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Burkina Faso
GMW national coordinator: Permanent Secretariat for The Promotion of Financial Inclusion (Secretariat Permanent Pour La Promotion De L’inclusion Financiere) Participating organisations: Universite De Ouahigouya, Ministère de L’Education Nationale, de l’Alphabétisation et de la Promotion des Langues Nationales, Association professionnelle des systèmes financiers décentralisés, Association professionnelle des banques et établissements financier, UNCDF, Jeunesse des Assemblées de Dieu de Viim Kuilga, Centre d’ecoute et de dialogue pour jeune Total number of participating organisations: 7 Number of children and young people reached directly: 2,427 Number of adults reached directly: 82 Number of people reached indirectly: 4,120
For GMW 2021, the Permanent Secretariat for the Promotion of Financial Inclusion trained 2,039 students on budgeting and savings in schools and at the University of Ouahigouya. Also, teachers received training of how to facilitate such sessions. Moreover, the youngsters had an opportunity to discuss directly with representatives of banks, microfinance institutions and government institutions about the challenges of financing youth projects The Youth of the Assemblies of God of Viim Kuilga in collaboration with the Listening and Dialogue Center for Youth organised face-to-face training sessions on financial education for a total of 120 people.