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GMW national coordinator: Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) Participating organisations: Banrisul, Instituto Cresol, Instituto Sicoob, Fundo de Bolsas, Grupo Ação Jovem (ONG), PLANEJAR, FECAP, ANBIMA, B3, ABRAPP, Eleva Educação, Guide, SUSEP, Tesouro Nacional, DSOP, Ministério da Justiça, PREVIC, CDL Itauna, Secretaria da Previdência, Colégio DOM, Ministério da Educação (MEC), Secretaria de Educação de MG, Infomoney, Valor Investe Total number of participating organisations: 27 Number of children and young people reached directly: 1,400,00 Number of adults reached directly: 1,400,00 Number of people reached indirectly: Not reported
Throughout Global Money Week 2021 the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) along with 26 partners reached 1,1 million children, youth and teachers trough several digital activities such as live shows, webinars, podcasts, TV show, radio programme, courses, and more.
During GMW, financial literacy awareness sessions were offered for children, youth, teachers and for adults, mostly through digital means. This included sessions for household budget, credit and indebtedness, emergency and opportunity funds, planning for the future, investments, insurance, social security, consumer law, conscious consumption, financial habits and financials, financial independence, sustainable finance, financial scams and fraud, investor protection, and much more.
Over 1,900 initiatives were divided into more than 660 events and about 1,240 posts on social media to attract people’s attention to financial education and investor protection activities.
Furthermore, high school students and teachers from five Portuguese-speaking countries were able to attend a webinar about the importance of financial education. The youth could share their opinions and culture aspects about each country.
CVM also created a website for the GMW in Brazil. The site aims to be a hub of financial education where partners are invited to share content of financial education for young and teachers.
Did you know?
Brazil, Angola, Portugal, Mozambique and Cape Verde joint forces for the GMW 2021 and organised online events for teachers and high-school students from the 5 Portuguese-speaking countries. The participants were able to share their experiences on financial education, and learn about each other’s country.