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Global Money Week (GMW) is a global awareness-raising campaign on the importance of ensuring that young people, from an early age, are gradually acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviours necessary to make sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve financial well-being. The ultimate goal of GMW is to ensure that all children and youth have access to high-quality financial education, they learn about money matters and are able to take smart financial decisions that can improve future financial resilience and financial well-being.
Initially developed by Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI) in 2011, GMW continued to grow by engaging an increasing number of public, private and civil society organisations. In 2019, CYFI reported that over 150 countries and overseas territories participated in GMW over the years.
As of 2020, the campaign is coordinated globally by the OECD International Network on Financial Education (OECD/ INFE) and organised nationally by a wide range of stakeholders. Participating organisations encourage youth engagement during GMW through a variety of financial education activities in person and on line which can include financial education workshops, trainings and seminars, visits to money museums and financial institutions, public debates and competitions, financial literacy games and fairs, and many more. In many countries, financial education messages are broadcast and disseminated via a variety of channels including social media, websites, TV, radio, printed media and other online channels. Over the years, many of the countries represented in the OECD/INFE have joined the GMW campaign.
Angola GMW 20218