The inside of you By: Katie Gilmore

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The inside of YOU! SYSTEMS

The main function of the skeletal system is to protect and support the body.


A pathogen that affects the skeletal system is tuberculosis, which can spread through the blood stream to the bones and can destroy the linings of joints

Cartilage: This tissue can be found between bones , cushioning impact so bones don’t knock into each other

Bones: They provide support for muscles and protect important organs like the heart and lungs Joints: a area where two or more bones come together a create a ‘corner’ that allows the body to move

Ligaments: they are connective tissue that connect bones together at the joints without creating too firm of a bond, like bone would. They work similar to rubber bands

The Skeletal system works with the Respiratory and circulatory system because the rib cage protects the vital organs of both systems(heart and lungs) and also the bone marrow found within bones actually produces red blood cells.

The main function of the digestive system is to break down food and release nutrients to help cells function.

THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM A Pathogen that affects the digestive system is staphylococcal food poisoning because this disease affects the gastro-intestinal tract with affects food transport throughout the system

Mouth: Where the food enters the body, and the digestion starts there with the teeth grinding the food. Liver: This organ processes and collects nutrients from food and stores vitamins, iron, and other things Pancreas: Creates the digestive juices able to break down food and it also helps regulate blood sugar levels Large intestine: further soaks and filters through the nutrients and waste to send the unwanted items along to exit the body

Saliva: a liquid that contains enzymes that start digesting food before it even reaches the stomach Esophagus: A long tube connecting the mouth to the stomach, and it transports food from the mouth to the stomach Stomach: Main part where the digestion happens, when the ground up food meets digestive juices that break the food down

Small intestine: Soaks up nutrients from the digested food then passes the other materials to the large intestine

The digestive system works with the circulatory system by using the blood to transport the collected nutrients from food to the cells all over the body so those cells can function. The digestive system also works the muscular system because the intestines and other transport tubes within the digestive system rely on smooth muscles to push the food along so the food can get from one place to another.


Pharynx: a passage way between the mouth and the larynx, and it transports air to the lungs, and is also known as the throat

Bronchi: 2 tubes that are split off from the trachea that directly connect to the lungs and transports air/oxygen

The main function of the respiratory system is to supply oxygen to the blood cells so they can carry it to the cells through out the body. A pathogen that affects the respiratory system is asthma because asthma contracts the lungs so they can not take in as much air to support the body

Larynx: another tube connecting the pharynx (throat) and the trachea and houses the vocal cords

Trachea: a large tube supported by rings of reinforced cartilage leads to the lungs and conveys air to and from the lungs

Alveoli: little sacs within the lungs that store oxygen when inhaling, and blood picks it up here, then carries it away to the rest of the body

The respiratory system works with the nervous system because the brain has to receive oxygen for it to work properly, and the brain controls all the muscles and organs working together in this system. The respiratory system also works with the muscular system because the muscles’ cells require oxygen to function.


The main function of the circulatory system is to transport oxygen to muscles and organs so they can function A pathogen that affects this system is a heart attack because a heart attack is when the heart’s muscles die or begin to fail. This means there is no pump to work the system and the whole chain collapses. Blood: is the liquid that carries the oxygen within it and then travels along blood vessels

Atrium: collects oxygendepleted blood from the body and brings it in to the heart

Veins: a vessel that transports blood into the heart

Capillaries: tiny blood vessels where the actual exchange of oxygen takes place

Heart: it pumps blood to transport oxygen to the body Arteries: blood vessels that transport blood away from the heart and into the body Ventricle: a tube that pumps oxygen-rich blood out of the heart and into the body Red blood cells: contain a special chemical called hemoglobin that allows it to carry oxygen

The circulatory system works with the respiratory system because the respiratory systems provides the oxygen that the blood in the circulatory system takes to the rest of the body, and the circulatory system works with the muscular system because the blood gives oxygen to muscles that need oxygen to work.


The main function of the nervous system is to send “messages” to and from the brain

A pathogen that affects this system is multiple sclerosis, this disease hardens plaque that degenerates a insulating layer of nerve fibers, the loss of insulation causing trouble because now the system has no protection and can’t defend itself.

Nerves: they are they most basic parts of the nervous system and they are the only cells that can send “messages” to the brain

Brain: the brain is the control center of the whole body and directs movement within the body

Spinal cord: a long bundle of nerves that carries nerve messages to and from the brain CNS: the cns is the central nervous system and it includes the brain and spinal cord

PNS: the peripheral nervous system is all the other parts of the nervous system and they relay message to the CNS

The nervous system works with the digestive system because the nervous system controls the muscles and organs in the digestive system and the brain also needs nutrients to survive. The nervous system also works with the musculoskeletal system because the bones and muscles in the musculoskeletal are controlled and directed by the brain.

main function of the muscular system is to MUSCULAR The help the body move SYSTEM

A pathogen that affects the muscular system stroke because that’s when the brain is affected by this disease and can paralyze muscles because there are no signals from the brain

Tendons: they are tissue connecting muscles and joints

Skeletal muscles: they are connected to the bones and provide movement to the body as they stretch and contract

Smooth muscles: they line tubes and passage ways within other systems and they contract to push the material along

Cardiac muscles: they are the muscles in the heart that pump the blood they cant get tired

The muscular system works with the digestive system because the smooth muscles line the intestines, helping push food along, and works with the skeletal system to help the body move and react to threats.

CITATIONS         ,n.d.Web.10 Mar. 2014,n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014,n.d. Web 15 Mar. 2014,n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2014 Green, Daniel J “Ace Personal Trainer Manual. N.p., n.d.Web 18 Apr. 2014 Colligan, L.H “muscles” N.p.m,n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014 N.p.,n.d. Web. 14 Mar 2014 McDougal, Holt. “Ch. 7 Lesson 2.” Florida Scieance Fusion. N.p.,n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2013 The Human Body Book. N.p.:n.p.,n.d. Print.

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