Polokwane observer 9 july 2014

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Julie 10 - 16, 2014

>> PAGE 3


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Health bonus debacle


Exco takes charge of disciplinary action << NUUS

Bloedbankreserwes uitgeput RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Ten spyte van tientalle projekte wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Bloeddiens (SANBD) verlede maand tydens bloedskenkmaand geloods het staar die organisasie ‘n enorme krisis in die gesig met minder as tien eenhede bloed beskikbaar in die provinsie en minder as ‘n dag se voorraad nasionaal beskikbaar. SANBD se plaaslike skakelbeampte, Dottie Pinn het Dinsdag gesê dit is ‘n kommerwekkende situasie en mense moet dringend by die naaste bloedskenkkliniek gaan skenk. Na bl 2

Task team to decide on R20 million allocation

Raaiseldood van bejaarde by openbare swembad >> BLADSY 9


Padwerke op R71 vorder fluks >> PAGE 12 NEWS >>

Wines to taste and treasure at FNB Limpopo Wine Show

YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


nion pressure and national Health Department intervention have led to the establishment of a task team to decide on the allocation of R20 million in backdated performance bonuses payable to thousands of hopeful departmental employees. Health Department Media Liaison Officer Adele van der Linde confirmed the outstanding payment of performance bonuses of 2012/13. An agreement had been reached with organised labour over the necessity of quality assurance for the payment of the bonuses, she said and added one of the most important tasks facing the team of departmental managers and union representatives would be to decide how the R20 million set aside for bonuses should be allocated to those qualifying for it. According to Van der Linde it was initially planned to proportionally divide the amount among the respective institutions of the department, but that it was not acceptable to the staff. To page 2



The circus is in town Photo: Roelien Vorster

>> PAGE 2

Uugantsetseg Ulziisaikhan, a member of the Mongolian Dream Circus daily wows the crowds with her performances during the circus’ stay at Savannah Mall. Cats, clowns and camels are among the line-up of acts which the whole family can enjoy during the two-hour shows until 3 August.

Call for entries for 2014 Miss Humanity pageant >> BLADSY 40 << ACHIEVERS

Philip Smit nog nie klaar met motors



The circus is back in town

July 10, 2014







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ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


he Mongolian Dream Circus is back in town much to the delight of those who delight in the atmosphere and action of the big top. Karen Botha, Marketing Manager of Savanna Mall said it really is a show not to be missed. “Although the group is fairly small, the two-hour long show will take your breath away,” she said. The show is family orientated and features contortionist, clowns, trapeze artists, a dog and snake show and more. For the first time

this year, three cats have joined the circus. “It really is something to see,” Botha said. Make sure not to miss the shows on Tuesday and Thursday at 19:00, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 15:00 and 19:00 and Sunday at 14:00. Ringside tickets cost R100 per adult and R90 for children while back row tickets cost R80 per adult and R70 for children. You can also opt for the raised benches at R90 per adult and R80 for children. The circus will be in town until 3 August. For more information, call 079 306 3434.

Health bonus debacle From page 1 Asked about the reason for the delayed payment, she attributed it to budgetary issues. Van der Linde further explained that compliance with the pay progression and performance bonuses processes pertaining to the 2013/14 financial year ending March 2014 still had to be met. National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (Nehawu) Provincial Secretary Jacob Adams sketched the run-up to the establishment of the task team. He said officials in the employ of the Department of Health were being owed for pay progressions and performance bonuses for the 2012/13 and 2013/14 financial years. He said the department requested R174 million from Provincial Treasury to settle the 2012/13 financial year score, which left them with a R12 million deficit to still meet the demands for backdated pay progressions to the staff contingent. Adams indicated that Nehawu was satisfied with progress to cover the pay progressions of the majority of the staff contingent, but that performance bonuses remained a point of dispute. He stressed that an amount of R20 million subsequently set aside for outstanding performance bonuses proved inadequate. A bone of contention was the fact that only a fraction of the employees qualified for the bonuses, Adams pointed out. He was adamant that the problem arose due to poor management of government funds. Adams raised the issue that the possibility existed that the money could have been utilised for something else despite the initial budget providing for pay progressions. He reiterated pay progressions were supposed to be built into the annual departmental wage bill. He explained nothing was forthcoming on Nehawu’s earlier request to have a meeting with the department head but a meeting with a chief negotiator from the national Depart-

Uugantsetseg Ulziisaikhan, Circus Leader Batmunkh Khorloo and the Photos: Roelien Vorster clown Oyntuya Tsedendorj.

ment of Health assisted with discussions with the HOD and senior manager last week. According to Adams the parties agreed to set aside the payment of performance bonuses pending the sourcing of more funds by the department and disclosure of the construction of the wage bill in terms of the pay progressions and performance bonuses components. The parties further agreed to the establishment of a task team comprised of union representatives and departmental officials to look into the matter, Adams said. Its first meeting was held on Monday and the next was

scheduled for yesterday (Wednesday). Disgruntled union members in the employ of the department have recently participated in pickets during their lunch hours to draw attention to various issues, including the intervention, but abandoned the action for talks with the department, it was learnt. In the meantime Nehawu was still at coordination stage with organising pickets among branches to start protest action at all five provincial government departments under administration in defiance of the long-standing presence of members of the national intervention team, Adams concluded.

Foto: Barry Viljoen

Charlotte Kokelo, verpleegsuster verbonde aan die SANBD, maak seker dat Bernard Rangongo, wat reeds 24 eenhede bloed geskenk het, gemaklik is.

Bloedbank-reserwes uitgeput Van bl 1 “Die bloedtekort veroorsaak dat pasiënte wat dringend bloed benodig geduldig moet wag. “Pasiënte regoor die provinsie word geprioritiseer waarna bloed eerste na ernstig siek pasiënte gestuur word. Dit veroorsaak dat ander pasiënte ‘n paar uur langer vir bloed moet wag of totdat bloed beskikbaar is,” sê Pinn. Sy sê ongeveer ‘n jaar gelede is dieselfde situasie ervaar en dat die oorsaak van die bloedtekort hoofsaaklik aan die skoolvakansie en winterseisoen toegeskryf kan word. “Baie van ons skenkers is weg vir die vakansie en met die skole wat gesluit is, maak dit ons taak nog moeiliker om bloedvoorraad op te bou. Winter gaan ook gepaard met verkoues en griep wat veroorsaak dat gereelde skenkers ook nie toegelaat kan word om te skenk nie. Ons verstaan ook dat mense besig is, dat elkeen sy eie dinge het om te doen en nie altyd

tyd kry om te kom skenk nie,” sê Pinn. Pinn sê om ‘n bloedskenker te wees moet die skenker tussen die ouderdom van 16 en 65 wees, meer as 50 kg weeg, gesond wees op die dag van skenking en ‘n goeie maaltyd genuttig het en ‘n veilige seksuele leefstyl hê. Mense kan elke 56 dae skenk. Sy het mense herinner dat SANBD reeds projekte vir Mandeladag op 18 Julie geloods het om mense aan te moedig om te skenk. “Dit is die ideale geleentheid vir mense om gehoor aan SANBD se noodkreet te gee en terselfdertyd ‘n verskil in ander mense se lewens te maak,” sê Pinn. Belangstellendes kan SANBD se kantore in Potgieterlaan 153 vir meer inligting besoek of Pinn by 082 491 8391 skakel. Skenkers kan Dinsdag en Woensdag van 10:00 tot 19:00 en Maandag, Donderdag en Vrydag van 09:00 tot 17:00 en Saterdag van 09:00 tot 13:00 die kliniek besoek om bloed te skenk.

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Exco takes charge of disciplinary action >> Provincial government concerned about slow pace characterising processes >> Decision follows engagement with intervention team YOLANDE NEL >>observer.yolande@gmail.com


he Executive Council (Exco) recently resolved to take charge of disciplinary processes against Limpopo’s suspended Director-General; four provincial government heads of department (HODs) and senior government officials to avoid further perceived dragging of feet by the national intervention team. Limpopo’s Director-General Rachel Molepo-Modipa was placed on suspension in October last year, whereupon

Education, Public Works, Sport, Arts and Culture as well as Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) HODs Morebudi Thamaga, Madidimalo Chaamano, Basani Baloyi and Nana Manamela followed. According to Provincial Government spokesperson Phuti Seloba the decision was taken in mid-June for the provincial Cabinet to manage future processes to ensure speedy resolution of the matters against the DG, the HODs and senior managers on suspension. He said the provincial government was concerned about the slow pace characterising the processes. Seloba added that as much as they would want to fast-track the processes it had to be done within the framework of the law. By speeding up the processes the government would be assisted to focus its energy on service delivery and the individuals involved to run their lives, Seloba indicated. He predicted that progress should be noted by August. Seloba stressed that the decision

followed an engagement with the intervention team. He said the provincial government believed the administrators had done a lot to help Limpopo but should wrap up their work in the province for the provincial administration to run its own affairs now. Late last week Coghsta MEC Makoma Makhurupetje announced the dismissal and discharge of four of eight senior officials linked to the bid evaluation process of the controversial multi-million low cost housing construction tender during the 2013/14 financial year. She said the charges related to non-adherence to the specified bid evaluation and adjudication criteria during the procurement processes. The matter pertains to charges preferred against nine senior Coghsta officials on 22 October last year following a forensic investigation. The MEC simultaneously referred to the disciplinary hearings of four more officials, linked to the bid adjudication process, still being finalised. Charges against one of the nine officials were withdrawn, she added.

Julie 10, 2014



Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) MEC Makoma Makhurupetje.



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Raaiseldood van bejaarde by openbare swembad BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com Onsekerheid omhul die omstandighede waaronder die 84-jarige Sakkie Freidberg, wie se liggaam Vrydag tussen plantegroei langs die munisipale swembad in Burgerstraat gevind is, vermoedelik verlede Donderdag aan sy einde gekom het. Die gru-fonds is na verneem word deur Henk Joubert, ‘n predikant van die Hervormde Kerk en wie deel was van ‘n groep besorgde persone wat na die man gaan soek het, gemaak. Die

aanval wat sy dood veroorsaak het soektog na Freidberg het begin nadat aangesien daar bloed aan sy liggaam hy nie Donderdag, na sy gereelde was toe dit gevind is. staptog, weer by die Polisiewoordvoerder ouetehuis in Suidstraat Lesiba Ramoshaba het waar hy ingewoon het gesê die oorsaak van opgedaag het nie. Freidberg se dood is nog Volgens ‘n anonieme nie vasgestel nie en ‘n bron wat by die soektog geregtelike doodsonderbetrokke was word soekdossier is geopen. Freidberg se ringe en Freidberg word more selfoon vermis en was (Vrydag) om 11:00 vanuit hy, volgens die bron se die NG Kerk Pietersburgpersoonlike waarneming, die slagoffer Foto: Verskaf Oosgemente in Websterstraat begrawe. van ‘n gewelddadige Sakkie Freidberg.

Nuwe ambulanse, mediese toerusting vir provinsie ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com

voertuie gegee word. “Die staande komitee op openbare rekeninge (Skoor) het opdrag aan die ouditeur-generaal gegee om ‘n opvolgoudit na die vermiste ambulanse te doen. “Daar is bevind dat geen ongerymdhede plaasgevind het nie,” het sy bevestig en bygevoeg dat Bim Kerupashad, destydse bestuurder van Polokwane Nooddienste vir een maand sonder vergoeding geskors is vir wanbestuur van die nooddienste. ‘n Tweede persoon, die diens se administratiewe hoof Herbert Phaahla is vir twee maande sonder salaris vir finansiële wanbestuur geskors. “Kerupashad het intussen ‘n oorplasing na KwaZulu-Natal aangevra wat ook toegestaan was,” het sy bevestig.

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POLOK OBS UG 15/07/14

Vyftig nuwe ambulanse, miljoene rande vir mediese toerusting in hospitale en honderdduisende werksgeleenthede is wat inwoners van Limpopo te wagte kan wees as beloftes wat Premier Stan Mathabatha tydens die opening van die provinsiale wetgewer gemaak het realiseer. Adele van der Linde, woordvoerder van die departement van gesondheid sê R145 miljoen gaan in die volgende finansiële jaar vir die aankoop van mediese toerusting opsy gesit word. Dit sluit volgens haar stoomketels, sterlisators, wassery-, teater- en kombuistoerusting, kragopwekkers en yskaste vir beide kombuise en lykshuise in en die toerusting sal, soos per aanvraag van die verskeie hospitale

in die distrik, versprei en opgegradeer word. “Daar gaan ook 23 voertuie teen R10 miljoen aangekoop word terwyl nog 27 voertuie later in die finansiële jaar bygekoop sal word. R900 000 se toerusting word ook vir die 23 ambulanse aangekoop en die omskakeling van die voertuie na ambulanse behoort teen middel September afgehandel te wees,” sê Van der Linde. Volgens haar gaan elk van die distrikte vyf ambulanse ontvang terwyl drie ekstra voertuie aan die Waterbergdistrik, wat ook die N1 snelweg dek, gelewer sal word. Die verdwyning van die 80 ambulanse van die departement het in 2009 groot opspraak in die media gewek. Van der Linde sê egter ‘n oudit is gedoen en rekenskap kan van al die



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Polokwane Observer

Julie 10, 2014 Photos: Warren Blunt

Members of the Police search the area under the bridge for suspected criminals and stolen goods.

Crime clean-up operations underway Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


riminals and unsavoury elements in Polokwane are warned that their unwanted activities will not be tolerated as members of the South African Police Services, the Polokwane Municipality and the Department of Home Affairs are busy with combined operations to remove these persons from the streets of the city. In a crime-combating operation on Friday, members of all three departments swooped on people living under a bridge in Suid Street adjacent to the premises of Lepelle Northern Water to remove them from the area. SAPS members involved in the operation said information was received linking these persons to recently committed crimes in the area. During the raid suspected stolen goods, bedding and materials used by those living under the bridge were removed by members of the Police. The people living under the bridge also don’t care about the environment around them as litter and empty plastic bottles are discarded into the Sterkloopspruit flowing under the bridge adding to the pollution and general unkempt look in the area. The discarded litter flows further downstream, leaving a trail of

plastic bottles and other unsightly rubbish along the banks of the stream. Spokesperson for the Polokwane Police Station Lesiba Ramoshaba said a total of 13 people were arrested during crime combating operations last week for offences such as burglary, theft out of motor vehicles, being in possession of suspected stolen goods and possession of dagga. He appealed to members of the community to work closely with the community policing forums in their areas and to report any suspicious activity. Ramoshaba also issued a warning to elderly and vulnerable residents to be careful when drawing money from automatic teller machines (ATM) and not to accept any help from strangers when using an ATM machine. Members of the community can call 08600 10111 to report any crime or SMS 32211.

Members of the Police arrive in numbers for the raid on suspected criminals who live under the bridge in Suid Street.

July 10, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Lesiba Gwangwa’s two vehicles, motorcycle on auction RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


ustice is slowly but surely catching up with Lesiba Gwangwa, director of On Point Engineers and former business partner of Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Leader Julius Malema. Two vehicles and a motorcycle belonging to Gwangwa will be auctioned off by Eli Ströh Property Services and Auctioneers next Friday as instructed by curator Cloete Murray from Sechaba Trust under Section 163(7)(b) of the Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011. The assets on auction are a 2012 Volkswagen Golf GTiR, 2008 Jeep Wrangler and 2006 Yamaha R1 motorcycle. Malema and Gwangwa were arrested in 2012 on charges relating to several multimillion Rand

Limpopo state contracts purportedly fraudulently awarded to On Point Engineering, including an alleged R52 million Department of Roads and Transport tender. Gwangwa was reportedly provisionally placed under curatorship in January last year in an attempt by South African Revenue Service (Sars) to recoup alleged millions in unpaid taxes. Murray was also apparently appointed to trace Malema’s assets after Sars obtained a judgment against him early last year in connection with his outstanding R16 million tax bill. Malema’s mansion in Sandown and farm just outside Polokwane as well as property in Flora Park were already auctioned off last year in order to settle the R16 million debt at Sars. It is reported that Murray took control of seven businesses

Fighting a losing battle with R699 car deal RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com What some people thought was the ideal opportunity to become the proud owner of a new vehicle at very low cost has blown up in their faces with the news that Blue Lakes Trading and Promotions, the company running the scheme, has allegedly collapsed. The scheme, in which potential buyers can purchase a new vehicle for as little as R699 per month with no deposit or residual payment required, was seen as a solution to masses of person who would otherwise not have been able to purchase a new vehicle. A local owner of such a vehicle, Heidi Vosloo explained the basis on which such the transaction is done. “You get a new car, with a 100% loan from a bank, making you responsible for the full repayment amount every month, but you offset that expense by signing a second contract with Hong Kong-based Blue Lakes Trading and Promotions, in terms of which you get paid a sizeable amount every month in exchange for turning your car’s back window into an in-your-face moving billboard advertisement, mostly for the scheme itself,” she said.

The Vosloos bought a new Nissan Micra from a local agent in May last year and until January received the full payment from the advertising company to the amount of R1 400. “The last couple of months we got paid R570, then R484 and this month only R100 and now pay R2 300 for the vehicle, an amount we cannot really afford,” she said. She said an attorney confirmed that chances of lodging a successful case against the company is very small. “Attempts to contact the company continuously fail. One can only lodge a complaint via their website and it never gets answered nor has anyone been successful in making a phone call to the company,” Vosloo said. The Vosloos have in the meantime removed all the signage from their vehicle. A second local person who wishes to remain anonymous also has received only R100 for July. He now has to pay a monthly instalment of R2 900 for a Renault Sandero he bought through the scheme. Inquiries regarding the complaints received were sent to the company’s head office but at the time of going to press no response had been received.

of Gwangwa and has been authorised to sell 16 properties listed in Gwangwa’s name and owned by his companies and family trust. These include a stand in upmarket Blue Valley Golf and Country Estate in Midrand, a luxury flat in Cape Town, eight properties in Polokwane, a farm in Limpopo, two houses in Pretoria and a house in Soshanguve, north of Pretoria. At the time of going our going to press Murray was not able to take any calls. 28/2014

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Polokwane Observer

Juju too busy CRIME shorts for court ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


he National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has confirmed that the crimen injuria case filed by Economics Freedom Fighter Leader Julius Malema against his former childhood friend Boy Mamabolo was withdrawn in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court this week. NPA Spokesperson Nathi Mncube said the case was withdrawn by the state after Malema

Premier’s concern over Pale killing

filed a withdrawal statement on Tuesday indicating that he will not be able to attend court to give evidence due to his busy schedule. The crimen injuria case was opened in January 2013 when Malema was still President of the ANC Youth League. Malema apparently accused Mamabolo of sending SMSs threatening to exhume the remains of Malema’s late mother and throw them in front of his grandmother’s house in Seshego.

Premier Stan Mathabatha has raised concerns about events unfolding at Mogalakwena Municipality and the killing by unknown people of community leader Madimetja Piet Pale last week. Pale was shot three times while sitting in his car at a friends’ house in Hospital View, Mahwelereng outside Makopabe. Mathabatha is pleading with the Mokgalakwena community to give the Police room to investigate and arrest the perpetrators whose interest it is to see the municipality torn apart. He has also called upon those who might have information that can lead to the possible arrest and conviction of the killers to come out. “Without the community’s involvement, it would be difficult to find the killers,” he said. The Premier has also called for calm in the community as Government and the ruling party are busy solving their challenges. He says what is of importance is that service delivery should not be compromised when different stakeholders are wrestling each other for power.

Twee in arres oor moetiemoord

’n Tradisionele geneesheer is weens die beweerde moetiemoord op ’n vrou in Thohoyandou in Limpopo in hegtenis geneem. Hangwani Mulaudzi, kommunikasiehoof van die Polisie in die provinsie, het gesê ’n handlanger van die man is ook agter tralies. Die twee mans was glo betrokke by die gru-moord op Mercy Ndou (33) van Hamakuya naby Thohoyandou.

Julie 10, 2014

Ndou is die laaste keer op 15 Mei lewend gesien. Sy was ’n maand lank vermis voordat die polisie op haar lyk afgekom het. Haar regterbeen is afgesny en haar geslagsdele uitgesny. ’n Polisietaakspan het die twee verdagtes Woensdag in hegtenis geneem.

Sestienjarige weer in hof

Die 16-jarige seun wat in Maart glo ‘n boere-egpaar van Limpopo op hul plaas vermoor het, het verlede week weer vlugtig in die Mokopanelanddroshof verskyn. Die seun is ‘n week ná die moorde op Will (69) en Anje (66) Kiesling in Mosselbaai in hegtenis geneem. Die Kieslings het op ‘n afgeleë plaas naby die Zanzibar-grenspos na Botswana gebly. Albei is in die kop geskiet en is eers vyf dae nadat hulle dood in die huis gevind. ‘n Vuurwapen en die egpaar se bakkie is gesteel. Die seun, wat voor die moorde by die egpaar op die plaas gekuier het, word in ‘n plek van veiligheid in Polokwane aangehou. Hy moet op 17 Julie weer in die Mokopane-landdroshof verskyn.

Boer in gesig geskiet

Geen arrestasie is nog gemaak in die Rudolph Pretorius moordsaak nie. Pretorius (59) is dood nadat hy Maandagoggend in ‘n aanval op sy plaas in die Groblersdal-distrik in Limpopo in die gesig geskiet is. Hy is ná die aanval na ‘n hospitaal in Groblersdal geneem voordat hy per ambulans na Gauteng geneem is. Ronel Otto, polisiewoordvoerder, sê Pretorius is op pad na Gauteng dood. Volgens haar het vier mans omstreeks

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03:30 by ‘n badkamervenster van die opstal op die plaas Bloempoort ingekom. Die Pretoriusse se twee honde is vergiftig. Pretorius se vrou, Hanlie, is na bewering met ‘n geweer oor die kop geslaan. Die verdagtes het die kluis se sleutels bekom en met vuurwapens en juwele gevlug. Die polisie is steeds op soek na die aanvallers.

Woman goes missing at Leokwe Village

Police are searching for a missing woman, Motlatso Onicah Machubeng (24) from Leokwe village who has been missing for nearly two weeks. Tsietsi Lamola, Spokesperson for Polokwane Police said Machubeng’s husband, Matome Norman Machete reported her missing at the Tzaneen Police station. Information has it that Machubeng allegedly went missing on Sunday, 29 June following a visit to her parents on the same day her husband left home to help a friend with funeral arrangements. Neighbours allegedly last saw her carrying luggage and hitch-hiking from Leokwe in the direction of Morutji in a white bakkie. “Her family confirmed her arrival and departure to an unknown destination,” Lamola stated. Apparently it is not the first time the woman disappeared. “This time she took her clothes unlike previously when she left her husband and five-year-old daughter,” Lamola said. A search committee has been formed and investigations are continuing. “We appeal to the community to assist with information available to locate Machubeng,” he said.

July 10, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Initiate dies after complications > Complications set in > autopsy will determine cause of death Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


he House of Traditional Leaders in the province mourns the death of 17-year-old Thabo Makofane who died on Saturday while attending an initiation school in the Leboeng area of Sekhukhune district on Saturday. Malesela Dikgale, Chairperson of the house confirmed that the school is registered and holds a permit to conduct the initiation

process. Dikgale offered the house’s condolences to the family of the deceased and said he hopes they will find solace despite the difficult situation. “It is unfortunate that things turned out that way,” he said adding that complications led to the death of the boy. He also stated that an autopsy will be carried out and the results thereof made known to the house and Thabo’s family as soon as they are known. The funeral will take place in Leboeng on Saturday and the House of Traditional Leaders will cover the total cost thereof. The present Koma period will end on 18 July and Dikgale has expressed the hope that no further incidents will mar the positive outcome of the season.

Geen saak geopen na fetus in drein gevind is RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com Geen saak is geopen nadat ‘n fetus Vrydag in ‘n drein by ‘n huis in Genl Viljoenstraat gevind is nie. Volgens Polokwane polisiewoordvoerder, Lesiba Ramoshaba het die ondersoekspan raad van kenners ingewin wat bevestig het dat daar geen rede is om ‘n saak te open nie omdat die embrio nie tot so mate ontwikkel is dat dit as ‘n fetus erken kan word nie. “Ons kan bevestig dat die fetus in ‘n drein agter in ‘n residensiële erf gevind is en dat geen saak aanhangig gemaak is nie,” het Ramoshaba gesê. Nooddienswerkers op die toneel het gesê die fetus is ongeveer drie maande oud en dat dit moontlik deur die huiswerker op die perseel se dogter afgebring is.

Foto: RC Myburgh

Die drein waar ‘n fetus by ‘n huis in Genl Viljoenstraat gevind is. Geen saak is geopen nie omdat die embrio nie sodanig ontwikkel was dat dit as ‘n fetus erken kan word nie.




ANC suspends 22 members at Mogalakwena Muni

July 10, 2014



RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com

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Twenty-two African National Congress (ANC) members, including 13 ward councillors of Mogalakwena Local Municipality, were expelled from the party after being found guilty on charges of misconduct resulting in prejudicing the integrity or repute of the organisation. ANC Provincial Disciplinary Committee Chairperson Dorah Maraba made this announcement during a media briefing at Frans Mohlala House on Tuesday. The 22 members were found guilty on three charges of contravening Rule 25 of the ANC 2012 Constitution after they attended a council meeting in alliance with opposition parties and collaborated with them in taking decisions to remove from office the mayor, chief whip, members of the executive committee and reconfigured chairpersons of council committees without any directive by the ANC. The decision to

expel the members was recommended by the National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) with the instruction that they resign and or vacate their position as a ward councillor of the municipality. The members’ expulsion follows their earlier suspension in April. “They defiantly attend council meetings of Mogalakwena Local Municipality as councillors despite being directed to resign their positions and being suspended as ANC members,” Maraba commented. She added that the group deliberately continued to embarrass the party and collaborated with counterrevolutionary forces and wilfully brought the ANC into disrepute. Only one of the expelled members pitched for the disciplinary hearing held from 27 to 29 June. The member also failed to subject herself to the proceedings and was found guilty. Maraba further announced: “The sanction of expulsion from the ANC applies equally to all members. The

Sheriff on Monday served them with notices of their expulsion notifying them they can no longer represent the ANC in any structure of the organisation and that councillors are immediately removed. The ANC is also ready to contest the vacant ward councillor positions existing at the municipality.” The expelled members are Kgatedi David Malatjie, Panyana Ramadimetja Ephodia, Raisibe Paulina Madubana, Kokonana Evelyn Mashaba, Francinah Mmengwa Mabuela, Ester Raisibe Mothibi, Isaac Matsobane Mogotlane, Daphney Ramasela Ramsobane, Ramasela Lindah Kekana, Daicy Manhle Dabula, Raisibe Meelba Mabusela, Grace Sebolaoshi Ngobeni, Michael Madimetja Moseamedi, Rasemate Piet Maluleka, William Malose Mabuele, Abram Tlou Kgaphola, Phuti Gilbert Pila, Elizabeth Mokgaetjie Ramashala, Saul Phakane Mabe, Kenneth Matsobane Kgalo, Betty Lekgancha Mabusela and Mokgadi Minute Mashilu.

Hospital protest action results in poor service delivery Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Industrial action stemming from dissatisfaction over the non-payment of performance bonuses at Polokwane Provincial Hospital has resulted in both hospitalised and outpatients at the facility, complaining about poor service delivery. Babies in the maternity section at the Provincial Hospital had to be moved to the Mankweng Hospital when the concerned mother of a two-week-old baby allegedly noticed that her infant was turning blue in the incubator at the hospital. The mother alleged that insufficient beds being available at Mankweng Hospital resulted in most of the transferred mothers being sent home without their babies. At the time of going to print, the mother and her baby, who has since been diagnosed as diabetic, were still waiting to be discharged from hospital.

Complaints have also been received by people that are undergoing treatment at the out-patient section at the Polokwane Provincial Hospital. An elderly resident from Mogwadi recently complained about the poor service she received after making an appointment to see the doctor about a painful hip. The woman, a regular patient at the hospital, alleged that she had to wait for more than three hours for her file to arrive before she could join the queue to see the doctor. She alleged that the nurses and health personnel on duty were generally unhelpful and had an uncaring attitude resulting in many of the patients being sent home as their files weren’t available. When Polokwane Observer went to investigate the situation, a general feeling of disorder was detected with long queues of patients waiting to see doctors and seriously injured persons lying unattended on stretchers as there were no porters to move them around. Patients also complained of health

personnel leaving their posts to attend a nearby union meeting on the day. Media Liaison Officer for the Department of Health, Adele van der Linde said protest action and a general strike took place at both the Polokwane and Mankweng hospitals recently because of performance payouts. She added that it is possible that service disruptions could have been experienced and reported before the strike action was called off. According to van der Linde no essential equipment at both hospitals malfunctioned during the protest action. Van der Linde admitted that a mother and her baby, a diabetic, was moved from Polokwane to Mankweng for specialised care but said the transfer was recommended before the strike action commenced. Persons experiencing poor service at the Polokwane/Mankweng Health Complex can email: PMHCcomplaints@gmail.com or call 0800 91 91 91 during office hours.

July 10, 2014

Polokwane Observer


Padwerke op R71 vorder fluks

>> Goeie nuus na lang wag >> Besige roete binnekort veiliger

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


ie R71 tussen Polokwane en Tzaneen gaan binnekort veiliger vir motoriste wat van dié besige roete gebruikmaak wees nadat die langverwagte verkeersligte by twee knelpunte in werking gestel en die aansluiting by Moria voltooi is. Nadat konstruksie aan die verkeersligte by PEPPS en die hoofingang na Dalmada maande gelede in aanvang geneem het en voltooiing van die projek vertraag is weens ‘n probleem met die hulse onderdeur die pad, het Johan Stoltz van EVN Raadgewende Ingenieurs nou bevestig dat die verkeersligte binne die volgende maand in werking behoort te wees. Dit gaan veral verligting bring vir motoriste wat gedurende spitstye die besige R71 moet kruis. Die konstruksie van die aansluiting vanuit Moria met die R71 vorder ook fluks en die projek, wat op 22 April 2014 in aanvang geneem het met ‘n geraamde koste van R120 miljoen, se voltooiingsdatum is 22 April 2015. Volgens Stoltz behoort dit egter voor die Paasnaweek van 2015 voltooi te wees. Die konstruksie van

Konstruksiewerk aan die R71 by Moria vorder fluks. die aansluiting behels dat die R71 gelig gaan word en ‘n afrit verkeer onderdeur hierdie hoofroete na Moria sal lei. Die pad gaan ook tot vier bane verbreed word. Volgens Stoltz gaan die afritte eerste gebou en dan gebruik word om die verkeer te akkommodeer terwyl daar aan die R71 gewerk word. Verkeer op die R71 sal dus tot ‘n geringe mate geraak word.

Department to support Cooperatives Economic Development, Environment and Tourism MEC, Seaparo Sekoati has affirmed that the provincial government is committed to supporting provincial cooperatives as it believes they have a critical role to play in changing the lives of historically disadvantaged communities for the better. A joint press release issued by the Department of Small Business Development, Department Economic Development, Environment and Tourism and the South African National Apex Cooperative on Monday quoted the MEC to have said that government has considered the role cooperatives should be playing in service delivery, eradicating poverty and ensuring that people that have been excluded from the mainstream of the South African economy are included. “We believe in the future of cooperatives and that is why we have decided that 10% of government procurement should definitely be from cooperatives. We do not want to play lip-services to co-operative development. We want the talk because

we believe in cooperatives,” Sekoati is quoted to have said. The statement further read that Sekoati was encouraged by the keen interest that many cooperatives in the province have shown in working with the government for their own benefit and that of their communities. “The growth and suitability of coopera-

tives and small and medium enterprises in the province are a priority of the department and part and parcel of the broader vision to improve the lives of the historically disadvantaged people. We are advising cooperatives to be ethical when dealing with government and avoid becoming involved in corruption and maladministration. Cooperatives must start to understand the critical role that they are expected to play in the economy of the province and of the country as a whole, and should deal with government with integrity and honesty,” the statement concluded.

Foto: Yolande Nel

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Inwoners span saam om veldbrand te blus


July 10, 2014

10 OBSERVER polokwane

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


Foto’s: RC Myburgh

Pastoor Pieter Pretorius van die Agapé Christengemeente probeer die woedende vlamme van die kerkgebou af hou.

nwoners, verbygangers en selfs gemeentelede van die Agapé Christengemeente het Donderdag met emmers water en tuinslange ingespring om ‘n veldbrand in Ivydale onder beheer te bring. Brandbestryders van Polokwane Brandweerdiens het gehelp om te keer dat die brand nie te naby aan die kerkgebou kom nie terwyl twee ander brandweervoertuie eers na Hillarystraat in Bendor moes gaan waar ‘n Wendyhuisie as gevolg van ‘n veldbrand in dié gebied, vlam gevat het. ‘n Nooddienswerker op die toneel sê inwoners wat houthuisies as stoorplek of selfs as buitekamer gebruik, moet verseker dat die gras rondom die huisie kort is. Na aanleiding van die brand op Ivydale sê hy veldbrande word nie altyd deur boosdoeners gestig nie. “In enkele gevalle is al vasgestel dat veral vrouens wat bang is hulle word aangeval lang grasvelde aan die brand steek om hul kanse op ‘n aanval te verminder,” sê hy. Munisipale woordvoerder Malesela Maubane het inwoners gewaarsku om nie brande te stig nie omdat dit met ‘n boete en selfs tronkstraf

strafbaar is. Hy herinner persone om veldbrande dadelik by 015 290 2000/2403/2457/8 te rapporteer.

‘n Werker van een van die nabygeleë kleinhoewes skep water uit ‘n sementdam om ‘n rietbos teenaan die kerk nat te maak voordat die vlamme daar uitkom.

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Invitation to 2014 Graduation ceremony Date: Friday, 5 September 2014 Venue: Polokwane Campus Hall There will be 2 sessions on the above date to accomodate everybody:

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Indiscriminate shooting of birds irks neighbours Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The sight and sound of birds brings joy and life to many a suburban environment and some residents in the city make an extra effort to attract birds to their gardens. Many Polokwane residents plant indigenous trees and have specially landscaped gardens, bird baths and feeding platforms in order for birds to nest or visit their gardens. This is normally done for the therapeutic effect of having a bird-friendly garden and being at one with nature, even in a city environment. However, complaints have been received by Polokwane Observer about a person that is luring all species of birds of the feather to their garden for the sole purpose of allowing their children to shoot them. According to concerned neighbours in the upper city, this person has built a hide and lays out a feeding place in order to attract the birds. The children then shoot the birds with pellet guns without any thought about rare and endangered species that can be found in Limpopo. The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Manager in Polokwane, Anton de Bruyn said it is an offence to discharge any firearm including a pellet gun in a residential area. De Bruyn added that if an endangered species of bird is shot a person can be prosecuted according to environmental regulations and the SPCA will act swiftly in the case of injured and wounded birds. Residents can report any matters of cruelty to birds or animals to the SPCA on 015 291 1088.

Die Moth vier 70ste verjaarsdag BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@ gmail.com Die Agbare Orde van die Staaldakke, beter bekend as die Moth het Dinsdagaand hulle 70ste verjaardagherdenking met militêre presisie by die Botha Skuilgat in die stad gevier. Oudgediendes, hulle gades en dié van afgestorwe lede is “Old Bill” Johan Cronjé met ou kamerade lewer die geleenten vriende herenig heidsrede by die orde se en herinneringe 70ste verjaardagherdvan dit wat in die enking. verlede lê is herroep. Die program het onder aanvoering van ordelid Johan Willemse vlot verloop. Verskeie heildronke is ingestel waarna ordelid Wayne Thompson ‘n kort oorsig van die geskiedenis van die skuilgat gelewer het. Voorsitter (“Old Bill”) Johan Cronjé het daarna sy rede gelewer en daarvan gewag gemaak dat die afwesigheid van oorloë veroorsaak dat die orde se geledere uitgedun raak. “Al wat ons nou kan doen, is bid vir oorlog,” het hy met die tong in die kies gesê. Hy het bygevoeg dat die orde se voortbestaan afhanklik is van die aktiewe betrokkenheid van lede en ‘n beroep op lede gedoen om werwing van nuwe lede as ‘n prioriteit te beskou. “Die orde se bestaansreg is geleë in sy betrokkenheid by bystand aan oudgediendes soos in die geval van die Peacehaven woonkompleks en die esprit de corps wat lede bymekaar hou. Die orde staan oudgediendes en hulle afhanklikes by om elders versorg te word in gevalle waar Peacehaven nie die nodige geriewe daarvoor het nie, “ het hy afgesluit.

02 July 2014

SENWABARWANA CAMPUS Senwabarwana Main Street SENWABARWANA 0790 Tel: 015 505 3172 Fax: 015 505 3174

SESHEGO CAMPUS 1919 Freedom Drive SESHEGO 0742 Tel: 015 223 0006 Fax: 015 223 5187

Piet en Tina van der Merwe geniet die Moth se verjaardagviering.

Julie 10, 2014



Photo: Yolande Nel

Wilson Tsebe with the vehicle fitted with Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) stickers in the background.

EFF’s alleged failure to pay irks driver

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ith a boyish grin Julius Malema smiles timidly from the bumper sticker on the back of the maroon vehicle, in the passing inviting motorists and passengers to vote for the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). Two months after the national elections the driver of the same kombi, an African National Congress (ANC) member from Westenburg, has beef with Malema’s fighters. Wilson Tsebe expressed dismay over a verbal agreement to have EFF stickers displayed on the vehicle in January, which he claims EFF Provincial Legislature Member Jossey Buthane has not honoured. He stressed Buthane offered him R1 000 a month in return for displaying the stickers on the back and sides of the vehicle used for learner and staff transport. The vehicle, which was not his property, was very visible on the streets of Polokwane since early morning until late in the evenings both on weekdays and weekends and the EFF got their money’s worth of campaign advertising, he reckoned. Since January he has not been paid for originally displaying four stickers and Buthane has chosen to ignore his calls, during which he intended raising the issue of an accumulating total adding up to more than R6 000 owed to him for the past more than six months, Tsebe said. He indicated that he wanted to remove the stickers, but caused damage to the vehicle when stripping the paint on the right hand side. He offered to display the stickers for monetary gain, explained Tsebe when asked why he as a ruling party member chose to opt to help make the EFF popular. Tsebe said he was attached to the ANC in Ward 19. When approached for comment Buthane said they did not force anybody to put stickers on their cars, but those who wanted to were told that the EFF was still a new party and as soon as it got its house in order financially they would pay them R1 000 once off. According to him the terms allowed for a single payment of R1 000 and not R1 000 per month, as alleged by Tsebe. Buthane added that they were still sourcing funds and by tomorrow (Friday) or next Friday they would have settled the bill. He stressed the EFF was not in a financial crisis, but working on the agreement. Buthane did not want to reveal how many taxi drivers they had the agreement with, but responded that it was with individuals across the province. He added it was a private EFF matter and could only speak to the particular issue which, surprisingly, has reached the media. He did not recall calls from the owner of the vehicle but instead his driver looking for his money, Buthane said. They have never refused to pay anybody and they were still raising funds to pay them, he said. They were standing by their agreement to pay them and soon for that matter, Buthane concluded.


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Wines to taste and treasure at FNB Limpopo Wine Show NEWS

July 10, 2014

12 OBSERVER polokwane

>> Over 30 producers exhibiting >> Directed by wine-fundi Michael Fridjhon BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


ine lovers will have the opportunity to sample some of the country’s top award-winning wines, many of which grace the pages of the country’s most respected wine lists and catalogues when the eighth FNB Limpopo Wine Show takes place at Meropa Casino & Entertainment World on 24 and 25 July from 17:00 to 21:00. Show visitors will be afforded the opportunity to enjoy recent vintages of well-known wines, discover lesser-known labels and complete the evening with a premium brandy tasting with over 30 producers exhibiting. Springfield Estate, Oneiric, Welgemeend, Morgenhof, Spier, Groot Constantia, Glen Carlou, Vondeling and Oude Molen Brandy will be some of the


Some of the fine wines that will be available at the wine show.

brands represented. Wines will also be available for purchase via the Shop@Show retail facility which delivers to the purchaser’s home or office and light meals will be available for sale. The FNB Limpopo Wine Show is one of a trio of regional wine shows directed by wine authority Michael Fridjhon and organised by OutSorceress Marketing. “Effective personal wealth management is all about partnership. Our expertise, experience and personalised service, together with an in-depth understanding of our clients’ financial aspirations provides them with the essential support they need on their journey to grow, manage, protect and enjoy their wealth. FNB Private Clients salutes the winemakers who produce the world-class wines on show and it is for this reason that we commit to our sponsorship of the FNB regional wine shows in 2014,” Regional Head FNB Private Clients Sipho Silinda said. Tickets, at R130 per session, can be purchased via www.computicket.com, Money Market counters in Shoprite Checkers stores and at the door subject to availability and further enquiries may be directed to Alex Mason-Gordon at 011 482 5936 or obtained from www. limpopowineshow.co.za. There will be a Readers’ Ticket Giveaway where six lucky couples will each win double tickets to attend on either night of the show. To enter E-mail your details and cell number to barryv.observer.co.za not later than 21 July 2014.

The entrance to a previous FNB Limpopo Wine show.


SA wine industry - the state of play The roller-coaster ride which is the defining feature of the wine business in South Africa has been more tumultuous and less predictable over the past year or two than at any time in recent memory. While it is widely accepted that there’s no such thing as a normal cycle, the peaks and plunges and the twists and turns have tested the nerves of even the most hardened operators. Between the vagaries of the agricultural environment, the state’s ambivalent attitude to liquor, its failure to invest in a sector which produces more than R7 billion for the fiscus, currency fluctuation on a scale beyond the imaginings of their European counterparts, the country’s wine-makers inhabit a zone of constant uncertainty. Labour unrest ahead of the 2013 vintage, legislative tampering by several provincial governments, growing national unemployment and the prolonged downturn in consumer spending have added to this instability. On the positive side of the equation, the Rand has continued to weaken since the third quarter of 2012, bringing higher revenues on fixed price-point exports. This has coincided with an export surge and a surprising upward tick in domestic per capita consumption. In other words, against all the odds, producers are – in theory – better off now than at the same time last year. Add to this a strong a reasonable quality generous harvests and it would seem that, on average,

life is better now for growers and exporters than it has been since the boom-times of the late 1990s. Evidence of the improved trading conditions is to be found in the wines themselves: when producers are able to operate without the constraints of financial uncertainty, their creativity can blossom freely. Better, more thoughtful winemaking, a larger proportion of fine, often striking, wines in its cellars, and a core group of winemakers focused on making high quality wines for discerning consumers are all evidence of this turnaround. The FNB Limpopo Wine Show provides a perfect opportunity to read the state of the vinous nation. The message this year is one of a wine industry comfortably positioned as a global player, delivering quality and value on a scale beyond the most optimistic expectations of a few years ago. Michael Fridjhon Michael Fridjhon is regarded as South Africa’s foremost wine authority. He is the director of RMB WineX and the regional wine shows sponsored by FNB Private Clients. Fridjhon is wine writer for Business Day and contributor to international and local publications. In 2012, he was awarded the prestigious Louis Roederer Wine Columnist of the Year Award. He is also the Visiting Professor of Wine Business at the UCT Graduate School of Business and has been honoured by the French government for his contribution to wine.

Beauty with a purpose ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Time is running out for those who want to enter the 2014 Miss Humanity Pageant. Reigning queen Katryn Barwise, who was recently awarded the directorship of this pageant, said the entries close on 31 July. Barwise boasts with the Miss Lompopo 2012 and Miss EarthFire SA 2013 titles. She is also the owner of the Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy, a singer and a songwriter. She said the pageant is aimed at women between the ages of 18 and 26 who want to make a difference in other people’s lives. “Miss Humanity is all about serving the community. The candidate must be willing to work hard is order to make a difference by hosting various charity events such as food drives, planting vegetable gardens and teaching others about sustainability while alleviating poverty.” She said the finalists will have to be passionate about the environment as well. “This beauty with a purpose pageant is very interest-

ing because not only does the person have to be a model, they must believe in uplifting the community as well, but they must have the willpower to do so.” Interviews and a free workshop will be held on 2 August and the finalists will be announced on 10 August, coupled with Women’s Day, at the Protea Hotel Ranch Resort outside Polokwane. “The twenty finalists, chosen from across the country, will each receive three projects. They will receive the necessary guidance on how to organise a charity event, taking photo’s as well as how to look for sponsors over a two month period. “I will do two projects with the finalists in a supportive role. They will then represent South Africa in the Miss Humanity International Pageant held in Barbados on 25 October.” Barwise said in the end it’s not about winning anymore, but rather how you can uplift the community. More information can be obtained from misshumanityinternational.com or Barwise’s webpage on misshumanityinternationalsa. com.

July 10, 2014

Polokwane Observer



July 10, 2014

14 OBSERVER polokwane


27 June to 20 July >> Wild rides amusement fun fair will take place at Mall of the North overflow parking, upper level near Spur entrance. René van der Merwe: 082 300 7620. 11 tot 13 Julie >> Die 15de jaarlikse Silver Mist Holistiese Fees vind in Haenertsburg en Magoebaskloof plaas met die tema Leef jou lewe. Saterdag om 09:00 tree Marié Beytell met die titel is “Boerezoeloe Madonna” by die Magoebaskloof Hotel vir dames op. Kaartjies kos R250 per persoon en sluit ‘n ete in. Local Brewmasters bied vanaf 10:00 ‘n funksie vir mans in die Haenertsburgpark aan. Sondag 13 Julie word die fees met ‘n seremonie van dankbaarheid afgesluit. Louise Claassen: 084 087 8759 of info@holisticfair.co.za. 18 July >> Ster Kinekor Theatres at Mall of the North presents a free screening of the film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom at 09:45. Tickets (maximum of two tickets per person) are limited and will be available at the theatre from 09:00 on a first come first served basis. 24 and 25 July >> The eighth Limpopo Wine Show takes place at Meropa Casino & Entertainment World and is presented by wine authority Michael Fridjhon and OutSorceress Marketing. Sessions take place both evenings from 17:00 to 21:00. Wine lovers will be treated to a prestigious array of Cape producers and award-winning wines. Tickets cost R130 per person and include unlimited tasting and free glasses. OutSorceress: 011 482 5936. There will be a readers’ ticket giveaway where six lucky couples will each win double tickets to attend on either night of the show. To enter E-mail your details and cell number to barryv.observer. co.za not later than 21 July 2014. 26 Julie >> Die Doornbult GPF hou ‘n markdag by die

Soetdorings Buiteklub en daar is nog stalletjies beskikbaar. Die GPF help die polisie met bekamping van misdaad en is ‘n organisasie sonder winsbejag. Niekolien Page: 083 287 2320. 1 tot 9 Augustus >> Die jaarlikse kunsmark vind by Laerskool Pietersburg plaas. Die mark is op weeksdae van 10:00 tot 19:00 en Saterdae van 09:00 tot 20:00 oop en bied ‘n verskeidenheid artikels soos keramiekwerk, kussings, skilderye, juwele, speelgoed, hout- en pewterwerk en handwerkitems aan. Daar sal ook heerlike eetgoed te koop wees. Elsabé du Preez: 083 454 5424 of Daleen Bröhn: 082 650 8811. 22 Augustus >> Chris Chameleon tree om 17:00 vir 18:30 by Laerskool Pietersburg (PLS) op. Kaartjies kos R130 per persoon en voorafbespreking is noodsaaklik en kan aanlyn gedoen word by www.chameleonpbg.co.za. Hanno Becker: 082 574 9431. 4 September >> Die Vryburgers bied ‘n wynveiling by die Pietersburg Klub aan in samewerking met die Vryburgers van Robertson. Geld word hierdeur ingesamel vir liefdadigheid. Aggie Ströh: 082 465 8234. 5 September >> Koop jou plakker en glimhoed en trek snaaks aan vir Loslitdag saam met die Vereniging vir Persone met Gestremdheid en maak so ‘n verskil aan die lewe van gestremdes. Johnny Graham: 015 291 1787/8. >> Rocco de Villiers tree om 18:00 by Bolivia Lodge op ten bate van La Wiida Leersentrum vir Kinders met Spesiale Behoeftes (voorheen die Arendeklas). Kaartjies kos R500 per persoon of R5 000 per tafel van tien en sluit die banketete in. Sophia Hislop: 082 325 0612 of 015 297 3310. Algemeen/General >> ‘n 50-jaar reünie word vir die 1964-matrikulante van die Pretoria Tuine Hoërskool beplan. Lea Basson: 073 442 4306. >> Die Polokwane Kinder- en Gesinsorgvereniging is ‘n organisasie sonder winsbejag en bedryf ‘n winkel in Library Gardens waar gebruikte klere en enige ander verbruiksitems spotgoedkoop gekoop kan word. Enigiets kan geskenk word en by Jorissenstraat 42A gedurende kantoorure afgelewer word. Karin Kotzè: 015 297 3326 of 015 297 3327.

NOTICE NOTICE FOR LAND RIGHTS HOLDERS’ RESOLUTION IN TERMS OF THE INTERIM PROCEDURES GOVERNING LAND DEVELOPMENT DECISIONS WHICH REQUIRE THE CONSENT OF THE MINISTER OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LAND REFORM AS NOMINAL OWNER OF THE LAND WHICH WAS APPROVED BY POLCOM ON 20 NOVEMBER 1997 AND AMENDED ON 14 JANUARY 1998 AND ALSO IN TERMS OF SECTION 3 (1) (A) OF ACT 112 OF 1991 AS AMENDED BY ACT 34 OF 1996. Joyce and Maite (Pty) Ltd intends to lease a Portion of the farm Kalkfontein 859 LS, measuring 1.0000 hectares in extent for the development of a filling station and Tlalampe Rapotu Trust intends to lease a Portion of the farm Kalkfontein 859 LS for the development of a shopping centre, measuring 5.0000 hectares in extent. The Dikgale (Sebayeng Community) Land Rights Holders are invited to a meeting for the formulation/ taking/ signing of a community resolution in terms of the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act, 1996 (Act 31 of 1996) which is arranged as follows:

Inauguration of mayors on schedule ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


he official inauguration of Thembi Nkadimeng, Mayor elect for the Polokwane Municipality will take place today (Thursday) at 14:00. Municipal Spokesperson Malesela Maubane has confirmed that the proceedings will take place in the new council chambers. Communications Manager of the Capricorn District Municipality (CDM), Jabu Masondo said the planned inauguration of the CDM’s Mayor designate Gilbert Kganyago is scheduled to take place tomorrow (Friday). The details are still to be confirmed. Nkadimeng will take over the reins from former Executive Mayor Freddy Greaver who

announced his resignation last week. In an interview with the Polokwane Observer last week Nkadimeng said she was eager to face major challenges head-on and to ensure she is put into balance with regard to the challenges she faces. Kganyago is not new to a leadership environment and indicated that he will stay on as Provincial Secretary of the South African Communist Party. During an interview with Polokwane Observer last week he said the new task ahead entailed taking charge of a vast municipality stretching from Blouberg to Lepelle Nkumpi. Kganyago intends to study and understand the environment and take on the interests of the working class, the poor and people in rural areas, among others.

>> Nkadimeng is eager to face challenges >> Kganyago ready to take charge of a vast municipality Left: The inauguration of Polokwane Executive Mayor, Thembi Nkadimeng. Right: Capricorn District Mayor elect, Gilbert Kganyago.

Something for everyone at Silvermist Holistic Fair BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com The Silvermist Holistic, Health and Wellness Fair takes place in Haenertsburg and surrounds on Friday and Saturday and promises to offer a lot of entertainment, bargain buys and relaxing strolls through the many stalls and exhibits in the village. One of the many exhibitors is Stella Temple who offers angel card readings, essential oils and incense. She is joined by Maggie Joubert with her Feng Shui, astrology, pagan oils, altar tools and dream catchers and Claudio Draghi’s laser therapy, to mention only a few.

For the hungry, there are Rob and Denise Tooley with their tapas and vegetable curry with roti, a cocktail bar and craft beer (Beer Buddha) and Yvonne and Terry with their delicious burgers and other specialities. The All Time Favourite Cheesemaker and Family, Nipper and Sylvie Thomson will also be there to round off any meal. Rob Shackleton’s Solar Technology Expo and Nic Schoeman’s hydrogen fuel saving devices will offer something interesting for the technically minded while Peter Roland’s handmade dream catchers, clothing and jewelry will be complemented by Janet Kleyn’s creams and balms.


E-mail observer.yolande@gmail.com with your picture and caption. The reader who sends in the best photo will receive a monthly cash prize of R250.

DATE: 17 AUGUST 2014 TIME: 10:00am VENUE: SEBAYENG PRIMARY SCHOOL WHO SHOULD ATTEND: • All Community Members • Members of the affected traditional authorities • Community based organisations • Development forums • Potential beneficiaries of the projects • Any other interested person or group

CONTACTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Joyce and Maite Filling Station (Pty) Ltd 11 Juno Drive, Ster Park Polokwane 0699 Cell: 082 512 1085/ 072 125 3414 joycel.shaluka@gmail.com

Tlalampe Rapotu Trust Box 15199 Flora Park 0699 Cell: 072 689 4254 rapotutn@gmail.com

Mrs M.P.Ntlhane (015) 297 3539 072 128 9877 Dept. of Rural Development & Land Reform Private Bag x 9312 Polokwane 0700

Polokwane resident Brian Henson took this photo of a juvenile kudu bull crossing the road in the Polokwane Nature Reserve.

Congratulations to new mayor elect

Julie 10, 2014






Business profile>>

BUSINESS July 10, 2014 >> PAGE 16

Joyce Fraser

Company: Fraser & Associates BlueStar Why did you choose this profession? >> Administration is my forte and the industry remains a daily challenge What keeps you ahead in the industry? >> Treating customers fairly and good customer service How do you live out your passion every day? >> Going about in finishing daily tasks at my level best

Forum wants to be part of economic growth in Limpopo WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


he Limpopo United Business Forum (LUBF) has noted with interest the emphasis placed by Premier Stan Mathabatha, in his recent State of the Province Address on the vital role that private business in the province needs to play in revitalising the economy in Limpopo. The LUBF is a structure initiated by various business organisations in the province and has been functioning for a year. Only organisations that are economically active in Limpopo qualify to be members of LUBF and the initiative was formed to speak with one voice regarding business matters in the province. The Afrikaanse Handelinstituut (AHI), Black Management Forum (BMF), Polokwane Chamber of Business (PCOB), National Federated Chamber of Commerce (Nafcoc), Black Lawyers Association (BLA), Foundation of African Business and Consumer Services (FABCOS), Lephalale Business

Forum (LBF) and Progressive Professionals Forum (PFF) are all affiliated to LUBF, making it the voice of business in Limpopo. LUBF Chairperson Phaswane Mogale welcomed the emphasis by Mathabatha on the empowerment of small to medium enterprises (SMMEs) in the province by ensuring that at least 10% of government procurement is done through SMMEs based in Limpopo. However, Mogale commented that the LUBF shall wait with bated breath as to how the private sector like mining companies will be encouraged to do the same. “Efforts to encourage mining companies in the province to be active role players in the revival of the economy by empowering SMMEs by outsourcing work to them and buying their products, will not only ensure that those businesses live longer, but will go a long way in creating job opportunities,” Mogale said. In assisting the Provincial Government to achieve its target of 400 000 new jobs by 2019, the LUBF and Mathabatha held a meet-

ing on Tuesday to strategise the way forward in ensuring that plans to improve the economy are implemented. “We call on Provincial Government to lead by example in recognising the role of SMMEs in building the economy. This can be done by ensuring all service providers are paid on time and to ensure that local businesses are not overlooked in favour of entities from outside the province. This message of embracing local business should filter down to the municipalities where a lot of our members are doing business,” Mogale reiterated. Mogale said the LUBF is also encouraged by the news that the Limpopo Government and the national intervention team have agreed that the province has now turned around the corner in stabilising its bleeding financial state. “LUBF welcomes the day the administrators hand the affected departments back to Provincial Government and the LUBF is looking forward to engaging with local government in the effort to build a viable and strong economy for all the people of Limpopo,” Mogale concluded.

Re-launch success at Express Stores ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com With clothing suitable for the whole family, it was easy to see way the re-launch of Express Stores in Landdros Mare Street in Polokwane was such a huge success. The personnel were eagerly attending to the hundreds of shoppers while DJ James Selowa ensured the music was to the shoppers liking. Area manager Steve Kruger said the company has been in existence for the past 20 years with 200 shops throughout South Africa and Swaziland. He explained that the head quarters, which includes dispatch, IT and the factory, are situated in Durban. The company comprises of 1 400 staff members. The store moved two shops down in Landdros Mare Street to ensure a bigger and better shopping experience and although there are four other Express Stores outlets, the relaunch was a huge success. “The discounts on offer will only be until stocks lasts, but at the look of things, it might only be a day of two,” he laughed. “Express Stores are known for the back to school outfits and the Jackie Junior brand is hugely successful,” Kruger concluded. This retail clothing store has also partnered with GloCell mobile phone and airtime reseller.

Grace Magoro likes the new outfit.

The staff at Express Store in Landdros Mare Street is Allie Makhula, Andrew Meduwa, Phineas Mahlo, Paulina Methipa, Steven Kruger (area manager), Justice Dibete, Lucy Kwakwa and Victoria Somo.

Nelly Phasha and Norah Phasha have found the perfect pair of shoes.

Phomelelo Modila cannot decide what colour she prefers. Left: Grace Baloyi browses through the clothes. Right: Charley Lehganyane, Mawela Mobe with DJ James Selowa.

Victoria Somo assists Sannie Maloka with her purchase.

Pick n Pay, Mall of the North R94,99 R44,99 R99,99

Bulk lamb chops per kg Bulk Boerewors per kg Bulk rump steak per kg

Flora Park Spar, cnr Marshall and Boshoff Street R95,99 R59,99 R109,99

Shoprite, Market Street R79,99 R62,99 R58,99

Julie 10, 2014







Polokwane Observer’s weekly price watch aims to assist readers in making informed decisions when spending their hard earned money. We compared the VAT inclusive prices of bulk packed popular meat cuts for barbequing while watching Super 15 rugby and the 2014 Fifa World Cup finals. These prices were compared on Tuesday, 8 July, between 08:00 and 09:30.



Network a link to your business

Photo: Barry Viljoen

Some of the members of BNI Storm Chapter that attended the breakfast meeting. In the front are Jaites Botha (Chas Everitt), Cornel Cilliers (Auto Accessories), Daleen Scheepers, Camille Wiggill and Erna Slement with Hans Jacobs, Floris de Kock (Leapfrog Properties), André de Lange, Jan Cilliers (Auto Accessories), Patrick Meyer and Irma Cronjé at the back.

BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com “Business Network International (BNI) is your link to business,” said André de Lange, President of the Storm Chapter of this global organisation at a breakfast meeting on Thursday. BNI offers members the opportunity to share ideas, contacts and business referrals when they meet

every week to have breakfast together while information is passed on to members. The organisation is 14 years old and has more than 150 000 members in 45 countries. At the meeting Floris de Kock of Leapfrog Properties was elected as Vice-President for this term. For further information De Lange can be contacted at 082 781 8957.

Hopefuls line up for Face of Truworths ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail. com Last Thursday Truworths store in the Mall of the North was abuzz with hundreds of hopeful candidates who entered the Truworths Face of Fashion competition. Truworths and Boss models have embarked on a nationwide search for that one person who will be chosen to showcase Truworths brands which will include Truworths, YDE, Identity and Uzzi. The winner will also be offered a two-year full model management agreement with Boss Models Pty Ltd. The winner will participate in a finals week and model boot camp

from 6 to 9 October. The castings have already started with big prizes for the winner, including a two-year Boss Model contract, Samsung S5 cellular phone, fragrances from Hugo Boss, R5 000 worth of Truworths fashion and the opportunity of attending a highly acclaimed modelling workshop in Cape Town. The ten finalists will be selected by a panel of judges from Boss models and Truworths by 10 July and the finalists notified no later than 11 July. Following the model boot camp the winner will be selected by a panel of judges from Boss Models (Pty) Ltd by 7 October and the winner will be notified in person no later than 7 October.

Mandiso Matsama, Charity Ledwaba, Maekela Malesiba and Mamabolo Tshegofatso are among the many hopefuls who entered the Truworths Face of Fashion. Left: Chanténique Niemand and Dewald Oosthuizen.

Hester Grebe supports her daughter Lize in the competition.

Sandra Burt and Jason Smith from Boss Models in Cape Town have been travelling around the country in search of the perfect boy and girl.

Monique Dique and Juante de Lange, local entrants in the Truworths Face of Fashion competition.

The South African With chakalaka sauce

Luphumlo Ngxowa also entered the competition.

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July 10, 2014

18 OBSERVER Take a walk down Schoeman Street polokwane

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Julie 10, 2014

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July 10, 2014

20 OBSERVER Take a walk down Schoeman Street polokwane

Schoemanstraat bied...

Coghsta OBSERVER 21 is the way to go Julie 10, 2014


>> You need to understand the contract >> The service is free ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


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here is no need to struggle to evict a person who refuses to pay rent. Yolanda Verveen from Polokwane who recently had a nasty experience when a rentee came up with excuses as to why he could not pay his rent for 15 months, has a few tips to share on how to handle such a situation. She rented out a bachelor flat at the back of her property to a retired attorney. For the first five months she had no problem collecting his rent. However, the months that followed left her angry and frustrated. She said each of her demands for the rent was met with the excuse that he was waiting for money to come his way. “I made the mistake of not keeping a copy of the contract with me, not signing the contract in front of him and not asking for witnesses to sign as well. My biggest mistake was that I didn’t understand the contract myself. I trusted him to honour the agreement.” Following nearly seven months of the situation she approached the tenant saying that he will either have to move out or she will sell his belongings to cover the outstanding amount. “He again said he was waiting for the money to come his way. But, after another three months I was even more frustrated by his lack of compliance. I sent a message to inform him that I will now have to evict him within two weeks should he continue to fail to pay rent.” Verveen said she received a mandament van spolie letter a day before the deadline. The letter explained that she is interfering with his peaceful occupation. “I contacted my lawyer and after many frustrating months and more than R30 000 later, I still have not been able to


Yolanda Verveen said after months of frustration and money, the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs handled her case free of charge. evict the man.” Verveen said she decided to see a local lawyer who referred her to the housing and rental tribunal of the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta). “I had to contest the mandament van spolie in court since I took the legal route first. The court had to refer the case to Coghsta who sorted out this whole mess for free. Within three months, a mediation meeting was organised, a formal hearing was held and a final ruling was ordered.” Verveen said the ruling stated that the outstanding amount of close to R65 000 had to be paid within 30 days. Alternatively his possessions will be auctioned off to cover the amount. “After 15 months of struggling to evict the tenant, I’ve learnt a valuable lesson. Do a proper background check and call for references before you sign a contract. A verbal agreement is not a good idea, ever. And you don’t have to see a lawyer about something like this, Coghsta is the perfect place should a dispute arise between the renter and the rentee. “ Coghsta Spokesperson Selomo Mathupa said the tribunal handles about 20 cases a month and the service is free. “The aim of the tribunal is the resolve disputes between landlords and tenants and to harmonise the relationship between the two parties.” He said complaints can be lodged by the tenant, landlord or any interested group on landlords and tenants.

Sassa under fire for unlawful deductions ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Fresh complaints were received from pensioners in Polokwane about money being deducted from their social grants without any explanation from the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa). Agency Spokesperson Norman Kutama said their main function is to alleviate poverty and they will not make any unlawful deductions. The pensioners, however, feel they are being misled. They said they receive an older person’s grant of only R1 350 a month which is paid into their Sassa account. “It hardly ever happens that I receive the full amount,” a pensioner who wishes to remain anonymous complained. “I know someone who complained that they received up to R70 less in a month. When we asked the person who made the payouts why

we don’t receive the full amount, they said Sassa deducted it but they didn’t know why. “If this happened once it would have been a different story, but since is happens often we are wondering where the money is going to? When will this end? As it is we are struggling to make a living and if a few Rand less are paid out, if makes it more difficult to make ends meet.” Kutama said as soon as pensioners suspect that any unlawful deductions have been made, they should immediately report it to the nearest Sassa office or the payout station. “They must take the payout slip to the nearest office. We will investigate this matter and try to reverse the money as soon as possible. “I want to make it clear that Sassa will not make any unlawful deductions. It is also important that beneficiaries do not respond to any messages from Sassa, it could be a fraudulent SMS,” he said.

Agriculture concerned about loss of livestock Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za MEC for Agriculture, Joy Matshoge last Thursday visited the Mohlabaneng, Jamela, Matipane, Mokwakwaila, Mohokone and Femane villages in Bolubedu to inspect the increasing incidents of cattle mortality experienced in the area recently. Spokesperson for the department, Selby Makgotho said the MEC’s visit comes as a result of the recent loss of 34 cattle in the six villages to lumpy skin disease. “The MEC has further dispatched a team of officials to the areas to ensure that they conduct further vaccination in a concerted effort to remedy the situation and get the solution. The Department has been working hard to vaccinate the cattle and to date over 200

vaccinations have been done. It is important for us to preserve livestock from vulnerable diseases such as this one because we export a lot of beef to other countries,” Makgotho said. Lumpy skin disease is a viral disease affecting in cattle and characterised by fever, multiple firm, well-defined nodules in the skin, lesions left by erosion on the teats, nose, mouth and pharynx, enlarged lymph nodes and swelling of one of more legs. The disease has a low mortality but because of the prolonged detrimental effect on the body of the animal it is of large economic importance. This in turn leads to significant losses in production as a result of emaciation, temporary or permanent loss of milk production, infertility in bulls as well as cows, abortions and permanent damage to the skin.

Childline 0800 055 555 | Crime Stop 08600 10111 Fire Brigade Polokwane 015 293 1111 Water and electrical faults Polokwane 015 290 2000 Limpopo Ambulance Service 10177



Motors profile>>

July 10, 2014 >> Page 22

Vernett Sambo

Volvo V40 - small with tons of character RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


hen you need performance yet still want to enjoy the sophisticated features of a luxury vehicle the Volvo V40 is your answer.

With its clean lines and striking silhouette the V40 hatchback stands out against both the city skyline and countryside backdrop of Limpopo without needing to shout. That its Scandinavian flair and linear beauty is more than skin deep is a fact that Polokwane Observer can attest to. Return-

The demo model of the Volvo V40 T5 is as good as new and Volvo Polokwane invites potential buyers to view this vehicle at their showroom. Right: The interior is still brand new and packed with tons of technologies to enhance driver experience. Photos: RC Myburgh

ing the vehicle after the test-driving session was done grudgingly. It is designed to delight every day whether it is for daily business trips or a spur of the moment weekend away. The design team has created a shape that draws the owner in and rewards him with lovingly executed details. The interior is purely designed to let all occupants enjoy the drive. Not only does one get the fine materials and craftsmanship expected from Volvo, the V40 is also packed with innovative technologies. The ergonomic seat design was developed to make outstanding long journeys comfortable. Only the best and natural materials are used which is not only fashionable but also feels good. There is more to the V40 than meets the eye.

Dealership: MGM Land Rover Polokwane What is currently the biggest challenge in the industry? >> Vehicle price increase, fuel price hike and inflation rate What is the most important aspect to consider when buying a new vehicle? >> Fuel consumption How do you stay at the forefront of the industry? >> Remain focussed and determined and to work hard every day Engineers spent thousands of hours perfecting the V40’s chassis to give the driver an agile fun driving experience whether you zip through busy city streets, drive along twisty country roads or cruise along the highway. To further enhance driving experience the V40 comes with Corner Traction Control as standard. It is a torque vectoring system that helps prevent under steer and makes cornering even more fun. Under the hood lurks a powerful 2,5 litre turbocharged petrol engine which delivers 187 kW between the five cylinders. This smooth source of energy delivers an exceptionally quick and powerful response throughout the entire rev range. A max torque of a full 360 Nm (400 Nm with overboost) makes this engine the natural choice if you want to maximise your performance. Start/Stop technology and engine brake energy regeneration contribute to excellent fuel economy and reduced CO2 emissions. The T5 is mated to a six-speed Geartronic automatic with sports mode. In keeping with their philosophy of making life easier, the V40 has a whole suite of intuitive safety technologies. They are there to support daily driving, protect occupant in case of an accident and often prevents collisions in the first place. This is called IntelliSafe which offers some really smart technologies such as City Safety, Collision Warning with Full Auto Brake and Pedestrian Detection as well as Cyclist Detection. In a world-first the V40 is even available with a pedestrian airbag. Should the worst happen and you collide with a pedestrian, it inflates to mitigate the impact which can make a vital difference. The Volvo V40 is a demo model and available from Volvo Polokwane. For more information visit the dealership at 64 Hans van Rensburg Street or contact them on 015 291 9700.

Julie 10, 2014


OBSERVER 23 polokwane

Photos: RC Myburgh

The young Matthew Cooper shows off his skills behind the steering wheel of a Ford Sapphire.

Racing action warms up visitors to oval track

Rudolf Durand speeds around the oval track.

RC Myburgh >>rc.observer@gmail.com


isitors to the Polokwane Oval’s Winter Trophy meeting were treated to adrenaline rushing racing action over the weekend. To add to the high level of entertainment, race organisers invited a team from Pretoria with dumping cars that competed around the track until the last man standing. In the Rookie class Alzani Raaths took home the trophy with Dylan Bosch and Johnny Durand in second and third place respectively. Willie Blignaut, Gideon van Breda and Nico Grebe filled

the first three places in the Stockrods class. In the 1660 class Johan Hattingh wasted no time and took the lead from the start. Fred Cooper and Pieter Louwrens crossed the finish line after him. The 2.0-litre class presented its customary professional racing action with Desmond Bosch, Chantelle Lewis and Roelof van Breda taking the first three positions on the podium. Stefan Weideman and AndrĂŠ Pienaar took first and second place respectively in the Hotrods class with Johan Alberts, Koos du Toit and Tinus Smit completing the Super Saloon class in the first three positions.


July 10, 2014

24 OBSERVER polokwane

>> “Elke skip het ‘n kaptein, maar hy kan dit nie alleen laat vaar nie.” >> Leerders het hul vertroue in hom geplaas

Schoeman erken vir uitnemendheid RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com



Hoërskool Pietersburg-hoof, Willie Schoeman met die sertifikaat van erkenning vir uitnemendheid in onderwys wat hy van die Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwys-unie ontvang het. Schoeman is as naaswenner in die kategorie vir hoërskole aangewys.

anneer leerders van Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) na die skoolvakansie terugkeer, kan hul met trots agter die skoolbanke inskuif aangesien die skoolhoof, Willie Schoeman onlangs deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwys-unie (SAOU) as naasbeste hoërskoolhoof in Suid-Afrika benoem is. “Dit is ‘n groot voorreg om die toekenning te kan ontvang en ‘n eer om in die finaal teen een van die onderwysstelsel se ysters, Louis Swanepoel van Hoërskool Nelspruit te staan te kom,” sê Schoeman nederig. Die SAOU hou elke drie jaar ‘n kompetisie waar toekennings in die onderwys aan personeel gemaak word. Skole in elke provinsie nomineer personeel in verskeie kategorieë soos langtermyndiens, leierskap vir hoër- en laerskole, transformasie en nasiebou, bevordering van Afrikaans en uitnemendheid in administratiewe werk. Nadat nominasies deur die SAOU se keuringskomitee gekeur is, word vraelyste na die finaliste gestuur wat beantwoord moet word. Schoeman is uiteindelik genomineer om Limpopo teen finaliste van die ander agt provinsies te verteenwoordig. “Elke skip het ‘n kaptein, maar hy kan dit nie alleen laat vaar nie. Sonder die personeel, beheerliggaam, ouergemeenskap en leerders sou ek nie die toekenning ontvang het nie. Elkeen wat by die skool betrokke is het tot die toekenning bygedra. Selfs die ondersteuning van die onderwysdepartement kan nie ongesiens gelaat word nie,” sê Schoeman. Hy sê hy probeer op alle vlakke by die skool betrokke wees en glo dat leerders hul vertroue in hom plaas. “Leerders en personeel lewer die grootste bydrae tot enige erkenning wat die skool ontvang.” Schoeman het sy dank teenoor almal wat hom ondersteun vir hul harde werk, pligsgetrouheid en lojaliteit teenoor hom en die skool uitgespreek.

Medupi Power station under scrutiny ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com A blitz inspection on the Civil Engineering sector at the Medupi Power Station in Lephalale, by the Department of Labour’s Occupational Health and Safety inspectorate, started on Monday this week. Spokesperson of the Department of Labour, Johannes Mokou said this week-long inspection, with a special focus on the civil engineering sector, will see the inspectorate putting all health and safety aspects of the power station under scrutiny, with the aim of ensuring compliance. “Although this inspection has no relation to the recent strike, history has taught us that as soon as a project is nearing its end, the people tend to forget to comply with the occupational

health and safety rules. They tend to slack down towards the end.” Part of this intense inspection will also look at the incidents reporting and prevention mechanisms used by various contractors on site as well as appointment and training of health and safety representatives. It will also focus on the adherence of Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) which would include aspects such as minimum wages. “Civil Engineering sector means the sector in which employers and employees are associated for the purpose of carrying out of civil engineering character and include such work in connection with the construction of aerodrome runways, bins, bunkers, bridges, cable ducts, caissons, canals, harbours, wharves as well as housings,” he explained.

Inspectors stop double-storey development ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com The tougher than nails labour inspectors in Thohoyandou have brought to a halt the construction of a mini mall which comprises of a double-storey building in P-West just outside the town this week. The halting of the construction comes after the inspectors realised during their inspection that the building is situated under the high voltage line and the plan has yet to be approved by the municipality. Generalist inspector in Thohoyandou, Thomas Mushandu said: “We had no choice but to close the operation because of the danger it posed not only to the employees but the whole town. “The contractor failed to comply with the requirements of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act of 1993 and its regulations. People’s lives are at stake and this is why we took this decision,” Mushandu said. In terms of section 30 of the OHS Act, such instances or in other similar

cases, the inspector has the power to prohibit the continuation of the construction until such time the arrangements, which are satisfactorily in the eyes of the inspectors, are made to dispose or reduce the threat which gave rise to the imposition of the prohibition. Mushandu said: “The construction of this building is just a disaster waiting to happen, and this is why we did not think twice in our decision to close the operations. “A prohibition notice has been issued to stop the contractor to continue with the operation until the contractor removes the high voltage line. If he persists in building before this is attended to, we will have no choice but to prosecute. He said the department will stop at nothing to eradicate these and other instances that are just a minute away from taking peoples’ lives. “This is why it is required by the law that anyone intending to construct a huge building must seek permission from the department before.”

July 10, 2014

Polokwane Observer


26 OBSERVER Follow in Miss SA’s footsteps NEWS

July 10, 2014


>> Miss SA must have depth and meaning ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com


outh Africa will soon be searching for a dazzling new Miss South Africa to follow in the footsteps of reigning queen Rolene Strauss. Entries for the 2015 Miss South Africa Pageant open on 1 July and close on 31 August. Hundreds of entries were received by the organisers for this year’s event which culminated in Free State medical student, Rolene Strauss being crowned Miss SA at Sun City in March. The Miss South Africa Pageant underwent a radical revamp and had a hugely successful re-launch this year, has become an integral facet of South African life. The changes were part of a concerted drive by license hold-

ers Sun International to grow the Miss South Africa brand. The clear message from young women, who come from all strata of South African life, is that they want a Miss South Africa who has depth and meaning and one who is adaptable to a changing landscape. Rolene Strauss, who has had a busy three months since her crowning, stands for all the best things that the pageant represents: “We may come from different backgrounds and cultures but we have one thing in common we are South Africans. “I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am to represent such a diverse nation. I have worked hard to be a Miss SA who is remembered for what she brought to the title and how she represented SA not only nationally, but also internationally.” The Miss SA Pageant will be held at Sun City in March 2015. Log onto the Miss South Africa website at www.suninternational.com/MissSA to enter the pageant.

Miss SA 2014 Rolene Strauss and her second princess Matlala Mokoko (right) from Limpopo and Ziphozakhe Zokufa (left). Photo: Supplied

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Julie 10, 2014


Former Americans Efiong Akpan, wife Darlene and their son Lamont.

Yanks in city celebrate Independence Day BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


merican citizens all over the world celebrated Independence Day on Friday to commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain on 4 July, 1776. Americans now living in Polokwane and surrounds enjoy the abundance of South Africa’s public holidays, yet the opportunity to celebrate Independence Day does not pass unobserved. In the United States of America, Independence Day is associated with fireworks, parades, barbeques, carnivals, fairs, political speeches and ceremonies. Efiong Akpan, a former American and now a Polokwane businessperson says that 4 July is not a holiday in South Africa and he had to work at his business. He could however find time to have a relaxing braai with his family on Friday evening. Akpan’s wife Darlene is a keen supporter of Meals on Wheels and assisted in distributing 300 meals on Independence Day. Connor Cherer, a US diplomat formerly posted in Pretoria and now serving in Manilla in the Philippines, shared with Polokwane Observer that the Philippines also celebrates July 4th, known there as Filipino-American Friendship Day or officially as Republic Day as the Philippines ceased to be a US territory on 4 July 1946. Having celebrated July 4th in the US, the Philippines and in South Africa, Cherer laments the lack of biltong, potjiekos and braaivleis that accompanied any proper celebration in his former home in South-Africa. Cherer took the opportunity to hunt a kudu in Limpopo during an Independence Day visit and also honed his golfing skills at the Polokwane Golf Club en route to the bush.

US diplomat Connor Cherer with the kudu that he shot on Independence Day.


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>> A day of fun and games >> Also Republic Day in the Philippines





OBSERVER 27 polokwane


July 10, 2014

28 OBSERVER polokwane

>> Real horses to add to entertainment >> Many betting opportunities

Meropa brings Durban July to Polokwane BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


isitors to Meropa Casino and Entertainment World could dress up in the style of the Durban July when the races were brought to Polokwane on Saturday. The full day programme included welcome

drinks and a complimentary bottle of whiskey, a neck, head, shoulder and foot massage and a mini manicure at the floss salon. Later in the day there was a lunch as well as entertainment which included a parade of real horses. For those who wanted to challenge Lady Luck, online betting could be done on site while snacks were available for the taking.


Clifford Ngakane, Managing Director of Meropa Casino and Entertainment World, Anne Smith of Mode Entertainment and Londani Mathavhane, Senior Manager: Compliance of Limpopo Gambling Board at the July function. Right: Sheila Mmutle and Mogau Sebeka sit down to a Molala head, neck and shoulder massage given by Khutso Mokoena and Beauty Dolo, at the back.

INVITATION TO BUILT ENVIRONMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS TO APPLY FOR LISTING AS A SERVICE PROVIDER ON THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUPPLIER REGISTER The Department of Public Works (DPW) hereby invites all prospective suppliers of built environment professional services to apply to be registered onto DPW database. The Department of Public Works will not do business with any suppliers that are not registered on the database. NB: Disciplines and towns in Bold are experiencing a low level of response in the department and companies qualified are encouraged to apply in order to increase the number of Service Provider/Consultants.

Disciplines for Professional Services • Acoustics Project Management • Architecture Property Valuation • Civil Engineering Professional Mentors • Electrical Engineering Professional Construction Mentors • Electronic Engineering Quantity Surveying • Environmental Practitioners Structural Engineering • Land Surveyors Town Planning • Mechanical Engineering Landscape Architecture • Façade Engineering Sustainability Consultants • Agent in Terms of Construction Regulations:2003(OHSA) • Geotechnical Fire Consultants

Bike for KFC Add Hope winner HERBERT RACHUENE >>herbert@mailbox.co.za Winning a mountain bike is just what aspirant cyclist Anna-Elmarie Pieterse needed as she has been considering joining the sport for a long time. Pieterse won the Ghost Mountain Bike worth R10 000 from Saloojee’s Cycle Shop when she was chosen from myriads of entries in the KFC Add Hope XCO Mountain Bike SMS Competition held in May and sponsored by Saloojees and Ghost Bikes South Africa. To enter the competition participants were asked to donate either R5 or R10 towards Add Hope via SMS. Referring to her big prize Pieterse said she was happy to have won and plans to join her husband, an ardent cyclist, in the sport. She also said that she was glad to have supported the campaign. “When I entered the competition I was not thinking of winning but making contribution to the Add Hope campaign,” she said.

Department of Public Works requests ALL EXISTING service providers registered onto DPW Supplier Register to submit the documents according to PA 24 application form with regards to responsive criteria to ensure compliance with the SCM prescripts: SERVICE PROVIDERS ARE REQUESTED TO CHECK ON OUR WEBSITE: www.publicworks.gov.za then click procurement, then click documents TO CHECK IF THEY ARE ALREADY REGISTERED. New suppliers can access application forms by downloading them from our website: www. publicworks.gov.za then go to procurement then click forms (Download item 6 to 10) or to collect forms from our Regional Offices contacts: Bloemfontein: Tel.: (051) 408 7300 Cape Town: Tel.: (021) 402 2160 Durban: Tel.: (031) 314 7000 Johannesburg: Tel.: (011) 713 6000 Kimberley: Tel.: (053) 838 5200 Mmabatho: Tel.: (018) 386 5200 Nelspruit: Tel.: (013) 752 6300 Polokwane: Tel.: (015) 293 8000 Port Elizabeth: Tel.: (041) 408 2000 Pretoria: Tel.: (012) 310 5139 Umtata: Tel.: (047) 532 4700 Existing suppliers should take note that failure to update their company registration details annually will results in the company being de-activated from the DPW Supplier Register database.

All completed forms and documents must be forwarded to: The Director-General, National Department of Public Works, Private Bag X65, Pretoria 0001, for the attention of the Deputy Director: Supplier Database or hand-delivered at the Supplier Database Helpdesk, Office No. 126, Ground Floor, Central Government Office, cnr Bosman and Vermuelen/Madiba streets, Pretoria Central. Helpdesk enquiries: Ishmael Haindongo, Jeaneth Khosa, Keaobaka Magano on 012 406 1802/ 1801 / 1034/ or e-mail: Jeaneth.Khosa@dpw.gov.za Closing Date: 31/07/2014

Anna-Elmarie Pieterse, winner of the Ghost Mountain Bike, proudly shows off her fantastic prize as Cheray Van Blerk, KFC Polokwane LSM Representative, Alex Calvin, Sales Manager Ghost Bikes South Africa and Ebrahim Saloojee, Owner of competition sponsor Saloojee’s Cycle Shop, look on.

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Polokwane

015 291 1088


PROPERTIES July 10, 2014 >> PAGE 29

Property For All announces winners

RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com

Three lucky Polokwane residents won the Mall of the North shopping vouchers worth more than R1 000 in Property For All’s recent competition. The lucky winners were announced last week and received their vouchers from Principal Dirk van Niekerk on Friday. All clients had to do was answer three questions relating to Property For All’s new offices. The first prize of R800 shopping voucher at Mall of the North went to Louis Ndlovu while the second prize,

Buy only the best house, but do it now There are recently a lot of conflicting reports offering tips on when, where and how to buy property which impacts on the process of buying a house, especially on the first time buyer’s emotional experience. Given the amount of money being spent, emotions are perfectly understandable. However, for many, money is not the only consideration. Many first-time buyers expect to get more bang for their buck. Berry Everitt, Managing Director of the Chas Everitt International property group was recently quoted to have said that homebuyers should purchase only as much house as they absolutely need at that moment, at the best possible price and in the best possible area. “It is a particularly important point for first-time buyers to bear in mind. Remember that first-time homeowners are unlikely to live in the same property forever. Their financial situation will improve, the needs of their family will change and the time to buy a bigger and better property will come,” he said. “It’s never a good idea for buyers to stretch themselves to their financial limits when purchasing a property. This is especially the case at the moment as consumers are facing ongoing and sizeable hikes in the cost of fuel, food and utilities, not to mention the possibility of further interest rate increases later this year,” Everitt said.Those who extend themselves to the financial limit may find it pretty hard to cope and Everitt suggested that buyers should leave themselves some room to manoeuvre if and when these increases materialise. “At the moment, we suggest that buyers should be targeting properties that cost around 25% less than the maximum bond for which they would qualify; a move that also makes it easier to qualify for a home loan.”

Tel/Fax: 015 297 0005 propertyforall@webmail.co.za www.propertyforall.co.za


R1 465 000 - BENDOR SECURITY COMPLEX NEWLY RENOVATED, VALUE FOR MONEY!! Low maintenance home and garden. 3 Living areas, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, big kitchen, flatlet with bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Lapa, storeroom, servant’s tolet and double garage. ACT FAST, CALL ME TODAY! TRACY 082 893 5666

Property profile>>

a R300 shopping voucher went to Christina Sepirwa-Manamela. The third prize, a R100 shopping voucher was won by Marcia Malete. Property For All’s offices are now situated in the Welgelegen centre in Gen Viljoen Street.

Pierre Brandon

Agency: Property For All What advice do you have for first time buyers? >> Make sure that you are qualified to buy the house that fits your finances To what do you ascribe your success as property agent? >> Being active with all the role players in the property market How is the market likely to change over the next five years? >> The interest rate will determine the market


Competition winners Marcia Malete, second prize and Louis Ndlovu, first prize with Property For All Principal Dirk van Niekerk, middle, who handed them their Mall of the North shopping vouchers on Friday.


Polokwane Observer

Julie 10, 2014

Groot pret by Westenburg Rugbyklub se winterbal BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


en van die hoogtepunte op die jaarprogram van die Westenburg Rugbyklub, die jaarlikse winterbal, is Saterdagaand by die Meropa Casino and Entertainment World gehou. Die 250 beskikbare kaartjies wat soos soetkoek verkoop het, is ‘n teken van die groot ondersteuningsbasis wat die klub in Polokwane het, het die president van die klub, Francois Hartlief tydens die funksie gesê. “Die klub het van

krag tot krag gegaan en ons spelers ding nou reeds in hoër liga’s mee,” het hy bygevoeg. Werk aan die stadion in Westenburg vorder fluks en Justin Whitehead, bestuurslid van die klub, het die presidentstoekenning ontvang vir die onvermoeide ywer waarmee hy die belange van die klub bevorder. Hartlief het sy dank teenoor die borge van die funksie uitgespreek en in besonder Meropa Casino and Entertainment World, sonder wie dit nie so ‘n reuse sukses sou wees nie.


Francois Hartlief, president van Westenburg Rugbyklub, regs, met Justin Whitehead wat die Presidentstoekenning ontvang het.

Mnr en Mej Heuwelkruin-finaliste bederf bejaardes RC MYBURGH >>rc.observer@gmail.com




R7 500.00 2x Flats for sale in Tambotie Hof 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen,Living, Dining Room, LOCATION LOCATION!! Study These flats are in the centre of PLEIn STREET R7 500.00 the CBD. Near the municipal 3 Bedrooms, 2½ Bathrooms, swimming pool, Mediclinic, Kitchen, Lounge, Garage, medical rooms, Filling Station, Prepaid Electricity, Separate Café, Pharmacy. English pre & Scullery, Pantry Primary Schools. TAMBOTIE HOF R4 800.00 GREAT FOR THE BEGINNER 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Single GREAT FOR INVESTORS Garage,Prepaid Electricity 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, DOUgLAS COURT R4 723.00 Lounge, Kitchen & Courtyard. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen, Lounge, Carport, Both Flats are selling for the very low price of only R477 000 each!! Prepaid Electricity

Inwoners van die Martha Hofmeyr Tehuis vir Bejaardes se voete het Saterdagoggend behoorlik gejeuk toe vier finaliste van Curro Heuwelkruin se jaarlikse Mnr en Mej Heuwelkruin-kompetisie en die plaaslike Suikerbos

Dansorkes vir groot vermaak gesorg het. Twaalf finaliste word jaarliks by Heuwelkruin gekies, drie uit elke huis van Deimos, Phobos en Triton. Die Deimos-finaliste, Nardus Snyman, Minette Snyman, Ross Pretorius en Maritsa Jacobs het as deel van die finaliste se liefdadigheidsprojek die bejaardes met eet- en drinkgoed en vastrap boeremusiek bederf.

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CONTACT SAN - 072 159 5126

PROPERTY FOR SALE 1) BENDOR TOWNHOUSE: R700 000 Lounge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, carport. 2) COMPENSATIE STREET: R740 000.00 4 Bedroom Duplex Townhouse with 1½ bathroom. Townhouse has been renovated with new kitchen cupboards, tiles and paint. Single garage. 3) UPPERTOWN: MODERN AND SPACIOUS: R2 550 000 Adorable home with open-plan lounge/ dining room/kitchen, cosy verandah, scullery, pantry, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garage and carports for 6 or more vehicles PLUS bachelor flat. Alarm. Beautiful finishes.

CONTACT SOLET - 082 498 4415

1) TOWNHOUSE - BODENSTEIN STREET: R850 000 Modern open-plan living area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen and single garage. FARMS / PLOTS FOR SALE

KONTAK MATIE - 083 271 5259

1) EDUAN PARK: R1 600 000.00 Spacious family home with 3 living areas, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, nice kitchen, double garage. Entertainment room, Borehole. Quiet area. 2) TWEEFONTEIN PLOT 8.5ha: 3 Slaapkamerhuis, 3 x 2 Slaapkamerhuise, 1 x 1 Slaapkamerhuis. Ontspanningslokaal. Naby N1. R2 450 000.00 3) 90ha NATUURPLAAS: In Wolkberge, 50km vanaf Polokwane, 2 chalets, stoor, wild, wildwerendomhein. Baie mooi en nuutontwikkelde eiendom. R2 950 000.00 4) 500ha BESPROEIINGSPLAAS: Dendron omgewing, 18ha onder besproeiing, 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 slaapkamer woonstel, groot pakstoor, werkswinkel, afdakke ens. Goed ontwikkelde plaas. R6 300 000.00


HOUSES: 1) 2 213m² CENTRAL TOWN: Zoned 14 units – R3 500 000.00 2) BENDOR – 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, en suite guest room, pool. 3) PENINA PARK - 3 000m² zoned 20 Units. R2 500 000.00 4) EDUAN PARK: 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Flat, swimming pool, lapa, borehole. PLOTS: 1) ROODEPOORT: 26 ha. Vacant. R1 500 000.00 neg. 2) On N1 PRETORIA RD: 8.5 ha. FARMS: 1) MESSINA/ALLDAYS - CATTLE FARM: 1 830ha @ R4 300/ha. 2) BOCHUM AREA: ± 730 ha (70 ha irrigation) R9 000 000.00 3) PIETERSBURG AREA CATTLE FARM: ± 1 000 ha R8 000 000.00 4) VIVO – 850 ha Game farm, house, loose assets and game R9 000 000.00 5) MARNITZ ± 2400ha cattle farm R17 000 000.00 INDUSTRIAL - FOR SALE: 1) 15 000 m² + 1 300 m² Industrial stands – N1 North available 2) 450m² warehouse on 1200m² stand R2 900 000.00 TO LET: RESIDENTIAL CONTACT SAN 072 159 5126 MIDTOWN: R2 950.00: Immediately Room with bathroom. Water and lights included! PLUS smaller room with bathroom - R2 350.00 UPPER TOWN: R16 000.00 - Fantastic spacious openplan house with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garages, pool, plus 3 offices. 1 July. TOWNHOUSE OOST STREET: R7 500 Immediately Lovely townhouse in Upper town with open-plan living area, 3 bedrooms, big scullery, excellent security, lockup garage and cosy garden. FAUNA PARK: R7 300: 1 August Beautiful home, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage. BENDOR: R5 500.00: 1 August Open-plan lounge/kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, single garage. TO LET: INDUSTRIAL CONTACT STEPHEN TEL: 015 287 3300 Industrial: To let: 1) 855m² - Office new (SAB area) 2) 80m² Cold room. 3) 1200m² + 200m² Offices, good exposure. 4) 500m² + 800m² warehouses 5) 1800m² warehouse + 300 m² office 6) 640m² - 1 September 2014 Office Space: 1) 430m² CBD with parking – Prime 2) Modern – free standing office, 600m² 1/5/2014 Close to CBD 3) 345m² - Offices and boardroom, plus parking (Hampton Court) 4) 100m² Office CBD

Mnr en Mej Heuwelkruin-finaliste Maritsa Jacobs en Minette Snyman, voor. In die middel is finalis Ross Pretorius, orkeslid Shirly Badenhorst, finalis Nardus Snyman en orkeslede Nico Erasmus, Danie Vorster en David Schlebusch. Orkeslede Pieta Badenhorst en Neels Marais staan agter. FOTO: RC MYBURGH

Afgetredene doen ywerig leerwerk ROELIEN VORSTER >> roelien.observer@gmail.com Jacky Steyn van Myngenoegen se hande staan vir min verkeerd. Die 71-jarige pensioenaris spandeer haar dae om handgewerkte leerhandsakke en -beursies te maak. Sy is ook vlytig as dit kom by houtwerk. Sy is in Zambië gebore en getoë. “My hele familie, ons was vier kinders, was nog altyd baie goed as dit by handwerk kom. My pa het in Zambië geboer en ons kinders moes maar ook inspring om die boerdery aan die gang te hou. “In die sewentigs het ek begin om leergordels te maak. Ek het dit uitgekerf en begin om stempelwerk daarop te doen. Ek sou nooit in ‘n kantoor aard nie,” lag sy. Sy en haar man het met sitrus en beeste in die Letsitele-gebied geboer. “Ek het by ‘n klein winkeltjie in Sunnyside in Pretoria, waar die eienaar in boogskiet en verskillende tipe leer gespesialiseer het, begin om leer aan te koop. Ons het vir ‘n tyd in Paraguay gebly waar ek begin houtwerk doen het. My man was nutteloos met sy hande en ek het die kombuiskaste gemaak. Hoewel ek enigiets kon maak, het ek dit eksklusief vir myself gehou.” Steyn vertel dat sy die afgelope tyd meer tyd aan leerwerk spandeer en kan spog met die mooiste handgemaakte beursies, gordels, handsakke en palmsakkies. Die kerfwerk is perfek afgerond en sy sê sy verkies om die stempelwerk op die natuurlike kleur leer af te druk aangesien dit soveel beter vertoon. “Sodra die stempelwerk droog is, word ‘n deklaag oorgesit waarna die leer dan in verskillende kleure gekleur kan word. Die lekkerste

van die werk is die wete dat ek dit self gemaak het. Ek kan die Here net dank dat hy my die talent gegee het.” Om seker te maak die leerwerk stewig is, word die stiksels met ‘n masjien gewerk, maar die rygwerk word met die hand gedoen. “Ek geniet dit verskriklik, maar dis nie altyd maklik om die goed te verkoop nie aangesien die meeste mense eerder na die goedkoper, helderkleurige handsakke kyk. Die enigste nadeel is dat mense nie bereid is om vir handwerk te betaal nie.” Steyn sê die meeste van die leergoed wat sy maak is op aanvraag. Jacky Steyn

Van die leerwerk het die mooiste stempels op.

July 10, 2014

Polokwane Observer





SIAS • 082 372 7265


POLOKWANE • R3 760 000


INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX BUILT TO PERFECTION. Upmarket double-storey offices (285m²) warehouse/workshop (323m²). Stand 1203m². Plus 3 carports. Good quality finishes, air-conditioning, surveillance cameras, electric fence, alarm system, controlled access, balcony, brick walled and chromadek roof. Reception area, boardrooms 5 offices, storerooms, kitchen and 3 bathrooms. Don’t delay please call Sias to view the property. Ref: 91344181049






GRETHA • 082 802 1874

FLORA PARK • R858 000 UNBELIEVABLY CLEAN HOUSE Ref: 91344181257 Family home close to Savanna Mall and walking distance to schools. Spacious main bedroom. Let’s talk about your future. 600m² stand. Space to build a garage. This one won’t last.



00 Carports 00


JAMES • 072 236 7310


BENDOR • R2 200 000 UPMARKET DOUBLE VOLUME EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE. Stunning home built to perfection - high quality finishes - open plan living areas for entertainment - spacious bedrooms, study, well planned kitchen, laundry/ scullery with granite tops. Veranda with braai area overlooking a lovely garden and sparkling pool. Servant’s room and bathroom. Please call me to view the property. Ref: 91344181040



This magnificent home offers perfect views for relaxed sundowners after a day of hard work. Big open spaces. Open-plan kitchen and one bedroom flatlet with own entrance. Outside features include entertainment area, pool and borehole. All this wrapped up in state-of-the-art security area. Call today!




SIAS • 082 372 7265


SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME! A lovely and spacious family home with 4 bedrooms all with laminated floors and 2 bathrooms, spacious lounge and kitchen. The yard is protected by walls and electric fencing. Double garages. Several cycads with a Wendy house. There is a veranda at the entrance. Call now! Ref: 91344180138




FLORA PARK • R1 520 000

SIAS • 082 372 7265

BENDOR • R3 060 000





PRICE REDUCED – FAMILY HOME! Ref: 91344172008 Stunning house in upper class security area. Close to Mall of the North. This home offers guest room with kitchenette. Open-plan living areas, dining kitchen and enclosed patio ideal for braai. Fireplace to warm up the living area. Deck plus swimming pool. Excellent buy.





BENDOR • R1 950 000 ENJOY A STUNNING LIFESTYLE IN A HOME OF PERFECTION. Excellent security. High quality finishes, wooden windows. Stunning double volume open-plan living, dining and study with a well planned kitchen. Stoep with braai area – lovely garden with a water feature, storeroom and a toilet/shower for the staff. Please call me to view the property. Ref: 91344181045


ROSEMARY 082 804 9725


Tel: 015 295 3134


15A Schoeman Street, Polokwane, 0700, P.O. Box 1961, Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 295 3134 Fax: 015 295 3161 E-mail: polokwane@aidasa.co.za Website: www.aida.co.za

ANTON 082 443 6039



3 Carports 2

1 LOUWRENS• 082 958 6632




JACOB • 082 466 8366



BENDOR • R887 000

CAREFREE LIVING IN SECURITY COMPLEX Ref: 91344180563 Ideal for beginners. Very neat townhouse – a must see. Close to Mall of the North. Why wait? Call now! 2 2 1 Carports 1 00 RINA • 082 929 9171



SESHEGO • R522 000

NEWLY BUILT HOUSE! Ref:91344181182 Comprises of 3 en suite bedrooms, big kitchen with nice finishes. Walled around with lockable gate. Call for appointment. 3 3

0 Carports 0


SIMON • 082 476 8916

PENINA PARK • R950 000 BIG AFFORDABLE FAMILY HOME. Ref: 91344167219 Family home. Walking distance from CBD. Consists of lounge, TV and dining room. Spacious rooms with study. Two lock-up garages with drive-through door. In very quiet street almost next to main road to CBD. Value for money! 2 Carports 00 00 4 2 INA • 079 597 8636

LEEUKUIL • R1 290 000

LET YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Ref: 91334180966 This plot has lots of water and potential for a small farmer. Beautiful bushveld trees. It will steal your heart. To see it is to want it. Call now!

2 2




Area Thornhill 91344180515 Woodlands Price Reduced Bodorp 91344161670 Northview 91344174462 Northview 91344174461


RINA • 082 929 9171

Size (m²) 424

EDUAN PARK • R2 953 000




Neat and modern townhouse with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen and lounge – nice garden outside.

2 1

0 Carports 0


SIMON • 0824768916


















We need houses, flats & plots to rent for good, long-term tenants! ELMARIE - 082 977 7020



WELL MAINTAINED FAMILY HOME! Ref:91344180681 A gorgeous family home comprising of four en suite bedrooms. The kitchen is fitted with granite tops with breakfast nook, pantry and scullery. Partial double volume, double-storey home with sparkling pool and beautiful paving around the house and the pool. There is a fish pond too. Lockable gates and garages. Spacious yard. Excellent upmarket finishes. Neat and well maintained. Call now to view!






Price R 300 000


R 450 000


R 6 200 000


R 400 000


R 400 000



JACOB • 082 466 8366

Agent Simon 082 476 8916 Louwrens 082 958 6632 Rina 082 929 9171 Victor 073 066 6805 Victor 073 066 6805

JAMES LOUWRENS PETER GRETHA HENNIE HANTI 083 245 1018 084 549 5928 072 236 7310 082 958 6632 073 219 4538 082 802 1874

PACKAGES CAN BE STRUCTURED TO MEET YOUR NEEDS • MANY OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM. Everything we touch turns to SOLD! KOWIE SIMON SHEPSTONE SIAS VICTOR ELMARIE JACOB INA 072 458 4524 082 372 7265 073 066 6805 082 977 7020 082 466 8366 079 597 8636 082 476 8916 082 854 0452

RINA 082 929 9171



July 10, 2014

32 OBSERVER polokwane

Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za


impopo Ministries Fraternal (LMF) will tomorrow (Friday) launch its regional structure in Mopani District at NkowaNkowa Community Hall to honour the late member of the Fraternal, Pastor Debora Makwakwa who was the Secretary of the fraternal in Mopani. LMF Chairperson Richard Selepe made the announcement during their meeting in Polokwane on Monday. “The launch will be her memory, we will be honouring her for her sterling work and her

Ministries Fraternal opens branch in Mopani commitment to the fraternal. She played a pivotal role in the mobilisation of the fraternal prior to her death,” Selepe said. He also mentioned that during the day they will be encouraging community members to form cooperatives in order to fight poverty and raise sustainable income for the families.

“Cooperatives are important and we think if community members can form cooperatives they will be able to fight employment because they would have created their own. We will be having representatives from Mopani Municipality, South African National Civic Organisation, South African Local Government Association

and Limpopo Economic Development Agency to give members guidelines on how to form those cooperatives,” Selepe said. Selepe also mentioned that they will launch other regional structures in other districts to enable members who are far from Polokwane to accesses their activities.


1. HOUSESGame FROM R750 000with Lodges, 2083ha Farm 2. PLOTS and FARMS available TOWNHOUSES ±3. 20km from Polokwane POR Dorp - 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen, TO LET yard and garage. R700 000 Bendor - 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen, yard and carport. R500 000 Bendor - 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living area, patio with braai, kitchen, small yard and carport. R650 000

2 Bedroom flat. R3 900-00p/m 5 Bedroom House, with pool, pool room and double garage. TO LET R10 900-00p/m Residential - 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, study, 3Bendor Bedroom House, electrically fenced lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, outside toilet & shower, pool and double garage. R7 600-00p/m –Bendor African Jewel, adjacent to Seshego. - 3 Bedroom Townhouse with 2 bathrooms, living area, kitchen and 1 carport R in secure complex. 4 300-00p/m R5 600-00p/m

Photo: Herbert Rachuene

Members of the Limpopo Ministries Fraternal photographed during their meeting in Polokwane on Monday. From left are Sawan Bobe, Provincial Chairperson, Richard Selepe, Secretary John Galane, Treasurer Molamodi Malatji, Mopani Chairperson Sontaga Ramapuputla, Harry Mametja, Doctor Mangena, Vino Bobe (Sales and Marketing Manager at Artzone) and Subhash Bobe(Artist at Art Zone).

Bendor - 3 Bedroom townhouse with 1 bathroom, living area, kitchen and garage in secure complex. R4 070-00p/m Bendor - 3 Bedroom house with 1 bathroom, 2 living areas, kitchen, lapa, Wendy house and 2 carports with electrical fencing. R5 000-00p/m URGENTLY WANTED!!! Al kinds of property to rent. If you have a property that you want to let or know of someone who has, please contact me.

WAREHOUSE/ STORAGE TO LET 1 x 1 000m² for R20.00/m² Tweefontein Smallholdings 3 km from SAB Long-term

Johann Swart 082 829 5084

Lion of Judah Church choir unites in Mankweng

Photo: Yolande Nel

Above, left and right: Arresting voices carried across a park in Mankweng’s Unit C when the recently arrived choir of The Lion of Judah Church, with its headquarters in Kliptown, Johannesburg got together for an impromptu rendering of an item during a break in a weekend Youth Convention programme. Choir members hail from Limpopo, North West and Gauteng. They unite three times a year with their next scheduled meeting set for October, according to spokesperson Patience Malatjie.


TEL: 015 295 4537 / Fax: 015 291 1166 7a HaNS VaN RENSBURG STREET www.stipecprop.co.za

WOONSTELLE / FLATS: 0152954537 / 0732817405 TOWN R3 300 - 3 Modern bachelor flats with kitchen, bathroom and carport available. Commununal swimming pool and barbeque area. Water and electricity R300 per month. R3 600 - 1 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, lounge/kitchen and carport. Prepaid electricity. Communal swimming pool. LADANNA R3 400 - 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Prepaid electricity and water at municipality. FLORA PARK R3 400 - 1 Slaapkamer woonstel in erf met sitkamer, kombuis, badkamer en 2 afdakke. DOUGLAS COURT R4 750 - 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen and carport. MEENTHUISE / TOWNHOUSE: 0152954537 / 0732817405 TOWN R3 200 – 1 Bedroom, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. Carport available at R175 extra per month. MAGAZYNSTR R5 100 – 2 Slaapkamers, 1½ badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en 2 afdakke. Klein hondjie welkom. R5 570 – 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, kombuis en afdak. LADANNA From R3 700 to R4 250 – Safe complex. 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen and carport. Water at municipality and prepaid electricity. R5 100 – 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, TV room and garage. Prepaid electricity. BENDOR R4 230 – 2 Slaapkamers, badkamer, sitkamer, kombuis, afdak en klein tuintjie. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Augustus 2014.

HUISE / HOUSES: 0152954537 / 0732817405 TOWN R6 500 - 3 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, gaste toilet, studeerkamer, buite toilet, 2 motorhuise en stoorkamer. R6 800 - Pragtige huis in Compensatiestraat. 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, kombuis, studeerkamer, 1 motorhuis en 2 afdakke. R14 110 - 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, scullery, pantry, carport and garage. Prepaid electricity and water. FLORAPARK R6 700 - 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en 2 afdakke. R8 000 - 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, TV kamer, kombuis, opwas, 2 motorhuise en buite toilet. BENDOR R6 000 - 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, 2 garages, carport, outside room with shower and toilet and storeroom. Prepaid electricity. OFFICES ±40m². Covered parkings. Water + electricity at Municipality. 120m² warehouses available in Ladine. Hampton Court 140m² – R10 000-00 excl VAT, available immediately. Shop available near UNISA. Suitable for an Internet Café / Food Franchise. R8000-00 per month, Excluding VAT. MEDICAL SUITES AVAILABLE, VARIOUS SIZES. PHONE TODAY! FOR SALE ANEL 071 125 2844 FAUNA PARK R1 750 000 - 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, study, kitchen and 3 garages. A SELECTION OF FLATS AND TOWNHOUSES AvAILABLE PRICED FROM R490 000 TO R900 000.


1 x 120 m² - ground floor. Watermelon Street, Platinum Park.

015 297 2636

To leT

offices Maneoprops 072 614 4333

July 10, 2014

Polokwane Observer

Onbaatsugtige diens by DBV


“Having achieved more than 50 Years of property

>> Die DBV se deur is oop vir die publiek >> Die perseel is skoon en die diere word goed versorg Die Polokwane Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV) beplan drie groot projekte waarby die gemeenskap die jaar betrokke kan raak. Dit sluit ‘n gholfdag, Bark 4 Life, in samewerking met die Kankervereninging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa), en Carols by Candlelight in. Die instansie beoog ook om 50 plakkate te laat druk om bewustheid rondom hul werksaamhede en dienste te skep. Die ontwerp- en drukkoste asook munisipale goedkeuring sal ongeveer R3 500 kos. Individue en besighede wat belangstel om die projek te borg of befonds is welkom. Weldoeners se naam en logo sal op die plakkate gedruk kan word. Dan is daar ook die opsie om ‘n hok te borg vir minder as R1 000 per jaar. Borge mag advertensieborde by die hokke aanbring. Die DBV se deure staan wyd oop vir die publiek en personeel is beskikbaar om die huisvesting, wat daagliks skoongemaak word, aan belangstellendes te wys. Diere wat deur die DBV versorg word kry daagliks geleentheid om op gras te speel wat sosialisering aanhelp en verhoed dat eensaamheid en meegaande emosionele verwaarlosing intree. Daarmee saam word hul geeënt en deeglik na hul ander behoeftes omgesien. Personeel-, vervoer en ander uitgawes is hoog vanweë die tipe diens wat gelewer word en die instansie is afhanklik van donasies van die publiek en besighede om hulle taak behoorlik te vervul. Donateurs en ander belangstellendes kan Le-Andrie Bezuidenhout kontak by 082 797 3227.

makes us the obvious choice”


WEB: 326087

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1


A home where a family can live, love and laugh together. It has a big lapa where you can relax with friends. Excellently situated close to CBD in a quiet location. The property is protected by walls and electric fencing as well as an alarm system. The gate works with a intercom system, and the garden on this property is manageable. This is a must see and an opportunity not to be missed! DINEO MOHOLOBELA 072 203 6658 dineo.moholobela@seeff.com WELGELEGEN

R1 850 000


R770 000


R2 985 000

www.observer.co.za e-mail: observer@ mwebbiz.co.za SOLE MANDATE




(O) 015 297 1140 KARIEN JORDAAN 082 774 7957 (O) 015 297 1140 CHARMAINE VERMEULEN 082 780 5844

(O) 015 297 1140 KWENA RAMMUTLA 076 090 9530

(O) 015 297 1140 MANIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 809 3850

Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 3 Garages 3 Seeff Web: 327 525

suzettejacobs@hotmailcom BENDOR: R1 350 000: Lovely family home with a nice size backyard. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, study and a nice new kitchen. OLD FLORA PARK: R1 750 000: Absolutely fantastic! Move-in-ready. Newly renovated 3 bedr, 2 bathr home. New finishes, entertainment area, 2 garages, 2 carports. BODORP: R1 880 000: Large 2 000m² stand. 3 Bedr, 1 bathr home. Popular area for future investment. LADANNA: R1 188 000: VALuE FOR mONEy: 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom home with study. 1 Bedroom flatlet, lapa, fenced. CCTV, carports. Borehole. Good street. Tel: 015 2988229 Fax: 015 2988229 Email: mirnal@telkomsa.net

P.O. Box 961 Fauna Park 0787

Principal (Sole Proprietor) Mirna Lourens Fidelity Fund Certificate: 2013203363

DOUBLE SECURITY !! Woodlands SPACIOUS double-storey Townhouse! Exclusive Mandate 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Lounge, Dining Room, Modern Kitchen, Patio, Double garage with automated doors. Bodorp Townhouse – NOT TO BE MISSED! Space Galore! R790 000,00 - 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Dining room, lounge, kitchen, lock-up garage, big garden Haenertsburg P.O.R. A must see………….. 5 Bedrooms, 5 Bathrooms, Kitchen Too much to menHettie 082 452 1603 tion……phone me


R980 000

Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 320 666


R1 360 000



(O) 015 297 1140 MARIETTE PRETORIUS 082 200 5227

(O) 015 297 1140 MELANI LE ROUX 084 250 1300

Bedrooms 3 Bathroom 2 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 321 506


R536 000


R2 700 000


Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 327 188


Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 288 835

R875 000

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 2 Seeff Web: 324 300

(O) 015 297 1140 RIA ROOS 082 499 1199


R1 699 000





(O) 015 297 1140 SANDY SMITH 083 268 7436

(O) 015 297 1140 SINDILE MLAUZI 076 062 9454

(O) 015 297 1140 SUNET SCHEEPERS 083 941 7357

Bedrooms 3 Bathroom 1 Seeff Web: 324 886


R3 280 000

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garages 2 Seeff Web: 324 871

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 315 974



R985 000


R8 140 000




(O) 015 297 1140 MANIE OOSTHUIZEN 082 809 3850

(O) 015 297 1140 CHARMAINE VERMEULEN 082 780 5844 (O) 015 297 1140 CHRISTO VAN HEERDEN 082 375 7434

Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garages 3 Seeff Web: 327 530

Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 Seeff Web: 324 266

Do You Want to Buy or Sell Residential / Commercial Property? Call One of our Professional Sales Consultants

015 297 1140

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Polokwane Observer


Julie 10, 2014

Local physiotherapist off to Commonwealth Games with SA team

The Department hereby invites all prospective suppliers of General Goods & Services, Prestige, Professional Services and Cooperatives to submit new application forms and returnable documents for approval to be onto DPW database. IMPORTANT NOTES • Companies appearing on National Treasury blacklisted database and companies which business status with CIPC is final deregistration, will not be considered. • Suppliers are allowed to choose only two commodities for General Goods and Services • Suppliers must comply with responsive criteria as set-out on PA 23 application form • If a company has a footprint they must submit application form for each office. • Approved Suppliers that appear on our DPW website needs only to update their details. Please visit www.publicworks.gov.za then click procurement, then click documents to view your status. List of commodities • Cleaning/cleaning materials • • Cleaning carpets Installation and repairs • Gardening services • Training EPWP • Clothing • Security • Removal • Catering • Stationery • Events management • Conference seminar, • Courier • Machinery accessories venue and courses • Pest control Fumigation • Tools and hand machine • • Office furniture • Chemicals • IT Consumables • Office equipments • Printing • Advertising services Suppliers can access application forms by downloading it from our website: www.publicworks.gov.za or to collect and submit application forms to this address: Department of Public Works Private Bag X9469 Polokwane 0700

78 Hans Van Rensburg Old Mutual building Office 10, 1st floor

Helpdesk enquiries: Clara Molepo/ Vusi Msimango: (015) 293 8072/ 8062 or e-mail mmatau. molepo@dpw.gov.za Closing date: 31/07/2014 NB: No applications forms will be received by Head Office, Only Regional Offices will be allowed.


Polokwane physiotherapist Evah Ramashala will be accompanying the South African team to the Commonwealth Games in Scotland. WARREN BLUNT >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

With her passion for treating sport injuries, local physiotherapist Evah Ramashala will be flying to Scotland in August as part of the medical team for the South African squad that will be participating in the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Ramashala will be joining three doctors and eight other physiotherapists that will take care of any injuries to the South African team. She will be in familiar territory among the athletes as she has been part of the medical team for other provincial and national sides that have participated on the international stage. The most recent was when she

(Established 1968)

accompanied the South African team to the World Junior Championships that was held in Russia last year. It is due to Ramashala’s previous experience at big sporting events, her hard-working ethics and dedication to her profession that she has been chosen to be one of the nine physiotherapists that will look after the general well-being of the South African team competing at the Commonwealth Games. She was part of the medical team that looked after the South African Para-Olympic team at the London Olympic Games in 2012 and has also assisted with the Banyana Banyana women soccer team recently. Although Ramashala will be mainly be looking after members of the athletics and weightlifting teams, she will also help out in case of a heavy workload among physiotherapists that take care of the other sporting codes competing in the event. Common injuries among athletes are pulled or torn hamstrings, strained muscles and ankles so her ten years of experience in treating sports injuries will stand her in good stead. The mother of a three-year-old daughter is not too worried about the running of her physiotherapy practise in Polokwane when she is in Scotland with the Commonwealth team for close to a month, as she has a capable workforce and locums that will be taking care of her patients. Ramashala who will be visiting Scotland for the first time, said she is looking forward to the games and good results from the team.



DRAFT NOTICE ON THE PUBLIC HEARING ON GUIDELINES FOR THE ELECTRICITY RESELLER TARIFFS The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) is a regulatory authority established as a juristic person in terms of Section 3 of the National Energy Regulator Act, 2004 (Act No. 40 of 2004). NERSA’s mandate is to regulate the electricity, piped-gas and petroleum pipelines industries in terms of the Electricity Regulation Act, 2006 (Act No. 4 of 2006), Gas Act, 2001 (Act No. 48 of 2001) and Petroleum Pipelines Act, 2003 (Act No. 60 of 2003).

Duly instructed by Mr. Cloete Murray from Sechaba Trust in the matter Curatorship ito Section 163(7)(b) of the Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011, Lesiba Cuthbert Gwangwa, Case Number 1591/2013, we will sell by public tender on:


The National Energy Regulator (NERSA) invites the public and all stakeholders to attend the scheduled public hearing on the Guidelines for the Electricity Reseller Tariffs. The public hearing will be conducted as follows:

Date: Venue: Time:

22 July 2014 Gallagher Convention Centre Richards Drive, Midrand 10:00 to 17:00

Members of the public and stakeholders who wish to attend or to present at the hearing must register no later than 16:00 on Thursday, 17 July 2014. Contact persons for registration are: Dimakatjo Moagi Tel: 012 401 4715 Fax: 012 401 4700 publichearings@nersa.org.za

Elizabeth Taylor Tel: 012 401 4033 Fax: 012 401 4089 publichearings@nersa.org.za

Also note that if NERSA does not receive any requests to present at the advertised public hearing by the closing date of this notice, 17 July 2014, NERSA retains the right not to hold the scheduled hearing. For more information please contact Dimakatjo Moagi on Tel: 012 401 4715

ITEMS: 2012 Volkswagen Golf GTiR (Reg Nr. BS 55 CZ GP) 2008 Jeep Wrangler (Reg Nr. XGS 201 GP) 2006 R1 Yamaha Motorcycle (Reg Nr. BF 51 NP GP) – Trailer not included LOCATION AND VIEWING TIMES OF ITEMS: Viewing 16 and 17 July 2014 from 09:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00 at 47 Corundum Street, Futura, Polokwane. All tender documents must be handed in at Eli Ströh Property Services & Auctioneers on Friday, 18 July 2014 at 12:00. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is an opportunity to obtain well maintained and clean motor vehicles and a motorcycle. Tender documents can be obtained at Eli Ströh Property Services & Auctioneers, Platinum Place, 2 Watermelon Street, Platinum Park, Bendor, Polokwane. Upon collection of the tender documents a R2 000.00 refundable deposit must be paid. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - CONTACT THE AUCTIONEERS PROPERTY SERVICES & AUCTIONEERS PLATINUM PLACE, 2 WATERMELON STREET, PLATINUM PARK PO BOX 1238, POLOKWANE TEL: 015 287 3300 FAX: 086 691 7845 E-MAIL: adrinette@elistroh.co.za WEB: www.elistroh.co.za


Julie 10, 2014



STORAGE TO LET 4 km from SAB on LTT Road from R550 p.m. Contact Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ STORAGE TO LET We can store from bikes to big boats. From R400 p.m. Polokwane Self Storage. 082 446 4574 / 083 460 4439 ____________________



EK KOOP ENIGE GOUE JUWELE VIR KONTANT Al is dit gebreek. Ek kom u sien, waar u ook al is. Skakel of SMS Deon 074 067 2064 ____________________



CONFERENCE FACILITIES From 20 to 400 delegates. Weddings, funerals, theme parties, ethnic. Contact 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ___________________ MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Revamp offices, houses, plots, small building jobs, plumbing, painting, tiling & electrical. SOUTHGATE Contact Danie 079 894 8963 ___________________ CONSOLIDATION LOAN ONLINE Up to R230 000. Low credit score OK. help@debtcon.co.za ___________________

ALLE LANGAFSTAND MEUBELVERVOER Kontak Anna-Mari 0861 111 129 ___________________ GHETTO WENDYS All types, log, cabin, knotty pine, louvre and pallet. 2m x 2m = R4 000 3m x 3m = R5 000 3m x 4m = R5 500 For more info contact Denis 072 114 1850 / 083 686 4178 ___________________ c&m construction Ceilings/dry walling/ painting/ tiling/ renovations. Tel: 087 7511310 / 061 150 9436 ___________________ AAG WENDYS Knotty pine, log cabin, treated with wax oil, 1 door, 1 window, floor, zinc roof, pallet. Price: 3 m x 3 m = R4 500 3 m x 4 m = R5 000 Arnold 076 858 8973 Alice 073 323 4239 ___________________



LUSERN TE KOOP 015 575 9941 012 335 2178 ____________________



LEEUKUIL ESTATE Bachelors unit in safe tranquil surroundings, 7 km from town. R2 200 p.m. Skakel 079 081 3152 ____________________ FULLY FURNISHED 1 Bedroom cottage for rent, W&L incl. Centrally located. For R4 000 + dep. Immediately. Contact 072 658 2651 ____________________

EEN SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL TE HUUR R3 500 in Marshallstraat. Kontak Sandra 083 479 2300 ____________________ 1 SLK BACHELOR WOONSTEL 4 km van SAB op LTT pad. R2500 p.m. + dep. Water & elektrisiteit ingesluit. Skakel Johan 083 459 7046 ____________________ TO LET BACHELOR FLAT 1 bedroom up to 3 bedrooms in secure area. Tel 015 295 5264 Cell 079 899 5405 ____________________ GEMEUBILEERDE AKKOMODASIE Vir enkelpersoon. Skakel 082 329 7710 ____________________ FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE IN BENDOR De Wetrylaan. Carport and encl garden. R4 500 p.m. Debbie 015 295 8015/17 ____________________ MEENTHUIS TE HUUR Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Aug in Eagle’s Crest. 3 En suite slaapkamers, oopplan kombuis met braai area. R7 000 per maand + deposito. Kontak Danie 083 630 1109 081 450 4509 ____________________



2 SLAAPKAMER HUIS OP PLOT TE HUUR 8km uit dorp. Elektries omhein. Geen groot honde. R4 000 p.m. plus deposito. W&L en tuinwerker ingesluit. Skakel 082 588 5520 ____________________

HOUSES: BODORP R25 500 4 Bedr, 3 bathr, 2 garages, pool. BENDOR VILLAGE R19 530 5 Bedr, 5½ bathr, patio with built-in braai, 2 garages. FAUNA PARK R12 250 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, study, pool and 2 bedr flat. FLORA PARK R9 900 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, pool & 1 bedr flat. NEW FLORA PARK R8 350 4 Bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages. DALMADA PLOT R7 340 3 Bedr, 2 bathr plus outside buildings. TOWNHOUSES: BENDOR R8 000 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, 2 garages. BENDOR R7 240 Fully furnished 2 bedr, 1 bath with DStv. WELGELEGEN R6 000 3 bedr, 1 bathr, lapa, 1 garage, prepaid electricity. LADANNA R3 980 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport. FLATS: COMPENSATIE St R4 300 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, 1 carport. FLORA PARK R4 900 2 Bedr, 1 bathr. EDUAN PARK R4 000 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, 1 carport, water incl. Offices in CBD from R2 500 Hans van Rensburg St R8 900 Marshall St 91m² Offices R10 270 DIONETTE 084 503 3964 MARTIN 060 666 5432 THYS 083 702 0768 AUDREY 072 632 7117


HOUSES FOR JULY • MACADAMIA RETIREMENT VILLAGE - R8 550 - BRAND NEW HOME – 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 garages and open garden – Age group 45 + no animals. • PENINA PARK - R5 000: 3 bed, 2 bath, garage and small garden. • IVY PARK - R5 500: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carports and garden. TOWNHOUSES IMMEDIATELY • KORAAL RETIREMENT VILLAGE – age group 50+ no animals. Spacious 2 bed, bath, garage and garden. • MYNGENOEGEN RD – R3 900: 2 bed, 2 bath, carports and garden. • DORP STREET – R4 235: 2 bed, bath and garage. OFFICES – IMMEDIATELY CYCAD SHOPPING CENTRE SIZE – 84m² @ R94.76 P/m² Big reception area, Boardroom Big Office 10 – 15 people. Small kitchen + toilet. Under cover parking at Extra cost. FLATS TO LET MACADAMIA @ THE ALOES RETIREMENT VILLAGE: 1 to 2 bed, 1 bath, exclusive townhouses. Immediately available, with 24-hour care and security. Different Levels of care and affordable prices. FOR EXAMPLE: 3 meals per day 2 x cleaning of apartment 2 week laundry washed and ironed. Assistance with control of medication. Check on Resident 2 x day by medical staff etc. R5 200, R5 650, R5 800. FLATS FOR JULY 3 Magazyn Street – R2 350. 90 Pietersburg Street – R2 350. PATSY - 083 270 6770

HUIS TE HUUR OP PLOT R8 500 p.m. W&L ing. Dep R2 500. Cathy 082 934 8634 073 468 1247 ____________________ RUIM 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS TE HUUR SOETDORINGS Netjies en omhein. Dubbel afdak parkering. Veilige en rustie omgewing. R5 560 plus dep plus koopkrag. Streng keuring. Skakel Minette 076 941 1679 ____________________ LAEKOSTE HUISVESTING by HIEB in Dalmada beskikbaar. Klein vertrek huise R1 950 p.m., Bachelor woonstelle R1 500 p.m. Wendy houtkamers R1 000 p.m. Gemeenskaplike ablusiegeriewe. Skakel Marina in kantoorure 015 297 2008 ____________________



EENHEID 1 BY DIE KORAAL EEN Aftreeoord te koop. Daar is 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers en dubbel toesluit motorhuis. R1 200 000. Kontak Henda 076 604 2989 ____________________



SAKEGELEENTHEID Goed gevestigde winkel met ruim perseel & parkeringplek. Ideale familie besigheid. Voorraad & toerusting ingesluit. Prys onderhandelbaar. Skakel Willie Loots 071 602 7710 ____________________


OBSERVER 35 CONTACT THE OBSERVER TELEPHONE: 015 291 1061 FAX: 015 291 3654 WEBSITE www.observer.co.za E-MAIL observer@mwebbiz.co.za POST www.observer.co.za



SOUTHGATE COUNTRY LODGE Overnight accommodation from R350 p.n. Contact 015 295 5264 ___________________



REMOVAL OF RESTRICTION ACT, 1976 THE REMOVAL OF THE CONDITION IN THE DEED OF GRANT TG076207/08 OF ERF 98 MANKWENG UNIT A, AND THE SIMULTANEOUS APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE PROVISION OF REGULATION R293 OF 1962 (ADMINISTRATION OF TOWNSHIPS REGULATION) It is hereby notified that application has been made in terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act 1967, by the firm Akanya Development Solutions for the removal of conditions 2(a) in Deed of Grant TG076207/08 of erf 98 Mankweng unit A and simultaneously in terms of the provision of Regulator R293 of 1962 for the change of land use of the above-mentioned property, from single residential use to high density residential use to permit residential building/units on the property. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Polokwane Local Municipality, First Floor, West Wing, Civic Centre, Landdros Mare Street, Polokwane from 11 July 2014 until 8 August 2014. Objections regarding the application must be made in writing and submitted to the above mentioned addresses or posted to the Manager: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management at P.O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700, no later than 8 August 2014. Akanya Development

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IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA Case number: 4913/2010 In the matter between: FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED Plaintiff And MOHLANYE KLEINBOY MAMETSA 1st Defendant MACHOENE MELITA MAMETSA 2nd Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In Execution of a judgment of the High Court of South Africa, (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) in the abovementioned suit, a sale without reserve will be held by the SHERIFF POLOKWANE at 66 PLATINUM STREET, LADINE, POLOKWANE on 30 JULY 2014 at 10:00 of the under mentioned property of the Defendant/s on conditions which will lie for inspection at the offices of the SHERIFF POLOKWANE at 66 PLATINUM STREET, LADINE, POLOKWANE, prior to the sale. Short description of property, situation and street number: CERTAIN: ERF 1041 SITUATED IN THE TOWN, BENDOR EXTENSION 8, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S., LIMPOPO PROVINCE. MEASURING: 1124 SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER NUMBER: T70673/1995 STREET ADDRESS: 38 ALETTA STREET, BENDOR EXTENSION 8, POLOKWANE The property is zoned residential.

Tel: 015 292 1001 • Cell: 071 492 5938 • Fax: 086 524 9306 Email: sales@afrsa.co.za or finance@afrsa.co.za www.atlasfurnitureremovals.co.za R OU CE Plot 119, Ivydale, Polokwane, 0700 4-H RVI 2 PO Box 1425, Fauna Park, 0787 SE


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GO TLOŠWA GA MOLAO WA DIKILETŠO WA 1967 GO TLOŠWA GA DIPEELANO KA GO LENGWALO LA BOHLATSE BJA BODUDI TG76207/08 SETENENG SA 98 MANKWENG YUNITI A, SAMMALETEE LE KGOPELO YA TUMELELO GO YA KA MOLAO R293 WA 1962. (MOLAWANA WA TAOLOTSHEPEDIŠO YA MAKHEIŠENE) Le lemošwa mo gore Akanya Development Solution e dirile kgopelo go ya ka karolo 3(1) ya Molao wa Dikiletšo wa 1967, gore go tlošwe dipeelano tšeo di tšwelelago go 2(a) ka go Lengwalo la Bohlatse bja Bodudi TG76207/08 seteneng sa 98 Mankweng Unit A, sammaletee le kgopelo ya tumelelo go ya ka Taolotshepedišo R293 ya 1962 gore go fetolwe tirišo ya lefelo go setene seo se boletšwego ka godimo, go tloga go lefelo la go dula lapa le tee go ba lefelo la go dula batho ka bontši gore go dumelelwe go agwa ga moago wo bjalo. Bao ba nago le kgahlego ya go lekola dinhla ka botlalo malebana le kgopelo ye ba ka leba kantorong ya Mmasepala wa Polokwane, lebatong la mathomo, Civic Centre, Mmileng wa Landdros Mare go tloga ka la 11 Mosegamanye (Julae) 2014 go fihla ka la 8 Phato (Agosetose) 2014. Bao ba ganetšanago le kgopelo ye ba ka dira bjalo ka go ngwala mangwalo gomme ba a tliša atreseng ye e boletšwego ka godimo goba ba ka a romela go: Molaodi: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management go P.O Box 111, Polokwane, 0700, gomme mangwalo ao a fihle pele ga letšatši la 8 Phato 2014. Akanya Development

Solutions Lebato la Mathomo Coach House Bondev Park Magahlanong a Mmila wa Wierde le wa Willem Botha Centurion Tel: 012 658 0431 Cell: 072 188 2468 10/07 17/07 ___________________

For Eye catching aDVertising call Polokwane Observer @ 015 291 1061

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Solutions 1st Floor Coach House Bondev Park Cnr Wierde & Willem Botha roads Centurion Tel: 012 658 0431 Cell: 072 188 2468 10/07 17/07 ___________________

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July 10, 2014

36 OBSERVER polokwane

The following information is furnished re the improvements, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed. A main residential dwelling consisting of: 1 x ENTRANCE HALL, 1 X LOUNGE, 1 X FAMILY ROOM, 1 X DINING ROOM, 1 X STUDY ROOM, 1 X KITCHEN, 1 X PANTRY, 1 X SCULLERY, 5 X BEDROOMS, 2 X BATHROOMS, 2 X SHOWERS, 3 X WATER CLOSETS, 3 X OUT GARAGES, 1 X WATER CLOSET/SHOWER. DATED at PRETORIA on this the 1ST day of JULY 2014.

ROOTH & WESSELS INC Attorneys for the Plaintiff Walker Creek Office Park Second Floor Walker Creek 2 90 Florence Ribeiro Street Muckleneuk Pretoria Tel: 012 452 4053 Ref: Q Badenhorst/ MAT15253 10/07 ___________________ IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PIETERSBURG



Building Hensa Towers Rental Housing 1st Floor Cnr Rabe & Landdros Mare streets Polokwane 0700 Tel: 015 294 2537/2201 10/07 ___________________ IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA) Case number: 69726/2013 In the matter between: NQABA FINANCE 1 (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED (2005/040050/07) Plaintiff And KEDISHI MATHEWS MABOTJA 1st Defendant VIRGINIA LABENGWA MABOTJA 2nd Defendant

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION AUCTION In pursuance of a judgment and a Writ of Execution of the abovementioned Court, a sale in execution of the under mentioned property is to be held without reserve at the office of the Sheriff, 66 PLATINUM STREET, LADINE, POLOKWANE, on WEDNESDAY, 30 JULY 2014 at 10:00, to the highest bidder. Rules of auction and conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff Polokwane, 24 hours prior to the auction, at the same address as above, and will also be read out prior to the sale. No warranties are given with regard to the description and/or improvements. PORTION 6 OF ERF 332 PENINA PARK, EXTENSION 1, TOWNSHIP

REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S., LIMPOPO PROVINCE IN EXTENT 282 SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER T46765/2000 ALSO KNOWN AS: 20 TIMBAVATI STREET, PENINA PARK EXTENSION 1, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO PROVINCE Zone: RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS: 3 x bedrooms, 2 x bathrooms, 1 x lounge/dining room, 1 x kitchen, 1 x sewing room, 1 x garage. Take note of the following requirements for all prospective buyers: 1. As required by the specific Sheriff, a refundable registration fee of R10 000.00 is payable prior to the commencement of the auction in order to obtain a buyers card. 2. The Sale in Execution is conducted in accordance

with the consumer protection Act 68 of 2008 as amended, in pursuant of a Judgment Granted against the Defendant of money owing to the Plaintiff. 3. All Bidders must be FICA complaint; 3.1. Copy of Identity Document. 3.2. Proof of residential address. SIGNED AT PRETORIA ON THIS THE 2ND DAY OF JULY 2014. HAASBROEK & BOEZAART INC ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF HB FORUM 13 STAMVRUG STREET VAL DE GRACE, PRETORIA TEL: 012 481 3551 FAX: 086 673 2397 REF: BVDMERWE/ta/ E0275/0196 10/07 ___________________

YOUR career finder in LIMPOPO kantoorassistent

Well established construction company with a conclusive fleet of plants seeks the following:

Vereistes 1. Georganiseerd en rekenaarvaardig 2. Goeie kommunikasievaardighede in Afrikaans en Engels (praat en skryf) 3. Uitstekende organisasivermoë 4. Ondervinding van die voorbereiding van agendas en afneem van notules 5. Uitstekende organisasievermoë 6. Moet onder druk kan funksioneer 7. Moet uiters betroubaar en gewillig wees om hard te werk 8. Puik menseverhoudings


* Management of plants and the distribution thereof * Services plants and machines * Manages drivers and any additional staff in department * Prepare plants for rental to clients, etc Requirements: * Matric certificate * Driver’s licence * At least 1 year experience


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* Grader * 10m³ Tipper Truck * Smooth Roller * TLB * Excavator Requirements Necessary qualification and at least 2 years’ experience.

OperasiOnele bestuur: sekuriteit bogenoemde pos is beskikbaar in die limpopo gebied. applikante moet aan die volgende voldoen: * psira-registrasie ‘n vereiste, ten minste b-graad * Graad 12-/matrieksertifikaat * ten minste 3 jaar bestuursondervinding * bekend wees met disiplinêre prosedure * ‘n Geldige bestuurderslisensie besit * engels and afrikaans matig wees * Vuurwapen-opleiding sal ‘n voordeel wees

Please email your CV to ngungwa@ telkomsa.net or fax 015 291 3808 Closing date: 10 July 2014 If you have not heard from us within 10 days of the closing date, please consider your application as unssuccessful.

stuur CV aan 086 562 7491. sluitingsdatum: 18 Julie 2014

Vacancy Provincial Dispatch Coordinator- Limpopo Province Limpopo Province seeks to appoint a Provincial Dispatch Coordinator to implement defined BOPs to ensure effective Provincial dispatch and coordinating function including the optimal utilisation of resources. The PROCO will be responsible for the coordination and analysis of information received, including emergency, operational and statistical information into meaningful management reporting and operational decision making.

Key responsibilities

Manage emergency response resources, including staff, facilities, equipment and/or supplies to meet incident needs; Maintain relationships with local, national and international emergency service structures; Analyse information received from control room operators; Record and communicate operational details, fire related weather and administrative procedures; Liaise with key stake holders provincially; Coach, mentor and manage dispatchers and related service delivery; Ensure effective implementation of company policies and operational BOPs.

Requirements • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Minimum 3 years management experience Personnel management experience Ability to work in a team Ability to work undirected, under pressure and extraordinary hours Demonstrated leadership Patience Coaching and mentoring skills Adaptable to change Self-confident with excellent communication and public speaking skills Computer literate - competence in MS Office Suite A valid driver’s licence and own vehicle Type 40 words per minute Own laptop with computer and 3G, Windows XP software Experience in two-way radios and terminology will be advantageous Experience in emergency services dispatching will be advantageous Office administration Fluent in English Must be willing and able to travel on short notice

Closing date: 14 July 2014 Please send CV with 3 references to: coord.lim@wofire.co.za Appointment will be subject to a compulsory three month probationary period. Remuneration will be commensurate with experience. Working on Fire is committed to the principles of Employment Equity.

Rostov FC new indoor football champs Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com The Bon Marque Sports & Adventure Club held their final indoor football league match at the club last Wednesday with Rostov Football Club taking on Mowaneng Stars in an action-packed match that had the spectators on their feet with excitement. After the score was tied 4-all at halftime, Rostov stepped up a gear in the second half to eventually triumph 11-6. In doing so they wrested the title from Mowaneng to be crowned as the new winter league champions.

Mowaneng Stars indoor football players are in front Heskey Sekgobela, Davis Sepuru, Kagiso Matjie and Gift Mphahlele with Edgar Msisinyane, Ronny Mokoma, Mike Maredi and Steve Matjena at the back.

Julie 10, 2014


OBSERVER 37 polokwane

BADENHORST ATTORNEYS Requires the services of a

COLLECTION TYPIST / SECRETARY Minimum requirements: * Gr12 certificate * Good Afrikaans/English communication skills * Computer literate Photos: Warren Blunt

The new champions of the Bon Marque indoor soccer league, the Rostov Football Club team members are in front Katlego Kgetjepe, Tebogo “Fabri” Mashilwane and Condo “Thrayo” Mabe with Kabelo Mpete, Makothi Thema (captain) and Dante Mphahlele at the back.

Johan aims for third Washie title

Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Polokwane Road Runners ultradistance athlete Johan van der Merwe will be attempting to become only the second athlete to successfully win three Washie 100 mile (161 km) races in a row when he defends his title tomorrow (Friday) in the Eastern Cape. The race starts from Halyards Hotel in Port Alfred and ends at Buffalo Park, East London. The cut-off time to complete the race is 26 hours. Van der Merwe improved the long standing race record of the legendary Manie Saayman, who won the race five times in the 1970s, from 13:13.38

to 13:07.05 in 2012. Only 13 runners have completed the race in less than 14 hours from 1977 to 2013. Van der Merwe will line up at the start tomorrow with high expectations of becoming the first runner to break through the 13-hour barrier and break his previous record. There are no water points or refreshment stations along the route of the Washie. Therefore, all the participants make arrangements for a seconding vehicle to accompany them along the route in order to receive water and other supplements. Van der Merwe will be assisted by his wife, Corine and sister, Colinda Potgieter.

YOUR career finder in LIMPOPO

Salary subject to experience. Email: bp.admin7@gmail.com Tel: 015 296 4063 (Natalie)

TANDHEELKUNDIGE STOELASSISTENT Dames tussen 18 en 25. Ongereelde ure (skofte) Rekenaarvaardigheid ‘n vereiste. GEEN ROKERS Opleiding sal verskaf word Stuur CV na: 086 527 3860

Qualified Site


Minimum of 5 years experience shopping centres Mokopane/Polokwane

Fax CV to: 086 742 7958

Myngenoegen English Private School Plot 2 Myngenoegen, Polokwane

has the following vacancy for 1 educator:

English Home Language Gr 9 to Gr 12 Caps experience essential. Fax/email certified copies of CV, SACE Registration and qualifications to The Headmaster Fax: 015 263 6199, email: mepschool@telkomsa.net on or before Tuesday, 22 July 2014.


Volkswagen Polokwane Volkswagen Polokwane has the following vacancy:

sales ManageR CoMMeRCIal VeHICles

Minimum Requirements • 5 Years sales experience in the Commercial Vehicle industry of which at least 3 years in a managerial position. • Must specialise in LCV and MCV sales. • Target driven • Customer Service oriented. we offer an excellent market related remuneration package. CVs can be sent to hradmin@vwpolokwane.co.za or faxed to 086 609 5742. If you are not contacted within two weeks of submitting your CV, please consider your application as unsuccessful.

Volkswagen Polokwane Volkswagen Polokwane has the following vacancy:

PaRTs salesPeRson - Vw Minimum Requirements • Matric • Exceptional customer relations • 2 Years Part Sales experience in the Motor industry Market related salaray package. CVs can be sent to hradmin@vwpolokwane.co.za or faxed to 086 609 5742. If you are not contacted within two weeks of submitting your CV, please consider your application as unsuccessful.

16 Market Street POLOKWANE 0699 Private Bag X9674 POLOKWANE 0700

ISO 9001:2008 Certificated CENTRAL OFFICE

Tel 015 291 3118 015 291 3115 Fax 015 291 2767 www.capricorncollege.co.za

APPOINTMENT OF AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE MEMBERS In terms of Schedule 1 (Generic College Statute) Section 12(1)(b) of the Further Education and Training Colleges Act, Act No 16 of 2006 as amended, the College Council is required to establish an independent Audit Committee. The Audit Committee serves as an independent Advisory body to Council and the Accounting Officer. Consequently, Capricorn College for TVET hereby invites applications for suitable qualified members of public (to be a Limpopo resident will be an added advantage) who will not be members of the College Council, to serve as members of the Audit and Risk Committee of Council. The advertisement is aimed at drawing suitable experienced and qualified persons to fill the vacant positions of this Committee. Qualifications and Experience: • Persons who have the following exclusions, qualifications and experience may apply: • An applicable degree or similar qualification and experience in any of the following fields: Accountancy, Auditing (forensic investigations experience will be an added advantage) and Financial Management, Risk Management, Quality Management, General Management Qualification. • Experience in Audit and Risk Committees in TVET Sector, Higher Education Institutions and State Entities. • Not having any business, contractual or future dealings with Capricorn College for TVET. • Expected Qualities and Skills: • Independence; Integrity; objectivity and excellent communication skills. • Key Functions: Study and recommend to Council the following: Reports from Internal and External Auditors; Recommend Financial Statements to Council; any other Audit and Risk functions that may be assigned by Council. • Allowances: • Members will be paid sitting allowance as per Council Resolution guided by Treasury Regulations. • Members will be paid travelling costs as per Council Resolution. Key performance areas: In view of the fact that an Audit Committee member’s effectiveness in carrying out his/her responsibilities is directly dependent on knowledge of, and competence in business matters, management principles, financial management, the objectives of Higher Education, internal accounting and other controls and auditing, he/she must be able to add value to the affairs of the College Council. Term of Office: The term of office of members of the Audit Committee will be a three year contractual term. Remuneration: A professional fee fixed by Council from time to time will be paid for services performed. Applications: Applications in the form of a detailed CV together with certified copies of qualifications, certificates and copy of ID must be submitted to the Principal Capricorn College for FET, Private Bag X9674 Polokwane 0700 or be hand delivered to the Office of the Principal at 16 Market Street Polokwane. More information can be obtained from Mr M H Sebaka on 015 230 1844. Closing Date: 31 July 2014 at 16:30 Should you not hear from us within a period of 21 days of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.


Polokwane Observer

The Limpopo Softball Association men’s team that won bronze in the Softball SA National Championships last weekend consists of Vincent Sebola, Moses Teffo, Japhta Mahlong, Thabo Komape, Phillip Ramoba, Given Raphahlelo, Aubrey Mohlatlole, Mogale Manamela, Tebogo Makgatho and Segopotso Sekgotha, front. At the back are Vulture Mohlala (Team Manager), Doctor Mphago, Donald Motsepane, Konti Mamabolo, Rax Ngoetjana (Head of Development), Koena Ngoetjana, Innocent Mohlabi, Johannes Mogodi, Kutullo Sebola and Koloi Kekana (Head Coach). Photos: Herbert Rachuene

Julie 10, 2014

Silver medallists in the recent Softball SA National Championships, the Limpopo Softball Association Woman’s team are, in front, Rex Ngoetjana (Head of Development), Maphefo Mabokela, Thato Kupa, Rachel Matsimela, Shika Goloti, Maishibe Lekalakala, Imaculate Komape, Catherine Mogano and Rejoice Mmatli. Mathapelo Komape, Pila Ntate(Head Coach), Hankies Seakamela( Assistant Coach), Jermina Teffo, Jasmine Teffo, Havey Kekana and Honey Kekana are at the back.

Silver and bronze for Limpopo softball Herbert Rachuene >>herbert@mailbox.co.za

Invitation to Register on Database Application for Inclusion in the Database: Civil, Environmental, Social, Health and Safety, IT, Legal and all other Goods and Services Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd is a State-owned company (SOC) established under an act of Parliament, the Provincial Roads Amendment Act, Act 03 of 2001. The company falls under the Limpopo Government Department of Public Works with the MEC for Public Works as the shareholder. The primary activity of Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd is the planning and design, construction and maintenance of provincial roads in Limpopo. The Roads Agency Limpopo SOC Ltd would like to update the database in the following fields:

ENGINEERING • Engineering Consultants

SOCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT • Social and Institutional Development Consultants

ENVIRONMENTAL • Environmental Consultants applicants • Archeological Services • Funeral Undertaking Services (for grave relocations)

HEALTH AND SAFETY • New Health and Safety Consultants (with knowledge of latest construction regulations) • OHS Suppliers for the Building • Protective Clothing • Fire Extinguishers and Maintenance

INTERNAL SUPPORT (FOR BUILDING AND INTERNAL SERVICES) • Plumbing • Electrical (Light Current) • Building Maintenance • Access Control • Air Conditioning Suppliers and Maintenance • Cleaning Services • Security Services • Hygiene Services and Consumables • Locksmith

RECORDS MANAGEMENT • Paper-based Records Management Specialists and Companies • Electronic Records Management Specialists and Companies • Library Cataloging • Postal and Courier Services • Records Management Policy, Acts and Procedural Manual Producers • Off-site Documents Storage • Registry Equipment

HUMAN RESOURCES • Human Resources and Related Services • Performance Consultancy Services • Recruitment Agencies

• Advertising Agencies • Reference Checking/Vetting Services • Remuneration/Payroll Systems Consultancy Services • Teambuilding Services • Motivational/Inspirational Speakers and Coaching • Assessment and Moderation Agencies (CPP, GRTA, 15FQ) • Training and Development • Labour Relations Services • Employee Wellness • Job Evaluation and Grading Consulting Services • Accommodation • Conference and Training Facilities • Transport or Shuttle Services • Travelling Agency Services

IT SERVICES • Hardware Suppliers: Servers, Tablets, Peripheral Devices, Desktops, Printers, Plotters, Copiers, Laptops, UPS Solutions • Software Suppliers: Microsoft, Financial/ERP, Cisco, Engineering/GIS, Open Source, Graphics/ Multimedia • Data Connectivity, Networking and Telecommunication: VOIP, Data Lines, Wireless, ISP, Cabling, Cloud Services • Software Development: Open Source, Microsoft • IT Support Services • Data Analytic Software • Access Control and Biometric Solutions

CORPORATE FINANCE • Private Equity Funding

PROJECT FINANCE • Accountant Systems Professionals/ Consultants

INTERNAL AUDITING • Risk Management and Auditing • Internal Audit Specialist • Computer Audit • Project Auditing • Operational Auditing • Performance Auditing • Quality Assurance • Engineering Audit

COMMUNICATION • Marketing and Branding • Annual Reports • Printing Services • Media Buying • Public Relations • Graphic Design and Printing • Editing and Proofreading • Events Management • Web Design

LEGAL SERVICES • Labour Law and Employment Law • Building and Road Construction Law • Corporate Governance • Performance and Other Guarantees • Information Technology Law • Legislative Drafting • Drafting of Commercial Contracts • Corporate Law • Debt Collection Matters • Civil Law (High Court and Magistrates Court Litigation) • Environmental Law • Any other specialist field that the firm of attorneys has expertise in and that is relevant to the working environment of the RAL

INSURANCE • Claims Administration • Loss Adjustment • Investigation • Third Party Loss Adjustment


Griquas crush Limpopo women

• Legal • Financial • Criminal • Commercial • Fraud

Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

PROACTIVE ASSURANCE SERVICES FOR PROCUREMENT • Auditors • Accountants • Legal • Supply Chain Specialists

Kindly take note that those who are currently on the RAL database must also apply, a gap has been identified on the database applications which closed on 10 February 2014, hence this advert. The application forms are available from RAL’s offices (26 Rabe Street, Polokwane) from 15 July 2014 between 08:00 and 16:30 from Monday to Friday or alternatively on RAL website at www.ral.co.za (log on to the website, click on “Tenders” and go to “Documents”). Enquiries for more information may be directed to the following RAL officials: Division/Field Supply Chain

Contact Name Contact Details Mr M Dinala Tel. (015) 284-4628, cell: 082 465 0812, fax: 086 539 6387 or e-mail: Dinalamr@ral.co.za

Application forms must be addressed to: Postal address: The Acting Chief Executive Officer, Roads Agency Limpopo, Private Bag X9554, Polokwane 0700 Physical address: The Acting Chief Executive Officer, Roads Agency Limpopo, 26 Rabe Street, Polokwane 0699 Applications must be submitted separately according to each field and should be deposited into the tender box situated at the Reception of RAL offices.

The closing date is 1 August 2014.


Both the male and female teams of Limpopo Softball Association’s (LSA) had to settle for less than the desired gold during the u.19 Softball South Africa’s National Championships played at Polokwane Cricket grounds on Saturday. The woman’s team won silver after suffering a 14-8 drubbing at the hands of Tshwane Softball. They defeated Gauteng based Ekurhuleni 12-9 in the semi-finals. The male team won bronze after losing 13-10 against Ekurhuleni in the semi-finals. Ekurhuleni Softball went on to defeat KwaZulu-Natal 21-15 in the final. LSA Spokesperson, Matome Lebea said they were impressed by the performances of both teams despite failing to emerge as overall winners of the championships. “We are happy with the commitment and composure displayed by both teams throughout the tournament. We wanted to win the tournament and make the province proud but things did not go our way,” Lebea said. He commended the technical team for ensuring that the players are ready for the competition. “The technical teams have done sterling work to ensure all the players are in good condition and prepared for the tournament. It is a fact that our targets were mainly gold medals, but we are happy with the silver and bronze and are confident that these medals will motivate the players going forward” Lebea said. He expressed the association’s gratitude towards Polokwane Municipality for assisting with the grounds and equipment during the tournament. “What we have achieved came in as a result of a collective effort by the stakeholders. This has also been made possible by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture for assisting with funding for the teams’ training camps. We are also happy with the good work done by the local organising committee to ensure that we host a good tournament. We hope that these very same players will represent the province in the senior championships next year,” Lebea added.

Human Communications 110626

After leading 10-5 in the first quarter of their B-section Currie Cup league match against the Griquas at Seshego Stadium on Saturday, the visitors overcame a young and inexperienced Limpopo women side to eventually triumph by a big margin of 71-10. Last year’s finalists met in the first league encounter for the 2014 season and although the two sides matched up rather evenly in the first twenty minutes of the match, Limpopo’s lack of experience and fitness proved to be the deciding factor against last year’s champions. The visitors scored the first try to lead 5-0, only for Limpopo to reply with two quick tries of their own for a brief lead of 10-5. Limpopo captain Rights Mkhari and Ruth Nkoana dotted down for the home side. Griquas then dominated the match to run out convincing winners against Limpopo, who have contested the finals for the past two years.

>> See photos on... www.observer.co.za

Noordelikes vir sesde keer Limpopo kampioene Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com Die Letaba Rugbyklub van Tzaneen het Saterdag na Polokwane gereis met die doel om die Boet Fick Eersteliga-titel van BB Truck & Tractor Noordelike Rugbyklub (Noordelikes) weg te neem, maar moes na afloop van die drie eindstryde met ‘n enkele oorwinning tevrede wees. Noordelikes se eerste span het vir die sesde agtereenvolgende keer die eersteliga-titel ingepalm na hul groot sege van 46-17. Die rustydtelling was 19-10 in Noordelikes se guns. Losskakel Johan de Beer het ‘n skittervertoning vir Noordelikes gelewer met ‘n driekuns van drieë. Kaptein Mynhardt Smith (2), Sias van Wyk en Simba Mamese het vir Noordelikes se ander vier drieë gesorg. Heelagter Zander Byleveldt was met vier doelskoppe en twee strafskoppe in die kol. As Limpopo se eersteliga-wenners het Noordelikes vir volgende jaar se Cell C Gemeenskapbeker-kompetisie gekwalifiseer. Die Ladanna-span is van ‘n derde sege ontneem toe Letaba se tweede span ‘n skrapse sege van 16-10 behaal het. Dit nadat hul teen rustyd ‘n 13-0 voorsprong geniet het. Noordelikes

Hockey enthusiasts in Polokwane were treated to some outstanding women’s hockey last week when the South African Country Districts Hockey Tournament drew to a close on the Astro field at Hoërskool Pietersburg on Saturday with Southern Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Inland meeting in the final. After the scores were deadlocked 1-1 at halftime, the KZN women upped their game in the second half to triumph 5-1 and claim the first place. In the play-off for third and fourth position Northern Natal achieved a hard-fought 1-0 victory over a gallant Western Province team. The Northerns Blues won the play-off for fifth and sixth place with a 2-0 defeat of KZN Coastals. The Limpopo team and Limpopo Invitational side were involved in a titanic struggle to claim the seventh position, with Limpopo eventually emerging as 3-2 winners after the scores were tied 2-2 at halftime. Alet Webb netted the winner for Limpopo


OBSERVER 39 polokwane

se twee drieë is deur Armand Fourie en Arno Venter aangeteken. Vroeër die middag het Noordelikes se derde span met ‘n 22-17 sege vir die eerste vreugde vir die tuisondersteuners gesorg. Jaco Hough, Christo van der Merwe en Pieter Mostert het

Photos: Warren Blunt

Central Gauteng’s Dylan Naidoo is congratulated by Zimbabwe’s Kieran Vincent on the 18th green after clinching the Nomads SA Boys u.17 Stroke Play Championship at the Polokwane Golf Club last Thursday.

Foto: Warren Blunt

BB Truck & Tractor Noordelike Rugbyklub (Noordelikes) se derde span-kaptein PieterJan van der Linde ontvang die Boet Fick Derdeliga-trofee van Limpopo klubrugby koördineerder, Pierre Venter. drieë gedruk en Stephan Nel het met twee doelskoppe en een strafskop geslaag.

KZN Inland triumphs in SACD Hockey Tournament Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com

Julie 10, 2014

in the 59th minute, to add to the goals scored by Melanie Grobler and Elisma Minnaar in the first half. Lori Hyde scored both goals for the Limpopo Invitational team.

Photo: Warren Blunt

Western Province hockey player Liezel Smith with the ball as Northern Natal’s Louise Rebeiro attempts to stop her in their play-off on Saturday.

Great golf display by top juniors Warren Blunt >>warrenb.observer@gmail.com


outh Africa’s top junior golfers put up a great show in the Nomads SA Boys u.17 Stroke Play Championship at the Polokwane Golf Club last week with the tournament going down to the wire during the final round on Thursday. In the end it was his consistency over the four rounds that saw Central Gauteng teenager Dylan Naidoo triumph by one shot over Boland’s Herman Loubser. The 16-year-old Modderfontein Golf Club golfer continued with the momentum gained from three consecutive rounds of 71 into the final round, to card a 70 and a one stroke victory on five under par 211. What made Naidoo’s round more remarkable on the final day is that he did not drop a single shot while his nearest challengers slipped when it really mattered. Reigning Nomads SA Boys u.15 champion Loubser put up a courageous fight, but three dropped shots over the last five holes put a

damper on his chances. The 15-year-old also signed for a 70 to finish a clear second, two shots ahead of Zimbabwean Kieran Vincent, who closed with a level par 72, including a disastrous two bogeys at the final holes. In the course of his 72 holes, Naidoo sank ten birdie putts and dropped just five shots, justifiably earning him the appropriate nickname “King of Par. “This is the biggest achievement of my career and it’s great to finally earn my spot among the top juniors in the country,” the humble teenager said afterwards. The Manager of Polokwane Golf Club Charlie Smith was also extremely happy with the large gallery of spectators that followed South Africa’s top junior golfers around the course throughout the tournament. Although the golf course proved a tough test for the youngsters, all expressed their satisfaction with the lay-out and hospitality experienced in Polokwane.

>> See more photos on... www.observer.co.za

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Philip Smit nog nie klaar met motors Foto: Barry Viljoen

Philip Smit kyk terug op jare in die motorhandel.

Van brouer, moutmaker en meulenaar tot leier in motorhandel >> Op 24 reeds takbestuurder >> Bemarking is in sy bloed BARRY VILJOEN >>barryv.observer@gmail.com


hilip Smit het verlede week teruggekyk na ‘n leeftyd in die motorhandel met vele hoogtepunte. ‘n Nederige begin as brouer, moutmaker en meulenaar by ‘n brouery in Welkom het vinnig gelei tot groter dinge toe hy reeds op 24-jarige leeftyd as die eerste Afrikaanssprekende takbestuurder van Leyland Motor Corporation in Ermelo aangestel is. Smit het in1958 aan die Hoërskool Clocolan in die Vrystaat, wat daardie jaar net tien matriekleerlinge gehad het, gematrikuleer en op skool rugby en tennis gespeel en was lid van die .22-skietspan. Hy het nie toekomsplanne gehad nie en het toe by die munisipale brouery diens aanvaar en binne 15 maande as brouer gekwalifiseer, ‘n kursus wat gewoonlik vier jaar duur. By gebrek aan verdere studiegeleenthede het hy by ‘n ingenieursfirma diens aanvaar wat hom die kans gebied het om deeltyds by die Technikon in Welkom

te studeer en sy NTS3 kwalifikasie in 1962 te verwerf. ‘n Nuwe era in sy lewe het in 1963 aangebreek toe hy besef het dat hy eintlik ‘n bemarker is en het hy by Northern Freestate Tractors in Kroonstad aangesluit waarna hy in Bloemfontein by Leyland Motor Corporation diens aanvaar het as “Junior Technical Sales Trainee”. Verskeie bevorderings het hom tebeurtgeval en hy is in 1973 as takbestuurder van Leyland in die destydse Pietersburg aangestel nadat hy as jong takbestuurder in Ermelo vir ‘n geruime tyd ook gelyktydig die Pietersburgtak bestuur het. 1975 was ‘n hoogtepunt vir Smit toe hy die geleentheid gekry het om as besturende direkteur die Toyota swaarvoertuigagentskap in Pietersburg te begin saam met ‘n vennoot. Hierdie agentskap het van krag tot krag gegaan en het in 1984 Toyota SA se handelaar van die jaar toekenning verwerf. Dié toekenning is daardie jaar vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis van Toyota deur Albert Wessels, die stigter van Toyota SA, gemaak. Smit is ‘n erelid van die Toyota Wings Club en het in 1977 Toyota se Special Commendation in Japan ontvang. Hy is ook ‘n kranige vlieënier met 1100 vliegure in vliegtuie soos die Piper Tri-pacer, Cessna XP Hawk, Cessna 206, 172 en 182 en die Piper Cherokee 150 op sy kerfstok. Hy was ook in 1977 Noord-Transvaal se

haelgeweer skietkampioen maar kon nie oorsee gaan deelneem nie weens Suid-Afrika se isolasie op internasionale sportgebied. Smit se eerste eggenote, het hom in 1992 ontval en hy het daarna semi-afgetree en eers by Volvo se swaarvoertuigafdeling gewerk waarna hy vir meer as tien jaar die swaarvoertuigafdeling van Mercurius Motors bestuur het. Ná sy tweede aftrede het die voertuigmark hom steeds geroep en hy het vir bykans twee jaar opleiding en bemarking gedoen by BB Truck and Tractor. Sy finale aftrede het in 2009 plaasgevind waarna hy meenthuise gebou het wat hy nou verhuur en instandhou as die lus hom dalk sou beetpak om weer te begin werk. Hy jag nog graag en laai sy eie patrone. Hy en sy eggenote, Marienta het verlede week hulle 21ste huweliksherdenking gevier en hy bou tans ‘n 1:8-skaal 1936 Mercedes-Benz 540K Cabrio Special modelmotor met 2 366 stukke as die verlange na die motorwêreld te groot raak. Daar is net een so ‘n motor in Suid-Afrika en dit is ‘n paar jaar gelede vir R7,5 miljoen op ‘n veiling verkoop. Smit het drie kinders, Philip, ‘n prokureur en ongeluksrekonstruksiespesialis van Polokwane, Gerhard, ‘n verteenwoordiger van Pretoria, en Nerina, ‘n tuisteskepper wat ook in Polokwane woon. Hy is ook die trotse oupa van agt kleinkinders.

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