislative bodies will be required to take part for the sake of personal development and skills building. Kedibone Phago, Professor and Head of Master of Public Administration Programme said the UL is the first university to participate in this prestigious project. “It therefore serves to advance the university’s mission of finding solutions for Africa. This will also demonstrate the university’s relevance to societal needs including those of government and legislative bodies,” Phago said. He added that such development is intended to further contribute to the professionalisation of the work of the legislative bodies in the country. The course is also intended to capacitate support staff within a legislative environment whose work entail providing assistance to members. The course, entitled Governance and Leadership, entails Action Research for the Legislative Process; Value Based Leadership for Decision Making; Democratic Governance and Legislative Process and Media Communication modules. NSG Principal Solly Mollo said although fewer Members of Parliament (MPs) and
Members of Provincial Legislature (MPLs) possess formal education in the field of governance, public leadership or oversight the course will serve as a building block for this specialised field. “It is in the National School of Government’s resolve to continue making a meaningful contribution towards the capacity building of public servants and office bearers wherever they may be, in function or office. We cherish this partnership and pledge our commitment to making it a sustainable success,’ Mollo said. Lehlogonolo Masoga, Deputy Speaker of the Provincial Legislature said it is a lifetime opportunity for MPs and and MPLs to learn and so that they can excel in their responsibilities. “People don’t know this but in the legislature they don’t ask for a certificate. You go to a meeting and become elected as member of the Legislature. We welcome the partnership because we need members who are well informed so that they can be able to take informed decisions,” Masoga said.
At the signing are Mahlo Mokgalong, Vice Chancellor and Principal of the University of Limpopo, Lehlogonolo Masoga, Deputy Speaker of the Provincial Legislature and Solly Mollo, Principal of the National School of Government.
Die geskikte kandidaat moet ondervinding hê in bg pligte met werksondervinding in die landbou- en vervaardigingsektore. Selfmotivering, inisiatief, finansiële insig en die vermoë om in ‘n span te werk is ‘n vereiste. Stuur CV aan: Sluitingsdatum: 18 Februarie 2015
®essential outdoor gear
Ons benodig die dienste van ‘n dinamiese en energieke persoon met bewese rekord in verkope vir ons tak in Polokwane. Persone met ‘n passie vir die buitelewe en wat gefokus is om uitstekende diens aan kliënte te lewer met ondervinding in die buitelewe-/kleresektor sal oorweeg word. Voorkeur sal gegee word aan persone met kennis en ondervinding in produkte soos Garmin/Go-Pro, messe, flitse ens. Kompeterende vergoedingspakket, kleretoelaag en prestasiebonus. Aangename werksomstandighede by ‘n firma met langtermyn-toekomsmoontlikhede. Diensaanvaarding: so spoedig moontlik.
Stuur CV per epos aan: Sluitingsdatum: 12 Februarie 2015
Junior receptionist /
Admin Clerk
Minimum Requirements: - Bilingual - Computer Literate - Typing skills - Matric Certificate - Good interpersonal skills and friendly - Good telephone manners - Neat, hardworking, reliable, honest, loyal - High level of accuracy - Good organising skills - Good communication skills Junior Position salary scale: R40 000 to R52 000pa (negotiable) depending on experience If you possess the above qualities and is currently looking for permanent employment, please fax your CV to 015 295 3161 or email to: If you don’t hear from us within 14 days after submission of your CV, please consider your application unsuccessful.
Kruinies wys tande op tennisbaan RC MYBURGH >>
Curro Heuwelkruin se tennisspelers het Vrydagmiddag tydens die Werftennis mekaar behoorlik opgekeil. Die Werftennis word jaarliks kort na die Werfatletiek gehou om die tennisspanne vir die seisoen wat voorlê te finaliseer. Baie seuns kon egter nie vanjaar deelneem nie as gevolg van hul krieketdeelname en sal binnekort vir hul plek in die spanne uitspeel.
Pepps netball star
Ses-en-dertig atlete van Suidskool het medaljes tydens die P1Atletiekbyeenkoms ingepalm.
Rumandi Potgieter, o.19 slaan af.
Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos>>
Oosskool-atlete verbeter rekords by atletiekbyeenkomste
BARRY VILJOEN >> Die Voëltjieatletiekbyeenkoms wat onlangs by Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos (Oosskool) se velde gehou is, het ‘n verrassing opgelewer toe Jan-Hendrik Weyer die seuns o.13 hoogspringrekord verbeter het met ‘n hoogte van 1,58 meter. Oosskool het ook tydens die P1-Atletiekkampioenskappe wat by die ou Peter Mokabastadion gehou is, 33 goue-, 28 silwer- en 21 bronsmedaljes ingepalm. Oosies wat rekords by die byeenkoms verbeter het, is
Winette Prinsloo (dogters o.10gewigstoot), Cailin Menzies (dogters o.10-verspring) en Minette Burger (dogters o.9-600 meter).
‘n Nuwe rekord vir die o.12-aflospan bestaande uit Simoné Pratt, Louise du Preez, Kayla Pratt en Rouchelle de Necker.
Danae Marais, o.13 laat die werpskyfrekord spat.
Pietersburg Laerskool>>
Suidskool-atlete presteer by interlaer-byeenkoms verower. Danae Marais het ‘n nuwe werpskyfrekord vir o.13-meisies met ‘n afstand van 27,61 m opgestel. Suidskool se o.12-meisieaflosspan het ook die rekord laat spat met ‘n haastige tyd van 1:00.56.
RC MYBURGH >> Atlete Cailin Menzies en Minette Burger, voor, met Jan-Hendrik Weyer en Winette Prinsloo, agter.
Atlete van Pietersburg Laerskool het tydens verlede Woensdag se Interlaer Atletiekbyeenkoms vir P-1 skole uitnemend presteer. Ses-en-dertig het medaljes
Business cards
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14:00 - 18:00 weekdays & 08:00 - 18:00 Saturdays
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To advertise in the BUSINESS CARD SECTION call Polokwane Observer @ 084 802 8648 Fin O an m cia or lp e ro d ble eb ms t ? A str CT es NO s W ! UA LI bra an L n he T ke ua AL lp S Y l/p
PEPPS College Grade 11 learner Thokomelo Mokwebu was the shining star at the Polokwane Mayoral Cup u.21 Netball Tournament in December last year. For her outstanding performance during the entire tournament, Thokomelo was awarded a gold medal and also received the trophy for Best Player of the Tournament. The passionate netball player said Thokomelo Mokwebu, the she is PEPPS College Grade 12 learner honoured who received the Best Player of and the Tournament award at the proud Polokwane Mayoral Cup U.21 to have Netball Tournament. received the award and is aiming to be included in the Capricorn district netball team in 2015.
36 OBSERVER polokwane
Curro Heuwelkruin >>
cn 5 29 nie P r C 1 12 e-molo ompe 79 ail: kw ns Com visi ane atie e no on an d Th w an dc sa ab d fin @gm oM d ail.c be out ho ki W om stre w H ets, we ca M EE
February 5, 2015
rs 08 , T 2 Fa el: 0 082 58 x: 15 92 3 0 08 2 8 90 6 97 85 0 56 0 93 8 53 08 2 69
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Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS)>>
Februarie 5, 2015
Athletes of Jabez Christian Academy who represented their school at the Ironwood Independent Schools Athletics event are Amukelani Baloyi and Naledi Thoku, front, Melchi Maponyane and Faith Mikombe, middle and Nghani Mtebule and Thabadi Mohowa at the back.
Melchizedek Maponya excelled by winning the 60 m girls u.8-sprint at the Ironwood Independent Schools Athletics event.
Jabez Christian Academy>>
Jabez athletes excel at Ironwood BARRY VILJOEN >> Athletes of Jabez Christian Academy participated in the Ironwood Independent Schools Athletic event that took place at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium recently. Melchizedek Maponya excelled by winning the 60 m girls u.8-sprint in a new record time of 7,91 seconds. The previous
record of 2010 was 9,70 seconds. The Ironwood Independent Schools Athletic event is annually hosted on a rotational basis by one of the participating schools. Jabez Christian Academy, PEPPS, Mitchell House, Eagle’s Nest Christian School, Curro Heuwelkruin, Christian Achievers Academy, Trinity Primary School and Elica Primary took part in this year’s event.
Akademie Reformia>>
Akademie Reformia hou Bokkesport op nuwe terrein BARRY VILJOEN >> Die nuwe skoolterrein van Akademie Reformia was Saterdag ‘n miernes van bedrywigheid met die Bokkesport wat op die splinternuwe skoolterrein plaasgevind het. Personeel en ouers het fluks hand bygesit met tydhou en stalletjies vir die droë kele en honger mae en ‘n feestelike atmosfeer het om die lowergroen baan geheers terwyl toeskouers onder skadunette en sonskerms vir die son geskuil het. Verskeie rekords is verbeter. Janus Bekker het die o.6-turbospiesitem gewen met 8.06 m, terwyl Johan du Plessis die o.13-item met ‘n afstand van 22,28 m en Miemie
urro Heuwelkruin en Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) se krieketspanne het verlede week en die naweek teen verskeie ander skole in en rondom die stad kragte gemeet. Tydens die Pro20-wedstryd tussen PHS en ‘n Seshego-ontwikkelingspan was PHS eerste in die kolfkampie en teken 229/4 aan. Seshego se ontwikkelingspan kon slegs 36 lopies aanteken en PHS wen die wedstryd met 193 lopies. Saterdag het PHS se eerste span teen Hoërskool Merensky te staan gekom. PHS se spelers teken 219 lopies teenoor Merensky se 188 aan terwyl die o.15-span daarin slaag om 281 lopies in 43 beurte aan te teken en al Merensky se kolwers in tien beurte vir 25 lopies uit te haal. Kruinies se eerste span het verlede naweek teen Mitchell House gespeel en die wedstryd met vier paaltjies gewen, maar moes Donderdag die spit teen Stanford Lake College (SLC) afbyt. Kruinies kon slegs 136 lopies aanteken
met nege paaltjies plat teenoor SLC se 138 vir 3 paaltjies. Pieties en Kruinies het ook kragte gemeet en met die voordeel van die tuisveld het PHS 193 lopies vir vier paaltjies aangeteken. Kruinies kon slegs daarin slaag om 156 lopies vir ses paaltjies in 20 beurte op die puntebord te kry.
Curro Heuwelkruin se Arno Horn van die eerste krieketspan in aksie tydens ‘n wedstryd teen Stanford Lake College.
Saaiman die o.13-item met ‘n afstand van 15,57 m gewen het. Ferdi Viviers het die 60 m vir seuns o.10 gewen gewen en Michael van Heerden die o.10-verspringitem met ‘n afstand van 3,42 m. Agna Bekker het uitgeblink in verskeie meisies o.10-items en het rekords verbeter in die verspring- (3,74 m) en hoogspringitems.(1,16 m). Sy het ook in die naellope uitgeblink met 5,07 minute in die 1 200 m, 12,63 sekondes in die 80 m en 15,38 sekondes in die 100 m.
Martinus Viviers hardloop die 1 200 m vir seuns o.11 . Michael van Heerden wen die verspring vir seuns o.10 met David Badenhorst en Verwey Slabbert in die tweede en derde plek.
Agna Becker wen die 1 200 m vir meisies o.10.
Gemengde OBSERVER 37 welslae op die krieketveld polokwane
PHS se JD Venter wag die bal in terwyl Kruinies-paaltjiewagter, Jarrod Kenmuir die agterhoede dek.
Reën knip atletiekbyeenkoms kort RC MYBURGH >> Die onafhanklike interskole atletiekbyeenkoms waaraan 11 skole deelgeneem het, kon nie Vrydag afgehandel word nadat ‘n swaar bui reën oor die stad uitgesak het en die byeenkoms gestaak moes word nie. Southern Cross School van Hoedspruit wat as gasheerskool opgetree het se sportorganiseerder, Louis du Preez sê die reënbui
Hendrik Grimbeek is die wenner van die seuns o.11-hoogspring met Diederik Brits in die tweede plek.
het omstreeks 13:00 oor die Peter Mokaba Stadion uitgesak en alle items is om 14:15 gestaak omdat die baan en veld toe reeds te nat was. “Ons is nog nie seker wat met die punte gaan gebeur nie, maar beplan om die punte van die items wat wel voltooi is te gebruik om die Victor- en Victrix Ludorum-atlete te bepaal en die wenskool aan te wys,” sê hy. ‘n Vergadering sou Dinsdag gehou word om ‘n finale besluit te neem. Een van die plaaslike skole, Curro Heuwelkruin het 34 goue-, 23 silwer- en 17 bronsmedaljes vir die voltooide items ingepalm. Reabetswe Raphala, o.19 van Eagle’s Nest Christian School seil oor die hoogspringlat.
Timmezanne Andria is die wenner van die dogters o.9-turbospiesitem met René van Greunen en Miné Venter in die tweede en derde plek. Trinika Venter is vierde.
PEPPS Polokwane Preparatory School and College se Kelebogile Ramasodi, o.16, in aksie met die verspring.
Curro Heuwelkruin se Ruben du Plessis, o.15, laat waai in die gewigstoot.
Kruinie, Nicole Blount, o.15, wen die 100 m.
Phatu Mabobo, o.15 van PEPPS is eerste oor die wenstreep in die 100 m.
February 5, 2015
38 OBSERVER polokwane
Oud en jonk leer jukskei speel
RC MYBURGH >> Tientalle leerders van skole in en rondom die stad het Saterdag by die plaaslike jukskeibane byeengekom om deel van die kliniek te wees wat deur die Limpopo Jukskeiunie georganiseer is. Volgens die unie se sekretaris, Anton Botha is dit ‘n jaarlikse kliniek wat vroeg in die jaar aangebied word soos voorgeskryf deur Jukskei Suid-Afrika. “Nie net word beginners onder die be-
kwame afrigters se vlerk geneem nie, maar daar word ook ‘n afrigterskliniek aangebied vir diegene wat graag jonger spelers wil afrig,” sê Botha. Ongeveer 73 jong spelers en 15 afrigters het die kliniek bygewoon. Dendron Laerskool het die meeste leerders vir die kliniek ingeskryf.
PPCC se trofeëwenners en nuwe komitee LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK >>
ranige fietsryers van Polokwane Pedallers Cycling Club (PPCC) het onlangs hul jaarlikse vergadering en prysuitdeling gehou waarna hulle die res van die aand gesellig verkeer het. ‘n Tjek van R22 000 is tydens die funksie aan die Relay for Life-komitee van die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa) oorhandig. Die geld is tydens verlede jaar se EH Hassim Lentetrap wat deur Polokwane Pedallers Cycling Club (PPCC) in die Polokwane Natuurreservaat gehou is, ingesamel. Ronel Delport is tot voorsitter van die komitee verkies met Roy Kirkpatrick, sekretaris, John Kirkpatrick, tesourier, Hardu Labuschagne en Lelani Logtenberg, addisionele lede. In die mans-afdeling het Eduard de Lange, jeug (o.15), Christo Hanekom, junior (o.20), Graham Chrystal,
Regs: Christoff Botha van Laerskool PietersburgOos wil graag meer oor jukskei leer. Saam met hom is afrigter Paula Kotze. Links: Thamaga Mabeba van Dendron Laerskool gooi goeie skeie.
Polokwane City ready for PSL action HERBERT RACHUENE >> Polokwane City Football Club will be hoping to continue in the same form that saw them finishing in 6th position of the league before the African Cup Nations (Afcon) break. City will travel to Cape Town on Tuesday to play their 18th match of the Premier Soccer League (PSL) against Ajax Cape Town at Cape Town Stadium. Club General Manager, Costa Bellos said the team has what it takes to continue
were they left before the Afcon break. “Obviously the break had some sort of dent on every team because it was long and we missed playing competitive matches. We played most of the friendly matches but the tempo is not the same. The players know what is ahead of them, we are in the second round of the season and all the matches are going to be tough. Teams will be fighting to keep their places in the league, the top eight positions and some want to avoid relegation. We will give our all in every match,” Bellos said.
seniors (o.30), Jaco Logtenberg en Johan de Lange, subveteraan (o.40), Gerrie Bean, veteraan (o.50), Aubrey Thomas, meester (o.60) en Elmo Barnard, grootmeester (bo 60 jaar), trofeë ontvang. In die vroue-afdeling het Kyala Snyman, jeug (o.15), Lelani Logtenberg en Ronel Delport, subveteraan (o.40), Annelize Owens, veteraan (o.50), Elbie Lourens, meester (o.60), Elsa Ferreira, grootmeester (bo 60 jaar) trofeë ontvang. In die algemene afdeling het John Kirkpatrick ‘n trofee vir beste vordering ontvang, Neels Lourens, trofee vir (King/Queen of pain) en Roy Kirkpatrick, Fietsryer van die Jaar. PPCC is ‘n fietsryklub vir beginners sowel as ervare fietsryers.
Christo Hanekom ontvang die trofee vir beste junior (o.20 jaar).
‘n Trofee vir beste vordering word aan John Kirkpatrick oorhandig.
Jaco Logtenberg ontvang die trofee vir beste fietsryer (o.40 jaar).
Die trofee vir beste veteraanfietsryer (o.50) word aan Gerrie Bean oorhandig.
Shareen Thomas oorhandig die trofee vir beste damesfietsryer (o.40) tydens Polokwane Pedallers Cycling Club (PPCC) se onlangse jaarvergadering en prysuitdeling, aan Ronel Delport, voorsitter van Polokwane Pedallers Cycling Club. FOTO: LEANDRI VAN SCHALKWYK
INVITATION TO QUOTE OFFSITE STORAGE FACILITIES IN POLOKWANE The Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd (RAL) requires offsite storage facilities in Polokwane for their exclusive use. The contract will be for a period of three years commencing on 01 March 2015. RAL is based in Polokwane, Limpopo Province. Please quote the reference number RAL/2015/OFFSITE STORAGE/ RFQ003 in all correspondence. Correspondence without a reference number will not be attended to. No briefing session will be held. The address for the collection of hard copies of the bid document, and the delivery of bids is: RAL Building 26 Rabe Street Polokwane 0700 Quotation documentation is available free of charge in PDF format only, on request by e-mail at any time, from Morongoa Rangoato at Hard copies of the bid documentation will be available for collection during office hours only, at a non-refundable fee of R100,00 per copy after prior arrangement with Morongoa Rangoato on 015 284 4657. Enquiries may be directed to Morongoa Rangoato on 015 284 4657. The closing date and time is Monday, 16 February 2015 at 11:00 in accordance with Telkom time available by dialing 1026. Submissions must be deposited in the tender box before 11:00 on the closing date. No faxed or e-mailed quotes will be accepted. No late submissions will be considered
‘n Sportiewe gesin wat almal fiets ry. Henry Owens, Henry junior, Amélie en Annelize van Polokwane Pedallers Cycling Club geniet die aand.
Elbie Lourens ontvang ‘n trofee in die kategorie vir grootmeesters (bo 60 jaar).
Ride the Makhulu 5 on Valentine’s Day
Februarie 5, 2015
OBSERVER 39 polokwane
>> Polokwane Pedallers invites community to cycle for love >> Special new Makhulu category for weighty riders
olokwane’s residents can enjoy their Valentine’s Day on the seat of a bicycle this year. The Polokwane Pedallers Cycling Club will be hosting their annual Makhulu 5 MTB Cycling event on 14 February at Kuschke Agricultural School. This year cyclists can enter for the 16 km fun ride, 37 km half marathon or the marathon over 73 km. In celebration of Valentine’s Day the organisers created a separate category for couples to enter the race. Great prizes can be won by the top three couples in each of the three races. The categories are: Grand Master (60+), Master (50 to 59), Veteran (40 to 49), Sub-Veteran (30 to 39), Senior (23 to 29), Under 23 (19 to 22), Junior (17 to 18), Youth (15 to 16), Sub-Junior (13 to 14),
Sprogs (11 to 12) and Nippers (8 to 10). Although anyone can enter for the fun ride only Sub juniors, Sprogs and Nippers will be able to qualify for prizes. To acknowledge bigger riders the Makhulu category, only for persons weighing 90 kg or more, has been introduced. The riders will be weighed at registration if there is any doubt regarding their weight. If you enter the Makhulu category you will not qualify for any prizes in your age. Due to heavy rains experienced in the route area during December the organisers had to deviate from the initial planned route. The route will also include two loops of 37 and 36 km respectively. Entries can be done via email or on Friday evening, 13 February, at Saloojees between 17:30 and 19:00. Between 06:00 and 07:00 entries can also be done on race day, 14 February. The organisers invite the entire province to bring their whole family and “cycle for love”.
The planned route for the annual Makhulu 5 MTB Cycling event. Polokwane Pedallers Cycling Club’s flyer for the Annual Makhulu 5 MTB Cycling event.
Modern Autohaus se marathon vind eersdaags plaas BARRY VILJOEN >> Deelnemers van die jaarlikse Modern Autohaus 4-in-1 marathon spring op 21 Februarie om 06:30 by die ou Peter Mokabastadion weg. Atlete kan reeds op 18 Februarie van 18:00 tot 20:00 en weer op 20 Februarie van 17:00 tot 20:00 by die Polokwane Atletiekklub (PAC) se klubhuis agter die ou stadion inskryf. Finale inskrywings sal op die wedrenoggend vanaf 04:30 aanvaar word. Inskrywingsgeld beloop R20 (5 km), R40 (10 km), R60 (21,1 km) en R80 vir die 42,2 km. Tyde-
like lisensies kan teen R25 gekoop word. Alle atlete wat die marathon binne vyf uur voltooi, sal medaljes ontvang en aantreklike pryse kan gewen word. Die prysgeld vir die algehele wenners van die 42,2 km is R1 250 vir mans en R1 250 vir dames, terwyl die wenners van die halfmarathon en 10 km onderskeidelik R500 en R250 vir mans en dames is. Die afsnytyd vir die halfmarathon is drie uur. Skakel Karen Smith by 082 817 0164 vir verdere inligting. FOTO: ARGIEF
Rufus Photo van Polokwane Road Runners was verlede jaar se marathon-wenner.
Begin regmaak vir die groot swem Swemmers - oud en jonk, professioneel en sosiaal - begin reeds met finale voorbereidings vir die gewilde Ebenezer Myl op Saterdag, 21 Maart wat deur die Rotariërklub van Haenertsburg aangebied word. Vanjaar is die 24ste jaar dat die gewilde byeenkoms, wat honderde inskrywings en reuse getalle toeskouers lok, aangebied word. Die byeenkoms wat in vyf kategorieë plaasvind, begin om 11:00 en
word na die prysuitdeling om 15:30 afgesluit. Kategorieë en tye Afdeling 1: 11:00 tot 11:55. Myl vir vroulike swemmers, 13 jaar en jonger en 31 jaar en ouer Afdeling 2: 12:00 tot 12:55. Myl vir manlike swemmers, 13 jaar en jonger en 31 jaar en ouer Afdeling 3: 13:00 tot 13:55. Myl vir manlike en vroulike swemmers, ouderdom 14 tot 30
Afdeling 4: 14:00 tot 15:30. 3 000 m swem vir deelnemers vanaf die ouderdom 11 jaar en ouer. Die geleentheid dien ook as ‘n kwalifiseerder ingevolge die reëls van Swem Suid-Afrika. Afdeling 5: 14:05 tot 14:45. 500 m vir manlike en vroulike swemmers van alle ouderdomsgroepe. Inskrywingsbesonderhede en -fooie kan op die webblad www.ebenezer verkry word.
Local footballer has big dreams HERBERT RACHUENE >> For Malesela Monama, talented midfielder from Boroba village near Mookgophong his inclusion in the final 23-man squad of Superstars team of Castle Lager Super Stars last weekend is a giant leap towards achieving his goal of playing for a European club. Monama (20), a member of the Castle Lager Football Academy was invited to take part in a two- day trial in Alexandra Park in Johannesburg last weekend. He was scouted by the academy last year during the South African Breweries regional league and 2014 Varsity Football tournament. The popular Yster United player admits that no one was more surprised than himself when he made the Superstars team having arrived at the camp with an injury. Despite this he managed to survive the final cut, having pushed himself through the pain barrier. “I came here just to prove to myself that I can be a
player but I didn’t believe in myself. I came with an injury but I made it and I feel okay,” Monama said. Zahara, as he is affectionately known in the football circles, hopes the Castle Academy will pave the way for him to go on and play overseas, ideally for Spanish giants Barcelona. “I just want to play in Europe. I come from a poor background. Maybe I can give back to my family and secure them a better life,” he said. The Castle Lager Football Academy initiative, in partnership with the South African Football Association (SAFA), aims to give exposure to young talented amateur players, aged between 18 and 21, into the professional football set-up and an opportunity to be scouted by Premier Soccer League (PSL) and National First Division (NFD) teams, and possibly the Talented local midfielder Malesela Monama aspires to national senior team. play for Spanish soccer club FC Barcelona one day.
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February 5, 2015 >> PAGE 40
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Stefan Nel veelsydige en doelgerigte atleet >> ‘Hy maak nie staat op talent nie, hy oefen hard,’ Danie Roux >> Wil vir Winter Jeug Olimpiese Spele kwalifiseer RC MYBURGH >>
anneer Stefan Nel van Curro Heuwelkruin vir sy gunstelingitem, spiesgooi, aantree is toeskouers en mede-atlete vasgenael want die sestienjarige graad 11-leerder laat nie gras onder sy voete groei met ‘n spies in die hand nie. Tydens die skool se onlangse Werfatletiek het hy die spiesgooirekord wat deur Righardt Kachelhoffer in 2011 opgestel is, na 65,14 m verbeter, ‘n volle 19,12 m verder as Righardt se 46,02 m. Stefan het verlede jaar as o.16atleet reeds saam met die o.17-atlete deelgeneem en toe al die 60 m-afstand oorskry. “Ek is gelukkig om in Heuwelkruin te wees omdat die skool daarna streef om net die beste afrigting vir atlete te gee. Gedurende Desember het ek ‘n spiesgooikliniek deur die bekende afrigter, Daniel Damon bygewoon en kon na die tyd ‘n
definitiewe verbetering in my afstand sien,” sê Stefan. Sy doelwit is om aan die einde van die jaar ten minste 70 m te gooi en vir die 2016 Winter Jeug Olimpiese Spele in Lillehammer, Noorweë te kwalifiseer. “’n Goeie spiesgooier werk hard, oefen gereeld, bly koelkop en hou by ‘n tegniek wat werk. Ek doen daagliks kragoefeninge vir my arms en oefen een maal per week met die spies,” sê hy. Stefan lewe volgens die leuse: “Only they who can see the invisible, can achieve the impossible.” Hy is ook ‘n uitblinker op die atletiekbaan en werk tans baie hard om sy hekkiestegniek en -tyd te verbeter. Sedert graad 6 het Stefan begin naam maak op die rugby-, krieket- en hokkieveld. As o.13-speler word hy vir Cravenweekspan gekies en verwerf jaarliks Limpopo-kleure in rugby. Verlede jaar is hy vir die Noordvaalspan gekies en word in die finaal van dié reeks teen die Cheetahs as speler van die wedstryd aangewys. Hy was ook deel van die o.16-span wat as wenners van die Beeldtrofee vir kleinskole uitgetree het. Selfs op die hokkieveld is Stefan ‘n uitnemende presteerder. Van graad 6 af speel hy hokkie en verwerf elke jaar provinsiale kleure. Tydens verlede jaar se prysuitdeling is hy as Hokkiespeler van die Jaar aangewys en is ook in die nasionale Curro-hokkiespan
opgeneem. Sy sporttoekennings en -prestasies hou nie daar op nie. In 2013 is hy as beste kolwer van sy span aangewys gevolg deur verlede jaar toe hy weer dié toekenning ontvang het, die keer as beste bouler. In sy laerskool krieketloopbaan het hy drie keer provinsiale kleure ontvang. Sy akademie ly nie onder sy sportdeelname aan nie. “Ek probeer die twee balanseer deur goed te beplan. Ek moet tyd maak vir sport en akademie omdat ek graag in beide wil presteer,” sê Stefan wat na skool ‘n BComm-graad wil behaal en later as geoktrooieerde rekenmeester wil kwalifiseer. Hy beplan om aan die Noordwes-Universiteit se Potchefstroomkampus te studeer omdat hulle ook bekend is vir goeie sportafrigting, veral in spiesgooi. Heuwelkruin se sportorganiseerder, Danie Roux sê Stefan het besondere sporttalent. “Hy maak nie net staat op sy talent nie, maar oefen hard en is altyd bereid om net sy beste te gee. Hy is doelgerig en sy positiewe en ernstige houding om te verbeter en te presteer sal hom nog vele toekennings in die sak bring,” meen Roux.
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Stefan Nel is ‘n veelsydige sportman wat verskeie toekennings vir sy sportprestasies ontvang het en pas die spiesgooirekord met 19,12 m verbeter het.