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GMW national coordinator: Central Bank of Austria (Oesterreichische National bank – OeNB) Participating organisations: ING Austria, Three Coins Total number of participating organisations: 3 Number of children and young people reached directly: 1,500 Number of adults reached directly: 700 Number of people reached indirectly: 100,000
To celebrate GMW 2021, the Central Bank of Austria held an online Global Money Week Quiz focused on financial education topics. It was designed and divided into three categories targeting elementary, lower and upper school students. Cash prizes were offered to winners. In addition, the Euro Aktiv Online workshop was organised for youth between the ages of 14-19 using interactive tools to help them learn about financial education.
ING planned money classes, where teachers used different materials to create a school lesson. ING also created a money workbook for younger children to paint and craft on financial education topics. Money talks in the form of videos were created with the aim to inform interested young people about financial education related issues.
During GMW 2021, the Three Coins competition KARDEA! was held. The aim is to promote a conscious and responsible approach to money. The prize motivates students between the ages of 6-19 to think about money and develop financial literacy skills. Students could participate alone or as a group or a class. The medium for the project presentation could be chosen freely: from self-painted pictures to posters, videos, games, a play or a social media campaign. The organisation reached around 350 students during the GMW 2021 Campaign week.