Gutsy Body Systems

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Gutsy Body Systems

A Book About The 6 Body Systems By Jonathan Barbara Period 1

Skeletal System

Provides shape and structure to the body, allows for movement, protects the vital organs, and produces blood cells

Main Parts of The Skeletal System: -bones…a tissue that makes up the skeleton, consisting of bone marrow -cartilage…a firm connective tissue bones

-joints…the place where bones meet; allows for moving of the -ligaments…a fibrous tissue that connects bones to other


How do the Skeletal, Circulatory, and Respiratory System work together to maintain Homeostasis? -First, the bone marrow in the skeletal system produces red blood cells, allowing blood to be made for the circulatory system. Then, the lungs, part of the Respiratory system, pumps oxygen into the blood, allowing your body to breathe. Then, the arteries and veins bring the oxygenated blood to and from your heart to keep you healthy, breathing, and in homeostasis. The blood brings oxygen to your body, therefore maintaining homeostasis.

A Medical Condition in the Skeletal System: -Septic Arthritis: caused by bacteria that goes through your blood stream from and infected part of your body, or when a joint gets infected from an injury. Symptoms include swollen joins and being hard to move

Muscular System

Allows for movement, keeps the head in position, regulates temperature Main Parts of The Muscular System -cardiac…muscles found in the heart -skeletal…a muscle that is connected to the skeleton that moves limbs -smooth…a muscle where the fibrils are not highly organized found in the gut and other internal organs -tendons…a strong, ropelike fibrous tissue that connects a muscle to a bone or a muscle to another muscle

How do the Muscular, Skeletal, and Digestive System work together to maintain Homeostasis? -First, the muscular system contracts and de-contracts, allowing your body to move, as well as giving support to the body, with the skeletal system. The muscular system is also part of the digestive system, allowing your body to digest food. In turn, the digestive system provides nutrients to the muscular and skeletal system to keep them functioning. These systems maintain homeostasis through protection and nutrients, and without these, our body wouldn’t be healthy, thus, not maintaining Homeostasis.

A Medical Condition in the Muscular System: -Infectious Myositis- the body will experience trauma, the flu, or depriving of energy. It is an infection that inflames muscles

Circulatory System

Transports oxygen, waste, nutrients, hormones, etc… around the body Main Parts of the Circulatory System -heart…pumps blood through the circulatory system to provide oxygen to the body -atrium…one of the two upper chambers of the heart; the atria receive blood flowing in from the veins and pass it to their respective ventricles below -ventricle…one of the two lower chambers of the heart; it receives blood flowing from the atrium above and pumps it into the arteries to the lungs/ entire body -arteries…a strong, thick walled blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart, full of oxygen -veins…tubes in the circulatory system that bring oxygen-deprived back to the heart -capillaries…the narrowest, microscopic blood vessels with walls one cell thick to allow the exchange of gasses and blood products to tissues and organs -blood…carries oxygen and carbon dioxide to the tissues of the body -red blood cells…cells in blood that carry oxygen

How do the Circulatory, Respiratory, and Muscular system work together to maintain Homeostasis? -The circulatory system works with the respiratory system by moving oxygen around the body so cells and work, and so that wastes can be deposited by the body. In turn, the respiratory system provides oxygen for the red blood cells and also, it removes carbon dioxide that the heart cells produce. The respiratory system provides oxygen so the muscles can work, as well as removing water that muscle cells produce as a waste. In turn, the muscular system provides the respiratory system with the diaphragm. The muscular system is part of the circulatory system ( heart, veins, and arteries ). In turn, the circulatory system moves oxygen and glucose around as well as removes waste. When these systems work together, waste is removed so that the vital organs of the body can function, thus maintaining homeostasis.

A Medical Condition in the Circulatory System: -Anemia-causes people to feel weak or lightheaded because their cells aren’t getting enough oxygen

Respiratory System

Brings oxygen into the body; gets rid of carbon dioxide Main Parts of the Respiratory System: -pharynx…the throat area that leads from the nose and mouth to the esophagus -larynx…voice box -trachea…the windpipe, it extends from the base of the larynx down to the site where it braches in to two smaller airways, the bronchi -bronchi…the larger airways in the chest that branch from the base of the trachea -alveoli…microscopic bubble-shaped air sacs in the lungs where the oxygen passes from air into the blood

How do the Respiratory, Nervous, and Muscular system work together to maintain Homeostasis? -The respiratory system provides the brain of the nervous system, oxygen so that it can control your body. In turn, the nervous system provides the Medulla, a part of the nervous system that controls involuntary muscle movement, such as breathing. The nervous system controls the muscles in the muscular system, allowing your body to move, and in turn, the muscular system provides protection for some of the parts of the nervous system. The muscular system provides the respiratory system with the diaphragm which helps the body breathe. In turn, the respiratory system provides the muscular system with oxygen so all of the muscles can work, and removes waste of the muscles. When these systems work together, oxygen is provided to the body, and waste is removed, thus maintaining homeostasis of the body.

A Medical Condition in the Respiratory System: Pneumonia is an inflammation in the lungs, affecting the alveoli. Symptoms include cough, chest pains and fever.

Digestive System

To digest food and provide nutrients from the food to the body

 Main Parts of The Digestive System: -mouth…the start of the digestive system where food starts to be digested by saliva -saliva…digestive juice made by salivary glands consisting of water and enzymes that help break down food -esophagus…a long, straight tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach -stomach…a sac like, digestive organ that is between the esophagus and the intestines; breaks down food by the action of muscles, enzymes, and acids -pancreas…an abdominal organ that produces insulin and other hormones -liver…the largest organ in the body; makes bile; stores and filters blood; stores excess sugars -small intestine…where the chemical digestion of food takes place; where nutrients are taken from the food -large intestine…last intestine that removes water and remaining nutrients from food

How do the Digestive, Circulatory, and Respiratory System work together to maintain Homeostasis? -The digestive system provides the heart, part of the circulatory system, with nutrients so it can keep beating. In turn, the circulatory system provides the digestive system with oxygen and glucose as well as removal of wastes. The circulatory system helps the respiratory system with moving oxygen and glucose around the body and removes wastes that it creates. In turn, the respiratory system provides the oxygen that the red blood cells carry and helps remove waste. The respiratory system provides the digestive system with oxygen, removal of waste, and half of the energy formula. In turn, the digestive system provides nutrients, and the other half of the energy formula. These systems work together to get energy, and so that wastes can be removed as well as oxygen is provided to the body, therefore maintaining Homeostasis.

A Medical Condition in the Digestive System: Salmonella-infects the internal organs, and symptoms include vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea.

Nervous System

To control the body and it’s organs  Main Parts of The Nervous System -Peripheral Nervous System…the system of nerves that branch from the brain and the spinal cord -Central Nervous System-the brain and spinal cord -Nerves…cordlike tissue made to carry tiny pulses of electricity throughout the body to control the body -Brain…the main control center of the body -Spinal Cord…the main nerve extending down from the base of the brain along the inside of the backbone

How do the Nervous, Digestive, and Musculoskeletal Systems work together to maintain Homeostasis? -The nervous system provides the digestive system with the Medulla, or brain stem, that control involuntary muscle movement, such as digestion. In turn, the digestive system provides the nervous system with nutrients so that the brain can function and control the body. The digestive system works with the musculoskeletal system to provide nutrients so that the muscles and bones can grow and repair. In turn, the musculoskeletal system provides the digestive system with muscles used in digestion, and protection of these muscles and organs. The musculoskeletal system provides the nervous system with protection, and in turn, the nervous system controls these muscles and bones so that your body can move. When these systems work together without flaw, protection, body temperature, and control remains.

A Medical Condition in The Nervous System: Cerebral Malaria…symptoms include comas, seizures; caused by mosquitos infected with this disease

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